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15,505 | Trump calls for worldwide action against North Korea nuclear threat | U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States is prepared to use the full range of military force to stop a North Korean attack, but said he was focused on using all available tools short of military action to prevent conflict. North Korea is a worldwide threat that requires worldwide action, he told reporters at a joint press conference with South Korea President Moon Jae-in. The remarks came after the two leaders held formal talks at the presidential Blue House in Seoul, where Moon told Trump he hoped his visit would relieve some of South Koreans anxiety over North Korea and serve as a turning point in resolving the North Korean nuclear issue . | worldnews | November 7, 2017 | 1 |
5,610 | WOW: Duck Dynasty Star Phil Robertson Offers Up The Worst Proof Ever That Jesus Was Real | No one can accuse Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson of being able to use the few brain his god saw fit to bless him with. Nobody can accuse him of not clinging so desperately to his faith that he literally can t see anything else, either. To that end, while speaking at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver, he put forth what he no doubt believes is ironclad proof that the son of his god, Jesus Christ, actually existed.What s his proof? It s definitely not scientific proof. It s also not even biblical proof. No his proof is so uniquely out there that it defies description: [The] calendar documents it is 2016 years since Jesus showed up, right? So don t tell me he wasn t here!By the way, if your calendar is dated of all the human beings who have ever walked on the Earth, and your calendar is dedicated and predicated to just one of em, evidently something rather large went down. Wow, he s really got us there.This is a good time to start scratching your head while wondering just what manner of derpiness this is. Our calendar, dedicated to just Jesus, simply because it s the year 2016? Don t make us laugh too hard. It hurts, especially considering that the names of most of the months are based on things that are so un-Christian they re blasphemy:Robertson could stand to read this little history lesson if he s going to make wild claims about our calendar, although it s entirely possible that he d call it all Satan s lies, or something like that. It s really hard to cure someone like him of willful ignorance; he d just come up with more willful ignorance.Featured image by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images | News | July 4, 2016 | 0 |
7,599 | U.S. militia girds for trouble as presidential election nears | Down a Georgia country road, camouflaged members of the Three Percent Security Force have mobilized for rifle practice, hand-to-hand combat training — and an impromptu campaign rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. “How many people are voting for Trump? Ooh-rah!” asks Chris Hill, a paralegal who goes by the code name “Bloodagent.” “Ooh-rah!” shout a dozen militia members in response, as morning sunlight sifted through the trees last weekend. As the most divisive presidential election in recent memory nears its conclusion, some armed militia groups are preparing for the possibility of a stolen election on Nov. 8 and civil unrest in the days following a victory by Democrat Hillary Clinton. They say they won’t fire the first shot, but they’re not planning to leave their guns at home, either. Trump's populist campaign has energized militia members like Hill, who admire the Republican mogul's promise to deport illegal immigrants, stop Muslims from entering the country and build a wall along the Mexico border. Trump has repeatedly warned that the election may be "rigged," and has said he may not respect the results if he does not win. At least one paramilitary group, the Oath Keepers, has called on members to monitor voting sites for signs of fraud. Armed paramilitary groups first gained prominence in the early 1990s, fueled by confrontations in Ruby Ridge, Idaho and Waco, Texas, culminating in a militia sympathizer’s 1995 bombing of a federal office building in Oklahoma City that killed 168 people. Their numbers dwindled following that attack but have spiked in recent years, driven by fears that President Barack Obama will threaten gun ownership and erode the power of local government. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups, estimates there were 276 active militias last year, up from 42 in 2008. In recent years, armed groups have confronted federal authorities in a series of land-use disputes in the western United States. Federal officials fear more clashes could come after seven militants were acquitted on conspiracy charges for occupying a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon. Many fear Clinton would push the county further to the left. “This is the last chance to save America from ruin,” Hill said. “I’m surprised I was able to survive or suffer through eight years of Obama without literally going insane, but Hillary is going to be more of the same.” The Oath Keepers, a prominent anti-government force that sent gun-toting members to the 2014 race riots in Ferguson, Missouri, called on members last week to monitor voting sites on election day for any signs of fraud. An hour south of Atlanta, the Three Percent Security Force started the day around the campfire, taking turns shooting automatic pistols and rifles at a makeshift target range. They whooped with approval when blasts from one member’s high-powered rifle knocked down a tree. The group operates independently, but is affiliated with a national armed movement that calls for members to defend individual rights in the face of what they see as an overreaching federal government. The movement draws its name from the notion that no more than 3 percent of the American population fought in the Revolutionary War against Britain. Amid the war games, Hill weighed plans for a possible armed march on Washington if Clinton wins. He said he doesn’t want his members leading the way, but they will defend the protesters if need be. His group will not hesitate to act if a President Clinton tries to disarm gun owners, he said. “I will be there to render assistance to my fellow countrymen, and prevent them from being disarmed, and I will fight and I will kill and I may die in the process,” said Hill, who founded the militia several years ago. Trump’s candidacy has emboldened extremist groups to speak more openly about challenging the rule of law, said Ryan Lenz, a researcher at the Southern Poverty Law Center. “Prior to this campaign season, these ideas were relegated to sort of the political fringe of the American political landscape,” he said. “Now these ideas are legitimized.” Over the past week, some prominent Trump supporters have hinted at violence. ”If Trump loses, I’m grabbing my musket,” former Illinois Representative Joe Walsh wrote on Twitter last week. Conservative commentator Wayne Root fantasized about Clinton’s death while speaking at a Trump rally in Las Vegas on Sunday. Back in Georgia, the Three Percent Security Force wrapped up rifle practice in the midday sun. They then headed further into the trees to tackle an obstacle course with loaded pistols at their sides, ready for whatever may come. “We’ve building up for this, just like the Marines,” he said. “We are going to really train harder and try to increase our operational capabilities in the event that this is the day that we hoped would never come.” | politicsNews | November 2, 2016 | 1 |
6,369 | Democrats press U.S. housing nominee Carson on potential Trump conflicts | U.S. Senate Democrats on Thursday pressed Ben Carson, Donald Trump’s nominee to lead housing policy, on potential conflicts of interest between the agency he is set to run and properties in which the president-elect may hold a financial stake. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) hands out billions of dollars each year to developers and landlords. Democrats grilling Carson during his confirmation hearing for the post expressed concerns that some of that taxpayer money could end up directed to Trump or members of his family. “The president-elect is hiding his family businesses interests from you, from me, and the rest of America,” Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, one of Trump’s most vocal critics, told Carson. “He can divert taxpayer money into his own pockets without the American people knowing about it.” Trump, a New York businessman who got his start in real estate, has refused to release his tax returns or provide detailed information about his holdings across the globe. On Wednesday, he announced that he would turn control of his business empire over to his two oldest sons and move his assets into a trust. Those moves, however, have not assuaged some critics who argue that, as president, Trump will still have undisclosed financial interests that could affect his policies. Pushed on the issue by Democrats, Carson at one point vowed he would monitor any potential conflicts of interest but said he was unsure about how to go about it. Asked how he would prevent conflicts, the retired neurosurgeon and former Republican presidential candidate told the Senate Banking Committee, “I would hope what would happen with this committee is that we could come up with a suggestion that might be acceptable to all sides.” Trump reportedly has an interest in the massive Starrett City housing project in the New York City of Brooklyn, which has received HUD funds. But Trump’s real estate career has focused mainly on luxury housing, commercial real estate and resort properties. Earlier in the hearing, Carson was noncommittal when Warren asked him to ensure that no HUD programs would benefit Trump. “If there happens to be an extraordinarily good program that is working for millions of people and it turns that someone you’re targeting is going to gain $10 from it, am I going to say, ‘No, the rest of you Americans can’t have it?’” Carson responded. Carson is widely expected to be confirmed by the Republican-controlled Senate committee and full Senate. Much of Thursday’s hearing focused on Carson’s long-standing antipathy toward social-welfare programs, with some senators asking him whether he, in fact, supports HUD’s mission to provide housing assistance to millions of Americans. “I think the rental assistance program is essential,” Carson replied. He later, added, however that social programs have to operate within financial constraints. Much of Carson’s remarks focused on his well-documented background growing up poor in inner-city Detroit, saying he learned young what “housing insecurity” means. He provided few details in terms of U.S. housing policy or how he would revamp the agency, suggesting only that he was interested in making it more efficient. If confirmed as HUD secretary, Carson would oversee an agency with a roughly $40 billion budget that not only helps the poor but underwrites mortgage loans for middle-class families. HUD’s Federal Housing Administration (FHA) stands behind roughly one in five home loans and at least $1.1 trillion in debt - a number that Carson said was troubling. Outgoing HUD Secretary Julian Castro this week slashed HUD fees for mortgage default insurance, which he said would save the average HUD-backed homeowner $500 a year. Carson suggested that he would consider reversing that surprise move. “Certainly, if confirmed, I am going to work with the FHA administrator and other financial experts to really examine that policy,” he said. | politicsNews | January 12, 2017 | 1 |
13,095 | Iraq accused of violating due process for Islamic State suspects | Iraqi federal and Kurdish regional judiciaries are violating the rights of Islamic State suspects with flawed trials, arbitrary detentions under harsh conditions and broad prosecutions, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Tuesday. As the Sunni Muslim militant group s self-proclaimed caliphate crumbles following defeats in Iraq and Syria, thousands suspected of joining it have been captured, detained, and put on trial. At least 200 have been sentenced and at least 92 executed, an HRW report said. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, at a weekly news conference on Tuesday, denied that Iraq puts Islamic State suspects on trial without evidence but did not address other parts of the HRW report. His government faces the task of exacting justice on Islamic State members while preventing revenge attacks on people associated with the group that could only undermine efforts to create long-term stability. New York-based HRW said that an 80-page report it released early on Tuesday finds serious legal shortcomings that undermine efforts to bring (Islamic State) fighters, members, and affiliates to justice. A spokesman for Iraq s Supreme Judicial Council, which supervises the federal judiciary, declined to comment on the contents of the report ahead of its release. Issues highlighted by the HRW report: - It is too easy to accuse someone of belonging to Islamic State and have them detained. Wanted lists or community accusations without evidence can result in the detention of suspects for months even if wrongly accused. - Detention centers are overcrowded and authorities fail to separate children from adult detainees. Iraqi law states detainees should be brought to a judge within 24 hours of capture but this does not happen. - Detainees are often subject to torture, not granted access to lawyers, and their families are not informed of their whereabouts. Iraqi authorities say they have investigated these allegations but have not released any findings. - The reliance of Iraqi and Kurdish courts on counter terrorism laws to prosecute suspects rather than on laws in the criminal code means crimes are not prioritized by gravity and victims are not included in the process as suspects are not tried for individual acts of murder, rape, torture or slavery. - Proving guilt under counter-terrorism laws is easier as a judge only needs proof that a defendant was a member of Islamic State to find them guilty. This means that anyone from cooks and doctors serving under the group to actual fighters is subject to the same sentences, which range from life in prison to death. This stretches Iraq s resources thin as casting such a wide net means the courts lack the time or manpower to go through all cases, the HRW report says, which prevents victims from getting personal justice. HRW said that when it raised concerns about prosecutors not charging suspects with crimes under the criminal code, Iraqi judicial authorities said there was no need. Genocide and terrorism are the same crime, why would we need a separate charge for genocide? the report quoted one counter-terrorism judge as saying. | worldnews | December 5, 2017 | 1 |
22,850 | The Demise of Progressive Democrats: ‘Resist and Submit, Retreat and Surrender’ | 21st Century Wire says The US 2016 Presidential Election was a watershed point in 21st century western politics. With the defeat of Hillary Clinton and the near collapse of the Democratic Party, it seems that America s progressive left has lost the ability to relate to much of the working and the middle classes. During the Obama Administration, the party was taken over by the billionaire donor class ruled by Wall Street interests, Silicon Valley svengalis, and the unelected commissariate the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Their failed strategy of total reliance on identity politics at home, and backing Islamist extremism and a New Cold War with Russia abroad has spelled abject failure for the US electorate. Still, the vanguard of the progressive left is still in denial of these realities. However, a new shake-up on the left may already be underway.Last month, America s latest progressive icon, Bernie Sanders had this to say Sanders: "The Democratic Party is an absolute failure." (June 11, 2017)See also: https://t.co/cnrVTiKUnn pic.twitter.com/mJxrguyMyM WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) July 9, 2017While his candid depiction of a broken political party certainly rings true, it seems that Sanders is avoiding some of the more fundamental aspects of his party s rapid disintegration, namely the left s role in compromising America s reputation internationally by caving in to a largely Neoconservative and globalist foreign policy agenda, as author James Petras explains James Petras Information Clearing House Over the past quarter century progressive writers, activists and academics have followed a trajectory from left to right with each presidential campaign seeming to move them further to the right. Beginning in the 1990 s progressives mobilized millions in opposition to wars, voicing demands for the transformation of the US s corporate for-profit medical system into a national Medicare For All public program. They condemned the notorious Wall Street swindlers and denounced police state legislation and violence. But in the end, they always voted for Democratic Party Presidential candidates who pursued the exact opposite agenda.Over time this political contrast between program and practice led to the transformation of the Progressives. And what we see today are US progressives embracing and promoting the politics of the far right.To understand this transformation we will begin by identifying who and what the progressives are and describe their historical role. We will then proceed to identify their trajectory over the recent decades.We will outline the contours of recent Presidential campaigns where Progressives were deeply involved.We will focus on the dynamics of political regression: From resistance to submission, from retreat to surrender.We will conclude by discussing the end result: The Progressives large-scale, long-term embrace of far-right ideology and practice.Progressives by Name and PostureProgressives purport to embrace progress , the growth of the economy, the enrichment of society and freedom from arbitrary government. Central to the Progressive agenda was the end of elite corruption and good governance, based on democratic procedures.Progressives prided themselves as appealing to reason, diplomacy and conciliation , not brute force and wars. They upheld the sovereignty of other nations and eschewed militarism and armed intervention.Progressives proposed a vision of their fellow citizens pursuing incremental evolution toward the good society , free from the foreign entanglements, which had entrapped the people in unjust wars.Progressives in Historical PerspectiveIn the early part of the 20th century, progressives favored political equality while opposing extra-parliamentary social transformations. They supported gender equality and environmental preservation while failing to give prominence to the struggles of workers and African Americans.They denounced militarism in general but supported a series of wars to end all wars . Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson embodied the dual policies of promoting peace at home and bloody imperial wars overseas. By the middle of the 20th century, different strands emerged under the progressive umbrella. Progressives split between traditional good government advocates and modernists who backed socio-economic reforms, civil liberties and rights.Progressives supported legislation to regulate monopolies, encouraged collective bargaining and defended the Bill of Rights.Progressives opposed wars and militarism in theory until their government went to war.Lacking an effective third political party, progressives came to see themselves as the left wing of the Democratic Party, allies of labor and civil rights movements and defenders of civil liberties.Progressives joined civil rights leaders in marches, but mostly relied on legal and electoral means to advance African American rights.Progressives played a pivotal role in fighting McCarthyism, though ultimately it was the Secretary of the Army and the military high command that brought Senator McCarthy to his knees.Progressives provided legal defense when the social movements disrupted the House UnAmerican Activities Committee.They popularized the legislative arguments that eventually outlawed segregation, but it was courageous Afro-American leaders heading mass movements that won the struggle for integration and civil rights.In many ways the Progressives complemented the mass struggles, but their limits were defined by the constraints of their membership in the Democratic Party.The alliance between Progressives and social movements peaked in the late sixties to mid-1970 s when the Progressives followed the lead of dynamic and advancing social movements and community organizers especially in opposition to the wars in Indochina and the military draft.The Retreat of the ProgressivesBy the late 1970 s the Progressives had cut their anchor to the social movements, as the anti-war, civil rights and labor movements lost their impetus (and direction).The numbers of progressives within the left wing of the Democratic Party increased through recruitment from earlier social movements. Paradoxically, while their numbers were up, their caliber had declined, as they sought to fit in with the pro-business, pro-war agenda of their President s party.Without the pressure of the populist street the Progressives-turned-Democrats adapted to the corporate culture in the Party. The Progressives signed off on a fatal compromise: The corporate elite secured the electoral party while the Progressives were allowed to write enlightened manifestos about the candidates and their programs . . . which were quickly dismissed once the Democrats took office. Yet the ability to influence the electoral rhetoric was seen by the Progressives as a sufficient justification for remaining inside the Democratic Party.Moreover the Progressives argued that by strengthening their presence in the Democratic Party, (their self-proclaimed boring from within strategy), they would capture the party membership, neutralize the pro-corporation, militarist elements that nominated the president and peacefully transform the party into a vehicle for progressive changes .Upon their successful deep penetration the Progressives, now cut off from the increasingly disorganized mass social movements, coopted and bought out many prominent black, labor and civil liberty activists and leaders, while collaborating with what they dubbed the more malleable centrist Democrats. These mythical creatures were really pro-corporate Democrats who condescended to occasionally converse with the Progressives while working for the Wall Street and Pentagon elite.The Retreat of the Progressives: The Clinton DecadeProgressives adapted the crab strategy : Moving side-ways and then backwards but never forward.Progressives mounted candidates in the Presidential primaries, which were predictably defeated by the corporate Party apparatus, and then submitted immediately to the outcome. The election of President Bill Clinton launched a period of unrestrained financial plunder, major wars of aggression in Europe (Yugoslavia) and the Middle East (Iraq), a military intervention in Somalia and secured Israel s victory over any remnant of a secular Palestinian leadership as well as its destruction of Lebanon!Progressives followed Clinton s deep throated thrust toward the far right, as he outsourced manufacturing jobs to Mexico (NAFTA) and re-appointed Federal Reserve s free market, Ayn Rand-fanatic, Alan Greenspan.Like a huge collective Monica Lewinsky robot, the Progressives in the Democratic Party bent over and swallowed Clinton s vicious 1999 savaging of the venerable Glass Steagall Act, thereby opening the floodgates for massive speculation on Wall Street through the previously regulated banking sector. When President Clinton gutted welfare programs, forcing single mothers to take minimum-wage jobs without provision for safe childcare, millions of poor white and minority women were forced to abandon their children to dangerous makeshift arrangements in order to retain any residual public support and access to minimal health care. Progressives looked the other way.Progressives repeatedly kneeled before President Clinton marking their submission to the Democrats hard right policies.The election of Republican President G. W. Bush (2001-2009) permitted Progressive s to temporarily trot out and burnish their anti-war, anti-Wall Street credentials. Out in the street, they protested Bush s savage invasion of Iraq (but not the destruction of Afghanistan). They protested the media reports of torture in Abu Ghraib under Bush, but not the massive bombing and starvation of millions of Iraqis that had occurred under Clinton. Progressives protested the expulsion of immigrants from Mexico and Central America, but were silent over the brutal uprooting of refugees resulting from US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, or the systematic destruction of their nations infrastructure.Progressives embraced Israel s bombing, jailing and torture of Palestinians by voting unanimously in favor of increasing the annual $3 billion dollar military handouts to the brutal Jewish State. They supported Israel s bombing and slaughter in Lebanon.Progressives were in retreat, but retained a muffled voice and inconsequential vote in favor of peace, justice and civil liberties. They kept a certain distance from the worst of the police state decrees by the Republican Administration.Progressives and Obama: From Retreat to SurrenderWhile Progressives maintained their tepid commitment to civil liberties, and their highly leveraged hopes for peace in the Middle East, they jumped uncritically into the highly choreographed Democratic Party campaign for Barack Obama, Wall Street s First Black President .Progressives had given up their quest to realign the Democratic Party from within : they turned from serious tourism to permanent residency. Progressives provided the foot soldiers for the election and re-election of the warmongering Peace Candidate Obama. After the election, Progressives rushed to join the lower echelons of his Administration. Black and white politicos joined hands in their heroic struggle to erase the last vestiges of the Progressives historical legacy.Obama increased the number of Bush-era imperial wars to attacking seven weak nations under American s First Black President s bombardment, while the Progressives ensured that the streets were quiet and empty.When Obama provided trillions of dollars of public money to rescue Wall Street and the bankers, while sacrificing two million poor and middle class mortgage holders, the Progressives only criticized the bankers who received the bailout, but not Obama s Presidential decision to protect and reward the mega-swindlers.Under the Obama regime social inequalities within the United States grew at an unprecedented rate. The Police State Patriot Act was massively extended to give President Obama the power to order the assassination of US citizens abroad without judicial process. The Progressives did not resign when Obama s kill orders extended to the mistaken murder of his target s children and other family member, as well as unidentified bystanders. The icon carriers still paraded their banner of the first black American President when tens of thousands of black Libyans and immigrant workers were slaughtered in his regime-change war against President Gadhafi Continue this article at Information Clearing HouseREAD MORE POLICE STATE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Police State FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV | Middle-east | July 14, 2017 | 0 |
21,512 | CHICAGO THUG PRESIDENT PERSONALLY LEAKED CHUCK SCHUMER’S OPPOSITION TO HIS DANGEROUS IRAN DEAL | Schumer asked the President not to mention his decision publicly until he could make a formal announcement on Friday.If that s how Obama treats his closest friends who refuse to align with his reckless Iran deal, just think how he treats his enemies President Obama personally leaked news that Senator Chuck Schumer had decided to oppose his Iran deal, even after Schumer personally asked the President not to mention it until he could make an announcement Friday.During last night s widely-viewed GOP debate, word began to circulate that Sen. Schumer had decided to oppose President Obama s nuclear deal with Iran. The leak appeared timed to make sure the high-level Democratic defection Schumer is the 3rd highest ranking Democrat in Congress got as little attention as possible.A story at Politico confirms the leak was in fact timed for minimum impact, but not by Schumer himself. According to an unnamed source familiar with Schumer s decision, the Senator called President Obama Thursday afternoon to say he had decided to oppose the deal. Schumer asked the President not to mention his decision publicly until he could make a formal announcement on Friday. Politico s source was careful to emphasize that Schumer told no one else about his decision, meaning only President Obama himself could have made the decision to leak the story to the press.After word leaked out, Sen. Schumer issued a lengthy statement about his opposition to the deal on his website. The statement breaks his opposition into three parts. He writes that he finds the arguments for the deal over the first 10-years plausible but says the inspections regime has serious weaknesses and that the snap back of sanctions process is cumbersome. In addition, Schumer believes that after 10-years Iran will have a nuclear program approved by the United States. Finally, Schumer considers the non-nuclear parts of the deal and concludes, When it comes to the non-nuclear aspects of the deal, I think there is a strong case that we are better off without an agreement than with one. Congress is expected to vote against the deal when they return from the August recess. However, that decision can be vetoed by the President. Congress needs a 2/3 vote to override that expected veto. That means the President needs just 34 Senators to take his side. So far he has at least twelve.But as a high ranking Democrat in line to become the next Senate leader of his party, Schumer s defection has the potential to weaken the resolve of other Democrats. Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) announced his opposition to the deal last night, shortly after word of Schumer s decision broke. For this reason, the White House had urged Schumer to avoid announcing his decision until the very end of the process, or at least after enough Senators had declared themselves to make it a non-issue.The spin coming out of the White House now is that Schumer s defection is a clear signal that a win for their side is inevitable. The thinking goes that an insider like Schumer wouldn t really put Obama s foreign policy legacy at risk, therefore his planned Friday announcement must be a signal that the votes are there to prevent a veto override vote without him. As Politico frames it, Bad news is being taken as almost good news at the White House. Contradicting this claim is the fact that the White House seemed to be expressing some anger at Schumer earlier in the day. White House spokesman Josh Earnest suggested Friday that Schumer s defection could become an obstacle to his becoming Democratic leader after Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) leaves the Senate. Other White House surrogates made similar noises.Via: Breitbart News | left-news | Aug 8, 2015 | 0 |
3,019 | Racist Mississippi Town Gives MLK Day A New Name, And Twitter ANNIHILATES Them For It (TWEETS) | The City of Biloxi, Mississippi tweeted out a notice to all its residences Friday afternoon saying that non-emergency offices will be closed this coming Monday. Monday is when the country is officially observing Martin Luther King, Jr. s birthday, so that makes sense. But their notice didn t say MLK Day, Martin Luther King Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. s birthday, or anything like that. No, they tweeted out the following:Image via TwitterYes, seriously, they re calling MLK Day Great Americans Day. So Twitter is busy blowing them to smithereens for it, as well they should:@CityofBiloxi (Even the state calendar of holidays doesn t say it. Maybe you got mixed up with Six Flags Great America? Good coasters there) pic.twitter.com/p1NoR0uyCC Cabel Sasser (@cabel) January 14, 2017@CityofBiloxi delete your account Luke Beard (@LukesBeard) January 14, 2017.@CityofBiloxi Because if you accidentally say MLKs name 3x, he ll appear & force you, against your will, to be a decent human being. Allison Robicelli (@robicellis) January 14, 2017@CityofBiloxi you are a bunch of fucking racists. J. Robert Lennon (@jrobertlennon) January 14, 2017@CityofBiloxi pic.twitter.com/GTfly6QTLH BernadetteGiacomazzo (@berngiacomazzo) January 14, 2017You know, I guess there is a certain degree of repulsiveness I have to suck up right now, but not from fucking ~Biloxi~ SaraKateW (@SaraKateW) January 13, 2017@CityofBiloxi There is no such day. There is Martin Luther King Jr Day. Tom Coates (@tomcoates) January 14, 2017@CityofBiloxi @ironghazi @D2_Derpinator @fakemikemulloy @trillballins @ThatBoysGood please virally embarrass this city. Its MLK Day dodger (@LADodgerReb) January 13, 2017@chelliehylton @CityofBiloxi In Tennessee we like to say at least we re not Mississippi. Alicia McKinny (@acmckinny) January 14, 2017@RWFreeman @CityofBiloxi stupid autocorrect, right?! JBS (@JBSeligman) January 14, 2017@CityofBiloxi pic.twitter.com/8I8p2snoA0 Matt Stehman (@MattStehman) January 14, 2017.@CityofBiloxi I m terrified to learn what you call Black History month Roland Scahill (@rolandscahill) January 14, 2017One would think that Biloxi would take an opportunity to say something like, Sorry, we screwed that up, we apologize for being a bunch of racists here, but they didn t. Noooo they said this instead:Image via TwitterThe funny thing is that the state s website doesn t say Great Americans Day under their list of state holidays, and a quick search on Google reveals a whole ton of nothing. There are Great Americans Days everywhere, but they re celebrated all year long. So who renamed MLK Day if it wasn t Biloxi?There might be some interesting goings-on in Biloxi next Tuesday.Featured image by Chris Graythen via Getty Images | News | January 13, 2017 | 0 |
11,525 | Syrian government envoy: U.S. and Turkish troops should leave Syria | Syria s U.N. ambassador, Bashar al-Jaafari, said on Friday that U.S. and Turkish troops should leave Syria immediately. He made the demand during Syrian peace talks in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. | worldnews | December 22, 2017 | 1 |
8,129 | Michele Bachmann Comes Out Of Hiding To Mourn Scalia On Twitter — Gets His Name Wrong (TWEETS) | Michele Bachmann is easily one of the craziest people to ever grace the halls of Congress. She spent her entire tenure being a complete embarrassment and disgrace to the institution which she served, spending more time ranting about abortion, religion, and gay people than actually, you know, trying to govern. All sane people were giddy with glee when she decided not to run for re-election. Shortly thereafter, she faded into the bowels of the more humiliating and shameful parts of America s history, right where she belongs.Well, with the death of extreme right-wing Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, former Congresswoman Bachmann has emerged from her vampire crypt to tell the world just how much she admired the man. She sent out a tweet just hours after his death that read: God Bless Anthony Scalia, finest Sup Ct Justice RIP God bless Anthony Scalia, finest Sup Ct Justice RIP Michele Bachmann (@MicheleBachmann) February 13, 2016There s just one problem with that: his name is Antonin Scalia, not Anthony. This nitwit can t even get that much right, yet, after that major f*ck up, Bachmann went on to go on a tirade about who should replace the deceased Justice, and, of course, only other extreme right-wingers are even a little bit acceptable to her. Here is that series of insane tweets:Obama must appoint a constitutional originalist to replace Justice Scalia, nothing else will do. Michele Bachmann (@MicheleBachmann) February 13, 2016She even had the gall to compare Scalia s insane ramblings to William Shakespeare s masterpieces.Reading a Scalia dissent was akin to reading a Shakespearean sonnet. RIP Michele Bachmann (@MicheleBachmann) February 13, 2016Now Scalia belongs to the ages. Let's add his profile to historical lawgivers which surround the US House chamber. Michele Bachmann (@MicheleBachmann) February 13, 2016Scalia will be read and quoted 200 years hence, if America survives. RIP Michele Bachmann (@MicheleBachmann) February 13, 2016He ll be quoted alright, just not in the way that you think. Thank goodness you re no longer in the business of making our laws.Featured image from AI Archives | News | February 13, 2016 | 0 |
8,096 | U.S. and China target Chinese firm suspected of North Korean nuclear link: WSJ | The United States and China are targeting the finances of Hongxiang Industrial, a Chinese company headed by a Communist Party cadre which the Obama administration thinks has a role in assisting North Korea’s nuclear program, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday. Police in Liaoning, the northeastern border province of China, started a probe into the firm's alleged long-term involvement in "serious economic crimes" over the course of its trading activities, the paper reported. (on.wsj.com/2cz8iu1) Certain assets related to the company, its founder and top executive Ma Xiaohong, and some of her relatives and associates, have been frozen by the Chinese authorities in recent weeks according to the government and corporate filings cited in the report. U.S. Department of Justice prosecutors visited Beijing twice last month to make their Chinese counterparts aware about alleged criminal activities being committed by Hongxiang Industrials, it said. The Justice Department is preparing as early as this week to announce legal action against Chinese firms suspected of providing financial assistance to Pyongyang, the Journal reported, citing officials familiar with the matter. U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang agreed on Monday to step up cooperation in the United Nations Security Council and in law-enforcement channels after North Korea’s fifth nuclear test, the White House said. The U.S. Congress passed legislation this year that would sanction anyone who engages in, facilitates or contributes to North Korea’s proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Representatives of the U.S. Department of Justice, Chinese Government and Hongxiang Industrial were unavailable for immediate comment. | politicsNews | September 20, 2016 | 1 |
10,157 | HERE YOU GO! TRUMP CONDEMNS DAVID DUKE…Calls Him A “Bigot” and A “Racist” [Video] | Following the situation in Charlottesville, Trump was one of the very few people to call out all sides for displays of violence and bigotry: white supremacists, black supremacists, Communists, and Antifa. In short, this flurry of frustration was far from one-sided.Amidst all of the chaos, David Duke tried to link Trump to the bigotry and violence that was present in Charlottesville. This is certainly interesting considering the fact that Trump called Duke out on his own bigotry nearly seventeen years ago. In an interview with Matt Lauer in 2000, Trump condemned Duke while being questioned about his reasons for dropping out of the Reform Party primary.Trump attributed the party s self-destructing nature to the people involved with it, specifically Duke. When pressed on this matter by Lauer, Trump responded, Well, you ve got David Duke just joined, a bigot, a racist, a problem, I mean, this is not exactly the people you want in your party. Further proof that Trump is never afraid to call a spade a spade, or a racist a racist.Read more: The Gateway Pundit | politics | Aug 13, 2017 | 0 |
5,193 | Ben Carson Managed To Say Something SO Stupid That Trump Looks Like A Genius By Comparison (VIDEO) | Donald Trump is an idiot. Ben Carson, a literal brain surgeon, is so stupid that the phrase what are you, a brain surgeon or something? loses all meaning. Carson, who was fired from Trump s campaign after leaking Sarah Palin as one of the clowns on Trump s VP shortlist and who was illegally promised a position on Trump s campaign in exchange for his support, said something on Wednesday that almost, almost makes Donald Trump s recent string of dumber-than-normal statements and stunts not seem all that bad at all by comparison you know, if Carson s dumbass remarks weren t an attempt to defend Trump s dumbass remarks.With pretty much the entire universe condemning Trump s disgusting attacks on the family of a Muslim veteran, the Trump camp is working triple-overtime to defend his actions rather than acknowledge that he s a horrible human being. Trump s supporters have suggested that the father of the deceased hero thinks Sharia Law is above the Constitution (he doesn t), that he is a Muslim Brotherhood agent (once again, this is an unfounded claim), and any other number of ridiculous things they can come up with. The Right is even blaming Cpt. Humayun Khan s death on President Obama even though he died years before Obama took office. Trump himself has attacked the grief-stricken mother, because he s an asshole.But what can be worse than someone who dedicates his life to attacking the parents of a fallen soldier? How about demanding that they apologize to Trump? That s exactly what Ben Carson did when Wolf Blitzer asked him about the Trump-Khan situation. We have important issues to deal with. Let s just call a truce, Carson told Blitzer, adding that Trump and the Khans should just move on. Asked if Trump should apologize to the Khans, Mr. Brain Guy explained that they should be apologizing to Trump for who knows why?: I don t think it would be harmful if they apologized to him and he apologized to them, but I don t see that happening. Well, of course it s not going to happen. They did nothing wrong besides stand inside The Donald s cross-hairs. Asked why they the family of a dead soldier whom Trump attacked should apologize to them, Carson upped the derp a bit: Well, for one thing, if you accuse someone of something that s not true, it usually is a reasonable thing to acknowledge that. He s right. If someone lies about someone else, they should apologize. But that s not what happened here. They have not lied about him at all. In fact, they even offered to loan him a copy of their pocket Constitution since Trump is running for President and apparently has never read it. It s unclear what Carson means by not true, but it s sort of hilarious that he doesn t think that statement applies to Trump.Watch Carson insert his foot in his mouth below:https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=91&v=bJZyBny5my4Featured image via screengrab | News | August 3, 2016 | 0 |
6,515 | Trump fills top jobs for his administration | President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday said Walter “Jay” Clayton, an attorney who advises clients on major Wall Street deals, was his choice to lead the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Below is a list of Republican Trump’s selections for top jobs in his administration. Senate confirmation is required for all the posts except national security adviser and White House posts. Tillerson, 64, has spent his entire career at Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N), where he rose to chairman and chief executive officer in 2006. A civil engineer by training, the Texan joined the world’s largest energy company in 1975 and led several of its operations in the United States as well as in Yemen, Thailand and Russia. As Exxon’s chief executive, he maintained close ties with Moscow and opposed U.S. sanctions against Russia for its incursion into Crimea. Mnuchin, 54, is a successful private equity investor, hedge fund manager and Hollywood financier who spent 17 years at Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) before leaving in 2002. He assembled an investor group to buy a failed California mortgage lender in 2009, rebranded it as OneWest Bank and built it into Southern California’s largest bank. Housing advocacy groups criticized the bank for its foreclosure practices, accusing it of being too quick to foreclose on struggling homeowners. Mattis is a retired Marine general known for his tough talk, distrust of Iran and battlefield experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. A former leader of Central Command, which oversees U.S. military operations in the Middle East and South Asia, Mattis, 66, is known by many U.S. forces by his nickname “Mad Dog.” He was rebuked in 2005 for saying: “It’s fun to shoot some people.” Sessions, 70, was the first U.S. senator to endorse Trump’s presidential bid and has been a close ally since. Son of a country store owner, the senator from Alabama and former federal prosecutor has long taken a tough stance on illegal immigration, opposing any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Zinke, 55, a first-term Republican representative from Montana and a member of the House subcommittee on natural resources, has voted for legislation that would weaken environmental safeguards on public lands. He has taken stances favoring coal, which suffered during the Obama administration. The League of Conservation Voters, which ranks lawmakers on their environmental record, gave Zinke an extremely low lifetime score of 3 percent. Ross, 79, heads the private equity firm W.L. Ross & Co, and Forbes has pegged his net worth at about $2.9 billion. A staunch supporter of Trump, Ross helped shape the Trump campaign’s views on trade policy. He blames massive U.S. factory job losses on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico, which went into force in 1994, and the 2001 entry of China into the World Trade Organization. Lighthizer served as deputy U.S. trade representative during the Reagan administration in the 1980s and has since spent nearly three decades as a lawyer representing U.S. companies in anti-dumping and anti-subsidy cases, currently with the law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom. A harsh critic of China’s trade practices, Lighthizer in 2010 told Congress that U.S. policymakers should take a more aggressive approach in dealing with the Asian country. Puzder, chief executive officer of CKE Restaurants Inc [APOLOT.UL], which runs the Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s fast-food chains, has been a vociferous critic of government regulation of the workplace and the National Labor Relations Board. Puzder, 66, has argued that higher minimum wages would hurt workers by forcing restaurants to close and praises the benefits of automation, so his appointment is likely to antagonize organized labor. U.S. Representative Price, 62, is an orthopedic surgeon who heads the House Budget Committee. A representative from Georgia since 2005, Price has criticized Obamacare and has championed a plan of tax credits, expanded health savings accounts and lawsuit reforms to replace it. He is opposed to abortion. Carson, 65, is a retired neurosurgeon who dropped out of the Republican presidential nominating race in March and threw his support to Trump. A popular writer and speaker in conservative circles, Carson had been reluctant to take a position in the incoming administration because of his lack of experience in the federal government. He is the first African-American picked for a Cabinet spot by Trump. Chao, 63, was labor secretary under President George W. Bush for eight years and the first Asian-American woman to hold a Cabinet position. She is a director at Ingersoll Rand Plc (IR.N), News Corp (NWSA.O) and Vulcan Materials Co (VMC.N). She is married to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky. Perry, 66, adds to the list of oil drilling advocates skeptical about climate change who have been picked for senior positions in Trump’s Cabinet. The selections have worried environmentalists but cheered an oil and gas industry eager for expansion. Perry, who ran unsuccessfully for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination and briefly ran for president in 2016, would be responsible for U.S. energy policy and oversee the nation’s nuclear weapons program. DeVos, 58, is a billionaire Republican donor, a former chair of the Michigan Republican Party and an advocate for the privatization of education. As chair of the American Federation for Children, she has pushed at the state level for vouchers that families can use to send their children to private schools and for expansion of charter schools. The final leadership role of Kelly’s 45-year military career was head of the U.S. Southern Command, responsible for U.S. military activities and relationships in Latin America and the Caribbean. The 66-year-old retired Marine general differed with Democratic President Barack Obama on key issues and has warned of vulnerabilities along the United States’ southern border with Mexico. Priebus recently was re-elected to serve as Republican National Committee chairman but will give up the job to join Trump in the White House, where the low-key Washington operative could help forge ties with Congress to advance Trump’s agenda. Priebus, 44, was a steadfast supporter of Trump during the presidential campaign even as the party fractured amid the choice. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ADMINISTRATOR: SCOTT PRUITT An ardent opponent of Obama’s measures to stem climate change, Oklahoma Attorney General Pruitt, 48, has enraged environmental activists. But he fits with the president-elect’s promise to cut the agency back and eliminate regulation that he says is stifling oil and gas drilling. Pruitt became the top state prosecutor for Oklahoma, which has extensive oil reserves, in 2011 and has challenged the EPA multiple times since. U.S. Representative Mick Mulvaney, 49, a South Carolina Republican, is a fiscal conservative. He was an outspoken critic of former House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner, who resigned in 2015 amid opposition from fellow Republicans who were members of the House Freedom Caucus. Mulvaney was first elected to Congress in 2010. Haley, 44, has been the Republican governor of South Carolina since 2011 and has little experience in foreign policy or the federal government. The daughter of Indian immigrants, she led a successful push last year to remove the Confederate battle flag from the grounds of the South Carolina state capitol after the killing of nine black churchgoers in Charleston by a white gunman. McMahon, 68, is a co-founder and former chief executive of the professional wrestling franchise WWE, which is based in Stamford, Connecticut. She ran unsuccessfully as a Republican for a U.S. Senate seat in Connecticut in 2010 and 2012 and was an early supporter of Trump’s presidential campaign. U.S. Representative Pompeo, 53, is a third-term congressman from Kansas who serves on the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, which oversees the CIA, National Security Agency and cyber security. A retired Army officer and Harvard Law School graduate, Pompeo supports the U.S. government’s sweeping collection of Americans’ communications data and wants to scrap the nuclear deal with Iran. Walter “Jay” Clayton is a New York-based attorney who advises clients on major Wall Street deals, specializing in public and private mergers and acquisitions and capital-raising efforts. His past clients have included Alibaba Group Holding Company (BABA.N), Oaktree Capital Group (OAK.N) and big banks. Retired Lieutenant General Flynn was an early Trump supporter and serves as vice chairman on his transition team. He began his Army career in 1981 and was deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq. Flynn became head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012 under Obama but retired a year earlier than expected, according to media reports, and became a fierce critic of Obama’s foreign policy. Tom Bossert, 41, who worked as deputy homeland security adviser to former Republican President George W. Bush, will serve as the assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism. He currently runs a risk management consulting firm and has a cyber risk fellowship with the Atlantic Council think tank in Washington. Cohn, 56, president and chief operating officer of investment bank Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N), had widely been considered heir apparent to Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of the Wall Street firm. Trump hammered Goldman and Blankfein during the presidential campaign, releasing a television ad that called Blankfein part of a “global power structure” that had robbed America’s working class. Navarro, 67, has suggested a stepped-up engagement with Taiwan, including assistance with a submarine development program. A professor at University of California, Irvine, who advised Trump during the campaign, Navarro argued that Washington should stop referring to the “one China” policy, but stopped short of suggesting it should recognize Taipei: “There is no need to unnecessarily poke the Panda.” Viola, 60, is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point graduate and a U.S. Army veteran who served in the famed 101st Airborne Division. He founded high-frequency trading firm Virtu Financial Inc (VIRT.O) and served as chairman of the New York Mercantile Exchange, where he began his financial services career. After the Sept. 11, 2001, al Qaeda attacks on New York and Washington, Viola helped found the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point. He is an owner of the Florida Panthers ice hockey team. CHIEF WHITE HOUSE STRATEGIST, SENIOR COUNSELOR: STEVE BANNON The former head of the conservative website Breitbart News came aboard as Trump’s campaign chairman in August. A rabble-rousing conservative media figure, he helped shift Breitbart into a forum for the alt-right, a loose confederation of those who reject mainstream politics and includes neo-Nazis, white supremacists and anti-Semites. His hiring signals Trump’s dedication to operating outside the norms of Washington. As White House chief of staff, Bannon, 63, will serve as Trump’s gatekeeper and agenda-setter. | politicsNews | January 4, 2017 | 1 |
3,454 | Factbox: Critics lament Trump climate move, supporters seek new deal | World leaders, Democratic members of Congress and others deplored U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision on Thursday to pull out of the Paris climate accord, while supporters said the United States needed a more advantageous deal. Following are reactions to Trump’s announcement: “We deem the momentum generated in Paris in December 2015 irreversible and we firmly believe that the Paris Agreement cannot be renegotiated since it is a vital instrument for our planet, societies and economies.” - Joint statement from Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron “The nations that remain in the Paris Agreement will be the nations that reap the benefits in jobs and industries created. I believe the United States of America should be at the front of the pack. But even in the absence of American leadership, even as this administration joins a small handful of nations that reject the future, I’m confident that our states, cities, and businesses will step up and do even more to lead the way and help protect for future generations the one planet we’ve got.” - Former U.S. President Barack Obama, who was in office when the accord took effect in November, in a statement “I tell you firmly tonight: We will not renegotiate a less ambitious accord. There is no way. ... Tonight the United States has turned its back on the world, but France will not turn its back on Americans. ... Wherever we live, wherever we are we all share the same responsibility - make our planet great again.” - Macron in an address with a variation on Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan “That deal imposes little responsibility on the world’s largest emitters, while costing the U.S. economy $3 trillion in reduced output, 6 million industrial jobs and 3 million manufacturing jobs. That amount of economic carnage is unjustified and so we welcome this long overdue action in defense of the American people.” - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in a statement “Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world.” - Tesla and SpaceX Chief Executive Elon Musk, who had been on a White House advisory council, in a tweet “As a matter of principle, I’ve resigned from the President’s Council over the #ParisAgreement withdrawal.” - Disney Chairman and CEO Robert Iger on Twitter “Trump is betraying the country, in the service of Breitbart fake news, the shameless fossil fuel industry, and the Koch brothers’ climate denial operation. It’s sad.” - Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a member of the Senate Environment Committee, in a statement “As the Mayor of Pittsburgh, I can assure you that we will follow the guidelines of the Paris Agreement for our people, our economy & future ... Fact: Hillary Clinton received 80% of the vote in Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh stands with the world & will follow Paris Agreement.” - Tweet from Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto in response to Trump saying: “I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.” “This was not a good deal for the United States. As the president said, we’ve been one of the leaders in reducing carbon, we’ve been reducing our emissions, we’ve been one of the best countries for the environment, and the president is committed to renegotiating the deal but a deal that’s fair for us.” - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin in a Fox News interview “Removing the United States from the Paris Agreement is a reckless and indefensible action. It undermines America’s standing in the world and threatens to damage humanity’s ability to solve the climate crisis in time. But make no mistake: if President Trump won’t lead, the American people will.” - Al Gore, former U.S. vice president turned environmental activist, in a statement “Today’s decision is a setback for the environment and for the U.S.’s leadership position in the world.” - Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein in his first post from a Twitter account he started in 2011 “President Trump acted in America’s best interest, moving away from a flawed agreement ... and opening the door to a new agreement that reaches the right balance. America will remain a leader in environmental protection. But we will not jeopardize our economy in order to please other counties that don’t come anywhere near our environmental standards.” - Nikki Haley, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, in a statement “The White House’s reckless decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement has devastating repercussions not only for the United States but for our planet. The administration is abdicating its leadership and taking a backseat to other countries in the global fight against climate change.” - New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, in a statement joining California Governor Jerry Brown and Washington Governor Jay Inslee in announcing the formation of an alliance of states committed to upholding the Paris agreement “This great leap backward is another bow to anti-science know-nothingism. Pandering to a handful of billionaires and special interests would impose huge harm upon our generation, upon future generations, and upon our fragile planet.” - Statement from Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy “President Trump’s decision to withdraw from #ParisAgreement is a catastrophic mistake. We don’t have time to bury our heads in the sand. @POTUS is putting his friends in the fossil fuel industry ahead of the safety and security of American people and the future of our planet.” - Democratic Senator Al Franken in a tweet “We are deeply disappointed that the United States federal government has decided to withdraw from the Paris Agreement ... While the U.S. decision is disheartening, we remain inspired by the growing momentum around the world to combat climate change and transition to clean growth economies.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a statement “Without question, America is a nation committed to environmental leadership ... But the Paris Climate Accord is another bad deal negotiated by the Obama administration and America should applaud President Trump’s decision to exit.” - Energy mogul-financier T. Boone Pickens “Though flawed, the climate accord can be fixed ... It’s now up to the administration to deliver a better deal.” - Republican House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce in a statement “This is the day when the United States did a lot to forfeit its claim to be a leader among nations. ... We’re going to be poorer because we took this step. ... I never thought I would say these words but the president of the United States is a clear and present danger to an orderly global system.” - Lawrence Summers, former Obama economic adviser and World Bank official, in CNN interview “This decision is an immoral assault on the public health, safety and security of everyone on this planet ... I am committing to honor the goals of the Paris agreement with an executive order in the coming days, so our city can remain a home for generations to come.” - Statement from New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio “Disappointed with today’s decision on the Paris Agreement. Climate change is real. Industry must now lead and not depend on government.” - General Electric Chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt on Twitter | politicsNews | June 1, 2017 | 1 |
1,755 | Two Democratic senators threaten to hold up Trump EPA nominee | Two Democratic senators said on Wednesday they may hold up the confirmation of President Donald Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency nominee Susan Bodine until she explains her advisory role at the agency, which may violate federal law. Senators Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Jeff Merkley of Oregon sent a list of questions to Bodine, Trump’s pick to head up the EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assistance, about her current role as special counsel to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt while she waits out the confirmation process. Whitehouse and Merkley said by advising Pruitt on enforcement matters before being confirmed by the Senate, Bodine may be violating the Federal Vacancies Reform Act that prohibits nominees from assuming the authorities of the office before being confirmed by Congress. “Your appointment creates the appearance, and perhaps the effect, of circumventing the Senate’s constitutional advice and consent responsibility for the position to which you have been nominated,” the Senators wrote. This means that subjects of EPA enforcement actions could potentially challenge the validity of these actions in court if her role in these decisions is deemed “improper,” they said. Pruitt is the only EPA appointee to have been confirmed since Trump took office in January. Bodine is still awaiting a full Senate vote after her Senate confirmation hearing in July, while four other assistant administrator nominees are set for confirmation hearings on Sept. 20. Democratic lawmakers have been at odds with Pruitt since his narrow-margin confirmation in February over his close ties to industry, his doubts about human-caused climate change, planned drastic cuts of the EPA’s budget and workforce and ethics requirements for political appointees. The senators also asked Bodine if she was involved in a recent EPA decision to enforce an Obama-era rule to regulate methane leaks from new oil and gas infrastructure on a “case by case” basis rather than fully enforcing it. Republican Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming, chair of the Senate environment committee, said Bodine should get her full Senate vote immediately. “It is a shame that the critical post of the assistant administrator charged with leading enforcement at the EPA remains unfilled,” Barrasso said through a spokesman. The EPA was not immediately available for comment. | politicsNews | September 13, 2017 | 1 |
8,920 | Micheal Moore Demands MI Republican Gov. Be Arrested For Poisoning Flint’s Water (IMAGE) | Michael Moore has joined others in calling for U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch to investigate Michigan s Republican Governor Rick Snyder for not preventing lead from contaminating the city of Flint s water system. Moore was born and raised in Flint, MI. His first documentary film, Roger & Me, chronicles the downfall of Flint and explains how its demise was orchestrated by big business and conservative policy.Moore posted a photo of himself on social media that shows him holding a pair of handcuffs. In his other hand, Moore is holding up a sign which reads, #ArrestGovSnyder. Activists have been using the hash tag to call attention to Flint s water crisis, and Snyder s culpability in the matter.https://www.facebook.com/mmflint/photos/a.10150288227701857.331023.24674986856/10153223367636857/?type=3&theaterAccompanying the photo, is a letter written by Moore condemning Snyder over the crisis. Moore Writes: Dear Governor Snyder:Thanks to you, sir, and the premeditated actions of your administrators, you have effectively poisoned, not just some, but apparently ALL of the children in my hometown of Flint, Michigan.And for that, you have to go to jail.To poison all the children in an historic American city is no small feat. Even international terrorist organizations haven t figured out yet how to do something on a magnitude like this.By taking away the city s clean drinking water in order to cut costs, and then switching the city s water supply to Flint River water, you have allowed massively unsafe levels of pollutants and lead into the water that travels in to everyone s home. Every Flint resident is trapped by this environmental nightmare which you, Governor, have created. Moore argues that Snyder is a criminal, and should be arrested for switching the city s water source to the Flint River, which caused the contamination. Moore argues: Like any real criminal, when you were confronted with the truth (by the EPA and other leading water experts across America), you denied what you did. Even worse, you decided to mock your accusers and their findings. As I said, I know you don t like to believe in a lot of science (after all, you used to run Gateway Computers, and that, really, is all anyone needs to know about you), but this time the science has caught up with you and this time, I hope, it s going to convict you. Other celebrities have been quick to fire off on Snyder after the hashtag surfaced. Cher actually called for Snyder to be executed on Twitter.GOV.Of MICHIGAN IS A MURDERER?HE Made Decision 2GAVE ppl POISON WATER,&NOW MUST SIGN DISASTER BILL.CHILDREN WILL"NEVER"RECOVER? #JAILFORRICK Cher (@cher) January 6, 2016WTF IS GOING ON W/POWER MAD,GREED DRIVEN,KILLER, INCOMPETENT,POLITICIANS?THEY R CRIMNALS GOV.RICK SNYDER OF MICH. #FIRINGSQUADWORKSFORME Cher (@cher) January 6, 2016Snyder declared a state emergency over the Flint water crisis on Tuesday. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency working on an investigation into the matter. They have not reveled if the investigation is of a criminal or civil matter. You can read Moore s full letter and sign a petition he created, calling for U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch to launch an investigation of Snyder here.Featured Image Credit: Screenshot via Facebook | News | January 6, 2016 | 0 |
2,746 | Mexico finance minister says NAFTA talks create economic uncertainty | Mexican Finance Minister Jose Antonio Meade said on Friday that upcoming talks with the United States and Canada to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) are a major source of uncertainty for the economy. Meade made the comment during a radio interview. | politicsNews | July 14, 2017 | 1 |
3,690 | Hannity Tells Trump To Ban All Media Outlets From The White House Except Fox News | Sean Hannity wants to destroy freedom of the press by punishing any news outlet that told the ugly truth about Donald Trump.During his radio show on Tuesday, Trump s most frequent ass kisser suggested that Trump bar certain networks from the White House press room because he says they colluded with the Clinton campaign and that they should be banned until they admit it, even though these networks were merely doing their jobs by covering all the bullshit Trump was saying and doing throughout his campaign. Maybe Donald Trump should rethink how he deals with media, Hannity said. Why should CNN have a seat in the White House press room? Why should NBC have a seat there? Why should The New York Times have a seat there, or Politico? They all think they re journalists, they re all full of crap, and they ve all been exposed. Until members of the media come clean about colluding with the Clinton campaign and admit that they knowingly broke every ethical standard they are supposed to uphold, they should not have the privilege, they should not have the responsibility of covering the president on behalf of you, the American people. Hannity continued his tirade on Twitter on Wednesday by calling prominent networks like ABC, NBC, and CNN biased and fake news and repeated his call for Trump to blacklist them from having access.@politico @CNN @NBCNews @CNBC @msnbc @nytimes @ABC @CBSNews Are all biased and Corrupt. Fake News . If I were @realDonaldTrump NO ACCESS! https://t.co/4eoCBc7WVa Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) November 23, 2016Blacklisting media outlets just for doing their jobs would be a violation of the Constitution. But if Hannity really wants to play this game, he would be well advised to remember that turnabout is fair play and there will likely be a Democrat in the White House four years from now that could do more than just blacklist Fox News in retaliation. The FCC could be easily directed to shut Hannity and Fox News down, and frankly, that would be a good thing. So whatever Donald Trump and his minions do in an effort to punish people, policies, and institutions they don t like, Democrats should retaliate by burying the rght-wing so hard that they ll really have something to whine about.Featured Image: Screenshot | News | November 24, 2016 | 0 |
6,011 | Trump summit with Mexico's Pena Nieto still on, 'for now' | A summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and his Mexican counterpart Enrique Pena Nieto next week is still on “for now”, Mexico’s foreign minister said on Wednesday, despite pressure at home to scrap it over objections to a border wall. Earlier in the day Trump signed new executive orders, including one authorizing a wall on the U.S. southern border, just as a Mexican delegation led by Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray arrived at the White House for talks. The timing caused outrage in Mexico, with prominent politicians and many on social media seeing at as a deliberate snub to the government’s efforts to engage with Trump, who has for months used Mexico as a political punching bag. “The meeting between the two presidents in Washington next Tuesday is still confirmed,” Videgaray said. “The meeting, for now, is going forward,” he said. President Enrique Pena Nieto said in a recorded message that he “disapproves” of Trump’s order on the border wall and in response ordered Mexico’s fifty U.S. consuls to extend legal help to citizens living in the United States. “Wherever there is a Mexican migrant who needs our help, we should be there,” he said. One source with knowledge of the government’s thinking said the measure was intended to clog U.S. immigration courts with legal objections to deportations. The courts already face a backlog of half a million cases. Videgaray said some “positive elements” resulted from the talks, including a blunt acknowledgment by Trump of the U.S. role in supplying illegal arms to Mexico. He also referred to Trump’s public comments that he wanted to see a strong Mexican economy. Videgaray said it had been “a day of contrasts,” adding that his delegation’s talks with senior White House aides lasted eight hours. Speaking as Trump gave orders to start work on the wall along the 2,000-mile (3,200-km) border with Mexico, two-time presidential runner-up and leftist opposition leader Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said the announcement was an insult to his country and called for international legal action. “I respectfully suggest that the government of Mexico presents a lawsuit at the United Nations against the U.S. government for violation of human rights and racial discrimination,” Lopez Obrador told a crowd of supporters north of Mexico City. A former mayor of the capital, Lopez Obrador has led several early opinion polls ahead of the July 2018 election, and last week he announced plans for a tour of major U.S. cities in February to drum up support among Mexican-Americans. Trump’s broadsides against Mexico have put Pena Nieto under rising domestic pressure. His approval ratings are at the lowest level of any Mexican president in years. The American’s threats to tear up a joint trade deal and impose hefty border taxes on Mexican goods have also battered the peso. But his comments on Wednesday that he wanted to see a strong Mexican economy lifted the currency to a three-week high. | politicsNews | January 26, 2017 | 1 |
2,010 | Robert Mueller examining Flynn's role in seeking Clinton emails from hackers: WSJ | Special Counsel Robert Mueller is examining what role, if any former national security adviser Mike Flynn may have had in an effort to obtain Hillary Clinton’s emails from Russian hackers, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday. Efforts to seek out the hackers who stole emails of former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was led by Republican activist Peter Smith, the Journal said. Mueller was appointed special counsel to determine whether there was collusion between President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Moscow. Flynn resigned in February after revelations that he had discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador to the United States before Trump took office and misled Vice President Mike Pence about the conversations. Representatives from the White House and Mueller’s office could not immediately be reached for comment. | politicsNews | August 25, 2017 | 1 |
7,293 | Jimmy Kimmel ‘Mansplained’ To Hillary How She’s Supposed To Behave, And It’s Priceless (VIDEO) | As much as the media pundits want to pretend like they re treating Hillary Clinton like everyone else running for president, the truth is, they re not. She s still criticized on what she wears, how often she smiles, and even on the tone of her voice in how she delivers her message.While the men on the campaign trail can sometimes wear some very unflattering suits or not look their finest, no one utters a word. As the men shout they re called passionate and enthusiastic, whereas Hillary is called hostile, shrill or angry. And as much as even some liberals don t want to admit there s a double-standard, there is, and it s not hard to see if you actually take the time to notice.Appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Thursday night, Kimmel put together a sketch with the former Secretary of State to perfectly simulate what s been happening to Hillary throughout her campaign.Kimmel begins by asking Hillary: I m going to help you win this election no problem. Are you familiar with mansplaining? And Hillary plays it off as though she has no idea what he s talking about, so Kimmel proceeds to mansplain pretty much everything that comes out of her mouth. He also makes sure to stick in jabs about what she should wear and how often she should smile and/or appear serious.This is pretty much the most spot-on take on what s been happening to Hillary not only throughout this election cycle, but throughout her entire career.Absolutely perfect. Well done, Jimmy..@JimmyKimmelLive: I m going to help you win this election no problem. Are you familiar with mansplaining? https://t.co/d2td1ZrQZZ Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) March 25, 2016Featured image via video screen capture | News | March 25, 2016 | 0 |
16,022 | NED RYUN ON WHITE HOUSE LEAKS: “This is not whistleblowing. This is weaponizing classified info to undermine a duly-elected President” [Video] | This is spot on! Ned Ryun joined Tucker Carlson to discuss the latest leak regarding AG Jeff Sessions. Do we even have evidence that the source is in fact telling the truth? WaPo went ahead and reported it anyway. Ryun s right when he discusses the Deep State and Mueller subverting the will of the American voter:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s8sCWnogt4This is dangerous territory and is so harmful to our president and his agenda. Tucker Carlson had more to say on this: What are these transactions? Basically any commercial activity that Trump or his family and associates conducted over the last decade that might pertain to Russia or anyone who has ever lived in Russia. Let s be clear about the politics here. This is a massive threat to the White House. A determined prosecutor can prove almost anything he wants. A prosecutor with no time limit or budget or accountability to voters? There is nobody more dangerous than that. The investigation has been slammed by very reputable lawyers who happen to be Democrats! This needs to end ASAP! | Government News | Jul 22, 2017 | 0 |
20,444 | BEAUTIFUL YOUNG REPORTER Spit On By Muslim Thugs During Live Report | Two Muslims spit on a Dutch reporter and then flipped her off as they rode away. Who does this? Sick animals! | left-news | Jun 10, 2016 | 0 |
10,410 | Republicans may generate less heat at Miami debate | Republican presidential candidates may find themselves in a more subdued debate than usual on Thursday night in Miami, since nothing Donald Trump’s rivals have thrown at him has made a major dent in his front-running campaign. After the histrionics of last week’s gathering in Detroit, the four remaining candidates are likely to search for higher ground as they offer closing arguments to Republican voters, particularly those in Florida and Ohio, who vote next Tuesday in nominating contests for the Nov. 8 election. The burden is particularly heavy on U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida and Ohio Governor John Kasich, who must do well in their home states or face pressure to exit the race. While Kasich is holding his own against Trump in Ohio opinion polls, Rubio has lagged far behind Trump in Florida. Trump’s victories in Michigan, Mississippi and Hawaii on Tuesday added to his momentum after a week of attacks by mainstream Republicans who are offended by his statements on Muslims, women and illegal immigrants and alarmed by his threats to international trade deals. Trump defended his calls for a tougher U.S. stance on free trade on Thursday, saying the United States has been taken advantage of in negotiations with other countries. He also cited currency devaluations as a particular problem. “I like free trade but you have to be represented by very, very good and smart and cunning people and we are not,” Trump said in an interview on CNBC. “Other countries are and that’s why they’re all taking advantage.” The tough-talking billionaire businessman told CNN on Wednesday he expected the debate to be a “nicer, softer, lighter debate, I hope.” But he added: “I’ll be ready. I’m the only one who can beat Hillary,” a reference to Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton. The tone could be set by Trump, 69, who forecast before several previous debates that he would take a more measured approach, only to quickly get into a verbal brawl with his rivals. The CNN-hosted debate will be held at the University of Miami at 8:30 p.m. (0130 GMT on Friday). “I would focus on a positive uplifting message that takes us back to why they’re running for president and what’s at stake in this election,” said Eric Fehrnstrom, a senior adviser to 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney. In Detroit last Thursday, Trump came under sustained fire from Rubio, 44, over parts of his business empire such as Trump University, a now-defunct venture that critics said offered a flimsy education. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas piled on Trump over his past support for Democratic causes. Trump blasted Rubio throughout the debate as a lightweight and Cruz as a liar. The Trump-Rubio debate clash in Detroit followed an abrupt change in Rubio’s campaign to begin raising personal questions about Trump, such as saying he had small hands, a statement Trump saw as a reference to his penis size. Rubio said he now regretted the personal insults. “In terms of things that have to do with personal stuff, yeah, at the end of the day, it’s not something I’m entirely proud of. My kids were embarrassed by it, and if I had to do it again, I wouldn’t,” Rubio told MSNBC on Wednesday. Cruz, 45, who would like to knock Rubio and Kasich out of the race so he could draw more support from anti-Trump Republican voters, will seek to use the debate to position himself as the best Trump alternative. “Trump is clearly trying to reach out and be a little more statesmanlike,” said Cruz backer Saul Anuzis, a former chairman of the Michigan Republican Party. “Cruz is going to make the case as to why he can beat Trump and be the viable alternative. From our perspective, we think it’s a two-man race, we’re the only one with a path.” Rubio is fighting for survival and is facing something of a last stand in Florida. Rival campaigns said Rubio may feel a need to return to the optimistic message he stuck to for months before getting sidetracked by Trump. Rubio told Fox News on Wednesday the campaign was always going to come down to who wins Florida. “The nominee has to win Florida. You can’t be the Republican nominee if you don’t win Florida,” he said. Kasich, Rubio and Cruz have one shot at denying Trump the nomination - preventing him from assembling the required 1,237 delegates to win the nomination outright, which would mean delegates would have to choose the nominee at their July 18-21 convention in Cleveland. Trump said on CNN on Wednesday that 1,237 was an “artificial number” and that if he entered the convention with more delegates than his rivals, he should be the nominee. While he has vowed to wage war against the party if he is denied the nomination at the convention, Kasich, 63, said it was possible for Republicans to have a contested convention and emerge united. “Can you go to a convention and come out united? Absolutely,” he told a Fox News town hall on Wednesday. (Reporting by Steve Holland; Additional reporting by Megan Cassella; Editing by Peter Cooney and Bill Trott) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production. | politicsNews | March 10, 2016 | 1 |
4,217 | Watch Joe Biden Tells Us EXACTLY What Trump Is, BRILLIANTLY Rips Him From End To End (VIDEO) | With more and more coming out about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, it s become abundantly clear that he in no way should be allowed near the Oval Office.Between his racism, sexism, Islamophobia, insulting disabled people as well as Gold Star families, and now the leaked Access Hollywood footage which is leading to women everywhere to reveal they ve been sexually assaulted by Trump, he s not fit to lead anything.Appearing on Late Night with Seth Meyers Vice President Joe Biden laid it all out on the table and told Seth, as well as the world, why Donald Trump isn t fit to lead as well as how absolutely horrible he is to women.Biden said: First of all, what I found astounding, is that he would so publicly, no matter who he was talking to, that he would acknowledge that he engaged in the textbook definition of sexual assault. He didn t say, you know, I go up and I ask if, I just go up and grab and I can do this and then I see in the paper today, one of the pageants, I guess Miss Teen America, the teen girls, I guess three, four, five in a room, they were getting dressed, they were naked, he walked in and said don t worry girls, I ve seen all this he stood there. I mean, this is absolutely outrageous behavior. Biden then drives the point home: I ve spent most of my career trying to figure out how to begin to change the culture in this country that we treat women with respect and with dignity. And Biden truly has with his It s On Us campaign which is leading the effort to combat sexual assault nationwide.What Donald Trump has done to women isn t only outrageous, it s illegal. Unwanted sexual advances is the definition of sexual assault, and Trump needs to be held accountable for his actions.Watch the video here: He engaged in the textbook definition of sexual assault A stunned Joe Biden on the Trump tape: pic.twitter.com/O9u6rP3AsH Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) October 13, 2016Featured image via video screen capture | News | October 13, 2016 | 0 |
22,501 | Boiler Room EP #70 – Sticks, Stones & The Media Hammer | Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Andy Nowicki of Alt Right Blogspot, Jay Dyer from jaysanalysis.com, Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East, and Shawn Helton of 21Wire for the 70th episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in some Boiler Room with the crew. Tonight we re further discussing cults & Zen Gardner s recent admission of his involvement with the Children of God, the terrible Hollywood train wreck that is the DC Comics film adaptations, a short study on the whack-a-dos that one comes across in comment threads in social media and the limelight being cast upon the alt-right political sphere as Hillary Clinton plans to falsely paint it as a hateful extremist Donald Trump supporting group.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Reference Links: | US_News | August 25, 2016 | 0 |
13,067 | Exclusive: Trump names career diplomat to head Cuban embassy - sources | The Trump administration has named career diplomat Philip Goldberg to head the all-but-abandoned U.S. embassy in Havana, according to three sources familiar with the matter, at a time of heightened tensions between the United States and Cuba. Goldberg has lengthy experience in a number of countries, and was described by a U.S. congressional aide on Monday as career and the best of the best . But his appointment may ruffle feathers in Havana. He was expelled from Cuba s socialist ally Bolivia in 2008 for what President Evo Morales claimed was fomenting social unrest. The appointment has not been publicly announced. If approved by Cuba, Goldberg will arrive at a low moment in bilateral relations. The embassy was reopened in 2015 for the first time since 1961, as part of a fragile detente by former Democratic U.S. president Barack Obama. But the administration of Republican President Donald Trump has returned to Cold War characterizations of the Cuban government and imposed new restrictions on doing business in Cuba and travel. It has charged Cuba with responsibility for health problems affecting some two dozen diplomats or their family members, which it has termed attacks. Cuba denies the charges. The U.S. embassy has been reduced to a skeleton staff and has suspended almost all visa processing after the Trump administration in October pulled 60 percent of embassy personnel and ordered a similar reduction at the Cuban embassy in Washington, expelling 15 diplomats. The position is not an ambassador role and does not need to be approved by the U.S. Congress. There has been no ambassador since the embassy re-opened, after the Republican-controlled Senate opposed Obama s pick. Instead, Goldberg will take over from Jeffrey DeLaurentis, who left in July, as Charge d Affaires. Goldberg s other previous posts include the chief of mission in Kosovo. Most recently he has been the U.S. ambassador to the Philippines. Appointing Ambassador Goldberg to head the U.S. Embassy in Cuba is rather provocative since he was expelled from Bolivia, American University professor of government William LeoGrande, a Cuba expert, said. But Ambassador Goldberg is a Foreign Service professional and will ably represent the policies of Trump s administration. Time will tell if he has been instructed to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor ... or carry out a more hostile policy, he said. The embassy was closed in 1961 when the United States broke diplomatic relations. The countries maintained lower level interests sections in each other s capitals from 1977 to 2015, under the auspices of Switzerland. | worldnews | December 5, 2017 | 1 |
22,352 | Trump Transition: As Secretary of State, Tulsi Gabbard offers potential for peace with Syria, Russia | Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireSo far as world peace and prosperity goes, most of the names currently being kicked around for America s top diplomatic position do not inspire a great deal of confidence. It s easy to feel uneasy when you see recycled neoconservative hawks like John Bolton and Rudy Giuliani, or old hands like Mitt Romney who previously stated that Russia is America s greatest threat. As far as potential picks go for Secretary of State, none is more interesting than the potential that Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard brings to the table. President-Elect Donald Trump invited Hawaii s Gabbard to New York City this week for a meeting regarding possible involvement in the new Presidential Administration. She s got a lot going for her as an Iraq War veteran with deep understanding of the perils of US interventions overseas, she also brings with her some common sense geopolitical context a refreshing change from the off-the-shelf, neoliberal interventionist juggernaut previously driven by the hawkish Hillary Clinton, or the flippant public tirades and baseless insults leveled at Russia by the likes of Samantha Power.With an apparently more experienced Romney ahead of her in the queue, Gabbard is certainly a long shot, but considering the mess left behind by eight years of clandestine free for-all and the chronic absent-minded Obama era interventionist policy blunders, not to mention (but we will) the hysterical public meltdowns by US State Dept spokespersons like John Kirby, Jen Psaki and Marie Harf you can t help but consider the fresh approach that someone like Gabbard might offer.Gabbard (photo, left) also understands the dangers posed by salafist and Wahabi extremists like ISIS, and most certainly would push back against the Obama Administration and the CIA s dubious (and technically illegal, by way of US and international law) policy of arming and supporting various and sundry moderate rebel extremists (terrorists) in Syria like Al Nusra Front, Arar al Sham, Nour al-din al-Zenki and many others all favored by western covert subterfuge teams as instruments of regime change in Syria.In terms of independence, Gabbard has already made it clear that her stint would not involve capitulating to her GOP cabinet cohorts, adding that if she was to disagree with President Trump, I will not hesitate to express that disagreement. Previously, Gabbard was Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), but suddenly resigned earlier this year in protest after pointing out her party s unfair favoring of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders during their party s primaries. Following the Wikileaks disclosures, it turns out that Gabbard was on the right side of history, while her detractors in the DNC leadership hierarchy like Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (forced to resign over the Sanders affair was exposed) and Donna Brazile (caught cheating with CNN by passing questions to the Clinton campaign) ended up on the wrong side of history. Here we can see a positive pattern emerging for Gabbard, and it gets better.SEE ALSO: Trump s Foreign Policy: Russia, Syria, Iran and Cabinet NeoconsRegarding foreign policy, Gabbard s stance on Syria is remarkable, and holds great potential for a resolution to the 5 year conflict (not a civil war), as well as a chance to make positive inroads with Russia and other countries who have been perennial foes of both the Obama and Bush Administrations. Because of this, Gabbard has many enemies from on both the Republicans and Democratic chambers alike. Washington, with all of its untoward influence from the cartel of military defense contractor giants, and foreign lobbies like Israel and Saudi Arabia, will not go quietly overnight.In a major departure from the abject failure of the Obama-Clinton-Kerry proxy war debacle in Syria, Gabbard said this about her alignment with Trump policy objectives and diffusing a tense situation in Syria: However, I believe we can disagree, even strongly, but still come together on issues that matter to the American people and affect their daily lives. We cannot allow continued divisiveness to destroy our country I shared with him my grave concerns that escalating the war in Syria by implementing a so-called no fly/safe zone would be disastrous for the Syrian people, our country and the world, she said. It would lead to more death and suffering, exacerbate the refugee crisis, strengthen ISIS and al-Qaeda and bring us into a direct conflict with Russia, which could result in a nuclear war. We discussed my bill to end our country s illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government and the need to focus our precious resources on rebuilding our own country and on defeating al-Qaeda, ISIS and other terrorist groups who pose a threat to the American people. Critics have remarked about her young age (35 years old) and lack of political experience. However, consider how much experience both of the previous Secretary of States had in John Kerry and Hillary Clinton and yet, they have presided over one unmitigated foreign policy disaster after another, whether in Libya, Syria, Yemen or the Ukraine. Quite possibly, history will look back on these two Obama appointees as the worst ever Secretary of States to hold that position. This is no exaggeration when you pause and take a sober look around the Middle East today.Aside from the novelty of her relative youth in relation to typically older diplomats, Gabbard s authenticity and character comes across in her public speaking, and thus she could be very effective, and no doubt very popular internationally. She s also gone against the party line on Syria. Once again, there she is on the right side of history, while her more experienced party leaders are on stuck on the wrong side. While boldly challenging the party line won t win you any favors in the partisan cesspool of the DC swamp, it shows the sort of character required to lead a team for successful bilateral consensus-building at the international negotiations table. In terms of the US public relations image internationally, this is an intangible benefit that you simply cannot put a price on, because right now, Washington s chief priority should be mending some of the serious rifts left behind by a previously derelict State Dept. Gabbard has the potential to paint US diplomacy in an entirely new light, and a positive one at that. The biggest mistake a Trump White House could make is to place a neoconservative, or hawkish Secretary in place who might help to reboot talking up a war with Iran, or use NATO to press against Russia at its doorstep.So the real question should not be about Gabbard s relative experience, but rather can she be what the previous Secretaries could not a diplomat.It s a long shot, but she has the potential to mend a fractured Middle East and also revamp relations with Russia which means a more peaceful and stable world. Not a bad a thought.More from the Trump Transition Team . Shushannah Walshe ABCDemocratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a high-profile Bernie Sanders supporter during the Democratic primaries, is under serious consideration for various Cabinet positions in President-elect Donald Trump s administration, according to a senior official on the transition team.According to the official, the 35-year-old Hawaii congresswoman is being looked as a candidate for secretary of state, secretary of defense or United Nations ambassador. If selected, Gabbard will be the first woman as well as the youngest pick for Trump s Cabinet.She met with him this morning in his New York City offices at Trump Tower. The Trump transition source said that their sit-down was a terrific meeting and that the Trump team sees her as very impressive.Gabbard, a progressive Democrat, has bucked her party in Congress and during the contentious Democratic primaries. In February she left her position as vice chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee to support Sanders. In the House she has broken with Democrats on the Syrian civil war (she supports keeping President Bashar al-Assad in power) and Syrian refugees (she voted for a GOP bill last year to conduct stricter background checks on refugees).This afternoon she released a long statement on her meeting with Trump, saying he asked to meet with her about our current policies regarding Syria, our fight against terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS, as well as other foreign policy challenges we face. She said they had a frank and positive conversation in which we discussed a variety of foreign policy issues in depth. Continue this story at ABCREAD MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV | US_News | November 23, 2016 | 0 |
3,462 | France, Italy, Germany defend Paris Accord, say cannot be renegotiated | Italy, France and Germany said on Thursday they regretted U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord and dismissed his suggestion that the global pact could be revised. “We deem the momentum generated in Paris in December 2015 irreversible and we firmly believe that the Paris Agreement cannot be renegotiated since it is a vital instrument for our planet, societies and economies,” the leaders of the three countries said in a rare joint statement. Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron urged their allies to speed up efforts to combat climate change and said they would do more to help developing countries adapt. The three leaders tried to convince Trump last week at a Group of Seven summit to stay in the pact and honor U.S. commitments undertaken by the previous administration. In a speech at the White House, Trump said the U.S. would look to renegotiate the agreement and condemned what he called “draconian” financial and economic burdens imposed by the deal. The unusual French-Italian-German statement, released barely an hour after Trump announced his decision, underscored the disappointment of the eurozone’s three largest economies and their resolve to plow ahead without Washington’s support. “We are convinced that the implementation of the Paris Agreement offers substantial economic opportunities for prosperity and growth in our countries and on a global scale,” the three leaders said. “We therefore reaffirm our strongest commitment to swiftly implement the Paris Agreement, including its climate finance goals and we encourage all our partners to speed up their action to combat climate change.” In his speech, Trump complained that the Paris Accord required wealthy nations to help developing countries build renewable energy sources. France, Italy and German indicated they were ready to do more to help in the absence of U.S. funds. “We will step up efforts to support developing countries, in particular the poorest and most vulnerable, in achieving their mitigation and adaptation goals,” the three leaders said. | politicsNews | June 1, 2017 | 1 |
8,907 | Lynch says meeting with Bill Clinton 'casts a shadow' over email probe | U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said on Friday she understands how her meeting with former president Bill Clinton “casts a shadow” over the perception of independence in the investigation her department is conducting into his wife’s email use. Bill Clinton met with Lynch on her plane in Phoenix on Monday night, triggering a firestorm from Republicans and a public statement from Lynch that she will accept whatever outcome independent investigators decide at the end of the probe into the Democratic presidential front-runner’s use of a private email server. | politicsNews | July 1, 2016 | 1 |
21,025 | NFL GIVES BEYONCE Super Bowl Half-Time Slot To Promote Cop Hate, Racial Division…Race-Baiting Hubby, JAY Z Makes $1.5 MILLION Donation To #BlackLivesMatter Terrorists | We reported about Beyonce s half-time Super Bowl appearance, where she ll be performing her anti-cop, anti-White song. For a preview of the song she ll be performing, click HERE to see the video. The latest, and equally disturbing news is that her race-baiting husband, Jay Z has just dumped a huge sum of money into the #BlackLivesMatter terror groups coffers. Anyone who believes in racial harmony and healing the racial divide that Barack Obama and his racist wife have caused, should never give this power couple another cent of their hard earned money. Jay Z s global music and entertainment platform Tidal in association with Roc Nation is donating $1.5 million to Black Lives Matter and several other local and national social justice organizations, Tidal announced exclusively to Mic on Friday the same day Trayvon Martin would have turned 21-years-old. The streaming service raised the $1.5 million at the first Tidal X: 10/20 charity concert in Brooklyn, New York, featuring Beyonc , Nicki Minaj, Jay Z, Lil Wayne and Nick Jonas.Tidal s group of artist owners, which includes several of the musicians who performed in October s sold-out show including Beyonc , Nicki Minaj and Jay Z, took part in deciding which organizations would receive funding, the streaming service told Mic. The majority of the groups to benefit are social justice activist groups and organizations, with a large portion of these specifically committed to ensuring the nation understands that black lives matter.Tidal s grants will be administered through the New World Foundation, which funds several civil rights groups and social movements. The nonprofits Tidal will fund include Opportunity Agenda, Hands Up United, Sankofa.Org, as well as local organizing groups in California: Community Coalition; Florida: Dream Defenders; Illinois: Black Youth Project; Maryland: Baltimore Justice Fund; Empowerment Development Corporation; New York: Million Hoodies; NY Justice League and Ohio: Ohio Students Association/Organizing Collaborative.According to Tidal, donations will also be given to organizations created by the families of victims of police brutality, including the Trayvon Martin Foundation, the Michael O.D. Brown We Love Ours Sons and Daughters Foundation and the Oscar Grant Foundation.Via: Music.Mic | left-news | Feb 7, 2016 | 0 |
20,869 | Spain and Morocco arrest six suspected of practicing beheadings | Spanish and Moroccan police have arrested five Moroccans and one Spaniard suspected of belonging to an Islamist militant cell that simulated decapitations, the Spanish interior ministry said on Wednesday. The arrests mark the first big raids since a double Islamist attack in Catalonia in August that killed 16 people, most of whom were mown down by a van in Barcelona. The cell was at an advanced stage of activity, the ministry said. It did not say whether those arrested were men or women. The group held secret night meetings at which they planned large-scale attacks, and carried out physical training sessions in which they simulated cutting off victims heads, the ministry said. Five of the arrested were Moroccan, one with Spanish residence rights. One was Spanish of Moroccan heritage. One was arrested in the Spanish north African enclave of Melilla, and the rest in Morocco. Spanish police have arrested 199 people in the country accused of connections to militant groups since raising the security alert to one notch below the highest level in 2015. | worldnews | September 6, 2017 | 1 |
77 | Trump's Supreme Court appointee Gorsuch plots rightward course | Eight months into his lifetime U.S. Supreme Court appointment, Neil Gorsuch has given every indication through his votes in key cases and remarks from the bench he will be a stalwart of the conservative legal agenda, as President Donald Trump promised. Still early in his career as a justice that could span decades, Gorsuch has already established himself as among the most conservative members of the top U.S. court, and has not been shy about expressing his views, sometimes in idiosyncratic ways. He also has made public appearances before conservative audiences, including a speech at the Republican president’s Trump International Hotel in downtown Washington, that have drawn rebukes by liberal critics who questioned his independence from the president who nominated him. Gorsuch’s record so far suggests “he is going to be a reliably conservative vote,” said Carolyn Shapiro, a law professor at Chicago-Kent College of Law. Trump, who as a candidate promised to pick a justice in the mold of the late conservative icon Antonin Scalia, has set out to move the federal judiciary to the right. Gorsuch’s appointment has been his biggest step yet toward that goal, restoring the high court’s 5-4 conservative majority. Gorsuch’s April confirmation by the Republican-led Senate, despite strong Democratic opposition, provided one of Trump’s biggest political victories since taking office in January. Writing about Gorsuch on Twitter on Tuesday, Trump said he was “very proud of him and the job he is doing,” and rejected a Washington Post report that he had considered rescinding Gorsuch’s nomination this spring after the jurist said attacks on the judiciary like those that had been made by Trump were “disheartening” and “demoralizing.” The newspaper reported that Trump had vented angrily to advisers that Gorsuch may not be sufficiently loyal. Trump responded that he had “never even wavered.” As the court rolls into 2018 with some big rulings ahead - on free speech, gay rights, voting rights and employee rights - legal experts said Trump will be able to rely on Gorsuch. The new justice has delivered key votes backing Trump’s travel ban on people from several Muslim-majority countries and on the death penalty, and embraced certain kinds of public funding for churches. During arguments this month in one of the court’s biggest cases of its current term, Gorsuch signaled sympathy for a conservative Christian baker who contends he was within his constitutional rights to refuse to create a wedding cake for a gay couple. Gorsuch declined an interview request for this article. Inside the Supreme Court chambers and outside it, Gorsuch, a 50-year-old Coloradoan, speaks his mind. “He is not intimidated about being the newest justice,” said John Malcolm, a lawyer at the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank. Gorsuch has regularly sided with his fellow conservative justices. In the legal fight over the three versions of Trump’s travel ban, Gorsuch sided with the president on four different occasions. In June, he was one of three justices who would have let Trump’s second travel ban go into full effect. The court voted 6-3 to allow a limited version of the ban. On the death penalty, Gorsuch was among four conservative dissenters when the court in September granted a stay of execution for a Georgia inmate. In April, in his first recorded vote on the court, he was part of a 5-4 conservative majority that declined a stay of execution request from an Arkansas inmate. The court in 2018 is set to rule on two cases - one from Wisconsin and another from Maryland - involving the practice of drawing legislative districts in states in a way intended to entrench one party in power, known as partisan gerrymandering. The rulings could influence U.S. elections for decades. Based on the Oct. 3 oral argument in the Wisconsin case, in which Democratic voters challenged a Republican-drawn electoral map, it is unclear how the court will rule. Gorsuch used a culinary analogy to express his doubts during the argument about the Democratic challengers’ legal theory. “It reminds me a little bit of my steak rub,” Gorsuch said. “I like some turmeric, I like a few other little ingredients, but I’m not going to tell you how much of each. And so what’s this court supposed to do, a pinch of this, a pinch of that?” During a November speech hosted by the Federalist Society, a conservative legal group, Gorsuch confidently touted his judicial ideology, stressing the importance of interpreting the U.S. Constitution based on its original meaning and narrowly reading the text of laws passed by Congress. “Tonight,” he said to sustained applause, “I can report, a person can be both a committed originalist and textualist and be confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States.” | politicsNews | December 20, 2017 | 1 |
22,463 | Boiler Room EP #76 – Resign, Surrender, Confess! | Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR host Hesher along with Daniel Spaulding from Soul of the East, Andy Nowicki from Alt Right Blogspot and Stewart Howe of 21Wire for the 76th episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in some Boiler Room with the crew. This week we re boiling up some media maniac conversation with topics like the new low tech facial recognition police squad coming soon to an insanely militarized police force near you, NPRs pathetic attempt to paint independent journalists like Vanessa Beeley as conspiracy theorists for pointing out simple truths from the ground in West Aleppo, Syria, Daniel Spaulding pleads with Glen Beck not to drown himself in a bucket of blood, Andy Nowicki analyzes the darkest hidden factors of Angelina Jolie s persona and Stewart Howe goes through readily available litmus tests to run on new acquaintances.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Reference Links: | US_News | September 29, 2016 | 0 |
20,984 | POPE SHAMES AMERICANS From Mexico For Anti-Immigrant Sentiment…Doesn’t Mention $BILLIONS Taxpayers Give Faith Based Charities To Bring MUSLIM Immigrants To U.S. | Pope Francis has joined Democrat legislators, along with a handful of RINO s and local mayors to work hand-in-hand with Obama to push immigration from Mexico and South America to the US. Every player in this scheme has their own agenda. Of course, Obama has only one desire, and that is to fundamentally transform America. Democrat legislators are working to secure a dependent voting base. The RINO s (Republicans In Name Only) are beholden to large corporations, whose only goal is to secure cheap labor. Finally, local mayors want the federal funding that comes with placement of each immigrant in their communities. Besides the obvious charitable aspect, what s in it for Pope Francis? What s in it for the Catholic church? Many Catholics (myself included) are wondering why we pass the collection basket more than once several times throughout the year to help subsidize churches, schools and orphanages in Mexico and South America if the ultimate goal is to bring them here? Make no mistake, Pope Francis is interjecting himself into the 2016 Presidential election by walking with illegal aliens on the Mexican side of the border who want to get into the US.This is a direct assault by the Catholic Church on Donald Trump and any other Republicans (including the Governor of Texas) who say they want to close the US border with Mexico.Yesterday, in Ciudad Juarez, one of the most violent cities in the Western Hemisphere thanks to the drug cartels, the pope walked up a ramp covered in flowers toward a cross erected in memory of migrants who have perished trying to reach the United States just a stone s throw away, according to Reuters.The pope then blessed three more small crosses, at which shoes of migrants who died were laid. We cannot deny the humanitarian crisis, Pope Francis intoned. Each step, a journey laden with grave injustices: the enslaved, the imprisoned and extorted; so many of these brothers and sisters of ours are the consequence of trafficking in human beings Injustice is radicalized in the young; they are cannon fodder, persecuted and threatened when they try to flee the spiral of violence and the hell of drugs. Then there are the many women unjustly robbed of their lives. He concluded, Let us together ask our God for the gift of conversion, the gift of tears, let us ask him to give us open hearts like the Ninevites, open to his call heard in the suffering faces of countless men and women. No more death! No more exploitation! They are not refugees! People escaping poverty or crime are not legally refugees, but the Pope and the NO Borders Left are purposefully confusing the terminology. They want all migrants-on-the-move to be called REFUGEES who are then entitled to protection and welfare. Why stop at the Mexican border? What about the Iraqi Christian population that s been almost completely wiped out? Why is the Pope standing on the Mexican border demanding we open the flood gates in the name of charity, while tens of thousands of Christians are being slaughtered in the Middle East?Where is the outcry from the Pope as the Catholic Charities/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (CC/USCCB) are being paid BILLIONS to bring mostly MUSLIM immigrants, who are being vetted by the corrupt UN to the US from the Middle East, and strategically seeding them across the United States? The following map provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement identifies where the primary nine VOLAGs operate within America and where their affiliate sites are located:Here is the list of Charities who work with the US Department s Refugee Resettlement Program: CWS Church World Service ECDC Ethiopian Community Development Council HIAS Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society IRC International Rescue Committee LIRS Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services CC/USCCB Catholic Charities/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops USCRI U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants EMM Episcopal Migration Ministries WRI World Relief Inc.Additionally, there are 350 subcontractors in 190 cities affiliated with the nine main refugee VOLAGs and the chart below lists the amount of money awarded by the federal government to these contractors since 2008.As you can see the amount of money that has been awarded to these non-governmental organizations is enormous with the total since 2008 amounting to over $4 billion.Simpson notes that because they are non-governmental organizations (NGOs), they can and do lobby for advantageous changes to law and build allies in Congress and the bureaucracy, all fertilized by an open spigot of taxpayer dollars. From this point, as an American, you should be absolutely stunned at what is going on behind the scenes without your knowledge nor your input in regards to the fact that your taxpayer money along with your elected officials are undermining your security by allowing these organizations operate without any oversight. The push by fourteen Senate democrats for 65,000 refugees along with the eighty-four mayors is only the beginning though, as seventy-two House democrats have also joined this coalition.In letter on September 11, 2015, initiated by Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI.) and signed by seventy-one democrats, they urge Obama to resettle over three times the 65,000 refugees initially pushed for by the Senate democrats back in May. The House democrats cite Refugee Council USA, just as the fourteen Senators did, and recommend that the United States resettle a minimum of 200,000 refugees by the end of 2016, including 100,000 Syrian refugees. Neglecting the fact that the FBI has stated that they have no way of properly vetting the 2,500 Syrian refugees that we ve already accepted, it further goes to show how little these Senators, Representatives, Mayors, and VOLAGs care about the repercussions of admitting 100,000 into our country.In her book, Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America, Ann Corcoran explains that Refugee resettlement has become a major money-maker for what can only be described as the Religious Left, whose goal is to change the demographic make-up of the 180-plus cities and towns in which they presently work. Corcorans statement perfectly describes exactly what is happening as push for more and more refugees comes solely from the Left. Whether it be Mayors, Senators, or Representatives in the House, they re all seeking to change the demographic make-up of the United States by forcing the taxpayers to subsidize their own destruction.WATCH ANN CORCORAN S POWERFUL VIDEO explaining how the faith-based charities are working with the US State Department to flood our nation with MULSIM refugees HERE:There is plenty of blame to go around when it comes to the willful destruction of the greatest and most generous nation on earth. Ann Corcoran of the Refugee Resettlement Watch has generously provided us with the list of democratic Senators, Mayors and Representatives who make up the coalition which has urged for the destruction of our country via the acceptance of hundreds of thousands of refugees. If your elected official is on this list, Ann highly suggests you contact them and moreover do what you can to make sure they are never elected into office again.Link to the Senate letter signed by 14 democrats on May 21, 2015 can be found here.Link to the House letter signed by 72 democrats on September 11, 2015 can be found here.Link to the list of 84 Mayors who are members of the Cities United For Immigration Action can be found here. | left-news | Feb 18, 2016 | 0 |
3,907 | Trump order frees tax-exempt churches to be more politically active | U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Thursday that allows tax-exempt churches to more actively participate in politics and could free religious organizations to deny employees insurance coverage for birth-control pills. The order partially fulfills an oft-repeated campaign promise by Trump, who appealed to religious conservatives in his 2016 run for the White House, although he would need an act of Congress to rescind the underlying law that he has opposed, known as the Johnson Amendment. The order was widely praised by religious organizations that either felt hemmed in by the law or openly violated it, but others denounced it as putting women’s health in jeopardy or weakening the U.S. tradition of separating church and state. “We will not allow people of faith to be targeted, bullied or silenced any more,” Trump said at a signing ceremony at the White House where religious leaders had gathered in support. “No one should be censoring sermons or targeting pastors,” he said. Trump’s order directs the Internal Revenue Service to “alleviate the burden of the Johnson Amendment,” the White House said in reference to a 1954 law sponsored by Lyndon Johnson, then a Texas senator who later became president. Under that amendment, the tax code prohibits organizations that enjoy tax-free status from participating in a political campaign or supporting any one candidate for elective office. The order also asks the government to issue rules that would allow religious groups such as the Little Sister of the Poor to deny their employees insurance coverage for services that they oppose on religious grounds, such as birth-control pills. Those employees would be forced to go outside their employer-provided insurance plan for subsidized contraceptives, said Lori Windham, a lawyer who represents the group. “Today’s announcement is a great day for the Little Sisters,” Windham said. The American Civil Liberties Union had threatened a lawsuit to stop the order but later backed off, saying the most onerous provisions had yet to be enacted and that it falls way short of meeting Trump’s pledge to “totally destroy” the Johnson Amendment. At least one expert said Trump’s order appears legally sound. Rolling back the Johnson Amendment does not favor any particular religious views over others, and the president has broad authority to decide not to enforce certain laws, said Robin Fretwell Wilson, a professor at the University of Illinois College of Law. | politicsNews | May 4, 2017 | 1 |
502 | Fox And Friends Completely Panics And Cuts Segment Short Because A Democrat Showed Up (VIDEO) | While the right accuses the left of being snowflakes because we think all people should be treated with fairness and respect, the right, led by Donald Trump, is becoming more and more frightened of any dissenting voices.That point couldn t have been made more clearly on Wednesday s Fox and Friends. They did one of their man on the street segments, where they visited a diner in Louisville, KY. The idea was to have a debate, but only with Fox s rules, apparently. Let s get right to the debate, (Fox s Todd) Piro said. Jefferson County, where we are, highly Democrat. Bullitt County, right across the way here, heavy Republican. Turning to a man named Keith, Piro began to ask a question of a Trump voter but he was quickly interrupted by a man who approached from behind with a sign reading Fox Lies. I m a Democrat right here, the man said.The appearance of an actual Democrat, and not one hand-picked by Fox was a bit too much to deal with, apparently.Source: Raw Story Alright, alright, Piro replied, pushing the man s sign out of view of the camera. We re going to wrap this up and we re going to go on off to commercial. Here s the video:Not all heroes wear capes. pic.twitter.com/I9Ny64xWRe Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) August 23, 2017Fox didn t really have an explanation as to why they cut the segment short, other than being afraid of the white haired man.Brian Kilmeade said, I was reading his lips. I know exactly what he meant. His lips weren t visible in the shot. He did call Fox fake news though, which is only a threat, apparently, if a Democrat says it.Then Steve Doocy admitted that we don t know exactly what was going on there, but they felt it in the best interest of the telecast, we cut away. Apparently for Fox, there s nothing more threatening than actually being fair and balanced.Featured image via video screen capture. | News | August 23, 2017 | 0 |
2,892 | Trump Plans To Turn Medicaid Into A Death Panel Program With Limited Funding | People who voted for Donald Trump and receive Medicaid are about to get some really bad news.For decades, Republicans have wanted to destroy Medicaid, a healthcare program that helps low income people with a combination of federal and state resources.The idea of block grants would mostly achieve this goal by slashing the amount of money the federal government provides and would shift the fiscal responsibility to the states.According to the New York Times,A block grant would be a radical change. Since its creation in 1965, Medicaid has been an open-ended entitlement. If more people become eligible because of a recession, or if costs go up because of the use of expensive new medicines, states receive more federal money.If Congress decides to create block grants for Medicaid, lawmakers will face thorny questions with huge political and financial implications: How much money will each state receive? How will the initial allotments be adjusted for population changes, for general inflation, for increases in medical prices, for the discovery of new drugs and treatments? Will the federal government require states to cover certain populations and services? Will states receive extra money if they have not expanded Medicaid eligibility under the Affordable Care Act, but decide to do so in the future?Also, Republicans could punish blue states by giving them less money while giving more money to red states.But once the money runs out, people will suffer regardless of which state they live in because that s what a block grant is. It s a set amount of money. States would have to decide if they want to spend more money on healthcare after the funding dries up. Basically, lawmakers will be deciding if you get medical care or not. In other words, death panels.Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker told Republicans in Congress that, States would most likely make decisions based mainly on fiscal reasons rather than the health care needs of vulnerable populations. Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards echoed the same concerns. Under such a scenario, flexibility would really mean flexibility to cut critical services for our most vulnerable populations, including poor children, people with disabilities and seniors in need of nursing home and home-based care, he said.Again, this is basically the death panels Sarah Palin was freaking out about when the Affordable Care Act passed, only these are real and would be run by the states because the federal government is forcing them to decide who gets care and who doesn t by imposing funding limits.Medicaid covers more than 70 million Americans across the country, many of whom are conservatives in some of the poorest states. That s 70 million people who are going to face great suffering and death over the next four years if Trump and Republicans have their way.Featured Image: Spencer Platt/Getty Images | News | January 23, 2017 | 0 |
9,470 | Trump taps adviser Manafort to be campaign chairman: CNN | Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for U.S. president, has tapped senior adviser Paul Manafort to be campaign chairman and chief strategist, CNN’s chief Washington correspondent said in a tweet on Thursday. In his tweet, CNN’s Jake Tapper cited campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks. | politicsNews | May 19, 2016 | 1 |
10,212 | UPDATE: FATHER HELPS STUDENTS After Lefties Censored Photos with Pro-Trump Slogans | You may remember the story of a New Jersey high school that came under fire after President Trump s campaign logo and slogan were digitally removed from two students yearbook photos and another student s quote from the president was also excluded.The students complained about Wall Township High School s censorship, which led to an outpouring of support including from the president himself and the eventual suspension of the school s yearbook club adviser.200 copies of the yearbook were reissued with the photos and quote intact, at a cost of $10,000.Now, it s been revealed that the father of one of the students footed a majority of the bill for the reprint.Joseph Berardo, father of Grant Berardo, donated $5,279 out of his own pocket.Another $3,000 was given by Lors Photography, which was hired by the school district to take yearbook photos.Jostens, the yearbook publisher, will issue a credit to the district for any further costs.Berardo said he put money toward the reprint because he felt it was the right thing to do. I didn t want there to be some other program that didn t get funded because of this, he said. They responded appropriately and corrected it. Supporting the kids of Wall Township seemed like the right thing to do. Read more: Asbury Park Press | politics | Aug 7, 2017 | 0 |
2,131 | Apple's Cook says he disagrees with Trump, vows donations to rights groups | Apple Inc (AAPL.O) CEO Tim Cook has joined a chorus of business leaders who have voiced their opposition to President Donald Trump after he blamed white nationalists and anti-racism activists equally for violence in Virginia over the weekend. “I disagree with the president and others who believe that there is a moral equivalence between white supremacists and Nazis, and those who oppose them by standing up for human rights. Equating the two runs counter to our ideals as Americans,” Cook wrote in a note late on Wednesday to employees, according to technology news website Recode. Cook also said in the letter that Apple will donate $1 million a piece to the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League and will match two-for-one their donations to the organizations and other human rights groups until Sept. 30. “Regardless of your political views, we must all stand together on this one point — that we are all equal. As a company, through our actions, our products and our voice, we will always work to ensure that everyone is treated equally and with respect,” Cook wrote. Cook’s letter came hours after Trump disbanded two high-profile business advisory councils as several chief executives quit in protest over his remarks blaming weekend violence in Charlottesville, Virginia on anti-racism activists as well as white nationalists that left a 32-year-old woman dead. “The events of the past several days have been deeply troubling for me, and I’ve heard from many people at Apple who are saddened, outraged or confused,” Cook said. “What occurred in Charlottesville has no place in our country. Hate is a cancer, and left unchecked it destroys everything in its path. Its scars last generations. History has taught us this time and time again, both in the United States and countries around the world,” Cook added. Earlier on Wednesday, the company was disabling Apple Pay on several websites that sell attire and items in support of white nationalists and hate groups, several tech news websites reported. Apple joined social media networks Twitter Inc and LinkedIn, music service Spotify Ltd and security firm Cloudflare Inc that were cutting off services to hate groups or removing material that they said spread hate. | politicsNews | August 17, 2017 | 1 |
15,178 | Oh Brother! White House Compares Obama To The Pope | These social justice warriors always think they know what s best for you and everyone else. Social justice is socialism so perhaps the White House press is correct. It s easy to spread the wealth with other people s money Pope Francis and President Obama have both dedicated their lives to helping the less fortunate, and that commonality will be central to their meeting Wednesday during the pope s first visit to the United States, a White House spokesman said hours before Obama left to greet the pontiff as he landed at Andrews Air Force Base Tuesday afternoon. Both men have talked, quite publicly, about their commitment to social justice, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said in previewing their Oval Office meeting scheduled for Wednesday morning. And both men have dedicated their, not just their careers, but their lives, to that effort. Certainly the kind of commitment that we ve seen from Pope Francis is unique and singular, Earnest allowed but I think the values that both men live out have some common ground. Earnest talked about how Obama turned down high-paying jobs upon graduating law school to instead work in Chicago s poor South Side, and how Francis is known for advocating on behalf of impoverished communities in his home country of Argentina before ascending through the Roman Catholic Church s ranks.Via: Gateway Pundit | politics | Sep 23, 2015 | 0 |
6,500 | Democrats demand probe of Trump health nominee | Senate Democrats on Thursday demanded an ethics probe into Tom Price, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for U.S. health secretary, following a report that the fierce Obamacare critic traded in healthcare company stocks while pushing legislation in Congress that could affect those shares. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer and others made their comments as congressional Republicans moved ahead with their long-desired effort to dismantle President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, and signaled the vehemence with which Democrats will fight to protect the 2010 law. Price is an orthopedic surgeon and a Republican congressman from Georgia who, if confirmed by the Senate as Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary, would be given the task of carrying out Trump’s promise to gut the law that has enabled up to 20 million previously uninsured Americans to obtain medical coverage. The Democrats called on the independent Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE), which examines misconduct allegations involving House of Representatives members, to investigate Price’s stock trades. The Wall Street Journal last month reported that Price bought and sold more than $300,000 in stock in about 40 healthcare, pharmaceutical and biomedical companies over the past four years while sponsoring and advocating legislation that could influence those companies’ shares. “Every American should be shocked by this,” Schumer told a news conference. “We don’t know if he broke the law,” Schumer said of Price. “But there are certainly enough serious questions to warrant a serious investigation before any hearing is held on Congressman Price to become secretary of HHS.” Democratic Senator Patty Murray said lawmakers want to know what nonpublic information Price may have had when the transactions at issue were made. Phil Blando, a Trump transition spokesman, called Schumer’s demands a “stunt” to deflect attention from Obamacare’s “dismal record.” Price, asked by Reuters in a Capitol hallway for a reaction to Schumer’s comments, replied, “We’re looking forward to a positive and productive confirmation hearing.” A 2012 law prohibits members and employees of Congress from using “any nonpublic information” stemming from the person’s position or gained while performing their job for personal benefit. The nonpartisan watchdog group Public Citizen also asked the ethics office, as well as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, to investigate Price and another Republican congressman, Chris Collins of New York, for possible violations of insider trading and conflict-of-interest laws and rules. Public Citizen said that, while serving in the House, Collins also sat on the board of directors of Australian biotech company Innate Immunotherapeutics Ltd (IIL.AX) and was its largest shareholder, with a 17 percent stake. It said Price also bought shares in the company. Collins serves as the Trump transition team’s congressional liaison. Collins spokesman Michael McAdams said in a statement the congressman “has followed all ethical guidelines related to his personal finances during his time in the House and will continue to do so.” House Republicans had moved on Monday to weaken the ethics office but backtracked a day later after criticism from Democrats and Trump. Trump transition spokesman Blando said the ethics questions Schumer raised about Price should be directed to three sitting Democratic senators, Delaware’s Tom Carper, Virginia’s Mark Warner and Rhode Island’s Sheldon Whitehouse, “who own and have traded hundreds of thousands of dollars in pharmaceutical and health insurance company stocks.” “Hypocrisy is apparently alive and well this morning in Washington,” Blando said. A Warner spokeswoman said his investments were managed by an independent trustee. A Whitehouse spokesman said the senator does not direct his trading. A Carper spokeswoman said he has submitted thorough financial disclosures and “always complied with every requirement and regulation.” Republicans will control the White House and Congress once Trump takes office on Jan. 20. In a series of Twitter posts on Thursday, Trump blasted the Democrats over Obamacare, taunting Schumer as “head clown.” “It is time for Republicans & Democrats to get together and come up with a healthcare plan that really works - much less expensive & FAR BETTER!” Trump wrote. Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said he expects the legislative work on repealing and replacing Obamacare to be completed this year. “What date all of this gets phased in on is something we do not now know,” Ryan added. Ryan indicated that a Republican proposal to strip women’s healthcare organization Planned Parenthood of federal funding will be included in the Obamacare repeal legislation. Planned Parenthood draws the ire of many Republicans because it provides abortions, as well as cancer screenings and other services. Republicans criticize Obamacare, one of Obama’s signature accomplishments in his eight years in office, as an excessive government intrusion into the healthcare market and contend it is harming job growth by burdening businesses. Democrats said Obamacare has extended insurance to millions of Americans and curbed abuses by private insurers such as refusing to provide policies to people with pre-existing medical conditions. | politicsNews | January 5, 2017 | 1 |
22,818 | SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The War on Democracy’ (2007) | 21st Century Wire says Each week, 21WIRE will curate a series of informative documentary films designed to educate and enlighten our readers about many of the key issues facing people worldwide. The War on Democracy is one of award-winning Australian filmmaker John Pilger s most intimate film creations. In this film, Pilger takes an inside look at the Hugo Chavez epoch in Venezuela, the CIA coups and fascist takeover in Chile, as well as the American derailment of El Salvador, Guatemala and Bolivia. Pilger also traces the modern origins of the death squad . The film delicately chronicles the issues facing the people of South America before, during and after the brutal CIA years.Watch this powerful documentary production:Run time: 1:34:00 Directors: John Pilger, Christopher Martin Producers: Christopher Martin, Wayne Young Editor: Joe Frost United Kingdom/ Australia (2007)SEE MORE SUNDAY SCREENINGS HERESUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV | Middle-east | August 13, 2017 | 0 |
12,998 | Russian air strikes kill 21 in eastern Syria: monitor | Russian air strikes killed 21 people in a village on the eastern side of the Euphrates River in east Syria, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Wednesday. The strikes in Deir al-Zor province were to support the Kurdish-led U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighting Islamic State, which had attempted to launch an attack on the town earlier this week, the war monitor said. Russia has been carrying out air strikes in the province mainly in support of the Syrian army which, alongside allied Shi ite militias, has been waging its own assault against Islamic State on the western side of the Euphrates. The separate assaults have advanced along opposite sides of the river, which bisects oil-rich Deir al-Zor, mostly staying out of each other s way. The U.S.-led coalition and the Russian military have held deconfliction meetings to prevent clashes between them, though the two offensives have sometimes come into conflict. The Observatory also reported on Wednesday that the Syrian army and its allied forces had finished the presence of Islamic State on the western bank of the river. On Sunday, the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia, which spearheads the SDF, announced it had fully captured Deir al-Zor s eastern countryside from Islamic State with the help of both the U.S.-led coalition and Russia. | worldnews | December 6, 2017 | 1 |
17,844 | BREAKING NEWS: Hollywood Kingpin, and Top Hillary Donor, Harvey Weinstein Just Got Some VERY BAD NEWS From His Own Company | Last week, after the news about Hollywood kingpin Harvey Weinstein being hit with multiple accusations of sexual harassment, Donald Trump Jr., asked if Hillary would disavow the embattled Hollywood producer who made significant contributions to her campaign for President against his father. Weinstein also held considerable influence over Hollywood dolts to support her.Will She/they all Disavow? Embattled Hollywood Producer Harvey Weinstein Raised Big Bucks For Hillary Clinton & Dems https://t.co/6PHQaAQFNm Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 6, 2017That s a great question Donald Jr. And what about Pocahontas, aka Senator Elizabeth Warren? Will she disavow and return campaign contributions from the guy who championed women in office, while simultaneously using his position to sexually harass them? How very Hollywood.Does anyone remember the outrage and the Hollywood celebrities including Ashley Judd, who is now one of his accusers who took to DC wearing p*ssy hats to show their disgust for a conversation between two men that was recorded about a certain female? How many of those same women were simultaneously begging Harvey Weinstein, who was apparently a well known sexual predator, for a job? Well, today Harvey got some very bad news Harvey Weinstein, the disgraced co-founder and CEO of The Weinstein Company, has been fired effective immediately, his board of directors said on Sunday.The statement said: In light of new information about misconduct by Harvey Weinstein that has emerged in the past few days, the directors of The Weinstein Company Robert Weinstein, Lance Maerov, Richard Koenigsberg and Tarak Ben Ammar have determined, and have informed Harvey Weinstein, that his employment with The Weinstein Company is terminated, effective immediately. The company has been under intense pressure since The New York Times broke an investigative story on Thursday detailing three decades of sexual misconduct, including propositioning actresses and harassing female employees. More ugly stories continued to dribble out over the weekend, including a vulgar report by a news anchor that Weinstein masturbated in front of her and other stories of inappropriate propositions.Internally Weinstein continued to fight for his survival, insiders have told TheWrap. His advisors including his brother Bob told him that he needed to take the allegations seriously and not merely pay lip service. They wanted him to leave for six months and get treatment for sex addiction or whatever his behavior may be called.Weinstein told TheWrap in an interview on Thursday that he was sincere in his apology and intention to make amends. But reports continued to leak out of the company internally that the CEO was determined to dictate the terms of his leave of absence and treatment.Harvey and Bob Weinstein co-founded the indie film company Miramax in 1979 and grew it into a powerhouse brand that made art-house films mainstream and reshaped the Academy Awards race with aggressive marketing and buzz.The company was bought by Disney in 1993, where the brothers continued to run the company and dominate the Oscar race until they left in 2005 to launch the new privately held The Weinstein Company. The brothers have a 44 percent stake in the firm, according to the Times.For entire story: The Wrap | left-news | Oct 8, 2017 | 0 |
21,345 | Thailand's ousted PM Yingluck has fled abroad: sources | Ousted Thai prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra has fled the country ahead of a verdict against her in a negligence trial brought by the junta that overthrew her, sources close to the Shinawatra family said on Friday. Yingluck, 50, whose family has dominated Thai politics for more than 15 years, failed to show up at court for judgment in a case centered on the multi-billion dollar losses incurred by a rice subsidy scheme for farmers. Overthrown in 2014, Yingluck had faced up to 10 years in prison if found guilty. Her former commerce minister was jailed in a related case for 42 years on Friday. She has definitely left Thailand, said one source, who is also a member of her Puea Thai Party. The sources did not say where she had gone. Yingluck s brother, Thaksin Shinawatra, who heads the political clan, was overthrown in a 2006 coup and fled into exile to escape a corruption conviction that he said was aimed at demolishing the populist movement he founded. The struggle between that movement and a Bangkok-centered royalist and pro-military elite has been at the heart of years of turmoil in Thailand. The verdict against Yingluck could have reignited tension, though the army has largely snuffed out open opposition. After Yingluck failed to show up, the Supreme Court issued an arrest warrant against her and rescheduled the verdict to Sept. 27. It said it did not believe her excuse that she could not attend the court hearing because of an ear problem. It is possible that she has fled already, Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan told reporters. He later said police were investigating reports that she had left via Koh Chang, an island close to the Cambodian border. Cambodian immigration police said she had not entered their country. Yingluck last commented on social media on Thursday, saying on her Facebook page that she would not be able to meet supporters at court because of tight security. She had been banned from traveling abroad at the beginning of the trial in 2015 and has attended previous hearings. The court confiscated the 30 million baht ($900,000) that Yingluck had posted as bail. Hundreds of her supporters had gathered outside the court on Friday where about 4,000 police had been deployed. Some held roses while others wore white gloves with the word love on them. Although Yingluck had already been banned from politics by the junta in 2015, she could have been a party figurehead for elections that junta leader Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha has promised for next year. If Yingluck has fled it would disappoint her supporters and make her opponents feel vindicated, said Thitinan Pongsudhirak, director of the Institute of Security and International Studies at Chulalongkorn University. It does not help with Thailand s division and polarization, he said. Under the rice subsidy program, Yingluck s administration paid rice farmers up to 50 percent more than market prices. It left Thailand with huge rice stockpiles and caused $8 billion in losses. Yingluck has said she was only in charge of coming up with the policy but not the day-to-day management of it. If she has fled people would not trust her, but the masses would still support her because they benefited from her policies, 38-year-old delivery man Sakunchai Muenlamai. The Supreme Court sentenced Yingluck s former commerce minister, Boonsong Teriyapirom, to 42 years in jail after finding him guilty of falsifying government-to-government rice deals between Thailand and China in 2013. He said he would appeal, but was told it was too late in the day to apply for bail so will spend the weekend behind bars. | worldnews | August 25, 2017 | 1 |
3,058 | UK PM May welcomes Trump's pick for U.S. ambassador: spokeswoman | The planned appointment of National Football League team owner Woody Johnson as U.S. ambassador to London shows President Donald Trump’s commitment to close ties with Britain, Prime Minister Theresa May’s spokeswoman said on Friday. “We are looking forward to working with the new U.S. ambassador once that is confirmed,” May’s spokeswoman said. “His close personal relationship with the president shows the commitment of the administration to the special relationship between our two countries.” | politicsNews | June 23, 2017 | 1 |
16,458 | SCARY! LEAKED EMAIL PROVES Radical Billionaire Donor GEORGE SOROS Was Pulling Sec Of State Hillary Clinton’s Strings On Foreign Policy | It was announced last week that George Soros was donating over $25 MILLION to Hillary s campaign. Today we find out that George Soros is making decisions for Hillary that could affect our national security and the security of other nations worldwide.More leaked e-mails from Hillary Clinton during her time as Secretary of State now prove that she was taking foreign policy advice from radical leftist billionaire George Soros.WikiLeaks latest email leak shows how Soros had a direct line to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton when it came to foreign policy decisions she was tasked to act upon.How can we ever trust Hillary to make important decisions that affect the national security of our nation and of foreign nations now that it has been proven she is relying on advice from major donors like the unhinged radical, George Soros?Here is the content of the email. (A screen shot of the actual email can be found below): Dear Hillary, A serious situation has arisen in Albania which needs urgent attention at senior levels of the US government. You may know that an opposition demonstration in Tirana on Friday resulted in the deaths of three people and the destruction of property. There are serious concerns about further unrest connected to a counter-demonstration to be organized by the governing party on Wednesday and a follow-up event by the opposition two days later to memorialize the victims. The prospect of tens of thousands of people entering the streets in an already inflamed political environment bodes ill for the return of public order and the country s fragile democratic process. | Government News | Aug 11, 2016 | 0 |
13,591 | Philippine troops kill 14 Maoist rebels in clash: army | Philippine soldiers have killed 14 Maoist guerrillas in an offensive south of the capital, Manila, an army officer said on Wednesday, days after President Rodrigo Duterte ended peace talks with the rebels. More than 40,000 people had been killed in nearly 50 years of fighting between the leftist guerrillas and government forces, a conflict that has stunted economic growth in resource-rich rural areas. Duterte, who took power last year, had raised hopes for peace with the communists as well as with Muslim insurgents in the south of the predominantly Roman Catholic country, but peace has proved elusive. This is a big blow to their organization, Major Mikko Magisa, executive officer of the army s 202nd Brigade, told reporters, referring to the late Tuesday clash in Batangas province. Five soldiers had been wounded in the 20-minute clash involving army and air force commandoes, he said. The bodies of 13 rebels were found, including a suspected secretary and a platoon leader of the guerrilla unit, he said. One of two wounded rebels who were captured died in hospital. Duterte signed a proclamation ending peace talks with the communists last week after complaining that rebel violence had continued during the negotiations. Talks, which have been held intermittently since 1986, were revived in August last year, and were brokered by Norway. Government troops have been ordered to be on alert for movements by the estimated 3,800 leftist guerrillas, military officials have said. Government troops have in recent months been engaged in the biggest battle in the Philippines since World War Two, with Islamist militants who occupied a southern town for several months. (Amends to show peace has been elusive, paragraph three) | worldnews | November 29, 2017 | 1 |
21,645 | (Video) Obama Supporters Sign Petition to NUKE CHINA in Response to Hacking of U.S. Computers!!! | These people will support just about anything Obama says scary stuff! | left-news | Jun 15, 2015 | 0 |
5,734 | WATCH: President Obama Urges Americans To Reject Trump’s Bigotry And Hate | In the aftermath of Great Britain voting to leave the European Union, President Obama urged Americans to reject xenophobia by voting against Trump and his bigotry in November.President Obama made the remarks during a fundraising speech in support of Washington Governor Jay Inslee on Friday.Driven by fear and xenophobia, 52 percent of voters in the United Kingdom opted to leave the European Union, which had serious repercussions on world markets as Donald Trump and other Republicans cheered the decision.President Obama had hoped the people of Great Britain would reject fear and hate but that didn t happen, which is why his hopes now rest with the American people to do in November what the UK did not. That s the choice you face this November, President Obama said. Between dividing ourselves up, looking for scapegoats, ignoring the evidence, or realizing that we are all stronger together. If we turn against each other, whether it s divisions of race or religion, we re not going to build on the progress we ve started. If we get cynical and just vote our fears or we don t vote at all, we won t build on the progress we ve started. America has been a story of progress but has not gone in a straight line. There have been times when we ve gone forward and there have been times when we ve gone backwards. And what s made the difference each and every time is citizens voting, and caring, and committing to our better selves. In other words, voting matters and it s never been more important to exercise our right to vote than it will be this November.President Obama capped off his speech by slamming the bigoted, divisive, and hateful values of Donald Trump and urged Americans to reject those values for the sake of our children and the future of our country. Coming together around our common values and our faith in hard work and our faith in each other and the belief in opportunity for everybody and assuming the best in each other and not the worst. Because whatever our differences we all love this country and we all care fiercely about our children s futures. And we don t have time for charlatans and we don t have time for hatred and we don t have time for bigotry and we don t have time for film-flam and we don t have the luxury of just popping off and saying just whatever comes to the top of our heads. Don t have time for that. Here s the video via MSNBC.The people of Great Britain made a terrible mistake by voting to exit the European Union. They let fear dictate their decisions and that is incredibly disappointing. America must once again lead by example and reject the fear and xenophobia that is tightening its grip on Europe. We need to be better. The stakes are too high to sit at home on Election Day. We must not give in to the blind fear and hate that Republicans are hoping will give them complete control over the nation. If we do, all the progress we have made over the last century will have been for nothing and the people who want to watch the world burn will achieve their goals.Featured image via screen capture | News | June 25, 2016 | 0 |
11,886 | HIGH ROAD! MARTIN LUTHER KING III MEETS WITH TRUMP: ‘Time to move forward’ [VIDEO] | Martin Luther King III met with president-elect Donald Trump on Monday, recognizing the holiday in honor of his father, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.After the meeting, King was questioned by reporters who repeatedly asked him to react to Trump s comments about Democratic Congressman John Lewis. Well, first of all I think that in the heat of emotion a lot of things get said on both sides, King said. And I think that at some point I am, as John Lewis and others are, a bridge builder. The goal is to bring America together and Americans. We are a great nation, but we must become a greater nation. When asked again about Trump s comments about Congressman Lewis, King replied that, At some point in this nation we ve got to move forward. AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! BELOW IS THE VIDEO OF THE STATEMENT: READ MORE: BREITBART | politics | Jan 16, 2017 | 0 |
8,282 | New Jersey Governor Christie upends old income tax deal with Pennsylvania | New Jersey Governor Christie said on Friday the state would begin taxing income earned by people who work in New Jersey but live in Pennsylvania, ending a long-standing arrangement with the neighboring state. Pulling out of the nearly 40-year old “reciprocity” agreement would allow New Jersey to raise more revenue starting Jan. 1. Christie, a close ally of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, said in a statement that he was forced to act because the Democrat-controlled legislature created a $250 million budget hole in June by relying on public employee health insurance cuts they have not yet made. If lawmakers come back next week and cut health costs, Christie could consider “revising” his termination of the reciprocal tax pact. “I will not raise state taxes, cut property tax relief, reduce aid to education or our hospitals, or reduce the state’s record pension payment to cover for this blunder by the legislature,” Christie said. Jeff Sheridan, press secretary to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, said Christie “erred significantly in his decision to unnecessarily punish 125,000 Pennsylvanians and cost the commonwealth $5 million annually.” He said Wolf, a Democrat, was hopeful Christie would change his mind. However, Christie seems committed to making Pennsylvania “suffer the consequences of his failure to enact a responsible budget in a bipartisan way,” Sheridan said. Pennsylvanians pay a flat 3.07 percent income tax rate with no personal exemptions. New Jerseyans pay higher rates the more they make, with progressive rates increasing from 1.4 percent to 8.97 percent. The reciprocal agreement is advantageous for high-income Pennsylvania residents who work in New Jersey, because they pay their state’s lower tax rate. It is also good for low-income New Jerseyans who work across the border because of New Jersey’s progressive tax system. New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney said in a statement that ending the scheme is “the wrong decision for our state” and that more than 100,000 New Jersey residents will pay almost $1,000 per year in additional income tax. “The burden falls completely on working families in New Jersey, especially those in South Jersey who work in Philadelphia, and will have a very real impact on their quality of life,” he said. | politicsNews | September 2, 2016 | 1 |
9,381 | ACCUSED RAPIST BILL CLINTON Has 4 NEW Accusers…Claim He Sexually Assaulted Them While Flying Around On ‘Air F**k One’ | Who didn t see this coming? Four more women have come forward to charge Bill Clinton sexually assaulted them This could get interesting You know, with Hillary coming out last week with a lecture on standing up for women Will she stand by her man or not?Edward Klein is the former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine and the author of numerous bestsellers including his fourth book on the Clintons, Guilty as Sin, in 2016. His latest book is All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump was released on October 30, 2017. Bill Clinton is facing explosive new charges of sexual assault from four women, according to highly placed Democratic Party sources and an official who served in both the Clinton and Obama administrations.The current accusations against the 71-year-old former president whose past is littered with charges of sexual misconduct stem from the period after he left the White House in 2001, say the sources.Attorneys representing the women, who are coordinating their efforts, have notified Clinton they are preparing to file four separate lawsuits against him.As part of the ongoing negotiations, the attorneys for the women are asking for substantial payouts in return for their clients silence.A member of Clinton s legal team has confirmed the existence of the new allegations.Back in the late 1990s, Clinton paid $850,000 to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit by Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state employee whose case led to Clinton s impeachment in the House of Representatives and his subsequent acquittal by the Senate in 1999. The negotiations in the new lawsuits are said to have reached a critical stage. If they fail, according to sources in Clinton s inner circle, the four women are said to be ready to air their accusations of sexual assault at a press conference, making Clinton the latest and most famous figure in a long list of men from Harvey Weinstein to Kevin Spacey who have recently been accused of sexual assault.The new allegations refer to incidents that took place more than 10 years ago, in the early 2000s, when Clinton was hired by Ron Burkle, the playboy billionaire investor, to work at his Yucaipa companies. Clinton helped Burkle generate business and flew around the world with a flock of beautiful young women on Burkle s private jet, which was nicknamed Air F**k One. The four women, who have not yet revealed their identities, were employed in low-level positions at the Burkle organization when they were in their late teens and claim they were sexually assaulted by the former president.Read more: Daily Mail | politics | Nov 20, 2017 | 0 |
20,297 | OBAMA’S RACE WAR Spreads Like Cancer To London: Famous Blind Musician Weighs In [VIDEO] | Because blind people are probably experts on judging people based on skin color. No mention of the police officers killed over the two bloody days bloody of Black Lives Matter terrorism, starting with the Dallas massacre by racist former Houston Black Panther and ending up with concrete, Molotov cocktails and bricks being thrown at police officers heads during 5-hour shut down of major highway in MN Motown singer Stevie Wonder has told a huge crowd in London, that black lives matter because we are the original people of this world as the city descended into three days of chaos caused by Black Lives Matter demonstrations.The superstar did not, however, address the deaths of five white police officers who were slaughtered in Texas on Friday by a black activist who wanted to kill white people . All life does matter, but the reason that I say black lives matter is because we are the original people of this world, Mr. Wonder told the British Summer Time Festival in Hyde Park. So in essence, everyone here has some black in you. You ve all got some soul in you so stop denying your culture, he added.The singer warned the 65,000-strong crowd of this horrible time we re living in as he opened his set. Adding: I encourage you to choose love over hate. It s just that simple. Choose love over hate, right over wrong, kind over meanness. Hope over no hope at all .On the same weekend as Mr. Wonder s statements, London descended into chaos as Black Lives Matter shut down Parliament Square on Friday, Brixton on Saturday, and Oxford Street and the U.S. embassy on Sunday.Watch the stupidity as Londoners at BLM protest compare apartheid in S. Africa to discrimination against blacks in America:Roads were blocked for up to six hours as activists climbed roofs and demonstrated about racist police and police violence in solidarity with our American brothers and sisters .Via: Breitbart | left-news | Jul 11, 2016 | 0 |
11,205 | WHICH IS IT? DID SUSAN RICE Lie to Andrea Mitchell or Judy Woodruff Two Weeks Ago? [Video] | WATCH: Susan Rice insists I leaked nothing to nobody https://t.co/kAsbu4VJDN MSNBC (@MSNBC) April 4, 2017 I know nothing about this. I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today. What she says is a lie but who is surprised by this? We know that Susan Rice lied 5 times on 5 different morning shows the morning after Benghazi. Why wouldn t she try and cover this spying up to protect herself and others including Obama.Susan Rice is also giving conflicting stories on what she did so it might be a good idea for her to lawyer up right now. She claimed ignorance of the unmasking and spying but today she spoke about doing it. Yes, red flags are everywhere on this! The reality and truth is this was more of a political attack to destabilize the Trump presidency and embarrass him:Andrew McCarthy said it best: The national-security adviser is not an investigator. She is a White House staffer. The president s staff is a consumer of intelligence, not a generator or collector of it. If Susan Rice was unmasking Americans, it was not to fulfill an intelligence need based on American interests; it was to fulfill a political desire based on Democratic-party interests. The bottom line is that laws were broken when the names were unmasked Someone s in BIG trouble! | politics | Apr 4, 2017 | 0 |
13,410 | #DNC GIVES ANTI-HILLARY Dems Free Speech Cage Outside Convention [VIDEO] | It s just cleaner that way You know, keeping anyone who disagrees with Hillary in a caged area Shutting down free speech it s the American Democrat way | politics | Jul 27, 2016 | 0 |
1,072 | Investigators Into US-Russia Ties Turn Attention To Flynn’s Business Partner | According to a person interviewed by the FBI, U.S. investigators in the probe looking into former national security advisor Michael Flynn s Russian connections have now begun to focus on Flynn s former business partner Bijan Kian, although their interest in Kian has not been previously reported.Not only that, but they are also looking at whether payments Flynn and his company, the now-inactive Flynn Intel Group, received from foreign clients were also lawful, including payments from three Russian companies and Inovo, a Dutch-based company controlled by Turkish businessman Ekim Alptekin, according to two separate sources with knowledge of Flynn s business dealings.It is still unclear whether the FBI is targeting Kian as part of a criminal investigation or if they are trying to build a more comprehensive understanding of how Michael Flynn s businesses operated, as apparently, Kian played a central role in securing and overseeing the Inovo contract, according to the two sources. Furthermore, the FBI interviewee claims that agents from the bureau s Criminal Division enquired just as much about Kian as they did Flynn when it came to the topic of Inovo and their dealings with Alptekin. Both Kian and his lawyer, Robert Trout, have declined to comment, as have the FBI.The FBI has been investigating whether Flynn s consulting firm lobbied on behalf of Turkey after being paid $530,000 by Inovo, an amount they may not have properly disclosed. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, who has also been looking into whether Flynn made false statements when applying for security clearance, has also expressed his interest in Kian. I have an interest in Bijan Kian and his interactions with General Flynn based on specific documents already obtained by the Committee, Cummings said in an e-mail to Reuters.Kian also tapped into connections he made during his five-year tenure as a director at the U.S. Export-Import Bank to woo possible clients on behalf of Flynn, according to one former employee.Featured image via Mario Tama/Getty Images | News | June 21, 2017 | 0 |
19,007 | COLLEGE STUDENTS Who Wanted You To Pay For Their Education Make STUNNING Admissions About How They Spend Student Loan Money | When you consider the stunning ways students are wasting their student loan money that SHOULD be going towards their education, it s pretty clear why Bernie Sanders was so wildly popular with college kids. Sadly, there are a large number of students who have bought into the whole Peter Pan and the I m never growing up thing Remember these clowns who wore signs around their necks bemoaning the amount of money they WILLINGLY borrowed to pay for their education as a reason Americans should vote for Bernie? Per a survey of 500 college co-eds, LendEDU found that 31% of students, or roughly 2.4 million kids, admitted to using student loan money to fund their binge drinking trips to Cancun and Daytona Beach for spring break.According to the LendEDU poll, 30.60% of college students with student debt claim that they are using money they received from student loans to help pay for their spring break trip this year. For reference, you can use student loan funding for living expenses.The National Center for Education Statistics calculated that 20.5 million students will be attending college this year in the United States. Orbitz reported that 55% of students will be going on spring break. Using this data, we can roughly calculate that 11,275,000 students will be going on spring break this year.Factoring in our data, and assuming the claims made in our survey are accurate, this means that 2.38 million students are using money received from student loans to pay for their spring break excursion this year.Adding insult to injury, 24% of students admitted to using their student loan money for alcohol and 7% use those federally-subsidized checks for drugs.Nearly a quarter (23.80%) of respondents stated that they have used money received from student loans to pay for drinking some type of alcohol. This answer also included spending money at bars.A third (33.40%) of students answered that they have used money received from student loans to pay for clothing and other accessories.Similarly, the same amount (33.40%) of students said that they have used money received from student loans to pay for restaurants and take-out.6.60% of respondents responded saying that they have used money received from student loans to pay for drugs.Finally, 5.60% of students that participated in our survey stated that they used money received from student loans on gambling or sports betting. For entire story: Zero Hedge | left-news | Mar 9, 2017 | 0 |
9,911 | NATIONAL PET CHAIN Linked To Outbreak of Bacterial Infection Sickens 39 People In 7 States, 9 Victims Have Already Been Hospitalized | The CDC is investigating an outbreak of a bacterial infection linked to puppies sold through the national pet store chain Petland.The outbreak of Campylobacter infections has sickened 39 people from seven states, including Florida, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.So far nine people have been hospitalized. No deaths have been reported.Campylobacter can cause a gastrointestinal illness in humans with symptoms of diarrhea, cramping, abdominal pain, vomiting, and fever. The illness typically lasts about a week and symptoms appear within two to five days after exposure. People more likely to get a severe infection include children younger than 5, adults older than 65, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems, including those with the genetic blood disorder thalassemia or HIV or people receiving chemotherapy.Investigators say evidence indicates that puppies sold through Petland stores are a likely source of this current outbreak. The bacteria can spread through contact with dog feces. It usually does not spread from one person to another.Twelve of those affected are Petland employees from four states. The other 27 people either recently purchased a puppy at Petland, visited a Petland store, or visited or live in a home with a puppy sold through Petland before illness began.The CDC says the pet store chain is cooperating with health officials to address the outbreak. CBS 58 | politics | Sep 14, 2017 | 0 |
18,970 | U.N. launches new plan to end Libya's post-revolution turmoil | The United Nations began a new push on Tuesday to stabilize Libya by getting rival factions to revise the stalled peace plan and set the country on the path to elections. The effort aims to end the turmoil that developed in Libya after the 2011 NATO-backed uprising ended Muammar Gaddafi s 42-year rule, giving space to Islamist militants and smuggling networks that have sent hundreds of thousands of migrants to Europe. Political and military fractures have left the country mired in conflict and the OPEC member s economy in freefall. Rival parliaments and governments have vied for power. Last week, U.N. envoy Ghassan Salame announced a one-year action plan for a transition toward presidential and parliamentary elections. The plan got underway on Tuesday with negotiations between delegations from rival parliaments from eastern Libya and Tripoli, which are meant to draw up amendments to a previous U.N.-mediated plan signed in December 2015. As the delegations convened in Tunis, Salame said he hoped the amendments could be agreed rapidly and that he sensed a window of opportunity for reconciliation. All Libyans are fed up. They are going from transition to transition with no horizon, he said. We have sleeping institutions that need to be awoken, divided institutions that need to be united, and hijacked institutions that need to be rebuilt. The 2015 deal has only had limited support from power-brokers and was never endorsed by factions aligned with military commander Khalifa Haftar that control eastern Libya. Haftar, who has been courted by Western states after making military gains, was in Rome on Tuesday where he met Defence Minister Roberta Pinotti and Italy s highest ranking military officer, Claudio Graziano. Pinotti expressed hope that all parties would support Salame s inclusive political strategy ... excluding any military solution , according to a defense ministry statement. Italy and other Western states have tried to work with the U.N.-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli, but it has been hamstrung by internal splits and has been unable to halt a slide in living standards or tame the power of armed groups. We re here to move the political process forward for the sake of the country s stability, said Moussa Faraj, head of the delegation from the High Council of State in Tripoli, according to a tweet from the United Nations from the Tunis meeting which got closed to the press after Salame s speech. Under the new U.N. plan, once amendments have been agreed a national conference drawing on a much larger number of representatives from across Libya is meant to approve the members of a transitional government that would run the country until elections. The eastern parliament, or House of Representatives (HOR), is expected to devise laws for national elections and for a referendum to approve a much-delayed constitution. The chamber has barely functioned over the past two years and has been boycotted by a large number of its members. Our task is difficult, said Abdusalam Nasia, head of the HOR delegation, according to the United Nations. I call on all to leave personal interests behind and focus on common interests. | worldnews | September 26, 2017 | 1 |
17,820 | China's Communist Party makes final preparations for key congress | China s Communist Party opened a meeting on Wednesday to make final preparations for a key party congress later this month, state media said, a five-yearly event where President Xi Jinping is expected to further tighten his grip on power. The seventh plenary session of the party s Central Committee will review draft reports on the work of the party, its discipline and anti-corruption commission, and amendments to be made to the party s constitution, all of which will be delivered at the 19th Party Congress that opens on Oct. 18, the official Xinhua news agency said. The congress will summarize historical progress and precious experiences in advancing socialism with Chinese characteristics gained with Xi at the party s core, Xinhua said. The congress will also thoroughly examine the current international and domestic situation and draw out guidelines and policies that respond to the call of the times, the news agency said, without giving specifics. Details of the speech that Xi, the party s general secretary, will give at the opening session of the congress are closely guarded secrets, although the event is more about ideology than concrete policies. It is unclear how long the plenum will last, but it could be just a single day. It will end with a long communique, issued by Xinhua, that is usually full of party phraseology but could be short on specifics. Last October, the party gave Xi the title of core leader, a significant strengthening of his position ahead of the congress, at which a new Standing Committee, the pinnacle of power in China, will be constituted. The party s constitution will be amended at the end of the congress, likely to include a reference to Xi s thinking or ideology as a guiding party principle. Mao Zedong and the reformist former leader Deng Xiaoping already have their names enshrined in the document, although Xi s two immediate predecessors, Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin, do not. | worldnews | October 11, 2017 | 1 |
3,425 | Energy Department Tells Trump To Go F*ck Himself In Response To His Climate Change Witch Hunt | Donald Trump thought he could bully the Department of Energy. He was humiliatingly wrong.Last week, Trump and his team sent a letter to the DOE demanding a list a department employees and labs working on climate change. You know, because Trump and his supporters deny that climate change is real and would like nothing more than to purge those studying it from the government.Trump specifically wants to know who worked with President Obama to fight climate change, which is a threat to the planet that is already having devastating effects on our country. Temperatures have risen every year, resulting in every year becoming the hottest on record. Hurricanes have become more frequent and more destructive. And flooding is now a constant worry along the coast.Well, the Department of Energy fielded feedback from their workforce about Trump s demand and the response was overwhelming. Trump can go f*ck himself.The Washington Post reports, The Department of Energy received significant feedback from our workforce throughout the department, including the National Labs, following the release of the transition team s questions. Some of the questions asked left many in our workforce unsettled, said Eben Burnham-Snyder, a department spokesman. Our career workforce, including our contractors and employees at our labs, comprise the backbone of DOE (Department of Energy) and the important work our department does to benefit the American people. We are going to respect the professional and scientific integrity and independence of our employees at our labs and across our department. We will be forthcoming with all publically-available information with the transition team. We will not be providing any individual names to the transition team. Burnham-Snyder s email had the last sentence in boldface for emphasis.So lets just recap. Donald Trump has already pissed off the CIA and most of the intelligence community, angered China, and now he has infuriated the Energy Department.Seriously, how is Trump supposed to run the government if he can t even get along with the people who make our government work?The good people at the Energy Department are doing this country a service by researching climate change. We desperately need to address it or many of our coastal cities, including our nation s capital, could be under water in a matter of decades. And it would kill our economy and leave millions of people homeless regardless of their political affiliations.Trump is targeting the Department of Energy and is demanding names he should never receive. Federal employees should not be persecuted for doing their jobs and they certainly should not be persecuted for understanding science. And even when Trump takes office and puts Rick Perry in charge of the department, it should still deny Trump the names he seeks. In fact, it should refuse to work with Rick Perry until Trump drops his witch hunt entirely.Featured Image: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images | News | December 13, 2016 | 0 |
9,638 | AUDIT REVEALS: 150 AFGHAN TROOPS Have Gone AWOL In U.S. During Training…Some Still Missing | The new report on the number of missing Afghan trainees draws attention to the current policy that obviously needs to be changed. The terror risk is bad enough and the cost to train these soldier is HUGE. Remember when Obama was famously called out for the outrageous cost per trainee? Reuters reported in October of 2016 that Washington has allocated more than $60 billion since 2002 to train and equip Afghan troops. This is a waste of taxpayer dollars. Immigration agents say they re worried about the terror risk with these AWOL trainees.While other foreign troops on U.S. military training visits have sometimes run away, a U.S. defense official said that the frequency of Afghan troops going missing was concerning and out of the ordinary. More than 150 Afghan troops brought to the U.S. for military training have gone AWOL since 2005, with 13 of them still unaccounted for and perhaps living as here illegal immigrants now, an inspector general said in a new report Friday.Part of the problem is that the U.S. never puts the trainees through an in-person interview and exempts them from registering as aliens when they arrive both steps that other visitors would normally have to go through.In-person interviews and requiring the troops to register beforehand would help the government gauge whether someone is likely to go absent without leave, and would give immigration officers information about relatives in the U.S. as starting points when someone does go AWOL, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction said.But the State Department rejected those suggestions.The audit said that while no acts of terrorism have yet been traced to the trainees, immigration agents say they re worried because a number who go AWOL end up trying to claim asylum in the U.S., stymieing any national security investigation into their behavior.Beyond the potential danger, American taxpayers also miss out on the investment in the troops, the inspector general said. It is clear that Afghan trainees go AWOL while in the United States at a far higher rate than do trainees from any other country, and we believe that the State Department (as well as other government agencies) should use all the tools at their disposal to reduce these occurrences and ensure that Afghan trainees return to Afghanistan and make use of the substantial U.S. taxpayer investment in training, the audit concluded.The number of troops going AWOL surged in 2015 and 2016 as security back home deteriorated.Some Afghan troops currently being trained in the U.S. said the Taliban threatened their families back home once it became known they had a relative training here. Many of them said the training made them bigger targets when they returned.Investigators identified 152 Afghan trainees who have gone absent without leave under the training program. Seventy of them fled the U.S., 39 managed to obtain legal status here, three returned to duty, 27 were arrested and put in deportation proceedings, and 13 remain unaccounted for.The largest number disappeared from training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, but four went AWOL from training in D.C., three disappeared from Quantico, Virginia, and one from Arlington.The State Department and Homeland Security said they don t think there s a reason to be concerned.Read more: WTA PREVIOUS REPORT ON TWO AFGHAN TRAINEES THAT WENT MISSING:THE TWO TRAINEES ARE STILL MISSING! The public has received no picture or description of the two Afghan men who were last seen on Friday of last week. They will not say why they re not giving a description to the public. It would help if they let people know what these two men look like. MOODY AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. Authorities are searching south Georgia for two male Afghan air force students who did not report for duty Monday, officials said.The students have been at Moody Air Force Base since February of this year and were screened prior to coming to the U.S. more than a year ago, according to officials with the base.The base says that both men have trained alongside U.S. troops for the entirety of this year and do not pose any apparent threat. The students and their class were set to graduate on Dec. 18.Federal authorities are involved because these are international military students, said Captain Korey Fratini, Chief of Public Affairs for the air force base.The two students were last accounted for Friday but did not show up for duty on Monday.They are part of Afghan Air Force and are maintenance aircraft students here training to learn how to maintain the a29 Super Tucano. Foley said they are not pilots.There are 9 Afghan pilots at Moody and 14 Afghan aircraft maintainers, according to Foley.There is a coordinated effort among federal agencies to locate these men as quickly as possible and return them to the proper authorities, a statement from the base said.They were both assigned to the 81st Fighter Squadron. The base is near Valdosta, Ga. off of Interstate 75.According to Forey, the students are considered absconded for now.They are not releasing missing males names, ages or pics right now but did not say why.When they are located he says they will be brought back to Moody AFB and Foley does not know what will happen next.Foley said the main focus is trying to get info out to local communities that the information they have is there is no indication they pose any threat.Read more: FCN | politics | Oct 20, 2017 | 0 |
18,527 | CHURCHGOERS TRAPPED INSIDE CATHEDRAL After Man Hits Police Officer Guarding Church In Head With Hammer…Authorities Calling It Act Of Terror [VIDEO] | France s armed police officers were at least prepared to handle the terror attack after shooting the terrorist, thereby preventing any further acts of terror by what police believe to be a lone wolf incident. Many questioned the how the UK can effectively deal with terrorism when their law enforcement officers are unarmed, like in the most recent attack in London where unarmed police officers were seen running away from the scene of the crime, and citizens were forced to use chairs to protect themselves from terrorists with knives A man with a hammer bashed a police officer in the head outside Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris Tuesday, in an attack that investigators called an act of terror.The wounded officer fired twice at the hammer-wielding man in the square in front of the cathedral, French police told Fox News. The attacker was hospitalized; the specific conditions of both men were unclear.UPDATE:French Minister G rard Collomb: Notre Dame cathedral attacker said This is for Syria. pic.twitter.com/cDeOD3csEK Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) June 6, 2017 Police can be seen here rushing to terror scene:Police rush to Paris s Notre-Dame cathedral following reports man attempted to attack officer with a hammer. pic.twitter.com/VHJdRRMpdG Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) June 6, 2017Visitors to the famous Notre Dame Cathedral are trapped inside until police can clear the scene:Photo of visitors locked inside Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris following reports man attempted to attack officer with a hammer. pic.twitter.com/3GNPK2sN6k Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) June 6, 2017Police asking everyone to raise their hands in the church pic.twitter.com/y5KkyWqdWK Matthew CurrieHolmes (@mch2k) June 6, 2017The French interior minister said the suspect had been threatening several policemen and passersby at the time.Paris has been under high security after a string of Islamic extremist attacks in recent years. Security Message: ongoing security incident at Notre Dame Cathedral U.S. citizens should avoid the area & follow advice of authorities U.S. Embassy France (@USEmbassyFrance) June 6, 2017The French U.S. embassy alerted American citizens to avoid the area and follow advice of authorities following the incident.On social media, people reported that they were trapped in the cathedral for an incident outside. One person in the cathedral said officers instructed them to raise their hands. Later in the day, they said officers were starting to let them out. FOX News | left-news | Jun 6, 2017 | 0 |
2,285 | Trump CHILDISHLY Demands Congress Investigate Obama And Will Hold His Breath Until They Do | Petulant child Donald Trump released a statement on Sunday morning demanding that Congress investigate President Obama.On Saturday, Trump took to Twitter and openly accused President Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower without providing a shred of evidence to back up his claim.Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017Is it legal for a sitting President to be wire tapping a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017I d bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017Of course, Trump is just trying to distract everyone from focusing on his Russia scandal by making an outrageous accusation to shift the story.But now Trump is going even further by demanding an investigation and even declared that he won t comment on Russia anymore until he gets what he wants.You know, like a toddler who holds their breath until they get the candy bar they want at the store. Reports concerning potentially politically motivated investigations immediately ahead of the 2016 election are very troubling, Trump said in a statement issued by the White House. President Donald J. Trump is requesting that as part of their investigation into Russian activity, the congressional intelligence committees exercise their oversight authority to determine whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in 2016. Neither the White House nor the President will comment further until such oversight is conducted. If Republicans actually start a witch hunt against President Obama instead of investigating Trump s obvious ties to Russia it will be clear that they are incapable of doing their jobs.Trump literally repeated what he read on Breitbart and now he is desperately hoping that Congress and the media will focus on President Obama instead of the ever-growing Russia scandal he and his administration are embroiled in.The American people should be outraged.Featured Image: Wonkette | News | March 5, 2017 | 0 |
19,182 | HIGH-LEVEL WHISTLEBLOWER Exposes Astonishing Evidence Of Exaggerated Global Warming Data Used To DUPE World Leaders Into Investing Billions | This isn t the first time scientists have been caught manipulating evidence in their quest to convince the world global, warming, cooling, climate change is real, and it certainly won t be the last.Thank goodness for whistleblowers The UK Daily Mail on Sunday today revealed astonishing evidence that the organization that is the world s leading source of climate data rushed to publish a landmark paper that exaggerated global warming and was timed to influence the historic Paris Agreement on climate change.A high-level whistleblower has told this newspaper that America s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) breached its own rules on scientific integrity when it published the sensational but flawed report, aimed at making the maximum possible impact on world leaders including Barack Obama and David Cameron at the UN climate conference in Paris in 2015.The report claimed that the pause or slowdown in global warming in the period since 1998 revealed by UN scientists in 2013 never existed, and that world temperatures had been rising faster than scientists expected. Launched by NOAA with a public relations fanfare, it was splashed across the world s media, and cited repeatedly by politicians and policy makers.But the whistleblower, Dr John Bates, a top NOAA scientist with an impeccable reputation, has shown The Mail on Sunday irrefutable evidence that the paper was based on misleading, unverified data.It was never subjected to NOAA s rigorous internal evaluation process which Dr Bates devised.His vehement objections to the publication of the faulty data were overridden by his NOAA superiors in what he describes as a blatant attempt to intensify the impact of what became known as the Pausebuster paper.His disclosures are likely to stiffen President Trump s determination to enact his pledges to reverse his predecessor s green policies, and to withdraw from the Paris deal so triggering an intense political row. Daily Mail | left-news | Feb 6, 2017 | 0 |
8,140 | Trump could lose a few pounds, but otherwise healthy: adviser | Donald Trump knows he could stand to lose a few pounds but otherwise is in great health, campaign adviser Sarah Huckabee Sanders told MSNBC on Wednesday after the Republican presidential candidate filmed a TV segment about his well-being. Trump taped an episode of the “Dr. Oz Show” in New York that will air on Thursday, in which he gave host Dr. Mehmet Oz a summary of a physical exam conducted last week. Trump’s campaign has said he will also release more medical information to the public. The show released a short clip on Wednesday that did not include any medical information. In it, Trump told Oz he had two letters with him showing results of tests conducted last week. “May I see them?” Oz, a cardiothoracic surgeon, asked, sitting in a chair next to the 70-year-old New York businessman. “Yeah, sure,” Trump said, handing over papers he pulled from his jacket pocket. Huckabee Sanders said she did not see the summary Trump showed Oz, but said she knew he got a “great report and is in very good health.” She said Trump’s rigorous campaign schedule showed his stamina. “He self-admitted he could lose a few pounds,” she said. “I think that’s most of America, but otherwise he’s in incredibly good health.” Trump and Hillary Clinton, 68, the Democrat facing him in the Nov. 8 presidential election, have both promised to release more medical information. Clinton this week took several days off the campaign trail to recuperate from a bout with pneumonia, after she nearly collapsed on Sunday at a memorial ceremony for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Clinton plans to resume campaigning on Thursday, her spokesman said. Previously, Trump’s campaign issued a short letter from his doctor saying he was in excellent health, but without such details as whether he takes any medications. Clinton in 2015 released a two-page letter outlining her own medical condition. | politicsNews | September 14, 2016 | 1 |
5,832 | This Tennessee GOP Rep’s Answer To Orlando Is Exactly What’s Wrong With The U.S. | GOP Tennessee State Rep. Andy Holt is done with terrorism. His solution, like with most in ammosexual Republicans, is more guns, because that will suddenly make Muslim men less angry with us, or something. To prove it, Holt is putting his money where his mouth is and he s raffling two AR-15 s, because terrorism.To be fair, Holt had planned this giveaway before the massacre last Sunday morning, but at the same time, Sunday s massacre is only propelling him to go on with it because, a crazed Muslim terrorist shouldn t change the plans or activities that we have as Americans. I think there is nothing more that this particular individual would love, this terrorist, than to think that he has changed a significant number of plans for Americans, and also that maybe gun control measures will be instituted regarding the use of firearms here in the United States because of his actions, Holt said.He added, I don t concede to the idea we should change our plans because this individual inappropriately used a firearm. Source: CNNBecause that s what Americans are thinking about this Father s Day weekend obtaining maximum killing machines. Okay, maybe that is what Americans are thinking about this Father s Day weekend.Here s the video:Holt did concede, though, that maybe, just maybe, it s a bad idea to let people on the terrorist watch list have guns. I think there is a reason for terror suspects not to get firearms. A man that has devoted himself to ISIS and radical Islam, that s a precursor that should disallow an individual to have a firearm. We don t want to go too far, though. He says we have to be strategic, which likely means doing nothing at all about the fact that yes, people on the terrorist watch list, including Omar Mateen, who brutally gunned down 49 people and was once on the list, bought his gun legally. We ll also likely do nothing about guns and mental illness or guns and domestic abusers, or about guns and anything, because in the good old U.S. of A., guns are more important than people.Featured image via video screen capture. | News | June 17, 2016 | 0 |
11,745 | WATCH PRESIDENT TRUMP ARRIVE ON AIR FORCE ONE: Scheduled To Host Red Cross Charity Event At Mar-A-Lago…Angry Leftists Plan Protest [VIDEO] | The president s visit stretches from Friday afternoon to Monday morning, when he will travel to MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa. He s then expected to head back to Washington, D.C.Here are five key things to know while Trump is in town:1. This is Trump s first visit to Palm Beach since his Jan. 20 inauguration.Before this trip, Trump s last visit to his Palm Beach home was over the Christmas and New Year s holidays, when he was still president-elect.While in town, he played golf twice: once with Tiger Woods at Trump s West Palm Beach golf course, and a second time on New Year s Eve at the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter.Trump and first lady Melania attended a Christmas Eve church service at the historic Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea, where the couple was married and their son, Barron, was christened.2. The Trumps are expected to attend the 60th annual Red Cross Ball on Saturday night.The event was planned to be held at Mar-a-Lago well in advance of Trump s presidential election win, but that hasn t kept it from being a source of controversy. As the Red Cross prepares to possibly aid refugees affected by Trump s recent executive order, some have called for the organization to postpone or move the gala.However, the Red Cross Ball has a history at Mar-a-Lago. The estate s first owner, cereal heiress Marjorie Meriweather Post, was a noted supporter of the Red Cross, and began hosting the annual fundraiser there in 1957.3. This will be Melania Trump s first public appearance with her husband since the inauguration.Soon after the election, it was announced Melania and Barron, 10, would live in Trump Tower in New York City until Barron finishes his school year.Trump s daughter, Ivanka, has accompanied him on visits typically attended by the first lady, according to The New York Times.4. Protesters are expected to march through West Palm Beach on Saturday.Two local groups, South Florida Activism and Women s March Florida, are hosting a modified version of an earlier plan to march from Trump Towers in downtown West Palm Beach to Mar-a-Lago. Now, organizers say the march will head south to an area in West Palm Beach that sits just across the Intracoastal from Trump s lavish estate.The march, which kicks off at 5 p.m., could draw more than 2,200 people.5. Mar-a-Lago s original owner wanted the estate to be used as a winter White House. Post, who built the mansion and named it Mar-a-Lago because it stretches from ocean to lake, left Mar-a-Lago to the federal government in her will. However, federal officials said, Thanks but no thanks, citing the high cost to maintain the property and its position under one of Palm Beach International Airport s primary flight paths.More than 10 years later, Trump purchased the estate and its furnishings for a bargain: $10 million.Via: Palm Beach Post | politics | Feb 3, 2017 | 0 |
13,481 | FUNNY FLASHBACK: “Donald Trump will NOT be the nominee” [Video] | This is a great flashback of all those who claim to have a crystal ball on who the nominee for the RNC will be Donald Trump will not be the nominee | politics | Jul 19, 2016 | 0 |
9,362 | WATCH: ABUSIVE, TRUMP-HATING Student May Be Facing Jail Time, After STEALING Trump Hat Off Student’s Head and DEMANDING College Officials Prevent Him From Wearing It On Campus | On September 27, 2017, an unhinged, liberal, Trump-hating student, who has now been identified as Edith Macias, was captured on what has now become a viral video. In the video, Macias can be seen ranting and screaming, during an unbelievable exchange that took place in a campus office building at the University of California, Riverside, only moments after she stole a hat off the head of Matthew Vitale, a UC Riverside student who was walking on the campus, and minding his own business. The exchange between this Hispanic woman, (who we re pretty sure is not a legal citizen, based on her comment to the victim, when she screamed, F*ck your laws! after he cited his right to free-speech) and the victim is stunning. Over and over again, this ill-informed and unbelievably angry student makes up her own facts with absolutely no basis whatsoever. Saying things like the signature Trump hat that reads Make America Great Again represents the genocide of a bunch of people and America was never great and of but of course, You stole this land! Just another ungrateful immigrant who is likely one of Obama s Dreamers. ***WARNING*** The video below will make your blood boil.According to Campus Reform, here s how the unbelievable exchange went down:A Trump-supporting student at the University of California, Riverside had his MAGA hat stolen by a peer who demanded that administrators refuse to allow him to continue to wear it.A video of the incident obtained by Campus Reform shows an enraged female student taking the hat to the school s Student Life Department as Matthew Vitale fruitlessly attempts to explain to the young woman that the hat is his property. I swear to God I could burn this sh*t. I swear to God I could burn this sh*t, she continues as several staffers look on. Are you people not going to do anything? She is stealing my property, Vitale pleads, though the altercation went on for several more minutes. We will need to return his property to him, but we can talk about one university employee begins to explain before being abruptly cut off by the student thief. How about we talk about not letting him wear this sh*t on campus? the thief retorts, while Vitale later tells a growing presence of administrators that the fact that you people haven t gotten this back for me is sad and wrong. The altercation continued for several minutes until the hat was relinquished to an administrator who then returned it to Vitale, though not before his fellow student got in the last word. F*** your f***ing freedom of speech, boy. F***it. F*** it because your freedom of speech is literally killing a lot of people out there.According to the College Fix: The UC Riverside student who stole Vitale s Make America Great Again hat off his head and refused to give it back now faces steep legal consequences.A criminal complaint provided to The College Fix by the Riverside County District Attorney s Office states that Edith Macias has been charged with one misdemeanor count of grand theft for the September 27 incident.The next court date on the matter is slated for March, and the maximum penalty Macias faces if convicted as currently charged is one year in county jail, a spokesman for the DA s office told The Fix.The charge was filed after UC Riverside student Matthew Vitale, the student who had his Make America Great Again hat stolen from off his head, decided to press criminal theft charges against Macias.According to the declaration in support of an arrest warrant, Macias told the officer who responded to the incident that the reason she swiped the hat was because it represented genocide of a bunch of people. She stated she wanted to burn the hat because of what it represented, it states.In a statement to The College Fix on Monday, Vitale said he is gratified by the developments. I m very pleased that the DA decided to charge her, especially because I am skeptical that UCR student conduct did anything. I will be following up with the student conduct office to determine if anything was done, Vitale said. In the meantime, I can t thank UCPD enough for actually taking this matter seriously. The detective and officers involved with this case were the epitome of professionalism, he added. If, as I suspect, UCR decided not to discipline her in some way this decision by the DA s office shows two things: First, that UCR does not protect and shows no respect for speech that does not conform to their ideology. Second, that, in this case, UCR chose not to discipline a person who committed a crime on campus against another student. After Vitale had requested charges be brought against Macias, he explained his motives to The College Fix: I do want to send a message. I am not vindictive, I am not vengeful, but people, especially in my generation, need to realize you can t do things like this because you don t like what someone is saying or wearing. Knock, knock.Who s there?Karma | politics | Nov 24, 2017 | 0 |
21,891 | BREAKING: COURAGEOUS FEDERAL JUDGE DENIES OBAMA’S REQUEST TO LIFT STAY ON EXECUTIVE AMNESTY | If I were U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen, I d be keeping these guys close by:The injunction that has blocked President Barack Obama s executive amnesty will remain in place following the ruling of a federal judge Tuesday night in this Texas border city.In a late night ruling, U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen sided with the State of Texas and 25 other states that are suing to stop the executive action that would grant legal status to at least 5 million illegal immigrants.The states have sued the federal government claiming that Obama s amnesty would cause irreparable harm and financial loss to their state if the executive action continues. Earlier this year Hanen granted an injunction requested by the 26 states seeking to halt the implementation of Obama s amnesty. They states claimed the damage would have already been caused and even if they won the lawsuit there would be little they could to at that point.Hanen s new ruling comes after the U.S. Government tried to fight the judge s ruling by asking for a stay of the injunction and also after information pointed to a possible violation by the federal government by granting a three year extension to the program known as DACA which granted status to hundreds of thousands of undocumented aliens in school.Read Hanen s decision below.Hanen RulingVia: Breitbart News | left-news | Apr 8, 2015 | 0 |
15,473 | Egypt Western Desert attack exposes front outside Sinai | A deadly attack on the police in Egypt s Western Desert claimed by a new militant group risks opening up another front for security forces far beyond the remote northern Sinai, where they have battled a stubborn Islamic State insurgency since 2014. A little-known group called Ansar al-Islam claimed responsibility for the Oct. 21 attack. Analysts and security sources said the heavy weapons and tactics employed indicated ties to Islamic State or more likely an al Qaeda brigade led by Hesham al-Ashmawy, a former Egyptian special forces officer turned jihadist. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has already suggested fighters from Islamic State will move into Egypt and neighboring Libya now that the group in on the retreat in Iraq and Syria after a string of losses. Security is key for Sisi, a former military commander who presents himself as a bulwark against Islamist militants, as he looks set to seek re-election next year. Claims of a new front with possible ties to Ashmawy and al Qaeda would increase risks the security forces face in the Western Desert, where militants can already take advantage of the terrain and the porous Libyan border, security sources, analysts and residents say. Two security sources and a medical source said evidence showed one militant killed in a follow-up raid was a former military officer and second-in-command to Ashmawy, whose allegiance switched from Islamic State in the Sinai to al Qaeda, and who has been based in Libya since 2014. If he has been involved with what appears to have been a heavily armed and wholly unexpected operation on the Egyptian side of the Egypt-Libya border, that s of great concern, said H.A. Hellyer, an Egypt expert and senior non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council. An interior ministry official said he could neither confirm nor deny the validity of the Ansar al-Islam claim as it was being investigated. Prosecutors are also investigating the attack. Two Homeland Security officers said militants in the Western Desert appeared more professional than in Sinai. The officers, who work on gathering intelligence, said militants tied to Ashmawy could draw on experience of members who once were in the Thunderbolt elite army unit, or former police. Ashmawy and four other former officers have experience in fighting, surveillance, and planning so the group they have with them is dangerous, one officer said, referring to Ashmawy s brigade commanders. It remains unclear exactly what happened when an Egyptian police convoy ran into an apparently well-planned ambush by a heavily armed militant group in a remote, desert area 135 km (85 miles) southwest of Cairo. Three security sources told Reuters at the time that dozens of police officers and conscripts were killed. But the interior ministry refuted that figure the next day and said 16 police and conscripts died, including some high-ranking officers. One part of the operation was hit by rockets and heavy weapons, officials and sources said. The lead and rear vehicles were hit first, immobilizing the convoy, security sources said. On Oct. 28, the interior ministry replaced several senior security officials in charge of the area where the attack happened, including a homeland security chief and a Giza province security chief, though no reason was given. On Oct. 31, the army launched air strikes against the militants it said were responsible, killing dozens and rescuing a kidnapped and wounded policeman. The new group gave no evidence of its Oct. 21 claim, and it said the oasis attack was the start of a campaign against Sisi s government. It gave a list of grievances but no evidence on the size of its operations or its abilities. Ansar al-Islam s statement was carried by another group with al Qaeda links, Guardians of Sharia, whose social media feeds also carry statements from al Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahri. Three security sources in the Giza area said they believe the attack may have been the work of Ashmawy s militants. Egyptian authorities believe he fled to Libya in 2014. He has strong ties in the Libyan city of Derna, where he operates an al Qaeda cell with other former Egyptian officers. He has been blamed for high-profile attacks such as the killing in June 2015 of Egypt s top public prosecutor in a car bomb. But moving into Egypt would also raise questions about whether he had shifted his area of operations. Both Islamic State and al Qaeda have brigades operating in North Africa, where they have competed for space in Libya, especially in Derna, and sometimes operated alongside each other in small brigades in countries like Tunisia and Algeria. Oded Berkowitz, an intelligence analyst for risk consulting group MAX Security, said assessing the new group s capabilities or loyalties was difficult, but there could be an effort by al Qaeda to benefit from Islamic State s decline to bolster its presence and recruits locally. There is a strong al Qaeda presence in Libya that can support such an endeavor in Egypt. Usually, a militant group in decline (IS) and an increase in competition between two groups translates into a more aggressive stance, and attempts at larger and more quality attacks, he said. Egypt s security forces are battling several militant groups, but have been focused on an Islamic State affiliate that has killed hundreds of police and soldiers in the northern Sinai and has now begun staging attacks outside the peninsula. But the Western Desert, a vast region making up more than half of Egypt s territory, has always been a security headache with arms flowing across the frontier from Libya. Militant groups have found shelter across the border in the chaos that followed the fall of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. Residents, businessmen and security sources around the area of the ambush say they have seen a heightened militant presence over the last two years, with militants sometimes openly driving along highways at night, and carrying out hit-and-run attacks. It s closer for them to bring the weapons from Libya and it s closer for them to carry out their operations, then flee to Libya or hide out in the desert, said one Egyptian military intelligence officer working in Farafra Oasis area near the Oct. 21 attack. Egypt s continuing struggle against Islamist insurgencies at home contrasts with Islamic State s big losses in Iraq and Syria. In Libya s southern Sahara, Islamic State shows signs of a revival after losing Sirte city a year ago. U.S. forces carried out air strikes in Libya in September - the first for almost a year - to destroy an Islamic State camp. When Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi in September urged followers to stand fast after defeats in Iraq and Syria, he mentioned Sinai and Sirte as places where they should fight. Islamic State, which some experts had suspected was involved, included details of the Oct. 21 attack in its Al-Nabaa news bulletin, but without any claim of responsibility. The Western Desert attack came as Egypt hopes a peace agreement between Palestinian rivals Fatah and Hamas on the Gaza Strip across its Sinai border can help stabilize that area and curb supplies to militants on the peninsula. Militants are able to move in the Western Desert easier than they do in Sinai, due to the open geographic nature, one police officer working in the area said. It s not like Sinai, which you can cordon off. Attacks in Egypt: tmsnrt.rs/2hO9VIQ | worldnews | November 7, 2017 | 1 |
20,321 | Battered by cyclone, Philippines suffers flooding, landslides | A cyclone dumped heavy rains in the Philippine capital, Manila, and nearby provinces on Tuesday, causing widespread flooding and landslides in some areas that killed at least two people, the national disaster agency said. Financial markets, government offices and schools were closed and port operations in some provinces were suspended, it said. Several flights were canceled. The weather bureau said cyclone Maring, which was packing winds of up to 60 kilometers per hour (37 mph), made landfall in the morning over Mauban municipality in the eastern province of Quezon. Romina Marasigan, a spokeswoman for the national disaster agency, said two teenaged brothers died from a landslide in Taytay, Rizal, 20 kilometers (12.43 miles) from Manila. Some residents unfortunately did not heed the advice of local officials to evacuate to safer grounds, she said in a media briefing. Marasigan warned of more flashfloods and landslides as rains were expected to continue later in the day, before the cyclone moves back over the sea early on Wednesday. Twenty-two passengers were rescued from a bus stuck in floodwaters in Pitogo town in Quezon, she said. Local officials ordered the evacuation of residents in some towns under floodwaters in Quezon, Laguna, Rizal and Batangas provinces, she said. The weather bureau said it was also keeping an eye on typhoon Talim which was packing winds of up to 120 kph (75 mph), spotted moving toward the country s northern tip and to Taiwan. | worldnews | September 12, 2017 | 1 |
15,609 | PM May's deputy denies report pornography was found on office computer | Prime Minister Theresa May s most senior minister has denied an allegation that police found pornography on one of his computers in the Houses of Parliament in 2008 as the British government struggles to contain a scandal about sexual harassment. First Secretary of State Damian Green said the claims by a former senior police officer in a Sunday newspaper were completely untrue and political smears. This story is completely untrue and comes from a tainted and untrustworthy source, Green said in a statement on his Twitter page. The claims amount to little more than an unscrupulous character assassination, he said. The Sunday Times reported on its front page that former Metropolitan police assistant commissioner Bob Quick alleged the material was discovered by officers during an inquiry into government leaks in 2008. Quick, who was involved in the leak investigation, told the newspaper that officers had reported finding the extreme pornography on a parliamentary computer from Green s office. The claims against one of the prime minister s closest allies risks deepening a growing sexual harassment scandal that led Britain s defense minister Michael Fallon to resign last Wednesday. Fallon said his behavior has fallen short of the standards expected by the British military. May s minority government is already struggling with divisions over Britain s departure from the European Union. Britain s interior minister Amber Rudd said the issue would be investigated by the Cabinet Office on Monday and she denied the government was on the verge of collapse if Green resigned. Rudd said Britain needed to address allegations of sexual harassment in the corridors of power. It is something that will take place, in terms of clearing out Westminster of that sort of behavior, and Westminster, including the government, will be better off after it, she said. Green, 61, has also denied a previous allegation that he made an inappropriate sexual advance on a young woman. He said it was not true that he had touched the woman s knee and told her that his wife was very understanding during a meeting in a pub in which the pair discussed her career aspirations and gossiped about sexual affairs in parliament. | worldnews | November 5, 2017 | 1 |
9,314 | Trump presidency? Bank of America CEO Moynihan says company will be fine | Bank of America Corp Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan on Wednesday played down the impact on the bank if Donald Trump is elected as the next president of the United States. Moynihan was put on the spot by billionaire investor Wilbur Ross at an annual fundraising dinner for the Japan Society in New York when he was asked about a possible Trump presidency. “I’ve made it my personal practice—because when you run a big company—I do not say ‘candidate A versus candidate B’ but what I think we need as we think about transition is we need a leader for the whole country,” Moynihan said. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for the 2016 presidential election, has faced criticism on a variety of issues, including his position on trade, immigration and foreign policy. “I have high confidence that the powers of office will be able to shape people into being what’s good for America. If they’re really answering that question I think at the end of the day Bank of America will be fine,” said Moynihan. Ross, who is Chairman and Chief Strategy Officer at Invesco Ltd subsidiary WL Ross & Co, interviewed Moynihan on stage for 20 minutes as guests ate the first course of cold smoked fish. | politicsNews | June 2, 2016 | 1 |
12,399 | At least 39 Yemenis dead in Saudi-led raid on police camp in Sanaa: official | Saudi-led coalition aircraft struck a military police camp in the Houthi-controlled Yemeni capital Sanaa on Wednesday, killing at least 39 people and wounding 90 more, including some prisoners, an official and witnesses said. The strike is part of an air campaign by the Western-backed coalition on the Iran-allied Houthis that has escalated since the Houthis crushed an uprising last week led by former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh and killed him. One official in the camp said the coalition aircraft had launched seven raids on the camp, located in the eastern part of Sanaa, where some 180 prisoners were being held. The official said rescue teams had pulled out 35 bodies from the rubble, while the rest were not accounted for. It was the latest in a string of air raids the coalition has conducted on Sanaa and other parts of the country, sometimes causing multiple casualties among civilians. A spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition could not immediately be reached for comment on the report. The coalition denies that it targets civilians. The United States and Britain provide political backing as well as weapons and logistical support for the Saudi-led coalition, which has been fighting since 2015 to restore Yemen s internationally-recognised president, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, to power. | worldnews | December 13, 2017 | 1 |
18,490 | MSNBC’S CHRIS MATTHEWS DEFENDS VA SHOOTER: “He did understand inequality” [Video] | Chris Matthews tried his best to create sympathy for the loser who shot random Republicans. Can you believe it? MSNBC host Chris Matthews got political in his defense of Alexandria shooter James T. Hodgkinson: We don t know what sadness was in this guy s life ,,,,Blah, Blah, Blah INEQUALITY!Matthews had the unbelievable gaul to bring up sympathy for this guy making an excuse for his heinous act by using class warfare inequality is exactly the twisted thinking that caused this loser to shoot people:Hodgkinson was a hater of Republicans and President Trump. He volunteered for Sen. Bernie Sanders during the 2016 election. His deranged view of conservatives lead to the shooting.Check out the word salad ramble of Matthews trying to somehow justify what would make someone shoot Republicans: Howard, you and I know each other. You know what goes into somebody s we can say wacky behavior because they re dead. We don t know what sadness was in this guy s life what his prospects were. Something that made him mad at the world so he focused on Republicans. He did understand inequality as an issue. Bernie Sanders wrote about that in the paper the other day. There s nothing wrong with the issue. It s a great issue to fight for if you re a progressive. But he got it into his head that he was going to get better equality of incomes in this country by killing people. That s not going to happen. | left-news | Jun 15, 2017 | 0 |
16,884 | SLIPPERY SLOPE? New TWITTER Rules Ban ‘Hateful Conduct’ Promoting Violence | Isn t this a slippery slope even though it might reduce the ISIS traffic on Twitter. Freedom of speech is being challenged waaaay too much these days and here s yet another example:Twitter has clarified its definition of abusive behavior that will prompt it to delete accounts, banning hateful conduct that promotes violence against specific groups.The social media company disclosed the changes on Tuesday in a blog post, following rising criticism it was not doing enough to thwart the Islamic State s use of the site for propaganda and recruitment. As always, we embrace and encourage diverse opinions and beliefs, but we will continue to take action on accounts that cross the line into abuse, Megan Cristina, director of trust and safety, said in the blog.The new rules do not mention the Islamic State or any other group by name.Read more: NYP | Government News | Dec 30, 2015 | 0 |
8,385 | Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk Of Fame Star Defaced With Brilliantly Appropriate Symbol (IMAGE) | Donald Trump is about as a racist as they come, no matter his claims to the contrary. His entire campaign has been a nod to the most vile elements of white supremacy and all manner of bigotry that the bowels of American culture has to offer. After all, he kicked off his circus of a campaign by declaring that all Mexican immigrants are rapists, and later called for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States even those who are citizens but simply traveling abroad.These examples are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Trump s racist rhetoric, and some brilliant person decided to call Trump out for what he is in an amazingly brilliant way: by defacing his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with a swastika. The vandalism apparently occurred on Friday and has since been cleaned up but not before someone snapped a photo of it and uploaded it to social media site Reddit. Here is the image:Via RedditWhoever did this deserves a medal. Trump s rhetoric is definitely reminiscent of the tone that was the preamble for the horrors that occurred in Nazi Germany, and it needs to be called out for what it is.To the anonymous brave American who did this sincerely, thank you.Featured image via video screen capture | News | February 2, 2016 | 0 |
20,665 | DEMOCRATS FREAK OUT As Shocking Number Of Union Members Plan To Vote For “Blue-Collar Billionaire” Donald Trump [VIDEO] | As millions of dollars of union dues flow into the Democrat coffers, it could be all for naught, as union members plan to cast their votes for Donald Trump Democrats are worried as more and more union members are supporting Donald Trump for president.A recent AFL-CIO poll found that Trump has more support than Hillary and Bernie Sanders combined.95% of union donations flow to Democratic candidates and causes. Gateway PunditTrump is resonating with voters who are struggling to make ends meet and who are seeing their friends jobs shipped abroad, says John Cakmakci, president of United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 951 in Michigan. And some of those voters are union members. Trump s populist positions on trade and his rejection of Washington politics have earned him votes across the Rust Belt, where several battleground states are key to winning the election in November Donald Trump Jr. explains the Blue-Collar Billionaire s appeal with voters: Working America, the political organizing arm of AFL-CIO, wanted to find out whether Trump s rightwing message appealed to workers outside Cleveland and Pittsburgh. After interviewing about 1,689 working-class Americans living in households earning less than $75,000, they found out that Trump was in fact the favored candidate. Of the 800 voters who had decided on a candidate at the time of the interview, about 300 favored Trump. Combined, the two Democratic candidates appealed to fewer workers 174 chose Clinton and 95 chose Sanders. While most of Trump s support comes from the staunch Republican base, one in four Democrats who chose a candidate showed a preference for Trump, said Working America s report.The majority of respondents said they supported the candidate because of his pugnacious personality rather than for, say, his position on trade.On Tuesday, Jared Szczesny, a card-carrying member of the United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America Union (UAW), will cast his vote for Trump in Pennsylvania s primary. In 2008 and 2012, UAW endorsed President Obama. This time UAW has yet to endorse a candidate, but is likely to back a Democrat.Szczesny, 31, has never attended a Trump rally. He works seven days a week and has not been able to find the time. However, back in October, he picked up Trump s book The Art of the Deal. When he finished it, he knew that Trump had his vote.Via: The Guardian | left-news | Apr 27, 2016 | 0 |
9,942 | House Speaker Ryan backs continued aid to Egypt | U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he backs continuing the $1.3 billion in annual military aid that Washington sends to Egypt, but that its human rights record makes it “more difficult” to support the Cairo government. “We give $1.3 billion a year to Egypt. I don’t think we should take that away,” Ryan said during a meeting with foreign policy reporters at his U.S. Capitol office after a visit to Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other countries in the region. He said he had raised the rights issue with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. The aid package for Cairo has been in focus in Washington because of growing unease among both Ryan’s fellow Republicans and Democrats that Sisi’s government is exploiting security concerns to crack down on dissent. Ryan said he told Sisi: “You make it more difficult for us to be supportive of you when you have so many human rights violations,” adding that every U.S. official who visited Cairo should make that case. However, he stressed that it is essential that Washington not allow Egypt to become a failed state. Ryan also told reporters it was “too soon” to weigh in on an emergency funding “Marshall Plan” that some lawmakers have proposed to boost countries in the region socially and economically rather than only focus on military aspects in the fight to counter Islamic State and other militant groups. “I think it’s too soon to jump to that conclusion,” Ryan said, when asked whether he would support some sort of emergency appropriations program like the “Marshall Plan” suggested by fellow Republican Senator Lindsey Graham. | politicsNews | April 14, 2016 | 1 |
22,215 | Lake Oroville Dam Spillway Damage Results in Evacuation Orders to 188,000 People | 21st Century Wire says The Oroville dam in Northern California has sustained sink hole damage in the main spillway and over 188,000 residents of the local area have been told to evacuate. Helicopters are dropping rocks into areas of erosion to try to prevent ground from eroding further downstream of the primary and the never before used secondary, passive spillways at the dam.ABC10 noted late last week that the amount of water in the Oroville dam is challenging the design of the dam (due to the sink hole having formed in the spillway which required the outflow to be slowed) with 185,000 cubic feet of water per second are coming into the dam and only 41,000 going out.There is a passive spillway that has now been forced into use as the water levels rise and more rain is expected later this week, but its unknown what the down stream effects will be as this auxiliary spillway has never been used before. It has the potential of causing a lot of damage spilling downstream into the Feather River and towards residential areas. Reports indicate they have increased the outgoing water from the main spillway to lessen the potential damage of the use of the passive spillway.Join ABC10 below for live updates and ongoing reports on this developing situation at the Oroville Dam ABC 10At least 188,000 people living downstream of California s Oroville Dam were ordered to evacuate late Sunday as officials said an emergency spillway was dangerously eroding and a failure could cause uncontrolled floodwaters to pour out of the lake.Water began flowing over the emergency spillway at the Oroville Dam in Northern California on Saturday for the first time in its nearly 50-year history after heavy rainfall.Evacuation orders still in place. We will work to keep updating everyone. Be safe. https://t.co/xjYGk6B8VF Yuba County (@YubaCounty) February 13, 2017Crews are hard at work reinforcing the integrity of the levee adjacent to Tyler Island. Stay tuned to our social media for continued updates pic.twitter.com/6UIgIbCjWm SacramentoOES (@SacramentoOES) February 13, 2017The Paradise Alliance Church is not longer accepting new evacuees. If seeking shelter visit https://t.co/zmTLivT9tA for updated list. Butte County, CA (@CountyofButte) February 13, 2017Butte County offices in the Oroville area will remain CLOSED tomorrow due to the #OrovilleSpillway evacuations. @ButteSheriff @CA_DWR Butte County, CA (@CountyofButte) February 13, 2017Continue this developing story with live updates at ABC10READ MORE US NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire US FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV | US_News | February 13, 2017 | 0 |
15,024 | WHY RUSH LIMBAUGH Thinks GOP Voters Shouldn’t Count This “Dark Horse” Presidential Candidate Out | He s always been in our top three. A rock solid conservative who s not afraid to fight back against the establishment on behalf of his constituents. A politician with a spine who respects our Constitution. You really can t ask for much more at this critical time in our nation RUSH: I think that there is a dark horse in this entire thing. I think there is one candidate who is positioned here. Now, I know it s getting late. Trump has had the lead for a hundred days here or more. Well, he s been in the lead ever since he got in. And there are now fewer days to Iowa than he has been in the lead. I mean, he s over the hump in that regard. But there s still a long way to go. It s politics. Any number of unforeseen, unpredictable events are potentially out there, and there has been somebody trucking along here, steady Eddie that has continued to be who he is and continues to lay down foundational markers for himself, and that s Ted Cruz. I think Ted Cruz is positioned, I wouldn t say ideally, I mean I m sure Cruz would love to be in the top two, top three here, but of all the others in the race, Trump and Carson here, and they re at number one and two, Carson s pulled ahead of Trump even in Iowa now, in two polls. But overall Trump leads and his lead continues to expand.But what if it doesn t? What if something happens? We re not shut out here. We still have somebody in our roster who opposes every bit of the Democrat agenda, perhaps more than anybody else in the race, and that s Cruz. I mean, Cruz does not have in his record any statement like Trump does of having supported certain things the Democrats have done. Cruz is inarguably thoroughbred conservative. The more I read about the Millennials, by the way, and I ve got some stuff about them in the Stack today, the more I read about Millennials and where they are attitudinally, politically, socially, economically, Cruz is somebody I think has a great opportunity to connect with them.In fact, before we get to the Trump sound bites, let me find this little thing on the Millennials. Survey: Millennials Around the World Worry Most About Economic Inequality. Now, this is typical of young people, young generations. They see injustice and unfairness and inequality out there and they want to right it, they want to correct it. When you have half of the country making this is unbelievable 51% percent of the country making under $30,000 a year, that just cannot stand. We will not have a standard economy with that kind of reality. We just won t.The website here is USA Today, and the survey comes from the World Economic Forum, and they released it yesterday. Millennials around the world worry most about social and economic equality, remain skeptical of government and the media, and count Tesla CEO Elon Musk as one their heroes, according to a World Economic Forum survey released Sunday. More than 1,000 young people, ages 20 to 30, from 125 countries and who are all active in the forum s Global Shapers Community. It s a left wing bunch, the World Economic Forum, it s an establishment left-wing bunch, understand, but they still went out and they talked to these Millennials all over the world, 125 different countries. The average age was 28. The results were released at the beginning of a three-day World Economic Forum conference in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates. It s right down the road from Dubai. The survey showed that 65% of the Millennials said one of their top three goals in selecting a job was to make a difference in society, their city or country. Well, yeah, I mean, yeah, of course they want that. They want to right wrongs. They want to correct social injustice wherever they see it. And when Ted Cruz gets going, that s ultimately what he s all about.He s all about everybody being the best they can be using their natural he s conservative top to bottom, through and through, no matter how you slice it, left, right, up, down. They also look for an opportunity to learn, followed by career advancement. More than nine out of 10 said they would be willing to relocate to advance their career. That is the number one obstacle most people put in their own way. They re unwillingness to move. I ve always said that most of the obstacles people face in life are self-imposed, and the number one obstacle is the unwillingness to move. If you live in a place, let s say you want to be a brain surgeon and you live in a place where there s not a hospital, you re gonna have to move.If you want to get big in media and you live in Peoria, you re gonna have to move. And a lot of people don t want to move. The comfort level of being at home, friends, family, all that, it s a big obstacle. People get past that and nine out of 10 of these Millennials say they would be willing to relocate in order to advance their career, that s a big deal. Anyway, it s just a long way to go here and the Republican establishment has made it clear they are not interested in a conservative nominee. The Republican establishment has made it clear that the role of conservatives in this primary is to once again split the vote and split money.It was the money, don t forget, it was the money that was gonna save Jeb, or, if not Jeb, the next chosen establishment candidate. And the money, the ads, are not working. The ads simply are not overcoming, and they always have, the opposition to some of these candidates. So there s sheer panic out there now.END TRANSCRIPT Via: RushLimbaugh.com | politics | Oct 26, 2015 | 0 |
7,174 | Women Inform GOP Governor Of Their Reproductive Cycle Status In Protest Of Anti-Abortion Law (VIDEO) | When Republican Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed HB 1337 into law last week, he wasn t expecting women to personally keep him informed about their bodily functions. But that is exactly what is happening since Pence and Republicans made a new law banning abortion based on race or gender, requiring doctors to have admitting privileges at local hospitals, and forces doctors to provide information about perinatal hospice care to a pregnant woman who is considering an abortion because the unborn child has been diagnosed with a lethal fetal anomaly. In other words, women considering an abortion will be lectured by their doctor after being informed about any lethal fetal anomaly. Once a woman is informed of such an anomaly, she will no longer be able to get an abortion because the new law prohibits abortions in such cases. That means women are going to be forced to carry fetuses with anomalies to term, regardless of viability, which means women could end up giving birth to babies that will suffer and die soon after being born.In response to this latest attack on a woman s right to choose, women are actually calling in to inform Governor Pence of their reproductive cycle status and the phone conversations are comedy gold. I need to get a message to the Governor that I am on day three of my period. My flow seems abnormally heavy, but my cramps are much better to she tells the person who answered before being interrupted. Ma am, what is it that I can help you with? the person asks. Oh, I don t need your help, I just wanted to keep Governor Pence informed of my reproductive cycle, since he seems so concerned, the woman replied.The phone calls are the result of a call-to-action campaign led by a group known as Periods for Pence, which seeks to give women a voice in the state since Pence and Republicans didn t really consider what women think before imposing their anti-abortion agenda on all women in Indiana. The more I read this bill, the more vague language I found and the more loopholes, and it just seemed incredibly intrusive, the creator of the campaign told WRTV. So I wanted to give a voice for women who really didn t feel like they were given any kind of input into a bill that would affect our life so much. The campaign s Facebook page even generously provided the number to reach the Governor s Office, which is 317-232-4567, for those of you who want to know, and women started calling the number to keep Pence updated on what s going on with their uterus since Pence and the GOP want to know so desperately. And it led to the call above and this one: Good Morning, a woman said upon reaching the Governor s office. I just wanted to inform the Governor that things seem to be drying up today. No babies seem to be up in there. Okay? Upon being asked her name, the woman replied that her name is Sue Magina. That s M-A-G-I-N-A. It rhymes with she said before being cut off.Here s the video:Yeah, this campaign is perfect and I m sure Governor Pence is super-stoked about receiving constant updates on what s going on with women s reproductive cycles. So women should definitely call him and make sure to provide as many details as possible. After all, he clearly wants to know since he can t stop invading women s privacy to regulate their reproductive health decisions. Featured image via Indiana Talks | News | March 31, 2016 | 0 |
19,328 | SAY WHAT? Trump-Hater, RINO John McCain Admits HE Handed Smear Dossier Outlining Claims Of Kremlin Blackmail To FBI | Sworn Donald Trump enemy John McCain admitted Wednesday that he passed the dossier of claims of a Russian blackmail plot against the president-elect.The Arizona senator issued a public statement amid mounting questions of his exact role in the affair and how a document riddled with errors and unverifiable claims came to be published. Late last year, I received sensitive information that has since been made public, he said. Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment about their accuracy, I delivered the information to the Director of the FBI. That has been the extent of my contact with the FBI or any other government agency regarding this issue. But the 2008 Republican loser, who disowned his party s candidate weeks before the election, may have been far more intimately involved than that.The chain of how the document reached the FBI is not officially known.However Carl Bernstein, the Watergate reporter who contributed to the first story about its existence, published by CNN on Tuesday afternoon, suggested that McCain was handed it by a former British ambassador to Moscow. Arizona Senator who disowned Trump before election admits he handed document outlining claims of Kremlin blackmail to FBI Brief statement claims that he received it and gave it directly to FBI Director James Comey because he was unable to make judgment about accuracy But Washington reporter Carl Bernstein says former British ambassador to Moscow handed it to McCain Ambassador has not been named and author of report also gave to FBI agent he knew at its station in Rome months ago Report was apparently paid for first BY Republican enemies of Trump then by DemocratsBernstein told CNN: It came from a former British MI6 agent who was hired from a political opposition research firm in Washington who was doing work about Donald Trump for both republican and democratic candidates opposed to Trump. They were looking at Trumps business ties, they saw some questionable things about Russians, about his businesses in Russia, they in turn hired this MI6 former investigator, he then came up with additional information from his Russian sources, he was very concerned by the implications of it, he then took it to an FBI colleague that he had known in his undercover work for years, he took it to this FBI man in Rome who turned it over to the bureau in Washington in August. And then, a former British ambassador to Russia independently was made aware of these findings and he took the information to John McCain Senator John McCain of Arizona in the period just after the election, and showed it to McCain additional findings. McCain was sufficiently disturbed by what he read to take it to FBI director James Comey himself personally, they had a five minute meeting the two men, very little was said, McCain turned it over to him and is now awaiting what the FBI s response is to that information. The identity of the former British ambassador has not been disclosed.Only one former British ambassador to Moscow remains in UK government service, Sir Tim Barrow, who went on to be Foreign Office political director and is now Britain s ambassador to the European Union.The new information, which has not been independently verified, claims that Russian officials also gathered highly damaging information on Trump, but only released the details attacking Clinton through the WikiLeaks website.The Kremlin has denied all of the allegations, while Trump tweeted: FAKE NEWS A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT .Buzzfeed followed up a report by CNN which disclosed the existence of the explosive dossier, but only gave a brief outline of the contents.The 35-page document, which had been collated by a former British Secret Intelligence Service agent had initially been handed over to the FBI in August.Buzzfeed s Editor-in-Chief Ben Smith wrote an email to his staff shortly after publishing the document.Buzzfeed is one of the radical publications on the internet. It is known for pumping out hateful and negative Trump stories almost with a vengeance to its young readers on a regular basis. The release of this FAKE NEWS should surprise NO ONE! Daily Mail | left-news | Jan 11, 2017 | 0 |
5,176 | Watch How Obama Shoots Down Trump’s ‘Rigged’ Election Conspiracy (VIDEO) | Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has reacted to a series of state and national polls showing him losing ground to Hillary Clinton by promoting the conspiracy theory that this fall s presidential election will be rigged. At a press conference at the Pentagon on Thursday, President Obama was asked about the baseless claim, and the President reacted with derision and scorn, apparently disgusted that the idea was even being floated. Of course the election will not be rigged! What does that mean? Obama said at a news conference at the Pentagon. That s ridiculous. That doesn t make any sense. The president added Americans should not take Trump s musings on this seriously. We do take seriously, as we always do, the president said, our responsibilities to monitor and preserve the integrity of the voting process. Obama went on to point out that the move by Trump smells of desperation. The President pointed out that a complaint like Trump s is usually made on a schoolyard by children, not someone in the middle of an interview for the most important leadership position in the world. Obama said that those kinds of comments are like a kid complaining about a loss before the score is even tallied. Trump seems to have gotten the idea from his close ally Roger Stone, the Republican dirty trickster who helped to organize the Brooks Brothers riot during the 2000 recount in Florida. Stone and 9/11 conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, a Trump supporter, have promoted the bizarre idea for some time now.The freak-out has come as polls taken after the successful Democratic Convention have shown a major swing in Hillary Clinton s favor. Marist shows Clinton with a 15 percent edge on Trump nationally, while NBC s poll shows her up nine percent. State polls taken in so-called rust belt states key to a Trump victory show Clinton ahead in Pennsylvania and Michigan. Other polls also showed her in the lead in Florida and New Hampshire. Without those states, it is unlikely that Trump would have a path to victory.Featured image via Twitter | News | August 4, 2016 | 0 |
12,915 | Somali man found guilty in kidnapping of Canadian journalist | A Somali national has been convicted in an Ontario court for his role in the 2008 kidnapping of Canadian Amanda Lindhout, who was held captive in Somalia for 460 days and released only after her family paid a ransom, Canadian media reported on Wednesday. Ali Omar Ader, 40, was found guilty of one charge of hostage-taking for his role as negotiator for the kidnappers, in a decision handed down on Wednesday in Ontario Superior Court in Ottawa. Lindhout, a freelance journalist, was taken hostage in Somalia on Aug. 23, 2008, along with Australian photographer Nigel Brennan, while working on a story. They were released for ransom in November 2009. Ader was lured to Canada from Somalia in 2015 and arrested in Ottawa as part of a sting operation by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in which an officer posed as a publisher interested in a book Ader was writing on Somalia, according to court documents. Prosecutors argued that Ader had been the main spokesman for the hostage-takers, negotiating first with Lindhout s mother and later with a private consultant hired by the families of Lindhout and Brennan. According to court documents, he referred to himself as a commander and repeatedly threatened that the hostages would be harmed or killed unless the ransom was paid. During his trial, Ader said that he too had been kidnapped by the group holding Lindhout captive, and was forced to act as their spokesman, as he spoke some English. In his ruling, Justice Robert Smith said Ader s claims were completely unbelievable, numerous Canadian media outlets reported. Reuters has not read the ruling. Ader faces up to life in prison. Sentencing in the case is not expected until next year. Lindhout has said she was repeatedly sexually and physically assaulted during her captivity, and both she and Brennan have said they were tortured and starved. In 2013, Lindhout recounted her experience in the book A House in the Sky. | worldnews | December 7, 2017 | 1 |
9,906 | Pope says its crazy to see his meeting with Bernie Sanders as political | Pope Francis said on Saturday that his meeting with Bernie Sanders, contesting the Democratic candidacy for the U.S. Presidency, was not meddling in politics and that anyone who thought otherwise should “look for a psychiatrist”. Sanders and the pope met briefly on Saturday morning at the Vatican guest house where Francis lives and where Sanders and his wife spent the night after he addressed a Vatican conference on social justice. “When I came down, I greeted him, I shook his hand and nothing more. This is called good manners and it is not getting involved in politics,” the pope told reporters in answer to a question aboard the plane returning from the Greek island of Lesbos, where he visited a refugee camp. [L5N17J063]. “If anyone thinks that greeting someone is getting involved in politics, I recommend that he look for a psychiatrist,” he said, laughing. In an interview with ABC News after the meeting, Sanders called the pope “a beautiful man”, adding “I am not a Catholic, but there is a radiance that comes from him.” “I just conveyed to him my admiration for the extraordinary work he is doing raising some of the most important issues facing our planet and the billions of people on the planet and injecting the need for morality in the global economy,” Sanders, a Brooklyn-born son of Polish Jewish immigrants, told ABC. The Democratic hopeful from Vermont has campaigned on a promise to rein in corporate power and level the economic playing field for working and lower-income Americans who he says have been left behind, a message echoing that of the pope. The meeting came just days before Tuesday’s Democratic party primary in New York, where polls say he is trailing Hillary Clinton. After he won seven of the last eight state contests, a loss in Sanders’ home state would give front-runner Clinton a boost toward the party’s presidential nomination. Sanders has said the trip was not a pitch for the Catholic vote but a testament to his admiration for the pontiff. | politicsNews | April 16, 2016 | 1 |
19,070 | LIBS ON TWITTER Go Nuts Over Kellyanne Conway’s Shoes On Couch In Oval Office…They Probably Forgot These Obama Pics…Or What Bill Clinton Did In The Oval Office | Liberals on Twitter just can t find enough reasons to hate Trump or anyone connected to him. Tonight, libs went nuts over a picture that was taken of Kellyanne Conway in the Oval Office as she positioned herself on a couch (gasp with her shoes still on) while taking a group picture, as President Trump met with the leaders of the nation s historically black colleges and universities. Hmmm .maybe the anger wasn t really about Conway s shoes after all. Maybe the outrage is really more about the idea that President Trump met with a large group of prominent black leaders in the oval office. They couldn t attack the black leaders, so why not attack one of the most accomplished women in America?Things must be slow at the liberal rag Buzzfeed, as their DEPUTY NEWS DIRECTOR took to Twitter over his concern for Kellyanne Conway wearing her shoes while kneeling on the couch in the Oval Office:Shoes on the couch in the Oval Office pic.twitter.com/h2MXUocEar Jon Passantino (@passantino) February 28, 2017And this from a Chicago Tribune columnist:I have so many questions about this photo, but chief among them is why nobody is telling Kellyanne Conway to get her damn feet off the couch pic.twitter.com/tU0CBS36Fe Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) February 28, 2017Here s our response to this clever tweeter who attempted to imagine if Hillary Clinton actually put her shoes up on the couch in the Oval Office. Yeah, never mind that whole Monica Lewinsky thing with Bill in the Oval Office. Kellyanne s shoes on the couch is much worse than Hillary s husband committing sex acts with a 19 year old intern in the Oval Office. LOL!You've clearly forgotten what @HillaryClinton's husband did in the Oval Office.He turned it into cheap motel for 19 yr old interns 100% FED UP! (@100PercFEDUP) February 28, 2017You d think a Motherboard climate change freak reporter would be using every waking moment to cover the changes Trump s EPA is about to implement but no, this reporter is consumed with Kellyanne Conway s shoes on the couch, suggesting she may even need therapy . We could ve told you that before you tweeted! LOL i have to go to therapy after seeing the kellyanne conway shoes on the couch pic Sarah Emerson (@SarahNEmerson) February 28, 2017Here s a screen shot of liberal Kaivan Sheriff s post. He blocked us on Twitter, so we had to settle for an image of his tweet. Apparently he feels threatened by two moms who tweet about real news Here are just a few examples of Obama doing much worse. Yeah, okay libs wanna talk about disrespecting the Oval Office? We saved the best one for last:People "outraged" at Kellyanne Conway putting her feet on a couch so she can take a photo, but pic.twitter.com/6IW5Iv31qW Paul Sacca (@Paul_Sacca) February 28, 2017https://twitter.com/PolitiBunny/status/836409990915162112 | left-news | Feb 28, 2017 | 0 |
19,060 | Mexico City gets unsteadily back on its feet after quake | Mexico City s infamous traffic jams were back on Monday as offices re-opened after last week s deadly earthquake, but closed schools and clusters of homeless people served as reminders that life in the megalopolis has not yet returned to normal. The 7.1 quake on Sept. 19 killed at least 325 people and left thousands homeless, with many of them living in tents in the streets or emergency housing. Others among the 20 million people who live in greater Mexico City were gradually resuming their routines, however. You can t say that everything has totally returned back to being normal, but we do feel more safe that we did last week, said market researcher Diego Sandoval, 27, back at work in an office in trendy Condesa, one of the worst hit areas of town, and lining up at a taco stand with a dozen other office workers and laborers. The most visible sign of the city coming back to life were the rush hour queues after a week of eerie quiet along the avenues and highways that criss-cross the capital, known for its gridlock. We just opened up today, getting things back on track. We ve been closed since the earthquake, said Martha Bertha Martinez, 70, who along with her sister runs a small grocery store in Tlalpan, a southern neighborhood. Life goes on, she said. More than 44,000 schools in six states were due to reopen on Monday, but only 103 in Mexico City, or barely 1 percent of its schools, were set to resume classes after they were certified as structurally safe. Officials said they did not want to impede relief efforts, so more than 4,000 public schools and nearly as many private schools in the capital will remain closed for now. The National Autonomous University of Mexico, with 350,000 students at campuses in and around Mexico City, resumed classes on Monday. Of 6,000 damaged buildings, some 1,500 have yet to be inspected, said Horacio Urbano, president of Centro Urbano, a think tank specializing in urban issues and real estate. Urbano said 10 percent of the damaged buildings were constructed after 1990, by which time strict building codes had been enacted in the wake of the 1985 earthquake that killed some 10,000 people. Search operations for quake survivors in Mexico City were narrowed to five buildings, using advanced audio equipment to look for signs of life beneath tons of rubble, with help from teams from as far afield as Israel and Japan. At a school in southern Mexico City where 19 children and six adults had previously been reported killed, officials recovered another body on Sunday, that of an adult women. The search for survivors and bodies also carried on at a ruined office building in the Roma neighborhood and in a five-story apartment building in historic Tlalpan. Even with offices and businesses opening up again, it will take months or years for neighborhoods like Condesa to recover emotionally and physically from the quake and aftershocks, with numerous residents packing up belongings and moving out. Our neighborhood is in mourning, said Deborah Levy, 44, in Condesa. Some neighbors and friends got together (Sunday). We went to eat to cheer ourselves up, looking for a little normality. Florist Josue Castillo reopened the stall he has been tending for 15 years the day after the quake, so people could see something pretty, he said, between the ruins of buildings and cordoned off streets. But he said residents and businesses still did not feel safe in the area, which became the heart of Mexico City s hip revival over the past decade. People are leaving their homes and offices in Condesa. Leaving with their families. It was horrible yesterday to see people filling their cars with belongings and moving elsewhere out of fear of aftershocks, he said. (Graphic: Earthquake strikes Mexico - tmsnrt.rs/2jJ1WA0) | worldnews | September 25, 2017 | 1 |
1,860 | Trump call for immigration legislation sparks Republican interest | President Donald Trump’s call to the U.S. Congress to pass protections for some undocumented immigrants is stirring interest among his fellow Republicans in Congress, despite the party’s longstanding divisions over immigration that were on display on Wednesday. Trump, who fashioned his 2016 presidential campaign around a pledge to clamp down on illegal immigration, has now turned the political landscape on its head. On Tuesday, he angered business groups and Democrats with his announcement that he was terminating former President Barack Obama’s executive order protecting from deportation nearly 800,000 immigrants, known as Dreamers, who were illegally brought to the United States as children. But he also urged legislative efforts to permanently protect those youth, despite long-held opposition from some of the most conservative members of the Republican Party who comprise his base of supporters. Democrats have long been united around major elements of a comprehensive immigration bill, while Republicans have been divided over whether to embrace anything beyond narrow tweaks of current law. “My challenge to the president,” said Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, is to help Congress get legislation passed within Trump’s six-month deadline. “Work the phones, try to find a consensus.” Republican lawmakers on Wednesday touted a slew of competing ideas on immigration that could lure votes from many pockets of the party but might doom any bill by alienating Democrats or conservative Republicans. One of Trump’s most vocal supporters in Congress, Republican Representative Chris Collins, wasted no time in introducing legislation on Tuesday to protect Dreamers. In an interview on Wednesday he went further, calling for comprehensive moves to put the 11 million undocumented people living in the United States on a pathway to citizenship if they qualify. “Our dairy farmers need it, our crop farmers, the hoteliers, the restaurateurs, the families need it, the kids need it,” Collins said of firms that employ foreign workers and the millions of undocumented. Representative Pete Sessions, a senior Republican who chairs the powerful House Rules Committee, said he favors allowing undocumented immigrants to apply for a “guest worker” program. But he said he would not support legislation that ultimately grants them citizenship - a major stumbling block for immigration advocacy groups, Democrats and some Republicans. Attorney General Jeff Sessions also said Republicans are not fully on board yet with effort. Upon leaving a closed-door meeting of House Republicans, he was asked whether immigration legislation might emerge in early 2018. “I think that there’s no decision. We listened carefully,” he said. Indeed, conservative Republican Representative Mike Burgess quipped, “We’ve got other things that are probably more pressing” than addressing the Dreamers now. The immigration issue has vexed Congress for years, raising doubts about whether Trump and a Republican Congress could build a consensus around legislation. “It may be difficult for Republicans to address the DACA (Obama’s executive order) issue within the six-month time frame, because that’s exactly when many of them are entering primary season, where candidates could outflank them on the right calling them weak on immigration,” said Ron Bonjean, a political strategist who previously worked for House and Senate Republican leaders. Meanwhile, Senator Tom Cotton wants to reduce the number of legal immigrants allowed into the United States, a move that Democratic Senator Dick Durbin called “problematic,” especially amid some Republican opposition. In the meantime, lawmakers are expected to fine-tune proposals to help farmers get easier access to temporary foreign workers, just as others work to help their home-state high-tech industries get more visas for skilled immigrants. More border security steps are likely too, although there is only weak support for Trump’s southwestern border wall. Those measures could help House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell patch together the votes that would be needed - if they are so inclined. If the effort sputters, as it has so many times in the past, Republican Representative Mike Coffman has a Plan B at the ready: a three-year pause in deporting qualified Dreamers to give Congress yet more time to come up with a permanent fix. | politicsNews | September 7, 2017 | 1 |
15,095 | Col. Ralph Peters On Obama’s Refusal To Live In Reality: “He’s Chasing Unicorns!” | Peters is dead on in his description of Obama s foreign policy failures. Obama s still underestimating Putin and is chasing unicorns with his focus on global warming over the Middle East and Russia.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXRQJmXm8_U | politics | Oct 13, 2015 | 0 |
17,875 | DEFIANT NFL PLAYERS All Over The Place With Protests…Raise Fists, Kneel and Lock Arms After Trump Tweet To Respect Anthem [Video] | NFL players were pretty much all over the place with what they decided to do to protest today (SEE LIST BELOW). Some players gave the black power salute, while others decided to continue kneeling. Many teams decided to kneel BEFORE the anthem and then lock arms while standing during the anthem.The fewest players raised a fist with the black power salute They stood out like a sore thumb:The kneeling is still ridiculous even though it s now mostly before the anthem:Daily Mail reported:The entire New Orleans Saints roster briefly took a collective knee prior to the anthem in what quarterback Drew Brees had called a way to show respect to all . The team then stood and many linked arms.A handful of Buffalo Bills players could be seen kneeling for the anthem ahead of their game against the Atlanta Falcons.Two Detroit Lions players also took to one knee for the anthem before the game against the Minnesota Vikings in Minneapolis. Roughly half the San Francisco 49ers took a knee prior to their game against the Arizona Cardinals.IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK? Is it too much to ask for these players to just stand with hand over heart for our national anthem? Do they even have a clue about how this idiotic protest began? Kaepernick knelt in support of domestic terror group Black Lives Matter and against our law enforcement. It has now morphed into a salute to eternal victimhood and a protest against President Trump. Of course, the Democrats have jumped on the bandwagon to interpret Trump calling ALL the players sons of bitches into a racist word. It s sickening to see that an out of work mediocre football quarterback has caused such a stink for the sinking NFL. Too bad fans are dropping like flies Kaepernick was seen wearing a t-shirt that perfectly describes his effort to be a victim like he wants all blacks to be Me against the world LOL!Here is a list of players and teams that protested during the national anthem:Saints vs. DolphinsThe entire New Orleans Saints team took a knee in solidarity before the national anthem played at Wembley Stadium in London. The players stood in unison for the playing of the anthem.Kenny Stills, Michael Thomas and Julius Thomas of the Miami Dolphins took a knee during the performance.Steelers vs. RavensThe Ravens took a knee before the national anthem and were booed by fans. No Steelers or Ravens players took a knee during the anthem.Titans vs. TexansTexans players linked arms during the national anthem but all stood together.Rishard Matthews of the Titans remained in the locker room rather than stand with his teammates during the anthem.Panthers vs. PatriotsThe Patriots stood at the sideline at attention several minutes before the national anthem and then put their hands over their hearts and each other.Lions vs. VikingsJalen Reeves-Maybin and Steve Longa kneeled during the national anthem. All other Detroit players locked arms.Jaguars vs. JetsThe Jets locked arms for the national anthem. No player kneeled. Every Jaguars player took a knee before the playing of the national anthem but stood during the song.Bills vs. FalconsKaelin Clay, Cedric Thornton, Mike Tolbert, Shareece Wright, Taiwan Jones and Jerel Worthy were the Bills players who knelt during the national anthem. The rest of the players stood with their arms locked.Last week, Grady Jarrett and Dontari Poe took a knee during the national anthem but stood during this week. No Falcons players were kneeling during the national anthem. Most of them on the sidelines linked arms.Rams vs. CowboysAll Rams and Cowboys players stood during the national anthem. Dallas remains one of six teams not to kneel, sit or raise a fist during the national anthem. Rams outside linebacker Robert Quinn raised his fist. Cowboys defensive end Damontre Moore raised his fist as the anthem ended.49ers vs. CardinalsHalf of the 49ers team kneeled with general manager John Lynch and CEO Jed York during the national anthem. The team issued the following statement after the demonstration:READ MORE: SI | left-news | Oct 1, 2017 | 0 |
17,856 | CHICAGO DELI OWNER Says He Was Relieved To Hear Las Vegas Massacre Happened At Country Music Festival: “White people shooting white people isn’t terror … it’s community outreach” | Chicago Tribune Just weeks after stoking controversy by using Nazi imagery on his Jewish deli s Facebook page, the co-owner of Max s Deli in Highland Park again has ignited outrage this time with a tweet he fired off in response to the Las Vegas shootings. Soon as I heard it was country music, I felt relief. White people shooting white people isn t terror it s community outreach. #LasVegas, the tweet read.Morelli attempted to apologize for his remark:Morelli, who described himself as politically lost with no allegiances, said his tweet about the deaths was thoughtless. It was a dumb joke and it didn t work. I own it. It was stupid, Morelli said. It was seven in the morning and I was stressed out and freaked out by the shooting, he added. I was trying to participate, and all I did was put my foot in my mouth. But is he really sorry, or is he only doing damage control? Only one month ago, Morelli posted this vile image on Max s Deli s Facebook page. Although Morelli admitted that after his post, his family, who were affected by his outrageous post, are done with him. Chicago Tribune Highland Park deli is facing backlash over a Facebook post that includes a cartoon drawing of a man wearing a Nazi armband, giving a stiff-armed salute and donning a T-shirt reading, I m with Alt-Right. Greg Morelli, who owns Max s Deli with his brother, posted the image last week. Morelli frequently posts the deli s menu along with cartoon drawings he creates to the restaurant s Facebook page. He said the recent events in Charlottesville inspired him to use the page to make a strong political statement. I have a Jewish deli, I am a Jewish man, Morelli said. I am the first person that s going to get a brick through the window if this plague is not stopped immediately. Morelli, 49, said the image was of an alt-right member who has hair evocative of President Donald Trump, but was not meant to be a depiction of the president himself.The full post and its related image are still on the deli s Facebook page.He said the deli was inundated with calls on Thursday as the post began to spread on Facebook and through news stories. Callers have been criticizing the post s imagery and its political message, he said.The effect of the post on his family has been difficult and Morelli says they are done with him. When you create a storm, everyone that loves you just wants you to take the easy path, he said.In a Facebook post on the restaurant s page Thursday evening, Morelli did not back down from the discussion the initial image provoked. I do not regret getting involved. I do not regret speaking out, he wrote. I do not regret assigning symbolism to hatred. I do not regret being trashed on Facebook. That said, it hurt. When asked about the specific use of Nazi imagery in the post and the reaction to not just his intended message, but the image itself, Morelli said the symbolism was a necessary point to make. We have to use the imagery and assign it to the groups so we know how to react, Morelli said. I happen to find satire very powerful. | left-news | Oct 5, 2017 | 0 |
3,557 | An ANGRY Morning Joe SKEWERS Trump Minion General Michael Flynn For Sharing Fake News | In the wake of a gunman terrorizing a pizza place in response to a fake story about Hillary Clinton, Joe Scarborough strongly condemned General Michael Flynn for helping these conspiracies grow.Right-wing conspiracy nut Alex Jones first pushed the claim that Hillary Clinton ran a child sex ring out of the Comet pizza place in Washington DC. It s a totally false story with zero evidence to support it. But conservatives spread it anyway.And Michael Flynn, who is about to become Donald Trump s national security adviser spread the false story.U decide NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes w Children, etc MUST READ! https://t.co/O0bVJT3QDr General Flynn (@GenFlynn) November 3, 2016Flynn s own son also pushed the lie and still refuses to admit that the story is false.Until #Pizzagate proven to be false, it ll remain a story. The left seems to forget #PodestaEmails and the many coincidences tied to it. https://t.co/8HA9y30Yfp Michael G Flynn?? (@mflynnJR) December 5, 2016On Monday, a visibly angry Joe Scarborough demanded that Flynn apologize for all the harmful fake news and tweets he has shared or posted to attack Muslims, Jews, Hispanics and Trump s political opponents. He has left a trail of crap behind him with retweets, retweeting something about Jews, retweeting something about Muslims, retweeting fake news. He needs to clean this up. He needs to step up and clean this up. He needs to apologize to Americans. He is in one of the most important positions in the White House. On Jan. 20, he needs to apologize for what he has done, unrelated to this fake news story but with the other fake news stories, the retweets about Jews, the retweets about Muslims. Mark Halperin agreed with Scarborough and said Flynn needs to explain all of this in a way that s detailed, because again, he s not subject to Senate confirmation. Here s the video via Twitter..@JoeNBC on Gen. Flynn s controversial tweets: He needs to clean this up He needs to apologize to Americans https://t.co/bkNY13ocnx Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) December 5, 2016Once again, false stories pushed by conservatives drove a right-winger to grab his gun and start shooting up a place. This is the danger Trump and right-wing media pose to this country. They will make up any lie to attack political opponents and then push followers who are already on the edge to commit acts of violence. This is right-wing terrorism and it s going to happen more over the next four years.Featured Image: Screenshot | News | December 5, 2016 | 0 |
6,314 | Trump team doubles down on rebuke of civil rights leader | Donald Trump’s vice president and top aides on Sunday joined the U.S. president-elect in criticizing an historic civil rights activist and lawmaker for questioning the legitimacy of his election win, opening up a new divide days before the inauguration. U.S. Representative John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat, told NBC’s “Meet the Press” he thought hacking by Russians had helped Trump, a Republican, get elected in November. Lewis said he does not plan to attend Trump’s swearing in on Friday, the first time he would miss such an event since being elected to the House in 1986. Vice President-elect Mike Pence, incoming White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and Trump spokesman Sean Spicer characterized Lewis’ remarks as disappointing and damaging to the reputation of U.S. democracy. “We honor the sacrifice that he made,” Pence said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “For someone of his stature not just in the civil rights movement but in voting rights to make a comment that he did not consider Donald Trump to be a legitimate president I think is deeply disappointing. I hope he reconsiders both statements.” Pence said he had attended both of President Barack Obama’s inaugurations. He said at a time when the country was facing challenges both at home and abroad, Americans should look for ways to come together and work together. The 76-year-old Lewis, who has been a civil rights leader for more than half a century, was beaten by police during a march he helped lead in 1965 in Selma, Alabama, drawing attention to hurdles preventing blacks from voting. He protested alongside leader Martin Luther King Jr. that day and on other occasions. The spat comes ahead of Monday’s federal holiday that honors King. Speaking on ABC’s “This Week”, Priebus said Lewis’ comments, given his position in society, were irresponsible. “We need folks like John Lewis, and others who I think have been champions of voter rights, to actually recognize the fact that Donald Trump was duly elected,” said Priebus. “I think putting the United States down across the world is not something that a responsible person does.” Outgoing White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough said Obama believed that Trump was the freely elected president. McDonough, however, said concerns raised by Lewis and other Democrats about Russia’s interference in the election were not trivial. “My hope would be that the president-elect will reach out to...John Lewis, who has done so many things over the course of his life, to try to work this out,” McDonough said on CNN’s State of the Union. Such a gesture, he said, would show Americans that the nation is united and send a message to the Russians that “their efforts to divide us, to weaken us, to advance their own interests, at the expense of ours, are going to fail.” Trump’s aides defended his hard-hitting response on Twitter on Saturday that Lewis “should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested),” instead of complaining about the Nov. 8 election results. Lewis’ district encompasses Atlanta and the city’s main newspaper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, told Trump he was “wrong” in his characterization of the area, which includes “many of Atlanta’s crown jewels as well as pockets of poverty.” “It was John Lewis that attacked Donald Trump. Donald Trump has a right to respond to that, and he did. And forcefully,” Spicer said on Fox News. But other Republicans and conservatives, like Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, had voiced support for Lewis on Saturday and his contribution not just to the United States, but to the world. At least 10 other Democratic U.S. politicians have said they also plan to skip the inauguration. | politicsNews | January 15, 2017 | 1 |
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