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Lazy , miserable and smug . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.012541 | 0.987459 |
So genial is the conceit , this is one of those rare pictures that you root for throughout , dearly hoping that the rich promise of the script will be realized on the screen . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.992626 | 0.007374 |
This movie , a certain scene in particular , brought me uncomfortably close to losing my lunch . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.019633 | 0.980367 |
-LRB- Leigh -RRB- has a true talent for drawing wrenching performances from his actors -LRB- improvised over many months -RRB- and for conveying the way tiny acts of kindness make ordinary life survivable . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.993501 | 0.006499 |
Directors Brett Morgen and Nanette Burstein have put together a bold biographical fantasia . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.994766 | 0.005234 |
Spiderman ROCKS | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.949269 | 0.050731 |
Make Chan 's action sequences boring . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.008702 | 0.991298 |
Still , it just sits there like a side dish no one ordered . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.009897 | 0.990103 |
Often demented in a good way , but it is an uneven film for the most part . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.018237 | 0.981763 |
Suffers from its timid parsing of the barn-side target of sons trying to breach gaps in their relationships with their fathers . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.0112 | 0.9888 |
Clooney directs this film always keeping the balance between the fantastic and the believable ... | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.993533 | 0.006467 |
Expect no major discoveries , nor any stylish sizzle , but the film sits with square conviction and touching good sense on the experience of its women . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.993302 | 0.006698 |
What an embarrassment . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.010973 | 0.989027 |
We 're drawn in by the dark luster . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.979305 | 0.020695 |
At once overly old-fashioned in its sudsy plotting and heavy-handed in its effort to modernize it with encomia to diversity and tolerance . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.030966 | 0.969034 |
Late Marriage is an in-your-face family drama and black comedy that is filled with raw emotions conveying despair and love . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.991128 | 0.008872 |
It 's incredible the number of stories the Holocaust has generated . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.994647 | 0.005353 |
As an introduction to the man 's theories and influence , Derrida is all but useless ; as a portrait of the artist as an endlessly inquisitive old man , however , it 's invaluable . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.976668 | 0.023332 |
-LRB- T -RRB- he ideas of Revolution # 9 are more compelling than the execution | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.028398 | 0.971602 |
It 's plotless , shapeless -- and yet , it must be admitted , not entirely humorless . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.022801 | 0.977199 |
The Master of Disguise represents Adam Sandler 's latest attempt to dumb down the universe . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.04436 | 0.95564 |
Sayles has a knack for casting , often resurrecting performers who rarely work in movies now ... and drawing flavorful performances from bland actors . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.976912 | 0.023088 |
Five screenwriters are credited with the cliché-laden screenplay ; it seems as if each watered down the version of the one before . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.015757 | 0.984243 |
Nothing can detract from the affection of that moral favorite : friends will be friends through thick and thin . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.978275 | 0.021725 |
I spied with my little eye ... a mediocre collection of cookie-cutter action scenes and occasionally inspired dialogue bits | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.020061 | 0.979939 |
It should have stayed there . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.05114 | 0.94886 |
I know that I 'll never listen to Marvin Gaye or the Supremes the same way again | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.796512 | 0.203488 |
A portrait of alienation so perfect , it will certainly succeed in alienating most viewers . | 1 | negative | 0 | positive | 0.974172 | 0.025828 |
An undeniably moving film to experience , and ultimately that 's what makes it worth a recommendation . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.994977 | 0.005023 |
The modern master of the chase sequence returns with a chase to end all chases | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.923066 | 0.076934 |
-LRB- Stevens is -RRB- so stoked to make an important film about human infidelity and happenstance that he tosses a kitchen sink onto a story already overladen with plot conceits . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.047666 | 0.952334 |
... del Toro maintains a dark mood that makes the film seem like something to endure instead of enjoy . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.018383 | 0.981617 |
A modest masterpiece . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.99392 | 0.00608 |
A bodice-ripper for intellectuals . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.979361 | 0.020639 |
An empty exercise , a florid but ultimately vapid crime melodrama with lots of surface flash but little emotional resonance . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.014232 | 0.985768 |
A weird , arresting little ride . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.992439 | 0.007561 |
` Martin Lawrence Live ' is so self-pitying , I almost expected there to be a collection taken for the comedian at the end of the show . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.018778 | 0.981221 |
Unwieldy contraption . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.010208 | 0.989792 |
Some of the most ravaging , gut-wrenching , frightening war scenes since `` Saving Private Ryan '' have been recreated by John Woo in this little-known story of Native Americans and their role in the second great war . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.989874 | 0.010126 |
Pete 's screenplay manages to find that real natural , even-flowing tone that few movies are able to accomplish . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.986878 | 0.013122 |
In The New Guy , even the bull gets recycled . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.013447 | 0.986553 |
Yes , but also intriguing and honorable , a worthwhile addition to a distinguished film legacy . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.99462 | 0.00538 |
Though in some ways similar to Catherine Breillat 's Fat Girl , Rain is the far superior film . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.980799 | 0.019201 |
A clumsily manufactured exploitation flick , a style-free exercise in manipulation and mayhem . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.013465 | 0.986535 |
Michele is a such a brainless flibbertigibbet that it 's hard to take her spiritual quest at all seriously . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.017374 | 0.982626 |
The journey to the secret 's eventual discovery is a separate adventure , and thrill enough . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.989216 | 0.010784 |
The film 's sense of imagery gives it a terrible strength , but it 's propelled by the acting . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.982456 | 0.017544 |
The movie turns out to be -LRB- Assayas ' -RRB- homage to the Gallic ` tradition of quality , ' in all its fusty squareness . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.036992 | 0.963008 |
It 's sort of in-between , and it works . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.980148 | 0.019852 |
The most memorable moment was when Green threw medical equipment at a window ; not because it was particularly funny , but because I had a serious urge to grab the old lady at the end of my aisle 's walker and toss it at the screen in frustration . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.036219 | 0.963781 |
It 's not a great monster movie . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.010961 | 0.989039 |
True to its animatronic roots : ... as stiff , ponderous and charmless as a mechanical apparatus ... ` The Country Bears ' should never have been brought out of hibernation . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.155533 | 0.844467 |
It has a dashing and resourceful hero ; a lisping , reptilian villain ; big fights ; big hair ; lavish period scenery ; and a story just complicated enough to let you bask in your own cleverness as you figure it out . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.991929 | 0.008071 |
Buries an interesting storyline about morality and the choices we make underneath such a mountain of clichés and borrowed images that it might more accurately be titled Mr. Chips off the Old Block . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.032423 | 0.967577 |
It plods along methodically , somehow under the assumption that its `` dead wife communicating from beyond the grave '' framework is even remotely new or interesting . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.019198 | 0.980802 |
The plot of the comeback curlers is n't very interesting actually , but what I like about Men With Brooms and what is kind of special is how the film knows what 's unique and quirky about Canadians . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.990476 | 0.009524 |
`` 13 Conversations About One Thing '' is an intelligent flick that examines many different ideas from happiness to guilt in an intriguing bit of storytelling . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.99509 | 0.00491 |
Works better in the conception than it does in the execution ... winds up seeming just a little too clever . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.019927 | 0.980073 |
-LRB- T -RRB- his slop does n't even have potential as a cult film , as it 's too loud to shout insults at the screen . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.013492 | 0.986508 |
The movie , despite its rough edges and a tendency to sag in certain places , is wry and engrossing . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.995109 | 0.004891 |
A mediocre exercise in target demographics , unaware that it 's the butt of its own joke . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.009191 | 0.990809 |
It 's an interesting effort -LRB- particularly for JFK conspiracy nuts -RRB- , and Barry 's cold-fish act makes the experience worthwhile . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.993868 | 0.006132 |
Miyazaki has created such a vibrant , colorful world , it 's almost impossible not to be swept away by the sheer beauty of his images . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.99408 | 0.00592 |
Though her fans will assuredly have their funny bones tickled , others will find their humor-seeking dollars best spent elsewhere . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.192097 | 0.807903 |
Although sensitive to a fault , it 's often overwritten , with a surfeit of weighty revelations , flowery dialogue , and nostalgia for the past and roads not taken . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.049732 | 0.950268 |
... too sappy for its own good . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.008077 | 0.991923 |
The filmmakers ' eye for detail and the high standards of performance convey a strong sense of the girls ' environment . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.994973 | 0.005027 |
It 's not as awful as some of the recent Hollywood trip tripe ... but it 's far from a groundbreaking endeavor . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.014906 | 0.985094 |
The low-key direction is pleasingly emphatic in this properly intense , claustrophobic tale of obsessive love . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.993933 | 0.006067 |
An intelligently made -LRB- and beautifully edited -RRB- picture that at the very least has a spark of life to it -- more than you can say for plenty of movies that flow through the Hollywood pipeline without a hitch . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.990612 | 0.009388 |
Fifty years after the fact , the world 's political situation seems little different , and -LRB- director Phillip -RRB- Noyce brings out the allegory with remarkable skill . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.993031 | 0.006969 |
Amazingly dopey . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.567361 | 0.432639 |
Twohy knows how to inflate the mundane into the scarifying , and gets full mileage out of the rolling of a stray barrel or the unexpected blast of a phonograph record . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.972163 | 0.027837 |
Mr. Scorsese 's bravery and integrity in advancing this vision can hardly be underestimated . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.990369 | 0.009631 |
But I had a lot of problems with this movie . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.015986 | 0.984014 |
As simple and innocent a movie as you can imagine . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.981543 | 0.018457 |
Miller tells this very compelling tale with little fuss or noise , expertly plucking tension from quiet . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.993818 | 0.006182 |
Surprisingly , the film is a hilarious adventure and I shamelessly enjoyed it . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.98893 | 0.01107 |
A seriously bad film with seriously warped logic by writer-director Kurt Wimmer at the screenplay level . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.01062 | 0.98938 |
I 'm not sure which will take longer to heal : the welt on Johnny Knoxville 's stomach from a riot-control projectile or my own tortured psyche . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.050001 | 0.949999 |
once she lets her love depraved leads meet , -LRB- Denis ' -RRB- story becomes a hopeless , unsatisfying muddle | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.009681 | 0.990319 |
Ben Kingsley is truly funny , playing a kind of Ghandi gone bad . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.994994 | 0.005007 |
According to Wendigo , ` nature ' loves the members of the upper class almost as much as they love themselves . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.981417 | 0.018583 |
Elegantly crafted but emotionally cold , a puzzle whose intricate construction one can admire but is difficult to connect with on any deeper level . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.048885 | 0.951116 |
The film fits into a genre that has been overexposed , redolent of a thousand cliches , and yet remains uniquely itself , vibrant with originality . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.993602 | 0.006398 |
An entertaining documentary that freshly considers arguments the Bard 's immortal plays were written by somebody else . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.992773 | 0.007227 |
In painting an unabashedly romantic picture of a nation whose songs spring directly from the lives of the people , the movie exalts the Marxian dream of honest working folk , with little to show for their labor , living harmoniously , joined in song . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.987792 | 0.012208 |
There 's something fishy about a seasonal holiday kids ' movie ... that derives its moment of most convincing emotional gravity from a scene where Santa gives gifts to grownups . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.299126 | 0.700874 |
Each scene drags , underscoring the obvious , and sentiment is slathered on top . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.017925 | 0.982075 |
A gangster movie with the capacity to surprise . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.98997 | 0.01003 |
I also believe that Resident Evil is not it . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.024407 | 0.975593 |
One sloughs one 's way through the mire of this alleged psychological thriller in search of purpose or even a plot . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.049757 | 0.950243 |
Every joke is repeated at least four times . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.03487 | 0.96513 |
Your children will be occupied for 72 minutes . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.929155 | 0.070845 |
If you enjoy being rewarded by a script that assumes you are n't very bright , then Blood Work is for you . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.057236 | 0.942764 |
A hard look at one man 's occupational angst and its subsequent reinvention , a terrifying study of bourgeois desperation worthy of Claude Chabrol . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.927818 | 0.072182 |
The sword fighting is well done and Auteuil is a goofy pleasure . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.993805 | 0.006195 |
The cast is spot on and the mood is laid back . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.993921 | 0.006079 |
The film 's gamble to occasionally break up the live-action scenes with animated sequences pays off , as does its sensitive handling of some delicate subject matter . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.990757 | 0.009243 |
It asks nothing of the audience other than to sit back and enjoy a couple of great actors hamming it up . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.961348 | 0.038652 |
Subsets and Splits