56 values
` ==Westside== You recently deleted my article on Westside, because it was not ``verifiable``. You said that I needed to have Westside reviewed by newspapers, or something along those lines. My problem with this is that it is not a, um, well known publication, and as such would not likely be reviewed by any newspapers or such. Is there anything I can do (or in other words, what kind of external sources do I need?) to get my article back on Wikipedia? How can I get somebody that you define as reliable to verify that Westside, umm, exists? It just doesn't seem fair that I can't write an article about Westside just because the New York Times doesn't write about it. I thought the purpose of Wikipedia was to make information available to anyone who wants it. Several of Westside's readers have approached Wyatt (the co-creator) about a website to learn more about it, and, as of yet, he has no website to point them to. When he asked me to create a site about it (he's not great with these things) I of course immediately thought ``What better than Wikipedia?`` Unfortunately, I wasn't aware of the difficulty of putting a simple article up on Wikipedia. I won't deny that this has made me very angry. Is there ANY way for me to get my article back up? There's pretty much no chance that anything like a newspaper will cite Westside. Is there some kind of other source that I can get to review Westside? Also, why was my article initially cited as an attack article? It seemed obvious to me that my description of Tucker and Jason were not in any way insulting, as their apparent lack of intelligence is a character trait. Thanks in advance for your response.`
. di-mondz, apparently desperate for approval, "Likes" his own comment! You couldn't make this stuff up, folks. .
` ::You are repeating the behavior this discussion page has seen in the past 24-48, censoring, maligning and mischaracterizing persons due to political and religious POVs of yourself. Duh, that's what happens in Discussion pages about religious denominations and political candidacies. Your action and your comments here are almost astute, but not quite: The article about Temple Lot was created by a member of the Temple Lot faction, Jared Smith, and and has been constructively edited by his older brother Jordan Smith, who is also an active member of the Temple Lot faction. Not a ``former member`` or an ``excommunicated`` member, but a full baptised member, ``in good standing`` according to the bylaws and official documentation both within and outside the faction. Due mainly to the machinations and malice of an anonymous editor, Good Ol'factory (whom you know perfectly well is the same as the Snocrates/Zoporific who began unconstructively editing the Temple Lot articles in December 2007), both Temle Lot members/Wikipedia Editors Jared Smith and Jordan Smith have been unfairly and abusively banned from editing Wikipedia. Specifically, Administrator Versageek banned Jordan Smith on December 17, 2007 because he kept complaining about Snocrates/Good Ol'factory's misconduct, and then when Snocrates-turned Good Ol'factory was finally granted administrative privileges, he deleted jsmith51389's user page, which contained a clear explanation of what had happened in December 2007. Duh, that's what dishonest persons do, to hide their misconduct from review: they censor it. I'm mildly curious what pompous and unreasonable and unfair and abusive reply or action you will come up with in reply here, but I'm not terribly curious, seeing as how it's rather predictable whatever pompous, self-rightous ``authorities`` do when their misconduct is brought to light: Slander the person or persons who bring the misconduct to light, that's what they do. Nice try, but no cigar, sir. The truth about the Latter-day Saint Movement, and the fascinating role Hedrickites such as Jared Smith and Jordan Smith have played in it, will come to light, whether you, or Snocrates/Good Ol'Factory or any other pious geek, wishes otherwise. Ironically, many issues played out on this discussion page in the past few days, and before, are issues which played out in the Free Speech Movement, I don't reckon you're familiar with that. Mind having a look? `
Well I can accept warnings from you since you have an agenda to benefit yourself and shadowclan. Your also known for harassing other people on other gaming website. Again if your trying to be fair Jestix, please direct yourself to www.shadowclan.com/darkmoot there you will find a wikipedia article about shadowclan trashing Bloodclan and rallying support to prevent their guild from being deleted from wikipedia. You can also direct yourself to www.bloodclanorcs.com/forum where they are discussing similar topics. The point is Shazbot belongs to clan Shadowclan and I am a member of Bloodclan. These two online guilds dislike one another and Shazbot is exploiting the wikipedia moderater system to benefit himself and shadowclan. Shazbot you don't have to continue to respond because you can't take a fair and balanced judgement seeing how your a member of Shadowclan.
¿No considera usted una auténtica vergüenza que el artículo de Pedro I de Castilla sea un artículo destacado, y que el de Lucio Cornelio Sila haya dejado de serlo?. El artículo de Pedro I es una auténtica mierda. En mi opinión, ni siquiera entraría en la categoría de Artículos mediocres. Desde luego, a veces ésto es un asco.
Perhaps if you want Russia and UN war news you should go to the national news rather than the local?
Дерьмо-мина это баянистая первоапрельская шутка, в которую верят люди, далёкие от армии.
JW907, probably no one here that knows what classified information he gave out ! The person he gave it to also had a top secret clearance. The problem was what he had was Top Secret/Need to Know that she wasn't on the list for. (Long time ex military and when you get something that is "Need To Know" you are given a list of who you can tell. Hell, Truman didn't know about the Manhattan Project till he was made potus. ) Oh what he gave her was his next months itinerary on where he was going to be.
Apparently something went wrong. That can happen sometimes. The problem is that this always happens when I start a task that uses the GPU, for example start a 3d-game or play a video. Therefore I don't think it is necessary for folding@home to stop working on the workunit and send back the unfinished work. I think it would work fine if, when something like this happens, folding@home would go back to the last saved state of the workunit and try again before giving it up. As long as I don't start other applications that use the GPU, folding@home works fine, always. Also it always goes wrong when those applications are starting up, not while they are already running. That means there is nothing wrong with the work units. They can actually be finished. Gromacs can cantinue further. I think valuable work is being wasted by returning these work units unfinished, while they could have been finished if the client didn't give it up so quickly. Right, your gpu is not able to do both high level calculations AND display 3d crap. The gpu calculates wrong so it stops itself from continuing. Its a fail safe. Remember this is not just random numbers, its a serious high profile research program. 1 wrong number could be a disastor.. I'd rather the unit fail on the side of caution, cause 500pts loss to you isn't worth the risk to someones life. This is why its recommended to pause f@h when gaming. Pause the work, then restart when youre finished playing.... Clearly you have no idea what I'm talking about. My gpu CAN run folding@home and display what you call 3d crap at the same time. Actually 249/250 times the client doesn't crash when I start a 3d-game or watch a video (don't forget that, it happens with videos too). I don't care about points at all. I am not one of those who buy a hypermodern computer with 2 of the fastest gpu's and a 12-core cpu and leave it running 24/7 just for folding@home. I'm trying to help to improve the efficiency of the project. If my idea will not work out, don't get angry, it's only an idea. You can't expect me to know exactly how this high profile research program works. Easy. Looks like sometimes the GPU client can't back off properly on your machine when something else needs the graphics card. I'm not sure how to fix this, but make sure your client and GPU drivers are up to date and everything should be fine. Pausing the client is a good idea. Sorry that things aren't working for you. There's not enough information for someone to identify and fix this problem. First, you didn't specify which WU or which FahCore was running or what game creates a potential conflict. Even if you provide that information, I really doubt that anyone can fix the problem. Collect all that data and hand it to a programmer and Murphy's law of program support says that he's going to try it less than 249 times and it will work every time he tries. He won't find anything that he can fix. Moreover, it's not clear to me whether this is something that might be fixed in the FahCore or if it's something that might be fixed in the driver or if it's something that might be fixed in the game. That means that three different programmers at three different companies will need to capture a snapshot of the problem as it occurs. I understand your concern, but I don't know what can be done about it, other than pausing FAH as patonb suggested. What happens if you (A) Pause FAH, (B) Start the game, (C) Unpause FAH, and (D) run both your game and FAH simultaneously? (Do it at least 250 times, too.) v6 and earlier clients were always a little too quick to upload partial WUs after an error. That's just the way it was programmed a long time ago, and that carried over to the GPU3 client when it was released. Also note that v6 client development has been ended in favor of V7 software development. This behavior won't be fixed in v6, but I'm hoping V7 does better. bruce wrote:There's not enough information for someone to identify and fix this problem. First, you didn't specify which WU or which FahCore was running or what game creates a potential conflict. Even if you provide that information, I really doubt that anyone can fix the problem. Collect all that data and hand it to a programmer and Murphy's law of program support says that he's going to try it less than 249 times and it will work every time he tries. He won't find anything that he can fix. Moreover, it's not clear to me whether this is something that might be fixed in the FahCore or if it's something that might be fixed in the driver or if it's something that might be fixed in the game. That means that three different programmers at three different companies will need to capture a snapshot of the problem as it occurs. I understand your concern, but I don't know what can be done about it, other than pausing FAH as patonb suggested. What happens if you (A) Pause FAH, (B) Start the game, (C) Unpause FAH, and (D) run both your game and FAH simultaneously? (Do it at least 250 times, too.) It's FahCore_11.exe Because it is rare that this happens I have only 1 line of project information in my logs left:Project: 6606 (Run 9, Clone 894, Gen 799) It has happened with videos on YouTube and the game Grand theft auto San Andreas. From now on I'll pause the client every time I'm going to start something that uses the GPU and then restart it. If I find anything interesting I'll let you know. I understand that this problem is probably incredibly difficult to fix. That's why I thought it might be a good idea to make folding@home try it again from the last saved state when it goes wrong. You did get partial credit for Project: 6606 (Run 9, Clone 894, Gen 799). Because of the failure, it was reissued and two people completed it successfully. (This is how FAH is expected to behave to a processing error in a WU.) Dinkydau wrote:Clearly you have no idea what I'm talking about. My gpu CAN run folding@home and display what you call 3d crap at the same time. Actually 249/250 times the client doesn't crash when I start a 3d-game or watch a video (don't forget that, it happens with videos too). I don't care about points at all. I am not one of those who buy a hypermodern computer with 2 of the fastest gpu's and a 12-core cpu and leave it running 24/7 just for folding@home. I'm trying to help to improve the efficiency of the project. If my idea will not work out, don't get angry, it's only an idea. You can't expect me to know exactly how this high profile research program works. I've been folding gpu, since the nvidia client came out on my 8800gt... I know exactly what youre talking about. It still doesn't change the fact that switching from on gpu process to another doesn't cause a misstep in the calculations. 1 misstep in a billion calculation still invalidates the results. 1 missstep in 250 gpu switches still screws up results. Theses safeties need to be there to protect the work being done. As I understand his request, he is asking if the client shouldn't retry the last frame after each failure, as sometimes the failure will not be repeated when running the frame again, probably due to environmental/circumstantial influences which caused the initial eue to happen. The problem with that request I think is the effectiveness of that solution, if all eue's would run the last frame again, that's also duplicate work, and since the system to check eue's is now in place with reassigning the work unit to another donor replacing it with another one would need to be backed up by strong evidence of increased efficiency. If you eue'd at a high percentage, there is something to be said for retrying the last frame, saving the time to get to that percentage on another donor's system. But, time has shown that one particular system can eue at a fixed percentage when another will complete the unit without problems, reassigning the work unit to another donor stays a necessity therefore. I don't want to dismiss the suggestion though, if there were abundant resources to spend on improving the clients and server code I would think it's not a bad idea to retry a frame in certain conditions ( not the first frame for instance ) before returning it to Stanford with an eue report. Since the resources are limited, focus should be applied on things with the highest efficiency increases, I'm not sure where this would rank since it's not a win win situation. In some/most cases, the frame would eue even when being repeated, waisting time before the wu is assigned to another donor, slowing the whole chain of generations. If there is something with my computer that prevents a certain work unit from finishing no matter what, then the retry would still cost only a few minutes of extra work, compared to hours of extra work if it is sent to 2 other computers. I now understand what the downsides of this could be. I think it's after all more efficient for me to not pause the client. If I paused the client every time that would easily make a difference of 4 less work units finished per day. That one work unit per week (or something like that) that crashes doesn't make up for that. Many studies of the reliability of CPUs have been done and results published. One study of the reliability of GPUs was completed by Stanford and the paper was published. These are very important considerations needed to back up the computational methods used by FAH. Stable computers will produce the same result if you give it the same set of calculations to be repeated. What you're asking for is for science to accept results from unstable computers. No reputable scientist will trust results from unstable computers and as a consequence, Stanford does not condone/support overclocking. They can't prevent you from doing it but they can insist that your hardware be inherently reliable. They have no control over why your system fails, whether the failure was caused by bad hardware, by bad drivers, by overclocking, by a fault in some other program or by some unknown factor. They do have control over the results that are acceptable to their studies. The answer is pretty simple: bad results will be discarded. The problem isn't overclock... Its the gpu's inability to perfectly switch from one graphics task to another. So unless Pande group starts making gpu's, they have no control over the glitch. You are wanting more efficiency, but what if youre idea happens. A gpu fails and restarts, but this btime the error isn't caught. 2 months from now, the error is noticed. By then that minor glitch has propegated through the subsequent runs making all that work invalid and 2 wasted months of work. Where if the units dropped and resent to someone else, the project is not injepordy and an average of 2-3hrs is missed. If youre all for science, this minor slow down is well worth the effect. patonb wrote:The problem isn't overclock... Its the gpu's inability to perfectly switch from one graphics task to another. So unless Pande group starts making gpu's, they have no control over the glitch. Even if we assume, as you have probably done, that the problem in inherent in the GPU's hardware, it's up to the drivers to resolve conflicts so I'd guess that someday a future version of the drivers will someday resolve this sort of issue. The fundamental problem is lack of repeatability, though, because those who write drivers are unlikely to ever see this failure in their testing. In any case, be sure to report the problem on the GPU's home website. Are you still running the Nvidia 8800 GTS that's listed in your profile? There's a lot of recent discussion about NV drivers (12 pages and counting) questioning which version works correctly with specific hardware, but there are also some ATI driver issues mentioned here on our website. It probably wouldn't hurt to report it on the Game's technical support site, too, though that's less likely to matter unless your report is followed by a number of "+1" reports.
We should put aside thoughts of joining the TPP until we have concluded NAFTA, negotiating NAFTA from a position of weakness. Presumably, we will negotiate TPP (if they will still have us) if we are allowed to by NAFTA, or if NAFTA collapses, again from a position of weakness. Instead of playing off one side against another, we should act like supplicants, trying to prove our loyalty to our masters. This article feels like it was written by Mike Pence, who "attended" a football game for the sole purpose of walking out after the anthem.
Soccer Moms Gone Wild! Sorry but your browser is not supported. You may use Chrome or Firefox (Firefox 21 running on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, and Android only). Published on Jul 01 2011 When Lisa & Sienna learn about Scott's recent divorce, they both jump on the phone at the same time to give him a shout... It seems Lisa was faster on the dial but Sienna won't be too far behind when she pays her voluptuous friend a visit... They'll learn a lesson in sharing when Scott offers both of them his huge cock!!!
Thank you LCSO for the ticket. Get ready for quick compliance and restitution. This idiot was insured...by lawful drivers' ever rising uninsured motorist coverage. You would hope the driver was the injured occupant, but it never works that way.
1. And you cunts say anime is bad...
Uhh there is room on lower campus. Parking is not an issue besides Lowe campus. There is lots of parking on upper campus on the weekend for use. We are talking 7 saturdays a year so that is not a problem. As someone very familiar with the campus it can be done. You need vision. Halawa is perfect for middle income people.
Wiliki, the facility at West Oahu, formerly known as West Oahu College, did not become a four-year university until 2007. From the time it opened in the 1976 until 2007, it was not much more than a community college. Since becoming UH West Oahu in 2007, it now offers bachelor degrees in many disciplines and does compete with UH Manoa for students, especially since moving to its new facilities in 2012.
Occhio, ci ho messo un po a capire, poi ho rollbackato fino a luckas-bot, anche Pracchia-78 lasciava un vandalismo... strano.Petrik Ah no, ho capito, Pracchia-78 aveva effettuato solo un rb, da qui l errore.Petrik
Not really. * In Election 2016, Trump vowed to end the H-1B program during a GOP debate (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/mar/10/donald-trump-vows-to-end-h1-b-visa-program-in-wash/) ** In April 2017 Trump issued an Executive Order revising the H-1B program to Hire Americans first: (http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-signs-order-targeting-h-1b-visa-program-2017-4)
I didn't vote for him. I just like the direction the country is headed in since he took over. I hope he keeps it up for 8 years.
That guy Not Sure seems pretty popular, as he was pretty good in that movie Idiocracy. He's got a head shaped like a peanut.
Give up Domento. Canada has been a country of immigrants for centuries now. If you look hard at human behaviour you'll find that class is a better way to judge people than ethnicity... even then sometimes an individual will break the pattern.
After listening to the Habs fans diss the leafs all year they can fall off a cliff for all I care!Go Canadian teams but Never the Habs, ever!!!!
That is exactly what Andrew Leslie said in his report to Harper. Leslie stated that DNDHQ should be seriously downsized and money shifted to operations. Having commissioned the report, Harper ignored its recommendations.
After Trump gets elected, I'm hoping like hell he appoints a special prosecutor like Trey Goudy to indict the Clinton Crime Family. Barack Hussein Obama, Valerie Jarrett, and Loretta Lynch and puts them behind bars with Bernie Madoff.
Exactly - another one who has woken up way after the event !
"Beijing also has many levers to squeeze Taiwan economically, a response that doesn’t risk direct conflict with the U.S." Kindly elaborate.
1. LOL! So... I had to check out Tom Hank’s son, White Chocolate, rapping. I am not going to be able to watch this entire video I can tell already, but I had to come share it.. I love how they sprayed the ground all wet for him, but only where he was HA! It only rained right where he was standing apparently. Wow, this is.. eeeee. https://youtu.be/Dn2jDg9H6q8
A little off topic you old fart :) but I was able to cross borders and enter other countries with a drivers license, a military id or a passport on the strength of my US citizenship, trusted by other nations. A trust we do not return and have not since long before there was any need to be suspicious. As I've stated we make it so difficult to come here, even just to visit, that we set ourselves up for illegal behavior the same way that drug laws set us up for overcrowded prisons. The fact is that if corporations follow cheap labor around the globe then that labor follows better paying jobs around the globe. If there are few legal means available to get to the jobs desperate people will find illegal means and greed driven scofflaws masquerading as law and order Conservatives will hire them.
RT : 2) é a prova cabal da ligação íntima entre o PT e a guerrilha colombiana, que tantos negavam e chamavam de 'teoria da cons _
Really? Give us some undisputed facts to support that statement. I know that you cannot, because it's blatantly untrue.
It was this issue that finally got the City to pay attention to what the people have been saying about fluoride every time they get a vote on the matter. Not a waste of time.
She wasn't a man. If you believe what the newspapers tell you...
Читайте некоторые профильные статьи (армяне (а также Этногенез армян), азербайджанцы, История Армении, История Азербайджана) там есть большое количество АИ. Надеюсь некоторые элементарные данные вы все же узнаете.
The old comment bears repeating. The only thing worse than being exploited by a large multi-national company is NOT being exploited by a large multi-national company
And to think that he is going to be one of the highest paid players in the league this year...
== Like What You Are Doing! == You have been really updating George Jones' page and I like what you have been doing. I have also do alot to this page. So keep on doing the great work. - 23 May 2006 1:48 PM
"Rambelli Fabio - わたしは「外人」ですか== Nobody's mentioned http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110004041388/ this article yet written (in Japanese) by http://www.sapporo-u.ac.jp/bunka/rambelli.htm this guy, correct? Although not without a fair number of つっこみどころ, such as ""ポリティカル・ウンコンシアス"" and ""すごい変なアクセント"", not to mention being somewhat lacking in depth and more so a description of one man's experiences (the author's), it is nonetheless relatively academic and may be reasonable as a source for the article (especially since there seems to be somewhat of a lack of sources actually written in Japanese). Just thought I'd throw it out there. Additionally, http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110000226452/ this article also popped up on google scholar and looked potentially interesting, but it looks like I'll have to see if I can get an interlibrary loan in order to access it myself. If someone has more immediate access than I do, it may be worth looking up. =="
Safe, but odd decision to not allow dope smoking in the casinos. They'll normally allow anything that will degrade your ability to think correctly. I would think that after a couple of cocktails and J's most people would be making ridiculous bets. Another possible good thing for the casinos and dope smoking is the possible "contact high" that those who are not partaking may experience. Anything that gets people to throw their money away is a plus for a casino.
Ashley Fires has blackmailed her best guy friend with pictures of him dress in women’s lingerie. There’s one more thing she’s always wanted to do to him… dress him like a girl and fuck his ass with a strapon. Ashley returns with a big strap on dildo and makes him suck it. She bends him over, smacks his ass and puts it in him. She fucks to good, Lance is quickly moaning and begging her for more. After teaching her new “girlfriend” to love cock, she whispers sweetly in his ear, “Why don’t you ride my dick while I jerk off your dick…” Only a few minutes ago he was embarrassed to get caught sniffing her panties, and now he’s just a big slut riding her, moaning with her strap-on inside him while she makes his whole body tingle with her skilled hands on his boner. She tells him she’s going to to whore him out at truck stops when they aren’t shopping for girl things together. He’s her new slutty “girlfriend” and he isn’t even complaining. All he wants to do is release his load on her tits. Ashley milks out his cum then tells him to lick it up like a good slut and swallow it.
La République a mis un terme à "la France catholique" grâce à la laïcité. Pourquoi ce principe serait il inopérant avec l'islam ?
" Rasmussen Reports in Controversies and allegations of bias ""A poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports during October, 2004 found that the public perceived Fox news as the second most politically biased news network, with 34% respondents saying they believed that Fox's goal was to ""help elect Bush"", leaving Fox second only to CBS, which was perceived by 37% as being biased in the wake of the memogate scandal.[1]"" so basically this is saying FNC is not the most biased, CBS is. Im pretty sure this section may as well be removed. The whole Controversies and allegations of bias section is a mess really. Put it all on its own page, this bit only needs to be a brief summary of complaints"
Once they've wrapped their entire belief system around their ideological politics, they have no choice but to have to double down on their politics no matter how false, failed, egregious and erroneous, for not doing so would only bring into question their entire ideo-religious belief system. Imagine a reality where their God would no longer anoint their political dogma. It's too frightening for them.
5. That's fair...I just reviewed some of your stuff. We are more alike than I shot off. Please allow my characterization to be withdrawn.
Parens patriae....I wonder if this principle will be used in these cases.
p.s. u smell!!!hahahahahahahaha lol
Thank god these people won't be having any offspring!
"Conservative deputy leader Lisa Raitt said the Rolling Stone cover story on Mr. Trudeau – which asks “Why can’t he be our President?” – could have an adverse effect on trade dealings with the “mercurial” Mr. Trump, who has been known to act “on a whim.”" There goes Lisa Raitt insulting Donald Trump and endangering our relationship with the US during the renegotiation of NAFTA. Sad.
I disagree. Start by digging two graves...
""The issue of family planning services, cancer screenings, [and] women care probably does resonate with us more than it does with our male colleagues, and to me it was so unfair to single out one Medicaid provider and say to women in particular, ‘You can't choose which health care provider you want to go to,'" said Maine Sen. Susan Collins, who appeared on CNN with Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska." Someone Should inform Lisa that PP doesn't do cancer screenings, they write referrals. Proof that her vote was from ignorance.
But...but...but the mentally ill need guns too according to the NRA and RMGO.
Потом уже я покатился по наклонной , были Nokia N800 и корпоративный Siemens Pocket Loox.
The sore losers have to drag Trump into everything.
I hope you wore protective tin foil head gear when you typed that, to keep the so called pope from reading your thoughts with his secret socialist illuminati satellites.
Who would have thought disrobing and standing in front of people in your underwear would be an omen? As I drove away from my FORMER job, I was relieved, even if I didn’t know what tomorrow would bring. I knew from my family that opportunity is forever present, but it’s up to us to discern that opportunity. The first month was challenging, and I started to doubt if my speaking out was the right thing. It had to be, staying silent for me was ugly and evil. I knew I could survive, but I cringed at the thought of the battle scars. I also knew I had a few more cards to play, and I had nothing to lose. After a month, I put in my appeal of the termination. In their haste, my supervisors committed a no-no much grander in scale than the technicality that got me fired. I also started writing about all the illegal activity I could remember. A month into my battle plan, my money ran out. Believe what you will, but I believe prayer works. The next day, I got a phone call from another officer who had also experienced issues at the job. She informed me that the Prosecutor’s Office was doing a big investigation. By no means did enough heads roll, but they arrested a token few whose indiscretions were too much to conceal. Somebody was finally looking. Example: An inmate complained that she was being forced to have oral sex with an officer known to “hate inmates”. He denied it, then the inmate produced a Ziploc Baggie filled with his semen, not an easy find in an all female facility. While on the phone, the mailman came with one envelope from the Department of Justice, one from my attorney. The State of NJ wanted to settle my previous lawsuit (discrimination and harassment) and combine my suit into a Consent Decree. I’ll go into more detail in the “More Lemons Please!” book. I received a check, and I was able to exhale. However, I knew it would not last, and I had to find something. After wearing polyester for so long, I needed to find a new fashion attitude. I went to a plus sized fashion convention, where I drew some attention. As I was looking at clothes, I was asked to try on different styles by one of the vendors. I ended up modeling at the convention including a line that is known as “fetish wear”. Actually, with the fetish wear, I got A LOT of attention. I found that I became adventurous going forward, and wow did I do it with a twist! Later on, I also helped run that clothing company and found it strikingly easy. There was a system in place and all I had to do was follow the system. I learned that there were skills I got from law enforcement that I could re-translate. Once I knew what those skills were and saw the pattern, I was no longer one-dimensional. I stopped being stressed when I realized a change in definitions revealed more about what I could do. I packed up, walked away from my house in NJ and moved to the Midwest. I was part of a successful business.
JackJohnson5 (kBoo): "you complain alias" . Use of alias or denial as alias?
To all these people who claim that the police should not have shot this man because the man wasn't his hostage think about this. HOW did the FPD know that? You receive a call about a man with a weapon who shot at people in a hotel room, now walking the streets with a weapon. This perp will not listen to instructions, will not release his weapon and does not respond to non-lethal force. Then he turns a corner with another person, an elderly man, still not listening, not dropping his weapon and no knowledge of the threat to what is perceived as a hostage sit. The police did what needed to be done; protect the public, protect themselves. They are not taught to shoot to injure, but shoot to kill. Now suddenly these so called "know everything" videos that are being posted on YouTube suddenly change when the truth starts coming out. First he was unarmed and shot in the back then oh wait 'innocent' man with weapon doesn't have a hostage. This is just a hate-police campaign by these people
Q: The UICollectionViewCell do not flow according to common sense I set my UICollectionView's delegate methods: #pragma mark - collectionView delegate - (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInCollectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView { return 1; } - (NSInteger)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView numberOfItemsInSection:(NSInteger)section { //CGPoint point = self.collectionView.frame.origin; //CGRect rect = CGRectMake(point.x, point.y, self.collectionView.bounds.size.width, 70*2); // height /*_heightOfCollectionView.constant = kHeight_Collection_Cell * 6; _heightOfContents.constant = collectionView.frame.origin.y + 230 + _heightOfCollectionView.constant;*/ return 12;//_recommendDataArr.count; } -(CGSize)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layout:(UICollectionViewFlowLayout *)collectionViewLayout sizeForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{ float width = (self.view.bounds.size.width / 2); float height = 89; // 89 return CGSizeMake(width, height); } - (CGFloat)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layout:(UICollectionViewLayout*)collectionViewLayout minimumLineSpacingForSectionAtIndex:(NSInteger)section { return 0; } - (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { HomeGMCell *cell = [collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"HomeGMCell" forIndexPath:indexPath]; if (cell == nil) { cell = [collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"HomeGMCell" forIndexPath:indexPath]; } return cell; } The minimumLineSpacingForSectionAtIndex is 0: And you see I return the Cell's size's width is: (self.view.bounds.size.width / 2) // attention: no matter is `(self.view.bounds.size.width / 2) - ?(?=1,2,3,4)` it all get the below issue: But I get the result: It did not flow to the 2 cols. it flows to one flow. But if I set the Cell's size's width (self.view.bounds.size.width / 2) - 5 in the sizeForItemAtIndexPath method, I will get the below effect: It shows two cols, it my requirement, but however there comes an other issue is, the right has a 10px's space. How to avoid this issue in UICollectionView? A: Add this method for padding . - (CGSize)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layout:(UICollectionViewLayout*)collectionViewLayout sizeForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{ return CGSizeMake(SCREEN_WIDTH/2 -5, 89); } - (UIEdgeInsets)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layout:(UICollectionViewLayout *)collectionViewLayout insetForSectionAtIndex:(NSInteger)section{ return UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 0, 0); } - (CGFloat)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layout:(UICollectionViewLayout *)collectionViewLayout minimumInteritemSpacingForSectionAtIndex:(NSInteger)section{ return 10.0f; } - (CGFloat)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layout:(UICollectionViewLayout *)collectionViewLayout minimumLineSpacingForSectionAtIndex:(NSInteger)section { return 10.0f; }
(part 1) Then there’s cats’ most insidious disease of all, their Toxoplasma gondii parasite that cats spread through their feces into all other animals. This is how humans get it in their dinner-meats, cats roaming around stockyards and farms (herbivores can contract this parasite in no other way). 60%+ of game-animals too. This is why cats are routinely destroyed around gestating livestock or important wildlife by shooting or drowning them. So those animals won’t suffer from the same things that can happen to the fetus of any pregnant woman. (Miscarriages, still-births, hydrocephaly, and microcephaly.) It can make you blind or even kill you at any time during your life once you’ve been infected. It becomes a permanent lifetime parasite in your mind, killing you when your immune system becomes compromised by disease or chemo and immunosuppressive therapies.
Kabir singh bass ek ache movie hai aur kuch nahi
The 1st amendment stops government from suppressing free speech, not a private entity. But from there on, I agree with your post completely. Murky grandstands with Deedee every chance she gets.
Naseum- to be clear: The only emails Iran is going to leak are the ones they retrieved from Crooked Hilary Clinton's private email server. Wikileaks could have put out damning correspondence before the RNC and couldn't- that tells you something.
There is no point posting here as the Trudeau opposition is loud and clear that they have nothing to offer this country except unfounded negativity. Like most Conservatives these days they have more in common with the nasty country below us, than moving positively to build Canada as a refuge in the storm.
== for helping me out ==
"He and his compatriots can feel free to write as many manifestos explaining male deficiencies, of which my feeling, female self – with aggressive male undertones – is convinced there are many. " are the many male deficiencies to which Ms Heinein refers and of whose existence she has become convinced, assumed by her to be spread across a normal distribution ?
Surely, if this is impacting society more than drunk driving, it must be time to criminalize distracted driving. As long as the penalty is only a fine, many people will treat it as an expense of living which they can easily afford. I have to wonder what's preventing MADD from adding in distracted to become MADDD.
I hope you're right, and I don't know what's currently happening in real-life situations. But what this cardinal seems to be saying is that it is still a matter of legalities and permissions and conditions imposed on reception of the Eucharist, all in an attempt to maintain doctrines rather than reexamine them.
Sessions' "recusal" sure is convenient for Mueller. Trump should demand the Attorney General's office force FBI compliance with the Congressional subpoena. Obey the damned law or resign.
Catou doom and gloom; Given the trading super high volume, the short position is relatively unlikely to result in a big "squeeze" The longer the stock hovers at $8-$9 the grimmer it gets....most current share holders only paid $7-$9 for them so if it hits $7 they will start a new stampede (out) As time passes,its loan costs rise....and its GIC's come due and probably are not renewed.
I nowhere allege that SWAN is helping sex workers migrate to Canada. You have misread the last sentence of my comment.
Je me range à votre avis, la bio de ce sinistre personnage est tout de suite moins chiante à lire avec des images ! Claude Truong-Ngoc (discuter)
The Sexual Manifesto: The Condom Moment Share this: You’d be surprised how many young adults don’t just engage in safer sex but have safer sex ingrained in their practices. For some, the condom moment in a relationship is the first time ever a couple experiences flesh on flesh in the most private of areas. Go off condoms? Whaa? You mean I can stick my dick in there and come out alive? But there comes a time in most serious relationships when you face an ethical and moral dilemma: to condom or not to condom. This usually happens when there’s a penis involved (most of my gals-who-like-gals pals admit to forgoing dental dams and other barriers). A few years ago, one of my colleagues suggested I write a column about deciding to drop condoms. As a columnist who strove to entertain and to promote safer sex, I politely declined. Besides, I always used condoms, silly! That was before my relationship got serious. Like pee-in-the-same-room serious. Couples have to have the maturity to switch back to condoms for a partner’s health/safetyBut now I know. Deciding to drop condoms marks a moment of trust in your partner…you trust that he won’t give you HIV, HPV, or the clap. You both have accurate and current test results, and you’re not lying about them either. If you’re a straight couple, the male half has to trust that she’s always going to be reliable us using her pill/ring/patch, because, for some, babies can be even worse than STIs. There are gradients of safer sex, and sometimes condoms don’t factor into the safer sex you’re having. And that’s okay as long as you’ve got your bases covered. 1. Some form and extent of exclusivity 2. STI testing, with presumably acceptable results 3. Certain length of time together, which varies 4. Reliable contraception for hetero couplings It’s hard for these younger types (i.e. people like me) to accept that condomless sex is not morally wrong. I already feel like I’m treading in deplorable sex column behavior here. I’m endangering the public good! But, as I previously mentioned, it all boils down to trust. A trust in healthy sex. With condoms as effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies and transmission of certain STIs as they are, it’s a privilege for couples to step back to au naturel. You’ve got to plan and perhaps pay extra for birth control. It takes an incredible amount of responsibility to carefully cross the condomless border because–let’s face it–not everyone can do it or do it right. Most importantly, couples have to have the maturity to switch back to condoms because of a contraceptive misstep or simply for a partner’s sanity/health/safety. So, sure, use a condom every time. But if this time is your 60th time with your longterm partner and neither of you is boning anyone else etc. etc., maybe you don’t have to drop a buck every time you f–ahem, engage in coitus.
Sorry, O'bobo...most of us aren't real inclined toward "Seig Heil!"
Read the newspaper. The Republicans have no replacement plan ready to offer Americans. They just don't want President Obama to get any credit for helping Americans stay healthy.
ATU, the overbearing "Do-nothing parent Union" in the is trying to use its parent status to Smash the inalienable rights of a local grass-roots movement that seeks to wield their democratic rights to regional management that is autonomous, relevant and shares the support and aspirations of the local membership. The parent Union has obviously lost their way, and their values are no longer founded on the membership but on it's very own brand of Gangster-ism as a natural byproduct of internal corruption within the International Headquarters. This is what happens when Union bosses become so big that they no longer represent the needs of the local membership, placing their own gluttonous survival agenda above the needs of the TTC membership. This battle exposes the Corporate bullying agenda of the Parent ATU Union. The ATU has adopted the same Bullying tactics their corporate combatants espouse, making them the epitome of Gangster Unionism. Sad, that Democracy has sunk this far.
ek aurat ke report par 1se jaada aurato ko giraftar kar liya jaata hai.
escribi aqui algo sobre una tecnica de masturbación que practico por una condición especial de mi pene y encuentro que me lo han borrado, es un foro de comentarios, buscaba con eso alguien dijera algo, saber si podia hacer otra cosa o si estaba mal, pero lo borraron sin siquiera hacer comentario sobre eso, por lo que estoy seguro este comentario también sera borrado
People who attack free speech are by the definition and meaning of words not liberal. You want to make a speaker feel unwelcome, then you should either not attend, or passively demonstrate your views. Maybe get up and silently walk out in the middle of their speech. Frankly, I suspect there's some false flag going on there, a little PsyOps fun if you please, but it's always possible these kids, who have grown up in such a disingenuous sociopolitical environment, lack the intellectual development to step back, think about what is going on here, and understand it in a historical context. I'm not impressed. Are you? They aren't credibly liberal, are they. I don't know who those dudes are. It gives this extra-farcical quality to the entire narrative as I've read it published.
Regarding edits made during January 10 2007 Please do not add nonsense to Wikipedia. It is considered vandalism. If you would like to experiment, use the sandbox. Thank you. If this is an IP address, and it is shared by multiple users, ignore this warning if you did not make any unconstructive edits.
Yeh, he wants to save Hillary. He wants to save Obama who spied on Americans. He wants to save the Dummy Dems.
Sure is nice when a police department officially ridicules the victim of an assault. Lovely city.
NYC rates are 3 times higher (or more) than many other cities. Thus that $2300 is equivalent of about $750 in other cities such as Dallas. Don't even ask what it is like in Detroit, where the per mile rate is almost 1/3 of what Dallas makes. Enjoy the pay in NYC. You won't find it anywhere else.
Funniest post in weeks!
That's how you prove discrimination, you get documentation of incidents.
You forgot - smoking is required. And this includes at funerals, religious ceremonies, etc.
You must really enjoy protecting white supremacists. Does your group have a name?
هذا السفيه خان وطنه وارتمى في احضان من يدمر شعبه ارضا وانسانا وهو مطلوب للعدالة اليمن في غنى عن الخونه وحتى الجنوبيين لا يمثلهم وعلى العالم ان يعلم بان هذا الرجل لا يستحق ان يذكر
"Thou shalt not kill" has been more the exception than the norm. The RCC had no problem in dispatching heretics, pagans, witches, etc to their death. It wasn't murder but religious cleansing. Murder by any other name was blessed by the hierarchy, no?
I'd like payment for my slogan: Time is Money. Fly Eugene.
I condemn hatred toward any identifiable group. But the motion is doing more harm than good. First, it is a waste of our lawmaker's time. If the motion is non-binding, why introduce it? And if it is a good idea, should Parliament spend a good percentage of its sitting tiime condemning hate in all its forms? With all due respect to our Muslim community, I think they have bigger fish to fry. Jobs and the environment come to mind. Second, it has done more than any boneheaded alt-right pronouncement to cement distrust of Muslims. Many perceive it as preferential treatment and proof of their misguided fears that Islam will become the predominant religion in Canada. Why polarize an incendiary lot? Finally....Barbaric Cultural Practices was meant to protect women from such things as polygamy, female circumsion, and honour killings. Maybe the statute wasn't perfect, but I can't imagine any thinking person defending these practices.
How corrupt is our Senate? Very, very, very, very, corrupt.
Unions are the primary cause of the city's financial woes?? Can you produce some data to back up that claim?
Didn't insurance increase by nearly 120% in AZ last year? Are they happy?
It's becoming clear that the safest marijuana is that which is grown by users themselves, but that won't make the government any money. To put the proper safeguards in place for widespread distribution is going to take longer than the government thinks and may wind up costing them more too. If it's their ambition to combat the illegal drug trade, they may have to lower the price to such a level that there's not much money left over for investors and themselves.
John Mc Dowell, Alaska sits on 160 Million acreas they got for free and in 2011 only one exploration well was drilled. What can you do to improve that! I am helping and never got a subsidies from Alaska! I got my Redoubt Leases in production and all Alaskans get PFD checks from that oil, thanks in part to my hard work and honest dealings! Thanks, Daniel K. Donkel
Correct. Which is why, if we want prices to go down, we need to introduce competition to the health insurance market place. And health savings accounts will make it possible for doctors to become patient centered in their approach.
***Weak support. It doesn't matter that one of them is certainly true, or even if some others may be. They are still hypotheses (or 'models' or 'theories' or 'claims') of contact. Having said that, I don't think it's very important. As ling as the contexct explains the arguments ansd puts the consensus view of the various hypotheses the precise wording of the title is not crucial IMO.
Care to post actual data that supports your opinion? AARP represents me.
With that, she rests her case.
Verne, 99.9% of Information that makes people think or feel uncomfortable should not "scare" them. Fear is a powerful motivator. In fact I include it as is one of the 5 F's that sustain political careers (Faith, Firearms, Fallopian Tubes, Free Stuff, and "Fear"). Also, the Russian government of that era is gone now, replaced by an Oligarchy more to Trumps liking (which might explain a lot).
but that wasnt what she said was it...she also said we worship the same God...no she is wrong...she said what she was doing and you changed it to suit you.
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