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:: How? WP:CVU. You came up as a vandal. P xd - did you read this?) " | 0 | en |
إن شاء الله كلهم من رئيس عصابة السياسيين وزعيم عصابة المخابرات و الجيش
كــــــــــــــلهم في مزبلة التاريخ "بـــــــــــاقية و تتمـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــدد ــــــ........... | 1 | ar |
I picked up the name Kurt Adkins somewhere in wickopedia but i cannot remember where - but who cares - if i am wrong in a discussion then no harm and certainly no harrassment had been caused -unless there are larger issues that you cannot disclose. | 0 | en |
So three overvalued stocks are a good hedge against the downturn? That makes no sense. If you really believe there will be a downturn, buy gold, or hold more cash. Strange. | 0 | en |
Дихлорэтан крайне токсичен! Найдутся ведь умники, которые будут работать с ним в помещении и голыми руками. | 1 | ru |
Striking North Korea? The United States has been trying to starve them out for the last 60 years... Hasn't worked. Pacification of a population or otherwise know as CORDS (Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support) was an pacification program of the population of Vietnam. The program was created on 9 May 1967, and included military and civilian components of both governments. As you fail to mention, this program never worked out and was an utter failure. In fact this approach has never worked in any war the US has been in. Yet, you are under the misguided opinion it will work, while offering no proof.
Many often fail to understand this WAR is NOT over and it was started by the US and Russians after WWII. We divided this country up for reasons I and many others will never understand... North Korea military government wants to destroy the US. Now you suggest we should wait until one of our cites is glowing before we strike? Which city? | 0 | en |
Canadian universities are being hijacked by perpetually offended social justice warriors who suffocate dialogue on campus and push agendas completely disconnected from the average student. Just look at student unions - hijacked by career undergrads tied to the Canadian Federation of Students - the bloated self-serving bureaucracy focused on suing student unions trying to leave the Federation or some disconnected political cause associated with the radical leftwing fringe. The vocal minority of career undergrads are an embarrassment to higher education - they spend 10+ years working on that elusive social justice degree before moving on to become a paid protester with like-minded weasels at Tides. Free speech is non-existent on Canadian universities and the Globe pretends to be balanced while respected academics are thrown under the bus for speaking common sense to the vocal minority of SJW whiners. | 0 | en |
Thank you Colkoch for your response
We all have our Being in God as do all created life forms.
We are more than flesh and blood we all have a divine spark one of God’s Spirit (Truth) within us
“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth."
You say
“It (ego) is not in and of itself capable of meaningful rejection of its ultimate creator or the Ground of its Being”
The divine spark (Consciousness /freewill) within all human ‘Beings’ can separate itself from its Creator by rejecting Him, and we do this when we reject the essence of His Love which is Truth.
“He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him--the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day”
kevin your brother
In Christ | 0 | en |
Rumour has it Poitras will receiving a $10-million dollar severance settlement from the Trudeau Liberals. | 0 | en |
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An Interview With The Bollocks (Kenny Williams)
I’m a fan of simple titles for things. The words will do the talking know what I mean? Flashy titles tends to mean pish writing if ye ask me. So with the interviews its always just “An Interview With *insert name*” and thats that. Had tae make a slight exception here because this is an interview with Kenny Williams, and Kenny is the fuckin bollocks. No question. Kenny is one of the fastest rising stars in Scottish Wrestling, and a fan favourite everywhere he goes because he gets it. He knows what folk want from a wrestling show. They want entertainment. They want cunts knocking their pan in to provide that entertainment, and some of them even want the guys providing said entertainment to have more product in their hair than a burd in a beauty pageant. Kenny Williams has it all. When he first debuted alongside Christopher in ICW, my first thought was “aww whit, ANOTHER one of these wee fannies?” but we soon seen Kenny was nae joke. Him and Christopher’s match with the NAK at ICWs Maryhill show was when most of us realised Kenny was legit. Kenny is the bollocks.
The bollocks took some time out of his busy schedule of being a globetrotting professional sha….I mean wrestler, to answer a few questions for his pals at Snapmare Necks (thats us btw) so you should probably go right ahead and read that shit. Its waiting for ye. Down there. See it? Just below this? Thats the one. In amongst it.
1. You’re one of the newer faces in Scottish Wrestling, can you tell us a bit about how you got started and who/what influenced your decision to give wrestling a go?
Generally I’ve always loved the ‘Rasslin! But it wasn’t untill I was about 18 that I decided to give it a go. I had gotten into Law at university straight from school but I only last about 6 weeks as I realised it just wasn’t what I wanted to do with my life. I fannyed about for a few months after that and at the beginning of 2012 I decided to give something that I had always loved a bash. I searched about for local schools and luckily a PBW Academy had just opened in the area that I love of Airdrie. I’ve been hooked ever since then!
2. The “Kenny is the bollocks” chant at ICW has been going for a while, with your popularity in the company seemingly sky high. How much do you enjoy working in front of those wild crowds, particularly when they seem to have taken you to their hearts so quickly?
I find it ridiculous anytime that chant starts up when I come out. It’s so humbling and overwhelming and I appreciate who ever started it because I’m hopefully going to sell lots of t-shirts with that printed on it! Working for ICW is a tremendous experience and I’ve been so lucky with the situations that have arisen for me. Being part of Team CK the fans never really got to see the full potential that we had as a duo and so when Christopher decided to call it a day I was disheartened by it all. However, when I finally got a chance to showcase what I could do in the ring on a singles level, with one of the best in the country, Lionheart, that’s when it felt like everything clicked with the fans. They didn’t just see some wee guy with a quiff and pair of skinny jeans. They saw a wee guy with a quiff and skinny jeans that had a bit of fight and determination in him. Since then I’ve been riding on a wave of momentum that the fans have created with this chant! And I’m so grateful to every person who starts that up when I walk out with those dafties in the Kennedy Administration!
3. You’re part of a stable with a bit of everything at the moment with the “Kennedy Administration” in ICW, how much are you enjoying being involved in that? And with you not getting on particularly well with your stable mates, are there any plans in place to toe their baws any time soon?
I’m finding it really fun because it’s a different dynamic than any of the other factions in ICW as it’s a heel group with a fan favourite trapped in it. And luckily/unluckily I’m that fan favourite so it’s funny to see how harshly the fans react to James R Kennedy when he starts hurling abuse at me. The fans anticipation for me to finally skud one of them is definitely growing but its like being caught between a rock and a hard place as I can’t risk having my contract terminated by Kennedy.
4. You recently made your debut for SWA, in a belter of a match against Lewis Girvan, and you’re a regular with PBW. How do you enjoy the family friendly shows compared to the adult orientated ones?
Despite the obvious differences in content of the shows, I feel that working any wrestling show the fans are all there for the same reason, to see top quality wrestling that Scotland has become a custom to. So I enjoy the two types equally because I’m getting to do what I love to do and if I’m doing it well I’m hopefully entertaining the fans who have made the effort to come out and support their local wrestling promotion.
5. Do you have a match that you’d rank as your best so far?
I’m to critical of myself to cite a best match so instead ill list some favourites and plug some of the youtube footage I have
PBW- vs Zack Sabre Jr.. A match that came out of pure circumstance and I was a last-minute substitute. Working Zack was a ridiculous experience as he is just a different class of performer.
PBW – Kenny Williams vs Zack Sabre Jr
PBW – vs Liam Thompson… Got to main event in my hometown and fool friends and family into thinking I had won the title. Was a crazy atmosphere and by far one of my favourite nights in wrestling
PBW – Liam Thomson vs Kenny Williams (PBW Title Match)
ICW – vs Lionheart… Like I said this match really helped establish me as a singles competitor and a fan favourite and it took a lot of folk by surprise.
BCW – vs Kid Fite… Got to main event a show with a guy who was a major part of my training so it meant a lot to me. Also happened to be a year after I debuted so it was full of sentimentalities!
(Not the match Kenny mentioned, as its been taken off youtube, but still a cracker of a match between these two)
SSW – Kid Fite vs Kenny Williams
6. Favourite wrestler? Either currently or all-time…or both if ye fancy.
Currently my favourite wrestler would have to be Bray Wyatt. He’s so captivating, it’s like watching a scene from a movie when he cuts a promo and his matches are always so different from what’s going on in the rest of the show. Of all time it has to be Shawn Michaels. I got into wrestling when he came back all born again and drug free so I got HBK when he was at his healthiest and churning out some of his best matches.
7. You’re confirmed for ICWs latest project, a show mainly geared towards the younger talents called “Spacebaws – A New Hope”. Are you excited to play a prominent role on this show?
I have no idea what I’ll be doing on this show I have to admit. I’m on the poster so I’m on the show! I can assure you though this will be a night not to miss! Cramming a show full of hungry young talent in an over 18s environment is a recipe for mayhem because there will be a level of one up manship between every person on that show to prove to Mark Dallas why they deserve to be part of ICW’s regular roster. I’ll be doing the exact same to prove why I deserve to be at the level I’ve been fortunate enough to get to so quickly so I’d advise folk to get a ticket before they disappear!
8. Earliest wrestling memory?
Waking up early on a Saturday to watch Smackdown on Sky 1 and asking my cousin to VHS record any PPV he would end up paying for. Think the first one I can remember watching back with him was Wrestlemania 17.
9. You recently worked on the PBW Academy Attacks show in Coatbridge, where many PBW Academy students made their debuts. Are there any in particular that standout in your opinion?
The PBW Academy is amongst the top wrestling schools in Britain. It has 3 branches (Airdrie/Barrhead/Greenock) and has churned out some of the best young talent on the scene just now such as Noam Dar, Andy Wild, Kay Lee Ray, Davey Blaze, TJ Rage, Saqib Ali and more. To say I picked a great school to learn is an understatement. The talent coming through just now including myself have had a lot of opportunities to showcase there talents and the academy attack shows are definitely one of the chance to shine in front of a crowd and also in front of certain promoters. It has opened doors for a lot of younger guys who have stood out such as Lou King Sharp, Brendan Cooper, Tommy Marx, Aaron Echo and more. Lou King Sharp in particular has started to make a name for himself debuting on the first Academy Attack show against myself and in the last year he has went on to wrestle for Pro Wrestling Elite, British Championship Wrestling and is also confirmed for ICW Space Baws. He is so unique with his character work and I’m pleased he is getting the opportunities he is getting.
10. You made your PCW debut recently, how was the PCW experience and has this led to further opportunities to wrestle outside Scotland?
Working for PCW was a cool experience. I was given a shot in there annual Rumble and managed to last about 15 minutes which wasn’t so bad for the skinniest guy in the match. I’d love to work there again but in less crowded match so I could really show the fans down there exactly what I can bring to the table. Other opportunities to wrestle outside Scotland have come up recently with my debut in May for Kamikaze Pro which is a great promotion down in Birmingham. I’m also set to debut in Ireland at the end of the year. Also luckily for me I’ve had the chance to wrestle outside of Scotland through ICW who have ran successful shows in both London and Newcastle.
I’ve been really fortunate so far with the opportunities I’ve had in wrestling and I’m so grateful to both TJ Rage and Kid Fite for their high level of training and to all the promoters who have ever put my on a show. I’m having a rare time with the wrestling and I’m lucky to be a part of some of the top promotions in the country.
Cheers to Kenny for taking the time to answer the questions, and it goes without saying, but get yerselves to all of these shows, and any other show Kenny might be on, and any other show with wrestling on it, cause wrestling is the fuckin best shit on the planet that disnae involve breasts, and sometimes it even involves breasts! | 1 | en |
Did you actually read the post and understand it ? I wasn't complaining I was simply pointing out a fact that many people outside of these sectors wouldn't know. When they run retirement seminars this is the first thing they point out. Other groups involved are Ontario Hydro, police, paramedics and police and firemen. | 0 | en |
What else can you expect from a clown posing as a mayor? What's he going to do, ban gasoline powered cars from driving in Denver? | 0 | en |
@ACTBrigitte Our country deserves better than a draft-dodging coward. McCain SERVED; #CadetBoneSpurs DIDN'T. #FuckTrump Happy #JohnMCainDay!!! Happy #JohnMCainDay!!! Happy #JohnMCainDay!!! | 0 | en |
So do bigots and racists that rear their horny heads every time a pathetic shooting, homeless, Native, or LGBT news article is posted. Thanks, Ridgefield for proving my point. And yeah you too, Kyle Craig. Your trigger "like" finger must have a giant calus by now. | 1 | en |
Lynn: I'm not sure it's fair or constructive to brand those who disagree with you "dullards." We can have different opinions and still all be reasonable, rational, intelligent people. It's very difficult to have a civil conversation with someone who first insults you. Sometimes it seems you're simply venting your anger and aren't interested in a constructive conversation. If this is the case, please just say so, and I will cease trying. thanks, Gary Crum | 0 | en |
Replace the ALL personal credits/deductions with one big deduction of $30K, for adults only (over 18) since this amount covers child credits.
Tax everything over that amount at 35% (25% fed + 10% prov). Tax dividends and CPI adjusted capital gains (for assets held longer than a year) at 100%. (BTW, this would remove the distinction between capital gains and ordinary income.)
Pay an amount equal to the basic amount of $30K x the tax rate of 35%, i.e. $10,500 as basic income and claw it back at the same 35% rate. So by the time your income is $30K, it's all clawed back and you're not paying tax, and your tax rate continues to be 35% for amounts over that. The removes the disincentivizing clawback rates now inherent in today's welfare.
Note also that paying the basic amount as negative tax is exactly equivalent to making it transferrable betweeen spouses.
Also note that 10,500 is not as lucrative as the amount in Wynne's program, so there's more incentive to get out and supplement it. | 0 | en |
by what exactly ?
(Let me know and I will try to type more slowly in my response so that y'all can
follow along)
;) | 0 | en |
Charlie Bruce
Hi Michig... I noticed your work referencing and expanding the article Charlie Bruce - good job. You may not be aware that the DYK project has recently adopted new rules allowing nomination of newly-referenced BLPs that have been two-fold expanded. This article is close to qualifying - it needs expanding by about 300 characters, plus a reference in the currently unreferenced section, and a suitable hook. With the article so close to qualifying, I thought you might like to consider putting in the little bit of extra effort to needed for a nom and a possible DYK credit / main page appearance. Regards, | 0 | en |
He's a con man plain and simple, afflicted with rampant NPD. Now, back up and re-assess. Ah hah!! It all makes perfect sense, doesn't it. | 0 | en |
Really nice piece. Looking forward to Simmons and Parks balling this year. | 0 | en |
Pt. 2
This attitude---that women were somehow "mutilated men" was shockingly commonplace and remained so throughout the several centuries. It certainly was a teaching utilized against women in religious houses of formation preparing men for the priesthood.
Galen, 'De usu parium' [On the Use of the Parts of the Body], 14.6-7; trans. Mary r. Lefkowitz and Maureen B. Fant WOMEN'S LIFE IN GREECE & ROME: A SOURCEBOOK IN TRANSLATION. 2nd ed. [Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1992].
Patricia Cox Miller, ed. WOMEN IN EARLY CHRISTIANITY: TRANSLATION FROM GREEK TEXTS [Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 2005]
Gillian Clark, WOMEN IN LATE ANTIQUITY: PAGAN AND CHRITIAN LIFESTYLES [New York University Press, 1994].
These ideas were taught for almost 1500 years in seminaries. Women couldn't be priests, because they lacked the necessary part [male sex organ].
In our own world today, women were faced with the rulings of JP II. | 0 | en |
::: It is a term used in the John F. Kennedy article | 0 | en |
florzinha 🌸🌸 https://t.co/z9lh702auf | 0 | ro |
Wireless communication technology is progressing every day and accompanying that progress, various mobile telephone formats have appeared, including second-generation mobile phone formats, third-generation mobile phone formats and 3.9-generation mobile phone formats.
Second-generation mobile formats include the GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) format, the IS-95 format and the PDC (Personal Digital Cellular) format.
Diversity reception technology, which is one type of wireless communication technology, has been practically used in mobile phone handsets using the GSM format and the IS-95 format. In addition, diversity reception technology in the PDC format is disclosed in Japanese Patent No. 3101437.
Diversity reception technology includes (1) antenna diversity technology where an antenna with a high reception level is selected from a plurality of antennas, and (2) synthesis diversity technology where optimum data is decoded by synthesizing or switching received signals on the strength and phase of signals received from a plurality of antennas.
On the other hand, MIMO (Multi Input Multi Output) technology which is equipped with a plurality of antennas for both the sending side and the receiving side and which accomplishes high-speed, large-volume information transmissions has been practically used in wireless communications devices on the wireless LAN (Local Area Network) 802.11n format.
Among the third generation mobile phone formats are the W-CDMA (Wide-Band Code Division Multiplex Access) format and cdma 2000-1x. With the W-CDMA format or cdma 2000-1x, handover technology has been commercialized for moving between base stations without interrupting communications.
Handover technology that determines the magnitude of the reception level and hands over communications from a cell of a base station capable of sending and receiving the signal to a cell of another base station is disclosed in Unexamined Japanese Patent Application KOKAI Publication No. 2009-111644.
Among 3.9-generation mobile phone formats is the LTE (Long Term Evolution) format. With the LTE format, MIMO technology using four receiving antennas is employed and handover technology is also standardized.
There is an LTE-GSM dual mode transceiver that supports both the LTE format and the GSM format. With an LTE-GSM dual mode transceiver, when for example a mobile phone existing in a cell of a first base station using the LTE format is handed over to a cell of a second base station using the GSM format, it is necessary to accurately monitor the reception level of the signal received from the second base station.
However, the diversity reception technology disclosed in Japanese Patent No. 3101437 and the handover technology disclosed in Unexamined Japanese Patent Application KOKAI Publication No. 2009-111644 cannot accurately monitor the reception level of signals received from a first base station and a second base station with differing wireless formats.
In consideration of the foregoing, it is an exemplary object of the present invention to provide a wireless communications device that can monitor the reception level of signals received from a plurality of base stations with differing wireless formats, and a method and program for determining reception levels in the wireless communications device. | 0 | en |
::::: Ukrainian translation moves on like billy-o. In half an hour I've created a new page (translated from Russian involvement in the Syrian Civil War) which has been accepted by locals without any fuss. Pls note I that am not a native Ukrainian speaker. Still the MT with my minor corrections has passed through. I plan to finish translating this article into Ukrainian as a test. The real fun will start when I translate it into Russian, wich is my final goal of exersise. My home project is Russian but now I am blocked for adding too much unwanted stuff in the Syrian topic. The Blok expires next week, so please be prepared for more questions by then. Cheers and many thanks. | 0 | en |
Once again, you brainless child:
Chairmanofall | 1 | en |
I don't know why, but people are saying she has a slim to none chance of winning that. | 0 | en |
"Pure idiocy" No 'honor' or 'integrity' "pure vanity'?
This is how you intend to convince people that Hillary Clinton is God's gift to the Presidency? | 1 | en |
As long as the 8a contracting rules are in place I don't see RNC's going anywhere, until our nation fails. | 0 | en |
The elders and trustees of Protestant congregations are not "self proclaimed" but rather selected by members of those congregations. | 0 | en |
@_xpriceless_ correction bitch yo illiterate ass wanna eat my pussy and I got some center street boys dat u can suck up nun major | 1 | en |
As opposed to pro-abortion, pro-gay-"marriage" Hilary? | 0 | en |
Of course market factors had an impact. But team Trudeau has increased the relative inertia on a recovery by augmenting tax and regulatory uncertainty or impediments. | 0 | en |
Tout ceci n est qu arguties oiseuses. Soit Tzophe nous présente des sources fiables , indépendantes et notoires (ie les revues scientifiques prestigieuses mentionnées ci-dessus) confirmant ce qu il avance, soit on efface tout ça et on passe à autre chose. Cdlt, VonTasha [[[Discussion Utilisateur:VonTasha|discuter]]] | 0 | fr |
I think most posters miss the obvious point of Trump telling blatant lies and that is his followers don't care if his views are true or not. He can say anything he wants and his uneducated, poorly read voters will rally behind him. What he will lose though are those that wanted change, read newspapers and now think he is a buffoon. Hopefully they will pull their support and he will either be impeached or badly lose the election in 2020. | 0 | en |
| 0 | cy |
Monday, April 5, 2010
Inspiration From Behind
Today I was driving home from work and noticed a truck in front of me, one lane over. It was actually the truck's camper I noticed, truth be told, which looked like Paul Bunyan's playpen if he went to a daycare that wasn't up to code. The wooden slats were covered in bumper stickers of varying colors and sizes. What I have to assume was a strategic move to ensure maximum readership, the best sticker of the bunch was placed in the top right-hand corner (which we all know from Google analysis is the most effective spot).
It said, "Don't be a dick."
Yeah, I thought. I'm with you, buddy. Now, this was a sentiment I support. It wasn't political (there was no Dick Cheney photo), it wasn't a band (like Citizen Dick) and it didn't have a web site promoted underneath. I took it as a proverb of sorts, probably more colorful than Jesus would like, but with the same kind of heart.
I started to look for an image of this particular bumper sticker online so I could post it here, but after three unsuccessful tries I started to get a gnawing feeling in my stomach. This is my work laptop I'm writing on, and I really don't want to have to explain to someone why I kept typing "dick" into a search engine after hours. Who's with me here?
What stuck with me most is there's got to be a story behind this. Most people post a sticker that announces their political persuasion, their vanity about their kids' grades, their desire to pee on a [insert your brand here] vehicle, or what their stick figure family would look like. I don't often see a sticker with a good lesson for us all on the back of a truck camper. (Although I did find it polite that one was open about the fact that he does brake for hookers; it's always good to know when a large vehicle is coming to a stop. Thanks for the heads up!) So I'm thinking either the guy driving had such a bad experience, SUCH a dick in his life that he felt personally responsible from preventing it from happening to someone else...or he is fully aware he is a horrible driver, plans to continue driving badly, and is warning you upfront not to succumb to road rage. The more I thought about it, the less warm fuzzy I felt and the more worried I became.Are you about to litter? I wondered. What, am I not supposed to get mad if you throw your trash out the window, only to have it bounce off my windshield? Or if you keep encountering dick after dick, shouldn't you do a little self-examination? Maybe it's YOU, not them.
With a sticker like that, a cop is bound to notice. So what, are you anti-police or something? Anti-government? Are you one of those crazies who lives on a compound somewhere? Don't get in my lane.
And really, by telling me not to "be" a dick, aren't you kind of saying I could be already, that you see that quality in me, even though all I'm doing is driving behind you, innocently, listening to my Owl City album on my iPod? That's pretty rude, man. Jeez. Why don't you take your own advice already and leave me the hell alone? | 1 | en |
💙💚💛💜❤ | 0 | unknown |
LSUC/LSO should impose Bay Street quotas: Each firm must hire a minimum of 80% of the hyper-entitled. | 0 | en |
I reject the entire premise and everything that this person has to say on a matter that she cannot make any objective assessments of. Is that not civil? She writes very inaccurate articles that should have been edited out before they make prime time where they don't belong because they are too subjective and full of conjecture that cannot meet the threshold of good journalism. I guess you have to give a voice to the enablers of Islamic incidents are far to numerous to censor. In fact, there are thousands of incidents that would have been warnings, but Khan is too busy excusing mass murder worldwide by railing against a drunken misfit that killed one person. | 0 | en |
== http://twitter.com/phoenixreporter - HACK THIS FUCKER'S ACCOUNT AND ALSO FIND AND KILL User:Zhanzhao !!! FUCK HIS FAMILY AND HIS GIRLFRIEND!!! WAHAHAHA == | 1 | de |
Compare the number of priests in semianary in 1965 with 2005 and get back to me. | 0 | en |
That's the job of the Press Secretary, not the media. | 0 | en |
Bu ilişkiye bahaneler bulmak benim içime sinmiyor. Muktedir oluşunu ama’sız, hem de’siz kabul etmek kolay değil, ama inanmak ne kadar zorsa inanabilmek o kadar güzel zaten^^ | 0 | tr |
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When Keiran loses his job, his friend Sensi helps him find a new career… getting paid to pleasure women. When they’re sent to Paris, Keiran becomes intertwined with a criminal organization and discovers that being a gigolo is more dangerous work than he realized.
When Keiran loses his job, his friend Sensi helps him find a new career… getting paid to pleasure women. When they’re sent to Paris, Keiran becomes intertwined with a criminal organization and discovers that being a gigolo is more dangerous work than he realized.
Jane, a 40 something woman, works at home giving art classes. Her daughter Clara just turned 18 and has to go across the country to go to college. That leaves Jane plenty of time to fulfill her sex fantasies. Although she has a boyfriend her age, Jane prefers to fuck her young male students or strangers met in bars. With her curvaceous body, her natural tits and an impressive libido, the men she meets never say no before getting in between her legs.
Tamara Grace thinks this photographer has some weird requests when it comes to her big tits, but it’s her first time modelling, so if industry standard is to offer up a blowjob and a titty-fuck then that’s what this busty brit is going to do.
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Keiran and Dana have fallen madly in love. After years of the lovey dovey phase, their sex life has come to a complete halt. The only way around the bickering and the blaming and the frustration is for them to let it all out with raw uninhibited sex. They soon realize they aren’t the people they thought they were when they first met.
Episode 2
Keiran and Dana realize they both have large sexual appetites that they cannot fulfill without trying new things outside of their marriage. When Dana speaks to her best friend Chanel about it, Chanel proposes they have a threesome with her. She promises them it can be something new for their sex lives and it will save their marriage.
Episode 3
Keiran and Dana’s marriage has taken a complete turn for the worst. After Chanel has come forward and broken the news to Dana that Keiran has been continuing his affair with her. Keiran decides to pay Chanel a visit. When she isn’t home, Kieran sees the chance to get some sympathy and sweet action from Adriana…. Chanel’s daughter.
Episode 4
Keiran has lost everything in the divorce settlement. His home, his money and his livelihood. Set on a severe revenge against Dana, he hires kidnappers to teach Dana a hard lesson. Only thing is…. Dana has longed form something like this as part of a lifelong sexual fantasy. With a strange twist of events, Dana now gets the rough gangbang she’s always wanted!
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See how good English chicks fuck in this Euro trip you won’t forget. These sluts over the Atlantic fuck with the intent to be the best and boy are they convincing. These English whores will get you off any other type of women and strictly on English pussy!!
Cum Slut Tamara Grace returns to Killergram to deliver a wild, gangbang style scene with The Cum Team. Its reality style British hardcore as this lovely lady takes on every cock thats offered to her eager mouth and wet cunt.
Subil has finished her riding lesson for the day – or so she thinks. Her teacher Tamara leads her into the stables where Mark Rose is waiting with a hard dick. Tamara wants to teach her shy student how to suck and fuck like a pro. Subil watches her teacher give an expert blowjob and soon she’s ready to give it a try. With a little guidance and a lot of dirty talk, Tamara brings out the slut in Subil.
Having worked at the pub for most of her adult life, Tamara Grace has seen a lot of barflies in her time who all compliment her on her wonderful, succulent rack of sweet titties. But Tamara may have met her match when her bar hand Keiran Lee charms her pants off–then sticks his dick in her of course! | 1 | en |
Did you actully read the article? | 0 | en |
You're up, The Donald! Let's see 'em! | 0 | en |
544 F.2d 520
No. 76-1402
United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
| 0 | en |
She couldn't give them any of her family contact information and the car couldn't be found. I hate that an animal died in this manner but suing feels like nothing but a money grab to me. | 0 | en |
Simply nauseating. The Senator apparently believes Alaskans will believe anything. A tax on their children to cover some of the pork projects and keep Alaska income tax free for non-residents, Maybe members of the house will be smarter than that. | 0 | en |
You are repeating yourself. Current warming is not slowing down. Coming off an El Nino high is not slowing down. It is expected internal variation. I commented on your cooling argument above. | 0 | en |
Premier Wynne knows she is going to lose the next election. So I expect her to start working on the poison pill. She is going to run the deficit to the maximum, spreading money among her friends. With about 1 year left in her mandate, she will award 5 year contracts with annual 5% increases to civil servants, teachers, and healthcare workers. This is more or less what the NDP did in Manitoba when they knew they would lose. It basically rewards her friends and hamstrings the next government. Like us in MB, you folks in ON are scr*wed which ever way you go. | 0 | en |
That description applies mostly to US and Western Europe. South America, where the Pope comes from, remains conservative, with all that is wrong about it (macho, sexists, intolerant, racist, with a rigic class system, etc.). The RCC is increasingly promoting its leadership from Latin America, Africa and Asia, because those cultires have stronger support for the conservative agenda. | 0 | en |
Correlation does not imply causation. People who understand statistics know the difference. | 0 | en |
Dear Sir, I do not know what ""moderators"" you are talking about, but I would likely be one of them, and the last time I heard, the administrative corps - and particularly myself - had an extremely low tolerance for nationalist revert-warriors. Maps are maps. The last time I heard, they are geographic tools, not political ones, and it makes zero sense for the article itself to state ""Armenia is part of Southeast Asia"", and then for the map to show it as part of Europe. If you actually come up with some reliable sources that place Armenia inside Europe, I will be thrilled. Until then, kindly stop revert-warring and trying to bully Dbachmann like you managed to bully others above; the alternative is to get page-banned under WP:ARBAA2. Thank you. " | 0 | en |
Oh. | 0 | de |
American Anglican Church
The American Anglican Church is a Continuing Anglican jurisdiction which was founded early in the history of the Continuing Anglican movement, following controversies in the Episcopal Church over the ordination of women to the priesthood and the adoption of a new Book of Common Prayer.
The presiding bishop of the American Anglican Church is John A. Herzog. He attended the Institute of Theology at the (Episcopal) Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City and General Seminary. He was ordained to the Diaconate by Bishop Anthony Clavier of the Continuing Anglican movement on December 5, 1982 and to the Priesthood on June 5, 1983. Herzog founded the Anglican Mission of the Holy Innocents in June 1983 and the Order of Saint Andrew in 1986. Holy Innocents church in New York serves as the AAC headquarters. He was consecrated a Bishop in the American Anglican Church in June 1994.
The American Anglican Church conforms to all the standards of the Continuing Church movement and counts at present thirteen parishes and missions in North America, many of which serve Anglicans of Kenyan ancestry.
See also
Continuing Anglican movement
External links
Category:Continuing Anglican movement
Category:Christian denominations | 0 | en |
Lori Verbrugge, regional environmental contaminants coordinator at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — who took samples in 2011 near the mine and found levels of aluminum and copper... | 0 | en |
Or just go away. | 0 | pl |
== Section moved from article ==
I've cut & pasted the following section from the article to here, pending resolution of WP:COPYVIO issues raised by the last line. //
Per John McCumber's website, the idea behind McCumber cube is to push back the advance of security as an art and support it with a structured methodology that functions independent of technology evolution. The methodology rests on the relationships between the tracking of information as it moves through states of transmission, storage, and processing; the charting of information security attributes of confidentiality, integrity, and availability; and judging the information security risks of technology, procedures, and human interventions [Copyright © 2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR] | 0 | en |
ülkede çok fazla abartılan isimler 1-Sıla 2-3 3-1 | 0 | tr |
My fried will be turning 65 in May, so a few months ago she asked me to calculate whether it would be better for her to defer until 70. Turned out that if she deferred, she would have to live to 90 to make up the loss, and most women don't live beyond 85. So you figure it out. | 0 | en |
So, if I were to run rampant throughout Wikipedia asking all the “skeptical” editors for their “opinion” about this straw poll, you would think that it was perfectly fine for me to reap the benefit of any “happy accidents” that might result? | 0 | en |
It's a larger percentage of our population than the thousands of protesters in NYC compared to their 8,550,000+ population. | 0 | en |
t a prime number?
Let o = -4 + 6. Let y(c) = -c + c**3 - 2 - 4*c**2 - 2*c**o + 0*c**2. Is y(8) prime?
Is 0 + ((-82938)/18 - 4)*-3 composite?
Suppose s = 5*v - 23102, 6*s - 4*s - 13869 = -3*v. Is v prime?
Suppose 3*u - 1699 = 4*t + 809, 5*u - 4*t = 4188. Suppose 0 = 6*o - 4*o - u. Let q = -219 + o. Is q composite?
Let n = -20 - -23. Suppose -6*j = -n*j - 1281. Is j a composite number?
Suppose 3*d = 15, -5 = a - 5*d + 18. Let y = 7 - 2. Suppose -v = -2*f + v + 356, -359 = -a*f + y*v. Is f prime?
Suppose 5*i + 5*s + 25 = 0, 4*i - 3*s + 34 = -0*s. Is (-1 + 2)/(i*1/(-16751)) a composite number?
Let s = 65 - 63. Let f(u) = 9*u**3 + u**2 - 6*u + 3. Is f(s) prime?
Let v(i) = 6*i**2 + 17*i + 118. Is v(-7) a prime number?
Suppose -d = -2*d - 1. Let c = d - -1. Suppose -1191 = -5*b - 4*j, c = 4*b + j - 775 - 169. Is b composite?
Suppose -o = 84*m - 89*m - 24207, 48396 = 2*o - m. Is o a composite number?
Suppose 4*a = 2*u - 20058, 27*u - 24*u - 3*a = 30099. Is u a composite number?
Let w = -1666 - -5511. Is w composite?
Suppose -r - 1066 = -3*w + 9410, 0 = -2*w - 4*r + 6970. Is w a prime number?
Suppose 4*r - 308 = 5*s - 92, 2*r = -2*s - 90. Let a = -38 + 116. Let i = s + a. Is i composite?
Suppose -24*x = -27*x - 36. Let k = 31 - x. Is k a prime number?
Let a(n) = -27*n**2 - 20*n - 5. Let z(k) = 7*k**2 + 5*k + 1. Let t(v) = 2*a(v) + 9*z(v). Is t(4) a prime number?
Suppose 17*n - 20*n = -1716. Let u = 1723 - n. Is u a composite number?
Let r(a) = -6*a**2 - a + 2*a + 5*a**2 + 2*a + 55. Is r(0) prime?
Suppose -q - 8 = -4. Let r(z) = -z + 3. Let m be r(q). Suppose m*t - t = 1266. Is t prime?
Let h(w) = -221*w - 4. Is h(-7) a composite number?
Suppose 0 = 10*r + 4*r - 51562. Is r composite?
Let z = 56877 - 34636. Is z a composite number?
Suppose -12*s + 393 - 105 = 0. Suppose s*r - 17*r = 931. Is r composite?
Suppose -6*r = -1457 - 385. Is r prime?
Suppose -4*x - 3*a - 64 = 0, 3*x + 2*a + 2*a + 55 = 0. Let d = x + 10. Is (d - 50)/((-2)/2) a composite number?
Let h(b) = -b**3 - 3*b**2 + 4*b - 11. Let g(i) = -i**2 - 1. Let w(v) = -5*g(v) + h(v). Let q be w(6). Let p = q + 217. Is p a prime number?
Let b(d) = d**3 - 37*d**2 + 33*d - 32. Let q(x) = x - 1. Let a(p) = -b(p) + 3*q(p). Is a(25) a prime number?
Let y = 8 - 6. Suppose 0 = -0*x + x + s - 92, y*x + 5*s - 181 = 0. Is x composite?
Let v = 31 + -220. Is ((-1)/3 - -1)/((-18)/v) a prime number?
Let m(c) = -4*c**3 - c**2 + 4*c - 5. Let x(s) = 3*s**3 + 2*s**2 - 4*s + 4. Let u(k) = 4*m(k) + 5*x(k). Let l be u(5). Is l - 2 - (-104)/2 a prime number?
Suppose -16852 = -6*m + 16946. Suppose m + 2260 = 9*j. Is j prime?
Let i(f) = 4*f**2 + 9*f + 12. Let b be i(-6). Let o(t) = -t**3 + t**2 - t + 35. Let p be o(0). Suppose b = j + p. Is j composite?
Let w(v) = 93*v + 25. Suppose 5*z + 5*u = 60, -13 = -4*z + 4*u + 19. Is w(z) prime?
Is 1069400/120*9/15 a prime number?
Let w(x) be the third derivative of -x**7/315 - x**6/144 + x**5/60 - x**2. Let y(q) be the third derivative of w(q). Is y(-6) composite?
Suppose 2*u + 2*u = 3*c + 15, 2*c + 10 = 3*u. Suppose u = 12*z - 8*z - 1292. Is z a composite number?
Let p be (-596)/(-16)*(-6 - -2). Let w = p - -253. Let f = w - 51. Is f composite?
Suppose -5*o - 23 = -2*s, 8*o = 5*s + 3*o - 35. Suppose 4*z + 3*n - 2*n - 2527 = 0, n + 2521 = s*z. Is z a prime number?
Let f(l) = -2 + 4 + 194*l + 3 - 621*l. Let z be f(-3). Suppose x - 628 = i, -2*x - 4*i = -0*x - z. Is x prime?
Suppose -h + 3 = -3*i, -h - 4*h = i + 17. Is -142*9/12*i a prime number?
Suppose -5*d - 269 = -4*g, 0 = 3*g - 6*g + 2*d + 200. Let f = g - -271. Is f a composite number?
Let q(b) = b - 2. Let s be q(7). Suppose -s*y + 951 = -1754. Is y a composite number?
Let l(s) = -104*s - 17. Let b be (15/(-10))/((-2)/(-12)). Is l(b) a prime number?
Let q be (-112)/6*18/(-4). Let z be (-2)/3 - q/(-18). Suppose -754 = -z*d + 10. Is d prime?
Suppose 4*i - 8613 = -m, 6*i = 2*i + 5*m + 8607. Is i a prime number?
Let i(m) = m - 1. Let h be i(1). Suppose h*j + 2*j = -708. Let p = -191 - j. Is p a composite number?
Let u = -25 - -26. Let m be -1 + u + (283 - 1). Let k = m + -71. Is k a composite number?
Let h(r) = -2*r**3 - 6*r**2 + 6*r + 8. Let y be h(-6). Suppose -2*z + 4*z = -2*n - y, 3*z + 380 = -4*n. Let m = n - -175. Is m prime?
Suppose 3*c - 5*z + 3*z - 30 = 0, -2*z + 10 = 2*c. Suppose 0*r + c = -r. Is (-4 - r) + -6 - -168 composite?
Let i(x) = 317*x**2 + 4*x + 1. Suppose -4*b = 5*a + 2, 8*b + 3 = 7*b. Is i(a) a prime number?
Is (-3802)/6*(-16 + 13) a composite number?
Let d(p) = -211*p - 21. Let b be d(8). Let w = 4366 + b. Is w prime?
Let q(f) = 33*f**2 + 14*f + 10. Let l = 130 + -137. Is q(l) a prime number?
Suppose -4052 = -2*n + 5*v + 1937, 4*n - 12043 = -3*v. Is n a composite number?
Is 922830/228*(2 - 0/1) prime?
Suppose -5*j = -2689 - 4426. Is j a prime number?
Is 519*5/30*(36 - 2) a composite number?
Suppose 3*o - 147 = -2*x, -125 = -4*o + 3*x + 54. Suppose n - 6*n + o = -4*k, 0 = -4*k + 3*n - 49. Let g = 23 + k. Is g prime?
Let i = -2565 + 5704. Is i prime?
Let x be (-1)/((-2*2)/28). Suppose 0 = -2*p + 7 + x. Let v(n) = -n**3 + 12*n**2 + 9*n - 1. Is v(p) a prime number?
Let m be (-4 - 28/(-3))*-3. Let z = m + 23. Let b = z - -52. Is b a prime number?
Let y(q) = -779*q - 509. Is y(-72) composite?
Let y(c) = -11*c**3 - 18*c**2 - 8*c + 18. Is y(-11) a composite number?
Is (387 + (-30)/6)/(4/6) a composite number?
Suppose -l - 4*i + 3*i = 4, 3*i + 12 = -4*l. Suppose -5*x - t = l, 0 = -x - x + t - 7. Let j(k) = 82*k**2 - 2*k - 1. Is j(x) prime?
Suppose -5*s + 4*s = 0. Suppose -3*t + 478 = r, s = -2*r + t - 2*t + 971. Is r composite?
Let p(s) = -4*s - 1. Suppose 3*t = 37 - 106. Is p(t) a prime number?
Suppose -5*p + 5845 = -5785. Let i = p - 633. Is i prime?
Suppose 102*x + 10245 = 107*x. Is x composite?
Let r(d) = -383*d - 1. Suppose s = -4*b + 5, -3*s + 14 = -7*s + b. Let u be r(s). Let h = u + -561. Is h composite?
Let l(w) = -7 - 135*w + 12 - 1. Is l(-5) prime?
Let m = 41 - 139. Is 42/m - 11696/(-14) a composite number?
Suppose 10*z + 33265 - 124575 = 0. Is z a composite number?
Suppose -6*n - 42605 = -5*s - 7*n, -5*s + 42605 = 2*n. Is s prime?
Let c be ((2 - -1) + -1)*23. Suppose 39 + c = -n. Is (-17)/(n/4200) + -1 composite?
Is (-17625)/(-21) + (-24)/84 a composite number?
Suppose 3*l + 3*w - 11980 - 11756 = 0, -4*w = -3*l + 23743. Is l a prime number?
Suppose -h + 5*o = 28 + 13, -3*h = -5*o + 83. Let b be 44640/35 + 9/h. Suppose 659 = 4*x + a - 341, 0 = 5*x - 5*a - b. Is x prime?
Suppose 6*l = 14*l - 49432. Is l a composite number?
Suppose 2*s + 0*o = o + 6, 5*s - o = 15. Suppose -4*h - s*w + 138 = 0, -2*w = -2*h + 9 + 53. Suppose k + 12 = h. Is k a composite number?
Let r = 103 - -154. Is r composite?
Suppose 0 = -714*g + 715*g - 16433. Is g a composite number?
Let h = 22 - 18. Suppose h*y = 686 + 2990. Is y a composite number?
Let i = 14 + -14. Suppose 3*c + o - 2 = i, -c - o + 3*o = -10. Suppose 2*b - 134 = -4*u, c*b = -0*b - 3*u + 139. Is b a composite number?
Suppose -16 = 3*z - 1. Is (91/(-3))/(z/15) a composite number?
Let k = -1952 + 7471. Is k a prime number?
Let k = -13 - -15. Is (k/6)/((-1)/(-921)) a prime number?
Let j(v) = 17*v**2 + v + 3. Let g(r) = -r**2 - 12*r + 13. Let h be g(-13). Suppose h = 4*p - 16, 3*i - i - 26 = -5*p. Is j(i) a composite number?
Suppose v = n + 121, 0 = -2*v - 10 + 2. Suppose y = -y - 432. Let t = n - y. Is t a composite number?
Let p(y) = y**3 + 21*y**2 - 122*y + 7. Is p(23) a prime number?
Let b(d) = -4*d**2 + 14*d - 35. Let y be b(14). Let k = 1060 + y. Is k a prime number?
Let o = 481 + -282. Suppose o = i + 19. Let v = i - 113. Is v a composite number?
Let v(u) = -u**3 + 14*u**2 - 12*u - 17. Let k(r) = -r**3 - 6*r**2 - 8*r - 3. Suppose 3 - 13 = 2*b. Let i be k(b). Is | 1 | fr |
32K for management, wow times are lean. Say goodbye middle class. | 0 | en |
The best jobs in a restaurant belong to the waitresses and bartenders. No messy food, no slaving over a hot grill, no risk of getting burns, no bad air, etc. It's the "floor staff" in the restaurant who get paid the most (tips!! #untaxed). Moreover, restaurant managers will give these [much better] jobs overwhelmingly to women; Better pay for less harsh work. | 0 | en |
"The misuse of anonymity to assist political agendas is not in the public interest."
I take it that you dislike the secrecy of the electoral ballot box as well?
What's your real name, sir? Are you Canadian, sir? Where do you live, sir? Who did you vote for, sir? Your papers, sir. We need to see your papers. | 0 | en |
It's the ultimate insanity to sell oil to the USA or China who will refine it into gasoline and sell it back to us at an inflated price. Why can't we build our own refining capability and sell to them for a profit? The carbon tax only punishes Canadians for burning fossil fuels. Someone else will (e.g. China, India) will burn the oil/gas and GHG's will continue to increase globally. | 0 | en |
Le 1200 du réseau Ruban n est pas celui des TCL, celui de Ruban vient du réseau Sibra d Annecy (et la fausse info que tu balances a déjà été démentie sur les forums spécialisés), tu veux que je le répète dans ton français dégueulasse pour que tu comprennes ? Cdlt, Lyon-St-Clair [[[Discussion Utilisateur:Lyon-St-Clair|Allô ?]]] | 1 | fr |
Australia also needs to fix its own human rights issues. The treatment of migrants and asylum seekers springs to mind. Confined on an island. Condemned by Amnesty International. I think they called it torture. Certainly inhumane. | 0 | en |
And your point is? | 0 | en |
They have no chance in life because fathers flee because they cannot provide. Make sure that society provides and fathers won't leave. That is different from the conservative yen to punish sexuality rather than celebrate fecundity. | 0 | en |
Hallelujah!! | 0 | id |
And some people claim diversity works. It wasn’t a raving success in the Balkans either. | 0 | en |
He he he he | 0 | nl |
That physical money would be worth nothing, except for lighting fires with the bills. The only items of value would be food, anything that helps to grow food, medicine, guns & ammo to defend food & medicine, and anything that helps in forgetting the plight we'd be in (alcohol, drugs, etc.). | 0 | en |
Besides the KKK and Antifa ( if that wasn't enough hate ), they brought in the Workers World Party, a group of Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries who have declared their support for Kim Jong Un’s murderous dictatorship in North Korea. So, you put these groups all together and you end up having a hate everyone block party in the extreme. Not something you would want to take your kids to, or to join. | 0 | en |
Don't know if he needs a vacation but perhaps the American public need a vacation from him? Poor Donald, works so hard doing what I don't know. But he is a 70+ year old man so perhaps he does need a vacation. | 0 | en |
O zman pkkya destek veren herkesi boyle paket edelim mesela onlar icin haburda seyyar mahkeme kuranlari ayaklarina savci gonderenleri davul ve zurnayla hosgeldin terorist diyenleri sivan perver piciyle yanyana konser verenleri ne dersin:) | 0 | tr |
Ah....a Gupta robotile.......same rhethoric, same rubbish...... | 1 | en |
Laravel routing access category and show method
To display the blog list i have using the following route
// Blog List
Route::name('blog')->get('blog', 'Front\BlogController@index');
Ex: http://www.mypropstore.com/blog/
To display the blog category,
Route::name('category')->get('blog/{category}', 'Front\PostController@category');
Ex: http://www.mypropstore.com/blog/buy-sell
To display the blog details, comments and tag details, we have using "posts" middleware
// Posts and comments
Route::prefix('posts')->namespace('Front')->group(function () {
Route::name('posts.display')->get('{slug}', 'PostController@show');
Route::name('posts.tag')->get('tag/{tag}', 'PostController@tag');
Route::name('posts.search')->get('', 'PostController@search');
Route::name('posts.comments.store')->post('{post}/comments', 'CommentController@store');
Route::name('posts.comments.comments.store')->post('{post}/comments/{comment}/comments', 'CommentController@store');
Route::name('posts.comments')->get('{post}/comments/{page}', 'CommentController@comments');
Ex: http://www.mypropstore.com/posts/apartment-vs-villa-which-is-the-right-choice-for-you
Now i want to change the blog details url page to
Ex: http://www.mypropstore.com/blog/apartment-vs-villa-which-is-the-right-choice-for-you-54
If i change that above format, it conflict category page. Any body knows how to set the routing for blog details page(middleware "posts")
Assuming the blogid part, at the end of your suggested route...
...is numeric, you could do something like this:
For your route definition for your post details page, use the following:
->get('blog/{slug}-{id}', 'PostController@show')
->where('id', '[0-9]+');
What this does is ensures that this route is only matched by paths that follow the pattern blog/{slug}-{id} but constrains that the id part of your route must be numeric i.e. consist only of one or more numbers.
You will need to ensure that this route appears before the one matching your category route or else the category route will take precedence.
Your controller should have a show method like this:
class PostController extends Controller
public function show($slug, $id)
// $id will contain the number at the end of the route
// $slug will contain the slug before the number (without the hyphen)
// You should be able to do this to get your post.
$post = Post::findOrFail($id);
| 0 | en |
Sessions your right we are an island, because we are ruled by liberals with mental disorders who hate the US, forget about those tweets from Hirono, Schatz, Gabbard and the rest of those who did not like what you said which is the truth being born here and lived all my life here I agree with you so your not under fire its just the commie libs that rule this island. and hate being part of the US. there is still a lot of us that believe this is the US but were over ruled by American hating liberals who pretend we are part of a US state and hide behind our US flag. | 0 | en |
When 24-year-old Morris Beckman returned to his house on Amhurst Road in Hackney, he’d experienced quite a lot. His time fighting fascism abroad had seen him survive two Nazi torpedo attacks on a British Navy ship in the Atlantic. While his relieved mother showered him with affection on his return home, his father’s message was rather starker: ‘The bastards are back,’ he warned. Indeed, the London that Beckman returned to fell far short of the expectations of himself and millions of other ex-servicemen. Though it may run counter to the popular narrative of the triumph over Hitler, fascism grew rapidly in Britain immediately following the Second World War. Fascist prisoners interned during the war began to reorganise their crippled movement, while a new presence of captured Nazi soldiers being released from prisoner-of-war camps and into British society prompted a far-right renaissance. Within months of the war’s end, fourteen fascist groups and at least three bookshops operated openly across the city. Newspapers with names like Britain Awake and The Patriot were readily available on street corners. Most alarmingly of all, fascists began staging outdoor rallies in the densely-Jewish East End once again. ‘Openly in the streets you had public meetings shouting out the same antagonism and the same filth as before the war,’ commando veteran Jules Konopinski recalled, ‘and now even worse – they were saying the gas chambers weren’t enough.’ Alarm spread among the Jewish community that anti-Semitism could find a foothold so soon after the defeat of the Nazis.
Emergence Nowhere was alarm at the situation felt more strongly than in Maccabi House, a Jewish sports club in Hampstead. Morris Beckman recalled that the club had a ‘subdued ambience’ that reflected the ‘weariness and uncertainties’ of the times. Polish-Jewish veterans of the Allied forces with no families or homes to return to were forging friendships in a new city. Several pre-war Maccabi regulars died fighting Hitler. The ones that had survived, once awash with optimism, were now world-weary veterans who mixed uncomfortably with jovial teenagers who hadn’t served. In those days the true enormity of the Holocaust wasn’t known, and as the full picture began to emerge it had a profound effect on the community. Jewish ex-servicemen in particular carried a ‘sick sense of shame’, Beckman said, that no Allied action had been taken to prevent Nazi operations in the death camps. This consciousness was emerging at the same time as walls in London — whose Jewish community had only escaped the fate of their European neighbours by geographical quirk — were once again being daubed with swastikas. To many, it felt as if Britain hadn’t learnt a thing. The Truth, a magazine whose editor, Colin Brooks, was a close confidante of Daily Mail owner Lord Rothermere, called for Jews to give up their houses to ‘British’ ex-servicemen. In October 1945, thousands signed an ‘anti-alien’ petition in Hampstead which called to expel the area’s large Jewish refugee population. In February 1946, while driving for a pint in Hampstead Heath, four young Jewish ex-servicemen — the former Hurricane ace Alec Carson, Gerry Flamberg, Len Sherman, and Morris Beckman — witnessed a rally by the British League of Ex-Servicemen and Women, the organisation of Jeffrey Hamm. A familiar face of pre-war fascism, Hamm was interned for his loyalty to Hitler and was now seeking to rebuild Oswald Mosley’s movement. Addressing a sixty-strong meeting, Hamm chose his words carefully, denouncing the ‘aliens in our midst’ who ‘waxed fat in the black market’ while British soldiers died. Pretending to buy a copy of Britain Awake, Sherman abruptly knocked two fascists unconscious by banging their heads together. Flamberg toppled the makeshift stage and knocked Hamm over. As the crowd scattered, an elderly German Jew stayed to shake their hands. It occurred to all four that they could face serious charges for their actions. ‘Well then,’ Carson said, ‘it’s about time they change the laws.’ Their action was widely supported, and an organising meeting at Maccabi House was arranged to push back the fascist threat. Thirty-eight ex-servicemen and five women turned up. The vast majority were Jewish, but the group also included non-Jewish socialists like Joe Zilliacus, a former Marine and son of left-wing Labour MP Konni Zilliacus. What united them was their conviction that the Jewish community must not be passive in the face of provocations. Alec Black, a veteran of the D-Day landings, proposed establishing an organisation that could effectively fight fascism and anti-Semitism. He knew this would be a serious endeavour and emphasised that everyone involved would risk serious harm and jail time. Anyone feeling nervous about this activity could leave without any judgement or prejudice against them. No one moved an inch or said a word. The organisation had two aims: to prevent fascist activities by physical force if necessary, and to pressure Parliament into making racial incitement a criminal offence. Since those present had few motivations beyond completing the tasks at hand, no grandiose names were suggested. It was decided they would be called ‘The 43 Group’, after the number of people in the room. But, by April of that year, the name seemed misplaced; over 300 people had bolstered the Group’s ranks.
Confrontation After encountering their first post-war instances of physical resistance, London’s fascists dropped their respectable veneer. Rather than hiding behind dog-whistle phrases, the seasoned repertoire of Hitler salutes, ‘Heil Mosley’ chants, and renditions of the Horst Wessel Lied, the Nazi anthem, returned. In the face of constant physical attacks in their communities and workplaces, fascist anger grew increasingly frenzied. A bomb was pushed through the door of Gerry Flamberg’s home, while two 43 Group commandos beat unconscious a young fascist who had stitched razorblades into a flat cap and charged through Stamford Hill slashing people’s faces. In November 1946, 43 Group militants published a letter in the Jewish Chronicle appealing for further assistance. It inspired a swell in members, but provoked an angry response from Louis Hydelman, who sat on the Board of Deputies of British Jews. Accusing the young commandos of acting ‘counterproductively’, Hydelman ordered the Group to disband. His intervention only highlighted the divide between young Jews committed to tackling the fascist presence and the older communal leadership, who remained legalistic in outlook. Hydelman’s letter, derided for its patronising tone, fell on deaf ears. The Group’s impressive infrastructure, convinced members they could afford to ignore their critics. Not only could they boast of an active base of 1,000 members, but they had also made influential friends. Left-wing Labour MPs such as D. N. Pritt, John Platt-Mills, and Woodrow Wyatt were keen supporters, while entertainment giants Jack Solomon and Bud Flanagan regularly donated significant sums to the organisation. On the streets, confrontations intensified. Tightly-organised 43 Group units would form human ‘wedges’ at rallies, pushing through fascist security to attack the stage, and use ‘supporting parties’ to heckle and break up fascist proceedings. On Sunday, 1 June 1947, these skirmishes came to a head in Ridley Road, a market area of Hackney known for its vibrant Jewish life. The fascists’ decision to demonstrate here was particularly provocative as it had been a favoured site of Mosley’s British Union of Fascists in the 1930s. The 43 Group organised for the ‘Battle for Ridley Road’ with military precision. Commandos were given maps of the surrounding streets with entry and exit points for ambush attacks. But walking up to the platform they were still taken back by the size of the far-right crowd. With police backing too, the fascists hugely outnumbered the 43 Group. But they nonetheless infiltrated the audience in front of the stage and, when fascist leader Alexander Raven Thomson began to speak, started heckling. ‘Going back to the Isle of Man for your holidays?’ one commando shouted. (Thomson had been imprisoned in a detention camp on the Isle of Man during the war.) ‘They should have hanged you with William Joyce!’ said another. Then the wedge struck and ferocious fighting broke out. A description of scenes by Morris Beckman recalls the intensity. A young fascist about eighteen years of age appeared in front of me and called me a ‘Fucking Jew bastard’, catching my left thigh with a nearly well-aimed kick. I hit his nose square on and it spurted blood … I kicked his backside as hard as I could and he staggered off. A hard blow landed smack on my right ear and completely unbalanced me. For a moment, I was dazed, disorientated. My assailant was about to close and finish me off when Sam grabbed him around the neck and pulled him to the ground. Then Sam jumped on him. The genial, good-humoured Sam said, ‘I’m just breaking the bastard’s ribs so he won’t attend any more meetings.’ | 1 | en |
Canada still has no reason to be there. In fact our presence simply invites the ISIS to retaliate. Canada is less safe. There is no upside. Get our troops out. No more Canadian widows or widowers. | 0 | en |
USER kunyuk nih pasukan tukang burjo...akun nye bokep melulu...\xf0\x9f\x98\x82\xf0\x9f\x98\x82\xf0\x9f\x98\x82 URL | 1 | id |
Bonjour, Un administrateur peut-il faire bloquer ces 2 faux-nez de Exnihili, déjà bloqué ? (discuter) | 0 | fr |
Real necessary team approaches in today's very perilous times. Sonar expertise requires the military 'listener' to be able to determine what is natural and what is a real threat. | 0 | en |
==Qiyamah== I have been having a huge amount of trouble with a vandal ( on the Qiyamah page. I ask that he, and every other sockpuppet he uses be banned, and the page protected. Dmcdevit was previously contacted but has refused to take any action thus far. For more information see the Qiyamah talk page, Universaliss's talk page, and my talk page. Thank you for your time. | 0 | en |
Sources for a poorly sourced biography of a living person
Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents#Legal threat
Just in case you didn't see it on the noticeboard. | 0 | en |
Nice work dingbat. Right-wingers are going to be tossing this stupid episode for the next 10 years. This is not the way to protest tRump. | 1 | en |
Well, Mr Wanjala. You bring up an interesting point that none of the reporters in the media have bothered to point out, let alone investigate. A google search of these five cases does seem to confirm that all five taxi drivers were indeed Muslim, and immigrants. Your conclusion is that all five are victims of an "Islamophobia epidemic."
The owner of the taxi business, whose reputation has been seriously damaged by these incidents, thinks otherwise. Fortunately he does not have to prove, like the judge, that rape occurred "without a shadow of doubt". Mr Al-Rawi is fired and "will not be driving a taxi in Halifax anytime soon." All the owner needs is a complaint and a reasonable likelihood that it occurred. When this happens, or taxi drivers lock the doors and sexually assault a woman in the front seat, which was described in a previous case, the employer is well within his rights to fire the employee.
Islamophobia?- no. Disgust for five hateful misogynists? - you bet. | 0 | en |
There were no priests...how do you not get this? I get so tired of folks who think that The Church arrived full-blown on the morning of the Resurrection or maybe at Pentecost... many things have evolved (oh, I know that is a dirty word because THE CHURCH HAS NEVER CHANGED - ) and grown and been left open to The Spirit and will continue to change and grow and evolve in all Her Trinitarian splendor...if you don't feel comfortable with growth and change and, yes, evolving, then I guess you are not part of a church that is ALIVE...so you just crawl back in your cocoon and hug your dead church to yourself...we are ALIVE!!! Pope Francis knows this...some other hierarchical types just don't get it. | 0 | en |
How so? I am a Community Emergency Response Team member in Eugene and this is the first I have heard about this drill. | 0 | en |
Yep I read the list posted on the Sun, came away thinking no way in hell is Trump going to sign on to that bafflegab. | 0 | en |
It is NOT a punishment.
We live in a fallen creation. We live there because of Original Sin. | 0 | en |
#Drensteinfurt: Südländisch wirkender Teenager bedroht einen BMX-Fahrer (16) an einer Skaterbahn mit einem #Messer, greift sich dessen Handy aus der Fahrradhalterung und türmt mit einem Kumpel - später kann ein 13-jähriger Tatverdächtiger ermittelt werden https://t.co/7dOax3StDe | 0 | de |
The fact that folks make a public commitment to go against the teaching of the Bible and the Church in a grave makes this different than the case other sins, a point lost on many of those commenting here. | 0 | en |
Do UOL, em São Paulo, e colaboração para o UOL, em Maceió
Um apagão atingiu todos os nove Estados do Nordeste, além do Amazonas, Pará e Tocantins, na tarde desta quarta-feira (21). Segundo o ONS (Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico), uma "perturbação" na estrutura nacional de produção e transmissão de energia elétrica provocou o desligamento de cerca de 18 mil megawatts --22,5% da carga total do sistema, impactando sobretudo as regiões Norte e Nordeste.
O corte de energia aconteceu às 15h48. O operador informou que às 16h15 o serviço havia sido normalizado no Sul, Sudeste e no Centro-Oeste. Rio de Janeiro e Goiás também registraram interrupções de energia, mas por um período de até 12 minutos.
Em entrevista a jornalistas na noite desta quarta, o diretor geral do ONS, Luiz Eduardo Barata Ferreira, afirmou que todos os Estados das regiões Norte e Nordeste foram afetados pelo apagão, com exceção de Acre, Roraima e Rondônia.
Ferreira afirmou ainda que o blecaute aconteceu devido a uma falha em um disjuntor na subestação de Xingu, responsável pelo escoamento da energia gerada pela usina de Belo Monte, no Pará. “Um disjuntor na subestação de Xingu não funcionou de forma adequada. As razões ainda não sabemos, precisamos averiguar”, disse o presidente do órgão.
O diretor geral do ONS afirmou ainda que todos os Estados das regiões Norte e Nordeste foram afetados pelo apagão, com exceção do Acre, Roraima e Rondônia. As regiões Centro-Oeste, Sul e Sudeste, segundo ele, foram pouco afetadas, mas também registraram problemas. “[Nas regiões] Norte e Nordeste a repercussão foi bem mais acentuada. Tivemos praticamente um colapso, um desligamento de todas as cargas dessas duas regiões”, disse.
Por volta das 19h, o restabelecimento de energia já atingia cerca de 50% da região Nordeste e praticamente 100% da região Norte, segundo o órgão. As cidades com mais lentidão no processo de religamento de energia eram João Pessoa (PB), Maceió (AL), Salvador (BA), Aracaju (SE) e Natal (RN).
Por volta das 17h30, após quase duas horas de blecaute, a energia começou a ser restabelecida na Paraíba. Segundo a Energisa, empresa responsável pela distribuição no Estado, todos os municípios da Paraíba foram afetados pelo apagão e o retorno da eletricidade aconteceria de forma gradual. Por volta de 18h30, a Enel Distribuição Ceará informou que também começou a retomar o fornecimento.
"Perturbação" é o mau funcionamento ou desligamento forçado de um ou mais componentes do sistema. Segundo Edmilson Moutinho dos Santos, professor do IEE (Instituto de Energia e Ambiente) da USP (Universidade de São Paulo), uma perturbação pode acontecer por diversos motivos, como pico de carga, descarga elétrica decorrente de tempestade ou mesmo algum defeito em uma unidade de energia importante, o que acarreta um descarregamento em cadeia. “Falar somente em perturbação quer dizer pouco, porque pode dizer qualquer coisa.”
Os ministros das Minas e Energia, Fernando Coelho Filho, e da Casa Civil, Eliseu Padilha, já haviam feito referência a problemas enfrentados em uma linha de transmissão da usina de Belo Monte, no Pará. “Se cai a linha de transmissão, para onde era transmitida a energia, há apagão”, disse Padilha.
Ex-presidente da Chesf, o deputado federal José Carlos Aleluia (DEM-BA) também postou na sua conta no Twitter que o problema foi causado por falha nos testes da linha de Belo Monte.
Falha nos testes da linha de Belo Monte (bipolo), provocou desligamento de energia elétrica de praticamente todo o Norte e Nordeste. O sistema de alívio de carga também falhou. 18.000 mW desligado. — José Carlos Aleluia (@jcaleluia) 21 de março de 2018
O UOL entrou em contato com a Norte Energia, empresa responsável pela operação da usina hidrelétrica de Belo Monte, e aguarda posicionamento.
Nas redes sociais, usuários relataram problemas nos Estados de Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte e Sergipe.
Amigassss e esse apagão? To no aero e ta tudo escuro aqui, os voos atrasando.. — Mariana Lins (@marilins) March 21, 2018
Em Alagoas, a Casal (Companhia de Saneamento de Alagoas) pediu que a população economize água. Devido à “suspensão do fornecimento de energia, todos os seus sistemas de abastecimento de água estão paralisados. A água que ainda está chegando às residências é oriunda dos reservatórios”, diz a empresa em nota.
Semáforo desligado em Maceió após apagão atingir o Nordeste Imagem: Aliny Gama/UOL Último apagão foi em 2013
O último grande apagão que atingiu o Nordeste aconteceu no dia 28 de agosto de 2013. Na ocasião, a interrupção do fornecimento de eletricidade afetou todos os Estados do Nordeste: Pernambuco, Bahia, Rio Grande do Norte, Piauí, Alagoas, Ceará, Paraíba, Sergipe e Maranhão. Os cortes de energia atingiram cerca de 16 milhões de pessoas.
O blecaute, segundo o ONS, foi causado naquele ano por queimadas em duas linhas de transmissão no Piauí. O incêndio provocou os curtos-circuitos que resultaram nos desligamentos de duas linhas.
Diversos apagões também ocorreram no Nordeste em 2012. No último dos blecautes daquele ano, mais de 3,5 milhões de consumidores, em 12 Estados, ficaram sem luz por uma hora. | 0 | pt |
Are you sure you want to bring up gerrymandering accusations against Democrats when Republicans commit this political shuffle with far greater frequency?
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/partisan-gerrymandering-has-benefited-gop-analysis-shows-n776436/ | 0 | en |
Subsets and Splits