Avoiding barren plateaus in the variational determination of geometric entanglement
The barren plateau phenomenon is one of the main obstacles to implementing variational quantum algorithms in the current generation of quantum processors. Here, we introduce a method capable of avoiding the barren plateau phenomenon in the variational determination of the geometric measure of entanglement for a large number of qubits. The method is based on measuring compatible two-qubit local functions whose optimization allows for achieving a well-suited initial condition, from which a global function can be further optimized without encountering a barren plateau. We analytically demonstrate that the local functions can be efficiently estimated and optimized. Numerical simulations up to 18-qubit GHZ and W states demonstrate that the method converges to the exact value. In particular, the method allows for escaping from barren plateaus induced by hardware noise or global functions defined on high-dimensional systems. Numerical simulations with noise are in agreement with experiments carried out on IBM's quantum processors for 7 qubits.
[ "Leonardo Zambrano", "Andrés Damián Muñoz-Moller", "Mario Muñoz", "Luciano Pereira", "Aldo Delgado" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Factorization of large tetra and penta prime numbers on IBM quantum processor
The factorization of a large digit integer in polynomial time is a challenging computational task to decipher. The exponential growth of computation can be alleviated if the factorization problem is changed to an optimization problem with the quantum computation process with the generalized Grover's algorithm and a suitable analytic algebra. In this article, the generalized Grover's protocol is used to amplify the amplitude of the required states and, in turn, help in the execution of the quantum factorization of tetra and penta primes as a proof of concept for distinct integers, including 875, 1269636549803, and 4375 using 3 and 4 qubits of IBMQ Perth (7-qubit processor). The fidelity of quantum factorization with the IBMQ Perth qubits was near unity.
[ "Ritu Dhaulakhandi", "Bikash K. Behera", "Felix J. Seo" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Battle Against Fluctuating Quantum Noise: Compression-Aided Framework to Enable Robust Quantum Neural Network
Recently, we have been witnessing the scale-up of superconducting quantum computers; however, the noise of quantum bits (qubits) is still an obstacle for real-world applications to leveraging the power of quantum computing. Although there exist error mitigation or error-aware designs for quantum applications, the inherent fluctuation of noise (a.k.a., instability) can easily collapse the performance of error-aware designs. What's worse, users can even not be aware of the performance degradation caused by the change in noise. To address both issues, in this paper we use Quantum Neural Network (QNN) as a vehicle to present a novel compression-aided framework, namely QuCAD, which will adapt a trained QNN to fluctuating quantum noise. In addition, with the historical calibration (noise) data, our framework will build a model repository offline, which will significantly reduce the optimization time in the online adaption process. Emulation results on an earthquake detection dataset show that QuCAD can achieve 14.91% accuracy gain on average in 146 days over a noise-aware training approach. For the execution on a 7-qubit IBM quantum processor, IBM-Jakarta, QuCAD can consistently achieve 12.52% accuracy gain on earthquake detection.
[ "Zhirui Hu", "Youzuo Lin", "Qiang Guan", "Weiwen Jiang" ]
[ "IBM" ]
High Fidelity Noise-Tolerant State Preparation of a Heisenberg spin-1/2 Hamiltonian for the Kagome Lattice on a 16 Qubit Quantum Computer
This work describes a method to prepare the quantum state of the Heisenberg spin-1/2 Hamiltonian for the Kagome Lattice in an IBM 16 qubit quantum computer with a fidelity below 1% of the ground state computed via a classical Eigen-solver. Furthermore, this solution has a very high noise tolerance (or overall success rate above 98%). With industrious care taken to deal with the persistent noise inherent to current quantum computers; we show that our solution, when run, multiple times achieves a very high probability of success and high fidelity. We take this work a step further by including efficient scalability or the ability to run on any qubit size quantum computer. The platform used in this experiment is IBM's 16 qubit Gudalupe processor using the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE).
[ "Wladimir Silva" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Efficient Quantum Circuit Cutting by Neglecting Basis Elements
Quantum circuit cutting has been proposed to help execute large quantum circuits using only small and noisy machines. Intuitively, cutting a qubit wire can be thought of as classically passing information of a quantum state along each element in a basis set. As the number of cuts increase, the number of quantum degrees of freedom needed to be passed through scales exponentially. We propose a simple reduction scheme to lower the classical and quantum resources required to perform a cut. Particularly, we recognize that for some cuts, certain basis element might pass "no information" through the qubit wire and can effectively be neglected. We empirically demonstrate our method on circuit simulators as well as IBM quantum hardware, and we observed up to 33 percent reduction in wall time without loss of accuracy.
[ "Daniel T. Chen", "Ethan H. Hansen", "Xinpeng Li", "Vinooth Kulkarni", "Vipin Chaudhary", "Bin Ren", "Qiang Guan", "Sanmukh Kuppannagari", "Ji Liu", "Shuai Xu" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Improved clinical data imputation via classical and quantum determinantal point processes
Imputing data is a critical issue for machine learning practitioners, including in the life sciences domain, where missing clinical data is a typical situation and the reliability of the imputation is of great importance. Currently, there is no canonical approach for imputation of clinical data and widely used algorithms introduce variance in the downstream classification. Here we propose novel imputation methods based on determinantal point processes that enhance popular techniques such as the Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE) and MissForest. Their advantages are two-fold: improving the quality of the imputed data demonstrated by increased accuracy of the downstream classification; and providing deterministic and reliable imputations that remove the variance from the classification results. We experimentally demonstrate the advantages of our methods by performing extensive imputations on synthetic and real clinical data. We also perform quantum hardware experiments by applying the quantum circuits for DPP sampling, since such quantum algorithms provide a computational advantage with respect to classical ones. We demonstrate competitive results with up to ten qubits for small-scale imputation tasks on a state-of-the-art IBM quantum processor. Our classical and quantum methods improve the effectiveness and robustness of clinical data prediction modeling by providing better and more reliable data imputations. These improvements can add significant value in settings demanding high precision, such as in pharmaceutical drug trials where our approach can provide higher confidence in the predictions made.
[ "Skander Kazdaghli", "Iordanis Kerenidis", "Jens Kieckbusch", "Philip Teare" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Characterizing crosstalk of superconducting transmon processors
Currently available quantum computing hardware based on superconducting transmon architectures realizes networks of hundreds of qubits with the possibility of controlled nearest-neighbor interactions. However, the inherent noise and decoherence effects of such quantum chips considerably alter basic gate operations and lead to imperfect outputs of the targeted quantum computations. In this work, we focus on the characterization of crosstalk effects which manifest themselves in correlations between simultaneously executed quantum gates on neighboring qubits. After a short explanation of the physical origin of such correlations, we show how to efficiently and systematically characterize the magnitude of such crosstalk effects on an entire quantum chip using the randomized benchmarking protocol. We demonstrate the introduced protocol by running it on real quantum hardware provided by IBM observing significant alterations in gate fidelities due to crosstalk. Lastly, we use the gained information in order to propose more accurate means to simulate noisy quantum hardware by devising an appropriate crosstalk-aware noise model.
[ "Andreas Ketterer", "Thomas Wellens" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Optimizing Quantum Algorithms on Bipotent Architectures
Vigorous optimization of quantum gates has led to bipotent quantum architectures, where the optimized gates are available for some qubits but not for others. However, such gate-level improvements limit the application of user-side pulse-level optimizations, which have proven effective for quantum circuits with a high level of regularity, such as the ansatz circuit of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA). In this paper, we investigate the trade-off between hardware-level and algorithm-level improvements on bipotent quantum architectures. Our results for various QAOA instances on two quantum computers offered by IBM indicate that the benefits of pulse-level optimizations currently outweigh the improvements due to vigorously optimized monolithic gates. Furthermore, our data indicate that the fidelity of circuit primitives is not always the best indicator for the overall algorithm performance; also their gate type and schedule duration should be taken into account. This effect is particularly pronounced for QAOA on dense portfolio optimization problems, since their transpilation requires many SWAP gates, for which efficient pulse-level optimization exists. Our findings provide practical guidance on optimal qubit selection on bipotent quantum architectures and suggest the need for improvements of those architectures, ultimately making pulse-level optimization available for all gate types.
[ "Yanjun Ji", "Kathrin F. Koenig", "Ilia Polian" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Procedure for improving cross-resonance noise resistance using pulse-level control
Current implementations of superconducting qubits are often limited by the low fidelities of multi-qubit gates. We present a reproducible and runtime-efficient pulse-level approach for calibrating an improved cross-resonance gate CR($\theta$) for arbitrary $\theta$. This CR($\theta$) gate can be used to produce a wide range of other two-qubit gates via the application of standard single-qubit gates. By performing an interleaved randomised benchmarking experiment, we demonstrate that our approach leads to a significantly higher noise resistance than the circuit-level approach currently used by IBM. Hence, our procedure provides a genuine improvement for applications where noise remains a limiting factor.
[ "David Danin", "Felix Tennie" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Resource Saving via Ensemble Techniques for Quantum Neural Networks
Quantum neural networks hold significant promise for numerous applications, particularly as they can be executed on the current generation of quantum hardware. However, due to limited qubits or hardware noise, conducting large-scale experiments often requires significant resources. Moreover, the output of the model is susceptible to corruption by quantum hardware noise. To address this issue, we propose the use of ensemble techniques, which involve constructing a single machine learning model based on multiple instances of quantum neural networks. In particular, we implement bagging and AdaBoost techniques, with different data loading configurations, and evaluate their performance on both synthetic and real-world classification and regression tasks. To assess the potential performance improvement under different environments, we conduct experiments on both simulated, noiseless software and IBM superconducting-based QPUs, suggesting these techniques can mitigate the quantum hardware noise. Additionally, we quantify the amount of resources saved using these ensemble techniques. Our findings indicate that these methods enable the construction of large, powerful models even on relatively small quantum devices.
[ "Massimiliano Incudini", "Michele Grossi", "Andrea Ceschini", "Antonio Mandarino", "Massimo Panella", "Sofia Vallecorsa", "David Windridge" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Immense Fidelity Enhancement of Encoded Quantum Bell Pairs at Short and Long-distance Communication along with Generalized Design of Circuit
Quantum entanglement is a unique criterion of the quantum realm and an essential tool to secure quantum communication. Ensuring high-fidelity entanglement has always been a challenging task owing to interaction with the hostile channel environment created due to quantum noise and decoherence. Though several methods have been proposed, achieving almost 100% error correction is still a gigantic task. As one of the main contributions of this work, a new model for large distance communication has been introduced, which can correct all bit flip errors or other errors quite extensively if proper encoding is used. To achieve this purpose, at the very first step, the idea of differentiating the long and short-distance applications has been introduced. Short-distance is determined by the maximum range of applying unitary control gates by the qubit technology. As far as we know, there is no previous work that distinguishes long and short distance applications. At the beginning, we have applied stabilizer formalism and Repetition Code for decoding to distinguish the error correcting ability in long and short distance communication. Particularly for short distance communication, it has been demonstrated that a properly encoded bell state can identify all the bit flip, or phase flip errors with 100% accuracy theoretically. In contrast, if the bell states are used in long distance communication, the error-detecting and correcting ability reduces at huge amounts. To increase the fidelity significantly and correct the errors quite extensively for long-distance communication, a new model based on classical communication protocol has been proposed. All the required circuits in these processes have been generalized during encoding. Proposed analytical results have also been verified with the Simulation results of IBM QISKIT QASM.
[ "Syed Emad Uddin Shubha", "Md. Saifur Rahman", "M. R. C. Mahdy" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Single Qubit Error Mitigation by Simulating Non-Markovian Dynamics
Quantum simulation is a powerful tool to study the properties of quantum systems. The dynamics of open quantum systems are often described by Completely Positive (CP) maps, for which several quantum simulation schemes exist. We present a simulation scheme for open qubit dynamics described by a larger class of maps: the general dynamical maps which are linear, hermitian preserving and trace preserving but not necessarily positivity preserving. The latter suggests an underlying system-reservoir model where both are entangled and thus non-Markovian qubit dynamics. Such maps also come about as the inverse of CP maps. We illustrate our simulation scheme on an IBM quantum processor by showing that we can recover the initial state of a Lindblad evolution. This paves the way for a novel form of quantum error mitigation. Our scheme only requires one ancilla qubit as an overhead and a small number of one and two qubit gates.
[ "Mirko Rossini", "Dominik Maile", "Joachim Ankerhold", "Brecht I. C Donvil" ]
[ "IBM" ]
ISAAQ: Ising Machine Assisted Quantum Compiler
It is imperative to compile quantum circuits for Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices because of the limited connectivity of physical qubits and the high error rates of gate operations. One of the most critical steps in quantum circuit compilation is qubit routing, an NP-Hard problem that involves placing and moving logical qubits to minimize compilation overhead. In this study, we propose ISing mAchine Assisted Quantum compiler (ISAAQ) to perform qubit routing with Ising machines, which can efficiently solve Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) problems. ISAAQ accurately estimates the compilation costs by updating itself using previous compilation results, and accelerates qubit routing by solving QUBO problems in parallel with multiple Ising machines. In addition, ISAAQ exploits a cost-reduction method that implements commutative logical Controlled-NOT (CNOT) gates with fewer physical CNOT gates, which is particularly effective for planar devices when implementing original gates. Experimental results on both IBM QX5 and IBM QX20 show that ISAAQ outperforms the heuristic methods available in Qiskit and tket, as well as an existing QUBO method, requiring fewer physical CNOT gates for most benchmark circuits. ISAAQ performs particularly well on large circuits, demonstrating its strong scalability with respect to the number of logical CNOT gates.
[ "Soshun Naito", "Yoshihiko Hasegawa", "Yoshiki Matsuda", "Shu Tanaka" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Pulse variational quantum eigensolver on cross-resonance based hardware
State-of-the-art noisy digital quantum computers can only execute short-depth quantum circuits. Variational algorithms are a promising route to unlock the potential of noisy quantum computers since the depth of the corresponding circuits can be kept well below hardware-imposed limits. Typically, the variational parameters correspond to virtual $R_Z$ gate angles, implemented by phase changes of calibrated pulses. By encoding the variational parameters directly as hardware pulse amplitudes and durations we succeed in further shortening the pulse schedule and overall circuit duration. This decreases the impact of qubit decoherence and gate noise. As a demonstration, we apply our pulse-based variational algorithm to the calculation of the ground state of different hydrogen-based molecules (H$_2$, H$_3$ and H$_4$) using IBM cross-resonance-based hardware. We observe a reduction in schedule duration of up to $5\times$ compared to CNOT-based Ans\"atze, while also reducing the measured energy. In particular, we observe a sizable improvement of the minimal energy configuration of H$_3$ compared to a CNOT-based variational form. Finally, we discuss possible future developments including error mitigation schemes and schedule optimizations, which will enable further improvements of our approach paving the way towards the simulation of larger systems on noisy quantum devices.
[ "Daniel J. Egger", "Chiara Capecci", "Bibek Pokharel", "Panagiotis Kl. Barkoutsos", "Laurin E. Fischer", "Leonardo Guidoni", "Ivano Tavernelli" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Observation of higher-order topological states on a quantum computer
Programmable quantum simulators such as superconducting quantum processors and ultracold atomic lattices represent rapidly developing emergent technology that may one day qualitatively outperform existing classical computers. Yet, apart from a few breakthroughs, the range of viable computational applications with current-day noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices is still significantly limited by gate errors, quantum decoherence, and the number of high-quality qubits. In this work, we develop an approach that places NISQ hardware as a particularly suitable platform for simulating multi-dimensional condensed matter systems, including lattices beyond three dimensions which are difficult to realize or probe in other settings. By fully exploiting the exponentially large Hilbert space of a quantum chain, we encoded a high-dimensional model in terms of non-local many-body interactions that can further be systematically transcribed into quantum gates. We demonstrate the power of our approach by realizing, on IBM transmon-based quantum computers, higher-order topological states in up to four dimensions, which are exotic phases that have never been realized in any quantum setting. With the aid of in-house circuit compression and error mitigation techniques, we measured the topological state dynamics and their protected mid-gap spectra to a high degree of accuracy, as benchmarked by reference exact diagonalization data. The time and memory needed with our approach scale favorably with system size and dimensionality compared to exact diagonalization on classical computers.
[ "Jin Ming Koh", "Tommy Tai", "Ching Hua Lee" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Adaptively partitioned analog quantum simulation on near-term quantum computers: The nonclassical free-induction decay of NV centers in diamond
The idea of simulating quantum physics with controllable quantum devices had been proposed several decades ago. With the extensive development of quantum technology, large-scale simulation, such as the analog quantum simulation tailoring an artificial Hamiltonian mimicking the system of interest, has been implemented on elaborate quantum experimental platforms. However, due to the limitations caused by the significant noises and the connectivity, analog simulation is generically infeasible on near-term quantum computing platforms. Here we propose an alternative analog simulation approach on near-term quantum devices. Our approach circumvents the limitations by adaptively partitioning the bath into several groups based on the performance of the quantum devices. We apply our approach to simulate the free induction decay of the electron spin in a diamond NV$^-$ center coupled to a huge number of nuclei and investigate the nonclassicality induced by the nuclear spin polarization. The simulation is implemented collaboratively with authentic devices and simulators on IBM quantum computers. We have also applied our approach to address the nonclassical noise caused by the crosstalk between qubits. This work sheds light on a flexible approach to simulate large-scale materials on noisy near-term quantum computers.
[ "Yun-Hua Kuo", "Hong-Bin Chen" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Experimental error suppression in Cross-Resonance gates via multi-derivative pulse shaping
While quantum circuits are reaching impressive widths in the hundreds of qubits, their depths have not been able to keep pace. In particular, cloud computing gates on multi-qubit, fixed-frequency superconducting chips continue to hover around the 1% error range, contrasting with the progress seen on carefully designed two-qubit chips, where error rates have been pushed towards 0.1%. Despite the strong impetus and a plethora of research, experimental demonstration of error suppression on these multi-qubit devices remains challenging, primarily due to the wide distribution of qubit parameters and the demanding calibration process required for advanced control methods. Here, we achieve this goal, using a simple control method based on multi-derivative, multi-constraint pulse shaping, which acts simultaneously against multiple error sources. Our approach establishes a two to fourfold improvement on the default calibration scheme, demonstrated on four qubits on the IBM Quantum Platform with limited and intermittent access, enabling these large-scale fixed-frequency systems to fully take advantage of their superior coherence times. The achieved CNOT fidelities of 99.7(1)% on those publically available qubits come from both coherent control error suppression and accelerated gate time.
[ "Boxi Li", "Tommaso Calarco", "Felix Motzoi" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Benchmarking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum Error Mitigation Strategies for Ground State Preparation of the HCl Molecule
Due to numerous limitations including restrictive qubit topologies, short coherence times and prohibitively high noise floors, few quantum chemistry experiments performed on existing noisy intermediate-scale quantum hardware have achieved the high bar of chemical precision, namely energy errors to within 1.6 mHa of full configuration interaction. To have any hope of doing so, we must layer contemporary resource reduction techniques with best-in-class error mitigation methods; in particular, we combine the techniques of qubit tapering and the contextual subspace variational quantum eigensolver with several error mitigation strategies comprised of measurement-error mitigation, symmetry verification, zero-noise extrapolation and dual-state purification. We benchmark these strategies across a suite of eight 27-qubit IBM Falcon series quantum processors, taking preparation of the HCl molecule's ground state as our testbed.
[ "Tim Weaving", "Alexis Ralli", "William M. Kirby", "Peter J. Love", "Sauro Succi", "Peter V. Coveney" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Modeling low- and high-frequency noise in transmon qubits with resource-efficient measurement
Transmon qubits experience open system effects that manifest as noise at a broad range of frequencies. We present a model of these effects using the Redfield master equation with a hybrid bath consisting of low and high-frequency components. We use two-level fluctuators to simulate 1/f-like noise behavior, which is a dominant source of decoherence for superconducting qubits. By measuring quantum state fidelity under free evolution with and without dynamical decoupling (DD), we can fit the low- and high-frequency noise parameters in our model. We train and test our model using experiments on quantum devices available through IBM quantum experience. Our model accurately predicts the fidelity decay of random initial states, including the effect of DD pulse sequences. We compare our model with two simpler models and confirm the importance of including both high-frequency and 1/f noise in order to accurately predict transmon behavior.
[ "Vinay Tripathi", "Huo Chen", "Eli Levenson-Falk", "Daniel A. Lidar" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Data re-uploading with a single qudit
Quantum two-level systems, i.e. qubits, form the basis for most quantum machine learning approaches that have been proposed throughout the years. However, higher dimensional quantum systems constitute a promising alternative and are increasingly explored in theory and practice. Here, we explore the capabilities of multi-level quantum systems, so-called qudits, for their use in a quantum machine learning context. We formulate classification and regression problems with the data re-uploading approach and demonstrate that a quantum circuit operating on a single qudit is able to successfully learn highly non-linear decision boundaries of classification problems such as the MNIST digit recognition problem. We demonstrate that the performance strongly depends on the relation between the qudit states representing the labels and the structure of labels in the training data set. Such a bias can lead to substantial performance improvement over qubit-based circuits in cases where the labels, the qudit states and the operators employed to encode the data are well-aligned. Furthermore, we elucidate the influence of the choice of the elementary operators and show that a squeezing operator is necessary to achieve good performances. We also show that there exists a trade-off for qudit systems between the number of circuit-generating operators in each processing layer and the total number of layers needed to achieve a given accuracy. Finally, we compare classification results from numerically exact simulations and their equivalent implementation on actual IBM quantum hardware. The findings of our work support the notion that qudit-based algorithms exhibit attractive traits and constitute a promising route to increasing the computational capabilities of quantum machine learning approaches.
[ "Noah L. Wach", "Manuel S. Rudolph", "Fred Jendrzejewski", "Sebastian Schmitt" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Entanglement parallelization via quantum Fourier transform
In this study, we present a technique based on the quantum Fourier transform (QFT) that allows the generation of disjoint sets of entangled particles, in such a way that particles of the same set are entangled with each other, while particles of different sets are completely independent. Several applications of this technique are implemented on three physical platforms, of 5 (Belem), 7 (Oslo), and 14 (Melbourne) qubits, of the international business machine (IBM Q) quantum experience program, where all these applications were specially selected due to their particular commitment to the future Quantum Internet.
[ "Mario Mastriani" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Discriminating mixed qubit states with collective measurements
It is a central fact in quantum mechanics that non-orthogonal states cannot be distinguished perfectly. This property ensures the security of quantum key distribution. It is therefore an important task in quantum communication to design and implement strategies to optimally distinguish quantum states. In general, when we have access to multiple copies of quantum states the optimal measurement will be a collective measurement. However, to date, collective measurements have not been used to enhance quantum state discrimination. One of the main reasons for this is the fact that, in the usual state discrimination setting with equal prior probabilities, at least three copies of a quantum state are required to be measured collectively to outperform separable measurements. This is very challenging experimentally. In this work, by considering unequal prior probabilities, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a protocol for distinguishing two copies of single qubit states using collective measurements which achieves a lower probability of error than can be achieved by any non-entangling measurement. We implement our measurements on an IBM Q System One device, a superconducting quantum processor. Additionally, we implemented collective measurements on three and four copies of the unknown state and found they performed poorly.
[ "Lorcan O. Conlon", "Falk Eilenberger", "Ping Koy Lam", "Syed M. Assad" ]
[ "IBM" ]
A Qubit-Efficient Variational Selected Configuration-Interaction Method
Finding the ground-state energy of molecules is an important and challenging computational problem for which quantum computing can potentially find efficient solutions. The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) is a quantum algorithm that tackles the molecular groundstate problem and is regarded as one of the flagships of quantum computing. Yet, to date, only very small molecules were computed via VQE, due to high noise levels in current quantum devices. Here we present an alternative variational quantum scheme that requires significantly less qubits. The reduction in qubit number allows for shallower circuits to be sufficient, rendering the method more resistant to noise. The proposed algorithm, termed variational quantum selected-configuration-interaction (VQ-SCI), is based on: (a) representing the target groundstate as a superposition of Slater determinant configurations, encoded directly upon the quantum computational basis states; and (b) selecting a-priory only the most dominant configurations. This is demonstrated through a set of groundstate calculations of the H$_2$, LiH, BeH$_2$, H$_2$O, NH$_3$ and C$_2$H$_4$ molecules in the sto-3g basis set, performed on IBM quantum devices. We show that the VQ-SCI reaches the full-CI (FCI) energy within chemical accuracy using the lowest number of qubits reported to date. Moreover, when the SCI matrix is generated ``on the fly", the VQ-SCI requires exponentially less memory than classical SCI methods. This offers a potential remedy to a severe memory bottleneck problem in classical SCI calculations. Finally, the proposed scheme is general and can be straightforwardly applied for finding the groundstate of any Hermitian matrix, outside the chemical context.
[ "Daniel Yoffe", "Amir Natan", "Adi Makmal" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Generation of Pseudo-Random Quantum States on Actual Quantum Processors
The generation of a large amount of entanglement is a necessary condition for a quantum computer to achieve quantum advantage. In this paper, we propose a method to efficiently generate pseudo-random quantum states, for which the degree of multipartite entanglement is nearly maximal. We argue that the method is optimal, and use it to benchmark actual superconducting (IBM's ibm_lagos) and ion trap (IonQ's Harmony) quantum processors. Despite the fact that ibm_lagos has lower single-qubit and two-qubit error rates, the overall performance of Harmony is better thanks to low error rate in state preparation and measurement and to the all-to-all connectivity of qubits. Our result highlights the relevance of the qubits network architecture to generate highly entangled state.
[ "Gabriele Cenedese", "Maria Bondani", "Dario Rosa", "Giuliano Benenti" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Digital quantum simulation of quantum gravitational entanglement with IBM quantum computers
We report the digital quantum simulation of a hamiltonian involved in the generation of quantum entanglement by gravitational means. In particular, we focus on a pair of quantum harmonic oscillators, whose interaction via a quantum gravitational field generates single-mode squeezing in both modes at the same time, a non-standard process in quantum optics. We perform a boson-qubit mapping and a digital gate decomposition specific for IBM quantum devices. We use error mitigation and post-selection to achieve high-fidelity, accessing a parameter regime out of direct experimental reach.
[ "Carlos Sabín" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Dynamical quantum phase transitions of the Schwinger model: real-time dynamics on IBM Quantum
Simulating real-time dynamics of gauge theories represents a paradigmatic use case to test the hardware capabilities of a quantum computer, since it can involve non-trivial input states preparation, discretized time evolution, long-distance entanglement, and measurement in a noisy environment. We implement an algorithm to simulate the real-time dynamics of a few-qubit system that approximates the Schwinger model in the framework of lattice gauge theories, with specific attention to the occurrence of a dynamical quantum phase transition. Limitations in the simulation capabilities on IBM Quantum are imposed by noise affecting the application of single-qubit and two-qubit gates, which combine in the decomposition of Trotter evolution. The experimental results collected in quantum algorithm runs on IBM Quantum are compared with noise models to characterize the performance in the absence of error mitigation.
[ "Domenico Pomarico", "Leonardo Cosmai", "Paolo Facchi", "Cosmo Lupo", "Saverio Pascazio", "Francesco V. Pepe" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Cutting multi-control quantum gates with ZX calculus
Circuit cutting, the decomposition of a quantum circuit into independent partitions, has become a promising avenue towards experiments with larger quantum circuits in the noisy-intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) era. While previous work focused on cutting qubit wires or two-qubit gates, in this work we introduce a method for cutting multi-controlled Z gates. We construct a decomposition and prove the upper bound $\mathcal{O}(6^{2K})$ on the associated sampling overhead, where $K$ is the number of cuts in the circuit. This bound is independent of the number of control qubits but can be further reduced to $\mathcal{O}(4.5^{2K})$ for the special case of CCZ gates. Furthermore, we evaluate our proposal on IBM hardware and experimentally show noise resilience due to the strong reduction of CNOT gates in the cut circuits.
[ "Christian Ufrecht", "Maniraman Periyasamy", "Sebastian Rietsch", "Daniel D. Scherer", "Axel Plinge", "Christopher Mutschler" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Multidimensional Quantum Fourier Transformation
The Quantum Fourier Transformation (QFT) is a well-known subroutine for algorithms on qubit-based universal quantum computers. In this work, the known QFT circuit is used to derive an efficient circuit for the multidimensional QFT. The complexity of the algorithm is $\mathcal{O}( \log^2(M)/d )$ for an array with $M=(2^n)^d$ elements $(n \in \mathbb{N})$ equally separated along $d$ dimensions. Relevant properties for application are discussed. An example on current hardware is depicted by a 6 qubit 2D-QFT with an IBM quantum computer.
[ "Philipp Pfeffer" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Partial and complete qubit estimation using a single observable: optimization and quantum simulation
Quantum state estimation is an important task of many quantum information protocols. We consider two families of unitary evolution operators, one with a one-parameter and the other with a two-parameter, which enable the estimation of a single spin component and all spin components, respectively, of a two-level quantum system. To evaluate the tomographic performance, we use the quantum tomographic transfer function (qTTF), which is calculated as the average over all pure states of the trace of the inverse of the Fisher information matrix. Our goal is to optimize the qTTF for both estimation models. We find that the minimum qTTF for the one-parameter model is achieved when the entangling power of the corresponding unitary operator is at its maximum. The models were implemented on an IBM quantum processing unit, and while the estimation of a single-spin component was successful, the whole spin estimation displayed relatively large errors due to the depth of the associated circuit. To address this issue, we propose a new scalable circuit design that improves qubit state tomography when run on an IBM quantum processing unit.
[ "Cristian A. Galvis Florez", "J. Martínez-Cifuentes", "K. M. Fonseca-Romero" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Quantum Encryption of superposition states with Quantum Permutation Pad in IBM Quantum Computers
We present an implementation of Kuang and Bettenburg's Quantum Permutation Pad (QPP) used to encrypt superposition states. The project was conducted on currently available IBM quantum systems using the Qiskit development kit. This work extends previously reported implementation of QPP used to encrypt basis states and demonstrates that application of the QPP scheme is not limited to the encryption of basis states. For this implementation, a pad of 56 2-qubit Permutation matrices was used, providing 256 bits of entropy for the QPP algorithm. An image of a cat was used as the plaintext for this experiment. To create corresponding superposition states, we applied a novel operator defined in this paper. These superposition states were then encrypted using QPP, producing superposition ciphertext states. Due to the lack of a quantum channel, we omitted the transmission and executed the decryption procedure on the same IBM quantum system. If a quantum channel existed, the superposition ciphertext states could be transmitted as qubits, and be directly decrypted on a different quantum system. We provide a brief discussion of the security, although the focus of the paper remains on the implementation. Previously we have demonstrated QPP operating in both classical and quantum computers, offering an interesting opportunity to bridge the security gap between classical and quantum systems. This work broadens the applicability of QPP for the encryption of basis states as well as superposition states.
[ "Maria Perepechaenko", "Randy Kuang" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Simultaneous Asymmetric Quantum Remote State Preparation Scheme in Noisy Environments
In this paper we discuss a quantum multi-tasking protocol for preparation of known one-qubit and two-qubit states respectively in two different locations. The ideal remote state preparation protocol is discussed in the first place in which a five-qubit entangled state is utilized. The design for the preparation of such entanglement is also presented and run on IBM quantum composer platform. The effects of three types of noises on the protocol are discussed and in all these cases the reduced fidelities of the process are calculated. The variations of these fidelities with respect to different parameters are analysed.
[ "Binayak S. Choudhury", "Manoj Kumar Mandal", "Soumen Samanta", "Biswanath Dolai" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Pulse shape effects in qubit dynamics demonstrated on an IBM quantum computer
We present a study of the coherent interaction of a qubit with a pulse-shaped external field of a constant carrier frequency. We explore, theoretically and experimentally, the transition line profile -- the dependence of the transition probability on the detuning -- for five different pulse shapes: rectangular, Gaussian, hyperbolic-secant, squared hyperbolic-secant and exponential. The theoretical description for all cases but sech$^2$ is based on the analytical solutions to the Schr\"odinger equation or accurate approximations available in the literature. For the sech$^2$ pulse we derive an analytical expression for the transition probability using the Rosen-Zener conjecture, which proves very accurate. The same conjecture turns out to provide a very accurate approximation for the Gaussian and exponential pulses too. The experimental results are obtained with one of IBMQ's quantum processors. An excellent agreement between theory and experiment is observed, demonstrating some pulse-shape-dependent fine features of the transition probability profile. The mean absolute error -- a measure of the accuracy of the fit -- features an improvement by a factor of 4 to 8 for the analytic models compared to the commonly used Lorentzian fits. Moreover, the uncertainty of the qubit's resonance frequency is reduced by a factor of 4 for the analytic models compared to the Lorentzian fits. These results demonstrate both the accuracy of the analytic modelling of quantum dynamics and the excellent coherent properties of IBMQ's qubit.
[ "Ivo S. Mihov", "Nikolay V. Vitanov" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Theory and Implementation of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm: A Comprehensible Introduction and Case Study Using Qiskit and IBM Quantum Computers
The present tutorial aims to provide a comprehensible and easily accessible introduction into the theory and implementation of the famous Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA). We lay our focus on practical aspects and step-by-step guide through the realization of a proof of concept quantum application based on a real-world use case. In every step we first explain the underlying theory and subsequently provide the implementation using IBM's Qiskit. In this way we provide a thorough understanding of the mathematical modelling and the (quantum) algorithms as well as the equally important knowledge how to properly write the code implementing those theoretical concepts. As another central aspect of this tutorial we provide extensive experiments on the 27 qubits state-of-the-art quantum computer ibmq_ehningen. From the discussion of these experiments we gain an overview on the current status of quantum computers and deduce which problem sizes can meaningfully be executed on today's hardware.
[ "Andreas Sturm" ]
[ "IBM" ]
On constructing benchmark quantum circuits with known near-optimal transformation cost
Current quantum devices impose strict connectivity constraints on quantum circuits, making circuit transformation necessary before running logical circuits on real quantum devices. Many quantum circuit transformation (QCT) algorithms have been proposed in the past several years. This paper proposes a novel method for constructing benchmark circuits and uses these benchmark circuits to evaluate state-of-the-art QCT algorithms, including TKET from Cambridge Quantum Computing, Qiskit from IBM, and three academic algorithms SABRE, SAHS, and MCTS. These benchmarks have known near-optimal transformation costs and thus are called QUEKNO (for quantum examples with known near-optimality). Compared with QUEKO benchmarks designed by Tan and Cong (2021), which all have zero optimal transformation costs, QUEKNO benchmarks are more general and can provide a more faithful evaluation for QCT algorithms (like TKET) which use subgraph isomorphism to find the initial mapping. Our evaluation results show that SABRE can generate transformations with conspicuously low average costs on the 53-qubit IBM Q Rochester and Google's Sycamore in both gate size and depth objectives.
[ "Sanjiang Li", "Xiangzhen Zhou", "Yuan Feng" ]
[ "IBM" ]
User Trajectory Prediction in Mobile Wireless Networks Using Quantum Reservoir Computing
This paper applies a quantum machine learning technique to predict mobile users' trajectories in mobile wireless networks using an approach called quantum reservoir computing (QRC). Mobile users' trajectories prediction belongs to the task of temporal information processing and it is a mobility management problem that is essential for self-organizing and autonomous 6G networks. Our aim is to accurately predict the future positions of mobile users in wireless networks using QRC. To do so, we use a real-world time series dataset to model mobile users' trajectories. The QRC approach has two components: reservoir computing (RC) and quantum computing (QC). In RC, the training is more computational-efficient than the training of simple recurrent neural networks (RNN) since, in RC, only the weights of the output layer are trainable. The internal part of RC is what is called the reservoir. For the RC to perform well, the weights of the reservoir should be chosen carefully to create highly complex and nonlinear dynamics. The QC is used to create such dynamical reservoir that maps the input time series into higher dimensional computational space composed of dynamical states. After obtaining the high-dimensional dynamical states, a simple linear regression is performed to train the output weights and thus the prediction of the mobile users' trajectories can be performed efficiently. In this paper, we apply a QRC approach based on the Hamiltonian time evolution of a quantum system. We simulate the time evolution using IBM gate-based quantum computers and we show in the experimental results that the use of QRC to predict the mobile users' trajectories with only a few qubits is efficient and is able to outperform the classical approaches such as the long short-term memory (LSTM) approach and the echo-state networks (ESN) approach.
[ "Zoubeir Mlika", "Soumaya Cherkaoui", "Jean Frédéric Laprade", "Simon Corbeil-Letourneau" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Characterizing quantum processors using discrete time crystals
We present a method for characterizing the performance of noisy quantum processors using discrete time crystals. Deviations from ideal persistent oscillatory behavior give rise to numerical scores by which relative quantum processor capabilities can be measured. We construct small sets of qubit layouts that cover the full topology of a target system, and execute our metric over these sets on a wide range of IBM Quantum processors. We show that there is a large variability in scores, not only across multiple processors, but between different circuit layouts over individual devices. The stability of results is also examined. Our results suggest that capturing the true performance characteristics of a quantum system requires interrogation over the full device, rather than isolated subgraphs. Moreover, the disagreement between our results and other metrics indicates that benchmarks computed infrequently are not indicative of the real-world performance of a quantum processor. This method is platform agnostic, simple to implement, and scalable to any number of qubits forming a linear-chain, while simultaneously allowing for identifying ill-performing regions of a device at the individual qubit level.
[ "Victoria Zhang", "Paul D. Nation" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Quantum Simulations in Effective Model Spaces (I): Hamiltonian Learning-VQE using Digital Quantum Computers and Application to the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model
The utility of effective model spaces in quantum simulations of non-relativistic quantum many-body systems is explored in the context of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model of interacting fermions. We introduce an iterative hybrid-classical-quantum algorithm, Hamiltonian learning variational quantum eigensolver (HL-VQE), that simultaneously optimizes an effective Hamiltonian, thereby rearranging entanglement into the effective model space, and the associated ground-state wavefunction. HL-VQE is found to provide an exponential improvement in Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model calculations, compared to a naive truncation without Hamiltonian learning, throughout a significant fraction of the Hilbert space. Quantum simulations are performed to demonstrate the HL-VQE algorithm, using an efficient mapping where the number of qubits scales with the $\log$ of the size of the effective model space, rather than the particle number, allowing for the description of large systems with small quantum circuits. Implementations on IBM's QExperience quantum computers and simulators for 1- and 2-qubit effective model spaces are shown to provide accurate and precise results, reproducing classical predictions. This work constitutes a step in the development of entanglement-driven quantum algorithms for the description of nuclear systems, that leverages the potential of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices.
[ "Caroline E. P. Robin", "Martin J. Savage" ]
[ "IBM" ]
A novel approach to noisy gates for simulating quantum computers
We present a novel method for simulating the noisy behaviour of quantum computers, which allows to efficiently incorporate environmental effects in the driven evolution implementing the gates acting on the qubits. We show how to modify the noiseless gate executed by the computer to include any Markovian noise, hence resulting in what we will call a noisy gate. We compare our method with the IBM Qiskit simulator, and show that it follows more closely both the analytical solution of the Lindblad equation as well as the behaviour of a real quantum computer, where we ran algorithms involving up to 18 qubits; as such, our protocol offers a more accurate simulator for NISQ devices. The method is flexible enough to potentially describe any noise, including non-Markovian ones. The noise simulator based on this work is available as a python package at this link: https://pypi.org/project/quantum-gates.
[ "Giovanni Di Bartolomeo", "Michele Vischi", "Francesco Cesa", "Roman Wixinger", "Michele Grossi", "Sandro Donadi", "Angelo Bassi" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Evaluation of variational quantum states entanglement on a quantum computer by the mean value of spin
The geometric measure of entanglement of variational quantum states is studied on the basis of its relation with the mean value of spin. We examine n-qubit quantum states prepared by a variational circuit with a layer formed by the rotational gates and two-qubit controlled phase gates. The variational circuit is a generalization of that used for preparing quantum Generative Adversarial Network states. The entanglement of a qubit with other qubits in the variational quantum states is determined by the angles of rotational gates that act on the qubit and qubits entangled with it by controlled phase gates and also their parameters. In the case of one layer variational circuit, the states can be associated with graphs with vertices representing qubits and edges corresponding to two-qubit gates. The geometric measure of entanglement of a qubit with other qubits in the quantum graph state depends on the properties of the vertex that represents it in the graph, namely it depends on the vertex degree. The dependence of the geometric measure of entanglement of variational quantum states on their parameters is quantified on IBM's quantum computer.
[ "Kh. P. Gnatenko" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Precise certification of a qubit space
We demonstrate an implementation of the precise test of dimension on the qubit, using the public IBM quantum computer, using the determinant dimension witness. The accuracy is below $10^{-3}$ comparing to maximal possible value of the witness in higher dimension. The test involving minimal independent sets of preparation and measurement operations (gates) is applied both for specific configurations and parametric ones. The test is be robust against nonidealities such as incoherent leakage and erroneous gate execution. Two of the IBM devices failed the test by more than $5$ standard deviations, which has no simple explanation.
[ "Tomasz Białecki", "Tomasz Rybotycki", "Josep Batle", "Jakub Tworzydło", "Adam Bednorz" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Dynamical mean-field theory for the Hubbard-Holstein model on a quantum device
Recent developments in quantum hardware and quantum algorithms have made it possible to utilize the capabilities of current noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices for addressing problems in quantum chemistry and condensed matter physics. Here we report a demonstration of solving the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) impurity problem for the Hubbard-Holstein model on the IBM 27-qubit Quantum Falcon Processor Kawasaki, including self-consistency of the DMFT equations. This opens up the possibility to investigate strongly correlated electron systems coupled to bosonic degrees of freedom and impurity problems with frequency-dependent interactions. The problem involves both fermionic and bosonic degrees of freedom to be encoded on the quantum device, which we solve using a recently proposed Krylov variational quantum algorithm to obtain the impurity Green's function. We find the resulting spectral function to be in good agreement with the exact result, exhibiting both correlation and plasmonic satellites and significantly surpassing the accuracy of standard Trotter-expansion approaches. Our results provide an essential building block to study electronic correlations and plasmonic excitations on future quantum computers with modern ab initio techniques.
[ "Steffen Backes", "Yuta Murakami", "Shiro Sakai", "Ryotaro Arita" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Quantum Feasibility Labeling for NP-complete Vertex Coloring Problem
Many important science and engineering problems can be converted into NP-complete problems which are of significant importance in computer science and mathematics. Currently, neither existing classical nor quantum algorithms can solve these problems in polynomial time. To address this difficulty, this paper proposes a quantum feasibility labeling (QFL) algorithm to label all possible solutions to the vertex coloring problem, which is a well-known NP-complete problem. The QFL algorithm converts the vertex coloring problem into the problem of searching an unstructured database where good and bad elements are labeled. The recently proposed variational quantum search (VQS) algorithm was demonstrated to achieve an exponential speedup, in circuit depth, up to 26 qubits in finding good element(s) from an unstructured database. Using the labels and the associated possible solutions as input, the VQS can find all feasible solutions to the vertex coloring problem. The number of qubits and the circuit depth required by the QFL each is a polynomial function of the number of vertices, the number of edges, and the number of colors of a vertex coloring problem. We have implemented the QFL on an IBM Qiskit simulator to solve a 4-colorable 4-vertex 3-edge coloring problem.
[ "Junpeng Zhan" ]
[ "IBM" ]
FIPS Compliant Quantum Secure Communication using Quantum Permutation Pad
Quantum computing has entered fast development track since Shor's algorithm was proposed in 1994. Multi-cloud services of quantum computing farms are currently available. One of which, IBM quantum computing, presented a road map showing their Kookaburra system with over 4158 qubits will be available in 2025. For the standardization of Post-Quantum Cryptography or PQC, the National Institute of Standards and Technology or NIST recently announced the first candidates for standardization with one algorithm for key encapsulation mechanism (KEM), Kyber, and three algorithms for digital signatures. NIST has also issued a new call for quantum-safe digital signature algorithms due June 1, 2023. This timeline shows that FIPS-certified quantum-safe TLS protocol would take a predictably long time. However, "steal now, crack later" tactic requires protecting data against future quantum threat actors today. NIST recommended the use of a hybrid mode of TLS 1.3 with its extensions to support PQC. The hybrid mode works for certain cases but FIPS certification for the hybridized cryptomodule might still be required. This paper proposes to take a nested mode to enable TLS 1.3 protocol with quantum-safe data, which can be made available today and is FIPS compliant. We discussed the performance impacts of the handshaking phase of the nested TLS 1.3 with PQC and the symmetric encryption phase. The major impact on performance using the nested mode is in the data symmetric encryption with AES. To overcome this performance reduction, we suggest using quantum encryption with a quantum permutation pad for the data encryption with a minor performance reduction of less than 10 percent.
[ "Alex He", "Dafu Lou", "Eric She", "Shangjie Guo", "Hareesh Watson", "Sibyl Weng", "Maria Perepechaenko", "Rand Kuang" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Simulating neutrino oscillations on a superconducting qutrit
Precise measurements of parameters in the PMNS framework might lead to new physics beyond the Standard Model. However, they are incredibly challenging to determine in neutrino oscillation experiments. Quantum simulations can be a powerful supplementary tool to study these phenomenologies. In today's noisy quantum hardware, encoding neutrinos in a multi-qubit system requires a redundant basis and tricky entangling gates. We encode a three-flavor neutrino in a superconducting qutrit and study its oscillations using PMNS theory with time evolution expressed in terms of single qutrit gates. The qutrit is engineered from the multi-level structure of IBM transmon devices. High-fidelity gate control and readout are fine-tuned using programming microwave pulses using a high-level language. Our quantum simulations on real hardware match well to analytical calculations in three oscillation cases: vacuum, interaction with matter, and CP-violation.
[ "Ha C. Nguyen", "Bao G. Bach", "Tien D. Nguyen", "Duc M. Tran", "Duy V. Nguyen", "Hung Q. Nguyen" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Simulating noisy quantum channels via quantum state preparation algorithms
In Refs. [Phys. Rev. A 96, 062303 (2017)] and [Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 61, 70311 (2018)], the authors reported an algorithm to simulate, in a circuit-based quantum computer, a general quantum channel (QC). However, the application of their algorithm is limited because it entails the solution of intricate non-linear systems of equations in order to obtain the quantum circuit to be implemented for the simulation. Motivated by this issue, in this article we identify and discuss a simple way to implement the simulation of QCs on any $d$-level quantum system through quantum state preparation algorithms, that have received much attention in the quantum information science literature lately. We exemplify the versatility of our protocol applying it to most well known qubit QCs, to some qudit QCs, and to simulate the effect of Lorentz transformations on spin states. We also regard the application of our protocol for initial mixed states. Most of the given application examples are demonstrated using IBM's quantum computers.
[ "Marcelo S. Zanetti", "Douglas F. Pinto", "Marcos L. W. Basso", "Jonas Maziero" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Digitized-Counterdiabatic Quantum Algorithm for Protein Folding
We propose a hybrid classical-quantum digitized-counterdiabatic algorithm to tackle the protein folding problem on a tetrahedral lattice. Digitized-counterdiabatic quantum computing is a paradigm developed to compress quantum algorithms via the digitization of the counterdiabatic acceleration of a given adiabatic quantum computation. Finding the lowest energy configuration of the amino acid sequence is an NP-hard optimization problem that plays a prominent role in chemistry, biology, and drug design. We outperform state-of-the-art quantum algorithms using problem-inspired and hardware-efficient variational quantum circuits. We apply our method to proteins with up to 9 amino acids, using up to 17 qubits on quantum hardware. Specifically, we benchmark our quantum algorithm with Quantinuum's trapped ions, Google's and IBM's superconducting circuits, obtaining high success probabilities with low-depth circuits as required in the NISQ era.
[ "Pranav Chandarana", "Narendra N. Hegade", "Iraitz Montalban", "Enrique Solano", "Xi Chen" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Simulation of Networked Quantum Computing on Encrypted Data
Due to the limited availability of quantum computing power in the near future, cryptographic security techniques must be developed for secure remote use of current and future quantum computing hardware. Prominent among these is Universal Blind Quantum Computation (UBQC) and its variations such as Quantum Fully Homomorphic Encryption (QFHE), which herald interactive and remote secure quantum computing power becoming available to parties that require little more than the ability to prepare and measure single qubits. Here I present a simulation of such a protocol, tested classically on the simulation platform LIQ$Ui|\rangle$ and then later adapted to and run on the recently released IBM 16-qubit quantum chip using their beta cloud service. It demonstrates the functionality of the protocol and explores the effects of noise on potential physical systems that would be used to implement it. BSc Thesis from the University of Edinburgh, December 2017
[ "Ieva Čepaitė" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Algorithmic Shadow Spectroscopy
We present shadow spectroscopy as a simulator-agnostic quantum algorithm for estimating energy gaps using very few circuit repetitions (shots) and no extra resources (ancilla qubits) beyond performing time evolution and measurements. The approach builds on the fundamental feature that every observable property of a quantum system must evolve according to the same harmonic components: we can reveal them by post-processing classical shadows of time-evolved quantum states to extract a large number of time-periodic signals $N_o\propto 10^8$, whose frequencies correspond to Hamiltonian energy differences with Heisenberg-limited precision. We provide strong analytical guarantees that (a) quantum resources scale as $O(\log N_o)$, while the classical computational complexity is linear $O(N_o)$, (b) the signal-to-noise ratio increases with the number of processed signals as $\propto \sqrt{N_o}$, and (c) spectral peak positions are immune to reasonable levels of noise. We demonstrate our approach on model spin systems and the excited state conical intersection of molecular CH$_2$ and verify that our method is indeed intuitively easy to use in practice, robust against gate noise, amiable to a new type of algorithmic-error mitigation technique, and uses orders of magnitude fewer number of shots than typical near-term quantum algorithms -- as low as 10 shots per timestep is sufficient. Finally, we measured a high-quality, experimental shadow spectrum of a spin chain on readily-available IBM quantum computers, achieving the same precision as in noise-free simulations without using any advanced error mitigation, and verified scalability in tensor-network simulations of up to 100-qubit systems.
[ "Hans Hon Sang Chan", "Richard Meister", "Matthew L. Goh", "Bálint Koczor" ]
[ "IBM" ]
The Bonsai algorithm: grow your own fermion-to-qubit mapping
Fermion-to-qubit mappings are used to represent fermionic modes on quantum computers, an essential first step in many quantum algorithms for electronic structure calculations. In this work, we present a formalism to design flexible fermion-to-qubit mappings from ternary trees. We discuss in an intuitive manner the connection between the generating trees' structure and certain properties of the resulting mapping, such as Pauli weight and the delocalisation of mode occupation. Moreover, we introduce a recipe that guarantees Fock basis states are mapped to computational basis states in qubit space, a desirable property for many applications in quantum computing. Based on this formalism, we introduce the Bonsai algorithm, which takes as input the potentially limited topology of the qubit connectivity of a quantum device and returns a tailored fermion-to-qubit mapping that reduces the SWAP overhead with respect to other paradigmatic mappings. We illustrate the algorithm by producing mappings for the heavy-hexagon topology widely used in IBM quantum computers. The resulting mappings have a favourable Pauli weight scaling $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{N})$ on this connectivity, while ensuring that no SWAP gates are necessary for single excitation operations.
[ "Aaron Miller", "Zoltán Zimborás", "Stefan Knecht", "Sabrina Maniscalco", "Guillermo García-Pérez" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Error suppression by a virtual two-qubit gate
Sparse connectivity of a superconducting quantum computer results in the large experimental overheads of SWAP gates. In this study, we consider employing a virtual two-qubit gate (VTQG) as an error suppression technique. The VTQG enables a non-local operation between a pair of distant qubits using only single qubit gates and projective measurements. Here, we apply the VTQG to the digital quantum simulation of the transverse-field Ising model on an IBM quantum computer to suppress the errors due to the noisy two-qubit operations. We present an effective use of VTQG, where the reduction of multiple SWAP gates results in increasing the fidelity of the output states. The obtained results indicate that the VTQG can be useful for suppressing the errors due to the additional SWAP gates. Additionally, by combining a pulse-efficient transpilation method with the VTQG, further suppression of the errors is observed. In our experiments, we have observed one order of magnitude improvement in accuracy for the quantum simulation of the transverse-field Ising model with 8 qubits.
[ "Takahiro Yamamoto", "Ryutaro Ohira" ]
[ "IBM" ]
SupercheQ: Quantum Advantage for Distributed Databases
We introduce SupercheQ, a family of quantum protocols that achieves asymptotic advantage over classical protocols for checking the equivalence of files, a task also known as fingerprinting. The first variant, SupercheQ-EE (Efficient Encoding), uses n qubits to verify files with 2^O(n) bits -- an exponential advantage in communication complexity (i.e. bandwidth, often the limiting factor in networked applications) over the best possible classical protocol in the simultaneous message passing setting. Moreover, SupercheQ-EE can be gracefully scaled down for implementation on circuits with poly(n^l) depth to enable verification for files with O(n^l) bits for arbitrary constant l. The quantum advantage is achieved by random circuit sampling, thereby endowing circuits from recent quantum supremacy and quantum volume experiments with a practical application. We validate SupercheQ-EE's performance at scale through GPU simulation. The second variant, SupercheQ-IE (Incremental Encoding), uses n qubits to verify files with O(n^2) bits while supporting constant-time incremental updates to the fingerprint. Moreover, SupercheQ-IE only requires Clifford gates, ensuring relatively modest overheads for error-corrected implementation. We experimentally demonstrate proof-of-concepts through Qiskit Runtime on IBM quantum hardware. We envision SupercheQ could be deployed in distributed data settings, accompanying replicas of important databases.
[ "P. Gokhale", "E. R. Anschuetz", "C. Campbell", "F. T. Chong", "E. D. Dahl", "P. Frederick", "E. B. Jones", "B. Hall", "S. Issa", "P. Goiporia", "S. Lee", "P. Noell", "V. Omole", "D. Owusu-Antwi", "M. A. Perlin", "R. Rines", "M. Saffman", "K. N. Smith", "T. Tomesh" ]
[ "IBM" ]
A Realizable GAS-based Quantum Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem
The paper proposes a quantum algorithm for the traveling salesman problem (TSP) based on the Grover Adaptive Search (GAS), which can be successfully executed on IBM's Qiskit library. Under the GAS framework, there are at least two fundamental difficulties that limit the application of quantum algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. One difficulty is that the solutions given by the quantum algorithms may not be feasible. The other difficulty is that the number of qubits of current quantum computers is still very limited, and it cannot meet the minimum requirements for the number of qubits required by the algorithm. In response to the above difficulties, we designed and improved the Hamiltonian Cycle Detection (HCD) oracle based on mathematical theorems. It can automatically eliminate infeasible solutions during the execution of the algorithm. On the other hand, we design an anchor register strategy to save the usage of qubits. The strategy fully considers the reversibility requirement of quantum computing, overcoming the difficulty that the used qubits cannot be simply overwritten or released. As a result, we successfully implemented the numerical solution to TSP on IBM's Qiskit. For the seven-node TSP, we only need 31 qubits, and the success rate in obtaining the optimal solution is 86.71%.
[ "Jieao Zhu", "Yihuai Gao", "Hansen Wang", "Tiefu Li", "Hao Wu" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Simulation of positive operator-valued measures and quantum instruments via quantum state preparation algorithms
In Ref. [Phys. Rev. A 100, 062317 (2019)], the authors reported an algorithm to implement, in a circuit-based quantum computer, a general quantum measurement (GQM) of a two-level quantum system, a qubit. Even though their algorithm seems right, its application involves the solution of an intricate non-linear system of equations in order to obtain the angles determining the quantum circuit to be implemented for the simulation. In this article, we identify and discuss a simple way to circumvent this issue and implement GQMs on any $d$-level quantum system through quantum state preparation algorithms. Using some examples for one qubit, one qutrit and two qubits, we illustrate the easy of application of our protocol. Besides, we show how one can utilize our protocol for simulating quantum instruments, for which we also give an example. All our examples are demonstrated using IBM's quantum processors.
[ "Douglas F. Pinto", "Marcelo S. Zanetti", "Marcos L. W. Basso", "Jonas Maziero" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Grover's Quantum Search Algorithm of Causal Multiloop Feynman Integrals
A proof-of-concept application of a quantum algorithm to multiloop Feynman integrals in the Loop-Tree Duality (LTD) framework is applied to a representative four-loop topology. Bootstrapping causality in the LTD formalism, is a suitable problem to address with quantum computers given the straightforward possibility to encode the two on-shell states of a propagator on the two states of a qubit. A modification of Grover's quantum search algorithm is developed and the quantum algorithm is successfully implemented on IBM Quantum and QUTE simulators.
[ "Andrés E. Rentería-Olivo" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Scrambling and Quantum Teleportation
Scrambling is a concept introduced from information loss problem arising in black hole. In this paper we discuss the effect of scrambling from a perspective of pure quantum information theory. We introduce $7$-qubit quantum circuit for a quantum teleportation. It is shown that the teleportation can be perfect if a maximal scrambling unitary is used. From this fact we conjecture that ``the quantity of scrambling is proportional to the fidelity of teleportation''. In order to confirm the conjecture we introduce $\theta$-dependent partially scrambling unitary, which reduces to no scrambling and maximal scrambling at $\theta = 0$ and $\theta = \pi / 2$, respectively. Then, we compute the average fidelity analytically, and numerically by making use of qiskit (version $0.36.2$) and $7$-qibit real quantum computer ibm$\_$oslo. Finally, we conclude that our conjecture can be true or false depending on the choice of qubits for Bell measurement.
[ "MuSeong Kim", "Mi-Ra Hwang", "Eylee Jung", "DaeKil Park" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Noise-robust ground state energy estimates from deep quantum circuits
In the lead up to fault tolerance, the utility of quantum computing will be determined by how adequately the effects of noise can be circumvented in quantum algorithms. Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms such as the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) have been designed for the short-term regime. However, as problems scale, VQE results are generally scrambled by noise on present-day hardware. While error mitigation techniques alleviate these issues to some extent, there is a pressing need to develop algorithmic approaches with higher robustness to noise. Here, we explore the robustness properties of the recently introduced quantum computed moments (QCM) approach to ground state energy problems, and show through an analytic example how the underlying energy estimate explicitly filters out incoherent noise. Motivated by this observation, we implement QCM for a model of quantum magnetism on IBM Quantum hardware to examine the noise-filtering effect with increasing circuit depth. We find that QCM maintains a remarkably high degree of error robustness where VQE completely fails. On instances of the quantum magnetism model up to 20 qubits for ultra-deep trial state circuits of up to ~500 CNOTs, QCM is still able to extract reasonable energy estimates. The observation is bolstered by an extensive set of experimental results. To match these results, VQE would need hardware improvement by some 2 orders of magnitude on error rates.
[ "Harish J. Vallury", "Michael A. Jones", "Gregory A. L. White", "Floyd M. Creevey", "Charles D. Hill", "Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Fast Fingerprinting of Cloud-based NISQ Quantum Computers
Cloud-based quantum computers have become a reality with a number of companies allowing for cloud-based access to their machines with tens to more than 100 qubits. With easy access to quantum computers, quantum information processing will potentially revolutionize computation, and superconducting transmon-based quantum computers are among some of the more promising devices available. Cloud service providers today host a variety of these and other prototype quantum computers with highly diverse device properties, sizes, and performances. The variation that exists in today's quantum computers, even among those of the same underlying hardware, motivate the study of how one device can be clearly differentiated and identified from the next. As a case study, this work focuses on the properties of 25 IBM superconducting, fixed-frequency transmon-based quantum computers that range in age from a few months to approximately 2.5 years. Through the analysis of current and historical quantum computer calibration data, this work uncovers key features within the machines that can serve as basis for unique hardware fingerprint of each quantum computer. This work demonstrates a new and fast method to reliably fingerprint cloud-based quantum computers based on unique frequency characteristics of transmon qubits. Both enrollment and recall operations are very fast as fingerprint data can be generated with minimal executions on the quantum machine. The qubit frequency-based fingerprints also have excellent inter-device separation and intra-device stability.
[ "Kaitlin N. Smith", "Joshua Viszlai", "Lennart Maximilian Seifert", "Jonathan M. Baker", "Jakub Szefer", "Frederic T. Chong" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Local predictability and coherence versus distributed entanglement in entanglement swapping from partially entangled pure states
Complete complementarity relations, as e.g. $P(\rho_{A})^{2} + C(\rho_{A})^{2} + E(|\Psi\rangle_{AB})^{2}=1$, constrain the local predictability, $P$, and local coherence, $C$, and the entanglement, $E$, of bipartite pure states. For pairs of qubits prepared initially in a particular class of partially entangled pure states with null local coherence, these relations were used in Ref. [Phys. Lett. A, 451, 128414 (2022)] to provide an operational connection between local predictability of the pre-measurement states with the probability of the maximally entangled components of the states after the Bell-basis measurement of the entanglement swapping protocol (ESP). In this article, we extend this result for general pure initial states establishing the relation between $P$, $C$ and the distributed entanglement in the ESP. We use IBM's quantum computers to verify experimentally some instances of these general theoretical results.
[ "Jonas Maziero", "Marcos L. W. Basso", "Lucas C. Céleri" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Better-than-classical Grover search via quantum error detection and suppression
Grover's search algorithm is one of the first quantum algorithms to exhibit a provable quantum advantage. It forms the backbone of numerous quantum applications and is widely used in benchmarking efforts. Here, we report better-than-classical success probabilities for a complete Grover search algorithm on the largest scale demonstrated to date, of up to five qubits, using two different IBM superconducting transmon qubit platforms. This is enabled, on the four and five-qubit scale, by error suppression via robust dynamical decoupling pulse sequences, without which we do not observe better-than-classical results. Further improvements arise after the use of measurement error mitigation, but the latter is insufficient by itself for achieving better-than-classical performance. For two qubits, we demonstrate a success probability of 99.5% via the use of the [[4,2,2]] quantum error-detection (QED) code. This constitutes a demonstration of quantum algorithmic breakeven via QED. Along the way, we introduce algorithmic error tomography, a method of independent interest that provides a holistic view of the errors accumulated throughout an entire quantum algorithm, filtered via the errors detected by the QED code used to encode the circuit. We demonstrate that algorithmic error tomography provides a stringent test of an error model based on a combination of amplitude damping, dephasing, and depolarization.
[ "Bibek Pokharel", "Daniel Lidar" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Exploiting Qubit Reuse through Mid-circuit Measurement and Reset
Quantum measurement is important to quantum computing as it extracts the outcome of the circuit at the end of the computation. Previously, all measurements have to be done at the end of the circuit. Otherwise, it will incur significant errors. But it is not the case now. Recently IBM started supporting dynamic circuits through hardware (instead of software by simulator). With mid-circuit hardware measurement, we can improve circuit efficacy and fidelity from three aspects: (a) reduced qubit usage, (b) reduced swap insertion, and (c) improved fidelity. We demonstrate this using real-world applications Bernstein Verizani on real hardware and show that circuit resource usage can be improved by 60\%, and circuit fidelity can be improved by 15\%. We design a compiler-assisted tool that can find and exploit the tradeoff between qubit reuse, fidelity, gate count, and circuit duration. We also developed a method for identifying whether qubit reuse will be beneficial for a given application. We evaluated our method on a representative set of essential applications. We can reduce resource usage by up to 80\% and circuit fidelity by up to 20\%.
[ "Fei Hua", "Yuwei Jin", "Yanhao Chen", "Suhas Vittal", "Kevin Krsulich", "Lev S. Bishop", "John Lapeyre", "Ali Javadi-Abhari", "Eddy Z. Zhang" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Evaluation of Parameterized Quantum Circuits with Cross-Resonance Pulse-Driven Entanglers
Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) have emerged as a powerful class of algorithms that is highly suitable for noisy quantum devices. Therefore, investigating their design has become key in quantum computing research. Previous works have shown that choosing an effective parameterized quantum circuit (PQC) or ansatz for VQAs is crucial to their overall performance, especially on near-term devices. In this paper, we utilize pulse-level access to quantum machines and our understanding of their two-qubit interactions to optimize the design of two-qubit entanglers in a manner suitable for VQAs. Our analysis results show that pulse-optimized ansatze reduce state preparation times by more than half, maintain expressibility relative to standard PQCs, and are more trainable through local cost function analysis. Our algorithm performance results show that in three cases, our PQC configuration outperforms the base implementation. Our algorithm performance results, executed on IBM Quantum hardware, demonstrate that our pulse-optimized PQC configurations are more capable of solving MaxCut and Chemistry problems compared to a standard configuration.
[ "Mohannad Ibrahim", "Hamed Mohammadbagherpoor", "Cynthia Rios", "Nicholas T. Bronn", "Gregory T. Byrd" ]
[ "IBM" ]
FrozenQubits: Boosting Fidelity of QAOA by Skipping Hotspot Nodes
Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is one of the leading candidates for demonstrating the quantum advantage using near-term quantum computers. Unfortunately, high device error rates limit us from reliably running QAOA circuits for problems with more than a few qubits. In QAOA, the problem graph is translated into a quantum circuit such that every edge corresponds to two 2-qubit CNOT operations in each layer of the circuit. As CNOTs are extremely error-prone, the fidelity of QAOA circuits is dictated by the number of edges in the problem graph. We observe that majority of graphs corresponding to real-world applications follow the ``power-law`` distribution, where some hotspot nodes have significantly higher number of connections. We leverage this insight and propose ``FrozenQubits`` that freezes the hotspot nodes or qubits and intelligently partitions the state-space of the given problem into several smaller sub-spaces which are then solved independently. The corresponding QAOA sub-circuits are significantly less vulnerable to gate and decoherence errors due to the reduced number of CNOT operations in each sub-circuit. Unlike prior circuit-cutting approaches, FrozenQubits does not require any exponentially complex post-processing step. Our evaluations with 5,300 QAOA circuits on eight different quantum computers from IBM shows that FrozenQubits can improve the quality of solutions by 8.73x on average (and by up to 57x), albeit utilizing 2x more quantum resources.
[ "Ramin Ayanzadeh", "Narges Alavisamani", "Poulami Das", "Moinuddin Qureshi" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Automated error correction in superdense coding, with implementation on superconducting quantum computer
Construction of a fault-tolerant quantum computer remains a challenging problem due to unavoidable noise in quantum states and the fragility of quantum entanglement. However, most of the error-correcting codes increases the complexity of the algorithms, thereby decreasing any quantum advantage. Here we present a task-specific error-correction technique that provides a complete protection over a restricted set of quantum states. Specifically, we give an automated error correction in Superdense Coding algorithms utilizing n-qubit generalized Bell states. At its core, it is based on non-destructive discrimination method of Bell states involving measurements on ancilla qubits (phase and parity ancilla). The algorithm is shown to be distributable and can be distributed to any set of parties sharing orthogonal states. Automated refers to experimentally implementing the algorithm in a quantum computer by utilizing unitary operators with no measurements in between and thus without the need for outside intervention. We also experimentally realize our automated error correction technique for three different types of superdense coding algorithm on a 7-qubit superconducting IBM quantum computer and also on a 27-qubit quantum simulator in the presence of noise. Probability histograms are generated to show the high fidelity of our experimental results. Quantum state tomography is also carried out with the quantum computer to explicate the efficacy of our method.
[ "Kumar Nilesh", "Piyush Joshi", "Prasanta Panigrahi" ]
[ "IBM" ]
High-fidelity realization of the AKLT state on a NISQ-era quantum processor
The AKLT state is the ground state of an isotropic quantum Heisenberg spin-$1$ model. It exhibits an excitation gap and an exponentially decaying correlation function, with fractionalized excitations at its boundaries. So far, the one-dimensional AKLT model has only been experimentally realized with trapped-ions as well as photonic systems. In this work, we successfully prepared the AKLT state on a noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era quantum device for the first time. In particular, we developed a non-deterministic algorithm on the IBM quantum processor, where the non-unitary operator necessary for the AKLT state preparation is embedded in a unitary operator with an additional ancilla qubit for each pair of auxiliary spin-1/2's. Such a unitary operator is effectively represented by a parametrized circuit composed of single-qubit and nearest-neighbor $CX$ gates. Compared with the conventional operator decomposition method from Qiskit, our approach results in a much shallower circuit depth with only nearest-neighbor gates, while maintaining a fidelity in excess of $99.99\%$ with the original operator. By simultaneously post-selecting each ancilla qubit such that it belongs to the subspace of spin-up $|\uparrow \rangle$, an AKLT state can be systematically obtained by evolving from an initial trivial product state of singlets plus ancilla qubits in spin-up on a quantum computer, and it is subsequently recorded by performing measurements on all the other physical qubits. We show how the accuracy of our implementation can be further improved on the IBM quantum processor with readout error mitigation.
[ "Tianqi Chen", "Ruizhe Shen", "Ching Hua Lee", "Bo Yang" ]
[ "IBM" ]
On Optimal Subarchitectures for Quantum Circuit Mapping
Compiling a high-level quantum circuit down to a low-level description that can be executed on state-of-the-art quantum computers is a crucial part of the software stack for quantum computing. One step in compiling a quantum circuit to some device is quantum circuit mapping, where the circuit is transformed such that it complies with the architecture's limited qubit connectivity. Because the search space in quantum circuit mapping grows exponentially in the number of qubits, it is desirable to consider as few of the device's physical qubits as possible in the process. Previous work conjectured that it suffices to consider only subarchitectures of a quantum computer composed of as many qubits as used in the circuit. In this work, we refute this conjecture and establish criteria for judging whether considering larger parts of the architecture might yield better solutions to the mapping problem. We show that determining subarchitectures that are of minimal size, i.e., of which no physical qubit can be removed without losing the optimal mapping solution for some quantum circuit, is a very hard problem. Based on a relaxation of the criteria for optimality, we introduce a relaxed consideration that still maintains optimality for practically relevant quantum circuits. Eventually, this results in two methods for computing near-optimal sets of subarchitectures$\unicode{x2014}$providing the basis for efficient quantum circuit mapping solutions. We demonstrate the benefits of this novel method for state-of-the-art quantum computers by IBM, Google and Rigetti.
[ "Tom Peham", "Lukas Burgholzer", "Robert Wille" ]
[ "IBM", "Rigetti" ]
The Power of One Clean Qubit in Supervised Machine Learning
This paper explores the potential benefits of quantum coherence and quantum discord in the non-universal quantum computing model called deterministic quantum computing with one qubit (DQC1) in supervised machine learning. We show that the DQC1 model can be leveraged to develop an efficient method for estimating complex kernel functions. We demonstrate a simple relationship between coherence consumption and the kernel function, a crucial element in machine learning. The paper presents an implementation of a binary classification problem on IBM hardware using the DQC1 model and analyzes the impact of quantum coherence and hardware noise. The advantage of our proposal lies in its utilization of quantum discord, which is more resilient to noise than entanglement.
[ "Mahsa Karimi", "Ali Javadi-Abhari", "Christoph Simon", "Roohollah Ghobadi" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Robust digital optimal control on IBM quantum computers
The ability of pulse-shaping devices to generate accurately quantum optimal control is a strong limitation to the development of quantum technologies. We propose and demonstrate a systematic procedure to design robust digital control processes adapted to such experimental constraints. We show to what extent this digital pulse can be obtained from its continuous-time counterpart. A remarkable efficiency can be achieved even for a limited number of pulse parameters. We experimentally implement the protocols on IBM quantum computers for a single qubit, obtaining an optimal robust transfer in a time T = 382 ns.
[ "Meri Harutyunyan", "Frederic Holweck", "Dominique Sugny", "Stephane Guerin" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Machine Learning based Discrimination for Excited State Promoted Readout
A limiting factor for readout fidelity for superconducting qubits is the relaxation of the qubit to the ground state before the time needed for the resonator to reach its final target state. A technique known as excited state promoted (ESP) readout was proposed to reduce this effect and further improve the readout contrast on superconducting hardware. In this work, we use readout data from IBM's five-qubit quantum systems to measure the effectiveness of using deep neural networks, like feedforward neural networks, and various classification algorithms, like k-nearest neighbors, decision trees, and Gaussian naive Bayes, for single-qubit and multi-qubit discrimination. These methods were compared to standardly used linear and quadratic discriminant analysis algorithms based on their qubit-state-assignment fidelity performance, robustness to readout crosstalk, and training time.
[ "Utkarsh Azad", "Helena Zhang" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Exploring the optimality of approximate state preparation quantum circuits with a genetic algorithm
We study the approximate state preparation problem on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers by applying a genetic algorithm to generate quantum circuits for state preparation. The algorithm can account for the specific characteristics of the physical machine in the evaluation of circuits, such as the native gate set and qubit connectivity. We use our genetic algorithm to optimize the circuits provided by the low-rank state preparation algorithm introduced by Araujo et al., and find substantial improvements to the fidelity in preparing Haar random states with a limited number of CNOT gates. Moreover, we observe that already for a 5-qubit quantum processor with limited qubit connectivity and significant noise levels (IBM Falcon 5T), the maximal fidelity for Haar random states is achieved by a short approximate state preparation circuit instead of the exact preparation circuit. We also present a theoretical analysis of approximate state preparation circuit complexity to motivate our findings. Our genetic algorithm for quantum circuit discovery is freely available at https://github.com/beratyenilen/qc-ga .
[ "Tom Rindell", "Berat Yenilen", "Niklas Halonen", "Arttu Pönni", "Ilkka Tittonen", "Matti Raasakka" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Optimization of the Memory Reset Rate of a Quantum Echo-State Network for Time Sequential Tasks
Quantum reservoir computing is a class of quantum machine learning algorithms involving a reservoir of an echo state network based on a register of qubits, but the dependence of its memory capacity on the hyperparameters is still rather unclear. In order to maximize its accuracy in time--series predictive tasks, we investigate the relation between the memory of the network and the reset rate of the evolution of the quantum reservoir. We benchmark the network performance by three non--linear maps with fading memory on IBM quantum hardware. The memory capacity of the quantum reservoir is maximized for central values of the memory reset rate in the interval [0,1]. As expected, the memory capacity increases approximately linearly with the number of qubits. After optimization of the memory reset rate, the mean squared errors of the predicted outputs in the tasks may decrease by a factor ~1/5 with respect to previous implementations.
[ "Riccardo Molteni", "Claudio Destri", "Enrico Prati" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Application of Quantum Machine Learning in a Higgs Physics Study at the CEPC
Machine learning has blossomed in recent decades and has become essential in many fields. It significantly solved some problems in particle physics -- particle reconstruction, event classification, etc. However, it is now time to break the limitation of conventional machine learning with quantum computing. A support-vector machine algorithm with a quantum kernel estimator (QSVM-Kernel) leverages high-dimensional quantum state space to identify a signal from backgrounds. In this study, we have pioneered employing this quantum machine learning algorithm to study the $e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow ZH$ process at the Circular Electron-Positron Collider (CEPC), a proposed Higgs factory to study electroweak symmetry breaking of particle physics. Using 6 qubits on quantum computer simulators, we optimised the QSVM-Kernel algorithm and obtained a classification performance similar to the classical support-vector machine algorithm. Furthermore, we have validated the QSVM-Kernel algorithm using 6-qubits on quantum computer hardware from both IBM and Origin Quantum: the classification performances of both are approaching noiseless quantum computer simulators. In addition, the Origin Quantum hardware results are similar to the IBM Quantum hardware within the uncertainties in our study. Our study shows that state-of-the-art quantum computing technologies could be utilised by particle physics, a branch of fundamental science that relies on big experimental data.
[ "Abdualazem Fadol", "Qiyu Sha", "Yaquan Fang", "Zhan Li", "Sitian Qian", "Yuyang Xiao", "Yu Zhang", "Chen Zhou" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Quantum Entanglement with Self-stabilizing Token Ring for Fault-tolerant Distributed Quantum Computing System
This paper shows how to construct quantum entanglement states of n qubits based on a self-stabilizing token ring algorithm. The entangled states can be applied to the fields of the quantum network, quantum Internet, distributed quantum computing, and quantum cloud. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to construct quantum entanglement based on the self-stabilizing algorithm. By the quantum circuit implementation based on the IBM Quantum Experience platform, it is demonstrated that the construction indeed can achieve specific n qubit entangled states, which in turn can be used to circulate a token in a quantum network or quantum Internet for building a distributed quantum computing system (DQCS). The built DQCS is fault-tolerant in the sense that it can tolerate transient faults such as occasional errors of entangled quantum states.
[ "Jehn-Ruey Jiang" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Iterative Qubits Management for Quantum Index Searching in a Hybrid System
Recent advances in quantum computing systems attract tremendous attention. Commercial companies, such as IBM, Amazon, and IonQ, have started to provide access to noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers. Researchers and entrepreneurs attempt to deploy their applications that aim to achieve a quantum speedup. Grover's algorithm and quantum phase estimation are the foundations of many applications with the potential for such a speedup. While these algorithms, in theory, obtain marvelous performance, deploying them on existing quantum devices is a challenging task. For example, quantum phase estimation requires extra qubits and a large number of controlled operations, which are impractical due to low-qubit and noisy hardware. To fully utilize the limited onboard qubits, we propose IQuCS, which aims at index searching and counting in a quantum-classical hybrid system. IQuCS is based on Grover's algorithm. From the problem size perspective, it analyzes results and tries to filter out unlikely data points iteratively. A reduced data set is fed to the quantum computer in the next iteration. With a reduction in the problem size, IQuCS requires fewer qubits iteratively, which provides the potential for a shared computing environment. We implement IQuCS with Qiskit and conduct intensive experiments. The results demonstrate that it reduces qubits consumption by up to 66.2%.
[ "Wenrui Mu", "Ying Mao", "Long Cheng", "Qingle Wang", "Weiwen Jiang", "Pin-Yu Chen" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Bosonic Qiskit
The practical benefits of hybrid quantum information processing hardware that contains continuous-variable objects (bosonic modes such as mechanical or electromagnetic oscillators) in addition to traditional (discrete-variable) qubits have recently been demonstrated by experiments with bosonic codes that reach the break-even point for quantum error correction and by efficient Gaussian boson sampling simulation of the Franck-Condon spectra of triatomic molecules that is well beyond the capabilities of current qubit-only hardware. The goal of this Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage (C2QA) project is to develop an instruction set architecture (ISA) for hybrid qubit/bosonic mode systems that contains an inventory of the fundamental operations and measurements that are possible in such hardware. The corresponding abstract machine model (AMM) would also contain a description of the appropriate error models associated with the gates, measurements and time evolution of the hardware. This information has been implemented as an extension of Qiskit. Qiskit is an opensource software development toolkit (SDK) for simulating the quantum state of a quantum circuit on a system with Python 3.7+ and for running the same circuits on prototype hardware within the IBM Quantum Lab. We introduce the Bosonic Qiskit software to enable the simulation of hybrid qubit/bosonic systems using the existing Qiskit software development kit. This implementation can be used for simulating new hybrid systems, verifying proposed physical systems, and modeling systems larger than can currently be constructed. We also cover tutorials and example use cases included within the software to study Jaynes- Cummings models, bosonic Hubbard models, plotting Wigner functions and animations, and calculating maximum likelihood estimations using Wigner functions.
[ "Timothy J Stavenger", "Eleanor Crane", "Kevin Smith", "Christopher T Kang", "Steven M Girvin", "Nathan Wiebe" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Parametric Synthesis of Quantum Circuits for Training Perceptron Neural Networks
This paper showcases a method of parametric synthesis of quantum circuits for training perceptron neural networks. Synapse weights are found using Grover's algorithm with a modified oracle function. The results of running these parametrically synthesized circuits for training perceptrons of three different topologies are described. The circuits were run on a 100-qubit IBM quantum simulator. The synthesis of quantum circuits is carried out using quantum synthesizer "Naginata", which was developed in the scope of this work, the source code of which is published and further documented on GitHub. The article describes the quantum circuit synthesis algorithm for training single-layer perceptrons. At the moment, quantum circuits are created mainly by manually placing logic elements on lines that symbolize quantum bits. The purpose of creating Quantum Circuit Synthesizer "Naginata" was due to the fact that even with a slight increase in the number of operations in a quantum algorithm, leads to the significant increase in size of the corresponding quantum circuit. This causes serious difficulties both in creating and debugging these quantum circuits. The purpose of our quantum synthesizer is enabling users an opportunity to implement quantum algorithms using higher-level commands. This is achieved by creating generic blocks for frequently used operations such as: the adder, multiplier, digital comparator (comparison operator), etc. Thus, the user could implement a quantum algorithm by using these generic blocks, and the quantum synthesizer would create a suitable circuit for this algorithm, in a format that is supported by the chosen quantum computation environment. This approach greatly simplifies the processes of development and debugging a quantum algorithm.
[ "Cesar Borisovich Pronin", "Andrey Vladimirovich Ostroukh" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Modeling Quantum Enhanced Sensing on a Quantum Computer
Quantum computers allow for direct simulation of the quantum interference and entanglement used in modern interferometry experiments with applications ranging from biological sensing to gravitational wave detection. Inspired by recent developments in quantum sensing at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO), here we present two quantum circuit models that demonstrate the role of quantum mechanics and entanglement in modern precision sensors. We implemented these quantum circuits on IBM quantum processors, using a single qubit to represent independent photons traveling through the LIGO interferometer and two entangled qubits to illustrate the improved sensitivity that LIGO has achieved by using non-classical states of light. The one-qubit interferometer illustrates how projection noise in the measurement of independent photons corresponds to phase sensitivity at the standard quantum limit. In the presence of technical noise on a real quantum computer, this interferometer achieves the sensitivity of 11\% above the standard quantum limit. The two-qubit interferometer demonstrates how entanglement circumvents the limits imposed by the quantum shot noise, achieving the phase sensitivity 17\% below the standard quantum limit. These experiments illustrate the role that quantum mechanics plays in setting new records for precision measurements on platforms like LIGO. The experiments are broadly accessible, remotely executable activities that are well suited for introducing undergraduate students to quantum computation, error propagation, and quantum sensing on real quantum hardware.
[ "Cindy Tran", "Tanaporn Na Narong", "Eric S. Cooper" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Experimental benchmarking of an automated deterministic error suppression workflow for quantum algorithms
Excitement about the promise of quantum computers is tempered by the reality that the hardware remains exceptionally fragile and error-prone, forming a bottleneck in the development of novel applications. In this manuscript, we describe and experimentally test a fully autonomous workflow designed to deterministically suppress errors in quantum algorithms from the gate level through to circuit execution and measurement. We introduce the key elements of this workflow, delivered as a software package called Fire Opal, and survey the underlying physical concepts: error-aware compilation, automated system-wide gate optimization, automated dynamical decoupling embedding for circuit-level error cancellation, and calibration-efficient measurement-error mitigation. We then present a comprehensive suite of performance benchmarks executed on IBM hardware, demonstrating up to > 1000X improvement over the best alternative expert-configured techniques available in the open literature. Benchmarking includes experiments using up to 16 qubit systems executing: Bernstein Vazirani, Quantum Fourier Transform, Grover's Search, QAOA, VQE, Syndrome extraction on a five-qubit Quantum Error Correction code, and Quantum Volume. Experiments reveal a strong contribution of Non-Markovian errors to baseline algorithmic performance; in all cases the deterministic error-suppression workflow delivers the highest performance and approaches incoherent error bounds without the need for any additional sampling or randomization overhead, while maintaining compatibility with all additional probabilistic error suppression techniques.
[ "Pranav S. Mundada", "Aaron Barbosa", "Smarak Maity", "Yulun Wang", "T. M. Stace", "Thomas Merkh", "Felicity Nielson", "Andre R. R. Carvalho", "Michael Hush", "Michael J. Biercuk", "Yuval Baum" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Hardware-Conscious Optimization of the Quantum Toffoli Gate
While quantum computing holds great potential in combinatorial optimization, electronic structure calculation, and number theory, the current era of quantum computing is limited by noisy hardware. Many quantum compilation approaches can mitigate the effects of imperfect hardware by optimizing quantum circuits for objectives such as critical path length. Few approaches consider quantum circuits in terms of the set of vendor-calibrated operations (i.e., native gates) available on target hardware. This manuscript expands the analytical and numerical approaches for optimizing quantum circuits at this abstraction level. We present a procedure for combining the strengths of analytical native gate-level optimization with numerical optimization. Although we focus on optimizing Toffoli gates on the IBMQ native gate set, the methods presented are generalizable to any gate and superconducting qubit architecture. Our optimized Toffoli gate implementation demonstrates an $18\%$ reduction in infidelity compared with the canonical implementation as benchmarked on IBM Jakarta with quantum process tomography. Assuming the inclusion of multi-qubit cross-resonance (MCR) gates in the IBMQ native gate set, we produce Toffoli implementations with only six multi-qubit gates, a $25\%$ reduction from the canonical eight multi-qubit implementations for linearly connected qubits.
[ "Max Aksel Bowman", "Pranav Gokhale", "Jeffrey Larson", "Ji Liu", "Martin Suchara" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Analysis of Error Propagation in Quantum Computers
Most quantum gate errors can be characterized by two error models, namely the probabilistic error model and the Kraus error model. We proved that for a quantum circuit with either of those two models or a mix of both, the propagation error in terms of Frobenius norm is upper bounded by $2(1 - (1 - r)^m)$, where $0 \le r < 1$ is a constant independent of the qubit number and circuit depth, and $m$ is the number of gates in the circuit. Numerical experiments of synthetic quantum circuits and quantum Fourier transform circuits are performed on the simulator of the IBM Vigo quantum computer to verify our analytical results, which show that our upper bound is tight.
[ "Ziang Yu", "Yingzhou Li" ]
[ "IBM" ]
An entanglement-based volumetric benchmark for near-term quantum hardware
We introduce a volumetric benchmark for near-term quantum platforms based on the generation and verification of genuine entanglement across n-qubits using graph states and direct stabilizer measurements. Our benchmark evaluates the robustness of multipartite and bipartite n-qubit entanglement with respect to many sources of hardware noise: qubit decoherence, CNOT and swap gate noise, and readout error. We demonstrate our benchmark on multiple superconducting qubit platforms available from IBM (ibmq_belem, ibmq_toronto, ibmq_guadalupe and ibmq_jakarta). Subsets of $n<10$ qubits are used for graph state preparation and stabilizer measurement. Evaluation of genuine and biseparable entanglement witnesses we report observations of $5$ qubit genuine entanglement, but robust multipartite entanglement is difficult to generate for $n>4$ qubits and identify two-qubit gate noise as strongly correlated with the quality of genuine multipartite entanglement.
[ "Kathleen E. Hamilton", "Nouamane Laanait", "Akhil Francis", "Sophia E. Economou", "George S. Barron", "Kübra Yeter-Aydeniz", "Titus Morris", "Harrison Cooley", "Muhun Kang", "Alexander F. Kemper", "Raphael Pooser" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Quantum circuit simulation of linear optics using fermion to qubit encoding
This work proposes a digital quantum simulation protocol for the linear scattering process of bosons, which provides a simple extension to partially distinguishable boson cases. Our protocol is achieved by combining the boson-fermion correspondence relation and fermion to qubit encoding protocols. As a proof of concept, we designed quantum circuits for generating the Hong-Ou-Mandel dip by varying particle distinguishability. The circuits were verified with the classical and quantum simulations using the IBM Quantum and IonQ cloud services.
[ "Seungbeom Chin", "Jaehee Kim", "Joonsuk Huh" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Controlled Gate Networks Applied to Eigenvalue Estimation
We introduce a new scheme for quantum circuit design called controlled gate networks. Rather than trying to reduce the complexity of individual unitary operations, the new strategy is to toggle between all of the unitary operations needed with the fewest number of gates. We illustrate our approach using two examples. The first example is a variational subspace calculation for a two-qubit system. We demonstrate an approximately five-fold reduction in the number of two-qubit gates required for computing inner products and Hamiltonian matrix elements. The second example is estimating the eigenvalues of a two-qubit Hamiltonian via the Rodeo Algorithm using a specific class of controlled gate networks called controlled reversal gates. Again, a fivefold reduction in the number of two-qubit gates is demonstrated. We use the Quantinuum H1-2 and IBM Perth devices to realize the quantum circuits. Our work demonstrates that controlled gate networks are a useful tool for reducing gate complexity in quantum algorithms for quantum many-body problems.
[ "Max Bee-Lindgren", "Zhengrong Qian", "Matthew DeCross", "Natalie C. Brown", "Christopher N. Gilbreth", "Jacob Watkins", "Xilin Zhang", "Dean Lee" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Loading Probability Distributions in a Quantum circuit
Quantum circuits generating probability distributions has applications in several areas. Areas like finance require quantum circuits that can generate distributions that mimic some given data pattern. Hamiltonian simulations require circuits that can initialize the wave function of a physical quantum system. These wave functions, in several cases, are identical to some very well known probability distributions. In this paper we discuss ways to construct parameterized quantum circuits that can generate both symmetric as well as asymmetric distributions. We follow the trajectory of quantum states as single and two qubit operations get applied to the system, and find out the best possible way to arrive at the desired distribution. The parameters are optimized by a variational solver. We present results from both simulators as well as real IBM quantum hardwares.
[ "Kalyan Dasgupta", "Binoy Paine" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Primitive Quantum Gates for an SU(2) Discrete Subgroup: BT
We construct a primitive gate set for the digital quantum simulation of the binary tetrahedral ($\mathbb{BT}$) group on two quantum architectures. This nonabelian discrete group serves as a crude approximation to $SU(2)$ lattice gauge theory while requiring five qubits or one quicosotetrit per gauge link. The necessary basic primitives are the inversion gate, the group multiplication gate, the trace gate, and the $\mathbb{BT}$ Fourier transform over $\mathbb{BT}$. We experimentally benchmark the inversion and trace gates on ibm nairobi, with estimated fidelities between $14-55\%$, depending on the input state.
[ "Erik J. Gustafson", "Henry Lamm", "Felicity Lovelace", "Damian Musk" ]
[ "IBM" ]
An Alternative Approach to Quantum Imaginary Time Evolution
There is increasing interest in quantum algorithms that are based on the imaginary-time evolution (ITE), a successful classical numerical approach to obtain ground states. However, most of the proposals so far require heavy post-processing computational steps on a classical computer, such as solving linear equations. Here we provide an alternative approach to implement ITE. A key feature in our approach is the use of an orthogonal basis set: the propagated state is efficiently expressed in terms of orthogonal basis states at every step of the evolution. We argue that the number of basis states needed at those steps to achieve an accurate solution can be kept of the order of $n$, the number of qubits, by controlling the precision (number of significant digits) and the imaginary-time increment. The number of quantum gates per imaginary-time step is estimated to be polynomial in $n$. Additionally, while in many QAs the locality of the Hamiltonian is a key assumption, in our algorithm this restriction is not required. This characteristic of our algorithm renders it useful for studying highly nonlocal systems, such as the occupation-representation nuclear shell model. We illustrate our algorithm through numerical implementation on an IBM quantum simulator.
[ "Pejman Jouzdani", "Calvin W. Johnson", "Eduardo R. Mucciolo", "Ionel Stetcu" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Benchmarking of Different Optimizers in the Variational Quantum Algorithms for Applications in Quantum Chemistry
Classical optimizers play a crucial role in determining the accuracy and convergence of variational quantum algorithms. In literature, many optimizers, each having its own architecture, have been employed expediently for different applications. In this work, we consider a few popular optimizers and assess their performance in variational quantum algorithms for applications in quantum chemistry in a realistic noisy setting. We benchmark the optimizers with critical analysis based on quantum simulations of simple molecules, such as Hydrogen, Lithium Hydride, Beryllium Hydride, water, and Hydrogen Fluoride. The errors in the ground-state energy, dissociation energy, and dipole moment are the parameters used as yardsticks. All the simulations were carried out with an ideal quantum circuit simulator, a noisy quantum circuit simulator, and a noisy simulator with noise embedded from the IBM Cairo quantum device to understand the performance of the classical optimizers in ideal and realistic quantum environments. We used the standard unitary coupled cluster (UCC) ansatz for simulations, and the number of qubits varied from two, starting from the Hydrogen molecule to ten qubits, in Hydrogen Fluoride. Based on the performance of these optimizers in the ideal quantum circuits, the conjugate gradient (CG), limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno bound (L_BFGS)B), and sequential least squares programming (SLSQP) optimizers are found to be the best-performing gradient-based optimizers. While constrained optimization by linear approximation (COBYLA) and POWELL perform most efficiently among the gradient-free methods. However, in noisy quantum circuit conditions, Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA), POWELL, and COBYLA are among the best-performing optimizers.
[ "Harshdeep Singh", "Sabyashachi Mishra", "Sonjoy Majumder" ]
[ "IBM" ]
HAMMER: boosting fidelity of noisy Quantum circuits by exploiting Hamming behavior of erroneous outcomes
Quantum computers with hundreds of qubits will be available soon. Unfortunately, high device error-rates pose a significant challenge in using these near-term quantum systems to power real-world applications. Executing a program on existing quantum systems generates both correct and incorrect outcomes, but often, the output distribution is too noisy to distinguish between them. In this paper, we show that erroneous outcomes are not arbitrary but exhibit a well-defined structure when represented in the Hamming space. Our experiments on IBM and Google quantum computers show that the most frequent erroneous outcomes are more likely to be close in the Hamming space to the correct outcome. We exploit this behavior to improve the ability to infer the correct outcome. We propose Hamming Reconstruction (HAMMER), a post-processing technique that leverages the observation of Hamming behavior to reconstruct the noisy output distribution, such that the resulting distribution has higher fidelity. We evaluate HAMMER using experimental data from Google and IBM quantum computers with more than 500 unique quantum circuits and obtain an average improvement of 1.37x in the quality of solution. On Google's publicly available QAOA datasets, we show that HAMMER sharpens the gradients on the cost function landscape.
[ "Swamit Tannu", "Poulami Das", "Ramin Ayanzadeh", "Moinuddin Qureshi" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Leveraging small scale quantum computers with unitarily downfolded Hamiltonians
In this work, we propose a quantum unitary downfolding formalism based on the driven similarity renormalization group (QDSRG) that may be combined with quantum algorithms for both noisy and fault-tolerant hardware. The QDSRG is a classical polynomially-scaling downfolding method that avoids the evaluation of costly three- and higher-body reduced density matrices while retaining the accuracy of classical multireference many-body theories. We calibrate and test the QDSRG on several challenging chemical problems and propose a strategy for avoiding classical exponential-scaling steps in the QDSRG scheme. We report QDSRG computations of two chemical systems using the variational quantum eigensolver on IBM quantum devices: i) the dissociation curve of H$_2$ using a quintuple-$\zeta$ basis and ii) the bicyclobutane isomerization reaction to $trans$-butadiene, demonstrating the reduction of problems that require several hundred qubits to a single qubit. Our work shows that the QDSRG is a viable approach to leverage near-term quantum devices for the accurate estimation of molecular properties.
[ "Renke Huang", "Chenyang Li", "Francesco A. Evangelista" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Quantum Crosstalk Robust Quantum Control
The prevalence of quantum crosstalk in current quantum devices poses challenges for achieving high-fidelity quantum logic operations and reliable quantum processing. Through quantum control theory, we develop an analytical condition for achieving crosstalk-robust single-qubit control of multi-qubit systems. We examine the effects of quantum crosstalk via a cumulant expansion and develop a condition to suppress the leading order contributions to the dynamics. The efficacy of the condition is illustrated in the domains of quantum state preservation and noise characterization through the development of crosstalk-robust dynamical decoupling and quantum noise spectroscopy (QNS) protocols. Using the IBM Quantum Experience, crosstalk-robust state preservation is demonstrated on 27 qubits, where a $3\times$ improvement in coherence decay is observed for single-qubit product and multipartite entangled states. Through the use of noise injection, we experimentally demonstrate crosstalk-robust dephasing QNS on a seven qubit processor, where a $10^4$ improvement in reconstruction accuracy over ``cross-susceptible" alternatives is found. Together, these experiments highlight the significant impact the crosstalk mitigation condition can have on improving multi-qubit characterization and control on current quantum devices.
[ "Zeyuan Zhou", "Ryan Sitler", "Yasuo Oda", "Kevin Schultz", "Gregory Quiroz" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Quantum chemistry simulation of ground- and excited-state properties of the sulfonium cation on a superconducting quantum processor
The computational description of correlated electronic structure, and particularly of excited states of many-electron systems, is an anticipated application for quantum devices. An important ramification is to determine the dominant molecular fragmentation pathways in photo-dissociation experiments of light-sensitive compounds, like sulfonium-based photo-acid generators used in photolithography. Here we simulate the static and dynamic electronic structure of the H$_3$S$^+$ molecule, taken as a minimal model of a triply-bonded sulfur cation, on a superconducting quantum processor of the IBM Falcon architecture. To this end, we generalize a qubit reduction technique termed entanglement forging or EF [A. Eddins et al., Phys. Rev. X Quantum, 3, 010309 (2022)], currently restricted to the evaluation of ground-state energies, to the treatment of molecular properties. While, in a conventional quantum simulation, a qubit represents a spin-orbital, within EF a qubit represents a spatial orbital, reducing the number of required qubits by half. We combine the generalized EF with quantum subspace expansion [W. Colless et al, Phys. Rev. X 8, 011021 (2018)], a technique used to project the time-independent Schrodinger equation for ground and excited states in a subspace. To enable experimental demonstration of this algorithmic workflow, we deploy a sequence of error-mitigation techniques. We compute dipole structure factors and partial atomic charges along the ground- and excited-state potential energy curves, revealing the occurrence of homo- and heterolytic fragmentation. This study is an important step toward the computational description of photo-dissociation on near-term quantum devices, as it can be generalized to other photodissociation processes and naturally extended in different ways to achieve more realistic simulations.
[ "Mario Motta", "Gavin O. Jones", "Julia E. Rice", "Tanvi P. Gujarati", "Rei Sakuma", "Ieva Liepuoniute", "Jeannette M. Garcia", "Yu-ya Ohnishi" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Experimental validation of the Kibble-Zurek Mechanism on a Digital Quantum Computer
The Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM) captures the essential physics of nonequilibrium quantum phase transitions with symmetry breaking. KZM predicts a universal scaling power law for the defect density which is fully determined by the system's critical exponents at equilibrium and the quenching rate. We experimentally tested the KZM for the simplest quantum case, a single qubit under the Landau-Zener evolution, on an open access IBM quantum computer (IBM-Q). We find that for this simple one-qubit model, experimental data validates the central KZM assumption of the adiabatic-impulse approximation for a well isolated qubit. Furthermore, we report on extensive IBM-Q experiments on individual qubits embedded in different circuit environments and topologies, separately elucidating the role of crosstalk between qubits and the increasing decoherence effects associated with the quantum circuit depth on the KZM predictions. Our results strongly suggest that increasing circuit depth acts as a decoherence source, producing a rapid deviation of experimental data from theoretical unitary predictions.
[ "Santiago Higuera-Quintero", "Ferney J. Rodríguez", "Luis Quiroga", "Fernando J. Gómez-Ruiz" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Realizing a class of stabilizer quantum error correction codes using a single ancilla and circular connectivity
We describe a class of "neighboring-blocks" stabilizer quantum error correction codes and demonstrate that such class of codes can be implemented in a resource-efficient manner using a single ancilla and circular near-neighbor qubit connectivity. We propose an implementation for syndrome-measurement circuits for codes from the class and illustrate its workings for cases of 3-qubit repetition code, Laflamme's 5-qubit code, and Shor's 9-qubit code. For 3-qubit repetition code and Laflamme's 5-qubit code suggested scheme has the property that it uses only native two-qubit CNS gates, which potentially reduces the amount of non-correctable errors due to the shorter gate time. Elements of the scheme can be used to implement surface code with near-neighbour connectivity using single ancilla, as demonstrated in an example. We developed efficient decoding procedures for repetition codes and the Laflamme's 5-qubit code using a minimum weight-perfect matching approach to account for the specific order of measurements in our scheme. The analysis of noise levels for which the scheme could show improvements in the fidelity of a stored logical qubit in the 3-qubit repetition code and Laflamme's 5-qubit code cases is provided. We complement our results by realizing the developed scheme for a 3-qubit code using an IBM quantum processor and the Laflamme's 5-qubit code using the state-vector simulator.
[ "A. V. Antipov", "E. O. Kiktenko", "A. K. Fedorov" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Quantum Simulation of Quantum Phase Transitions Using the Convex Geometry of Reduced Density Matrices
Transitions of many-particle quantum systems between distinct phases at absolute-zero temperature, known as quantum phase transitions, require an exacting treatment of particle correlations. In this work, we present a general quantum-computing approach to quantum phase transitions that exploits the geometric structure of reduced density matrices. While typical approaches to quantum phase transitions examine discontinuities in the order parameters, the origin of phase transitions -- their order parameters and symmetry breaking -- can be understood geometrically in terms of the set of two-particle reduced density matrices (2-RDMs). The convex set of 2-RDMs provides a comprehensive map of the quantum system including its distinct phases as well as the transitions connecting these phases. Because 2-RDMs can potentially be computed on quantum computers at non-exponential cost, even when the quantum system is strongly correlated, they are ideally suited for a quantum-computing approach to quantum phase transitions. We compute the convex set of 2-RDMs for a Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick spin model on IBM superconducting-qubit quantum processors. Even though computations are limited to few-particle models due to device noise, comparisons with a classically solvable 1000-particle model reveal that the finite-particle quantum solutions capture the key features of the phase transitions including the strong correlation and the symmetry breaking.
[ "Samuel Warren", "LeeAnn M. Sager-Smith", "David A. Mazziotti" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Mixer Hamiltonian with QAOA for Max k-coloring : numerical evaluations
This paper concerns quantum heuristics based on Mixer Hamiltonians that allow to restrict investigation on a specific subspace. Mixer Hamiltonian based approaches can be included in QAOA algorithm and we can state that Mixer Hamiltonians are mapping functions from the set of qubit-strings to the set of solutions. Mixer Hamiltonian offers an approach very similar to indirect representations commonly used in routing or in scheduling community for decades. After the initial publication of Cheng et al. in 1996 (Cheng et al., 1996), numerous propositions in OR lies on 1-to-n mapping functions, including the split algorithm that transform one TSP solution into a VRP solution. The objective is at first to give a compact and readable presentation of these Mixer Hamiltonians considering the functional analogies that exist between the OR community practices and the quantum field. Our experiments encompass numerical evaluations of circuit using the Qiskit library of IBM meeting the theoretical considerations.
[ "Eric Bourreau", "Gérard Fleury", "Philippe Lacomme" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Simulating large-size quantum spin chains on cloud-based superconducting quantum computers
Quantum computers have the potential to efficiently simulate large-scale quantum systems for which classical approaches are bound to fail. Even though several existing quantum devices now feature total qubit numbers of more than one hundred, their applicability remains plagued by the presence of noise and errors. Thus, the degree to which large quantum systems can successfully be simulated on these devices remains unclear. Here, we report on cloud simulations performed on several of IBM's superconducting quantum computers to simulate ground states of spin chains having a wide range of system sizes up to one hundred and two qubits. We find that the ground-state energies extracted from realizations across different quantum computers and system sizes reach the expected values to within errors that are small (i.e. on the percent level), including the inference of the energy density in the thermodynamic limit from these values. We achieve this accuracy through a combination of physics-motivated variational Ansatzes, and efficient, scalable energy-measurement and error-mitigation protocols, including the use of a reference state in the zero-noise extrapolation. By using a 102-qubit system, we have been able to successfully apply up to 3186 CNOT gates in a single circuit when performing gate-error mitigation. Our accurate, error-mitigated results for random parameters in the Ansatz states suggest that a standalone hybrid quantum-classical variational approach for large-scale XXZ models is feasible.
[ "Hongye Yu", "Yusheng Zhao", "Tzu-Chieh Wei" ]
[ "IBM" ]
First design of a superconducting qubit for the QUB-IT experiment
Quantum sensing is a rapidly growing field of research which is already improving sensitivity in fundamental physics experiments. The ability to control quantum devices to measure physical quantities received a major boost from superconducting qubits and the improved capacity in engineering and fabricating this type of devices. The goal of the QUB-IT project is to realize an itinerant single-photon counter exploiting Quantum Non Demolition (QND) measurements and entangled qubits, in order to surpass current devices in terms of efficiency and low dark-count rates. Such a detector has direct applications in Axion dark-matter experiments (such as QUAX[1]), which require the photon to travel along a transmission line before being measured. In this contribution we present the design and simulation of the first superconducting device consisting of a transmon qubit coupled to a resonator using Qiskit-Metal (IBM). Exploiting the Energy Participation Ratio (EPR) simulation we were able to extract the circuit Hamiltonian parameters, such as resonant frequencies, anharmonicity and qubit-resonator couplings.
[ "Danilo Labranca", "Hervè Atsè Corti", "Leonardo Banchi", "Alessandro Cidronali", "Simone Felicetti", "Claudio Gatti", "Andrea Giachero", "Angelo Nucciotti" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Quantum Noise-Induced Reservoir Computing
Quantum computing has been moving from a theoretical phase to practical one, presenting daunting challenges in implementing physical qubits, which are subjected to noises from the surrounding environment. These quantum noises are ubiquitous in quantum devices and generate adverse effects in the quantum computational model, leading to extensive research on their correction and mitigation techniques. But do these quantum noises always provide disadvantages? We tackle this issue by proposing a framework called quantum noise-induced reservoir computing and show that some abstract quantum noise models can induce useful information processing capabilities for temporal input data. We demonstrate this ability in several typical benchmarks and investigate the information processing capacity to clarify the framework's processing mechanism and memory profile. We verified our perspective by implementing the framework in a number of IBM quantum processors and obtained similar characteristic memory profiles with model analyses. As a surprising result, information processing capacity increased with quantum devices' higher noise levels and error rates. Our study opens up a novel path for diverting useful information from quantum computer noises into a more sophisticated information processor.
[ "Tomoyuki Kubota", "Yudai Suzuki", "Shumpei Kobayashi", "Quoc Hoan Tran", "Naoki Yamamoto", "Kohei Nakajima" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Demonstration of algorithmic quantum speedup
Quantum algorithms theoretically outperform classical algorithms in solving problems of increasing size, but computational errors must be kept to a minimum to realize this potential. Despite the development of increasingly capable quantum computers (QCs), an experimental demonstration of a provable algorithmic quantum speedup employing today's non-fault-tolerant, noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices has remained elusive. Here, we unequivocally demonstrate such a speedup, quantified in terms of the scaling with the problem size of the time-to-solution metric. We implement the single-shot Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm, which solves the problem of identifying a hidden bitstring that changes after every oracle query, utilizing two different 27-qubit IBM Quantum (IBMQ) superconducting processors. The speedup is observed on only one of the two QCs (ibmq_montreal) when the quantum computation is protected by dynamical decoupling (DD) -- a carefully designed sequence of pulses applied to the QC that suppresses its interaction with the environment, but not without DD. In contrast to recent quantum supremacy demonstrations, the quantum speedup reported here does not rely on any additional assumptions or complexity-theoretic conjectures and solves a bona fide computational problem, in the setting of a game with an oracle and a verifier.
[ "Bibek Pokharel", "Daniel A. Lidar" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Demonstrating scalable randomized benchmarking of universal gate sets
Randomized benchmarking (RB) protocols are the most widely used methods for assessing the performance of quantum gates. However, the existing RB methods either do not scale to many qubits or cannot benchmark a universal gate set. Here, we introduce and demonstrate a technique for scalable RB of many universal and continuously parameterized gate sets, using a class of circuits called randomized mirror circuits. Our technique can be applied to a gate set containing an entangling Clifford gate and the set of arbitrary single-qubit gates, as well as gate sets containing controlled rotations about the Pauli axes. We use our technique to benchmark universal gate sets on four qubits of the Advanced Quantum Testbed, including a gate set containing a controlled-S gate and its inverse, and we investigate how the observed error rate is impacted by the inclusion of non-Clifford gates. Finally, we demonstrate that our technique scales to many qubits with experiments on a 27-qubit IBM Q processor. We use our technique to quantify the impact of crosstalk on this 27-qubit device, and we find that it contributes approximately 2/3 of the total error per gate in random many-qubit circuit layers.
[ "Jordan Hines", "Marie Lu", "Ravi K. Naik", "Akel Hashim", "Jean-Loup Ville", "Brad Mitchell", "John Mark Kriekebaum", "David I. Santiago", "Stefan Seritan", "Erik Nielsen", "Robin Blume-Kohout", "Kevin Young", "Irfan Siddiqi", "Birgitta Whaley", "Timothy Proctor" ]
[ "IBM" ]
Quantum Bayesian Error Mitigation Employing Poisson Modelling over the Hamming Spectrum for Quantum Error Mitigation
The field of quantum computing has experienced a rapid expansion in recent years, with ongoing exploration of new technologies, a decrease in error rates, and a growth in the number of qubits available in quantum processors. However, near-term quantum algorithms are still unable to be induced without compounding consequential levels of noise, leading to non-trivial erroneous results. Quantum Error Correction and Mitigation are rapidly advancing areas of research in the quantum computing landscape, with a goal of reducing errors. IBM has recently emphasized that Quantum Error Mitigation is the key to unlocking the full potential of quantum computing. A recent work, namely HAMMER, demonstrated the existence of a latent structure regarding post-circuit induction errors when mapping to the Hamming spectrum. However, they assumed that errors occur solely in local clusters, whereas we observe that at higher average Hamming distances this structure falls away. Our study demonstrates that the correlated structure is not just limited to local patterns, but it also encompasses certain non-local clustering patterns that can be accurately characterized through a Poisson distribution model. This model takes into account the input circuit, the current state of the device, including calibration statistics, and the qubit topology. Using this quantum error characterizing model, we developed an iterative algorithm over the generated Bayesian network state-graph for post-induction error mitigation. Our Q-Beep approach delivers state-of-the-art results, thanks to its problem-aware modeling of the error distribution's underlying structure and the implementation of an Bayesian network state-graph. This has resulted in an increase of up to 234.6% in circuit execution accuracy on BV circuits and an average improvement of 71.0% in the quality of QAOA solutions when tested on 16 IBMQ quantum processors.
[ "Samuel Stein", "Nathan Wiebe", "Yufei Ding", "James Ang", "Ang Li" ]
[ "IBM" ]