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SNT.125160.12792 | 2zh We saw that in the pharaonic days , they were always buried beside pyramids , '' explained Hawass . | 哈瓦斯解释道:“我们看到,在法老时代,他们总是被下葬在金字塔旁边”。 | zh |
SNT.125160.12794 | 2zh If she had used the other burial site , she would have disappeared forever , '' said Kathleen Martinez , a Dominican archaeologist . | 多米尼加考古学家卡思琳·马丁内兹说:“如果她选择了其他埋葬地点,那她可能就会永久消失了”。 | zh |
SNT.202041.12828 | 2zh I 'll go home , do what I have to do there ... and enjoy my retirement , '' said Piniella . | 我将回到家中,做自己必须做的事情……,享受退休生活”,皮涅拉这样说道。 | zh |
SNT.202041.12830 | 2zh Rather than continue to go home , come back ... It 's not fair to the team , not fair to the players . | 要是继续不断地回家,回队……,那对这支队伍和对运动员来说都是不公平的。 | zh |
SNT.202041.12831 | 2zh The best thing to do is to step down , go home and take care of my mother , '' he added . | 最好的办法就是退出,回家,照顾母亲”,他又说道。 | zh |
SNT.123995.12842 | 2zh I went in and drank a half a bottle of whiskey , '' stated Wygle to BBC News . | 我进去喝了半瓶威士忌”,维戈尔对BBC新闻这样说。 | zh |
SNT.62298.13096 | 2zh Chris Simon has played a major role in our success this season and we will miss his presence in our lineup . | 克里斯·西蒙在本赛季的成功中发挥了重要作用,我们将错过他在我们阵容中的表现。 | zh |
SNT.62298.13097 | 2zh His regret is clearly evident in the statement he released last night . | 他的遗憾在昨晚发表的声明中显而易见。 | zh |
SNT.62298.13098 | 2zh Our entire organization supports Chris every step of the way . '' | 我们整个组织都在支持克里斯的每一步”。 | zh |
SNT.62298.13101 | 2zh There is absolutely no place in hockey for what I did . | 我所做的在曲棍球中是绝对没有立足之地的。 | zh |
SNT.62298.13102 | 2zh I was grateful to learn that Ryan is okay and that he returned to the game . | 我很高兴得知瑞安没事,他回到了比赛中。 | zh |
SNT.62298.13103 | 2zh My hope is to reach out to him in the near future . '' | 我希望在不久的将来能够与他联系”。 | zh |
SNT.62298.13108 | 2zh The Associated Press indicated that criminal charges against Simon are being considered . | 美联社表示正在考虑对西蒙的刑事指控。 | zh |
SNT.62298.13109 | 2zh According to a spokesperson for Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice , `` no decision has been reached '' on bringing charges , but that `` prosecutors would review the tape . '' | 根据拿骚县地方检察官凯瑟琳·赖斯的发言人的说法,“没有就提出指控达成任何决定”,但“检察官会审查录像带”。 | zh |
SNT.37592.16151 | 2zh At least 70 people are dead and hundreds more injured after three earthquakes and several aftershocks rocked western Iran between Doroud and Boroujerd in the Lorestan province at 11:06 p.m. local time -LRB- 1936 GMT -RRB- on Thursday . | 当地时间星期四晚上11点06分(格林尼治标准时间1936),伊朗西部的洛雷斯坦省多鲁德和博鲁杰尔德之间发生了三次地震和几次余震,造成了至少70人死亡,数百人受伤。 | zh |
SNT.37592.16152 | 2zh Some estimates of those injured currently range between 700-1 ,200 people . | 据估计,目前的受伤人数在700至1200人之间。 | zh |
SNT.37592.16153 | 2zh The first earthquake measured a 4.7 on the Richter magnitude scale and was in a mountainous area and the second measured a 5.1 . | 第一次地震的里氏震级为4.7级,位于山区。第二次的地震震级为5.1级。 | zh |
SNT.37592.16154 | 2zh The third quake measured a 6.0 and hit Doroud and the villages surrounding the area at 4:47 a.m. local time -LRB- 0117 GMT -RRB- on Friday . | 第三次地震发生在周五的凌晨4点47分(格林尼治标准时间01:17),震级为6.0级,多鲁德和该地区周围的村庄遭受袭击。 | zh |
SNT.37592.16155 | 2zh According to the U.S. Geological Survey , however , a 5.7 magnitude quake occurred at 0117 UTC followed by an earthquake of 4.7 magnitude fifteen minutes later . | 然而,根据美国地质调查局的数据显示,世界标准时间0117发生了5.7级地震,15分钟后又发生了4.7级地震。 | zh |
SNT.37592.16156 | 2zh They also report that the previous day , a quake measuring 4.7 in magnitude occurred in the same area . | 地质调查局还称,同一地区前一天发生了4.7级地震。 | zh |
SNT.37592.16157 | 2zh Power has been cut to some areas and there are reports of at least 330 villages that have been severely damaged . | 一些地区的电力已被切断,据悉至少有330个村庄受到严重破坏。 | zh |
SNT.37592.16158 | 2zh Some reports say that at least 20 villages have been destroyed . | 一些报道称,至少有20个村庄被摧毁。 | zh |
SNT.37592.16159 | 2zh In December of 2003 , a magnitude 6.6 earthquake killed over 31,000 people and in February of 2005 a 6.4 eathquake killed 600 people near Zarand in the Kerman province . | 2003年12月,在科曼省扎兰附近发生6.6级地震,导致31,000多人死亡。2005年2月,扎兰附近发生6.4级地震,造成600人死亡。 | zh |
SNT.140895.16160 | 2zh The European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee supported on Tuesday a proposal by the European Commission to scrap visa requirements for citizens of Serbia , Montenegro , and Macedonia , starting on January 1 of next year . | 星期二,欧洲议会外交事务委员会支持了欧盟委员会的一项提案,即从明年1月1日起对塞尔维亚、黑山共和国和马其顿公民取消签证要求。 | zh |
SNT.140895.16161 | 2zh The committee also asked that Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania be included in the visa liberalisation process , although neither has met EU-determined benchmarks yet . | 委员会还要求将波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那以及阿尔巴尼亚纳入签证自由化范围,尽管这两个国家尚未达到欧盟基准要求。 | zh |
SNT.140895.16162 | 2zh European Parliament members also want to initiate visa liberalisation dialogues with Kosovo and establish a roadmap for visa-free travel . | 欧洲议会成员还希望开启科索沃的签证自由化,并订定蓝图以实现免签证旅行。 | zh |
SNT.140895.16163 | 2zh Serbia , Macedonia , and Montenegro currently appear to have strong support within the Parliament for implementing the proposal . | 目前,塞尔维亚、马其顿和黑山共和国的议会对执行该提案表现出强烈的支持。 | zh |
SNT.140895.16164 | 2zh `` I am convinced that what we are trying to do now with Bosnia-Herzegovina and Albania will not slow down the other three countries . | “我相信,我们现在对波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那和阿尔巴尼亚所作的努力,不会减缓其他三个国家签证自由化的步伐。” | zh |
SNT.140895.16165 | 2zh This was a political decision by all the member-states of the European community and that will not change , '' said Tanja Fajon , the European Parliament Rapporteur on Visa Liberalization . | “这是欧洲共同体所有成员国的政治决定,不会改变”,欧洲议会签证自由化问题报告员塔尼亚·法洪说。 | zh |
SNT.61305.16166 | 2zh Microsoft decided to buy a health information search engine called Medstory . | 微软决定购买一个名为梅迪斯多瑞健康信息搜索引擎。 | zh |
SNT.61305.16167 | 2zh This is the company 's first step towards an involvement in the health market . | 这是微软公司迈向健康市场的第一步。 | zh |
SNT.61305.16168 | 2zh The software that Medstory develops involves artificial intelligence techniques which are applied to both medical and health information stored in medical journals , as well as government documents . | 梅迪斯多瑞开发的软件涉及人工智能技术,这些技术被应用于医学期刊和政府文件中存储的医学和健康信息。 | zh |
SNT.61305.16169 | 2zh According to Peter Neupert , vice president for health strategy at Microsoft , the acquisition of Medstory represents the first step in assembling technologies which can serve well for the consumer experience in health care . | 据微软负责健康战略的副总裁彼得·纽珀特说,收购梅迪斯多瑞是整合技术的第一步,这些技术可以很好地提升消费者在医疗保健方面的服务体验。 | zh |
SNT.61305.16170 | 2zh Microsoft decided to make its move into the health care system at a time when many websites , that provide various information on health , started to significantly raise their traffic and receive investments . | 在许多提供健康信息的网站开始大幅增加流量并接受投资的时候,微软决定投入医疗保健系统。 | zh |
SNT.61305.16171 | 2zh The industry analyst and Medstory investor , Esther Dyson , mentioned that the technology provided by Medstory is not just a search engine , it also represents an ontology engine . | 行业分析师兼梅迪斯多瑞的投资者埃斯特·戴森提到梅迪斯多瑞提供的技术不仅仅是一个搜索引擎,它还是一个实体引擎。 | zh |
SNT.61305.16172 | 2zh He also outlined the fact that Microsoft has acquired `` some of the best deep technology '' in the fast growing field of medical search engines . | 他还概述了在快速增长的医疗搜索引擎领域,微软获得“最好的深层技术”的事实。 | zh |
SNT.120180.16193 | 2zh `` It 's one of those things I guess , it changed the game , but what can you do about it now ? '' Adelaide Captain Travis Dodd told Fox Sports after the match . | “我想,人数的减少是其中一件改变比赛的事情,但对此我们现在能做的是什么呢?”阿德莱德队长特拉维斯·多德在赛后告诉“福克斯体育”。 | zh |
SNT.106785.16280 | 2zh It chose to immunize these services from copyright liability provided they are properly responsive to notices of alleged infringement from content owners . '' | 该法规选择免除这些服务网站的版权责任,条件是它们对版权所有者发出的侵权通知作出合理的反应。” | zh |
SNT.196063.16352 | 2zh By May 30 , the Deepwater Horizon site had released between 468,000 and 741,000 barrels of oil , compared to 60,000 to 150,000 barrels from natural seeps across the entire Gulf of Mexico over the same 39 day period , '' said Cutler Cleveland , a Boston University professor at the university 's Department of Geography and Environment . | 波士顿大学地理与环境系教授卡特勒·克利夫兰说:“截至5月30日,深海地平线油田已经释放了46.8万至74.1万桶石油,而在同样的39天内,整个墨西哥湾的天然渗出量为6万至15万桶。” | zh |
SNT.100309.16442 | 2zh And I want everybody to have the right and opportunity to improve their country . '' | 我希望每一个人都享有改善自己国家的权力和机会”。 | zh |
SNT.120389.16751 | 2zh `` I can understand that we all have to live in this world together , '' said Barbara Foley , International Naturist Foundation member of the central committee . | 国际天体主义基金会中央委员成员,芭芭拉·佛莉说:“我明白,大家都必须在这个世界上共同生活”。 | zh |
SNT.11212.16882 | 2zh He estimates that nearly two-thirds of the 278,000 yearly flights between Canadian cities cross over the U.S. border . | 据他估计,每年加拿大城市之间有278,000个航班,其中近三分之二的航班将跨越美国边境。 | zh |
SNT.11212.16883 | 2zh Most major flight zones from urban centers in Canada are in its southern portion , close to the U.S. where even winds might push a plane across the border . | 大部分从加拿大城市中心起飞的航班,主要飞行区都在加拿大南部,那里靠近美国,甚至刮风就可能把一架飞机推过边境。 | zh |
SNT.11212.16884 | 2zh If the matter can not be resolved , Lapierre said , `` We would have to take a northern route , which would be much more expensive . '' | 如果这个问题不能解决,拉皮埃尔说,“我们将不得不采取北部路线,这条路线将昂贵得多。” | zh |
SNT.11212.16884-1 | 2zh Yahoo ! News Canada reports that Lapierre intends to lobby U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta against the changes . | 雅虎新闻加拿大社报道说,拉皮埃尔打算游说美国交通部长诺曼·米内塔反对这些改变。 | zh |
SNT.11212.16885 | 2zh Last year , the Canadian province of British Columbia put controls on firms that handle an individual 's personal data that prevents them from sharing private information on Canadians with U.S. authorities . | 去年,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省对处理个人数据的公司进行了控制,阻止他们与美国当局共享加拿大人的私人信息。 | zh |
SNT.11212.16886 | 2zh The issue goes to Canada 's sovereignty of its citizens and the U.S. sovereignty of its airspace . | 这个问题涉及到加拿大公民的主权和美国对其领空的主权。 | zh |
SNT.11212.16887 | 2zh The historically close relations between Canada and the U.S. was evident during the recent Virgin Atlantic incident , where a flight was intercepted by 2 Canadian CF-18 jet fighters . | 历史上加拿大和美国之间密切的关系在最近的维珍大西洋事件中显而易见,在那次事件中,两架加拿大CF-18喷气式战斗机拦截了一架美国航班。 | zh |
SNT.11212.16888 | 2zh They were scrambled from Quebec to escort the inter-continental flight originating from London to the Halifax International Airport after a hijacking signal , an apparent accident , was sent from the plane . | 他们从魁北克紧急出发,护送从伦敦出发的洲际航班前往哈利法克斯国际机场,因为飞机发出了劫持信号,很明显这是一起事故。 | zh |
SNT.11212.16889 | 2zh The plane was detained in Halifax on Friday for approximately four hours . | 这架飞机星期五在哈利法克斯被扣留了大约四个小时。 | zh |
SNT.11212.16890 | 2zh Ultimately it was cleared , and landed safely at its original destination in John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City . | 最后,飞机被清理干净,安全降落在其最初目的地的纽约市肯尼迪国际机场。 | zh |
SNT.11212.16891 | 2zh Both the ACLU and the Electronic Privacy Information Center are involved in lawsuits against the U.S. government relating to no-fly lists . | 美国公民自由联盟和电子隐私信息中心,都卷入了针对美国政府的禁飞令诉讼。 | zh |
SNT.11212.16892 | 2zh EPIC has received documents under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act which it says `` establish that the TSA administers two lists : a `` no-fly '' list and a `` selectee '' list , which requires the passenger to go through additional security measures . '' | 电子隐私信息中心收到了“美国信息自由法”的文件,该文件称,“确定运输安全管理局管理两份名单:一份是”禁飞“名单,一份是”可选“名单,而后者要求乘客通过额外的安全措施。” | zh |
SNT.47317.17293 | 2zh There is no change in the functioning of the brain tissue and no significant fall in vital signs , '' said officials at Tel Hashomer hospital in the Sheba Medical Center located in Tel Aviv , in a statement today . | 位于特拉维夫沙巴医疗中心的塔勒哈什梅而医院的官员今天在一份声明中说:“脑组织的功能没有发生变化,生命体征也没有显著下降。” | zh |
SNT.79146.17309 | 2zh `` We always indicated that we would be there , in sufficient numbers to be able to act swiftly against those that broke the law . | 他说:“我们一直宣称会有足够的人手,以便能够对触犯法例的人迅速采取行动。” | zh |
SNT.183104.17346 | 2zh We expect the same attitude when we are talking about the Hamas terrorism against Israel . '' | 我们希望在谈到反对以色列的恐怖主义哈马斯组织时,俄罗斯持有同样的态度。” | zh |
SNT.55984.17366 | 2zh I have no idea what it 's about , and until we sit down and talk that 's all I 'm going to say about it . | 我不知道要谈什么,在我们坐下来谈谈之前,我能说的就是这些。 | zh |
SNT.55984.17367 | 2zh I think she 'd make a very good president but let 's wait and see . | 我认为她会成为一位很好的总统,但让我们拭目以待吧。 | zh |
SNT.55984.17368 | 2zh Last week , Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack announced he would seek the Democratic nomination . | 上周,爱荷华州州长汤姆·维尔萨克宣布他将竞选民主党内的总统提名。 | zh |
SNT.55984.17369 | 2zh Indiana Democrat Senator Evan Bayh announced Sunday he is considering running for the White House . | 印第安纳州民主党参议员埃文·贝周日宣布,他正在考虑竞选总统。 | zh |
SNT.55984.17370 | 2zh Clinton tops every national poll of likely Democratic candidates and had tried to keep private many of her overtures to supporters and new staff . | 在所有可能的民主党候选人的全国民调中,克林顿都名列前茅。而且她已尽量使她对支持者和新工作人员的许多提议保密。 | zh |
SNT.55984.17371 | 2zh The deliberations have started to become more public in the last week as the field of likely contenders has begun to expand . | 上周,随着竞争者候选人的范围开始扩大,她的深思熟虑开始变得更加公开。 | zh |
SNT.55984.17372 | 2zh Illinois Senator Barack Obama , has attracted tremendous publicity around a possible run without committing himself . | 伊利诺伊州参议员巴拉克·奥巴马在一次候选人竞选活动中吸引了大量的公众关注,但他自己并没有作出任何承诺。 | zh |
SNT.55984.17373 | 2zh He has jumped to second place behind Clinton in many polls . | 在许多民意调查中,他已经跃居第二,仅落后于克林顿。 | zh |
SNT.55984.17374 | 2zh Obama 's emergence as a potential contender has led some observers to suspect Clinton has stepped up her timetable for making a decision about a run . | 作为一个潜在竞争者,奥巴马的出现使一些观察家怀疑克林顿因此加快了她作出竞选决定的时间表。 | zh |
SNT.55984.17375 | 2zh Her aides dismiss that notion , saying she is observing the timetable she has long planned . | 她的助手们否认了这一说法,并称她仍在遵守她长期计划的时间表。 | zh |
SNT.55984.17376 | 2zh Other likely candidates include 2004 nominee Senator John Kerry ; his vice presidential running mate , former North Carolina Senator John Edwards ; New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson ; and Senators Joe Biden of Delaware and Christopher Dodd of Connecticut . | 其他可能的候选人包括2004年被提名的参议员约翰·克里;他的副总统竞选伙伴、前北卡罗来纳州参议员约翰·爱德华兹;新墨西哥州州长比尔·理查森;来自特拉华州的参议员乔·拜登以及来自康涅狄格州的克里斯托弗·多德。 | zh |
SNT.130922.17377 | 2zh Four people have been injured after a series of earthquakes struck West Sumatra in Indonesia . | 印度尼西亚西苏门答腊岛发生一系列地震,造成4人受伤。 | zh |
SNT.130922.17378 | 2zh Sudirman Gani , head of the local administration 's politics and national unity division , stated that `` the first quake measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale was recorded at 2:48 p.m. | 地方政府政治和民族团结部门负责人苏迪尔曼·加尼表示,“第一次里氏6.9级的地震是记录于下午2点48分。 | zh |
SNT.7557.17415 | 2zh If a defect got in , we ca n't find it , '' Pete Siegenthaler , Caltrans project manager told the Tribune in an interview . | 加州交通局项目经理皮特·西格赫勒在接受“论坛报”采访时说:“如果有缺陷的话,我们无法发现。” | zh |
SNT.107331.17462 | 2zh He is a big fraud and everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie , '' said Serafin Edwin in a statement to the United Arab Emirates paper The National . | 他是一个大骗子,从他嘴里说出的一切都是谎言,“萨拉芬·爱德温在给阿拉伯联合酋长国报纸《国家报》的一份声明中说。 | zh |
SNT.107331.17472 | 2zh There are so many swamis who have enlightened the hearts and minds of people , but these people are fakes with no idea about spirituality . | 有这么多启发了人们的心灵和思想的哲人,但这些人都是伪造者,对灵魂毫无概念。 | zh |
SNT.107331.17473 | 2zh They are only interested in women and money and muscle power , '' said Sudhakaran . | 他们只对女性、金钱和肌肉力量感兴趣,”萨哈卡兰说。 | zh |
SNT.252664.17511 | 2zh `` I look forward to the extra vehicles developing this vital , much-appreciated , and indeed attractive , form of transport further . '' | “我期望能有更多车辆来发展这项重要、备受赞赏和极具吸引力的交通形式。” | zh |
SNT.165803.17572 | 2zh You try and put it in the back of your mind but it 's still there , '' Glasshouse captain Brett Milini said . | “即使你试着把紧张放在你的脑后,但它仍然在那里”,玻璃房队队长布雷特·米里尼说。 | zh |
SNT.165803.17573 | 2zh Caloundra were all out in their first inning for 193 . | 卡伦德拉队在第一轮全力以赴得到了193分的成绩。 | zh |
SNT.165803.17574 | 2zh I thought 250 was a par score and I thought we were in with a big chance , '' Milini said . | “我以为会250分打平,我想我们有一个很大的机会得到250分”,米利尼说。 | zh |
SNT.165803.17575 | 2zh `` If we were good enough , we should have got that pretty easy but we did n't bat well today . '' | “如果我们足够好的话,我们本来可以很容易地做到这一点,但我们今天的击球并不好。” | zh |
SNT.223612.17663 | 2zh Four years ago , Ecclestone was mugged as he parked his car outside his # 10 million home in Chelsea Square ; two wheels were taken from the car . | 四年前,埃克尔斯通将自己的汽车停在切尔西广场,也就是他1000万英国法郎的住宅外时,也遭到了抢劫;车的两个轮子被抢走。 | zh |
SNT.78653.17664 | 2zh Freelance journalist Gabriel Pollard interviewed John Ballinger who has what is believed to be the first unlocked iPhone working in New Zealand on the Vodafone New Zealand GSM network . | 自由记者加布里埃尔·波拉德采访了约翰·巴林格,他在新西兰沃达丰全球移动通信系统网络工作。据信他拥有第一部解锁的苹果手机。 | zh |
SNT.78653.17665 | 2zh Ballinger , director of Bluespark Ltd. , managed to unlock the iPhone without having to solder anything . | 蓝火公司的董事巴林格成功地在不需要焊接任何东西的情况下解锁了苹果手机。 | zh |
SNT.78653.17666 | 2zh This is unlike George Hotz , the first person to unlock the iPhone , who had to by using a different method involving soldering . | 这与乔治·霍兹不同,霍兹是第一个解锁苹果手机的人,他使用了一种包括焊接的不同方法。 | zh |
SNT.78653.17667 | 2zh Ballinger followed the steps on how to unlock it on a website and had watched a few videos the day before . | 巴林格在一家网站上查找了如何解锁的步骤,并在前一天观看了一些视频。 | zh |
SNT.78653.17668 | 2zh He described the website , despite containing a few spelling mistakes , as `` really good '' . | 他形容该网站尽管有几处拼写错误,但“真的很好”。 | zh |
SNT.78653.17676 | 2zh However , he can not use either the built-in YouTube application or the email applications as it will not connect to the Post Office Protocol . | 但是,他不能使用内置的油管应用程序或电子邮件应用程序,因为它不会连接到邮局协议。 | zh |
SNT.78653.17677 | 2zh `` I can use all of them via the web browser but none by the inbuilt iPhone applications ... but I am sure there will be an app you can install that will fix this or a new hack or it 's just me . '' | “我可以通过网页浏览器使用所有这些应用程序,但内置的苹果手机应用程序却不能使用这些应用程序…但我确信,你可以安装一款应用程序来修复这个问题,或者是一种新的黑客攻击,或者让我来操作。” | zh |
SNT.252189.17731 | 2zh We are in a fiscal crisis and we have to fight for every dollar . | 我们正处于财政危机之中,我们必须为每一美元而战。 | zh |
SNT.252189.17732 | 2zh The decline of the auto industry hastened the population loss already diminished by the 1967 riots that precipitated white flight to the suburbs . | 1967年的骚乱促使白人逃往郊区,已经减缓了人口的损失。但汽车工业的衰落加速了人口的流失。 | zh |
SNT.252189.17733 | 2zh Approximately 23 percent of the city 's living quarters are now empty . | 这座城市大约百分之23的居住区现在是空荡荡的。 | zh |
SNT.252189.17734 | 2zh To reduce the city 's size there is a program in progress to demolish 10,000 abandoned or vacant buildings and turn the land into farms or countryside by 2014 . | 为了缩小城市规模,目前正在实施一项计划,在2014年之前拆除1万座废弃或空置的建筑,并将土地变成农场或农村。 | zh |
SNT.252189.17735 | 2zh U.S. federal laws forbid drawing congressional district boundaries that dilute minority voting strength . | 美国联邦法律禁止划定国会选区边界,以此削弱少数族裔投票权。 | zh |
SNT.252189.17736 | 2zh The 2000 redistricting rules for the 2012 elections mandated that Detroit 's two congressional districts must be 60 percent black voters , since four out of five of Detroit 's residents are black . | 根据2000年规定的2012年选举重新划分规则,底特律的两个国会选区必须有百分之60的黑人选民,因为底特律五分之四的居民是黑人。 | zh |
SNT.252189.17737 | 2zh To comply , the two remaining congressional districts will have to expand into Detroit 's mostly white suburbs to attain enough minority voters to meet the 60 percent target , reducing the clout of black Detroit . | 为了达到这一目标,剩余的两个国会选区将不得不扩展到底特律以白人为主的郊区,以获得足够的少数族裔选民以达到百分之60的目标,从而降低底特律黑人的影响力。 | zh |
SNT.252189.17738 | 2zh Andrew Beveridge , Queens College sociology professor , attributed Detroit 's population decline to the loss of its industrial base . | 皇后学院社会学教授安德鲁·贝弗里奇将底特律人口的减少归因于工业基础的丧失。 | zh |
SNT.252189.17739 | 2zh He said : `` Except for New Orleans after Katrina , it 's basically the largest drop for a U.S. city in history . | 他说:“除了卡特里娜飓风后的新奥尔良,这基本上是美国历史上最大的人口降幅。 | zh |
SNT.41074.17871 | 2zh Many people will be at home and die at home and have no possibility to come to one of our treatment centres . '' | 很多人会在家里死去。他们没办法来我们的任何一个治疗中心”。 | zh |
SNT.46607.18058 | 2zh We are now waiting a preliminary study made by an Indian company , paid by Kuwait '' , Ramos Horta added . | 我们正在等待一家印度公司的初步研究结果,由科威特出资”,拉莫斯·霍塔又说道。 | zh |
SNT.100873.18119 | 2zh It 's a small country , so it 's easy to cross and leave . '' | 这个国家不大,所以很容易越境逃离”。 | zh |
SNT.110977.18689 | 2zh `` He has promised tax increases on income , tax increases on investment , tax increases on small businesses . '' | “他打算对收入增税,对投资增税,对小企业增税。” | zh |
Subsets and Splits