Arabic Sentence,English Sentence
stringlengths 22
بس انا حسيت انى شفت كل حاجه او تخيلت، مش عارفه اوى.,Wow! |
شفت ناس واقفه فى طابور عشان تشترى عيش.,What beauty! |
و شوية عيال صغيره طالعين من مدارسهم بيجروا ورا بعضهم.,And actually the reality wasn’t less beautiful than the imagination. |
شفت ولد و بنت ماسكين ايد بعضهم و فيه ابتسامه حلوه مرسومه على شفايفهم.,It was such an amazing view that can’t be described. |
فوق هناك، انا اخدت نفسى كانى ماخدتوش قبل كده خالص.,You just have to see it! |
و ساعتها حسيت فعلاً بالسلام الداخلى.,"Before I went up the tower, downstairs there was something like a giant tree with huge pendulous branches." |
اهلاً بيكم.,It looked like it had been in that place for thousands of years. |
الدنيا مطرت امبارح.,I was totally fixated on it. |
طول الليل سامعينها بتمطر.,"And although it was impressive, it was kind of scary." |
صحينا الصبح، لاقينا الشوارع غرقانه.,It’s been stuck in my mind since then and has always remained connected to this visit. |
اخدت وقت طويل جداً الصبح عشان آخد قرار ان احنا ننزل شغلنا و انزل الولاد المدرسه.,"At the top of the tower, there were several telescopes for people who wanted to take a closer look." |
للاسف اصبح نزول المطر عندنا بيسبب ازمه و حالة فوضى عامه فى الشوارع.,I booked a ticket and used one. |
و ممكن كمان لا قدر الله تحصل حوادث عربيات احنا مكناش كده.,"The view was much closer, but of course, I couldn’t see all the details." |
لكن واضح انه مع تغير حالة الطقس عامة على مستوى العالم، فا حصل تغييرات فى شكل الحاله الجويه فى مصر.,"But I felt that I saw everything or imagined [I did], I don’t really know." |
يعنى احنا زمان كنا نعرف انه مصر جوها معتدل فى الصيف و دافى فى الشتا.,"I saw people standing in line to buy bread, and few kids coming out of their school running after each other." |
انما حالياً اصبح الصيف شديد الحراره و الرطوبه، و اصبح الشتا شديد البروده.,"I saw a boy and girl holding each other’s hands, with lovely smiles drawn on their faces." |
و الامطار لما بتحصل بتكون تقيله جداً، و بتتكرر كتير.,"Up there, I took a breath as if I had never breathed before." |
و برضه احنا عشان مش معتادين على ده، فا شوارعنا مبتبقاش مستعده لاستقبال كميات المطر دى.,"And at that moment, I really felt inner peace." |
بس خلينى ابص للجانب المشرق.,Hello! |
برضه نزول المطر بينضف الدنيا.,It rained yesterday. |
بحس انه الشجر لونه زاهى، المبانى بتكون نضيفه.,All night we could hear it raining. |
الشوارع لو مفيهاش برك ميه فا بتكون برضه نضفت.,We got up in the morning and found the streets drenched. |
هو عامة حالة الجو اصبحت مختلفه عن زمان كتير.,It took me a very long time this morning to decide to go to work and let the kids go to school. |
و لو برضه هنبص للجانب المشرق، هنلاقى انه لو جنبنا شهر اغسطس اللى بيكون الجو فيه حار جداً، و الايام اللى بيحصل فيها المطر الشديد فى الشتا، هنلاقى انه جو مصر يظل من الاجواء الجميله جداً.,"Unfortunately, rainfall has come to cause a crisis here and general chaos in the streets." |
اللى ممكن الواحد يستمتع فيها بالخروج فى اى وقت.,"And car accidents may happen too, God forbid." |
شكراً.,It wasn’t like this before. |
اهلاً بيكم.,"But apparently, with global climate change, the weather in Egypt has changed." |
الاعياد فى مصر دايماً مواسم للافراح.,"Previously, we thought that Egypt’s weather was mild in the summer and warm in the winter." |
انا فى عيد الاضحى اللى فات كنت معزومه على تلات افراح.,"But now summer has become extremely hot and humid, and winter has become extremely cold." |
انا بحب الافراح جداً.,And the rain has become heavy and this happens over and over. |
بس بييجيلى صداع من التفكير: هلبس ايه و انا رايحه الفرح؟,"Also, because we are not used to this, the streets here are not well prepared to consume this much water." |
و معنديش وقت ان انا اقعد ادور على اللبس المناسب.,But let me look at the bright side: Rain cleans everything. |
بصراحه فيه فرحين من اللى كنت هحضرهم مريحينى كانوا جداً لانهم افراح سودانيه.,"I feel the trees are greener, the buildings are cleaner." |
الفرح السودانى بيبقى مسموحلى ان انا البس فيه الزى التقليدى للمراه السودانيه و هو التوب.,"If the streets didn’t have puddles on them, they’d also be clean." |
التوب ده عباره عن قطعة قماش طويله حوالى تلاته متر و بتكون مشغوله مطرزه.,"Overall, the weather became so different from how it used to be." |
و لونها بيكون يعنى لون زاهى اوى.,"But, again, looking at the bright side, we’ll find, if we put aside August with its very hot weather and the days with the heavy rain in the winter, we can still find that the weather in Egypt is quite nice, so that one can enjoy going out anytime." |
بتتلف على الجسم بطريقه معينه.,Thanks! |
و خلاص هى دى بتبقى اللبس اللى بروح بيه الفرح.,Hello! |
طبعاً حاجه سهله و بسيطه و فى نفس الوقت فى منتهى الشياكه.,"In Egypt, the holidays are always the season for weddings." |
الفرح السودانى انا بحضره لانى انا متجوزه راجل سودانى.,During the last Sacrifice Feast I was invited to three weddings. |
افراح العايله عنده كلها كده.,I like weddings so much. |
دايماً الفرح ده بيتسم بتفاصيل جميله اوى.,"But I get a headache from thinking, “What shall I wear to the wedding?" |
اولاً هما عندهم يوم العقد، بعد ما بيكتبوا وثيقة الزواج.,” And I don’t have time to be looking for a suitable dress to wear. |
بيروحوا على بيت العروسه يعملوا احتفال جميل.,"But frankly, there were two weddings I was going to go to which were a relief to me because they were Sudanese weddings." |
العريس بيقدم فيه المهر و الهدايا والعطور للعروسه.,"In a Sudanese wedding, I’m allowed to wear the traditional costume of the Sudanese woman, which is “toob” This toob is a long piece of fabric, approximately three meters long and embroidered." |
بيكون يوم لطيف فى بيتها.,And its color is so bright. |
بعد كده بيتعمل يوم تانى اسمه ليلة الحنه.,It is wrapped around the body in a certain way. |
ده بقى بيبقى مرهق اوى للعروسه.,And that’s it! |
العروسه فيه بتبدل حوالى توبين، تلاته، اربعه.,That’s the outfit I’ll go to the wedding in. |
كل توب بترقص رقصه و بعدين تغير و تلبس اللى بعده.,"So easy, so simple, and at the same time so chic!" |
بس بيبقى يوم جميل.,I go to these Sudanese weddings because I’m married to a Sudanese man. |
القاعه بتكون مليانه بخور والسيدات كلهم لابسين التياب المطرزه.,And all his family’s weddings are like this. |
المكان بيكون فى منتهى الروعه.,These weddings are always known for their very nice details. |
يوم الفرح بقى بيبقى اللبس العادى بدله و فستان فرح.,"First of all, they have the agreement day, after they write the marriage document They go to the bride’s home and have a beautiful celebration." |
لكن برضه السيدات بيكونوا لابسين التوب السوداني.,"The groom gives her a dowry, gifts, and perfumes." |
انا فى الفرح اللى رحته لبست توب ازرق كان مطرز باللولى.,It’s a very nice day at her house. |
و الحمد لله حاز على اعجاب اللى شافونى بيه.,"After that, there’s another day called the “night of henna”." |
و من ساعة ما رجعنا من الفرح انا و ابنى حمزه بنردد الجمله اللى كان بيقولها المغنى: ابشر يا عريس ابشر.,And this is very exhausting for the bride. |
هو الفرح السودانى حاجه جميله جداً.,"The bride changes into two, three, or four toobs." |
و اتمنى انه تتاحلكو كلكو فرصه تحضروا فيها فرح سودانى.,"She dances a dance in a toob, then she changes [clothes], and goes for another dance." |
شكراً.,But it is a lovely day. |
من صغرى و انا بحب الرسم و القرايه اوى.,"The hall is full of incense, and the ladies are all wearing the embroidered toob." |
و بعتبرهم هواياتى المفضله.,The place becomes incredibly fabulous. |
اول مره ارسم كانت من زمان جدا لما كان عندى اربع سنين.,"Then, on the wedding day itself, the clothes [of the groom and bride] are an ordinary suit and wedding dress." |
ايامها رسمى كان عباره عن شوية خطوط عشوائيه مش مفهومه.,But the ladies are also wearing the Sudanese toob. |
و بعد ما كبرت شويه و ظهر حبى الشديد للرسم بقيت برسم حاجات اوضح شويه، يعنى: مثلا ورده، عربيه، الشمس، شجره، ناس، بيوت.,"In that last wedding I attended, I wore a blue toob embroidered with pearls." |
ماما و بابا بعد ما ظهرلهم حبى للرسم شجعونى جدا، وجابولى الوان و ورق علشان ارسم عليه.,"And thank God, it gained the admiration of everyone who saw me wearing it." |
و كانوا لما ارسم اى حاجه يقولولى “برافوا عليكى”.,"And ever since we came from that wedding, I keep singing with my son Hamza the phrase that the singer was saying, “Cheer up, oh groom, cheer up!" |
كبرت و كبرت معايا هواية الرسم.,” The Sudanese wedding is a very lovely thing. |
كنت عايزه احسن مهارتى فى الرسم.,And I hope that you all have a chance to attend one. |
فا بقيت برسم كتيركنوع من انواع التمرين، و فعلا رسمى بقى احسن كتير.,Thank you! |
بصراحه انا اتبسطت جدا علشان تعبى جاب نتيجه، و حسيت ان فعلا الواحد يقدر يحقق اى حاجه طالما انه عنده امل و بيحاول مره و اتنين و تلاته من غير ياس.,. |
خلينا بقى نتكلم شويه عن هواية القرايه.,I have been in love with drawing and reading since I was little. |
الهوايه دى بدأت معايا متأخر شويه عن هواية الرسم.,And I consider them my favorite hobbies. |
بدأت و انا عندى ١١ سنه.,The first time I drew was long ago when I was four years old. |
وقتها كنت بروح المكتبه بتاعة المدرسه علشان اقرا القصص و الحواديت.,"Back then, I was drawing random lines with no meaning." |
بس لما كبرت، بدأت اقرا فى مجالات اكتر.,"And after I got a little older and my passion for drawing had appeared, I started drawing things more clearly, you know — for example, a flower, a car, the sun, a tree, people, houses." |
فا مثلا كنت بقرا كتب علميه و تاريخيه و دينيه و احيانا كتب فلسفيه، و كمان بقرا روايات بوليسيه و روايات الخيال العلمى.,"After my passion for drawing became apparent to mom and dad, they encouraged me so much." |
كل كتاب او روايه بقراها بياثر فيا، و كمان بيشكل جزء من شخصيتى و طريقة تفكيرى.,They bought me color pencils and paper to draw on. |
يعنى من الاخر، القرايه فتحت مخى، و نورت روحي، و زودت ثقافتى، و علمتنى كتيرعن العالم، و عن نفسى.,And they’d say “well done” to me whenever I drew anything. |
انا من محافظة اسكندريه، او زى ما بيسموها عاصمة مصر التانيه و عروسة البحر المتوسط.,"I grew up, and my hobby of drawing grew with me." |
و كمان اسكندريه متسميه على اسم الاسكندر الاكبر، و طبعا كلنا عارفينه و سمعنا عنه.,"I wanted to improve my drawing skills, so I drew more often for practice." |
بحب اتمشى فى البلد.,"And indeed, my drawing skills improved so much." |
بحس انى مثلا فى ايطاليا.,"To be honest, I was very happy because my hard work paid off." |
يمكن ده عشان الرومان عاشوا فتره كبيره فيها، فا بتحس ريحتهم لسه موجوده فيها.,And I felt that anyone can really achieve anything as long as he has hope and tries time after time without despair. |
النهارده زرت مكان تحفه بجد و هو قلعة قايتبباي.,Let’s talk about my hobby of reading now. |
قلعة قايبتباى من اهم اثارات اسكندريه القديمه اوى و موجوده كمان فى منطقه قديمه اوى اسمها بحري.,This hobby started a little later than my hobby of drawing. |
اول ما قطعت التذكره و دخلت، شميت ريحة زمان و اتخيلت ايام المعارك.,It started when I was 11 years old. |
حاجه كده تخطفك و تبهرك فى نفس الوقت.,"Back then, I went to the school library to read tales and stories." |
القلعه مبنيه مكان فنار اسكندريه القديم.,"But when I grew up, I started to read in more various fields." |
بناها السلطان الاشرف قايتباى من حوالي سبعميه سنه و اتكلفت وقتها مية الف دينار.,"For example, I was reading scientific, historical, religious, and sometimes philosophy books." |
القلعه كمان معموله فى الاساس عشان تحمى اسكندريه من الهجوم اللى بييجى من ناحية البحر و عشان كده القلعه متحوطه بالبحر من تلات جهات.,I was reading detective novels and science fiction novels. |
و كمان مليانه بالدهاليز و فتحات المراقبه و الرمايه اللى بتبص على البحر من جميع الجهات.,Every book or novel I read affects me and also shapes a part of my personality and my way of thinking. |
بعدما خلصت زيارة القلعه، شفت كمان شوية سياح كانوا جايين يتفرجوا على القلعه و بيشتروا شوية حاجات تذكار.,"To sum up, reading opened my mind, enlightened my soul, increased my knowledge, and it taught me a lot about the world, and about myself." |
و بعدين رحت على معرض الاسماك البحرى.,"I am from Alexandria governorate, or, as it is called, the second capital of Egypt and the bride of the Mediterranean Sea, Also, Alexandria was named after Alexander the Great, who we all know or have heard about, surely." |
هو موجود فى نفس المكان.,I like walking in the city. |
تذكرته حوالى بخمسه جنيه، هناك اتفرجت على اسماك اشكال والوان.,While walking I feel that I am practically in Italy. |
خلصت زياره المعرض و كنت حاسس بالعطش و الحر الرهيب فا رحت ضارب واحد زبادى كبير من جيلاتى عزه.,"That might be because the Romans lived in it a long time, so you feel their trace is still present in the city." |
جيلاتى عزه يعنى اسكندريه!,Today I visited a very wonderful place: the Citadel of Qaitbay. |
بصراحه طعم الجيلاتى ملهوش حل.,"The Citadel of Qaitbay is one of the most important ancient monuments in Alexandria, which is found in an ancient area called Bahri." |
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