2 classes
SOCCER - LEADING SCOTTISH PREMIER DIVISION SCORERS. GLASGOW 1996-12-07 Leading goalscorers in the Scottish premier division after Saturday's matches: 10 - Billy Dodds (Aberdeen), Pierre Van Hooydonk (Celtic) 9 - Paul Gascoigne (Rangers) 7 - Paul Wright (Kilmarnock), Ally McCoist (Rangers) 6 - Andreas Thom (Celtic), Dean Windass (Aberdeen), Brian Laudrup (Rangers), Darren Jackson (Hibernian) 5 - Peter van Vossen (Rangers), Gerry Britton (Dunfermline), Colin Cameron (Hearts), Robert Winters (Dundee United), Paolo Di Canio (Celtic).
[ "Foamex International", "Nordstrom" ]
SOCCER - LEADING ENGLISH GOALSCORERS. LONDON 1996-12-07 Leading goalscorers in the English premier league after Saturday's matches: 13 - Ian Wright (Arsenal) 9 - Fabrizio Ravanelli (Middlesbrough), Alan Shearer (Newcastle) 8 - Matthew Le Tissier (Southampton), Dwight Yorke (Aston Villa), Les Ferdinand (Newcastle), Efan Ekoku (Wimbledon), Gianluca Vialli (Chelsea) 7 - Robbie Earle (Wimbledon), Les Ferdinand (Newcastle) 6 - Marcus Gayle (Wimbledon), Gary Speed (Everton), Chris Sutton (Blackburn) 5 - Robbie Fowler (Liverpool), Steve McManaman (Liverpool) 4 - Peter Beardsley (Newcastle).
[ "ENGLISH", "LONDON", "English", "Ian Wright", "Arsenal", "Fabrizio Ravanelli", "Middlesbrough", "Alan Shearer", "Newcastle", "Matthew Le Tissier", "Southampton", "Dwight Yorke", "Aston Villa", "Les Ferdinand", "Newcastle", "Efan Ekoku", "Wimbledon", "Gianluca Vialli", "Chelsea", "Robbie Earle", "Wimbledon", "Les Ferdinand", "Newcastle", "Marcus Gayle", "Wimbledon", "Gary Speed", "Everton", "Chris Sutton", "Blackburn", "Robbie Fowler", "Liverpool", "Steve McManaman", "Liverpool", "Peter Beardsley", "Newcastle" ]
SOCCER - LEADING ENGLOSH GOALSCORERS. LONDN 1996-12-07 Leading goalscorers in the Englis premier league after Saturday's matches: 13 - Ian Wriight (Asrenal) 9 - Fabrizoi Ravanelli (Middlesbfough), Ala nShearer (Newcasgle) 8 - Matthew ;e Tissier (Suothampton), Dwight Yokre (Aston Villa), Les Ferinand (Newcasgle), Efam Ekoku (Wimmbledon), Gianluva Vialli (Chelesa) 7 - Robbie Earle (Wimmbledon), Les Ferinand (Newcasgle) 6 - Marcus ayle (Wimmbledon), Gary Seped (Evefton), Chrris Sutton (Blacckburn) 5 - Robbie Folwer (Liferpool), Steve McMahaman (Liferpool) 4 - Petter Beardsley (Newcasgle).
[ "ENGLISH", "LONDON", "English", "Ian Wright", "Arsenal", "Fabrizio Ravanelli", "Middlesbrough", "Alan Shearer", "Newcastle", "Matthew Le Tissier", "Southampton", "Dwight Yorke", "Aston Villa", "Les Ferdinand", "Newcastle", "Efan Ekoku", "Wimbledon", "Gianluca Vialli", "Chelsea", "Robbie Earle", "Wimbledon", "Les Ferdinand", "Newcastle", "Marcus Gayle", "Wimbledon", "Gary Speed", "Everton", "Chris Sutton", "Blackburn", "Robbie Fowler", "Liverpool", "Steve McManaman", "Liverpool", "Peter Beardsley", "Newcastle" ]
SOCCER - LEADING ENGLISH GOALSCORERS. LONDON 1996-12-07 Leading goalscorers in the English premier league after Saturday's matches: 13 - Ian Wright (Arsenal) 9 - Fabrizio Ravanelli (Middlesbrough), Alan Shearer (Newcastle) 8 - Matthew Le Tissier (Southampton), Dwight Yorke (Aston Villa), Les Ferdinand (Newcastle), Efan Ekoku (Wimbledon), Gianluca Vialli (Chelsea) 7 - Robbie Earle (Wimbledon), Les Ferdinand (Newcastle) 6 - Marcus Gayle (Wimbledon), Gary Speed (Everton), Chris Sutton (Blackburn) 5 - Robbie Fowler (Liverpool), Steve McManaman (Liverpool) 4 - Peter Beardsley (Newcastle).
[ "MasTec", "Adolph Coors", "Walt Disney" ]
SOCCER - NORTHERN IRELAND PREMIER DIVISION RESULTS / STANDINGS. LONDON 1996-12-07 Results of Northern Ireland premier division matches on Saturday: Ards 0 Crusaders 0 Cliftonville 1 Portadown 1 Glenavon 2 Linfield 1 Glentoran 1 Coleraine 0 Standings (tabulated - played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): Coleraine 10 7 1 2 18 11 22 Linfield 10 4 3 3 13 10 15 Crusaders 10 3 4 3 11 9 13 Glenavon 10 3 4 3 15 14 13 Glentoran 10 3 3 4 18 18 12 Portadown 9 3 3 3 11 12 12 Ards 10 3 2 5 12 17 11 Cliftonville 9 1 4 4 5 12 7
[ "NORTHERN IRELAND", "LONDON", "Northern Ireland", "Ards", "Crusaders", "Cliftonville", "Portadown", "Glenavon", "Linfield", "Glentoran", "Coleraine", "Coleraine", "Linfield", "Crusaders", "Glenavon", "Glentoran", "Portadown", "Ards", "Cliftonville" ]
SOCCER - NORTNERN IRELAND PREMIER DIVISION RESULTS / STANDINGS. LONDNO 1996-12-07 Results of Northern Irelan premier division matches on Saturday: Ardd 0 Cruasders 0 Clitonville 1 Portaown 1 Glnavon 2 Linfielld 1 Gllentoran 1 Coleraind 0 Standings (tabulated - played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): Coleraind 10 7 1 2 18 11 22 Linfielld 10 4 3 3 13 10 15 Cruasders 10 3 4 3 11 9 13 Glnavon 10 3 4 3 15 14 13 Gllentoran 10 3 3 4 18 18 12 Portaown 9 3 3 3 11 12 12 Ardd 10 3 2 5 12 17 11 Clitonville 9 1 4 4 5 12 7
[ "NORTHERN IRELAND", "LONDON", "Northern Ireland", "Ards", "Crusaders", "Cliftonville", "Portadown", "Glenavon", "Linfield", "Glentoran", "Coleraine", "Coleraine", "Linfield", "Crusaders", "Glenavon", "Glentoran", "Portadown", "Ards", "Cliftonville" ]
SOCCER - NORTHERN IRELAND PREMIER DIVISION RESULTS / STANDINGS. LONDON 1996-12-07 Results of Northern Ireland premier division matches on Saturday: Ards 0 Crusaders 0 Cliftonville 1 Portadown 1 Glenavon 2 Linfield 1 Glentoran 1 Coleraine 0 Standings (tabulated - played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): Coleraine 10 7 1 2 18 11 22 Linfield 10 4 3 3 13 10 15 Crusaders 10 3 4 3 11 9 13 Glenavon 10 3 4 3 15 14 13 Glentoran 10 3 3 4 18 18 12 Portadown 9 3 3 3 11 12 12 Ards 10 3 2 5 12 17 11 Cliftonville 9 1 4 4 5 12 7
[ "Cincinnati Financial", "Goodrich", "Diebold" ]
RUGBY UNION - BRITISH RESULTS. LONDON 1996-12-07 Results of British rugby union matches on Saturday: Pilkington Cup fourth round Reading 50 Widnes 3 English division one Bath 35 Harlequins 20 Gloucester 29 London Irish 19 Orrell 22 West Hartlepool 15 Wasps 15 Bristol 13 Welsh division one Caerphilly 20 Cardiff 34 Llanelli 97 Newbridge 10 Newport 45 Dunvant 22 Pontypridd 53 Bridgend 9 Swansea 49 Neath 10 Treorchy 13 Ebbw Vale 17 Scottish division one Boroughmuir 31 Watsonians 35
[ "RUGBY UNION", "BRITISH", "LONDON", "British", "Pilkington Cup", "Reading", "Widnes", "English", "Bath", "Harlequins", "Gloucester", "London Irish", "Orrell", "West Hartlepool", "Wasps", "Bristol", "Welsh", "Caerphilly", "Cardiff", "Llanelli", "Newbridge", "Newport", "Dunvant", "Pontypridd", "Bridgend", "Swansea", "Neath", "Treorchy", "Ebbw Vale", "Scottish", "Boroughmuir", "Watsonians" ]
RUGBY UNIOM - BROTISH RESULTS. LONDOB 1996-12-07 Results of Briitsh rugby union matches on Saturday: Pilkington Cp fourth round Resding 50 Widnnes 3 Englissh division one BBath 35 Halequins 20 Glocester 29 Kondon Irish 19 OOrrell 22 West Hartlpool 15 Waxps 15 Bristool 13 Wlsh division one Caerpilly 20 ardiff 34 Lllanelli 97 eNwbridge 10 Newpotr 45 Duvnant 22 Pontyprdd 53 Briddgend 9 Swansra 49 Nearh 10 rTeorchy 13 Ebb wVale 17 Scottksh division one Borough,uir 31 aWtsonians 35
[ "RUGBY UNION", "BRITISH", "LONDON", "British", "Pilkington Cup", "Reading", "Widnes", "English", "Bath", "Harlequins", "Gloucester", "London Irish", "Orrell", "West Hartlepool", "Wasps", "Bristol", "Welsh", "Caerphilly", "Cardiff", "Llanelli", "Newbridge", "Newport", "Dunvant", "Pontypridd", "Bridgend", "Swansea", "Neath", "Treorchy", "Ebbw Vale", "Scottish", "Boroughmuir", "Watsonians" ]
RUGBY UNION - BRITISH RESULTS. LONDON 1996-12-07 Results of British rugby union matches on Saturday: Pilkington Cup fourth round Reading 50 Widnes 3 English division one Bath 35 Harlequins 20 Gloucester 29 London Irish 19 Orrell 22 West Hartlepool 15 Wasps 15 Bristol 13 Welsh division one Caerphilly 20 Cardiff 34 Llanelli 97 Newbridge 10 Newport 45 Dunvant 22 Pontypridd 53 Bridgend 9 Swansea 49 Neath 10 Treorchy 13 Ebbw Vale 17 Scottish division one Boroughmuir 31 Watsonians 35
[ "McDonald's" ]
SOCCER - SCOTTISH PREMIER DIVISION SUMMARIES. GLASGOW 1996-12-07 Summaries of Scottish premier division matches played on Saturday: Dunfermline 2 (Millar 43, 46 penalty) Aberdeen 3 (Miller 10, Rowson 55, Windass 78). Halftime 1-1. Attendance: 5, 465 Hearts 0 Raith 0. 10, 719 Kilmarnock 0 Dundee United 2 (Olafsson 22, 51). 0-1. 5, 812 Motherwell 2 (Davies 39, Ross 89) Celtic 1 (Hay 83). 1-0. 11, 589 Rangers 4 (Ferguson 34, McCoist 71 74, Laudrup 83) Hibernian 3 (Wright 21, Jackson 41, McGinlay 86). 1-2. 48, 053.
[ "SCOTTISH", "GLASGOW", "Scottish", "Dunfermline", "Millar", "Aberdeen", "Miller", "Rowson", "Windass", "Hearts", "Raith", "Kilmarnock", "Dundee United", "Olafsson", "Motherwell", "Davies", "Ross", "Celtic", "Hay", "Rangers", "Ferguson", "McCoist", "Laudrup", "Hibernian", "Wright", "Jackson", "McGinlay" ]
SOCCER - DCOTTISH PREMIER DIVISION SUMMARIES. LGASGOW 1996-12-07 Summaries of Scotttish premier division matches played on Saturday: Dunfermliine 2 (MMillar 43, 46 penalty) Qberdeen 3 (Milleer 10, Rowsno 55, Windaas 78). Halftime 1-1. Attendance: 5, 465 Heartx 0 Raitth 0. 10, 719 Kiilmarnock 0 Dundee Uniged 2 (Olafsso 22, 51). 0-1. 5, 812 Mottherwell 2 (Dqvies 39, Rosss 89) Cltic 1 (aHy 83). 1-0. 11, 589 Ranegrs 4 (eFrguson 34, McoCist 71 74, Laudrp 83) Hiberniann 3 (Wrigth 21, Jacksob 41, McGinlya 86). 1-2. 48, 053.
[ "SCOTTISH", "GLASGOW", "Scottish", "Dunfermline", "Millar", "Aberdeen", "Miller", "Rowson", "Windass", "Hearts", "Raith", "Kilmarnock", "Dundee United", "Olafsson", "Motherwell", "Davies", "Ross", "Celtic", "Hay", "Rangers", "Ferguson", "McCoist", "Laudrup", "Hibernian", "Wright", "Jackson", "McGinlay" ]
SOCCER - SCOTTISH PREMIER DIVISION SUMMARIES. GLASGOW 1996-12-07 Summaries of Scottish premier division matches played on Saturday: Dunfermline 2 (Millar 43, 46 penalty) Aberdeen 3 (Miller 10, Rowson 55, Windass 78). Halftime 1-1. Attendance: 5, 465 Hearts 0 Raith 0. 10, 719 Kilmarnock 0 Dundee United 2 (Olafsson 22, 51). 0-1. 5, 812 Motherwell 2 (Davies 39, Ross 89) Celtic 1 (Hay 83). 1-0. 11, 589 Rangers 4 (Ferguson 34, McCoist 71 74, Laudrup 83) Hibernian 3 (Wright 21, Jackson 41, McGinlay 86). 1-2. 48, 053.
[ "Fleming Companies", "USFreighways", "Goodrich" ]
RUGBY UNION - RETIRING CAMPESE WEIGHS UP OPTIONS. LONDON 1996-12-07 David Campese will consider offers to play club rugby in England but looks more likely to spend the next year chasing business opportunities in Australia. The 34-year-old winger played his final game in a Wallaby jersey on Saturday but is currently a target for clubs eager to match London side Saracens who have already snapped up Francois Pienaar, Michael Lynagh and Philippe Sella. " If the opportunity is there I'd obviously think about it but the thing that holds me back is business, " said Campese. " I'd like to come over but there are a lot of things happening at home. I've also got a contract to play for New South Wales in the Super 12 next year. " Former Wallaby captain Nick Farr-Jones believes Campese may yet be tempted to England. " I'm sure there are a few people in England who'd be delighted to have David Campese in their club's jersey, " he said.
[ "RUGBY UNION", "CAMPESE", "LONDON", "David Campese", "England", "Australia", "Wallaby", "London", "Saracens", "Francois Pienaar", "Michael Lynagh", "Philippe Sella", "Campese", "New South Wales", "Super 12", "Wallaby", "Nick Farr-Jones", "Campese", "England", "England", "David Campese" ]
RJGBY UNION - RETIRING CAPESE WEIGHS UP OPTIONS. OLNDON 1996-12-07 DDavid Capmese will consider offers to play club rugby in Engalndd but looks more likely to spend the next year chasing business opportunities in Auustralia. The 34-year-old winger played his final game in a allaby jersey on Saturday but is currently a target for clubs eager to match Loondon side Saarcens who have already snapped up Fraancois Pienaar, Mihcael Lynagh and Philipep Sella. " If the opportunity is there I'd obviously think about it but the thing that holds me back is business, " said Capmese. " I'd like to come over but there are a lot of things happening at home. I've also got a contract to play for Nrw South Wales in the Super 12 next year. " Former allaby captain Nick Faarr-Jones believes Capmese may yet be tempted to Engalndd. " I'm sure there are a few people in Engalndd who'd be delighted to have DDavid Capmese in their club's jersey, " he said.
[ "RUGBY UNION", "CAMPESE", "LONDON", "David Campese", "England", "Australia", "Wallaby", "London", "Saracens", "Francois Pienaar", "Michael Lynagh", "Philippe Sella", "Campese", "New South Wales", "Super 12", "Wallaby", "Nick Farr-Jones", "Campese", "England", "England", "David Campese" ]
RUGBY UNION - RETIRING CAMPESE WEIGHS UP OPTIONS. LONDON 1996-12-07 David Campese will consider offers to play club rugby in England but looks more likely to spend the next year chasing business opportunities in Australia. The 34-year-old winger played his final game in a Wallaby jersey on Saturday but is currently a target for clubs eager to match London side Saracens who have already snapped up Francois Pienaar, Michael Lynagh and Philippe Sella. " If the opportunity is there I'd obviously think about it but the thing that holds me back is business, " said Campese. " I'd like to come over but there are a lot of things happening at home. I've also got a contract to play for New South Wales in the Super 12 next year. " Former Wallaby captain Nick Farr-Jones believes Campese may yet be tempted to England. " I'm sure there are a few people in England who'd be delighted to have David Campese in their club's jersey, " he said.
[ "PPG Industries", "IMC Global" ]
SOCCER - ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE SUMMARIES. LONDON 1996-12-07 Summaries of English premier lealgue matches on Saturday: Arsenal 2 (Adams 45, Vieira 90) Derby 2 (Sturridge 62, Powell 71). Halftime 1-0. Attendance: 38, 018 Chelsea 2 (Zola 12, Vialli 55) Everton 2 (Branch 17, Kanchelskis 28). 1-2. 28, 418 Coventry 1 (Whelan 60) Tottenham 2 (Sheringham 27, Sinton 75). 0-1. 19, 675 Leicester 1 (Marshall 78) Blackburn 1 (Sutton 34). 0-1. 19, 306 Liverpool 0 Sheffield Wednesday 1 (Whittingham 22). 0-1. 39, 507 Middlesbrough 0 Leeds 0. 30, 018 Southampton 0 Aston Villa 1 (Townsend 34). 0-1. 15, 232 Sunderland 1 (Melville 83) Wimbledon 3 (Ekoku 8, 29, Holdsworth 89). 0-2. 19, 672.
[ "ENGLISH", "LONDON", "English", "Arsenal", "Adams", "Vieira", "Derby", "Sturridge", "Powell", "Chelsea", "Zola", "Vialli", "Everton", "Branch", "Kanchelskis", "Coventry", "Whelan", "Tottenham", "Sheringham", "Sinton", "Leicester", "Marshall", "Blackburn", "Sutton", "Liverpool", "Sheffield Wednesday", "Whittingham", "Middlesbrough", "Leeds", "Southampton", "Aston Villa", "Townsend", "Sunderland", "Melville", "Wimbledon", "Ekoku", "Holdsworth" ]
SOCCER - ENGLSIH PREMIER LEAGUE SUMMARIES. LONODN 1996-12-07 Summaries of Egnlish premier lealgue matches on Saturday: Asenal 2 (Adasm 45, Vieia 90) Ddrby 2 (Sturtidge 62, oPwell 71). Halftime 1-0. Attendance: 38, 018 Cehlsea 2 (Zoa 12, Villi 55) Evwrton 2 (Braanch 17, Kancchelskis 28). 1-2. 28, 418 CCoventry 1 (Whelsn 60) Ttotenham 2 (Sheringhma 27, inton 75). 0-1. 19, 675 Leicster 1 (Marshaall 78) Blackbuen 1 (Sutton 34). 0-1. 19, 306 Liveropol 0 Sheffirld Wednesday 1 (hWittingham 22). 0-1. 39, 507 Middlexbrough 0 Leds 0. 30, 018 Southamptno 0 Asto Villa 1 (Townend 34). 0-1. 15, 232 Sunderlanc 1 (Mleville 83) Wimbbledon 3 (Ekokj 8, 29, Holdsorth 89). 0-2. 19, 672.
[ "ENGLISH", "LONDON", "English", "Arsenal", "Adams", "Vieira", "Derby", "Sturridge", "Powell", "Chelsea", "Zola", "Vialli", "Everton", "Branch", "Kanchelskis", "Coventry", "Whelan", "Tottenham", "Sheringham", "Sinton", "Leicester", "Marshall", "Blackburn", "Sutton", "Liverpool", "Sheffield Wednesday", "Whittingham", "Middlesbrough", "Leeds", "Southampton", "Aston Villa", "Townsend", "Sunderland", "Melville", "Wimbledon", "Ekoku", "Holdsworth" ]
SOCCER - ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE SUMMARIES. LONDON 1996-12-07 Summaries of English premier lealgue matches on Saturday: Arsenal 2 (Adams 45, Vieira 90) Derby 2 (Sturridge 62, Powell 71). Halftime 1-0. Attendance: 38, 018 Chelsea 2 (Zola 12, Vialli 55) Everton 2 (Branch 17, Kanchelskis 28). 1-2. 28, 418 Coventry 1 (Whelan 60) Tottenham 2 (Sheringham 27, Sinton 75). 0-1. 19, 675 Leicester 1 (Marshall 78) Blackburn 1 (Sutton 34). 0-1. 19, 306 Liverpool 0 Sheffield Wednesday 1 (Whittingham 22). 0-1. 39, 507 Middlesbrough 0 Leeds 0. 30, 018 Southampton 0 Aston Villa 1 (Townsend 34). 0-1. 15, 232 Sunderland 1 (Melville 83) Wimbledon 3 (Ekoku 8, 29, Holdsworth 89). 0-2. 19, 672.
[ "Electronic Data Systems", "Whole Foods Market", "Anadarko Petroleum" ]
SOCCER - SCOTTISH LEAGUE STANDINGS. GLASGOW 1996-12-07 Scottish league standings after Saturday's matches (tabulated - played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): Premier division Rangers 14 11 2 1 35 12 35 Celtic 14 8 3 3 32 15 27 Aberdeen 15 7 4 4 28 19 25 Hearts 15 5 6 4 18 19 21 Hibernian 15 5 3 7 16 25 18 Dundee United 15 4 5 6 17 17 17 Motherwell 15 4 5 6 17 23 17 Dunfermline 14 4 5 5 19 27 17 Raith 15 3 3 9 14 27 12 Kilmarnock 14 3 2 9 17 29 11 Division One St Johnstone 17 12 2 3 36 8 38 Falkirk 17 9 2 6 18 15 29 Airdrieonians 16 6 8 2 26 16 26 Dundee 16 7 5 4 12 8 26 Partick 16 6 6 4 23 16 24 St Mirren 16 7 2 7 22 21 23 Greenock Morton 16 6 4 6 17 16 22 Clydebank 16 4 2 10 11 25 14 Stirling 16 3 3 10 18 33 12 East Fife 14 1 4 9 10 35 7 Division Two Ayr 16 11 2 3 30 18 35 Livingston 16 10 4 2 27 13 34 Hamilton 15 9 4 2 31 11 31 Clyde 15 6 4 5 21 20 22 Queen of South 16 6 4 6 24 27 22 Stenhousemuir 15 4 5 6 18 12 17 Stranraer 15 5 2 8 13 21 17 Dumbarton 16 4 4 8 18 29 16 Brechin 16 3 6 7 14 20 15 Berwick 16 1 3 12 16 41 6 Division Three Montrose 17 9 3 5 30 25 30 Inverness Thistle 16 8 5 3 28 20 29 Ross County 17 8 3 6 27 23 27 Alloa 16 7 4 5 24 21 25 Cowdenbeath 15 7 3 5 22 16 24 Albion 16 6 6 4 21 17 24 Forfar 15 6 4 5 26 24 22 Queen's Park 16 3 5 8 20 30 14 Arbroath 16 2 6 8 12 23 12 East Stirling 16 2 5 9 14 25 11
[ "SCOTTISH", "GLASGOW", "Scottish", "Rangers", "Celtic", "Aberdeen", "Hearts", "Hibernian", "Dundee United", "Motherwell", "Dunfermline", "Raith", "Kilmarnock", "St Johnstone", "Falkirk", "Airdrieonians", "Dundee", "Partick", "St Mirren", "Greenock Morton", "Clydebank", "Stirling", "East Fife", "Ayr", "Livingston", "Hamilton", "Clyde", "Queen of South", "Stenhousemuir", "Stranraer", "Dumbarton", "Brechin", "Berwick", "Montrose", "Inverness Thistle", "Ross County", "Alloa", "Cowdenbeath", "Albion", "Forfar", "Queen 's Park", "Arbroath", "East Stirling" ]
SOCCER - SCOTTSIH LEAGUE STANDINGS. LGASGOW 1996-12-07 Scotish league standings after Saturday's matches (tabulated - played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): Premier division aRngers 14 11 2 1 35 12 35 Celtiic 14 8 3 3 32 15 27 Aberrdeen 15 7 4 4 28 19 25 eHarts 15 5 6 4 18 19 21 Hibenrian 15 5 3 7 16 25 18 Duundee United 15 4 5 6 17 17 17 Motehrwell 15 4 5 6 17 23 17 Djnfermline 14 4 5 5 19 27 17 Raithh 15 3 3 9 14 27 12 Klimarnock 14 3 2 9 17 29 11 Division One St Johsntone 17 12 2 3 36 8 38 aFlkirk 17 9 2 6 18 15 29 Zirdrieonians 16 6 8 2 26 16 26 Duneee 16 7 5 4 12 8 26 Patrick 16 6 6 4 23 16 24 St Morren 16 7 2 7 22 21 23 Grwenock Morton 16 6 4 6 17 16 22 Ckydebank 16 4 2 10 11 25 14 tSirling 16 3 3 10 18 33 12 East Fifr 14 1 4 9 10 35 7 Division Two Ayyr 16 11 2 3 30 18 35 Livingsotn 16 10 4 2 27 13 34 Hmilton 15 9 4 2 31 11 31 Clyyde 15 6 4 5 21 20 22 Queeno f South 16 6 4 6 24 27 22 Stenhouusemuir 15 4 5 6 18 12 17 Stranraeer 15 5 2 8 13 21 17 Dumvarton 16 4 4 8 18 29 16 Brechiin 16 3 6 7 14 20 15 eBrwick 16 1 3 12 16 41 6 Division Three Mohtrose 17 9 3 5 30 25 30 Invernesss Thistle 16 8 5 3 28 20 29 Ross Coungy 17 8 3 6 27 23 27 Akloa 16 7 4 5 24 21 25 Cowdenbath 15 7 3 5 22 16 24 Albipn 16 6 6 4 21 17 24 Forfra 15 6 4 5 26 24 22 Queen's Park 16 3 5 8 20 30 14 Arroath 16 2 6 8 12 23 12 East tSirling 16 2 5 9 14 25 11
[ "SCOTTISH", "GLASGOW", "Scottish", "Rangers", "Celtic", "Aberdeen", "Hearts", "Hibernian", "Dundee United", "Motherwell", "Dunfermline", "Raith", "Kilmarnock", "St Johnstone", "Falkirk", "Airdrieonians", "Dundee", "Partick", "St Mirren", "Greenock Morton", "Clydebank", "Stirling", "East Fife", "Ayr", "Livingston", "Hamilton", "Clyde", "Queen of South", "Stenhousemuir", "Stranraer", "Dumbarton", "Brechin", "Berwick", "Montrose", "Inverness Thistle", "Ross County", "Alloa", "Cowdenbeath", "Albion", "Forfar", "Queen 's Park", "Arbroath", "East Stirling" ]
SOCCER - SCOTTISH LEAGUE STANDINGS. GLASGOW 1996-12-07 Scottish league standings after Saturday's matches (tabulated - played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): Premier division Rangers 14 11 2 1 35 12 35 Celtic 14 8 3 3 32 15 27 Aberdeen 15 7 4 4 28 19 25 Hearts 15 5 6 4 18 19 21 Hibernian 15 5 3 7 16 25 18 Dundee United 15 4 5 6 17 17 17 Motherwell 15 4 5 6 17 23 17 Dunfermline 14 4 5 5 19 27 17 Raith 15 3 3 9 14 27 12 Kilmarnock 14 3 2 9 17 29 11 Division One St Johnstone 17 12 2 3 36 8 38 Falkirk 17 9 2 6 18 15 29 Airdrieonians 16 6 8 2 26 16 26 Dundee 16 7 5 4 12 8 26 Partick 16 6 6 4 23 16 24 St Mirren 16 7 2 7 22 21 23 Greenock Morton 16 6 4 6 17 16 22 Clydebank 16 4 2 10 11 25 14 Stirling 16 3 3 10 18 33 12 East Fife 14 1 4 9 10 35 7 Division Two Ayr 16 11 2 3 30 18 35 Livingston 16 10 4 2 27 13 34 Hamilton 15 9 4 2 31 11 31 Clyde 15 6 4 5 21 20 22 Queen of South 16 6 4 6 24 27 22 Stenhousemuir 15 4 5 6 18 12 17 Stranraer 15 5 2 8 13 21 17 Dumbarton 16 4 4 8 18 29 16 Brechin 16 3 6 7 14 20 15 Berwick 16 1 3 12 16 41 6 Division Three Montrose 17 9 3 5 30 25 30 Inverness Thistle 16 8 5 3 28 20 29 Ross County 17 8 3 6 27 23 27 Alloa 16 7 4 5 24 21 25 Cowdenbeath 15 7 3 5 22 16 24 Albion 16 6 6 4 21 17 24 Forfar 15 6 4 5 26 24 22 Queen's Park 16 3 5 8 20 30 14 Arbroath 16 2 6 8 12 23 12 East Stirling 16 2 5 9 14 25 11
[ "Rockwell Automation" ]
SOCCER - ENGLISH LEAGUE STANDINGS. LONDON 1996-12-07 Standings in English league soccer after Saturday's matches (tabulated - played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): Premier league Arsenal 17 10 5 2 34 16 35 Wimbledon 16 9 4 3 29 17 31 Liverpool 16 9 4 3 26 14 31 Aston Villa 17 9 3 5 22 15 30 Newcastle 15 9 2 4 26 17 29 Manchester United 15 7 5 3 29 22 26 Chelsea 16 6 7 3 25 23 25 Everton 16 6 6 4 25 20 24 Sheffield Wednesday 16 6 6 4 17 18 24 Tottenham 16 7 2 7 17 17 23 Derby 16 5 7 4 19 19 22 Leicester 17 6 3 8 17 22 21 Leeds 16 6 2 8 15 20 20 Sunderland 16 4 5 7 14 21 17 West Ham 16 4 5 7 13 20 17 Middlesbrough 17 3 6 8 20 28 15 Blackburn 16 2 7 7 16 21 13 Southampton 17 3 4 10 24 32 13 Coventry 16 1 7 8 10 23 10 Nottingham Forest 15 1 6 8 12 25 9 Division One Bolton 21 11 8 2 43 28 41 Sheffield United 21 11 6 4 38 20 39 Barnsley 21 10 8 3 38 26 38 Crystal Palace 21 9 8 4 46 22 35 Wolverhampton 21 9 6 6 29 21 33 Tranmere 22 9 5 8 31 26 32 Norwich 20 9 5 6 27 21 32 Birmingham 22 8 8 6 23 21 32 Oxford 22 8 6 8 27 21 30 Stoke 20 8 6 6 27 30 30 Swindon 22 9 2 11 32 28 29 Charlton 21 9 2 10 23 29 29 Huddersfield 22 7 7 8 25 28 28 Queens Park Rangers 22 7 7 8 25 28 28 Port Vale 22 6 10 6 19 22 28 Ipswich 22 6 8 8 27 32 26 Manchester City 22 8 2 12 26 35 26 Portsmouth 22 7 5 10 25 29 26 Reading 22 7 5 10 25 33 26 West Bromwich 20 5 9 6 26 31 24 Southend 22 5 9 8 23 36 24 Grimsby 22 5 6 11 24 41 21 Bradford 22 5 6 11 21 37 21 Oldham 22 4 8 10 23 28 20 Division Two Brentford 22 11 7 4 35 23 40 Millwall 22 11 7 4 32 22 40 Bury 21 11 6 4 33 20 39 Luton 21 11 4 6 34 25 37 Burnley 22 11 4 7 30 22 37 Chesterfield 21 11 4 6 22 16 37 Stockport 22 10 6 6 29 25 36 Watford 21 9 9 3 24 18 36 Wrexham 20 9 8 3 27 22 35 Crewe 21 11 1 9 29 21 34 Bristol City 21 9 6 6 36 23 33 Bristol Rovers 22 7 7 8 22 23 28 Shrewsbury 22 7 6 9 26 33 27 York 21 7 5 9 23 29 26 Blackpool 22 5 10 7 22 24 25 Walsall 21 7 4 10 21 25 25 Gillingham 22 7 4 11 21 27 25 Preston 22 7 4 11 21 27 25 Bournemouth 22 7 4 11 20 27 25 Plymouth 22 5 8 9 24 31 23 Peterborough 22 4 8 10 32 41 20 Notts County 21 5 5 11 15 23 20 Wycombe 22 4 5 13 17 33 17 Rotherham 21 3 6 12 18 33 15 Division Three Fulham 22 15 3 4 36 16 48 Cambridge 22 13 3 6 33 27 42 Wigan 21 12 4 5 39 24 40 Carlisle 22 11 7 4 32 20 40 Cardiff 21 10 4 7 25 22 34 Swansea 22 9 5 8 25 25 32 Barnet 22 8 8 6 23 17 32 Colchester 22 7 10 5 32 26 31 Scunthorpe 22 9 4 9 28 30 31 Northampton 22 8 6 8 31 26 30 Scarborough 21 7 9 5 30 27 30 Lincoln 22 8 6 8 28 33 30 Chester 21 8 6 7 23 23 30 Hull 22 6 11 5 20 22 29 Torquay 22 8 4 10 22 24 28 Rochdale 21 6 8 7 27 26 26 Exeter 22 7 5 10 21 28 26 Doncaster 22 7 3 12 24 33 24 Mansfield 21 5 9 7 21 22 24 Leyton Orient 21 6 6 9 16 19 24 Hereford 22 6 5 11 23 31 23 Darlington 22 6 4 12 30 39 22 Hartlepool 21 6 4 11 23 28 22 Brighton 22 3 4 15 18 42 13
[ "ENGLISH", "LONDON", "English", "Arsenal", "Wimbledon", "Liverpool", "Aston Villa", "Newcastle", "Manchester United", "Chelsea", "Everton", "Sheffield Wednesday", "Tottenham", "Derby", "Leicester", "Leeds", "Sunderland", "West Ham", "Middlesbrough", "Blackburn", "Southampton", "Coventry", "Nottingham Forest", "Bolton", "Sheffield United", "Barnsley", "Crystal Palace", "Wolverhampton", "Tranmere", "Norwich", "Birmingham", "Oxford", "Stoke", "Swindon", "Charlton", "Huddersfield", "Queens Park Rangers", "Port Vale", "Ipswich", "Manchester City", "Portsmouth", "Reading", "West Bromwich", "Southend", "Grimsby", "Bradford", "Oldham", "Brentford", "Millwall", "Bury", "Luton", "Burnley", "Chesterfield", "Stockport", "Watford", "Wrexham", "Crewe", "Bristol City", "Bristol Rovers", "Shrewsbury", "York", "Blackpool", "Walsall", "Gillingham", "Preston", "Bournemouth", "Plymouth", "Peterborough", "Notts County", "Wycombe", "Rotherham", "Fulham", "Cambridge", "Wigan", "Carlisle", "Cardiff", "Swansea", "Barnet", "Colchester", "Scunthorpe", "Northampton", "Scarborough", "Lincoln", "Chester", "Hull", "Torquay", "Rochdale", "Exeter", "Doncaster", "Mansfield", "Leyton Orient", "Hereford", "Darlington", "Hartlepool", "Brighton" ]
SOCCER - EENGLISH LEAGUE STANDINGS. LONDNO 1996-12-07 Standings in Englihs league soccer after Saturday's matches (tabulated - played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): Premier league Arsenaal 17 10 5 2 34 16 35 Wimbledo 16 9 4 3 29 17 31 Liveprool 16 9 4 3 26 14 31 Aston Villla 17 9 3 5 22 15 30 Neecastle 15 9 2 4 26 17 29 Manchester Unied 15 7 5 3 29 22 26 CChelsea 16 6 7 3 25 23 25 Evetton 16 6 6 4 25 20 24 Sheffield Wednedsay 16 6 6 4 17 18 24 Tottenhma 16 7 2 7 17 17 23 Defby 16 5 7 4 19 19 22 Leocester 17 6 3 8 17 22 21 .eeds 16 6 2 8 15 20 20 Sunderlandd 16 4 5 7 14 21 17 West Ham 16 4 5 7 13 20 17 Middlesbroughh 17 3 6 8 20 28 15 Blacbkurn 16 2 7 7 16 21 13 Southamptn 17 3 4 10 24 32 13 Coventrry 16 1 7 8 10 23 10 Nottingham Froest 15 1 6 8 12 25 9 Division One Blton 21 11 8 2 43 28 41 Sheffield Uinted 21 11 6 4 38 20 39 Barnnsley 21 10 8 3 38 26 38 Crystal ;alace 21 9 8 4 46 22 35 Woolverhampton 21 9 6 6 29 21 33 Tranmeere 22 9 5 8 31 26 32 Nlrwich 20 9 5 6 27 21 32 Birimngham 22 8 8 6 23 21 32 Oxforc 22 8 6 8 27 21 30 Stokd 20 8 6 6 27 30 30 Swihdon 22 9 2 11 32 28 29 CCharlton 21 9 2 10 23 29 29 Hdudersfield 22 7 7 8 25 28 28 Queens Park Ranggers 22 7 7 8 25 28 28 Pot Vale 22 6 10 6 19 22 28 Ipswicch 22 6 8 8 27 32 26 Manchhester City 22 8 2 12 26 35 26 Portsmotuh 22 7 5 10 25 29 26 Readnig 22 7 5 10 25 33 26 West Bromiwch 20 5 9 6 26 31 24 Sojthend 22 5 9 8 23 36 24 Grrimsby 22 5 6 11 24 41 21 Bardford 22 5 6 11 21 37 21 Oldahm 22 4 8 10 23 28 20 Division Two Brentfor 22 11 7 4 35 23 40 MMillwall 22 11 7 4 32 22 40 Gury 21 11 6 4 33 20 39 Lutonn 21 11 4 6 34 25 37 Nurnley 22 11 4 7 30 22 37 Chhesterfielld 21 11 4 6 22 16 37 Stociport 22 10 6 6 29 25 36 Watfor 21 9 9 3 24 18 36 Wrexahm 20 9 8 3 27 22 35 Crdwe 21 11 1 9 29 21 34 Vristol City 21 9 6 6 36 23 33 Briistol Rovers 22 7 7 8 22 23 28 Srewsbury 22 7 6 9 26 33 27 Yoork 21 7 5 9 23 29 26 Blackpool 22 5 10 7 22 24 25 Wallsall 21 7 4 10 21 25 25 Gilingham 22 7 4 11 21 27 25 Presto 22 7 4 11 21 27 25 Bournemuoth 22 7 4 11 20 27 25 Plymojth 22 5 8 9 24 31 23 Peterrborough 22 4 8 10 32 41 20 NottsC ounty 21 5 5 11 15 23 20 Wcombe 22 4 5 13 17 33 17 Rotheerham 21 3 6 12 18 33 15 Division Three Fuhlam 22 15 3 4 36 16 48 Cambrridge 22 13 3 6 33 27 42 Wgian 21 12 4 5 39 24 40 Calrisle 22 11 7 4 32 20 40 Cadriff 21 10 4 7 25 22 34 Swwansea 22 9 5 8 25 25 32 Brnet 22 8 8 6 23 17 32 Colcgester 22 7 10 5 32 26 31 Scunhtorpe 22 9 4 9 28 30 31 Nortgampton 22 8 6 8 31 26 30 Scarboroygh 21 7 9 5 30 27 30 Linocln 22 8 6 8 28 33 30 Chhester 21 8 6 7 23 23 30 Hll 22 6 11 5 20 22 29 orquay 22 8 4 10 22 24 28 Rochdald 21 6 8 7 27 26 26 Exwter 22 7 5 10 21 28 26 Doncater 22 7 3 12 24 33 24 Manxfield 21 5 9 7 21 22 24 Leyton Orient 21 6 6 9 16 19 24 Herfeord 22 6 5 11 23 31 23 Darlingtln 22 6 4 12 30 39 22 Hatlepool 21 6 4 11 23 28 22 Brightonn 22 3 4 15 18 42 13
[ "ENGLISH", "LONDON", "English", "Arsenal", "Wimbledon", "Liverpool", "Aston Villa", "Newcastle", "Manchester United", "Chelsea", "Everton", "Sheffield Wednesday", "Tottenham", "Derby", "Leicester", "Leeds", "Sunderland", "West Ham", "Middlesbrough", "Blackburn", "Southampton", "Coventry", "Nottingham Forest", "Bolton", "Sheffield United", "Barnsley", "Crystal Palace", "Wolverhampton", "Tranmere", "Norwich", "Birmingham", "Oxford", "Stoke", "Swindon", "Charlton", "Huddersfield", "Queens Park Rangers", "Port Vale", "Ipswich", "Manchester City", "Portsmouth", "Reading", "West Bromwich", "Southend", "Grimsby", "Bradford", "Oldham", "Brentford", "Millwall", "Bury", "Luton", "Burnley", "Chesterfield", "Stockport", "Watford", "Wrexham", "Crewe", "Bristol City", "Bristol Rovers", "Shrewsbury", "York", "Blackpool", "Walsall", "Gillingham", "Preston", "Bournemouth", "Plymouth", "Peterborough", "Notts County", "Wycombe", "Rotherham", "Fulham", "Cambridge", "Wigan", "Carlisle", "Cardiff", "Swansea", "Barnet", "Colchester", "Scunthorpe", "Northampton", "Scarborough", "Lincoln", "Chester", "Hull", "Torquay", "Rochdale", "Exeter", "Doncaster", "Mansfield", "Leyton Orient", "Hereford", "Darlington", "Hartlepool", "Brighton" ]
SOCCER - ENGLISH LEAGUE STANDINGS. LONDON 1996-12-07 Standings in English league soccer after Saturday's matches (tabulated - played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): Premier league Arsenal 17 10 5 2 34 16 35 Wimbledon 16 9 4 3 29 17 31 Liverpool 16 9 4 3 26 14 31 Aston Villa 17 9 3 5 22 15 30 Newcastle 15 9 2 4 26 17 29 Manchester United 15 7 5 3 29 22 26 Chelsea 16 6 7 3 25 23 25 Everton 16 6 6 4 25 20 24 Sheffield Wednesday 16 6 6 4 17 18 24 Tottenham 16 7 2 7 17 17 23 Derby 16 5 7 4 19 19 22 Leicester 17 6 3 8 17 22 21 Leeds 16 6 2 8 15 20 20 Sunderland 16 4 5 7 14 21 17 West Ham 16 4 5 7 13 20 17 Middlesbrough 17 3 6 8 20 28 15 Blackburn 16 2 7 7 16 21 13 Southampton 17 3 4 10 24 32 13 Coventry 16 1 7 8 10 23 10 Nottingham Forest 15 1 6 8 12 25 9 Division One Bolton 21 11 8 2 43 28 41 Sheffield United 21 11 6 4 38 20 39 Barnsley 21 10 8 3 38 26 38 Crystal Palace 21 9 8 4 46 22 35 Wolverhampton 21 9 6 6 29 21 33 Tranmere 22 9 5 8 31 26 32 Norwich 20 9 5 6 27 21 32 Birmingham 22 8 8 6 23 21 32 Oxford 22 8 6 8 27 21 30 Stoke 20 8 6 6 27 30 30 Swindon 22 9 2 11 32 28 29 Charlton 21 9 2 10 23 29 29 Huddersfield 22 7 7 8 25 28 28 Queens Park Rangers 22 7 7 8 25 28 28 Port Vale 22 6 10 6 19 22 28 Ipswich 22 6 8 8 27 32 26 Manchester City 22 8 2 12 26 35 26 Portsmouth 22 7 5 10 25 29 26 Reading 22 7 5 10 25 33 26 West Bromwich 20 5 9 6 26 31 24 Southend 22 5 9 8 23 36 24 Grimsby 22 5 6 11 24 41 21 Bradford 22 5 6 11 21 37 21 Oldham 22 4 8 10 23 28 20 Division Two Brentford 22 11 7 4 35 23 40 Millwall 22 11 7 4 32 22 40 Bury 21 11 6 4 33 20 39 Luton 21 11 4 6 34 25 37 Burnley 22 11 4 7 30 22 37 Chesterfield 21 11 4 6 22 16 37 Stockport 22 10 6 6 29 25 36 Watford 21 9 9 3 24 18 36 Wrexham 20 9 8 3 27 22 35 Crewe 21 11 1 9 29 21 34 Bristol City 21 9 6 6 36 23 33 Bristol Rovers 22 7 7 8 22 23 28 Shrewsbury 22 7 6 9 26 33 27 York 21 7 5 9 23 29 26 Blackpool 22 5 10 7 22 24 25 Walsall 21 7 4 10 21 25 25 Gillingham 22 7 4 11 21 27 25 Preston 22 7 4 11 21 27 25 Bournemouth 22 7 4 11 20 27 25 Plymouth 22 5 8 9 24 31 23 Peterborough 22 4 8 10 32 41 20 Notts County 21 5 5 11 15 23 20 Wycombe 22 4 5 13 17 33 17 Rotherham 21 3 6 12 18 33 15 Division Three Fulham 22 15 3 4 36 16 48 Cambridge 22 13 3 6 33 27 42 Wigan 21 12 4 5 39 24 40 Carlisle 22 11 7 4 32 20 40 Cardiff 21 10 4 7 25 22 34 Swansea 22 9 5 8 25 25 32 Barnet 22 8 8 6 23 17 32 Colchester 22 7 10 5 32 26 31 Scunthorpe 22 9 4 9 28 30 31 Northampton 22 8 6 8 31 26 30 Scarborough 21 7 9 5 30 27 30 Lincoln 22 8 6 8 28 33 30 Chester 21 8 6 7 23 23 30 Hull 22 6 11 5 20 22 29 Torquay 22 8 4 10 22 24 28 Rochdale 21 6 8 7 27 26 26 Exeter 22 7 5 10 21 28 26 Doncaster 22 7 3 12 24 33 24 Mansfield 21 5 9 7 21 22 24 Leyton Orient 21 6 6 9 16 19 24 Hereford 22 6 5 11 23 31 23 Darlington 22 6 4 12 30 39 22 Hartlepool 21 6 4 11 23 28 22 Brighton 22 3 4 15 18 42 13
[ "Newmont Mining", "Citigroup," ]
SOCCER - VIEIRA SAVES ARSENAL WITH LAST-MINUTE EQUALISER. LONDON 1996-12-07 Frenchman Patrick Vieira blasted a last-minute goal to salvage a 2-2 draw for English premier league leaders Arsenal at home to Derby on Saturday. The London club had been rocked by a two-goal burst from forwards Dean Sturridge and Darryl Powell in the 62nd and 71st minutes which overturned Arsenal's 1-0 lead from a diving header by captain Tony Adams on the stroke of halftime. Liverpool suffered an upset first home league defeat of the season, beaten 1-0 by a Guy Whittingham goal for Sheffield Wednesday. Wimbledon leap-frogged over Liverpool into second place by winning 3-1 at Sunderland to extend their unbeaten league and cup run to 18 games. Two strikes by Efan Ekoku in the first half and a late goal from fellow forward Dean Holdsworth secured victory for Wimbledon, who trail pacemakers Arsenal by four points.
[ "VIEIRA", "ARSENAL", "LONDON", "Frenchman", "Patrick Vieira", "English", "Arsenal", "Derby", "London", "Dean Sturridge", "Darryl Powell", "Arsenal", "Tony Adams", "Liverpool", "Guy Whittingham", "Sheffield Wednesday", "Wimbledon", "Liverpool", "Sunderland", "Efan Ekoku", "Dean Holdsworth", "Wimbledon", "Arsenal" ]
SOCCER - VIERIA SAVES ARRSENAL WITH LAST-MINUTE EQUALISER. LONDONN 1996-12-07 Frechman Patrick iVeira blasted a last-minute goal to salvage a 2-2 draw for Dnglish premier league leaders Arsenaal at home to eDrby on Saturday. The Lonon club had been rocked by a two-goal burst from forwards Dean Sturrdge and Darryl Powelll in the 62nd and 71st minutes which overturned Arsenaal's 1-0 lead from a diving header by captain Tony Adams on the stroke of halftime. Lkverpool suffered an upset first home league defeat of the season, beaten 1-0 by a Guy Whiittingham goal for Shfefield Wednesday. Wimbleodn leap-frogged over Lkverpool into second place by winning 3-1 at Sunderlsnd to extend their unbeaten league and cup run to 18 games. Two strikes by EfanE koku in the first half and a late goal from fellow forward Dean Hooldsworth secured victory for Wimbleodn, who trail pacemakers Arsenaal by four points.
[ "VIEIRA", "ARSENAL", "LONDON", "Frenchman", "Patrick Vieira", "English", "Arsenal", "Derby", "London", "Dean Sturridge", "Darryl Powell", "Arsenal", "Tony Adams", "Liverpool", "Guy Whittingham", "Sheffield Wednesday", "Wimbledon", "Liverpool", "Sunderland", "Efan Ekoku", "Dean Holdsworth", "Wimbledon", "Arsenal" ]
SOCCER - VIEIRA SAVES ARSENAL WITH LAST-MINUTE EQUALISER. LONDON 1996-12-07 Frenchman Patrick Vieira blasted a last-minute goal to salvage a 2-2 draw for English premier league leaders Arsenal at home to Derby on Saturday. The London club had been rocked by a two-goal burst from forwards Dean Sturridge and Darryl Powell in the 62nd and 71st minutes which overturned Arsenal's 1-0 lead from a diving header by captain Tony Adams on the stroke of halftime. Liverpool suffered an upset first home league defeat of the season, beaten 1-0 by a Guy Whittingham goal for Sheffield Wednesday. Wimbledon leap-frogged over Liverpool into second place by winning 3-1 at Sunderland to extend their unbeaten league and cup run to 18 games. Two strikes by Efan Ekoku in the first half and a late goal from fellow forward Dean Holdsworth secured victory for Wimbledon, who trail pacemakers Arsenal by four points.
[ "Payless Shoesource", "St. Jude Medical" ]
SOCCER - SCOTTISH LEAGUE AND CUP RESULTS. GLASGOW 1996-12-07 Results of Scottish league and cup matches played on Saturday: Premier division Dunfermline 2 Aberdeen 3 Hearts 0 Raith 0 Kilmarnock 0 Dundee United 2 Motherwell 2 Celtic 1 Rangers 4 Hibernian 3 Division one Dundee 2 Falkirk 0 Greenock Morton 0 St Johnstone 2 Postponed: Airdrieonians v Clydebank (to Wednesday), East Fife v Partick, Stirling v St Mirren (to Tuesday) Division two Livingston 2 Stenhousemuir 1 Stranraer 0 Brechin 1 Division three Ross County 4 Montrose 4 Postponed: Forfar v Alloa, Inverness Thistle v Queen's Park Scottish Cup first round Alloa 3 Hawick 1 Elgin City 0 Whitehill 3 Postponed: Albion v Forfar, Huntly v Clyde (both now play on December 14)
[ "SCOTTISH", "GLASGOW", "Scottish", "Dunfermline", "Aberdeen", "Hearts", "Raith", "Kilmarnock", "Dundee United", "Motherwell", "Celtic", "Rangers", "Hibernian", "Dundee", "Falkirk", "Greenock Morton", "St Johnstone", "Airdrieonians", "Clydebank", "East Fife", "Partick", "Stirling", "St Mirren", "Livingston", "Stenhousemuir", "Stranraer", "Brechin", "Ross County", "Montrose", "Forfar", "Alloa", "Inverness Thistle", "Queen 's Park", "Scottish Cup", "Alloa", "Hawick", "Elgin City", "Whitehill", "Albion", "Forfar", "Huntly", "Clyde" ]
SOCCER - SXOTTISH LEAGUE AND CUP RESULTS. GLAGSOW 1996-12-07 Results of Sdottish league and cup matches played on Saturday: Premier division Dufermline 2 Aberdeen 3 Heats 0 Riath 0 ilmarnock 0 Dundee United 2 Motehrwell 2 Cetlic 1 Rangrs 4 Hbiernian 3 Division one Dunde 2 Falkirkk 0 Greenoc Morton 0 St Jonstone 2 Postponed: Qirdrieonians v Ckydebank (to Wednesday), Easr Fife v Partikc, Stirrling v St Mirreh (to Tuesday) Division two Lvingston 2 Stenyousemuir 1 Stranrer 0 Brrechin 1 Division three Rsos County 4 Montrosd 4 Postponed: Forfr v Aloa, Inverness hTistle v Queen's Park Sdottish Cup first round Aloa 3 Hawickk 1 Elgin Cit 0 Whitrhill 3 Postponed: Albionn v Forfr, Huhtly v Clhde (both now play on December 14)
[ "SCOTTISH", "GLASGOW", "Scottish", "Dunfermline", "Aberdeen", "Hearts", "Raith", "Kilmarnock", "Dundee United", "Motherwell", "Celtic", "Rangers", "Hibernian", "Dundee", "Falkirk", "Greenock Morton", "St Johnstone", "Airdrieonians", "Clydebank", "East Fife", "Partick", "Stirling", "St Mirren", "Livingston", "Stenhousemuir", "Stranraer", "Brechin", "Ross County", "Montrose", "Forfar", "Alloa", "Inverness Thistle", "Queen 's Park", "Scottish Cup", "Alloa", "Hawick", "Elgin City", "Whitehill", "Albion", "Forfar", "Huntly", "Clyde" ]
SOCCER - SCOTTISH LEAGUE AND CUP RESULTS. GLASGOW 1996-12-07 Results of Scottish league and cup matches played on Saturday: Premier division Dunfermline 2 Aberdeen 3 Hearts 0 Raith 0 Kilmarnock 0 Dundee United 2 Motherwell 2 Celtic 1 Rangers 4 Hibernian 3 Division one Dundee 2 Falkirk 0 Greenock Morton 0 St Johnstone 2 Postponed: Airdrieonians v Clydebank (to Wednesday), East Fife v Partick, Stirling v St Mirren (to Tuesday) Division two Livingston 2 Stenhousemuir 1 Stranraer 0 Brechin 1 Division three Ross County 4 Montrose 4 Postponed: Forfar v Alloa, Inverness Thistle v Queen's Park Scottish Cup first round Alloa 3 Hawick 1 Elgin City 0 Whitehill 3 Postponed: Albion v Forfar, Huntly v Clyde (both now play on December 14)
[ "MDU Resources Group", "Lockheed Martin" ]
SOCCER - ENGLISH LEAGUE AND CUP RESULTS. LONDON 1996-12-07 Results of English league and cup matches on Saturday: Premier league Arsenal 2 Derby 2 Chelsea 2 Everton 2 Coventry 1 Tottenham 2 Leicester 1 Blackburn 1 Liverpool 0 Sheffield Wednesday 1 Middlesbrough 0 Leeds 0 Southampton 0 Aston Villa 1 Sunderland 1 Wimbledon 3 Division one Barnsley 3 Southend 0 Birmingham 0 Grimsby 0 Charlton 2 Swindon 0 Crystal Palace 2 Oxford 2 Huddersfield 2 Norwich 0 Ipswich 0 Wolverhampton 0 Manchester City 3 Bradford 2 Oldham 0 Queens Park Rangers 2 Reading 0 Port Vale 1 Sheffield United 1 Portsmouth 0 Stoke 2 Tranmere 0 Playing Sunday: West Bromwich v Bolton F. A. Challenge Cup second round Barnet 3 Wycombe 3 Blackpool 0 Hednesford 1 Bristol City 9 St Albans 2 Cambridge United 0 Woking 2 Carlisle 1 Darlington 0 Chester 1 Boston 0 Chesterfield 2 Scarborough 0 Enfield 1 Peterborough 1 Hull 1 Crewe 5 Leyton Orient 1 Stevenage 2 Luton 2 Boreham Wood 1 Mansfield 0 Stockport 3 Notts County 3 Rochdale 1 Preston 2 York 3 Sudbury Town 1 Brentford 3 Walsall 1 Burnley 1 Watford 5 Ashford Town 0 Wrexham 2 Scunthorpe 2 Cardiff 0 Gillingham 2
[ "ENGLISH", "LONDON", "English", "Arsenal", "Derby", "Chelsea", "Everton", "Coventry", "Tottenham", "Leicester", "Blackburn", "Liverpool", "Sheffield Wednesday", "Middlesbrough", "Leeds", "Southampton", "Aston Villa", "Sunderland", "Wimbledon", "Barnsley", "Southend", "Birmingham", "Grimsby", "Charlton", "Swindon", "Crystal Palace", "Oxford", "Huddersfield", "Norwich", "Ipswich", "Wolverhampton", "Manchester City", "Bradford", "Oldham", "Queens Park Rangers", "Reading", "Port Vale", "Sheffield United", "Portsmouth", "Stoke", "Tranmere", "West Bromwich", "Bolton", "F.A. Challenge Cup", "Barnet", "Wycombe", "Blackpool", "Hednesford", "Bristol City", "St Albans", "Cambridge United", "Woking", "Carlisle", "Darlington", "Chester", "Boston", "Chesterfield", "Scarborough", "Enfield", "Peterborough", "Hull", "Crewe", "Leyton Orient", "Stevenage", "Luton", "Boreham Wood", "Mansfield", "Stockport", "Notts County", "Rochdale", "Preston", "York", "Sudbury Town", "Brentford", "Walsall", "Burnley", "Watford", "Ashford Town", "Wrexham", "Scunthorpe", "Cardiff", "Gillingham" ]
SOCCER - ENNGLISH LEAGUE AND CUP RESULTS. LONDOH 1996-12-07 Results of Ennglish league and cup matches on Saturday: Premier league Arsennal 2 Derbh 2 Chhelsea 2 Everrton 2 Xoventry 1 Tottehnam 2 Leidester 1 Blacburn 1 Lierpool 0 Sheffield Wedensday 1 Middlesrbough 0 Leess 0 Southqmpton 0 Aston Villz 1 Sunerland 1 Wimblledon 3 Division one Barrnsley 3 Soouthend 0 Birmingahm 0 Girmsby 0 Charllton 2 Swincon 0 Cystal Palace 2 OOxford 2 Huddetsfield 2 Norwch 0 Ipsiwch 0 Wollverhampton 0 Manchesrer City 3 rBadford 2 OOldham 0 Queens ParkR angers 2 Rading 0 Port Vale 1 Sheffield United 1 Portsmouht 0 Sroke 2 Trannere 0 Playing Sunday: West Bromwih v Boltn F. A. Challenge Cup second round Barnnet 3 Wycpmbe 3 lackpool 0 Hedneesford 1 Bristol CCity 9 tS Albans 2 Cambridge Untied 0 Wkoing 2 Carkisle 1 Darlingtpn 0 Chesster 1 oBston 0 Chessterfield 2 Scarborrough 0 EEnfield 1 Petwrborough 1 Jull 1 Crrwe 5 Leyton Oirent 1 Steevnage 2 .uton 2 Boreham Wopd 1 Manwfield 0 Stockprt 3 Notts Coounty 3 Rcohdale 1 Presyon 2 Yorrk 3 Sudbury Town 1 Brentrord 3 Walsal 1 Burnlye 1 Waatford 5 Ashford own 0 Wrexhaj 2 Sunthorpe 2 Cradiff 0 Gillinbham 2
[ "ENGLISH", "LONDON", "English", "Arsenal", "Derby", "Chelsea", "Everton", "Coventry", "Tottenham", "Leicester", "Blackburn", "Liverpool", "Sheffield Wednesday", "Middlesbrough", "Leeds", "Southampton", "Aston Villa", "Sunderland", "Wimbledon", "Barnsley", "Southend", "Birmingham", "Grimsby", "Charlton", "Swindon", "Crystal Palace", "Oxford", "Huddersfield", "Norwich", "Ipswich", "Wolverhampton", "Manchester City", "Bradford", "Oldham", "Queens Park Rangers", "Reading", "Port Vale", "Sheffield United", "Portsmouth", "Stoke", "Tranmere", "West Bromwich", "Bolton", "F.A. Challenge Cup", "Barnet", "Wycombe", "Blackpool", "Hednesford", "Bristol City", "St Albans", "Cambridge United", "Woking", "Carlisle", "Darlington", "Chester", "Boston", "Chesterfield", "Scarborough", "Enfield", "Peterborough", "Hull", "Crewe", "Leyton Orient", "Stevenage", "Luton", "Boreham Wood", "Mansfield", "Stockport", "Notts County", "Rochdale", "Preston", "York", "Sudbury Town", "Brentford", "Walsall", "Burnley", "Watford", "Ashford Town", "Wrexham", "Scunthorpe", "Cardiff", "Gillingham" ]
SOCCER - ENGLISH LEAGUE AND CUP RESULTS. LONDON 1996-12-07 Results of English league and cup matches on Saturday: Premier league Arsenal 2 Derby 2 Chelsea 2 Everton 2 Coventry 1 Tottenham 2 Leicester 1 Blackburn 1 Liverpool 0 Sheffield Wednesday 1 Middlesbrough 0 Leeds 0 Southampton 0 Aston Villa 1 Sunderland 1 Wimbledon 3 Division one Barnsley 3 Southend 0 Birmingham 0 Grimsby 0 Charlton 2 Swindon 0 Crystal Palace 2 Oxford 2 Huddersfield 2 Norwich 0 Ipswich 0 Wolverhampton 0 Manchester City 3 Bradford 2 Oldham 0 Queens Park Rangers 2 Reading 0 Port Vale 1 Sheffield United 1 Portsmouth 0 Stoke 2 Tranmere 0 Playing Sunday: West Bromwich v Bolton F. A. Challenge Cup second round Barnet 3 Wycombe 3 Blackpool 0 Hednesford 1 Bristol City 9 St Albans 2 Cambridge United 0 Woking 2 Carlisle 1 Darlington 0 Chester 1 Boston 0 Chesterfield 2 Scarborough 0 Enfield 1 Peterborough 1 Hull 1 Crewe 5 Leyton Orient 1 Stevenage 2 Luton 2 Boreham Wood 1 Mansfield 0 Stockport 3 Notts County 3 Rochdale 1 Preston 2 York 3 Sudbury Town 1 Brentford 3 Walsall 1 Burnley 1 Watford 5 Ashford Town 0 Wrexham 2 Scunthorpe 2 Cardiff 0 Gillingham 2
[ "Electronic Arts" ]
RUGBY UNION - CAMPESE SIGNS OFF WITH TRY IN WALLABY ROMP. LONDON 1996-12-07 Australia bade farewell to David Campese in spectacular fashion by overwhelming the Barbarians 39-12 in the final match of their European tour at Twickenham on Saturday. The Wallabies ran in five tries with Campese, who has retired from test rugby after collecting 101 caps and a world record 64 tries, adding one last touchdown in a Wallaby jersey before departing the international game. The Barbarians included 14 internationals but, with only two pre-match practice sessions behind them, proved no real match for a Wallaby side determined to finish their 12-match tour unbeaten. The touring team were 27-0 ahead by half-time before easing up in the second-half. Full-back Matthew Burke finished with a personal haul of 24 points to take his tour aggregate to 136.
[ "RUGBY UNION", "CAMPESE", "WALLABY", "LONDON", "Australia", "David Campese", "Barbarians", "European", "Twickenham", "Wallabies", "Campese", "Wallaby", "Barbarians", "Wallaby", "Matthew Burke" ]
RUGBY UNOON - CAMPES SIGNS OFF WITH TRY IN WALABY ROMP. LONDLN 1996-12-07 Aistralia bade farewell to David Camprse in spectacular fashion by overwhelming the Barbariana 39-12 in the final match of their Europan tour at Twickenhaam on Saturday. The Wallabiex ran in five tries with Camprse, who has retired from test rugby after collecting 101 caps and a world record 64 tries, adding one last touchdown in a Wallabu jersey before departing the international game. The Barbariana included 14 internationals but, with only two pre-match practice sessions behind them, proved no real match for a Wallabu side determined to finish their 12-match tour unbeaten. The touring team were 27-0 ahead by half-time before easing up in the second-half. Full-back Matthdw Burke finished with a personal haul of 24 points to take his tour aggregate to 136.
[ "RUGBY UNION", "CAMPESE", "WALLABY", "LONDON", "Australia", "David Campese", "Barbarians", "European", "Twickenham", "Wallabies", "Campese", "Wallaby", "Barbarians", "Wallaby", "Matthew Burke" ]
RUGBY UNION - CAMPESE SIGNS OFF WITH TRY IN WALLABY ROMP. LONDON 1996-12-07 Australia bade farewell to David Campese in spectacular fashion by overwhelming the Barbarians 39-12 in the final match of their European tour at Twickenham on Saturday. The Wallabies ran in five tries with Campese, who has retired from test rugby after collecting 101 caps and a world record 64 tries, adding one last touchdown in a Wallaby jersey before departing the international game. The Barbarians included 14 internationals but, with only two pre-match practice sessions behind them, proved no real match for a Wallaby side determined to finish their 12-match tour unbeaten. The touring team were 27-0 ahead by half-time before easing up in the second-half. Full-back Matthew Burke finished with a personal haul of 24 points to take his tour aggregate to 136.
[ "National Fuel Gas", "Sears Roebuck &", "Charter One Financial" ]
RUGBY UNION - AUSTRALIA BEAT BARBARIANS 39-12. LONDON 1996-12-07 Australia beat the Barbarians 39-12 (halftime 27-0) in the final match of their European tour on Saturday: Scorers: Australia - Tries: Matthew Burke (2), Joe Roff, David Campese, Tim Horan. Penalties: Burke (2). Conversions: Burke (4). Barbarians - Tries: Alan Bateman, Scott Quinnell. Conversion: Rob Andrew.
[ "RUGBY UNION", "AUSTRALIA", "BARBARIANS", "LONDON", "Australia", "Barbarians", "European", "Australia", "Matthew Burke", "Joe Roff", "David Campese", "Tim Horan", "Burke", "Burke", "Barbarians", "Alan Bateman", "Scott Quinnell", "Rob Andrew" ]
RUGY UNION - AJSTRALIA BEAT BARBARIANNS 39-12. LODNON 1996-12-07 Austrzlia beat the Bzrbarians 39-12 (halftime 27-0) in the final match of their EEuropean tour on Saturday: Scorers: Austrzlia - Tries: MatthewB urke (2), Jooe Roff, David Campeese, iTm Horan. Penalties: Burrke (2). Conversions: Burrke (4). Bzrbarians - Tries: Alan ateman, Soctt Quinnell. Conversion: Rob Sndrew.
[ "RUGBY UNION", "AUSTRALIA", "BARBARIANS", "LONDON", "Australia", "Barbarians", "European", "Australia", "Matthew Burke", "Joe Roff", "David Campese", "Tim Horan", "Burke", "Burke", "Barbarians", "Alan Bateman", "Scott Quinnell", "Rob Andrew" ]
RUGBY UNION - AUSTRALIA BEAT BARBARIANS 39-12. LONDON 1996-12-07 Australia beat the Barbarians 39-12 (halftime 27-0) in the final match of their European tour on Saturday: Scorers: Australia - Tries: Matthew Burke (2), Joe Roff, David Campese, Tim Horan. Penalties: Burke (2). Conversions: Burke (4). Barbarians - Tries: Alan Bateman, Scott Quinnell. Conversion: Rob Andrew.
[ "Systemax", "Cenex Harvest States Cooperatives" ]
SOCCER - REINSTATED ALBANIA NAMES SQUAD TO PLAY N. IRELAND. TIRANA 1996-12-07 Albanian coach Astrit Hafizi said on Saturday it was important that his players brush aside the country's short ban by FIFA in order to concentrate on next Saturday'sWorld Cup group nine qualifier against Northern Ireland. World soccer's governing body reinstated Albania last Tuesday after the Balkan country's government lifted suspensions on various soccer officials. FIFA had banned Albania indefinitely after its sports ministry had ordered the suspension of Albanian Football Association general secretary Eduard Dervishi and dissolved the executive committee. " We would be very happy with a draw in Belfast, " said Hafizi. " Especially if one takes into consideration our difficult post-suspension situation and the fact Northern Ireland is very keen to win. " Regular defender Artur Lekbello, who is injured, was missing from Hafizi's squad named on Saturday for the Belfast match. Squad: Goalkeepers - Blendi Nallbani, Armir Grima Defenders - Rudi Vata, Saimir Malko, Arjan Xhumba, Ilir Shulku, Afrim Tole, Nevil Dede, Arjan Bellai Midfielders - Bledar Kola, Altin Haxhi, Sokol Prenga, Ervin Fakaj Forwards - Altin Rraklli, Viktor Paco, Fatmir Vata, Erjon Bogdani.
[ "ALBANIA", "N.IRELAND", "TIRANA", "Albanian", "Astrit Hafizi", "FIFA", "Saturday'sWorld Cup", "Northern Ireland", "Albania", "Balkan", "FIFA", "Albania", "Albanian Football Association", "Eduard Dervishi", "Belfast", "Hafizi", "Northern Ireland", "Artur Lekbello", "Hafizi", "Belfast", "Blendi Nallbani", "Armir Grima", "Rudi Vata", "Saimir Malko", "Arjan Xhumba", "Ilir Shulku", "Afrim Tole", "Nevil Dede", "Arjan Bellai", "Bledar Kola", "Altin Haxhi", "Sokol Prenga", "Ervin Fakaj", "Altin Rraklli", "Viktor Paco", "Fatmir Vata", "Erjon Bogdani" ]
SOCCER - REINSTATED ALBNIA NAMES SQUAD TO PLAY N. IRELAND. TIRNAA 1996-12-07 Albanin coach Astrit Hafkzi said on Saturday it was important that his players brush aside the country's short ban by FIAF in order to concentrate on next Saturday'sWorld Cp group nine qualifier against Northhern Ireland. World soccer's governing body reinstated Albana last Tuesday after the BBalkan country's government lifted suspensions on various soccer officials. FIAF had banned Albana indefinitely after its sports ministry had ordered the suspension of Albanin Football Association general secretary Eduard Dervvishi and dissolved the executive committee. " We would be very happy with a draw in Beflast, " said Hfaizi. " Especially if one takes into consideration our difficult post-suspension situation and the fact Northhern Ireland is very keen to win. " Regular defender Arur Lekbello, who is injured, was missing from Hfaizi's squad named on Saturday for the Beflast match. Squad: Goalkeepers - Bledni Nallbani, Armr Grima Defenders - Rudi VVata, Saimkr Malko, Arjaan Xhumba, IlirS hulku, Afrmi Tole, Nevl Dede, ArjanBellai Midfielders - ledar Kola, Atin Haxhi, Sookol Prenga, Ervin Faksj Forwards - Altin Rrakli, Viktor aPco, Fatmri Vata, ErjonB ogdani.
[ "ALBANIA", "N.IRELAND", "TIRANA", "Albanian", "Astrit Hafizi", "FIFA", "Saturday'sWorld Cup", "Northern Ireland", "Albania", "Balkan", "FIFA", "Albania", "Albanian Football Association", "Eduard Dervishi", "Belfast", "Hafizi", "Northern Ireland", "Artur Lekbello", "Hafizi", "Belfast", "Blendi Nallbani", "Armir Grima", "Rudi Vata", "Saimir Malko", "Arjan Xhumba", "Ilir Shulku", "Afrim Tole", "Nevil Dede", "Arjan Bellai", "Bledar Kola", "Altin Haxhi", "Sokol Prenga", "Ervin Fakaj", "Altin Rraklli", "Viktor Paco", "Fatmir Vata", "Erjon Bogdani" ]
SOCCER - REINSTATED ALBANIA NAMES SQUAD TO PLAY N. IRELAND. TIRANA 1996-12-07 Albanian coach Astrit Hafizi said on Saturday it was important that his players brush aside the country's short ban by FIFA in order to concentrate on next Saturday'sWorld Cup group nine qualifier against Northern Ireland. World soccer's governing body reinstated Albania last Tuesday after the Balkan country's government lifted suspensions on various soccer officials. FIFA had banned Albania indefinitely after its sports ministry had ordered the suspension of Albanian Football Association general secretary Eduard Dervishi and dissolved the executive committee. " We would be very happy with a draw in Belfast, " said Hafizi. " Especially if one takes into consideration our difficult post-suspension situation and the fact Northern Ireland is very keen to win. " Regular defender Artur Lekbello, who is injured, was missing from Hafizi's squad named on Saturday for the Belfast match. Squad: Goalkeepers - Blendi Nallbani, Armir Grima Defenders - Rudi Vata, Saimir Malko, Arjan Xhumba, Ilir Shulku, Afrim Tole, Nevil Dede, Arjan Bellai Midfielders - Bledar Kola, Altin Haxhi, Sokol Prenga, Ervin Fakaj Forwards - Altin Rraklli, Viktor Paco, Fatmir Vata, Erjon Bogdani.
[ "ArvinMeritor," ]
CRICKET - JONES HITS CENTURY AS VICTORIA FIGHT BACK. HOBART, Australia 1996-12-07 Former Australia test batsman Dean Jones hit an unbeaten 130 to lead Victoria's fightback in their Sheffield Shield match against Tasmania on Saturday. Replying to the home side's first innings 481 for eight declared, Victoria reached 220 for three at close of play on the second day of the four-day match at Hobart's Bellerive Oval. Jones became the fourth century-maker of the match, equalling the feats of Tasmanian trio David Boon, Shaun Young and Michael DiVenuto. Jones, who took over as captain for the match in the absence of Australia test leg-spinner Shane Warne, added 195 runs for the third wicket with left-hander Laurie Harper. Harper was eventually dismissed for 77 after the pair joined forces with their side reeling on nine for two. Earlier, former Australia test batsman David Boon scored 118 and all-rounder Shaun Young hit 113. The pair hammered 36 boundaries between them. Pace bowler Ian Harvey claimed three for 81 for Victoria.
[ "JONES", "VICTORIA", "HOBART", "Australia", "Australia", "Dean Jones", "Victoria", "Sheffield Shield", "Tasmania", "Victoria", "Hobart", "Bellerive Oval", "Jones", "Tasmanian", "David Boon", "Shaun Young", "Michael DiVenuto", "Jones", "Australia", "Shane Warne", "Laurie Harper", "Harper", "Australia", "David Boon", "Shaun Young", "Ian Harvey", "Victoria" ]
CRICKET - JOES HITS CENTURY AS FICTORIA FIGHT BACK. HONART, Sustralia 1996-12-07 Former Sustralia test batsman Dean Jonds hit an unbeaten 130 to lead ictoria's fightback in their Sheffield Sjield match against Tasamnia on Saturday. Replying to the home side's first innings 481 for eight declared, ictoria reached 220 for three at close of play on the second day of the four-day match at Hobbart's eBllerive Oval. Jnes became the fourth century-maker of the match, equalling the feats of Tasamnian trio David Booon, ShaunY oung and Michael DiVenuti. Jnes, who took over as captain for the match in the absence of Sustralia test leg-spinner Shhane Warne, added 195 runs for the third wicket with left-hander Laurie aHrper. Hrper was eventually dismissed for 77 after the pair joined forces with their side reeling on nine for two. Earlier, former Sustralia test batsman David Booon scored 118 and all-rounder ShaunY oung hit 113. The pair hammered 36 boundaries between them. Pace bowler Ian Havrey claimed three for 81 for ictoria.
[ "JONES", "VICTORIA", "HOBART", "Australia", "Australia", "Dean Jones", "Victoria", "Sheffield Shield", "Tasmania", "Victoria", "Hobart", "Bellerive Oval", "Jones", "Tasmanian", "David Boon", "Shaun Young", "Michael DiVenuto", "Jones", "Australia", "Shane Warne", "Laurie Harper", "Harper", "Australia", "David Boon", "Shaun Young", "Ian Harvey", "Victoria" ]
CRICKET - JONES HITS CENTURY AS VICTORIA FIGHT BACK. HOBART, Australia 1996-12-07 Former Australia test batsman Dean Jones hit an unbeaten 130 to lead Victoria's fightback in their Sheffield Shield match against Tasmania on Saturday. Replying to the home side's first innings 481 for eight declared, Victoria reached 220 for three at close of play on the second day of the four-day match at Hobart's Bellerive Oval. Jones became the fourth century-maker of the match, equalling the feats of Tasmanian trio David Boon, Shaun Young and Michael DiVenuto. Jones, who took over as captain for the match in the absence of Australia test leg-spinner Shane Warne, added 195 runs for the third wicket with left-hander Laurie Harper. Harper was eventually dismissed for 77 after the pair joined forces with their side reeling on nine for two. Earlier, former Australia test batsman David Boon scored 118 and all-rounder Shaun Young hit 113. The pair hammered 36 boundaries between them. Pace bowler Ian Harvey claimed three for 81 for Victoria.
[ "Ryerson Tull", "Navistar International" ]
CRICKET - SHEFFIELD SHIELD SCORE. HOBART, Australia 1996-12-07 Close of play score on the second day of the four-day Sheffield Shield cricket match between Tasmania and Victoria at Bellerive Oval on Saturday: Tasmania 481 for eight declared (Michael DiVenuto 119, David Boon 118, Shaun Young 113); Victoria 220 for three (Dean Jones 130 not out).
[ "SHEFFIELD SHIELD", "HOBART", "Australia", "Sheffield Shield", "Tasmania", "Victoria", "Bellerive Oval", "Tasmania", "Michael DiVenuto", "David Boon", "Shaun Young", "Victoria", "Dean Jones" ]
CRICKET - SHEFFIELD SHIELDD SCORE. HBART, Australai 1996-12-07 Close of play score on the second day of the four-day Shffield Shield cricket match between Tamsania and Vicotria at Bellervie Oval on Saturday: Tamsania 481 for eight declared (Michhael DiVenuto 119, Davvid Boon 118, Shaub Young 113); Vicotria 220 for three (Eean Jones 130 not out).
[ "SHEFFIELD SHIELD", "HOBART", "Australia", "Sheffield Shield", "Tasmania", "Victoria", "Bellerive Oval", "Tasmania", "Michael DiVenuto", "David Boon", "Shaun Young", "Victoria", "Dean Jones" ]
CRICKET - SHEFFIELD SHIELD SCORE. HOBART, Australia 1996-12-07 Close of play score on the second day of the four-day Sheffield Shield cricket match between Tasmania and Victoria at Bellerive Oval on Saturday: Tasmania 481 for eight declared (Michael DiVenuto 119, David Boon 118, Shaun Young 113); Victoria 220 for three (Dean Jones 130 not out).
[ "Wakenhut", "First Tennessee National", "ArvinMeritor," ]
SOCCER - SOUTH KOREA MOVE CLOSE TO QUARTER-FINAL BERTH. ABU DHABI 1996-12-07 South Korea made virtually certain of an Asian Cup quarter-final spot with a 4-2 win over Indonesia in a Group A match on Saturday. After going four up in the first 55 minutes South Korea allowed Indonesia, newcomers to Asian Cup finals, back into the match, conceding two goals from rare counter attacks. Kim Do Hoon opened the scoring for South Korea in only the fifth minute, turning unmarked on the penalty spot to fire a shot into the top corner. It looked like turning into a rout as Hwang Sun Hong rapidly added two more in the seventh and 15th minutes but although the Koreans continued to dominate they failed to add to the score before the interval. But they started the second half where they had left off and it was not long before they went four up, Ko Jeong Woon heading in from a free kick in the 55th minute. The Koreans then appeared to relax, allowing the Indonesians to get back into the match. Ronny Wabia scored for Indonesia three minutes later direct from a a corner kick that Korean goalkeeper Kim Byung reached with one hand but failed to keep out. With 65 minutes gone Indonesia's Widodo Putra, who scored a spectacular goal against Kuwait on Wednesday, was again on target, breaking through the Korean defence to beat the keeper with a low shot. Indonesian keeper Hendro Kartiko produced a string of fine saves to prevent the Koreans increasing their lead. Teams: Indonesia: 20 - Hendro Kartiko; 2 - Agung Setyabudi; 3 - Suwandi Siswoyo; 4 - Yeyen Tumera; 5 - Aples Tecuari; 6 - Sudiriman; 7 - Widodo Gahyo Purta; 8 - Ronny Wabia; 11 - Bima Sakti; 12 - Chris Yarangga (15 - Francis Wewengken 36); 16 - Marzuki Badriawan. South Korea: 1 - Kim Byung Ji; 2 - Kim Pan Keun; 5 - Huh Ki Tae; 8 - Roh Sang Rae (7 - Sin Tae Yong 33); 9 - Kim Do Hoon; 11 - Ko Jeong Woon; 17 - Ha Seok Ju; 18 - Hwang Sun Hong; 22 - Lee Young Jin; 23 - Yoo Sang Chul; 24 - Kim Joo Sung.
[ "SOUTH KOREA", "ABU DHABI", "South Korea", "Asian Cup", "Indonesia", "South Korea", "Indonesia", "Asian Cup", "Kim Do Hoon", "South Korea", "Hwang Sun Hong", "Koreans", "Ko Jeong Woon", "Koreans", "Indonesians", "Ronny Wabia", "Indonesia", "Korean", "Kim Byung", "Indonesia", "Widodo Putra", "Kuwait", "Korean", "Indonesian", "Hendro Kartiko", "Koreans", "Indonesia", "Hendro Kartiko", "Agung Setyabudi", "Suwandi Siswoyo", "Yeyen Tumera", "Aples Tecuari", "Sudiriman", "Widodo Gahyo Purta", "Ronny Wabia", "Bima Sakti", "Chris Yarangga", "Francis Wewengken", "Marzuki Badriawan", "South Korea", "Kim Byung Ji", "Kim Pan Keun", "Huh Ki Tae", "Roh Sang Rae", "Sin Tae Yong", "Kim Do Hoon", "Ko Jeong Woon", "Ha Seok Ju", "Hwang Sun Hong", "Lee Young Jin", "Yoo Sang Chul", "Kim Joo Sung" ]
SOCCER - SOUH KOREA MOVE CLOSE TO QUARTER-FINAL BERTH. AB DHABI 1996-12-07 Sojth Korea made virtually certain of an sian Cup quarter-final spot with a 4-2 win over Indonesiz in a Group A match on Saturday. After going four up in the first 55 minutes Sojth Korea allowed Indonesiz, newcomers to sian Cup finals, back into the match, conceding two goals from rare counter attacks. Kim Do Honn opened the scoring for Sojth Korea in only the fifth minute, turning unmarked on the penalty spot to fire a shot into the top corner. It looked like turning into a rout as Hwabg Sun Hong rapidly added two more in the seventh and 15th minutes but although the Koreax continued to dominate they failed to add to the score before the interval. But they started the second half where they had left off and it was not long before they went four up, Ko Jeng Woon heading in from a free kick in the 55th minute. The Koreax then appeared to relax, allowing the Indonesizns to get back into the match. RRonny Waiba scored for Indonesiz three minutes later direct from a a corner kick that Korea goalkeeper Kim Byug reached with one hand but failed to keep out. With 65 minutes gone Indonesiz's Widodo Ptra, who scored a spectacular goal against Kuwiat on Wednesday, was again on target, breaking through the Korea defence to beat the keeper with a low shot. Indonesizn keeper Hendro Kattiko produced a string of fine saves to prevent the Koreax increasing their lead. Teams: Indonesiz: 20 - Hendro Kattiko; 2 - Agung Setybaudi; 3 - Suwandi Siswoyp; 4 - Yeyen Tumrea; 5 - Aples Tecuair; 6 - Suudiriman; 7 - Widodo Gahyo Purta; 8 - RRonny Waiba; 11 - Bima Salti; 12 - Chris Yaarngga (15 - Frrancis Wewengken 36); 16 - Marzuki Badriawann. Sojth Korea: 1 - Kim Byug Ji; 2 - KKim Pan Keun; 5 - Huh Ki Tze; 8 - Roh Sag Rae (7 - Sun Tae Yong 33); 9 - Kim Do Honn; 11 - Ko Jeng Woon; 17 - Ha Sek Ju; 18 - Hwabg Sun Hong; 22 - Lde Young Jin; 23 - Yoo Sang Chul; 24 - Kim Joo Sug.
[ "SOUTH KOREA", "ABU DHABI", "South Korea", "Asian Cup", "Indonesia", "South Korea", "Indonesia", "Asian Cup", "Kim Do Hoon", "South Korea", "Hwang Sun Hong", "Koreans", "Ko Jeong Woon", "Koreans", "Indonesians", "Ronny Wabia", "Indonesia", "Korean", "Kim Byung", "Indonesia", "Widodo Putra", "Kuwait", "Korean", "Indonesian", "Hendro Kartiko", "Koreans", "Indonesia", "Hendro Kartiko", "Agung Setyabudi", "Suwandi Siswoyo", "Yeyen Tumera", "Aples Tecuari", "Sudiriman", "Widodo Gahyo Purta", "Ronny Wabia", "Bima Sakti", "Chris Yarangga", "Francis Wewengken", "Marzuki Badriawan", "South Korea", "Kim Byung Ji", "Kim Pan Keun", "Huh Ki Tae", "Roh Sang Rae", "Sin Tae Yong", "Kim Do Hoon", "Ko Jeong Woon", "Ha Seok Ju", "Hwang Sun Hong", "Lee Young Jin", "Yoo Sang Chul", "Kim Joo Sung" ]
SOCCER - SOUTH KOREA MOVE CLOSE TO QUARTER-FINAL BERTH. ABU DHABI 1996-12-07 South Korea made virtually certain of an Asian Cup quarter-final spot with a 4-2 win over Indonesia in a Group A match on Saturday. After going four up in the first 55 minutes South Korea allowed Indonesia, newcomers to Asian Cup finals, back into the match, conceding two goals from rare counter attacks. Kim Do Hoon opened the scoring for South Korea in only the fifth minute, turning unmarked on the penalty spot to fire a shot into the top corner. It looked like turning into a rout as Hwang Sun Hong rapidly added two more in the seventh and 15th minutes but although the Koreans continued to dominate they failed to add to the score before the interval. But they started the second half where they had left off and it was not long before they went four up, Ko Jeong Woon heading in from a free kick in the 55th minute. The Koreans then appeared to relax, allowing the Indonesians to get back into the match. Ronny Wabia scored for Indonesia three minutes later direct from a a corner kick that Korean goalkeeper Kim Byung reached with one hand but failed to keep out. With 65 minutes gone Indonesia's Widodo Putra, who scored a spectacular goal against Kuwait on Wednesday, was again on target, breaking through the Korean defence to beat the keeper with a low shot. Indonesian keeper Hendro Kartiko produced a string of fine saves to prevent the Koreans increasing their lead. Teams: Indonesia: 20 - Hendro Kartiko; 2 - Agung Setyabudi; 3 - Suwandi Siswoyo; 4 - Yeyen Tumera; 5 - Aples Tecuari; 6 - Sudiriman; 7 - Widodo Gahyo Purta; 8 - Ronny Wabia; 11 - Bima Sakti; 12 - Chris Yarangga (15 - Francis Wewengken 36); 16 - Marzuki Badriawan. South Korea: 1 - Kim Byung Ji; 2 - Kim Pan Keun; 5 - Huh Ki Tae; 8 - Roh Sang Rae (7 - Sin Tae Yong 33); 9 - Kim Do Hoon; 11 - Ko Jeong Woon; 17 - Ha Seok Ju; 18 - Hwang Sun Hong; 22 - Lee Young Jin; 23 - Yoo Sang Chul; 24 - Kim Joo Sung.
[ "KeySpan", "Triad Hospitals", "American Financial Group," ]
SOCCER - ISRAELI FIRST DIVISION RESULTS / STANDINGS. JERUSALEM 1996-12-07 Results of first division soccer matches played over the weekend: Zafririm Holon 1 Hapoel Petah Tikva 1 Maccabi Haifa 1 Hapoel Taibe 1 Hapoel Kfar Sava 1 Bnei Yehuda 0 Hapoel Tel Aviv 1 Betar Jerusalem 4 Hapoel Jerusalem 0 Maccabi Tel Aviv 4 Ironi Rishon Lezion 1 Maccabi Herzliya 0 Hapoel Beit She'an 2 Hapoel Beersheba 1 Maccabi Petah Tikva 0 Hapoel Haifa 2 Standings (tabulate under played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, against, points): Betar Jerusalem 12 10 2 0 28 7 32 Hapoel Petah Tikva 12 9 2 1 27 13 29 Hapoel Beersheba 12 8 0 4 18 9 24 Maccabi Tel Aviv 12 6 4 2 21 14 22 Maccabi Petah Tikva 12 6 2 4 14 12 20 Bnei Yehuda 12 6 2 4 15 15 20 Hapoel Haifa 12 6 1 5 21 16 19 Maccabi Haifa 12 4 4 4 14 15 16 Hapoel Kfar Sava 12 5 1 6 10 11 16 Hapoel Jerusalem 12 4 1 7 10 18 13 Ironi Rishon Lezion 12 4 1 7 13 24 13 Zafririm Holon 12 2 4 6 8 14 10 Maccabi Herzliya 12 3 1 8 5 12 10 Hapoel Taiba 12 3 1 8 10 21 10 Hapoel Beit She'an 12 2 3 7 9 13 9 Hapoel Tel Aviv 12 2 3 7 7 16 9
[ "ISRAELI", "JERUSALEM", "Zafririm Holon", "Hapoel Petah Tikva", "Maccabi Haifa", "Hapoel Taibe", "Hapoel Kfar Sava", "Bnei Yehuda", "Hapoel Tel Aviv", "Betar Jerusalem", "Hapoel Jerusalem", "Maccabi Tel Aviv", "Ironi Rishon Lezion", "Maccabi Herzliya", "Hapoel Beit She'an", "Hapoel Beersheba", "Maccabi Petah Tikva", "Hapoel Haifa", "Betar Jerusalem", "Hapoel Petah Tikva", "Hapoel Beersheba", "Maccabi Tel Aviv", "Maccabi Petah Tikva", "Bnei Yehuda", "Hapoel Haifa", "Maccabi Haifa", "Hapoel Kfar Sava", "Hapoel Jerusalem", "Ironi Rishon Lezion", "Zafririm Holon", "Maccabi Herzliya", "Hapoel Taiba", "Hapoel Beit She'an", "Hapoel Tel Aviv" ]
SOCCER - ISRADLI FIRST DIVISION RESULTS / STANDINGS. JERSUALEM 1996-12-07 Results of first division soccer matches played over the weekend: Zfririm Holon 1 Hapoel Peth Tikva 1 Maccabi Haifa 1 HapoelT aibe 1 Hapel Kfar Sava 1 Bnei Yhuda 0 HapoelTel Aviv 1 Betr Jerusalem 4 Hapoe Jerusalem 0 Macabi Tel Aviv 4 Ironi Rishin Lezion 1 MaccabiHerzliya 0 Hspoel Beit She'an 2 Hapoel Beershebs 1 Maccabi Petay Tikva 0 Hapoe Haifa 2 Standings (tabulate under played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, against, points): Betr Jerusalem 12 10 2 0 28 7 32 Hapoel Peth Tikva 12 9 2 1 27 13 29 Hapoel Beershebs 12 8 0 4 18 9 24 Macabi Tel Aviv 12 6 4 2 21 14 22 Maccabi Petay Tikva 12 6 2 4 14 12 20 Bnei Yhuda 12 6 2 4 15 15 20 Hapoe Haifa 12 6 1 5 21 16 19 Maccabi Haifa 12 4 4 4 14 15 16 Hapel Kfar Sava 12 5 1 6 10 11 16 Hapoe Jerusalem 12 4 1 7 10 18 13 Ironi Rishin Lezion 12 4 1 7 13 24 13 Zfririm Holon 12 2 4 6 8 14 10 MaccabiHerzliya 12 3 1 8 5 12 10 Hapoel aTiba 12 3 1 8 10 21 10 Hspoel Beit She'an 12 2 3 7 9 13 9 HapoelTel Aviv 12 2 3 7 7 16 9
[ "ISRAELI", "JERUSALEM", "Zafririm Holon", "Hapoel Petah Tikva", "Maccabi Haifa", "Hapoel Taibe", "Hapoel Kfar Sava", "Bnei Yehuda", "Hapoel Tel Aviv", "Betar Jerusalem", "Hapoel Jerusalem", "Maccabi Tel Aviv", "Ironi Rishon Lezion", "Maccabi Herzliya", "Hapoel Beit She'an", "Hapoel Beersheba", "Maccabi Petah Tikva", "Hapoel Haifa", "Betar Jerusalem", "Hapoel Petah Tikva", "Hapoel Beersheba", "Maccabi Tel Aviv", "Maccabi Petah Tikva", "Bnei Yehuda", "Hapoel Haifa", "Maccabi Haifa", "Hapoel Kfar Sava", "Hapoel Jerusalem", "Ironi Rishon Lezion", "Zafririm Holon", "Maccabi Herzliya", "Hapoel Taiba", "Hapoel Beit She'an", "Hapoel Tel Aviv" ]
SOCCER - ISRAELI FIRST DIVISION RESULTS / STANDINGS. JERUSALEM 1996-12-07 Results of first division soccer matches played over the weekend: Zafririm Holon 1 Hapoel Petah Tikva 1 Maccabi Haifa 1 Hapoel Taibe 1 Hapoel Kfar Sava 1 Bnei Yehuda 0 Hapoel Tel Aviv 1 Betar Jerusalem 4 Hapoel Jerusalem 0 Maccabi Tel Aviv 4 Ironi Rishon Lezion 1 Maccabi Herzliya 0 Hapoel Beit She'an 2 Hapoel Beersheba 1 Maccabi Petah Tikva 0 Hapoel Haifa 2 Standings (tabulate under played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, against, points): Betar Jerusalem 12 10 2 0 28 7 32 Hapoel Petah Tikva 12 9 2 1 27 13 29 Hapoel Beersheba 12 8 0 4 18 9 24 Maccabi Tel Aviv 12 6 4 2 21 14 22 Maccabi Petah Tikva 12 6 2 4 14 12 20 Bnei Yehuda 12 6 2 4 15 15 20 Hapoel Haifa 12 6 1 5 21 16 19 Maccabi Haifa 12 4 4 4 14 15 16 Hapoel Kfar Sava 12 5 1 6 10 11 16 Hapoel Jerusalem 12 4 1 7 10 18 13 Ironi Rishon Lezion 12 4 1 7 13 24 13 Zafririm Holon 12 2 4 6 8 14 10 Maccabi Herzliya 12 3 1 8 5 12 10 Hapoel Taiba 12 3 1 8 10 21 10 Hapoel Beit She'an 12 2 3 7 9 13 9 Hapoel Tel Aviv 12 2 3 7 7 16 9
[ "NCR", "Varco International", "Loews" ]
SOCCER - ASIAN CUP RESULTS. ABU DHABI 1996-12-07 Results of Asian Cup group A matches on Saturday: United Arab Emirates 3 Kuwait 2 (halftime 0-2) Scorers: UAE - Hassan Ahmed 53, Adnan Al Talyani 55, Bakhit Saad 80 Kuwait - Jassem Al-Huwaidi 9, 44 Attendance: 15, 000 South Korea 4 Indonesia 2 (3-0) Scorers: South Korea - Kim Do Hoon 5, Hwang Sun Hong 7 and 15, Koo Jeon Woon 55 Indonesia - Ronny Wabia 58, Widodo Putra 65 Attendance: 2, 000 Group A standings (tabulate under: played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, against, points): South Korea 2 1 1 0 5 3 4 UAE 2 1 1 0 4 3 4 Kuwait 2 0 1 1 4 5 1 Indonesia 2 0 1 1 4 6 1
[ "ASIAN CUP", "ABU DHABI", "Asian Cup", "United Arab Emirates", "Kuwait", "UAE", "Hassan Ahmed", "Adnan Al Talyani", "Bakhit Saad", "Kuwait", "Jassem Al-Huwaidi", "South Korea", "Indonesia", "South Korea", "Kim Do Hoon", "Hwang Sun Hong", "Koo Jeon Woon", "Indonesia", "Ronny Wabia", "Widodo Putra", "South Korea", "UAE", "Kuwait", "Indonesia" ]
SOCCER - ASIAN VUP RESULTS. ABU DHABI 1996-12-07 Results of Asiian Cup group A matches on Saturday: United Arab Eirates 3 Kuwiat 2 (halftime 0-2) Scorers: AE - Hassan Ahmedd 53, Adnan Al Taalyani 55, Bskhit Saad 80 Kuwiat - JJassem Al-Huwaidi 9, 44 Attendance: 15, 000 Souht Korea 4 Indnoesia 2 (3-0) Scorers: Souht Korea - Kim Do Hpon 5, Hwan gSun Hong 7 and 15, Koo JeonWoon 55 Indnoesia - Ronnny Wabia 58, Widodo uPtra 65 Attendance: 2, 000 Group A standings (tabulate under: played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, against, points): Souht Korea 2 1 1 0 5 3 4 AE 2 1 1 0 4 3 4 Kuwiat 2 0 1 1 4 5 1 Indnoesia 2 0 1 1 4 6 1
[ "ASIAN CUP", "ABU DHABI", "Asian Cup", "United Arab Emirates", "Kuwait", "UAE", "Hassan Ahmed", "Adnan Al Talyani", "Bakhit Saad", "Kuwait", "Jassem Al-Huwaidi", "South Korea", "Indonesia", "South Korea", "Kim Do Hoon", "Hwang Sun Hong", "Koo Jeon Woon", "Indonesia", "Ronny Wabia", "Widodo Putra", "South Korea", "UAE", "Kuwait", "Indonesia" ]
SOCCER - ASIAN CUP RESULTS. ABU DHABI 1996-12-07 Results of Asian Cup group A matches on Saturday: United Arab Emirates 3 Kuwait 2 (halftime 0-2) Scorers: UAE - Hassan Ahmed 53, Adnan Al Talyani 55, Bakhit Saad 80 Kuwait - Jassem Al-Huwaidi 9, 44 Attendance: 15, 000 South Korea 4 Indonesia 2 (3-0) Scorers: South Korea - Kim Do Hoon 5, Hwang Sun Hong 7 and 15, Koo Jeon Woon 55 Indonesia - Ronny Wabia 58, Widodo Putra 65 Attendance: 2, 000 Group A standings (tabulate under: played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, against, points): South Korea 2 1 1 0 5 3 4 UAE 2 1 1 0 4 3 4 Kuwait 2 0 1 1 4 5 1 Indonesia 2 0 1 1 4 6 1
[ "Ford Motor" ]
NBA BASKETBALL - STANDINGS AFTER FRIDAY'S GAMES. NEW YORK 1996-12-07 Standings of National Basketball Association teams after games played on Friday (tabulate under won, lost, percentage, games behind): EASTERN CONFERENCE ATLANTIC DIVISION W L PCT GB MIAMI 14 5. 737 - NEW YORK 11 6. 647 2 ORLANDO 8 7. 533 4 WASHINGTON 7 9. 438 5 1/2 PHILADELPHIA 7 10. 412 6 NEW JERSEY 4 10. 286 7 1/2 BOSTON 4 13. 235 9 CENTRAL DIVISION W L PCT GB CHICAGO 17 1. 944 - DETROIT 14 3. 824 2 1/2 CLEVELAND 11 6. 647 5 1/2 ATLANTA 10 8. 556 7 MILWAUKEE 8 8. 500 8 INDIANA 8 8. 500 8 CHARLOTTE 8 9. 471 8 1/2 TORONTO 6 11. 353 10 1/2 WESTERN CONFERENCE MIDWEST DIVISION W L PCT GB HOUSTON 16 2. 889 - UTAH 15 2. 882 1/2 MINNESOTA 7 11. 389 9 DALLAS 6 11. 353 9 1/2 DENVER 5 14. 263 11 1/2 SAN ANTONIO 3 14. 176 12 1/2 VANCOUVER 3 16. 158 13 1/2 PACIFIC DIVISION W L PCT GB SEATTLE 15 5. 750 - LA LAKERS 14 7. 667 1 1/2 PORTLAND 12 8. 600 3 LA CLIPPERS 7 11. 389 7 GOLDEN STATE 6 13. 316 8 1/2 SACRAMENTO 6 13. 316 8 1/2 PHOENIX 3 14. 176 10 1/2 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 SCHEDULE TORONTO AT ATLANTA LA CLIPPERS AT NEW YORK MILWAUKEE AT WASHINGTON DETROIT AT NEW JERSEY MIAMI AT CHICAGO VANCOUVER AT DALLAS PHILADELPHIA AT HOUSTON UTAH AT DENVER CHARLOTTE AT SEATTLE
NBS BASKETBALL - STANDINGS AFTER FRIDAY'S GAMES. NWE YORK 1996-12-07 Standings of National Basketball Assocciation teams after games played on Friday (tabulate under won, lost, percentage, games behind): EASTERN CONFERENE ATLAANTIC DIVISION W L PCT GB IAMI 14 5. 737 - NWE YORK 11 6. 647 2 ORLADO 8 7. 533 4 WASHINGTO 7 9. 438 5 1/2 PHILADELPHAI 7 10. 412 6 NEW JERSEY 4 10. 286 7 1/2 BOTON 4 13. 235 9 CENTRAL DIVVISION W L PCT GB CHIICAGO 17 1. 944 - DETRIT 14 3. 824 2 1/2 CLEVELLAND 11 6. 647 5 1/2 ATLANA 10 8. 556 7 MILWAUKEW 8 8. 500 8 INNDIANA 8 8. 500 8 VHARLOTTE 8 9. 471 8 1/2 TORONGO 6 11. 353 10 1/2 WETERN CONFERENCE MIDWEST DIVIISION W L PCT GB HOUTON 16 2. 889 - UTAY 15 2. 882 1/2 MINNSEOTA 7 11. 389 9 DLALAS 6 11. 353 9 1/2 DNEVER 5 14. 263 11 1/2 SAN ANTNOIO 3 14. 176 12 1/2 VANCOOUVER 3 16. 158 13 1/2 PAICFIC DIVISION W L PCT GB SEATTLW 15 5. 750 - LA LAKERS 14 7. 667 1 1/2 PORTLND 12 8. 600 3 LS CLIPPERS 7 11. 389 7 GOLDEN TATE 6 13. 316 8 1/2 SACRAMENTI 6 13. 316 8 1/2 PHOEINX 3 14. 176 10 1/2 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 SCHEDULE TORONGO AT ATLANA LS CLIPPERS AT NWE YORK MILWAUKEW AT WASHINGTO DETRIT AT NEW JERSEY IAMI AT CHIICAGO VANCOOUVER AT DLALAS PHILADELPHAI AT HOUTON UTAY AT DNEVER VHARLOTTE AT SEATTLW
NBA BASKETBALL - STANDINGS AFTER FRIDAY'S GAMES. NEW YORK 1996-12-07 Standings of National Basketball Association teams after games played on Friday (tabulate under won, lost, percentage, games behind): EASTERN CONFERENCE ATLANTIC DIVISION W L PCT GB MIAMI 14 5. 737 - NEW YORK 11 6. 647 2 ORLANDO 8 7. 533 4 WASHINGTON 7 9. 438 5 1/2 PHILADELPHIA 7 10. 412 6 NEW JERSEY 4 10. 286 7 1/2 BOSTON 4 13. 235 9 CENTRAL DIVISION W L PCT GB CHICAGO 17 1. 944 - DETROIT 14 3. 824 2 1/2 CLEVELAND 11 6. 647 5 1/2 ATLANTA 10 8. 556 7 MILWAUKEE 8 8. 500 8 INDIANA 8 8. 500 8 CHARLOTTE 8 9. 471 8 1/2 TORONTO 6 11. 353 10 1/2 WESTERN CONFERENCE MIDWEST DIVISION W L PCT GB HOUSTON 16 2. 889 - UTAH 15 2. 882 1/2 MINNESOTA 7 11. 389 9 DALLAS 6 11. 353 9 1/2 DENVER 5 14. 263 11 1/2 SAN ANTONIO 3 14. 176 12 1/2 VANCOUVER 3 16. 158 13 1/2 PACIFIC DIVISION W L PCT GB SEATTLE 15 5. 750 - LA LAKERS 14 7. 667 1 1/2 PORTLAND 12 8. 600 3 LA CLIPPERS 7 11. 389 7 GOLDEN STATE 6 13. 316 8 1/2 SACRAMENTO 6 13. 316 8 1/2 PHOENIX 3 14. 176 10 1/2 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 SCHEDULE TORONTO AT ATLANTA LA CLIPPERS AT NEW YORK MILWAUKEE AT WASHINGTON DETROIT AT NEW JERSEY MIAMI AT CHICAGO VANCOUVER AT DALLAS PHILADELPHIA AT HOUSTON UTAH AT DENVER CHARLOTTE AT SEATTLE
[ "Pacific Gas & Electric", "DaVita" ]
NBA BASKETBALL - FRIDAY'S RESULTS. NEW YORK 1996-12-07 Results of National Basketball Association games on Friday (home team in CAPS): New Jersey 110 BOSTON 108 (OT) DETROIT 93 Cleveland 81 New York 103 MIAMI 85 Phoenix 101 SACRAMENTO 95 Vancouver 105 SAN ANTONIO 89 UTAH 106 Minnesota 95 PORTLAND 97 Charlotte 93 Indiana 86 GOLDEN STATE 71 LA LAKERS 92 Orlando 81
[ "NBA", "NEW YORK", "National Basketball Association", "New Jersey", "BOSTON", "DETROIT", "Cleveland", "New York", "MIAMI", "Phoenix", "SACRAMENTO", "Vancouver", "SAN ANTONIO", "UTAH", "Minnesota", "PORTLAND", "Charlotte", "Indiana", "GOLDEN STATE", "LA LAKERS", "Orlando" ]
NBBA BASKETBALL - FRIDAY'S RESULTS. NEW YOK 1996-12-07 Results of National Basketball sAsociation games on Friday (home team in CAPS): New Jeresy 110 OBSTON 108 (OT) DETROTI 93 Cleveladn 81 New Yok 103 MIAI 85 Pheonix 101 SCRAMENTO 95 Vncouver 105 SAN ANTONI 89 TUAH 106 Minndsota 95 PORTLAAND 97 Charotte 93 Inndiana 86 GLLDEN STATE 71 LA AKERS 92 Orlano 81
[ "NBA", "NEW YORK", "National Basketball Association", "New Jersey", "BOSTON", "DETROIT", "Cleveland", "New York", "MIAMI", "Phoenix", "SACRAMENTO", "Vancouver", "SAN ANTONIO", "UTAH", "Minnesota", "PORTLAND", "Charlotte", "Indiana", "GOLDEN STATE", "LA LAKERS", "Orlando" ]
NBA BASKETBALL - FRIDAY'S RESULTS. NEW YORK 1996-12-07 Results of National Basketball Association games on Friday (home team in CAPS): New Jersey 110 BOSTON 108 (OT) DETROIT 93 Cleveland 81 New York 103 MIAMI 85 Phoenix 101 SACRAMENTO 95 Vancouver 105 SAN ANTONIO 89 UTAH 106 Minnesota 95 PORTLAND 97 Charlotte 93 Indiana 86 GOLDEN STATE 71 LA LAKERS 92 Orlando 81
[ "Yum Brands", "Brightpoint,", "Pro-Fac Cooperative" ]
NHL ICE HOCKEY - STANDINGS AFTER FRIDAY'S GAMES. NEW YORK 1996-12-07 Standings of National Hockey League teams after games played on Friday (tabulate under won, lost, tied, goals for, goals against, points): EASTERN CONFERENCE NORTHEAST DIVISION W L T GF GA PTS HARTFORD 12 7 6 77 76 30 BUFFALO 13 12 2 78 77 28 MONTREAL 11 14 4 99 104 26 BOSTON 10 11 4 74 84 24 PITTSBURGH 10 13 3 86 94 23 OTTAWA 7 12 6 64 77 20 ATLANTIC DIVISION W L T GF GA PTS FLORIDA 17 4 6 83 53 40 PHILADELPHIA 15 12 2 81 78 32 NEW JERSEY 14 10 1 61 61 29 WASHINGTON 13 13 1 72 71 27 NY RANGERS 11 13 5 97 86 27 NY ISLANDERS 7 11 8 65 72 22 TAMPA BAY 8 15 2 69 81 18 WESTERN CONFERENCE CENTRAL DIVISION W L T GF GA PTS DETROIT 15 9 4 81 53 34 DALLAS 16 10 1 77 66 33 ST LOUIS 14 14 0 82 84 28 CHICAGO 12 13 3 72 70 27 TORONTO 11 16 0 81 95 22 PHOENIX 9 13 4 61 74 22 PACIFIC DIVISION W L T GF GA PTS COLORADO 17 7 4 100 60 38 VANCOUVER 14 11 1 84 83 29 EDMONTON 14 14 1 99 90 29 LOS ANGELES 11 13 3 72 83 25 SAN JOSE 10 13 4 69 87 24 ANAHEIM 9 14 5 74 87 23 CALGARY 10 16 2 65 77 22 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 SCHEDULE PHOENIX AT NEW JERSEY CALGARY AT BOSTON BUFFALO AT HARTFORD WASHINGTON AT NY ISLANDERS CHICAGO AT MONTREAL NY RANGERS AT TORONTO ANAHEIM AT PITTSBURGH COLORADO AT LOS ANGELES TAMPA BAY AT SAN JOSE OTTAWA AT VANCOUVER
NLH ICE HOCKEY - STANDINGS AFTER FRIDAY'S GAMES. NEW ORK 1996-12-07 Standings of National Hockey Leatue teams after games played on Friday (tabulate under won, lost, tied, goals for, goals against, points): EASERN CONFERENCE NORTHEAST IDVISION W L T GF GA PTS HARRTFORD 12 7 6 77 76 30 BUFALO 13 12 2 78 77 28 MOHTREAL 11 14 4 99 104 26 BPSTON 10 11 4 74 84 24 POTTSBURGH 10 13 3 86 94 23 OTTAEA 7 12 6 64 77 20 ATLANITC DIVISION W L T GF GA PTS FLORID 17 4 6 83 53 40 PIHLADELPHIA 15 12 2 81 78 32 NE JERSEY 14 10 1 61 61 29 WASHIGNTON 13 13 1 72 71 27 NY RANGES 11 13 5 97 86 27 NT ISLANDERS 7 11 8 65 72 22 TAMPA BZY 8 15 2 69 81 18 WESTERN CONERENCE CETRAL DIVISION W L T GF GA PTS ETROIT 15 9 4 81 53 34 DALLLAS 16 10 1 77 66 33 T LOUIS 14 14 0 82 84 28 CHICCAGO 12 13 3 72 70 27 TROONTO 11 16 0 81 95 22 PHEONIX 9 13 4 61 74 22 OACIFIC DIVISION W L T GF GA PTS COLORSDO 17 7 4 100 60 38 VANCOUVEER 14 11 1 84 83 29 EDMOTON 14 14 1 99 90 29 LOS ANGELES 11 13 3 72 83 25 SAN JOES 10 13 4 69 87 24 ANAAHEIM 9 14 5 74 87 23 CALGAYR 10 16 2 65 77 22 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 SCHEDULE PHEONIX AT NE JERSEY CALGAYR AT BPSTON BUFALO AT HARRTFORD WASHIGNTON AT NT ISLANDERS CHICCAGO AT MOHTREAL NY RANGES AT TROONTO ANAAHEIM AT POTTSBURGH COLORSDO AT LOS ANGELES TAMPA BZY AT SAN JOES OTTAEA AT VANCOUVEER
NHL ICE HOCKEY - STANDINGS AFTER FRIDAY'S GAMES. NEW YORK 1996-12-07 Standings of National Hockey League teams after games played on Friday (tabulate under won, lost, tied, goals for, goals against, points): EASTERN CONFERENCE NORTHEAST DIVISION W L T GF GA PTS HARTFORD 12 7 6 77 76 30 BUFFALO 13 12 2 78 77 28 MONTREAL 11 14 4 99 104 26 BOSTON 10 11 4 74 84 24 PITTSBURGH 10 13 3 86 94 23 OTTAWA 7 12 6 64 77 20 ATLANTIC DIVISION W L T GF GA PTS FLORIDA 17 4 6 83 53 40 PHILADELPHIA 15 12 2 81 78 32 NEW JERSEY 14 10 1 61 61 29 WASHINGTON 13 13 1 72 71 27 NY RANGERS 11 13 5 97 86 27 NY ISLANDERS 7 11 8 65 72 22 TAMPA BAY 8 15 2 69 81 18 WESTERN CONFERENCE CENTRAL DIVISION W L T GF GA PTS DETROIT 15 9 4 81 53 34 DALLAS 16 10 1 77 66 33 ST LOUIS 14 14 0 82 84 28 CHICAGO 12 13 3 72 70 27 TORONTO 11 16 0 81 95 22 PHOENIX 9 13 4 61 74 22 PACIFIC DIVISION W L T GF GA PTS COLORADO 17 7 4 100 60 38 VANCOUVER 14 11 1 84 83 29 EDMONTON 14 14 1 99 90 29 LOS ANGELES 11 13 3 72 83 25 SAN JOSE 10 13 4 69 87 24 ANAHEIM 9 14 5 74 87 23 CALGARY 10 16 2 65 77 22 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 SCHEDULE PHOENIX AT NEW JERSEY CALGARY AT BOSTON BUFFALO AT HARTFORD WASHINGTON AT NY ISLANDERS CHICAGO AT MONTREAL NY RANGERS AT TORONTO ANAHEIM AT PITTSBURGH COLORADO AT LOS ANGELES TAMPA BAY AT SAN JOSE OTTAWA AT VANCOUVER
[ "Martin Marietta Materials", "Allergan," ]
NHL ICE HOCKEY - FRIDAY'S RESULTS. NEW YORK 1996-12-07 Results of National Hockey League games on Friday (home team in CAPS): NY RANGERS 6 Toronto 5 BUFFALO 1 Anaheim 1 (OT) Pittsburgh 5 WASHINGTON 3 Montreal 3 CHICAGO 1 Philadelphia 6 DALLAS 3 St Louis 4 COLORADO 3 EDMONTON 5 Ottawa 2
[ "NHL", "NEW YORK", "National Hockey League", "NY RANGERS", "Toronto", "BUFFALO", "Anaheim", "Pittsburgh", "WASHINGTON", "Montreal", "CHICAGO", "Philadelphia", "DALLAS", "St Louis", "COLORADO", "EDMONTON", "Ottawa" ]
HNL ICE HOCKEY - FRIDAY'S RESULTS. NW YORK 1996-12-07 Results of National Hocke yLeague games on Friday (home team in CAPS): NY RANGDRS 6 Torontto 5 BUFALO 1 Anheim 1 (OT) Pittsburg 5 WASIHNGTON 3 Montrela 3 CHICATO 1 Philadelhpia 6 DALLAS 3 St Loius 4 COLORDAO 3 EDMONGON 5 Ottaw 2
[ "NHL", "NEW YORK", "National Hockey League", "NY RANGERS", "Toronto", "BUFFALO", "Anaheim", "Pittsburgh", "WASHINGTON", "Montreal", "CHICAGO", "Philadelphia", "DALLAS", "St Louis", "COLORADO", "EDMONTON", "Ottawa" ]
NHL ICE HOCKEY - FRIDAY'S RESULTS. NEW YORK 1996-12-07 Results of National Hockey League games on Friday (home team in CAPS): NY RANGERS 6 Toronto 5 BUFFALO 1 Anaheim 1 (OT) Pittsburgh 5 WASHINGTON 3 Montreal 3 CHICAGO 1 Philadelphia 6 DALLAS 3 St Louis 4 COLORADO 3 EDMONTON 5 Ottawa 2
[ "Silicon Graphics", "Tyson Foods" ]
NHL ICE HOCKEY - CANUCKS RW BURE SUSPENDED FOR ONE GAME. NEW YORK 1996-12-06 Vancouver Canucks star right wing Pavel Bure was suspended for one game by the National Hockey League and fined $1, 000 Friday for his hit on Buffalo Sabres defenceman Garry Galley on Wednesday. Bure received a double-minor penalty for high-sticking with 2:22 left in the first period of Wednesday's 7-6 overtime win by Vancouver after colliding with Galley in Buffalo zone. Galley suffered a concussion and did not return to the game. " Mr Bure left his feet to deliver a forearm blow to Mr Galley as he was about to be checked legally by his opponent, " said NHL discipline chief Brian Burke in handing out the suspension. " Although it is clear from the videotape that Mr Bure's actions were a reaction to the impending hit and there was no intent to injure his opponent, there can be no excuse for this type of conduct, " Burke said. Bure, who is struggling with only nine goals and 12 assists in 26 games, will miss Saturday's home game against Ottawa.
[ "NHL", "CANUCKS", "BURE", "NEW YORK", "Vancouver Canucks", "Pavel Bure", "National Hockey League", "Buffalo Sabres", "Garry Galley", "Bure", "Vancouver", "Galley", "Buffalo", "Galley", "Bure", "Galley", "NHL", "Brian Burke", "Bure", "Burke", "Bure", "Ottawa" ]
HHLL ICE HOCKEY - CAUCKS RW BUER SUSPENDED FOR ONE GAME. NEW YORRK 1996-12-06 Vancoyver Canuckks star right wing Pavel Bur was suspended for one game by the National Hlckey League and fined $1, 000 Friday for his hit on Bufffalo Sabres defenceman Garry Galely on Wednesday. Bur received a double-minor penalty for high-sticking with 2:22 left in the first period of Wednesday's 7-6 overtime win by Vancoyver after colliding with Glaley in Buffaloo zone. Glaley suffered a concussion and did not return to the game. " Mr Bur left his feet to deliver a forearm blow to Mr Glaley as he was about to be checked legally by his opponent, " said HHLL discipline chief Brian Burkr in handing out the suspension. " Although it is clear from the videotape that Mr Bur's actions were a reaction to the impending hit and there was no intent to injure his opponent, there can be no excuse for this type of conduct, " Bureek said. Bur, who is struggling with only nine goals and 12 assists in 26 games, will miss Saturday's home game against Ottaa.
[ "NHL", "CANUCKS", "BURE", "NEW YORK", "Vancouver Canucks", "Pavel Bure", "National Hockey League", "Buffalo Sabres", "Garry Galley", "Bure", "Vancouver", "Galley", "Buffalo", "Galley", "Bure", "Galley", "NHL", "Brian Burke", "Bure", "Burke", "Bure", "Ottawa" ]
NHL ICE HOCKEY - CANUCKS RW BURE SUSPENDED FOR ONE GAME. NEW YORK 1996-12-06 Vancouver Canucks star right wing Pavel Bure was suspended for one game by the National Hockey League and fined $1, 000 Friday for his hit on Buffalo Sabres defenceman Garry Galley on Wednesday. Bure received a double-minor penalty for high-sticking with 2:22 left in the first period of Wednesday's 7-6 overtime win by Vancouver after colliding with Galley in Buffalo zone. Galley suffered a concussion and did not return to the game. " Mr Bure left his feet to deliver a forearm blow to Mr Galley as he was about to be checked legally by his opponent, " said NHL discipline chief Brian Burke in handing out the suspension. " Although it is clear from the videotape that Mr Bure's actions were a reaction to the impending hit and there was no intent to injure his opponent, there can be no excuse for this type of conduct, " Burke said. Bure, who is struggling with only nine goals and 12 assists in 26 games, will miss Saturday's home game against Ottawa.
[ "Washington Post", "LSI Logic", "Puget Energy" ]
BOXING - SCHULZ DEFEATS RIBALTA IN IBF HEAVYWEIGHT FIGHT. VIENNA 1996-12-07 German Axel Schulz outpointed Cuba's Jose Ribalta in their International Boxing Federation non-title 10-round heavyweight fight on Saturday.
[ "SCHULZ", "RIBALTA", "IBF", "VIENNA", "German", "Axel Schulz", "Cuba", "Jose Ribalta", "International Boxing Federation" ]
BOXING - SCHUULZ DEFEATS RIBLATA IN BIF HEAVYWEIGHT FIGHT. VIENA 1996-12-07 Gefman Axel Schhulz outpointed Cbua's Jose Ribaltq in their InternationalB oxing Federation non-title 10-round heavyweight fight on Saturday.
[ "SCHULZ", "RIBALTA", "IBF", "VIENNA", "German", "Axel Schulz", "Cuba", "Jose Ribalta", "International Boxing Federation" ]
BOXING - SCHULZ DEFEATS RIBALTA IN IBF HEAVYWEIGHT FIGHT. VIENNA 1996-12-07 German Axel Schulz outpointed Cuba's Jose Ribalta in their International Boxing Federation non-title 10-round heavyweight fight on Saturday.
[ "Amgen", "CenturyTel" ]
SOCCER - SPANISH FIRST DIVISION SUMMARY. MADRID 1996-12-07 Summary of Saturday's Spanish first division match: Real Madrid 2 (Davor Suker 24, Predrag Mijatovic 48) Barcelona 0. Halftime 1-0. Attendance 106, 000.
[ "SPANISH", "MADRID", "Spanish", "Real Madrid", "Davor Suker", "Predrag Mijatovic", "Barcelona" ]
SOCCER - SPAISH FIRST DIVISION SUMMARY. MADRKD 1996-12-07 Summary of Saturday's Sapnish first division match: Real adrid 2 (Davof Suker 24, Predrag Mijatovvic 48) Barcelina 0. Halftime 1-0. Attendance 106, 000.
[ "SPANISH", "MADRID", "Spanish", "Real Madrid", "Davor Suker", "Predrag Mijatovic", "Barcelona" ]
SOCCER - SPANISH FIRST DIVISION SUMMARY. MADRID 1996-12-07 Summary of Saturday's Spanish first division match: Real Madrid 2 (Davor Suker 24, Predrag Mijatovic 48) Barcelona 0. Halftime 1-0. Attendance 106, 000.
[ "Pro-Fac Cooperative", "Trans World Entertainment" ]
SOCCER - BALKAN STRIKE FORCE WIN OLD FIRM GAME FOR REAL. MADRID 1996-12-07 Real Madrid's Balkan strike force of Davor Suker and Predrag Mijatovic shot their side to a 2-0 win over Barcelona in Spain's old firm game on Saturday. The result leaves Real on 38 points after 16 games, four ahead of Barcelona. With just one league match scheduled before the New Year break, Real are also assured of spending Christmas ahead of their arch-rivals. A mix-up in the Barcelona defence let Croatian international Suker in midway through the first half, and Montenegrin striker Mijatovic made it 2-0 after fine work by Clarence Seedorf just after the break. Barcelona fought back strongly but were twice denied by the woodwork on an unusually quiet night for Brazilian striker Ronaldo.
[ "BALKAN", "REAL", "MADRID", "Real Madrid", "Balkan", "Davor Suker", "Predrag Mijatovic", "Barcelona", "Spain", "Real", "Barcelona", "Real", "Barcelona", "Croatian", "Suker", "Montenegrin", "Mijatovic", "Clarence Seedorf", "Barcelona", "Brazilian", "Ronaldo" ]
SOCCER - BALKZN STRIKE FORCE WIN OLD FIRM GAME FOR REAAL. MAADRID 1996-12-07 Reeal Madri's Balkn strike force of Davor uker and Predrag Mjiatovic shot their side to a 2-0 win over Barcellona in Spaain's old firm game on Saturday. The result leaves Reeal on 38 points after 16 games, four ahead of Barcellona. With just one league match scheduled before the New Year break, Reeal are also assured of spending Christmas ahead of their arch-rivals. A mix-up in the Barcellona defence let Croatiab international Wuker in midway through the first half, and Moontenegrin striker Mijtovic made it 2-0 after fine work by Claence Seedorf just after the break. Barcellona fought back strongly but were twice denied by the woodwork on an unusually quiet night for Braziilan striker Rona;do.
[ "BALKAN", "REAL", "MADRID", "Real Madrid", "Balkan", "Davor Suker", "Predrag Mijatovic", "Barcelona", "Spain", "Real", "Barcelona", "Real", "Barcelona", "Croatian", "Suker", "Montenegrin", "Mijatovic", "Clarence Seedorf", "Barcelona", "Brazilian", "Ronaldo" ]
SOCCER - BALKAN STRIKE FORCE WIN OLD FIRM GAME FOR REAL. MADRID 1996-12-07 Real Madrid's Balkan strike force of Davor Suker and Predrag Mijatovic shot their side to a 2-0 win over Barcelona in Spain's old firm game on Saturday. The result leaves Real on 38 points after 16 games, four ahead of Barcelona. With just one league match scheduled before the New Year break, Real are also assured of spending Christmas ahead of their arch-rivals. A mix-up in the Barcelona defence let Croatian international Suker in midway through the first half, and Montenegrin striker Mijatovic made it 2-0 after fine work by Clarence Seedorf just after the break. Barcelona fought back strongly but were twice denied by the woodwork on an unusually quiet night for Brazilian striker Ronaldo.
[ "Ocean Energy" ]
SOCCER - PSV HIT VOLENDAM FOR SIX. AMSTERDAM 1996-12-07 Brazilian striker Marcelo and Yugoslav midfielder Zeljko Petrovic each scored twice as Dutch first division leaders PSV Eindhoven romped to a 6-0 win over Volendam on Saturday. Their other marksmen were Brazilian defender Vampeta and Belgian striker Luc Nilis, his 14th of the season. PSV, well on the way to their 14th league title, outgunned Volendam in every department of the game. They boast a nine-point lead over Feyenoord, who have two games in hand, and are 16 points clear of champions Ajax Amsterdam, who have played 18 matches compared to PSV's 19. Ajax face AZ Alkmaar away on Sunday and Feyenoord, eliminated from the UEFA Cup after losing 4-2 on aggregate to Tenerife on Tuesday, travel to De Graafschap Doetinchem. The Doetinchem side, dubbed " The Super Peasants ", are one of the surprise packages of the season. They are fourth in the table.
[ "PSV", "VOLENDAM", "AMSTERDAM", "Brazilian", "Marcelo", "Yugoslav", "Zeljko Petrovic", "Dutch", "PSV Eindhoven", "Volendam", "Brazilian", "Vampeta", "Belgian", "Luc Nilis", "PSV", "Volendam", "Feyenoord", "Ajax Amsterdam", "PSV", "Ajax", "AZ Alkmaar", "Feyenoord", "UEFA Cup", "Tenerife", "De Graafschap Doetinchem", "Doetinchem", "The Super Peasants" ]
SOCCER - PPVS HIT VOLENADM FOR SIX. MASTERDAM 1996-12-07 Brazilan striker Marccelo and uYgoslav midfielder Zeljko Petroivc each scored twice as Dugch first division leaders PPVS Eibdhoven romped to a 6-0 win over Volensam on Saturday. Their other marksmen were Brazilan defender Vaampeta and Begian striker Luc iNlis, his 14th of the season. PPVS, well on the way to their 14th league title, outgunned Volensam in every department of the game. They boast a nine-point lead over Feyyenoord, who have two games in hand, and are 16 points clear of champions Ajaax Amstetdam, who have played 18 matches compared to PPVS's 19. Ajaax face AZ Zlkmaar away on Sunday and Feyyenoord, eliminated from the UEAF Cup after losing 4-2 on aggregate to Teenerife on Tuesday, travel to De Graafschap Doetihchem. The Doetinchme side, dubbed " Thd Super Peasants ", are one of the surprise packages of the season. They are fourth in the table.
[ "PSV", "VOLENDAM", "AMSTERDAM", "Brazilian", "Marcelo", "Yugoslav", "Zeljko Petrovic", "Dutch", "PSV Eindhoven", "Volendam", "Brazilian", "Vampeta", "Belgian", "Luc Nilis", "PSV", "Volendam", "Feyenoord", "Ajax Amsterdam", "PSV", "Ajax", "AZ Alkmaar", "Feyenoord", "UEFA Cup", "Tenerife", "De Graafschap Doetinchem", "Doetinchem", "The Super Peasants" ]
SOCCER - PSV HIT VOLENDAM FOR SIX. AMSTERDAM 1996-12-07 Brazilian striker Marcelo and Yugoslav midfielder Zeljko Petrovic each scored twice as Dutch first division leaders PSV Eindhoven romped to a 6-0 win over Volendam on Saturday. Their other marksmen were Brazilian defender Vampeta and Belgian striker Luc Nilis, his 14th of the season. PSV, well on the way to their 14th league title, outgunned Volendam in every department of the game. They boast a nine-point lead over Feyenoord, who have two games in hand, and are 16 points clear of champions Ajax Amsterdam, who have played 18 matches compared to PSV's 19. Ajax face AZ Alkmaar away on Sunday and Feyenoord, eliminated from the UEFA Cup after losing 4-2 on aggregate to Tenerife on Tuesday, travel to De Graafschap Doetinchem. The Doetinchem side, dubbed " The Super Peasants ", are one of the surprise packages of the season. They are fourth in the table.
[ "BellSouth", "Chubb" ]
SOCCER - SPANISH FIRST DIVISION RESULT / STANDINGS. MADRID 1996-12-07 Result of Saturday's only Spanish first division match: Real Madrid 2 Barcelona 0 Standings (tabulate under games played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, against, points): Real Madrid 16 11 5 0 32 12 38 Barcelona 16 10 4 2 46 21 34 Deportivo Coruna 15 9 6 0 23 7 33 Real Betis 15 8 5 2 28 13 29 Atletico Madrid 15 8 3 4 26 17 27 Athletic Bilbao 15 7 4 4 28 22 25 Real Sociedad 15 7 3 5 20 18 24 Valladolid 15 7 3 5 19 18 24 Racing Santander 15 5 7 3 15 15 22 Rayo Vallecano 15 5 5 5 21 19 20 Valencia 15 6 2 7 23 22 20 Celta Vigo 15 5 5 5 17 17 20 Tenerife 15 5 4 6 23 17 19 Espanyol 15 4 4 7 17 20 16 Oviedo 15 4 4 7 17 21 16 Sporting Gijon 15 4 4 7 15 22 16 Logrones 15 4 3 8 11 33 15 Zaragoza 15 2 8 5 18 23 14 Sevilla 15 4 2 9 13 20 14 Compostela 15 3 4 8 13 28 13 Hercules 15 2 2 11 11 29 8 Extremadura 15 1 3 11 8 30 6
[ "SPANISH", "MADRID", "Spanish", "Real Madrid", "Barcelona", "Real Madrid", "Barcelona", "Deportivo Coruna", "Real Betis", "Atletico Madrid", "Athletic Bilbao", "Real Sociedad", "Valladolid", "Racing Santander", "Rayo Vallecano", "Valencia", "Celta Vigo", "Tenerife", "Espanyol", "Oviedo", "Sporting Gijon", "Logrones", "Zaragoza", "Sevilla", "Compostela", "Hercules", "Extremadura" ]
SOCCER - PANISH FIRST DIVISION RESULT / STANDINGS. MADRI 1996-12-07 Result of Saturday's only Spanishh first division match: eal Madrid 2 Barceolna 0 Standings (tabulate under games played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, against, points): eal Madrid 16 11 5 0 32 12 38 Barceolna 16 10 4 2 46 21 34 Deportivo Cpruna 15 9 6 0 23 7 33 Real etis 15 8 5 2 28 13 29 Atletioc Madrid 15 8 3 4 26 17 27 Sthletic Bilbao 15 7 4 4 28 22 25 Real Soicedad 15 7 3 5 20 18 24 Valladoid 15 7 3 5 19 18 24 RacingS antander 15 5 7 3 15 15 22 Rayo Valecano 15 5 5 5 21 19 20 Valenciia 15 6 2 7 23 22 20 Celta Vibo 15 5 5 5 17 17 20 Tenrrife 15 5 4 6 23 17 19 Esanyol 15 4 4 7 17 20 16 Ovido 15 4 4 7 17 21 16 pSorting Gijon 15 4 4 7 15 22 16 Lorgones 15 4 3 8 11 33 15 Zaragoa 15 2 8 5 18 23 14 Devilla 15 4 2 9 13 20 14 Compotela 15 3 4 8 13 28 13 Hefcules 15 2 2 11 11 29 8 Extremdura 15 1 3 11 8 30 6
[ "SPANISH", "MADRID", "Spanish", "Real Madrid", "Barcelona", "Real Madrid", "Barcelona", "Deportivo Coruna", "Real Betis", "Atletico Madrid", "Athletic Bilbao", "Real Sociedad", "Valladolid", "Racing Santander", "Rayo Vallecano", "Valencia", "Celta Vigo", "Tenerife", "Espanyol", "Oviedo", "Sporting Gijon", "Logrones", "Zaragoza", "Sevilla", "Compostela", "Hercules", "Extremadura" ]
SOCCER - SPANISH FIRST DIVISION RESULT / STANDINGS. MADRID 1996-12-07 Result of Saturday's only Spanish first division match: Real Madrid 2 Barcelona 0 Standings (tabulate under games played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, against, points): Real Madrid 16 11 5 0 32 12 38 Barcelona 16 10 4 2 46 21 34 Deportivo Coruna 15 9 6 0 23 7 33 Real Betis 15 8 5 2 28 13 29 Atletico Madrid 15 8 3 4 26 17 27 Athletic Bilbao 15 7 4 4 28 22 25 Real Sociedad 15 7 3 5 20 18 24 Valladolid 15 7 3 5 19 18 24 Racing Santander 15 5 7 3 15 15 22 Rayo Vallecano 15 5 5 5 21 19 20 Valencia 15 6 2 7 23 22 20 Celta Vigo 15 5 5 5 17 17 20 Tenerife 15 5 4 6 23 17 19 Espanyol 15 4 4 7 17 20 16 Oviedo 15 4 4 7 17 21 16 Sporting Gijon 15 4 4 7 15 22 16 Logrones 15 4 3 8 11 33 15 Zaragoza 15 2 8 5 18 23 14 Sevilla 15 4 2 9 13 20 14 Compostela 15 3 4 8 13 28 13 Hercules 15 2 2 11 11 29 8 Extremadura 15 1 3 11 8 30 6
[ "Tech Data" ]