translation |
"en": "Rope and its Usage",
"xh": "Intambo nomsebenzi ewenzayo."
} |
"en": "In this chapter are described the various types of rope with which a seaman works, and the manner in which he uses them.",
"xh": "Kwesi sahluko sixelelwa ngendindi zeentambo athi amadoda aselwandle azisebenzise, nangendlela azisebenzisa ngayo."
} |
"en": "The chapter has been divided into seven sections, headed as follows:",
"xh": "Esi sahluko sahlulwa - hlulwe kasixhenxe, zicalulwe ngokulandelayo."
} |
"en": "Construction and characteristics of vegetable fibre cordage.",
"xh": "Ulwakhiwo neempawu zentsinga zemifuno."
} |
"en": "Construction and characteristics of man-made fibre cordage.",
"xh": "Ulwakhiwo neempawu zentsinga ezenziwe ngabantu."
} |
"en": "Construction and characteristics of wire rope.",
"xh": "Ulwakhiwo neempawu zentambo yocingo."
} |
"en": "Handling of vegetable fibre cordage.",
"xh": "Ukuphatheka kwentsinga zemifuno"
} |
"en": "Handling of man-made fibre cordage.",
"xh": "Ukuphatheka kwentambo yocingo."
} |
"en": "Handling of wire rope.",
"xh": "Ukuphatheka kwentsinga ezenziwe ngabantu."
} |
"en": "Handling hawsers.",
"xh": "Ukuphatheka kwentambo enkulu yentsimbi."
} |
"xh": "Ukwakhiwa neempawu zentsinga zemifuno."
} |
"en": "Construction and types.",
"xh": "Ulwakhiwo neendidi."
} |
"en": "Though it is not necessary to go deeply into the process of ropemaking, an elementary knowledge of its principles is desirable.",
"xh": "Nangona kungabalulekanga ukungena nzulu kokwenziwa kwale ntambo kodwa ibinzana lonqwenovelelo mithetho luyafuneka."
} |
"en": "Ropes are made from vegetable fibres each of which is only between two and four feet long, and the first process is to comb these fibres out in a long, even ribbon, as shown in an exaggerated form in fig. 6-1.",
"xh": "Intambo zenziwe ngentsinga yemifuno enye ekuthi ibephakathi kuphela kwenyawo ezimbini okanye ezine ubude, inkqubo yokuqala lokukama iintsinga kangangobunde besiqwenga selaphu eliboniswe ngendlela ebaxiweyo kumboniso- 6.1."
} |
"en": "The ribbons are then twisted up into yarns, and the twist given binds the fibres firmly together so that they hold by friction when the yarn is subjected to strain.",
"xh": "Isiqwenga sithi sijijwe sibe yiwulu, lo mjijo unikezelwe ubophe iintsinga zibekunye ikuze kwenzeke ubambano xa iwulu ibamba amandla ayo."
} |
"en": "The shorter the length of the fibres the harder this twist must be to give the necessary strength to the yarn.",
"xh": "Ngokobufutshane bobude bazo iintsinga kungokokuqina ngokokujijwa kwayo kufuneka ngakwicala lasekhohlo okanye lasekunene ikuze inike uncedo olubalulekileyo nolunamandla kwiwulu."
} |
"en": "This process is known as 'spinning', and the yarns are said to be spun left- or right-handed, according to the direction of twist.",
"xh": "Le ndlela yenziwa njenge \"sijikelezi\" nalo wulu kuthiwa jika ngasekhohlo okanye ngasekunene, ngalo ndlela iyijikelezisela ngakhona."
} |
"en": "Next, a certain number of yarns are twisted together to form strands which, at the Admiralty Ropery, Chatham, are usually 150 fathoms in length when completed.",
"xh": "Enye, kwelinye iqaqobana lewulu lijikeleziswa kunye ukuze lenze imisonto ethi e Admiralty Ropery nase Lhatham zasoloko zingu -150 fathomus ngobude xa zipheleleyo"
} |
"en": "The number and size of the yarns required to make each strand depends on the size of the rope it is intended to make.",
"xh": "536: INeptune yeliqela yalahleka ngo1941."
} |
"en": "The number and size of the yarns required to make each strand depends on the size of the rope it is intended to make.",
"xh": "Inani nesayizi yewulu umthunjanzelwe ukwenza imiluko ixhomekeke kwisayizi yentambo exomezelelwa kuyo."
} |
"en": "This stage is known as 'twisting the strands', and again, the twist can be left- or right-handed.",
"xh": "Eli candelo laziwa njengemisonto ejikelezayo kwaye kwakhona lemijikelezo ingangasekhohlo okanye ngasekunene."
} |
"en": "Three or four strands are now made up into a left- or right-handed rope.",
"xh": "Amabala amathathu okanye amane enziwe ngentambo yasekhohlo okanye yasekunene."
} |
"en": "This process is called 'laying' and is always carried out in the opposite direction to that used in the previous stage of twisting the strands; it is, moreover, distinct from the simple spin or twist and is twofold, in that:",
"xh": "Eli candelo laziwa \"njengokubeka\" kwaye lisoloko lithwala imisonto liyisa kwicala eliphambene nalo ukuze isetyenziswe phambi kwesiqendu sojijo kwemisonto ngako oko kucaca okokuba iyajijwa okanye iyaphothwa kwaye isongeka kabini kuleyo."
} |
"en": "the strands are twisted up together to form the rope, and",
"xh": "Le miluko iyajijwa idityaniswe ukuze yenze le ntambo kwaye"
} |
"en": "at the same time the strands are rotated individually in the direction of their original twist.",
"xh": "Ngaxesha linye lemiluko iyajikwa nganye - nganye ibe kwicala le qondo lokujika."
} |
"en": "Were this not done, laying the strands together would tend to untwist the yarns in each strand.",
"xh": "Xa lento ingenzekanga, ukubekwa kwalemiluko kunye kungenza ukujijwa kwale wulu kwimiluko nganye."
} |
"en": "As the rope is laid up its length contracts like a coiled spring, giving it a certain elasticity.",
"xh": "Njengokuba le ntambo ibekwa ngobubanzi nangobude njengesixa olusongelweyo oluvelayo."
} |
"en": "The harder the twist given to the strands in laying, the shorter will be the resultant rope-in practice, three strands of I50fathoms lay up into a rope about 120 fathoms in length - and a rope is said to be hard-laid or soft-laid.",
"xh": "Ngelokuqina kwemijijo enikelwa kwimisonto eyondlaliweyo kungona ibamfutshane."
} |
"en": "Three strands so laid up constitute a hawser-laid rope, which is the type of cordage most commonly used.",
"xh": "Imisonto emithathu xa ibekwe kubude bentambo ibekwa ngobunzima okanye ngokuthamba ibekwa kulwanyula lwentambo yentsimbi ebekiweyo eluhlobo lomngcelele wabakhaphi lulona lubalulekileyo ekusetyenzisweni."
} |
"en": "Four-stranded (rot-proofed manila or sisal) rope, laid up round a heart or centre made of the same material, is known as shroud-laid rope.",
"xh": "Isine semisonto ekubola kwe kwentsinga okanye intambo ye yosinga ibekwe kwisangqa sesakhiwo esiphakathi sentliziyo ekwizisebenzisi ezibizwa ngokuba zintambo zokubamba imasti."
} |
"en": "It is somewhat weaker than three-stranded rope of a similar size, but is less liable to stretch.",
"xh": "Yona inobulula kunemisonto emithathu yentambo eziyisayizi umthunjaleleneyo kodwa ireka kancinci."
} |
"en": "It is used for shrouds and stays of small craft and is supplied in coils of 120 fathoms.",
"xh": "Isetyenziswa ekukhuseleni inqwelo yokuhamba emanzini ethi ithandwele kwii Fathomus ezingama -120"
} |
"en": "Three hawser-laid ropes each of 120 fathoms, laid up together in the opposite direction to that of their own lay, will form a cable-laid rope, 100 fathoms in length.",
"xh": "Intambo ezomeleleyo ezintathu, inye kuzo ibubanzi obuyi 120 Fathomus, ibekwe kunye kumacala ohlukeneyo kulawo ayo abekiweyo, ingenza intambo yokubophelela inqanawa."
} |
"en": "Such a rope is weaker than a hawser-laid rope of equal size, but by reason of its construction it is more elastic and is therefore used where elasticity is the chief requirement, as in towing.",
"xh": "Intambo enje eyomeleleyo kune ntambo eyomeleleyo yentsimbi elingana nesayizi kodwa ngenxa yesizathu solwakhiwo ibanelastiki engamandla kwaye kungoko isetyenziswa njengemfuno zenkosi apha ekutsaleni."
} |
"en": "Furthermore, cable-laid rope, being more solid in construction, is more resistant to chafe and does not absorb water so readily as hawser-laid rope.",
"xh": "Phambi kokunye intambo ezibaliweyo zenza ukomelela kolakhiwo kubakho uchaselwano kwaye amanzi ingawafunxi njengentambo yentsimbi."
} |
"en": "Direction of the lay and description.",
"xh": "Indlela yobeko nochazo."
} |
"en": "In the Royal Navy hawser-laid rope is normally laid up right-handed; that is the strands twist away from the eye in a right-handed spiral, as in fig. 6.2.",
"xh": "Emkhosini wezamanzi intambo eyomeleleyo yentsimbi isoloko ibekwa kwingalo yasekunene, olo lujikelezo lwemisonto luyemka ngasemehlweni."
} |
"en": "The direction of the lay can also be seen at a glance when the rope is viewed from above, as illustrated in fig. 6-5 (i).",
"xh": "Icala elibekwa kuyo lingabonakala ngesithunzi xa intambo ibekwe kude ijongwa ngentla njengokuba ikwimbonakalo kumboniso-6-5 (i)"
} |
"en": "In the rope trade, right-hand lay is described as Z twist and left-hand lay as S twist, the letters indicating the direction of the lay when the rope is viewed from above.",
"xh": "Kwintambo yorhwebo yangasekunene ebekiweyo ichazwa njengo-Zojikiweyo kwaye eyangasekohlo ebekiweyo ibeno S ojijiweyo ezi zibonisa indlela yokubeka kwentambo xa ibukelwa ngasetla."
} |
"en": "In a normal right-handed rope the fibres are spun right-handed to form yarns; the yarns are twisted left-handed into strands; and the strands are laid up right- handed into rope.",
"xh": "Kwiintambo ezizizo zasekunene kwiintsinga ziyajijwa ngasekunene ukuze zenze iwulu, lo wulu iyolukwa ngendlela yecala lasekhohlo yenze imisonto leyo imiselwe phezulu ngasekunene itsho yenze intambo."
} |
"en": "Left-handed ropes, in which each component is made in exactly the opposite direction, are found in commercial practice; but the only left-handed cordage supplied to the Royal Navy - and that in very small quantities - is hammock Iashing and marline.",
"xh": "Intambo zesandla zangasekhohlo kulapho icala layo lonke lenziwe nqwa kwicala lesichasi lifumaneka kurhwebo lokuziqhelisa kodwa owona mngcelele wabakhaphi uthunyelelwa ngumkhosi wamanzi kwaye apho ubungakanani bayo buncinici - I Hammock Lashing ne Marline."
} |
"en": "In the Royal Navy cordage is described by reference to the circumference of the rope measured in inches and to the material from which it is made-for example, 4½-inch manila.",
"xh": "Kumkhosi wamanzi intambo eyomeleleyo iye ichazwe njengesangqa sentambo elinganiswe kwi-intshi kwaye izinto ezinto ezinokwenziwa ngayo umzekelo ingayi 41/2 yeintshi ze Manilla."
} |
"en": "In some countries, and commercially in Great Britain, cordage is sometimes measured by its diameter.",
"xh": "Kwamanye amazwe kunye norhwebo kwi Britain enkulu, umngcelele womkhosi uthi ulinganiswe ngedayamitha."
} |
"en": "The size of a strand is that of the rope from which it was taken; thus a 2-inoh strand is one taken from a 2-inch rope.",
"xh": "Isayizi yemisonto yenza leyo yentambo ethathwe kuyo."
} |
"en": "The length of a rope is measured in fathoms.",
"xh": "Ubude bentambo bulinganiselwa ngee FATHOMUS."
} |
"en": "General characteristics.",
"xh": "Impawu zajikelele."
} |
"en": "The strands tend to unlay unless the end of the rope is whipped (i,e, firmly bound) with twine.",
"xh": "Imisonto iye ingalali ngaphandle kokuba sisiphelo sentambo siqukumbelene nentsontelo."
} |
"en": "The rope will stretch under load, but may be expected to regain its normal length when slack, provided that the load applied is well within the breaking strength of the rope; a greater load, however, even if it does not part the rope, will cause a permanent extension in its length and thereby render it unfit for service.",
"xh": "Intambo ingoluleka phantsi kwemithwalo kodwa kungafuneka kongezwe ubude bayo ukwenzela umthwalo ungaqhawuli amandla entambo umthwalo omkhulu noba a wuyohluli intambo kodwa ungenza umonakalo opheleleyo kubude bentambo lonto idale ukungomeleli kwayo ingakwazi ukwenza umsebenzi wayo."
} |
"en": "The older and more worn the rope, the less elasticity it will possess and the weaker it will become.",
"xh": "Ngokuya ibandala iguga le ntambo ngoko iphelelwa yigatha kwaye iye ingomeleli."
} |
"en": "Rope under load will tend to twist in the opposite direction to that of its lay and thereby tend to unlay itself, but it should regain its normal form when slack.",
"xh": "Intambo ephantsi komthwalo ingajikela kwicala lesichasi iye kwindlela yayo kakade yokubekwa kwaye ngoko ayizibeki ngokwayo kodwa ingazibuyisela kubungxenge ngxenge."
} |
"en": "When wet, rope will usually shrink in length in proportion to the amount by which it swells in diameter, but it will recover its original length when dry and after use.",
"xh": "Xa intambo ithe yamanzi izakusuka itshone ngokobubanzi nangesixa sayo lonto yenze into yokuba idumbe kwidayamitha kodwa iphinde ibuyele ebudeni nasebubanzini bayo emva kokuba yomile nasemva kokuba isebenzile."
} |
"en": "Rope which is continually subjected to heat and damp - when in the tropics, for example - will lose its elasticity and strength sooner than rope used under normal conditions of temperature and humidity.",
"xh": "Intambo ezithi ziphinda - phinde ubushushu nokufuma, xa, kushushu umzekelo - ziyakuphelelwa yielastiki nangamandla ngokukhawuleza kunentambo ezisetyenziswa phantsi kwemeko zobushushu."
} |
"xh": "Izinto ezisetyenziswayo."
} |
"en": "The ropes supplied to the Royal Navy are made from various kinds of vegetable fibre which may differ in strength, weight, flexibility, hardness or resistance to wear, elasticity, resistance to weather, or behaviour when wet.",
"xh": "Intambo ezinikisiweyo kumkhosi wamanzi zenziwe ngeentlobo - ntlobo zemifuno nezakhamzimba ezinokwahluka ngokuqina, nobunzima nokuthamba, nokomelela ithi inyanzeleke kwimozulu xa imanzi."
} |
"en": "The fibre selected, therefore, depends on the use for which the rope is intended.",
"xh": "Izinto ezikhethiweyo zixhomekeka kumsebenzi lowo uzakwenziwa."
} |
"en": "When made of manila or sisal, the fibres of the rope are treated with a rot-proofing solution during the first stage of rope-making, when the fibres are being combed into ribbons.",
"xh": "Xa yenziwe nge Manilla okanye isisal iintsinga zeentambo ziye zikhuselwe ngesisombululo sesikhuseli sokubolisa kweli nqanaba lokuqala lokwenza iintambo xa iintsinga sikanyiwe zibe sisiqwenga."
} |
"en": "Rot-proofing neither weakens the rope nor increases its weight, but makes it watertight to the extent that, when wet, it absorbs hardly any water and is nearly as light and as easily handled as when it is dry.",
"xh": "Ukubola kobungqina akuyenzi buthathaka okanye kwenyuswe ubukhulu bentambo kodwa iyenza yomelele kangangokuba xa imanzi ingakwazi ukufunxa amanzi itsho iphantse ukubaluleka kubelula nokuyisebenzisa."
} |
"en": "Rot-proofing was discontinued in 1963, because rot-proofed cordage has deteriorated in hot and humid conditions.",
"xh": "Ubungqina bokubola bayekiswa ngo 1963, ngokuba ubungqina bokubola kwenziwe mandundu kwiimeko ezazishushu nezinokufuma."
} |
"en": "To assist in distinguishing the different types of cordage a coloured jute yarn known as a rogue's yarn is woven into the strands of each type of rope manufactured at the Admiralty Ropery.",
"xh": "Ukunceda ukwahlula - hlula iintlobo zemingcelele yemikhosi zemibala ngemibala zaziwa njenge Rogers imisonto ihlohlwa kwintsinga ethi enye yezondidi zentambo zenziwe e Admiralty Roperly."
} |
"en": "A rogue's yarn is also used in commercially manufactured rope to indicate the type of fibre, its quality, and perhaps the particular manufacturer.",
"xh": "Imisonto yeRogers ingaphinda isetyenziswe kwiintambo zorhwebo zibonakalise uhlobo lwentsinga nembonakalo kwaye ezenziwayo."
} |
"en": "Manila rope.",
"xh": "Intambo yeManilla."
} |
"en": "This rope is made from the fibre of the abaca plant, which is grown extensively in the Philippine Islands and shipped from the port of Manila (whence its name), and also in Central America, Sumatra and Borneo.",
"xh": "Le ntambo yenziwe ngohlobo lwentsinga ekuthiwa yi 'abaca' ekhuliswa kwisiqithi sase \"Phllippine\" ethathwa yathuthwa ngesikhephe yasuka eManilla nase Centam, Sumatra, nase Bornea."
} |
"en": "When mature the abaca plant, which grows to a height of from 10 to 30 ft, is felled and the fibre from the leaf sheaths is stripped off.",
"xh": "Xa sele silungile esi sityalo kuthiwa yi \"Abaca\" sifika kubude be 10-30 FT, iyanqunyulwa emva koko intsinga zisuswe emagqabini ngokusikwa."
} |
"en": "The quality of the finished rope depends upon the thorough cleaning of the fibre during this stripping process.",
"xh": "Ukomelela kwentambo egqityiweyo kuxhomekeka ekucocweni kwentsinga ngexesha lokususwa kwayo."
} |
"en": "When new and untreated it is deep golden-brown in colour.",
"xh": "Xa intsha ingakhathalelwanga ibanzulu ibamdaka ngebala."
} |
"en": "The rope is flexible, durable, strong, and stands up well to wear and weather.",
"xh": "Intambo ithambile kwaye ihlala ixesha elide iqinile kwaye iyakwazi ukumelana nemozulu engentlanga."
} |
"en": "It is impervious to saIt water, and so it is very suitable for slings, falls, berthing hawsers and tow- ropes.",
"xh": "Iyakwazi ukumelana namanzi etyiwa ngoko ilungele ukwenza ingxangxasi, izinki kunye nentaba."
} |
"en": "Manila hawser-laid rope is supplied to the Royal Navy in coils of 120 fathoms, and it is marked with one red rogue's yarn in each of two strands.",
"xh": "Intambo eyomeleleyo yohlobo lwe Manilla inikwe umkhosi wamanzi ithandele ifathom ezingu 120 kwaye ziqatshelwe ngewulu yeRogers kumsonto omnye kwemibini."
} |
"en": "Manila cable-laid rope is supplied in coils of 100 fathoms.",
"xh": "Intambo eyomeleleyo ye Manilla ithunyelwa ithandele iifathomu eziyi 100."
} |
"en": "Commercially manufactured manila ropes over 2 inches in circumference and complying with the specification of the British Standards Institution are identified as follows: Grade I, 'Special', one black rogue's yarn in three strands; Grade II, 'Standard', one black rogue's yarn in two strands; Grade III, 'Merchant', one black rogue's yarn in one strand.",
"xh": "IManilla ezenziwe jikelele zenziwe nge - intshi ezimbini."
} |
"en": "Sisal rope.",
"xh": "Intambo yesisal."
} |
"en": "This rope is made from the leaves of the Agave sisalana plant, which is a member of the cactus family.",
"xh": "Le ntambo yenziwe ngamagqabi esityalo esiyi Agave Sisal ekulilungu losapho lwe Cactus."
} |
"en": "It is grown in Kenya, Tanganyika, Haiti and Java and, when new and untreated, is hairy and of a pale straw colour.",
"xh": "Ikhuliswa eKenya, Tanzania, Haita nase Java xa isentsha ingekahoywa ibanenwele ezimthubi."
} |
"en": "New sisal rope is as strong as a second-grade manila, but it is less flexible, durable and resistant to wear and weather.",
"xh": "Intambo entsha isisal yomelele njengumthunjasibini ye \"Manilla\" kodwa ayithambanga kakhulu ayiqinanga kwaye iyakwazi ukumelana nesimo sezulu esingesihlanga."
} |
"en": "It should therefore be examined frequently for signs of deterioration.",
"xh": "47: Ukubonelela ngamaphenyane okutsala nawokunduluka"
} |
"en": "It should therefore be examined frequently for signs of deterioration.",
"xh": "Ngoko ke kufuneka ihlolelwe iimpawu zokwehla."
} |
"en": "It should therefore be examined frequently for signs of deterioration.",
"xh": "Umchithi, okanye isikhephe semfazwe esinesantya esiphezulu, sinencukacha ezilungileyo zamandla okukhawuleza nokuma."
} |
"en": "Because it is not so reliable as manila it is not used for boats’ falls, slings or for any purpose where the parting of the rope may endanger life.",
"xh": "Ngokuba ingathambekenga iManilla ayisetyenziswa kwinqanawa, amawa, izinki okanye nasiphi na isizathu apho intambo ingabeka abantu emgciphekweni."
} |
"en": "Sisal hawser-laid rope is supplied to the Royal Navy in coils of 120 fathoms; it is marked with one yellow rogue's yarn in each of two strands.",
"xh": "Intambo eyomeleleyo eyisisal ithunyelelwa kumkhosi wamanzi ithandele ifathomus ezingu 120 ziye ziphawulwe ngombala omthubi weRogers kumsonto ngamnye kwemibini."
} |
"en": "Commercially manufactured sisal rope over 2 inches in circumference and complying with the specification of the British Standards Institution is identified with one red rogue's yarn in one strand.",
"xh": "Uhlobo lwentambo yesisal umthunjanziwa jikelele ingaphezulu kwee - intshi ezi 2 ngenxa yesivumelwano nocaciso olwenziwa ngumgangatho wase Britane."
} |
"en": "Hemp rope.",
"xh": "Iintambo zeHemp."
} |
"en": "This rope is made from the fibres of the stems of the hemp plant which is grown in many parts of the world, but notably in Italy, Russia, China, U.S.A., New Zealand, St.",
"xh": "Le ntambo yenziwe ngengcambu zisityalo iHemp, ekhuliswa kwiindawo ezohlukeneyo zelizwe kodwa zixhaphake eChina, Russia, EMelika nase New Zealand."
} |
"en": "Helena and India.",
"xh": "Helena kunye ne India."
} |
"en": "New Zealand and St.",
"xh": "New Zealand ne S.T."
} |
"en": "Helena hemps are not true hemps like Italian, but produce hard fibres similar to those of sisal.",
"xh": "Iihemp zeHelena azizo Hemp zokwenyani njengezase Italia ibane sivuno esiqinileyo esifana nesase Siser."
} |
"en": "Italian hemp is the strongest vegetable fibre used in rope making.",
"xh": "Ihemp yase Italy sesona sityalo siqinileyo sokwenza intambo."
} |
"en": "Indian Hemp is not reliable for cordage.",
"xh": "Ihemp yase India ayithembakalanga."
} |
"en": "American hemp is about equal to European hemp, but is not used by the Admiralty.",
"xh": "Ihemp yase America ibulingana neyase Europe kodwa ayifane isetyenziswe."
} |
"en": "Hemp is very much softer than the other fibres described above.",
"xh": "Ihemp ithambile kunezinye iintsinga ezichazwe apha ngasentla."
} |
"en": "The quality varies greatly with the soil in which it is grown, and for purposes of Admiralty specification it is graded for quality in the order Italian, European, New Zealand and St.",
"xh": "Ukomelela kuyatshintsha ngokohlobo lomhlaba ekhuliswe kuyo kwaye nendlela yenjongo ye Admiralty."
} |
"en": "Helena, and Indian.",
"xh": "Helena ne India."
} |
"en": "New and untreated hemp rope is hard, smooth, pale grey in colour and of a lighter shade than manila but darker than sisal.",
"xh": "Ihemp entsha engahoywanga iyanqina ithambe ibenombala omthubi isithunzi sayo siyakhanya kuneyase \"Manilla\" kodwa umnyama kune sisal."
} |
"en": "It is marked with a red rogue's yarn in each strand.",
"xh": "Iphawulwe ngophawu olubomvu lweRoques eyiwulu kumsonto ngamnye."
} |
"en": "Hemp is heavier than manila and the best quality is stronger than the manila supplied to the Royal Navy.",
"xh": "Ihemp iyasinda kune 'Manilla futhi ukumolela kwayo iyaqina kuneyomkhosi wamanzi."
} |
"en": "Its wearing qualities are about the same as those of manila, but it is far more flexible.",
"xh": "Ukomelela kokukhuthuka kwayo kuphantse kufane nezeManilla kodwa yona ithambile."
} |
"en": "It is used in the Royal Navy only for small lines and small stuff.",
"xh": "Isetyenziswa ngumkhosi wezamanzi kuphela ukwenza imigcana nezinto ezincini."
} |
"en": "Coir rope.",
"xh": "Intambo esongelwe ngeentsinga zekhokhonathi."
} |
"en": "This rope is made from the fibres in the husks of coconuts grown in Ceylon.",
"xh": "Le ntambo yenziwe ngomphandle wenwebu yentsinga ekhulele eCeylon."
} |
"en": "It is very hairy, and brown in colour.",
"xh": "Inoboya kwaye inombala omdaka."
} |
"en": "A coir rope is the weakest of all cordage, but it has the advantage of being so light that it floats on water.",
"xh": "Intambo evela kwiqokobhe lwekhokhonathi yeyona ingomelelanga kuzo zonke kodwa inenxaxheba yokuntywila ngaphezulu emanzini ngenxa yobulula bayo."
} |
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