audioduration (s) 2.02
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stringlengths 11
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float64 2.02
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a brisk wind had come up and was driving puffy white clouds across the sky | 5.07 | 237-134500-0002.flac |
and the wan oracle having spoken she sate down in the same sort of abstraction again beside dorcas and she looked full in her cousin's eyes | 10.19 | 5683-32879-0016.flac |
among the country population its place is to some extent taken by savings and home comforts known through the medium of neighborhood gossip sufficiently to serve the like general purpose of pecuniary repute | 10.54 | 3570-5695-0014.flac |
doubts now arose and some discussion followed whether or not it was desirable for ben zoof to accompany his master | 8.2 | 5105-28240-0024.flac |
they were voyaging across the deserts of the sky a host of nomads on the march voyaging high over ireland westward bound | 9.06 | 1089-134691-0016.flac |
i didn't stop to think whether it was foolish or not i did it and i'm glad i did | 4.89 | 6829-68769-0023.flac |
in five minutes i was in a new world and my melancholy room was full of the liveliest french company | 5.39 | 5142-36377-0001.flac |
straightway the hawk glided from his perch and darted after him | 3.92 | 7176-88083-0016.flac |
but philip is honest and he has talent enough if he will stop scribbling to make his way | 6.61 | 4970-29095-0032.flac |
five hundred men more who had been levied by the covenanters were persuaded to embrace the royal cause and with this combined force he hastened to attack lord elcho who lay at perth with an army of six thousand men assembled upon the first news of the irish invasion | 21.25 | 8224-274381-0004.flac |
mister edison was a leader far ahead of the time | 3.75 | 2300-131720-0014.flac |
oh i've no doubt it's in capital order | 2.71 | 2094-142345-0060.flac |
yes and with all your fingers it took you a year to catch me the king frowned more angrily | 5.47 | 5142-33396-0059.flac |
uncas who had already approached the door in readiness to lead the way now recoiled and placed himself once more in the bottom of the lodge | 7.82 | 1320-122617-0023.flac |
the helpless worm arose and sat upon the lillys leaf and the bright cloud saild on to find his partner in the vale | 9.62 | 908-157963-0023.flac |
i say you do know what this means and you must tell us | 5 | 6930-81414-0020.flac |
if a rock or a rivulet or a bit of earth harder than common severed the links of the clew they followed the true eye of the scout recovered them at a distance and seldom rendered the delay of a single moment necessary | 13.7 | 1320-122612-0011.flac |
how kind man is after all | 3.33 | 672-122797-0047.flac |
that is very important said holmes | 2.52 | 1580-141084-0005.flac |
not once did he comment on the length or the hardships of a journey | 4.17 | 8463-294828-0009.flac |
here is a ring for sif the friendly and here is a bracelet a sword would not be ashamed to hang at your side | 5.88 | 5142-33396-0052.flac |
the use of the word waste as a technical term therefore implies no deprecation of the motives or of the ends sought by the consumer under this canon of conspicuous waste | 9.5 | 3570-5696-0007.flac |
is thee going to the yearly meeting ruth asked one of the girls | 4.76 | 4970-29095-0022.flac |
it's exciting to see everything growing so fast and to get the grass cut | 4 | 237-134500-0010.flac |
i attend to the household mending you know and care for the linen | 3.8 | 6829-68771-0022.flac |
i did not wrong myself so but i placed a wrong on thee | 4.79 | 908-31957-0002.flac |
to embarrass this damaging exposure judge lecompte issued a writ against the ex governor on a frivolous charge of contempt | 8.93 | 7729-102255-0019.flac |
habit is a concept involving the occurrence of similar events at different times if the behaviourist feels confident that there is such a phenomenon as habit that can only be because he trusts his memory when it assures him that there have been other times | 15.9 | 8230-279154-0007.flac |
milligram roughly one twenty eight thousand of an ounce | 4.47 | 8463-294825-0016.flac |
at last the little mice stayed away also and the tree sighed after all it was very pleasant when the sleek little mice sat round me and listened to what i told them | 15.27 | 672-122797-0064.flac |
will cried he softly and stuteley who had chosen his couch across the door of his young master's chamber sprang up at once in answer | 8.41 | 61-70970-0015.flac |
they informed the english parliament of this unexpected incident and assured them that they had entered into no private treaty with the king | 9.81 | 8224-274384-0002.flac |
there might be a bit of poetry here and there but most of this place was such desperate prose | 6.14 | 1995-1826-0017.flac |
she looked at his heavy shoulders and big determined head thrust forward like a catapult in leash | 6.03 | 4446-2275-0012.flac |
she rose quickly to her feet with an impetuous gesture that made her visitor catch her breath | 5.45 | 6829-68771-0033.flac |
all dissent all non compliance all hesitation all mere silence even were in their stronghold towns like leavenworth branded as abolitionism declared to be hostility to the public welfare and punished with proscription personal violence expulsion and frequently death | 18.56 | 7729-102255-0009.flac |
were i but already on the cart | 2.56 | 672-122797-0014.flac |
instead of shoes the old man wore boots with turnover tops and his blue coat had wide cuffs of gold braid | 7.68 | 1284-1180-0002.flac |
you are acute | 2.25 | 121-127105-0014.flac |
his housekeeper had the management of everything she never allowed him to be in need of anything and she gave no account of his money which she kept altogether because he never asked her to render any accounts | 12.61 | 3729-6852-0046.flac |
miss de graf said kenneth noticing the boy's face critically as he stood where the light from the passage fell upon it | 7.11 | 6829-68769-0018.flac |
i shall never get to twenty at that rate | 3.12 | 260-123440-0009.flac |
before any could stop him he butted his majesty so furiously that the king soared far into the air and tumbled in a heap among the benches where he lay moaning and groaning | 10.28 | 8555-284447-0019.flac |
paul takes pride in his ministry not to his own praise but to the praise of god | 4.84 | 2830-3980-0008.flac |
the leaders of the conspiracy became distrustful of their power to crush the town | 5.29 | 7729-102255-0014.flac |
the mohican started on his feet and shook his shaggy covering as though the animal he counterfeited was about to make some desperate effort | 7.05 | 1320-122617-0039.flac |
but such was his keenness that even while the wide flukes of his engorged victim were still sticking out at the corners of his beak his fierce red eyes were once more peering downward into the torrent in search of fresh prey | 14.3 | 7176-88083-0007.flac |
yes dead these four years an a good job for her too | 5.49 | 4992-41797-0000.flac |
paul answers the man who is named jesus christ and the son of god gave himself for our sins | 6.51 | 2830-3980-0065.flac |
you know him i think so | 2.38 | 1580-141084-0025.flac |
i am by no means old said the fir tree | 4.67 | 672-122797-0051.flac |
ham to be or not to be | 2.16 | 7176-92135-0010.flac |
but it is on other grounds worth noting that the term waste in the language of everyday life implies deprecation of what is characterized as wasteful | 7.26 | 3570-5696-0008.flac |
well if i don't know who she was in love with i know who he was | 5.08 | 121-127105-0022.flac |
it's really too warm in this room to sing don't you feel it | 3.3 | 4446-2273-0029.flac |
i heard father tell cousin abner that he was whipped so often for whistling when he was a boy that he was determined to have what compensation he could get now | 9.61 | 4970-29095-0004.flac |
i greatly mourn that one so well disposed should die in his ignorance and i have sought a goodly hymn can you lead me to him | 7.71 | 1320-122617-0009.flac |
it may be that a great colorist will use his utmost force of color as a singer his full power of voice but loud or low the virtue is in both cases always in refinement never in loudness | 14.65 | 1188-133604-0012.flac |
nay i rather thrilled distrusting every light that seemed to gild the onward path and feared to overlean a finger even | 10.01 | 908-31957-0008.flac |
her eyes seemed to regard him with mild pity her holiness a strange light glowing faintly upon her frail flesh did not humiliate the sinner who approached her | 11.64 | 1089-134686-0012.flac |
surely it must be because we are in danger of loving each other too well of losing sight of the creator in idolatry of the creature | 7.59 | 3575-170457-0003.flac |
how strange it seemed to the sad woman as she watched the growth and the beauty that became every day more brilliant and the intelligence that threw its quivering sunshine over the tiny features of this child | 12.44 | 1221-135766-0000.flac |
and would he not be a good gift for our baby | 2.52 | 5142-33396-0063.flac |
they moved thereafter cautiously about the hut groping before and about them to find something to show that warrenton had fulfilled his mission | 7.24 | 61-70970-0024.flac |
and it ruins a man's disposition | 2.5 | 6829-68769-0038.flac |
there is hardly one day out of a hundred which is wholly joyous and sunny | 5.91 | 4507-16021-0049.flac |
two monsters only were creating all this commotion and before my eyes are two reptiles of the primitive world | 6.94 | 260-123286-0026.flac |
the weather if we may use that term will change before long | 5.08 | 260-123288-0001.flac |
therefore i feel myself quite able as president of this republic to receive you with a courtesy due to the servants of a friendly ally | 10.03 | 8455-210777-0038.flac |
will you leave me alone in my own room or must i go away to escape you | 4.39 | 6829-68771-0035.flac |
it has occupied mother a long time to find at the shops the exact shade for her new bonnet | 6.04 | 4970-29095-0024.flac |
i can't see it in that light said the old lawyer | 3.08 | 6829-68769-0002.flac |
a feeling of freedom and i was awake where | 4.7 | 6930-81414-0011.flac |
in an image of a well known face for example some parts may feel more familiar than others when this happens we have more belief in the accuracy of the familiar parts than in that of the unfamiliar parts | 14.56 | 8230-279154-0013.flac |
fairview was twelve miles away but by ten o'clock they drew up at the county jail | 4.74 | 6829-68769-0008.flac |
i expect you have been a very good girl andella since you were here last | 5.96 | 7021-79740-0006.flac |
the fancies of the neo platonists are only interesting to us because they exhibit a phase of the human mind which prevailed widely in the first centuries of the christian era and is not wholly extinct in our own day | 15.72 | 2961-960-0006.flac |
does your majesty then no longer believe the disloyal attempt | 4.46 | 7127-75946-0008.flac |
the vanderpools were sure of this and the englishman instancing india became quite eloquent missus grey was mystified but hardly dared admit it the general trend of the conversation seemed to be that most individuals needed to be submitted to the sharpest scrutiny before being allowed much education and as for the lower races it was simply criminal to open such useless opportunities to them | 24.45 | 1995-1836-0010.flac |
the genealogies which you have recited to us out of your own annals solon are a mere children's story | 7.82 | 2961-961-0011.flac |
yes then something better something still grander will surely follow or wherefore should they thus ornament me | 9.21 | 672-122797-0016.flac |
the trunks were moved the tree was pulled out and thrown rather hard it is true down on the floor but a man drew him towards the stairs where the daylight shone | 13.04 | 672-122797-0067.flac |
we ought to have more attendants beth said louise approaching her cousin | 4.77 | 6829-68771-0014.flac |
don't know well of all things inwardly commented miss taylor literally born in cotton and oh well as much as to ask what's the use she turned again to go | 11.41 | 1995-1826-0021.flac |
an article may be useful and wasteful both and its utility to the consumer may be made up of use and waste in the most varying proportions | 7.57 | 3570-5696-0010.flac |
oh won't she be savage if i've kept her waiting | 3.58 | 260-123440-0003.flac |
just then leocadia came to herself and embracing the cross seemed changed into a sea of tears and the gentleman remained in utter bewilderment until his wife had repeated to him from beginning to end leocadia's whole story and he believed it through the blessed dispensation of heaven which had confirmed it by so many convincing testimonies | 22.29 | 5639-40744-0030.flac |
the paris plant like that at the crystal palace was a temporary exhibit | 5.08 | 2300-131720-0000.flac |
holmes held out a small chip with the letters n n and a space of clear wood after them you see | 6.25 | 1580-141083-0031.flac |
for believe me the final philosophy of art can only ratify their opinion that the beauty of a cock robin is to be red and of a grass plot to be green and the best skill of art is in instantly seizing on the manifold deliciousness of light which you can only seize by precision of instantaneous touch | 20.75 | 1188-133604-0008.flac |
can one imagine a naturalist refusing to study the viper the bat the scorpion the centipede the tarantula and one who would cast them back into their darkness saying oh how ugly that is | 17.27 | 4507-16021-0016.flac |
it was almost the tone of hope everybody will stay | 2.69 | 121-127105-0017.flac |
by this time lord chelford and wylder returned and disgusted rather with myself i ruminated on my want of general ship | 9.22 | 5683-32866-0004.flac |
alexander unclenched the two hands at his sides | 3.12 | 4446-2273-0036.flac |
olive has another lovely gift for the yellow house said mother carey rising and to carry out the next part of the programme we shall have to go in procession upstairs to my bedroom | 11.82 | 4992-41806-0008.flac |
silvia was the adoration of france and her talent was the real support of all the comedies which the greatest authors wrote for her especially of the plays of marivaux for without her his comedies would never have gone to posterity | 18.54 | 3729-6852-0005.flac |
guided by you how we might stroll towards death our only music one another's breath through gardens intimate with hollyhocks where silent poppies burn between the rocks by pools where birches bend to confidants above green waters scummed with lily plants | 20.82 | 8555-292519-0001.flac |
lieutenant crosstrees is a very gallant officer | 4.11 | 8455-210777-0049.flac |
and lay me down in thy cold bed and leave my shining lot | 5.22 | 908-157963-0027.flac |
there was no man sir | 2.65 | 1580-141084-0028.flac |
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