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en-zh | I had a full schedule and I needed to pump milk, but I didn't have the courage to ask for 50 million dollars and ask to use their mother's room. | 我有一个完整的日程表,我需要抽牛奶,但我没有勇气去要求5千万美金,然后要求使用他们的母亲房间。 | 我的日程排得很满, 而且我还需要挤奶。 但我没有勇气要5000万美元, 还要用他们的哺乳室。 | 100 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | And it was largely intact— a ship’s boat still lying on its deck, even though some seven centuries had passed. | 它基本上是完好无损的,船只仍然躺在甲板上,尽管已经过了七个世纪。 | 它基本上完好无损— 一艘船的小艇仍躺在它的甲板上, 尽管已经过去了大约七个世纪。 | 77 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | Part of this has to do with how quickly we form connections between our sense of self and the things we consider ours. | 这其中的一部分与速度有关,我们在自我意识之间建立起了多快的联系,以及我们认为的自我意识。 | 这部分取决于有多快 我们可以将自我意识和 我们认为属于自己的事物建立起联系 | 68 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | Airlines apply many factors to create even more accurate models. | 航空公司运用了许多因素来创造更精确的模型。 | 为了得出更精确的模型,航空公司会增加其他因素。 | 94 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | Audience: Boys! Lizzie: Boys? | 男孩子们,你们是欺负我的人。 | 观众:“Boys(男孩)!” 丽兹:“Boys(男孩)?” | 26 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | To that end, British cosmologist John Barrow, classified civilizations by the size of objects they control. | 为此,英国宇宙学家约翰·巴罗(JohnBarrow)根据他们控制的物体大小对文明进行了分类。 | 为此,英国宇宙学家约翰·巴罗 根据文明能控制的物体大小 来对其进行分类, | 86 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | Here, "ionizable" means that when these particles are in the bloodstream, they're neutrally charged, which helps with their safety. | 在这里,电离意味着当这些粒子在血液中时,它们是相互充电的,这有助于它们的安全。 | 然后在细胞中转变成正电荷, 以帮助其释放mRNA。 | 71 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | So all mitochondria use oxygen and metabolites to create energy and have their own DNA, but mitochondrial DNA varies more across species than other DNA. | 因此,所有的线粒体都使用氧气和代谢物来产生能量,并有它们自己的DNA,但是线粒体DNA在不同物种之间 | 因此,所有线粒体都使用氧气 和代谢物来产生能量, 并有自己的 DNA 。 与其他 DNA 相比, 线粒体 DNA 在不同物种间的差异更大。 | 64 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | Together, they had seven daughters and one son named Phaethon. | 他们一起育有七个女儿和一个儿子,名叫费亚廷。 | 他们有了七个女儿 和一个名叫Phaethon的儿子。 | 83 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | I wear contacts--conTACT. Half-off conTACTS. | 我戴着隐形眼镜。隐形眼镜。半途隐形眼镜。 | 我能够佩戴隐形眼镜。 一个隐形眼镜。 | 51 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | and it fell to the floor. | 然后它掉到地上。 | 它掉落在地上。 | 80 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | Has a hotel turned down your reservation because it's full? | 有酒店关闭了你的保留地,因为它满了? | 你有没有经历过被酒店拒之门外因为客满? | 71 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | So this is how Henrik’s invention became a sort of the prototype for many, many of the wind turbines that you'll see all over the planet today. | 这就是亨利克斯的发明成为你今天所看到的很多风力涡轮机的原型。 | 这就是亨里克的发明, 它成为了许多风力发电机的原型。 如今到处都能看到这些发电机。 | 75 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | Each is based on a different set of metrics to define personality: the Myers-Briggs, for instance, focuses on features like introversion and extroversion to classify people into personality "types," while the Big Five scores participants on five different traits. | 每一个都基于不同的指标来定义个性:迈尔斯·布里格斯(MyersBriggs)专注于内向性和外向性等特征,来将人们分为人格类型,而“五大”则在五个不同的特征上给参与者评分。 | 每种测试都是基于一套 不同的性格定义指标: 例如,迈尔斯-布里格斯测试, 主要按照内向与外向 将人分为不同的 “性格类型”, 而大五类人格测试则按照 五种不同的特质评估受试者。 | 86 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | Growing up, I watched my mom and dad work two full-time jobs without ever complaining, so my siblings and I could live a better life than they did. | 长大后,我看着父母在没有抱怨的情况下,做着两份全职工作,这样我和兄弟姐妹就能过上比他们更好的生活。 | 随着我长大,我看着爸爸妈妈 做两份全职工作,从不抱怨。 让我和兄弟姐妹 可以过上比他们更好的生活。 | 85 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | It followed me around 24/7. | 它一直跟着我,一直跟着我。 | 我和妻子或者一些朋友共进晚餐 | 88 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | I wish I knew that a decade ago. | 我希望我十年前就知道了。 | 我希望我十年前就知道这个道理。 | 100 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | A lot of people think, "Lizzie, how in the world are you saying there are benefits when you can only see out of one eye?" | 很多人会想,莉莉,你怎么能说只有一个眼睛才能看到好处呢? | 很多人认为, 丽兹,你怎么会说, 只能用一只眼睛也有它的好处? | 66 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | Though there was no central authority, the leaders of bands, or oyates, came together at annual Sun Dances to strategize and coordinate complex diplomatic operations. | 尽管没有中央权威,乐队或奥亚特的领导者每年都会聚集在一起,进行策略和协调复杂的外交行动。 | 尽管他们没有中央权威机构, 但部落的领导们,或称为奥亚茨, 在每年的太阳舞会上聚集在一起, 制定战略并协调复杂的外交行动。 | 78 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | This may be especially helpful for foragers looking for food, hunters eyeballing and chasing their prey, and social animals recognizing other faces. | 这可能对寻找食物的觅食者,猎人,以及追捕猎物的社交动物尤其有帮助。 | 这可能对寻找食物的觅食者、 捕猎者注视和追逐猎物 以及社会动物识别 其他面孔特别有帮助。 | 92 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | The truth is, I couldn't bear to. | 事实是,我无法忍受。 | 就这样持续了几个月 在我与轮椅唇齿相依的那段时间里 | 85 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | The family part is kind of down the line, and my career part, I feel like I'm really doing well with it, considering the fact that when I decided I wanted to be a motivational speaker, I went home, I sat in front of my laptop, went to Google, and typed in: "How to be a motivational speaker." | 家庭聚会有点低潮,我的职业,我感觉我做得很好,考虑到我决定要成为一个励志演讲者,我回家,坐在笔记本电脑前,去谷歌,输入"如何成为励志演讲者""。 | 家庭是我的计划中的最后一部分,但是关于我的事业, 我认为我做得还不错, 因为当我决定我想当一位讲师后,我回到家, 坐在电脑面前,在谷歌的网页搜寻了: “如何成为一个励志讲师。” | 70 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | And he encouraged American farmers to grow as much of the plant as possible. | 他鼓励美国农民种植尽可能多的植物。 | 他还鼓励美国农民 尽可能地多种植这种植物。 | 88 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | Adayanci brought home for me that governments of developed nations also harm using trauma as a weapon. | Ajanze把我带回家,发展中国家的政府也用创伤作为武器来伤害我。 | 阿达安奇让我了解到,发达国家的政府 仍然在使用创伤作为伤害他人的武器。 | 66 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | And even as I got traded twice and replaced by a couple of great young quarterbacks, I stuck with that ethic. | 即使我被交换了两次,被几个伟大的年轻四分卫所取代,我还是坚持那个道德观。 | 我的信念就彻底瓦解了 你还不如把那块挡住我视线的白布扯下来 | 77 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | I wanted to graduate college, and I just finished college. | 我想毕业,我刚大学毕业。 | 我说过我想从学院毕业。 不久前,我毕业了。 | 100 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | It worked out, I guess. | 我想,这 | 我想,成功了。 | 46 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | Frigg loved her son so much that she commanded every plant, animal and inanimate object to vow they’d never harm him. | 弗里加非常爱她的儿子,以至于她指挥每一个植物、动物和无生命的物体,发誓他们永远不会伤害他。 | 弗丽嘉深爱着儿子, 她强令一切万物生灵立下誓言, 发誓绝不伤巴德尔分毫。 | 80 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | One by one, they cheerfully hug one of their friends who just came back home from a trip. | 一:一,你的朋友,刚从旅途中回家。 | 一个接着一个,他们兴高采烈地拥抱着 他们刚结束旅行回到家里的朋友。 | 69 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | So the bottom line here, is that I hope you appreciate and love your family, love your friends, for you guys, love you Bro’s and acknowledge your mentors, and your community, because they are a very real aspect of everyday life, they can make a truly significant, positive impact. | 归根结底是,我希望你们能欣赏和爱你们的家人,爱你们的朋友,你们的朋友,爱你们的朋友们,并承认你们的导师和社区。因为他们是日常生活的非常真实的方面,可以产生真正显著的积极影响。 | 所以重点是 我希望大家感激和爱您的家人 爱您的朋友们和兄弟们 并答谢您的导师 和您的社区 因为他们是您日常生活中 一个非常真实一面 他们可以在提供正能量方面 作出真正重大的贡献 | 75 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | Outraged, Cope accused Marsh of bribery. | 柯普被激怒了,指控马什贿赂。 | 愤怒的科普指控马什贿赂 | 88 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | There are four ingredients in addition to the mRNA, and I'll tell you about each one. | 除MRNA外,还有四种成分,我会告诉你们每一个。 | 这是我们细胞膜的主要成分, | 85 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | Now there's a winning streak, if ever we've seen one. | 现在有一个连胜,我们已经看到了一个成员。 | 当时还有连胜纪录,虽然很少能够见到。 | 85 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | I would wish, and pray, and hope, and do whatever I could so I would wake up in the morning and be different, and I wouldn't have to deal with these struggles. | 我会许愿、祈祷、希望,并尽我所能去祈祷,我会早上醒来,我会变得不同,不再需要面对这些挣扎。 | 我会祈祷,希望 有一天,当我早上醒来的时候,我会变得有所不同, 那我就不必为这些困难所烦恼。 | 91 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | And I understood the immigrant part of my identity well. | 我理解我身份中的移民部分。 | 并且非常理解我身份中移民的部分。 | 88 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | In fact, the ancient Europeans were so captivated by the plant’s unusual growth habits that they included it in their legends and myths. | 事实上,古欧洲人被这种不寻常的生长习惯所吸引,以至于他们把这种生长习惯包含在他们的传说和神话中。 | 事实上,古欧洲人着迷于 槲寄生奇特的生长习性, 甚至把它编进他们的神话传说里。 | 80 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | The sheer number of cicadas coming out of the ground is so overwhelming to predators, it is essentially guaranteed that a few bugs will survive and reproduce. | 地里长出的蚊子数量是如此之多,以至于捕食者们无法幸存,以至于只有少数的虫子能够存活并繁殖。 | 从地下涌出的蝉的数量如此之多, 对捕食者而言是压倒性的。 这本质上保证了 总有一些虫子可以存活并繁衍。 | 51 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | As the soil dries after the rain, the small rain roots also start to dry and wither away, and the cactus awaits the next time it can take advantage of a shower. | 就像雨后土壤干燥一样,小雨根也开始干涸和枯萎,然后仙人掌在下次利用雨水时等待着。 | 在雨后土壤变干的时候, 细小的雨根也开始变干枯萎, 而仙人掌也开始等待 下一次利用降雨的机会。 | 82 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | There are benefits to being visually impaired. | 视力受损是有好处的。 | 视力有缺陷有它的好处。 | 90 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | Traditional windmills use that rotational energy to grind wheat or pump water. | 传统的风车使用这种旋转能量来磨小麦或抽水。 | 传统的风车用旋转能磨麦或抽水。 | 82 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | So I told myself I'm going to work my butt off and do whatever I could to make myself better, because in my mind, the best way that I could get back at all those people who made fun of me, who teased me, who called me ugly, who called me a monster was to make myself better, and to show them: You know what? | 于是我告诉自己,“我要尽我所能,尽我所能让自己变得更好,因为在我的脑海里,这是我能找到回那些嘲笑我,嘲笑我,骂我丑陋,骂我怪物的人的最佳方式,就是让自己变得更好,并向他们展示。你知道吗? | 所以我告诉自己,我会拼了命的努力, 做任何我能够做的,让自己变得更好, 因为对我而言,能够报复那些 取笑我的,嘲讽我的, 说我长得很丑的,说我是魔鬼的人的最佳方法, 就是让我自己变得更好,从而证明给他们看, 你知道吗? | 69 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | We can actually replace some of the biggest sources of the problem, oil, coal and gas, with something we have in abundance: wind. | 我们实际上可以替换一些问题最大的根源:石油、煤炭和天然气。这些根源是丰富的:风。 | 我们其实可以将引起 气候变化的主要能源 比如石油、煤炭以及天然气 用一种常见的东西代替: 风。 | 79 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | Lucifer, the fallen angel raging against the established order. | 路西法,堕落的天使,对已建立的秩序大发雷霆。 | 路西法,一个与现存制度 激烈反抗的堕落天使。 | 70 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | So this is how Henrik’s invention became a sort of the prototype for many, many of the wind turbines that you'll see all over the planet today. | 这就是亨德里的发明如何成为许多人的原型,你会看到很多风力涡轮机。 | 这就是亨里克的发明, 它成为了许多风力发电机的原型。 如今到处都能看到这些发电机。 | 66 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | But I’d never really had to apply all of these aspects of my philosophy to the test at one time, until last January. | 但我从来没有真正拥有过申请所有这些方面我的哲学在一次测试中,直到去年一月。 | 但是我之前从没真正将此付诸实践 直到去年一月 | 63 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | So this is us goofing off a little bit. | 这就是我们被吓坏了一点。 | 我们在一起共同进退 | 80 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | And as long as our children keep learning and our teachers keep teaching, even while they are starving in shelters under bombardment, even in refugee camps, we are undefeated. | 只要我们的孩子继续学习,我们的老师继续教学,即使他们正在被轰炸的避难所里挨饿,甚至在难民营里,我们仍然没有被打败。 | 只要我们的孩子还在继续学习 只要我们的老师继续教课, 即使他们正在轰炸下的避难所挨饿, 即使在难民营中, 我们是不可战胜的。 | 90 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | Part of this has to do with how quickly we form connections between our sense of self and the things we consider ours. | 其中一部分与我们如何快速地在我们自我意识和我们认为的事物之间建立联系有关。 | 这部分取决于有多快 我们可以将自我意识和 我们认为属于自己的事物建立起联系 | 73 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | When the cat’s brain processes the visuals from each eye, the small but sharp differences between them help the cat judge the precise distance of its target. | 当猫的大脑处理每只眼睛的视觉时,它们之间的细微但锋利的差异帮助猫判断目标的精确距离。 | 当猫的大脑处理 每只眼睛带来的视觉信息时, 它们之间微小但尖锐的差异 能帮助猫判断目标的精确距离。 | 56 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | The girl's name is Adayanci, and the trip she has just returned from is not a vacation. | 这个女孩叫阿拉扬西,刚回来的旅途不是度假。 | 那个女孩的名字叫阿达安奇, 而她刚刚结束的这次旅行并不是度假。 | 78 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | Now, it’s not that I ignore when I’m feeling badly, I kind of accept it, I let it in, so that I can acknowledge it, and do what I need to do to move past it. | 现在,不是说我无视我感觉不好的时候,我接受它。我让它进入,这样我就可以承认它,做我需要做的事来超越它。 | 并不是说我完全忽略这种悲伤的感受 我只是坦然的接受了它 我接纳它并承认这个事实 同时做我需要去做的 并跨越这道屏障 | 75 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | And like anyone, my views on many things have changed, and hopefully matured, like my potential career choice. | 就像所有人一样,我对很多事情的看法都发生了变化,希望成熟,就像我潜在的职业选择。 | 正如任何人一样 我对很多事物的看法已经改变了 希望由此变成熟 像我潜在的职业选择一样 | 85 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | Anything we do in the future will require energy. | 任何我们在未来做的事情都需要能量。 | 我们未来所有的活动都需要能量, | 96 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | The workers, by contrast, are among the most disadvantaged, traveling away from home for months at a time to perform service work. | 相比之下,工人们是最弱势的群体之一,他们会离开家好几个月,去执行服务工作。 | 相比之下,那些劳动人民, 是处于最不利的处境, 他们要离家数月执行服务工作。 | 78 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | I was regretfully correct. | 我很遗憾地是对的。 | 很遗憾,我是对的。 | 76 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | Instead, each testimony takes on a truthful quality, and the audience is left doubting their convictions as they guess who ended the samurai’s life. | 相反,每个证词都具有真实的品质,观众们在猜测谁结束了萨姆赖的一生时,会怀疑他们的信念。 | 相反,每段证词都具备真实性, 观众只能一边猜测 谁夺走了武士的性命, 一边怀疑自己的判断。 | 76 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | They found riches the likes of which neither had dreamed. | 他们发现了他们从未梦想的财富。 | 他们发现了从未幻想的重要结果 | 93 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | There are all sort of awesome and gross predators and parasites that come along with the buzzing bugs. | 它们是各种各样令人惊叹的、恶心的捕食者和寄生虫,伴随着嗡嗡的虫子。 | 随着这些吵闹的虫子一起到来的, 还有各种可怕而又恶心的捕食者和寄生虫。 | 77 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | Meanwhile, the stomata— tiny holes that allow the exchange of gases that enable photosynthesis— remain firmly closed until night when they open. | 同时,小孔——允许光合作用的气体交换的小孔——在夜间打开之前都是紧闭的。 | 与此同时,气孔—— 允许促成光合作用的 气体交换的小孔—— 在夜晚开启前紧紧地保持关闭。 | 81 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | And in our desperation, we gave that technology a chance. | 一个内心的绝望--(掌声)--我们给了那个技术一个机会。 | 收集着长期安全有效的数据。 | 95 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | For example, egocentric bias can influence people to subconsciously reshape their memories in ways that cast a positive light on their actions. | 例如,自我中心的偏见会影响人们无意识地重新塑造他们的记忆,以一种对他们的行动产生积极的影响。 | 比如说,自我中心偏差 能让人潜意识地重塑记忆, 让自己的行动显得更为积极。 | 83 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | Then, they inject those molecules into a nanoparticle roughly 1,000 times smaller than the average cell. | 然后,他们把这些分子注射到一个纳米粒子里,比平均细胞小约1000倍。 | 他们接下来将这些分子 注射到纳米药物里, 大约比普通细胞小一千倍。 | 90 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | Marsh never accepted the challenge. | 马什从未接受过挑战。 | 马什从未接受这个挑战 | 93 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | When the Roman Empire conquered Egypt in 31 BCE, Kushite armies again traveled north, led by Queen Amanirenas. | 当罗马帝国征服埃及时,公元前31年,库什军队再次向北行进,由一个人女王突袭。 | 当罗马帝国在公元前31年征服埃及时, 库施人的军队再次北上, 由女王阿马尼亚娜斯率领。 | 83 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | He told me to throw from one knee. | 他让我单膝跪地扔出去 | 自那后,只要你给我一颗球 我都感觉更强大 | 64 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | Years ago, he fell in love with a water nymph named Clymene. | 几年前,他爱上了一位水仙。 | 几年以前,他爱上了大洋神女Clymene。 | 60 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | Sometimes I faltered, I had bad days, but I realized that being brave isn’t supposed to be easy. | 有时我颤抖,我有过糟糕的日子,但我意识到,勇敢并不容易。 | 有时我踌躇 我也会有糟糕的时候 不过我明白 变得勇敢本来就不是一件容易的事儿 | 95 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | When I was in high school I found a video, unfortunately, that somebody posted of me, labeling me the world's ugliest woman. | 当我在高中的时候,我发现了一个视频——不幸的是,有人发给我“世界上最美丽的女人”。 | 高中的时候,我发现了一个视频, 很不幸的,那是关于我的视频, 视频上对我的定义是‘世界上最丑的女人’。 | 50 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | There are benefits to being kind of really small. | 小也有好处。 | 身材娇小也有它的好处。 | 83 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | Airlines have collected years worth of information about who does and doesn't show up for certain flights. | 航空公司已经收集了数年的信息,关于谁会参加某些航班,谁不会。 | 航空公司累计了多年的数据和信息 关于谁会或者不会出现在一个特定的航班。 | 14 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | But just like those early pankration athletes, you can't keep a good one down, and 1500 years later in 1896, the modern Olympic games kicked off in Athens, Greece. | 但就像那些早期的潘克拉蒂翁运动员一样,你不能保持一个好的跑线,1500年后,在1896年,现代奥林匹克运动会在希腊的雅典开始。 | 但就像那些古时的搏击运动员, 强者是无法永远压制的, 于是在1500年后的1896年, 现代奥运会在希腊雅典召开。 | 82 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | Thank you. | 谢谢大家。 | 谢谢 | 89 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | The Sun God’s smile dimmed. | 太阳神笑了 | 太阳神敛去了笑容。 | 1 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | It sounds simple, and it is, but I guess I didn't really believe it was possible until it came from somebody that I trusted. | 听起来很简单,确实如此,但我猜我并不相信这是可能的,直到它来自一个我信任的人。 | 那时,我有个队友叫布莱克·科斯坦佐 布莱克是个有点疯的中后卫球员 | 60 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | Mistletoe relies on modified roots called haustoria that penetrate the tree bark and siphon off the water and minerals trees carry up their trunks. | <unk>趾依赖于被称为“Htoria”的改良根部,它穿透树皮,吸取水分,矿物质树木将树干带上去。 | 槲寄生有特殊的根,称为吸器, 吸器穿透树皮, 吸收树干输送上来的水分和矿物质。 | 15 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | More than ever before the answer is: we do. | 比以往任何时候都更多,答案是,我们做的。 | 最终的答案是:我们。 | 74 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | They rely on another adaptation common to cacti: a thick skin, which is coated in a waxy substance called a cuticle that limits water loss. | 他们依赖于另一个仙人掌常见的适应性,那就是厚厚的皮肤,它被一种叫做表皮的蜡质包裹着,这限制了水定律。 | 它们依赖着在其它仙人掌中又一 普遍的适应特性:一层厚厚的外皮, 它被包裹在一层防止水分丢失、 被叫做表皮层的蜡状物质中。 | 68 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 30 |
en-zh | Some people even placed tanuki statues outside their homes and businesses to trick potential pranksters into taking their antics elsewhere. | 有些人甚至把塔努基雕像放在家里和生意外,来欺骗潜在的恶棍把他们的滑稽行为带到别的地方。 | 有些人还在住家和行号外头 放置狸猫雕像, 哄那些打算行骗的人 把鬼把戏带到别处。 | 46 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 15 |
en-zh | Airlines have collected years worth of information about who does and doesn't show up for certain flights. | 航空公司收集了多年的信息,关于谁在某些航班上做了什么,谁没有。 | 航空公司累计了多年的数据和信息 关于谁会或者不会出现在一个特定的航班。 | 70 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
en-zh | Traditional windmills use that rotational energy to grind wheat or pump water. | 传统的风车用这种旋转能量来磨小麦或抽水。 | 传统的风车用旋转能磨麦或抽水。 | 81 | 1 | TED | 2,023 | online | 26 |
Subsets and Splits