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Vydavatel |
Česká kardiologická společnost, z. s. |
Netroufalky 6b, 625 00 Brno |
Předseda |
Prof. MUDr. Miloš Táborský, CSc., FESC, FACC, MBA |
Odpovědná redaktorka |
Mgr. Klára Procházková |
Tel.: +420 607 932 545 |
E-mail: [email protected] |
Inzerce |
Radka Tichá |
Tel.: +420 725 483 718 |
E-mail: [email protected] |
Distribuce, předplatné |
Časopis je dostupný zdarma online všem |
členům ČKS a ČSKVCH na webových stránkách |
společností (přihlášení cestou osobního účtu). |
Distribuce vydaných čísel bude zajištěna cestou |
mailingu všem členům společnosti. |
Pro členy ČKS je roční předplatné tištěného časopisu |
600 Kč, pro nečleny ČKS 1 000 Kč, kontaktujte prosím |
paní Radku Tichou: [email protected] |
Vydavatel neručí za kvalitu a účinnost jakéhokoli |
výrobku nebo služby nabízených v reklamě nebo |
jiném materiálu komerční povahy. |
Pre-press |
Studio Franklin Praha |
E-mail: [email protected] |
Tisk |
Tiskárna Knopp s.r.o. |
Vychází 6× ročně |
Nové Město nad Metují |
Povoleno Ministerstvem kultury ČR E 18519. |
ISSN 0010-8650 (print), ISSN 1803-7712 (online) |
© 2019, ČKS. |
Cor et Vasa, the journal of the Czech Society of Cardiology and Czech So- |
ciety for Cardiovascular Surgery, publishes 6 times a year and covers all |
Publisher |
aspects cardiology, angiology, cardiovascular surgery, cardiovascular im |
Česká kardiologická společnost, z. s. |
aging, pediatric cardiology, hypertension, cardiovascular prevention and |
Netroufalky 6b, 625 00 Brno |
some aspects of interventional radiology. |
President |
It features editorial, original articles, review articles, as well as short communications from clinical and experimental cardiology. Beginning 2012, Cor et Vasa Prof. MUDr. Miloš Táborský, CSc., FESC, FACC, MBA |
has also been publishing summaries (5 000 words) of the European Society of |
Cardiology guidelines, developed by leading Czech experts in the fi eld. Managing Editor |
Mgr. Klára Procházková |
Its supplement, Cor et Vasa Kardio offers book reviews, abstracts from Tel.: +420 607 932 545 |
elected congresses and conferences, elections and discussions, polemics, E-mail: [email protected] |
commentaries, information from the Czech Society of Cardiology, Czech |
Society of Cardiovascular Surgery and European Society of Cardiology as |
Advertising information |
well as topical international news items. |
Radka Tichá |
Tel.: +420 725 483 718 |
Contributions appear in the Czech, Slovak or English language. |
E-mail: [email protected] |
The journal publishes in two version with identical contents: online and |
Distribution, subscription |
printed versions. Fulltext Cor et Vasa is also available at the Czech Society |
of Cardiology website. The journal is available online free |
of charge to all members of the Czech Society |
Cor et Vasa is indexed in the EMBASE, Scopus, ESC Search Engine databases and of Cardiology and Czech Society for Cardiovascular |
Emerging Sources Citation Index, the indexing database of Thomson Reuters. Surgery on the societies’ websites |
(log-in through your personal account). |
Please submit your contributions formatted as per Instructions to Authors |
through the ACTAVIA editorial system to be entered at http://actavia. Published issues will be distributed to all society |
e-coretvasa.cz/. Contributions to Kardio can also be submitted to Editor-in |
members through regular mail. |
-Chief or Managing Editor. |
The annual subscription rate of the printed journal |
None of the materials published in Cor et Vasa may be copied or repro |
for the Czech Society of Cardiology members is |
duced in any form or by any means for the purpose of their dissemi |
600 CZK, for non-members 1,000 CZK; for |
nation without the written permission of the copyright holder. It is the sole |
further information, please contact |
responsibility of the Editorial Offi ce to make and distribute copies of the |
content of this journal or parts thereof. Mrs Radka Ticha at [email protected]. |
The Publisher cannot be hold responsible for data or opinions presented The Publisher does not assume responsibility for the |
by authors in their individual contributions or the factual and linguistic quality and effi cacy of any product or service offered |
aspects of advertising material. in advertisements or any other material of commer |
cial nature. |
Address for correspondence with the Editor-in-Chief of Cor et Vasa |
Prof. MUDr. Michael Aschermann, DrSc., FESC, FACC (Editor-in-Chief) Pre-press |
2nd Department of Internal Medicine – Cardiology and Angiology |
Studio Franklin Praha |
School of Medicine I, Charles University and General University Hospital |
E-mail: [email protected] |
U Nemocnice 2, 128 08 Prague 2, Czech Republic |
E-mail: [email protected] |
Print |
Tiskárna Knopp s.r.o. |
Published 6 times a year |
Nové Město nad Metují |
Permission E 18519 granted by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. |
ISSN 0010-8650 (print), ISSN 1803-7712 (online) |
Subsets and Splits