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Make a Tin Can Camp Stove (Hobo Stove)
Be cautious with your scissors. Don't bring them too close to your eyes, ears or scalp. To make this easier, always hold you hair out and up away from your crown.
Particularly when using scissors to cut your bangs, ensure that you are hyper-aware of keeping your eyes and face safe. For example, don't cut your bangs in a crowded room where someone could bump into you.
Hair-cutting scissors are very sharp, so be extremely careful when cutting close to the head, especially the front bangs and around the ears. Toddlers can move unexpectedly, so be prepared to act quickly to move the scissors away. A good rule of thumb for safety is to avoid cutting hair shorter than the distance from the tip of your finger to your second knuckle.
Be very careful when making this. Wear eye protection. Use proper metal-cutting tools (a big nail is OK for making the holes). Do not use a knife or scissors. Arrange things so that if a cutting tool slips, it is unlikely to hurt you. For pounding holes in the can, brace the can between inanimate objects, such as logs, not your legs.
Cheat on Homework
Some teachers understand that there isn't much they can do to prevent students from copying solutions either from friends or off the internet. Instead, well-written exams will enforce the no copying solutions policy better than the teacher can. Homework will be worth only a small portion of the grade while exams will be the main grade determiner. If you have been copying homework solutions, you may be in trouble when it comes to the exams.
In some cases, friends may not always be the best with studying. If you miss questions on an assignment which you can use to study for the test, your best bet is to ask a teacher about the question you missed. Studying the wrong answer is one of the worst things you can do to study for the test.
Not all English teachers will agree to use this in their classrooms because it will seem to likely create extra work for themselves. This project does take out of some class time that could be used for teaching the curriculum. However it is a student-centered project. Students that don't come to class because they feel like they can't achieve anything are suffering from learned-helplessness, which is a downward spiral. A student not in class, or physically present but cognitively absent, are not learning anyway which could be more of a waste of time. As teachers it is our responsibility to do whatever it takes to increase student productivity and desire to learn. All this takes is a few minutes per student to create goals, a check up mid-semester on progress, and sitting with students individually at the end of the semester to see how the semester went. Why not increase personal relationships and rapport with each student if you can? Make them feel like you care!
DO NOT just copy down verbatim what is on a PowerPoint without adding in elaborations made by the teacher. You can't pass a class with a high grade if you rely on PowerPoints instead of the teacher. With a laptop, it should be easier to take more detailed notes, so this isn't an excuse to slack off on notes.
Import Excel Into Access
You can not import more than 255 fields into Access.
Your program will crash if you try to input alphabetical values to one of the "int" vars. Since no propper error trapping is done your program can't convert the values. Better read string or catch your exceptions.
Setting base = 'Win32GUI' as shown above will cause problems if your Python code includes the input() function.
Be careful when utilizing the Command Prompt. It is possible to accidentally type an executable command that damages a necessary file on your computer, which may corrupt your data or worse.
Effective Ways to Dispute a False Positive Drug Test
This article covers how to report pet store neglect in the United States. Other countries may have different procedures. If you live in another country, contact a nonprofit animal rights organization or animal welfare agency for more information.
If your urine is too diluted, the drug test will note this. You'll likely be required to take a second test. If the second test also comes up diluted, this will likely result in your "failing" the test, not due to the presence of drugs, but because of the dilution of the drug test. The company may require that you take a different method of drug test.
In some states, you have a very limited time or no right at all to contact a lawyer regarding alcohol testing. Also, in many states, refusal to take an alcohol test carries the same penalty as a test failure. Failure to submit to an alcohol screening test, in some states, will result in an automatic suspension of your driver's license, since agreeing to take those tests was a condition of receiving your license. On the other hand, the person arrested may have a good reason not to permit a blood test, (e.g., presence of other substances in blood), as losing driving privileges might not be the biggest worry. Never ask the police for advice; they are paid to be against the arrested person. Get a lawyer on the phone as quickly as possible and ask him.
This article primarily discusses disputing a false positive drug test in the US. If you're taking a drug test in another country or for an international organization, there may be different rules. Talk to an administrator or consult the drug test policy of the organization.
Learn Basic Ballet Moves
Never try pointe without ballet experience and permission from your teacher; you could seriously injure yourself.
If you are a beginner, only wear your pointe shoes in your ballet studio.
Do not go en pointe without permission from a professional ballet instructor and a medical professional. Beginners should not dance en pointe unless they are under the supervision of a professional ballet instructor or without permission from a medical professional.
Do not try pointe or use pointe shoes as a beginner. Pointe can be dangerous for the inexperienced dancer. Your ballet instructor will let you know when you are ready for pointe.
Tank a Drake in EVE Online
Playing Minecraft offline may prevent you from using custom skins, and will prevent you from being able to install the latest updates from Mojang, including updates that fix bugs and glitches. Keep this factor in mind before deciding to play Minecraft offline.
Skyrim suffers from many bugs. In some rare cases, Alduin may remain invulnerable the entire fight. If this happens, try reloading from a save point. If your Skyrim patch version is up to date this is less likely to occur and that game will also autosave just before the fight starts. This bug may be triggered by using Dragonrend before Paarthurnax tells you to, so only first use the shout when prompted.
Make sure everyone is playing with the same edition. There are major changes from one edition to another, and even 3rd edition to V3.5 has some big changes. If you aren't careful, you may end up creating a character that can't correctly function due to the mix up of rules, or one that appears to be broken (extremely good, usually because of exploits) due to using rules from the wrong edition which has a different balance than the one actually being used.
Note that Eve Online is an MMO that constantly changes. While tanking with a drake may be good now, in the future as items change, this build may not be capable of being fitted.
Make Your Cat Stop Attacking You
Stray cats can also can also have scabies, cat scratch fever, or maybe even rabies.
Stray dogs may be injured, infested with fleas, or have rabies.
Diseases that can be transmitted through cat bites and scratches, such as cat scratch fever, can make people very sick.
A cat is capable of causing both permanent and life-threatening injuries. Damage to the eyes from claws, and infections cause by bites and scratches may require emergency treatment. Feral cats, outdoor pet cats, and indoor cats can carry rabies, and scratches from any cat can result in an illness with flu-like symptoms, called Cat Scratch Fever.
Be a Prankster
Avoid pranks that could cause physical harm or that may be illegal.
Think about the effect of your prank before you do it. Some people may react angrily or fearfully to certain pranks, especially if you are intruding on their personal space.
Avoid pranks which could result in physical harm. Lots of prank ideas involve setting up traps where something will fall on your sister or which will cause her to slip or fall down.
Avoid any prank that has the potential to be dangerous, perceived as harassment/hatred/racism, or is unkind in intent and outcome.
Be a Spy Kid
Passing through the Omega-4 relay is the point of no return: once you begin the final mission in the game, you're committed until the end. Complete all preparations before going through it, and save your game beforehand, just in case the mission goes awry.
Saving while you and the Pokémon are in the same route will not work. As soon as you start up your game again, the Pokémon will be located elsewhere.
Have a route to go to if the mission fails.
Run to another map if your health is low.
Be a Good Mentor
Never yell or curse at the mentee.
Don't curse or yell at them. That will only make you look as bad and as noobish as them and it might get you reported.
Never treat helping your shy friend socialize as a pet-project, overshooting it with attention. Remember that shy people easily get choked and feel resentment. So be moderate in the choice of places to take such persons to, the kinds of people you connect them with, and the list of new daunts you've prepared in your cocoon-shattering armory.
Try not to swear at others in anger. The residue of an angry curse can be significant. It's not really worth the instant of relief or satisfaction from cursing at them.
Use a Brow Brush
Don't use a straightener more than two or four times a week. Constant straightening will lead to damaged hair, no matter how much protective spray you use. Consider wearing your hair naturally or putting it up in cute hairstyles.
Take care of your hair! Excessive styling and products can be rough on your hair, as can teasing. Make sure to wash the hairspray out as soon as you're in for the night, and use conditioner and shampoo for distressed or damaged hair. If your hair is bleached and dyed, try a special shampoo for that as well.
If your brows don't go back to your natural shape, wash them with water and, if needed, shampoo or makeup remover. They should return to their natural shape after time.
Wait at least a couple days between straightening sessions. No matter how much you use heat protectant & conditioner, this will damage your hair over time.
Decaffeinate Tea
Avoid a large caffeine intake, which can be dehydrating and lose its effect after a while.
Drinking caffeine before waxing is said to make it more painful.
CBD oil may cause fatigue in some people. If it makes you fatigued, it may counteract the effects of the caffeine in your coffee or tea.
Home decaffeination will still leave some caffeine in the tea.
Calculate the Volume of a Pyramid
Don't forget to add joints to your slab if it exceeds 12 feet (3.6 m) in any dimension. Joints should be 1/4 the thickness of the slab and placed 2 or 3 times the thickness of the slab. For example, a 4 inch (10 cm) deep slab would use joints that are 1 inch (2.5 cm) deep. Those joints should be spaced every 8 to 12 feet (2.4 to 3.6 m).
Always use a tool, not your naked eye, to measure the line segments and angles of a triangle. The lines or angles may appear congruent when, in fact, there is only a small difference among them. The error in measurement will change the classification.
Pyramids have three kinds of height --- a slant height, down the center of the triangular sides; a true height or perpendicular height, that goes from the tip of the pyramid to the center of the base face; and an edge height, that goes down one edge of the triangular sides. For volume, you must use the true height.
Try not to forget that the decimal after the feet is not the number of inches. 4.3 does not mean "Four foot, three inches." It means you are four feet tall plus .3 foot tall, or 30% of a foot. You must multiply this decimal by 12 to get inches.
Get Rid of a Lazy Eye
Any loss of vision or blurriness should be treated immediately in a hospital. Some eye infections may cause permanent blindness.
If you have difficulty seeing or your vision worsens, visit an ophthalmologist to check your conditions.
Any type of eye problem should be checked by an optometrist or ophthalmologist. Early detection and treatment is critical to prevent vision loss.
If after trying these methods you still suffer from discomfort of your eyes, contact your ophthalmologist or optometrist for an eye examination.
Escape Extreme Pressure Employment
Avoid over-the-counter painkillers that contain caffeine as it is a stimulant and will keep you awake.
Be careful about using caffeine and other stimulants to stay awake and focused. This can interfere with your ability to sleep, among other things, like worsening stress and anxiety. Get as much of your energy as you can from fresh food and keep stimulant use minimal.
Avoid smoking tobacco. You may think that smoking a cigarette will calm you; but nicotine is a powerful stimulant that increases anxiety.
Steer clear of using cigarettes and alcohol to cope with your stress. While they may seem helpful in the moment, cigarettes actually boost your anxiety, and alcohol leaves you feeling worse as you sober up.
Convince Your Family to Turn Off the Television
Some people are born "stress-bunnies" who need to keep busy and to comment on other people's lack of busyness. For such people, being busy is a habit and a moral judgment. You might want to give them a wide berth most days.
Some people will hate that you're not "in their clutches" during the stay. In the case of people with certain personality disorders like narcissism, the inability to control you and cause you to regress into old family patterns may leave them fuming. Let them be––in such a case, you are protecting yourself and those close to you from a bad old pattern.
Take a look at your family's social fabric before you attempt to "deprogram" your family from television. People often "tune in and tune out" for specific reasons. In order to change the behavior, you have to understand its underlying causes and if you have a dysfunctional family, it's important to deal with the issues and not simply blame it on the TV. If family time is so painful that TV characters are an escape like reading a good book, turning off the TV is only going to torture everyone without solving the problem.
Real dependence attracts codependents and can create codependence. Sometimes it can be hard to distinguish between physical needs and emotional needs. With elderly parents, be aware that codependency may be the only way they know how to behave if they need real help because they have become disabled. It can get complicated, but holding your boundaries emotionally does not mean abandoning them when they need real help with self care, food preparation, cleaning and so on. Just don't expect to do it in their way to their standards because you're not them, you don't have their habits of decades or exactly their priorities.
Deal With Losing Your Wallet
Be sure to keep your social security identification information confidential. Only share it with official SSA personnel to protect yourself against identity theft.
Unscrupulous individuals may try to use your Social Security information to open credit card accounts or other forms of identity theft. File a police report and file a claim reporting any instance of theft or fraud due to the loss of your Social Security card to the Federal Trade Commission immediately.
Never carry your social security card in your wallet or on your person. Keep it safely hidden unless it is required by a government agency.
To protect yourself from identity theft, never carry your Social Security card (or any document with your Social Security number) in your wallet.
Buy a Fishing License for Michigan
Keep your fishing license with you at all times while fishing, as you are required to present it if asked. A fishing license in your glove compartment does you no good while you're out on the water.
Make sure that you have a fishing license if necessary, and that you meet the fishing regulations for your region.
Observe local laws when you go out mushroom hunting. Don't hunt on private property unless you have permission. Check local laws online in your area. Some public land may be off-limits as well.
Find out the licensing requirements and any restrictions in place before you go fishing. Most wilderness areas are regularly patrolled by backcountry rangers who will write you a ticket if you don't have the necessary license or are fishing in restricted waters.
Treat Thrush with Grapefruit Seed Oil
If you have recurrent yeast infections and think you have vaginal thrush, you should talk to your doctor. Treatment is often modified to try and prevent infections rather than just treating each infection as it occurs.
If you suspect you may have a deer tick bite, see a doctor immediately for treatment. Treatment for Lyme disease when caught within two weeks is usually successful.
If you suspect that your baby has thrush, see your pediatrician as soon as possible. If you treat the infection quickly, it may be easier to get rid of.
Infections can be life-threatening, and they usually don't go away on their own. If you think your bug bite is infected, make an appointment with your doctor.
Make Baked Alaska
Wash your hands before and after handling raw eggs to avoid any possible bacterial contamination. Clean all surfaces that will come into contact with the eggs before and after the separation process.
Making salt dough is a messy process. Wear old clothes or an apron. Cover the areas that you are working on to protect the surfaces.
Separating eggs is a messy process, and you need to keep everything sanitary. Wash you hands before and after, and remove and shells than accidentally get into the whites.
This process can be extremely messy. It's best to wear “junk clothes” you don't mind dirtying and/or a full-body kitchen apron while making the olive oil. You should also prepare the oil in an area that will be easy to clean afterward.
Make a Dictionary of Made up Words
Make sure to save your paper as you continue to work. Computer problems do happen and you don't want to lose your work as a result.
When you get writer's block, don't give up on the story. Give it some time.
Make sure you want to write a book. You'll only waste your time if you start writing but give up after a few pages.
Take breaks if you're writing a lot of words. You don't want to get writer's block.
Crush a Can with Air Pressure
Older children (ages 12+) may be able to do the activity themselves, but only under adult supervision! Never allow more than one person to do the demonstration at a time, unless there is more than one supervisor present.
Young children should be supervised for this project. An adult should handle the steps involving craft blades.
If children are doing or helping with this project, adult supervision is a must at all times.
If you're making this project and under the age of 15, it is highly recommended that you get supervision from an adult because it can be tricky to get the measurements right.
Grow Cactus in Containers
Amaryllis roots are fragile and may break or die during transplanting. Be cautious when moving amaryllis plants to a different pot or soil mix, and try to avoid touching the roots.
When moving plants from indoors to the garden, make sure you gradually expose the basil to outdoor conditions to avoid transplant shock.
Avoid frequent transplanting as that causes stress to your cactus.
Avoid planting or transplanting the cuttings directly into the ground since they're less likely to survive.
Test for Asperger's
Don't confuse pessimism with depression. Depression can be a serious medical condition and it is important to consult trained professionals if you think your negative outlook may be a sign of this condition.
If you don't feel that you can cope, or that you don't want to live any longer, seek immediate assistance from your doctor or a mental health professional. You can't always get through love sickness on your own and there is no shame in seeking advice from another person. Many people have been through a bout of love sickness themselves, so look for someone compassionate and understanding who is willing to hear you out.
If you believe you may have Compulsive Skin Picking disorder, it's important to get help right away. This disorder does not go away on its own; it is linked to deeper problems you'll need the help of a therapist to address.
If people refuse to believe you, do not give up. Asperger's Syndrome is a neurological difference that should be diagnosed and supported accordingly, and consulting a medical advisor is vital.
Attract an Older Boy
Nothing can ever ensure a relationship between two people will ever work out or not.
Nothing is ever guaranteed in life, and no matter how great a pair you think the two of you would make, you can never insure he'll feel the same way. Rejection is a natural part of this process and the only way you can avoid it completely is by not giving yourself a chance in the first place.
Rekindling your relationship does not mean that you will be together forever.
Accept that the girl you like may not like you back. Unfortunately, befriending the girl you like doesn't guarantee that she will return your romantic feelings. She may just want to be friends. Accept that this is a possibility when you first pursue your friendship and know that if things don't work out romantically, you will still have made a new friend.
Make Fog
Always hold the can of compressed air upright. An inverted can of compressed air can let out bursts of liquid which can damage electronic components.
Do not store dry ice in an airtight container since the pressure could cause the container to burst.
Avoid using the tank to hold anything other than air, since this can damage it.
Never use any metal that can enclose air. It can expand, sometimes causing it to explode, which can cause serious burns, injuries, and death.
Breathe Correctly While Bench Pressing
If you are not a professional or only a beginner, have a spotter nearby for safety reasons.
Have a spotter with you when starting out or using extreme weights.
Deadlifts can be dangerous if they're performed incorrectly. Make sure you use good form for every rep and consider working with a trainer or an experienced lifter to help learn the form if you're a beginner.
If you are a beginner or are transitioning to heavier weights, enlist the help of a spotter in addition to having a spotting device.
Dye Polyester
Do not use the same pots and stirring utensils that you use for cooking. Buy separate ones for dyeing.
Never use the same utensils you use for dyeing clothing for cooking food.
Do not reuse any pots or utensils for cooking. Reserve these for dyeing and crafts.
Never use your cooking pots and utensils for dyeing fabric, or you risk contaminating them.
Choose a Border Collie
Exercise caution to prevent poaching. The best defense against poachers is secrecy. Make sure your crop is on your private property, well-hidden and unlikely to be disturbed. Don't talk about it any more than necessary, and only deal with reputable suppliers and buyers. As plants approach maturity, be especially watchful. Should you catch poachers, try to deter them and have them apprehended by law enforcement officers.
Don't get a dog for protection on the trail. Expecting a dog to defend you from a bear or cougar is unrealistic. At the very best, a dog will be able to warn you that something dangerous is nearby, but he should not be trained or expected to attack.
Beware of neighborhood dogs running lose. If your goat is attacked by a dog or coyote, be sure to check the neck for hidden injuries. Do not get fooled by thinking they "just" have a broken leg.
Be forewarned that Border Collies are amazing escape artists. Make sure that your fencing is secure before you release your dog into the backyard, for example.
Cover a Smoke Detector
Before deciding to heat your home with a wood stove, make sure that your home owner's insurance covers against stove-related accidents. The insurance company may also place stipulations on how much wood you can burn and where the stove can be located in your home.
In many places it may be a civil violation or a criminal offense to disable, remove or tamper with a smoke alarm or smoke detector unless you are authorized by the property owner or the fire department. You may also become liable for any injuries or property damage from a fire that could have been avoided if you had not disabled one or more smoke alarms.
Check with your home insurance provider and your power company to see if your allowed to switch off your gas and cap a line. If you violate policies, you may not be covered if something goes wrong.
If there's a fire in your home and it's discovered that you voluntarily disabled your smoke detector, you may not be eligible to file an insurance claim to cover the resulting damage.
Heal Inflamed Skin
Avoid the use of any new topical products not designed to help with the skin inflammation until your skin has healed.
If you use topical skin treatments, you might develop an increased sensitivity to the sun. Be extra careful to protect your skin while you use over-the-counter treatments.
Make sure allergies are not an issue. You may be allergic to something in your skincare regimen. But also ensure that you are not allergic to anything you put on your skin to treat existing redness.
If you notice chronic dryness, redness, or irritation after using a home remedy, stop using it and let your skin rest and recover. Try a milder method when your skin is healthy enough for lightening again.
Get Dog Urine Smell out of Carpets
Test your chosen method on a small, inconspicuous piece of the clothing for colorfastness before doing this. If your clothes react with the lemon juice, ammonia, etc. then you can switch to another method and your clothes won't be ruined.
Some red dyes used in rugs and carpets can stain or change color when exposed to certain insecticides. If you are planning to use an insecticide on a rug or carpet, test an inconspicuous area first to be sure the insecticide won't change the color of your rug or carpet.
Before trying any product on your carpet, it is important to first test it on an inconspicuous area of the rug to be sure that it does not damage or change the color of the carpet.
Hydrogen peroxide can change the color of your carpet. Test the solution on a small inconspicuous area of your carpet to see if the color changes.
Rip a Phonebook in Half
It is good to practice, but don't practice so much that you exhaust yourself. Tiredness leads to injury.
Overexertion during exercise can damage your muscles and even lead to permanent injuries. Work hard, but don't hurt yourself.
Be careful when you sprint. Working hard is great, but it can lead to injuries very easily if you overdo it.
This trick (without oven) does put an enormous strain on your wrists and the muscles of your chest. Don't overdo it and hurt yourself. If you need to practice several times, give yourself some rest between each attempt. Don't proceed if you feel pain.
Build Muscles (for Girls)
Don't overdo it! Limit your muscle-building exercises to 3-5 days a week to allow your muscles to recover.
Don't overdo exercise. Give your muscles a day or two out of every week to relax and repair. If not, you could pull them.
While your muscles are strengthening, take 5-minute breaks every 20 minutes to avoid muscle fatigue.
Do not try to do extensive weight training or pull-ups at the beginning of your boot camp training. Your muscles will need 3 days to recover. If you do a low to moderate amount of activity 3 times per day, you can slowly build up your muscles, without the need to recover for days at a time.
Have a Good Skin Care Regime (Teen Girls)
Don't underestimate the importance of using a moisturizer with SPF. Over time, the sun will damage your skin, which can lead to fine lines and wrinkles, or even to skin cancer.
Keep in mind, that your skin will not look like the picture posted to this article. Skin blemishes, acne, oil, and dryness are all completely natural and normal. That photo is obviously a computer-generated image. Learn about what suits you best, since everyone's skin is different. The point of treating your skin is to keep it healthy by keeping yourself healthy. Your skin will reflect your health.
Don't try to remove all the oil from your face. The oil is there to protect the skin. Stripping it all away can damage your skin and even cause signs of premature aging.
Don't use makeup that covers the face, like foundation. Foundation stores bacteria and may result in pimples. Besides, with clearer skin, you'll see less reason to be using it in the first place!
Store Ethanol
Never store denatured ethanol. There is a high risk of explosion.
Never mix or store gasoline in a container that wasn't designed for it. This is a fire hazard and the containers could also leak.
R-12 refrigerant is no longer used because it contains CFCs and is harmful to the environment if it gets out of the system. Don't try to use old R-12 if you find some, as it is illegal in some areas.
Denatured alcohol is poisonous to ingest, so use extreme care when using and storing it.
Wash Ski Pants
Avoid taking your garments with rhinestones on them to the dry cleaners. Most of the chemicals used in dry cleaning will dissolve the glue that holds the rhinestones to your clothes.
Dry cleaning might sound like a good option for dance costumes, but the chemicals used in the process can severely damage your garment. Stick to hand washing.
Never dry clean your ski clothes. The chemicals used in dry cleaning are too harsh and can damage the fabric.
Don't take down products to a dry cleaner's because the chemicals used to dry clean normal clothes can damage the material.
Color and Draw on Adobe Photoshop 6
Remember to take breaks. Sitting at a computer for hours isn't healthy.
Sitting hunched over a notepad or a computer for long periods of time can be damaging to your eyesight and your posture. Get a good quality chair and take regular breaks from writing.
Staring at a computer screen for long periods of time is not healthy, look away for twenty seconds every twenty minutes.
Sitting at a computer for more than a few hours at a time can have lasting effects on your overall health. Remember to get up and stretch, look away from the screen, and move around at least once every couple of hours.
Repair a Swimming Pool Vinyl Liner
Make sure to use cold or warm water. Don't use boiling hot water. It could melt the plastic.
Take care in what you are doing. Do not fill the pot too full. You don't want to be drinking salt water that has splashed into the center glass.
Remember that you are using scalding hot water! Be careful where you pour it.
Always use caution when you pour boiling water.
Help Your Spouse With Depression
You do not have to be strong on your own. If you need help, seek it out - either from family members, friends, or counselors.
Don't try to fix everything on your own, because you can't. Seek out the help of friends and family members. Do the best you can and acknowledge your efforts.
Offer love and support, but don't put yourself at risk or in danger. If you feel unsafe or abused in your situation, find a way to leave, or ask for help.
Some people (family, friends, co-workers, etc.) will not accept the change you've made, but don't let their feelings negatively impact your relationship with the Lord.
Try Fermented Skin Care
If you get an allergic reaction to a product, mask, or scrub, stop using it immediately and talk to your doctor.
Stop use of the product immediately if you experience discomfort or pain while using it. Contact your doctor and the company that made the product.
If you use any new product and experience a severe breakout, pain, itching, or swelling in your face, lips, or tongue, stop using the product right away and see your doctor.
If you experience any pain or sensitivity while using any of these treatments, you should stop immediately and make an appointment with your dentist. Rinse your mouth thoroughly after.
Weigh the Costs of Cheating on Your Wife
Keep in mind that all of the signs listed above could either be signs of infidelity, or they could have completely innocent explanations. If you accuse your partner of infidelity, or are caught investigating them—checking their pockets, looking on their phone, reading their email—this could actually cause problems in your relationship that did not exist before.
Even if you think that you have covered your tracks, you are likely to be caught by your spouse during your affair.
If your child is innocent, and learns that you are searching their belongings, there will be a definite breach of trust. Be sure you have solid evidence before making an accusation or commencing a search.
If your suspicion turns out to be paranoid jealousy not based in fact—and your spouse discovers your covert activities—you have done serious (and possibly irreparable) damage to your marriage. Even if not, a visit to a therapist or marriage counselor might be in order for you.
Accept Constructive Criticism
Keep in mind that there may be a psychological difficulty that may come across as arrogance (seeming aloof or closed off or insecure with a false sense of self). In some cases, this could be bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder or a social phobia. It could be many things like a history of abuse or illness or bullying. Some people don't realize that their behavior marginalizes them from others and stops them from making friends. Be aware that while it is easy to call anyone "arrogant" as a wholesale generalization of a person's character, take into account your own mood, their mood, environmental conditions and life circumstances. Sometimes what people do or say has nothing to do with you. Be careful when you assume they're acting in a certain way to specifically to upset or anger you. Be smarter than them.
Don't assume a control freak is someone you can't deal with, especially in work and social contexts. Yes, there are violently disposed people out there and yes, there are more intimate entanglements with some people that are impossible to fix without leaving them for good, but on the whole, aim to try to get along with people of all kinds in your life. Minimizing contact can be a healthier response than creating more drama. Keep their behavior in perspective while addressing any shortcomings you feel you have with respect to creating boundaries with other people, such as learning to assert yourself or to communicate more clearly.
If you have to work, live or socialize with someone who constantly criticizes you, this can quickly go from being constructive to destructive, even if the person is an expert or knowledgeable on a topic. In this case, you will need to talk to them openly and firmly about how their constant criticizing causes you to feel and what you expect in the future. If the other person is not capable of minimizing the criticism, you may need to consider ways of distancing yourself.
There are people who can change, and people who can't. If the person denies their behavior, constantly makes excuses or becomes defensive/aggressive when the subject is approached, chances are they need a reality check, but are not going to accept one anytime soon, which means the bad behavior won't change. On the other hand, a person may sweetly apologize and promise to do better, and then not be able to help him/herself. Give it time, think about whether your friend has really been trying to improve your relationship issue, and then take it from there - remember that you don't deserve to be constantly dragged down like this.
Turn Body Spray Into Solid Perfume
Never pour plaster down a sink or other drain. It can solidify and ruin the plumbing. Dispose of unused plaster in the trash. Rinse wet plaster off hands in a bucket of water before washing them in the sink.
Don't clean drywall tools over a drain. The compound will stick, harden, and block your pipes. Instead, scrape the excess mud into a trash bin. Clean tools with a rough sponge or towel to get them completely clean.
Never use steel wool pads in your shower, or even harsh plastic scrubbing pads or brushes on a plastic tub. You could leave scratches, which would gather water, dirt and mold.
Do not pour oil down the sink. It will clog your pipes. Dump out any extra product, and wipe away excess with paper towel. Then, clean with soap and warm water as usual.
Meet Gay Guys in a Small Town
If you meet someone online, remember that they might not be who they say they are. Do not give away any personal information, or arrange to meet them in person.
Be extremely cautious about meeting people online. People can be anyone they want on the internet, and their pictures may even be fake.
If you are under the age of 18, it probably is best if you don't meet people in person who you've met online. Make sure you have a parent or other trusted adult present if you do end up meeting a person you met online.
Be careful meeting someone in person for the first time. People on the internet may not be who they seem, so try video calling before meeting in real life.
Observe the Day of Silence
Most people are shy because of a fear that someone is criticizing or judging them. Be careful not to say anything judgmental towards their character or interests. For example, do not say "My friend said he thinks you're boring" or even say it behind their back, because chances are it will get back to them. As a result, they won't want to open up to you and have fun because they can't trust you. Do the opposite by finding ways to remind them every once in a while what you like about them.
Be respectful when you write in someone's yearbook. Don't use profanity or write rude message's such as "You Suck" "Better Luck Next Year" or "You're a Loser". You don't want to be remembered for writing bad messages in someone's yearbook. What you may think is funny now may not be 20 years later.
Do not belittle someone for not participating, especially if they are LGBT+ themselves. Some people find Day of Silence ineffective and/or counterproductive. Make sure you're respecting their opinions and not speaking over anyone.
Don't act mean or be a bully to Animal Jam Users. You might be reported for doing so. Even if Animal Jam has words you're allowed to use, you might as well arrange the words in a mean way, like "I don't like you because you're not fun!". Then, the result will turn out that you won't have that buddy anymore, or you might be banned.
Do Nib Painting
It is helpful to lay down a drop cloth before you start painting. That way, if you spill any paint it will not ruin your floors.
Since oil paints takes time to dry so be careful that your hands does not touch the coloured part of the cloth.
Do not buy fast-drying paint or glaze. Texturing paint can take some time, so it is best to have a paint that remains workable for the time required to texture it.
Avoid using oil paints on your hoodie since they take a long time to dry and will cause the fabric to stiffen.
Tell the Difference Between a Period and a Miscarriage
Consult your doctor if red streaks extend out from the boil. This means that the infection is spreading. Call your doctor as well if you already have an existing disease that can complicate the boil. Other warning signs are pain, fever, and very warm or hot skin overlying the area.
Call your doctor immediately if you have bleeding, cramping, increased discharge or discharge that has an odor, or any fever, chills, or pain with passing urine.
Visit your doctor immediately if you have a fever or your discharge is foul smelling. You may have an infection or tissue that is not shedding.
If scratched eczema starts to smell, or seems to be weeping or bleeding excessively, see a doctor immediately. These symptoms indicate that you have an infection that requires medical treatment.
Survive Fourth Grade
If you do this prank at your school you could get expelled.
Do not try to sneak out of detention. There's a good chance you'll get caught, and you'll just end up increasing the duration of your punishment. You could also get into more trouble, like suspension, if you skip detention.
Don't mess with bullies at school. You might end up getting suspended.
Don't use this at school! You could be suspended or expelled if you hurt someone.
Enable Regedit
Installing too many fonts will slow your operating system's performance capabilities.
Never edit the registry unless you know exactly what you are doing. A mistake could make your operating system unusable.
DLLs are essential for Windows to run properly. While nearly impossible to do, accidentally deleting or changing a system DLL will harm your computer.
Beware of 3D games if you don't enable 3D acceleration or your graphics card doesn't support it. VirtualBox has limitations in 3D capability and may crash (even your system) if you use a game without such support.
Write an Office Manual
Do not publish your manual until it has been thoroughly checked by your legal and/or Human Resources team for compliance issues.
Your business records may be audited at any time in order to determine if you have paid the correct amount of tax, so be sure to maintain accurate and adequate business records at all times.
Take particular care to complete your application paperwork thoroughly and accurately. If some part of the process is deemed unsatisfactory, you may be denied the permits you need or even face legal repercussions.
Do not return to the area until it has been checked by a qualified technician.
Program in Java
It is usually not necessary to pay for Java courses that may be very expensive and offer little value. Unless you want to learn something specific, it is frequently better just to do more programming yourself, and learn from other people's open-source programs.
The software for FL Studio is nearly 200MB, but it is well worth the price. An outstanding program, especially for creative users. You can develop your skills to make a sturdy tool out of it
Many people start using OS X and decide they hate it because they can't get anything done. Although with the new Mac OS PC applications can be used with BootCamp. As with anything new, you will need to take your time to learn this new system. With a Mac everything is plug in and play there is not much setup needed and no extra devices needed.
NOTES: Moodle can be a very complicated system to install, like many other Open Source applications, if you are not an advanced computer user. I would recommend getting the help of an advanced user before attempting to install and user Moodle.
Cut Pills
Always put safety first. If you are not sure if you accidentally touched the needle while filling the syringe, or notice something in the medication vial after you have drawn up the accurate dose, waste that round and start again.
Never double-dose if you miss a dose. This can increase your chances of bleeding.
There is always a risk of getting an improper dose when you split a pill.
Before adding new supplements to your diet, consult your doctor. Some supplements may have harmful side effects. This is especially true if you take too large of a dose.
Stop Shoes from Banging in the Dryer
Avoid drying shoes in front of direct heat, such as an open fire or hot blowing air. This may crack the leather or melt other materials used to make the shoes.
Avoid putting your shoes in the sun or near a heat source since it could damage the glue holding the soles to your shoe.
Do not put the shoes by a heater to dry them out as this may potentially cause the layers within the fabric to separate. 
Do not iron, dry clean, or microwave your blankets. It is not recommended that your blanket undergo heat treatment. Heat, including hot water, can shrink soft threads or melt plastic pellets.
Clean Smoke Off of a Ceiling
When working with spray paint, make sure you are outside or in a well-ventilated area. If you get a headache at any point, take a break.
You must work in a well-ventilated area if you are using spray paint. If you start to feel lightheaded, take a break and get some fresh air.
If you get lightheaded while working with spray paint or epoxy, take a break and move to a well-ventilated area.
If you start to feel lightheaded or get a headache, stop cleaning and move to a better-ventilated area before continuing.
Start a Theatre Group
If you cannot find a free practice space, you can rent a space. Then, if needed, you can fund raise or find sponsors to help you in affording a proper space.
If your home is so crowded with things that you can't find a comfortable place to sit or are ashamed to have friends over, then you may need a professional organizer to help you declutter your space.
If your parents aren't offering to help you out and you just don't have the income to cover rent, a security deposit, and off-campus living, you may have to wait a year or so to save up for your own place. It isn't a good idea to take on the financial burden of an apartment if you may not be able to pay for it.
Do not spend more than half of your initial investment before hiring staff. Because a backpacking hostel tends to suffer significant wear and tear, you will need extra cash on hand to fix problems even as you begin to bring in revenue.
Stain Laminate Flooring
Do not use a steam mop on laminate flooring. The excess moisture can damage the laminate.
Be sure the surface of a wood cabinet is actually real wood and not a wood-grain vinyl laminate. You cannot sand this type of surface and paint peels very easily, so painting is not recommended. If you have a vinyl laminate, only the contact paper method is feasible.
Do not apply wood finishes to laminate flooring. Because laminate is made of plastic, it is not absorbent like wood and will not change colors.
Wood laminate flooring is not made from actual wood, so you shouldn't use wood oils, such as Murphy's Oil. These oils can leave large streaks on your laminate.
Soothe Animals
If you see a skunk out in the middle of the day behaving strangely, don't approach it. If the skunk acts unusually bold or aggressive, or if it shows behaviors such as circling, staggering, or dragging its limbs, it may have rabies. Call animal control, a wildlife rehabilitator, or your local health office if you observe these behaviors.
If you see a stray or feral dog, call a local shelter or state authority. The professionals will know how to handle the situation safely, and it will only make things more difficult for the dog if you end up getting bitten or otherwise injured.
Do not attempt to trap or snare raccoons yourself. These animals can become ferocious and might even carry rabies. Always contact a professional wildlife control company to handle animal entrapment.
Never try to approach a wild animal that is acting strangely. For instance, if you see a raccoon wobbling around during the day, don't approach it. Instead, you should call a local vet or a wildlife rehabilitation center.
Buy Acepromazine for Dogs
Avoid ordering prescriptions from other countries since they may not follow the same processes or regulations, which could make the medication unsafe to use.
Never give any medicine to your chinchilla or any other pet without consulting a vet. Medications that are safe for people, such as over-the-counter pain medication, can be lethal for pets.
People in the US cannot order prescriptions from Canada for their dog, as this is illegal.
Obtain a vet health certificate for any pets travelling with you. If they are coming from the U.S. with a certificate, then they can usually avoid quarantine.
Find the Correlation Coefficient
Correlation shows that the two sets of data are connected in some way. However, be careful not to interpret this as causation. For example, if you compare people's shoe sizes and their height, you will probably find a strong positive correlation. Taller people generally have larger feet. However, this does not mean that growing tall causes your feet to grow, or that large feet cause you to grow tall. They just happen together.
It is not possible to gain fat only in specific areas of one's body. Weight is gained throughout the body. If you are hoping to increase only the size of your breasts, butt, or hips, keep in mind you will be increasing in size all over your body, not only in these specific places.
60-80% of your height is determined by the DNA that your parents have passed down to you, whereas about 20-40% of your growth is influenced by your environment. This means your diet, posture, your health, how much exercise you do, and how much sleep you get. Until your growth plates (the area where your bones grow) close, you will keep growing, and a good diet and health, posture, healthy exercise, and lots of sleep can help you get taller in this period than you would otherwise. For most people, your plates close in your early twenties, and after that, you are not going to gain any inches naturally.
Don't expect all men to live up to the stereotype — for example, wanting youthful-looking women with small, hourglass figures and high-pitched voices. The studies that suggest these variables must work on averages, and as a result they cannot accurately tell you what every man will be like.
Make Your Canadian Tire Minibike Do over 70 Mph
Always ensure you get the correct spark plugs for the job. Don't resort to cheap or incorrect spark plugs. Also since your working on the car engine make sure the battery is disconnected first before performing any work.
To prevent the storage unit from falling forward, fasten it to the wall before use. Get some screws and wide washers, with holes narrow enough to prevent your screw heads from going through. Put your screws through their washers, then drive them through the back of some of the upper boxes (3 at least) into a stud in the wall, or into a previously installed dry-wall anchor.
Always check that every bolt is on tightly and replace with a new ones if possible because the bolts, washers and lock washers on this bike are not the best quality available.
Use the screws that came with the grab bar, or some that are equally stout and are made of stainless steel to prevent rusting. Do not use smaller screws because these will not "bite" the studs properly, or the screw heads may not be large enough to hold the bar properly. No, don't use drywall screws!
Prepare for Spring Gardening
Be careful about choosing a location when cleaning your spreader. You do not want to wash excess fertilizer onto an area of your lawn. Choose your driveway, rocks or concrete for the cleaning.
When selecting a location for your garden, try to avoid root systems of trees or bushes.
Use cleansers with care if you have flowers, grass, or shrubbery growing around your pavers. Read the label to determine whether the product is safe to use in a garden environment.
Be sure to check the soil before choosing your plants. Different kinds of soil will call for different kind of plant types.
Buy a House in the UK
This article applies primarily to buying a house in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The process may be slightly different in Scotland.
This article discusses paying off a CCJ in England and Wales. The court process creditors use is different in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
This article covers adoption primarily in England and Wales. If you live in Scotland or Northern Ireland, specific steps and fees may be somewhat different.
This article covers filing for a divorce in England and Wales. The process is somewhat different in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Why Does My Boyfriend Watch Porn? 14 Things It Might Mean & Talk to Him About It
While research has not shown that pirating entertainment leads to internet addiction, there is evidence to suggest that people who pirate internet content are more likely to use the internet in ways that are detrimental to their health and safety.
Being lovesick can have ramifications for your long-term health. Researchers found that lovesick people who experience high levels of insecurity about relationships can suffer cardiovascular health problems.
Studies show that living in a co-ed dorm tends to increase students' alcohol consumption and sexual activity. Both have the potential to be pleasurable, but abuse of either can pose serious threats to mental and physical health. Be conscientious of how peer pressure may lead to bad decisions.
Experts are divided about whether or not porn has harmful effects. However, porn can make some people desire unrealistic sexual scenarios and can make some people dependent on porn for sexual satisfaction.
Stack Wood
Watch your fingers when placing the pieces of wood on top of one another.
Don't cut cardboard on a table as you might scratch the surface of the table. Place a piece of scrap wood or extra layers of cardboard underneath the piece you are cutting.
Keep your hand in a vertical position while grating to avoid scraping your knuckles, and stop grating when the brick of cheese is too small to comfortably hold.
Be careful when cutting fruit shapes. Hold the knife steadily and make sure your fingers are out of the way when you begin to cut the fruit.
Treat Thrush with Grapefruit Seed Oil
Avoid over-the-counter medications that contain belladonna extract or atropine. These are dangerous drugs that should only be administered by a doctor.
Honey is not a replacement for medical advice or prescription medication. If your doctor says you cannot use honey to treat a medical issue, follow their direction to avoid possible complications.
Flibanserin is the only FDA approved drug for FSD. If your doctor recommends one of these drugs or treatments, make sure you read as much reputable medical literature on the subject as you can before making a decision. Some of these drugs and treatments can have severe or long-term side effects.
GSE is a complementary treatment that is meant to be used in conjunction with other treatments. Do not use it as a substitute for medications prescribed by your doctor.
Make Sense of Your Background Check
The professional regulations governing financial statements and footnotes are extensive. Consider consulting a Certified Public Accountant or other financial services professional for additional help with your financial report to make sure your report has been prepared properly and legally.
In some cases, you may be asked to provide documents for proof of income, identity, residence, and medical and housing costs. Keep this factor in mind when applying for SNAP, and know that your benefits may not be approved until you provide proof in the form of documentation to the USDA.
If you do not have adequate documentation such as employee signatures on job descriptions, performance appraisals, etc., your organization may lose any lawsuit filed by disgruntled employees. If you have a troublesome employee that you need to get rid of, begin to document misbehaviors in writing. Put incident reports in their file, do write-ups when violations occur, and have witnesses logged for major incidents. Don't assume that you'll be believed, so be prepared to provide hard evidence.
Remember when conducting a background check on a potential employee that you adhere to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
Grow Mushrooms
Always check the local drug laws before growing mushrooms. Mushrooms containing psilocybin and psilocin are psychedelics and you could be prosecuted for possessing or growing them.
Be aware of any laws against collecting from public lands in your area. You can be hit with a hefty fine for collecting without a license, even if you don't intend to eat what you collect! In addition, you may want to avoid collecting anything that resembles a hallucinogenic species; possession of Psilocybe is a crime in many jurisdictions.
It is illegal in most countries to cultivate, transport, possess, or consume psilocybin mushrooms (magic mushrooms). Breaking any of these laws could lead to major jail time.
It is against the law to smuggle any outside animals, vegetation or contraband items in or out of Hawaii. Doing so could damage the island's natural ecosystems and result in a hefty fine or even a prison sentence.
Cook over a Campfire
When you are done grilling, make sure the charcoal briquettes are completely out to prevent fires. Drench all of the charcoal in water and make sure it is cool enough to touch before you leave the coals behind or dispose of them.
When using chemical-based methods to clean out your dryer, air it out before the next use to ensure that any traces of the chemicals have already dried out. You'll also want to wipe it down and run a cycle with damp rags to clean off any residue.
Always remove anything that's not wood ash, such as bits of foil, from the fire pit when you're cleaning up and put it in a trash bag to dispose of properly.
Inspect your work area closely for any scraps of leftover fuel mixture when you're done. These can be disposed of by dowsing them with a garden hose or rinsing them down the drain.
Be a DJ
Make sure when you talk, you aren't around a lot of people so people don't start to gossip.
Stack your DJ equipment high so partygoers don't spill anything on it.
Keep the gymnastics bar away from other furniture or decoration so you don't accidentally damage anything while you're using it.
Pay attention to where you drain your water so you don't detract from someone else's camping experience.
Poach an Egg Using a Microwave
Find all the eggs after an Easter egg hunt or else they will begin to rot.
You can only poach one egg at a time.
If the yolk breaks as you crack the egg or as you are putting the egg in the water, that egg is a goner. Pull it out and use it for something else if you can; perhaps someone wants scrambled eggs instead.
If you boil the egg too long, the egg will crack by itself.
Have Fun During a Detention
If the teacher is strict, do not bend the rules. You do not want to end up in detention again the next day.
Try not to get into trouble with your teacher/parent.
Ask your principal before doing this. Try not to get in trouble.
Try to be subtle! You could get in trouble with the teacher if you get caught talking, texting, or passing notes during class.
Test a Heating Element
Working with electricity is very dangerous. If you aren't confident that you can do this job safely, call in a professional electrician.
If you aren't confident in your ability to work with electricity safely, bring in a professional for this job instead.
Take care when dealing with electricity. If you're not confident in your ability to work with electricity then don't do it. Ask some one who is, such as an electrician or an electrical engineer.
Be careful whenever you are working with electricity. Electricity can be deadly if used carelessly. Make sure you are working with someone who has an understanding of power loading and electrical safety.
Increase Disk Space in VMware
If you attempt to resize your disk in Lab Manager, you will lose all of your data. If you need more space on your virtual machine, you should instead create a new virtual disk with the desired space and move your data to the new disk.
Formatting a hard disk will erase any data that exist therein. Ensure that you have created backup of all data stored in the hard disk.
Make sure your hard disk has enough space to create the virtual hard disk. For example, if VirtualBox suggests you need an 8 GB virtual hard disk, make sure you have more than 8 GB of free space on your computer.
Formatting your hard drive will erase all data on it, so make sure you are committed to formatting. If you choose to format, you must have an operating system on a disk to load on your computer afterwards.
Teach a Horse to Rear
Be familiar with herd dynamics. The golden rule is "Winner stays, Loser moves." The lower horse will submit to higher herd members by approaching with care and moving out of their way. A higher member expects this submission from lower horses. People often end up hurt because they do not know the signs. The horse will have pinned the ears, swished the tail, swung its mouth to them, turned its back on them, and even walked right through them in hopes of compliance. In their mind, they asked five times and now they have to tell! If they don't, herd members will think they are weak. That is when people get nipped or kicked, just like any young horse who thinks he is bigger and badder than his father or aunts. Children are especially prone to this because they often back down when the horse walks up, then run away or ignore the horse. The horse sees a person who said they were a lower herd member, but won't stay with the herd or follow directions. That is when it corrects the child, but no one knows why because they do not understand the language. Be aware of the message you are sending at all times.
Do not exaggerate your ability when you talk to an owner about your previous experience. This will all become clear when they see you ride their horse, and not only will you not get a share you'll also get a bad reputation at that yard.
Go slow. Forcing the horse into a trailer is a very bad idea. There is no horse show worth traumatizing your horse for, and you will not place if your horse doesn't trust you anyway.
Horses can become unpredictable once they know this trick. If you want to sell your horse, you must tell the new owner of this habit and the cues for it.
Stretch Before and After Running
Never stretch to the point of pain or discomfort. You can injure yourself by stretching too far or too quickly. If you feel sudden pain during a stretch and the pain persists after you've stopped stretching, see a doctor or sports medicine specialist.
If you feel pain when stretching, stop the movement. You should feel a slight stretch, but you should not feel any pain.
Stop stretching when you feel pain. When stretching, you should feel tension or a pull but not pain. If you feel pain or too much tightness, ease up on the stretch or take a break to relax. If you feel a sharp pain, you should stop immediately.
Stop immediately if you feel pain while stretching. You should not feel anything beyond a short twinge. If stretching caused serious pain, cancel your run.
Avoid Frightening Your Pet Mouse
Some rabbits may bite if frightened.
Rabbits' chewing can be very destructive.
Chihuahuas can snap or bite when feeling frightened or being defensive.
Mice can bite, but very rarely and only when frightened.
Get Into Commercials
Some members may be tempted to embezzle funds. This is why having an operating agreement and ironing out the details is important. So is your choice of club officers.
If you choose to set up a corporation or LLC on your own, a mistake could cost you or your company money down the road. Incorporation companies are cheaper than lawyers and accountants, but do not generally provide advice on structuring. Additionally, you need to consider that many states charge "corporate fees" that need to be paid annually as part of the privilege of doing business in the state (e.g., $800 per year in California).
Research potential agents thoroughly. It's an unfortunate fact that many people claiming to be agents or managers are just out to exploit naive actors. Conduct research into any agent that offers you representation by looking them up online, contacting the Better Business Bureau (BBB), and asking friends and colleagues in the industry. Also, an agent should never ask for money upfront--their job is to make you money--so be wary of any agent asking an upfront fee for their services.
Consolidating financial statements for your business may have legal ramifications. You may want to check with a financial expert to ensure compliance with laws and regulations.
Survive a Winter Storm
If snow is above the exhaust pipe of your car, shut the car off to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.
If anyone in the car suffers symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, turn off the engine and check the tailpipe.
Do not allow your car to idle in your garage or any other shelter. Clear the exhaust pipe's area as soon as you are able. Avoid idling the car with people inside while you clear the snow. The buildup of carbon monoxide could be fatal.
If you clean out your car in the garage, don't leave the engine running because it could cause carbon monoxide poisoning.
Catch Halibut
It's a good idea to wear durable, long-sleeved clothing when fishing to prevent stray hooks from embedding themselves in your skin as the result of a bad cast.
Do not yank on your rod or immediately start to reel in your fishing line when you get a bite. The tension from these strenuous actions can cause you to lose the halibut by breaking the hook or pulling it free.
If you accidentally cut yourself on the hook while baiting a worm, keep the wound clean and rinse with soap and water as soon as possible.If the hook is stuck in your skin and you can't get it out, don't panic - consult our how-to guide on removing fishing hooks.
Take care when picking apart any messes on your rod. If you have a tangle, it may be wiser to simply snip the tangle and re-thread. Tread carefully when trying to untangle the line to ensure you don't pull on your rod incorrectly.
Build a Computer
Be extremely careful when cutting the shims and when handling them to open a lock as the edges of the aluminum can be razor-sharp, so you can easily cut yourself. Also, be sure to exercise caution when using your cutting tools.
Use care when working around the sharp, sheet metal edges of a computer case. It is easy to cut yourself, especially with very small cases.
The cut edges of a metal embossing sheet can be sharp. Take care when handling to avoid cutting your hands.
Even a dull X-ACTO blade is still extremely sharp. Take care when handling dull blades and make sure the edge is securely covered.
Recognize the Signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Self medicating with over the counter stimulants can make symptoms worse.
Steroid nose sprays may be used separately or in conjunction with an oral antihistamine.
Do not attempt to use ADHD medications without a doctor's advice. Stimulant medications, such as Ritalin and Adderall, have a high risk for dependence and abuse, and have a range of side effects that can be very serious if you have other existing conditions.
If you're diabetic, avoid products that contain vasoconstrictors, such as phenylephrine, unless instructed to by a healthcare provider. These products can restrict blood vessels and worsen your symptoms.
Paint a Golf Cart
If you are planning to paint your own car, be sure you have all of the proper tools and knowledge to do so. Otherwise, it can be dangerous for you and the paint job.
Do not rush through the paint job. Your golf cart will look best if you take your time and wait between coats.
Do not apply driveway sealant if there is rain in the forecast for the next 2 days. The rain will erase the job you've just performed. Account for extra drying time if it's humid outside.
Don't try to paint your furniture before the primer has dried.
Find a Drivers License Number
Typically you can't get a driver's license number for anyone other than yourself. Driver's license numbers and driving records are private information only available upon request from law enforcement or other government agencies.
Do not attempt to get a driver's license in a different state if your license has been suspended. Most states share license information and know when your license has been suspended. It is usually illegal to have more than one driver's license.
If you do not include your California driver's license or identification card number on your registration application, you will be asked to provide identification the first time you vote.
This article describes the process for checking your driver's license status in the US. If you live in another country, the process may be different. Contact the government agency that issues driver's licenses in your country.
Make Money (for Teenagers)
The Internet can be dangerous. Don't always trust surveys you see online; whether you see the site from an advertisement added to this article by spammers, or in advertising programs on pages. Malicious survey sites may steal personal info or just simply install viruses on your computer!
Avoid following or sending messages to accounts that aren't verified since they could be potential scammers.
Many websites with online surveys often have spyware and viruses, so be careful of them.
Be cautious when completing online surveys; only do those linked through trusted websites to avoid potential scams and viruses.
Stop Yourself from Crying
These measures do not stand-in for medical help, it may do you good in mild problems. Please consult a physician for severe attacks of phobia. Much pressure of anxiety and stress can have hazardous effects on nervous system and blood pressure. If not treated in time, your phobia can lead to substantial problems, social embarrassment and lack of confidence to face situations.
It's not healthy to hold back tears, and it can even lead to problems such as with digestion and blood pressure. Holding back tears can also cause even more emotional problems, and if you don't cry out your feelings for a long time, it may lead to a severe mental breakdown.
If you think you are suffering from a panic disorder, don't assume it will go away on its own. The bad news is panic disorders cannot be cured, because it is impossible. This even applies to anyone who doesn't feel any of the symptoms or never had, because having a panic attack is a normal part of life, it's like wishing you will never cry again. Panic disorders can be relived to the point where you are healed and no longer need treatment, but if you decide to go untreated, it could lead you to a chronic (permanent) disorder. Go seek help while you can, you could save yourself from much bigger problems.
It is best not to bottle up your emotions. If you need to cry at the end of a hard day, then do so. Bottled emotions have a tendency to grow over time and can contribute to the development of heart disease and even types of cancer.
Get Started with the Insanity Workout
Don't be afraid to stop the workout if you're feeling lightheaded or short of breath. You can always start again later after taking a rest.
Be careful not to injure yourself by trying to do too much. If you feel yourself straining or getting dizzy, you should take a short break before returning to your workout.
When exercising, don't over-exert yourself. Make sure to stop if you really feel like you can't go any longer, breathe deeply, and drink plenty of water. Slow down and ease off on the intensity of your workout if you exercising if you develop a headache or a dry throat; this can be a sign of dehydration and you should drink some water immediately.
Don't go overboard with the crunches. Your body will tell you when you need to rest. Take a quick break, deep breaths, and then continue until your workout is complete.
Remove Dead Skin Using Sugar
Do not use a salt scrub on cuts or scrapes, as the salt will sting.
The salt content can make it painful for those with cuts to knead.
Avoid using any exfoliators on broken skin such as zits or cuts. The ingredients in the scrub may irritate any broken skin, and the friction of exfoliation may make breakouts worse and even cause new ones to form.
The sugar may cause any cuts or abrasions on your skin to sting. As long as you don't scrub hard, this shouldn't make them worse.
Some plant species are invasive and restricted by law. Research what pond plants grow naturally in your region. These plants are usually safe to grow around a pond.
Check with local authorities about plant collection. Most desert cacti and plants including Joshua trees are considered protected species. In other words, you cannot dig up and take a Joshua tree home to plant in your garden. Desert plants can usually be purchased at local nurseries.
Be sure leaf collecting is allowed on the property or of the species. It's illegal to collect leaves and flowers of an endangered species. Also neighbors and city parks may not want people collecting branch tips and living leaves off plants. Ask for permission first.
Do not collect cacti plants from the desert. It is against the law to remove cacti species from their natural habitat! Plus, many full-grown specimens have very long and sharp spines that can inflict a lot of damage.
Import from China into the USA
Look up customer reviews of any third-party sites you are considering buying from to make sure they are legit before you order your pieces.
Check the online retailer's online reviews and reputation amongst fish hobbyists to make sure you buy from a reliable business. View their social media profiles to see what other customers have to say about them.
Search online for the name of any supplier you are considering. Watch for results from websites that track scam suppliers and disregard the supplier if others have had bad experienced with them.
If a company's displays--online or physical--lack significant contact information, you might want to track down reviews of the company's performance to see if they have problems that have caused them to reduce visibility.
Create Fire With a Magnifying Glass
Do not hold the tinder while you're lighting it on fire with a magnifying glass. If it catches flame more quickly than you anticipate, you could burn your hand.
The flame from a welding torch is dangerous, so handle it with care. Wear a full face shield to protect your eyes, but also turn off the torch and let it cool before storing it.
When you light the flare, keep it well away from the rest of your body. Or just lay it on the ground and leave.
Turn off the flat iron when not in use. Unplug it to be sure. If you leave it on it can start a fire. Some have an automatic shut off system, but that shouldn't prevent you from being careless. As it cools, leave it on a surface that will not ignite easily.
Clean a Wool Carpet
Don't use any cleaners with lightening agents, like bleach or hydrogen peroxide, on colored carpet.
Don't use any cleaning products that contain bleach or lanolin, as they can stain the carpet further.
Avoid using abrasive cleaners, such as ammonia or bleach, and don't use oven cleaners or steel wool on your microwave.
Avoid using acidic cleaners and bleach-based cleaners on your bathroom floor if you have a natural stone floor.
Respect Your Friends
Don't try to be friends with him if he has done something bad to you that ended the relationship. This will make you look like a sucker for punishment.
Don't start drama. If you're forced to join marching band by your parents or whoever, then having a negative attitude or turning people against each other won't solve anything. You might get kicked out, but your reputation will be in tatters, and you'll have punished people that never did a thing to you.
Don't be friends with people that make you feel bad about yourself, or sad, or angry. This will make your life a living hell.
Don't allow yourself to be bullied. If someone is constantly criticizing you and making you feel bad about yourself, talk to someone who can help.
Get Your Ears Pierced
Do not pierce your ears yourself. Go to a qualified piercer and get them done safely.
Piercing guns are unsafe, and traumatic, compared to needles. For the safest and most painless piercing, go to a professional piercer that you trust. Make sure they use new needles, or autoclave all their materials.
Do NOT attempt to unclog your ears by yourself if you have a punctured eardrum or tubes in your ears. Seek a doctor's help.
If you don't feel confident piercing your ears yourself, then visit a professional piercer so they can pierce your ear for you.
House Train Your Dog
Be careful of cows that do suddenly get up and take a turn at you. Some cows may trick you into thinking they are down, and you can get caught between the cow and a hard place if you are not careful or don't have any kind of weapon to protect yourself.
Never rub a dog's nose in their poop if they have an accident inside. Not only is it cruel, it's unproductive. Your dog won't understand why you're doing it, and they may develop anxiety about relieving themselves around you in the future—even if you're outside.
Some larger dogs don't know their own strength, and may knock you over by accident. If this happens, roll into a ball and stay as still as possible so the dog realizes they've done something wrong.
Don't try to punish your dog for accidents. Yelling, hitting, or rubbing your dog's nose in the mess won't teach the dog anything useful. If you haven't caught your dog in the act, he won't have any idea what you're so upset about. Hurting your dog in any way is animal abuse.
Get Free Information About Horses
Horse enthusiasts are a passionate lot and are often very free with advice. However, take any amateur advice with a grain of salt — many horse ‘hints and tips' are woefully out of date and come from a time when the aim was to get as much work as possible out of a horse.
There are lots of fake service dog trainers and registration scams. Going through the proper channels takes work, but it's the best way to ensure your dog is properly trained and meets your needs.
The first lesson of archaeology is that it is a destructive process. Once excavation begins, there is no going back and important data can be lost if trained professionals are not on site to lead investigations. This is a serious problem that has recently been coming into mass media in the U.S. and Europe. Television shows are inviting everyone to go into their own yards and neighbor's yards and start digging up history. If this continues, important information and a better understanding of our past can be lost for the sake of people interested in having a "hobby". Archaeology is a professional science that is undertaken by highly trained, highly skilled crews that have taken years to develop their knowledge before ever putting a shovel in the ground. Archaeology it is for the benefit of all that these activities be guided by professionals so that we can all learn about our past - it only gets lived once.
Individual results can and will vary, and this is just a guideline. Almost nothing about horse training is set in stone.
Get Bigger Eyes
Note that while doing eye exercises can help delay the need for glasses or contacts in some people, this can also be achieved by taking visual breaks from work that strains your eyes (like staring at a computer). Exercising eye muscles will not eliminate the most common issues that necessitate corrective lenses, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia (age-related lens stiffening). Eye exercises also do nothing for glaucoma and macular degeneration. Ultimately research suggests that non-medical eye exercise regimens won't keep you out of glasses if you need them someday, nor will they change the course of your particular eye condition or disease.
Broken light bulbs pose a risk of eye and skin injury. Wearing safety glasses when replacing a bulb will help reduce the risk of eye injury in case of a breakage.
Larger eyes have a higher risk of myopia (short-sightedness.) While seen as a sign of beauty, larger eyes have a higher risk of vision problems. If you have smaller-set eyes and wish they were bigger, keep the risks of bigger eyes in mind.
Take precautions to protect yourself from future eye sunburns, as this can increase your risk of serious eye problems, such as macular degeneration and eye cancer.
Get a Dog to Vomit
Cats that ingest human hair may suffer from hairballs or worse, a blockage in its intestinal tract. If your cat habitually swallows hair, try very hard to stop the behavior.
Sharp objects can damage the lining of the stomach or esophagus. If you know your dog swallowed a sharp object, do not get your dog to vomit.
Make sure string and similar toys are played with only under supervision. If swallowed, they can cause serious damage to cats' intestines. If your cat does swallow it, do not pull it out of their mouth or rear end.
If your cat continues to gag and vomit even after you have learned how to prevent cat hairballs, take your pet to your veterinarian. If these symptoms persist or are constant, they can be the sign of other gastrointestinal problems.
Cover Gray Hair Naturally
Removing hair color with the processes above does not work for too-light hair color. For this, you should consult a colorist at a salon, or wait a couple weeks to try a darker shade.
Henna does not produce an even color. Instead, it introduces a variety of shades to your hair. It is more difficult to apply coverage-wise than conventional hair dye.
If your hair is dark, it may take several dye sessions in order to achieve this look. This means you may have orange-tinted hair in between.
Jello does not seem to work on everyone's hair. If you are looking for a brighter, more intense color that lasts longer, consider going to a beauty shop and buying a permanent or semi-permanent hair dye. They come in many unusual colors, including purple, blue, and green. If you are a child or are dyeing a child's hair, consider using hair chalk instead. It will show up on dark hair and washes out easily.
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Extensive background checks are performed on each applicant.
An extensive background check is run on applicants.
You may be asked to consent to a background check before receiving certification.
You will need to pass a criminal background check.