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Does magnetic resonance imaging reveal the complementary effects of decongestant and Breathe Right Nasal Strips on internal nasal anatomy? | This magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study of 26 subjects with nasal congestion was performed to assess in the complete nasal passage both the anatomical effect of the marketed Breathe Right Nasal Strip (BRNS) relative to placebo and the potential adjunctive effect of using a decongestant in combination with the BRNS. Randomized, crossover study. The study consisted of two parts, the first involving application of either the BRNS or the placebo strip in a randomized, crossover design with evaluator blinding, and repeated MRI scanning; and the second a sequential process of decongestant administration, MRI scanning, application of the BRNS, and repeated MRI. The same anatomical MRI protocol was used throughout. Nasal patency was assessed in the whole nasal passage and eight subregions (by inferior-superior, anterior-posterior division). Numerical response scores representing subjective nasal congestion were also obtained. Results demonstrate significant anatomical enlargement with the BRNS relative to placebo (P < .001), as well as an additive effect of using a decongestant in combination with the BRNS; both supported by a strong and significant negative correlation with the subjective nasal response measures of nasal congestion (r = -0.98, P = .002). Furthermore, analysis of the nasal subregions indicates that this adjunctive effect arises from a partially localized action of the complementary products: the BRNS acting primarily anteriorly in the nose and the decongestant mainly posteriorly. | The transcription factor early growth response-1 (Egr-1) is increased in models of cardiac pathology; however, it is unclear how Egr-1 impacts the heart. We sought to identify how Egr-1 regulates expression of proteins involved in cardiomyocyte calcium homeostasis. Protein expression was measured by immunoblotting in control cardiac differentiated H9c2 cells or in H9c2 cells overexpressing wild-type Egr-1 (Egr-1) or an Egr-1 (I293F) mutant. Microspectrofluorimetry of fura-2-loaded cells was used to study calcium dynamics. Chromatin immunoprecipitation with anti-Egr-1 antibody was used to identify Egr-1-associated DNA. Calsequestrin (CSQ) expression was reduced in Egr-1- and profoundly reduced in I293F-expressing cells. Calreticulin, triadin, sarcoendoplasmic reticulum ATPase 2a, phospholamban, and phosphoserine 16-phospholamban expression was unaffected. Calcium release from CSQ-dependent ryanodine-sensitive stores was reduced in Egr-1 and absent in I293F-expressing cells. In contrast, calcium release from calreticulin-dependent inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate stores was unaffected. In vivo and in vitro chromatin immunoprecipitation demonstrated Egr-1 binding to the CSQ2 promoter. The Egr-1-binding region contains overlapping Egr-1, SP1, and nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) sites and a CpG island. Reciprocal immunoprecipitation coupled to immunoblots indicated Egr-1:NFAT3 binding was present in all cells lines. Treatment with cyclosporin A, inhibition of DNA methylation using 5-azadeoxycytidine, or inhibition of protein acetylation using sodium butyrate reduced CSQ expression. |
Do residual neural processing of musical sound features in adult cochlear implant users? | Auditory processing in general and music perception in particular are hampered in adult cochlear implant (CI) users. To examine the residual music perception skills and their underlying neural correlates in CI users implanted in adolescence or adulthood, we conducted an electrophysiological and behavioral study comparing adult CI users with normal-hearing age-matched controls (NH controls). We used a newly developed musical multi-feature paradigm, which makes it possible to test automatic auditory discrimination of six different types of sound feature changes inserted within a musical enriched setting lasting only 20 min. The presentation of stimuli did not require the participants' attention, allowing the study of the early automatic stage of feature processing in the auditory cortex. For the CI users, we obtained mismatch negativity (MMN) brain responses to five feature changes but not to changes of rhythm, whereas we obtained MMNs for all the feature changes in the NH controls. Furthermore, the MMNs to deviants of pitch of CI users were reduced in amplitude and later than those of NH controls for changes of pitch and guitar timber. No other group differences in MMN parameters were found to changes in intensity and saxophone timber. Furthermore, the MMNs in CI users reflected the behavioral scores from a respective discrimination task and were correlated with patients' age and speech intelligibility. Our results suggest that even though CI users are not performing at the same level as NH controls in neural discrimination of pitch-based features, they do possess potential neural abilities for music processing. However, CI users showed a disrupted ability to automatically discriminate rhythmic changes compared with controls. The current behavioral and MMN findings highlight the residual neural skills for music processing even in CI users who have been implanted in adolescence or adulthood. | Insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 is associated with tumorigenesis; its levels are elevated in several human cancers. IRS-1 protein binds to several oncogene proteins. Oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are involved in the initiation and progression of cancers. Cancer cells produce greater levels of ROS than normal cells do because of increased metabolic stresses. However, excessive production of ROS kills cancer cells. Autophagy usually serves as a survival mechanism in response to stress conditions, but excessive induction of autophagy results in cell death. In addition to inducing necrosis and apoptosis, ROS induces autophagic cell death. ROS inactivates IRS-1 mediated signaling and reduces intracellular IRS-1 concentrations. Thus, there is a complex relationship between IRS-1, ROS, autophagy, and cancer. It is not fully understood how cancer cells grow rapidly and survive in the presence of high ROS levels. In this study, we established mouse NIH/3T3 cells that overexpressed IRS-1, so mimicking cancers with increased IRS-1 expression levels; we found that the IRS-1 overexpressing cells grow more rapidly than control cells do. Treatment of cells with glucose oxidase (GO) provided a continuous source of ROS; low dosages of GO promoted cell growth, while high doses induced cell death. Evidence for GO induced autophagy includes increased levels of isoform B-II microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3), aggregation of green fluorescence protein-tagged LC3, and increased numbers of autophagic vacuoles in cells. Overexpression of IRS-1 resulted in inhibition of basal autophagy, and reduced oxidative stress-induced autophagy and cell death. ROS decreased the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)/p70 ribosomal protein S6 kinase signaling, while overexpression of IRS-1 attenuated this inhibition. Knockdown of autophagy-related gene 5 inhibited basal autophagy and diminished oxidative stress-induced autophagy and cell death. |
Do [ Influence of bicortical anchorage on the natural frequencies of dental implant ]? | To investigate the influences of bicortical anchorage on values of natural frequencies of dental implants utilizing the 3-dimensional finite element analysis. Using the commercial code of Solidworks, 3-D models of a screw-shaped dental implant and a mandibular bone segment were generated. After the 3-D implant-bone complex was meshed by ABAQUS software, effects of bicortical anchorage on the buccolingual and axial first-order natural frequencies of the implant were computed. Bicortical anchorage increased both the buccolingual and axial natural frequencies remarkably. As the bicortical anchorage got deeper, the frequencies correspondingly got higher. | The serotonin release assay (SRA) is considered the gold standard laboratory test for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). The historic SRA method uses platelets loaded with radiolabeled serotonin to evaluate platelet activation by HIT immune complexes. However, a nonradioactive method is desirable. We report the performance characteristics of a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) SRA method. We validated the performance characteristics of an HPLC-SRA method, including correlation with a reference laboratory using the radioactive method. Serotonin released from reagent platelets was quantified by HPLC using fluorescent detection. Results were expressed as % release and classified as positive, negative, or indeterminate based on previously published cutoffs. Serum samples from 250 subjects with suspected HIT were tested in the HPLC-SRA and with the radioactive method. Concordant classifications were observed in 230 samples (92%). Sera from 41 healthy individuals tested negative. Between-run imprecision studies showed standard deviation of <6 (% release) for positive, weak positive, and negative serum pools. Stability studies demonstrated stability after two freeze-thaw cycles or up to a week of refrigeration. |
Does [ Icariin reduce mitochondrial oxidative stress injury in diabetic rat hearts ]? | To investigate the effects of icariin on cardiac functions and mitochondrial oxidative stress in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. Male SD rats were randomly divided into normal control group, icariin control group, diabetic group, and diabetic groups administered with a low dose (30 mL x kg(-1) x d(-1), ig) or a high dose (120 mL x kg(-1) d(-1), ig) of icariin for 8 weeks. The body weight, blood glucose, cardiac functions, left ventricular weight, and myocardial collagen level were assayed. The cardiac mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) level, malondialdehyde (MDA) level, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity were measured. Treatment with icariin reduced the losing of body weight in diabetic rats. Icariin markedly reduced the ratio of ventricular weight and body weight, increased the left ventricular develop pressure and +/- dp/dt(max), and decreased the left ventricular end diastolic pressure in diabetic rats. The myocardial collagen and the level of cardiac mitochondrial ROS in diabetic rats were all markedly reduced by icariin. Furthermore, high dose of icariin significantly decreased the mitochondrial MDA level and increased SOD activity in diabetic rat hearts. | We aimed to better discriminate metastasized (lymphogen/occult/both combined) from non-metastasized seminoma based on post-transcriptional changes examined in the peripheral blood. Total RNAs including small RNAs were isolated from the peripheral blood of patients suffering from metastasized testicular tumours (lymphogen, n = 5, clinical stage IIb/c; occult, n = 5, clinical stage I) and non-metastasized patients (n = 5, clinical stage I). Small RNA next generation sequencing (SOLID, Life Technologies) was employed to examine post-transcriptional changes. We searched for small RNAs showing at least 50 reads and a significant ≥ 2-fold difference using peripheral blood small RNAs of non-metastasized tumours as the reference group. Candidate small RNAs were examined in univariate logistic regression analysis and combinations of two small RNAs were further examined using support vector machines. On average 1.3 x 10(7), 1.2 x 10(7) and 1.2 x 10(7) small RNA reads were detectable in non-metastasized, lymphogen and occult metastasized seminoma, respectively of which 73-76% remained after trimming. From these between 80-82% represented annotated reads and 7.2-7.8% (1.6-1.7 x 10(4)) were annotated small RNA tags. Of them 137 small RNAs showed > 50 reads and a ≥ two-fold difference to the reference. In univariate analysis we detected 33-35 different small RNAs which significantly discriminated lymphogen/occult/combined metastasized from non-metastasized seminoma and among these different comparisons it were the same small RNAs in 44-79%. Many combinations of two of these small RNAs completely discriminated metastasized from non-metastasized seminoma irrespective of the metastasis subtype. |
Are higher levels of physical activity associated with a lower risk of abnormal glucose tolerance in renal transplant recipients? | We investigated and compared diets and physical activity levels of renal transplant recipients (RTRs) with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) and abnormal glucose tolerance (AGT), and we identified clinical risk factors for AGT. This study was cross-sectional and observational. This study took place in a hospital's renal outpatient department. Patients included adult RTRs with NGT and AGT. All patients were assessed regarding age, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist/hip ratio (WHR), percent body fat (measured using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry), dietary intake (3-day diet diary), and physical activity (PA) levels (total minutes/week, using the Physical Activity Statewide Questionnaire). The RTRs with AGT (n = 47) were significantly more obese (P = .04) and more centrally obese (P = .05) than RTRs with NGT (n = 35). The mean self-reported dietary macronutrient and energy intake was not significantly different between groups. However, the total amount of PA (median) was significantly lower in RTRs with AGT versus RTRs with NGT (255 [median, range 0 to 1940] versus 580 [median, 75 to 1095] minutes/week, respectively, P = .03), particularly in female RTRs (P = .007). After logistic regression analysis, total PA was identified as an independent predictor of AGT in all RTRs (beta = 0.940, R(2) = 0.090, P = .04). Percent body fat according to dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry was inversely associated with a high level of PA (>300 minutes/week) (beta = 0.906, R(2) = 0.211, P = .003). | To investigate the effects of dexamethasone (DEX) on pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) cDNA and secreted protein in human trabecular meshwork (TM). Anterior segment organ cultures were perfused with 0.1 microM DEX (OD) and vehicle (OS). Primary human TM cells (HTM) were treated with DEX under similar conditions. PEDF mRNA and secreted PEDF protein were quantitated by RT-PCR and Western blot. PEDF mRNA and secreted PEDF protein levels were significantly higher in DEX over vehicle-treated cultures. In contrast, DEX decreased the activity of a 92-kDa gelatinolytic zymogen in organ culture effluents. |
Does immunohistochemical analysis of molecular drivers in melanoma identify p16 as an independent prognostic biomarker? | To perform immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of molecular drivers related to the development and maintenance of melanoma and to assess their value as diagnostic and prognostic melanoma biomarkers in routine clinical practice. Tissue microarrays constructed from a cohort of primary melanomas (n=355), benign naevi (n=37) and melanoma metastases (n=14) were evaluated for IHC expression of c-KIT, BRAF(V600E), MITF, p16, p53 and PTEN, as well as for pERK, a surrogate marker for mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway activation. The results were correlated with clinicopathological parameters and clinical outcome. Absent p16 expression and reduced MITF expression were both associated with the adverse prognostic markers ulceration (p=0.009 and p<0.0001, respectively), advanced tumour stage (p<0.0001 and p=0.001, respectively) and higher Breslow thickness (both p<0.0001), as well as with an adverse overall relapse-free survival (p<0.0001 and p=0.003, respectively). Absence of p16 expression predicted overall relapse-free (p=0.02) and distant metastasis-free (p=0.04) survival, independently of Breslow thickness, ulceration and tumour stage. | Estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptive (OC) use is associated with abnormal lipid metabolism, impaired glucose tolerance and high prevalence of vascular complications. OC use has been shown to alter the requirements for folic acid. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to clarify the influence of dietary folic acid on OC-induced impaired glucose tolerance and abnormal plasma lipid profile in female Sprague-Dawley rats. Vehicle-treated and OC-treated rats were fed for 6 weeks with a control diet (750mug folic acid/kg diet) while OC-treated folic acid deficient (FD) rats were fed for 6 weeks with a folic acid-deficient diet (250mug folic acid/kg diet). OC receiving rats were treated with a combination of OC steroids (ethinyl estradiol and norgestrel) by oral gavage. OC treatment resulted in rats receiving folic acid deficient diet in impaired glucose tolerance, decreased high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol and increased low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol when compared with control rats. However, OC treatment did not result in impaired glucose tolerance or disturbed plasma lipid profile in rats receiving the same folic acid level as the controls. OC treatment led to significant decreases in plasma levels of 17beta-estradiol and testosterone in both groups. OC administration in rats with folic acid deficient diet significantly lower HDL-cholesterol and higher LDL-cholesterol levels while plasma levels of 17beta-estradiol and testosterone were similar in both OC-treated groups. |
Is conventional MRI inadequate to delineate the relationship between the red nucleus and subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson 's disease? | An understanding of the relationships between the anterior commissure-posterior commissure line (AC-PC), the subthalamic nucleus (STN), and red nucleus (RN) is imperative if these structures are to be used for targeting in deep brain stimulation. Currently, these relationships are incompletely understood and difficult to assess using conventional MRI. We examined the location and relationships of the STN and the RN to the AC-PC line and to each other in order to provide a greater understanding of their utility when targeting the STN, and the consistency of these anatomic relationships when examined using conventional MRI. A total of 52 STN and RN in 26 patients with Parkinson's disease were evaluated on T2-weighted MR images. The anterior and posterior commissures and the border coordinates of the STN and RN were derived using frame coordinates. The distances from the midcommissural point (mcp) to the centers of the STN and RN, the diameters for each nucleus, and the distances between the nuclei were calculated in the x-, y-, and z-axes. The mean AC-PC length was 26.1 +/- 1.3 mm. The distance from the mcp to the center of the STN was 10 +/- 0.7 mm in the x-axis, 0.2 +/- 0.7 mm in the y-axis, and 3.3 +/- 0.9 mm in the z-axis. The distance from the mcp to the center of the RN was 4.7 +/- 0.6 mm in the x-axis, -5.9 +/- 1.0 mm in the y-axis, and 6.1 +/- 1.3 mm in the z-axis. The distance between the STN and RN was 2.3 +/- 0.7 mm in the x-axis, 2.1 +/- 1.0 mm in the y-axis, and -0.2 +/- 1.3 mm in the z-axis. | Acute Renal Failure (ARF) in patients with cirrhosis is one of the most frequently encountered complications of obstructive jaundice. Marine organisms from the Mediterranean Coast of Egypt are considered potential sources of bioactive molecules. The present study was undertaken to explore the curative effects of Holothuria arenicola extract (HaE) against renal injury induced by bile duct ligation in male albino rats. Fifty four male Wistar albino rats were assigned into two main groups, the Sham-operated control (received distilled water only for 28 days) and bile duct ligated (BDL) group, which divided into 2 subgroups, animals of these subgroups treated for 28 consecutive days as follow: Subgroup I (BDL), rats of this subgroup administered distilled water orally. Subgroup II, animals of this subgroup treated orally with HaE (200 mg/kg body weight). BDL induced marked alteration on renal functions as manifested by a significant increase in the kidney function markers, serum creatinine, urea and uric acid. In addition, BDL caused significant increase in MDA level and significant decrease in GSH level as well as antioxidant enzymes activities (GST, SOD and CAT). However, administration of HaE for consecutive 28 days significantly reversed these changes, suggesting that the renal curative effect of HaE against oxidative stress- induced injury might be involved in decreasing lipid peroxide generation and stimulating antioxidant status. |
Does neither arm nor face warming reduce the shivering threshold in unanesthetized humans? | Hand warming and face warming, combined with inhalation of heated air, are reported to suppress shivering. However, hand or face temperature contributes only a few percent to control of shivering. Thus, it seems unlikely that manipulating hand or facial skin temperature alone would be sufficient to permit induction of therapeutic hypothermia. We tested the hypothesis that focal arm (forearm and hand) warming or lower facial warming, combined with inhalation of heated and humidified gas, only minimally reduces the shivering threshold (triggering core temperature). We studied 8 healthy male volunteers (18 to 40 years of age) on 3 days: (1) control (no warming), (2) arm warming with forced air at approximately 43 degrees C, and (3) face warming with 21 L/min of air at approximately 42 degrees C at a relative humidity of 100%. Fluid at approximately 4 degrees C was infused via a central venous catheter to decrease tympanic membrane temperature 1 degrees C/h to 2 degrees C/h; mean skin temperature was maintained at 31 degrees C. A sustained increase in oxygen consumption quantified the shivering threshold. Shivering thresholds did not differ significantly between the control (36.7+/-0.1 degrees C), arm-warming (36.5+/-0.3 degrees C), or face-warming (36.5+/-0.3 degrees C; analysis of variance, P=0.34) day. The study was powered to have a 95% probability of detecting a difference of 0.5+/-0.5 degrees C (mean+/-SD) between control and either of the 2 treatments at alpha=0.05. | Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common malignancies worldwide, and it is still lacking effective prognostic biomarkers so far. Previous results of the iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomics study (iTRAQ-2DLC-MS/MS) have shown that α-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR) might be a promising prognostic biomarker for the early recurrence/metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Here a large-scale cohort clinical study was performed to evaluate its prognostic potential. HCC samples from patients (n=158) were used for the construction of tissue microarray. The expression level of AMACR was determined by immunohistochemical staining. A large-scale cohort clinical study between the expression of AMACR and some major clinical parameter has been performed to assess the prognostic potential of AMACR for the early recurrence/metastasis of HCC. Some important clinical parameters such as α-fetoprotein, tumour numbers, dissemination to regional lymph nodes, tumour capsule and portal vein tumour thrombosis are significantly associated with the low expression of AMACR. The expression of AMACR was an independent factor for the survival of patients with HCC. The median survival time was 17 months in the low-expression group compared with 45 months in the high-expression group. |
Does ropivacaine attenuate pulmonary vasoconstriction induced by thromboxane A2 analogue in the isolated perfused rat lung? | Thromboxane A2 (TXA2) activation is involved in several pathophysiological states in producing pulmonary hypertension. Local anesthetics (LA) inhibit signaling of TXA2 receptors expressed in cell models. Therefore, we hypothesized that LA may inhibit pulmonary vasoconstriction induced by the TXA2 analogue U 46619 in an isolated lung model. Isolated rat lungs were perfused with physiological saline solution and autologous blood with or without the LA lidocaine, bupivacaine, ropivacaine, or the permanently charged lidocaine analogue QX 314 (all 1 microg/mL) as a pretreatment. Subsequently, pulmonary vasoconstriction was induced by 3 concentrations of U 46619 (25, 50, and 100 ng/mL) and the change in pulmonary artery pressure (Pa) was compared with each LA. In a second experiment, Pa responses to angiotensin II (0.1 microg), hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV, 3% O2 for 10 minutes), or phenylephrine (0.1 microg) were assessed to determine the specificity of ropivacaine effects on TXA2 receptors. Finally, reversibility of pulmonary vasoconstriction was determined by adding ropivacaine to the perfusate after pulmonary vasoconstriction was established with U 46619. Ropivacaine, but not bupivacaine, lidocaine, or QX 314 significantly attenuated pulmonary vasoconstriction induced by 50 ng/mL U 46619 (35.9%, P<.003) or 100 ng/mL U 46619 (45.2%, P<.001). This effect of ropivacaine was likely to be specific for the thromboxane receptor because pulmonary vasoconstriction induced by angiotensin II, HPV, or phenylephrine was not altered. Ropivacaine did not reverse vasoconstriction when it was administered after U 46619. | This study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that specific meal and snack patterns are associated with selected nutrient intakes in US adults. Using the 24-hour dietary recall from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, meal and snack patterns were described in relation to nutrient intakes. The study included US adults aged 20 years or older (n=15,978). All statistical analyses accounted for the survey design and sample weights. Linear regression analyses controlled for confounding factors, including energy intakes. Wald F tests were used for determination of significance between means of nutrient intakes by daily eating frequency or meal pattern groups. Daily eating frequency was positively related to carbohydrate, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, and fiber intakes and inversely related to protein, total fat, cholesterol, and sodium intakes. Meal patterns were further categorized into the five most commonly reported meal and snack combinations by population percentages including breakfast (B), lunch (L), dinner (D), and > or =2 snacks (S) (31.6%); B, L, D and 1 S (15.4%); B, D and > or =2 S (13.1%); B, L, D (8.3%); and L, D and > or =2 S (7.6%). Groups reporting B, L, D and 1 S and B, L, D and > or =2 S had the highest intakes of all micronutrients examined except cholesterol, vitamin B-6, and sodium. Breakfast skippers (L, D and > or =2 S) had the lowest intakes of all micronutrients examined except sodium. |
Is apolipoprotein E epsilon 2 associated with new hemorrhage risk in brain arteriovenous malformations? | Patients with brain arteriovenous malformation (AVM) are at life-threatening risk of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). Identification of genetic variants associated with increased new ICH risk would facilitate risk stratification and guide therapeutic intervention. Brain AVM patients evaluated at University of California, San Francisco or Kaiser Permanente Northern California were followed longitudinally. Primary outcome was new ICH after diagnosis; censoring events were any AVM treatment or last follow-up examination. The association of ApoE epsilon2 and epsilon4 genotype with new ICH was evaluated by Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and further characterized via a Cox proportional hazards model. We genotyped 284 brain AVM patients (50% women; 57% Caucasian; median follow-up time, 0.3 yr) including 18 patients with a history of new ICH). ApoE epsilon2, but not ApoE epsilon4 genotype, was associated with new ICH (P = 0.0052). ApoE epsilon2 carriers had fivefold increased risk of new ICH (hazard ratio, 5.09; 95% confidence interval, 1.46-17.7; P = 0.010; Cox proportional hazards model adjusting for race/ethnicity and clinical presentation). Subset analysis in the largest homogenous ethnic subcohort (Caucasians) confirmed the increased risk of new ICH in ApoE epsilon2 carriers (hazard ratio, 8.71; 95% confidence interval, 1.4-53.9; P = 0.020; multivariate model adjusting for clinical presentation). | Tecomella undulata (TU;` Family Bignoniaceae) is used in Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine for treating various diseases including hepatic ailments. It is also incorporated in various marketed hepatoprotective polyherbal formulations. The present study was aimed at evaluating possible hepatoprotective role of isolated compounds from TU stem bark (TSB) using in vitro and in vivo experimental models. In vitro cytotoxicity and hepatoprotective potential of various extract, fractions and isolated compounds from TU stem bark were evaluated using HepG2 cells. Rats were pre-treated with TU methanolic extract (TSB-7) or betulinic acid (MS-2) or silymarin for 7 days followed by a single dose of CCl(4) (0.5 ml/kg, i.p.). Plasma markers of hepatic damage, hepatic antioxidants and indices of lipid peroxidation along with microscopic evaluation of liver were assessed in control and treatment groups. TSB-2 and MS-1 accounted for significant cell death whereas; TSB-1, TBS-7, TSB-9, TSB-10 and, MS-2 did not register significant cytotoxicity. Further, non-cytotoxic components exhibited ascending grade of hepatoprotection in vitro (TSB-10<TSB-1<TSB-7<TSB-9<MS-2). Pre-treatment of TSB-7 or MS-2 to CCl(4) treated rats prevented hepatocyte damage as evidenced by biochemical and histopathological observations. |
Do sFRP1 and SFRP2 suppress the transformation and invasion abilities of cervical cancer cells through Wnt signal pathway? | Aberrant activation of the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway is common in human cancers, including cervical cancer. The secreted frizzled-related proteins (SFRPs) function as Wnt antagonists and play important implications in carcinogenesis. Recently, we have shown that SFRP1 and SFRP2 are frequently downregulated through promoter hypermethylation. However, the function of SFRP1 and SFRP2 in cervical cancer remains unclear. To improve our understanding of the role of SFRP1 and SFRP2 in cervical cancer cells, we use overexpression or shRNA approach in cervical cancer cell lines. Restoration of the expression of SFRP1 and SFRP2 attenuated Wnt signaling in CaSki cells, decreased abnormal accumulation of free beta-catenin in the nucleus, and suppressed cancer cell growth. In addition, different statuses of beta-catenin accumulation in the cytoplasm of CaSki or HeLa3rd cells were observed, suggesting that different Wnt pathways are executed. Furthermore, we demonstrated that SFRP1 and SFRP2 enhance the expression of the epithelial marker E-cadherin, through inhibition of the expression of SLUG, TWIST and SNAIL, three transcription factors involved in the epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) program. Finally, in a xenograft animal model, we showed that SFRP1 suppresses tumorigenicity of cancer cells in vivo. | To examine the effects of adenosine and A1 receptor activation on reperfusion-induced small intestinal injury. Rats were randomized into groups with sham operation, ischemia and reperfusion, and systemic treatments with either adenosine or 2-chloro-N(6)-cyclopentyladenosine, A1 receptor agonist or 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine, A1 receptor antagonist, plus adenosine before ischemia. Following reperfusion, contractions of ileum segments in response to KCl, carbachol and substance P were recorded. Tissue myeloperoxidase, malondialdehyde, and reduced glutathione levels were measured. Ischemia significantly decreased both contraction and reduced glutathione level which were ameliorated by adenosine and agonist administration. Treatment also decreased neutrophil infiltration and membrane lipid peroxidation. Beneficial effects of adenosine were abolished by pretreatment with A1 receptor antagonist. |
Is genetic variant in MTRR , but not MTR , associated with risk of congenital heart disease : an integrated meta-analysis? | Congenital heart disease (CHD) is one of the most common birth defects and the leading cause of deaths among individuals with congenital structural abnormalities worldwide. Both Methionine synthase reductase (MTRR) and Methionine synthase (MTR) are key enzymes involved in the metabolic pathway of homocysteine, which are significant in the earlier period embryogenesis, particularly in the cardiac development. Evidence is mounting for the association between MTRR A66G (rs1801394)/MTR A2756G (rs1805087) and the CHD risk, but results are controversial. Therefore, we conducted a meta-analysis integrating case-control and transmitted disequilibrium test (TDT) studies to obtain more precise estimate of the associations of these two variants with the CHD risk. To combine case-control and TDT studies, we used the Catmap package of R software to calculate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). A total of 9 reports were included in the final meta-analysis. Eight of them comprised of 914 cases, 964 controls, and 441 families that were germane to MTRR A66G polymorphism; and 4 reports comprised of 250 cases, 205 controls, and 53 families that were relevant to MTR A2756G polymorphism. The pooled OR for the MTRR 66 G allele versus A allele was 1.35 (95% CI = 1.14-1.59, P<0.001, Pheterogeneity = 0.073). For MTR A2756G, the G allele conferred a pooled OR of 1.10 (95% CI = 0.78-1.57, P = 0.597, Pheterogeneity = 0.173) compared with the A allele. Sensitivity analyses were carried out to asses the effects of each individual study on the pooled OR, indicating the stability of the outcome. Moreover, positive results were also obtained in all subgroups stratified by study type and ethnicity except the subgroup of TDT studies in MTRR A66G variant. | Investigate whether ankle joint mobilization (AJM) decreases hypersensitivity in the mouse plantar incision (PI) model of postoperative pain as well as to analyze the possible mechanisms involved in this effect. Experiment 1: PI male Swiss mice (25-35 g, N = eight animals per group) were subjected to five sessions of AJM, each lasting either 9 or 3 minutes. AJM movement was applied at a grade III as defined by Maitland. Paw withdrawal frequency to mechanical stimuli was assessed before realization of PI and before and after daily AJM sessions. Mechanical hypersensitivity was also assessed following systemic (intraperitoneal [i.p.]) and local (intraplantar) injection of naloxone (a nonselective opioid receptor antagonist; 1 mg/kg, i.p.; 5 µg/paw, respectively, experiment 2); and systemic injection of fucoidin (100 µg/mouse, i.p., an inhibitor of leukocyte rolling, experiment 3) in different groups of mice. Nine but not 3 minutes of AJM reduced mechanical hypersensitivity caused by PI, an effect that was prevented by systemic and local administrations of naloxone but not by fucoidin. |
Does platelet P2Y ( 12 ) receptor influence the vessel wall response to arterial injury and thrombosis? | Platelets are believed to play an important role in atherogenesis and the vessel response to vascular injury. The P2Y(12) receptor (P2Y(12)) plays a central role in amplifying platelet aggregation, dense granule and alpha-granule secretion, P-selectin expression, microparticle formation, and procoagulant membrane changes, regardless of the activating stimulus. We hypothesized that P2Y(12) deficiency might reduce the vessel wall response to vascular injury as well as thrombosis in murine vascular injury models. P2Y(12)-deficient (-/-) mice and littermate controls (+/+) were bred on a C57 BL/6 background. In vivo murine models of arterial injury were employed alone and in combination with bone marrow transplantation to investigate the role of P2Y(12) in the vessel wall response to arterial injury and thrombosis. At 21 days after ferric chloride injury, neointima formation in P2Y(12)(-/-) arteries was significantly less than that observed in control strain arteries (P<0.025). In agreement with this, the intima-media ratio was significantly greater in femoral wire-injured arteries from P2Y(12)(+/+) compared with P2Y(12)(-/-) animals (P<0.05). Bone marrow transplantation was used to examine the importance of vessel wall P2Y(12) versus platelet P2Y(12). Analysis of arterial sections from chimeric animals at 21 days after injury revealed a smaller intima-media ratio in -/- to +/+ animals than in the positive (+/+ to +/+) control group (P<0.01). | Insufficient insulin secretion or inefficient insulin response are responsible for the clinical outcome of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Administration of insulin alone is prone to cause secondary effects, resulting in an unsatisfactory outcome. Shen-Qi-Formula (SQF), a well-known Chinese medicinal formula, has been used for diabetic treatment for a long time. The present study was designed to investigate whether SQF in combination with insulin improved the clinical outcome of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and what mechanisms were possibly involved in the treatment. A total of 219 patients were included in the study. Of these, 110 patients were treated with insulin monotherapy, and 109 with the combination therapy of SQF and insulin. Before and after 12-week treatment, the fasting blood glucose, postprandial blood glucose, β-cell function, insulin resistance and blood lipids were measured. The 12 weeks of SQF treatment in combination with insulin significantly decreased the fasting and postprandial blood glucose levels. Insulin secretion was not increased after the treatment, but β-cell function and insulin resistance were obviously improved. Furthermore, 12 weeks of treatment with SQF and insulin improved the levels of glucagon-like peptide-1, oxidative stress, blood lipids, coagulation function and bodyweight. |
Does selenomethionine prevent degeneration induced by overexpression of wild-type human alpha-synuclein during differentiation of neuroblastoma cells? | High levels of wild-type alpha-synuclein are found in autopsied brain samples of idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD), some familial PD, some Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Down's syndrome with dementia. Therefore, we have investigated whether overexpression of wild-type alpha-synuclein causes degeneration during adenosine, 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP)-induced differentiation of murine neuroblastoma (NB) cells in culture. We have also studied whether selenomethionine can modify the effect of overexpression of alpha-synuclein during differentiation of NB cells. To study these issues, we established a murine neuroblastoma (NB) clone (NBP2-PN54-C20) that expressed high levels of wild-type human alpha-synuclein as determined by real time PCR and Western blot. We have utilized RO20-1724, an inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, and prostaglandin A1 (PGA1), a stimulator of adenylate cyclase, or RO20-1724 and dibutyryl cAMP to induce terminal differentiation in over 95% of the cell population by elevating the intracellular levels of cAMP in NB cells. The viability of cells was determined by MTT assay and LDH leakage assay, and the degeneration was documented by photomicrographs. The results showed that overexpression of human wild-type alpha-synuclein decreased viability and increased degenerative changes in comparison to those observed in vector control cells, when differentiation was induced by treatment with RO20-1724 and PGA1, but not with RO20-1724 and dibutyryl cAMP. When selenomethionine was added to NB cells overexpressing alpha-synuclein immediately after the addition of RO20-1724 and PGA1, the viability and degenerative changes were markedly reduced, suggesting the involvement of increased oxidative stress in the mechanism of action of alpha-synuclein. This protective effect was not observed after treatment with sodium selenite or methionine. | Adverse soft-tissue reaction to metal debris (ARMD) continues to be major source of concern in metal-on-metal (MoM) hip replacements. In our earlier study we were able to establish several risk factors for ARMD in patients who had received a small-diameter (<50 mm) Articular Surface Replacement (ASR, DePuy, Warsaw, IN, USA). The aims of the present study were to analyze whether these previously established risk factors also apply to patients who have received a large-headed (>50 mm) ASR™ XL THR. Large-headed ASR total hip replacements were used in 225 operations (196 patients) at our institution. 176 patients (203 hips) attended a screening programme, consisting of a clinical evaluation, whole blood cobalt and chromium measurements, and cross-sectional imaging. Revision surgery was performed on 84 hips (37%) in 75 patients. ARMD was diagnosed in the majority (n = 73 [87%]) of these revisions. Cumulative 8-year survivorship was 52%. The previously established risk factors for ARMD were not applicable. Interestingly, increasing femoral diameter and stem type were identified as independent risk factors for ARMD but reduced cup coverage had no significant association with ARMD. |
Does sulforaphane inhibit invasion via activating ERK1/2 signaling in human glioblastoma U87MG and U373MG cells? | Glioblastoma has highly invasive potential, which might result in poor prognosis and therapeutic failure. Hence, the key we study is to find effective therapies to repress migration and invasion. Sulforaphane (SFN) was demonstrated to inhibit cell growth in a variety of tumors. Here, we will further investigate whether SFN inhibits migration and invasion and find the possible mechanisms in human glioblastoma U87MG and U373MG cells. First, the optimal time and dose of SFN for migration and invasion study were determined via cell viability and cell morphological assay. Further, scratch assay and transwell invasion assay were employed to investigate the effect of SFN on migration and invasion. Meanwhile, Western blots were used to detect the molecular linkage among invasion related proteins phosphorylated ERK1/2, matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and CD44v6. Furthermore, Gelatin zymography was performed to detect the inhibition of MMP-2 activation. In addition, ERK1/2 blocker PD98059 (25 µM) was integrated to find the link between activated ERK1/2 and invasion, MMP-2 and CD44v6. The results showed that SFN (20 µM) remarkably reduced the formation of cell pseudopodia, indicating that SFN might inhibit cell motility. As expected, scratch assay and transwell invasion assay showed that SFN inhibited glioblastoma cell migration and invasion. Western blot and Gelatin zymography showed that SFN phosphorylated ERK1/2 in a sustained way, which contributed to the downregulated MMP-2 expression and activity, and the upregulated CD44v6 expression. These molecular interactions resulted in the inhibition of cell invasion. | To investigate the relationship of thyroid hormones in glucose homeostasis in impaired glucose-tolerant subjects with normal thyroid functions. Cross-sectional analysis was carried out in (n=260) impaired glucose-tolerant (IGT) and normal glucose-tolerant (NGT) subjects. Thyrotropin (TSH), total triiodothyronine (TT₃), total thyroxin (TT₄) free T₃ (fT₃), free T₄ (fT₄), and insulin were assessed by enzyme-linked immunoassays (ELISA). Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and HbA1c were measured by glucose oxidase and low-pressure cation exchange chromatography. Homeostasis model of assessment (HOMA-IR) was employed to assess the level of insulin resistance; fT₃/fT₄ ratio was calculated. Anthropometric measurement and habits were recorded. Marked hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance were observed in IGT subjects. Serum TT₃ and fT₃ levels were significantly low in the IGT as compared to normal glucose-tolerant (NGT) controls. TT₄ and TSH were higher in IGT subjects as compared to control subjects. There was a significant positive correlation of TSH with BMI only in the control group (r=0.351; P<0.05). Correlation of insulin with TT₃, fT₃,and TSH was significant (P<0.05) in IGT subjects. A significant low fT₃/fT₄ ratio was observed in IGT subjects as compared to NGT subjects (P<0.01). In multiple regression analysis, TSH, TT₄ and fT₃ contributed significantly to the variance of fasting insulin and insulin resistance in IGT subjects. |
Does early tracheostomy in trauma patients save time and money? | Patients suffering traumatic brain and chest wall injuries are often difficult to liberate from the ventilator yet best timing of tracheostomy remains ill-defined. While prior studies have addressed early versus late tracheostomy, they generally suffer from the use of historical controls, which cannot account for variations in management over time. Propensity scoring can be utilized to identify controls from the same patient population, minimizing impact of confounding variables. The purpose of this study was to determine outcomes associated with early versus late tracheostomy by application of propensity scoring. Patients requiring intubation within 48h and receiving tracheostomy from January 2010 to June 2012 were identified. Early tracheostomy (ET) was a tracheostomy performed by the fifth hospital day. ET patients were matched to late tracheostomy patients (LT, tracheostomy after day 5) using propensity scoring and compared for multiple outcomes. Cost for services was calculated using average daily billing rates at our institution. One hundred and six patients were included, 53 each in the ET (mean day tracheostomy=4) and the LT (mean day tracheostomy=10) cohorts. The average age was 47 years and 94% suffered blunt injury, with an average NISS of 23.7. Patients in the ET group had significantly shorter TICU LOS (21.4 days vs. 28.6 days, p<0.0001) and significantly fewer ventilator days (16.7 days vs. 21.9, p<0.0001) compared to the LT group. ET patients also had significantly less VAP (34% vs. 64.2%, p=0.0019). | Insulin (INS) resistance associated with hyperestrogenemias occurs in gestational diabetes mellitus, polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, estrogen therapies, metabolic syndrome, and obesity. The mechanism by which INS and estrogen interact is unknown. We hypothesize that estrogen binds directly to INS and the insulin receptor (IR) producing INS resistance. To determine the binding constants of steroid hormones to INS, the IR, and INS-like peptides derived from the IR; and to investigate the effect of estrogens on the binding of INS to its receptor. Ultraviolet spectroscopy, capillary electrophoresis, and NMR demonstrated estrogen binding to INS and its receptor. Horse-radish peroxidase-linked INS was used in an ELISA-like procedure to measure the effect of estradiol on binding of INS to its receptor. Binding constants for estrogens to INS and the IR were determined by concentration-dependent spectral shifts. The effect of estradiol on INS binding to its receptor was determined by shifts in the INS binding curve. Estradiol bound to INS with a K d of 12 × 10(-9) M and to the IR with a K d of 24 × 10(-9) M, while other hormones had significantly less affinity. Twenty-two nanomolars of estradiol shifted the binding curve of INS to its receptor 0.8 log units to the right. |
Do adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes display a high prevalence of endothelial dysfunction? | Little is known about endothelial function in adolescents with type 1 diabetes, and we evaluated endothelial dysfunction, using reactive hyperaemia peripheral arterial tonometry (RH-PAT). This prospective, observational, 1-year study focused on 73 adolescents with type 1 diabetes, using multiple daily injections or continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion. The subjects were assessed using RH-PAT, body mass index, blood pressure, fasting lipid profile, glycated haemoglobin, insulin requirements and hours of physical exercise per week. Endothelial dysfunction was observed in 56 patients (76.7%), with lower mean RH-PAT scores (1.26 ± 0.22 versus 2.24 ± 0.48, p < 0.0001) and higher glycated haemoglobin values at baseline (8.27 ± 1.24% versus 7.37 ± 0.54%, p = 0.006) and as a mean of the whole period since diagnosis (8.25 ± 1.22% versus 7.72 ± 0.82%, p = 0.034). A higher percentage of patients with endothelial dysfunction showed abnormal cardiac autonomic tests (p = 0.02) and were more sedentary, exercising <4 hours a week, than patients with normal endothelial function. After follow-up in 64/73 patients, we observed endothelial dysfunction in 81.8% of patients, despite a modest improvement in glycated haemoglobin. | Genomic islands are regions of bacterial genomes that have been acquired by horizontal transfer and often contain blocks of genes that function together for specific processes. Recently, it has become clear that the impact of genomic islands on the evolution of different bacterial species is significant and represents a major force in establishing bacterial genomic variation. However, the study of genomic island evolution has been mostly performed at the sequence level using computer software or hybridization analysis to compare different bacterial genomic sequences. We describe here a novel experimental approach to study the evolution of species-specific bacterial genomic islands that identifies island genes that have evolved in such a way that they are differentially-expressed depending on the bacterial host background into which they are transferred. We demonstrate this approach by using a "test" genomic island that we have cloned from the Salmonella typhimurium genome (island 4305) and transferred to a range of Gram negative bacterial hosts of differing evolutionary relationships to S. typhimurium. Systematic analysis of the expression of the island genes in the different hosts compared to proper controls allowed identification of genes with genera-specific expression patterns. The data from the analysis can be arranged in a matrix to give an expression "array" of the island genes in the different bacterial backgrounds. A conserved 19-bp DNA site was found upstream of at least two of the differentially-expressed island genes. To our knowledge, this is the first systematic analysis of horizontally-transferred genomic island gene expression in a broad range of Gram negative hosts. We also present evidence in this study that the IS200 element found in island 4305 in S. typhimurium strain LT2 was inserted after the island had already been acquired by the S. typhimurium lineage and that this element is likely not involved in the integration or excision of island 4305. |
Are ornithine decarboxylase activity and its gene expression increased in benign hyperplastic prostate? | Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) is the first key enzyme in the polyamine biosynthesis pathway. Polyamine is believed to participate in cellular proliferation and differentiation. To study the relationship between ODC and the pathogenesis of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), the polyamine levels, ODC activities, and expression of ODC mRNA in benign hyperplastic and normal human prostates were assayed. Polyamine contents and ODC activities in tissue extracts were determined by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and spectrophotometric procedures, respectively. The ODC mRNA levels were assayed by Northern blot analysis. The contents of putrescine, spermidine, and spermine in BPH tissues were 2.2, 3.4, and 6.0 times higher than those in normal tissues, respectively; the ODC activity of BPH tissue was about 3.2 times higher than in normal tissue; the expression level of ODC mRNA in the BPH tissues was greater than that of normal tissues. | A gastric tube is commonly used in thoracic esophageal reconstruction. When a gastric tube is not available, pedicled jejunum transfer and colonic interposition are alternative methods. Oral end of the reconstructed esophagus occasionally has poor blood flow and may result in partial necrosis of the oral segment. We performed additional microvascular blood flow augmentation, the "supercharge" technique, to improve a blood flow circulation in the oral segment of the reconstructed esophagus. A series of 86 esophageal reconstructions with microvascular blood flow augmentation using the "supercharge" technique were performed. Reconstructive methods included a gastric tube in five patients, a gastric tube combined with a free jejunual graft in one, an elongated gastric tube in eight, a pedicled colonic interposition in 22, and a pedicled jejunum in 50. Recipient vessels were used in neck or chest region. The color and blood flow of the transferred intestine appeared greatly improved after microvascular blood flow augmentation. Thrombosis was noticed in three patients during the surgery, and all thrombosies were salvaged by re-anastomosis. There were only three patients with partial graft necrosis of oral segment, two patients with anastomotic leakage, one anastomotic stricture. |
Does wogonin modulate hydroperoxide-induced apoptosis via PI3K/Akt pathway in retinal pigment epithelium cells? | Oxidative stress causes the defects of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells that contribute to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This study was conducted to determine whether wogonin could prevent H2O2-induced oxidative stress in RPE cells. A RPE cell line, ARPE-19, was obtained for the cell model. ARPE-19 cells were pre-treated with various concentrations of wogonin for 24 h before being exposed to H2O2 for 2 h to induce oxidative stress. Cell metabolic activity was measured using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Cellular apoptosis was quantified by the flow cytometry. Protein level was assed by western blot. The RPE cells exposed to to 200 mM H2O2 demonstrated a significant depression in the cell viability; whereas pre-treatment with 50 and 100 mmol/l wogonin could significantly improve the cell viability in a dose-dependent manner. The proportion of PI-positive cells was increased significantly in RPE cells treated with H2O2 alone; whereas pretreatment with 100 mM wogonin significantly reduced H2O2 -induced RPE cell death rate. In protein level, the wogonin use could reduce the level of p-Akt significantly and this is the possible mechanism of the antioxidant effect of wogonin. | Anthrax is a rare disease in humans but elicits great public fear because of its past use as an agent of bioterrorism. Injectional anthrax has been occurring sporadically for more than ten years in heroin consumers across multiple European countries and this outbreak has been difficult to trace back to a source. We took a molecular epidemiological approach in understanding this disease outbreak, including whole genome sequencing of Bacillus anthracis isolates from the anthrax victims. We also screened two large strain repositories for closely related strains to provide context to the outbreak. Analyzing 60 Bacillus anthracis isolates associated with injectional anthrax cases and closely related reference strains, we identified 1071 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). The synapomorphic SNPs (350) were used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships, infer likely epidemiological sources and explore the dynamics of evolving pathogen populations. Injectional anthrax genomes separated into two tight clusters: one group was exclusively associated with the 2009-10 outbreak and located primarily in Scotland, whereas the second comprised more recent (2012-13) cases but also a single Norwegian case from 2000. |
Is serum human trefoil factor 3 a biomarker for mucosal healing in ulcerative colitis patients with minimal disease activity? | The goals of treating ulcerative colitis (UC) have shifted from clinical remission to mucosal healing. Non-invasive biomarkers are required to assess mucosal healing as endoscopic assessment is inconvenient for patients. Enhanced expression of trefoil factor 3 (TFF3, a mucin-associated peptide) is observed after injury of the gastrointestinal tract. The present study was designed to evaluate TFF3 as a biomarker of mucosal healing in patients with UC. This cross-sectional study included consecutive patients with UC (18-65 years old, disease duration >3 months, either left-sided colitis or pancolitis) who had a Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index (SCCAI) <6. Colonoscopy was done to assess the presence or absence of mucosal healing (defined using the Baron score) in all patients. Serum level of TFF3 was assessed in all patients and 20 healthy controls. Seventy-four patients were included [mean age 37.2±10.9 years, 47 males, median disease duration 4.8 years (IQR 3-8.3), median SCCAI = 0] in the study. Forty-three patients had mucosal healing (Baron score 0 or 1) and 31 did not (Baron score 2 or 3). Median TFF3 level in patients without mucosal healing was significantly higher than that in patients with mucosal healing [1.5 (IQR 1.2-1.9) vs 1.1 (IQR 0.8-1.3) ng/ml, p = 0.01] and healthy controls [0.85 (IQR 0.7-1.2) ng/ml, p < 0.001]. A serum TFF3 level of <1.27 ng/ml (as determined by the receiver operating characteristic curve; area under the curve 0.73) had sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of 70, 68, 75 and 62%, respectively, for identifying patients with mucosal healing. | High levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) appear to be associated with a reduced risk of fatal cardiovascular disease (CVD) in men. We examined the association between baseline DHEAS levels and the 19-year CVD and ischemic heart disease (IHD) mortality rates in 942 postmenopausal women free of known heart disease at baseline. The 199 CVD deaths and 102 IHD deaths were not related to baseline DHEAS levels. DHEAS was not related to body mass index, fasting plasma glucose, or family history of coronary heart disease, but significantly higher DHEAS levels were found in women who had elevated total or HDL cholesterol or blood pressure, were current smokers, or were nonusers of estrogen replacement therapy. After we adjusted for age, cholesterol, blood pressure, smoking, estrogen replacement therapy, obesity, fasting plasma glucose, and family history of heart disease, the relative risk of fatal CVD and IHD was 1.11 (95% confidence interval, 0.81 to 1.23) and 0.92 (95% confidence interval, 0.85 to 1.17), respectively, for a 50-microgram/dL decrease in DHEAS. |
Are hyaluronan oligosaccharides potential stimulators to angiogenesis via RHAMM mediated signal pathway in wound healing? | To determine if oligosaccharides of hyaluronan (o-HA) promotes wound recovery by accelerating angiogenesis and to study the mechanisms by which o-HA stimulates endothelial cell (EC) proliferation. Using hyaluronidase digestion, we prepared a mixture of hyaluronan (HA) fragments sizesd 2 to 10 disaccharides units, and studied their effects on EC growth and migration in mimicking wound recovery in vitro. The effects of o-HA on EC growth in vitro were studied by counting cell numbers. The roles of 2 hyaluronan receptors on EC cells, CD44 and RHAMM (Receptor for HA-Mediated Motility), were studied in initiating signaling cascades, using immunoblot assay. Signal transduction was determined by blocking antibodies to CD44 and RHAMM. An in vitro wound healing model was prepared by scratching the cellular layer of cultured EC, and movement of cells into the denuded area was quantified. o-HA was a strong stimulator to EC proliferation at low concentration 10microg/ml compared with native high molecular weight HA (n-HA) (P < 0.01). Signal transduction may be initiated by o-HA via RHAMM receptor on EC membrane, but not CD44. In the in vitro model, the lesion area was nearly completely recovered when the EC layer was exposed to o-HA 40hrs post-injury, whereas the wound area remained half recovered pretreated with native undegraded large HA and control medium.(P < 0.05 from 24 to 40hrs). | Cannulation of the common bile duct (CBD) is the initial and sometime challenging step in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedure. Endoscopists often use cannulation attempts and cannulation time to grade cannulation difficulty, but a standard system has yet to be established. The objective of this study was to compare cannulation times with numbers of cannulation attempts, as measures of cannulation difficulty. We conducted a prospective study in a tertiary referral center, enrolling 58 patients who were undergoing ERCP for a variety of indications. Cannulation time and the number of cannulation attempts were recorded for each patient. A subset of 14 ERCPs had two observers assessing attempts at cannulation. Cannulation time, number of attempts and inter-observer variability in assessment of attempts were compared and studied. The degree of agreement between two the methods (cannulation times and number of cannulation attempts) was unacceptable. There were considerable discrepancies between attempt tallies from two observers but the mean difference was statistically insignificant. |
Is laparoscopic gastric bypass superior to laparoscopic gastric banding for treatment of morbid obesity? | To define whether laparoscopic gastric banding or laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass represents the better approach to treat patients with morbid obesity. Two techniques, laparoscopic gastric bypass or gastric banding, are currently widely used to treat morbid obesity. Since both procedures offer certain advantages, a strong controversy exists as to which operation should be proposed to these patients. Therefore, data are urgently needed to identify the best therapy. Since randomized trials are most likely not feasible because of the highly different invasiveness and irreversibility of these procedures, a matched-pair design of a large prospectively collected database appears to be the best method. Therefore, we used our prospective database including 678 bariatric procedures performed at our institution since 1995. A total of 103 consecutive patients with laparoscopic gastric bypass were randomly matched to 103 patients with laparoscopic gastric banding according to age, body mass index, and gender. Both groups were comparable regarding age, gender, body mass index, excessive weight, fat mass, and comorbidites such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. Feasibility and safety: All gastric banding procedures were performed laparoscopically, and one gastric bypass operation had to be converted to an open procedure. Mean operating time was 145 minutes for gastric banding and 190 minutes for gastric bypass (P < 0.001). Hospital stay was 3.3 days for gastric banding and 8.4 days for gastric bypass. The incidence of early postoperative complications was not significantly different, but late complications were significantly more frequent in the gastric banding group (pouch dilatation). There was no mortality in both groups. Efficiency: Body mass index decreased from 48.0 to 36.8 kg/m in the gastric banding group and from 47.8 to 31.9 kg/m in the gastric bypass group within 2 years of surgery. These differences became significant from the first postoperative month until the end of the follow-up (24 months). The gastric bypass procedure achieved a significantly better reduction of comorbidities. | Neuroblastoma is thought to originate from neural crest-derived cells. CD57 defines migratory neural crest cells in normal development and is expressed in neuroblastoma. We investigated the role of CD57 expression in neuroblastoma cells ex situ and in situ. Compared to CD57(low) U-NB1 neuroblastoma cells, CD57(high) cells developed tumors with decreased latency after orthotopic transplantation into adrenal glands of mice. In addition, CD57(high) U-NB1 and SK-N-BE(2)-C neuroblastoma cells were also more clonogenic, induced more spheres and were less lineage-restricted. CD57(high) cells attached better to endothelial cells and showed enhanced invasiveness. While invasion of U-NB1 cells was inhibited by blocking antibodies against CD57, neither invasion of SK-N-BE(2)-C cells nor adhesion of U-NB1 and SK-N-BE(2)-C cells was attenuated. After tail vein injection only CD57(high) cells generated liver metastases, while overall metastatic rate was not increased as compared to CD57(low) cells. In stroma-poor neuroblastoma of patients CD57(high) cells were associated with undifferentiated tumor cells across all stages and tended to be more frequent after chemotherapy. |
Does surgery remove EEG abnormalities in patients with Chiari type I malformation and poor CSF flow? | To study the outcome of EEG from patients with Chiari I malformations and nonspecific EEG abnormalities, after posterior fossa decompression and CSF flow normalization. Three 'apparently asymptomatic' children who had been diagnosed with Arnold-Chiari type 1 EEG abnormalities and who exhibited (a) a wide range of abnormalities according to common anatomical Chiari MRI classifications (Elster AD, Chen MY. Chiari I malformations: clinical and radiologic reappraisal. Radiology 1992;183:347-53), (b) a lack of specific, clinical signs of increased intracranial pressure, and (c) apparently unrelated, EEG-nonspecific abnormalities (focal intermittent rhythmic delta activity (IRDA)--solely in patients 1 and 3, and with focal IRDA plus spikes and spike waves of high voltage in patient 2). Standard EEGs were recorded before surgery and within one month of surgery, which was performed in conjunction with intraoperative echo-Doppler ultrasonography to control CSF flow. Subsequent EEGs and clinical follow-ups were performed within 6-12 months of surgery. In all patients, intraoperative echo-Doppler ultrasonographic control demonstrated poor CSF flow, which was completely restored by posterior fossa decompression. In all patients, the EEG abnormalities disappeared within one month of surgery and the EEGs were normal at follow-up. | The Wnt/β-Catenin signaling pathway is central for liver functions and frequently deregulated in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Analysis of the early phenotypes and molecular events following β-Catenin activation is therefore essential for better understanding HCC pathogenesis. The AP-1 transcription factor c-Jun is a putative β-Catenin target gene and promotes hepatocyte survival, proliferation, and liver tumorigenesis, suggesting that c-Jun may be a key target of β-Catenin signaling in the liver. To address this issue, the immediate hepatic phenotypes following deletion of the tumor suppressor Apc and subsequent β-Catenin activation were analyzed in mice. The contribution of c-Jun to these phenotypes was dissected in double mutant animals lacking both, Apc and c-Jun. β-Catenin was rapidly activated in virtually all Apc mutant hepatocytes while c-Jun was induced only after several days, suggesting that its expression was rather a secondary event following Apc deletion in the liver. Loss of Apc resulted in increased hepatocyte proliferation, hepatomegaly, deregulated protein metabolism, and premature death. Interestingly, additional deletion of c-Jun did not affect hepatocyte proliferation but resulted in increased liver damage and mortality. This phenotype correlated with impaired expression of hepatoprotective genes such as Birc5, Egfr Igf1 and subsequently deregulated Akt signaling. |
Do optimistic attitudes protect against progression of carotid atherosclerosis in healthy middle-aged women? | Optimistic people report a higher quality of life, engage in more active coping and adopt more health-promoting behaviors than people low in optimism, ie, pessimism. We evaluated whether pessimists are more likely to show progression in carotid disease than optimists. A total of 209 middle-aged healthy premenopausal women enrolled in an epidemiological study of cardiovascular risk factors and had carotid scans 10.4 years and 13.5 years later when they were at least 5 years postmenopausal. Women completed the Life Orientation Test (LOT), a measure of pessimistic and optimistic attitudes, at study entry and at the time of the first carotid scan. Analyses evaluated the association of LOT scores and change in carotid intima medial thickness (IMT) across 3 years. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that the higher the pessimism scores at study entry, the greater the increase in mean IMT (beta = 0.17, p <.007). A comparison of those in the lowest quartile of LOT scores (most optimistic) with those in the other three quartiles showed that the most optimistic group had less progression than the remaining more pessimistic women (mean percent increase = 1.3 and 6.0 for mean IMT, F = 15.4, p <.001). Women who were chronically optimistic at study entry and at the first carotid scan (bottom quartiles at both times) had less progression in mean IMT than did those who were chronically pessimistic (top quartiles at both times). | Phosphorylation by protein kinases is a common event in many cellular processes. Further, many kinases perform specialized roles and are regulated by non-kinase domains tethered to kinase domain. Perturbation in the regulation of kinases leads to malignancy. We have identified and analysed putative protein kinases encoded in the genome of chimpanzee which is a close evolutionary relative of human. The shared core biology between chimpanzee and human is characterized by many orthologous protein kinases which are involved in conserved pathways. Domain architectures specific to chimp/human kinases have been observed. Chimp kinases with unique domain architectures are characterized by deletion of one or more non-kinase domains in the human kinases. Interestingly, counterparts of some of the multi-domain human kinases in chimp are characterized by identical domain architectures but with kinase-like non-kinase domain. Remarkably, out of 587 chimpanzee kinases no human orthologue with greater than 95% sequence identity could be identified for 160 kinases. Variations in chimpanzee kinases compared to human kinases are brought about also by differences in functions of domains tethered to the catalytic kinase domain. For example, the heterodimer forming PB1 domain related to the fold of ubiquitin/Ras-binding domain is seen uniquely tethered to PKC-like chimpanzee kinase. |
Does donor major histocompatibility complex class I expression determine the outcome of prenatal transplantation? | The failure of in utero transplantation in immune-competent recipients suggests the existence of a fetal immune barrier. The importance of donor major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I expression in the induction of prenatal tolerance remains undefined. We hypothesized that donor cell MHC class I expression facilitates engraftment in prenatal allogeneic recipients rather than promoting immune rejection. B6.Ly5.2 (class I(+)) or B6.TAP(-/-) (class I(-)) murine fetal liver cells were transplanted into age-matched allogeneic fetal recipients. Survival to weaning and subsequent growth was assessed. Engraftment rates and peripheral blood chimerism levels were measured serially. The presence or absence of class I expression did not affect survival or growth of recipients and no graft-vs-host disease developed. Allogeneic recipients of B6.Ly5.2 cells exhibited significantly higher levels of donor hematopoietic chimerism when compared to recipients of B6.TAP(-/-) cells (27% + 10% vs 11% + 8%; P = .004) that deteriorated further over time. | A cross-sectional study in a general health examination. To investigate the relationship between brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) and lumbar disk herniation (LDH). Lumbar disk herniation (LDH) is a major cause of low back pain and sciatica. Various vascular risk factors such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, and smoking have been reported to be associated with LDH. BaPWV is an early indicator of subclinical atherosclerosis. A total of 490 participants with LDH and 490 participants without LDH were selected for the evaluation of baPWV. BaPWV was measured using an automatic device. The prevalence of LDH was calculated by the quartiles of baPWV levels. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to evaluate the risk factors for baPWV. LDH patients had significantly higher readings of baPWV compared with non-LDH subjects (P<0.001). The prevalence rate of LDH gradually increased according to baPWV quartiles. In addition, the levels of baPWV tended to increase as the frequency of physical activity reduced. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that body mass index, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, physical activity, and systolic blood pressure contributed to increased baPWV. |
Are abnormal platelet kinetics detected before the occurrence of thrombocytopaenia in HBV-related liver disease? | Thrombocytopaenia is a frequent feature in patients with HBV-related liver disease. Its underlying mechanism is not fully understood. Multiple factors might contribute to the development of thrombocytopaenia. In this study, we investigated the reticulated platelets (RP), glycocalicin (GC), serum thrombopoietin (TPO) and platelet glycoprotein (GP) in different stages of the disease. One hundred and fourteen patients with HBV-related liver disease (30 with chronic hepatitis B (CHB), 20 patients in Child A without thrombocytopaenia, 19 patients in Child A with thrombocytopaenia, 45 in Child B/C with thrombocytopaenia) and 25 normal controls (NC) were enrolled. Liver cirrhosis (LC) was classified according to modified Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP) score. Serum TPO levels and GC were measured by ELISA. RP and platelet glycoprotein (GP) expression were detected by flow cytometry. The TPO levels of patients with LC were significantly lower than that of controls, even in patients of Child A without thrombocytopaenia group. Serum TPO level was positively correlated (r = 0.65, p < 0.01) with serum albumin in Child B/C group. Both the RP percentages and the glycocalicin index (GCI) levels were significantly higher in patients groups including CHB and Child A without thrombocytopaenia than that of normal controls. A negative correlation existed in HBV DNA copies and the GPs% in patients with CHB and Child A without thrombocytopaenia. | CR4056 is a novel imidazoline-2 (I2 ) ligand exhibiting potent analgesic activity in animal models of pain. In this study, we investigated the effects of CR4056 in a well-established model of postoperative pain where rats develop hyperalgesia in the injured hind paw. By measuring paw withdrawal threshold to mechanical pressure, we studied the pharmacology of CR4056, potential sex differences in pain perception and response to treatment, and the pharmacodynamic interaction of CR4056 with morphine. Oral CR4056 and subcutaneous morphine dose-dependently reversed the hyperalgesic response. Analgesic effects of CR4056 were completely suppressed by the non-selective imidazoline I2 /α2 -adrenoceptor antagonist idazoxan, were partially reduced (~30%; P < 0.05) by the selective α2 -adrenoceptor antagonist yohimbine, but were not influenced by the non-selective I1 /α2 -adrenoceptor antagonist efaroxan or by the μ opioid receptor antagonist naloxone. We found no differences in responses to CR4056 or morphine between male and female rats. However, females had a lower pain threshold than males, and needed lower doses of drugs to reach a significant analgesia. When CR4056 and morphine were combined, their median effective doses were lower than expected for additive effects, both in males and in females. Isobolographic analysis confirmed a synergism between CR4056 and morphine. |
Does deletion of LR11 attenuate Hypoxia-Induced Pulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation With Medial Thickening in Mice? | We aimed to determine whether LR11 (low-density lipoprotein receptor with 11 binding repeats) is a potential key regulator of smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation during the progression of hypoxia-induced medial thickening in mice and whether sLR11 (soluble LR11) can serve as a biomarker in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. The role of LR11 in pulmonary arterial hypertension was investigated using mouse and cell models of induced hypoxia. The expression of LR11 and of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α was significantly increased in lung tissues from C57Bl/6 mice after 3 weeks of exposure to hypoxia compared with normoxia. Serum sLR11 levels were also increased. Physiological and histochemical analyses showed that increased right ventricular systolic pressure, right ventricular hypertrophy, and medial thickening induced under hypoxia in wild-type mice were attenuated in LR11(-/-) mice. The proliferation rates stimulated by hypoxia or platelet-derived growth factor-BB were attenuated in SMC derived from LR11(-/-) mice, compared with those from wild-type mice. Exogenous sLR11 protein increased the proliferation rates of SMC from wild-type mice. The expression of LR11 and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α was increased in cultured SMC under hypoxic conditions, and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α knockdown almost abolished the induction of LR11. Serum sLR11 levels were significantly higher in patients with, rather than without, pulmonary arterial hypertension. sLR11 levels positively correlated with pulmonary vascular resistance and mean pulmonary arterial pressure. | The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of spinal implant removal and to determine the possible mechanisms of pain relief. Fourteen patients with an average of 42 years (from 22 to 67 years) were retrospectively evaluated. All patients had posterior spinal instrumentation and fusion, who later developed recurrent back pain or persistent back pain despite a solid fusion mass. Patients' clinical charts, operative notes, and preoperative x-rays were evaluated. Relief of pain was evaluated by the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) pain change after implant removal. Clinical outcome using VAS and modified MacNab's criteria was assessed on before implant removal, 1 month after implant removal and at the last clinical follow-up. Radiological analysis of sagittal alignment was also assessed. Average follow-up period was 18 months (from 12 to 25 months). There were 4 patients who had persistent back pain at the surgical site and 10 patients who had recurrent back pain. The median time after the first fusion operation and the recurrence of pain was 6.5 months (from 3 to 13 months). All patients except one had palpation pain at operative site. The mean blood loss was less than 100ml and there were no major complications. The mean pain score before screw removal and at final follow up was 6.4 and 2.9, respectively (p<0.005). Thirteen of the 14 patients were graded as excellent and good according to modified MacNab's criteria. Overall 5.9 degrees of sagittal correction loss was observed at final follow up, but was not statistically significant. |
Does retinoic acid induce VEGF gene expression in human retinal pigment epithelial cells ( ARPE-19 )? | The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in response to retinoic acid (RA) in human retinal pigment epithelial cells. Expression of VEGF in human ARPE-19 cells was determined by a semiquantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). mRNA stability was assessed after the administration of actinomycin D. The induction of the VEGF gene by various RAs was also determined by semiquantitative RT-PCR. All-trans retinoic acid (atRA) time-dependently increased VEGF mRNA levels. The effect of atRA was dose-dependent in a range between 10(-7) M and 10(-6) M. Treatment with actinomycin D revealed that atRA induces the VEGF gene at the transcriptional level. Of the various RAs tested, atRA was the most potent inducer of the VEGF gene. | Medical knowledge is essential for appropriate patient care; however, the accuracy of internal medicine (IM) residents' assessment of their medical knowledge is unknown. IM residents predicted their overall percentile performance 1 week (on average) before and after taking the in-training exam (ITE), an objective and well accepted method to assess medical knowledge to study resident assessment accuracy. Ordinary least squares regression was used to study the association between the absolute accuracy of their predictions of their percentile performance on the ITE examination and their actual percentile performance. Ninety-three percent of our 28 residents participated. Residents were highly inaccurate in predicting their percentile performance. Only 31% had ITE scores that were within 10 points of their predictions. On average, most residents were pessimistic about their overall percentile performance with 18 (69%) underestimating their performance. Having just taken the examination and previous experience with the examination did not improve predictions of percentile performance. |
Does altered left ventricular longitudinal diastolic function correlate with reduced systolic function immediately after anthracycline chemotherapy? | The benefits from anthracycline chemotherapy are undermined by potentially life-threatening cardiotoxicity. Transthoracic echocardiography is the most commonly used method for monitoring cardiotoxicity, and centres on the measurement of left ventricular systolic function. The aim of this study was to utilize two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (2DSTE) at baseline and immediately after anthracycline chemotherapy to investigate whether patients with significant changes in systolic function after anthracycline therapy would also develop alterations in diastolic parameters. Fifty-two women with histologically confirmed breast cancer were prospectively recruited. Echocardiograms were performed 1 week prior to and 1 week following chemotherapy (always before adjuvant trastuzumab or thoracic radiotherapy). Conventional Doppler, tissue velocity imaging (TVI), and 2DSTE were used to measure diastolic function. 2DSTE measurements included longitudinal diastolic strain, early (E-Sr), and late (A-Sr) myocardial strain rate. 2DSTE and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) were used to measure longitudinal systolic function. Altered LV diastolic function (including E-Sr) was observed in the entire cohort after chemotherapy, with a differential reduction in participants with a post therapy LVEF <55%. Pre-chemotherapy systolic strain was found to predict reduced E-Sr post therapy (P = 0.04). Univariate predictors of E-Sr were LVEF post therapy (P = 0.049) and systolic strain post-therapy (P = 0.01). In a multivariate analysis, systolic strain after chemotherapy was the strongest independent predictor (P = 0.001). | The Epicoccum nigrum (EN) extract used in allergy disorders exhibits batch-to-batch variations in protein composition and allergenic potency. In this study, the allergens of EN grown in different media were investigated. EN was grown in five different nutrient media as stationary cultures at 25 degrees C for 5-23 days. The growth pattern was characterized by measuring dry weight, protein and carbohydrate content. The antigenic and allergenic content of EN extract was evaluated with EN-positive patients' sera and antibodies raised in rabbit. The growth of EN in Czapeck Dox medium yielded insufficient material, while Sabouraud's broth with yeast extract (SBY) gave maximum spore-mycelial mass and protein content. Potato dextrose broth (PDB) and potato dextrose agar (PDA) showed higher dry weight and protein in 7-9-day cultures. SDS-PAGE resolved 26, 22, and 21 protein bands in EN extracts from cultures of day-13 SBY, day-7 PDB, and day-9 PDA, respectively. IgE/IgG immunoblots showed more allergenic (25)/antigenic (25) bands in EN cultured in SBY than in the others. Specific IgE ELISA and intradermal tests showed EN extract from day-13 culture in SBY to be the most potent. |
Does twenty-four hour in-hospital congenital cardiac surgical coverage improve perioperative ECMO support outcomes? | Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support is often required in the management of perioperative congenital heart surgery (CHS) patients. However, 24-hour in-hospital congenital cardiac surgical coverage (24-CCSC) is not available at all institutions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of 24-CCSC on perioperative ECMO outcomes in CHS patients. An institutional review board approved, retrospective review of 128 perioperative CHS ECMO patients at a single, quaternary care children's hospital between January 2003 and December 2012 was performed. Primary endpoints evaluated were mortality in children supported with ECMO after undergoing cardiac surgery and ECMO-related morbidity after initiation of 24-CCSC with advanced congenital cardiac surgical fellows. Patients were divided into 2 groups based on whether 24-CCSC was absent (cohort 1: January 2003 to July 2007) or present (cohort 2: August 2007 to December 2012) at the time of ECMO management. The surgical procedures performed were similar in both cohorts based on STAT Mortality Categories (5 Society of Thoracic Surgeons-European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Congenital Heart Surgery Mortality Categories). The overall mortality rate in children supported with ECMO after undergoing cardiac surgery was 53%. This mortality was significantly reduced from 68% to 43% (p = 0.007) with 24-CCSC. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that 24-CCSC (p = 0.009) and lower STAT Mortality Category (p = 0.042) were independent predictors of operative survival. Cardiac arrhythmias (36% to 16%; p = 0.012) and pulmonary complications (32% to 8%; p < 0.001) were significantly reduced with 24-CCSC. | To develop a Western blot method for quantification of multiple aggrecan fragments in human synovial fluids (SFs). SF aggrecan fragments were prepared from knee healthy (reference), knee injury and arthritis subjects by CsCl gradient centrifugations collecting D1 fractions. Samples were analyzed by Western blot, using antibodies against the N-terminal epitope ARGS and the G3 domain, and fragments were quantified using a digital luminescence image analyzer. The method had a coefficients of variation of 10-30%, and a high correlation (r(S)=0.86) with a corresponding enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The SFs from reference, knee injured and arthritic subjects contained two major ARGS fragments, ARGS-SELE and ARGS-CS1, and three major G3 fragments (GRGT-G3, GLGS-G3 and AGEG-G3). Compared to the reference, the acute arthritis and acute joint injury groups had a 30-fold elevated concentration of ARGS fragments, and both groups had a higher proportion of the aggrecan in joint fluid as ARGS fragments compared to the other groups. The reference and chronic injury groups had an excess of ARGS-CS1 fragments over ARGS-SELE fragments, while subjects with acute arthritis or osteoarthritis had a more even distribution between these fragments. |
Does iron-limited condition modulate biofilm formation and interaction with human epithelial cells of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli ( EAEC )? | The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of low iron availability on biofilm formation and adherence to HEp-2 cells of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) strains isolated from diarrhoea cases. The ability of EAEC to form biofilm on a plastic surface was evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively after 3 and 18 h of incubation of strains with or without the iron chelator 2,2-dipyridyl. When submitted to low iron conditions, prototype EAEC 042 strain showed a decrease in biofilm formation. Conversely, an increase in biofilm formation was observed for the clinical EAEC strains cultured in restricted iron condition. Moreover, the reduction of iron concentration inhibited the aggregative adherence to HEp-2 cells of all EAEC strains tested. However, all effects promoted by iron chelation were suppressed by thiourea. | Kisspeptin and naloxone stimulate the reproductive axis while morphine inhibits its function. We have investigated the effect of central injection of kisspeptin-10 on mean plasma testosterone concentration in morphine or naloxone pretreated rats. In this experimental study, 60 male Wistar rats that were divid- ed into 12 groups (n=5 per group) received saline, kisspeptin (1 nmol, ICV), naloxone (2 mg/kg, subcutaneously), morphine (5 or 10 mg/kg, sc) or co-administrations of kisspeptin, morphine and naloxone at 09:00 - 09:30. In the co-administrated groups, kisspeptin was injected 15 minutes following morphine or naloxone injections. Blood samples were collected 60 minutes following injections via the tail vein. Plasma testosterone concentration was measured by a rat testosterone ELISA kit. Central injection of kisspeptin or subcutaneous injection of naloxone significantly increased the mean plasma testosterone concentration compared to saline while subcutaneous injections of different doses of morphine (5 or 10 mg/kg) significantly decreased testosterone compared to saline. The results revealed that morphine significantly attenuated the testosterone increase after kisspeptin injection compared to kisspeptin while a stimulatory additive effect was observed in the kisspeptin/naloxone group compared to either naloxone or kisspeptin. |
Are pre-treatment metabolic tumor volume and total lesion glycolysis useful prognostic factors for esophageal squamous cell cancer patients? | To study application of the maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax), metabolic tumor volume (MTV) and total lesion glycolysis (TLG) with 18F-FDG PET/CT for predicting prognosis of esophageal squamous cell cancer (ESC) patients. Eighty-six patients with ESC staged from I to IV were prospectively enrolled. Cisplatin-based chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) or palliative chemoradiotherapy were the main treatment methods and none received surgery. 18F-FDG PET/CT scans were performed before the treatment. SUVmax, MTV, and TLG were measured for the primary esophageal lesion and regional lymph nodes. Receiver operating characteristic curves (ROCs) were generated to calculate the P value of the predictive ability and the optimal threshold. MTV and TLG proved to be good indexes in the prediction of outcome for the ESC patients. An MTV value of 15.6 ml and a TLG value of 183.5 were optimal threshold to predict the overall survival (OS). The areas under the curve (AUC) for MTV and TLG were 0.74 and 0.70, respectively. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed an MTV less than 15.6 ml and a TLG less than 183.5 to indicate good media survival time (p value <0.05). In the stage III-IV patient group, MTV could better predict the OS (P < 0.001), with a sensitivity and specificity of 0.80 and 0.67, respectively. | Interleukin-6 (IL-6) increases in culture-positive amniotic fluid in women with preterm labor. IL-6 stimulates the production of prostaglandins leading to increased uterine activity. We tested the hypothesis that IL-6 increases myometrial activity through release of uterotonic mediators. We studied the effect of IL-6 on uterine contractions in the absence and presence of fetal membranes to determine if the effect was on myometrium alone or was mediated through fetal membranes/decidua. IL-6 in concentrations of 100, 10, 0.1 or 0 ng/ml was added to the maternal side of the dual chamber-fetal membrane-uterine muscle in vitro model. We found that 10 ng/ml of IL-6 alone, without fetal membranes, caused a significant decrease in uterine contractions over time (P < or = 0.01). This decrease was not observed with the addition of term, nonlabored fetal membranes. |
Are cD40 , CD45 CTLA-4 levels elevated in healthy older adults? | The immune system changes with age. In this study we characterized immune changes by performing immunologic screening profiles on ageing individuals. This study was performed at Akdeniz University, in the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Immunology. Healthy volunteers consisted of a younger group (22 donors) and an older group (45 individuals). All subjects had no serious health problems (i.e. chronic heart, lung, liver or immunological diseases) and were taking no prescribed medications. Flow cytometry analysis was used to evaluate CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD19, CD28, CD40, CD45, CD56, CD80, CD86, CTLA-4 and ELISA for IL-1 beta, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha expression In addition, NK activity and induced cytokine expression (by bioassay and ELISA, respectively) were evaluated. No statistical differences were observed between the two groups in expression of CD3, CD8, CD19, CD80, CD86, CD16, CD 56, or CD28. A higher frequency of expression of CD4, CTLA-4, CD40, and CD45 was seen in older subjects by comparison with younger subjects. Cytokine profiles expressed by stimulated monocytes and lymphocytes from the two groups showed no difference in IL-1 beta, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-alpha, and IFN-gamma production levels. | To investigate the metastatic effects and mechanisms of miR-197 in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The levels of miR-197 increased in HCC cells and tissues compared with a normal hepatic cell line (LO2) and adjacent nontumorous liver tissues, respectively. miR-197 expression negatively correlated with CD82 mRNA expression in these cell lines and tissues. Dual luciferase reporter assay and Western blot confirmed a direct interaction between miR-197 and CD82 3'UTR sequences. After miR-197 was silenced in HCC cells, CD82 expression increased. In the presence of human hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), cells silenced for anti-miR-197 exhibited elongated cellular tails and diminished lamellipodia due to reductions in both ROCK activity and the levels of Rac 1 protein. Downregulation of miR-197 along with the upregulation of CD82 in HCC cells resulted in the inhibition of HCC migration and invasion in vitro and in vivo. |
Does fasting induce IL-1 Resistance and Free-Fatty Acid-Mediated Up-Regulation of IL-1R2 and IL-1RA? | Weight-loss is a near societal obsession and many diet programs use significant calorie restriction including fasting/short term starvation to generate rapid effects. Fasting is also a well-recognized cause of immunosuppression especially within the innate immune system. In this study, we sought to determine if the IL-1 arm of the neuroimmune system was down-regulated by a 24 h fast and how fasting might generate this effect. Mice were allowed ad libitum access to food or had food withheld for 24 h. Expression of the endogenous IL-1 antagonists, IL-1 receptor type 2 (IL-1R2), and IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA) was determined as were sickness behaviors before and after IL-1β administration. Fasting markedly increased gene expression of IL-1R2 (83-fold in adipose tissue, 9.5-fold in liver) and IL-1RA (68-fold in liver). Fasted mice were protected from IL-1β-induced weight-loss, hypoglycemia, loss of locomotor, and social anxiety. These protections were coupled to a large positive interaction of fasting and IL-1β on IL-1R2 gene expression in adipose tissue and liver (2.6- and 1.6-fold, respectively). Fasting not only increased IL-1RA and IL-1R2 protein 2.5- and 3.2-fold, respectively, in liver but also increased IL-1R2 1.8-fold in adipose tissue. Fasting, in turn, triggered a 2.4-fold increase in plasma free-fatty acids (FFAs) and a 2.1-fold increase in plasma corticosterone. Inhibition, of glucocorticoid action with mifepristone did not impact fasting-dependent IL-1R2 or IL-1RA gene expression. Administration of the FFA, palmitate, to mice increased liver IL-1R2 and IL-1RA gene expression by 14- and 11-fold, respectively. | The aim of this study was the analysis of total, early and late complications following venous access port implantation between 1998 and 2008 at the Department of Surgery of the University of Rostock, Germany. A comparison between different implantation techniques addressing success rate, complication rate and duration of operation was performed. These results were further analysed in regard to the level of training of the participating surgeons. A retrospective analysis of 1423 venous access port implantations between 1998 and 2008 was performed. The rate of total complications was 13.8%. Among 4.7% early complications pneumothorax was the most common. The rate of late complications was 9.1%. Most common were infection (4.9%) followed by dysfunction of the catheter (3.5%). 1322 venous access port implantations were performed using puncture of the subclavian vein and Seldinger's technique. 101 operations were performed by direct access through dissection of the cephalic vein and open introduction of the catheter. Operation time in the open group was significantly longer than in the puncture group (46.5 min vs. 38.7 min, p = 0.005). There were significantly more late complications (9.6% vs. 2%, p = 0.01) and total complications (14.5% vs. 4%, p = 0.005) in the puncture group vs. the open access group. Primary success rates of open access vs. puncture were 100% and 96.8%, respectively. The rate of complications was independent of the experience status of the surgeon. However, the rate of total and late complications significantly decreases with number of performed operations. |
Does a schizophrenia-linked mutation in PIP5K2A fail to activate neuronal M channels? | Evidence for an association between phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase II alpha (PIP5K2A) and schizophrenia was recently obtained and replicated in several samples. PIP5K2A controls the function of KCNQ channels via phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) synthesis. Interestingly, recent data suggest that KCNQ channels suppress basal activity of dopaminergic neurons and dopaminergic firing. Activation of KCNQ accordingly attenuates the central stimulating effects of dopamine, cocaine, methylphenidate, and phenylcyclidine. The aim of this study was to explore the functional relevance of PIP5K2A, which might influence schizophrenic behavior. Here, we study the effects of the neuronal PIP5K2A on KCNQ2, KCNQ5, KCNQ2/KCNQ3, and KCNQ3/KCNQ5 in the Xenopus expression system. We find that wild-type PIP5K2A but not the schizophrenia-associated mutant (N251S)-PIP5K2A activates heteromeric KCNQ2/KCNQ3 and KCNQ3/KCNQ5, the molecular correlate of neuronal M channels. Homomeric KCNQ2 and KCNQ5 channels were not activated by the kinase indicating that the presence of KCNQ3 in the channel complex is required for the kinase-mediated effects. Acute application of PI(4,5)P2 and a PIP2 scavenger indicates that the mutation N251S renders the kinase PIP5K2A inactive. | Experimentally measured pullout forces for stent grafts (SGs) are used in clinical discussions and as reference values in bench studies and computer simulations. Previous values of these forces are available from studies in which the SG was pulled out in the straight caudal direction. However, clinical and numerical studies have suggested that displacement forces acting on SGs are directed more anteriorly. The objective of this study was to measure pullout forces as a function of angulation and to test the hypothesis that pullout forces decrease with increasing angulation. Six different SGs (Bolton Treovance, Cook Zenith Flex, Cook Zenith LP, Medtronic Endurant, Medtronic Talent, and Vascutek Anaconda) were deployed in fresh bovine aortas, then pulled out by an electronic motor at 1 mm/s, while tension force was measured continuously with a digital load cell. The SG off-axis angulation was changed from 0 to 90 degrees in increments of 10 degrees. The test system was submerged in a custom-built temperature-controlled saline bath at 37°C. At least three tests were performed for each device at each angle (with the exception of the Cook Zenith Flex, which experienced plastic deformation of its barbs after a single test per device). Each aortic specimen was used only once and then discarded. Hand-sutured graft anastomoses were also tested at 0 degrees to provide a reference value. A total of 374 pullout tests were performed for the SGs and anastomoses. Sixty-four tests were excluded because of failure of the aorta or apparatus before device pullout. The remaining 310 tests showed pullout forces that demonstrated a decrease in the average pullout force for all six devices from 0 to 90 degrees (Bolton Treovance from 39.3 N to 23.9 N; Cook Zenith Flex from 59.8 N to 48.9 N; Cook Zenith LP from 50.3 N to 41.8 N; Medtronic Endurant from 29.9 N to 25.8 N; Medtronic Talent from 6.0 N to 5.5 N; and Vascutek Anaconda from 37.0 N to 30.3 N). For reference, the mean pullout force for the hand-sutured anastomoses was 63 N. |
Does bAFF promote proliferation of human mesangial cells through interaction with BAFF-R? | B cell activating factor belonging to the TNF family (BAFF) is vital for B cell survival, proliferation and activation. Evidence indicates that BAFF is systemically or locally increased in glomerulonephritis (e.g. lupus nephritis, IgA nephropathy). However, the effect of BAFF on human mesangial cells is not known. The impact of BAFF on the proliferation of a human mesangial cell line in vitro was investigated. The expression of BAFF receptor (BAFF-R) and downstream signal transduction were explored. The influence of BAFF on the expression of related genes was also studied. Our data indicated that BAFF had a proliferative effect on human mesangial cells, as supported by the results of cell proliferation assays and the inhibited expression of the pro-apoptotic gene Bim. BAFF-R was expressed on the cell membrane of human mesangial cells and blockade of BAFF/BAFF-R binding abrogated the proliferative effect of BAFF on human mesangial cells. BAFF stimulation led to rapid phosphorylation of NF-κBp65, Akt and MAPK p38 kinase in human mesangial cells, whereas it had no effect on the expression of NF-κB p100 and phosphorylation of Erk. The phosphorylation of Akt was very sensitive to blockade of BAFF/BAFF-R ligation, although activation of MAPK p38 and NF-κBp65 was not. BAFF treatment resulted in decreased expression of BAFF-R, which implied negative feedback regulation after its binding. | The galactose analog 2-(18)F-fluoro-2-deoxy-d-galactose ((18)F-FDGal) is a suitable PET tracer for measuring hepatic galactokinase capacity in vivo, which provides estimates of hepatic metabolic function. As a result of a higher affinity of galactokinase toward galactose, the lumped constant (LC) for (18)F-FDGal was 0.13 in healthy subjects. The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis of a significantly different LC for (18)F-FDGal in patients with parenchymal liver disease. Nine patients with liver cirrhosis were studied in connection with a previous study with determination of hepatic intrinsic clearance of ¹⁸F-FDGal (V*(max/K*(m)). The present study determined the hepatic removal kinetics of galactose, including hepatic intrinsic clearance of galactose (V(max)/K(m)) from measurements of hepatic blood flow and arterial and liver vein blood galactose concentrations at increasing galactose infusions. LC for ¹⁸F-FDGal was calculated as (V*(max)/K*(m))/(V(max)/K(m)). On a second day, a dynamic ¹⁸-FDGal PET study with simultaneous infusion of galactose (mean arterial galactose concentration, 6.1 mmol/L of blood) and blood samples from a radial artery was performed, with determination of hepatic systemic clearance of ¹⁸F-FDGal (K*(+gal) from linear analysis of data (Gjedde-Patlak method). The maximum hepatic removal rate of galactose was estimated from ¹⁸F-FDGal PET data (V(max)(PET)) using the estimated LC. The mean hepatic V(max) of galactose was 1.18 mmol/min, the mean K(m) was 0.91 mmol/L of blood and the mean V(max)/K(m) was 1.18 L of blood/min. When compared with values of healthy subjects, K(m) did not differ (P = 0.77), whereas both V(max) and V(max)/K(m) were significantly lower in patients (both P < 0.01). Mean LC for ¹⁸LF-FDGal was 0.24, which was significantly higher than the mean LC of 0.13 in healthy subjects (P < 0.0001). Mean K*(+gal) determined from the PET study was 0.019 L of blood/min/L of liver tissue, which was not significantly different from that in healthy subjects (P = 0.85). Mean hepatic V(max)(PET) was 0.57 mmol/min/L of liver tissue, which was significantly lower than the value in healthy subjects (1.41 mmol/min/L of liver tissue (P < 0.0001). |
Are community-specific modifications essential for objective assessment of maternal dietary intake -- Pune Maternal Nutrition Study? | To introduce community-specific modifications in the conventional 24 h recall method for objectively estimating maternal dietary intake and validate it with a reference method. A modified 24 h recall method was developed with the visit of trained local girls at the subject's home to weigh portion sizes at each mealtime over the 24 h recall period. This was validated with the reference method in which weighed records of the foods consumed were obtained and their laboratory analysis was done to obtain nutrient intakes. Rural areas located 40-50 km from Pune City, India. Forty-one pregnant women participated willingly. The estimates of intake obtained from the reference method were comparable to those obtained from the modified 24 h recall method for energy (7795 (sd 1841) kJ (1863 (sd 440) kcal) v. 7615 (sd 1824) kJ (1820 (sd 436) kcal), respectively), protein (48.6 (sd 12.9) g v. 45.3 (sd 12.6) g, respectively) and fat (35.3 (sd 16.6) g v. 36.0 (sd 14.2) g, respectively). Significant correlation was observed between the estimates obtained by the two methods for energy (0.75, P < 0.001), protein (0.71, P < 0.001) and fat (0.56, P < 0.001) and differences in nutrient intake did not reveal any systematic bias. When compared with the reference method, the modified method showed >80% sensitivity and specificity for identifying inadequate maternal energy intakes. | The Tie2/angiopoietin (Tie2/Ang) and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-ligand systems (VEGFR/VEGF) are recognized to play important roles in the regulation of microvascular endothelial function. Downregulation of these genes during sepsis has been implicated in the pathogenesis of sepsis-related microvascular leak and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Mechanisms responsible for dysregulation of angiogenic genes in sepsis are poorly defined. Western blot, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, and multiplex chromatin immunoprecipitation platform (Matrix ChIP) were used to investigate serum albumin leak, changes in gene expression, and associated epigenetic alterations in a murine model of acute lung injury-induced sepsis (ALI-sepsis). Experimental ALI-sepsis induced microvascular leak and downregulation of expression of Angpt1 (Ang1), Tek (Tie2), and Kdr (Vegfr2 or Flk-1) genes in the lung, kidney, and liver. These changes correlate with a decrease in RNA polymerase II density at these genes, and the greatest response was observed in the lung. ALI-sepsis reduced levels of transcription-permissive histone H3 lysine acetylation (H3KAc) at these loci in all examined tissues. Decreases in permissive H3K4m3 and H3Km2 marks were detected only in the lung. In contrast, only minimal alterations in transcription-repressive histone modifications (H3K27m3, H3K9m2, H3K9m3, and H4K20m3) were observed in all tissues. |
Are both extremes of arterial carbon dioxide pressure and the magnitude of fluctuations in arterial carbon dioxide pressure associated with severe intraventricular hemorrhage in preterm infants? | The goal was to test the hypothesis that extremes of PaCO2 during the first 4 days after birth are associated with severe intraventricular hemorrhage (grades 3 and 4). A single-center retrospective review of clinical and blood gas data in the first 4 postnatal days for 849 infants with birth weights of 401 to 1250 g was performed. The univariate and multivariate relationships of severe intraventricular hemorrhage with maximal and minimal PaCO2, PaCO2 averaged over time (time-weighted PaCO2), and measures of PaCO2 fluctuation (SD of PaCO2 and difference in PaCO2 [maximum minus minimum]) were assessed. Birth weight (mean +/- SD) was 848 +/- 212 g, and the median gestational age was 26 weeks. Infants with severe intraventricular hemorrhage had higher maximal PaCO2 (median: 72 vs 59 mm Hg) and time-weighted PaCO2 (mean: 49 vs 47 mm Hg) values but lower minimal PaCO2 values (32 vs 37 mm Hg). High PaCO2, low PaCO2, SD of PaCO2, and difference in PaCO2 predicted severe intraventricular hemorrhage, but time-weighted average PaCO2 was not as predictive. | Several immune suppressive mechanisms that evade the host immune response have been described in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); one of these mechanisms is expansion of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). MDSCs have been shown to inhibit T cell responses in tumor-bearing mice, but little is known about these cells in humans. Here, we have analyzed and characterized the effect of MDSCs on the innate immune system, in particular, their interaction with natural killer (NK) cells in patients with HCC. MDSCs from patients with HCC inhibited autologous NK cell cytotoxicity and cytokine secretion when cultured together in vitro. This suppression was dependent on cell contact, but did not rely on the arginase activity of MDSCs, which is a hallmark function of these cells. However, MDSC-mediated inhibition of NK cell function was dependent mainly on the NKp30 on NK cells. |
Does multidimensional endotyping in patients with severe asthma reveal inflammatory heterogeneity in matrix metalloproteinases and chitinase 3-like protein 1? | Disease heterogeneity in patients with severe asthma and its relationship to inflammatory mechanisms remain poorly understood. We aimed to identify and replicate clinicopathologic endotypes based on analysis of blood and sputum parameters in asthmatic patients. One hundred ninety-four asthmatic patients and 21 control subjects recruited from 2 separate centers underwent detailed clinical assessment, sputum induction, and phlebotomy. One hundred three clinical, physiologic, and inflammatory parameters were analyzed by using topological data analysis and Bayesian network analysis. Severe asthma was associated with anxiety and depression, obesity, sinonasal symptoms, decreased quality of life, and inflammatory changes, including increased sputum chitinase 3-like protein 1 (YKL-40) and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 1, 3, 8, and 12 levels. Topological data analysis identified 6 clinicopathobiologic clusters replicated in both geographic cohorts: young, mild paucigranulocytic; older, sinonasal disease; obese, high MMP levels; steroid resistant TH2 mediated, eosinophilic; mixed granulocytic with severe obstruction; and neutrophilic, low periostin levels, severe obstruction. Sputum IL-5 levels were increased in patients with severe particularly eosinophilic forms, whereas IL-13 was suppressed and IL-17 levels did not differ between clusters. Bayesian network analysis separated clinical features from intricately connected inflammatory pathways. YKL-40 levels strongly correlated with neutrophilic asthma and levels of myeloperoxidase, IL-8, IL-6, and IL-6 soluble receptor. MMP1, MMP3, MMP8, and MMP12 levels were associated with severe asthma and were correlated positively with sputum IL-5 levels but negatively with IL-13 levels. | The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of aminolevulinic acid-mediated photodynamic therapy (PDT) against the human osteosarcoma cell line MG-63. Osteosarcoma is the most common type of primary malignant bone tumor diagnosed in the United States among adolescents and children. Treatments for osteosarcoma often result in diminished limb use or amputation. Because ALA-mediated PDT exhibits dual specificity in the context of tumor killing, this therapy could represent a less invasive, but effective, treatment for this disease. To assess ALA dark toxicity in MG-63 cells, cells were incubated with varying concentrations of ALA, and cell viability was determined by crystal violet assay. Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) accumulation was assessed subsequent to ALA incubation at various concentrations using spectrofluorometry. Cell death subsequent to ALA-PDT was determined by illuminating cells at a wavelength of 635 nm at various light intensities subsequent to ALA incubation. Cell viability was assessed using the MTT assay. ALA dark toxicity was observed only at the highest concentrations of 2, 5, and 10 mM. Maximal PpIX concentration was observed at 0.5 and 1 mM ALA, subsequent to a 24-h incubation. Maximal cell death with minimal light toxicity was observed at 0.5 and 1 mM ALA after illumination with 0.6 and 3 J/cm(2) light. |
Is [ Oxidative stress exacerbated in diabetic patients during cardiopulmonary bypass ]? | Circulation on blood extracorporeally through plastic tubing activates several pathways including systemic inflammation and oxidative stress. These phenomena are suspected to participate to neurological and cardiovascular side effects observed in the patients under cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). A direct relationship, in diabetic patients, between hyperglycemia and morbidity and mortality has been established. However, it is still unclear whether perioperative hyperglycemia has a direct effect on adverse events in cardiac surgery. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of hyperglycemia on inflammation and oxidative stress in patients under CPB during cardiac surgery. Control patients (n=17) and diabetic (type 2) patients (n=13) were included in this study. Blood samples were drawn before, during and after the CPB. Oxidative stress was evaluated in the plasma by direct and indirect approaches. Direct detection of ascorbyl radicals was assessed by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. An index: ascorbyl radical/vitamin C ratio is an indicator of the degree of oxidative stress taking place in the plasma. Oxygen radical absorbing capacity (ORAC) values were used as measurement of antioxidant capacity of the plasma. To determine inflammation profile of patients, we measure the evolution of plasma concentration of interleukin 8 (IL-8). During cross clamping and post-CPB, the index ascorbyl radical/vitamin C is increased; the value of the index is more significant in diabetic patients. Concomitantly, ORAC values decreased in all the patients during cross clamping (p<0.05). Results concerning inflammatory index showed that IL-8 levels increased during the CPB. | Mutations in CHD7, a gene previously implicated in CHARGE (coloboma, heart defect, choanal atresia, retardation of growth and/or development, genital hypoplasia, ear anomalies) syndrome, have been reported in patients presenting with Kallmann syndrome (KS) or congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH). Most mutations causing CHARGE syndrome result in premature stop codons and occur de novo, but the proportion of truncating vs nontruncating mutations in KS and CHH patients is still unknown. The objective of the study was to determine the nature, prevalence, mode of transmission, and clinical spectrum of CHD7 mutations in a large series of patients. We studied 209 KS and 94 CHH patients. These patients had not been diagnosed with CHARGE syndrome according to the current criteria. We searched for mutations in 16 KS and CHH genes including CHD7. We found presumably pathogenic mutations in CHD7 in 24 KS patients but not in CHH patients. Nontruncating mutations (16 missense and a two-codon duplication) were more prevalent than truncating mutations (three nonsense, three frame shift, and a splice site), which contrasts with patients presenting with typical CHARGE syndrome. Thus, the clinical spectrum associated with CHD7 mutations may be partly explained by genotype/phenotype correlations. Eight patients also had congenital deafness and one had a cleft lip/palate, whereas six had both. For 10 patients, the presence of diverse features of the CHARGE spectrum in at least one relative argues against a de novo appearance of the missense mutation, and this was confirmed by genetic analysis in five families. |
Is apoptosis inhibitor-5 overexpression associated with tumor progression and poor prognosis in patients with cervical cancer? | The apoptosis inhibitor-5 (API5), anti-apoptosis protein, is considered a key molecule in the tumor progression and malignant phenotype of tumor cells. Here, we investigated API5 expression in cervical cancer, its clinical significance, and its relationship with phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 and 2 (pERK1/2) in development and progression of cervical cancer. API5 effects on cell growth were assessed in cervical cancer cell lines. API5 and pERK1/2 immunohistochemical staining were performed on a cervical cancer tissue microarray consisting of 173 primary cervical cancers, 306 cervical intraepithelial neoplasias (CINs), and 429 matched normal tissues. API5 overexpression promoted cell proliferation and colony formation in CaSki cells, whereas API5 knockdown inhibited the both properties in HeLa cells. Immunohistochemical staining showed that API5 expression increased during the normal to tumor transition of cervical carcinoma (P < 0.001), and this increased expression was significantly associated with tumor stage (P = 0.004), tumor grade (P < 0.001), and chemo-radiation response (P = 0.004). API5 expression levels were positively associated with pERK1/2 in cervical cancer (P < 0.001) and high grade CIN (P = 0.031). In multivariate analysis, API5+ (P = 0.039) and combined API5+/pERK1/2+ (P = 0.032) were independent prognostic factors for overall survival. | Parents take an important role in a child's development, but there is currently limited information on parental correlates with children's health behaviour. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to examine whether parental characteristics, such as body weight, TV consumption and sport participation, affect children's body weight and health behaviour. To examine the effects of parental characteristics on children's body weight and health behaviour, baseline data of 1,118 elementary school children (7.6 ± 0.4 years) participating in a school-based intervention in southwest Germany was used. Children's height and weight were measured and parent as well as child behaviour was assessed via questionnaire. BMI percentiles of children were positively associated with parental BMI (r = 0.2, p <0.01). Further, high parental TV time increased the odds for high TV time in children (OR mother= 2.2, OR father = 2.3) and parental club sport participation increased the odds for club sport participation in children (OR mother = 1.9, OR father = 1.7). The relationship between parental and child behaviour was stronger than the relationship between parental BMI and BMI percentiles of the child. |
Is mitochondrial DNA copy number associated with diagnosis and prognosis of head and neck cancer? | Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number correlates with tumor pathology in some cancers. To investigate mtDNA copy number in head and neck cancer (HNC). mtDNA copy number was determined and compared between HNC patients and malignancy-free controls. The mtDNA copy number was significantly higher in HNC patients, increased with cancer progression and correlated negatively with patient survival. | To study disturbances of gastrointestinal motility and afferent (sensory) dysfunction in functional (unexplained) dyspepsia, and the interrelationships between motility and sensory dysfunction. Twelve patients with functional dyspepsia and 12 controls matched for age and gender were studied. Intestinal perception thresholds were tested by a standardized stepwise distension procedure in the third portion of the duodenum with a barostat device. Small intestinal motility was measured with a low compliance perfusion system proximal and distal to the distending balloon. First perception of duodenal balloon distension occurred at significantly (p <0.01) lower pressures in patients (23 +/- 3 mm Hg, mean +/- SEM) than in healthy controls (31 +/- 3 mm Hg). Patients had a lower maximal intestinal pain tolerance than controls (31 +/- 2 mm Hg vs. 39 +/- 1 mm Hg, p <0.05). Duodenal distension inhibited intestinal motility distal to the distending balloon (peristaltic reflex) more often in health controls (11/12) than in patients with functional dyspepsia (5/12, p <0.05). These alterations of small intestinal motility occurred at pressure values below the perception thresholds, and disturbed motility responses were not associated with perception thresholds. |
Does melatonin present in beer contribute to increase the levels of melatonin and antioxidant capacity of the human serum? | Melatonin is a molecule with antioxidative properties including direct free radical scavenging and indirect stimulatory actions on a variety of antioxidative enzymes which further promote its ability to reduce the toxicity of radicals and their associated reactants. Beer is an integral element of the diet of numerous people and is rich in antioxidants. We analyzed if melatonin is present in beer and if so, at what concentration. It further determines whether the moderate consumption of beer has an effect on the total antioxidant status (TAS) of human serum. We analyzed 18 brands of beer with different percentage of alcohol content in order to determine the concentration of melatonin. Serum samples were collected from 7 healthy volunteers. These samples were used to measure melatonin and TAS on basal conditions and after drinking beer. Showed that all the beer analyzed did indeed contain melatonin and the more they have got, the greater was its degree of alcohol. Both melatonin and TAS in human serum increased after drinking beer. | We aimed to assess safety and, secondarily, the efficacy of intramyocardial high-dose plasmid-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) 165 (pVEGF165) gene transfer in no-option patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Controlled trials of pVEGF165 in CAD have shown little benefit. One possible reason is shortness of dosage. We have shown in large mammalian models of chronic myocardial ischemia and acute myocardial infarction that intramyocardial pVEGF165 at doses significantly higher than those used in recent phase II trials is safe and efficacious on myocardial perfusion, left ventricular function, and infarct size limitation. Using an injection catheter, 10 patients with severe CAD not amenable for revascularization received 10 intramyocardial injections of 0.38 mg (total dose, 3.8 mg) pVEGF165 in zones exhibiting myocardial ischemia, as assessed by combined stress 99mTc-sestamibi single-photon emission computed tomography and stress echocardiography. No serious adverse events related to either VEGF or the injection procedure occurred over the 2-year follow-up. One patient suffered femoral artery thrombosis after a follow-up coronary angiography, successfully resolved with medical treatment. Six patients suffered uncomplicated coronary ischemic events during the second year follow-up. Angina functional class decreased from 2.6 ± 0.2 to 1.2 ± 0.3 (mean ± SEM, P < 0.05), quality of life increased from 56.9 ± 3.2 to 82.6 ± 2.4 (P < 0.05), the summed difference score of myocardial perfusion decreased from 13.4 ± 2 to 7.7 ± 1.8 (P < 0.04), and stress ejection fraction did not change (44.2 ± 3.6% to 47.8 ± 3.1%, P = NS). |
Is parvovirus B19 associated with benign testes as well as testicular germ cell tumours? | Parvovirus B19 has been demonstrated in testes of patients with germ cell tumours but not in controls, raising the possibility that the virus has an aetiological role in these tumours. The aims of this study were to investigate the association of the virus with germ cell tumours and to localise the virus histologically. DNA was extracted from paraffin wax embedded sections of testes from 10 seminomas, eight teratomas, two mixed seminoma/teratomas, and 10 testes showing benign histology. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of three regions within the NS and VP1/2 genes was carried out in duplicate on all samples. One PCR positive case (seminoma/teratoma) was examined by microdissection of histologically defined tissue components followed by PCR amplification of parvoviral sequences. Samples from PCR positive patients were immunostained using a B19 specific monoclonal antibody. Seven cases were PCR positive, these comprised two of 10 seminomas, one of two mixed tumours, none of eight teratomas, and four of 10 benign controls. PCR analysis of the material microdissected from the seminoma/teratoma showed the presence of the virus in regions of seminoma, teratoma, intratubular germ cell neoplasia, normal tubules, and connective tissue. All patient samples studied immunohistochemically were negative. | To test the effect of a high reliability organization (HRO) intervention on patient lengths of stay in the CVICU and hospital. The authors proposed that (1) higher safety related evidence based protocol (SREBP) team compliance scores and (2) lower SREBP milestone scores are associated with shorter lengths of CVICU and hospital stay. A prospective, longitudinal observational evaluation was used to assess the effects of SREBP-focused rounding processes and a milestone-tracking tool. United States, university academic medical center's 27-bed CVICU. Six hundred sixty-five adult cardiac surgery patients and the CVICU care team (100 registered nurses and 16 clinical providers) participated. Team compliance was the proportion of SREBP-related team behaviors exhibited during daily rounds. Patients' milestone scores were the cumulative difference between actual and expected times for 4 SREBP milestones over 48 hours. Milestones achieved earlier than expected indicated reduced complication risk, and milestones achieved later than expected indicated increased risk. As team compliance increased, CVICU length of stay decreased 0.66 (95% CI: -0.04 to 1.28; p = 0.08) days; hospital stay decreased 0.89 times (95% CI: 0.77-1.03; p = 0.008). As the mean milestone scores increased from -7 to 12, length of ICU stay increased 2.63 (95% CI: 1.66-3.59; p<0.001) days; hospital length of stay increased 1.44 times (95% CI: 1.23-1.7; p = 0.05). |
Does activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma suppress mast cell maturation involved in allergic diseases? | Mast cells play a central role in allergic and inflammatory diseases. Several reports indicated role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) on mast cell function. However, there is no report about the role of PPARgamma on differentiation of mast cells from the progenitors. In this study, we investigated the role of PPARgamma in regulating bone marrow-derived mast cell maturation and the therapeutic implications for mast cell-related diseases such as atopic or contact dermatitis. We used in vitro cell culture system for mast cell differentiation from bone marrow-progenitors using specific ligands and lentiviral-mediated short hairpin RNA of PPARgamma, and in vivo murine dermatitis models. Activation of PPARgamma inhibited the maturation of bone marrow progenitors into connective tissue-type mast cells (CTMCs) through up-regulation of GATA-4 and GATA-6 resulting in a decrease in expression of histidine decarboxylase and mast cell histamine content. In comparison, the differentiation of bone marrow progenitors into CTMCs was significantly accelerated by the knockdown of PPARgamma expression by lentiviral-mediated short hairpin RNA. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand administration to mice inhibited the maturation of mast cells resulting in attenuation of atopic and contact dermatitis via diminishment of the number of mature mast cells. | Areas of high signal intensity (HighT2) on T2-weighted cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging have been demonstrated in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). It has been hypothesised that HighT2 may indicate active tissue injury in HCM. In this context, we studied HighT2 in relation to cardiac troponin. Outpatient HCM patients without a history of coronary artery disease underwent CMR imaging at 1.5 T using T2-weighted, cine and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) imaging to assess HighT2, left ventricular (LV) function, LV mass and the presence and extent of LGE. Highly sensitive cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) was assessed as a marker of injury, with hs-cTnT ≥14 and >3 ng/L defined as an elevated and detectable troponin. HighT2 was present in 28% of patients (28/101). An elevated hs-cTnT was present in 54% of patients with HighT2 (15/28) compared with 14% of patients without HighT2 (10/73) (p<0.001). Hs-cTnT was detectable in 96% of patients with HighT2 (27/28) compared with 66% of patients without HighT2 (48/73) (p=0.002). In case of an undetectable hs-cTnT, HighT2 was only seen in 4% (1/26). In addition, the extent of HighT2 was related with increasing hs-cTnT concentrations (Spearman's ρ: 0.42, p<0.001). |
Is bcl-2 a prognostic marker in breast cancer independently of the Nottingham Prognostic Index? | Prognostication of breast cancer using clinicopathologic variables, although useful, remains imperfect. Many reports suggest that gene expression profiling can refine the current approach. Alternatively, it has been shown that panels of proteins assessed by immunohistochemistry might also be useful in this regard. We evaluate the prognostic potential of a panel of markers by immunohistochemistry in a large case series to establish if either a single marker or a panel could improve the prognostic power of the Nottingham Prognostic Index (NPI). We validated the results in an independent series. The expression of 13 biomarkers was evaluated in 930 breast cancers on a tissue microarray. Eight markers [estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), Bcl-2, cyclin E, p53, MIB-1, cytokeratin 5/6, and HER2] showed a significant association with survival at 10 years on univariate analysis. On multivariate analysis that included these eight markers and the NPI, only the NPI [hazard ratio (HR), 1.35; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 1.16-1.56; P = 0.0005], ER (HR, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.39-0.88; P = 0.011), and Bcl-2 (HR, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.46-0.99; P = 0.055) were significant. In a subsequent multivariate analysis that included the NPI, ER, and Bcl-2, only Bcl-2 (HR, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.44-0.87; P = 0.006) remained independent of NPI (HR, 1.50; 95% CI, 1.16-1.56; P = 0.004). In addition, Bcl-2, used as a single marker, was more powerful than the use of a panel of markers. Based on these results, an independent series was used to validate the prognostic significance of Bcl-2. ER and PR were also evaluated in this validation series. Bcl-2 (HR, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.71-0.96; P = 0.018) retained prognostic significance independent of the NPI (HR, 2.04; 95% CI, 1.67-2.51; P < 0.001) with an effect that was maximal in the first 5 years. | 1,8-Cineole, the main monoterpene in many essential oils, has been used as an ingredient in flavourings and medicine. 1,8-Cineole has been shown to possess pharmacological properties, including anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive actions. However, to date, no studies have examined the potential of 1,8-cineole to protect against cerebral ischaemic injury. In this study, we investigated the neuroprotective effects of 1,8-cineole against cortical neuronal/glial cell injury caused by oxygen-glucose deprivation/reoxygenation (OGD/R) in an in-vitro model of ischaemia. 1,8-Cineole significantly attenuated OGD/R-induced cortical cell injury, as well as reduced n-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)-induced cell injury. However, it did not inhibit NMDA-induced cytosolic calcium overload. Nevertheless, 1,8-cineole significantly reduced the OGD/R- and NMDA-induced overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). These results indicate that 1,8-cineole exerts neuroprotection through its anti-oxidative rather than its anti-excitotoxic, properties. The decrease in OGD/R-induced intracellular superoxide in 1,8-cineole-treated cortical cells was associated with the upregulation of superoxide dismutase activity. Moreover, 1,8-cineole showed direct ROS scavenging activity in an assay of oxygen radical absorbance capacity. |
Is promoter hypermethylation of the p16 gene and loss of its protein expression correlated with tumor progression in extrahepatic bile duct carcinomas? | The p16 gene is one of the tumor suppressor genes, and its inactivation results in abnormal regulation of the cell cycle in human neoplasms. Promoter hypermethylation, a mechanism of p16 gene inactivation, has been reported to play an important role in tumorigenesis and to be related to patient prognosis in several carcinomas. To determine the role of the p16 gene in extrahepatic bile duct (EBD) carcinomas. We examined promoter hypermethylation of the p16 gene using a methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction and the expression of the p16 protein using an immunohistochemical staining method in 90 cases of EBD carcinomas. We then compared the data with various clinicopathologic parameters, including survival rate. Promoter hypermethylation was observed in 69 (77%) of the 90 cases. Of 69 hypermethylated cases, 32 (46%) demonstrated loss of p16 expression. Promoter hypermethylation of the p16 gene was more commonly observed in tumors with vascular invasion (22 [92%] of 24 cases) than without vascular invasion (71%, P = .03). Furthermore, p16 promoter hypermethylation with loss of p16 expression was more frequently observed in cases with lymph node metastasis (P = .006) and higher tumor stage group (P = .04). However, there was no significant difference in survival rate according to the status of p16 promoter methylation and/or p16 expression. | Walking is usually undertaken at a speed that coincides with the lowest metabolic cost. Aging however, alters the speed-cost relationship, as preferred walking speeds decrease and energy costs increase. It is unclear to what extent this relationship is affected when older women undertake walking as an exercise modality. The aim of this study was to compare the energetic cost of walking at a self-selected exercise pace for a 30 minute period in older and younger women. The energetic cost of walking was assessed using the energy equivalent of oxygen consumption measured in 18 young (age 25 to 49 years) and 20 older (age 50 to 79 years) women who were asked to walk at their 'normal' exercise pace on a motorized treadmill for 30 minutes duration. The mass-specific net cost of walking (Cw) was 15% higher and self-selected walking speed was 23% lower in the older women than in the younger group. When speed was held constant, the Cw was 0.30 ( higher in the older women. |
Do prostaglandin D2 and leukotriene E4 synergize to stimulate diverse TH2 functions and TH2 cell/neutrophil crosstalk? | Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) and cysteinyl leukotrienes (cysLTs) are lipid mediators derived from mast cells, which activate TH2 cells. The combination of PGD2 and cysLTs (notably cysteinyl leukotriene E4 [LTE4]) enhances TH2 cytokine production. However, the synergistic interaction of cysLTs with PGD2 in promoting TH2 cell activation is still poorly understood. The receptors for these mediators are drug targets in the treatment of allergic diseases, and hence understanding their interaction is likely to have clinical implications. We aimed to comprehensively define the roles of PGD2, LTE4, and their combination in activating human TH2 cells and how such activation might allow the TH2 cells to engage downstream effectors, such as neutrophils, which contribute to the pathology of allergic responses. The effects of PGD2, LTE4, and their combination on human TH2 cell gene expression were defined by using a microarray, and changes in specific inflammatory pathways were confirmed by means of PCR array, quantitative RT-PCR, ELISA, Luminex, flow cytometry, and functional assays, including analysis of downstream neutrophil activation. Blockade of PGD2 and LTE4 was tested by using TM30089, an antagonist of chemoattractant receptor-homologous molecule expressed on TH2 cells, and montelukast, an antagonist of cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1. PGD2 and LTE4 altered the transcription of a wide range of genes and induced diverse functional responses in TH2 cells, including cell adhesion, migration, and survival and cytokine production. The combination of these lipids synergistically or additively enhanced TH2 responses and, strikingly, induced marked production of diverse nonclassical TH2 inflammatory mediators, including IL-22, IL-8, and GM-CSF, at concentrations sufficient to affect neutrophil activation. | The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of new quantitative echocardiographic strain and strain-rate imaging parameters to identify abnormal regional right ventricular (RV) deformation associated with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C). A total of 34 patients with ARVD/C (confirmed by Task Force criteria) and 34 healthy controls were prospectively enrolled. Conventional echocardiography, including Doppler tissue imaging (DTI), was performed. Doppler and two-dimensional strain-derived velocity, strain, and strain rate were calculated in the apical, mid, and basal segments of the RV free wall. RV dimensions were significantly increased in patients with ARVD/C (RV outflow tract 19.3+/-5.2 mm/m2 vs 14.1+/-2.2 mm/m2, P<.001; RV inflow tract 23.4+/-4.8 mm/m2 vs 18.8+/-2.4 mm/m2, P<.001), whereas left ventricular dimensions were not significantly different compared with controls. Strain and strain rate values were significantly lower in patients with ARVD/C in all 3 segments. All deformation parameters showed a higher accuracy to detect functional abnormalities compared with conventional echocardiographic criteria of dimensions or global systolic function. The lowest DTI strain value in any of the 3 analyzed segments showed the best receiver operating characteristics (area under the curve 0.97) with an optimal cutoff value of -18.2%. |
Does exposure of preimplantation embryos to platelet-activating factor increase birth rate? | Platelet-activating factor (PAF) plays a significant role in fertility. Preimplantation stage embryos produce PAF (ePAF) which is required for development. PAF's mechanism of action is receptor-mediated and its presence has been reported in the developing mouse and human embryo. Exposure of preimplantation stage mouse embryos results in higher implantation rates. However, the effect of such treatment on live-birth rates and birth weights has not been reported. Therefore, the objective the study was to determine the effect of exposing preimplantation mouse embryos to PAF on subsequent birth rate and weight. Two-cell stage preimplantation stage mouse embryos exposed to PAF (10(-7) M) for 15 min prior to intraoviductal transfer. Preimplantation stage embryos were recovered from eCG/hCG primed BDF1 female mice. Embryos were exposed to synthetic PAF (10(-7) M) for 15 min. PAF-treated embryos were transferred to the oviducts of pseudopregnant female CD-1 female mice. Superovulated and cultured BDF1 embryos not treated with PAF served as in vitro controls and naturally ovulated embryos with no collection/culture served as in vivo controls. Embryos were permitted to develop to term (18-21 days). The number of pups born per litter and litter weights subsequently were recorded. A total of 160 BDF1 mouse embryos were collected, treated, and transferred (20 per CD-1 recipient) as described. There was a significant (P < 0.05) increase in the number of pups born to the PAF treatment group (56/80; 70%) as compared to the control group (44/80; 55%). There was also a significant difference (P < 0.05) in litter birth weights between the PAF (1.31 g/litter) and controls groups (1.25 g/litter). There was a significant difference (P < 0.05) in birth weights between the PAF treatment group and the in vivo group (1.51 g/litter). There was a significant difference in birth weights between the in vitro-control and in vivo groups (1.51 g/litter). There were no observational malformaties to pups born in any group. | Established prognostic factors are of limited value to predict long-term survival and benefit from metastasectomy in advanced melanoma. This study aimed to identify prognostic factors in patients with distant metastasis. We analysed overall survival of 855 institutional melanoma patients with distant metastasis by bivariate Kaplan-Meier survival probabilities and multivariate Cox hazard regression analysis. Serum lactate dehydrogenases (LDH), S100B, the interval between initial diagnosis and occurrence of distant metastasis, the site of distant metastases, and the number of involved distant sites were significant independent prognostic factors in both bivariate and multivariate analyses. Visceral metastases other than lung (hazard ratio (HR) 1.8), elevated S100B (HR 1.7) and elevated LDH (HR 1.6) had the highest negative impact on survival. Complete metastasectomy was likewise an independent prognostic factor in multivariate analysis. This treatment was associated with favourable survival for patients with normal LDH and S100B values (5-year survival, 37.2%). |
Does exogenous galanin regulate capsaicin-evoked substance P release from primary cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons? | To determine the effect of exogenous galanin on capsaicin-evoked substance P (SP) release from primary cultured embryonic rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. DRG was dissected out from embryonic 15-day-old Wistar rat and cultured as dissociated cells for 2 days then exposed to galanin (1 nmol/L, 10 nmol/L, 100 nmol/L). After 4 days incubation with exogenous galanin, the levels of mRNAs for SP and vanilloid receptor 1 (VR1) and protein for VR1 were estimated by RT-PCR and Western blot, respectively. Basal SP release and capsaicin-evoked SP release levels were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA). The amount of VR1 mRNA and VR1 protein expression and capsaicin-evoked SP release in cultured DRG neurons increased significantly after incubation with exogenous galanin compared with control DRG neurons at the same time point, whereas the amount of SP mRNA and basal SP release were not affected after incubation with exogenous galanin. | The etiology of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) includes atherosclerotic, inflammatory, immunological and coagulatory mechanisms. The aim of this study was to evaluate associations between markers for some of these mechanisms and AAA-size, in order to identify markers which might later be evaluated in relation to aneurysm growth. Prospectively 360 AAA-patients and an age and sex-matched healthy control group (n=219) were analyzed. AAA-patients were divided in three groups according to AAA-diameter (small <45 mm, n=122, medium 45-55 mm, n=108, and large >55 mm, n=130). Associated diseases, blood pressures and routine laboratory markers were analyzed. Additionally we evaluated endothelin (ET)-1, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-6, activated protein C-protein C inhibitor (APC-PCI) complex, and CD40 ligand. Groups were compared with the Kruskall-Wallis test and the Mann-Whitney U test. Of routine markers platelet count was lower (p=0.0006) and creatinine level was higher (p=0.028) in patients with large AAA. Almost all non-routine markers analyzed were highly elevated in AAA-patients compared to the control group. IL-6 (p=0.0002) and thrombin activation measured as APC-PCI (p<0.0001) increased depending on the size of AAA. |
Is dCLK1 up-regulated and associated with metastasis and prognosis in colorectal cancer? | Metastasis is a primary cause of colorectal cancer (CRC)-related death, and cancer stem cells (CSCs) are thought to be majorly responsible for initiating metastatic behaviors. Doublecortin-like kinase 1 (DCLK1) was recently discovered to be a marker for gastrointestinal CSCs. Here, we aimed to explore whether DCLK1 is associated with CRC metastasis through clinical and in vitro investigations. The expression levels of DCLK1 mRNA and protein in human CRC tissues were analyzed through quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry staining, respectively. Human CRC cell line SW480 was selected to explore the effect of DCLK1 overexpression on cell migration and invasion. Besides, the associations between DCLK1 and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) were determined. Compared to normal colorectal tissues, DCLK1 expression was significantly up-regulated in human CRC tissues and correlated well with high lymphatic metastasis and poor prognosis in patients. DCLK1 expression was inversely associated with overall survival in CRC patients. Overexpression of DCLK1 in SW480 cells markedly promoted cell migration and invasion. Furthermore, we validated that DCLK1 could facilitate EMT in cancer cells by up-regulation of the mesenchymal markers Vimentin and ZEB1 and down-regulation of the epithelial marker E-cadherin in SW480 cells. | A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, crossover study was conducted to determine the effect of sertraline on the beta-adrenergic blocking activity of atenolol in 10 healthy male volunteers. To assess the existence of any possible pharmacodynamic interaction between sertraline and atenolol, the effect of sertraline and placebo on the dose of intravenous isoproterenol required to increase heart rate by 25 beats per minute (bpm; chronotropic dose25 [CD25]) and the change in heart rate during exercise in atenolol-treated subjects were determined. The mean CD25 of isoproterenol was 2.00 micrograms after administration of placebo plus atenolol 50 mg and 2.03 micrograms after administration of sertralnie 100 micrograms plus atenolol 50 mg. The mean heart rate during exercise testing decreased by 29 bpm after sertraline plus atenolol administration and by 31 bpm after placebo plus atenolol administration. Analysis of variance indicated no statistically significant treatment or sequence effects. Only 1 subject experienced an adverse event--a mild headache after administration of sertraline plus atenolol. No clinically significant electrocardiograph changes were observed after sertraline or placebo administration. |
Do human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells combined with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation synthesize insulin? | Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) is an autoimmune disorder with disturbed glucose/insulin metabolism, which has no medical treatment other than life-long insulin therapy, despite which 30% of subjects develop organ failure. Herein we have reported the use of human adipose-tissue-derived, insulin-making mesenchymal stem cells (h-AD-MSC) transfused with unfractionated cultured bone marrow (CBM) in 5 insulinopenic DM patients. Five (M:F, 2:3) insulinopenic DM patients of 0.6 to 10 years' duration, ages 14 to 28 years under treatment insulin (Human with 14-70 U/d) showed postprandial blood sugars between 156 to 470 mg%, glycosylated hemoglobin 6.8% to 9.9% and c-peptide levels of 0.02 to 0.2 ng/mL. They underwent intraportal administration of xenogeneic-free h-AD-MSC (mean dose = 1.5 mL; cell counts, 2.1 x 10(3)/muL). The CD45-/90+/73(+) cells (29.8/16.8%) showed c-peptide levels of 3.08 ng/mL, insulin level of 1578 micro IU/mL. The aliquot was supplemented with CBM (mean dose 94 mL with cell counts: 18.7 x 10(3)/microL) containing CD45-/34+ elements of 0.93%. The Institutional Review Board approved the study protocol and consent forms. All patients were successfully infused CBM plus h-AD-MSC without any untoward effects and showed 30% to 50% decreased insulin requirements with 4- to 26-fold increased serum c-peptide levels, with a mean follow-up of 2.9 months. | During opioid administration, decreasing respiratory rate is typically used as a predictor of respiratory depression. Prior to opioid-induced apnea, progressively irregular breathing patterns have been noticed. We hypothesize that opioid administration to children will increase tidal volume variability (TV(var)) and that this will be a better predictor of respiratory depression than a decrease in respiratory rate. We recruited 32 children aged 2-8 years scheduled to undergo surgery. During spontaneous ventilation, flow rates and respiratory rates were continuously recorded, while remifentanil was infused at stepwise increasing doses each lasting 10 min. The infusion was continued until the patient showed signs of respiratory depression. Flow data from each dose was used to calculate tidal volumes, from which TV(var) was calculated. The respiratory rate and TV(var) during the last (D(last)), second to last (D-2), and third to last (D-3), administered doses were compared to those during baseline (fourth to last dose). We chose a threshold of TV(var) increase and compared it to a decrease in respiratory rate below 10 breaths per min as predictors of respiratory depression. Compared to baseline, the TV(var) increased by 336% and 668% during D(-2) and D(last), respectively, whereas respiratory rate decreased by 14.3%, 31.7%, and 55.5% during D(-3), D(-2), and D(last), respectively. A threshold increase in TV(var) of 150% over baseline correctly predicted respiratory depression in 41% of patients, compared to a drop in respiratory rate correctly predicting 22% of patients. |
Does tannic acid label indicate abnormal cell development coinciding with regeneration of renal tubules? | Stem/progenitor cells are in the focus of research as a future therapeutic option to stimulate regeneration in diseased renal parenchyma. However, current data indicate that successful seeding of implanted stem/progenitor cells is prevented by harmful interstitial fluid and altered extracellular matrix. To find out possible parameters for cell adaptation, the present investigation was performed. Renal stem/progenitor cells were mounted in an artificial interstitium for perfusion culture. Exposure to chemically defined but CO2-independent culture media was tested during 13 days. Cell biological features were then analyzed by histochemistry, while structural details were investigated by transmission electron microscopy after conventional and improved fixation of specimens. Culture of renal stem/progenitor cells as well in Leibovitz's L-15 Medium as CO2 Independent Medium shows in fluorescence microscopy spatial development of numerous tubules. Specimens of both media fixed by conventional glutaraldehyde exhibit in electron microscopy a homogeneous cell population in developed tubules. In contrast, fixation by glutaraldehyde including tannic acid illuminates that dispersed dark marked cells of unknown function are present. The screening further demonstrates that the dark cell type does not comply with cells found in embryonic, maturing or matured renal parenchyma. | Previous research has demonstrated that chronic cigarette smoking and major depressive disorder (MDD) are each associated with cognitive decrements. Further, these conditions co-occur commonly, though mechanisms in the comorbid condition are poorly understood. There may be distinct, additive, or overlapping factors underlying comorbid cigarette smoking and MDD. The present study investigated the impact of smoking and MDD on executive function and emotion processing. Participants (N=198) were grouped by diagnostic category (MDD and healthy controls, HC) and smoking status (ever-smokers, ES and never-smokers, NS). Participants completed the Facial Emotion Perception Test (FEPT), a measure of emotional processing, and the parametric Go/No-go task (PGNG), a measure of executive function. FEPT performance was analyzed using ANCOVA with accuracy and reaction time as separate dependent variables. Repeated measures MANCOVA was conducted for PGNG with performance measure and task level as dependent variables. Analyses for each task included diagnostic and smoking group as independent variables, and gender was controlled for. Results for FEPT reveal that lower overall accuracy was found for ES relative to NS, though MDD did not differ from HC. Post-hoc analyses revealed that ES were poorer at identifying happy and sad, but not fearful or angry, faces. For PGNG, poorer performance was observed in MDD relative to HC in response time to Go targets, but there were no differences for ES and NS. Interaction of diagnosis and smoking group was not observed for performance on either task. |
Does angiotensin II type 2 receptor decrease ischemia reperfusion induced fluid leak? | Intravascular volume loss from ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury is a major clinical concern. We hypothesize that angiotensin II decreases IR-mediated microvascular fluid leak via the angiotensin II type 2 receptor in a cAMP dependent manner. We therefore sought to determine hydraulic permeability after IR of venules treated with 1) angiotensin II, 2) angiotensin II and cAMP synthesis inhibitor, and 3) angiotensin II and an angiotensin II type 2 receptor antagonist. Rat mesenteric post-capillary venules were micro-cannulated to measure hydraulic permeability (L(p)). IR was achieved by placing animals in a 5% oxygen environment and preventing venular flow, after which blood flow was allowed to resume. L(p) was measured after IR and treatment with 1) angiotensin II (20 nm), 2) angiotensin II (20 nm) + cAMP synthesis inhibitor (DDA,10uM), and 3) angiotensin II (20 nm) + type 2 receptor antagonist (PD-123319, 300 mum) (n=6 in each group). Compared with the seven-fold increase in L(p) because of IR alone: 1) angiotensin II attenuated the seven-fold increase by 50% (P<0.005), 2) cAMP inhibition did not change the effect of angiotensin II on leak, and the type 2 receptor antagonist completely blocked the effects of angiotensin II on IR mediated leak. | To investigate whether the serological marker for coeliac disease, tissue transglutaminase autoantibody (tTGAb), is associated with decreased bone mass density (BMD) and increased frequency of fractures in middle-aged women screened for osteoporosis. The study comprised 6480 women (mean age 56 years, range 50-64) who answered a number of questionnaires and who underwent dual X-ray absorptiometry of the wrist bone. Serum samples were analysed for tTGAb using radioligand binding assays. A tTGAb level of >4 U/ml was used to determine a positive value and a level of >17 U/ml was used as an alternative discrimination of high levels. A tTGAb level >4 U/ml was found among 90/6480 (1.4%) women and correlated with lower BMD (multiple linear regression coefficient -382.1; 95% CI = - 673.6-90.7, p=0.011) and with fracture frequency (r=0.18, p=0.023). The 59 women with tTGAb levels >or=17 U/ml had a lower BMD (0.41+/-0.08 g/cm(2) versus 0.44+/-0.08 g/cm(2), p=0.001) and a lower T-score (-1.40+/-1.28 versus -0.90+/-1.40, p=0.003) as well as a higher prevalence of osteoporosis (13.4% versus 6.5%, p=0.008) compared with the remaining 6421 women with tTGAb levels <17 U/ml. Furthermore, fracture frequency was more pronounced in women with tTGAb levels >or=17 U/ml, among whom 19/59 (32.2%) had fractures during the study period compared with 1204/6421 (18.8%) among women with tTGAb levels <17 U/ml (p=0.009). |
Is platelet activity a biomarker of cardiac necrosis and predictive of untoward clinical outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing primary coronary stenting? | The relationship between platelet activity and myocardial injury in patients with ST-segment elevated (ST-se) acute myocardial infarction (AMI) remains unclear. This study tested the hypothesis that platelet activity (expressed by CD62p) is enhanced and predictive of both the extent of myocardial damage and 30-day clinical outcome in patients with ST-se AMI undergoing primary coronary stenting. Platelet CD62p expression prior to coronary angiographic was prospectively measured using flow cytometry in 45 consecutive patients with AMI undergoing primary coronary stenting. The CD62p expression was also evaluated in 20 healthy and 20 at-risk control subjects. The CD62p expression was significantly higher in AMI patients than in healthy and at-risk control subjects (all p values <0.0001). Patients with high CD62p expression (>or=8%) had significantly higher creatine kinase-MB (p<0.0001) levels, higher incidence of cardiogenic shock (p=0.009) upon presentation, significantly lower left ventricular ejection fraction (p=0.0003), and significantly higher incidence of 30-day composite major adverse clinical outcomes (MACO) (advanced congestive heart failure >or=class 3 or 30-day mortality) (p<0.0001) than those patients with low CD62p expression (<8%). Multiple stepwise logistic regression analysis demonstrated that only high CD62p expression (>or=8%) was an independent predictor of 30-day MACO (all p<0.0001). | The aim of this paper is to describe the main reasons why people consult traditional healers in Mexico City. The narrative of 16 traditional healers and 22 users of this type of medicine is the main source of information. This study used a qualitative approach. The field work was carried out in two stages. The first phase involved a series of observations with an ethnographic approach. During the second phase, focused interviews were held with selected informants. According to participants, the main reasons for consulting traditional healers were problems with romance and love, family conflicts, economic hardships, stress,tension, nervousness and spiritual distress. These motives cannot be considered diseases in a strict sense; they were all health problems manifested as illnesses that caused suffering and only some of them could be classified as diseases within the biomedical model. People go to traditional healers not only to cure their diseases but also to obtain advice about their personal problems. As a result, traditional medicine becomes an additional option for treating human suffering, not only physical, but moral and psychological as well. |
Does protection of monkeys by a split vaccine against SIVmac depend upon biological properties of the challenge virus? | To investigate the role of the anti-cellular immune response in the protection of rhesus macaques against infection with the simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac. To determine the biological differences between SIV challenge stocks grown either on human T-cell lines or on monkey peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MPBMC). A protective SIVmac split vaccine was administered to rhesus macaques and their anti-, B- and T-cell response monitored. Vaccinees and controls were challenged with SIVmac grown either on human or on monkey cells. The in vivo replication rate of, and the immune response to, the two viruses was compared. Five rhesus macaques were immunized with a total of 2 mg each of purified SIVmac251/32H grown on the human C8166 T-cell line. The antibody and proliferative T-cell responses were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and T-cell proliferation assay, respectively. Four protected animals and four controls were reboosted and challenged with MPBMC-grown SIVmac251 (SIVmac251/MPBMC). Cell-free virus load was determined by titration of plasma for SIV infectivity on C8166 cells and antigen with a core antigen capture assay. Protection from virus challenge with C8166-grown SIVmac251/32H or SIVmac251/MPBMC did not correlate with anti-cellular antibodies or proliferative T-cell reactivities. Control animals infected with SIVmac251/MPBMC showed high persistent antigenaemia and high plasma virus titres. Both were absent in controls infected with complement C8166-grown SIVmac251/32H. Whereas the latter always seroconverted against the full panel of viral polypeptides, SIVmac251/MPBMC-infected animals showed a drastically decreased antibody response. | Migraine and metabolic syndrome have been reported to coexist to a marked degree, especially in women migraine patients, but the relationship between these two conditions is still unclear. This study was performed to evaluate the association of headache characteristics and its comorbidities with metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its components in female migraine patients. A total of 142 women with migraine who fulfilled the criteria of the International Classification of Headache Disorders 2nd edition were recruited in a neurological outpatient department in China. The characteristics of migraine and its comorbidities (analgesic use, psychiatric disorders and disability) were assessed with a detailed questionnaire. Anthropometrics, blood biochemistry and transcranial Doppler sonography were used for metabolic measurements and vascular function. Of 142 participants, 70.4% had one or more metabolic abnormalities and 12.0% had MetS. After adjustment for age, residence, body mass index, waist-to-height ratio, smoking and drinking history, chronic migraine in women patients was associated with MetS [odds ratio (OR) = 5.342, P = 0.032], but when the chronic migraine patients were comorbid with medication overuse headache (MOH), the risk for MetS increased significantly (OR = 12.68, P = 0.007). In addition, MOH was associated with abdominal obesity and hypertension amongst the components of MetS (OR = 4.205 and 3.234, P = 0.043 and 0.039, respectively). |
Is sMAC expressed de novo in a subset of cervical cancer tumors? | Smac/Diablo is a recently identified protein that is released from mitochondria after apoptotic stimuli. It binds IAPs, allowing caspase activation and cell death. In view of its activity it might participate in carcinogenesis. In the present study, we analyzed Smac expression in a panel of cervical cancer patients. We performed semi quantitative RT-PCR on 41 cervical tumor and 6 normal tissue samples. The study included 8 stage I cases; 16 stage II; 17 stage III; and a control group of 6 samples of normal cervical squamous epithelial tissue. Smac mRNA expression was below the detection limit in the normal cervical tissue samples. In contrast, 13 (31.7%) of the 41 cervical cancer biopsies showed detectable levels of this transcript. The samples expressing Smac were distributed equally among the stages (5 in stage I, 4 in stage II and 4 in stage III) with similar expression levels. We found no correlation between the presence of Smac mRNA and histology, menopause, WHO stage or disease status. | One of the most common and severe complications of long-term parenteral nutrition (PN) is PN-associated cholestasis. The soybean oil-based lipid emulsion administered with PN has been associated with cholestasis, leading to an interest in lipid reduction strategies. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the provision of a soybean oil-based lipid emulsion at 1 g/kg/d compared with 2-3 g/kg/d is associated with a reduced incidence of cholestasis. Retrospective review of neonates admitted between 2007 and 2011 with a gastrointestinal condition necessitating ≥ 21 days of PN support. Neonates were divided into 2 groups based on the intravenous lipid emulsion dose: 1-g group (1 g/kg/d) and 2- to 3-g group (2-3 g/kg/d). The primary outcome measure was the incidence of cholestasis. Sixty-one patients met inclusion criteria (n = 29, 1-g group; n = 32, 2- to 3-g group). The 2 groups did not differ in any baseline characteristics other than associated comorbidities that were more common in the 2- to 3-g group. The duration of PN, the number of operative procedures and bloodstream infections, and enteral nutrition (EN) were similar between groups. The incidence of cholestasis was not different between groups (51.7%, 1-g group; 43.8%, 2- to 3-g group; P = .61), and there was no difference between groups in the time to cholestasis (32.6 ± 24.1 days, 1-g group; 27.7 ± 10.6 days, 2- to 3-g group; P = .48). Overall, 44.8% of patients with cholestasis were transitioned to full EN, and 55.2% were transitioned to a fish oil-based lipid emulsion after which the direct bilirubin normalized in all patients. |
Is igG4-subclass of glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody more frequent in latent autoimmune diabetes in adults than in type 1 diabetes? | Glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies (GADA) are the most frequent beta-cell-specific autoantibodies in type 1 diabetes and in latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA). The autoimmune attack on pancreatic islet cells is associated with a T helper 1 cell (T(h)1) response, mainly represented by IgG(1)-subclass in humans. It has been proposed that the presence of IgG(4) may be associated with a T(h)2 response. The aim of our study was to compare the GADA IgG-subclass distribution between adult patients with type 1 diabetes and LADA. Patients with type 1 diabetes (n=45) and patients with LADA (n=60) were included. Radioimmunoprecipitation assay with IgG-subclass specific Sepharose (IgG(1), IgG(2), IgG(3) and IgG(4)) was used to precipitate the antibody/antigen-complex. We only detected IgG(4)-subclass of GADA in subjects with LADA (26.7%; p<0.001). IgG(1) was the most common GADA-subclass in both groups, however IgG(1) as the solely expressed subclass was more common among type 1 diabetic patients (77.8%; p<0.05). The rank order of the frequencies of IgG-subclasses in type 1 diabetes was IgG(1)>IgG(3)>IgG(2)>IgG(4) and in LADA patients IgG(1)>IgG(4)>IgG(2)>IgG(3). | Resuming two lung ventilation (2LV) from one lung ventilation (OLV) has been proven to induce significant oxidative stress, mainly by superoxide release. Although total intravenous anesthesia and inhalational anesthesia are both used in thoracic surgery, different anesthetics may alter the oxidant/antioxidant balance. Thirty patients undergoing thoracic surgery were randomly allocated to the propofol infusion (intravenous) group or isoflurane (inhalational) group after induction and placement of a double lumen endobronchial tube. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and total antioxidant status (TAS) were measured during OLV and 2LV manipulations. Blood samples were taken in the lateral position before OLV (T1), immediately before resuming 2LV (T2), and 5 minutes (T3) and 20 minutes (T4) after resuming 2LV, for measurement of ROS. ROS production increased significantly at T3 and T4 in both groups but to a lesser extent in the propofol infusion group. TAS levels increased with time in the propofol group but not in the isoflurane group. |
Does a prospective cohort study to investigate risk factors for horse fall in UK hurdle and steeplechase racing? | Equine fatalities during racing continue to be a major welfare concern and falls at fences are responsible for a proportion of all equine fatalities recorded on racecourses. To identify and quantify risk factors for horse falls in National Hunt (NH) racing and to report the frequency of falling and falling-associated fatalities. A prospective cohort study was conducted on 2879 horse starts in hurdle and steeplechase races on 6 UK racecourses. Any horse that suffered a fall at a steeplechase or hurdle fence during the race was defined as a case. Data were obtained by interview and observations in the parade ring and from commercial databases. Multivariable logistic regression models, allowing for clustering at the level of the track, were used to identify the relationship between variables and the risk of falling. There were 124 falling cases (32 in hurdling and 92 in steeplechasing) identified. The injury risk of fallers was 8.9% and fatality risk 6.5%. Duration of journey to the racecourse, behaviour in the parade ring and weather at the time of the race were associated with falling in both hurdle and steeplechase racing. Age, amount of rainfall and going were also associated with falling in steeplechase racing. | Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein is important in the DNA damage response because it repairs radiation-induced damage in cancers. We examined the effect of microRNA-223 (miR-223), a regulator of ATM expression, on radiation sensitivity of cancer cells. Human embryonic kidney 293 T (293T) cells were infected with pLL3.7-miR-223 plasmid to generate the pLL3.7-miR-223 and -empty virus (EV) lentivirus (miR-223 and EV). A dual luciferase assay in which the reporter contained wild-type 3' untranslated region (UTR) of ATM was performed. U87MG cells were infected with miR-223 or EV to establish the overexpressed stable cell lines (U87-223 or U87-EV, respectively). Cells were irradiated in vitro, and dose enhancement ratios at 2 Gy (DER2) were calculated. Hind legs of BALB/c athymic mice were injected with U87-223 or U87-EV cells; after 2 weeks, half of the tumors were irradiated. Tumor volumes were tracked for a total of 5 weeks. The dual luciferase reporter assay showed a significant reduction in luciferase activity of 293T cells cotransfected with miR-223 and the ATM 3'UTR compared to that in EV control. Overexpression of miR-223 in U87MG cells showed that ATM expression was significantly downregulated in the U87-223 cells compared to that in U87-EV (ATM/β-actin mRNA 1.0 vs 1.5, P<.05). U87-223 cells were hypersensitive to radiation compared to U87-EV cells in vitro (DER2 = 1.32, P<.01). Mice injected with miR-223-expressing tumors had almost the same tumors after 3 weeks (1.5 cm(3) vs 1.7 cm(3)). However, irradiation significantly decreased tumor size in miR-223-expressing tumors compared to those in controls (0.033 cm(3) vs 0.829 cm(3)). |
Does pseudoaneurysm of head and neck vessels have been frequently observed in road side bomb blast victims? | Due to recent war situation in neighboring country we have witnessed large number of victims with post-traumatic false (pseudo) aneurysms of head and neck in roadside bomb blast victims in Pakistan. Thus through this observational retrospective study we aim to share our experience of managing these patients. 5 years patients' case records, from June 2008-June 2013, were reviewed from the hospital's records. 14 cases of roadside bomb blast victims, developing false aneurysms of major or minor vessels of head and neck, were studied. We excluded the post-traumatic pseudoaneurysms involving other sites and vessels of the body. We observed the mechanism, the duration of presentation, symptoms/signs, vessels involved, complications and the management done. All 14 cases presented with a localized pulsatile swelling with tenderness in the course of a known artery and with an overlying entry site wound from bomb blast sharp nails. Men were affected more as compared to women. All (14) cases had 2-12 weeks of duration between the injury and presentation. Temporal artery (4) was involved in most cases followed by common carotid artery (3). Open surgery was treatment of choice in 12 (85.7%) of cases; however 2 (14.3%) patients had endovascular intervention to correct the pathology. Post-operatively all patients recovered completely, without any major or minor complications. | The multisubunit SIN3 complex is a global transcriptional regulator. In Drosophila, a single Sin3A gene encodes different isoforms of SIN3, of which SIN3 187 and SIN3 220 are the major isoforms. Previous studies have demonstrated functional non-redundancy of SIN3 isoforms. The role of SIN3 isoforms in regulating distinct biological processes, however, is not well characterized. We established a Drosophila S2 cell culture model system in which cells predominantly express either SIN3 187 or SIN3 220. To identify genomic targets of SIN3 isoforms, we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by deep sequencing. Our data demonstrate that upon overexpression of SIN3 187, the level of SIN3 220 decreased and the large majority of genomic sites bound by SIN3 220 were instead bound by SIN3 187. We used RNA-seq to identify genes regulated by the expression of one isoform or the other. In S2 cells, which predominantly express SIN3 220, we found that SIN3 220 directly regulates genes involved in metabolism and cell proliferation. We also determined that SIN3 187 regulates a unique set of genes and likely modulates expression of many genes also regulated by SIN3 220. Interestingly, biological pathways enriched for genes specifically regulated by SIN3 187 strongly suggest that this isoform plays an important role during the transition from the embryonic to the larval stage of development. |
Does harm reduction behaviors among young polysubstance users at rave? | Raves may be considered recreational settings in which drug use and health risks related to polydrug use are higher than in others. Harm reduction behaviors implemented by ravers are of particular relevance in reducing such risks. This study analyzes harm reduction behaviors and their relationship to raver polysubstance use patterns. Cross-sectional study of 248 ravers recruited at underground raves in Andalusia (Spain). A questionnaire was developed to collect information about their sociodemographics, drug use, and harm reduction behaviors. The results show that ravers employ harm reduction behaviors for minimizing drug-related harm. Nevertheless, only a small minority of the participants frequently employed harm reduction behavior for polysubstance use as well. Ravers identified as high polysubstance users protected themselves significantly less than those identified as low polysubstance users. | Development of novel strategies in the treatment of advanced thyroid cancer are needed. Our laboratory has previously identified a role for nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) signaling in human thyroid cancer cell growth, survival, and invasion. Our goal was to establish the role of NF-κB signaling on thyroid cancer growth and metastases in vivo and to begin to dissect mechanisms regulating this effect. We examined tumor formation of five thyroid cancer cell lines in an in vivo model of thyroid cancer and observed tumor establishment in two of the cell lines (8505C and BCPAP). Inhibition of NF-κB signaling by overexpression of a dominant-negative IκBα (mIκBα) significantly inhibited thyroid tumor growth in tumors derived from both cell lines. Further studies in an experimental metastasis model demonstrated that NF-κB inhibition impaired growth of tumor metastasis and prolonged mouse survival. Proliferation (mitotic index) was decreased in 8505C tumors, but not in BCPAP tumors, while in vitro angiogenesis and in vivo tumor vascularity were significantly inhibited by mIkBα only in the BCPAP cells. Cytokine antibody array analysis demonstrated that IL-8 secretion was blocked by mIκBα expression. Interestingly, basal NF-κB activity and IL-8 levels were significantly higher in the two tumorigenic cell lines compared with the nontumorigenic lines. Furthermore, IL-8 transcript levels were elevated in high-risk human tumors, suggesting that NF-κB and IL-8 are associated with more aggressive tumor behavior. |
Is intracavitary physiotherapy inferior to endometrial scratching in patients with recurrent implantation failure? | To investigate whether intracavitary physiotherapy is superior to endometrial scratching in patients with recurrent implantation failure (RIF) after in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection- embryo transfer (IVF/ICSI-ET) cycles. According to the inclusion criteria defined by our hospital, 63 patients with RIF were included in the retrospective study. 20 patients who received intracavitary physiotherapy were classified into Group A, 8 patients with both intracavitary physiotherapy and endometrial scratching were into Group B, and 35 patients who underwent endometrial scratching were into Group C. The primary outcome measures were implantation and clinical pregnancy rates. The secondary outcome measure was pregnancy outcome. There were no statistical differences in implantation and clinical pregnancy rates between Groups A and C (29.41 vs 35.59 %, 45.00 vs 48.57 % respectively, P > 0.05), Groups B and C (36.36 vs 35.59 %, 50.00 vs 48.57 % respectively, P > 0.05). In addition, no statistical differences were discovered in pregnancy outcomes between Groups A and C (P > 0.05), Groups B and C (P > 0.05). | Heme oxygenase catalyzes the conversion of heme to iron, carbon monoxide and biliverdin employing oxygen and reducing equivalents. This enzyme is essential for heme-iron utilization and contributes to virulence in Leptospira interrogans. A phylogenetic analysis was performed using heme oxygenases sequences from different organisms including saprophytic and pathogenic Leptospira species. L. interrogans heme oxygenase (LepHO) was cloned, overexpressed and purified. The structural and enzymatic properties of LepHO were analyzed by UV-vis spectrophotometry and (1)H NMR. Heme-degrading activity, ferrous iron release and biliverdin production were studied with different redox partners. A plastidic type, high efficiently ferredoxin-NADP(+) reductase (LepFNR) provides the electrons for heme turnover by heme oxygenase in L. interrogans. This catalytic reaction does not require a ferredoxin. Moreover, LepFNR drives the heme degradation to completeness producing free iron and α-biliverdin as the final products. The phylogenetic divergence between heme oxygenases from saprophytic and pathogenic species supports the functional role of this enzyme in L. interrogans pathogenesis. |
Does cD4 count outperform World Health Organization clinical algorithm for point-of-care HIV diagnosis among hospitalised HIV-exposed Malawian infants? | To determine, for the WHO algorithm for point-of-care diagnosis of HIV infection, the agreement levels between paediatricians and non-physician clinicians, and to compare sensitivity and specificity profiles of the WHO algorithm and different CD4 thresholds against HIV PCR testing in hospitalised Malawian infants. In 2011, hospitalised HIV-exposed infants <12 months in Lilongwe, Malawi, were evaluated independently with the WHO algorithm by both a paediatrician and clinical officer. Blood was collected for CD4 and molecular HIV testing (DNA or RNA PCR). Using molecular testing as the reference, sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value (PPV) were determined for the WHO algorithm and CD4 count thresholds of 1500 and 2000 cells/mm(3) by paediatricians and clinical officers. We enrolled 166 infants (50% female, 34% <2 months, 37% HIV infected). Sensitivity was higher using CD4 thresholds (<1500, 80%; <2000, 95%) than with the algorithm (physicians, 57%; clinical officers, 71%). Specificity was comparable for CD4 thresholds (<1500, 68%, <2000, 50%) and the algorithm (paediatricians, 55%, clinical officers, 50%). The positive predictive values were slightly better using CD4 thresholds (<1500, 59%, <2000, 52%) than the algorithm (paediatricians, 43%, clinical officers 45%) at this prevalence. | Stroke is a leading cause of disability. However, there is no pharmacological therapy available for promoting recovery. Although treatment of stroke with cystamine has gained increasing interest, the detailed mechanisms underlying this process remain elusive. Thus, our aim is to examine the effect of cystamine on the function recovery after stroke and investigate further cystamine mechanisms. Adult male C57BL/6J mice were subjected to photothrombotic model of focal stroke or sham operation. Cystamine or saline was administered intraperitoneally at 24 h after stroke. Functional recovery was analyzed using behavioral tests; axon remodeling was analyzed using magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and histological assessment. ANA-12, an antagonist of tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB), was administrated to examine the mechanisms underlying the neuroprotection mediated by cystamine. Treatment with cystamine resulted in amelioration of impaired function with concomitant enhancement of axonal remodeling. Cystamine treatment significantly increased brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels and phosphorylation of TrkB in brain after stroke. Cystamine significantly enhanced neuronal progenitor cell proliferation, neuronal survival, and plasticity through BDNF/TrkB pathway. |
Is malonate as a ROS product associated with pyruvate carboxylase activity in acute myeloid leukaemia cells? | The role of anaplerotic nutrient entry into the Krebs cycle via pyruvate carboxylase has been the subject of increased scrutiny and in particular whether this is dysregulated in cancer. Here, we use a tracer-based NMR analysis involving high-resolution (1)H-(13)C-HSQC spectra to assess site-specific label incorporation into a range of metabolite pools, including malate, aspartate and glutamate in the acute myeloid leukaemia cell line K562. We also determine how this is affected following treatment with the redeployed drug combination of the lipid-regulating drug bezafibrate and medroxyprogesterone (BaP). Using the tracer-based approach, we assessed the contribution of pyruvate carboxylase (PC) vs. pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) activity in the derivation of Krebs cycle intermediates. Our data show that PC activity is indeed high in K562 cells. We also demonstrate a branched entry to the Krebs cycle of K562 cells with one branch running counterclockwise using PC-derived oxaloacetate and the other clockwise from the PDH activity. Finally, we show that the PC activity of K562 cells exclusively fuels the ROS-induced decarboxylation of oxaloacetate to malonate in response to BaP treatment; resulting in further Krebs cycle disruption via depletion of oxaloacetate and malonate-mediated inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) resulting in a twofold reduction of fumarate. | Insect bites produce diverse skin reactions. Although quite common, the histopathologic features of arthropod assaults have not ever been studied systemically. Twenty biopsies from cases, clinically diagnosed as arthropod bite reactions between January 2003 and June 2007 were reviewed retrospectively. The aim of the study was to verify as to whether reliable histopathologic criteria could be established based on the frequency of findings observed. Epidermal spongiosis (present in 16 of 20 cases), in particular spongiosis of the infundibular epithelium and acrosyringia as well as eosinophilic spongiosis, emerge as relevant diagnostic clues. A moderately dense, superficial and deep infiltrate consisting mainly of lymphocytes and eosinophils was prevalent in the dermis, with eosinophils tending to interstitial and periadnexal distribution. Of note, 19 of 20 (95%) cases revealed periadnexal involvement, whereas 16 of 20 (80%) had the infiltrate extending particularly along the sweat ducts and the coiled glands. In three biopsies, concomitant involvement of sweat glands, hair follicles and sebaceous glands was noted. |
Does helicobacter pylori infection induce a reversible expression of the CDX2 transcription factor protein in human gastric epithelium? | The homeobox gene CDX2 is implicated in the appearance of intestinal metaplasia in Helicobacter pylori gastritis. The aim of this study was to investigate whether CDX2 expression in gastric mucosa occurs before the appearance of overt intestinal metaplasia in H. pylori gastritis, and whether or not this expression is reversible. CDX2 was studied by immunohistochemistry in a cohort of 38 patients with H. pylori gastritis before and after eradication (mean follow-up 6.3 years) of H. pylori. A cohort of 49 individuals with healthy stomachs was analysed as a control. In the control group no immunostaining of CDX2 in the epithelial cells of the gastric body was found, while in 57% of the cases a mild, aberrant nuclear immunostaining of CDX2 in the non-metaplastic epithelial cells in antrum, designated as "positive staining of single cells" (PSSC), was found. In H. pylori gastritis, the PSSC was seen in antrum and corpus in 100% and 26% of the cases, respectively. The prevalence of antral PSSC was significantly increased (on average by 4-fold) in H. pylori gastritis as compared with controls. After eradication of H. pylori, the prevalence of PSSC decreased significantly in antrum but not in corpus. | In man, differences in angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) levels, related to ACE (I/D) genotype, are associated with renal prognosis. This raises the hypothesis that individual differences in renal ACE activity are involved in renal susceptibility to inflicted damage. Therefore, we studied the predictive effect of renal ACE activity for the severity of renal damage induced by a single injection of adriamycin in rats. Renal ACE activity (Hip-His-Leu cleavage by cortical homogenates) was determined by renal biopsy in 27 adult male Wistar rats. After 1 week of recovery, proteinuria was induced by adriamycin [1.5 mg/kg intravenously (i.v.) n = 18; controls, saline i.v. n = 9]. Proteinuria was measured every 2 weeks. After 12 weeks, rats were sacrificed and their kidneys harvested. As anticipated, adriamycin elicited nephrotic range proteinuria, renal interstitial damage and mild focal glomerulosclerosis. Baseline renal ACE positively correlated with the relative rise in proteinuria after adriamycin (r = 0.62, P<0.01), renal interstitial alpha-smooth muscle actin (r = 0.49, P<0.05), interstitial macrophage influx (r = 0.56, P<0.05), interstitial collagen III (r = 0.53, P<0.05), glomerular alpha-smooth muscle actin (r = 0.74, P<0.01) and glomerular desmin (r = 0.48, P<0.05). Baseline renal ACE did not correlate with focal glomerulosclerosis (r = 0.22, NS). In controls, no predictive values for renal parameters were observed. |
Does cytosolic sequestration of Prep1 influence early stages of T cell development? | Prep1 and Pbx2 are the main homeodomain DNA-binding proteins of the TALE (three amino acid loop extension) family expressed in the thymus. We previously reported reduced Pbx2 expression and defective thymocyte maturation in Prep1 hypomorphic mice. To further investigate the role of this homeodomain DNA-binding protein in T cell development, we generated transgenic mice expressing the N-terminal fragment of Pbx1 (Pbx1NT) under the control of the Lck proximal promoter. Pbx1NT causes Prep1 cytosolic sequestration, abolishes Prep1-dependent DNA-binding activity and results in reduced Pbx2 expression in developing thymocytes. Transgenic thymi reveal increased numbers of CD4(-) CD8(-) CD44(-) (DN3 and DN4) thymocytes, due to a higher frequency of DN2 and DN4 Pbx1NT thymocytes in the S phase. Transgenic thymocytes however do not accumulate at later stages, as revealed by a normal representation of CD4/CD8 double positive and single positive thymocytes, due to a higher rate of apoptotic cell death of DN4 Pbx1NT thymocytes. | Open and laparoscopic antireflux surgeries are standard for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The in-hospital outcomes of laparoscopic and open antireflux procedures were analyzed and compared at US academic medical centers. Using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification codes for 5,737 patients with GERD that underwent open (n = 1,377) or laparoscopic (n = 4,360) antireflux surgery were identified from the University Health-System Consortium Database over a 3-year period (2004-2007). Demographic and outcome data measured included length of stay, overall complications, in-hospital mortality, observed-to-expected mortality ratio (risk-adjusted mortality), and hospital costs. Laparoscopic antireflux procedures offered significantly lower mean length of stay, in-hospital morbidity, and hospital costs. Both procedures had a low observed to expected in-hospital mortality. Open surgery was associated with significantly higher procedure-related and pulmonary complications. |
Is t280M variation of the CX3C receptor gene associated with increased risk for severe respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis? | Recent data suggest that immunologic response during respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is partially modified through interaction of viral G glycoprotein with the host's chemokine receptor, CX3CR1. We hypothesized that two nonsynonymous, single-nucleotide polymorphisms of the CX3CR1 gene (CX3CR1-V249I and CX3CR1-T280M) that disrupt the affinity of CX3CR1 for its natural ligand (fractalkine) could also affect the G glycoprotein-CX3CR1 pathway. To test the hypothesis, DNA samples were obtained from 82 children hospitalized for RSV bronchiolitis in a 1-year period. One hundred twenty sex-matched healthy adults, without a history of severe lower respiratory tract infections, formed the control group. Epidemiologic data showed an increase in the RSV infection rate during the late winter season, with a peak rate in early spring. Genotyping revealed predominance of the 280M-containing genotypes (M/M or T/M) in cases compared with controls (37.8% versus 20.8%, respectively; odds ratio, 2.03; 95% confidence interval, 1.1-3.9; P = 0.025), demonstrating an association between the common CX3CR1-T280M variations and increased risk of severe RSV bronchiolitis. | Oxidative stress causes the defects of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells that contribute to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This study was conducted to determine whether wogonin could prevent H2O2-induced oxidative stress in RPE cells. A RPE cell line, ARPE-19, was obtained for the cell model. ARPE-19 cells were pre-treated with various concentrations of wogonin for 24 h before being exposed to H2O2 for 2 h to induce oxidative stress. Cell metabolic activity was measured using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Cellular apoptosis was quantified by the flow cytometry. Protein level was assed by western blot. The RPE cells exposed to to 200 mM H2O2 demonstrated a significant depression in the cell viability; whereas pre-treatment with 50 and 100 mmol/l wogonin could significantly improve the cell viability in a dose-dependent manner. The proportion of PI-positive cells was increased significantly in RPE cells treated with H2O2 alone; whereas pretreatment with 100 mM wogonin significantly reduced H2O2 -induced RPE cell death rate. In protein level, the wogonin use could reduce the level of p-Akt significantly and this is the possible mechanism of the antioxidant effect of wogonin. |
Are caspase-1-deficient mice protected against cisplatin-induced apoptosis and acute tubular necrosis? | Cisplatin is a commonly used chemotherapeutic agent which causes apoptosis or necrosis of renal tubular epithelial cells in vitro. Caspases are a family of cysteine proteases that mediate apoptosis (caspase-3) and inflammation (caspase-1). Although well studied in vitro, caspases have not been previously studied in cisplatin-induced acute renal failure (ARF) in vivo. Cisplatin (30 mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally into wild-type and caspase-1-deficient (-/-) C57BL/6 mice. Serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and renal caspase-1, -3, -8 and -9 activity were measured on days 1, 2, and 3 after cisplatin injection. Kidneys were examined for acute tubular necrosis (ATN), neutrophils, and apoptosis on days 1, 2, and 3. After cisplatin injection, serum creatinine and BUN were normal on day 1, began to increase on day 2, and peaked on day 3. Similarly, ATN scores and neutrophil counts peaked on day 3. In contrast, renal apoptosis significantly increased on day 2. Renal dysfunction, apoptosis, ATN scores and neutrophil infiltration were all reduced in the caspase-1(-/-) mice. In wild-type mice, caspase-1 and -3 activity increased on days 2 and 3. Caspase-3 activity was reduced by approximately 50% in caspase-1(-/-) mice; active caspase-3 detected by immunoblot was also reduced in caspase-1(-/-) mice. In vitro, addition of recombinant caspases to kidney cytosolic extracts determined that caspase-1 activates caspase-3 in renal tissue. | The factors that regulate the growth hormone (GH) response to physiological stimuli, such as exercise, are not fully understood. The aim of the present study is to determine whether age, body composition, measures of sprint performance or the metabolic response to a sprint are predictors of the GH response to sprint exercise in non-obese young men. Twenty-seven healthy, non-obese males aged 18-32 years performed an all-out 30-second sprint on a cycle ergometer. Univariate linear regression analysis was employed to evaluate age-, BMI-, performance- and metabolic-dependent changes from pre-exercise to peak GH and integrated GH for 60 min after the sprint. GH was elevated following the sprint (change in GH: 17.0 +/- 14.2 microg l(-1); integrated GH: 662 +/- 582 min microg l(-1)). Performance characteristics, the metabolic response to exercise and BMI were not significant predictors of the GH response to exercise. However, age emerged as a significant predictor of both integrated GH (beta = -0.547, p = 0.003) and change in GH (beta = -0.448, p = 0.019) after the sprint. |
Do combinations of growth factors enhance the potency of islets in vitro? | Recent studies have demonstrated the impressive expansion of beta cells in vitro. But unfortunately, expanded beta cells do not function in the same way as fully differentiated beta cells. Therefore, we developed a condition that would allow islet cells to proliferate while maintaining their endocrine function. We tested the different use of growth factors in a different culture period. And we tested the possibility of adult islets, which expanded during a short period, as a clinical source of islet cells by comparing the efficiency of transplantation of cultured islets with that of fresh islets. The islets showed a time-dependent increase in proliferative activity, reaching 32.2% on day 5. After 5 days of culture, the efficiency of transplantation of cultured islets was increased (2-fold) in comparison to that of noncultured islets. Moreover, islet transplantation immediately induced normoglycemia at a level equal to native islets. | Activation and signal transduction in the Nucleotide binding, leucine-rich repeat containing receptor (NLR) family needs to be tightly regulated in order to control the inflammatory response to exogenous and endogenous danger signals. Phosphorylation is a common cellular mechanism of regulation that has recently been shown to be important in signalling in another family of cytoplasmic pattern recognition receptors, the RIG-I like receptors. In addition, single nucleotide polymorphisms can alter receptor activity, potentially leading to dysfunction and/or a predisposition to inflammatory barrier diseases. We have computationally analysed the N-terminus of NOD1 and found seven theoretical phosphorylation sites in, or immediately before, the NOD1 Caspase Activation Domain (CARD). Two of these, serine 7 and tyrosine 49 are also found as rare polymorphisms in the African-American population and European-American populations respectively. Mutating serine 7 to either an aspartic acid or an asparagine to mimic the potential impact of phosphorylation or the polymorphism respectively did not affect the response of NOD1 to ligand-mediated NFκB signalling. |
Are serine proteases HTRA1 and HTRA3 down-regulated with increasing grades of human endometrial cancer? | The high temperature requirement factor A (HTRA) family consists of serine proteases with domains homologous to those of bacterial HTRA. Four human HTRA members have been described: HTRA1-4. HTRA1 and HTRA3 share a high degree of domain homologies and may therefore share a functional similarity. HTRA1 mRNA and protein is reported to be down-regulated in SV40-transformed cells, a malignant melanoma cell line, ovarian tumors, and ovarian cancer cell lines, suggesting a progressive loss of HTRA1 and the protein in cancer. This raises the possibility that HTRA3 may likewise be involved in cancer. This study examined the expression of mRNA and protein levels of HTRA1 and HTRA3 in human endometrial cancer (EC). Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis was performed in normal endometrium (n = 4) and in three grades of EC (n = 5 for each EC grade). Immunohistochemistry was used to determine the protein expression and the cellular localization of HTRA1 and HTRA3 in normal endometrium tissue (n = 6) and in three grades of EC (n = 8-10 for each EC grade). RT-PCR analysis showed a significant reduction of HTRA1 and HTRA3 mRNA in endometrial cancer compared to normal endometrium. HTRA1 and HTRA3 protein showed a similar pattern of expression in EC tissue. Positive immunostaining, scored semiquantitatively, revealed a significant decrease of HTRA1 and 3 protein expression with increasing grades of EC. | Ellagic acid (EA), a major polyphenolic compound of pomegranate juice, produces antinociceptive effects, which are mediated through opioidergic and nitric oxide-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (NO-cGMP) pathways. The present study was conducted to elucidate the peripheral antinociceptive effect of EA alone and in combination with sildenafil in the rat formalin test. Pain was produced by intraplantar injection of formalin (2.5%) in rats and nociceptive behavior was measured as the number of flinches every 5 min in 60 min after injection. Local administration of EA and sildenafil dose-dependently increased the nociception threshold in both phases of the test. Moreover, sub-effective doses of sildenafil (25 or 50 mcg/paw, i.p.) significantly and dose-dependently enhanced the antinociception induced by a sub-effective dose of EA (60 mcg/paw, in both phases of the test. The antinociception produced by these drugs alone, or in combination, was due to a peripheral site of action, since the administration in the contralateral paw was ineffective. |
Are vascular endothelial growth factor gene polymorphisms associated with prognosis in ovarian cancer? | Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), an important regulator of angiogenesis and vascular permeability, is involved in various steps of ovarian carcinogenesis. Gene polymorphisms within the gene encoding VEGF were shown to be independently associated with an adverse outcome in various malignancies. No data are available for ovarian cancer. In the present multicenter study, we examined three common polymorphisms within the VEGF gene (-634G/C, -1154G/A, and -2578C/A) known to be associated with an increased VEGF production in 563 Caucasian patients with ovarian cancer from Austria and Germany using pyrosequencing. Results were correlated with clinical data. The three investigated polymorphisms did not correlate with any of the investigated clinicopathologic variables. In univariate and multivariate models, no significant correlations between any polymorphism and patients' overall survival were ascertained. Simultaneous carriage of the three homozygous genotypes (i.e., VEGF -634C/C, VEGF -1154G/G, VEGF -2578C/C) known to be associated with increased VEGF expression in an individual patient, however, was independently associated with a shortened overall survival (hazard ratio, 2.1; 95% confidence interval, 1.1-3.9; P=0.02). | Traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects millions of people each year and is characterized by direct tissue injury followed by a neuroinflammatory response. The post-TBI recovery period can be associated with a negative emotional state characterized by alterations in affective behaviors implicated in the development of Alcohol Use Disorder in humans. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that post-TBI neuroinflammation is associated with behavioral dysfunction, including escalated alcohol intake. Adult male Wistar rats were trained to self-administer alcohol prior to counterbalanced assignment into naïve, craniotomy, and TBI groups by baseline drinking. TBI was produced by lateral fluid percussion (LFP; >2 ATM; 25ms). Alcohol drinking and neurobehavioral function were measured at baseline and following TBI in all experimental groups. Markers of neuroinflammation (GFAP and ED1) and neurodegeneration (FJC) were determined by fluorescence histochemistry in brains excised at sacrifice 19 days post-TBI. The cumulative increase in alcohol intake over the 15 days post-TBI was greater in TBI animals compared to naïve controls. A higher rate of pre-injury alcohol intake was associated with a greater increase in post-injury alcohol intake in both TBI and craniotomy animals. Immediately following TBI, both TBI and craniotomy animals exhibited greater neurobehavioral dysfunction compared to naïve animals. GFAP, IBA-1, ED1, and FJC immunoreactivity at 19 days post-TBI was significantly higher in brains from TBI animals compared to both craniotomy and naïve animals. |
Is a cut-off value of 2 cm in tumor size of prognostic value in surgically treated FIGO stage IB cervical cancer? | Limited knowledge exists about the value of tumor size in surgically treated cervical cancer (CX) using a tumor size of 2 cm as cut-off value. A total of 366 cases of CX FIGO stage IB who received upfront surgery were evaluated regarding tumor size, the prediction of pelvic lymph node involvement, and recurrence-free and overall survival during a median follow-up time of 94 months. Tumors ≤2.0 cm were defined as small, tumors 2.1-4.0 cm as medium sized and those larger than 4 cm as bulky disease. Small tumors were seen in 28.7%, medium sized in 52.5% and bulky tumors in 18.9%. There was a significant higher frequency of pelvic lymph node involvement with increasing tumor size (13.3% vs. 23.4% vs. 43.5%, respectively; p<0.001) and an increase of recurrent disease (6.7% vs. 18.8% vs. 29.4%, respectively; p<0.001). The 5-year overall survival rate was significantly reduced with increasing tumor size (94.0% vs. 85.1% vs. 69.9%, respectively; p<0.001). Pelvic lymph node involvement and maximal tumor size were independent prognostic factors for both recurrence-free and overall survival in multivariate analysis. | Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) and exercise testing are widely used for the evaluation of pediatric asthma. The evidence relating to the effects of strenuous exercise on FENO in children is conflicting. Little information is available on the association between exercise and FENO in relation to allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (AR). We aimed to investigate the effects of AR on children's FENO in response to a standardized treadmill exercise test. A total of 124 children with current asthma and 124 non-asthmatic children aged 8-16 years were studied. FENO was measured at baseline, at 1 and 30 min after an exercise challenge test using the single breath technique with EcoMedics Exhalyzer. A structured parental interview, spirometry, serum allergen-specific IgE and skin prick tests were performed. Baseline FENO was higher in both asthmatics and non-asthmatics with AR than without AR (both p < 0.001). The FENO time trend was dependent on AR (p = 0.039), irrespective of asthma (p = 0.876). In children with AR, FENO had declined at 1 min by a mean of 6.1 ppb with a 95% confidence level of 5.1-7.5 ppb; at 30 min, the reduction was 2.8 (2.5-3.3) ppb. In children without AR, at 1 min the decline in FENO was 2.7 (2.1-3.5) ppb and by 30 min post-exercise it was 1.6 (1.3-2.0) ppb. |
Does adenoviral-mediated expression of antisense RNA to basic fibroblast growth factor reduce tangential stress in arterialized vein grafts? | The purpose of this study was to test whether basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) participates in arterialized vein graft remodeling. Rabbits underwent in vivo gene transfer and carotid interposition vein grafting. Segments of external jugular vein were infected with an adenovirus that expressed antisense bFGF RNA (Ad.ASbFGF) at 1 x 10(10) PFU/mL to inhibit new synthesis of bFGF by cells in the vein graft wall. Control rabbits were treated with either adenovirus that encoded beta-galactosidase (Ad.lacZ) at 1 x 10(10) PFU/mL or vehicle (phosphate-buffered saline solution [PBS]). At 3 days, 3 grafts per treatment group were harvested for the determination of gene expression of ASbFGF RNA by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Rabbits were killed, and perfusion was fixed 2 months after the grafting. Total wall thickness and lumen circumference of vein grafts and normal arteries were measured in cross sections. Calculated mean tangential stress (+/-SD) for the ASbFGF-treated group and controls was compared for significance. Grafts were immunohistochemically stained to assess bFGF protein production. Only the grafts infected with the Ad.ASbFGF gene expressed ASbFGF RNA. Grafts that were treated with Ad.ASbFGF displayed lower tangential stress (10.9 +/- 2.3 dynes/cm(2)) than PBS alone (22 +/- 2.8 dynes/cm(2)) or Ad. lacZ-treated controls (20.6 +/- 5.4 dynes/cm(2); P <.001). Tangential stress in the Ad.ASbFGF group was comparable to a normal carotid artery (13.9 +/- 2.1 dynes/cm(2)). The difference in mean total wall thickness was significant among the 3 treatment groups: Ad.ASbFGF, 164 +/- 3.4 microm); Ad.lacZ, 100 +/- 3.3 microm; and PBS, 96 +/- 3.6 microm; P <.01). Luminal circumference was not different among the groups. The Ad.ASbFGF-treated vein graft wall was composed of thick layers of concentric smooth muscle cells and elastin fibers in contrast to the sponge-like appearance observed in control arterialized vein grafts. Reduction in bFGF protein was noted only in the Ad.ASbFGF-treated group. | Previous studies demonstrated that a history of childhood trauma is linked to mental disorders in adulthood, particularly to depression. Adverse childhood experiences are also considered to contribute to the risk of hypochondriasis, but the results of previous studies have not been conclusive with respect to the strength and specificity of this association. Therefore, we compared the association of adverse childhood experiences with both hypochondriasis and depression. Fifty-eight patients with hypochondriasis, 52 patients with depression, and 52 healthy control participants completed the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) which assesses 5 varieties of abuse and neglect. A clinical interview (SCID-I) was used to establish DSM-IV diagnoses. Associations between childhood maltreatment, hypochondriasis and depression were estimated by means of analyses of variance and multiple linear regression analyses. In comparison to hypochondriacal and healthy participants, patients with a current depressive disorder reported more emotional abuse as well as more emotional and physical neglect during childhood. Patients with hypochondriasis reported more emotional neglect than healthy individuals. However, when predicting the CTQ trauma types by diagnostic category adjusting for sex and comorbid DSM-IV diagnoses, emotional abuse, emotional neglect, physical abuse, physical neglect, as well as the CTQ total score were significantly associated with depression, but none of the CTQ scores was significantly related to hypochondriasis. |
Does a Randomized Trial of Expanding Choice set to Motivate Advance Directive Completion? | Evidence suggests that advance directives may improve end-of-life care among seriously ill patients, but improving completion rates remains a challenge. This study tested the influence of increasing the number of options for completing an advance directive among seriously ill patients. Outpatients (N = 316) receiving hemodialysis across 15 dialysis centers in the Philadelphia region between July 2014 and July 2015 were randomized to receive either the option to complete a brief advance directive form or expanded options including a brief, expanded, or comprehensive form. Patients in both groups could decline to complete an advance directive or take their selected version home. The primary outcome was a returned, completed advance directive. Secondary outcomes included whether patients wanted to complete an advance directive, decision satisfaction, quality of life at 3 months, and patient factors associated with advance directive completion. Although offering more advance directive options was not significantly associated with increased rates of completion (13.1% in the standard group v. 12.2% in the expanded group, P = 0.80), it did significantly increase the proportion of patients who wanted to complete an advance directive and took one home (71.9% in standard v. 85.3% in expanded, P = 0.004). There was no difference in satisfaction (P = 0.65) or change in quality of life between groups (P = 0.63). A higher baseline quality of life was independently associated with advance directive completion (P = 0.006). | The pathogenic role of IgE has been implicated in a variety of allergic and inflammatory diseases. We have previously established an IgE-mediated cutaneous reverse passive Arthus model in which eosinophil infiltration is a prominent feature. This uniquely provides a model of type III hypersensitivity in which Fc classes of Ig that forms immune complex differentially determine the disease manifestation. To investigate the mechanisms of how mast cells and basophils regulate this IgE-mediated Arthus reaction. IgE-mediated cutaneous reverse passive Arthus reaction was induced in wild-type C57BL/6 or WBB6F1-+/+ mice and mast-cell-deficient WBB6F1-W/W(v) mice by intradermal injection of IgE anti-trinitrophenyl antibodies followed immediately by intravenous administration of trinitrophenyl bovine serum albumin. Basophils were depleted in vivo using anti-CD200R3 monoclonal antibody prior to the IC challenge. Hemorrhage and infiltration of eosinophils, neutrophils, and basophils were significantly reduced but were not completely abrogated in WBB6F1-W/W(v) mice compared with those in wild-type WBB6F1-+/+ mice. Wild-type C57BL/6 mice treated by basophil-depleting mAb also showed significantly decreased hemorrhage and inflammatory cell infiltration, especially that of eosinophils, compared with control mice. Furthermore, basophil depletion in WBB6F1-W/W(v) mice led to nearly complete inhibition of eosinophil recruitment. By contrast, basophil depletion did not further decrease neutrophil infiltration in WBB6F1-W/W(v) mice. |
Is prostate-specific antigen doubling time subsequent to radical prostatectomy a predictor of outcome following salvage external beam radiation therapy : a single-centre experience? | The aim of this study was to review the impact of salvage external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) of postprostatectomy patients with long-term follow-up on biochemical-free recurrence (BFR) and metastatic-free survival, and to describe pathological and clinical predictors of outcome. In the period 1987-2010, 76 postprostatectomy patients with biochemical and clinical recurrence received salvage EBRT. Patients were treated with conformal EBRT and 68 (90%) received a dose of 70 Gy; eight patients (10%) received a dose of 60-64 Gy. No patients received adjuvant or neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapy in conjunction with salvage EBRT. The median follow-up time after salvage EBRT was 82 months (range 5-192 months). Seventeen patients (22%) developed biochemical recurrence subsequent to postprostatectomy salvage EBRT during the observation time, and the overall 50 and 75 month actuarial BFR rates after salvage EBRT were 84% and 79%, respectively. Seven patients (9%) developed metastatic disease and two patients died of prostate cancer. Independent predictors of biochemical recurrence were seminal vesicle invasion (SVI) in the prostatectomy specimen (p < 0.05) and prostate-specific antigen doubling time (PSADT) of 6 months or less (p = 0.041) before salvage EBRT. | Leading scholars in ethnobiology and ethnomedicine continuously stress the need for moving beyond the bare description of local knowledge and to additionally analyse and theorise about the characteristics and dynamics of human interactions with plants and related local knowledge. Analyses of the variation of local knowledge are thereby perceived as minimal standard. In this study we investigate the distribution and variation of wild plant knowledge in five domains: food, drinks, human medicine, veterinary medicine and customs. We assess relations between the wild plant knowledge of informants and their socio-demographic as well as geographic background. Research was conducted in the Biosphere Reserve Grosses Walsertal, Austria. Structured questionnaires were used to inquire wild plant knowledge from 433 informants with varying socio-demographic and geographic background. Children assisted in the data collection. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics and generalized linear models. |
Does suv39h1 protect from myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in diabetic rats? | Patients with diabetes are at increased risk of ischemic events. Suv39h1 is a histone methyltransferase that catalyzes the methylation of histone 3 lysine 9, which is associated with the suppression of inflammatory genes in diabetes. However, the role of Suv39h1 in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury under diabetic condition has not been evaluated. To generate diabetic model, male SD rats were fed with 60% fat diet followed by intraperitoneal injection with 40mg/kg streptozotocin. Adenovirus encoding Suv39h1 gene was used for Suv39h1 overexpression. Each rat received injections of adenovirus at five myocardial sites. Three days after gene transfection, each rat was subjected to left main coronary artery occlusion and reperfusion. After 30 min ischemia and reperfusion for 4 h, the rats were euthanized for real-time PCR, Western blot, immunohistochemical staining, and morphometric analysis. Delivery of Ad-Suv39h1 into the hearts of diabetic rats could markedly increase Suv39h1 expression. Up-regulation of Suv39h1 significantly reduced infarct size and tissue damage after I/R injury, which was associated with protection from apoptosis of cardiac myocytes and reduction of inflammatory response. In addition, compared with injury group, Ad-Suv39h1 led to a decreased activity of mitogen-activated protein kinase family and its down-steam transcriptional factor NF-κB. | To evaluate electrophysiologically the auditory nerve and the auditory brainstem function of patients with tinnitus and normal-hearing thresholds using the auditory brainstem response (ABR). Case-control study. Ambulatory section of the Department of Otolaryngology, Hospital de Base de Brasília. Thirty-seven individuals with tinnitus and 38 without tinnitus, with ages ranging from 20 to 45 years and pure-tone thresholds of 25 dB or better at frequencies between 500 and 8000 Hz. We compared the latencies of waves I, III, and V; the interpeak intervals I-III, III-V, and I-V; the interaural latency difference (wave V); and the V/I amplitude ratio between the 2 groups. Among the 37 patients in the study group, abnormal results were found in 16 (43%) in at least 1 of the 8 parameters evaluated. When we analyzed the latencies, although the values were on average in the normal range used in the present study, the tinnitus group presented a significant prolongation of the latencies of waves I, III, and V when compared with the control group. Furthermore, we found the interpeak I-III, III-V, and I-V values to be within the normal limits, but the interpeak III-V value was significantly (P = .003) enlarged in the study group compared with the control group. The V/I amplitude ratio found in the tinnitus group was within normal limits; however, a significant (P = .004) difference was found when the 2 groups were compared. The averages of the interaural latency difference (wave V) did not show significant differences in relation to the control group. |
Are tGF-beta repressors SnoN and Ski implicated in human colorectal carcinogenesis? | The TGF-beta signaling repressors SnoN and Ski have been critically implicated in human cancer. To explore the role of SnoN and Ski in the development and progression of colorectal cancer we examined their protein expression profile by immunohistochemistry in a series of human colorectal adenomas, carcinomas and lymph node metastases. The mRNA expression of SnoN was also quantified by Real-Time RT-PCR. SnoN and Ski were overexpressed both in adenomas with severe dysplasia and colorectal carcinomas. Protein expression was cytoplasmic and nuclear with predominant cytoplasmic localization. The subcellular localization was related differently to pathologic variables of colorectal carcinomas. Although there was no significant association of protein levels with tumor invasion and metastasis, a significant correlation of nuclear SnoN and Ski with beta-catenin pathway was observed. Moreover, SnoN mRNA did not differ in carcinomas as compared to normal control and there was no correlation between SnoN protein and mRNA levels. | Cardiac glycosides such as digoxin and their endogenous counterpart digoxin-like immunoreactive factor (DLIF) may possess anti-inflammatory properties. Pro-inflammatory cytokines from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were measured by ELISA using specific antibodies. Immunocytochemistry was used to localize NF-K: B. Non-stimulated PBMC constitutively secreted minimum amounts of cytokines. LPS (1 mg/L) stimulation lead to steep increases in TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IL-8 concentrations with peak rises at 8 h. An 8 h delay was observed for IL-10. Increases in IL-10 were sustained for18 h period. Significant inhibition (P > 0.05) of TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IL-8 at non-toxic of digoxin concentration (< 100 nM) and DLIF (10 nM digoxin equivalent (de)) was observed whereas no such effect was seen for IL-10. Inhibition of the degradation of activated NF-K: B in the PBMC was observed with the indicated concentrations of digoxin, DLIF or Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC). |
Is macrophage migration inhibition factor elevated in pregnancy , but not to a greater extent in preeclampsia? | Maternal serum concentrations of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) have recently been reported to be elevated in cases with preeclampsia. These findings may be important in increasing our understanding of the underlying events leading to the development of preeclampsia, as this cytokine is also expressed in the placenta, where it has been shown to possess immunemodulatory activities. For this reason we attempted to independently verify this report. Plasma levels of MIF were assessed by ELISA in plasma samples collected from normal healthy male and female blood donors (n=20 per group), as well as healthy normal pregnant women in all three trimesters of pregnancy (n=60). In addition, MIF levels were examined from cases with mild and severe preeclampsia (n=20 per study cohort) and matched normotensive pregnancies (n=20). MIF levels were found to be elevated in pregnancy (median=10.1 ng/ml) when compared to non-pregnant controls (median=1.7 ng/ml). A moderate, but not significant, elevation was found to occur from the first to the third trimester of pregnancy. No significant difference was found to occur between the two preeclampsia study groups when compared to the normotensive control group. | The aim of this study was to compare the clinical outcome of percutaneous radiofrequency (RF) ablation, conventional percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI), and higher-dose PEI in treating hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) 4 cm or less. A total of 157 patients with 186 HCCs 4 cm or less were randomly assigned to 3 groups (52 patients in the conventional PEI group, 53 in the higher-dose PEI group, and 52 in the RF group). Clinical outcomes in terms of complete tumor necrosis, overall survival, local tumor progression, additional new tumors, and cancer-free survival were compared across 3 groups. The rate of complete tumor necrosis was 88% in the conventional PEI group, 92% in the higher-dose PEI group, and 96% in the RF group. Significantly fewer sessions were required to achieve complete tumor necrosis in the RF group than in the other 2 groups (P < .01). The local tumor progression rate was lowest in the RF group (vs the conventional PEI group, P = .012; vs the higher-dose PEI group, P = .037). The overall survival rate was highest in the RF group (vs the conventional PEI group, P = .014; vs the higher-dose PEI group, P = .023). The cancer-free survival rate was highest in the RF group (vs the conventional PEI group, P = .019; vs the higher-dose PEI group, P = .024). Multivariate analysis determined that tumor size, tumor differentiation, and the method of treatment (RF vs both methods of PEI) were significant factors in relation to local tumor progression, overall survival, and cancer-free survival. |
Is decrease of pulmonary blood flow detected by phase contrast MRI correlated with a decrease in lung volume and increase of lung fibrosis area determined by computed tomography in interstitial lung disease? | Lung volume and pulmonary blood flow decrease in patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD). The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between pulmonary blood flow and lung volume in ILD patients. This research was approved by the institutional review board. Twenty-seven patients (9 men, 18 women; mean age, 59 years; range, 24-79 years) with ILD were included. Blood flow was assessed in the pulmonary trunk and the left and right pulmonary arteries by phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Lung volume and the computed tomography (CT) visual score that indicates the severity of ILD were assessed on the left and right sides by thin-section CT scanning. Lung volume was automatically measured by lung analysis software (VINCENT Ver. 4). The CT visual score was measured by averaging the proportion of abnormal lung area at five anatomic levels. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship between pulmonary blood flow and lung volume. Pulmonary blood flow showed a significant correlation with lung volume (both: r=0.52, p=0.006; left: r=0.61, p=0.001; right: r=0.54, p=0.004) and CT visual score (both: r=-0.39, p=0.04; left: r=-0.48, p=0.01; right: r=-0.38, p=0.04). Partial correlation analysis, controlled for age, height and weight, showed a significant correlation between pulmonary blood flow and lung volume (both: r=0.43, p=0.03; left: r=0.55, p=0.005; right: r=0.48, p=0.01) and CT visual score (both: r=-0.58, p=0.003; left: r=-0.51, p=0.01; right: r=-0.64, p=0.001). | N-Linked glycosylation plays important roles in modulating protein structure and function. The direct impact of the modification on protein conformation is not yet well understood. Here we probed the dynamic changes following Endo H trimming of high mannose glycans in α-amylase by means of amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry. The results revealed that deglycosylation elicited extensive alterations in backbone dynamics, affecting regions both adjacent to and distal from the glycosylation site. |
Do multiple mutations in human immunodeficiency virus-1 integrase confer resistance to the clinical trial drug S-1360? | Study of HIV-1 resistance development to the diketo analogue S-1360, the first HIV-1 integrase strand transfer inhibitor that has entered clinical development. HIV-1(IIIB) was passaged in cell culture in the presence of increasing concentrations of S-1360 (IIIB/S-1360(res)). The IIIB/S-1360(res) strains selected for 30, 50 and 70 passages in the presence of S-1360 were evaluated genotypically by sequencing analysis and phenotypically using the MT-4/MTT assay. Multiple mutations, nine in total, emerged progressively in the catalytic domain of integrase as a result of the selection process. They included T66I and L74M that have both been associated with resistance against the diketo acid L-708,906. After 30, 50 and 70 passages in the presence of S-1360, IIIB/S-1360(res) displayed a four-, eight- and more than 62-fold reduced susceptibility for S-1360, respectively. Phenotypic cross-resistance to L-708,906 was modest for the IIIB/S-1360(res) strain selected during 50 passages, but pronounced for the strain selected during 70 passages. Interesting, all IIIB/S-1360(res) strains remained fully susceptible to the pyranodipyrimidine V-165, an integrase DNA binding inhibitor. Recombination of the mutant integrase genes into wild-type background by integrase-chimeric virus technology entirely reproduced the resistance profile of the IIIB/S-1360(res) strains. As for the replication kinetics of the selected and recombined strains, reduced replication fitness was measured for all strains when compared with their respective wild-type strains. | Hyperdensity of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) on unenhanced CT is a recognized sign associated with brain's early ischemia. The number of studies which showed a hyperdense posterior cerebral artery (HPCA) sign in posterior circulation infarct is relatively small. We investigated the prevalence of the HPCA sign, correlations with ischemic lesion volume, and stroke risk factors. We also determined the association with prothrombotic and inflammatory markers which have not been studied before. In the group of 376 patients with a first acute stroke consecutively admitted to Emergency Department, early signs of brain infarction were visible in 221 (58%) cases. Fifty five (25%) subjects had ischemic lesions in the brain supplied by the posterior circulation. We analyzed the unenhanced CT scans, calculated the density of the posterior cerebral arteries, infarct volume, and assessed the relation of the HPCA sign to other factors. The HPCA sign appeared on CT scans of 12 (22%) patients with evidence of the posterior circulation infarct. The density (in Hounsfield units) of the affected PCA was 46.5 comparing to 20.2 of an intact vessel (p<0.0001). The stroke volume was larger when the HPCA sign was observed (medians: 17.6 vs. 4.3 cm(3), p=0.02); in multivariate analysis this association was still significant (OR=1.07; 95% CI, 0.99-1.13). The C-reactive protein and fibrinogen levels were significantly higher (p=0.02 for both factors) in patients with the HPCA sign in the univariate analysis. |
Is improved posttreatment functional outcome associated with better survival in patients irradiated for metastatic spinal cord compression? | To evaluate the potential prognostic impact of the effect of radiotherapy (RT) on motor function and of the post-RT ambulatory status on survival in metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC) patients. Of 1,852 patients irradiated for MSCC, 778 patients (42%) received short-course RT and 1,074 (58%) received long-course RT. The effect of RT on motor function (improvement vs. no change vs. deterioration) and the ambulatory status after RT (ambulatory vs. nonambulatory) were evaluated with respect to survival. The actuarial survival rate of the entire cohort was 56% at 6 months, 43% at 12 months, and 32% at 24 months. The patients in whom motor function improved after RT had a significantly better 1-year survival rate than those who had no change or deterioration of motor function (75% vs. 40% and 3%, p < 0.001). The 1-year survival rate of the patients who were ambulatory after RT was significantly better than for those who were not ambulatory (63% vs. 4%, p < 0.001). The results were confirmed in multivariate analysis. | Exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) is a putative non-invasive marker of eosinophilic airway inflammation with a good predictive value for allergic asthma in preschool children. The aim of the present study was to compare FeNO after acute viral bronchiolitis (AVB) in children aged less than 2 years without atopic dermatitis (AD) vs those with atopic dermatitis, as well as children with AD without any history of AVB. Forty-two children (mean age +/- SD: 12.3 +/- 5.2 months; range 5.0-23.5; sex-ratio M: F=1.3: 1) were included in this prospective study, > 8 wks after an episode of AVB. The patients' atopic status was assessed both by clinical phenotype and IgE- mediated response to inhaled and/or food allergens. FeNO (ppb) was measured off-line by the chemoluminescence method on samples obtained from gas collected in a balloon during tidal breathing. There was a significant difference between the AVB/AD (23.4 +/- 14.3 ppb, n=15) vs the AVB without AD group (13.5 +/- 10. 1 ppb, n=13) or the AD without AVB group (11.0 +/- 8.3 ppb, n=14). Maternal feeding for more than 2 months decreased FeNO by 50%. |
Do primary pneumonic plague contracted from a mountain lion carcass? | Primary pneumonic plague is a rare but often fatal form of Yersinia pestis infection that results from direct inhalation of bacteria and is potentially transmissible from person to person. We describe a case of primary pneumonic plague in a wildlife biologist who was found deceased in his residence 1 week after conducting a necropsy on a mountain lion. To determine cause of death, a postmortem examination was conducted, and friends and colleagues were interviewed. Physical evidence was reviewed, including specimens from the mountain lion and the biologist's medical chart, camera, and computer. Human and animal tissues were submitted for testing. Persons in close contact (within 2 meters) to the biologist after he had developed symptoms were identified and offered chemoprophylaxis. The biologist conducted the necropsy in his garage without the use of personal protective equipment. Three days later, he developed fever and hemoptysis and died approximately 6 days after exposure. Gross examination showed consolidation and hemorrhagic fluid in the lungs; no buboes were noted. Plague was diagnosed presumptively by polymerase chain reaction and confirmed by culture. Tissues from the mountain lion tested positive for Y. pestis, and isolates from the biologist and mountain lion were indistinguishable by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Among 49 contacts who received chemoprophylaxis, none developed symptoms consistent with plague. | Previously, we observed reciprocal changes in TRPC1 and TRPC6 expression levels in aging rat aorta and A7r5, rat embryonic vascular smooth muscle cells. Furthermore, downregulation of TRPC1 significantly elevated store-operated Ca(2+) entry suggesting the regulatory role of TRPC1 in A7r5 cells. Since TRPC6 upregulation shown to be associated with cell proliferation, the purpose of our study was to investigate the functional consequences of TRPC1 ion channel downregulation by RNA interference in Huh7 human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line. Huh7 cells used in quantitative gene and protein expression as well as in functional analyses. To determine mRNA and protein levels, quantitative real-time RT-PCR and western blot analyses were performed, respectively. In functional analyses, real-time changes in proliferation, migration and intracellular Ca(2+) levels were monitored. In shTRPC1-transfected Huh7 cells, TRPC1 mRNA and protein levels significantly decreased whereas store-operated Ca(2+) entry significantly elevated. TRPC1-silencing suppressed cell proliferation without affecting cell migration in real-time cellular analyses. |
Are serum levels of copeptin associated with type 2 diabetes and diabetic complications in Chinese population? | The aim of this study was to investigate copeptin levels in serum, and assess their associations with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and diabetic complications. In this post hoc analysis, serum levels of copeptin were tested in 306 patients with T2DM. Clinical information including diabetic retinopathy (DR) and diabetic nephropathy (DN) were collected. The relation of serum copeptin with DR and DN were investigated with the use of logistic regression models according to equal quartiles of the distributions of serum copeptin. We found that serum copeptin levels were significantly higher in diabetes as compared to normal controls [9.4(IQR, 7.4-12.5) pmol/L vs. 4.1(IQR, 2.5-6.2) pmol/L; P<0.0001]. In multivariate analysis, there was an increased risk of T2DM associated with copeptin levels (OR 1.312, 95% CI: 1.204-1.403; P<0.0001) after adjusting for possible confounders. After adjustment for possible confounders, serum copeptin levels were positively associated with the DR (odds ratio [OR], 1.117; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.072-1.241; P<0.001) and DN (OR, 1.259; 95% CI, 1.198-1.323; P<0.001). Compared with the first quartile of serum copeptin levels, the ORs for DR and DN were as follows: second quartile, 1.19 (95% CI, 0.94-1.51, P=0.12) and 1.37 (95% CI, 0.78-2.37, P=0.28); third quartile, 1.61 (95% CI, 1.18-2.43, P=0.005) and 2.12 (95% CI, 1.32-3.27, P=0.003); fourth quartile, 2.83 (95% CI, 2.04-4.93; P<0.001) and 3.48 (95% CI, 1.77-7.03; P<0.001), respectively. | Research has shown that hand gestures affect comprehension and production of speech at semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic levels for both native language and second language (L2). This study investigated a relatively less explored question: Do hand gestures influence auditory learning of an L2 at the segmental phonology level? To examine auditory learning of phonemic vowel length contrasts in Japanese, 88 native English-speaking participants took an auditory test before and after one of the following 4 types of training in which they (a) observed an instructor in a video speaking Japanese words while she made syllabic-rhythm hand gesture, (b) produced this gesture with the instructor, (c) observed the instructor speaking those words and her moraic-rhythm hand gesture, or (d) produced the moraic-rhythm gesture with the instructor. All of the training types yielded similar auditory improvement in identifying vowel length contrast. However, observing the syllabic-rhythm hand gesture yielded the most balanced improvement between word-initial and word-final vowels and between slow and fast speaking rates. |
Are vascular endothelial growth factor plasma levels significantly elevated in patients with cerebral arteriovenous malformations? | Since growth and de novo generation of cerebrovascular malformations were demonstrated, a strictly congenital model cannot be further supported as unique factor in the pathogenesis of cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has previously been demonstrated to be highly expressed in AVMs by immunohistochemical methods. However, systemic VEGF levels have not been analysed previously. This study aimed to investigate VEGF plasma concentrations as a possible plasma marker for neovascularization in patients with cerebral AVMs compared to healthy controls. The study included 17 patients with cerebral AVMs and 40 healthy controls. VEGF plasma concentrations were measured by a specific enzyme immuno-assay. VEGF plasma concentrations were significantly higher in patients with cerebral AVMs (mean 140.9 pg/ml, SD 148.5 pg/ml and median 63.0 pg/ml) compared to a healthy control group (mean 44.7 pg/ml, SD 36.4 pg/ml and median 35.0 pg/ml), p = 0.0003. | Peptone meal-stimulated gastric acid output is considered to be a reliable means to evaluate drug-mediated inhibition of stimulated gastric acid output, an important measure of the efficacy of the agents--such as proton pump inhibitors--used to treat acid-related disorders. To compare the initial and overall inhibitory effects on peptone meal-stimulated gastric acid secretion of rabeprazole and omeprazole, 20 mg, in Helicobacter pylori-negative subjects on the first and eighth days of treatment. Healthy volunteers (n = 27) were randomized in a single-centre, double-blind, double-dummy, 2 x 2 cross-over study. Subjects received an oral dose of rabeprazole or omeprazole, 20 mg once daily, for 8 days. After a 2-4-week washout period, subjects were crossed over to receive the other medication for 8 days. Peptone meal-stimulated gastric acid secretion was measured at hours 11 and 23 at baseline and on days 1 and 8 of treatment. On days 1 and 8, rabeprazole demonstrated a significantly greater inhibition of peptone meal-stimulated gastric acid secretion compared with omeprazole at all time points (P < 0.03). Median values of steady-state inhibition on day 1 were statistically significant at hour 23 (rabeprazole 100% vs. omeprazole 74%, P < 0.02). |
Does c-type natriuretic peptide and natriuretic peptide receptor B signalling inhibit cardiac sympathetic neurotransmission and autonomic function? | B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP)-natriuretic peptide receptor A (NPR-A) receptor signalling inhibits cardiac sympathetic neurotransmission, although C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) is the predominant neuropeptide of the nervous system with expression in the heart and vasculature. We hypothesized that CNP acts similarly to BNP, and that transgenic rats (TGRs) with neuron-specific overexpression of a dominant negative NPR-B receptor would develop heightened sympathetic drive. Mean arterial pressure and heart rate (HR) were significantly (P < 0.05) elevated in freely moving TGRs (n = 9) compared with Sprague Dawley (SD) controls (n = 10). TGR had impaired left ventricular systolic function and spectral analysis of HR variability suggested a shift towards sympathoexcitation. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated co-staining of NPR-B with tyrosine hydroxylase in stellate ganglia neurons. In SD rats, CNP (250 nM, n = 8) significantly reduced the tachycardia during right stellate ganglion stimulation (1-7 Hz) in vitro whereas the response to bath-applied norepinephrine (NE, 1 μM, n = 6) remained intact. CNP (250 nM, n = 8) significantly reduced the release of | Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD) is a well-known iatrogenic infection with typical endoscopic features including pseudomembranes and intervening normal mucosa. Clinically, diarrhea frequently occurs, but occurrence of hematochezia is rare. The objective of this study was to investigate the background and endoscopic features of CDAD patients with hematochezia. The endoscopic and clinical findings in 12 patients who showed evidence of C. difficile toxin A and who underwent colonoscopy between April 2002 and July 2007 were investigated retrospectively. Eight patients were diagnosed as having CDAD and 4 patients had a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis. Six of the patients with CDAD presented with hematochezia, and 4 of them were diagnosed with hematological malignancies and received anticancer chemotherapy. Colonic ulcer was demonstrated in all CDAD patients with hematochezia, and bleeding from the ulcer was endoscopically confirmed in all of them. |
Are abnormal serum alanine aminotransferase levels associated with impaired insulin sensitivity in young women with polycystic ovary syndrome? | Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are both associated with insulin resistance.We assessed whether NAFLD is associated with impaired insulin sensitivity in PCOS women independently of age and total adiposity. We enrolled 14 young PCOS women with NAFLD, 14 women with PCOS alone and 14 healthy controls, who were matched for age, body mass index, and total body fat (by bio-impedance analyzer). NAFLD was diagnosed by the surrogate measure of abnormal serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) concentrations (defined as ALT>19 U/l) after excluding other secondary causes of liver disease (alcohol, virus, and medications). Insulin sensitivity was measured by euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp. Insulin sensitivity was markedly decreased (p<0.001) in PCOS women with abnormal ALT levels, whereas it was similar between PCOS women with normal ALT levels andmatched healthy controls (8.3+/-2.5 vs 12.1+/-1.7 vs 13.2+/-1.8 mg/min x kg of fat-free mass, respectively). PCOS women with abnormal ALT levels also had higher plasma triglycerides and lower HDLcholesterol concentrations than those with PCOS alone. There was a strong inverse association between serum ALT levels and insulin sensitivity in the whole group of PCOS women (r=-0.59, p=0.0013). | The aim of this study was to examine whether Enterococcus faecalis isolates from endodontic patients (from saliva and from a root canal) are able to prevail against salivary bacteria when grown in coculture in a biofilm reactor. Saliva that was tested to be free of E. faecalis was used as the inoculum. The fate of E. faecalis was examined by using culture techniques and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The root canal isolate accounted for 37.4% of the biofilm and 31.9% of the planktonic phase when examined by the culture technique, whereas the proportions examined by FISH showed 15.3% in the biofilm and 11.7% in the planktonic phase. The saliva isolate (as examined by the culture technique) accounted for 32.4% in the biofilm and 27.1% in the planktonic phase, respectively, compared with 14.1% in the biofilm and 9.5% in the planktonic phase when examined by FISH analysis. |
Is atrio-pulmonary vein conduction delay during pulmonary vein isolation for atrial fibrillation related to vein anatomy , age , and focal activity? | During pulmonary vein isolation for treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF), a significant delay in atrio-pulmonary vein (PV) conduction is often observed. We sought to investigate this conduction delay in various PV in individual patients. We studied 385 AF patients (mean age: 54 +/- 11 years, 74 women) who underwent segmental PV isolation (PVI). A circular decapolar catheter was used to record electrograms at the PV ostia. The time delay from local atrial potential to PV potential was measured in each vein. Conduction delay (CD) was defined as the longest time interval >20 ms observed during PVI. For patients treated for the first time, CD was more frequently observed in the left common and the right and left superior PVs (84.2%, 67.9%, and 66.2%, respectively) and less frequently in the left and right inferior and right middle PVs (54.3%, 40.0%, and 30.8%, respectively). Veins with CD required more ablation applications (12.4 vs 9.9) and a higher ablated segmental fraction (72.3% vs 63.7%). CD was observed in 75.2% (109/145) of the PVs in which focal activity was detected. Older patients had a higher incidence of PVs with CD than younger patients. There were no gender differences. | Andrographolide is the major bioactive compound isolated from Andrographis paniculata, a native South Asian herb used medicinally for its anti-inflammatory properties. In this study, we aimed to assess andrographolide's potential utility as an anti-neuroinflammatory therapeutic. The effects of andrographolide on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced chemokine up-regulation both in mouse cortex and in cultured primary astrocytes were measured, including cytokine profiling, gene expression, and, in cultured astrocytes, activation of putative signaling regulators. Orally administered andrographolide significantly attenuated mouse cortical chemokine levels from the C-C and C-X-C subfamilies. Similarly, andrographolide abrogated a range of LPS-induced chemokines as well as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in astrocytes. In astrocytes, the inhibitory actions of andrographolide on chemokine and TNF-α up-regulation appeared to be mediated by nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) or c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation. |
Does extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field influence the survival and proliferation effect of human adipose derived stem cells? | Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) can effect on biological systems and alters some cell functions like proliferation rate. Therefore, we aimed to attempt the evaluation effect of ELF-EMF on the growth of human adipose derived stem cells (hADSCs). ELF-EMF was generated by a system including autotransformer, multi-meter, solenoid coils, teslameter and its probe. We assessed the effect of ELF-EMF with intensity of 0.5 and 1 mT and power line frequency 50 Hz on the survival of hADSCs for 20 and 40 min/day for 7 days by MTT assay. One-way analysis of variance was used to assessment the significant differences in groups. ELF-EMF has maximum effect with intensity of 1 mT for 20 min/day on proliferation of hADSCs. The survival and proliferation effect (PE) in all exposure groups were significantly higher than that in sham groups (P < 0.05) except in group of 1 mT and 40 min/day. | Although chronic pancreatitis and liver cirrhosis are common sequelae of excess alcohol consumption, the 2 conditions are rarely associated. We studied the prevalence of simultaneous liver cirrhosis and chronic pancreatitis in alcoholics. Postmortem autopsy data from 620 individuals with a history of excess alcohol consumption and 100 nonalcoholics (controls) were analyzed. The individuals were classified into groups based on macroscopic observations of pancreas (no injury, acute pancreatitis, fibrosis, and chronic pancreatitis) and liver (no injury, moderate steatosis, severe steatosis, and cirrhosis). The same classification system was used for histological data, which was used to confirm and correlate macroscopic results. Out of the 183 patients with liver cirrhosis, 33 (18%) had chronic pancreatitis and 93 (51%) had pancreatic fibrosis. Out of the 230 patients with severe steatosis, 37 (16%) had chronic pancreatitis and 97 (42%) were found to have a pancreatic fibrosis. Thirty-three (39%) with chronic pancreatitis also showed liver cirrhosis and 37 (44%) showed severe steatosis. Thirty-eight percent of the patients with a pancreatic fibrosis were found also to have liver cirrhosis and in another 40% severe steatosis. Thirty-five patients showed neither hepatic or pancreatic injury. We found no chronic pancreatitis or liver cirrhosis in the control group (n = 100). |
Is microvessel density a prognostic indicator for patients with astroglial brain tumors? | Microvessel density in tumors, a measure of angiogenesis, has been shown to be a prognostic indicator that correlates with an increased risk of metastasis in various epithelial cancers and with overall and relapse free survival in patients with breast cancer. Astrocytic brain tumors, particularly malignant astrocytomas, are recognized to be highly vascular tumors with potent angiogenic activity. However, the prognostic significance of microvessel density in these tumors is not known. Sections from formalin fixed paraffin embedded tumor tissue from 93 unselected adult patients with supratentorial astrocytic brain tumors were immunostained for factor VIII-related antigen in order to highlight microvessel endothelial cells. Microvessels were counted at 200x and 400x magnification. Microvessel density was graded as 1+ to 4+ on 1 low power field, without knowledge of clinical outcome. Microvessel count and microvessel grade were correlated with postoperative survival using the Cox proportional hazards regression model. The prognostic significance of microvessel count and grade were also compared with established prognostic indicators, including patient age, Karnofsky performance status, and tumor histology using multivariate analyses. Both microvessel grade and microvessel count correlated significantly with postoperative survival by univariate analysis in both previously untreated and treated patients. Patients with tumors containing a microvessel Grade of 3+ or 4+ had significantly shorter survival time than patients with a microvessel Grade of 1+ or 2+ (P = 0.0022). Likewise, patients with microvessel counts of 70 or greater had significantly shorter survival than those with microvessel counts of fewer than 70 (P = 0.041). Patient age, Karnofsky performance status, tumor histology, and extent of resection were also correlated with survival by univariate analysis. Microvessel count was further shown to be an independent prognostic indicator by multivariate analyses. There were correlations between microvessel density and patient age and between microvessel density and astrocytic tumor grade. | High-fat, high-sucrose diet (HF)-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels are implicated in skeletal muscle insulin resistance and mitochondrial dysfunction. Here we investigated whether mitochondrial ROS sequestering can circumvent HF-induced oxidative stress; we also determined the impact of any reduced oxidative stress on muscle insulin sensitivity and mitochondrial function. The Skulachev ion (plastoquinonyl decyltriphenylphosphonium) (SkQ), a mitochondria-specific antioxidant, was used to target ROS production in C2C12 muscle cells as well as in HF-fed (16 weeks old) male C57Bl/6 mice, compared with mice on low-fat chow diet (LF) or HF alone. Oxidative stress was measured as protein carbonylation levels. Glucose tolerance tests, glucose uptake assays and insulin-stimulated signalling were determined to assess muscle insulin sensitivity. Mitochondrial function was determined by high-resolution respirometry. SkQ treatment reduced oxidative stress in muscle cells (-23% p < 0.05), but did not improve insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake under insulin-resistant conditions. In HF mice, oxidative stress was elevated (56% vs LF p < 0.05), an effect completely blunted by SkQ. However, HF and HF+SkQ mice displayed impaired glucose tolerance (AUC HF up 33%, p < 0.001; HF+SkQ up 22%; p < 0.01 vs LF) and disrupted skeletal muscle insulin signalling. ROS sequestering did not improve mitochondrial function. |
Does deficiency of SPARC suppress intestinal tumorigenesis in APCMin/+ mice? | SPARC (secreted protein acidic, rich in cysteine) is a matricellular protein that has been found to be activated in a number of human cancers. More recently, it has been shown to be upregulated in human gastric and colorectal cancer. We therefore wished to address the functional importance of SPARC upregulation to intestinal tumorigenesis in vivo. SPARC upregulation was determined in intestinal adenomas of tumour-prone Apc(Min/+) mice at both the RNA and the protein level. To determine the functional importance of SPARC for intestinal tumorigenesis we then intercrossed Sparc knockout mice with Apc(Min/+) mice (n = 20). Intestinal enterocyte migration was examined using bromodeoxyuridine labelling studies. Levels of murine Sparc and several related proteins were upregulated in adenomas arising in Apc(Min/+) mice. A deficiency of Sparc strongly suppressed adenoma formation in Apc(Min/+) mice (p>or=0.0001). Importantly, a deficiency of Sparc also accelerated enterocyte migration (p = 0.01), as perturbed slow epithelial migration may underpin adenoma formation in the intestine. | Ever since Charles Baxter's recommendations the standard regime for burn shock resuscitation remains crystalloid infusion at a rate of 4 ml/kg/% burn in the first 24h following the thermal injury. A growing number of studies on invasive monitoring in burn shock, however, have raised a debate regarding the adequacy of this regime. The purpose of this prospective, randomised study was to compare goal-directed therapy guided by invasive monitoring with standard care (Baxter formula) in patients with burn shock. Fifty consecutive patients with burns involving more than 20% body surface area were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups. The control group was resuscitated according to the Baxter formula (4 ml/kg BW/% BSA burn), the thermodilution (TDD) group was treated according to a volumetric preload endpoint (intrathoracic blood volume) obtained by invasive haemodynamic monitoring. The baseline characteristics of the two treatment groups were similar. Fluid administration in the initial 24h after burn was significantly higher in the TDD treatment group than in the control group (P = 0.0001). The results of haemodynamic monitoring showed no significant difference in preload or cardiac output parameters. Signs of significant intravasal hypovolemia as indicated by subnormal values of intrathoracic and total blood volumes were present in both treatment groups. Mortality and morbidity were independent on randomisation. |
Does transcriptome Analysis reveal Regulation of Gene Expression for Lipid Catabolism in Young Broilers by Butyrate Glycerides? | Butyrate has been shown to potently regulate energy expenditure and lipid metabolism in animals, yet the underlying mechanisms remain to be fully understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular mechanisms of butyrate (in the form of butyrate glycerides, BG)-induced lipid metabolism at the level of gene expression in the jejunum and liver of broilers. Two animal experiments were included in this study. In Experiment 1, two hundred and forty male broiler chickens were equally allocated into two groups: 1) basal diet (BD), 2) BG diets (BD + BG). Growth performance was compared between treatments for the 41-day trial. In Experiment 2, forty male broiler chickens were equally allocated into two groups. The general experimental design, group and management were the same as described in Experiment 1 except for reduced bird numbers and 21-day duration of the trial. Growth performance, abdominal fat deposition, serum lipid profiles as well as serum and tissue concentrations of key enzymes involved in lipid metabolism were compared between treatments. RNA-seq was employed to identify both differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and treatment specifically expressed genes (TSEGs). Functional clustering of DEGs and TSEGs and signaling pathways associated with lipid metabolism were identified using Ingenuity Pathways Analysis (IPA) and DAVID Bioinformatics Resources 6.7 (DAVID-BR). Quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays were subsequently conducted to further examine the expression of genes in the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) signaling pathway identified by DAVID-BR. Dietary BG intervention significantly reduced abdominal fat ratio (abdominal fat weight/final body weight) in broilers. The decreased fat deposition in BG-fed chickens was in accordance with serum lipid profiles as well as the level of lipid metabolism-related enzymes in the serum, abdominal adipose, jejunum and liver. RNA-seq analysis indicated that dietary BG intervention induced 79 and 205 characterized DEGs in the jejunum and liver, respectively. In addition, 255 and 165 TSEGs were detected in the liver and jejunum of BG-fed group, while 162 and 211 TSEGs genes were observed in the liver and jejunum of BD-fed birds, respectively. Bioinformatic analysis with both IPA and DAVID-BR further revealed a significant enrichment of DEGs and TSEGs in the biological processes for reducing the synthesis, storage, transportation and secretion of lipids in the jejunum, while those in the liver were for enhancing the oxidation of ingested lipids and fatty acids. In particular, transcriptional regulators of THRSP and EGR-1 as well as several DEGs involved in the PPAR-α signaling pathway were significantly induced by dietary BG intervention for lipid catabolism. | Recovery to normal or near normal visual acuity is usual after acute demyelinating optic neuritis, despite the frequent persistence of conduction abnormalities as evidenced by the visual evoked potential (VEP). This raises the possibility that cortical adaptation to a persistently abnormal input contributes to the recovery process. The objective of this study was to investigate the pattern of cerebral response to a simple visual stimulus in recovered patients in comparison to normal subjects. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to study the brain activation pattern induced by a periodic monocular 8Hz photic stimulus in seven patients who had recovered from a single episode of acute unilateral optic neuritis, and in seven normal controls. VEPs and structural optic nerve MRI were performed on patients. Stimulation of either eye in controls activated only the occipital visual cortex. However, in patients, stimulation of the recovered eye also induced extensive activation in other areas including the insula-claustrum, lateral temporal and posterior parietal cortices, and thalamus; stimulation of the clinically unaffected eye activated visual cortex and right insula-claustrum only. The volume of extraoccipital activation in patients was strongly correlated with VEP latency (r = 0.71, p = 0.005). |
Is prolonged Operative Time to Extubation a Useful Metric for Comparing the Performance of Individual Anesthesia Providers? | One anesthesiologist performance metric is the incidence of "prolonged" (15 min or longer after dressing complete) times to extubation. The authors used several methods to identify the performance outliers and assess whether targeting these outliers for reduction could improve operating room workflow. Time to extubation data were retrieved for 27,757 anesthetics and 81 faculty anesthesiologists. Provider-specific incidences of prolonged extubation were assessed by using unadjusted frequentist statistics and a Bayesian model adjusted for prone positioning, American Society of Anesthesiologist's base units, and case duration. 20.31% of extubations were "prolonged," and 40% of anesthesiologists were identified as outliers using a frequentist approach, that is, incidence greater than upper 95% CI (20.71%). With an adjusted Bayesian model, only one anesthesiologist was deemed an outlier. If an average anesthesiologist performed all extubations, the incidence of prolonged extubations would change negligibly (to 20.67%). If the anesthesiologist with the highest incidence of prolonged extubations was replaced with an average anesthesiologist, the change was also negligible (20.01%). Variability among anesthesiologists in the incidence of prolonged extubations was significantly less than among other providers. | Therapeutic cancer vaccines aim to boost the natural immunity against transformed cancer cells, and a series of adjuvants and co-stimulatory molecules have been proposed to enhance the immune response against weak self-antigens expressed on cancer cells. For instance, a peptide/CpG-based cancer vaccine has been evaluated in several clinical trials and was shown in pre-clinical studies to favor the expansion of effector T versus Tregs cells, resulting in a potent antitumor activity, as compared to other TLR ligands. Alternatively, the adjuvant activity of CD1d-restricted invariant NKT cells (iNKT) on the innate and adaptive immunity is well demonstrated, and several CD1d glycolipid ligands are under pre-clinical and clinical evaluation. Importantly, additive or even synergistic effects have been shown upon combined CD1d/NKT agonists and TLR ligands. The aim of the present study is to combine the activation and tumor targeting of activated iNKT, NK and T cells. Activation and tumor targeting of iNKT cells via recombinant α-galactosylceramide (αGC)-loaded CD1d-anti-HER2 fusion protein (CD1d-antitumor) is combined or not with OVA peptide/CpG vaccine. Circulating and intratumoral NK and H-2Kb/OVA-specific CD8 responses are monitored, as well as the state of activation of dendritic cells (DC) with regard to activation markers and IL-12 secretion. The resulting antitumor therapy is tested against established tumor grafts of B16 melanoma cells expressing human HER2 and ovalbumin. The combined CD1d/iNKT antitumor therapy and CpG/peptide-based immunization leads to optimized expansion of NK and OVA-specific CD8 T cells (CTLs), likely resulting from the maturation of highly pro-inflammatory DCs as seen by a synergistic increase in serum IL-12. The enhanced innate and adaptive immune responses result in higher tumor inhibition that correlates with increased numbers of OVA-specific CTLs at the tumor site. Antibody-mediated depletion experiments further demonstrate that in this context, CTLs rather than NK cells are essential for the enhanced tumor inhibition. |
Is red cell distribution width increased in patients with ascending aortic dilatation? | The prognostic importance of red cell distribution width (RDW) and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in cardiovascular diseases has been shown. Ascending aortic dilatation (AAD) is a common cardiovascular disease and is associated with aortic wall inflammation and cystic degeneration. In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between serum levels of RDW, NLR and the presence of AAD. Two-hundred consecutive patients with AAD diagnosed by transthoracic echocardiography were prospectively recruited and were compared to 170 age-gender- matched subjects with normal aortic diameters. Complete blood counts (CBCs) were analyzed for hemoglobin, RDW and NLR counts, as well as mean corpuscular volume (MCV). If possible, results of CBC tests within the previous two years were also included and the averages were used. RDW [median 13.9, interquartile range (IQR) 1.40 vs. median 13.3, IQR 1.05%, p=0.01], NLR (median 2.04, IQR 1.09 vs. median 1.78, IQR 0.90, p=0.01) and high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) (median 0.60, IQR 0.80 vs. median 0.44, IQR 0.68 mg/L, p=0.01) levels were significantly higher in the AAD group compared to the control group. In univariate correlation analysis, ascending aortic diameters were correlated with RDW levels (r=0.31, p=0.01), NLR levels (r=0.15, p=0.01) and hs-CRP levels (r=0.12, p=0.03). In multivariate logistic regression analysis, increased levels of RDW and hs-CRP remained as the independent correlates of AAD in the study population. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis revealed that a RDW measurement higher than >13.8% predicted AAD with a sensitivity of 49.5% and a specificity of 82.8% (area under the curve [AUC] 0.681, p=0.01). | Novel taste memories, critical for animal survival, are consolidated to form long term memories which are dependent on translation regulation in the gustatory cortex (GC) hours following acquisition. However, the role of transcription regulation in the process is unknown. Here, we report that transcription in the GC is necessary for taste learning in rats, and that drinking and its consequences, as well as the novel taste experience, affect transcription in the GC during taste memory consolidation. We show differential effects of learning on temporal dynamics in set of genes in the GC, including Arc/Arg3.1, known to regulate the homeostasis of excitatory synapses. |
Are multisite pain , pain frequency and pain severity associated with depression in older adults : results from the ActiFE Ulm study? | there is ample literature showing pain and depression are related. However, different dimensions of pain have been used in former studies. the objective of the study was to compare the strength of the association of different pain dimensions with depression in older adults. assessments including evaluation of pain (severity, frequency, chronicity, quality, pain medication, painful body sites) and depression (measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) were performed in an observational study in community dwelling older adults (sample mean age 76, n = 1130) in Germany. The associations of different dimension of pain with depression were assessed using descriptive and multivariate methods. the number of painful body areas was most significantly associated with self-reported late life depression (OR 1.20, CI 1.11-1.31). Pain severity and frequency (OR 1.12, CI 1.01-1.23 and OR 1.18, CI 1.01-1.37) were also associated with depression; quality and duration were not. Except for severity (OR 1.12, CI 1.02-1.24) associations of pain dimensions were strongly reduced when controlling for relevant confounders and gender was an effect modifier. | Triiodothyronine (T3), through interaction with its intracellular thyroid hormone receptors (TRs), influences various physiological functions, including metabolism, development, and growth. We investigated the effect of T3 and the selective TR-beta agonist GC-1 in two models of hepatocarcinogenesis. Preneoplastic lesions were induced in F-344 rats via a single dose of diethylnitrosamine, followed by a choline-deficient (CD) diet for 10 weeks. Rat subgroups were then fed the CD diet or a CD diet containing either 4 mg/kg T3 or 5 mg/kg GC-1 for another week. Rats fed a CD diet alone showed a large number (65/cm(2)) of preneoplastic lesions positive for the placental form of glutathione S-transferase (GSTP). Coadministration of T3 for the last week caused an almost complete disappearance of the foci (3/cm(2)). A reduction of GSTP-positive foci was also observed in rats fed a CD + GC-1 diet (28/cm(2) versus 75/cm(2) of rats fed a CD diet alone) in the absence of significant differences in labeling or apoptotic index of preneoplastic hepatocytes between the two groups. An antitumoral effect of GC-1 was also observed with the resistant hepatocyte model of hepatocarcinogenesis. Nodule regression was associated with a return to a fully differentiated phenotype, indicated by the loss of the fetal markers GSTP and gamma glutamyl transpeptidase, and reacquisition of the activity of glucose 6-phosphatase and adenosine triphosphatase, two enzymes expressed in normal hepatocytes. |
Is ketone body utilization regulated by male-specific factors in rat subcutaneous adipocytes? | Acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase (AACS) is the enzyme responsible for the utilization of ketone bodies for the synthesis of cholesterol and fatty acids and the gene is highly expressed only in the male subcutaneous white adipose tissue (WAT). This study is to elucidate how AACS is involved in sex-dependent metabolic differences in adipose tissues. To answer this question, we examined the effect of castration on AACS mRNA expression in rat WAT. Castration did not affect any changes in the level of serum ketone bodies, but it significantly decreased AACS gene expression in subcutaneous WAT. In contrast, expression of the other ketone body utilizing enzyme, succinyl-CoA: 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase (SCOT), did not change. Moreover, the AACS gene was highly expressed in larger-sized adipocytes obtained from rat subcutaneous WAT, and was up-regulated by testosterone in differentiated adipocytes. | Inflammatory lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are characterized by the presence of eosinophils and neutrophils. However, the mechanisms that mediate the influx of these cells are incompletely understood. Neutrophil products, including neutrophil elastase and antimicrobial peptides such as neutrophil defensins and LL-37, have been demonstrated to display chemotactic activity towards cells from both innate and adaptive immunity. However, chemotactic activity of LL-37 towards eosinophils has not been reported. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the chemotactic activity of LL-37 for eosinophils and to explore the mechanisms involved in LL-37-mediated attraction of neutrophils and eosinophils. Neutrophils and eosinophils were obtained from venous blood of healthy donors. Chemotaxis was studied using a modified Boyden chamber technique. Involvement of formyl-peptide receptors (FPRs) was studied using the antagonistic peptide tBoc-MLP. Activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) ERK1/2 was studied by Western blotting using antibodies directed against phosphorylated ERK1/2. Our results show that LL-37 chemoattracts both eosinophils and neutrophils. The FPR antagonistic peptide tBoc-MLP inhibited LL-37-induced chemotaxis. Whereas the FPR agonist fMLP activated ERK1/2 in neutrophils, LL-37 did not, indicating that fMLP and LL-37 deliver different signals through FPRs. |
Does pristimerin inhibit breast cancer cell migration by up- regulating regulator of G protein signaling 4 expression? | Pristimerin isolated from Celastrus and Maytenus spp can inhibit proteasome activity. However, whether pristimerin can modulate cancer metastasis is unknown. The impacts of pristimerin on the purified and intracellular chymotrypsin proteasomal activity, the levels of regulator of G protein signaling 4 (RGS 4) expression and breast cancer cell lamellipodia formation, and the migration and invasion were determined by enzymatic, Western blot, immunofluorescent, and transwell assays, respectively. We found that pristimerin inhibited human chymotrypsin proteasomal activity in MDA-MB-231 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Pristimerin also inhibited breast cancer cell lamellipodia formation, migration, and invasion in vitro by up-regulating RGS4 expression. Thus, knockdown of RGS4 attenuated pristimerin-mediated inhibition of breast cancer cell migration and invasion. Furthermore, pristimerin inhibited growth and invasion of implanted breast tumors in mice. | Thoracic impedance (TI) influences the success of external cardioversion (ECV) or defibrillation because current intensity traversing the heart is inversely related to TI. Experimental data suggest that TI decreases after multiple shocks. We undertook a clinical study to determine changes of TI values in patients with atrial fibrillation or flutter requiring ECV. We enrolled 222 consecutive patients (age 73 +/- 11 years; males 67%; body weight 75 +/- 13 kg) who underwent ECV between January 2004 and February 2007. Biphasic shocks were delivered through adhesive pads placed in the anteroposterior position. The initial energy was set at 1 J/kg, with progressive increases up to a maximum of 180 J in case of failure. In the last 39 elective patients, plasma concentration of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha were determined before and 6 hours after ECV. Sinus rhythm was restored in 202 patients (91.0%). Of these, 155 (69.8%) required more than one shock (on average, 2.5 +/- 1.5 shocks/patient). Final values of energy and peak current intensity were 136 +/- 47 J and 50 +/- 14 A, respectively. TI decreased significantly by 6.2% from baseline after > or =2 shocks (P < 0.001). The absolute reduction was correlated with baseline TI, number of delivered shocks, and hemoglobin oxygen saturation. IL-6 and TNF-alpha increased with ECV (P < 0.001 and P = 0.014, respectively). |
Do albumin-based or albumin-linked calibrators cause a positive bias in serum proteins assayed by the biuret method? | Assay of total serum protein by the biuret method calibrated with albumin standards according to the reference method provides results with a positive bias approximately 3%-5% exceeding the total error of 3.4% allowable for total protein in serum analysis made by analysers using two-part reagents and short-term procedures. We used two types of two-part biuret reagents utilised in a short-term measurement in analysers with albumin or serum calibrators, in which protein was attested by the Kjeldahl method. Tests with potentially interfering substances proved that serum blanking used in a short-term biuret procedure is not capable of sufficiently eliminating effects of serum interferents. A short-term blanking is evidently capable of suppressing only an absorbance caused by serum-present coloured and turbid interferents, but its capacity to transform them (oxidise, hydrolyse, saponify, etc.) to some other not-interfering substances is very low compared with a long-term blanking. Lipids and bilirubin are responsible for significant positive bias of total protein in normal serum samples (approximately 3%) and even a greater positive offset in lipaemic and icteric sera (approximately 5%). We verified that interference tests based on a normal serum spiked with endogenous lipids and bilirubin give quite false and misleading results in the biuret reaction. A pure albumin, not depending on its bovine/human origin, gives absorbance responding only to its copper complexes with protein with a biuret regent, while its absorbance with a serum also includes the absorbance of interferents present in serum. The simplest way to improve current short-term biuret procedures is the use of a human serum calibrator with total protein attested by the Kjeldahl method. A serum calibrator, behaving analogously to serum samples, compensates for a positive bias in most normal sera. Reagents with a greater concentration of active biuret components (copper and alkali, reference method included) seem to be unnecessarily aggressive to proteins and are responsible for a lower accuracy when used in short-term measurements. | Inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 has been proposed to be a potential mechanism for the chemoprevention of gastrointestinal tumors by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This study investigates the mechanisms by which the cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor SC236 induces apoptosis of gastric cancer cell lines and its downstream signaling pathway. Two gastric cancer cell lines, AGS and MKN28, were treated with SC236 and assessed for cell growth and apoptosis. The involvement of mitogen-activated protein kinase and Akt kinase/protein kinase B (Akt/PKB) pathways and their downstream signalings were studied in the AGS cell line. SC236 treatment induced apoptosis in gastric cancer cells and caused activation of p38 and stress-activated protein kinase/jun kinase, but down-regulated Akt/PKB. The specific p38 inhibitor SB203580 and the dominant-negative stress-activated protein kinase/jun kinase both failed, while the constitutively active form of Akt/PKB was able to block SC236-induced apoptosis. SC236-induced apoptosis was coupled with release of cytochrome c and activation of caspases. |
Does supplementation of transport and freezing media with anti-apoptotic drugs improve ovarian cortex survival? | Ovarian tissue preservation is proposed to patients at risk of premature ovarian failure, but this procedure still needs to be optimized. To limit injury during ovarian tissue cryopreservation, anti-apoptotic drugs were added to the transport and freezing media of ovarian cortex tissue. Sheep ovaries were transported, prepared and frozen in solutions containing vehicle or anti-apoptotic drugs (Z-VAD-FMK, a pan-caspase inhibitor, or sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), a bioactive lipid). After the tissue was thawed, the ovarian cortex was cultured for 2 or 6 days. Follicular quantification and morphological and proliferation analyses were performed on histological sections. After 2 days of culture, S1P improved the quality of primordial follicles; higher densities of morphologically normal and proliferative primordial follicles were found. Z-VAD-FMK displayed similar effects by preserving global primordial follicular density, but this effect was evident after 6 days of culture. This drug also improved cell proliferation after 2 and 6 days of culture. | To examine the association between injection cocaine use, hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, and chronic renal impairment (CRI). Prospective observational cohort study of HIV-HCV coinfected patients. Data from 1129 participants in the Canadian Co-Infection Cohort with baseline and follow-up serum creatinine measurements between 2003 and 2014 were analyzed. Prevalent and incident cohorts were created to examine the association between self-reported past, current, and cumulative cocaine use and chronic HCV with CRI. CRI was defined as an estimated glomerular filtration rate below 70 ml/min per 1.73 m. Multivariate logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios, and discrete-time proportional-hazards models were used to calculate hazard ratios for cocaine use, in the two respective cohorts, adjusted for HCV RNA and important demographic, HIV disease stage, and comorbidity confounders. Eighty-seven participants (8%) had prevalent CRI. Past injection cocaine use was associated with a two-fold greater risk of prevalent CRI [odds ratio 2.03, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.96, 4.32]. During follow-up, 126 of 1061 participants (12%) developed incident CRI (31 per 1000 person-years). Compared to nonusers, heavy (≥ 3 days/week) and frequent injection cocaine users (≥75% of follow-up time) experienced more rapid progression to CRI (hazard ratio 2.65, 95% CI 1.35, 5.21; and hazard ratio 1.82, 95% CI 1.07, 3.07, respectively). There was no association between chronic HCV and CRI in either cohort. |
Is unilateral pudendal neuropathy common in patients with fecal incontinence? | Pudendal neuropathy and fecal incontinence frequently coexist; however, the contribution of neuropathy is unknown. The pudendal nerve innervates the external anal sphincter muscle, anal canal skin, and coordinates reflex pathways. Lateral dominance or a dominantly innervating nerve and its subsequent damage may have major implications in the etiology and treatment of fecal incontinence. This study was designed to establish the prevalence of pudendal neuropathy, in particular a unilateral one, and to examine the impact on anorectal function. A total of 923 patients (745 females; mean age, 52 (range, 17-92) years) with fecal incontinence were studied using endoanal ultrasonography, anorectal manometry, rectal sensation, and pudendal nerve terminal motor latencies. A total of 520 patients (56 percent) demonstrated a pudendal neuropathy, which was unilateral in 38 percent (351 patients; 169 right-sided, 182 left-sided). Neuropathy, whether it was bilateral (bilateral vs. normal; 56 (range, 7-154) cm H2O) vs. 67 (range, 5-215) cm H2O; P < 0.01) or unilateral (unilateral vs. normal; 61 (range, 0-271) cm H2O vs. 67 (range, 5-215) cm H2O; P = 0.04) was associated with reduced anal resting tone. This also was seen with respect to squeeze increments (bilateral vs. normal; 34 (range, 0-207) cm H2O vs. 52 (range, 0-378) cm H2O; P < 0.001, unilateral vs. normal; 41 (range, 0-214) cm H2O vs. 52 (range, 0-378) cm H2O; P < 0.01). In those with intact sphincters, unilateral neuropathy was associated with reduced squeeze increments (unilateral vs. normal; 60 (range, 10-286) cm H2O vs. 69 (range, 7-323) cm H2O; P = 0.01) but no significant reduction in resting pressures. There was no association between pudendal neuropathy and abnormal rectal sensitivity. | To determine the effects of endostatin on vascular growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) expression in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells and the mechanisms underlying its radiosensitizing effect. VEGFR2 mRNA levels were determined in different NSCLC cell lines using qRT-PCR. RT-PCR and Western blot assays were used to assess the expression of mRNA and proteins. The radiosensitivity of the cells was determined by colony-formation assays; and cell apoptosis and cell cycle distribution were determined by flow cytometry. VEGFR2 mRNA levels differed among the five NSCLC cell lines (P < 0.01), with the highest expression in Calu-1 cells and lowest in A549 cells. Endostatin significantly inhibited the growth of Calu-1 cells (P < 0.01) (IC20 = 296.5 μg/ml), and the expression of VEGFR2 and HIF-1α (P < 0.05). Phosphorylation of protein kinase B (Akt), extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2), and p38 were significantly lower in endostatin-treated cells than control (P < 0.05). Endostatin enhanced the radiosensitivity of Calu-1 cells to SER = 1.38 and induced apoptosis (P < 0.01) and G2/M blockage (P < 0.01). However, endostatin had limited effects on A549 cells. Compared with Calu-1 cells, there was not significantly effects on cell radiosensitivity (SER = 1.09). |
Is selective COX-2 inhibition associated with decreased mucosal damage induced by acid and pepsin in rabbit esophagitis? | To evaluate the effects of COX-1 and/or COX-2 inhibition in a model of chronic esophagitis in rabbits. Both high- and low-grade esophagitis were induced in rabbits by the perfusion of acidified pepsin. Rabbits were treated with either a selective COX-2 inhibitor (DFU[3-(3-Fluorophenyl)-4-(4-Methanesulfonyl)-5,5-Dimethyl-5H-Furan-2-One];30 mg/Kg/day), a nonspecific COX inhibitor (indomethacin; 2 mg/Kg/day), or a COX-1 preferential inhibitor (piroxicam; 2 mg/Kg/12 h). Prostaglandins are derived from COX-1 activity in the normal esophagus. Both low- and high-grade esophagitis are associated with a progressive increase of COX activity, which is partially dependent on the COX-2 isoform. DFU reduced muscosal damage in both models of esophagitis. However, indomethacin did not affect significantly mucosal damage, and piroxicam increased damage in low-grade esophagitis. | Nondiagnostic fine-needle aspiration biopsy (ND-FNAB) of the thyroid leads to unnecessary thyroidectomy. The aims of this study were as follows: (1) to determine the risk of malignancy in ND-FNABs, and (2) to evaluate factors that may identify patients at risk for a ND-FNAB. A total of 241 patients who underwent FNAB and thyroidectomy were evaluated for factors associated with a ND-FNAB. A total of 215 women and 26 men underwent FNAB and thyroidectomy. ND-FNAs occurred in 51 of 241 (21%) patients. Ultrasound guidance did not reduce the likelihood of a ND biopsy. Patients with nodules greater than 3 cm had more ND-FNAs. Twenty-one of 51 with a ND biopsy underwent a repeat FNAB. Repeat FNAB was ND in 29% of patients. There was malignant disease in 7 of 51 (14%) with a ND-FNAB. Patient age, sex, thyroid function, gland size, multiple nodules, and final pathology were not related to a ND-FNAB (P > .05). |
Subsets and Splits