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Data Encrypted for Impact | RobbinHood will search for an RSA encryption key and then perform its encryption process on the system files. |
Data Encrypted for Impact | Royal uses a multi-threaded encryption process that can partially encrypt targeted files with the OpenSSL library and the AES256 algorithm. |
Data Encrypted for Impact | Ryuk has used a combination of symmetric (AES) and asymmetric (RSA) encryption to encrypt files. Files have been encrypted with their own AES key and given a file extension of .RYK. Encrypted directories have had a ransom note of RyukReadMe.txt written to the directory. |
Data Encrypted for Impact | SamSam encrypts victim files using RSA-2048 encryption and demands a ransom be paid in Bitcoin to decrypt those files. |
Data Encrypted for Impact | It has used Prestige ransomware to encrypt data at targeted organizations in transportation and related logistics industries in Ukraine and Poland. |
Data Encrypted for Impact | Seth-Locker can encrypt files on a targeted system, appending them with the suffix .seth. |
Data Encrypted for Impact | Shamoon has an operational mode for encrypting data instead of overwriting it. |
Data Encrypted for Impact | SynAck encrypts the victims machine followed by asking the victim to pay a ransom. |
Data Encrypted for Impact | It has used a wide variety of ransomware, such as Clop, Locky, Jaff, Bart, Philadelphia, and GlobeImposter, to encrypt victim files and demand a ransom payment. |
Data Encrypted for Impact | ThiefQuest encrypts a set of file extensions on a host, deletes the original files, and provides a ransom note with no contact information. |
Data Encrypted for Impact | WannaCry encrypts user files and demands that a ransom be paid in Bitcoin to decrypt those files. |
Data Encrypted for Impact | WastedLocker can encrypt data and leave a ransom note. |
Data Encrypted for Impact | Xbash has maliciously encrypted victim's database systems and demanded a cryptocurrency ransom be paid. |
Data Encrypted for Impact | XCSSET performs AES-CBC encryption on files under ~/Documents, ~/Downloads, and~/Desktop with a fixed key and renames files to give them a .enc extension. Only files with sizes less than 500MB are encrypted. |
Data Manipulation | It has injected fraudulent transactions into compromised networks that mimic legitimate behavior to siphon off incremental amounts of money. |
Data Manipulation:Stored Data Manipulation | It has used DYEPACK to create, delete, and alter records in databases used for SWIFT transactions. |
Data Manipulation:Stored Data Manipulation | SUNSPOT created a copy of the SolarWinds Orion software source file with a .bk extension to backup the original content, wrote SUNBURST using the same filename but with a .tmp extension, and then moved SUNBURST using MoveFileEx to the original filename with a .cs extension so it could be compiled within Orion software. |
Data Manipulation:Transmitted Data Manipulation | It has used DYEPACK to manipulate SWIFT messages en route to a printer. |
Data Manipulation:Transmitted Data Manipulation | LightNeuron is capable of modifying email content, headers, and attachments during transit. |
Data Manipulation:Transmitted Data Manipulation | Melcoz can monitor the clipboard for cryptocurrency addresses and change the intended address to one controlled by the adversary. |
Data Manipulation:Transmitted Data Manipulation | Metamorfo has a function that can watch the contents of the system clipboard for valid bitcoin addresses, which it then overwrites with the attacker's address. |
Data Manipulation:Runtime Data Manipulation | It has used DYEPACK.FOX to manipulate PDF data as it is accessed to remove traces of fraudulent SWIFT transactions from the data displayed to the end user. |
Defacement:Internal Defacement | Black Basta has set the desktop wallpaper on victims' machines to display a ransom note. |
Defacement:Internal Defacement | BlackCat can change the desktop wallpaper on compromised hosts. |
Defacement:Internal Defacement | After encryption, Diavol will capture the desktop background window, set the background color to black, and change the desktop wallpaper to a newly created bitmap image with the text "All your files are encrypted! For more information see "README-FOR-DECRYPT.txt". |
Defacement:Internal Defacement | It has left taunting images and messages on the victims' desktops as proof of system access. |
Defacement:Internal Defacement | It replaced the background wallpaper of systems with a threatening image after rendering the system unbootable with a Disk Structure Wipe. |
Defacement:Internal Defacement | Meteor can change both the desktop wallpaper and the lock screen image to a custom image. |
Defacement:External Defacement | It defaced approximately 15,000 websites belonging to Georgian government, non-government, and private sector organizations in 2019. |
Disk Wipe:Disk Content Wipe | BlackCat has the ability to wipe VM snapshots on compromised networks. |
Disk Wipe:Disk Content Wipe | HermeticWiper has the ability to corrupt disk partitions and obtain raw disk access to destroy data. |
Disk Wipe:Disk Content Wipe | It has used malware like WhiskeyAlfa to overwrite the first 64MB of every drive with a mix of static and random buffers. A similar process is then used to wipe content in logical drives and, finally, attempt to wipe every byte of every sector on every drive. WhiskeyBravo can be used to overwrite the first 4.9MB of physical drives. WhiskeyDelta can overwrite the first 132MB or 1.5MB of each drive with random data from heap memory. |
Disk Wipe:Disk Content Wipe | MegaCortex can wipe deleted data from all drives using cipher.exe. |
Disk Wipe:Disk Content Wipe | RawDisk has been used to directly access the hard disk to help overwrite arbitrarily sized portions of disk content. |
Disk Wipe:Disk Content Wipe | StoneDrill can wipe the accessible physical or logical drives of the infected machine. |
Disk Wipe:Disk Content Wipe | WhisperGate can overwrite sectors of a victim host's hard drive at periodic offsets. |
Disk Wipe:Disk Structure Wipe | It has access to destructive malware that is capable of overwriting a machine's Master Boot Record (MBR). |
Disk Wipe:Disk Structure Wipe | It has used a custom MBR wiper named BOOTWRECK to render systems inoperable. |
Disk Wipe:Disk Structure Wipe | CaddyWiper has the ability to destroy information about a physical drive's partitions including the MBR, GPT, and partition entries. |
Disk Wipe:Disk Structure Wipe | HermeticWiper has the ability to corrupt disk partitions, damage the Master Boot Record (MBR), and overwrite the Master File Table (MFT) of all available physical drives. |
Disk Wipe:Disk Structure Wipe | KillDisk overwrites the first sector of the Master Boot Record with "0x00". |
Disk Wipe:Disk Structure Wipe | It malware SHARPKNOT overwrites and deletes the Master Boot Record (MBR) on the victim's machine and has possessed MBR wiper malware since at least 2009. |
Disk Wipe:Disk Structure Wipe | RawDisk was used in Shamoon to help overwrite components of disk structure like the MBR and disk partitions. |
Disk Wipe:Disk Structure Wipe | It has used the BlackEnergy KillDisk component to corrupt the infected system's master boot record. |
Disk Wipe:Disk Structure Wipe | Shamoon has been seen overwriting features of disk structure such as the MBR. |
Disk Wipe:Disk Structure Wipe | StoneDrill can wipe the master boot record of an infected computer. |
Disk Wipe:Disk Structure Wipe | WhisperGate can overwrite the Master Book Record (MBR) on victim systems with a malicious 16-bit bootloader. |
Endpoint Denial of Service | OnionDuke has the capability to use a Denial of Service module. |
Endpoint Denial of Service | It temporarily disrupted service to Georgian government, non-government, and private sector websites after compromising a Georgian web hosting provider in 2019. |
Endpoint Denial of Service | ZxShell has a feature to perform SYN flood attack on a host. |
Endpoint Denial of Service:Application or System Exploitation | Industroyer uses a custom DoS tool that leverages CVE-2015-5374 and targets hardcoded IP addresses of Siemens SIPROTEC devices. |
Financial Theft | It has observed the victim's software and infrastructure over several months to understand the technical process of legitimate financial transactions, prior to attempting to conduct fraudulent transactions. |
Financial Theft | It targets organizations in high technology, higher education, and manufacturing for business email compromise (BEC) campaigns with the goal of financial theft. |
Firmware Corruption | Bad Rabbit has used an executable that installs a modified bootloader to prevent normal boot-up. |
Firmware Corruption | TrickBot module "Trickboot" can write or erase the UEFI/BIOS firmware of a compromised device. |
Inhibit System Recovery | Avaddon deletes backups and shadow copies using native system tools. |
Inhibit System Recovery | Babuk has the ability to delete shadow volumes using vssadmin.exe delete shadows /all /quiet. |
Inhibit System Recovery | BitPaymer attempts to remove the backup shadow files from the host using vssadmin.exe Delete Shadows /All /Quiet. |
Inhibit System Recovery | Black Basta can delete shadow copies using vssadmin.exe. |
Inhibit System Recovery | BlackCat can delete shadow copies using vssadmin.exe delete shadows /all /quiet and wmic.exe Shadowcopy Delete; it can also modify the boot loader using bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No. |
Inhibit System Recovery | Clop can delete the shadow volumes with vssadmin Delete Shadows /all /quiet and can use bcdedit to disable recovery options. |
Inhibit System Recovery | Conficker resets system restore points and deletes backup files. |
Inhibit System Recovery | Conti can delete Windows Volume Shadow Copies using vssadmin. |
Inhibit System Recovery | DarkWatchman can delete shadow volumes using vssadmin.exe. |
Inhibit System Recovery | DEATHRANSOM can delete volume shadow copies on compromised hosts. |
Inhibit System Recovery | Diavol can delete shadow copies using the IVssBackupComponents COM object to call the DeleteSnapshots method. |
Inhibit System Recovery | EKANS removes backups of Volume Shadow Copies to disable any restoration capabilities. |
Inhibit System Recovery | FIVEHANDS has the ability to delete volume shadow copies on compromised hosts. |
Inhibit System Recovery | H1N1 disable recovery options and deletes shadow copies from the victim. |
Inhibit System Recovery | HELLOKITTY can delete volume shadow copies on compromised hosts. |
Inhibit System Recovery | HermeticWiper can disable the VSS service on a compromised host using the service control manager. |
Inhibit System Recovery | InvisiMole can can remove all system restore points. |
Inhibit System Recovery | JCry has been observed deleting shadow copies to ensure that data cannot be restored easily. |
Inhibit System Recovery | Maze has attempted to delete the shadow volumes of infected machines, once before and once after the encryption process. |
Inhibit System Recovery | MegaCortex has deleted volume shadow copies using vssadmin.exe. |
Inhibit System Recovery | Meteor can use bcdedit to delete different boot identifiers on a compromised host; it can also use vssadmin.exe delete shadows /all /quiet and C:\\Windows\\system32\\wbem\\wmic.exe shadowcopy delete. |
Inhibit System Recovery | Netwalker can delete the infected system's Shadow Volumes to prevent recovery. |
Inhibit System Recovery | Olympic Destroyer uses the native Windows utilities vssadmin, wbadmin, and bcdedit to delete and disable operating system recovery features such as the Windows backup catalog and Windows Automatic Repair. |
Inhibit System Recovery | Prestige can delete the backup catalog from the target system using: c:\Windows\System32\wbadmin.exe delete catalog -quiet and can also delete volume shadow copies using: \Windows\System32\vssadmin.exe delete shadows /all /quiet. |
Inhibit System Recovery | ProLock can use vssadmin.exe to remove volume shadow copies. |
Inhibit System Recovery | Pysa has the functionality to delete shadow copies. |
Inhibit System Recovery | Ragnar Locker can delete volume shadow copies using vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet. |
Inhibit System Recovery | REvil can use vssadmin to delete volume shadow copies and bcdedit to disable recovery features. |
Inhibit System Recovery | RobbinHood deletes shadow copies to ensure that all the data cannot be restored easily. |
Inhibit System Recovery | Royal can delete shadow copy backups with vssadmin.exe using the command delete shadows /all /quiet. |
Inhibit System Recovery | Ryuk has used vssadmin Delete Shadows /all /quiet to to delete volume shadow copies and vssadmin resize shadowstorage to force deletion of shadow copies created by third-party applications. |
Inhibit System Recovery | WannaCry uses vssadmin, wbadmin, bcdedit, and wmic to delete and disable operating system recovery features. |
Inhibit System Recovery | WastedLocker can delete shadow volumes. |
Inhibit System Recovery | It has used WMIC and vssadmin to manually delete volume shadow copies. It has also used Conti ransomware to delete volume shadow copies automatically with the use of vssadmin. |
Network Denial of Service | In 2016, It conducted a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack against the World Anti-Doping Agency. |
Network Denial of Service | Lucifer can execute TCP, UDP, and HTTP denial of service (DoS) attacks. |
Resource Hijacking | It deployed a Monero cryptocurrency mining tool in a victim’s environment. |
Resource Hijacking | It has used XMRIG to mine cryptocurrency on victim systems. |
Resource Hijacking | Bonadan can download an additional module which has a cryptocurrency mining extension. |
Resource Hijacking | CookieMiner has loaded coinmining software onto systems to mine for Koto cryptocurrency. |
Resource Hijacking | Hildegard has used xmrig to mine cryptocurrency. |
Resource Hijacking | Imminent Monitor has the capability to run a cryptocurrency miner on the victim machine. |
Resource Hijacking | Kinsing has created and run a Bitcoin cryptocurrency miner. |
Resource Hijacking | LoudMiner harvested system resources to mine cryptocurrency, using XMRig to mine Monero. |
Resource Hijacking | Lucifer can use system resources to mine cryptocurrency, dropping XMRig to mine Monero. |
Subsets and Splits