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815 | \begin{tikzpicture}
axis background/.style={fill=gainsboro229},
axis line style={white},
tick align=outside,
tick pos=left,
x grid style={white},
xmin=0.5, xmax=4.5,
xtick style={color=dimgray85},
xticklabel style={rotate=45.0},
xticklabels={Q\#,SILQ,Q-Pragma QPU,Q-Pragma Host},
y grid style={white},
ylabel=\textcolor{dimgray85}{Number of lines},
ymin=1.55, ymax=33.45,
ytick style={color=dimgray85}
\path [draw=black, fill=skyblue127192214]
(axis cs:0.775,10.5)
--(axis cs:1.225,10.5)
--(axis cs:1.225,21)
--(axis cs:0.775,21)
--(axis cs:0.775,10.5)
\addplot [black]
table {%
1 10.5
1 3
\addplot [black]
table {%
1 21
1 32
\addplot [black]
table {%
0.8875 3
1.1125 3
\addplot [black]
table {%
0.8875 32
1.1125 32
\path [draw=black, fill=lightslategray127150157]
(axis cs:1.775,5.5)
--(axis cs:2.225,5.5)
--(axis cs:2.225,12)
--(axis cs:1.775,12)
--(axis cs:1.775,5.5)
\addplot [black]
table {%
2 5.5
2 3
\addplot [black]
table {%
2 12
2 18
\addplot [black]
table {%
1.8875 3
2.1125 3
\addplot [black]
table {%
1.8875 18
2.1125 18
\path [draw=black, fill=lightpink255182161]
(axis cs:2.775,6)
--(axis cs:3.225,6)
--(axis cs:3.225,10.5)
--(axis cs:2.775,10.5)
--(axis cs:2.775,6)
\addplot [black]
table {%
3 6
3 4
\addplot [black]
table {%
3 10.5
3 15
\addplot [black]
table {%
2.8875 4
3.1125 4
\addplot [black]
table {%
2.8875 15
3.1125 15
\path [draw=black, fill=lightpink255182161]
(axis cs:3.775,5)
--(axis cs:4.225,5)
--(axis cs:4.225,9)
--(axis cs:3.775,9)
--(axis cs:3.775,5)
\addplot [black]
table {%
4 5
4 3
\addplot [black]
table {%
4 9
4 12
\addplot [black]
table {%
3.8875 3
4.1125 3
\addplot [black]
table {%
3.8875 12
4.1125 12
\addplot [black]
table {%
0.775 16
1.225 16
\addplot [black]
table {%
1.775 7
2.225 7
\addplot [black]
table {%
2.775 8
3.225 8
\addplot [black]
table {%
3.775 7
4.225 7
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 257 |
392 | \begin{tikzpicture}
xlabel={Probability Values},
legend style={at={(0.5,0.99)}, anchor=north, legend columns=-1},
bar width=15pt, % Adjusted bar width
enlarge x limits=0.3, % Adjusted enlargement
\addplot[fill=red!30, draw=black, error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit] coordinates {
(0.2, 0.5691) +- (0, 0.020)
(0.4, 0.5617) +- (0, 0.034)
(0.6, 0.5522) +- (0, 0.014)
(0.8, 0.5503) +- (0, 0.009)
\addplot[fill=green!30, draw=black, error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit] coordinates {
(0.2, 0.5774) +- (0, 0.024)
(0.4, 0.5731) +- (0, 0.017)
(0.6, 0.591) +- (0, 0.017)
(0.8, 0.5747) +- (0, 0.025)
\node[anchor=north] at (axis cs:0, 0.5594) {};
\draw[blue, dashed] (axis cs:0.1, 0.5594) -- (axis cs:0.9, 0.5594);
\legend{Random Erasing, Attention Guided Erasing (Ours)}
| plot | eess | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 208 |
763 | \begin{tikzpicture}
grid style={draw=gray!15},
xlabel=$\dot{V}_F$ (m$^3$/s),
ylabel=$\eta_{ts}$ (\%),
legend style={at={(0.4,0.5)},anchor=north west},
legend cell align = {left}
\addplot [red,mark=*,only marks]coordinates{(169.4,58.66)};
\addplot [black,mark=x,smooth]coordinates{(87.87,47.804)(123.0,50.84)(158.2,55.58)(175.7,56.39)(193.3,54.61)(228.5,39.97)};
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 70 |
67 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (v0) at (0,0) {$v_0$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (v1) at (1,-1) {$v_1$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (v2) at (1,-2) {$v_2$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (vj1) at (-1,-1) {\scriptsize $v_{j-1}$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (vj2) at (5,-1) {\scriptsize $v_{j+2}$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (vl0) at (4,0) {$v_\lambda$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (vl1) at (3,-1) {\scriptsize $v_{\lambda-1}$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (vl2) at (3,-2) {\scriptsize $v_{\lambda-2}$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (vk1) at (0,-1.5)
{\scriptsize $v_{k+2}$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (vk2) at (4,-1.5)
{\scriptsize $v_{k-1}$};
\draw[thick] (v0)--(v1) (v0) -- (vj1) (vl0)--(vl1) (vl0) -- (vj2) (v0)
edge[dashed] (vl0) (v1) edge[dashed] (v2) (vl1) edge[dashed] (vl2)
(vk1) edge[dashed] (v1) (v1) -- (vl1) (vl1) edge[dashed] (vk2);
\draw[thick,dashdotted] plot [smooth, tension=2] coordinates {
(v2.south) (3.0,-3.0) (vk2.south east) };
\draw[thick,dashdotted] plot [smooth, tension=2] coordinates {
(vk1.south) (-1.0,-2) (vj1.south west) };
\draw[thick,dashdotted] plot [smooth, tension=2] coordinates {
(vj2.south) (4.5,-2.5) (vl2.south east) };
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 106 |
977 | \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75pt,y=0.75pt,yscale=-1,xscale=1]
\draw [line width=1.0] (138,110) .. controls (138,107.24) and (140.24,105) .. (143,105) .. controls (145.76,105) and (148,107.24) .. (148,110) .. controls (148,112.76) and (145.76,115) .. (143,115) .. controls (140.24,115) and (138,112.76) .. (138,110) -- cycle ;
\draw [line width=1.0](203.17,110.5) .. controls (203.17,107.74) and (205.41,105.5) .. (208.17,105.5) .. controls (210.93,105.5) and (213.17,107.74) .. (213.17,110.5) .. controls (213.17,113.26) and (210.93,115.5) .. (208.17,115.5) .. controls (205.41,115.5) and (203.17,113.26) .. (203.17,110.5) -- cycle ;
\draw [line width=1.0] [color={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (146,107.33) -- (159.67,107.33) -- (159.67,113) -- (146,113) -- cycle ;
\draw [line width=1.0] [color={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (191.5,107.5) -- (205.17,107.5) -- (205.17,113.17) -- (191.5,113.17) -- cycle ;
\draw [line width=1.0][color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 144; blue, 226 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (171.05,56.5) -- (171.33,106.67) ;
\draw [line width=1.0][color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 144; blue, 226 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (171.33,117.5) -- (171.5,190.75) ;
\draw (237,14.33) -- (237.33,34.67) ;
\draw (257,34.33) -- (237.33,34.67) ;
\draw (260.33,109.33) -- (337.33,109.98) ;
\draw [line width=1.0][shift={(340.33,110)}, rotate = 180.48] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.08] [draw opacity=0] (8.93,-4.29) -- (0,0) -- (8.93,4.29) -- cycle ;
\draw [line width=1.0](387.33,111) .. controls (387.33,97.56) and (392.18,86.67) .. (398.17,86.67) .. controls (404.15,86.67) and (409,97.56) .. (409,111) .. controls (409,124.44) and (404.15,135.33) .. (398.17,135.33) .. controls (392.18,135.33) and (387.33,124.44) .. (387.33,111) -- cycle ;
\draw [line width=1.0] (398.17,86.67) -- (539,86.67) ;
\draw [line width=1.0](398.17,135.33) -- (539,135.33) ;
\draw [line width=1.0](528.17,111) .. controls (528.17,97.56) and (533.02,86.67) .. (539,86.67) .. controls (544.98,86.67) and (549.83,97.56) .. (549.83,111) .. controls (549.83,124.44) and (544.98,135.33) .. (539,135.33) .. controls (533.02,135.33) and (528.17,124.44) .. (528.17,111) -- cycle ;
\draw [line width=1.0] [color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 144; blue, 226 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=0.75] (457.75,111) .. controls (457.75,97.56) and (462.6,86.67) .. (468.58,86.67) .. controls (474.57,86.67) and (479.42,97.56) .. (479.42,111) .. controls (479.42,124.44) and (474.57,135.33) .. (468.58,135.33) .. controls (462.6,135.33) and (457.75,124.44) .. (457.75,111) -- cycle ;
\draw (520.67,15.67) -- (521,36) ;
\draw (540.67,35.67) -- (521,36) ;
\draw [line width=1.0](175.05,56.5) .. controls (146.59,56.55) and (123.5,51.75) .. (123.49,45.76) .. controls (123.48,39.78) and (146.55,34.89) .. (175.01,34.83) .. controls (203.48,34.78) and (226.56,39.58) .. (226.57,45.57) .. controls (226.58,51.55) and (203.52,56.44) .. (175.05,56.5) -- cycle ;
\draw [line width=1.0](175.55,190.5) .. controls (147.09,190.55) and (124,185.75) .. (123.99,179.76) .. controls (123.98,173.78) and (147.05,168.89) .. (175.51,168.83) .. controls (203.98,168.78) and (227.06,173.58) .. (227.07,179.57) .. controls (227.08,185.55) and (204.02,190.44) .. (175.55,190.5) -- cycle ;
\draw [line width=1.0](123.49,45.76) -- (123.99,179.76) ;
\draw [line width=1.0](226.57,45.57) -- (227.07,179.57) ;
\draw [line width=1.0][color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 144; blue, 226 } ,draw opacity=1 ] [dash pattern={on 4.5pt off 4.5pt}] (180.55,35.5) -- (181,168.75) ;
\draw [line width=1.0] (146.67,107.17) -- (205.17,107.5) ;
\draw [line width=1.0] (146.67,114.17) -- (205.17,114.5) ;
\draw (125,80.73) node [anchor=north west] {CFT$^{\rm (I)}$};
\draw (177,81.07) node [anchor=north west] {CFT$^{\rm (II)}$};
\draw (239.33,14.4) node [anchor=north west] {$z$};
\draw (131.67,117.73) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] {$|a\rangle $};
\draw (200.67,117.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] {$|b\rangle $};
\draw (267.33,85.73) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] {$w=f( z)$};
\draw (410,103.07) node [anchor=north west] {CFT$^{\rm (I)}$};
\draw (477.67,102.73) node [anchor=north west] {CFT$^{\rm (II)}$};
\draw (521,15.73) node [anchor=north west] {$w$};
\draw (365.33,103.07) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] {$|a\rangle $};
\draw (552.67,102.07) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] {$|b\rangle $};
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 248 |
420 | \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75pt,y=0.75pt,yscale=-0.7,xscale=0.7]
\draw [fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (31,21) -- (267,247) -- (31,247) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 248; green, 231; blue, 28 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (32,135.53) -- (149,245.47) -- (32,245.47) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 248; green, 231; blue, 28 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (90.5,190.5) -- (149,245.47) -- (90.5,245.47) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 248; green, 231; blue, 28 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (32,135.53) -- (90.5,190.5) -- (32,190.5) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 248; green, 231; blue, 28 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (32,190.5) -- (90.5,245.47) -- (32,245.47) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 248; green, 231; blue, 28 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (90.16,245.09) -- (31.52,190.27) -- (90.02,190.11) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 74; blue, 74 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (32,24.05) -- (149,134) -- (32,134) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 74; blue, 74 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (90.5,79.03) -- (149,134) -- (90.5,134) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 74; blue, 74 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (32,24.05) -- (90.5,79.03) -- (32,79.03) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 74; blue, 74 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (32,79.03) -- (90.5,134) -- (32,134) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 74; blue, 74 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (90.16,133.61) -- (31.52,78.79) -- (90.02,78.64) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 144; blue, 226 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (148.51,135.53) -- (265.51,245.47) -- (148.51,245.47) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 144; blue, 226 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (207.01,190.5) -- (265.51,245.47) -- (207.01,245.47) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 144; blue, 226 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (148.51,135.53) -- (207.01,190.5) -- (148.51,190.5) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 144; blue, 226 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (148.51,190.5) -- (207.01,245.47) -- (148.51,245.47) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 144; blue, 226 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (206.67,245.09) -- (148.03,190.27) -- (206.53,190.11) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 144; green, 19; blue, 254 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (148.08,244.43) -- (31.97,133.51) -- (148.96,134.49) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 144; green, 19; blue, 254 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (90.02,188.97) -- (31.97,133.51) -- (90.46,134) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 144; green, 19; blue, 254 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (148.08,244.43) -- (90.02,188.97) -- (148.52,189.46) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 144; green, 19; blue, 254 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (148.52,189.46) -- (90.46,134) -- (148.96,134.49) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 144; green, 19; blue, 254 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (90.8,134.39) -- (149,189.7) -- (90.5,189.36) -- cycle ;
\draw (229,121) -- (323,121) ;
\draw [shift={(325,121)}, rotate = 180] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-3.29) .. controls (6.95,-1.4) and (3.31,-0.3) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.3) and (6.95,1.4) .. (10.93,3.29) ;
\draw (40,50.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$22$};
\draw (62,86.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$24$};
\draw (38,106.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$21$};
\draw (97,105.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$23$};
\draw (62,142.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$42$};
\draw (38,162.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$12$};
\draw (95,162.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$44$};
\draw (121,141.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$41$};
\draw (158,163.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$32$};
\draw (39,219.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$11$};
\draw (64,197.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$14$};
\draw (98,220.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$13$};
\draw (120,197.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$43$};
\draw (156,219.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$31$};
\draw (178,194.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$34$};
\draw (216,219.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$33$};
\draw (377,85.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt]
11 & 12 & 21 & 22\\
13 & 14 & 23 & 24\\
31 & 32 & 41 & 42\\
33 & 34 & 43 & 44
\draw (228,85) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {encoding map};
| plot | eess | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 345 |
618 | \begin{tikzpicture}
[cluster/.style={fill=white!80, draw, minimum size=2.5em, inner sep=2pt, rounded corners}]
\node[cluster] (1) at (0, 0) {$H_1$};
\node[cluster] (2) at (1.5, 0) {$H_1T_1$};
\node[cluster] (3) at (3, 0) {$H_1T_1D_1$};
\node[cluster] (4) at (4.5, 0) {$D_1V_1$};
\node[cluster] (5) at (0, -2) {$H_1D_1H_2$};
\node[cluster] (6) at (1.5, -2) {$H_2T_2$};
\node[cluster] (7) at (3, -2) {$H_2T_2D_2$};
\node[cluster] (8) at (4.5, -2) {$D_2V_2$};
\node[cluster] (9) at (0, -4) {$H_2D_2H_3$};
\node[cluster] (10) at (1.5, -4) {$H_3T_3$};
\node[cluster] (11) at (3, -4) {$H_3T_3D_3$};
\node[cluster] (12) at (4.5, -4) {$D_3V_3$};
\node[cluster] (13) at (0, -6) {$H_3D_3H_4$};
\node[cluster] (14) at (1.5, -6) {$H_4V_4$};
\draw[->, thick] (1) -- (2);
\draw[->, thick] (2) -- (3);
\draw[->, thick] (3) -- (4);
\draw[->, thick] (3) -- (5);
\draw[->, thick] (5) -- (6);
\draw[->, thick] (6) -- (7);
\draw[->, thick] (7) -- (8);
\draw[->, thick] (7) -- (9);
\draw[->, thick] (9) -- (10);
\draw[->, thick] (10) -- (11);
\draw[->, thick] (11) -- (12);
\draw[->, thick] (11) -- (13);
\draw[->, thick] (13) -- (14);
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 399 |
187 | \begin{tikzpicture}
width=\textwidth, height=5 cm,
enlarge x limits = 0.1,
legend style={at={(0.4,1.02)},anchor=north,legend columns=-1, fill=gray!30!white, draw=none},
symbolic x coords = {<2007, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023},
axis x line*=bottom,
axis y line*=left,
bar width=6pt,
ylabel={Papers published},
nodes near coords,
nodes near coords align={auto},
every axis plot/.append style={fill,fill opacity=0.75},
x tick label style = {font = \tiny, align = center, rotate = 70, anchor = north east},]
\addplot coordinates{(<2007,8) (2007,2) (2008,1) (2009,0) (2010,1) (2011,3) (2012,1) (2013,5) (2014,0) (2015,1) (2016,2) (2017,2) (2018,4) (2019,1) (2020,2) (2021,5) (2022,5) (2023,1)};
\addplot coordinates{(<2007,10) (2007,3) (2008,5) (2009,3) (2010,3) (2011,3) (2012,3) (2013,2) (2014,1) (2015,2) (2016,5) (2017,6) (2018,5) (2019,3) (2020,4) (2021,7) (2022,1) (2023,3)};
\legend{Sculpting, 3D Sketching}
\end{tikzpicture} \\
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 84 |
775 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\node (b1) at (1,1) {$b_1$};
\node (b2) at (3,1) {$b_2$};
\node (bK) at (7,1) {$b_K$};
\node (bK1) at (9,1) {$u_1$};
\node (bK2) at (11,1) {$u_1$};
\node (bK3) at (13,1) {$u_1$};
\node (bt1) at (1,-1.1) {$\widetilde{b}_1$};
\node (bt2) at (3,-1.1) {$\widetilde{b}_2$};
\node (btK) at (7,-1.1) {$\widetilde{b}_K$};
\node (btK1) at (9,-1.1) {$\widetilde{b}_{K+1}$};
\node (btK2) at (11,-1.1) {$\widetilde{b}_{K+2}$};
\node (btK3) at (13,-1.1) {$\widetilde{b}_{K+3}$};
\node (carr0) at (0,0) {$u_\ell$};
\node (carr1) at (2,0) {$u_\ell^{(1)}$};
\node (carr2) at (4,0) {$u_\ell^{(2)}$};
\node (carrK-1) at (6,0) {$ u_{\ell}^{(K-1)}$};
\node (carrK0) at (8,0) {$u_\ell^{(K)}$};
\node (carrK1) at (10,0) {$u_\ell^{(K+1)}$};
\node (carrK2) at (12,0) {$u_\ell^{(K+2)}$};
\node (carrK3) at (14.6,0) {$\cdots$};
\foreach \i in {1,2,K,{K1},{K2},{K3}}
\draw[->] (b\i) -- (bt\i);
\foreach \i[evaluate=\i as \j using int(\i+1)] in {0,1}
\draw[->] (carr\i) -- (carr\j);
\node (carrdots) at (4.9,0) {$\cdots$};
\foreach \i[evaluate=\i as \j using int(\i+1)] in {-1,...,2}
\draw[->] (carrK\i) -- (carrK\j);
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 236 |
757 | \begin{tikzpicture}[domain=0:8,xscale=1,yscale=3]
\draw[<->] (0,0.5) node[left]{$y$}-- (0,0) -- (8.5,0) node[below] {$x$};
\draw[domain=0:8,smooth,red] plot (\x, {1/(sqrt(2*pi))*exp(-(\x-4)^2/(2))}) node[above] {$f(x)$};
\draw[domain={4-sqrt(1/2)}:{4+sqrt(1/2)}, smooth, variable=\x, fill=red!50, draw=none] plot ({\x},{1/(sqrt(2*pi))*exp(-(\x-4)^2/(2))}) -- ({4+sqrt(1/2)},0) -- ({4-sqrt(1/2)},0);
\draw[blue] plot [smooth] coordinates {(0,{1/sqrt(2*pi)}) ({0.112463},{exp(-1/100)/sqrt(2*pi)}) ({0.24817},{exp(-1/20)/sqrt(2*pi)}) ({0.382925},{exp(-1/8)/sqrt(2*pi)}) ({0.436279},{exp(-1/6)/sqrt(2*pi)}) ({0.5202},{exp(-1/4)/sqrt(2*pi)}) ({0.682869},{exp(-1/2)/sqrt(2*pi)}) (0.842701,{exp(-1)/sqrt(2*pi)}) (0.9545,{exp(-2)/sqrt(2*pi)}) (1,0)};
\draw[dashed] (0,{exp(-1/4)/sqrt(2*pi)}) -- ({4+sqrt(1/2)},{exp(-1/4)/sqrt(2*pi)});
\draw[dotted] ({0.5202},0) -- ({0.5202},{exp(-1/4)/sqrt(2*pi)});
\draw ({0.5202},0.02)--({0.5202},-0.02);
\draw (1,0.02)--(1,-0.02);
\node[left] at (0,{exp(-1/4)/sqrt(2*pi)}) {$t$} ;
\node[below] at (0.5,0) {$\hat{f}(t)$} ;
\node[below] at (1,-0.03) {{$1$}};
\node[red] at ({4},0.1) {$\hat{f}(t)$} ;
\node[blue] at (0.5,0.5) {$\hat{f}(y)$} ;
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 95 |
152 | \begin{tikzpicture}
xlabel={Number of inputs},
ylabel={Mean compilation time (s)},
xmin=0, xmax=10000,
ymin=0, ymax=40,
legend pos=north east,
grid style=dashed,
coordinates {
\addlegendentry{Without optimisation}
coordinates {
\addlegendentry{With optimisation}
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 433 |
761 | \begin{tikzpicture}
[roundnode/.style={circle, draw=black!100, fill=green!20, thick, minimum size=1mm},]
\filldraw[fill=yellow!20!,even odd rule]
(-1,-0.6) rectangle (2,0.6);
\node[roundnode] (c1) at (-2.25,0) {};
\node[roundnode] (c2) at (-1.75,0) {};
\node[roundnode] (c3) at (-0.25,0) {};
\node[roundnode] (c4) at (0.25,0) {};
\node[roundnode] (c5) at (1.75,0) {};
\node[roundnode] (c6) at (2.25,0) {};
\node (S) at (1,-0.3) {$\mathcal{S}$};
\node (T) at (0,0.8) {$\mathcal{T}$};
\node (T1) at (-2.25,0) {$\times$};
\node (T2) at (-1.75,0) {$\times$};
\node (T3) at (1.75,0) {$\times$};
\draw (-2,0) ellipse (0.75 and 0.5);%circle (0.5);
\draw (0,0) ellipse (0.75 and 0.5);
\draw (2,0) ellipse (0.75 and 0.5);%circle (0.5);
\node (P1) at (-2,-1) {$\mathcal{V}_1$};
\node (P2) at (0,-1) {$\mathcal{V}_2$};
\node (P3) at (2,-1) {$\mathcal{V}_3$};
\draw (c2)--(c3);
\draw (c4)--(c5);
\draw (c1)..controls (-2.25,1.5) and (2.25,1.5)..(c6);
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 476 |
519 | \begin{tikzpicture}[font = \footnotesize]
\draw (0,0) node[below,blue] {$v^{a_1}$} --(3,0) node[below,blue] {$v^{a_2}$}--(0,3) node[above,blue] {$v^{a_3}$}--(0,0);
\filldraw (1,1) circle (2pt) node[below right] {$y$};
\draw[<-] (1.1,1.1)--(2,2) node[above] {$u^{a_1}$};
\draw[<-] (1,0.9)--(1,-1) node[left] {$u^{a_3}$};
\draw[<-] (0.9,1)--(-1,1) node[below] {$u^{a_2}$};
\node[draw=none,red] at (5.1,-0.3) {$c_1(L_{a_2}) \big |_{y}= \frac{ \epsilon\cdot u^{a_2}}{d_{a_1,a_2,a_3}}$};
\node[draw=none,red] at (2,3.2) {$c_1(L_{a_3}) \big |_{y}= \frac{ \epsilon\cdot u^{a_3}}{d_{a_1,a_2,a_3}}$};
\node[draw=none,red] at (-2,-0.3) {$c_1(L_{a_1}) \big |_{y}= \frac{ \epsilon\cdot u^{a_1}}{d_{a_1,a_2,a_3}}$};
\node[draw=none] at (7,1.5) {$d_{a_1,a_2,a_3}=| \det (v^{a_1}, v^{a_2}, v^{a_3})|$};
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 57 |
849 | \begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=-67.5, line width=1, scale=2]
\def \n {9}
\draw circle(1)
\foreach \v in{1,...,\n}
{(360*\v/\n-360/\n+180:1)circle(.4pt)circle(.8pt)circle(1.2pt)circle(1.4pt) node[anchor=360/\n*\v-360/\n-67.5]{$\v$}};
\foreach \x/\y in {-0.940/-0.342,0.058/-0.998,-0.766/0.643}{\draw[decorate,decoration={snake,amplitude=0.8mm}] (-0.549,-0.232) -- (\x,\y);}
\draw (-0.549,-0.232) node[shift = {(.2,-.15)}] {\small $p$};
\draw[decorate,decoration={snake,amplitude=0.8mm}] (0.287,-0.958) -- (0.766,0.643);
\draw[decorate,decoration={snake,amplitude=0.8mm}] (0.940,-0.342) -- ++({atan(-0.364)}:-.25 cm);
\draw (.9,-.15) node {$s$};
\draw[decorate,decoration={snake,amplitude=0.8mm}] (0.500,0.866) -- (-0.766,0.643);
\draw[decorate,decoration={snake,amplitude=0.8mm}] (-0.973,-0.231) -- ++({atan(0.237)}:.25 cm);
\draw (.35,.7) node {$r$};
\draw (.35,-.05) node {$q$};
\draw (-0.85,-0.15) node {$t$};
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 327 |
217 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.33]
\draw[-] (0,0) -| (1,1);
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 42 |
179 | \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=0.2pt]
\tikzstyle{vertex}=[circle,draw=black,fill=black!25,minimum size=5pt,inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
\tikzstyle{vertex2}=[circle,draw=black,fill=blue!25,minimum size=5pt,inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
\tikzstyle{vertex3}=[circle,draw=black,fill=green!25,minimum size=5pt,inner sep=1pt, outer sep=0pt]
\tikzstyle{vertex4}=[circle,draw=black,fill=red!25,minimum size=5pt,inner sep=1pt, outer sep=0pt]
\tikzstyle{source}=[circle,draw=black,fill=yellow!25,minimum size=10pt,inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
dot/.style={circle,inner sep=2pt,fill,label={\Large #1},name=#1},
\path(#2)--(#3)coordinate[at start](h1)coordinate[at end](h2);
\draw[#4, thick,]($(h1)!#1!90:(h2)$)--($(h2)!#1!-90:(h1)$) node [black, pos=0.3, rotate=90,sloped, below=7pt] {$\mathbf{\ldots}$};
\draw[#5, thick]($(h1)!#1!-90:(h2)$)--($(h2)!#1!90:(h1)$) node [black,pos=0.6,sloped, above] {$=\delta\left(#2 \right) $};;
\path(#2)--(#3)coordinate[at start](h1)coordinate[at end](h2);
\draw[#4, thick, shorten >=4pt, shorten <=4pt]($(h1)!#1!90:(h2)$)--($(h2)!#1!-90:(h1)$) node [black, pos=0.3, rotate=90,sloped, below=6pt] {$\mathbf{\ldots}$};
\draw[#5, thick, shorten >=-5pt, shorten <=-5pt]($(h1)!#1!-90:(h2)$)--($(h2)!#1!90:(h1)$) node [black,pos=0.6,sloped, above=-2pt] {$=\delta \left( v_{n}\right) $};;
\path(#2)--(#3)coordinate[at start](h1)coordinate[at end](h2);
\draw[#4, thick]($(h1)!#1!90:(h2)$)--($(h2)!#1!-90:(h1)$);
\draw[#5, thick]($(h1)!#1!-90:(h2)$)--($(h2)!#1!90:(h1)$);
\node[vertex3] (v_{1}) at (0,0) {$v_i$};
\node[vertex3] (v_{2}) at (0,1.5) {$v_1$};
\node[vertex3] (v_{3}) at (1.1,-1.1) {$v_2$};
\node[vertex3] (v_{n}) at (-1.1,-1.1) {$v_n$};
\node[vertex2] (vin) at ($(v_{1})!0.5!(v_{n})$) {\small$v_{i,n}$};
\path(v_{n}) edge[thick, black] node[midway,sloped,above] {} (vin);
\path(vin) edge[thick, black] node[midway,sloped,above] {} (v_{1});
\node[vertex2] (vi2) at ($(v_{1})!0.5!(v_{2})$) {\small$v_{i,1}$};
\path(v_{1}) edge[thick, black] node[midway,sloped,above] {} (vi2);
\path(vi2) edge[thick, black] node[midway,sloped,above] {} (v_{2});
\node[vertex2] (vi3) at ($(v_{1})!0.5!(v_{3})$) {\small$v_{i,2}$};
\path(v_{1}) edge[thick, black] node[midway,sloped,below] {} (vi3);
\path(vi3) edge[thick, black] node[midway,sloped,below] {} (v_{3});
\node at (0,-1.2) {\huge$\mathbf{\cdots}$};
\node[vertex] (a1) at (2,0.8) {\small$a_i$};
\node[vertex] (a2) at (2,1.5) {\small$a_1$};
\node[vertex] (a3) at (2,-0.1) {\small$a_2$};
\node[vertex] (an) at (2,-1.2) {\small$a_k$};
\path (a3) -- (an) node [black, very thick, font=\Large, midway, sloped] {$\mathbf{\ldots}$};
\node[vertex4] (t) at (3,0.3) {\large$t$};
\foreach \i in {1,...,3,n}
{%\draw[black, very thick] (a\i)--(t1) node[midway,sloped,above]{$1$};
\foreach \j in {1,...,3,n}{\path(v_{\i}) edge[thick, red!40, dashed, bend left=20] (a\j);}
\path(t) edge[thick, black, ] (a\i);
\path(v_{3}) edge[thick, black, bend right=20] (an);
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 418 |
232 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.9]
\draw[thick,domain = 0:135] plot({cos(\x)},{sin(\x)});
\draw[thick,domain =0:45] plot ({0.35*cos(\x)},{0.35*sin(\x)});
\node[] at (0.5,0.15) {$\frac{\pi}{4}$};
\draw[thick,green] (0,1)--(0,0)--(1,0);
\draw[thick,blue] (0.707,0.707)--(0,0)--(-0.707,0.707);
\filldraw[black] (0,0) circle (0.1);
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 23 |
389 | \begin{tikzpicture}[x=1cm, y=1cm]
\definecolor{red1}{RGB}{255, 0, 0} % - Adopted in Inkscape (looked best in
\definecolor{red2}{RGB}{238, 75, 43}
\definecolor{red3}{RGB}{220, 20, 60}
\definecolor{cyan1}{RGB}{27, 221, 242}
\def\OrientationOffset{180} % Calibrate 0 orientation to north
partial ellipse/.style args={#1:#2:#3}{
insert path={+ (#1:#3) arc (#1:#2:#3)}
\foreach \i in {0,...,4} {
\def\y{2*\TableWidth + 2*\EisleWidth}
\def\x{\TableOffset + \i * (\TableDepth + \TableSpacing)}
\draw [line width=0.75, brown] ({\x}, {\y}) rectangle ++ (\TableDepth, \TableWidth);
\foreach \i in {0,...,4} {
\def\y{\TableWidth + \EisleWidth}
\def\x{\TableOffset + \i * (\TableDepth + \TableSpacing)}
\draw [line width=0.75, brown] ({\x}, {\y}) rectangle ++ (\TableDepth, \TableWidth);
\foreach \i in {1,...,4} {
\def\x{\TableOffset + \i * (\TableDepth + \TableSpacing)}
\draw [line width=0.75, brown] ({\x}, {\y}) rectangle ++ (\TableDepth, \TableWidth);
\draw [dotted] (0,0) rectangle ++ (\RoomLength, \RoomWidth);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (0, 0) -- (0, \RoomWidth);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (0, 0) -- (0.65, 0);
\draw [line width=2.00, brown] (0.65, 0) -- (0.75, 0);
\draw [line width=2.00, cyan1] (0.75, 0) -- (1.00, 0);
\draw [line width=2.00, brown] (1.00, 0) -- (1.10, 0);
\draw [line width=2.00, brown] (1.10, 0) -- (2.10, 0);
\draw [line width=2.00, brown] (2.10, 0) -- (2.20, 0);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (2.20, 0) -- (3.65, 0);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (3.65, 0) -- (3.65, -0.30);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (3.65, -.30) -- (5.20, -0.30);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (5.20, 0) -- (5.20, -0.30);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (5.20, 0) -- (6.65, 0);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (6.65, 0) -- (6.65, -0.30);
\draw [line width=2.00, brown](6.65, -0.30) -- (8.2, -0.30);
\draw [line width=2.00, cyan1] (6.75, -0.30) -- (8.1, -0.30);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (8.2, 0) -- (8.2, -0.30);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (8.2, 0) -- (\RoomLength, 0);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (\RoomLength, 0) -- (\RoomLength, \RoomWidth);
\draw [line width=1.50, dashed, brown] (\RoomLength-0.30, 0) -- (\RoomLength-0.30, \RoomWidth);
\draw [line width=6.00, gray1] (\RoomLength-.10, .15) -- (\RoomLength-.10, {.15+\SideWbWidth});
\draw [line width=6.00, gray1] (\RoomLength-.10, \RoomWidth-.15) -- (\RoomLength-.10, {\RoomWidth-.15-\SideWbWidth});
\draw [line width=2.00, magenta] (\RoomLength, \RoomWidth-2.2) -- (\RoomLength, \RoomWidth-3.8);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (0, \RoomWidth) -- (.65, \RoomWidth);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (.65, \RoomWidth) -- (.65, \RoomWidth+.20);
\draw [line width=2.00, brown] (.65, \RoomWidth+.20) -- (2.2, \RoomWidth+.20);
\draw [line width=2.00, cyan1] (.75, \RoomWidth+.20) -- (2.10, \RoomWidth+.20);
\draw (2.2, \RoomWidth+.20) -- (2.2, \RoomWidth);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (2.2, \RoomWidth) -- (3.65, \RoomWidth);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (\RoomLength-5.50, \RoomWidth) -- (\RoomLength-5.50, \RoomWidth+0.20);
\draw [line width=2.00, brown] (\RoomLength-5.50, \RoomWidth+.20) -- (\RoomLength-3.95, \RoomWidth+.20);
\draw [line width=2.00, cyan1] (\RoomLength-5.40, \RoomWidth+.20) -- (\RoomLength-4.05, \RoomWidth+.20);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (\RoomLength-3.95, \RoomWidth) -- (\RoomLength-3.95, \RoomWidth+.20);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (\RoomLength-3.95, \RoomWidth) -- (\RoomLength-2.50, \RoomWidth);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (\RoomLength-2.50, \RoomWidth) -- (\RoomLength-2.50, \RoomWidth+0.20);
\draw [line width=2.00, brown] (\RoomLength-2.50, \RoomWidth+0.20) -- (\RoomLength-.95, \RoomWidth+0.20);
\draw [line width=2.00, cyan1] (\RoomLength-2.40, \RoomWidth+0.20) -- (\RoomLength-1.05, \RoomWidth+0.20);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (\RoomLength-.95, \RoomWidth) -- (\RoomLength-.95, \RoomWidth+0.20);
\draw [line width=1.00, black] (\RoomLength-.95, \RoomWidth) -- (\RoomLength, \RoomWidth);
\fill[black] (\RoomLength-7.10, 2.23) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black] at (\RoomLength-7.40, 2.05) {\footnotesize P$_0$};
\fill[black] (\RoomLength-6.66, 4.87) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black] at (\RoomLength-6.66, 5.2) {\footnotesize P$_1$};
\fill[black] (\RoomLength-2.39, 3.05) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black] at (\RoomLength-2.39, 2.65) {\footnotesize P$_2$};
\fill[black] (\RoomLength-5.26, 3.46) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black] at (\RoomLength-5.26, 3.75) {\footnotesize P$_3$};
\fill[black] (\RoomLength-2.53, 5.51) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black] at (\RoomLength-2.53, 5.15) {\footnotesize P$_4$};
\fill[black] (\RoomLength-8.02, 5.05) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black] at (\RoomLength-8.02, 4.75) {\footnotesize P$_5$};
\fill[black] (\RoomLength-5.20, 3.04) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black] at (\RoomLength-5.20, 2.7) {\footnotesize P$_6$};
\fill[black] (\RoomLength-5.16, 4.73) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black] at (\RoomLength-5.16, 5.1) {\footnotesize P$_7$};
\fill[black] (\RoomLength-6.66, 3.27) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black] at (\RoomLength-6.66, 2.9) {\footnotesize P$_8$};
\fill[black] (\RoomLength-2.06, 4.19) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black] at (\RoomLength-2.25, 3.9) {\footnotesize P$_9$};
\fill[black] (\RoomLength-2.31, 1.58) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black] at (\RoomLength-1.9, 1.7) {\footnotesize P$_{10}$};
\draw[blue1, line width = 1.00] (\RoomLength-8.77, 5.62) -- ++ ({225*(-1)+\OrientationOffset}:0.50);
\fill[fill=blue1] (\RoomLength-8.77, 5.62) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black, anchor=north west] at (\RoomLength-9.05, 5.3) {\footnotesize AP$_1$};
\fill[red1] (\RoomLength-6.83, 1.69) circle (\NodeSize) node[black, anchor=south west]{\footnotesize UE$_0$};
\draw[red1, line width = 1.00] (\RoomLength-6.83, 1.69) -- ++ ({292.5*(-1)+\OrientationOffset}:0.50);
\fill[red1] (\RoomLength-4.92, 4.25) circle (\NodeSize) node[black, anchor=north west]{\footnotesize UE$_1$};
\draw[red1, line width = 1.00] (\RoomLength-4.92, 4.25) -- ++ ({270*(-1)+\OrientationOffset}:0.50);
\fill[red1] (\RoomLength-0.77, 2.39) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black, anchor=north west] at (\RoomLength-1.2, 2.2) {\footnotesize UE$_2$};
\draw[red1, line width = 1.00] (\RoomLength-0.77, 2.39) -- ++ ({180*(-1)+\OrientationOffset}:0.50);
\fill[red1] (\RoomLength-3.73, 2.52) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black, anchor=north west] at (\RoomLength-3.9, 2.35) {\footnotesize UE$_3$};
\draw[red1, line width = 1.00] (\RoomLength-3.73, 2.52) -- ++ ({135*(-1)+\OrientationOffset}:0.50);
\fill[red1] (\RoomLength-0.89, 5.48) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black, anchor=north west] at (\RoomLength-1.2, 5.3) {\footnotesize UE$_4$};
\draw[red1, line width = 1.00] (\RoomLength-0.89, 5.48) -- ++ ({180*(-1)+\OrientationOffset}:0.50);
\fill[red1] (\RoomLength-6.49, 3.87) circle (\NodeSize) node[black, anchor=south west]{\footnotesize UE$_5$};
\draw[red1, line width = 1.00] (\RoomLength-6.49, 3.87) -- ++ ({90*(-1)+\OrientationOffset}:0.50);
\fill[red1] (\RoomLength-2.49, 1.08) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black, anchor=north west] at (\RoomLength-2.8, 0.8) {\footnotesize UE$_6$};
\draw[red1, line width = 1.00] (\RoomLength-2.49, 1.08) -- ++ ({315*(-1)+\OrientationOffset}:0.50);
\fill[red1] (\RoomLength-3.41, 4.30) circle (\NodeSize) node[black, anchor=north west]{\footnotesize UE$_7$};
\draw[red1, line width = 1.00] (\RoomLength-3.41, 4.30) -- ++ ({180*(-1)+\OrientationOffset}:0.50);
\fill[red1] (\RoomLength-5.33, 1.78) circle (\NodeSize) node[black, anchor=south west]{\footnotesize UE$_8$};
\draw[red1, line width = 1.00] (\RoomLength-5.33, 1.78) -- ++ ({45*(-1)+\OrientationOffset}:0.50);
\fill[red1] (\RoomLength-0.87, 3.94) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black, anchor=north west] at (\RoomLength-1.2, 3.75) {\footnotesize UE$_9$};
\draw[red1, line width = 1.00] (\RoomLength-0.87, 3.94) -- ++ ({22.5*(-1)+\OrientationOffset}:0.50);
\fill[red1] (\RoomLength-0.75, 0.60) circle (\NodeSize);
\node[black, anchor=north west] at (\RoomLength-1.2, 0.50) {\footnotesize UE$_{10}$};
\draw[red1, line width = 1.00] (\RoomLength-0.75, 0.60) -- ++ ({67.5*(-1)+\OrientationOffset}:0.50);
\node[black] at (\RoomLength-2.3, \RoomWidth + 0.7) {\small Figure 2b standpoint};
\node[black] at (\RoomLength-2.3, 5.7) {\Large $\times$};
\draw[black, line width = 0.75] (\RoomLength-2.3, \RoomWidth + 0.5) -- (\RoomLength-2.3, 5.9);
\node[black] at (\RoomLength-6.66,\RoomWidth + 0.7) {\small Phantom};
\draw[black, line width = 0.75] (\RoomLength-6.66, \RoomWidth + 0.4) -- (\RoomLength-6.66, 5.5);
\node[black, align=left] at (1.0,0.75) {\small Initial \\ \small orientation};
\draw[black, line width = 0.75] (1.2,0.85) -- (1.8,1.15);
\draw[black] (2.15,1.25) [partial ellipse=420:120:3mm and 1mm];
| plot | eess | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 14 |
51 | \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=4cm,-,
thick,base node/.style={circle,draw,minimum size=48pt}, real node/.style={double,circle,draw,minimum size=50pt},scale = 1.2]
\node[shape=circle,draw=black](0) at(0,0) []{};
\node[shape=circle,draw=black](1) at(0,-1) []{};
\node[shape=circle,draw=black](2) at(1,0) []{};
\node[shape=circle,draw=black](3) at(1,-1) []{};
(0) edge []node {} (1)
(0) edge []node {} (3)
(2) edge []node {} (1)
(2) edge []node {} (3)
(1) edge []node {} (3)
(2) edge []node {} (0);
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 377 |
959 | \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline={([yshift=-.8ex]current bounding}]
\fill[blue!10] (1,0.25) ellipse (0.3 and 0.4);
\fill[blue!10] (4,0.25) ellipse (0.3 and 0.4);
\fill[blue!10] (6,0.25) ellipse (0.3 and 0.4);
\draw(0.1,0) -- (0.9,0);
\draw(1.1,0) -- (1.9,0);
\draw(2.1,0) -- (2.9,0);
\draw(3.1,0) -- (3.9,0);
\draw(4.1,0) -- (4.9,0);
\draw(5.1,0) -- (5.9,0);
\draw(6.1,0) -- (6.9,0);
\node at (0.9,-0.05) [above] {$\uparrow$} ;
\node at (1.1,-0.05) [above] {$\downarrow$} ;
\node at (3.9,-0.05) [above] {$\uparrow$} ;
\node at (4.1,-0.05) [above] {$\downarrow$} ;
\node at (5.9,-0.05) [above] {$\uparrow$} ;
\node at (6.1,-0.05) [above] {$\downarrow$} ;
\node[fill, circle, inner sep=1pt] at (1, 0) {};
\node[fill, circle, inner sep=1pt] at (2, 0) {};
\node[fill, circle, inner sep=1pt] at (3, 0) {};
\node[fill, circle, inner sep=1pt] at (4, 0) {};
\node[fill, circle, inner sep=1pt] at (5, 0) {};
\node[fill, circle, inner sep=1pt] at (6, 0) {};
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 380 |
279 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.63, every node/.style={scale=1}]
unit vector ratio*=1 1 1,
tick align=outside,
tick pos=left,
x grid style={darkgray176},
xmin=-.3, xmax=4.5,
xtick style={color=black},
y grid style={darkgray176},
ymin=-0.5, ymax=3.2,
ytick style={color=black}
\addplot [draw=crimson2143940, fill=crimson2143940, mark=*, only marks]
x y
1.5 0.5
0.8 0.8
0.75 1.25
0.7 1.7
1.2 2.2
1.65 2.25
2.2 2.1
2.5 1.5
2.2 0.8
2.5 1.2
2.55 0.45
3.2 0.55
3.5 1
3.1 1.5
\draw[draw=black,fill=darkorange25512714,opacity=0.1] (axis cs:1.5,0.5) circle (0.33);
\draw[draw=black,fill=darkorange25512714,opacity=0.1] (axis cs:0.8,0.8) circle (0.33);
\draw[draw=black,fill=darkorange25512714,opacity=0.1] (axis cs:0.75,1.25) circle (0.33);
\draw[draw=black,fill=darkorange25512714,opacity=0.1] (axis cs:0.7,1.7) circle (0.33);
\draw[draw=black,fill=darkorange25512714,opacity=0.1] (axis cs:1.2,2.2) circle (0.33);
\draw[draw=black,fill=darkorange25512714,opacity=0.1] (axis cs:1.65,2.25) circle (0.33);
\draw[draw=black,fill=darkorange25512714,opacity=0.1] (axis cs:2.2,2.1) circle (0.33);
\draw[draw=black,fill=darkorange25512714,opacity=0.1] (axis cs:2.5,1.5) circle (0.33);
\draw[draw=black,fill=darkorange25512714,opacity=0.1] (axis cs:2.2,0.8) circle (0.33);
\draw[draw=black,fill=darkorange25512714,opacity=0.1] (axis cs:2.5,1.2) circle (0.33);
\draw[draw=black,fill=darkorange25512714,opacity=0.1] (axis cs:2.55,0.45) circle (0.33);
\draw[draw=black,fill=darkorange25512714,opacity=0.1] (axis cs:3.2,0.55) circle (0.33);
\draw[draw=black,fill=darkorange25512714,opacity=0.1] (axis cs:3.5,1) circle (0.33);
\draw[draw=black,fill=darkorange25512714,opacity=0.1] (axis cs:3.1,1.5) circle (0.33);
\addplot [semithick, steelblue31119180, opacity=0.8]
table {%
0.8 0.8
0.75 1.25
\addplot [semithick, steelblue31119180, opacity=0.8]
table {%
0.75 1.25
0.7 1.7
\addplot [semithick, steelblue31119180, opacity=0.8]
table {%
1.2 2.2
1.65 2.25
\addplot [semithick, steelblue31119180, opacity=0.8]
table {%
1.65 2.25
2.2 2.1
\addplot [semithick, steelblue31119180, opacity=0.8]
table {%
2.5 1.5
2.5 1.2
\addplot [semithick, steelblue31119180, opacity=0.8]
table {%
2.5 1.5
3.1 1.5
\addplot [semithick, steelblue31119180, opacity=0.8]
table {%
2.2 0.8
2.5 1.2
\addplot [semithick, steelblue31119180, opacity=0.8]
table {%
2.2 0.8
2.55 0.45
\addplot [semithick, steelblue31119180, opacity=0.8]
table {%
2.55 0.45
3.2 0.55
\addplot [semithick, steelblue31119180, opacity=0.8]
table {%
3.2 0.55
3.5 1
\addplot [semithick, steelblue31119180, opacity=0.8]
table {%
3.5 1
3.1 1.5
| plot | stat | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 246 |
654 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\draw [thick](0.5,-2) -- (1.5,-1) -- (2.5,-2);
\draw [thick](3.25,-2) -- (3.25,0);
\node at (4.25,-1) {=};
\node at (5,-1) {$-$};
\draw [thick](5.75,-2) -- (5.75,0);
\draw [thick](0,-2) -- (1,-1) -- (2,-2);
\draw [black,fill=black] (1,-1) ellipse (0.05 and 0.05);
\node at (0.5,-2.5) {$P'$};
\node at (2.5,-2.5) {$P'$};
\node at (3.25,-2.5) {$P'$};
\node at (5.75,-2.5) {$P'$};
\node at (6.5,-2.5) {$P'$};
\node at (8.5,-2.5) {$P'$};
\draw [black,fill=black] (1.5,-1) ellipse (0.05 and 0.05);
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 381 |
843 | \begin{tikzpicture}
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 188 |
634 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5,baseline=0]
\draw (0,11) node [left] {$7$} --(1,11)--(1,5) -- (6,5) -- (6,0) -- (7,0);
\draw (0,9) node [left] {$2$} -- (4,9) -- (4,2) -- (7,2);
\draw (0,8) node [left] {$3$} -- (3,8) -- (3,3) -- (5,3) -- (5,1) -- (7,1);
\draw (0,7) node [left] {$4$} -- (2,7) -- (2,4) -- (7,4);
\foreach \i in {1,5,6,7}
\node at (0,11-\i) [left] {$\i$};
\foreach \i in {1,2,3,4}
\node at (0,4-\i) [left] {$\i$};
\node at (1, 10.5) [] {$\circ$};
\node at (1, 10.5) [above right] {\footnotesize{$1^+$}};
\node at (3.5,3) [] {$\bullet$};
\node at (3.5,3) [below] {\footnotesize{$1^-$}};
\node at (5, 2.5) [] {$\circ$};
\node at (5, 2.5) [above right] {\footnotesize{$2^+$}};
\node at (4.5,2) [] {$\bullet$};
\node at (4.5,2) [below] {\footnotesize{$2^-$}};
\node at (4, 8.5) [] {$\circ$};
\node at (4, 8.5) [above right] {\footnotesize{$3^+$}};
\node at (5.5,1) [] {$\bullet$};
\node at (5.5,1) [below] {\footnotesize{$3^-$}};
\node at (3,7.5) [] {$\bullet$};
\node at (3,7.5) [right] {\footnotesize{$4^+$}};
\node at (6.5,0) [] {$\bullet$};
\node at (6.5,0) [below] {\footnotesize{$4^-$}};
\node at (2,6.5) [] {$\circ$};
\node at (2,6.5) [right] {\footnotesize{$6^+$}};
\node at (1.5,5) [] {$\bullet$};
\node at (1.5,5) [below] {\footnotesize{$6^-$}};
\node at (6,4.5) [] {$\bullet$};
\node at (6,4.5) [above right] {\footnotesize{$7^+$}};
\node at (2.5,4) [] {$\bullet$};
\node at (2.5,4) [below] {\footnotesize{$7^-$}};
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 154 |
689 | \begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=0.60,yscale=0.60]
\draw [fill=gray, gray] (-2,-0.00) rectangle (-1.3,0.05);
\draw[fill=gray, gray] (-1.3,-0.0) arc (-90:90:0.025) -- cycle;
\draw [-,thick] (-2,2.8) to [out=90, in=180] (-1.8 ,3.0);
\draw [-,thick] (-2,-2.8) to [out=-90, in=180] (-1.8 ,-3.0);
\draw [-,thick] (1.8,3.0) to [out=0, in=90] (2.0 ,2.8);
\draw [-,thick] (1.8,-3.0) to [out=0, in=-90] (2.0 ,-2.8);
\draw [-,thick] (-2,2.8) -- (-2,-2.8);
\draw [-,thick] (-1.8,-3) -- (1.8,-3);
\draw [-,thick] (2,2.8) -- (2,-2.8);
\draw [-,thick] (1.8,3) -- (-1.8,3);
\node [right] at (-0.5,0.0) {{\Large $\Omega_0$}};
\draw[->,thick] (-1.8,3.0) -- (-1.8,3.80);
\draw[->,thick] (-0.9,3.0) -- (-0.9,3.80);
\draw[->,thick] (0.0,3.0) -- (0.0,3.80);
\draw[->,thick] (0.9,3.0) -- (0.9,3.80);
\draw[->,thick] (1.8,3.0) -- (1.8,3.80);
\draw[->,thick] (-1.8,-3.0) -- (-1.8,-3.80);
\draw[->,thick] (-0.9,-3.0) -- (-0.9,-3.80);
\draw[->,thick] (0.0,-3.0) -- (0.0,-3.80);
\draw[->,thick] (0.9,-3.0) -- (0.9,-3.80);
\draw[->,thick] (1.8,-3.0) -- (1.8,-3.80);
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 180 |
215 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\draw (0,0) -- (9.5,0);
\draw (0,0) -- (0.5,0.866);
\draw (0.5,0.866) -- (11,0.866);
\draw (1.1,0) -- (0.5,0.866) node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (1.8,0.866) -- (1.1,0)node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (2.6,0) -- (1.8,0.866) node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (3.5,0.866) -- (2.6,0)node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (4.5,0) -- (3.5,0.866)node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (5.6,0.866) -- (4.5,0)node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (6.8,0) -- (5.6,0.866)node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (8.1,0.866) -- (6.8,0)node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (9.5,0) -- (8.1,0.866)node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (11,0.866) -- (9.5,0)node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 200 |
462 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\draw[lime, fill=lime] (0,0)
circle [radius=0.16]
node[white] {{\fontfamily{qag}\selectfont \tiny ID}}; \draw[white, fill=white] (-0.0625,0.095)
circle [radius=0.007]; \end{tikzpicture}
| plot | eess | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 332 |
57 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\draw[->] (-.3,-.2) -- (8,-.2)
node[anchor=west] {$t$};
\draw[->] (-.3,-.2) -- (-.3,5)
rotate=90] {freq.};
\draw[black] (0,0) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east]
\draw[black] (0,1) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east]
\draw[black,dashed] (-.1,-.1) rectangle ++(1.2,2.2)
node[anchor=south east] {UDP$_{\nu_1}$};
\draw[black,fill=gray!30] (0,3) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east]
\draw[black,fill=gray!30] (0,4) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east]
\draw[black,dashed] (-.1,2.9) rectangle ++(1.2,2.2)
node[anchor=south east] {UDP$_{\nu_2}$};
\draw[black,fill=gray!50] (1.5,0) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east]
\draw[black,fill=gray!50] (1.5,1) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east]
\draw[black,dashed] (1.4,-.1) rectangle ++(1.2,2.2)
node[anchor=south east] {UDP$_{\nu_3}$};
\draw[black] (5,0) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east]
\draw[black] (5,1) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east]
\draw[black,dashed] (4.9,-.1) rectangle ++(1.2,2.2)
node[anchor=south east] {UDP$_{\nu_1}$};
\draw[black,fill=gray!30] (5,3) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east]
\draw[black,fill=gray!30] (5,4) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east]
\draw[black,dashed] (4.9,2.9) rectangle ++(1.2,2.2)
node[anchor=south east] {UDP$_{\nu_2}$};
\draw[black,fill=gray!50] (6.5,0) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east]
\draw[black,fill=gray!50] (6.5,1) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east]
\draw[black,dashed] (6.4,-.1) rectangle ++(1.2,2.2)
node[anchor=south east] {UDP$_{\nu_3}$};
\draw[->] (-1,-2) --
node[pos=0,anchor=north] {$\nu_1$}
\draw[->] (0,-2) --
node[pos=0,anchor=north] {$\nu_2$}
\draw[->] (1,-2) --
node[pos=0,anchor=north] {$\nu_3$}
\draw[<->] (5,-.5) -- (6,-.5)
{$T_S^\mu$ [sec/sym]};
\draw[<->] (0,6) -- (4.6,6)
{$D=5$ ms};
\draw[dotted] (4.6,0) -- (4.6,6);
\draw[<->] (0,-.5) -- (1,-.5)
\draw[<->] (1.5,-.5) -- (2.5,-.5)
\path[fill=gray!40,line join=round,line cap=round] (2.8,.2) -- (4.5,.2) -- (4.5, 5)
-- (1.5, 5) -- (1.5, 3)
-- (2.8, 3);
\node at (3,4) {other vehicles};
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 38 |
831 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1]
\draw[->, black, thick] (0,0) -- (5,0);
\draw[->, black, thick] (0,0) -- (0,5);
\node[text=black] at (4.4,-0.5) { \begin{tabular}{c} Reynolds \\ number \end{tabular}};
\node[text=black, rotate=90] at (-0.5, 4.5) {\begin{tabular}{c} Mach \\ number \end{tabular}};
\draw[-, black, dotted, thick] (0,2.5) -- (5, 2.5);
\draw[-, black, dotted, thick] (2.5, 0) -- (2.5, 5);
\node[text=black] at (3.75, 1.25) { \footnotesize \begin{tabular}{c} \textit{Low-speed} \\ \textit{equilibrium flows} \end{tabular}};
\node[text=black] at (3.75, 3.75) { \footnotesize \begin{tabular}{c} \textit{High-speed} \\ \textit{non-equilibrium} \\ \textit{flows} \end{tabular}};
\node[text=black] at (1.25, 3.75) { \footnotesize \begin{tabular}{c} \textit{High-speed} \\ \textit{rarefied flows} \end{tabular}};
\node[text=black] at (1.25, 1.25) { \footnotesize \begin{tabular}{c} \textit{Low-speed} \\ \textit{rarefied flows} \end{tabular}};
\draw[red, dashed, thick, dash pattern=on 4pt off 4pt,dash phase=4pt] (0.1, 0.1) -- (0.1, 4.9) -- (2.4, 4.9) -- (2.4, .1) -- (0.1, 0.1) ;
\draw[blue, dashed, thick, dash pattern=on 4pt off 4pt,dash phase=0pt] (0.1, 0.1) -- (0.1, 2.4) -- (4.9, 2.4) -- (4.9, 0.1) -- (0.1, 0.1) ;
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 243 |
121 | \begin{tikzpicture}
title={Params vs Avg logprobs-based Score},
xlabel={Params (B)},
xmin=0, xmax=70,
ymin=52, ymax=56
\addplot[mark=o, blue] coordinates {
(7.0, 52.94)
(13.0, 53.275)
(56.0, 54.7)
(70.0, 55.325)
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 251 |
745 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\draw[very thin,color=gray] (0,0) grid (6,4);
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (6.3,0) node[right] {};
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,4.3) node[above] {};
\foreach \i in {0,1,...,6}{
\coordinate[label=below:$\i$] (x) at (\i,0);
\foreach \i in {0,1,...,4}{
\coordinate[label=left:$\i$] (x) at (0,\i);
\filldraw[black] (4,3) circle (3pt);
\draw[-,color=black,line width=0.75mm] (0,0) -- (1,0) node[right]{};
\draw[-,color=black,line width=0.75mm] (1,0) -- (1,2) node[right]{};
\draw[-,color=black,line width=0.75mm] (1,2) -- (3,2) node[right]{};
\draw[-,color=black,line width=0.75mm] (3,2) -- (3,3) node[right]{};
\draw[-,color=black,line width=0.75mm] (3,3) -- (4,3) node[right]{};
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 448 |
554 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\clip (-1, -1) rectangle (1, 1);
\draw (-0.4, -0.09) -- (0.1, -0.09) -- (0.1, -0.2) -- (0.4, 0) -- (0.1, 0.2) -- (0.1, 0.09) -- (-0.4, 0.09) -- cycle;
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 51 |
803 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\foreach \x in {-3,...,3}{
\fill[blue] (\x,0) circle [radius=3pt];
\fill[red] (\x,0.7) circle [radius=3pt];
\draw[<->,orange,very thick] (\x,0.1)--(\x,0.6);
\node at (-4,0.35) {$\ldots$};
\node at (4,0.35) {$\ldots$};
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 379 |
889 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\node at (0,0) {$p_i =\left(
| \\
\vdots \\
\draw[<->] (1.3,2.1) -- (1.3,0.7);
\node at (1.6,1.4) {$D$};
\draw[<->] (1.3,0.4) -- (1.3,-2.1);
\node at (2,-0.65) {Extra};
\node at (2,-1.05) {dims.};
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 36 |
205 | \begin{tikzpicture}[->,shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=2cm, thick,main node/.style={circle,draw,font=\sffamily\Large\bfseries}]
\node[main node] (X2) {$X_2$}; \node[main node] (X3) [right of=X2] {$X_3$};\node[main node] (X1) [left of=X2] {$X_1$};
\path (X2) edge (X1);
\path (X2) edge (X3);
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 16 |
835 | \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline={(0, +0.3cm)}]
\draw[thick] (-2.5,0) -- (-1.9,0) ;
\draw[thick] (1.5,1) -- (1.5,0) -- (2.5,0);
\draw[thick] (0.5,1) -- (0.5,0) -- (1.15,0);
\draw[thick,dotted] (-0.5,0) -- (0.5,0);
\draw[thick] (-0.5,1) -- (-0.5,0)--(-1.5,0)--(-1.5,1);
\node at (-2.6,0) {$1$};
\node at (-1.5,1.2) {$2$};
\node at (-.5,1.2) {$3$};
\node at (.5,1.2) {$4$};
\node at (1.5,1.2) {$5$};
\node at (2.6,0) {$6$};
\node at (-1.5,-0.45) {$ \partial A $};
\node at (-0.5,-0.4) {$ \Box A \tilde{X} $};
\node at (0.5,-0.4) {$X \tilde{Z}$};
\node at (1.5,-0.45) {$Z$};
\node at (1.3,0.05) {$\partial$};
\node at (-1.7,0.05) {$\partial$};
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 285 |
386 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\draw [thick,->](0,0) -- (5.5,0);
\draw [thick,->](0,0) -- (0,5.5);
\fill [gray!50](1,5.5) -- (1,3.5) -- (3.5,1) -- (5.5,1) -- (5.5,5.5);
\draw [thin](0,1) -- (5.5,1);
\draw [thin](0,3.5) -- (5.5,3.5);
\draw [thin](1,0) -- (1,5.5);
\draw [thin](3.5,0) -- (3.5,5.5);
\draw [thin](4.5,0) -- (0,4.5);
\draw [thin](1,5.5) -- (1,3.5) -- (3.5,1) -- (5.5,1);
\filldraw[black] (1,0) circle (0.1pt) node[anchor=north] {$H(\mathbf{X}|\mathbf{Y})$};
\filldraw[black] (3.5,0) circle (0.1pt) node[anchor=north] {$H(\mathbf{X})$};
\filldraw[black] (4.7,0) circle (0.1pt) node[anchor=north] {$H(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Y})$};
\filldraw[black] (0,1) circle (0.1pt) node[anchor=east] {$H(\mathbf{Y}|\mathbf{X})$};
\filldraw[black] (0,3.5) circle (0.1pt) node[anchor=east] {$H(\mathbf{Y})$};
\filldraw[black] (0,4.5) circle (0.1pt) node[anchor=east] {$H(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Y})$};
\filldraw[black] (5.8,0) circle (0.1pt) node[anchor=north] {$R_\mathbf{X}$};
\filldraw[black] (0,5.5) circle (0.1pt) node[anchor=east] {$R_\mathbf{Y}$};
\filldraw[black] (0,0) circle (0.1pt) node[anchor=east] {$0$};
| plot | eess | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 130 |
65 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (v0) at (0,0) {$v_0$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (v1) at (1,-1) {$v_1$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (v2) at (1,-2) {$v_2$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (vj1) at (-1,-1) {\scriptsize $v_{j-1}$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (vj2) at (5,-1) {\scriptsize $v_{j+2}$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (vl0) at (4,0) {$v_\lambda$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (vl1) at (3,-1) {\scriptsize $v_{\lambda-1}$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (vl2) at (3,-2) {\scriptsize $v_{\lambda-2}$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (vk1) at (0,-1.5)
{\scriptsize $v_{k-1}$};
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=14pt] (vk2) at (4,-1.5)
{\scriptsize $v_{k+2}$};
\draw[thick] (v0)--(v1) (v0) -- (vj1) (vl0)--(vl1) (vl0) -- (vj2) (v0)
edge[dashed] (vl0) (v1) edge[dashed] (v2) (vl1) edge[dashed] (vl2)
(vk1) edge[dashed] (v1) (v1) -- (vl1) (vl1) edge[dashed] (vk2);
\draw[thick,dashdotted] plot [smooth, tension=2] coordinates {
(v2.south) (0.25,-2.5) (vk1.south west) };
\draw[thick,dashdotted] plot [smooth, tension=2] coordinates {
(vk2.south) (1,-3) (vj1.south west) };
\draw[thick,dashdotted] plot [smooth, tension=2] coordinates {
(vj2.south) (4.5,-2.5) (vl2.south east) };
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 226 |
839 | \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline={(0, +0.3cm)}]
\draw[thick] (-2.5,0) -- (1.15,0);
\draw[thick] (1.5,0) -- (2.5,0);
\draw[thick] (-1.5,1) -- (-1.5,0.05)--(0,0.05)--(0,0.71);
\draw[thick] (1.5,1) -- (1.5,0) -- (2.5,0);
\draw[thick] (0.71,1.42) -- (0,1) -- (-0.71,1.42);
\node at (-2.6,0) {$1$};
\node at (-1.5,1.2) {$2$};
\node at (-.81,1.6) {$3$};
\node at (.81,1.6) {$4$};
\node at (1.5,1.2) {$5$};
\node at (2.6,0) {$6$};
\node at (-1.4,-0.4) {$\Box \tilde{B}$};
\node at (0,-0.4) {$B \tilde{Z}\tilde{Z}$};
\node at (1.5,-0.45) {$Z$};
\node at (-0.05,0.85) {\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{$\partial$}};
\node at (1.3,0.05) {$\partial$};
\end{tikzpicture} \, .
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 102 |
380 | \begin{tikzpicture}
axis lines=middle,
grid style=dashed,
xmin=0.01, xmax=11, % Adjust the x-axis limits as needed
ymin=0, ymax=1.0, % Adjust the y-axis limits as needed
samples=100, % Number of samples for the plot
domain=0.01:15, % Domain for x values
legend pos= north east, % Adjust the legend position as needed
grid=both % Display grid lines
\addplot[blue, thick] {0.5 - ln(x)/4.5454};
\legend{$\phi \approx 0.5 - \frac{\ln(\kappa)}{5}$}
| plot | stat | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 408 |
546 | \centering\begin{tikzpicture}
\draw[white,fill=white!90!black] (-2,-2) rectangle (2,2);
\draw[thick,blue,fill=white] (0,0) circle (0.5);
\draw[->,thick] (0.5,0)--(1,0);
\draw[->,thick] (65:0.5) -- (65:1.5);
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 366 |
370 | \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance={15mm}, main/.style = {draw, circle}]
\node[main] (x1) {$X_1$};
\node[main] (x2) [right of=x1] {$X_2$};
\node[main] (x3) [right of=x2] {$X_3$};
\node[main] (y1) [below of=x1] {$Y_1$};
\node[main] (y2) [below of=x2] {$Y_2$};
\node[main] (y3) [below of=x3] {$Y_3$};
\draw[->] (x1) -- (y1);
\draw[->] (x1) -- (x2);
\draw[->] (x1) -- (y2);
\draw[->] (x1) -- (y3);
\draw[->] (x1) to [out=30,in=150] (x3);
\draw[->] (y1) -- (x2);
\draw[->] (y1) -- (y2);
\draw[->] (y1) -- (x3);
\draw[->] (x2) -- (y2);
\draw[->] (x2) -- (x3);
\draw[->] (x2) -- (y3);
\draw[->] (y2) -- (x3);
\draw[->] (y2) -- (y3);
\draw[->] (x3) -- (y3);
| plot | stat | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 254 |
869 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5]
\draw[line width=1.0] (0,0) arc(180:360:9mm and 5mm);
\draw[line width=1.0] (0.6,0) arc(180:360:3mm and 2.5mm);
\draw[black,fill] (0.9,-0.5) circle(0.5ex);
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 47 |
156 | \begin{tikzpicture}[
nd/.style={outer sep=0, inner sep=2,right},
+(0 ,0) node[nd] {[}
++(1.1ex, 0) node[nd] (0) {0}
++(1.2ex ,0) node[nd] (1) {0}
++(1.2ex ,0) node[nd] (2) {0}
++(1.2ex ,0) node[nd] (3) {0}
++(1.4ex ,0) node[nd] (4) {0}
++(1.2ex ,0) node[nd] (5) {0}
++(1.2ex ,0) node[nd] (6) {0}
++(1.2ex ,0) node[nd] (7) {0}
++(1.5ex ,0) node[nd] (8) {1}
++(1.2ex ,0) node[nd] (9) {1}
++(1.2ex ,0) node[nd] (a) {1}
++(1.2ex ,0) node[nd] (b) {1}
++(1.4ex ,0) node[nd] (c) {1}
++(1.2ex ,0) node[nd] (d) {1}
++(1.2ex ,0) node[nd] (e) {1}
++(1.2ex ,0) node[nd] (f) {1}
+(1.2ex ,-0.4em) node[nd]{,}
+(2.2ex ,-0.07em) node[nd, right] {\ $\mathrm{Id}$\,],};
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 343 |
495 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=6]
\draw[->,ultra thick] (0, 0) -- (1, 0) node[right] {\large $u$};
\draw[->,ultra thick] (0, 0) -- (0,1) node[left] {\large MTE};
\draw[-, ultra thick, black,domain=0:1] plot (\x,{ 2.7/(2 + 2^(10*\x))});
\draw[-, dashed, ultra thick, blue,domain=0:1] plot (\x,{ 0.9053704 -2.4666507*\x + 1.6294668*(\x^2) });
\draw[fill,blue] (.1,2.7/4) circle [radius=0.015];
\draw[fill,blue] (0.5,2.7/34) circle [radius=0.015];
\draw[fill,blue] (0.9,2.7/514) circle [radius=0.015];
| plot | econ | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 447 |
305 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\draw [decorate, decoration={brace,amplitude=5pt},line width=0.5pt] (0,0) -- (5,0);
\node at (2.5,0.4) {\tiny Theorems~\ref{thm:nonparam_dis_z}~\&~\ref{thm:expfam_dis_z}};
| plot | stat | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 141 |
574 | \begin{tikzpicture}[thick, scale = 1.3]
\draw[fill] (0,0) circle (.05);
\draw[fill] (2,0) circle (.05);
\node (a) at (0,0) {};
\node (b) at (2,0) {};
\draw[red, -latex] (a) .. controls +(.5,.5) and +(-.5,.5) .. (b);
\draw[red, -latex] (a) .. controls +(.1,1) and +(-.15,0) .. (1,1) .. controls +(.15,0) and +(-.1,1) .. (b);
\draw[blue, -latex] (a) -- (b);
\draw[red, -latex] (b) .. controls +(-.5,-.5) and +(.5,-.5) .. (a);
\draw[red, -latex] (b) .. controls +(-.1,-1) and +(-.15,0) .. (1,-1) .. controls +(.15,0) and +(.1,-1) .. (a);
\draw[red, -latex] (a) .. controls +(-.5,-.5) and +(-.5,.5) .. (a);
\draw[red, -latex] (a) .. controls +(-.25,-1) and +(0,-.5) .. (-1,0); \draw[red ] (-1,0) .. controls +(0,.5) and +(-.25,1) .. (a);
\draw[red, -latex] (b) .. controls +(.5,-.5) and +(.5,.5) .. (b);
\draw[red, -latex] (b) .. controls +(.25,-1) and +(0,-.5) .. (3,0);
\draw[red ] (3,0) .. controls +(0,.5) and +(.25,1) .. (b);
\node[below] at (2.7,0) {$\dots$};
\node[below] at (-.7,0) {$\dots$};
\node at (-.7,0.2) {$m_1$};
\node at (2.7,0.2) {$m_3$};
\draw[line width = 3, color = white] (-1.1,0) .. controls +(0,.15) and +(0,-.15) .. (-.7,0.1) .. controls +(0,-.15) and +(0,.15) .. (-.3,0);
\draw (-1.1,0) .. controls +(0,.15) and +(0,-.15) .. (-.7,0.1) .. controls +(0,-.15) and +(0,.15) .. (-.3,0);
\draw[line width = 3, color = white] (3.1,0) .. controls +(0,.15) and +(0,-.15) .. (2.7,0.1) .. controls +(0,-.15) and +(0,.15) .. (2.3,0);
\draw (3.1,0) .. controls +(0,.15) and +(0,-.15) .. (2.7,0.1) .. controls +(0,-.15) and +(0,.15) .. (2.3,0);
\node[left] at (1,.775) {$\vdots$};
\node[left] at (1,-.625) {$\vdots$};
\node[right] at (1,.7) {$m_2$};
\node[right] at (1,-.7) {$m'_2$};
\draw[line width = 3, color = white] (.95,1.1) .. controls +(.15,0) and +(-.15,0) .. (1.05,.7) .. controls +(-.15,0) and +(.15,0) .. (.95,.3);
\draw (.95,1.1) .. controls +(.15,0) and +(-.15,0) .. (1.05,.7) .. controls +(-.15,0) and +(.15,0) .. (.95,.3);
\draw[line width = 3, color = white] (.95,-1.1) .. controls +(.15,0) and +(-.15,0) .. (1.05,-.7) .. controls +(-.15,0) and +(.15,0) .. (.95,-.3);
\draw (.95,-1.1) .. controls +(.15,0) and +(-.15,0) .. (1.05,-.7) .. controls +(-.15,0) and +(.15,0) .. (.95,-.3);
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 312 |
360 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\draw[->] (-0.1, 0) -- (\Tmax+.5, 0);
\draw[->] (0, -0.1) -- (0, \Tmax+.5);
\draw (\Tmax+.75, 0) node {$\tau_1$};
\draw (0, \Tmax+.75) node {$\tau_2$};
\draw[-] (0, 0) -- (\Tmax, \Tmax);
\draw[-] (-0.1, \Tmax) -- (\Tmax, \Tmax);
\draw[-] (\Tmax, -0.1) -- (\Tmax, \Tmax);
\draw (-0.4, 0) node {\small $0$};
\draw (0, -0.4) node {\small $0$};
\draw (-0.4, \Tmax) node {\small $1$};
\draw (\Tmax, -0.4) node {\small $1$};
\newcommand{\Ta}{1}; \newcommand{\Tb}{3.5}; \newcommand{\Tc}{7.25}; \newcommand{\Td}{8.5}
\draw [black, fill=gray!20] (\Ta, \Ta) -- (\Ta, \Tb) -- (\Tb, \Tb) -- cycle;
\draw [black, fill=gray!20] (\Tb, \Tb) -- (\Tb, \Tc) -- (\Tc, \Tc) -- cycle;
\draw [black, fill=gray!20] (\Tc, \Tc) -- (\Tc, \Td) -- (\Td, \Td) -- cycle;
\draw [black, fill=gray!20] (\Ta, \Ta) -- (\Ta, \Tb) -- (0, \Tb) -- (0, \Ta);
\draw [black, fill=gray!20] (\Ta, \Tb) -- (\Ta, \Tc) -- (0, \Tc) -- (0, \Tb);
\draw [black, fill=gray!20] (\Ta, \Tc) -- (\Ta, \Td) -- (0, \Td) -- (0, \Tc);
\draw [black, fill=gray!20] (\Ta, \Td) -- (\Ta, \Tmax) -- (0, \Tmax) -- (0, \Td);
\draw [black, fill=gray!20] (\Tb, \Tb) -- (\Tb, \Tc) -- (0, \Tc) -- (0, \Tb);
\draw [black, fill=gray!20] (\Tb, \Tc) -- (\Tb, \Td) -- (0, \Td) -- (0, \Tc);
\draw [black, fill=gray!20] (\Tb, \Td) -- (\Tb, \Tmax) -- (0, \Tmax) -- (0, \Td);
\draw [black, fill=gray!20] (\Tc, \Tc) -- (\Tc, \Td) -- (0, \Td) -- (0, \Tc);
\draw [black, fill=gray!20] (\Tc, \Td) -- (\Tc, \Tmax) -- (0, \Tmax) -- (0, \Td);
\draw [black, fill=gray!20] (\Td, \Td) -- (\Td, \Tmax) -- (0, \Tmax) -- (0, \Td);
\draw (-0.4, \Ta) node {\small $T_1$}; \draw (\Ta, -0.4) node {\small $T_1$};
\draw[dashed] (\Ta, 0) -- (\Ta, \Ta); \draw[-] (0, \Ta) -- (\Ta, \Ta); \draw[-] (\Ta, -0.1) -- (\Ta, 0); \draw[-] (\Ta, \Ta) -- (\Ta, \Tmax);
\draw (-0.4, \Tb) node {\small $T_2$}; \draw (\Tb, -0.4) node {\small $T_2$};
\draw[dashed] (\Tb, 0) -- (\Tb, \Tb); \draw[-] (0, \Tb) -- (\Tb, \Tb); \draw[-] (\Tb, -0.1) -- (\Tb, 0); \draw[-] (\Tb, \Tb) -- (\Tb, \Tmax);
\draw (-0.4, \Tc) node {\small $T_3$}; \draw (\Tc, -0.4) node {\small $T_3$};
\draw[dashed] (\Tc, 0) -- (\Tc, \Tc); \draw[-] (0, \Tc) -- (\Tc, \Tc); \draw[-] (\Tc, -0.1) -- (\Tc, 0); \draw[-] (\Tc, \Tc) -- (\Tc, \Tmax);
\draw (-0.4, \Td) node {\small $T_4$}; \draw (\Td, -0.4) node {\small $T_4$};
\draw[dashed] (\Td, 0) -- (\Td, \Td); \draw[-] (0, \Td) -- (\Td, \Td); \draw[-] (\Td, -0.1) -- (\Td, 0); \draw[-] (\Td, \Td) -- (\Td, \Tmax);
\draw (\Ta/2-\diaghshift, \Ta/2+\diaghshift) node {\tiny $(0, 0, 4)$};
\draw (\Ta/2+\Tb/2-\diaghshift, \Ta/2+\Tb/2+\diaghshift) node {\tiny $(1, 0, 3)$};
\draw (\Tb/2+\Tc/2-\diaghshift, \Tb/2+\Tc/2+\diaghshift) node {\tiny $(2, 0, 2)$};
\draw (\Tc/2+\Td/2-\diaghshift, \Tc/2+\Td/2+\diaghshift) node {\tiny $(3, 0, 1)$};
\draw (\Td/2+\Tmax/2-\diaghshift, \Td/2+\Tmax/2+\diaghshift) node {\tiny $(4, 0, 0)$};
\draw (\Ta/2, \Ta/2+\Tb/2) node {\tiny $(0, 1, 3)$};
\draw (\Ta/2, \Tb/2+\Tc/2) node {\tiny $(0, 2, 2)$};
\draw (\Ta/2, \Tc/2+\Td/2) node {\tiny $(0, 3, 1)$};
\draw (\Ta/2, \Td/2+\Tmax/2) node {\tiny $(0, 4, 0)$};
\draw (\Ta/2+\Tb/2, \Tb/2+\Tc/2) node {\tiny $(1, 1, 2)$};
\draw (\Ta/2+\Tb/2, \Tc/2+\Td/2) node {\tiny $(1, 2, 1)$};
\draw (\Ta/2+\Tb/2, \Td/2+\Tmax/2) node {\tiny $(1, 3, 0)$};
\draw (\Tb/2+\Tc/2, \Tc/2+\Td/2) node {\tiny $(2, 1, 1)$};
\draw (\Tb/2+\Tc/2, \Td/2+\Tmax/2) node {\tiny $(2, 2, 0)$};
\draw (\Tc/2+\Td/2, \Td/2+\Tmax/2) node {\tiny $(3, 1, 0)$};
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (0, \Ta) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (0, \Tb) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (0, \Tc) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (0, \Td) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (0, \Tmax) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (\Ta, \Ta) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (\Ta, \Tb) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (\Ta, \Tc) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (\Ta, \Td) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (\Ta, \Tmax) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (\Tb, \Tb) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (\Tb, \Tc) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (\Tb, \Td) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (\Tb, \Tmax) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (\Tc, \Tc) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (\Tc, \Td) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (\Tc, \Tmax) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (\Td, \Td) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=red!80] (\Td, \Tmax) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=black] (0, 0) circle (0.1);
\draw[black, fill=black] (\Tmax, \Tmax) circle (0.1);
| plot | stat | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 256 |
526 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.9]
\draw[->] (0,-0.3) -- (0,2.5);
\draw[->] (-2.5,0) -- (2.5,0);
\node[below] at (2.4,0) {\small $x$};
\node[left] at (0,2.4) {\small $t$};
\draw[red, thick] (-2.5,0.8) -- (2.5,0.8);
\node[below, left] at (0,0.7) {\tiny $T$};
\draw[red,thick] (-2.5,1.6) -- (-1.058,1.6);
\node[above, left] at (0,1.7) {\tiny $2T$};
\draw[red,thick] (1.058,1.6) -- (2.5,1.6);
\draw[dashed] (-1.03,1.6) -- (1.058,1.6);
\draw[red,thick] [domain=-1.058:1.058] plot(\x, {((1.2)^2+(\x)^2)^(0.5)});
\draw[dashed] [domain=-2:-1.058] plot(\x, {((1.2)^2+(\x)^2)^(0.5)});
\draw[dashed] [domain=1.058:2] plot(\x, {((1.2)^2+(\x)^2)^(0.5)});
\node[below, left] at (1.8,2.2) {\tiny $H_\rho$};
\node[red] at (-1.5,1.2) {\tiny $D$};
\draw[dashed] [domain=0:2.4] plot(\x,\x);
\draw[dashed] [domain=-2.4:0] plot(\x,-\x);
\node[right] at (2.2,2.2) {\tiny $t=|x|$};
\fill [red!40,nearly transparent, domain=-1.058:1.058, variable=\x]
(-1.058, 0.8)
-- plot ({\x},{((1.2)^2+(\x)^2)^(0.5)})
-- (1.058, 0.8)
-- cycle;
\fill[red!40,nearly transparent] (-2.5, 0.8) -- (-2.5,1.6) -- (-1.058,1.6) -- (-1.058, 0.8) -- cycle;
\fill[red!40,nearly transparent] (1.058,1.6) -- (1.058, 0.8) -- (2.5, 0.8) -- (2.5, 1.6) -- cycle;
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 334 |
405 | \begin{tikzpicture}
scale only axis,
xtick={1, 2, 3},
xlabel style={font=\color{white!15!black}},
xlabel={Iteration index},
ylabel style={font=\color{white!15!black}},
ylabel={RMSE of },
axis background/.style={fill=white}
\addplot [color=green, mark=x, mark options={solid, green}, forget plot]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
0 5.62876806822011\\
1 5.87954633891038\\
2 6.1465984585114\\
3 6.16791955775504\\
\addplot [color=green, dashed, mark=o, mark options={solid, green}, forget plot]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
0 0.0815671053968286\\
1 0.0815671053968286\\
2 0.0815671053968286\\
3 0.0815671053968286\\
\addplot [color=blue, mark=x, mark options={solid, blue}, forget plot]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
0 0.812263583375205\\
1 0.0635108492780811\\
2 0.0273455047582622\\
3 0.0264887653340946\\
\addplot [color=blue, dashed, mark=o, mark options={solid, blue}, forget plot]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
0 0.0257937835200991\\
1 0.0257937835200991\\
2 0.0257937835200991\\
3 0.0257937835200991\\
\addplot [color=red, mark=x, mark options={solid, red}, forget plot]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
0 0.2466182318941\\
1 0.0212601540243773\\
2 0.00871312900722321\\
3 0.00839590183801248\\
\addplot [color=red, dashed, mark=o, mark options={solid, red}, forget plot]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
0 0.00815671053968283\\
1 0.00815671053968283\\
2 0.00815671053968283\\
3 0.00815671053968283\\
scale only axis,
xtick={1, 2, 3},
xlabel style={font=\color{white!15!black}},
xlabel={Iteration index},
ylabel style={font=\color{white!15!black}},
ylabel={RMSE of },
axis background/.style={fill=white},
legend style={legend cell align=left, align=left, draw=white!15!black}
\addplot [color=green, mark=x, mark options={solid, green}]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
0 7.17692033052437\\
1 8.81049126511284\\
2 8.78979677144699\\
3 8.78611691403286\\
\addlegendentry{RMSE, SNR=0 dB}
\addplot [color=blue, mark=x, mark options={solid, blue}]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
0 1.15928064170561\\
1 0.0131212427621334\\
2 0.00805854216840761\\
3 0.00805913905748918\\
\addlegendentry{RMSE, SNR=10 dB}
\addplot [color=red, mark=x, mark options={solid, red}]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
0 0.357005708041354\\
1 0.00419654126461343\\
2 0.00254368557358166\\
3 0.00254515653089334\\
\addlegendentry{RMSE, SNR=20 dB}
\addplot [color=green, dashed, mark=o, mark options={solid, green}]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
0 0.0236141583841898\\
1 0.0236141583841898\\
2 0.0236141583841898\\
3 0.0236141583841898\\
\addlegendentry{CRLB, SNR=0 dB}
\addplot [color=blue, dashed, mark=o, mark options={solid, blue}]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
0 0.00746745255220011\\
1 0.00746745255220011\\
2 0.00746745255220011\\
3 0.00746745255220011\\
\addlegendentry{CRLB, SNR=10 dB}
\addplot [color=red, dashed, mark=o, mark options={solid, red}]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
0 0.00236141583841898\\
1 0.00236141583841898\\
2 0.00236141583841898\\
3 0.00236141583841898\\
\addlegendentry{CRLB, SNR=20 dB}
scale only axis,
axis line style={draw=none},
axis x line*=bottom,
axis y line*=left
| plot | eess | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 222 |
438 | \begin{tikzpicture}[line width=.6pt]
\filldraw (0, 0) circle [radius=1.5pt]
(2, 0) circle [radius=1.5pt]
(4, 0) circle [radius=1.5pt];
\draw (0, 0.3) node {$x_0$}
(1, 0.3) node {$1$}
(2, 0.3) node {$x_2$}
(3, 0.3) node {$2$}
(4, 0.3) node {$x_1$};
\draw (4, -0.35) ellipse [x radius=5 pt, y radius=10pt]
(4.4, -0.5) node {$2$};
\draw(0,0) -- (2,0) -- (4,0);
| plot | eess | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 369 |
424 | \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.43pt,y=0.48pt,yscale=-1,xscale=1] \small
\draw (100,126) -- (242,126) -- (242,171.27) -- (100,171.27) -- cycle ;
\draw (330,129.27) -- (493,129.27) -- (493,175.27) -- (330,175.27) -- cycle ;
\draw (329,197.27) -- (493.4,197.27) -- (493.4,243.27) -- (329,243.27) -- cycle ;
\draw (243,148.36) -- (328,148.28) ;
\draw [shift={(330,148.28)}, rotate = 539.94] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-4.9) .. controls (6.95,-2.3) and (3.31,-0.67) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.67) and (6.95,2.3) .. (10.93,4.9) ;
\draw (280.6,148.36) -- (281,219.28) ;
\draw (281,219.28) -- (327,219.24) ;
\draw [shift={(329,219.24)}, rotate = 539.96] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-4.9) .. controls (6.95,-2.3) and (3.31,-0.67) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.67) and (6.95,2.3) .. (10.93,4.9) ;
\draw (492.4,152.15) -- (559.75,152.27) ;
\draw [shift={(561.75,152.27)}, rotate = 180.1] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-4.9) .. controls (6.95,-2.3) and (3.31,-0.67) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.67) and (6.95,2.3) .. (10.93,4.9) ;
\draw (493.9,218.65) -- (516.6,218.6) ;
\draw (516.6,218.6) -- (517,261.28) ;
\draw (178,261.28) -- (517,261.28) ;
\draw (178,261.28) -- (178.2,173.4) ;
\draw [shift={(178.2,171.4)}, rotate = 450.13] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-4.9) .. controls (6.95,-2.3) and (3.31,-0.67) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.67) and (6.95,2.3) .. (10.93,4.9) ;
\draw (532,151.77) -- (532.2,277) ;
\draw (138.6,276.2) -- (532.2,277) ;
\draw (138.6,276.2) -- (138.6,173.8) ;
\draw [shift={(138.6,171.8)}, rotate = 450] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-4.9) .. controls (6.95,-2.3) and (3.31,-0.67) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.67) and (6.95,2.3) .. (10.93,4.9) ;
\draw [dash pattern={on 4.5pt off 4.5pt}] (14,145.6) -- (100,145.79) ;
\draw [shift={(100.2,145.8)}, rotate = 180.17] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-4.9) .. controls (6.95,-2.3) and (3.31,-0.67) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.67) and (6.95,2.3) .. (10.93,4.9) ;
\draw (413.8,198.04) -- (413.53,177.75) ;
\draw [shift={(413.5,175.75)}, rotate = 449.23] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-4.9) .. controls (6.95,-2.3) and (3.31,-0.67) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.67) and (6.95,2.3) .. (10.93,4.9) ;
\draw (413,105) -- (413,125.86) ;
\draw [shift={(413,127.86)}, rotate = 271.79] [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.75] (10.93,-4.9) .. controls (6.95,-2.3) and (3.31,-0.67) .. (0,0) .. controls (3.31,0.67) and (6.95,2.3) .. (10.93,4.9) ;
\draw (102,129) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {Hybrid vector\\ estimation \eqref{eqn:hybrid_observer1-2}};
\draw (332,132.27) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {Attitude\\ estimation \eqref{eqn:hybrid_observer1-1}};
\draw (331,200.27) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {Hybrid auxiliary\\ system \eqref{eqn:hybrid_dynamics_theta}};
\draw (14,123) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {$b_1,...,b_N$};
\draw (243,126) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {$\hat{r}_1,...,\hat{r}_N$};
\draw (498,128) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {$\hat{R}$};
\draw (498,199) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {$\theta$};
\draw (420,178) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {$\theta$};
\draw (420,110) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {$\omega$};
| plot | eess | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 0 |
540 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\filldraw[black] (0,1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (0,-1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (2,2.3094) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (2,-2.3094) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (4,1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (4,-1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (6,2.3094) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (6,-2.3094) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (8,1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (8,-1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (10,2.3094) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (10,-2.3094) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (12,1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (12,-1.1547) circle (2pt);
\draw (0,1.1547) -- (12,1.1547) -- (6,-2.3094) -- (0,1.1547);
\draw (0,-1.1547) -- (12,-1.1547) -- (6,2.3094) -- (0,-1.1547);
\draw (2,2.3094) -- (2,-2.3094) -- (10,2.3094) -- (10,-2.3094) -- (2,2.3094);
\draw (0,1.1547) -- (2,2.3094) -- (0,-1.1547) -- (2,-2.3094) -- (0,1.1547);
\draw (2,2.3094) -- (4,-1.1547) -- (6,2.3094) -- (8,-1.1547) -- (10,2.3094) -- (12,-1.1547) -- (12,1.1547) -- (10,-2.3094) -- (8,1.1547) -- (6,-2.3094) -- (4,1.1547) -- (2,-2.3094);
\draw (6,2.3094) -- (6,-2.3094);
\draw (10,2.3094) -- (12,1.1547);
\draw (10,-2.3094) -- (12,-1.1547);
\draw[red, dashed] (0,-1.1547) -- node[left] {\(e_1\)} ++(0,2.3094);
\draw[red, dashed] (4,-1.1547) -- node[left] {\(e_2\)} ++(0,2.3094);
\draw[red, dashed] (8,-1.1547) -- node[left] {\(e_3\)} ++(0,2.3094);
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 402 |
628 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\filldraw[black] (0,0) circle (2pt)node[anchor=east]{$1$};
\filldraw[black] (1,1) circle (2pt)node[anchor=south]{$2$};
\filldraw[black] (1,-1) circle (2pt)node[anchor=north]{$3$};
\filldraw[black] (3,1) circle (2pt)node[anchor=south]{$5$};
\filldraw[black] (3,-1) circle (2pt)node[anchor=north]{$4$};
\filldraw[black] (5,1) circle (2pt)node[anchor=south]{$7$};
\filldraw[black] (5,-1) circle (2pt)node[anchor=north]{$6$};
\draw[black] (0,0) -- (1,1);
\draw[black] (0,0) -- (1,-1);
\draw[black] (1,1) -- (1,-1);
\draw[black] (1,1) -- (3,1);
\draw[black] (1,1) -- (3,-1);
\draw[black] (1,-1) -- (3,1);
\draw[black] (1,-1) -- (3,-1);
\draw[black] (3,1) -- (3,-1);
\draw[black] (3,1) -- (5,1);
\draw[black] (3,-1) -- (5,-1);
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 65 |
598 | \begin{tikzpicture}[->,shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=2cm, thick,main node/.style={circle,draw,font=\sffamily\Large\bfseries}]
\node[main node] (X2) {$X_2$}; \node[main node] (X3) [right of=X2] {$X_3$};\node[main node] (X1) [left of=X2] {$X_1$};
\path (X2) edge (X1);
\path (X2) edge (X3);
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 91 |
197 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.7, transform shape]
\tikzstyle{session2arrow}=[<-, semithick, dashed]
\node (proximity) at (0,0) [circle, draw=black, dotted, very thick,
minimum width=4cm]{};
\node (verifier) at
\node (device) at (1,0)
\draw [session1arrow] (device) to node [above] [near start] {}
\node (attacker) at (3,-2)
\node [above of =device, node distance=0.5cm] {Device};
\node [above of =verifier, node distance=0.5cm] {Verifier};
\node [above of =attacker, node distance=0.5cm] {Attacker};
\node (hole_) at (0,-2) [circle, fill=white,very thick,
minimum width=1cm]{};
\node (hole) at (0,-2){};
\draw [session2arrow,bend right] (verifier) to node {} (hole);
\draw [session2arrow,bend right] (device) to node {} (hole);
\draw [session2arrow,bend right] (device) to node {} (hole);
\draw [session2arrow,bend left] (attacker) to node {} (hole);
| plot | cs | assets/cs/16172_images_honest.png | assets/cs/16173_images_attacker.png | assets/cs/16173_images_attacker.png | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 371 |
783 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\node (a) [label={[label distance=-0.2 cm]130: \textbf{(a)}}] at (0,0) {\includegraphics{1654_sync-time.pdf}};
\node (b) [label={[label distance=-0.2 cm]130: \textbf{(b)}}] at (5.7,0) {\includegraphics{1655_mean.pdf}};
\node (c) [label={[label distance=-0.2 cm]130: \textbf{(c)}}] at (11.4,0) {\includegraphics{1656_variance.pdf}};
| plot | physics | assets/physics/1654_sync-time.pdf | assets/physics/1655_mean.pdf | assets/physics/1656_variance.pdf | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 339 |
675 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\draw (0,0) circle(0.2);
\draw (0.2,0) node[right]{$R_1$};
\draw (1,0) -- (-2,1.5);
\draw (-2,1.75) node[left]{$\mathcal{D}_-$};
\draw[dashed] (1,0) -- (1,1);
\draw[->] (1,0.7) arc (90:155:0.7);
\draw (0.8,0.7) node[above]{$\theta_0$};
\draw (1,0) -- (-2,-1.5);
\draw (-2,-1.5) node[left]{$\mathcal{D}_+$};
\draw[dashed] (1,0) -- (1,-1);
\draw[->] (1,-0.7) arc (-90:-155:0.7);
\draw (0.8,-0.7) node[below]{$\theta_0$};
\draw[blue] (0.5,-1.5) -- (-1.7,2);
\draw[blue] (0.5,-1.5) node[right]{$\mathcal{D}$};
\draw[blue,dashed] (-1.3,1.4) -- (-1.3,2.1);
\draw[blue,->] (-1.3,1.9) arc (90:115:0.7);
\draw[blue] (-1.5,1.9) node[above]{$\theta_1$};
\draw[red] (0,0) -- (-1.7,0);
\draw[red] (-1,0) node[below]{$B$};
\draw[red] (-1.7,-1.35) -- (-1.7,1.35);
\draw (-1.5,-1.25) node[above]{$\mathcal{T}$};
\draw (-1.8,1) node[left]{$\textbf{a}$};
\draw (-1.7,1.2) node[left]{$\times$};
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 21 |
37 | \begin{tikzpicture}\footnotesize
legend style={at={(1.2,1.22)},
anchor=north,legend columns=4},
ylabel=F1 (\%),
width=4.7cm, height=3.8cm,
ymin=3, ymax=67,
xtick={1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
xticklabels={1\%, 5\%, 10\%, 20\%, 30\%},
xlabel near ticks,
ylabel near ticks,
xtick pos=left,
ytick pos=left,
ytick align=inside,
xtick align=inside,
grid style=dashed,
legend style={nodes={scale=0.7, transform shape}},
every node near coord/.append style={font=\tiny},
\addplot+[semithick,mark=x,mark options={scale=0.6}, red!40!white] plot coordinates {
(1, 11.44)
(2, 38.13)
(3, 54.27)
(4, 61.07)
(5, 66.16)
\addplot+[semithick,mark=x,mark options={scale=0.6}, blue!30!white] plot coordinates {
(1, 8.59)
(2, 32.23)
(3, 45.12)
(4, 57.94)
(5, 61.47)
\addplot+[semithick,mark=x,mark options={scale=0.6}, brown!50!white] plot coordinates {
(1, 3.81)
(2, 36.02)
(3, 52.46)
(4, 57.44)
(5, 60.29)
\addplot+[semithick,mark=x,mark options={scale=0.6}, gray!40!white] plot coordinates {
(1, 3.45)
(2, 4.43)
(3, 38.59)
(4, 54.33)
(5, 62.30)
\legend{SDIF-DA, MulT, MAG-BERT, MISA}
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 316 |
418 | \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75pt,y=0.75pt,yscale=-0.75,xscale=0.75]
\draw (193.5,47) -- (313,243) -- (74,243) -- cycle ;
\draw (133.75,145) -- (193.5,243) -- (74,243) -- cycle ;
\draw (253.25,145) -- (313,243) -- (193.5,243) -- cycle ;
\draw (192.11,243.01) -- (133.14,144.53) -- (252.64,145.49) -- cycle ;
\draw (193.5,47) -- (253.25,145) -- (133.75,145) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 123; blue, 255 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (133.5,145) -- (193,243) -- (74,243) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 123; blue, 255 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (103.75,194) -- (133.5,243) -- (74,243) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 123; blue, 255 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (163.25,194) -- (193,243) -- (133.5,243) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 123; blue, 255 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (132.81,243.01) -- (103.45,193.77) -- (162.94,194.25) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 123; blue, 255 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (133.5,145) -- (163.25,194) -- (103.75,194) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 193; blue, 7 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (192.35,243.01) -- (133.15,144.83) -- (252.15,145.18) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 193; blue, 7 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (222.25,194.1) -- (192.65,145.01) -- (252.15,145.18) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 193; blue, 7 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (162.75,193.92) -- (133.15,144.83) -- (192.65,145.01) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 193; blue, 7 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (193.34,145) -- (222.55,194.33) -- (163.06,193.68) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 193; blue, 7 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (192.35,243.01) -- (162.75,193.92) -- (222.25,194.1) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 111; green, 66; blue, 193 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (192.5,47) -- (252,145) -- (133,145) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 111; green, 66; blue, 193 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (162.75,96) -- (192.5,145) -- (133,145) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 111; green, 66; blue, 193 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (222.25,96) -- (252,145) -- (192.5,145) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 111; green, 66; blue, 193 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (191.81,145.01) -- (162.45,95.77) -- (221.94,96.25) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 111; green, 66; blue, 193 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (192.5,47) -- (222.25,96) -- (162.75,96) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 40; green, 167; blue, 69 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (252.5,145) -- (312,243) -- (193,243) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 40; green, 167; blue, 69 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (222.75,194) -- (252.5,243) -- (193,243) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 40; green, 167; blue, 69 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (282.25,194) -- (312,243) -- (252.5,243) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 40; green, 167; blue, 69 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (251.81,243.01) -- (222.45,193.77) -- (281.94,194.25) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 40; green, 167; blue, 69 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (252.5,145) -- (282.25,194) -- (222.75,194) -- cycle ;
\draw (94,218.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$11$};
\draw (123,202.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$14$};
\draw (124,170.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$13$};
\draw (152,216.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$12$};
\draw (155,154.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$42$};
\draw (184,168.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$44$};
\draw (182,201.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$43$};
\draw (215,152.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$41$};
\draw (213,217.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$21$};
\draw (244,167.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$23$};
\draw (242,203.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$24$};
\draw (273,218.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$22$};
\draw (154,118.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$31$};
\draw (182,103.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$34$};
\draw (213,118.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$32$};
\draw (184,68.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$33$};
| plot | eess | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 325 |
967 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1]
\draw[gray,->] (0,0) -- ({2*cos(120)}, {2*sin(120)});
\node[left] at (-0.5,0.65) {$R$};
\draw[thick] (-3,0) -- (10,0);
\draw [domain=0:180,gray,thick] plot ({2*cos(\x)}, {2*sin(\x)});
\draw[black] plot [mark=*, mark size=2] coordinates{(0,0)};
\node[below] at (0,0) {$x=0$};
\draw[black] plot [mark=*, mark size=2] coordinates{(7,0)};
\node[below] at (7,0) {$x=L$};
\draw [domain=0:148,blue] plot ({3.21*cos(\x)+7-3.21}, {3.21*sin(\x)});
\draw [domain=180:148,gray] plot ({0.65*cos(\x)+7-3.21}, {0.65*sin(\x)});
\node at (2.9,0.25) {$\alpha$};
\draw[gray,->] ({7-3.21},0) -- ({3.21*cos(60)+7-3.21}, {3.21*sin(60)});
\node at (5,1.45) {$r_H$};
\draw[gray] ({7-3.21},0) -- ({3.21*cos(148)+7-3.21}, {3.21*sin(148)});
\draw[black] plot [mark=*, mark size=2] coordinates{({7-3.21},0)};
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 181 |
485 | \begin{tikzpicture}
legend cell align={left},
legend style={
fill opacity=0.8,
draw opacity=1,
text opacity=1,
anchor=south east,
log basis x={10},
tick align=outside,
tick pos=left,
x grid style={darkgray176},
xmin=0.01, xmax=1000,
xtick style={color=black},
y grid style={darkgray176},
ymin=11, ymax=13,
ytick style={color=black}
\addplot [semithick, steelblue31119180, mark=*]
table {%
1 12.43
\addlegendentry{$\lambda_{\text{denoiser}} = 0.01$}
\addplot [semithick, forestgreen4416044, mark=square*]
table {%
0.01 11.59
0.1 11.73
1 12.47
10 12.51
100 12.42
1000 12.42
\addlegendentry{$\lambda_{\text{denoiser}} = 0.1$}
\addplot [semithick, darkorange25512714, mark=triangle*]
table {%
1 12.07
\addlegendentry{$\lambda_{\text{denoiser}} = 1$}
\addplot [semithick, darkgray176]
table {%
0.01 12.44
1000 12.44
\addlegendentry{no denoiser}
| plot | eess | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 242 |
322 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\node (image) at (0,0) {
\node[above,black,fill=white] at (-4.9,1.9){\small $\text{DP}(4,P_{0})$};
\node[above,black,fill=white] at (-4.9,-2.3){\small Uniform};
\node[above,black,fill=white] at (-2.9,4.2){\small true};
\node[above,black,fill=white] at (0,4.2){\small Gibbs};
\node[above,black,fill=white] at (2.8,4.2){\small Walker};
| plot | stat | assets/stat/5790_sm_gibbs_ss.png | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 212 |
266 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\node[circle, draw, minimum size = 3em]{Root}[sibling distance= 5 cm, level distance = 2 cm]
child {node[circle, draw, minimum size = 3em] {$N_1$} [sibling distance = 2 cm]
child{node[circle, draw, minimum size = 3em] {$X_1$}
edge from parent node[left, xshift=-0.2cm] {\Large $\alpha_1$}}
child {node[circle, draw, minimum size = 3em] {$X_2$}
edge from parent node[left, xshift=-0.0cm] {\Large $\alpha_2$}}
child {node[circle, draw, minimum size = 3em] {$X_3$}
edge from parent node[right, xshift=0.2cm] {\Large $\alpha_3$}}
edge from parent node[left, xshift=-0.2cm]{\Large $\alpha_6$}
child {node[circle, draw, minimum size = 3em] {$N_2$} [sibling distance = 2 cm]
child {node[circle, draw, minimum size = 3em] {$X_4$}
edge from parent node[left, xshift=-0.2cm] {\Large $\alpha_4$}}
child{node[circle, draw, minimum size = 3em] {$X_5$}
edge from parent node[right, xshift=0.2cm] {\Large $\alpha_5$}}
edge from parent node[right, xshift=0.2cm]{\Large $\alpha_7$}
| plot | stat | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 302 |
255 | \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75pt,y=0.75pt,yscale=-0.75,xscale=0.75]
\draw (193.5,47) -- (313,243) -- (74,243) -- cycle ;
\draw (133.75,145) -- (193.5,243) -- (74,243) -- cycle ;
\draw (253.25,145) -- (313,243) -- (193.5,243) -- cycle ;
\draw (192.11,243.01) -- (133.14,144.53) -- (252.64,145.49) -- cycle ;
\draw (193.5,47) -- (253.25,145) -- (133.75,145) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 123; blue, 255 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (133.5,145) -- (193,243) -- (74,243) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 123; blue, 255 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (103.75,194) -- (133.5,243) -- (74,243) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 123; blue, 255 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (163.25,194) -- (193,243) -- (133.5,243) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 123; blue, 255 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (132.81,243.01) -- (103.45,193.77) -- (162.94,194.25) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 123; blue, 255 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (133.5,145) -- (163.25,194) -- (103.75,194) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 193; blue, 7 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (192.35,243.01) -- (133.15,144.83) -- (252.15,145.18) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 193; blue, 7 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (222.25,194.1) -- (192.65,145.01) -- (252.15,145.18) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 193; blue, 7 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (162.75,193.92) -- (133.15,144.83) -- (192.65,145.01) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 193; blue, 7 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (193.34,145) -- (222.55,194.33) -- (163.06,193.68) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 193; blue, 7 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (192.35,243.01) -- (162.75,193.92) -- (222.25,194.1) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 111; green, 66; blue, 193 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (192.5,47) -- (252,145) -- (133,145) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 111; green, 66; blue, 193 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (162.75,96) -- (192.5,145) -- (133,145) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 111; green, 66; blue, 193 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (222.25,96) -- (252,145) -- (192.5,145) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 111; green, 66; blue, 193 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (191.81,145.01) -- (162.45,95.77) -- (221.94,96.25) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 111; green, 66; blue, 193 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (192.5,47) -- (222.25,96) -- (162.75,96) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 40; green, 167; blue, 69 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (252.5,145) -- (312,243) -- (193,243) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 40; green, 167; blue, 69 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (222.75,194) -- (252.5,243) -- (193,243) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 40; green, 167; blue, 69 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (282.25,194) -- (312,243) -- (252.5,243) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 40; green, 167; blue, 69 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (251.81,243.01) -- (222.45,193.77) -- (281.94,194.25) -- cycle ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 40; green, 167; blue, 69 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (252.5,145) -- (282.25,194) -- (222.75,194) -- cycle ;
\draw (94,218.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$11$};
\draw (123,202.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$14$};
\draw (124,170.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$13$};
\draw (152,216.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$12$};
\draw (155,154.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$42$};
\draw (184,168.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$44$};
\draw (182,201.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$43$};
\draw (215,152.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$41$};
\draw (213,217.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$21$};
\draw (244,167.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$23$};
\draw (242,203.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$24$};
\draw (273,218.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$22$};
\draw (154,118.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$31$};
\draw (182,103.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$34$};
\draw (213,118.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$32$};
\draw (184,68.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$33$};
| plot | stat | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 451 |
173 | \begin{tikzpicture}
legend cell align={left},
legend style={
fill opacity=0.8,
draw opacity=1,
text opacity=1,
anchor=south east,
tick pos=both,
title={IoU during training},
x grid style={darkgray176},
xmin=-2.95, xmax=83.95,
xtick style={color=black},
y grid style={darkgray176},
ymin=0.417342284321785, ymax=0.616718372702598,
ytick style={color=black}
\addplot [orange, mark=+, mark size=3, mark options={solid}]
table {%
1 0.42640483379364
5 0.513723313808441
10 0.56364232301712
15 0.527571201324463
20 0.520628929138184
25 0.60199111700058
30 0.603411197662354
35 0.577725410461426
40 0.584530234336853
45 0.581609964370728
50 0.607655823230743
55 0.604674279689789
60 0.592810392379761
65 0.583972275257111
70 0.572862386703491
75 0.586271584033966
80 0.567368030548096
\addlegendentry{IoU during training}
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 265 |
366 | \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75pt,y=0.75pt,yscale=-0.9,xscale=0.9]
\draw [line width=1.5] (50.57,24.38) -- (70.06,36.98) ;
\draw [line width=1.5] (70.06,36.98) -- (117.44,36.98) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (70.06,36.98) -- (93.18,80.82) ;
\draw [shift={(94.58,83.47)}, rotate = 242.19] [color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (14.21,-4.28) .. controls (9.04,-1.82) and (4.3,-0.39) .. (0,0) .. controls (4.3,0.39) and (9.04,1.82) .. (14.21,4.28) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (117.44,36.98) -- (95.91,80.78) ;
\draw [shift={(94.58,83.47)}, rotate = 296.18] [color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (14.21,-4.28) .. controls (9.04,-1.82) and (4.3,-0.39) .. (0,0) .. controls (4.3,0.39) and (9.04,1.82) .. (14.21,4.28) ;
\draw [line width=1.5] (81.3,104.75) -- (94.58,83.47) ;
\draw [line width=1.5] (117.44,36.98) -- (138.3,25.25) ;
\draw [line width=1.5] (108.3,104.25) -- (94.58,83.47) ;
\draw [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (92.58,83.47) .. controls (92.58,82.37) and (93.48,81.47) .. (94.58,81.47) .. controls (95.69,81.47) and (96.58,82.37) .. (96.58,83.47) .. controls (96.58,84.58) and (95.69,85.47) .. (94.58,85.47) .. controls (93.48,85.47) and (92.58,84.58) .. (92.58,83.47) -- cycle ;
\draw (139.83,11.43) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$b$};
\draw (36.74,12.69) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$a$};
\draw (71.74,107.19) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$c_{1}$};
\draw (104.24,107.19) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\normalsize] {$c_{2}$};
\draw (85.2,49.2) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small,color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,opacity=1 ] {$\gamma $};
\draw (65.6,56) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small,color={rgb, 255:red, 108; green, 4; blue, 35 } ,opacity=1 ] {$h_{1}$};
\draw (109.8,56) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small,color={rgb, 255:red, 108; green, 4; blue, 35 } ,opacity=1 ] {$h_{2}$};
\draw (89.2,19.2) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small] {$x$};
\draw (102.33,78.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small] {$v$};
| plot | stat | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 1 |
92 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5] % Adjust the scale as needed
\node {$X$}
level 1/.style = {sibling distance = 4cm},
level 2/.style = {sibling distance = 2cm}
child {node {$\{a,b\}$}
child{ node {$\{a\}$}}
child{ node {$\{b\}$}}}
child {node {$\{ c,d\}$}
child{ node {$\{c\}$}}
child{ node {$\{d\}$}}}
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 477 |
795 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\draw[fill=gray!30] (0,0) circle (2.8cm);
\node at (0,0) {Deconfined quarks};
\foreach \a in {22.5,67.5,...,337.5} {
\draw[->, thick] (\a:1.8cm) -- (\a:2.8cm);
\foreach \a in {0,45,...,315} {
\draw[->, thick] (\a:3.55cm) -- (\a:2.8cm);
\node[anchor=west] at (3.5cm,0) {Bag};
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 101 |
971 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6]
\draw[thick] (-1,-1) -- (-1,1) -- (1,1) -- (1,-1) -- (-1,-1);
\draw[thick] (-3.5,-3) to [out=90,in=-90] (-0.5,-1);
\draw[thick] (3.5,-3) to [out=90,in=-90] (0.5,-1);
\draw[thick] (0.5,1) to [out=90,in=-90] (3.5,3);
\draw[thick] (-0.5,1) to [out=90,in=-90] (-3.5,3);
\node at (0,0) {$\mathbf{U}$};
\node at (0,-5) {$ $};
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 152 |
364 | \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75pt,y=0.75pt,yscale=-0.9,xscale=0.9]
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (76.86,31.94) -- (146.31,87.92) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (76.86,31.94) -- (94.42,94.57) ;
\draw [shift={(95.23,97.46)}, rotate = 254.33] [color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (14.21,-4.28) .. controls (9.04,-1.82) and (4.3,-0.39) .. (0,0) .. controls (4.3,0.39) and (9.04,1.82) .. (14.21,4.28) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (98.2,96.99) -- (147.21,89.18) ;
\draw [shift={(95.23,97.46)}, rotate = 350.95] [color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (14.21,-4.28) .. controls (9.04,-1.82) and (4.3,-0.39) .. (0,0) .. controls (4.3,0.39) and (9.04,1.82) .. (14.21,4.28) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (94.33,96.2) -- (84.24,121.4) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (146.31,87.92) -- (169.06,113.91) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (260.59,71.59) -- (298.34,71.59) ;
\draw [shift={(257.59,71.59)}, rotate = 0] [color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (14.21,-4.28) .. controls (9.04,-1.82) and (4.3,-0.39) .. (0,0) .. controls (4.3,0.39) and (9.04,1.82) .. (14.21,4.28) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (298.34,71.59) -- (319.55,45.29) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (258.64,74.59) -- (258.64,118.68) ;
\draw [shift={(258.64,71.59)}, rotate = 90] [color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (14.21,-4.28) .. controls (9.04,-1.82) and (4.3,-0.39) .. (0,0) .. controls (4.3,0.39) and (9.04,1.82) .. (14.21,4.28) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (298.34,71.59) -- (298.34,118.68) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (257.59,118.68) -- (298.34,118.68) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (238.72,147.22) -- (257.59,118.68) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (497.23,106.67) -- (428.44,53.98) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (428.44,53.98) -- (440.43,117.51) ;
\draw [shift={(440.99,120.46)}, rotate = 259.31] [color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (14.21,-4.28) .. controls (9.04,-1.82) and (4.3,-0.39) .. (0,0) .. controls (4.3,0.39) and (9.04,1.82) .. (14.21,4.28) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (443.9,119.74) -- (497.23,106.67) ;
\draw [shift={(440.99,120.46)}, rotate = 346.22] [color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (14.21,-4.28) .. controls (9.04,-1.82) and (4.3,-0.39) .. (0,0) .. controls (4.3,0.39) and (9.04,1.82) .. (14.21,4.28) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (497.23,106.67) -- (505.24,132.15) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (425.04,148.91) -- (440.99,120.46) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (428.44,53.98) -- (398.93,47.89) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (298.34,118.68) -- (318.63,148.26) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (84.24,121.4) -- (80.67,153.98) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (84.24,121.4) -- (59.05,120.07) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (76.86,31.94) -- (68.21,34.09) -- (50.78,38.41) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (235.04,46.33) -- (257.59,71.59) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (505.24,132.15) -- (495.84,150.86) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.5] (518.13,148.15) -- (505.24,132.15) ;
\draw (321.27,30.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small] {$a$};
\draw (72.99,154.69) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small] {$b$};
\draw (45.56,112.73) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small] {$c$};
\draw (170.41,117.53) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small] {$e$};
\draw (37.45,33.12) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small] {$d$};
\draw (222.53,32.87) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small] {$f$};
\draw (319.98,151.88) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small] {$n$};
\draw (385.04,36.22) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small] {$k$};
\draw (415.96,152.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small] {$j$};
\draw (489.3,154.19) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small] {$i$};
\draw (227.05,149.28) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small] {$g$};
\draw (110.85,49.49) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$0.8$};
\draw (122.53,96.96) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$5.8$};
\draw (75.9,64.32) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$1$};
\draw (90.59,112.44) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$1.4$};
\draw (90.04,68.1) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize,color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,opacity=1 ] {$0.2$};
\draw (62.97,107.09) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$0.4$};
\draw (84.46,141.09) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$0.4$};
\draw (271.73,58.79) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$2.6$};
\draw (247.28,49.66) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$6.6$};
\draw (310.09,62.08) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$10.8$};
\draw (301.08,92.06) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$1.2$};
\draw (312.77,122.46) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$8$};
\draw (238.93,94.28) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$0.4$};
\draw (274.57,123.3) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$1$};
\draw (467.98,120.87) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$1$};
\draw (504.04,113.73) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$1.2$};
\draw (411.24,38.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$1.6$};
\draw (461.86,68.76) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$4$};
\draw (263.72,93.52) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize,color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,opacity=1 ] {$0.3$};
\draw (458.45,101.84) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize,color={rgb, 255:red, 182; green, 5; blue, 60 } ,opacity=1 ] {$0.8$};
\draw (421.5,85) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$1$};
\draw (51.35,20.18) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$2.8$};
\draw (163.29,93.17) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$3.6$};
\draw (225.91,125.52) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$4.2$};
\draw (520.13,151.55) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\small] {$h$};
\draw (481.31,134.45) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$0.4$};
\draw (513.84,131.75) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [font=\scriptsize] {$0.4$};
| plot | stat | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 383 |
113 | \begin{tikzpicture}
major x tick style = transparent,
bar width=8pt,
ymajorgrids = true,
ylabel = Count,
symbolic x coords={A,B,C,D},
xtick = data,
scaled y ticks = false,
ymin = -40,
coordinates {(A,23) (B,25) (C,2) (D,10)};
coordinates {(A,406) (B,336) (C,485) (D,408)};
coordinates {(A,71) (B,139) (C,13) (D,82)};
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 119 |
785 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\node (a) [label={[label distance=-.45 cm]130: \textbf{a)}}] at (0,0) {\includegraphics{1661_fig2a.pdf}}; \node (a) [label={[label distance=-.45 cm]130: \textbf{b)}}] at (4.3,0) {\includegraphics{1662_fig2b.pdf}};
| plot | physics | assets/physics/1661_fig2a.pdf | assets/physics/1662_fig2b.pdf | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 160 |
911 | \begin{tikzpicture}[
varr/.style={->,ultra thick},
node distance=50mm
\draw[arr] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,5);
\draw[arr] (0,0,0) -- (5,0,0);
\draw[arr] (0,0,0) -- (0,5,0);
\node[below right] at (0,0,4) {$b_1$};
\node[above] at (4,0,0) {$b_2$};
\node[left] at (0,4,0) {$b_3$};
\draw[fill] (0,0,0) circle[dot];
\node[above left] at (0,0,0) {$r^1 = o$};
\draw[fill] (0,0,3) circle[dot];
\node[above left] at (0,0,3) {$r^2$};
\draw[varr] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,3);
\node[below right] at (0,0,1.5) {$v_1$};
\draw[fill] (3,0,2) circle[dot];
\node[below right] at (3,0,2) {$r^3$};
\draw[varr] (0,0,0) -- (3,0,2);
\node[below left] at (1.5,0,1) {$v_2$};
\draw[varr] (0,0,0) -- (3,0,0);
\node[above] at (1.5,0,0) {$v_{2,\bot}$};
\draw[dotted] (3,0,0) -- (3,0,2);
\draw[fill] (4.5,5,3.5) circle[dot];
\node[above right] at (4.5,5,3.5) {$x^i$};
\draw[dashed] (4.5,5,3.5) -- (4.5,0,3.5);
\draw[dashed] (4.5,0,3.5) -- (0,0,3.5);
\draw[dashed] (4.5,0,3.5) -- (4.5,0,0);
\node[below] at (2.25,0,3.5) {$\left(x^i\right)_1$};
\node[below right] at (4.5,0,1.75) {$\left(x^i\right)_2$};
\node[below right] at (4.5,3.5,3.5) {$\left(x^i\right)_3$};
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 239 |
291 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\filldraw (0,0) circle (0.05) node[left]{$p_{0,0}$};
\filldraw (1.5,2.5) circle (0.05) node[left]{$p_{0,\eta}$};
\filldraw (2.7, 0) circle (0.05);
\node at (2.5, -0.25) {$p_{0,2\eta}=p_{1,0}$};
\draw[dashed] (0,0)--(2.7,0);
\draw[-latex] (0,0)..controls (0.2, 0.2)and(1.5, 1)..(1.5,2.5);
\draw[-latex,red] (1.5,2.5)..controls (1.7, 2.5)and(2.5,1.5)..(2.7,0);
\filldraw (4.2,2.5) circle (0.05) node[left]{$p_{1,\eta}$};
\filldraw (5.4, 0) circle (0.05);
\node at (5, -0.25) {$p_{1,2\eta}=p_{2,0}$};
\draw[-latex] (2.7,0)..controls (2.9, 0.2)and(4.2, 1)..(4.2,2.5);
\draw[-latex,red] (4.2,2.5)..controls (4.4, 2.5)and(5.2,1.5)..(5.4,0);
\draw[dashed] (2.7,0)--(5.4,0);
\filldraw (10,0) circle (0.05);
\node at (10, -0.25) {$p_{\infty,2\eta}=p_{\infty,0}$};
\filldraw (8.8,2.5) circle (0.05) node[left]{$p_{\infty,\eta}$};
\draw[-latex,red] (8.8,2.5)..controls (9, 2.5)and(9.8,1.5)..(10,0);
\draw[-latex] (10,0)..controls (9.8,0.2)and(8.8, 1)..(8.8,2.5);
\draw[dashed] (5.4,0)--(10,0);
\draw[dashed] (1.5,2.5)--(8.8,2.5);
\node at (6, 2.75) {Contraction};
\filldraw (9,0) circle (0.05) node[left]{$p_{K,2\eta}$};
| plot | stat | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 112 |
811 | \centerline{\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8]
\path (1,0)--(-1,0) ;
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 427 |
59 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\draw[->] (-.3,-.2) -- (8,-.2)
node[anchor=west] {$t$};
\draw[->] (-.3,3) -- (8,3)
node[anchor=west] {$t$};
\draw[->] (-.3,-.2) -- (-.3,5)
rotate=90] {freq.};
\draw[black,fill=green!30, draw opacity=0.5] (0.75,0.75) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{1}};
\draw[black,fill=green!30, draw opacity=0.5] (0.75,1.75) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{2}};
\draw[black,fill=blue!30, draw opacity=0.4] (0.5,0.5) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{1}};
\draw[black,fill=blue!30, draw opacity=0.4] (0.5,1.5) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{2}};
\draw[black,fill=red!30, draw opacity=0.3] (0.25,0.25) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{1}};
\draw[black,fill=red!30, draw opacity=0.3] (0.25,1.25) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{2}};
\draw[black,fill=gray!30, opacity=1] (0,0) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{1}};
\draw[black,fill=gray!30, opacity=1] (0,1) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{2}};
\draw[black,fill=green!30, draw opacity=0.5] (3.75,3) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{1}};
\draw[black,fill=green!30, draw opacity=0.5] (3.75,4) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{2}};
\draw[black,fill=blue!30, draw opacity=0.4] (2.5,3) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{1}};
\draw[black,fill=blue!30, draw opacity=0.4] (2.5,4) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{2}};
\draw[black,fill=red!30, draw opacity=0.3] (1.25,3) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{1}};
\draw[black,fill=red!30, draw opacity=0.3] (1.25,4) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{2}};
\draw[black,fill=gray!30, opacity=1] (0,3) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{1}};
\draw[black,fill=gray!30, opacity=1] (0,4) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{2}};
\draw[black,fill=red!30, draw opacity=0.3] (6.25,3) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{1}};
\draw[black,fill=red!30, draw opacity=0.3] (6.25,4) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{2}};
\draw[black,fill=gray!30, opacity=1] (5,3) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{1}};
\draw[black,fill=gray!30, opacity=1] (5,4) rectangle ++(1,1)
node[anchor=north east] {PRB\textsubscript{2}};
\draw[black,dashed] (-.1,2.9) rectangle ++(4.95,2.2)
node[anchor=south east] {};
\draw[<->] (-.125,6) -- (3.6125,6)
{$D=5$ ms};
\draw[dotted] (3.6125,0) -- (3.6125,6);
\draw[<->] (3.6125,6) -- (7.35,6)
{$D=5$ ms};
\draw[dotted] (7.35,0) -- (7.35,6);
\draw[<->] (-.125,-.5) -- (3.6125,-.5)
\draw[<->] (3.6125,-.5) -- (4.75,-.5)
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 412 |
873 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5]
\draw[line width=1.0] (0,0) arc(180:360:3mm and 5mm);
\draw[line width=1.0] (1.2,0) arc(180:360:3mm and 5mm);
\draw[black,fill] (0.3,-0.5) circle(0.5ex);
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 144 |
515 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.6, every node/.style={scale=.8}]
\def\t{.5}; %fee
\def\QUSD{1.15}; %initial DAI pool
\def\QE{1.15}; % initial ETH pool
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (6.5,0) node[below right] {ETH};
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,6) node[above left] {DAI};
\draw[dotted] (0,\QUSD)node[left]{$Y$} -- (\QE,\QUSD) -- (\QE,0) node[below]{$X$};
\draw[domain=.8:2.6,smooth,variable=\x, blue] plot ({\x},{5.1/\x-(\t/(1-\t))*\QUSD}) ;
\draw[dotted,domain=2.6:4,smooth,variable=\x, blue] plot ({\x},{5.1/\x-(\t/(1-\t))*\QUSD}) ;
\draw[domain=2.6:6.5,smooth,variable=\x, blue] plot ({\x},{(3.1/(\x+\QE*(\t/(1-\t)))}) ;
\draw[dotted,domain=0.4:2.6,smooth,variable=\x, blue] plot ({\x},{(3.1/(\x+\QE*(\t/(1-\t)))}) ;
\draw (0,1.4) --(6.25,0);
\draw(5,0) arc[start angle=0, end angle=-30, radius=-.5];
\node at (4.45,0.15) {$-\tilde p( x, x_{i''},\tau)$};
\draw (0,2.8) --(3.65,0);
\draw(3.25,0) arc[start angle=0, end angle=-30, radius=-.5];
\node at (2.7,0.15) {$-\tilde p( x, x_{i'},\tau)$};
| plot | econ | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 18 |
430 | \begin{tikzpicture}
xlabel={Frequency (Hz)},
ylabel={Hearing Threshold (dB)},
title={Cookie-Bite Hearing Loss Audiogram},
ymin=-100, ymax=0, % Adjust the y-axis limits as needed
\addplot[blue, line width=1.5pt] coordinates {
(250, -30)
(2000, -30)
(3000, -70)
(4000, -70)
(6000, -30)
(8000, -30)
| plot | eess | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 100 |
542 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.65]
\filldraw[black] (-6,1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (-6,-1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (-4,2.3094) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (-4,-2.3094) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (-2,1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (-2,-1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (0,1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (0,-1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (2,2.3094) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (2,-2.3094) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (4,1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (4,-1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (6,1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (6,-1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (8,2.3094) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (8,-2.3094) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (10,1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (10,-1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (12,1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (12,-1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (14,2.3094) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (14,-2.3094) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (16,1.1547) circle (2pt);
\filldraw[black] (16,-1.1547) circle (2pt);
\node at (-4,-3) {\(G=G_0\)};
\draw [->](-1.5,0) -- (-0.5,0);
\node at (2,-3) {\(G_1\)};
\draw [->](4.5,0) -- (5.5,0);
\node at (8,-3) {\(G_2\)};
\draw [->](10.5,0) -- (11.5,0);
\node at (14,-3) {\(G_3=\langle G\rangle_{K_4}=K_6\)};
\draw (-4,2.3094) -- (-6,1.1547) -- (-6,-1.1547) -- (-4,-2.3094) -- (-2,-1.1547) -- (-2,1.1547) -- (-4,2.3094) -- (-6,-1.1547) -- (-2,-1.1547);
\draw (-6,1.1547) -- (-4,-2.3094);
\draw (2,2.3094) -- (0,1.1547) -- (0,-1.1547) -- (2,-2.3094) -- (4,-1.1547) -- (4,1.1547) -- (2,2.3094) -- (0,-1.1547) -- (4,-1.1547);
\draw (0,1.1547) -- (2,-2.3094);
\draw[red] (2,2.3094) -- (2,-2.3094);
\draw[red] (0,1.1547) -- (4,-1.1547);
\draw (6,1.1547) -- (8,-2.3094) -- (8,2.3094) -- (6,1.1547) -- (6,-1.1547) -- (8,-2.3094) -- (10,-1.1547) -- (10,1.1547) -- (8,2.3094) -- (6,-1.1547) -- (10,-1.1547) -- (6,1.1547);
\draw[red] (8,2.3094) -- (10,-1.1547);
\draw (16,-1.1547) -- (12,1.1547) -- (14,-2.3094) -- (14,2.3094) -- (12,1.1547) -- (12,-1.1547) -- (14,-2.3094) -- (16,-1.1547) -- (16,1.1547) -- (14,2.3094) -- (12,-1.1547) -- (16,-1.1547) -- (14,2.3094);
\draw[red] (14,-2.3094) -- (16,1.1547) -- (12,1.1547);
\draw[red] (16,1.1547) -- (12,-1.1547);
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 258 |
606 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.65,
point/.style ={circle,draw=none,fill=#1,
inner sep=0pt, minimum width=0.2cm,node contents={}}
\node (v14) at (11,{2-sqrt(3)}) [point=black];
\node (v13) at (10,2) [point=black];
\node (v12) at (9,{2-sqrt(3)}) [point=black];
\node (v11) at (8,2) [point=red, label=above:$v_3$];
\node (v10) at (7,{2-sqrt(3)}) [point=black];
\node (v9) at (6,2) [point=black];
\node (v8) at (5,{2-sqrt(3)}) [point=red, label=below:$v_2$];
\node (v7) at (4,2) [point=black];
\node (v6) at (3,{2-sqrt(3)}) [point=black];
\node (v5) at (2,2) [point=black];
\node (v4) at (1,{2-sqrt(3)}) [point=red, label=below:$v_1$];
\node (v3) at (0,2) [point=black];
\node (v2) at (-1,{2-sqrt(3)}) [point=black];
\node (v1) at (-2,2) [point=black];
\draw[blue,dashed,line width=1pt]
\draw[black,line width=1pt]
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 396 |
753 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\draw (0,0) -- (9.5,0);
\draw (0,0) -- (0.5,0.866);
\draw (0.5,0.866) -- (11,0.866);
\draw (1.1,0) -- (0.5,0.866) node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (1.8,0.866) -- (1.1,0)node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (2.6,0) -- (1.8,0.866) node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (3.5,0.866) -- (2.6,0)node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (4.5,0) -- (3.5,0.866)node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (5.6,0.866) -- (4.5,0)node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (6.8,0) -- (5.6,0.866)node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (8.1,0.866) -- (6.8,0)node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (9.5,0) -- (8.1,0.866)node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
\draw (11,0.866) -- (9.5,0)node [midway, left=-0.1cm] {\tiny$\, \rightarrow$};
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 3 |
961 | \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline={([yshift=-.8ex]current bounding}]
\fill[blue!10] (1.5,0.25) ellipse (0.7 and 0.4);
\fill[blue!10] (3.5,0.25) ellipse (0.7 and 0.4);
\fill[blue!10] (5.5,0.25) ellipse (0.7 and 0.4);
\draw(0,0) -- (1,0);
\draw(1,0.5) -- (2,0.5);
\draw(2,0) -- (3,0);
\draw(3,0.5) -- (4,0.5);
\draw(4,0) -- (5,0);
\draw(5,0.5) -- (6,0.5);
\draw(6,0) -- (7,0);
\node at (1,-0.05) [above] {$\uparrow$} ;
\node at (2,-0.05) [above] {$\downarrow$} ;
\node at (3,-0.05) [above] {$\uparrow$} ;
\node at (4,-0.05) [above] {$\downarrow$} ;
\node at (5,-0.05) [above] {$\uparrow$} ;
\node at (6,-0.05) [above] {$\downarrow$} ;
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 440 |
879 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\def\x{1.3} %% here, you set the x-distance between the boxes
\def\xy{0.3} %% here, you adjust for slopes
\def\y{1.1} %% here, you set the y-distance between the boxes
\def\z{0}%{0.5} %% here, you set the shift between 4th and 5th row due to the div1div2 term
\def\l{0}%{0.24} %% specify the legend spacing
\def\dx{.5}%{0.22} %% shift the left column
\node[align=center, name=045] at (0.4*\x -\dx ,5*\y +\d) {$ (i,j)$ };
\node[align=center, name=044] at (0.4*\x -\dx,4*\y +\d) {$ i=1 $};
\node[align=center, name=043] at (0.4*\x -\dx,3*\y +\d) {$2 $};
\node[align=center, name=042] at (0.4*\x -\dx,2*\y +\d) {3 };
\node[align=center, name=041] at (0.4*\x -\dx, \y +\d) {4 };
\node[align=center, name=040] at (0.4*\x -\dx, \d) {5 };
\node[align=center, name=11] at (\x,0*\y - \z) {$s^{-12}$};
\node[align=center, name=12] at (\x,\y - \z) {$ s^{-10}$};
\node[align=center, name=13] at (\x,2*\y) {$ s^{-8}$};
\node[align=center, name=14] at (\x,3*\y +\d) {$ s^{-6}$};
\node[align=center, name=24] at (2*\x,3*\y +\d) {$ s^{-5}$};
\node[align=center, name=15] at (\x,4*\y ) {$ s^{-4}$};
\node[align=center, name=161] at (\x,5*\y +\d) {$j=1$};
\node[align=center, name=162] at (2*\x,5*\y +\d) {$2$};
\node[align=center, name=163] at (3*\x,5*\y +\d) {$3$};
\node[align=center, name=164] at (4*\x,5*\y +\d) {$4$};
\node[align=center, name=165] at (5*\x,5*\y +\d) {$5$};
\node[align=center, name=21] at (2*\x,0*\y - \z) {$ s^{-11}$};
\node[align=center, name=30] at (3*\x,0*\y - \z) {$ s^{-10}$};
\node[align=center, name=22] at (2*\x,\y - \z) {$ s^{-9}$};
\node[align=center, name=31] at (3*\x,\y - \z) {$ s^{-8}$};
\node[align=center, name=23] at (2*\x,2*\y) {$ s^{-7}$};
\node[align=center, name=32] at (3*\x,2*\y) {$ s^{-6}$};
\node[align=center, name=41] at (4*\x,0*\y - \z) {$ s^{-9}$};
\node[align=center, name=42] at (4*\x,\y - \z) {$ s^{-7}$};
\node[align=center, name=43] at (4*\x,2*\y) {$ $};
\node[align=center, name=51] at (5*\x,0*\y - \z) {$ s^{-8}$};
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, dashdotted,color=violet] (42.south) -- (41.north);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, dashdotted,color=violet] (15.south) -- (14.north);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, dashdotted,color=violet] (32.south) -- (31.north);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, dashdotted,color=violet] (31.south) -- (30.north);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, dashdotted,color=violet] (14.south) -- (13.north);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, densely dotted,color=blue] (14.south east) -- (23.north west);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, densely dotted,color=blue] (14.south east) -- (23.north west);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, dashdotted,color=violet] (13.south) -- (12.north);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, densely dotted,color=blue] (13.south east) -- (22.north west);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, dashdotted,color=violet] (12.south) -- (11.north);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, densely dotted,color=blue] (12.south east) -- (21.north west);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, dashdotted,color=violet] (24.south) -- (23.north);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, densely dotted,color=blue] (24.south east) -- (32.north west);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, dashdotted,color=violet] (23.south) -- (22.north);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, densely dotted,color=blue] (23.south east) -- (31.north west);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, dashdotted,color=violet] (22.south) -- (21.north);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, densely dotted,color=blue] (22.south east) -- (30.north west);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, densely dotted,color=blue] (31.south east) -- (41.north west);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, densely dotted,color=blue] (15.south east) -- (24.north west);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, densely dotted,color=blue] (24.south east) -- (32.north west);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, densely dotted,color=blue] (32.south east) -- (42.north west);
\draw[line width=0.2mm, ->, densely dotted,color=blue] (42.south east) -- (51.north west);
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 163 |
272 | \begin{tikzpicture}
scale only axis,
xlabel style={font=\color{white!15!black}},
axis background/.style={fill=white},
legend style={legend cell align=left, align=left, draw=white!15!black}
\addplot [color=black, thick]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
0 -0.153426409720027\\
1 -0.16082650499167\\
2 -0.16296984313822\\
3 -0.163969625574552\\
4 -0.164545558602008\\
5 -0.164919405643965\\
6 -0.165181462725114\\
7 -0.165375278749598\\
8 -0.165524407814813\\
9 -0.165642692642934\\
10 -0.165738798081843\\
11 -0.165818423477616\\
12 -0.165885470630682\\
13 -0.165942700327551\\
14 -0.165992120834603\\
15 -0.166035227841375\\
16 -0.166073158130191\\
17 -0.166106791105769\\
18 -0.166136817714158\\
19 -0.166163788347164\\
20 -0.16618814684475\\
21 -0.166210255084026\\
22 -0.166230411060683\\
23 -0.166248862386841\\
24 -0.16626581650579\\
25 -0.166281448518792\\
26 -0.166295907250744\\
27 -0.166309320000241\\
28 -0.166321796295307\\
29 -0.166333430889384\\
30 -0.166344306171041\\
31 -0.166354494117009\\
32 -0.166364057886394\\
33 -0.166373053130716\\
34 -0.166381529077132\\
35 -0.166389529429395\\
36 -0.166397093121322\\
37 -0.16640425495024\\
38 -0.166411046112071\\
39 -0.166417494655448\\
40 -0.166423625868884\\
41 -0.166429462612054\\
42 -0.166435025600578\\
43 -0.1664403336516\\
44 -0.166445403896397\\
45 -0.166450251964935\\
46 -0.166454892147158\\
47 -0.166459337533055\\
48 -0.166463600136353\\
49 -0.166467691002818\\
50 -0.166471620305813\\
| plot | stat | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 338 |
350 | \begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth, node distance=1.5cm]
\tikzstyle{square} = [draw, thick, minimum size=1.0mm, inner sep=3pt]
\path[->, thick]
node[] (a) {$A$}
node[right of=a, xshift=1cm] (y) {$Y$}
node[above of=a, xshift=1.2cm, yshift=-0.5cm] (u) {$U$}
node[above of=u] (c) {$C$}
node[right of=c] (x1) {$X_1$}
node[right of=x1] (x2) {$X_2$}
node[left of=c] (x3) {$X_3$}
node[left of=x3] (x4) {$X_4$}
(a) edge[black] (y)
(u) edge[black] (a)
(u) edge[black] (y)
(c) edge[black] (a)
(c) edge[black] (y)
(c) edge[black] (u)
(c) edge[black] (x1)
(c) edge[black, bend left] (x2)
(c) edge[black] (x3)
(c) edge[black, bend right] (x4)
(u) edge[black] (x1)
(u) edge[black] (x2)
(u) edge[black] (x3)
(u) edge[black] (x4)
(x1) edge[black] (x2)
(x3) edge[black] (x4)
| plot | stat | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 138 |
963 | \begin{tikzpicture}
axis lines=middle,
xlabel style={at={(ticklabel* cs:1)}, anchor=north east},
ylabel style={at={(ticklabel* cs:1)}, anchor=north east},
xmin=-2, xmax=2,
ymin=-0.5, ymax=5.1,
xtick=\empty, ytick=\empty,
\fill[gray, opacity=0.3, rounded corners=0mm] (axis cs:0,0) rectangle (axis cs:2,1);
\clip (axis cs:0,0) rectangle (axis cs:-2,2); % Clipping to first quadrant
\fill[gray, opacity=0.3] (axis cs:0,0) circle (0.79cm); % Quarter-circle shadow
\addplot[orange, thick] coordinates {
(0, 0)
(0.24484963, 1)
(0.49582378, 2)
(0.78887172, 3)
(1.1046641, 4)
(1.43500144, 5)
\draw[blue, thick] (axis cs:0,0) -- (axis cs:2,0);
\node[red, circle, fill, inner sep=2pt] at (axis cs:0,0) {};
\node at (axis cs:-0.1, -0.3) {0};
\node[red] at (axis cs:1, 1.5) {Gapped};
\node[blue] at (axis cs:-1, 1.5) {Gapless};
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 29 |
614 | \begin{tikzpicture}
[cluster/.style={fill=white!80, draw, minimum size=2.5em, inner sep=2pt, rounded corners}]
\node[cluster] (1) at (0, 0) {$L$};
\node[cluster] (2) at (2, 0) {$L R_1$};
\node[cluster] (3) at (4, 0) {$L R_1 A_1$};
\node[cluster] (4) at (0, -2) {$L A_1 ... A_{k-1} R_k$};
\node[cluster] (5) at (4, -2) {$L A_1 ... A_{k-1} R_k A_k$};
\node[cluster] (6) at (0, -4) {$L A_1 ... A_{N-1} R_N A_N$};
\node[cluster] (8) at (2.5, -4) {$L A_1 ... A_N F$};
\node[cluster] (9) at (4.5, -4) {$A_1 ... A_N F T$};
\draw[->, thick] (1) -- (2);
\draw[->, thick] (2) -- (3);
\draw[->, thick, dashed] (3) -- (4);
\draw[->, thick] (4) -- (5);
\draw[->, thick, dashed] (5) -- (6);
\draw[->, thick] (6) -- (8);
\draw[->, thick] (8) -- (9);
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 116 |
332 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\draw[black,thick,latex-latex] (0,0) -- (15,0)
node[pos=0,label=above:\textcolor{red}{$Time: 1$}]{}
node[pos=0.25,text=blue,label=below:\textcolor{black}{$ \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}
{x}_{1}^{(1)} & {x}_{2}^{(1)} & \ldots &{x}_{t}^{(1)} \\
{x}_{1}^{(2)} & {x}_{2}^{(2)} & \ldots & {x}_{t}^{(2)} \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ldots & \vdots \\
{x}_{1}^{(N)} & {x}_{2}^{(N)} & \ldots & {x}_{t}^{(N)}
{\theta}_{r}^{(1)} \\
\vdots \\
\end{bmatrix}}_{\text{MCMC used for State Space models ($\boldsymbol{\psi}_{1:t}$)} }$}]{}
$ \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}
x_{t +1 }^{(1)} &\ldots &x_{T}^{(2)} \\
x_{t +1}^{(2)} & \ldots & x_{T}^{(2)} \\
\vdots & \ldots & \vdots \\
x_{t +1}^{(N)} & \ldots & x_{T}^{(N)}
\theta_{upd}^{(1)} \\
\vdots \\
\end{bmatrix}}_{\text{SMC used to update latent states and parameters}}$}]{}
node[pos=0.75,text=blue,label=above:\textcolor{blue}{New observation: $y_{t +1}, \ldots, y_{T}$}]{}
node[pos=0.25,text=black,label=above:\textcolor{black}{Old observation: $y_{1}, \ldots, y_{t}$}]{}
| plot | stat | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 301 |
71 | \begin{tikzpicture}[x = {(0.75cm,0.25cm)}, y={(0.6cm,-0.15cm)}, z={(0cm,1cm)},]
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(-0.81684757298044, 0.63369514596088, -0.7745966692414834)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(0.63369514596088, -0.81684757298044, -0.7745966692414834)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(-0.81684757298044, -0.81684757298044, -0.7745966692414834)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(-0.108103018168072, -0.783793963663856, -0.7745966692414834)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(-0.783793963663856, -0.108103018168072, -0.7745966692414834)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(-0.108103018168072, -0.108103018168072, -0.7745966692414834)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(-0.81684757298044, 0.63369514596088, 0.0)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(0.63369514596088, -0.81684757298044, 0.0)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(-0.81684757298044, -0.81684757298044, 0.0)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(-0.108103018168072, -0.783793963663856, 0.0)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(-0.783793963663856, -0.108103018168072, 0.0)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(-0.108103018168072, -0.108103018168072, 0.0)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(-0.81684757298044, 0.63369514596088, 0.7745966692414834)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(0.63369514596088, -0.81684757298044, 0.7745966692414834)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(-0.81684757298044, -0.81684757298044, 0.7745966692414834)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(-0.108103018168072, -0.783793963663856, 0.7745966692414834)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(-0.783793963663856, -0.108103018168072, 0.7745966692414834)};
\draw [color=orange, mark=*, mark size=1] plot coordinates{(-0.108103018168072, -0.108103018168072, 0.7745966692414834)};
\path (-1,-1,-1) coordinate (A) (1,-1,-1) coordinate (B) (-1,1,-1) coordinate (C); % (0,0,0) coordinate (D) (0,\z,\y) coordinate (E) (\x,\z,\y) coordinate (F) (\x,\z,0) coordinate (G) (0,\z,0) coordinate (H);
\path (-1,-1,1) coordinate (D) (1,-1,1) coordinate (E) (-1,1,1) coordinate (F);
\draw (A)--(B)--(C)--(A)--(D)--(E)--(F)--(D);
\draw (B)--(E);
\draw (C)--(F);
\foreach \z in {-0.7745966692414834,0,0.7745966692414834}{
\draw [dashed, black, fill=black, fill opacity=0.075] (-1,-1,\z)--(1,-1,\z)--(-1,1,\z)--(-1,-1,\z);
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 245 |
297 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6,transform shape, thick]
\node[circle,draw, fill=black ] (a) at(0,0){};
\node[circle,draw, fill=black] (b) at(2,0){};
\node[circle,draw, fill=black] (c) at(1,1){};
\node[circle,draw, fill=black] (d) at(1,3){};
\node[circle,draw, fill=black] (e) at(0,4){};
\node[circle,draw,fill=black] (f) at(2,4){};
\draw[black] (a) --(c) -- (b);
\draw (c) --(d);
\draw[black] (d) --(e);
\draw[black] (d) -- (f);
\draw[] (8, 1) -- (8,1);
| plot | stat | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 375 |
975 | \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75pt,y=0.75pt,yscale=-1,xscale=1]
\draw [line width=1.0] (93,110) .. controls (93,107.24) and (95.24,105) .. (98,105) .. controls (100.76,105) and (103,107.24) .. (103,110) .. controls (103,112.76) and (100.76,115) .. (98,115) .. controls (95.24,115) and (93,112.76) .. (93,110) -- cycle ;
\draw [line width=1.0] (184.17,110.5) .. controls (184.17,107.74) and (186.41,105.5) .. (189.17,105.5) .. controls (191.93,105.5) and (194.17,107.74) .. (194.17,110.5) .. controls (194.17,113.26) and (191.93,115.5) .. (189.17,115.5) .. controls (186.41,115.5) and (184.17,113.26) .. (184.17,110.5) -- cycle ;
\draw [line width=1.0] [color={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (101,107.33) -- (114.67,107.33) -- (114.67,113) -- (101,113) -- cycle ;
\draw [line width=1.0] [color={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 } ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 } ,fill opacity=1 ] (172.5,107.5) -- (186.17,107.5) -- (186.17,113.17) -- (172.5,113.17) -- cycle ;
\draw [line width=1.0] (101,107.33) -- (186.17,107.5) ;
\draw [line width=1.0] (101,113) -- (186.17,113.17) ;
\draw [line width=1.0] [color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 144; blue, 226 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (139.67,32) -- (140.33,106.67) ;
\draw [line width=1.0] [color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 144; blue, 226 } ,draw opacity=1 ] (140.33,114) -- (141,188.67) ;
\draw (180,14.33) -- (180.33,34.67) ;
\draw (200,34.33) -- (180.33,34.67) ;
\draw (260.33,109.33) -- (337.33,109.98) ;
\draw [shift={(340.33,110)}, rotate = 180.48] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 } ][line width=0.08] [draw opacity=0] (8.93,-4.29) -- (0,0) -- (8.93,4.29) -- cycle ;
\draw [line width=1.0] (387.33,111) .. controls (387.33,97.56) and (392.18,86.67) .. (398.17,86.67) .. controls (404.15,86.67) and (409,97.56) .. (409,111) .. controls (409,124.44) and (404.15,135.33) .. (398.17,135.33) .. controls (392.18,135.33) and (387.33,124.44) .. (387.33,111) -- cycle ;
\draw [line width=1.0] (398.17,86.67) -- (539,86.67) ;
\draw [line width=1.0] (398.17,135.33) -- (539,135.33) ;
\draw [line width=1.0] (528.17,111) .. controls (528.17,97.56) and (533.02,86.67) .. (539,86.67) .. controls (544.98,86.67) and (549.83,97.56) .. (549.83,111) .. controls (549.83,124.44) and (544.98,135.33) .. (539,135.33) .. controls (533.02,135.33) and (528.17,124.44) .. (528.17,111) -- cycle ;
\draw [line width=1.0] [color={rgb, 255:red, 74; green, 144; blue, 226 } ,draw opacity=1 ][line width=1.2] (457.75,111) .. controls (457.75,97.56) and (462.6,86.67) .. (468.58,86.67) .. controls (474.57,86.67) and (479.42,97.56) .. (479.42,111) .. controls (479.42,124.44) and (474.57,135.33) .. (468.58,135.33) .. controls (462.6,135.33) and (457.75,124.44) .. (457.75,111) -- cycle ;
\draw (520.67,15.67) -- (521,36) ;
\draw (540.67,35.67) -- (521,36) ;
\draw (82.67,67.07) node [anchor=north west] {CFT$^{\rm (I)}$};
\draw (142.67,66.07) node [anchor=north west] {CFT$^{\rm (II)}$};
\draw (179.33,12.4) node [anchor=north west] {$z$};
\draw (86.67,117.73) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] {$|a\rangle $};
\draw (182.67,118.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] {$|b\rangle $};
\draw (267.33,85.73) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] {$w=f( z)$};
\draw (414,103.07) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] {CFT$^{\rm (I)}$};
\draw (480.67,102.73) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] {CFT$^{\rm (II)}$};
\draw (520,15.73) node [anchor=north west] {$w$};
\draw (365.33,103.07) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] {$|a\rangle $};
\draw (552.67,102.07) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] {$|b\rangle $};
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 69 |
21 | \begin{tikzpicture}[z=0.35cm]
\node (000) at (0,0,0) {$c_{p_b}$};
\node (010) at (0,0,4) {$noc$};
\draw (000) -- node[fill=white,inner sep=1pt] {$b$} (010);
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 404 |
917 | \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75pt,y=0.75pt,yscale=-1,xscale=1,baseline=(current bounding]
\draw (250.54,109.73) -- (250.6,219.8) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 47; green, 157; blue, 175 } ,draw opacity=1 ] [dash pattern={on 4.5pt off 4.5pt}] (250.6,219.8) -- (360.67,219.74) ;
\draw (360.21,131.87) -- (250.14,131.93) ;
\draw (360.61,109.67) -- (360.67,219.74) ;
\draw (360.21,157.47) -- (250.14,157.53) ;
\draw [dash pattern={on 0.84pt off 2.51pt}] (360.61,180.07) -- (250.54,180.08) ;
\draw [dash pattern={on 0.84pt off 2.51pt}] (361.01,202.87) -- (250.94,202.88) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 177; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ] [dash pattern={on 4.5pt off 4.5pt}] (221.4,220.2) -- (250.6,219.8) ;
\draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 177; green, 0; blue, 0 } ,draw opacity=1 ] [dash pattern={on 4.5pt off 4.5pt}] (360.67,219.74) -- (389.87,219.34) ;
\draw (236.13,90.87) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {NS5};
\draw (290.8,226.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {O4$\displaystyle ^{-}$};
\draw (374.73,129.03) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {$\displaystyle n_{0}$ D4$\displaystyle ^{+}$};
\draw (374.9,184.83) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {$\displaystyle n_{1}$ D4$\displaystyle ^{-}$};
\draw (307.73,138.77) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [rotate=-90] [align=left] {...};
\draw (307.73,185.03) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [rotate=-90] [align=left] {...};
\draw (346.53,90.07) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {NS5};
\draw (212.4,226.4) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {O4$\displaystyle ^{+}$};
\draw (369.6,226) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt] [align=left] {O4$\displaystyle ^{+}$};
| plot | physics | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 161 |
3 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\filldraw[blue!10] (-1.2, -1.2) rectangle (1.2, 1.2);
\foreach \x in {-4, ..., 4}
\draw[blue] (0.3 * \x, -1.2) -- +(0, 2.4);
\draw[blue] (-1.2, 0.3 * \x) -- +(2.4, 0);
\foreach \y in {-4, ..., 4}
\filldraw[blue] (0.3 * \x, 0.3 * \y) circle [radius=1pt];
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 128 |
262 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=30,fill=orange!30] (z) at (-0.5,0) {$\mathbf{z}$};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=red!30] (11) at (2,1.25) {};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=red!30] (12) at (2,0.25) {};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=red!30] (13) at (2,-1.25) {};
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (z) to (11);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (z) to (12);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (z) to (13);
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=red!30] (21) at (4,1.25) {};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=red!30] (22) at (4,0.25) {};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=red!30] (23) at (4,-1.25) {};
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (11) to (21);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (11) to (22);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (11) to (23);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (12) to (21);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (12) to (22);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (12) to (23);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (13) to (21);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (13) to (22);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (13) to (23);
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=red!30] (31) at (6,1.25) {};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=red!30] (32) at (6,0.25) {};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=red!30] (33) at (6,-1.25) {};
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (21) to (31);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (21) to (32);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (21) to (33);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (22) to (31);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (22) to (32);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (22) to (33);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (23) to (31);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (23) to (32);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (23) to (33);
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=red!30] (41) at (10,1.25) {};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=red!30] (42) at (10,0.25) {};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=red!30] (43) at (10,-1.25) {};
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (31) to (41);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (31) to (42);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (31) to (43);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (32) to (41);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (32) to (42);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (32) to (43);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (33) to (41);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (33) to (42);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (33) to (43);
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=yellow!30] (51) at (12.5,1.25) {$\eta_1$};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=yellow!30] (52) at (12.5,0.25) {$\eta_2$};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=yellow!30] (53) at (12.5,-1.25) {$\eta_p$};
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (41) to (51);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (42) to (52);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (43) to (53);
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=blue!30] (61) at (15,1.25) {$\beta_1$};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=blue!30] (62) at (15,0.25) {$\beta_2$};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=20,fill=black!30] (63) at (15,-1.25) {$\beta_p$};
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (51) to (61);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (52) to (62);
\draw[,->,shorten >=2pt] (53) to (63);
\node[rectangle,rounded corners,draw,minimum width=280,minimum height=100] at (6,0) {};
\node at (6,2.1) {\large Hidden layers};
\node[rectangle,rounded corners,draw,minimum width=60,minimum height=100] at (12.5,0) {};
\node at (12.5,2.1) {\large Projection layer};
\node[rectangle,fill=white,minimum width=80,minimum height=80] at (8,0) {};
\node at (8,0) {$\dots$};
\node[rectangle,fill=white,minimum width=150,minimum height=20] at (4,-0.5) {};\
\node at (4,-0.5) {\rotatebox{90}{$\dots$}};
\node at (10,-0.5) {\rotatebox{90}{$\dots$}};
\node at (12.5,-0.5) {\rotatebox{90}{$\dots$}};
\node at (15,-0.5) {\rotatebox{90}{$\dots$}};
| plot | stat | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 307 |
53 | \begin{tikzpicture}
\node at (0.5,-0.5) {$U$};
\node at (3.5,-0.5) {$A$};
\node at (6.5,-0.5) {$V$};
\node at (1.5,1.5) {=};
\node at (5.5,1.5) {$\times$};
\draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (1, 3);
\draw (0,0.33) -- (1,0.33);
\draw (0,0.67) -- (1,0.67);
\draw (0,1.33) -- (1,1.33);
\draw (0,1.67) -- (1,1.67);
\draw (0,2.33) -- (1,2.33);
\draw (0,2.67) -- (1,2.67);
\node at (0.5, 0.5) {$U[7]$};
\draw[help lines] (2,0) grid (5,3);
\node at (3.5,0.5) {$A[2,1]$};
\draw[help lines] (6,0) grid (7, 3);
\draw (6,0.33) -- (7,0.33);
\draw (6,0.67) -- (7,0.67);
\draw (6,1.33) -- (7,1.33);
\draw (6,1.67) -- (7,1.67);
\draw (6,2.33) -- (7,2.33);
\draw (6,2.67) -- (7,2.67);
\node at (6.5, 1.166) {$V[5]$};
| plot | cs | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 143 |
536 | \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.2]
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (1,0);
\coordinate (C) at (3,0);
\filldraw (A) circle (0.045) node[above]{$\tilde{\boldsymbol{x}}_{1}$};
\filldraw (B) circle (0.045) node[above]{$\boldsymbol{x}_{0}$};
\filldraw (C) circle (0.045) node[above]{$\boldsymbol{x}_{1}$};
\draw (A) -- (B);
\draw (B) -- (C);
\draw[dashed] (-1.1,-0.25) -- (3.1,-0.25);
\coordinate (D) at (-1,-0.8);
\coordinate (E) at (1,-0.8);
\coordinate (F) at (2,-0.8);
\filldraw (D) circle (0.045) node[above]{${\boldsymbol{x}}_{1}$};
\filldraw (E) circle (0.045) node[above]{$\boldsymbol{x}_{0}$};
\filldraw (F) circle (0.045) node[above]{$\tilde{\boldsymbol{x}}_{1}$};
\draw (D) -- (E);
\draw (E) -- (F);
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 2 |
644 | \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline={([yshift=-1ex]current bounding},vertex/.style={anchor=base,
circle,fill=black!25,minimum size=18pt,inner sep=2pt},scale=1]
\draw[cyan, thick] (0,0) -- (0,3) -- (2,4) -- (2,1) -- (0,0);
\draw[cyan, thick, fill = cyan, opacity = 0.1] (0,0) -- (0,3) -- (2,4) -- (2,1) -- (0,0);
\filldraw[red] (1,2) circle (1pt);
\draw[teal, thick] (1,2) -- (5,2) -- (5,3.5) -- (1,3.5) -- (1,2);
\draw[red, thick] (1,2) -- (1,3.5);
\fill[yellow, opacity = 0.2] (0,0) -- (4,0) -- (4,1) -- (2,1) -- (0,0);
\fill[yellow, opacity = 0.2] (2,1) -- (4,1) -- (4,3) -- (2,3) -- (2,1);
\fill[yellow, opacity = 0.2] (2,3) -- (4,3) -- (6,4) -- (2,4) -- (2,3);
\draw[black, thick, dashed] (0,0) -- (4,0);
\draw[black, thick, dashed] (2,1) -- (6,1);
\draw[black, thick, dashed] (0,3) -- (4,3);
\draw[black, thick, dashed] (2,4) -- (6,4);
\fill[teal, opacity = 0.2] (1,2) -- (5,2) -- (5,3.5) -- (1,3.5) -- (1,2);
\draw[orange, thick] (4,0) -- (4,3) -- (6,4) -- (6,1) -- (4,0);
\draw[fill = orange, opacity = 0.15] (4,0) -- (4,3) -- (6,4) -- (6,1) -- (4,0);
\node[below] at (5,0) {$|N\rangle$};
\node[below] at (0,0) {$\langle {\rm QFT}|$};
\draw[teal, thick] (5,2) -- (5,3.5);
\draw[black, thick, stealth-stealth] (6.5,2) -- (7.5,2);
\draw[cyan, thick] (8,0) -- (8,3) -- (10,4) -- (10,1) -- (8,0);
\draw[cyan, thick, fill = cyan, opacity = 0.1] (8,0) -- (8,3) -- (10,4) -- (10,1) -- (8,0);
\draw[red, thick] (9,2) -- (9,3.5);
\filldraw[red] (9,2) circle (1pt);
\node[below, red] at (9,2) {\scriptsize $\mathcal{M}_n$};
\filldraw[red] (5,2) circle (1pt);
\node[right, red] at (9,2.75) {\scriptsize vortex};
\node[below] at (9,0) {QFT};
\node[red, below] at (1,2) {\scriptsize $\mathcal{M}_n$};
\node[teal, below] at (3,2) {\scriptsize $V_n$};
\node[black, below] at (3,3) {\scriptsize $e^{in\int h_{d-1}}$};
| plot | math | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | 132 |
Subsets and Splits