1 value
1 value
hey darling you gonna sort me a blozza or what?
a blow job, fellatio to recieve oral sex on your penis
"hey darling you gonna sort me a blozza or what?" What is the definition of "blozza"?
a good cd and song by saves the day is in reverie
a daydream, when you dream during the day
"a good cd and song by saves the day is in reverie" What is the definition of "reverie"?
yuriy shook himself from his reverie and proceed to cross the bridge
it's a state of consciousness in which you are more in your thoughts or in a fanciful planning
"yuriy shook himself from his reverie and proceed to cross the bridge" What is the definition of "reverie"?
if your feeling down, just call jala
jala is a tall, thin and gorgeous goddess
"if your feeling down, just call jala" What is the definition of "jala"?
gosh your so freakin jala
another word for gay or lame
"gosh your so freakin jala" What is the definition of "jala"?
itch twitchy twat
after getting fucked like an animal and having mike cum all over my perfect ass, i immediately realized i wouldend up with an itch twitchy twat the next morning
when you fuck a long, hard, throbbing cock and your pussy and ass get stretched and the next morning you're twat is really sore
"after getting fucked like an animal and having mike cum all over my perfect ass, i immediately realized i wouldend up with an itch twitchy twat the next morning" What is the definition of "itch twitchy twat"?
guy1: what u up to? guy2: just shootin sum b ball namsayin
quick way of sayin know what im sayin?
"guy1: what u up to? guy2: just shootin sum b ball namsayin" What is the definition of "namsayin"?
that fucker has me cornfused
"a state of mind that occurs when a pushy boss generally referred to as a "cornhole" leans on subordinates with unreasonable expectations
"that fucker has me cornfused" What is the definition of "cornfused"?
with a cornfused look on his face, bryan tried to recall last night's dinner
the state of bewilderment arising from not knowing the source of the corn in one's crap
"with a cornfused look on his face, bryan tried to recall last night's dinner" What is the definition of "cornfused"?
"i am really cornfused about how to take the subway
"unclear about what is happening around you
""i am really cornfused about how to take the subway" What is the definition of "cornfused"?
nebraskans are some cornfused motherfuckers
what people in nebraska are
"nebraskans are some cornfused motherfuckers" What is the definition of "cornfused"?
i'm cornfused
another word for confused
"i'm cornfused" What is the definition of "cornfused"?
fat pussy
i like to fuck her doggy style so i can se that fat pussy
when your on all fours and you can see your pussy from behind
"i like to fuck her doggy style so i can se that fat pussy" What is the definition of "fat pussy"?
fat pussy
as in ,, you got a fat pussy
as in you got a fat pussy
"as in ,, you got a fat pussy" What is the definition of "fat pussy"?
fat pussy
brett, you're a fat pussy
"brett, you're a fat pussy" What is the definition of "fat pussy"?
ren; quit being a plodroon or i'll album-graecum all over your face
dog excrement which, when whittend by exposer, can be used in tanning leather
"ren; quit being a plodroon or i'll album-graecum all over your face" What is the definition of "album-graecum"?
choice gray
choice gray is sooooooooo damn hot
one of the three hottest girls in the world
"choice gray is sooooooooo damn hot" What is the definition of "choice gray"?
vance: yo sinbad you want some bornsh? sinbad: yeah man im up for some bornsh
the [greatest] word the world has ever heard
"vance: yo sinbad you want some bornsh? sinbad: yeah man im up for some bornsh" What is the definition of "bornsh"?
durka durka
durka durka mohammed jihad
"go see "team america: world police" this is the foundation phrase upon which all terrorist speech is based
"durka durka mohammed jihad" What is the definition of "durka durka"?
durka durka
durka durka mohamed jihad
language of the arabic world
"durka durka mohamed jihad" What is the definition of "durka durka"?
durka durka
you:hey man, you're level 100, please stop camping tiger girl turkish player: fack yor mather and sistar noob you: durka durka
in silkroad online, an attempt to communicate with turkish players
"you:hey man, you're level 100, please stop camping tiger girl turkish player: fack yor mather and sistar noob you: durka durka" What is the definition of "durka durka"?
durka durka
omgg , he's so durka durka
a nasty arab , always dirty
"omgg , he's so durka durka" What is the definition of "durka durka"?
durka durka
stalin: durka durka
the entire russian language compact in two words
"stalin: durka durka" What is the definition of "durka durka"?
mariotwins:did you see that? i pwned that slayer with my uber-broken haxx0rs
the hackage you have acess to on your comp
"mariotwins:did you see that? i pwned that slayer with my uber-broken haxx0rs" What is the definition of "haxx0rs"?
script kiddie: i am so 1337 bob: rofl, bet he haxx0rs using sub7 script kiddie: yeah, its w00t
"name used to parody script-kiddie "hackers""
"script kiddie: i am so 1337 bob: rofl, bet he haxx0rs using sub7 script kiddie: yeah, its w00t" What is the definition of "haxx0rs"?
mariotwins:did you see that? i pwned that slayer with my uber-broken haxx0rs
the hackage you have acess to on your comp
"mariotwins:did you see that? i pwned that slayer with my uber-broken haxx0rs" What is the definition of "haxx0rs"?
script kiddie: i am so 1337 bob: rofl, bet he haxx0rs using sub7 script kiddie: yeah, its w00t
"name used to parody script-kiddie "hackers""
"script kiddie: i am so 1337 bob: rofl, bet he haxx0rs using sub7 script kiddie: yeah, its w00t" What is the definition of "haxx0rs"?
"sounds like there were some crazy antics going on last night "yeah
anything sexual you do that involves three other guys and a lamp
""sounds like there were some crazy antics going on last night "yeah" What is the definition of "antics"?
"dude, did you hear what the pizza guy said to me? "yeah man, that was antics
a description for a difficult, complex or controversial event, esp
""dude, did you hear what the pizza guy said to me? "yeah man, that was antics" What is the definition of "antics"?
have you been to the antics website at snow-antics
only the dopest website for all boarders and filmers every created
"have you been to the antics website at snow-antics" What is the definition of "antics"?
shut the hell up before i put my foot in your antics
the new slang for ass
"shut the hell up before i put my foot in your antics" What is the definition of "antics"?
carlos: *shoots a guy down* leroy: man that was badess
synonymous to [bad ass], but simply said in a fast, and concise manner
"carlos: *shoots a guy down* leroy: man that was badess" What is the definition of "badess"?
last night i threw down a true badess and it was great
a woman that is fantastic in bed or has had many sexual partners
"last night i threw down a true badess and it was great" What is the definition of "badess"?
kidd:hey kidd how much for that sweet zinc. super hedie shakedown douch: 60 bucks
short for zincite
"kidd:hey kidd how much for that sweet zinc. super hedie shakedown douch: 60 bucks" What is the definition of "zinc."?
capt. deitch
this asshole was being a real capt. deitch
a german douche-bag, a real dick, scumbag
"this asshole was being a real capt. deitch" What is the definition of "capt. deitch"?
mark is a bowellick
noun: a typical office asswipe, and/or brown-noser
"mark is a bowellick" What is the definition of "bowellick"?
bob went out last night and got so fashnickered that he woke up with paul instead of paula
"bob went out last night and got so fashnickered that he woke up with paul instead of paula" What is the definition of "fashnickered"?
give me my screela bitch
"give me my screela bitch" What is the definition of "screela"?
that girl is such a f.o.n.
"f-freak o-of n-nature (pronounced "fawn")"
"that girl is such a f.o.n." What is the definition of "f.o.n."?
bingo boy
bingo, bingo boy
group of alpha males, whose sole chart effort was a smash hit across tajikistan, uzbekistan and wales
"bingo, bingo boy" What is the definition of "bingo boy"?
while i was licking her pussy and giving her the shocker i could tell she was loosened up enough to slip in the dominator
the dominator is actually a step up from the shocker
"while i was licking her pussy and giving her the shocker i could tell she was loosened up enough to slip in the dominator" What is the definition of "dominator"?
can someone hook me up with some mono-goggles, i want to avoid a dominator tonight
when some random guy cums in your eye and it burns like a son of a bitch
"can someone hook me up with some mono-goggles, i want to avoid a dominator tonight" What is the definition of "dominator"?
last night was great, tried a dominator with a ham and pineapple pizza
when you order a dominos, and use the pizza to masturbate
"last night was great, tried a dominator with a ham and pineapple pizza" What is the definition of "dominator"?
yeah kimmy is the dominator
the person in a group who receives the most attention from the opposite sex
"yeah kimmy is the dominator" What is the definition of "dominator"?
francis busted a dominator in class the other day and my ears started bleeding it was so loud
a very loud fart that sounds like a boom
"francis busted a dominator in class the other day and my ears started bleeding it was so loud" What is the definition of "dominator"?
the numerator goes over the dominator
slang math term for denominator
"the numerator goes over the dominator" What is the definition of "dominator"?
ahboh hows it going? in response to a question, ahboh
[ahboh]the oundilian term for old boy
"ahboh hows it going? in response to a question, ahboh" What is the definition of "ahboh"?
idiot: you're a doiti me: don't you mean toidi?
when idiots try to say idiot backwards and are too dumb to get it right
"idiot: you're a doiti me: don't you mean toidi?" What is the definition of "doiti"?
battlefield 2
omfg i cant creat a battlefield 2 server
a online ps2 game that connects north america with europe
"omfg i cant creat a battlefield 2 server" What is the definition of "battlefield 2"?
battlefield 2
omfg i cant creat a battlefield 2 server
a online ps2 game that connects north america with europe
"omfg i cant creat a battlefield 2 server" What is the definition of "battlefield 2"?
daym, dat bitch is creal
"a bastardized version of the word surreal, meaning "dreamlike""
"daym, dat bitch is creal" What is the definition of "creal"?
william hung is friggin creal
adj- of or pertaining to the character istic of being beautiful
"william hung is friggin creal" What is the definition of "creal"?
jasmine is friggen creal
"jasmine is friggen creal" What is the definition of "creal"?
put di cockie inna mi hole
a caribbean (mostly jamaican) word for penis
"put di cockie inna mi hole" What is the definition of "cockie"?
don't know why that cockie bothers trying to scratch a living out of that phunk of desert
australian word (we have a few of our own)person from outback of australia - usually involved in barely sustainable farming of crap desert land
"don't know why that cockie bothers trying to scratch a living out of that phunk of desert" What is the definition of "cockie"?
6-year burnout
"new teacher: "if i can just reach one student today, i will have done a good job" 6-year burnout teacher: "jason, i'm sick of your attitude
the amount of time it takes for young inspired teachers to reach complete burnout in american public schools
""new teacher: "if i can just reach one student today, i will have done a good job" 6-year burnout teacher: "jason, i'm sick of your attitude" What is the definition of "6-year burnout"?
i watched a cellhole weave dangerously in and out of traffic without using any turn indicators
a person using a cell phone while being completely oblivious to their surroundings, other people, or tasks requiring full and immediate attention
"i watched a cellhole weave dangerously in and out of traffic without using any turn indicators" What is the definition of "cellhole"?
breaking necks
i'm so fine, i got people breaking necks when i walk out on the street
when you're so hot that people break their necks when they try to look back at you
"i'm so fine, i got people breaking necks when i walk out on the street" What is the definition of "breaking necks"?
aussie hip hop
the herd are a dope aussie hip hop band
parralel to american hip hop although the lyrics embrace elements of australian culture and politics
"the herd are a dope aussie hip hop band" What is the definition of "aussie hip hop"?
aussie hip hop
support aussie hip hop
australian hip hop music began in the late 1980s, primarily influenced by hip hop music and culture imported via radio and television from the united states of america
"support aussie hip hop" What is the definition of "aussie hip hop"?
cliff hangers
cliff hangers is pricing game on the [price is right]
a [price is right] pricing game
"cliff hangers is pricing game on the [price is right]" What is the definition of "cliff hangers"?
cliff hangers
cliff hangers is pricing game on the [price is right]
a [price is right] pricing game
"cliff hangers is pricing game on the [price is right]" What is the definition of "cliff hangers"?
cliff hangers
cliff hangers is pricing game on the [price is right]
a [price is right] pricing game
"cliff hangers is pricing game on the [price is right]" What is the definition of "cliff hangers"?
cliff hangers
cliff hangers is pricing game on the [price is right]
a [price is right] pricing game
"cliff hangers is pricing game on the [price is right]" What is the definition of "cliff hangers"?
cliff hangers
cliff hangers is pricing game on the [price is right]
a [price is right] pricing game
"cliff hangers is pricing game on the [price is right]" What is the definition of "cliff hangers"?
coming out the wazoo
dude, that mother fucker has money coming out the wazoo
having in a plentiful amount
"dude, that mother fucker has money coming out the wazoo" What is the definition of "coming out the wazoo"?
hot bag of nickels
mary looks like she got hit with a hot bag of nickels
to describe a ugly person either male of female
"mary looks like she got hit with a hot bag of nickels" What is the definition of "hot bag of nickels"?
hot bag of nickels
when my kids get on my nerves i simply beat them about the face and neck with a hot bag of nickels because it will not leave a mark
when one takes nickles and boils them in water and then places them in a bag of sorts, such as a tube sock
"when my kids get on my nerves i simply beat them about the face and neck with a hot bag of nickels because it will not leave a mark" What is the definition of "hot bag of nickels"?
i must admit, your treatise on badminton and its relationship to the human condition is quite exquisite and very brolid
"a portmanteau combining "bro" and "solid"
"i must admit, your treatise on badminton and its relationship to the human condition is quite exquisite and very brolid" What is the definition of "brolid"?
charlie didn't eat any of his roommate's turkey his mom brought over for dinner, so walter decided to be a dickpalooza about it for 2 weeks
(noun) a person who goes out of their way to be a constant asshole and who must derive satisfaction from always being an asshole
"charlie didn't eat any of his roommate's turkey his mom brought over for dinner, so walter decided to be a dickpalooza about it for 2 weeks" What is the definition of "dickpalooza"?
cum puddle
"dude 1: "dude i woke up to a vicious cum puddle last night but was wayyyy too tired to clean it up
the puddle of cum that accumulates on your boxers and pants after a wet dream
""dude 1: "dude i woke up to a vicious cum puddle last night but was wayyyy too tired to clean it up" What is the definition of "cum puddle"?
asian neck
oh man i got asian neck bad, did you see her ass? where? oh shit my neck hurts man
an injury sustained to the neck when you have to turn your head quickly to get a better look at a [hot] asian chick
"oh man i got asian neck bad, did you see her ass? where? oh shit my neck hurts man" What is the definition of "asian neck"?
the picture frame is cattywampus on the wall
not exactly centered or straight
"the picture frame is cattywampus on the wall" What is the definition of "cattywampus"?
things seems a bit cattywampus as of late
see also: awry, askew, out-of-sorts
"things seems a bit cattywampus as of late" What is the definition of "cattywampus"?
if things get cattywampus just call me
crazy, chaotic
"if things get cattywampus just call me" What is the definition of "cattywampus"?
if things get cattywampus just call me
crazy, chaotic
"if things get cattywampus just call me" What is the definition of "cattywampus"?
the round bank building is cattywampus from the gateway shopping center
positioned diagonally
"the round bank building is cattywampus from the gateway shopping center" What is the definition of "cattywampus"?
sexual wednesday
omg that's so perverted moira, wait, it must be sexual wednesday
(n): the day of the week in which people become extremely sexual and perverted
"omg that's so perverted moira, wait, it must be sexual wednesday" What is the definition of "sexual wednesday"?
sexual wednesday
omg that's so perverted moira, wait, it must be sexual wednesday
(n): the day of the week in which people become extremely sexual and perverted
"omg that's so perverted moira, wait, it must be sexual wednesday" What is the definition of "sexual wednesday"?
man, he has a bad case of explicobibliophobia
fear of pop-up books
"man, he has a bad case of explicobibliophobia" What is the definition of "explicobibliophobia"?
chicken ants
did yoo guythz see thoze chickn antss urr was it jessth me? she was so trashed last night she was seeing chicken ants
a delusion of the social drinker, characterized by inside jokes and made up words, stemming from outlandish experiences involving alcohol
"did yoo guythz see thoze chickn antss urr was it jessth me? she was so trashed last night she was seeing chicken ants" What is the definition of "chicken ants"?
she was speaking in front of a large audience and was totally embarrassed by her bidenblunder
a gross, stupid, or careless mistake, usually spoken aloud but occasionally whispered over an open microphone
"she was speaking in front of a large audience and was totally embarrassed by her bidenblunder" What is the definition of "bidenblunder"?
damn, i was walking down the street today and saw the boys on the hockey team and i was thinking, oh my gosh, i want all of them to gipn
short for get in pants now
"damn, i was walking down the street today and saw the boys on the hockey team and i was thinking, oh my gosh, i want all of them to gipn" What is the definition of "gipn"?
big black penis
nothing's quicker than a big black penis
a popular advertising slogan
"nothing's quicker than a big black penis" What is the definition of "big black penis"?
nikko is the bomb-shiznit
japanese term for: resplendant light or the sun can be used as name for a boy or a girl
"nikko is the bomb-shiznit" What is the definition of "nikko"?
i love nikko with all my heart
nikko is the best guy in the world
"i love nikko with all my heart" What is the definition of "nikko"?
that guy is such a nikko
a man that is wet
"that guy is such a nikko" What is the definition of "nikko"?
nikko was sad because his cat was ignoring him
a nikko is a big fat whore who sits around with his cat all day eating leftovers and drinking wine
"nikko was sad because his cat was ignoring him" What is the definition of "nikko"?
ass hand
omg josh just gave me a ass hand
putting ones hand in their ass when its hot and sweaty and walking behind someone and putting the ass hand in the others face
"omg josh just gave me a ass hand" What is the definition of "ass hand"?
ass hand
omg josh just gave me a ass hand
putting ones hand in their ass when its hot and sweaty and walking behind someone and putting the ass hand in the others face
"omg josh just gave me a ass hand" What is the definition of "ass hand"?
ass hand
omg josh just gave me a ass hand
putting ones hand in their ass when its hot and sweaty and walking behind someone and putting the ass hand in the others face
"omg josh just gave me a ass hand" What is the definition of "ass hand"?
ass hand
omg josh just gave me a ass hand
putting ones hand in their ass when its hot and sweaty and walking behind someone and putting the ass hand in the others face
"omg josh just gave me a ass hand" What is the definition of "ass hand"?
do factor
man my do factor just rose to 100
the sex appeal of someone or yourself based on a scale of -100 to 100
"man my do factor just rose to 100" What is the definition of "do factor"?
he is booghetto cuz he shops at banana republic but buys socks from costco
"to be booghetto is to be living in an upper middle class situation yet still retaining "ghetto" tendencies
"he is booghetto cuz he shops at banana republic but buys socks from costco" What is the definition of "booghetto"?
what raeshawn did is booghetto
that is jacked up!!!
"what raeshawn did is booghetto" What is the definition of "booghetto"?
check out that girl, she is so booghetto
pronounced the same as [boughetto]
"check out that girl, she is so booghetto" What is the definition of "booghetto"?
he is booghetto cuz he shops at banana republic but buys socks from costco
"to be booghetto is to be living in an upper middle class situation yet still retaining "ghetto" tendencies
"he is booghetto cuz he shops at banana republic but buys socks from costco" What is the definition of "booghetto"?
what raeshawn did is booghetto
that is jacked up!!!
"what raeshawn did is booghetto" What is the definition of "booghetto"?
check out that girl, she is so booghetto
pronounced the same as [boughetto]
"check out that girl, she is so booghetto" What is the definition of "booghetto"?
nikki loves bladejoiner
the most amazing guy ever! has a perfect smile and gorgeous eyes
"nikki loves bladejoiner" What is the definition of "bladejoiner"?