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| Darija
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gave me the headache | ุงู ุจุนุชู ุงูุตุฏุงุน |
and I turned out and I turned off the light and I turned on | ูุชุจุฑุฒ ูุทููุช ุงูุถู ูุฏุฑุชู |
this kit, so you have something good in your | ุงูููุช ุฏู ุชููู ุฏุฑุชู ุฎูุฑ ูู |
head. We walked away. | ุฑุงุณู ู
ุดููุง |
left the last part. There | ุงูุจุงุฑุช ุงููุงูุชู ุฎูููุงูุง ูุด ุฑู
ุงู ุงูุจุงุทุฑูู |
was no one left. I have | ุจุงููุด ููููุฑ ุฏูุงู ุงู ุจูููุจ ูุงู ุญุฏุง ุนูุฏู |
a lot of aluminum, and some of | ูุงูู
ุจุฒุงู ุฏูุงู ุงููุงุดู ูุดููู ุฏูุงู |
the fodder. He tried to find something. How can we get comfortable? We remained | ุงูุนูู ุญุงูู ููุงู ุดู ุทุฑููู ููู ูุฑูุญ ุจูููุง |
stuck in the iron on the side of the mobile. | ุดุงุฏูู ูู ุงูุญุฏูุฏุง ุฏูุงู ุงูุฌูุจ ุงูุทูู
ูุจูู |
Ghada started to eat on the road, and two books were | ุจูุช ุบุงุฏู ูุชุงูู ูู ุงูุทุฑูู ู
ูุณุฑู ูุฎุง ูุชุจุงู |
unintentionally crammed, and the sounds that came out of it were muffled by our | ุบูุฑ ูุตุฏู ู
ุญุดุฑู ูุงูุตูุงุช ุงููู ุทุงูุนู ู
ููุง |
hearts. | ูุชู
ู |
We could not find the real speed | ุงููุฏุงู ู
ุง ุจุงูุช ูููุง ุงูุณุฑุนู ุงูุญููููู |
for it. We went to the airport and entered the | ุฏูุงููุง ููุง ุงูู
ุทุงุฑ ูุฏุฎููุง ูู ุงูุทุฑูู |
main road. 100 for the Duplo mobiles, they | ุงูุฑุฆูุณูู 100 ุฏูุงู ุงูุทูู
ูุจููุงุช ูู ุฏูุจูู |
can't even make an effort. The only thing | ูุง ุจูุง ู
ุง ูุฏูุฑู ุญุชู ู
ุฌููุฏ ุงูุญุงุฌู ุงููุญูุฏู |
they have to do is the smoke | ุงููู ูุชูููุง ู ุงููุตุฏู ูู ุงูุฏุฎุงู ุงููุญู |
that comes out of the | ุงููู ููุฎุฑุฌ ู
ู |
window. This is the first whistle in the | ุงูุดุงูู ูุฐู ูู ุงูุชุตููุฑู ุงูุงููู ุฏูุงู ูู |
car and I don't like it. I don't like it. It's | ุงูุฎุฌ ูู
ุง ุนุฌุจููุด ูุฏูุฑูุง ูุงู ูู ุงูููุฑ ุฏูุงู |
like an | ุงูุจููู ุจุญุงู ุดู |
animal in the loft, but at the same time I was happy that I was | ุจููู
ู ูููู ูู ููุณ ุงูููุช ููุช ูุฑุญุงู ุญูุช |
able to do it. We enjoy the view of the bright buildings next to | ูุฏุฑุช ูุชู
ุชุน ุจุงูู
ูุงุธุฑ ุงูุนู
ุงุฑุงุช ุงูุถุงููู ุฌูุจ |
the road. I don't know how long the whistle has been on us with a | ุงูุทุฑูู ู
ุง ุนุฑู ุดุญุงู ุทุงูุช ุนูููุง ุงูุตููุฑู |
bare roof, but Hakim lives in | ุจุณูู ุนุงุฑู ูููู ุญููู
ุญู ูู ุจูุง |
my house. The lights of the city are starting to get dusty from the view little by little and it is starting to | ุฏุงุฑู ุจุฏุง ุงูุถูุง ุงูู
ุฏููู ู ุชุบุจุฑ ู
ู ุงูู
ูุธุฑ |
make me feel like the road is | ุดููู ุจุดููู ูุจุฏุงุช ูุชุจุงูู ุจุงููู ุงูุทุฑูู |
long and there is nothing left for it. The city bids farewell to the | ุทูููู ู
ุง ุจูู ูููุง ูุงูู ูุชูุฏุน ุงูู
ุฏููู |
few mobile phones and the only one on our way | ุงูุทูู
ูุจููุงุช ููุงู ูุงููุญูุฏ ุงููู ูู ุทุฑูููุง |
is Diyal Al-Batwi, who... | ูู ุฏูุงู ุงูุจุทูู ุงููู ุฌูุจ |
A little next to the road, we entered a side road. A | ุงูุทุฑูู ุดููู ุฏุฎููุง ูู ุทุฑูู ูุฑุนูู ูุงุตูู |
little bit of the worn-out duck that was in the street, and | ูููู ู
ู ุฏูู ุงูุจุงูู ุงููู ูู ุงูุดุงุฑุน ููุฑุช |
my eyes were hurting. I found Hakim, this sleepy person. It was a | ุนููู ูููุช ุญููู
ุฏุง ุงููุนุงุณ ูููู ูู ุงูุนูุงุฏ |
long whistle, so I let him | ุตููุฑู ุทูููู ูุฎููุชู |
rest. The side road was gone. She asked, and we entered a | ูุฑุชุงุญ ุงูุทุฑูู ุงููุฑุนูู ุญ ูู ุชุณุงูุช ูุฏุฎููุง |
sandy road that had no lights. The lights | ูู ุทุฑูู ู
ูู ู
ู ูุฏ ู
ุง ูููุง ุงููุจุณู ุงูููุฑ |
were dark, and the car drove us to Ramla, | ู
ู ูู
ุดุงุช ุจูุง ุงูุทูู
ูุจูู ุจูุฏู ุงูุฑู
ูู |
empty. Moran, the world is dusty, the | ู
ุฎููู ู
ูุฑุงู ุงูุฏููุง ู
ุบุจุฑู |
heart of the fire has fallen without a murmur, the | ู
ุงุทุงุญุช ููุฑุดู ุงููุนู
ู ุงููุงุฑ ู
ู ุบูุฑ ุฌุบู
ู |
dial of water has been scarce, I drank them on the plane, these are | ููุงู ุฏูุงู ุงูู
ุงุก ุดุฑุจุชูู
ูู ุงูุทูุงุฑู ูุฐ |
many hours of hunger that has come to you, nothing like | ูุซูุฑู ูุงู ููููุง ุงูุฌูุน ุงููู ููุฌูู ู
ูุฑ ู
ุง |
hitting a date, an eyeliner in the service, and Hakim, so | ูุถุฑุจ ุชู
ุงุฑู ูุญูู ูู ุงูุฎุฏู
ู ูุช ุญููู
ูุงุด |
I said to him at the airport, and he said to me, โI feel like I am | ููุช ุนููู ูู ุงูู
ุทุงุฑ ูุงููู ุงูุง ุฑุง ุญุงุณ |
going to die | ุจุฑุงุณู ุบุงุฏู ูู
ูุช |
of hunger in my head, so I wanted to go away.โ The tyrants, and we say, | ุจุงูุฌูุน ูููุช ุจุงุบู ูุบู ุนูู ุงูุจุงุทุฑูู ูููููู |
lock up the Almighty, there is a plague and bad news for us. We donโt | ุญุจุณ ู ุงููุฏูุฑู ููุดู ุจูุงุตู ูุจุท ุดุฑู ูููุง ู
ุง |
eat or | ูุงูู |
drink, but my voice remains and my vertebrae donโt come out. I was | ููุดุฑุจ ูููู ุตูุชู ุจูู ูุงุญู ููุฑุชู ูู
ุง ุฎุฑุฌ |
afraid to call out to the tyrants. I have a headache and more. I donโt | ุฎูุช ูุฑุฌู ุงูุจุงุทุฑูู ุจุตุฏุงุน ูุฒูุฏูู ู
ุง ุจุงููู |
even have a place to eat. On | ุญุชู ุดู ู
ุญู ุงูู
ุงููู ูู |
the road, something like that has been trampled on us. Thereโs something like this on the | ุงูุทุฑูู ุชููู ุฏุงุณ ุนูููุง ุดู ุณูุนู ููุงู ูู |
sandy road. Itโs starting to hurt me as the | ุงูุทุฑูู ุงูู
ูู ุฑู ุจุฏุง ูุถุฑูู ุจุฒุนุฒุน ุฏูุงู |
carโs dial is disturbed by the clouds of plasters. In our face there is one | ุงูุทูู
ูุจูู ุบุจุงุจ ูุตูุงุช ูู ูุฌููุง ุจูุงุญุฏ |
form in which it is difficult for us to get the breath to | ุงูุดูู ุงููู ุงูููุณ ุตุนุงุจ ุนูููุง |
clear the engine, sir, my Lord. | ูุทูุนููุง ุชุตูู ุงูู
ุญุฑูู ุณูุฏู |
From that moment on, fear began to hover over my heart, and there was a | ุฑุจู ู
ู ูุฐ ุงููุญุธู ุจุฏุง ุงูุฎูู ูุญูู
ุนูู ููุจู |
cloud like a dungeon, and my chest felt tight, with a doubt that the whistle calmed down. The | ููุดู ุฏุจุงูู ูุช ุฒูุฒู ูุตุฏุฑู ูุถูู ุจุดู |
thread on which I wove my dream did not cheat in life. The | ุชุณูู ุงูุตููุฑู ู
ุง ุบุงุด ุจ ุงูุญูุงู ุงูุฎุฌ ุงููู |
thought that says, โWhat is | ุญูุงู
ู ู
ุงูุช ูู ูุงุญุฏ ุงูููุฑู ูุชููู ุจุงููู |
this thing is not like that.โ What I heard about | ูุฐุง ุงูุฎุฌ ู
ุงููุด ุจุด ุฐุงู ุงููู ุณู
ุนุช ุนููู ู
ู |
from a lot of | ุนูุฏ ุจุฒุงู |
people did not tell me that there was something dangerous | ุงููุงุณ ููุง ู
ุง ููุจุงู ูู ุจูู ุดู ุญุงุฌู ุฎุทูุฑู |
hidden for us in something other than your brother. He had no | ู
ุฎุจูู ูููุง ูู ุดููุงู ุบูุฑ ูู ุงุฎููู
ุง ูุงู |
knowledge of it and the secret behind it became clear | ุนูุฏู ุนูู
ุจูุง ููุง ุงูุณุฑ ุฏูุงููุง ูุถุญ |
and that I did not hate it, because he was wise and awake to share this | ูุจุงู ู
ุงูุฑูุชุด ููู ูุงู ุญููู
ูุงูู ูุชูุงุณู
ูุฐ |
khula. Our daughters came to us, | ุงูุฎูุนู ุจูุงุชูุง ุชุฌููุง |
but he was deep in sleep and even he was. | ูููู ูุงู ุบุงุฑู ูู ุงููุนุงุณ ูุญุชู ููู ูุงู |
Fayeq can feel the fear enter him, right, and he starts | ูุงูู ููุฏุฑ ุงูุฎูู ูุฏุฎู ู
ุนู ุตุญูุญ ููุจุฏุง |
to cry about the time when I knew where the time had | ูุชุจู ุจุงููุณุจู ูููุช ู
ุง ุจููุช ุนุงุฑู ุงูุณุงุนู |
arrived. The moment I gave up my position in | ูุตูุช ุฏูู ุงููุญุธู ุงููู ุนุทูุช ูููุง ู
ูุงูุชู |
Bombay, what would help me? How would we know what time it was? | ุจูู
ุจุงู ูุฑ ูุงุด ุบุงุฏู ูููุฏูู ูุงุน ูุนุฑู ุดุญุงู |
On one of | ุชุจุฏุช ููููุฑ ุงูุจููู ูุญุทูุช ุฑุงุณู ุนูู ูุงุญุฏ |
the bundles of fodder, I met the sky from the | ุงูุฑุจุทู ุฏูุงู ุงูุนูู ุชูุงุจูุช ู
ุน ุงูุณู
ุง ู
ู |
distress of the high, I felt the pain of | ุงูุดุฏู ุฏูุงู ุงูุนูุง ุญุณูุช ุจุงูุฌ ุฏูุงู |
the mobile phone, a combustion of the phone, the dial of affectionate drowsiness, | ุงูุทูู
ูุจูู ููู
ุจูุฒ ุณููู ุฏูุงู ุงููุนุงุณ ุงููุฏูู |
and nothing but a short time that tickled | ูู
ุง ุบูุฑ ูููุชู ููููู ุชุฏุงุจ |
my eyes. Jurisprudence did not hit me. The tarron disturbed me, and I did not | ุนููู ู
ุง ุถุฑุจุชูู ุงูููู ุงูุทุฑูู ุฒุนุฒุนูู ูู
ุง |
see here anything but darkness penetrating | ุดูุช ููุง ุบูุฑ ุงูุธูู
ู ู ุชุฎุชุฑู |
my eyes. We could distinguish the scourge we had reached, and it had been there for a | ุนููู ูู
ูุฒ ุงูุจูุงุตู ุงููู ูุตููุง ูููุง |
long, | ููุช ุฏุงุฒ ู
ุฏู ุทูููู |
wise time. He is still drowning in drowsiness, the batoon is flopping around on | ุญููู
ุงุฒุงู ุบุฑู ูู ูุนุงุณ ุงูุจุทุฑูู ูุฎุจุท ูู |
the iron. The chicken runs to us. Father Hakim has risen up. | ุงูุญุฏูุฏู ุฏุงูุฑ ููุง ุงูุฌุงุฌ ุงูุชูุถ ุงูุฏู ุญููู
Something zombie has come back alive. The batoon has given us a | ูู ุดู ุฒูู
ุจู ุนุงุฏ ุญูุง ุฏ ููุง ุงูุจุงุทุฑูู |
sign. He | ุจุงุดุงุฑู ุจุงุด |
came down. We came to collect a baggage and get down from his eyes. He pointed a | ูุฒู ุฌูุช ูุฌู
ุน ุจูุฌู ูููุจุท ู
ู ุนููู ูุดูุฑ |
finger at the wise | ุจุตุจุน |
man. He is still between a slumber and wakes up. I donโt know | ูุญููู
ุงุฒุงู ุจูู ูุนุณ ููู ู
ุง ุนุงุฑูู |
how to blow. | ุจุงุด ู
ูููุฎู ุจุฏุง ุงูุจุงุทุฑูู ูููู ู
ุง ููู
ูุง ู
ู |
Even if we live in our homes, we don't know why you're | ูุงูู ุงุญูุง ู
ุณุงูู ู
ุง ุนุงุฑููู ูุงูู ูุงุด ุบ |
starting to rip on us for no reason. Look at your head, look at the | ุชุจุฏุง ูุชูุช ุนูููุง ุจูุง ุณุจุจ ุดู ุฑุงุณู ุจูู ุฑุง |
hunger and thirst of our branch, and we've never had a day | ุงูุฌูุน ูุนุทุด ูุฑุนูุง ูู
ุง ุนู
ุฑูุง ุฏูุฒูุง ููุงุฑ |
like this in our lives. A cunning person doesn't add anything | ุจุญุงู ูุฐุง ูู ุญูุงุชูุง ู
ุงูุฑ ู
ุงูุถูู ู
ุง ูููุชูุง |
to your | ู
ู |
headache. He's a machine. Why are the poor tyrants alive? He's hungry and he's hungry | ุตุฏุงุนู ูุฑ ูู ู
ุงููู ูุงุด ุงูุจุงุทุฑูู ู
ุณููู |
and he's | ููุฏุฑ ูููู ุญู ูู ุฌูุนุงู ูุชุดุงู |
hungry. He can't come. To Bakri airport and he did not meet us. He was still going to | ูุนูุงู ููุฏุฑ ูููู ุฌุง ูู
ุทุงุฑ ุจูุฑู ูู
ุง ููุงูุง |
go to Jade Al-Qadirah, and we were not sleepy | ุจูู ุบุงุฏู ุฌุงูุฏ ุงููุฏูุฑู ูู
ุง ูุนุณ |
at all. We were still kidnapped. We were sleepy on | ุจุงูู
ุฑู ู
ุงุฒุงู ุงุญูุง ุฑุง ุฎุทููุง ูุนูุณ ูู |
the plane and in the loft. You have no right to | ุงูุทูุงุฑู ููู ุงูููุฑ ุงูุจููู ู
ุนููุด ู
ู ุญูู |
sit as you wish. We are the ones who were negligent. The ones who | ุชูุน ููู ู
ุง ุจุบูุชู ุงุญูุง ุงููู ู
ูุตุฑูู ุงููู |
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