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"Greetings! I've detected a higher than average rate of questionable voting activity on your account. Trustworthy "civil/uncivil" ratings are important for our community; accounts with a pattern of unfair voting will be restricted."
me: How dare you question my ethics? You are mindless, I have mine. ALLmost all remarks are civil, and I have reported SPAM. And you jerked me around on that. NOW I AM REPORTING YOU, MORON. | 1toxic
i would think that any legislator who kicks this can down the road would be kissing their chances for surviving this election cycle goodbye. but what do i know. we were stupid enough to elect these hacks. we might still be dumb enough to give them another shot. i consider myself a conservative independent, but i'll be damned if i'll vote for any incumbent republican candidate who isn't willing to stand up and deal with the problem this session. | 1toxic
A native walks into a bar and orders a beer.
The waitress says" Sorry I can't serve you"
The native is upset and what's to know why,
The waitress says "Because beer is a German cultural icon, and has no relation to native culture. You can't appropriate our beer."
The native says "That's racist"
The waitress says " Why? You wrote the rules sir". | 0non-toxic
The city presents a plan and asks for tax payers to agree. Tax payers agree then the cost of the plan doubles.
Yep, that seems par for the course. | 0non-toxic
I think this will be a futile experiment. Vacancy taxes have been tried especially is Paris - apparently some success. Far and few between mainly because it is really difficult to enforce - cost far exceeds the benefits. If you want to provide an incentive to folks to rent - why not offer a property tax discount to property owners and similarly ask the BC Provincial Government to offer rental deduction/credit for folks that rent on the Income Tax return like they do in Manitoba and Ontario. The later makes it more affordable and offers a way for the CRA and BC to cross reference those folks that don't report rental income (pretty sure there is a illegal black market for rentals). Both the BC NDP and Robertson are outta ideas and do not care about affordability - grasping at straws. You can't send messages to investors that you are open for business and investment and turnaround and tax them for doing exactly that - both the foreign ownership and vacancy tax is not good policy. | 0non-toxic
Mr Barnhart in more simple terms you are a liar. Nothing you wrote is accurate. You have used shaded example's and selected blame tactics in an attempt to make every one feel guilty. I would love to have a debate with you in a public setting on your inability to argue the merits of this sales tax with facts rather then the mean out of touch taxpayers who refuse to rubber stamp everything you and your partner Peter tax them till they squeal Cortney try to slip in. In fact bring him along . You 2 bring your arguments I'll bring mine. Set it up I'll be there how about the fair grounds. Only rule is you must be able to back what you say in verifiable facts. So set it up or have your secretary do it. Anyone volunteer to be my second? Oh that's dueling at 20 paces, my mistake. Any way challenge is on the table. My calendar is open. | 1toxic
I would like to punch him right in that fat face. | 1toxic
It was unwise at best, no argument there. But I still believe that as a society we do not condone nor would we accept the kind of open brutality we see from the North Koreans on a regular basis. It is hard to compare their geo-political situation with ours, and that is not really what I meant in any case. This young man suffered terribly at their hands, and as the mother of millennials who travel extensively I understand that you can try to explain how stealing a banner here is a very different crime than it is there, you can raise them and educate them and warn them but many are still going to try to save the world in their naive assurance that good conquers evil. That they are somehow safe in that trust. I often disagree with WHOM they trust, and their politics, but they wield that trust with courage. It is a great strength of Americans, IMO, while sometimes being our downfall. I place the blame on the people who hurt him so terribly and it breaks my heart for his family. | 0non-toxic
As usual Shannyn Moore puts out her annual Easter/Thanksgiving /Christmas rant about the Bible/White"Christian" Republican politicians... What a hateful, self-righteous, unimportant column. | 1toxic
Trudeau and his high school student council administration are a national embarrassment
Mr. Trudeau was elected first as an MP and then as leader of the Liberal Party because of who his father was. He wasn't elected because he had great ideas, or because of major accomplishments in any field of endeavor, or because he articulated principles or plans or concepts that he had learned and tested through experience and thought could be implemented for the betterment of Canada and Canadians.
Mr. Trudeau has never managed anything, so could not have had any concept of what is required to accomplish things through other people, both politicians and bureaucrats.
And to top it off, Mr. Trudeau doesn't seem to be a "quick study" - I have yet to see evidence of much substance beneath the surface of all the broken promises. | 0non-toxic
Nope. As I said, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. People like you have forgotten what it means to be held responsible for YOUR actions. | 1toxic
Hawker says: "We can't do it to you without you, Alaska!" | 0non-toxic
OMG, you have GOT to be kidding!!! | 0non-toxic
I think you were writing your second comment while I was responding to the first.
The second is as good as the first. What a wonderful life for two people who are called to ministry to be able to share all the responsibilities of family life and a life of service to their faith. thanks. | 0non-toxic
Hillary is going after the guns again in her speech today. Good grief, the Orlando shooter was employed as a security guard and had a license to buy guns in Florida. Hillary is nuts! The FBI failed and that is all there is to it. They let this guy go because he was a Muslim. | 1toxic
"The day I watched two Oregon State Police officers shoot Finicum for challenging the federal government’s right to control half the state of Oregon . . ."
Ridiculous statement, divorced from reality. | 1toxic
I almost hit someone walking down the Seward highway this morning. Had vehicle trouble, almost pulled to the shoulder. If I would have, I would have killed her. It's not always the drivers fault. | 0non-toxic
We both share the same dream--Trump wins the nomination! | 0non-toxic
In my opinion, the FBI and OSP put more stress on the citizenry of Haney, with their huge military build up, than the protestors did. You Feds must think we are naive to believe the line you are spewing! You murdered Lavoy, it's plain as the nose on your face! | 1toxic
Marty Decker - EAT THE RICH!!!!! You're view of life is very self-centered, childish, hints of thievery, and shows your lack of motivation and accomplishment in life. | 1toxic
Wow, this is just an upward redistribution of money, take from the needy, working poor, disabled, elderly, and retirees to give to the big oil. The majority in Juneau would rather take from the needy than stand a chance of angering their puppet masters. They know most Alaskans are dumb and have short memory. By tomorrow at noon, most dumb Alaskans will forget this. I would rather they take a good critical and analytical look at SB21. Just as long as we have a Republican majority in Juneau, that will never happen. History shows governments do much better under Democratic administrations than Republican one. Sheeple are brainwashed that Democrats are bad for government when history shows otherwise, facts just don't matter to stupid. | 1toxic
The SCIENTIFIC studies of fatigue date back DECADES. The writer is so misguided throughout the entire article with his "me first" interpretation of what is and what is not an air safety issue as to be a danger to the traveling public.
Shame. | 0non-toxic
I speak from several experiences. I have firsthand experience with family members with mental disabilities. I didn't have to 8th grade because I had a 10th grade aptitude having taught myself. Oregon public schools made me a teachers aide for students with learning disabilities and that's what I did for that school year. Currently my adopted daughter is a special ed teacher. As for your "or maybe you're just an idiot" comment, I never expect people like you to post anything remotely intelligent as you are incapable of addressing what I posted. That would require intelligence. | 1toxic
I hope the woman gets help and leaves the jerk permanently. | 1toxic
What is "beer muscles with a side of fireball"? Other than pure stupidity of course. | 1toxic
That might be a problem in the current political atmosphere. The democrats have so pounded Black Americans with the notion that every white person is a racist that any reconciliation is almost hopeless. | 0non-toxic
Have the offending organ removed? Are you serious? That would be a lobotomy. These pervs are driven by brains. Sick ones. | 1toxic
Encouraged by the White Supremacist uprising in the US? | 0non-toxic
Just stop with 'It's a nice gesture'. If you're one of those workers, it probably means a whole lot! | 0non-toxic
This whole debacle will be another nail in the coffin of so-called "Hawaiian" culture. As our economy becomes ever more dominated by tourism, the military, and wealthy retirees, the best and brightest young people of all cultural backgrounds, including Hawaiian, will have to leave if they want careers doing anything besides changing sheets and bedpans. This is already happening. A local high school counselor I know held a reception for the top honor students graduating last year. She asked those who thought they would be living and working in Hawaii after college to raise their hands. Only three out of 41 did so, and one of them said she was iffy. And there won't be very many jobs teaching other Hawaiians how to be radicals at UH. Those are taken by people who created this mess. | 0non-toxic
So apparently Ryan is an ignorant thug too? | 1toxic
Steve Bannon likes getting ink. He is all about Steve Bannon. He thinks he is the new Karl Rove. | 0non-toxic
This story is like a horse...parts of it stink.... including a man who takes his late term pregnant wife into a hostile area. I do think there are many things to be explained about this story.... | 0non-toxic
There you go again, Craig, trying to insight your racism and bigoted hate. I knew I could count on you sticking your two-horn head up. You're no landlord collecting money off the backs of hard working Alaskans, you're a con(servative) troll surfing the Internet. Pathetic. | 1toxic
If this actually happened it's a crime and should be reported as such, complete with a description of the perps, the location, etc.---Was this done?
As far as gay hispanic republicans for Trump---Hey, whatever floats your boat. The whole piece kind of pegged my BS meter though, and I'm inclined to doubt it. On the very small chance that it's true, there should be a police report to back it up somewhere. Otherwise, it seems like a cheap political hack job, frankly. | 1toxic
The offshore charities he chooses may do precisely that. | 0non-toxic
You have 900 channels of garbage. | 1toxic
How is border control contempt? | 0non-toxic
I agree that St John Paul and Benedict did not stem the flow although they tried to. Vatican II opened Pandora’s box and once opened there was no shutting it.
It is also true that the world changed too. You say not an evil change but in fact the change was in an evil direction, the wholesale rejection of a prewar ‘christian’ moral consensus manifested by acceptance of abortion, sexual licence, promiscuity, homosexuality, divorce, etc. The Church could not possibly acquiesce in any rapprochement with these trends, JPII and BXVI did not compromise but neither did they oppose this culture vigorously enough, academically maybe but not evangelically.
By the early eighties it had become manifestly obviously that VII had not only failed in its objective of renewal but it had contributed to this failure. Retrenchment was called for but never happened, the barque was allowed to drift and I hate to say it was eventually abandoned to its fate by BXVI. | 0non-toxic
Methinks thou doth protesteth too much...and you continue to evade the pertinent question.
How many district and different individual are being fed? The 287,000 figure is ludicrous on its face as pointed out earlier.
Perhaps when one has drunk the Kool-Aid it colors ones perception of the facts...pun intended. | 0non-toxic
Wow! You give these people same raise as government employees? Hey stupid PFD made us filthy rich in our investment Gov employees cost tens of millions. No brainier! | 1toxic
Life, no parole. | 0non-toxic
Computer programs like this are forced to be made to show some modicum of objectivity because lawmakers don't want to be accused of 'raaaacism' by black racialists and white Liberals on something we all know. Here's the good news about facts and statistics: they don't care about your feelings.
Blacks- specifically men- commit a grossly disproportionate amount of crime. There. That's a fact. According to FBI data, 4,906 black people murdered other blacks in 2010 and 2011. White males are 40 percent of the population and committed 4,582 murders. That same year, black males were just 6.6 percent of the population but committed a staggering 5,531 murders (http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/htus8008.pdf)
Employment history and family structure are also important: so why do Leftists refuse to accept that almost 75% of blacks are raised by absentee and single parents?
(http://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/walter-e-williams/true-black-tragedy-illegitimacy-rate-nearly-75) | 1toxic
Can’t do anything without congress, and they’re only concerned with pork projects - hence the enormous cost of the SLS.
It’s alao disheartening to hear the administration talk about how to weaponize space, as if nukes weren’t enough to kill us all 😠 | 0non-toxic
Also to complain bitterly about how the Democrats are hindering his efforts on behalf of the country, you know, while at the exact same time telling everyone how much he's gotten done and how quickly. He makes me gag. | 0non-toxic
Mahalo, I love it!! Www.Kaaihue4Congress.com | 0non-toxic
Burnsie: They certainly have the Buds number. Let's hope the Bison taught them something about playing with half measures. | 0non-toxic
Yes. And yes. And yes. | 0non-toxic
I thought taxes could not be dedicated. This is crap, the cruise line passengers use roads and emergency services to. MAYBE the city's should bill the cruise line everytime an ambulance is used by their passengers. | 1toxic
"In an age when we're supposed to believe that culture explains everything, this a heretical opinion. Unfortunately, it's grounded in sound science. Social psychologist Lee Jussim, writing in Psychology Today, points out that gender differences in interests are well established in the research. There's more. Far more girls than boys are strong in both math and verbal skills.
By contrast, far more boys are strong in math alone. People who are strong in both areas are less likely to pursue STEM careers. In other words, girls have far broader options and far more interest in working with people than boys do. Thus, the gap."
While I agree with you, this statement, phrased differently is exactly what got James Damore fired at Google, one of the biggest STEM employers on the planet.
And why stop the study when it showed blind screening Didn't help diversity? Admitting preselection? | 0non-toxic
I dated his niece for a long time and the family enables him by buying him illegal porn. And it has led to horrible abuses in the past | 1toxic
What Kim80 seems to have forgotten is that "allegedly" must be added when a person is formally charged with a crime as was this Republican candidate. | 0non-toxic
They shouldn't be made to work(other than keeping their cell clean). It should be 100% voluntary and pay a little better.
Process them faster so they are only there for a little while. | 0non-toxic
I love your rose colored outlook on this disgrace of a President we have now. This clown never had a real job and from the looks of what's he's done to the country it shows. | 1toxic
What the happened to his eye anyway? | 0non-toxic
The thing about mollusks is they are a one trick pony; the tide comes in and they filter food out of water. In your case when the tide comes in, your one trick is to belch 'Hillary'! Do you even stop to reflect how stupid that is as a way of being? Especially you who is all about choice? | 1toxic
Fuck off rossin, no one cares about you lol | 1toxic
Instead of an intelligent solution, Trump adds to the problem of hate-generated fear to service his megalomaniacal desires. | 1toxic
I wonder how much money taxpayers money PPS is going to waste on crap like this and then come crying to taxpayers how short of money they are and threaten to lay off half the teachers in the district if they don't get another massive tax increase passed?It's none of PPS damn business what PPS patents say or do on Facebook. | 1toxic
The Airbnb scheme is just that, he is still the homeowner and if rented directly or not, the revenue is still considered taxable income although various expenses will reduce the gross revenue.
Don't give tax advice unless you know what you're talking about. | 0non-toxic
You got that right, Rwing. The unions and their membership are hard working Americans fighting against political machines like the Republican Party's idiocy, and corrupt lobbyists with whom they know who they are. American workers won the right to organize labor to fend off anti-labor and slave labor mentality. At least organized labor meets at the collective bargaining table while elected officials meet behind shadow government closed doors. | 1toxic
16 recorded years of temperature rise and you say it's cooling. How do people like you function in the world today? | 0non-toxic
If the $100K is spent in the right place at the right time, under the US Electoral College system, it can mean the difference between the Presidency, or not.
Precision buys.
Witness: Michigan won by Trump by 10K votes.
In Wisconsin by 22K.
$100K spent in the right place at the right time can get you 10K or 22K votes and two states Electoral College votes.
That cheeseburger is loaded with cheddar and the sheep are buying the Trump line. | 0non-toxic
I've noticed that most folks don't change their mind about a strongly held belief until something personal happens to them. For example, the Republican promoting a gun control law after his son committed suicide. Sadly most Trump voters are already close to tragedy. They will need to see their loved ones die unnecessarily or become homeless before they will change their minds. They will have no one to blame but themselves. I expect to see a spike in murder suicides the next 4 years. They all have easy access to guns and little access to mental health services. | 0non-toxic
(The) "feeble-minded, insane, habitual criminals, moral degenerates, and sexual perverts", they could get sterilized.
The Clintons! yessss... | 1toxic
bought a dump truck of apple and usd end of july, good call. oops thought my previous post got obliterated | 0non-toxic
Having someone stick a "foreign" object up your vagina or butt isn't consensual, Jackson. Perhaps in your world it may be consensual. Good gawd, where's your empathy for the victim? | 1toxic
Same goes for carnival rides here. Have you seen the scumbags they hire to help set up & run the rides? | 1toxic
Pacific Seafoods is a monopoly, even though that was adjudicated recently in favor of Pac. A mean, cutthroat monopoly. That is one of the results when NMFS began to give fisheries to participants, in an effort to stop "derby" fisheries, which the dungie fishery still is. Now your fish quotas are either owned by processors like Pac or by large LLC owners of several boats. The whole of the fisheries except trolling and crab, the one day halibut long line fishery, are in the hands of a few boats, boat owning groups, or processors. The coastwise processing of crabs is dominated by Pac and this is what you get: a monopoly setting prices. The good question is what price are crab being sold to retailers for? A monopoly controls both sides of the contract. The consumer loses. It is becoming that way in most food production effort in the US. Ask a sheep grower, a milk producer, hog producer, chicken growers. Support farmer markets, fishers selling off the boat. | 0non-toxic
Let's be clear: the headline is only true for the 1,000 people who took part in the survey at the time it was taken. Also true is that the results could be completely wrong since a poll can never be conducted nor generalized with 100% certainty. | 0non-toxic
Peyote is still around today...
Go ahead and breath. | 0non-toxic
Didn't you and your husband Peter, file a suit over taxation on your property in Homer? Court docket 3HO-09-00107CI. Talk about being hypocritical. | 1toxic
The writer says options when the Legislature convenes in January will be less palatable than simply using the fund's earnings as voters in 1976 intended when by a 2 to 1 margin they approved a constitutional amendment establishing the Permanent Fund.
If he supports doing what the voters intended, then surely he wants to abide by the vote of the people in 1999, when 83.25%- a 4 to 1 margin- of his fellow Alaskans said no to the following:
"Question: After paying annual dividends to residents and inflation-proofing the permanent fund, should a portion of permanent fund investment EARNINGS (my emphasis) be used to help balance the state budget?
YES or NO”
see https://ballotpedia.org/Alaska_Permanent_Fund_Advisory_Question_(1999)
p.s. And please explain what happens when using an earnings-only approach when the market i inevitably tanks, the fund loses billions in value, as in 2009 (minus $7.2 billion) and earnings are minimal and inadequate to cover the fiscal gap. | 0non-toxic
Guess what!!! Univ. of Central Florida with McKenzie Milton (Mililani) is ranked No. 25 in both the AP poll and the Coaches poll. Where is UH??? | 0non-toxic
One of the main purposes of writing is communication of a point of view. What does the "whole gay thing" mean? I stopped reading at that very point. Unless a writer can convey accurately a point of view, just give up. The word "thing" is so over used and not meaningful. Please think. | 0non-toxic
what I find disgusting is how people like Bob Pederson fail to grasp they are exactly like the people they condemn. His vulgarity refers to Christy as "obese henchmen," while slurring any and all who he disagrees with. To answer his profoundly ignorant question; the people he mentioned do not run for government because they have absolutely 0 qualifications for running government. and they are no more respected than any politician out their, contrary to his delusions. | 1toxic
Don needs to go on a diet, like Chris Christie, both losers in a sense, and should be physically. | 1toxic
Mr. Turner I don't think the founding fathers would accept your modern reinterpretation.I think they would be appalled how their constitution was treated. The 2nd amendment is treated as the 11th commandment while the rest are diminished to mere suggestions.. I am quite certain they would realize that Trump is mentally ill and not fit company. | 1toxic
The rage storm around KPMG seems designed to divert attention from the real culprits, SARS! | 0non-toxic
Title is wrong and right, Assange is not a hero in the normal sense, he is only doing what should have been done by a journalist. Unfortunately, journalist have become too timid, lazy and are of fear of biting the hands that feed them.
I think he more of a dark crusader. Something akin to a journalistic Batman. | 0non-toxic
What a idiot . There political discourse in republican form | 1toxic
I think it's critical for all people of conscience, Christian or otherwise, to be involved in this movement," Ufford-Chase said. "We have an obligation to demand the best behavior from the organizations that we support. What mystifies me is that Wendy's thinks it can possibly benefit from standing against an industry standard that 14 of their competitors have signed on to and become a part of."
When corporations ignore human decency, it is the duty of Christians to protest and boycott. Corporations only respond when it hits their cash flow. | 0non-toxic
Oh come on, Walmart can do without a greeter on Friday morning.
. | 0non-toxic
Guns aren't allowed in bars for good reason.
I feel for the families and officers injured. I am glad they killed this idiot.
I don't know if someone with a concealed LEGAL gun could have stopped the guy. I am only guessing here, but a majority of gun carriers have no real training or experience of 300+ panicked people stampeding while rounds are flying.
Even trained police and combat hardened soldiers would have had difficulty in this situation.
At least taxpayers won't be on the hook for that bastard.
How do you stop this type of event? You can't. Nuts that want to kill will kill. | 1toxic
i'm excited for this candidate. not a career politician who i think can bring much needed change to the office. | 0non-toxic
She still is a corrupt liberal hack | 1toxic
The Mayor's plan borders on insanity. The current plan was one of the least efficient rail plans for Honolulu.
If the project is stopped at Middle Street it will serve NO ONE well and will become yet another sad example of how government can't do anything right. It is time for Ernie and the rest of the council to get together with the HART people and put this project back on track. Go through the entire budget, cut the fat, force the contractors to adhere to their contract (oh, Dear!! Responsible contractors??!!) deadlines and costs, and start acting like a responsible City government and not like the "Gong Show" it has been relating to rail. I'm sure the opponents are celebrating and cheering this pending disaster. But what will Rail Failure really mean to us?? Will it help our city? Will it bring more jobs here? Will it make Honolulu look like a sophisticated, modern city? Or will the rest of the business world mock Honolulu as a bunch of fools and rubes ?? | 1toxic
What big leagues? According to your types we don't need trade or immigrants, we shut ourselves down and simply have an internal economy.
So why do we need to play with the US then? | 0non-toxic
Of course he's not being truthful. He's just trying to cover his ass after a serious lack of judgement. He knows he screwed up and he's lucky he didn't get himself shot. Some of my neighbors would have shot back and I would have too. | 1toxic
It's extremely ironic that the same people calling for 15 an hour are also calling for open borders | 0non-toxic
"Civilization had too many rules for me, so I did my best to rewrite them."
Bill Cosby. | 0non-toxic
The Dodgers locked this thing up with Darvish. Had the Rockies been serious about contending, they would have gotten Darvish. | 0non-toxic
I am pretty sure Healthier was being sarcastic ... | 0non-toxic
Don't most gay guys like getting roughed up by another man? | 1toxic
If our senators had a shred of morality they would denounce tRump for the psychotic bigot he is! | 1toxic
Shame on you! You do know you can go to hell for lying just as quickly as stealing---right? Please get informed. | 1toxic
That's an example of ignorant and awful parenting. | 1toxic
Someone should stomp her face into a puddle of mush.... | 1toxic
So would you support a revenue mechanism that did raise $200 million a year? | 0non-toxic
Cool that you rob the coffers of Alaska for more than 400$ a day? An AWESOME example of thievery if I ever saw one! If I am lucky I make 400$ a *week* and heavy manual labor is involved. This guy sits in a cushy office chair and does.. what? Push around a pile of paper and complain about lodging?
A Bill should be brought forth that if Legislators don't finish the PUBLIC'S business by the Law-Mandated Session End, they should be held over until it is finished with NO extra Per Diem for any Special Session called. They already make enough to support their needs, with the Republican Majority holding extra intern job slots for party sycophants. No extra gruel if they refuse to do their damn job, and that goes for BOTH sides of the aisle!
Let them hold any more sessions in Anchorage, so the majority of Alaska's Citizens, whom the Royals in Juneau are supposed to *serve*, can get a chance to see them face-to-face and dare them to Raid the Permanent Fund in person! | 1toxic
Subsets and Splits