stringlengths 0
| source
stringlengths 6
));" in "JavaScript" | +utils.applescript |
end define | +utils.applescript |
on synonyms for w | +utils.applescript |
define(w) | +utils.applescript |
end synonyms | +utils.applescript |
to listFrameworks() | +utils.applescript |
set allFrameworks to NSBundle's allFrameworks()'s bundlePath's ¬ | +utils.applescript |
lastPathComponent's stringByDeletingPathExtension's ¬ | +utils.applescript |
sortedArrayUsingSelector:"caseInsensitiveCompare:" | +utils.applescript |
set fp to path to [my rootdir, "Data", "/", "FRAMEWORKS"] | +utils.applescript |
(allFrameworks's componentsJoinedByString:linefeed) as text | +utils.applescript |
write the result to fp as «class utf8» | +utils.applescript |
end listFrameworks | +utils.applescript |
tell application "Safari" | Open URL in Chrome.scpt |
set i to current tab of window 1 | Open URL in Chrome.scpt |
set theUrl to URL of i | Open URL in Chrome.scpt |
tell application "Google Chrome" | Open URL in Chrome.scpt |
if windows is {} then | Open URL in Chrome.scpt |
set this_doc to make new window | Open URL in Chrome.scpt |
my new_tab(theURL) | Open URL in Chrome.scpt |
on error the error_message number the error_number | Open URL in Chrome.scpt |
«event panSdlog» the error_message given «class btns»:{"OK"}, «class dflt»:1 | Open URL in Chrome.scpt |
on new_tab(theURL) | Open URL in Chrome.scpt |
set aWin to window 1 | Open URL in Chrome.scpt |
tell aWin | Open URL in Chrome.scpt |
set newTab to make new tab with properties {URL:theURL} | Open URL in Chrome.scpt |
end new_tab | Open URL in Chrome.scpt |
global std, plutil, mapLib | log4as.applescript |
global LOG4AS_CONFIG | log4as.applescript |
property initialized : false | log4as.applescript |
property logger : missing value | log4as.applescript |
property Level : {OFF:0, IGNORE:1, DEBUG:2, INFO:3, WARN:4, ERR:5} | log4as.applescript |
property defaultLevel : INFO of Level | log4as.applescript |
property classesLevel : missing value | log4as.applescript |
if name of current application is "Script Editor" then spotCheck() | log4as.applescript |
on spotCheck() | log4as.applescript |
init() | log4as.applescript |
set thisCaseId to "log4as-spotCheck" | log4as.applescript |
logger's start() | log4as.applescript |
set listUtil to std's import("list") | log4as.applescript |
set cases to listUtil's splitByLine(" | log4as.applescript |
Manual: Config Info | log4as.applescript |
Manual: Is Printable (un/registered, less, equal, greater, OFF) | log4as.applescript |
") | log4as.applescript |
set spotLib to std's import("spot-test")'s new() | log4as.applescript |
set spot to spotLib's new(thisCaseId, cases) | log4as.applescript |
set {caseIndex, caseDesc} to spot's start() | log4as.applescript |
if caseIndex is 0 then | log4as.applescript |
logger's finish() | log4as.applescript |
set sut to new() | log4as.applescript |
sut's loadPlist() -- force reload each time during spot check. | log4as.applescript |
if caseIndex is 1 then | log4as.applescript |
logger's infof("Default Level: {}", LOG4AS_CONFIG's getValue("defaultLevel")) | log4as.applescript |
logger's infof("Print to console: {}", LOG4AS_CONFIG's getValue("printToConsole")) | log4as.applescript |
logger's infof("Write to file: {}", LOG4AS_CONFIG's getValue("writeToFile")) | log4as.applescript |
log LOG4AS_CONFIG's getValue("categories")'s toString() | log4as.applescript |
else if caseIndex is 2 then | log4as.applescript |
logger's infof("Is Printable INFO log4as.log4as: {}", sut's isPrintable("log4as", INFO of Level)) | log4as.applescript |
logger's infof("Is Printable DEBUG log4as.log4as: {}", sut's isPrintable("log4as", DEBUG of Level)) | log4as.applescript |
logger's infof("Is Printable DEBUG log4as.$spot: {}", sut's isPrintable("$spot", DEBUG of Level)) | log4as.applescript |
logger's infof("Is Printable DEBUG log4as.$spot: {}", sut's isPrintable("$spot", INFO of Level)) | log4as.applescript |
logger's infof("Is Printable DEBUG log4as.$spot: {}", sut's isPrintable("$spot", WARN of Level)) | log4as.applescript |
spot's finish() | log4as.applescript |
end spotCheck | log4as.applescript |
on new() | log4as.applescript |
script Log4asInstance | log4as.applescript |
on isPrintable(moduleName, logLevel) | log4as.applescript |
repeat with nextClassLevel in classesLevel's getKeys() | log4as.applescript |
set nextClassKey to text 8 thru -1 of nextClassLevel | log4as.applescript |
if moduleName starts with nextClassKey then | log4as.applescript |
set nextClassLevel to classesLevel's getValue(nextClassLevel) | log4as.applescript |
return logLevel is greater than or equal to the _textToInt(nextClassLevel) and _textToInt(nextClassLevel) is not equal to the OFF of Level | log4as.applescript |
logLevel is greater than or equal to my defaultLevel and defaultLevel is not equal to the OFF of Level | log4as.applescript |
end isPrintable | log4as.applescript |
end new | log4as.applescript |
on loadPlist() | log4as.applescript |
set LOG4AS_CONFIG to plutil's new("log4as") | log4as.applescript |
initDefaultLevel() | log4as.applescript |
set classLevel to mapLib's new() | log4as.applescript |
set classesLevel to LOG4AS_CONFIG's getValue("Categories") | log4as.applescript |
if classesLevel is not missing value then | log4as.applescript |
repeat with nextKey in classesLevel's getKeys() | log4as.applescript |
end loadPlist | log4as.applescript |
on initDefaultLevel() | log4as.applescript |
set defaultLevelConfig to LOG4AS_CONFIG's getValueWithDefault("defaultLevel", "INFO") | log4as.applescript |
set defaultLevel to _textToInt(defaultLevelConfig) | log4as.applescript |
end initDefaultLevel | log4as.applescript |
on _textToInt(logLevel) | log4as.applescript |
if logLevel is "INFO" then return INFO of Level | log4as.applescript |
if logLevel is "OFF" then return OFF of Level | log4as.applescript |
if logLevel is "IGNORE" then return IGNORE of Level | log4as.applescript |
if logLevel is "DEBUG" then return DEBUG of Level | log4as.applescript |
if logLevel is "WARN" then return WARN of Level | log4as.applescript |
if logLevel is "ERR" then return ERR of Level | log4as.applescript |
end _textToInt | log4as.applescript |
on init() | log4as.applescript |
if initialized of me then return | log4as.applescript |
set initialized of me to true | log4as.applescript |
set std to script "std" | log4as.applescript |
set logger to std's import("logger")'s new("log4as") | log4as.applescript |
Subsets and Splits