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200 | 1 | 37 | 713 | 127 | Slowly, what was going on dawned on Sarah. She realized she was at a serious disadvantage here. There was no water in sight, and she was sure she would not be able to draw it from the plumbing system without ripping this apart.
She tried to keep her cool as more students joined them to watch the next match. Neither of the teachers had given any indication that they knew she'd arrived. She was wondering if they'd been able to pair her with anyone. A sudden surge of hope ran through her. She took another deep breath and tried to concentrate on the spectacle in front of her. | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
201 | 1 | 38 | 1,211 | 348 | Kaze
Kaze stretched out a bit as he moved out of the arena, listening to the names of the next sparing partners. He attention turned to Eira when she spoke before giving a low chuckle. "I'm at a constant one hundred fifty degrees so your powers take a little longer to affect me. If I sunbath I peak at two hundred." He explained as they moved to the seats for the arena. She mentioned doing it again which got a shrug from him. "Maybe, but we'd need Ms. Jade to oversee it so neither one of us gets hurt. I did hold back on just rushing into you." He stated while giving her a serious look.
She had seen how he fought and how he reacted to her strategy. If he had actually been trying to hurt her, or kill her, he'd probably have done it in the first rush. It was why he hadn't reacted to her goading when she first came into the arena. She could still move her flames away so they didn't hurt anyone, he was always physically able to hurt people since he was his powers. | Name: Kaze
Age: 18
Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white.
Power: Dragon's Blood
Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles.
Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched.
Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged.
Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames.
Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point.
Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him.
Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people.
Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't. |
202 | 1 | 39 | 687 | 325 | SMiling, Eira mulled over the problem of Kaze's bulk. Well, she had been holding back too. WHile she was at the limit of her powers being stable, Eira could have easily doubled the amount of flames she was using. Turning back to the dragon as they mounted the stairs of the stadium, she spoke.
"Well, Scales, we'll just have to see, won't we?" A knowing smile, one that was easily scheming, spread across her lips as she turned towards the dragon. However, the smile drained from her face as a slight blush took over. Eira, surprisingly, was noticing that the dragon was half-naked for the first time. Turning away, she snarled in her words, "Put a damn shirt on, ya fuckin behemoth."
Walking away, Eira chose a seat about halfway up the stadium. She looked down into the stadium waiting for the next spectacle. | Name: Eira Luters
Age: 17
Appearance (pictures accepted):
Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well.
Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen.
This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper. |
203 | 1 | 40 | 1,211 | 348 | Kaze
Kaze gave a rather hearty laugh when she blushed and snarled out her next words. "they don't have a big and giant. Plus the wings." He said with a grin. Oh he'd mess with her a little bit. "Besides, are you sure you want all this hidden from sight?" He asked while teasingly flexing at her. His already impressive bulk rippled from the movement as they tightened up underneath his scales. Down below all he wore was what amounted to a skirt, red in color with a golden border. Sort of like he half-assed a kimono.
He followed her up the stairs and situated himself on the bleachers in such a way that he'd be comfortable and not actually collapse the aluminum underneath him. "So a shy girl and the silent wonder are up..." He said, he never caught their names until Mr. Jacob said it and the boy had only spoken to the teachers. That he was aware of anyway. He didn't notice but others probably thought it was odd he'd sit near the girl who had been so grumpy and clearly violent. No point secluding her since she wasn't a bad person, and he liked being all big next to her. | Name: Kaze
Age: 18
Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white.
Power: Dragon's Blood
Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles.
Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched.
Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged.
Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames.
Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point.
Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him.
Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people.
Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't. |
204 | 1 | 41 | 687 | 325 | Eira's eyes narrowed as she mumbled about arms and flexing reptiles. Pulling her knees up to her chin, Eira's hood fell over her head even more than previously. "Who was called? This is my first day here so I don't know anyone." Eira was curious about the two that were going down to the arena proper. She accidently picked a fight with someone that turned out to be a good match for her, so she wondered how good of a match these two would be.
Then, turning over to Scales, she spoke again. "Well, if they don't come in big and giant, then where the hell did you find the skirt?" Eira's dark brown eyes narrowed even more at the dragon as locks of white hair fluttered in the wind. Her black flames circled around her folded body as music continued to blare from her earbuds. It was a wonder that she could hear anything at all. | Name: Eira Luters
Age: 17
Appearance (pictures accepted):
Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well.
Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen.
This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper. |
205 | 1 | 42 | 1,211 | 348 | Kaze
Kaze pointed to Elaine and Cole. "Those two, both shifters of varying types. They get to turn back to normal though." He said, a little bitter towards the end of it. It was hard to embrace what you were if you couldn't even be normal like most other mutants. He would be classed as a shifter as well but his seemed to be only one way and that was more draconic. When she turned and looked at his he just shrugged his shoulders.
"Had someone who was better with cloth than I am turn a sumo wrestlers kimono into this. Beats the leather loincloth I was wearing before." He said, obviously not disturbed or ashamed of anything related to nudity or clothing. He was half naked all the time. If it wasn't illegal he'd probably run around butt naked! Not to mention where would he put a wallet? | Name: Kaze
Age: 18
Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white.
Power: Dragon's Blood
Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles.
Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched.
Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged.
Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames.
Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point.
Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him.
Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people.
Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't. |
206 | 1 | 43 | 153 | 802 | Putting out a cigerette, Mathias gave a groan from his rooftop perch. Heel of his hand rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he pulled his phone.
"Wha' 'ime is i'?" Reading the screen, the young man groaned aloud. He was late...what he gets for going for a smoke straight out of bed. Ah well...he needed to sleep in anyway.
Climbing down at a slow pace, the oldest student in safe haven groaned,hitting the pavement with a thud. He stretched, his muscles straining as he rolled his joints. He gave a tug to his shirt, trying to get the smell of smoke to atleast lessen. Teachers are gonna be on him again for smoking, but fuck 'em. He'll be takin' a hand before they take his smokes.
Checking his phone again, he sighed. Why does time seem to slow down on such boring days. He slept in and it still felt like it was going slow... ah well. Try and make it to class atleast...
Mathias hurried along, running a hand through his messy hair and adjusting his coat. "Gon' be a long one, to'ay..." he grumbled, slipping inside the building | Name
Luxianne "Lucky" Soles
credit for picture, the awe-worthy Loish
Lucky is 5'9'' in height and 145lbs, with a lithe build gained from many years of yoga and martial arts. Her eyes, as well as her tattoo on her cheek, change color depending on her mood, and they always appear to have an inner glow about them.
Her body (her blood, saliva, hair, etc.) is capable of producing regenerative and curative powers. She draws the energy for her powers from UV-rays (i.e sunlight, or artificial light) and is able to store it in her body. This is the reason for the color of her hair, eyes, teeth, nails, and blood. If she is required to use her powers a lot, eventually she'll run out of her stored energy and start using her own, which will quickly cause her to go unconscious.
Her curative powers are just that, the ability to fight sickness, disease, and, it is speculated, with enough practice, perhaps combat cancer, cure blindness, as well as the more deadly afflictions. She isn't quite at this level yet, and is afraid to begin delving more into it (more in the Background section). All of this healing is done with the willingness of the subject in mind, she will not force her powers on others.
In addition to being able to heal, she can reinforce parts of her body to toughen up to the durability of dense stone. Breakable, but not easily done. She has prehensile manipulation over her hair (and, more rarely done, her nails), and she can grow her hair and nails out at will.
Lucky grew up in a privileged lifestyle, her parents being specialized surgeons, as well as very affluent in their fields. She was the youngest of five children, raised mostly by her family's butler and had very little interaction with her parents due to their demanding lifestyles. Lucky didn't hate them for it, but instead held adoration for them being so dedicated to the craft. She dreamt of growing up to be a surgeon like her parents, helping to save lives and do good in the world.
However, when she was handed the powers that could help her achieve her dreams, it was anything but what she imagined.
She was ten years old, and it was a rare weekend that her parents and siblings had time to take off from their jobs to be together. It was a blissful event that turned quickly into a horrific nightmare for them when an enraged man broke in and accused Lucky's mother of killing his daughter. In his revenge, he lashed out and grabbed the nearest person, which happened to be Lucky, and stabbed her several times in the stomach before he was apprehended.
Her family didn't even have time to begin to mourn their loss, when all of the sudden Lucky's hair began to change color quickly into bio-luminescent green and wrap her up in a dense protective cocoon. She stayed this way for nearly a month. When she finally emerged, she was poked and prodded by doctors and scientists, especially by those specializing in the supernatural phenomena taking place in children. It was quickly ascertained that she held astounding regenerative powers, and, more astonishingly, the ability to cure sicknesses. Nearly all of the methods used to test her powers were borderline torture, and her parents began to have less and less say in their daughter's well being.
Lucky was forced to undergo painful procedures, as well as to heal patients for nearly a year before her parents were able to extract her from her unwelcome prison. They immediately sought out the Safe Haven and brought their daughter there, believing it the best place for Lucky's safety (as well as their own). She has been at the Haven for nearly five years now.
She typically stays away from using her powers due to her unpleasant past, and has had markedly horrible power progression during her time at the Haven. Despite all of this, Lucky is a rather outgoing girl who is quick to smile and easy to talk to. |
207 | 1 | 44 | 752 | 2,253 | Eric watched the back and forth between Dragon-Dude and Ice Queen go on for sometime, both of them never really seeming to get a leg up on the other. He was tempted to call it the fight of the century, but he had seen some good ones. "Go dragon-Dude." He shouted, raising his fist in the air in a show of solidarity. But alas the match ended with what could only be called a draw, he sighed and looked over at Cole and Elaine, wondering how they were gonna do on their duel.
But he didn't have time to process everything before a new girl arrived, and man did he have to get to know this girl. He stood, and sat next to the new girl. "Hey, names Eric. What's yours?" He asked smiling, when Luck offered the girl some trail mix he stuck his hand in the bag and popped some of the contents in his mouth. "So kind of you, thanks." He gave a half wave to Lucky and looked forward towards the arena as the challengers took their places. "You've got this, good luck to the both of you." He said, he was happy that he didn't have to fight yet. But he looked at both girls still in the stands, if he had to fight either of them he doubt he would be able to win. They probably had real powers, something that could end him in a heartbeat, or break his mind. Either way he wasn't looking forward to his fight. | Name:Eric J Keller
Power:Photographic Reflexes, You ever wish that you could do something just by watching someone do it? Eric can, he can watch someone and pick up on their fighting style almost instantly, he could wield a sword like a master in a matter of weeks, he can become a top shot just by watching someone, and sports has never been a problem.
Background:Eric was born in a poor neighborhood, his family was happy to have him. But when he started to demonstrate his powers he ran away, not wanting to get his family involved. But due to the nature of his powers Eric isn't as targeted as other powered individuals, which he used to his advantage of course.
He used his power to earn money for himself on the streets, but as things tend to do, life changed. He got caught, so he ran, he had heard tell of Haven, so he fled there. Hoping that they would take him in, hoping that he could forget his life there. |
208 | 1 | 45 | 713 | 127 | Sarah jumped a little when a boy suddenly dropped down next to her, introduced himself and dove into the trailmix.
She smiled at the girl and said "Thanks, I'm sure that'll come in handy later!" Before Eric could take another handful, she reached into the bag and accepted some goodies. I'm Sarah by the way. These fights look intense! Good thing the teachers are here to make sure we don't get too messed up on our first days, right? She knew she sounded nervous, but Sarah wasn't the type to pretend to be something she was not. She was excited to be here, but nervous at the same time because she wasn't sure what she should expect.
Sarah glanced at the two kids who had just had their first fight while munching on her trailmix. They didn't look much worse for wear, which made her feel a little better. Fighting here was going to be hard, but at least she'd survive. In a sudden surge of understanding and sympathy, she called out "Go guys! You got this!" to the next couple that had been called into the arena. She smiled at Eric, and the girl with the cool hair, and added in a softer voice "These are good, thanks." She suddenly realised she still didn't know the girl's name and added "What's your name? I can't keep referring to you as 'the girl with the cool hair' forever, can I?" She blushed and decided to put another few pieces of trailmix in her mouth to stop her from spouting more silly stuff. | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
209 | 1 | 46 | 687 | 325 | "They get to turn back to normal..." Eira couldn't remember a time when her powers hadn't manifested. They had always been there, at least for however long she was concerned.
"That would be nice. To be normal and not have a body temperature of 0 degrees celsius." Eira's face became whistful as she looked up at Kaze. However, a joking smile soon appeared.
"What do you think you would look like if you became a normal person?" | Name: Eira Luters
Age: 17
Appearance (pictures accepted):
Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well.
Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen.
This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper. |
210 | 1 | 47 | 1,211 | 348 | Kaze
Kaze glanced at Eira when she echoed something he said. "Be glad you can't really feel the cold. Could go out during winter in a bikini." He joked with her. He figured her body was always on a low temperate since her black flames didn't affect her or her clothing. She confirmed it though and then got a joking smile of her own which got him to raise an eyebrow. It wasn't that icy grin or snarl she tended to sport.
What did he think he'd look like if he were normal. "Probably at least six feet tall. Manliest beard in all the land. I remember my hair being dark brown. Obviously not as muscular as I currently am but still pretty jacked." He said while stroking his chin, pretending to groom an impressive mythical beard. Given his reptilian nature he had no hair whatsoever and he was above putting a wig on. | Name: Kaze
Age: 18
Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white.
Power: Dragon's Blood
Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles.
Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched.
Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged.
Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames.
Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point.
Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him.
Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people.
Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't. |
211 | 1 | 48 | 1,931 | 362 | Cole watched in amusement as the pair that had just finished their battle went to sit together. How were they suddenly friends after trying to beat each other to a pulp? Especially when they seemed like they hated each other just minutes ago. Honestly, some people just bonded over the strangest things. His head then whipped around to look at Professor Jacob when he heard his name being called. He had not known when to expect his turn, but it had to happen sometime. He calmly rose from his seat and made his way down past the students who seemed to be enjoying the show. From what had happened in the first fight, the teachers did seem competent in keeping the students alive. With that fact in mind, he made up his mind to do his best.
He was also curious at the mention that there was a reason for the pairings chosen, and began wondering about the skill set of this 'Lain', considering his own. She turned out to be a girl he had not noticed before, and only put a face to the name when the green-haired girl, now holding a snack, offered her some words of encouragement. He nodded as a gesture of thanks to the two students who had wished the both of them luck and cheered them on before stepping into the arena. | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
212 | 1 | 49 | 1,931 | 362 | Elaine raised her hand from her sit as she said "Lady Jade, I'm not feeling so well, I'll have to leave class. I'm sorry", after that she left the building running.
"Well... that wasn't planned." said Lady Jade pausing for a bit. Sarah, you'll be Cole's adversary. Your powers aren't that similar but I'm sure it will be an interesting fight" after she was done talking she approached the arena, press some buttons in the side of the arena and at each corner of the arena puddles of water formed. | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
213 | 1 | 50 | 713 | 127 | Sarah heard the teacher call her name, and she panicked. How was she supposed to ... wait, what is she doing?? She sensed the water before she saw it. Of course.
Sarah let out a deep sigh and calmed herself down. She should have known the teachers would take care of this. Hadn't she just seen just how far they would go to make sure the students could fight safely and test their abilities to the fullest?
Suddenly, Sarah smiled. She'd get to test the extent of her powers without having to worry about hurting anyone. Feeling the call of the open water, she jumped up from her seat and practically bolted down to the arena. She was still vaguely aware of the water in the pipes behind the walls, but the call of the open water was so much stronger! She took her place in her corner of the arena, took off her shoes stepped into one of the puddles. She laughed out loud, turned to Cole and said "My name is Sarah, pleased to meet you. This is going to be fun!" Suddenly serious, Sarah turned her attention to one of the puddles. The water stirred and bubbled until it was nice and muddy. Content with the results, she smiled again, made the muddy water rise and dumped the lot of it unceremoniously on Cole, drenching him.
Giggling at the result, she waited for the muddy, sopping boy to make his first move.
(edited when I realised she actually got up twice, lol) | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
214 | 1 | 51 | 1,931 | 362 | It took Cole a second to process what had just happened. Oh no she didn't... He scoffed in disgust at the sludge that covered him before shaking a few drops from the limp blond locks that hung over his eyes. He then shot a glare at the bubbly hydrokinetic, though, a light, mischievous smirk slowly crossed his face right after as a soft growl escaped his throat. His transformation was rapid and very sudden, and in the blink of an eye, the teenage boy was replaced with a creature that looked like it had walked right out of an urban legend.
The completely-transformed monster let out a blood-curdling shriek and charged towards Sarah on all fours at breathtaking speed. Cole was obviously still in control, and kept an ear out for any sounds of moving water around him so that he could dodge any attempted attacks from the back or sides, as well as above or below. When he was close enough, he took a giant leap, propelling himself straight at her. His jaws were wide open with razor-sharp teeth baring, threatening to rip whatever they could clamp down on to shreds. Of course, the giant claws that extended from his fingers posed just as much of a danger. | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
215 | 1 | 52 | 713 | 127 | Sarah giggled again as she witnessed Cole go through the stages of realising and accepting what she'd done.
She saw the mischieveous smile and knew something was coming, so she braced herself. "What the..." Suddenly all she could see was this enormous monster leaping at her. She didn't even have time to think about another attack, all she could think about was getting out of the way.
Without thinking about it, she reacted. In the blink of an eye, she disappeared and reappeared in another spot. A deceptively small puddle of water now filled the spot her feet had just left. "at least he'll be clean again" "wait, how the hell did I do that?" Thoughts of joy and shock flashed through her. She'd never even considered trying this before. She turned her attention back to the puddle, and sensed how deep it really was. Ready to turn the whole thing into a monster filled, wet tornado, she waited for the splash. | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
216 | 1 | 53 | 1,931 | 362 | Cole landed right as Sarah vanished, skidding to a stop just as he touched the wall of the arena. Sure, going at that speed, he did expect her to drop all ideas for any offensive moves and simply focus on getting out of the way, but he did not imagine that she would literally turn into water, or at least that was what he assumed had just happened. He did not have much time to ponder over it however, for the puddle of water that one of his feet had landed in had unexpectedly turned into a whirlpool that began rapidly drawing him in.
You've got to be kidding m- He drove a set of his claws into the ground, which raked through the dirt for a second before it stopped him just in time from going right under. Using both hands, he managed to claw his way out of the spinning water. Could she really just form whirlpools wherever she wanted on the field? That would not be an issue if he continued being on the move at the speed he was going, but after seeing what she could do, he decided to go about it differently.
Surely she can't make anything come out of this solid surface. He thought, as his claws made indents in the wall for him to climb clear off of the ground. He had planned to go all out with his high-speed attacks, hoping not to give her time to go offensive, but perhaps it was time to stay put to see what else she had up her sleeve, while he still could. After all, that was what she had done, and she managed to counter his attack quite cleverly. He spotted her some distance away and watched her closely as he cautiously treaded across the wall, ready to dodge whatever she would throw at him. | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
217 | 1 | 54 | 713 | 127 | Sarah was impressed with how Cole was handeling what she was throwing at him. She watched him claw his way out of the hole, and onto the wall. She took this time to reposition herself near another puddle, a big one this time. "throwing" Sarah suddenly knew what to do. As Cole walked across the wall, Sarah raised the whirlpool of water above the pool and concentrated it into a beam of water. For good measure, she added the muddy water she had dumped on him earlier to the beam. She took a moment to gauge his speed. "He's fast" flashed through her mind. She divided the enormous beam of water into smaller beams, and shot them in Cole's direction at high speed. She made sure to aim not only at Cole, but also behind and in front of him. Sarah was hoping to hit him, and maybe knock him off the wall, with at least one shot.
At the same time she concentrated, ready to regroup the rest of the water into the big puddle close to her feet. She was sure she'd need something to shield herself with.
edited for stylistic purposes. (forgot the colour) | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
218 | 1 | 55 | 687 | 325 | Eira blanked for a moment when one of the contestants got changed up. Sarah was her name, and apparently water was her friend. Eira laughed, in a sarcastic way. Her smile was simply blood curdling. "Damn, I wish that I had gotten to go against her. She wouldn't have lasted half a second."
She watched as the boy, Cole, changed. Damn, he was fast. Definitely faster than Kaze. However, Eira guessed that he had a lower body temperature, which would make him more susceptible to her flames. Either way, Eira wuld have wiped the field with either of these contestants. | Name: Eira Luters
Age: 17
Appearance (pictures accepted):
Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well.
Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen.
This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper. |
219 | 1 | 56 | 1,931 | 362 | Cole saw the water rising, and imagined that she intended to have the entire column of liquid slam into him. Well, he turned out to be partly right. The large stream splitting into smaller streams came as a little surprise, but he was confident in managing it without much of a problem. He sprang into action, bounding across the wall as he swiftly dodged the smaller jets of water.
However, one in particular landed slightly too close for comfort, interrupting his concentration. He lost his grip on the wall, but landed expertly on all fours as another jet headed straight towards him. Using his tapered claws, he diverted most of it to shoot to either side of him, greatly reducing its impact. Considering the fact that he was back on the ground, he was almost immediately on the move again at top speed.
Seeing that Sarah was concentrating on a nearby puddle, he made his way around the arena and charged straight at her from the back with a claw raised, intending to deliver a strike before she could turn liquid again, or establish any form of defence. | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
220 | 1 | 57 | 1,211 | 348 | Kaze just pet Eira on the head with a couple fingers. Each touch was announced with a soft hiss from the cold meeting the heat. "Now now, it's not a competition." He said before giving her a grin. "Besides, you can freeze the water...but it's still water. Just solid. So you'd give her cudgels instead of whips." He stated, attempting to dampen the girls ego. "The boy could probably move faster than you can react aside from just coating the area in your icy fire. I got through and I'm slower." He continued on while he watched the water bender and beast boy fight it out. Neither one of them really landing a hit yet.
Then again it wasn't until the end of their fight that Eira and himself actually touched each other. But they had both probably been holding back. | Name: Kaze
Age: 18
Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white.
Power: Dragon's Blood
Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles.
Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched.
Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged.
Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames.
Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point.
Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him.
Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people.
Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't. |
221 | 1 | 58 | 153 | 802 | Lucky's eyes followed Lain as the nervous girl ran away from the confrontation. She wasn't surprised, however, she was rather disappointed instead. Lucky understood not wanting to use your powers, especially not in a setting like this. ] She thought to herself as the battle between Cole and Sarah sprang into action quickly. Sarah had initiated the combat with a cheeky move.
"Shit!" Lucky cussed when she realized she didn't have her phone recording and hit play just after Cole began his first charge at Sarah. She set it up hurriedly and then glanced back at Eric. "How do you think these two will do?" She asked. She took a handful of trail-mix and unceremoniously crammed all of it into her mouth at once. Her cheeks puffed out to the sides like a squirrel's might while she munched on it happily, and she shook the bag in Eric's direction so he could take more if he wanted to. | Name
Luxianne "Lucky" Soles
credit for picture, the awe-worthy Loish
Lucky is 5'9'' in height and 145lbs, with a lithe build gained from many years of yoga and martial arts. Her eyes, as well as her tattoo on her cheek, change color depending on her mood, and they always appear to have an inner glow about them.
Her body (her blood, saliva, hair, etc.) is capable of producing regenerative and curative powers. She draws the energy for her powers from UV-rays (i.e sunlight, or artificial light) and is able to store it in her body. This is the reason for the color of her hair, eyes, teeth, nails, and blood. If she is required to use her powers a lot, eventually she'll run out of her stored energy and start using her own, which will quickly cause her to go unconscious.
Her curative powers are just that, the ability to fight sickness, disease, and, it is speculated, with enough practice, perhaps combat cancer, cure blindness, as well as the more deadly afflictions. She isn't quite at this level yet, and is afraid to begin delving more into it (more in the Background section). All of this healing is done with the willingness of the subject in mind, she will not force her powers on others.
In addition to being able to heal, she can reinforce parts of her body to toughen up to the durability of dense stone. Breakable, but not easily done. She has prehensile manipulation over her hair (and, more rarely done, her nails), and she can grow her hair and nails out at will.
Lucky grew up in a privileged lifestyle, her parents being specialized surgeons, as well as very affluent in their fields. She was the youngest of five children, raised mostly by her family's butler and had very little interaction with her parents due to their demanding lifestyles. Lucky didn't hate them for it, but instead held adoration for them being so dedicated to the craft. She dreamt of growing up to be a surgeon like her parents, helping to save lives and do good in the world.
However, when she was handed the powers that could help her achieve her dreams, it was anything but what she imagined.
She was ten years old, and it was a rare weekend that her parents and siblings had time to take off from their jobs to be together. It was a blissful event that turned quickly into a horrific nightmare for them when an enraged man broke in and accused Lucky's mother of killing his daughter. In his revenge, he lashed out and grabbed the nearest person, which happened to be Lucky, and stabbed her several times in the stomach before he was apprehended.
Her family didn't even have time to begin to mourn their loss, when all of the sudden Lucky's hair began to change color quickly into bio-luminescent green and wrap her up in a dense protective cocoon. She stayed this way for nearly a month. When she finally emerged, she was poked and prodded by doctors and scientists, especially by those specializing in the supernatural phenomena taking place in children. It was quickly ascertained that she held astounding regenerative powers, and, more astonishingly, the ability to cure sicknesses. Nearly all of the methods used to test her powers were borderline torture, and her parents began to have less and less say in their daughter's well being.
Lucky was forced to undergo painful procedures, as well as to heal patients for nearly a year before her parents were able to extract her from her unwelcome prison. They immediately sought out the Safe Haven and brought their daughter there, believing it the best place for Lucky's safety (as well as their own). She has been at the Haven for nearly five years now.
She typically stays away from using her powers due to her unpleasant past, and has had markedly horrible power progression during her time at the Haven. Despite all of this, Lucky is a rather outgoing girl who is quick to smile and easy to talk to. |
222 | 1 | 59 | 752 | 2,253 | The other girl Elaine ran away, Eric watched as she left the arena, but as the teachers called the other girl down. Eric's attention turned away from Elaine to Sarah, he was pumped to watch this fight. "Good Luck!" He shouted after her as she made her way down. But on the inside he was wondering how she was going to do, these fights had been made with certain pairs in mind and now this was a random variable, but he shrugged and sat back.
As the fighters introduced himself he noted Sarah's ability to control water as they had the arena form small puddles of water. She dumped some muddy water on her opponent which solicited a laugh from him. But then as they started their fight, he saw the full extent of Cole's abilities. And then they went at it, the fight was intense and as he watched he felt less and less sure about himself and his ability to fit in here. He couldn't do anything, he would probably flunk out. Maybe even get kicked out, who knows he certainly didn't. This showed plainly on his face, and on the way he was grasping the bench his knuckles white, his usual smile a frown of concern. "I'm not going to make it here." He said in a hushed whisper, he took his eyes off the fight and down to his feet. Staring into space.
It was Lucky who brought him back, it was an innocent question about the fight. "What? Oh, I think both of them are great fighters. It's probably going to be really close." He said, his voice sounded nervous but he forced a smile on his face, but refused Lucky's offer of a snack. He looked over at her and thought about what she could do, he wondered if he would last five seconds against her if they fought in the arena. | Name:Eric J Keller
Power:Photographic Reflexes, You ever wish that you could do something just by watching someone do it? Eric can, he can watch someone and pick up on their fighting style almost instantly, he could wield a sword like a master in a matter of weeks, he can become a top shot just by watching someone, and sports has never been a problem.
Background:Eric was born in a poor neighborhood, his family was happy to have him. But when he started to demonstrate his powers he ran away, not wanting to get his family involved. But due to the nature of his powers Eric isn't as targeted as other powered individuals, which he used to his advantage of course.
He used his power to earn money for himself on the streets, but as things tend to do, life changed. He got caught, so he ran, he had heard tell of Haven, so he fled there. Hoping that they would take him in, hoping that he could forget his life there. |
223 | 1 | 60 | 713 | 127 | Cole did exactly what Sarah had expected, he tried to use his speed and agility to avoid the jets of water. He actually managed to dodge quite a few of them before one of them forced him to leave the wall.
She was impressed by the way he managed to claw his way through the water, and saw him coming at her again, trying to attack her from behind.
Instantly, she raised the contents of the huge puddle at her feet. She made no attempt to attack Cole with it, but surrounded herself with it instead. The water formed a bubble around Sarah. In order to keep it together, she made it flow around her in strong, solid circles.
Cole's claw attack hit her, but not with the force he intended. However, because of the rapidly moving currents in the bubble of water, Sarah felt the nails run all the way across her back, leaving a diagonal pattern reaching from her right shoulder to just above her left hip.
"Let's not do that again" and "That was my favourite shirt" flashed through Sarah's mind. She traded places with Cole, who was now stuck inside her bubble of water. Wincing at the stinging on her back, Sarah used the water from a small puddle nearby to cool her wounds. Then she prepared herself for Cole's next move. | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
224 | 1 | 61 | 687 | 325 | As Kaze patted her head, Eira snapped at him. A snarl was on her face as she spoke. "It is always a competition. WHether it's here or on the streets of New York, it is always a competition." Turning back to the fight, Eira watched as the boy, Cole, got knocked from the wall. "I know that he's fast, but his body temperature has to be that of a normal human, which would mean that one touch of my flames and he'd be down for the count." Breathing deeply, something clicked in her mind.
All of a sudden, an image of Kaze as he would have looked if he was human. A tall, fair-skinned man with long brown hair and rough stubble flooded her mind. He was still wearing the skirt around his muscular hips. His muscles were defined and easily noticeable. Eira's mouth, against her wishes, began to drool. Scowling in response, the girl snarled at Kaze, a thick blush coming up on her own pale skin.
"Damnit Kaze. You have no idea how much I can actually do. We didn't know that we could go all out. As such, I think you were holding back, same as what I was doing. " Hoping to change her thoughts, Eira was battling with herself, and she was losing miserably. | Name: Eira Luters
Age: 17
Appearance (pictures accepted):
Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well.
Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen.
This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper. |
225 | 1 | 62 | 1,931 | 362 | Sarah's water shield did not surprise Cole as much as the trap that followed. Finding himself suddenly immersed in water, he immediately dug the claws of one hand into the ground to anchor himself, while using those of the other to slice through the strong flow of water that circled around him. Jets of water shot out in several directions as he broke through the surface, though, it took a few more seconds for him to completely tear himself out of the water sphere. He then quickly latched back onto the wall in time to catch Sarah tending to the injury he had inflicted on her.
Seeing her bleed was strangely... satisfying. He wanted to do it again, to cut her more, to draw more of that blood from her flesh, which he simply wished to rip- No! What are you thinking?! Get a grip! His rational thinking kicked in, letting him focus once again. How long had it been since the start of the battle? He could feel the savage instinct that would always come with his beast form start to creep in. That was not good. Consciously suppressing it, he crept over to her slowly, intending to quickly strike again the moment she attempted something else. | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
226 | 1 | 63 | 1,211 | 348 | Kaze just shook his head. "It's not always a competition. We're supposed to be learning, either how to control or better use out powers." He said, now getting some backstory on the girl. She was from New York and the streets...well that could mean anything. Was she disowned? Run away? Just thrown out? She'd let him know when she was ready and wanting to. "Also body temperature rises with work. Aside from insulated clothing people sweat in the middle of winter." He continued on while relaxing and watching the fight.
His ears swiveled when he heard the sound of water not in the ring. Looking to her he noticed she was drooling which got a loud laugh from him. Her ferocity was a little ruined by that face engulfing blush she was sporting. He had a major shit eating grin on his face even while she talked at him. "I knew we could go all out. I didn't want to tire the teacher out by destroying the arena." He said before letting that grin fade. "I've never really tested my strength, the most I've done is throw a car but even that felt light." He said. He had made the ground in the arena tremble by hitting it, he was obviously a powerhouse and was holding back for fear of causing too much damage. | Name: Kaze
Age: 18
Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white.
Power: Dragon's Blood
Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles.
Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched.
Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged.
Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames.
Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point.
Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him.
Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people.
Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't. |
227 | 1 | 64 | 713 | 127 | Sarah was beginning to get pissed. She was hurting and getting tired. And that bloody mutt didn't have a scratch on him. There he was, back on the bloody wall!
Splitting the water in the massive bubble, Sarah shoved half of it back towards the ground near the wall. The water seemed to disappear into the ground, which now looked as dry as before. Underneeth the now thin layer of dirt and dry sand, a pool of quicksand was forming. Sarah watched Cole for a second and realised he seemed distracted. She shot a quick jet of water towards him, and knocked him off the wall, straight into the quicksand. Cole seemed to be sucked in. let's see him claw his way out of this one she thought to herself, as she added more water to the bubble she was still holding afloat behind her, and deepened the pool of quicksand for good measure.
(edited for continuity) | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
228 | 1 | 65 | 1,931 | 362 | Sarah's next move confused Cole. What was the point of shooting water into the ground right below him? He expected something to pop out of that very spot, and he readied himself for whatever it might be. However, while concentrating on that area, he was completely caught off guard by a jet of water that came at him from another direction, causing him to plummet into the point of interest which he immediately realized was what could be compared to quicksand. The ground was quickly dragging him under, and he had to do something, fast. His claws managed to grab hold of some solid earth, which he assumed was the side of the pit, just as his head disappeared below the sandy surface. He had stopped sinking, but the pulling force of the quicksand was much too strong for him to simply climb out of it.
The entire experience was nerve-racking. Cole tried to remain calm and think of a way out, though, it was not easy. He was about to suffocate, and the monster in his head was fighting for control. He had been under all that sand for some time. Were the teachers not supposed to intervene? Perhaps they were expecting him to be able to do something about his current situation. There was no doubt that he actually could, but that would mean... Were they really planning to drive him to that point? He realized that he did not have a choice. He was trapped, and there was no other way. Fine, just for this one time, save me...
The creature suddenly tore out of the sand as if a rush of adrenaline had been gained. It skidded across the ground to a stop and let out a savage, animalistic shriek before making a headlong charge at the driving force behind all the water-based attacks and traps. It moved just as quickly as before, but this time, in a significantly more wild and frenzied manner. Now mostly driven by bloodlust, it had the full intention to tear the girl to shreds. It was obvious that 'Cole' was no longer all there, if he was still even there at all. | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
229 | 1 | 66 | 1,931 | 362 | The moment the beast show signs to be in control the teachers were ready. Professor Jacob was ready, in a blink of an eye the no longer was watching the fight, the had Cole restrained from the back holding his arms behind it's back. "Control it, restrain it's hold on you, your are the beast you have control over it, you and the beast are one, and it does not matter if you THINK you cannot control him past 10 minutes. Try it and push it back to it's hole."
At the same time Jacob moved, Lady Jade froze the water, not ice frozen, it was still liquid, but it didn't move. "It's over water girl, release the water and leave the arena. Now Cole has to fight himself."
Mentions: | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
230 | 1 | 67 | 713 | 127 | holy shit what just happened?
During the battle, Sarah had never doubted that Cole had been in control, even in his altered form. It was obvious that this was no longer the case. The teacher's words rang in her mind. Had it really only been 10 minutes? Sarah was scared, hurt and tired, but suddenly she was rooting for Cole.
She headed for the edge of the arena quickly, ready to join the others. Before she exited, she looked back and said "come on Cole, don't give up now. You've got this, buddy." Without checking if he'd heard her, she sat down near the others and closed her eyes. | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
231 | 1 | 68 | 1,931 | 362 | Something had taken hold of the beast, stopping him before he caused any severe damage. He struggled to break free, switching his focus to the one responsible and desiring for nothing more than to bite the teacher's head clean off his shoulders. However, Professor Jacob held strong, and... was he speaking to him? Whatever little that was left of Cole's consciousness managed to comprehend some of his words.
"You are the beast you have control over it, you and the beast are one."
You don't- you don't understand... I want to... I need to kill you, but... it's not me. It never was me... it can't be...
There was then another voice, which called him by name. "Come on Cole, don't give up now. You've got this, buddy."
Was it really all on him? That was what scared him. It seemed easy to hold the savagery of the monster accountable every time he was not in control. It had helped him cope with what he had done the first time he had discovered his abilities and shifted unintentionally. It was not him who did it, he could not control it when the urge was too strong, that was what he had kept telling himself. Even now, as the beast continued to lash out, he wished that Professor Jacob would simply hit him in the head so that he could avoid all this, but the teacher was not allowing that.
With the beast still mostly in control, even that little bit of rationalizing was draining him mentally. He could not keep this up much longer. He had to focus on regaining control. He was afraid of what the outcome might imply, but he had to accept that it could be done, at least for the time being. Part of him did not want to try, but he had to, he needed answers!
I'm in control... I don't need you, not anymore. I'm not letting you hurt anyone. Get out... get out of my head!
It took all of his willpower and concentration to toss the beast out, which allowed him to eventually shift back into his human form. The boy went limp in the teacher's grip, panting from both physical and mental exhaustion. He was shaking slightly from the trauma, and it took a moment for him to calm himself down.
"What are you saying, Sir?" He muttered in between deep breaths. "What does this all mean? It couldn't have been me. H-How is this possible? Does this mean that the whole time, I could have... No... I don't even remember much of what it had done..." | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
232 | 1 | 69 | 1,931 | 362 | As the boy went back to his human form and lost his strength Jacob lifted him up and held him with both arms speaking softly to him. "It is normal to loose control when we have our first power surges, when it first happened to me I passed out exhausted before I could slow down. And the best wait to start getting grip of our powers is pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone." He continued now addressing to the whole class, "And that's our objective in this first class, we want you to push yourselves, to leave your comfort zone and to improve. The best way to control your powers is to understand how they work and what limits you can reach and break."
With a smile in his face he left the arena still holding Cole, "So little one, do you want me to take you to your room to rest or do you want to watch the rest of the fights?"
When Jacob left the arena with Cole Lady Jade addressed the class. "As everyone could see once again, we want you to push your limits with no worries of harming or getting harmed, next duo can enter the arena, Luxianne and Eric." She walked towards the control panel of the arena, pushed a few buttons and the water dried out at the same time the ceiling was opening letting in the sun rays from outside.
Mentions: | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
233 | 1 | 70 | 687 | 325 | Eira was shaking. She was shaking bad. The girl hadn't known that she could go full out, but now she does. A feral grin was plastered to her face as her wild, brown eyes scanned the field. That last fight, between beasty and aqua, was exhilirating. Damnit, why couldn't she go up again.
Eira's flames were sharp, jagged spears that danced around her form as she gripped the railing in front of her. The metal slowly froze in her grip, eventually shattering from the extreme cold. A heavy mist escaped her lips as she exhaled.
"Hey, Kaze," Her twisted voice, darker than anything the dragon could remember hearing, came out of her throat. "Wanna have a rematch?" Her feral, wild eyes turned towards Kaze. Eira's snow white hair flowed down her face as her head tilted backwards. Her black flames, exuding cold and darkness alike, danced around her in a bloodthirsty frenzy. If there was anyone who embodied the arctic in the dead of its eternal night, then it was Eira. | Name: Eira Luters
Age: 17
Appearance (pictures accepted):
Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well.
Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen.
This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper. |
234 | 1 | 71 | 1,211 | 348 | Kaze watched how Eira seemed to change during the fights, shaking first, then her powers getting a little more out of control. He was naturally wary of her at this point, mostly because she held his weakness. But also because she seemed to be a little insane. Why are the cute ones always crazy? He thought grumpily before she shattered the metal in her frigid grasp. When she turned to look at him he was surprised she said his name, she had continued to call him Scales even after they fought.
He turned his full attention to her. "We're here to learn to control ourselves, Eira." He stated, his voice firm. "I don't know if the even Lady Jade can bring back the dead with her time abilities. That's why I hold back, and didn't fight you to my fullest." He said before shaking his head. "Seriously, it didn't take much strength to make the ground tremble when I tripped you up." Kaze explained, letting her know the seriousness of what she seemed to want.
When Kaze had first gotten to the school he had no limiters set and he had broken many things. Learning control had allowed him some semblance of normalcy despite his appearance. He'd want the teachers and the principals permission to go all out before even really thinking seriously about letting the control go. | Name: Kaze
Age: 18
Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white.
Power: Dragon's Blood
Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles.
Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched.
Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged.
Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames.
Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point.
Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him.
Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people.
Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't. |
235 | 1 | 72 | 752 | 2,253 | Eric watched the two combatants go back and forth, the fight was intense. Sarah seemed to have the upper hand with her water powers, making traps for Cole. She was certainly clever about how she was fighting, she managed to trap him in quicksand. But that managed to be quite the mistake, that's when things went crazy Cole seemed to lose control. The teachers intervened, and Sarah returned to her seat.
"Hey you did a good job. Just don't beat yourself up." He said, and nodded to the teachers telling him to come down to the arena. His heart sounded like a drum, and it seemed to get louder as he took step after step.
It felt like a lifetime for him to reach the grounds itself, as he stood he nodded to Cole still being propped up by the teacher. "Dude that was awesome, good job controlling it." He gave a small smile, and a thumbs up. Before taking his position, waiting for Lucky. | Name:Eric J Keller
Power:Photographic Reflexes, You ever wish that you could do something just by watching someone do it? Eric can, he can watch someone and pick up on their fighting style almost instantly, he could wield a sword like a master in a matter of weeks, he can become a top shot just by watching someone, and sports has never been a problem.
Background:Eric was born in a poor neighborhood, his family was happy to have him. But when he started to demonstrate his powers he ran away, not wanting to get his family involved. But due to the nature of his powers Eric isn't as targeted as other powered individuals, which he used to his advantage of course.
He used his power to earn money for himself on the streets, but as things tend to do, life changed. He got caught, so he ran, he had heard tell of Haven, so he fled there. Hoping that they would take him in, hoping that he could forget his life there. |
236 | 1 | 73 | 713 | 127 | Sarah had opened her eyes again and saw Cole regain control. It took most of his strength, and Sarah watched anxiously as Jacob carried Cole out of the arena. She wanted to get up and follow them, but wasn't sure if that would be okay.
When Lady Jade announced the next fight, Sarah saw Eric and Lucky get up and enter the arena. "Go for it, guys!" Sarah got up and walked to the edge of the arena. She couldn't help it. "he'll be okay, right?" She whispered to Lady Jade. | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
237 | 1 | 74 | 153 | 802 | Lucky had watched the fight between Sarah and Cole with baited breath. The moments that Cole was trapped in the quicksand felt like an eternity, and when he finally emerged as a bloodlust-induced monster, Lucky knew her suspicions from earlier on were correct. She would figure out what the thing sharing his body was. She couldn't believe that it was just him losing control. And if it was, that was honestly more frightening.
When the teachers intervened, she finally remembered to breathe. She looked down at her hands, which were balled into tight fists and shaking slightly with adrenaline. She clasped her hands together to stop the shaking and took a deep, long breath to steady herself. She wasn't afraid of the oncoming duel, but her body was hyping itself up for the battle without her consent.
She looked up when she and Eric were announced for the next duel. Blessed sunlight filled the arena and her hair and eyes began to glow much brighter. The light was being greedily sucked into her body, fueling her powers and causing her body to vibrate with the influx of energy. She wasted no time in taking her place opposite of Eric in the middle of the arena. She tapped her foot in time with the music now blaring from the headphones hanging around her neck. Her hair began to react as if on instinct, growing out until it flared behind her in separate, seemingly sentient sections that were ready to lash out at any potential threat. At this point, Lucky closely resembled a kumiho from Korean mythology.
"Go easy on me buddy." Lucky said to Eric with a fierce smile. | Name
Luxianne "Lucky" Soles
credit for picture, the awe-worthy Loish
Lucky is 5'9'' in height and 145lbs, with a lithe build gained from many years of yoga and martial arts. Her eyes, as well as her tattoo on her cheek, change color depending on her mood, and they always appear to have an inner glow about them.
Her body (her blood, saliva, hair, etc.) is capable of producing regenerative and curative powers. She draws the energy for her powers from UV-rays (i.e sunlight, or artificial light) and is able to store it in her body. This is the reason for the color of her hair, eyes, teeth, nails, and blood. If she is required to use her powers a lot, eventually she'll run out of her stored energy and start using her own, which will quickly cause her to go unconscious.
Her curative powers are just that, the ability to fight sickness, disease, and, it is speculated, with enough practice, perhaps combat cancer, cure blindness, as well as the more deadly afflictions. She isn't quite at this level yet, and is afraid to begin delving more into it (more in the Background section). All of this healing is done with the willingness of the subject in mind, she will not force her powers on others.
In addition to being able to heal, she can reinforce parts of her body to toughen up to the durability of dense stone. Breakable, but not easily done. She has prehensile manipulation over her hair (and, more rarely done, her nails), and she can grow her hair and nails out at will.
Lucky grew up in a privileged lifestyle, her parents being specialized surgeons, as well as very affluent in their fields. She was the youngest of five children, raised mostly by her family's butler and had very little interaction with her parents due to their demanding lifestyles. Lucky didn't hate them for it, but instead held adoration for them being so dedicated to the craft. She dreamt of growing up to be a surgeon like her parents, helping to save lives and do good in the world.
However, when she was handed the powers that could help her achieve her dreams, it was anything but what she imagined.
She was ten years old, and it was a rare weekend that her parents and siblings had time to take off from their jobs to be together. It was a blissful event that turned quickly into a horrific nightmare for them when an enraged man broke in and accused Lucky's mother of killing his daughter. In his revenge, he lashed out and grabbed the nearest person, which happened to be Lucky, and stabbed her several times in the stomach before he was apprehended.
Her family didn't even have time to begin to mourn their loss, when all of the sudden Lucky's hair began to change color quickly into bio-luminescent green and wrap her up in a dense protective cocoon. She stayed this way for nearly a month. When she finally emerged, she was poked and prodded by doctors and scientists, especially by those specializing in the supernatural phenomena taking place in children. It was quickly ascertained that she held astounding regenerative powers, and, more astonishingly, the ability to cure sicknesses. Nearly all of the methods used to test her powers were borderline torture, and her parents began to have less and less say in their daughter's well being.
Lucky was forced to undergo painful procedures, as well as to heal patients for nearly a year before her parents were able to extract her from her unwelcome prison. They immediately sought out the Safe Haven and brought their daughter there, believing it the best place for Lucky's safety (as well as their own). She has been at the Haven for nearly five years now.
She typically stays away from using her powers due to her unpleasant past, and has had markedly horrible power progression during her time at the Haven. Despite all of this, Lucky is a rather outgoing girl who is quick to smile and easy to talk to. |
238 | 1 | 75 | 1,931 | 362 | It is normal to lose control... Cole repeated in a thoughtful manner, but then continued rather bitterly. "Though, not so much to murder a couple of people while doing so, is it?"
He said nothing else as Professor Jacob helped him out of the arena, barely catching the names of the two students who were up next. One of them, the boy whom Cole assumed was 'Eric', then passed them as he made his way down. Cole managed a "Thank you," in response to his encouraging words, though, he could not help but be troubled by what was on his mind.
He was then given a choice by the teacher to either stay or withdraw to his room. His memories of that fateful night were coming back to him due to the earlier ordeal, and he knew that he would not rest, but instead continue to brood about what had taken place then, if he was alone in his room. If he stayed, there were at least things happening that could distract him from such thoughts. Furthermore, passively spectating while the other students sparred would probably be a good way to relax his mind.
He turned to the older blond. "There's no need to trouble yourself, Sir. I can rest well out here. Thank you very much, for everything."
Cole took hold of the nearest seat and settled into it. While the next pair of students took their places in the arena, he spotted Sarah speaking to Lady Jade. She had been a formidable opponent, from what he could remember, anyway. When given the chance, he had to thank her too, for the fight, as well as for her understanding and support, for that other voice he had heard while he was still a monster had been hers. | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
239 | 2 | 0 | 163 | 270 | Chapter 01: New Bark Town
"Winds of a New Beginning"
“Winds of a New Beginning” indeed! New Bark Town marks the first step towards what will hopefully make for a fruitful and successful journey across the iconic Johto region! It’s quite the sunny day in town with a set of clouds accenting the sky. Some might even consider it cliche if it weren’t for the crisp breeze that blew through every now and then… but enough about the weather! You have your mind set on matters that are more important than a silly breeze. You’re here to claim your very first Pokemon!
Towards the west of the city is where your destination awaits and it’s none other than Professor Junipers laboratory! It’s a rather large building that sticks a bit out in this quaint suburban haven. The Professor is a lively woman with a passion for Pokemon that burns from deep within. She’s tall, professional, and has a great set of legs! *ahem* She’s also eagerly awaiting your arrival, so what are you waiting for? Whether you’re already in town, still traveling across country, or just arriving, it’s in your best interest not to be late. The Professor is a very busy woman after all.
Obtain your starter from Professor Juniper and her team of researchers along with your very own Pokedex!
Write at least one post this chapter.
In the letters I’ve sent, there may be mention of a train traveling across Johto. Feel free to interact with other passengers or simply acknowledge their existence.
The first town in every new journey is also traditionally the most boring. Test your writing skills by managing to stretch the length of this chapter over 3 hearty posts. | Name: Maria Conway
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Starter: Hoppip
Nickname: Dandy
Gender: Boy
Ability: Chlorophyll
(The envelope that the introductory letter was sent in was bigger than the others and thicker. This is because several photographs have been sent along with the letter.)
Greetings Professor Juniper,
My name is Maria Conway, age 15. I'm currently, living in Fuschia City in Kanto, my grandfather owns the safari zone here and I am willing to travel to Johto for this opportunity. (The first photo of the bunch is a picture of Maria). I don't have any experience as a trainer, but I do have some experience with tracking and finding pokemon. My dream is to become a professional field photographer and I think becoming a pokemon trainer will help with that. I've already taken several photos around my city and even in the local safari zone. (Many of the rest of the photos are of pokemon from the safari zone and a few pokemon and people from in the town itself.) But I hope through my travels as a trainer, not only will I get to find pokemon in their natural habitat but also get to capture real magic between pokemon and humans. There's a lot of amazing things out there to see; places, battles, people and pokemon in general, and I want to not only see it but show them to the world. (The last photo is of a battle between Koga and another trainer, captured right before Koga's Venamoth collides with the trainer's pikachu.)
Besides which, there's a lot of useful things I could learn by becoming a trainer! I already mentioned finding pokemon, which would surely help in filling the pokedex, but also participating in battles and getting my pokemon stronger will help in case I run into any troubles later on! Not to mention if I'm known as a fairly good battler, it may very well open up opportunities later on. Also actually going out into the world to travel will teach my how to traverse all kinds of different terrain! And...well there's quite a bit more, but I'm sure you have more letters to look through and read so I'll end off here. Just know that this will mean the world to me if I am picked, and thank you kindly for taking the time to read this letter.
Sincerely, Maria |
240 | 2 | 1 | 1,359 | 333 | Elliot Forrester
In all of his thirteen years, Elliot had only travelled outside of Olivine City once and that was to Goldenrod City. His mum took him for a few days when he was ten and he loved every minute of it. Elliot had never been so happy when he received the letter off Professor Juniper, his Mum on the other hand didn't want him to leave thinking he was too young to travel on his own. But she couldn't convince him otherwise, his mind was set on becoming a Pokemon trainer.
Elliot had been sat at the train station for around half an hour on his own rummaging through his bag, making sure he had remembered everything. But the only thing he really needed was the train ticket, which he hadn't let go of for the past two hours. As the train pulled up to the station, Elliot moved to the edge of the platform with a big grin on his face.
He jumped on the train as soon as the doors opened, not being able to control yourself. He'd never felt so adventurous in his whole entire life. Every minute Elliot ended up wandering around the train not being able to keep himself still. The first stop on the train journey was Ecruteak City, he read that there was two towers here and that some people believed legendary Pokemon lived there. Quite a lot of people got on the train as Elliot moved around exploring, he noticed someone only a few years older than him had got on the train on his own as well. Elliot was too scared to say anything to him anyway and decided to keep wandering about. Later on when Elliot passed the teen again, he was asleep. | Name: BRIAR
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 17
Nickname: Spica
Gender: Female
Ability: Intimidate
Addressed to: Professor Juniper
This letter should have arrived at your doorstep courtesy of my personal assistant, and so the need to introduce myself should be deemed unnecessary.
Then again, even without that simpering fool right there with you, I doubt my name has fled your mind ever since you've seen me on television or heard me on the radio. That's right, Professor. Be honoured, for the one and only BRIAR has chosen you to be the recepient of a handwritten letter. My hordes of fans would kill to be in your position, so do not squander the sensation by letting fools like my assistant and what other sad excuses for applicants you have outshine my words.
Oh? My assistant just informed me that Perdy has also sent you a letter. How quaint. That talentless sap got into the industry due to pure luck. I would bet one of my many, many expensive vehicles that he even had some relatives within. Nepotism is a curse. Unlike me, the great BRIAR whose life is as dramatic and brilliant as a movie. Several, in fact, have been produced detailing my rise to glory. I'm sure you've watched them. Such masterpieces, don't you think? But I digress. I meant to tell you about my rise to glory, which I assume you already know through my aforementioned films. Either way, I grew up at an orphanage, abandoned by foolish, idiotic parents who failed to see the gift thrust upon them by the cosmos. The plebians I shared that roof with were of the nastiest sort and I was determined to rid myself of their grime as soon as possible. At the wee age of three, I began to join singing competitions around Unova, all of which I won. Of course, I did.
Following my eight trophy, I was five then, someone who finally understood I was a star chained to the earth decided to liberate me. I'm sure you know of him. He's my producer, the magnificent Shou Prism. He brought me to the spotlight at the age of seven, after numerous workshops that I didn't really need as I was already flawless. Still, I blew the crowd away, and the rest, as they say, is history. I now have three platinum albums under my belt, four films where I am the lead actress, more awards that I can count, and wealth to rival any in all the regions.
Now, I'm sure you must already be jumping to the opportunity I'm presenting you, but allow me to explain just exactly how I can be of use to you. You seek to inspire people to become Trainers again, yes? Here you have in front of you a very talented, insanely popular, and undoubtedly magnificent woman prepared to offer her services. Give me a Pokemon, let me wander around your region with a camera to show my fans the wonder and joys and whatever of having a Pokemon, and before you know it, you'll have thousands scampering to rid your little laboratory of your critters.
I know what you must be thinking. Oh great BRIAR, how lucky are we that you're willing to do this for us. And for free too. Well, let me just say that I love my fans, and I am willing to sacrifice my designer boots in order to show them what they're missing. |
241 | 2 | 2 | 163 | 270 | Maria Conway
It's a big world outside
Maria's departure was bittersweet to her. Not because she had never traveled before. She had been around Kanto and to many of the other regions with her grandfather for short trips. But on those, she knew she wouldn't be gone for long, that she would return to her home soon. But now she was off on not a trip, but an actual journey. She had no idea when she would see home again. She had no idea whether she would even do good on her journey. But she had faith in herself. Her life was going to change when she stepped in New Bark town, and even if the path she was going to take wouldn't take her to the future she saw for herself, she would still go out and face it.
"I've been on this boat for too long..." Maria sighed as she leaned against the railing as she tried to get the "uncertain future" thoughts out of her head. Hailing from the region right next to Johto, but being closer to the ocean rather than the metro, Maria ended up getting a boat ticket to New Bark town, and thus, had a longer journey than most. It was already the second day that she was on the boat, but thankfully she was almost to her destination. The trip hadn't been bad, maybe a tad bit boring but not bad. Her favorite part had been seeing the Seafoam Islands and Cinnabar Island as the ship passed them. Maria got quite a few shots of them, many of them pretty good. She had just finished looking at the ones she decided to keep after she uploaded them to her laptop. She had brought her laptop, camera, the few essential supplies that most trainers carried in their bags...and some pokecandy from the Safari zone. She knew exactly what starter she was getting and while she knew Hoppip would be good for some aerial shots, a Hoppip wouldn't be much good when it came to actually battling, at least not at first. Her only hope was that she could get a decent battling pokemon before she ran out of candy or angered one too much with a rock.
But those concerns were at the back of her mind as the ship finally made dock. Maria was one of the first off the ship and looking around at the tiny town. Maria could even feel the winds of her new beginning blowing around her...until she realized that it was actually a helicopter letting some people off. Was that one of the other trainers...she felt like she had seen one of those people before but she couldn't place it. Aw well, it didn't matter to her right now. Her first order of business was simple. She asked a local to take a picture of her next to the town's sign. Her first photo in Johto, the first of many, and she wanted it to be of that so she could send it back to her grandfather.
With that done, Maria quickly made her way to Juniper's lab (after asking for directions), ready to meet her first partner in her journey. | Name: Maria Conway
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Starter: Hoppip
Nickname: Dandy
Gender: Boy
Ability: Chlorophyll
(The envelope that the introductory letter was sent in was bigger than the others and thicker. This is because several photographs have been sent along with the letter.)
Greetings Professor Juniper,
My name is Maria Conway, age 15. I'm currently, living in Fuschia City in Kanto, my grandfather owns the safari zone here and I am willing to travel to Johto for this opportunity. (The first photo of the bunch is a picture of Maria). I don't have any experience as a trainer, but I do have some experience with tracking and finding pokemon. My dream is to become a professional field photographer and I think becoming a pokemon trainer will help with that. I've already taken several photos around my city and even in the local safari zone. (Many of the rest of the photos are of pokemon from the safari zone and a few pokemon and people from in the town itself.) But I hope through my travels as a trainer, not only will I get to find pokemon in their natural habitat but also get to capture real magic between pokemon and humans. There's a lot of amazing things out there to see; places, battles, people and pokemon in general, and I want to not only see it but show them to the world. (The last photo is of a battle between Koga and another trainer, captured right before Koga's Venamoth collides with the trainer's pikachu.)
Besides which, there's a lot of useful things I could learn by becoming a trainer! I already mentioned finding pokemon, which would surely help in filling the pokedex, but also participating in battles and getting my pokemon stronger will help in case I run into any troubles later on! Not to mention if I'm known as a fairly good battler, it may very well open up opportunities later on. Also actually going out into the world to travel will teach my how to traverse all kinds of different terrain! And...well there's quite a bit more, but I'm sure you have more letters to look through and read so I'll end off here. Just know that this will mean the world to me if I am picked, and thank you kindly for taking the time to read this letter.
Sincerely, Maria |
242 | 2 | 3 | 1,359 | 333 | Elliot Forrester
The last thirty minutes of the journey, Elliot managed to sit down, but couldn't keep himself from fidgeting. His foot was shaking from side to side and he patted his leg with his hand as he looked out the window. The nerves started to set in for Elliot as the train journey kept on going. All the things that could go wrong, he was slightly second guessing his decision to actually come. But no, he couldn't think like that, he had to think positive. To show that he can be a one of the greatest Pokemon trainers in the world.
As the train pulled up to the station at New Bark Town, Elliot started to grin, the nerves slowly started to vanish. He waited a few seconds before standing up and getting off the train. The few people to get off the train were already rushing off going about their own business as Elliot stepped onto the station. Elliot waited a minute and grabbed his woolly bobble hat from his bag and then wandered off to look for the Pokemon Lab. It only took a minute for Elliot to spot it though, it wasn't really hard though, It was massive compared to every other building in the town.
Elliot stared at the big doors for a minute taking a few deep breaths. One step at a time, Elliot thought to himself as he entered the Lab. The Lab was like nothing he'd ever seen, except for something on TV. Elliot slowly looked around with his mouth wide open. As Elliot marvelled at the place, he didn't really notice two people watching him. When he finally did notice them, he stopped in his tracks, "Hi... I'm... I'm Elliot... Elliot Forrester." | Name: BRIAR
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 17
Nickname: Spica
Gender: Female
Ability: Intimidate
Addressed to: Professor Juniper
This letter should have arrived at your doorstep courtesy of my personal assistant, and so the need to introduce myself should be deemed unnecessary.
Then again, even without that simpering fool right there with you, I doubt my name has fled your mind ever since you've seen me on television or heard me on the radio. That's right, Professor. Be honoured, for the one and only BRIAR has chosen you to be the recepient of a handwritten letter. My hordes of fans would kill to be in your position, so do not squander the sensation by letting fools like my assistant and what other sad excuses for applicants you have outshine my words.
Oh? My assistant just informed me that Perdy has also sent you a letter. How quaint. That talentless sap got into the industry due to pure luck. I would bet one of my many, many expensive vehicles that he even had some relatives within. Nepotism is a curse. Unlike me, the great BRIAR whose life is as dramatic and brilliant as a movie. Several, in fact, have been produced detailing my rise to glory. I'm sure you've watched them. Such masterpieces, don't you think? But I digress. I meant to tell you about my rise to glory, which I assume you already know through my aforementioned films. Either way, I grew up at an orphanage, abandoned by foolish, idiotic parents who failed to see the gift thrust upon them by the cosmos. The plebians I shared that roof with were of the nastiest sort and I was determined to rid myself of their grime as soon as possible. At the wee age of three, I began to join singing competitions around Unova, all of which I won. Of course, I did.
Following my eight trophy, I was five then, someone who finally understood I was a star chained to the earth decided to liberate me. I'm sure you know of him. He's my producer, the magnificent Shou Prism. He brought me to the spotlight at the age of seven, after numerous workshops that I didn't really need as I was already flawless. Still, I blew the crowd away, and the rest, as they say, is history. I now have three platinum albums under my belt, four films where I am the lead actress, more awards that I can count, and wealth to rival any in all the regions.
Now, I'm sure you must already be jumping to the opportunity I'm presenting you, but allow me to explain just exactly how I can be of use to you. You seek to inspire people to become Trainers again, yes? Here you have in front of you a very talented, insanely popular, and undoubtedly magnificent woman prepared to offer her services. Give me a Pokemon, let me wander around your region with a camera to show my fans the wonder and joys and whatever of having a Pokemon, and before you know it, you'll have thousands scampering to rid your little laboratory of your critters.
I know what you must be thinking. Oh great BRIAR, how lucky are we that you're willing to do this for us. And for free too. Well, let me just say that I love my fans, and I am willing to sacrifice my designer boots in order to show them what they're missing. |
243 | 2 | 4 | 1,359 | 333 | Maria Conway
The Lab
It didn't take too long to find Professor Juniper's lab. Even if she hadn't gotten directions, Maria probably would have been able to pick it out of all the other buildings thanks to the fact it looked like what you would expect a Pokemon lab to look like. Bigger than the rest of the buildings and had a more important feel to it, or maybe that was because it was more importance to her than all the other buildings in the town. Either way, this was Maria's destination and it was time to go in and finally meet the kind professor who was giving her this wonderful opportunity. So she grabbed the doorknob and turned it, opening the door and stepping in.
"Hello, I'm here!" Maria said with a smile as she stepped into the lab. An assistant came up to her and told her everyone else was already in the back. Oh dear! Was she late? Maria quickly made her way to the back of the lab where there indeed was others. It looked like there was three (four?) other trainers, as well as Professor Juniper waiting there. Maria wasn't sure how many people had been accepted into the program, she thought it had to be more than four or five people, though, so that meant she hadn't kept everyone waiting. In fact, it seemed like they were all introducing themselves. "Hello there Professor Juniper, other soon to be trainers. I'm Maria Conway and I-" Maria stopped as her eyes fell onto Briar. "Oh my gosh!" She said as she went over to them, a little excited. "It's a Moltres xa20!" She said a she looked over the camera Briar was holding. "That's a really good one! I didn't think there was going to be anybody like me here. Though I guess you're into cinematography than photography." Well...they actually looked more like they expected to be in front of the camera. But they were the one holding the camera.
"You'll have to share your footage with me sometime! But for now..." Maria turned back to Professor Juniper and got out the picture of the Hoppip that she had sent to her. "I'd really like to see if the little guy matches the picture!" | Name: BRIAR
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 17
Nickname: Spica
Gender: Female
Ability: Intimidate
Addressed to: Professor Juniper
This letter should have arrived at your doorstep courtesy of my personal assistant, and so the need to introduce myself should be deemed unnecessary.
Then again, even without that simpering fool right there with you, I doubt my name has fled your mind ever since you've seen me on television or heard me on the radio. That's right, Professor. Be honoured, for the one and only BRIAR has chosen you to be the recepient of a handwritten letter. My hordes of fans would kill to be in your position, so do not squander the sensation by letting fools like my assistant and what other sad excuses for applicants you have outshine my words.
Oh? My assistant just informed me that Perdy has also sent you a letter. How quaint. That talentless sap got into the industry due to pure luck. I would bet one of my many, many expensive vehicles that he even had some relatives within. Nepotism is a curse. Unlike me, the great BRIAR whose life is as dramatic and brilliant as a movie. Several, in fact, have been produced detailing my rise to glory. I'm sure you've watched them. Such masterpieces, don't you think? But I digress. I meant to tell you about my rise to glory, which I assume you already know through my aforementioned films. Either way, I grew up at an orphanage, abandoned by foolish, idiotic parents who failed to see the gift thrust upon them by the cosmos. The plebians I shared that roof with were of the nastiest sort and I was determined to rid myself of their grime as soon as possible. At the wee age of three, I began to join singing competitions around Unova, all of which I won. Of course, I did.
Following my eight trophy, I was five then, someone who finally understood I was a star chained to the earth decided to liberate me. I'm sure you know of him. He's my producer, the magnificent Shou Prism. He brought me to the spotlight at the age of seven, after numerous workshops that I didn't really need as I was already flawless. Still, I blew the crowd away, and the rest, as they say, is history. I now have three platinum albums under my belt, four films where I am the lead actress, more awards that I can count, and wealth to rival any in all the regions.
Now, I'm sure you must already be jumping to the opportunity I'm presenting you, but allow me to explain just exactly how I can be of use to you. You seek to inspire people to become Trainers again, yes? Here you have in front of you a very talented, insanely popular, and undoubtedly magnificent woman prepared to offer her services. Give me a Pokemon, let me wander around your region with a camera to show my fans the wonder and joys and whatever of having a Pokemon, and before you know it, you'll have thousands scampering to rid your little laboratory of your critters.
I know what you must be thinking. Oh great BRIAR, how lucky are we that you're willing to do this for us. And for free too. Well, let me just say that I love my fans, and I am willing to sacrifice my designer boots in order to show them what they're missing. |
244 | 2 | 5 | 1,359 | 333 | The energy this young crowd brought into the lab was almost overwhelming. It was a nice change of pace as things had started to become rather monotonous. “Now, now. I’m sure you’re all eager to get started on your journey, so I won’t keep you waiting much longer,” the professor said. Looking back towards one of her associates and signaling him to come forth, the lanky assistant brought a tray out with multiple Pokeballs in it. “Go ahead and choose one that’s to your liking,” the professor explained. “On your way out, be sure to pick up a Pokedex as well! That’s what you’ll be using as your all access pass to Pokecenters and Pokemarts around the region!” Scanning over the crowd one last time, she took a deep breath in flashed them all a smile. “Now shoo! Hurry on! These Pokemon arent gonna train their selves!” | Name: BRIAR
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 17
Nickname: Spica
Gender: Female
Ability: Intimidate
Addressed to: Professor Juniper
This letter should have arrived at your doorstep courtesy of my personal assistant, and so the need to introduce myself should be deemed unnecessary.
Then again, even without that simpering fool right there with you, I doubt my name has fled your mind ever since you've seen me on television or heard me on the radio. That's right, Professor. Be honoured, for the one and only BRIAR has chosen you to be the recepient of a handwritten letter. My hordes of fans would kill to be in your position, so do not squander the sensation by letting fools like my assistant and what other sad excuses for applicants you have outshine my words.
Oh? My assistant just informed me that Perdy has also sent you a letter. How quaint. That talentless sap got into the industry due to pure luck. I would bet one of my many, many expensive vehicles that he even had some relatives within. Nepotism is a curse. Unlike me, the great BRIAR whose life is as dramatic and brilliant as a movie. Several, in fact, have been produced detailing my rise to glory. I'm sure you've watched them. Such masterpieces, don't you think? But I digress. I meant to tell you about my rise to glory, which I assume you already know through my aforementioned films. Either way, I grew up at an orphanage, abandoned by foolish, idiotic parents who failed to see the gift thrust upon them by the cosmos. The plebians I shared that roof with were of the nastiest sort and I was determined to rid myself of their grime as soon as possible. At the wee age of three, I began to join singing competitions around Unova, all of which I won. Of course, I did.
Following my eight trophy, I was five then, someone who finally understood I was a star chained to the earth decided to liberate me. I'm sure you know of him. He's my producer, the magnificent Shou Prism. He brought me to the spotlight at the age of seven, after numerous workshops that I didn't really need as I was already flawless. Still, I blew the crowd away, and the rest, as they say, is history. I now have three platinum albums under my belt, four films where I am the lead actress, more awards that I can count, and wealth to rival any in all the regions.
Now, I'm sure you must already be jumping to the opportunity I'm presenting you, but allow me to explain just exactly how I can be of use to you. You seek to inspire people to become Trainers again, yes? Here you have in front of you a very talented, insanely popular, and undoubtedly magnificent woman prepared to offer her services. Give me a Pokemon, let me wander around your region with a camera to show my fans the wonder and joys and whatever of having a Pokemon, and before you know it, you'll have thousands scampering to rid your little laboratory of your critters.
I know what you must be thinking. Oh great BRIAR, how lucky are we that you're willing to do this for us. And for free too. Well, let me just say that I love my fans, and I am willing to sacrifice my designer boots in order to show them what they're missing. |
245 | 3 | 0 | 63 | 64 | (Starter)
The Freelancer project has been running for three years, but what about the other teams. Take team Beta for instance made up of a small group of 7 members. Ken, or Agent Nevada was team captain. She spent hours in the training room, or in the lounge drinking coffee which is where she was at the moment. Her feet propped up in the table, coffee mug in hand. | Agent State: Nevada
Agent Name: Ken Cristy
Age: 23
Picture/Appearance: 5'9, Red head, Pixie cut, Grey/Blue eyes, Wears locus class armour with the main colour as Dark Blue with real accents. Usually sports a grid all shirt and black shorts. Has a scar across her torso from an old battle.
Bio: Her mother died in the Great War, her father was a business man so she rarely saw anyone, she spent her time in school and her summers training at boot camps. At the age of 18 she unlisted for the army, originally she wanted to be an ODST but because of her high skills she was recruited for Freelancer.
Weapons: Sticks with Blade and her assault rifle which is painted Yellow and Blue.
notes (anything about your character you want to mention): Tends to have a short temper though always means well. Ken likes to avoid conflict between her teammates though finds her self in it often. |
246 | 3 | 1 | 60 | 67 | Ark yawned after taking a long jog around the halls of their facility. She liked to pass her comrades every now and then. Why not a little exercise with some socialization. She finally arrived in the lounge where she knew Ken would be, her and her coffee. She roughly sat down on a chair and tried to curl up on the seat, she was exhausted. "Hey Ken, what's up?" Ark asked. | Agent state: Arkansas
Agent name: Liz Scott
Age: 18
Picture: (Profile picture) 5'2 ginger pixie cut with bangs flipped to the side, green eyes ad very pale. She usually wears hoodies and leggings.
Bio: Ark grew up in a simple town, she was raised by her aunt because her mom and dad were in the military. She didn't see them very much but she heard a lot about them. One day she was at school when she was 15, she heard that her parents were both killed in action by a certain rebel group. Ark became quiet and dark. She worked for 3 years within the military to avenge her parents. Because of her progress and status, Ark was asked to join the freelancers and that is where she is today.
Weapons: TEC-9, Blow darts and throwing knives
Notes: Since Liz is so young she is shy and tends to get frustrated. She does stupid things to impress people sometimes. |
247 | 3 | 2 | 63 | 64 | Hey Ark, you know, the usual. She nodded at her coffee mug. "How was the work out?" She questioned knowing that she too should probably go for a run. She shifted her legs so they where crossed, feet still on the table. | Agent State: Nevada
Agent Name: Ken Cristy
Age: 23
Picture/Appearance: 5'9, Red head, Pixie cut, Grey/Blue eyes, Wears locus class armour with the main colour as Dark Blue with real accents. Usually sports a grid all shirt and black shorts. Has a scar across her torso from an old battle.
Bio: Her mother died in the Great War, her father was a business man so she rarely saw anyone, she spent her time in school and her summers training at boot camps. At the age of 18 she unlisted for the army, originally she wanted to be an ODST but because of her high skills she was recruited for Freelancer.
Weapons: Sticks with Blade and her assault rifle which is painted Yellow and Blue.
notes (anything about your character you want to mention): Tends to have a short temper though always means well. Ken likes to avoid conflict between her teammates though finds her self in it often. |
248 | 3 | 3 | 60 | 67 | Ha well, you know the usual. Awful, horrible and now i'm hungry Ark said as she looked around for food. "I gotta keep my 6 pack of donuts in check" She joked. "I'm really bored now though, has anyone heard from the Director?". | Agent state: Arkansas
Agent name: Liz Scott
Age: 18
Picture: (Profile picture) 5'2 ginger pixie cut with bangs flipped to the side, green eyes ad very pale. She usually wears hoodies and leggings.
Bio: Ark grew up in a simple town, she was raised by her aunt because her mom and dad were in the military. She didn't see them very much but she heard a lot about them. One day she was at school when she was 15, she heard that her parents were both killed in action by a certain rebel group. Ark became quiet and dark. She worked for 3 years within the military to avenge her parents. Because of her progress and status, Ark was asked to join the freelancers and that is where she is today.
Weapons: TEC-9, Blow darts and throwing knives
Notes: Since Liz is so young she is shy and tends to get frustrated. She does stupid things to impress people sometimes. |
249 | 3 | 4 | 63 | 64 | Ken grabbed the box of doughnuts and slid them over to Ark. "Not recently, We should probably get something to do today." Ken didn't really care about the director, she was happy working out and eating doughnuts. | Agent State: Nevada
Agent Name: Ken Cristy
Age: 23
Picture/Appearance: 5'9, Red head, Pixie cut, Grey/Blue eyes, Wears locus class armour with the main colour as Dark Blue with real accents. Usually sports a grid all shirt and black shorts. Has a scar across her torso from an old battle.
Bio: Her mother died in the Great War, her father was a business man so she rarely saw anyone, she spent her time in school and her summers training at boot camps. At the age of 18 she unlisted for the army, originally she wanted to be an ODST but because of her high skills she was recruited for Freelancer.
Weapons: Sticks with Blade and her assault rifle which is painted Yellow and Blue.
notes (anything about your character you want to mention): Tends to have a short temper though always means well. Ken likes to avoid conflict between her teammates though finds her self in it often. |
250 | 3 | 5 | 60 | 67 | Ark grabbed the box of doughnuts and set them in her lap. "Thanks Ken" Ark smiled and began to devour the pastries. "I just want to go out, it feels like we've been on this ship forever" "I wonder if one day we'll get to meet the Alpha team" Ark liked meeting people but it was the getting them to like you part that she struggled with. There was always news about the Alpha team especially when it came to the new AI project. | Agent state: Arkansas
Agent name: Liz Scott
Age: 18
Picture: (Profile picture) 5'2 ginger pixie cut with bangs flipped to the side, green eyes ad very pale. She usually wears hoodies and leggings.
Bio: Ark grew up in a simple town, she was raised by her aunt because her mom and dad were in the military. She didn't see them very much but she heard a lot about them. One day she was at school when she was 15, she heard that her parents were both killed in action by a certain rebel group. Ark became quiet and dark. She worked for 3 years within the military to avenge her parents. Because of her progress and status, Ark was asked to join the freelancers and that is where she is today.
Weapons: TEC-9, Blow darts and throwing knives
Notes: Since Liz is so young she is shy and tends to get frustrated. She does stupid things to impress people sometimes. |
251 | 3 | 6 | 63 | 64 | Yeah. Ken was quiet, she wasn't really fond of meeting new people, at least people who where joy guy better than her. "Is be excited for the cuties." She chuckled and stuck her tongue out. | Agent State: Nevada
Agent Name: Ken Cristy
Age: 23
Picture/Appearance: 5'9, Red head, Pixie cut, Grey/Blue eyes, Wears locus class armour with the main colour as Dark Blue with real accents. Usually sports a grid all shirt and black shorts. Has a scar across her torso from an old battle.
Bio: Her mother died in the Great War, her father was a business man so she rarely saw anyone, she spent her time in school and her summers training at boot camps. At the age of 18 she unlisted for the army, originally she wanted to be an ODST but because of her high skills she was recruited for Freelancer.
Weapons: Sticks with Blade and her assault rifle which is painted Yellow and Blue.
notes (anything about your character you want to mention): Tends to have a short temper though always means well. Ken likes to avoid conflict between her teammates though finds her self in it often. |
252 | 3 | 7 | 60 | 67 | Ark rolled her eyes and smiled "You would" Ark said through a laugh. "You don't want to get cooties do you?" she said in a sarcastically disgusted tone. "Well, I'm going to ask Michigan if we have anything to do today because if we don't I'm either training or sleeping" Ark said as she got up. | Agent state: Arkansas
Agent name: Liz Scott
Age: 18
Picture: (Profile picture) 5'2 ginger pixie cut with bangs flipped to the side, green eyes ad very pale. She usually wears hoodies and leggings.
Bio: Ark grew up in a simple town, she was raised by her aunt because her mom and dad were in the military. She didn't see them very much but she heard a lot about them. One day she was at school when she was 15, she heard that her parents were both killed in action by a certain rebel group. Ark became quiet and dark. She worked for 3 years within the military to avenge her parents. Because of her progress and status, Ark was asked to join the freelancers and that is where she is today.
Weapons: TEC-9, Blow darts and throwing knives
Notes: Since Liz is so young she is shy and tends to get frustrated. She does stupid things to impress people sometimes. |
253 | 3 | 8 | 63 | 64 | Oh! I'll come! Ken stood up, pouring more coffee I her mug then adding half the coffee mate to it as well. "Let's go!" She walked off to the door, holding it open to let Ark pass. | Agent State: Nevada
Agent Name: Ken Cristy
Age: 23
Picture/Appearance: 5'9, Red head, Pixie cut, Grey/Blue eyes, Wears locus class armour with the main colour as Dark Blue with real accents. Usually sports a grid all shirt and black shorts. Has a scar across her torso from an old battle.
Bio: Her mother died in the Great War, her father was a business man so she rarely saw anyone, she spent her time in school and her summers training at boot camps. At the age of 18 she unlisted for the army, originally she wanted to be an ODST but because of her high skills she was recruited for Freelancer.
Weapons: Sticks with Blade and her assault rifle which is painted Yellow and Blue.
notes (anything about your character you want to mention): Tends to have a short temper though always means well. Ken likes to avoid conflict between her teammates though finds her self in it often. |
254 | 3 | 9 | 60 | 67 | Ark nodded at Ken as she walked through the doorway. Michigan was cool, he was the one who manned all of the surveillance and communications on our ship. He was always busy so he didn't socialize much but we wouldn't be much of a team if it weren't for him. "So you coffee monster, do anything interesting lately?" Ark asked. | Agent state: Arkansas
Agent name: Liz Scott
Age: 18
Picture: (Profile picture) 5'2 ginger pixie cut with bangs flipped to the side, green eyes ad very pale. She usually wears hoodies and leggings.
Bio: Ark grew up in a simple town, she was raised by her aunt because her mom and dad were in the military. She didn't see them very much but she heard a lot about them. One day she was at school when she was 15, she heard that her parents were both killed in action by a certain rebel group. Ark became quiet and dark. She worked for 3 years within the military to avenge her parents. Because of her progress and status, Ark was asked to join the freelancers and that is where she is today.
Weapons: TEC-9, Blow darts and throwing knives
Notes: Since Liz is so young she is shy and tends to get frustrated. She does stupid things to impress people sometimes. |
255 | 3 | 10 | 63 | 64 | Doc said we might be getting AIs soon. Ken said casually, then stopped, "I wasn't supposed to tell you that." Then she shrugged and continued walking. | Agent State: Nevada
Agent Name: Ken Cristy
Age: 23
Picture/Appearance: 5'9, Red head, Pixie cut, Grey/Blue eyes, Wears locus class armour with the main colour as Dark Blue with real accents. Usually sports a grid all shirt and black shorts. Has a scar across her torso from an old battle.
Bio: Her mother died in the Great War, her father was a business man so she rarely saw anyone, she spent her time in school and her summers training at boot camps. At the age of 18 she unlisted for the army, originally she wanted to be an ODST but because of her high skills she was recruited for Freelancer.
Weapons: Sticks with Blade and her assault rifle which is painted Yellow and Blue.
notes (anything about your character you want to mention): Tends to have a short temper though always means well. Ken likes to avoid conflict between her teammates though finds her self in it often. |
256 | 3 | 11 | 60 | 67 | Ark stopped dead in her tracks, trying to process what was just said. "Really?" Ark asked excitedly. She had heard a lot about them but never had she ever thought that they would be having them in the facility. "Wait, why aren't we supposed to know?" | Agent state: Arkansas
Agent name: Liz Scott
Age: 18
Picture: (Profile picture) 5'2 ginger pixie cut with bangs flipped to the side, green eyes ad very pale. She usually wears hoodies and leggings.
Bio: Ark grew up in a simple town, she was raised by her aunt because her mom and dad were in the military. She didn't see them very much but she heard a lot about them. One day she was at school when she was 15, she heard that her parents were both killed in action by a certain rebel group. Ark became quiet and dark. She worked for 3 years within the military to avenge her parents. Because of her progress and status, Ark was asked to join the freelancers and that is where she is today.
Weapons: TEC-9, Blow darts and throwing knives
Notes: Since Liz is so young she is shy and tends to get frustrated. She does stupid things to impress people sometimes. |
257 | 3 | 12 | 63 | 64 | I dunno, secret stuff, it's only a selected few members of the team who should be receiving them. She sipped her coffee. She stopped at the communications room pausing before opening the door, "Don't tell anyone." Ken winked. | Agent State: Nevada
Agent Name: Ken Cristy
Age: 23
Picture/Appearance: 5'9, Red head, Pixie cut, Grey/Blue eyes, Wears locus class armour with the main colour as Dark Blue with real accents. Usually sports a grid all shirt and black shorts. Has a scar across her torso from an old battle.
Bio: Her mother died in the Great War, her father was a business man so she rarely saw anyone, she spent her time in school and her summers training at boot camps. At the age of 18 she unlisted for the army, originally she wanted to be an ODST but because of her high skills she was recruited for Freelancer.
Weapons: Sticks with Blade and her assault rifle which is painted Yellow and Blue.
notes (anything about your character you want to mention): Tends to have a short temper though always means well. Ken likes to avoid conflict between her teammates though finds her self in it often. |
258 | 3 | 13 | 60 | 67 | Oh okay I get it Ark said trying to hide her enthusiasm. "Everyone would probably think that I was joking anyway". Ark opened the door to find Michigan staring at his desks of computers. "Hey Michigan, any word from the Director?" Ark asked hopefully as she leaned over the railing. He turned around to see the two agents, "Oh hey guys, and yeah actually I was just about to call everyone" He said. | Agent state: Arkansas
Agent name: Liz Scott
Age: 18
Picture: (Profile picture) 5'2 ginger pixie cut with bangs flipped to the side, green eyes ad very pale. She usually wears hoodies and leggings.
Bio: Ark grew up in a simple town, she was raised by her aunt because her mom and dad were in the military. She didn't see them very much but she heard a lot about them. One day she was at school when she was 15, she heard that her parents were both killed in action by a certain rebel group. Ark became quiet and dark. She worked for 3 years within the military to avenge her parents. Because of her progress and status, Ark was asked to join the freelancers and that is where she is today.
Weapons: TEC-9, Blow darts and throwing knives
Notes: Since Liz is so young she is shy and tends to get frustrated. She does stupid things to impress people sometimes. |
259 | 3 | 14 | 63 | 64 | Awesome, we and because we're obviously psychic. Ken smirked and placed her hands on her hips. She looked around the dark room, the only light coming from the screens. "Should we head to the lounge to find out or just call everyone here?" | Agent State: Nevada
Agent Name: Ken Cristy
Age: 23
Picture/Appearance: 5'9, Red head, Pixie cut, Grey/Blue eyes, Wears locus class armour with the main colour as Dark Blue with real accents. Usually sports a grid all shirt and black shorts. Has a scar across her torso from an old battle.
Bio: Her mother died in the Great War, her father was a business man so she rarely saw anyone, she spent her time in school and her summers training at boot camps. At the age of 18 she unlisted for the army, originally she wanted to be an ODST but because of her high skills she was recruited for Freelancer.
Weapons: Sticks with Blade and her assault rifle which is painted Yellow and Blue.
notes (anything about your character you want to mention): Tends to have a short temper though always means well. Ken likes to avoid conflict between her teammates though finds her self in it often. |
260 | 3 | 15 | 60 | 67 | You guys can head back to the lounge and maybe pick up some people on your way Michigan suggested. "Sure thing, see you in a bit" Ark said and with that they began their trek back. "It's been a little while since our last assignment, I like to look at our assignments as the ones that are to tough for the alpha team, it helps with my self confidence" Ark chuckled. | Agent state: Arkansas
Agent name: Liz Scott
Age: 18
Picture: (Profile picture) 5'2 ginger pixie cut with bangs flipped to the side, green eyes ad very pale. She usually wears hoodies and leggings.
Bio: Ark grew up in a simple town, she was raised by her aunt because her mom and dad were in the military. She didn't see them very much but she heard a lot about them. One day she was at school when she was 15, she heard that her parents were both killed in action by a certain rebel group. Ark became quiet and dark. She worked for 3 years within the military to avenge her parents. Because of her progress and status, Ark was asked to join the freelancers and that is where she is today.
Weapons: TEC-9, Blow darts and throwing knives
Notes: Since Liz is so young she is shy and tends to get frustrated. She does stupid things to impress people sometimes. |
261 | 4 | 0 | 1,106 | 327 | Welcome, young pirate, to the world of One Piece!
If you even find yourself in the famous city of Loguetown, make sure you take a moment to watch the sun rise. People the world over swear that it's the best view you'll ever get of a sunrise in the East Blue. You peer out with watchful eyes as the wee hours of the morning pass you by. The darkness slowly turns to red and orange. The clouds light up. And then the sun rises over the horizon, spilling it's colours across the ocean like a cracked egg. And as it bathes the entire city in it's warm glow, a feeling of promise and new beginnings seems to soak into your bones.
It is for this very reason that the town recieves such a high amount of visitors. There's something about it that really gets into peoples heads. It give them that push to try something new. Many believe the place to be lucky, and like to visit before making a big change. The people lovingly refer to it as the city of beginnings. And for pirates the name is even more fitting. For a pirate, Loguetown was much more than just a nice view and pleasant superstition. It's practically sacred. It is the holy ground upon which the Pirate King was executed. The very place where the golden age of piracy began. The very air is thick with history. All the magnificent famous pirates that aspiring newbies look up to? They all visited this place too. They stood here, breathing in the same air, watching the same sun. For a pirate, there was no better place to begin your journey.
And so, as the sun rose on another beautiful day in Loguetown, many aspiring young pirates were undoubtedly staring down the barrel of their futures' gun with promise twinkling in their eyes. Even if they hadn't watched the sunrise, they would be feeling this excitement. It was in the air, and it was infectious. Because the day had finally come. The day they were waiting for. The day they had picked to become a pirate. The day it was all going to begin.
OOC: Write up a quick post and don't forget to mention where you are and what you're doing. It doesn't matter if you're scattered around the city or located in the same place; whatever floats your boat. You can do whatever you want. I'll start our little game in a while. Good luck! | REGARDING CHARACTER SHEETS
For Scabbard, I fixed the coding a bit. Also, gave him Strength and Endurance traits. I think it fits his backstory and fighting style. Given his massive burns, I would want to suggest a weakness; being unable to fight prolonged battles. He could continue, but the fatigue and stress on his body would be more than usual.Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities:Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Techniques: ---
Great Sword - A large and mysterious two-handed sword that has apparently been locked up in chains.
For TJ, since he already has his cooking-based ability, I just wanted to give him some thick-skinned hands for boxing and whatnot. Feel free to rename the trait.Name: Teodore Jay “TJ” Dugrass
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6’5’’, 200 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: TJ is a boisterous man that just as boisterously claims himself to be a gentleman. As such, he strives at all hours of the day to perfect his gentlemanly manners and abides by the gentleman’s code of conduct. There are times, however, that he must painfully lay down his morals for the sake of achieving his dream. Such as when it comes to money. TJ is a shrewd businessman that sells his services for a high price. He may dislike having to negotiate in an ungentlemanly manner, but he tries not to let it bother him.
History: TJ was born and raised in Loguetown. He greatly admired the fry cook industry and worked himself up from a humble dishwasher to an ace cook over the course of several years. As a child, he was told stories of a fabled island filled with legendary and exquisite creatures no man had ever laid their tongue on. As he grew into an adult, he aspired to one day find this island- not just for discovery’s sake, but to contribute to his larger goal of opening the greatest food service chain on the Grand Line. Originally he planned on working to save up more travel money, but the restaurant he worked in for most of his life recently bombed. Literally it blew up and left him jobless. Seeing it as a sign to get started, he has decided to become a pirate as a means for adventure.
Abilities: Boxing: As a gentleman, TJ is well versed in the basics of fisticuffs.
Exquisite Grilled Cuisine: Being a former fry cook in a busy restaurant, TJ knows and is more than capable of making a variety of grill-related dishes on the fly.
Techniques: ---
Traits: Thick-Skinned Fists - TJ's fists are, for a lack of a better word, meaty. They are thick and though, allowing him to block and punch without damaging his precious hands. At least most of the time.
Inventory: A stainless steel spatula and a copy of “The Gentleman’s Book of Etiquette.”
Edited the coding a bit. Made her Improved Perception from her DF into a trait instead. Not sure how profecient she is with that rod, but I edited her fighting style; just wanted to categorize it. But if she just hits people with it without any real techqniue, we could just remove it from the CS; you don't need it to be an ability if its just that. Anyway, since she's experienced in sailing, I gave her a navigation ability. Combined with her DF, that could make for some unique weather predictions. Not sure if that was the path you were going for. Also, if you noticed, I intended some of your techniques; this way, it'll be easier to understand that those technique have basic version where they were derived from. A good example of this would be Zoro's Lion Song which later on after the timeskip became Lion Song of Death.Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5'4'', 100 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal. One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.
History: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time, as she came into this world on the vessel of what would become a pirate ship. At first, it had been the vessel of a lucrative business as an upscale passenger liner, but it was no stranger to pirates, as it weathered numerous scuffles in the East Blue Seas thanks to the strength and wit of Flors Donner. However, as it so often does, tragedy struck, in a form. After a journey that took place while Claribel was at the tender age of 3, a passenger who had been wounded in a pirate attack sought to press charges against Flors Donner and his estate, the legal avenues proving successful, the hefty fees damaging the company beyond repair. Though he was required to turn over his ship to account for bankruptcy, he denied this, running off with his ship, daughter, wife, and trusted crew. Now he was at an impasse: having fought pirates for such a length, he had no desire to enter their ranks, let alone with a woman and child on board, but the Government had scorned him, so he was now technically an outlaw. As he struggled with his options, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.
Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who'd plagued his business for years on end, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, his crew tough and loyal, if small, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, he wasn't convinced they were safe. So Flors turned to the newspaper, following the paths of pirates, arriving like a bountiful wind in their ashy wake. He went from town to town to find those who had been left behind by the Marines, and relighting their fire, giving them purpose. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.
As for the toddler on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. The young girl had known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.
After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter: Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.
Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.
Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.
Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them. Now she had to contend with the day to day: figuring out how to get along alone while also working out the kinks of her tricky Fruit. But six months after striking out, three of them on the legendary Loguetown, she's starting to get a bit bored of her locale, wondering when she's going to get to start the interesting life she'd been looking for.... It can't start in a boring way, after all!
Abilities:Echo Echo Fruit (Eko Eko no Mi)A paramecia-type Devil Fruit that bestows Claribel with the ability to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise within the last minute. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her: she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirection. It's worth noting that her control of sound is limited to the medium of gases. Liquids aren't workable (such as water, the bane of Fruit users) and solids more so, meaning she can't redirect or copy sounds she can feel from the ground or hear while underwater (though if the sound is loud enough it enters the air, however muffled, that's another story).
Rod Fu - Claribel is tough enough to hold her own, using a sturdy iron rod as a bludgeoning instrument.
Navigation - CLaribel's time at sea has made her into a reliable navigator as well as a talented cartographer. She is not only knowledgeable regarding weather and world events, but is also well capable of using tools such as maps, compasses and sea charts.
Techniques: Claribel doesn't yell out her technique names in the middle of battle, but that doesn't mean they can't be named!
Echo – Claribel takes a sound or phrase just emitted and repeats it. She can change the location it comes from as long as it's fairly close by. The volume is decreased slightly, however.
Echo Pop – A natural extension of her Echo. Claribel takes a sound, usually a very loud one like a gunshot or the bang of her rod hitting something hard (like a skull!), and repeats it numerous times in quick succession, usually right by someone's head. The result is a sudden burst of disorienting sound that often leaves the target venerable to further attack. It's tricky to pull off, since it requires more precision, so Claribel isn't capable of it yet!
Shoosh – Claribel redirects the voice of a person away from their intended target. If someone is trying to yell for help, then Claribel can redirect the sound so that it travels backwards, for instance. This doesn't affect the volume of the sound though, and she has trouble catching the further echoes. A yell in a narrow hallway will carry both ways no matter what she does, but someone yelling from a boat in the ocean to a nearby shore is out of luck if Claribel wants them to keep quiet.
A-pu-pup! Shoosh – A more precise version of the standard technique, Claribel 'grabs' a sound, effectively quieting it down, redirecting it in the same bubble, so to speak, without letting the sound bounce off another surface and echo naturally. Imagine a sound as a superball, bouncing madly, each bounce making the noise that reverberates and become audible. Were Claribel to grab that sound midair, redirecting it back and forth until it naturally petered out, she would create a silence from a sound, in effect. Like Echo Pop, this technique is beyond her current ability due to the focus and precision required.
Traits:Improved Perception: She has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular sound unless it stands out, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.
Inventory:Iron Rod: Sturdy enough to trade blows and noisy on the right surfaces. It's straight, cylindrical, and a bit less than a meter long.
Tone Dials (TDs): Claribel almost always has a pair around her neck or over her ears.
You're character's pretty balanced. The only thing I can offer would be another ability. I guess you coul take the engineering or inventor one now?
Not really sure what to give you guys. Based on what I have on you, you seem to not need any. Any suggestions?
You may add Enhanced Agility and Master of Anatomy as traits. |
262 | 4 | 1 | 1,774 | 401 | Eyes closed to the world, Claribel flinched as a beam of sunlight weaved through the building tops and chimneys to smack her in the face. "Hnn?" she groaned as she lifted her head, blinking her blue eyes. Parting her long pink hair, it didn't do much to block the sunlight.
Still not quite awake, Claribel dropped her head back down, thumping it against the wood, before letting herself stay adrift in that half awake state as the sun climbed a bit more. After a few minutes, a voice called out, "Claribel? What are you doing here?"
Lifting her head off the door to her workplace, Claribel stumbled a step away, before yawning, "W-work."
Her mustachioed employer moved to unlock the door, noting, "You're off today, aren't you?"
Eyes snapping open, Claribel gasped, "Eh!? No way!" Pouting a bit, she admitted, "I-I forgot..."
"Well, that's normal, at least for you. Still, I can't complain: at least you're forgetting you don't need to come to work instead of the other way around," the boss said, moving into the store.
Claribel followed, habitually raising the blinds over the window, which was plastered with posters advertising some music groups: largely local, but plenty that had gotten East Blue or worldwide renown. Looking around, she saw the walls covered with hooks, many dangling sets of headset TDs, labeled with prices, a good number of them empty and in need of restocking. There were also a few shelves and ground space dedicated to bigger ones and other music players. While the boss went to the back room, Claribel yelled, "I don't want to go home so I'm going to borrow one!"
"Again? At least write down which one you took, so... Actually, we got a new shipment last night." A few moments later, the boss came out with a yellow and silver TD headset. Tossing it, Claribel caught it as he suggested, "New 'Shin Grasp'. You're good at making recommendations, so give it a listen before you come in tomorrow."
Throwing it over her ears with a smile, Claribel giggled, "Got it!" A bounce in her step, she bolted out the door, out into the town. As she stepped out, she raised her hand, about to start the music, but something came into her head...
She'd forgotten to go to work before, but now she was forgetting not to? Why was that? Did it have to do with the reasons she came her in the first place? This was the one and only Loguetown after all.
Just as she had begun to dwell on it, her finger tapped the button on her TD, music blasting away her worries in the dawnlight. | Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5'4'', 100 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal. One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.
History: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time, as she came into this world on the vessel of what would become a pirate ship. At first, it had been the vessel of a lucrative business as an upscale passenger liner, but it was no stranger to pirates, as it weathered numerous scuffles in the East Blue Seas thanks to the strength and wit of Flors Donner. However, as it so often does, tragedy struck, in a form. After a journey that took place while Claribel was at the tender age of 3, a passenger who had been wounded in a pirate attack sought to press charges against Flors Donner and his estate, the legal avenues proving successful, the hefty fees damaging the company beyond repair. Though he was required to turn over his ship to account for bankruptcy, he denied this, running off with his ship, daughter, wife, and trusted crew. Now he was at an impasse: having fought pirates for such a length, he had no desire to enter their ranks, let alone with a woman and child on board, but the Government had scorned him, so he was now technically an outlaw. As he struggled with his options, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.
Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who'd plagued his business for years on end, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, his crew tough and loyal, if small, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, he wasn't convinced they were safe. So Flors turned to the newspaper, following the paths of pirates, arriving like a bountiful wind in their ashy wake. He went from town to town to find those who had been left behind by the Marines, and relighting their fire, giving them purpose. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.
As for the toddler on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. The young girl had known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.
After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter: Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.
Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.
Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.
Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them. Now she had to contend with the day to day: figuring out how to get along alone while also working out the kinks of her tricky Fruit. But six months after striking out, three of them on the legendary Loguetown, she's starting to get a bit bored of her locale, wondering when she's going to get to start the interesting life she'd been looking for.... It can't start in a boring way, after all!
Abilities:Echo Echo Fruit (Eko Eko no Mi)A paramecia-type Devil Fruit that bestows Claribel with the ability to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise within the last minute. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her: she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirection. It's worth noting that her control of sound is limited to the medium of gases. Liquids aren't workable (such as water, the bane of Fruit users) and solids more so, meaning she can't redirect or copy sounds she can feel from the ground or hear while underwater (though if the sound is loud enough it enters the air, however muffled, that's another story).
Rod Fu - Claribel is tough enough to hold her own, using a sturdy iron rod as a bludgeoning instrument.
Navigation - Claribel's time at sea has made her into a reliable navigator as well as a talented cartographer. She is not only knowledgeable regarding weather and world events, but is also well capable of using tools such as maps, compasses and sea charts.
Techniques: Claribel doesn't yell out her technique names in the middle of battle, but that doesn't mean they can't be named!
Echo – Claribel takes a sound or phrase just emitted and repeats it. She can change the location it comes from as long as it's fairly close by. The volume is decreased slightly, however.
Echo Pop – A natural extension of her Echo. Claribel takes a sound, usually a very loud one like a gunshot or the bang of her rod hitting something hard (like a skull!), and repeats it numerous times in quick succession, usually right by someone's head. The result is a sudden burst of disorienting sound that often leaves the target venerable to further attack. It's tricky to pull off, since it requires more precision, so Claribel isn't capable of it yet!
Shoosh – Claribel redirects the voice of a person away from their intended target. If someone is trying to yell for help, then Claribel can redirect the sound so that it travels backwards, for instance. This doesn't affect the volume of the sound though, and she has trouble catching the further echoes. A yell in a narrow hallway will carry both ways no matter what she does, but someone yelling from a boat in the ocean to a nearby shore is out of luck if Claribel wants them to keep quiet.
A-pu-pup! Shoosh – A more precise version of the standard technique, Claribel 'grabs' a sound, effectively quieting it down, redirecting it in the same bubble, so to speak, without letting the sound bounce off another surface and echo naturally. Imagine a sound as a superball, bouncing madly, each bounce making the noise that reverberates and become audible. Were Claribel to grab that sound midair, redirecting it back and forth until it naturally petered out, she would create a silence from a sound, in effect. Like Echo Pop, this technique is beyond her current ability due to the focus and precision required.
Traits:Improved Perception: She has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular sound unless it stands out, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.
Inventory:Iron Rod: Sturdy enough to trade blows and noisy on the right surfaces. It's straight, cylindrical, and a bit less than a meter long.
Tone Dials (TDs): Claribel almost always has a pair around her neck or over her ears. |
263 | 4 | 2 | 1,471 | 121 | Even as the sun heralded the arrival of a new day, in some places, the work of the night remained unfinished....
The thuggish-looking man slammed his hand down on the desk, his sizeable nose ring shaking as he did so. He stared daggers at the terrified old man before him with a mocking grin on his face. His equally barbaric cohorts behind him laughed at the elderly storeowner's yelp in reply.
"Come on, Gramps, you know how this game is played..." Nose Ring said with a hiss. "You get a loan from the Spice Boys, the Spice Boys expect to be paid back. How can you call yourself a reputable business if you don't hold up your end of the bargain?..."
The old man stammered as he mustered up enough courage to speak back. "B-But....This interest you're talking about is unreasonable! I-I asked for sixty-thousand Beli and you expect me to pay you back six hundred-thou-"
Nose Ring slammed his hand on the desk again to silence the old man. "Your own fault for taking the deal, old-timer! And we both know you can't reveal to the Marines that you've been dealing with street gangs. Now...I've lost my patience. You can either give us what we're owed, or our muscle is going to have a more personal chat with you....."
The shopkeeper's eyes fearfully shifted to the figure standing off to the side, behind Nose Ring. A gaunt-looking shape of a man, concealed by a thick cloak, the long hilt of a massive sword held haphazardly in one of his hands as the blade dragged on the ground. From beneath the cloak, the figure made guttural, growling sounds, like a beast.....
"...B-But....I...I-I can't....."
Nose Ring let out a malicious chuckle. "Wrong answer." He took a few steps back, and folded his arms. "Take care of him, Scab."
The old man fearfully fell from his chair and backed against the wall, panicking.
"No! No, please!"
The figure didn't move.
There was a silence in the room, as Nose Ring repeated his order.
".....Take CARE of him, Scab."
The figure didn't move.
No movement.
"Scab, WHAT are you doing!?" Nose Ring angrily said as he turned and grabbed at the figure's cloak, yanking it off.
Perhaps it would have been better had the cloak stayed on, as the sight without it was worse: Hideously burnt, scarred flesh, haphazardly stitched together in a shoddy attempt at reconstruction. A dirty, frayed-looking black jacket and a hair of wild-unkempt, equally black hair. He looked more like a zombie out of a horror story than a man; a truly terrifying sight.
...Or, it would be, if he were not so clearly fast asleep on his feet, the guttural noises from before being his snores.
An awkward silence filled the room for a moment, before Nose Ring began slapping his slumbering "muscle."
"HOW THE HELL ARE YOU ASLEEP!?" He shouted petulantly, aggressively rousing the scorched young man from his slumber. He looked at Nose Ring through bleary eyes, blinking a few times before tenderly rubbing his scarred face.
"...Hahh....Hey, sorry, man...." The young man spoke with a quiet, gentle voice and a yawn, "Didn't get much sleep tonight, too itchy....musta dozed off. My bad..."
"We're WORKING here, Scab!" Nose Ring shouted, "What kind of mercenary takes a nap in the middle of a JOB!?"
"...Hey, man, look," Scab replied lazily, punctuated by another yawn. "I told you, the name's Scabbard....Scab-bard...Like on a sword, y'know? Scab's like....a way grosser name."
"I don't care what your name is!!" Nose Ring said as he rubbed his temples in exasperation. "Just go do your job and thrash the old man!"
Scabbard stared blankly at Nose Ring before looking over at the cowering shopkeeper. He walked closer to him, one hand in a pocket, the other loudly dragging his huge sword behind him. He stared, curiously, before looking back at Nose Ring and pointing to the shopkeep.
"...This old dude?"
"....What'd he do again?"
"Oh! Right, right, alright....." Scabbard looked back at the terrified (and now mildly confused) shopkeeper as he walked up to him, causing him to flinch in terror. Scabbard crouched down to eye level with the old man, and gave him a dig in the shoulder.
"..Uhh....Take that." He said in half-hearted triumph.
Nose Ring stared at Scab in disbelief as he rose back to his feet. ".....What the hell was that!?"
"...Uh..I hit him!"
"That was BARELY A HIT! Use your god damn sword, maybe!?"
Scab looked down groggily at the massive thing. "...What, this? Dude, I'm not gonna hit the old-timer with this...He's like...old and shit. He'd get squished..."
"So CUT HIM with it!"
"...Ah, no, I can't do that. S'not sharp."
"It's in its sheathe! Take it out!"
"...Oh, uh...I can't do that. S'locked up, and I don't got the key."
"....Maybe I could knock a chair over?"
Nose Ring looked like he was ready to blow a gasket. And then proceeded to blow a gasket.
"THAT'S IT! You're off! Get the hell out, and you can forget about your pay!"
"Hey, hold on, like, maybe I could...."
Scabbard was collectively shoved out of the store and into the alley outside by Nose Ring and his remaining compatriots, the door behind him slamming shut. He blinked a few times, staring at the door while processing what just happened, then sighed heavily as it clicked in his head. This was the third time in a month he'd been kicked off of a job he'd been hired to do, by three different gangs, no less. At this rate, his rep would render him unemployable. He scratched his arm in quiet annoyance. Stressful thinking always irritated his skin....actually, a lot of things irritated his skin. Pretty much everything irritated his dry, itchy, burned skin. God, the thing's he'd do for a bottle of lotion right about now, or a dip in a hot spring.....
As his mind sleepily wandered, his eyes got an unexpected hit of sunlight, and he wince. Shielding his eyes, he looked up at the warmly orange sky from the dingey alleyway. The sun was finally up, it was a new day.
With another yawn, Scabbard walked out of the alleyway into the busy streets of Lougetown, his sword rested on his shoulders. The back-alley crook life was starting to become unviable. Maybe it was time to start thinking about the future more, to start figuring things out... | Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities: Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Inventory: Large, Two-Handed Locked-Up Sword |
264 | 4 | 3 | 2,786 | 800 | The fisherman gave another tug, and hauled the net up out of the ocean as the sea salt stung his eyes. Wiping the tears away with one sun-browned hand, he gave a glance back towards the shoreline, now only a hop-skip-and-a-jump away. The trawler had been out all night, and had come back with a nice haul. Now he could finally head home, get a nice shower, a hot meal, and some much needed rest.
He turned; was someone calling to him? Who could it be, out here on the water at such an early hour? Another night-fisher coming in?
No. It was a boy, in a dinghy. A...very fast dinghy. A very fast dinghy that was approaching more and more quickly, even though the boy had no oars, and in fact was clinging to the boat and leaning back, his legs rigid in front of him like a toboggan rider who was trying desperately to put his heels into the snow. A nervous smile plastered his face.
"Reverse what?!" the man shouted, just before he ducked under the awning near his ship's cabin. The dinghy shot by like a bullet, the young man's screams doppler-ing into the distance. The fisherman could have sword he saw a...large hole of some kind, spewing rocket fire, coming right out of the youth's back!
And so Zehst Messerschmitt came to Loguetown, though not at all in the fashion one might have imagined. The rocket propelled dinghy hit the sand and kept going, its hull shedding timbers as it ramped up off a dune and sailed into the air. Zehst looked around in awe at all the houses--the villages back on the Gecko Islands hadn't been near this big--then remembered he was falling out of the sky at something like a hundred and twenty miles an hour.
He'd finally figured out how to make the rockets come out wherever and whenever he wanted. Now he had to figure out how to put on the brakes. He supposed he could always just...turn them off?
Of course, by the time he came to this conclusion--having crossed his legs and put one hand on his chin, nodding sagely--he had already plowed through a line of laundry, an extremely alarmed cat, and some poor old man's cabbage cart. With bits of vegetable and an angry cat clinging to his face, he looked up with a grin and snapped his fingers. The rocket was sucked back into his flesh with a "shwoop" sound, and the boat began to gradually slow down. Of course, by this time there wasn't much left of it save the seat that Zehst was sitting on. As the momentum began to die off the boy found himself spinning in circles, then ricocheting off an uneven cobblestone to crash through the wall of someone's shop.
"Aha-cough! It did--huck, hagh, ew cat hair--it did work! Zehst my man, you're two for two today!"
As the dust and wood chips cleared, Zehst stood up with the cat from before now held in his outstretched arms and several new, apparently unnoticed, scratchmarks turning his face into bloody hatchwork. He looked around the crash site and spotted several people and an old man. One of the big guys had a nose ring.
"Hey, uh...I don't suppose you guys know where I could get a new boat, do ya?" he asked, nervously throwing the cat over his shoulder. It let out a loud yeowl, then in the distance there was the sound of someone's garbage being scattered and glass breaking. | Name: Zehst Messerschmitt
Age: 18
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5' 10", 140 pounds (63.5 kg)
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Zehst is energetic and hardly ever takes things seriously. He makes friends easily and brushes off hostility up to a point. His primary want in life is freedom--absolute freedom, the ability to do anything and everything that he wants. However, this is where he begins to toe the line of eccentricity. He doesn't believe in laws, seeing them as oppressive, but agrees that freedom has to naturally come with consequences. He also rarely imposes on anyone else's "freedoms" as he sees them--such as the freedom of a thief to steal something. Yet a person who stops a thief also has the freedom to do that if they want to. All in all it's an extremely hypocritical way of looking at the world, and speaks to his inexperience as a person...but perhaps this is why he wants to be free in the first place.
History: Zehst was born to a wealthy family on the Gecko Islands archipelago, who made their fortune by designing weapons for the World Government. Knowing their inventions were tools of violence, destruction, and oppression, they always kept their son in the dark about the true nature of their careers. Zehst's childhood was extremely restricted and sheltered, to keep him from learning how cruel the world really was. But they could only keep this up for so long. As Zehst got older, he had soon read all the books they could give him and learned all his tutors had to teach him, and soon his fun-loving attitude could no longer be curbed and he could no longer simply be sent to his room. With nothing more to distract him, he began to escape time and time again. Until, one night, he witnessed an engagement between the World Government and a pirate ship that was targeting the Gecko Islands.
The Pirate Ship was coming close to the shore, almost close enough to begin assaulting the island. Though in doing so they were putting the lives of islanders who lived on the shore in peril, the captain of the Marines gave the order to launch a particular missile that had been designed by Zehst's parents. The missile was a direct hit, but the explosion that followed was so enormous that not only were the pirates completely eradicated, but so were the homes of several villagers on the cliffs overlooking the shoreline. Zehst couldn't help but think that even pirates didn't deserve to be destroyed so thoroughly as he watched the carnage subside. What was more, the people of the village blamed his family. For the first time Zehst saw the true nature of what his parents had done to build their fortune.
Over the next few weeks, he confronted them. There was a family shouting match that grew so intense Zehst punched his own father. Though he wasn't punished afterwards, this actually made it worse for him. His parents loved him, they truly did, but for various reasons they couldn't just suddenly stop making weapons. Unable to see their point of view, Zehst secretely stole an object his father had obtained for experimentation--a Devil Fruit. Using the fruit's powers to leave his home behind, Zehst started a new life, searching for the freedom he had never had.
Abilities: Roke-Roke no Mi - The Rocket Fruit, its name taken from the Japanese pronunciation "roketto." It is a paramecium fruit that turns the user into a Rocket Human, and allows them to produce various types of rocket thrusters and jets through the surfaces of their body.
Cruise Knuckle - A rocket thruster appears on Zehst's elbow, greatly increasing the speed and force of a punch.
Stinger Strike - A thruster appears on the back of Zehst's shoulder and elbow as he darts forward, and performs a piercing elbow strike with the opposite arm. It resembles an elbow thrust from the martial art known as Bajiquan.
Homing Kick - A roundhouse kick that uses thrusters on the back of Zehst's calves and heel to increase power, speed, and spin--he'll be able to chase an opponent to an extent, continuing to spin and fly after them. However, after several rotations he'll become dizzy and crash.
ICBM - A flying kick that sprouts thrusters over various parts of Zhest, making this his most powerful attack. However, it hits so hard that it damages him as well, and uses up a great deal of energy.
Inventor - Having inherited his parents' knack for learning, designing, and application of science, Zehst makes a fairly good inventor. However, at the moment he lacks the experience or tools to make much use of it. Perhaps if he were to set foot on a ship, he could learn its workings and be a decent shipwright...
Inventory: A burlap duffel sack containing all his supplies, including clothes, food and water, a compass, a map, and not much else. |
265 | 4 | 4 | 2,481 | 9 | Lucretia squinted her eyes, watching the sun slowly rise over the blue edge of the ocean. This was, most certainly, the earliest she had ever woken up in her life. She had chosen to wake up so early specifically to see the sunrise, as a sort of good-luck charm for her upcoming… endeavor? Her adventure? She still hadn’t decided what to call it -- whatever it was, it was going to be something grand.
...That sun really was bright, wasn’t it? Maybe she could have afforded to sleep in an hour or two, after all. Well, no time for regrets! Now was more the time for action! Now was also, perhaps more pressingly, the time to sneak away before her parents (or her sister…) woke up. She pulled her legs up, standing on the edge of Savaronitelle Manor’s roof. For one last time, she surveyed the grounds, enjoying the feeling of superiority that standing on a tall object gave her.
“Ms. Lucretia? What are you doing up there?”
...Oh dear. Their butler had seen her. Lucretia scowled. Just her luck… “What business is it of yours?” she asked. “This is my parents’ property, I can go wherever I please!”
The old manservant scratched his beard. “Of course it is, madam,” he said, “But it’s not like you to be up so early. Is something the matter?”
Lucretia’s scowl faded, replaced with a certain hesitance. She paused a moment. “How did you even know I was up here? I was doing my best to be hidden…”
The butler pointed a gloved hand to the extended ladder that Lucretia had set up against the wall of the manor.
“Oh,” Lucretia said.
Sighing a bit, she climbed down the ladder, turning to look at the butler. “Well? It’s not a crime to be out this early, is it?”
“Er-- no, but-”
Lucretia smirked, sensing that she had the advantage. “Go back inside. I hate interruptions like this - you’re spoiling my sunrise!”
The butler, nodded, sensing that his job could be on the line here, and hurried back inside without a word further. Lucretia watched him go inside, before looking back up at the manor. She had thought before that she might feel homesick - but she didn’t. The only thing she felt right now was a steely resolve.
“...Hmph… when I come back here, you’ll see.”
Without another word, she turned away, walking out of the front gate of their mansion. She didn’t look back… if only because she was distracted by the strange sight of a rocket-propelled dinghy flying through the air down in Loguetown proper.
And crashing. Into some building.
Not wasting any time, Lucretia took off, running at full bore down the hill and into Loguetown - beelining straight for the crash site. | Name: Savaronitelle Lucretia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5’1”, 117 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Lucretia is very haughty, but at the same time she treats most things with a sort of casual irreverence. She dislikes most people who she considers above her, and disregards most people that she thinks are below her. Secretly self-conscious about her height - after all, she ought to be the one looking down upon everyone, not the other way around. She always seems to have something to prove. As of late, she’s developed an odd, mantis-esque personal quirk - namely, she has a bizarre tendency to come up with weird food-related nicknames for men she meets.
History: Lucretia is the less-favored second child of a prominent wealthy family. Her sister, a charming and kind socialite, always seemed to upstage her at every turn. Not realizing that this was mostly because she wasn’t charming or kind, Lucretia decided to make a name for herself on the open sea - after all, if she became Queen Of The Pirates, then surely her family would see how much better she was than her mean old sister!
Mushi Mushi no Mi, Model: Mantis
After eating the Bug-Bug Fruit, Lucretia has developed the uncanny ability to turn into a giant mantis, as well as a hybrid form where she takes on a human-mantis form. In both forms, her strength and speed are enhanced dramatically, and she gains wicked mantis-claws to slice at her enemies with. She is loathe to use her full mantis form however, considering it to be absolutely uncouth and disgusting. As a side-note, Lucretia does not actually know what Devil Fruits are - she accidentally ordered the Bug-Bug Fruit at a fancy dinner party and didn’t want to show weakness in front of her sister by ordering something else.
Techniques: ---
Traits: ---
Inventory: --- |
266 | 4 | 5 | 1,471 | 121 | The patrons of the shop all stared flabbergasted at their new arrival, some looking back in disbelief at the hole where once stood solid wall.
Nose Ring, however, had quickly gone from stunned to beside himself. Stomping up to Zehst and forcibly prodding him with a long, bony finger.
"Where the HELL do you get off, interrupting our business!?" He said loudly, prodding Zehst with his finger at every enunciation. "This is the SECOND line of bullshit I've had to deal with in the past five minutes! Can't a guy shake down an old man in PEACE!?"
Meanwhile, along his walk through the city streets, Scabbard had come across the site of the grisly murder of a poor cabbage cart.
"....Woah, what?...."
He slowly approached a nearby cabbage on the ground and picked it up, staring at it with tired, sad eyes.
"....Dude...." He quietly mused to himself mournfully as he took a bite out of it. "Who's got, like,...a veggie vendetta?...." | Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities: Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Inventory: Large, Two-Handed Locked-Up Sword |
267 | 4 | 6 | 931 | 246 | A large, balding man with a curly mustache and a gut as round as a pig’s let out a heavy sigh as he watched the sun rise over the town. He had his arms crossed and was seated on a crate of cabbages going by the label on the back side of it. There was a long, thoughtful pause after that, and he let the sun rise on his face before finally speaking. As he turned to his right, his expression softened just a bit as he stated, “I think it’s a sign too, Teej.”
Teodore Jay Dugrass was seated atop an empty barrel, his top-heavy physique and younger appearance contrasting with that of the older man. His expression lit up as the old man expressed his approval. “Right?!” He hopped off the barrel and looked back to his former boss with a grin, “It’s gotta be a sign if this happens right when I’m considering leaving!”
The “this” in question refers to the charred remains of a restaurant laying behind the two. Hours prior, the once proud restaurant “Homme Gros” suffered an explosion by the hands of a newbie employee. How exactly they did it boggled everyone’s mind, but containing the resulting fire and saving as much of the building as possible was more important then. Unfortunately, the fire was so severe, the only things that could be saved was the money made that day, a crate, and a barrel.
Flashing back to the present, the portly man let out a groan as he shifted in his seat. “Well, either way it’s just as good for me too. I’m pretty sure running that restaurant was what made all my hair fall out.” He chuckled as he rubbed at the noticeable bald patch on his scalp.
“Heh. A shame that it had to end like this, though,” TJ sullenly replied as he looked back at the rubble.
“Bah. No use wallowing on your “dream resignation.” We both know you wouldn’t’ve left unless I closed up shop myself.”
“True, true. In my defense, it would be unbecoming of a gentleman if I simply left at the peak of your business.”
“Hah! You keep telling yourself that, Teej.” The portly man got off his crate and hefted it up with a groan. “I’ll figure out what to do from here. Maybe I can finally cash in on some insurance. Get me some easy retirement money.” He chuckled again and looked back at TJ, giving him a confident smile, “You should get back home now. I bet you got some stuff to take care of before you set out. Good luck out on the sea, Teodore. You’re gonna need it!” On that note, he finally turned back to the road and started walking away.
TJ wasn’t going to just let his boss of seven years simply walk away without a word back from him, so gratefully he bowed his head and firmly shouted, “Thank you very much, Monsieur Pierre!”
And thus came an end to one chapter of TJ’s life…
Wasting no time, TJ just started making his way back home. He decided to leave the barrel where it was, figuring if he needed it for whatever reason he could always just come back to it. For now, though, he had to pack! He had to get ready! He… probably should’ve asked for a business-starting loan from Monsieur Pierre, now that he thought about it, but what’s done is done.
As he walked out from an alley he heard the sound of something sailing through the sky. Looking to the side, he saw something quickly approaching in the distance. Was that… a dinghy?? And… someone on it?? He noticed it to be an awfully dinged up dinghy the closer it came. That thought couldn’t be entertained for long, however, and TJ let out quite the un(gentle)manly yelp as he recoiled back into the alley, just narrowly avoiding getting rammed full force by what was left of the hull.
"That nearly gave me a heart attack!" he thought. It took a few seconds for him to catch his breath, but when he did he peeked out from the alley. The dinghy was gone, but he noticed that it apparently rammed through a cabbage cart in its wake. Stepping out from the alley, he walked up to the remains of it and sighed. “What a waste…” he remarked.
Noticing someone else also inspecting the wreck, TJ turned his attention to them. He spied with his little eye something black-haired! Something with a huge sword! Something hORRIFICALLY BURNT AND SCARRED. Seeing Scabbard up close all of a sudden elicited his second un(gentle)manly yelp of the day. | Name: Teodore Jay “TJ” Dugrass
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6’5’’, 200 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: TJ is a boisterous man that just as boisterously claims himself to be a gentleman. As such, he strives at all hours of the day to perfect his gentlemanly manners and abides by the gentleman’s code of conduct. There are times, however, that he must painfully lay down his morals for the sake of achieving his dream. Such as when it comes to money. TJ is a shrewd businessman that sells his services for a high price. He may dislike having to negotiate in an ungentlemanly manner, but he tries not to let it bother him.
History: TJ was born and raised in Loguetown. He greatly admired the fry cook industry and worked himself up from a humble dishwasher to an ace cook over the course of several years. As a child, he was told stories of a fabled island filled with legendary and exquisite creatures no man had ever laid their tongue on. As he grew into an adult, he aspired to one day find this island- not just for discovery’s sake, but to contribute to his larger goal of opening the greatest food service chain on the Grand Line. Originally he planned on working to save up more travel money, but the restaurant he worked in for most of his life recently bombed. Literally it blew up and left him jobless. Seeing it as a sign to get started, he has decided to become a pirate as a means for adventure.
-Boxing: As a gentleman, TJ is well versed in the basics of fisticuffs.
-Exquisite Grilled Cuisine: Being a former fry cook in a busy restaurant, TJ knows and is more than capable of making a variety of grill-related dishes on the fly.
Techniques: ---
Traits:Big Meaty Claws - TJ's fists are, for a lack of a better word, meaty. They are thick and tough, allowing him to block and punch without damaging his precious hands. At least most of the time.
Inventory: A stainless steel spatula and a copy of “The Gentleman’s Book of Etiquette.” |
268 | 4 | 7 | 2,795 | 294 | So this is Loguetown, huh?
Giko shaded her eyes and squinted, peering over the town. From the crashes, bangs, and rapidly-forming crowd, it seemed like some rough-and-tumble sorts were starting a brawl down by the shopping district. Golly, she didn't want to be a part of that. More importantly, it was lunchtime, and that meant Giko had to think about getting some lunch! One couldn't make friends on an empty stomach, after all. Somewhere good to eat, though... The shopping district was crawling with rubberneckers, so that was out. Even if she got through, all the places would probably be shut tight until those hooligans calmed down. Maybe she should ask a local?
She clattered her way around the plaza, accosting passers-by who, for their part, gave her a wide berth and refused to make eye contact, instead glaring at something behind her and muttering something about a pervert. Giko tried turning around, but she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. Was it her clothes? Something on her face? Or maybe...
Maybe she had a stalker.
An extremely sneaky stalker who was directly behind her at all times.
It made perfect sense. A fragile young maiden like her, clearly new and unsteady in an unfamiliar land- why, of course she'd have a stalker. That was obvious. So obvious that she now wondered why she hadn't thought of it before, even. She had to report this to the local authorities at once. Evidence, though... It would be tricky to make a sketch if she didn't even know what he looked like. Giko needed, if not a friend, an ally.
Giko moved up next to a girl wearing some sort of shells over her ears- weird fashions, these locals- and tried to get her attention.
"Psst!", she hissed.
"Psst! Hey, you! With the pink hair!"
No response. Clearly, those fashionable shells must have muffled her hearing. Giko would have to get the girl's attention another way.
A limp-wristed wooden hand clattered over Claribel's shoulder, followed shortly by a lifeless, artificial face creeping into view, far too close for comfort. Had it been an ordinary person, this method of approach would have been strange. Done by a puppet, it was downright surreal.
"Heeeeeeeeey theeeeeere~", Giko whispered, giving the girl a wink. | Name: Giko G. Gearbox
Age: Claims to be 19
Gender: Claims to be female
Race: Claims to be human
Height and Weight: Claims to be 165 cm. Refuses to give a weight.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Absolutely insistent on staying in-character as a teenage girl and will refuse to acknowledge anything that conflicts with this. Giko's character is that of a gutsy, cheerful girl in her late teens. She tends to brush off insults to herself as a matter of course, but can't tolerate ones aimed at her friends.
History: A mysterious middle-aged man who operates a life-size teenage girl puppet, he refuses to acknowledge his own existence, instead insisting that he is an ordinary 19-year-old girl named Giko, who states that her goal is to find her father, apparently a famous dollmaker who left on a journey to the Black Drum Kingdom and never returned. Her other motivation seems to be loneliness, as she has resolved to make a friend on every island of the Grand Line. Things haven't been working out very well on the latter; people seem like they'd rather call her "pervert" and "old man", but she's sure that'll change once she reaches the Grand Line proper.
Master Puppeteer - Giko's operator is a ridiculously skilled puppeteer and ventriloquist capable of operating Giko in a lifelike manner resembling a teenage girl. If it wasn't for the creepy guy sticking his hand up the back of her shirt, you'd hardly know the difference.
Craftsman - Giko's operator seems to have a high level of engineering skill, considering that he apparently built Giko and is capable of repairing her from scrap material.
Giko Punch: Giko can fire her fist via a large spring embedded in her forearm. It's then reeled back in using a cable that connects the fist and stump.
Giko Hurricane: Giko's mouth contains a small breath dial filled with corrosive gas, which can be used to eat through metal.
Giko Mortar: A small, sturdy mortar capable of firing explosive shells, located in Giko's left leg.
Inventory: Life-sized teenage girl puppet named Giko with a number of concealed weapons. |
269 | 4 | 8 | 2,786 | 800 | Zehst's expression changed from a bashful smile to a quizzical stare as Nose Ring stomped over towards him and demanded to know why he'd interrupted them. But before Zehst could answer, the man poked him, none too gently, with each shouted word. At first he pushed the man's hand aside.
"Stop that." he said, chuckling. It kind of tickled. The next poke was harder, and Zehst's eyes narrowed. "Stoppit." He lightly slapped Nose Ring's hand away. A harder poke. "STAHP." With the childish exclamation he grabbed Nose Ring's hand and actually pushed it away. But then here it came again, another pointing finger headed for his chest--
With a "shoop" sound, a metal cylinder suddenly just grew out of the young man's elbow, at an angle to the rest of his arm as he drew it back. As his fist clenched tightly, the rocket flared to life, sputtering just once before sprouting a bright orange-white flame from its end.
At high speed and with considerable force behind it, the rocket powered punch headed right for Nose Ring's gut. Zehst was even leaning in, putting all of his shoulder and body weight into the blow. It most certainly would not be a cruise, but then it was named for the cruiser missile, not the popular vacation transport. | Name: Zehst Messerschmitt
Age: 18
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5' 10", 140 pounds (63.5 kg)
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Zehst is energetic and hardly ever takes things seriously. He makes friends easily and brushes off hostility up to a point. His primary want in life is freedom--absolute freedom, the ability to do anything and everything that he wants. However, this is where he begins to toe the line of eccentricity. He doesn't believe in laws, seeing them as oppressive, but agrees that freedom has to naturally come with consequences. He also rarely imposes on anyone else's "freedoms" as he sees them--such as the freedom of a thief to steal something. Yet a person who stops a thief also has the freedom to do that if they want to. All in all it's an extremely hypocritical way of looking at the world, and speaks to his inexperience as a person...but perhaps this is why he wants to be free in the first place.
History: Zehst was born to a wealthy family on the Gecko Islands archipelago, who made their fortune by designing weapons for the World Government. Knowing their inventions were tools of violence, destruction, and oppression, they always kept their son in the dark about the true nature of their careers. Zehst's childhood was extremely restricted and sheltered, to keep him from learning how cruel the world really was. But they could only keep this up for so long. As Zehst got older, he had soon read all the books they could give him and learned all his tutors had to teach him, and soon his fun-loving attitude could no longer be curbed and he could no longer simply be sent to his room. With nothing more to distract him, he began to escape time and time again. Until, one night, he witnessed an engagement between the World Government and a pirate ship that was targeting the Gecko Islands.
The Pirate Ship was coming close to the shore, almost close enough to begin assaulting the island. Though in doing so they were putting the lives of islanders who lived on the shore in peril, the captain of the Marines gave the order to launch a particular missile that had been designed by Zehst's parents. The missile was a direct hit, but the explosion that followed was so enormous that not only were the pirates completely eradicated, but so were the homes of several villagers on the cliffs overlooking the shoreline. Zehst couldn't help but think that even pirates didn't deserve to be destroyed so thoroughly as he watched the carnage subside. What was more, the people of the village blamed his family. For the first time Zehst saw the true nature of what his parents had done to build their fortune.
Over the next few weeks, he confronted them. There was a family shouting match that grew so intense Zehst punched his own father. Though he wasn't punished afterwards, this actually made it worse for him. His parents loved him, they truly did, but for various reasons they couldn't just suddenly stop making weapons. Unable to see their point of view, Zehst secretely stole an object his father had obtained for experimentation--a Devil Fruit. Using the fruit's powers to leave his home behind, Zehst started a new life, searching for the freedom he had never had.
Abilities: Roke-Roke no Mi - The Rocket Fruit, its name taken from the Japanese pronunciation "roketto." It is a paramecium fruit that turns the user into a Rocket Human, and allows them to produce various types of rocket thrusters and jets through the surfaces of their body.
Cruise Knuckle - A rocket thruster appears on Zehst's elbow, greatly increasing the speed and force of a punch.
Stinger Strike - A thruster appears on the back of Zehst's shoulder and elbow as he darts forward, and performs a piercing elbow strike with the opposite arm. It resembles an elbow thrust from the martial art known as Bajiquan.
Homing Kick - A roundhouse kick that uses thrusters on the back of Zehst's calves and heel to increase power, speed, and spin--he'll be able to chase an opponent to an extent, continuing to spin and fly after them. However, after several rotations he'll become dizzy and crash.
ICBM - A flying kick that sprouts thrusters over various parts of Zhest, making this his most powerful attack. However, it hits so hard that it damages him as well, and uses up a great deal of energy.
Inventor - Having inherited his parents' knack for learning, designing, and application of science, Zehst makes a fairly good inventor. However, at the moment he lacks the experience or tools to make much use of it. Perhaps if he were to set foot on a ship, he could learn its workings and be a decent shipwright...
Inventory: A burlap duffel sack containing all his supplies, including clothes, food and water, a compass, a map, and not much else. |
270 | 4 | 9 | 1,834 | 91 | Of all of the stores in Loguetown, the old shopkeeper's one that was probably boasting the most action right now; gangsters, more gangsters, and a young rocketeer that crashed into a building using a dinghy, asking where he could buy a new boat.
The question would mark the "arrival" of yet another person.
"I know a store that sells boats." A unknown voice said. Although as far as anyone would be able to see, the voice had no owner.
"I think it's called 'Sink or Sail' or something like that."
As the voice continued to speak, it became increasingly clear where it was coming from. At that moment, one of the lids of one of the few crates that were dotted around the store burst open, revealing a young teenager with dark brown hair and wearing blue and exotic ninja garb. This was Tenmon Tamashi, the weirdo enigmatic teenage ninja that had asserted himself in Loguetown only a few months ago. His appearance from the crate raised several questions: How did he get in there? How long was he in there? Why was he in there? Why did he decide to come out now, of all possible times? What's more, he didn't even seem to properly assess what exactly was happening in the store right now, being focused on explaining where the boat store was to the man who had crashed into the building and broke his dinghy (tee-hee) rather than the brawl now taking place in front of him.
"It's west from here, past the broken execution platform and next to the old Arms Shop." The boy said, pointing roughly in the direction of where the store was.
At least his directions were accurate. | Name:
Tenmon Tamashi
Height and Weight:
168 cm (5'6")
66 kg (145 lb)
0 Beli
In contrast to most other ninja of the Wano Country, Tenmon seems to be quite casual about being a ninja, and often demonstrates his skill and agility in front of people while declaring himself to be one. Whereas most ninjas would be geared to solitary operations, Tenmon doesn't seem to mind working independently or in a group. He appears to carry a fairly level-headed aura, rarely becoming agitated or worried about matters. This casual nature seems to also extend to combat, where Tenmon assesses his enemies with a cool approach, while also acting quite respectfully to his opponents most of the time.
Despite this overall casual nature, Tenmon is more than willing to adopt a more serious persona for the sake of victory, becoming significantly more formidable and dangerous. In these situations, he may also adopt a more cold-blooded mentality, becoming willing to kill as a last resort, if he deems it to be necessary.
Unsurprisingly, Tenmon isn't one to talk about his history. Unless someone actively tries to pry into it, Tenmon will often play his past off as something "unimportant".
The eccentricity of his father has influenced him a bit, although it is often belied by his casual side. Tenmon is sometimes fond of jokes and nonsensical actions at inappropriate or tense moments - cheering on his comrades in a fight when he could be actually helping them by joining in, for example.
He's also got a tendency to "disappear" and "appear" in places without being noticed. That's just a part of being a ninja.
A trained assassin and sole user of the Burst Technique™, Tenmon seeks to become the ultimate ninja (whatever that entails).
The Tamashi Clan was once a recognized force within the Wano Country, a centuries-old clan of ninjas that had been known for their mercenary work throughout the nation, which allowed them to become a wealthy organization over the course of years. Their desire for an even greater profit led them to eventually abandon Wano, settling on one of the many "remote" islands within Paradise with the intention of expanding their potential clientèle - by taking mercenary work from various islands as opposed to a single nation.
The only son of the Tamashi Clan's Grandmaster, Tenmon supposedly consumed a Devil Fruit at a very early age, being uneducated about their existence. The Bomu Bomu no Mi proved to be a dangerous power to wield whilst growing up, leading some of the members being afraid of touching Tenmon for fear of him blowing up. Tenmon's father - the eccentric Grandmaster Soju - saw it as a grand opportunity to cultivate and incorporate Tenmon's power into his ninja training. This was the beginning of the development of the Burst Technique™, and a majority of Tenmon's childhood was spent developing it. Many of Tenmon's training sessions were done within the forest, alone. His Devil Fruit power was "too risky" to practice around other people after all. Charred grass and ashen trees were a good way to show he was making progress, anyway.
During his training, the mercenary work of the clan flourished, with many different islands and people requesting various jobs. This would eventually prove to be the undoing of the clan when the clan undertook a job that involved, well, killing a World Noble. Being from the Wano Country, the Tamashi Clan was unaffliated with the World Government and therefore held no sense of value or knowledge about the World Nobles. The consequences were catastrophic, with Marines besieging and destroying the Tamashi Clan in its near entirety.
Tenmon returned to what was essentially ruins; a severely damaged temple littered with bodies. His isolated training was the only reason he had survived, and yet he felt a deep sense of regret and despair for not being there to defend the clan its time of need. There was no way for him to enact vengeance, either; the Marines had already departed. The event sparked in him a hatred of the World Government, particularly the World Nobles, and the Admiral that launched the attack on his temple. That was only four years ago.
Now, Tenmon searches for that same Admiral. Although his search was set back by arriving in Loguetown a few months ago: He had stowed away on one too many ships, and ended up being taken in the wrong direction - out of the Grand Line. Tenmon has since used Loguetown to gather whatever resources he can, and intends to set out upon a journey to become a powerful ninja, and challenge the Admiral that destroyed his clan.
But even so, Tenmon questions his motive of revenge every now and again, feeling that it wouldn't be the clan's will for him to seek it.
As ninja from Wano Country, Tenmon is able to perform various ninja arts, in addition to being unnaturally agile and dexterous. His abilities combine atypical weaponry with the power of his Devil Fruit, giving him a high amount of versatility in combat.
Devil Fruit: Bomu Bomu no Mi
The Bomu Bomu no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to make any part of his or her body explode, making the user a Bomb Human.
Eating this Devil Fruit at an early age, Tenmon has been raised to develop it into a fighting style, creating the Burst Technique™; a combination of unarmed ninjutsu and his explosive power. The fighting style allows Tenmon to deal agile explosive blows, in addition to multi-hit attacks for more - albeit significantly weaker - explosions. While powerful, the fighting style is kind of a double-edged sword: the collateral damage followed by the explosions is generally very undesirable (shipwrights HATE him) - especially if allies are nearby. Tenmon generally holds off on the Burst Technique™ as a result.
At the moment, the explosions created by Tenmon's named moves are - at most - strong enough to leave medium-large holes in brick walls, but do not quite have the fire-power to destroy much beyond that.
Ninjutsu Techniques
Ninja Arts: Sweeping Dusk Blade
Tenmon kneels and dashes forward, cleaving the air with his sword as he passes by. Used to attack a single target quickly, but can also hit multiple enemies, although Tenmon has to hit them each individually - a difficult feat that becomes increasingly harder to accomplish the more targets there are.
Ninja Arts: Crescent Strike
Tenmon performs a front flip, and kicks using the momentum of the flip to deal more damage.
Ninja Arts: Half-Moon Strike
An attack to be used directly after its crescent counterpart. Tenmon vaults off of an enemy he's kicked, jumping behind them to kick again.
Ninja Arts: Flash Step
Tenmon quickly dashes in order to avoid an attack, or get into a more favourable position. Doesn't seem to be as fast as Soru, as the moves do not share the same technique: Soru requires kicking off the ground at least 10 times, whereas Ninja Arts: Flash Step is just a very swift dash.
Ninja Arts: Throw
Tenmon throws a miscellaneous item at an enemy. Not really a Ninja Art, but he calls it one anyway.
Burst Techniques
Ninja Arts: Smoke Burst
Tenmon obscures himself in an explosion of smoke, allowing him to move to a different location quickly, or attack enemies while the smokescreen persists.
Ninja Arts: Chi Burst
Tenmon thrusts his palm outward creates an explosion in the hand. In comparison to his other moves, this one has slightly more range, and doesn't rely on his hand making contact with the target. However, it's a fairly simple move to the point of being almost awkward to use.
Ninja Arts: Burst Bomb
Tenmon throws a punch and detonates his fist upon contact, resulting in a high amount of damage from both the punch and the following explosion.
Ninja Arts: Burst Crescent
Similarly to Ninja Arts: Crescent Strike, Tenmon performs a front flip and kicks. Tenmon detonates his leg on impact, offering a high amount of destructive power.
Ninja Arts: Spiral Dragon Burst
Tenmon jumps into the air and spins while upside down, delivering a kick while detonating his leg.
A simple weapon bestowed to Tenmon by the Tamashi Clan. Fundamentally, Yugure is a normal ninjatō which features a blue handle and silver guard. The sheath is entirely blue, but also has circular designs embedded on the length of the sheath. As one can imagine, the blade of the weapon is particularly thick and short in comparison to longer swords such as a katana, being around 50cm in length. It's small size makes it fairly simple for Tenmon to wield and also allows for faster attacks.
A single kunai to be employed as a dagger secondary to Yugure, allowing for more consecutive attacks and accurate critical strikes (he goes for the eyes).
Picture of Tenmon's Father
RIP Grandmaster Soju |
271 | 4 | 10 | 1,471 | 121 | I AM AN AD-
Is all Nose Ring was able to say before he was quickly silence in shock at the sight of the boy's arm turning into a rocket. Was his eyes deceiving him!? Was this....
"...the legendary devil frui-!?!"
Was all he was able to say before the Cruise Knuckle impacted his midsection with incredible force. He let out a throaty, gagging cry of agony as fist met gut, before being launched right through another wall, his legs dangling over the bottom of the hole as he lay on the ground outside, bloodied and white-eyed.
The other gang members, who were not at the right angle to see Zehst's arm transform, were at once shocked and angered.
"Oi! This kid's no joke!! Who is he!?"
"Maybe he's a hitman sent by the Sugar Boys!"
"NOBODY puts Peppa through a wall like that 'cept his Ma! You're asking for PAIN, hitman!"
The men all drew their weapons on Zehst, ready and willing to use them. The tension however, soon gave way to an awkward silence as they all witnessed Tenmon Tamashi stealthily rise from his crate.
One of the thugs leaned towards another.
"It's that weirdo ninja again...."
"What! You looking for a fight, too!?" One of the thugs said as he turned his sword from Zehst to Tenmon Tanashi.
Meanwhile, back at the destroyed cabbage cart, Scabbard looked up from his cabbage breakfast at the ripped fellow who just let out a very un(gentle)manly yelp right next to him. He stared at him incredulously, raising a thin, black eyebrow.
"...Dude....Did that just come outta you?..." | Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities: Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Inventory: Large, Two-Handed Locked-Up Sword |
272 | 4 | 11 | 1,774 | 401 | Head bobbing lightly to the music, Claribel was completely engrossed, her feet trumping along without much rhyme or reason to her approach.During a lull in between songs, she let out a giggle: she'd have to keep this one. Sorry, boss man.
Feeling something on her shoulder, she realized how wrapped up she was getting. A bit groggy, she lifted one side of the TDs, turning to look at her caller.
"Heeeeeeeeey theeeeeere~" the voice of the firm face spoke out, a wooden shutter clunking closed over one of the eyes.
"GUHEEEEE!" Claribel cried out like some kind of rodent, thoroughly spooked, bouncing a few steps away. Landing on her feet, her eyes were wide as she stared at the girl puppet and...uh...some guy.
Tapping the button on her TDs, pausing them, her expression was vacant as she blinked, looking over the pair. W-was this some kind of show? There really wasn't anyone else around: Claribel stuck to quieter areas when listening to music, whether on purpose or not.
Raising a hand, she greeted, "G-good morning?" Actually, had Claribel eaten yet? She was just gonna steal her boss' lunch but that wasn't happening today... | Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5'4'', 100 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal. One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.
History: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time, as she came into this world on the vessel of what would become a pirate ship. At first, it had been the vessel of a lucrative business as an upscale passenger liner, but it was no stranger to pirates, as it weathered numerous scuffles in the East Blue Seas thanks to the strength and wit of Flors Donner. However, as it so often does, tragedy struck, in a form. After a journey that took place while Claribel was at the tender age of 3, a passenger who had been wounded in a pirate attack sought to press charges against Flors Donner and his estate, the legal avenues proving successful, the hefty fees damaging the company beyond repair. Though he was required to turn over his ship to account for bankruptcy, he denied this, running off with his ship, daughter, wife, and trusted crew. Now he was at an impasse: having fought pirates for such a length, he had no desire to enter their ranks, let alone with a woman and child on board, but the Government had scorned him, so he was now technically an outlaw. As he struggled with his options, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.
Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who'd plagued his business for years on end, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, his crew tough and loyal, if small, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, he wasn't convinced they were safe. So Flors turned to the newspaper, following the paths of pirates, arriving like a bountiful wind in their ashy wake. He went from town to town to find those who had been left behind by the Marines, and relighting their fire, giving them purpose. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.
As for the toddler on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. The young girl had known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.
After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter: Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.
Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.
Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.
Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them. Now she had to contend with the day to day: figuring out how to get along alone while also working out the kinks of her tricky Fruit. But six months after striking out, three of them on the legendary Loguetown, she's starting to get a bit bored of her locale, wondering when she's going to get to start the interesting life she'd been looking for.... It can't start in a boring way, after all!
Abilities:Echo Echo Fruit (Eko Eko no Mi)A paramecia-type Devil Fruit that bestows Claribel with the ability to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise within the last minute. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her: she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirection. It's worth noting that her control of sound is limited to the medium of gases. Liquids aren't workable (such as water, the bane of Fruit users) and solids more so, meaning she can't redirect or copy sounds she can feel from the ground or hear while underwater (though if the sound is loud enough it enters the air, however muffled, that's another story).
Rod Fu - Claribel is tough enough to hold her own, using a sturdy iron rod as a bludgeoning instrument.
Navigation - Claribel's time at sea has made her into a reliable navigator as well as a talented cartographer. She is not only knowledgeable regarding weather and world events, but is also well capable of using tools such as maps, compasses and sea charts.
Techniques: Claribel doesn't yell out her technique names in the middle of battle, but that doesn't mean they can't be named!
Echo – Claribel takes a sound or phrase just emitted and repeats it. She can change the location it comes from as long as it's fairly close by. The volume is decreased slightly, however.
Echo Pop – A natural extension of her Echo. Claribel takes a sound, usually a very loud one like a gunshot or the bang of her rod hitting something hard (like a skull!), and repeats it numerous times in quick succession, usually right by someone's head. The result is a sudden burst of disorienting sound that often leaves the target venerable to further attack. It's tricky to pull off, since it requires more precision, so Claribel isn't capable of it yet!
Shoosh – Claribel redirects the voice of a person away from their intended target. If someone is trying to yell for help, then Claribel can redirect the sound so that it travels backwards, for instance. This doesn't affect the volume of the sound though, and she has trouble catching the further echoes. A yell in a narrow hallway will carry both ways no matter what she does, but someone yelling from a boat in the ocean to a nearby shore is out of luck if Claribel wants them to keep quiet.
A-pu-pup! Shoosh – A more precise version of the standard technique, Claribel 'grabs' a sound, effectively quieting it down, redirecting it in the same bubble, so to speak, without letting the sound bounce off another surface and echo naturally. Imagine a sound as a superball, bouncing madly, each bounce making the noise that reverberates and become audible. Were Claribel to grab that sound midair, redirecting it back and forth until it naturally petered out, she would create a silence from a sound, in effect. Like Echo Pop, this technique is beyond her current ability due to the focus and precision required.
Traits:Improved Perception: She has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular sound unless it stands out, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.
Inventory:Iron Rod: Sturdy enough to trade blows and noisy on the right surfaces. It's straight, cylindrical, and a bit less than a meter long.
Tone Dials (TDs): Claribel almost always has a pair around her neck or over her ears. |
273 | 4 | 12 | 2,795 | 294 | That shriek confirmed it. Giko definitely had some sort of pervert lurking just outside her cone of vision. How terrifyingly clever! Loguetown deviants were really something else!
"Shh, don't react! We don't want to provoke him.", She whispered, "I need to ask you something. Act. Natural."
She put her other hand overtop the first to steady the pink-haired girl. From her demeanor, it was clear: This stalker was not just any everyday stalker but some sort of highly-advanced superstalker who terrified even witnesses into silence. Definitely not someone to be trifled with. She'd have to navigate this scenario with extreme caution. Giko withdrew a sketchpad and a carpenter's pencil from a bag hanging at her hip, preparing to draw.
"I need you to describe the person standing behind me. His face, especially.", she whispered slowly, "-Can you do that?" | Name: Giko G. Gearbox
Age: Claims to be 19
Gender: Claims to be female
Race: Claims to be human
Height and Weight: Claims to be 165 cm. Refuses to give a weight.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Absolutely insistent on staying in-character as a teenage girl and will refuse to acknowledge anything that conflicts with this. Giko's character is that of a gutsy, cheerful girl in her late teens. She tends to brush off insults to herself as a matter of course, but can't tolerate ones aimed at her friends.
History: A mysterious middle-aged man who operates a life-size teenage girl puppet, he refuses to acknowledge his own existence, instead insisting that he is an ordinary 19-year-old girl named Giko, who states that her goal is to find her father, apparently a famous dollmaker who left on a journey to the Black Drum Kingdom and never returned. Her other motivation seems to be loneliness, as she has resolved to make a friend on every island of the Grand Line. Things haven't been working out very well on the latter; people seem like they'd rather call her "pervert" and "old man", but she's sure that'll change once she reaches the Grand Line proper.
Master Puppeteer - Giko's operator is a ridiculously skilled puppeteer and ventriloquist capable of operating Giko in a lifelike manner resembling a teenage girl. If it wasn't for the creepy guy sticking his hand up the back of her shirt, you'd hardly know the difference.
Craftsman - Giko's operator seems to have a high level of engineering skill, considering that he apparently built Giko and is capable of repairing her from scrap material.
Giko Punch: Giko can fire her fist via a large spring embedded in her forearm. It's then reeled back in using a cable that connects the fist and stump.
Giko Hurricane: Giko's mouth contains a small breath dial filled with corrosive gas, which can be used to eat through metal.
Giko Mortar: A small, sturdy mortar capable of firing explosive shells, located in Giko's left leg.
Inventory: Life-sized teenage girl puppet named Giko with a number of concealed weapons. |
274 | 4 | 13 | 1,027 | 2,970 | Name: Chamber R. Wesson
Location: Logue Town - Outside the Store
The vicinity about the store became assaulted by a noise—a musical noise that sounded cheerful and uplifting, and at the same time strange for someone was…yodeling. The yodeler appeared outside the hole where the gang leader known as Nose Ring laid in an unconscious stupor. The man wore a black long coat over a white tunic-like shirt. In his right hand, he carried a long musket and in his left, he held a poster. His teeth came together in a brilliant grin as his yodeling ceased. His blue eyes scrutinized the etching on the poster and the man at his feet.
“Well, what do you know, the works all done for me,” said the gunmen. He reached down to flick the massive nose ring that stretched the scumbag’s nostrils. What was the point? Why would anyone sacrifice beauty for a bull ring? He didn’t understand it—not to say the guy was beautiful to begin with.
Chamber straightened and peered inside the store to see several of Nose Ring’s possible henchmen surrounding two other individuals. He raised a hand to his head, his fingers reaching beneath his settler’s hat to scratch his blue hair. Did he want to get involved?
Grinning and waving to the individuals in the store, Chamber quickly bade: “Thanks for the freebie!”
Snagging Nose Ring by the ring of his nose, he started quickly dragging him away to turn his big-ass in. | Photo depicts the loot he sometimes gets from hunting pirates.
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5’10” and 165 lbs.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Chamber Remington Wesson is mostly a friendly guy, but he takes his business seriously. He takes pride in his abilities as a marksman, a gunmith, and his ability to…yodel. Yodeling is normally how he makes his entrance when he isn’t executing a target from a great distance. Not only is he proud, but he is also arrogant. When you’re as good as him with guns…well…you have every right to be if you can back it up, and Chamber takes gunslinging to a whole new level. He believes he is the fastest and deadliest shot in the World, and will defend his self-proclaimed title.
Chamber is under the blind impression that people not only like his yodeling but his handsome looks. He will try to impress cute and beautiful girls—one of his goals being to find a wife so he can pass down his amazing genes. Truly, his eyes were a gift from God.
When he isn’t hunting bounties, he is tinkering with his rifle, cleaning his guns, and training. There is always room for improvement and if he wants to truly be the best, then he has to work at it. Hunting bounties allows him to encounter new and unique foes that bring him fresh and interesting encounters. He chose the life of a bounty hunter to polish his skills even despite…well…being a wanted man himself.
History:Chamber hails from St. Poplar, an island town in Paradise connected to Water 7 and Enies Lobby by Sea Train. He lived the dream of most boys, wanting to grow up to be a Marine and he worked hard to achieve that dream. His father, Marine Captain Smith Wesson, was his role model. He was strong, proud, and an excellent shot with a gun. When his father returned home from R&R, they would practice and Chamber’s hawkeye gift was noticed early on. When Chamber came of age, he left his mother Annabelle to follow his father into the employment of the World Government. He and his father traveled all over and there were many instances where Chamber got to test his gunslinging skills for real. It was when Chamber began to modify the musket that he had been issued that he became aware of the World Government’s restrictions. He wasn’t allowed to modify government equipment even if it was to improve its performance. Officers tended to be the only individuals to allow special gear and equipment, and Chamber thought that policy was ridiculous. His skills were underappreciated. The officers on the ship tried to keep him in their shadows. He constantly butted-heads with a lieutenant named Bass Cooley who was under his father and who he noticed seemed…awfully close. It was as though his father had found himself a new son while he was out to sea for so long and he treated Chamber like all the other Marines. A fierce rivalry formed between him and Cooley, and no matter how much Bass disliked him he knew that Chamber was the better shot. He had to get rid of the kid if was to stay in Captain Wesson’s good graces. He was up for promotion!
On a mission to apprehend Sugar Ray pirates off the coast of the Conomi Islands, there was a heated battle between the two vessels and a violent exchange of cannon fire. In the middle of the battle, Lieutenant Cooley forced Chamber overboard. He was caught between the ships and their fire and in order to survive, he had to dive and swim as far out of the way of the two ships. He was left stranded in the ocean and exhaustion eventually took him. He washed ashore Cocoyasi Village and was rescued by a fisherman named Gil. Gil gave him a place to stay until he could get in contact with his unit, and when he managed to he learned that he was KIA. He had a decision to make then. He could either return to his pathetic life under the foot of every officer on the ship, or he could make his own life and live unrestrained. Chamber chose to do the latter and while he stayed with Gil in Cocoyasi, he modified his musket and other weapons the way he had always wanted to. He continued to go after criminals in his own way as a feared bounty hunter.
So his mother didn’t worry over the possibility of his death in combat, Chamber sent his mother a letter and news traveled to Captain Wesson that his son was still alive. Lieutenant Cooley labeled him as a deserter for having not returned to the Marines, and he has since become an outlaw.
His bounty journey has taken him to Logue Town, a popular trade center where he knows he’s going to collect some loot.
Extraordinary Marksman – Chamber is a gifted man. “Son of Gun” would be true. The way he handles his guns is completely unorthodox and it’s a sight to behold. His eyes are sharp, his reaction time even sharper, and his depth perception so keen that he could shoot the wings off a fly’s back. He has designed all of his weapons around his style of combat, and a lot of his designs are hidden within his long coat.
Tae Kwon Gun – It is Chamber’s martial art style. It is similar to Tae Kwon Do with his flurry of kicks except that each of his strikes trigger mechanisms that he calls Sliders and they are strapped to his forearms and shins. They not only act as guards against bladed weaponry but they carry magazines of rounds. For each thrust and of his legs and fists, the slider moves back, loading a round into the chamber, and then slides forward releasing the round. So while combating his foes, he can also fill them full of lead.
Burdened Fighter – If only one knew how many weapons he has concealed on his person. It makes him heavier than he really is and his muscles have been conditioned to bear the burden. So if he seems quick while burdened, wait until he takes it all off. He becomes even faster and his techniques even fiercer.
Ricochet – A gun trick where Chamber will shoot a round off a deflective surface and the round with change directory to hit the enemy where he or she didn’t see it coming. He has also used this technique to knock enemy rounds off course of their intended target. He can also perform this technique with his musket.
Quick Draw – The hand is quicker than the eye and Chamber is quick if not the quickest.
Gun Jam – Using his Quick Draw technique, Chamber can jam another weapon by lodging a bullet down the enemy’s barrel.
Traits: ---
Sliders – 4 – 8 round capacity.
Pistols – 4 – 8 round capacity.
Derringer -2- 1 round each.
Musket – 1 – single round reload capacity. Attachments: Bayonet and Scope. |
275 | 4 | 14 | 1,106 | 327 | Location: Lougetown - Outside the Store
What was supposed to be a typical shake down, had turned into quite the commosion in a matter of minutes. Although apparently saved, the shop owner did not look releaved. As a matter of fact, he appeared a bit more anxious that he was before. His eyes frantically kept count of the individuals in his store along with the curious bystanders that gathered outside.
“This isn’t good; not good at all.” The old man thought to himself as he began to profusely perspire. A gallon-worth of cold sweat suddenly trickled down from his entire body. It made you think, what had him so worried?
Trembling and in a panic, the shop owner rushed towards Chambers. “Faster, faster. You have to leave!” He said as he forcefully kept on pushing on the gunman’s back.
“Everyone, out!” He even motioned the rest of the Spice Boys to head out the door. The day was supposed to be simple; he’d get beaten up and lose some money, that was the worst case scenario he had thought of. Sadly, he was obviously mistaken.
With the series of events that had transpired, the unconscious Nose Ring along with his lackies were left stupefied for a few moments. The mercenary they hired was lousy, their boss was puched through a wall, random kids keep popping out of nowhere, and now the old man they were about to beat up was ordering them get out of the store.
A clenched fist suddenly crashed into the face of the old, forcing him to the ground with his nose bleeding and broken. All he coud do was cry out in pain.
“Not sure whatcha tryin’ to pull here, but we still gonna be takin’ yo money, gramps!”
With their boss temporarily out of the picture, it seems the grunts had become proactiv. Their job was simple though, get the cash and beat up whoever gets in your way. The atmosphere was getting rowdier and the fact that more goons were entering the store didn't make things any less troublesome.
"Don'tcha worry kiddos. After we're done with him, you guys are next. You gonna see firsthand what happens when you mess with the Spice Boys.
Simultaneous laughter and chuckles filled the shop as various types of weapons were being brought out; chains, swords, pipes, brass knuckles, daggers, you name it. Although muscleheaded, these mooks meant bussiness.
"Trash the place!"
OOC: Since these are small update, I plan to type up more as soon as people start to post. I know its kinda boring now, but we'll get to the juicy stuff eventually. Anyway, there's an unlimited amount of fodder you can take out if you want. Or maybe you want to help out the old man? Or maybe just run away from the place if you don't want to get involved in a fight this early into the story. Up to you. Have fun! | REGARDING CHARACTER SHEETS
For Scabbard, I fixed the coding a bit. Also, gave him Strength and Endurance traits. I think it fits his backstory and fighting style. Given his massive burns, I would want to suggest a weakness; being unable to fight prolonged battles. He could continue, but the fatigue and stress on his body would be more than usual.Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities:Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Techniques: ---
Great Sword - A large and mysterious two-handed sword that has apparently been locked up in chains.
For TJ, since he already has his cooking-based ability, I just wanted to give him some thick-skinned hands for boxing and whatnot. Feel free to rename the trait.Name: Teodore Jay “TJ” Dugrass
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6’5’’, 200 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: TJ is a boisterous man that just as boisterously claims himself to be a gentleman. As such, he strives at all hours of the day to perfect his gentlemanly manners and abides by the gentleman’s code of conduct. There are times, however, that he must painfully lay down his morals for the sake of achieving his dream. Such as when it comes to money. TJ is a shrewd businessman that sells his services for a high price. He may dislike having to negotiate in an ungentlemanly manner, but he tries not to let it bother him.
History: TJ was born and raised in Loguetown. He greatly admired the fry cook industry and worked himself up from a humble dishwasher to an ace cook over the course of several years. As a child, he was told stories of a fabled island filled with legendary and exquisite creatures no man had ever laid their tongue on. As he grew into an adult, he aspired to one day find this island- not just for discovery’s sake, but to contribute to his larger goal of opening the greatest food service chain on the Grand Line. Originally he planned on working to save up more travel money, but the restaurant he worked in for most of his life recently bombed. Literally it blew up and left him jobless. Seeing it as a sign to get started, he has decided to become a pirate as a means for adventure.
Abilities: Boxing: As a gentleman, TJ is well versed in the basics of fisticuffs.
Exquisite Grilled Cuisine: Being a former fry cook in a busy restaurant, TJ knows and is more than capable of making a variety of grill-related dishes on the fly.
Techniques: ---
Traits: Thick-Skinned Fists - TJ's fists are, for a lack of a better word, meaty. They are thick and though, allowing him to block and punch without damaging his precious hands. At least most of the time.
Inventory: A stainless steel spatula and a copy of “The Gentleman’s Book of Etiquette.”
Edited the coding a bit. Made her Improved Perception from her DF into a trait instead. Not sure how profecient she is with that rod, but I edited her fighting style; just wanted to categorize it. But if she just hits people with it without any real techqniue, we could just remove it from the CS; you don't need it to be an ability if its just that. Anyway, since she's experienced in sailing, I gave her a navigation ability. Combined with her DF, that could make for some unique weather predictions. Not sure if that was the path you were going for. Also, if you noticed, I intended some of your techniques; this way, it'll be easier to understand that those technique have basic version where they were derived from. A good example of this would be Zoro's Lion Song which later on after the timeskip became Lion Song of Death.Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5'4'', 100 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal. One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.
History: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time, as she came into this world on the vessel of what would become a pirate ship. At first, it had been the vessel of a lucrative business as an upscale passenger liner, but it was no stranger to pirates, as it weathered numerous scuffles in the East Blue Seas thanks to the strength and wit of Flors Donner. However, as it so often does, tragedy struck, in a form. After a journey that took place while Claribel was at the tender age of 3, a passenger who had been wounded in a pirate attack sought to press charges against Flors Donner and his estate, the legal avenues proving successful, the hefty fees damaging the company beyond repair. Though he was required to turn over his ship to account for bankruptcy, he denied this, running off with his ship, daughter, wife, and trusted crew. Now he was at an impasse: having fought pirates for such a length, he had no desire to enter their ranks, let alone with a woman and child on board, but the Government had scorned him, so he was now technically an outlaw. As he struggled with his options, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.
Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who'd plagued his business for years on end, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, his crew tough and loyal, if small, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, he wasn't convinced they were safe. So Flors turned to the newspaper, following the paths of pirates, arriving like a bountiful wind in their ashy wake. He went from town to town to find those who had been left behind by the Marines, and relighting their fire, giving them purpose. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.
As for the toddler on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. The young girl had known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.
After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter: Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.
Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.
Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.
Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them. Now she had to contend with the day to day: figuring out how to get along alone while also working out the kinks of her tricky Fruit. But six months after striking out, three of them on the legendary Loguetown, she's starting to get a bit bored of her locale, wondering when she's going to get to start the interesting life she'd been looking for.... It can't start in a boring way, after all!
Abilities:Echo Echo Fruit (Eko Eko no Mi)A paramecia-type Devil Fruit that bestows Claribel with the ability to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise within the last minute. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her: she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirection. It's worth noting that her control of sound is limited to the medium of gases. Liquids aren't workable (such as water, the bane of Fruit users) and solids more so, meaning she can't redirect or copy sounds she can feel from the ground or hear while underwater (though if the sound is loud enough it enters the air, however muffled, that's another story).
Rod Fu - Claribel is tough enough to hold her own, using a sturdy iron rod as a bludgeoning instrument.
Navigation - CLaribel's time at sea has made her into a reliable navigator as well as a talented cartographer. She is not only knowledgeable regarding weather and world events, but is also well capable of using tools such as maps, compasses and sea charts.
Techniques: Claribel doesn't yell out her technique names in the middle of battle, but that doesn't mean they can't be named!
Echo – Claribel takes a sound or phrase just emitted and repeats it. She can change the location it comes from as long as it's fairly close by. The volume is decreased slightly, however.
Echo Pop – A natural extension of her Echo. Claribel takes a sound, usually a very loud one like a gunshot or the bang of her rod hitting something hard (like a skull!), and repeats it numerous times in quick succession, usually right by someone's head. The result is a sudden burst of disorienting sound that often leaves the target venerable to further attack. It's tricky to pull off, since it requires more precision, so Claribel isn't capable of it yet!
Shoosh – Claribel redirects the voice of a person away from their intended target. If someone is trying to yell for help, then Claribel can redirect the sound so that it travels backwards, for instance. This doesn't affect the volume of the sound though, and she has trouble catching the further echoes. A yell in a narrow hallway will carry both ways no matter what she does, but someone yelling from a boat in the ocean to a nearby shore is out of luck if Claribel wants them to keep quiet.
A-pu-pup! Shoosh – A more precise version of the standard technique, Claribel 'grabs' a sound, effectively quieting it down, redirecting it in the same bubble, so to speak, without letting the sound bounce off another surface and echo naturally. Imagine a sound as a superball, bouncing madly, each bounce making the noise that reverberates and become audible. Were Claribel to grab that sound midair, redirecting it back and forth until it naturally petered out, she would create a silence from a sound, in effect. Like Echo Pop, this technique is beyond her current ability due to the focus and precision required.
Traits:Improved Perception: She has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular sound unless it stands out, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.
Inventory:Iron Rod: Sturdy enough to trade blows and noisy on the right surfaces. It's straight, cylindrical, and a bit less than a meter long.
Tone Dials (TDs): Claribel almost always has a pair around her neck or over her ears.
You're character's pretty balanced. The only thing I can offer would be another ability. I guess you coul take the engineering or inventor one now?
Not really sure what to give you guys. Based on what I have on you, you seem to not need any. Any suggestions?
You may add Enhanced Agility and Master of Anatomy as traits. |
276 | 4 | 15 | 1,834 | 91 | Somehow, things had managed to go extremely badly in the span of a few minutes; the shopkeeper was knocked out, the gangsters had become restless, and more of them were entering the store by the second. At this rate, the Marines would take notice and turn the fight into an all-out war.
"Huh. Things have gotten interesting." Tenmon said, narrowly dodging a sword swing from one of the gangsters.
"Die, bastard!"
The Spice Boy goon took another swing at Tenmon. The young ninja jumped over both the blade and the gangster, his feet planting themselves on the shop counter. He briefly considered using his powers right there and then, but shook his head as he dismissed the idea; that would just destroy the old man's store even more. Tenmon needed to get outside before he started using his Burst Technique™.
"Ninja Arts: Flash Step!"
Tenmon took a low stance and darted forward, systematically stepping on the shoulders and heads of the various goons as he made a move for the door, deftly avoiding the series of weapons that were swung as the brawl continued. Dashing through the exit, he could've sworn that he accidentally stepped on someone that wasn't a goon there... Bah, forget it - they'd be fine.
Tenmon smirked. He was outside now. He could go all out. Some of Nose Ring's thugs were already outside, and more of them had followed Tenmon from inside the store too. A group of the thugs ran towards Tenmon with their weapons drawn, aiming to beat him to a pulp.
"Ninja Arts: Chi Burst!"
Tenmon thrust both of his hands outward toward the mob, releasing two explosions from his palms that enveloped the gangsters and sent them spiralling backward, with scorched bodies and white eyes telling of the teenager's mass K.O. The noise from the explosions rippled through and shook a portion of the town, alerting those nearby that something was going down in the shopping district.
The boy turned to face the remainder of the gangsters around him, drawing his ninjatō and taking another low stance which would foretell his next move. | Name:
Tenmon Tamashi
Height and Weight:
168 cm (5'6")
66 kg (145 lb)
0 Beli
In contrast to most other ninja of the Wano Country, Tenmon seems to be quite casual about being a ninja, and often demonstrates his skill and agility in front of people while declaring himself to be one. Whereas most ninjas would be geared to solitary operations, Tenmon doesn't seem to mind working independently or in a group. He appears to carry a fairly level-headed aura, rarely becoming agitated or worried about matters. This casual nature seems to also extend to combat, where Tenmon assesses his enemies with a cool approach, while also acting quite respectfully to his opponents most of the time.
Despite this overall casual nature, Tenmon is more than willing to adopt a more serious persona for the sake of victory, becoming significantly more formidable and dangerous. In these situations, he may also adopt a more cold-blooded mentality, becoming willing to kill as a last resort, if he deems it to be necessary.
Unsurprisingly, Tenmon isn't one to talk about his history. Unless someone actively tries to pry into it, Tenmon will often play his past off as something "unimportant".
The eccentricity of his father has influenced him a bit, although it is often belied by his casual side. Tenmon is sometimes fond of jokes and nonsensical actions at inappropriate or tense moments - cheering on his comrades in a fight when he could be actually helping them by joining in, for example.
He's also got a tendency to "disappear" and "appear" in places without being noticed. That's just a part of being a ninja.
A trained assassin and sole user of the Burst Technique™, Tenmon seeks to become the ultimate ninja (whatever that entails).
The Tamashi Clan was once a recognized force within the Wano Country, a centuries-old clan of ninjas that had been known for their mercenary work throughout the nation, which allowed them to become a wealthy organization over the course of years. Their desire for an even greater profit led them to eventually abandon Wano, settling on one of the many "remote" islands within Paradise with the intention of expanding their potential clientèle - by taking mercenary work from various islands as opposed to a single nation.
The only son of the Tamashi Clan's Grandmaster, Tenmon supposedly consumed a Devil Fruit at a very early age, being uneducated about their existence. The Bomu Bomu no Mi proved to be a dangerous power to wield whilst growing up, leading some of the members being afraid of touching Tenmon for fear of him blowing up. Tenmon's father - the eccentric Grandmaster Soju - saw it as a grand opportunity to cultivate and incorporate Tenmon's power into his ninja training. This was the beginning of the development of the Burst Technique™, and a majority of Tenmon's childhood was spent developing it. Many of Tenmon's training sessions were done within the forest, alone. His Devil Fruit power was "too risky" to practice around other people after all. Charred grass and ashen trees were a good way to show he was making progress, anyway.
During his training, the mercenary work of the clan flourished, with many different islands and people requesting various jobs. This would eventually prove to be the undoing of the clan when the clan undertook a job that involved, well, killing a World Noble. Being from the Wano Country, the Tamashi Clan was unaffliated with the World Government and therefore held no sense of value or knowledge about the World Nobles. The consequences were catastrophic, with Marines besieging and destroying the Tamashi Clan in its near entirety.
Tenmon returned to what was essentially ruins; a severely damaged temple littered with bodies. His isolated training was the only reason he had survived, and yet he felt a deep sense of regret and despair for not being there to defend the clan its time of need. There was no way for him to enact vengeance, either; the Marines had already departed. The event sparked in him a hatred of the World Government, particularly the World Nobles, and the Admiral that launched the attack on his temple. That was only four years ago.
Now, Tenmon searches for that same Admiral. Although his search was set back by arriving in Loguetown a few months ago: He had stowed away on one too many ships, and ended up being taken in the wrong direction - out of the Grand Line. Tenmon has since used Loguetown to gather whatever resources he can, and intends to set out upon a journey to become a powerful ninja, and challenge the Admiral that destroyed his clan.
But even so, Tenmon questions his motive of revenge every now and again, feeling that it wouldn't be the clan's will for him to seek it.
As ninja from Wano Country, Tenmon is able to perform various ninja arts, in addition to being unnaturally agile and dexterous. His abilities combine atypical weaponry with the power of his Devil Fruit, giving him a high amount of versatility in combat.
Devil Fruit: Bomu Bomu no Mi
The Bomu Bomu no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to make any part of his or her body explode, making the user a Bomb Human.
Eating this Devil Fruit at an early age, Tenmon has been raised to develop it into a fighting style, creating the Burst Technique™; a combination of unarmed ninjutsu and his explosive power. The fighting style allows Tenmon to deal agile explosive blows, in addition to multi-hit attacks for more - albeit significantly weaker - explosions. While powerful, the fighting style is kind of a double-edged sword: the collateral damage followed by the explosions is generally very undesirable (shipwrights HATE him) - especially if allies are nearby. Tenmon generally holds off on the Burst Technique™ as a result.
At the moment, the explosions created by Tenmon's named moves are - at most - strong enough to leave medium-large holes in brick walls, but do not quite have the fire-power to destroy much beyond that.
Ninjutsu Techniques
Ninja Arts: Sweeping Dusk Blade
Tenmon kneels and dashes forward, cleaving the air with his sword as he passes by. Used to attack a single target quickly, but can also hit multiple enemies, although Tenmon has to hit them each individually - a difficult feat that becomes increasingly harder to accomplish the more targets there are.
Ninja Arts: Crescent Strike
Tenmon performs a front flip, and kicks using the momentum of the flip to deal more damage.
Ninja Arts: Half-Moon Strike
An attack to be used directly after its crescent counterpart. Tenmon vaults off of an enemy he's kicked, jumping behind them to kick again.
Ninja Arts: Flash Step
Tenmon quickly dashes in order to avoid an attack, or get into a more favourable position. Doesn't seem to be as fast as Soru, as the moves do not share the same technique: Soru requires kicking off the ground at least 10 times, whereas Ninja Arts: Flash Step is just a very swift dash.
Ninja Arts: Throw
Tenmon throws a miscellaneous item at an enemy. Not really a Ninja Art, but he calls it one anyway.
Burst Techniques
Ninja Arts: Smoke Burst
Tenmon obscures himself in an explosion of smoke, allowing him to move to a different location quickly, or attack enemies while the smokescreen persists.
Ninja Arts: Chi Burst
Tenmon thrusts his palm outward creates an explosion in the hand. In comparison to his other moves, this one has slightly more range, and doesn't rely on his hand making contact with the target. However, it's a fairly simple move to the point of being almost awkward to use.
Ninja Arts: Burst Bomb
Tenmon throws a punch and detonates his fist upon contact, resulting in a high amount of damage from both the punch and the following explosion.
Ninja Arts: Burst Crescent
Similarly to Ninja Arts: Crescent Strike, Tenmon performs a front flip and kicks. Tenmon detonates his leg on impact, offering a high amount of destructive power.
Ninja Arts: Spiral Dragon Burst
Tenmon jumps into the air and spins while upside down, delivering a kick while detonating his leg.
A simple weapon bestowed to Tenmon by the Tamashi Clan. Fundamentally, Yugure is a normal ninjatō which features a blue handle and silver guard. The sheath is entirely blue, but also has circular designs embedded on the length of the sheath. As one can imagine, the blade of the weapon is particularly thick and short in comparison to longer swords such as a katana, being around 50cm in length. It's small size makes it fairly simple for Tenmon to wield and also allows for faster attacks.
A single kunai to be employed as a dagger secondary to Yugure, allowing for more consecutive attacks and accurate critical strikes (he goes for the eyes).
Picture of Tenmon's Father
RIP Grandmaster Soju |
277 | 4 | 16 | 2,786 | 800 | Zehst smirked as he punched the guy with the nose ring through the wall. That'd teach him to be a weird pokey person. The young man listened to the exclamations of the two henchmen with a raised eyebrow. Hitman? What was that? Well, he had hit the guy...and he was definitely a man, last he checked...Zehst nodded to himself. He probably was a hitman! Then the crate next to him burst open, as a mysterious voice told Zehst where he could find a new boat. Who was this mysterious individual, who brought the good news of new dinghies to those who had no dinghies left?! It was...
Zehst honestly had no idea who it was, but his outfit looked neat.
The thugs must not have thought so, though, because they turned their weapons on the new guy too. Zehst frowned. He had no idea where the Arms Shop or the Execution Platform was, so he would probably have to ask for directions. But he couldn't do that if these guys used their weapons on the new guy to chop him up! He would have to--
"WHAT IS THAT GODAWFUL NOISE!?" The rocketman suddenly shouted, clapping his hands over his ears. Someone was walking towards the shop, someone who was...emitting some kind of sonic weapon from his mouth! Zehst's eyes bugged out of his head. Who was capable of such destruction?! Even the weapons his parents invented hadn't been
The guy grabbed Nose Ring by the...nose ring...and said something, but Zehst didn't hear it because he still had his hands over his ears. When he noted that the strange reverberations threatening to break his brain had stopped, however, he let his hands drop back to his sides. Suddenly there was a lot of commotion as the old man told them all to leave the store, but the other guys weren't having any of that. In fact, more of them came in, and things were starting to get really violent.
"Well, this looks like fun!" he said. The fellow in the cool outfit seemed to agree, and promptly proclaimed his Ninja Arts before leaping into the air. He stepped on Zehst's head, prompting an "oof!" from the rocket man before he repeated the process with several more heads, leaping out of the store.
"Hey, you--" Zehst started. Then there was a big boom. As Zehst stood there, a horrified expression growing on his face, a white light seemed to envelop everything around him, reducing his surroundings to black lines like they were in a manga or something. Seconds later all the color came back, but the explosion had wiped several of the Spice Boys out.
"Stinger Strike!"
With the by-now familiar sound, a metal funnel shape blossomed from Zehst's left shoulder like a flower bud, and within it a fire bloomed before he was rocket propelled out of the shop, his feet sliding on the ground as his right arm pointed his elbow at his target. It looked a lot like some kind of martial arts strike, but really Zehst had just naturally felt like this was the best movement for what he had intended to do when he first practiced this move.
He surged forward, attacking--not the Spice Boys, but the mysterious man!
"What weapon did you use just now!?" He demanded. "Who designed it!?" | Name: Zehst Messerschmitt
Age: 18
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5' 10", 140 pounds (63.5 kg)
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Zehst is energetic and hardly ever takes things seriously. He makes friends easily and brushes off hostility up to a point. His primary want in life is freedom--absolute freedom, the ability to do anything and everything that he wants. However, this is where he begins to toe the line of eccentricity. He doesn't believe in laws, seeing them as oppressive, but agrees that freedom has to naturally come with consequences. He also rarely imposes on anyone else's "freedoms" as he sees them--such as the freedom of a thief to steal something. Yet a person who stops a thief also has the freedom to do that if they want to. All in all it's an extremely hypocritical way of looking at the world, and speaks to his inexperience as a person...but perhaps this is why he wants to be free in the first place.
History: Zehst was born to a wealthy family on the Gecko Islands archipelago, who made their fortune by designing weapons for the World Government. Knowing their inventions were tools of violence, destruction, and oppression, they always kept their son in the dark about the true nature of their careers. Zehst's childhood was extremely restricted and sheltered, to keep him from learning how cruel the world really was. But they could only keep this up for so long. As Zehst got older, he had soon read all the books they could give him and learned all his tutors had to teach him, and soon his fun-loving attitude could no longer be curbed and he could no longer simply be sent to his room. With nothing more to distract him, he began to escape time and time again. Until, one night, he witnessed an engagement between the World Government and a pirate ship that was targeting the Gecko Islands.
The Pirate Ship was coming close to the shore, almost close enough to begin assaulting the island. Though in doing so they were putting the lives of islanders who lived on the shore in peril, the captain of the Marines gave the order to launch a particular missile that had been designed by Zehst's parents. The missile was a direct hit, but the explosion that followed was so enormous that not only were the pirates completely eradicated, but so were the homes of several villagers on the cliffs overlooking the shoreline. Zehst couldn't help but think that even pirates didn't deserve to be destroyed so thoroughly as he watched the carnage subside. What was more, the people of the village blamed his family. For the first time Zehst saw the true nature of what his parents had done to build their fortune.
Over the next few weeks, he confronted them. There was a family shouting match that grew so intense Zehst punched his own father. Though he wasn't punished afterwards, this actually made it worse for him. His parents loved him, they truly did, but for various reasons they couldn't just suddenly stop making weapons. Unable to see their point of view, Zehst secretely stole an object his father had obtained for experimentation--a Devil Fruit. Using the fruit's powers to leave his home behind, Zehst started a new life, searching for the freedom he had never had.
Abilities: Roke-Roke no Mi - The Rocket Fruit, its name taken from the Japanese pronunciation "roketto." It is a paramecium fruit that turns the user into a Rocket Human, and allows them to produce various types of rocket thrusters and jets through the surfaces of their body.
Cruise Knuckle - A rocket thruster appears on Zehst's elbow, greatly increasing the speed and force of a punch.
Stinger Strike - A thruster appears on the back of Zehst's shoulder and elbow as he darts forward, and performs a piercing elbow strike with the opposite arm. It resembles an elbow thrust from the martial art known as Bajiquan.
Homing Kick - A roundhouse kick that uses thrusters on the back of Zehst's calves and heel to increase power, speed, and spin--he'll be able to chase an opponent to an extent, continuing to spin and fly after them. However, after several rotations he'll become dizzy and crash.
ICBM - A flying kick that sprouts thrusters over various parts of Zhest, making this his most powerful attack. However, it hits so hard that it damages him as well, and uses up a great deal of energy.
Inventor - Having inherited his parents' knack for learning, designing, and application of science, Zehst makes a fairly good inventor. However, at the moment he lacks the experience or tools to make much use of it. Perhaps if he were to set foot on a ship, he could learn its workings and be a decent shipwright...
Inventory: A burlap duffel sack containing all his supplies, including clothes, food and water, a compass, a map, and not much else. |
278 | 4 | 17 | 1,774 | 401 | Natural?
Claribel pondered on that as the puppet held up a sketchpad. There wasn't much natural about this whole scene in the first place, so if she was supposed to act like this was natural...hey, this was getting interesting. Stepping forwards, Claribel got a closer look at the guy: he had a bit of facial hair, and his clothes were on the muted side, but one of his arms was definitely inside the puppet girl.
Claribel giggled, waving her arm in front of her own face, "Eh? There's no one behind you! You just spooked me." Getting closer, she looked over the pair, before grinning, grabbing the puppet by one of her arms. Stars starting to shine in her eyes, she glowed, beginning, "Anyway, what's your name? What are you doing in the quiet part of town?" As she asked, she thought she heard some rambunctious echoes from closer to the sea somewhere else in town. Probably nothing.
Excitement getting the best of her, Claribel's stomach let out a rumble. Claribel puckered her lips, before turning around, moving to pull her along. "Let's get some food!" | Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5'4'', 100 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal. One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.
History: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time, as she came into this world on the vessel of what would become a pirate ship. At first, it had been the vessel of a lucrative business as an upscale passenger liner, but it was no stranger to pirates, as it weathered numerous scuffles in the East Blue Seas thanks to the strength and wit of Flors Donner. However, as it so often does, tragedy struck, in a form. After a journey that took place while Claribel was at the tender age of 3, a passenger who had been wounded in a pirate attack sought to press charges against Flors Donner and his estate, the legal avenues proving successful, the hefty fees damaging the company beyond repair. Though he was required to turn over his ship to account for bankruptcy, he denied this, running off with his ship, daughter, wife, and trusted crew. Now he was at an impasse: having fought pirates for such a length, he had no desire to enter their ranks, let alone with a woman and child on board, but the Government had scorned him, so he was now technically an outlaw. As he struggled with his options, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.
Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who'd plagued his business for years on end, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, his crew tough and loyal, if small, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, he wasn't convinced they were safe. So Flors turned to the newspaper, following the paths of pirates, arriving like a bountiful wind in their ashy wake. He went from town to town to find those who had been left behind by the Marines, and relighting their fire, giving them purpose. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.
As for the toddler on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. The young girl had known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.
After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter: Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.
Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.
Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.
Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them. Now she had to contend with the day to day: figuring out how to get along alone while also working out the kinks of her tricky Fruit. But six months after striking out, three of them on the legendary Loguetown, she's starting to get a bit bored of her locale, wondering when she's going to get to start the interesting life she'd been looking for.... It can't start in a boring way, after all!
Abilities:Echo Echo Fruit (Eko Eko no Mi)A paramecia-type Devil Fruit that bestows Claribel with the ability to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise within the last minute. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her: she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirection. It's worth noting that her control of sound is limited to the medium of gases. Liquids aren't workable (such as water, the bane of Fruit users) and solids more so, meaning she can't redirect or copy sounds she can feel from the ground or hear while underwater (though if the sound is loud enough it enters the air, however muffled, that's another story).
Rod Fu - Claribel is tough enough to hold her own, using a sturdy iron rod as a bludgeoning instrument.
Navigation - Claribel's time at sea has made her into a reliable navigator as well as a talented cartographer. She is not only knowledgeable regarding weather and world events, but is also well capable of using tools such as maps, compasses and sea charts.
Techniques: Claribel doesn't yell out her technique names in the middle of battle, but that doesn't mean they can't be named!
Echo – Claribel takes a sound or phrase just emitted and repeats it. She can change the location it comes from as long as it's fairly close by. The volume is decreased slightly, however.
Echo Pop – A natural extension of her Echo. Claribel takes a sound, usually a very loud one like a gunshot or the bang of her rod hitting something hard (like a skull!), and repeats it numerous times in quick succession, usually right by someone's head. The result is a sudden burst of disorienting sound that often leaves the target venerable to further attack. It's tricky to pull off, since it requires more precision, so Claribel isn't capable of it yet!
Shoosh – Claribel redirects the voice of a person away from their intended target. If someone is trying to yell for help, then Claribel can redirect the sound so that it travels backwards, for instance. This doesn't affect the volume of the sound though, and she has trouble catching the further echoes. A yell in a narrow hallway will carry both ways no matter what she does, but someone yelling from a boat in the ocean to a nearby shore is out of luck if Claribel wants them to keep quiet.
A-pu-pup! Shoosh – A more precise version of the standard technique, Claribel 'grabs' a sound, effectively quieting it down, redirecting it in the same bubble, so to speak, without letting the sound bounce off another surface and echo naturally. Imagine a sound as a superball, bouncing madly, each bounce making the noise that reverberates and become audible. Were Claribel to grab that sound midair, redirecting it back and forth until it naturally petered out, she would create a silence from a sound, in effect. Like Echo Pop, this technique is beyond her current ability due to the focus and precision required.
Traits:Improved Perception: She has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular sound unless it stands out, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.
Inventory:Iron Rod: Sturdy enough to trade blows and noisy on the right surfaces. It's straight, cylindrical, and a bit less than a meter long.
Tone Dials (TDs): Claribel almost always has a pair around her neck or over her ears. |
279 | 4 | 18 | 2,481 | 9 | “Haaah… haaah…”
Lucretia staggered towards the shop, out of breath. She stopped by a wall, watching the new gangsters file into the shop.
“Oh… oh, dear. There really are a lot of them,” she mumbled to herself. “Perhaps this wasn’t such a--”
She stopped. That ninja… was he the one on the flying boat? He had to have been, it certainly wasn’t one of those thugs there… Well, that put a wrench in her plans. How was she supposed to recruit him into her Very Own Pirate Crew if he was busy beating up some dirty street gang? There was only one solution she could see here--
Her train of thought was more or less interrupted by the massive explosions. She balked. This mysterious figure… he had some kind of special power as well! That settled things. If she wanted to get him on her crew, then she would definitely have to--
Lucretia’s scheming was once again interrupted - this time, by some kind of ‘rocket-powered man’ attacking the ninja from within the shop! Perhaps he was the one on the boat all along? Lucretia shook her head dismissively. Her first day as a pirate was already far more chaotic than she ever expected. But, of course, that only meant it was time to restore order -- didn’t it?
She scowled. As far as special powers go, she really did get the short end of the stick - why couldn’t she turn into something nice, like a cat or a giraffe? Oh well. She focused, growing taller and - well, greener. By the end of it, she stood nearly eight feet tall, with weird bug eyes, a set of antennae, and two inordinately sharp, blade-like claws jutting out from her arms. Without further ado, Lucretia rushed towards Zehst and Tenmon, bowling over any gangsters that happened to be in her way.
“Both of you boys - whatever you’re fighting about,” she yelled, “Stop it right now! I’ve got a business proposition for the two of you!” | Name: Savaronitelle Lucretia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5’1”, 117 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Lucretia is very haughty, but at the same time she treats most things with a sort of casual irreverence. She dislikes most people who she considers above her, and disregards most people that she thinks are below her. Secretly self-conscious about her height - after all, she ought to be the one looking down upon everyone, not the other way around. She always seems to have something to prove. As of late, she’s developed an odd, mantis-esque personal quirk - namely, she has a bizarre tendency to come up with weird food-related nicknames for men she meets.
History: Lucretia is the less-favored second child of a prominent wealthy family. Her sister, a charming and kind socialite, always seemed to upstage her at every turn. Not realizing that this was mostly because she wasn’t charming or kind, Lucretia decided to make a name for herself on the open sea - after all, if she became Queen Of The Pirates, then surely her family would see how much better she was than her mean old sister!
Mushi Mushi no Mi, Model: Mantis
After eating the Bug-Bug Fruit, Lucretia has developed the uncanny ability to turn into a giant mantis, as well as a hybrid form where she takes on a human-mantis form. In both forms, her strength and speed are enhanced dramatically, and she gains wicked mantis-claws to slice at her enemies with. She is loathe to use her full mantis form however, considering it to be absolutely uncouth and disgusting. As a side-note, Lucretia does not actually know what Devil Fruits are - she accidentally ordered the Bug-Bug Fruit at a fancy dinner party and didn’t want to show weakness in front of her sister by ordering something else.
Techniques: ---
Traits: ---
Inventory: --- |
280 | 4 | 19 | 1,834 | 91 | As Tenmon prepared himself to cleave through the many gangsters ahead of him, he was interrupted by the shouts of another.
"Ninja Arts: Sweepi—"
"What weapon did you use just now!? Who designed it!?"
It was the rocketeer again, but he was... charging? At him? Tenmon knew it: he did step on somebody that wasn't a goon! The young ninja tapped his palm with a fist as he made the realization. At that moment, another non-goon arrived. It was a... giant mantis? A talking giant mantis? Were those native to Loguetown? Were they native to the East Blue even? A series of questions rushed through Tenmon's mind to the point where he barely processed what the mantis-woman was saying - something about fighting? He didn't have time to talk about fighting; he was fighting!
"Hang on talking mantis, I have to defeat these gangst—BLEUGH!"
Amidst the commotion of gangsters and giant insects, Tenmon had forgotten that he needed to dodge the attack from the rocketeer. The elbow thrust struck Tenmon in the face, sending him spiralling into the air — seriously, he must've spun like, 10 times during that 2-second airtime. It was fine though, Tenmon could easily stabilize his landing; he was a ninja after all. Well, he would've easily stabilized his landing if he wasn't being knocked straight into Nose Ring's gangsters. Sure enough, the young ninja barrelled straight into the thugs, inciting yet another explosion to take place as he collided with them head-on. Colour was removed from the area yet again as both light and smoke bellowed from the site of impact, obscuring both Tenmon and the gangsters he had been shot into.
The smoke began to dissipate, revealing a pile of knocked-out gangsters and Tenmon, who was laying atop the pile - still conscious. He sat up almost immediately, justifiably angry that he was just attacked by the same guy he gave directions to.
"Hey, Rocket Man! Why are you attacking me for!?" Tenmon shouted, hopping off of the pile of gangsters as he did so. | Name:
Tenmon Tamashi
Height and Weight:
168 cm (5'6")
66 kg (145 lb)
0 Beli
In contrast to most other ninja of the Wano Country, Tenmon seems to be quite casual about being a ninja, and often demonstrates his skill and agility in front of people while declaring himself to be one. Whereas most ninjas would be geared to solitary operations, Tenmon doesn't seem to mind working independently or in a group. He appears to carry a fairly level-headed aura, rarely becoming agitated or worried about matters. This casual nature seems to also extend to combat, where Tenmon assesses his enemies with a cool approach, while also acting quite respectfully to his opponents most of the time.
Despite this overall casual nature, Tenmon is more than willing to adopt a more serious persona for the sake of victory, becoming significantly more formidable and dangerous. In these situations, he may also adopt a more cold-blooded mentality, becoming willing to kill as a last resort, if he deems it to be necessary.
Unsurprisingly, Tenmon isn't one to talk about his history. Unless someone actively tries to pry into it, Tenmon will often play his past off as something "unimportant".
The eccentricity of his father has influenced him a bit, although it is often belied by his casual side. Tenmon is sometimes fond of jokes and nonsensical actions at inappropriate or tense moments - cheering on his comrades in a fight when he could be actually helping them by joining in, for example.
He's also got a tendency to "disappear" and "appear" in places without being noticed. That's just a part of being a ninja.
A trained assassin and sole user of the Burst Technique™, Tenmon seeks to become the ultimate ninja (whatever that entails).
The Tamashi Clan was once a recognized force within the Wano Country, a centuries-old clan of ninjas that had been known for their mercenary work throughout the nation, which allowed them to become a wealthy organization over the course of years. Their desire for an even greater profit led them to eventually abandon Wano, settling on one of the many "remote" islands within Paradise with the intention of expanding their potential clientèle - by taking mercenary work from various islands as opposed to a single nation.
The only son of the Tamashi Clan's Grandmaster, Tenmon supposedly consumed a Devil Fruit at a very early age, being uneducated about their existence. The Bomu Bomu no Mi proved to be a dangerous power to wield whilst growing up, leading some of the members being afraid of touching Tenmon for fear of him blowing up. Tenmon's father - the eccentric Grandmaster Soju - saw it as a grand opportunity to cultivate and incorporate Tenmon's power into his ninja training. This was the beginning of the development of the Burst Technique™, and a majority of Tenmon's childhood was spent developing it. Many of Tenmon's training sessions were done within the forest, alone. His Devil Fruit power was "too risky" to practice around other people after all. Charred grass and ashen trees were a good way to show he was making progress, anyway.
During his training, the mercenary work of the clan flourished, with many different islands and people requesting various jobs. This would eventually prove to be the undoing of the clan when the clan undertook a job that involved, well, killing a World Noble. Being from the Wano Country, the Tamashi Clan was unaffliated with the World Government and therefore held no sense of value or knowledge about the World Nobles. The consequences were catastrophic, with Marines besieging and destroying the Tamashi Clan in its near entirety.
Tenmon returned to what was essentially ruins; a severely damaged temple littered with bodies. His isolated training was the only reason he had survived, and yet he felt a deep sense of regret and despair for not being there to defend the clan its time of need. There was no way for him to enact vengeance, either; the Marines had already departed. The event sparked in him a hatred of the World Government, particularly the World Nobles, and the Admiral that launched the attack on his temple. That was only four years ago.
Now, Tenmon searches for that same Admiral. Although his search was set back by arriving in Loguetown a few months ago: He had stowed away on one too many ships, and ended up being taken in the wrong direction - out of the Grand Line. Tenmon has since used Loguetown to gather whatever resources he can, and intends to set out upon a journey to become a powerful ninja, and challenge the Admiral that destroyed his clan.
But even so, Tenmon questions his motive of revenge every now and again, feeling that it wouldn't be the clan's will for him to seek it.
As ninja from Wano Country, Tenmon is able to perform various ninja arts, in addition to being unnaturally agile and dexterous. His abilities combine atypical weaponry with the power of his Devil Fruit, giving him a high amount of versatility in combat.
Devil Fruit: Bomu Bomu no Mi
The Bomu Bomu no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to make any part of his or her body explode, making the user a Bomb Human.
Eating this Devil Fruit at an early age, Tenmon has been raised to develop it into a fighting style, creating the Burst Technique™; a combination of unarmed ninjutsu and his explosive power. The fighting style allows Tenmon to deal agile explosive blows, in addition to multi-hit attacks for more - albeit significantly weaker - explosions. While powerful, the fighting style is kind of a double-edged sword: the collateral damage followed by the explosions is generally very undesirable (shipwrights HATE him) - especially if allies are nearby. Tenmon generally holds off on the Burst Technique™ as a result.
At the moment, the explosions created by Tenmon's named moves are - at most - strong enough to leave medium-large holes in brick walls, but do not quite have the fire-power to destroy much beyond that.
Ninjutsu Techniques
Ninja Arts: Sweeping Dusk Blade
Tenmon kneels and dashes forward, cleaving the air with his sword as he passes by. Used to attack a single target quickly, but can also hit multiple enemies, although Tenmon has to hit them each individually - a difficult feat that becomes increasingly harder to accomplish the more targets there are.
Ninja Arts: Crescent Strike
Tenmon performs a front flip, and kicks using the momentum of the flip to deal more damage.
Ninja Arts: Half-Moon Strike
An attack to be used directly after its crescent counterpart. Tenmon vaults off of an enemy he's kicked, jumping behind them to kick again.
Ninja Arts: Flash Step
Tenmon quickly dashes in order to avoid an attack, or get into a more favourable position. Doesn't seem to be as fast as Soru, as the moves do not share the same technique: Soru requires kicking off the ground at least 10 times, whereas Ninja Arts: Flash Step is just a very swift dash.
Ninja Arts: Throw
Tenmon throws a miscellaneous item at an enemy. Not really a Ninja Art, but he calls it one anyway.
Burst Techniques
Ninja Arts: Smoke Burst
Tenmon obscures himself in an explosion of smoke, allowing him to move to a different location quickly, or attack enemies while the smokescreen persists.
Ninja Arts: Chi Burst
Tenmon thrusts his palm outward creates an explosion in the hand. In comparison to his other moves, this one has slightly more range, and doesn't rely on his hand making contact with the target. However, it's a fairly simple move to the point of being almost awkward to use.
Ninja Arts: Burst Bomb
Tenmon throws a punch and detonates his fist upon contact, resulting in a high amount of damage from both the punch and the following explosion.
Ninja Arts: Burst Crescent
Similarly to Ninja Arts: Crescent Strike, Tenmon performs a front flip and kicks. Tenmon detonates his leg on impact, offering a high amount of destructive power.
Ninja Arts: Spiral Dragon Burst
Tenmon jumps into the air and spins while upside down, delivering a kick while detonating his leg.
A simple weapon bestowed to Tenmon by the Tamashi Clan. Fundamentally, Yugure is a normal ninjatō which features a blue handle and silver guard. The sheath is entirely blue, but also has circular designs embedded on the length of the sheath. As one can imagine, the blade of the weapon is particularly thick and short in comparison to longer swords such as a katana, being around 50cm in length. It's small size makes it fairly simple for Tenmon to wield and also allows for faster attacks.
A single kunai to be employed as a dagger secondary to Yugure, allowing for more consecutive attacks and accurate critical strikes (he goes for the eyes).
Picture of Tenmon's Father
RIP Grandmaster Soju |
281 | 4 | 20 | 931 | 246 | “…Ah!” TJ loudly cleared his throat, his face burning with embarrassment upon realizing the kind of shout he just made. “I- AHEGHM- I must have gotten something stuck in my throat just then! Yes, yes…” He glanced side to side to make sure nobody else was around to witness his embarrassing display. It was unbecoming of a gentleman to shriek so ungentlemanly, he figured!
“Ah, anyway, did you see that just now? The thing that barreled right through here?” TJ asked as he looked further down the road, making note of what seemed to be a hole in a building at the end of it. | Name: Teodore Jay “TJ” Dugrass
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6’5’’, 200 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: TJ is a boisterous man that just as boisterously claims himself to be a gentleman. As such, he strives at all hours of the day to perfect his gentlemanly manners and abides by the gentleman’s code of conduct. There are times, however, that he must painfully lay down his morals for the sake of achieving his dream. Such as when it comes to money. TJ is a shrewd businessman that sells his services for a high price. He may dislike having to negotiate in an ungentlemanly manner, but he tries not to let it bother him.
History: TJ was born and raised in Loguetown. He greatly admired the fry cook industry and worked himself up from a humble dishwasher to an ace cook over the course of several years. As a child, he was told stories of a fabled island filled with legendary and exquisite creatures no man had ever laid their tongue on. As he grew into an adult, he aspired to one day find this island- not just for discovery’s sake, but to contribute to his larger goal of opening the greatest food service chain on the Grand Line. Originally he planned on working to save up more travel money, but the restaurant he worked in for most of his life recently bombed. Literally it blew up and left him jobless. Seeing it as a sign to get started, he has decided to become a pirate as a means for adventure.
-Boxing: As a gentleman, TJ is well versed in the basics of fisticuffs.
-Exquisite Grilled Cuisine: Being a former fry cook in a busy restaurant, TJ knows and is more than capable of making a variety of grill-related dishes on the fly.
Techniques: ---
Traits:Big Meaty Claws - TJ's fists are, for a lack of a better word, meaty. They are thick and tough, allowing him to block and punch without damaging his precious hands. At least most of the time.
Inventory: A stainless steel spatula and a copy of “The Gentleman’s Book of Etiquette.” |
282 | 4 | 21 | 1,471 | 121 | Scabbard stared blankly at the man as his spoke, taking the occasional bite out of the cabbage he was holding. It was difficult to tell if he was truly paying attention or not: With his bleary, baggy eyes and neutral expression, he looked like his head checked out of the conversation before it started.
"...Barreled?...Ah, man, nah..." He eventually replied with his soft voice. "I didn't see nothin'....Was just on my way to grab a bite to eat for breakfast at this restaurant I like....They got these little doughnuts they put powdered sugar on n' stuff, you ever been there? Great place....."
A pause.
"............Wait......I don't got any money......"
Another pause. A bite of cabbage.
".........Anyway, where'd that veg-killer go?" | Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities: Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Inventory: Large, Two-Handed Locked-Up Sword |
283 | 4 | 22 | 1,027 | 2,970 | Name: Chamber R. Wesson
Location: Logue Town - Guard Post - Headed to the Gun Shop
Mentions: Nose Ring
Turning Nose Ring into the guard post had been too easy, and he might had not believed it to be that simple until the Post Steward finished counting out his bounty. Just hearing every coin clink into the coin bag had put a smile on Chamber’s face.
I was expecting to have to fight a room full of thugs to get to this guy. It’s a good thing that there were some diversions in the area, the rifleman mused.
“There, 50,000 beli,” came the Post Steward. He slid the fat money purse across the counter and Chamber snatched it up, pressing the bag to his cheek as he nuzzled it like a kitten. “Don’t spend it all in one place.”
Shouldering his rifle, Chamber gave the fakest and the most heroic-sounding of laughs.
“Oh, I know where I’m going to spend this. Don’t you worry old man.”
Chamber left the post with a cheerful sway in his stride and head as though he had a cheerful tune in his head: Guns, grog, and wenches; guns, grog, and wenches; guns, grog, and wenches—WHAT! Guns grog, and wenches—OKAY!
It sounded like some modern rap song. It didn’t take much to make one now a days. He was heading straight for the Gun Store. He always made more money trading his old projects for fresh new materials and parts. Being a bounty hunter wore them down quick and so he was in the market for sturdier equipment. | Photo depicts the loot he sometimes gets from hunting pirates.
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5’10” and 165 lbs.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Chamber Remington Wesson is mostly a friendly guy, but he takes his business seriously. He takes pride in his abilities as a marksman, a gunmith, and his ability to…yodel. Yodeling is normally how he makes his entrance when he isn’t executing a target from a great distance. Not only is he proud, but he is also arrogant. When you’re as good as him with guns…well…you have every right to be if you can back it up, and Chamber takes gunslinging to a whole new level. He believes he is the fastest and deadliest shot in the World, and will defend his self-proclaimed title.
Chamber is under the blind impression that people not only like his yodeling but his handsome looks. He will try to impress cute and beautiful girls—one of his goals being to find a wife so he can pass down his amazing genes. Truly, his eyes were a gift from God.
When he isn’t hunting bounties, he is tinkering with his rifle, cleaning his guns, and training. There is always room for improvement and if he wants to truly be the best, then he has to work at it. Hunting bounties allows him to encounter new and unique foes that bring him fresh and interesting encounters. He chose the life of a bounty hunter to polish his skills even despite…well…being a wanted man himself.
History:Chamber hails from St. Poplar, an island town in Paradise connected to Water 7 and Enies Lobby by Sea Train. He lived the dream of most boys, wanting to grow up to be a Marine and he worked hard to achieve that dream. His father, Marine Captain Smith Wesson, was his role model. He was strong, proud, and an excellent shot with a gun. When his father returned home from R&R, they would practice and Chamber’s hawkeye gift was noticed early on. When Chamber came of age, he left his mother Annabelle to follow his father into the employment of the World Government. He and his father traveled all over and there were many instances where Chamber got to test his gunslinging skills for real. It was when Chamber began to modify the musket that he had been issued that he became aware of the World Government’s restrictions. He wasn’t allowed to modify government equipment even if it was to improve its performance. Officers tended to be the only individuals to allow special gear and equipment, and Chamber thought that policy was ridiculous. His skills were underappreciated. The officers on the ship tried to keep him in their shadows. He constantly butted-heads with a lieutenant named Bass Cooley who was under his father and who he noticed seemed…awfully close. It was as though his father had found himself a new son while he was out to sea for so long and he treated Chamber like all the other Marines. A fierce rivalry formed between him and Cooley, and no matter how much Bass disliked him he knew that Chamber was the better shot. He had to get rid of the kid if was to stay in Captain Wesson’s good graces. He was up for promotion!
On a mission to apprehend Sugar Ray pirates off the coast of the Conomi Islands, there was a heated battle between the two vessels and a violent exchange of cannon fire. In the middle of the battle, Lieutenant Cooley forced Chamber overboard. He was caught between the ships and their fire and in order to survive, he had to dive and swim as far out of the way of the two ships. He was left stranded in the ocean and exhaustion eventually took him. He washed ashore Cocoyasi Village and was rescued by a fisherman named Gil. Gil gave him a place to stay until he could get in contact with his unit, and when he managed to he learned that he was KIA. He had a decision to make then. He could either return to his pathetic life under the foot of every officer on the ship, or he could make his own life and live unrestrained. Chamber chose to do the latter and while he stayed with Gil in Cocoyasi, he modified his musket and other weapons the way he had always wanted to. He continued to go after criminals in his own way as a feared bounty hunter.
So his mother didn’t worry over the possibility of his death in combat, Chamber sent his mother a letter and news traveled to Captain Wesson that his son was still alive. Lieutenant Cooley labeled him as a deserter for having not returned to the Marines, and he has since become an outlaw.
His bounty journey has taken him to Logue Town, a popular trade center where he knows he’s going to collect some loot.
Extraordinary Marksman – Chamber is a gifted man. “Son of Gun” would be true. The way he handles his guns is completely unorthodox and it’s a sight to behold. His eyes are sharp, his reaction time even sharper, and his depth perception so keen that he could shoot the wings off a fly’s back. He has designed all of his weapons around his style of combat, and a lot of his designs are hidden within his long coat.
Tae Kwon Gun – It is Chamber’s martial art style. It is similar to Tae Kwon Do with his flurry of kicks except that each of his strikes trigger mechanisms that he calls Sliders and they are strapped to his forearms and shins. They not only act as guards against bladed weaponry but they carry magazines of rounds. For each thrust and of his legs and fists, the slider moves back, loading a round into the chamber, and then slides forward releasing the round. So while combating his foes, he can also fill them full of lead.
Burdened Fighter – If only one knew how many weapons he has concealed on his person. It makes him heavier than he really is and his muscles have been conditioned to bear the burden. So if he seems quick while burdened, wait until he takes it all off. He becomes even faster and his techniques even fiercer.
Ricochet – A gun trick where Chamber will shoot a round off a deflective surface and the round with change directory to hit the enemy where he or she didn’t see it coming. He has also used this technique to knock enemy rounds off course of their intended target. He can also perform this technique with his musket.
Quick Draw – The hand is quicker than the eye and Chamber is quick if not the quickest.
Gun Jam – Using his Quick Draw technique, Chamber can jam another weapon by lodging a bullet down the enemy’s barrel.
Traits: ---
Sliders – 4 – 8 round capacity.
Pistols – 4 – 8 round capacity.
Derringer -2- 1 round each.
Musket – 1 – single round reload capacity. Attachments: Bayonet and Scope. |
284 | 4 | 23 | 2,795 | 294 | What, for real?
Giko cocked her head and scratched her temple, thinking. She could hve sworn that those people earlier had been looking behind her. Had her stalker run off? Or maybe it really was just her imagination? Whatever it was, it would be impossible for anyone to make a move on Giko as long as she was with someone else. She replaced her sketchpad in her bag, along with the pencil. The other girl grabbed her arm and invited her along.
"Well, if you say so... But is my face really that scary?"
She patted her cheek awkwardly. Her skin didn't feel chafed, but after sailing around you could never- hey, hold up, did that girl just invite Giko to do something? Were her eyes not made of lifeless, vacant glass, they'd be sparkling. A person who wanted to talk to her. Nobody ever wanted to talk to Giko! Maybe she even wanted to be friends! Giko took back every bad thing she had thought about Loguetown- this place wasn't scary at all!
"My name's Giko G. Gearbox!", she said over the distant bangs and crashes of the shopping district, stumbling a little but more or less managing to keep up with Claribel's pace, "What's yours?" | Name: Giko G. Gearbox
Age: Claims to be 19
Gender: Claims to be female
Race: Claims to be human
Height and Weight: Claims to be 165 cm. Refuses to give a weight.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Absolutely insistent on staying in-character as a teenage girl and will refuse to acknowledge anything that conflicts with this. Giko's character is that of a gutsy, cheerful girl in her late teens. She tends to brush off insults to herself as a matter of course, but can't tolerate ones aimed at her friends.
History: A mysterious middle-aged man who operates a life-size teenage girl puppet, he refuses to acknowledge his own existence, instead insisting that he is an ordinary 19-year-old girl named Giko, who states that her goal is to find her father, apparently a famous dollmaker who left on a journey to the Black Drum Kingdom and never returned. Her other motivation seems to be loneliness, as she has resolved to make a friend on every island of the Grand Line. Things haven't been working out very well on the latter; people seem like they'd rather call her "pervert" and "old man", but she's sure that'll change once she reaches the Grand Line proper.
Master Puppeteer - Giko's operator is a ridiculously skilled puppeteer and ventriloquist capable of operating Giko in a lifelike manner resembling a teenage girl. If it wasn't for the creepy guy sticking his hand up the back of her shirt, you'd hardly know the difference.
Craftsman - Giko's operator seems to have a high level of engineering skill, considering that he apparently built Giko and is capable of repairing her from scrap material.
Giko Punch: Giko can fire her fist via a large spring embedded in her forearm. It's then reeled back in using a cable that connects the fist and stump.
Giko Hurricane: Giko's mouth contains a small breath dial filled with corrosive gas, which can be used to eat through metal.
Giko Mortar: A small, sturdy mortar capable of firing explosive shells, located in Giko's left leg.
Inventory: Life-sized teenage girl puppet named Giko with a number of concealed weapons. |
285 | 4 | 24 | 1,829 | 56 | Name: Gold Dorado Jr.
Location: Logue Town - Ad Hoc Clinic
"How does someone break their jaw by eating too much..."
Despite the grumbling, the speaker was a happy man. Despite being a well traveled man, Gold had never stepped foot in the near-legendary Logue Town, and at this rate he was unlikely to leave. Business was good, and the more criminally-inclined visitors didn't seem to care too much if their doctor lacked a doctorate. All they wanted was to be fixed up somehow, and they paid well enough for the effort Gold put in. At this rate, he'd have his debts paid off in...
Gold brought a hand to his narrow chin as he began to consider the debts, lips pursed in contemplation. Average income per year if the work was consistent, compared to the (estimated) grand total he had among various casinos, money-lenders and other such institutions, considering any additional debts he's likely to rack up with his bad habits leads to...
"Three lifetimes." He concluded in a groan. Unless he made himself immortal, Logue Town wasn't going to cut it and it was only a matter of months until Sharks and knee-breakers started showing up. Not that it was necessarily a problem, but it was a nuisance and one which made life unenjoyable. For a man who valued his good life, staying in one place and thinking about his problems wasn't a life he wanted to live. So the matter of the next location came to mind. Where to go next? He elected to take his thoughts with him on a walk, moving out of the dingy, run down little room he'd turned into his surgery and clinic, cigarette smoke and the smell of mold hanging in poorly-lit room. Hey, the clients didn't seem to care about the conditions. They didn't complain, he wasn't going to spend the money to fix the place.
Taking his very, very expensive fur coat off the rack (which he bought on an impulse a year or so back) and slinging it over his shoulder, he embraced the salty air with a deep breath, rolling his shoulders.
He'd walked into a mess, apparently. A rocket-powered mess. The sight of a bug-lady, a wano-enthusiast, rocket-man and a collection of thugs made for an odd way to start the afternoon, but if anything it was just another day in Logue Town. One thing stood out to Gold though, above the other obvious oddities. They looked as if they were fifteen. Oh to be a teenager again, going from town to town, wasting the days away and... getting into debt. Mistakes were easier to make when you were young, not to say he did not get into trouble now, but he'd have less issues now if he had the same mindset he had now. Were these poor children, no older then twelve and without adult supervision likely to suffer similar fates? Regretting their choices in the years to come?
The good Samaritan in Gold found its feet and pushed him to act. He approached the colorful collection with a confident stride, regarding the three with simple smile and calming hand gesture.
"Swords, explosive limbs and antenna away, if you'd be so kind. Wouldn't want to attract the Marines, we'd all be in trouble!" He played it off with a good-natured chuckle, hoping to defuse whatever had occurred between them. If push came to shove, he could put them on the naughty step and hope the Marines did not pick up on the fuss. | Name: Gold Dorado Jr.
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 169lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Life is meant to be lived, conveniences are meant to be used, and money is there to be spent. Gold takes the "live fast die hard" route to life, a character unbecoming of his lofty position as a man of medicine. Still, there credit should be given where it is due, it'd be difficult to call Gold miserable man of any sort, often viewing situations through a positive lens despite how hopeless the situation may be (even if he was the one to make that situation hopeless, like with say... loan sharks). Nor is he an unfriendly man, if only a tad crude and tactless at times. His debt-riddled lifestyle lead to him travelling quite a bit, making him a worldly young man who has already stepped foot in the Grand Line.
History: How a family of ancient medicine men and doctors managed to become habitual gamblers and eternal debtors is anyone's guess. Gold Jr. is just another one in the line, taking up the debts of his father alongside his brother, Silver Dorado. The difference between the two being that while Gold chose to indulge in life much like his father, Silver eventually took the straight and narrow path, driving a wedge between the two as they turned out to be very, very different people. Eventually their father passed from his poor life style, and the two brothers were rather suddenly left to their own devices. Rather than resolve to simply go their separate ways, there was a confrontation over which path they should both take together, employing their Old World Acupuncture as a weapon against one another. It did eventually lead to them both going their own ways, Silver to the Marines and Gold deeper into the gamblers lifestyle. This does not mean that Gold has no ambition, not at all - he is a doctor after all, and he ultimately hopes to help others. Were it up to him, he'd have found the Panacea by now.
Old World Acupuncture
What differentiates Old World Acupuncture from what an elder on any number of islands may know how to do? Well, for starters it works. Gold is not one to go into the details out of want of not wanting to sound absurd, but Old World Acupuncture involves manipulation of the bodies energy to hasten healing processes, and in some cases do the healing for the bodies. As such, Gold has intimate knowledge of the 'meridian system' in humans and fishmen (although there is a gap in his knowledge when it comes to the longarm and longleg tribes), and how to enhance and/or reduce the effectiveness of their bodies. It's essentially a medical martial art, especially with how Gold applies it. There is a form of it which exists without needles, using instead contact through the fingers and a burst of 'life energies' to instead replicate the effects of needles, although that is substantially more risky to use on an individual due to its far more aggressive nature.
Techniques: ---
Enhanced Agility - You'd not expect a doctor, especially not one versed in 'acupuncture', to be capable of moving at the speeds that Dorado is capable of, but Old World Acpuncture is no standard medical practice. In practice, Gold's speed can be considered 'deceptive', flowing movements suddenly followed up by crashing and precise blows.
Master of Anatomy - A given, for the most part. Although lacking any actual medical qualification, Gold is one of the better doctors out there.
Inventory: Log Pose, acupuncture needles |
286 | 4 | 25 | 2,786 | 800 | Because of that weapon! Zehst growled, shaking his fist at the ninja. His happy-go-lucky attitude had changed in seemingly the blink of an eye, once he had seen the explosions. Unbeknownst to anyone else, his mind immediately went back to that day on the beach. The day so many people had lost their homes, and their lives, because of something his parents had created. And now here was someone using something just as dangerous with reckless abandon. "If that was designed by Messerschmitt Industries, you'd better tell me right now! Or else I'm gonna...I'm gonna..."
Zehst paused mid threat to turn his head, ever so slowly, to take in the giant praying mantis now looming over the two of them.
"Whoa..." he said, just before his eyes lit up. The happy-go-lucky seemed to be back. Then he pointed at the ninja with a serious expression. "YOU! If you have a net we can use to catch this cool huge bug thing, I'll forgive you for misusing that weapon just this once!"
Then someone else entered the fray, with the intent to calm rather than amplify the chaos. He encouraged everyone to stop fighting, so as to keep the Marines from coming.
"The Marines!?" Zehst yelled, before looking back at the ninja. "You better not be working for the marines, cool-outfit-guy! They shouldn't have those weapons either!" Then he suddenly pointed at the man in the fur coat with an equally serious expression. "And YOU'd better not be just trying to get us to leave so you can steal the huge bug thing for yourself!" | Name: Zehst Messerschmitt
Age: 18
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5' 10", 140 pounds (63.5 kg)
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Zehst is energetic and hardly ever takes things seriously. He makes friends easily and brushes off hostility up to a point. His primary want in life is freedom--absolute freedom, the ability to do anything and everything that he wants. However, this is where he begins to toe the line of eccentricity. He doesn't believe in laws, seeing them as oppressive, but agrees that freedom has to naturally come with consequences. He also rarely imposes on anyone else's "freedoms" as he sees them--such as the freedom of a thief to steal something. Yet a person who stops a thief also has the freedom to do that if they want to. All in all it's an extremely hypocritical way of looking at the world, and speaks to his inexperience as a person...but perhaps this is why he wants to be free in the first place.
History: Zehst was born to a wealthy family on the Gecko Islands archipelago, who made their fortune by designing weapons for the World Government. Knowing their inventions were tools of violence, destruction, and oppression, they always kept their son in the dark about the true nature of their careers. Zehst's childhood was extremely restricted and sheltered, to keep him from learning how cruel the world really was. But they could only keep this up for so long. As Zehst got older, he had soon read all the books they could give him and learned all his tutors had to teach him, and soon his fun-loving attitude could no longer be curbed and he could no longer simply be sent to his room. With nothing more to distract him, he began to escape time and time again. Until, one night, he witnessed an engagement between the World Government and a pirate ship that was targeting the Gecko Islands.
The Pirate Ship was coming close to the shore, almost close enough to begin assaulting the island. Though in doing so they were putting the lives of islanders who lived on the shore in peril, the captain of the Marines gave the order to launch a particular missile that had been designed by Zehst's parents. The missile was a direct hit, but the explosion that followed was so enormous that not only were the pirates completely eradicated, but so were the homes of several villagers on the cliffs overlooking the shoreline. Zehst couldn't help but think that even pirates didn't deserve to be destroyed so thoroughly as he watched the carnage subside. What was more, the people of the village blamed his family. For the first time Zehst saw the true nature of what his parents had done to build their fortune.
Over the next few weeks, he confronted them. There was a family shouting match that grew so intense Zehst punched his own father. Though he wasn't punished afterwards, this actually made it worse for him. His parents loved him, they truly did, but for various reasons they couldn't just suddenly stop making weapons. Unable to see their point of view, Zehst secretely stole an object his father had obtained for experimentation--a Devil Fruit. Using the fruit's powers to leave his home behind, Zehst started a new life, searching for the freedom he had never had.
Abilities: Roke-Roke no Mi - The Rocket Fruit, its name taken from the Japanese pronunciation "roketto." It is a paramecium fruit that turns the user into a Rocket Human, and allows them to produce various types of rocket thrusters and jets through the surfaces of their body.
Cruise Knuckle - A rocket thruster appears on Zehst's elbow, greatly increasing the speed and force of a punch.
Stinger Strike - A thruster appears on the back of Zehst's shoulder and elbow as he darts forward, and performs a piercing elbow strike with the opposite arm. It resembles an elbow thrust from the martial art known as Bajiquan.
Homing Kick - A roundhouse kick that uses thrusters on the back of Zehst's calves and heel to increase power, speed, and spin--he'll be able to chase an opponent to an extent, continuing to spin and fly after them. However, after several rotations he'll become dizzy and crash.
ICBM - A flying kick that sprouts thrusters over various parts of Zhest, making this his most powerful attack. However, it hits so hard that it damages him as well, and uses up a great deal of energy.
Inventor - Having inherited his parents' knack for learning, designing, and application of science, Zehst makes a fairly good inventor. However, at the moment he lacks the experience or tools to make much use of it. Perhaps if he were to set foot on a ship, he could learn its workings and be a decent shipwright...
Inventory: A burlap duffel sack containing all his supplies, including clothes, food and water, a compass, a map, and not much else. |
287 | 4 | 26 | 931 | 246 | Ah, yes! I know what you're referring to, TJ nodded to Scab, "I haven't eaten breakfast yet either, though..." He gave Scab another look over, a mite... put off by his appearance, but if the man claimed to have no money who was he- a gentleman who had money- to not offer any help?
"Lay down your floor cabbage, my good man, I shall treat you!" he loudly declared. He sounded very sincere about it too, but he just couldn't help but peer down to the end of the road again. "...Unless, of course, you'd like to search for the whereabouts of our Crooked Cabbage Killer?" | Name: Teodore Jay “TJ” Dugrass
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6’5’’, 200 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: TJ is a boisterous man that just as boisterously claims himself to be a gentleman. As such, he strives at all hours of the day to perfect his gentlemanly manners and abides by the gentleman’s code of conduct. There are times, however, that he must painfully lay down his morals for the sake of achieving his dream. Such as when it comes to money. TJ is a shrewd businessman that sells his services for a high price. He may dislike having to negotiate in an ungentlemanly manner, but he tries not to let it bother him.
History: TJ was born and raised in Loguetown. He greatly admired the fry cook industry and worked himself up from a humble dishwasher to an ace cook over the course of several years. As a child, he was told stories of a fabled island filled with legendary and exquisite creatures no man had ever laid their tongue on. As he grew into an adult, he aspired to one day find this island- not just for discovery’s sake, but to contribute to his larger goal of opening the greatest food service chain on the Grand Line. Originally he planned on working to save up more travel money, but the restaurant he worked in for most of his life recently bombed. Literally it blew up and left him jobless. Seeing it as a sign to get started, he has decided to become a pirate as a means for adventure.
-Boxing: As a gentleman, TJ is well versed in the basics of fisticuffs.
-Exquisite Grilled Cuisine: Being a former fry cook in a busy restaurant, TJ knows and is more than capable of making a variety of grill-related dishes on the fly.
Techniques: ---
Traits:Big Meaty Claws - TJ's fists are, for a lack of a better word, meaty. They are thick and tough, allowing him to block and punch without damaging his precious hands. At least most of the time.
Inventory: A stainless steel spatula and a copy of “The Gentleman’s Book of Etiquette.” |
288 | 4 | 27 | 1,471 | 121 | Scabbard blinked a few times, looking at the man, before realizing that he had been offered food. He sheepishly scratched the back of his head, flattered. He'd never been treated to food before, he always had to just quietly swipe it when everybody was looking away.
"....I'd love to!" He said, eagerly, before pausing a moment to rethink his answer. "But...We oughta go after the Cabbage Guy, yeah.....but I'm pretty hungry......but if we catch the dude, we'll have bounty money to spend on food......but I could get food now....But then the Cabbage Dude might get away......I gotta think about this....."
And so he put a hand to his chin and thought.
And thought.
......Aaaaand thought.
He stared blearily at nothing, muttering to himself about which option to choose, for what felt like ages. It seems the decision would ultimately fall on the gentleman's shoulders....... | Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities: Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Inventory: Large, Two-Handed Locked-Up Sword |
289 | 4 | 28 | 1,774 | 401 | Claribel cooed, "It's not your face that's scary!" Under her breath, she whispered, "Kinda." She insisted, "Anything can be scary if you don't know it's coming likeRIGHTNOW AH!" Claribel hopped towards Giko suddenly, but the two were about the same height, and Claribel's scale leaned all to way to cute as opposed to creepy, so it didn't have much impact.
Backing up, Claribel insisted, "Hmm, that one didn't work, but it could have! Anyway, I'm Claribel!"
Looking around, there was something she just needed to...aha! Running over to a certain open restaurant stall, she offered up some cash, getting some freshly baked, sugar coated little doughnuts in two little baggies, one for each of them. Taking Giko's, she speared one of them with a toothpick, holding it up to her. Claribel's eyes sparked with a clear interest in watching Giko eat. | Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5'4'', 100 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal. One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.
History: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time, as she came into this world on the vessel of what would become a pirate ship. At first, it had been the vessel of a lucrative business as an upscale passenger liner, but it was no stranger to pirates, as it weathered numerous scuffles in the East Blue Seas thanks to the strength and wit of Flors Donner. However, as it so often does, tragedy struck, in a form. After a journey that took place while Claribel was at the tender age of 3, a passenger who had been wounded in a pirate attack sought to press charges against Flors Donner and his estate, the legal avenues proving successful, the hefty fees damaging the company beyond repair. Though he was required to turn over his ship to account for bankruptcy, he denied this, running off with his ship, daughter, wife, and trusted crew. Now he was at an impasse: having fought pirates for such a length, he had no desire to enter their ranks, let alone with a woman and child on board, but the Government had scorned him, so he was now technically an outlaw. As he struggled with his options, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.
Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who'd plagued his business for years on end, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, his crew tough and loyal, if small, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, he wasn't convinced they were safe. So Flors turned to the newspaper, following the paths of pirates, arriving like a bountiful wind in their ashy wake. He went from town to town to find those who had been left behind by the Marines, and relighting their fire, giving them purpose. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.
As for the toddler on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. The young girl had known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.
After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter: Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.
Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.
Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.
Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them. Now she had to contend with the day to day: figuring out how to get along alone while also working out the kinks of her tricky Fruit. But six months after striking out, three of them on the legendary Loguetown, she's starting to get a bit bored of her locale, wondering when she's going to get to start the interesting life she'd been looking for.... It can't start in a boring way, after all!
Abilities:Echo Echo Fruit (Eko Eko no Mi)A paramecia-type Devil Fruit that bestows Claribel with the ability to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise within the last minute. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her: she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirection. It's worth noting that her control of sound is limited to the medium of gases. Liquids aren't workable (such as water, the bane of Fruit users) and solids more so, meaning she can't redirect or copy sounds she can feel from the ground or hear while underwater (though if the sound is loud enough it enters the air, however muffled, that's another story).
Rod Fu - Claribel is tough enough to hold her own, using a sturdy iron rod as a bludgeoning instrument.
Navigation - Claribel's time at sea has made her into a reliable navigator as well as a talented cartographer. She is not only knowledgeable regarding weather and world events, but is also well capable of using tools such as maps, compasses and sea charts.
Techniques: Claribel doesn't yell out her technique names in the middle of battle, but that doesn't mean they can't be named!
Echo – Claribel takes a sound or phrase just emitted and repeats it. She can change the location it comes from as long as it's fairly close by. The volume is decreased slightly, however.
Echo Pop – A natural extension of her Echo. Claribel takes a sound, usually a very loud one like a gunshot or the bang of her rod hitting something hard (like a skull!), and repeats it numerous times in quick succession, usually right by someone's head. The result is a sudden burst of disorienting sound that often leaves the target venerable to further attack. It's tricky to pull off, since it requires more precision, so Claribel isn't capable of it yet!
Shoosh – Claribel redirects the voice of a person away from their intended target. If someone is trying to yell for help, then Claribel can redirect the sound so that it travels backwards, for instance. This doesn't affect the volume of the sound though, and she has trouble catching the further echoes. A yell in a narrow hallway will carry both ways no matter what she does, but someone yelling from a boat in the ocean to a nearby shore is out of luck if Claribel wants them to keep quiet.
A-pu-pup! Shoosh – A more precise version of the standard technique, Claribel 'grabs' a sound, effectively quieting it down, redirecting it in the same bubble, so to speak, without letting the sound bounce off another surface and echo naturally. Imagine a sound as a superball, bouncing madly, each bounce making the noise that reverberates and become audible. Were Claribel to grab that sound midair, redirecting it back and forth until it naturally petered out, she would create a silence from a sound, in effect. Like Echo Pop, this technique is beyond her current ability due to the focus and precision required.
Traits:Improved Perception: She has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular sound unless it stands out, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.
Inventory:Iron Rod: Sturdy enough to trade blows and noisy on the right surfaces. It's straight, cylindrical, and a bit less than a meter long.
Tone Dials (TDs): Claribel almost always has a pair around her neck or over her ears. |
290 | 4 | 29 | 931 | 246 | TJ could feel a breeze pass through as he watched his disfigured companion fall into a cycle of thought. Maybe he would pick now? No… Now? No… Noooooow? It was becoming increasingly apparent to TJ that he wouldn’t be reaching a conclusion on his own anytime soon. But he couldn’t just impose his own will on him! That would hardly be gentlemanly!
His iron will crumpled as his overcooked friend entered yet another cycle of indecision. Clearing his throat, his voice cut into his train of thought like a deer stepping onto a busy road. Abrupt. “My good man! I say we capture this Cabbage Felon first! If he is indeed wanted, I see no harm in taking a detour from donuts if it means filling our pockets for spare food funds!”
He paused, realizing that his proposition required teamwork. And what sort of team didn’t have names to address each other with? “Ah,” he continued, “If we are to go ahead with that, we cannot simply remain enigmas to each other, correct?” He held a hand out to Scab. “Teodore Jay Dugrass! TJ for short! Good to meet you!” | Name: Teodore Jay “TJ” Dugrass
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6’5’’, 200 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: TJ is a boisterous man that just as boisterously claims himself to be a gentleman. As such, he strives at all hours of the day to perfect his gentlemanly manners and abides by the gentleman’s code of conduct. There are times, however, that he must painfully lay down his morals for the sake of achieving his dream. Such as when it comes to money. TJ is a shrewd businessman that sells his services for a high price. He may dislike having to negotiate in an ungentlemanly manner, but he tries not to let it bother him.
History: TJ was born and raised in Loguetown. He greatly admired the fry cook industry and worked himself up from a humble dishwasher to an ace cook over the course of several years. As a child, he was told stories of a fabled island filled with legendary and exquisite creatures no man had ever laid their tongue on. As he grew into an adult, he aspired to one day find this island- not just for discovery’s sake, but to contribute to his larger goal of opening the greatest food service chain on the Grand Line. Originally he planned on working to save up more travel money, but the restaurant he worked in for most of his life recently bombed. Literally it blew up and left him jobless. Seeing it as a sign to get started, he has decided to become a pirate as a means for adventure.
-Boxing: As a gentleman, TJ is well versed in the basics of fisticuffs.
-Exquisite Grilled Cuisine: Being a former fry cook in a busy restaurant, TJ knows and is more than capable of making a variety of grill-related dishes on the fly.
Techniques: ---
Traits:Big Meaty Claws - TJ's fists are, for a lack of a better word, meaty. They are thick and tough, allowing him to block and punch without damaging his precious hands. At least most of the time.
Inventory: A stainless steel spatula and a copy of “The Gentleman’s Book of Etiquette.” |
291 | 4 | 30 | 1,834 | 91 | Hearing the reasoning of the rocket man had managed to clue Tenmon in to what he meant.
Clearly, he had feared the amazing cutting power of Yugure - the high-quality ninjatō of the Tamashi Clan. While it was true that Yugure was a weapon capable of great feats in the hands of Tenmon, it wasn't so dangerous that he needed to be elbowed in the face for fear of him using it. Not at all; Tenmon would clear up this misunderstanding with haste - that's what ninjas do, after all.
"This weapon was designed by my clan, not an industry." Tenmon explained, dusting himself off.
"You don't need to worry; I wasn't going to kill them. I'm a ninja, aft—" His elaboration was cut off by the sounds of excitement from his attacker.
"YOU! If you have a net we can use to catch this cool huge bug thing, I'll forgive you for misusing that weapon just this once!"
Misusing the weapon? Tenmon didn't even get the opportunity to use the weapon, let alone misuse it. He wasn't the kind to misuse weapons anyway, especially not Yugu—
"The Marines!? You better not be working for the marines, cool-outfit-guy! They shouldn't have those weapons either!"
"What? The Marines don't wield weapons like mine." Tenmon replied, doing a series of demonstrative slashes before intending to sheathe the weapon.
But before he had even started to sheathe Yugure, the rocket man had already started yelling at talking to someone else. The intense topic shifting here was a tad too fast for Tenmon to bother following - especially considering the fact that there were still some gangsters inside the store that needed to be dealt with, albeit some were just standing there in shock from the many different figures that had appeared over the course of their raid.
Surrounded by people of all kinds, Tenmon just, well, he waited: a lot had happened just then, and it would make more sense for him to hear out the mantis-woman before he did anything else, in addition to preparing for any impromptu attacks from that rocket guy again. | Name:
Tenmon Tamashi
Height and Weight:
168 cm (5'6")
66 kg (145 lb)
0 Beli
In contrast to most other ninja of the Wano Country, Tenmon seems to be quite casual about being a ninja, and often demonstrates his skill and agility in front of people while declaring himself to be one. Whereas most ninjas would be geared to solitary operations, Tenmon doesn't seem to mind working independently or in a group. He appears to carry a fairly level-headed aura, rarely becoming agitated or worried about matters. This casual nature seems to also extend to combat, where Tenmon assesses his enemies with a cool approach, while also acting quite respectfully to his opponents most of the time.
Despite this overall casual nature, Tenmon is more than willing to adopt a more serious persona for the sake of victory, becoming significantly more formidable and dangerous. In these situations, he may also adopt a more cold-blooded mentality, becoming willing to kill as a last resort, if he deems it to be necessary.
Unsurprisingly, Tenmon isn't one to talk about his history. Unless someone actively tries to pry into it, Tenmon will often play his past off as something "unimportant".
The eccentricity of his father has influenced him a bit, although it is often belied by his casual side. Tenmon is sometimes fond of jokes and nonsensical actions at inappropriate or tense moments - cheering on his comrades in a fight when he could be actually helping them by joining in, for example.
He's also got a tendency to "disappear" and "appear" in places without being noticed. That's just a part of being a ninja.
A trained assassin and sole user of the Burst Technique™, Tenmon seeks to become the ultimate ninja (whatever that entails).
The Tamashi Clan was once a recognized force within the Wano Country, a centuries-old clan of ninjas that had been known for their mercenary work throughout the nation, which allowed them to become a wealthy organization over the course of years. Their desire for an even greater profit led them to eventually abandon Wano, settling on one of the many "remote" islands within Paradise with the intention of expanding their potential clientèle - by taking mercenary work from various islands as opposed to a single nation.
The only son of the Tamashi Clan's Grandmaster, Tenmon supposedly consumed a Devil Fruit at a very early age, being uneducated about their existence. The Bomu Bomu no Mi proved to be a dangerous power to wield whilst growing up, leading some of the members being afraid of touching Tenmon for fear of him blowing up. Tenmon's father - the eccentric Grandmaster Soju - saw it as a grand opportunity to cultivate and incorporate Tenmon's power into his ninja training. This was the beginning of the development of the Burst Technique™, and a majority of Tenmon's childhood was spent developing it. Many of Tenmon's training sessions were done within the forest, alone. His Devil Fruit power was "too risky" to practice around other people after all. Charred grass and ashen trees were a good way to show he was making progress, anyway.
During his training, the mercenary work of the clan flourished, with many different islands and people requesting various jobs. This would eventually prove to be the undoing of the clan when the clan undertook a job that involved, well, killing a World Noble. Being from the Wano Country, the Tamashi Clan was unaffliated with the World Government and therefore held no sense of value or knowledge about the World Nobles. The consequences were catastrophic, with Marines besieging and destroying the Tamashi Clan in its near entirety.
Tenmon returned to what was essentially ruins; a severely damaged temple littered with bodies. His isolated training was the only reason he had survived, and yet he felt a deep sense of regret and despair for not being there to defend the clan its time of need. There was no way for him to enact vengeance, either; the Marines had already departed. The event sparked in him a hatred of the World Government, particularly the World Nobles, and the Admiral that launched the attack on his temple. That was only four years ago.
Now, Tenmon searches for that same Admiral. Although his search was set back by arriving in Loguetown a few months ago: He had stowed away on one too many ships, and ended up being taken in the wrong direction - out of the Grand Line. Tenmon has since used Loguetown to gather whatever resources he can, and intends to set out upon a journey to become a powerful ninja, and challenge the Admiral that destroyed his clan.
But even so, Tenmon questions his motive of revenge every now and again, feeling that it wouldn't be the clan's will for him to seek it.
As ninja from Wano Country, Tenmon is able to perform various ninja arts, in addition to being unnaturally agile and dexterous. His abilities combine atypical weaponry with the power of his Devil Fruit, giving him a high amount of versatility in combat.
Devil Fruit: Bomu Bomu no Mi
The Bomu Bomu no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to make any part of his or her body explode, making the user a Bomb Human.
Eating this Devil Fruit at an early age, Tenmon has been raised to develop it into a fighting style, creating the Burst Technique™; a combination of unarmed ninjutsu and his explosive power. The fighting style allows Tenmon to deal agile explosive blows, in addition to multi-hit attacks for more - albeit significantly weaker - explosions. While powerful, the fighting style is kind of a double-edged sword: the collateral damage followed by the explosions is generally very undesirable (shipwrights HATE him) - especially if allies are nearby. Tenmon generally holds off on the Burst Technique™ as a result.
At the moment, the explosions created by Tenmon's named moves are - at most - strong enough to leave medium-large holes in brick walls, but do not quite have the fire-power to destroy much beyond that.
Ninjutsu Techniques
Ninja Arts: Sweeping Dusk Blade
Tenmon kneels and dashes forward, cleaving the air with his sword as he passes by. Used to attack a single target quickly, but can also hit multiple enemies, although Tenmon has to hit them each individually - a difficult feat that becomes increasingly harder to accomplish the more targets there are.
Ninja Arts: Crescent Strike
Tenmon performs a front flip, and kicks using the momentum of the flip to deal more damage.
Ninja Arts: Half-Moon Strike
An attack to be used directly after its crescent counterpart. Tenmon vaults off of an enemy he's kicked, jumping behind them to kick again.
Ninja Arts: Flash Step
Tenmon quickly dashes in order to avoid an attack, or get into a more favourable position. Doesn't seem to be as fast as Soru, as the moves do not share the same technique: Soru requires kicking off the ground at least 10 times, whereas Ninja Arts: Flash Step is just a very swift dash.
Ninja Arts: Throw
Tenmon throws a miscellaneous item at an enemy. Not really a Ninja Art, but he calls it one anyway.
Burst Techniques
Ninja Arts: Smoke Burst
Tenmon obscures himself in an explosion of smoke, allowing him to move to a different location quickly, or attack enemies while the smokescreen persists.
Ninja Arts: Chi Burst
Tenmon thrusts his palm outward creates an explosion in the hand. In comparison to his other moves, this one has slightly more range, and doesn't rely on his hand making contact with the target. However, it's a fairly simple move to the point of being almost awkward to use.
Ninja Arts: Burst Bomb
Tenmon throws a punch and detonates his fist upon contact, resulting in a high amount of damage from both the punch and the following explosion.
Ninja Arts: Burst Crescent
Similarly to Ninja Arts: Crescent Strike, Tenmon performs a front flip and kicks. Tenmon detonates his leg on impact, offering a high amount of destructive power.
Ninja Arts: Spiral Dragon Burst
Tenmon jumps into the air and spins while upside down, delivering a kick while detonating his leg.
A simple weapon bestowed to Tenmon by the Tamashi Clan. Fundamentally, Yugure is a normal ninjatō which features a blue handle and silver guard. The sheath is entirely blue, but also has circular designs embedded on the length of the sheath. As one can imagine, the blade of the weapon is particularly thick and short in comparison to longer swords such as a katana, being around 50cm in length. It's small size makes it fairly simple for Tenmon to wield and also allows for faster attacks.
A single kunai to be employed as a dagger secondary to Yugure, allowing for more consecutive attacks and accurate critical strikes (he goes for the eyes).
Picture of Tenmon's Father
RIP Grandmaster Soju |
292 | 4 | 31 | 1,471 | 121 | Scab's train of thought struck Dugrass's metaphorical deer at full speed, flying off the rails and soaring into outer space. He blinked as he looked back up at the gentleman, hearing his suggestion....Go after the Cabbage Killer, or course! Why didn't HE think of that?
He smiled a lazy smile at Dugrass and gladly accepted the handshake, lifting up his free hand and taking hold of the gentleman's. His skin was unsettling to touch: gnarled and knotted like ground beef, yet coarse and rough like sandpaper.
"Call me Scabbard, man..." He replied. "Like, uh...y'know, a sword. Like this one I got. Not like, uh....Not like 'Scab', like, that thing that gets made when you get like a cut? That gross thing....People make that mistake sometimes, and it's kinda embarrassing, y'know? Like....Who wants to be called something gross like that...."
As he rambled on, something became increasingly apparent: Despite his odd, wispy demeanor, his handshake was quite firm! Very quite firm. Really very quite firm oh GOD his GRIP. | Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities: Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Inventory: Large, Two-Handed Locked-Up Sword |
293 | 4 | 32 | 1,106 | 327 | Location: Lougetown - Outside the Store
“There, 50,000 beli,” came the Post Steward. He slid the fat money purse across the counter and Chamber snatched it up, pressing the bag to his cheek as he nuzzled it like a kitten. “Don’t spend it all in one place.”
Shouldering his rifle, Chamber gave the fakest and the most heroic-sounding of laughs. “Oh, I know where I’m going to spend this. Don’t you worry old man.”
With a cheerful sway in his stride and head as though he had a cheerful tune in his head, Chambers left the post, probably hoping to spend the money he had earned.
The windows of the post were shut and the doors were immediately locked by the guard. The steward then turned to the unconscious Nose Ring and offered him a glass of water.
“You okay, boss?”
His eyes suddenly opened as he slapped the glass of water away. Sitting up, he spitted out a copious amount of blood along with a tooth. “That punk got me good, huh?”
Those who were in the post were tensed and stood in silence, fearful of the man in front of them. “Anyway, we’ll deal with those kids later. For now, can someone get me a cigarette?”
The anger and frustration from the Spice Boys apparently disappated as most of them were now laying unconscious and flat on their face while the rest had fled the seen. Their utter defeat had crushed their spirits and the fact that they were dealing with mere children wasn’t helping them feel any better. To be fair, they had explosions and rockets on their side.
“I jad waned do take tome ol mahn daun.” Mumbled one of the downed goon as he tried his best to keep his weeping unnoticed.
“Pipe down.” Said his fellow mook who was apparently piled on top of him. “They might come back for us and finish the job.”
Keeping quiet was a difficult task giving the flood of emotions that were filling him up; but since he was a Spice Boy, he had to do what he was told; biting his bottom lip was the only thing he could think of to lessen his snivelling. “Tory, I was dus tinkin o wa appen to da boss.”
Another lackey that was laying on top of the previous two suddenly spoke. “A bounty hunter took him, but don’t worry. Since it’s a Tuesday, we’ve got the post covered."
The beautiful sunrise most sought out had already passed as the sun was almost at its peek. Time definitely flew and it was obvious who among the participants had the least amount of fun. With the rowdiness suddenly dying down, the shop keeper rushed towards the outside with bated breath, hoping to quell whatever what was left of the brawl that had started inside his store.
“Now, now. Let’s stop all this fighting!” said the old man as he grabbed the arms of both Tenmon and Zehst.”We definitely don’t want those marines to notice this little rumble, now do we?.”
He then turned to Gold and Lucretia, not being phased by the appearance of the large mantis beside him. “I’m not sure how the two of you got involved in all of this, but thank you for intervening.” The smile he projected made everyone feel how heartfelt his appreciation was for their help. “The important thing is that its all over now.”
He finally was able to let out a sigh of relief. “Now then, I can’t offer much, but would you allow this old man to treat you to some food?” | REGARDING CHARACTER SHEETS
For Scabbard, I fixed the coding a bit. Also, gave him Strength and Endurance traits. I think it fits his backstory and fighting style. Given his massive burns, I would want to suggest a weakness; being unable to fight prolonged battles. He could continue, but the fatigue and stress on his body would be more than usual.Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities:Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Techniques: ---
Great Sword - A large and mysterious two-handed sword that has apparently been locked up in chains.
For TJ, since he already has his cooking-based ability, I just wanted to give him some thick-skinned hands for boxing and whatnot. Feel free to rename the trait.Name: Teodore Jay “TJ” Dugrass
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6’5’’, 200 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: TJ is a boisterous man that just as boisterously claims himself to be a gentleman. As such, he strives at all hours of the day to perfect his gentlemanly manners and abides by the gentleman’s code of conduct. There are times, however, that he must painfully lay down his morals for the sake of achieving his dream. Such as when it comes to money. TJ is a shrewd businessman that sells his services for a high price. He may dislike having to negotiate in an ungentlemanly manner, but he tries not to let it bother him.
History: TJ was born and raised in Loguetown. He greatly admired the fry cook industry and worked himself up from a humble dishwasher to an ace cook over the course of several years. As a child, he was told stories of a fabled island filled with legendary and exquisite creatures no man had ever laid their tongue on. As he grew into an adult, he aspired to one day find this island- not just for discovery’s sake, but to contribute to his larger goal of opening the greatest food service chain on the Grand Line. Originally he planned on working to save up more travel money, but the restaurant he worked in for most of his life recently bombed. Literally it blew up and left him jobless. Seeing it as a sign to get started, he has decided to become a pirate as a means for adventure.
Abilities: Boxing: As a gentleman, TJ is well versed in the basics of fisticuffs.
Exquisite Grilled Cuisine: Being a former fry cook in a busy restaurant, TJ knows and is more than capable of making a variety of grill-related dishes on the fly.
Techniques: ---
Traits: Thick-Skinned Fists - TJ's fists are, for a lack of a better word, meaty. They are thick and though, allowing him to block and punch without damaging his precious hands. At least most of the time.
Inventory: A stainless steel spatula and a copy of “The Gentleman’s Book of Etiquette.”
Edited the coding a bit. Made her Improved Perception from her DF into a trait instead. Not sure how profecient she is with that rod, but I edited her fighting style; just wanted to categorize it. But if she just hits people with it without any real techqniue, we could just remove it from the CS; you don't need it to be an ability if its just that. Anyway, since she's experienced in sailing, I gave her a navigation ability. Combined with her DF, that could make for some unique weather predictions. Not sure if that was the path you were going for. Also, if you noticed, I intended some of your techniques; this way, it'll be easier to understand that those technique have basic version where they were derived from. A good example of this would be Zoro's Lion Song which later on after the timeskip became Lion Song of Death.Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5'4'', 100 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal. One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.
History: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time, as she came into this world on the vessel of what would become a pirate ship. At first, it had been the vessel of a lucrative business as an upscale passenger liner, but it was no stranger to pirates, as it weathered numerous scuffles in the East Blue Seas thanks to the strength and wit of Flors Donner. However, as it so often does, tragedy struck, in a form. After a journey that took place while Claribel was at the tender age of 3, a passenger who had been wounded in a pirate attack sought to press charges against Flors Donner and his estate, the legal avenues proving successful, the hefty fees damaging the company beyond repair. Though he was required to turn over his ship to account for bankruptcy, he denied this, running off with his ship, daughter, wife, and trusted crew. Now he was at an impasse: having fought pirates for such a length, he had no desire to enter their ranks, let alone with a woman and child on board, but the Government had scorned him, so he was now technically an outlaw. As he struggled with his options, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.
Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who'd plagued his business for years on end, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, his crew tough and loyal, if small, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, he wasn't convinced they were safe. So Flors turned to the newspaper, following the paths of pirates, arriving like a bountiful wind in their ashy wake. He went from town to town to find those who had been left behind by the Marines, and relighting their fire, giving them purpose. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.
As for the toddler on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. The young girl had known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.
After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter: Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.
Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.
Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.
Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them. Now she had to contend with the day to day: figuring out how to get along alone while also working out the kinks of her tricky Fruit. But six months after striking out, three of them on the legendary Loguetown, she's starting to get a bit bored of her locale, wondering when she's going to get to start the interesting life she'd been looking for.... It can't start in a boring way, after all!
Abilities:Echo Echo Fruit (Eko Eko no Mi)A paramecia-type Devil Fruit that bestows Claribel with the ability to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise within the last minute. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her: she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirection. It's worth noting that her control of sound is limited to the medium of gases. Liquids aren't workable (such as water, the bane of Fruit users) and solids more so, meaning she can't redirect or copy sounds she can feel from the ground or hear while underwater (though if the sound is loud enough it enters the air, however muffled, that's another story).
Rod Fu - Claribel is tough enough to hold her own, using a sturdy iron rod as a bludgeoning instrument.
Navigation - CLaribel's time at sea has made her into a reliable navigator as well as a talented cartographer. She is not only knowledgeable regarding weather and world events, but is also well capable of using tools such as maps, compasses and sea charts.
Techniques: Claribel doesn't yell out her technique names in the middle of battle, but that doesn't mean they can't be named!
Echo – Claribel takes a sound or phrase just emitted and repeats it. She can change the location it comes from as long as it's fairly close by. The volume is decreased slightly, however.
Echo Pop – A natural extension of her Echo. Claribel takes a sound, usually a very loud one like a gunshot or the bang of her rod hitting something hard (like a skull!), and repeats it numerous times in quick succession, usually right by someone's head. The result is a sudden burst of disorienting sound that often leaves the target venerable to further attack. It's tricky to pull off, since it requires more precision, so Claribel isn't capable of it yet!
Shoosh – Claribel redirects the voice of a person away from their intended target. If someone is trying to yell for help, then Claribel can redirect the sound so that it travels backwards, for instance. This doesn't affect the volume of the sound though, and she has trouble catching the further echoes. A yell in a narrow hallway will carry both ways no matter what she does, but someone yelling from a boat in the ocean to a nearby shore is out of luck if Claribel wants them to keep quiet.
A-pu-pup! Shoosh – A more precise version of the standard technique, Claribel 'grabs' a sound, effectively quieting it down, redirecting it in the same bubble, so to speak, without letting the sound bounce off another surface and echo naturally. Imagine a sound as a superball, bouncing madly, each bounce making the noise that reverberates and become audible. Were Claribel to grab that sound midair, redirecting it back and forth until it naturally petered out, she would create a silence from a sound, in effect. Like Echo Pop, this technique is beyond her current ability due to the focus and precision required.
Traits:Improved Perception: She has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular sound unless it stands out, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.
Inventory:Iron Rod: Sturdy enough to trade blows and noisy on the right surfaces. It's straight, cylindrical, and a bit less than a meter long.
Tone Dials (TDs): Claribel almost always has a pair around her neck or over her ears.
You're character's pretty balanced. The only thing I can offer would be another ability. I guess you coul take the engineering or inventor one now?
Not really sure what to give you guys. Based on what I have on you, you seem to not need any. Any suggestions?
You may add Enhanced Agility and Master of Anatomy as traits. |
294 | 4 | 33 | 2,795 | 294 | Nice to meet you, Claribel- and thanks for lunch! Or I guess this is more brunch, really.
She plucked the doughnut off the toothpick and crammed it into her mouth. So this was what having lunch with someone was like. It was nice- even if the other girl was kind of weird, and had shouted at Giko for no particular reason all of a sudden, but Giko was sure Claribel had her reasons. She leaned against a lamp post, across the street from the stall. It was small, ugly, and a unique cooking-oil-and-gunpowder aroma lingered in the air about the place. Three-fourths of the stall's face was dominated by a counter and a long, wooden bench. The remaining fourth was taken up by a workbench, above which hung a sign.
A small, ratlike man presumably named Pete worked behind it, frustratedly cleaning a pepperbox revolver and muttering something about "these damned newfangled Marine toys" as he did. Giko watched him absentmindedly as she ate, mangled bits of mashed-up, greasy dough falling out of her lifeless mouth as it worked up and down. The puppeteer, for his part, just eyed the doughnuts with obvious hunger, wiping a little drool off on the back of his sleeve. He seemed to be making do with just smelling them. Giko looked back to Claribel, the lower half of her face covered in crumbs and powdered sugar.
"So what's with the, uh-", Giko tapped the side of her head, "-The shells? Are they some kinda fashion around these parts?" | Name: Giko G. Gearbox
Age: Claims to be 19
Gender: Claims to be female
Race: Claims to be human
Height and Weight: Claims to be 165 cm. Refuses to give a weight.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Absolutely insistent on staying in-character as a teenage girl and will refuse to acknowledge anything that conflicts with this. Giko's character is that of a gutsy, cheerful girl in her late teens. She tends to brush off insults to herself as a matter of course, but can't tolerate ones aimed at her friends.
History: A mysterious middle-aged man who operates a life-size teenage girl puppet, he refuses to acknowledge his own existence, instead insisting that he is an ordinary 19-year-old girl named Giko, who states that her goal is to find her father, apparently a famous dollmaker who left on a journey to the Black Drum Kingdom and never returned. Her other motivation seems to be loneliness, as she has resolved to make a friend on every island of the Grand Line. Things haven't been working out very well on the latter; people seem like they'd rather call her "pervert" and "old man", but she's sure that'll change once she reaches the Grand Line proper.
Master Puppeteer - Giko's operator is a ridiculously skilled puppeteer and ventriloquist capable of operating Giko in a lifelike manner resembling a teenage girl. If it wasn't for the creepy guy sticking his hand up the back of her shirt, you'd hardly know the difference.
Craftsman - Giko's operator seems to have a high level of engineering skill, considering that he apparently built Giko and is capable of repairing her from scrap material.
Giko Punch: Giko can fire her fist via a large spring embedded in her forearm. It's then reeled back in using a cable that connects the fist and stump.
Giko Hurricane: Giko's mouth contains a small breath dial filled with corrosive gas, which can be used to eat through metal.
Giko Mortar: A small, sturdy mortar capable of firing explosive shells, located in Giko's left leg.
Inventory: Life-sized teenage girl puppet named Giko with a number of concealed weapons. |
295 | 4 | 34 | 2,481 | 9 | Lucretia blinked her gross, compound eyes in surprise at… well, everything! This wasn’t going how she planned it at all, but… well, they weren’t fighting now, or plotting to catch her anymore? At least, if she understood them properly - but who can tell with pirates? Soon-to-be pirates, at least… that she was certain of.
Her stomach rumbled. Oh, right… That’s the unfortunate thing about running away from home in time for the sunrise - why, there’s simply no time at all to eat breakfast! And, besides… she could hardly say no if it was on the old man’s dime!
“I would be most obliged, my good man! Here, let me just change into something a little less frightening and also perhaps less awe-inspiring...”
Lucretia spun around with a practiced flourish, shrinking back down and losing her weird, mantis-ish features until she resembled nothing more than some young noblewoman in an ostentatious dress. She smirked, looking back at the rest of the group.
“I might not have a name for this ability yet," she said, "But it is positively grand, is it not? Hold your applause -- this is nothing for me, the great Lucretia Savaronitelle!” She laughed haughtily, curtsying to an imaginary crowd. | Name: Savaronitelle Lucretia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5’1”, 117 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Lucretia is very haughty, but at the same time she treats most things with a sort of casual irreverence. She dislikes most people who she considers above her, and disregards most people that she thinks are below her. Secretly self-conscious about her height - after all, she ought to be the one looking down upon everyone, not the other way around. She always seems to have something to prove. As of late, she’s developed an odd, mantis-esque personal quirk - namely, she has a bizarre tendency to come up with weird food-related nicknames for men she meets.
History: Lucretia is the less-favored second child of a prominent wealthy family. Her sister, a charming and kind socialite, always seemed to upstage her at every turn. Not realizing that this was mostly because she wasn’t charming or kind, Lucretia decided to make a name for herself on the open sea - after all, if she became Queen Of The Pirates, then surely her family would see how much better she was than her mean old sister!
Mushi Mushi no Mi, Model: Mantis
After eating the Bug-Bug Fruit, Lucretia has developed the uncanny ability to turn into a giant mantis, as well as a hybrid form where she takes on a human-mantis form. In both forms, her strength and speed are enhanced dramatically, and she gains wicked mantis-claws to slice at her enemies with. She is loathe to use her full mantis form however, considering it to be absolutely uncouth and disgusting. As a side-note, Lucretia does not actually know what Devil Fruits are - she accidentally ordered the Bug-Bug Fruit at a fancy dinner party and didn’t want to show weakness in front of her sister by ordering something else.
Techniques: ---
Traits: ---
Inventory: --- |
296 | 4 | 35 | 1,774 | 401 | Watching Giko eat, Claribel had to stuff a bite of her own food into her mouth to keep from giggling. She really ate it! This was making her day. What else would Giko do?
Claribel's ear twitched as she caught the shopkeeper's remark, and she paused before taking another bite. She looked over at Giko again...naaaw. Marine thing? No way! Claribel passed over Giko's portion...was the puppeteer eyeing it? Whatever.
"So what's with the, uh, the shells? Are they some kinda fashion around these parts?"
Claribel blinked, tilting her head as she mumbled, "Eh?" Eyes widening, she gasped, "Eh!? Are you kidding!?" Crossing her arms over her chest, she began, "They're TDs! Er, Tone Dials. They're only the best invention, like, ever~! Back when the Soul King was getting really, really huge they started making these so people could listen to music easier! And now tons of bands put them out so I can music without having to go watch someone play! Here!"
Pulling her silvery pair off her ears, she threw them over Giko's, giggling, "This is a new one. Try it!" Claribel tapped the button on the side, letting it play for the puppet. Looking down at Giko...wait...she was and white? Claribel unmistakably glanced sideways at the puppeteer... | Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5'4'', 100 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal. One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.
History: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time, as she came into this world on the vessel of what would become a pirate ship. At first, it had been the vessel of a lucrative business as an upscale passenger liner, but it was no stranger to pirates, as it weathered numerous scuffles in the East Blue Seas thanks to the strength and wit of Flors Donner. However, as it so often does, tragedy struck, in a form. After a journey that took place while Claribel was at the tender age of 3, a passenger who had been wounded in a pirate attack sought to press charges against Flors Donner and his estate, the legal avenues proving successful, the hefty fees damaging the company beyond repair. Though he was required to turn over his ship to account for bankruptcy, he denied this, running off with his ship, daughter, wife, and trusted crew. Now he was at an impasse: having fought pirates for such a length, he had no desire to enter their ranks, let alone with a woman and child on board, but the Government had scorned him, so he was now technically an outlaw. As he struggled with his options, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.
Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who'd plagued his business for years on end, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, his crew tough and loyal, if small, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, he wasn't convinced they were safe. So Flors turned to the newspaper, following the paths of pirates, arriving like a bountiful wind in their ashy wake. He went from town to town to find those who had been left behind by the Marines, and relighting their fire, giving them purpose. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.
As for the toddler on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. The young girl had known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.
After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter: Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.
Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.
Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.
Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them. Now she had to contend with the day to day: figuring out how to get along alone while also working out the kinks of her tricky Fruit. But six months after striking out, three of them on the legendary Loguetown, she's starting to get a bit bored of her locale, wondering when she's going to get to start the interesting life she'd been looking for.... It can't start in a boring way, after all!
Abilities:Echo Echo Fruit (Eko Eko no Mi)A paramecia-type Devil Fruit that bestows Claribel with the ability to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise within the last minute. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her: she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirection. It's worth noting that her control of sound is limited to the medium of gases. Liquids aren't workable (such as water, the bane of Fruit users) and solids more so, meaning she can't redirect or copy sounds she can feel from the ground or hear while underwater (though if the sound is loud enough it enters the air, however muffled, that's another story).
Rod Fu - Claribel is tough enough to hold her own, using a sturdy iron rod as a bludgeoning instrument.
Navigation - Claribel's time at sea has made her into a reliable navigator as well as a talented cartographer. She is not only knowledgeable regarding weather and world events, but is also well capable of using tools such as maps, compasses and sea charts.
Techniques: Claribel doesn't yell out her technique names in the middle of battle, but that doesn't mean they can't be named!
Echo – Claribel takes a sound or phrase just emitted and repeats it. She can change the location it comes from as long as it's fairly close by. The volume is decreased slightly, however.
Echo Pop – A natural extension of her Echo. Claribel takes a sound, usually a very loud one like a gunshot or the bang of her rod hitting something hard (like a skull!), and repeats it numerous times in quick succession, usually right by someone's head. The result is a sudden burst of disorienting sound that often leaves the target venerable to further attack. It's tricky to pull off, since it requires more precision, so Claribel isn't capable of it yet!
Shoosh – Claribel redirects the voice of a person away from their intended target. If someone is trying to yell for help, then Claribel can redirect the sound so that it travels backwards, for instance. This doesn't affect the volume of the sound though, and she has trouble catching the further echoes. A yell in a narrow hallway will carry both ways no matter what she does, but someone yelling from a boat in the ocean to a nearby shore is out of luck if Claribel wants them to keep quiet.
A-pu-pup! Shoosh – A more precise version of the standard technique, Claribel 'grabs' a sound, effectively quieting it down, redirecting it in the same bubble, so to speak, without letting the sound bounce off another surface and echo naturally. Imagine a sound as a superball, bouncing madly, each bounce making the noise that reverberates and become audible. Were Claribel to grab that sound midair, redirecting it back and forth until it naturally petered out, she would create a silence from a sound, in effect. Like Echo Pop, this technique is beyond her current ability due to the focus and precision required.
Traits:Improved Perception: She has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular sound unless it stands out, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.
Inventory:Iron Rod: Sturdy enough to trade blows and noisy on the right surfaces. It's straight, cylindrical, and a bit less than a meter long.
Tone Dials (TDs): Claribel almost always has a pair around her neck or over her ears. |
297 | 4 | 36 | 1,027 | 2,970 | Name: Chamber R. Wesson
Location: Logue Town - Guns & Donuts!
Strolling down the street, the rifleman came across a sign that read: Black Powder Pete’s Powder Doughnuts and Firearms…
The advertisement had been enough to stop the man in his tracks.
“What? Guns and doughnuts?” Chamber exclaimed. He then smiled. “I got to go meet the genius behind this business strategy.”
He meant no sarcasm. Doughnuts and guns; it was ingenious! The owner must had made over a thousand beli a day. As Chamber approached the store, his blue eyes happened to stray over to two young ladies who were casually listening to music. The rifleman’s pace slowed until he stopped and stared at them. A rosy hue blossomed on his cheeks as his eyes began to twinkle with………………………………………..LOVE!
Lips stretching into a firm line of determination, Chamber marched over to the woman of his dreams, fist swinging with purpose like a toy soldier. He stopped right behind Claribel, invading her personal space. His eyes were tensely staring passed her. SHE WAS IN THE WAY!
“You!” Chamber exclaimed. He then stepped around Claribel to face Giko while she was engrossed in Claribel’s music. He took her wooden hand in his own, which he saw her as being as real as any babe made of flesh, and took a knee in front of her. Gazing up at her from the proposal stance, he frowned and declared: “I have been blinded by your beauty. You…we…are destined to be together. I have found my true love.” | Photo depicts the loot he sometimes gets from hunting pirates.
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5’10” and 165 lbs.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Chamber Remington Wesson is mostly a friendly guy, but he takes his business seriously. He takes pride in his abilities as a marksman, a gunmith, and his ability to…yodel. Yodeling is normally how he makes his entrance when he isn’t executing a target from a great distance. Not only is he proud, but he is also arrogant. When you’re as good as him with guns…well…you have every right to be if you can back it up, and Chamber takes gunslinging to a whole new level. He believes he is the fastest and deadliest shot in the World, and will defend his self-proclaimed title.
Chamber is under the blind impression that people not only like his yodeling but his handsome looks. He will try to impress cute and beautiful girls—one of his goals being to find a wife so he can pass down his amazing genes. Truly, his eyes were a gift from God.
When he isn’t hunting bounties, he is tinkering with his rifle, cleaning his guns, and training. There is always room for improvement and if he wants to truly be the best, then he has to work at it. Hunting bounties allows him to encounter new and unique foes that bring him fresh and interesting encounters. He chose the life of a bounty hunter to polish his skills even despite…well…being a wanted man himself.
History:Chamber hails from St. Poplar, an island town in Paradise connected to Water 7 and Enies Lobby by Sea Train. He lived the dream of most boys, wanting to grow up to be a Marine and he worked hard to achieve that dream. His father, Marine Captain Smith Wesson, was his role model. He was strong, proud, and an excellent shot with a gun. When his father returned home from R&R, they would practice and Chamber’s hawkeye gift was noticed early on. When Chamber came of age, he left his mother Annabelle to follow his father into the employment of the World Government. He and his father traveled all over and there were many instances where Chamber got to test his gunslinging skills for real. It was when Chamber began to modify the musket that he had been issued that he became aware of the World Government’s restrictions. He wasn’t allowed to modify government equipment even if it was to improve its performance. Officers tended to be the only individuals to allow special gear and equipment, and Chamber thought that policy was ridiculous. His skills were underappreciated. The officers on the ship tried to keep him in their shadows. He constantly butted-heads with a lieutenant named Bass Cooley who was under his father and who he noticed seemed…awfully close. It was as though his father had found himself a new son while he was out to sea for so long and he treated Chamber like all the other Marines. A fierce rivalry formed between him and Cooley, and no matter how much Bass disliked him he knew that Chamber was the better shot. He had to get rid of the kid if was to stay in Captain Wesson’s good graces. He was up for promotion!
On a mission to apprehend Sugar Ray pirates off the coast of the Conomi Islands, there was a heated battle between the two vessels and a violent exchange of cannon fire. In the middle of the battle, Lieutenant Cooley forced Chamber overboard. He was caught between the ships and their fire and in order to survive, he had to dive and swim as far out of the way of the two ships. He was left stranded in the ocean and exhaustion eventually took him. He washed ashore Cocoyasi Village and was rescued by a fisherman named Gil. Gil gave him a place to stay until he could get in contact with his unit, and when he managed to he learned that he was KIA. He had a decision to make then. He could either return to his pathetic life under the foot of every officer on the ship, or he could make his own life and live unrestrained. Chamber chose to do the latter and while he stayed with Gil in Cocoyasi, he modified his musket and other weapons the way he had always wanted to. He continued to go after criminals in his own way as a feared bounty hunter.
So his mother didn’t worry over the possibility of his death in combat, Chamber sent his mother a letter and news traveled to Captain Wesson that his son was still alive. Lieutenant Cooley labeled him as a deserter for having not returned to the Marines, and he has since become an outlaw.
His bounty journey has taken him to Logue Town, a popular trade center where he knows he’s going to collect some loot.
Extraordinary Marksman – Chamber is a gifted man. “Son of Gun” would be true. The way he handles his guns is completely unorthodox and it’s a sight to behold. His eyes are sharp, his reaction time even sharper, and his depth perception so keen that he could shoot the wings off a fly’s back. He has designed all of his weapons around his style of combat, and a lot of his designs are hidden within his long coat.
Tae Kwon Gun – It is Chamber’s martial art style. It is similar to Tae Kwon Do with his flurry of kicks except that each of his strikes trigger mechanisms that he calls Sliders and they are strapped to his forearms and shins. They not only act as guards against bladed weaponry but they carry magazines of rounds. For each thrust and of his legs and fists, the slider moves back, loading a round into the chamber, and then slides forward releasing the round. So while combating his foes, he can also fill them full of lead.
Burdened Fighter – If only one knew how many weapons he has concealed on his person. It makes him heavier than he really is and his muscles have been conditioned to bear the burden. So if he seems quick while burdened, wait until he takes it all off. He becomes even faster and his techniques even fiercer.
Ricochet – A gun trick where Chamber will shoot a round off a deflective surface and the round with change directory to hit the enemy where he or she didn’t see it coming. He has also used this technique to knock enemy rounds off course of their intended target. He can also perform this technique with his musket.
Quick Draw – The hand is quicker than the eye and Chamber is quick if not the quickest.
Gun Jam – Using his Quick Draw technique, Chamber can jam another weapon by lodging a bullet down the enemy’s barrel.
Traits: ---
Sliders – 4 – 8 round capacity.
Pistols – 4 – 8 round capacity.
Derringer -2- 1 round each.
Musket – 1 – single round reload capacity. Attachments: Bayonet and Scope. |
298 | 4 | 37 | 2,786 | 800 | As the ninja explained himself, and stated that he didn't intend to kill the thugs, Zehst finally seemed to fully relax again. True, the explosions hadn't been super huge...and they seemed to be mostly light and show, if the force behind them was only enough to knock the bad guys out.
"Well...if my parents didn't make it, and you're careful about how you use it...then I guess that's your freedom, huh?" he said, before nodding to himself. "Sorry about hitting you, then. I just...have a thing about weapons of mass destruction." He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled bashfully. "I'm Zehst, Zehst Messerschmitt, by the way. I ate the Roke-Roke Fruit, so now I'm a Rocket Man!" A small set of turbines opened up in the hollows of his ears, spitting flame to emphasize his point, before with a "shwoop" they withdrew.
The old man they had inadvertently helped offered to feed them, at which Zehst's stomach rumbled like a B52 jet. He nodded heartily to the geezer, but then the cool giant mantis said, in a surprisingly girly voice, that she had to change first. The mantis spun and shrank, mandibles and arm-blades disappearing as chitin became skin, and in its place soon stood a lovely young lady, who introduced herself by name. Zehst pointed, his jaw dropping and eyes bugging out.
"Ah, cool-outfit-guy! The giant mantis can turn into a pretty girl! How're we supposed to catch her now!? I'm no good with girls!" he said, his voice rising an octave higher. Because he'd been cooped up in his mansion with only his parents and his tutors and a babysitter for company, he'd never really interacted much with kids his own age. Now he was older, certainly, but he still hadn't gained any of the experience needed for proper social interaction. Especially not with girls, who were destined to be an enigma to even the most experienced of fellows. | Name: Zehst Messerschmitt
Age: 18
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5' 10", 140 pounds (63.5 kg)
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Zehst is energetic and hardly ever takes things seriously. He makes friends easily and brushes off hostility up to a point. His primary want in life is freedom--absolute freedom, the ability to do anything and everything that he wants. However, this is where he begins to toe the line of eccentricity. He doesn't believe in laws, seeing them as oppressive, but agrees that freedom has to naturally come with consequences. He also rarely imposes on anyone else's "freedoms" as he sees them--such as the freedom of a thief to steal something. Yet a person who stops a thief also has the freedom to do that if they want to. All in all it's an extremely hypocritical way of looking at the world, and speaks to his inexperience as a person...but perhaps this is why he wants to be free in the first place.
History: Zehst was born to a wealthy family on the Gecko Islands archipelago, who made their fortune by designing weapons for the World Government. Knowing their inventions were tools of violence, destruction, and oppression, they always kept their son in the dark about the true nature of their careers. Zehst's childhood was extremely restricted and sheltered, to keep him from learning how cruel the world really was. But they could only keep this up for so long. As Zehst got older, he had soon read all the books they could give him and learned all his tutors had to teach him, and soon his fun-loving attitude could no longer be curbed and he could no longer simply be sent to his room. With nothing more to distract him, he began to escape time and time again. Until, one night, he witnessed an engagement between the World Government and a pirate ship that was targeting the Gecko Islands.
The Pirate Ship was coming close to the shore, almost close enough to begin assaulting the island. Though in doing so they were putting the lives of islanders who lived on the shore in peril, the captain of the Marines gave the order to launch a particular missile that had been designed by Zehst's parents. The missile was a direct hit, but the explosion that followed was so enormous that not only were the pirates completely eradicated, but so were the homes of several villagers on the cliffs overlooking the shoreline. Zehst couldn't help but think that even pirates didn't deserve to be destroyed so thoroughly as he watched the carnage subside. What was more, the people of the village blamed his family. For the first time Zehst saw the true nature of what his parents had done to build their fortune.
Over the next few weeks, he confronted them. There was a family shouting match that grew so intense Zehst punched his own father. Though he wasn't punished afterwards, this actually made it worse for him. His parents loved him, they truly did, but for various reasons they couldn't just suddenly stop making weapons. Unable to see their point of view, Zehst secretely stole an object his father had obtained for experimentation--a Devil Fruit. Using the fruit's powers to leave his home behind, Zehst started a new life, searching for the freedom he had never had.
Abilities: Roke-Roke no Mi - The Rocket Fruit, its name taken from the Japanese pronunciation "roketto." It is a paramecium fruit that turns the user into a Rocket Human, and allows them to produce various types of rocket thrusters and jets through the surfaces of their body.
Cruise Knuckle - A rocket thruster appears on Zehst's elbow, greatly increasing the speed and force of a punch.
Stinger Strike - A thruster appears on the back of Zehst's shoulder and elbow as he darts forward, and performs a piercing elbow strike with the opposite arm. It resembles an elbow thrust from the martial art known as Bajiquan.
Homing Kick - A roundhouse kick that uses thrusters on the back of Zehst's calves and heel to increase power, speed, and spin--he'll be able to chase an opponent to an extent, continuing to spin and fly after them. However, after several rotations he'll become dizzy and crash.
ICBM - A flying kick that sprouts thrusters over various parts of Zhest, making this his most powerful attack. However, it hits so hard that it damages him as well, and uses up a great deal of energy.
Inventor - Having inherited his parents' knack for learning, designing, and application of science, Zehst makes a fairly good inventor. However, at the moment he lacks the experience or tools to make much use of it. Perhaps if he were to set foot on a ship, he could learn its workings and be a decent shipwright...
Inventory: A burlap duffel sack containing all his supplies, including clothes, food and water, a compass, a map, and not much else. |
299 | 4 | 38 | 2,795 | 294 | Oh, they're surprisingly comfy!, piped Giko as Claribel placed the TD set over her head, "So how do they OH WOW THAT'S REALLY LOUD."
Giko continued her attempts to eat, a small crowd of gulls gathering around to pick up the mashed-up chunks of food as they rolled back out of her mouth. The puppeteer seemed firmly focused on the bag of doughnuts to the exclusion of all other events presently occuring, but that didn't seem to keep Giko from interacting in the slightest.
Apparently, while she had been talking, some blue-haired guy in a duster and some kind of tunic had come up and grabbed her hand. He was saying something, but it was too quiet to make out.
She whipped her hand out of Chamber's grasp, flailing blindly at a particularly opportunistic seagull that had gotten itself lodged in her mouth. | Name: Giko G. Gearbox
Age: Claims to be 19
Gender: Claims to be female
Race: Claims to be human
Height and Weight: Claims to be 165 cm. Refuses to give a weight.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Absolutely insistent on staying in-character as a teenage girl and will refuse to acknowledge anything that conflicts with this. Giko's character is that of a gutsy, cheerful girl in her late teens. She tends to brush off insults to herself as a matter of course, but can't tolerate ones aimed at her friends.
History: A mysterious middle-aged man who operates a life-size teenage girl puppet, he refuses to acknowledge his own existence, instead insisting that he is an ordinary 19-year-old girl named Giko, who states that her goal is to find her father, apparently a famous dollmaker who left on a journey to the Black Drum Kingdom and never returned. Her other motivation seems to be loneliness, as she has resolved to make a friend on every island of the Grand Line. Things haven't been working out very well on the latter; people seem like they'd rather call her "pervert" and "old man", but she's sure that'll change once she reaches the Grand Line proper.
Master Puppeteer - Giko's operator is a ridiculously skilled puppeteer and ventriloquist capable of operating Giko in a lifelike manner resembling a teenage girl. If it wasn't for the creepy guy sticking his hand up the back of her shirt, you'd hardly know the difference.
Craftsman - Giko's operator seems to have a high level of engineering skill, considering that he apparently built Giko and is capable of repairing her from scrap material.
Giko Punch: Giko can fire her fist via a large spring embedded in her forearm. It's then reeled back in using a cable that connects the fist and stump.
Giko Hurricane: Giko's mouth contains a small breath dial filled with corrosive gas, which can be used to eat through metal.
Giko Mortar: A small, sturdy mortar capable of firing explosive shells, located in Giko's left leg.
Inventory: Life-sized teenage girl puppet named Giko with a number of concealed weapons. |
Subsets and Splits