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my 5 1/2-year-old son displays adhd symptoms for 20 days then for 10 days he has none. is it adhd or another condition?
adhd and bipolar mood disorder (bmd) can coexist or be mistaken for one another. bmd usually is not diagnosed until young adulthood. however studies have shown that the earlier a person is diagnosed with bmd the more likely he is to have been diagnosed with adhd previously. in this case i would just like to reiterate that there is not enough information to discuss either possibility for your son. you mentioned that he becomes hyperactive for 3 weeks but not what his behaviors are like during those 10 days. you also do not mention irritability or mood swings just adhd symptoms. keep documenting the symptoms you are concerned about including what goes on in the home and at school when you see changes in behavior (do you work those weeks does he visit a relative or have a different aide in the classroom). you also mentioned that this began 7 months ago. i would also urge you to think about what also might have changed in your son's life about that time. consulting your pediatrician or a child psychiatrist should help you unravel the mystery of your son's behavior.
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my son has add and mild autism. he has been successfully on concerta for 6+ years. can you help with his weight loss?
stimulants in general tend to decrease appetite in certain not all children. over time this side effect seems to lessen but as in the case of your son for some children it may persist. weight loss is the result of this appetite decrease and not consuming enough calories during the day. therefore since the medication is effective and at "the perfect dose for him " right now i would suggest that you work on increasing your son's calorie intake. this however is often not an easy task! some suggestions include offering your son his preferred foods whenever he seems hungry; starting the day with a large calorie-laden breakfast early in the morning before the medication takes effect; increasing the calories in snacks during the day and at bedtime; and adding a high calorie supplement like ensure or shakes with ice cream etc. during the day. consult your pediatrician or a nutrionist to determine how many calories a day your son should be consuming and try to make sure this is the minimum he consumes to prevent weight loss. if you find this remains a problem i suggest you consult a pediatric nutritionist for additional suggestions. if the problems persists despite you and your son's best efforts you may want to discuss changing to a non-stimulant medication with your son's prescribing physician.
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my son is 13 and is depressed. he has been taking vyvanse for the last 3 years and never had a problem. can you help?
while any of the stimulant medications can increase depressive symptoms. it's important to pay attention to this change in your son's mood and take him to a mental health professional for an assessment. children diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivitydisorder (adhd) at early are more likely to suffer from depression as adolescents than those who did not have adhd according to a long-term study published in the october issue of the archives of general psychiatry. although it was an uncommon occurrence the children with adhd also were somewhat more likely to think about or attempt suicide as adolescents. the study performed by researchers at the university of chicago and the university of pittsburgh followed 123 children diagnosed with adhd at age 4 to 6 for up to 14 years until they reached ages 18 to 20. it compared them with 119 children from similar neighborhoods and schools matched for age sex and ethnicity. the researchers found that 18 percent of children diagnosed early with adhd suffered from depression as adolescents about 10 times the rate among those without adhd. children with early adhd were five times as likely to have considered suicide at least once and twice as likely to have made an attempt. please get your son evaluated.
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my 17-year-old has stopped taking concerta after 10 years. what affect will this have on his adhd?
seventy percent of teens diagnosed when they are younger continue to have symptoms of their adhd that affect their functioning as adolescents. once your son stops taking his medication (concerta) his symptoms will return relatively quickly. unless he has learned other compensatory techniques or has outside help his symptoms will affect both his academic performance in school and his relationships with others. if he is driving he may have more difficulty focusing and with distractibility. teens with untreated adhd tend to have more car accidents and get more speeding tickets. all of this should be explained to him and i would suggest that he go in for a visit to discuss this and his decision to stop his medication with his health care provider. i often use this situation as an opportunity for the teen to learn more about how his adhd affects him and why or whether he need to continue his medication to treat his symptoms.
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i've been taking respa-ar for allergies. i can't seem to get it refilled. will it be back on the market soon?
try claritin-d which is located behind the pharmacy counter. i'm not sure if or when respa-ar will be back on the market.
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what is the role of a pharmacist in a community and how can he/she help a patient?
i am very happy to answer this question. the pharmacist is the medication expert. we go to school for over six years and we focus on medications and how they work. i practice as a community pharmacist and my goal is to make sure my patients are taking their medications correctly protect them from drug interactions provide patient care services like medication therapy management and help them understand their disease. medications have a lot of side effects and can interact with foods over-the-counter medications vitamins and herbals. we should be a resource for you -- after all we are the most accessible health care provider! in many states you can now get your flu vaccination from a pharmacist. we should be a "vip" on your trip to the pharmacy. get to know us on a first name basis. (we don't bite i promise! ) always ask to speak to the pharmacist when you are picking up or dropping off a prescription; you can get some valuable information. we can advise you of side effects or answer even the most basic question of "what is this medication for? ” the best part of my day is talking to patients and making a difference.
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my daughter is 15 months old has had severe feeding issuesshe lives on applesauce and fruitmelts and formulatests normal. she has had feeding issues since birth formula refusal throwing up entire bottle 2 to 3 times a day she also has hip dysplsia so far medical test are normal what should i do what is the matter with my baby
get an evaluation asap. you can start with your pediatrician but sure to ask for a feeding evaluation which usually consists of a team of professionals. sometimes doctors will be hesitant if growth is on track but if a child is taking solid food by 12 months that is a red flag. the sooner she gets help the better. good luck!
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does your body know how many calories you eat or can you eat regularly but <1200 cals a day? . i am trying to lose weight. i have always been able to skip eating but now i am eating "something" every few hours. i have lost weight but want to lose more. i don't want my body to think it is starving if i don't adhere to 1200 calories a day. as long as i give my body food every few hours regardless of the caloric content. is that enough to keep metabolizing? one example is: i eat a raw red pepper at about 50 calories for a mid morning snack. it is food in my body but very low in calories.
your body responds to food intake with hunger and fullness. even if you eat every couple of hours if it's not enough to fill you up you will likely get hungry. i don't know of any way to trick the body. that being said it is beneficial to eat filling foods with fiber like fruits vegetables whole grains and beans. i highly recommend you see a registered dietitian to help get you on the right track. if you lose weight gradually with proper nutrition it will be better for you and much easier to maintain (the hardest part of weight loss). also a dietitian can address any other issues that may be getting in the way of a healthy lifestyle. to find a dietitian in your area go to eatright org. good luck!
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i have trouble swallowing pills. can my prescription be made into a liquid?
some medications are available in liquid formulations. many other medications can be made into a liquid formulation by a compounding pharmacist. be sure to let your health care provider know you have difficulty swallowing medications. they should be able to accommodate you.
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i need a list of foods that i can eat and list of foods to avoid with pancreatitis.
generally a diet free from alcohol and low in fat is recommended for pancreatitis. i recommend you ask your doctor or dietitian how much fat you can consume per day (in grams). that way you can be sure you staying under where you need to be. these are general low fat diet recommendations: no fried foods or foods cooked in a lot of fat. if eating out always ask how the food is prepared. limit nuts seeds oils avocado salad dressings and butter naturally high in fat. you do need some fat but go easy on these items. choose lean meats and low fat dairy products. eat plenty of fruits vegetables and whole grains naturally low in fat. consume small frequent meals as they are more likely to be tolerated. for more tips on low-fat eating see this article.
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hello. i have heard that a whole foods plant-based diet reduces cancer risk. is this true? . there is a lot of cancer risk in my family but i want to live a long life.
yes plant foods are associated with decreased cancer risk especially fruits vegetables whole grains and legumes. add more of these to your diet while limiting red and processed meats and you'll benefit over thelong run. for more on diet and cancer prevention see this webmd article.
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i am on a low carb 1600 calrie diet i am 224 pounds 45 year old male my weight is not coming off? . supplements; protein thermobol glutamine creatine.
it's tough to say without more information. here are some possible reasons: you are not at the right calorie level. how did you decide on 1600 calories? a dietitian can help you figure out a meal plan -- and calorie level -- that is individualized to meet your needs. you may be over-consuming calories without knowing it. look for hidden sources of calories in liquids eating out and alcohol. a low-carb diet may not be right for you. everyone is different in how they respond to diets. maybe a change is needed. medications and activity can make a difference. always check with a doctor. your don't have much to lose. if you are very tall or always been bigger than average you may not need to lose much weight. if your health is good focus on incorporating and maintaining healthy habits instead. getting help from a registered dietitian can help you get to the root of the issue. for more potential reasons you aren't losing weight see this article.
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what can be absorbed by the stomach? . what percentages of various normally consumed foods and liquids can be absorbed into the body through the stomach. while i understand that the intestines absorb most of the nutrients we consume i was lead to believe that a potion of some foods and beverages were absorbed into the body through the stomach.
the stomach does not absorb nutrients but it does play a role enhancing absorption of certain nutrients in the small intestine. for example the stomach secretes intrinsic factor which binds to b12 for absorption in the small intestine. stomach acid turns iron into a form that is better absorbed in the small intestine. and people who have part of their stomach removed may be at risk for osteoporosis because the stomach empties faster which can decrease the amount of calcium being absorbed and utilized by the body. anyone who has surgery to remove part of the stomach should see a dietitian to be sure they are not at risk for nutrition deficiencies.
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is it safe to have another baby after i delivered three by c-section?
you can certainly consider having another infant. however all the information in our literature would tell you not to consider having an attempt at a vaginal birth. you are at too high a risk to consider this. i think of myself as very progressive and will always consider a vbac for patients but not someone like you. the issue for you becomes the more c/s you have the higher the risk of possible placental abnormalities. if the placenta lies over the cervix (called a placenta previa) with the number of c/s you have had there could be a significant problem that could occur (called a placenta accreta). you should always discuss with your health care provider your concerns.
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why does a1c jump up? 6. 2-11. 4. over the last 2 years my a1c has been 7. 8--7. 4--6. 4--6. 2 then this past check-up it jumped to 11. 4. i have never had one that high. i have not changed my diet--i have actually shed about 10 more pounds. i don't understand what happened.
there could be a few things going on. first if you don't test your blood sugar regularly you don't know for sure that they haven't increased for some reason. some potential reasons include changes to medication. engaging in more or less exercise and timing and quantity of food/drink intake. if you drank more alcohol on vacation for instance that could cause blood sugar spikes. if you have been checking your blood sugar -- and they have been good-- than i recommend contacting your doctor to see if your a1c was either an error or due to something else. good luck getting to the bottom of this!
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bmi of 35. i am 29 a woman who is 4'11 weigh 178 lbs. my breasts are over dd. i am not fat. how can my range be obese? . i have large hips but they are mostly muscle. my breasts are the only other large fat content place on my body. are there better ways of determining a healthy weight?
bmi is just a classification of weight and not a determinant of health. that being said carrying extra weight can increase health risk. first i would consider your size over time. have you always been this size or have their been increases lately? if this seems to be your normal weight than it may just be where your body wants to be. if it has increased lately you may want to take note of what has changed to see if it has affected your weight. next would be to look at your other health-related numbers. if you cholesterol blood pressure and blood glucose are all normal than those are positive indicators of health. regular exercise and a health diet matter too! lastly where you carry excess weight makes a difference. those who carry fat in the abdomen tend to be at higher risk for chronic disease like diabetes and heart disease. in particular figuring out your waist-hip ratio can help you determine if this is a concern for you (see this article for more information). weight is just one piece of the health puzzle. finding out about all the other pieces can help a great deal!
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according the the paleo diet experts oatmeal is not good for you because it causes "inflamation. " is this true?
some people claim grains -- even whole grains -- cause inflammation. but there is no solid evidence in humans to back this up. people with autoimmune diseases may have difficulty with certain grains especially those with celiac or gi disorders. but for healthy people there is no research to support this point. in fact people who eat lots of plant foods like whole grains tend to have decreased risk of inflammation like vegans <link> oatmeal in particular helps lower cholesterol and keep people full. randomized control studies are needed to prove this "grains cause inflammation" theory.
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taking a stool softener nightly and a probiotic in am each day? . i am on detrol la for oab. it causes constipation. i had a bad episode in may 2015 and after my dr got me all cleaned he said to take a stool softener to get regular again but i also added a probiotic as well. . i am now having a bm each day but several a day. my question is really are they counter acting each other (stool softener vs. probiotic) - would the probiotic be the best way to go vs. the stool softener to combat the constipation (my fiber intake is better now also via my diet).
i see no reason why they would counter-act each other. i'm not clear if your doctor wanted you to keep taking the stool softener or just take it to get your bowels moving. often times they are given temporarily. if your fiber intake is up -- and you are having more bms -- you could slowly taper off the stool softener. i would contact your doctor first since he/she prescribed it. probiotics can help with constipation but it depends on the strain.
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what vitamins are recommended for a 63-year-old with a spinal cord injury
that will depend on what you are eating and your blood work. people with spinal cord injuries may need additional protein and fiber but that is not contained in vitamins. at regular physicals your health care provider should check things like vitamin d b12 and iron do see if you have any deficiencies. also a registered dietitian can help you determine if you need to make changes to your diet and supplement routine. for more see spinal cord injury: dietary issues
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i have frequent constipation feeling bloated and have bowel movements around 4-5 days on average. large-hard stools. that are difficult to pass and i'm asking now because it's been getting worse the past year or so and effecting my every-day life. <negative_smiley> what should i do? are probiotic supplements a solution?
any sudden changes in bowels should be checked out by a healthcare provider. here are some things you can do in the meantime: increase fiber: gradually increase fruits vegetables whole grains and beans/legumes. these foods contain fiber that help with constipation. it's recommended women (19-50) get 25g of fiber daily and for men (19-50) it's 38g. see getting enough fiber. stay hydrated: while increasing fiber make sure you get enough water. when you are dehydrated water is reabsorbed from stool resulting in hard stools. keep active: regular activity also helps relieve constipation. walking dancing and hiking are just a few ideas to keep your body moving. add fermented foods: look for ways to increase foods with probiotics such as yogurt kefir and probioitc drinks. adding a probiotic may help but the research is not clear on this. see probiotics and digestive health. manage stress better: anxiety worry and stress can all affect your gi tract. working on healthy ways to handle daily stressors can help! see stress management.
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lactose intolerance. does lactose build up in your system so as to have issues over a series of several hours/meals? and do acidic foods exacerbate symptoms?
lactose does not build up in your system but the severity of symptoms can be more severe or lasting depending on how much and other foods you ate. if you are having gi discomfort acidic foods may exacerbate your symptoms. for info see lactose intolerance -- topic overview
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how much protein should someone with gout consume? . since higher protein foods can trigger gout attacks how much protein is safe for someone with gout?
most helpful answer instead of thinking putting a cap on protein your better off balancing the type of protein foods in your diet. here are some tips: don't exceed 6 ounces of animal protein like chicken fish beef lamb or pork daily. 3 ounces is the size of a deck of card. you can get additional protein from low fat dairy sources such as yogurt milk and low fat cheese. plant sources of protein like nuts and nut butters are good and healthy too. avoid certain type of meat like organ meats an fish such as anchovies herring scallops trout and tuna. a dietitian can help individualize information to your specific preferences and lifestyle. journal about your trigger out your trigger foods -- see this article.
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do ace inhibitors cause weight gain? . long term user of ace inhibitor and have gained a lot of weight. is there a connection.
weight gain is not a common side effect of ace inhibitors. i suggest you see a registered dietitian to help you figure out the source of your weight gain. see this article for more on ace inhibitors.
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fruit is big part of my diet but i'm having issues with urge intontinence. what fruits won't irritate my bladder? . i recently saw a urologist for having severe issues with urge incontinence feeling like i had to go as frequently as every 10 minutes. he determined stress in my life was causing my muscle around my bladder to flex. i've recently been put on anxiety and stress medication which seem to be helping with that but the urge incontinence is still pretty bad a lot of the time. i've read a ton of fruits which are a huge part of my diet can cause bladder irritation. what fruits are best/safest to eat?
the most problematic fruits that irritate the bladder are citrus fruits like oranges grapefruit lemons and limes. fruits that aren't acidic like pears apples grapes and melon are better choices. for more on trigger food and drinks see this webmd article.
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does acupuncture aid weight loss
some science reveals that certain types of acupuncture may aid weight loss. acupuncture works by targeting pressure points linked to appetite and hunger. that being said acupuncture treatment does not trump making changes to diet exercise and how one handles stress. research shows diet changes are most important for weight loss. see ear acupuncture holds promise for weight loss.
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how can i prevent nose bleeds ana are they linked to a deficiency of vitamins?
there is no evidence that nose bleeds are linked to a deficiency in vitamins the only nutrition/lifestyle related contributor is high blood pressure and smoking. this article provides tips on prevention and potential causes.
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i eat 1 200-1 500 calories a day. is that enough? . i'm 19 5"3' female and weigh 120. for the past at least five years of my life i've been eating 1 200-1 500 calories which leaves me feeling satisfied energized and maintaining my weight. i've been eating a very healthy vegan diet and have eaten pretty healthy my whole life. i feel like i'm eating enough and i'm maintaining my weight but our "experts" say i need to eat more. i feel like if i ate more i would just gain weight but i'm at a healthy weight now. i exercise moderately.
calorie needs are individual and depend on age gender lean body mass and your level of activity. since you are not overweight i wonder why you count calories at all. it seems to me if you eat well balanced regular meals and let hunger and fullness guide your eating you will get the right amount for your body type. emerging research shows that young adults who eat this way (often called intuitive or mindful eating) have lower bmis -- and disordered eating -- then those who don't. it may be that you started counting calories to lose weight 5 years ago. but i say ditch the calorie counting and learn how to trust and nourish your body instead. read more. healthy eating: recognize your hunger signals hope your weight is 120 pounds and not 120 kg. if the current calorie intake keeps you satisfied and energized you do not have to worry at all. if you are following any diet chart see to it that your calorie intake is between 1800-2100 calories which is normally recommended for a healthy person.
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what causes a large uterus?
there are a few reasons for why the uterus measures larger than the dates. the most common reason is you are further in the pregnancy then you think. but since you had an ultrasound exam this is not the case. another reason could be you are carrying more than one child like twins. but if you had an ultrasound exam they should have seen this (although this can be missed). uterine fibroids (benign muscle tumor) of the uterus can make the uterus larger then you think. the other thing it may be is your doctor is wrong. it is just an estimation. i would not be too concerned about it at this time. when you see your doctor ask him about what the ultrasound exam showed. you can also call the office and speak to someone to read you the ultrasound results. uterus larger than the dates:? = wrong date (lmp) =polyhydramnious (excess amount of amniotic fluid in uterus) =larger baby (macrosmia) =multiple pregnancy =molar pregnancy =uterine fibroids =pelvic mass uterus smaller than the dates.? =wrong date (lmp) =oligo hydramnious =smaller baby (microsmia) =head engaged too deeply =genetic (maternal paternal small size) =intrauterine growth restriciton (iugr) =intrauterine death (iud)
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is eating fruit bad after meal?
no eating fruit is great because it's healthy and sweet. and most people don't get nearly enough fruits and vegetables i n their diet. fruit contains vitamins antioxidants and fiber. of course if you're not hungry or are full than eating more food -- even fruit -- is not beneficial.
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very high metabolism! very skinny! need help gaining weight! . help! please! i have a very very high metabolism and its impossible for me to gain weight! i am 17 years old. im about 5ft 7" and only weigh around 107 lbs. and its hard for me to consume loads of food because of school! (6am-3pm) so i need help! i need a plan for me because im so confused where to start. i also have this problem where i get full quick and get hungry quick. and if there's any pills i could take that could help me that'd be great
early fullness could be a sign something else is going on so i recommend you get a physical and talk to a healthcare provider. i also recommend you see a registered dietitian for individualized advice. you can find a dietitian in your area by going to eatright. org. in the meantime here are some things you can do to get started: eat regular meals and snacks every day (5-6 times daily). try to plan your meals ahead of time and have items you can put together for quick meals. include 3-5 food groups at meals including a whole grain protein (meat/beans/nut butter) fruits vegetables full-fat dairy (whole milk/yogurt) and healthy fats. for example in the morning you might have a big bowl of oatmeal topped with fruit and nuts and a side boiled egg. lunch might be a big sandwich salad and soup. include 2-3 food groups at snack time which may consist of cheese and whole grain crackers or an apple with peanut butter or half a meat sandwich with veggie sticks. try to include at least one fat source at every meal: butter or nut butter on bread nuts on cereal salad dressing on greens etc. for more tips on how to gain weight in a healthy way see this article.
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how long after changing my diet should i expect to see a drop of my blood sugar scores? . just curious. have recently been diagnosed with type 2 and have changed my diet significantly. how long before a diet change would influence my numbers?
changes to your diet can have an immediate affect on your daily blood sugars. but as for as your hemoglobin a1c levels that takes about 3 months to see a difference. that is because the test measures blood sugar management over a 3 month period of time. if you keep your blood sugars down consistently your next test should decrease quite a bit. for more read glycohemoglobin (a1c)
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is adhd a chronic condition meaning medication will always be necessary? . an 11yr. old boy in my family has been taking medication for adhd for over 5 years. i'm aware that a usual side effect of his medication is loss of appetite which he experiences. in a group of boys his age playing baseball he is one of the smallest boys. are there alternative medications/treatments that would improve his appetite and possibly allow him to reach a more normal height/weight? i'm concerned this height/weight difference is beginning to cause or will cause self-image issues.
it's important for you to keep in contact with the doctor to check if medication is needed and the different types available. not all affect appetite the same way. also some may allow you to skip taking them on the weekends when not in school. again researching and working with your doctor is key. as far as nutrition goes a pediatric dietitian can help you maximize nutrition for your son even while he's on medication. she or he will help you troubleshoot fluctuations in appetite and how best to time food offerings. also what combination of food and supplements are beneficial. also your son may be smaller due to genetics so consider your family history too. more reading: adhd drugs and growth
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how whey protein might interacts with gluten intolerence. for the last few days i've been awakening with extreme fatigue and an oppressive headache both of which can last all day and are the exact symptoms of my gluten intolerance. after double checking my regular diet they only thing if found that seem the slightest bit suspicious is whey protein which is contained in the chocolate frosting i used sometimes. thus my question. any thoughts? . thanks sam
first off i would call the company to be sure it is gluten free. if that's not it you may want to consider seeing a leap dietitian who can help you identify if there are other foods linked to your symptoms. often times someone with gluten intolerance will have difficulty with other foods. you can find a dietitian in your area by going to eatright. org. good luck!
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i read an artical that said you can take more than 10 000iu of vitamin d3 for weight lose. is that true? health risks?
vitamin d is not given for weight loss but it is common for people with excess weight to have low vitamin d levels. a doctor may prescribe very high levels to bring levels back up. it is not recommended for someone to give themselves more than the tolerable upper limit of vitamin d (4 000iu) unless prescribed by a doctor. although toxicity is rare it can occur causing increased calcium levels in the blood. for more on vitamin d supplementation see this article.
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is pure almond extract considered a food allergen? . i am a cake and cookie designer and i am creating allergen content labels for my vanilla almond cookies. i use pure almond extract. is this considered a food allergen?
yes it is. almond is a tree nut which is considered a food allergen.
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i am constantly fatigued. i've had thyroid checked and take vitamins. i am 46. nothing seems to help. i get enough sleep. i don't know what the problem is. i get enough sleep i take my vitamins i get my thyroid checked on a regular basis. nothing helps.
from a nutrition standpoint you still could be low in certain nutrients even with taking vitamins. for example if you are low in vitamin d the amount in a multivitamin wouldn't be enough to raise your levels to normal. the best thing is to go to your doctor and get a full lab workup done. i would be interested in iron folate b12 potassium and vitamin d levels but they will check everything. see 10 possible reasons for being tired
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how to get rid of remaining stomach belly after loose weight. so i've been fat for as long as i remember but about a year ago i lost a lot of weight after which i started working out everything is going fine but there still remains one problem - my stomach belly. so i'm a little bit confused now. the rest of my body is looking for some weight gain while my stomach is still there and if i try to gain my weight my stomach will get even bigger while if i start a diet to loose my weight my muscles won't have a chance to develope. any ideas what to do?
there are a few things to consider. first is it possible that your belly is big from excess skin? if so maybe a visit to your doctor on options will help. there is no way to spot reduce or gain. but getting more fiber in your diet may help decrease belly fat as can getting enough sleep. this article has some additional tips too. maybe if you are now at a good healthy place you could not try to gain or lose and just keep your body in good shape and eat a healthy diet. a dietitian can help you with your individualized needs. you can find one in your area by going to eatright. org. good luck!
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what is chirothin for weight loss? is it safe? why is it only given by chiropractic doctors? please answer for me. i would love to try this diet as i have seen rapid weight loss on you tube. what are the ingredients in it.
after going on the site i see no research showing the product is effective for weight loss and it sounds like it has a variety of ingredients instead of one active component. it does provide this statement "*these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. these products are not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease. " the fda doesn't evaluate dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness like it does drugs. in short there is no way to tell it works or is safe unless there has been adequate research done. i suggest you contact the company about research and run it by your doctor. for more on weight loss supplements see this article. good luck!
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what vitamins help migraines?
webmd has a list of vitamins and other supplements that might help with headaches. the page lists the supplements weight of the evidence and reviews. the link is below. vitamins and supplements for migraines. vitamin supplements are advised in migraines for its prevention. vitamins like vitamin b6 b12 vitamin c folic acid are proven useful to reduce the severity and frequency of migraine attacks. these supplements also prevent the migraine attacks and improves overall the quality of life.
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which whole foods naturally contain sodium?
as you are probably aware there are many foods that have salt added as a preservative and for taste. some foods that naturally contain sodium before processing include the following (nutrition info was taken from usda database): 1 cup of milk (127mg) or plain yogurt (113mg) and 1 egg (62mg). most veggies contain minimal sodium except a large stock of celery (51mg) and a medium artichoke (120mg). shellfish like shirimp (3oz about 100mg) and certain meats liike ground beef (3oz about 50mg) also contain sodium. sodium occurs naturally in many foods and is also added in the form of salt or other sodium-containing substances. some foods that naturally contains sodium are egg meat raisin cinnamon carrot celery broccoli cauliflower tomatoes and coconut milk to name a few.
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what are the best weight loss techniques and programs for vegetarians? . i would like to maintain a good weight with proper diet and i have pretty sedentary life style and i am a vegetarian - so need some techniques to have a proper weight and balanced diet.
whether you are vegetarian or not the principles of weight management are the same: finding out the root causes of excess weight gain. first look at how you are eating? are you mindless about meals eating in front of the tv or grazing all day while doing other things. its best to pay attention and eat meals in a designated place. try to listen to cues of hunger and fullness. second is the type of food you are eating. if you allow dairy foods do you consume lots of cheese that is high in fat and calories? is your diet full of nutrient dense vegetarian foods like vegetables? do you eat sweets in moderation? balancing your food intake will help. lastly is activity. it sounds like you aren't doing much so finding ways to gradually increase your activity will help. for specialized help see a dietitian in your area. you can find one at eatright. org. here are some articles that can help: how to stop overeating how to lose weight safely vegetarian diet may help with weight loss good luck!
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what vitamins are present in fish oil? carrots are carrots but they contain vitamins as well. what's in fish oil?
the reason people take fish oil is for the type of fat it provides: omega-3 fatty acids (dha and epa). most people do not get enough of these fats through diet unless they consume 2 servings of fatty fish such as salmon or tuna per week. these type of fats are important for brain development in babies cardiovascular health and they play a role in brain related conditions such as adhd and dementia. see this article for more information on fish oil.
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how can you prevent loose skin during weight loss?
although losing weight especially large amounts of weight is likely to produce loose skin here are some things that might help: lose weight at a steady rate versus rapid weight loss (for those losing through weight loss surgery this can't always be helped). get adequate nutrition including key vitamins and minerals. most people on low calories diets benefit from taking a multivitamin. include exercise and strength training as a part of your weight loss plan.
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does caffeine and salt cause vertigo and will eliminating it help it go away
dietary factors such as salt and caffeine are not causes of vertigo but they could be triggers or make it worse especially if the vertigo is caused by a migraine. i suggest finding out the cause of the vertigo and going from there. more reading: causes of vertigo lightheadedness and vertigo: topic overview caffeine and salt intake does not cause vertigo. in some people it may act as trigger factors. one must check for the causative factor for vertigo and get proper healthcare advise from physician.
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what is the best diet (foods) to eat when one has h-pylori?
most important is getting treatment to heal your ulcer. foods to avoid include alcohol spicy foods caffeine fried and fatty foods and citrus fruits. eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits vegetables and whole grains and eater smaller more frequent meals rather than large infrequent ones. if you notice certain foods aren't tolerated limit them as each person is different. good luck!
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why am i always hungry and tired? . i am a 19 year old male 6'0" tall 150 pounds. i work out at least 4 times a week including cardio and weight training. i eat healthy and balanced with the occasional junk food. i don't drink caffeine or soda. i always eat breakfast lunch and dinner and snack throughout the whole day. some days i eat over 3500 calories. i don't gain or lose weight easily. i sleep between 8-10 hours every night including the weekends. however i am constantly hungry even after a meal and i am always tired.
there could be a few things going on. even though you eat healthy you could be low in nutrients causing you to feel tired. the only way to know for sure is to go for a physical and get labs run including vitamin d glucose and iron. also less likely increased hunger accompanied with thirst and weight loss could be sign of diabetes. also look closely at the quality of your diet. are you eating filling foods with meals including healthy fats (nuts and seeds/avocado/veg oils) whole grains lean proteins dairy beans/legumes and fruits and veggies? the fiber found in plant foods such as fruits vegetables whole grains and beans help fill you up. fat provides adequate calories and is satisfying and protein is also filling. make sure your meals contain 4-5 food groups and snacks 2-3. you want to avoid grazing on less filling snacks high in refined grains and low in nutrients (crackers pretzels chips). if you need help see a registered dietitian. you can find one in your area at eatright. org. read more. filling foods do you feel hungry and tired on days when you eat more than 3500 calories? probably there is mismatch between calorie intake and expenditure. feeling hungry is ok with your workout schedule but feeling tired is worrisome. any family history of diabetes please check. there are a few reasons you are feeling tired without any reason. one of them is anemia which is a lack of red blood cells and conversely oxygen from the lungs is not properly brought to the tissues and cells. anemia may be caused by deficiency of vitamins or minerals internal bleeding or chronic diseases. women who are at “that time” of the month are susceptible to anemia as blood is lost during menstruation. still iron deficiency due to menstruation is less than in pregnant women or lactating mothers as their body needs extra iron to maintain healthy blood levels. things may also go wrong when your thyroid glands refuse to cooperate with you. thyroid hormones thyroxine (t4) and triiodothyronine (t3) are responsible for metabolic processes in the body. too much thyroid hormone causes hyperthyroidism which speeds up metabolism while too little thyroid hormone slows down metabolism. hyperthyroidism causes fatigue and muscle weakness and starts in the thighs. doing energy demanding activities become difficult and other symptoms include weight loss feeling warm shorter menstruations increased heart rate and thirst. hypothyroidism also causes fatigue and muscle weakness. the symptoms are reversed to hyperthyroidism such as weight gain feeling cold and longer menstruations. diabetes notorious for causing a range of problems in the body is also related to fatigue. as glucose is the staple fuel of the body it is not utilized properly in patients with type 2 diabetes as the absence of insulin causes the glucose to build up in the body. without its staple fuel the tissues of the body are not nourished properly and causes fatigue. sadly being sad can also be the reason you feel tired. depression induces negative feelings and also has negative effects on the body as it causes a reduction in energy levels changes in sleep and eating patterns decreased concentration and overall laziness and worthlessness which keeps you in bed all day. reference: <link>
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is an anti-inflammatory diet including gluten free good for rosacea? . would an anti-inflammatory diet including gluten free foods
i'm sure it can only help to eat healthfully but i don't know of research showing that anti-inflammatory foods have an impact on rosacea. gluten only causes inflammation if one has celiac disease an intolerance to gluten or an allergy to wheat. if you are thinking of removing gluten from the diet a registered dietitian can help guide you. there are certain foods that might trigger rosacea including hot foods spicy foods and alcohol. for more on triggers see this webmd article. best of luck to you!
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i have been ill for a while and lost quite a bit of muscle and weight suggestions on getting it back and why i hurt? . so i have a thyroid disorder and i had it tested a month ago and still no answer back from anyone. i am feeling a bit better now but i can't seem to gain back the weight or the muscle. specifically on my legs and they hurt quite frequently. my legs were the strongest part before i got sick and they still are pretty strong but i've never had leg pain when i ran or carried things before. and it worries me how thin they are now along with the pain. should i be concerned? suggestions?
be sure to get in touch with your doctor about your leg pain and thyroid -- only a healthcare provider can address your medical needs. once you get that worked out you can focus on gaining muscle. make sure you get protein at every meal along with a balanced diet adequate in calories. research shows 25 grams or more of protein at meals helps build muscle. to give you an idea 1 ounce of lean meat has 7 grams. also exercise that includes resistance training is beneficial as long as it's okay with your doctor. after working out consume a snack that contains protein and carbohydrates within a half hour of stopping exercise. more reading. healthy protein sources what to eat before during and after exercise
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on nurtisystem for 35 days lost 20 pounds a1c from 6. 0 to 8. 1. . after being on the nutrisystem diabetic program for men for 35 days and losing a total of 20 pounds my a1c went from 6. 0 to 8. 1. i am 5' 7" and a current weight of 177. 2 pounds? why would my a1c increase? was it due to the previous 3 months?
there could be a few things going on. did you change or alter your medication (if you are on medication)? also as you say a1c is an average over 3 months so how you were eating the two months prior makes a difference it's also possible your carbohydrate intake was lower before starting the diet and the increases changed your blood sugar. i would see a diabetes educator while you work at getting to the right weight for you. they can help guide you in the process. good luck!
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can vitamin overload cause muscle cramping? ( ribs legs feet hands)
muscle cramps can occur from low levels of minerals in the blood such as potassium but i have not heard of it being caused by an excess of vitamins. there really is no reason to take large amounts of vitamins so it makes sense to stop or just take the recommended daily allowance. if the cramping continues see your doctor to determine cause. this article provides various reasons for muscle cramping. usually muscle cramps do not occur due to excess of vitamins. although muscle weakness is one of the symptoms of hypervitaminosis e. however anything excess in the body causes imbalance and can lead to untoward effects.
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i have a son who is 10 years old and 5 ft tall and he is on adhd medicene but cannot gain weight he is only 67 lbs. right now i know it probably has to do with the adhd med but he cannot go off it is their a protein diet he go on so it will not hurt him?
protein diets do not cause weight gain and may even cause weight loss. most important is following your son's appetite. kids on adhd meds tend to be hungriest in the morning and dinnertime when the effects of mediation have worn off -- take advantage of these times. your best bet is to see a pediatric dietitian. they will track your son's growth and can provide diet recommendations to keep his weight and growth on track. they understand the effects of different medications. don't delay getting help! see adhd drugs and growth
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cure for gastroparesis. i was diagnosed with gastroparesis 4 years ago. i modified my diet to low fiber and took domperidone and nexium. for about 18 months after the diet change i still had occasional symptoms. however for the last 2 years i have not had symptoms and have reduced my rx intake by half. i have slowly introduced regular food back into my diet and still have not incurred any symptoms. is it possible to recover from this?
i think it depends on the cause of gastroparesis. if it was due to uncontrolled diabetes and you are now have better control it can go into remission. so without knowing the cause i can't say for sure. i would work closely with your healthcare provider and a dietitian that specializes in gastrointestinal diseases. for more info see what is gastroparesis?
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what fruit are okay for inflammed stomach. my stomach is inflamed and i like to know if any what fruit are okay to eat? i should be on a bland diet.
you want to stay away from fruits more likely to irritate your stomach such as those with tough skins or seeds. check with your doctor to see how long you diet needs to be limited. these fruits may be better tolerated:: bananas soft cantaloupe honeydew fruits that are canned or cooked without seeds and skin -- applesauce fruit cocktail or canned pears avocado
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if a mother says to her 12 year old girl "i love u more if u were skinny" will it mentally scar the child? . will the child also develop abnormal behavior and think abnormally. i have a friend who is always depressed and she asked me why i would hang out with her. i said becuz u are nice and clean and a good person and u love god. she didn't believe me saying that she was too fat for that and explained to me that her mom didn't love her becuz she said "i love u more if u were skinny". she said she thinks her mom doesn't care if she was rude or disrespectful as long as she is skinny. .
if a parents send their kids the message that they value appearance more than who they are as a person it will not have beneficial effects. that being said every person is different in how they react to such circumstances so it's hard to generalize. this article discusses the connection between weight and mothers and daughters. maybe your friend can get help with this issue so she can see how it is affecting her life today.
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i had open heart surgery five bypasses i need to lose weight and start a diet and excise program where can i fine one? . i'm over weight and been fighting this for awhile i
i would start by looking for a program where you got your surgery. most hospitals offer cardiac rehab classes for new patients where they have dietitians and physical therapists counsel and provide advice. it's important to get this specialized help because of your cardiac history. i would start there or with your doctor as they might have a program they recommend for their patients. be sure not to try any fad diets. see this article for more about cardiac rehab.
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what is more important for a newly diagnosed diabetics? change diet or stop smoking?
i would say whichever you feel you can do most successfully. smoking is a huge health risk factor and can affect blood sugar levels. if you choose to do that first which makes a lot of sense you can still make small changes to your diet while taking medication. for example eating at the right times to coincide with medication and checking blood sugar can be a good first step while you kick the smoking habit. once your smoking habit is under control you can dive deeper into diet and exercise. but the key is starting somewhere and taking it one small step at a time. good luck! see more. smoking cessation health center a healthy type 2 diabetes diet
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what are the healthy foods i should be eating when trying to lose weight? what foods help with weight loss? . i'll be 30 in a few weeks and weigh 185 lbs.
it really isn't just about what foods to eat but how you regulate your food intake. foods low in calories but high in nutrition can help such as fruits vegetables low fat dairy whole grains and lean meats. but if you skip meals or don't pay attention while eating you can end up eating too much or too little. so i usually start by recommending people start with how they eat -- structure regular meals stay at the table when eating and stop when getting full. then add in healthy foods into those meals. for more on what and how to eat see these articles: eat healthy to lose weight how to practice mindful eating
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what is the best diet for hypoglycemia and weight loss?
i highly recommend you see a registered dietitian to help you develop a meal plan -- and guidelines -- for weight loss. you can find one at eatright. org or through your doctor. in terms of diet people with hypoglycemia need the following: eat small frequent meals limit added sugars such as those in beverages and desserts include a source of protein with meals/snacks eat a balanced diet with all the food groups (so carbohydrate protein and fat is balanced) limit caffeine and alcohol increase fiber eat appropriately before and after exercise read more about hypoglycemia here.
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can babies drink silk soy milk?
babies 12 months and younger should not drink soy or cows milk they need the nutrition from either breast milk or formula. after one year it is okay to introduce cows milk. if there is a milk allergy or intolerance fortified soy milk is a fine alternative. be sure to stick with full fat sources until baby is two due to high growth. and be sure the milk you choose is fortified with calcium and vitamin d.
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you asked: my son is 6 year old he don't like to eat those food which taste sweet is there any disorder in his taste bud
i think it depends on his eating overall. if he eats a variety of food but just doesn't like food really sweet that may simply reflect his personal preferences. but if he eats very few foods it could indicate a sensory issue or that he is super taster (not serious -- just more sensitive to the tastes in food). if you feel his nutrition and growth is affected see his pediatrician for a referral to a feeding therapist who can help you figure out what is going on. good luck!
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not loosing weight exercise brutally and consistently! due to a recent stressful situation i became partially bald! . i am a 27 year old male with no prior medical illnesses other than allergies and colds. i exercise frequently and more than many people i know who are fit. i have been tracking my workouts for the past 2 years and have followed a million diets. i always try to make the healthier choice when i go out to eat (not often) and drink on occasion. from august 2014 - december 2014 i ran boxed lifted weights in combination and lost little to no weight. bp is 9<negative_smiley>72 and after exercise 115/90ish
you don't mention how much weight you have to lose. if you don't carry that much weight you might be at the place your body wants to be. your blood pressure is good but how about other health indicators like cholesterol? if you weight is too high you need to closely look at how much and what you are eating. do you eat mindfully by sitting down to meals and stopping when comfortably full? do you skip meals? how is your diet quality? research shows that exercise doesn't aid weight loss as much as diet. another factor is stress as you mention which can affect appetite. getting a handle on stress management can go a long way. here is more reading that can help: do you really need to lose weight? why can't i lose weight? hi for me if you was doing everything you say then you would be losing weight. but your not so your cheating its the only answer you need to as strict with what your doing as you say above do that and you will lose weight. but get on to some of these new ways of losing weight like the caveman. get out walking but brisk walking take a weighted back pack and when doing that find some hills to climb get up early go swimming these last two are some of the best ways to lose weight you just keep away from fast foods and junk foods and no sodas drink lots of water. all ways think of these self discipline. self control. breaking bad habits. in grain these in your mind. good luck
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what should be the exact calories we should have in one day? . i put on my weight 10 kg in last 6 months but my confusion is that i have not taken any heavy food then why i gained my weight. . please suggest me what had happened with me and how i can loose my weight?
first off if you feel that your eating and activity has not changed along with this weight gain a visit to your doctor is in order. he or she can make sure anything else isn't going on. there could be less obvious reasons for weight gain such as decreased activity medications more drinking of alcoholic beverages and stress. this article can help identify hidden sources of weight gain. there is not a set calorie level for each person as each of us has different metabolisms. that being said you can reference this chart to give you an idea. with some time and investigation you can get to the bottom of the weight gain. good luck!
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what health consequences will i face because of my meal plan for my eating disorder and the desserts that i eat nightly? . i am currently recovering from an eating disorder and have to follow a meal plan. sadly this requires me to eat dessert every night. i have been doing so since about mid-february. i am a fitness and nutrition fanatic (this did not help in developing an) and i have a major fear of suffering health consequences due to the fact that i am forced to eat sugary desserts every night. is there any health repercussions? what should i do?
most helpful answer the important thing is that you understand why the dessert is in your meal plan. talking with your therapist is key because he or she is likely doing it to help change your relationship with food. the tendency with eating disorders/disordered eating is people give too much power to a single food instead of looking at the overall pattern of eating. as for your health no eating a sweet food everyday will not ruin your health (i do it! ) especially when your diet is balanced. it's the extremes that are harmful -- eating sweets/chips/empty calorie foods all day long or eliminating so many foods/items that it's hard to maintain a healthy weight and enjoy eating. i hope that helps. good luck on your journey!
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i've had almost no appetite for several months and am losing an unhealthy amount of weight. how to reverse both losses? . i've had no appetite for maybe three or four months. i have a history of anorexia but this is unintentional. i buy cook and order food i want to eat but the second it's in front of me i can't eat it. i recently moved took a less stressful job and am at a lower level of anxiety than i've ever been before but my jaw clenching is coming back and i can't make myself eat. i've lost a lot of weight and my starting point was already pretty thin. i'm five foot two inches and weigh around 90 lbs
because of your history of anorexia its best to see someone who specializes in eating disorders to rule out relapse. even if you feel this is not the case doing so is in your best interest. if that leaves you with no answers you can get a physical to check the potential medical reasons for decreased appetite. for now when you do have an appetite take advantage of it. if breakfast is when you are the most hungry eat a full big breakfast. notice times your appetite changes and follow along. consider adding frequent meals throughout the day. meditation and mindfulness also can help. take care of yourself. anorexia with unintentional weight loss should not be ignored. this can be due to some severe ailment/condition. better visit your physician and get yourself checked up.
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is bone structure ever taken into account with bmi? . i have extremely dense/large bone structure. i am never healthy at the weights the charts say i should be at. i do not have a typical women's structure. i feel the bmi charts are set for a petite woman and not for me.
bmi takes into account mass (weight) and height. mass includes muscle fat and bone. so if someone has large bones or more muscle than fat this will not be taken into account. this is the key limitation of bmi. it is used a screening tool but should not be used as an indicator of health status. for more on bmi see how accurate is body mass index?
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what foods will increase albumin? . my husband's albumin level is 2. 4 and the low level is preventing him from participating in a clinical trial for lung cancer.
a low albumin can be caused by a variety of factors including nutrition medications and fluid status. talk to his doctor about how much fluid your husband needs and potential contributors to his low albumin. as long as he has no diet restrictions getting adequate protein can help. protein sources include eggs chicken fish meat cheese/milk nuts/nut butters and beans. aim for at least one protein source at each meal and with snacks. make sure his diet is balanced with other foods to balance out his diet. sample day: b-fast: omelet with veggies and toast snack: greek yogurt topped with nuts and fruit lunch: turkey chili with side of fruit and bread snack: smoothie with added protein powder dinner: fish whole grain & veggies
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i'd like to know what the best combination of supplements are for a vegan including enzymes amino acids and vitamins. i've been looking into collagen (to improve bone density skin and hair) spirulina (for protein and immune function) maca powder(hormonal function and fertility) omega3 6 9 and digestive enzymes (to help with bloating and stomach problems). i also take a multi vitamin. i am overwhelmed with the wealth of information and would like advice on the best combination as i don't want to take too many supplements when i don't fully understand how they might effect each other. thanks in advance.
i'm not familiar with the supplements you are taking. you can look here for more info. my guess is there isn't a lot of evidence to support them. i can help you from a nutrition standpoint though. if you are a vegan and eat a balanced diet you still need to watch out for the following nutrients: calcium: this article will help you figure out if you are getting enough. plant foods and fortified milk alternatives can get you there but you need to be diligent. you can always supplement if you fall short. iron: beans and grains contain iron but they aren't absorbed as well as animal foods. this article can help you ensure you get enough. vitamin b12: plant foods do not contain vitamin b12 so you will can include fortified foods or take a supplement. vitamin d: this vitamin is not in plant foods unless its fortified. you will likely need to supplement. i recommend getting your levels checked at annual physical to determine how much you need. omega 3s dha and epa: plant foods do not contain these important fats -- there are vegan supplements you can look into. if you are still confused consider seeing a registered dietitian. he/she can help you figure out what supplements you need and what you can just get from food good luck!
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is it ok to have lemon in water before a fasting blood test?
while there is not much sugar in lemons you should only drink water before your fasting blood sugar. try scheduling the test first thing in the morning.
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how do i get back on track after being on various crash diets for months and then eating unhealthy for the last 2 weeks? . just wanted to note that i am at a healthy weight (bmi 20. 6) and i have been craving unhealthy foods at every meal. i feel like i'm "out of control " since i had gotten down to a bmi of 19. 6 for a special event. what's a good way to get back on track and stop gaining weight?
i think it's important for you to take step back. you are not even close to being overweight and although you say your weight is healthy that doesn't mean that your body is healthy. bmi categorizes weight not health. restrained eating which is always depriving yourself by dieting or restricting food put all the focus on forbidden foods hence the out-of-control feelings. this is also called the diet-binge-diet cycle. some find a way to keep their weight down but others gain weight overtime (studies show dieting is linked to weight gain over time not weight loss). regardless of weight research shows that this type of eating style negatively effects life satisfaction and self esteem. i've been there and constantly thinking about food takes energy away from all the other important aspects of life. there is another way of eating that will make you happier healthier and keep your weight stable. instead of focusing on weight and what foods to eat or not eat focus on health and feeling good. listen to your body and feed it a variety of food. instead of stopping because the portion is done listen and honor feelings of hunger and fullness. research shows people are healthier and happier when they eat this way. now this might be hard for you to do so i suggest getting help from a professional like a registered dietitian. you can find one at eatright. org. also you can read the following articles: how to become an intuitive eater the 7 habits of highly effective eaters improving body image best of health to you!
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will drinking herbal tea negatively affect my taking iron pills? . will drinking herbal tea negatively affect my taking iron pills?
most helpful answer black green and oolong tea contain tannins that bind to iron and decrease its absorption. herbal teas can have tannins too but it varies from tea to tea (darker teas have more). to play it safe do not drink tea right after or before taking your iron pill. for example if you have tea in the morning stop a couple hours before lunch and take your pill after eating or wait until the afternoon.
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vit d 25-hydroxy test yesterday my level is 5 what will i have to do in order to get my levels to normal?
you need to call your doctor. he or she should prescribe a vitamin d supplement to get your levels back up and will test you again to be sure it's working. once your levels are normal your doctor will recommend a maintenance dose to keep your levels above normal. for more on the subject see this article about vitamin d deficiency. don't delay!
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why do some vitamins contain too much zinc. preservision areds has 348 mg. and the max. daily is 40 mg. ! why would they put that much in there. now i'm afraid to take it paid for it and opened it can't return it.
you should call the manufacturer and ask the company why. supplement companies are not regulated like drugs are so be careful and make sure your voice is heard. zinc intakes above 150 mg have been associated with adverse effects such as low copper status and a lowered immune response. no more than 40mg in supplements is recommended. read this for more on zinc supplementation.
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could minor surgery cause signs of multiple sclerosis exacerbation such as clumsiness dizziness and muscle spasms?
people will frequently relate onset of symptoms to certain life events (surgery car accident etc). it is not clear if there is cause and effect but we know that stress can affect the immune system. there is also some work to suggest that ms patients may have exacerbations more frequently when under stress than not. so call your neurologist and discuss what is happening. david
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i am a 64 year old active femal wth osteopenia i take 35 mg of risedronate weekly. how much calcium and d do i need? . please give daily total of what i should ensure i get in both food and supplements.
it's important you talk to your healthcare provider about the amounts they recommend. vitamin d recommendations are usually based on your blood levels. if they are low doctors often recommend high doses until levels reach acceptable. they also might have recommendations for calcium based on your medication and diagnosis. that being said the recommended amount based on your age and gender is 1200mg calcium and 600iu vitamin d. this calcium calculator can help you determine how much is in food and this article can help you with vitamin d. once you determine how much you get with food you can consider supplementation. just be sure to check with your doctor.
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can hot weather affect multiple sclerosis?
heat does cause a "pseudo exacerbation" and many multiple sclerosis patients are sensitive to heat. these changes are called "pseudo exacerbations" because the changes that occur are reflect changes in physiology and not damage caused by the immune system. the myelin that covers nerves is there to make electrical impulses travel very quickly. these electrical impulses travel most efficiently at normal body temperature. as you increase the temperature the impulses slow down. in normal myelin this is not a problem but in areas of the nervous system damaged by ms the impulse will slow enough to bring out symptoms. there is no damage to the nervous system. when this happens you need to cool down to improve the symptoms. if you are heat sensitive and have ms you need to protect yourself from getting overheated.
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can using prednisone hide positive results from multiple sclerosis testing?
steroids may reduce inflammation and can reduce the number of enhancing lesions (lesions that turn bright white on mri after getting the injection of contrast dye)on mri. but it will not make lesions disappear and should not stop someone form making the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.
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can i take zotex while on cipro?
this is a great question and very common for pharmacists to get during cough cold and allergy season. it is fine to take these two medications together. if you ever have any questions about possible drug interactions or other questions come and ask the pharmacist. we are here to help.
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can you take tylenol and benadryl together?
this is a great question to ask you pharmacist. yes it is fine to take these medications but make sure you tell your doctor or health care provider along with your pharmacist and add them to your personal medication list. make sure you follow the instructions on the package for each and be aware of the possible side effects like drowsiness dizziness and dry mouth. if you have any questions just ask!
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why are some medications like sudafed kept behind the counter?
sudafed is an over-the-counter (otc) nasal and sinus decongestant that contains the active ingredient pseudoephedrine. although safe and effective if used as directed it has been placed behind the counter because of its potential for misuse and abuse. federal regulations require states track products containing pseudoephedrine as a means to curb improper use.
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how does naturaly produce cholesterol of the body differ from cholesterol in dietary foods?
cholesterol in the body is a waxy like substance that travels through blood and provides many important functions like making hormones. no one needs to ingest cholesterol because the body makes it especially the liver. the process of making "bad cholesterol" (ldl) increases when someone eats too much saturated and trans fat and not enough fruits vegetables and soluble fiber. the good cholesterol (hdl) is beneficial for health because it helps clear the bad cholesterol out and is related to exercise and the consumption of healthy fats (nuts vegetable oils etc) intake. there is also a genetic link to cholesterol levels meaning people with a family history of high cholesterol may be at higher risk. cholesterol is also found in foods of animal origin such as meat poultry and full fat dairy but isn't linked to high cholesterol as much as saturated and trans fats are. that being said the american heart association says too much cholesterol in the diet can lead to increased plaque in the arteries. for more info see the basics of cholesterol
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gastic bypass help. can you shrink your stomach back after stretching it out? . ive had gastric bypass a few years ago. i've done extremely well with it. but this year i've struggled a lot with excerise and eating healthy. some things were out of my control and some things were in my control as far as staying on track. . my concern is i have gained almost 30 lbs back in the last 18months. if my stomach stretched out do to this weight gain csn it be reshrunk? . my goal is to get back on track asap. what can i do to make my stomach shrink back down.
it is difficult to stretch out your stomach after gastric bypass. it may happen somewhat with constant overeating over a long period of time but i wouldn't worry about it now. you still have your tool of a smaller stomach but you need more than just that. the most important thing is to seek help and support from you doctor and support staff such as the dietitian. the hardest part is dealing with life's ups and downs after you have lost weight. learning new coping skills positive ways to deal with stress and ways to keep your diet on track is key. support is what you need so you can be ready the next time you struggle.
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what can be done about headaches associated with multiple sclerosis?
headaches are usually not a feature of multiple sclerosis. however headaches are a common problem and many ms patients have migraine headaches along with their ms. the headaches need to be treated since the constant pain can be very demoralizing and make life more difficult. your son's neurologist should be able to work with him to find a medication that helps his headache pain. you may want to ask your neurologist about midrin and topamax. both of these drugs have seemed to help me in the past. i have also tried botox injections - alot of injections around eyes neck scalp as well as my mouth as i twitch there off and on. have tried botox injections twice now and find them only mildly effective.
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are there any specific supplements or vitamins needed to be taken for a pescatarian diet?
it depends on the quality of your current diet. some pescatarians eat dairy and others don't. if you don't eat dairy vitamin d and calcium are of concern. even if you do eat dairy it is likely you need vitamin d unless you are having fatty fish every day. you don't have to worry about omega-3 (dha and epa) if you are having fatty fish twice a week. you need to be sure you are getting enough iron and zinc but with careful planning it shouldn't be a problem. in short a well-balanced pescatarian diet can supply most of the nutrients you need (except d which is low in food). this article can help you make the right choices. of course you can always take a multivitamin if you feel you diet is inadequate.
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what vitamins could you take for low estrogen?
although supplement companies will claim their vitamins will help balance hormones the evidence regarding this is lacking. first off a lot depends on why your estrogen is low. if it is because of peri-menopause or menopause you want to be sure you are getting enough calcium (through diet is recommended over supplements) and vitamin d for bone health which can decrease with lower levels of estrogen. look at your diet. try to eat healthier by including plenty of fruits vegetables whole grains low fat dairy healthy fats and lean protein (including fish twice a week). if there are gaps in your diet then consider supplementing. for example if you don't eat fish you may want to consider omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil). vitamin d is tough to get through food so supplementation is usually needed. if you are concerned about it see a registered dietitian who can help you sort through the proper diet and supplementation. you can find one in your area at eatright. org. also see: the 7 missing nutrients in your diet
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can you take vitamins if you have diverticulitis? . can you take vitamins if you have diverticulitis?
i can see no reason why you couldn't take vitamins with diverticulitis unless your doctor doesn't want you to take pills during an inflammation phase. if that's the case you can take chewables or liquid form until you are able to take whole pills again. also see diet for diverticulitis
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is it possible for one's stomach to expand to an enormous size after years of binging? i have never felt full. i was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2013 at the age of 30 but was showing symptoms when i was 10. i have always eaten large amounts (at least 4 times normal serving sizes) and never gained weight. after diagnosis i gained 100 lbs. and i can't manage my weight. i try to eat until i feel satisfied but i never am satisfied. i never feel full if i overeat.
the size of your stomach shouldn't be a factor in not feeling full. if you were used to eating large amounts of food due to your disease your body likely got used to that. now that (i assume) the celiac is under control. you are still eating the same way but your body is now absorbing the food. weight gain can also change hunger hormones increasing appetite further. i suggest getting help from a dietitian who specializes in eating issues. there are lots of tricks to helping feeling full including choosing filling food and being mindful while eating. you can find a dietitian in your area by going to eatright. org more reading. 9 surprising facts about your stomach satiety: the secret sauce to weight control
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can diabetes or my metformin cause high cholesterol? i was taking prevastatin but my cholesterol is very high. i also had a big steak dinner the night before the test could that make a difference? it confuses me because i eat oatmeal once or twice a day which is supposed to help lower cholesterol plus i am on pravastatin. my doctor just switched me back to simvastatin but i am very concerned. i have a peanut butter sandwich and a half with my breakfast each morning would that make my cholesterol skyrocket?
it is possible that what you ate the night before your blood test could influence your test somewhat (probably not significantly). if you think this is the case you can repeat your test eating like you normally would. but another factor is your blood sugar control. if you blood sugars have been higher lately that could also cause your cholesterol to increase. you can tell this by checking your hemoglobin a1c. a registered dietitian can help sort this all out. you find one in your area at eatright. org or going through your doctor. see also foods that help lower cholesterol. good luck!
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what are the symptoms of starvation. we are going through tough times and can only afford enough food for our children if we are to pay our basic bills each month until my spouse obtains a job. so that i can best gauge how my husband and i are faring what are the symptoms that our bodies are going into starvation mode or that we are getting to the desperate stage. i know that we must drink more water if we are eating less but that is all i know. thank you.
i'm sorry to hear you are having a difficult time. here are some symptoms to be aware of: weight loss of 5-10% in 6 months feeling tired change in bowels (constipation or diarrhea) feeling cold (can't get warm) losing menses (women) thinning hair and brittle nails getting sick frequently with slow recovery more reading malnutrition symptoms budget eating (dried beans can go a long way)
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will brushing my teeth with baking soda and sea salt increase my sodium intake? . i'm on a low sodium diet.
if you are careful not to swallow it and rinse well afterwards it shouldn't count as sodium intake. check with your dentist on how frequently you should be doing this.
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diagnosed with gestational diabetes. my post prandial blood sugar is often 125 not 120. is that ok? . diagnosed with gestational diabetes. my post prandial blood sugar is often 125 not 120. is that ok?
that seems within the normal range. but what really matters is not one blood sugar level but the overall pattern. that's why its recommended you write down what you eat along with your blood sugar levels and show them to a diabetes educator. they work with you on modifying your diet to help manage blood sugars during pregnancy. for more on recommended blood sugar targets see this article.
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does grapfruit help you loose weight i want to loose 10 pounds
there are no studies showing grapefruit or any other food has unique fat-burning abilities. that being said in one study eating half a grapefruit before meals resulted in significantly more weight loss over 12 weeks compared to those who didn't consume grapefruit. this is likely due to grapefruit's high water content helping people feel full. but there's a lot more you can do to manage your weight including diet changes exercise and getting adequate sleep. good luck! more reading: the grapefruit diet how to lose weight fast and safely
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is frolic acid necessary when taking vitamin b12 1000 methylcobalamin daily. i currently take 1000 mcg b12 methylcobalamin daily now i'm reading you should combine it w/ frolic acid? is it necessary to add?
it depends on why you are taking it. if it is for b12 deficiency then you take vitamin b12 but with a doctor's guidance to monitor blood levels. if you are taking it for high blood levels of homocysteine or to prevent age-related macular degeneration then you take a combination of b12 folic acid and pyridoxine. for more information on dosing side effects and interactions see this link.
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can rapid weight loss cause hypoglycemia
it may not be the weight loss but rather any changes in eating habits that caused the weight loss. if someone is skipping meals drinking more alcohol exercising excessively and fasting this can increase the risk of hypoglycemia. see your doctor to be sure. for more on the various causes of hypoglycemia see this article.
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can b12 vitamins raise lab results. b12 lab results are1241. can taking 1000 mcg of sublingual b12 each day raise lab results?
yes taking high levels of vitamin b12 can increase blood levels. since your levels are high you can decrease it to once a week or not at all if you are getting enough from your diet. for more on testing vitamin b12 see this article.
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my 11 month old will not eat solids. she is still breastfeed but should i be worried about her not getting enough iron. my 11 month old is very picky and does not like the texture of many foods. she will only eat cheeriors crackers or hard breadsticks. she is still breastfeeding but i am worried she is not getting enough iron since her solid food intake is minimal. i've tired iron fortified baby cereal but she will not eat that either. . should i be worried what can i do?
you need to have her iron checked and get a feeding evaluation. start with your pediatrician where they can test her levels and check to see if anything medical is going on such food allergies or reflux. if he doesn't find anything ask for a referral to a feeding therapist for an evaluation. this is an important time for feeding and nutrition don't delay getting help to find out what is going on.
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does drinking too much water and soda before a meal make you feel full that you do not want to eat? . my sons girlfriend allows her children to drink a lot of water and soda right before they eat and then they do not eat. doesn't drinking a lot before a meal fill you up and then you are not hungry?
yes drinking fluids especially sugar-sweetened or calorie-containing beverages can cause feelings of fullness resulting in decreased food intake. young children with small stomachs are more likely to fill up than older children and adults. it's best to serve calorie-containing beverages with meals. for example juice and milk with lunch or dinner and soda only occasionally. water is the best in between meal beverage. good luck!
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can you become allergic by eating to much of a food?
no over-consumption of a food doesn't cause a food allergy. for common causes see this webmd article.
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what foods should i avoice for meneire's disease? . my doctor told me to eat a "no salt chocolate wine cheese and caffeine diet (a migraine diet? ). can you provide me with an established diet that avoids triggers for meniere's?
the mainstay of a diet for menieres is low sodium typically under 2000mg daily. that means focusing on whole foods that naturally have less sodium over processed foods with sodium added. these foods include fruits vegetables whole grains unprocessed meats and healthy fats. when choosing other items read the label. this list should help you figure out low sodium choices. it's also beneficial to limit caffeine in items like coffee tea and soda. these are other foods high in caffeine. i think the cheese and wine has to do with migraines and not menieres so you'll have to check with your doctor on that. i would focus on sodium first. good luck!
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can lactose intolerance cause weight gain? if all my food rushes through could my body be overdoing calorie retention? . if all the food i eat constantly rushes through could my body be overcompensating and desperately trying to get calories out of food because it usually 'rushes' out? . i've timed my body before and high-lactose items last 15 minutes (until desperate release). this sounds like the gi may have to be in high gear just to try to absorb food. if it's in this gear when i don't have lactose i feel it may be a reason for weigh gain or retention.
although its an interesting theory it's not supported by science. lactose intolerance does not cause weight gain. excess weight occurs when you eat more calories than your body burns. in fact people with more serious gastrointestinal problems like ulcerative colitis or crohns have food rush through them and they tend to be underweight and sometimes malnourished. the body does not seem to overcompensate.
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should toddlers take vitamins with omega 3 and vitamin d3
that depends on their diet. most kids need supplemental vitamin d because it not found naturally in many foods and the sun is not reliable. the american academy of pediatrics recommends supplementing with d for children not receiving enough through diet. it would take 6 cups of milk to get the 600iu recommended -- and that would be too much milk for kids anyway. as for omega-3 fatty acids i assume your referring to dha which is important for health and brain development in babies and young toddlers. if a toddler eats fish about twice a week (small portions) than it's not needed. if he doesn't eat any fish you may want to consider supplementing. fortified foods have some but not as much as in fish.
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Dataset Card for "Medical" Healthcare QnA Datasets

Dataset Details

Dataset Description

The "Medical" dataset is a specialized subset curated from the larger MedDialog collection, featuring healthcare dialogues between doctors and patients. This dataset focuses on conversations from Icliniq, HealthcareMagic, and HealthTap. Written primarily in English, it is designed to serve a broad range of applications such as NLP research, healthcare chatbot development, and medical information retrieval. The dataset contains 24,000 rows.

  • Data Sources: Curated from MedDialog, focusing on Icliniq, HealthcareMagic, and HealthTap
  • Size: 24,000 rows
  • Language: English

Direct Uses:

  • NLP research in healthcare dialogues
  • Development of healthcare question-answering systems
  • Medical information retrieval

Limitations and Recommendations:

  • Not a substitute for certified medical advice
  • Exercise caution in critical healthcare applications
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