stringlengths 0
| source
stringlengths 6
set alertTitle to "Script complete" | Defer Until Today.scpt |
if successTot > 1 then set alertItemNum to "s" | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set alertText to successTot & " item" & alertItemNum & " now due today." as string | Defer Until Today.scpt |
end main | Defer Until Today.scpt |
on startToday(selectedItem, currDate) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set success to false | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set originalStartDateTime to defer date of selectedItem | Defer Until Today.scpt |
if (originalStartDateTime is not missing value) then | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set defer date of selectedItem to (currDate + (time of originalStartDateTime)) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set success to true | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set defer date of selectedItem to (currDate + (startTime * hours)) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
return success | Defer Until Today.scpt |
end startToday | Defer Until Today.scpt |
on dueToday(selectedItem, currDate) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set originalDueDateTime to due date of selectedItem | Defer Until Today.scpt |
if (originalDueDateTime is not missing value) then | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set originalDueStartDate to originalDueDateTime - (time of originalDueDateTime) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set theDelta to (currDate - originalDueStartDate) / 86400 | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set newDueDateTime to (originalDueDateTime + (theDelta * days)) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set due date of selectedItem to newDueDateTime | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set newStartDateTime to (originalStartDateTime + (theDelta * days)) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set defer date of selectedItem to newStartDateTime | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set due date of selectedItem to (currDate + (dueTime * hours)) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
end dueToday | Defer Until Today.scpt |
on notify(alertName, alertTitle, alertText) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
my notifyMain(alertName, alertTitle, alertText, false) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
end notify | Defer Until Today.scpt |
on notifyWithSticky(alertName, alertTitle, alertText) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
my notifyMain(alertName, alertTitle, alertText, true) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
end notifyWithSticky | Defer Until Today.scpt |
on IsGrowlRunning() | Defer Until Today.scpt |
tell application "System Events" to set GrowlRunning to (count of (every process where creator type is "GRRR")) > 0 | Defer Until Today.scpt |
return GrowlRunning | Defer Until Today.scpt |
end IsGrowlRunning | Defer Until Today.scpt |
on dictToString(dict) --needed to encapsulate dictionaries in osascript | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set dictString to "{"
repeat with i in dict
if (length of dictString > 1) then set dictString to dictString & ", "
set dictString to dictString & "\"" & i & "\""
end repeat
set dictString to dictString & "}" | Defer Until Today.scpt |
return dictString | Defer Until Today.scpt |
end dictToString | Defer Until Today.scpt |
on notifyWithGrowl(growlHelperAppName, alertName, alertTitle, alertText, useSticky) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
tell my application growlHelperAppName | Defer Until Today.scpt |
«event register» given «class appl»:growlAppName, «class anot»:allNotifications, «class dnot»:enabledNotifications, «class iapp»:iconApplication | Defer Until Today.scpt |
«event notifygr» given «class name»:alertName, «class titl»:alertTitle, «class appl»:growlAppName, «class desc»:alertText | Defer Until Today.scpt |
end notifyWithGrowl | Defer Until Today.scpt |
on NotifyWithoutGrowl(alertText) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
tell application "OmniFocus" to display dialog alertText with icon 1 buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" | Defer Until Today.scpt |
end NotifyWithoutGrowl | Defer Until Today.scpt |
on notifyMain(alertName, alertTitle, alertText, useSticky) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set GrowlRunning to my IsGrowlRunning() --check if Growl is running... | Defer Until Today.scpt |
if not GrowlRunning then --if Growl isn't running... | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set GrowlPath to "" --check to see if Growl is installed... | Defer Until Today.scpt |
tell application "Finder" to tell (application file id "GRRR") to set strGrowlPath to POSIX path of (its container as alias) & name | Defer Until Today.scpt |
if GrowlPath is not "" then --...try to launch if so... | Defer Until Today.scpt |
do shell script "open " & strGrowlPath & " > /dev/null 2>&1 &" | Defer Until Today.scpt |
delay 0.5 | Defer Until Today.scpt |
set GrowlRunning to my IsGrowlRunning() | Defer Until Today.scpt |
if GrowlRunning then | Defer Until Today.scpt |
tell application "Finder" to tell (application file id "GRRR") to set growlHelperAppName to name | Defer Until Today.scpt |
notifyWithGrowl(growlHelperAppName, alertName, alertTitle, alertText, useSticky) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
NotifyWithoutGrowl(alertText) | Defer Until Today.scpt |
end notifyMain | Defer Until Today.scpt |
main() | Defer Until Today.scpt |
if application "System Preferences" is running then | Bildschirmblitz.scpt |
tell application "System Preferences" | Bildschirmblitz.scpt |
set the current pane to pane id "com.apple.preference.universalaccess" | Bildschirmblitz.scpt |
reveal anchor "Hearing" of pane id "com.apple.preference.universalaccess" | Bildschirmblitz.scpt |
delay 0.10 | Bildschirmblitz.scpt |
tell window 1 of process "System Preferences" | Bildschirmblitz.scpt |
tell (first button whose name is "Bildschirmblitz testen") | Bildschirmblitz.scpt |
perform action "AXPress" | Bildschirmblitz.scpt |
tell application "Terminal" | keystroke.applescript |
activate | keystroke.applescript |
tell process "Terminal" | keystroke.applescript |
keystroke "f" using {command down, option down} | keystroke.applescript |
set upttime to (do shell script "uptime") | uptime.applescript |
if upttime is greater than "7 days" then | uptime.applescript |
display alert "Restart Your Computer. | uptime.applescript |
UP INFO - " & upttime | uptime.applescript |
#!/usr/bin/osascript | +utils.applescript |
property name : "utils" | +utils.applescript |
property id : "chri.sk.applescript.lib:utils" | +utils.applescript |
property version : 1.5 | +utils.applescript |
property parent: AppleScript | +utils.applescript |
use framework "Automator" | +utils.applescript |
use framework "CoreWLAN" | +utils.applescript |
use framework "Foundation" | +utils.applescript |
use framework "JavaScriptCore" | +utils.applescript |
use scripting additions | +utils.applescript |
property parent : script "load.scpt" | +utils.applescript |
property this : a reference to current application | +utils.applescript |
property nil : a reference to missing value | +utils.applescript |
property _1 : a reference to reference | +utils.applescript |
property AMWorkflow : a reference to AMWorkflow of this | +utils.applescript |
property CWWiFiClient : a reference to CWWiFiClient of this | +utils.applescript |
property JSContext : a reference to JSContext of this | +utils.applescript |
property NSArray : a reference to NSArray of this | +utils.applescript |
property NSBundle : a reference to NSBundle of this | +utils.applescript |
property NSDictionary : a reference to NSDictionary of this | +utils.applescript |
property NSPredicate : a reference to NSPredicate of this | +utils.applescript |
property NSString : a reference to NSString of this | +utils.applescript |
property NSURL : a reference to NSURL of this | +utils.applescript |
Subsets and Splits