translation |
"en": "It is flexible and very springy, but soon rots if stowed away wet and does not stand up well to chafe or weather.",
"xh": "Inobubhetyebhetye okuxhuma kodwa xa ibolisa ikhutshelwa ngephandle kwaimanzi kwaye ayikwazi ukuzenza shushu nangesimo sezulu."
} |
"en": "Coir rope is half the weight and one-fifth the strength of manila or sisal of equal size.",
"xh": "Intambo yeqokobhe lekhokhonathi iiyihafu yokulinganiswa namandla ayi 150 e Sisal okanye aweManilla alingana ngesayizi."
} |
"en": "It is supplied to the Royal Navy in coils of 120 fathoms, and is marked with one yellow rogue's yarn in one strand.",
"xh": "Ithi ithunyelwe umkhosi wezamanzi ithandelwe ngee Fathomus ezingeange 120 kwaye ziphawulwe ngewulu ye Roque's kumsonto ngamnye."
} |
"en": "Special kinds of rope.",
"xh": "Intambo ezithile ezibalulekileyo."
} |
"en": "Apart from the ropes which have been described above and small stuff, which is described later, the following special kinds of rope are used in the Royal Navy and at sea generally.",
"xh": "Ekwahlukeni kwezi ntambo sezichaziwe ngentla nezinto ezincinci ezichaziweyo exesheni, ezintambo zibalulekileyo zisetyenziswa ngumkhosi wamanzi elwandle jikelele."
} |
"en": "Boltrope.",
"xh": "Uhlobo lwentambo olubalulekileyo olude luthi luthungwe esiphelweni okanye emacaleni okudada kwaye iqiniswe, yolulwe emacaleni sibenamaqoqo."
} |
"en": "This is made from rot-proofed sisal, hemp, or one of the man-made fibres described in the next section of this chapter, in sizes from half-an-inch to six inches.",
"xh": "Le yenziwe ngesikhuselo sesibolisi sesisal, hemp okanye enye yentsinga zozenzele ezichazwe kwicandelo elilandelayo lesi sahluko ngokwesayizi ezisuka kwisiqingatha le-intshi ukuya kwi-intshi ezintandathu."
} |
"en": "Boltrope is soft-laid, is supplied in coils of 120 fathoms, and is used for edging sails and awnings.",
"xh": "Intambo ebalulekiyo ethambileyo esiphelo sithungiweyo emacaleni ebekwa ngokuthambileyo ithunyelwa ithandelwe ngeefathomus ezingu 120 kwaye zisetyenziswa ekudadeni kwenqenawa ezikoneni zikhusele neseyile."
} |
"en": "Weights and breaking strengths can be taken as being the same as those of cordage of similar size, material and normal lay.",
"xh": "Ukulungi nokophuka kwamandla kungathathwa njengokufanayo gokwesayizi womngcelele womkhosi nezakhiwo ezibekiweyo."
} |
"en": "Hammock lashing.",
"xh": "Uqiniso lomcu wentambo ejngiswa ngeziphelo zozibini esetyenziswa njengebhedi."
} |
"en": "This is made from sisal laid up left-handed because when used for lashing up with a marline hitch it is less likely to unlay than a right- handed rope.",
"xh": "Le yenziwe nge Sisal ebekwe kwisandla sasekhohlo kuba xa isetyenziselwe ukuqinisa kunye nerhintyela lentambo elula umthunjanziwe ngemisonto emibini ayinakukwazi. ukungabaleki kunentambo yesandla sasekhohlo."
} |
"en": "It is supplied in coils of 120 fathoms.",
"xh": "Inikezelwa ikwiinkatha lwefathomus eziyi-120."
} |
"en": "Stage lashing.",
"xh": "Uqiniso lweqonga."
} |
"en": "This is made from rot-proofed sisal or European hemp, and Italian hemp toppings are also sometimes used.",
"xh": "Yenziwe ngesikhuseli sibolisi sesisal okanye, ihemp yaseYurophu, kunye nezigqumathelo zehemp yaseItaly ngamanye amaxesha ziyasetyenziswe."
} |
"en": "It is soft-laid, supplied in coils of 120 fathoms, and used for securing staging which has already been slung by other means.",
"xh": "Ibekwe ngokuthambileyo inikezelwe ngeenkatha eziyi- 120 yaye yenzelwe ukukhusela iqonga ebesele lijingisiwe ngezinye indlela."
} |
"en": "On no account must stage lashing be used for paint ship stages.",
"xh": "Nakweyiphi na imeko kungaze kusetyenziswe uqiniso lweqonga ukupeyinta amaqonga enqanawa."
} |
"en": "Although, according to specification, stage lashing is equal in strength to normal European hemp rope, it is not reliable cordage and must not be used for running gear, hoisting or slinging.",
"xh": "Nangona ngokubhekiselele kwinkcukacha uqiniso lweqonga luyalingana emandleni kwintambo yehemp eqhelekileyo yaseYurophu, ayisiyo ntambo ongathembela kuyo yaye mayingasetyenzelwa kwizixhobo zokubaleka, ukunyusa okanye ukujingisa."
} |
"en": "Braided and plaited cordage.",
"xh": "Intambo ephothiweyo neyolukiweyo."
} |
"en": "This includes log line, which is made up of a number of white hemp or man-made fibre yarns plaited together.",
"xh": "Le iquka umgca apho isixhobo sokulinganisa isatya senqanawa sincanyathiselwe khona, umthunjanziwe ngeqela lehemp emhlophe okanye imisonto yeentsinga ezenziwe ngumntu zaze zaphothwa."
} |
"en": "It is very flexible and will not kink or untwist.",
"xh": "Inobubhetyebhetye yaye ayisoze ijeke okanye ingaphotheki"
} |
"en": "It is used exclusively for towed logs.",
"xh": "Isetyenziswe ngokukhethekileyo kwizixhobo zokulinganisa isantya senqanawa esirhuqwayo."
} |
"en": "Man-made braided cordage is also used where flexibility, strength and durability are needed, such as in safety nets of carriers and in signal halyards.",
"xh": "Iintambo ezolukwe ngumntu ziyasetyenziswa apho ububhetyebhetye, amandla kunye nokuhlala ixesha elide zidingeka njengakwiminathi yokhuselo yezithwali kunye nakwintanjana zemiqondiso."
} |
"en": "NOTE.",
"xh": "Isikhumbuzi."
} |
"en": "Rot-proofed sisal signal halyard (being replaced by man-made cordage) is soft-laid, with one-quarter to one-third of the yarns in each strand reverse-spun (left-handed).",
"xh": "Isisal ekhuselwe ekuboleni ngomqondiso wentambo wentanjana (enye isuswekusetyenziswe eyenziwe ngumntu ngesandla), ebekwe ngokuthambileyo kwikotaesinye ukuya kwisinye sesithathu semisonto kwimisonto nganye esontwa isiya emva (kwisandla sasekhohlo)."
} |
"en": "Hand lead line.",
"xh": "Umgca wesandla wokukhokelwa."
} |
"en": "This is also made from rot-proofed sisal and is soft-laid so that it will stretch very little.",
"xh": "Na le yenziwe ngsikhuseli sokubola sesisal kwaye ibekeke ngokuthambileyo ukuze yoluleke kancinci."
} |
"en": "It is supplied in coils of 120 fathoms.",
"xh": "Ithi inikezelwe ekuthandeleni kwe-fathomus eziyi-120."
} |
"en": "Junk.",
"xh": "Izinto ezindala ezingenaxabiso."
} |
"en": "This consists of condemned cordage of four-inch size and above.",
"xh": "Le ixhomekeke kumgcelele wabakhaphi abantama isine se-intshi eziyisayizi engaphezulu."
} |
"en": "Rounding.",
"xh": "Ukujikeleza."
} |
"en": "This is condemned cordage of under four inches in size.",
"xh": "Le yintambo umthunjanzelwayo engaphantsi kwe-intshi ezine ngokomlinganiselo."
} |
"en": "Junk and rounding are supplied for lashings and other securings where the use of good rope is not necessary.",
"xh": "Izinto ezindala ezingenaxabiso ziyasetyenziswa ukuqinisa kunye nezinye izikhuseli apho usetyenziso lwentambo elungileyo lungafunekiyo."
} |
"en": "Oakum.",
"xh": "Iintsinga okanye imisonto evela kwiintambo ezindala ezisetyenziswa ekuhlohlweni phakathi kwamaplanga ukuze angangeni amanzi."
} |
"en": "This is made from tow, or from condemned cordage picked to pieces.",
"xh": "Le yenziwe ukusuka ekurhuqeni okanye kwintambo ezinyanzelweyo ezchole ziziqwenga."
} |
"en": "It is used for caulking seams in wooden decks and in the sides of wood-built vessels and boats.",
"xh": "Isetyenziswa ekubambeni amanzi emaplangeni enze umangatho emacaleni, amacala akha inqanawa kunye nakumacala eenqanawa namaphenyana akhiwe ngamaplanga."
} |
"en": "Small stuff.",
"xh": "Izinto ezincinci."
} |
"en": "All cordage under half-an-inch in size is called' small stuff'.",
"xh": "Yonke imilinganiselo yentambo engaphantsi kwesiqingatha se-intshi ngokokmlinganiselo zibizwa njengezinto ezincinci."
} |
"en": "This includes twines, spunyarn and houseline, lines, and marline and nettlestuff.",
"xh": "Le nto iquka intsontelo, iwulu ejikelezayo kunye nemigca yendlu, nemigca kunye nezinye izinto zemirhawu."
} |
"en": "Details of small stuff supplied to the Royal Navy, together with some additional stuff used in the Merchant Navy, are given below.",
"xh": "Inkcukacha zezinto ezisetyenziswa ngumkhosi wamanzi kunye nabanye nabaqeshwa abangezelelweyo ezisetyenziswa kwi Merchant navy."
} |
"en": "Weight, breaking strength and methods of supply will be found in Volume II.",
"xh": "Ubunzima, amandla ophulayo kunye nezinye iindlela zokunikezela zingafunyanwa kumthamoII."
} |
"en": "Twines.",
"xh": "Imitya okanye imisonto."
} |
"en": "A twine consists of a number of yarns twisted or laid to produce a balanced twisted structure of continuous length.",
"xh": "Imisonto enenani lemicwane ejijiweyo okanye ebekiweyo ukuze ivelise uliungelelaniso lwesakhiwo esiphothiweyo sobude obuqhubekekayo."
} |
"en": "Roping twine is made from flax or Italian hemp, and is used for whipping medium-sized rope ends and for sewing boltrope to sails, awnings and other canvas gear.",
"xh": "Imtambo eyenziwe ngesityalo esithile esinemicu okanye ngeItalian hemp, esetyenziswa ukuphotha imiqukumbela yentambo kunye nasekudibaniseleni intambo yebolt ehamba ngamanzi nakwezinye igiya."
} |
"en": "Seaming twine is also made from flax or Italian hemp and is used by the sailmaker for sewing canvas and other heavy fabrics.",
"xh": "Umthungo womsonto othi wenziwe ngesityalo esithile esine micu okanye Italian hemp kwaye isetyenziswa ngabenzi beseyile abathunga ilaphu leseyile kunye izakhiwo enzinzima."
} |
"en": "It varies from extra fine to extra coarse.",
"xh": "Iye yahluke ngaphezulu kwecolekileyo ngapezulu kwendlela yayo."
} |
"en": "Seine twine is a coarse twine made from European hemp which is used in the construction of seine fishing nets.",
"xh": "Umsonto we Seine enendlela yayo yenziwe nge European hemp ethi isetyenziswe kululeko lwe-Seine, kululeko lomnatha wokuloba."
} |
"en": "Spunyarn and Houseline.",
"xh": "Iwulu ejikayo kunye nomgca wendlu."
} |
"en": "Spunyarn consists of from two to ten yarns twisted (spun) together, and may be made from any type of vegetable fibre or from yarns unlaid from any kind of old rope.",
"xh": "Iwulu ejikayo iquka iwulu ezisuka kwisibini ukuya kwishumi leewulu ezijikiweyo zadityaniswa, kwaye ingenziwa nangeyiphi intlobo yentsinga zemifuno okanye iwulu engabekwanga nakweyiphi intlobo yentambo endala."
} |
"en": "The largest type likely to be encountered in the Royal Navy has only six yarns.",
"xh": "Eyona ntlobo inkulu, ngethamsanqa iye ibalelwe kumkhosi wamanzi onewulu ezisixhenxe kuphela."
} |
"en": "It is normally twisted up left- handed, but if made from yarns from a left-handed rope the spunyarn will be right-handed.",
"xh": "Iye ijijelwe phezulu ngakwisanda sasekhohlo, kodwa ukuba yenziwe ngewulu esuka ngakwisandla sasekhohlo intambo yewulu ejikayo iyakuba kwisandla sasekunene."
} |
"en": "It may be rot-proofed and is used for servings, seizings, stops or any small work.",
"xh": "Isiboli - sikhuselo kubola saye singasetyenziswa ekuncediseni ekumeteni, ekumiseni okanye nakowuphi umsebenzi omncini."
} |
"en": "Spunyarn is not a reliable cordage and has no specific strength.",
"xh": "Iwulu yojijo yentambo akunakuthenjelwa kuyo kwaye ayinabubanzi bucacileyo."
} |
"en": "It is marked by a single yellow rogue's yarn throughout its length.",
"xh": "Iphawulwe ngomcwe olutyheli wewulu ye roque's ngaphandle kobude."
} |
"en": "Houseline differs from small three-yarn spunyarn only in that it is made of rather more reliable material and has a specified breaking strength.",
"xh": "Umgca wendlu wohluke kwintambo ezintathu ezincinici okanye enye yenziwe yanezixhobo ezifikelelayo okanye ulwaphulo oluludwa."
} |
"en": "It is made from three yarns of Italian or European hemp, and is used for general purposes.",
"xh": "Yenziwe ngewulu ezintathu ze Italian okanye European hemp kwaye isetyenziswe kwizizathu ezithile."
} |
"en": "It is not now supplied to the Royal Navy.",
"xh": "Ayinikelwa ngoku emkhosini wezamanzi."
} |
"en": "Lines.",
"xh": "Imigca."
} |
"en": "Lines are small ropes made of threads twisted into strands which are then laid up into the line.",
"xh": "Imigca zintambo ezincinci ezenziwe ngeentambo ezincinci eziphothene ngemisonto ethi ibekwe emigceni."
} |
"en": "The thread is a slender cord made from two or more yarns or man-made filaments twisted together.",
"xh": "Umsonto yintambo ebhityileyo umthunjanziwa ngesibini okanye ngaphezulu ngokujikelezisa kwewulu nezinye ezenziwe ngeemisonto ephothwe kunye."
} |
"en": "White line is made from hemp and it is supplied in skeins of 20 fathoms and measured by weight; the classification '2½-lb line', for example, indicates that 20 fathoms weighs 2½ lb.",
"xh": "Umgca omhlophe owenziwe ngehemp kwaye usetyenziswe kubude benxeba elikhululekileyo elingu 20 fathomus noku linganiswa bobunzima ubuyi- 21/2 1b, umzekelo ibonisa i20 yefathomus iveyisha 21/2 1b."
} |
"en": "White line ranges from ½Ib to 4 Ib per 20 fathom length.",
"xh": "Umgca omhlophe usukela kwi 1/2 1 b ukuya swisine se fathomus eziyi 20 zobude."
} |
"en": "Fishing lines are similar to white line, but vary in length.",
"xh": "Imigca yokuloba ubufana nemigca emhlophe kodwa yahluka ngsbude."
} |
"en": "They are classified as albacore, cod, mackerel and whiting line, and diminish in size in that order.",
"xh": "Zicalucalulwe ngokwe Albacare, neCod, Mackerel, nomgca omhle kwaye unomfiliba ngokwesayizi ngokwakulandelelana."
} |
"en": "Whiting line differs from the others in that it is made from fine flax seaming twine.",
"xh": "Imigca emhlophe yahluke kweminye ngokuba yenziwe ngesityalo esinemicu esithungwe ngemitya."
} |
"en": "Hambro line can be made from Italian or European hemp.",
"xh": "Umngca wehambro wenziwe nge Italian okanye iEuropian hemp."
} |
"en": "It is a small three-stranded line of normal right-hand lay, which may be tarred and usually presents a polished appearance.",
"xh": "Yenye yemigca yemisonto emithathu yesandla yesona sandal sase kunene isibekiweyo, ngoko ibekwe into yokwenza indlela ebinokubonisa indlela epolishwe ; ngayo."
} |
"en": "It is used for general lashings and seizing.",
"xh": "Isetyenziswa ekugxameleni ukuthetha nasekulinganiseni"
} |
"en": "It is not now supplied to the Royal Navy.",
"xh": "Ngoku ayithunyelelwa kumkhosi wamanzi."
} |
"en": "Round line differs from hambro line only in that it has a left-hand lay.",
"xh": "Imigca ejikelezileyo yahluka kwumthunjahambro kanye ngokokuba yona inokubekwa kwesandla sasekhohlo"
} |
"en": "It is not now supplied to the Royal Navy.",
"xh": "Ngoku ayithunyelelwa kumkhosi wamanzi."
} |
"en": "Marline and Nettlestuff, Marline is made from European, New Zealand or St.",
"xh": "IMarline ne Nettlestuff, I Marlin yenziwe ngeYurophu ne New Zealand okanye St."
} |
"en": "Helena hemp, and consists of two yarns laid up left-handed.",
"xh": "I Hemp ye Helena iquka iwulu ezimbini ezibekiweyo zanyuswa kwicala lesandla sasekunene."
} |
"en": "It is used for marling down, small stops and similar work.",
"xh": "Isetyenziswa ekwenzeni I Marlin iyenzela phantsi, ezimiso ezincinci ezibufana nomsebenzi."
} |
"en": "As with hammock lashing, its left-hand lay makes it suitable for use with the marline hitch.",
"xh": "Xana ubude bentambo encinci bubekelwe ngakwisandla sasekhohlo ukwenzela isebenze nokutsalwa kwe Marline."
} |
"en": "It may be rot-proofed or natural.",
"xh": "Inganesikhuseli kubola okanye indalo."
} |
"en": "Nettlestuff is made from New Zealand and St.",
"xh": "iNettlestuff yenziwe e New Zealand nase St."
} |
"en": "Helena hemp.",
"xh": "I Hemp yase Helena."
} |
"en": "It consists of two or three yarns, reverse-spun (left-handed), and laid up together right- handed.",
"xh": "Ithi ibe newulu ezimbini okanye ezintathu ezibuyele ngemuva- zijika (ngesandla sasekhohlo) zibekwe ngaphezulu ngakwisandla sasekunene."
} |
"en": "It was once used for making hammock clews.",
"xh": "Yayisetyenziswa ukwenza I hammock clews."
} |
"en": "Care and maintenance.",
"xh": "Ukukhathalela nokuyilungisa."
} |
"en": "Natural fibre used in ropemaking has not a permanent elastic limit within which it can be worked indefinitely.",
"xh": "Intsinga zendalo ezisetyenziswa ukwenza intambo akubanganakuqhutyelekwa nokusetyenziswa zona."
} |
"en": "Therefore no attempt should be made to put a heavy strain on a rope which has been well used or on a rope which has once been loaded to near breaking-point.",
"xh": "Ngoko amalinge okusetyenziswa okubeka uxinezelo entanjeni ayekwa ngenxa yokufuna ukuqhawuka."
} |
"en": "The life of a rope depends on the amount it is used under strain, because the fibres tend to slip a small amount under each load in spite of the twist given during manufacture.",
"xh": "Ubomi bentambo buxhomekeke emandleni asetyenziswe ngaphantsi komsonto, ngoba iintsinga zithande ukupuncula amandla amancinci ngaphantsi komthwalo ngamnye nakuba ziphothene ngexesha lokwenziwa."
} |
"en": "Ropes contract when wet and a belayed rope must be slackened off before it is dangerously strained.",
"xh": "Intambo ziyafinyezaxa zimanzi kunye intambo ebekiweyo mayiyekelwe phambi kokuba yenze ingozi eluxinezelelo."
} |
"en": "On the other hand, advantage may be taken of this contraction for tightening lashings by wetting the rope.",
"xh": "Kwelinye icala, inxaxheba ingathathwa ukuthintele ugquzulwano ngokumanzisa intambo."
} |
"en": "Never stow rope away while it is wet; if this is unavoidable the rope should be brought out and dried at the first opportunity.",
"xh": "Ungaze ujike okanye ubeke intambo ibemanzi, kuba lento ayivumelekanga intambo kufuneka ikhutshelwe ngaphandle yomiswe kwithuba lokuqala."
} |
"en": "Boats' falls, which are stowed on reels, often have to be reeled up wet and are then very liable to rot.",
"xh": "Inqanawa eziwayo zithi zibekwe kwindawo engqungileyo kufuneke zisuswe zimanzi ngoko sele zibolile."
} |
"en": "They should not be turned end-for-end without first being carefully inspected throughout their whole length.",
"xh": "Akufenekanga ziguqulwe ekugqibeleni ngaphandle kokuba kuqala zihlolwe kakuhle ngaphandle kobude bayo bonke."
} |
"en": "Although any rope in good condition can be confidently expected to bear its full working load with ease, allowance for wear must be made in assessing the strength of used rope, particularly when it has been subjected to hard conditions.",
"xh": "Nangona nayiphi intambo kwinkangeleko entle ingnesiqiniseko esicingelwa sifikelele kumsebenzi opheleleyo wokuthomalala imvumelwano yonxibe malwenziwe ngokwamkela amandla okusebenzisa intambo ingakumbi xa isifundo semeko sinzima."
} |
"en": "Before estimating the strength of such a rope it should be examined for damage, rot and fatigue.",
"xh": "Phambi kokuba kuqikelelwe ubukhulu bentambo, kufuneka ivavanywe ukujonga umonakalo, ukubola nokudineka"
} |
"en": "Serious damage can be seen when the strands are distorted and bear unequal strains, or when the rope becomes opened.",
"xh": "Umonakalo ombi ungabonakala xa imisonto ijijwe yalingana numthunjasayizi kwaye kubonakele ubunyani bokungalingani kwamandla okanye xa intambo ibanokuvuleka."
} |
"en": "Slack-jawed or opened rope usually results from hauling by hand, when there is a tendency to unlay it near the end.",
"xh": "Intambo ezijigayo ezikhululekileyo okanye ezivulekileyo ziye zibeneziphumo ezisuka ekudontseni nzima ngezandla xana kukho ukungabeki kufutshane nesiphelo."
} |
"en": "Examples of opened rope are often found in the last few fathoms of boats' falls, and those affected portions must always be cut off before the falls are turned end-for-end; failure to do so has been the frequent cause of accidents.",
"xh": "Umzekelo yentambo ezivulekileyo zifumaneka kwigcuntswana le fathomuss zenqanawa eziwayo kwaye zichaphazele indawana kufuneke zonke kungqunyulwe phambi kokuwa okanye uguqu - ququlo, ukwheluleka ukwenza oku kungadala ingozi."
} |
"en": "Loss of strength caused by external chafe can be estimated from the propor- tion of damaged yarns in a strand.",
"xh": "Ukuphela kwamandla okudalwa ngoku phandle kokulibezi seke kungaqikelelwa ekohluleni iindidi zezinto ezithile ezinokumosha iwulu esemosontweni."
} |
"en": "To assist in this estimation it should be accepted that Admiralty manila and sisal have, very approximately, C² x 3 yarns per strand, C being the circumference of the rope.",
"xh": "Ukugada oluqikelelo kungafuneka kwamkelwe iAdmiralty ye Manilla kunye neSisal zinezinga eliphezulu 2x3 lewulu kunye bala c yenze ubude okujikeleze umphandle womqukumbelo wentambo."
} |
"en": "Rot can be detected by opening out the strands and examining their inner surfaces.",
"xh": "Ukubola kungaqwalaseleka okanye kubonokale ngoku vula imisonto kwaye kuhlolwe nemiphandle yezinto"
} |
"en": "Should the exposed fibres be healthy and strong, all is well; if they are powdery, discoloured, weak, or can be plucked out, rot exists and the rope should be condemned.",
"xh": "Xana intsinga ezivelisiweyo ziphelile kwaye zinamandla, konke kulungile ukuba zonke zifefwe, azinamibala, azinamandla okanye zingancothulwa ukubola kuyenzeka kwaye intambo ingagwetywa."
} |
"en": "Fatigue will most probably show itself in a reduction of the circumference of the rope beIow its specified size.",
"xh": "Ukudineka kokona kungabonakalisa indlela enokunciphisa ubunde obungqange umphandle wentambo nganeno kwisayizi echaziweyo."
} |
"en": "This indicates that the rope has stretched under a heavy load and has failed to return to its normal condition.",
"xh": "Oku kubonisa ukuba intambo iyoluleka ngaphantsi komthwalo omkhulu kwaye ayiphumelelanga ekujikiseni imeko yayo eyiyo."
} |
"en": "A rope which has been so stretched has lost a considerable proportion of its initial tensile strength and should therefore be used with great caution.",
"xh": "Intambo esele yolulekile sele ilahlekelwe zizinto ezinomahluko ezithile ezinesiqalo zokubambeka nokuqina kwamandla kwaye kufuneka ngoko zisetyenziswe ekuzihoyeni."
} |
Subsets and Splits