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301 | Education | b"Entry-Level Business Analyst - SAMPLE RESUME/ADVICE\n(Created by Zippia)\n\nEmail: xxxxx\n\nLocation: Based in Durham, NC\n\n[Given how little there is in the rest of this resume, just think about what you\xe2\x80\x99ve already included and think about what would be the best to\nemphasize in this introductory summary. Without much experience, you\xe2\x80\x99ll want to emphasize the knowledge and qualities\xe2\x80\x8b that you \xe2\x80\x8bdo have,\nwhile simultaneously proving to any potential employers that you\xe2\x80\x99re trainable enough to be worth the investment. With the information I\xe2\x80\x99ve made\nup below, a summary might look like this:]\nCurrently employed as a Business Analyst Intern at Walrus Systems. Knowledgeable of business logic of Abernathy Systems. Experienced with\nMS programs, Photoshop, and ArcGIS systems; know basic HTML and CIS. Studied business administration and began networking with\nindividuals in Osaka, Japan, during study abroad. Previous leadership experience at Raleigh Performing Arts Center. Aggressive individual with\nbasic knowledge of the industry, quick learner.\n\nWork Experience\n\nBusiness Analysis Intern\nABERNATHY SYSTEMS, INC.\n-\n\nDurham, NC\n\nDecember 2016 to Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Responsible for execution and management of research data for specified topic.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Aided the organization in collecting various forms of data\n\xe2\x80\xa2 [For this particular example, it would be good if you could think of a particular instance you can point to where specific work you did benefited\nthe company at large; maybe you increased sales by carefully observing customers and recommending appropriate policy changes, which went on\nto be implemented by the company? If not, keep thinking of specific things you can mention that would make you look more experienced or\ncapable.]\n\nVolunteer/Intern\nRALEIGH PERFORMING ARTS CENTER\n-\n\nRaleigh, NC\n\nApril 2015 to November 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Responsible for curriculum development and execution.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Aided the organization's fundraiser initiatives.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked with children ages 5-12.\n\nEducation\n\nBachelor of Arts\n\n: Business Administration\n\nUNC Asheville\n\nAsheville, NC\n\nGPA: 3.95\nMay 2016\n\n\x0cAdditional Information\n\nSkills:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Experienced with MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Outlook. Experienced with Photoshop and marketing techniques. Experienced with\nArcGIS programs. Knowledge of POS systems\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Language: Native English; Basic French and Japanese\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Travelled to 15 countries and lived in 4 (US, France, Japan & China) during eight months\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Quick learner\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Understand Basic HTML, Basic CSS" |
302 | Education | b'Example of a Resume\n\nPERSONAL DETAILS\nName:\nDate of Birth:\nAddress:\nTelephone:\nMarital Status:\n\nMay Susan PROSPER\n22 August 1990\n300 Geogiades Street, GREENACRE Vic 3999\n9999 1111 Mobile: 0000 333 777 Email:\n(optional) Single\n\nEDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND\nTertiary:\n\n2011-2014 Australian Catholic University, Melbourne Campus, Fitzroy\nSubjects studied for Bachelor of Education (Primary)\n\nDegree of Bachelor of Education (Primary) to be conferred May 2015\nSecondary:\n\n2004-2010 Castelton Hill Secondary college, Evanrodd. VCE subjects passed\n\nDETAILS OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE PRACTICUM:\nPlacement 1: School:\nTeacher:\nPlacement 2: School:\nTeacher:\nPlacement 3: School:\nTeacher:\nPlacement 4: School:\nTeacher:\n\nAddress:\nAddress:\nAddress:\nAddress:\n\nGrade:\nGrade:\nGrade:\nGrade:\n\nPARTICULAR COMPETENCIES GAINED:\nDURING PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:\n\nExperience in planning and managing a multi-age classroom.\nParticipation in AusVELS inservice\n\nEDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY:\n\nA statement regarding personal belief and views on teaching\n\nMEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL\nASSOCIATIONS:\n\n2013- Editor of the Student Union\xc3\xa2\xe2\x82\xac\xe2\x84\xa2s quarterly publication\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE/EMPLOYMENT\nHISTORY:\n\nMarch 2009 - December 2012 Colesworthy store Sales Assistant\nMarch 2012 - present Darrelbar Confectionary Store\n\nCOMMUNITY & LEISURE INTERESTS:\n\nSecretary, Greenacre Baseball Club\n\nRELEVANT SKILLS:\n\nSpecial Skills: Advanced Computer skills, play an instrument\nKnowledge of Languages: Fluent in French (degree of fluency)\n\nREFEREES:\nAcademic & Professional:\n\nProfessor M Trabajdora, Faculty of Education\nAustralian Catholic University Ph: 9911 1122\nMr. B Noteworthy, Personnel Manager,\nColesworthy Stores, St Kilda\nPh: 9334 4565\n\nPersonal:\n\nReverend U Know, 1 Knite Street, Euborn\n\nPh: 9122 1211' |
303 | Education | b'OBJECTIVE: Seeking a position as an Educational Assistant with Montgomery County School System utilizing strong\ndedication to educational development to assist students throughout session.\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Over 3 years\xe2\x80\x99 experience working as an Educational Assistant\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Track record of assisting teachers in day to day teaching challenges\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Highly skilled in formulating and promoting a respectful environment\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Well versed in providing assistance to students with assignments and projects\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Hands on experience in serving students with disabilities\n\nSELECTED ACCOMPLISHMENTS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Achieved the 100% pass result of the students of ABC Institute (Class of 2011) by implementing writing skills and\ntechniques\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implemented goals, modifications, and adaptations for students\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Effectively reinforced desired student behaviors as well as skills taught by teachers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Modeled in shaping student behaviors\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nABC Institute \xe2\x80\x93 Tucson, AZ | Mar 2011 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nEducational Assistant\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assist teachers will day to day work including developing test papers and marking exams\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assist students with assignments and helping develop their writing skills and the ability to figure and correct their own errors\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Serve as escort to students during activities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provide educational support and behavior management to teachers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervise students during exams and test\nTeaching & Mentoring Communities \xe2\x80\x93 Vincennes, IN | Nov 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 Mar 2011\nTeacher\xe2\x80\x99s Aide\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted Teacher in the planning and execution of the classroom program\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Helped children with self-care and indoor and outdoor learning activities\n\nEDUCATION\nTucson City College, Tucson, AZ | 2010\nAssociate of Education\nMajor: Special Education\nSPECIAL SKILLS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Preparation and cleaning of classroom materials\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Bilingual: Superb written and verbal communication skills in English and Spanish\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Demonstrated poise and comfort working with students with different backgrounds' |
304 | Education | b'Sample Resume for High School Students\n\nContact Information: should be at the top of your resume\xe2\x80\x94include name, address,\nphone number, and e-mail (if you have it). Separate it out by centering it and making it\nbold. If you have a college address separate from a home address, use both.\n\nJane Doe\n12 Snelling Avenue\nSt. Paul, Minnesota 55116\n(651) 555-1111\\nEducation\n\nEducation: include graduation date and GPA if it is 3.0 or higher.\n\nHighland Park Senior High, class of 2008 (3.8 GPA)\n\nExperience\nSt. Paul Public Library\xe2\x80\x94University Branch (June 2005-present)\n\xe2\x96\xaa Maintained library database on checked-out materials.\n\xe2\x96\xaa Coordinated volunteer program for Story Time.\n\xe2\x96\xaa Organized card catalog to incorporate new materials.\nNational Honor Society (2003-present)\nParticipated in several volunteer activities, including: building a\nhouse for Habitat for Humanity (50 hours), collecting food for\nthe St. Paul Food Shelf (80 hours), and organizing the Honor\nSociety Induction Ceremony.\nActivities\n\xe2\x96\xaa National Honor Society (2003-present)\n\xe2\x96\xaa French Club (2002-present)\n\xe2\x96\xaa Cross Country (2002-present)\n\xe2\x96\xaa Piano lessons (10 years)\nAwards\n\xe2\x96\xaa A Honor Roll, 8 quarters\n\xe2\x96\xaa Outstanding French Student, 2004\n\xe2\x96\xaa Volunteer of the Year, 2005\nReferences\nAvailable upon request.\n\nFormatting Experiences: (2 options)\n1. Heading line (include title and dates) followed by bulleted list\xe2\x80\x94see Work\nExperience as example.\n2. Heading line (include title and date) followed by narrative list\xe2\x80\x94see Volunteer\nExperience as example.\nWriting About Experiences\nRegardless of style, begin each phrase/sentence/ bullet with an active verb. See the\nexamples to the left: maintained, coordinated, organized, participated\xe2\x80\xa6see back of\npage for more examples.\n\nHeadings The expected headings would be: education, experience (work or volunteer),\nbut the others are up to you. Use the ones that work best. Other possibilities: skills,\nadditional experience, related experience, leadership experience, research experience,\nwriting experience, computer experience, objectives, leadership, related coursework,\nwork experience, volunteer experience, anything that fits your particular qualities.\n\nGeneral Formatting You should have 1 inch margins, major headings (like \xe2\x80\x98Education\xe2\x80\x99) on the left, then indent\nwith additional information below\xe2\x80\x94for example, notice how National Honor Society is lined up below St. Paul\nPublic Library. Use a traditional font (New York, Arial, just not cursive\xe2\x80\xa6) at 12 point size. It should all fit on one\npage. Remember, it needs to be easy to read\xe2\x80\x94keep it simple and organized!\nOther things to remember:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 proofread, proofread, proofread!\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Check for punctuation and spelling.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Check for format and style consistency.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Show your resume to a friend.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Use resume weight paper (available in copy centers).\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Pick a light, neutral color, like white or ivory.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Laser print it or have it done at the copy center.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Get matching envelopes and paper for cover letters.\n\n\x0cAction Verbs: Read the list of action verbs below, checking those skills you have demonstrated through internships, part-time or summer jobs, coursework, leadership experience, or community\nservice. Try to incorporate some of these action verbs in the descriptions of your experiences on your resume. This is by no means an exhaustive list.\noriginated\nenabled\nManagement Skills\nperformed\nencouraged\nResearch Skills\nadministered\nplanned\nevaluated\nclarified\nanalyzed\nrevitalized\nexplained\ncollected\nassigned\nshaped\nfacilitated\ncritiqued\nchaired\nguided\ndiagnosed\nconsolidated\nHelping Skills\ninformed\nevaluated\ncontracted\nassessed\ninstructed\nexamined\ncoordinated\nassisted\npersuaded\nextracted\ndeveloped\nclarified\nset goals\nidentified\ndirected\ncoached\nstimulated\ninspected\nevaluated\ncounseled\ntrained\ninterpreted\nexecuted\ndemonstrated\ninterviewed\nimproved\ndiagnosed\nFinancial Skills\ninvestigated\nincreased\neducated\nallocated\norganized\norganized\nexpedited\nanalyzed\nreviewed\noversaw\nfacilitated\nappraised\nsummarized\nplanned\nfamiliarized\naudited\nsurveyed\nprioritized\nguided\nbalanced\nproduced\nmotivated\nbudgeted\nTechnical Skills\nrecommended\nreferred\ncalculated\nassembled\nreviewed\nrehabilitated\ncomputed\nbuilt/calculated\nscheduled\nrepresented\ndeveloped\ncomputed\nstrengthened\nforecasted\ndesigned\nsupervised.\nmanaged\ndevised\nClerical or Detail Skills\nmarketed\nengineered\nCommunication Skills\napproved\nplanned\nfabricated\narranged\narranged\nprojected\nmaintained\nauthored\ncatalogued\nresearched\noperated\ncollaborated\nclassified\noverhauled\nconvinced\ncollected\nCreative Skills\nprogrammed\ndeveloped\ncompiled\nacted\nremodeled\ndirected\ndispatched\ncreated\nrepaired\ndrafted/edited\nexecuted\ncustomized\nsolved\nformulated\ngenerated\ndesigned\nupgraded\ninterpreted\nimplemented\ndeveloped\nmediated\ninspected\ndirected\nTeaching Skills\nmoderated\nmonitored\nestablished\nadapted\nnegotiated\noperated\nfounded\nadvised\npersuaded\norganized\nillustrated\nclarified\npromoted\nprepared\ninitiated\ncoached\npublicized\nprocesses\ninstituted\ncommunicated\nreconciled\npurchased\nintegrated\ncoordinated\nrecruited\nrecorded\nintroduced\ndemystified\ntranslated\ninvented\ndeveloped\nwrote' |
305 | Education | b'Sample Resume for High School Students\n\nContact Information: should be at the top of your resume\xe2\x80\x94include name, address,\nphone number, and e-mail (if you have it). Separate it out by centering it and making it\nbold. If you have a college address separate from a home address, use both.\n\nJane Doe\n12 Snelling Avenue\nSt. Paul, Minnesota 55116\n(651) 555-1111\\nEducation\n\nEducation: include graduation date and GPA if it is 3.0 or higher.\n\nHighland Park Senior High, class of 2008 (3.8 GPA)\n\nExperience\nSt. Paul Public Library\xe2\x80\x94University Branch (June 2005-present)\n\xe2\x96\xaa Maintained library database on checked-out materials.\n\xe2\x96\xaa Coordinated volunteer program for Story Time.\n\xe2\x96\xaa Organized card catalog to incorporate new materials.\nNational Honor Society (2003-present)\nParticipated in several volunteer activities, including: building a\nhouse for Habitat for Humanity (50 hours), collecting food for\nthe St. Paul Food Shelf (80 hours), and organizing the Honor\nSociety Induction Ceremony.\nActivities\n\xe2\x96\xaa National Honor Society (2003-present)\n\xe2\x96\xaa French Club (2002-present)\n\xe2\x96\xaa Cross Country (2002-present)\n\xe2\x96\xaa Piano lessons (10 years)\nAwards\n\xe2\x96\xaa A Honor Roll, 8 quarters\n\xe2\x96\xaa Outstanding French Student, 2004\n\xe2\x96\xaa Volunteer of the Year, 2005\nReferences\nAvailable upon request.\n\nFormatting Experiences: (2 options)\n1. Heading line (include title and dates) followed by bulleted list\xe2\x80\x94see Work\nExperience as example.\n2. Heading line (include title and date) followed by narrative list\xe2\x80\x94see Volunteer\nExperience as example.\nWriting About Experiences\nRegardless of style, begin each phrase/sentence/ bullet with an active verb. See the\nexamples to the left: maintained, coordinated, organized, participated\xe2\x80\xa6see back of\npage for more examples.\n\nHeadings The expected headings would be: education, experience (work or volunteer),\nbut the others are up to you. Use the ones that work best. Other possibilities: skills,\nadditional experience, related experience, leadership experience, research experience,\nwriting experience, computer experience, objectives, leadership, related coursework,\nwork experience, volunteer experience, anything that fits your particular qualities.\n\nGeneral Formatting You should have 1 inch margins, major headings (like \xe2\x80\x98Education\xe2\x80\x99) on the left, then indent\nwith additional information below\xe2\x80\x94for example, notice how National Honor Society is lined up below St. Paul\nPublic Library. Use a traditional font (New York, Arial, just not cursive\xe2\x80\xa6) at 12 point size. It should all fit on one\npage. Remember, it needs to be easy to read\xe2\x80\x94keep it simple and organized!\nOther things to remember:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 proofread, proofread, proofread!\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Check for punctuation and spelling.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Check for format and style consistency.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Show your resume to a friend.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Use resume weight paper (available in copy centers).\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Pick a light, neutral color, like white or ivory.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Laser print it or have it done at the copy center.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Get matching envelopes and paper for cover letters.\n\n\x0cAction Verbs: Read the list of action verbs below, checking those skills you have demonstrated through internships, part-time or summer jobs, coursework, leadership experience, or community\nservice. Try to incorporate some of these action verbs in the descriptions of your experiences on your resume. This is by no means an exhaustive list.\noriginated\nenabled\nManagement Skills\nperformed\nencouraged\nResearch Skills\nadministered\nplanned\nevaluated\nclarified\nanalyzed\nrevitalized\nexplained\ncollected\nassigned\nshaped\nfacilitated\ncritiqued\nchaired\nguided\ndiagnosed\nconsolidated\nHelping Skills\ninformed\nevaluated\ncontracted\nassessed\ninstructed\nexamined\ncoordinated\nassisted\npersuaded\nextracted\ndeveloped\nclarified\nset goals\nidentified\ndirected\ncoached\nstimulated\ninspected\nevaluated\ncounseled\ntrained\ninterpreted\nexecuted\ndemonstrated\ninterviewed\nimproved\ndiagnosed\nFinancial Skills\ninvestigated\nincreased\neducated\nallocated\norganized\norganized\nexpedited\nanalyzed\nreviewed\noversaw\nfacilitated\nappraised\nsummarized\nplanned\nfamiliarized\naudited\nsurveyed\nprioritized\nguided\nbalanced\nproduced\nmotivated\nbudgeted\nTechnical Skills\nrecommended\nreferred\ncalculated\nassembled\nreviewed\nrehabilitated\ncomputed\nbuilt/calculated\nscheduled\nrepresented\ndeveloped\ncomputed\nstrengthened\nforecasted\ndesigned\nsupervised.\nmanaged\ndevised\nClerical or Detail Skills\nmarketed\nengineered\nCommunication Skills\napproved\nplanned\nfabricated\narranged\narranged\nprojected\nmaintained\nauthored\ncatalogued\nresearched\noperated\ncollaborated\nclassified\noverhauled\nconvinced\ncollected\nCreative Skills\nprogrammed\ndeveloped\ncompiled\nacted\nremodeled\ndirected\ndispatched\ncreated\nrepaired\ndrafted/edited\nexecuted\ncustomized\nsolved\nformulated\ngenerated\ndesigned\nupgraded\ninterpreted\nimplemented\ndeveloped\nmediated\ninspected\ndirected\nTeaching Skills\nmoderated\nmonitored\nestablished\nadapted\nnegotiated\noperated\nfounded\nadvised\npersuaded\norganized\nillustrated\nclarified\npromoted\nprepared\ninitiated\ncoached\npublicized\nprocesses\ninstituted\ncommunicated\nreconciled\npurchased\nintegrated\ncoordinated\nrecruited\nrecorded\nintroduced\ndemystified\ntranslated\ninvented\ndeveloped\nwrote' |
306 | Education | b'Market Your Skills: Interpersonal,\nAnalytical, Leadership, Communication\n\nSarah K. Davis\n\n1234 W. Michigan Ave \xe2\x80\xa2 Chicago, IL 45670 \xe2\x80\xa2 456-7890-1234 \xe2\x80\xa2\n\nEDUCATION\nJune 2015\nNorthwestern University, Evanston, IL\nMaster of Science in Higher Education Administration and Policy\nMaster\xe2\x80\x99s Research Project: \xe2\x80\x9cWhat on-the-job experiences at a college union relate most strongly with undergraduate\nlearning outcomes?\xe2\x80\x9d\nJune 2012\nHighlight any relevant experience within\nUniversity of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA\nhigher education through internships,\nBachelor of Science in Psychology\ngraduate assistantships, or volunteer work\nMagna Cum Laude\n\nCAREER SERVICES EXPERIENCE\nUniversity Career Services, Northwestern University\nCareer Counseling Intern\nAugust 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conduct internship advising to undergraduate students and attended internship unit meetings to discuss trends\nand development\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provide individual career counseling services for students, including major/minor decision-making guidance,\nassessment administration and interpretation, and job search consultation\n\xef\x82\xb7 Develop an \xe2\x80\x98International Alumni Panel\xe2\x80\x99 event with International Student Association members: composed\ninvitations, coordinated with NU\xe2\x80\x99s Alumni and the International Office, directed the marketing efforts, and\nmoderated the discussion between panelists and over 50 attendees\n\xef\x82\xb7 Analyzed and critiqued student resumes and cover letters, interpret Myers-Briggs and Interest Inventory\nassessments, administer values and majors card sort activity on a weekly basis\nJuly 2012 - Present\nAlumni Sharing Knowledge Program, University of Virginia\nAlumni Career Mentor\n\xef\x82\xb7 Offer career development guidance to undergraduate students, graduate students and alumni: mock interviews,\nresume critique, networking advice, and academic planning\n\xef\x82\xb7 Participated in an academic and professional panel discussion for low-income and first-generation students\n(TRiO Student Support Services)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Selected to feature professional profile in the Career Center\xe2\x80\x99s online newsletter for April 2013\nDemonstrate ability to work with people\nof all levels (students, staff, faculty,\nadministrators) and background\n\nFocus on the population you served,\nresources developed, area of\nspecialty, and key accomplishments\n\nSTUDENT AFFAIRS EXPERIENCE\nUniversity of Virginia Alumni Relations Association, Charlottesville, VA\nApril 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 June 2012\nGraduate Assistant\n\xef\x82\xb7 Strategized and liaised daily with an Advancement Team consisting of the Dean, development officers, and\ncommunications team in order to support the academic mission of the University\n\xef\x82\xb7 Increased outreach and recruitment of alumni volunteers from the 100,000 alumni through targeted outreach\nwith campus partners, LinkedIn, development officers, and a customer relationship management database\n\xef\x82\xb7 Built partnerships with identified alumni to increase career mentorship, internship, and networking\nopportunities for students\n\nSKILLS\nTechnical\nLanguage\n\nMS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher; Social Media: LinkedIn, Facebook\nSpanish (fluent)' |
307 | Education | b'Special Education\nHope T. Cowoski\n3391 Call Road \xe2\x80\xa2 Perry, Ohio 44081\nC: 440-231-7365 \xe2\x80\xa2\nPROFESSIONAL SUMMARY\nConfident and capable Intervention Specialist with experience in multiple special education\nenvironments. I am skilled at blending new technologies into standard special education curriculum and I have\nextensive knowledge of PBIS and token economy systems.\nEDUCATION\nMarietta College Bachelor of Arts, Marietta, Ohio, August 2007 - May 2011\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Major in Psychology, Minor in Spanish, GPA 3.2\nUrsuline College, Pepper Pike, Ohio, August 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 M. Ed. Special Education Mild to Moderate\nCLASSROOM EXPERIENCE\nLead Counselor, Cleveland Clinic Summer Treatment Program, South Euclid, OH June 2014- Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implemented a token economy system for students with ADHD, ODD, and Behavioral disorders\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Trained and supervised undergraduate counselors and staff\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted with parent training groups\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Wrote comprehensive treatment summaries for each child who participated in the groups.\nStudent Teacher, Beachwood High School, Beachwood Middle School, Beachwood Elementary\nBeachwood, OH August 2013 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided appropriate intervention and differentiated instruction; kept accurate running records of all students\nthrough researched based progress monitoring strategies while providing necessary communication to\nparent(s)/guardian(s) and collaboration with classroom teachers while conferencing with all parties involved in\nthe student\xe2\x80\x99s educational program to ensure required progress.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught students to advocate for themselves as they move toward academic, social, and career goals while\nlaying the groundwork for their future, educational endeavors.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Differentiated and adapted curriculum materials for students enrolled in inclusion and self-contained settings.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided job coaching to students using applied behavioral programming strategies while integrating the\nhighest levels of Information Technology within the classroom.\nEducational Associate, Perry Local School District, Perry, OH August 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2013\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided classroom assistance and accommodations to promote learning included in Individual Education\nPlans.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collected and documented evidence of student learning.\n\xe2\x80\xa2Collaborated in effective Professional Learning Communities in multiple grade levels.\nSubstitute Teacher, Perry Local School District, Perry, Ohio January 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 August 2013\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided instruction in special and general education classrooms, kindergarten through high school.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Maintained a positive learning environment by implementing behavioral management strategies.\nQUEST After School Program, Perry Local School District, Perry, Ohio, January 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2012\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Instructed and engaged children ages 9-14 in many hands on academic experiences.\n\xe2\x80\xa2Provided all students with an afterschool educational enrichment program in a safe, supportive environment.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Focused on reading and math through small group and individual tutoring\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Instructed in academics, recreation, sports, and cultural and enrichment activities.\nMental Health Technician, Marietta Memorial Hospital, Marietta, Ohio, May 2011 \xe2\x80\x93 September 2011\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided geriatric psychiatric treatment services for individuals 55 years or older.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided intensive treatment to patients with acute psychiatric disorders and cognitive impairment, as well as a\nsafe environment, a structured and supportive surrounding and intensive psychiatric therapy.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted with the intensive outpatient program, psychiatric evaluations, group and individual psychotherapy,\nfamily meetings, medication education and treatment and stress and anger management.\n\nREFERENCES: Available upon request.\n\n\x0cSpecial Education\nACTIVITIES/HONORS\nPi Lambda Theta\n\xe2\x80\xa2 International Honor Society in Education\nPsi Chi Honors\n\xe2\x80\xa2 National Honor Society in Psychology\nSumma Cum Laude, Perry High School, Perry, Ohio 2007\nCOACHING EXPERIENCE\nMiddle School Softball Coach, Beachwood Middle School, Beachwood, OH, February 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2014\nCoaching Certifications\nNHFS Concussion Training\nNHFS First Aid, Health, and Safety for Coaches\nNHFS Fundamentals of Coaching\n\nREFERENCES: Available upon request.' |
308 | Education | b"Employer's name:\nDesignation:\nCompany's name:\nAddress:\nDear Mr. / Ms. (Employer's Last Name),\nI clearly understand your requirement for the position of an education administrator you are looking\nfor in an ideal candidate. Going through your list, I believe that my experience and skills will\nideally match for your job post. I have enclosed my resume with this letter that will give you detail\ninformation about my work experience and educational background.\nI hold a masters degree in education from (mention the name of your university). I specialized in\nadministrative details and soon after completing my post graduation, I worked with (mention the\nname of your company) for six years as an assistant administrator. My key role was to help the\neducation administrator with the day-to-day educational activities and made sure they run smoothly.\nI was later promoted to the position of education administrator and transferred to (mention the city).\nIt's been four years I am working as an education administrator. My main goal is to establish the\norganization's goals and objectives. During this span of ten years, I have managed nearly a hundred\nof staff and organized many different student initiated programs along with instructional activities.\nI would be glad if we could meet for a follow up interview which will mutually benefit us. You can\ncontact me at (insert contact details) or drop me an email at (mention your email address). I am\navailable before 10 am and after 4 pm.\nThank you for your valuable time.\nSincerely,\nYour name: Enclosures: Resume and Work Experience Certificates\n\nThere is nothing like that can impress the employer or the hiring manager more than a well crafted\neducation administrator cover letter. The tips and sample letter will surely help you stand out from\nthe rest of the applicants. Good luck with your job search with an excellent resume and cover letter!\n\nContact Us : Privacy Policy" |
309 | Education | b'TiPPS Cover Letter Samples\n(used by permission)\nTASK: Look at the following job advertisement and then read the 3 sample cover letters. If you\nwere an employer, which applicant(s) would you consider calling in for an interview? What do\nyou think are the strengths and weaknesses of each cover letter? (None of them is perfect, but\nidentifying what\xe2\x80\x99s good and bad in each will help you identify the same in your cover letter).\nFor help, read \xe2\x80\x9cTiPPS for Writing and Tailoring Cover Letters.\xe2\x80\x9d\nJOB AD:\nUH EDUCATIONAL SPECIALIST III\nclass code: 92207, pay range P09\nSecond Language Teaching & Curriculum Center/National Foreign Language Resource Center, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, Office of the Dean, full-time, federal funds, to begin approximately 9/15/99;\nannually renewable pending availability of funds and satisfactory performance.\n\nDuties: Coordinate educational programs and professional development activities; develop\nand publicize programs, coordinate application and selection procedures and arrange support\nservices for programs; facilitate projects in materials development, teacher training and research; supervise office personnel, manage databases.\nMinimum Qualifications: MA degree in ESL, applied linguistics, foreign language education, or a related field; three years of progressively responsible work experience in second/\nforeign language education; experience in organization and management of educational programs; excellent communication and organizational skills; strong word-processing (Macintosh)\nand database (Filemaker Pro) skills; Internet experience (email account/alias management,\nWWW publishing).\nDesirable Qualifications: high proficiency in at least one foreign language; language teaching experience; experience in developing foreign language teaching materials; experience in\ngrant management and report writing.\nMinimum Starting Monthly Salary: $3277.00.\nInquiries: David Hiple, 956\xe2\x80\x932062.\nSubmit:\n1)\nAPT Application for Employment (UH form 64) (attached),\n2)\nresume,\n3)\na statement outlining how you meet the minimum and desirable qualifications, and\n4)\nthree letters of recommendation attesting to job performance and personal character\n\xc2\xa9 2002 by the Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center (TiPPS)\n1\n\n\x0cSAMPLE A:\n\nAugust 26, 1999\nPersonnel\nSLTCC/NFLRC Ed. Specialist III\n2545 McCarthy Mall, Bilger 101\nUniversity of Hawai\xe2\x80\x98i\nHonolulu, HI 96822\nTo Whom It May Concern:\nEnclosed please find my resume. Upon reviewing my resume, I\'m sure you will find that I am qualified\nfor a number of positions related to language teaching. I have had over five years of teaching experience\nhere in Korea, teaching students of various ages and ability. In addition, two years ago I was promoted\nto English Teacher Coordinator at the English conversation school where I had been teaching, which\nillustrates how effective I was as a teacher. Finally, I self-published a textbook as well as a study on the\ninfluence of the American military in towns with Korean military bases (copies available upon request).\nI hope you will consider me for any positions you may have. Please contact me at the above address for\na possible interview. I am eager to work with you in Hawai\xe2\x80\x98i. Thank you for your consideration.\nSincerely,\n\nXXXXX\n\n\xc2\xa9 2002 by the Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center (TiPPS)\n\n2\n\n\x0cSAMPLE B:\nAugust 26, 1999\nDr. David Hiple\nSLTCC/NFLRC Ed. Specialist III\n2545 McCarthy Mall, Bilger 101\nUniversity of Hawai\xe2\x80\x98i\nHonolulu, HI 96822\nDear Dr. Hiple:\nI am applying for the Educational Specialist position at the SLTCC/NFLRC, and have attached the UH\nForm 64 (APT Application for Employment), my current curriculum vita, and three letters of recommendation\nAs my CV indicates, I received my Master\'s degree in ESL from Temple University\'s Tokyo school. One\nof the unique aspects of this program is its Weekend Seminar series, which invites experts from all over\nthe world to do 14-hour seminars on an area of specialty. While at Temple, I took 9 credits of these\nseminars, from people such as Richard Schmidt, Sandra Savignon, Teresa Pica, and Paul Nation. I feel\nthat the variety of perspectives these seminars provided have helped make me a more rounded teacher\nand administrator.\nI have eight years of experience teaching English in Japan, to students aging from nine years old\nthrough senior citizens, and at levels from beginner through advanced. I have taught private lessons, at\nlanguage schools, at a vocational school, and at a university. I primarily taught conversation, but also\nhad courses in writing and reading. In all my conversation classes, I strived to lead more students\ntoward taking more responsibility for their learning, by giving them more control over the topics and by\nteaching and practicing conversation and communication strategies. In writing classes, I focused on\nmaking students aware of aspects of creative writing (and giving them opportunities to "play" with these\naspects), as well as working with them on writing essays on topics of their own choosing. Finally, in\nreading classes, I tried to use real materials (to the extent these were available) for practicing different\nskills. I also believe strongly in being a reflective practitioner, and keep a "teaching journal" on a regular\nbasis.\nIn addition, I served three years as an administrator at the vocational school where I taught. In this\nrole, I was in charge of hiring teachers, curriculum development, textbook selection, scheduling, and\nworking with teachers to ensure that they were sharing lesson plans and teaching insights.\nFinally, I am also interested in materials development. I am currently working on a writing textbook,\nwhich I hope to send to a publisher in the next few months. I would be happy to provide copies of\ntextbook units, or any other teaching materials you might find useful to help you make a decision.\nPlease let me know if there is anything you would like me to provide.\nI would appreciate hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Thank you again for your consideration.\nYours truly,\n\nXXXXXXX\n\n\xc2\xa9 2002 by the Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center (TiPPS)\n\n3\n\n\x0cSAMPLE C:\nAugust 26, 1999\nPersonnel\nSLTCC/NFLRC Ed. Specialist III\n2545 McCarthy Mall, Bilger 101\nUniversity of Hawai\xe2\x80\x98i\nHonolulu, HI 96822\nDear David Hiple:\nMy name is Jim Yoshioka, and I am applying for the UH Educational Specialist III APT position\n(#92207). I feel certain that my previous educational, teaching, research, advising, administrative, and\nprofessional experiences (described in detail here and in my curriculum vitae and application), have\nwell prepared me to successfully handle the job\xe2\x80\x99s duties, responsibilities, challenges, and possibilities\nand that, if given the chance, I can be a valuable, enthusiastic, and effective asset to your center and its\nmission. I have already served the NFLRC previously as a Graduate Assistant and co-author of Tech.\nReport #18, and I hope that I will have the opportunity to work with the NFLRC once again!\nConsidering the minimum and desired qualifications for the position, I meet them in the following\nways. First of all, in terms of education, I graduated with an MA in ESL from the University of Hawai\xe2\x80\x98i\nat Manoa this past May, my scholarly paper (an interpretive qualitative study focusing on workplace\npragmatics) earning the department\xe2\x80\x99s Harry Whitten Prize for Scholarly Excellence. In addition, I also\nhold a BA in English (teaching emphasis) and a minor in Japanese from the University of California at\nDavis, these multiple perspectives on language education working together to better inform my teaching\nand curricular decision-making.\nIn terms of actual second/foreign language educational job experience, I worked for 3 years as\nan Assistant English Teacher (EFL) at 4 junior high schools in Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan,\nwhere my main duties included researching, developing, and adapting communicative activities for the\nclassroom to develop the students\xe2\x80\x99 English listening and speaking abilities, teaching 3-4 classes a day,\nhelping with grading and test development as well as various school-wide events and activities, and\nholding city-wide teacher training seminars to improve the Japanese teachers\xe2\x80\x99 English ability.\nMore recently, I worked for 2 years as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (ESL) for the English\nLanguage Institute (ELI) at UH Manoa, where I taught both ELI 73 (Writing for Foreign Students) and\nELI 80 (Advanced Listening & Speaking). My responsibilities encompassed the full range of curriculum\ndevelopment - conducting needs analyses in my classes; updating ELI course goals and objectives and\ndeveloping professionally in departmental meetings; choosing appropriate textbooks; administering\nand rating placement exams and reporting the results to students; developing new materials and activities\non my own and in collaboration with my colleagues; creating lesson plans and teaching my students\nwith an ear to their needs and interests, with an eye to the research and multimedia technology available\nto enhance their language learning experience, and with the spirit of building on their strengths and\nimproving their weak areas through collaborative group work and individualized feedback and attention\nfrom me; and finally, evaluation of all parts of the process. Besides these 5 years of progressively\nresponsible work in foreign/second language teaching, I have also worked previously as an ESL writing\ntutor, a Japanese tutor, and a Macintosh lab assistant/writing tutor (which again reflect my educational\nbackground).\nIt is clear, however, particularly from looking at the NFLRC job\xe2\x80\x99s duties and expectations, that\napart from having the appropriate type of background, having excellent organizational, administrative,\n\n\xc2\xa9 2002 by the Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center (TiPPS)\n\n4\n\n\x0cand communicative skills is of prime importance. I have held a number of jobs, both paid and voluntary,\nwhere I successfully brought those abilities into play. For example, as an Academic Peer Advisor for the\nDivision of Education at UC Davis, I not only met regularly with students interested in the UCD teaching\ncredential program (advising them about program prerequisites, applications, deadlines, scheduling,\nprogram options, general college requirements, etc.) but also, on my own initiative, developed a number\nof systems and resources to help the office and the advising sessions run more smoothly and effectively.\nThese included developing and writing the division\xe2\x80\x99s first newsletter for teaching credential program\nhopefuls (full of information and important reminders), maintaining the mailing list for it, keeping\nrecords of students\xe2\x80\x99 visits and concerns for future advising purposes, and revamping, compiling, and\nediting out-of-date division handouts and references for more informative, up-to-date, and effective\nadvising sessions. I received many compliments from advisees, staff, and faculty alike for my support\nservices, and after I left, they told me they had to hire two peer advisors to take my place (which they\ndid).\nMore recently, I have helped organize the Literacy for Change: Community-Based Approaches\nConference in August 1997, using Pagemaker to create its registration materials and conference booklet\nunder the direction of Dr. Kathy Davis (ESL). That very same summer, I also served as Production\nManager (and actor) for the play Katipunan: The Cry for Freedom, where my duties included publicity\nand public relations, being a liason between the director, assistant director, set designer, and costume\ndesigner, and organizing cast functions, scheduling, and so on.\nAnd finally, for the past year, I have been carrying out writing research and administrative work\nfor the Manoa Writing Program at UH Manoa including Placement Exam registration, administration,\nrating, database maintenance, and research; Writing-Intensive course designation and research; publication\nof the most recent issues of Writing Matters; website development and updating; participation in MWP\nBoard Meetings as well as system-wide Written Communication meetings; research reports; and office\nresponsibilities such as computer/server maintenance, answering faculty/student phone or in-person\nqueries, and assisting staff with routine business.\nTwo final qualifications involve competency with computers and in a foreign language. In\npractically all of the jobs mentioned throughout my application, I have used Macintosh computers\nextensively (I have one at home as well), except at the Manoa Writing Program, where we use PCs. In\nterms of programs, I have worked with the following applications: Microsoft Word, Word Perfect,\nPagemaker (word processing/publishing); SPSS, Foxpro, Excel, ISIS (database storage and analysis);\nNorton Utilities, Filemaker Pro, various anti-virus programs (file back-up and protection); Netscape,\nTelnet, Uhunix (pine, pico, aliases), HTML Writer (internet and WWW); and other miscellaneous\nprograms such as Daedalus. As for foreign language proficiency, besides receiving a minor in Japanese\n(after 4 years of study), being a Japanese tutor, and teaching and living in Japan for three years, I also\nserved as a Graduate Research Assistant for the Japanese Department at UH Manoa. For two years, I\nassisted Dr. John Haig with expanding, updating, revising, editing, and proofreading Nelson\xe2\x80\x99s JapaneseEnglish Character Dictionary for its third edition. Other graduate assistants came and went, but I was\ncontinued through the end because of my good balance of accuracy and speed.\nFor these reasons, I believe I am prepared to handle the interesting challenges and demands of\nthe job with service, a smile, and efficiency; all I ask for is the chance. I look forward to hearing from\nyou, and thank you for considering my application!\nSincerely,\n\nJim Yoshioka\n\n\xc2\xa9 2002 by the Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center (TiPPS)\n\n5' |
310 | Education | b'926 West Berry Street\nFort Wayne, IN 46802\nJuly 13, 2004\nDr. Gail Smith\nDirector of Human Resources\nFort Wayne Community Schools\n123 Clinton Street\nFort Wayne, IN 46802\n\nSample Teacher Cover Letter\n\nDear Dr. Smith:\nI am writing to express my interest in the fourth grade instructional position that is currently\navailable in the Fort Wayne Community School System. I learned of the opening through a notice\nposted on JobZone, IPFW\xe2\x80\x99s job database. I am confident that my academic background and\ncurriculum development skills would be successfully utilized in this teaching position.\nI have just completed my Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education and have\nsuccessfully completed Praxis I and Praxis II. During my student teaching experience, I\ndeveloped and initiated a three-week curriculum sequence on animal species and earth resources.\nThis collaborative unit involved working with three other third grade teachers within my team,\nand culminated in a field trip to the Indianapolis Zoo Animal Research Unit.\nIn my work with the third grade classes, I stressed critical thinking and the incorporation of\nmathematical and science units into the course. The student response was very encouraging, as\nwe had a 100% passing rate for this section. In addition, our team met state curricula guidelines\nand received numerous positive comments from students\xe2\x80\x99 families regarding the class material.\nBoth my cooperating teacher and my supervisor from the teacher preparation program\ncomplimented me on my enthusiastic classroom presentations.\nPlease consider this r\xc3\xa9sum\xc3\xa9 and the completed application form as an expression of my sincere\ninterest in pursuing any fourth grade vacancies that may arise in your district.\nI am confident that as a teacher in your school system, I can create a productive learning\nenvironment that is student-centered. I welcome the opportunity to discuss with you in person my\nideas and qualifications. If you have any questions or would like to arrange an interview with me,\nI may be reached at (260) 403-1499 or Thank you for your consideration.\nSincerely,\n\nSusan Smith\n\nEnclosure' |
311 | Education | b'Resume for Sample Purposes Only\n\nby \xc3\x82\xc2\xa92009 Resumes For Teachers' |
312 | Education | b'Theodore J. Detweiler\n(410) 704-4444\\nEDUCATION:\nBachelor of Science in Physical Education/Teacher Education\nTowson University, Towson, MD\nGPA 3.1\nEligible for Teaching Certification by MSDE January 20XX\n\n12 Third Street\nTowson, MD 21222\n\nDecember 20XX\n\nSTUDENT TEACHING EXPERIENCE:\nThird Street Elementary School, Baltimore, MD\nMarch 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 May 20XX\nStudent Teacher\n\xef\x82\xb7 Created lesson plans to meet the needs of a diverse student population ages 8-12 with varying levels of\ncoordination, skill, and knowledge of games and sports\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted tennis coach with practice and gained experience coaching a school team\nFourth Street Middle School, Baltimore, MD\nOctober 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 December 20XX\nStudent Teacher\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted lead teacher in developing fine and gross motor skills in middle school students through\ninstruction of game rules and techniques\nRELATED EXPERIENCE:\nCamp Recess, City, MD\nSummers, 20XX, 20XX, 20XX\nActivities Specialist\n\xef\x82\xb7 Created and facilitated group activities for campers to promote leadership skills and independence\n\xef\x82\xb7 Taught campers about the importance of regular physical activity in the form of fun and engaging games\nYouth Tennis League, Town, MD\nMarch \xe2\x80\x93 May, 20XX, 20XX\nCoach\n\xef\x82\xb7 Coached children ages 9-16 in a community organized youth league\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supported children\xe2\x80\x99s growth as players and taught proper tennis techniques and rules\nRELATED COURSEWORK:\nPhysical Wellness for a Healthy America\nJanuary 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 May 20XX\nTowson University, Towson, MD\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched and gained an in-depth understanding of the national health objectives of the U.S.\nDepartment of Health and Human Services\n\xef\x82\xb7 Completed laboratory activities related to the fitness principles of the objectives\nPhysical Education for Elementary Education Students II\nAugust 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 December 20XX\nTowson University, Towson, MD\n\xef\x82\xb7 Gained extensive knowledge of elementary school aged children\xe2\x80\x99s level of motor skill learning, group\nbehavior and developmental needs' |
313 | Education | b"Mike\n161\nWaukegan,\nPhone:\nEmail:\n\nT.\nVine\n\nFreud\nDrive\n60085\n847-625-5846\n\nStreet\nIL\n\nCareer Objective:\nHaving worked as a Business Teacher for almost 5 years, wherein I have successfully mentored more\nthan 300 students, I am looking forward to work with some of the renowned professional training\ninstitutes and willing to be a part of the entire curriculum planning for the students, so as to make the\ncurriculum more effective.\nCareer Summary:\nCurrently employed with Sister Nancy's High School, Waukegan, Illinois as a Business Teacher. With a\ntotal work experience of 5 years, I have developed the required skills and expertise for being a successful\nBusiness Teacher. After completing my degree course, I worked with St. Patrick's High School as an\nAssociate Business Teacher for one year. I then got a chance to assist well-experienced teachers and\nbenefit from their expertise and experience.\nSummary of Skills:\n\xef\x82\xb7Proven ability of training students with a thorough professional approach\n\xef\x82\xb7Expertise in developing course materials while keeping in mind the current requirements of the\nindustry\n\xef\x82\xb7Excellent spoken and written communication skills\n\xef\x82\xb7Expertise in mentoring, evaluating, and providing appropriate feedback to students to help them\nexcel at whatever they do\n\xef\x82\xb7Good coordination and leadership skills\n\xef\x82\xb7Expertise in developing a teaching approach which matches the requirements of students and\nsupport the open door communication policy\n\xef\x82\xb7Well-acquainted with the use of various audio-visual presentations, case studies, etc., to help\nstudents understand the concepts better\nProfessional Experience:\nCurrent Employer: Sister\nDesignation:\nRoles and Responsibilities:\n\nNancy's\n\nHigh\n\nSchool, Waukegan,\nBusiness\n\nIllinois\n\n(2010-till date)\nTeacher\n\n\xef\x82\xb7Handle and mentor three batches of 30 students each\n\xef\x82\xb7Based on the syllabus, develop a weekly curriculum and teaching approach to help students\nunderstand the concepts better\n\xef\x82\xb7Try to include case studies, presentations, live examples, etc., in the lectures to help students\nunderstand and relate the concepts with actual professional scenarios\n\xef\x82\xb7Assign students with different case studies, management scenarios, etc., and ask them to study\nand solve the same\n\xef\x82\xb7Draft test papers for students and evaluate their performance regularly. Provide required\nfeedback to students and help them improvise further\nPrevious Work Experience\nA]\nSt.\nPatrick's\nDesignation:\nAssociate\nRoles and Responsibilities:\n\nHigh\n\nSchool\nBusiness\n\n(2009-2010)\nTeacher\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7Assist the senior teachers in developing course materials\n\xef\x82\xb7Assist the teachers in checking case study solutions, assignments, presentations, etc., submitted\nby the students\n\xef\x82\xb7Assist in developing audio-visual presentations, reference materials, notes, etc., to help teachers\nmake their sessions interactive and highly beneficial\nQualifications:\n\xef\x82\xb7Master's Degree in Business Education from Business Teacher's Training Institute, Waukegan,\nIllinois - 2009\n\xef\x82\xb7Bachelor's Degree in Business Studies from St. Mark's University, Waukegan, Illinois - 2007\nReferences:\nAvailable on prior request\nSignature:\nMike T. Freud" |
314 | Education | b'YOUR NAME\n525 West 120th Street \xe2\x80\xa2 New York, NY 10027 \xe2\x80\xa2 (212) 678-3140 \xe2\x80\xa2\nEDUCATION\nTeachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY\nMaster of Arts in Higher and Postsecondary Education, Expected May 2014\nState University, Baltimore, MD\nBachelor of Arts in Psychology and History, May 2012\nMagna Cum Laude\nLANGUAGES\nFluent in Spanish and Italian\nHIGHER EDUCATION EXPERIENCE\nOffice of Undergraduate Admissions, Columbia University, New York, NY\nAdmissions Advisor\nJuly 2013 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conduct on-campus information sessions for prospective students and their families to provide information on the\nuniversity, admissions process and financial aid\n\xef\x82\xb7 Facilitate presentations at surrounding high schools in order to market Columbia University programs\n\xef\x82\xb7 Coordinate college fairs and informational sessions resulting in the recruitment of new students\n\xef\x82\xb7 Review and assess over 500 applications per cycle to assist with admission recommendations\n\xef\x82\xb7 Present cases to Admissions Committee to determine appropriate candidates\n\xef\x82\xb7 Write letters to alumnae interviewers on behalf of the Admissions Office to enhance working relationship\nState University, Baltimore, MD\nStudent Services Coordinator\nAugust 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 June 2012\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed innovative programs to educate students through the Freshman Mentoring Program, Senior Week and\nthe Sophomore Experience Program\n\xef\x82\xb7 Counseled students on an individual basis in order to offer personal, educational and career support\n\xef\x82\xb7 Participated in special training workshops and events to improve the quality of our programs\nResidential Advisor\nSeptember 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 August 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supervised residential hall of 100 freshmen students to ensure their safety and development during their college\nexperience\n\xef\x82\xb7 Implemented programming such as social mixers, study breaks and movie nights to develop a sense of community\nin the building\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advised 25 student leaders in two separate residence halls to provide appropriate training and support\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nTeach for America, Miami, FL\nEnglish Teacher\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and implemented lesson plans to increase English comprehension\n\xef\x82\xb7 Used games, arts and crafts to foster social and conversational skills\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with other teachers to organize afterschool activities\nPROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS\nHigher and Postsecondary Education Association at Teachers College (HPSEA)\nNational Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA)\nAmerican College Personnel Association (ACPA)\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nProficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access\n\nJuly 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 June 2013' |
315 | Education | b'COVER LETTER\n\nResume Writing\nYOUR PRESENT ADDRESS\nCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE\nDate of Correspondence\nName of Individual\nTitle\nName of company/organization\nAddress\nCity, State, Zip Code\nDear Mr./Mrs./Ms. (Last Name):\n\nDo not address to "To whom it may concern."\nPARAGRAPH ONE\nTell why you are writing. Name the position, field or general area in which you are interested. Tell\nhow you found out about the position. Tell why you want to work for this company. Check the\ncompany web site and mention something about the company that interests you.\n\nCareer planning is a lifelong process that requires\ncareful planning and commitment on your part.\n\nPARAGRAPH TWO\nDescribe your professional/educational qualifications, but do not restate your resume. Cite one or\ntwo areas of qualification experience, which specifically qualify you for the position. Emphasize\nparticular areas of related experience and training. Stress why you are unique, special and the\n\nCheck out the following:\n\nperfect person for the position. If you claim to have certain skills, back these up with examples as\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nproof. Tell about a professional or personal accomplishment and the skills you gained or\n\nCAP Center Resource Library\nCAP Center Online Resources\nCAP Center Resume Critique Service\nCAP Center Resume Writing Assistance\nIndividual Career Counseling\nOn-Campus Interviews\n\ndemonstrated.\nPARAGRAPH THREE\nClose by noting that you have enclosed a copy of your resume and that you will provide any\nadditional information requested. Note that you will look forward to a future response and that you\nwould like to schedule an interview. Include your telephone number.\n\nFor more information on career related issues call\nthe CAP Center at (856) 256-4456 or check us out at our\nwebsite:\n\nSincerely,\n\nName\n\n\x0cSample Cover Letter Utilizing Statement of Reference\n\nSample of Cover Letter\n\n123 Accounts Payable Lane\nMoneyville, NJ 08029\n856-863-9547\n\nDawn Lowell\n322 Mullica Hill Road\nGlassboro, NJ 08028\n856-256-4322\n\nFebruary 28, 201x\nFebruary 12, 201x\nCoopers & Lybrand\n2400 Eleven Penn Center\nPhiladelphia, PA 19103\nAttn: Mr. Daniel Spiller\nPersonnel Director\n\nDear Mr. Spiller:\nAfter talking with Mr. James Osgood at the recent Rowan University Career Fair, reading your\nrecruitment information and checking your web site, I am seeking an opportunity to join the firm of\nCoopers & Lybrand. Your company has an impressive track record for mentoring entry-level\naccountants plus offering valuable experience in auditing, tax compliance and cost accounting. As\na Rowan University senior, anticipating graduation in May, I am anxious to interview with you\nduring your upcoming recruitment trip to our campus.\nMy strong academic performance and outstanding internship experience make me a strong\ncandidate for a junior accountant position with Coopers and Lybrand. As an honor student and\nrecipient of the Medallion Scholar Award for the internationally accredited College of Business, I\nwas chosen to intern for the local public accounting firm of Money and Associates CPA. At Money\nand Associates, I assisted with the preparation of clients for corporate tax audits and performed\nintake consultations for tax preparation purposes. My supervising accountant, Mr. Charles Money\ninvited me to continue my internship for a second semester. On my internship evaluation form he\nwrote, "John\'s knowledge and ability to grasp accounting procedures and principles is quite\nimpressive. His computer skills and team-working abilities make him a valuable resource. I believe\nJohn will develop into a top-notch accountant."\nEnclosed is a copy of my resume, which outlines my qualifications in further detail. I look forward\nto an opportunity to meet with you during the upcoming recruitment week at Rowan University. I\ncan be reached at 856-863-9547. Thank you for your time and consideration.\n\nRespectfully,\n\nMr. Dwight Thompson\nHuman Resources Manager\nSavitz Pharmaceuticals\n856 Bozorth Parkway\nEsby, NJ 08028\nDear Mr. Thompson:\nIn response to your advertisement in the Glassboro Examiner for a sales representative for Savitz\nPharmaceuticals, I hereby submit my letter of application. I was excited to read your ad since I\nhave had a long-time interest in pharmaceutical sales and your products sound particularly\nappealing to me.\nAs a college student, I had the opportunity to experience in sales and customer service. Of\nparticular interest to you, I worked at Glassboro Medical Supply serving customers who enter our\nstore. Through reading professional periodicals and magazines that are sent to me as an\nemployee of Glassboro Medical Supply, I have become knowledgeable of the different types of\nmedical supplies. This knowledge enables me to fully address our customers\xe2\x80\x99 medical supply\nneeds and answer their questions. Utilizing my proactive approach to sales and customer service,\nI increased sales this year by 20% over last year\xe2\x80\x99s figures. In light of my accomplishment, my\nsupervisor has given me the responsibility of developing a plan to market medical supplies to local\ndrug stores. In addition to my work experience, I recently completed a course in\ndrug/pharmacology terminology at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. Completion of\nthis course increased my knowledge of medicines and their effects.\nI have always had a strong interest in the medical/pharmaceutical sales field and have attempted\nto gain the knowledge and experience needed to work effectively in that capacity. With that in\nmind, I feel I am highly qualified for the position of sales representative for Savitz Pharmaceuticals.\nMy enclosed resume outlines my qualifications in further detail. I welcome an opportunity to meet\nwith you at your convenience. I can be reached at 856-256-4322 or on my cell phone at 856- 2222348.\nThank you for your time and consideration.\n\nJohn Q. Afterinternship\n\nRespectfully,\n\nDawn Lowell\n\n\x0cResume Checklist\nGeneral Resume Guidelines.\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nBUILD A RESUME\nName: ______________________________________________________________________\nHome Address: ____________________\n\nCollege Address: _____________________\n\nProfessional Appearance\nMaterial fits neatly on one page. Margins approximately 1 inch on all four sides. High quality\nprint in black ink.\n\nStreet: ___________________________\n\nStreet: ______________________________\n\nCity: _________State: ____ Zip: _______\n\nCity: ___________State: ____ Zip: _______\n\nWhite or neutral colored paper, 8.5 x 11 inches, 20lb weight. No staples or folds.\n\nPhone: ___________________________\n\nPhone: _____________________________\n\nEmail: ____________________________\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nPlain font with straight lines, such as Helvetica. Font size 10-14 points.\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nBold and capital letters used where appropriate for emphasis, but not overdone.\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nNo italics, script, parentheses, brackets, underlining, shading or graphics.\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nAvoid use of unnecessary punctuation, horizontal or vertical lines.\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nFormat\nName, address, telephone, and e-mail address centered at top, with name in bold and larger\nfont.\n\nName of College: ______________________________ City: ___________ State: ____________\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nOmit extraneous and personal information such as height, weight, age, sex.\n\nGPA: _____________ (If 3.0 or higher)\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nUse format that best suits your needs. Reverse chronological format, listing education and\nexperience from most recent to least recent, is most commonly used.\n\nCourse Highlights (Use primarily in resumes for internships.)\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nObjective clearly stating position being sought, usually beginning with \xe2\x80\x9cTo obtain a position\nas\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\x9d or \xe2\x80\x9cSeeking an entry level position in\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\x9d\n\n______________________________________________________________________________\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nEducation category including any college/university from which a degree was earned. GPA,\nexpressed in tenths, may be included if 3.0 or above. Examples in correct format:\n\nWork Experience (Start with most recent place of employment.)\n\nJob Objective (Indicate your work direction; be as specific as possible.)\n______________________________________________________________________________\n______________________________________________________________________________\nEducation\n\nBachelor of Arts, History\nMay 200x\nMinor: Psychology\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA 3.4, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nBachelor of Science, Finance expected May 200x\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA 3.9, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Medallion Award\nSumma Cum Laude Honors anticipated\n\nExperience category including several entries in consistent format:\nJob Title\nDates of employment\nCompany, City, State\nDescriptive statements of experience\nContent\nJob descriptions/accomplishments written in 1-5 bulleted statements or brief paragraph\nformat, reading in the first person, with pronouns \xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cmy\xe2\x80\x9d omitted. Use a variety of\naction verbs and keyword nouns specific to the major/profession, often the same words used\nin typical job postings for such position.\nDescriptive statements highlighting skills and abilities, as well as experience and\naccomplishments. Show evidence of teamwork, computer proficiency, attention to detail,\ncustomer satisfaction, willingness to learn new skills, ability to produce results, and your\nenthusiasm/work ethic. Supply enough description to create reader interest but not to\noverwhelm.\nFinished product should be a unique statement about you. It must be professional looking,\nerror free, with consistent verb tense and end punctuation. Do NOT rely on computer spell\ncheck, grammar check, or resume writing software for your final resume.\n\nDegree: _____________________________ Expected Graduation Date: ___________________\n\n______________________________________________________________________________\n\nJob Title: ______________________________________\n\nPeriod Employed: _____________\n\nName of Company, City, State ____________________________________________________\nResponsibilities: (Use action words.) _______________________________________________\n____________________________________________________________________________\nSkills (EXAMPLE: computer, leadership, language skills)\n______________________________________________________________________________\n______________________________________________________________________________\nAwards\n______________________________________________________________________________\n______________________________________________________________________________\nActivities & Interests\n______________________________________________________________________________\n______________________________________________________________________________\nReferences available upon request.\n\n\x0cSample of a Chronological Resume- list education and experience in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nSample of a Chronological Resume- list education and experience in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nJessica Laptop\n\nGomez Addams\n\n1313 Microchip Lane\nWest Deptford, NJ 08028\n856-899-2000\\n\n1313 Mockingbird Lane\nMantua, NJ 08028\n856-856-9876\\nOBJECTIVE\nAn entry-level position in public relations or marketing.\n\nOBJECTIVE\n\nSeeking a summer internship in the field of computer science.\n\nEDUCATION\n\nBachelor of Science, Computer Science\nMinor: Mathematics\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA 3.45, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Arts, Public Relations\nConcentration: Leadership Studies\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA 3.6, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Cum Laude honors anticipated\n\nMay 201x\n\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nPageMaker\nMicrosoft Photo Editor\nHarvard Graphics\n\nPowerPoint\nMicrosoft Publisher\nAccess\n\nWordPerfect\nExcel\nMicrosoft Word\n\nRELEVANT\nCOURSES\n\nLANGUAGE/\nOPERATING\nSYSTEMS\nWORK\nEXPERIENCE\n\nanticipated December 201x\n\nIntroduction to Programming, Computer Laboratory Techniques, Data\nStructures, Calculus I, II, and III, Operating Systems, Web Programming\n\nBASIC, Pascal, C, C++, COBOL, Lisp, MS-DOS, UNIX\n\n13 Congressional District Intern\nSpring 201x\nCongressman Charles Sheen, Washington, DC\n\xef\x82\xb7\nResponsibilities included researching legislation, drafting recommendations and briefs.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nResponded to constituent correspondence and inquiries, as well as aiding in office\nadministration.\n\nLab Instructor\nSummer 201x\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nInstructed freshman students in the use of microcomputers.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssisted faculty in establishing research goals consistent with\nthe data available.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nTaught resident assistants the detailed use of technical\nsoftware.\n\nCorrespondent\nFall 200x\nRolling Stone Magazine, Pitman, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nCovered local music and political events under commission for monthly publication.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nMaintained valuable media contacts.\n\nLab Technician\n200x-200x\nPitman High School, Pitman, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nDeveloped a database for the school\xe2\x80\x99s athletic department.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nIdentified specific applications for a newly written program.\n\nMarketing Intern\nSpring 200x\nGlassboro Convention Center, Glassboro, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nDeveloped and implemented marketing program for the convention center.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nCoordinated on-site conference registration.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssisted presenters during multimedia presentations.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nPrepared and disseminated over 6,000 registration packets.\n\nStudent Worker\n200x-200x\nRowan University Information Desk, Glassboro, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nProcessed and balanced payments in Compco Student\nTelephone billing system.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssigned long distance codes to Rowan students and\nanswered the university switchboard.\n\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\nth\n\nACTIVITIES\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nVice President, Public Relations Society, Rowan University Chapter\nSecretary, American Marketing Association, Rowan University Student Chapter\nVolunteer, Glassboro Soup Kitchen\n\nHONORS\n\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nAlpha Lambda Delta Honorary Society\nDon Serious Scholarship\n\nACTIVITIES\n\nMember, Computer Science Society\nVolunteer, Glassboro Soup Kitchen\nVice President, Me Phi Me Sorority\nIntramural Sports \xe2\x80\x93 Basketball, Street Hockey\n\nREFERENCES\n\nAvailable upon request.\n\nREFERENCES\nAvailable upon request.\n\n\x0cSample of a Chronological Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and experience in reverse\nchronological order within appropriate categories.\n\nSample of a Chronological Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and experiences in reverse\nchronological order within appropriate categories.\n\nMarshall Law\n\nVeronica Lewinski\n\\nCurrent address:\n369 Mansion Park\nGlassboro, NJ 08028\n856-256-3372\n\nObjective\nTo obtain an internship position in law and criminal justice, utilizing and developing\nparticular interest in juvenile delinquency.\nEducation\nBachelor of Arts: Law/Justice\nRowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey\nGPA 3.2/4.0, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nRelated Courses\nParole, Probation and Community Correction\nMinorities, Crime, and Criminal Justice\nIntroduction to Courts\n\n21 Jump Street\nGlassboro, NJ 08028\n856-256-9999\\n\nPermanent address:\n2115 Herbert Drive\nWillingboro, NJ 08046\n609-835-2028\nOBJECTIVE\n\nSeeking an entry-level position in environmental management.\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Science, Civil Engineering\nEmphasis: Environmental Engineering\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA 3.77, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nMagna Cum Laude honors anticipated\n\nanticipated May 201x\n\nMay 201x\n\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\nSocial Problems\nAmerican Police\nIntroduction to Corrections\n\nUndergraduate Researcher\nApril 201x \xe2\x80\x93 present\nRowan University College of Engineering, Glassboro, NJ\nContributed to the design and testing of a freshwater chamber\nintended to replace methods currently used by the seafood industry\nto separate crabmeat from claw. Provide chemical analysis of\nresulting wastewater.\n\nExperience\nYouth Advocate\nJune 200x - present\nYouth Advocate Program, Woodbury, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nProvide mentoring to teenage males, based on total trust, encouraging\ndevelopment of self-esteem and self-control.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nMotivate youth to pursue productive life activities, including employment and\neducational opportunities.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nVisit library and attend various community activities with mentees to broaden\nawareness of community resources.\nSecurity Officer\nNovember 200x - present\nDeptford Mall, Deptford, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nConduct surveillance for shoplifters in all stores throughout mall.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nWork collaboratively with senior security officers and store managers regarding\nmatters of customer safety and merchandise security.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nProvide accurate written reports regarding security-related issues and encounters.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nProvide information to senior officers and store employees regarding suspicious or\ndisruptive behavior of mall patrons.\nAssistant Girls\xe2\x80\x99 Basketball Coach\nNovember 200x - March 200x\nMemorial Junior High School, Willingboro, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssisted during practices and games, providing instruction and motivation related\nto basketball, academics, and life values.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nMonitored academic eligibility and medical records plus uniform and equipment\ninventory.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nRecruited and trained scorekeepers for all season games.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nCreated computerized report of all team and player statistics.\nAdditional Information\nAmerican Criminal Justice Association, Lamda Epsilon Fraternity\nComputer skills include Excel, Word Perfect, Access and PowerPoint\nCertified New Jersey Fire Fighter with Hazmat Certification\nAmerican Heart Association Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiac Care\nProvider, CPR Certified\n\nEngineering Intern\nSummer 200x\nNew Jersey Highway Division, Trenton, NJ\nWorked with highway engineers on traffic pattern study and\nanalysis. Conducted research in current traffic management theory\nand technology. Prepared written reports for presentations to chief\nengineer. Assisted with the planning and preparation for public\nhearings on proposed change in traffic flow.\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nAutoCAD, Visual C++, Mathematica, PowerC, Windows 98, Unix,\nWindows NT, MiniTab, MS Word & Excel 98\nHONORS AND ACTIVTIES\nTau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society\nSociety of Women Engineers\nPride 2000 Scholarship\nBrad Pitt Engineering Scholarship\nVolunteer, Glassboro Big Sister Program\nPresident, Student Government Association\nREFERENCES\n\nAvailable upon request.\n\n\x0cSample of a Chronological Resume- list education and experience in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nSample of a Functional Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and employment in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nJane C. Asylum\n\nJohn Engineer\n\n321 Writearesume Lane\nWantstowork, New Jersey 08777\n856-854-0001\\n\n1776 Smart Blvd\nBrainville, NJ 08007\n856-990-4354\\nOBJECTIVE: Research Associate position with a biotechnology firm.\n\nOBJECTIVE\n\nTo obtain an entry-level position in social work utilizing my abilities in Spanish.\n\nEDUCATION\n\nBachelor of Arts, Sociology\nMinor: Spanish\nRowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey\nGPA: 3.7, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Magna Cum Laude\n\nDecember 201x\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\nSkilled in all phases of hybridoma production.\nInspired by the challenge of research and experimentation.\nGood working knowledge of immunology.\nExcellent skills in communication and collaboration.\nHighly inquisitive, creative and resourceful.\n\n\xef\x80\xa0Financed 100% of college education\nCOURSE\nHIGHLIGHTS\n\nSocial Problems, Human Service Organizations, Sociology of Work,\nIntroduction to Sociology, Intermediate Spanish I & II, Advanced Spanish\nConversation, Advanced Spanish Grammar\n\nINTERNSHIP\n\nProgram Coordinator\nSpring 201x\nCamden City Battered Women\xe2\x80\x99s Shelter, Camden, New Jersey\nConducted intake interviews and served as translator assistant.\nCoordinated after school programs for enrolled children and managed\nrecreational facility. Encouraged fair play, self-reliance and positive selfesteem in children with troubled family backgrounds.\n\nSPECIAL\nSKILLS\n\nBilingual: Spanish/English\nCommunication Skills: Written and Verbal\n\nACTIVITIES\n\nVolunteer Translator, Camden County Aids Hospice\nMember, Latino Affairs Committee, Rowan University\nMember, National Association of Black Social Workers\n\nCOMPUTER\nSKILLS\n\nLotus 1-2-3, Windows, WordPerfect 6.0, EXCEL, Quicken, DOS, Ventura,\nDesktop Publishing, Internet\n\nHONORS\n\nGlassboro Businessmen\xe2\x80\x99s Association Scholarship, 2008\nNational Merit Scholar, 2008\n\nWORK HISTORY\n\nNight Assistant Manager\nMay 200x \xe2\x80\x93 December 201x\nBurgerqueen, Glassboro, New Jersey\nSupervised employees, coordinated work schedules and managed customer\ncomplaints. Processed bank deposits and resolved employee disputes.\n\nReferences available upon request.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\nApplied Research\nTailored screening strategies using ELISA, RIA and Immunoblot techniques to effectively\nisolate the desired hybridomas.\nPerformed experiments to induce animal immune systems to respond to a weak antigen.\nDeveloped in collaboration with other researchers, a novel assay which identified the\nantibodies\xe2\x80\x99 ability to bind to live, intact tumor cells.\nConducted periodic presentations of results and works in progress to Research Center staff.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLaboratory Skills\nTissue Culture and Hamster Egg Penetration Test\nElectroblotting and Radiolabeling of Antibodies\nImmunoblot Strip Assay\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLab Technician\nResearch Assistant\nYouth Counselor\nTeaching Assistant\n\nEMPLOYMENT HISTORY\nBellmarr Research Center, Bellmarr, NJ\nRowan University Biology Department, Glassboro, NJ\nVineland Day Care Program, Vineland, NJ\nBuena Vista Normal School, Buena, NJ\n\nBachelor of Science, Biology\nAssociate of Science, Chemistry\n\nEDUCATION\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGloucester County College, Sewell, NJ\n\n201x - present\n200x \xe2\x80\x93 200x\nSummer 200x\n200x \xe2\x80\x93 200x\n\nMay 200x\nMay 200x\n\nRelated Courses: Immunology and Lab, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Virology, Ornithology, Cell\nCulture Technology\nAWARDS and ACTIVITIES\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nAlbert Einstein Scholarship\nMember, American Association of Biologists\nVolunteer, Dumbville Ambulance Service\nREFERENCES: Available upon request.\n\n\x0cSample of a Chronological Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and experience in reverse\nchronological order within appropriate categories.\n\nSample of a Chronological Resume- list education and experience in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nArthur B. Enthusiastic\n\nROSE ROYCE\n\n290 Birchwood Lane\nMantua, New Jersey, 08051\n856-468-6161\\n\n123 Main Road\nAnywhere, NJ 01234\n856-987-6543\nchronological.resume@cap\n\nJob Target\nA position as an Art Educator within a museum\xe2\x80\x99s public outreach program, utilizing recent degree\nplus experience in public relations and art education.\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCapabilities\nDevelop art education programs.\nWrite press releases and promotional copies.\nCoordinate efforts with local schools.\nOrganize related events with speakers and presentations.\nUtilize a variety of computer skills.\n\nJOB OBJECTIVE\nAn entry- level accounting position with potential for advancement.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\nComputer literate, experience includes Word 6.0, Excel and database management.\nExcellent organizational and communication skills.\nFluent in Japanese and Spanish.\nSharp in learning and comprehending new systems and methods.\n\nEducation\nBachelor of Arts: Art\nRowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey\nGPA 3.7, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nMagna Cum Laude honors anticipated\nAssociate of Arts: Art\nGloucester County College, Sewell, New Jersey\nGPA 3.9, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, President\xe2\x80\x99s List\nSumma Cum Laude\n\nDecember 201x\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Science, Accounting\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nCompleted independent study in International Business\n\nexpected Dec. 201x\n\nMay 200x\nAssociate of Arts and Science, Business Studies\nGloucester Community College, Sewell, NJ\n\nMay 200x\n\nAchievements\nCo-developed Art in Public Places program.\nPlaced several articles in local newspapers.\nConducted Murals in Public Places project for Eagle Scout Award.\n\nRELATED COURSES:\nManagerial Accounting, Auditing, Cost Accounting, Advanced Accounting,\nIndividual Taxation, Accounting Information Systems\n\nWork History\nOffice Assistant\nJanuary 200x-present\nThe Association of Educational Publishers\nRowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssist in the coordination of annual conferences plus related office duties.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nWork extensively on Macintosh using Word, Works, Excel, File Maker Pro, including data\nentry, report generation, plus brochure and poster design.\n\nRELATED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nTEACHING ASSISTANT\nAugust 201x - Present\nGlassboro Community College, Pitman, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssist professor with Urban Enterprise Zone research project.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nTutor students in accounting, maintain class records, and correct papers.\n\nArts and Crafts Instructor\nSummer 200x\nKids Rule Day Camp\nRowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey\n\xef\x82\xb7\nConducted wide variety of hands-on projects for 120 campers per week, divided into groups\nof 20 campers ages 6 to 12 years.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nWorked collaboratively with camp counselors to provide enriching activities relating to\ndifferent themes each week.\nTour Guide\nSummer 200x\nHampton House\nHampton, New Jersey\n\xef\x82\xb7\nConducted tours of historic home, while providing visitors with related information.\nReferences available upon request.\n\nBOOKKEEPER\nSummer 2008, 2009\nLaurel Museum, Mullica Hill, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nVerified and entered details of financial transactions into computer system.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nBalanced books and compiled statistical reports.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nCalculated general ledger and employee wages.\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\nSALESPERSON\nSummer 2007\nOld Navy, Clayton, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nPerformed sales duties while coordinating store displays and floor moves.\nREFERENCES\nAvailable Upon Request\n\n\x0cSample of a Combination Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and employment in reverse\n\nSample of an Education Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and experience in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nchronological order within appropriate categories.\n\nWanda Teacher\n\nAbigail B. Gettingajob\n\n12 Wantajob Lane\nLindenwold, NJ 08091\n856-256-0009\\n\n225 Salary Survey Lane\nMedford, NJ 08092\n609-779-0987\\n\nCAREER OBJECTIVE\nSeeking an elementary education teaching position in southern New Jersey.\n\nOBJECTIVE:\n\nTo obtain an entry-level business management position.\n\nEDUCATION:\n\nBachelor of Science, Business Administration\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nSpecialization: Management\nGPA: 3.5, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Cum Laude\n\nCOURSE\nHIGHLIGHTS:\n\nOrganizational Behavior, Integrated Software for Business, Management\nInformation Systems, Operations Management, Management of Human\nResources, Legal Environment of Business, Organizational Behavior\n\nMay 201x\n\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nManagement/Supervision\n\xef\x81\xa9 Exercised total supervisory responsibility for specialty retail merchandiser.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Maintained time sheets.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Managed and coordinated special promotions.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Implemented employee disciplinary and termination procedures.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Maintained loss prevention reports.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Supervised merchandise displays.\nHuman Resources Administration\n\xef\x81\xa9 Coordinated trip reduction survey results.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Conducted staffing interviews.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Managed accident reports.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Assisted in devising personnel policies.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Assisted in the implementation of employee orientation.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Contributing reporter for company newsletter.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Maintained employee benefits database.\n\nTyco Toys, Marlton, NJ\nThe GAP, Marlton, NJ\n\nAssociate in Arts, Early Childhood Education\nBurlington County College, Pemberton, NJ\nGPA \xe2\x80\x93 3.5\n\nMay 201x\n\nMay 201x\n\nSTUDENT TEACHER\nStudent Teacher, School #4, Maple Shade, NJ\nSpring 201x\nTaught 4th grade students using manipulatives and multi-sensory approaches in mathematics and\nscience lessons. Utilized cooperative learning, assertive discipline and whole language\napproaches. Integrated curriculum to meet the needs of three inclusion students.\nPRACTICUM EXPERIENCE\nPracticum Teacher, Fleetwood School, Mount Laurel, NJ\nFall 200x\nAssisted classroom teacher with individual needs of students. Served as a volunteer aide during\nsemester break. Co-directed musical production of \xe2\x80\x9cAlice in Wonderland\xe2\x80\x9d; constructed scenery\nand costumes.\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\nMath Tutor, 1st Grade\nFall 201x - Present\nTutored grade school students in math. Designed and created a \xe2\x80\x9cMath for Fun\xe2\x80\x9d workbook.\nSubstitute Teacher, Certified K \xe2\x80\x93 12, Burlington County, NJ\nFall 200x\nResponsible for several long-term substitute positions, including organization and implementation\nof lesson plans, correcting papers and recording grades.\n\nEMPLOYMENT HISTORY\nManagement Intern\nAssistant Manager\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Arts, Elementary Education / History\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA \xe2\x80\x93 3.9, Summa Cum Laude anticipated, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nCertificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing anticipated\n\n201x - Present\n200x \xe2\x80\x93 201x\n\nCOMPUTER\nSKILLS:\n\nMicrosoft Office, Internet, Excel, DOS.\n\nPROFESSIONAL\nASSOCIATIONS:\n\nSociety of Human Resource Management, Rowan University Student\nChapter, Vice President; Career Fair Chairperson;\nTri-State Human Resource Management Association, Member.\n\nACTIVITIES:\n\nPi Sigma Alpha, Secretary;\nAmerican Red Cross, Volunteer.\n\nReligious Education Teacher, Our Lady Queen of Peace, Sewell, NJ\nSpring 201x - Present\nResponsible for implementing curriculum to 3rd grade students in preparation for their first Holy\nCommunion.\nHONORS\nKappa Delta Pi Honor Society\nJames M. Lynch, Jr. Scholarship Award \xe2\x80\x93 $1,000.00\nACTIVITIES\nStudent Member, New Jersey Education Association\nPanelist, New Jersey Association of Teacher Educators\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nSales Person, Rainbow Shop, Burlington Center, Burlington, NJ\nPresently on call as mascot \xe2\x80\x93 The Rainbow Bear\n\nAugust 200x - Present\n\nPORTFOLIO AND REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST' |
316 | Education | b'R\xc3\x89SUM\xc3\x89 SAMPLE : HIGHER EDUCATION\nJane E. Smith\n2136 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20052\\nEDUCATION\xef\xbf\xbc\n\n202.994-9283\n\nThe George Washington University\nGraduate School of Education & Human Development\nMaster of Arts in Higher Education Administration - GPA 4.0\n\nWashington, DC\nAnticipated Graduation May 2011\n\nUniversity of Pittsburgh\nBachelor of Arts in English Literature summa cum laude - GPA 3.8\nWomen Studies Certificate Program\nConcentration in Education\nImperial College\nStudy Abroad Experience\n\nPittsburgh, PA\nMay 2007\n\nLondon, England\nJanuary to April 2006\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nTHE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY\nWashington, DC\nGW Housing Programs\nAugust 2009 to Present\nHouse Mentor\nMentor over 500 third and fourth year undergraduate residents and implement a curriculum that stresses\nProfessional Development, Life Skills and opportunities unique to GW\nOrganize and facilitate workshops, speaker series and discussions for residents that will help them prepare for postcollegiate experiences\nAdvise Resident Advisory Council of 10 residents who plan community building events and initiatives for residents\nMediate and arbitrate roommate conflicts\nRespond to campus and community emergencies and perform crisis management within residence hall community\nGW Career Center\nAugust 2010 to Present\nCareer Ambassador/Graduate Intern\nMeet with students to discuss professional opportunities including internships, work study and part-time, full-time\nemployment, and volunteer work\nCritique resumes, curriculum vitae, and cover letters for undergraduate students, graduate students, and alumni\nAssist students with navigating the online including Vault job database,, Career Advisor Alumni\nNetwork, and\nAttend professional development workshops and conferences including the Mid-Atlantic Career Counseling\nAssociation meeting and Partnership for Public Service Federal Advisor Training\nConference and Summer Housing\nLead Summer Associate\nTrained and supervised undergraduate summer staff in shifts of 15 to 20 students\nContacted academic program and conference representatives to organize guest services\nMaintained financial and administrative records for roughly 5,000 summer guests\n\nMarch to August 2009\n\nColumbian College of Arts and Sciences\nJanuary to May 2009\nGraduate Intern\nSent advising correspondence to students with regard to academic performance and progress toward graduation\nUtilized Banner System to update student records and record academic information\nShadowed professional advisors during student and professional meetings\n\n\x0cR\xc3\x89SUM\xc3\x89 SAMPLE : HIGHER EDUCATION CONT\xe2\x80\x99D\nJane E. Smith\n\nPage 2\n\nGreater Harrisburg Association of REALTORS\xc2\xae\nHarrisburg, PA\nHarrisburg REALTORS\xc2\xae Institute\nSeptember 2007 to August 2008\nDirector of Professional Development/Assistant School Director\nOrganized institute classes for over 2,500 students by contacting instructors, creating schedule, and registering\nstudents\nAdvised students on courses and designation degree requirements\nMaintained and updated aspects of Association professional standards requirements for 1,700 REALTOR\xc2\xae members\nGeorge T. Harrell Library, Penn State College of Medicine\nLibrary Assistant\nAssisted students and library patrons with locating materials needed for research\nOrganized books and patron files within library computer system\n\nHershey, PA\nMay 2004 to August 2008\n\nLondon, UK\nUnited Kingdom National Literacy Trust\nJanuary to May 2006\nLiteracy Campaign Intern\nAssisted \xe2\x80\x98Reading the Game\xe2\x80\x99 Literacy Campaign director with organizing, scheduling and maintaining campaign\nevents\nPerformed website maintenance and updates\nHONORS / AWARDS\n\xef\xbf\xbc\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List \xe2\x80\x93 Every semester during undergraduate and graduate coursework\nGraduation Speaker, Department of English Literature, 2007\nNational Society of Collegiate Scholars Member\nGold Key National Honour Society Member\nACTIVITIES / ORGANIZATIONS\n\xef\xbf\xbc\nTHE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY\nWashington, DC\nHigher Education Student Association (HESA)\nApril 2010 to Present\nVice President of Academic Affairs\nFacilitate Meet the Leaders, which brings nationally renowned higher education scholar-practitioners to The George\nWashington University for a speaking event and student discussion\t\t\nOrganize and execute all academic and professional development activities\nServe as chief liaison between HESA and the Educational Symposium for Research and Innovation (ESRI), a student led\nacademic conference\nColumbian College of Arts and Sciences Graduation Committee\nJanuary to May 2009\nCommittee Member\t\nAssisted with facilitation of Columbian College Graduation Ceremonies for roughly 2,000 students by distributing\ntickets and organizing line-ups and seating on the National Mall\nGW Housing Academic Committee\nAugust 2008 to May 2009\nChair\nAugust 08 \xe2\x80\x93 May 09\nChaired committee of 10 undergraduate house staff members\nOrganized and facilitated educational opportunities for community of roughly 2,000 residents including career panel\ndiscussions, cultural events and informal student workshops\nWomen Administrator in Higher Education\nACPA College Student Educators International\nACPA Commission for Career Development\nHigher Education Student Association\n\nAugust 2009 to Present\nAugust 2008 to Present\nAugust 2008 to Present\nAugust 2008 to Present\nOFFICE OF CAREER SERVICES\n2136 G Street, NW | Washington, DC 20052\n202-994-9283\' |
317 | Education | b'Resume Guide for Teachers\n\nThis packet is intended to serve as a starting point for creating or improving your teaching\nresume. Included in this packet are best practices that the Career Center have researched\nand found to be true. Information and sample resumes within this packet are not intended\nto be taken verbatim. Constructing a teaching resume is an art, not a science. Make your\npersonal resume unique and stand out by making it represent you.\nThe resources this packet highlights are available to all students; take advantage of the Career Center and the services it provides you.\n\n\x0cWhat to Expect\n\nTeaching Resume Aesthetics, Content & Editing\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..Page 3\nThree necessary components of a great teaching resume are detailed\n\nKey Elements of a Successful Teacher Resume\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6...Page 4\nMandatory vs. optional elements in a successful teaching resume\n\nPoor Teaching Resume Example\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..Page 5\nDetails common mistakes of a teaching resume\n\nTransferable Skills & Action Verbs\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6....Page 6\nA comprehensive list of transferable skills and action verbs that have potential in a teaching resume\n\nConstructing a Proper Achievement Statement (bullet point)\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6Page 7\nCreating a bullet point stress you out? Here is a fool proof way to construct a proper achievement statement.\n\nBuzz Words\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..Page 7\nAnswer the question, \xe2\x80\x9cWhat are buzz words and how should they be used in a resume\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nTeaching Resume Samples...\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6Pages 8-11\nThese should not be viewed as a template, yet as examples you can look to for ideas and guidelines.\n\nCareer Center Teaching Resume Resources\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6 Page 12\nThe career center is here to help. Check out the career advising, workshops and other resources we offer!\n\n2\n\n\x0cTeaching Resume Aesthetics, Content & Editing\nWriting a Teaching Resume is an art, not a science. There is no one correct way to formulate your resume, but\nthere are some best practices and standards that the Career Center recommends. Stand out from the crowd with\nhigh quality content and a clearly written, error-free document. Teaching Resumes need to be aesthetically\npleasing, dense with relevant content and properly edited.\nAesthetics: Always remember to have a classic, professional resume. This includes the font choice, consistency ,\nan appropriate amount of white space, length and overall appearance of the resume. Teaching is a creative and\ninnovative profession; a teaching resume should be strictly professional. Professional means there should not be\nany pictures, colors or designs on your resume. Those within the education field will immediately exclude you\nfrom potential candidates if your resume has poor aesthetics and is not professional.\nContent: While aesthetic mistakes can take you out of the running for a position, the content of the resume is\nwhat will make you stand out from the crowd. Experiences you choose to include in your teaching resume should\nbe the most relevant to your target audience. Accomplishment statements are intended to expand on your relevant\nexperience and highlight your expertise. Look to page 7 for more advice on accomplishment statements.\nEditing : Editing is a necessary component of resume writing that is often underutilized. Editing is where you\nand others assure that content is accurate and aesthetics are pin point. Have as many people proofread your\nresume as possible and stop by the Career Center for an extra set of eyes! Look to page 12 for detail of Career\nCenter services and workshops specifically for Teachers!\n\x01 Reverse Chronological Order: Within each section on the resume, your experience must go in reverse\nchronological order, meaning from new to old.\n\x01 Accomplishment Statements (Bullet Points): Eliminate the pronoun \xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x9d at the beginning of each bullet\npoint as this is assumed. Avoid introductory and wind-up phrases such as \xe2\x80\x9cMy duties included...\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cMy\nresponsibilities were\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\x9d . Describe achievements, rather than listing duties, quantify outcomes whenever\npossible, and be sure to highlight your proficiency in teaching and transferable skills. More description on\nAccomplishment statements can be found on page 7.\n\x01 Length: With rare exceptions, student teachers and new teachers should keep their resume to 1 page. If\nyou have difficulty narrowing down your resume, consider removing elements that are not closely related\nto teaching; Ask yourself, \xe2\x80\x9cWill this experience enhance and support my future in education and teaching?\xe2\x80\x9d\n\x01 Margins: Make your resume visually attractive by using an appropriate amount of whitespace to allow the\nreader\xe2\x80\x99s eye to rest. Using .8 inch to 1.5 inch margins is standard practice.\n\x01 Font: Use a professional font that is easy to read. Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New are good\nchoices. A 10-12 point font size is recommended.\n\x01 Consistency: The formatting of a resume needs to be consistent. For example, if you choose to bold a job\ntitle, make sure you bold every job title. Also, make sure that everything lines up neatly on the page.\n\x01 Accuracy: Your resume, and all other job search materials, must be 100% error free. Be sure to carefully\nread through your resume, checking grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Editing a resume can always use\nanother set of eyes; have as many people proofread it as possible, and, come to the Career Center!\n\x01 Paper Quality: Use a high quality paper stock (24-32 lb, 25% cotton fiber, 8-1/2 x 11) when mailing your\nresume or bringing one to an interview. Use the same paper for cover letters and thank you letters. White,\nivory, or light grey are good choices.\n\n3\n\n\x0cKey Elements of a Successful Teacher Resume\nMandatory Elements\nThese elements need to appear on every teaching resume.\n\nIdentification\nNeeds to include your first and last name (should be the largest font size, but not too oversized to look out of place), contact\ninformation : phone number and professional email address, and your street address, city, state & zip code\n\nCertification\nList all certifications and when you expect to receive them: Early Childhood (Type 04), Elementary (Type 03), Secondary\n(Type 09), Special Education (Type 10), Physical Education (Type 10)\nList any endorsements you expect\nExample: Illinois Initial Elementary Certificate (Type 03), expected July 2014\nMiddle Grade Endorsement expected in Language Arts\n\nEducation\nInstitution, City, State\n(Expected) Graduation Month Year\nWrite out the full name of your (expected) degree; also list Minors and Concentrations\n*Please note that all degrees are written in singular, for example: Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education\nGPA: 4.0/4.0 (it is recommended that you include your GPA if it is 3.0 or higher)\nOther possible information to include: Study Abroad, Relevant Coursework, or Academic Awards and Honors\n\nExperience\nExperience is mandatory and the heart of any teaching resume; however, it can be represented in a variety of ways. Choose\nthe most rich, concrete, relevant teaching experiences to put on your resume. Keep in mind that after each experience, there\nwill be bullet points (accomplishment statements) detailing your experience more fully. Refer to page 7 for more advice on\ncreating an accomplishment statement. Important Note: within each section, experiences are to be listed in reverse chronological order.\n\nTeaching Experience (Student Teaching)\nStudent teaching is your most relevant teaching experience directly out of college. Therefore, it will directly follow the education section and take up the most amount of space on a teaching resume directly after college. Include specific lesson plans,\nclassroom management skills and teaching styles that make you unique. Refer to page 7 to find out more about creating a\nproper accomplishment statement.\n\nTeaching Related Experience\nHighlight paid or unpaid experiences though which you have gained teaching related skills. Examples include, but are not\nlimited to: camp counselor, tutor, coach and nanny.\nExample:\n\nNanny, Smith Family, Chicago, IL\n\nMarch 2008-Present\n\nInteractive Field Experience\nFocus on a select few experiences in which you played an active role in the classroom and with students.\nExample:\n\nSecond Grade, Washington Elementary School, Chicago, IL\n\nSeptember 2009\xe2\x80\x93 October 2009\n\nWork/Professional Experience\nPrincipals will be most interested in your teaching experience; however, you may include skills obtained for another industry\nthat are transferable to a classroom. For example, training, collaborating or mentoring.\n\nOptional Elements\nThese are other options to include on your resume:\n\nVolunteer Experience, Leadership Experience, Honors/Activities, Special Skills and Interests,\nProfessional Development\n\n4\n\n\x0cPOOR RESUME SAMPLE\n\nJAMES WALTON\n2261 N. Broadview Apt 21\nChicago, IL 60615\n\nPoor Aesthetics:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 All the bolding, italics and lines\nmake the resume too busy\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Inconsistency in text and format\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Improper use of bullet points\n\nEmail:\nCell: (773)885-7142\n\nCERTIFICATION\nIllinois Initial Secondary Certificate (Type 10), Expected\nEDUCATION\nMaster of Science in Education, DePaul University, Chicago, IL, expected November 2009\nGPA: 4.0\nBachelor of Science in Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2006\n\nTEACHING RELATED EXPERIENCE\nTutor, Lincoln Park High School, Chicago, IL, September 2007 - December 2007\nTutored students in various subjects\nINTERACTIVE FIELD EXPERIENCE\nGage Park High School, April-May 2007\nAssisted teachers with projects\nAssisted students in an inclusion course\nAssisted students in a self-contained classroom with their final project\nWalter Payton College Prep, September-October 2007\nAssisted teacher with supervision of laboratory projects\nHelped students in laboratory projects\nHelped to refine students\xe2\x80\x99 laboratory techniques and critical thinking skills\nWorked with small groups of students to aid comprehension of advanced chemistry concepts\nSKILLS\nProficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint\nHONORS AND SPECIAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS\n\nEducational:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Illinois Future Teachers Corps Scholarship, 2007-2008\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Spring 2006\nPoor Editing:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 National Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, 2003-2004\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Missing dates and locaBrighton Arts Camp attendee: Summers 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001 (Piano major)\ntions, such as for exCommunity:\nAlpha Phi Omega, Alpha Alpha chapter (a co-educational service fraternity)\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\npected certification\nNot an easily readable\nresume\n\nPersonal Interests:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Piano (performance\xe2\x80\x9418 years, accompaniment\xe2\x80\x949 years, chamber music\xe2\x80\x946 years)\n\nPoor Content:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Accomplishment statements are not unique to teaching candidate\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Skills should be the last section on a resume and exemplify something more than basic computer knowledge\n\n5\n\n\x0cTransferable Skills & Action Verbs\nTRANSFERABLE SKILLS\nTransferable skills are those that can be applied in multiple work settings. Consider incorporating them, in addition to those\nthat are specific to your intended career field, by providing examples of when you have successfully used them in your\nbulleted accomplishment statements. Some examples of transferable skills include the following:\nCLERICAL\nBookkeeping\nClassifying\nCollecting\nCompiling\nComputing\nExamining\nFiling\nOrganizing\nRecording\nWord processing\n\nCREATIVE\nDesigning\nDeveloping\nEstablishing\nIllustrating\nImagining\nImprovising\nInventing\nperforming\nRevitalizing\nVisualizing\n\nHUMAN RELATIONS\nAdvising\nAssisting\nCounseling\nEmpathizing\nFacilitating\nGuiding\nListening\nMotivating\nRepresenting\nServing\n\nPUBLIC RELATIONS\nConducting\nConsulting\nInforming\nPlanning\nPresenting\nPromoting\nRepresenting\nResponding\nResearching\nWriting\n\nRESEARCH\nAssessing\nCalculating\nCollecting\nDiagnosing\nEvaluating\nExamining\nExtrapolating\nInterviewing\nInvestigating\nSynthesizing\n\nCOMMUNICATION\nEditing\nExplaining\nInfluencing\nInterpreting\nlistening\nMediating\nPromoting\nSpeaking\nTranslating\nWriting\n\nFINANCIAL\nAccounting\nAdministering\nAllocating\nAuditing\nBalancing\nCalculating\nForecasting\nInvesting\nProjecting\n\nMANAGEMENT\nCommunicating\nConsulting\nCoordinating\nDelegating\nDirecting\nEvaluating\nLeading\nNegotiating\nPersuading\nPlanning\n\nPROBLEM SOLVING\nAnalyzing\nAppraising\nDiagnosing\nExamining\nExecuting\nPlanning\nProving\nReasoning\nRecognizing\nValidating\n\nTECHNICAL\nAdjusting\nAligning\nAssembling\nDrafting\nEngineering\nInstalling\nObserving\nOperating\nProgramming\nRepairing\n\nTRAINING\nAdapting\nCommunicating\nDemonstrating\nEnabling\nEncouraging\nEvaluating\nExplaining\nInstructing\nPlanning\nStimulating\n\nACTION VERBS\nBeginning each bulleted accomplishment statement with a strong action verb helps to highlight your successes and allows a\nreader to get a sense of your skills by scanning the page prior to reading each individual bullet point. It is a good idea to vary\nthe action verbs on your resume in order to appeal to different audiences. Below is a list of verbs to help get you started.\nA\nAchieved\nActed\nAdapted\nAdjusted\nAdministered\nAdvanced\nAdvised\nAltered\nAnalyzed\nAppraised\nArranged\nAssembled\nAssessed\nAudited\nB\nBalanced\nBudgeted\nBuilt\nC\nCalculated\nCalibrated\nCategorized\nCharted\nClassified\nCoached\nCollected\nCombined\nCommunicated\nCompiled\nComposed\nComputed\nConducted\nConfigured\nConsolidated\nConstructed\n\nConsulted\nContrasted\nControlled\nConverted\nConvinced\nCoordinated\nCounseled\nCounted\nCreated\nCultivated\nD\nDecided\nDecreased\nDefined\nDelivered\nDemonstrated\nDesigned\nDetected\nDetermined\nDeveloped\nDevised\nDiagnosed\nDifferentiated\nDistributed\nDocumented\nDoubled\nDrafted\nE\nEdited\nEliminated\nEncouraged\nEngineered\nEnhanced\nEnsured\nEstablished\nEstimated\n\nEvaluated\nExamined\nExecuted\nExpanded\nExpedited\nF\nFacilitated\nFiled\nFilled\nForecasted\nFormulated\nFostered\nFulfilled\nG\nGained\nGathered\nGenerated\nGrew\nGuided\nH\nHandled\nHeaded\nHired\nI\nIdentified\nIllustrated\nImplemented\nImproved\nIncreased\nInfluenced\nInformed\nInitiated\nInspected\nInstalled\nInstituted\nInstructed\n\nIntegrated\nIntended\nInterviewed\ninvented\nInvestigated\nL\nLaunched\nLectured\nLed\nLiaised\nLogged\nM\nMaintained\nManaged\nManufactured\nMarketed\nMeasured\nMediated\nMentored\nMigrated\nMinimized\nMonitored\nMotivated\nN\nNegotiated\nO\nObtained\nOperated\nOrchestrated\nOrdered\nOrganized\nOriginated\nOversaw\nP\nPerformed\nPersuaded\n\nPlanned\nPosted\nPrepared\nPrescribed\nPresented\nPriced\nProcessed\nProduced\nPromoted\nProposed\nProtected\nProvided\nPurchased\nR\nRealized\nReceived\nRecommended\nReconciled\nRecorded\nRecruited\nRedesigned\nReduced\nReferred\nRemoved\nReorganized\nRepaired\nReported\nRepresented\nResearched\nResolved\nRestructured\nRevamped\nReviewed\nRevised\nRevitalized\nRouted\n\nS\nScheduled\nSelected\nSeparated\nServed\nServiced\nSet up\nSimplified\nSold\nSolved\nSpecified\nStarted\nStrategized\nStreamlined\nStrengthened\nStudied\nSummarized\nSupervised\nSupplied\nSupported\nT\nTested\nTracked\nTrained\nTransformed\nTranslated\nTroubleshot\nU\nUpdated\nUpgraded\nV\nVerified\nW\nWeighed\nWired\nWon\n\n6\n\n\x0cConstructing an Achievement Statement (Bullet Point)\nUnder each position you have on your resume, list bulleted accomplishment statements. These statements should explain what you did in the position, how you did it and the results of your actions. The skills you feel you have gained\nfrom your teaching related experiences should be represented through your accomplishment statements. Brainstorm\neach experience/position and create bullet points unique to you.\n\nBullet Point \xe2\x80\x9cFormula\xe2\x80\x9d\nAction Verb + Example + Result\nAction Verb: Always begin a bullet point with an action verb. Use a variety of action verbs to show\nthe variety of skills you have.\nAverage Bullet Point with Action Verb\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Tutored an eighth grade student\n\nExample: Give specifics as to what you did at that position. This will make you unique.\nBetter Bullet Point with Action Verb and Example\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Tutored an eighth grade student in pre-algebra\n\nResult: State what you achieved from your example; what was the purpose of you doing what you did?\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nPerfect Achievement Statement with Action Verb, Example and Result\nTutored an eighth grade student in pre-algebra, using teacher\xe2\x80\x99s curriculum to raise her grade from a C to B+ over the\ncourse of a year\n\nBuzz Words\nThese are words you should be familiar with going into a teaching career. Buzz words are extremely effective when used\nin moderation on a resume and with direct examples to support their claim. Reflect on any teaching specific language\nand resources which you have utilized in your teaching. Below is a list of potential buzz words to include on a resume.\n\nMulti-cultural instruction\nTeam teaching\nThematic unit\nCritical thinking\nLiteracy (Literature) circles\nGuided reading\nDifferentiated instruction\nModified instruction\nInteractive exercises\nInterdisciplinary learning\n\nManipulative\nStudent centers\nPeer teaching\nResponse to Intervention (RtI)\nCooperative Learning\nBalanced Literacy\nIEP (Individual Education Plan)\nESL/ELL Students\nDevelopmentally appropriate practice\n(specifically for Pre-K)\n\n7\n\n\x0cCaroline Baltman\n\nSAMPLE : Secondary\n\n2355 56th Court; Lisle, IL 60016; 224-639-5330\\n\nObjective\nObtaining a teaching position that utilizes my passion for teaching chemistry to create a positive experience for the students by implementing\nvarious teaching methods and coordinating with other teachers to work on interdisciplinary units\n\nCertification\nIllinois Initial Secondary Certification (Type 09) in Science, expected June 2011\nHigh School Endorsements in Chemistry \xe2\x80\x93 Regular, AP and Honors classes, Biology, Earth Science and Physics\nMiddle school endorsement expected in Science\n\nEducation\nDePaul University; Chicago, IL\nBachelor of Science in Secondary Education Chemistry; expected June 2011\nAnticipated Graduating GPA: 3.75 / 4.0; High Honor Roll; Deans list all quarters in attendance\n\nTeaching Experience\nStudent Teacher: Wells High School; Grades, 11-12, Chicago IL; Spring 2011\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Facilitated learning of honors and regular chemistry for 3rd and 4th year students using student-centered lessons and activities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Established acceptable classroom behavior guide with students\xe2\x80\x99 comments to minimize future class room management issues\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Discussed students\xe2\x80\x99 learning improvement and behavior in class with parents during the parent-teacher conference\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Utilized many student-centered learning techniques, including demonstrations, molecular model building, and discovery labs\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Devised a demonstration to connect acid-base reactions with the concept of limiting and excess reactants, related the demonstration\nto students\xe2\x80\x99 daily life, and allowed students to work in cooperative learning groups to analyze examples\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created activities that show the relationship between chemistry concepts and everyday life to engage and motive students\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Modified curriculum for a English Language Learner and various Special Education Students in the regular education classroom by\ntranslating the concepts in student\xe2\x80\x99s native language or by explaining the concepts in various simpler steps\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted students with preparation for ACT and PSAE standardized testing by providing explanation for various scientific concepts\nwhile working on practice test questions and modeling various reading strategies\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Tutored students before, during, and after school\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Attended various workshops during the 8th Annual CPS Service-Learning Conference\n\nInteractive Field Experience\nAmundsen High School, Junior Chemistry Classes , Chicago, IL; Fall 2010\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Observed regular, honors, and A.P. chemistry classes to better understand students\xe2\x80\x99 needs, implemented various activities and observed various classroom management techniques\nLane Technical High School; Sophomore Chemistry Classes, Chicago, IL; Winter 2010\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Gained experience on various teaching methods by observing two teachers working with physics and chemistry classes\nWilliams Junior High School; 7th Grade Self Contained Science Class, Elmwood Park, IL; Fall 2009,\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted a sixth grade class with an eco-system experiment, and demonstrated how to actively take notes and how to point out important information in assigned reading to one special education student during an active reading assignment\n\nSkills and Interests\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nEager to sponsor various student organizations such as South Asian clubs and cultural awareness groups\nFluent in Urdu and Hindi\nInterested in organizing after school science sessions to provide students with additional help\nProficient with Microsoft Words, Excel, Power Point, and Graphic Analysis and Origin programs mostly used for physics, mathematics, and chemistry\nInterested in participating in drug abuse resistance programs and other health awareness programs\n\n8\n\n\x0cSAMPLE : Secondary\n\nSilva E. Lennon\n2266 South Racine\nChicago, IL 60624\n\\n(312) 223-7115\n\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\nCERTIFICATION\n\nIllinois Initial Secondary Certificate in English (Type 09)\nMiddle School endorsement in Language Arts; Social Science endorsement, June 2009\n\nEDUCATION\n\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL, June 2009\nBachelor of Arts, Secondary Education English; G.P.A. 3.3/4.0\n\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nSubstitute Teacher, Grace Community School District 220, Chicago, IL Winter 2008-2009\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Requested as a substitute teacher by numerous teachers in Grace Middle School\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Maintained order in the classroom by efficiently executing lesson plans left by the teacher.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Applied the necessary teaching strategies to use in classrooms with various skill levels.\nStudent Teacher, Grace Middle School, Seventh Grade English, Chicago, IL Fall 2008\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Prepared lessons independently for ten weeks based on the BMS English curriculum.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated with the seventh grade team by developing various PowerPoint presentations and lessons.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Encouraged knowledge of current events by creating a one-week unit plan based upon the 2008 Presidential Election\nusing cooperative grouping.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Manipulated student cooperative groups according to average scores on the MAPS tests.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Used differentiated instruction and both formative and summative assessments to evaluate student work.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed various cross-curriculum warm-up activities to enhance connections between school subjects.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Played an active role during parent-teacher conferences, and updated parents regularly on their child\xe2\x80\x99s progress in the\nclassroom. Also received excellent personal feedback from the parents of my students.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Graded student\xe2\x80\x99s expository essays according to the ISAT rubric.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted the cheerleading coaches during try-outs, and acted as a mentor for the girls.\nTeaching Assistant, Franklin Middle School, Sixth Grade, Romeoville, IL Winter 2007-2008\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implemented lessons developed by a cooperating teacher in a sixth grade language arts, reading, and social studies\nclassroom, and managed a classroom of over thirty students.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted in instructing a special needs student in developing reading and writing skills.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught a lesson independently on the process of making inferences while reading.\nTeaching Assistant, Grove Ridge High School, Grades 9-10, Glen View, IL, 2003-2004\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Obtained field experience through a high school Child Development class containing a Pre-School lab.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed a curriculum which fostered student\xe2\x80\x99s creativity and critical thinking in thematic units.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Encouraged student improvement by sending weekly progress reports home to parents.\nTEACHING PREPARATION\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Observed use of Smart Boards in mathematics and English courses.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participated in Compass Learning training, and guided students to use this resource available to them.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated with teachers during a seminar on how to integrate affective grouping strategies in class.\nAWARDS & ACTIVITIES\nNational Society for Collegiate Scholars\nZeta Zeta Sorority Member\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nZeta Zeta Executive Board Member\n\n2004- Present\n2005- Present\n2005-2008\n2005-2006\n\nSPECIAL INTERESTS Eager to participate in extracurricular activities such as cheerleading, cross country, and track and field.\n\n9\n\n\x0cSAMPLE : Elementary\n\nJoseph Willams\n204 W. Plainview Avenue, Chicago, IL 60610 \xc2\xb7 (773) 238-8112 \xc2\xb7\n\nCERTIFICATION\nIllinois Initial Elementary Certification (Type 03), April 2008\nMiddle School Endorsement in Mathematics and Social Sciences\n\nEDUCATION\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nBachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Concentration in Mathematics, March 2008\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nHawthorne Scholastic Academy, Chicago, IL\nStudent Teacher, October 2007-January 2008\n6th, 7th (Pre-algebra), 8th (Algebra) Mathematics\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Continuously taught, reflected, and modified skills by providing students with original homework assignments, review\npackets, and assessments\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Employed \xe2\x80\x9cproblem of the day\xe2\x80\x9d to reinforce previously taught skills, prepare students for ISAT, and encourage making\nconnections across the curriculum\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implemented review activities as class began to utilize each available teaching minute\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Adapted lessons for advanced students and students with learning, and hearing disabilities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Facilitated open tutoring Monday through Thursday mornings for any student who needed extra help\n6th Reading\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Strengthened comprehension skills such as making connections and predictions, and asking questions\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Encouraged critical thinking as well as targeted ISAT skills through stimulating discussions, purposeful journal writing,\nand focused essay writing\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created various original assessments for each text in the curriculum\n6th Social Studies\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Aided in the production of a play based on The Canterbury Tales which was an interdisciplinary unit encompassing history, reading, art, dance, and music\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created focused lessons on note taking skills and developed original assessments\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participated in school wide geography bee\nTEACHING-RELATED EXPERIENCE\nDePaul University\xe2\x80\x99s Career Center, Chicago, IL\nPeer Career Advisor, February 2005-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Utilize strong advising skills by critiquing students\xe2\x80\x99 resumes as well as providing interviewing tips, job search strategies,\nhelping with online resources and facilitated career resource workshops\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Train new front desk staff, new Peer Career Advisors and identify mentorship techniques\nBakerson Family, Chicago, IL\nChildcare Provider, March 2006-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Introduced games and story hour which encouraged comprehensive, problem-solving, and vocabulary.\nVOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE\nBoys and Girls Club of Chicago, Chicago, IL\nVolunteer Mentor at Jahn Elementary Club, 2005 and 2006 Academic Years\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developing a long lasting relationship with a mentee by creating a safe and positive\nenvironment and identifying the importance of character and healthy living weekly.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Emphasizing the importance of education and learning by tutoring and ensuring all homework is finished by the end of\neach meeting.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Awarded 2006 Mentor of the Year at the Jahn Elementary Club.\n\n10\n\n\x0cROSE AMELIA HUNTER\nSAMPLE : Elementary\n\n2231 N. Sterling Road. Apt. #2 \x03 Chicago, IL 60614\ \x03 773.457.3356\n\nCertification\nIllinois Initial Elementary Certificate (Type 03), completed March 2010\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nEndorsement in Middle Grade Social Sciences and Language Arts\nGeneral Science endorsement, expected Summer 2010\n\nEducation\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL, June 2010\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nMaster in Elementary Education, Overall GPA 4.0 / 4.0; graduated with Summa Cum Laude honors\nPhi Kappa Phi Honors Society\xe2\x80\x93 recognizing outstanding academic excellence in all disciplines\nGolden Key International Honor Society\xe2\x80\x93 recognizing outstanding scholastic achievement\n\nSmith University, Denver, CO, December 2008\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nBachelor of Arts in Communication; minor, Sociology, Overall GPA 3.6 / 4.0; graduated with Cum Laude honors\nLambda Pi Eta Honor Society \xe2\x80\x93 recognizing outstanding academic achievement in communication studies\n\nSmith University Study Abroad Program, Ireland, Summer 2007\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nStudied Irish history, culture and literature and traveled extensively throughout Ireland\n\nTeaching Experience\nSpecial Needs Teacher Associate,\nAssociate Williams Middle School, Lombard, IL, Spring 2010- Present\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nWorked one on one with 6th and 8th grade students that have a variety of special needs\nCollaborated with all students teachers in order to assist with comprehension and differentiation\nServed as a mentor and mediator for students with special emotional and behavioral needs\nAssisted students during regular class time in order to ensure their understanding of the daily lesson\nParticipated in team meetings in order to collaborate on lesson plans and assess student progress\n\nStudent Teacher, Sandberg Middle School, Grade 8, Chicago, IL. Winter 2010\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nCreated daily lesson plans for Science and U.S. History using reality-based discussion, and hands on activities\nFacilitated several daily classes including honors, traditional and special needs levels\nMaintained classroom management using a daily bell ringer, solid agenda, prompts and one on one check-ins\nParticipated in the School Improvement Plan during Professional Development staff meetings\nCollaborated with a translator to communicate with parents about student behavior and progress\nAssessed student learning formally and informally using a variety of assessments and grading rubrics\nImplemented student activities and projects using collaborative and individual learning approaches\nWorked one on one after school with special needs students to assist with lesson comprehension\n\nHead Teaching Assistant, Smith University Commitment Program, Fall 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 Spring 2007\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nMentored and tutored 12 students who required special academic and emotional support during their freshman year\nAssisted professor with Freshman Seminar and helped first-year students improve their writing skills\nSupervised team of five teaching assistants while maintaining a full course load\nPlanned all lessons and taught Freshman course Writers in the Nobel Prize\n\nActivities & Interests\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nNational Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Member, 2007\xe2\x80\x93 present\nSmith University Office of Summer Sessions, Counselor, 2002\no Organized educational activities for children at summer program teaching writing and basic computer skills\nCelebrate Literacy Program, Volunteer, 2007-2008\nOver 8 years of volleyball and softball experience and interested in coaching and extracurricular clubs\n\n11\n\n\x0cCareer Center Teaching Resume Resources\nThe Career Center offers several options for getting help in creating and perfecting your resume. Take advantage of one\nor more of the following services available to students and alumni:\nCareer Advising: Gina Anselmo, the Career Center\xe2\x80\x99s Career Specialist serving the School of\nEducation, is available to meet with students and alumni by appointment. Advising sessions can\ncover a variety of topics, including resume development, job search strategies, interviewing skills,\nand other career related concerns.\nPeer Career Advising: Peer Career Advisors have been specially trained to provide resume assistance and basic career\nservices to the DePaul community. Peers are available on a walk-in basis during most business hours or via email at\ for questions, job search advice, resume assistance, and cover letter critiques.\nThe Career Center offers several workshops that cover highlights on\nresume writing, interviewing, portfolio preparation, and job searching for teachers.\nHit the Ground Running I: Resume, Cover Letter, and Portfolio Prep for Teachers\nHit the Ground Running II: Job Search and Interview Preparation for Teachers\nIn these workshops, you will receive an overview of resources and career tips to help you prepare for a job search in the\nteaching profession.\nMaking the Grade \xe2\x80\x93 e-Portfolio Teacher Workshop (Two Part Workshop)\nTeachers are encouraged to not only utilize technology in the classroom, but to demonstrate their knowledge and\nexperience electronically throughout the job search process. In this hands-on two-part workshop, aspiring teachers will\nbe introduced to several software programs that can be used to create a teacher e-portfolio.\nTours for Teachers Workshop Series\nThis workshop series widens a new teacher\xe2\x80\x99s perspective of what different public, private, and alternative settings look\nlike. Current DePaul students have an opportunity to talk to a school administrator, tour the school, attend roundtable\ndiscussions with several teachers, and participate in self-assessment resources.\nThe Teacher\xe2\x80\x99s Forum\nThe DePaul Career Center\xe2\x80\x99s annual Teacher\xe2\x80\x99s Forum offers new teachers the opportunity to gain critical skills and\nresources and network with principals and professionals in education. This one-day event is designed specifically for\nDePaul School of Education students who will complete or have completed their student teaching experience and will\nbe looking forward to their first year of teaching.\nYou can register for all of these workshops and events through\ncalendar section under workshops by logging in at\n\nContact the Career Center to schedule an appointment with a Career Advisor or any inquiries you may have:\n\nLincoln Park Campus\n2320 N Kenmore Ave, SAC 192\nChicago IL, 60614\n(773)-325-7431\n\nLoop Campus\n1 E. Jackson Blvd, Suite 9500\nChicago IL, 60604\n(312)-362-8437\n\n12' |
318 | Education | b'Education Cover Letter #3 - Administrative Position\n\n415 Northgate Drive\nMilton, Nebraska 69xxx\nApril 2, 20xx\nDr. Letitia Johnson, Superintendent\nGrandview Public Schools\nP. O. Box 821597\nGrandview, Nebraska xxxxx\nDear Dr. Johnson:\nI wish to apply for the position of High School Principal in the Grandview Public\nSchool system as advertised in the March 31 edition of The Omaha World Herald.\nAs you will note on my enclosed resume, I hold a Master of Education in Education\nAdministration degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a 7-12 Principal\nEndorsement. I have been the Assistant Building Principal at Milton Middle School since\n19xx. Prior to that time I taught middle school and high school English.\nMy resume illustrates specific examples of my leadership and administrative\nduties. My evaluations have always noted my strengths as being creative thinking, problem\nsolving, strong long-range planning, and the ability to communicate with a diverse\npopulation. I believe that my strengths and abilities are exactly what you are looking for\nto fill your position.\nI enjoy the challenges of education, working with teachers, parents, and students,\nand the opportunities to make education happen for each student. I feel that I can be an\neffective leader for Grandview High School, a school that has a strong reputation for\nproviding opportunities for high academic achievement and personal growth for all of its\nstudent population.\nI have enclosed my resume, and will send my credentials as your ad requested.\nIf I can provide any further information, please feel free to call me or e-mail me. Thank\nyou for your consideration.\nSincerely,\nSusan T. Ward\nEnclosure' |
319 | Education | b'JOB SEEKER\n128 Pleasant Street\nMinneapolis, MN 55416\n\nePortfolio:\n\\n(612)625-4346\n\nMINNESOTA STATE TEACHING LICENSES\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nPhysical Education, K-12\nSpecial Education: Developmental Adapted Physical, Pre K - grade 12\n\nAugust 2011\nAugust 2011\n\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Minnesota, School of Kinesiology\nMasters of Education, Physical Education\nBachelor of Science, Kinesiology Exercise Science\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Minor: Youth Studies\nCPR Certification \xe2\x80\x93 Children and Adults\nAwards and Honors\n\xe2\x80\xa2 National Association for Sport & Physical Education Student of the Year\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Women\xe2\x80\x99s Physical Education Alumnae Association Scholarship\n\nTwin Cities Campus\nAnticipated May, 2013\nMay, 2010\n2010 - Present\n2010\n2009\n\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nth\n\n9 Grade Physical Education and Health Student Teacher\nMinneapolis, MN\nLane High School\nJanuary \xe2\x80\x93 May 2011\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Lead a unit on sexual health and reproduction from which 90% of students met learning\nobjectives at or above 85% as assessed by an objective, multiple choice, True/False and short\nessay exam adapted from district curriculum\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught students how to work with others through team building activities such as the human knot,\nrelays, and the action name game\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Prepared and taught a lesson on badminton from which, based on a formal assessment, 100% of\nstudents learned the rules, shots, and stance\nK-5 Physical Education\nMinneapolis, MN\nKenny Elementary School\nSeptember \xe2\x80\x93 December 2010\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organized age appropriate sporting events, such as basketball, wiffleball, baseball, T-ball, and\nkickball, focusing on students\xe2\x80\x99 learning of strategy, teamwork, and cooperation\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Ensured safety of children, utilizing cones, providing water breaks, equipment inspections, and\nclose supervision of class\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Discussed the dangers of violence, peer pressure, and the importance of health and hygiene\nCOACHING EXPERIENCE\nGirls\xe2\x80\x99 High School Soccer Coach, Sunnybrook Charter School, Fridley, MN\nGirls\xe2\x80\x99 Junior High Volleyball Coach, Sunnybrook Charter School, Fridley, MN\nGirls\xe2\x80\x99 Ages 8-10 Soccer Coach, Minneapolis Youth Soccer\nGirls\xe2\x80\x99 Ages 6-8 Assistant Soccer Coach, Minneapolis Youth Soccer\n\n2008-2009\n2007-2009\n2004-2007\n2003\n\n\x0cJOB SEEKER, page 2\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\nAfter School Activities Assistant\nSpring Lake Park, MN\nSpring Lake Park Elementary School\nAugust 2008 - June 2009\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Prepared classes in beading and instructed groups of 10-12 students in designing and making\njewelry, encouraging creativity and originality\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervised children, ages 6-12, and provided structured games and activities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Encouraged full participation in games and instructed students in rules and techniques\nIntern\nBoundary Waters, MN\nOutward Bound Wilderness \xe2\x80\x93 Dogsled and Ski Adventure\nWinter Break (4 weeks), 2008\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Instructed teenagers and adults, in small groups of ten, in preparing sleds, dogs, and equipment\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught cross country ski technique and strategies for keeping stamina in long distance trips\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted Leader in group processes and activities and in team building\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Counseled individuals having difficulty with the adventure and assisted them in overcoming fears\nParticipant\nDecember (15 days), 2007\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Attended and participated in Outward Bound Winter Adventure with family members\nCamp Counselor/Activities Coordinator\nBemidji, MN\nCamp Sunshine\nSummer, 2007\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided instruction on activities such as rowing, sailing, volleyball, kickball, and other outdoor\ngames to children ages 10-15\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created lesson plans and coordinated scheduling of activities so all kids could participate\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Recognized by supervisors for providing activities that kept campers interested and engaged\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Sought out by campers for extra lessons in sailing\nVOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE\nMember\nUniversity of Minnesota\nAdaptive Sports Club, Department of Recreational Sports\n2010-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Promoted and facilitated the involvement of University students and staff with disabilities in sport\nclubs, intramural sports, outdoor recreation, aquatic activities, and other program offerings\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organized adaptive recreation, exercise, and sport activities for students and staff, including\nwater aerobics and wheelchair basketball games\nVolunteer Big Sister\nMinneapolis, MN\nBig Brothers/Big Sisters\n2010-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provide ongoing support and mentoring to a now twelve year old girl from a single parent\nhousehold on welfare assistance due to parental mental illness\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Volunteered as a big sister for two other girls who have since moved out of state\nVolunteer\nSpecial Olympics\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Officiated volleyball games and recruited day-of-event volunteers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Helped with day-of-event organization and information for participants\n\nMinneapolis, MN\n2009' |
320 | Education | b'Sample R\xc3\xa9sum\xc3\xa9: Physical Education (B.S.Ed.)\nKERRY C. SMITH\n815-123-1233 \xef\x82\xb7\nOBJECTIVE\nA position teaching physical and health education at the secondary level; willing to coach football.\nEDUCATION\nB.S.Ed., Physical Education, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, May 20XX\nLicensure: IL Professional Educator License; Endorsements: Physical Education K-12, Health Education 6-12\nSPECIAL SKILLS\nTechnology: Website Design, LiveText, Tri-Fit Program, Heart Rate Monitors & Pedometers\nSafety Certifications: Red Cross CPR and First Aid\nSTUDENT TEACHING\nRolling Meadows High School, Rolling Meadows, IL, October - December 20XX\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed fitness-based strength and cardiovascular training curriculum for 20-45 ninth to twelfth graders.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assembled computer data on students\xe2\x80\x99 fitness levels and created individual workout programs.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Introduced in-season, sports-specific training exercises for each student.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed units and lesson plans for sex education, substance abuse prevention, and nutrition.\nPatton Elementary School, Arlington Heights, IL, August - October 20XX\n\xef\x82\xb7 Constructed daily lesson plans for classes of 25-27 kindergarten to fifth-grade students.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Taught units on rock-climbing, non-traditional games, team-building, soccer, volleyball, and dance.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Composed units on spatial awareness, effort, relationships, and a pilot program on body-image awareness.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Planned activities, with Flexible Delivery of Services (FLEX), for students with special needs.\nCLINICAL EXPERIENCE\nDeKalb High School, DeKalb, IL, Spring 20XX\n\xef\x82\xb7 Organized units and daily lesson plans on fitness, floor-hockey, and pickle-ball for 35 ninth-graders.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Utilized checklists, rating scales, and rubrics in assessing student grades.\nLorado Taft Field Campus, Northern Illinois University, Oregon, IL, Spring 20XX\n\xef\x82\xb7 Prepared three full days of outdoor education classes for 15 multicultural fifth-grade students.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Demonstrated group initiatives, crafts, orienteering and pioneering activities.\nSpecial Physical Education Clinic, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, Fall 20XX\n\xef\x82\xb7 Directed weekly lessons on gross motor movement and aquatic activities for a 5 year old boy with ADHD.\nDevelopmental Sport Skill Laboratory, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, Fall 20XX\n\xef\x82\xb7 Enhanced skills in baseball, basketball, soccer, and volleyball using drills and games.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducted a research project on basketball skills for students ages 7-10.\nCOACHING EXPERIENCE\nSophomore Line Coach, Rolling Meadows High School, Rolling Meadows, IL, August - November 20XX\n\xef\x82\xb7 Created defensive and offensive line drills for 30 players.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Produced, from film, a statistical breakdown on opposing teams.\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\nDay Care Teacher, The Growing Place, DeKalb, IL, April - August 20XX\nORGANIZATIONS/AWARDS\nProfessional\nIllinois Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance\nAmerican Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance\nUniversity\nStudent of Excellence in Physical Education, Fall 20XX\nNorthern Illinois University Career Services \xe2\x80\x93 Spring 2015' |
321 | Education | b'Theodore J. Detweiler\n(410) 704-4444\\nEDUCATION:\nBachelor of Science in Physical Education/Teacher Education\nTowson University, Towson, MD\nGPA 3.1\nEligible for Teaching Certification by MSDE January 20XX\n\n12 Third Street\nTowson, MD 21222\n\nDecember 20XX\n\nSTUDENT TEACHING EXPERIENCE:\nThird Street Elementary School, Baltimore, MD\nMarch 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 May 20XX\nStudent Teacher\n\xef\x82\xb7 Created lesson plans to meet the needs of a diverse student population ages 8-12 with varying levels of\ncoordination, skill, and knowledge of games and sports\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted tennis coach with practice and gained experience coaching a school team\nFourth Street Middle School, Baltimore, MD\nOctober 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 December 20XX\nStudent Teacher\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted lead teacher in developing fine and gross motor skills in middle school students through\ninstruction of game rules and techniques\nRELATED EXPERIENCE:\nCamp Recess, City, MD\nSummers, 20XX, 20XX, 20XX\nActivities Specialist\n\xef\x82\xb7 Created and facilitated group activities for campers to promote leadership skills and independence\n\xef\x82\xb7 Taught campers about the importance of regular physical activity in the form of fun and engaging games\nYouth Tennis League, Town, MD\nMarch \xe2\x80\x93 May, 20XX, 20XX\nCoach\n\xef\x82\xb7 Coached children ages 9-16 in a community organized youth league\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supported children\xe2\x80\x99s growth as players and taught proper tennis techniques and rules\nRELATED COURSEWORK:\nPhysical Wellness for a Healthy America\nJanuary 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 May 20XX\nTowson University, Towson, MD\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched and gained an in-depth understanding of the national health objectives of the U.S.\nDepartment of Health and Human Services\n\xef\x82\xb7 Completed laboratory activities related to the fitness principles of the objectives\nPhysical Education for Elementary Education Students II\nAugust 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 December 20XX\nTowson University, Towson, MD\n\xef\x82\xb7 Gained extensive knowledge of elementary school aged children\xe2\x80\x99s level of motor skill learning, group\nbehavior and developmental needs' |
322 | Education | b'International development emergency relief project officer children rights Asia Africa project management OVC\n\nCURRICULUM VITAE\nHAYLEY NICHOLLS\nInformation and Qualifications:\nProfile:\nExperienced project manager and facilitator, working with grassroots organisations, international NGO\xe2\x80\x99s and the UN.\nHas knowledge of participatory, rights based programming with children and adolescents, disability rights and\npartnership working. Has first-hand experience of working in remote field sites, challenging environments, working in\nmulticultural teams and line management. Exceptional communication skills and organisational abilities.\nAddress:\n\nFlat 6D, Street 28, F7-2, Islamabad, Pakistan (Current duty station)\n\nEmail:\n\ / Skype name: hayleynicholls\n\nTelephone:\n\n+ 92 3055854243 (Pakistan) +44 (0)7704365972 (UK)\n\nEducation:\n\nPost Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences, Open University, 2009 - 2011\nMSc International Development \xe2\x80\x93 Human Rights, Humanitarianism and Refugees,\nOxford Brookes, 2003 - 2004\nBA English Studies and Marketing Management, Oxford Brookes, 1998 \xe2\x80\x93 2001\n\nCountry Experience:\n\nIndia, Pakistan, Burkina Faso, Hungary, Bosnia, Czech Republic, Chile.\n\nRoster:\n\nHandicap International Roster\n\nDesigning and Facilitating Participatory Training\n\xef\x82\xb7 \xe2\x80\x98I want to be Involved \xe2\x80\x93 Including Disabled children and Young people in reviews and planning meetings\xe2\x80\x99 The\nChildren\xe2\x80\x99s Society, Disability Advocacy Programme (2011)\n\xef\x82\xb7 \xe2\x80\x98Volunteer Training for Disability Befriending Scheme\xe2\x80\x99 The Children\xe2\x80\x99s Society, Disability Advocacy Programme\n(2011)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Workshops on Disability Inclusion for CROA (Children\xe2\x80\x99s Rights and Advocacy) The Children\xe2\x80\x99s Society (2009)\n\xef\x82\xb7 \xe2\x80\x98Our Rights, Our Responsibility\xe2\x80\x99 \xe2\x80\x93 World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) \xe2\x80\x93 led on\nworkshops and training from the toolkit to international participants (2005)\nProposals and Document Writing\n\xef\x82\xb7 Contributed to proposals for Department of Health \xe2\x80\x98Sexual Health Project for disabled children and young\npeople\xe2\x80\x99, BIG Lottery funding Reaching Communities \xe2\x80\x98Sexual Exploitation and Disabilities\xe2\x80\x99 (2009 \xe2\x80\x93 2012)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Edited donor and internal reports according to formats and requirements - Pakistan \xe2\x80\x93 DEC grant (2006)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Child Protection Policy for grassroots charity Dream a Dream, India (2008)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Marketing Business Plan for grassroots charity for a \xe2\x80\x98Cultural Centre for the Mapuche Tribe\xe2\x80\x99 (2005)\nResearch\n\xef\x82\xb7 UNICEF REAP (Rights, Education and Protection) Project (2012) \xe2\x80\x93 contributed to the design, distribution and\nanalysis of a global online survey for a mapping and scoping exercise of inclusive education within teacher\ntraining on global scale (2012)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Academic post-graduate research on \xe2\x80\x98The Ethical Implications of conducting research with disabled children\xe2\x80\x99\n(2010)\nResources\n\xef\x82\xb7 \xe2\x80\x98Making it Happen\xe2\x80\x99 Department of Education\xe2\x80\x93 production of a DVD resource guide - made by young people with\ndisabilities - to advise stakeholders and local organisations on meaningful consultation (2010)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Independent Travel Training programme - production of leaflets and a booklet resource for transport authorities\nand staff outlining principles and methodologies for the participation of children with disabilities (2012)\nInternational Leadership\n\xef\x82\xb7 Led a Cultural Exchange inter-generational residential field trip to the Czech Republic for disabled young people\nand parents to gain understanding of disability rights (2010)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Led a three week field trip to Burkina Faso in conjunction with DFID\xe2\x80\x99s International Citizen Service initiative in\npartnership with International Service. Successful pilot scheme to empower disabled young people to\nvolunteer alongside their non-disabled peers (2012)\n\n(H Nicholls)\n\n\x0cInternational development emergency relief project officer children rights Asia Africa project management OVC\n\nEmployment:\nPakistan\n2012-2013\n\nConsultant \xe2\x80\x93 United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP)\nWFP Pakistan conducted a staffing review to down size for the next 3-year-programme. As an\ninternational HR Consultant I worked to ensure this process was competitive, fair and transparent in\ncollaboration with a locally recruited panel and hiring managers. I ensured the implementation of the\nchange management process was completed according to WFP/UN selection rules and procedures\nand to an agreed time line \xe2\x80\x93 liaising remotely with sub offices and field hubs.\n\nUK\n2009-2012\n\nProgramme Manager - The Children\xe2\x80\x99s Society \xe2\x80\x93 Disability Advocacy Project\nDesigned participatory programming to include disabled youth and adolescents t including\nbuddying, advocacy, sexual health and travel training.\nLed on work plans, preparing reports, and strategic planning - liaising with the Senior Management\nTeam and adhering to reporting schedules.\nCoordinated Standard Operation Procedures and needs assessments to identify risks and\nvulnerabilities for child protection responses and facilitated implementation in line with national and\ninternational legislation.\nMonitored and evaluated programme quality by ensuring that adequate mechanisms for updating,\nmonitoring, reviewing and evaluating the impact of programmes were in place.\nDeveloped and managed the recruitment, training and supervision of staff in accordance with The\nChildren\xe2\x80\x99s Society\xe2\x80\x99s policies and performance management procedures.\nRepresented The Children\xe2\x80\x99s Society in child protection, disability awareness and coordination\nmeetings at local and national level with the local government, other agencies, and donors.\n\nUK\n2008 2009\n\nSenior Practitioner - The Children\xe2\x80\x99s Society \xe2\x80\x93 Disability Advocacy Project\nParticipated and led in carrying out risk assessment for identifying and prioritizing needs in the\ncontext of child protection.\nDeveloped and facilitated training programmes on inclusion for partners, government and civil\nsociety to develop and demonstrate national and community-based models of inclusion..\nProvided individual technical guidance and direction to external professionals on inclusion of youth\nin service provision to contribute to the positive development of adolescents\nCoordinated the referrals process and case management for those at heightened risk.\nProvided independent advocacy for on a case by case basis.\nSupported the participation of adolescent and youth in the formulation of resources, attendance in\ntrustee meetings and on national forums\nHead of Teen Services - Body and Soul\nDeveloped, delivered and coordinated a youth service for teenagers living with, or affected by, HIV\nthrough educational trainings and workshops that took into account the emotional, social, cognitive\nand physical needs. Facilitated and led group activities and workshops. Worked with\nparents/guardians/agencies to ensure vulnerability needs were managed in an effective and\nappropriate manner so enabling the empowerment and coping mechanisms of the young person.\n\nIndia\n2007 2008\n\nProgramme Manager - Dream a Dream\nDesigned, and implemented life skills programmes for vulnerable children living in slums,\norphanages as well as street children in Bangalore \xe2\x80\x93 doubling output from 500 children to 1000\nwithin a year. Introduced monitoring and evaluation systems to assess impact and efficiency of the\nprogrammes for donor reporting using sustainable techniques. Line managed the Programme\nTeam. Built and maintained relationships with 16 NGO and service partners through networking,\ncollaboration and communication.\n\nPakistan/\nUK\n2006-2007\n\nProject Assistant - Merlin\nMade regular trips to the field sites in the Kashmir valley, staying in tented facilities and researching\nhow services were meeting the needs of the targeted population. Gained first-hand experience of\nfield sites, IDPs, practical working environments and challenges in Pakistan. Assisted the Country\nDirector with day to day tasks including HR, PR and administration, and attended external meetings\nwith national and international NGOs, UN agencies and government bodies.\n\nIndia\n2005-2006\n\nAssistant Programme Manager \xe2\x80\x93 Sangam World Centre\nPrepared, planned and implemented residential training and self development programmes focusing on\nchildren\xe2\x80\x99s rights, advocacy and community development. Completed regular reviews and evaluations of all\nprogrammes. Assisted with the production of programme articles, newsletters and correspondence.\nDesigned and implemented community development projects with local NGOs, built strong networks and\nreviewed programme development opportunities.\n\nReferences available on request.\n\n(H Nicholls)' |
323 | Education | b'Sample Resume for Education Coordinator\n\nAmanda Bullard\n43 Panini Drive, Henderson, NV 99000\n(202) 999-9999, Email\n\nOBJECTIVE: Looking for an Education Coordinator position at Norton Sound Health\nCorporation utilizing knowledge of adult learning techniques in order to orchestrate smooth\nflow of educational procedures within the environment\nPROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Six years of functional experience working as an Education Coordinator\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Highly skilled in maintaining higher education an employee scholarship programs\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Hands on experience in coordinating training sessions based on need determined by\nmanagement\n\xe2\x80\xa2 In depth knowledge of coordinating on-the-job training opportunities and developing relevant\ncurriculum\nKEY ACHIEVEMENTS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Introduced an automated records system that works with credentials to monitor individual\neducation requirements\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Devised and implemented an interactive curriculum incorporating pertinent data in order to\nmanage training sessions effectively\nEMPLOYMENT HISTORY\nDonton Healthcare, Henderson, NV\nEducation Coordinator, January 2004 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Develop and implement training curriculum\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nManage application and scholarship procedures\nCoordinate training sessions and review annual appraisals\nCoordinate on-job training opportunities and orientation programs\nMonitor and record credentialing requirements\nAct as a liaison between community services and the company\n\nEDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND\nBachelors in Organizational Development \xe2\x80\x93 2004\nOTHER SKILLS AND STRENGTHS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 First-rate organizational and communication skills\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Exceptional ability to work in a fast paced environment\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Proven ability to multitask and build rapport with a diversity of people\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Excellent people skills\n\n1.\n2.\n3.\n4.\n\nEducation Coordinator Cover Letter Example\nProfessional Development Coordinator Job Description\nVolunteer Coordinator Objectives for Resume\nCoordinator Resume Objective Examples' |
324 | Education | b"Career Objective:\nExperienced and highly skilled education administrator is looking for a similar position with \xe2\x80\x9cCity\nCollege,\xe2\x80\x9d to manage and improve educational policies as well as create progressive image of the\ninstitution.\nSummary of Skills:\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nSuperb knowledge of handling administrative duties of educational institutions\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nExperienced in planning and implementing educational policies\n\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nSound managerial, decision-making, and computer skills\n\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nAbility to related curriculum with real-life work scenarios\n\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nAbility to coordinate with school board members, teachers, and parents\n\n\xef\x82\x95\nSkilled in developing relationships with local agencies and other educational\ninstitutions\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nAbility to prepare and allocate budget for student programs\n\nWork Experience:\nEducation Administrator\nSt. Patrick School, Chicago, IL\nOctober 2014 - Present\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nHandling administrative duties of the school and supervising staff\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nManaging budgets and ensuring funds are allocated properly for benefits of students\n\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nReviewing and changing educational policies following state and federal rules\n\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nHandling relations with local agencies, parents, and other schools\n\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nPlanning and implementing student programs and developing their skills\n\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nHandling complaints of staff, parents, and students and ensuring quality in education\n\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nInitiating and monitoring purchase of goods and equipment for the school\n\nEducation Administrator\nCity School, Chicago, IL\nFebruary 2013 - September 2014\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nOrganized and raised funds for handling administrative expenses of the school\n\xef\x82\x95\nModified admissions policies and attracted students for admission for neighboring\nstates\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nHandled daily administrative activities of the school and directed student programs\n\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nDeveloped and implemented academic programs and oversaw overall effect on\n\n\x0cstudents' progress\n\xef\x82\x95\nProvided counseling to under-performing students and teachers facing personal\nissues\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nMaintained students and school's asset record and prepared annual reports\n\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nEstablished and helped teaching staff to achieve school's goals and objectives\n\nEducation:\n\xef\x82\x95\nBachelor's Degree in Business Management\nABC University, Chicago, IL\n2012" |
325 | Education | b'Job & Internship Guide \xe2\x80\xa2 16-17\n\nResume & Cover Letters\nA\n\nwell crafted resume can set you apart from other candidates. Strong resumes do more than summarize your\neducational background and work history; they emphasize the results of your efforts and draw clear parallels between your\nskills and experience and an employer\xe2\x80\x99s needs.\n\nThe 5 Steps of Resume Development\nStep 1: Analyze the Position Description\n\nRead the position descriptions thoroughly and then highlight all of the keywords which indicate required and preferred skills,\nabilities, attributes, and qualifications. If an employer is looking for someone who is innovative, punctual, and attentive to\ndetail, consider using these same or similar words in your resume.\nBecause there are patterns within industries/fields, you may develop a strong resume template for a particular category of\npositions. Along these lines, it is also often appropriate to have multiple versions of your resume, which may vary in content\nand structure depending on your target.\n\nStep 2: Generate a List of Accomplishments\n\nCreate an inventory of your accomplishments\xe2\x80\x94tasks you enjoyed doing, did well, and are proud of. Include education/\ntraining, volunteer experience, jobs, projects, travel, group or team activities, and skills. There is no one formula for what to\ninclude in a resume\xe2\x80\x94Your resume should uniquely reflect you! Focus on the outcomes of your efforts, including skills you\nhave developed. Quantify your results if possible. Don\xe2\x80\x99t sell yourself short! Resumes are promotional tools.\n\nStep 3: Identify Relevant Skill Areas\n\nFrame your experience so it focuses on skills and achievements that are desirable for that particular position/field/industry.\nMake sure each accomplishment you list highlights a skill the employer is seeking, often listed in the position responsibilities\nand qualifications.\nRemember transferable skills, skills you\xe2\x80\x99ve developed that can be used in many different settings! If you are applying to\nyour first position in a field/industry, consider in detail which skills you have developed (and how) from past experiences that\nmay translate to this new environment.\n\nStep 4: Write Descriptive Phrases\n\nUsing action verbs (see p. 18), write concise phrases to describe experiences that demonstrate your relevant skills. The\naccomplishments on your resume should ultimately be targeted to address an employer\xe2\x80\x99s needs. Do your best to place them\nin order of relevance with the most relevant information as close as possible to the top.\n\nStep 5: Choose a Format\n\nWithin one page, aim to develop a focused, succinct marketing document that clearly communicates your value and relevant\nexperience and skills.\n\n15\n\\n\n\x0cA chronological resume is the most commonly used resume format. Listing your experience in reverse chronological order\n(with the most recent experiences first), this resume format accommodates all industries and levels of experience, and is\npreferred by the majority of employers and on-campus recruiters. Because a chronological resume presents your experience\nfrom most recent (relevant) to least recent (relevant), this format works especially well for students and entry- to mid-level\napplicants to demonstrate a vertical career progression. See p. 19-24 for examples of effective chronological resumes.\nAlthough a chronological resume is often a safe bet for all levels, established professionals who have multiple gaps and/\nor unusually large gaps in their employment history, who are aspiring to make a career change into a new industry, or who\nwant to promote a specific skillset may consider a skills/functional resume format or a hybrid/combination resume format as\nalternatives to the chronological resume format. If appropriate, established professionals may also move beyond a one-page\nresume.\nWhile resume templates may be tempting, they tend to be inflexible; also, employers are often familiar with them and may\nperceive you as lacking ingenuity. Find a format that works for you, and use your own words to develop content that is\nunique to you.\n\nThe Resume Bullet: How To Say It\nResume bullets should describe your skills and accomplishments, reflecting the order or priority that the employer has stated\nin their position description and requirements. Write bullet points for jobs, internships, volunteer experiences and activities\nwhere you\xe2\x80\x99ve developed skills. Consider how these bullet points highlight skills and experiences that match the position\nrequirements. Action-oriented statements highlighting your accomplishments should use concrete language and could\ninclude:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t What: What task (transferable skill) did you perform? Use action verbs! (See p. 18)\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Why: Why did you perform this task? e.g. to fulfill a goal, serve a need or make your organization/company\nbetter?\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t How: Specifically how did you perform this task? What equipment, tool, software program, or method did you use to\naccomplish this task?\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Result: What was the positive result you achieved or impact you made by performing this task (quantitative or\nqualitative)?\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Adjectives: Spice it up with descriptors; sell yourself\xe2\x80\xa6 go for it!\n\nExamples:\n\nWhat: Created a brochure.\nWhat and How: Created a brochure using InDesign.\nWhat and Why: Created a brochure to generate customer interest in the company\xe2\x80\x99s new line of fall clothing.\nWhat, Why, and Result: Created a brochure to generate customer interest in the company\xe2\x80\x99s new line of fall\nclothing, resulting in high praise from Director of Marketing.\nAdding Adjectives: Created a colorful and eye-catching marketing brochure using InDesign to generate customer interest in\nthe company\xe2\x80\x99s new line of fall clothing, resulting in high praise from Director of Marketing.\nWhat: Tutored students.\nWhat and How: Tutored students using a variety of methods to adjust to different learning styles.\nWhat and Why: Tutored students to help them retain information and improve both grades and overall performance in\nMath and English.\nWhat, Why, and Result: Tutored students to help them improve grades and overall performance; saw marked improvement\nover a three-month period in 100% of students.\nAdding Adjectives:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Tutored at-risk youth in Math and English; assessed learning styles of each student and creatively adjusted tutoring style\nbased on results.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Affected information retention and overall grade improvement in 100% of students tutored over a three month period.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Acknowledged by Director for strong commitment to student success.\n\nJob & Internship Guide \xe2\x80\xa2 16-17\n\n16\n\n\x0c1.\t Leadership\n2.\t Ability to work in a team\n3.\t Communication skills (written)\n4.\t Problem-solving skills\n5.\t Communication skills (verbal)\n6.\t Strong work ethic\n7.\t Initiative\n8.\t Analytical/quantitative skills\n9.\t Flexibility/adaptability\n10.\t Technical skills\nSource: Job Outlook 2016, National\nAssociation of Colleges and Employers\n\nRESUME TIPS FOR FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t You may include work, leadership, and academic\nachievements from high school. By your third year in\ncollege, more recent experiences should replace those from\nhigh school.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Don\xe2\x80\x99t worry about having limited work experience. Instead\nfocus on transferable skills developed through other kinds\nof involvement or accomplishments.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Your first \xe2\x80\x9ccollege resume\xe2\x80\x9d may require extra time to\nassemble. Expect to spend a few hours creating a rough\ndraft, and make an appointment with a Career Counselor or\nsee a Peer Advisor to review your document.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Be patient with the process! Resumes are always a work in\nprogress.\n\nResume\nResumes&&Letter\nCoverWriting\nLetters\n\nTOP 10 ATTRIBUTES EMPLOYERS\nSEEK ON CANDIDATE RESUMES:\n\nREFERENCES\nMICHELLE ANDERSON\n1253 College Avenue, Berkeley, CA 92134\n510.555.4457 \xe2\x88\x99\n\nREFERENCES TIPS:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t In almost all cases, you will NOT submit\n\nREFERENCES\n\nreferences with your resume. Instead bring them\nto your interviews to furnish upon request.\n\nDeborah Smith\nDirector of Marketing\nADworks Corporation\n2 Sacramento Plaza, Suite 2434\nSan Francisco, CA 94311\n(415) 555-0477\\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t For a polished look, use the same header style for\n\nyour contact information on your reference sheet\nthat you use for your resume and cover letter.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Secure 3-5 references prior to interviews.\n\nReferences should be people who have supervised\nyou in an academic or hands-on setting like a job,\ninternship, or volunteer position. Friends, family,\nand well-known people who do not know you well\nare not good references\xe2\x80\x94they can say little about\nyour potential for success.\n\nPhilip Blass, PhD\nAssistant Professor\nUniversity of California, Berkeley\nDepartment of Psychology\n3210 Tolman Hall\nBerkeley, CA 94720\n(510) 555-3175\\nSylvia Nunez\nTutoring Programs Coordinator\nBerkeley Tutoring Center\n695 College Ave.\nBerkeley, CA 92431\n(510) 555-4892\\n\n17\n\\n\n\x0cVERB LIST FOR\nRESUMES & LETTERS\nMore Verbs for\nCommunication\nAccomplishments\nachieved\nexpanded\nimproved\npioneered\nreduced (losses)\nresolved (problems)\nrestored\nspearheaded\ntransformed\noperationalized\n\nManagement\nadministered\nanalyzed\nassigned\nattained\nchaired\nconsolidated\ncontracted\ncoordinated\ndelegated\ndeveloped\ndirected\nevaluated\nexecuted\nimproved\nincreased\norganized\noversaw\nplanned\nprioritized\nproduced\nrecommended\nreviewed\nscheduled\nstrengthened\nsupervised\n\naddressed\narbitrated\narranged\nauthored\ncollaborated\nconvinced\ncorresponded\ndeveloped\ndirected\ndrafted\nedited\nenlisted\nformulated\ninfluenced\ninterpreted\nlectured\nmediated\nmoderated\nnegotiated\npersuaded\npromoted\npublicized\nreconciled\nrecruited\nspoke\ntranslated\nwrote\n\nResearch\nclarified\ncollected\ncritiqued\ndiagnosed\nevaluated\nexamined\nextracted\nidentified\ninspected\ninterpreted\ninterviewed\ninvestigated\norganized\nreviewed\nsummarized\nsurveyed\nsystematized\n\nJob & Internship Guide \xe2\x80\xa2 16-17\n\nTechnical\n\nFinancial\n\nHelping\n\nassembled\nbuilt\ncalculated\ncomputed\ndesigned\ndevised\nengineered\nfabricated\nmaintained\noperated\noverhauled\nprogrammed\nremodeled\nrepaired\nsolved\nupgraded\n\nadministered\nallocated\nanalyzed\nappraised\naudited\nbalanced\nbudgeted\ncalculated\ncomputed\ndeveloped\nforecasted\nmanaged\nmarketed\nplanned\nprojected\nresearched\n\nassessed\nassisted\nclarified\ncoached\ncounseled\ndemonstrated\ndiagnosed\neducated\nexpedited\nfacilitated\nfamiliarized\nguided\nmotivated\nreferred\nrehabilitated\nrepresented\n\nTeaching\n\nCreative\n\nadapted\nadvised\nclarified\ncoached\ncommunicated\ncoordinated\ndemystified\ndeveloped\nenabled\nencouraged\nevaluated\nexplained\nfacilitated\nguided\ninformed\ninstructed\npersuaded\nset goals\nstimulated\ntrained\n\nacted\nconceptualized\ncreated\ncustomized\ndesigned\ndeveloped\ndirected\nestablished\nfashioned\nfounded\nillustrated\ninitiated\ninstituted\nintegrated\nintroduced\ninvented\noriginated\nperformed\nplanned\nrevitalized\nshaped\n\nClerical or Detail\nOriented\n\nWords in bold are\nespecially good\nfor pointing out\naccomplishments.\n\n18\n\napproved\narranged\ncatalogued\nclassified\ncollected\ncompiled\ndispatched\nexecuted\ngenerated\nimplemented\ninspected\nmonitored\noperated\norganized\nprepared\nprocessed\npurchased\nrecorded\nretrieved\nscreened\nspecified\nsystematized\ntabulated\nvalidated\n\n\x0c\t\nUse an appropriate\nemail and voicemail.\n\nYOUR NAME\n\nStreet Address, City, State Zip\ | (650) 453-5555 |\n\nOBJECTIVE\nAn objective statement is optional. If included, it should be specific to the position you are applying for.\nQUALIFICATIONS\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Number of years of relevant experience, noting skills gained\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t An important accomplishment that directly relates to the job\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t A quality or characteristic of yours that supports this goal\n\nA Qualification or\nSummary section is\noptional. Use only if\nyou have significant\nskills that relate to\nthe job description.\n\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of California, Berkeley\t\t\t\t\t\t\nBachelor of Arts/Science, Name of Major\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\nMinor or Concentration\nHonors Thesis: "Title"\nOverall GPA and/or Major GPA\nRelated Coursework: Course Title, Course Title, Course Title\n\nPrevious Institution Name\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\nName of Degree/Diploma/Program or Summary of Coursework Completed\t\t\n\nBerkeley, CA\nExpected Month Year\n\nResume & Cover Letters\n\nRESUME OUTLINE\nCHRONOLOGICAL FORMAT\n\nCity, State/Country\nMonth Year\n\nEXPERIENCE\nOrganization Name\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\nCity State/Country\nPosition Title\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\nMonth Year - Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Use bullet points to describe your accomplishments. Paragraphs can work as well, although bullets will \t\t\nlead the reader\xe2\x80\x99s eyes more easily.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Always start your statement with \xe2\x80\x9caction verbs\xe2\x80\x9d add adjectives to emphasize\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t State an accomplishment that demonstrates your skills in this field/position\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Illustrate a problem you solved using relevant skill(s) and the results\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Provide an example of when you used your skills to positively affect the organization, the bottom line, your\nboss, or your clients\nPosition Title\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\nMonth Year - Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t If you have been involved in multiple positions within one organization, consider breaking out your positions to\nhighlight your progression within the organization.\nOrganization Name\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\nCity State/Country\nPosition Title\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\nMonth Year - Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Be consistent with punctuation and format within each section.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Use present tense verbs for current positions and past tense verbs for previous positions.\nSKILLS\nLanguage: Provide an accurate assessment of your proficiency (e.g. conversational, fluent, native) in any languages\nother than English.\nComputer/Software/Programming: Consider how to best represent your familiarity, proficiency, or expertise in\ntechnical areas.\nLaboratory: Consider including other relevant categories of skills, based on your background and the position you\nare applying for.\nINTERESTS\nListing interests is optional. Interests may or may not be related to the position, but if included they may serve as a\npotential conversation starter and an opportunity to share other passions, hobbies, or ways you spend your time.\n\n19\n\\n\n\x0cCHRONOLOGICAL RESUME\nAnna Lee\n\n333 University Ave., Berkeley, CA 94720 | (555) 555-6644 |\nOBJECTIVE\nFull-time position as a financial analyst\n\nIf you include an\nobjective, make it clear\nand concise.\n\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of California, Berkeley\nHaas School of Business\nBachelor of Science, Business Administration (GPA: 3.64)\t\t\t\t\t\n\nA summary may be\nincluded if you have\nspecific skills and\nexperiences the job\ndescription asks for.\n\n\t\n\nMay 2016\n\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Professional experience as intern in well-established financial services agency\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Strong background in research and analysis developed through leadership experience and business courses\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Extensive work on case projects in financial accounting and corporate finance classes\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Proficient in Excel, PowerPoint, and Bloomberg\nEXPERIENCE\nMay \xe2\x80\x93 August 2015\nInvestment Intern, BAE Financial Services, Orange, CA\t\t\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed and implemented financial plans for individuals, businesses, and organizations by utilizing knowledge\nof tax and investment strategies, securities, insurance, pension plans, and real estate\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Prepared and submitted client\xe2\x80\x99s financial plan documentation; maintained contact with client, revising plan as\nrequired to reflect modified client needs or financial market changes\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Conducted research on various investment products to recommend the most suitable ones to clients\nCase Competitions, Haas School of Business\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\nAugust 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2015\n1st Place: Morgan Stanley Technology Investment Banking Case Competition, Fall 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Conducted discounted cash flow and public comparables analyses to determine the best strategic\nrecommendation for LinkedIn\xe2\x80\x99s IPO; analyzed competitive landscape, industry trends and IPO market\nFinalist: Goldman Sachs Investment Banking Case Competition, Fall 2014\nFinancial Analysis Project, Financial Institutions and Markets class, UC Berkeley\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created comparable company analyses to identify financial opportunities.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Performed market research to facilitate analysis of equity funds.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed comprehensive investment portfolio strategy and presented to class of 35\n\nFall 2014\n\nLEADERSHIP\nTreasurer, Undergraduate Finance Association\t\t\t\t\t\nAugust 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Expertly manage cash funds and flow garnered from membership fees, ASUC allotment and annual events\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Actively attend weekly meetings, sharing information with peers about opportunities and activities\nsurrounding careers in finance\nActive Member, International Association of Business Communicators\t\t\nADDITIONAL SKILLS & INTERESTS\nComputer: Bloomberg, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Word, C++, HTML\nLanguages: Fluent in Mandarin\nInterests: Avid vocalist, painter and photographer\n\nJob & Internship Guide \xe2\x80\xa2 16-17\n\n20\n\nAugust 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 present\n\n\x0cDiana Ross\n\n555 Cedar Street\t\t\t\t\t\t\nRedwood City, CA 94077\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\\n(650) 555-5555\n\nEDUCATION\t\nUniversity of California, Berkeley\n\t\t\nBachelor of Science: Civil & Environmental Engineering (Cum. GPA 3.15), December 2016\n\t\nYou may choose to\n\t\tCa\xc3\xb1ada College, Redwood City, CA\ninclude community\n\t\t\nStudied general engineering curriculum (Cum. GPA 3.5), August 2012 - May 2014\ncollege if you studied\nSKILLS\t\t\nComputer: AutoCAD, MATLAB Programming, MS Office Suite\n\t\tLanguage: Fluent in Spanish\nDESIGN\t\t\nPROJECTS\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\na complementary\nsubject or have\nsignificant\nexperience there.\n\nDesign of Environmental and Water Resource Systems Course, Fall 2015\nDevised a water supply system in a fictitious town to provide potable water. Designed a system that\nconsisted of pipes, pumps, and a reservoir to transport water from one location to another.\nDeveloped a restoration project for a portion of Peralta Creek in the city of Oakland along with\nexpanding an existing park located near the creek.\n\nResume & Cover Letters\n\nCHRONOLOGICAL RESUME\nWITH PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS\n\nInclude a\t\tMath,\nProjects\nEngineering, Science, Achievement (MESA) Program, Spring 2015\nsection to\t\t\nshow\nPlanned, designed, and constructed a wheelbarrow storage for the community of the\napplied experience\n\t\t\nHomeless Garden Project, a non-profit organization that helps homeless people in Santa\nand knowledge.\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\nCruz help themselves. Observed the client\xe2\x80\x99s concerns and needs and examined all possible\nsolutions. Built the most favorable design within allocated budget.\n\nEXPERIENCE\t San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, San Bruno, CA, June - August 2015\n\t\tIntern\n\t\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Conducted filter inspections to ensure proper filter performance and maintenance.\n\t\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Efficiently and professionally assisted lab chemist with chlorine decay tests every month.\n\t\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Operated lab equipment to test concentrations of chemicals.\n\t\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Independently developed a monthly filter performance report.\nLEADERSHIP\t Ca\xc3\xb1ada College, Redwood City, CA, August 2012\xe2\x80\x93 December 2014\n\t\tCampus Ambassador, Outreach Department\n\t\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided courteous and helpful assistance with campus resources to new and continuing students.\n\t\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Helped coordinate outreach programs for high school students, setting up events, scheduling staff \t\n\t\t\nand communicating details to managers.\n\t\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Gave weekly tours to 50+ visitors at a time and participated in student panels.\n\t\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided guidance about the admissions and financial aid processes.\n\t\tWorkshop Facilitator, MESA Program\n\t\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Tutored and facilitated academic workshops with Physics and Calculus students.\n\t\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Advised and motivated students about college success and resources.\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\nPeer Tutor, Learning Center\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided extensive tutoring in the subjects of ESL, Math, and Spanish, breaking down complex \t\t\ninformation into easy to understand ideas.\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\nCa\xc3\xb1ada College Basketball\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Managed time and priorities; balanced athletics, work, and academics.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted team in winning Coast Conference North Championship (2013).\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Won Peak Performer Award two years in a row (2013, 2014).\n\n21\n\\n\n\x0cCHRONOLOGICAL RESUME\n\tJayden Hien Yoon\t\t\t\t\t\t\t5555 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA 94704\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n(916) 555-5555 |\n\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of California, Berkeley\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\nMajor: Bachelor of Science in Integrated Biology; emphasis in Human Biology\nMinor: Chemistry; Theatre, Dance, and Performance studies\nGPA: 3.54\n\n\t\n\n12/15\n\nCoursework: General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biology, Biology of Human Reproduction, Comparative\nEndocrinology, Hormones and Behavior, Physics, Calculus\nLAB SKILLS\nNuclear Magnetic Resonance\t\t\t\nThin Layer Chromatography\nMass Spectrometry\t\t\t\t\nPolymerases Chain Reactions\nGel Electrophoresis\t\t\t\tDissection\nOrganic Synthesis\n\nInclude a summary\nwhich quickly\nshowcases your skills\nfor an employer.\n\nEXPERIENCE\nChemistry Tutor\t\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\n9/14-Present\nStudent Learning Center, UC Berkeley\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Work with a team of experienced students to tutor both individually and in groups in subjects such as General\nChemistry and Organic Chemistry\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Prepare mock lectures to teach complex Organic chemistry reactions to Berkeley students\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Develop original problem sets to further illustrate concepts; well-received by students\nGrader (Chemistry lab)\t \t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n9/12-5/13\nAmerican River College, Rockland, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Meticulously checked and graded over 100 lab books per week, paying close attention to details and returning to\nprofessor on time each week\nRelated volunteer work\n\ncan show both applied\nVOLUNTEER\nknowledge and care\nVolunteer, Urgent Care \t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\n\t\n7/14-Present\nfor the community.\nSan Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Using care and compassion, assist healthcare providers and nursing staff with patient care\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Direct patients and their families to specific departments of the hospital, answering questions and making referrals\nto other departments\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Monitor the health conditions of patients in the waiting room and report any dangerous changes in the health or\nbehaviors of the patients to nurses\n\nVolunteer, Vitas Innovative Hospice Care\t\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n7/14-Present\nVarious locations, Berkeley\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assist elders with their daily needs related to mobility, food-serving, and cleanliness\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Aid in emotional and spiritual support for patients with life-limiting illness and bereavement support for families\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Prepare weekly reports for Hospice Care regarding behavioral and physical changes of elders\nMongolian Community/Mission Service Trip\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\nSummer 2012\nMongolia\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated with seminary students to understand and communicate with native speakers more effectively\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked with a team of 11 American and 9 Mongolian students to build tents and ranches for the Nomads\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Executed a variety of programs to engage and teach college students at Mongolian State University of Agriculture,\ntaking initiative to connect and interact with them\n\nJob & Internship Guide \xe2\x80\xa2 16-17\n\n22\n\n\x0cEdward Pfaff\n\n123 Main Street | Los Gatos, CA 95032 | | | (408) 555-6757\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of California, Berkeley\nBachelor of Arts, English, Minors in History of Art and French | GPA 3.79 \t\t\t\nSenior Thesis (in progress): Narrative Approaches in the Novels of Jane Austen\nSUMMARY\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Well-honed research, writing and copyediting skills, with meticulous attention to detail\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Creative thinker who enjoys coming up with new and different ideas\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Social Media experience in Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube, Twitter and Pinterest\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Strong work ethic, with ability to work well under tight timelines\n\nExpected May 2016\nYou can include your\nLinkedIn profile link; be sure\ninformation is consistent\nwith resume.\n\nEXPERIENCE\nSocial Media Intern,, Hollywood, CA\t\t\t\t\t\nJune-August 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted with all facets of outreach including building and maintaining social identities and keeping up-to-date on\nsocial media trends. Performed internet research, target list creation, and database management\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Interacted regularly with core fans on message boards, video upload sites, and microblogging sites\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Contributed to the content and appearance of each account/profile and analyzed statistics and traffic of each social\nmedia account\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Improved monthly Facebook page viewership and membership by 14%\n\nResume & Cover Letters\n\nCHRONOLOGICAL RESUME\n\nEvent Planning Intern, UC Berkeley Leadership Programs\t\t\t\t\t\nJanuary-May 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked with a team of five to plan Spring Conference attended by over 300 students; enhanced professional\nnetworking skills\nUsing significant numbers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Coordinated, managed and hosted Lunch with Leaders symposium attended by over 125 students.\nhelps emphasize the impact\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed and implemented creative marketing strategy, including press releases and local advertising of your accomplishments\nProduction Intern, Media Match, San Francisco, CA\t\t\t\t\t\t\nJune-August 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Evaluated prospective clients and talent agencies for commercial and industrial film projects\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Scheduled and coordinated auditions and interviews for performers and technical staff\nCashier & Server, Yogurt Park, Berkeley, CA\t\t\t\t\t\t\nJuly-Nov 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Delivered efficient and courteous customer service, addressed customer complaints and helped resolve employee\nconflicts\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Served frozen yogurt, handled cash transactions, stocked yogurt machines, and maintained store cleanliness\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Trained new employees how to use machines, serve yogurt and interact positively with customers\nACTIVITIES\nEditor, Cal Literature & Arts Magazine (CLAM), UC Berkeley\t\t\t\t\nSept 2015-present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Contribute to design, copy editing and production of bi-annual journal of poetry, prose and artwork comprised of\nsubmissions from undergraduate and graduate students\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Meet weekly with other editors and staff to review submissions and timelines, and plan events and fundraisers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Publicize events to community using social media, flyers, posters, and ticket sales on campus\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Initiated advertisement sales as an additional source of revenue\nOTHER SKILLS AND INTERESTS\nLanguages: Competent in written and spoken French\nInterests: Drawing and painting landscapes\n\n23\n\\n\n\x0cCHRONOLOGICAL RESUME\nGRACE MENDOZA\n5678 Dwight Way Apt #101 \xe2\x80\xa2 Berkeley, CA 94704 \xe2\x80\xa2 (858) 555-5555 \xe2\x80\xa2\n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nEDUCATION\n\nUniversity of California, Berkeley\nBachelor of Arts, Psychology (GPA: 3.73)\nBachelor of Arts, Cognitive Science (GPA: 3.40) \t\n\nExpected May 2017\n\nPROFESSIONAL SUMMARY\n\xe2\x80\xa2 3 years of experience leading diverse groups of students through campus and community leadership roles\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Well-developed advising and helping skills; experienced serving broad range of adult and student populations\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Teaching and workshop facilitation experience; ability to develop lesson plans and assess learning outcomes\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Excellent with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook; proficient with Filemaker and Adobe Photoshop\n\nInclude a summary\nwhich quickly\nshowcases your skills\nfor an employer.\n\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\n\nJob Development Intern\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\nJul 2015-Present\nYouth Employment Initiatives, San Francisco \t\t\t\t\t\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborate with staff in designing and delivering curriculum and training programs and presentations on various\nemployment and business topics to a diverse adult population and the community at large\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Perform research and analysis on current employment and hiring policies, issues, and market trends\n\xe2\x80\xa2 With staff case managers, visited hiring managers in variety of SF-based companies to create hiring relationships\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participate in client case review sessions, offering ideas and strategies for increasing job placements\nPsychology Research Assistant\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Sept 2014- June 2015\nRelationships and Social Cognition Lab with Professor Ayduk, UC Berkeley\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Recruited and interacted extensively with research participants while safeguarding their confidentiality\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Operationalized participants\xe2\x80\x99 verbal and non-verbal behavior into quantitative data\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Performed scrupulous data collection, data entry and data analysis of research procedures and results\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Expertly managed databases such as Qualtrics, Psychology RPP, and Survey Monkey\nStudent Advisor\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Aug 2012 - June 2013\nCity College of San Francisco, Extended Opportunity and Programs Services (EOPS)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Introduced and led educational, financial, and leadership workshops for new students\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Advised students on academic matters and made referrals to appropriate programs and staff\n\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\n\nAdministrative Assistant\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\nJanuary 2014- Present\nDepartment of English, UC Berkeley\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provide excellent administrative support to 57 faculty and 11 staff with demonstrated ability to improvise and meet\ndemanding deadlines\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Respond to a high volume of telephone and walk-in inquiries with friendliness and professionalism, referring clients to\nappropriate resources\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Use Filemaker database to manage book orders and general record keeping\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Pioneered method to store print and electronic documents properly for future reference; improved efficiency\nLANGUAGES & TRAVEL\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Fluent in both written and spoken Spanish\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Studied abroad in Madrid, Spain, Spring 2016, enhancing Spanish skills and cross-cultural sensitivity\n\nJob & Internship Guide \xe2\x80\xa2 16-17\n\n24\n\n\x0cJanelle Davis\n\n123 East Street \xe2\x80\xa2 San Leandro, CA 94578 \xe2\x80\xa2 (510) 555-5555 \xe2\x80\xa2\n\nEDUCATION\t\n\nUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY\t \t\n\t\nBachelor of Arts, Molecular and Cell Biology\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\nMinor in Psychology\n\t\n(GPA: 3.70)\n\nExpected 5/16\n\nEXPERIENCE\n\nRESEARCH / WRITING\nResearch Assistant, Comparative Endocrinology Lab, UC Berkeley\t\t\t\t\n\t\nPlanned, organized and carried out long-term and short-term research projects with\n\t\nminimal supervision; quickly learned complex laboratory procedures; analyzed and\n\t\nstudied evolution of hormones, developing expertise in metabolic pathways of\n\tthyronines\t\n\nThis hybrid resume combines\nstrengths of both skills\nand chronological resume\nformats.\n\n8/14-5/15\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nResearch Assistant, Children\xe2\x80\x99s Hospital of Oakland\t\t\t\t\t\nSuccessfully executed molecular biology experiments involving DNA sequencing and\ngene analysis; maintained detailed records for procedural and statistical purposes;\ngained significant independent research and writing experience\t\n\n9/13-5/14\n\n\t\n\t\n\nCampus Relations Intern, UC Berkeley Office of Public Affairs \t\t\t\t\nCompiled Fellow articles from a variety of journals, magazines and newspapers;\nused InDesign to create pages; developed efficient proofreading methods\t\n\n1/13-5/13\n\nTEACHING\nTeaching Intern, Break the Cycle, Berkeley, CA \t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\nImproved 1st grade students\xe2\x80\x99 math skills through consistent and creative teaching\n\t\nand curriculum development; motivated 15 underachieving students toward success\n\t\nin their annual district exams; designed individual curricula, focusing attention on\n\t\nmethods that work well for specific population\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nTutor and Teacher\xe2\x80\x99s Aide, Edna Brewer School, Oakland, CA\t\t\t\t\nConceptualized and implemented a yearlong project for ESL students resulting in a\njournal of autobiographical works for use as a learning tool for other ESL instructors,\nhistorical archive, and a source of inspiration for other ESL students; drafted\nproposal to finance project, resulting in full grant support\t\n\nLEADERSHIP\t\nRush Chairperson, Chi Omega Sorority, UC Berkeley\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\nCoordinated team of 10 in planning sorority recruitment; implemented marketing\n\t\nstrategies promoting the benefits of membership, resulting in chapter membership\n\t\nincreasing by 35%; efficiently managed budget for Rush preparation week and Rush\n\tweek\n\nACTIVITIES\n\nSaxophone, UC Berkeley Jazz Band\t\t\t\t\t\t\nShortstop, UC Berkeley Club Baseball Team\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n25\n\nResume & Cover Letters\n\nHYBRID RESUME\n\n5/15-8/15\n\n9/13-12/13\n\n9/14-12/14\n\n1/14-present\n8/13-12/14\n\\n\n\x0cCOVER LETTERS\n\nA well written cover letter should always accompany your resume or application. Its purpose is to introduce yourself,\nexpand on the experience in your resume as it relates to the job description, and explain why you are interested in that\nspecific company/organization.\nA good cover letter should:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Open with a compelling paragraph that tells a story and catches the reader\xe2\x80\x99s attention.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Connect your experiences and qualifications with the desired qualifications of the employer.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Include specific information about why you want to work for the employer and industry.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Exemplify clear and concise writing skills with NO grammar/spelling errors.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Demonstrate your knowledge of the position AND the company.\n\nCover Letters for Job or Internship Listings\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Know the employer\nResearch the employer\xe2\x80\x99s organization to see how your experience, skills, and abilities meet its needs. In your cover\nletter, show why you are a good fit. Send the letter to a specific person whenever possible; otherwise, use \xe2\x80\x9cDear Hiring\nManager,\xe2\x80\x9d \xe2\x80\x9cDear Members of the Selection Committee,\xe2\x80\x9d or \xe2\x80\x9cDear Hiring Team.\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Analyze the job description\nCarefully review the position responsibilities and qualifications and design your cover letter to match these as much as\npossible. Sometimes position listings are vague. In these cases, draw from your experience of similar positions to infer\nwhich skills and abilities might be required or research similar positions online.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Analyze your background\nThink about your background in relation to the position responsibilities and qualifications. Ask yourself, \xe2\x80\x9cWhat have\nI done that is similar to what this position entails?\xe2\x80\x9d Consider courses taken, classroom projects, work experience,\nsummer jobs, internships, volunteer experience, extracurricular involvement, and travel. Be sure to indicate in the first\nparagraph what position you\xe2\x80\x99re seeking. If a specific person recommended you for or alerted you about the position,\ninclude their name and title up front. For example \xe2\x80\x9cJason Ryner, your Marketing Manager, recommended that I apply\nfor this position.\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nProspecting Letters\n\nIf you are inquiring about possible openings, you are sending an Inquiry or Prospecting Letter. Address your letter to\na specific individual, usually the person who supervises the functional area where you\xe2\x80\x99d like to work. Be as specific\nas possible about the type of position that interests you. Ideally, your research will reveal the job titles used by this\nemployer. If not, use generic job titles commonly understood in the field.\n\nCOVER LETTER CHECKLIST\n\nBE CAREFUL NOT TO\xe2\x80\xa6\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Make your introduction long winded or\nforget to include your job objective to cause\nconfusion about what you\xe2\x80\x99re applying for.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Forget to proofread your letter or use spell\ncheck!\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Write a great deal about your experiences\nwithout explaining why they are relevant. Do\nprovide details that will let the employer know\nthat you understand what their company does\nor what the job entails.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Write more than one page, forcing employers\nto hunt for your qualifications.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Explain what the employer can do for you,\ninstead of what you can do for them.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t Send the same generic cover letter to all\nemployers.\n\nSTOP! Don\xe2\x80\x99t submit your cover letter until you have\ncompleted the following:\n\xc9\xa1\xc9\xa1 Write an original targeted cover letter for each\nemployer and position.\n\xc9\xa1\xc9\xa1 State in the first sentence why you are writing and\nwhy you are interested.\n\xc9\xa1\xc9\xa1 Show that your career goals are aligned with both\nthe position and the organization.\n\xc9\xa1\xc9\xa1 Make your points succinctly; every point should\nsupport your readiness to contribute.\n\xc9\xa1\xc9\xa1 Proofread for typos and accuracy of contact\ninformation. Have another set of eyes review it, too.\n\xc9\xa1\xc9\xa1 Run spell check before sending your final copy, but\nremember that it does not catch everything.\n\xc9\xa1\xc9\xa1 Follow up with the employer if you hear nothing\nafter 2-3 weeks. Inquire if any further information is\nneeded and reiterate your interest.\n\nJob & Internship Guide \xe2\x80\xa2 16-17\n\n26\n\n\x0cThe following is intended as a guide. Cover letters should be unique and original.\n\nYOUR NAME\nEmail - Phone Number - Address\nMonth Date, Year\n\nThe simplest way to\nlay out your cover\nletter is to align all\ntext to the left. Not\nonly is it simple, but it\nlooks professional and\npolished.\n\nEmployer or HR Manager\xe2\x80\x99s Name\nCompany Name\nEmployer Street Address\nCity, State Zipcode\nDear Mr./Ms./Dr. Last Name of Addressee:\n\nResume & Cover Letters\n\nCOVER LETTER\nSuggested Layout\n\nOpening Paragraph\nState the position you are applying for, how you found out about it, and ask for consideration based on your\nskills and experiences you have to offer. If you were referred by someone (ie: someone you know at the\ncompany, a recruiter you met at a career fair, etc) state that here. Make a general statement summarizing\nwhat qualifies you most for the job.\n2nd Paragraph\nIn this section, you want to build a direct connection between the company\xe2\x80\x99s needs and your background\nand skills. Stress what you have to offer, avoid talking about what you want from them. Identify those parts\nof your experience that will interest THIS employer (refer to the job description if possible). You can draw\nattention to relevant course work, special projects and campus activities if they show direct relationship to\nthis position. Do not restate what\xe2\x80\x99s in your resume, rather expand upon a specific project or accomplishment.\n3rd Paragraph \xe2\x80\x93 Optional\nConvince the employer that you have the personal qualities, passion and motivation to succeed at this specific\ncompany. Relate your interests/passion to what you know about the company. (Convince the employer that\nyou not only have the skills to do well at the job, but a vested interest in the company, the industry, and the\nwork itself.)\nClosing Paragraph\nRestate your interest in this position and how your unique qualifications fit the position. Request an\ninterview, or tell the reader that you will contact him/her soon in order to schedule a mutually convenient\ntime to meet. Thank the reader for his/her time and consideration.\nSincerely,\n\nYour Signature\nType Your Name\n\n27\n\\n\n\x0cCOVER LETTER\nBasic Sample for Existing Position\n\nMarty Lewis\n345 Channing Way Apt #101 \xe2\x80\xa2 Berkeley, CA 94704 \xe2\x80\xa2 650.555-5555 \xe2\x80\xa2\n________________________________________\nOctober 1, 2016\nPatricia Scott\nDirector, Human Resources\nYahoo!\n896 Mission College Blvd.\nSanta Clara, CA 95003\nDear Ms. Scott:\nI am excited to submit my application for the Training Specialist position I saw listed in Handshake. I am confident that my\nrelevant education, experience and skills related to this position merit your consideration.\nAs you can see on my resum\xc3\xa9, I will complete my bachelor\xe2\x80\x99s degree in Business Administration at UC Berkeley in May 2017.\nWhile this degree has provided me with a strong background in many aspects of business, it has also given me the opportunity to\ndemonstrate my abilities through practical experience. As a Training Department Intern with UCSF, I was responsible for a new\ncomputer software education program. This project allowed me to develop and refine my training and organizational skills while\ndesigning a program to teach basic software applications to users with limited experience working with computers. The success\nof this program has been so overwhelming that the department has integrated it into their new staff training course.\nThrough my experiences at UCSF, it became clear to me that training and development is an incredible passion of mine \xe2\x80\x93 whether\nI am facilitating or designing them, I aim to make all trainings innovative, effective and fun. Yahoo is known for being one of the\nbest employers to work for in the world, in part because of its innovative, inclusive and welcoming training programs. For this\nreason, I am particularly excited to be applying for this position in hopes that I may have the opportunity to contribute to such a\nreputable team in creating and providing top quality employee training.\nAlthough the enclosed resum\xc3\xa9 thoroughly outlines my education and experience, I would appreciate the opportunity to\ndemonstrate in an interview my knowledge of employee training and development, initiative, and interpersonal skills. You can\ncontact me at (650)555-5555 to set up an interview. I look forward to hearing from you soon.\nSincerely,\n\nAlthough it\xe2\x80\x99s more\nassertive to indicate\nthat you will call, it\xe2\x80\x99s\nbest to wait for a\ncall if the employer\nspecifically states \xe2\x80\x9cno\ncalls\xe2\x80\x9d in their listing.\n\nMarty Lewis\nMarty Lewis\n\nJob & Internship Guide \xe2\x80\xa2 16-17\n\n28\n\n\x0c333 College Avenue\nBerkeley, CA 94765\\n(555) 555-7777\nDecember 1, 2016\n\nResume & Cover Letters\n\nCOVER LETTER\nprospecting for a position\n\nSince you don\xe2\x80\x99t have a mutual\ncontact, you have to find\nanother way to form a bond\nwith the reader. Establish that\nyou are interested specifically\nin this organization and\nexplain why you are targeting\nthem.\n\nMr. Earl Jones\nGoodworks Agency\n234 E Santa Clara Street\nSan Jose, CA 94567\nDear Mr. Jones:\nI learned about Goodworks in the process of researching nonprofits online. I have been seeking an organization\nwhose mission matches my desire to help low-income clients with practical matters and emotional support, and\nwas inspired by Goodworks\xe2\x80\x99 range of services and successful track record. I am writing to see whether you would be\ninterested in hiring an intern this summer.\nI am a junior at UC Berkeley, pursuing my BA in Sociology and a Spanish Minor, and considering an eventual career\nin social work or nonprofit management. Since August, I have been conducting HIV test counseling sessions as a\nvolunteer at the Berkeley Free Clinic. It has been rewarding working with people from diverse backgrounds, many of\nwhom are struggling to meet basic life needs, and to use my Spanish speaking skills. I would love to apply and further\ndevelop my counseling skills while making a positive contribution at Goodworks.\nI will be available to work up to 20 hours a week this coming summer and would welcome the opportunity to meet\nwith you to discuss the possibility of interning with you. I will follow up on this letter in a week to see if we can set\nup a time. Thank you very much for your attention.\nSincerely,\n\nSusan T. Davis\nSusan T. Davis\n\nKeep the letter short\nand to the point. The\nreader is probably\nvery busy, and the\nletter is just to get his\nattention. Be assertive\nin the closing.\n\n29\n\\n\n\x0cCOVER LETTER\nT-letter - a high impact alternative format\nThe following is intended as a guide. Your cover letters should be unique, original, and tailored for each job.\n\nFreda Jones\n2440 Bancroft Way, #204 \xe2\x80\xa2 Berkeley, CA 94720 \xe2\x80\xa2 (510) 999-9999 \xe2\x80\xa2\nApril 1, 2016\nAlan Smith\nUniversity Recruiting Lead\nWidget Advisors\n9999 University Circle\nMenlo Park, CA 94025\nReference: Summer Analyst Intern (#a100009)\nDear Mr. Smith:\n\nFirst paragraph\nshould be compelling\nand answer two\nquestions: Why\nthem? Why you?\n\nEvery day as I traveled to school I passed a construction site where a fascinating building started to rise above the\nfence. It was so interesting I searched the Internet to find out the building\xe2\x80\x99s owner. I discovered an equally interesting\ncompany\xe2\x80\x93Widget. I have been following Widget\xe2\x80\x99s story ever since and so was delighted and excited to see your posting\nfor a Summer Analyst.\nBased on my understanding at this stage I believe the following are important:\nQuantitative Skills\nCalled a T-letter because\nthe white space looks like an\nupper-case T.\n\nI discovered I have an aptitude for numerical, analysis, data modeling and software tools\nwhile still in high school. I also discovered a skill at conveying complex concepts so that\nlay people understand. I have also led team efforts to win prizes in national case-based\ncompetitions.\n\nCollaboration\n\nWhen I started at Berkeley I joined the Widget Appreciation Club when it was defining\nitself. Everyone had lots of ideas and everyone was championing their own. I listened to\nall the ideas and then facilitated a group session to pull out the best of all the ideas. The\nresult was everyone felt they had contributed to the Club\xe2\x80\x99s new direction and membership\nrose by over 300% over the following semester.\n\nFast Learner\n\nWhile at high school I helped out at a small local business. They were suffering from\nunreliable computer systems so, in addition to my regular work, I evaluated their needs\nand replacement options. I got the owner\xe2\x80\x99s go-ahead and learned the new system\nin a quarter of the time the supplier expected. I was then able to train the staff so the\nimplementation was smooth and removed all the previous problems.\n\nKey words or phrases\ntaken from their\nposting. Use their high\npriority ones.\n\nI view an internship as a two-way process. I\xe2\x80\x99m certain I would learn a huge amount from you but I would also want to\nbring value to Widget Advisors and I look forward to discuss with what that value might be.\nSincerely,\n\nFreda Jones\nFreda Jones\n\nJob & Internship Guide \xe2\x80\xa2 16-17\n\n30' |
326 | Education | b'SAMPLE RESUME \xe2\x80\x93 BA Elementary Education, New Grad\nBetsy Harrison\n122 South Michigan Avenue \xef\x82\x9f Chicago, IL 60603 \xef\x82\x9f \xef\x82\x9f 312-555-1212\nOBJECTIVE\nElementary teaching position utilizing experience as a student teacher, teacher\xe2\x80\x99s aide, and camp counselor\nEDUCATION & LICENSURE\nB.A., Elementary Education, National Louis University, Chicago, IL\nA.A., Early Childhood Education, St Augustine College, Chicago, IL\n\n2014\n2010\n\nLicensure: IL Professional Educator License\nEndorsements: Elementary Education (K-9), Middle School\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nth\n\nOakton Elementary School, 4 Grade, District 65, Evanston, IL\nSpring 2014\nStudent Teacher\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed and taught thematic units on insects and \xe2\x80\x9cwhere our food comes from\xe2\x80\x9d for whole class\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught units on muscles in the human body and Benjamin Franklin to small groups of 4th graders\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed bulletin board on the Eight Wonders of the World to accompany teacher\xe2\x80\x99s unit on\nhistory and architecture\nWashington Elementary School, 3rd Grade, District 65, Evanston, IL\nWinter 2013\nPracticum II\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated with teacher to present unit on famous works of art and helped children reproduce\npaintings like Mona Lisa, Botticelli\xe2\x80\x99s Venus, and Vermeer\xe2\x80\x99s Girl With the Pearl Earring\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Explained math and social studies concepts to an ELL student while also using Spanish skills to\ntranslate and help the student complete in-class and homework assignments\nDawes Elementary School, 1st Grade District 65, Evanston, IL\nFall 2013\nPracticum I\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Observed class and assisted teacher with classroom management of 20 students resulting in\ncooperating teacher recognizing my intuition and ability to quickly build rapport with students\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Answered questions during learning station sessions for problem solving and creative thinking\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Led one-on-one spelling games for children to prepare them for weekly spelling test\nChild Care Center of Evanston, Evanston, IL\n2010-2012\nTeacher\xe2\x80\x99s Aide\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Encouraged cognitive development of 15 toddlers through exploration of weather, farm animals\nand \xe2\x80\x9cwhere my family works\xe2\x80\x9d modules\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Communicated with parents to provide an emotionally secure and physically safe atmosphere in a\nhome away from home environment where children can learn and grow\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created thoughtful and interactive classroom set up that included the ocean and student artwork\nCamp Echo, Grades 3-8, Evanston, IL\nSummers, 2008-2010\nCamp Counselor\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed lesson plans encouraging hands-on creativity and social skills\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Planned classes and events with peers to ensure there was always a 7:1 student-counselor ratio\nand that the day was learning-focused in an outdoor setting when possible\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Co-supervised swimming pool during daily open swim hours' |
327 | Education | b'CURRICULUM VITAE\nPERSONAL DETAILS:\nName: Vasso Kondou Watson\n\nNationality: Greek\n\nUK address: 209, Queen Alexandra Road,\nSunderland\nSR3 1YF\n\nMarital Status: Married\n\nTelephone: 0044 (0) 7786266730\n\nAge: 31\n\nDate of Birth: 10.04.1978\n\nEmail:\nEDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS:\n2008-2010\n2006\n\n2003\n\n1999-2002\n\n1998-1999\n1997-1998\n1997\n\nUNIVERSITY OF SUNDERLAND\nMA, TESOL\nBEDE COLLEGE, SUNDERLAND\nNCFE, Certificate in Equality and Diversity\n(Explore Equality and Diversity, Prejudice and Discrimination,\nPeople\xe2\x80\x99s Rights and Responsibilities)\nBEDE COLLEGE, SUNDERLAND\nNCFE, Certificate in Child Psychology\n( Early Experience, The Developing Child, The Child in Society)\nUNIVERSITY OF SUNDERLAND\nBA (Hons) English Education \xe2\x80\x93 QTS\n(English Language, Literature, Linguistics, Media, Drama)\nUNIVERSITY OF SUNDERLAND\nHND \xe2\x80\x93 Business IT\nBEDE COLLEGE, SUNDERLAND\nA\xe2\x80\x99 Level \xe2\x80\x93 English\nALIARTOS ENGLISH PRIVATE SCHOOL, GREECE\nNational Proficiency Certificate in English\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE:\n2008-2009\n\nEnglish Teacher, Castle View School, Sunderland\nTeaching English in KS3 and KS4, teaching Literacy as well\nas teaching guided and group reading as part of the Literacy\nStrategy in KS3, design; implement and assess KS3 Literacy\ntargets, devising operational KS3-4 schemes of work for the\nEnglish department; teaching Greek as an extra curricular\nactivity to pupils and teachers.\n\n\x0cClassroom supervision of student teachers and\nvoluntary\nclassroom\nassistants,\nattending\ndepartmental management and school meetings,\ninvigilating internal exams, marking, advising staff on\nlesson planning. Class registration, OFSTED\nFebruary 2009 preparation and observation.\nOct 2006-2007\n\nSupply Teacher, Castle View School, Sunderland\nDuties: Teaching English in KS3 and KS4, team\nteaching Literacy as well as teaching guided and\ngroup reading as part of the Literacy Strategy in KS3,\ndesign; implement and assess KS3 Literacy targets,\ndevising operational KS3-4 schemes of work for the\nEnglish department; teaching Greek as an extra\ncurricula activity to pupils and teachers.\nClassroom supervision of student teachers and\nvoluntary\nclassroom\nassistants,\nattending\ndepartmental management and school meetings,\ninvigilating internal exams, marking, advising staff on\nlesson planning. Class registration, OFSTED March\n2007 Preparation and observation.\n\nSept. 2005-May 2006\n\nEnglish Teacher, Kassaris School of English,\nAthens\nDuties: Teaching English in KS3-KS5. Personal\ntutoring of low ability students. Liaising with parents,\nreport writing, invigilation of internal exams, designing\nand implementing schemes of work, exam\npreparation and provision (TOEFL, MICHIGANLower, CAMBRIDGE-Lower, MICHIGAN-Proficiency,\nCAMBRIDGE-Proficiency, IELTS)\n\nSept. 2004-2006\n\nAssistant Head of the English Department,\nEuromathisi English School, Athens\nDuties: Teaching of English in Key Stages 3-5,\ninvolved liaising with parents, report writing, finance\nmanagement of the English Department, dealing with\nschool issues regarding discipline and class\nmanagement, invigilation of internal exams, designing\nand implementing schemes of work, exam\npreparation and provision (TOEFL, MICHIGANLower, CAMBRIDGE-Lower, MICHIGAN-Proficiency,\nCAMBRIDGE-Proficiency, IELTS)\n.\n\n\x0cSept. 2004-2005\n\nEnglish Teacher, Pagoulatou-Vlachou English\nSchool, Athens\nDuties: Teaching English to international mature\nstudents and professionals. I have attended seminars\nin which I took part as a senior member regarding\nclass\nmanagement,\nbook\nevaluation,\nexam\npreparation, lesson planning and the production of\nschemes of work.\n\nSept. 2004-2005\n\nEditor/Proofreader, Express Publishing, Athens\nDuties: Proofreading English teaching materials prior\nto their publishing. Editing and translating\ngovernmental texts regarding teaching. Producing\nCD-ROM teaching materials in English for the\npuspose of teaching at Key Stage 3.\n\nSept.2002-2004\n\nEnglish and Drama Teacher, West Gate\nCommunity College, Newcastle\nDuties: Teaching English at KS3 and KS4.\nI held extra curricula activities, took part in moderating\nexams and invigilated internal exams, prepared KS3\nand KS4 students for their exams and coursework,\nheld a key role in students\xe2\x80\x99 personal and social\neducation, attended seminars, led the Literacy\nStrategy targeting year 9 pupils, designed and\nimplemented schemes of work, attended and held\ndepartmental meetings.\n\n2001\n\nTrainee, English Teacher, Thornaby School,\nStockton\nDuties: Teaching English at KS3-KS4. This teaching\npractice enabled me to use a plethora of teaching and\nlearning techniques in order to support the teaching\nand learning of pupils from the full range of abilities.\nPart of my time I used to enhance my own learning\noutside the classroom by devising and implementing\nschemes of work. In addition to this, I attended\ndepartmental and school meetings, took part in the\nmoderation of students\xe2\x80\x99 coursework, taught Drama\nand assisted in students\xe2\x80\x99 preparation of drama\ncoursework, class registration.\n\n2001\n\nTrainee, English teacher, SandhillView School\nDuties: Teaching English at KS3-KS4. This teaching\npractice enabled me to utilise differing teaching\nstrategies to support the learning of students from the\n\n\x0cfull range of abilities. Part of my time, I undertook\npastoral and other professional duties. In addition to\nthese responsibilities I was able to contribute to extra\ncurricula activities by helping with the school drama\ngroup and assisting on drama productions. I\nparticipated on parents\xe2\x80\x99 evenings and contributed in\nreport writing, attended departmental and school\nmeetings, modelled and implemented the Basic Skills\nunit in KS3, designed and implemented schemes of\nwork, prepared KS3 and KS4 classes for their exams,\ntaught Gifted and talented classes, taught Special\nNeeds classes and kept records of IEPs.\n\nSummer 1998-\n\nSocial Activities Organiser, Warden, St. Clare\xe2\x80\x99s\nInternational College, Oxford\nDuties: My duties as an SAO involved organising\nactivities for the students, trips, sports and\nparticipating in them. As a warden, my duties involved\ntaking care of the students under the college\xe2\x80\x99s\npremises, informing and applying the Health and Fire\nregulations.\n\n1997-1998\n\nVoluntary Teacher, Felstead School, Sunderland\nDuties: I was assisting pupils with Special Needs to\nlearn English on a voluntary basis.\n\n1996-1997\n\nAssistant Teacher, Alexandra Sarri School,\nThebes, Greece\nDuties: Teaching and mentoring students with\nlearning difficulties in English.\n\nINSET:\n2006\n\nChild Protection, Sunderland City Council\n\n2005-2006\n\nAthens, Greece.\nHeld seminars in EFL books and their evaluation,\nprovision of activities to aid learning.\n\n2002-2004\n\nWest Gate Community College, Newcastle\nLiteracy Planning and Provision at KS3, KS3 Literacy\nTraining, Moderation of Exams, Behavioural\nManagement, Curriculum Overview, Accellerated\nLearning.\n\n\x0c2001\n\nSt. Anthony\xe2\x80\x99s Catholic School, Sunderland.\nKS2/3 Transfer, Setting Targets/Objectives.\n\n2001\n\nUniversity of Sunderland.\nI successfully delivered the National Literacy\nFramework to a group of trainee teachers at the\nUniversity of Sunderland.\n\nSKILLS:\nIT Skills:\n\nWindows, MS Office (Access, Excel, Word, Power\nPoint) Internet\n\nForeign Languages:\n\nFrench- Intermediate\nSpanish- Intermediate\nGreek- Proficient\nItalian- Fluent\n\nSporting Interests:\n\nOutdoor Activities including mountain walking and\nskiing.\nReading, drawing, playing chess, swimming.\n\nHobbies:\n\nREFERENCES:\n\n1. Mr. D. Litchfield\nHeadteacher\nCastle View School\nCartwright Road\nHylton Castle\nSunderland\nSR5 3DX\n\n2. Mrs. H. Horton\nDirector of MA Studies\nUniversity of Sunderland\nSchool of Education and Lifelong Learning\nDavid Goldman Informatics Centre\nSt. Peter\xe2\x80\x99s, Sunderland\nSR6 0DD\n\nTel: 0191 553 5533\nFax: 0191 553 5537\n\nTel: 0191 515 2369\nEmail:' |
328 | Education | b'Graduate Resume and Curriculum Vitae Guide\nWHAT IS A RESUME?\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nYour marketing tool to prospective employers in industry\nA concise one- to three-page document that highlights your most relevant experiences and skills tailored to each position to\nwhich you are applying\nTip: Create a master resume of all your experiences and accomplishments. Use this record to write a one- to three-page tailored\nresume for each position you apply for highlighting your most relevant qualifications.\n\nWHAT IS A CURRICULUM VITAE (CV)?\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAn academic version of a resume that provides a professional archive of all your experiences related to your academic career\nFor graduate students, a CV is typically a few pages. Length can be determined by the amount and depth of your experiences.\nA CV should then be tailored to the position you are applying for by ordering your sections from most to least relevant\n\xef\x82\xb7 Use your CV as a professional archive and keep it updated with all your accomplishments\nTip: Consider consulting with a faculty member or advisor for advice and feedback on your CV because they often serve on hiring\ncommittees and have experienced an academic job search.\n\nTO GET STARTED WITH YOUR RESUME OR CV:\n\n\xef\x80\xb1\xef\x80\xa9 Make a list of your experiences: Education, research, teaching, publications/presentations, organizations, etc.\n\xef\x80\xb2\xef\x80\xa9 Think about your contributions, skills you used and developed, and your significant achievements\n\xef\x80\xb3\xef\x80\xa9 Begin to craft your resume or CV by organizing these experiences into sections (examples below)\nThere are many sections that could be a part of your document. It is important to keep in mind that your document should be\nspecific to your experience and the position for which you are applying. You have flexibility in the choice, naming, and placement of\nsections. While your contact information and education are usually listed first, other sections can be in any order, based on your\nstrengths and the requirements of the position or opportunity. If you are unsure if you should provide a resume or a CV, you may\nwant to contact the organization directly to see which they prefer.\n\nRESUME AND CV SECTIONS\nBelow is a list of common sections you may use when creating your document. To see examples of these sections, refer to the\nexample resume and CV at the end of this guide.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nCONTACT INFORMATION:\nInclude your name, present and/or permanent address, telephone number, and email address.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS:\nIncluded on a resume, a set of bullet points (skills statements) that concisely highlight skills and experiences on your resume that\nrelate directly to the position.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nEDUCATION:\nInclude all institutions of higher education you have attended and are currently attending in reverse-chronological order (most\nrecent first). Include: The degree you are seeking, university name, college name, city and state of the university, your (expected)\ngraduation date, and GPA. Thesis and dissertation titles, minors, coursework, academic awards, and study abroad programs may\nalso be included in this section.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nTHESIS/DISSERTATION:\nProvide the title and a short description of your work, its framework, and your findings, as well as your advisor and committee\nmembers. Also include the completion date.\n\nPage 1\n\n\x0cEXPERIENCE:\nFor each experience (paid or volunteer) include your position title, organization name and location, and dates of\nemployment. Then create bulleted skills statements to describe your experience using this formula: Action Verb + Details + Result\n(when applicable).\nTo format skills statements, begin with a bullet point, then use an action verb (see pg. 4 for list) that describes the skill used (e.g.\n\xe2\x80\x9ccreated,\xe2\x80\x9d \xe2\x80\x9cresearched,\xe2\x80\x9d etc.) and summarize your duties, accomplishments, and projects. When possible describe the results of\nyour efforts.\nExample of skills statement: Demonstrates teamwork\n\xef\x82\xb7 Weak Skills Statement: \xe2\x80\x9cManufactured diagnostic reagents\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Strong Skills Statement: \xe2\x80\x9cCollaborated in a team of 15 to efficiently manufacture diagnostic reagents in a GMP environment\xe2\x80\x9d\nAvoid using personal pronouns such as \xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x9d and make sure verbs are in the correct tense (past tense for past experiences and\npresent tense for current experiences). List your experiences in reverse chronological order (most recent first). Consider creating\nspecific experience sections to highlight different types of experiences, such as \xe2\x80\x9cRelated Experience,\xe2\x80\x9d \xe2\x80\x9cResearch Experience,\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x9cLeadership Experience,\xe2\x80\x9d etc.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nTEACHING/RESEARCH EXPERIENCE:\nTeaching experiences include information such as courses taught, university and department names, dates, and a description.\nResearch includes title/type of research, faculty contributing, and a description of the purpose and findings. Postdoctoral\ninformation can also be included in these types of sections.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nSKILLS:\nInclude tangible skills, such as language, technical, and laboratory skills. Consider your level of proficiency. Avoid including\ntransferable or \xe2\x80\x9csoft\xe2\x80\x9d skills, such as communication skills.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nPUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS:\nProvide a list of published works and presentations authored or co-authored (those submitted and under review), including the\ntitle, co-authors or presenters, place of publications or presentations, and dates similar to a bibliography page. When included on a\nresume the list of publications should be selected based on the job description. On a CV you will provide a complete list of your\nworks.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nPROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS:\nList professional associations/organizations in which you hold memberships, including dates of your involvement and a description\nof your contribution if you have been involved beyond general membership.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nAWARDS AND HONORS/FELLOWSHIPS:\nList competitive scholarships, fellowships, and assistantships received, names of scholastic honors, and teaching or research\nawards you have received, specifically those most relevant to the position.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nCERTIFICATIONS:\nInclude certificates related to your field you have earned. List the name of the certificate and its expiration date.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nGRANTS RECEIVED:\nProvide the name, dates, and amount of grants you have written and received.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nREFERENCES:\nWhen requested as part of an application, include the name, job title, organization name, address, phone number, and email\naddress for 3-5 individuals. It can also be helpful to provide a brief statement describing your relationship with each reference. If\nincluded along with a resume, references are on a separate page that is formatted to match your resume. If included as part of\nyour CV, references may be placed at the end of the document.\n\nPage 2\n\n\x0cTRANSFERABLE SKILLS:\nAs you begin your search for a career and/or job, it is important to know your qualifications and communicate these skills to an\nemployer through your resume, cover letter, and interview. Over the years you have developed many skills through your\ncoursework, extracurricular activities, and life experiences. Review the list below and identify which transferrable skills you have\nand reflect on how you acquired these skills. Use this information when creating your resume to describe your experiences and the\nskills gained from these experiences. For example, if you have researched a topic for class and then wrote, edited, and presented a\nfinal research paper in front of your peers, you have used skills (gathering information, writing, problem-solving, presenting) which\nare not limited to that specific academic discipline, but are transferable to many occupations.\n\nResearch and\nplanning\n\nHuman relations\n\nOrganizing,\nmanagement and\nleadership\n\nWork survival\n\nThe skillful expression\nand interpretation of\nknowledge and ideas.\n\nThe search for specific\nknowledge and the ability\nto conceptualize future\nneeds and solutions.\n\nThe use of interpersonal\nskills for resolving\nconflict, relating to and\nhelping people.\n\nAbility to supervise and\nguide individuals and\ngroups in the\ncompletion of goals.\n\nThe daily skills that\nassist in promoting\neffective production and\nwork satisfaction.\n\nSpeaking effectively\n\nPredicting\n\nDeveloping\nrelationships\n\nInitiating new ideas\n\nImplementing decisions\n\nWriting effectively\n\nCreating theories and\nideas\n\nBeing sensitive\n\nHandling details\n\nCooperating\n\nIdentifying problems\n\nListening\n\nCoordinating tasks\n\nEnforcing policies\n\nImagining alternatives\n\nConveying feelings\n\nManaging groups\n\nBeing punctual\n\nIdentifying resources\n\nProviding support\n\nDelegating\nresponsibility\n\nManaging time\n\nGathering information\n\nMotivating\n\nTeaching\n\nSolving problems\n\nSharing credit\n\nPerceiving non-verbal\nmessages\n\nCoaching\n\nSetting goals\n\nCounseling\n\nAdvising\n\nPresenting information\n\nExtracting information\n\nCooperating\n\nPromoting change\n\nAccepting\nresponsibility\n\nDescribing feelings\n\nDefining needs\n\nDelegating with respect\n\nInterviewing\n\nDeveloping evaluations\n\nRepresenting others\n\nSelling ideas or\nproducts\n\nSetting and meeting\ndeadlines\n\nEditing\n\nCreating spreadsheets\nand databases\n\nPerceiving feelings,\nsituations\n\nDecision making with\nothers\n\nOrganizing\n\nCommunication\n\nListening attentively\nExpressing ideas\nFacilitating discussions\nNegotiating\nPersuading\n\nCalculating results\n\nAsserting\n\nAttending to detail\nMeeting goals\nEnlisting help\n\nMaking decisions\nManaging conflict\n\nPage 3\n\n\x0cACTION VERBS:\nAction verbs are an effective way to begin a skills statement. They help to catch the readers attention and demonstrate both\ntechnical and transferable skills you have used in your experiences.\nAccomplishment\nlectured\nrevised\nauthorized\nstudied\ngrossed\nachieved\nlistened\nrevitalized\ncataloged\nsuggested\nincreased\ncompleted\nmarketed\nshaped\ncentralized\ntailored\ninventoried\ndecreased\nmediated\nsolved\ncharted\ntracked\nmaximized\nexpanded\nmoderated\nclassified\nmultiplied\nexceeded\nnegotiated\nHelping\ncollected\nProblem Solving\nnetted\nimproved\nobserved\naided\ncommissioned\nalleviated\nprofited\nincreased\noutlined\naccommodated\ncommitted\nanalyzed\nprojected\noriented\nparticipated\nadvised\nconfirmed\nbrainstormed\npurchased\npioneered\npersuaded\nalleviated\ncontracted\ncollaborated\nquantified\nreduced (losses)\npresented\nassisted\ncoordinated\nconceived\nrated\nresolved (issues)\npromoted\nassured\ncustomized\nconceptualized\nreconciled\nrestored\nproposed\nbolstered\ndelegated\ncreated\nrecorded\nspearheaded\npublicized\ncoached\ndesignated\ndebugged\nreduced\nsucceeded\nreconciled\ncontinued\ndesigned\ndecided\ntotaled\nsurpassed\nrecruited\ncooperated\ndetermined\ndeciphered\ntransformed\nreferred\ncounseled\ndeveloped\ndetected\nTechnical Skills\nwon\nreinforced\ndealt\ndevised\ndiagnosed\nadapted\nreported\neased\ndispatched\nengineered\napplied\nCommunication\nresolved\nelevated\nestablished\nforesaw\nassembled\naddressed\nresponded\nenabled\nevaluated\nformulated\nbuild\nadvertised\nsolicited\nendorsed\nfacilitated\nfound\ncalculated\narranged\nspecified\nenhanced\nforecasted\ninvestigated\ncomputed\narticulated\nspoke\nenriched\nformulated\nrecommended\nconserved\nauthored\nsuggested\nfamiliarized\nhoused\nremedied\nconstructed\nclarified\nsummarized\nhelped\nidentified\nremodeled\nconverted\ncollaborated\nsynthesized\ninterceded\nimplemented\nrepaired\ndebugged\ncommunicated\ntranslated\nmobilized\nincorporated\nrevamped\ndesigned\ncomposed\nwrote\nmodeled\ninstituted\nrevitalized\ndetermined\ncondensed\npolished\nissued\nsatisfied\ndeveloped\nconferred\nCreative\nprescribed\nlinked\nsolved\nengineered\ncontacted\nadapted\nprovided\nlogged\nsynthesized\nfabricated\nconveyed\nbegan\nprotected\nmapped out\ntheorized\nfortified\nconvinced\ncombined\nrehabilitated\nobserved\ninstalled\ncorresponded\ncomposed\nrelieved\nobtained\nQuantitative\nmaintained\ndebated\nconceptualized\nrescued\nordered\naccounted for\noperated\ndefined\ncondensed\nsaved\norganized\nappraised\noverhauled\ndescribed\ncreated\nserved\nplanned\napproximated\nprinted\ndeveloped\ncustomized\nsustained\nprepared\naudited\nprogrammed\ndirected\ndesigned\ntutored\nprioritized\nbalanced\nregulated\ndiscussed\ndeveloped\nvalidated\nprocured\nbudgeted\nremodeled\ndrafted\ndirected\nprogrammed\ncalculated\nrepaired\nedited\ndisplayed\nPlanning &\nrecruited\nchecked\nreplaced\nelicited\nestablished\nOrganizing\nrectified\ncompiled\nrestored\nenlisted\nfashioned\nacquired\nresearched\ncompounded\nsolved\nexplained\nformulated\nactivated\nreserved\ncomputed\nspecialized\nexpressed\nfounded\nadjusted\nretrieved\nconserved\nspearheaded\nformulated\nillustrated\nadministered\nrevised\nconverted\nstandardized\nfurnished\ninitiated\nallocated\nrouted\ncounted\nstudied\ninfluenced\nintegrated\naltered\nscheduled\ndispensed\nupgrade\ninteracted\nintroduced\nanticipated\nselected\ndispersed\nutilized\ninterpreted\ninvented\nappointed\nsecured\nearned\ninterviewed\nmodeled\narranged\nsimplified\nenumerated\ninvolved\nmodified\nassembled\nsought\nestimated\njoined\nperformed\nassessed\nstraightened\nfigured\njudged\nplanned\nassigned\nstrategize\nfinanced\nPage 4\n\n\x0cFORMATTING YOUR RESUME OR CV:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nThe length of your resume or CV will depend on your level of experience and qualifications. Generally a graduate resume\nshould be 2-3 full pages and a CV should be 3-5 pages long. However, based on your experiences, career field, and the position\ndescription, it could be longer or shorter. Whatever the case, only print your document on one side of the paper and include\nyour name and the page number at the top of each page.\nAvoid using a resume or CV template. This decreases your ability to personalize and make changes as your document evolves.\nYour resume or CV should be well organized, without spelling errors, and easy to read. An employer spends a short amount of\ntime reading your document\xe2\x80\x94it is imperative that the employer clearly sees the most important qualifications.\nTo organize your document, you may choose to use bold, italics, all caps, indenting, and bullets. You will want to use these\nsparingly to emphasize the most important information. Avoid pictures, graphics, non-black ink, shading, and symbols instead\nof traditional, round, solid bullet points.\nIt is a good idea to start with a 1-inch margin on each side. You can expand the margins if need be. Font size should be\nbetween 10-12 point, and you will want to choose easy to read font styles, such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Garamond.\nKeep font size and style consistent throughout your CV (except for your name, which should be a larger size).\nPresent your resume or CV on quality bond paper (20 pound)\xe2\x80\x94choose white or off-white to ensure your document is easy to\nread.\nIf you are filling out an online application where you cannot upload your document directly, keep the format simple when\nfilling in required information.\nIf you are requested to submit your documents via email, save your resume or CV and cover letter (if applicable) as attachments. Include a brief note in the body of the email stating your purpose.\n\nTIPS FOR RESUME AND CV WRITING:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nMake sure that your resume or CV is a unique and personal document. It is a great idea to look at examples of resumes or CVs\nbut also important to make it your own.\nThere are some suggestions that we provide when writing a resume or CV, but there are also options and room for choice. If\nyou give your document to several people, they may all give you different feedback. Beyond some of our strongly suggested\nguidelines, resumes and CVs are subjective.\nBe 100% honest and factual. Avoid abbreviations.\nOrganize your document so the most important information is at the top.\nDo not include a work history. Rather, include your most related experiences or those where you demonstrated a high level of\nskill.\nPersonal information, such as marital status, age, ethnicity, height, and weight should not be included.\nAvoid personal pronouns (I, my, we) and complete sentences to describe your experiences. Start your statements with action\nverbs.\nAlways proofread your resume or CV. Do not solely rely on spell check. Some employers may eliminate candidates based on\nerrors.\nIt is suggested that you tailor your resume or CV to the job description. You may have more than one version of your\ndocument depending on the positions to which you are applying . You may change the order of sections to list more relevant\nareas of your experience closer to the top.\nRemember that your resume or CV is YOUR marketing tool. Many times it is an employer\xe2\x80\x99s first impression of you. It is also a\nwork in progress that you will continually revise.\n\nADDITIONAL RESOURCES:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nVisit to view our Resume Writing or Curriculum Vitae Workshops.\nVisit the CSE Career Center Resource Center to view our Resume Examples Binder and related books.\nHave your resume or CV reviewed by a CSE Career Counselor. You can email to If you\xe2\x80\x99d like to meet with a\nCSE Career Counselor to discuss your application materials, you can make a 30-45 minute appointment or stop by during\nDrop-In Advising and Counseling hours (paper copy only; no laptops).\n\nPage 5\n\n\x0cRESUME EXAMPLE:\n\nGOLDY GOPHER\n1234 Gopher Way, Minneapolis, MN 55414\n612-555-5555\\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________\n\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPursuing a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering\nObtained industry experience through internship at Boeing and collaborated on a project with BASF\nProficient in aerosol/nanoparticle synthesis, sampling, measurements and instrumentation\nExperience in air filtration, cleanroom technology, engine emission, and flow measurement/CFD\nKnowledgeable about thermal-fluid problems, aerosol physics, and mechanical design\n\nEDUCATION\nMaster of Science in Mechanical Engineering\nUniversity of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN\nCollege of Science and Engineering\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering\nCumulative GPA: 3.87\n\nExpected Graduation May 2015\n\nBachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering\nUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI\nCollege of Engineering\nCumulative GPA: 3.76\n\nMay 2013\n\nRELATED INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE\nIntern\nSummer 2014\nBoom Inc., Seattle, WA\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducted systematic measurement for flow fields in a smoke test chamber at different heating and ventilation\nconditions, using Particle Image Velocimetry\n\xef\x82\xb7 Helped validate CFD simulation results for smoke generation and transport in commercial airplane cabins\n\xef\x82\xb7 Streamlined a key product characterization procedure, improving reproducibility and turn-around time for\nmanufacturing\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and implemented comparative studies of various standard operating procedures in order to detect\nareas of improvements\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with a multi-disciplinary team of software engineers, electrical engineers, and aerospace engineers\n\xef\x82\xb7 Interacted with customers, partners, subcontractors and suppliers\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presented findings and recommendations of project areas that could be developed to the internship coordinator\nand colleagues\n\nSKILLS\nParticle Generation: Nebulizer, Tube Furnace, Fluidized Bed, Diffusion Burner, Electrospray\nLaboratory Instruments: Electron Microscopy (TEM, SEM, EDX), Differential Mobility Analyzer, Condensation\nParticle Counter, Nanoparticle Surface Area Monitor, Nanometer Aerosol Sampler, Aerodynamic Particle Sizer,\nOptical Particle Counter, Liquid Particle Counters\nPrograms: LabVIEW, Matlab, ANSYS, Fluent, AutoCAD, Pro/ENGINEER, SolidWorks, ImageJ, Macromedia\nComputer Languages: C/C++, Fortran, HTML, JavaScript\n\nPage 6\n\n\x0cGopher, p. 2\nPROJECT EXPERIENCE\nDeveloping Pulsed Aerosol Loading System, Center for Filtration Research (CFR)\nSpring Semester 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and built the control hardware and program of an experimental system for pulsed aerosol loading\ntests on filter media\nUpgrading Control Software of UNPA, BASF Company\nFall Semester 2013\n\xef\x82\xb7 Improved the LabVIEW control software of Universal Nanoparticle Analyzer (UNPA); added new functions, such\nas particle diffusion loss correction; enhanced program user interface and debugged code errors\n\nRESEARCH EXPERIENCE\nGraduate Research Assistant\nSeptember 2013\xe2\x80\x93present\nParticle Technology Lab, College of Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborate with area companies through the Center for Filtration Research (CFR) to study mass loading and\npressure drop on Nanofiber filters\n\xef\x82\xb7 Perform experimental and theoretical studies on the filtration of fractal aggregates\n\xef\x82\xb7 Measure penetration of silver aggregates across model screens at various sintering temperatures\n\xef\x82\xb7 Develop an analytical model for predicting effects of particle structure on filter efficiency\n\xef\x82\xb7 Continue NSF funded research on real-time structure and mass measurements for agglomerated nanoparticles\n\xef\x82\xb7 Evaluate in situ the particulate mass concentration of diesel engine emissions using a variety of instrumentation\nand methods\n\xef\x82\xb7 Apply the Universal Nanoparticle Analyzer (UNPA) to investigate effects of sintering on morphology of metallic\nnanoparticle agglomerates formed by spark discharge\n\xef\x82\xb7 Develop new modules for and maintained a web-based software on filter performance evaluation, dust cake\nloading and filter pleating design\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conduct numerical study on diffusion-limited aggregation of nanoparticles in laminar shear to find the relation\nbetween velocity gradient and aggregate fractal dimension\n\nSELECTED PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS\nJournals\n\xef\x82\xb7 G., Gopher, L. Yang, A.B. Duggard, H. Aleckson (2012). Measurement of Metal Nanoparticle Agglomerates\nGenerated by Spark Discharge using the Universal Nanoparticle Analyzer (UNPA). Aerosol Sci. & Technol.,\nAccepted\nConferences\nth\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presentation, Effect of Nanofiber Layer on Dust Cake Formation and Structure. XX AAAR Annual Conference,\nMinneapolis, MN, Oct 26-30, 2013\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presentation, Online Measurements of Structure and Mass Concentration for Airborne Nanoparticle\nAgglomerates. AIChE 2012 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Dec 10-14, 2013\n\nPROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS\nMember of American Institute of Chemical Engineers\nMember of American Association for Aerosol Research\nMember of American Filtration & Separations Society\n\n2013\xe2\x80\x93present\n2011\xe2\x80\x93present\n2011\xe2\x80\x93present\n\nPage 7\n\n\x0cCV EXAMPLE:\n\nMichael Anical\n1000 Gopher Avenue #12\nMinneapolis, MN 55414\n\n651-000-1212\\n\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nEDUCATION\nPh.D. Candidate, Mechanical Engineering\nExpected May 2015\nCollege of Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities\nMinneapolis, MN\nDissertation title: \xe2\x80\x9cNumerical Study of Natural Convection in Solar Thermal Storage Vessels\xe2\x80\x9d\nMaster of Science in Mechanical Engineering\nCollege of Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities\nThesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cLow Pressure Plasma Synthesis of Crystalline Silicon Nanoparticles\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nMay 2013\nMinneapolis, MN\n\nBachelor of Mechanical Engineering\nCollege of Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities\n\nMay 2011\nMinneapolis, MN\n\nRESEARCH EXPERIENCE\nGraduate Research Assistant, Particle Technology Lab\nAugust 2011-present\nUniversity of Minnesota-Twin Cities\nMinneapolis, MN\n\xef\x82\xb7 Administer experimental and theoretical studies on the filtration of fractal aggregates\n\xef\x82\xb7 Sustain NSF funded research on real-time structure and mass measurements for agglomerated\nnanoparticles\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborate with area companies through Center for Filtration Research (CFR) to study mass loading and\npressure drop on Nanofiber filters\n\xef\x82\xb7 Develop new modules for and maintaining a web-based software on filter performance evaluation, dust\ncake loading, and filter pleating design\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conduct numerical study on diffusion-limited aggregation of nanoparticles in laminar shear to find the\nrelation between velocity gradient and aggregate fractal dimension\nResearch Assistant, High Temperature and Plasma Laboratory\nAugust 2010-May 2011\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities\nMinneapolis, MN\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and optimized a low pressure silane plasma reactor to synthesize single crystal cube shaped silicon\nnanoparticles for electronic device applications\n\xef\x82\xb7 Examined and categorized nanoparticles on electron and atomic force microscopes\n\xef\x82\xb7 Characterized plasma particle system using electrostatic capacitance probe, white light absorption\nspectroscopy, optical emission spectroscopy, and laser light scattering\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assembled and maintained vacuum equipment for the experimental setup\n\xef\x82\xb7 Performed experiments for varying plasma conditions\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nTeaching Assistant, Graduate Level Course-Advanced Aerosol & Particle Engineering January 2011-May 2011\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities\nMinneapolis, MN\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducted office hours to help students understand and solve homework problems\n\xef\x82\xb7 Prepared and graded homework solutions\n\xef\x82\xb7 Wrote weekly quizzes, posted solutions online, graded quizzes and exams, kept record of the scores\nusing Excel\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with professors and other TA\xe2\x80\x99s on course material and grading policies, improving\ncommunication skills\n\nPage 8\n\n\x0cMichael Anical\n(Page 2)\nPATENTS\n\xef\x82\xb7 Integrated input roller having a rotary mass actuator\n\xef\x82\xb7 Handheld device having multiple localized force feedback\n\xef\x82\xb7 Tag for facilitating interaction with a wireless communication device\n\nFiled: April 2014\nFiled: March 2014\nFiled: March 2014\n\nAWARDS & FUNDING\n\xef\x82\xb7 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship\nMay 2013\n\xef\x82\xb7 Mechanical Engineering Advanced Study Grant\nAugust 2012-May 2013\n\xef\x82\xb7 Recognized as a \xe2\x80\x9cPh.D. Student of Promise\xe2\x80\x9d by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, nominated by\nDr. Byron Labb\nJune 2013\n\xef\x82\xb7 Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers Graduate Student Scholarship\nAugust 2013-present\n\xef\x82\xb7 North Star Stem Alliance Scholar, University of Minnesota\nAugust 2007-May 2011\nSCHOLARSHIP\nPublications\nJournal publications\n\xef\x82\xb7 Anical, Michael, John Author, Anne Gineer. Journal article title. International Journal of Mechanical\nEngineering, 2013; Under review.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Anical, Michael, Goldy Article, Grant Riter. Journal article title. International Journal of Mechanical\nEngineering, 2012; 126 (56-70): 1020-1056.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Anical, Michael, Rita Journal, Andy Mann. Journal article title. International Journal of Mechanical\nEngineering, 2011; 122 (43-52): 894-906.\nConference publications\n\xef\x82\xb7 Author, Mark, Michael Anical, Tom Article. Title. Conference title, Conference City, State, 2012.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Author, Mark, Michael Anical, Tom Article. Title. Conference title, Conference City, State, 2011.\nPresentations\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presented \xe2\x80\x9cNumerical Study of Natural Convection in Solar Thermal Storage Vessels\xe2\x80\x9d at the Minnesota\nSociety of Professional Engineers Conference, St. Paul, MN, September 19-22, 2013.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presented \xe2\x80\x9cNumerical Study of Natural Convection in Solar Thermal Storage Vessels\xe2\x80\x9d at the American Society\nof Mechanical Engineers Conference, St. Louis, MO, June 4-7, 2013.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presented \xe2\x80\x9cReal-Time Automotive Slip Angle Estimation with Nonlinear Observer\xe2\x80\x9d at American Control\nConference, Auburn, AL, January 12-15, 2013.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presented \xe2\x80\x9cLow Pressure Plasma Synthesis of Crystalline Silicon Nanoparticles\xe2\x80\x9d at University of Minnesota\nMaster Thesis Event, Minneapolis, MN, May 2, 2010.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presented robot at University of Minnesota Robot Show Fall, Minneapolis, MN, December 8, 2008.\n\nPosters\n\xef\x82\xb7 \xe2\x80\x9cLow Pressure Plasma Synthesis of Crystalline Silicon Nanoparticles,\xe2\x80\x9d Minnesota Society of Professional\nEngineers Conference, Minneapolis, MN, September 20-24, 2010.\nPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS\n\xef\x82\xb7 International Association of Mechanical Engineers\n\xef\x82\xb7 American Society of Mechanical Engineers\n\xef\x82\xb7 Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers\n\nAugust 2010-present\nAugust 2009-present\nAugust 2008-present\n\nPage 9\n\n\x0cMichael Anical\n(Page 3)\nINDUSTRY EXPERIENCE\nEngineering Intern\nMay 2010-August 2010\nThe XYZ Company\nMinneapolis, MN\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched and developed a solution to manufacturing problems that include ergonomics, structural failures,\nflow impedances, and quality issues\n\xef\x82\xb7 Justified the purchasing of new office equipment through the use of statistical analysis and presented\nfindings to the supervisor and other interns\n\xef\x82\xb7 Improved the manufacturing of modular enclosures through the implementation of lean manufacturing and\nsix sigma capability studies\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with four other interns on a variety of projects and improved my teamwork and communication\nskills\nSERVICE\nProfessional\n\xef\x82\xb7 Reviewer for the University Executive Council of Graduate and Professional Student Professional\nAdvancement Grants\nCommunity\n\xef\x82\xb7 Volunteer, Annual Blood Drive-American Red Cross, St. Paul, MN\n\xef\x82\xb7 AmeriCorps Volunteer, MN Math Corps, St. Paul, MN\n\nFall 2012\n\nMay 2009-present\nJune 2011-July 2011\n\nREFERENCES\nDr. Gordon Gopher, Professor\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering\nUniversity of Minnesota-Twin Cities\n124 Minnesota Lane\nMinneapolis, MN 55414\n651-555-7799\\nRelationship: Professor and mentor for 4 years\nDr. Byron Labb, Professor\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering\nUniversity of Minnesota-Twin Cities\n124 Minnesota Lane\nMinneapolis, MN 55414\n651-555-7799\\nRelationship: Ph. D. advisor for 3 years\nDr. Mark Machine, Professor\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering\nUniversity of Minnesota-Twin Cities\n124 Minnesota Lane\nMinneapolis, MN 55414\n651-555-7799\\nRelationship: Teaching assistant advisor and mentor for 3 years\nPage 10' |
329 | Education | b"Educational\nAdministration\nEmployment Guide\n\n5\nNORTHERN ILLINOIS\nUNIVERSITY\nCAREER SERVICES\nDIVISION OF\nSTUDENT AFFAIRS\nCAMPUS LIFE BUILDING\nROOM 220\n(815) 753-1641\nCAREERSERVICES\n@NIU.EDU\nWWW.NIU.EDU/\nCAREERSERVICES\n\n\x0cR\xc3\xa9sum\xc3\xa9 WRITING TIPS\nBASIC AREAS\n\nIDENTIFYING INFORMATION\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Name\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Permanent address and phone number\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Temporary address and phone number (if necessary)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 E-mail address\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Website\nOBJECTIVE\n\xe2\x80\xa2 State briefly the position you seek\nThis can \xe2\x80\x93 and should \xe2\x80\x93 be tailored to each position for which you apply\nMany experts say that a good objective should be no longer than 10 words\nIf you have a great amount of professional experience, a Summary of Qualifications can replace the objective\nEDUCATION\n\xe2\x80\xa2 List all college degrees, beginning with the most recent\nDegree; month and year of graduation\nInstitution, city, state\nMajor\nMinor and/or areas of concentration or emphasis\nOther specialized training and/or licenses\nEXPERIENCE (use action verbs to begin each phrase)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Professional Experience\nInternships, externships, practica\nDirectly-related work experience\nDirectly-related volunteer experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Related Experience\nLesser-ranking positions within your own field\nSimilar positions in other fields\nVolunteer /community work in related organizations\n\xe2\x80\xa2Additional Experience\nAny other jobs that demonstrate transferable skills or notable work history\n\nOPTIONAL AREAS (indicate any offices held or leadership roles)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Special Competencies\nForeign language fluency\nComputer/technical expertise\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Professional Activities/Memberships\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Publications\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Presentations\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Consulting\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Honors, Activities/Interests\n\nDO NOT INCLUDE\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Personal information: Picture, age/date of birth, marital status, number of children, health status\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Religious preference\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Ethnic origin\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Membership in controversial organizations (right-to-life or pro-choice, etc.)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Course numbers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Expressions such as \xe2\x80\x9cDuties included\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\x9d or \xe2\x80\x9cResponsible for\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Empty, non-descriptive words like \xe2\x80\x9cvarious\xe2\x80\x9d or \xe2\x80\x9cnumerous\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Italics, underlining, shadowing, weird graphics, colors\n\nR\xc3\xa9sum\xc3\xa9 PREPARATION\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Bullets: Should be standard (dots, dashes, asterisks)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Paper: Use a good quality white linen paper to allow for scanning, faxing and copying; buy extra sheets for cover\nletters, reference sheets, and thank-you letter\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Font: Black only \xe2\x80\x93 Arial or Times New Roman (11 \xe2\x80\x93 12 points)\n\n\x0cTABLE OF CONTENTS\nCareer Services Information ............................................................1\nCover Letter Instructions .................................................................2\nResume Sample #1: Principal ..........................................................3\nResume Sample #2: Department Chair ...........................................5\nResume Sample #3: Assistant Superintendent..............................7\nResume Sample #4: School Business Management .....................8\nSample Reference Sheet ..................................................................9\nThesaurus ........................................................................................10\nInterview Questions: Principal.......................................................14\nInterview Questions: Superintendent ...........................................15\nSample Position Description .........................................................17\nWebsites for Educators ..................................................................18\nRegional Offices of Education .......................................................19\n\n\x0cCAREER SERVICES\nAll services are complimentary for current students and alums\nSERVICES\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nAssistance with job searches\nAssistance with resume writing\nOnline resume critiques available at edresumes@niu (remember, this service is\navailable to you after you graduate, too!)\nAssistance with interviewing\nGraduate program advice\nCareer/job change advice\n\nCONTACT INFORMATION\nAppointments:\n\n815-753-1641\n\nAddress:\n\nCareer Services\nCampus Life Building 220\nNorthern Illinois University\nDeKalb, IL 60115-2859\n\nINTERNET RESOURCES\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nCareer Services Home Page:\nVictor eRecruiting (Career Services candidate database) accessible through Career Services\nHome Page (this is where you are able to view candidate RESUME BOOKS; you can also\nUPLOAD and PUBLISH your own resume/vitae)\n\nMID-AMERICA EDUCATORS\xe2\x80\x99 JOB FAIR\nClick on the Mid-America Educators\xe2\x80\x99 Job Fair button for information\n\n1\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n\x0cCOVER LETTER INSTRUCTIONS\nA separate cover letter must be written for each position.\nYour Street Address\nCity, STATE, Zip Code\nToday\xe2\x80\x99s Date\nDr. Paul Alexander\nDirector of Human Resources\nCity Central High School\n179 Main Street\nWeston, IL 62082\nDear Dr. Alexander:\nYOUR OPENING PARAGRAPH SHOULD AROUSE THE READER\xe2\x80\x99S INTEREST:\nWhy are you writing the letter?\n\xe2\x80\xa2 State that you are interested in a specific position and indicate how you found out about the\nopening.\nWhat interests you in working for this school/district? (Visit the district/school website\nbefore writing this part)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Is there an opportunity to continue your work in a certain area?\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Is this a specific type of school or community that is of special interest to you?\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Does the community/district offer something unique?\nYOUR MIDDLE SECTION SHOULD ADDRESS THE DISTRICT\xe2\x80\x99S HIRING NEEDS:\nWhat makes you the best candidate for the position?\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Be as specific as possible about what you can do. Don\xe2\x80\x99t make the reader try to guess.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Emphasize educational accomplishments, experiences, and special skills that will separate\nyou from other candidates. What makes you unique?\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Use a few short paragraphs rather than one long paragraph.\nYOUR FINAL PARAGRAPH IS THE CLOSURE.\nExample:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 The enclosed resume provides a more detailed description of my background. Thank you\nfor considering my qualifications. I look forward to your response and to meeting with you\nin person.\nCordially,\n(Signature)\nYour Name\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n2\n\n\x0cJOHN Q. STEVENSON\; 21 Sloan Dr.; Joliet, IL 60435; 815-555-5723\nCAREER OBJECTIVE\nElementary school principal.\nEDUCATION\nNorthern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL\nMaster of Science in Education, Educational Administration, May 2004\nLewis University, Romeoville, IL\nBachelor of Science in Elementary Education, December 1997\nCertifications: Illinois Types 75 and 03\nADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE\nElementary Building Principal, Riverview Elementary School, South Beloit, IL, August 2005 \xe2\x80\x93\nPresent\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervise and evaluate 18 certificated staff members; supervise 8 support staff members.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Develop and manage annual building budget.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Proposed and designed a district-wide EFL program, working with an area college and literacy\nagency to staff and implement this largely volunteer program.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Rewrote and published policy/procedure handbooks for parents and faculty, and created\nhandbooks for students and substitute teachers.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Administer the district\xe2\x80\x99s Gifted and Talented Program; write the annual grant application.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Initiated and supervised the planning and creation of the building\xe2\x80\x99s new student computer lab.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborate with faculty to refine the building discipline program and objectives.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Reorganized room assignments and daily schedule to maximize instructional time in all subjects.\nAssistant Principal, Kennedy Elementary School, Pleasantville, IL, August 2004 \xe2\x80\x93 August 2005\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Initiated positive reinforcement-based discipline program that reduced behavioral problems by\n33%.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Reversed declining enrollment with aggressive parent/community relations efforts.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Managed the annual adoption of text series and curricular support materials.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Excelled in public relations: developed monthly newsletters for school families, wrote features for\narea newspaper, and began production of a school yearbook.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Founded a Parent Teachers\xe2\x80\x99 Organization.\nCOACHING EXPERIENCE\nCoach, Boys' Track and Field, Grover Cleveland High School, Pleasantville, IL, Fall 2001\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Coached members of track team who specialized in weight events (shot put and discus).\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Served as event official or school representative at track meets.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided encouragement and support after individual and team losses.\nTrack and Field Official, Grover Cleveland High School, Pleasantville, IL, Spring 2001\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Timed and judged field events at nine meets, including prestigious invitationals and sectionals.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Debated difficult or controversial decisions and worked to achieve consensus.\n\n3\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n\x0cSTEVENSON, JOHN. Q.\\n\nPage 2\n\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nTeacher, Quincy Middle School, Quincy, IL, August 1997 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2001\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Planned and implemented lessons for a fifth grade classroom of 27 students.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Wrote poems to go with class lessons on feelings.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Recorded assessments using Grade Machine software.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Coordinated a positive vs. negative consequence homework and quiz plan.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assessed student progress through daily participation, class work, homework, quizzes and\nexams.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Monitored students during field trips to the zoo and to a children\xe2\x80\x99s jazz concert.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed games for reviewing prior to exams.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Tailored lessons to meet the needs of students with ADHD, deafness, autism and physical\nlimitations.\nPROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES\n\xe2\x80\x9cPromotion of Positive Behavioral Change in Elementary Students,\xe2\x80\x9d Peoria, IL, September\n2004\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Presentation at Illinois Association for School, College and University Staffing (IASCUS) Annual\nConference.\n\xe2\x80\x9cThe State of the Art of Affective Education,\xe2\x80\x9d Lewis University, Romeoville, IL, October 1999\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Guest lecturer in graduate seminar for Elementary Education.\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n4\n\n\x0cThomas L. James\\n222 First Street; Leland, IL 60531; 815-886-7355\n\nOBJECTIVE\nDepartment chair \xe2\x80\x93 middle school social studies.\n\nEDUCATION\nNorthern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL\nMaster of Science in Education, Educational Administration, May 2006\nBachelor of Science in Education, Elementary Education, May 1977\nCertifications: Illinois Type 75 and 03; Endorsements: Middle School Social Science and\nLanguage Arts\n\nLEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nImproved curriculum experience for ELL students through design of materials and\nactivities that relate directly to everyday life\nChaired Local Professional Development Committee to approve certifications\nUpgraded student management database, adding enhancements to facilitate tracking\nof information changes\nModified class work for students with IEPs: Tourettes, Cerebral Palsy, Downs, LD,\nand ADHD students\nSet curriculum goals for social studies to achieve alignment with state standards\nProvided direction to colleagues as team leader in middle school setting\nMentored novice teachers, establishing a weekly schedule for mentoring meetings\nSupervised a student teacher, giving positive feedback and diplomatic suggestions for\nimprovement\nDeveloped master schedules, daily schedules and set agendas for staff meetings\nSet practice schedules as head coach\nCreated agenda for improvement of athletes\xe2\x80\x99 skills\nEvaluated assistant coaches\xe2\x80\x99 performances through spontaneous advice, informal\nconversations, and written evaluations\nAssisted in the development of electronic grade book program and website\nServed on technology improvement committee\n\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nLeland Middle School, Leland, IL; 7th grade social studies, 1995- present\nLeland Elementary School, Leland, IL; 6th grade social studies, 1981-1995\nSnow Elementary, Freeport, IL; 5th grade, 1979-1981\nCortland Elementary School, Cortland, IL; 4-5th grade, 1979\nPaw Paw Elementary School, Paw Paw, IL; 5th grade, 1977-1978\n\n5\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n\x0cThomas L. James\n\nPage 2\n\\n\nCOACHING EXPERIENCE\nLeland Middle School assistant soccer, 2002-2004\nLeland Middle School boys\xe2\x80\x99 basketball, 1987-2003\n\xe2\x80\xa2 7th grade, 1985-1991; 1994-1998\n\xe2\x80\xa2 8th grade/head coach, 1992\xe2\x80\x931993; 1998-1999\nLeland Middle School football, 1988-2001\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Head coach, 1993-2001\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assistant coach, 1988-1992\nLeland Middle School girls\xe2\x80\x99 basketball, 1988-1999\n\xe2\x80\xa2 7th grade, 1990-2000\n\xe2\x80\xa2 8th grade/head coach, 2001\nLeland High School head coach, girls\xe2\x80\x99 softball, 1991-2000\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Regional Champions, 1994, 1995\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Regional 2nd place, 2001\nLeland High School Freshman/Sophomore boys\xe2\x80\x99 baseball, 1989-1993\nLeland Junior High wrestling, assistant, 1985-1987\nLeland High School Sophomore football, 1981-1985\nLeland Elementary, 5th \xe2\x80\x936th basketball, 1982-1984\nLeland Junior High football: assistant, 1982-1983\nLeland High School Freshman football, 1980-1983\nLeland High School Freshman boys\xe2\x80\x99 basketball, 1981-1982\n\nPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS\nIllinois Principals\xe2\x80\x99 Association\nNational Education Association\nIllinois Education Association\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n6\n\n\x0cJohn L. Jones\n1515 Elm Street\nDeKalb, IL 60115\n(815) 787-4131\\n\nOBJECTIVE\nPosition as an Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.\nPROFESSIONAL PREPARATION & ENDORSEMENTS\nEd.S. Type 75 Administrative\nNorthern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL\nM.M.Ed. Choral Music\nVanderCook School of Music, Chicago, IL\nM.A.Ed. Curriculum & Design\nNorth Central College, Naperville, IL\nB.M.E. Choral-General-Vocal\nIllinois State University, Normal, IL\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nBuilding Principal\nFine Arts Department Chair\nDirector of Drama\n\nPrairie Ridge High School, Crystal Lake, IL\nPrairie Ridge High School, Crystal Lake, IL\nPrairie Ridge High School, Crystal Lake, IL\n\nDec 2005\nAug 2004\nAug 2002\nDec 1997\n\nMay 2002-Present\nAug 1998-May 2002\nAug 1998-May 2002\n\nADMINISTRATIVE ACHIEVEMENTS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Completed a two-year administrative internship with Prairie Ridge District #155 superintendent as direct\nsupervisor, accomplishing projects at the building and district level.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Led staff in the development of rubrics and audition guidelines that quantify the process for dramatic\nproductions.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Facilitated district-wide curriculum mapping in the areas of Choral Music and Music Theory.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created outreach program to the parents of students in the arts at Prairie Ridge High School and designed\na school website for drama.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Spearheaded initiative to catalogue and enter all choral music in the district into an online database for\ninter-school loan.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed language for extra-curricular stipend proposal committee.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Managed fine arts budgets and organized fundraisers and travel.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Founded the annual Faculty Variety Shows at Prairie Ridge High School to raise funds for the Capital\nImprovement Campaign.\nCOMMUNITY EXPERIENCE\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Public education representative on the Performing Committee at the Raue Center For The Arts In Crystal\nLake, Aug 2002-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Committee of Music and Worship at The Evangelical Free Church of Crystal Lake: Chair, Nov 2003Present\nPROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Directed a cappella choir selected to perform at the 2002 Illinois All-State Music Festival.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Guest conductor for five district and conference choral festivals in Northern Illinois.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Commissioned by Illinois Wesleyan University to compose a selection for the advanced choral ensemble.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Direct choral ensembles that repeatedly receive 1st place rankings at state and international competitions.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Produce and direct annual school musical, which includes 150 students, 8 co-directors, and over 50 parent\nvolunteers.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Founded the Prairie Ridge High School Holiday Madrigal Dinners, which involve close to 100 students.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Chapter President of Illinois Music Education Association.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Named to Who\xe2\x80\x99s Who Among America\xe2\x80\x99s Teachers for six consecutive years.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Named Most Creative Teacher by the students of Prairie Ridge High School.\n\n7\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n\x0cJanet R. Smith\n1515 Elm Street\nDeKalb, IL 60115\n\n(815) 787-4131\\n\nOBJECTIVE\nChief School Business Official for Fieldcrest School District #105\nPROFESSIONAL PREPARATION & ENDORSEMENTS\nType 75 Certification \xe2\x80\x93 School Business Management, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, May 2006\nM.S.Ed. Business Education \xe2\x80\x93 Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL, August 1997\nB.S. Accountancy \xe2\x80\x93 Illinois State University, Normal, IL, December 1995\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nSchool Business Manager, Fieldcrest School District #105, Volo, IL, May 2004 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nBusiness Department Chair, Prairie Ridge High School, Crystal Lake, IL, May 2002 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2003\nBusiness Education Teacher, Prairie Ridge High School, Crystal Lake, IL, August 1997 \xe2\x80\x93 August 2001\nAccountant, Mangle and Slaughter, LLP, Crystal Lake, IL, January 1995 \xe2\x80\x93 August 1997\nADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Completed a two-year administrative internship with Fieldcrest CUSD #105 Assistant Superintendent for\nFinances, accomplishing projects at the building and district levels.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Forecasted a $30 million budget, demonstrating a thorough understanding of state finance structure and the\ninfluence that programming modifications have on the fiscal stability of a public school district.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed monthly and annual financial reports; managed the district\xe2\x80\x99s insurance program.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervised the maintenance and development of a complex of facilities consisting of 12 buildings.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Coordinated a transportation system using district-owned vehicles as well as a private contractor (Laidlaw)\nserving the public school population.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Directed a cafeteria program serving 5500 meals per day; monitored adherence to state and federal\nnutritional standards.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Spearheaded construction and renovation of two elementary schools and one middle school; researched\nfactors of instructional effectiveness, long-term infrastructure quality, and best value in building materials for\ntax dollars expended.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Partnered on the district negotiation team with the Director of Human Resources and bargaining unit heads\nto maintain a current knowledge of factors impacting employee recruitment and retention.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Founded an annual student-faculty basketball game to raise funds for the Capital Improvement Campaign.\nCOMMUNITY EXPERIENCE\n\xe2\x80\xa2 McHenry County Youth Services Bureau Board, August 2002 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Finance Advisory Board, McHenry County College, November 2003 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nACCOUNTING EXPERIENCE\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Audited commercial entities and financial institutions.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed individual and corporate retirement plans.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed corporate accounting systems and procedures, recommending improvements in internal controls.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Consulted regarding applications of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), generally accepted\nauditing standards (GAAS), accountants\xe2\x80\x99 liability, economic damages, and forensic accounting matters.\nPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 IASBO and ASBO\n\xe2\x80\xa2 National Society of Accountants\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Financial Planning Association\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Certified Public Accountant\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n8\n\n\x0cREFERENCE SHEET\nSet this up the same way you set up the heading on your resume:\nPATRICIA SPAULDING\n9037 N. Adams Rd\nOak Park, IL 60304\n708-524-3252\\n\nREFERENCES\nDr. Andrew Foster, Superintendent\nLincoln Elementary School\n615 W. Kemper Place\nChicago, IL 60614\n312-880-1111\\nDr. Mary Plain, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources\nAustin Park Unified School District\nWebster, IL 63646\n217-333-2200\\nJane Edwards, School Board President\nIrving Elementary School\n1125 S. Cuyler Ave\nOak Park, IL 60304\n708-524-5566\\n____________________________________________________________________________\nA total of three to five references is optimal.\nALWAYS ask permission from a reference before giving his/her name to an employer.\nGive your references a copy of your resume.\nBe sure to use your references' titles. Give only professional addresses and phone\nnumbers.\nSchool administrators (or cooperating teachers, for a student teacher) who have observed\nyour work are the best choices for references.\nNever use a friend, coworker or relative as a reference.\n\n9\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n\x0cTHESAURUS\n\nAccelerated\nHastened\nQuickened\nAdvanced\nAccomplished\nCompleted\nFinished\nAchieved\nExecuted\nOvercame\nReached\nRealized\nActed\nOperated\nPerformed\nActivated\nEnergized\nStimulated\nVitalized\nAdapted\nAccommodated\nAdjusted\nAddressed\nConcentrated\nFocused\nAdjusted\nAcclimatize\nFamiliarized\nAdministered\nAdministrate\nExecuted\nGoverned\nSupervised\nAdvanced\nEncouraged\nFostered\nPromoted\nAdvised\nConferred\nConsulted\nAdvocated\nEncouraged\nFavored\nAided\nAssisted\nHelped\nAllocated\nAllowed\nApportioned\nAssigned\nAnalyzed\nBroke down\nDissected\n\nAnswered\nRejoined\nReplied\nResponded\nReturned\nApplied\nPertained\nPressed\nRelated\nUrged\nAppraised\nAssessed\nEstimated\nEvaluated\nRated\nSurveyed\nValued\nApproved\nAccepted\nFavored\nArbitrated\nJudged\nUmpired\nArranged\nDisposed\nOrdered\nOrganized\nSystematized\nAssembled\nCalled\nConvened\nSummoned\nAssessed\nAppraised\nEvaluated\nAssigned\nAllocated\nAllotted\nAllowed\nGave\nAttained\nAccomplished\nAchieved\nGained\nReached\nWon\nAudited\nAnalyzed\nExamined\nInspected\nReviewed\nScanned\n\nAugmented\nCompounded\nEnlarged\nExpanded\nExtended\nHeightened\nIncreased\nAuthorized\nApproved\nFacilitated\nEnabled\nEndorsed\nPromoted\nAwarded\nAllotted\nAssigned\nEndowed\nBalanced\nAdjusted\nCompensated\nCorresponded\nOutweighed\nRedeemed\nBegan\nCommenced\nInaugurated\nInitiated\nLaunched\nBoosted\nHeightened\nHiked\nIncreased\nRaised\nBuilt\nConstructed\nManufactured\nCalculated\nComputed\nEstimated\nFigured\nCaptivated\nAllured\nAttracted\nCharmed\nEnchanted\nFascinated\nCataloged\nEnrolled\nInscribed\nListed\nCharted\nArranged\nDesigned\nDevised\nPlanned\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\nChecked\nCorrected\nClarified\nCleared up\nExplained\nIllustrated\nSettled\n\nConsulted\nAdvised\nCarried through\nConferred\nContinued\nEndured\nPersisted\n\nCollected\nAssembled\nGathered\n\nContributed\nAided\nAssisted\nHelped\n\nCombined\nAssociated\nConnected\nJoined\nLinked\nUnited\n\nControlled\nComposed\nContained\nRegulated\nRestrained\n\nCommunicated\nConveyed\nDiscovered\nTransmitted\n\nConverted\nImpelled\nMoved\nPersuaded\nSwayed\n\nCompared\nAssimilated\nEquated\nMatched\nConceived\nEnvisioned\nVisualized\nCompleted\nConcluded\nEnded\nFinished\nComposed\nComprised\nCreated\nFormed\nMade-up\nCondensed\nCompressed\nContracted\nShrunk\nConferred\nAwarded\nConsulted\nGave\nGranted\nConsolidated\nCompacted\nUnified\nConstructed\nAssembled\nBuilt\nFabricated\nFormed\nMade\nProduced\n\nConveyed\nChanneled\nCommunicated\nConducted\nTransmitted\nConvinced\nAssured\nPersuaded\nPrompted\nSatisfied\nCoordinated\nAccommodated\nArranged\nCorresponded\nAgreed\nApproached\nConformed\nCounseled\nAdvised\nDirected\nRecommended\nSuggested\nCreated\nComposed\nFormulated\nGenerated\nMade\nOriginated\nProduced\nCritiqued\nCommented\nCriticized\nReviewed\n\nCultivated\nDeveloped\nEducated\nFostered\nInstructed\nManaged\nNourished\nNurtured\nProduced\nDecided\nConcluded\nDetermined\nFigured\nResolved\nSettled\nDefined\nDescribed\nPrescribed\nDelegated\nAdministered\nAppointed\nAssigned\nDelivered\nDesignated\nGave\nSelected\nDemonstrated\nDisplayed\nExhibited\nIllustrated\nShowed\nDesigned\nArranged\nConstructed\nCreated\nPlanned\nDetected\nEncountered\nFound\nDetermined\nDecided\nDestined\nPerformed\nDeveloped\nAmplified\nElaborated\nEnlarged\nExpanded\nDevised\nConcocted\nCreated\nInvented\nPlanned\nDiagnosed\nDetermined\nDistinguished\nIdentified\n10\n\n\x0cDirected\nConducted\nControlled\nGuided\nManaged\n\nEnhanced\nDeepened\nHeightened\nIntensified\nMagnified\n\nDiscovered\nRevealed\nUnmasked\n\nEnlarged\nAmplified\nDeveloped\nElaborated\nExpanded\n\nDisplayed\nExhibited\nRevealed\nShowed\nDistributed\nCirculated\nDisbursed\nDispensed\nDivided\nDocumented\nRecorded\nDrafted\nFormulated\nOutlined\nPrepared\nSketched\nEarned\nAcquired\nDeserved\nWon\nEducated\nDisciplined\nInstructed\nTaught\nEffected\nCaused\nEnforced\nImplemented\nEliminated\nAccented\nAccentuated\nDismissed\nEmphasized\nExcluded\nHighlighted\nMarked\nStressed\nEmployed\nEngaged\nExercised\nUtilized\nEncouraged\nFostered\nInspired\nNourished\nEnforced\nEffected\nEngineered\nManeuvered\nWangled\n\nEnlisted\nEnrolled\nJoined\nEnsured\nAssured\nDiverted\nEntertained\nInsured\nRecreated\nSecured\nEstablished\nConstituted\nCreated\nEnacted\nInstituted\nEstimated\nAppraised\nApproximated\nAssessed\nCalculated\nComputed\nEvaluated\nRated\nEvaluated\nAppraised\nAssessed\nClassified\nEstimated\nRated\nExecuted\nAchieved\nAdministrated\nImplemented\nPerformed\nExpanded\nDeveloped\nElaborated\nIncreased\nExperienced\nProficient\nSkilled\nVersed\nExplained\nClarified\nExplored\nExpounded\nInquired\nInterpreted\nInvestigated\nProbed\nExpressed\nFormulated\nSignified\nStated\n\n11\n\nExtended\nExpanded\nOffered\nPresented\n\nGranted\nAcknowledge\nAllowed\nAwarded\n\nInspected\nExamined\nStudied\nSurveyed\n\nFashioned\nFabricated\nFormed\nProduced\n\nGuaranteed\nCertified\nWarranted\n\nInspired\nExhilarated\nImpressed\nInfluenced\n\nFocused\nConcentrated\nFormed\nComposed\nConstructed\nDeveloped\nFabricated\nFashioned\nProduced\nFormulated\nDevised\nDrafted\nExpressed\nPrepared\nFostered\nCultivated\nEncouraged\nPromoted\nFound\nBased\nCompleted\nEstablished\nExecuted\nFulfilled\nImplemented\nPerformed\nSatisfied\nFurnished\nEquipped\nProvided\nSupplied\nGained\nAccomplished\nAchieved\nAcquired\nAttained\nEarned\nImproved\nSecured\nGathered\nAssembled\nCollected\nDeducted\nDerived\nGenerated\nCreated\nOriginated\nProduced\nGoverned\nAdministered\nDirected\nExecuted\n\nGuided\nConducted\nDirected\nPiloted\nHandled\nExercised\nGoverned\nManaged\nOperated\nUtilized\nHeaded\nAddressed\nDirected\nOriginated\nHeightened\nEnhanced\nExpanded\nIncreased\nIntensified\nHired\nChartered\nEmployed\nEngaged\nIdentified\nDistinguished\nRecognized\nIllustrated\nClarified\nDemonstrated\nExemplified\nExplained\nImplemented\nCompleted\nEnforced\nExecuted\nFulfilled\nPerformed\nImproved\nEnlightened\nIncorporated\nCombined\nEmbodied\nIntegrated\nIncreased\nExpanded\nHeightened\nRaised\nInfluenced\nAffected\nImpressed\nInspired\nInitiated\nCommenced\nIntroduced\nLaunched\n\nInstalled\nEnsconced\nInducted\nInitiated\nInstituted\nCreated\nEstablished\nIntroduced\nLaunched\nOriginated\nInstructed\nCreated\nDirected\nTrained\nInterpreted\nDescribed\nExplained\nExpounded\nIntegrated\nBlended\nCoordinated\nIncorporated\nUnified\nIntroduced\nInitiated\nInstituted\nInvented\nContrived\nDevised\nFormulated\nInvolved\nAffected\nConcerned\nImplicated\nIssued\nEmanated\nOriginated\nPublished\nJoined\nAssociated\nCombined\nConnected\nRelated\nUnited\nJudged\nCollected\nConcluded\nDeduced\nDeducted\nDerived\nInferred\n\nLaunched\nBegan\nCommenced\nEmbarked\nInitiated\nIntroduced\nOriginated\nLead (led)\nConducted\nDirected\nGuided\nIntroduced\nLectured\nAddressed\nListened\nAttended\nHeeded\nLocated\nPlaced\nPositioned\nSited\nSituated\nMaintained\nPresented\nProvided\nSupported\nSustained\nManaged\nConducted\nDirected\nGoverned\nMagnified\nMaximized\nOperated\nMeasured\nDetermined\nGauged\nScaled\nMediated\nInterceded\nIntermediate\nIntervened\nMerged\nBlended\nCompounded\nIntermingled\nMingled\nMixed\nMobilized\nActivated\nCirculated\nMoved\nPropelled\nModified\nAltered\nChanged\nRefashioned\nTurned\nMonitored\nControlled\nOversaw\nWatched\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n\x0cMotivated\nExcited\nGalvanized\nMoved\nProvoked\nRoused\nStimulated\nNavigated\nDirected\nMap out\nNegotiated\nAdjusted\nAgreed\nArranged\nBargained\nContracted\nSettled\nObserved\nDistinguished\nNoted\nNoticed\nPerceived\nSaw\nViewed\nObtained\nAcquired\nGained\nGot\nSecured\nOpened\nBegan\nCleared\nExposed\nFreed\nInitiated\nReleased\nRevealed\nStarted\nUncovered\nOperated\nAdministered\nHandled\nOversaw\nRan\nSupervised\nOrchestrated\nArranged\nBlended\nHarmonized\nIntegrated\nUnified\nOrdered\nAdjusted\nArranged\nClassified\nDisposed\nOrganized\nRegulated\n\nOriginated\nActed\nBehaved\nCommenced\nConducted\nCreated\nFunctioned\nGenerated\nHandled\nInitiated\nManaged\nManeuvered\nOperated\nPerformed\nOutlined\nBordered\nDefined\nDrafted\nSketched\nOverhauled\nFixed\nMended\nOvertook\nPatched\nRebuilt\nReconstructed\nOversaw\nChaperoned\nOverlook\nSupervised\nSurveyed\nParticipated\nEntered into\nJoined in\nShared\nPerformed\nAccomplished\nAchieved\nBehaved\nCompleted\nEnacted\nExecuted\nFulfilled\nFunctioned\nImplemented\nOperated\nPersuaded\nConvinced\nPrevailed\nPinpointed\nDetermined\nDiagnosed\nDistinguished\nIdentified\nPlaced\nRecognized\nSpotted\nPioneered\nCreated\nMade\nOriginated\n\nPlaced\nEstablished\nFixed\nLaid\nPut\nSettled\nPlanned\nArranged\nContemplated\nDesigned\nDevised\nDrafted\nOrganized\nOutlined\nPlayed\nDiverted\nEnacted\nEngaged\nHandled\nPrepared\nDrafted\nFixed\nFormulated\nFramed\nMade\nPresented\nAddressed\nDirected\nGave\nOffered\nPresided\nCarried on\nConducted\nControlled\nDirected\nManaged\nPrevented\nAnticipated\nAverted\nDeferred\nPrinted\nImprinted\nStamped\nWrote\nProcessed\nProceeded\nProduced\nBuilt\nConstructed\nCreated\nCultivated\nFabricated\nFormed\nGenerated\nGrew\nManufactured\nOriginated\nRaised\nYielded\n\nProjected\nArranged\nConceived\nDesigned\nDevised\nEnvisioned\nFeatured\nProposed\nAimed\nContemplate\nDesigned\nIntended\nPreferred\nProved\nDemonstrated\nDetermined\nEstablished\nExamined\nShowed\nTested\nProvided\nDelivered\nDispensed\nGave\nSupplied\nTransferred\nPublished\nAdvertised\nAnnounced\nDeclared\nProclaimed\nPurchased\nBought\nTook\nQualified\nAuthorized\nCharacterized\nEntitled\nRaised\nAssembled\nCollected\nElevated\nInstigated\nLifted\nProduced\nProvoked\nUpheld\nRan\nActed\nDirected\nExtended\nHandled\nMade\nWorked\nRated\nJudged\n\nReached\nAccomplished\nAchieved\nApproached\nAttained\nContacted\nExtended\nGained\nRealized\nRealized\nAccomplished\nAttained\nConceived\nEnvisioned\nFeatured\nImagined\nThought\nVisualized\nRecommended\nAcclaimed\nAdvised\nCommended\nCounseled\nReconciled\nAccommodated\nAttuned\nConformed\nCoordinated\nHarmonized\nIntegrated\nTuned\nRecorded\nIndicated\nMarked\nRegistered\nReduced\nDecreased\nDiminished\nLessened\nLowered\nReferred\nApplied\nAscribed\nAssigned\nAttributed\nResorted\nSubmitted\nRefined\nPerfected\nPolished\nSmoothed\nRegulated\nAdjusted\nTuned up\nReinforced\nEnergized\nFortified\nStrengthened\n\nRelated\nApplied\nAssociated\nCombined\nDescribed\nJoined\nLinked\nNarrated\nPertained\nRecounted\nReported\nRestated\nUnited\nReorganized\nRearranged\nReconstituted\nReconstructed\nReordered\nReoriented\nReplaced\nChanged\nReinstated\nRestored\nReturned\nShifted\nReported\nDescribed\nRecited\nRelated\nStated\nRepresented\nDepicted\nDescribed\nImaged\nInterpreted\nPictured\nPortrayed\nResearched\nInquired\nInvestigated\nProbed\nResponded\nAnswered\nReplied\nReturned\nResponsible\nAccountable\nAnswerable\nLiable\nRestored\nRecalled\nReclaimed\nRecovered\nReestablished\nRefurbished\nReinstated\nReintroduced\nRejuvenated\nRenewed\nRevived\n\nProgrammed\nScheduled\nSet up\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n12\n\n\x0cRevamped\nMended\nRebuilt\nReconstructed\nRedrafted\nRepaired\nRevised\nRewrote\nReviewed\nReconsidered\nReevaluated\nReexamined\nRevised\nRedrafted\nRedrew\nRestyled\nReworked\nRewrote\nRevitalized\nReactivated\nRekindled\nRenewed\nResurrected\nRetrieved\nRevived\nSaved\nMaintained\nPreserved\nSustained\nScheduled\nBooked\nCarded\nListed\nRecorded\nTimed\nScreened\nFended\nProtected\nSecured\nShielded\nSearched\nExamined\nInspected\nRummaged\nScanned\nScoured\nSecured\nAcquired\nAssured\nInsured\nObtained\nProtected\nShielded\nSelected\nChose\nElected\nOpted (for)\nPreferred\n\nShaped\nAssembled\nBuilt\nConstructed\nFabricated\nFormed\nFramed\nMade\nMolded\nSimplified\nStreamlined\nSimulated\nActed\nAssumed\nResembled\nSold\nMarketed\nMerchandised\nRetailed\nVended\nSolved\nFixed\nResolved\nWorked out\nSpecialized\nEnumerated\nItemized\nParticularized\nSpecified\nSpecified\nMentioned\nNamed\nStarted\nBegan\nCreated\nEstablished\nInitiated\nOrganized\nStreamlined\nSimplified\nStrengthened\nEncouraged\nEnergized\nReinforced\nStudied\nContemplated\nExamined\nInspected\nSurveyed\nSuggested\nImplied\nIndicated\nInsinuated\nSummarized\nSummed\nSynopsized\nSupervised\nOversaw\nSuperintended\n\n13\n\nSupplied\nDelivered\nDispensed\nProvided\nTransferred\nSupported\nAdvocated\nEncouraged\nEndured\nProvided\nSustained\nUpheld\nSurpassed\nExceeded\nExcelled\nTrumped\nSurveyed\nAssessed\nEvaluated\nExamined\nInspected\nOverlooked\nOversaw\nSustained\nAbided\nEndured\nPreserved\nUpheld\nSynthesized\nArranged\nHarmonized\nIntegrated\nUnified\nSystematized\nArranged\nOrdered\nOrganized\nTargeted\nAimed\nTaught\nDisciplined\nEducated\nInstructed\nTrained\nTerminated\nAdjourned\nClosed\nCompleted\nDismissed\nFinished\nLeft\nResigned\nTested\nChecked\nDemonstrated\nExamined\nProved\nTried\nTotaled\nAdded\nAggregated\nSubtracted\n\nTracked\nCovered\nTraced\nTrailed\n\nValidated\nConfirmed\nJustified\nVerified\n\nTraded\nChanged\nExchanged\nSubstituted\n\nVerified\nConfirmed\nJustified\nValidated\n\nTrained\nEnticed\nInstructed\nReeducated\n\nWidened\nBroadened\n\nTransformed\nChanged\nConverted\nTransferred\nTranslated\nTransposed\nTranslated\nConverted\nRendered\nTransposed\n\nWon\nAccomplished\nAchieved\nAttained\nWorked\nActed\nHandled\nOperated\nPerformed\nRan\nWrote\nInscribed\n\nTransmitted\nDispatched\nForwarded\nRouted\nSent\nUncovered\nDisclosed\nDiscovered\nRevealed\nUnveiled\nUndertook\nAttempted\nEngaged\nUnified\nConcentrated\nIntegrated\nUnited\nUpdated\nModernized\nRefreshed\nRefurbished\nRejuvenated\nRenewed\nUpgraded\nAdvanced\nElevated\nPreferred\nPromoted\nUsed\nApplied\nEmployed\nExercised\nHandled\nServed\nUtilized\nUtilized\nApplied\nEmployed\nHandled\nUsed\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n\x0cINTERVIEW QUESTIONS - PRINCIPAL\n1. Have you ever served as a principal? If, so what grade-level schools (elementary, middle,\nhigh)? How many years in each role?\n2. What was the test performance of the students in your school (state tests, national tests)?\n3. Describe your average daily routine by percent of time spent in each of the following:\nDiscipline, buses, lunchroom, classroom visits, parent conferences, staff meetings, building\nand grounds, paperwork/reports, meetings outside of school.\n4. What role do parents play in your school? Give specific examples.\n5. What is the function of the PTA/PTO in your school?\n6. What is the function of the School Council in your school?\n7. How do you recruit teachers?\n8. How do you keep parents informed?\n9. Describe your style of leadership and give examples.\n10. How would you handle a situation where a parent wants his/her child removed from a\nparticular teacher\xe2\x80\x99s classroom; however, the teacher wants the child to stay?\n11. Name five words that best describe you as an administrator.\n12. Give three reasons why you should be selected as the principal of our school.\n13. What are your immediate or short-term goals for our school? What are your five-year goals?\n14. Who do you involve in decision-making issues?\n15. How do you evaluate student work and how do you know whether that work meets standards?\n16. How do you evaluate teachers and other staff? What are your criteria?\n17. Explain your view of work ethics.\n18. How do you monitor staff members in their compliance with the State Code of Ethics?\n19. What role would the business community serve in a school under your supervision?\n20. Describe your involvement in community and civic activities.\n21. Describe the best teacher you know. Describe the best parent you know. Describe the best\nstudent you know.\n22. How do you measure the success of a school?\n23. What are the steps you follow in dealing with a child who is not demonstrating success? Who\ndo you involve and when?\n24. Describe your most successful experience as a principal.\n25. Describe you worst experience as a principal.\n\nCopyright (c) 2003 Georgia School Council Institute. All rights reserved. Text materials on this site may be\nreproduced or reprinted for non-commercial purposes, provided that the source is cited.\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n14\n\n\x0cMissouri School Boards\xe2\x80\x99 Association\nINTERVIEWING CANDIDATES FOR ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS \xe2\x80\x93\nUNABRIDGED LIST\nGeneral Questions\n1. Why do you want to leave your present job?\n2. What makes this job interesting to you?\n3. If you were selected for this job, would you have any difficulty getting released at this late date?\n4. What is your educational preparation?\n5. What are your professional experiences?\n6. What do you know about this community and school district?\n7. If you were offered this job, would your present district try to entice you to stay, and if they did, what would you do?\n8. What do you consider to be your weaknesses as an administrator?\n9. What do you consider to be your greatest strengths as an administrator?\n10. We think we have several good candidates. How can you convince us that you are the right person for this job?\n11. How do you feel about retaining the current administrator\xe2\x80\x99s personal secretary versus selecting your own?\n12. What do you do for recreation? How do you relax?\n13. What are the methods you will use to keep yourself and this board current on important matters?\nQuestions Regarding Board-Administrator Relations:\n1. What are the standards you use for judging whether or not a board of education is doing its job?\n2. Can you clearly define the role of the board and the role of the administrator?\n3. What should a board member do when a parent contacts him/her with a school problem?\n4. How familiar are you with Robert\xe2\x80\x99s Rules of Order-Revised?\n5. Do you believe that you should make a recommendation to the board on every agenda item that requires any type of board\naction?\n6. Have you ever written or worked on any school board policies?\n7. How do you feel about teachers, administrators, and school board members attending professional meetings?\n8. How would you orient new administrative staff members, teachers, and board members to their positions?\nQuestions Regarding Personnel:\n1. What is your philosophy on delegating authority? How do you then maintain accountability?\n2. What can a school district do about a marginally effective teacher and/or administrator?\n3. In your judgment, what are the primary activities of a good school principal?\n4. Describe how you would work with principals in a school this size.\n5. If you took this administrative position, would you expect to have your performance formally evaluated? How often? By whom?\n6. What procedure would you use in recommending the employment of personnel to the board?\n7. Have you used a formal personnel evaluation system for certified personnel? For non-certified personnel?\n8. In personnel evaluation, what is the role of the principal, superintendent, and board of education?\n9. In the hiring procedure, what are the roles of the teaching staff, principals, superintendent and board of education?\n10. Is it possible to dismiss a weak teacher? Have you done this? How would you do it?\n11. What do you see as the chain of command in a school system of this size, including the board of education?\nQuestions Regarding Professional Negotiations:\n1. What are the advantages/disadvantages of school employee unions?\n2. Define the roles in the negotiation process of the principals, superintendent, and board of education.\n3. Have you ever been the chief negotiator in developing a salary schedule or contract?\nQuestions Regarding Public School Finance:\n1. Are you familiar with the financial accounting system used in this state?\n2. What experience have you had in investing school funds?\n3. What experience have you had in building a complete school budget? What was the process you used?\n4. Have you ever been involved in deficit financing? What is your philosophy on deficit spending?\n5. What is your philosophy on surplus in your school budget? How much is needed?\n6. Do you understand the state funding formula for this state?\n7. What are the ways a local school district can increase state funding for a) special education; b) vocational education; c) general\nprograms, and d) others?\n8. What is the most important school business function an administrator such as you would perform?\n9. What do you know about the financial condition of this district? How would you describe our situation?\n10. Have you ever conducted a bond levy election to build a building? What were the results?\n11. Have you ever conducted an operating levy election to fund general operating expenses? Results?\n12. How would you conduct a campaign for a bond levy election or an operating levy election?\n\n15\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n\x0cQuestions Regarding Curriculum:\n1. Do you believe a school district has responsibility for improving the instructional effectiveness of its teachers?\n2. How can this community and this board know they have an effective school program?\n3. How does a principal, superintendent and board of education encourage good teaching?\n4. How would you initiate curriculum change?\n5. How responsible should the school be to community pressure on curriculum?\n6. How would you organize this district, curriculum-wise, so that you can guarantee improvement?\n7. What is your philosophy on back-to-basics?\n8. What is the role of the staff, principal, superintendent, and board of education in curriculum development and/or innovation?\n9. How should this district\xe2\x80\x99s curriculum be split between college prep and vocational course or programs?\n10. What is the extent of offerings a school district this size should have?\n11. What do you think the role of extra-curricular activities should be in this school?\n12. How will you align and audit the district\xe2\x80\x99s curriculum with the state standards?\n13. What experience have you had in dealing with federal programs?\n14. What do you think this district should do about minimal competency testing?\n15. Have you developed a School Improvement Plan? Tell us about it.\nQuestions Regarding Maintenance, Transportation, and food Service Programs:\n1. What experience have you had with a transportation program?\n2. Do you recommend that the district contract a transportation service or that the district operate its own transportation system?\n3. How would you organize this district\xe2\x80\x99s custodial services?\n4. Would you have a custodial maintenance and preventative maintenance plan for the district? How long would it take you to put a plan\nof this sort into operation?\n5. How would you operate the food service program? Should the food service program operate in the black?\nQuestions Regarding School/Community Relations:\n1. Describe how you would go about establishing good public relations in this school district.\n2. What\xe2\x80\x99s the most important \xe2\x80\x9cfirst step\xe2\x80\x9d a principal/superintendent should usually take in a new district?\n3. What is the board\xe2\x80\x99s role in school/community relations with respect to committees in the school?\n4. What is the role of the community with respect to committees in the school?\n5. What communication methods would you use between the school and the parents?\n6. What do you think the principal\xe2\x80\x99s role is in the PTO?\n7. What is your philosophy on parent-teacher conferences?\n8. How do you feel about the community using school facilities? Equipment?\n9. What is your position on field trips for students a) into the community? b) outside the community?\nQUESTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATORS TO ASK IN AN INTERVIEW:\n1. What is the major task to be accomplished by the new administration?\n2. How has the community supported the school, and what pressure groups are active in the community?\n3. What are the board\xe2\x80\x99s expectations of the principal and the superintendent?\n4. What are your visions for this district?\n5. Is there an internal candidate for the position?\n6. How stable has the staff and administration been in this district?\n7. What is the board\xe2\x80\x99s perception of curricular strengths and weaknesses?\n8. What are the conditions of the physical facilities?\n9. What is the financial condition of the district?\n10. What roles do the principal, superintendent, and board play in the bargaining process?\n11. What is the board\xe2\x80\x99s philosophy toward the use of lay advisory groups/committees in the school?\n12. What are the population trends of the district?\n13. What are the district\xe2\x80\x99s current evaluation procedures?\n14. Does the board have any expectations for my personal (or my family\xe2\x80\x99s) involvement in community activities?\n15. How does the board view its role as it relates to the principal and/or superintendent?\n16. How does the board feel that the proper role-playing between board and superintendent should be ensured and maintained?\n17. How would you describe the community power structure?\n18. What are the board\xe2\x80\x99s expectations for staff involvement in decision-making?\n19. Is the board committed to allowing the professional staff to make professional decisions?\n20. What commitments does the board have to making itself an effective board?\n21. Is the board supportive of the administrative staff being active in professional associations?\n22. How does the board view student discipline in the schools?\n23. What are the board\xe2\x80\x99s sources of pride in the schools?\n24. Is there a congenial working relationship among members of the board?\n25. What is the normal length of board meetings and how are they attended?\n26. If I am a serious candidate, will the board allow me to review the agendas and minutes of several past board meetings?\n27. How has the community voted in the past on bond and tax referenda?\n28. What are the district\xe2\x80\x99s attendance figures?\n29. Have there been any problems between the board and the teachers\xe2\x80\x99 organization?\n30. What are the terms of each of the board members?\n31. What is the socioeconomic makeup of the student body?\n32. What are the board\xe2\x80\x99s residency requirements for employees?\n33. What kind of contract does the board plan to enter into with the new administrator?\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n16\n\n\x0cSAMPLE POSITION DESCRIPTION\nAssistant Principal \xe2\x80\x93 Elementary School\nQUALIFICATIONS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Knowledge and understanding of special education referral process\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Ability to collect, analyze, and interpret data\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Teaching experience in a K-5 setting\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Ability to problem solve and work collaboratively with diverse groups\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Knowledge and understanding of best teaching practices\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Excellent communication and organizational skills\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Ability to facilitate instructionally-focused meetings\nCERTIFICATION\nThe successful candidate must meet the legal certification requirements for an administrator in the State of Illinois:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Certified Teacher\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Master\xe2\x80\x99s Degree\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Illinois Type 75 General Administrative Certificate\nAPPLICATION AND SELECTION PROCESS\nThe Board of Education encourages applications for the position of Assistant Principal from qualified candidates.\nPersons wishing to be considered for the position should submit the following:\n1. A letter of interest outlining specific experiences and relevant professional highlights. This letter should be\naddressed to: (Assistant Superintendent\xe2\x80\x99s name), Assistant Superintendent, school address, city, state, zip code.\n2. Completed online employment application available at ____________________ (website address). Click on\n\xe2\x80\x9cHuman Resources\xe2\x80\x9d link located on the far right of the top menu bar, and click the \xe2\x80\x9cOnline Application\xe2\x80\x9d link found in\nthe Employment Opportunities Section.\nAll materials received will be treated confidentially.\nThe initial screening of applicants will begin ______, first round interviews will be conducted on ______, and\nfinalists will be interviewed beginning on ______. The candidate selected for the position will be recommended to\nthe Board of Education at the ______ Board of Education meeting. The start date for the position will be ______.\nCONTRACT AND COMPENSATION\nThe compensation package for this 11-month position will be competitive with similar positions in the area and\ncommensurate with the qualifications, education, and experience of the candidate.\nMedical, dental, life, and disability insurance is provided, as well as a 9% TRS contribution.\nBELIEF STATEMENTS\nDistrict 102 believes:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 That all people can learn\n\xe2\x80\xa2 That the application of knowledge empowers learners\n\xe2\x80\xa2 In an environment that promotes and supports learning\n\xe2\x80\xa2 That each individual must be respected\n\xe2\x80\xa2 In active responsible partnerships\n\xe2\x80\xa2 In targeting resources for our priorities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 In continuous improvement\n\nThis position description was adapted from the listing for an Assistant Principal opening at Tripp Elementary School, Aptakisic-Tripp School\nDistrict 102, Buffalo Grove, IL\n\n17\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n\x0cWEBSITES FOR EDUCATORS\nCareer Services Contact Information\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nResume Critiques\nCredential Requests\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nCertification Requirements (All States)\nIllinois State Board of Education\nIllinois Regional Offices of Education\nChicago Public Schools\nIASA Online (Illinois Education Job Bank)\nProject Connect\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nTeach for America\nBoarding Schools Online\nPeterson\xe2\x80\x99s Private School Directory\nCarney, Sandoe & Associates\nNational Association of Independent Schools\nArchdiocese of Chicago\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nUniversity of Northern Iowa Overseas Teaching\nOverseas Teaching (U.S. Department of State)\nTeaching in Japan\nU.S. Department of Defense schools\nUnited Kingdom\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nAustralia & New Zealand\nCanada\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nHigher Ed Jobs\\nChronicle of Higher Education\\nCommunity College Job Board\\nUnited Kingdom Universities\\\nNIU Career Services \xe2\x80\x93\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nInformation on schools attending NIU\xe2\x80\x99s annual\nMid-America Educators\xe2\x80\x99 Job Fair\nNIU Major WebLinks for Education\nVictor eRecruiting \xe2\x80\x93 post your resume; search for jobs\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\\\nElementary & Secondary Information & Jobs\\\\\\\nLogin id: teacher; password: aswan\nPrivate Schools/Alternate Routes to Certification\\\\\\\nSalary Information\n\\nInternational Teaching Jobs\\\\\\\\\nHigher Education Jobs\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\ngo to click on Mid-America Educators\xe2\x80\x99 Job Fair button\\ngo to click on Victor eRecruiting banner\n\n18\n\n\x0cREGIONAL OFFICES OF EDUCATION\nCo.\nNo.\n\nCounty & Website\n\n30\n\nJackson/Perry\\n\n01\n\nAdams/Pike\\n\n31\n\nKane\ or\n\n02\n\nAlexander/Johnson/Massac/Pulaski/Union\\n\n32\n\nIroquois/Kankakee\\n\n03\n\nBond/Effingham/Fayette\\n\n33\n\nKnox\\n\n04\n\nBoone/Winnebago\\n\n34\n\nLake\\n\n08\n\nCarroll/JoDaviess/Stephenson\\n\n35\n\nLaSalle\\n\n09\n\nChampaign/Ford\\n\n38\n\nLogan/Mason/Menard\\n\n10\n\nChristian/Montgomery\\n\n39\n\nMacon/Piatt\\n\n11\n\nClark/Coles/Cumberland/Douglas/Edgar/Moultrie/\nShelby\\nClay/Crawford/Jasper/Lawrence/Richland\\n\n40\n\nCalhoun/Greene/Jersey/Macoupin\\n\n41\n\nMadison\\n\n13\n\nClinton/Marion/Washington\\n\n43\n\nMarshall/Putnam/Woodford\\n\n14\n\nSuburban Cook\\n\n44\n\nMcHenry\\n\n16\n\nDeKalb\\n\n45\n\nMonroe/Randolph\\n\n17\n\nDeWitt/Livingston/McLean\\n\n46\n\nBrown/Cass/Morgan/Scott\\n\n19\n\nDuPage\\n\n47\n\nLee/Ogle\\n\n20\n\nEdwards/Gallatin/Hardin/Pope/Saline/Wabash/\nWayne/White\\nFranklin/Williamson\\n\n48\n\nPeoria\\n\n49\n\nRock Island\\n\n22\n\nFulton/Schuyler\\n\n50\n\nSt. Clair\\n\n24\n\nGrundy/Kendall\\n\n51\n\nSangamon\\n\n25\n\nHamilton/Jefferson\\n\n53\n\nTazewell\\n\n26\n\nHancock/McDonough\\n\n54\n\nVermilion\\n\n27\n\nHenderson/Mercer/Warren\\n\n55\n\nWhiteside\\n\n28\n\nBureau/Henry/Stark\\n\n56\n\nWill\ or\n\n12\n\n21\n\n19\n\nEducational Administration Employment Guide \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services\n\n\x0cCONSIDERATIONS IN ACCEPTING A POSITION\nOverall District Reputation and Quality\n\nResearch the district; talk with parents, students, teachers, secretaries. Look at the district Report Card.\no How many of the last referenda have passed?\no What is the composition of the School Board?\no How well does the Board work with the teachers? With the administrators?\n\nAdministrative Policy\no\no\no\n\nIs there flexibility? Will you have creative leeway?\nIs there room for philosophical differences?\nCan you work with the other building administrators?\n\nSalary and Benefits\no\no\no\n\nIs the package you are being offered competitive with others in the area? What are its drawbacks?\nWhat was the percentage of salary increase last year?\nWhat are the lanes and steps in the salary schedule?\n\nLocation\n\nIs the school within commuting distance for you?\nWhat is the composition of the community? Learn as much as you can about the community before\ninterviewing.\no What advantages does the community provide?\no What kinds of families have school-aged children?\no Where do most of the teachers live?\no\no\n\nParental Involvement/Interest in the Schools\no\no\no\n\nWhat percentage of the parents attends open houses?\nDo parents resist or support educational innovations and reform?\nHow much parental support is there for educators?\n\nTeaching Staff\no\no\no\n\nWhat is the average age of the faculty? What is the average educational level?\nWhat is the average number of years that teachers have been with the district?\nHow many internal promotions have there been?\n\nBudget\no\no\no\n\nWhat was the past year\xe2\x80\x99s operating budget?\nHow much input will you have in determining budgetary matters?\nWhat other constituencies have budgetary input?\n\nCurriculum Development\no\no\no\no\n\nWho is primarily responsible for curriculum planning, and how is it accomplished?\nIs the district technologically competitive?\nAre programs current?\nDoes the curriculum meet the needs of the district\xe2\x80\x99s students?\n\nProblems\no\no\no\n\nWhat are the major educational and social problems facing the district?\nWhat sorts of actions are being taken to resolve the problems?\nWhat long-range planning is in place to address issues of concern?\n\nInnovations\no\no\n\nHow up-to-date are the buildings? How well are they maintained?\nWhat are standardized test scores? What sort of testing is done? How does the school rate in\ncomparison to others in the state?\n\n\x0cQUICK R\xc3\xa9sum\xc3\xa9 REVIEW CHECKLIST\no Is the r\xc3\xa9sum\xc3\xa9 printed on white paper?\no Is the type black? (e-mail address: remove hyperlink)\no Have all italics and underlining been omitted? (They don\xe2\x80\x99t scan well)\no Does the word \xe2\x80\x9cr\xc3\xa9sum\xc3\xa9\xe2\x80\x9d appear at the top of the page? (It shouldn\xe2\x80\x99t)\no Do the section headings stand out? (Bolding/capping should be used)\no Are the margins too large? Too small? (Minimal margins are .7)\no Are the indentations even? (Tabs should be used to ensure this)\no Is the font readable? (Arial or Times Roman work best)\no Is the font size appropriate? (10, 11, or 12 point fonts are generally accepted)\no Is the layout appealing? (Not too many different margins; consistency in formatting)\no Does each position description have a heading containing the same information given in the same order\neach time? (For example: position title, employer, city and state, dates)\no Are your experiences listed in order of importance/relevance to the objective?\no Are the most important positions described more fully than lesser positions?\no If bullets are used, are they standard \xe2\x80\x93 solid dots, squares (\xe2\x80\xa2 )?\no If a bullet contains more than one line, does the second line begin directly under the first?\no Are there any spelling errors? They are unacceptable! (Remember \xe2\x80\x93 it\xe2\x80\x99s \xe2\x80\x9cDeKalb\xe2\x80\x9d)\no Is there consistency in use/non-use of abbreviations, such as IL/Illinois?\no Do descriptive phrases begin with action verbs? (Try not to repeat verbs/phrases)\no Does the word \xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x9d appear? (It shouldn\xe2\x80\x99t)\no Are other pronouns eliminated? (They are not essential to meaning)\no Are phrases like \xe2\x80\x9cresponsibilities were\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cduties included\xe2\x80\x9d eliminated?\no Are empty words like \xe2\x80\x9cvarious,\xe2\x80\x9d \xe2\x80\x9cnumerous,\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cseveral\xe2\x80\x9d eliminated?\no Is high school information eliminated?\no If there is a second page, are your name and e-mail address in the upper left corner and \xe2\x80\x9cPage 2\xe2\x80\x9d in the\nupper right corner?\n\nNorthern Illinois University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution." |
330 | Education | b'Education Cover Letter #1 - Experienced Teacher\n\n101 Sunny Boulevard\nSimple, Nebraska xxxxx\nMarch 2, 20xx\n\nMs. Darla Brown, Principal\nLittle Kid Elementary School\n34 North First Street\nCloseby, Nebraska xxxxx\nDear Ms. Brown:\nI wish to apply for the position of Fifth Grade Teacher in your school as listed in the\nJanuary 26, 20xx edition of the Lincoln Journal Star. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree\nin Elementary Education with a concentration in Language Arts from the University of\nNebraska-Lincoln.\nI am currently teaching at Pit Bull Elementary School where the assignment involves teamteaching Language Arts to fifth and sixth-graders. This assignment requires that I teach\nreading, writing, spelling, and basic journalism skills. The journalism aspect focuses on\nthe development of a newsletter composed on computer in our classroom and circulated\nto students\xc3\xa2\xc2\x80\xc2\x99 families. As my resume notes, I volunteer regularly at the Center for the\nElderly when I help to coordinate their weekly newsletter. I also regularly volunteer with\nthe school\xc3\xa2\xc2\x80\xc2\x99s Read-A-While after school program. My dedication to students and to learning\nextends beyond the regular classroom situation.\nI believe that my energy, education, and experience combine to make me a viable candidate\nfor your position. Please contact me if you wish to receive my credentials; I would be\nglad to provide a set to you. I look forward to completing any further application materials\nthat your school may require as well as the opportunity to meet with you for a personal\ninterview at your convenience. My phone number and e-mail address are listed on the\nenclosed resume.\nYours truly,\nJames N. James\nEnclosure' |
331 | Education | b'Education Cover Letter #1 - Experienced Teacher\n\n101 Sunny Boulevard\nSimple, Nebraska xxxxx\nMarch 2, 20xx\n\nMs. Darla Brown, Principal\nLittle Kid Elementary School\n34 North First Street\nCloseby, Nebraska xxxxx\nDear Ms. Brown:\nI wish to apply for the position of Fifth Grade Teacher in your school as listed in the\nJanuary 26, 20xx edition of the Lincoln Journal Star. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree\nin Elementary Education with a concentration in Language Arts from the University of\nNebraska-Lincoln.\nI am currently teaching at Pit Bull Elementary School where the assignment involves teamteaching Language Arts to fifth and sixth-graders. This assignment requires that I teach\nreading, writing, spelling, and basic journalism skills. The journalism aspect focuses on\nthe development of a newsletter composed on computer in our classroom and circulated\nto students\xc3\xa2\xc2\x80\xc2\x99 families. As my resume notes, I volunteer regularly at the Center for the\nElderly when I help to coordinate their weekly newsletter. I also regularly volunteer with\nthe school\xc3\xa2\xc2\x80\xc2\x99s Read-A-While after school program. My dedication to students and to learning\nextends beyond the regular classroom situation.\nI believe that my energy, education, and experience combine to make me a viable candidate\nfor your position. Please contact me if you wish to receive my credentials; I would be\nglad to provide a set to you. I look forward to completing any further application materials\nthat your school may require as well as the opportunity to meet with you for a personal\ninterview at your convenience. My phone number and e-mail address are listed on the\nenclosed resume.\nYours truly,\nJames N. James\nEnclosure' |
332 | Education | b"CURRICULUM VITAE\nJody J. Fiorini, Ph.D.\nCLES Department\n104B Hubbard Hall, Box 142\nWichita State University\n1845 Fairmount St\nWichita, KS 67260\n316-978-6525\\nAcademic Degrees\nPh.D.\nM.S.Ed.\nB.A.\n\nSyracuse University, 2001, Counselor Education & Supervision\nSUNY Oneonta, 1993, Counselor Education\nBinghamton University, 1986, Linguistics\n\nHonors/Awards/Licenses\nLicensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) - Kansas\nPresident\xe2\x80\x99s Award for Excellence in Academic Advising \xe2\x80\x93 SUNY Oswego\nNew York State Senate Women of Distinction Award Honoree, 2013\nBook of the Year Award \xe2\x80\x93 American Journal of Nursing, 2006\nPhi Kappa Phi \xe2\x80\x93 National Honor Society\nChi Sigma Iota \xe2\x80\x93 National Counselor Education Honor Society\nCertificate of University Teaching, Syracuse University\nNew York State Certified School Counselor (Provisional)\nSupervisor Recognition Award (NYCA)\nNationally Certified Counselor (NCC)\nApproved Clinical Supervisor (ACS)\nLicensed Mental Health Counselor \xe2\x80\x93 New York State (LMHC)\nAreas of Competency in Teaching\nCounseling Individuals with Disabilities\nFoundations of Mental Health\nOrientation to School Counseling\nCounseling Theory and Practice\nGroup Counseling Theory and Practice\nGrief & Loss in Children\nAppraisal & Assessment\n\nCulture, Gender, & Class in counseling\nProfessional Issues & Ethics in Mental Health\nConsultation in School Counseling\nCounseling Practicum and Internship\nChild and Adolescent Development\nHuman Development Across the Lifespan\nResearch & Program Evaluation\n\nEmployment History\nA. Higher Education\n2015 \xe2\x80\x93 present\nDepartment Head & Associate Professor, Wichita State University\n2007 \xe2\x80\x93 2015\nAssociate Professor, Counseling & Psychological Services, SUNY\nOswego\nSpring 2014\nProgram Coordinator, Mental Health Counseling program\n2008- 2009\nInterim Department Chair, Counseling & Psychological Services,\nSUNY Oswego\nSpring 2008\nActing Assistant Dean, School of Education, SUNY Oswego\nSpring 2008\nProgram Coordinator, Counseling Services Program\n2007 - 2015\nLicensed Mental Health Counselor, CreekSide Counseling Services\n\n\x0c2001\xe2\x80\x932007\n\nAssistant Professor, Counseling & Psychological Services, SUNY\nOswego\n2003-2007\nMental Health Counselor, Integrative Counseling Services, Oswego\n2000-2001\nCoordinator, Student Disability Services, SUNY Cortland\n1998-2005\nAdjunct Professor, Syracuse University\n1998-1999\nEOP Counselor, Adjunct Instructor, SUNY Morrisville\n1997-1998\nCounseling Intern, SUNY Cortland\n1996-1998\nTeaching Assistant & Clinical Supervisor, Syracuse University\n1994-1996\nCoordinator, Disability Support Services, SUNY Delhi\n1993-1994\nAdjunct Instructor, Marist College\n1989-1992\nInstructor, Broome Community College\nB. Primary/Secondary Education\nFall 1993\nSchool Counselor, Upstate Home for Children, Oneonta\nSpring 1993\nSchool Counseling Intern, Cherry Valley-Springfield Central School\nProgram Development\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member of CACREP Self-Study Team\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted in developing a new Mental Health Counseling program for the metro center\n\xef\x82\xb7 As Chair of the CPS PDS Committee, developed a Professional Development School\nmodel for the CPS Department. Organized and launched a series of Professional\nDevelopment Forums and a new mentoring program for students and new professionals\nin the fields of Counseling & School Psychology.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed a Graduate Certificate in Gerontology\n\xef\x82\xb7 Modified Counseling Services Program\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed a licensure-qualifying 60 hour program in Mental Health Counseling\nCollege/University Service\nWSU\n\xef\x82\xb7 Leadership Team\n\xef\x82\xb7 Accreditation Steering Committee\n\xef\x82\xb7 College of Education Diversity Committee\nSUNY Oswego\n\xef\x82\xb7 Academic Outreach Council: Member & Chair\n\xef\x82\xb7 Faculty Assembly Representative\n\xef\x82\xb7 Governance Task Forces: Retention Task Force, Chair\n\xef\x82\xb7 Employee Assistance Program: Member\n\xef\x82\xb7 Search Committee Member\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member \xe2\x80\x93 Gerontology Graduate Certificate Committee\n\xef\x82\xb7 SOE Diversity Committee: Member\n\xef\x82\xb7 SOE Field Placement Committee: Chair\n\xef\x82\xb7 SOE Assessment Committee: Ex Officio Member\n\xef\x82\xb7 SOE Faculty Council: Ex Officio Member\n\xef\x82\xb7 SOE Administrative Advisory Council: Member\n\xef\x82\xb7 CPS Personnel Review Committee: Chair\n\xef\x82\xb7 Chair, PDI Committee\n\xef\x82\xb7 Coordinator, Professional Development Forums\n\xef\x82\xb7 Mental Health Counseling Program Coordinator (Fall 07, Spring 2014)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Mental Health Counseling Program Advisory Board\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCounseling Services Program Coordinator (Spring 08)\nCounseling Services Program Advisory Board\nChair, Ad Hoc Committee of Licensure Issues In Counseling\nCurriculum Committee\nAlumni Scholarship Research Grants Committee\nSOE Diversity Subcommittee on Retention & Recruitment of Candidates\nSOE PDS Policies Committee\nCoordinator, CPS Graduate Assistants\nEAP Coordinator\nFacilitator, Campus Smoking Cessation Program\nDisaster Response Team\nLiberty Partnership Program Advisory Council\nPeer Review Committee\nCoordinated the online portion of the School of Education-wide Symposium\nRepresentative to the Liberty Partnerships Program Focus Forum\nCatalyst Project Advisory Board\nProvost\xe2\x80\x99s Planning Committee on Scholarly & Creative Activities\n\nCommunity Service\n\xef\x82\xb7 Board Member for the SETH Project \xe2\x80\x93 foundation for suicide prevention & mental\nhealth awareness\n\xef\x82\xb7 Opened a counseling clinic to serve high needs/low income clients in Oswego County\n\xef\x82\xb7 Consulted with Central Square School Counselors and administrators to improve\nguidance programming\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisory Board Member of the Central New York Autism Spectrum Disorders Advisory\nCouncil\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member of the Disabilities Studies Institute, a regional committee headquartered in\nCortland, New York.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Consultant and advocate for persons with disabilities and their families\n\xef\x82\xb7 Campus Representative to the Onondaga/Oswego County Red Cross Disaster Services\nCommittee\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member of the Oswego-Onondaga County Red Cross Crisis Response Team\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member of the Oswego-Onondaga County Red Cross Disaster Preparedness Committee\n\xe2\x80\x93 Mental Health Services\n\xef\x82\xb7 Educational Liaison for Hillside Children\xe2\x80\x99s Services\nProfessional Organizations\nA. Memberships\n\xef\x82\xb7 American Counseling Association\n\xef\x82\xb7 Association for Counselor Education and Supervision\n\xef\x82\xb7 Kansas Counseling Association\n\xef\x82\xb7 Kansas Association for Counselor Education & Supervision\n\xef\x82\xb7 Kansas School Counselors Association\n\xef\x82\xb7 North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision\n\xef\x82\xb7 ACA - New York\n\xef\x82\xb7 New York Association for Counselor Education and Supervision\n\xef\x82\xb7 New York Mental Health Counselors Association\n\n\x0cB. Professional Assignments\nPresent Reviewer - Journal of Clinical Counseling, a publication of the New York\nMental Health Counselors Association.\nPast Co-Editor of the Journal of Clinical Counseling, a publication of the New York\nMental Health Counselors Association.\nPast Editor of the NARACES Newsletter, a publication of the North Atlantic\nRegion Association for Counselor Education and Supervision.\nPast Secretary/Treasurer of New York Association for Counselor Education &\nSupervision\nPast Secretary of the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education\nand Supervision\nPublications\nA. Books & Book Chapters\nFiorini, J. Understanding the Social/Emotional Problems of Students with Learning\nDisabilities. Champaign, IL: Research Press. (Invited manuscript for publication)\nFiorini, J. (2008) Supervising Counselors Who Work With Special Needs Children, Mullen,\nJ. & Drewes, A., Supervising Child Counselors, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.\nFiorini, J. & Mullen, J. (2006). Counseling Children and Adolescents through Grief and\nLoss. Champaign, IL: Research Press.\nFiorini, J. (2006). Chapter: Academic Difficulties: The boy\xe2\x80\x99s just lazy. Published in\nHobson, S. Critical Incidents in Counseling Children, 1st Ed.\nFiorini, J. (2004). Chapter: Silent member. Published in Tyson, Perusse, and Pederson.\nCritical Incidents in Group Counseling, 1st Ed.\nFiorini, J. (2004). Critical incident response: Attacking the Leader. Published in Tyson,\nPerusse, and Pederson. Critical Incidents in Group Counseling, 1st Ed.\nB. Articles\nKavanaugh, Claire, & Fiorini, Jody (2009). Uses of bibliotherapy for adoptive children\nand their families. ACA Vistas Online. American Counseling Association:\nArlington, VA.\nFiorini, J. & Mullen J. (2006). Understanding Grief and Loss in Children. VISTAS 2006.\nArlington, VA: American Counseling Association.\nFiorini, J. (2003). Perceived Roles of School Counselors in Working with Students with\nLearning Disabilities. Journal of the Professional Counselor, 18, pp. 31-41.\nFiorini, J. (2003). CPS Department Launches New Professional Development Initiative.\nSheldon\xe2\x80\x99s Sphere, 10, pp.3-6.\nFiorini, J. (2002). Tapping the Strengths of Individuals with Attention Deficit Disorder:\nStrategies for Counselors. NYMCHA News.\nFiorini, J. (2001). An investigation into the school counselor\xe2\x80\x99s role with students with\nlearning disabilities. (Doctoral dissertation, Syracuse University, 2001) Dissertation\nAbstracts International, 62, No. 06A.\nBradley, C. & Fiorini, J. (1999). Evaluation of counseling practicum: National study of\nprograms accredited by CACREP. Counselor Education & Supervision.\nFiorini, J. (1998). Student Perspective. ACES Spectrum, 59, p. 9.\n\n\x0cC. Non-published Reports\nFiorini, J. (2014). Perceived Preparation of School Counselors in Working with Students\nwith Learning Disabilities. In revision.\nFiorini, J. (2002). Barriers that Prevent School Counselors from Working with Students with\nLearning Disabilities. Manuscript submitted for publication.\nFiorini, J. (2002). Social-Emotional Characteristics of Students with Learning Disabilities.\nManuscript submitted for publication.\nPresentations\nFiorini, J. Helping Counseling Students Overcome Classism. Paper presented at the\nAssociation for Counselor Education and Supervision, Philadelphia, PA,\nOctober, 2014\nFiorini, J & Gonzalez, T. Professional Issues for School Counselors Transitioning to\nMental Health Positions. Paper presented at the North Atlantic Region\nAssociation for Counselor Education and Supervision, Providence, RI,\nSeptember, 2014\nGonzalez, T. & Fiorini, J. Sorry didn\xe2\x80\x99t mean to laugh: Techniques for curbing\ninappropriate laughter. Paper presented at the North Atlantic Region\nAssociation for Counselor Education and Supervision, Providence, RI,\nSeptember, 2014\nFiorini, J. SAVE Training, SUNY Oswego, November, 2014\nFiorini, J. Insurance Issues in Mental Health, Mental Wellness Conference, SUNY Oswego,\nApril 2014\nFiorini, J. Changing Definitions of Monogamy & Infidelity, New York, Mental Health\nCounselors Association Conference, Albany, NY, April, 2014\nFiorini, J. Mental Health Careers, SUNY Oswego Healthcare Careers Conference,\nFebruary, 2014\nFiorini, J. SAVE Training, SUNY Oswego, November, 2013\nFiorini, J. Mandated Reporter Training, SUNY Oswego, October, 2013\nFiorini, J. SAVE Training, SUNY Oswego, November, 2012\nFiorini, J. Mandated Reporter Training, SUNY Oswego, October 2012\nFiorini, J. SAVE Training, SUNY Oswego, November, 2011\nFiorini, J. Mandated Reporter Training, SUNY Oswego, October 2011\nFiorini, J. Counseling Children in Military Families, Jefferson County Mental Health\nAssociation, Watertown, NY, May, 2013\nFiorini, J. NYS Licensure Preparation Workshop, Oswego, April 2011\nFiorini, J. Mandated Reporter Training, SUNY Oswego, October 2010.\nFiorini, J. Integrating Advocacy Projects into the Counseling Curriculum. Association for\nCounselor Education and Supervision, San Diego, CA., October 2009.\nFiorini, J. Mandated Reporter Training, SUNY Oswego, October 2009.\nFiorini, J., Levine, C., Loban, E., Shepard, K. Counseling GLBT clients through the coming\nout process. NY Mental Health Counselors Association Conference, Albany, NY.\nApril 2010.\nDzintars, K., Fiorini, J., Lortie, M., Ryan, J. Using poetry, song, and movement in\ncounseling. NY Mental Health Counselors Association Conference, Albany, NY.\nApril 2010.\nFiorini, J., Johnson, A., Halstead, A., Yaichuk-Ryan, R., Scialdone, J., Semeraro, D.\nEmpowering Mandated Clients. NY Mental Health Counselors Association\nConference, Albany, NY. April 2010.\n\n\x0cFiorini, J., Boyce, D., Butterfield, A., Hanlon, B, Henderson, P., Monahan, J, Wolcott, S.,\nand Ziegen, R. (September, 2008). Integrating Advocacy Projects into the\nCounseling Curriculum. Paper presented at the North Atlantic Region\nAssociation for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Portland, ME.\nFiorini, J. (May 2008). Understanding Learning Disabilities, Oswego High School.\nFiorini, J. (December, 2007). Parenting Children with Special Needs, ARISE, Oswego,\nNY.\nFiorini, J. (October 2007). Mandated Reporter Training. SUNY-Oswego.\nFiorini, J. (April 2008). Mandated Reporter Training. SUNY-Oswego.\nFiorini, J. (2007, October). Using Authentic Learning Activities to Teach Research and\nProgram Evaluation. Paper presented at the Association for Counselor Education &\nSupervision National Conference, Columbus, OH.\nFiorini, J. & Cadwallader, E. (2007, March). Helping LD Students Transition from High\nSchool to College or Work, CPS Professional Development Forum, SUNY Oswego.\nFiorini, J. (2007, April). Hearing the Patient's Voice. Cayuga Community College, Fulton,\nNY.\nFiorini, J. (May, 2007). Understanding Learning Disabilities. Presented At Oswego High\nSchool.\nFiorini, J., Anderson, M., Gonzalez, T., Kemp, J., Maruyama, Y., Okumu, L., Pozzi, K.,\nRodriguez, R., & San Jorge, A. (2006, October) Growing pains: The experiences of\nmulticultural students attending a predominantly white counseling program.\nPresented at the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and\nSupervision Conference, Lake George, NY.\nFiorini, J. (July, 2006). Counseling Students Through Grief and Loss. Presented at Ray G.\nBodley High School for the Fulton City School District.\nFiorini, J. (May, 2006). Understanding Learning Disabilities. Presented At Oswego High\nSchool.\nFiorini, J. (March 2006). Invited Keynote Address: Understanding Self-Inflicted\nViolence. Presented at Cicero-North Syracuse Staff Development Day.\nFiorini, J. & Mullen, J. (2006, March). Assisting families of children and adolescents who\nhave experienced grief and loss. Presented at the American Counseling Association\nWorld Conference, Montreal, Canada.\nFiorini, J. & Choudhuri, D. (2006, March). Becoming a counselor educator: The nuts and\nbolts of teaching and training counselors. Presented at the American Counseling\nAssociation World Conference, Montreal, Canada.\nFiorini, J. & Mullen, J. (2005, October). Assisting counselors-in-training to work with\nchildren and adolescents who have experienced grief and loss. Presented at the\nAssociation for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.\nFiorini, J. (2005, April). What does a counselor do anyway? Advocating for our profession.\nPaper presented at the SUNY Oswego Spring Seminar.\nMullen, J., Fiorini, J., & LeBlanc, M. (2004, October). As seen on TV: Using popular media\nin counselor education. Paper presented at the North Atlantic Region Association of\nCounselor Education and Supervision conference, Mystic, Connecticut.\nFiorini, J., Sorrendino, M, & Farfaglia, M. (2004, October). Alcohol 101: A primer for\ncounselors. Paper presented at the New York State Counseling Association\nConference, Glens Falls, NY.\nFiorini, J., Lawrence-Dever, C. (2004, October). Reframing PMS: The healing power of a\nwoman\xe2\x80\x99s menstrual cycle. Paper presented at the New York State Counseling\nAssociation Conference, Glens Falls, NY.\n\n\x0cClark, K., & Fiorini, J. (2004, October). Addressing the professional development needs of\nschool psychologists and school counselors. Paper presented at the New York\nAssociation of School Psychologists, Buffalo, NY.\nFiorini, J. (2004, November). Helping students negotiate the hidden curriculum. Presented\nat the CPS Professional Development Initiative, Phoenix, NY.\nFiorini, J. (2004, April). Counseling Parents of Children with Disabilities. Presented at the\nAmerican Counseling Association World Conference, Kansas City, MO.\nFiorini, J. (2004, April). Counseling Parents of Children with Disabilities. Paper presented\nat the New York Mental Health Counselors Association Conference, Albany, NY.\nFiorini, J. (2004, April). Stress Relief for Counselors. Presented at the SUNY Oswego\nSpring Seminar.\nFiorini, J., Waterman, B, & Clark, K. (2003, October). Maintaining Connections: A Joint\nProfessional Development Initiative. Paper presented at the North Atlantic Region\nAssociation of Counselor Education and Supervision conference, Canandaigua, NY.\nLe Blanc, M., & Fiorini, J. (2003, October). Fear Factor: Dealing with Test Anxiety in\nCounselor Training. Paper presented at the North Atlantic Region Association of\nCounselor Education and Supervision conference, Canandaigua, NY.\nFiorini, J. & Mullen, J. (2003, March). Counseling Children Through Grief and Loss. Paper\npresented at the American Counseling Association World Conference, Anaheim,\nCA.\nFiorini, J. (2003, April). Stress Relief for Counselors. Presented at the SUNY Oswego\nSpring Seminar.\nFiorini, J. (2002, November). Wellness for Counselors. Paper presented at the New York\nState Counseling Association Conference, Cooperstown, NY.\nFiorini, J. (2002, October). Experiencing a Learning Disability: Simulation Exercises for\nCounselor Educators. Paper presented at the Association of Counselor Education\nand Supervision conference, Park City, UT.\nFiorini, J. (2002, March). Imagine Living with a Learning Disability. Paper presented at the\nSUNY Oswego Spring Seminar, Oswego, NY.\nFiorini, J. (2002, February). Experiencing a Learning Disability: Simulation Exercises for\nSchool Counselors. Invited speaker at the Syracuse University Counselor Update\n2002 Conference, Syracuse, NY.\nFiorini, J. (October 2001). Experiencing a Learning Disability: Simulation Exercises for\nCounselor Educators. Paper presented at the North Atlantic Region for Counselor\nEducation and Supervision Conference, Amherst, MA.\nFiorini, J. (December 2000). Teaching Foreign Languages to Students with Learning\nDisabilities. Paper presented at the Foreign Language Teachers Conference,\nCortland, NY.\nFiorini, J. (October 2000). Social Adjustment Problems of Students with Learning\nDisabilities. Paper presented at New York Counseling Association Conference,\nSyracuse, NY.\nFiorini, J. (October 2000). Imagine Life with a Disability. Paper presented at the Wellness\nWednesday Series, Cortland, NY.\nFiorini, J. & Pearson, R. (September, 1998). Putting the group in group counseling. Paper\npresented at the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education &\nSupervision, Wells, ME.\nSapon-Shevin, M. & Fiorini, J. (April, 1998). Inclusion in the schools: Collaboration\nbetween counselors and special educators. Paper presented at the Region II School\nCounselors Association, Syracuse, NY.\n\n\x0cFiorini, J. (March, 1998). Gender & disability awareness for counselor educators. Paper\npresented at the 1998 American Counseling Association World Conference,\nIndianapolis, IN.\nFiorini, J. (September, 1997). Fostering disability awareness in counselors-in-training.\nPaper presented at the 1997 North Atlantic Regional Association for Counselor\nEducation & Supervision, Plattsburgh, NY.\nCimimi, D., Fiorini, J. & Spey, D. (June, 1997). Psychological services for disabled\nstudents. Paper presented at the Counseling Centers of New York 15th Annual\nConference, Syracuse, NY.\nFiorini, J. & Hardt, M. (March, 1997). Counseling students with special needs. Paper\npresented at the Region II School Counselors Association, Syracuse, NY.\nGlover, N. & Fiorini, J. (March, 1997). Stress relief for counselors. Paper presented at the\nRegion II School Counselors Association, Syracuse, NY.\nInvited Speaker\nFiorini, J. Mental Health Careers, SUNY Oswego Healthcare Careers Conference,\nFebruary, 2014\nFiorini, J. Counseling Children in Military Families, Jefferson County Mental Health\nAssociation, Watertown, NY, May, 2013\nFiorini, J. Coping with Life\xe2\x80\x99s Challenges. Student Services Expo 2010, Oswego High\nSchool, May 2010.\nFiorini, J. Private Practice and Licensure Issues, CPS 508, SUNY Oswego, April 2010.\nFiorini, J. Women with Disabilities, SUNY Oswego Women's Center, April 2010.\nFiorini, J. Ethics for School Counselors. CPS 530, SUNY Oswego, October, 2009.\nFiorini, J. (May 2008). Learning from Pooh. Keynote Address, Employee Recognition\nLuncheon, SUNY Oswego.\nFiorini, J. (July, 2005) Invited Address: Understanding Issues of Social Class. Presented at\nthe Oswego County Opportunities Youth Services Training Seminar, Oswego, NY.\nFiorini, J. (February, 2005) Invited Address: Understanding Self-Inflicted Violence.\nPresented at the Oswego County Opportunities Youth Services Training Seminar,\nOswego, NY.\nFiorini, J. ( January, 2004) Change is not a Four-Letter Word: Taking Care of Ourselves in\nThis Climate of Complexity. Invited Keynote Speaker at the 13th Annual Counselors\xe2\x80\x9d\nReflection and Renewal Conference at the University of Rochester\nFiorini, J. (May, 2003) The Learning Disabled Student and the College Search. Presented at\na Career Expo at Baldwinsville School District.\nFiorini, J. (March 2001) The Impact of Genetic Engineering and Selective Abortion on the\nPsyche of Persons with Disabilities \xe2\x80\x93 Science & Society Class \xe2\x80\x93 Philosophy\nDepartment, SUNY Cortland\nFiorini, J. (April, 2001) Conducting Survey Research \xe2\x80\x93 Survey Research CourseInstructional Design, Development, and Evaluation Program \xe2\x80\x93 School of Education,\nSyracuse University\nFiorini, J. (May, 2001) The Role of the School Counselor in Working with Students with\nDisabilities \xe2\x80\x93 Counseling Internship Course \xe2\x80\x93 School of Education, Syracuse\nUniversity" |
333 | Education | b'Education Resume, Cover Letter\n& Reference Guide\nRESUME\n\nOne of the most important aspects of your job search is creating your resume. On average, administrators spend less\nthan 30 seconds screening it, so it is essential for your resume to project a clear and concise picture. The purpose of a\nresume is to market your education-related skills, experiences, and achievements so that you obtain an interview,\ntherefore you should tailor your resume to the position you want.\n\nFormatting Tips\nThere are no set rules regarding how to format your resume, however there are general guidelines you can follow when\nwriting your resume. Ultimately you are encouraged to pick the format that best highlights your skills and\naccomplishments.\nLENGTH: Education majors typically use a 2 page resume as there are a number of requirements and experiences\neducation students acquire and those should be documented on your resume.\nPAGE NUMBERS: Always include Your Name, Page 2 on the second page of your resume, in case it gets separated from\nthe first.\nPRIORITIZE: Place your most important information toward the top of the resume. You may want your first section to be\ntitled \xe2\x80\x9cTeaching Experience\xe2\x80\x9d, where you would then include your student teaching positions.\nPROOFREAD: Check and recheck for spelling and grammatical errors. Have Career & Professional Development, as well\nas someone in the teaching profession, review your resume and provide feedback.\nFORMAT: Start with a blank Word document. You may want to start by making a list of all of your experiences,\ncertifications, accomplishments. Avoid using templates because they may not allow you to easily move information or\nchange bullets, fonts, or text sizes.\nPRINTING: Print your resume on quality, white, grey or off-white paper.\nSAVE: If e-mailing your resume, use your name when saving the document. Be sure to save your resume in multiple\nlocations.\nPERSONAL INFORMATION: Do not include a photograph or other personal information such as age, weight, height,\nmarital status.\nFONT: Use easy to read fonts (Ex: Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, Cambria, etc.). Keep font sizes between 10 point and\n12 point.\nMARGINS: Keep margin widths between .5\xe2\x80\x9d and 1\xe2\x80\x9d.\n\n\x0cHeading\nREQUIRED CONTENT\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Name: Make sure your name stands out by using a larger font (16-22 point font) and bolding it.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Address & phone number\no Include only one phone number and use a professional outgoing message on your phone (e.g.\nYou have reached the voicemail of Julie Fox, I am sorry I missed your call. Please leave your name,\nnumber and brief message and I will return your call as soon as possible. Thanks.).\no Include a campus and a permanent address if you will be in different locations during your search.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 E-mail address: A combination of your first and last name keeps your e-mail address professional (your\nSNC e-mail is good forever); remove the hyperlink.\nOPTIONAL CONTENT\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Personal website/LinkedIn public profile: Include personal websites only if they are directly related to\n\nyour objective and will enhance your candidacy. You may consider creating your own online portfolio\nto highlight your subject area, classroom management plan, strong lesson plans, sample letters,\npictures of a well-organized classroom in which you worked.\n\nExample 1\n\nCampus Address:\n555 Third Street\nDe Pere, WI 54115\n\nHeading Examples\nNatalie L. Knight\n\n(920) 337-5555 \xef\x82\xa7\n\nPermanent Address:\n2121 Hometown Avenue\nMidtown, WI 5555\n\nExample 2\n\nNatalie Knight\n555 Third Street \xe2\x99\xa6 De Pere, Wisconsin 54115 \xe2\x99\xa6 (920) 337-5555 \xe2\x99\xa6\n\nExample 3\n\nNatalie Lynn Knight\n555 Third Street\nDe Pere, WI 54115\n(920) 337-5555\\\n\n\x0cObjective\nAn objective conveys key information to the administrator as to why you have applied. An objective is optional, however\nwhen used it can be general or specific. A general objective is most effective when attending a career fair, networking\nevent, or uploading into Hire a Knight or WECAN. A specific objective is best used when applying to a particular position\nand should be tailored every time.\nGeneral Objective: To obtain a position in the field of\xe2\x80\xa6(Early Childhood Education, Elementary School Education etc.)\nGeneral objective example: Desire a position in the field of Early Childhood Education utilizing skills in\n\npositive behavior management and a strong interest in collaborating with colleagues and parents.\n\nSpecific Objective: Desire a position as a\xe2\x80\xa6 (5th grade teacher, high school Chemistry teacher etc.) with\xe2\x80\xa6. (name of\ncompany/organization)\nSpecific objective example: To obtain the Southwest High School Chemistry Teacher position with the\n\nGreen Bay School District. Ability to facilitate practical application, hands-on experience, and studentinspired exploration of science.\n\nEducation\nBegin with your most recent educational experience and list backward. High school information tends to not be listed,\nunless you are applying for a position at the high school or district from which you graduated.\nREQUIRED CONTENT\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nEducation Degrees offered at SNC:\n\nSt. Norbert College, De Pere, WI\nBachelor of Science\nDegree Name\nBachelor of Arts\nGraduation Date (month, year)\nBachelor of Music\nMajor(s), Minor(s) and Concentration(s)\nCertification/licensure (These could include CPR/First Aid, Virtus training, ESL, etc.)\n\nOPTIONAL CONTENT\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Cumulative GPA and/or Major GPA, if greater than a 3.0 (Ex: Major GPA: 3.7/4.0)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Relevant Coursework (include courses that directly relate to Education or subject area)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Honors and Awards (could be in its own section)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Study/Teaching Abroad Experience (see Marketing Your International Experience handout for examples)\n\nEducation Examples\n\nST. NORBERT COLLEGE, De Pere, WI\nBachelor of Arts Degree, May 2014\nMajor: Education\nMinor: Early Childhood Education\nMajor GPA: 3.85/4.0\nOverall GPA: 3.6/4.0\nCertification: Early Childhood-Middle Childhood\nSt. Norbert College, De Pere, WI\nBachelor of Music Degree, May 2015\nMajor: Music Education\nEmphasis: Vocal\nCertifications: General Music and Choral Music\nHonors and Awards:\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nSt. Norbert College Trustees Scholarship for Academics\n3\n\n\x0cWriting Your Degree & Certification\nEARLY CHILDHOOD-MIDDLE CHILDHOOD CERTIFICATION (AGES BIRTH TO 10)\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nBachelor of Arts Degree\nMajor: Elementary Education\nMinor: Early Childhood\n\nMIDDLE CHILDHOOD-EARLY ADOLESCENCE CERTIFICATION (AGES 6 TO 13)\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nBachelor of Arts Degree\nMajor: Elementary Education\nAcademic or Teaching Minor: German, History, Chemistry, Spanish, Speech Communication, Physics,\nFrench, Mathematics, English, Biology, or Computer Science\nCertification Minors: Language Arts, Broadfield Science, Broadfield Social Science, Mathematics\nEducation, or English as a Second Language (ESL)\n\nEARLY ADOLESCENCE-ADOLESCENCE CERTIFICATION (AGES 10 TO 21)\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nBachelor of Arts Degree OR Bachelor of Science Degree\nMajor: English, French, Spanish, German, Speech Communication, Social Science, Economics, Political\nScience, Psychology, Sociology, Natural Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Mathematics\n\nMUSIC EDUCATION\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nBachelor of Music Degree\nMajor: Music Education\nCertification Areas: Instrumental Music (Grades K-12), General Music (Grades K-12), or Choral Music\n(Grades 6-12)\n\nExperience\n\nExperience can include paid or unpaid opportunities, part-time or full-time work, internships, volunteer work, significant\nleadership experience, class projects, etc. Consider titling your first heading \xe2\x80\x9cTeaching Experience\xe2\x80\x9d, and include your\nstudent teaching, practicums and field experience. Be creative with your other headings and group experiences together\nbased on similarities. Within each heading your experiences should be listed in reverse chronological order.\nREQUIRED CONTENT\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Position Title\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organization/School Name\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Location (city, state)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Start date \xe2\x80\x93 end date (month year \xe2\x80\x93 month year)\nBULLET POINT FORMATTING\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Bullet points describe your skills, experiences and accomplishments that relate to the objective of your resume\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Bullets are quick points, not complete sentences\n\xe2\x80\xa2 A quality bullet point contains the following: action verb, duties, skills, and accomplishments\n\xe2\x80\xa2 When possible quantify (Ex: Increased test scores by 20%)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Use a variety of action verbs to start each bullet point (see next page for examples)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Use present tense if the experience is current; past tense if the experience has been completed\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Do not use personal pronouns\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Relevant experiences should have more bullets than non-relevant experiences\n\xe2\x80\xa2 The largest section on your resume should be your teaching experience as it is the most relevant. Aim for 5-9\nbullet points for each student teaching experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Choose simple but formal bullets such as circles, squares, or diamond. Checkmarks, pointing hands, and pencils\nare too informal and distract from the text on your resume\n\n\x0cBULLET POINT EXAMPLES\nGood: Created lesson plans\nBetter: Created original lesson plans around the book \xe2\x80\x9cThe Giver\xe2\x80\x9d\nBest: Created constructivist lesson plans that utilized cooperative learning to discuss concepts in Lois Lowry\xe2\x80\x99s book,\n\xe2\x80\x9cThe Giver\xe2\x80\x9d and related it to the importance of rules in society\nGood: Taught many different students\nBetter: Taught a diverse group of students from Green Bay\nBest: Individually taught 36 students of varying ethnic backgrounds from two different schools in Green Bay\nincluding 15 recent immigrants to help them successfully pass the Wisconsin Basic Skills Test\nHEADING EXAMPLES\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Teaching Experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Early Childhood Experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Elementary Education Experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Secondary Education Experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Childcare Experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 International Teaching Experience\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nCareer-Related Experience\nAdditional Work Experience\nVolunteer Experience\nTechnology Skills\nLeadership Experience\nProfessional Development\n\nBULLET POINT CONTENT\nReflect on the topics below to help generate achievements, skills, and duties to include in your bullet points. Think about\nwhat makes you a unique candidate and communicate that in your bullet points.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Classroom management experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Parental involvement\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Curriculum development/lesson plans\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organizing field trips/special projects\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Cross-Curriculum experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participation in the community\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Cooperative learning\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participation in after-school activities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Working with diverse age groups, at-risk youth,\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assessing learning\nELL students\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Use of technology\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Teaching strategies/styles/methods\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Interesting/innovative techniques to engage and\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Standardized testing\nexcite students in a lesson plan/activity\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Use of assessment tools\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Use of contemporary stories, authors, news, etc.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Use of theories, educational books, education\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Accommodations\nexercises to encourage comprehension\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Grading\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participation in meetings\n\xe2\x80\xa2 IEP planning\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaboration with other staff\nth\n\nExperience Example\n\nStudent Teacher, 8 Grade Language Arts, Pulaski Community Middle School\nPulaski, WI, 01/13-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Tiered lessons to meet the needs of learners within team-taught, regular education, and advanced level language\narts classes\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated with special education staff, language arts teachers, cooperating teacher, parents, and administration\nto meet the diverse needs of learners\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implemented a unit on the novel The Giver, in which a variety of instructional strategies were used such as large and\nsmall group discussion, writing prompts, hands on, and listening activities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Tracked progress of students\xe2\x80\x99 development with observation, pre and post, formative, and summative assessment,\nand self-reflection\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Facilitated write on demands where students were able to practice the district wide writing strategy BEEF UP\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Integrated a variety of technologies into daily instruction\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Demonstrated effective classroom management techniques and classroom expectations\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Input grades using Infinite Campus and completed semester report cards\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Coached forensics participants in grades 6-8\n5\n\n\x0cACTION VERBS\nADMINISTRATIVE\nAccelerate\nAccomplish\nAchieve\nAct\nAdminister\nAllocate\nAmend\nAppoint\nApprove\nAssign\nAssess\nAttain\nBenchmark\nChair\nCommend\nCompromise\nConsolidate\nControl\nDelegate\nDirect\nEncourage\nEnforce\nEntrust\nEvaluate\nExpedite\nGovern\nHead\nHire\nImprovise\nInitiate\nInstitute\nIssue\nJudge\nLead\nMaintain\nManage\nModerate\nMonitor\nOfficiate\nOrder\nOversee\nPrescreen\nPreside\nPrioritize\nProduce\nProhibit\nRefer\nRegulate\nRun\nSetup\nStart\nStreamline\nStrengthen\nSupervise\n\nCOMMUNICATION\nAddress\nBroaden\n\nClarify\nCollaborate\nCommunicate\nCompose\nCorrespond\nDemonstrate\nDocument\nEdit\nEntertain\nExhibit\nExplain\nExpress\nIllustrate\nInterpret\nInterview\nInvestigate\nLecture\nPerform\nPlan\nPresent\nPromote\nProofread\nRead\nRelate\nRelay\nReport\nReview\nRevise\nSpeak\nSummarize\nSurvey\nTranslate\nTranscribe\nWrite\n\nCREATION\n\nActivate\nComplete\nCompose\nConserve\nConstruct\nContract\nCreate\nDiscover\nDraft\nDraw\nEngineer\nExecute\nExpand\nGenerate\nInaugurate\nLandscape\nLaunch\nModify\nMold\nProduce\nReconstruct\nRedesign\nRemodel\n\nShape\nSynthesize\nTransform\nUnite\nUtilize\n\nDEVELOPMENT\nAdjust\nAssemble\nAssess\nBuild\nCompose\nConceptualize\nCustomize\nDevelop\nDesign\nDevise\nDraft\nEnlarge\nFormat\nImplement\nImprove\nInnovate\nInstall Invent\nFix\nFunction\nMake\nManufacture\nNavigate\nOperate\nPropose\nRefinish\nRenovate\nRepair\nRestore\nUpdate\nUpgrade\n\nFINANCE & NUMBER\nAbstract\nAccount\nAdd\nAllocate\nAppraise\nAudit\nBudget\nCalculate\nCollect\nCompute\nDecrease\nDetermine\nDivide\nEnter (data)\nEstimate\nFile\nFinance\nFormulate\nIncrease\nInsure\nInventory\n\nInvest\nMarket\nMaximize\nMinimize\nMultiply\nProcess\nProject\nPurchase\nRecord\nReduce\nSolve\nQuantify\n\nINTERPERSONAL SKILLS\nAcclimate\n\nAccommodate\n\nAdapt\nAnswer\nAnticipate\nAppoint\nAssist\nAssure\nBargain\nCare\nCoach\nCollaborate\nConfer\nConfront\nConsult\nConverse\nCritique\nDevelop\nEncourage\nExchange\nFamiliarize\nForm\nFoster\nFulfill\nGain\nHandle\nImplement\nInform\nInteract\nIntervene\nJoin\nListen\nLitigate\nMediate\nModel\nMotivate\nNegotiate\nParticipate\nProvide\nRecommend\nReconcile\nRehabilitate\nRepresent\nResolve\nShare\n\n\x0cSuggest\nTreat\nUnderstand\n\nTEACHING\n\nAdvise\nAid\nAmend\nAppoint\nAssist\nAward\nBroaden\nCorrect\nCounsel\nDemonstrate\nDisplay\nEncourage\nEnhance\nEnlist\nEnsure\nEvaluate\nGrade\nGuide\nHelp\nInfluence\nInstruct\nIntroduce\nLecture\nMentor\nProgram\nProvide\nRate\nSteer\nSuggest\nSupport\nTeach\nTest\nTrain\nTutor\n\nRESEARCH & ANALYSIS\nAcquire\nAllocate\nAnalyze\nAssess\nAssist\nClassify\nCollate\nCollect\nCompile\nConceptualize\nConduct\nDeliver\nDesign\nDetect\nDetermine\nDiscover\nDissect\nEvaluate\n\nExplore\nExamine\nFormulate\nFather\nIdentify\nInspect\nInvestigate\nLocate\nName\nObtain\nObserve\nPinpoint\nPrepare\nPrioritize\nReceiver\nResearch\nSpecify\nSurvey\nTest\nTrace\nTrack\nVerify\n\nPUBLIC RELATIONS\nAdvertise\nAdvocate\nAttend\nCoordinate\nConvince\nDeal\nDispense\nDisseminate\nDistribute\nFundraise\nHandle\nInfluence\nLobby\nPersuade\nPoster\nPublicize\nPublish\nRecruit\nScreen\nSeek out\nSell\nService\nTarget\n\nORGANIZATION\nAmend\nAppraise\nAppoint\nApply\nArrange\nAward\nBalance\nCatalog\nCategorize\nConnect\n\nCoordinate\nDecrease\nDefine\nDraft\nEdit\nEstablish\nFacilitate\nFile\nGroup issue\nModify\nOrchestrate\nOrganize\nOverhaul\nPlace\nPrepare\nProgram qualify\nReorganize\nRewrite\nSchedule\nSet\n\nStudy\nTake\nTravel\nUse\nWin\n\nMISCELLANEOUS\nAct\nApply\nAnticipate\nChange\nCheck\nContribute\nCover\nDecide\nDefine\nDiagnose\nEffect\nEliminate\nEmphasize\nEstablish\nFacilitate\nForecast\nFound\nGive\nLearn\nNavigate\nOffer\nPerform\nPropose\nReceive\nRefer\nReferee\nRegister\nReinforce\nResolve\nRespond\nRetrieve\nSave\nSelect\nServe\nSet\nSimplify\n\n7\n\n\x0cSample Resume\n\nSamuel Knight\n2121 Hometown Avenue \xe2\x80\xa2 De Pere, WI 55555\n(920) 337-5555 \xe2\x80\xa2 \xe2\x80\xa2\n\nOBJECTIVE\nSeeking high school chemistry position facilitating practical application, hands-on experience, and student-inspired\nexploration of science, rooted in strong professional collaboration.\nEDUCATION\nSt. Norbert College, De Pere, WI\nBachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry\nGPA: 3.82/4.0\nConcentration: Broadfield Science\nHonors: Magna Cum Laude\nCertification: Early Adolescence-Adolescence\n\nMay 2016\n\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nStudent Teacher, Conceptual Chemistry\nApril 2016-June 2016\nGreen Bay Southwest High School, Green Bay, WI\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Monitored Science Resource and aided students with their science work sixth hour three days a week\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implemented developmentally appropriate Conceptual Chemistry lessons for a range of learners and students\nwith special educational needs\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Attended all-staff and CLT planning meetings with fellow science educators\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created weekly plans and incorporated practice tests to foster comfort and confidence within the classroom\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Cooperatively developed instructional techniques with a sign-language interpreter to meet the needs of students\nwith hearing impairments\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Attended an I.E.P. meeting with a special education teacher and parent to review a student\xe2\x80\x99s progress and\nchallenges within the science classroom\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Utilized Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to establish a positive school culture, improve\nsafety, and decrease problem behavior\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Integrated technology into a variety of different classroom settings using flip cameras, ipads, and programs such\nas iweb and moviemaker\nStudent Teacher, 8th grade Science\nJanuary 2016-March 2016\nWest De Pere Middle School, De Pere, WI\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Planned and implemented age appropriate hands-on activities and labs for an eighth grade science classroom\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Attended I.E.P. meetings and collaborated with parents, faculty, and students to meet the eighth graders\xe2\x80\x99\nindividual educational needs\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Actively communicated with parents via e-mail and parent-teacher conferences\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated with another science teacher to ensure all eighth graders received a similar science experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Volunteered as assistant director for the fall musical, Seussical Jr.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Monitored the fall dance and eighth grade Walk-A-Thon to ensure student safety and appropriate behavior\nTeacher Education Field Experience\nNovember 2014-December 2014\nNotre Dame High School, Green Bay, WI\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Accumulated 137 observation hours in high school chemistry classroom with cooperating teacher\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Planned and taught 4 consecutive lesson plans which incorporated various activities to engage a range of learners\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Engaged students in conversation to build a comfortable and open learning environment\n\n\x0cKnight, Page 2\nCAREER-RELATED EXPERIENCE\nNaturalist Intern\nSummer 2015-Fall 2015\n1000 Islands Environmental Center, Kaukauna, WI\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Guided elementary and middle school fieldtrip groups on educational hikes through the woods and Konkapot\nCreek to teach students about the important relationship between humans and nature\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed and implemented 6 lessons focused on the natural wonders of local parks for Explore Nature\nsummer school program for 5-10 year olds\nPeer Tutor, St. Norbert College, De Pere, WI\nChemistry Teaching Assistant, St. Norbert College, De Pere, WI\n\nSpring 2012-Fall 2015\nFall 2013-Fall 2015\n\nEXTRACURRICULAR EXPERIENCE\nCampus Ministry Student Coordinator\nFall 2012-Spring 2016\nSt. Norbert College, De Pere, WI\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organized and lead planning teams for student programs\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Listened to the faith-based needs of students and collaborated with campus ministers and students to direct\nprograms towards those needs\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Consistently explored my faith and beliefs from a holistic approach through participation in the events\nT.R.I.P.S. Volunteer (Turning Responsibility into Powerful Service)\nSt. Norbert College, De Pere, WI\n\xe2\x80\xa2 St. Lucia Island, January 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 Orphanage and building project outreach\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Philadelphia, PA, March 2011 \xe2\x80\x93 Low income transitional housing outreach\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Little Rock, AR, March 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 Habitat for Humanity\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Washington D.C., January 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Homeless shelter\n\nSpring 2012-Spring 2016\n\nSummer Chemistry Research\nMay 2015-August 2015\nSt. Norbert College, De Pere, WI\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated with professor to organize research into new General Chemistry labs and creation of biodiesel\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Researched, tested, altered, and wrote lab procedures to fit the abilities and expectations of General\nChemistry students\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Engaged in conversations with staff to explore the resources, costs, and benefits of conversion of used oil to\nbiodiesel\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Co-ran the biodiesel reactor to create biodiesel and soap for possible use on campus\nHONORS & ADDITIONAL TRAINING\n\xe2\x80\xa2 ETS Recognition of Excellence for General Science: Awarded to test takers who achieve exceptional individual\nperformance (top 15% of candidates) on selected Praxis II tests\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nGreen Bay Diocese VIRTUS Trained \xe2\x80\x93 Fall 2015\no Learned to recognize warning signs of sexual abuse and communicate concerns\nCERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Certified \xe2\x80\x93 Summer 2015\n\n\x0cCOVER LETTER\nA cover letter is a professional letter that \xe2\x80\x9ccovers\xe2\x80\x9d or accompanies your resume. The purpose of a cover letter is to\npersuade the reader you are worth an interview. It is a chance to sell how your unique skills and experiences can benefit\nthe district/organization.\n\nFormatting Tips\n\nLENGTH: A cover letter is typically 3-4 paragraphs, not exceeding one page.\nFORMAT: Use the same heading, font style and size, and type of paper as your resume.\nSTRUCTURE: Do not over use the pronoun \xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x9d at the beginning of each sentence. Vary your sentence structure.\n\nContent\nBefore writing, first research information about the job and the school so you can address key points and needs related\nto that position, school and district. Next, reflect on your own qualifications and skills and select three that most closely\nfit the requirements of the position and/or the needs of the school and district.\nSALUTATION: Address your cover letter to a specific person if possible. Call for the name of the hiring manager if not\nlisted, unless the job description says \xe2\x80\x9cPlease no phone calls\xe2\x80\x9d. Never use \xe2\x80\x9cTo Whom It May Concern\xe2\x80\x9d. If a name is\nunavailable use a title (e.g. Dear Administrator).\nBODY:\nFirst paragraph: The purpose of this paragraph is to gain and keep the reader\xe2\x80\x99s attention\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Include company information found through research\n\xe2\x80\xa2 State the reason why you are writing the letter \xe2\x80\x93 position you are applying for or inquiring about\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Source of referral, if any\n\xe2\x80\xa2 End this paragraph with three qualifications/skills demonstrating why you are the most qualified candidate\nMiddle paragraph(s): The purpose of this paragraph is to emphasize what you can contribute to the organization\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Give concrete examples of the skills you listed in the first paragraph\n\xe2\x80\xa2 This will be the biggest part of your letter and may be one-two paragraphs\nFinal paragraph: The purpose of this paragraph is to wrap up your letter\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Reiterate your interest in the position\n\xe2\x80\xa2 State your appreciation of the employer\xe2\x80\x99s consideration\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Include your intentions for follow-up\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Phone number/e-mail and best way to contact you\nCLOSING: End your cover letter professionally (e.g. Respectfully, Sincerely, Regards, etc.). Leave 4 spaces then type your\nname. If mailing in a hard copy sign your name in the open space. If submitting your material electronically, either\ninclude your electronic signature or type \xe2\x80\x9csubmitted electronically\xe2\x80\x9d under your typed name.\n\n\x0cSample Cover Letter\n\nSamuel Knight\n2121 Hometown Avenue \xe2\x80\xa2 De Pere, WI 55555\n(920) 337-5555 \xe2\x80\xa2 \xe2\x80\xa2\n\nApril 9, 2016\nMarcia Gonzales\nHuman Relations\nStanley-Boyd Area Schools\n507 E. First Avenue\nStanley, WI 54768\nDear Ms. Gonzales:\n\xe2\x80\x9cWhere all students learn at a high level,\xe2\x80\x9d was the first thing I was drawn to while reviewing your website. One sentence,\npacked with a great deal of meaning. The strides Stanley-Boyd has made in math and reading to achieve 90% of your\nstudents passing their reading tests and 83% proficient or advanced in Math is something of which I hope to be a part. It is\nfor these reasons I would love the opportunity to join your community as a 2nd grade teacher. In May 2013 I will be\ngraduating from St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Elementary Education and\na minor in Language Arts. My strengths in building connections with students, faculty and parents, using technology to\neffectively enhance the classroom, and differentiate instruction based on the needs of my students are just a few of things I\ncan offer to Stanley-Boyd.\nSome of the ways I build strong relationships with students, faculty, and parents is through attending after school events,\nparticipating in a district meeting, and opening lines of communication via newsletters, e-mails, phone calls, and\nconferences. Two additional strengths I possess are the ability to use technology effectively and differentiate and engage\nstudents. For example, with my first grade students I used iPads during guided reading where high leveled students\nspelled sight words, middle leveled students read sight words, and lower leveled students traced letters while practicing\nletter sounds. Another example is in 8th grade advanced Language Arts where students read a novel regarding utopias.\nStudents then reflected on their own utopia, wrote about it, and then presented using WebPages, movies, or podcast.\nFinally, at the end of the year students reflected on the unit choosing their favorite piece; many chose to write about the\ntechnology.\nI am excited about this opportunity to join your team of educators, and bring my various strengths with me. I would love\nto assist Stanley-Boyd Elementary School in the continuation of being a spotlight school. Thank you for considering my\nqualifications for this 2nd grade position, I look forward to hearing from you in the near future to discuss my\nqualifications. If you would like to contact me, I can be reached at (920) 337-5555 or Again, I look\nforward to this great opportunity at Stanley-Boyd. Go Orioles!\nSincerely,\n\nSam Knight\n(Submitted Electronically)\n\nEnclosure: Resume, References\n\n\x0cREFERENCES\nThe reference page is a separate document from the resume. Always ask a reference for permission before listing them.\nIf they agree, send them a current resume along with the position description. It is important to keep your references\ninformed on your job search status. Only submit your references when requested by the organization/district to which\nyou are applying. NOTE: If you use a teacher as a reference, be sure to ask for their summer contact information as it\nmay be different than their contact information during the school year.\n\nFormatting Tips\nHEADING: Use the same heading as your resume.\nFONT: The style and size of your font should match your resume and cover letter.\nFORMAT: Either left align or center your text.\nNUMBER: It is recommended that you have a minimum of 3 professional references.\n\nContent\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nName of person using: Ms., Mr., Dr., Prof.\nPosition title\nCompany/Organization\nAddress\nTelephone number\nE-mail address\n\nWho to Ask\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nFormer/current cooperating teachers\nFormer/current career-related work supervisors\nOn-Campus student teaching supervisor\nPrincipals\nContacts from volunteer work\nCoaches\nProfessors\nMentors\nCustomers/clients\n\n\x0cSample Reference Page\n\nSamuel Knight\n2121 Hometown Avenue \xe2\x80\xa2 De Pere, WI 55555\n(920) 337-5555 \xe2\x80\xa2 \xe2\x80\xa2\n\nREFERENCES\nDr. Abigail Turner\nHigh School Principal\nGreen Bay Southwest High School\n1331 Packerland Dr\nGreen Bay, WI 54304\n(920) 555-5555\\nMr. Martin Salvador\nCooperating Teacher, Conceptual Chemistry\nGreen Bay Southwest High School\n1331 Packerland Dr\nGreen Bay, WI 54304\n(920) 555-5555\\nMs. Deidra Collins\nCooperating Teacher, 8th Grade Science\nWest De Pere Middle School\n1177 S 9th St\nDe Pere, WI 54115\n(920) 337-5555\\nMr. David Smith\nSNC Student Teaching Supervisor\nSt. Norbert College\n100 Grant Street\nDe Pere, Wisconsin 54115\n(414) 525-5555\' |
334 | Education | b'CURRICULUM VITAE\nPERSONAL DATA______________________________________________________________________\nNAME\n:\nLucy Mwari Kithinji\nGENDER\n\n:\n\nFemale\n\nNATIONALITY\n\n:\n\nKenyan\n\nSTATUS\n\n:\n\nMarried\n\nRELIGION\n\n:\n\nChristian\n\nLANGUAGE\n\n:\n\nEnglish, Swahili and Meru\n\nEMAIL ADDRESS\n\n:\n\\n\nCELL PHONE NUMBER :\n\n+254 723 553 385\n\nSUMMARY____________________________________________________________________________\nI have trained and worked as a lecturer, motivational speaker, and trainer of community health workers,\nfacilitator, a nurse tutor and nurse practitioner for more than 10 years. As a result I have gained relevant\nexperience and competence in lecturing, training and teaching to impart knowledge, skills and\nappropriate attitudes that are necessary for healthy living to various audiences. I am now looking for\nemployment on a more permanent basis.\nMISSION______________________________________________________________________________\nTo make the best use of accumulated knowledge and skills to improve the health and social economic\nstatus of the population in Kenya and beyond, through participation and involvement in information,\ncommunication and education for sustainable social change for health and development.\nPROFESSIONAL TRAINING______________________________________________________________\n2009\n\n:\n\n2006\n\n:\n\n1999\n\n:\n\n1982\n\n:\n\n1981\n1977\n\n:\n:\n\n1975\n\n:\n\nAdmitted to study the award of PhD degree of Kenyatta University, admission\nNumber P97/11069/2008. I am doing corrections on the first draft of the thesis.\nAwarded Master of Public Health and Epidemiology (MPHE) Degree of Kenyatta\nUniversity.\nAwarded Bachelor of Art in Community Development (BA Com. Dev) Degree of\nDaystar University.\nAwarded Kenya Registered Health Visitor (KRCHN) of the Nursing Council of\nKenya.\nAwarded Diploma in Advance Nursing (DAN) of Nairobi University.\nAwarded diploma in Midwifery (KRM) of the Nursing Council of Kenya upon\ncompletion of studies in Mater Hospital, Nairobi.\nAwarded Diploma in Nursing (KRN) upon completion of studies in the Aga Khan\nHospital, Nairobi.\n\n\x0cPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE______________________________________________________________\nLECTURING/ TEACHING\n2013-To date\n\n:\n\n2007- To date :\n\n2001- 2009\n\n:\n\n1999-2001\n\n:\n\n1990-1995\n\n:\n\n1981-1985\n\n:\n\nPart time lecturer in the department of Environmental Health of Kenyatta\nUniversity. Teaching Child and Maternal Health units.\nSupervision of Research Projects for under graduates students\nPart time lecturer in the Nursing Sciences Department of Kenyatta University.\nUnits taught: Health promotion, Social work, Community Development,\nResearch Methodologies, Public Relations in Nursing practice, Occupational\nHealth, Gender and Health and Geriatric Nursing.\nMotivational Speaker on continuing education for better living study skills and\nacademic advisory board member in PREMESE Africa Community Development\nInstitute.\nLectured in the Living Word Church Bible School.\nUnits taught: Church and Community Development.\nChief trainer and curriculum vitae developer for Community Health Workers\n(CHWs) and Village Health Communities (VHCs) for the Family Health Action\nNetwork. (FHN)\nNurse Tutor and later acting principle tutor in Clive school of nursing, Chogoria\nHospital.\nUnits Taught: Pediatric nursing, Midwifery, Public Health, Mental health and\npsychiatric nursing. Also training of community health workers (CHWs), village\nhead communities (VHCs), traditional birth attendants (TBAs), Field Health\nEducators (FHEs) and facilitator. I was later promoted to the position of\nCoordinator of Primary Health Care (PHC).\n\nWORKING EXPERIENCE\n2001- 2007\n\n:\n\n1988-2011\n\n:\n\n1997- 1999\n\n:\n\nLecturing and facilitating training seminars in PREMESE Africa\nCommunity Development Institute.\nExternal examiner of the diploma programmes.\nUnits Taught: Impact of HIV/ AIDS on Community Development, Gender and\ndevelopment and Research methodologies.\nEngaged in private medical practice. Main areas of activities were preventive,\nMaternal child health, Family planning, Counseling the chronically ill including\nthose living with HIV/ AIDS and referral for specialized management.\nWorked part time in Daystar University Athi River campus Health Clinic. Major\nduties were dispensing medicine, record keeping and occasionally counseling\nthe chronically ill and emotionally disturbed.\n\n\x0c1990- 1995\n\n:\n\n1986-1987\n\n:\n\n1975-1985\n\n:\n\nFounder and program officer of Health Action Network (FAHN). Responsibilities\nincluded project proposal writing and fund raising, Project development,\ntraining women, youth and village leaders on health and development matters\nand educating sex workers on alternative methods of earning income.\nConsulted in breast feeding promotion and control of marketing breast milk\nsubstitute, curriculum development of Primary Health Care projects and training\nof community health workers at Breast feeding Information Group (BIG) and\nInternational Breast feeding Alliance Network (IBFAN)\nWorked in Pediatric, medical, maternity, Nursing School and\ncommunity health departments in Chogoria Hospital. The areas of experience\nincluded, pediatric and medical nursing as nursing officer III, Maternity ward as\nnursing officer II in charge. Part time midwifery tutor, also responsible for\ndelivery and home visiting assessment. Transferred as ordinary tutor and later\nacting principle tutor, in-charge of administration of the school of nursing. Other\nresponsibilities included teaching Community Health Nursing, Mental Health\nand Psychiatric Nursing and research methodology (Community diagnosis)\nLater I worked as a coordinator of Community Based Health Care Program in the\ncommunity Training and Coordinator of facilitators, CHWs, TBAs and Field\nHealth educators. Rose to the level of senior nursing officer by the time when I\nresigned.\n\nOTHER RELEVANT EXPERIENCE\n2005- 2009\n2002\n\n:\n:\n\n2001\n\n:\n\n1999\n\n:\n\n1999\n\n:\n\n1994\n\n:\n\n1987-1990\n\n:\n\n1985\n\n:\n\n1985\n\n:\n\nDeveloped manuscripts for publication when funds will be available.\nParticipated in setting up a community based health fund for parents and\nfriends of disabled children.\nCarried out a research titled \xe2\x80\x9cRESPIRATORY DISORDERS ASSOCIATED WITH\nQUARY MINING IN EMBAKASI, NAIROBI\xe2\x80\x9d.\nCo- authored a research paper presented in the Annual Scientific Conference in\nKenyatta University.\nCo-ordinated a training seminar for manager of Social Welfare Department of\nLavington United Church. The theme was to review the program and plan for\nnew millennium. Had seven weeks internship in the social welfare program.\nConducted a study on religious Denominational Affiliation of Commercial Sex\nworkers in Njiru Location, Nairobi (Unpublished).\nParticipated in two community diagnosis studies with a view to establish\nPrimary Health Care in Njiru Location, Nairobi and Navakholo Location,\nKakamega, respectively.\nParticipated in Food relief program during famine in Meru sponsored by UNICEF\nKenya Office.\nParticipated in comprehensive evaluation of a community based health care\nproject in Chogoria Hospital. The findings were used to restructure the project.\n\n\x0cINTERESTS____________________________________________________________________________\nResearching on community health and development issues, empowering disadvantaged groups such as\nwomen and children, gender issues and travelling.\nREFEREES_____________________________________________________________________________\nMrs. Elizabeth Ambani\nChairperson \xe2\x80\x93 Nursing Department,\nKenyatta University\nP.O BOX 43844-00100\nNairobi, Kenya.\nCell Phone: 0729 469 970\nMrs. Pricilla Kabue\nLecturer\nKenyatta University\nP.O BOX 43822-00100\nNairobi, Kenya.\nCell Phone: 0722 466 297\nDr. Catherine Mwenda\nMount Kenya University\nDepartment of Nursing Sciences\nCell Phone: 0723 846 810' |
335 | Education | b"Sample resume \xe2\x80\x93 secondary education\nDO NOT COPY: You are advised not to copy\nthis sample, but to use it to generate ideas to\ncreate your own resume.\n\nJanet Gradteacher\n35 Hill Cresent\nOakleigh Vic, 3166\nMobile: 0415 340 020\\n\nEducation\nFeb 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Current\n\nMasters of Teaching\nMonash University\n\xef\x82\xb7 Subject specialisms: History and Media Studies\n\xef\x82\xb7 Due to complete November 2015\n\nFeb 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Nov 2010 Bachelor of Arts\nMonash University\nMajors: History, Minor: Media Studies\n\xef\x82\xb7 Achieved a Distinction Average\n\xef\x82\xb7 Undertook Journalism Professional Practice unit at Herald Sun\nNov 2007\n\nV.C.E.\nSouth Oakleigh Secondary College\n\xef\x82\xb7 Prefect and captain of women\xe2\x80\x99s soccer team\n\nProfessional Development\nJun 2012\n\nChild Protection \xe2\x80\x93 Professional Development course\nHillside Primary School\n\nNov 2009\nAnd 2012\n\nSenior First Aid Certificate: Level 2\nAustralian First Aid\n\xef\x82\xb7 Updated CPR training, February 2010\n\nSummer 2009\n\nEducation Support (Training Program)\nAustralian Education Industry Centre\n\nTeaching Experience\nAug-Sept 2014\n\nStudent Teacher\nRowville Secondary College\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed lesson plan units for Media Studies and History\nHighlights\n\xef\x82\xb7 Worked with the children on exploring multiculturalism,\n\xef\x82\xb7 Initiated a small project, which contributed to students term assessment and\nability to independently take class activities\n\n\x0cApr - May 2013\n\nStudent Teacher\nBrighton Secondary School\n\xef\x82\xb7 Lesson plan areas included Health and PE, Literacy and Numeracy\nHighlights\n\xef\x82\xb7 Worked in an open classroom environment\n\xef\x82\xb7 Experienced and compared the differences between a rural and suburban\nclassroom\n\nRelevant Educational Experience\nMar 2008 - Current\n\nIntegration Aide\nHillside Primary School\nResponsibilities:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supervised children with additional needs, including Autism Spectrum\nDisorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Down Syndrome and\nNarcolepsy\n\xef\x82\xb7 Managed individual student\xe2\x80\x99s progress and learning, behaviour management\n\xef\x82\xb7 Liaised with classroom teacher, principal and parents about student progress\n\nNov 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Feb 2013 Out of School Hours Care Service Attendant\nHillside Primary School, Out of School Hours Care program\nResponsibilities:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supervised approximately 40 children\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developing a positive and warm environment for the children\n\xef\x82\xb7 Ensued implementation of appropriate behaviour management strategies\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted with the overall administration of the OSHC program\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provided care reflecting an awareness of children\xe2\x80\x99s' individual needs,\nincluding assisting with planning and providing stimulating activities, catered\nto the specialised care of children with additional needs\n\xef\x82\xb7 Ensured that all involved with the OSHC program had an understanding of the\nQuality Assurance standards and procedures\n\nSkills Summary\nCommunication and Interpersonal skills\n\xef\x82\xb7 Natural ability to establish a good rapport with young people, strengthened\nthrough establishing supportive relationships with students in the classroom\nenvironment and unstructured playing environment during placement\n\xef\x82\xb7 Effectively communicated with parents, staff members and children\ndemonstrated through success in teaching placements\nPlanning and Organisational skills\n\xef\x82\xb7 Strong organisational and planning skills, particularly highlighted through\nplanning, developing and implementing curriculum at Hillside Out of School\nHours Care program\n\xef\x82\xb7 Effectively co-ordinated a classroom of children, with particular skills in\nbehaviour management strategies and constructive use of time\nTechnology skills\n\xef\x82\xb7 Proficient in: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power-point and Publisher),\nInternet, E-mail and Acrobat reader\n\xef\x82\xb7 Specialist media software knowledge includes Adobe InDesign, Photoshop\nJanet Gradteacher\n\n0415 057 478\n\nPage 2\\\n+61 3 9905 4170\\n\n\x0cPastoral skills\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nEncouraged a caring and positive learning environment fostered through\nassisting students with additional needs within a regular class room setting\nDemonstrated competence in general care, appropriate curriculum planning\nand teaching skills, as well as administration and management across a range\nof children\xe2\x80\x99s services\n\nOther Employment Experience\nJuly 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 Nov 2012 Tutor, Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), History\nSelf-Employed\n\xef\x82\xb7 Tutored seven VCE History students to support their learning in VCE\ncurriculum\n\xef\x82\xb7 Effectively negotiated hours, boundaries and curriculum with students and\nparents\nFeb 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Nov 2009 Contributor and On Editorial Board\nLot\xe2\x80\x99s Wife, Monash University Student Newspaper\n\xef\x82\xb7 Contributed regular and ad-hoc articles\n\xef\x82\xb7 Selected and commissioned articles\nJan 2005 \xe2\x80\x93 Feb 2008 General Waitperson\nChino\xe2\x80\x99s Caf\xc3\xa9, Rowville\n\xef\x82\xb7 Customer service and order taking\n\xef\x82\xb7 Prepared table s, plated food\n\xef\x82\xb7 Handled cash\n\nRegistrations_____________________________________________________________\n2008, 2011\n\nWorking with Children Check\n\n2008\n\nNational Criminal History Record Check\n\nref no. 89763330\n\nInterests_________________________________________________________________\nReading crime novels, swimming, tennis, yoga and painting\n\nReferees_________________________________________________________________\nMr.Jacob Janes\nPrincipal\nHillside Primary School\\nPhone: (03) 9995 4332\n\nJanet Gradteacher\n\nMrs. Mandy Tempson\nOSHC Co-ordinator\nHillside Primary School OSHC\\nPhone: (03) 9876 667\n\n0415 057 478\n\nDr. Catherine (Kate) Brilla\nLecturer, Education Faculty\nMonash University, Berwick\\nPhone: (03) 9800 1334\n\nPage 3\\\n+61 3 9905 4170\" |
336 | Education | b'Market Your Skills: Interpersonal,\nAnalytical, Leadership, Communication\n\nSarah K. Davis\n\n1234 W. Michigan Ave \xe2\x80\xa2 Chicago, IL 45670 \xe2\x80\xa2 456-7890-1234 \xe2\x80\xa2\n\nEDUCATION\nJune 2015\nNorthwestern University, Evanston, IL\nMaster of Science in Higher Education Administration and Policy\nMaster\xe2\x80\x99s Research Project: \xe2\x80\x9cWhat on-the-job experiences at a college union relate most strongly with undergraduate\nlearning outcomes?\xe2\x80\x9d\nJune 2012\nHighlight any relevant experience within\nUniversity of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA\nhigher education through internships,\nBachelor of Science in Psychology\ngraduate assistantships, or volunteer work\nMagna Cum Laude\n\nCAREER SERVICES EXPERIENCE\nUniversity Career Services, Northwestern University\nCareer Counseling Intern\nAugust 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conduct internship advising to undergraduate students and attended internship unit meetings to discuss trends\nand development\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provide individual career counseling services for students, including major/minor decision-making guidance,\nassessment administration and interpretation, and job search consultation\n\xef\x82\xb7 Develop an \xe2\x80\x98International Alumni Panel\xe2\x80\x99 event with International Student Association members: composed\ninvitations, coordinated with NU\xe2\x80\x99s Alumni and the International Office, directed the marketing efforts, and\nmoderated the discussion between panelists and over 50 attendees\n\xef\x82\xb7 Analyzed and critiqued student resumes and cover letters, interpret Myers-Briggs and Interest Inventory\nassessments, administer values and majors card sort activity on a weekly basis\nJuly 2012 - Present\nAlumni Sharing Knowledge Program, University of Virginia\nAlumni Career Mentor\n\xef\x82\xb7 Offer career development guidance to undergraduate students, graduate students and alumni: mock interviews,\nresume critique, networking advice, and academic planning\n\xef\x82\xb7 Participated in an academic and professional panel discussion for low-income and first-generation students\n(TRiO Student Support Services)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Selected to feature professional profile in the Career Center\xe2\x80\x99s online newsletter for April 2013\nDemonstrate ability to work with people\nof all levels (students, staff, faculty,\nadministrators) and background\n\nFocus on the population you served,\nresources developed, area of\nspecialty, and key accomplishments\n\nSTUDENT AFFAIRS EXPERIENCE\nUniversity of Virginia Alumni Relations Association, Charlottesville, VA\nApril 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 June 2012\nGraduate Assistant\n\xef\x82\xb7 Strategized and liaised daily with an Advancement Team consisting of the Dean, development officers, and\ncommunications team in order to support the academic mission of the University\n\xef\x82\xb7 Increased outreach and recruitment of alumni volunteers from the 100,000 alumni through targeted outreach\nwith campus partners, LinkedIn, development officers, and a customer relationship management database\n\xef\x82\xb7 Built partnerships with identified alumni to increase career mentorship, internship, and networking\nopportunities for students\n\nSKILLS\nTechnical\nLanguage\n\nMS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher; Social Media: LinkedIn, Facebook\nSpanish (fluent)' |
337 | Education | b'JOB SEEKER\n128 Pleasant Street\nMinneapolis, MN 55416\n\nePortfolio:\n\\n(612)625-4346\n\nMINNESOTA STATE TEACHING LICENSES\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nPhysical Education, K-12\nSpecial Education: Developmental Adapted Physical, Pre K - grade 12\n\nAugust 2011\nAugust 2011\n\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Minnesota, School of Kinesiology\nMasters of Education, Physical Education\nBachelor of Science, Kinesiology Exercise Science\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Minor: Youth Studies\nCPR Certification \xe2\x80\x93 Children and Adults\nAwards and Honors\n\xe2\x80\xa2 National Association for Sport & Physical Education Student of the Year\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Women\xe2\x80\x99s Physical Education Alumnae Association Scholarship\n\nTwin Cities Campus\nAnticipated May, 2013\nMay, 2010\n2010 - Present\n2010\n2009\n\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nth\n\n9 Grade Physical Education and Health Student Teacher\nMinneapolis, MN\nLane High School\nJanuary \xe2\x80\x93 May 2011\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Lead a unit on sexual health and reproduction from which 90% of students met learning\nobjectives at or above 85% as assessed by an objective, multiple choice, True/False and short\nessay exam adapted from district curriculum\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught students how to work with others through team building activities such as the human knot,\nrelays, and the action name game\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Prepared and taught a lesson on badminton from which, based on a formal assessment, 100% of\nstudents learned the rules, shots, and stance\nK-5 Physical Education\nMinneapolis, MN\nKenny Elementary School\nSeptember \xe2\x80\x93 December 2010\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organized age appropriate sporting events, such as basketball, wiffleball, baseball, T-ball, and\nkickball, focusing on students\xe2\x80\x99 learning of strategy, teamwork, and cooperation\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Ensured safety of children, utilizing cones, providing water breaks, equipment inspections, and\nclose supervision of class\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Discussed the dangers of violence, peer pressure, and the importance of health and hygiene\nCOACHING EXPERIENCE\nGirls\xe2\x80\x99 High School Soccer Coach, Sunnybrook Charter School, Fridley, MN\nGirls\xe2\x80\x99 Junior High Volleyball Coach, Sunnybrook Charter School, Fridley, MN\nGirls\xe2\x80\x99 Ages 8-10 Soccer Coach, Minneapolis Youth Soccer\nGirls\xe2\x80\x99 Ages 6-8 Assistant Soccer Coach, Minneapolis Youth Soccer\n\n2008-2009\n2007-2009\n2004-2007\n2003\n\n\x0cJOB SEEKER, page 2\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\nAfter School Activities Assistant\nSpring Lake Park, MN\nSpring Lake Park Elementary School\nAugust 2008 - June 2009\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Prepared classes in beading and instructed groups of 10-12 students in designing and making\njewelry, encouraging creativity and originality\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervised children, ages 6-12, and provided structured games and activities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Encouraged full participation in games and instructed students in rules and techniques\nIntern\nBoundary Waters, MN\nOutward Bound Wilderness \xe2\x80\x93 Dogsled and Ski Adventure\nWinter Break (4 weeks), 2008\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Instructed teenagers and adults, in small groups of ten, in preparing sleds, dogs, and equipment\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught cross country ski technique and strategies for keeping stamina in long distance trips\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted Leader in group processes and activities and in team building\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Counseled individuals having difficulty with the adventure and assisted them in overcoming fears\nParticipant\nDecember (15 days), 2007\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Attended and participated in Outward Bound Winter Adventure with family members\nCamp Counselor/Activities Coordinator\nBemidji, MN\nCamp Sunshine\nSummer, 2007\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided instruction on activities such as rowing, sailing, volleyball, kickball, and other outdoor\ngames to children ages 10-15\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created lesson plans and coordinated scheduling of activities so all kids could participate\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Recognized by supervisors for providing activities that kept campers interested and engaged\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Sought out by campers for extra lessons in sailing\nVOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE\nMember\nUniversity of Minnesota\nAdaptive Sports Club, Department of Recreational Sports\n2010-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Promoted and facilitated the involvement of University students and staff with disabilities in sport\nclubs, intramural sports, outdoor recreation, aquatic activities, and other program offerings\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organized adaptive recreation, exercise, and sport activities for students and staff, including\nwater aerobics and wheelchair basketball games\nVolunteer Big Sister\nMinneapolis, MN\nBig Brothers/Big Sisters\n2010-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provide ongoing support and mentoring to a now twelve year old girl from a single parent\nhousehold on welfare assistance due to parental mental illness\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Volunteered as a big sister for two other girls who have since moved out of state\nVolunteer\nSpecial Olympics\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Officiated volleyball games and recruited day-of-event volunteers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Helped with day-of-event organization and information for participants\n\nMinneapolis, MN\n2009' |
338 | Education | b'SAMPLE TWO PAGE TEACHER RESUME\nEylove Children\nE-mail:\nLocal Address\n2201 Wildquail Circle\nBirmingham, AL 35229\n(205) 803-0177\n\nPermanent Address\nP.O Box 816\nNew South, NC 27509\n(904) 633-0395\n\nCareer Objective: To teach at the elementary level\nEducation:\n\nBachelor of Science, Dec. 2004\nBirmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, AL\nMajor: Early Childhood/ Special Education/ Elementary Education\nCollaborative Degree (Birth-6th Grade) Class B Certification\nCumulative GPA: 3.2/4.0\nMajor GPA: 3.8/4.0\n\nStudent Teaching:\nOak Mountain Elementary School, Birmingham, AL Fall 2004\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught a 1st grade inclusion classroom\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Unit taught: North America/ Christopher Columbus\nCahaba Heights Community School, Birmingham, AL Fall 2004\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught 4th grade\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Unit taught: World War II/ American Life\nClinical Experiences:\nBrookwood Elementary School (Inner-city) (Spring 2004)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 3rd Grade; Unit taught: Life Cycle of Honeybee\nOak Mountain Intermediate School: Hoover, AL (Fall 2003)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Kindergarten/1st Grade; Adapted lessons for typical students and ones with\nspecial needs\nOak Mountain Elementary School: Hoover, AL (Fall 2003)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 4th Grade: Taught/adapted lessons for inclusion classroom\nHand in Hand Child Care Center: Homewood, AL (Fall 2003)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 3 year olds; worked cooperatively with classroom teacher, Physical\nTherapists, and Occupational Therapists to assist children with physical\ndisabilities\nSouth Shades Crest Elementary School: Hoover, AL (Spring 2003)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 4th Grade; Unit taught: Pioneers\nCornerstone Elementary School Birmingham, AL (Fall 2002 )\n\xe2\x80\xa2 2nd Grade; Taught lessons on age-appropriate curriculum\nRelated Experiences:\nElementary Tutor (Summer 2004)\nPrepared girl for entrance into 1st grade\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked on her fine motor skills, phonemic awareness, letter/number\nrecognition and vocabulary words.\n\nPage 1 of 2\n\n\x0cAEylove Children\n(205) 803-0177\nRelated Experiences (Continued)\nProfessional Babysitter\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Baby-sit for children of all ages providing a safe, enjoyable, and controlled\nenvironment\nSubstitute Teacher (part-time employment Jan. 2004)\nHand in Hand, Birmingham, AL\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided assistance to children with disabilities\nChild-Care Employee (part-time employment Summer 2004)\nFirst Baptist Church Huntsville, AL\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervised activities of children (infants-6th grade) during thechurch\xe2\x80\x99s\nSunday and Wednesday night events and seminars\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Planned, conducted, and taught church related lessons and games\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Monitored behavior to ensure safety and security for the children\nOther Work Experience:\nOffice of Admissions Assistance, Birmingham-Southern, Birmingham, AL\nReceptionist, Heritage Bank of Huntsville, AL\nCollege Activities/ Honors/ Affiliations:\nPhi Mu Sorority\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nPhi Delta Kappa, the Professional Association in Education\nKappa Delta Epsilon, Honorary Professional Education Fraternity\nAlabama Reading Association\nAwarded Best Art Activity Certificate\nCollege Missions Team Leader for Brookwood Baptist Church,\nCoordinate and volunteer to feed Homeless at Linn Park, Birmingham, AL 2003-2004\nSelected as a mentor for Mentor Alabama (a statewide mentoring initiative to reduce juvenile\ncrime by involving positive adult role models) 2003\nRelay for Life Team Captain for Kappa Delta Sorority, fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness,\nsurvivors, and research, April 2004\nDale Carnegie Training, January 2004\nCultural/Travel: Traveled to the west coast of Africa, Belgium, East Canada, Alaska and Nicarauga\nComputer Skills: Windows, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SmartBoard, Dreamweaver, Photoshop,\nElectronic portfolio and Easy CD Creator\n\nReferences, Video and Electronic Portfolio Available Upon Request\n\nPage 2 of 2' |
339 | Education | b'Market Your Skills: Interpersonal,\nAnalytical, Leadership, Communication\n\nSarah K. Davis\n\n1234 W. Michigan Ave \xe2\x80\xa2 Chicago, IL 45670 \xe2\x80\xa2 456-7890-1234 \xe2\x80\xa2\n\nEDUCATION\nJune 2015\nNorthwestern University, Evanston, IL\nMaster of Science in Higher Education Administration and Policy\nMaster\xe2\x80\x99s Research Project: \xe2\x80\x9cWhat on-the-job experiences at a college union relate most strongly with undergraduate\nlearning outcomes?\xe2\x80\x9d\nJune 2012\nHighlight any relevant experience within\nUniversity of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA\nhigher education through internships,\nBachelor of Science in Psychology\ngraduate assistantships, or volunteer work\nMagna Cum Laude\n\nCAREER SERVICES EXPERIENCE\nUniversity Career Services, Northwestern University\nCareer Counseling Intern\nAugust 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conduct internship advising to undergraduate students and attended internship unit meetings to discuss trends\nand development\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provide individual career counseling services for students, including major/minor decision-making guidance,\nassessment administration and interpretation, and job search consultation\n\xef\x82\xb7 Develop an \xe2\x80\x98International Alumni Panel\xe2\x80\x99 event with International Student Association members: composed\ninvitations, coordinated with NU\xe2\x80\x99s Alumni and the International Office, directed the marketing efforts, and\nmoderated the discussion between panelists and over 50 attendees\n\xef\x82\xb7 Analyzed and critiqued student resumes and cover letters, interpret Myers-Briggs and Interest Inventory\nassessments, administer values and majors card sort activity on a weekly basis\nJuly 2012 - Present\nAlumni Sharing Knowledge Program, University of Virginia\nAlumni Career Mentor\n\xef\x82\xb7 Offer career development guidance to undergraduate students, graduate students and alumni: mock interviews,\nresume critique, networking advice, and academic planning\n\xef\x82\xb7 Participated in an academic and professional panel discussion for low-income and first-generation students\n(TRiO Student Support Services)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Selected to feature professional profile in the Career Center\xe2\x80\x99s online newsletter for April 2013\nDemonstrate ability to work with people\nof all levels (students, staff, faculty,\nadministrators) and background\n\nFocus on the population you served,\nresources developed, area of\nspecialty, and key accomplishments\n\nSTUDENT AFFAIRS EXPERIENCE\nUniversity of Virginia Alumni Relations Association, Charlottesville, VA\nApril 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 June 2012\nGraduate Assistant\n\xef\x82\xb7 Strategized and liaised daily with an Advancement Team consisting of the Dean, development officers, and\ncommunications team in order to support the academic mission of the University\n\xef\x82\xb7 Increased outreach and recruitment of alumni volunteers from the 100,000 alumni through targeted outreach\nwith campus partners, LinkedIn, development officers, and a customer relationship management database\n\xef\x82\xb7 Built partnerships with identified alumni to increase career mentorship, internship, and networking\nopportunities for students\n\nSKILLS\nTechnical\nLanguage\n\nMS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher; Social Media: LinkedIn, Facebook\nSpanish (fluent)' |
340 | Education | b'Market Your Skills: Interpersonal,\nAnalytical, Leadership, Communication\n\nSarah K. Davis\n\n1234 W. Michigan Ave \xe2\x80\xa2 Chicago, IL 45670 \xe2\x80\xa2 456-7890-1234 \xe2\x80\xa2\n\nEDUCATION\nJune 2015\nNorthwestern University, Evanston, IL\nMaster of Science in Higher Education Administration and Policy\nMaster\xe2\x80\x99s Research Project: \xe2\x80\x9cWhat on-the-job experiences at a college union relate most strongly with undergraduate\nlearning outcomes?\xe2\x80\x9d\nJune 2012\nHighlight any relevant experience within\nUniversity of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA\nhigher education through internships,\nBachelor of Science in Psychology\ngraduate assistantships, or volunteer work\nMagna Cum Laude\n\nCAREER SERVICES EXPERIENCE\nUniversity Career Services, Northwestern University\nCareer Counseling Intern\nAugust 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conduct internship advising to undergraduate students and attended internship unit meetings to discuss trends\nand development\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provide individual career counseling services for students, including major/minor decision-making guidance,\nassessment administration and interpretation, and job search consultation\n\xef\x82\xb7 Develop an \xe2\x80\x98International Alumni Panel\xe2\x80\x99 event with International Student Association members: composed\ninvitations, coordinated with NU\xe2\x80\x99s Alumni and the International Office, directed the marketing efforts, and\nmoderated the discussion between panelists and over 50 attendees\n\xef\x82\xb7 Analyzed and critiqued student resumes and cover letters, interpret Myers-Briggs and Interest Inventory\nassessments, administer values and majors card sort activity on a weekly basis\nJuly 2012 - Present\nAlumni Sharing Knowledge Program, University of Virginia\nAlumni Career Mentor\n\xef\x82\xb7 Offer career development guidance to undergraduate students, graduate students and alumni: mock interviews,\nresume critique, networking advice, and academic planning\n\xef\x82\xb7 Participated in an academic and professional panel discussion for low-income and first-generation students\n(TRiO Student Support Services)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Selected to feature professional profile in the Career Center\xe2\x80\x99s online newsletter for April 2013\nDemonstrate ability to work with people\nof all levels (students, staff, faculty,\nadministrators) and background\n\nFocus on the population you served,\nresources developed, area of\nspecialty, and key accomplishments\n\nSTUDENT AFFAIRS EXPERIENCE\nUniversity of Virginia Alumni Relations Association, Charlottesville, VA\nApril 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 June 2012\nGraduate Assistant\n\xef\x82\xb7 Strategized and liaised daily with an Advancement Team consisting of the Dean, development officers, and\ncommunications team in order to support the academic mission of the University\n\xef\x82\xb7 Increased outreach and recruitment of alumni volunteers from the 100,000 alumni through targeted outreach\nwith campus partners, LinkedIn, development officers, and a customer relationship management database\n\xef\x82\xb7 Built partnerships with identified alumni to increase career mentorship, internship, and networking\nopportunities for students\n\nSKILLS\nTechnical\nLanguage\n\nMS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher; Social Media: LinkedIn, Facebook\nSpanish (fluent)' |
341 | Education | b'Sample cover letter\nDear Sir/Madam:\nRE: Administrative Assistant, Department of Health and Social Services\nRequisition #289.\n\n_____________________________\nOpening: Why do you want this job?\n\nI am writing to your advertisement of the above noted position in the\nWhitehorse Star, Friday, January 10, 2015. At this time in my career, I am\nlooking for new challenges and an opportunity to use my secretarial skills in\nyour department.\n\n_____________________________\nBody: Describe your experience\n\nWith reference to the qualifications described in the advertisement, you will\nsee from the enclosed resume that I have:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\n15 years of experience in secretarial and administrative support\npositions, with increasing levels of responsibility.\n\neducation, experience, skills and\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nComputer training and experience using Microsoft Word.\n\npersonal qualities in relation to the job.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nExtensive experience in taking the initiative to organize an office, with\nlittle supervision.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nBusiness Administration Diploma;\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nFirst Nation Management Diploma;\n\nrelevant to the essential qualifications\nof the position. Emphasize your\n\nDiscuss why you would be well suited\nto this position.\n\nIn addition to my extensive office experience, I have strong communication\nand organizational skills, a commitment to providing excellent customer\nservice, excellent administrative skills and I am able to work independently\nand within a team environment. I have been recognized in my volunteer\nwork for my abilities to organize events and take responsibility for fund\nraising activities. My broad background and experience makes me an\nexcellent candidate for this position.\n\n_____________________________\nClosing: Although the cover letter\nis not required, it can bring attention\nto specific important information not\nfound in the resume.\n\nI look forward to an opportunity to further discuss my qualifications for this\nposition with you.\nSincerely,\nJane Doe\n\nSample cover letter - Yukon government\t\n\n1\n\n\x0cSample resume\n_____________________________\nFormal education (degree, diploma,\ncertificate, etc). Include courses that\nare relevant to job posting.\n_____________________________\n\nEducation\n2015 \xe2\x80\x93 Business Administration, Certificate received in Yukon College\n2012 \xe2\x80\x93 Financial Management, Diploma received in Calgary Alberta\nOther Training\n\nList relevant short courses,\n\n2015 - Microsoft Excel Fundamentals, Course, Yukon College, Whitehorse,\n\nworkshops & licenses.\n\nYukon\n2015 - Microsoft Excel Tool, Course, Yukon College, Whitehorse, Yukon\n2014 - Microsoft Word, Course, SAIT, Calgary, Alberta\n2010 - Microsoft Access, Course, SAIT, Calgary, Alberta\n\n_____________________________\n\nWork Experience\n\nList most recent work experience\n\nJanuary 2015 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\nfirst. Include month & year, position\n\nAdministrative Assistant, Public Service Commission, Whitehorse,\n\ntitle, name & location of employer\n\nYukon\n\nand duties in your own words.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nCoordinate all staffing request from departments which includes entering\nAction Request Forms into Access database, preparing competition and\nexemption files for Human Resources (HR) to pick up\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nCoordinate all advertisements for Yukon Government job postings,\nassist departments with draft and review of ads\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nAnswer calls and inquiries for all employees and members of the public,\nforward enquires to the appropriate\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nUsing Microsoft Outlook for calendar management, creating meetings\nand inviting attendees, locating and booking available meeting room\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nExperience in maintaining and management of confidential records\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nPrepared and distribute Memos using Microsoft word\n\nClearly state your skills, experience\n& knowledge as it relates to each\nessential qualification.\n\nJune 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 December 28, 2014\nReceptionist, Jungle Ride Office, Calgary, Alberta\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nProvided front end reception by greeting customers and directing them\nto the appropriate person in the organization\n\nSample resume - Yukon government\t\n\n\x0cSample resume continued\n_____________________________\nClearly cover all essential\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nPhoto copying, faxing, answering phones\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nMaintained an electronic and manual filing system by entering all new\nclients\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nAnswered calls and requests for information for the public and current\nemployees\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nHanded out pamphlets, addressed any concerns and issues they had\nand forwarded their concerns to the appropriate branch\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nAssisted employees regarding inquiries about their pay and benefits\nforms\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nSorted and distributed all incoming mail for departmental branch\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nUpdated all phone lists and notes using Microsoft Word, and Excel, as\n\nqualifications in the job posting -- if\nyou have them.\n\nneeded\n\n_____________________________\n\nDecember 2013 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2014\n\nList associations if relevant to the\n\nChild Care Worker, Let\xe2\x80\x99s Have Fun, Calgary, Alberta\n\njob.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nResponsible for six toddlers\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nResponsible for staffing and scheduling \xe2\x80\x93 interviewed candidates for\npositions\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nWorking with parents, family and children\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nDealing with sensitive care issues\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nProviding quality childcare for community children\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nPreparing snacks and lunches\n\nBe brief if jobs were held more than\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nProviding different indoor and outdoor activities\n\n10 years ago.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nPrepare meals and snacks\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nPick up and drop off school age children\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nAttending scheduled internal staff meetings\n\nList achievements and awards if\nrelevant to the job (do not attach\ncopies).\nList your volunteer experiences if\nrelevant to the job.\n\nFebruary 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 April 2010\nOn Call Receptionist, Southland Registration, Calgary, Alberta\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nAnswered telephone and email enquiries and redirected the calls and\nemail as necessary\n\nSample resume - Yukon government\t\n\n\x0cSample resume continued\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nProvided front end reception by greeting clients and members of the\npublic.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nReceiving and processing all incoming and outgoing mail\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nWord-processing correspondence, memoranda, reports, and documents\nwhen required using Microsoft word\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nArranged travel, itinerary and schedule when required for the director\nand supervisor\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nBooking and maintaining boardroom facilities and staff vehicles\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nArranged meetings as needed\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nProvided financial functions such as banking, depositing funds,\nreceiving and recording of rental payments, maintaining petty cash for\nsmall maintenance projects, processing and maintaining purchase order\nbook and invoices\n\nVolunteer Experience\nApril 2000 \xe2\x80\x93 October 2005, Secretary \xe2\x80\x93 Treasurer, School Committee,\nGolden Elementary School, Calgary Alberta\n\n_____________________________\nInclude 2-3 references here or take\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nOrganized fund raising events\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nMaintained accounting records (using ACPAC)\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\t\n\nReceived and disbursed moneys for class field trips\n\nReferences\nAvailable upon request\n\nthem to your interview. List name,\ntitle, organization, address, phone\n# and work relationship. Use former\nsupervisors or others who know your\nwork -- if they\xe2\x80\x99ve agreed to provide\na reference. Don\xe2\x80\x99t attach copies of\nreference letters.\n\nSample resume - Yukon government' |
342 | Education | b'Bolton\nMarcia V. Bolton, Ed. D.\nWidener University\nOne University Place\nChester PA 19013\n610-499-4630 (office)\\n\nEDUCATION\nShenandoah University\nEd. D, Administrative Leadership, August 2004.\nUniversity of South Carolina\nM.Ed., Remedial Reading , December, 1978\nShippensburg University\nCertificate for Reading Recovery Teacher Leader, June 1997\nUniversity of Florida\nBA, Early Childhood, August 1975\n\nEXPERIENCE\n2014-Present\n\nAssistant Dean of Education, Accreditation and Licensure, School of Education,\nHospitality, and Continuing Studies (SEHCS), Widener University.\n\n2009-2011\n\nAssistant Professor of Education, School of Education, Innovation, and\nContinuing Studies, Widener University.\n\n2008\n\nAssistant Professor of Education, Virginia State University, VA\n\n2005-2008\n\nAssistant Professor of Education, Glenville State College, Glenville WV\n\n2001-2005\n\nTitle I Lead Teacher/Reading Recovery\xc2\xae Teacher Leader, Haiover Couty\nSchools, VA\n\n2002-2004\n\nAdjunct, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA\n\n2000-2001\n\nReading Recovery Teacher Leader, Hanover County Schools, Hanover, VA\n\nPROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS\n2014-Present\n\nNCATE Coordinator, SEHCS\n\n2011-2015\n\nAssociate Professor of Education, SEICS\n\n1\n\n\x0cBolton\n\nPROFESSIONAL AFFLIATIONS AND MEMBERSHPS\nKappa Delta Pi\nInternational Reading Association/Keystone State Reading Association\nThe Professors of Reading Teacher Education\nDirectors of Student Teaching\xe2\x80\x94Regional Meetings\nNational Association for the Education of Young Children\nSouthern Early Childhood Association\nThe Delta Kappa Gamma Society International\xe2\x80\x94Chair Scholarship 2008\nEastern Educational Research Association\xe2\x80\x94Treasurer 2010-2012\n\nRESEARCH ACTIVITIES\nAY 2007-2013\nArticles in Peer Reviewed Journals\nBolton, M. V. & Reisboard, D. (2013). Improving pre-service teacher dispositions. Journal of\nTeaching Effectiveness and Student Achievement (in press).\nBolton, M. V. (Fall, 2011). Supporting literacy with successful intervention. Professors of\nReading Teacher Educators Newsletter.\nBolton, M. V. (2010). Fly on the Wall: Using teleconferencing to supervise student teacher\nperformance. Journal of Open, Flexible, and Distance Learning, 14(1), p. 62-76.\n\nNon Peer-Reviewed Publications\nBond, N., Bolton, M., Cook, M., Dagenais, R., Gaffney, C., Pope, A, Stewart, P., and Sterrett, W.\n(2013). The future of teaching as a profession (white paper). Retrieved from\nBond, N., Bolton, M., Cook, M., Dagenais, R., Gaffney, C., Pope, A, Stewart, P., and Sterrett, W.\n(2012). Teacher evaluation (white paper). Retrieved from\nBolton, M. (2012). Truth or fiction. Blog on\nBolton, M. & Pugh, A. (2007). Through the eyes of a 5th grader: Awareness of socioeconomic\nclasses. Professional Development Schools Research Book Series, Volume III. Charlotte,\nNC: Information Age. April 2007.\nBolton, M. V. (2007). Reading coaches as a professional development model. The Reading\nMatrix. (7)2, August 2007.\n\n2\n\n\x0cBolton\n\nPresentations\nBolton, M. V. (2011) Presentation for the 56th Annual Convention of the\nIRA Associations\xe2\x80\x99 Special Interest Group, Professors of Reading Teacher\nEducators (PRTE)\nYoder, N. & Bolton, M. (2011) Steeping Pre- service Teachers in Literacy\nTechniques. A\npresentation at the Third International Literacy Coaching\nSummit and the\nWidener Reading Conference.\nBolton, M. V., Schaming, S.P., & Korin, D.R. (2011). Gatekeeping responsibilities: Assessing\nand addressing dispositions of pre-service teachers and school counselors. A roundtable\nat EERA Annual Conference, Sarasota, Fl.\nStrong, M. & Bolton, M. V. (2010). Strategies for teaching power verbs to increase critical\nthinking. A presentation at the Keystone State Reading Association 43rd Annual\nConference, Hershey, PA.\nBolton, M. V. & Ledoux, M. L. (2010). Preparing Literacy Teachers and\nLeaders.\nSymposia presented at the International Reading Association: Leading and Learning in\nLiteracy 23rd World Congress on Reading. Auckland, New Zealand.\nBolton, M. V. & Conner, C. (2010). Navigating Ocean Waters: Preparing\ncandidates for\nthe deep waters of literacy teaching. A presentation\nVirginia State Reading\nAssociation 43rd Annual Conference\nBolton, M. V. (July, 2009). Phonics, phonemic awareness, and fluency: Making them work for\nyou. A seminar conducted at Federation of Teachers Act 48 training for Philadelphia\nCity Schools.\nBolton, M. V. (November, 2009). College and school personnel administrators discuss\npartnerships for student teaching. A panel discussion at the Eastern Pennsylvania\nAssociation of School Personnel Administrators.\nBolton, M. V. 2009: A Place for me. An in-service presented to Philadelphia Federation of\nTeachers. Philadelphia, Pa.\n\nBolton, M.V. & DeWitt, A. (2008). Fly on the Wall: Using distance learning\nequipment to\nsupervise interns: Investigating the Hawthorn Effect during distance supervision. A\npresentation at the National Professional Development Schools Conference. Orlando,\nFlorida.\n\nSTUDENT DISSERTATION/THESIS DIRECTION & WORK\n2015 Chair: Lautenslager\nCommittee member: Bradshaw, Bendistis, George, Lepore,\nReader: Manela, Kemper, Kaskey, Rosario\n2014 Chair: Flood, Reed, White, Gardiner\nCommittee: Beaudry, Bradshaw, Achampoing, Antonis, Strollar\nReader: Bortz, Valentin, Begley, Valentin, Bortz, Gehringer, Bachelor\n\n3\n\n\x0cBolton\n2013\n\n2012\n2011\n\nCommittee: Poncheri, McInerney, Sawyer, Johnson, Radosh\nReader: Decker, Futrick, Hillery, Bryne, Mehrotra, Kozachyn, Hoover, Jerue,\nTrail, Keenan, Seibert\nCommittee: Wolfe, Magliano, Redding, Best, Eckman, Lentz, Taddei, Black\nReader: Buchanan, Watson-Mack, Evans-Weaver, Martino, Rile, Littlefield\nCommittee: Bove, Martin\nReader: DeMinico\n\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nStudent Teaching Seminar\nClassroom Management\nClassroom Management for the Middle Years\nIntroduction to Education, Education (Undergraduate and Graduate level)\nEnglish Language Learners\nImplementing the Elementary Curriculum\n\nSERVICE ACTIVITIES\nCommunity Outreach & Evaluation\n2015\n2015\n2009-2015\n\nUrban Immersion Project\nTeacher Residency\nWU Habitat for Humanity Build adult leader-Alternate Spring Break\n\nProfessional Service\n2015\nPennsylvania State Department of Education Major Program\nReview, reviewer\n2010- Present\n\nSchool/University Partnerships Journal\xe2\x80\x94Reviewer\n\n2009-Present\n\nPAC-TE journal Reviewer\n\n2012-Present\n\nJEPPA- Journal of Education Policy, Planning and Administration board\nmember and reviewer\n\n2013\n\nPlanning Committee, 18th European Conference on Reading. University\nof Jonkoping in Sweden.\n\n2009-2013\n2011\n\nKDP Public Policy Advocacy Board.\nAdvising Summit University College Advising Summit Widener\nUniversity. Summit conducted at Widener University, Chester, PA.\nPennsylvania Educator Certification Tests (PECT) Item Review\nConference. Chair of the review committee for PreK-4 item review team\n\nUniversity Service\nMiddle states working group\nTLA Bridge Week Advisory Group\nHigh Impact Practices Committee\n\n4\n\n\x0cBolton\nGeneral Education Task Force\xe2\x80\x94Secretary\nTeacher Education Council Member\nEastern Pennsylvania Association of School Personal Administrators\xe2\x80\x94Panel member\nFreshmen Move-In Day\nHomecoming Alumni Volunteer\nCounselor: Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Sigma Pi\n\nCollege Service\nInterdisciplinary Day Facilitator\nFaculty Secretary\nProfessional Development Schools Committee Chair Certification Committee\xe2\x80\x94Secretary\nGraduate Admissions Member\nDirectors of Student Teachers Member\nDoctoral Comprehensive Examination Proctor\nSelection Committee Member for Special Education Faculty search\nSelection Committee Chair for Director of Field Experience\n\n5' |
343 | Education | b'CURRICULUM VITAE (JANUARY, 2016)\n\nPATRICIA J. GUMPORT\nADDRESS\nOffice of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education\nStanford University\n450 Serra Mall, Building 310, Stanford, CA 94305-2028\n\nE-mail:\n\n\nCURRENT ADMINISTRATIVE AND FACULTY POSITIONS AT STANFORD UNIVERSITY\nVice Provost for Graduate Education\nProfessor of Education and Director of the Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research (SIHER)\nEDUCATION\nPh.D.\nM.A.\nM.A.\nB.A.\n\nStanford University: Education (Higher Education Administration & Policy Analysis), 1987\nStanford University: Sociology, 1986\nStanford University: Education, 1982\nColgate University: Philosophy, 1980, Magna cum laude, Phi beta kappa\n\nHONORS AND AWARDS\nPresident, Association of Graduate Schools, Association of American Universities, 2011-12\nPresident\xe2\x80\x99s Award for Advancing Institutional Excellence through Diversity Programs, 2012\nAmerican Leadership Forum \xe2\x80\x93 Silicon Valley, Senior Fellow, since 2011\nPresident\xe2\x80\x99s Leadership Academy, Stanford University, 2008-2009 (inaugural cohort of fellows)\nExemplary Research Award, American Educational Research Association, 2006\nYoung Leader of the Academy Award, The Leadership Project, Change, 1998\nUniversity Fellow, Office of the President, Stanford University, 1995-1997\nOutstanding Teaching Award, School of Education, Stanford University, 1995\nDistinguished Early Career Scholar Award, Association for the Study of Higher Education, 1993\nSpencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, National Academy of Education, 1989-1991\nOutstanding Dissertation of the Year Award, Association for the Study of Higher Education, 1988\nACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION\nVice Provost for Graduate Education, Stanford University, since 2007.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Founded Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education: set mission, vision, strategic plan, budget.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provide leadership to enhance excellence in graduate education in highly decentralized university, serving\n9,200 students who pursue 15 degree types within 90 degree programs across all 7 Schools.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Major responsibilities: promote academic innovation, facilitate collaborative opportunities to address\nsystemic challenges, identify synergies; expand graduate fellowship programs, manage budget & financial\nforecasts, fundraising, stewardship; university policy & programs for 2,300 postdoctoral scholars; serve on\nPresident\xe2\x80\x99s Executive Cabinet, Full Cabinet, Provost\xe2\x80\x99s Budget Group, Senate; Co-chair Diversity Cabinet.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Design and oversight of initiatives in priority areas, including diversity, interdisciplinary learning, graduate\nprofessional development, leadership, faculty advising, preparing for careers as faculty & in all sectors.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Mission-critical data analyses: design, oversight, and dissemination (including interactive websites).\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Innovative fellowship programs: Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellowships; Diversifying Academia,\nRecruiting Excellence (DARE) Doctoral Fellowships to diversify U.S. professoriate; scaled up Enhancing\nDiversity in Graduate Education (EDGE) Doctoral Fellowships to all fields at Stanford.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 California Alliance for Graduate Education & the Professoriate (to diversify STEM), NSF-funded.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 PI/Coordinating Official, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (~$21M in FY16).\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Nationally, collaborating with graduate education leaders & policymakers to advance shared goals.\n\n\x0cChair, Division of Social Sciences, Policy, & Educational Practice, Stanford Graduate School of Education:\nManaged admissions, degree progress (17 PhD & Master\xe2\x80\x99s degree areas), & teaching by 30 faculty (2004-06).\nFACULTY CONTRIBUTIONS\nFaculty Positions:\nProfessor of Education (Assistant, Associate), Graduate School of Education, Stanford University, since 1989\nDirector, Higher Education PhD Program, Graduate School of Education, Stanford University, 1989-2006\nAssistant Professor of Higher Education, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 1988-89\nPostdoctoral Scholar: comparative research on graduate education with Burton Clark, UCLA, 1987-89\nTeaching & Mentoring Areas: (Graduate primarily; some courses cross-listed in Sociology) Sociology of\nHigher Education, Leadership & Administration in Higher Education, Higher Education & Society,\nSociological/Organizational Theory, Interdisciplinarity, Higher Education Management & Planning, Policy\nAnalysis, Social Science Research Design & Methods, Case Study/Qualitative Methods.\nGraduate Advising & Mentoring: Primary advisor for over 50 PhD and 20 master\xe2\x80\x99s degree students. PhD\nalumni employment by sector: ~70% academia, ~20% non-profits & government, ~10% industry.\nFaculty Service at Stanford (selected): Faculty Senate (elected 2 terms), Planning and Policy Board (elected),\nCommittee on the Status of Women (appointed), AAUP Executive Committee (elected); Faculty Quality of\nLife Study (appointed), Academic Planning Task Force (appointed), Provost\xe2\x80\x99s Budget Group (appointed).\nResearch Administration at Stanford:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Director, Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research (SIHER), since 1995. (Deputy Director,\n1989-94). SIHER is home to research on contemporary higher education planning and policy issues from a\nrange of analytical perspectives, including those of social scientists and policymakers in the U.S. & abroad.\nSIHER provides opportunities for collaboration among faculty and research training for students/postdocs.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Executive Director/Principal Investigator, National Center for Postsecondary Improvement, 19962004. NCPI was the largest federal research grant to Stanford\xe2\x80\x99s Graduate School of Education, initially\n$12.5M for 5 years, increased to $15.7M over 8 years. Headquartered in SIHER, I oversaw 60 research\nprojects, led the executive leadership team & Board of Senior Scholars, managed budget & all deliverables.\nExternal Funding: Principal Investigator on Grants (selected)\n$15.7M: National Center for Postsecondary Improvement. U.S. Department of Education (1996-2004)\n$204,000: Higher education research priorities of foundations. Atlantic Philanthropies (2002-03)\n$400,000: Academic collaboration in public higher education. Ford Foundation (2004-2008)\n$50,000: Instructional collaboration in the liberal arts. Carnegie Corporation of New York (2005)\n$150,000: Efficiency in community colleges. William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2006-2007)\nSummary of Research and Scholarship:\nI am a sociologist of higher education. Through research, writing, and teaching, I have contributed to our\nunderstanding of major changes in the academic landscape and organizational character of American higher\neducation. My work illuminates the dynamics of institutional change in several arenas\xe2\x80\x94what facilitates it and\nwhat impedes it within different types of colleges and universities\xe2\x80\x94and identifies implications for academic\nleaders who manage organizational change, knowledge change and professional socialization. Using theories\nand methods from sociology, I analyze how organizational, intellectual, political, economic, and professional\ninterests redefine the content, structure, conduct, and relative legitimacy of academic fields.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Key studies include: the emergence and institutionalization of interdisciplinary fields; dynamics of\nprofessional socialization across disciplines; tensions in restructuring during budget cuts and selective\ninvestment; the ascendance of industry logic in public higher education (1975-2000), a pivotal era of\nchanging societal expectations; forces that promote and inhibit academic collaboration.\nServing in academic leadership roles has affirmed my passion for these areas and has inspired new inquiry in\ngraduate education, leadership development, academic collaboration, and organizational change.\n2\n\n\x0cPUBLICATIONS\nBooks\nGumport, P. Under review. Academic Collaboration: A Strategic Necessity. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins\nUniversity Press.\nGumport, P. Forthcoming. Academic Legitimacy: The Ascendance of Industry Logic in Public Higher\nEducation. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.\nBastedo, M., P. Altbach, and P. Gumport (eds.) 2016. American Higher Education in the 21st Century: Social,\nPolitical, and Economic Challenges. Fourth Edition. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.\nAltbach, Berdahl, and Gumport (eds.): Third Edition (2011), Second Edition (2005), First Edition (1999).\n(Translated into Chinese in 2005.)\nGumport, P. (ed.) 2007. Sociology of Higher Education: Contributions and their Contexts. Baltimore, MD:\nJohns Hopkins University Press. (Translated into Chinese in 2010. Translated into Japanese in 2014.)\nGumport, P. 2002. Academic Pathfinders: Knowledge Creation and Feminist Scholarship. Westport, CT:\nGreenwood Press.\nAltbach, P., P. Gumport, and B. Johnstone (eds.) 2001. In Defense of American Higher Education. Baltimore,\nMD: Johns Hopkins University Press. (Translated into Chinese in 2007.)\nAltbach, P., R. Berdahl, and P. Gumport (eds.) 1994. Higher Education in American Society, Third Edition.\nBuffalo, NY: Prometheus Books. (Translated into Japanese in 1997.)\nArticles in Peer-Reviewed Journals and Chapters in Edited Volumes (Selected from 50)\nGumport, P. 2016. Graduate Education and Research. In Bastedo, Altbach, and Gumport (eds.) American\nHigher Education in the 21st Century. Fourth Edition. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.\nUpdated from 2011, 2005, 1999.\nGumport, P. 2012. Strategic Thinking in Higher Education Research. In M. Bastedo (ed.) The Organization of\nHigher Education: Managing Colleges for a New Era. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.\nGumport, P. and S. Snydman. 2006. Higher Education: Evolving Forms, Emerging Markets. In W. Powell and\nR. Steinberg (eds.) The Non-Profit Sector. Hartford, CT: Yale University Press.\nGumport, P. and D. Julius. 2006. Graduate Assistants\xe2\x80\x99 Collective Bargaining. In E. Benjamin and M. Mauer\n(eds.) Academic Collective Bargaining. New York, NY: MLA and AAUP.\nGumport, P. and J. Jennings. 2005. Toward the Development of Liberal Arts Indicators. In M. Richardson\n(ed.) Tracking Changes in the Humanities. Cambridge: MA: AAAS.\nGumport, P. and M. Chun. 2005. Technology and Higher Education. In Altbach, Berdahl, Gumport (eds.)\nAmerican Higher Education in the 21st Century. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Reprinted: L.\nFoster, et al (eds.) 2001. Distance Education. Pearson; 2003 Peking University Education Review 4:32-41.\nBastedo, M. and P. Gumport. 2003. Access to What?: Mission Differentiation and Academic Stratification in\nU.S. Public Higher Education, Higher Education: The International Journal of Higher Education and\nEducational Planning 46:341-359.\n\n3\n\n\x0cGumport, P. 2003. The Demand-Response Scenario: Perspectives of Community College Presidents, The\nAnnals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 586(March):38-61.\nGumport, P. and R. Zemsky. 2003. Drawing New Maps for a Changing Enterprise, Change 35(4):30-35.\nGumport, P. and S. Snydman. 2002. The Formal Organization of Knowledge: An Analysis of Academic\nStructure, Journal of Higher Education 73(May/June)3:375-408.\nJulius, D. and P. Gumport. 2002. Graduate Student Unionization, Review of Higher Education 26(Winter)2:\n187-216.\nGumport, P. 2002. Universities and Knowledge. In S. Brint (ed.) The Future of the City of Intellect. Stanford,\nCA: Stanford University Press. Reprinted 2004 Peking University Education Review 4(8):54-65.\nGumport, P. and M. Bastedo. 2001. Academic Stratification and Endemic Conflict: Remedial Education Policy\nat CUNY, Review of Higher Education 24(4):333-349.\nGumport, P. 2001. Restructuring: Imperatives and Opportunities for Academic Leaders, Innovative Higher\nEducation 25(Summer)4:239-251.\nBailey, T. and P. Gumport. 2001. Sizing up the Competition: The Contours of For-Profit Higher Education,\nChange 33(November/December)6:47-50.\nGumport, P. 2000. Academic Restructuring: Organizational Change and Institutional Imperatives, Higher\nEducation: The International Journal of Higher Education and Educational Planning 39:67-91.\nGumport, P. 2000. Learning Academic Labor, Comparative Social Research 19:1-23.\nGumport, P. and J. Jennings. 1999. Looking Back at Revenue and Expenditure Trends: Are We Privatizing\nPublic Higher Education? Change 31(September/October)6:61-64.\nGumport, P. and B. Pusser. 1999. University Restructuring: The Role of Economic & Political Contexts. In J.\nSmart (ed.) Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. Volume XIV. Bronx, New York: Agathon.\nGumport, P. and J. Jennings. 1997-98. Graduate Student Employees, CUPA Journal 48(Fall/Winter)3/4:33-37.\nGumport, P. 1997. Public Universities as Academic Workplaces, Daedalus 126(Fall)4:113-136.\nGumport, P. and B. Pusser. 1997. Restructuring the Academic Environment. In M. Peterson, D. Dill, L. Mets\n(eds.) Planning and Management for a Changing Environment. Jossey-Bass.\nGumport, P. and B. Pusser. 1995. A Case of Bureaucratic Accretion: Context and Consequences, Journal of\nHigher Education 66(September/October)5:493-520.\nGumport, P. 1993. The Contested Terrain of Academic Program Reduction, Journal of Higher Education\n64(May/June)3:283-311.\nGumport, P. 1993. Fired Faculty: Reflections on Marginalization and Academic Identity. In D. McLaughlin\nand W. Tierney (eds.) Naming Silenced Lives. New York, NY: Routledge.\nGumport, P. 1993. Graduate Education and Organized Research in the United States. Chapter in B. Clark (ed.)\nResearch Foundations of Graduate Education. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.\n\n4\n\n\x0cGumport, P. 1993. Graduate Education and Research Imperatives: Views from American Campuses. In B.\nClark (ed.) Research Foundations of Graduate Education. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.\nGumport, P. 1992. Graduate Education: Comparative Perspectives. In B. Clark and G. Neave (eds.) The\nEncyclopedia of Higher Education. Volume II. Oxford: Pergamon Press.\nGumport, P. 1991. The Federal Role in American Graduate Education. In J. Smart (ed.) Higher Education:\nHandbook of Theory and Research. Volume VII. New York: Agathon Press.\nGumport, P. 1991. E Pluribus Unum? Academic Structure, Culture and the Case of Feminist Scholarship,\nReview of Higher Education 15(Autumn)1: 9-29.\nGumport, P. 1990. Transformations in American Graduate Education and Research, Educational Policy\n4(December)4:313-326.\nGumport, P. 1990. Feminist Scholarship as a Vocation, Higher Education 20(October)3:231-243. Reprinted in\nJ. Glazer, E. Bensimon, B. Townsend (eds.) 1993. Women in Higher Education. Washington, DC: ASHE.\nReprinted in A. H. Halsey et al (eds.) 1997. Education, Culture, Economy, & Society. Oxford University Press.\nGumport, P. 1988. Curricula as Signposts of Cultural Change, Review of Higher Education 12 (Autumn)1:4962. Reprinted in J. Haworth and C. Conrad (eds.) 1995. Revisioning Curriculum in Higher Education.\nNeedham Heights, MA: Simon & Schuster.\nINVITED PRESENTATIONS (SUMMARY)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 ~100 peer-reviewed conference papers, including Association for the Study of Higher Education, American\nEducational Research Association, American Association for Higher Education, American Sociological\nAssociation.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 ~70 invited addresses in the U.S., including American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American\nAssociation for the Advancement of Science, Association of American Universities, American Council on\nEducation, American Association of University Women, Association of Governing Boards, Association of\nGraduate Schools, Council of Graduate Schools, Pew Charitable Trusts, Historically Black Colleges &\nUniversities Summer Institute, Washington Higher Education Secretariat, and abroad in Copenhagen,\nHiroshima, Kassel, London, Mexico City, Rome, Stockholm, and Sydney.\nNATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL SERVICE (SUMMARY)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Board of Directors & Executive Councils: Association for the Study of Higher Education (1991-93); AERA\nDivision J (1995-97); Association of Graduate Schools in the AAU (2010-2013), AGS President (2011-12).\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Editorial Boards and regular reviewer: The Journal of Higher Education, The Review of Higher Education,\nHigher Education: The International Journal of Higher Education and Educational Planning.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Occasional reviewer: Sociology of Education, Social Forces, American Educational Research Journal,\nReview of Educational Research, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Educational Policy,\nEconomics of Education Review, Contemporary Sociology, International Journal of Qualitative Studies,\nJossey-Bass, Johns Hopkins University Press, Kluwer, Oxford University Press, Stanford University Press,\nSUNY Press, University of California Press, Hewlett Foundation, Mellon Foundation, Spencer Foundation,\nFulbright Commission, OECD, Rand, U.S. Department of Education, National Science Foundation.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Board of Trustees, Colgate University (1999-2004).\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Consultant (selected): American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Atlantic Philanthropies, Carnegie\nFoundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Ford Foundation, Learning Productivity Network, Social\nScience Research Council. Topics: academic planning, program review, organizational restructuring, liberal\neducation, faculty development, shared governance, interdisciplinarity, graduate education, undergraduate\neducation, diversity, academic collaboration, leadership; Public higher education system offices and public\ncampuses on various issues in Arizona, California, Illinois, Missouri, New York, North Dakota, and Texas.\n5' |
344 | Education | b"Aundrelet W. Clarke\n11111 Any Street. New York, NY 11111 ~ (123)456-7890 ~\n________________________________________________________________________\n\nEXPERIENCES\nCounseling\nFacilitated small groups and classroom presentations in the high school and middle\nschool programs addressing issues of: career and life planning; conflict resolution;\ndecision making skills; self-esteem; alcohol and drug use/abuse; divorce; social\nskills; stress management and relaxation\nCounseled and advised adolescents in the areas of academic, career, college and\npersonal development and issues including: scheduling classes; creating four year\nacademic plans; mediating problems between students and other students, teachers,\nand/or parents; assisting students' with the college search and application process;\nexploring personal interests, values, and career information; suicide and risk\nassessments and stabilization; referrals for therapy in the community\nParticipated in Special Education meetings: Educational Support Team, IEP, 504,\nand RTI meetings\nCurriculum and Development\nDevelop an innovative curriculum to provide support services to the general\neducation program through collaborative planning, co-teaching, small group\ninstruction (with special and general education students in general education\nclasses) and direct instruction to mainstream special education students\nOrganize time, space and resources to balance heavy workloads and stringent\ndeadlines\nUse unconventional methods and resources to educate students in grammar,\nspelling, mathematics, science and social studies\nEducational Assessment\nReview numerous classroom assessment methods and techniques, adopt effective\ntools that are complaint with the school board\nSpearhead volunteer programs to fulfill a need for students requiring additional\nassistance outside of the classroom\nStudent/Parent Relations\nCultivate parent involvement through consistent written and verbal\ncommunication, classroom participation, invitations and home visits\nPlan numerous extracurricular activities, including organizing tournaments,\ncoordinating transportation, and chaperoning student out-of-town trips\nClassroom Presentation\nIdentify students\xc3\xa2\xc2\x80\xc2\x99 individualism and develop a curriculum to accommodate\ndifferent learning styles, maximizing students comprehension\nEstablish comfortable, student-focused, two-way communication that empower\nstudents to enjoy the learning process\nMaintain a productive learning environment by stating the classroom rules, holding\nstudents accountable for their actions, and implementing consistent and fair\nconsequences\n\n\x0c8/07-12/09\nSpecial Education Teacher AAA High School, New York, NY\nResponsible for the creation and implementation of lesson plans based on student\nlearning styles and the use of Differentiated instruction\nEffectively manage classroom by setting firm and fair guidelines, role modeling\nbehaviors and using verbal and non verbal cues\nCase load manager for 12 students - responsibilities include resource room, reteaching, re-explaining, breaking down of task(s), simplifying and monitoring\nguidance of students with disabilities and the writing of their IEP.\nCo-teacher for Living Environment and Global 9\n8/05-7/06\nSpecial Education Teacher BBB Elementary School, New York, NY\nEducated and managed an average of 25 students in an education setting.\nParticipated with a team of teachers to collaborate with parents and administrators\nto create individual education plans for students with disabilities.\nParticipated in school committees to evaluate our success as a school and to make\nrecommendations for improvement.\nOrganized and updated student records, professional development records, report\ncards, student folders, attendance records, discipline reports, tardy records, lesson\nplans and weekly schedules.\nChecked out instructional material and equipment and inventoried it at the end of\nthe school year.\nOrganized and participated in student accountability meetings with parents.\nPurchased, ordered and distributed educational supplies, textbooks, paper, pencils,\nand t-shirts.\nTaught technology club, homework club and special education tutoring to\nelementary students after school.\n6/04 -12/04 Special Education Teacher CCC Middle School, New York, NY\nCoordinated and facilitated IEP meetings\nDeveloped and implemented goals and objectives\nMaintained exceptionally high degree of professionalism while interacting with\nsupport staff, peer teachers, and administrators\nBuilt reputation for valuable classroom management skills and capacity to deliver\nbroad range of detailed lesson plans\nEstablished strong, equitable learning environment to meet needs of H.S. learners\nduring leave of faculty member\n\nPROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS\nAmerican Counseling Association\nNational Career Development Association\n\n\x0cSKILLS\nComputer Skills: PC and Mac; Windows 2000 and XP; MSWorks & MSWord;\ninternet; Win School\nResearch - data entry, literature search and review, questionnaire development,\nresearch design, data collection, input, and analysis\nBehavior Management Techniques\nCrisis Intervention Techniques\n\nINTERESTS\nConflict resolution\nPersonal/Professional coaching\nCommunication skills training\nCareer development\nIndividual/group counseling\nStress management\n\nEDUCATION\nNew York University, New York, NY\nDoctorate of Education in Counseling Psychology, Expected graduation 2012\nNew York State University, New York, NY\nMasters of Arts in Guidance Counseling, July 2005\nUniversity of New York, New York, NY\nSpecial Education Teacher Certification, July 1997\nSouthern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, Louisiana\nBachelor of Science in Clothing, Textiles and Related Arts, December 1995\nReferences furnished upon request." |
345 | Education | b'Curriculum Vitae\n\nDANIEL A. WOODS, ED.D.\n7669 Chesterfield Road \xe2\x80\xa2 Baltimore, MD 21201\nHome: 410-224-6649 \xe2\x80\xa2 Cell: 410-224-6647\nEmail:\n\nPROFESSIONAL PROFILE\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nAccomplished career demonstrating consistent success as an Administrator and Educator at the secondary and\nhigher education levels. Outstanding track record in assuring student success.\nSeasoned in conceiving and building programs from the ground up through proven competencies in grant writing\nand administration, project and program management, and staff development and empowerment.\nExtensive background of developing and implementing special programs for at-risk and special needs students,\nracially and ethnically diverse populations, and second-language learners.\nEffective communicator with excellent planning, organizational, and negotiation strengths as well as the ability to\nlead, reach consensus, establish goals, and attain results.\n\nEDUCATION\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nEd.D., Educational Finance and Policy, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, 1988\nDISSERTATION: An Analysis of the Program Cost and Intensity of Service of Public and Nonpublic Special Education in\nMaryland\nM.Ed., Educational Management and Supervision, Loyola College, School of Management and\nAdministration, Baltimore, MD, 1978\nB.S., Elementary and Special Education, Towson State University, Towson, MD, 1976\n\nACADEMIC HONORS AND AWARDS\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nRecipient, Graduate Assistantship Award, Loyola College, 1977 to 1978\nGraduated Magna Cum Laude, Towson State University, 1976\n\nACADEMIC /TEACHING EXPERIENCE\nAdjunct Associate Professor, Goucher College, Baltimore, MD, 1997 to Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Teach Educational Psychology, Foundations of American Education, and Classroom Management to classes\naveraging 20 students. Supervise Student Teachers at Gettysburg Area High School.\nAdjunct Instructor, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 1997 to Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Teach Current Trends in Education, Students with Special Needs and Diverse Learning Styles, and Learning\nTheory and Human Development to graduate students in class sizes averaging 20 students.\nSenior Lecturer, Coppin State University, Baltimore, MD, 1991 to 1996\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught course on the Nature and Needs of Exceptional Children to classes of 25 to 30 undergraduate students.\nLecturer, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 1984 to 1996\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught course on Adapting the Secondary Curriculum for Special Education Students to graduate students in\nclass sizes averaging 15 students.\n\nResume Contributed for Sample Purposes Only\n\nWritten by \xc2\\n\n\x0cD.A. Woods \xe2\x8e\xaf page two\n\nCOURSES TAUGHT\nUndergraduate\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Nature and Needs of Exceptional Children\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Educational Psychology\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Foundations of American Education\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Classroom Management\n\nGraduate\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Adapting the Secondary Curriculum for Special\nEducation Students\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Students with Special Needs/Diverse Learning Styles\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Learning Theory and Human Development\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Current Trends in Education\n\nHIGHLIGHTS OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nPrincipal, Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School, Montgomery County Public Schools, Bethesda, MD, 1995 to Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Principal for 1,200-student high school serving grades 9-12. Direct all aspects of school operations, including\ninstructional leadership, grant writing and management, program planning and implementation, staff selection and\nevaluation, student placement and discipline, school finance, and plant supervision.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Administer a $500,000 annual operating budget and supervise 130 professional and classified staff members.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Chair Gettysburg Area High School Diversity Committee; built strong ties with the minority community to create\na climate of acceptance for minorities where all students feel accepted.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Procured and administered $300,000 grant for Classrooms for the Future, and $400,000 grant for Project 720\n(high school reform initiative) over a 4-year period through the Pennsylvania Department of Education.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Achieved measurable success with at-risk students through the development of an alternative education program\nand ninth grade teams for at-risk freshman as well as implementation of Project 720.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed, proposed, and implemented block scheduling, JROTC, and student advisory programs.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Consistently meet/exceed Annual Yearly Progress goals set forth by the No Child Left Behind Act.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Involved in all aspects of $40 million high school construction project as well as relocation of students and staff\nmembers into the new facility.\nPrincipal, Montgomery Blair High School; Montgomery County Public Schools, Silver Spring, MD, 1991 to 1995\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Principal for 1,000-student high school serving grades 9-12. Managed program development and evaluation,\ncurriculum and instruction, teacher training, and district responsibilities. Served as Special Education Coordinator.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Administered a $100,000 annual operating budget and supervised 100 professional and classified staff members.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implemented an alternative education program; created a climate conducive to academic achievement by reducing\nclass sizes. Program resulted in a 70% success rate among at-risk youth.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Served on a task force that was instrumental in defining the relationship between Washington County Public\nSchools and local law enforcement agencies.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organized and directed annual Teacher Expectations and Student Achievement (TESA) workshop for faculty.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Achieved numerous citations from Washington County for improved school attendance.\nAssistant Principal, Walt Whitman High School; Baltimore County Public Schools, Baltimore, MD, 1988 to 1991\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assistant Principal for 2,000-student high school serving grades 9-12. Primary responsibilities included student\ndiscipline, attendance, instructional supervision, and staff evaluation.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Administered a $300,000 annual operating budget and supervised 150 professional and classified staff members.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Instrumental in the development and implementation of the Saturday School for Disruptive Students program.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Received accolades from teachers for enhancing the success of ninth grade students through the creation of\nalternative education program and coordination of ninth grade teams.\n\nResume Contributed for Sample Purposes Only\n\nWritten by \xc2\\n\n\x0cD.A. Woods \xe2\x8e\xaf page three\nPrincipal/Assistant Principal, Calvert School, Baltimore, MD, 1980 to 1988\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted in successfully transformed private education institution on the brink of closing its doors into a major\nprovider of special education services for emotionally disturbed and learning disabled students.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Hired staff, developed and administered budget, coordinated educational and clinical services, supervised students\nand activities, selected and assigned staff in-service programs, and astutely observed staff performance.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Garnered support from Maryland Association of Nonpublic Special Education Facilities on dissertation that\nconfirmed it was less expensive to pursue quality special education services in the private sector.\n\nEARLY CAREER\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nLearning Problems Resource Teacher, Chesapeake High School, Baltimore, MD, 1976 to 1980\nFourth Grade Teacher, General Wolfe Elementary School, Baltimore, MD, 1976\nSpecial Education Teacher, John Eager Howard, Baltimore, MD, 1976\n\nPRESENTATIONS\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nWoods, Daniel, A. (1990), \xe2\x80\x9cStaff Development for Mid-Career Faculty.\xe2\x80\x9d Presented at the Maryland Association\nof Secondary School Principals and Assistant Principals annual conference, Columbia, MD.\nWoods, Daniel, A. (1989), \xe2\x80\x9cYouth Suicide Prevention.\xe2\x80\x9d Presented to Carroll County Public School Special\nEducation Teachers in Inservice Day, New Windsor, MD.\nWoods, Daniel, A. (1984), \xe2\x80\x9cCreating Effective Schools,\xe2\x80\x9d seminar at the Maryland Association of Nonpublic\nSpecial Education Facilities Inservice Conference, Columbia, MD.\n\nPROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nAdvisory Board Member, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Task Force, The Maryland Association of Elementary\nand Secondary School Principals (MAESSP), 2007\nMember, Nominations Committee, The Maryland Association of Elementary and Secondary School Principals\n(MAESSP), 2005 to 2008\nChairman, Diversity Committee, Baltimore Area School District, 2005 to 2008\nExecutive Board Member, Maryland Association of Secondary School Principals (MASSP), 1991 to 1995\nExecutive Board Member, Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association (MPSSAA), 1991 to 1995\nChairman, Legislative Committee, Maryland Association of Secondary School Principals, (MASSP), 1991 to 1995\nPresident, Association of Public School Administrators and Supervisors of Carroll County (APSASCCO), 1995\nChairman, Spring Conference Committee, Maryland Association of Secondary School Principals, (MASSP), 1994\nMember, Visiting Committee, Middle States Evaluation of Northeastern High School, 1989\nChairperson, Conference Committee, Maryland Association of Nonpublic Special Education Facilities\n(MANSEF), 1988\nChairperson, Department of Special Services, Carroll County Public Schools, 1980\n\nPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT\nCertifications\n\nResume Contributed for Sample Purposes Only\n\nWritten by \xc2\\n\n\x0cD.A. Woods \xe2\x8e\xaf page four\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nMaryland Letter of Eligibility for Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Director, Assistant Director,\nPrincipal, Assistant Principal, 1987\nTrained Assessor, Assessment Center Program, National Association of Secondary School Principals, 1995\n\nConferences\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nNational Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) Annual Conference, Atlanta GA; Orlando, FL; San\nDiego, CA; San Francisco, CA; Reno NV; Las Vegas, NV; 2002 to 2007\nMaryland Department of Education Seminars: Project 720, Baltimore, MD 2004; Classrooms for the Future,\nBaltimore, MD, 2007\n\nWorkshops\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nInstitute for Instructional Leadership and Human Relations, Maryland Professional Development Academy, 1989\nand 1990\nStudent Assistance Program Training, Maryland State Department of Education, 1988\nInstitute for Teacher Effectiveness, Maryland Professional Development Academy, 1987 and 1988\n\nCOMMUNITY SERVICE\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nBoard Member, Communities that Care, Baltimore, MD, 2005 to 2007\nMember, Baltimore County Task Force, Baltimore, MD, 2005 to 2006\nBoard Member, Baltimore Community Athletic League, Baltimore, MD, 1991 to 1995\n\nResume Contributed for Sample Purposes Only\n\nWritten by \xc2\' |
346 | Education | b"Objective: To get a position as an administrative assistant and to gain further experience in this\nfield.\nExperience Summary:\n\xef\x82\x95\nCarried out key administrative responsibilities related to student management with\nefficiency\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nIntroduced new work process that improved work productivity and efficiency\n\nProfessional Experience:\nAdministrative Assistant, July 20XX to Present\nABC Management Institute\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nHandled the task of assigning students to academic counselors\n\xef\x82\x95\nHandled student's issues related to their studies, exams and social behavior with\nteachers and fellow students.\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nPrepared reports on important sectors of the institute's activities\n\nAdministrative Secretary, July 20XX to August 20XX\nAll Language Institute\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nHandled tasks related to student registrations\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nPerformed assignment of student to different language section\n\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nHandled various ledgers related to student activities\n\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nCoordinated with professor on conduction of exams, seminars and meetings\n\nEducation\n20XX - 20XX Marks' Junior College, Camden, NJ\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nCompleted a comprehensive secretarial course\n\nSkills\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nFast Typing\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nKnowledge in using word and excel. Able to quickly learn new software packages\n\nReferences\nFurnished upon request" |
347 | Education | b'Amy Lynne Anderson\n55 Elm St.,\nSometown, AZ 85701\nHome: 555-555-5555 |\nOBJECTIVE\nRecent honors graduate of Sometown High School eager to launch career as a veterinary assistant.\nPROFILE\nVeterinary assistant candidate whose qualifications include a high school diploma (earned with\nhonors) and a passion for caring for animals. Experience includes:\n\xef\x82\xb7Two years of dedicated service as an SPCA animal shelter volunteer;\n\xef\x82\xb7Four years as an active member/officer in 4-H;\n\xef\x82\xb7Four years of experience as a horse owner and competitive barrel racer; and\n\xef\x82\xb7Eight years of experience as a pet owner (dogs, cats, rabbits, macaw).\nEDUCATION\nSOMETOWN HIGH SCHOOL -- Sometown, AZ\nHigh School Diploma, 2011 (GPA: 3.8)\nHonors: National Honor Society\nVOLUNTEERISM\nSOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS -- Sometown, AZ\nAnimal Ambassador II, 1/10-Present\nAnimal Ambassador I, 10/09-12/09\nAdvanced to level II animal ambassador at Sometown SPCA Animal Shelter after completing\nintensive "Animal Handling"training and 20 hours of volunteer work in two months. Currently\nvolunteer for an average of 16 hours monthly, assisting in training, socializing and feeding animals\nawaiting adoption as well as handling basic shelter upkeep tasks. Qualified for"Medical Services\nAssistant" training, set to begin in January 2012.\nACTIVITIES AND AWARDS\n\xef\x82\xb7Member/Vice President, 4-H Club (Sometown Chapter), 2007-2011\n\xef\x82\xb7County Winner (First Place), 4-H Public Speaking Contest, 2011\n\xef\x82\xb7State 4-H Finalist, Level I Equestrian (Western), 2009\n\xef\x82\xb7Placed in the Top 3 at eight rodeos as a competitive barrel racer (youth division), 2008-2011\n\n\x0cCOMPUTER SKILLS\nMS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook); Windows XP/Vista\nADDITIONAL INFORMATION' |
348 | Education | b'Resumes and Cover Letters\nWith Samples\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nA Resume and Cover Letter - Your Marketing Team\nGetting Started on Your Resume\nWriting a Resume Employers Will Read\nSections of a Resume\nMaking Your Resume Attractive and Easy to Read\nAction Verb List\nCover Letters - The First Impression\nFraming Your Story - Questions to Guide Your Cover Letter\nCover Letter Format\nEmailing Covers Letters and Resumes\nHow the Lazarus Center Can Help\nCover Letter Format\nSample Resumes, Cover Letters, and Position Descriptions\n\nSmith College Lazarus Center for Career Development\\n413-585-2582\\nRev 08/15\n\n\x0cA Resume and Cover Letter\xe2\x80\x94Your Marketing Team\nEffective resumes and cover letters are essential partners in your job or internship search. The cover letter\nintroduces you and your resume to the reader, and the resume gives a more complete overview of your\nexperience and qualifications. Together, these important marketing tools show where the match is between\nyou and the position description and determine if you\xe2\x80\x99ll be interviewed.\nYour resume and cover letter must be geared to your audience. Before you start writing:\nAssess yourself. Know what skills and experience you bring to the table. Come talk!\nResearch the field so you can use its keywords in your resume and cover letters, important whether\nyour docs are being scanned by computer or read by a person. Consult our guide, Your Job Search.\nAnalyze the description of position for which you\xe2\x80\x99re applying. Notice the key skills and competencies the employer\nseeks. Identify specific examples in your resume that match these qualifications and stress these in your letter.\nGuidelines on cover letter writing begin on page 6.\n\nGetting Started on Your Resume\nWhether writing your first resume or updating a previous one, it may help to begin with a master list of all\nyour jobs, internships, campus and community activities, special courses and projects, schools attended,\ninterests, travel, and skills. All this will not end up in your final resume, but you want to be sure you don\xe2\x80\x99t leave\nout anything important. A professional resume is likely very different from your college application version.\nLength\nOne page is standard for most fields and for most students and recent graduates. This is especially important\nfor business, technology, or communications firms (advertising or publishing, for example). Employers in many\nother fields appreciate a concise and attractive one-page resume.\nA longer resume is appropriate for certain applicants and fields. For teaching, a two-page resume is\nacceptable if you have significant related experience. For fellowships, grants, or research jobs, you may need a\nCurriculum Vitae, or C.V. A resume for federal jobs is often longer than one page. Speak with a career advisor if\nyou have any questions about what format is appropriate for your needs.\nFormat\nAvoid templates or resume wizards. Your goal is to have your resume stand out in a positive way, and\ntemplate resumes often appear identical to those of many other applicants.\nArrange your education and experience in reverse chronological order, present to past. This lets your reader\neasily see your current and recent background. You may also use categories relevant to your audience, for\nexample, Public Relations Experience, Laboratory Experience, and so forth.\nSome fields require specialized resume formats. A C.V. may be needed for research, science positions, or\nfellowships. For C.V. guidelines, please see Curriculum Vitae for Academic or Research Roles. Acting,\nperformance, or studio arts majors should consult Resumes for Actors and Artists. Note that many U.S.\nemployers asking for a C.V. may actually want a resume.\n2\n\n\x0cWriting a Resume Employers Will Read\nUse action verb phrases to describe your experiences. Instead of \xe2\x80\x9cResponsibilities included training staff\xe2\x80\x9c say\n\xe2\x80\x9cTrained five new staff.\xe2\x80\x9d A list of action verbs is on page 5.\nBe concise; omit personal pronouns and \xe2\x80\x9ca,\xe2\x80\x9d \xe2\x80\x9can,\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cthe\xe2\x80\x9d whenever possible. Instead of \xe2\x80\x9cI created and\nmaintained a database using Excel,\xe2\x80\x9d say \xe2\x80\x9cCreated and maintained database using Excel.\xe2\x80\x9d\nStress accomplishments and results; quantify your results when appropriate. For example:\nDraft #1: Waited tables. Opened and closed restaurant.\nDraft #2: Provided customer service to patrons of high-traffic caf\xc3\xa9. Opened and closed restaurant.\nDraft #3: Provided quality customer service to patrons of high-traffic caf\xc3\xa9, serving up to 100 meals\nduring busy lunch and dinner shifts. Developed loyal return clientele. Selected by manager over more\nexperienced wait staff to open and close restaurant. Totaled up to $200 in tips per shift.\nCreate different resumes for different audiences. All fields have different keywords and expectations of\nresumes. If possible, have it reviewed by a professional in your field as well as the Lazarus Center.\nMake it clear. Avoid confusing acronyms and abbreviations. Instead of S.O.S., say \xe2\x80\x9cService Organizations of\nSmith.\xe2\x80\x9d It\xe2\x80\x99s OK to use postal abbreviations for states, but be consistent.\n\nSections of a Resume\nNAME. Put it at the top, centered or flush left. Use caps, bold, and a larger font to make it stand out.\nCONTACT INFORMATION. List your current address, phone, and email on one line (saves space) or blocked.\nAlso list a permanent or forwarding address if it\xe2\x80\x99s in your search region.\nOBJECTIVE (optional). We suggest you omit an objective from your resume and state it in your cover letter.\nSUMMARY or PROFILE (optional). More experienced applicants may begin with a summary geared to the\nreader. For example: Five years communications and marketing experience in non-profit sector. Skilled\nresearcher, writer, and editor. Excellent public speaking and workshop facilitation skills. Strong fundraising\nbackground with special expertise in grant writing. Experience recruiting, training, and motivating volunteers.\n\nEDUCATION generally comes first for students and recent grads. From present to past, list school, location,\ndegree, date awarded or expected, major, minor, and concentration. Study away, other degrees, thesis, related\ncourses, projects, and research papers may be included. GPA is required for finance or consulting but optional\nfor other fields. If your combined SAT is 2100+, we suggest including it on a finance resume. List major and\ncumulative GPA if you like.\nHigh school experience is often included by first years and sophomores. Others may include it if relevant, for\nexample, if you\xe2\x80\x99re searching in the region where you attended high school or if you had significant high school\nexperience related to your objective.\nHONORS and AWARDS, if you have them, may go under Education or as a separate category.\n\n3\n\n\x0cSKILLS can include languages, computer or lab skills, equipment use, and other skills relevant to your reader.\nInclude skills under Education or as a separate category. Add relevant licensing and certifications.\nEXPERIENCE can include jobs, internships, volunteering, extracurricular activities, and course projects. From\npresent to past, list title, organization, location, and dates. (Put organizations first, titles second if you like, but\ndo so consistently.) Use specific titles such as \xe2\x80\x9cAdministrative Intern,\xe2\x80\x9d rather than \xe2\x80\x9cIntern,\xe2\x80\x9d if your supervisor\napproves. Choose headers stressing experience in your target field, for example, Museum Experience.\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE (also called Supporting Experience) is an optional category for content you\xe2\x80\x99d like to\ninclude but is less directly relevant to your reader. You may use a second heading as described above.\nACTIVITIES, INTERESTS, SKILLS, TRAVEL, AFFILIATIONS. Choose headings that work for the rest of your\ncontent. Be specific. Say \xe2\x80\x9cEnjoy modern British fiction\xe2\x80\x9d rather than \xe2\x80\x9cEnjoy reading.\xe2\x80\x9d Listing memberships that\nreveal your race, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or gender identity may encourage or\ndiscourage employers from interviewing you. Feel free to consult a career advisor about your resume content.\nDO NOT INCLUDE the statement \xe2\x80\x9cReferences Available on Request.\xe2\x80\x9d Instead, prepare a separate page titled\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cReferences for Your Name\xe2\x80\x9d with your references\xe2\x80\x99 names, titles, and contact info (with permission) to send if\nrequested. Personal statistics (age, height, weight) and a photograph are only appropriate for a performance\nresume. Marital status is never included on a resume.\nINTERNATIONAL STUDENTS WISHING TO WORK IN THE US should use their Smith address and/or a US\naddress if you have one rather than an international address. Do not include your current visa status or\ncountry of citizenship. It is illegal for employers to ask about these topics in the US, though they may ask\nwhether you have work authorization or will require visa sponsorship in the future. If you are a Permanent\nResident we suggest including this in a final \xe2\x80\x9cActivities and Additional Background\xe2\x80\x9d section. Questions? Please\nsee a career advisor about your resume and the international student advisor about work status regulations.\n\nMaking Your Resume Attractive and Easy to Read\nSelect a font size and style that are easy to read. We suggest 10-12 point size in familiar fonts such as Arial,\nTimes New Roman, or Garamond. Try a slightly larger font for headings and name.\nAdjust the margins to fit your content. 1.0\xe2\x80\x9d margins are typical, but not a strict requirement.\nUse capital letters, bold type, italics, underlining, bullets, and spacing for emphasis.\nBe consistent with spacing, dates, punctuation, and order of information. Details matter!\nProofread your resume carefully. Don\xe2\x80\x99t rely on spell check. Misspellings, grammar and punctuation errors,\nand inconsistencies make a poor first impression. You may not be asked for an interview as a result.\nFor hard copy resumes, use bond paper (24 # weight is suggested) in white, cream, or gray. Use the same\npaper for your letters and get matching envelopes. If using a watermarked paper, get the mark right-side up.\nUse a letter quality printer with a fresh cartridge.\nKeep your resume polished and up-to-date. Revise it as you gain new experiences or change directions. The\neffort you put into this important marketing tool will be time well spent.\n.\n\n4\n\n\x0cAction Verb List\nThe verbs listed below are only a few of the many you can use in describing your experience and\naccomplishments. Make sure you have an action verb for each entry in your resume\'s \xe2\x80\x9cExperience\xe2\x80\x9d section.\naccelerated\n\nconceived\n\nencouraged\n\ninterpreted\n\nproduced\n\nsimplified\n\naccomplished\n\nconducted\n\nenlisted\n\nintroduced\n\nprogrammed\n\nsolved\n\nachieved\n\ndelegated\n\nestablished\n\nlaunched\n\npromoted\n\nspecialized\n\nadapted\n\ndemonstrated\n\nestimated\n\nled\n\nproposed\n\nstimulated\n\nadjusted\n\ndesigned\n\nevaluated\n\nlectured\n\nproved\n\nstreamlined\n\naided\n\ndetermined\n\nexamined\n\nlisted\n\nprovided\n\nstructured\n\nallocated\n\ndeveloped\n\nexpanded\n\nmaintained\n\nran\n\nsubstituted\n\namplified\n\ndevised\n\nexpedited\n\nmanaged\n\nreceived\n\nsuggested\n\nanalyzed\n\ndevoted\n\nextended\n\nmodified\n\nrecommended\n\nsummarized\n\nanswered\n\ndiagnosed\n\nfabricated\n\nmolded\n\nreconciled\n\nsupervised\n\napplied\n\ndiagrammed\n\nfocused\n\nmonitored\n\nrecorded\n\nsupported\n\nappointed\n\ndirected\n\nforecast\n\nmotivated\n\nrecruited\n\nsystematized\n\napproved\n\ndistributed\n\nfortified\n\nnegotiated\n\nreduced\n\nteamed\n\narbitrated\n\ncollaborated\n\nfounded\n\nobserved\n\nre-established\n\ntrained\n\narranged\n\nconstructed\n\ngenerated\n\noperated\n\nregulated\n\ntreated\n\nassisted\n\nconsulted\n\nguided\n\norchestrated\n\nrehearsed\n\ntutored\n\nassumed\n\ncontracted\n\nhandled\n\norganized\n\nreinforced\n\nunified\n\nattained\n\ncontrived\n\nharmonized\n\noriented\n\nrenegotiated\n\nupdated\n\naugmented\n\ncontrolled\n\nheaded\n\noriginated\n\nreorganized\n\nused\n\nawarded\n\ncooperated\n\nimplemented\n\noversaw\n\nreported\n\nutilized\n\nbegan\n\ncoordinated\n\nimproved\n\noverhauled\n\nresearched\n\nvolunteered\n\nbrought\n\ncounseled\n\nincorporated\n\nparticipated\n\nreshaped\n\nwidened\n\nbuilt\n\ncreated\n\nincreased\n\nperformed\n\nrestored\n\nwrote\n\ncalculated\n\ndealt\n\ninfluenced\n\npersuaded\n\nrevamped\n\ncatalogued\n\ndefined\n\ninitiated\n\nplanned\n\nreviewed\n\nchaired\n\nedited\n\ninspected\n\npinpointed\n\nrevised\n\ncompared\n\neffected\n\ninstalled\n\nprepared\n\nscheduled\n\ncompiled\n\neliminated\n\ninstituted\n\npresented\n\nselected\n\ncompleted\n\nemployed\n\ninstructed\n\npreserved\n\nset up\n\n5\n\n\x0cCover Letters: The First Impression\nAn employer\xe2\x80\x99s first impression of you is often your cover letter, so it must engage their attention quickly and\nconvince them to take the time to read your resume. Your cover letter needs to show what makes you a great\nfit for the position. It is not sufficient to say you have the skills required for the position or are interested in it.\nFirst, research the field and organization. Go beyond the website\xe2\x80\x94use press releases, journal/news articles,\nannual reports, Google, LexisNexis, and informational interviews with alums and others. Knowledge of the\norganization shows your initiative and enthusiasm for working there.\nReview the job description; notice the skills sought and field-specific terms used. Identify specific examples\nfrom your resume that demonstrate how you\xe2\x80\x99ve used the skills the employer wants. Stress accomplishments\nand results rather than simply listing your day-to-day responsibilities.\nWhenever possible, address your letter to an actual person, not "To Whom it May Concern." Phone or\nemail to get the recipient\xe2\x80\x99s name and title if it\xe2\x80\x99s not included in the position description. If you can\'t get a\nname, use a title such as "Dear Director" or "Dear Internship Coordinator."\nThe cover letter is a sample of your writing and communication skills. It must be clear, concise, and free of\nspelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Keep it simple. Dense, academic language or slang are\ninappropriate\xe2\x80\x94this is a business letter.\nTailor each cover letter. Employers may receive dozens or even hundreds of applications for any given\nposition. Careful research, relevant examples, and specific reasons why this position and this organization\ninterest you will help distinguish your application.\n\nFraming Your Story: Questions to Guide Your Cover Letter\nUse the following to generate content for your cover letter. Though it need not answer every question, a\ngreat letter will address many of these items and show you\xe2\x80\x99ve considered the others:\nWhy are you interested in this position? This organization? This field/industry?\nFor what position are you applying?\nWhat do you know about the organization, its work, clients/customers/products that especially\ninterests you?\nWhat do you feel distinguishes this organization from its peers?\nWhat specific skills and knowledge is the employer seeking for this position?\nHow have your prior experiences influenced your interest in this position/organization/field?\nIn what ways have your accomplishments during your prior experiences (extracurricular, volunteer,\nwork, other) prepared you to excel in this position?\nWhat aspects of your academic experience will help you succeed in this position?\nCompared to other applicants, how might you be uniquely qualified for the position?\nHow will the organization benefit from hiring you?\nHaving difficulty answering any of these questions? Revisiting the job description, further research, and\nclarifying your skills and interests may help.\n6\n\n\x0cCover Letter Format\nUse standard business letter format for your letter. Refer to the following page for guidelines on address\nformat, greeting and closing, and spacing.\nA cover letter should be no more than one page. Keep the paragraphs short and easy to read. Use a 10-12\npoint font size in the same font style as your resume. Set the margins so the letter is visually balanced on the\npage (1\xe2\x80\x9d is standard). For hard copy applications, use matching resume-weight paper and envelopes, and sign\nyour letter in black ink. If using stationery with a watermark, be sure it is facing the correct way.\n\nEmailing Cover Letters and Resumes\nAlways follow an employer\xe2\x80\x99s preference when emailing your resume and cover letter. If you don\xe2\x80\x99t know an\nemployer\xe2\x80\x99s preference, send your resume and letter as attached PDFs labeled with your name (ex: Jane Doe\nresume.). In the subject line say \xe2\x80\x9cResume and cover letter for children\xe2\x80\x99s trade division editorial assistant\nposition (#498).\xe2\x80\x9d\nIf sending your letter as an attachment, make the email message short:\nDear Ms. Nunez:\nI am a senior English major at Smith College with administrative and publications experience\ninterested in the children\xe2\x80\x99s trade division editorial assistant position (#498) advertised on\ The attached cover letter and resume provide details about my background and\nstrong interest in Cricket Hill Press.\nPlease let me know if you have difficulty opening the attachments. I look forward to discussing\nthis position with you.\nSincerely,\nJane Doe\nBefore emailing your documents to employers, email them to yourself and a couple of friends. This gives\nyou a chance to address any technical or format problems.\n\nHow the Lazarus Center Can Help\nFeel free to bring your resume or cover letter to a 15-minute drop-in appointment. If you\xe2\x80\x99re currently away\nfrom Smith, you may get feedback on your resume and cover letter during a phone or Skype appointment.\n\n7\n\n\x0cCOVER LETTER FORMAT\nDate\n\n\xe2\x86\x90 Note: One inch margins are typical.\n\nSuzan Smith\n\xe2\x86\x90 Note: You may use your resume header instead of this format.\nSmith College, 1 Chapin Way, Unit 0000\nNorthampton, MA 01063\n413-585-0000\\nRecipient\xe2\x80\x99s Name\nRecipient\xe2\x80\x99s Title\nName of Organization\nStreet Address\nCity, State, Zip\n\n\xe2\x86\x90 Note: Omit Mr. or Ms. here; include in greeting below.\n\nDear Ms. or Mr. Last Name:\n\n\xe2\x86\x90 Note: If you don\xe2\x80\x99t know the recipient\xe2\x80\x99s gender, say Dear First Last:\n\nOpening Paragraph: Introduce yourself to your reader (not, \xe2\x80\x9cHi, my name is Suzan Smith,\xe2\x80\x9d but something\nsuch as: \xe2\x80\x9cI am a senior at Smith College writing to apply for xxx.\xe2\x80\x9d). State where you saw the position posted.\nMention the contact who referred you \xe2\x80\x93 with her/his permission \xe2\x80\x93 if the employer knows them. You might\nbriefly summarize your specific qualifications for the position or interest in the organization, or do so later in\nthe letter.\nMiddle Paragraph(s): Focus on one or two specific examples from your resume that demonstrate you have\nthe skills sought for the position. Emphasize accomplishments and results that relate to the position. Don\xe2\x80\x99t\nrepeat long sections of your resume. Use terms and a language style appropriate to the field. Show you\xe2\x80\x99ve\nresearched the organization, but don\xe2\x80\x99t recite facts and figures from their website. Connect what you know\nabout the organization to your experience and skills. Your goal is to show why you would be excited to have\nthis specific position at this specific organization.\nBriefly state why the organization\xe2\x80\x99s mission, clients, programs, products, or services attract you. By now, the\nrecipient should clearly understand what you\xe2\x80\x99d add to the organization, and be convinced of your enthusiasm\nfor and match with the position.\nClosing Paragraph: You might briefly summarize your qualifications and interest in the position unless\nyou\xe2\x80\x99ve done so above. Offer a next step: Will you call to arrange an in-person or phone interview? Will you\nbe in the area on a certain day and follow up to arrange a time to meet? If you prefer, simply use the closing\nparagraph to say that you look forward to hearing from the employer and thank them for considering your\napplication.\nSincerely,\nSuzan Smith\n\n8\n\n\x0cSAMPLE RESUMES, COVER LETTERS, AND POSITION DESCRIPTIONS\nA resume and cover letter should always work together as a team to respond to the specific skills and\nqualifications sought in the position description.\nFor this reason, each sample resume-cover letter pair that follows is preceded by the corresponding job or\ninternship description.\nWe suggest you:\nReview the descriptions and identify the keywords and field-specific terms in each.\nNotice how each cover letter cites specific examples from the partner resume that show where\nthe match is between the applicant and the position, focusing on results and accomplishments.\nConsider how the information on each resume, the categories chosen, and the language style\nused respond to the specific wording of the companion description.\nFeel free to get help from the Lazarus Center as often as you like with your resume, cover letters, or any\naspect of your search.\n\n9\n\n\x0cHarlem RBI REAL Kids 2016 Summer Program Internship\n\nHarlem RBI (Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities) seeks dynamic, motivated individuals to serve as interns in an\ninnovative program for 9-12 year-old youth in East Harlem, New York City. Our REAL Kids (Reading and\nEnrichment Academy for Learning) program provides youth with a full day of educational, enrichment, and\nbaseball activities designed to foster a positive and supportive learning environment.\nInterns work directly with inner city youth and work independently to create and initiate new activities.\nTasks can include:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Serving as an assistant teacher in an innovative, literacy-based enrichment program\n\xef\x82\xb7 Coaching and organizing baseball and softball teams for 9-12 year olds\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborating with a co-coach and head teacher to design and document lesson plans and practice sessions\n\xef\x82\xb7 Leading recreational activities and off-site enrichment field trips\n\nIdeal candidates:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Have experience working with children\n\xef\x82\xb7 Are interested in and motivated to work with inner city youth\n\xef\x82\xb7 Have the ability to take initiative and maintain flexibility\n\xef\x82\xb7 Enjoy working independently as well as collaborating with others in a team environment\n\xef\x82\xb7 Have a desire to do good and do it well\nNOTE: Knowledge of baseball/softball is helpful but not required\nMission Statement:\nHarlem RBI is a private, non-profit organization located in East Harlem, New York. Its mission is to use baseball,\nsoftball, and the power of teams to provide inner city youth with opportunities to play, to learn, and to grow,\ninspiring them to recognize their potential and realize their dreams.\nInterested applicants should send a resume and cover letter addressing why the applicant is interested in\nworking with Harlem RBI, as well as the skills and prior experiences that the applicant will contribute to a\nsuccessful summer program. Mail to:\nREAL Kids/Harlem RBI\n333 East 100th Street\nNew York, NY 10029\nNO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.\nFor more information, visit us at\n\n10\n\n\x0cEMILIA RENZI\\nSmith College, 1 Chapin Way, Unit 0000, Northampton, MA 01063\n\n(413) 585-1234\n\nDecember 8, 2015\nCat Goddard\nAssistant Director\nREAL Kids/Harlem RBI\n333 East 100th Street\nNew York, NY 10029\nDear Ms. Goddard:\nI am a first year student at Smith College pleased to submit my application for a teacher/coach position with the\n2016 REAL Kids/Harlem RBI summer program which I saw in our career center internship database. With strong\ninterests in youth development and team sports, I am drawn to this position as an opportunity to make a positive\ndifference in the lives of inner city youth.\nI have extensive experience working with children in athletic and arts settings. As Assistant Coach of the Marion\nCounty Youth Softball League, I designed non-competitive beginner practices that motivated each player to strive\nfor her personal best. As the girls\xe2\x80\x99 skill level, self-esteem, and teamwork grew, several reported having greater\nsuccess in school. Previously, as Arts Leader for Fine Arts for Kids in Miami, I taught arts and crafts to Hispanic\nyouth and initiated cost-free activities that enriched their appreciation of art. As public schools are increasingly\ncutting funding for arts and sports programs, I am eager to help close the gap for these children however I can.\nAs a teacher/coach with REAL Kids/Harlem RBI I hope to share with my students the important lessons about\nteamwork, leadership, and motivation I\xe2\x80\x99ve learned from softball. I owe my academic success in large part to the\ncommitted coaches I had since joining my first softball team at age six. I am excited by the prospect of inspiring\nyour students to play, learn, and grow this summer.\nI am available at your convenience for an in-person or phone interview, and I look forward to hearing from you\nsoon.\nSincerely,\nEmilia Renzi\n\n11\n\n\x0cEMILIA RENZI\\nSmith College, 1 Chapin Way, Unit 0000, Northampton, MA 01063\n\n(413) 585-1234\n\nEDUCATION\nSmith College, Northampton, MA\nB.A. degree expected May 2019 Intended Major: Sociology\nVanguard High School, Ocala, FL\nGraduated June 2015\nHonors: National Honor Society (inducted as junior); Honor Roll (all 4 years)\nLanguages: Fluent Spanish\nComputer Skills: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint\nLEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE\nAssistant Coach, Marion County Youth Softball League, Ocala, FL (Summers 2014 and 2015)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Co-planned and led twice-weekly practice sessions for 12 girls ages 10 and under including beginner players.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed sessions with focus on players\xe2\x80\x99 self-esteem, motivation, and teamwork skills.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supervised team during head coach\xe2\x80\x99s vacations; debriefed players\xe2\x80\x99 daily progress with parents.\nMember, Anchor Service Club, Vanguard High School, Ocala, FL (2011-2015)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Participated in team-based volunteer projects; supported and sponsored 2-3 families during holiday time.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted at several town events such as wrapping holiday presents at mall for needy families. Projects received\nawards from National Association of Anchor Service Clubs.\nPresident, Spanish Club, Vanguard High School, Ocala, FL (2013-2014)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducted meetings for 15 members; supervised coordinators of 3 sub-committees\n\xef\x82\xb7 Organized activities and fundraisers including candy sale and holiday food and toy drive.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Helped plan and implement school-wide Mardi Gras attended by 250 students.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with faculty advisor. Active member for 2 years before election as President.\nArts Leader, Fine Arts for Kids, Miami, FL (2012-2013)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Led arts and crafts activities and cost-free field trips for 10 children ages 6-9.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed projects using items from local recycling center; initiated art show for families of campers.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Discussed children\xe2\x80\x99s progress with parents or guardians at drop-off and pick-up times.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Maintained and replenished art materials and kept area clean and safe.\nOther Activities: Fastpitch Varsity Team; Shocker Park All-Star Travel Softball Team; Slowpitch Varsity Team; JV\nSoccer Team; Symphony Under the Stars Volunteer.\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\nWaitress, Friendly\xe2\x80\x99s Restaurant, Ocala, FL (Summers 2013-2015)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provided attentive customer service during 3-hour lunch and dinner shifts.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Covered 5-6 tables totaling 20+ customers. Coordinated birthday parties for 10-15 children ages 6-12.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Served as dining room hostess while handling high-volume ice cream walk-up window.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Praised by manager for skillful handling of challenging customers.\n\n12\n\n\x0cThe Philadelphia Orchestra Marketing Internship\nThe Marketing Intern will assist in organizing communications about The Philadelphia Orchestra summer\nNeighborhood Concerts. The Marketing Intern will help to organize and maintain communication between\nThe Philadelphia Orchestra, members of Campus Classics, and colleges and universities. The Marketing\nIntern will oversee distribution of Orchestra materials as well as participate in the analysis of campaigns and\nsurveys. The Marketing Intern will also provide concert support when assigned and administrative support\nto the Marketing Department.\nEssential Functions:\n-Maintain marketing materials, advertising schedule, and web activity for Campus Classics, The Philadelphia\nOrchestra\'s program for college students; maintain communication between the Orchestra, members of\nCampus Classics, and colleges and universities.\n-Participate in the analysis of single ticket campaigns, subscription campaigns, and patron surveys.\n-Assist with daily and weekly sales analysis and budget reporting.\n-Oversee distribution of The Philadelphia Orchestra materials.\n-Provide concert support for The Philadelphia Orchestra concerts, as well as special event concerts and free\nneighborhood concerts.\n-Provide administrative support to the Marketing Department including Group Sales.\n-Other duties as assigned.\nMinimum Qualifications:\n-Interest or experience in marketing and statistical analysis a plus.\n-Strong communication skills.\n-Strong writing skills.\n-Proficient in Microsoft Office.\n-Project management skills.\nThis is a full time (35-40 hours per week) internship. Some evening and weekend work required.\n\n13\n\n\x0cElizabeth M. Page\nSmith College|1 Chapin Way|Unit 0000|Northampton, MA\n01063|413.555.1212|\nJanuary 16, 2016\nJohn Smith\nThe Philadelphia Orchestra Association\n260 South Broad Street, 16th Floor\nPhiladelphia, PA 19102\nDear Mr. Smith:\nI am a Smith College junior writing to apply for the summer Marketing Intern position at The\nPhiladelphia Orchestra Association. I would be excited to bring my experience in marketing,\nbackground in music performance, and love of symphonic music to this opportunity.\nAs Marketing and Public Relations Manager for the Smith College a cappella group the\nSmiffenpoofs, my marketing efforts and knowledge of the college-age audience achieved a\n10% increase in concert ticket and CD sales last year. By taking courses in research and statistics\nI have further built strengths in data collection and analysis.\nI first experienced the power of live performance while attending The Philadelphia Orchestra\xe2\x80\x99s\nsummer series at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center in upstate New York where I grew up.\nWolfgang Sawallisch\xe2\x80\x99s famed all-Wagner concerts and interpretations of the Bruckner\nsymphonies instilled in me a passion for music that continues to this day. The Marketing Intern\nposition interests me as an opportunity to contribute my marketing savvy and love of live\nsymphony while learning about the business side of the arts.\nI welcome the opportunity to talk with you about my interest in The Philadelphia Orchestra\nAssociation. I am available for a phone interview or I can meet in Philadelphia during my spring\nbreak, March 14-18. I will follow up next week to see if we can arrange a convenient time to\nspeak.\nSincerely,\nElizabeth Page\n\n14\n\n\x0cElizabeth M. Page\nSmith College|1 Chapin Way|Unit 0000|Northampton, MA 01063|413.555.1212|\nED UC A TI O N\nSmith College, Northampton, MA\nBA, Psychology (Expected May 2017)\nRelated Coursework: Research Design and Analysis; Statistical Methods for Undergraduate\nResearch; Seminar in Latino/a Identity; Social Psychology\nREL A TE D\n\nE X P E R IE N C E\n\nThe Smiffenpoofs, Smith College\nNorthampton, MA\nMarketing and Public Relations Manager\n2015 - Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Oversee all marketing, public relations, and media outreach for nation\xe2\x80\x99s oldest female\ncollegiate a cappella singing group\n\xef\x82\xb7 Delivered 10% increase from previous year in concert ticket and CD sales through new\nmarketing efforts\n\xef\x82\xb7 Write and distribute marketing materials, press kits, and press releases; serve as liaison to press\ncontracts and reporters\n\xef\x82\xb7 Coordinate radio appearances at college radio stations\n\xef\x82\xb7 Secure in-kind donations for events and CD release parties\n\xef\x82\xb7 Work closely with treasurer to track and analyze ticket and CD sales from concerts and\nperformances\n\xef\x82\xb7 Create brochures, flyers, and e-postcards to promote upcoming events and concerts; use\nAdobe Illustrator to create collateral materials\nA DD IT IO N AL\n\nE X P ER I E NC E\n\nSmith College Varsity Soccer Team\nNorthampton, MA\nCaptain\nAugust 2014 - Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Lead 28-member team during practices, games, and tournaments; provide mentorship,\nencouragement, and positive role model\n\xef\x82\xb7 Liaise with coaching staff to address issues of team cohesiveness; mediate conflicts\n\xef\x82\xb7 Achieved 100% attendance at practices and games for two consecutive years\n\xef\x82\xb7 Scout high school talent; lead tours of campus and athletic facilities for prospective students\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assist coaches with players\xe2\x80\x99 stretching, conditioning, and nutrition guidance\n\xef\x82\xb7 Execute policies and procedures governed by the NCAA\nSmith College Office of Advancement\nNorthampton, MA\nPhonathon Caller\nJune 2015\n\xef\x82\xb7 Cold-called alumnae and parents to update them on current events at Smith and to\nencourage them to financially support the college and upcoming initiatives\nThe Scoop\nBeverly, MA\nServer\nSummer 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Maintained high level of customer service in high-traffic beach front ice cream store; served\n75+ customers hourly\n\xef\x82\xb7 Handled cash transactions and oversaw daily bank deposits\n\xef\x82\xb7 Cleaned and closed store nightly; communicated with store manager regarding supplies and\nmachine maintenance\nS KIL L S\nAdobe PhotoShop and Illustrator; LexisNexis; Microsoft Office; Social Media\n15\n\n\x0cAnalyst, Barclays Capital Investment Banking and Debt Capital Markets\nOur Analysts fulfill a multitude of roles across the business. To become an Analyst at Barclays Capital you\nneed at least an outstanding undergraduate degree. Work experience gained through internships can also be\nan advantage. Applicants need to be highly intelligent and numerate, with strong communication skills.\nFluency in more than one language is an asset and the ability to work as part of a team is essential.\nThe Investment Banking and Debt Capital Markets area exists to provide effective global \'multi-product\'\nsolutions for clients seeking to raise capital or manage their risk exposure. As a result, Analysts within the\nteam work in close contact with our client groups which are structured by geography and sector. Extensive\nresearch, internal briefings, and presentations are involved in the search for a client solution. Once these\nsolutions are approved, models are built that provide the client with accurate projections. This role involves\ncreative thinking, maintaining relationships, and providing the full range of the firm\'s services to the client \xe2\x80\x93\ngovernment agencies or corporate clients looking to raise capital.\nGenerating new business is an important part of the role. It demands an understanding of complex products\nand their pricing, as well as looking at issues from different angles and creating alternative ideas. Looking at\nthe bigger picture in terms of client needs and wider market issues is also important. As such, you may\nspend your time developing ideas and solutions to pitch to clients. Following that, you may work on live deals\ninvolving products such as bonds, equity and credit derivatives, securitization, loans, foreign exchange,\ninterest rates, and commodities.\nFundamental analysis and research into companies and markets is the starting point in Investment Banking\nand Debt Capital Markets. This offers an opportunity to work with teams across the firm, delivering more\nintegrated solutions for our clients and across all areas of financing and risk management services. As\nrelationship management skills develop you will be given more responsibility for client relationships.\nTraining\nFrom the moment you accept a job at Barclays Capital, you are offered the opportunity to participate in the\npre-employment Global Campus Training Program. This is web-based training that focuses on product\neducation. It is designed to give you a fundamental knowledge of products prior to joining the Graduate\nProgram including an excellent understanding of the financial markets in which we operate, as well as the\nproducts, instruments, and services offered by Barclays Capital. This creates a strong platform on which to\nbuild more in-depth specialist expertise relevant to your chosen area. Upon joining the firm you will\nparticipate in the Graduate Training program at our London headquarters. The Graduate Program takes\nlearning one step further, incorporating practical applications through a variety of case studies, workshops,\nand presentations. Once you return to the US, you will participate in many programs including product\nknowledge sessions, online tutorials, and our mentor program.\nQualifications\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Strong-to-superior verbal, quantitative, and analytical skills\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Resourcefulness, team orientation, enthusiasm, and an entrepreneurial spirit\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Proven leadership qualities, a strong work commitment, and high ethical standards\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Minimum GPA of 3.2\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Knowledge of another language desired\nFor additional information or to apply for an opportunity, please visit\ncampusrecruitment.\n\n16\n\n\x0cMARGOT PERLMAN\nSmith College, 1 Chapin Way, Unit 0000, Northampton, MA 01063, 413.585.1111,\\n\nSeptember 29, 2015\nJane Doe\nHiring Manager\nBarclays Capital\nInvestment Banking Division\n200 Park Avenue\nNew York, NY 10166\nDear Ms. Doe:\nI am a senior economics major at Smith College very interested in the investment banking analyst program\nat Barclays Capital. At the September 28th information session at Amherst College I was struck by firstyear analyst Gregg Casale\xe2\x80\x99s description of Barclays as a global team that prides itself on its ability to do\nthings differently while delivering exceptional financial solutions for clients. With my finance experience,\nteamwork, and problem-solving skills, I believe I am well-paired to the analyst program and to Barclays\nCapital\xe2\x80\x99s culture.\nAs a summer analyst at Morgan Stanley this past summer, I prepared pitch books and analyses for client\npresentations and built financial models for leveraged buyouts and credit reviews. Through participating in\ndeal calls as part of the Financial Institutions Group team, I gained an understanding of how client needs are\nbest met under the pressure of time. Currently as treasurer of Smith\xe2\x80\x99s Student Government Association, I\nadminister financial transactions for 120+ student organizations and oversee a $500,000 budget,\nresponsibilities which draw on my attention to detail and ability to balance multiple priorities.\nI\xe2\x80\x99m attracted to the firm\xe2\x80\x99s practice of bringing together a flat hierarchy of diverse team members, each with\nthe opportunity to make a difference through creative problem solving, as this is how I\xe2\x80\x99ve discovered I work\nbest. Barclays Capital\xe2\x80\x99s commitment to service projects such as mentoring at-risk students and serving food\nin local shelters appeals to me to given my volunteer experience with our local Big Sisters program. The\nfirm\xe2\x80\x99s client-centered philosophy and global market position combined with the opportunity to contribute to\nthe community make Barclays Capital an exciting place to build my career.\nI welcome the opportunity to talk with you about my qualifications, experience, and interest in the analyst\nprogram at Barclays Capital. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from\nyou.\nSincerely,\nMargot Perlman\n\n17\n\n\x0cMARGOT PERLMAN\nSmith College, 1 Chapin Way, Unit 0000, Northampton, MA 01063, 413.585.1111,\nEDUCATION\nSMITH COLLEGE, Northampton, MA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Major: Economics\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Candidate for Bachelor of Arts in May 2016\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Cumulative GPA: 3.7; SAT: 2200\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Relevant Coursework: Econometrics, Statistics, Money and Banking, Financial Accounting, International Finance,\nGame Theory, International Trade and Commercial Policies\nUNIVERSIT\xc3\x89 DE GEN\xc3\x88VE, Geneva, Switzerland; Smith College J unior Year Abr oad Pr ogr am, 2014-2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 GPA: 3.8\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Relevant Coursework: International Money and Finance, Political Economy of International Finance\nEXPERIENCE\nMORGAN STANLEY, New York, NY\nInvestment Banking Intern\nSummer 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Helped prepare pitch books for client presentations, including shareholder information, earnings vs. expectations\ncharts, and indexed stock pricing graphs as member of Financial Institutions Group team; participated in deal calls\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Built financial models for leveraged buyouts and credit review\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Researched potential investors, buyers, and acquisition targets\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Used Bloomberg to prepare graphs on daily market performance and earnings estimates\nNEW YORK CITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, New York, NY\nSummer 2014\nInternal Audit Intern\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Reviewed and analyzed legal documents to synchronize fiscal information among departmental databases\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Prepared audit information to be sent to independent auditors at close of fiscal year\nLEADERSHIP\nSMITH COLLEGE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION (SGA)\n2015-Present\nTreasurer\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Write SGA\xe2\x80\x99s budget for fiscal year; manage all accounting transactions for 120+ student organizations\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Oversee application and allocation process of three SGA Cabinet funds for student body at large; assist\norganizations with fiscal needs\nStudent Finance Committee Member\n2013-2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Allocated $500,000 student activities budget for college\xe2\x80\x99s student organizations as part of 15-person team\nBANGS COMMUNITY CENTER, Amherst, MA\n2013-2014\nBig Brother/Big Sister Volunteer\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created and implemented programs and activities for five children in kindergarten through fifth grade\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\nLAZARUS CENTER FOR CAREER DEVELOPMENT, Smith College\n2014-Present\nStudent Worker/Receptionist\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Answer multi-line phone system and greet clients in high-traffic student services office; schedule appointments for\nsix-person advising staff and complete special projects\nSKILLS and INTERESTS\nExcel, Bloomberg, Mathematica, SPSS\nFluent French and German\nEnjoy golf, tennis, and fusion cooking\n18\n\n\x0cCommunications Assistant, the CAIA Association\nThe CAIA Association is a global non-profit in the area of professional credentialing for finance practitioners.\nPosition Overview:\nThis position will support the strategic objective of promoting the organization and providing a high quality\nof service for its membership by implementing and executing communications programs and development\nactivities. These activities shall include, but not be limited to, media partnership development, marketing\nmanagement assistance, membership chapter support services, conference and event strategies, and\ncopywriting of all types of communications.\nResponsibilities:\nUnder the direction of the Directors of Marketing, Member Services and Global Events, the Communications\nAssistant is responsible for:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Creating, copywriting and updating Association newsletters and updates; Annual Report, presentations,\nand other communications and collateral. Drafting and oversight of collateral design.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Copywriting and updating website content.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Establishing and implementing corporate communications and media partnership tracking systems and\nmanaging communications calendar. Providing email and telephone support for inquiries from membership\nand the public\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developing and managing event itineraries, registrations and travel arrangements; off-site collateral\nplacement; and follow-up communications and tracking.\nThe ideal candidate will possess the following skills:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Excellent written and oral communications skills\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Experience working in all Microsoft Office programs (Access optional but preferred)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Must show initiative and have experience working in a team environment\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Must be comfortable learning new technology systems\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Basic HTML and wiki experience preferred\nCompetitive salary, full benefits.\nInterested candidates should mail resumes to:\nSearch Committee: Communications Assistant\nThe CAIA Association\n29 South Pleasant Street\nAmherst, MA 01002\nResumes may also be sent to\n\n19\n\n\x0cSUZAN SMITH\n\n_______\n742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield, MA 01103\n(413) 387-4321\n\nGina Suarez, Head\nCommunications Assistant Search Committee\nThe CAIA Association\n29 South Pleasant Street\nAmherst, MA 01002\nFebruary 3, 2016\nDear Ms. Suarez:\nThank you for speaking with me about the Communications Assistant position last Friday. After\nhearing more about this opportunity from you and from Julia Jimenez who interned at CAIA last\nsummer, I am even more excited about applying. With my strong communication and\ntechnology skills and background in marketing, I believe I could make a strong contribution to\nthe CAIA team.\nI have a demonstrated track record of developing effective communications and publicity\nstrategies. For example:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nI designed publicity materials and launched a website for a two-day women\xe2\x80\x99s leadership\nconference in New England. My efforts increased event visibility and attendance by 15%\nfrom previous years.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAs an intern for Smith\xe2\x80\x99s Poetry Center I initiated and maintained new promotional contacts\nthat built exposure for our upcoming events.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAt CNN last summer I gained writing and editing experience and researched, created, and\nupdated CNN\xe2\x80\x99s entry on Wikipedia.\n\nI am drawn to CAIA\xe2\x80\x99s culture of excellence and emphasis on professional development,\nparticularly for women in finance. As a financial aid recipient at a women\xe2\x80\x99s college, CAIA\xe2\x80\x99s \xe2\x80\x9c100\nWomen in Hedge Funds\xe2\x80\x9d scholarship program mission of better equipping women to navigate\nan increasingly complex investment landscape while removing financial barriers to their career\ndevelopment greatly appeals to me.\nI look forward to contributing my energy and initiative to support CAIA\xe2\x80\x99s goals of expanding\npromotional efforts while providing exceptional customer service. I\xe2\x80\x99m available at your\nconvenience to discuss my interest in the Communications Assistant position at CAIA, and I\nlook forward to hearing from you.\nSincerely,\nSuzan Smith\n\n20\n\n\x0cSUZAN SMITH\n742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield, MA 01103\n(413) 387-4321\nEDUCATION\nSmith College, Northampton, MA\nBachelor of Arts degree expected May 2016\nMajor: The Study of Women and Gender; GPA 3.6\nCOMMUNICATIONS EXPERIENCE\nNews Intern, June - August 2015\nCNN, New York, NY\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with production and reporting teams to create and update website content\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched, wrote, and posted company data on Wikipedia\n\xef\x82\xb7 Contributed to story research for finance and business reports\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched and documented stock footage; entered information into database\nIntern, September 2012 - May 2015\nPoetry Center at Smith College, Northampton, MA\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed, wrote, and edited publicity materials for visiting poets\n\xef\x82\xb7 Publicized readings, researched alumnae poets and poetry centers nationwide; attended\nPoetry Center Committee meetings with director and other faculty members\nAssistant to Event and Volunteer Coordinator, February - May 2014\nWomen in Business Leadership Conference, Northampton, MA\n\xef\x82\xb7 Planned and executed publicity campaign for 200+ colleges and media organizations\nthroughout New England; strategies increased attendance 15% from previous years\n\xef\x82\xb7 Created dynamic website using Dreamweaver (\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted in planning conference events and schedules\n\xef\x82\xb7 Coordinated panelists\xe2\x80\x99 hotel and travel; managed schedule for 50 panelists and participants\nSUPPORTING EXPERIENCE\nBoard Member, September 2014 - May 2015\nSmith College Judicial Board, Northampton, MA\n\xef\x82\xb7 Evaluated and ruled upon alleged cases of ethics and code violations\nOffice Assistant, September - December 2013\nSmith College Student Affairs Office, Northampton, MA\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supported office scheduling and assisted with management of staff itineraries\n\xef\x82\xb7 Actively responded to phone and email inquiries from students, parents, faculty, and staff\n\xef\x82\xb7 Managed office database using Excel\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nDreamweaver; HTML; MS Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, PowerPoint\n\n21\n\n\x0cJunior Analyst and Researcher, CS SPACE\nThe Junior Analyst and Researcher will monitor and track ongoing trends related to changes in culture and the way\npeople live their lives. Responsibilities include synthesis and analysis of large volumes of data, assisting with qualitative\nresearch, daily article searches, slide deck preparation and performing other general support tasks. The Junior Analyst\nand Researcher will gain valuable experience in the areas of market research, consumer insights and brand innovation.\nCS SPACE is a culture, strategy, and business consultancy, specializing in cultural insights and strategic frame works for\nguiding brand behavior and decision-making. Our clients include: ESPN, CitiBank, HBO, Virgin, Estee Lauder, Snapple,\nComedy Central, among others.\nLocation\n1133 Broadway, Suite 1610, New York, NY 10010\nQualifications\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nStrong research skills \xe2\x80\x93 loves to research, analyze and synthesize\nStrong organizational skills \xe2\x80\x93 takes time to organize\nAble and willing to provide administrative office support\nStrong writing skills \xe2\x80\x93 clear and concise is important (we will ask for a sample)\nStrong fundamental understanding of story and story elements\nFamiliarity and interest in social theory, critical theory and strong elements\nAble to summarize and synthesize multiple resources and make independent conclusions\nCan represent a persuasive argument using deductions and logic\nAvid reader pop culture news\nAvid consumer of pop culture (movies, TV Shows, music, magazines, authors, video games, etc.)\nEnjoys trend spotting\nActive in social media \xe2\x80\x93 so as to have an understanding of how it operates\nMac computer literate \xe2\x80\x93 prefer someone very literate with macs\nTech trend savvy, a big plus\nBasic skill set with Keynote\nBasic skill set with Final Cut Pro, a big plus\nFamiliarity with basic video production, a plus\nSports fan, a big plus\nWilling and able to travel on research trips from 3 days to up to 2 weeks at a time.\n\nContact Information\nFor additional information or to apply for this opportunity, please contact Meg Smolinski, Human Resource\nCoordinator,\n\n22\n\n\x0cKyle Layton\n84 Elm Street, Northampton, MA 01063 (000) 000-0000\\n\\n\nFebruary 15, 2016\nMs. Megan Smolinski, Human Resources Coordinator\nCS SPACE\n1133 Broadway, Suite 1610\nNew York, NY 10010\nDear Ms. Smolinksi:\nI am writing to apply for the Junior Analyst and Researcher position at CS SPACE posted in Smith College\xe2\x80\x99s career\ncenter database. The firm\xe2\x80\x99s mission of strategizing with clients to be more relevant in people\xe2\x80\x99s lives attracts me\nbecause much of my work and academic experience has centered on researching and understanding society,\npopular culture, and consumer decision-making.\nThrough conducting research for a new sociology department course on consumption in society, I learned about\nthe factors at play when a consumer makes a decision. One consumer may respond to experiencing a TV or\nonline ad, while those who skip over ads are more likely to be reached by embedded marketing. The fact that\nCS SPACE\xe2\x80\x99s client roster includes organizations as prominent and wide-ranging as ESPN, Citi, Skype, and\nCampbell\xe2\x80\x99s speaks to your team\xe2\x80\x99s ability to deliver the insights clients need to develop their branding strategies\nfor greatest appeal to consumers.\nAn avid consumer and student of pop culture, I particularly enjoy trend spotting in music and sports, two of my\nkey pastimes. For a seminar paper I wrote for a course called \xe2\x80\x9cThe Sociology of Rock and Pop Music,\xe2\x80\x9d I\nconducted qualitative research on Y\xc3\xa9-Y\xc3\xa9 French pop music which I presented at a January 2016 conference at\nVassar College. With my study abroad experience in France and knowledge of other cultures, I believe I could\ncontribute inter-cultural insights of value to your team in working with your global clientele.\nMy understanding of consumer behavior goes beyond academic research to include front-line sales positions in\na busy resort area retail establishment and cold-calling alums for Smith\xe2\x80\x99s Office of Advancement. As a\nphonathon caller my ability to develop rapport with alumnae, listen to their concerns, and track down\ninformation they requested added to my success rate in obtaining pledges from those who had stopped giving\nto Smith. I would bring to CS SPACE the same client focus along with a strong ability to research, analyze, and\nsynthesize data; keen organizational skills; and a work style that is both collaborative and independent.\nI look forward to sharing a writing sample with you and learning more about your needs for the Junior Analyst\nand Researcher position. I would be very excited to join the CS SPACE team, and I hope to hear from you soon.\nBest,\nKyle Layton\n\n23\n\n\x0cKyle Layton\n84 Elm Street, Northampton, MA 01063 (000) 000-0000\\nEDUCATION\nSmith College, Northampton, MA\nB.A. degree expected May 2016\n\nMajor: French\n\nMinor: Sociology\n\nG.P.A.: 3.65\n\nL\xe2\x80\x99Instituts d\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xa9tudes politiques: Sciences Po, Paris IV: La Sorbonne, Smith College Junior Year Abroad\nProgram, Paris (2014-2015)\nRelated Courses: American Popular Culture; Korean Popular Culture: Translating Tradition into Pop Culture\nComputer Skills: Final Cut Pro; MAC literate; social media (Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, more); Keynote\nLanguages: Fluent French\nRESEARCH EXPERIENCE\nResearch Assistant, Department of Sociology, Smith College (Fall 2015-present)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborate with professor to develop content for course about consumption in modern society\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conduct online and print research for articles and images\n\xef\x82\xb7 Research college\xe2\x80\x99s online system for organizing and making available course materials available to\nstudents; digitize materials for course on popular culture\nSeminar, \xe2\x80\x9cThe Sociology of Rock and Pop Music,\xe2\x80\x9d Department of Sociology, Smith College (Fall 2015)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched and wrote 15-page paper in French about Y\xc3\xa9-Y\xc3\xa9 French pop music\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presented findings in English at French Popular Culture Conference, Vassar College, January 2016\n\nStride Scholar, Department of French Studies, Smith College (2014-2015)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Digitized and catalogued professor\xe2\x80\x99s images about French history and culture on the Insight art database\nfor use as course material\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\nPhonathon Caller, Office of Advancement, Smith College (2012-present)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Communicate with Smith alumnae during fund drives to encourage them to give to the college\n\xef\x82\xb7 Frequently surpass fundraising goals, often eliciting donations from alums who have stopped giving\n\xef\x82\xb7 Research and suggest resources to address alumnae concerns\nTranslation Intern, France T\xc3\xa9l\xc3\xa9com, Paris, France (Summer 2015)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed strategies to encourage conversation and foster understanding of French-English cultural\ndifferences; participated in ESL classes and weekly English-immersion lunches\n\xef\x82\xb7 Translated documents from French into English and vice versa\nMaster Tutor, Department of French Studies, Smith College (2013-2014)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted beginning French students in grammar, comprehension, and pronunciation\nSales Associate and Bead Consultant, The Beadin\xe2\x80\x99 Path, Freeport, ME (Summers 2012-2014)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provided high quality customer service and ideas for customers\xe2\x80\x99 jewelry designs\nACTIVITIES & INTERESTS\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member of the Chorale des Grandes \xc3\x89coles (2013-2014) and Smith College Chorus (2012-2014)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Enjoy playing and watching sports including soccer, tennis, and ping pong\n\xef\x82\xb7 Avid video gamer\n24\n\n\x0cPhiladelphia Museum of Art\nPRESS RELATIONS COORDINATOR - MARKETING & PUBLIC RELATIONS\nPosted: February 16, 2016\nThe Museum is currently seeking a Press Relations Coordinator to provide overall support to the media relations\nteam. The PR coordinator responds to press inquiries, coordinates press events and mailings, maintains the\nelectronic press room on the website and executes electronic blast press releases, advisories and e-vites. This\nposition works with various contacts within the museum including the Photography Department, Executive\nDepartment, Web Team, and various curatorial departments. Individual must be highly organized and pro-active.\nRequirements include a B.A. degree, preferably in English or Communications, and proficiency with Photoshop,\nInDesign, Access, HTML, and Word. Excellent writing, planning, and effective interpersonal skills are necessary.\nExperience in public relations or in a museum setting is a plus. Background or interest in art and new media are\nhighly desirable. This individual reports to the Director of Media Relations.\n\n25\n\n\x0cALEXANDR (ZANDER) DREW\nP.O. Box 000, South Deerfield, MA 01373\n\n(413) 000-0000\n\\n\nFebruary 20, 2016\nGreer Diefenderfer\nEmployment Manager\nHuman Resources Department\nPhiladelphia Museum of Art\nP.O. Box 7646\nPhiladelphia, PA 19101-7646\n\nDear Ms. Diefenderfer:\nI am a graduating senior at Smith College writing to apply for the Press Relations Coordinator opportunity at\nthe Philadelphia Museum of Art posted February 16. I would bring to this position a demonstrated\ncommitment to the arts, strong public relations experience in arts non-profits, and proficiency with web and\npublications design software.\nLast summer as Marketing Intern for the Media Education Foundation, I led the development of MEF\xe2\x80\x99s social\nmedia presence increasing attendance at our events by over 25%. At the same time, I developed press kits,\nresponded to press inquiries, and designed a brochure for distribution at film conferences. Because the MEF\noffers resources designed to help spark discussion about some of the most pressing and complicated issues of\nour time, I saw firsthand the challenge of educating the public about unfamiliar topics. As a Museums\nConcentration student, I have learned that museums face similar challenges as they seek to attract an\nincreasingly diverse audience by engaging them with subject matter from different cultures and historical\nperiods.\nPreviously, as gallery assistant at the Firehouse Gallery in Vermont, I created a media and educational contact\ndatabase and designed an online press media list form \xe2\x80\x93 similar to that in your electronic press room \xe2\x80\x93 using\nDreamweaver. As a result, event attendance increased from previous years. As an intern in Smith\xe2\x80\x99s\nadvancement office I initiated an alumnae database that proved valuable to other campus departments\xe2\x80\x99 outreach\nto alums, while in the alumnae relations office, I answered daily email and phone inquiries, sent blast emails, and\ncoordinated mailings, often under a tight deadline.\nThe Press Relations Coordinator position particularly attracts me because it combines my passions for public\nrelations and the arts with my communication skills and talents in design and media. Having experienced how\nimportant the public relations function is to an arts organization\xe2\x80\x99s success, I am excited at the prospect of\njoining the media relations team at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, renowned for its collections, exhibitions,\nand programs, and adding to its already strong social media and communications efforts.\nI look forward to discussing my strong interest in this opportunity. Thank you for considering my application.\nSincerely,\nZander Drew\n\n26\n\n\x0cALEXANDR (ZANDER) DREW\nP.O. Box 000, South Deerfield, MA 01373\n\n(413) 000-0000\n\\n\nEDUCATION\n\nSmith College, Northampton, MA Bachelor of Arts expected May 2016\nMajor: Art History Minor: French Studies Museums Concentration GPA: 3.56\nRelated Courses: History and Critical Issues of Museums, Curating American Memory, Visual Anthropology\nResearch Paper: \xe2\x80\x9cVirtual vs. \xe2\x80\x98Bricks and Mortar\xe2\x80\x99 Museums: Why the Art World Needs Both\xe2\x80\x9d\nLanguage Proficiency: Fluent French; conversational Spanish\nComputer Skills: Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, HTML; Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest,\nTwitter, YouTube; Constant Contact, Everest Business Management software\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\n\nMarketing Intern, Media Education Foundation, Northampton, MA, Summer 2015\n\xe2\x96\xaa Developed and compiled press kits and promotional materials for non-profit which produces and distributes\ndocumentary films to inspire critical thinking about mass media\n\xe2\x96\xaa Initiated and maintained digital archive of all media and press featuring MEF films; scanned 300+ articles\n\xe2\x96\xaa Contacted conference organizers to pitch MEF films to 30+ upcoming conferences\n\xe2\x96\xaa Created and managed accounts on social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube\n\xe2\x96\xaa Launched MEF\'s Twitter and garnered a strong following by actively sharing links and posting Tweets\n\xe2\x96\xaa Researched client response on sites such as Facebook; analyzed efforts and successes of social media interaction\nto maximize positive feedback and buy-in\n\xe2\x96\xaa Updated and maintained individual client accounts using Everest Business Management software\n\nGallery Assistant, Burlington City Arts Firehouse Gallery, Burlington, VT, Summer 2014\n\xe2\x96\xaa Developed media and educational contact database of 500+; conducted research online and by phone\n\xe2\x96\xaa Initiated and designed online press media list form resulting in 150 new contacts\n\xe2\x96\xaa Coordinated educational gallery talks by artists and special events for members and general public\n\xe2\x96\xaa Engaged public in conversations about current exhibits; responded to questions\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\n\nIntern, Office of Advancement, Smith College, Northampton, MA, Fall 2014 - Spring 2015\n\xe2\x96\xaa Communicated with Smith alums by email and phone, responding to 30-40 emails daily\n\xe2\x96\xaa Engaged in conversations with prospective and current donors; referred to other departments as needed\n\xe2\x96\xaa Initiated independent projects: created database that facilitated campus-wide alumnae communications\nReunion Aide, Alumnae Relations Office, Smith College, Northampton, MA, Spring 2013, 2014, 2015\n\xe2\x96\xaa Organized events and activities including panel discussions and class dinners for 150+\n\xe2\x96\xaa Assisted |
349 | Education | b'Education Cover Letter #3 - Administrative Position\n\n415 Northgate Drive\nMilton, Nebraska 69xxx\nApril 2, 20xx\nDr. Letitia Johnson, Superintendent\nGrandview Public Schools\nP. O. Box 821597\nGrandview, Nebraska xxxxx\nDear Dr. Johnson:\nI wish to apply for the position of High School Principal in the Grandview Public\nSchool system as advertised in the March 31 edition of The Omaha World Herald.\nAs you will note on my enclosed resume, I hold a Master of Education in Education\nAdministration degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a 7-12 Principal\nEndorsement. I have been the Assistant Building Principal at Milton Middle School since\n19xx. Prior to that time I taught middle school and high school English.\nMy resume illustrates specific examples of my leadership and administrative\nduties. My evaluations have always noted my strengths as being creative thinking, problem\nsolving, strong long-range planning, and the ability to communicate with a diverse\npopulation. I believe that my strengths and abilities are exactly what you are looking for\nto fill your position.\nI enjoy the challenges of education, working with teachers, parents, and students,\nand the opportunities to make education happen for each student. I feel that I can be an\neffective leader for Grandview High School, a school that has a strong reputation for\nproviding opportunities for high academic achievement and personal growth for all of its\nstudent population.\nI have enclosed my resume, and will send my credentials as your ad requested.\nIf I can provide any further information, please feel free to call me or e-mail me. Thank\nyou for your consideration.\nSincerely,\nSusan T. Ward\nEnclosure' |
350 | Education | b"Sample Resume - High School - No Work Experience\nFirst Name Last Name\n6 Pine Street, Arlington, VA 12333\nhome: 555.555.5555\ncell: 566.486.2222\nemail:\n\nEducation\nArlington High School, Arlington, Virginia\n2002 - 2006\n\nExperience\nPet Sitter\n2004 - Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provide pet sitting services including dog walking, feeding and yard care.\nChild Care\n2002 - Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provide child care for several families after school, weekends and during school vacations.\n\nAchievements\n\xe2\x80\xa2 National Honor Society: 2004, 2005, 2006\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Academic Honor Roll: 2002 - 2006\n\nVolunteer Experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Big Brother / Big Sisters\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Arlington Literacy Program\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Run for Life\n\nInterests / Activities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Member of Arlington High School Tennis Team\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Girl Scout\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Piano\n\nComputer Skills\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and Internet\n\n1\n\n\x0cSample Teen Resume\nFirst Last Name\nStreet Address, City, State, Zip\nPhone (Cell/Home)\nEmail Address\nObjective:\n\nTo obtain knowledge of the day-to-day work of a business through a part time job, summer internship\nand/or job shadowing experience.\n\nEducation:\nMain St. High School, Philadelphia, PA\nSelected Courses:\nEarly Childhood Development (2005) - Freshman Year\nUrban Education (2006) - Sophomore Year\nUrban Education - Psychology (2006-07) - Junior Year\nUrban Education - Instructional Internship (2007-08) - Senior Year\nDance and Art Electives\n\nActivities:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nModeling Club (2005) MSHS\nJROTC Drill Team (2005) MSHS\nDrama Club (2005) MSHS\nCheerleading (2005-2008) MSHS\n\nVolunteer Work and Job History:\nMcDonald's Fast Food Restaurant (2007)\nPhiladelphia, PA\nBoutique, summer (2007)\nPhiladelphia, PA\nBeacon Program, summer (2006)\nPhiladelphia, PA\nConvenient Store, summer (2006)\nPhiladelphia, PA\n\nSkills and Languages:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nSpanish - Beginners level\nFrench - Beginners level\nCommunication skills\nExperience in child caring - intermediate\n\n2\n\n\x0cSample Resume - High School\nFirstName LastName\n6 Pine Street, Arlington, VA 12333\nhome: 555.555.5555\ncell: 566.486.2222\nemail:\n\nEducation\nArlington High School, Arlington, Virginia\n2002 \xe2\x80\x93 2006\n\nExperience\nSales Associate, The Retail Store\nJune 2005 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Maintain and restock inventory.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provide customer service.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Operate computerized cash register system.\nChild Care\n2002 - Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provide child care for several families after school, weekends and during school vacations.\n\nAchievements\n\xe2\x80\xa2 National Honor Society: 2004, 2005, 2006\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Academic Honor Roll: 2002 - 2006\n\nVolunteer Experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Big Brother / Big Sisters\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Arlington Literacy Program\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Run for Life\n\nInterests / Activities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Member of Arlington High School Tennis Team\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Girl Scout\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Piano\n\nComputer Skills\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and Internet\n\n3\n\n\x0cSample High School Resume (Retail Store)\nFirst Name Last Name\n6 Elm Avenue, Stockler, CA 91733\nHome: 111.111.1111 Cell: 766.444.4444\\nOBJECTIVE\nA weekend part time position in a retail store that sells music, books or sporting supplies.\nEDUCATION\nWoodrow Wilson National High School, Stockler CA\nHigh School Diploma anticipated in May 2009 Junior, GPA 3.41\nHigh School Awards and Honors\nNational Honor Society: Fall 2005, Fall 2006, Spring 2008\nMiddle School Academic Honor Roll: 2002, 2003\nPerfect Attendance 2006\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nFranklin's Lawn & Garden Services, Stockler CA 2004 to Present\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAssist family business to provide lawn and yard care services for 25 neighborhood homes\nbi-weekly.\nCreate and distribute 200 flyers about lawn services using Print-to-Pretty software in the\nneighborhood monthly.\nHelp to stuff envelopes with invoices for monthly billing and enter payments into Quick\nspreadsheet software.\n\nChuck's Sodas & Pizza, Stockler CA Summer 2007\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nRestocked condiments, napkins and maintained a clean counter.\nProvided great customer service for about 25 walk-in customers on each shift.\nOperated cash register, POS, and frequent guest card system.\n\nVOLUNTEER & COMMUNITY\nBig Kids Society - 10 hours monthly\nLibrary Reading Program - 2 hours monthly\n5K Walk with family - October 2004, 2005, 2006\nINTERESTS & SKILLS\n-Community Basketball League - Most Improved Player Award 2001\n-Bass Guitar - Indoor Marching Band 2nd Place Tournament of Bands 2008\n-Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and Internet Research\n\n4" |
351 | Education | b'SAMPLE EDUCATION RESUME\nFRED FLINTCARRIER\n2000 Bellagio Place\nPretend, NE 60000\n(402) 000-0000\\n\nEducation\nBachelor of Science in Education and Human Sciences\nGPA: 3.78/4.0\n\nAnticipated Graduation Date: December, 20xx\nUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln\n\nStudy Abroad\n\nUniversity of Munich, Germany\n\nSeptember-December, 20xx\n\nEndorsement\n\nMiddle Grades Education\n\nSubject areas: Mathematics, Language Arts\n\nCertification\n\nLocal Substitute Teaching Certificate (Lincoln)\nApplication pending for Nebraska Initial Teaching Certificate\n\nPraxis Status\n\nCompleted Praxis I\n\nRelated Experience in Education\nStudent Teaching, Pretend Middle School, Pretend, NE\nJanuary-May, 20xx\nPre-Algebra, Grade 8\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught one section of 22 students of varying abilities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Conducted review of fractions\nPre-Geometry , Grade 9\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught one section of 14 students with low math abilities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created, planned, and implemented unit on Pythagorean theorem and right triangles\nLanguage Arts, Grade 8\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught two sections of students with a full range of abilities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Initiated essay writing assignments about rural heritage\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assembled students\xe2\x80\x99 essays and photos into album to be donated to County Museum\nComprehensive duties:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participated in all aspects of teaching, including mid-term reports and Parent-Teacher Conferences\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Attended faculty meetings and in-services\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Co-sponsored Middle School Math Day\nPracticum, Wilma High School, Wilma, NE\nOctober-November, 20xx\nLanguage Arts, Grade 6\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Observed and assisted classroom teaching in a block scheduling system\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed unit on preposition games\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Graded quizzes for Short Story unit\n\n\x0cFlintcarrier\xe2\x80\x94Page 2\nTutor, Pebble Middle School, Pretend, NE\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Tutored 8th grade student in Math, English, and Social Studies\n\nFebruary-May, 20xx\n\nHead Water Safety Instructor & Lifeguard, Pretend, NE\nSummers 20xx-20xx\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organized Pretend Pool\xe2\x80\x99s summer session of Red Cross Swimming Lessons\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught all levels of swimming abilities, from infants to adults\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervised maintenance of pool\nHonors\nRegents Scholarship, 4 years\nNational Golden Key Honor Society\nMathematics Master Scholarship, 20xx\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List, College of Education & Human Sciences, four semesters\nProfessional Skills\nPublic speaking, including Power Point\nInterpersonal communication\nBasic reading and speaking level of German\nStrong writing skills\nExperience with European culture\nComputer (Word, Excel)\nInternational travel experience: Germany, England, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, and Mexico\nRelevant Coursework\nIntroduction to Complex Variable Theory\nMathematical Analysis\nOrdinary Differential Equations I & II\nNative American Women Writers\nChicano Literature\n\nMulticultural Education\nIntercultural Communication\nNationality and Race Relations\nAdvanced Composition\nComputers in the Classroom\n\nVolunteer Activity\nBig Brother, Lincoln, NE\nReader, Elderly Nursing Home, Pretend, NE\n\nSpring & Fall Semesters, 20xx\nSummer, 20xx\n\nCampus Activities\nMember, Circle J International, UNL\nMember, Nebraska Student Education Association, UNL\nMember and Officer, University Singers Choir, UNL\n\n20xx-Present\n20xx-Present\n20xx-20xx\n\nAdditional Work Experience\nSales Associate, Cheap & Tacky Clothing, Cavalier Mall, Lincoln, NE\nProduce Clerk, Expensive Foods, Pretend, NE\n\nJanuary, 20xx-June, 20xx\nJanuary, 20xx-August, 20xx' |
352 | Education | b'COVER LETTER\n\nResume Writing\nYOUR PRESENT ADDRESS\nCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE\nDate of Correspondence\nName of Individual\nTitle\nName of company/organization\nAddress\nCity, State, Zip Code\nDear Mr./Mrs./Ms. (Last Name):\n\nDo not address to "To whom it may concern."\nPARAGRAPH ONE\nTell why you are writing. Name the position, field or general area in which you are interested. Tell\nhow you found out about the position. Tell why you want to work for this company. Check the\ncompany web site and mention something about the company that interests you.\n\nCareer planning is a lifelong process that requires\ncareful planning and commitment on your part.\n\nPARAGRAPH TWO\nDescribe your professional/educational qualifications, but do not restate your resume. Cite one or\ntwo areas of qualification experience, which specifically qualify you for the position. Emphasize\nparticular areas of related experience and training. Stress why you are unique, special and the\n\nCheck out the following:\n\nperfect person for the position. If you claim to have certain skills, back these up with examples as\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nproof. Tell about a professional or personal accomplishment and the skills you gained or\n\nCAP Center Resource Library\nCAP Center Online Resources\nCAP Center Resume Critique Service\nCAP Center Resume Writing Assistance\nIndividual Career Counseling\nOn-Campus Interviews\n\ndemonstrated.\nPARAGRAPH THREE\nClose by noting that you have enclosed a copy of your resume and that you will provide any\nadditional information requested. Note that you will look forward to a future response and that you\nwould like to schedule an interview. Include your telephone number.\n\nFor more information on career related issues call\nthe CAP Center at (856) 256-4456 or check us out at our\nwebsite:\n\nSincerely,\n\nName\n\n\x0cSample Cover Letter Utilizing Statement of Reference\n\nSample of Cover Letter\n\n123 Accounts Payable Lane\nMoneyville, NJ 08029\n856-863-9547\n\nDawn Lowell\n322 Mullica Hill Road\nGlassboro, NJ 08028\n856-256-4322\n\nFebruary 28, 201x\nFebruary 12, 201x\nCoopers & Lybrand\n2400 Eleven Penn Center\nPhiladelphia, PA 19103\nAttn: Mr. Daniel Spiller\nPersonnel Director\n\nDear Mr. Spiller:\nAfter talking with Mr. James Osgood at the recent Rowan University Career Fair, reading your\nrecruitment information and checking your web site, I am seeking an opportunity to join the firm of\nCoopers & Lybrand. Your company has an impressive track record for mentoring entry-level\naccountants plus offering valuable experience in auditing, tax compliance and cost accounting. As\na Rowan University senior, anticipating graduation in May, I am anxious to interview with you\nduring your upcoming recruitment trip to our campus.\nMy strong academic performance and outstanding internship experience make me a strong\ncandidate for a junior accountant position with Coopers and Lybrand. As an honor student and\nrecipient of the Medallion Scholar Award for the internationally accredited College of Business, I\nwas chosen to intern for the local public accounting firm of Money and Associates CPA. At Money\nand Associates, I assisted with the preparation of clients for corporate tax audits and performed\nintake consultations for tax preparation purposes. My supervising accountant, Mr. Charles Money\ninvited me to continue my internship for a second semester. On my internship evaluation form he\nwrote, "John\'s knowledge and ability to grasp accounting procedures and principles is quite\nimpressive. His computer skills and team-working abilities make him a valuable resource. I believe\nJohn will develop into a top-notch accountant."\nEnclosed is a copy of my resume, which outlines my qualifications in further detail. I look forward\nto an opportunity to meet with you during the upcoming recruitment week at Rowan University. I\ncan be reached at 856-863-9547. Thank you for your time and consideration.\n\nRespectfully,\n\nMr. Dwight Thompson\nHuman Resources Manager\nSavitz Pharmaceuticals\n856 Bozorth Parkway\nEsby, NJ 08028\nDear Mr. Thompson:\nIn response to your advertisement in the Glassboro Examiner for a sales representative for Savitz\nPharmaceuticals, I hereby submit my letter of application. I was excited to read your ad since I\nhave had a long-time interest in pharmaceutical sales and your products sound particularly\nappealing to me.\nAs a college student, I had the opportunity to experience in sales and customer service. Of\nparticular interest to you, I worked at Glassboro Medical Supply serving customers who enter our\nstore. Through reading professional periodicals and magazines that are sent to me as an\nemployee of Glassboro Medical Supply, I have become knowledgeable of the different types of\nmedical supplies. This knowledge enables me to fully address our customers\xe2\x80\x99 medical supply\nneeds and answer their questions. Utilizing my proactive approach to sales and customer service,\nI increased sales this year by 20% over last year\xe2\x80\x99s figures. In light of my accomplishment, my\nsupervisor has given me the responsibility of developing a plan to market medical supplies to local\ndrug stores. In addition to my work experience, I recently completed a course in\ndrug/pharmacology terminology at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. Completion of\nthis course increased my knowledge of medicines and their effects.\nI have always had a strong interest in the medical/pharmaceutical sales field and have attempted\nto gain the knowledge and experience needed to work effectively in that capacity. With that in\nmind, I feel I am highly qualified for the position of sales representative for Savitz Pharmaceuticals.\nMy enclosed resume outlines my qualifications in further detail. I welcome an opportunity to meet\nwith you at your convenience. I can be reached at 856-256-4322 or on my cell phone at 856- 2222348.\nThank you for your time and consideration.\n\nJohn Q. Afterinternship\n\nRespectfully,\n\nDawn Lowell\n\n\x0cResume Checklist\nGeneral Resume Guidelines.\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nBUILD A RESUME\nName: ______________________________________________________________________\nHome Address: ____________________\n\nCollege Address: _____________________\n\nProfessional Appearance\nMaterial fits neatly on one page. Margins approximately 1 inch on all four sides. High quality\nprint in black ink.\n\nStreet: ___________________________\n\nStreet: ______________________________\n\nCity: _________State: ____ Zip: _______\n\nCity: ___________State: ____ Zip: _______\n\nWhite or neutral colored paper, 8.5 x 11 inches, 20lb weight. No staples or folds.\n\nPhone: ___________________________\n\nPhone: _____________________________\n\nEmail: ____________________________\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nPlain font with straight lines, such as Helvetica. Font size 10-14 points.\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nBold and capital letters used where appropriate for emphasis, but not overdone.\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nNo italics, script, parentheses, brackets, underlining, shading or graphics.\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nAvoid use of unnecessary punctuation, horizontal or vertical lines.\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nFormat\nName, address, telephone, and e-mail address centered at top, with name in bold and larger\nfont.\n\nName of College: ______________________________ City: ___________ State: ____________\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nOmit extraneous and personal information such as height, weight, age, sex.\n\nGPA: _____________ (If 3.0 or higher)\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nUse format that best suits your needs. Reverse chronological format, listing education and\nexperience from most recent to least recent, is most commonly used.\n\nCourse Highlights (Use primarily in resumes for internships.)\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nObjective clearly stating position being sought, usually beginning with \xe2\x80\x9cTo obtain a position\nas\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\x9d or \xe2\x80\x9cSeeking an entry level position in\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\x9d\n\n______________________________________________________________________________\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nEducation category including any college/university from which a degree was earned. GPA,\nexpressed in tenths, may be included if 3.0 or above. Examples in correct format:\n\nWork Experience (Start with most recent place of employment.)\n\nJob Objective (Indicate your work direction; be as specific as possible.)\n______________________________________________________________________________\n______________________________________________________________________________\nEducation\n\nBachelor of Arts, History\nMay 200x\nMinor: Psychology\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA 3.4, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nBachelor of Science, Finance expected May 200x\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA 3.9, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Medallion Award\nSumma Cum Laude Honors anticipated\n\nExperience category including several entries in consistent format:\nJob Title\nDates of employment\nCompany, City, State\nDescriptive statements of experience\nContent\nJob descriptions/accomplishments written in 1-5 bulleted statements or brief paragraph\nformat, reading in the first person, with pronouns \xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cmy\xe2\x80\x9d omitted. Use a variety of\naction verbs and keyword nouns specific to the major/profession, often the same words used\nin typical job postings for such position.\nDescriptive statements highlighting skills and abilities, as well as experience and\naccomplishments. Show evidence of teamwork, computer proficiency, attention to detail,\ncustomer satisfaction, willingness to learn new skills, ability to produce results, and your\nenthusiasm/work ethic. Supply enough description to create reader interest but not to\noverwhelm.\nFinished product should be a unique statement about you. It must be professional looking,\nerror free, with consistent verb tense and end punctuation. Do NOT rely on computer spell\ncheck, grammar check, or resume writing software for your final resume.\n\nDegree: _____________________________ Expected Graduation Date: ___________________\n\n______________________________________________________________________________\n\nJob Title: ______________________________________\n\nPeriod Employed: _____________\n\nName of Company, City, State ____________________________________________________\nResponsibilities: (Use action words.) _______________________________________________\n____________________________________________________________________________\nSkills (EXAMPLE: computer, leadership, language skills)\n______________________________________________________________________________\n______________________________________________________________________________\nAwards\n______________________________________________________________________________\n______________________________________________________________________________\nActivities & Interests\n______________________________________________________________________________\n______________________________________________________________________________\nReferences available upon request.\n\n\x0cSample of a Chronological Resume- list education and experience in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nSample of a Chronological Resume- list education and experience in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nJessica Laptop\n\nGomez Addams\n\n1313 Microchip Lane\nWest Deptford, NJ 08028\n856-899-2000\\n\n1313 Mockingbird Lane\nMantua, NJ 08028\n856-856-9876\\nOBJECTIVE\nAn entry-level position in public relations or marketing.\n\nOBJECTIVE\n\nSeeking a summer internship in the field of computer science.\n\nEDUCATION\n\nBachelor of Science, Computer Science\nMinor: Mathematics\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA 3.45, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Arts, Public Relations\nConcentration: Leadership Studies\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA 3.6, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Cum Laude honors anticipated\n\nMay 201x\n\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nPageMaker\nMicrosoft Photo Editor\nHarvard Graphics\n\nPowerPoint\nMicrosoft Publisher\nAccess\n\nWordPerfect\nExcel\nMicrosoft Word\n\nRELEVANT\nCOURSES\n\nLANGUAGE/\nOPERATING\nSYSTEMS\nWORK\nEXPERIENCE\n\nanticipated December 201x\n\nIntroduction to Programming, Computer Laboratory Techniques, Data\nStructures, Calculus I, II, and III, Operating Systems, Web Programming\n\nBASIC, Pascal, C, C++, COBOL, Lisp, MS-DOS, UNIX\n\n13 Congressional District Intern\nSpring 201x\nCongressman Charles Sheen, Washington, DC\n\xef\x82\xb7\nResponsibilities included researching legislation, drafting recommendations and briefs.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nResponded to constituent correspondence and inquiries, as well as aiding in office\nadministration.\n\nLab Instructor\nSummer 201x\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nInstructed freshman students in the use of microcomputers.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssisted faculty in establishing research goals consistent with\nthe data available.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nTaught resident assistants the detailed use of technical\nsoftware.\n\nCorrespondent\nFall 200x\nRolling Stone Magazine, Pitman, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nCovered local music and political events under commission for monthly publication.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nMaintained valuable media contacts.\n\nLab Technician\n200x-200x\nPitman High School, Pitman, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nDeveloped a database for the school\xe2\x80\x99s athletic department.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nIdentified specific applications for a newly written program.\n\nMarketing Intern\nSpring 200x\nGlassboro Convention Center, Glassboro, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nDeveloped and implemented marketing program for the convention center.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nCoordinated on-site conference registration.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssisted presenters during multimedia presentations.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nPrepared and disseminated over 6,000 registration packets.\n\nStudent Worker\n200x-200x\nRowan University Information Desk, Glassboro, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nProcessed and balanced payments in Compco Student\nTelephone billing system.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssigned long distance codes to Rowan students and\nanswered the university switchboard.\n\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\nth\n\nACTIVITIES\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nVice President, Public Relations Society, Rowan University Chapter\nSecretary, American Marketing Association, Rowan University Student Chapter\nVolunteer, Glassboro Soup Kitchen\n\nHONORS\n\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nAlpha Lambda Delta Honorary Society\nDon Serious Scholarship\n\nACTIVITIES\n\nMember, Computer Science Society\nVolunteer, Glassboro Soup Kitchen\nVice President, Me Phi Me Sorority\nIntramural Sports \xe2\x80\x93 Basketball, Street Hockey\n\nREFERENCES\n\nAvailable upon request.\n\nREFERENCES\nAvailable upon request.\n\n\x0cSample of a Chronological Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and experience in reverse\nchronological order within appropriate categories.\n\nSample of a Chronological Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and experiences in reverse\nchronological order within appropriate categories.\n\nMarshall Law\n\nVeronica Lewinski\n\\nCurrent address:\n369 Mansion Park\nGlassboro, NJ 08028\n856-256-3372\n\nObjective\nTo obtain an internship position in law and criminal justice, utilizing and developing\nparticular interest in juvenile delinquency.\nEducation\nBachelor of Arts: Law/Justice\nRowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey\nGPA 3.2/4.0, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nRelated Courses\nParole, Probation and Community Correction\nMinorities, Crime, and Criminal Justice\nIntroduction to Courts\n\n21 Jump Street\nGlassboro, NJ 08028\n856-256-9999\\n\nPermanent address:\n2115 Herbert Drive\nWillingboro, NJ 08046\n609-835-2028\nOBJECTIVE\n\nSeeking an entry-level position in environmental management.\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Science, Civil Engineering\nEmphasis: Environmental Engineering\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA 3.77, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nMagna Cum Laude honors anticipated\n\nanticipated May 201x\n\nMay 201x\n\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\nSocial Problems\nAmerican Police\nIntroduction to Corrections\n\nUndergraduate Researcher\nApril 201x \xe2\x80\x93 present\nRowan University College of Engineering, Glassboro, NJ\nContributed to the design and testing of a freshwater chamber\nintended to replace methods currently used by the seafood industry\nto separate crabmeat from claw. Provide chemical analysis of\nresulting wastewater.\n\nExperience\nYouth Advocate\nJune 200x - present\nYouth Advocate Program, Woodbury, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nProvide mentoring to teenage males, based on total trust, encouraging\ndevelopment of self-esteem and self-control.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nMotivate youth to pursue productive life activities, including employment and\neducational opportunities.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nVisit library and attend various community activities with mentees to broaden\nawareness of community resources.\nSecurity Officer\nNovember 200x - present\nDeptford Mall, Deptford, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nConduct surveillance for shoplifters in all stores throughout mall.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nWork collaboratively with senior security officers and store managers regarding\nmatters of customer safety and merchandise security.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nProvide accurate written reports regarding security-related issues and encounters.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nProvide information to senior officers and store employees regarding suspicious or\ndisruptive behavior of mall patrons.\nAssistant Girls\xe2\x80\x99 Basketball Coach\nNovember 200x - March 200x\nMemorial Junior High School, Willingboro, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssisted during practices and games, providing instruction and motivation related\nto basketball, academics, and life values.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nMonitored academic eligibility and medical records plus uniform and equipment\ninventory.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nRecruited and trained scorekeepers for all season games.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nCreated computerized report of all team and player statistics.\nAdditional Information\nAmerican Criminal Justice Association, Lamda Epsilon Fraternity\nComputer skills include Excel, Word Perfect, Access and PowerPoint\nCertified New Jersey Fire Fighter with Hazmat Certification\nAmerican Heart Association Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiac Care\nProvider, CPR Certified\n\nEngineering Intern\nSummer 200x\nNew Jersey Highway Division, Trenton, NJ\nWorked with highway engineers on traffic pattern study and\nanalysis. Conducted research in current traffic management theory\nand technology. Prepared written reports for presentations to chief\nengineer. Assisted with the planning and preparation for public\nhearings on proposed change in traffic flow.\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nAutoCAD, Visual C++, Mathematica, PowerC, Windows 98, Unix,\nWindows NT, MiniTab, MS Word & Excel 98\nHONORS AND ACTIVTIES\nTau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society\nSociety of Women Engineers\nPride 2000 Scholarship\nBrad Pitt Engineering Scholarship\nVolunteer, Glassboro Big Sister Program\nPresident, Student Government Association\nREFERENCES\n\nAvailable upon request.\n\n\x0cSample of a Chronological Resume- list education and experience in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nSample of a Functional Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and employment in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nJane C. Asylum\n\nJohn Engineer\n\n321 Writearesume Lane\nWantstowork, New Jersey 08777\n856-854-0001\\n\n1776 Smart Blvd\nBrainville, NJ 08007\n856-990-4354\\nOBJECTIVE: Research Associate position with a biotechnology firm.\n\nOBJECTIVE\n\nTo obtain an entry-level position in social work utilizing my abilities in Spanish.\n\nEDUCATION\n\nBachelor of Arts, Sociology\nMinor: Spanish\nRowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey\nGPA: 3.7, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Magna Cum Laude\n\nDecember 201x\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\nSkilled in all phases of hybridoma production.\nInspired by the challenge of research and experimentation.\nGood working knowledge of immunology.\nExcellent skills in communication and collaboration.\nHighly inquisitive, creative and resourceful.\n\n\xef\x80\xa0Financed 100% of college education\nCOURSE\nHIGHLIGHTS\n\nSocial Problems, Human Service Organizations, Sociology of Work,\nIntroduction to Sociology, Intermediate Spanish I & II, Advanced Spanish\nConversation, Advanced Spanish Grammar\n\nINTERNSHIP\n\nProgram Coordinator\nSpring 201x\nCamden City Battered Women\xe2\x80\x99s Shelter, Camden, New Jersey\nConducted intake interviews and served as translator assistant.\nCoordinated after school programs for enrolled children and managed\nrecreational facility. Encouraged fair play, self-reliance and positive selfesteem in children with troubled family backgrounds.\n\nSPECIAL\nSKILLS\n\nBilingual: Spanish/English\nCommunication Skills: Written and Verbal\n\nACTIVITIES\n\nVolunteer Translator, Camden County Aids Hospice\nMember, Latino Affairs Committee, Rowan University\nMember, National Association of Black Social Workers\n\nCOMPUTER\nSKILLS\n\nLotus 1-2-3, Windows, WordPerfect 6.0, EXCEL, Quicken, DOS, Ventura,\nDesktop Publishing, Internet\n\nHONORS\n\nGlassboro Businessmen\xe2\x80\x99s Association Scholarship, 2008\nNational Merit Scholar, 2008\n\nWORK HISTORY\n\nNight Assistant Manager\nMay 200x \xe2\x80\x93 December 201x\nBurgerqueen, Glassboro, New Jersey\nSupervised employees, coordinated work schedules and managed customer\ncomplaints. Processed bank deposits and resolved employee disputes.\n\nReferences available upon request.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\nApplied Research\nTailored screening strategies using ELISA, RIA and Immunoblot techniques to effectively\nisolate the desired hybridomas.\nPerformed experiments to induce animal immune systems to respond to a weak antigen.\nDeveloped in collaboration with other researchers, a novel assay which identified the\nantibodies\xe2\x80\x99 ability to bind to live, intact tumor cells.\nConducted periodic presentations of results and works in progress to Research Center staff.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLaboratory Skills\nTissue Culture and Hamster Egg Penetration Test\nElectroblotting and Radiolabeling of Antibodies\nImmunoblot Strip Assay\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLab Technician\nResearch Assistant\nYouth Counselor\nTeaching Assistant\n\nEMPLOYMENT HISTORY\nBellmarr Research Center, Bellmarr, NJ\nRowan University Biology Department, Glassboro, NJ\nVineland Day Care Program, Vineland, NJ\nBuena Vista Normal School, Buena, NJ\n\nBachelor of Science, Biology\nAssociate of Science, Chemistry\n\nEDUCATION\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGloucester County College, Sewell, NJ\n\n201x - present\n200x \xe2\x80\x93 200x\nSummer 200x\n200x \xe2\x80\x93 200x\n\nMay 200x\nMay 200x\n\nRelated Courses: Immunology and Lab, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Virology, Ornithology, Cell\nCulture Technology\nAWARDS and ACTIVITIES\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nAlbert Einstein Scholarship\nMember, American Association of Biologists\nVolunteer, Dumbville Ambulance Service\nREFERENCES: Available upon request.\n\n\x0cSample of a Chronological Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and experience in reverse\nchronological order within appropriate categories.\n\nSample of a Chronological Resume- list education and experience in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nArthur B. Enthusiastic\n\nROSE ROYCE\n\n290 Birchwood Lane\nMantua, New Jersey, 08051\n856-468-6161\\n\n123 Main Road\nAnywhere, NJ 01234\n856-987-6543\nchronological.resume@cap\n\nJob Target\nA position as an Art Educator within a museum\xe2\x80\x99s public outreach program, utilizing recent degree\nplus experience in public relations and art education.\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCapabilities\nDevelop art education programs.\nWrite press releases and promotional copies.\nCoordinate efforts with local schools.\nOrganize related events with speakers and presentations.\nUtilize a variety of computer skills.\n\nJOB OBJECTIVE\nAn entry- level accounting position with potential for advancement.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\nComputer literate, experience includes Word 6.0, Excel and database management.\nExcellent organizational and communication skills.\nFluent in Japanese and Spanish.\nSharp in learning and comprehending new systems and methods.\n\nEducation\nBachelor of Arts: Art\nRowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey\nGPA 3.7, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nMagna Cum Laude honors anticipated\nAssociate of Arts: Art\nGloucester County College, Sewell, New Jersey\nGPA 3.9, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, President\xe2\x80\x99s List\nSumma Cum Laude\n\nDecember 201x\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Science, Accounting\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nCompleted independent study in International Business\n\nexpected Dec. 201x\n\nMay 200x\nAssociate of Arts and Science, Business Studies\nGloucester Community College, Sewell, NJ\n\nMay 200x\n\nAchievements\nCo-developed Art in Public Places program.\nPlaced several articles in local newspapers.\nConducted Murals in Public Places project for Eagle Scout Award.\n\nRELATED COURSES:\nManagerial Accounting, Auditing, Cost Accounting, Advanced Accounting,\nIndividual Taxation, Accounting Information Systems\n\nWork History\nOffice Assistant\nJanuary 200x-present\nThe Association of Educational Publishers\nRowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssist in the coordination of annual conferences plus related office duties.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nWork extensively on Macintosh using Word, Works, Excel, File Maker Pro, including data\nentry, report generation, plus brochure and poster design.\n\nRELATED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nTEACHING ASSISTANT\nAugust 201x - Present\nGlassboro Community College, Pitman, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssist professor with Urban Enterprise Zone research project.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nTutor students in accounting, maintain class records, and correct papers.\n\nArts and Crafts Instructor\nSummer 200x\nKids Rule Day Camp\nRowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey\n\xef\x82\xb7\nConducted wide variety of hands-on projects for 120 campers per week, divided into groups\nof 20 campers ages 6 to 12 years.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nWorked collaboratively with camp counselors to provide enriching activities relating to\ndifferent themes each week.\nTour Guide\nSummer 200x\nHampton House\nHampton, New Jersey\n\xef\x82\xb7\nConducted tours of historic home, while providing visitors with related information.\nReferences available upon request.\n\nBOOKKEEPER\nSummer 2008, 2009\nLaurel Museum, Mullica Hill, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nVerified and entered details of financial transactions into computer system.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nBalanced books and compiled statistical reports.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nCalculated general ledger and employee wages.\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\nSALESPERSON\nSummer 2007\nOld Navy, Clayton, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nPerformed sales duties while coordinating store displays and floor moves.\nREFERENCES\nAvailable Upon Request\n\n\x0cSample of a Combination Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and employment in reverse\n\nSample of an Education Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and experience in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nchronological order within appropriate categories.\n\nWanda Teacher\n\nAbigail B. Gettingajob\n\n12 Wantajob Lane\nLindenwold, NJ 08091\n856-256-0009\\n\n225 Salary Survey Lane\nMedford, NJ 08092\n609-779-0987\\n\nCAREER OBJECTIVE\nSeeking an elementary education teaching position in southern New Jersey.\n\nOBJECTIVE:\n\nTo obtain an entry-level business management position.\n\nEDUCATION:\n\nBachelor of Science, Business Administration\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nSpecialization: Management\nGPA: 3.5, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Cum Laude\n\nCOURSE\nHIGHLIGHTS:\n\nOrganizational Behavior, Integrated Software for Business, Management\nInformation Systems, Operations Management, Management of Human\nResources, Legal Environment of Business, Organizational Behavior\n\nMay 201x\n\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nManagement/Supervision\n\xef\x81\xa9 Exercised total supervisory responsibility for specialty retail merchandiser.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Maintained time sheets.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Managed and coordinated special promotions.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Implemented employee disciplinary and termination procedures.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Maintained loss prevention reports.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Supervised merchandise displays.\nHuman Resources Administration\n\xef\x81\xa9 Coordinated trip reduction survey results.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Conducted staffing interviews.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Managed accident reports.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Assisted in devising personnel policies.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Assisted in the implementation of employee orientation.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Contributing reporter for company newsletter.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Maintained employee benefits database.\n\nTyco Toys, Marlton, NJ\nThe GAP, Marlton, NJ\n\nAssociate in Arts, Early Childhood Education\nBurlington County College, Pemberton, NJ\nGPA \xe2\x80\x93 3.5\n\nMay 201x\n\nMay 201x\n\nSTUDENT TEACHER\nStudent Teacher, School #4, Maple Shade, NJ\nSpring 201x\nTaught 4th grade students using manipulatives and multi-sensory approaches in mathematics and\nscience lessons. Utilized cooperative learning, assertive discipline and whole language\napproaches. Integrated curriculum to meet the needs of three inclusion students.\nPRACTICUM EXPERIENCE\nPracticum Teacher, Fleetwood School, Mount Laurel, NJ\nFall 200x\nAssisted classroom teacher with individual needs of students. Served as a volunteer aide during\nsemester break. Co-directed musical production of \xe2\x80\x9cAlice in Wonderland\xe2\x80\x9d; constructed scenery\nand costumes.\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\nMath Tutor, 1st Grade\nFall 201x - Present\nTutored grade school students in math. Designed and created a \xe2\x80\x9cMath for Fun\xe2\x80\x9d workbook.\nSubstitute Teacher, Certified K \xe2\x80\x93 12, Burlington County, NJ\nFall 200x\nResponsible for several long-term substitute positions, including organization and implementation\nof lesson plans, correcting papers and recording grades.\n\nEMPLOYMENT HISTORY\nManagement Intern\nAssistant Manager\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Arts, Elementary Education / History\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA \xe2\x80\x93 3.9, Summa Cum Laude anticipated, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nCertificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing anticipated\n\n201x - Present\n200x \xe2\x80\x93 201x\n\nCOMPUTER\nSKILLS:\n\nMicrosoft Office, Internet, Excel, DOS.\n\nPROFESSIONAL\nASSOCIATIONS:\n\nSociety of Human Resource Management, Rowan University Student\nChapter, Vice President; Career Fair Chairperson;\nTri-State Human Resource Management Association, Member.\n\nACTIVITIES:\n\nPi Sigma Alpha, Secretary;\nAmerican Red Cross, Volunteer.\n\nReligious Education Teacher, Our Lady Queen of Peace, Sewell, NJ\nSpring 201x - Present\nResponsible for implementing curriculum to 3rd grade students in preparation for their first Holy\nCommunion.\nHONORS\nKappa Delta Pi Honor Society\nJames M. Lynch, Jr. Scholarship Award \xe2\x80\x93 $1,000.00\nACTIVITIES\nStudent Member, New Jersey Education Association\nPanelist, New Jersey Association of Teacher Educators\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nSales Person, Rainbow Shop, Burlington Center, Burlington, NJ\nPresently on call as mascot \xe2\x80\x93 The Rainbow Bear\n\nAugust 200x - Present\n\nPORTFOLIO AND REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST' |
353 | Education | b'1\xe2\x80\x9d margins on entire document\n\nFont Size for Name: 14-16\n\nFont Styles:\nTimes New Roman or Arial\n\nPHYLISS PHYSICAL\n\n201 South Sycamore \xef\x82\xa8 Wayne, NE 68787 \xef\x82\xa8 (402) 375-0000 \xef\x82\xa8\n\nOBJECTIVE\nTo obtain a position teaching Physical Education (K-12) with coaching opportunities\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Science Degree in Education\nEndorsement: K-12 Health and Physical Education and Coaching\nWayne State College, Wayne, Nebraska\nOnly include GPA\nExpected Graduation: May [year]\nif 3.0 or higher\nGPA: 3.3\n\nUse clear, concise\nobjective\n\nFont Size for Body\nof Resume: 11-12\n\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nStudent Teacher\nSpring [year]\nK \xe2\x80\x93 12 Health & Physical Education, West Point Public Schools, West Point, NE\nAlways list the\n\xef\x82\xa8 Develop and teach units in the following areas: Health Awareness Issues,\nmost present\nPhysical Fitness & Weight Control, Nutrition, and Exercise as Leisure\njobs first on the\nresume.\n\xef\x82\xa8 Plan age appropriate physical fitness activities for children grades K-6\n\xef\x82\xa8 Coordinate special events including Jump Rope for Heart and Field Day\n\xef\x82\xa8 Communicate curriculum and students\xe2\x80\x99 progress to parents on a weekly basis\nSubstitute Teacher\nFall [year] - Present\nNortheast Nebraska Teacher Academy (NENTA), Wayne State College, Wayne, NE\n\xef\x82\xa8 Taught all subjects in curriculum in the absence of the regular classroom teacher\n\xef\x82\xa8 Received and implemented APL classroom management training\n\xef\x82\xa8 Established and maintained positive relationships with students, staff and administration in\nthree Northeast Nebraska schools\nRELATED EMPLOYMENT\nAssistant High School Track Coach\nWest Point Public Schools, West Point, NE\n\xef\x82\xa8 Instill good sportsmanship both on and off the field\n\xef\x82\xa8 Plan daily/weekly high jump workouts\n\xef\x82\xa8 Assist in planning middle and long distance workouts\n\xef\x82\xa8 Initiate and maintain communication with parents\n\nSpring [year]\nStart each\ndescription\nwith a\nstrong\naction verb\n\nCamp Counselor\nMay [year]-August [year]\nYMCA Day Camp, Columbus, NE\n\xef\x82\xa8 Directed and supervised children in activities such as: canoeing, archery, crafts, sports,\nWatch verb\nand nature exploration\ntenses \xe2\x80\x93use\n\xef\x82\xa8 Monitored conduct and ensured discipline among campers\npresent\ntense if still\n\xef\x82\xa8 Created a positive and supportive learning environment for campers\nat job/past\ntense if not.\n\n\x0cSecond page should at least have your name and\npage 2, or can use same heading as Page 1.\n\nPHYLISS PHYSICAL\n\n201 South Sycamore \xef\x82\xa8 Wayne, NE 68787 \xef\x82\xa8 (402) 375-0000 \xef\x82\xa8\n\nOTHER EMPLOYMENT\nWaitress, Geno\xe2\x80\x99s Steakhouse, Wayne, NE\nFood-Service Employee, Chartwells, Inc., Wayne, NE\n\nSeptember [year] - Present\nAugust [year] \xe2\x80\x93 May [year]\n\nHONORS AND ACTIVITIES\nWayne State College Softball Team, Player\nS.H.A.P.E Club, Students Helping Achieve Physical Fitness & Exercise, Member\nSPORTS Club, Students Pursing Opportunities Related to Sports, Member\nREFERENCES\nMs. Cindy Lane\nCooperating Teacher\nWest Point Elementary\n625 North Sixth Street\nLincoln, NE 68722\n(402) 444-4444\n\nMr. Jim Randalls\nOwner\nGeno\xe2\x80\x99s Steakhouse\n511 West 1st Street\nWayne, NE 68787\n(402) 375-0000\n\nGet involved!\nEmployers like to see\nstudents who have\nbeen active on-campus\nand in the community.\n\nAsk references before\nusing and ask where\nthey wish to be\ncontacted (home or\nwork).\n\nDr. John Danner\nProfessor of Education\nWayne State College\n1111 Main Street\nWayne, NE 68787\n(402) 375-7000\n\nOTHER TIPS:\n\xef\x82\xb7 All resumes are different. . .choose a format that works for YOU!\n\xef\x82\xb7 Never use a resume template or Wizard Format!\n\xef\x82\xb7 Avoid the use of \xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x9d or first person\n\xef\x82\xb7 Use bold, italics, and bullets to draw attention to important items\n\xef\x82\xb7 Appearance should be professional and \xe2\x80\x9cclean\xe2\x80\x9d looking with no spelling or\ngrammatical errors\n\xef\x82\xb7 Layout of resume should be easy to read with proper spacing between sections\n\xef\x82\xb7 Sections of resume may vary (i.e. you may have Teaching Experience, Relevant\nExperience or Other Employment)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Never list age, race, gender, marital status or religious affiliation\n\xef\x82\xb7 List job description items in order of importance (i.e. if waitress, list customer\nservice skills before cleaning tables)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Print final copy of resume on a laser printer\n\xef\x82\xb7 Use 20-24 pound paper in conservative color (white/ivory/gray)\n\xef\x82\xb7 If possible use matching envelope\n\xef\x82\xb7 Always have at least one person review your resume before sending\n\xef\x82\xb7 Note: If resume is to be scanned, different rules apply as you avoid using bullets,\nitalics, underlining and bold.' |
354 | Education | b'Hiring Manager\nArizona Public School\n566 E Palmaire Drive\nPhoenix, AZ 45333\n\nDear Mr. Shepherd:\nI am writing in response to your recent advertisement for the position of Educational Assistant at the Arizona Public School. I\nam an excellent contender for this position as I posses the accurate skills and qualifications mentioned in your job description.\nMy resume will provide you with more details on why I make this claim.\n\nBecoming an educationist eventually is my life long dream and I am doing all that I can to achieve it. Right after I graduated\nfrom high school, I started working as a TA for the same school and have gained considerable experience from thereon. My\nunderstanding of preparing the right education models in conjunction with promoting a respectful environment for teachers\nand students has earned me commendation several times. I am an enthusiastic individual ready to take on challenges which is\nwhy I have been successful in engaging students in conversation in order to help them draw out their ideas. I have also had\nsome experience assisting teachers with preparing exam sheets and helping mark exam papers.\n\nI am sure that you will find my expertise to perform the duties of an Educational Assistant quite exceptional. I intend to call\nyou in a few days to secure an interview time with you and if you need to contact me. In the meantime I am available on my\ncell number (666) 980 5249. Thank you for your time and consideration.\n\nSincerely,\n(Signature)\nIsaac Elderd' |
355 | Education | b'Curriculum Vitae\n1/2014\nMatthew Cahn\nSpecial Assistant to the Dean, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences\nCalifornia State University Northridge\n18111 Nordhoff Street\nNorthridge, CA 91330-8254\\n(818) 677-3317\nEducation\nPh.D. August 1991 Political Science (emphasis in Public Policy)\nUniversity of Southern California\nDissertation: Environmental Politics\nM.A. December 1988 Political Science\nUniversity of Southern California\nB.A. May 1987 Social Science Field Major (Interdisciplinary)\nUniversity of California, Berkeley\nAreas of Specialization\nEnvironmental Policy and Management; Policy Analysis; American Politics; Research Design;\nAssessment.\n\nTenure-line Academic Positions\n1999 to present: Professor of Political Science,\nCalifornia State University Northridge\n1995 to 1999: Associate Professor of Political Science,\nCalifornia State University Northridge\n1991 to 1995: Assistant Professor of Political Science,\nCalifornia State University Northridge\n\nAdjunct Academic Positions\n2009 to 2011: Adjunct Professor, Department of Environmental Studies,\nUniversity of Southern California.\n2000 to 2001: Visiting Professor of Public Policy, Bren School of Environmental Science and\nManagement, University of California Santa Barbara\n1998 to 2003: Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Studies,\nUniversity of Southern California\n1989 to 1991: Lecturer, Department of Political Science, San Jose State University.\n1988 to 1989: Lecturer, Department of Political Science, San Francisco State University.\n\n\x0cAdministrative Positions\n2013 to Present: Special Assistant to the Dean, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences.\nResponsibilities include overseeing all college assessment, serving on dean\xe2\x80\x99s executive team for\nenrollment and budget management, mentoring new chairs and assisting departments in building\nclass schedules, reviewing contractual entitlements of lecturers and approving lecturer work\nassignments.\nFeb to August, 2013: Acting Associate Dean, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences.\nResponsibilities included facilitating and managing all college curriculum, resolving student\ncomplaints and discipline issues, and overseeing college assessment program.\n2011 to 2013: Administrative Fellow, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences.\nResponsibilities included assisting departments in building class schedules, reviewing contractual\nentitlements of lecturers and approving lecturer work assignments, overseeing college\nassessment program, developing cross-college curriculum, and assisting the Dean and Associate\nDean in special projects.\n2009-2011: Graduate Program Coordinator, Department of Political Science. Responsibilities\nincluded overseeing graduate admissions, curriculum development, implementation of\ncomprehensive exams, and academic and professional advisement for graduate students.\n2005-2008: Department Chair, Political Science. Responsible for supervising faculty, staff, four\nacademic programs and community outreach. Responsibilities included scheduling 70 sections\nper semester to meet an FTES of over 600 students; planning and monitoring departmental\nbudget; friend-raising and development (external relations); purchasing; faculty development and\nmentoring; monitoring for compliance with academic and university policies and compliance with\ncollective bargaining agreement; academic planning and curricular review; program review and\nassessment; faculty recruitment, retention, promotion, and tenure review (RTP).\n2004-2006: Director, Center for Southern California Studies, CSUN. Work with high profile\ncommunity members and university administration and faculty in applied research, program\ndevelopment, community relations, faculty development, and funded projects. Specific\nresponsibilities included program development and implementation, friend-raising and\ndevelopment, curricular support, personnel hiring and supervision, budgeting and purchasing,\ngrant writing.\n2004-2005: CSBS Coordinator of Special Sessions Programs in Public Sector Management\n(PSM) and Masters in Public Administration (MPA). The PSM and MPA programs serve\napproximately 400 students through non-state supported programming and curriculum. Served\nas CSBS Dean\xe2\x80\x99s liaison coordinating academic programs between two colleges, representing\nCSBS Dean\xe2\x80\x99s Office to PSM/ MPA Program Directors, ensuring compliance with university\nacademic policies and procedures, facilitating PSM/MPA programs and faculty development,\ntracking financial obligations between PSM/MPA programs and academic departments.\n2001-2002: Interim Department Chair, Political Science. Responsible for supervising faculty,\nstaff, three academic programs and community outreach. Responsibilities included course\nscheduling to meet an FTES of approximately 450 students; planning and monitoring department\nbudget; friend-raising and development (external relations); purchasing; faculty development and\nmentoring; monitoring for compliance with academic and university policies; compliance with\ncollective bargaining agreement; academic planning and curricular review; program review and\nassessment; faculty recruitment, retention, promotion, and tenure review (RTP).\n1998-2000: Director, Center for Southern California Studies, CSUN. Work with high profile\ncommunity members and university administration and faculty in applied research, program\ndevelopment, community relations, faculty development, and funded projects. Specific\nresponsibilities include program development and implementation, curricular support, personnel\nhiring and supervision, budgeting and purchasing, grant writing.\n\n2\n\n\x0c1993-1998: Graduate Program Coordinator, Department of Political Science. Responsibilities\nincluded overseeing graduate admissions, curriculum development, implementation of\ncomprehensive exams, supervision of thesis projects, and academic and professional advisement\nfor graduate students.\n\nCurrent Research:\nAmerican Government: Democracy in Transition (Pearson, under contract)\nThis book examines the American political system and its institutions as we transform from a\ndemocracy of self-interest to one of increasing transparency and evidence-based decision\nmaking. The book is designed for introductory American Government courses, and therefore\ncovers, in depth, the framers, constitutional theory, institutions, and participation \xe2\x80\x93 while\nsimultaneously engaging with a student population who may be only vaguely interested in\ngovernment.\nLinking Science to Decision Making in Environmental Policy: Bridging the Disciplinary Gap (coauthored with Lawrence Becker, The MIT Press, under contract)\nThis book examines the role of science in moderating interest-based politics in resource\nmanagement and environmental stewardship. The manuscript builds a model of science based\npolicy processes where management decisions are based on stakeholder input but constrained\nby scientific efficacy. Ultimately, the project is intended to develop a protocol to maximize crossdisciplinary decision making in environmental policy.\nEnvironmental Deceptions: The Tension between Liberalism and Environmental Policymaking in\nthe United States (with Kristy Michaud; Albany: State University of New York Press, 2nd edition\nunder contract)\nThis book brings together normative analyses and empirical data to explain the structural\nlimitations liberal society places on environmental improvement. I argue that cultural\nambivalence toward communitarian ethics has made the traditional environmental\ninfrastructure problematic. The book exposes the subtle tensions that often lead to policy\nfailure, and suggests that traditional policy models are insufficient to resolve existing\nenvironmental dilemmas in air, water, waste, and energy.\n\nPublications: Books\nPublic Policy: The Essential Readings (edited with Stella Theodoulou; Pearson, 2012).\n2nd edition.\nRethinking California: Politics and Policy in the Golden State (co-authored with H. Eric\nnd\nSchockman, and David Shafie, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2009, 2 edition).\nStrategic Planning in Environmental Regulation: A Policy Approach that Works (co-authored with\nSheldon Kamieniecki and Steve Cohen, The MIT Press, 2005)\nRethinking California: Politics and Policy in the Golden State (co-authored with H. Eric\nst\nSchockman, and David Shafie, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001, 1 edition).\nCalifornia: An Owners Manual (co-authored with H. Eric Schockman, Englewood Cliffs, NJ:\nPrentice Hall, 1997).\nThinking About the Environment: Readings on Politics, Property, and the Physical World (edited\nwith Rory O\'Brien; NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 1996)\n\n3\n\n\x0cEnvironmental Deceptions: The Tension between Liberalism and Environmental Policymaking\nin the United States (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995).\nPublic Policy: The Essential Readings (edited with Stella Theodoulou; Englewood Cliffs, NJ:\nPrentice Hall, 1995).\n\nPublications: Book Chapters and Book Reviews\n\xe2\x80\x9cThe States and the Environment: History, Responsibilities, and Policies (1770s\xe2\x80\x93present),\xe2\x80\x9d (with\nRhea Mac), in The Guide to U.S. Environmental Policy. Sally Fairfax and Edmund Russell, eds.\n(Congressional Quaterly Press, in press 2014).\n\xe2\x80\x9cThe Bureaucracy and Politics of Energy and Environmental Policy in the Western States,\xe2\x80\x9d (with\nSheldon Kamieniecki, Denise McCain-Tharnstrom, and Duran Fiack), in Environmental Politics\nrd\nand Policy in the West. 3 Edition. Zachary Smith and John Freemuth, eds., (Kendall-Hunt, in\npress 2014.)\n"The Environmental Policy Bureaucracy: A Western Perspective," (with Sheldon Kamieniecki\nnd\nand Denise McCain-Tharnstrom), in Environmental Politics and Policy in the West. 2 Edition.\nZachary Smith, ed., (Kendall-Hunt, 2005).\nReview of Sheldon Kamieniecki, George Gonzalez, and Robert Vos, "Flashpoints in\nEnvironmental Policymaking: Controversies in Achieving Sustainability" (Albany: State University\nof New York Press, 1997). In "The American Political Science Review", June 1999.\n"Politics and Policy in California," (with H. Eric Schockman) in "California Dreams and Realities:\nReadings for Critical Thinkers and Writers." 2nd Edition. Sonia Maasik and Jack Soloman, eds.,\n(Boston: St. Martins, 1999)\n"Surfing Bytes: Utilizing the Internet and Your Computer for Social Science Research" with Paula\nLackie and Stella Theodoulou) in "Methods for Political Inquiry: The Discipline, Philosophy and\nAnalysis of Politics." Stella Theodoulou and Rory O\xe2\x80\x99Brien, eds., (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice\nHall, 1999).\nReview of Peter DeLeon, "Democracy and the Policy Sciences" (Albany, NY: State University of\nNew York Press, 1997) and Anne Larason Schneider & Helen Ingram, "Policy Design for\nDemocracy" (Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press, 1997). In "The American Political\nScience Review," June 1998.\n"The Green Critique," in "Thinking About the Environment." Matthew Cahn and Rory O\xe2\x80\x99Brien,\neds., (NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 1996)\n"Accommodating the Future: Strategies for Resolving the Environmental Quagmire," in "Thinking\nAbout the Environment." (NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 1996)\n"What\'s Theory Got to Do With It? An Introduction to Thinking About the Environment," (with\nRory O\'Brien,) in "Thinking About the Environment: Political Theory and Environmental\nPolicymaking." (NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 1996)\nReview of Lawrence E. Susskind, "Environmental Diplomacy: Negotiating More Effective Global\nAgreements" (NY: Oxford University Press, 1994). In "Political Science Quarterly", Summer\n1995.\n"The Policy Game," in "Public Policy: The Essential Readings." Stella Theodoulou and Matthew\nCahn, eds., (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995)\n"The Players: Institutional and Non-Institutional Actors in Public Policy," in "Public Policy: The\nEssential Readings" (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995)\n\n4\n\n\x0c"The Environmental Policy Bureaucracy: A Western Perspective," (with Sheldon Kamieniecki), in\n"Environmental Politics and Policy in the West." Zachary Smith, ed., (Kendall-Hunt, 1993).\n"Western Governments and Environmental Policy," with Sheldon Kamieniecki and Eugene Goss),\nin "Politics, Power and Public Policy in the Contemporary American West." Clive Thomas, ed.,\n(Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1991).\n\nInvited Lectures\n"Linking Science to Decision Making in Environmental Policy: The Case of Marine Protected\nAreas." Munson Marine Lecture Series 2001 Sponsored by the Curtis and Edith Munson\nFoundation. Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. November 2001\n"Bridging the Disciplinary Gap Between Science and Policy." Bren School of Environmental\nScience and Management. University of California, Santa Barbara. March 2000\n\nApplied Policy Experience\nPrincipal Investigator. \xe2\x80\x9cCSUN Community and Economic Impact Report.\xe2\x80\x9d Commissioned by\nCSUN University Relations. November 2004. Available at\nMember, Roadmap to Reform Advisory Committee, a technical panel to the Little Hoover\nCommission (a state oversight commission). Sacramento, CA Fall 2003\nSenior Research Associate, Solimar Research Group (Environmental Research and Policy\nAnalysis), Ventura, CA, 2000 to 2008\nChair, Marine Ecological Reserve Science Panel. Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary,\nNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). U.S. Department of Commerce, 1999\nto 2001.\nMember, Southern California Policy Advisory Group (City Terrace Group), Assembled by Antonia\nVillaraigosa, Then-Speaker of the California State Assembly, 1999-2000.\nMember, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Environmental Policy Focus Group. The\nInstitute for Applied Social and Policy Research, Claremont Graduate University. The ITS Focus\nGroup brought together regional leaders and environmental analysts to evaluate the impact of\nproposed ITS technologies on environmental quality in California, 1995.\nPrincipal Investigator and Project Director: Downtown Economic Development Study. Performed\nfor the City of San Fernando. Spring 1993. Supported by a grant from the City of San Fernando.\n\nFunded Projects and Grants (Selected)\n\xe2\x80\x9cTeachers for a New Era\xe2\x80\x9d (TNE) Co-Author, CSUN TNE Final Report to Carnegie Corporation\n(2011-2012); Evidence Committee Liaison (2005-2006); Member, Steering Committee and\nGeneral Education Workgroup Coordinator (2003-2006).\n"A Window of Opportunity: Multidisciplinary Views of California Citizenship in the 21st Century."\n1999: Principal Investigator and Project Director. This project received $30,000 from the Center\nfor California Studies to provide a multidisciplinary analysis of the concept of citizenship in\nCalifornia. Results were disseminated through four colloquia in Summer, 1999.\n\n5\n\n\x0cProfessional Conference Participation\n"Science, Democracy, and Administrative Decisionmaking: The Case of the Channel Islands\nMarine Protected Areas," with Larry Becker. Presented at the Western Political Science\nAssociation Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX, April 2011.\nth\n\nProgram Chair and Conference Coordinator: 19 Annual Envisioning California Conference.\nCalifornia and Immigration. Skirball Cultural Center. Los Angeles, September 2007.\nth\n\nChair, \xe2\x80\x9cSchools as Political Terrain.\xe2\x80\x9d 18 Annual Envisioning California Conference. The\nEnvisioning California Conference is a statewide California Studies Conference sponsored by\nCSU Sacramento and CSU Northridge. Sacramento, September 2006.\nth\n\nProgram Chair and Conference Coordinator: 17 Annual Envisioning California Conference.\nLos Angeles, September 2005.\nPanelist: Roundtable: Innovative Approaches to Environmental Policy Education. Annual Meeting\nof the Western Political Science Association, Denver, March 2003.\nPanelist: Resolving Coastal and Ocean User Conflicts Through Negotiation -- Best Practices for\nConvening Marine and Coastal Policy Dialogues. California and the World Ocean, Santa\nBarbara, CA, October 2002. Sponsored by the California Resources Agency.\n\xe2\x80\x9dLinking Science to Decision Making in Environmental Policy: The Channel Islands Marine\nReserve Process,\xe2\x80\x9d presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science\nAssociation, Las Vegas, NV, March 2001.\nModerator and Participant, Colloquy on "Urban Fragmentation and Metropolitan Governance:\nSecession and Consolidation in Los Angeles and Beyond." Urban Affairs Association Annual\nMeeting, Los Angeles, May 2000.\n"Urban Politics and Fragmentation in Los Angeles," presented at the Annual Meeting of the\nAmerican Political Science Association, Atlanta, Summer 1999.\n"The Politics of Discontent: Assessing the Impacts of Secession on Representation and\nEmpowerment in Los Angeles," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political\nScience Association, Seattle, March 1999.\nChair, Roundtable on "The Urban Environment: Los Angeles in Perspective," Annual Meeting of\nthe Western Political Science Association, Los Angeles, March 1998.\n"Two Strategies for Success: Source Reduction and Recovery in California and Wisconsin,"\npresented in the Public Policy Section at the Annual Meeting of The Southwestern Political\nScience Association, New Orleans, March 1997.\nRoundtable Participant, Panel on "New Approaches to Environmental Policy," at the Annual\nMeeting of the Western Political Science Association, Tucson, March, 1997.\nDiscussant, Panel on "Revisions in Policy Subsystem Theory," Public Policy Section, at the\nAnnual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Tucson, March, 1997.\nChair, Panel on "The Next Increment: Environmental Strategies at Decade\'s Close." In the Public\nPolicy Section at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, San\nFrancisco, August, 1996.\n"Overcoming Interest Based Politics in Environmental Policymaking." Presented in the Public\nPolicy Section at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago,\nAugust, 1995.\n\n6\n\n\x0cChair, Panel on "New Teaching Technologies in Political Science." Annual meeting of the\nWestern Political Science Association, Portland, March, 1995.\n"Building Models in Environmental Policy: Evaluating California." Presented in the Public Policy\nSection at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, New York,\nSeptember 1994.\n"Surfing the Internet: Pedagogic Strategies Utilizing Microcomputers in Methodology Classes,"\n(with Stella Theodoulou and Paula Lackie). Presented at the annual meeting of the American\nPolitical Science Association, New York, September 1994.\n"Indexing Normative Influences on Environmental Policy in the United States: A Starting Point."\nPresented at the annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Albuquerque, NM,\nMarch 1994.\nCo-Chair, Panel: "Surviving the Non-Tenured Experience." Annual Meeting, Western Political\nScience Association, Albuquerque, NM, March 1994.\n"The Limits of Liberal Environmental Policy." Presented in the Public Policy Section at the annual\nmeeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, September 1993.\n"Symbolic Language and Environmental Policymaking in the United States." Presented in the\nPolitical Communication Section at the annual meeting of the American Political Science\nAssociation, Washington, DC, September 1993.\nChair, Panel: "Environmental Theory," American Political Science Association Annual Meeting,\nWashington, DC, September 1993.\n"Water Policy and Local Growth Limits in California: The Santa Barbara County Water Wars -the Case in Goleta," (with Rory O\'Brien), Presented in the State and Local Government Panel at\nthe annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Pasadena, CA, March 1993.\n"The Green Machine Meets the Growth Machine: Factors Affecting Intergovernmental Relations\nand Environmental Policy in California," (with Evan McKenzie), Presented in the Federalism and\nIntergovernmental Relations Panel at the Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting,\nSan Francisco, CA, March 1992.\n"Municipal Recycling in California," (with Stella Theodoulou), Presented in a Panel on Public\nPolicy at the Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March\n1992.\n"The Irony of Liberalism: Contract Theory and the Vulnerability of Rights," Presented in the\nPublic Policy and Political Theory Panel at the Western Political Science Association Annual\nMeeting, Seattle WA, March 1991.\n"Symbolic Policy and the Engineering of Consent," Presented in the Public Policy Agenda Setting\nPanel at the WPSA Annual Meeting, Seattle WA, March 1991.\n"Game Theory in Public Policy Formation: An Exploration of Speculative-Augmentation and the\nClean Air Act," Presented at the Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Newport\nBeach, CA, March 1990.\nDiscussant, Panel: "The Other Liberalism," Western Political Science Association Annual\nMeeting, Salt Lake City, March 1989.\n\n7\n\n\x0cUniversity-Wide Service and Leadership (Selected)\n2013: Member, Search and Screen Committee for Vice President of University Advancement,\nCSUN.\n2012: Co-Authored CSUN Teachers for a New Era Final Report (with Christina Von Mayrhauser).\nTNE was a $5 million Carnegie funded initiative that focused on improving teacher preparation by\nassessing the needs of learners and training future teachers in approaches to assessment;\ncreating strong clinical practice experiences for teacher candidates; and strengthening the\ncollaboration of arts and sciences faculty with education faculty in the design and oversight of\nteacher preparation programs.\n2011: Member, Search and Screen Committee for Vice-Provost, CSUN.\n2009-2013: Member, University Personnel Planning & Review Committee (PPR), CSUN. The\nUniversity Personnel Planning & Review Committee (PPR) makes recommendations concerning\nacademic personnel policies and procedures, including those which, if adopted, are incorporated\nin appropriate sections of the Administrative Manual. The committee interprets the Administrative\nManual and other pertinent documents and directives with respect to personnel matters, and\nhears appeals from personnel decisions of College committees and/or Deans.\n2003-2012: Member and Chair (2005-2008), Master of Public Administration Advisory Board.\nResponsibilities included faculty development; curriculum review; program review and\nassessment, advisement, and assisting in course scheduling.\n2003-2006: Member, Steering Committee, Teachers for a New Era.\n2003-2006: TNE Workgroup Coordinator \xe2\x80\x93 Integrating Arts and Science Faculty into Teacher\nEducation. Primary work focuses on coordinating six faculty in the study of the relationship\nbetween general education and teacher preparation. 2005 to 2007: Coordinator, Quantitative\nEvidence Group. Responsible for liaising between quantitative data analysis team and evidence\nsection coordinators, Provost, and Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences.\n2003-2004: Member, Search and Screen Committee for Dean, College of Social and Behavioral\nSciences, CSUN.\n2002-2004: Member, University Planning and Budget Group (UPBG), CSUN. UPBG serves in\nan advisory capacity to the President by assisting with the development and prioritization of\ncampus goals and advising on the allocation of resources.\n2002-2004: Member, CSBS College Personnel Committee, CSUN. Responsible for making RTP\nrecommendations for academic faculty within the college.\n1998-1999: Chair, Graduate Studies Committee, CSUN. The GSC establishes policies and\nreviews and approves all Graduate level programs and courses.\n1998-1999: Member, Strategic Planning Governing Group (SPGG). The SPGG worked closely\nwith the University President to facilitate and implement the university\'s strategic planning\nprocess.\n1998-1999: Academic Senator, CSUN Academic Senate.\n1996-2001: Member, Graduate Studies Committee (GSC), CSUN.\n1992-1994: Member, University General Education Council, a subcommittee of the Educational\nPolicies Committee tasked with reviewing university general education program.\n\n8\n\n\x0cOther University Service (Selected)\n2005-2006: Chair, Workload Review Committee, CSBS, CSUN.\n2005-2006: Chair, Associate Dean Search and Screen Committee, CSBS, CSUN.\n2004-2005: Member, CSBS Credential Program Review Committee, CSUN.\n2003-present: Member, Public Sector Management Advisory Committee, CSUN.\n2002-2004: Member, Northridge Presidential Scholars Review Committee, CSUN\n1997-2000: Member, Advisory Board, California Studies Interdisciplinary Major, CSUN.\n1997-1998: Chair, Director of Development Search Committee, College of Social and Behavioral\nSciences, CSUN\n1997-1998: Member, Taskforce on Faculty Hiring. A Special Committee of the University\nAcademic Senate, CSUN\n1997-1998: Member, Performance Step Salary Increase (PSSI) Review Committee, College of\nSocial and Behavioral Sciences, CSUN\n1997-1998: Member, Program Review Committee for Department of Kinesiology, CSUN\n1997-1998: Member, Program Review Committee for Department of English, CSUN\n1996-1997: Member, Program Review Committee for Department of Geography, CSUN\n1996-1997: Member, Advisory Board, Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, CSUN\n1994-1998: Co-Director, Political Science Data Lab.\n1992-1998: Credential Advisor, Responsibilities included advising single subject credential\nstudents in the social sciences, and supervising NTE/ Praxis waiver program.\n\nCommunity Leadership and Participation\nVentura Charter School, Ventura, CA.\nMember, Board of Directors, 2005-2008\nChannel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS), Santa Barbara, CA\nChair, Sanctuary Advisory Council 2002-2004\nMember, Sanctuary Advisory Council 1998 to 2004\n(Alternate Member for Research 1998-2001; Member Public-At-Large 2001-2004).\nAIDS CARE Inc., Ventura, California.\nMember, Board of Directors, 1992-1993\nAIDS CARE was a California Nonprofit Benefit Corporation and United Way agency which\nprovided practical support to people living with HIV and AIDS in Ventura County. ACI services\nincluded case management, daily provisions, legal services, referrals, education, and policy\nadvocacy.\n\n9\n\n\x0cOrganizational Affiliations and Activity Within the Profession\nAmerican Political Science Association (APSA)\nWestern Political Science Association (WPSA)\n\nManuscripts Reviewed for\nSAGE Publications\nCongressional Quarterly Press\nThe MIT Press\n\nSocial Sciences Quarterly\nRowman and Littlefield\nAddison Wesley Longman\n\nPolitical Research Quarterly\nDuke University Press\nPrentice Hall/ Pearson\n\n10' |
356 | Education | b'Ethan Education\nCurrent Address: 123 Orange Avenue \xe2\x80\xa2 Baldwin City, KS 66006 \xe2\x80\xa2 785-594-1234\nPermanent Address: 432 Hometown Drive \xe2\x80\xa2 Middletown, KS 32145 \xe2\x80\xa2\nEDUCATION\nBaker University, Baldwin City, KS \xe2\x80\x93 May 2016\nBachelor of Science: Elementary Education\n\nMinor: Psychology\n\nGPA: 3.5\n\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nStudent Teacher\nRising Star Elementary, Lenexa, KS \xe2\x80\x93 Spring 2016\n\xef\x82\xb7 10 weeks teaching 4th grade class of 21\n\xef\x82\xb7 Modified lessons and assignments for 3 ELL, 2 special education, and 2 gifted students\n\xef\x82\xb7 Created month-long social studies unit on state capitals (integrating reading, math, and writing);\n80% of students earned a grade of B or higher on unit final assessment\nObservations\nVinland Elementary, Vinland, KS \xe2\x80\x93 Fall 2015, first grade \xe2\x80\x93 Planning and Observation\n\xef\x82\xb7 3 days planning, organizing, and preapring for the first day of school - 20 hours\nBaldwin Elementary, Baldwin City, KS \xe2\x80\x93 Spring 2015, Kindergarten \xe2\x80\x93 Observation and Classroom Teaching\n\xef\x82\xb7 40 hours teaching small group reading lessons, full group math lessons, aided with positive\nclassroom management\nMarion Springs Elementary, Baldwin City, KS \xe2\x80\x93 Fall 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 30 hours observing 3rd grade class of 19\n\xef\x82\xb7 10 hours aiding an ADHD student in one-on-one math and reading tutoring for state testing\nOTHER EXPERIENCE\nStudent Leader (\xe2\x80\x9cFirst Year Experience\xe2\x80\x9d Class), Baker University, Baldwin City, KS \xe2\x80\x93 Fall 2015\n\xef\x82\xb7 Co-taught introductory course to 18 students with university professor\n\xef\x82\xb7 Independently created lessons, activities and assignments for 5 out of 12 textbook chapters\n\xef\x82\xb7 Acted as mentor, providing academic and personal advice, and referring university resources\nSummer Orientation Leader, Baker University, Summers 2014-2015\n\xef\x82\xb7 Serve as resource for new students in 7 orientation programs\nResident Assistant, Baker University, August 2013-May 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Created and facilitated programming for residents 9 times throughout the year\n\xef\x82\xb7 Document policies and violations and provide incident reports to the Area Coordinator\nAssistant, LLC Caregiver, Lawrence, KS \xe2\x80\x93 Summer 2013\n\xef\x82\xb7 Aided 20 y.o. male with severe physical and mental disability at outings and daily activities\n\xef\x82\xb7 Taught budgeting, hygiene, social skills, and motor skills, 30 hours per week.\nHONORS AND ACTIVITIES\nSigma Tau Chi Fraternity \xe2\x80\x93 2013 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 New Member Educator \xe2\x80\x93 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 2015\n\xef\x82\xa7 Created and led 8 weekly lessons on chapter history for 12 new members\nUniversity Student Ambassador \xe2\x80\x93 2013 \xe2\x80\x93 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provided 4 weekly university tours for prospective students and families (groups of up to 15)\nBlue Key, Academic Honors Organization \xe2\x80\x93 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 2016' |
357 | Education | b'Education Resume, Cover Letter\n& Reference Guide\nRESUME\n\nOne of the most important aspects of your job search is creating your resume. On average, administrators spend less\nthan 30 seconds screening it, so it is essential for your resume to project a clear and concise picture. The purpose of a\nresume is to market your education-related skills, experiences, and achievements so that you obtain an interview,\ntherefore you should tailor your resume to the position you want.\n\nFormatting Tips\nThere are no set rules regarding how to format your resume, however there are general guidelines you can follow when\nwriting your resume. Ultimately you are encouraged to pick the format that best highlights your skills and\naccomplishments.\nLENGTH: Education majors typically use a 2 page resume as there are a number of requirements and experiences\neducation students acquire and those should be documented on your resume.\nPAGE NUMBERS: Always include Your Name, Page 2 on the second page of your resume, in case it gets separated from\nthe first.\nPRIORITIZE: Place your most important information toward the top of the resume. You may want your first section to be\ntitled \xe2\x80\x9cTeaching Experience\xe2\x80\x9d, where you would then include your student teaching positions.\nPROOFREAD: Check and recheck for spelling and grammatical errors. Have Career & Professional Development, as well\nas someone in the teaching profession, review your resume and provide feedback.\nFORMAT: Start with a blank Word document. You may want to start by making a list of all of your experiences,\ncertifications, accomplishments. Avoid using templates because they may not allow you to easily move information or\nchange bullets, fonts, or text sizes.\nPRINTING: Print your resume on quality, white, grey or off-white paper.\nSAVE: If e-mailing your resume, use your name when saving the document. Be sure to save your resume in multiple\nlocations.\nPERSONAL INFORMATION: Do not include a photograph or other personal information such as age, weight, height,\nmarital status.\nFONT: Use easy to read fonts (Ex: Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, Cambria, etc.). Keep font sizes between 10 point and\n12 point.\nMARGINS: Keep margin widths between .5\xe2\x80\x9d and 1\xe2\x80\x9d.\n\n\x0cHeading\nREQUIRED CONTENT\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Name: Make sure your name stands out by using a larger font (16-22 point font) and bolding it.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Address & phone number\no Include only one phone number and use a professional outgoing message on your phone (e.g.\nYou have reached the voicemail of Julie Fox, I am sorry I missed your call. Please leave your name,\nnumber and brief message and I will return your call as soon as possible. Thanks.).\no Include a campus and a permanent address if you will be in different locations during your search.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 E-mail address: A combination of your first and last name keeps your e-mail address professional (your\nSNC e-mail is good forever); remove the hyperlink.\nOPTIONAL CONTENT\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Personal website/LinkedIn public profile: Include personal websites only if they are directly related to\n\nyour objective and will enhance your candidacy. You may consider creating your own online portfolio\nto highlight your subject area, classroom management plan, strong lesson plans, sample letters,\npictures of a well-organized classroom in which you worked.\n\nExample 1\n\nCampus Address:\n555 Third Street\nDe Pere, WI 54115\n\nHeading Examples\nNatalie L. Knight\n\n(920) 337-5555 \xef\x82\xa7\n\nPermanent Address:\n2121 Hometown Avenue\nMidtown, WI 5555\n\nExample 2\n\nNatalie Knight\n555 Third Street \xe2\x99\xa6 De Pere, Wisconsin 54115 \xe2\x99\xa6 (920) 337-5555 \xe2\x99\xa6\n\nExample 3\n\nNatalie Lynn Knight\n555 Third Street\nDe Pere, WI 54115\n(920) 337-5555\\\n\n\x0cObjective\nAn objective conveys key information to the administrator as to why you have applied. An objective is optional, however\nwhen used it can be general or specific. A general objective is most effective when attending a career fair, networking\nevent, or uploading into Hire a Knight or WECAN. A specific objective is best used when applying to a particular position\nand should be tailored every time.\nGeneral Objective: To obtain a position in the field of\xe2\x80\xa6(Early Childhood Education, Elementary School Education etc.)\nGeneral objective example: Desire a position in the field of Early Childhood Education utilizing skills in\n\npositive behavior management and a strong interest in collaborating with colleagues and parents.\n\nSpecific Objective: Desire a position as a\xe2\x80\xa6 (5th grade teacher, high school Chemistry teacher etc.) with\xe2\x80\xa6. (name of\ncompany/organization)\nSpecific objective example: To obtain the Southwest High School Chemistry Teacher position with the\n\nGreen Bay School District. Ability to facilitate practical application, hands-on experience, and studentinspired exploration of science.\n\nEducation\nBegin with your most recent educational experience and list backward. High school information tends to not be listed,\nunless you are applying for a position at the high school or district from which you graduated.\nREQUIRED CONTENT\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nEducation Degrees offered at SNC:\n\nSt. Norbert College, De Pere, WI\nBachelor of Science\nDegree Name\nBachelor of Arts\nGraduation Date (month, year)\nBachelor of Music\nMajor(s), Minor(s) and Concentration(s)\nCertification/licensure (These could include CPR/First Aid, Virtus training, ESL, etc.)\n\nOPTIONAL CONTENT\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Cumulative GPA and/or Major GPA, if greater than a 3.0 (Ex: Major GPA: 3.7/4.0)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Relevant Coursework (include courses that directly relate to Education or subject area)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Honors and Awards (could be in its own section)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Study/Teaching Abroad Experience (see Marketing Your International Experience handout for examples)\n\nEducation Examples\n\nST. NORBERT COLLEGE, De Pere, WI\nBachelor of Arts Degree, May 2014\nMajor: Education\nMinor: Early Childhood Education\nMajor GPA: 3.85/4.0\nOverall GPA: 3.6/4.0\nCertification: Early Childhood-Middle Childhood\nSt. Norbert College, De Pere, WI\nBachelor of Music Degree, May 2015\nMajor: Music Education\nEmphasis: Vocal\nCertifications: General Music and Choral Music\nHonors and Awards:\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nSt. Norbert College Trustees Scholarship for Academics\n3\n\n\x0cWriting Your Degree & Certification\nEARLY CHILDHOOD-MIDDLE CHILDHOOD CERTIFICATION (AGES BIRTH TO 10)\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nBachelor of Arts Degree\nMajor: Elementary Education\nMinor: Early Childhood\n\nMIDDLE CHILDHOOD-EARLY ADOLESCENCE CERTIFICATION (AGES 6 TO 13)\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nBachelor of Arts Degree\nMajor: Elementary Education\nAcademic or Teaching Minor: German, History, Chemistry, Spanish, Speech Communication, Physics,\nFrench, Mathematics, English, Biology, or Computer Science\nCertification Minors: Language Arts, Broadfield Science, Broadfield Social Science, Mathematics\nEducation, or English as a Second Language (ESL)\n\nEARLY ADOLESCENCE-ADOLESCENCE CERTIFICATION (AGES 10 TO 21)\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nBachelor of Arts Degree OR Bachelor of Science Degree\nMajor: English, French, Spanish, German, Speech Communication, Social Science, Economics, Political\nScience, Psychology, Sociology, Natural Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Mathematics\n\nMUSIC EDUCATION\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nBachelor of Music Degree\nMajor: Music Education\nCertification Areas: Instrumental Music (Grades K-12), General Music (Grades K-12), or Choral Music\n(Grades 6-12)\n\nExperience\n\nExperience can include paid or unpaid opportunities, part-time or full-time work, internships, volunteer work, significant\nleadership experience, class projects, etc. Consider titling your first heading \xe2\x80\x9cTeaching Experience\xe2\x80\x9d, and include your\nstudent teaching, practicums and field experience. Be creative with your other headings and group experiences together\nbased on similarities. Within each heading your experiences should be listed in reverse chronological order.\nREQUIRED CONTENT\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Position Title\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organization/School Name\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Location (city, state)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Start date \xe2\x80\x93 end date (month year \xe2\x80\x93 month year)\nBULLET POINT FORMATTING\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Bullet points describe your skills, experiences and accomplishments that relate to the objective of your resume\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Bullets are quick points, not complete sentences\n\xe2\x80\xa2 A quality bullet point contains the following: action verb, duties, skills, and accomplishments\n\xe2\x80\xa2 When possible quantify (Ex: Increased test scores by 20%)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Use a variety of action verbs to start each bullet point (see next page for examples)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Use present tense if the experience is current; past tense if the experience has been completed\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Do not use personal pronouns\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Relevant experiences should have more bullets than non-relevant experiences\n\xe2\x80\xa2 The largest section on your resume should be your teaching experience as it is the most relevant. Aim for 5-9\nbullet points for each student teaching experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Choose simple but formal bullets such as circles, squares, or diamond. Checkmarks, pointing hands, and pencils\nare too informal and distract from the text on your resume\n\n\x0cBULLET POINT EXAMPLES\nGood: Created lesson plans\nBetter: Created original lesson plans around the book \xe2\x80\x9cThe Giver\xe2\x80\x9d\nBest: Created constructivist lesson plans that utilized cooperative learning to discuss concepts in Lois Lowry\xe2\x80\x99s book,\n\xe2\x80\x9cThe Giver\xe2\x80\x9d and related it to the importance of rules in society\nGood: Taught many different students\nBetter: Taught a diverse group of students from Green Bay\nBest: Individually taught 36 students of varying ethnic backgrounds from two different schools in Green Bay\nincluding 15 recent immigrants to help them successfully pass the Wisconsin Basic Skills Test\nHEADING EXAMPLES\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Teaching Experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Early Childhood Experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Elementary Education Experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Secondary Education Experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Childcare Experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 International Teaching Experience\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nCareer-Related Experience\nAdditional Work Experience\nVolunteer Experience\nTechnology Skills\nLeadership Experience\nProfessional Development\n\nBULLET POINT CONTENT\nReflect on the topics below to help generate achievements, skills, and duties to include in your bullet points. Think about\nwhat makes you a unique candidate and communicate that in your bullet points.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Classroom management experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Parental involvement\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Curriculum development/lesson plans\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organizing field trips/special projects\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Cross-Curriculum experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participation in the community\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Cooperative learning\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participation in after-school activities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Working with diverse age groups, at-risk youth,\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assessing learning\nELL students\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Use of technology\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Teaching strategies/styles/methods\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Interesting/innovative techniques to engage and\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Standardized testing\nexcite students in a lesson plan/activity\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Use of assessment tools\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Use of contemporary stories, authors, news, etc.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Use of theories, educational books, education\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Accommodations\nexercises to encourage comprehension\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Grading\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participation in meetings\n\xe2\x80\xa2 IEP planning\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaboration with other staff\nth\n\nExperience Example\n\nStudent Teacher, 8 Grade Language Arts, Pulaski Community Middle School\nPulaski, WI, 01/13-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Tiered lessons to meet the needs of learners within team-taught, regular education, and advanced level language\narts classes\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated with special education staff, language arts teachers, cooperating teacher, parents, and administration\nto meet the diverse needs of learners\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implemented a unit on the novel The Giver, in which a variety of instructional strategies were used such as large and\nsmall group discussion, writing prompts, hands on, and listening activities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Tracked progress of students\xe2\x80\x99 development with observation, pre and post, formative, and summative assessment,\nand self-reflection\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Facilitated write on demands where students were able to practice the district wide writing strategy BEEF UP\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Integrated a variety of technologies into daily instruction\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Demonstrated effective classroom management techniques and classroom expectations\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Input grades using Infinite Campus and completed semester report cards\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Coached forensics participants in grades 6-8\n5\n\n\x0cACTION VERBS\nADMINISTRATIVE\nAccelerate\nAccomplish\nAchieve\nAct\nAdminister\nAllocate\nAmend\nAppoint\nApprove\nAssign\nAssess\nAttain\nBenchmark\nChair\nCommend\nCompromise\nConsolidate\nControl\nDelegate\nDirect\nEncourage\nEnforce\nEntrust\nEvaluate\nExpedite\nGovern\nHead\nHire\nImprovise\nInitiate\nInstitute\nIssue\nJudge\nLead\nMaintain\nManage\nModerate\nMonitor\nOfficiate\nOrder\nOversee\nPrescreen\nPreside\nPrioritize\nProduce\nProhibit\nRefer\nRegulate\nRun\nSetup\nStart\nStreamline\nStrengthen\nSupervise\n\nCOMMUNICATION\nAddress\nBroaden\n\nClarify\nCollaborate\nCommunicate\nCompose\nCorrespond\nDemonstrate\nDocument\nEdit\nEntertain\nExhibit\nExplain\nExpress\nIllustrate\nInterpret\nInterview\nInvestigate\nLecture\nPerform\nPlan\nPresent\nPromote\nProofread\nRead\nRelate\nRelay\nReport\nReview\nRevise\nSpeak\nSummarize\nSurvey\nTranslate\nTranscribe\nWrite\n\nCREATION\n\nActivate\nComplete\nCompose\nConserve\nConstruct\nContract\nCreate\nDiscover\nDraft\nDraw\nEngineer\nExecute\nExpand\nGenerate\nInaugurate\nLandscape\nLaunch\nModify\nMold\nProduce\nReconstruct\nRedesign\nRemodel\n\nShape\nSynthesize\nTransform\nUnite\nUtilize\n\nDEVELOPMENT\nAdjust\nAssemble\nAssess\nBuild\nCompose\nConceptualize\nCustomize\nDevelop\nDesign\nDevise\nDraft\nEnlarge\nFormat\nImplement\nImprove\nInnovate\nInstall Invent\nFix\nFunction\nMake\nManufacture\nNavigate\nOperate\nPropose\nRefinish\nRenovate\nRepair\nRestore\nUpdate\nUpgrade\n\nFINANCE & NUMBER\nAbstract\nAccount\nAdd\nAllocate\nAppraise\nAudit\nBudget\nCalculate\nCollect\nCompute\nDecrease\nDetermine\nDivide\nEnter (data)\nEstimate\nFile\nFinance\nFormulate\nIncrease\nInsure\nInventory\n\nInvest\nMarket\nMaximize\nMinimize\nMultiply\nProcess\nProject\nPurchase\nRecord\nReduce\nSolve\nQuantify\n\nINTERPERSONAL SKILLS\nAcclimate\n\nAccommodate\n\nAdapt\nAnswer\nAnticipate\nAppoint\nAssist\nAssure\nBargain\nCare\nCoach\nCollaborate\nConfer\nConfront\nConsult\nConverse\nCritique\nDevelop\nEncourage\nExchange\nFamiliarize\nForm\nFoster\nFulfill\nGain\nHandle\nImplement\nInform\nInteract\nIntervene\nJoin\nListen\nLitigate\nMediate\nModel\nMotivate\nNegotiate\nParticipate\nProvide\nRecommend\nReconcile\nRehabilitate\nRepresent\nResolve\nShare\n\n\x0cSuggest\nTreat\nUnderstand\n\nTEACHING\n\nAdvise\nAid\nAmend\nAppoint\nAssist\nAward\nBroaden\nCorrect\nCounsel\nDemonstrate\nDisplay\nEncourage\nEnhance\nEnlist\nEnsure\nEvaluate\nGrade\nGuide\nHelp\nInfluence\nInstruct\nIntroduce\nLecture\nMentor\nProgram\nProvide\nRate\nSteer\nSuggest\nSupport\nTeach\nTest\nTrain\nTutor\n\nRESEARCH & ANALYSIS\nAcquire\nAllocate\nAnalyze\nAssess\nAssist\nClassify\nCollate\nCollect\nCompile\nConceptualize\nConduct\nDeliver\nDesign\nDetect\nDetermine\nDiscover\nDissect\nEvaluate\n\nExplore\nExamine\nFormulate\nFather\nIdentify\nInspect\nInvestigate\nLocate\nName\nObtain\nObserve\nPinpoint\nPrepare\nPrioritize\nReceiver\nResearch\nSpecify\nSurvey\nTest\nTrace\nTrack\nVerify\n\nPUBLIC RELATIONS\nAdvertise\nAdvocate\nAttend\nCoordinate\nConvince\nDeal\nDispense\nDisseminate\nDistribute\nFundraise\nHandle\nInfluence\nLobby\nPersuade\nPoster\nPublicize\nPublish\nRecruit\nScreen\nSeek out\nSell\nService\nTarget\n\nORGANIZATION\nAmend\nAppraise\nAppoint\nApply\nArrange\nAward\nBalance\nCatalog\nCategorize\nConnect\n\nCoordinate\nDecrease\nDefine\nDraft\nEdit\nEstablish\nFacilitate\nFile\nGroup issue\nModify\nOrchestrate\nOrganize\nOverhaul\nPlace\nPrepare\nProgram qualify\nReorganize\nRewrite\nSchedule\nSet\n\nStudy\nTake\nTravel\nUse\nWin\n\nMISCELLANEOUS\nAct\nApply\nAnticipate\nChange\nCheck\nContribute\nCover\nDecide\nDefine\nDiagnose\nEffect\nEliminate\nEmphasize\nEstablish\nFacilitate\nForecast\nFound\nGive\nLearn\nNavigate\nOffer\nPerform\nPropose\nReceive\nRefer\nReferee\nRegister\nReinforce\nResolve\nRespond\nRetrieve\nSave\nSelect\nServe\nSet\nSimplify\n\n7\n\n\x0cSample Resume\n\nSamuel Knight\n2121 Hometown Avenue \xe2\x80\xa2 De Pere, WI 55555\n(920) 337-5555 \xe2\x80\xa2 \xe2\x80\xa2\n\nOBJECTIVE\nSeeking high school chemistry position facilitating practical application, hands-on experience, and student-inspired\nexploration of science, rooted in strong professional collaboration.\nEDUCATION\nSt. Norbert College, De Pere, WI\nBachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry\nGPA: 3.82/4.0\nConcentration: Broadfield Science\nHonors: Magna Cum Laude\nCertification: Early Adolescence-Adolescence\n\nMay 2016\n\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nStudent Teacher, Conceptual Chemistry\nApril 2016-June 2016\nGreen Bay Southwest High School, Green Bay, WI\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Monitored Science Resource and aided students with their science work sixth hour three days a week\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implemented developmentally appropriate Conceptual Chemistry lessons for a range of learners and students\nwith special educational needs\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Attended all-staff and CLT planning meetings with fellow science educators\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created weekly plans and incorporated practice tests to foster comfort and confidence within the classroom\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Cooperatively developed instructional techniques with a sign-language interpreter to meet the needs of students\nwith hearing impairments\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Attended an I.E.P. meeting with a special education teacher and parent to review a student\xe2\x80\x99s progress and\nchallenges within the science classroom\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Utilized Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to establish a positive school culture, improve\nsafety, and decrease problem behavior\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Integrated technology into a variety of different classroom settings using flip cameras, ipads, and programs such\nas iweb and moviemaker\nStudent Teacher, 8th grade Science\nJanuary 2016-March 2016\nWest De Pere Middle School, De Pere, WI\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Planned and implemented age appropriate hands-on activities and labs for an eighth grade science classroom\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Attended I.E.P. meetings and collaborated with parents, faculty, and students to meet the eighth graders\xe2\x80\x99\nindividual educational needs\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Actively communicated with parents via e-mail and parent-teacher conferences\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated with another science teacher to ensure all eighth graders received a similar science experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Volunteered as assistant director for the fall musical, Seussical Jr.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Monitored the fall dance and eighth grade Walk-A-Thon to ensure student safety and appropriate behavior\nTeacher Education Field Experience\nNovember 2014-December 2014\nNotre Dame High School, Green Bay, WI\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Accumulated 137 observation hours in high school chemistry classroom with cooperating teacher\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Planned and taught 4 consecutive lesson plans which incorporated various activities to engage a range of learners\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Engaged students in conversation to build a comfortable and open learning environment\n\n\x0cKnight, Page 2\nCAREER-RELATED EXPERIENCE\nNaturalist Intern\nSummer 2015-Fall 2015\n1000 Islands Environmental Center, Kaukauna, WI\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Guided elementary and middle school fieldtrip groups on educational hikes through the woods and Konkapot\nCreek to teach students about the important relationship between humans and nature\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed and implemented 6 lessons focused on the natural wonders of local parks for Explore Nature\nsummer school program for 5-10 year olds\nPeer Tutor, St. Norbert College, De Pere, WI\nChemistry Teaching Assistant, St. Norbert College, De Pere, WI\n\nSpring 2012-Fall 2015\nFall 2013-Fall 2015\n\nEXTRACURRICULAR EXPERIENCE\nCampus Ministry Student Coordinator\nFall 2012-Spring 2016\nSt. Norbert College, De Pere, WI\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organized and lead planning teams for student programs\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Listened to the faith-based needs of students and collaborated with campus ministers and students to direct\nprograms towards those needs\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Consistently explored my faith and beliefs from a holistic approach through participation in the events\nT.R.I.P.S. Volunteer (Turning Responsibility into Powerful Service)\nSt. Norbert College, De Pere, WI\n\xe2\x80\xa2 St. Lucia Island, January 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 Orphanage and building project outreach\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Philadelphia, PA, March 2011 \xe2\x80\x93 Low income transitional housing outreach\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Little Rock, AR, March 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 Habitat for Humanity\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Washington D.C., January 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Homeless shelter\n\nSpring 2012-Spring 2016\n\nSummer Chemistry Research\nMay 2015-August 2015\nSt. Norbert College, De Pere, WI\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated with professor to organize research into new General Chemistry labs and creation of biodiesel\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Researched, tested, altered, and wrote lab procedures to fit the abilities and expectations of General\nChemistry students\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Engaged in conversations with staff to explore the resources, costs, and benefits of conversion of used oil to\nbiodiesel\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Co-ran the biodiesel reactor to create biodiesel and soap for possible use on campus\nHONORS & ADDITIONAL TRAINING\n\xe2\x80\xa2 ETS Recognition of Excellence for General Science: Awarded to test takers who achieve exceptional individual\nperformance (top 15% of candidates) on selected Praxis II tests\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nGreen Bay Diocese VIRTUS Trained \xe2\x80\x93 Fall 2015\no Learned to recognize warning signs of sexual abuse and communicate concerns\nCERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Certified \xe2\x80\x93 Summer 2015\n\n\x0cCOVER LETTER\nA cover letter is a professional letter that \xe2\x80\x9ccovers\xe2\x80\x9d or accompanies your resume. The purpose of a cover letter is to\npersuade the reader you are worth an interview. It is a chance to sell how your unique skills and experiences can benefit\nthe district/organization.\n\nFormatting Tips\n\nLENGTH: A cover letter is typically 3-4 paragraphs, not exceeding one page.\nFORMAT: Use the same heading, font style and size, and type of paper as your resume.\nSTRUCTURE: Do not over use the pronoun \xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x9d at the beginning of each sentence. Vary your sentence structure.\n\nContent\nBefore writing, first research information about the job and the school so you can address key points and needs related\nto that position, school and district. Next, reflect on your own qualifications and skills and select three that most closely\nfit the requirements of the position and/or the needs of the school and district.\nSALUTATION: Address your cover letter to a specific person if possible. Call for the name of the hiring manager if not\nlisted, unless the job description says \xe2\x80\x9cPlease no phone calls\xe2\x80\x9d. Never use \xe2\x80\x9cTo Whom It May Concern\xe2\x80\x9d. If a name is\nunavailable use a title (e.g. Dear Administrator).\nBODY:\nFirst paragraph: The purpose of this paragraph is to gain and keep the reader\xe2\x80\x99s attention\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Include company information found through research\n\xe2\x80\xa2 State the reason why you are writing the letter \xe2\x80\x93 position you are applying for or inquiring about\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Source of referral, if any\n\xe2\x80\xa2 End this paragraph with three qualifications/skills demonstrating why you are the most qualified candidate\nMiddle paragraph(s): The purpose of this paragraph is to emphasize what you can contribute to the organization\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Give concrete examples of the skills you listed in the first paragraph\n\xe2\x80\xa2 This will be the biggest part of your letter and may be one-two paragraphs\nFinal paragraph: The purpose of this paragraph is to wrap up your letter\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Reiterate your interest in the position\n\xe2\x80\xa2 State your appreciation of the employer\xe2\x80\x99s consideration\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Include your intentions for follow-up\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Phone number/e-mail and best way to contact you\nCLOSING: End your cover letter professionally (e.g. Respectfully, Sincerely, Regards, etc.). Leave 4 spaces then type your\nname. If mailing in a hard copy sign your name in the open space. If submitting your material electronically, either\ninclude your electronic signature or type \xe2\x80\x9csubmitted electronically\xe2\x80\x9d under your typed name.\n\n\x0cSample Cover Letter\n\nSamuel Knight\n2121 Hometown Avenue \xe2\x80\xa2 De Pere, WI 55555\n(920) 337-5555 \xe2\x80\xa2 \xe2\x80\xa2\n\nApril 9, 2016\nMarcia Gonzales\nHuman Relations\nStanley-Boyd Area Schools\n507 E. First Avenue\nStanley, WI 54768\nDear Ms. Gonzales:\n\xe2\x80\x9cWhere all students learn at a high level,\xe2\x80\x9d was the first thing I was drawn to while reviewing your website. One sentence,\npacked with a great deal of meaning. The strides Stanley-Boyd has made in math and reading to achieve 90% of your\nstudents passing their reading tests and 83% proficient or advanced in Math is something of which I hope to be a part. It is\nfor these reasons I would love the opportunity to join your community as a 2nd grade teacher. In May 2013 I will be\ngraduating from St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Elementary Education and\na minor in Language Arts. My strengths in building connections with students, faculty and parents, using technology to\neffectively enhance the classroom, and differentiate instruction based on the needs of my students are just a few of things I\ncan offer to Stanley-Boyd.\nSome of the ways I build strong relationships with students, faculty, and parents is through attending after school events,\nparticipating in a district meeting, and opening lines of communication via newsletters, e-mails, phone calls, and\nconferences. Two additional strengths I possess are the ability to use technology effectively and differentiate and engage\nstudents. For example, with my first grade students I used iPads during guided reading where high leveled students\nspelled sight words, middle leveled students read sight words, and lower leveled students traced letters while practicing\nletter sounds. Another example is in 8th grade advanced Language Arts where students read a novel regarding utopias.\nStudents then reflected on their own utopia, wrote about it, and then presented using WebPages, movies, or podcast.\nFinally, at the end of the year students reflected on the unit choosing their favorite piece; many chose to write about the\ntechnology.\nI am excited about this opportunity to join your team of educators, and bring my various strengths with me. I would love\nto assist Stanley-Boyd Elementary School in the continuation of being a spotlight school. Thank you for considering my\nqualifications for this 2nd grade position, I look forward to hearing from you in the near future to discuss my\nqualifications. If you would like to contact me, I can be reached at (920) 337-5555 or Again, I look\nforward to this great opportunity at Stanley-Boyd. Go Orioles!\nSincerely,\n\nSam Knight\n(Submitted Electronically)\n\nEnclosure: Resume, References\n\n\x0cREFERENCES\nThe reference page is a separate document from the resume. Always ask a reference for permission before listing them.\nIf they agree, send them a current resume along with the position description. It is important to keep your references\ninformed on your job search status. Only submit your references when requested by the organization/district to which\nyou are applying. NOTE: If you use a teacher as a reference, be sure to ask for their summer contact information as it\nmay be different than their contact information during the school year.\n\nFormatting Tips\nHEADING: Use the same heading as your resume.\nFONT: The style and size of your font should match your resume and cover letter.\nFORMAT: Either left align or center your text.\nNUMBER: It is recommended that you have a minimum of 3 professional references.\n\nContent\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nName of person using: Ms., Mr., Dr., Prof.\nPosition title\nCompany/Organization\nAddress\nTelephone number\nE-mail address\n\nWho to Ask\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nFormer/current cooperating teachers\nFormer/current career-related work supervisors\nOn-Campus student teaching supervisor\nPrincipals\nContacts from volunteer work\nCoaches\nProfessors\nMentors\nCustomers/clients\n\n\x0cSample Reference Page\n\nSamuel Knight\n2121 Hometown Avenue \xe2\x80\xa2 De Pere, WI 55555\n(920) 337-5555 \xe2\x80\xa2 \xe2\x80\xa2\n\nREFERENCES\nDr. Abigail Turner\nHigh School Principal\nGreen Bay Southwest High School\n1331 Packerland Dr\nGreen Bay, WI 54304\n(920) 555-5555\\nMr. Martin Salvador\nCooperating Teacher, Conceptual Chemistry\nGreen Bay Southwest High School\n1331 Packerland Dr\nGreen Bay, WI 54304\n(920) 555-5555\\nMs. Deidra Collins\nCooperating Teacher, 8th Grade Science\nWest De Pere Middle School\n1177 S 9th St\nDe Pere, WI 54115\n(920) 337-5555\\nMr. David Smith\nSNC Student Teaching Supervisor\nSt. Norbert College\n100 Grant Street\nDe Pere, Wisconsin 54115\n(414) 525-5555\' |
358 | Education | b'Market Your Skills: Interpersonal,\nAnalytical, Leadership, Communication\n\nSarah K. Davis\n\n1234 W. Michigan Ave \xe2\x80\xa2 Chicago, IL 45670 \xe2\x80\xa2 456-7890-1234 \xe2\x80\xa2\n\nEDUCATION\nJune 2015\nNorthwestern University, Evanston, IL\nMaster of Science in Higher Education Administration and Policy\nMaster\xe2\x80\x99s Research Project: \xe2\x80\x9cWhat on-the-job experiences at a college union relate most strongly with undergraduate\nlearning outcomes?\xe2\x80\x9d\nJune 2012\nHighlight any relevant experience within\nUniversity of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA\nhigher education through internships,\nBachelor of Science in Psychology\ngraduate assistantships, or volunteer work\nMagna Cum Laude\n\nCAREER SERVICES EXPERIENCE\nUniversity Career Services, Northwestern University\nCareer Counseling Intern\nAugust 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conduct internship advising to undergraduate students and attended internship unit meetings to discuss trends\nand development\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provide individual career counseling services for students, including major/minor decision-making guidance,\nassessment administration and interpretation, and job search consultation\n\xef\x82\xb7 Develop an \xe2\x80\x98International Alumni Panel\xe2\x80\x99 event with International Student Association members: composed\ninvitations, coordinated with NU\xe2\x80\x99s Alumni and the International Office, directed the marketing efforts, and\nmoderated the discussion between panelists and over 50 attendees\n\xef\x82\xb7 Analyzed and critiqued student resumes and cover letters, interpret Myers-Briggs and Interest Inventory\nassessments, administer values and majors card sort activity on a weekly basis\nJuly 2012 - Present\nAlumni Sharing Knowledge Program, University of Virginia\nAlumni Career Mentor\n\xef\x82\xb7 Offer career development guidance to undergraduate students, graduate students and alumni: mock interviews,\nresume critique, networking advice, and academic planning\n\xef\x82\xb7 Participated in an academic and professional panel discussion for low-income and first-generation students\n(TRiO Student Support Services)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Selected to feature professional profile in the Career Center\xe2\x80\x99s online newsletter for April 2013\nDemonstrate ability to work with people\nof all levels (students, staff, faculty,\nadministrators) and background\n\nFocus on the population you served,\nresources developed, area of\nspecialty, and key accomplishments\n\nSTUDENT AFFAIRS EXPERIENCE\nUniversity of Virginia Alumni Relations Association, Charlottesville, VA\nApril 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 June 2012\nGraduate Assistant\n\xef\x82\xb7 Strategized and liaised daily with an Advancement Team consisting of the Dean, development officers, and\ncommunications team in order to support the academic mission of the University\n\xef\x82\xb7 Increased outreach and recruitment of alumni volunteers from the 100,000 alumni through targeted outreach\nwith campus partners, LinkedIn, development officers, and a customer relationship management database\n\xef\x82\xb7 Built partnerships with identified alumni to increase career mentorship, internship, and networking\nopportunities for students\n\nSKILLS\nTechnical\nLanguage\n\nMS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher; Social Media: LinkedIn, Facebook\nSpanish (fluent)' |
359 | Education | b"AMY SMITH\n123 Main Street \xe2\x80\xa2 Atlanta, Georgia \xe2\x80\xa2 30339\nHome: (555) 555-1234 \xe2\x80\xa2 Cell: (555) 555-1235 \xe2\x80\xa2\\nDesire the Position of Education Administrator - High School Principal\nSummary\nRecently licensed school administrator with more than 17 years experience in\nteaching and high school administration. Possession of in-debth knowledge of\npolicies and procedures that govern schools and districts. Manages 28 staff,\nincluding 25 teachers, 2 counselors, and a secretary, daily. Responsible for\ndiscipline for 860 students, curriculum and instruction, school-wide program\nand events; as well as managing several buildings on campus. Observing and\nsupervising teachers and the master schedule. Proven track record of sound\nbudgeting, staff evaluations, and student disciplinary actions. Adept in critical\nthinking, problem solving, communication skills, listening and articulation of\nideas and group interaction.\nEducation\nPhD Education Administration, University of New York, NY (2000)\nA valid Nova Scotia Teacher's License.\nM.A Education Administration, University of New York, NY (1993)\nB.A English Education, University of New York, NY (1989)\nProfessional Experience\nAssistant Principal, White Lake School District, New\nYork\n1999 - Present\n\xef\x82\xb7Assist the principal with all certified and non-certified staff.\n\xef\x82\xb7Assist the principal in observing, evaluating and working through\npersonnel issues with staff.\n\xef\x82\xb7Monitor hallways, lunch times, before and after school times.\nSupervising out of school activities and rotating with other administrators\nat school events.\n\xef\x82\xb7Promote student involvement in school activities by assisting principal in\nmaintaining student advisors, student council, club and activities,\norganizing assemblies and special events.\n\xef\x82\xb7Receive and assigning in-school suspension write-ups, conducting\ninformal student conferences on conduct reports, and making counselor\nreferrals when appropriate.\n\xef\x82\xb7Support school security staff in maintaining a safe and secure school\nenvironment.\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7Make parent contacts and conducting parent conferences, especially in\nout of school suspensions.\n\xef\x82\xb7Receive parent complaints proceeding to investigate and help resolve\nthe issues.\n\xef\x82\xb7Work with school staff to research, plan and implement school reform\ninitiatives.\n\xef\x82\xb7Assist staff with instructional techniques, classroom management and\ncurricular issues.\n\xef\x82\xb7Help principal with building schedules, teacher assignments and\nrecurring substitute teachers.\nEnglish Teacher, Mt. Sinai Area School District, Uniondale,\nNY\n1988 - 1999\n\xef\x82\xb7Collaborated with the social studies teacher to integrate freshmen\nEnglish and U.S. History.\n\xef\x82\xb7Coordinated drama activities.\n\xef\x82\xb7Communicated and liaised with fellow team department members on a\nregular basis with regards to planning, assessment, parent and\ncommunity contact, subject organization and classroom issues such\nincluding discipline, expectations and routines.\n\xef\x82\xb7Communicated and liaised with other school colleagues to promote and\nestablish integrative links and awareness.\n\xef\x82\xb7Performed behavioral management and pastoral care of class and\nhomeroom groups.\n\xef\x82\xb7Attended and constructively contributed in staff meetings.\n\xef\x82\xb7Assisted in supervising student breaks.\n\xef\x82\xb7Coordinated class activities.\n\xef\x82\xb7Maintained up-to-date records of assessment, attendance, planning,\nreports, conferences, and communication with parents.\n\xef\x82\xb7Established links with parent community to ensure that parents are kept\nwell informed about student progress.\n\xef\x82\xb7Assisted, in the development of curricular materials.\n\xef\x82\xb7Acted as a resource, contact and support for new staff members (i.e.\ncurriculum, schedules, procedures).\n\xef\x82\xb7Participate in and assisted with school events.\nComputer Skills\nWindows, WordPerfect, PowerPoint, Word, Westlaw, Lexis-Nexis, Lotus Notes\nand Excel." |
360 | Education | b'SAMPLE TWO PAGE TEACHER RESUME\nEylove Children\nE-mail:\nLocal Address\n2201 Wildquail Circle\nBirmingham, AL 35229\n(205) 803-0177\n\nPermanent Address\nP.O Box 816\nNew South, NC 27509\n(904) 633-0395\n\nCareer Objective: To teach at the elementary level\nEducation:\n\nBachelor of Science, Dec. 2004\nBirmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, AL\nMajor: Early Childhood/ Special Education/ Elementary Education\nCollaborative Degree (Birth-6th Grade) Class B Certification\nCumulative GPA: 3.2/4.0\nMajor GPA: 3.8/4.0\n\nStudent Teaching:\nOak Mountain Elementary School, Birmingham, AL Fall 2004\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught a 1st grade inclusion classroom\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Unit taught: North America/ Christopher Columbus\nCahaba Heights Community School, Birmingham, AL Fall 2004\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught 4th grade\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Unit taught: World War II/ American Life\nClinical Experiences:\nBrookwood Elementary School (Inner-city) (Spring 2004)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 3rd Grade; Unit taught: Life Cycle of Honeybee\nOak Mountain Intermediate School: Hoover, AL (Fall 2003)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Kindergarten/1st Grade; Adapted lessons for typical students and ones with\nspecial needs\nOak Mountain Elementary School: Hoover, AL (Fall 2003)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 4th Grade: Taught/adapted lessons for inclusion classroom\nHand in Hand Child Care Center: Homewood, AL (Fall 2003)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 3 year olds; worked cooperatively with classroom teacher, Physical\nTherapists, and Occupational Therapists to assist children with physical\ndisabilities\nSouth Shades Crest Elementary School: Hoover, AL (Spring 2003)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 4th Grade; Unit taught: Pioneers\nCornerstone Elementary School Birmingham, AL (Fall 2002 )\n\xe2\x80\xa2 2nd Grade; Taught lessons on age-appropriate curriculum\nRelated Experiences:\nElementary Tutor (Summer 2004)\nPrepared girl for entrance into 1st grade\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked on her fine motor skills, phonemic awareness, letter/number\nrecognition and vocabulary words.\n\nPage 1 of 2\n\n\x0cAEylove Children\n(205) 803-0177\nRelated Experiences (Continued)\nProfessional Babysitter\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Baby-sit for children of all ages providing a safe, enjoyable, and controlled\nenvironment\nSubstitute Teacher (part-time employment Jan. 2004)\nHand in Hand, Birmingham, AL\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided assistance to children with disabilities\nChild-Care Employee (part-time employment Summer 2004)\nFirst Baptist Church Huntsville, AL\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervised activities of children (infants-6th grade) during thechurch\xe2\x80\x99s\nSunday and Wednesday night events and seminars\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Planned, conducted, and taught church related lessons and games\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Monitored behavior to ensure safety and security for the children\nOther Work Experience:\nOffice of Admissions Assistance, Birmingham-Southern, Birmingham, AL\nReceptionist, Heritage Bank of Huntsville, AL\nCollege Activities/ Honors/ Affiliations:\nPhi Mu Sorority\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nPhi Delta Kappa, the Professional Association in Education\nKappa Delta Epsilon, Honorary Professional Education Fraternity\nAlabama Reading Association\nAwarded Best Art Activity Certificate\nCollege Missions Team Leader for Brookwood Baptist Church,\nCoordinate and volunteer to feed Homeless at Linn Park, Birmingham, AL 2003-2004\nSelected as a mentor for Mentor Alabama (a statewide mentoring initiative to reduce juvenile\ncrime by involving positive adult role models) 2003\nRelay for Life Team Captain for Kappa Delta Sorority, fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness,\nsurvivors, and research, April 2004\nDale Carnegie Training, January 2004\nCultural/Travel: Traveled to the west coast of Africa, Belgium, East Canada, Alaska and Nicarauga\nComputer Skills: Windows, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SmartBoard, Dreamweaver, Photoshop,\nElectronic portfolio and Easy CD Creator\n\nReferences, Video and Electronic Portfolio Available Upon Request\n\nPage 2 of 2' |
361 | Education | b'JOHN H. SMITH, MBA, PMP\nP.O. Box 1673\x01 Callahan, FL 32011\x01 800.991.5187\\n\nProgram Manager / PMO Director\nDynamic, versatile, hands-on Program Manager who leads teams to design and implement successful IT projects that align\nbusiness and IT objectives and deliver rapid results\nProject Management | Strategic Planning | PMO Management\nEnergetic, trusted, and detail-oriented Senior Program Manager and strategic solutions provider with outstanding project management\nand conflict management skills. Hand-picked by executive team to turn around underperforming programs; accomplished leader\nknown and respected for leading successful change in projects and building credibility with executive teams and staff. Solutions driver\nwho bridges the gap between business and technology with expertise in managing complex programs and multiple concurrent projects.\nDirects PMO teams to develop high-quality programs that solve business problems and provide tangible results for enterprise-level\nfinancial systems and legacy workflow systems.\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Conflict Management\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Turnaround Operations\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Risk & Issue Management \xe2\x99\xa6 Financial Modeling & Analysis\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Cost/Benefit Analysis\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Change Management\n\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Staffing & Resource Management\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Agile & Waterfall Methodologies\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Stakeholder Management\n\nCERTIFICATIONS\nProject Management Professional (PMP) ~ Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)\nLean Six Sigma Green Belt (LSSGB) Professional ~ ITIL V.8 (Basis) Certified\nCertified Financial Planner (CFP)\n\nProfessional Experience\nGridlock Builders; Boston, MA (2011\xe2\x80\x94Present)\nDIRECTOR OF FINANCE / PROGRAM MANAGEMENT\nPMO Start-Up | Contract Management | PMO Management\nTrusted Financial Executive with CFO- and CIO-level responsibilities; adds transparency to IT and financial operations while adapting\nfinancial strategy to organizational goals. Program Manager over all IT projects\xe2\x80\x94manage workloads, define deliverables, hire and\nmentor resources, conduct performance reviews, and ensure compliance with established PMO processes. Direct business\nforecasting and financial analysis activities and identify opportunities and risks along with action plans to ensure attainment of financial\ngoals.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Spearheaded the development of the first-ever Program Management Office; defined project management processes,\nincluding those related to requirements management, change control, and user acceptance testing.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nCaptured 60% savings in projects costs in only five months\xe2\x80\x94reengineered project plan and renegotiated contracts with new\nvendors; enhanced quality assurance and maintained timelines.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nReengineered vendor policy to enhance quality assurance and to identify risks and issues at earlier stages during the project;\nmanage contracts for all IT vendors including website development, hosting, IT operations, and IT applications development.\n\nNew Morgan and Co., Inc.; Trenton, NJ (2010\xe2\x80\x942012)\nVP OF ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS / PROGRAM MANAGEMENT\nOff-Shore Project Management | Multimillion-Dollar Budgets | Global PMO Staff\nTop-performing Program Manager consistently sought out to reengineer troubled projects. Managed PMO staff in a matrix reporting\nstructure consisting of 44 Global Project Managers and a department budget of $15-million. Managed all projects, budgets, and\nstrategic analysis for all programs. Prescribed solutions that provided quick ROI for maximum revenue productivity, service\noptimization, and system flexibility.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nDirected programs with up to 70 infrastructure and application projects\xe2\x80\x94implemented vendor and financial strategies that\nimproved project planning and reduced costs by 60% in only five months.\n\n\x0cJOHN H. SMITH, MBA, PMP\ \x01 800.991.5187\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nLed multi-functional technology teams and key contributor and mentor for a PMO office with up to 80 resources; managed\ndevelopment of innovative software systems and applications.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nDirected all services, resources, and project plans for major scalable enterprise solutions supporting $1.2-billion with\nunique ability to drive transformational change in both business and technology leadership roles.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nProvided business analysis for projects of up to $150-million that included requirements, success criteria, milestones, Key\nPerformance indicators (KPIs), and Work Breakdown Structures.\n\nApex Professional Services/Dollar Group; Wayne, NJ (2007\xe2\x80\x942010)\nSENIOR FINANCIAL ANALYST / IT PROJECT / PROGRAM CONSULTANT\nBusiness Case Management | Sarbanes-Oxley | Process Improvement\nDirected IT financial planning and analysis for a $120-million department\xe2\x80\x94developed business cases, mitigated risks, and managed\nforecasting, operations, and budgets. Led all IT audits for Sarbanes-Oxley documentation and testing, as well process improvement\ninitiatives.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nImproved Project Management processes through the implementation of a new business case template\xe2\x80\x94enhanced project\nvisibility to determine project status for Executive decision-making.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nIncreased financial planning process effectiveness by 35% through the development and implementation of a capital budget\ncycle that ensured the accuracy and data integrity of all financial transactions.\n\nFINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ROLES:\nChildren Toys, Inc. (2005)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Directed global planning and analysis for a real estate and IT portfolio of $550-million that included capital investments and\npost-spending analysis.\nMinolta Corporation (2004)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Managed budgets, forecasting, and business case modeling initiatives for North American operations; improved 120 business\nprocesses that boosted productivity levels by 40% in only five months.\nLight Technologies, Inc.; Sprain, NJ (1995\xe2\x80\x942003)\nMANAGER, PROGRAM MANAGEMENT\nMultibillion-Dollar Budgets | Program Management | Cost Savings\nManaged all IT planning, forecasting, and business case management for the largest division at Light Technologies\xe2\x80\x94a $5-billion\ndepartment; directed multibillion-dollar budgets, reporting, investment analysis, metrics development, and software implementation.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nCaptured $70-million in cost savings per year through implementation of a reverse logistics programs\xe2\x80\x94reverse engineered\nthe entire supply chain and reduced inefficiencies.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nLed initiatives for business cases of more than 350 projects within 80 programs ranging from manufacturing, IT services, to\nwireless strategy.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nPioneered vision and implementation of a new IT financial analysis and internal project tracking process for four large IT\ndepartments including Business Communication Services IT, Manufacturing IT, and Services IT.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nManaged projects with varying levels of complexity and identified and mitigated potential risks; developed requirements,\nmanaged change control, and tracked schedules and cost performance while ensuring project activities aligned with business\nobjectives.\n\nEarly Career: Manager of Planning and Analysis, Phone Global Corporation\n\nEducation\nMaster of Business Administration, Business Economics/Finance\xe2\x80\x94 State University, Newark, NJ\nBachelor of Science, Finance/Accounting\xe2\x80\x94Hoboken State University, Hoboken, NJ' |
362 | Education | b'R\xc3\x89SUM\xc3\x89 SAMPLE : HIGHER EDUCATION\nJane E. Smith\n2136 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20052\\nEDUCATION\xef\xbf\xbc\n\n202.994-9283\n\nThe George Washington University\nGraduate School of Education & Human Development\nMaster of Arts in Higher Education Administration - GPA 4.0\n\nWashington, DC\nAnticipated Graduation May 2011\n\nUniversity of Pittsburgh\nBachelor of Arts in English Literature summa cum laude - GPA 3.8\nWomen Studies Certificate Program\nConcentration in Education\nImperial College\nStudy Abroad Experience\n\nPittsburgh, PA\nMay 2007\n\nLondon, England\nJanuary to April 2006\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nTHE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY\nWashington, DC\nGW Housing Programs\nAugust 2009 to Present\nHouse Mentor\nMentor over 500 third and fourth year undergraduate residents and implement a curriculum that stresses\nProfessional Development, Life Skills and opportunities unique to GW\nOrganize and facilitate workshops, speaker series and discussions for residents that will help them prepare for postcollegiate experiences\nAdvise Resident Advisory Council of 10 residents who plan community building events and initiatives for residents\nMediate and arbitrate roommate conflicts\nRespond to campus and community emergencies and perform crisis management within residence hall community\nGW Career Center\nAugust 2010 to Present\nCareer Ambassador/Graduate Intern\nMeet with students to discuss professional opportunities including internships, work study and part-time, full-time\nemployment, and volunteer work\nCritique resumes, curriculum vitae, and cover letters for undergraduate students, graduate students, and alumni\nAssist students with navigating the online including Vault job database,, Career Advisor Alumni\nNetwork, and\nAttend professional development workshops and conferences including the Mid-Atlantic Career Counseling\nAssociation meeting and Partnership for Public Service Federal Advisor Training\nConference and Summer Housing\nLead Summer Associate\nTrained and supervised undergraduate summer staff in shifts of 15 to 20 students\nContacted academic program and conference representatives to organize guest services\nMaintained financial and administrative records for roughly 5,000 summer guests\n\nMarch to August 2009\n\nColumbian College of Arts and Sciences\nJanuary to May 2009\nGraduate Intern\nSent advising correspondence to students with regard to academic performance and progress toward graduation\nUtilized Banner System to update student records and record academic information\nShadowed professional advisors during student and professional meetings\n\n\x0cR\xc3\x89SUM\xc3\x89 SAMPLE : HIGHER EDUCATION CONT\xe2\x80\x99D\nJane E. Smith\n\nPage 2\n\nGreater Harrisburg Association of REALTORS\xc2\xae\nHarrisburg, PA\nHarrisburg REALTORS\xc2\xae Institute\nSeptember 2007 to August 2008\nDirector of Professional Development/Assistant School Director\nOrganized institute classes for over 2,500 students by contacting instructors, creating schedule, and registering\nstudents\nAdvised students on courses and designation degree requirements\nMaintained and updated aspects of Association professional standards requirements for 1,700 REALTOR\xc2\xae members\nGeorge T. Harrell Library, Penn State College of Medicine\nLibrary Assistant\nAssisted students and library patrons with locating materials needed for research\nOrganized books and patron files within library computer system\n\nHershey, PA\nMay 2004 to August 2008\n\nLondon, UK\nUnited Kingdom National Literacy Trust\nJanuary to May 2006\nLiteracy Campaign Intern\nAssisted \xe2\x80\x98Reading the Game\xe2\x80\x99 Literacy Campaign director with organizing, scheduling and maintaining campaign\nevents\nPerformed website maintenance and updates\nHONORS / AWARDS\n\xef\xbf\xbc\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List \xe2\x80\x93 Every semester during undergraduate and graduate coursework\nGraduation Speaker, Department of English Literature, 2007\nNational Society of Collegiate Scholars Member\nGold Key National Honour Society Member\nACTIVITIES / ORGANIZATIONS\n\xef\xbf\xbc\nTHE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY\nWashington, DC\nHigher Education Student Association (HESA)\nApril 2010 to Present\nVice President of Academic Affairs\nFacilitate Meet the Leaders, which brings nationally renowned higher education scholar-practitioners to The George\nWashington University for a speaking event and student discussion\t\t\nOrganize and execute all academic and professional development activities\nServe as chief liaison between HESA and the Educational Symposium for Research and Innovation (ESRI), a student led\nacademic conference\nColumbian College of Arts and Sciences Graduation Committee\nJanuary to May 2009\nCommittee Member\t\nAssisted with facilitation of Columbian College Graduation Ceremonies for roughly 2,000 students by distributing\ntickets and organizing line-ups and seating on the National Mall\nGW Housing Academic Committee\nAugust 2008 to May 2009\nChair\nAugust 08 \xe2\x80\x93 May 09\nChaired committee of 10 undergraduate house staff members\nOrganized and facilitated educational opportunities for community of roughly 2,000 residents including career panel\ndiscussions, cultural events and informal student workshops\nWomen Administrator in Higher Education\nACPA College Student Educators International\nACPA Commission for Career Development\nHigher Education Student Association\n\nAugust 2009 to Present\nAugust 2008 to Present\nAugust 2008 to Present\nAugust 2008 to Present\nOFFICE OF CAREER SERVICES\n2136 G Street, NW | Washington, DC 20052\n202-994-9283\' |
363 | Education | b'Education Resume Example - Principal\n\nSUSAN WARD\n415 Northgate Drive\nMilton, Nebraska 69xxx\n(555) 999-xxxx\ne-mail:\nEducation\nMaster of Education in Education Administration\nEndorsements: Middle Level Principal, 7-12 Secondary\nUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln\n\nMay, 19xx\n\nBachelor of Science in Education\nEndorsements: 7-12 English\nUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln\n\nMay, 19xx\n\nCertificate Held: xxxxx\nEducational Experience\nAssistant Building Principal, Milton Middle School, Milton, Nebraska, 19xx-20xx\nDirect responsibility for grade reporting and attendance\nResponsible for student disciplinary procedures, including parental conferences\nObserved classroom teachers on regular basis\nMiddle School English Teacher, Milton Middle School, Milton, Nebraska, 19xx-19xx\nTaught English 7 and 8\nSponsored Creative Writing Club\nCo-coordinated Fine Arts Night for Milton Middle School\nHigh School English Teacher, Juno High School, Juno, Nebraska, 19xx-19xx\nTaught English 10, 11 and 12\nDirected Junior-Senior Class Play\nSponsored school newspaper\nSponsored school yearbook\nAdministrative Skills and Experience\nLeadership\n\xc2\xb7 Researched and developed a plan for implementation of an Adviser/Advisee\nprogram for Milton Middle School\n\xc2\xb7 Collaborated and implemented a reporting system for mid-term assessments\nadopted by Milton Middle School\n\xc2\xb7 Served as Team Leader for Milton Education Association Negotiations team\n\xc2\xb7 Collaborated and conducted events to raise scholarship money\nComputer/Technology\n\xc2\xb7 Spearheaded drive to update computers in district\n\xc2\xb7 Set up Homework Online program for Milton Middle School\n\xc2\xb7 Attended 11 technology workshops regarding Education Technology\n\xc2\xb7 Became proficient in Internet, Fetch, Persuasion, Pagemaker, Clarisworks,\nQuickTake, and Power Point\nCommunication\n\xc2\xb7 Wrote Option II Paper on \xe2\x80\x9cReporting Progress of Middle Level Students\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xc2\xb7 Addressed Middle Level Academy on Reporting and Recording Student Progress\n\xc2\xb7 Addressed various large and small community organizations about the significance\nof the middle school bond issue\n\xc2\xb7 Created brochure for middle school bond issue\n\xc2\xb7 Created brochure for Milton Public Schools Human Resources Division\nProfessional Affiliations\nNational Association of Middle School Principals\nAssociation for Supervision and Curriculum Development\nNebraska Women in Educational Leadership\nSpecial Recognition\nGraduate Research Award, Teachers College, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 19xx\nOutstanding Teacher of the Year, Milton Middle School, 19xx-19xx\nOutstanding First Year Teacher, Juno High School, 19xx-19xx\nAlpha Delta Kappa Scholarship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 19xx, 19xx' |
364 | Education | b'Education\nResume & Cover Letter\nGuide\n\nCareer Services\nStudent Union Room 1532\n(419) 530-4341\n\n\n\x0cResume Information\nThe purpose of a resume is to get an interview! A description of your past experiences, paid\nor volunteer, arranged in reverse chronological order in addition to your educational history,\ncampus activities, interests and skills are intended to entice the reader to talk with you. The\nexample resumes in this guide will help you choose effective formatting and layout styles, but\nyou still may wish to sit down one-on-one with a Career Advisor to help decide what content\nto include in your resume. For individual assistance, contact Career Services to set up an\nappointment at 419.530.4341.\nBelow are some general suggestions to help get you started:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nIf you choose to utilize an objective, include the grade levels and/or subjects you are\nprepared to teach and list a few important skills you have to offer. \xe2\x80\x9cTo obtain a teaching\nposition\xe2\x80\x9d is not specific enough. Remember, you do not have to use an objective.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nList your Licensure (state, specific subjects and grade levels) near the top of your resume,\neither in the objective or under the \xe2\x80\x9cEducation\xe2\x80\x9d section. Some people even choose to list\nit separately under its own \xe2\x80\x9cLicensure\xe2\x80\x9d section.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nList your experiences and organizational involvement in reverse chronological order\xe2\x80\x94the\nlast thing you accomplished will be the first thing you list under each separate heading of\nyour resume.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nDo not forget to list your methods and other field experiences\xe2\x80\x94they are important!\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nWhen describing your related experiences, like student teaching, include the subjects,\ngrade levels, and the number of students you taught.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nUse action words to describe your responsibilities (refer to the Action Word List on page\n10 of the Career Services\xe2\x80\x99 Resume Writing Guide).\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nDo not list high school involvement on your resume, unless something you accomplished\nin high school relates directly to your career goals (i.e., if you wish to coach basketball,\nand you played varsity basketball for three years in high school as well as volunteering as\nan assistant coach at a local YMCA, you will want to include that experience).\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nDo not list hobbies unless they relate directly to your career goals.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nYour resume is a professional document\xe2\x80\x94avoid \xe2\x80\x9ccute\xe2\x80\x9d email address names, papers with\ncolored borders, pictures of you or your classroom, or anything that does not project a\nprofessional teaching image. Using high quality resume paper is a must. You want an\nemployer to be dazzled by your experience and accomplishments, not distracted.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nIf you need to, it is okay to use two pages for your resume. Just be sure that you have at\nleast a half page of information on page two, put your name at the top in small print, and\nnumber it so that if the pages are separated they can be matched up again.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nList your references in a separate document, with your name and contact information at\nthe top.\n\n\x0cSchool Address:\n333 S. Summit St.\nBowling Green, Ohio 43402\nPhone 333-333-3333\nE-mail: jrobbins@******.org\n\nPermanent Address:\n3333 Sunset Ave.\nAkron, Ohio 44301\nPhone 333-333-3333\n\nJesse Robbins\nObjective\nTo join the faculty of a secondary school as a Social Studies Teacher and Coach,\nand to contribute to the educational growth of students through active participation in\nthe school community.\n\nEducation\nBachelor of Education - Adolescent Education & Bachelor of Arts - History\nUniversity of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio (Graduating in December 2002)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Ohio Licensure in Adolescent and Young Adult (grades 7 \xe2\x80\x93 12) Integrated Social\nStudies\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Overall GPA 3.24\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Major GPA 3.94 and 3.63\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Praxis I & II completed and passed\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Dean\xe2\x80\x99s list \xe2\x80\x93 Fall 1999, Fall 2000, Spring 2001, Fall 2001, Spring 2002\n\nProfessional Experience\nStudent Teaching\nClay High School, Oregon, Ohio\nGrades 9 \xe2\x80\x93 12, August 2002 to December 2002\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participated in the Humanities Program, part of the Humanities 2000 Project of the\nUniversity of Toledo\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Educated 38 freshmen, 25 sophomores, and 22 seniors in a constructivist\natmosphere\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught courses in Classical Studies, Western Civilization, European History, and\nPostwar America: Cultural and Social History\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Team-taught lessons with an English teacher, creating bridges between the\nHumanities, including assignment of a joint final project\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created unit plans in three of the four classes, addressing the Course of Study\nstandards of the Social Studies curriculum\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Prepared lessons in all four classes to reach students through a variety of different\nlearning styles that involved group work and critical thinking skills\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Incorporated university professors as additional teaching aids for instruction\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Tutored a special needs student\nSocial Studies Methods \xe2\x80\x93 Secondary Field Experience II\nAnthony Wayne High School, Whitehouse, Ohio\nGrade 10, February 2002 to April 2002\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Educated 46 sophomores in two World History classes\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed a three-week unit plan on European Imperialism using a variety of primary\nand secondary source documents to enhance student learning\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed a project that required students to research primary documents to compile\na written and oral report on an historical event of their choice\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Observed and participated in an Honors World History class\n\n\x0cJesse Robbins, Page 2\nBest Practices \xe2\x80\x93 Secondary Field Experience I\nWaite High School, Toledo, Ohio\nGrades 9 and 12, August 2001 to December 2001\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Educated 44 freshmen in two World History classes\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed five lessons on Ancient Greece using a variety of sources and techniques\nto promote student learning\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Observed one senior sociology class\n\nProfessional Development\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Brain-Based Learning and Layered Curriculum Seminar,\npresented by Kathie Nunley \xe2\x80\x93 October 2002\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Ohio National History Day, Introductory Teacher Workshop,\npresented by Sara Bendure \xe2\x80\x93 October 2002\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervised a select group of students at the Model United Nations,\nOhio Northern University \xe2\x80\x93 September 2002\n\nVolunteer Experience\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assistant Coach, Clay High School Hockey Team, advised 25 athletes in correct\nprocedures for lifting weights and conditioning drills \xe2\x80\x93 Fall 2002\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assistant baseball coach for Pemberville, Southwood Junior Babe League, 15\nathletes from age 13-15 \xe2\x80\x93 Summer 2002\n\xe2\x80\xa2 \xce\x91dult chaperone for 30 eighth-grade students from U. L. Light Middle School,\nBarberton, Ohio, during leadership program at Camp Y-Noah \xe2\x80\x93 May 2001\n\nWork Experience\nUnited Parcel Service\nMaumee, Ohio \xe2\x80\x93 May 2000 to January 2002\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked as a loader, unloader, and sorter of packages\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Safety Representative\nBowser Morner Inc.\nToledo, Ohio \xe2\x80\x93 May 1998 to August 1998\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Field Technician \xe2\x80\x93 tested concrete and soil samples\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Dealt with engineers, foreman, and construction workers on a daily basis\n\nAthletic Experience\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Played baseball, basketball, football, and lacrosse in organized leagues in high\nschool and/or college\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Knowledgeable in conditioning and weight lifting techniques\n\nComputer Skills\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Microsoft Office \xe2\x80\x93 Word, Excel, Power Point\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Windows\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Hyper Studio\n\n\x0cAMANDA SCHAFER\n222 Brown Hall Drive\nToledo, Ohio 43608\n(419) 222-2222\n\\n\nPhilosophy:\nEncouraging Pre K-3 students to become active participants in the learning experience\nby incorporating a variety of hands-on and developmentally appropriate practices and\nproviding a stimulating, challenging, healthy learning environment.\n\nEducation:\nUniversity of Toledo; Toledo, Ohio\nBachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education, December 2002\nLicensure: Pre K-Third Grade\n\nProfessional Education GPA 3.59, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nSuccessful completion of Praxis II\nFinanced 95% of tuition\nOwens Community College; Rossford, Ohio\nAssociates Degree, Early Childhood Education, June 1989\n\nRelevant Experience:\nJackman Elementary\n\nStudent Teacher, Kindergarten\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nToledo, Ohio\nFall 2002\n\nFormulated weekly lesson plans for 18 students\nCreated centers for participation\nMandated appropriate and fair disciplinary procedures\nAssessed the children\xe2\x80\x99s development by using anecdotal notes\nAttended faculty and staff meetings\nMaintained a positive rapport with the students, parents and staff\nParticipated in IEP meetings\nConducted a parent conference\n\nMcKesson Preschool\n\nToledo, Ohio\nMethods Placement, 3-5 years old\nSpring 2002\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Formulated lesson plans for seven to ten hearing impaired students\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assessed the children\xe2\x80\x99s development by using anecdotal notes\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created a center for participation\nJackman Elementary\n\nMethods Placement, Kindergarten\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nToledo, Ohio\nSpring 2002\n\nFormulated lesson plans for 42 children\nAssessed the children\xe2\x80\x99s development by using anecdotal notes\nCreated a center for participation\n\n\x0cAmanda Schaffer - Page 2\nWendy\xe2\x80\x99s Restaurant\n\nWendy-forReading Program\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nPromoted reading to elementary students\nProvided a positive image a child can look up too\nParticipated in all promotional activities: visiting schools, restaurant appearance, etc.\nResponded to the children\xe2\x80\x99s questions with positiveness\n\nAsbury Day Care & Nursery\n\nTeacher/Assistant Director\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nToledo, Ohio\nJanuary 1999 - April 2001\n\nToledo, Ohio\nAugust 1985 - January 1990\nFebruary 1993 - November\n\nFormulated monthly lesson plans for 14 children\n1998\nCreated teaching aids: math, reading and other areas\nMandated appropriate and disciplinary procedures\nMaintained a positive rapport with the students, parents and staff\nAssessed the children on a daily basis\nSupervised a staff of ten employees\nVerified parent identification\n\nAdditional Work Experience:\nCareer Services, University of Toledo\n\nBudget/Office Assistant\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nPrepared deposits for department\nAssisted students with career questions\nAssisted administrators with job fair coordination and staffing\nProvided data entry for job postings\n\nWendy\xe2\x80\x99s Restaurant\n\nToledo, Ohio\nJanuary 1999 - April 2001\n\nRegister Operator\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nToledo, Ohio\nApril 2001 - August 2002\n\nPrepared food for customers\nPlaced customer orders\nMaintained a clean work area\nHandled money\n\nOther Awards and Accomplishments:\nAmerican Legion Auxiliary (1986-present)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Children & Youth and Education chairman (2002-present)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 District Queen (1994-1995)\nA. Martin and Ruth Zucker Scholarship (Fall 2002)\nToledo Association for the Education of Young Children (1990-present)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Ways and Means Chairman (1995)\nOur Lady of Lourdes, Sunday School Teacher and Curriculum Advisor (1986-1989)\n\n\x0cJENNIFER L. KELLY\n1111 West Bancroft #1, Toledo, OH 43607\n(419) 111-1111\\n\nOBJECTIVE\nTo provide quality, structured education for Spanish I and Spanish II students, which incorporates all domains of foreign\nlanguage learning in a supportive, yet structured environment\n\nEDUCATION AND LICENSURE\nMaster of Education, Curriculum and Instruction\nUniversity of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio (Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2003)\nOhio Licensure: Multi-Age Foreign Language (Anticipated Receipt: May 2003)\nBachelor of Arts, Major in Spanish and Minors in Recreation Administration and Religion\nAshland University, Ashland, Ohio (May 1999)\n\nQUALIFYING PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES\nStudent Teaching\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..........................................................................................................................................\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6... Fall 2002\nSwanton High School, Swanton, Ohio\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught two block schedule sections of Spanish I, and one section of Spanish II, for a total of three months\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Maintained and was responsible for all administrative and instructional aspects of the classroom\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Incorporated the text curriculum and many other original and primary resources in the classroom\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Handled all student behavioral issues and facilitated communication with parents\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed several cumulative projects requiring student use and application of focus skills from a chapter\nField Experience.........................................................................................................\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6...........\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6......Spring 2002\nRogers High School, Toledo, Ohio\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Observed a total of 120 hours\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Instructed a unit on Preterite and Imperfect for a two week time span in a Spanish II class\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted with clerical responsibilities and logistics for a Foreign Language Parents\xe2\x80\x99 Night\nHarvest Lane Christian School ........................................................................\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6 \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..\xe2\x80\xa6... August 2001 to May 2002\nToledo, OH\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed original materials and implemented curriculum for a weekly Spanish Workshop for 7th and 8th graders\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Originated a \xe2\x80\x9cPassport Program\xe2\x80\x9d as an incentive for learning\nRiver Trails School District 26 ....................................................................\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6......................January 2000 to June 2000\nBi-lingual Teacher\xe2\x80\x99s Aide, Euclid Elementary School; Mount Prospect, IL\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked with Bilingual classes in grades K, 1 and 3\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Lead small group instructional pull-out sessions\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted teachers with clerical duties and preparations for lessons\n\nQUALIFYING LANGUAGE TRAINING AND TRAVEL EXPERIENCES\nEco Escuela, San Andr\xc3\xa9s, Guatemala ......................................................................................\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6............. Summer 2001\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Week of intense language study and home-stay\nCentro Ling\xc3\xbc\xc3\xadstico Maya, Antigua, Guatemala .....................................................................\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6............... Summer 2000\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Week of intense language study and home-stay\nUniversidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil, Ecuador..........................................\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.........Winter/Spring 1999\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Semester of study abroad and home-stay\n\nCuaunauhuac Language Institute, Cuernavaca, M\xc3\xa9xico ....................................................................\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6 Summer 1998\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Month of intense language study and home-stay\n\nInternational travel\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Per\xc3\xba, M\xc3\xa9xico, Belize and Puerto Rico\n\n\x0cJENNIFER L. KELLY PAGE 2\nOTHER RELATED EXPERIENCES\nLibertyville Parks and Recreation Department..................................................................\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6...May 1995 to August 2002\nPool Manager, Swim Coach, Lifeguard, Swim Instructor; Libertyville, Illinois\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Co-coached a team of approximately 25 age-group swimmers (seven to eleven years of age)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organized, coordinated and hosted the Conference swim meet\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Lead public and private swim instruction to individuals of all ages (four to approximately forty years of age)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Received Employee of the Season and Team Player Awards three seasons\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervised and evaluated employees\nUniversity of Toledo .........................................................................................................\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.........July 2000 to May 2002\nGraduate Assistant Hall Director; Office of Residence Life, Toledo, OH\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervised student staff as well as developed and implemented active and passive training initiatives\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated in conjunction with co-workers regarding administrative and staff development projects\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organized two campus wide selection processes for the selection of approximately sixty student staff positions\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Advised student organizations and activities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Offered free Spanish tutoring to students\nAshland Family YMCA...................................................................\xe2\x80\xa6........................\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6...January 1998 to October 1999\nSwim Coach, Swim Instructor, Lifeguard, Day Care Staff; Ashland, Ohio\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organized swim meets and participants\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Coached and instructed swimmers (four to sixteen years of age) on a daily basis\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervised and facilitated the recreational programming for pre-schoolers (two to six years of age)\nHome for Girls ........................................................................................................................\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..........January 1999 through March 1999\nVolunteer; Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided and facilitated recreational activities and games for Ecuadorian girls of all ages\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted with homework and studies\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Lead arts and crafts activities\n\nACTIVITIES AND INVOLVEMENT\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nVolunteer, Heartbeat of Toledo (Fall 2000-Spring 2001)\nMember, Phi Sigma Iota (Spanish honorary)\n\xce\x9cember, Ashland University Swim Team (1995-1999), Elected Captain in 1998\nSpanish Club (1995-1999), Secretary in 1998\nAthletic Council (1997-1999)\nFellowship of Christian Athletes (1996-1999)\nAdventure Club (1996-1998)\n\n\x0cEileen Kayta Thomas\\n11111 Maplewood Avenue\nMaple Heights, Ohio 44137\n216-222-2222 or 216-333-3333\n\nCAREER OBJECTIVE\nTo obtain a middle or high school position teaching Mathematics.\n\nEDUCATION\nThe University of Toledo\nBachelor of Education May 8, 2004\nBachelor of Arts in Mathematics May 8, 2004\nMajor: Adolescent and Young Adult Education\nAccumulative GPA 3.578/4.000\nLicensure: Adolescent & Young Adult, Integrated Mathematics (7-12)\n\nHONORS\nGolden Key International Honor Society\nFeatured in National Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List Book\nPresident\xe2\x80\x99s List\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\nMorrison R. Waite High School, Toledo, Ohio\nStudent Teaching Experience, Spring 2004\nDesigned and implemented lessons for 1 Pre-Algebra Class and 3 Algebra II/Honors Classes\nEducated grades 9-12 in a constructivist, student-centered classroom\nPrepared lessons that involved problem-solving and small group work\nDeveloped an effective discipline strategy based on positive reinforcement\nNorthview Sylvania High School, Sylvania, Ohio\nMethods Experience, Fall 2003\nDesigned and implemented a three-week unit in the content area of Algebra\nAssisted students with individual classroom assignments\nAssisted with classroom management\nCompleted one hundred twenty hours of observation, assistance, and instruction\nBlessed Sacrament Parochial School, Toledo, Ohio\nField Experience, Spring 2002\nDesigned and instructed lessons involving Consumer Math\nIndividually tutored students with learning disabilities\nAssisted with classroom management\nCompleted eighty hours of observation, assistance, and instruction in the classroom\n\n\x0cEileen Kayta Thomas\nPage 2\nUT Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Toledo, Ohio\nUniversity of Toledo Campus Representative, Fall 2001- Spring 2002\nMentored eighteen first year students\nContacted students monthly for updates regarding scheduling and financial aid\nServed as a liaison between students and Cleveland Scholarship Programs staff\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nCleveland Restoration Society , Cleveland, Ohio\nCleveland Foundation Intern, June 2003-August 2003\nCoordinated logistics for meetings and events\nAnalyzed membership data which was used to restructure membership database\nMBNA, Inc., Beachwood, Ohio\nIntern, June 2000- January 2002\nCollected monies on delinquent accounts via telephone\nDave\xe2\x80\x99s Supermarket, Cleveland, Ohio\nCashier, June 1998- June 2000\nCashiered and provided high-quality customer service\n\nPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT\nNational Education Association (NEA)\nUniversity of Toledo Council of Teachers of Mathematics (UTCTM)\nNAACP\nBlack Student Union, Director of Business\nMulticultural Student Leadership Institute\nSciMaTec/GTCTM mini-conference (mathematics)\nMulticultural Student Leadership Institute\nGTCTM conference\n\nREFERENCES\nAvailable upon Request\n\nSpring 2004\nFall 2000-Present\nFall & Spring 2001\nFall 2002-Spring 2003\nDetroit, MI Sept. 2001\nPerrysburg, OH Fall 2001\nChicago. IL Sept. 2002\nToledo, OH Fall 2003\n\n\x0cTHEODORE D. LEONARD\n3333 Cayene Boulevard, Apt. 33, Toledo, OH 43614\n(419) 333-3333\\nOBJECTIVE\nA position as a middle level educator that will utilize strong teaching abilities and various instructional strategies\nto create an exciting learning environment in which students of all levels of cognitive ability can achieve.\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Toledo, Toledo, OH\nBachelor of Education in Middle Childhood Education, May 2004\nOhio Licensure: Middle Grades (4-9) Science and Social Studies (successfully passed Praxis II)\nGPA: Cumulative 3.199/4.0\nProfessional Education 3.869/4.0\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List \xe2\x80\x93 May 2003 and December 2003\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\n01/04 \xe2\x80\x93 present\nStudent Teaching Field Experience (Fifth and Sixth Grade)\nLagrange Elementary School, Toledo, OH\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Utilizing an integrated approach towards teaching by incorporating multiple teaching\nmethods that include cooperative learning, discussion, and student-led demonstration\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Developed a three week science unit on westward expansion, incorporating detailed\ninformation about Women pioneers and stocking a Conestoga wagon with needed supplies\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Demonstrating excellent classroom management skills and a passion for teaching\n09/03 \xe2\x80\x93 12/03\n\nCurriculum Integration Field Experience (Sixth Grade)\nSt. Catherine Elementary School, Toledo, OH\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Formulated a ten day science lesson on electricity that integrated all curricular areas\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Worked cooperatively with an intervention specialist to establish strategies easily grasped\nby special needs students\n\n01/03 \xe2\x80\x93 05/03\n\nMiddle Childhood Methods Field Experience (Fourth Grade)\nHawkins Elementary School, Toledo, OH\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Developed and taught ten day units on the southeastern U.S. and the motion of objects\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Assisted classroom teacher in many aspects of classroom management\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Provided additional assistance to students in need\n\n01/03 \xe2\x80\x93 05/03\n\nStudent Teacher Observer (Fourth Grade)\nHawkins Elementary School, Toledo, OH\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Observed various teaching methods with an emphasis on classroom discipline\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Observed student interaction, learning styles, and cognitive levels\n\n08/02 \xe2\x80\x93 12/02\n\nPhonics and Word Identification Tutor (Fifth Grade)\nSherman Elementary School, Toledo, OH\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Provided one-on-one assistance to students not performing at projected reading level\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Implemented various Thinking Works\xc2\xa9 strategies to enrich phonetic awareness\n\nWORK HISTORY\nFall 2003 \xe2\x80\x93 present\nSummer 2003\nWinter 2002\nSummers 1998-2002\n\nHolcomb\xe2\x80\x99s Know Place, Sales Associate, Toledo, Ohio\nSchneider Landscaping, Landscape Artist, Toledo, OH\nKohl\xe2\x80\x99s Department Store, Receiver, Holland, OH\nForest Hills Golf Course, Golf Course Greenskeeper, LaGrange, OH\n\nCOMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT\n2003-Present\nCollegiate Middle Level Association, Member\n1999-Present\nCatholic Student Association, Member\nSummer 1998\nMidview In-house Soccer Association, Volunteer Coach\nSpring 1998\nGrafton Little League Baseball, Volunteer Coach and Umpire\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nWindows 98, NT, XP, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Macintosh Hyper studio, Internet Research\n\nReferences available upon request\n\n\x0cGenie L. Bielski________________________________________________\n5555 Fairlawn Dr.\nToledo, OH 43613\nE-mail:\n\nPhone: (419) 444-4444\n(419) 444-4444\n\nObjective_______________________________________________________________________________\nTo pursue a career as a physical education teacher, encouraging children of all ages to take responsibility for the\nimportance of physical activity and recreational opportunities in their lives.\nEducation_______________________________________________________________________________\nUniversity of Toledo\nToledo, OH\nDecember 2003\nBachelor of Education: Physical Education, Recreation and Leisure Studies\nOhio Licensure: K-12 Physical Education\nRegistered for Praxis II January 2004\nCumulative GPA: 3.34\nHonors & Awards: Cum Laude, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Study Abroad Travel Grant, Gottshall-Rex Scholarship\nEducational Experience___________________________________________________________________\nFall 2003 \xe2\x80\x93 Physical Education Student Teacher, Grades K-6\nThe American Overseas School of Rome \xe2\x80\x93 Rome, Italy\nDeveloped developmentally appropriate lesson plans: fundamental motor skill development, manipulative\nskills, movement exploration, sport related skill development and strategies (basketball, volleyball, and\nsoccer), and body management\nImplemented intervention strategies for special needs students\nInvolved students in the creation of a bulletin board featuring personal definitions for cooperation,\nconfidence, sportsmanship, and teamwork\nServed as Assistant Coach for girls varsity volleyball\nAttended and assisted in Open House\nFall 2003 \xe2\x80\x93 Physical Education Student Teacher, Grades 9-10\nClay High School \xe2\x80\x93 Oregon Public Schools, Oregon, Ohio\nDesigned and implemented lesson plans focusing on sport skill development and strategies for badminton\nand volleyball\nInstructed fitness center activities including weight lifting and step aerobics twice a week \xe2\x80\x93 LIFT America,\nNational School Fitness Foundation\nAssessed student learning and development\nSpring 2003 \xe2\x80\x93 Physical Education Methods Experience, Grades 7-8 girls\nBedford Junior High School \xe2\x80\x93 Bedford Public Schools, Bedford, Michigan\nObserved daily physical education classes\nDesigned developmentally appropriate lesson plans focusing on sport skill development and strategies for\ntennis and badminton\nSpring 2003 \xe2\x80\x93 Physical Education Methods Experience, Grades 9-10\nClay High School \xe2\x80\x93 Oregon City Schools, Oregon, Ohio\nObserved daily physical education classes\nInnovated daily lesson plans for skills and strategies on badminton and ultimate frisbee\nInstructed fitness center activities including weight lifting and step aerobics every other day \xe2\x80\x93 LIFT\nAmerica, National School Fitness Foundation\nDesigned bulletin board involving ultimate frisbee techniques, rules, facts, and pictures\n\n\x0cG. Bielski\nPage 2\nFall 2002 \xe2\x80\x93 Physical Education Methods Experience, Grades K-6\nMcGregor Elementary \xe2\x80\x93 Washington Local Schools, Toledo, Ohio\nObserved daily physical education classes\nDeveloped developmentally appropriate lesson plans including: fundamental motor skill development,\nmanipulative skills, movement exploration, sport related skill development and strategies (soccer), and body\nmanagement\nAssisted with the Pumpkin Run\nFall 2002 \xe2\x80\x93 Physical Education Methods Experience, Grades K-6\nChase Elementary - Toledo Public Schools, Toledo, Ohio\nObserved daily physical education classes\nDeveloped developmentally appropriate lesson plans including: fundamental motor skill development,\nmanipulative skills, movement exploration, sport related skill development and strategies (soccer, hockey),\nand body management\nConstructed bulletin board for hockey: listed all NHL teams and pictures, promoted Toledo Storm Hockey\nwith pictures, rosters, and schedules for all students\nWork Experience_________________________________________________________________________\n2003 Trail\xe2\x80\x99s End Camp \xe2\x80\x93 Beach Lake, Pennsylvania\nAssistant Waterfront Director/Camp Counselor\nAssisted the waterfront director in organizing and directing the waterfront program and staff\nLifeguard, waterski instructor (ages 7-17)\nCabin counselor, 8 girls ages 12-13\n1998-2003 University of Toledo, Parking Enforcement \xe2\x80\x93 Toledo, Ohio\nStudent Assistant\nClerical, data entry, customer service\n2000-2002 Camp Vega for Girls \xe2\x80\x93 Kents Hill, Maine\nCamp Counselor\n2000-2001 Waterski instructor (ages 7-17), cabin counselor for 14 girls ages 10-12\n2002 Administrative Assistant \xe2\x80\x93 assisted program director, tour guide, data entry, organized Vega Classic,\nand brother/sister day, cabin counselor 12 girls ages 12-13\n1998-2001 Grand Slam USA \xe2\x80\x93 Toledo, Ohio\nFront desk, cashier, machine operator \xe2\x80\x93 batting cages, laser tag\nProfessional Memberships_________________________________________________________________\nOhio Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance\nDelta Delta Delta\nVice President Public Relations (2001-2002)\nFormal Recruitment Advisor (2001)\nActivities Chairman (1999-2000)\n\n\x0cCover Letter Information\nThe purpose of a cover letter is to introduce your resume. It may also serve as a professional\nobjective or personal statement. Keep in mind, the reviewer uses it as a writing sample as\nwell \xe2\x80\x93 grammar and spelling errors will give a negative impression concerning your attention\nto detail and professional image. The following cover letter examples provide guidelines\nconcerning effective format and layout styles. Career Services encourages you to schedule\nan appointment with a Career Advisor to help you develop a unique cover letter that\nshowcases your individual experience and strengths. Contact Career Services to set up an\nappointment at 419.530.4341.\nKeep these points in mind as you sit down to create your cover letter:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nIf you would like to present a consistent, professional look with all of your job search\ncorrespondence, use the same heading (name/address/phone/email) on your cover letter\nthat you created for the top of your resume. This becomes your own personal letterhead.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nIf at all possible, address your cover letter to a specific person: superintendent, principal,\nhuman resource director, or other hiring official.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nIf someone is referring you to a specific position, use that individual\xe2\x80\x99s name in the first\nparagraph to catch the reader\xe2\x80\x99s attention.\nRemember to convey confidence without seeming arrogant. To do this more effectively,\nfocus on specific examples to illustrate your skills and abilities.\nAlways remember to tell the employer what you can do for the organization, not what the\nschool can do for you.\n\nCover Letter Formula\nFirst Paragraph:\n\nState why you are writing by identifying the name of position you are\nSeeking and how you found out about it. Insert a brief statement about\nthe school \xe2\x80\x93 why do you want to work there? Include the names of any\nreferences.\n\nSecond/Third\nParagraphs:\n\nExplain your qualifications for the position, highlighting specific\nexamples that illuminate your skills and abilities. Include the degree and\nthe Licensure you are receiving.\n\nFinal Paragraph:\n\nRefer the reader to your resume for more information if you did not\nalready in the second or third paragraph. Utilize a strong close \xe2\x80\x93 let the\nemployer know what you are going to do next. Try to incorporate\nspecific piece of information about the school to prove that you did your\nresearch. Thank the reader for his or her time.\n\n\x0cAdeline Streudel\n\n111 Douglas Avenue y Toledo, OH 43606 y 419.111.1111 y\n\nApril 1, 2004\nMrs. Principal\nGesu School\n2045 Parkside Dr.\nToledo, OH 43607\nDear Mrs. Principal:\nThe Catholic education experience provides children with a well-rounded educational experience infused with\nfaith and morals, which I feel are two important factors when educating our youth of today. Drawing from my\nexperiences as a student teacher and substituting in various classrooms, I welcome the chance to begin my\nprofessional teaching career at Gesu. I noticed a second grade position listed on the website, and as highlighted\nin my enclosed resume, my academic achievement, related teaching experience, volunteer involvement and past\nemployment demonstrates that I possess the qualifications to begin my teaching career.\nDuring my student teaching experience I implemented lessons that were age appropriate, hands-on and\nindividualized. I developed work pages that dealt with the spelling and writing of \xe2\x80\x9clightning words\xe2\x80\x9d which\nprovided the building blocks for each students\xe2\x80\x99 own Lightning Word Dictionary. In the classroom, I constructed\ndifferent centers for the children to explore, including a nature pavilion, a space odyssey and an alphabet\nadventure. In the \xe2\x80\x9cMad about Math\xe2\x80\x9d center, I encouraged students to take the Math Challenge, using\nmanipulatives to solve simple addition and subtraction problems.\nA personal goal of mine is to provide my students with a stimulating, challenging, and healthy learning\nenvironment that will allow them to become active in their learning experience. In order to do that, I must also\neffectively communicate with students, faculty, parents, and administrators. As a student teacher I developed a\nparent e-newsletter to help distribute information and collect feedback on homework assignments.\nBeing an involved student and active member in various organizations, as well as working part-time throughout\ncollege, required perseverance and good time management skills. While teaching is a demanding career, I am\nconfident my experiences have prepared me to succeed.\nI am interested in meeting with you to discuss my qualifications for the second grade position at Gesu School. I\nwill contact you within two weeks to arrange an interview at your earliest convenience. Thank you for\nreviewing my credentials as a potential candidate and considering me for your teaching staff.\nSincerely,\n\nAdeline Streudel\n\n\x0cBernadette Peters\n1111 Sugar Crest Circle\nToledo, Ohio 43608\nDecember 1, 2003\nMr. Wonderful Superintendent\nToledo Public Schools\n1919 Manhattan\nToledo, Ohio 43608\nDear Mr. Superintendent:\nHaving completed my student teaching experience with 9th through 12th grade\nstudents at Rogers High School, I look forward to teaching social studies in Toledo\nPublic Schools. I have lived in Toledo all my life and I am fully aware of the school\ncommunity, its history and its future. As highlighted in my resume, my related\nteaching experience, academic achievements and my involvement with youth of all\nages prove my qualifications to begin a rewarding teaching career.\nTeaching Social Studies has given me an opportunity to communicate with a diverse\ngroup of people, which has influenced the lessons and teaching strategies I\nimplement in the classroom. For example, in a lesson on the Civil Rights Movement, I\nplaced numerous signs around the classroom forbidding the students from doing\ncertain activities. In order for the signs to be removed, the students had to form\ncommunity action groups similar to those in the Civil Rights Movement, decide on a\ncause in which to fight for, and make protest signs to prepare for a peaceful\ndemonstration. Finally, the students marched around the outside of the school, sang\nsongs and gave speeches that had to convince me to take down the signs.\nThrough involvement with various youth activities outside of the school, I have\nlearned how to develop activities that will stimulate the minds of the students. I have\nalso had a chance to hear concerns and suggestions from both parents and\nstudents that will help me develop an effective classroom environment. And as a\nconcerned citizen, I feel that it is necessary for students to be involved with extracurricular activities. To that end I look forward to advising or co-advising\norganizations that stimulate a positive after school environment for students.\nThank you for taking time to read and consider my application. I will follow-up with\nyou before the end of the month, hopefully to set up a convenient time to discuss\npotential positions.\nSincerely,\n\nBernadette Peters\n\n\x0c612 South Main Street\nSwanton, OH 43558\nJanuary 19, 2004\nPenelope Winters\nSylvan Learning Center\nHolland, OH 43528\nDear Ms. Winters:\nHaving just completed my degree in Early Childhood Education, I am seeking a teaching\nposition to begin my career in Education. Through researching Sylvan Learning Centers, I\nhave come to find that the center\xe2\x80\x99s mission coincides with my own beliefs about teaching for\nthe students\xe2\x80\x99 maximum individual benefit. The Sylvan Advantage is innovative and effective - customizing education programs to meet each and every child\xe2\x80\x99s unique needs.\nTeaching to a wide variety of developmental levels has provided me with the opportunity to\ndevelop a diverse repertoire of teaching strategies. I can effectively design and implement\nindividualized activities that address different learning styles, including strategies for verbal,\nvisual and kinesthetic learners. I have developed lesson plans incorporating educational\nkinesiology and guided reading, and have experience with students with dyslexia,\ndyscalculia, dysgraphia and ADHD.\nBeing a full time student as well as working part-time to pay my tuition throughout college\nrequired perseverance and good time management skills. While teaching is a demanding\ncareer, I am confident that my life experiences have prepared me for success.\nI am interested to meet with you to discuss my qualifications for a teaching position in your\ncenter. Thank you for taking the time to review my resume, and I will contact you within two\nweeks to see if you are interested in arranging an interview at your convenience. Feel free to\ncontact me with any questions you may have.\nSincerely,\n\nBethany Whitacre' |
365 | Education | b'Entry Level Resume Guide\n\nThis packet is intended to serve as a starting point for creating or improving your resume.\nIt includes sample resumes, as well as best practices and helpful resources for developing a\nsuccessful document.\nDePaul University\xe2\x80\x99s Peer Career Advisors are available on a walk-in basis to assist you with\ncreating and/or improving your resume. Inquire about Peer Career Advisor Program hours\nby calling the Career Center at (312) 362-8437 (Loop Campus) or (773) 325-7431 (Lincoln\nPark Campus).\n\n\x0cContents\nI.\n\nResume Purpose, Design, & Mechanics\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..Page 3\n\nII.\n\nKey Elements of a Successful Resumes\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6....Page 4\nThis document is intended to guide you in creating your resume by outlining\nimportant types of information to include and tips for doing so in a professional and\npersuasive manner. Please note this is not intended as a template and the format\nemployed may or may not best represent you. Consider meeting with a Peer Career\nAdvisor to discuss how you might best layout your own resume.\n\nIII.\n\nTransferable Skills & Action Verbs\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.Page 5\nTransferable skills are those that can be applied in a variety of industries and job\nfunctions. Considering which transferable skills you want to convey to employers is a\ngreat place to start when composing your resume. This list is a sampling of the types of\nskills you might highlight on your resume, in addition to those skills that are more\nspecific to your major, intended industry, or job function.\nA sampling of action verbs is also included on this page. Be sure to use strong action\nverbs to begin each of your bulleted statements, previewing the skill to be exemplified\nthrough the accomplishment statement.\n\nIV.\n\nChronological Resume Samples...\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6...Pages 6-11\nIn this most commonly accepted resume format, job titles and employers are\nemphasized, starting with your most recent experiences to illustrate a progressive work\nhistory. Your skills and accomplishments are described through bulleted statements\nunder each position. This resume type is recommended for people who have recently\ngraduated with a bachelor\xe2\x80\x99s degree, those who are staying within the same career field,\nand candidates with few time gaps in their job history. This type is most often preferred\nby employers because it is easy to scan, highlights job titles, employers, and dates, and\nclearly ties candidates\xe2\x80\x99 skills and accomplishments to their work histories.\n\nV.\n\nFunctional & Combination Resume Samples...\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..Pages 12-13\nThis format is an option for candidates who have changed employers frequently,\nhave gaps in their employment history, or are hoping to transition to a new industry\nor unrelated job function. Functional resumes enable candidates to highlight\ntransferable skills, placing less emphasis on employment dates, job titles, and\nemployers.\n\nVI.\n\nAdditional Career Center Resume Resources\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6...Page 14\n\n2\n\n\x0cI. Resume Purpose, Design, & Mechanics\nThe purpose of a resume is to market yourself to employers by succinctly summarizing your education, experience,\nand skills, ultimately aiming to convince employers to invite you to interview. When conceptualizing your resume,\nthink of it as a marketing tool, rather than a simple work history, as it is intended to promote you as the perfect\ncandidate for the opportunity at hand.\nResume writing is an art, not a science. There is no one correct way to formulate a resume, but there are some best\npractices and standards that the Career Center recommends. Stand out from the crowd with high quality content\nand a clearly written, error-free document. Sequence the information from most important to least important with\nregard to your career objective. When constructing bullet points, aim to highlight accomplishments that exemplify\nthe skills you possess and employers are seeking.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Length: With a few rare exceptions, when applying for internships or entry-level jobs, students should\nkeep their resume to 1 page. If you have difficulty narrowing down your resume, consider removing\nelements that are not closely related to the opportunities for which you are applying.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Margins: Make your resume visually attractive. Use some whitespace to allow the reader\xe2\x80\x99s eye to rest.\nUsing .5 inch to 1.5 inch margins is recommended.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Font: Use a font that is easy to read. Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New are good choices. A\n10-12 point font size is recommended.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Consistency: Keep the formatting consistent throughout your resume. For example, if you choose to bold\na job title, make sure you bold every job title. Also, make sure that all of your bullet points, section headers,\ndates, etc. line up neatly on the page.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Accuracy: Your resume, and all other job search materials, must be 100% error free. Be sure to carefully\nread through your resume, checking grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It is a good idea to have at least\n2-3 people proofread it as well.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Be Accomplishment-Orientated: Employers hire you for your skills and want to read about times when\nyou have successfully utilized the skills they are seeking. Describe achievements, rather than listing duties,\nquantify outcomes whenever possible, and be sure to highlight your proficiency in both technical (industry\nor job function-specific) and transferable skills.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Use Action Verbs: Strengthen your bullet points by beginning each with an action verb that previews the\nskill to be exemplified in that accomplishment statement. This allows a potential employer to more easily\nscan your resume for what he or she is seeking.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Make it Clear and Be Succinct: Eliminate the pronoun \xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x9d at the beginning of each bullet point as this is\nassumed. Avoid introductory and wind-up phrases such as \xe2\x80\x9cMy duties included...\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cMy responsibilities\nwere\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x81\xb6 Overall Appearance: Ask yourself and others if your document is easy to read and professional looking.\nAlso, consider that the average recruiter may scan your resume for 30 seconds or less. Make sure that your\nmost important information stands out.\n\n3\n\n\x0cII. Key Elements of a Successful Resume\nYour First and Last Name\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Phone number \xe2\x99\xa6 Email address \xe2\x99\xa6 Street address \xe2\x99\xa6 City, state & zip code \xe2\x99\xa6\n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________\nOBJECTIVE\nCreate a statement describing or naming the position you are seeking to obtain. You may also include the specific field or area\nyou are interested in and the skills and expertise you could contribute to the company. This section is optional and could be\nomitted or substituted with a \xe2\x80\x95Career Highlights\xe2\x80\x96 or \xe2\x80\x95Summary of Qualifications\xe2\x80\x96 section.\n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________\nEDUCATION\nInstitution City, State\n(Expected) Graduation Month Year\nWrite out the full name of your (expected) degree; also list Minors and Concentrations\nGPA: 4.0/4.0 (it is recommended that you include your GPA if it is 3.0 or higher)\nOther possible information to include: Study Abroad experiences, Relevant Coursework, or Academic Awards and Honors.\n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________\nEXPERIENCE, RELEVANT EXPERIENCE, INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE [possible titles/descriptive headings]\nOrganization, Your Job Title \xe2\x80\x93 City, State\nMonth Year - Month Year\nThe position header above is one example of formatting. Other formats can include using two lines or rearranging the order of\nthe Organization, Job Title, Location, and Dates to emphasize the most important elements.\nYou can bold or italicize your title or your organization\xe2\x80\x94whichever is more relevant, but be consistent.\nIn this section include bulleted accomplishment statements, which provide examples of times you have successfully used the\nskills employers are seeking.\nStart with a strong action verb, then follow with an explanation of what you were doing, describe how you did it, and, when\npossible, include any outcomes that you achieved. Remember, statements should ultimately convey your proficiency in one or\nmore skill sets of interest to the employer by way of providing an example of when you have used them.\nConsider the following questions to help you create more effective bullet points: What was the result/outcome of your work?\nWhat were your accomplishments? How did you help the organization? What skills/knowledge did you enhance? How does\nthis experience relate to your internship/employment goal?\nOrganization, Your Job Title \xe2\x80\x93 City, State\nMonth Year - Month Year\nBulleted statements should be in the proper tense (past or present tense) and use consistent grammar and punctuation.\nBe specific by including quantity, frequency, population, and impact of your work whenever possible.\nMake sure your resume is easy to read and not too text heavy. Avoid using colors, multiple fonts, pictures, being too brief, or\nmaking it too dense. Make it your own, but be professional.\n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE, LEADERSHIP, HONORS, ACTIVITIES, COMMUNITY SERVICE, VOLUNTEER,\nPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT [possible titles/descriptive headings]\nOrganization, Your Job Title \xe2\x80\x93 City, State\nMonth Year - Month Year\nUsing multiple experience sections is optional and allows you to emphasize (by placing it closer to the top) your most relevant\nexperience. Experiences within a section should be listed in reverse chronological order.\nPositions within this section should be formatted like previous experience sections, but may or may not include bullet points.\nIn an additional experience section, you can include work experiences that may not be directly related to the job you are\napplying to, but add to your credibility by exemplifying a progressive work history.\nEmphasize your transferable skills, those that can be taken from one experience and applied elsewhere.\nOrganization, Your Role (e.g. Member, Participant, Honoree, or Presenter) \xe2\x80\x93 City, State Month Year - Month Year\nThis section can also be an opportunity to share your experiences as a leader, honors received, community involvement,\nprofessional development activities, or membership in organizations. As illustrated, replace \xe2\x80\x95job title\xe2\x80\x96 with the role you played.\nIncluding bullet points is optional, depending on what you wish to convey to a potential employer.\n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________\nADDITIONAL SKILLS [List skills that are testable and concrete. Soft skills such as communication, organizational, and\ninterpersonal skills should not be listed here, but rather incorporated into your bulleted accomplishment statements above.]\nTechnology: Try to include programs that would not be assumed based on education and include your proficiency level. For\nexample: Advanced User of Microsoft Office Suite, including Outlook, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as Adobe Photoshop.\nLanguages: For example: Proficient in oral and written German; Beginner knowledge of Spanish.\n\n4\n\n\x0cIII. Transferable Skills & Action Verbs\nTRANSFERABLE SKILLS\nTransferable skills are those that can be applied in multiple work settings. Consider incorporating them, in addition to those\nthat are specific to your intended career field, by providing examples of when you have successfully used them in your\nbulleted accomplishment statements. Some examples of transferable skills include the following:\nCLERICAL\nBookkeeping\nClassifying\nCollecting\nCompiling\nComputing\nExamining\nFiling\nOrganizing\nRecording\nWord processing\n\nCREATIVE\nDesigning\nDeveloping\nEstablishing\nIllustrating\nImagining\nImprovising\nInventing\nperforming\nRevitalizing\nVisualizing\n\nHUMAN RELATIONS\nAdvising\nAssisting\nCounseling\nEmpathizing\nFacilitating\nGuiding\nListening\nMotivating\nRepresenting\nServing\n\nPUBLIC RELATIONS\nConducting\nConsulting\nInforming\nPlanning\nPresenting\nPromoting\nRepresenting\nResponding\nResearching\nWriting\n\nRESEARCH\nAssessing\nCalculating\nCollecting\nDiagnosing\nEvaluating\nExamining\nExtrapolating\nInterviewing\nInvestigating\nSynthesizing\n\nCOMMUNICATION\nEditing\nExplaining\nInfluencing\nInterpreting\nlistening\nMediating\nPromoting\nSpeaking\nTranslating\nWriting\n\nFINANCIAL\nAccounting\nAdministering\nAllocating\nAuditing\nBalancing\nCalculating\nForecasting\nInvesting\nProjecting\n\nMANAGEMENT\nCommunicating\nConsulting\nCoordinating\nDelegating\nDirecting\nEvaluating\nLeading\nNegotiating\nPersuading\nPlanning\n\nPROBLEM SOLVING\nAnalyzing\nAppraising\nDiagnosing\nExamining\nExecuting\nPlanning\nProving\nReasoning\nRecognizing\nValidating\n\nTECHNICAL\nAdjusting\nAligning\nAssembling\nDrafting\nEngineering\nInstalling\nObserving\nOperating\nProgramming\nRepairing\n\nTRAINING\nAdapting\nCommunicating\nDemonstrating\nEnabling\nEncouraging\nEvaluating\nExplaining\nInstructing\nPlanning\nStimulating\n\nACTION VERBS\nBeginning each bulleted accomplishment statement with a strong action verb helps to highlight your successes and allows a\nreader to get a sense of your skills by scanning the page prior to reading each individual bullet point. It is a good idea to vary\nthe action verbs on your resume in order to appeal to different audiences. Below is a list of verbs to help get you started.\nA\nAchieved\nActed\nAdapted\nAdjusted\nAdministered\nAdvanced\nAdvised\nAltered\nAnalyzed\nAppraised\nArranged\nAssembled\nAssessed\nAudited\nB\nBalanced\nBudgeted\nBuilt\nC\nCalculated\nCalibrated\nCategorized\nCharted\nClassified\nCoached\nCollected\nCombined\nCommunicated\nCompiled\nComposed\nComputed\nConducted\nConfigured\nConsolidated\nConstructed\n\nConsulted\nContrasted\nControlled\nConverted\nConvinced\nCoordinated\nCounseled\nCounted\nCreated\nCultivated\nD\nDecided\nDecreased\nDefined\nDelivered\nDemonstrated\nDesigned\nDetected\nDetermined\nDeveloped\nDevised\nDiagnosed\nDifferentiated\nDistributed\nDocumented\nDoubled\nDrafted\nE\nEdited\nEliminated\nEncouraged\nEngineered\nEnhanced\nEnsured\nEstablished\nEstimated\n\nEvaluated\nExamined\nExecuted\nExpanded\nExpedited\nF\nFacilitated\nFiled\nFilled\nForecasted\nFormulated\nFostered\nFulfilled\nG\nGained\nGathered\nGenerated\nGrew\nGuided\nH\nHandled\nHeaded\nHired\nI\nIdentified\nIllustrated\nImplemented\nImproved\nIncreased\nInfluenced\nInformed\nInitiated\nInspected\nInstalled\nInstituted\nInstructed\n\nIntegrated\nIntended\nInterviewed\ninvented\nInvestigated\nL\nLaunched\nLectured\nLed\nLiaised\nLogged\nM\nMaintained\nManaged\nManufactured\nMarketed\nMeasured\nMediated\nMentored\nMigrated\nMinimized\nMonitored\nMotivated\nN\nNegotiated\nO\nObtained\nOperated\nOrchestrated\nOrdered\nOrganized\nOriginated\nOversaw\nP\nPerformed\nPersuaded\n\nPlanned\nPosted\nPrepared\nPrescribed\nPresented\nPriced\nProcessed\nProduced\nPromoted\nProposed\nProtected\nProvided\nPurchased\nR\nRealized\nReceived\nRecommended\nReconciled\nRecorded\nRecruited\nRedesigned\nReduced\nReferred\nRemoved\nReorganized\nRepaired\nReported\nRepresented\nResearched\nResolved\nRestructured\nRevamped\nReviewed\nRevised\nRevitalized\nRouted\n\nS\nScheduled\nSelected\nSeparated\nServed\nServiced\nSet up\nSimplified\nSold\nSolved\nSpecified\nStarted\nStrategized\nStreamlined\nStrengthened\nStudied\nSummarized\nSupervised\nSupplied\nSupported\nT\nTested\nTracked\nTrained\nTransformed\nTranslated\nTroubleshot\nU\nUpdated\nUpgraded\nV\nVerified\nW\nWeighed\nWired\nWon\n\n5\n\n\x0cIV. Chronological Resume Samples\nSAMPLE 1: Chronological Resume\n\nMin Nguyen\\nPermanent Address:\n1515 Howard Street\nAtlanta, GA 30342\n(404) 555-5555\nEducation\n\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nBachelor of Arts in Public Relations and Advertising\nExpected June 2012\nG.P.A. 3.3/4.0\nAcademic Honors: Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List all quarters in attendance\nGolden Key International\n\nCoursework Advertising Campaigns\nAdvertising Media Planning\nExperience\n\nCurrent Address:\n2500 North Kenmore #2\nChicago, IL 60614\n(312) 555-5555\n\nHealthcare and Public Relations\nCrisis Communication\n\nDePaul Student Government, Chicago, IL\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nAdvertising Staff\nAssist in production of independent and commercial documentary films.\nCoordinate media relations and arrange promotional events.\nCollaborate with marketing and creative staff on press releases, space ads,\nposters, and dealer promotions.\nIrvin and Smith, Inc., Atlanta, GA\nSummers 2008, 2009\nAdministrative Assistant\nResearched new market opportunities by investigating and identifying potential\ncustomers and competitors.\nProvided status reports to management on all operations activities on a weekly\nbasis.\nWorked with advertising, sales, and technical groups to develop brochures and\ntrade show displays.\nArranged employee travel to and from conventions and conferences.\n\nLeadership\n\nSkills\n\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\n2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nFreshman Orientation Leader\nFamiliarize students with on campus support services and facilitate tours of\nDePaul\xe2\x80\x99s Campus\nDePaul University Accounting Club, Chicago, IL\nTreasurer\n\n2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\nStudent Newspaper\nStaff Writer\n\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 2010\n\nLanguage: Conversational in Spanish\nComputer: Proficient in Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint\n6\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 2: Chronological Resume\n\nMartha Smith\n2425 N. Sheffield, Apt #602 ~ Chicago, IL 60614 ~ (773) 555 \xe2\x80\x935555\n\nObjective\n\nTo obtain an internship in marketing or communications in which I can contribute my\ninterpersonal, writing, and time management skills.\n\nEducation\n\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nBachelor of Arts in English, June 2011\nMinor in Japanese Studies\nG.P.A. 3.4/4.0\nRitsumeikan University , Kyoto, Japan\nStudy Abroad Program, Winter Quarter 2010\n\nExperience\n\nCNA Insurance Company, Chicago, IL\nJuly 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nMarketing Support Clerk\n\xef\x82\xa7 Conduct an average of 50-75 telephone interviews per week with customers from target\nmarkets.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative research data using internet databases,\nprescribed interviewing techniques, and SPSS.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Draft marketing materials to be included in new publications.\nMcDermott, Will & Emery Law Firm, Chicago, IL\nMay 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 June 2009\nReceptionist\n\xef\x82\xa7 Directed incoming calls on a 40-line switchboard.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Greeted clients and instructed them to fill out appropriate paperwork.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Organized all aspects of a luncheon for the law firm\xe2\x80\x99s attorneys and their clients.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Created and maintained an electronic filing system, enabling users to access scanned\ndocuments remotely.\nMacy\xe2\x80\x99s Department Store, Chicago, IL\nSeasonal 2007 & 2008\nSales Associate\n\xef\x82\xa7 Assisted and advised customers on purchases of various merchandise.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Dealt with customer inquiries and complaints in a polite and efficient manner.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Executed special customer orders via telephone, email, and fax.\n\nActivities\n\nDePaul Ambassador Club, Member\nStudent Advisory Board, Member\nMarketing Club member, Special Events Coordinator\nAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Member\n\nSkills\n\nProficient in Windows, Word, Excel, Outlook, and SPSS\nFunctional in PowerPoint\nFluent in verbal and written Japanese\n\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n2007 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\n7\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 3: Chronological Resume\n\nHector Gonzales\n123 Software Way\n312-555-5555\nChicago, IL 60000\\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nOBJECTIVE: To obtain a part-time or internship position in which I can contribute 1+ years of IT experience and\neducation, as well as my collaboration and communication skills.\nEDUCATION:\nBachelor of Science in Computer Science, DePaul University, Chicago, IL\nCumulative GPA: 3.0/4.0; Major GPA: 3.6/4.0\n\nExpected June 2011\n\nTECHNICAL SUMMARY:\nLanguages: C++, Visual Basic, Cobol, Java, HTML, JavaScript\nSoftware: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, Front Page\nOperating Systems: Windows, UNIX, DOS\nDatabases: Access, SQL\nCOURSE PROJECTS:\nSystem Analysis and Design\nWinter 2010\nProduction Control Project\n\xef\x82\xa7 Led a team of five students in designing, coding and implementing an SQL database.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Entered and updated information using a search engine robot.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Completed analysis and designed documentation with data flow diagrams, structure charts, process\nspecifications, data-dictionary and a user manual.\nE-Commerce\nSummer 2009\nWebsite Design Project\n\xef\x82\xa7 Designed a personal web site using HTML; viewable at\nRELATED EXPERIENCE:\nDigiworld, Chicago, IL\nMay 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nDatabase Intern\n\xef\x82\xa7 Maintain 1000 customer records in company\xe2\x80\x99s Access database.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Update website with information on new events and services utilizing Front Page.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Process online subscriptions, activating new subscriber accounts by creating usernames and passwords.\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nOctober 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 July 2008\nLab Assistant\n\xef\x82\xa7 Provided technical support to students in a lab with 150 workstations.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Performed troubleshooting and problem-solving of hardware and software issues.\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE:\nGeneral Office Company, Naperville, IL\nClerk\n\xef\x82\xa7 Coordinated scheduling of events and meetings for multiple departments.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Distributed newsletters and correspondence to constituents.\n\nAugust 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2009\n\nACTIVITIES:\n\xef\x82\xa7 Member, Computer Science Society (ACM student chapter)\n\xef\x82\xa7 Secretary, Student Government Association\n\xef\x82\xa7 Member, Golden Key Honor Society\n\nSeptember 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nDecember 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nMay 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\n8\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 4: Chronological Resume\n\nLaura Jackson\n\n_________________________________________________________________\n1005 West George, #2 Chicago, IL 60657\n\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nBachelor of Science in Marketing, June 2007\nMinor in Sociology\nG.P.A. 3.1/4.0\n\\n\n(773) 555-5555\n\nEDUCATION\n\nEXPERIENCE\nUSA Track & Field, Indianapolis, IN\nCommunication/Media Intern, Summer 2006\nCoordinated communications between USA Track and Field publications, internet production, and\ninformation distribution teams.\nContributed to writing, editing, and distribution of press releases.\nFacilitated daily press department mailings.\nGenerated database for USA Track and Field Hall of Fame grand opening.\nUpdated athletes\xe2\x80\x99 online biographies after every track meet.\nAssisted the Promotions Department by participating in on-location promotional events and\nprogramming activities.\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nNursing Learning Resource Center Assistant, August 2004 \xe2\x80\x93 January 2006\nProvided nursing students with research advice and service regarding nursing center, media library, and\nlab resources.\nAcquired and maintained knowledge of nursing curriculum, prerequisites, and other nursing-related\ncourse work in order to advise current students and promote program to prospective students.\nIssued audiovisual materials, reference books, reserve materials, and other clinical equipment.\nAnswered phones for department and directed students to appropriate resources.\nAttended to opening and closing duties, such as prepping the computer lab, preparing reserve items for\nstudents, checking messages, and locking up.\nACTIVITIES & LEADERSHIP\nAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Member, January 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nFacilitate and support fundraising efforts by marketing through emails, flyers, and social media websites\nfor philanthropic and community service efforts.\nDePaul Ambassador Club, Senior Member, September 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nProvided tours of campus to prospective students and their families.\nTrained six new ambassadors on delivering campus tours and overnight visit protocol.\nDePaul Marketing Club, Vice President, September 2005 \xe2\x80\x93 March 2007\nRecruited members and co-led club\xe2\x80\x99s annual fundraising drive.\n\n9\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 5: Chronological Resume\n\nNicole Anderson\n456 Bellfour Drive Lincolnwood, IL 60654\n(773) 555-5555\n\nSummary of Qualifications\nFour years of progressive experience in communications, media, and public relations\nGraduate level education in public relations and advertising with coursework in theory, integrated\ncampaigns, and strategic planning\nHighly motivated professional with an understanding of new media\xe2\x80\x99s role in public relations\nEducation\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nMaster of Arts in Public Relations and Advertising, December 2010\nSouth University, Kansas City, MO\nBachelor of Arts in Management, June 2007\nRelated Experience\nPublic Relations Assistant\nFox Chicago News, Chicago IL, 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 2009\nPrepared and edited press releases to promote upcoming events and convey highlights of recent\nhappenings\nCreated organizational publications for internal and external audiences, including employee newsletters\nAssisted in the planning and execution of promotional events, including a \xe2\x80\x95flash mob\xe2\x80\x96 with over 50\nparticipants\nArranged public appearances, lectures, contests, and exhibits for Fox Chicago News personalities\nSpecial Report Intern\nReal Life News, Anye, NY, 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 2008\nInvestigated and proposed opportunities to incorporate new media into organization\xe2\x80\x99s strategic\ncommunications plan\nDeveloped and marketed organization\xe2\x80\x99s Facebook Fan Page, gaining over 1,500 fans in the first six\nweeks\nCollected and analyzed data, consulted with industry experts, and provided reporters with premise and\nsources for stories consistently ahead of schedule\nAdditional Experience\nCustomer Service Associate\nMarshall and Company, Chicago, IL, 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nServe customers making various payment transactions\nProcess cash advances quickly and accurately to employees, resulting in being honored as Employee of\nthe Month three times\nBalance cash receipts of previous day and compiled daily report for the auditing department,\neliminating the need for a second shift employee, saving the company over $2000 per month\nHonors & Activities\nGolden Key Honor Society Member, 2008\nAmoco Scholarship Recipient, 2008\nMarketing Club Secretary, 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n10\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 6: Chronological Resume\n\nDouglas Noth\ (312) 555-1111\nOnline Portfolio Viewable at:\nCAREER HIGHLIGHTS\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\n2 years of experience in producing, directing, and editing videos, specifically documentaries\nCompleted the Atlantis Dual Degree Study Abroad Program in France and Sweden\nOver 8 years of experience in community service, including fundraising, event and advocacy planning\nProven skills in organizing, implementing, and working with diverse team members\n\nEDUCATION\nAtlantis Dual Degree Study Abroad Program, June 2009\nB. A. in Digital Cinema, DePaul University, Chicago, IL\nB. A. in Business Administration, Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\nDirector/Producer: Atlantis Documentary, Chicago, IL, January 2009-Present\n\xef\x82\xa7 Produce and direct a documentary on the Atlantis Study Abroad Program to promote dual degree programs\nthrough DePaul and affiliate universities abroad.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Travel to France and Sweden to coordinate and conduct interviews with University Presidents, Directors and\nstudents.\nCo-Producer/Camera Operator: Rafiki Collaborative Documentary, Kenya/ Chicago, IL, November 2008-Present\n\xef\x82\xa7 Traveled to Kenya to film a 15-minute documentary, which portrayed cultural and structural issues surrounding\nHIV and AIDS.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Developed interviewing skills by conducting 11 interviews with local community leaders.\nAssistant to Producer (Internship): Richter Studios, Chicago, IL, September 2008-Present\n\xef\x82\xa7 Assist Producer with various pre-production activities, including location scouting and shoot planning.\nCo-Director/Co-Producer: Voices Documentary, Chicago, IL, January 2009-June 2009\n\xef\x82\xa7 Commissioned by DePaul Community Service Organization to create a 20-minute documentary about social\njustice on campus to be shown to all incoming freshman and elsewhere on campus to encourage student\ninvolvement.\nFeatured Extra: Universal Studios, Chicago, IL, May 2007\n\xef\x82\xa7 Worked as a paid extra on a Dennis Quaid film, The Express, for Universal Studios.\nACADEMIC PROJECTS\nSound Director: Cheap Seats movie for Project Bluelight, Chicago, IL, August 2008\n\xef\x82\xa7 Directed sound for 30-minute short written and directed by a faculty member with a crew of 20 students.\nProducer: Ride music video, Chicago, IL, July 2007\n\xef\x82\xa7 Produced a 3-minute music video for local hip-hop artist and DJ with crew of 4 students.\nOTHER EXPERIENCE\nDePaul Community Service Association: Senior Team, Chicago, IL, August 2008-Current\nOle Lounge: Bartender/ Server, Chicago, IL, August 2008-January 2009\nDePaul University: Resident Advisor, Chicago, IL, August 2006-June 2007\nCOMMUNITY SERVICE AND HONORS\nBest Buddies E-Buddy, May 2007-July 2008\nDePaul Community Service Coordinator, April 2006-March 2007\nDePaul AIDS Project Volunteer, January 2005-2007\nSpecial Olympics Volunteer, May 2006\n\n11\n\n\x0cV. Functional & Combination Resume Samples\nSAMPLE 7: Functional Resume, Career Changer with Gap in Work History\n\nDominique Harris\n2312 N. Sheffield #306\nChicago, IL 60614\n(773) 555-5555\\n\nObjective\n\nTo obtain a management position that will allow me to utilize my proven interpersonal,\norganizational, and management skills\n\nEducation\n\nDePaul University\nBachelor of Arts in Psychology, June 2011\nMinor in Management\nGPA: 3.2/4.0\n\nHonors\n\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List, all quarters in attendance\nPsi Chi, Psychology Honors Society Member, 2009\xe2\x80\x93 present\nPsychology Club, Alumni Relations Team Leader, 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 present\nGolden Key Award Recipient, 2008\n\nChicago, IL\n\nExperience\nInterpersonal\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nFacilitated negotiation between management and employees to resolve conflicts.\nProvided effective service by listening to customers and meeting their needs efficiently.\nUtilized effective persuasive skills in retail sales to sway customers to buy certain items.\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nPlanned and organized store merchandise displays.\nDesigned and developed merchandise system for business course research project.\nRecognized by supervisors as being detail-oriented in the office setting.\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nTrained nine new employees in effective sales techniques.\nSupervised various team building activities to enhance working environment.\nServed as store supervisor in manager\xe2\x80\x99s absence.\n\nOrganizational\n\nManagement\n\nWork History\nDePaul University, Department of Psychology\nSecretary/Receptionist, 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\nChicago, IL\n\nJCPenney Company\nSales Clerk/Cashier, 1994 \xe2\x80\x93 1998\n\nNiles, IL\n\nWalgreens\nAssistant Manager, 1992 \xe2\x80\x93 1994\n\nChicago, IL\n\n12\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 8: Combination Resume, Part-Time or Internship Position\n\nAdita Patel\n1235 Turn Arial, Niles, IL 12345\n(123) 456-7890\\nObjective\nTo secure a part-time or internship position in the area of financial services in order to contribute my skills in\nanalysis, customer service, and communication.\nCareer Skills\nSupervised a team of three part-time employees in processing and auditing customers\xe2\x80\x99 special orders on a\nregular basis.\nPrepared and distributed online financial weekly reports.\nProven ability to work with diverse groups of staff and management.\nEducation\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nExpected Graduation \xe2\x80\x93 June 2012\nBachelor of Science \xe2\x80\x93 Finance\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List \xe2\x80\x93 all quarters in attendance\nRelevant Course Work\nFinancial Accounting\nFinancial Management\n\nBusiness Law\nBusiness Statistic\n\nMoney and Banking\nCapital Growth\n\nWork Experience\nWarrenburg Furniture, Chicago, IL\nClient Service Agent\nApril 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 December 2010\nOversaw the accounts receivable department for a small upscale local furniture manufacturer.\nLincoln Bank & Loan, Niles, IL\nFinancial Services Agent\nJanuary 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 March 2008\nServiced loan clients in transactions for loan applications and personal savings accounts.\nProfessional Development\nDePaul University Mentor Program, Member, 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nAssist new College of Commerce students by providing information on university resources, study-related\nissues, academic planning, and social events.\nDePaul University Finance Club, Emerging Leaders Event Committee Chairperson, 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n13\n\n\x0cVI. Additional Career Center Resume Resources\n\nThe Career Center offers several options for getting help in creating and perfecting your resume.\nTake advantage of one or more of the following services available to students and alumni:\n\xef\x81\xb6 Peer Career Advising: Peer Career Advisors have been specially trained to provide resume\n\nassistance and basic career services to the DePaul community. Peers are available on a walk-in\nbasis during most business hours or via email at for questions,\njob search advice, resume assistance, and cover letter critiques.\n\n\xef\x81\xb6 Online Tutorial and Resources: Visit the Career Center\xe2\x80\x99s website at\n\ to access an interactive resume tutorial, Instant Message a Peer\nCareer Advisor, or access this packet and other documents electronically.\n\n\xef\x81\xb6 Career Advising: Career Advisors, who specialize in serving the needs of students and\n\nalumni from each of DePaul\xe2\x80\x99s colleges, are available to meet by appointment. Advising\nsessions can cover a variety of topics, including selecting a major, advanced resume\ndevelopment, job search strategies, interviewing skills, and other career-related concerns.\nContact the Career Center to schedule an appointment with a Career Advisor or inquire about\nPeer Career Advisor Availability.\n\nDePaul University Career Center\nContact Information\nLincoln Park Campus\n2320 N Kenmore Ave, SAC 192\nChicago IL, 60614\n(773)-325-7431\n\nLoop Campus\n1 E. Jackson Blvd, Suite 9500\nChicago IL, 60604\n(312)-362-8437\n\n14' |
366 | Education | b"PERRY JAMESON\n1515 Stanley Drive #62\nHometown, KS 66202\\n(913) 555-1938\nRESUME PROFILE\nOutstanding student with experience in print and online journalism seeks a position working with a communications,\npublic relations, or publishing firm where I can use my writing, editing, and organizational skills.\nEDUCATION\nThe University of Missouri at Kansas City\nB.A. Communication Studies with a concentration in Corporate Communications with a minor in Sociology\nEXPERIENCE\nNewspaper Staff Member, The Daily\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAug 2012 - present. Features editor of campus newspaper, responsible for award-winning design.\nAug 2009 - Aug 2011. Researched information for news articles using library and Web sources. Composed\nand edited informational articles, columns, editorials, and advertising copy.\n\nStaff Member, 91.7 KVRX, UMKC's College Radio Station\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAug 2011 - Aug 2012. Assistant Program Manager. Developed radio playlists and implemented special\nradio promotions.\nAug 2010 - Aug 2011. DJ. Hosted a weekly radio show and assisted with radio station promotions.\n\nRELEVANT COLLEGE STUDIES AND SKILLS\nTechnical writing; advanced composition; debate; video production; public relations; marketing; computer classes\nproviding knowledge of word processing, desktop publishing, and Web software.\nHONORS, AWARDS, AND MEMBERSHIPS\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nU.S. Media Association Scholarship recipient\nScholarship based on academic achievement, community service, and campus participation and leadership\nin college projects and studies.\n2012 Best College Newspaper Design winner\nMissouri Journalism Education Association Contest\nPresident of college chapter of Future Communicators of America (FCA), 2011 - 2012\nMember, 2011 - present.\nTreasurer of Student Debate Team, 2011 - 2012" |
367 | Education | b'Sample Resume \xe2\x80\x93 Education\nDO NOT COPY: You are advised not to\ncopy this sample, but to use it to generate\nideas to create your own resume.\n\nJoanne Smith\n\n790 Brown St\nTraralgon VIC 3844\n\nPh: 03 51 7777 (H)\nPh: 0220202020 (M)\nemail:\n\nEDUCATION\n2013\xe2\x80\x90current\n\n2011\n2010\n2000\n\nBachelor of Education (Honours): Monash University\nMajors: Primary Education and Psychology / Welfare\nAchieved Distinction average\nIntegration Aide \xe2\x80\x93 Level 1: Scope (Vic) Ltd\nAssociate Diploma in Welfare Studies: Monash University\nVictorian Certificate of Education: John Paul College\n\nACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS and AWARDS\n2015\n2014\n\nMember Monash Golden Key International Honour Society, offered to the top 15% of\nMonash University academic achievers\nAwarded Monash University Education Faculty Scholarship for outstanding academic success\n\nPRACTICAL TEACHING PLACEMENTS\n2015\n2014\n2013\n2012\n\nPrinceton Primary School (Internship 40 days) Grade 2-3\nSherwood Primary School (15 days) Grade 5-6\nKings Primary School (15 days) Grade 3-4\nMeadowfield Primary School (10 days) Grade 1-2\n\nPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT\n2015\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDelivered Understanding Giftedness workshop to colleagues: Princeton Primary School\nObservation: Collingwood Gardens Stephanie Alexander Kitchen\nProblem Based Learning PD: Catholic Regional Office\nVictorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) Assessment and Reporting: Monash University\nPrinciples of Learning Standards (PoLTS): Monash University\nDiabetes and EpiPen PD: Princeton Primary School\nHealthy Eating PD Go For Your Life: Princeton Primary School\n\\n\n\x0c2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Integration Support Literacy and Numeracy - Module 4 and 5: Bilcott Educational Services\n\xef\x82\xb7 Gifted Education Differentiated Programs: Gifted Education Research, Resource and\nInformation Centre (GERRIC)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Understanding Culturally Diverse Learning: The Education Alliance\n2013\n\xef\x82\xb7 Social Values and Family Issues: Depart of Education and Workplace Relations\n2012\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nYou Can Do It PD: Meadowfield Primary School\nICT In\xe2\x80\x90services: Monash University\nA Framework for Understanding Poverty: Social Solutions\nSociology of Children: Monash University short course\nSociology of the Family: Monash University short course\nBehavioural Challenges and Special Needs: About.Com \xe2\x80\x93 Special Needs Childre\n\nEMPLOYMENT\n2010\xe2\x80\x90current\n\nTutor: Self Employed\nTutored primary and secondary children in:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Math: covering key skills areas from basic levels with numbers at primary level to\nsecondary in such skills as fractions, statistics, ratios, algebra and calculus\n\xef\x82\xb7 English: language development and literacy\nLiaised with parents and schools regarding students\xe2\x80\x99 needs and developing individualised\nprograms basing the outcomes according to VELS\n\n2012\n\nVolunteer: Jellop Primary School\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted four children with literacy skills, particularly in regards to spelling and phonics\n\n2009\xe2\x80\x902011\n\nTeacher Assistant and Integration Aide: Smithville Primary School\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supported a group of four children with ADHD (an area of particular interest)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Aided a child with Asperger\xe2\x80\x99s syndrome to develop language skills, vocabulary and ability\nto express himself emotionally\n\n2005\xe2\x80\x902008\n\nRaised a family while working casually in retail\n\n2001\xe2\x80\x902002\n\nFull\xe2\x80\x90time Instructor: Silver Adult Training Centre, Johnsonville\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed and implemented programs and action plans,\n\xef\x82\xb7 Met with parents, carers, staff and specialised professional bodies at centre and home\nvisits\n\xef\x82\xb7 Liaised with families regarding truancy\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed and implemented individualised programs and general service plans covering:\nindependent living skills, literacy, numeracy, finance, hygiene, art and sport. Plans\ndemonstrating in\xe2\x80\x90depth knowledge of both physical and intellectual disabilities\n\nJoanne Smith\nemail:\n\\\n+61 3 9905 4170\\n\n\x0cREFEREES\nJane Smith\nPrincipal\nPrinceton Primary School\nEmail:\nPh: 03 9509 5555 (Bus), 9509 5555 (H)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Able to speak of my dedication in working with children with challenging behaviours,\nprofessionalism plus record keeping and research abilities\nSue Green\nInternship Mentor\nPrinceton Primary School\nEmail:\nPh: 9905 3545 (Bus), 9905 6525 (H)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Able to comment on my commitment and ability as a teacher, capacity to relate to staff\nand students plus positive, professional and enthusiastic nature\nDr. Margaret Plunkett\nLecturer and Internship coordinator\nMonash University, Gippsland Campus, Faculty of Education\nEmail:\nPh: 03 5122 6980 (Bus)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Able to provide information relating to my passion for learning, willingness to be a\nreflective practitioner, dedication and enthusiasm for developing effective curriculum and\nability to be a team player\n\nJoanne Smith\nemail:\n\\\n+61 3 9905 4170\' |
368 | Education | b'OBJECTIVE\nTeaching position in elementary education in the Baltimore area.\n\nSUMMARY\n\n\xef\x82\xb7 Teacher certification for Elementary Education\n\xef\x82\xb7 Magna Cum Laude graduate with BA in Elementary Education\n\xef\x82\xb7 Completed Student Teaching with Baltimore Public School System\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Arts in Elementary Education, May 2017\nIllinois State University, Normal, Illinois\nGraduated Magna Cum Laude with a GPA of 3.6 on a 4.0 scale\nCourses included:\nStudent Teaching Practicum\nEarly Childhood Education\nElementary Computer Literacy\nThe Multicultural Classroom\n\nPsychology of Early Childhood\nParent and Community Relations\nDiscipline and Classroom Management\nMultiethnic Teaching Techniques\n\nEXPERIENCE\nStudent Teaching, August 2016-December 2016\nBaltimore Public School System, Baltimore, Maryland\n\xef\x82\xb7 Served as Teacher Assistant for Grades 2 and 3 at Rockport Elementary School\n\xef\x82\xb7 Co-taught the Language Arts classes for Grade 2\n\xef\x82\xb7 Awarded \xe2\x80\x9cStudent Teacher of the Year Award\xe2\x80\x9d for 2007\nTutor, August 2015-August 2016\nCenter for Teacher Education, Normal, Illinois\n\xef\x82\xb7 Worked in partnership with area elementary schools to provide tutoring to special needs students on an asneeded basis\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provided written feedback to teachers and parents on progress of students\n\nACTIVITIES\n\n\xef\x82\xb7 Student Exchange Program, Edinburgh University, Scotland, 2014-2015\n\xef\x82\xb7 Dorm Resident Assistant, 2015-2017\n\xc2\xa9' |
369 | Education | b'JOB SEEKER\n128 Pleasant Street\nMinneapolis, MN 55416\n\nePortfolio:\n\\n(612)625-4346\n\nMINNESOTA STATE TEACHING LICENSES\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nPhysical Education, K-12\nSpecial Education: Developmental Adapted Physical, Pre K - grade 12\n\nAugust 2011\nAugust 2011\n\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Minnesota, School of Kinesiology\nMasters of Education, Physical Education\nBachelor of Science, Kinesiology Exercise Science\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Minor: Youth Studies\nCPR Certification \xe2\x80\x93 Children and Adults\nAwards and Honors\n\xe2\x80\xa2 National Association for Sport & Physical Education Student of the Year\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Women\xe2\x80\x99s Physical Education Alumnae Association Scholarship\n\nTwin Cities Campus\nAnticipated May, 2013\nMay, 2010\n2010 - Present\n2010\n2009\n\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nth\n\n9 Grade Physical Education and Health Student Teacher\nMinneapolis, MN\nLane High School\nJanuary \xe2\x80\x93 May 2011\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Lead a unit on sexual health and reproduction from which 90% of students met learning\nobjectives at or above 85% as assessed by an objective, multiple choice, True/False and short\nessay exam adapted from district curriculum\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught students how to work with others through team building activities such as the human knot,\nrelays, and the action name game\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Prepared and taught a lesson on badminton from which, based on a formal assessment, 100% of\nstudents learned the rules, shots, and stance\nK-5 Physical Education\nMinneapolis, MN\nKenny Elementary School\nSeptember \xe2\x80\x93 December 2010\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organized age appropriate sporting events, such as basketball, wiffleball, baseball, T-ball, and\nkickball, focusing on students\xe2\x80\x99 learning of strategy, teamwork, and cooperation\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Ensured safety of children, utilizing cones, providing water breaks, equipment inspections, and\nclose supervision of class\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Discussed the dangers of violence, peer pressure, and the importance of health and hygiene\nCOACHING EXPERIENCE\nGirls\xe2\x80\x99 High School Soccer Coach, Sunnybrook Charter School, Fridley, MN\nGirls\xe2\x80\x99 Junior High Volleyball Coach, Sunnybrook Charter School, Fridley, MN\nGirls\xe2\x80\x99 Ages 8-10 Soccer Coach, Minneapolis Youth Soccer\nGirls\xe2\x80\x99 Ages 6-8 Assistant Soccer Coach, Minneapolis Youth Soccer\n\n2008-2009\n2007-2009\n2004-2007\n2003\n\n\x0cJOB SEEKER, page 2\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\nAfter School Activities Assistant\nSpring Lake Park, MN\nSpring Lake Park Elementary School\nAugust 2008 - June 2009\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Prepared classes in beading and instructed groups of 10-12 students in designing and making\njewelry, encouraging creativity and originality\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervised children, ages 6-12, and provided structured games and activities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Encouraged full participation in games and instructed students in rules and techniques\nIntern\nBoundary Waters, MN\nOutward Bound Wilderness \xe2\x80\x93 Dogsled and Ski Adventure\nWinter Break (4 weeks), 2008\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Instructed teenagers and adults, in small groups of ten, in preparing sleds, dogs, and equipment\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Taught cross country ski technique and strategies for keeping stamina in long distance trips\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted Leader in group processes and activities and in team building\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Counseled individuals having difficulty with the adventure and assisted them in overcoming fears\nParticipant\nDecember (15 days), 2007\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Attended and participated in Outward Bound Winter Adventure with family members\nCamp Counselor/Activities Coordinator\nBemidji, MN\nCamp Sunshine\nSummer, 2007\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided instruction on activities such as rowing, sailing, volleyball, kickball, and other outdoor\ngames to children ages 10-15\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created lesson plans and coordinated scheduling of activities so all kids could participate\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Recognized by supervisors for providing activities that kept campers interested and engaged\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Sought out by campers for extra lessons in sailing\nVOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE\nMember\nUniversity of Minnesota\nAdaptive Sports Club, Department of Recreational Sports\n2010-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Promoted and facilitated the involvement of University students and staff with disabilities in sport\nclubs, intramural sports, outdoor recreation, aquatic activities, and other program offerings\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organized adaptive recreation, exercise, and sport activities for students and staff, including\nwater aerobics and wheelchair basketball games\nVolunteer Big Sister\nMinneapolis, MN\nBig Brothers/Big Sisters\n2010-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provide ongoing support and mentoring to a now twelve year old girl from a single parent\nhousehold on welfare assistance due to parental mental illness\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Volunteered as a big sister for two other girls who have since moved out of state\nVolunteer\nSpecial Olympics\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Officiated volleyball games and recruited day-of-event volunteers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Helped with day-of-event organization and information for participants\n\nMinneapolis, MN\n2009' |
370 | Education | b'Education Resume Example - Principal\n\nSUSAN WARD\n415 Northgate Drive\nMilton, Nebraska 69xxx\n(555) 999-xxxx\ne-mail:\nEducation\nMaster of Education in Education Administration\nEndorsements: Middle Level Principal, 7-12 Secondary\nUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln\n\nMay, 19xx\n\nBachelor of Science in Education\nEndorsements: 7-12 English\nUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln\n\nMay, 19xx\n\nCertificate Held: xxxxx\nEducational Experience\nAssistant Building Principal, Milton Middle School, Milton, Nebraska, 19xx-20xx\nDirect responsibility for grade reporting and attendance\nResponsible for student disciplinary procedures, including parental conferences\nObserved classroom teachers on regular basis\nMiddle School English Teacher, Milton Middle School, Milton, Nebraska, 19xx-19xx\nTaught English 7 and 8\nSponsored Creative Writing Club\nCo-coordinated Fine Arts Night for Milton Middle School\nHigh School English Teacher, Juno High School, Juno, Nebraska, 19xx-19xx\nTaught English 10, 11 and 12\nDirected Junior-Senior Class Play\nSponsored school newspaper\nSponsored school yearbook\nAdministrative Skills and Experience\nLeadership\n\xc2\xb7 Researched and developed a plan for implementation of an Adviser/Advisee\nprogram for Milton Middle School\n\xc2\xb7 Collaborated and implemented a reporting system for mid-term assessments\nadopted by Milton Middle School\n\xc2\xb7 Served as Team Leader for Milton Education Association Negotiations team\n\xc2\xb7 Collaborated and conducted events to raise scholarship money\nComputer/Technology\n\xc2\xb7 Spearheaded drive to update computers in district\n\xc2\xb7 Set up Homework Online program for Milton Middle School\n\xc2\xb7 Attended 11 technology workshops regarding Education Technology\n\xc2\xb7 Became proficient in Internet, Fetch, Persuasion, Pagemaker, Clarisworks,\nQuickTake, and Power Point\nCommunication\n\xc2\xb7 Wrote Option II Paper on \xe2\x80\x9cReporting Progress of Middle Level Students\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xc2\xb7 Addressed Middle Level Academy on Reporting and Recording Student Progress\n\xc2\xb7 Addressed various large and small community organizations about the significance\nof the middle school bond issue\n\xc2\xb7 Created brochure for middle school bond issue\n\xc2\xb7 Created brochure for Milton Public Schools Human Resources Division\nProfessional Affiliations\nNational Association of Middle School Principals\nAssociation for Supervision and Curriculum Development\nNebraska Women in Educational Leadership\nSpecial Recognition\nGraduate Research Award, Teachers College, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 19xx\nOutstanding Teacher of the Year, Milton Middle School, 19xx-19xx\nOutstanding First Year Teacher, Juno High School, 19xx-19xx\nAlpha Delta Kappa Scholarship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 19xx, 19xx' |
371 | Education | b'Sample Cover Letter\nJuly 1, 2008\n\nLaura Longoria\nDirector of Athletics\nSt. Andrew\xe2\x80\x99s Episcopal School\nAustin, Texas 78749\n\nDear Ms. Longoria,\nMy name is Tina Boutelle and I am very interested in your opening for a Physical Education\nInstructor and head girls\xe2\x80\x99 softball coach for the 2008-2009 school year. I learned about this\nopportunity after reading the job posting on the UT Kinesiology Career Services website. I am\ncurrently in the process of attaining my alternative certification with \xe2\x80\x9cI Teach Texas\xe2\x80\x9d while\nworking full time at the University of Texas at Austin. I have included my resume and reference\nlist for your review.\nI decided to go into the field of physical education because I want to make a difference in the\nlives of students as an educator and a role model. Being a former D-1 softball player at UT, I\nhave high-level sport experience, skills and passion for sports and physical activity. I believe\nthat I am well prepared to begin my career in teaching in numerous ways. As the head coach of\na 16-and-under girls\xe2\x80\x99 softball team in Austin, I learned how to communication effectively with\ndiverse personalities of players, parents, and tournament organizers. In addition, I have\nsharpened my organizational skills with practice preparation, planning travel details for softball\ntournaments and lessons. I have experience writing lesson plans as a student at UT, majoring in\nAll Level Teacher Certification. I am confident and comfortable coaching a team or leading a\nclass of 30 and I believe that I am able to engage and encourage the students to learn and\nimprove their skills and their knowledge.\nAttached you will find my resume, which highlights the important roles that sport, physical\nactivity and working with children have played in my life. Please review my information and do\nnot hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need additional information about my\nqualifications and experiences. Thank you for your time and consideration.\n\nSincerely,\n\nTina Boutelle\nTina Boutelle\n\nEnclosures:\n\nResume\nReference List' |
372 | Education | b'Brian Luikart\n\nTRAINING MANAGER\n\n1692 River Street\nAberdeen, MO 39730\n662.860.7635\\n\nHigh-performing senior-level, training professional\neager to provide leadership and deliver results\n\nPROFESSIONAL PROFILE\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nVersatile, innovative manager with\nstrengths in training, staffing,\ncoaching, and career development.\nAward-winning public speaker\nrecognized for presenting complex\ntopics with clarity, creativity, and\nenthusiasm.\nHigh-energy trainer and creative\nfacilitator, skilled in guiding learners\nthrough engaging, breakthrough\nlearning opportunities.\nStrategic team leader with extensive\ntrack record motivating diverse teams\nand building successful client\nrelationships.\n\nPERFORMANCE AT\nMYERS BRIGGS TYPE CONSULTING\n\xe2\x80\x9cI have had the pleasure of knowing\nBrian for over 10 years as a colleague and\nas a service provider. He is intelligent,\nlikable and very quickly earns the respect\nof those he works with. Brian sincerely\ncares about people, and it shows in his\npersonal and professional relationships. I\ncontinue to utilize his career assessment\nexpertise with my clients who are in\ncareer transition.\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x93 Principal/Owner,\nMyers Briggs Type Consulting\n\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nOwner/Trainer/Consultant, M yers Briggs Type Consulting\n(, Aberdeen, MO, 1994 to Present (part-time when\nconcurrent with other positions)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Train and facilitate wide variety of workshops, including:\no MBTI personality type workshops for Merrill Lynch, ACC,\nRE/MAX, Vignette, and St. Joseph\xe2\x80\x99s University.\no Technical product sales training for Cingular/AT&T.\no Team building through experiential activities for Dell, Texas\nInstruments, and Applied Materials.\no Creative problem-solving and test-taking skills for SureScore\nand Kaplan Test Prep.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Coach individual clients through career transitions, using\npersonality assessments and creative exercises.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Teach New Paths: 10 Steps to Your Ideal Job through The University\nof Missouri\xe2\x80\x99s Informal Classes program.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed e-learning development strategic plan for Beijing\nElectron.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Co-authored study on \xe2\x80\x9cIntensified Learning Situations\xe2\x80\x9d published\nby Penguin Press.\n\nDirector \xe2\x80\x93 Corporate Training Practice, E-Business Learning\nSystems, Gattman, MO, May 2005 to Nov. 2006\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Built corporate practice essentially from scratch, doubling\nrevenue in first year \xe2\x80\x93 from $60K/month to $140K+/month in\naverage billable revenues by growing relationship with Dell, and\nestablishing new relationships with Motion Computing, Centex\nHomes, Whole Foods, Hilton, and Texas Instruments.\nPERFORMANCE AT\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nDeveloped corporate side that generated most of company\xe2\x80\x99s\nE-BUSINESS LEARNING SYSTEMS\nrevenue.\n\xe2\x80\x9cBrian did an exceptional job of\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Built and motivated strong, cohesive team of motivated,\nmanaging expectations and ensuring the\nproductive, and highly creative people, keeping them focused on\ndelivery of a quality product above and\nbeyond our expectations\xe2\x80\xa6 He was\nproject goals while maintaining an open creative environment.\nalways ready with creative suggestions\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Managed multiple teams of loyal, dedicated project managers,\nand solutions and was an absolute delight\ninstructional designers, visual designers, course developers, and\nto work with. Brian was instrumental to\nengineers, to create more than 50 e-learning courses for diverse\nmaking Fusion a long-term provider of\ncorporate clients.\nour eLearning solutions\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nLed development of E-Business\xe2\x80\x99 proprietary ABUCO course\xe2\x80\x93 Manager,\ncreation engine, which uses a template-based approach to\nClifford Homes\nseparate content from technology, enabling quick, easy,\neconomical development of richly interactive courses, thus\nreducing development time and costs.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created atmosphere of open communication and trust.\n\nCREATIVE \xe2\x80\xa2 ENTHUSIASTIC \xe2\x80\xa2 EMPOWERING\n\n\x0cB. Luikart \xe2\x80\xa2 Page Two\n\nPERFORMANCE AT\nGENERATIVE BUSINESS SOFTWARE\n\xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x99ve worked with Brian several times\nover the last decade or two, and I look\nforward to doing so again. Brian is a man\nof talent, action and deep convictions,\nwhich add up nicely in a way that gets a\njob done well, efficiently and artistically\n\xe2\x80\xa6 He has the ability to inspire and\ninstigate when things are going slowly\nand to get the heck out of the way when\nthings are going well. It\xe2\x80\x99s been a lot of\nyears, and I have yet to meet anybody\nwho has a bad thing to say about him.\nThose who know him respect him and\nwould work with him again in a\nheartbeat.\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x93 Audio Producer\nPERFORMANCE AT\nMANAGING PEOPLE\n\xe2\x80\x9cBrian came to Managing People during\na critical time and proved to be an\noutstanding consultant. He handled one\ncustomer account exclusively and was not\nonly attentive to each of the clients, but\nhelped each determine next steps in their\ncareer providing excellent guidance and\ncareer advice. Brian is very bright,\ncreative and works extremely well with\nteams. He continued to serve as a senior\nconsultant for Managing People at one of\nthe Managing People Career Centers and\nagain received outstanding evaluations\nfrom clients. I recommend Brian without\nhesitation.\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x93 Managing Consultant\nPERFORMANCE AT BLASIL SYSTEMS\n\xe2\x80\x9cBrian was great at creating the venues\nand events that attracted top talent to\nBlasil. I personally valued his clear\nassessments of employees to find the best\nway to mentor them. His connections\nwith both people management and\ntechnology made him very valuable to me\nand to the company.\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x93 colleague at Blasil\n\nProducer, Generative Business Software, Monroe, MO, 2004\n\xe2\x80\xa2 For Santa Cruz-based game developer and publisher, managed\nteam of 12 developers on Islen Empires, a massive multiplayer\nonline game that enables thousands of simultaneous players to\ninteract in a dynamically changing simulated fantasy world.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Generated unique ways to motivate and recognize team members,\nas well as keep team focused and on track to meet project goals.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Cited as \xe2\x80\x9cbest producer\xe2\x80\x9d by Director of Development, who said,\n\xe2\x80\x9cHe always manages to strike a comfortable balance between\nencouraging and facilitating creative people like me and looking\nout for the needs of the company.\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Maintained high customer satisfaction in online player community\nby managing community relationships and posting updates and\nannouncements about the project and its upcoming releases.\nCareer Consultant, M anaging People, Becker, MO, 2001 to 2004\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Delivered up to 10 workshops monthly in various aspects of\ncareer development for worldwide HR consulting company\nspecializing in career transition; provided technical training in\nproprietary Internet-based search tools; developed five new\nworkshops.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Personally coached hundreds of diverse clients outplaced from\nsuch companies as IBM, Dell, Apple, Motorola, Broadwing, and\nApplied Materials, reducing job-search time and increasing career\nsatisfaction.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supported more than 50 remote clients, using Internet-based\nfacilitation tools and telephone coaching.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 While providing high-quality personal coaching, particularly\nfocused on needs of people making major midlife changes in their\ncareer directions.\nManager of Worldwide Staffing and HR Operations, Blasil\nSystems, Aberdeen, MO, 2000 to 2001\nManager of University Relations, Blasil Systems, Aberdeen, MO,\n1999 to 2001\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Deployed exceptional initiative to establish from scratch college\nrecruiting program for this Compaq software company,\nleveraging Compaq\xe2\x80\x99s existing resources while maintaining an\nindependent Blasil identity.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Identified, hired, and motivated top talent in the form of 152 new\ngraduates from 20+ universities in first year.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Managed team of 10 recruiters and HR professionals; integrated\nBlasil\xe2\x80\x99s HR operations with Compaq\xe2\x80\x99s, improving efficiency;\ncoordinated redeployment and outplacement for more than 250\ndownsized employees.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Directed Blasil Center of Excellence in Systems Management, a\n$6.5M relationship with The University of Missouri, including\nresearch funding, scholarships, internships, teaching grants, and\nsoftware donations.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Dramatically increased Blasil\xe2\x80\x99s local visibility through company\xe2\x80\x99s\nbecoming Official Software Sponsor of UM Athletics.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Played key role in positioning Blasil as world-class employer, one\nof Columbia\xe2\x80\x99s most recognized and sought after.\n\nCREATIVE \xe2\x80\xa2 ENTHUSIASTIC \xe2\x80\xa2 EMPOWERING\n\n\x0cB. Luikart \xe2\x80\xa2 Page Three\n\nPERFORMANCE AT UM\nFORMER STUDENTS\xe2\x80\x99 ASSOCIATION\n\xe2\x80\x9cThe Former Students\xe2\x80\x99 Association was\nso fortunate to have Brian to create from\nthe ground floor a career services\nprogram for alumni\xe2\x80\xa6 He immediately\ngained credibility and respect from\ncolleagues across the campus, and we\nconstantly received profuse praise from\nalumni about his valuable services and\nprofessional delivery. The systems,\ndirection, and goals that Brian created for\nthe office are still in place; we have been\nable to build an outstanding program\nbased on his groundwork. Brian has a\nstrong ability to grasp the big picture of\nan organization and the appropriate sense\nof his place in it. He gives thoughtful\ninput to creative change, and\ndemonstrates a quiet leadership that\nquickly gains respect.\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x93 Associate Executive Director, UM\nFormer Students\xe2\x80\x99 Association\nEDUCATION\nMaster of Arts in Human Services, St.\nJoseph\xe2\x80\x99s University, Philadelphia, PA\n\xe2\x80\x93 Completed in two years with 4.0 GPA,\nwhile working full-time to support\nfamily.\n\xe2\x80\x93 Concentration in Social/Psychological\nServices including Organizational\nBehavior, Conflict Resolution,\nCounseling, Assessment, Leadership,\nSpecial Populations, Career\nDevelopment, and HR Law.\nBachelor of Science in Computer\nScience, Pace University, New York, NY\nHuman Resource Development\nInstructor Certification, The University\nof Missouri, Columbia, MS, 1997\n\nDirector of Career Services, The University of M issouri Former\nStudents\xe2\x80\x99 A ssociation, Columbia, MS, 1996 to 1999\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Founded one of the country\xe2\x80\x99s first alumni career services,\nproviding more than 67,000 members with:\no Personality and interest assessments (MBTI, True\nColors), and individual career consulting.\no Monthly career workshops in Columbia, Aberdeen,\nLincoln, Carroll, and Clinton.\no Resource library, resume database service, and job-listings\nweb site.\no The Missouri Manage Career Network of 500+\nworldwide alumni advisors.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Established Columbia Campus Career Council, increasing\ncooperation and communication among more than a dozen\nuniversity career services.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organized UM\xe2\x80\x99s first Real World 101 conference.\nDirector of Business Services, Career Connoisseurs, Columbia,\nMS, 1995 to 1996\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Trained groups and coached individuals in career development,\nskill identification, resume writing, job-search strategies, and\ninterviewing skills.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed and implemented Career Exploration Program and\nCareer Direction Program, combining assessment, career\ncounseling, and search-skills training.\n\nAFFILIATIONS AND ACTIVITIES\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nTOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL: Member, Frontier and Arthur\nStorer clubs, 1992 to Present\no Won 20+ awards, including 2002 Best Humorous Speech\ncontest for Missouri district.\no Elected President for two years of Frontier club, and one year\nof Arthur Storer club.\nAMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT, Lincoln\nchapter, 1992 to Present\no Served as 2005 VP of Programs, recruiting broad variety of\nspeakers for monthly meetings.\n\nMyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)\nQualification, Type Resources, Inc.,\nAustin, TX, 1994\n\nAREAS OF EXPERTISE\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nTraining and Development\nCoaching and Consulting\nSimulation and Game Design\nSales and Marketing\nCareer Development\nHuman Resources and Staffing\nTeam Leadership\nRelationship Building\nAssessments (MBTI, True Colors)\n\nCREATIVE \xe2\x80\xa2 ENTHUSIASTIC \xe2\x80\xa2 EMPOWERING' |
373 | Advocate | b'Logan Smith\n4354 Linda Vista Cir., Miami, FL\nPhone: 850-555-3498 Email:\n\nObjectives\nTo become an active member of a leading corporate law firm; to represent private and public\ncorporations, specifically in corporate finance.\n\nExperience\n2012-2014\nGunster Law Firm\nParalegal\n\xef\x82\xb7Assisted in representing clients with private start-ups and clients with multipart, public\ntransactions\n\xef\x82\xb7Prepared files to comply with local and statewide business regulations\n\xef\x82\xb7Worked with amendments and withdrawals for prominent corporations\n\xef\x82\xb7Assisted in closing transactions that included mergers and acquisitions\n\xef\x82\xb7Filed SECs, UCCs, and SS-4 forms with the Internal Revenue Service\n\xef\x82\xb7Counseled clients through private equity investments and initial and secondary public\nofferings\n2011-2013\nThe Business Law Society, FIU\nActive Board Member\n\xef\x82\xb7Organized interactive group events with the goal of informing students of the myriad areas\nof business law\n\xef\x82\xb7Facilitated discussion amongst peers pertaining to current developments in business law\nand how to be an ideal candidate for competitive law schools\n\n\xef\x82\xb7Created one-on-one mock meetings where students practiced discussing transactions they\nwould encounter in real life settings\n\nEducation\nFlorida International University College of Law, Miami, Florida\nBusiness Law, Juris Doctor, 2014\nGPA 3.7\nFlorida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida\n\n\x0cAccounting, 2011\nHonors: Magna Cum Laude, completed honors thesis\n\nBar Admission\n2014 State of Florida\n\nSkills\n\xef\x82\xb7Knowledge of Microsoft Office, Access, Excel, PowerPoint\n\xef\x82\xb7Data analytics software that includes SPSS and SAS\n\xef\x82\xb7Versed in extensive mathematical skills that include the areas of statistics and calculus\n\xef\x82\xb7Accounting software: Quicken and Peachtree\n\xef\x82\xb7Financial management software: Hyperion and Quantrix' |
374 | Advocate | b'Peperfeld 55\nD-30457 Hannover\nTel. : +49 511 26 222 26\nFax : +49 511 26 222 27\nMobile: +49 151 12707912\n\ne-mail:\nwww:\n\nCURRICULUM VITAE\nName:\nBirth:\nNationality:\nPersonal Status:\n\n1.\n\nSaleh Majid\nIraq, 02.05.1938\nGerman\nMarried, two children\n\nEducation and Professional Qualification:\n\n1956 - 60\n\nB.A. Degree in Law with Distinction, Baghdad University,\nBaghdad, Iraq, awarded in June 1960.\n\n1961\n\nCertificate in English and Comparative Law with Distinction,\nThe City of London College, London, England,\nawarded in August 1961.\n\n1960 - 63\n\nPostgraduate Academic Diploma in Law, University of\nLondon, England, awarded in October 1963.\n\n1963 - 65\n\nDiploma in International and Comparative Air Law,\nLondon Institute of World Affairs, awarded in August 1965.\n\n1967 - 70\n\nResearcher as a Ph.D. student in International Law,\nUniversity of Durham, England.\n\nSince 1960\n\nMember of the Iraqi Bar Association.\n\nSince 1989\n\nQualified and registered in Germany as Legal Advisor/Rechtsbeistand\nin Business Laws of Arab Countries and in Islamic Law.\n\nSince 1989\n\nAdmitted as an arbitrator by the Euro Arab Arbitration System.\n\nSince 1998\n\nRegistered at the Law Society (London) as Middle East Legal\nConsultant.\n\nSince 2001\n\nAdmitted as a full member (MCI Arb) of the Chartered Institute of\nArbitrators, London.\n\n1/4\n\n\x0c2.\n\nLegal Practice:\nAs it can be seen from the following, I have about 50 years of experience as\nLegal Advisor and Attorney at Law in the field of Iraqi and Middle Eastern\nbusiness laws including company laws, telecom laws, construction contracts\nand related claims as well as litigations, arbitration and tendering. Presently, I\npractise as a legal consultant in the above mentioned field in association with\na\ngroup\nof\ninternational\nlawyers\n(please\nsee\nmy\nwebsite:\\n2.1 In Iraq:\nI was for more than 10 years Legal Advisor and Attorney at Law for Iraqi\nMinistries and government organisations, as well as practicing before Iraqi\ncourts.\n2.2 In Europe:\na) I have been licensed as Middle East Consultant in Germany and\nEngland, and have given legal advice and expert opinion to European\nand American law firms, companies and courts and arbitration tribunals\non legal questions concerning Iraqi and Arab laws, including claims\narising from contractual liability and unlawful acts.\nb) I have advised the UN Compensation Commission on issues related to\nthe liability of Iraq for loss and damages resulting from Iraq\xe2\x80\x99s invasion\nof Kuwait.\nc) I have presented foreign creditors including Hyundai in debt collection\nproceedings in Iraq.\nd) I have advised a major telecommunication company in the Middle East\non due diligence and acquisition of another Middle East\ntelecommunication company.\ne) I have also advised law firms in London and submitted expert opinion\non a billion dollar claim regarding the liability of the Iraqi State for the\ndebts of its public entities.\nf)\n\nRecently, I have advised a law firm in London and submitted expert\nopinion in respect of claims filed by Iraqi victims of unlawful arrest and\ntorture against the UK Ministry of Defence involving questions of\ntortious liability and limitation period.\n\ng) I am also engaged as an arbitrator on claims related to shipping and\ndemurrage.\nDuring many years of experience, I have learned the art of legal drafting, negotiating\nand the talent for communicating across borders, and strategic planning.\n3.\n\nLast Post:\n2/4\n\n\x0cFrom December 1980 until May 2003, I spent more than 22 years in full-time posts\nas a Senior Legal Advisor (Referatsleiter), Company Secretary and later as a\nDirector (Prokurist) of the Contract Management Department in Preussag, a large\nindustrial group of companies in Germany.\nMy duties included:\n-\n\n-\n\n4.\n\nAcquisition and establishment of business outside Germany and corporate\nlegal matters abroad.\nStudy of international tender documents for industrial, construction, and supply\nprojects, as well as drafting legal and commercial comments.\nContract risks analysis and contract interpretation.\nContract management, follow up, and taking part in management decision\nmaking on legal and commercial problems arising during execution of projects.\nContract negotiations, study and drafting of contracts including:\nContracts and sub-contracts for construction and industrial projects, agencyand distributorship agreements, pre-bidding agreements, joint venture\nagreements, technical assistance, and licensing agreements, engineering\nconsultancy contracts, supply contracts, and other legal documents.\nGiving legal advice on questions related to business laws in Middle Eastern\nArabic countries.\nPreparation and follow up of claims and arbitration concerning construction and\nindustrial projects and supply contracts.\n\nPast Posts:\n-\n\nNovember 1977 - November 1980\nManager of the legal department and legal consultant to the chairman of the\nState Organisation for Technical Industries, Baghdad, Iraq.\nMy duties included:\nManagement of the department, contract administration, taking charge of law\nsuits, studying and giving legal opinion on claims and problems arising from the\nexecution of international contracts, preparation of tender documents, and\nevaluation of international tenders, drafting and negotiating large\nengineering/ industrial contracts.\n\n-\n\nMay 1975 - November 1977\nLegal advisor and manager of the legal department of the National Centre for\nEngineering and Architectural Consultancy, Baghdad, Iraq.\n\n-\n\nAugust 1974 - May 1975\nLegal advisor and manager of the legal department of the Iraqi Maritime\nTransport Company, Baghdad, Iraq.\nMy duties included: taking charge of maritime law suits.\n\n-\n\nJanuary 1973 - August 1974\nLegal advisor and manager of the legal department of the National Computer\nCentre, Baghdad, Iraq.\n\n-\n\nApril 1971 - January 1973\nChief supervisor, shipping department of the Iraqi Maritime Transport\nCompany, Baghdad, Iraq.\n3/4\n\n\x0c5.\n\nOther Experience:\n-\n\nMember of Iraqi delegations to a number of government conferences and\ninternational conferences and delegations, including: The Third Session of the\nUnited Nations Conference for Trade and Development, Santiago, Chile, 1972,\nand the Board Meeting of the Arab Academy for Maritime Transport, Cairo,\nEgypt, 1974.\n\n-\n\nParticipant, and occasionally a speaker, in a number of international seminars,\nincluding:\nFIDIC Seminar on the Role of the Consultant Engineer in Developing\nCountries, Teheran, Iran, 1977; Seminar on Project Insurance, London,1978;\nSeminar on Project Contracts held in London in June 1980; Seminar on FIDIC\nGeneral Conditions for Civil Engineering Contracts, Vienna, February 1988; and\nSeminar on Commercial Contracts, London, October 1988; MEED Conference\non the Gulf Crisis, London, England, September 1990 (as a speaker),\nArbitration in Arab States, Paris, 1994, and New Engineering Contract, London,\n1998, and other recent seminars such as: Master classes on Arbitration, and\ndemurrage. Speaker at Seminars on legal questions related to business laws\nin Middle Eastern countries, as well as on contract risks management, and\nmany other seminars and conferences.\n\n-\n\n-\n\nMember of the Iraqi Inter-Ministerial Committee which drafted the Government\nStandard Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Projects, and the Standard\nContract for Engineering Services (1978-1980).\n\n-\n\nIntensive course for 2 weeks on EEC Laws in Luxembourg, 02. - 12. April 1991.\n\n6. Publications:\n-\n\nI have written a number of articles on subjects such as Iraqi construction law,\neconomic sanctions against Iraq, tendering and arbitration in certain Middle\nEastern countries, enforcement of judicial awards in Iraq, risks analysis in\nconstruction contracts, trading with Iraq, and time bar under Iraqi law, as well as\non the application of Islamic law, interest and Islamic banking.\n\n7. Languages:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Arabic:\n\xef\x82\xb7 English:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Persian:\n\xef\x82\xb7 German:\n\nMother tongue\nAs good as a mother tongue\nMedium standard\nMedium standard\n\n8. Membership:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member of the Iraqi Bar Association\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member of the German Association of Arabic and Islamic Laws\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member of the Arab Lawyers Association\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators\nHannover, July 2011\n4/4' |
375 | Advocate | b'Gary White\nLegal assistant\nAREAS OF EXPERTISE\nLegal research\nDocument management\nDiary management\nContract terminology\n\nPERSONAL SUMMARY\nHighly efficient legal assistant with extensive knowledge of the administrative\nand secretarial procedures in a legal environment. Extensive experience and\nunderstanding of laws, legal codes, court procedures, precedents and government\nregulations. A strong team player with excellent client facing and configuration\nskills. Having an ability to communicate complex sensitive information in an\nunderstandable form to clients.\nNow looking forward to a making a significant contribution in a company that\noffers a genuine opportunity for progression.\n\nPreparing legal documents\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nCustomer and Personal\nService\n\nSolicitors Office \xe2\x80\x93 Coventry\n\nLEGAL ASSISTANT\nSecretarial duties\n\nPROFESSIONAL\nCertificate and Diploma\nfor Legal Secretaries\n(City & Guilds)\n\nPERSONAL SKILLS\nIntegrity\nCommitment\nJudgement\nMethodical\n\nJune 2008 - Present\n\nTasked with providing general legal administrative and secretarial support to\nsolicitors & a legal team. Involved in researching legal precedent, investigating\nfacts and also keeping professional contact with a caseload of over 100 clients.\nDuties:\nInvolved in cases of litigation, arbitration and regulatory investigations.\nAudio typing legal documents for private clients.\nTyping, formatting, amending contracts, letters and other legal documents.\nManaging and forwarding on requests from Clients for legal assistance.\nProviding secretarial & paralegal support to a team of solicitors.\nResponsible for the management of Commercial Contracts.\nRecording and submitting expense forms.\nReviewing and analysing large volumes of documentary evidence.\nWriting replies to points of dispute with clients.\nInvestigating facts and law & calling upon witnesses to testify at hearing.\nIn charge of Co-ordinating access to meeting & conference rooms.\nManaging the flow of paperwork & communication with partners.\nGreeting visitors who come to the offices and introducing them to their solicitor.\nFiling and administrative responsibilities.\nAssisting with the completion of Confidentiality Agreements.\nCoordinating and arranging meetings and diary schedules.\nPhotocopying, scanning documents and faxing as required.\nKEY SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES\n\nPERSONAL DETAILS\nGary White\n34 Anywhere Road\nCoventry\nCV6 7RF\n\nHave a working knowledge of the role and responsibilities of a secretary.\nAbility to work well within a team.\nCan work under pressure and with limited supervision.\nCreative and resourceful in producing results with minimal direction.\n\nACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS\n\nT: 02476 888 5544\nM: 0887 222 9999\nE:\n\nFDeg in Legal Practice (Foundation Degree)\nNuneaton University 2005 - 2008\n\nDOB: 12/09/1985\nDriving license: Yes\nNationality: British\n\nA levels:\nMaths (A) English (B) Technology (B) Science (C)\nCoventry Central College 2003 - 2005\nREFERENCES \xe2\x80\x93 Available on request.\n\n\x0cCopyright information - Please read\n\xc2\xa9 This legal assistant CV template is the copyright of Dayjob Ltd August 2010. Jobseekers may download and use this CV\nexample for their own personal use to help them create their own CVs. You are most welcome to link to this page or any other\npage on our site However these CVs must not be distributed or made available on other websites without\nour prior permission. For any questions relating to the use of this CV template please email:' |
376 | Advocate | b'CURRICULUM VITAE\nRAYMOND BENJAMIN\nSecretary General\nInternational Civil Aviation Organization\n\nBorn:\n24 November 1945, Alexandria (Egypt)\nCitizenship:\nFrench\nFamily status: Married, 2 children\nLanguages:\nFrench (mother tongue) and English\nEducation\nMaster\xe2\x80\x99s degree in Public Law \xe2\x80\x93 Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences, Paris\nDiploma from the Institute of Political Studies, Paris\nDiploma from the Institute of Higher International Studies, Paris\nProfessional Experience\nAugust 2009\n\nSecretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)\n\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 2009\n\nSpecial Adviser to the Joint Aviation Authorities Training Organization (JAA/TO) and to\nthe European Aviation Security Training Institute (EASTI).\n\n1994 - 2007\n\nExecutive Secretary of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC)\nDeveloped and presented policy advice and strategic options to the President and the 42\nMember States of ECAC on all issues relating to the Conference\xe2\x80\x99s work programme, with\nparticular emphasis on safety, security and environment. Oversaw the integration of new\nMember States. Served as Observer to the European Union Security Regulatory\nCommittee.\n\n1989-1994\n\nChief, Aviation Security Branch, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)\nAdvised the Secretary General and President of the Council on security policy matters\nand the development of a worldwide airport assessment and technical assistance\nprogramme. Developed a network of aviation security training schools and standardized\ntraining packages (STPs). Served as Secretary of the ICAO Aviation Security Panel and\nof the ICAO Group of Experts for the Detection of Plastic Explosives.\n\n1983-1989\n\nDeputy Secretary, European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC)\n\n1982-1983\n\nAir Transport Officer, European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC)\n\n1977-1982\n\nNegotiator of air transport bilateral agreements, Civil Aviation Administration of France\n\n1976-1977\n\nAdviser to Human Resources Division, Civil Aviation Administration of France\n\n1973-1976\n\nResearcher at the Secretariat of State in charge of French universities\n\n1970-1973\n\nAdviser in the Office of the Dean of the Paris Academy in charge of relations with\nuniversities\n\xe2\x80\x94\xe2\x80\x94\xe2\x80\x94\xe2\x80\x94\xe2\x80\x94\xe2\x80\x94\xe2\x80\x94\xe2\x80\x94' |
377 | Advocate | b'ANDREW BEATTIE\nFlat 5a, 26 Gistock Street, Aberdeen, AB26 3NP\nTel: 01224 645395, Mobile: 07775 398456, E-mail:\n\nEDUCATION\n2013 - 2017\n\nLLB Honours (2.1 expected), University of Aberdeen\n\nPassed all exams at first sitting and on course to achieve at least a 2.1 based on my honours results\nso far in Employment Law (16/20) and Commercial Law (17/20). I am currently taking Oil and Gas\nLaw at honours level and conducting research for my dissertation.\n2007 - 2013\n\nShiltons Academy, Glasgow\n\nHighers: Biology (A), French (A), History (A), English (A), Information Systems (B)\nStandard Grades: 8 at Credit level\n\nLAW RELATED EXPERIENCE\nJuly 2016 - Aug 2016\n\nSummer Placement\n\nPinsent Masons, Aberdeen\n\nBased in the Energy Department for 6 weeks, this placement exposed me to work in the oil and gas\nand offshore wind sectors for clients such as Baker Hughes and British Energy Renewables. My\nresponsibilities ranged from conducting research, drafting letters and attending conference calls with\nclients to preparing and giving a presentation to a group of ten members of staff, including two\npartners.\nJuly 2015 - Sept 2015\n\nLegal Placement Student\n\nAberdeenshire Council, Stonehaven\n\nConducted legal research, ownership enquiries and produced title reports. Further duties included\nprocessing freedom of information requests, compiling documents for the public local inquiry in\nrelation to the Deeside Windfarm proposal, tree preservation orders, road bonds and compulsory\npurchase orders.\nJun 2014 - Aug 2014\n\nVoluntary Work Placement\n\nLegal Services Agency, Glasgow\n\nResponsibilities included assisting in objective evidence research and conducting research on\naspects of immigration and asylum law, case law research and case summaries. I also worked on\ncase preparation including reference source checking of expert reports.\n\nOTHER EMPLOYMENT\nSept 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 present\nTelesales\nSpace Kitchen Designs, Aberdeen\nCold telephone calling to a high volume of potential customers. Received an award for exceeding\nsales targets on five occasions.\nJul 2011 - Sept 2013 Team Member\nPizza Hut, Glasgow\nResponsibilities included reception, dispatch, preparation and training of new staff members.\nCustomer care skills demonstrated by keeping positive and professional under the pressure of\nbalancing customer requirements against the abilities of the kitchen team.\n\n\x0cRELEVANT SKILLS\nCommercial Awareness: Experienced in identifying, measuring and allocating resources (both in\nterms of time and money) to manage a variety of projects for the Ultimate Frisbee society. Gained an\nunderstanding of how a range of businesses operate through employment in the retail, hospitality and\nlegal sectors. I have successfully managed my personal budgeting by designing an Excel\nspreadsheet to track financial income and outgoings.\nCommunication: Confident communicating one-to-one, within and to groups gained from working\nwith fellow students, with staff ranging from secretary to partner in Pinsent Masons and with a wide\nrange of people through my customer related roles over the phone and in person.\nTeam Work: Developed the ability to adapt to a range of roles within a team context, including\nleadership where needed, through my role as President of the Ultimate Frisbee Society. Particular\nstrengths in motivating others and ensuring work is focused to specific goals, demonstrated in my\ntelesales role where I motivated my colleagues to achieve top team sales in 3 consecutive months.\nAttention to Detail: Accurately produced a variety of documents within work placements at\nAberdeenshire Council and Pinsent Masons which were approved by senior staff and sent to clients.\nTime Management: Successfully balanced work (sometimes up to 20 hours per week) with\nconsistently achieving marks at a 2.1 level within my LLB honours courses. Managed my workload\nthrough careful planning to meet deadlines within my coursework and during my work placements.\nInformation Technology: Experienced with Microsoft packages, particularly Word for producing\nreports of up to 5,000 words, and with legal research packages such as Westlaw.\n\nPOSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY\n2014 \xe2\x80\x93 present\nCommittee Member (and current President), Ultimate Frisbee Society\nI have been heavily involved in the Ultimate Frisbee Society, and have held committee roles since its\ninception in 2010. I have just been elected as President for this academic year. My contributions to\nthis society have resulted in successes such as doubling membership numbers and organising a\ntournament at Balmedie beach which made a profit of \xc2\xa3160 for the society.\n2012 \xe2\x80\x93 2013\nHead of School Year Book Committee\nI managed a team of 5 committee members tasked with the design and production of the school year\nbook. Specific tasks included interviewing students and compiling and editing vast amounts of\ninformation and discussing and making decisions about layout and design.\n\nINTERESTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS\nLaw Society: As a member of the University Law Society I have visited the Scottish Parliament,\nattended careers events and enjoyed the range of social events scheduled.\nSTAR Award: I achieved the bronze level of the STAR Award (Students Taking Active Roles) in\n2015 which recognises my development of Aberdeen Graduate Attributes through my Ultimate\nFrisbee Society committee role.\n\nREFERENCES\nAvailable on request' |
378 | Advocate | b'CURRICULUM VITAE\n\nName:\n\nAnne Margaret Keely\n\nAddress:\nVic\n\nPresent position:\n\nLegal Counsel,\nAustralian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.\n\nEducational and professional qualifications:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 2011-13: Nationally Accredited as a Mediator by AMA.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 2010: Attended Bond University Dispute Resolution Centre\nMediation training course and subsequent successful\nassessment.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 2002: completed Master of Laws from University of Melbourne.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 1983: Admitted to practice as Barrister and Solicitor in Supreme\nCourt of Victoria & High Court of Australia, subsequently\nadmitted in Supreme Courts of NT & SA.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 1982: Completed RMIT Articled Clerks Course.\nRelevant experience:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 14/8/12 onwards: Legal Counsel, Australian Charities and Notfor-profits Commission, which role includes working with\nIndigenous charities and organisations on a range of legal issues\nparticular to their circumstances.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n2006 TO 2012: SELF-EMPLOYED LEGAL PRACTITIONER principally\nworking in native title and with indigenous organisations,\nincluding appearing in Federal Court and as junior counsel in\ncontested matters, and in many negotiations, mediations and\ncase management conferences with Federal and State\ngovernments and sometimes with many other respondents.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n2004-2006: PRINCIPAL LEGAL OFFICER, NATIVE TITLE SERVICES\nVICTORIA LTD (NTSV) (job-shared position) involved advising and\nrepresenting native title groups, running complex meetings and\nparticipating in mediations, being a member of the Senior\nManagement Team, responsible for all legal and Aboriginal\ncommunity liaison staff, developing culturally appropriate polices\nand procedures, ensuring compliance with legislation and\nrequirements of funding body.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n2002-2003: SELF-EMPLOYED LEGAL PRACTITIONER principally\nworking in native title field, including appearing as junior counsel\nin Federal Court.\n\nAnnie Keely, Curriculum Vitae, April 2013\n\n1\n\n\x0c\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n1999-2002: REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR HORN OF AFRICA FOR\nOXFAM AUSTRALIA based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (job-sharing).\nWe were responsible for the management and accountability of\nthe development and emergency programs in Ethiopia, Sudan\nand Somalia. I was responsible for monitoring and evaluation of\nthe existing program and repeatedly visited various projects in\nnorth and south Sudan, where we focussed on developing\ngrassroots community based peace-building projects.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n1995-99: SELF-EMPLOYED LEGAL PRACTITIONER in Alice Springs\nprimarily acting for Aboriginal groups and organisations in a range\nof matters including: in 1997 for the Central Land Council (CLC) I\nprepared, instructed and appeared before Justice Olney in the\nAlice Springs town native title claim; assisted CLC staff to develop\nculturally appropriate employment policies; assisted an Aboriginal\norganisation with complaints of sexual harassment; worked on\ngender initiatives with women members of the Northern Land\nCouncil and CLC.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n1992-95: SENIOR LEGAL OFFICER, CENTRAL LAND COUNCIL, Alice\nSprings with considerable responsibility for staff supervision and\nmanagement. The CLC is an Aboriginal community organisation\nand statutory authority established under the Aboriginal Land\nRights (NT) Act 1976. Effective culturally appropriate community\nconsultation was essential in obtaining instructions from\ntraditional Aboriginal landowners on issues arising and in policy\ndevelopment work. As the only woman lawyer I consulted with\nand represented groups of Aboriginal women in various\nsignificant matters. As a senior female staff member I played a\nleading role in raising the profile of gender issues within the\norganisation and in improving processes for effectively consulting\nand representing traditional Aboriginal women.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n1991: Travelled overland for 12 months through Africa.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n1988-90: LEGAL OFFICER, CENTRAL LAND COUNCIL, in Alice Springs\n& later based in Tennant Creek. My work involved representing\nand consulting with traditional Aboriginal landowners in a range\nof forums including land claim hearings, negotiations with\npastoralists and mining companies, negotiations with\ngovernment ministers and officials. I also had a considerable role\nin policy development internally and in preparing submissions to\nFederal and NT governments on relevant issues.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n1986-87: travelling in Europe and Africa and living in South Africa\nfor 10 months doing voluntary work in the Legal Resources\nCentres in Durban and Cape Town.\n\nAnnie Keely, Curriculum Vitae, April 2013\n\n2\n\n\x0c\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n1984-85: LEGAL OFFICER AND ACTING REGISTRAR, VICTORIAN\nEQUAL OPPORTUNITY BOARD. My primary function was to provide\nadvice to the Board members, other staff and information to the\npublic about Victorian and Commonwealth discrimination\nlegislation. I also registered complaints under Victorian and\nCommonwealth discrimination legislation.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n1979-1983: During four years of Articles of Clerkship at\nColtmans and Ryan Carlisle Needham Thomas, and then as an\nemployee solicitor at Ryan Carlisle, I gained experience in a\nrange of civil jurisdictions.\n\nCurrent Board Memberships:\nMember, Management Committee, Wellwishers Charitable Trust\nMember, Northcote High School, School Council\nFormer Board Memberships: Nil\nEEO categories:\n\nNot applicable\n\nAnnie Keely, Curriculum Vitae, April 2013\n\n3\n\n\x0cReferees:\nReferee 1:\n\nMr Damein Bell,\nFormer Chairperson Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners\nAboriginal Corporation,\nHeywood, Victoria\n\nContact details:\n\n(mobile)\ (email)\n\nDamein was the Chairperson of the Gunditjmara for much of the time I\nrepresented the native title group during lengthy negotiations and mediation.\nHe has direct knowledge of my experience in formal mediation and informal\ndispute resolution including intra indigenous disputes.\n\nReferee 2:\n\nMr Ian Irving\nDeputy Registrar \xe2\x80\x93 Principal Registry,\nFederal Court of Australia, Sydney 2000\n\nContact details:\n\n(02) 9230 8887 (work)\n(mobile)\ (email)\n\nI worked with Ian at Native Title Services Victoria and subsequently have\nparticipated in many mediations and case management conferences\nconducted by Registrar Irving.\n\nReferee 3:\n\nMs Ann Daniel,\nDeputy Registrar \xe2\x80\x93 Native Title\nFederal Court of Australia,\nPerth, WA 6000\n\nContact details:\n\n(08) 9268 7116 (work)\n(mobile)\n\ (email)\nI worked with Ann at Native Title Services Victoria while advising and\nrepresenting the Gunditjmara in Federal Court litigation and mediation.\n\nAnnie Keely, Curriculum Vitae, April 2013\n\n4' |
379 | Advocate | b'CURRICULUM\n\nVITAE\n\nPersonal Particulars\nName:\n\nNzuki Mwinzi\n\nAddress:\n\nP.O. Box 67429 00200, City Square, Nairobi\n\nTelephone:\n\nOffice: 3749125/3753906\nMobile: 0722442303\n\nE-mail Address:\n\\n\nNationality:\n\nKenyan\n\nAcademic Background\n1990:\n\nCrown Agents\xe2\x80\x99 Training Centre\nWorthing, United Kingdom (UK)\nCertificate in Commercial Law and Practice\n\n1985 \xe2\x80\x93 1986:\n\nVirje Univertiteit Brussels\n(VUB) Brussels, Belgium\nMasters of Law (LL.M) in International and Comparative Law\n\n1984:\n\nKenya School of Law, Nairobi\nDiploma in Law\n\n1979 - 1983:\n\nUniversity of Nairobi, Faculty of Law\nBachelor of Laws (LL.B Honours)\n\n1973 - 1978:\n\nAlliance High School, Kikuyu\nKenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE) \xe2\x80\x98A\xe2\x80\x99 Level\nKenya Certificate of Education (KCE) \xe2\x80\x98O\xe2\x80\x99 Level\n\n1966 - 1972:\n\nMusengo Primary School, Kitui\nCertificate of Primary Education (CPE)\n\nProfessional Qualifications\n\nPage 1 of 4\n\n\x0c\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nCertified Public Secretary (CPSK)\nCertificate in Commercial Law and Practice 1990\nDiploma in Law, Kenya School of Law, Council of Legal education 1984\nAdvocate of the High Court of Kenya: Entered into the roll of Advocates on 15th\nOctober 1984\nCommissioner of Oaths\n\nOther Responsibilities\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nDirector and Promoter: New Alliance Schools, comprising of a charitable Secondary\nSchool for disadvantaged boys and girls and a Teachers Training College in Kitui\nWest.\nPatron:\nNzalae Water and Development Project (CBO)\nMember:\nOle Shua Community Organization, Karen (CBO)\nKCB Management Leadership Centre (Club)\nLaw Society of Kenya\nKenyatta University Senate\nEagles Christian Church, Karen\nMusengo Welfare Association (CBO)\n\nEmployment Record\n1979:\n\nMuthale Girls Secondary School, Kitui\nTeacher in English, Literature, History and Geography\n\n1983:\n\nMumbuni High School, Machakos\nMutonguni Secondary School, Kitui\nTeacher in English, Literature, History and Geography\n\n1984 \xe2\x80\x93 1986:\n\nKenya Law Reform Commission\nDuties:\n\n1987 \xe2\x80\x93 1989:\n\nLegal Research and Drafting\nReview, amendment and repeal of Kenyan laws\n\nAttorney General\xe2\x80\x99s Office\nSenior State Counsel, Civil Litigation department\nDealt with Civil cases for and on behalf of the state (GOK)\n\n1989 \xe2\x80\x93 1995:\n\nKenya National Assurance Co. Ltd\nSenior Legal Officer under the Company Secretary/Chief Legal\nOfficer; Claims Manager and motor underwriting manager\nPage 2 of 4\n\n\x0cDuties\n\n-Dealt with the company\xe2\x80\x99s legal matters including civil\nlitigation, conveyacing/mortgages, property and\ninsurance matters\n-In 1992 \xe2\x80\x93 1995 headed the claims and motor\nunderwriting departments which dealt with all types of\nAccident claims and motor insurances\n\n1995 \xe2\x80\x93 1997:\n\nPart time lecturer/faculty member of the United States International\nUniversity (USIU) Africa: taught courses in international trade law,\ncommercial/business/mercantile Law, International business\nadministration (IBA) both at undergraduate and postgraduate (MBA)\nlevels\n\n1997 \xe2\x80\x93 2000:\n\nPrivate legal practice in the firm of Nzuki Mwinzi and Co. Advocates\nwith offices in Nairobi, Kitui and Mwingi.\n\n2000 \xe2\x80\x93 2003:\n\nPartner in the firm of Mwanyumba, Nzuki Mwinzi and Company\nAdvocates, Consolidated Bank House, Nairobi.\n\n2003 - 2008:\n\nKenyatta National Hospital\nChief Legal Officer\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Head of Legal department, advisor to the Board of\nManagement and Advocate in civil and criminal matters,\nlecturer in medical legal issues and professional ethics both at\nKNH and Medical School, University of Nairobi (UON)\n\nNov. 2008 to date: Managing Partner, Nzuki Mwinzi and Co. Advocates, Nairobi, a Firm\nof Advocates handling all types of Civil and Criminal matters on\nbehalf of clients\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Lecturer in Law, Kenyatta University\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Chairman, Department of Private Law, Kenyatta University\nHobbies\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nCharitable work\nCommunity service and development\nTraveling\nSwimming\nListening to Music\n\nPage 3 of 4\n\n\x0cCareer Summary\nStrong legal background in legal research, drafting, civil and criminal litigation, company\nlaw and secretarial practice, corporate governance and University law teaching. Currently\nmy skills in Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods.\nReferees\n1. Professor R. Muasya\nDeputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)\nKenyatta University\nP.O. Box 43844-00100\nNAIROBI\n2. Dr. Linda Musumba\nAg. Dean, School of Law\nKenyatta University\nP.O. Box 43844 00100\nNAIROBI\nTel: 020 3749125/3753906\n\nPage 4 of 4' |
380 | Advocate | b'Sample of Immigration Attorney Resume\n\nCharles K. Robinson\n3546 Kyle Street\nArdmore, NE 57715\nEmail address:\nTelephone number: 3344 321323\nCareer Objective: Looking for a position as an Immigration Attorney where I can use my skills and\nknowledge to help people with the legalities of immigration.\nCareer Summary: Possess prior experience of working as an immigration attorney in the Texas\nImmigration Office. Possess excellent communication skills along with better work management and time\nmanagement skills.\nSkills and Expertise:\n\xef\x82\xb7Excellent in written and verbal communication\n\xef\x82\xb7High knowledge in immigration rules and laws\n\xef\x82\xb7Possess excellent time and work management skills\n\xef\x82\xb7Excellent in leadership and co-worker skills\nProfessional Experience:\nFirm: Texas Immigration office\nPost: Immigration Attorney\nDuration: January 2007 to September 2011\nResponsibilities:\n\xef\x82\xb7Handled the task of immigration in the Texas County\n\xef\x82\xb7Supervised a team of 4 Junior Immigration Attorneys\n\xef\x82\xb7Dealing with all the aspects of immigrants like visa and pass port\n\xef\x82\xb7Consulting with immigration offices of other counties to handle immigration issues.\nAcademic History:\n\xef\x82\xb7Completed Masters in Immigration Law from California University\n\xef\x82\xb7Completed Bachelors in Social Law from California University\n\xef\x82\xb7Completed High school from Saint Laurent International High School California\nDeclaration: I hereby declare that the information provided above is true as per my knowledge.\nReference: Will be furnished on request.' |
381 | Advocate | b'Sample resume - law\nDO NOT COPY: You are advised not to copy this sample, but\nto use it to generate ideas to create your own resume.\n\nJenny Courthouse\n\nEducation\n\n21 Lister Lane Springvale VIC 3171\nTel: (03) 9333 4555 / Mob: 0431 234 999\nEmail:\n\nBachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts\nMonash University, Clayton Campus\n\xef\x82\xb7 Arts Majors: Australian Indigenous studies & Land & Water Management\n\xef\x82\xb7 Achieved High Distinction average for Arts degree (86%)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Expected completion date July 2015\n\nFeb 2012\xe2\x80\x93 current\n\nVictorian Certificate of Education\nSt. John\xe2\x80\x99s Secondary College, Springvale\n\xef\x82\xb7 Achieved ENTER 98.5\n\xef\x82\xb7 Elected President of Student Council\n\nNov 2009\n\nRelevant Legal Experience\nParalegal Volunteer (4 hours a week)\nJune 2013 - current\nSpringvale Community Legal Centre, Springvale\nKey responsibilities:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Interview clients with limited understanding of English\n\xef\x82\xb7 Research areas of law including bail applications, tenants\xe2\x80\x99 rights and visas for refugees\n\xef\x82\xb7 Liaise directly (by telephone and in writing) with staff at County Court and\nRefugee Review Tribunal as well as barristers and other law firms\nParalegal - Summer Internship\nProperty Department, V G Peters & Co, Warrnambool\nKey responsibilities:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Perused purchase file of shopping centre client\n\xef\x82\xb7 Proof read leases and ensured all errors were accurately dealt with\n\xef\x82\xb7 Drafted letter to client regarding fee structure\n\xef\x82\xb7 Attended client meeting regarding water rights and took notes\n\nNov- Feb 2015\n\nVolunteer Work and Community Involvement\nOrganised Charity Basketball Match for Cancer Foundation\n\xef\x82\xb7 Event raised $10,000\n\nOct 2014\n\nMember of Springvale Town Orchestra\n\xef\x82\xb7 2nd saxophone\n\nFeb 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 current\n\nMemberships\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAlumni Mentoring program \xe2\x80\x93 mentored by alumni solicitor Victorian Dept of Justice (2014-current)\nMember of the Monash Law Students Society (2012-current)\nStudent Member, Law Institute of Victoria (2012\xe2\x80\x93 current)\n\n\x0cEmployment History\nOffice Assistant (part time basis)\nD & T Printing Services, Clayton\nKey responsibilities:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Entering orders on customer database\n\xef\x82\xb7 Organising a mail out of advertising material\n\nMarch 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 current\n\nCustomer Service/Deputy Manager (part time basis)\nJasper\xe2\x80\x99s Fruit and Vegetable Store, Springvale\nKey responsibilities:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted customers in their choice of produce\n\xef\x82\xb7 Banking and locking up store when manager was away\n\nJan 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Dec 2011\n\nDemonstrated Key Skills\nCommunication / Advocacy Skills\n\xef\x82\xb7 Received excellent feedback for explaining in clear and plain English the steps needed to fill in a court\nform to elderly clients at Springvale Community Legal Centre\n\xef\x82\xb7 Displayed professional document production skills when drafting a new printing services brochure at\nD & T Printing Services\n\xef\x82\xb7 Runner up in University Mooting Competition in 2014, proving ability to share information and\npersuade effectively\n\xef\x82\xb7 Effectively represented student needs on high school student council proving ability to negotiate\neffectively and inspire confidence in others\n\xef\x82\xb7 Foreign language competence shown through intermediate Spanish and French\nProblem Solving / Negotiation Skills\n\xef\x82\xb7 Re-organised staff rosters at short notice when Jasper\xe2\x80\x99s Fruit and Vegetable Store was under-staffed\nand Manager was away, showing ability to work under pressure and manage resources\n\xef\x82\xb7 Liaised with IT company to fix database after it crashed at D & T Printing Services, demonstrating\nability to plan for contingencies and deal with crises\nTeamwork Skills\n\xef\x82\xb7 Regular and reliable member of orchestra for four years, attending weekly rehearsals and\nparticipating in two to three concerts annually proving ability to work well in a group and stick to\ncommitments\n\xef\x82\xb7 Able to apply team work skills to a range of situations such as when consulted with others in order to\nallocate tasks such as promotion, ordering tickets, booking venue and guest players when planning a\nCharity Basketball Match\n\nInterests\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nRegularly read Australian Financial Review and keep an eye on stock market.\nEnjoy swimming, reading crime novels and going to stand-up comedy shows.\n\nReferees\nMs. Jane Smith\nManager, D&T\nPrinting Services\nTel: (03) 9534 3333\n\nPage | 2\n\nMr. Fred Turner\nSenior Lawyer, Springvale\nCommunity Legal Centre\nTel: (03) 9634 3337\n\nJenny Courthouse\n\nDr Reg Mahoney\nLecturer, Faculty of Law\nMonash University\nTel: (03) 9823 6700\n\\\n+61 3 9905 4170\' |
382 | Advocate | b'RESUME OF\nTERRY F. PEPPARD\n_________________________________________________________________________\n\n4814 Marathon Drive, Post Office Box 5101, Madison, Wisconsin 53705\nphone and facsimile: (608) 233-7799 \xef\x82\xa8 e-mail:\nwebsite:\n_________________________________________________________________________\n\nProfessional\n\nPrivate Law Practice, Madison, Wisconsin (from 1992)\nPractice Concentration: securities, commodities and trade regulation;\ndealerships, distributorships and franchises; employment relations;\nliability insurance coverage; business, corporate, partnership and limited\nliability company law; unfair competition; construction; civil and\nadministrative litigation; arbitration and mediation\nPartner (1979-92), Managing Partner (1987-92), attorneys Wendel &\nCenter, Madison, Wisconsin\nPractice Concentration: securities, franchise and trade regulation;\nemployment relations; general business, partnership and corporate law;\ncivil and administrative litigation; arbitration\nChief Attorney (1973-78), Office of the Wisconsin Commissioner of\nSecurities, Madison, Wisconsin\nResponsibilities: trial counsel and Director, Division of Enforcement\n\nEducation\n\nUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin\nMaster of Business Administration (MBA) (1997)\nUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin\nJuris Doctorate (JD) (1973)\nMarquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin\nBachelor of Electrical Engineering (1966)\nMember, Eta Kappa Nu (national electrical engineering honor society)\n\nHonors\n\nRanked among The Best Lawyers in America for alternative dispute\nresolution (2006-2010); Peer review rated AV\xc2\xaePreeminent\xe2\x84\xa2 (highest\nlevel of professional excellence and adherence to ethical standards) by\nMartindale-Hubbell\n\n\x0cAffiliations\n\nMember, American Bar Association (ABA) and State Bar of Wisconsin\xe2\x80\x99s\nSections of (Alternative) Dispute Resolution and Business Law\nMember, Board of Directors, Section of Alternative Dispute Resolution of\nthe State Bar of Wisconsin (1999-2005)(Chair of the Section, 2002-03)\nMember, State Bar of Wisconsin Section of Construction & Public\nContracting Law\nMember, Coordinating Committee, Dane County (Wisconsin) CourtAnnexed Case Mediation Program\nMember, State Bar of Wisconsin\xe2\x80\x99s Technology Resource Committee\n(1987-92)\n\nArbitration\n\nMember, panels of arbitrators: the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority\n(FINRA), formerly the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD\nRegulation, Inc.); the National Futures Association; the National\nArbitration Forum; the Council of Better Business Bureaus; the State Bar\nof Wisconsin\xe2\x80\x99s Lawyer Dispute Resolution Program; and the Wisconsin\nAssociation of Home Inspectors\nCompleted numerous courses for sole arbitrators, panel members and panel\nchairs specific to domestic and international arbitration law and practice\nmethods sponsored by: the American Arbitration Association, the\nChartered Institute of Arbitrators, the American Bar Association, the\nNational Futures Association, the State Bar of Wisconsin, the National\nAssociation of Securities Dealers, the New York Stock Exchange and the\nCouncil of Better Business Bureaus\nInstructor in advanced training seminars for attorneys on arbitration theory\nand practice sponsored by the State Bar of Wisconsin (1989-90, 2001 and\n2009); Instructor for arbitrator training program of the Wisconsin\nAssociation of Home Inspectors (2006-09)\nArbitrated more than five hundred (500) business, commercial, financial\nand regulatory disputes as sole arbitrator, panel member or panel chair in\nboth ad hoc and administered proceedings\n\n2\n\n\x0cMediation\n\nMember, panels of mediators: the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority\n(FINRA), formerly the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD\nRegulation, Inc.); the State Bar of Wisconsin\xe2\x80\x99s Lawyer Dispute\nResolution Program; and the Dane County, Wisconsin, Court-Annexed\nCase Mediation Program\nCompleted more than one hundred (100) hours of introductory and\nadvanced instruction in mediation law and practice in courses sponsored by\nNova Southeastern University, the Institute for Conflict Management, Inc.,\nthe State Bar of Wisconsin, the American Bar Association and the National\nAssociation of Securities Dealers (NASD Regulation, Inc.)\nGuest Lecturer on mediation theory, practice and ethical standards for the\nDane County (Wisconsin) Bar Association Continuing Legal Education\n(CLE) program for attorneys (2005-06) and for University of Wisconsin\nLaw School course on negotiation-mediation (2005)\nMediated more than one hundred (100) business, commercial, financial and\nregulatory disputes, in both ad hoc and administered proceedings, with\nsettlement rate greater than eighty-five per cent (85%)\nAdjunct professor of negotiation-mediation-arbitration for the Law School\nof the University of Wisconsin-Madison (from 2007); Instructor in\nmediation practice methods for the Dane County Bar Association Case\nMediation Program (2005-2006)\n\nPublications\n\nCo-Winner of the Hon. Charles Dunn Author Award (2008), for an article\npublished in The Wisconsin Lawyer, entitled \xe2\x80\x9cMediating Complex\nConstruction Claims.\xe2\x80\x9d\nArticle for the State Bar of Wisconsin\xe2\x80\x99s Bar Bulletin (now The Wisconsin\nLawyer) on the International Bar Association\xe2\x80\x99s rules of evidence for\ninternational commercial arbitrations (1999); author of text: Arbitration\nand Mediation of Business Disputes, published by the State Bar of\nWisconsin CLE Books Division (2006), Second Edition (2008), and Third\nEdition (2009)\n\nLegal/ADR\nExperience\n\nCommercial contracts, securities regulation, franchises, dealerships &\ndistributorships, construction, trade secrets, confidentiality & noncompetition agreements, software procurement, technology licensing,\ninternet domain names, business transfers, financial accounting,\ncommodity futures contracts, liability insurance coverage, consumer\nprotection, housing and age discrimination, and employment relations\n\n3' |
383 | Advocate | b'The Basics of a Legal Resume\nThe goal of the legal resume is to get an interview. To do this, your resume must present clearly\nand concisely the reasons why you are a great candidate. In other words, the legal resume is\npersuasive writing.\nA good legal resume accomplishes three major tasks:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nTo present your background and experience to emphasize how well you meet the\nrequirements of the position.\nWhich parts of your education, work and life experience are most pertinent to the job\nrequirements? How should you describe them? If you have non-legal work experience,\nwhat experience should you include and how do you describe it to emphasize the skills\nthat appeal to legal employers?\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nTo do so concisely and in an easy to read, proper legal format.\nEmployers typically screen resumes in 30-60 seconds. A legal resume has a specific\nformat that allows reviewers to see the most important information easily within this time\nframe. Review the \xe2\x80\x9cLegal Resume Samples\xe2\x80\x9d for examples.\nLegal resumes are typically one page, unless you have substantial professional\nexperience, or the position requires a more detailed resume, such as an intellectual\nproperty or academic position.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nTo convey a sense of who you are as an individual and as a potential employee.\nYou can do this by including information on personal interests, community involvement,\nor other relevant experiences. Personal interests should be interesting to catch the\nreader\xe2\x80\x99s attention. This can often be a conversation starter in an interview and can help\nattorneys remember you as a candidate.\n\n\x0cWriting a Good Legal Resume\nYou can simplify the process of writing the legal resume if you follow this approach:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nBrainstorm all the experiences you have had using the \xe2\x80\x9cLaw School Resume\nWorksheet,\xe2\x80\x9d at the end of this publication. The next step is to list your skills,\nqualifications, and accomplishments. Update your resume as you continue to gain legal\nexperiences, and on an annual basis after you graduate from law school.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nRead the qualifications preferred for the position. When you apply for a position, read\nthe detailed job description to target your resume/cover letter as much as possible to\nmatch the employer\xe2\x80\x99s desired qualifications.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nConsider the overall appearance of your resume. Is the layout professional and easy\nto read? Is there enough white space? Is it free of grammar and spelling errors? Are the\nverb tenses consistent? Do the headers highlight your experience, such as, \xe2\x80\x9cLegal\nExperience\xe2\x80\x9d or \xe2\x80\x9cBusiness Experience?\xe2\x80\x9d Because templates restrict the resume\xe2\x80\x99s\nstyle/formatting and often do not highlight your information in the best way, we\nrecommend that you avoid using resume templates. See the \xe2\x80\x9cLegal Resume Samples\xe2\x80\x9d\n(found in the Symplicity Document Library in the Symplicity Document Library) which\ndemonstrate good examples of legal resumes.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nBe succinct in your writing style. Use short, dynamic, descriptive phrases rather than\nlong sentences or paragraphs. Keep it to one or two pages, preferably one, unless you\nhave extensive relevant experience.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nBegin sentences with action verbs. Examples of action verbs would be: drafted,\norganized, counseled, researched and evaluated. Stress skills, accomplishments, strengths\nand qualifications. Do not use the same verbs repeatedly to describe your experience.\nCheck out the \xe2\x80\x9cAction Verbs\xe2\x80\x9d in the Symplicity Document Library for more suggestions.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDraft the resume. Use these suggestions to help in this process. Remember, anything\nyou put on your resume you may be asked about in an interview, so be sure it is accurate.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nHave a draft of your resume reviewed. By submitting your first resume in Symplicity,\nit will automatically be reviewed by career staff. You may schedule an appointment with\na career advisor to review your resume. It may also be helpful to ask a mentor or\nprofessional in your job target area to review your resume for technical accuracy. Then,\nmake your final revisions and proofread well.\n\n\x0cRESUME CONTENT\nThe legal resume lists sections on education, legal and other experience, and may include other\ncategories such as personal interests or community involvement. The main goal of your resume\nis to present the most relevant information about you within a limited space.\nHEADER\n\nName, address, phone number, and email (preferably your Mitchell Hamline\naddress).\n\nTIPS:\nMake sure the header is easy to read. Your name should be a large font size (14-16 pt). There are\nmany ways to save space on your resume, for example: your phone number and email address\ncan be written on one line in the header. Add a symbol (~ or other symbol) to separate your\naddress, phone and email address. Remove the hyperlink in your email address by using a right\nclick of the mouse.\nMake sure that your contact information (address, phone, and email) is current. Employers will\nuse this information to contact you if they want to schedule an interview. Make sure that your\nvoicemail messages and e-mail addresses are professional and that you check these on a regular\nbasis.\nHEADER EXAMPLES:\n\nSusan A. Johnson\n1122 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105\n651-699-1234 ~\n\nSusan A. Johnson______________________________________\n1122 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105 \xef\x81\xb3 651-699-1234 \xef\x81\xb3\n\nEDUCATION\nList your college/university, city and state, and graduation year (not years attended). Include\nactivities and honors from both undergraduate school and law school. List your GPA / Class\nRank / and Top % of class, especially if you are participating in On-Campus Interviewing (OCI).\n\n\x0cEDUCATION ENTRY EXAMPLES:\nMitchell Hamline School of Law, St. Paul, MN\nJuris Doctor expected, June 2018\nG.P.A.: 2.97 Class Rank: 100/300 (Top 33.3%)\nHonors: Mitchell Hamline Law Review, Staff Member Vol. 40\nMitchell Hamline School of Law, St. Paul, MN\nJuris Doctor expected, June 2018\nGPA: 3.32 Class Rank: 20/220 (Top 9.1%)\nHonors: CALI Award (highest grade in class) for Constitutional Law and Evidence; Dean\xe2\x80\x99s\nList (two semesters)\nActivities: International Law Student Organization; Student Bar Association, Section\nRepresentative\nMitchell Hamline School of Law, St. Paul, MN\nJuris Doctor expected, June 2018\n\xef\x82\xb7 Dean\xe2\x80\x99s Honor Roll, 2 semesters\n\xef\x82\xb7 International Law Student Organization\n\xef\x82\xb7 Student Bar Association, Section Representative\nGustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN\nBachelor of Arts, cum laude, Physics, G.P.A. 3.35, June 2014\nHonors: Physics Department Award of Merit; All-Conference Soccer Team\nActivities: Physics Club (President); Varsity Soccer; Student Senate (Chair)\nConcordia College, Moorhead, MN\nBachelor of Arts, magna cum laude, Business, May 2012\nHonors: Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List (every semester); Merit-Based Academic Scholarships\nActivities: Student Senate Standards Board, Chair; Residence Hall Assistant; Intramural\nVolleyball\nTIPS:\nSpell out Degrees: Juris Doctor and Bachelor of Arts; magna cum laude and summa cum laude\nare Latin and written in italics with small letters (no capitals).\nLaw Review: Mitchell Hamline Law Review (Staff member, 2016) Law Review should be\nwritten in italics (if using subheadings, list Law Review within you law school honors\nsubsection).\nGrades and Class Rank: This should match what is on your transcript. Do not round your GPA\nor class rank to your advantage. A class rank of top 10.4% does not round up to top 10%, and a\nGPA of 2.9 is not a 3.0.\n\n\x0cLaw School Activities: Legal employers are interested in seeing leadership roles you have held.\nList student organizations and any offices held or committee membership roles.\nAcademic Honors: Include CALI Awards, Burton Awards, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List and other selections.\nInclude moot court/mock trial competitions and any honors you achieved (final competition\nteam, best brief, etc.) List law journal membership, any publications, and offices held. Include\nscholarships awarded on the basis of merit.\n\nEXPERIENCE\nThis section highlights your experience (paid or unpaid, including internships and volunteer\nexperience) demonstrating your qualifications for the job.\nIf you have one or more legal experiences, you may want to title this section \xe2\x80\x9cLegal Experience.\xe2\x80\x9d\nIf you have extensive prior work experience, you may want to select titles that reflect your\nexperience such as: \xe2\x80\x9cBusiness Experience,\xe2\x80\x9d \xe2\x80\x9cTechnical Experience,\xe2\x80\x9d or \xe2\x80\x9cPublic Service\nExperience.\xe2\x80\x9d\nResumes may use either a bulleted or paragraph format. Bulleted points may be easier to read,\nbut may take up more space. Always use strong action verbs to begin each phrase. Use the\npresent tense for current jobs and past tense for previous jobs. Refer to the \xe2\x80\x9cAction Verbs\xe2\x80\x9d and\n\xe2\x80\x9cLegal Resume Samples\xe2\x80\x9d for further examples\nTIPS:\nRemember that volunteering for MJF, research assistantships with Mitchell Hamline professors,\nclinics, legal internships and externships are all legal experiences, as is work at a private law firm\nor other legal settings before and during law school. This work does not have to be paid work.\nDescribe the kinds of legal issues and experiences you were involved in, the types of legal\ndocuments you wrote, the level of responsibility you had and the results accomplished. Do not\nmerely list the job tasks. Make your work experience come alive with well chosen detail and\ndescription.\nFor non-legal jobs, emphasize those aspects of your job that intersected with legal issues, such\nas: Negotiated contracts on _______ and provided clients with advice to obtain health care under\ncomplex federal, state and local regulations. Emphasize your transferable skills, for example,\nskills valued in the legal arena: Problem solving, oral and written communication, research and\nanalysis in complex situations, client/customer service, and obtaining results.\n\n\x0cWhenever appropriate, and significant, use numbers and percentages to quantify\naccomplishments (for example: Supervised 12 employees; increased sales by 25%; managed\nbudgets of $1-2 million).\nEXAMPLES:\nLindquist & Vennum, P.L.L.P., Summer Associate, Minneapolis, MN, Summer 2015\nResearched and drafted over 10 memoranda on legal issues, including lost profits, attorneys\xe2\x80\x99\nfees, credit loan participation, and liability of corporate officers for patent infringement.\nDrafted documents for marital dissolution, including interrogatories, requests for admission,\naffidavits and court briefs. Updated an arbitration clause for use in client contracts.\nWells Fargo N.A., Minneapolis, MN (June 2010 - August 2013)\nSenior Loan Account Representative. Managed accounts for 20 clients who maintained more\nthan $10 million in commercial loan transactions. Analyzed and presented trends information\nto senior bank management. Researched and assessed the impact of new federal bank\nregulations on clients and on compliance activities of the bank.\nSouthern Minnesota Regional Legal Services, Mankato, MN, May \xe2\x80\x93 July 2014\nVolunteer Law Clerk\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched tenant rights issues, including the right to cure, HUD Section 8 rules, giving\nproper notice before eviction and the landlord\xe2\x80\x99s duty to repair.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advised as many as 20 clients per day regarding legal housing issues.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advocated with HUD on behalf of four clients to resolve compliance issues.\n\nINTERESTS OR COMMUNITY SERVICE\nThis section shows a sense of you as a person, in a way that will be likely to help you connect\nwith a legal employer.\nTIPS:\nThe \xe2\x80\x9cInterests\xe2\x80\x9d section is optional but can be more interesting by providing some details. For\nexample: \xe2\x80\x9cTraveled in East Asia\xe2\x80\x9d vs. simply \xe2\x80\x9cTravel.\xe2\x80\x9d\nPublications, Language or Licenses/Certifications (CPA, Rule 114 neutral, etc.) could be\nadditional headings that show specific skills. If you are active in professional organizations or\nhave been published, you may also want to include those.\n\n\x0cSPECIAL TOPICS\nCertain topics are \xe2\x80\x9chot button\xe2\x80\x9d topics\xe2\x80\x94those that may create a negative impression on the\nresume reviewer, based on the reviewer\xe2\x80\x99s own background and beliefs. These topics include\npolitics, social fraternities, religion, sexual preferences, and issues that are currently being\ndebated by society.\nThere are three ways to handle these issues in a resume: 1) list the activities 2) list activities in a\nneutral way 3) or, do not include these on your resume. It is your choice whether or not to\ndisclose activities or experiences that reflect your beliefs/values. These can be listed as follows:\nMinnesota Law Students for (Democrat/Republican) Candidate (Then list activities.)\nState Chairman, Law Student Organization, for presidential candidate (Then, list activities, as\nyou choose.)\nSPECIAL RESUMES: OCI, Judicial Clerkship, IP and Public Interest\nCertain resumes require a different emphasis.\nJudicial Clerkship: Emphasize Moot Court, Judicial externships, Law Review, research and\nwriting experiences, including any publications.\nOn-Campus Interviews (OCI): Include your GPA, Class Rank, and (Top __%), Law Review,\nand all other academic achievements.\nPublic Interest: Public interest employers are particularly interested in things that show a\ncommitment to public service and connections to the greater community, particularly in the area\ndealt with by that employer. Include a separate section with volunteer work and community\ninvolvement. In the cover letter, you will also want to emphasize how and why your\ncommitment to this kind of public interest opportunity arose.\nIntellectual Property (IP): IP employers are often looking for a specific technical background.\nList details about the technical aspects of your education and experience, including publications\nand research projects. These resumes can be longer than one page.\n\n\x0cFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS:\nCan I use my nickname on my resume if that\xe2\x80\x99s what I prefer to be called? Use your full\nlegal name and write your nickname in parentheses or quotation marks. (For example: Elizabeth\n\xe2\x80\x9cBetsy\xe2\x80\x9d Roberts). If your nickname doesn\xe2\x80\x99t seem professional, do not use it on your resume.\nShould I use an \xe2\x80\x9cobjectives\xe2\x80\x9d statement? Most legal resumes do not include an objectives\nstatement. Mention the position you are applying for (and why) in your cover letter.\nShould my resume be only one-page? Legal employers prefer to see a concise resume. Most\nlaw student resumes are one page. If you have extensive professional experience or a technical\nbackground it may be appropriate to have a two-page resume. If your resume is two pages, make\nsure that your name is on the second page (Robin Hood, page 2), but omit the complete header.\nHow important is formatting? Make your resume inviting and easy to read by using white\nspace wisely. Do not overuse bold, italics, or underlined text because it may make your resume\nappear busy. (For example: Bold the names of educational institutions and employers, but do not\nbold the city, state, and dates).\nDo I need to list my GPA and Class Rank? How do I explain if my grades are not in the top\n___ % of my class? Most law firms want to see your GPA and class rank. Emphasize the\npositive. If your grades show an upward trend, show both cumulative GPA and the trend:\nCumulative GPA: 2.9; GPA: 3.4 (second year). If you received a high grade in a class that\npertains to the position, you may list it (this could also be highlighted in the cover letter as well.)\nShould I include my undergraduate activities and honors? Legal employers are typically\nmost interested in your law school experience. Select the most relevant honors and activities. If\nyou received a substantial scholarship related to your academic performance, you can say\n\xe2\x80\x9cPresidential Scholarship\xe2\x80\x9d or \xe2\x80\x9cAcademic scholarships\xe2\x80\x9d\nHow should I list clinics, competitions, and other experiences? List clinics, internships and\ncompetitions after you have been accepted or have started the experience. Do not list clinics or\ncompetitions you anticipate taking. If you want to emphasize courses relevant to the position,\nsuch as IP courses, you could include this in a sub-category \xe2\x80\x9cCourse Highlights\xe2\x80\x9d in the\nEducation section (in addition to your cover letter).\nWhere do I list clinics and MJF experience? Clinic participation and volunteering with MJF\nare important legal experiences \xe2\x80\x93 include these under the \xe2\x80\x9cLegal Experience\xe2\x80\x9d section to provide\nmore visibility.\nWhat about Study Abroad? Study abroad can also set you apart from other students. You can\nadd a \xe2\x80\x9cStudy Abroad\xe2\x80\x9d section as an activity under the college or university you attended.\n\n\x0cEXAMPLE:\nStudy Abroad: London, England (May-June 2015)\nEmphasis: Comparative Contracts and Alternative Dispute Resolution.\nIf the study abroad was sponsored by another university, you may also list the name of that\nUniversity.\nDo I need to list every job on my resume? List the jobs that are pertinent to the position. You\ndo not need to list every single position. There should not, however, be large unexplained time\ngaps in your resume.\nWhat if I was promoted or had several jobs with one company? You can list the company\ninformation once, and then list each separate position with a description. See examples in the\n\xe2\x80\x9cLegal Resume Samples\xe2\x80\x9d found in the Symplicity Document Library.\nWhat if my only experience is non-legal? Describe your accomplishments and results.\nEmployment at Starbucks during the rush hours says a lot about your ability to handle pressure\nand provide good customer service. Describe non-legal experiences focusing on transferable\nlegal skills. We also recommend gaining legal experience through MJF, externships, or clinics to\nadd legal experience to your resume.\nShould I list undergraduate internships? Some college internships provide excellent\nexperience and make you stand out to an employer. These should be listed under activities.\nAs a second career student, how do I describe my experience? Focus on your transferable\nskills, selecting the most relevant experiences. Be careful that your descriptions do not use\njargons or acronyms that are unfamiliar to legal recruiters.\n\n\x0cLaw School Resume Worksheet\nUse this worksheet to assist you in brainstorming all of the possible experiences to list on your resume. All resumes\nshould have contact information, education and experience sections, but content will differ greatly, depending on\nyour unique background. A resume is a targeted marketing piece about you, with the employer as your audience.\nThink about what you can do for the employer, with an emphasis on your skills and accomplishments, rather than on\nduties and responsibilities.\n\nSchool Name: ________________________________________________________________________\nLocation of School (City & State) _______________________________________________________________\nExpected Graduation Date: ____________________________________________________________________\nGPA: ______________ Class Rank: _____/____ (Top______%) (List GPA and Class Rank if in top 40-50%)\nScholarships/Awards/Honors (may include a brief explanation):\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nExtracurricular Activities (student organizations, CLE classes, publications, and presentations) Be sure to list all\nleadership roles within these organizations:\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\nWhat Made Me Stand Out? (What you did, started, improved that distinguishes you from anyone else doing the\nsame activity):\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\nProfessional Experience (Legal experience, non-legal experience, volunteer activities):\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\nLaw School Experiences \xe2\x80\x93 Scholarly & Practical Learning (Journals, Law Review, Moot Court Competitions,\nClinics, Externships, Clerkships, Internships, Client Counseling, Student Bar Association, etc.):\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________\n\n*For additional assistance, visit the Career & Professional Development Office, rm. 103, or schedule an\nappointment with a Career Advisor.' |
384 | Advocate | b'Fiona Owen\nTrainee solicitor\nAREAS OF EXPERTISE\n\nPERSONAL SUMMARY\n\nDrafting skills\n\nA recent Law graduate who is fully aware of the structure, culture and procedures\nof the legal profession. Experienced in and having a good understanding of how\nto build relationships with clients and to provide appropriate and effective legal\nadvice and services to them. Easy going by nature and able to liaise with case\nofficers, managers and decision makers with regards to on-going legal matters.\nCurrently looking for a training contract with a reputable solicitors firm.\n\nEmployment Law\nCompetition & Trade\nIntellectual Property\n\nACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS\nDispute Resolution\nClient interviews\n\nB.A. (Hons) Law\nMiddlesex University\nA levels:\nGeography (C) Maths (A) English (B) Physics (C)\nChelmsford Central College\n\nPROFESSIONAL\nFirst Aid\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nCommunity Law Centre - Chelmsford\nJune 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nWorking as an unpaid advisor at busy city centre advice bureau that provides free\nlegal advice and assistance to the community in three areas of law: Housing,\nImmigration and Employment. Responsible for a number of legal, technical and\nadministrative tasks, including giving preliminary advice to clients after reviewing\noften complex reports and documents.\nDuties:\nAssisting to prepare a clients case documents.\nAttending Court or Tribunal appointments with clients.\nUndertaking legal research.\nMeeting and greeting clients.\nRecording and monitoring office expenses and raising invoices.\nAssisting mostly tenants, homeless families and low paid workers.\nProviding legal advice to decision makers regarding possible solutions.\nAdvising individuals on alternative methods of dispute resolution.\nAnswering the phone, filing documents and other administrative duties.\n\nVOLUNTEER ADVISOR\n\nPERSONAL SKILLS\nCommunication skills\nTelephone manner\nTactful & articulate\nProblem solving\nExcellent organisational\nskills\nDriving license\nGerman language\n\nPERSONAL DETAILS\nFiona Owen\n82 Some where Street\nChelmsford\nC6 9LL\nT: 01223 999 3333\nM: 0777 111 2233\nE:\n\nKEY SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES\nAble to interview clients and witnesses and take draft statements.\nExperience of explaining a firms fee structure to potential clients.\nFamiliar with researching documents and case histories.\nAble to work in a fast paced environment & complete projects to schedule.\nComprehensive understanding of the Solicitors\xe2\x80\x99 Regulation Authority regulations.\nHaving enthusiasm, ambition, self-awareness and initiative.\nPreparing lengthy reports.\nWriting letters of advice.\nInitiating and conducting litigation proceedings.\nLiaising with the other professionals, counsel and Barristers.\nAble to explain legal matter clearly to non legal professionals.\nKeeping up to date with changes and developments in the law.\nREFERENCES \xe2\x80\x93 Available on request.\n\n\x0cCopyright information - Please read\n\xc2\xa9 This CV template is the copyright of Dayjob Ltd August 2010. Jobseekers may download and use this CV example for their\nown personal use to help them create their own CVs. You are most welcome to link to this page or any other page on our site\ However these CVs must not be distributed or made available on other websites without our prior\npermission. For any questions relating to the use of this CV template please email:' |
385 | Advocate | b'LORRI ROWELL\nCURRICULUM VITAE\nCURRENT POSITION:\n\nParalegal\n\nAREA OF LAW:\n\n100% devoted to Marital & Family Law\n\nEDUCATION:\n\nBlackstone Career Institute\nFormerly: Blackstone School of Law\nParalegal Certificate (1999)\n\nCERTIFICATIONS &\nACCREDITATIONS:\n\nState of Florida\nNotary Public\n\nPROFESSIONAL\nLEGAL\nEXPERIENCE:\n\nSessums Black Caballero Ficarrotta, PA\nTampa, Florida\nParalegal (2013 \xe2\x80\x93 present)\nThe Solomon Law Group, PA\nTampa, Florida\nParalegal Supervisor (2006 \xe2\x80\x93 2013)\nCohen, Jayson & Foster, PA\nTampa, Florida\nParalegal (2004 \xe2\x80\x93 2006)\nMcDonald & Shearer, PA\nLakeland, Florida\nParalegal/Bookkeeper/Office Manager (1999 \xe2\x80\x93 2004)\nFuhrer, Flournoy, Hunter & Morton, PA\nAlexandria, Louisiana\nParalegal (1997 \xe2\x80\x93 1999)\nJack E. Carter, PA\nFayetteville, North Carolina\nParalegal/Bookkeeper/Office Manager (1993 \xe2\x80\x93 1997)\nThe Law Office of Richard C. Peper, PA\nJacksonville, Florida\nParalegal/Bookkeeper/Office Manager (1991 \xe2\x80\x93 1993)\nLaw Office of Peter R. Mayer, PA\nLakeland, Florida\nParalegal/Bookkeeper/Office Manager (1988 \xe2\x80\x93 1991)\n\n\x0cLorri L. Rowell\nPage 2\nHunter, Naser, Corda & Evans\nLakeland, Florida\nReceptionist/Legal Secretary (1987 \xe2\x80\x93 1988)\nPROFESSIONAL\nASSOCIATIONS AND\nMEMBERSHIPS:\n\nNational Association of Legal Assistants (2014 \xe2\x80\x93 present)\nNational Organization\nTampa Bay Paralegal Association (2013 \xe2\x80\x93 present)\nTampa, Florida\n\nCOMMUNITY\nINVOLVEMENT:\n\nFlorida Division of Forestry\nCamp Host/Volunteer\nEmergency Animal Rescue (EARS)\nCertified Volunteer\nHumane Society of the United States (HSUS)\nCertified Volunteer\nState of Florida\nFormer Volunteer Guardian ad Litem\n\n[753992/2]' |
386 | Advocate | b'RESUME\nELEANOR SOUTHERS\nATTORNEY AT LAW\n1362 Pacific Ave. #216\nSanta Cruz, CA 95060\n(831)466-9132\nFax (831)466-9456\nCell (310) 749-1944\nE-mail:\nWeb\n\nEDUCATION\nSan Francisco State University\nBachelor of Art,\nMaster\xe2\x80\x99s Program\nUniversity of La Verne, College of Law\nSan Fernando Campus\nJuris Doctor\nAmerican Montessori Training Center, Los Angeles\nTeaching Credential\n\nEMPLOYMENT\nLegally Related\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\nProfessional Legal Coaching\nSince moving to Santa Cruz in 2007, Ms. Southers has\ndirected her attention to volunteer work and coaching\nattorneys and legal staff on ways to grow, change or\nincrease their effectiveness. She has lectured and written\nextensively in this area for the past 10 years.\n\n1987 \xe2\x80\x93 2007\n\nLaw Offices of Eleanor Southers\nPersonal Injury, Worker\xe2\x80\x99s Compensation, Immigration\n\n1\n\n\x0cA full service law firm handling all aspects of cases from\nthe claim stage through trial and appeals, as well as\nadministrative appearances. Case load has been between\n125-155 cases. Serviced over 2,500 clients. Heavy client\ncontact as well as supervising 3 inside and 2 outside\nemployees. Jury, Court and Appellate experience including\na 1.34M verdict in Superior Court.\nRelated work includes work with CA dept of Labor on\nImmigration matters, Pro Bono and paid work has included\nmediations/arbitrations for FEHA, CA Appellate Court, LA\nSuperior Court and the Judicial Settlement Officer\nProgram.\n.\n1994 - Present\n\nMediation Office of Eleanor Southers\nExtensive training and experience in Mediations.\nParticular emphasis on Employment/Labor Relations and\nBusiness. Worked with PIHRA (Professionals in Human\nResources) as an officer and lecturer. Has mediated over\n300 matters at all levels of dispute resolution from claims\nthrough Appellate proceedings. On the mediation panel for\nCA. Superior Court, Probate Panel, Judicial Officers\nSettlement Program, and 2nd Appellate District Mediation\nPanel.\n\n1982 \xe2\x80\x93 1987\n\nLaw Offices of Gary Eisenberg\nLaw Clerk and Attorney\nPersonal Injury. Litigation\n\n1980 \xe2\x80\x93 1982\n\nLaw Offices of Brown and Kivo\nLaw Clerk\nPersonal Injury, Construction, Real Estate\nBusiness, Labor Law\n\n1979 \xe2\x80\x93 1980\n\nLaw Offices of Donald Kottler\nLaw Clerk: Personal Injury and Worker\xe2\x80\x99s Compensation\n\nNon Legal\n1970 \xe2\x80\x93 1978\n\nGlendale/Burbank Montessori School\nMontessori Teacher and Principal\n\n2\n\n\x0cVOLUNTEER, COMMUNITY AND PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nJudge Pro Tem- Los Angeles Small Claims Courts/Santa Cruz and Monterey\nPanel.\nArbitrator-Los Angeles County Bar Association fee program\nMediator-Los Angeles Superior Courts\nArbitrator-Los Angeles Superior Courts\nSettlement Officer-Los Angeles Superior Courts JSOP Program\nMediator-Appellate Court Panel, Los Angeles(2nd Appellate District)\nMediator-Probate Panel, Los Angeles Superior Courts\nPast Program Chairman, Pacific Palisades Rotary Club\nVice Chair, Pacific Palisades Rotary Club\nSpeaker, various Rotary, Lions and other civic organizations\nChairman of Mentor Program, Women\xe2\x80\x99s Referral Service\nBoard of Directors, Halcyon Center for Child Studies.\nOutreach Chairman, Fulfillment Fund for Network/LA\nLos Angeles Public Library Literacy Tutor\nMember of Women\xe2\x80\x99s Club, UCSC\nCASA Volunteer (Court Appointed Special Advocate in the Dependency\nSystem for Santa Cruz County)\n\nPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP:\n\xef\x82\xb7 California State Bar-Board of Directors(Advisor) Executive committee, Solo\nand Small Firm Section\n\xef\x82\xb7 Consumer Attorneys of California\n\xef\x82\xb7 Consumer Attorneys of Los Angeles\n\xef\x82\xb7 California Applicant\xe2\x80\x99s Attorneys Association\n\xef\x82\xb7 Southern California Mediation Association\n\xef\x82\xb7 Culver-Marina Bar Association- Trustee,2003 and Lawyer to Lawyer\nNetworking Chairman.\n\xef\x82\xb7 LA County Bar \xe2\x80\x93DRS Associates, Program Committee\n\xef\x82\xb7 Beverly Hills Bar Association \xe2\x80\x93Past Co-Chair Networking Committee and\nmember of the Board for the Employment Section.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Santa Cruz County Bar Association\n\xef\x82\xb7 Monterey County Bar Association\n\xef\x82\xb7 Santa Clara Bar Association\n\xef\x82\xb7 SCERT, Los Angeles, CA.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Professionals in Human Resources, District Five, past vice-chairman\n\xef\x82\xb7 American Immigration Lawyers Association\n\xef\x82\xb7 State Bar of California # 100954\n\xef\x82\xb7 United States District Court, Central District\n\xef\x82\xb7 United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit\n\n3\n\n\x0cSEMINARS AND SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS\n\xef\x82\xb7 LA County Bar MCLE Seminar \xe2\x80\x9cY2K Disputes and ADR: Preparing for the\nInevitable\xe2\x80\x9d, September, 1999\n\xef\x82\xb7 LA Times Small Business Strategies Convention Speaker \xe2\x80\x9cY2K Triage\xe2\x80\x9d,\nSeptember, 1999\n\xef\x82\xb7 PIHRA Conference 2000, Speaker \xe2\x80\x9cMediation and Negotiation Techniques\nFor the HR Professional\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 California State University at Fullerton, Instructor Summer 2001, \xe2\x80\x9cMediation\nAnd Negotiation Techniques in the Workplace\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Speaker, Various Service Organizations, 1990 to Present.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Speaker, Women In Business \xe2\x80\x9cMediation, Choice of the Future\xe2\x80\x9d, 1996\n\xef\x82\xb7 MCLE Speaker: State Bar Convention, 2001 and 2002, \xe2\x80\x9cWorker\xe2\x80\x99s\nCompensation and Personal Injury \xe2\x80\x9dMCLE State Bar Section Conference,\n2003, \xe2\x80\x9cHow to Handle a Low Impact Case on a Budget\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 MCLE Speaker: State Bar Convention, 2003,2004,2005,\xe2\x80\x9dEthically Handling\nLiens\xe2\x80\x9d and SEI Speaker,2005, \xe2\x80\x9cStrategic Planning for Your Practice\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 State Bar 2006 Convention. \xe2\x80\x9cRecent changes in Immigration Law Since 9/11\nand How it is Impacting your Practice\xe2\x80\x9d.\n\xef\x82\xb7 SEI January, 2008 Speaker: \xe2\x80\x9cAlternative Ways of Paying: Credit Cards,\nBarter and Legal Plans\xe2\x80\x9d.\n\xef\x82\xb7 State Bar 2008 Convention. \xe2\x80\x9cHow to Run Your Office on a Shoestring\xe2\x80\x9d.\n\xef\x82\xb7 In House Seminars: Marketing and Time Management (2) 2009\n\xef\x82\xb7 State Bar 2010 Convention. \xe2\x80\x9cTime Management for Lawyers who have no\ntime\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 ABA Local Programing, Niche Marketing and Negotiating 2013 and 2014.\nCA State Bar, Merced, Santa Cruz, Humboldt and Imperial County Bar\nAssociation presentations 2012 -2014.\n\nAWARDS:\nIrving Gold Foil Appreciation Award \xe2\x80\x93 1988\nWomen\xe2\x80\x99s Referral Service/ Outstanding Woman of the Year - 1993\nRotary International/ Recognition of Service \xe2\x80\x93 1995\nCulver Marina Bar Association/Service Award \xe2\x80\x93 2004\nCA State Bar, Solo and Small Firm/Service Award - 2002 -2006\n\nCOMPUTER SKILLS:\nSkilled in use of the Web for investigation, research, and all aspects of legal and nonlegal work, including e-mail.\nKnowledgeable in the use of: Legal Solutions, Tritek (Management System),\nImmForms(West), Microsoft Office including Word, Excel and Outlook.\n4\n\n\x0cProficient in preparing general correspondence, legal motions, briefs, and related written\nmaterials, using a Word format.\n\nPUBLICATIONS:\nBOOKS INCLUDE:\nThe Medical-Legal Survival Guide, A Handbook for the California Chiropractor, ChiroLegal Publications, 1995, co-authored with Craig Morris, D.C.(used in 2 Chiropractic\nColleges in California as a text book)\nThe California Guide to Opening and Managing a Law Office, CA State Bar Publication,\n2008, authored chapter on \xe2\x80\x9cWhat Kind of Law Should I Practice\xe2\x80\x9d.\nBeing a Better Lawyer: A Short Guide to a Long Career, published by the ABA\n\nARTICLES INCLUDE:\n\xe2\x80\x9cMediation: Choice of the Future\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x9cHow to Save Money on Your Automobile Insurance\n\xe2\x80\x9cHow to recover from an unusual Accident\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x9cWhat to do if you are in an Accident\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x9cHow to Prepare for Mediation\xe2\x80\x9d LA Business Journal, 2000\n\xe2\x80\x9cPeacemeal Mediation\xe2\x80\x9d Daily Journal, 1999\n\xe2\x80\x9cHow to Prepare your client for Mediation\xe2\x80\x9d Forum Publication, 2001\n\xe2\x80\x9cY2K Litigation, Get Ready for a Change\xe2\x80\x9d\nLos Angeles Daily Journal, Verdicts and Settlement, Mediator Profile, 12 / 99\nColumnist for Big News For the Small Firm \xe2\x80\x9cThe Oracle\xe2\x80\x9d(State Bar Publication)\n\xe2\x80\x9cWhat You Need to Know about VAWA\xe2\x80\x9d Big News, 2005\n\xe2\x80\x9cHow Immigration Laws since 9/11 are Affecting Your Practice\xe2\x80\x9d Big News\n\xe2\x80\x9cIs There an Elephant in your Law Office\xe2\x80\x9d Big News, Convention Edition 2008\nColumnist for State Bar Publication \xe2\x80\x9cBig News\xe2\x80\x9d from 2006 to present.\n\nCOPIES OF ARTICLES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST\n\nREFERENCES UPON REQUEST\n\n5' |
387 | Advocate | b'CURRICULUM\n\nVITAE\n\nPersonal Particulars\nName:\n\nNzuki Mwinzi\n\nAddress:\n\nP.O. Box 67429 00200, City Square, Nairobi\n\nTelephone:\n\nOffice: 3749125/3753906\nMobile: 0722442303\n\nE-mail Address:\n\\n\nNationality:\n\nKenyan\n\nAcademic Background\n1990:\n\nCrown Agents\xe2\x80\x99 Training Centre\nWorthing, United Kingdom (UK)\nCertificate in Commercial Law and Practice\n\n1985 \xe2\x80\x93 1986:\n\nVirje Univertiteit Brussels\n(VUB) Brussels, Belgium\nMasters of Law (LL.M) in International and Comparative Law\n\n1984:\n\nKenya School of Law, Nairobi\nDiploma in Law\n\n1979 - 1983:\n\nUniversity of Nairobi, Faculty of Law\nBachelor of Laws (LL.B Honours)\n\n1973 - 1978:\n\nAlliance High School, Kikuyu\nKenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE) \xe2\x80\x98A\xe2\x80\x99 Level\nKenya Certificate of Education (KCE) \xe2\x80\x98O\xe2\x80\x99 Level\n\n1966 - 1972:\n\nMusengo Primary School, Kitui\nCertificate of Primary Education (CPE)\n\nProfessional Qualifications\n\nPage 1 of 4\n\n\x0c\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nCertified Public Secretary (CPSK)\nCertificate in Commercial Law and Practice 1990\nDiploma in Law, Kenya School of Law, Council of Legal education 1984\nAdvocate of the High Court of Kenya: Entered into the roll of Advocates on 15th\nOctober 1984\nCommissioner of Oaths\n\nOther Responsibilities\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nDirector and Promoter: New Alliance Schools, comprising of a charitable Secondary\nSchool for disadvantaged boys and girls and a Teachers Training College in Kitui\nWest.\nPatron:\nNzalae Water and Development Project (CBO)\nMember:\nOle Shua Community Organization, Karen (CBO)\nKCB Management Leadership Centre (Club)\nLaw Society of Kenya\nKenyatta University Senate\nEagles Christian Church, Karen\nMusengo Welfare Association (CBO)\n\nEmployment Record\n1979:\n\nMuthale Girls Secondary School, Kitui\nTeacher in English, Literature, History and Geography\n\n1983:\n\nMumbuni High School, Machakos\nMutonguni Secondary School, Kitui\nTeacher in English, Literature, History and Geography\n\n1984 \xe2\x80\x93 1986:\n\nKenya Law Reform Commission\nDuties:\n\n1987 \xe2\x80\x93 1989:\n\nLegal Research and Drafting\nReview, amendment and repeal of Kenyan laws\n\nAttorney General\xe2\x80\x99s Office\nSenior State Counsel, Civil Litigation department\nDealt with Civil cases for and on behalf of the state (GOK)\n\n1989 \xe2\x80\x93 1995:\n\nKenya National Assurance Co. Ltd\nSenior Legal Officer under the Company Secretary/Chief Legal\nOfficer; Claims Manager and motor underwriting manager\nPage 2 of 4\n\n\x0cDuties\n\n-Dealt with the company\xe2\x80\x99s legal matters including civil\nlitigation, conveyacing/mortgages, property and\ninsurance matters\n-In 1992 \xe2\x80\x93 1995 headed the claims and motor\nunderwriting departments which dealt with all types of\nAccident claims and motor insurances\n\n1995 \xe2\x80\x93 1997:\n\nPart time lecturer/faculty member of the United States International\nUniversity (USIU) Africa: taught courses in international trade law,\ncommercial/business/mercantile Law, International business\nadministration (IBA) both at undergraduate and postgraduate (MBA)\nlevels\n\n1997 \xe2\x80\x93 2000:\n\nPrivate legal practice in the firm of Nzuki Mwinzi and Co. Advocates\nwith offices in Nairobi, Kitui and Mwingi.\n\n2000 \xe2\x80\x93 2003:\n\nPartner in the firm of Mwanyumba, Nzuki Mwinzi and Company\nAdvocates, Consolidated Bank House, Nairobi.\n\n2003 - 2008:\n\nKenyatta National Hospital\nChief Legal Officer\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Head of Legal department, advisor to the Board of\nManagement and Advocate in civil and criminal matters,\nlecturer in medical legal issues and professional ethics both at\nKNH and Medical School, University of Nairobi (UON)\n\nNov. 2008 to date: Managing Partner, Nzuki Mwinzi and Co. Advocates, Nairobi, a Firm\nof Advocates handling all types of Civil and Criminal matters on\nbehalf of clients\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Lecturer in Law, Kenyatta University\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Chairman, Department of Private Law, Kenyatta University\nHobbies\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nCharitable work\nCommunity service and development\nTraveling\nSwimming\nListening to Music\n\nPage 3 of 4\n\n\x0cCareer Summary\nStrong legal background in legal research, drafting, civil and criminal litigation, company\nlaw and secretarial practice, corporate governance and University law teaching. Currently\nmy skills in Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods.\nReferees\n1. Professor R. Muasya\nDeputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)\nKenyatta University\nP.O. Box 43844-00100\nNAIROBI\n2. Dr. Linda Musumba\nAg. Dean, School of Law\nKenyatta University\nP.O. Box 43844 00100\nNAIROBI\nTel: 020 3749125/3753906\n\nPage 4 of 4' |
388 | Advocate | b'Sample Law CV no.1\n\nJayne Murphy\nHome address:\n16 Prior Close\nKeelin Road\nCo. Cork\n\nTerm- time address:\nN34 Lafrowda Flats\nCollege View\nCork\n\nTel.(mobile) 08 3456912\nE-mail:\n\\n\nEducation\n2005-2006\n\nUniversity College Cork: LLB in Criminal Law\n\n2001-2005\n\nBCL Law and French (grade 2.1)\nTort Law, Land Law, European Union Law & French Administrative Law\n\nYear 3\n\nSpent one year in University of Rennes I\n\n1995-2001\n\nBandon Grammar School\nLeaving Certificate (500 points)\nFrench (A) German (A) Business Studies (B) Mathematics (B)\n\nLegal Work Experience\n2005\n\nClifford Chance London Summer placement in which I experienced 1 week in\ncorporate and 1 week in international tax. Was able to sit in with client meetings and\nreview papers.\nO\xe2\x80\x99Connell O\xe2\x80\x99Leary 1 week summer placement in which I was given the opportunity\nto work with seniors and partners in private client work in property and trusts. Sat in\non client meetings and was given a report to draft.\n\n2004\n\nAmbrose Hall & Partners 2 weeks in this smaller high street practice where I was\ninvolved in taking statements, reviewing papers and general office administrations\nsuch as answering calls from clients and typing reports.\n\nOther Work Experience\nSince 2000\n\nJeffers Bar and Restaurant (Cork) I work here in the vacations where I am given\nconsiderable responsibility for serving customers, stocking the bar, training new staff\nand cashing up at night. This job has enabled me to develop excellent customer\nservice skills as well as managing long hours in a busy environment.\n\n\x0cVoluntary Work\n2003 \xe2\x80\x93 2005\n\nMember of \xe2\x80\x98Sunday Sports\xe2\x80\x99 project, run by Cope Foundation to help persons\nwith physical and intellectual disability to improve their functional ability and\nmaximise physical independence.\nI also take part in other events run during the week such as Wednesday\nKids Club which gives the children in residential care opportunities to partake in\nleisure activities and arts and crafts projects.\n\n2002 \xe2\x80\x93 2005\n\n2002 \xe2\x80\x93 2004\n\nOngoing volunteer for University College Cork RAG week which raises money for\nvarious charities by collecting, taking part in individual raids, aiding in the organisation\nof the fashion show.\nPlayscheme helper in Kidz-R-Us: volunteer childminding during half term vacations.\n\nOther skills\nLanguages\nFrench & English\nGerman\nItalian\n\nLevel\nBilingual\nGood\nBasic\n\nComputer skills\nGood knowledge of Microsoft Excel & Microsoft Word. I have also undertaken various IT courses at\nUniversity to improve and I am a regular user of email and internet.\nCommunication\nExcellent interpersonal and communication skills. I have been an active member of the debating team\nduring my undergraduate study.\n\nPersonal achievements\n-\n\nAttended the CRAC Insight to Management Course (July 2005)\nSign Language crash course for beginners (February 2004)\nElected to the Law Society Committee for 2003-2004\nFirst Aid course with St John\xe2\x80\x99s ambulance initially 2002 but do \xe2\x80\x9cRefreshers\xe2\x80\x9d every year\n\nInterests & activities\n-\n\nSports: Regular exercise and social interaction at various gym classes, namely aerobics,\nsalsa evening and Yoga course for beginners. Currently badminton and football are healthy\nbreaks which develop my endurance and competitiveness.\n\n-\n\nElected Lafrowda Flats Residents Association Vice-President in 2002-2003 and played an\nactive but auxillary/advisory role in the Committee for the following years.\n\n-\n\nTravel: Over the years I have travelled extensively and lived throughout the world for different\ntime spans, this helps me adapt, observe and keep an open mind to different people and\nsituations as well as new cultures all together.\n\nReferences\nAvailable on request\n\n\x0cSample Law CV 2\n\nHom e:\n26 Hill View Court,\nFermoy, Co.Cork.\nTel: 025 32567\n\nJulie Smith\n\nTerm :\n2 Magazine Road,\nCork City.\nMob: 087 2589674\nE-Mail:\n\n_________________________________________________________________\nOBJECTIVE\n\nEDUCATION\n\nKeen to source a challenging role in a dynamic law firm which will offer early\nresponsibilities, a progressive career path and the opportunity to maximise\nmy potential.\n2004 \xe2\x80\x93 2005\nUNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK\nLLB\nSubjects include:\nMedical Law\nFamily Law\n\nCommercial Law\nPublic International Law\n\n2001 \xe2\x80\x93 2004\nUNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK\nBachelor of Civil Law - Result: 2H1\nSubjects:\nLaw of the European Union\nConstitutional Law\nLaw of Contract\nLaw of Property\n\nLaw of Torts\nCriminal Law\nLaw of Evidence\nJurisprudence\n\nProjects:\n\xef\x82\xa7 Moot Court: Two teams of four presented opposing arguments on\nbehalf of the respondent and the applicant. Arguments were\nresearched and presented orally in a cohesive manner. Each student\nwas questioned by the judge to assess their understanding of the\nissues. Result: 2H1.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Legal Skills and Analysis: Prepared a fictional client interview and\nfollowed up the client\xe2\x80\x99s query in writing. Result: 1H.\n1995 \xe2\x80\x93 2001\nLORETO SECONDARY SCHOOL, FERMOY, CO. CORK\nLeaving Certificate: 490 points, including an A1 in English.\nEMPLOYMENT\nRelevant Experience: Summer 2004\nCourts Service, Four Courts, Dublin\n\xef\x82\xa7 Attended daily meetings with the advocates.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Accompanied advocates to the Court Library.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Assisted administration staff with research.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Attended a number of cases held over the course of the summer.\nSummer 2003\nSmith, Jones & Taylor Solicitors, Main Street, Fermoy, Co. Cork\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\nOther Experience:\n\nObserved interviews with clients and typed up reports.\nAttended court with solicitors as part of observation.\nAssisted apprentice solicitors with research and discussed points of\nlaw and appropriate legal solutions.\n\nSummer 2002 & 2001\nSilver Pail Dairy (Ireland), Fermoy, Co. Cork\n\xef\x82\xa7 Worked as administrative assistant.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Gained knowledge and experience of office administration including\nfiling, faxing, photocopying, typing and telephone.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Covered reception during lunch and holidays.\nSummer 2000\nSuperValu, Fermoy, Co. Cork\n\xef\x82\xa7 Served customers and used cash register.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Stocked shelves and assisted in stocktakes.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Handled cash and balanced till daily.\n\nSKILLS\n\nComputer: Good working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint,\nE-Mail and Internet. Typing speed: 70 wpm.\nLanguage: Spanish, excellent written and oral level.\nOrganisational: Time management skills gained through projects and\ncourse work and prioritising tasks to meet deadlines.\nCommunication and Interpersonal: Excellent team working skills gained\nthrough coursework, employment and extracurricular activities.\n\nINTERESTS &\nACHIEVEMENTS\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\nREFERENCES\n\nMember of the UCC Law Society.\nAwarded \xe2\x80\x982003 Debater of the Year\xe2\x80\x99\nRepresented UCC at a number of intervarsity debating competitions.\nTrained and mentored new members on debating skills.\nCompleted a Youth Leadership course presented by Toastmasters\nInternational in 2000.\n\nMr. Tom Kelly, Lecturer, Department of Law, University College Cork. Tel:\n021 493 2222. E-Mail:\nMr. Michael Smith, Solicitor, Smith, Jones & Taylor Solicitors, Main Street,\nFermoy, Co. Cork. Tel: 025 369854. E-Mail:' |
389 | Advocate | b'Sample Law CV no.1\n\nJayne Murphy\nHome address:\n16 Prior Close\nKeelin Road\nCo. Cork\n\nTerm- time address:\nN34 Lafrowda Flats\nCollege View\nCork\n\nTel.(mobile) 08 3456912\nE-mail:\n\\n\nEducation\n2005-2006\n\nUniversity College Cork: LLB in Criminal Law\n\n2001-2005\n\nBCL Law and French (grade 2.1)\nTort Law, Land Law, European Union Law & French Administrative Law\n\nYear 3\n\nSpent one year in University of Rennes I\n\n1995-2001\n\nBandon Grammar School\nLeaving Certificate (500 points)\nFrench (A) German (A) Business Studies (B) Mathematics (B)\n\nLegal Work Experience\n2005\n\nClifford Chance London Summer placement in which I experienced 1 week in\ncorporate and 1 week in international tax. Was able to sit in with client meetings and\nreview papers.\nO\xe2\x80\x99Connell O\xe2\x80\x99Leary 1 week summer placement in which I was given the opportunity\nto work with seniors and partners in private client work in property and trusts. Sat in\non client meetings and was given a report to draft.\n\n2004\n\nAmbrose Hall & Partners 2 weeks in this smaller high street practice where I was\ninvolved in taking statements, reviewing papers and general office administrations\nsuch as answering calls from clients and typing reports.\n\nOther Work Experience\nSince 2000\n\nJeffers Bar and Restaurant (Cork) I work here in the vacations where I am given\nconsiderable responsibility for serving customers, stocking the bar, training new staff\nand cashing up at night. This job has enabled me to develop excellent customer\nservice skills as well as managing long hours in a busy environment.\n\n\x0cVoluntary Work\n2003 \xe2\x80\x93 2005\n\nMember of \xe2\x80\x98Sunday Sports\xe2\x80\x99 project, run by Cope Foundation to help persons\nwith physical and intellectual disability to improve their functional ability and\nmaximise physical independence.\nI also take part in other events run during the week such as Wednesday\nKids Club which gives the children in residential care opportunities to partake in\nleisure activities and arts and crafts projects.\n\n2002 \xe2\x80\x93 2005\n\n2002 \xe2\x80\x93 2004\n\nOngoing volunteer for University College Cork RAG week which raises money for\nvarious charities by collecting, taking part in individual raids, aiding in the organisation\nof the fashion show.\nPlayscheme helper in Kidz-R-Us: volunteer childminding during half term vacations.\n\nOther skills\nLanguages\nFrench & English\nGerman\nItalian\n\nLevel\nBilingual\nGood\nBasic\n\nComputer skills\nGood knowledge of Microsoft Excel & Microsoft Word. I have also undertaken various IT courses at\nUniversity to improve and I am a regular user of email and internet.\nCommunication\nExcellent interpersonal and communication skills. I have been an active member of the debating team\nduring my undergraduate study.\n\nPersonal achievements\n-\n\nAttended the CRAC Insight to Management Course (July 2005)\nSign Language crash course for beginners (February 2004)\nElected to the Law Society Committee for 2003-2004\nFirst Aid course with St John\xe2\x80\x99s ambulance initially 2002 but do \xe2\x80\x9cRefreshers\xe2\x80\x9d every year\n\nInterests & activities\n-\n\nSports: Regular exercise and social interaction at various gym classes, namely aerobics,\nsalsa evening and Yoga course for beginners. Currently badminton and football are healthy\nbreaks which develop my endurance and competitiveness.\n\n-\n\nElected Lafrowda Flats Residents Association Vice-President in 2002-2003 and played an\nactive but auxillary/advisory role in the Committee for the following years.\n\n-\n\nTravel: Over the years I have travelled extensively and lived throughout the world for different\ntime spans, this helps me adapt, observe and keep an open mind to different people and\nsituations as well as new cultures all together.\n\nReferences\nAvailable on request\n\n\x0cSample Law CV 2\n\nHom e:\n26 Hill View Court,\nFermoy, Co.Cork.\nTel: 025 32567\n\nJulie Smith\n\nTerm :\n2 Magazine Road,\nCork City.\nMob: 087 2589674\nE-Mail:\n\n_________________________________________________________________\nOBJECTIVE\n\nEDUCATION\n\nKeen to source a challenging role in a dynamic law firm which will offer early\nresponsibilities, a progressive career path and the opportunity to maximise\nmy potential.\n2004 \xe2\x80\x93 2005\nUNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK\nLLB\nSubjects include:\nMedical Law\nFamily Law\n\nCommercial Law\nPublic International Law\n\n2001 \xe2\x80\x93 2004\nUNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK\nBachelor of Civil Law - Result: 2H1\nSubjects:\nLaw of the European Union\nConstitutional Law\nLaw of Contract\nLaw of Property\n\nLaw of Torts\nCriminal Law\nLaw of Evidence\nJurisprudence\n\nProjects:\n\xef\x82\xa7 Moot Court: Two teams of four presented opposing arguments on\nbehalf of the respondent and the applicant. Arguments were\nresearched and presented orally in a cohesive manner. Each student\nwas questioned by the judge to assess their understanding of the\nissues. Result: 2H1.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Legal Skills and Analysis: Prepared a fictional client interview and\nfollowed up the client\xe2\x80\x99s query in writing. Result: 1H.\n1995 \xe2\x80\x93 2001\nLORETO SECONDARY SCHOOL, FERMOY, CO. CORK\nLeaving Certificate: 490 points, including an A1 in English.\nEMPLOYMENT\nRelevant Experience: Summer 2004\nCourts Service, Four Courts, Dublin\n\xef\x82\xa7 Attended daily meetings with the advocates.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Accompanied advocates to the Court Library.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Assisted administration staff with research.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Attended a number of cases held over the course of the summer.\nSummer 2003\nSmith, Jones & Taylor Solicitors, Main Street, Fermoy, Co. Cork\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\nOther Experience:\n\nObserved interviews with clients and typed up reports.\nAttended court with solicitors as part of observation.\nAssisted apprentice solicitors with research and discussed points of\nlaw and appropriate legal solutions.\n\nSummer 2002 & 2001\nSilver Pail Dairy (Ireland), Fermoy, Co. Cork\n\xef\x82\xa7 Worked as administrative assistant.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Gained knowledge and experience of office administration including\nfiling, faxing, photocopying, typing and telephone.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Covered reception during lunch and holidays.\nSummer 2000\nSuperValu, Fermoy, Co. Cork\n\xef\x82\xa7 Served customers and used cash register.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Stocked shelves and assisted in stocktakes.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Handled cash and balanced till daily.\n\nSKILLS\n\nComputer: Good working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint,\nE-Mail and Internet. Typing speed: 70 wpm.\nLanguage: Spanish, excellent written and oral level.\nOrganisational: Time management skills gained through projects and\ncourse work and prioritising tasks to meet deadlines.\nCommunication and Interpersonal: Excellent team working skills gained\nthrough coursework, employment and extracurricular activities.\n\nINTERESTS &\nACHIEVEMENTS\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\nREFERENCES\n\nMember of the UCC Law Society.\nAwarded \xe2\x80\x982003 Debater of the Year\xe2\x80\x99\nRepresented UCC at a number of intervarsity debating competitions.\nTrained and mentored new members on debating skills.\nCompleted a Youth Leadership course presented by Toastmasters\nInternational in 2000.\n\nMr. Tom Kelly, Lecturer, Department of Law, University College Cork. Tel:\n021 493 2222. E-Mail:\nMr. Michael Smith, Solicitor, Smith, Jones & Taylor Solicitors, Main Street,\nFermoy, Co. Cork. Tel: 025 369854. E-Mail:' |
390 | Advocate | b'RESUME\nATTORNEY-AT-LAW\nLaurence F. Davidson\nPO Box 407\nHull, Ga. 30646\\\nATTORNEY EXPERIENCE.\nDate Admitted in Georgia: 7/6/95\n7/95 to present\nL.F. Davidson & Associates, LLC\n\nPARALEGAL EXPERIENCE:\n11/91 to 3/92\nCOUNTRY-WIDE INS. CO.\nCHEVEN & KEELY, ESQS.\n90 Washington Street\nNew York, NY 10007\n\n1/90 to 1/91\nMILTON M. WITCHEL, P.C.\n36 W. 44th St.\nNew York, N.Y. 10036\n\n(O) 706/549-6689\n(FX) 706/354-8667\n\nGeneral Practice. Principal attorney of general\npractice law office. Areas of law: Business\nAgreements/Contracts, Criminal defense Debtor/Creditor,\nDivorce, Employer/Employee disputes, Family law, Health\nCare/Personal Directives, Landlord and Tenant,\nLeases/Deeds, Name change, Negligence claims, Personal\nInjury and Accidents, Quitclaim/Real Estate matters,\nTraffic law, Wills, Wrongful death claims, and civil\nlitigation. As the principal attorney, responsible for\ninterviewing potential clients, fact finding, research and\nlegal analysis of cases. I personally screen all calls and\nperform consultations with clients. I average 500-1000\ncalls per year. I currently maintain an office in Athens,\nGeorgia. I have offices in several cities in Georgia\nincluding Atlanta and Savannah.\n\nCalendar Clerk/Litigation Assistant. Managed calendar\ndepartment for In-House counsel to Country-Wide Ins. Co.\nI docketed and followed cases, filed documents, assisted in\npreparing cases for trial, assisted in billing, assisted in file\nidentification and retrieval, kept logs and journals, and\nperformed simple research when required. Position\nrequired full working knowledge of Court system, civil\nlitigation, subrogation, arbitration, and insurance defense.\n\nSenior Litigation Paralegal. Assigned to the office of\nthe Managing Attorney. I drafted pleadings, motions and\nother documents, arranged meetings and conferences with\nclients and attorneys, summarized large documents for trial,\nhearings, arbitrations. Drafted communications and\ncorrespondence to client insurance companies, performed\ncomplex legal research, represented the office in nonattorney matters, and performed other essential law office\nduties when required. My position required full working\n\n\x0cknowledge of insurance defense, including legal theories\nsuch as premises and property liability, comparative and\ncontributory negligence, subrogation, counterclaims and\ncross-claims.\n2/89 to 1/90\nDAVID M. LEE, ESQ.\n225 Broadway, Ste. 600\nNew York, N.Y. 10007\n\nLitigation Paralegal. Assigned to the Probate Division, I\ndrafted probate petitions, affidavits and pleadings, and\nassisted litigation staff by drafting replies and responses,\nand other documents. I also performed legal research and\nCourt work. Duties also consisted of setting up estates,\nobtaining Letters of Administration and assisting\nattorneys with probate related litigation. This office was a\nplaintiff \xe2\x80\x98s personal injury firm of 6 attorneys. It was my\nfirst law office job after graduating paralegal school. I was\ninitially hired as a deposition clerk / legal assistant\nresponsible for discovery review, calendar, pre-settlement\ncase evaluation, investigations and case research.\n\nOTHER JOBS RELATED TO THE LEGAL FIELD\nPolice Dispatcher (NYS Dept. Of Public Safety)\nU.S. Immigration Detention Officer, INS-DOJ\nU.S. Border Patrol Officer; INS- DOJ.\nPark Ranger- Westchester Co., NY (Seasonal)\nInternship: Atlanta Legal Aid Society (January, 1995-May, 1995)\nSubpoena server/Assistant Private detective\nPrivate Security: Burns Int\xe2\x80\x99l Security Services; CPP Security Services and Command Security\nSPECIAL HONORS AND AWARDS\nGranted Top Secret Security Clearance concerning planned and current U.S. missile technologies\nGranted Top Secret Security Clearance to assist FBI, Federal Police and U.S. Secret Service in\nproviding security at President Ronald Reagan\xe2\x80\x99s 2nd inauguration\nGranted Classified Secret security clearance while working with FBI and the Supervising\nAssistant U.S. Attorney General on federal prosecution of suspected members of La Costa\nNostra in NYC.\nAwarded certificate of successful completion of training to operate the NY State Crime\nInformation Network Computer (NYSPIN) by the NY State Police.\nAwarded certificate of successful completion of the U.S. Border Patrol Academy\nAwarded certificate for successfully mastering use of weapons required of a Border Patrol\nOfficer in the field.\nEDUCATION\nJohn Marshall Law School: J.D. degree- Atlanta, Ga., February, 1993 to May, 1995. Dean \xe2\x80\x98s\nList 6 of 8 semesters. Graduated with honors (Cum Laude). Passed Georgia Bar 1st time\nFebruary, 1995, prior to graduation as 3rd year student.\nThe Graduate Center for the City University of New York, N.Y., January 1991-January 1992\n\n\x0c(Master \xe2\x80\x98s program- International Studies).\nJohn Jay College of Criminal Justice-Masters Program: (City University of New York)\nSeptember, 1984-June 1985. Program: Forensic Psychology\nParalegal Studies: ABA Paralegal degree; Mercy College, White Plains, NY., December, 1988.\nU.S. Border Patrol Academy: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, (FLETC), Brunswick,\nGa.; July, 1985- November, 1985. Federal Law Enforcement Degree; Academic courses\nconcentrated in Spanish language, Constitutional law, Criminal law, Immigration &\nNaturalization Law.\nState University of New York College at New Paltz, New Paltz, NY. May, 1984. B.S. (4 year\nprogram) degrees- Major: Social Psychology/Criminology; Minor: Philosophy.\nYorktown High School, Yorktown Heights, NY: College-Prep courses concentrating in Spanish\nand French languages. While attending YHS, was a member of the Student Counsel. Also\nparticipated in 6 seasons of Winter and Spring track and field, qualifying for the state\nchampionships twice; earned two varsity letters for excellence in track, member of YHS cross\ncountry team, was accepted onto YHS tennis team, Freshman baseball team, Junior Varsity\nbasketball team, and lastly YHS golf team.' |
391 | Advocate | b'Shamika Dalton\n4337 NW 50 Drive Unit 104, Gainesville, FL 32606\n919-450-6271|\nth\n\nEDUCATION\nJ.D., North Carolina Central University School of Law\n\n2011\n\nM.L.S., North Carolina Central University\nCum Laude\n\n2011\n\nB.S.W., North Carolina Central University\nSumma cum laude\n\n2008\n\nLEGAL TEACHING EXPERIENCE\nUniversity of Florida, Levin College of Law\nAdjunct Professor of Law\n2016\n\xef\x82\xb7 Teach an elective, 2-credit Advance Legal Research course to 25 students\n\xef\x82\xb7 Develop a curriculum by design instructional materials and weekly assignments, meet with\nstudents upon request, and grade all written work, including a mid-term and final exam papers\nUniversity of Florida, Levin College of Law\nAdjunct Professor of Law\n2013-present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Teach two sections, approximately 70 students, of a required 1-credit 1L legal research course\n\xef\x82\xb7 Develop a curriculum using the \xe2\x80\x9cflipped\xe2\x80\x9d classroom approach, design instructional materials and\nweekly assignments, meet with students upon request, and grade all written work, including final\nexam papers\nLAW LIBRARY EXPERIENCE\nUniversity of Florida, Legal Information Center\nReference Librarian\nAug. 2012- present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provide legal reference services to students, professors, and the public at the reference desk\nin-person, by telephone, or email\n\xef\x82\xb7 Prepare general and subject-specific legal research guides and handouts\n\xef\x82\xb7 Teach subject-specific research sessions for seminar courses requested through the faculty\nliaison program\n\xef\x82\xb7 Given library tours to environmental law L.L.M. students, undergraduate pre-law students,\nand first-year law students as a part of their law school orientation\nNorth Carolina Central University\nGraduate Assistant, Masters in Library Science Program\n\nAug. 2011- Dec. 2011\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nContribute to the literature review for a grant proposal to research the accessibility of library\nservices for disabled distance education LIS graduate students\nConduct research for future journal articles including subjects in information literacy and\nreference interviews\nAssist with on-campus and online graduate course management that included organizing\ncourse curriculum and syllabus, proofreading test materials and other handouts, and posting\nmaterial on Blackboard\n\nNorth Carolina Central University School of Law\nSummer Law Librarian Intern\nJune 2011- Aug. 2011\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provide legal reference services to students, professors, and the public at the reference desk inperson, by telephone, or email\n\xef\x82\xb7 Create a LibGuide and library display for the law library\xe2\x80\x99s DVD collection\nLEGAL EXPERIENCE\nDurham County Division of Social Services\nLaw Intern\nAug. 2010- Aug. 2011\n\xef\x82\xb7 Research NC family law, evaluate the sufficiency of evidence, and compose advisory\nmemorandums based on the merits for adjudications and termination of parental rights cases\n\xef\x82\xb7 Prepare and edit review orders, petitions, briefs, and subpoenas for court proceedings\nPUBLICATIONS\n\xe2\x80\x9cCelebrating Diversity: A Legacy of Minority Leadership in the American Association of Law\nLibraries\xe2\x80\x9d, (with Dr. Yvonne Chandler, Vicente Garces, Dennis Kim-Prieto, Carol Nicholson, and Dr.\nMichele A. L. Villagran), (Shamika Dalton ed., William S. Hein & Co. 2016) (forthcoming).\n\xe2\x80\x9cPromoting Diversity in Your Institution\xe2\x80\x9d, 19 AALL Spectrum 4 (Feb. 2015).\n\xe2\x80\x9cOut with the Old, In with the New,\xe2\x80\x9d (with Danielle Becker), 19 AALL Spectrum 1 (Sept./Oct. 2014).\n\xe2\x80\x9cCollaborative Information Seeking,\xe2\x80\x9d (with Dr. Joseph Meloche), (2011) available at\n [Presented at the 2011\nCollaborative Information Seeking Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana].\n\nPRESENTATIONS\nModerator, Movin\xe2\x80\x99 on Up: are you ready for career advancement (and do you even want it)? (Comoderated with Loren Turner) Lexington, KY: Southeastern Chapter of American Association of Law\nLibraries, April 18, 2015.\n\n\x0cPresenter, \xe2\x80\x9cFlipping Out: New Frontiers in Library Instruction and Programming,\xe2\x80\x9d (Co-presented with\nElizabeth Outler and Loren Turner) Lake Buena Vista, FL: Florida Library Association, May 9, 2014\n[Also presented at Knoxville, TN: Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries,\nApril 4, 2014; Panama City FL: Florida Library Association Mini-Conference, Sept. 9, 2014]\nPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS AND ACTIVITIES\nUniversity of Florida College of Law\nDiversity and Community Relations Committee\nDiversity & Admissions Task Force\nChair, Reference Librarian Search Committee\nMember, Head of Research and Instruction Search Committee\nAmerican Association of Law Libraries (AALL)\nChair, AALL Diversity Committee\nCo-Chair, Black Caucus of AALL Nominations Committee\nVice Chair, AALL Diversity Committee\nMember, Black Caucus of AALL Nominations Committee\nMember, SEAALL 2014 Program Committee\nAALL Instruction and Patron Services Special Interest Section (RIPS-SIS)\nAALL Academic Law Libraries Special Interest Section (ALL-SIS)\nOTHER SERVICE\nLexisNexis Pre-law Scholarship Committee\nMentor, Florida Opportunity Scholar Academy of Leadership (FOSAL)\n\n2015-2016\n2012-2014\n2014\n2013\n2012- present\n2015-2016\n2015-2016\n2014-2015\n2014-2015\n2013-2014\n2013- present\n2013- present\n\n2013, 2014\n2012- 2013' |
392 | Advocate | b'CV MARGARITA CECILIA MEYER AREVALO\n1. Position:\nLegal Manager of Concessions\n2. Company:\nGRUPO ODINSA. S.A.\n3. Name:\nMargarita Cecilia Meyer Arevalo\n4. Birth Date: December 12 1972\n\nNationality: COLOMBIANA\n\n5. Academic Studies:\nUNIVERSITY\nLAWYER\nUniversidad del Norte\nBarranquilla, 1989-1994\nDegree 1995\nADVANCED STUDIES IN PUBLIC LAW\nUniversidad Externado de Colombia.\nBogot\xc3\xa1 \xe2\x80\x931996\nDegree 1997\nPOSTGRADUATE IN POLITICAL SCIENCE\nUniversidad de Salamanca\nSalamanca \xe2\x80\x93 Espa\xc3\xb1a, 1998\nDegree 1998\nADVANCED STUDIES IN FINANCIAL LAW\nUniversidad Colegio Mayor Nuestra Se\xc3\xb1ora Del Rosario.\nBogot\xc3\xa1, 1998-1999\nDegree 2000\nOTROS ESTUDIOS\nHuman Capital Program\nADEN \xe2\x80\x93 Alta Direcci\xc3\xb3n Business School\nBogot\xc3\xa1 \xe2\x80\x93 2011\nManagement Development Program\nADEN \xe2\x80\x93 Alta Direcci\xc3\xb3n Business School\nBogot\xc3\xa1 \xe2\x80\x93 June 2009\nDiplomado State Contracting Law 115 of 2007 and its implementing decree\nC\xc3\xa1mara de Comercio de Bogot\xc3\xa1\nBogot\xc3\xa1 \xe2\x80\x93 Mayo de 2008.\nDirective Skills Program\nADEN \xe2\x80\x93 Alta Direcci\xc3\xb3n Business School\nBogot\xc3\xa1 \xe2\x80\x93 June 2007\nDiplomado Labor Law and General Social Security System\nUniversidad de la Sabana\n\n\x0cBogot\xc3\xa1 \xe2\x80\x93 November de 2004\nDiplomado State Contracts\nUniversidad del Rosario\nJulio-October 1.997\n6. Employment History\nSince: September 1st 2014 Until: Currently\nCompany: Grupo Odinsa S.A.\nPosition held: Legal Concessions Manager\nSince: October 1st 2012 Until: August 31st 2014\nCompany: Grupo Odinsa S.A.\nPosition held: Director for Legal Services\nSince: September 1st 2000 Until: September 30 2012\nCompany: Santa Marta \xe2\x80\x93 Paraguach\xc3\xb3n Concession\nPosition held: Legal Director\nSince: September 30 1996 Until: September 30 2012\nCompany: Autopistas de los Llanos S.A.\nPosition held: Legal Director' |
393 | Advocate | b"SONDRA FACCIO\nPhD, Attorney at Law\n\nCurriculum Vitae\n\nemail\nmobile +39 333 9550015\\n\nCURRENT POSITION\n18/06/2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nAssociate Attorney\nCorporate Department, R\xc3\xb6dl & Partner, Padua (Italy)\nA. y. 2015/2016\nLecturer \xe2\x80\x9cInternational Commercial Law\xe2\x80\x9d\nUniversity of Verona, Verona (Italy)\n\xef\x82\xb7 course for post-graduate students\nEDUCATION\n01/01/2010 \xe2\x80\x93 31/12/2012\nPhD in Corporate Law and Economics \xe2\x80\x93 Doctor Europaeus\nLaw School, University of Verona, Verona (Italy)\nThesis: 'Indirect Expropriation in International Investment Law between States Regulatory Powers and\nInvestors Protection'\n20/10/2008 \xe2\x80\x93 02/07/2009\nMaster in Diplomacy\nItalian Institute for International Political Studies ('ISPI'), Milan (Italy)\n19/10/2005 \xe2\x80\x93 20/10/2008\nMaster in Law \xe2\x80\x93 magna cum laude\nLaw School, University of Verona, Verona (Italy)\n19/10/2001 \xe2\x80\x93 19/10/2005\nDegree in Law Science\nLaw School, University of Verona, Verona (Italy)\n\nPROFESSIONAL TRAINEESHIP\n02/07/2009 \xe2\x80\x93 01/10/2010\nTrainee Lawyer\nStudio legale Curtarello, Monselice, Padua (Italy)\nCivil law and Contract law\n01/08/2007 \xe2\x80\x93 01/12/2007\nTrainee Lawyer (part-time internship)\nJT Law \xe2\x80\x93 Lawyers and Notaries, Sydney (Australia)\nIP law and Contract law\n01/09/2007 \xe2\x80\x93 30/11/2007\nIntern \xe2\x80\x93 Political relations\nGeneral Consulate of Italy, Sydney (Australia)\nOrganising meetings and attending the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting\n\n\x0cFELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS\n01/10/2012 \xe2\x80\x93 05/05/2013\nErnst Mach Grant Worldwide 2012/2013\nOeAD (Austria)\n01/01/2010 \xe2\x80\x93 31/12/2012\nPhD Scholarship\nReMinistry of Education (Italy)\n01/10/2010 \xe2\x80\x93 30/06/2011\nCooperint Fellowship\nInternational Research Bureau, University of Verona (Italy)\n01/07/2007 \xe2\x80\x93 31/12/2007\nWorldwide Study Program Scholarship 2007\nInternational Exchange Students Office, University of Verona (Italy)\n01/09/2003 \xe2\x80\x93 28/02/2004\nErasmus Scholarship\nEuropean Union\n\nVISITING STUDENT AND RESEARCHER EXPERIENCES\n06/05/2013 \xe2\x80\x93 05/05/2014\nPostdoctoral Researcher in International Investment Law\nLaw School, University of Verona, Verona (Italy) in partnership with the Head of Cross Border Business\nManagement Italy Foreign Network, Unicredit Bank, Verona (Italy) and Confindustria Veneto, Venice (Italy)\n01/10/2012- 05/05/2013\nVisiting PhD Student\nUniversit\xc3\xa4t Wien (Austria) \xe2\x80\x93 Department of International Law and International Relations (Prof. Milos Vec\nand Prof. A Reinisch)\n01/10/2010 \xe2\x80\x93 30/06/2011\nVisiting PhD Student\nColumbia University Law School, New York (US)\nCourses: International Finance and Monetary Policy (Prof. T. Goodspeed), International Investment Law\n(Prof. T. O. Johnson), International Investment Arbitration (Prof. P. Bekker), Policy of International Law\n(Prof. Sauvant)\n01/02/2011 \xe2\x80\x93 30/04/2011\nResearch Assistant\nThe Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment, Columbia Law School, New York\n(United States)\n01/07/2007 \xe2\x80\x93 31/12/2007\nVisiting Student\nMacQuarie University, Sydney (Australia)\nCourses attended: International Commercial Law, Politics of International Law\n01/09/2003 \xe2\x80\x93 28/02/2004\nVisiting Student\nUniversit\xc3\xa9 Lumi\xc3\xa8re Lyon II, Lyon (France)\nCourses attended: Droit Communautaire, Droit International Public, Droit Compar\xc3\xa9\n\n\x0cSELECTED PUBLICATIONS\nArticles, Reports & Newsletters\n1) \xe2\x80\x9cThe Italian Energy Reform as a Source of International Investment Disputes\xe2\x80\x9d, in Leiden Journal of\nInternational Law, forthcoming\n2) \xe2\x80\x9cThe Application of the Principle of Proportionality to Assess Compensation: some Reflections Arising\nfrom the Case of Joseph Charles Lemire v. Ukraine\xe2\x80\x9d, in The Law & Practice of International Courts and\nTribunals 13 (2014), pp. 199-222\n3) \xe2\x80\x9cL\xe2\x80\x99interazione tra l'art. 16 delle preleggi e i trattati internazionali di investimento: il caso Loom Italia\nS.r.l.\xe2\x80\x9d, in Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale 2 (2014), pp. 447-452\n4)\xe2\x80\x9cLes acteurs non-\xc3\xa9tatiques et les Etats souverains dans le droit international des investissements: \xc3\xa9quilibrer\nleurs int\xc3\xa9r\xc3\xaats conflictuels\xe2\x80\x9d, in M. Arcari, L. Balmond (Eds.), Diversification des acteurs et dynamiques\nnormatives en droit international contemporain, Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica 2013, pp. 95-121\n5) \xe2\x80\x9cIl conflitto tra Stato e proprietario nella giurisprudenza CEDU. Risvolti in tema di protezione degli\ninvestimenti internazionali\xe2\x80\x9d, in Bocconi Legal Papers, 10/2013, Vol. I, pp. 1-26\n6) \xe2\x80\x9cI gruppi bancari del Veneto e la gestione degli investimenti diretti esteri. Inquadramento giuridico e\nstrumenti di tutela nel quadro internazionale\xe2\x80\x9d, research project financed by the European Social Fund and\nrealized in partnership with the Head of Cross Border Business Management Italy Foreign Network,\nUnicredit Bank, Verona (Italy) and Confindustria Veneto, Venice (Italy), diffused through the Confindustria's\nnetwork\n8) \xe2\x80\x9cRussian Exclusive Economic Zones\xe2\x80\x9d, R\xc3\xb6dl & Partner Publications, pp. 13-14, at\n<\nmbre2014.pdf>\n9) \xe2\x80\x9cThe Italian Energy Reform: Challenges and Strategies for Foreign Investors\xe2\x80\x9d, R\xc3\xb6dl & Partner\nPublications, forthcoming, at <>\n\nLANGUAGES\nItalian Mother tongue\nEnglish Proficient knowledge (C1), TOEFL Certificate\nFrench Proficient knowledge (C1), DALF Certificate C1" |
394 | Advocate | b'Vincent Cokes\n\n2002 Baird Street\nStone Mountain, Georgia 30083\n404.331.5363 Main\\nJOB TITLE\nStaff Attorney, 905-12\nVACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER: 12-6811230-JL\nVeteran\xe2\x80\x99s Preference: N/A | Federal Civilian Status: N/A | Country of Citizenship: USA\nQUALIFICATIONS SUMMARY\nA highly accomplished attorney complemented with 5 years of securities law experience specifically in the\narea of litigation, regulation, and relevant industry experience. A proven, experienced manager and\neffective team member; able to respond quickly and accurately to evolving securities laws and regulations.\nThorough knowledge of bond offerings, credit facilities, credit agreements, hedging and other financial\ninstruments. Ability to draft and negotiate securities and finance-related provisions for complex domestic\nand international business transactions, including mergers and acquisitions.\no\no\no\no\n\nAbility to manage multiple teams and projects while maintaining a commitment to integrity\nExpertise in comprehensively preparing expert witnesses for deposition in federal cases\nExperience drafting legal briefs regarding securities fraud and securities regulation\nLicensed to practice law in the State of Florida and the State of Georgia\nEDUCATION\n\nUniversity of Atlanta, Clarkmore School of Law | Atlanta, Georgia | 30314\nJ.D. (Cum Laude) | May 2006\nGPA: 3.7\nActivities:\nEditor, Law Review\nSocial Chair, Federal Careers Club\nTallahassee State University | Tallahassee, Florida | 32311\nB.A. Art History and Rhetoric (Magna Cum Laude) | May 2001\nGPA: 3.8\nActivities:\nFellowship Recipient, City of Tallahassee Mayoral Award\nVolunteer Coordinator, Young Royals\nGrover Cavs Humanities High | Orlando, Florida | 32822\nH.S. Diploma, Humanities Curriculum | June 1997\nGPA: 3.6\nActivities:\nTreasurer, Senior Class Representative\n\n1\n\n\x0cPROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND\nKolger and Young | 4184 Peach Street | Atlanta, Georgia | 30303\nCurrent\nSalary | $89,000/Annually\nHours | 40 \xe2\x80\x93 60/Week\nManager | Airek Starks | 404.219.1866 |\nPosition | Associate\nPresent employer may be contacted.\n\nJuly 2006 \xe2\x80\x93\n\nRepresented public companies, regulated entities and individuals in all phases of local and federal\ninvestigations. Provided legal advice and services regarding securities regulations. Negotiated, drafted, and\nreviewed contracts for clients. Filed claims, defended claims, and responded to regulatory inquires.\nResearched and interpreted rules, regulations, statutes, and decisions of regulatory bodies. Examined and\nanalyzed data to advise clients. Authored memoranda which included investigative results and strategic\nnext steps. Coordinated legal tasks and projects in relation to internal projects.\nAndrome, LLC. | 8626 North Avenue | Stone Mountain, Georgia | 30088\n2005\nSalary | $6,200/Monthly\nHours | 40/Week\nSupervisor | Denise Augusta| 404.341.1255 |\nPosition | Summer Associate (Full-time offer extended)\nFormer employer may be contacted.\n\nMay 2005 \xe2\x80\x93 September\n\nDrafted legal criteria to help counsel advise clients on asset backed securities. Reviewed legal opinions\nfrom outside counsel and delivered comprehensive presentations. Assisted in drafting and filing regulatory\ndisclosures and reports. Evaluated the legal adequacy of transactions documents, rights provisions,\nbankruptcy clauses, and notices. Helped with preparation of Section 16 and Rule 144 filings and supported\nexecutive officers, directors, and controlling stockholder advisors.\nThe Law Offices of AJQ | 526 West 27th Street | Tallahassee, Florida | 32306\n2003\nSalary | $52,000/Annually\nHours | 45/Week\nSupervisor | Audrey Newman | 850.992.9505 |\nPosition | Paralegal\nFormer employer may be contacted.\n\nMay 2001 \xe2\x80\x93 August\n\nDrafted pleadings, discovery, briefs, memoranda, and correspondences. Managed documents produced in\nlitigation and investigation, including document inventory, and maintained the integrity of the originals and\ncopy sets. Assisted attorney\xe2\x80\x99s with creating witness binders, issue binders, and exhibit/document binders.\nSummarized transcripts of testimony from depositions. Conducted extensive legislative research. Prepared\nvisual exhibits for case presentation.\n\n2\n\n\x0cCOMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT\nPURPOSE | 8014 Sandbear Circle | Tallahassee, Florida | 32309\n2003\nHours | 4/Week\nSupervisor | Gabriel Lolly | 850.644.5119 |\nPosition | Volunteer\nFormer employer may be contacted.\n\nApril 2001 \xe2\x80\x93 August\n\nFacilitated study groups for 10th and 11th graders having difficulty in English and American Literature\ncourses. Prepared lessons plans focused on reading comprehension and retention to present to students.\nProvided one-on-one tutor sessions. Helped improve the academic grades of 90% of students.\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nConcordance, Lextranet, PACER, Introspect, MS Office, Apple and PC Platforms\n\n3' |
395 | Advocate | b'Senior Attorney Resume\n1.Resume\n2.Lawyer Resume\n3.Senior Attorney Resume\nAttorneys are legal professionals who act on behalf of the clients in pleading and defending\na case in legal proceedings. They are qualified and licensed legal professionals who have\nthe authority to represent their client in the court. They play an active role in legal\nproceedings.\nHere is a best resume sample for the profile of a Senior Attorney. You will find all the skills,\nqualifications and responsibilities of the profile. This resume will help you towards\ndrafting a resume sample required for your job application. This Senior Attorney resume\nwill prove effective in getting your desired job.\n\nSample Senior Attorney Resume\n\nMary Smith\n69 N. Grant Street, Mid Lake City, California 84301\nCell :( 988) 598-1331\nEmail:\nCareer Goals:To serve as a Senior Attorney and excel in the field of handling legal\nmatters in a reputed organization.\n\n\x0cSummary of Skills:\n\xef\x82\xb7Knowledge of local, state and federal court systems\n\xef\x82\xb7Good organizational and time management skills\n\xef\x82\xb7In-depth knowledge of laws and courtroom procedures\n\xef\x82\xb7Ability to communicate clearly, both in oral and written\n\xef\x82\xb7Good research and logical thinking skills\n\xef\x82\xb7Ability to draft and negotiate complex legal documents\n\xef\x82\xb7Persuasive with good counseling skills\n\xef\x82\xb7Good time management and detail oriented\nSummary of Qualifications:\nJuris Doctor Degree from University of California in the year 1999\nProfessional Affiliations:\nCalifornia State Bar Association, 2000\nProfessional Experience:\nOrganization: Matt & Patter Inc, California\nDuration: April 2003 till date\nDesignation: Senior Attorney\n\xef\x82\xb7Analyzing legal issues, search statutes, prepare briefs, opinions, decisions, and\nother sources for presenting oral argument at judicial proceedings\n\xef\x82\xb7Prepares and presents cases for Emergency Summary Orders of Suspension\n\xef\x82\xb7Research and analyze complex legal issue and questions\n\xef\x82\xb7Prepares confidential court papers, legal memorandum, and briefs for trail,\nadministrative, and appellate proceedings\n\xef\x82\xb7Defends the Agency in cases of statutory licensing hearings\n\xef\x82\xb7Manages hearing calendars, takes testimony as well as evaluates and charges ABC\nlaw violation\n\xef\x82\xb7Prepares as well as present legal cases as required under the instructions of\nAttorney Head\nOrganization: Matt & Patter Inc, California\nDuration: January 2001 to March 2002\nDesignation: Attorney\n\xef\x82\xb7Conducts research on previous court rulings as well as analyze cases to be used in\nparticular situation\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7Provides suggestions to clients of their legal rights and obligations\n\xef\x82\xb7Generates strong arguments and evidences by using technologies and new\nprocesses\n\xef\x82\xb7Reviews and prepares organizational documents as well as examines contracts like\ngovernment grants, licenses, leases, and purchases\nOrganization: ABC Corporation Inc, California\nDuration: January 2000 to March 2002\nDesignation: Legal Assistant\n\xef\x82\xb7Drafts legal documents like contracts, closings, wills etc\n\xef\x82\xb7Monitors legal volumes and updates legal publications\n\xef\x82\xb7Conducts research, enters data and prepares reports\n\xef\x82\xb7Provides administrative support for Senior Attorney\n\xef\x82\xb7Handles vendor invoices as well as outside counsel\n\xef\x82\xb7Performs other essential tasks as required\nPersonal Details:\nName: Mary Smith\nDate of Birth: 02.03.1979\nEmployment Status: Permanent\nRelationship Status: Single\nReference:\nMr. Mac Lawrence\nLegal Head\nLegal Council, Chicago\nCell :( 988) 525-2354\nEmail:' |
396 | Advocate | b'WENDY C. SMITH-JONES\n\nPermanent Address:\n124 South Gate, #34\nMiami, FL 33133\n(305) 333-1234\n\nCurrent Address:\n447 West College Ave.\nTallahassee, FL 32302\n(850) 444-8466\n\nEDUCATION:\nFlorida State University College of Law\nCandidate for Juris Doctor, May 2005\nG.P.A.: 82.3 Class Rank: Top 40%\nActivities:\n\nTallahassee, Florida\n\nStudent Bar Association\nPublic Interest Law Student Association\n\nUniversity of Georgia\nBachelor of Arts, English, 2002\nG.P.A.: 3.6\nHonors:\n\nDean=s List (all semesters)\n\nActivities:\n\nPanhellenic Association, President\nStudent Peer (English Department)\n\nAtlanta, Georgia\n\nEXPERIENCE:\nCamp Heartland\nDorran, Iowa\nCamp Counselor\nSummer 2001\nServed as camp counselor to eleven children, ages ten through thirteen, with or\naffected by HIV/AIDS. Created and supervised daily activities.\nBig Brothers & Big Sisters\nAtlanta, Georgia\nVolunteer Events Coordinator\nSummer 2000\nAssisted the Executive Director with the coordination of events designed to increase\ncommunity awareness of program. Worked twenty to twenty-five hours per week on\na volunteer basis.\nTRAVEL:\n\nStudied Abroad in Paris, France through University of Georgia\nJanuary 2000 - May 2000.\nTraveled extensively throughout Europe during Summer of 2002.\n\nLANGUAGES:\n\nFluent in French and Spanish; conversational Italian\n\nSAMPLE RESUME\n\n\x0cSUSAN SEMINOLE\n123 Calhoun Street #9 \xe2\x97\x8f Tallahassee, FL 32302\n(850) 802-9634 \xe2\x97\x8f Email:\n\nEDUCATION\nFlorida State University College of Law\nCandidate for Juris Doctor, May 2004\nCandidate for Certificate in Environmental Law\nActivities:\n\nTallahassee, FL\n\nEnvironmental Law Society, Secretary (Fall 2002)\nF.S.U. Study Abroad in Oxford, England (Summer 2002)\nStudent Bar Association\n\nCertifications: Lexis Certified; Westlaw Certified\nUniversity of Florida\nBachelor of Science, Accounting, May 2000\nActivities:\n\nGainesville, FL\n\nVarsity Basketball, Captain (1998-1999)\nDebate Team (Fall 1998-Spring 1999)\n\nEXPERIENCE\n1/00 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\n5/01 - 8/01\n\n5/99 \xe2\x80\x93 4/00\n\nEarthjustice\nTallahassee, FL\nPro Bono\nPerform legal research and writing; assist staff attorneys;\npromote change in environmental policy and behavior\nAnderson & Bearns\nSummer Associate\nResearch and drafted legal memoranda in areas of land\nuse law, administrative law, and evidentiary issues;\ndrafted trial pleadings and motions; revised contracts\nAAA\nReceptionist\nPerformed light clerical duties; delivered cash receipts to\nbank on daily basis; typed official documents and other\nmaterials for associates\n\nTallahassee, FL\n\nOrlando, FL\n\nCOMMUNITY\nSERVICE\n\nVolunteer for United Way; Mentor at Rickards High School\n\nINTERESTS\n\nMarathon running; horseback riding; camping\n\nSAMPLE RESUME\n\n\x0cJANICE A. ARRINGTON\\nCurrent Address\n123 N. Monroe Street\nTallahassee, FL 32306\n(850) 388-4567\n\nPermanent Address\n42 Rivercliff Drive\nOrlando, FL 32881\n(407) 561-8562\n\nEDUCATION\nFlorida State University College of Law\nJuris Doctor Candidate, May 2004\nG.P.A. 91.3\nClass Rank: Top 10%\nActivities:\n\nTallahassee, FL\n\nFlorida State University Law Review\nMoot Court Team\n\xe2\x96\xaa Niagara Cup International Law Competition, March 2001\n\nWake Forest University\nB.A., French, June 1998\nG.P.A. 3.5\n\nWinston-Salem, NC\n\nHonors:\n\nSumma Cum Laude\nPhi Beta Kappa\n\nActivities:\n\nVarsity Softball\nStudent Senate, Senior Class Representative\nVice President, Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority\n\nEXPERIENCE\nLane, Trohn, Bertrand & Vreelandq\nLakeland, FL\nSummer Law Clerk\nMay - Aug. 2002\nDrafted legal documents; participated in client interviews and meetings;\nresearched and drafted memoranda regarding Corporate and Commercial Law;\nReviewed and revised commercial contracts.\nTeach for America\nNew York, NY\nGovernment Relations Liaison\nJan. 1998 - July 2001\nCoordinated outreach and education efforts aimed at federal\nand local officials; lobbied and conducted research on national legislation\naffecting teacher recruitment; coordinated recruitment efforts at 50 college campuses.\nOther Experience\nFinanced college education by working part time throughout college. Positions included\nreceptionist (1997 \xe2\x80\x93 1998) and deli clerk (1995 \xe2\x80\x93 1997).\n\nSAMPLE RESUME\n\n\x0cJANE BENTON\\nCURRENT ADDRESS\n123 Blairstone Road\nTallahassee, Florida 32301\n(850) 555-5555\nEDUCATION\n\nPERMANENT ADDRESS\n123 Northridge Drive\nChevy Chase, MD 11101\n(301) 555-5555\n\nFlorida State University College of Law\nCandidate for Juris Doctor, May 2003\nG.P.A.: 84/100\nClass Rank: Top 33%\n\nHonors\n\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Spring 2002\nBook Award in Family Law (highest grade)\nJournal of Land Use and Environmental Law\n\nActivities\n\nEnvironmental and Sports Law Society, Treasurer\nStudent Bar Association\nFlorida State University\nBachelor of Science, Political Science, May 1999\nG.P.A.: 3.78/4.0\n\nHonors\nEXPERIENCE\n\nTallahassee, FL\n\nTallahassee, FL\n\nFlorida State University\xe2\x80\x99s Most Outstanding Junior, 1998\nGolden Key National Honor Society\nCommission on Violence Against Women\nWashington D.C.\nLegal Volunteer\n(5/02-8/02)\nCoordinated annual symposium; performed legal research for articles;\nresearched and compiled national statistics\nMcConnaughhay, Duffy, Coonrod,\nPope & Weaver\nTallahassee, FL\nSummer Associate\n(5/01 \xe2\x80\x93 8/01)\nPerformed research and prepared memoranda on various issues in civil\nlaw, including insurance defense, worker\xe2\x80\x99s compensation, and\nemployment discrimination; drafted trial pleadings and motions\nFlorida State University College of Law\nTallahassee, FL\nResearch Assistant to Prof. Harold Worthy\n(01/00 \xe2\x80\x93 06/00)\nPerformed research and prepared memoranda in the area of Immigration\nLaw\n\nPUBLICATION\n\nAre Children\xe2\x80\x99s Rights Adequately Represented in Court? An Analysis of\nRecent Legislation to Improve Legal Representation for Children, 14\nFamily L.J. 36 (2002)\n\nSAMPLE RESUME\n\n\x0cJAMES M. GRADUATE\n1234 Maple Drive \xe2\x99\xa6 Jacksonville, FL 34621 \xe2\x99\xa6 (813) 444-5678 \xe2\x99\xa6\nEXPERIENCE\n\nSmith, Smith & Jones, P.A.\nJacksonville, FL\nLitigation Association\nAug. 2002 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nParticipate in all aspects of Commercial and Civil Litigation,\nincluding drafting and arguing motions and conducting depositions\nFisher & Smith, LLP\nJacksonville, FL\nSummer Associate\nMay 2001 \xe2\x80\x93 Aug. 2001\nDrafted pleadings and motions; conducted legal research\nand writing projects; attended client depositions and hearings\nFlorida Attorney General\xe2\x80\x99s Office\nTallahassee, FL\nVolunteer Law Clerk\nMay 2000 \xe2\x80\x93 Aug. 2000\nAssisted attorneys investigating criminal actions and\nregulatory violations of companies; performed legal research\nand writing\nFlorida State University Strozier Library\nTallahassee, FL\nInformation Assistant\nSept. 1997 \xe2\x80\x93 Aug. 1999\nAssisted librarians with daily responsibilities; assisted students\nwith library checkout; monitored book returns\n\nBAR\nMEMBERSHIPS\n\nThe Florida Bar, admitted September 2002\nAdmitted to practice before the U.S. District Courts of the Middle,\nNorthern and Southern Districts of Florida\n\nCOMMUNITY\n\nJacksonville Bar Association, Treasurer\n\xe2\x96\xaa Young Lawyers Division, Commercial Litigation Section\nGuardian ad Litem Volunteer\nRotary Club of Jacksonville\n\nEDUCATION\n\nFlorida State University College of Law\nCandidate for Juris Doctor, May 2003\nGPA: 86.5/100\nClass Rank: Top 33%\nHonors/\nActivities:\n\nTallahassee, FL\n\nMock Trial\nBook Award (highest grade) in Property II\nEntertainment, Arts & Sports Law Society, President\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List (Spring 2000)\n\nFlorida State University\nTallahassee, FL\nBachelor of Arts, Economics, Cum Laude, May 2000\nStudy Abroad in Florence, Italy (Spring 1998)\nGPA: 3.25/4.0\n\nSAMPLE RESUME' |
397 | Advocate | b'CURRICULUM VITAE\nPERSONAL INFORMATION\n\nMichail CHATZIPANAGIOTIS\n14 Andrea Syggrou, CY- 2027 Nicosia\\nTel. +357. 95124349\nDate of birth: 7 June 1980\nNationality: Greek\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\n9 Sept. 16 \xe2\x80\x93 present\n\nLegal Consultant\nAetherspace Consultants Ltd, Nicosia Cyprus\nAir law, Space law, IPR, Consumer protection, Unfair competition, E-commerce\n\n1 Sept 17 - present\n1 Sept 16 \xe2\x80\x93 21 April 17\n\nAdjunct\n\n8 Febr 16 \xe2\x80\x93 3 June 16\n6 June 16 \xe2\x80\x93 21 July 16\n6 June 17 \xe2\x80\x93 21 July 17\n\nAdjunct\n\n19 Oct 15 \xe2\x80\x93 18 Oct 17\n\nLegal Advisor\n\nUniversity of Cyprus, Department of Law\nEuropean private law, Air law\n\nEuropean University of Cyprus, Law School\nAir law, International and European Banking Law\n\nCyprus Consumer Protection Office, Nicosia\n1 Sep 10 \xe2\x80\x93 1 Oct. 15\n\nAssociate lawyer\nMarinos and Partners Law Firm, Athens (Greece)\nLitigation and extra-judicial settlement of cases on transport, intellectual property, unfair competition,\nwith focus on aviation, commercial agency contracts and consumer protection.\n\n10 Sep 09 \xe2\x80\x93 16 Oct. 15\n\nAssociate lawyer\nEurobank Ergasias Group, Athens (Greece)\nLitigation and extra-judicial settlement of claims regarding bank loans and leasing contracts,\nenforcement of judicial decisions.\n\n1 Sep 09 \xe2\x80\x93 30 Nov 09\n\nAssociate lawyer\nSkaripas - Mantas Law Office, Athens (Greece)\nLitigation concerning bank loans and enforcement of judicial decisions.\n\n1 May 09 \xe2\x80\x93 31 Aug 09\n\nAssociate lawyer\nPapaspirou Law Office, Athens (Greece)\nCriminal and civil litigation concerning defamation issues.\n\n10 Aug 05 \xe2\x80\x93 15 Mar 07\n\nContractor - Aviation law expert\nEuropean Commission and Eurocontrol, Cologne (Germany)\nParticipation in the joint Eurocontrol / EC Project Community Assistance on Reconstruction,\nDevelopment and Stabilisation - Aviation Safety and Air Traffic Management Phase II. Provided\nassistance to certain Balkan States in the modernisation of their air law provisions. Responsible for the\nparts Air Traffic Control, Rules of the Air and Aviation Security.\n\n1 Mar 05 \xe2\x80\x93 30 Apr 05\n\nIntern - Legal department\nGerman Aerospace Centre (DLR), Bonn Germany Lufthansa Consulting, Cologne (Germany)\n- Preparation of reports in English on various aspects of space objects registration.\n\n\x0c1 Nov 04 \xe2\x80\x93 31 Dec 04\n\nIntern - Legal department\nDELVAG, Cologne (Germany)\n- Preparation of a legal opinion in German on liability for flight delay.\n- Preparation of a report in English on aviation product liability and insurance.\n\n1 Mar 05 \xe2\x80\x93 30 Apr 05\n\nIntern - Legal department\nLufthansa Consulting, Cologne (Germany)\n- Participation in the project of privatization of the Ouagadougou airport in Burkina Faso.\n- Preparation of a country report in German and French, including information on the legal system.\n\nEDUCATION AND TRAINING\n8 Apr 06 \xe2\x80\x93 11 Apr 11\n\nDoctor iuris\nUniversity of Cologne, Legal Department, Cologne (Germany) \xe2\x80\x93 summa cum laude\nThe legal status of space tourists in the framework of commercial suborbital flights\n\n20 Oct 04 \xe2\x80\x93 7 Apr 06\n\nLegum Magister (LL.M)\nUniversity of Cologne, Legal Department, Cologne (Germany) \xe2\x80\x93 magna cum laude\n- Aviation and space law, Consumer protection, Insurance law, International commercial arbitration,\nPublic international law, Choice of laws\n\n10 Sep 98 \xe2\x80\x93 15 Jul 03\n\nBachelor of Laws (LL.B)\nNational University of Athens, Legal Department, Athens (Greece) \xe2\x80\x93 very good\nGeneral studies in law.\n\nPERSONAL SKILLS AND\nINTERESTS\nMother tongue\nForeign languages\n\nGreek\nENGLISH Proficient oral and reading comprehension and interaction\nGERMAN Proficient oral and reading comprehension and interaction\nFRENCH Very good oral and reading comprehension, good oral and reading interaction\n\nScientific legal interests\n\nCommunication skills\n\nPersonal interests\n\n\xef\x80\xad\n\xef\x80\xad\n\xef\x80\xad\n\nRegular contributor in Annals of Private Law (in Greek)\nAdministrator of the blog Flightlaws ( on aviation and space law\nMember of various Greek and international scientific legal groups on aviation and space law,\ncommercial law, civil procedure, and consumer protection.\n\nVery good negotiation and public speaking skills, acquired through legal practice, delivery of\npresentations at congresses, attendance of professional seminars and participation in the debating\nteam of the University of Cologne.\n\nAviation and Space, Psychology, Scouts, Football, History, Cosmology, Dancing.\n\nCV Chatzipanagiotis\n\nPage 2 / 2' |
398 | Advocate | b'Ana Lorente\nEuropean Union\nAttorney, Intellectual Property Official Agent\n\nMemberships\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Attorney\xe2\x80\x99s Association of Madrid\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Official Industrial Property Association\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Authorized representative of OAMI\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Authorized representative of EPO\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Authorized representative of WIPO\n\nEducation\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain\nAttorney, June 1994\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, June 2003\nManagement Specialist in business for the new economy\nLegal English, University of Wisconsin (USA)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Area of Specialization: Industrial and Intellectual property. Competition Law.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participation in:\n- Industrial Property Conferences.\n- Publication of Articles in newspapers and magazines.\n- Official Delegate in Spain for the invention room of INPEX (USA)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Languages: Spanish, English.\n\nProfessional History\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Garcia Del Santo Attorneys, Madrid, Spain (January 1995-January 1999)\nAttorney, Department of Industrial Property Protection\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Garcia Del Santo Attorneys, Madrid, Spain (January 1999-May 2001)\nAttorney, Department of Legal Counsel\n\xe2\x80\xa2 A2 Legal Study (May 2001-present)\nFounding Partner and Director' |
399 | Advocate | b'RESUME\nCHARLES EDWARD DAYE\n\nHenry P. Brandis Distinguished Professor of Law\nSchool of Law, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill\n\nPERSONAL DATA\nOffice mailing address:\n\nResidence mailing address:\n\nSchool of Law\n\n3400 Cambridge Road\n\nCB #3380 Van Hecke-Wettach\n\nDurham, NC 27707\n\nUniversity of North Carolina\n\nPhone: (919) 489-9415\n\nChapel Hill, NC 27599\n\nDate of Birth: May 14, 1944\n\nPhone: (919) 962-7004\n\nMarital Status: Married; two stepchildren\n\nEDUCATION\nLaw Degree: Juris Doctor, 1969 cum laude\n\nBachelor of Arts: 1966 magna cum laude\n\nColumbia University School of Law\n\nNorth Carolina Central University\n\nHonors: Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar (third year)\n\nmajor: Political Science\n\nDean\'s List (first and second years)\n\nMinor: English\n\nColumbia University National Scholar\n\nRecipient, James E. Sheppard Memorial\n\nScholarship\n\nPROFESSIONAL and OTHER EXPERIENCE\nHenry P. Brandis Distinguished Professor of Law (since 1991); Professor (1981, 1985 to 1991);\nAssociate Professor (1975 to 1980); Assistant Professor (1972 to 1975); School of Law, University of\nNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill (teaching torts, housing & community development, and administrative\nadvocacy seminar)\n\nDean and Professor of Law (1981 to 1985) and Visiting Professor of Law (1980/81), School of\nLaw, North Carolina Central University, Durham, North Carolina\n\nConsultant, North Carolina Department of Administration, and Director, Administrative Law Project\n(to implement state\'s first administrative procedure act) (Summer 1975)\n\nVisiting Lecturer, School of Law, Indiana University-Bloomington (Summer 1972)\n\nAssociate, Covington & Burling, Washington, DC (1970 to 1972)\n\nLaw Clerk, Hon. Harry Phillips, Chief Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit\n(1969/70)\n\n\x0cResume\nCharles Edward Daye\npage 2\n\nLaw Clerk, Dewey, Ballantine, Bushby, Palmer & Wood, New York, NY (Summer 1969)\n\nLaw Clerk, Hannoch, Wiseman, Stern & Besser, Newark, NJ (Summer 1968)\n\nSpecial Assistant, Policy Planning Council, United States Department of State, Washington, DC\n(Summer 1967)\n\nGeneral Assistant, North Carolina Fund - Mobility Project (Summer 1966)\n\nForeign Affairs Scholar & Intern, US Department of State, Washington, DC (Summer 1965)\n\nParticipant, Asian Seminar, World University Service, around-the-world study/travel seminar with\nfocus on Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, and India and with visit to Italy and France (Summer 1964)\n\nBAR ADMISSIONS\n\nPROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS\n\nNew York (1970)\n\nAmerican Bar Association\n\nDistrict of Columbia (1970) (resigned 1994)\n\nFellow, American Bar Foundation\n\nU.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (1970) North Carolina Association of Black Lawyers\nNorth Carolina (1975)\n\nNorth Carolina Bar Association\n\nUnited States Supreme Court (1979)\n\nFourteenth Judicial District Bar Association\n\nPUBLICATIONS, SCHOLARSHIP, MAJOR PRESENTATIONS\nBOOKS (and Related Teaching Materials)\nHOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, Third edition, 1999, Senior Editor, with Hetzel, McGee,\nKushner, Washburn, Salsich, Keating & Mandelker, Carolina Academic Press; Second edition, 1989,\nSenior Editor, with Mandelker, Hetzel, McGee, Kushner, Washburn, Salsich & Keating, Carolina Academic\nPress, Second Printing 1996; First edition, 1981, with Mandelker, Hetzel, McGee, Kushner & Washburn) ,\nThe Michie Company\n\nContextual Problems: a "Programmed" Problems Supplement (1999) for use with HOUSING AND\nCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (3d ed. 1999) [Not published; copies on file with author]\n\nNORTH CAROLINA LAW OF TORTS, Second edition, 1999, (with Morris), Lexis Publishing; First edition,\n1991, (with Morris), The Michie Company. Annual Supplements\n\nARTICLES and ESSAYS\n\n\x0cResume\nCharles Edward Daye\npage 3\nIntersections, Roadblocks, and Dead Ends \xe2\x80\x93 Sketching A Housing Social Efficiency Analysis,\nin PLANNING REFORM IN THE NEW CENTURY, American Planning Association (forthcoming)\n\nPromise and Paradox, in VOICES FROM THE BROWN GENERATION (Mildred Robinson and Richard\nBonnie, eds). (forthcoming)\nIn Memoriam Marilyn V. Yarbrough: \xe2\x80\x9cShe Was a Great Woman,\xe2\x80\x9d 83 N.C. Law. Rev 323 (2005).\n\nCollateral Source Questions and Answers, Trial Briefs, North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers\n(February 2005).\nTranscript of Conference, \xe2\x80\x9cWho Gets In? The Quest for Diversity After Grutter,\xe2\x80\x9d 52 Buff. L.\nRev. 531 (2004) (presentation as Panelist in the Conference)\nThe \xe2\x80\x9cUnited States Housing Act of 1937\xe2\x80\x9d and The \xe2\x80\x9cHousing and Urban Development Act of\n1965\xe2\x80\x9d in MAJOR ACTS OF CONGRESS, Macmillan Reference USA, Brian Landsberg, Editor in Chief (2003)\n(solicited contribution)\n\nPowers of Administrative Law Judges, Agencies, and Courts: An Analytical and Empirical\nAssessment, 79 N.C. LAW REV. 1571 (2001).\nWhither \xe2\x80\x9cFair\xe2\x80\x9d Housing: Meditations on Wrong Paradigms, Ambivalent Answers, and a\nLegislative Proposal, 3 W ASH U. J. LAW & POLICY 241 (2000)[reprinted: 2001 ZONING AND PLANNING LAW\nHANDBOOK; edited version reprinted as: Commentary, 53 LAND USE LAW AND ZONING DIGEST 3 (May 2001):\nedited version reprinted as: Revisiting Fair Housing: The One America Act, A Legislative Proposal, 11\nJOURNAL OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING 162 (2002)\n\nLegacy of Civil Rights Lawyers: Still Needed as Much as Ever, North Carolina State Bar Journal,\n(Winter 2000) (essay)\n\nContributing Author, Inclusive Teaching Methods Across the Curriculum: Academic Resource\nand Law Teachers Tie a Knot at the AALS, 31 U.S.F. LAW REVIEW 875 (1997) (with Dominguez, Zimet,\nAnsley, and Fong) (essay)\n\nMonday Morning Blues or Is Race Really Insignificant?, 47 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 122\n(1997) (essay \xe2\x80\x93 allegorical parody of Hopwood case)\n\nJudicial Boilerplate Language as Torts Decisional Litany: Four Problem Areas in North\nCarolina, 18 CAMPBELL LAW REVIEW 359 (1996)\n\n\x0cResume\nCharles Edward Daye\npage 4\nAfrican American and Other Minority Students and Alumni, in SESQUICENTENNIAL HISTORY OF THE\nUNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA SCHOOL OF LAW , 73 N.C. LAW REVIEW 675 (1995)\n\nEthics in Law School Recruitment and Admissions, 63 THE BAR EXAMINER 15 (1994) (essay)\n\nOn Blackberry Picking, Generations of Affirmative Action, and Less Dangerous Causes: An\nOpen Letter to Stephen Carter, 45 STANFORD LAW REV. 485 (1993) (book review essay)\n\nIn Pursuit of a Great Vision: The Challenge of Minority Access to the Legal Profession, Volume\nXI, NAPLA Notes 8 (June 1989) (essay)\n\nJustice Byron R. White in "Contributions of the Warren Court to Equal Protection," 12 N.C. CENT. L.J.\n260 (1981)\n\nThe Race, Class and Housing Conundrum: A Rational and Proposal for a Legislative Policy of\nSuburban Inclusion, 9 N.C. CENT. L.J. 37 (1978)\nInformed Consent \xe2\x80\x93 Its Function and Limitations, in Symposium Proceedings, \xe2\x80\x9cMethodologies and\nProtocols in Clinical Research: Evaluating Environmental Effects in Man" United States Environmental\nProtection Agency (1978)\n\nNorth Carolina\'s New Administrative Procedure Act: An Interpretive Analysis, 53 N.C. LAW REV.\n833 (1975)\n(Note: This article has been cited or quoted by the North Carolina Supreme Court and Court of Appeals in\nmore than a dozen decisions)\n\nRole of the Judiciary in Community Development and Housing: A Suggested Analytical Method,\n52 JOURNAL OF URBAN LAW 689 (1975)\n\nMONOGRAPHS and REPORTS\n\nContributing editor and Chair of Work Group to prepare, NEW MODELS TO ASSURE DIVERSITY,\nFAIRNESS, AND APPROPRIATE TEST USE IN LAW SCHOOL ADMISSIONS, LAW SCHOOL ADMISSION COUNCIL\n(1999)\n\nContributing editor and Member of Work Group to prepare, PRESERVING AFFIRMATIVE ACTION\nPROGRAMS IN THE LATE 1990S, LAW SCHOOL ADMISSION COUNCIL (1996, revised, re-issued 1998)\n\n\x0cResume\nCharles Edward Daye\npage 5\nContributing Editor, CHRONICLE OF BLACK LAWYERS IN NORTH CAROLINA: THE PIONEERS 1865-1950\n(1981)\n\nREPORT, Analysis of the Merger of the North Carolina Administrative Procedure Act and Organic\nAgency Legislation: A Legislative Proposal, N.C. Attorney General\'s Office and Governmental Evaluation\nCommission) (1978)\n\nHANDBOOK ON NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE ACT, published by the North Carolina\nDepartment of Administration (1975)\n\nSUBSTANTIVE PRESENTATIONS\nWhat\xe2\x80\x99s Race Got to Do with It? A Study of Educational Diversity in U.S. Law Schools (with Dr. Abigail\nPanter), Law School Admission Council Annual Meeting and Educational Conference, Indian Wells,\nCalifornia, June 4, 2005.\n\nAssessing the Effects of Race and Other Factors on Educational Diversity in U.S. Law Schools (with\nDr. Abigail Panter), The University of North Carolina Festival of Legal Learning, Chapel Hill, North\nCarolina, February 11, 2005.\nIntersections, Roadblocks, and Dead Ends \xe2\x80\x93 Sketching A Housing Social Efficiency Analysis,\nWashington University Conference, Planning in the New Century, December 4, 2004\nFive Paradoxes: \xe2\x80\x9cBrown Didn\xe2\x80\x99t Change My School. It Just Changed My Life,\xe2\x80\x9d NC Bar Association\xe2\x80\x99s\nBrown v. Board 50th Commemoration, May 21, 2004.\nWhat\xe2\x80\x99s Race Got to Do With It?: An Empirical Study of \xe2\x80\x9cRace\xe2\x80\x9d and Educational Diversity, participant in\nMitchell Lecture as Panelist, University of Buffalo Law School (March 2004)\n\nIssues in Diversity (Mostly Applicable to Admissions Matters) East Carolina University, Symposium on\nLegal Issues in Diversity (April 2001)\n\nPowers of Administrative Law Judges, Agencies, and Courts: An Analytical and Empirical Assessment,\nUNC-CH School of Law, Festival of Legal Learning (continuing legal education conference) (February\n2001)\n\nNeo Realism?: An Empirical Assessment of What Courts Say and What They Do in Reviewing Agency\nDecisions in North Carolina, UNC-CH School of Law, Festival of Legal Learning (continuing legal\neducation conference) (February 2000)\n\n\x0cResume\nCharles Edward Daye\npage 6\n\nJudicial Review: Sorting Out Roles of Agencies and Courts, National Association of Administrative Law\nJudges, Silver Anniversary Annual Meeting September (judicial continuing legal education conference)\n(1999)\n\nCurrent Developments in Fair Housing, with Stella Adams, Executive Director, NC Fair Housing\nCenter, UNC-CH School of Law, Festival of Legal Learning (continuing legal education conference)\n(February 1999)\n\nFair Housing for Justice and Profit: The Federal Statutory Law, North Carolina Association of Black\nLawyers (continuing legal education conference) (November 1997)\nWhy Pursuit of \xe2\x80\x9cLitmus Law\xe2\x80\x9d Will Not Solve America\xe2\x80\x99s Intractable Problems, presentation for UNC-CH\nSchool of Law, Festival of Legal Learning (continuing legal education conference) (January 1997)\nJudging in the Age of \xe2\x80\x9cLitmus Law,\xe2\x80\x9d presentation to ABA National Appellate Judges Conference (July\n1997)\n\nWhat is There to Discover About Academic Culture?, presentation to conference for new law teachers,\nAssociation of American Law Schools (July 1996)\n\n"Welfare Reform" as an Example of a Futile Quest for Litmus Law Solutions to Difficult Problems,\nUNC-CH, School of Law Festival of Legal Learning (continuing legal education conference) (February\n1996)\n\nCampus Hate Speech Codes as an Example of a Futile Quest for Litmus Law Solutions to Difficult\nProblems, UNC-CH School of Law, Festival of Legal Learning (continuing legal education conference)\n(February 1995)\nA Few Questions About the \xe2\x80\x9cRightness\xe2\x80\x9d of Non-Diversity, Southeastern Conference of the Association\nof American Law Schools (July 1994)\n\nRecent Developments in Federal Fair Housing, Symposium on Civil Rights, co-sponsored NC Assn\nBlack Lawyers, National Bar Assn and North Carolina Central University School of Law (October 1988)\n\nSelected Recent Statutory Developments in North Carolina Administrative Law, Commercial, Banking\n& Business Law Section, N.C. Bar Association and N.C. Bar Foundation (February 1987)\n\n\x0cResume\nCharles Edward Daye\npage 7\nTitle VII and Employment of Faculty by Historically Black Educational Institutions, Workshop, National\nAssociation of College and University Attorneys (February 1986)\n\nSELECTED ADDRESSES\nAcademic Support After the Millennium, Conference on Academic Support in Law Schools, San Diego\n1995\n\nPre-Law Advising in Challenging Times, Pre-Law Advisors National Conference, New Orleans 1992\n\nQuest for a Nation\'s Soul, Presidential Address, Annual Meeting, Law School Admission Council, Palm\nSprings 1992\n\nOpportunities for Minorities: Rewards and Satisfactions of the Legal Profession, HBCU/LSAC\nConference, Atlanta 1990\n\nPROFESSIONAL and COMMUNITY SERVICE\n(current participation in bold italics)\n\nLaw School Admission Council\nCo-Chair, Planning Committee of Minority Affairs National Conference 2001 to 2003\nMember, Faculty Outreach Work Group, 1999 to 2003\nPresident, June 1991 to June 1993 including\nChair, Board of Trustees and Chair, Board of Directors Law School Admission Services\nChair, Alternative Decision-Making Models Work Group, 1999\nMember, Preserving Affirmative Action Work Group, 1998\nMember, Board of Trustees, l988 to 1994\nMember, Task Force on Minority Clearinghouse, 1988 to 1989\nChair, ACCESS 2000 \xe2\x80\x93 the first national conference on minority access to the legal profession,\n1988\n(co-sponsored by American Assn of Law Schools, American Bar Assn, & Law School\nAdmission Council)\nChair, Minority Affairs Committee, 1984 to 1987\nChair, Minority Enrollment Task Force, 1983 to 1984\nMember, Legal Affairs Committee, 1982\n\nAmerican Law Institute\nMember (elected 2005)\n\nAssociation of American Law Schools\n\n\x0cResume\nCharles Edward Daye\npage 8\nJoint Committee on Diversity, 2001\nDiversity Task Force, member, 1999 to 2000\nNominating Committee, member, 1998\nAcademic Support Section, chair, 1997\nMembership Review Committee (Accreditation), member, 1995 to 1997\nAdvisory Committee, Journal of Legal Education, member, 1992 to 1995\nPlanning Committee, Professors in the Profession, chair, 1994\nCommittee on Academic Freedom and Tenure, chair 1989 to 1991, member, 1988 to 1991\nRound Table on Academic Support Programs, co-chair, 1990 & 1991\nWorkshop on Academic Support Programs, co-chair, 1989\n\nAmerican Bar Association\nEditorial Board, The Practical Lawyer, American Law Institute /American Bar Association\nCommittee on Continuing Professional Education, member 1989 to 2003\nFellow, American Bar Foundation, since 1992, Life Fellow since 2001\nCommission on Minorities in the Profession, member, 1991 to 1994\n\nNorth Carolina Association of Black Lawyers\nMember, Board of Governors (and predecessor Executive Committee), 1974 to present\nPresident, 1976, 1977 & 1978\nExecutive Secretary (maintain membership, continuing legal education, finance, records), 1979 to\n1999\nEditor or Executive Editor, NCABL Newsletter (monthly publication), 1979 to 1999\n\nNorth Carolina Bar Association, Race Relations Implementation Committee, 2001 to present\n\nNorth Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers, Vice President for Legal Affairs, 2002 to present\n\nNAACP, Life Member\n\nTriangle Housing Development Corporation (non-profit owner/developer elderly housing)\nBoard of Directors, chair 1977 to 1993, vice chair 1975 to 1977, member 1973 to present\n\nCouncil on Aging Housing Corporation, Board of Directors, member 1994 to present\n\nNorth Carolina Fair Housing Center, Board of Directors, member since 1995, chair 1996 to\npresent\n\n\x0cResume\nCharles Edward Daye\npage 9\nNorth Carolina Poverty Project, Board of Directors, member since 1987, secretary 1989, chair 1990\nto 2002\n\nUnited Way of Greater Durham, Board of Directors, member 1984 to 1988; Allocation Committee,\n1986 to 1989\n\nDurham Committee on the Affairs of Black People\nLegal Redress Committee, co-chair 1985 to 1989 co-chair Civic Committee 1975 to 1981\n\nNorth Carolina Center for Public Policy Research, Board of Directors, member 1976 to 1979\n\nUNIVERSITY and LAW SCHOOL SERVICE (current participation in bold italics)\n\nSelected University Service (reverse chronological order)\nProvost Review Committee (2005)\nDiversity Task Force (2004-05) Member Steering Committee\nLaw School Dean\xe2\x80\x99s Review Committee (2003)\nCommittee on Scholarships, Awards, and Student Aid, member since 1997; Chair 1998 to\npresent\n\nExecutive Committee of the Faculty Council, 1997/98; 2001to 2004\nFaculty Council, 1997/98; 2001 to 2004\nBlack Faculty-Staff Caucus, Steering Committee 1973 to 1976, 1978 to 1980; member 1973 to\n\npresent\nSearch Committee for Director, Sonya Haynes Stone Black Cultural Center, Chair 2000/01\nChancellor\xe2\x80\x99s Special Committee to Review Minority Affairs, Chair, 1999/00\nVice Provost Search Committee, 1996\nCommittee to Review the Dean of School of Social Work, Chair 1996\nJoint Committee on Exchange Programs, co-chair 1993/94\nDirector Search Committee, Institute of Government, 1992\nTask Force, University as Academic Community, co-chair 1986/87\nLaw School Dean Search Committees, member 1973/74; 1987/88; 1998/99; 2005/06\nBusiness School Dean Search Committee, member 1978/79\nFaculty Grievance Committee, member 1974 to 1977\nAffirmative Action Advisory Committee, member 1974 to 1977, chair 1975/76\nCommittee on the Status of Minorities and the Disadvantaged, member 1974 to 1980, chair 1976\nto 1980\nTraffic Appeals Committee, member 1974 to 1976\n\nSelected Law School Service (alphabetical order with selected dates of service noted)\nAcademic Support Program, Director 1986/87, 1987/88\n\n\x0cResume\nCharles Edward Daye\npage 10\nAdmissions/Admissions Policy, chair, 1979/80; 1997/98, 2003/04; 2004/05; member 1986 to 89;\n1991/92; 1999/00\nAdvisor, Black Law Students Association 1972 to 1980, 1985 to present\nAppointments Committee, 2000/01; co-chair 2001/2002; and predecessor: Faculty Personnel\nCommittee 1992/93; 1993/94; 1995/96; 1996/97\nClinical Committee, chair 1986/87\nCommittee on Joint Degree in Law and Planning 1973 to 1975\nCurriculum Review Committee, 1990/91\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s Advisory Committee 1994/95; 2004/05\nGrading and Examinations Committee, member 1986/87\nLong Range Planning Committee, member 1979/80\nReadmissions Committee, member 1972 to 1975; 1976 to 1978; 1988/89\nSelf-Study Committee, member 1978/79\nStudent-Faculty Relations Committee, member 1974/75\n\nSelected Other Service\nTenure/Promotion/Outside Reviewer:\nInstitute of Government, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill\nUniversity of Florida School of Law\nUniversity of California at Los Angeles School of Law\nLoyola University Los Angeles School of Law\nDuke University Peer Reviewed Magazine\nThe Ohio State University School of Law\nPresenter at various programs such as: Council of Legal Education Opportunity Institutes,\nAmerican Association of Law School Annual Meeting Programs, Pre-Law Advisors\nConferences\nService on Ad Hoc Committees, for example, North Carolina Central University and its School of\nLaw\n\nGRANT FUNDING\nCo-Principal Investigator, Educational Diversity Project, 2003 to present ($527,000 grant funds\nreceived to date)\n\nHONORS\nHarvey E. Beech 2004 Outstanding Faculty/Staff Award, 24th Annual Black Alumni Reunion, UNCChapel Hill.\nThomas Jefferson Award Recipient, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2004\nDoctor of Laws (LLD), Suffolk University, 1999 (Honorary)\nSpecial Award, National Bar Association, 1991\n\n\x0cResume\nCharles Edward Daye\npage 11\nElected to Order of the Golden Fleece, 1986\nOrder of Long Leaf Pine, Governor Hunt, 1982\n"Lawyer of the Year," N. C. Association of Black Lawyers, 1980\nSelected an "Outstanding Young Man of America," 1979\nElected to Order of the Coif, 1975 (Honorary as faculty member)\nPublications Listed in (with year of first listing): Who\'s Who in America (1997); Who\'s Who of Emerging\nLeaders in America (1987); Who\'s Who in the South and Southwest (1986); Who\'s Who Among\nBlack Americans (1979); Who\'s Who in American Law (1977); Men of Achievement (1978);\nPersonalities of the South (1977).\n\nOTHER INFORMATION\nHobbies:\nPoetry writing (unpublished volumes "The Crazy Dreamer\'s Themes;" Accolades for the\nStreetsweeper"; other poems);\n"Banging" or "plunking" on the piano attempting to play jazz;\n\xe2\x80\x9cTinkering\xe2\x80\x9d around the house and yard\n\nDate: July 2005' |
400 | Advocate | b'Killer Legal Resumes\nResumes are an individual expression of who you are. They are also your one chance to make\na great first impression. The idea is to set yourself apart from the rest of the crowd, while still\nmaintaining the traditional professionalism required in the field of law.\nRemember, the resume is not a complete autobiography! It is a prospectus for the future. Its\nmain task is to convince prospective employers to contact you for an interview. A good resume\nshould:\no\no\no\n\nBe eye-appealing\nHighlight your significant accomplishments\nBe logically displayed for a 30-second (or less) review\n\nIdentify Your Skills\nIt is sometimes difficult to fully and effectively inventory and evaluate your own skills profile. Ask\nyourself: \xe2\x80\x9cWhat special abilities have I developed which allowed me to perform successfully in\nmy previous activities/jobs?\xe2\x80\x9d Do not be concerned that you have little or no previous experience\nin legal jobs. Job skills are transferable. For example, the communications skills learned in a\nretail position will be useful in your future legal career when counseling clients. Categorize your\nskills as follows \xe2\x80\x93 all three categories are important and highly valued by employers!\no\n\nTechnical/Professional Skills \xe2\x80\x93 skills that are related to performing within a job and\nacquired by education, training, reading, and/or hands-on experiences (i.e., internships,\nclerkships, volunteer opportunities). These skills are often listed in advertised job\npostings: e.g., legal research abilities, writing skills, working knowledge of a certain area\nof law (e.g., Uniform Commercial Code).\n\no\n\nFunctional Skills \xe2\x80\x93 skills related to people, information, and things that are transferable\nfrom one field to another (e.g., organization, communication, management, leadership).\nThese abilities are easy to overlook or downplay, but are highly valued by prospective\nemployers and crucial to successful workplace performance.\n\no\n\nPersonal/Adaptive Skills -- skills often referred to as personality and/or character traits\n(e.g., patience, decisiveness, team player, self-starter, quick learner, detail-oriented,\nwork well under pressure).\n\nInventorying your Experiences/Resume Content\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nHeading (name, address, email, telephone)\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nEducation/Honors/School-Related Activities (reverse chronological order)\no Education typically begins with college.\no List degree/year obtained or expected; names and locations of schools.\no Include your GPA if 3.0 or higher; class rank if in the top one-third\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nCertificates/Licenses/Bar Admission(s)\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nProfessional/Work Experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Be specific! Include title, months and years of employment, name and location of\nemployer.\n\n\x0c\xe2\x80\xa2 Instead of automatically listing job duties for each job, try to write\n"accomplishment statements" that single out and spotlight your major\nachievements. Accomplishment statements are far more compelling than a list of job\nduties and responsibilities.\nThink back on your previous positions and highlight any experiences that represent\nachievements. To pinpoint achievements, some people think in terms of baseball and\nask, "What were my triples and homeruns in that job?" Once you identify the triples\nand homeruns, write out an explanation of what you did. For additional help on how to\nwrite accomplishment statements, go to\nIt may be helpful to describe each experience using a P-A-R (Problem-Action-Result)\nformula. Describe the Problem (or challenge/responsibility) you faced in the position,\nAction(s) you took to reach an objective/goal, and the Result or accomplishment.\nContrast the effectiveness of these two statements:\nBasic/Generic Description\n\nUsing P-A-R Formula\n\nPerformed legal research and\ndrafted a response to a motion\nfor summary judgment\n\nDrafted successful opposition to\npivotal motion for summary\njudgment in personal injury case\ninvolving more than $10 million\nin damages\n\nList job duties where accomplishment statements are not feasible. Obviously, no\none hits triples and homeruns in every job. If you don\'t have any significant\nachievements in a particular job, it is perfectly acceptable to list your job duties and\nresponsibilities, but it need not be an exhaustive list. Stick to the more significant\nones that will be meaningful to the reader. A list of sample phrases for job duties as\nwell as accomplishment statements is included below.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nUse action verbs to start each statement and omit personal pronouns (i.e., \xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x9d or\n\xe2\x80\x9cmy\xe2\x80\x9d). A list of action verbs is included below.\nQuantify number of people, products, profits involved (e.g.,\xe2\x80\x9d Supervised 15-20\ncommunity volunteers\xe2\x80\x9d).\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nVolunteer, clinical, and/or internship experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2 This may be your strong point! Always consider how you can \xe2\x80\x9cput your best foot\nforward\xe2\x80\x9d, presenting yourself as an experienced, capable candidate.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nProfessional Memberships/Activities/Publications\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nSpecial skills (fluency in a foreign language; advanced computer skills if truly beyond\nthose skills expected)\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nActivities/Interests (extracurricular activites, hobbies, interesting pursuits)\n\nFormat\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nOne page (unless you have significant work experience, e.g. career before law school,\nhigh level responsibility, etc.)\nProfessional, clean, easy-to-read typeface\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Standard 12 pt. font\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Reasonable margins\n\n\x0c\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nPrinted on high quality paper (limit color to white, cream, pale gray)\nUse space to highlight information and make it easy to read\n\nTips and Traps\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nTailor your resume to the specific employer\no Be sure to include skills and experience sought by the employer\nProofread (for accuracy, grammar, punctuation, and correct telephone number)\nNo personal information! (i.e. marital status, children, etc.)\nHave two other people proofread (perfection is key)\nBefore including anything on your resume, ask yourself this: Does this information\nsignificantly contribute to your presentation? If not, exclude it.\nExclude photograph\nMake sure that your voice-mail message is appropriate\nDon\xe2\x80\x99t list references on your resume. Have a separate list available if requested. It is\nimportant to select people as references who are familiar with your work skills. Ask\nformer employers or colleagues. Include their full names, job titles and addresses, along\nwith phone numbers and email addresses.\n\nSample Job Duty Phrases for Law Clerk and\nGeneral Legal Experience\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nResearched issues pertaining to pending motion to dismiss in complex civil litigation\ncase\nResearched and drafted memoranda on discrete issues of law including \xe2\x80\xa6 (piercing the\ncorporate veil, 1933 Act securities regulations, CERCLA, etc.)\nAssisted in discovery including drafting deposition questions, interrogatories and\nrequests for production of documents\nDrafted settlement letters\nDrafted and edited articles of incorporation, by-laws and articles of merger\nCommunicated with opposing counsel and clients\nAttended federal pre-trial conferences and court proceedings\nAttended depositions in commercial foreclosure proceedings\nAttended various client meetings regarding x, y, and z\nDrafted corporate resolutions and partnership agreements\nDrafted lease agreements\nPrepared due diligence for complex civil litigation case\nResearched and drafted bench memoranda, orders and opinions on various issues of\ncriminal law, such as \xe2\x80\xa6 (preliminary injunctions, order to produce documents, etc.)\nReviewed motions, researched relevant case law, prepared summaries of legal\narguments and assisted in preparation of court rulings\nPrepared and filed documents in (dependency and neglect proceedings, probate case)\nConducted in-take interviews of prospective clients\n\nSample Accomplishment Statements\nfor Law Clerk and General Legal Experience\nDrafted complaint in complex contract case involving dispute over multi-million dollar\nparcel of real estate\nPrepared settlement agreement to resolve $30,000 construction contract case between\ngeneral contractor and property owner\n\n\x0cDrafted and edited successful motions to dismiss and motions for summary judgment\ndefending claims for workers\' compensation involving potential liability for permanent,\ntotal disability payments\nInvestigated and developed factual basis for motion for restraining order for victim\nadopted by assistant district attorney in presenting case and relied on by court in issuing\norder\nSuccessfully represented indigent, Spanish-speaking woman from Columbia in all\naspects of a two day asylum hearing before a federal immigration judge; client granted\nasylum as a result\nWrote and edited a legal manual on domestic violence distributed to law enforcement\nofficers and battered women\xe2\x80\x99s shelters throughout the state\nDrafted speeches on x, y, and z delivered in committee and subcommittee meetings by\nCongressman\nArgued more than a dozen sentencing and bond reduction hearings for misdemeanor\ndefendants resulting in favorable decisions by the court in all cases\nObtained a sentence reduction for client in criminal case from one year to ninety days in\njail\nResearched and drafted successful motion to suppress evidence in criminal case\nresulting in dismissal of several charges\nDrafted motion for partial summary judgment that was filed in case involving the\nEndangered Species Act resulting in the inclusion of a species of Colorado trout on the\nendangered species list\nDeveloped factual and legal premise to support dismissal of frivolous trespassing suit,\nsaving client potential damages exceeding $10,000\n\nAction Verbs for Resumes\nA list of action verbs to assist you in describing your experiences and accomplishments:\n\n\x0c\x0cProviding Substance to Your Resume\nDuring your three years in law school, build up your resume through the\nfollowing:\nParticipating in clinics and internship programs\no Student Law Office\no Corporate Internship Program\no Internships for Credit\no Other Clinical Programs\nGet involved in student and volunteer activities, including student\norganizations\nResearch assistant for a professor\no Great way to improve your research and writing skills\nPart- and full-time legal positions\no Work during your summers (full-time) and possibly during the school\nyear (part-time) after your first year if your schedule will allow\nConcentrate on your grades\nApply to writing competitions\nParticipate in moot court competitions, such as Barrister\xe2\x80\x99s Cup and\nNegotiations Competition\nJoin the American Bar Association (ABA), the Colorado and Denver Bar\nAssociations (CBA & DBA) as a student member. Attend section or\ncommittee meetings in the areas of law you are interested in practicing.\nJoin an Inn of Court: The American Inns of Court is a national organization\nwhose members include judges, lawyers and a few law students. Inns meet\nonce a month for dinner to hold programs and discuss matters of\nprofessionalism, ethics and skills. It is modeled after the English\napprenticeship system for barristers. There are 10 Inns in Denver. Please see\nthe Career Services Office for more specific information and visit\\nGet published\no Write for a Law Journal\no Interview an attorney about an interesting case or area of expertise;\nsubmit the resulting article to The Docket or Law Week Colorado\no Write an article on a current legal issue and submit it to the newsletter\nof the appropriate bar committee for publication\nJoin a chapter of Toastmasters to improve public speaking abilities\n\n\x0cAttend bar sponsored continuing legal education (CLE) programs to meet\nlocal attorneys practicing in areas of interest' |
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