Shr loss six cts vs profit 19 cts Net loss 166,000 vs profit 580,000 Revs 3,772,000 vs 5,545,000 Year Shr loss 13 cts vs profit 52 cts Net loss 391,000 vs profit 1,425,000 Revs 15.4 mln vs 16.6 mln NOTE: 1985 year figures pro forma for purchase accounting adjustments resulting from March 1985 reeacquisition of company by its original shareholders before August 1985 initial public offering. Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Shr loss 1.93 dlrs vs profit 16 cts Net loss 53,412,000 vs profit 4,479,000 Revs 24.8 mln vs 32.7 mln Note: 1986 shr and net include 51,187,000 dlr writedown on U.S. operations, uneconomic coal operations and other mineral properties Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
The Bank of England said it had provided the money market with a further 437 mln stg assistance in the afternoon session. This brings the Bank's total help so far today to 461 mln stg and compares with its revised shortage forecast of 450 mln stg. The central bank made purchases of bank bills outright comprising 120 mln stg in band one at 10-7/8 pct and 315 mln stg in band two at 10-13/16 pct. In addition, it also bought two mln stg of treasury bills in band two at 10-13/16 pct. REUTER
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
Shr nil vs nil Net 130,998 vs 30,732 Revs 1,568,941 vs 1,0053,234 Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Oper shr profit 1.80 dlrs vs loss 2.28 dlrs Oper net profit 2,048,0000 vs loss 1,318,000 Revs 25.4 mln vs 12.3 mln Avg shrs 1,135,000 vs 576,000 NOTE: Net excludes realized investment gains of 40,000 dlrs vs 13,000 dlrs. 1986 net excludes 729,000 dlr tax credit. Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Oper shr loss 31 cts vs loss 30 cts Oper net loss 5,429,000 vs loss 5,216,000 Revs 257.5 mln vs 243.6 mln Avg shrs 17.5 mln vs 13.5 mln Year Oper shr loss eight cts vs profit 28 cts Oper net loss 1,324,000 vs profit 4,067,000 Revs 989.5 mln vs 747.9 mln Avg shrs 17.6 mln vs 15.7 mln NOTE: 1986 operating net loss excludes income from discontinued operations equal to 11 cts in the quarter and 66 cts in the year compared with 1.07 dlrs in the quarter and 1.23 dlrs in the respective periods of 1985. 1986 operating net loss also excludes extraordinary charges of 14 cts in the quarter and 54 cts in the year. 1985 operating net profit excludes an extraordinary gain of 47 cts. Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Shr not given Loss 54.9 mln Revs 27.2 mln Note: Prior year results not given. 1986 results include accounts of 89 pct owned <Precambrian Shield Resources Ltd>, acquired November 5, 1986 Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Transform Logic Corp said it has revised downward its previously reported fourth quarter and year, ended October 31, results to reflect compensation expense for employee stock options. The company said resolution of this disagreement with its auditors came as a result of Securities and Exchange Commission involvement. The company will amend its option-granting procedure to conform to the SEC decision which will eliminate future charges, it added. Transform said its fourth quarter profit was revised to 305,082 dlrs, or two cts a share, from the previously reported 580,955 dlrs, which left the company with a fiscal 1986 loss of 249,814 dlrs, or two cts a share, instead of the reported 26,195 dlrs profit. Reuter
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American Stores Co said it expects to report earnings per share of 3.70 to 3.85 dlrs per share on sales of slightly over 14 billion dlrs for the year ended January 31. The supermarket chain earned 4.11 dlrs per share on sales of 13.89 billion dlrs last year. The company did not elaborate. Reuter
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Shr profit three cts vs loss seven cts Net profit 161,000 vs loss 367,000 Revs 24.3 mln vs 26.5 mln Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Unilever Plc <UN.A> and NV group reported improvements in margins and underlying sales volume growth of five pct in 1986 after stripping out the effects of falling prices, disposals and currency movements, Unilever Plc chairman Michael Angus said. He told reporters that volumes in North America increased some 10.5 pct while European consumer goods rose about 2.5 pct after being flat for some years. Much of the disposal strategy, aimed at concentrating activities on core businesses, had now been completed, he noted. But the process of acquisitions would go on, with strategic acquisitions taking place "from time to time," he said. The company earlier reported a 20 pct rise in pre-tax profits for 1986 to 1.14 billion stg from 953 mln previously. In guilder terms, however, profits at the pre-tax level dropped three pct to 3.69 billion from 3.81 billion. Angus said the recent purchase of Chesebrough-Pond's Inc <CBM.N> for 72.50 dlrs a share was unlikely to bring any earnings dilution. However, it would not add much to profits, with much of the company's operating profits paying for the acquisition costs. Finance director Niall Fitzgerald added that while gearing - debt to equity plus debt - rose to about 60 pct at end 1986 from 35 pct last year, this was expected to drop back to about 40 pct by end-1987. The same divergence was made in full year dividend, with Unilever NV's rising 3.4 pct to 15.33 guilders and Unilever Plc's increasing 29.9 pct to 50.17p, approximately in line with the change in attributable profit. Angus said the prospectus for the sale of parts of Chesebrough was due to be published shortly. However, he said that there was no target date for completing the process. He also declined to say what sort of sum Unilever hoped to realise from the operation, beyond noting that Chesebrough had paid around 1.25 billion dlrs for Stauffer Chemical Co, which operates outside Unilever's core activities. In the U.S., Organic growth from the Lipton Foods business, considerable expansion in the household products business and in margarine had been behind the overall sales increase. However, he noted that the U.S. Household products business had turned in a planned loss, with fourth quarter performance better than expected despite the anticipated heavy launch costs of its Surf detergents. Reuter
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Sara Lee Corp said it agreed to buy a 34 pct interest in Paris-based DIM S.A., a subsidiary of BIC S.A., at a cost of about 84 mln dlrs. DIM S.A., a hosiery manufacturer, had 1985 sales of about 260 mln dlrs. The investment includes the purchase of 360,537 newly issued DIM shares valued at about 51 mln dlrs and a loan of about 33 mln dlrs, it said. The loan is convertible into an additional 229,463 DIM shares, it noted. The proposed agreement is subject to approval by the French government, it said. Reuter
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China called on the United States to remove curbs on its exports, to give it favourable trading status and ease restrictions on exports of high technology. But the U.S. Embassy replied that Chinese figures showing 13 years of trade deficits with the U.S. Out of the last 15 are inaccurate and said Peking itself would have to persuade Congress to change laws which limit its exports. The official International Business newspaper today published China's demands in a editorial to coincide with the visit of U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz. "It is extremely important that the U.S. Market reduce its restrictions on Chinese imports, provide the needed facilities for them and businessmen from both sides help to expand Chinese exports," the editorial said. "The U.S. Should quickly discard its prejudice against favourable tariff treatment for Chinese goods and admit China into the Generalised System of Preference (GSP). "Despite easing of curbs on U.S. Technology exports in recent years, control of them is still extremely strict and influences normal trade between the two countries," it added. The paper also printed an article by China's commercial counsellor in its Washington embassy, Chen Shibiao, who said that "all kinds of difficulties and restrictions" were preventing bilateral trade fulfilling its full potential. He named them as U.S. Protectionist behaviour, curbs on technology transfer and out-of-date trade legislation. Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
<Precambrian Shield Resources Ltd>, earlier reporting a large loss against year-ago profit, said the 1986 loss was mainly due to a 51,187,000 dlr writedown on its U.S. operations, uneconomic coal and other mineral properties. Precambrian, which is 89 pct owned by <Mark Resources Inc>, said it took the writedown in accordance with new Canadian Insititute of Chartered Accountants guidelines for full cost method accounting by oil and gas companies. Precambrian earlier reported a 1986 loss of 53.4 mln dlrs, compared to profit of 4.5 mln dlrs in the prior year. Reuter
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The Kenyan economy is heading for difficult times after a boom last year, and the country must tighten its belt to prevent the balance of payments swinging too far into deficit, President Daniel Arap Moi said. In a speech at the state opening of parliament, Moi said high coffee prices and cheap oil in 1986 led to economic growth of five pct, compared with 4.1 pct in 1985. The same factors produced a two billion shilling balance of payments surplus and inflation fell to 5.6 pct from 10.7 pct in 1985, he added. "But both these factors are no longer in our favour ... As a result, we cannot expect an increase in foreign exchange reserves during the year," he said. The price of coffee, Kenya's main source of foreign exchange, fell in London today to about 94 cents a pound from a peak of 2.14 dlrs in January 1986. Crude oil, which early last year slipped below 10 dlrs a barrel, has since crept back to over 18 dlrs. Moi said the price changes, coupled with a general decline in the flow of capital from the rest of the world, made it more difficult to finance the government's budget deficit. Kenya was already spending over 27 pct of its budget on servicing its debts and last year it was a net exporter of capital for the first time in its history, he added. "This is a clear indication that we are entering a difficult phase as regards our external debts, and it is imperative that we raise the rate of domestic savings and rely less on foreign sources to finance our development," he said. "It will be necessary to maintain strict discipline on expenditure ... And members of this house will have to take the lead in encouraging wananchi (ordinary people) to be more frugal in satisfying immediate needs," the president added. REUTER
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<Scott's Hospitality Inc> said it acquired all issued shares of Capital Food Services Ltd, of Ottawa. Terms were not disclosed. Scott's said Capital Food had 1986 sales of more than 20 mln dlrs and will continue to operate under its present name with existing management. Capital Food provides food services to several Ottawa institutions, the company said. Reuter
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Video Display Corfp said it has reached a tentiative agreement to sell its existing cable television business for undisclosed terms and expects to report a gain on the transaction. The buyer was not named. The company said it will redeploy its service assets into manufacturing and distribution. It said the operations being sold accounted for about five pct of revenues for the year ended February 28 and lost money. Reuter
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Shr three cts vs three cts Net 98,20000 vs 91,898 Revs 2,843,520 vs 2,372,457 Year Shr 13 cts vs 21 cts Net 401,179 vs 681,374 Revs 10.5 mln vs 9,699,535 Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Community Bank System Inc said it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Nichols Community Bank for 2,800,000 dlrs in common stock. It said subject to approval by Nichols shareholders and regulatory authorities, the transaction is expected to be completed later this year. Reuter
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Sales 3.65 billion crowns vs 3.40 billion. Profit after financial items 821.2 mln crowns vs 740.2 mln. The 1986 results include a once-off writedown of 520 mln crowns for intangible assets, mainly the know-how paid for in the takeover of a number of high-tech companies by the group, Pharmacia said. Earnings per share after real tax including the writedown: 1.94 crowns vs 12.05 crowns. Earnings per share after real tax (not including the writedown): 12.38 crowns vs 12.05 Earnings per American Depository Receipt (ADR) according to U.S. Accounting principles after real tax including the writedown): 1.96 crowns vs 9.49 crowns. Earnings per ADR according to U.S. Accounting principles after real tax (without the writedown): 9.8 crowns vs 9.49. One ADR represents 0.75 pct of one B Free share in Pharmacia. The board proposed a dividend of 1.55 crowns vs 1.25. REUTER
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Pharmacia AB <PHAB ST> forecast earnings after financial items of one billion crowns in 1987 vs 821.2 mln last year on condition that exchange rates remained at their present parities. Sales would in such circumstances go up to six billion crowns from 3.65 billion in 1986, it said. A weakening Dollar was mainly responsible for a five pct negative impact on sales during 1986 which the company blamed on currency movements. Last year's results were also badly hit by a once-off writedown of 520 mln crowns for intangible assets. The company said mainly this represented the premium the group had paid for the know-how of various high-tech firms it had taken over. The accounts also showed a financial deficit of 1.87 billion crowns vs a deficit of 133 mln which was covered partly by drawing down company liquidity to 738 mln vs one billion and partly by increasing borrowing to 2.23 billion vs 621 mln. Pharmacia said the financial deficit was caused by it having used more funds than generated by group operations, mainly because of the 1.36 billion it paid in cash for shares in LKB-Produkter AB and the assets of Intermedics-Intraocular Inc. REUTER
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McLean Industries Inc said its shipping subsidiary, United States Lines Inc, reached an agreement in principle to transfer its South American service to American Transport Lines Inc, a subsidiary of <Crowley Maritime Corp>. Under the terms of the agreement, United States Lines will lease five vessels to American Transport for 15 months with an option to extend the period up to 10 years, the company said. In return, U.S. Lines will receive a fixed payment and a percentage of revenues for at least three years and possibly as long as American Transport utilizes its vessels and conducts trade in South America, the company said. The companies will consummate the transactions as soon as the required approvals are obtained, McLean said. Reuter
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A total of 2,435 tonnes of British intervention feed wheat were sold at today's tender for the home market out of requests for 3,435 tonnes, the Home Grown Cereals Authority, HGCA, said. Price details were not reported. No bids were submitted for intervention barley. Reuter
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Shr 78 cts vs one dlr Net 1,413,000 vs 1,776,000 Assets 705.3 mln vs 597.3 mln Deposits 495.6 mln vs 493.9 mln Loans 260.0 mln vs 379.7 mln Qtly div six cts vs six cts prior qtr Pay April 1 Record March 6 NOTE: 1986 net includes charges from accounting changes, from one-time expenses associated with a proxy contest and an increase in loan reserves. First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Kalamazoo is full name of company. Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Shr 22 cts vs 12 cts Net 3,243,000 vs 1,656,000 Revs 28.4 mln vs 21.5 mln NOTE: All amts reflect 3-for-2 stock split of company's common in form of 50 pct stock dividend paid Feb 26, 1987. Reuter
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Qtly div 25 cts vs 25 cts prior qtr Pay 31 May Record 1 May Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Qtrly div 28.5 cts vs 28.5 cts Pay April 15 Record March 31 Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
The U.K. Exported 535,460 tonnes of wheat and 336,750 tonnes of barley in January, the Home Grown Cereals Authority (HGCA) said, quoting adjusted Customs and Excise figures. Based on the previous January figures issued on February 9, wheat exports increased by nearly 64,000 tonnes and barley by about 7,000 tonnes. The new figures bring cumulative wheat exports for the period July 1/February 13 to 2.99 mln tonnes, and barley to 2.96 mln compared with 1.25 and 1.89 mln tonnes respectively a year ago. January wheat exports comprised 251,000 tonnes to European Community destinations and 284,000 tonnes to third countries. The Soviet Union was prominent in third country destinations, taking 167,700 tonnes while Poland was credited with 54,500 and South Korea 50,000 tonnes. Italy was the largest EC recipient with 75,000 tonnes followed by West Germany with 55,200 and France 52,000 tonnes. Barley exports for January comprised 103,700 tonnes to the EC and 233,000 to third countries. The Soviet Union was the largest single importer with 133,265 tonnes followed by Saudi Arabia with 53,800 tonnes. Reuter
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Winter wheat crops in the western Soviet Union, Poland and eastern Czechoslovakia through northern Romania may suffer some winterkill over the next two nights, private forecaster Accu-Weather Inc said. Western USSR winter wheat areas have had only light and spotty snow and winterkill is possible tonight and tomorrow night as temperatures drop to minus 10 to 0 degrees F. Snow cover is scant in Poland, with only about 50 pct of the winter wheat areas reporting one to two inches of snow as of this morning. The remaining 50 pct of winter wheat crops do not have snow cover, making winterkill possible on each of the next two nights. Lowest temperatures will be minus 10 to 0 degrees F. Winter wheat areas from eastern Czechoslovakia through northern Romania had light snow flurries yesterday and last night, but amounts were an inch or less. With temperatures expected to fall to near 0 degrees F over the next two nights, some light winterkill is possible, Accu-Weather added. Reuter
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Shr 28 cts vs 22 cts Net 14 mln vs 10.6 mln Revs 163.8 mln vs 127.3 mln Year Shr 81 cts vs 59 cts Net 40.5 mln vs 28.7 mln Revs 521.2 mln vs 391.6 mln Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Pansophic Systems Inc said it will split its stock two-for-one effective April two to shareholders of record March 13. It also said it will pay a six cts per share dividend on the pre-split shares, a regular quarterly dividend, on April two to shareholders of record March 13. Reuter
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Calmar Inc said KEBOO Ab of Sweden, which now owns about 64 pct of Calmark, has approved the acquisition of remaining Calmar shares at 25.375 dlrs in cash at the request of the Calmar board. Calmar said a special meeting of its board will be held March Nine to form a special committee of directors not affiliated with KEBO to evaluate the transaction. KEBO is in turn 60 pct owned by <Investment AB Beijar> of Sweden. Reuter
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Italy's state-owned <Banca Nazionale Del Lavoro-BNL> said it is negotiating to buy a West German bank as part of its foreign expansion policy. BNL president Nerio Nesi told a news conference the Italian bank was currently involved in talks but declined to name the German institution. He said the takeover move could be seen as BNL's reply to Deutsche Bank AG <DBKG.F>, which entered the Italian market in December 1986, with the purchase of BankAmerica <BACN> subsidiary <Banca D'America e D'Italia>. Nesi said BNL had also approved a 200 mln dlr credit line to the Soviet Union aimed at enabling Soviet companies to pay for Italian imports. He gave no further details. BNL officials said the group had also decided to increase its activities in the Soviet Union by opening a representative office in Moscow this month through its subsidiary <Sogecred>, which specialises in Italian-Soviet trade. REUTER
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The Federal Reserve is expected to enter the U.S. Government securities market to add temporary reserves, economists said. They expect it to supply the reserves indirectly by arranging 1.5 to two billion dlrs of customer repurchase agreements. The Fed may add the reserves directly instead via System repurchases. Federal funds, which averaged 6.18 pct yesterday, opened at 6-3/16 pct and stayed there in early trading. Analysts said the rate is under upward pressure partly from settlement of 8.25 billion dlrs of five-year Treasury notes. Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Shr profit five cts vs loss 2.11 dlrs Net profit 375,061 vs loss 10.4 mln Revs 39.9 mln vs 37.8 mln Avg shrs 6,536,008 vs 4,939,895 12 mths Shr profit 47 cts vs loss 3.37 dlrs Net profit 2,837,288 vs loss 16.6 mln Revs 169.1 mln vs 149.4 mln Avg shrs 6,037,640 vs 4,937,378 NOTE: primary earnings per share are based on the weighted average number of common and dilutive common equivalent shares outstanding during each period after accounting for preferred stock dividends. The qtr and year 1985 includes a 6,000,000 provision for restructuring costs related to the sale of its Energy business and parts of its Bearing business. The qtr and year 1986 includes charges of 1,200,000 and 5,200,000, respectively, for restructuring costs and operating losses which were charged against the previously provided accruals for restructuring costs. The qtr and year 1986 includes deferred income taxes of 244,000 and 785,000, respectively. Year net 1986 includes operations of Friedrich Climate Master Inc, which the company acquired in August 1985, for the full period, while the comparable period for 1985 includes only operations from August 16, 1985, to Dec 31, 1985. Third qtr 1986 Includes extraodinary tax gain of 270,000 from early extinquishment of certain drafts payable. Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Oper shr profit 34 cts vs loss 53 cts Oper net profit 3,337,000 vs 4,881,000 Revs 32.7 mln vs 49.6 mln Year Oper shr profit 20 cts vs loss 90 cts Oper net profit 2,374,000 vs loss 9,381,000 Revs 126.9 mln vs 160.5 mln NOTES: Operating net excludes loss 6,050,000 dlrs, or 64 cts a share, vs loss 24,839,000 dlrs, or 2.61 dlrs a share, in quarter and loss 6,050,000 dlrs, or 64 cts a share, vs profit 64,013,000 dlrs, or 6.27 dlrs a share, from discontinued operations 1986 loss from discontinued operations includes 6.0 mln dlrs charge, equal to 64 cts a share, to provide for additional liabilities resulting from the 1981 closure of lead, zinc and silver mining, smelting and refining business 1986 year operating net includes pre-tax gain of 5.3 mln dlrs, equal to 56 cts a share, from pension plan termination and gain of 5.2 mln dlrs, or 56 cts a share, from reduction in deferred taxes Effective Jan 1, 1987, company changed oil and gas accounting to successful efforts from full cost, increasing 1986 year net 9.2 mln dlrs, or 98 cts a share, and increasing 1985 loss 4.3 mln dlrs, or 43 cts a share. The cumulative effect of the change was to decrease retained earnings at Dec 31, 1986, by 14.0 mln dlrs Reuter
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Shr 70 cts vs 56 cts Net 6,197,000 vs 4,880,000 Revs 24.1 mln vs 17.1 mln Nine mths Shr 1.38 dlrs vs 1.20 dlrs Net 12.1 mln vs 10.4 mln Revs 52.5 mln vs 41.8 mln Reuter
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Former Treasury official C. Fred Bergsten said a new exchange rate system is needed to replace the fixed and flexible exchange rate systems which he said had not worked. "I prefer a move to 'target zones' in which the major countries would determine ranges of 15-20 pct within which they would pledge to hold their exchange rates by direct intervention and, as necessary, by changes in monetary and other policies," Bergsten, now the director of the Institute for International Economics, said in a statement to a House Banking subcommittee. "The substantial correction of the exchange rate that has occurred since early 1985 is enormously welcome, and should produce a sizeable reduction in the U.S. trade deficit this year and next, but the imbalance will not fall much below 100 billion dlrs on present policies, so much more is needed," he said. Reuter
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Qtly div 10 cts vs 10 cts prior Pay April 13 Record March 13 Reuter
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[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
There was no evidence of winterkill in Yugoslavian winter wheat during field travel along a line running northwest from Belgrade to near Maribor, the U.S. Agriculture Department's counselor in Belgrade said in a field report. The report, dated February 26, said there is evidence of delayed germination in most areas due to late seeding last fall because of dry conditions. However warm temperatures over the past three weeks have promoted some early growth and will help the crop catch up on last fall's late seeding, it said. Some Yugoslav agriculture officials are concerned about the situation because warm temperatures have brought the grain out of dormancy and taken away snow protection a little early, the report said. Cold temperatures over the next month could cause damage under these conditions, they said. The report said all wheat farmers contacted during the field trip were optimistic about the crop and the way it emerged from winter. Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
Shr 42 cts vs 39 cts Net 12.3 mln vs 9,382,000 Sales 172.0 mln vs 146.00 mln Avg shrs 29.5 mln vs 24.3 mln Year Shr 1.63 dlrs vs 1.35 dlrs Net 45.7 mln vs 30.0 mln Sales 665.5 mln vs 446.2 mln Avg shrs 28.0 mln vs 22.3 mln NOTE: translated at 1,339 Italian lire to dollar. Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Norton co said it has agreed to sell its remaining South African business, Norton co Pty Ltd, to <Global Mining and Industrial Corp> of South africa for undisclosed terms. The company said the unit accounts for less than two pct of Norton revenues and is being sold because "Growing societal pressures in the United States and the unsettled situation in south Africa had required a disproportionate amount of management tiome to oversee." Norton said the unit is profitable. Norton said it will provide the South Afrcian unit with future technical support, and products makde under that agreement will continue to be marketed under the Norton trademark. Reuter
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Shr loss 2.07 dlrs vs profit 36 cts Net loss 1,088,000 vs profit 187,000 Year Shr loss 12.23 dlrs vs profit 17 cts Net loss 645,000 vs profit 89,000 NOTE: Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of the Rockies. 1986 net includes tax credits of 165,000 dlrs in quarter and 189,000 dlrs in year. Net includes pretax loan loss provisions of 1,439,000 dlrs vs 127,000 dlrs in quarter and 1,701,000 dlrs vs 222,000 dlrs in year. Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Advertising agents Saatchi and Saatchi Co Plc <SACHY> said it was buying <Cleveland Consulting Associates Inc> for an initial consideration of 2.0 mln dlrs. Additional payments may be made annually through the year ending March 31, 1991 to bring the total consideration up to 9.5 pct of Cleveland's average post-tax profits in the last two years of the period. The purchase of Cleveland is a further step in Saatchi and Saatchi's fast growing consulting industry, the company said. It said its consulting operations now provide a platform for major future expansion. For the 12 months ended 31 March 1986, Cleveland had 479,000 dlrs in pretax profits and forecasts one mln for 1987. At the Saatchi and Saatchi annual meeting today, the company reported a particularly strong start to the current year, with profits sharply higher than the same period last year. Saatchi and Saatchi shares rose one pence on the Cleveland announcement to 885p after yesterday's 870p close. Reuter
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Chesebrough-Pond's Inc, recently acquired by a unit of Unilever N.V., said it is offering to sell its Bass shoe division, as a result of an ongoing evaluation of the long-term direction of its businesses. The diversified maker of health and beauty aids, said it acquired Falmouth, Maine-based G.H. Bass and Co in 1978, when the company reported annual sales of 59 mln dlrs. Bass is known for its high-quality casual shoes. Chesebrough said Bass's 1986 sales exceeded 170 mln dlrs. Reuter
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Continental Corp said the fresh start provision of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 may add 1.30 to 1.60 to 1987 earnings per share. The insurance holding company had net earnings of 449.6 mln dlrs, or, or 7.42 per share, in 1986. John Loynes, Continental chief financial officer, said the fresh start provision allowed the company to discount opening tax reserves to January 1, 1987, which released deferred taxes into earnings. Loynes said the provision's potential benefit would decline gradually over the next four years, during which time Continental will pay 250 mln to 350 mln dlrs more in taxes. Loynes added, however, the higher taxes are not expecetd to have a significant impact on earnings. Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Shr 8.17 dlrs vs 55 cts Net 67.7 mln vs 4.5 mln Revs 3.67 billion vs 3.54 billion Year Shr 12.19 dlrs vs 24.00 dlrs Net 101.1 mln vs 199.0 mln Revs 14.33 billion vs 13.35 billion Note: 90 pct owned by Ford Motor Co <F> Reuter
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[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Shr 33 cts vs 28 cts Net 3,722,000 vs 3,103,000 Sales 33.0 mln vs 31.8 mln Avg shrs 11.2 mln vs 11.1 mln 1st half Shr 68 cts vs 58 cts Net 7,585,000 vs 6,346,000 Sales 65.9 mln vs 61.3 mln Avg shrs 11.2 mln vs 11.0 mln NOTE: Share adjusted for three-for-two October 1986 stock split. Reuter
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Loans and advances from the Dutch central bank to the commercial banks were barely changed at 12.9 billion guilders in the week up to and including March 2, the central bank weekly return showed. The Treasury's account with the bank dropped 1.3 billion guilders. Dealers said a larger amount of funds in the form of interest and repayments on state loans went out than came in the form of tax payments to the state. Notes in circulation rose 360 mln to 27.7 billion as the public withdrew cash to celebrate this week's Carnival festival or take an end-of-winter holiday break, dealers said. Current money market rates are at 5-3/4 to 6-1/4 pct for call money against 5-1/4 to 5-3/8 a week ago, and between 5-5/16 and 5-9/16 pct against 5-1/4 to 5-1/2 for one to 12 month periods, dealers said. The cause for the rise was a rather tight 4.8 billion guilders of special advances set by the Bank yesterday compared with 8.0 billion guilders for the previous set, dealers added. They expect the money market shortage to continue around 12 billion guilders this week. The weekly return showed total Dutch gold and currency reserves rose 11.3 mln guilders to 56.0 billion guilders. REUTER
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Shr profit three cts vs loss 11 cts Net profit 507,000 vs loss 1,823,000 Revs 11.2 mln vs 204,000 Reuter
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An investor group led by Central National-Gottesman Inc, a New York investment firm, and its executive vice president, Edgar Wachenheim, said they cut their stake in Material Sciences Corp to less than five pct. In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the group said it sold 19,500 Material Sciences common shares between Feb 11 and 19 at prices ranging from 24.00 to 27.648 dlrs a share, leaving it with 239,500 shares, or 4.7 pct. As long as the group's stake remains below five pct, it is not required to disclose further dealings in Material Sciences common stock. Reuter
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Periods ended Jan 31 Shr 28 cts vs 35 cts Net 2,374,000 vs 2,987,000 Sales 35.2 mln vs 34 mln Backlog 36.8 mln vs 33.9 mln Reuter
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Tylan Corp aid it has retained the investment banking firm Kahn and Harris to sell its furnace product line. The company said it has already been contacted by several potential buyers. In 1986, Tylan's furnace product shipments in the U.S. represented 10.3 mln dlrs of the company's total net sales of 28.4 mln dlrs. Reuter
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Shr basic 88 cts vs 1.22 dlrs Shr diluted 83 cts vs 1.10 dlrs Net 114,108,000 vs 140,389,000 Avg shrs 107.5 mln vs 100.5 mln Loans 66.4 billion vs 65.9 billion Deposits 82.8 billion vs 84.4 billion Assets 98.7 billion vs 96.7 billion. Reuter
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The Federal Reserve entered the U.S. Government securities market to arrange 1.5 billion dlrs of customer repurchase agreements, a Fed spokesman said. Dealers said Federal funds were trading at 6-1/4 pct when the Fed began its temporary and indirect supply of reserves to the banking system. Reuter
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Oper shr 1.58 dlrs vs 77 cts Oper net 1,648,000 vs 817,000 Sales 25.7 mln vs 20.5 mln NOTE: Net excludes discontinued operations gain 451,000 dlrs vs loss 4,310,000 dlrs. Reuter
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The upcoming five-month deficiency payments to corn and sorghum farmers will be made half in cash and half in generic commodity certificates, a senior Agriculture Department official told Reuters. Around 300 mln dlrs of the in-kind certificates, or "certs," will be mailed out to farmers around March 15 or 16, Tom von Garlem, Assistant Deputy Administrator for USDA's state and county operations, said. The decision to make the payments in a 50/50 cash/certs ratio was made Monday, but payments to producers will be delayed until mid-month due to a problem with USDA's computer program, von Garlem said. get 11.5 cts per bushel in this next payment -- 5.75 cts in certs and around 5.5 cts cash (5.75 cts minus Gramm-Rudman). Farmers who did not receive advance deficiency payments at signup will receive 63 cts per bushel. Slightly more than half of this payment will be in cash, von Garlem said, but he said this will not markedly upset the 50/50 ratio, since most farmers got advance payments. "The final certificate payments will be very close to 300 mln dlrs," he said. When asked if the Office of Management and Budget had resisted the cash/certs ratio, the USDA official said that "we proposed 50/50 and OMB accepted it." Reuter
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Shr 69 cts vs 64 cts Net 7,046,000 vs 6,492,000 Sales 85.7 mln vs 79.6 mln Six Mths Shr 1.28 dlrs vs 1.19 dlrs Net 13,098,000 vs 12,006,000 Sales 166.3 mln vs 153.3 mln NOTE: Periods end January 31, 1987 and 1986, respectively. Reuter
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Shr 57 cts vs 27 cts Net 1,002,000 vs 470,000 Sales 15.9 mln vs 12.0 mln Note: 4th qtr data not available Reuter
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Oper shr one ct vs three cts Oper net 99,000 vs 327,000 Revs 12.1 mln vs 8,800,000 Avg shrs 15.5 mln vs 11.3 mln Year Oper shr six cts vs 11 cts Oper net 841,000 vs 956,000 Revs 44.1 mln vs 34.4 mln Avg shrs 15.3 mln vs 8,519,677 NOTE: Net excludes tax credits of 299,000 dlrs vs 29,00000 dlrs in quarter and 809,000 dlrs vs 71,000 dlrs in year. Reuter
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Shr profit 27 cts vs profit 51 cts Net profit 6,600,000 vs profit 12,231,000 Revs 211.7 mln vs 193.4 mln 12 mths Shr loss 17 cts vs profit 1.27 dlrs Net loss 4,077,000 vs profit 30,142,000 Revs 753.5 mln vs 673.4 mln NOTE: in qtr ended 1986 the company recognized expenses of 5,948,000 for restructing the combined operations of BBDO, Doyle Dane Bernbach and Needham Harper Worldwide in August 1986 before tax gains. These relate primarily to the conosolidation and elimination of duplicate facilities and staff. for the year 1986, the provisions for mergers and restructuring expenses brought non-recurring expenses to 40,292,000 before tax gains, of which 8,863,000 represented merger costs and 31,429,000 related to restructuring of the combine operations. Reuter
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 CORRECTION - ASHTON-TATE ITEM In Torrance, Calif., item ASHTON-TATE <TATE> 4TH QTR NET, please read 1986 quarter average shares as 24.7 mln, not 200.7 mln. Reuter 
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<Royal Bank of Canada> said it estimates 1987 loan losses at one billion dlrs, a 25 mln dlr increase over last year. Royal Bank said it set its provisions "given the continued debt-servicing problems ... in the North American energy industry and the uncertain outlook for energy prices," and also continued to add to its general provisions for loans to troubled borrower countries. The bank's loan loss provision for the first quarter ended January 31 rose to 223 mln dlrs from 187 mln dlrs in the year-ago quarter. The bank said non-accrual loans, net of provisions for loan losses, totalled 2.2 billion dlrs on January 31, up from 2.0 billion dlrs a year ago. In reporting lower first quarter earnings, chairman Allan Taylor said problems with credit quality--particularly in loans associated with the energy sector--continue to have a substantial adverse effect on the bank's earnings. Taylor said profitability of the bank's international operations remains weak, reflecting resource-related difficulties of private and public sector borrowers and unsatisfactory results from capital market activities. Taylor said it would be premature to speculate on the outcome of debt resturcturing negotiations with Brazil or their potential impact on the Royal Bank. The bank earlier reported first quarter profit fell to 114.1 mln dlrs from 140.4 mln dlrs a year ago. Reuter
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Pantera's Corp said it agreed in principle to acquire Pizza Inn Inc in a cash and stock transaction. Under terms of the proposed transaction, each Pizza Inn share can be exchanged for either three dlrs in cash plus the lesser of 1.4 shares of Pantera's common stock or 11.50 dlrs market value of Pantera's stock, or four dlrs in cash plus a unit consisting of one share of Pantera's stock and a non-transferrable right to receive up to 0.55 share of Pantera's stock under certain conditions, it said. Completion of the transaction is subject to arrangement of financing, negotiation of a definitive agreement, and various regulatory approvals, it said. Pantera's said Pizza Inn's largest shareholder, F.J. Spillman, previously granted Pantera's an option to buy more than one mln shares of Pizza Inn common stock owned by him. Pantera's also said it retained Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc to act as its financial advisor in connection with the merger. Pizza Inn has retained Dean Witter Reynolds Inc to act as its financial advisor, Pantera's said. Yesterday, Pantera's stock closed at 9.50 dlrs on NASDAQ, while Pizza Inn's stock was quoted at 12 dlrs when the Amex halted trading pending the announcement of the proposed merger. From its Dallas headquarters, Pizza Inn said completion of the transaction is subject to certain conditions including that the price of Pantera's stock average not less than seven dlrs during the 20 trading days before the merger. Under the agreement, Pizza Inn said it will still be permitted to complete a leveraged buyout agreement with Pizza Inn Acquiring Corp, which has been approved by its shareholders, but is subject to otaining financing. More
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The Swiss Federal Government's new series of six-month money market certificates raised 177.5 mln Swiss francs at an issue price of 98.401 pct to give an average annual yield of 3.286 pct, the National Bank said. Payment date is March 5. The last series of six-month paper issued in January raised 159.6 mln francs at 98.392 pct to give an average yield of 3.251 pct. REUTER
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Qtr ended Jan 31 Shr loss nine cts vs profit 13 cts Net loss 231,256 vs profit 341,730 Revs 2,793,677 vs 3,676,296 Reuter
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Lifetime Corp said it agreed to buy five mln shares, or 16 pct, of <Nippon Lace Co Ltd> for 3.28 dlrs a share, or 16.5 mln dlrs. It said it plans to enter the health care business in Japan. In addition, it said <Koba Electronics Co Ltd>, an affiliate of Lifetime, will buy four mln unissued shares, or a 12 pct stake, of Nippon for 20 mln dlrs or five dlrs a share. The company said Ohta Shoji, chief executive officer of <Toho Mutual Life Insurance Co>, owns the majority of Koba Electronics' shares. Toho Mutual Life is also the largest shareholder in Nippon Lace, the company said. Lifetime also said the <Private Bank and Trust of Zurich>, on behalf of Lifetime director and shareholder Terence Ramsden, intends to subscribe for two mln shares of Nippon Lace at the same price paid by Lifetime. Reuter
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Oper shr 26 cts vs 18 cts Oper net 2,877,000 vs 1,363,000 Revs 44.3 mln vs 40.8 mln Avg shrs 10.9 mln vs 10.5 mln NOTE: prior qtr excludes loss 475,000, or five cts per share, for discontinued operations for the sale of subsidiaries Intermedics Intraocular Inc, Electronics Inc, and Intermedics Infusaid Inc. Excludes 1987 qtr 1,694,000 operating loss carryforwards vs 78,000 qtr prior. Reuter
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Qtrly 25 cts vs 16 cts Pay March 30 Record March 13 NOTE: Prior qtr is for two months operation, October and November and represents a parital dividend. Reuter
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Qtlry div 24.5 cts vs 24.5 cts Pay April 6 Record March 16 Reuter
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Knutson Mortgage Corp said it expects strong earnings performance for its initial fiscal second quarter earnings ending March 31 since going public in September 1986. Albert Holderson, Knutson chairman, said he expects earnings of about 40 cts per share for the quarter as a result of a strong mortgage business during the quarter. Knutson earlier declared a quarterly dividend of 10 cts a share, versus 10 cts a share prior, payable April 13 to shareholders of record March 13. Reuter
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Oper shr 26 cts vs 18 cts Oper net 2,877,000 vs 1,838,000 Revs 44.3 mln vs 40.8 mln NOTE: Current 1st qtr oper net excludes operating loss carryforward of 1,694,000 or 16 cts per share. 1986 1st qtr oper net excludes loss carryforward of 78,000 dlrs or one ct per share and loss from discontinued operations of 475,000 dlrs. Reuter
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Shr nine cts vs one ct Net 247,489 vs 27,301 Sales 1,933,107 vs 796,613 Six mths Shr 21 cts vs five cts Net 565,106 vs 121,997 Sales 3,781,970 vs 1,778,110 Reuter
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Shr 42 cts vs 76 cts Net 2.3 mln vs 3.3 mln Revs 72.3 mln vs 59.8 mln Year Shr 1.48 dlrs vs 2.59 dlrs Net 7.6 mln vs 11.1 mln Revs 261.7 mln vs 224.7 mln NOTE: 1985 net includes extraordinary gain of 1.5 mln dlrs or 35 cts per share in 4th qtr and 5.1 mln or 1.19 dlrs for the year. Reuter
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Shr profit 27 cts vs profit 51 cts Net profit 6,600,000 vs profit 12.2 mln Revs 211.7 mln vs 193.4 mln Qtly div 24.5 cts vs 24.5 cts Avg shrs 24.2 mln vs 23.8 mln Year Shr loss 17 cts vs profit 1.27 dlrs Net loss 4,077,000 vs profit 30.1 mln Revs 753.5 mln vs 673.4 mln Avg shrs 24.4 mln vs 23.7 mln NOTE: Qtly div payable April six to holders of record March 16. 1986 4th qtr and year net includes a charge of 5.9 mln dlrs and 31.4 mln dlrs, respectively, for corporate restructuring. Reuter
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Annual div six dlrs vs 12 dlrs prior Pay March 19 Record March 13 Note: 1986 payout includes two dlrs a share extra dividend 1985 payout includes four dlrs a share extra dividend Reuter
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One offer but no bid was posted for SRW wheat on the call session at the St Louis Merchants Exchange today. There were no bids or offers for milo. June 15-July 15 bill of lading for wheat was offered at 17 over July, no comparison, no bid. Reuter
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Shr 10 cts vs 13 cts Net 1,553,000 vs 1,541,000 Revs 73.1 mln vs 32.1 mln Avg shrs 15,474,000 vs 12,316,000 Year Shr 47 cts vs 24 cts Net 7,241,000 vs 2,835,000 Revs 216.2 mln vs 101.2 mln Avg shrs 15,492,000 vs 11,921,000 Note: Net income includes extraordinary profit from recognition of tax loss carryforward of 920,000 dlrs, or six cts a share, in 1986 year, and of 785,000 dlrs, or seven cts a share, in both 1985 periods. Reuter
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Shr profit 78 cts vs loss 1.05 dlrs Net profit 2,336,000 vs loss 3,002,000 Revs 26.0 mln vs 26.7 mln Year Shr profit 1.59 dlrs vs loss 6.35 dlrs Net profit 4,688,000 vs loss 18.2 mln Revs 113.5 mln vs 112.4 mln NOTE: 1986 4th qtr and yr includes loss carryfoward of 534,000 dlrs and 1,662,000 dlrs, respectively. Reuter
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Net loss 92,623 vs profit 11,209 Sales 93,483 vs 189,388 Note: per share data not available, as company went public in January, 1987. Reuter
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<Royal Bank of Canada>, in reporting a 19 pct drop in first quarter earnings, said it expects to report improved results in future earnings periods. "Healthy consumer credit growth, record fee-based income, highly profitable securities and foreign exchange trading, and a solid capital position...combined with the restraint of non-interest expenses, should lead to improved results in the periods ahead," chairman Allan Taylor said in a statement. The bank earlier reported profit for the first quarter ended January 31 fell to 114 mln dlrs from 140 mln dlrs a year ago. Taylor said loans to the energy sector continue to substantially hurt earnings while profitability of the bank's international operations remains weak, reflecting resource-related difficulties of private and public sector borrowers and unsatisfactory results from capital market activities. The bank said earnings from domestic operations rose to 103 mln dlrs in the first quarter from 98 mln dlrs a year ago while earnings from international operations plunged to 11 mln dlrs from 42 mln dlrs last year. Royal Bank said first quarter international net interest income declined from last year, reflecting reduced revenues from international investment banking as well as a significant loss on disposal of its affiliate in Trinidad and Tobago. Other income rose to 251 mln dlrs from 220 mln dlrs last year. The rise was due to higher commercial banking and retail deposit service fees, and higher foreign exchange revenue but lower securities commissions from international investment bank operations partly offset the gains, Royal Bank said. The bank said a two billion dlr increase in total assets to 98.7 billion dlrs was due mainly to continued growth in consumer lending, particularly residential mortgages. Reuter
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Belgian Foreign Trade Minister Herman De Croo said if Congress passed legislation curbing world textile imports the only way the European Community (EC) could react was to retaliate. De Croo said at a news conference "if you limit textile imports, you will re-orient textiles to Europe." And that he said would trigger EC taxes on U.S. goods. Congress passed a textile bill two years ago, but it was vetoed by President Reagan on grounds that curbing imports to protect the domestic textile industry would trigger retaliation U.S. trading partners. A similar bill has been introducted this year, in a Congress with a bigger Democratic majority and with a President weakened by the Iran scandal. De Croo, here for talks with Administration officials and Congressmen, said if a textile bill passed, "the only way we could react would be retaliation, and it would cause more retaliation, which is not a good way to deal with problems." He said if a textile bill was enacted, "we will impose taxes on a lot of American products." He said "it would be stupid. We have to avoid that." He said Congressmen seem upset mosty with Japan, because of its massive trade suprlus with the United States, and not with EC nations, but EC nations will be hurt by the diverted shipments of Asian textiles. De Croo also criticized the way U.S. officials try to solve EC trade issues, saying "each time we come in contact, it a conflict contact. The clouts are coming fom the West." He said it then is a crisis atmosphere with officials cross the Atlantic and dramatized with headlines. "This is not the way to work in a serious way between two big powers," De Croo said. reuter
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Oper shr 25 cts vs 1.21 dlrs Oper net 1,366,000 vs 6,287,000 Revs 251.3 mln vs 107.1 mln Year Oper shr 1.10 dlrs vs 1.06 dlrs Oper net 5,552,000 vs 4,982,000 Revs 827.5 mln vs 434.4 mln NOTE: Oper net excludes results of Kay Jewelers Inc, a former subsidiary. On Dec 31, 1986 company distributed remaining 80.4 pct interest in subsidiary to Kay Corp holders. 1985 amts restated in connection with company's distribution of investment in Kay Jewelers Inc. 1986 4th qtr and yr oper net excludes 8,308,000 dlrs or 1.52 dlrs per share, and 7,774,000 dlrs or 1.54 dlrs per share, respectively, for equity in net income of spun-off unit. 1985 4th qtr and yr oper net excludes 6,806,000 dlrs or 1.28 dlrs per share and 5,770,000 dlrs or 1.09 dlrs per share, respectively, for equity in net earnings of spun-off unit. 1985 oper net also excludes 2,778,000 or 52 cts per share for adoption of new pension accounting rules and ine cts per share for gain from assets sales. Reuter
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Oper shr loss four cts vs loss 33 cts Oper net loss 154,000 vs loss 1,301,000 Sales 30.0 mln vs 27.0 mln Year Oper shr profit 60 cts vs loss 16 cts Oper net profit 2,364,000 vs loss 608,000 Sales 113.5 mln vs 132.8 mln NOTE: Net excludes extraordinary charges from provision for roofing products warranties and costs from sale of printing/laminate division of 320,000 dlrs vs 10.3 mln dlrs in quarter and 4,3200,000 dlrs vs 12.7 mln dlrs in year. Net excludes tax credits of 62,000 dlrs vs 41,000 dlrs in quarter and 127,000 dlrs vs 88,000 dlrs in year. Reuter
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House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski said Congress must avoid a temptation to pass a protectionist trade bill this year. In remarks prepared for delivery before the National Press Club, Rostenkowski, D-Ill., predicted major trade legislation will be sent to President Reagan by the end of this year. But he warned that his "conciliatory message" on the trade bill did not mean he would oppose a proposal that would warn other countries their access to the American market would be curtailed unless they opened their markets to U.S. goods. "Complaints about (foreign trade) restraints are not a smoke screen for protectionism, they a plea for fairness," Rostenkowski said. "It is only reasonable to ask the nations that have denied us access to open up in return for continued freedom in the American market," he added. However, he said there would likely be changes in the market access proposal from the plan which cleared the House last year. That plan would have set a specific time table for foreign countries to ease import restraints or they would face a 25 pct cut in exports to the United States. Reuter
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Imtec Inc said some shareholders of Computer Identics Inc <CIDN> have proposed a merger of the two companies. The company said the shareholders had previously expressed dissatisfaction with Computer Identics' management and had informed Computer Identics that the present board no longer had the support of a majority of shares held. It said the shareholders had called for the resignation of all but one of Computer Identics' directors and suggested that a new board pursue merger talks with Imtec. But Imtec said no merger talks havew yet taken place. Reuter
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Shr 1.62 dlrs vs 1.33 dlrs Net 10.3 mln vs 8,459,000 Revs 127.5 mln vs 95.7 mln Year Shr 1.52 dlrs vs 1.20 dlrs Net 9,669,000 vs 7,481,000 Revs 278.1 mln vs 232.00 mln Reuter
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Anacomp Inc, one of the most actively traded NYSE issues, rose today as at least one analyst expected earnings to be boosted by its planned acquisition of a micrographics company. Anacomp rose 1/2 to 6-3/4 on volume of 950,000 shares after trading as high as seven earlier. Howard Harlow, analyst at Whale Securities Corp, said Anacomp's earnings for fiscal 1987 ending September 31 could be doubled to 80 cts a share from the 40 cts a share he had forecast before Anacomp agreed to buy DatagraphiX, a micrographics firm, from General Dynamics Corp <GD>. "The company can earn 80 cts a share in fiscal 1987, maybe as much as a dlr a share, because of DatagraphiX," Harlow said. "Most of the benefit will be in the fourth qtr because it will integrate the company in the second half." Anacomp's earnings will be less if it has problems integrating DatagraphiX, Harlow said. A spokesman at Anacomp said the company expects to complete its deal for DatagraphiX later this month. She would not say how much it will pay for DatagraphiX, but noted that DatagraphiX contributed 10 mln dlrs in earnings to General Dynamics on revenues of 239 mln dlrs in 1986. Harlow said a fellow analyst at Whale Securities estimates that Anacomp will pay between 100 mln dlrs to 150 mln dlrs for DatagraphiX. "The estimates on the street narrow it down to between 110 mln dlrs and 130 mln dlrs," Harlow added. Anacomp reported net of 2.8 mln dlrs or nine cts a share in its first qtr ended December 31, up from 301,000 dlrs or one ct a share. In Anacomp's fiscal 1986 it earned 4,073,000 dlrs or 13 cts a share. Whale Securities recommends buying the stock, Harlow said. Reuter
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Lifetime Corp said it agreed to buy five mln shares or 16 pct of <Nippon Lace Co Ltd> for 3.28 dlrs a share, or 16.5 mln dlrs. It said it plans to enter the health care business in Japan. In addition, it said <Koba Electronics Co Ltd>, an affiliate of Nippon, will buy four mln unissued shares, or a 12 pct stake, of Lifetime for 20 mln dlrs or five dlrs a share. - Corrects to show Nippon's affiliate Koba buying stake in Lifetime. Reuter
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Export Credits Guarantee Department has named Malcolm Stephens, director of export finance at Barclay's Bank Plc and a former career civil servant at ECGD for 17 years, to the post of executive director, a department spokesman said. Stephens replaces Jack Gill, who is retiring early aged 57. A drop in the ECGD's business volume and a rise in its debt to the Exchequer have led to criticism in Parliament in recent years. Stephens said the fall in business volume was a top convern, adding that the department may have to compete more aggressively with private insurance firms providing similar services. The department's annual report for the year ended March 31, 1986, showed exports insured by the department fell to 15.7 billion stg from 17.4 billion the year before, while its debt to the Exchequer almost doubled to 756 mln stg. Stephens said he had no specific list of changes. But among his chief concerns was the weakened condition of lesser developed countries and their ability to pay for their imports. The agency will have to review its policies on insuring export credits to lesser credits on a country by country basis, he said. "Large lump political risk insurance is the sort of thing we want to take a look at." "You have to try to look forward to see if you are simply in a peak and trough situation or it is a more long term thing," Stephens said, in response to a qustion about whether ECGD will strike more countries from its list of political risk insurance recipients. He noted that certain countries have already been removed from the list. REUTER
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Tender Loving Care Health Care Services Inc said it and Staff Buildiers Inc have extended the term of their merger agreement until May 31. Tender Loving Care also said <Norrell Corp> agreed not to acquire any additional Staff Builders shares until September 30, adding Norrell was paid 750,000 dlrs for the standstill arrangement. Tender Loving Care said it agreed to buy the 610,000 Staff Builders common held by Norrell, about 19.1 pct of those outstanding, for 6,950,000 dlrs immediately prior to the consummation of the merger. Tender Loving Care said the extended merger agreement continues to provide for the exchange of 1.6 of its shares for each Staff Builders share outstanding. As announced February 26, the Staff Builders shareholders meeting to vote on the merger, originally convened and adjourned December 23, will be reconvened on April 22. Tender Loving Care said its payment to Norrell will include 1,950,000 dlrs in cash and five mln dlrs of a new series of eight pct Tender Loving Care convertible preferred. Tender Loving Care said it and Staff Builders have filed a revised registration and proxy statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Upon clearance of the revised proxy statement by the commission and its distribution to Staff Builders' shareholders, that company's management will continue to solicit proxies for approval of the merger. Tender Loving Care said it will have the power to vote about 15.8 pct of Staff Builders' shares at the adjourned meeting with a spokesman explaining that this represents the proxies held by Norrell, which started buying the stock after the record date for the meeting. In addition, Staff Builders officers and directors own about 13.8 pct of its stock and have agreed to vote in favor of the merger. Accordingly, the vote of an additional 37.1 pct of the outstanding shares will be required to approve the merger, Tender Loving Care said. Reuter
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Soviet imports of soymeal may reach or exceed one mln tonnes between January and September this year, the Oil World newsletter said. Oil World said it was likely the Soviet Union would reduce soybean imports and step up significantly its imports of meal. At least 500,000 tonnes of soymeal may be shipped from the European Community and South America in the January/March quarter, with additional large quantities likely to be imported in the April and July quarters from Argentina and Brazil, it said. No figures were given for imports in the corresponding periods of 1986. The change made sense in view of the recent purchases of probably 250,000 tonnes of West European and Polish rapeseed and large scale butter imports that were expected from March onward, it said. Oil World said substantial losses of Soviet winter grain area due to recent severe frosts were probably behind the recent pick-up in Soviet purchases of U.S. Corn. It noted that an additional one mln tonnes of U.S. Corn had been bought recently by the Soviet Union. Reuter
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Varian Associates Inc said it is holding discussions with Philips Electronics regarding the purchase of Philips' broadcast transmission unit in the United Kingdom, Pye TVT Limited. Pye TVT designs and manufactures broadcast transmission equimpment, specializing in television frequencies. Reuter
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Butler Manufacturing Co said it agreed in principal to sell part of its controls division to Enercon Data Corp of Minneapolis. Terms of the sale were not disclosed. The transaction, expected to be closed in March, involves the controls division's energy management and power line carrier product lines. Butler said costs associated with the sale were included in its restructuring charge taken in last year's fourth quarter, and will have no effect on its 1987 earnings. Reuter
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