Clarke sits up and moves so that they're side by side, and hugs him. Bellamy hugs back – affectionate and warm – and she smiles softly. He always makes her feel better.
Raven appears in the living room as if out of nowhere (it always scares Clarke how quietly she moves around, especially with her brace), and sees them hugging.
"Ugh, get a room," she says with a dramatic eye roll, and Clarke and Bellamy pull apart, blushing like school kids. But then Raven notices the empty tub on the coffee table. "Clarke, you ate my ice cream!"
"Sorry," Clarke shrugs her shoulders, giving her a sheepish look. "I promise I'll buy you another one."
Raven just rolls her eyes again and walks away with a bottle of water from the fridge. Clarke looks at Bellamy, and they both smile at the ridiculousness of the situation, and Clarke thinks that everything will be okay.