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I was recently released from prison. A harsh start to an article, I know, but that’s the way things are sometimes. But more importantly than ex-con, I’m a music guy. I listen to music, I play music, I collect music, and I love music. And like many other music lovers, I’m rather particular about what kinds of music I listen to. I was sent to prison in Decatur County, or as we knew it, the Chain Gang. It’s in southern Georgia, so it comes as no major revelation that just about everyone there listened exclusively to Hip-Hop or Country. Unfortunately for me, those two genres are just about the only two that I don’t listen to. The forced fabrication in subject matter and style has never stricken a chord with me. They don’t speak to who I am, what I know, or my experiences growing up in Cobb County. My parents are awesome. When I found out we could have CD players in prison, I wrote to them as soon as I could and asked for a few CDs. The CDs they sent me changed my entire perspective on day-to-day life in prison. I’ll never forget receiving that package. When I opened it up, these are the albums I found inside: These CDs have greatly shaped my current taste in music. After I got these CDs, I spent all my free time listening to them. Whenever I wasn’t on work detail or running tattoos, I had my headphones on. I can’t tell you just how much they improved my mood and helped me keep my sanity. I’ll go into some detail here about what work detail is. At minimum security county prison camps, like the one I was at, the inmates are given work details. That could be anything from working in the kitchen preparing and serving food, to what I did, cutting grass around the county. For the most part, I was on a detail that cut grass, trimmed bushes, and all in all kept the county government buildings looking nice. The prison system is a very high stress environment. Testosterone levels soar and tolerance for even petty offenses is minimal. Nobody wants to be there, and everybody is crammed into small dorms with nothing to pass the time. It’s easy to push someone’s buttons, especially when you don’t know what those buttons are. Throw in another hundred men they don’t know who are also separated from their loved ones, and you can begin to imagine how tense things are at all times. Radios are big too, for two reasons. They’re sold on the commissary and they are very cheap. Unfortunately, the only stations a radio will pick up in a concrete prison with a steel roof are stations with very strong signals. Stronger frequencies obviously cost more to transmit. The only stations that can afford such strong signals are funded by the same businesses that promote the biggest and most popular music acts. Are you following me? The only stations my bunk mate’s radio could pick up were the most generic Country, Pop, and Hip-Hop stations imaginable. As far as diversity was concerned, I was up shit creek without a paddle. It was while I sat around contemplating how long I could make it before jumping overboard that I got my two new favorite CDs. I still wonder sometimes how I managed to never burn holes in them. If I was lonely, if I was sad, if I was angry, if I was bored, if I was high, I could put on one of those CDs and escape my environment for a few minutes. Some of the songs would take me home, some of the songs reminded me of my family, some songs would help me vent my anger, but they all took my mind outside those walls to a place that was much more tolerable. Having these CDs probably kept me out of a lot of fights, because instead of getting pissed off at somebody or arguing about nothing, I could put on Veil of Maya or Born of Osiris, and the aggressive music they write would channel my negative emotions out in a nonviolent way. When I first got to prison, I had just broken up with my girlfriend. It’s a long story that we definitely don’t need to get into, but that La Dispute CD has a couple great breakup songs on it. If I was down or angry or frustrated, I could put on that CD, let it ride, as the music went in the anger and frustration went out. It was wonderfully therapeutic. Music probably kept me out of a lot of trouble as well, because the guards that work for the Department of Corrections do not like to hear an inmate talk back to them, and I’ve been known to have a mouth on me when I’m in a mood. The albums I listened to the most were undoubtedly Somewhere at the Bottom of the River and Animals As Leaders. They are definitely still two of my favorite albums to this day, and I have still never burned out on them. Jordan Dreyer of La Dispute is such a profound lyricist. The words are so moving, and coupled with the intense, driving music behind his vocals, they’re a huge reason La Dispute is one of my favorite groups. Since I’ve been home, I downloaded their newest album and it’s everything I expected it to be; moving, emotional, brutal, beautiful. Animals As Leaders amaze me in another way. They are an entirely instrumental band with no vocalist. This makes them wonderful to listen to no matter what mood I may be in. The level of musicianship the guys in this band have achieved is so incredible it almost makes me want to give up playing music. No, but seriously, as far as I’m concerned, this album is the pinnacle of instrumental music. The melodies are beautifully arranged, it can make you want to cry at some points, or bang your head against the wall at others. The day I was released, I asked my parents to listen to Animals As Leaders with me on the way home. I knew there were at least a couple of tracks that even my mom could enjoy. There are so many beautiful melodies and guitar riffs on that album, and when it was over, she asked me to replay On Impulse and The Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing. I thought it was very cool that I could get my parents (who are much much older than I am) to listen to such a progressive group, and that they actually ended up liking it as well. Obviously, being in prison is just about the most terrible thing that could happen to someone, and after being there, I wouldn’t even wish it on my worst enemy. But in every storm cloud, there is a silver lining if you choose to look for it. I found mine in music. Having familiar albums to listen to during my journey through the system helped me stay sane, and also helped me remember to enjoy the little things. Now that I am free, I have access to all the music I could ever listen to and more, but I will never forget the CDs I had while I was locked up and what they meant to me.
Now available in a 8 fl. oz. pump bottle! Convenience. Speed. Precision. Execute your tattoos faster than ever with the help of S8's all-natural, vegetable-based RED Needle Cleaner. When added to your rinse cups, RED Needle Cleaner actively removes ink, petroleum, and biological matter like vegetable waxes and oil from needle groupings- without additional wiping on paper towels. RED Needle Cleaner saves you time and money, as well as improves needle performance and reduces the chance of crossing or muddy-ing colors. RED Needle cleaner is compatible with all needle and cartridge technologies, and is safe for all skin types. The 8 oz pump bottle was developed due to high customer demand for an easy to use, cost effective way to access the S8 Needle Cleaner. The bottle is ideal for high-volume, fast moving, and hard-working artists. MADE IN THE USA Instructions: 8oz Bottle Add 3-4 pumps of S8™ RED Needle Cleaner to 6.5 oz of distilled water in rinse cups during setup. Run needle in the rinse cup prior to introducing ink to blend S8™ RED Needle Cleaner. - Use rinse cup by dipping needle groups into the cleaner to remove ink from needles, tubes, and cartridges.
By Jon Uddin✏ 19 year old Middleweight prospect 🇺🇸Joey Spencer (10-0-0, 7KO) from Linden, Michigan got his 2020 campaign underway Saturday night on the Julian Williams vs Jeison Rosario undercard in Philadelphia. Spencer faced Erik Spring of Reading, Pennsylvania in a six round bout. Jan 18, 2020 / W UD (60-54, 60-54, 60-54) Fight Review: Spencer got the job done Saturday night, but those watching from home, in the Liacouras Center, along with Spencer and his corner, feel that the 19 year old Middleweight prospect may have let the 35 year old Spring off easy in the ring. Early on Spencer worked behind his jab to work his way inside and throw his overhand right when in range. As the rounds went on he failed to close distance or force the action on Spring, who had a three inch height and reach advantage, but really posed little threat in the power department, owning only one knockout in his previous 18 fights. When Spring decided to get aggressive, Spencer would make him pay with a solid 1-2 combination, but failed to put his foot on the gas. In the final seconds of the sixth, Spencer landed a big left on Spring that sent him reeling back into the ropes, but it came a bit too late to get the stoppage. Spencer leaves with the clear win, but the end of the sixth confirmed what many had thought all throughout the fight, which is that he had the ability to get Spring out of there had he pressed harder, earlier. Jason Spencer, his head trainer who is also his father, spoke to the fact he wanted Joey to close the gap and press more so it’s something they can address in future camps. Jan 15th, 2020 / Prospect Analysis: The nine time amateur national champion is heading into his third year as a pro. In 2019 he was named the PBC Prospect of the Year for the second consecutive year, but there were some tough moments for the young Middleweight in the four fights he had. The year started off the same way his first five bouts of 2018 did, with a second round knockout of Brandon Harder. Three months later he faced 34 year old Osias Vasquez, who in reality should have kept Spencer’s knockout percentage perfect, but ended up going all six rounds in a lackluster fight. Spencer would later reluctantly reveal that he was ill in that fight and that was a major cause for the somewhat disappointing performance. That fight was followed up with a six round fight against Akeem Black who pushed a healthy Spencer more than he had been in his young career. This was a tough, tough fight for Spencer but to his benefit. Spencer did enough to win the fight, but Black exploited both Spencer’s deficiencies in defense and conditioning throughout. By late fourth round you could see Spencer starting to gas out, breathing heavily, lowering punch output and repeatedly dropping his hands on defense, leaving him open to overhand rights. To wrap up 2019, Spencer got back on the knockout train, delivering sharp left hooks to the body to break down and stop Travis Gambardella in three rounds of a scheduled four rounder. Jan 15th, 2020 / The Opposition: Spencer will kick off the year against 35 year old southpaw 🇺🇸Erik Spring (13-3-2, 1KO) of Reading, Pennsylvania. A six year pro, Spring went 2-1 in 2019, losing his most recent bout by a decisive eight round unanimous decision. Spring carries a 5% knockout rate having only stopped the third opponent he faced in his first year as a pro. Jan 15th, 2020 / Fight Outlook: Spring is another opponent that didn’t turn pro until the age of 30, joining Osias Vazquez who Spencer faced last April. He’s also another opponent that doesn’t appear to have the ability to give Spencer much to think about on the power end. This should work out to another stoppage around the third or fourth round for Spencer, but working on fine tuning some of his defense should be a goal. Record: 10-0-0, 7KO From: Linden, Michigan KO rate: 70% Debut: February 17, 2018 Years pro: 2 Trainer: Jason Spencer 2-17-2018: Uriel Gonzalez (W, TKO 2/4) Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino, Events Center, Las Vegas, Nevada 4-13-2018: Ousmane Sylla (W, TKO 1/4) Minneapolis Armory, Minneapolis, Minnesota 6-10-2018: Tom Howard (W, KO 1/4) Pioneer Event Center, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 8-4-2018: Bruce Lutchmedial (W, KO 2/4) Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, New York 9-30-2018: Cory Macon (W, KO 1/4) Citizens Business Bank Arena, Ontario, California 1-13-2019: Brandon Harder (W, KO 2/4) Microsoft Theatre, Los Angeles, California 4-13-2019: Osias Vasquez (W, UD 6) Minneapolis Armory, Minneapolis, Minnesota 6-23-2019: Akeem Black (W, UD 6) Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Events Center, Las Vegas, Nevada 9-28-2019: Travis Gambardella (W, KO 3/4) Staples Center, Los Angeles, California 1-18-2020: Erik Spring (W, UD 6) Liacouras Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Best Ways of Storing Playing Cards Many of you have probably found yourself in a similar situation before...You’re about to sit down for family card game night or perform your favorite card magic trick and find out that your deck of cards is either damaged or missing cards. This can put a serious damper on any fun evening. Thankfully, it’s actually pretty easy to avoid this unfortunate situation by making just a few simple changes to how you store your playing cards. Use the Tuck Case One of the easiest ways to protect your cards is to store them in the tuck case. A lot of people will wrap rubber bands around their deck of cards and shove it in a drawer or, even worse, leave it on the table. Beyond placing uneven pressure on the deck of cards, rubber bands offer no protection. As they are made of paper, playing cards will act like a sponge if left out of their card case. They will soak up all the moisture in the room and begin to bend and warp, eventually becoming completely unusable. If you’ve lost or ruined your card box. Don’t worry! You can always use something like a bar soap container. As long as the playing cards aren’t exposed directly to air and moisture, they should last longer. As an added bonus, making an effort to put your playing cards in the case after every card game or card trick helps prevent losing cards—ensuring you have a complete deck of 52 cards every time. Use a Card Clip If you want to take things a step further, you can also place your deck of cards in a card clip prior to storing them. These specially designed accessories, like our own Vanishing Inc. Card Clip or a Porper Card Clip, can help your playing cards maintain their shape and protect the card box (which, in many custom decks of cards, is just as beautiful as the playing cards themselves). Avoid Heat & Humidity Heat and humidity are also two of the worst enemies for playing cards. Avoiding heat is typically quite easy. Simply store your cards somewhere cool, dark and away from direct sunlight. The latter has the added benefit of preventing your cards from becoming faded or bleached by the sun. Humidity, on the other hand, can be a bit trickier to overcome—especially for those who live in areas like Florida. Assuming most people don’t own a humidor or have a way of controlling the humidity of their home, the best thing you can do is try to store your cards in the coolest and driest part of your home. This is typically a drawer or storage box located somewhere other than the bathroom and kitchen. Keeping your playing cards in an area that uses a dehumidifier can also help. Playing cards also don’t like intense cold. For most people, storing your playing cards above freezing temperature (32°F / 0°) should be a fairly easy task. However, if you live in a colder climate, you may want to avoid storing your cards in a basement or garage. Use a Storage Box Wooden boxes like those found at most hobby shops, trading card boxes, or any other type of DIY playing card storage boxes are great options for storing playing cards—especially those which get regular use like a Bicycle Deck. However, avid card collectors with a variety of expensive and rare playing cards may want to consider plastic playing card storage boxes. The ones made by Carat Card Cases, for example, allow you to show off your favorite decks of cards while also protecting them from the elements. Store Playing Cards Flat or Upright How to physically position your decks in storage is a topic of much discussion. While some storage cases are built to hold decks upright, it’s probably a good idea to store your playing cards flat when possible. The thinking behind this is that gravity will help press the cards against each other in a natural way. Storing them upright, or at an angle, could make them prone to potentially losing their shape after a long time. This is also why, if you do store your cards upright, you should never stack decks on top and bottom of each other. Remember, They’re Just Playing Cards With the massive surge in popularity for custom playing cards, 1,000s of different decks of playing cards now available. As some decks cost $30 to $50, or even more, it can sometimes be easy to forget that they are essentially just pretty pieces of paper. Besides the truly expensive and rare collectable decks of cards, most playing cards are designed to be used. If you’re a magician, cardist, or even just an avid poker player, you’re going to go through a lot of decks of cards. And people have been worried about how to store them thoughout the history of playing cards. While doing everything you can to properly store them and make them last longer will ultimately save you a bit of money and frustration, you also must remember that they are just playing cards. It’s a lot more fun to showcase and use them instead of spending all your time worrying about protecting them. But when you've had enough of looking at your playing cards, it might be time to get card magic basics down, or learn a few bar bets. Or if cards aren't your thing, try money magic, [mentalism](/mentalism], card magic, sleight of hand, or Zoom magic. As a magic store, we can get you flash paper or magic books. We've also got all the new magic tricks and even magic conventions! It's time to learn magic tricks and how to learn card tricks.
Navy commander who filed complaint over Navy's 'rubber stamp' vaccine policy fired, demoted: report The judge who suspended the Navy's vaccine mandate for sailors seeking religious exemptions cited Navy commander's complaint The Facts Inside Our Reporter’s Notebook The Navy has reportedly fired and demoted the commander who recently filed a complaint over the military branch denying requests for religious exemptions for COVID-19 vaccinations. Cmdr. Robert Green Jr., the executive officer of Maritime Expeditionary Security Squadron EIGHT, was fired Friday from his post and has been reassigned, according to a post on the blog site Terminal X. Regarding Green's firing, the Navy told Just the News, "On January 7, Capt. Jeffrey Grant, commodore, Maritime Expeditionary Security Group Two (MESG-2), relieved Cmdr. Robert Green, executive officer, Maritime Expeditionary Security Squadron Eight, for loss of confidence in his abilities to perform his duties. Cmdr. Kevin Witte-Hunt, chief staff officer, MESG-2, is temporarily assigned as executive officer until a permanent relief is identified. Green has been reassigned to Maritime Expeditionary Security Group Two." Green also was reportedly fired four days after U.S. District Judge Reed O'Connor suspended the Navy's vaccine mandate for sailors seeking religious exemptions. The judge cited Green's complaint in his decision and said that the Navy "merely rubber stamps each denial" of religious accommodation requests. Green's complaint included a 50-step, standard-operating procedure that he claims the Navy is using to issue blanket denials for religious accommodation requests, in violation of law. The firing also came the same day that Green's complaint was submitted to the House and Senate's respective Armed Services committees, under the Military Whistleblower Protection Act. When asked if the firing was related to Green's complaint or the judge's ruling, the Navy said, "the Navy doesn't discuss ongoing litigation matters. We don't have anything to add at this time." Green has been reassigned to the staff of Maritime Expeditionary Security Group TWO. According to the Terminal X post, other middle- to senior-level Navy leaders also have been relieved of their duties for either refusing the vaccine, vocalizing their concerns regarding it, or both.
A recent study by West Virginia University’s Center for Alternative Fuels, Engines, and Emissions found significant challenges for natural gas vehicles to deliver on their promise of emissions reductions, primarily due to the amount of methane they emit. The study, Future Methane Emissions from the Heavy-Duty Natural Gas Transportation Sector for Stasis, High, Medium, and Low Scenarios in 2035, focused on NGVs currently in production, which researchers believe could significantly populate fleets by 2035. Drawing on data gathered from a January 2017 study, WVU researchers looked at ways to reduce emissions during the pump-to-wheel process by using operational best practices. Methane, which is more potent than carbon dioxide (CO2), contributes to 25% of manmade climate change, according to the Environmental Defense Fund. In 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency found that 31% of methane emissions came from petroleum and natural gas systems. While methane has a shorter lifetime in the atmosphere — 12 years compared to CO2’s 30 to 95 years — it traps more heat than CO2, according to EPA. However, lifetime in the atmosphere doesn’t mean the time after which all the methane is gone, only that 63% of the initial amount of gas has been removed. Additionally, methane’s global warming potential is 21, meaning it will trap 20 times more heat than CO2 over a 100-year period. A 2015 study, published in Environmental Science & Technology, concluded that commercial fleets that converted from diesel to natural gas power could potentially accelerate the rate of climate change over the next 50 to 90 years before providing benefits to counteract it. Similarly, the U.S. Energy Information Administration has reported that methane emissions grew by 27% from 1990 to 2009 due to natural gas consumption. While methane leaks happen throughout the supply chain, the WVU study found that heavy-duty vehicles emit 79% of the total emissions compared to fueling stations. Additionally, 39% of the emissions leaked from heavy-duty vehicles occurred through the crankcase. For fleets running older vehicles, WVU researchers said the best thing to do is to use operational best practices. The study suggested that NGV fleet operators immediately close spark-ignited crankcases and minimize manual venting of truck tanks before refueling. For fleets using newer model trucks, EPA approved spark-ignited engines with closed crankcases last year. Fleets are already taking steps to address methane leakage, said Karen Hamberg, vice president of industry and government relations for fuel-system supplier Westport. Technological advances in vehicles, engines, and fueling stations have been explored and implemented to address methane leakage, such as closed crankcases and high-pressure direct injection natural gas engines. “On the pump-to-wheel side, industry has advanced since even this in-use testing was done,” she said. “And so we see fleets operating those vehicles in the most environmentally sound way… it’s in their best economic interest as well to ensure those vehicles are operated to minimize any sort of fuel loss.” Today, trade association NGVAmerica estimates that are around 165,000 NGVs on the road with 39,500 being heavy-duty vehicles and 25,800 being medium-duty vehicles. Hamberg said that leading fleets are taking the initiative on making sure best practices are de facto standards within their operations. “You get emissions reductions with natural gas vehicles, you get even further emission reductions when you run those vehicles on renewable methane,” she said. “It is in the best interest of those operators to ensure that vehicles are vented back to station, that we minimize any sort of unplanned venting activities, etc. And the best fleets are using all those operational best practices.” However, the WVU study concluded that while NGVs are the biggest source of methane emissions in the heavy-duty trucking industry, to fully reap the climate benefits of NGVs, emissions must be reduced across the entire supply chain. The EPA offers suggestions in its 2010 Managing Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Lessons for the Road Ahead, and even has a Supply Chain Leadership Award category as part of its Climate Leadership Awards program to recognize organizations that are leaders in reducing greenhouses gases throughout their supply chains. Aside from monitoring their own vehicle emissions and following best practices, the EDF suggested fleet operators work with fueling station operators to ensure that they are following their own best practices, such as meeting minimum throughput standards and avoiding manual venting. Originally posted on Trucking Info
Full of love and lots of wiggles, Duke is a total catch! He enjoys lots of walks and playtime, followed by plenty of cuddles. This adorable boy has a huge heart and is going to make his future family very happy. Duke is neutered, vaccinated, and micro-chipped, so all he needs now is his forever family! If you’d like to meet this love bug, stop by the Wisconsin Humane Society Racine Campus. The Wisconsin Humane Society (WHS) is a private nonprofit organization whose mission is to build a community where people value animals and treat them with respect and kindness. Founded in 1879, the Wisconsin Humane Society has been saving the lives of animals in need for nearly 140 years. WHS is a 501(c)(3) organization and operates animal shelters in Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Door and Brown Counties, as well as a spay/neuter clinic in West Allis. WHS annually serves 40,000 animals. WHS receives no general government funding and is not part of any national umbrella organization. WHS is the largest shelter in the state of Wisconsin. Adoption Hours at the Racine Campus: Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Sat: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. If you are interested in adopting, it is recommended that you be at the facility at least two hours before close in order to complete the adoption process. During peak times, the facility may need to stop checking in clients prior to closing time to accommodate potential adopters on the waiting list. Clover Pup Salon-Where pets get their good looks! Woofdorf Astoria– Dog Hotel and Day Spa
Willis Towers Watson, New York For Willis Towers Watson’s New York office at 200 Liberty Street, Archigrafika focused on capturing the essence of the city. Each conference room is named for a different neighborhood, while the art and wall graphics feature such iconic structures as the Chrysler and Flatiron Buildings, with scenes of city life both historic and modern. Enriched by artwork ranging from vintage airline posters and antique subway signs to contemporary photography by the Archigrafika team and architecture-inspired glass patterns, the office epitomizes the eye-catching vibrancy of working in New York. Location: New York, NY
Professor of Medicine, Lyon University, Institut Universitaire de France Fabien Zoulim obtained his M.D. in Gastroenterology and Hepatology in Lyon Medical School in 1991. He has also obtained a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology and was trained as a post-doctoral researcher at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia. He is Professor of Medicine at Lyon I University since 1997. He is Head of the Hepatology Department at the Hospices Civils de Lyon, and Head of the Viral Hepatitis Research Laboratory of INSERM Unit 1052. Dr Zoulim is currently Associate Editor for Gut. He also served as a Governing Board member of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL). Dr Zoulim received the William Prusoff award of the International Society for Antiviral Research. He is currently coordinating the ANRS “HBV cure” Task Force in France and the “IP-cure-B” project within the EU H2020 workprogram. He co-founded and is currently the chair of the International Coalition to Eliminate HBV (ICE-HBV: http//:www.ice-hbv.org). He has published more than 500 articles (Web of Science H index 83).
McLean, Va. (October 18, 2017) - HumanTouch, LLC, a leading IT service provider to the federal government, is pleased to announce that the company has been recertified at the ISO 9001:2015 level of certification for our quality management system. The ISO 9001:2015 certification allows businesses to work in a more efficient way as it requires all levels of employees in a company to be familiar with the company’s quality management system, increasing productivity across all our federal and commercial projects. “The updated ISO 9001:2015 certification shows our continued commitment to providing world-class, quality solutions to our customers,” HumanTouch CEO Moe Jafari said. “The quality management approach we have implemented is dedicated to ensuring the success and satisfaction of each of our customers, making sure we help them accomplish their specific, unique missions.” This recertification was obtained through a thorough, extensive external third-party auditing process by an accredited registrar company. For questions on how our quality management system can help you achieve your mission, contact us.
- One-of-a-kind resource for learning Egyptian slang - Contains expressions you won't find in any other book - AUC Press quality - Definitely not for beginners - No included audio - Slightly high price 'Arabi Liblib is a rare gem for learners of Egyptian Arabic that teaches vocab and expressions you won't find in any Arabic course. It's also written in colloquial Egyptian rather than MSA or English. If you're aiming for an advanced level in Egyptian or to really take your 'street language' to the next level, you need this. Can you recommend a good book that has helped you understand the finer details of colloquialisms (including bad words) in Arabic? Today I’m going to briefly share another one that I’ve just bought. The comment section is always open to your input so if you have any recommendations of your own feel free to share it with everyone! UPDATE: See the list of my best Arabic resources here. ‘Arabi Liblib (Fluent Arabic) I recently purchased an incredibly useful advanced book on the Egyptian dialect of Arabic called ‘Arabi Liblib – Egyptian Colloquial Arabic for the Advanced Learner – 1: Adjectives and Descriptions. From the introduction: “The goal of this book is to help advanced students of Egyptian Colloquial Arabic to achieve a near-native level of proficiency through a focus on adjectives and expressions used to describe people.” The title of the book is a colloquialism itself – ‘Arabi Liblib’ (Fluent Arabic). A lib is a seed (usually refers to a pumpkin seed), and the reason why it’s used to refer to fluency is because of the way you use your mouth/lips to open and chew the seeds (you usually have bits of seed shell on your lips). It’s a metaphor implying that words are all over your lips like seed shells. Here are three random example entries from the book: |hot - hottie - babe||مز – مزة – مزز| |bullshitter||ابو لمعة – مافيش مؤنث – مافيش جمع| When you’re watching a film in any language or walking the streets in any country you come across terms like this all the time (this is generally true anywhere you go on the planet). They’re terms that conventional textbooks will never teach you. They may seem rude or inappropriate to some people but the fact remains that until you get a handle on common language like this you’ll never fully grasp the language. One of the things I like about this book is that descriptions of the words are written in Colloquial Egyptian and not English. At first I wondered why they did this and didn’t just provide an English translation, but now I appreciate that when you read an explanation in colloquial speech it actually feels like a native person is explaining the word to you. This makes a huge difference believe me! UPDATE: Since writing this review, several other advanced textbooks have come out of AUC that also teach this way. See my review here. Here’s an example of the explanations in colloquial dialect: |Stoned||مسطول||شخص في غير وعيه نتيجة المخدرات||A person who’s not ‘with it’ as a result of drugs| This book has and will continue to be a huge help to me as it really clarifies a lot of things that I hear a lot when watching movies or travelling but can never find a definition or adequate explanation for. If you’re learning Arabic and want to learn more about the ‘Arabi Liblib series you can get it here. I plan to put together some tutorial videos soon on how I use tools like this effectively along with media to teach myself ‘street slang’ without necessarily travelling or needing to be in an immersion context. Our new resource for colloquial Arabic dialects – all naturally spoken This is an updated appendage to the original ‘Arabi Liblib review. I just want to let you know that not too long ago, we released a massive online resource for spoken Arabic that covers 8 spoken varieties including Egyptian. It’s been a huge undertaking putting it together but in a short time, we’ve had literally thousands of people join our community and improve their spoken Arabic. The resource is called TalkInArabic.com. Make sure to a have a look and let us know what you think! Do you know of another Arabic books like ‘Arabi Liblib? Share it in the comment section below!
A clogged Kitchen sink drains slowly. If you are patient to let it drain, you will notice that as the water drains, it leaves a ring of greasy-debris behind. And as it further drains, the ring turns into a curtain of greasy-debris. The good news is that you can get rid of the mess with a sponge and dishwashing liquid, as you already know. Regrets are like greasy-debris stuck in a sink. As long as you interact with people, deal with them or confide in them, you’ll always have regrets. There’s a latent innate trait in humans to mostly see and magnify the weaknesses and mistakes of others. At times, we see ourselves as the victim even when we are the Oppressor. A kitchen sink doesn’t get greasy or clogged by itself, but by what the user puts in it. As much as you feel hurt or betrayed by those you have opened your hearts to, remember that it is your heart and your health that you are clogging up with greasy debris. Let go of the hurt and regrets. Live and let live.
HONOLULU, Nov. 9 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. (Amex: HA; PCX) ("Holdings" or "the Company"), parent company of Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. ("Hawaiian"), the nation's number one on-time carrier for the past 23 consecutive months as reported by the US Department of Transportation, the 16th largest domestic carrier and the leader in the Hawaii market, today reported consolidated net income for the three months ended September 30, 2005 of $7.8 million, or $0.17 per basic share and $0.16 per diluted share, on total operating revenue of $224.1 million. "We are generally pleased to be among the very few airlines that achieved profitability in the third quarter despite the problem of high fuel costs. The positive results are a credit to our employees, whose focused efforts continued to drive high demand for our service during the quarter, as evidenced by our strong load factor of nearly 90 percent. We also commenced daily nonstop service between Honolulu and San Jose and are pleased with the initial results," said Mark Dunkerley, Holdings' President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Dunkerley continued, "We take little comfort in our third quarter profits, knowing that fuel prices remain high and competition remains intense as we head into a traditionally weaker period of the year. However, we believe the combination of our long history in Hawaii, strong brand recognition, operational integrity, customer satisfaction and the dedication of our employees position us well to meet the many challenges ahead." As previously announced, Hawaiian emerged from bankruptcy on June 2, 2005. During the period from Hawaiian's bankruptcy filing, effective April 1, 2003, through June 1, 2005, the day prior to Hawaiian's emergence from bankruptcy, Holdings deconsolidated Hawaiian and accounted for its interest in Hawaiian using the cost method of accounting and had no responsibility for the management of Hawaiian. As a result, the financial results of Holdings during that period do not include Hawaiian's financial results. Holdings generated no revenue during the three months ended September 30, 2004, and its operating expenses consisted primarily of professional fees related to Hawaiian's bankruptcy case and maintaining Holdings' status as a public company. Holdings reported operating income of $17.9 million for the third quarter 2005 which includes several non-cash purchase accounting adjustments that increased operating expenses for the quarter and which will continue on an on-going basis.(1) In an effort to clarify some of the complex accounting required as a result of Hawaiian's emergence from bankruptcy and provide readers with a basis for comparison with the financial information of Hawaiian previously available during Hawaiian's bankruptcy proceeding, the following is a discussion of the combined historical cost financial results of Holdings and Hawaiian. These combined results are not, however, defined within accounting principles generally accepted in the United States and therefore should not be considered in isolation, or as a substitute for, the equivalent measure defined in U.S. GAAP. Combined Historical Cost Financial Results for the Third Quarter ended September 30, 2005 Third quarter operating revenue was $228.3 million, an 8.3% increase over the $210.8 million reported for the third quarter 2004. Passenger revenue represented 92% of operating revenue in 2004 and 91% in the third quarter of 2005. Charter, cargo and other revenues represent the balance. Revenue passenger miles (RPMs) in the third quarter increased 9.0%, while available seat miles (ASMs) increased 6.5%, resulting in a 2.3% increase in load factor to 89.9%. The passenger revenue yield per RPM declined slightly to 11.62 cents from 11.75 cents in the third quarter 2004. However, operating revenue per ASM (RASM) increased slightly to 11.21 cents in 2005 from 11.12 cents in the third quarter 2004, due to the increased load factor for the quarter. Total operating expenses for the third quarter, on a combined historical cost basis, increased 12.9% to $203.7 million, from $180.4 million for the third quarter of 2004. The higher expenses were primarily the result of an $18.9 million, or 52.7%, increase in aircraft fuel costs to $54.8 million. The increase in fuel costs was due to a 43.5% increase in the average cost of jet fuel, to an average of $1.88 per gallon including taxes for the quarter, as well as increased flying. As a percentage of revenue, aircraft fuel expense was 24.5% in the third quarter 2005, as compared to 17.0% in 2004. Other operating expenses increased $3.1 million, as compared to the third quarter of 2004, primarily as a result of increased professional fees related to Sarbanes-Oxley compliance. Operating cost per ASM (CASM) for the third quarter 2005 increased 5.1% to 10.00 cents, compared to 9.52 cents in the third quarter 2004. Operating costs per ASM excluding fuel for the third quarter of 2005 were 7.31 cents, a 4.1% decrease compared to the third quarter 2004. As a result of the higher expenses in the third quarter 2005, operating profit was $24.5 million, compared to an operating profit of $30.4 million in 2004. (1) As more fully discussed in consolidated financial statements of Holdings for the third quarter, Hawaiian's emergence from bankruptcy was accounted for as a business combination, the acquisition of Hawaiian by Holdings. As a result, the assets and liabilities of Hawaiian were adjusted to their fair values as of June 2, 2005, and the results of operations of Hawaiian are included in the consolidated results from that point forward. The adjustments to record Hawaiian's assets and liabilities at fair value result in significant additional deprecation and amortization expense on an on-going basis. The following table presents a reconciliation of the combined historical cost financial results to the related measure defined in U.S. GAAP for the specified periods. Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. Reconciliation of GAAP Results to Combined Historical Cost Financial Results (unaudited) Three months ended Nine months ended Sept. 30, Sept. 30, 2005 2004 2005 2004 (in thousands) Operating Revenue Reconciliation: GAAP operating revenue $224,086 $-- $294,008 $-- Add: Hawaiian revenue pre- June 2, 2005 (a) -- 210,817 321,508 579,825 Add: Frequent-flier adjustment (b) 4,197 -- 6,231 -- Combined Historical Cost Operating Revenue 228,283 210,817 621,747 579,825 Operating Expense Reconciliation: GAAP operating expenses $206,150 $1,757 $281,709 $5,611 Add (Subtract): Hawaiian expenses pre- June 2, 2005 (a) -- 178,677 311,299 513,726 Wages and benefits adjustment (c) 2,265 -- 3,020 -- Aircraft and other rental expense (d) 522 -- 373 -- Maintenance materials and repairs (e) (1,062) -- (1,308) -- Depreciation and amortization (f) (4,129) -- (5,248) -- Combined Historical Cost Operating Expenses 203,746 180,434 589,845 519,337 Combined Historical Cost Operating Income $24,537 $30,383 $31,902 $60,488 Footnotes: (a) On June 2, 2005, the Company reconsolidated Hawaiian for financial reporting purposes. The reconsolidation was accounted for as a business combination with Hawaiian's assets and liabilities being adjusted to their fair values as of June 2, 2005. Hawaiian's results prior to June 2, 2005 were not included in Holdings' results of operations. (b) Adjustment to reflect the impact on passenger revenue due to elimination of deferred revenue from sales of miles to other companies affiliated with our frequent flyer program. (c) The Company recorded the accumulated pension and other postretirement benefit obligations of Hawaiian at their fair value as of June 2, 2005, resulting in the elimination of actuarial losses and the related amortization of such losses as a component of pension expense. (d) The Company recorded a net deferred credit for certain operating leases with contractual rentals in excess of current market rates as of June 2, 2005. The net credit serves to reduce aircraft rental expense each period. (e) The Company recorded an intangible asset for certain aircraft maintenance contracts with contractual rates less than current market rates for similar services at June 2, 2005. (f) Adjustment to reflect the impact on depreciation and amortization expense due to the amortization of intangible assets recorded at June 2, 2005. Recent Events: * Peter Ingram, an 11-year veteran of AMR Corporation, the parent company of American Airlines, will become chief financial officer of Hawaiian effective November 10, 2005. Mr. Ingram previously served as vice president of finance and chief financial officer for American Eagle Airlines since 2002. * Hawaiian flew the inaugural flight of its daily non-stop service between San Jose, California and Honolulu on September 29, 2005. * In September, Hawaiian was ranked the nation's best airline for on-time performance, fewest flights cancelled and fewest customer complaints by the US Department of Transportation. Liquidity and Capital Resources: * As of September 30, 2005, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of $148.8 million, as well as $65.5 million of restricted cash. Restricted cash consists primarily of cash deposits held by institutions as collateral against advance credit card ticket sales. These funds are subsequently made available as the related air travel is provided. * As of September 30, 2005, the Company's debt consisted of $60 million in subordinated convertible notes at the Holdings level, and $47.9 million in two term loans at the Hawaiian level. In addition, Hawaiian has a $25 million revolving credit facility, $5.7 million of which currently supports outstanding letters of credit. * For the nine months ended September 30, 2005, net cash provided by the combined entity's operating activities before reorganization activities was $64.9 million, compared to $41.6 million for the comparable period in 2004. Fuel Hedging: * In May 2005, Hawaiian converted its fuel hedging program to one based on jet fuel, as compared to its previous program which was based on heating oil. Hawaiian believes the jet fuel hedges more appropriately offset its fuel costs. * As of September 30, 2005, the Company had hedged 46.3 million gallons of jet fuel at an average economic price of $1.78, or approximately 42% of its needs for the coming 12-month period. * Prior to September 1, 2005, the Company did not have the proper documentation in place to qualify its jet fuel forward contracts as hedges under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 133 "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities", (SFAS No. 133). The increase in the fair value of the jet fuel forward contracts from July 1, 2005 through August 31, 2005 resulted in a gain of $8.2 million, which was recognized in other non-operating income. A realized gain of $1.1 million from contract settlements was also recorded in other non-operating income during the third quarter. * As of September 1, 2005, the Company had completed its required documentation and designated the changes in spot prices of its jet fuel forward contracts as cash flow hedges under SFAS No. 133. As a result, changes in the fair value of the effective portion of the jet fuel forward contracts, which was a decline in fair value of $0.5 million from September 1, 2005 through September 30, 2005, are deferred as a separate component of equity until the underlying fuel being hedged is consumed. * The fair value of the jet fuel forward contracts of $15.2 million as of September 30, 2005 was recorded in prepaid expenses and other assets. About Hawaiian Airlines Hawaiian Airlines, the nation's number one on-time carrier, is recognized as one of the best airlines in America. Readers of two prominent national travel magazines, Conde Nast Traveler and Travel + Leisure, have both rated Hawaiian as the top domestic airline serving Hawaii in their most recent rankings. Celebrating its 76th year of continuous service, Hawaiian is Hawaii's biggest and longest-serving airline, and the second largest provider of passenger air service between Hawaii and the U.S. mainland. Hawaiian offers nonstop service to Hawaii from more U.S. gateway cities than any other airline (nine). Hawaiian also provides approximately 100 daily jet flights among the Hawaiian Islands, as well as service to Australia, American Samoa and Tahiti. Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. is a subsidiary of Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. (AMEX and PCX: HA) Additional information about the Hawaiian Airlines is available at www.HawaiianAirlines.com. (Financial Tables Follow) Forward Looking Statements The foregoing information contains certain forward-looking statements that reflect the Company's current views with respect to certain current and future events and financial performance. Theses forward-looking statements are and will be, as the case may be, subject to many risks, uncertainties and factors relating to the Company's operations and business environment which may cause the Company's actual results to be materially different from any future results, expressed or implied, in theses forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statements in this release are based upon information available to the Company on the date of this release. The Company does not undertake to publicly update or revise its forward-looking statements even if experience or future changes make it clear that any projected results expressed or implied therein will not be realized. Additional information on risk factors that could potentially affect the Company's financial results may be found in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. Consolidated Balance Sheets (unaudited) September 30, December 31, 2005(*) 2004(**) (in thousands) ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents $148,802 $2,169 Restricted cash 65,478 500 Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $1,780 as of September 30, 2005 55,188 -- Spare parts and supplies, net 13,852 - Prepaid expenses and other 40,885 175 Total 324,205 2,844 Property and equipment, less accumulated depreciation and amortization of $3,219 as of September 30, 2005 50,470 -- Other Assets: Long-term prepayments and other 64,875 -- Intangible assets, net of accumulated amortization of $7,104 as of September 30, 2005 162,046 -- Goodwill 103,524 -- Total Assets $705,120 $2,844 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY (DEFICIENCY) Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $42,275 $593 Air traffic liability 177,456 -- Other accrued liabilities 57,293 763 Current portions of long-term debt and capital lease obligations 12,950 -- Due to related parties -- 1,478 Total 289,974 2,834 Long-Term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations 82,289 -- Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits: Accumulated pension and other postretirement benefit obligations 199,649 -- Other liabilities and deferred credits 54,154 -- Losses in excess of investment in Hawaiian Airlines, Inc -- 61,302 Total 253,803 61,302 Commitments and Contingent Liabilities Shareholders' Equity (Deficiency): Common and Preferred stock 451 307 Capital in excess of par value 203,338 69,756 Notes receivable from sales of common stock (24) -- Accumulated deficit (124,218) (131,355) Accumulated other comprehensive loss: Loss on hedge instruments (493) -- Total 79,054 (61,292) Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity (Deficiency) $705,120 $2,844 (*) Includes the consolidated balance sheets of Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. and Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. (**) Includes only the balance sheet of Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Operations (unaudited) Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended September 30, September 30, 2005(*) 2004(**) 2005(***) 2004(**) (in thousands, except per share data) Operating Revenue: Passenger $204,537 $-- $268,417 $-- Charter 2,450 -- 3,135 -- Cargo 8,264 -- 10,833 -- Other 8,835 -- 11,623 -- Total 224,086 -- 294,008 -- Operating Expenses: Wages and benefits 55,313 -- 77,890 -- Aircraft fuel, including taxes and oil 54,811 -- 71,580 -- Aircraft rent 26,349 -- 35,211 -- Maintenance materials and repairs 13,549 -- 17,547 -- Depreciation and amortization 7,006 -- 9,015 -- Other rentals and landing fees 6,290 -- 8,183 -- Sales commissions 1,912 -- 2,470 -- Other 40,920 1,757 59,813 5,611 Total 206,150 1,757 281,709 5,611 Operating Income (Loss) 17,936 (1,757) 12,299 (5,611) Nonoperating Income (Expense): Interest and amortization of debt issuance costs (5,004) -- (6,107) -- Interest income 1,879 1 2,387 4 Other, net 7,916 -- 13,452 -- Total 4,791 1 9,732 4 Income (Loss) Before Income Taxes 22,727 (1,756) 22,031 (5,607) Income tax expense 14,894 -- 14,894 -- Net Income (Loss) $7,833 $(1,756) $7,137 $(5,607) Net Income (Loss) Per Common Stock Share: Basic $0.17 $(0.06) $0.19 $(0.19) Diluted $0.16 $(0.06) $0.18 $(0.19) Weighted Average Number of Common Stock Shares Outstanding: Basic 44,898 30,006 37,019 29,441 Diluted 58,999 30,006 51,120 29,441 (*) Includes the consolidated results from operations of Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. and Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. for the entire period presented. (**) Includes only the results from operations of Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. for the entire period presented. (***) Includes the results from operations of Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. from January 1, 2005 through June 1, 2005, and the consolidated results from operations of Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. and Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. from June 2, 2005 through September 30, 2005. SOURCE Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. -0- 11/09/2005 /CONTACT: Keoni Wagner, VP Public Affairs of Hawaiian Airlines, +1-808-838-6778, [email protected]; or Investor Relations, Andrew Greenebaum, [email protected], or Allyson Pooley, [email protected], both of Integrated Corporate Relations, +1-310-395-2215, for Hawaiian Airlines, Inc./ /Web site: http://www.HawaiianAirlines.com / (HA) CO: Hawaiian Holdings, Inc.; Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. ST: Hawaii IN: AIR TRA LEI TRN SU: ERN CC-CM -- LAW132 -- 1223 11/09/2005 18:52 EST http://www.prnewswire.com
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10 July 1509 |Died||27 May 1564 (aged 54)| |Education||University of Paris| |Occupation||Reformer, minister, author| |Institutes of the Christian Religion| |Tradition or movement||Calvinism| |Main interests||Systematic theology| |Notable ideas||Predestination, Monergism, Covenantalism, Imputed righteousness| John Calvin (//; Middle French: Jean Cauvin; French: Jean Calvin [ʒɑ̃ kalvɛ̃]; 10 July 1509 – 27 May 1564) was a French theologian, pastor, and reformer in Geneva during the Protestant Reformation. He was a principal figure in the development of the system of Christian theology later called Calvinism, including its doctrines of predestination and of God's absolute sovereignty in the salvation of the human soul from death and eternal damnation. Calvinist doctrines were influenced by and elaborated upon the Augustinian and other Christian traditions. Various Congregational, Reformed and Presbyterian churches, which look to Calvin as the chief expositor of their beliefs, have spread throughout the world. Calvin was a tireless polemicist and apologetic writer who generated much controversy. He also exchanged cordial and supportive letters with many reformers, including Philipp Melanchthon and Heinrich Bullinger. In addition to his seminal Institutes of the Christian Religion, Calvin wrote commentaries on most books of the Bible, confessional documents, and various other theological treatises. Calvin was originally trained as a humanist lawyer. He broke from the Roman Catholic Church around 1530. After religious tensions erupted in widespread deadly violence against Protestant Christians in France, Calvin fled to Basel, Switzerland, where in 1536 he published the first edition of the Institutes. In that same year, Calvin was recruited by Frenchman William Farel to join the Reformation in Geneva, where he regularly preached sermons throughout the week. However, the governing council of the city resisted the implementation of their ideas, and both men were expelled. At the invitation of Martin Bucer, Calvin proceeded to Strasbourg, where he became the minister of a church of French refugees. He continued to support the reform movement in Geneva, and in 1541 he was invited back to lead the church of the city. Following his return, Calvin introduced new forms of church government and liturgy, despite opposition from several powerful families in the city who tried to curb his authority. During this period, Michael Servetus, a Spaniard regarded by both Roman Catholics and Protestants as having a heretical view of the Trinity, arrived in Geneva. He was denounced by Calvin and burned at the stake for heresy by the city council. Following an influx of supportive refugees and new elections to the city council, Calvin's opponents were forced out. Calvin spent his final years promoting the Reformation both in Geneva and throughout Europe. Early life (1509–1535) John Calvin was born as Jehan Cauvin on 10 July 1509, at Noyon, a town in Picardy, a province of the Kingdom of France. He was the second of three sons who survived infancy. His mother, Jeanne le Franc, was the daughter of an innkeeper from Cambrai. She died of an unknown cause in Calvin's childhood, after having borne four more children. Calvin's father, Gérard Cauvin, had a prosperous career as the cathedral notary and registrar to the ecclesiastical court. Gérard intended his three sons—Charles, Jean, and Antoine—for the priesthood. Young Calvin was particularly precocious. By age 12, he was employed by the bishop as a clerk and received the tonsure, cutting his hair to symbolise his dedication to the Church. He also won the patronage of an influential family, the Montmors. Through their assistance, Calvin was able to attend the Collège de la Marche, Paris, where he learned Latin from one of its greatest teachers, Mathurin Cordier. Once he completed the course, he entered the Collège de Montaigu as a philosophy student. In 1525 or 1526, Gérard withdrew his son from the Collège de Montaigu and enrolled him in the University of Orléans to study law. According to contemporary biographers Theodore Beza and Nicolas Colladon, Gérard believed that Calvin would earn more money as a lawyer than as a priest. After a few years of quiet study, Calvin entered the University of Bourges in 1529. He was intrigued by Andreas Alciati, a humanist lawyer. Humanism was a European intellectual movement which stressed classical studies. During his 18-month stay in Bourges, Calvin learned Koine Greek, a necessity for studying the New Testament. Alternative theories have been suggested regarding the date of Calvin's religious conversion. Some have placed the date of his conversion around 1533, shortly before he resigned from his chaplaincy. In this view, his resignation is the direct evidence for his conversion to the evangelical faith. However, T. H. L. Parker argues that, although this date is a terminus for his conversion, the more likely date is in late 1529 or early 1530. The main evidence for his conversion is contained in two significantly different accounts of his conversion. In the first, found in his Commentary on the Book of Psalms, Calvin portrayed his conversion as a sudden change of mind, brought about by God: God by a sudden conversion subdued and brought my mind to a teachable frame, which was more hardened in such matters than might have been expected from one at my early period of life. Having thus received some taste and knowledge of true godliness, I was immediately inflamed with so intense a desire to make progress therein, that although I did not altogether leave off other studies, yet I pursued them with less ardour. In the second account, Calvin wrote of a long process of inner turmoil, followed by spiritual and psychological anguish: Being exceedingly alarmed at the misery into which I had fallen, and much more at that which threatened me in view of eternal death, I, duty bound, made it my first business to betake myself to your way, condemning my past life, not without groans and tears. And now, O Lord, what remains to a wretch like me, but instead of defence, earnestly to supplicate you not to judge that fearful abandonment of your Word according to its deserts, from which in your wondrous goodness you have at last delivered me. Scholars have argued about the precise interpretation of these accounts, but most agree that his conversion corresponded with his break from the Roman Catholic Church. The Calvin biographer Bruce Gordon has stressed that "the two accounts are not antithetical, revealing some inconsistency in Calvin's memory, but rather [are] two different ways of expressing the same reality." By 1532, Calvin received his licentiate in law and published his first book, a commentary on Seneca's De Clementia. After uneventful trips to Orléans and his hometown of Noyon, Calvin returned to Paris in October 1533. During this time, tensions rose at the Collège Royal (later to become the Collège de France) between the humanists/reformers and the conservative senior faculty members. One of the reformers, Nicolas Cop, was rector of the university. On 1 November 1533 he devoted his inaugural address to the need for reform and renewal in the Roman Catholic Church. The address provoked a strong reaction from the faculty, who denounced it as heretical, forcing Cop to flee to Basel. Calvin, a close friend of Cop, was implicated in the offence, and for the next year he was forced into hiding. He remained on the move, sheltering with his friend Louis du Tillet in Angoulême and taking refuge in Noyon and Orléans. He was finally forced to flee France during the Affair of the Placards in mid-October 1534. In that incident, unknown reformers had posted placards in various cities criticizing the Roman Catholic mass, to which adherents of the Roman Catholic church responded with violence against the would-be Reformers and their sympathizers. In January 1535, Calvin joined Cop in Basel, a city under the enduring influence of the late reformer Johannes Oecolampadius. Reform work commences (1536–1538) In March 1536, Calvin published the first edition of his Institutio Christianae Religionis or Institutes of the Christian Religion. The work was an apologia or defense of his faith and a statement of the doctrinal position of the reformers. He also intended it to serve as an elementary instruction book for anyone interested in the Christian faith. The book was the first expression of his theology. Calvin updated the work and published new editions throughout his life. Shortly after its publication, he left Basel for Ferrara, Italy, where he briefly served as secretary to Princess Renée of France. By June he was back in Paris with his brother Antoine, who was resolving their father's affairs. Following the Edict of Coucy, which gave a limited six-month period for heretics to reconcile with the Catholic faith, Calvin decided that there was no future for him in France. In August he set off for Strasbourg, a free imperial city of the Holy Roman Empire and a refuge for reformers. Due to military manoeuvres of imperial and French forces, he was forced to make a detour to the south, bringing him to Geneva. Calvin had intended to stay only a single night, but William Farel, a fellow French reformer residing in the city, implored him to stay and assist him in his work of reforming the church there. Calvin accepted his new role without any preconditions on his tasks or duties. The office to which he was initially assigned is unknown. He was eventually given the title of "reader", which most likely meant that he could give expository lectures on the Bible. Sometime in 1537 he was selected to be a "pastor" although he never received any pastoral consecration. For the first time, the lawyer-theologian took up pastoral duties such as baptisms, weddings, and church services. During late 1536, Farel drafted a confession of faith, and Calvin wrote separate articles on reorganizing the church in Geneva. On 16 January 1537, Farel and Calvin presented their Articles concernant l'organisation de l'église et du culte à Genève (Articles on the Organization of the Church and its Worship at Geneva) to the city council. The document described the manner and frequency of their celebrations of the Eucharist, the reason for, and the method of, excommunication, the requirement to subscribe to the confession of faith, the use of congregational singing in the liturgy, and the revision of marriage laws. The council accepted the document on the same day. As the year progressed, Calvin and Farel's reputation with the council began to suffer. The council was reluctant to enforce the subscription requirement, as only a few citizens had subscribed to their confession of faith. On 26 November, the two ministers hotly debated the council over the issue. Furthermore, France was taking an interest in forming an alliance with Geneva and as the two ministers were Frenchmen, councillors had begun to question their loyalty. Finally, a major ecclesiastical-political quarrel developed when the city of Bern, Geneva's ally in the reformation of the Swiss churches, proposed to introduce uniformity in the church ceremonies. One proposal required the use of unleavened bread for the Eucharist. The two ministers were unwilling to follow Bern's lead and delayed the use of such bread until a synod in Zurich could be convened to make the final decision. The council ordered Calvin and Farel to use unleavened bread for the Easter Eucharist. In protest, they refused to administer communion during the Easter service. This caused a riot during the service. The next day, the council told Farel and Calvin to leave Geneva. Farel and Calvin then went to Bern and Zurich to plead their case. The resulting synod in Zurich placed most of the blame on Calvin for not being sympathetic enough toward the people of Geneva. It asked Bern to mediate with the aim of restoring the two ministers. The Geneva council refused to readmit the two men, who then took refuge in Basel. Subsequently, Farel received an invitation to lead the church in Neuchâtel. Calvin was invited to lead a church of French refugees in Strasbourg by that city's leading reformers, Martin Bucer and Wolfgang Capito. Initially, Calvin refused because Farel was not included in the invitation, but relented when Bucer appealed to him. By September 1538 Calvin had taken up his new position in Strasbourg, fully expecting that this time it would be permanent; a few months later, he applied for and was granted citizenship of the city. Minister in Strasbourg (1538–1541) During his time in Strasbourg, Calvin was not attached to one particular church, but held his office successively in the Saint-Nicolas Church, the Sainte-Madeleine Church and the former Dominican Church, renamed the Temple Neuf. (All of these churches still exist, but none are in the architectural state of Calvin's days.) Calvin ministered to 400–500 members in his church. He preached or lectured every day, with two sermons on Sunday. Communion was celebrated monthly and congregational singing of the psalms was encouraged. He also worked on the second edition of the Institutes. Calvin was dissatisfied with its original structure as a catechism, a primer for young Christians. For the second edition, published in 1539, Calvin dropped this format in favour of systematically presenting the main doctrines from the Bible. In the process, the book was enlarged from six chapters to seventeen. He concurrently worked on another book, the Commentary on Romans, which was published in March 1540. The book was a model for his later commentaries: it included his own Latin translation from the Greek rather than the Latin Vulgate, an exegesis, and an exposition. In the dedicatory letter, Calvin praised the work of his predecessors Philipp Melanchthon, Heinrich Bullinger, and Martin Bucer, but he also took care to distinguish his own work from theirs and to criticise some of their shortcomings. Calvin's friends urged him to marry. Calvin took a prosaic view, writing to one correspondent: I, who have the air of being so hostile to celibacy, I am still not married and do not know whether I will ever be. If I take a wife it will be because, being better freed from numerous worries, I can devote myself to the Lord. Several candidates were presented to him including one young woman from a noble family. Reluctantly, Calvin agreed to the marriage, on the condition that she would learn French. Although a wedding date was planned for March 1540, he remained reluctant and the wedding never took place. He later wrote that he would never think of marrying her, "unless the Lord had entirely bereft me of my wits". Instead, in August of that year, he married Idelette de Bure, a widow who had two children from her first marriage. Geneva reconsidered its expulsion of Calvin. Church attendance had dwindled and the political climate had changed; as Bern and Geneva quarrelled over land, their alliance frayed. When Cardinal Jacopo Sadoleto wrote a letter to the city council inviting Geneva to return to the Catholic faith, the council searched for an ecclesiastical authority to respond to him. At first Pierre Viret was consulted, but when he refused, the council asked Calvin. He agreed and his Responsio ad Sadoletum (Letter to Sadoleto) strongly defended Geneva's position concerning reforms in the church. On 21 September 1540 the council commissioned one of its members, Ami Perrin, to find a way to recall Calvin. An embassy reached Calvin while he was at a colloquy, a conference to settle religious disputes, in Worms. His reaction to the suggestion was one of horror in which he wrote, "Rather would I submit to death a hundred times than to that cross on which I had to perish daily a thousand times over." Calvin also wrote that he was prepared to follow the Lord's calling. A plan was drawn up in which Viret would be appointed to take temporary charge in Geneva for six months while Bucer and Calvin would visit the city to determine the next steps. The city council pressed for the immediate appointment of Calvin in Geneva. By mid-1541, Strasbourg decided to lend Calvin to Geneva for six months. Calvin returned on 13 September 1541 with an official escort and a wagon for his family. Reform in Geneva (1541–1549) In supporting Calvin's proposals for reforms, the council of Geneva passed the Ordonnances ecclésiastiques (Ecclesiastical Ordinances) on 20 November 1541. The ordinances defined four orders of ministerial function: pastors to preach and to administer the sacraments; doctors to instruct believers in the faith; elders to provide discipline; and deacons to care for the poor and needy. They also called for the creation of the Consistoire (Consistory), an ecclesiastical court composed of the elders and the ministers. The city government retained the power to summon persons before the court, and the Consistory could judge only ecclesiastical matters having no civil jurisdiction. Originally, the court had the power to mete out sentences, with excommunication as its most severe penalty. The government contested this power and on 19 March 1543 the council decided that all sentencing would be carried out by the government. In 1542, Calvin adapted a service book used in Strasbourg, publishing La Forme des Prières et Chants Ecclésiastiques (The Form of Prayers and Church Hymns). Calvin recognised the power of music and he intended that it be used to support scripture readings. The original Strasbourg psalter contained twelve psalms by Clément Marot and Calvin added several more hymns of his own composition in the Geneva version. At the end of 1542, Marot became a refugee in Geneva and contributed nineteen more psalms. Louis Bourgeois, also a refugee, lived and taught music in Geneva for sixteen years and Calvin took the opportunity to add his hymns, the most famous being the Old Hundredth. In the same year of 1542, Calvin published Catéchisme de l'Eglise de Genève (Catechism of the Church of Geneva), which was inspired by Bucer's Kurze Schrifftliche Erklärung of 1534. Calvin had written an earlier catechism during his first stay in Geneva which was largely based on Martin Luther's Large Catechism. The first version was arranged pedagogically, describing Law, Faith, and Prayer. The 1542 version was rearranged for theological reasons, covering Faith first, then Law and Prayer. Historians debate the extent to which Geneva was a theocracy. On the one hand, Calvin's theology clearly called for separation between church and state. Other historians have stressed the enormous political power wielded on a daily basis by the clerics. During his ministry in Geneva, Calvin preached over two thousand sermons. Initially he preached twice on Sunday and three times during the week. This proved to be too heavy a burden and late in 1542 the council allowed him to preach only once on Sunday. In October 1549, he was again required to preach twice on Sundays and, in addition, every weekday of alternate weeks. His sermons lasted more than an hour and he did not use notes. An occasional secretary tried to record his sermons, but very little of his preaching was preserved before 1549. In that year, professional scribe Denis Raguenier, who had learned or developed a system of shorthand, was assigned to record all of Calvin's sermons. An analysis of his sermons by T. H. L. Parker suggests that Calvin was a consistent preacher and his style changed very little over the years. John Calvin was also known for his thorough manner of working his way through the Bible in consecutive sermons. From March 1555 to July 1556, Calvin delivered two hundred sermons on Deuteronomy. Voltaire wrote about Calvin, Luther and Zwingli, "If they condemned celibacy in the priests, and opened the gates of the convents, it was only to turn all society into a convent. Shows and entertainments were expressly forbidden by their religion; and for more than two hundred years there was not a single musical instrument allowed in the city of Geneva. They condemned auricular confession, but they enjoined a public one; and in Switzerland, Scotland, and Geneva it was performed the same as penance." Very little is known about Calvin's personal life in Geneva. His house and furniture were owned by the council. The house was big enough to accommodate his family as well as Antoine's family and some servants. On 28 July 1542, Idelette gave birth to a son, Jacques, but he was born prematurely and survived only briefly. Idelette fell ill in 1545 and died on 29 March 1549. Calvin never married again. He expressed his sorrow in a letter to Viret: I have been bereaved of the best friend of my life, of one who, if it has been so ordained, would willingly have shared not only my poverty but also my death. During her life she was the faithful helper of my ministry. From her I never experienced the slightest hindrance. Throughout the rest of his life in Geneva, he maintained several friendships from his early years including Montmor, Cordier, Cop, Farel, Melanchthon and Bullinger. Discipline and opposition (1546–1553) Calvin encountered bitter opposition to his work in Geneva. Around 1546, the uncoordinated forces coalesced into an identifiable group whom he referred to as the libertines, but who preferred to be called either Spirituels or Patriots. According to Calvin, these were people who felt that after being liberated through grace, they were exempted from both ecclesiastical and civil law. The group consisted of wealthy, politically powerful, and interrelated families of Geneva. At the end of January 1546, Pierre Ameaux, a maker of playing cards who had already been in conflict with the Consistory, attacked Calvin by calling him a "Picard", an epithet denoting anti-French sentiment, and accused him of false doctrine. Ameaux was punished by the council and forced to make expiation by parading through the city and begging God for forgiveness. A few months later Ami Perrin, the man who had brought Calvin to Geneva, moved into open opposition. Perrin had married Françoise Favre, daughter of François Favre, a well-established Genevan merchant. Both Perrin's wife and father-in-law had previous conflicts with the Consistory. The court noted that many of Geneva's notables, including Perrin, had breached a law against dancing. Initially, Perrin ignored the court when he was summoned, but after receiving a letter from Calvin, he appeared before the Consistory. By 1547, opposition to Calvin and other French refugee ministers had grown to constitute the majority of the syndics, the civil magistrates of Geneva. On 27 June an unsigned threatening letter in Genevan dialect was found at the pulpit of St. Pierre Cathedral where Calvin preached. Suspecting a plot against both the church and the state, the council appointed a commission to investigate. Jacques Gruet, a Genevan member of Favre's group, was arrested and incriminating evidence was found when his house was searched. Under torture, he confessed to several crimes including writing the letter left in the pulpit which threatened the church leaders. A civil court condemned Gruet to death and he was beheaded on 26 July. Calvin was not opposed to the civil court's decision. The libertines continued organizing opposition, insulting the appointed ministers, and challenging the authority of the Consistory. The council straddled both sides of the conflict, alternately admonishing and upholding Calvin. When Perrin was elected first syndic in February 1552, Calvin's authority appeared to be at its lowest point. After some losses before the council, Calvin believed he was defeated; on 24 July 1553 he asked the council to allow him to resign. Although the libertines controlled the council, his request was refused. The opposition realised that they could curb Calvin's authority, but they did not have enough power to banish him. Michael Servetus (1553) The turning point in Calvin's fortunes occurred when Michael Servetus, a brilliant Spanish polymath who introduced the Islamic idea of Pulmonary circulation to Europe, and a fugitive from ecclesiastical authorities, appeared in Geneva on 13 August 1553. Servetus was a fugitive on the run after he published The Restoration of Christianity (1553), Calvin scholar Bruce Gordon commented "Among its offenses were a denial of original sin and a bizarre and hardly comprehensible view of the Trinity." Decades earlier, in July 1530 he disputed with Johannes Oecolampadius in Basel and was eventually expelled. He went to Strasbourg, where he published a pamphlet against the Trinity. Bucer publicly refuted it and asked Servetus to leave. After returning to Basel, Servetus published Two Books of Dialogues on the Trinity (Latin: Dialogorum de Trinitate libri duo) which caused a sensation among Reformers and Catholics alike. When John Calvin alerted the Inquisition in Spain about this publication, an order was issued for Servetus's arrest. Calvin and Servetus were first brought into contact in 1546 through a common acquaintance, Jean Frellon of Lyon; they exchanged letters debating doctrine; Calvin used a pseudonym as Charles d' Espeville and Servetus used the moniker Michel de Villeneuve. Eventually, Calvin lost patience and refused to respond; by this time Servetus had written around thirty letters to Calvin. Calvin was particularly outraged when Servetus sent him a copy of the Institutes of the Christian Religion heavily annotated with arguments pointing to errors in the book. When Servetus mentioned that he would come to Geneva, "Espeville" (Calvin) wrote a letter to Farel on 13 February 1546 noting that if Servetus were to come, he would not assure him safe conduct: "for if he came, as far as my authority goes, I would not let him leave alive." In 1553 Servetus published Christianismi Restitutio (English: The Restoration of Christianity), in which he rejected the Christian doctrine of the Trinity and the concept of predestination. In the same year, Calvin's representative, Guillaume de Trie, sent letters alerting the French Inquisition to Servetus. Calling him a "Spanish-Portuguese", suspecting and accusing him of his recently proved Jewish converso origin. De Trie wrote down that "his proper name is Michael Servetus, but he currently calls himself Villeneuve, practising medicine. He stayed for some time in Lyon, and now he is living in Vienne." When the inquisitor-general of France learned that Servetus was hiding in Vienne, according to Calvin under an assumed name, he contacted Cardinal François de Tournon, the secretary of the archbishop of Lyon, to take up the matter. Servetus was arrested and taken in for questioning. His letters to Calvin were presented as evidence of heresy, but he denied having written them, and later said he was not sure it was his handwriting. He said, after swearing before the holy gospel, that "he was Michel De Villeneuve Doctor in Medicine about 42 years old, native of Tudela of the kingdom of Navarre, a city under the obedience to the Emperor". The following day he said: "..although he was not Servetus he assumed the person of Servet for debating with Calvin". He managed to escape from prison, and the Catholic authorities sentenced him in absentia to death by slow burning. On his way to Italy, Servetus stopped in Geneva to visit "d'Espeville", where he was recognized and arrested. Calvin's secretary, Nicholas de la Fontaine, composed a list of accusations that was submitted before the court. The prosecutor was Philibert Berthelier, a member of a libertine family and son of a famous Geneva patriot, and the sessions were led by Pierre Tissot, Perrin's brother-in-law. The libertines allowed the trial to drag on in an attempt to harass Calvin. The difficulty in using Servetus as a weapon against Calvin was that the heretical reputation of Servetus was widespread and most of the cities in Europe were observing and awaiting the outcome of the trial. This posed a dilemma for the libertines, so on 21 August the council decided to write to other Swiss cities for their opinions, thus mitigating their own responsibility for the final decision. While waiting for the responses, the council also asked Servetus if he preferred to be judged in Vienne or in Geneva. He begged to stay in Geneva. On 20 October the replies from Zurich, Basel, Bern, and Schaffhausen were read and the council condemned Servetus as a heretic. The following day he was sentenced to burning at the stake, the same sentence as in Vienne. Some scholars claim that Calvin and other ministers asked that he be beheaded instead of burnt, knowing that burning at the stake was the only legal recourse. This plea was refused and on 27 October, Servetus was burnt alive at the Plateau of Champel at the edge of Geneva. Securing the Protestant Reformation (1553–1555) After the death of Servetus, Calvin was acclaimed a defender of Christianity, but his ultimate triumph over the libertines was still two years away. He had always insisted that the Consistory retain the power of excommunication, despite the council's past decision to take it away. During Servetus's trial, Philibert Berthelier asked the council for permission to take communion, as he had been excommunicated the previous year for insulting a minister. Calvin protested that the council did not have the legal authority to overturn Berthelier's excommunication. Unsure of how the council would rule, he hinted in a sermon on 3 September 1553 that he might be dismissed by the authorities. The council decided to re-examine the Ordonnances and on 18 September it voted in support of Calvin—excommunication was within the jurisdiction of the Consistory. Berthelier applied for reinstatement to another Genevan administrative assembly, the Deux Cents (Two Hundred), in November. This body reversed the council's decision and stated that the final arbiter concerning excommunication should be the council. The ministers continued to protest, and as in the case of Servetus, the opinions of the Swiss churches were sought. The affair dragged on through 1554. Finally, on 22 January 1555, the council announced the decision of the Swiss churches: the original Ordonnances were to be kept and the Consistory was to regain its official powers. The libertines' downfall began with the February 1555 elections. By then, many of the French refugees had been granted citizenship and with their support, Calvin's partisans elected the majority of the syndics and the councillors. On 16 May the libertines took to the streets in a drunken protest and attempted to burn down a house that was supposedly full of Frenchmen. The syndic Henri Aulbert tried to intervene, carrying with him the baton of office that symbolised his power. Perrin seized the baton and waved it over the crowd, which gave the appearance that he was taking power and initiating a coup d'état. The insurrection was soon over when another syndic appeared and ordered Perrin to go with him to the town hall. Perrin and other leaders were forced to flee the city. With the approval of Calvin, the other plotters who remained in the city were found and executed. The opposition to Calvin's church polity came to an end. Final years (1555–1564) Calvin's authority was practically uncontested during his final years, and he enjoyed an international reputation as a reformer distinct from Martin Luther. Initially, Luther and Calvin had mutual respect for each other. A doctrinal conflict had developed between Luther and Zurich reformer Huldrych Zwingli on the interpretation of the eucharist. Calvin's opinion on the issue forced Luther to place him in Zwingli's camp. Calvin actively participated in the polemics that were exchanged between the Lutheran and Reformed branches of the Reformation movement. At the same time, Calvin was dismayed by the lack of unity among the reformers. He took steps toward rapprochement with Bullinger by signing the Consensus Tigurinus, a concordat between the Zurich and Geneva churches. He reached out to England when Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer called for an ecumenical synod of all the evangelical churches. Calvin praised the idea, but ultimately Cranmer was unable to bring it to fruition. Calvin sheltered Marian exiles (those who fled the reign of Catholic Mary Tudor in England) in Geneva starting in 1555. Under the city's protection, they were able to form their own reformed church under John Knox and William Whittingham and eventually carried Calvin's ideas on doctrine and polity back to England and Scotland. Within Geneva, Calvin's main concern was the creation of a collège, an institute for the education of children. A site for the school was selected on 25 March 1558 and it opened the following year on 5 June 1559. Although the school was a single institution, it was divided into two parts: a grammar school called the collège or schola privata and an advanced school called the académie or schola publica. Calvin tried to recruit two professors for the institute, Mathurin Cordier, his old friend and Latin scholar who was now based in Lausanne, and Emmanuel Tremellius, the former Regius professor of Hebrew in Cambridge. Neither was available, but he succeeded in obtaining Theodore Beza as rector. Within five years there were 1,200 students in the grammar school and 300 in the advanced school. The collège eventually became the Collège Calvin, one of the college preparatory schools of Geneva; the académie became the University of Geneva. Impact on France Calvin was deeply committed to reforming his homeland, France. The Protestant movement had been energetic, but lacked central organizational direction. With financial support from the church in Geneva, Calvin turned his enormous energies toward uplifting the French Protestant cause. As one historian explains: - He supplied the dogma, the liturgy, and the moral ideas of the new religion, and he also created ecclesiastical, political, and social institutions in harmony with it. A born leader, he followed up his work with personal appeals. His vast correspondence with French Protestants shows not only much zeal but infinite pains and considerable tact and driving home the lessons of his printed treatises. Between 1555 and 1562, more than 100 ministers were sent to France. Nevertheless French King Henry II severely persecuted Protestants under the Edict of Chateaubriand and when the French authorities complained about the missionary activities, the city fathers of Geneva disclaimed official responsibility. In late 1558, Calvin became ill with a fever. Since he was afraid that he might die before completing the final revision of the Institutes, he forced himself to work. The final edition was greatly expanded to the extent that Calvin referred to it as a new work. The expansion from the 21 chapters of the previous edition to 80 was due to the extended treatment of existing material rather than the addition of new topics. Shortly after he recovered, he strained his voice while preaching, which brought on a violent fit of coughing. He burst a blood-vessel in his lungs, and his health steadily declined. He preached his final sermon in St. Pierre on 6 February 1564. On 25 April, he made his will, in which he left small sums to his family and to the collège. A few days later, the ministers of the church came to visit him, and he bade his final farewell, which was recorded in Discours d'adieu aux ministres. He recounted his life in Geneva, sometimes recalling bitterly some of the hardships he had suffered. Calvin died on 27 May 1564 aged 54. At first his body lay in state, but since so many people came to see it, the reformers were afraid that they would be accused of fostering a new saint's cult. On the following day, he was buried in an unmarked grave in the Cimetière des Rois. The exact location of the grave is unknown; a stone was added in the 19th century to mark a grave traditionally thought to be Calvin's. |Part of a series on| Calvin developed his theology in his biblical commentaries as well as his sermons and treatises, but the most comprehensive expression of his views is found in his magnum opus, the Institutes of the Christian Religion. He intended that the book be used as a summary of his views on Christian theology and that it be read in conjunction with his commentaries. The various editions of that work spanned nearly his entire career as a reformer, and the successive revisions of the book show that his theology changed very little from his youth to his death. The first edition from 1536 consisted of only six chapters. The second edition, published in 1539, was three times as long because he added chapters on subjects that appear in Melanchthon's Loci Communes. In 1543, he again added new material and expanded a chapter on the Apostles' Creed. The final edition of the Institutes appeared in 1559. By then, the work consisted of four books of eighty chapters, and each book was named after statements from the creed: Book 1 on God the Creator, Book 2 on the Redeemer in Christ, Book 3 on receiving the Grace of Christ through the Holy Spirit, and Book 4 on the Society of Christ or the Church. The first statement in the Institutes acknowledges its central theme. It states that the sum of human wisdom consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves. Calvin argues that the knowledge of God is not inherent in humanity nor can it be discovered by observing this world. The only way to obtain it is to study scripture. Calvin writes, "For anyone to arrive at God the Creator he needs Scripture as his Guide and Teacher." He does not try to prove the authority of scripture but rather describes it as autopiston or self-authenticating. He defends the trinitarian view of God and, in a strong polemical stand against the Catholic Church, argues that images of God lead to idolatry. John Calvin famously said "the human heart is a perpetual idol factory". At the end of the first book, he offers his views on providence, writing, "By his Power God cherishes and guards the World which he made and by his Providence rules its individual Parts." Humans are unable to fully comprehend why God performs any particular action, but whatever good or evil people may practise, their efforts always result in the execution of God's will and judgments. The second book includes several essays on original sin and the fall of man, which directly refer to Augustine, who developed these doctrines. He often cited the Church Fathers in order to defend the reformed cause against the charge that the reformers were creating new theology. In Calvin's view, sin began with the fall of Adam and propagated to all of humanity. The domination of sin is complete to the point that people are driven to evil. Thus fallen humanity is in need of the redemption that can be found in Christ. But before Calvin expounded on this doctrine, he described the special situation of the Jews who lived during the time of the Old Testament. God made a covenant with Abraham, promising the coming of Christ. Hence, the Old Covenant was not in opposition to Christ, but was rather a continuation of God's promise. Calvin then describes the New Covenant using the passage from the Apostles' Creed that describes Christ's suffering under Pontius Pilate and his return to judge the living and the dead. For Calvin, the whole course of Christ's obedience to the Father removed the discord between humanity and God. In the third book, Calvin describes how the spiritual union of Christ and humanity is achieved. He first defines faith as the firm and certain knowledge of God in Christ. The immediate effects of faith are repentance and the remission of sin. This is followed by spiritual regeneration, which returns the believer to the state of holiness before Adam's transgression. Complete perfection is unattainable in this life, and the believer should expect a continual struggle against sin. Several chapters are then devoted to the subject of justification by faith alone. He defined justification as "the acceptance by which God regards us as righteous whom he has received into grace." In this definition, it is clear that it is God who initiates and carries through the action and that people play no role; God is completely sovereign in salvation. Near the end of the book, Calvin describes and defends the doctrine of predestination, a doctrine advanced by Augustine in opposition to the teachings of Pelagius. Fellow theologians who followed the Augustinian tradition on this point included Thomas Aquinas and Martin Luther, though Calvin's formulation of the doctrine went further than the tradition that went before him. The principle, in Calvin's words, is that "All are not created on equal terms, but some are preordained to eternal life, others to eternal damnation; and, accordingly, as each has been created for one or other of these ends, we say that he has been predestinated to life or to death." Calvin believed that God's absolute decree was double predestination, but he also confessed that this was a horrible decree: "The decree is dreadful indeed, I confess. (latin. "Decretum quidem horribile, fateor."; French. "Je confesse que ce decret nous doit epouvanter.") The final book describes what he considers to be the true Church and its ministry, authority, and sacraments. He denied the papal claim to primacy and the accusation that the reformers were schismatic. For Calvin, the Church was defined as the body of believers who placed Christ at its head. By definition, there was only one "catholic" or "universal" Church. Hence, he argued that the reformers "had to leave them in order that we might come to Christ." The ministers of the Church are described from a passage from Ephesians, and they consisted of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and doctors. Calvin regarded the first three offices as temporary, limited in their existence to the time of the New Testament. The latter two offices were established in the church in Geneva. Although Calvin respected the work of the ecumenical councils, he considered them to be subject to God's Word found in scripture. He also believed that the civil and church authorities were separate and should not interfere with each other. Calvin defined a sacrament as an earthly sign associated with a promise from God. He accepted only two sacraments as valid under the new covenant: baptism and the Lord's Supper (in opposition to the Catholic acceptance of seven sacraments). He completely rejected the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation and the treatment of the Supper as a sacrifice. He also could not accept the Lutheran doctrine of sacramental union in which Christ was "in, with and under" the elements. His own view was close to Zwingli's symbolic view, but it was not identical. Rather than holding a purely symbolic view, Calvin noted that with the participation of the Holy Spirit, faith was nourished and strengthened by the sacrament. In his words, the eucharistic rite was "a secret too sublime for my mind to understand or words to express. I experience it rather than understand it." Calvin's theology caused controversy. Pierre Caroli, a Protestant minister in Lausanne, accused Calvin, as well as Viret and Farel, of Arianism in 1536. Calvin defended his beliefs on the Trinity in Confessio de Trinitate propter calumnias P. Caroli. In 1551 Jérôme-Hermès Bolsec, a physician in Geneva, attacked Calvin's doctrine of predestination and accused him of making God the author of sin. Bolsec was banished from the city, and after Calvin's death, he wrote a biography which severely maligned Calvin's character. In the following year, Joachim Westphal, a Gnesio-Lutheran pastor in Hamburg, condemned Calvin and Zwingli as heretics in denying the eucharistic doctrine of the union of Christ's body with the elements. Calvin's Defensio sanae et orthodoxae doctrinae de sacramentis (A Defence of the Sober and Orthodox Doctrine of the Sacrament) was his response in 1555. In 1556 Justus Velsius, a Dutch dissident, held a public disputation with Calvin during his visit to Frankfurt, in which Velsius defended free will against Calvin's doctrine of predestination. Following the execution of Servetus, a close associate of Calvin, Sebastian Castellio, broke with him on the issue of the treatment of heretics. In Castellio's Treatise on Heretics (1554), he argued for a focus on Christ's moral teachings in place of the vanity of theology, and he afterward developed a theory of tolerance based on biblical principles. Calvin and the Jews Scholars have debated Calvin's view of the Jews and Judaism. Some have argued that Calvin was the least anti-semitic among all the major reformers of his time, especially in comparison to Martin Luther. Others have argued that Calvin was firmly within the anti-semitic camp. Scholars agree that it is important to distinguish between Calvin's views toward the biblical Jews and his attitude toward contemporary Jews. In his theology, Calvin does not differentiate between God's covenant with Israel and the New Covenant. He stated, "all the children of the promise, reborn of God, who have obeyed the commands by faith working through love, have belonged to the New Covenant since the world began." Nevertheless, he was a covenant theologian and argued that the Jews are a rejected people who must embrace Jesus to re-enter the covenant. Most of Calvin's statements on the Jewry of his era were polemical. For example, Calvin once wrote, "I have had much conversation with many Jews: I have never seen either a drop of piety or a grain of truth or ingenuousness—nay, I have never found common sense in any Jew." In this respect, he differed little from other Protestant and Catholic theologians of his day. Among his extant writings, Calvin only dealt explicitly with issues of contemporary Jews and Judaism in one treatise, Response to Questions and Objections of a Certain Jew. In it, he argued that Jews misread their own scriptures because they miss the unity of the Old and New Testaments. The aim of Calvin's political theory was to safeguard the rights and freedoms of ordinary people. Although he was convinced that the Bible contained no blueprint for a certain form of government, Calvin favored a combination of democracy and aristocracy (mixed government). He appreciated the advantages of democracy. To further minimize the misuse of political power, Calvin proposed to divide it among several political institutions like the aristocracy, lower estates, or magistrates in a system of checks and balances (separation of powers). Finally, Calvin taught that if rulers rise up against God they lose their divine right and must be deposed. State and church are separate, though they have to cooperate to the benefit of the people. Christian magistrates have to make sure that the church can fulfill its duties in freedom. In extreme cases the magistrates have to expel or execute dangerous heretics. But nobody can be forced to become a Protestant. Calvin thought that agriculture and the traditional crafts were normal human activities. With regard to trade and the financial world he was more liberal than Luther, but both were strictly opposed to usury. Calvin allowed the charging of modest interest rates on loans. Like the other Reformers Calvin understood work as a means through which the believers expressed their gratitude to God for their redemption in Christ and as a service to their neighbors. Everybody was obliged to work; loafing and begging were rejected. The idea that economic success was a visible sign of God's grace played only a minor role in Calvin's thinking. It became more important in later, partly secularized forms of Calvinism and became the starting-point of Max Weber's theory about the rise of capitalism. Calvin's first published work was a commentary of Seneca the Younger's De Clementia. Published at his own expense in 1532, it showed that he was a humanist in the tradition of Erasmus with a thorough understanding of classical scholarship. His first theological work, the Psychopannychia, attempted to refute the doctrine of soul sleep as promulgated by the Anabaptists. Calvin probably wrote it during the period following Cop's speech, but it was not published until 1542 in Strasbourg. Calvin produced commentaries on most of the books of the Bible. His first commentary on Romans was published in 1540, and he planned to write commentaries on the entire New Testament. Six years passed before he wrote his second, a commentary on First Epistle to the Corinthians, but after that he devoted more attention to reaching his goal. Within four years he had published commentaries on all the Pauline epistles, and he also revised the commentary on Romans. He then turned his attention to the general epistles, dedicating them to Edward VI of England. By 1555 he had completed his work on the New Testament, finishing with the Acts and the Gospels (he omitted only the brief second and third Epistles of John and the Book of Revelation). For the Old Testament, he wrote commentaries on Isaiah, the books of the Pentateuch, the Psalms, and Joshua. The material for the commentaries often originated from lectures to students and ministers that he reworked for publication. From 1557 onwards, he could not find the time to continue this method, and he gave permission for his lectures to be published from stenographers' notes. These Praelectiones covered the minor prophets, Daniel, Jeremiah, Lamentations, and part of Ezekiel. Calvin also wrote many letters and treatises. Following the Responsio ad Sadoletum, Calvin wrote an open letter at the request of Bucer to Charles V in 1543, Supplex exhortatio ad Caesarem, defending the reformed faith. This was followed by an open letter to the pope (Admonitio paterna Pauli III) in 1544, in which Calvin admonished Paul III for depriving the reformers of any prospect of rapprochement. The pope proceeded to open the Council of Trent, which resulted in decrees against the reformers. Calvin refuted the decrees by producing the Acta synodi Tridentinae cum Antidoto in 1547. When Charles tried to find a compromise solution with the Augsburg Interim, Bucer and Bullinger urged Calvin to respond. He wrote the treatise, Vera Christianae pacificationis et Ecclesiae reformandae ratio in 1549, in which he described the doctrines that should be upheld, including justification by faith. Calvin provided many of the foundational documents for reformed churches, including documents on the catechism, the liturgy, and church governance. He also produced several confessions of faith in order to unite the churches. In 1559, he drafted the French confession of faith, the Gallic Confession, and the synod in Paris accepted it with few changes. The Belgic Confession of 1561, a Dutch confession of faith, was partly based on the Gallic Confession. After the deaths of Calvin and his successor, Beza, the Geneva city council gradually gained control over areas of life that were previously in the ecclesiastical domain. Increasing secularisation was accompanied by the decline of the church. Even the Geneva académie was eclipsed by universities in Leiden and Heidelberg, which became the new strongholds of Calvin's ideas, first identified as "Calvinism" by Joachim Westphal in 1552. By 1585, Geneva, once the wellspring of the reform movement, had become merely its symbol. Calvin had always warned against describing him as an "idol" and Geneva as a new "Jerusalem". He encouraged people to adapt to the environments in which they found themselves. Even during his polemical exchange with Westphal, he advised a group of French-speaking refugees, who had settled in Wesel, Germany, to integrate with the local Lutheran churches. Despite his differences with the Lutherans, he did not deny that they were members of the true Church. Calvin's recognition of the need to adapt to local conditions became an important characteristic of the reformation movement as it spread across Europe. Due to Calvin's missionary work in France, his programme of reform eventually reached the French-speaking provinces of the Netherlands. Calvinism was adopted in the Electorate of the Palatinate under Frederick III, which led to the formulation of the Heidelberg Catechism in 1563. This and the Belgic Confession were adopted as confessional standards in the first synod of the Dutch Reformed Church in 1571. Several leading divines, either Calvinist or those sympathetic to Calvinism, settled in England (Martin Bucer, Peter Martyr, and Jan Laski) and Scotland (John Knox). During the English Civil War, the Calvinistic Puritans produced the Westminster Confession, which became the confessional standard for Presbyterians in the English-speaking world. As the Ottoman Empire did not force Muslim conversion on its conquered western territories, reformed ideas were quickly adopted in the two-thirds of Hungary they occupied (the Habsburg-ruled third part of Hungary remained Catholic). A Reformed Constitutional Synod was held in 1567 in Debrecen, the main hub of Hungarian Calvinism, where the Second Helvetic Confession was adopted as the official confession of Hungarian Calvinists. Having established itself in Europe, the movement continued to spread to other parts of the world including North America, South Africa, and Korea. Calvin did not live to see the foundation of his work grow into an international movement; but his death allowed his ideas to break out of their city of origin, to succeed far beyond their borders, and to establish their own distinct character. - "Calvin" Archived 21 September 2015 at the Wayback Machine. Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. - Robert Dean Linder, The Reformation Era, (Greenwood Press, 2008), 139. - Cottret 2000, pp. 8–12; Parker 2006, pp. 17–20 - Ganoczy 2004, pp. 3–4; Cottret 2000, pp. 12–16; Parker 2006, p. 21. McGrath 1990, pp. 22–27 states that Nicolas Colladon was the source that he attended Collège de la Marche which McGrath disputes. - Cottret 2000, pp. 17–18; Parker 2006, pp. 22–23 - Parker 1975, p. 15. According to Cottret 2000, p. 20, there may have been a family conflict with the clergy in Noyon. - Cottret 2000, pp. 20–24; Parker 1975, pp. 22–25 - Parker, T. H. L, John Calvin: a Biography, Louisville, KY (Westminster John Knox: 2006), 199–203. - J. Calvin, preface to Commentary on the Book of Psalms, trans. James Anderson, vol. 1 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1948), pp. xl–xli as quoted in Cottret 2000, p. 67. The translation by Anderson is available at "The Author's Preface", Commentary on Psalms, vol. 1 See also Parker 2006, p. 200. - from: Bruce Gordon, Calvin, New Haven; London 2009, p. 34. - Ganoczy 2004, pp. 9–10; Cottret 2000, pp. 65–70; Parker 2006, pp. 199–203; McGrath 1990, pp. 69–72 - According to Cottret 2000, pp. 68–70, Ganoczy in his book Le Jeune Calvin. Genèse et evolution de sa vocation réformatrice, Wiesbaden: F. Steiner, 1966 p. 302, argues that Calvin conversion took place over several years and that it was not a biographical or chronological event. Cottret quotes Olivier Millet, Calvin et la dynamique de la Parole. Essai de rhétorique réformée, Paris: H. Champion 1992 p. 522, noting a typological rather than a biographical perspective of the account of his conversion. The biographical argument is promoted by D. Fischer, "Conversion de Calvin", Etudes Theéologiques et Religieuses 58 (1983) pp. 203–220. According to Parker 1975, pp. 192–196 Parker is in sympathy with Ganoczy's view, but in his investigations, he concluded that a certain period for his conversion could be determined. - Bruce Gordon, Calvin, New Haven; London 2009, p. 34. - Ganoczy 2004, pp. 7–8; Cottret 2000, pp. 63–65, 73–74, 82–88, 101; Parker 2006, pp. 47–51; McGrath 1990, pp. 62–67 - Ganoczy 2005 - Ganoczy 2004, p. 9; Cottret 2000, pp. 110–114; Parker 2006, pp. 52, 72 - McGrath 1990, pp. 76–78; Cottret 2000, pp. 110, 118–120; Parker 2006, pp. 73–75 - Cottret 2000, p. 120 - Parker 2006, p. 80 - De Greef 2004, p. 50 - Cottret 2000, pp. 128–129; Parker 1975, pp. 74–76 - McGrath 1990, pp. 98–100; Cottret 2000, pp. 129–131; Parker 2006, pp. 85–90 - McGrath 1990, pp. 101–102; Parker 2006, pp. 90–92 - Calvin et Strasbourg Archived 8 September 2013 at the Wayback Machine (in French) - Parker 2006, pp. 92–93 - Parker 1995, pp. 4–5 - Parker 2006, pp. 97–101 - Cottret 2000, pp. 143–146 - Cottret 2000, p. 140 - Parker 1975, p. 87 - Cottret 2000, pp. 139–142; Parker 2006, pp. 96–97 - Ganoczy 2004, pp. 12–14; De Greef 2004, p. 46; Cottret 2000, pp. 152–156 - Parker 2006, p. 105 - Parker 2006, pp. 103–107 - Ganoczy 2004, pp. 15–17 - Cottret 2000, pp. 165–166; Parker 2006, pp. 108–111 - Cottret 2000, pp. 172–174; Parker 2006, pp. 112–115 - Cottret 2000, pp. 170–171 - Mark J. Larson (2009). Calvin's Doctrine of the State: A Reformed Doctrine and Its American Trajectory, The Revolutionary War, and the Founding of the Republic. Wipf and Stock. pp. 1–20. ISBN 978-1-60608-073-3. Archived from the original on 15 September 2015. Retrieved 14 August 2015. - Harro Höpfl, The Christian Polity of John Calvin (Cambridge University Press, 1985) - DeVries 2004, pp. 106–124; Parker 2006, pp. 116–123 - See also Parker, T. H. L. (2002), The Oracles of God: An Introduction to the Preaching of John Calvin, Cambridge: James Clarke Company, ISBN 978-0-227-17091-5 - Currid, John D. (2006), Calvin and the Biblical Languages, UK: Christian Focus Publications, ISBN 978-1-84550-212-6 - Voltaire, 1694–1778. "The works of Voltaire : Volume XXVII. Ancient and Modern History. 4 . Charles V., 1512 – Philip II., 1584". cristoraul.com. Archived from the original on 23 September 2015. Retrieved 13 September 2015. - Parker 2006, pp. 129–130 - Cottret 2000, pp. 183–184; Parker 2006, p. 131 - Schaff, Philip, "§ 108. Calvin's Struggle with the Patriots and Libertines", History of the Christian Church, vol. VIII, archived from the original on 9 May 2012, retrieved 17 January 2013 - Fisher, George Park (1912). The Reformation. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. p. 192. Archived from the original on 3 April 2016. Retrieved 23 October 2015. - Cottret 2000, pp. 185–186; Parker 2006, pp. 124–126 - Cottret 2000, p. 187; Parker 2006, p. 126 - Parker 2006, p. 127 - De Greef 2008, pp. 30–31; McNeill 1954, pp. 170–171; Cottret 2000, pp. 190–191; Parker 2006, pp. 136–138 - Parker 2006, pp. 139–145 - Majeed, Azeem (2005). "How Islam changed medicine". BMJ. 331 (7531): 1486–1487. doi:10.1136/bmj.331.7531.1486. PMC 1322233. PMID 16373721. - "Michael Servetus: Saint, Heretic and Martyr (Part 3: A Radical Theology)". The PostBarthian. 5 October 2018. Retrieved 9 May 2020. - Hunted Heretic, p. 141. - Cottret 2000, pp. 213–216; Parker 2006, p. 146 - Cottret 2000, pp. 216–217; Parker 2006, pp. 147–148; Levy, Leonard W. (1995), Blasphemy: Verbal offense Against the Sacred from Moses to Salman Rushdie, p. 65, ISBN 978-0-8078-4515-8. - See the letters in John Calvin, Opera Quae Supersunt Omnia, Book VIII, First Appendix, IV & VII. - Calvin and the Judaism, Influence and actions and obsessions. Revoeder Hebr.Press. Levi Lancaster 200, p. 106. - Gonzalez Echeverría," Andrés Laguna and Michael Servetus: two converted humanist doctors of the XVI century" in: Andrés Laguna International Congress. Humanism, Science and Politics in the Renaissance Europe, García Hourcade y Moreno Yuste, coord., Junta de Castilla y León, Valladolid,1999 pp. 377–389 - González Echeverría " Michael Servetus belonged to the famous converted Jewish family The Zaporta", Pliegos de Bibliofilia, nº 7, Madrid pp. 33–42. 1999 - González Echeverría" On the Jewish origin of Michael Servetus" Raíces. Jewish Magazine of Culture, Madrid, nº 40, pp. 67–69. 1999 - Inconsistencies of John Calvin, A.C. Williams, Artiviche Ed, Pressore, 2012, p. 34–39. - 1749 First questioning. Judgement of Vienne in Dauphiné against Servet. D'artigny Nouveaux mémoires d'histoire Tome Seconde. pp. 55–154. - 1749 Second questioning. Judgement of Vienne in Dauphiné against Servet.D'artigny Nouveaux mémoires d'histoire Tome Seconde pp. 55–154) - Parker 2006, pp. 149–150 - Parker 1975, p. 122 - Verdict and Sentence for Michael Servetus (1533) in A Reformation Reader eds. Denis R. Janz; 268–270 - McGrath 1990, pp. 118–120; Cottret 2000, pp. 222–225; Parker 2006, pp. 150–152 - Cottret 2000, pp. 195–198; Parker 2006, pp. 154–156 - Cottret 2000, pp. 198–200; Parker 2006, pp. 156–157; Manetsch 2013, p. 187 - Cottret 2000, p. 235 - Parker 1975, pp. 162–163 - Parker 1975, pp. 164–165 - Parker 2006, pp. 170–172 - Olsen 2004, pp. 158–159; Ganoczy 2004, pp. 19–20; Cottret 2000, pp. 256–259; Parker 2006, pp. 157–160 - Preserved Smith (1920). The Age of the Reformation. H. Holt. p. 201. - McGrath 1990, pp. 182–184; Parker 2006, pp. 178–180 - Parker 2006, pp. 161–164 - McGrath 1990, pp. 195–196; Cottret 2000, pp. 259–262; Parker 2006, pp. 185–191 - Rossel, Patrice (1994), Une visite du cimetière de Plainpalais, Les Iles futures; Palfi, Véronique (2003), Le Cimetière des Rois, De l'hôpital des pestiférés au cimetière de Plainpalais, Cinq siècle d'histoire, étude historique pour la Conservation architecturale de la Ville de Genève - Hesselink 2004, pp. 74–75; Parker 1995, pp. 4–9 - Bouwsma 1988, p. 9; Helm 2004, p. 6; Hesselink 2004, pp. 75–77 - Parker 1995, pp. 4–10; De Greef 2004, pp. 42–44; McGrath 1990, pp. 136–144, 151–174; Cottret 2000, pp. 110–114, 309–325; Parker 2006, pp. 53–62, 97–99, 132–134, 161–164 - Niesel 1980, pp. 23–24; Hesselink 2004, pp. 77–78; Parker 1995, pp. 13–14 - Parker 1995, p. 21 - Steinmetz 1995, pp. 59–62; Hesselink 2004, p. 85; Parker 1995, pp. 29–34 - "The human heart is an idol factory: a modern critique of John Calvin". The PostBarthian. 6 August 2019. Retrieved 8 May 2020. - Hesselink 2004, p. 85; Parker 1995, p. 43 - Niesel 1980, pp. 70–79; Parker 1995, p. 47 - Gerrish 2004, pp. 290–291, 302. According to Gerrish, Calvin put his defence against the charge of novelty in the preface of every edition of the Institutes. The original preface of the first edition was addressed to the King of France, Francis I. The defence expressed his opinion that patristic authority favoured the reformers and that allegation of the reformers deviating from the patristic consensus was a fiction. See also Steinmetz 1995, pp. 122–137. - Niesel 1980, pp. 80–88; Parker 1995, pp. 50–57 - Parker 1995, pp. 57–77 - Niesel 1980, pp. 126–130; Parker 1995, pp. 78–86 - Parker 1995, pp. 97–98 - Niesel 1980, pp. 130–137; Parker 1995, pp. 95–103 - Parker 1995, p. 114 - Heron 2005, p. 243 - Calvin 1989, Book III, Chapter 21, Par 5 - "John Calvin confessed Double Predestination is a Horrible and Dreadful Decree". The PostBarthian. 31 May 2014. Retrieved 8 May 2020. - Parker 1995, p. 134; Niesel 1980, pp. 187–195 - Parker 1995, pp. 135–144 - Potter & Greengrass 1983, pp. 34–42; McDonnell 1967, p. 206; Parker 1995, pp. 147–157; Niesel 1980, pp. 211–228; Steinmetz 1995, pp. 172–173 - Gamble 2004, p. 199; Cottret 2000, pp. 125–126 - Gamble 2004, pp. 198–199; McGrath 1990, pp. 16–17; Cottret 2000, pp. 208–211 - Gamble 2004, pp. 193–196; Parker 1975, p. 163 - Cottret 2000, pp. 227–233 - Ganoczy 2004, pp. 17–18 - See Daniel J. Elazar, Covenant and Commonwealth: Europe from Christian Separation through the Protestant Reformation, Volume II of the Covenant Tradition in Politics (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1995) - Pater 1987, pp. 256–296; Baron 1972, pp. 343–344 - Lange van Ravenswaay 2009, p. 144 quoting from Calvin, Institutes II.11.10 - Pak, G. Sojin. John Calvin and the Jews: His Exegetical Legacy. 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(1990), A Life of John Calvin, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, ISBN 978-0-631-16398-5. - McNeill, John Thomas (1954), The History and Character of Calvinism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-500743-5. - Niesel, Wilhelm (1980), The Theology of Calvin, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, ISBN 978-0-8010-6694-8. - Olsen, Jeannine E. (2004), "Calvin and social-ethical issues", in McKim, Donald K. (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to John Calvin, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-01672-8 - Pak, G. Sujin (2010), The Judaizing Calvin, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-537192-5. - Parker, T. H. L. 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(1995), Calvin in Context, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-509164-9. - ————————— (2009), "Calvin as Biblical Interpreter Among the Ancient Philosophers", Interpretation, 63 (2): 142–153, doi:10.1177/002096430906300204, S2CID 170454772 - Backus, Irena; Benedict, Philip, eds. (2011). Calvin and His Influence, 1509–2009. Oxford University Press. - Balserak, Jon (2014), John Calvin as Sixteenth-Century Prophet, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-198-70325-9. - Calvin, Claude Wesley (1945), The Calvin Families: Origin and History of the American Calvins, with a Partial Genealogy, Ann Arbor: Edwards Brothers, Inc., ISBN 978-0-598-99702-9. - Gordon, Bruce (2009), Calvin, London/New Haven: Yale University Press, ISBN 978-0-300-17084-9. - Muller, Richard A. (2001). The Unaccommodated Calvin: Studies in the Foundation of a Theological Tradition. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-515168-8. - Mullett, Michael (2011). John Calvin. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-41547-699-7. - Sewell, Alida Leni (2011). Calvin, the Body and Sexuality: An Inquiry into His Anthropology. Amsterdam: VU University Press. ISBN 978-90-8659-587-7. - Tamburello, Dennis E. (2007), Union with Christ: John Calvin and the Mysticism of St. Bernard, Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, ISBN 978-0-664-22054-9 - Selderhuis, Herman (2009). The Calvin Handbook. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-8028-6230-3. - The State Archives of Neuchâtel preserve the autograph correspondence sent by John Calvin to other reformers - 1PAST, Fonds: Archives de la société des pasteurs et ministres neuchâtelois, Series: Lettres des Réformateurs. Archives de l'État de Neuchâtel. - Works by John Calvin at Project Gutenberg - Works by or about John Calvin at Internet Archive - Works by John Calvin at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks) - Works by John Calvin at Post-Reformation Digital Library - The John Calvin Bibliography of the H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies - Calvinism Resources Database - Catholic Encyclopedia, Roman Catholic criticism of Calvin
WRITE: Quickwrite #20 – Clint Smith’s “The Danger of Silence” Quickwrite #21 – Thoughts and Notices about Independent Reading (check your posts on the padlet board and then reflect) PORTFOLIO & NOTEBOOK TOUR WORK: Sharing an example letter & then time to work, ask questions, get help, etc. You can find the details on these on Monday’s post & at under the Writing Assignments tab. Also find them explained on the videos from the GClassroom stream from Monday. - NOTEBOOK TOUR due by end of day Friday 12/11 - FALL PORTFOLIO (w/ grade pitch) due by end of day Sunday 12/13 REMINDERS & PAST DUE: Don’t forget it’s not too late to complete writing that you skipped earlier in the semester. Check out the page tabs at the top of the website to find MC LIT/ENGLISH 5&7 – WRITING ASSIGNMENTS & MC LIT/ENGLISH 5&7– NOTEBOOK CHECKLIST. BOOK RETURN REMINDERS: You filled out your preference for this on last Friday’s survey. Be sure to use a sticky note or paper to indicate YOU – so I know who turned in their books. - BUS SEND BACK – Supply bus run next Tuesday 12/15 (last one) - EXIT 1 DROPOFF – Only on weekdays from 8am – 3pm (by 12/16 please) - HOME PICK-UP – Wednesday 12/9 from 2 – 5pm (have your books ready) – THIS IS TODAY!! UPCOMING: Friday OFFICE HOURS aka GET STUFF DONE. There will be a check-in question on the GClassroom & Mrs. C will be in the zoom all day to answer questions, provide assistance, etc.
This year, University of Mumbai is very fortunate to honor Ms. Rani Mukerji. In a period where India is re-discovering the status of women, Rani Mukerji’s contribution to the cine industry through her powerful woman-centric roles in movies such as Veer-Zara, Black, Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna, No One Killed Jessica, Aiyaa and many more, shines like a beacon. She is the ‘Mardaani’ of India. Our fight against women trafficking continues and Rani Mukerji through her Mardaani has demonstrated and led the way to empowering women. She is a role model for generations to follow. Her ability to connect with the masses, her ceaseless pursuit for perfection, for her style and charisma, an ambassador of India’s beauty, art and talent she takes the glamour industry and Indian Cinema to greater heights. Mumbai University is very proud to felicitate Ms. Rani Mukerji for her remarkable endeavors to the society and Indian Cinema.
Pension De-Risking in a Low-Rate Environment—A Better Solution Defined benefit pension plans face ample challenges in the current environment of extremely low interest rates. Most agree that low yields have caused liability-hedging assets (longer-duration fixed income) to become overvalued when evaluated in isolation. However, plans are limited in how to act upon this overvaluation, given the embedded interest rate sensitivity also associated with plan liabilities and funded status risk (also known as “surplus risk”). “To achieve superior results, we advocate a more holistic and flexible approach to dynamic asset allocation, making use of multiple risk-reducing levers.” A plan’s interest rate sensitivity should always be taken into account; however, the current level of interest rates results in a highly asymmetric profile for future fixed income returns and, more importantly, for future changes in a plan’s liability values. These extremely low interest rates result in a reduced risk of further interest rate declines, which means there is a much lower risk of liabilities rising significantly and much lower expected returns for bond holdings. Plan sponsors that ignore this asymmetry may fail to appropriately adjust their asset allocations. As a result, the plan’s future return potential may be degraded, ultimately resulting in the need for significantly higher contributions. Many market participants advocate de-risking plans, or “glide paths,” whereby exposures and/or risk profiles are adjusted over time based primarily on changes in the funded status. Typically, these glide path blueprints de-risk as funded status increases by re-allocating funds out of the growth assets and into the liability hedge. In normal market environments, such a shift will reduce plan surplus risk but also reduce expected returns. In the current environment of bond overvaluation and historically low yields, this glide path approach results in a significantly larger drop in expected returns that can result in the need for higher contributions into the plan. We agree that as a plan’s funded status changes, dynamically adjusting asset allocation to maintain targeted levels of surplus risk is appropriate. We also agree that it may be appropriate to adjust the level of surplus risk explicitly at different levels of funded status. However, we believe many glide paths are too mechanical in their approach to risk reduction, with a tendency to rely too much on increasing the fixed income allocation to maintain or dampen surplus risk. By adhering to a risk-reduction process that relies exclusively on increasing the liability hedge and reducing the growth assets, the glide path structure neglects the objective of maximizing return at each targeted level of risk. To achieve superior results, we advocate a more holistic and flexible approach to dynamic asset allocation, making use of multiple risk-reducing levers. This paper articulates an alternative solution—a flexibly constructed glide path that achieves the competing goals of reducing surplus risk and generating superior returns, while still reducing the risk of a significant decline in funded status. This glide path solution is implemented by reducing directional equity exposure (equity beta) and replacing it with strategies that are driven by alpha and “non-traditional betas” (such as distressed credit, hedge funds, and private investments). As outlined in our 2011 report Pension Risk Management, we believe pension risk-budgeting frameworks that use all levers of risk management, including structuring risk-controlled growth assets, are preferable in most market environments. However, we find the merits of this strategy particularly compelling in the current environment of extremely low bond yields.
The past year revealed both successes and setbacks for viral-vector gene therapies. The rapid development and large-scale rollout of multiple adenovirus-vector vaccines represented an unprecedented achievement that is poised to help mitigate the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. During the same period, multiple high-profile gene-therapy assets encountered challenges, with clinical trials paused because of safety concerns or failing to meet efficacy targets. These successes and setbacks are emblematic of the current state of viral-vector gene therapy: a technology with considerable promise but with a set of challenges still ahead. As more and more gene therapies have reached the clinic, it has become clear that multiple technological challenges must still be overcome to unlock the full potential of viral-vector gene therapy. Rising to meet these challenges, biotech and pharmaceutical companies are testing a multitude of technological advances and innovative strategies that address all aspects of viral-vector gene-therapy development. For companies prepared to keep abreast of the rapid pace of change, these innovations offer a path for ushering in the next generation of viral-vector gene therapies. Companies are testing a multitude of technological advances and innovative strategies that address all aspects of viral-vector gene-therapy development. The state of viral-vector gene therapy Viral-vector gene therapies use modified viruses as drug-delivery vehicles to introduce specific DNA sequences—encoding genes, regulatory RNAs (for example, small interfering RNAs [siRNAs]), or other therapeutic substrates—into cells. The technology has long drawn interest for its potential advantages over traditional modalities. Many types of therapeutic agents (for example, enzymes, antibodies, and siRNAs) can be encoded in DNA sequences that can be rapidly designed and synthesized once a target is identified. Viruses serve as powerful delivery vehicles for these sequences because of their ability to enter cells efficiently and potentially gain access to hard-to-reach, highly specific cells. In combining these features, viral-vector gene therapies can be used to modify gene expression in a programmable way, offering the flexibility to potentially treat a wide spectrum of diseases—including rare monogenic diseases by gene replacement and broad-population diseases by controlling gene expression—and help disease prevention by immunization. Nearly all gene therapies currently available use one of three vector types: adeno-associated-virus (AAV) vectors, adenovirus vectors, or lentivirus vectors (Exhibit 1). AAV and adenovirus vectors are typically used in gene therapies that are directly administered to patients by infusion or local administration (in vivo), with AAV being the most popular vector for areas outside of oncology and vaccines. Lentivirus vectors are typically used for ex vivo therapies, in which cells harvested from a patient are modified in the lab before retransplantation. This article primarily focuses on in vivo gene therapies; however, many of the challenges and advances discussed are applicable across both routes of administration. Excitement around viral-vector gene therapies is evident. While only four in vivo viral-vector gene therapies are currently on the market, more than 100 gene-therapy assets are in clinical trials as of late 2020, with a far greater number in preclinical development. Many of these assets have emerged from the steady stream of small- and midsize biotech companies and academic labs supported by continued, high levels of venture-capital funding. Large pharma companies have increasingly focused on the potential of viral vectors, with seven biotech-company acquisitions valued near or above $1 billion in the past two years alone (Exhibit 2). Adenoviruses are being proven as a vaccine platform, with approvals for Ebola vaccines and groundbreaking COVID-19 vaccines over the past year. While the high list-price of some gene therapies was once seen as a near insurmountable challenge to commercialization, innovative reimbursement strategies have shown that successful launches are possible, with ZOLGENSMA (treating more than 600 infants with spinal muscular atrophy in its first ten months on the market) beating analyst expectations. Worldwide sales of viral-vector gene therapies are forecast to grow at a rate of more than 50 percent year-on-year for the next five years (excluding the potential impact of COVID-19 vaccines), affecting the lives of tens of thousands of patients. However, while there is significant momentum, there have also been multiple recent setbacks. Many of these relate to challenges previously outlined by McKinsey in its perspective on the future of gene therapy (including efficacy, durability, and manufacturing). As these therapies have sought to expand beyond the ultrarare indications they originally targeted, three technological challenges have emerged as recurrent obstacles. For viral-vector gene therapies to reach their true transformative potential—much like monoclonal-antibody technology 20 years ago—this set of technological challenges must be overcome. Challenges to realizing the potential of viral-vector gene therapies The current generation of viral-vector gene therapies represents the culmination of decades of biological and clinical research. As more patients have received these therapies, it has become clear that three fundamental challenges will restrict the applicability of viral vectors: getting past the immune system, lowering the dose, and controlling transgene expression. Ongoing work to address these challenges is generating technological innovations that have the potential to leapfrog current therapies and unlock the potential of viral vectors. Getting past the immune system The success of any viral-vector gene therapy depends on its ability to get past multiple lines of defense deployed by the human immune system. Viral capsids, viral-vector DNA, and even the transgene products themselves may be recognized as foreign, providing multiple opportunities for the immune system to clear the gene therapy from the body. Immunity against viral capsids can limit the efficacy of a gene therapy. Because most viral-vector gene therapies today use vectors derived from harmless viruses circulating in humans, many patients (up to 60 percent) may have preexisting immunity from past exposure. CanSinoBIO, for example, reported reduced efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine in individuals with preexisting antibodies to the adenovirus-5 (Ad5) vector it chose for drug delivery. Although this effect depends on the vector serotype used, and the clinical impact is still unclear, many clinical-trial sponsors conservatively exclude patients from their studies if they have antibodies to the vector in question. This can come at the cost of making most patients ineligible for therapy. Acquired immunity to viral vectors poses additional challenges for viral-vector gene therapy in the long term. Patients treated with a gene therapy today may not be able to receive a second gene therapy in the future if the same viral vector is used in both contexts. In addition, viral capsids and viral-vector DNA can actively provoke an immune response from the body. For viral-vector vaccines, this immunogenicity can be beneficial, as it reduces the need for adjuvants and increases efficacy. However, for other viral-vector gene therapies, immunogenicity can reduce efficacy, increasing the chance that the gene therapy is detected and eliminated by the immune system. Indeed, some have speculated that immunogenic vector DNA sequences are behind the limited durability of some recent gene therapies, leading to their abandonment. More concerningly, immunogenicity can lead to safety concerns during therapeutic use, as high levels of viral capsids can cause severe immune reactions at the time of injection. Unraveling the immune system’s intertwined responses to viral-vector gene therapies remains difficult. Animal models do not recapitulate all relevant aspects of the human immune system (as immune systems behave quite differently among species). While human clinical trials offer a valuable source of insight, many gene-therapy trials are too small to confidently isolate the parameters associated with a drug’s success or failure. Lowering the dose Current viral-vector gene therapies require the administration of large numbers of viral particles to patients, particularly for therapies aimed at treating systemic diseases. For example, recent gene therapies for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) that aim to correct mutations in muscle cells throughout the body have delivered up to approximately 10^16 (ten-thousand trillion) viral particles in a single dose (for example, a dose of 3 × 10^14 vector genomes [vg] per kilogram [kg], assuming a 30-kg child), which is multiple times the number of cells in the human body. For systemic diseases, the need to individually target and repair many cells in the body partly explains why such large doses are administered. Another explanation is the limited cell-type specificity of current viral vectors: large numbers of viral particles must be delivered to ensure that an adequate number reach clinically relevant cells. The large doses used in current gene therapies pose two challenges. First, large doses are difficult and expensive to manufacture. Today, a typical manufacturing run of an AAV-vector therapy using high-yield cell lines and large-capacity bioreactors might only produce approximately ten doses of a systemic gene therapy from a single batch at a cost of nearly $100,000 per dose (assuming approximately 1 × 10^17 vg per batch). Although these costs will gradually decrease as gene therapies begin to reach clinical and commercial scales, any technological advance that reduces the required dose would bring immediate benefit, as a tenfold reduction in dose might also bring about a tenfold reduction in costs. Second, and even more critically, administering large doses of virus has been linked to adverse safety outcomes. Although investigations of four deaths in clinical trials of AAV-vector therapies in 2020 are ongoing, three deaths occurred in high-dose cohorts. Clinical-trial protocols have subsequently been revised to limit viral dosage, reflecting the tremendous importance of this issue. Controlling transgene expression Once a viral vector successfully delivers its therapeutic gene to the cells in question, the efficacy of the gene therapy depends on the quality of transgene expression. Specifically, the transgene must be expressed at the appropriate level (neither too low nor too high), in the appropriate cells, and for the appropriate duration to mediate the desired clinical effect. For therapeutic uses (in contrast to use for vaccines), the transgene may need to be expressed permanently if the gene therapy is to serve as a one-time cure and represent an appealing alternative for patients over current standards of care requiring repeated dosing (which may not be possible because of the challenges previously laid out). Regulators have required multiple years of follow-up data showing that gene expression is maintained. Indeed, some drugs have been abandoned when expression waned after 12 months. To maximize chances of success, early viral-vector gene therapies have opted to include regulatory elements (DNA sequences such as promoters and enhancers that control how genes are expressed) that have been selected to drive high levels of transgene expression in all cell types. However, this approach may have significant drawbacks, particularly as gene therapies move beyond gene replacement for monogenic rare diseases. Overexpression of the transgene or its expression in the wrong cells may contribute to inflammation and other toxicities (as was observed in recent studies of nonhuman primates). Moreover, current gene therapies, once administered, cannot be controlled or turned off by clinicians should the need ever arise. Innovative solutions that address gene-therapy challenges from many angles To tackle the challenges facing gene therapy, academic labs, start-ups, and established companies are generating myriad innovative solutions (Exhibit 3). Each focuses on a specific component of a gene-therapy product (for example, the viral capsid) or part of the development process (such as manufacturing). However, these innovations often address multiple core challenges, outlining multiple paths to realizing the promise of viral-vector gene therapy. We have identified five key trends to watch. 1. Improved capsids The viral capsid is a critical component of viral-vector gene therapy. It determines which cells are targeted, the efficiency of cell entry, and the probability that the gene therapy is detected and eliminated by the immune system. In addition, the capsid is largely responsible for the stability of the viral vector during the manufacturing process and can affect storage and distribution requirements. The capsids most widely used today, including those used in on-market products, are derived from naturally occurring viruses. They have suboptimal properties, including little cell-type specificity, moderate efficiency of cell entry, and relatively high levels of preexisting immunity in humans. To address the problem of preexisting immunity, many assets use capsids from viruses found in other species. For example, the AAV8 and AAVrh74 capsids used in multiple AAV-vector gene therapies are derived from AAV serotypes isolated from macaques, and some of the COVID-19 vaccines that have been developed have used adenovirus serotypes from chimpanzees and gorillas. While this approach may limit the challenges of preexisting immunity, it largely doesn’t address specificity or efficiency (particularly as these viruses have evolved to infect nonhuman species). Increasingly, drug developers are turning to capsids that have been engineered in the lab and can be selected to overcome the challenges mentioned previously (Exhibit 4). These engineered capsids are identified through large-scale screening efforts in which millions of variant capsids are screened for the desired properties and iteratively refined. Capsid-engineering platforms—many of which have been spun out of academic labs to form companies—achieve these ends by leveraging advanced technologies, such as cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and artificial intelligence. Improving capsid properties could bring multiple immediate benefits. For example, a twofold increase in a capsid’s cell-type specificity could enable a twofold decrease in the overall viral dose required, thereby improving safety and cost. It’s still too early to determine the true impact of capsid engineering, as most engineered capsids are still in preclinical development. However, companies’ early reports suggest that capsids with five- to tenfold improvements in multiple attributes may be entering the clinic soon. 2. Improved vectors Like the capsid, the DNA sequence of the viral vector itself affects multiple aspects of a gene therapy’s performance, but engineering the vector can often be considerably easier, cheaper, and quicker. Accordingly, vector engineering is becoming a growing focus of gene-therapy R&D. Vector engineering is often easier with adenovirus and lentivirus vectors than with AAV vectors because of AAV’s inability to package large pieces of DNA. However, innovative vector elements are beginning to appear in AAV-vector designs as well. Vector engineering broadly has two aims: reducing the immunogenicity of the viral vector and improving transgene expression. One strategy to achieve both aims is codon optimization, in which variations in the vector sequence are explored to eliminate immunogenic sequence motifs while optimizing the transgene for robust expression. Subtle changes in vector sequence achieved through codon optimization can have large effects, such as increasing expression levels and possibly extending the duration of expression for multiple years. Vector engineering broadly has two aims: reducing the immunogenicity of the viral vector and improving transgene expression. Transgene expression can be further programmed by engineering regulatory elements into the vector sequence. Some regulatory elements turn on transgene expression only in certain cell types or tissues—ideally, the disease-causing cells—preventing potentially toxic expression in other contexts. Such cell-type- or tissue-specific regulatory elements (for example, promoters and enhancers) have become relatively common in viral-vector gene therapies. For an additional layer of control, some viral-vector gene therapies are also incorporating regulatory elements, such as microRNA-target sites, that reduce expression in specified cells—for example, in cells that promote an immune response. Finally, a more distant and challenging goal is to engineer vectors that are inducible, where transgene expression can be controlled using an additional signal, such as an orally administered small-molecule drug. This could allow clinicians to turn on, turn off, or otherwise adjust a gene therapy after it is administered, delivering a personalized course of treatment. 3. New types of cargo The cargo delivered by a viral-vector gene therapy is typically a working copy of a gene that is used to replace the patient’s disease-causing copy of that same gene. However, any therapeutic agent that can be encoded in DNA can theoretically be delivered by a viral vector. Researchers and drug developers are increasingly leveraging this flexibility to deliver other types of molecules with therapeutic value—alone or sometimes in combination—including regulatory RNAs (for example, short hairpin RNAs [shRNAs]), vectorized antibodies, and substrates for gene editing. Gene editing is an intriguing potential solution for achieving long-lasting, physiologically appropriate gene expression. For patients with diseases caused by certain types of mutations, restoring the function and expression of the patient’s own copy of the gene through gene editing may be simpler (and more permanent) than attempting to engineer and deliver a replacement. 4. Improved manufacturing processes Early gene-therapy-manufacturing processes originated in academic labs and were focused on small, research-scale batches. These processes were not optimized for moderate- or large-scale production or for the delivery of systemic therapy. As gene therapies start to expand outside the treatment of ultrarare diseases, one of the many challenges being addressed is the presence of empty capsids created during the manufacturing process. These empty capsids, which have no active cargo, can create the requirement for higher doses and, accordingly, stimulate stronger immune responses. Two approaches are being developed to reduce the ratio of empty-to-full capsids in manufacturing: developing improved methods to separate the empty from full capsids based on specific properties (for example, charge and molecular weight) and engineering cell lines that package full capsids more efficiently. By reducing the empty-to-full ratio, these advances reduce manufacturing costs, reduce immune responses, and improve the safety of gene therapy. Indeed, regulators have used reducing the empty-to-full capsid ratio as part of the rationale for lifting clinical holds on gene-therapy products with previous safety issues. 5. Improved pretreatment and conditioning regimens Beyond engineering the capsid and vector, a separate approach for reducing the immune system’s detection of viral-vector gene therapies involves coadministering the therapy with an immunosuppressive agent. Multiple such conditioning regimens are currently being tested to reduce the impact of neutralizing antibodies on the efficacy of the treatment, both of preexisting antibodies and newly generated antibodies that could prevent future redosing. Nearly all current viral-vector gene therapies use steroids to help manage the potential immune response to the viral vector; however, the type, dosage, and timing of the steroid treatment varies widely. Some clinical trials are experimenting with more targeted immune suppression, such as the use of rituximab to reduce the creation of memory B cells. An even greater assortment of approaches is being tested in animal models to directly reduce the presence of neutralizing antibodies. These include the use of enzymes cleaving to immunoglobulin G (IgG), plasmapheresis to remove the neutralizing antibodies specific to the gene therapy, and even CRISPR-based repression of neutralizing-antibody creation. These approaches could expand the pool of eligible patients to include those with preexisting immunity. Moreover, these approaches could enable a patient to receive multiple doses of the same therapy or of different therapies using the same vector backbone. The road ahead Viral-vector gene therapies find themselves at another inflection point. Early successes in the treatment of rare diseases and vaccines have proven the potential of this modality, while the challenges to gaining widespread adoption—the way that monoclonal antibodies have over the past 20 years—have only become clearer. Nevertheless, the wealth of innovative solutions being explored across academia, biotech, pharma, and contract development and manufacturing organizations demonstrate that viral-vector gene therapies are here to stay. As described previously, different solutions are emerging to address each of the core challenges. The diversity of these approaches and the complexities of gene therapy mean that no single approach is likely to “win.” That situation will enable a rapid innovation cycle in which gene therapies are constantly being improved upon, which will offer new opportunities to leapfrog existing products. Even as AAV-vector-based delivery is becoming the leading technology, some prominent limitations combined with the rapid pace of innovation leave the door open for other delivery technologies to emerge. Owners of viral-vector platforms will need to consistently look to the next set of innovations beyond their current platforms and assets. That could include investing directly to help overcome the broader challenges or buying or licensing critical technology to upgrade their platforms. Indeed, multiple new biotech companies have launched to solve one or more of the challenges outlined in this article as a service to developers of gene therapies. Staying abreast of these developments will require fastidious monitoring of scientific and technological progress on all fronts. However, since it is difficult at this early stage to place bets across all potential solutions and innovators, gene-therapy leaders will need to make their investments judiciously. In the short to medium term—while technological challenges limit the scope of gene therapies to curative treatments for rare diseases—fast followers may find it difficult to be successful, even with improved technologies, as first entrants rapidly address prevalent populations. Gene-therapy leaders will therefore need to strike a careful balance by accelerating programs today while retaining the flexibility to adopt innovative technologies that unlock treatments for broader-population diseases and the full promise of viral-vector gene therapies in the long term.
In recent months, “Foxconn” and “Amazon HQ2” brought immediacy to a costly and lingering subject: economic development incentives. State and local policymakers regularly dangle tax breaks and other financial incentives as lures to attract and sometimes retain businesses and the jobs they say they’ll create. Oversight of these programs is often weak or nonexistent, yet tens of billions of taxpayer dollars are spent each year on these efforts. In the cases of Foxconn and Amazon, billions were offered for each project. Are these incentives worth the price? How do we know? Are they effective at promoting job growth? Is there a better way to grow good-paying jobs in a local labor market? These questions and more are answered in a new book by Timothy J. Bartik, Making Sense of Incentives: Taming Business Incentives to Promote Prosperity (Upjohn Press, 2019). The book is relatively brief, straightforward, nontechnical, and just what state and local policymakers need to read. It is also available as a free download. Bartik begins by explaining the basics: What are economic development incentives? Who offers them? Why are they offered? What are the political and economic considerations involved? Why are incentives often wasteful? He then delves into the recent trends in business incentives, including how generous offers have become and whether they threaten needed public services (especially K–12 education), which types of firms tend to receive incentives, and whether needy areas tend to be targeted Policymakers often tout the multipliers associated with jobs created via business incentives—e.g., for every one job created another two jobs will appear as a result. But Bartik shows that these numbers are often specious, and why, while providing more realistic estimates. Then, based on his decades of ground-breaking research, he explains what policymakers can do to improve the use of business incentives. Bartik doesn’t think incentives should be ruled out, just improved, and he explains how this can be achieved. And in his chapter on how to evaluate the success of incentive programs, he describes the program details that need to be considered, and how to use them, in order to judge whether the benefits of incentives exceed the costs. Bartik concludes, “To promote broadly shared prosperity, incentives shouldn’t be eliminated. [They] should be tamed. This taming requires some cutbacks of what we currently know as incentives. It also requires reforms. Remaining incentives should be more short term and emphasize business services more. The incentive animal needs to go on a more nutritional diet. Only after such taming can incentives make sense. Only then can incentives help build prosperity for all."
5 Things Idahoans Lowkey Miss from the Covid-19 Lockdown Don’t get us wrong, we do not wish to be back in the early stages of the pandemic, when Idaho and the rest of the world shut down – or in any part of the pandemic, for that matter. It was terrifying, to say the very least. No one knew how long everything would be shut down for, how we were going to pay our bills or if our family, friends and neighbors would survive this new virus that was affecting people at a remarkable and alarming rate. We feel positive that we haven’t even begun to understand the emotional ramifications we all have endured from the pandemic, which will undoubtedly continue to affect all of us for many years to come. Even just thinking about the lockdown during 2020 is so wild, because it almost just feels like a fever dream. However, we have to admit, that there were some things that were born from, or resulted out of, this experience that were straight fire. And quite frankly, we miss them.
The Official Description: The FAA has been struggling with dragons attacking their planes, and hire Dane, a supernatural consultant, to look into the matter. What Dane finds in the woods is not quite the problem he expected: a group of dragon kits and their sick father. When he learns the real reason the family was in the woods, his case only grows more dangerous, and while Dane is plenty experienced at watching his own back, taking care of baby dragons and their handsome, distracting father almost makes danger look easy. Just the facts: Queer content, dragons and best of all, DRAGON BABIES! This is a fast, fun read packed full of the antics of young dragons! Made me grin! – Kinzie Things My thoughts bit: This is a fun little novella that was a pleasure to read. It was entertaining and made me smile quite a bit. It’s only about 95 pages so it’s quite a short read. Dane is the premier consultant in cases of a supernatural nature. So when a case of dragons tangling with planes comes up on the Federal Bureau of Supernatural Investigation’s radar, it’s referred to him. Dane immediately uses his magic to track down the dragons. His first encounter is an amusing one.. he discovers baby dragons in a forest! The reason that they are running amok seems to be a sick father Dragon! Without a second thought, Dane gathers them all up and “magics” them to his home. He brings in a doctor and a friend to help with the kits. His house rather quickly becomes chaotic! Each of the kits has a very different personality with individual quirks. This was what made this book most enjoyable for me! Lumie is an odd little toddler dragon who seems to be able to break through any magical wards and boundaries. Nickel is a little fighter and is fiercely protective of his father! Mercury – the adult dragon is very ill with dragon fever and as he recovers it becomes clear that things in their family are not what they initially seem! There’s a bigger mystery within this novella… and I’m not going to spoil it for you. Suffice to say there’s a lot more going on than one dragon family simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. There is a queer relationship in this novella It begins very subtly and is quite sweet. All in all, this was enjoyable and there’s another installment coming! Things You May Want To Know: Please be aware, I’m by no means an expert on what may or may not have the potential to disturb people. I simply list things that I think a reader might want to be aware of. In this book: (SPOILERS) mentions testing, captivity, torture like experimentation. I received an ARC of Dragon Consultant by Mell Eight from NineStar Press via Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.
We developed a polymer film that is able to detect amines with high sensitivity and selectivity. This can be used to detect the freshness of fish and meat. In the food industry there is a great need to determine the shelf life of food routinely and non-invasively. When food of animal origin gets old, protein breakdown products such as amines are released into the environment into the gas phase. By detecting this, the shelf life of food can be determined and a change in shelf life (spoilage, ripeness, etc.) can be indicated accordingly. So far, amines can only be detected with complex laboratory analysis. At the Institute for Biomedical Optics at the University of Lübeck, a polymer film was developed that is able to detect amines with high sensitivity and selectivity in the gas phase. This sensor film consists of a phosphorporphyrine, which is suspended in a polymer that is permeable to amines. Even traces of amines cause the sensor foil to change color from green to red. This color change can be seen with the naked eye as well as with a camera or spectrometer. This can be used, for example, in the field of intelligent food packaging, where the shelf life of the food can be read directly by the user through a sensor spot in the package (green = fresh, red = no longer fresh - first signs of spoilage). This approach impresses with the simple, mobile detection of amines without complex laboratory analysis and is currently being patented. The absorption and fluorescence spectra of the sensor show a clear change after the reaction with amines. The changes in the fluorescence spectrum are very sensitive and the freshness can be quantified with easy measurement technology. 1. The substances produced during spoilage, amines and biogenic amines, are detected directly. 2. Detection takes place in the gas phase. The sensor substance does not necessarily have to come into contact with the food, which increases flexibility when choosing the type of packaging. 3. The detection of amines and biogenic amines is very sensitive and selective. The integrative behavior of the sensor even makes it possible to detect traces of the low-volatility biogenic amines (such as cadaverine and putrescine). 4. The sensor reacts with the amine in an irreversible reaction, so "back staining" is not possible. This makes any manipulations on the part of the user more difficult. 5. Compared to other dye indicators, the porphyrins used are not toxic or carcinogenic. The changes in absorbance and fluorescence of the sensor are far more pronounced than in previously explored dye indicators. Especially in the case of fluorescence, new fluorescence maxima are formed. The color change of the absorption that can be seen with the eye is "consumer-friendly" from green to red. food package, smart packaging
LED Sign Boards: An Important Asset In Shopping Malls The mall culture in Chennai has caught on fast and is here to stay. With the rapid urbanization, the malls have become an intrinsic part of the evolving lifestyle of the people in the city. Malls are huge crowd-pullers, not only for the city-dwellers but also for those from far and near places. Shopping malls drive the consumption culture in their own unique way. The core of their success formula is all about customer experience. The collective ability of the brands and businesses in the malls to pull in the crowds and keep the money flowing is what really matters. An LED board display is an inimitable feature of every shopping mall that contributes to the customer experience. In a scenario where multi-brand commercial services are vying to hit the spotlight, a huge LED screen becomes the pièce de résistance! In this article, we explore how and why malls benefit from LED screens that are proving to be exceedingly more effective than other means of advertising. The Benefit Of Using LED Screens In Malls #1. An inevitable interior design feature There is no denying the fact that LED signboards and display boards have the potential to create a huge visual impact. Bespoke, ultra-large LED displays can simply wow the audience and make them want to visit the showroom. LED sign board manufacturers claim that there is an increasing demand for unique installations made from soft and flexible LED panels. These ultra-modern signboards play a huge role in giving the place a touch of sophisticated elegance- a feature that most mall shoppers look forward to. #2. Creative advertising and PR An LED board is the ultimate level in advertising. It is a proven gimmick that never fails. Higher visibility rates, increased customer acquisition and retention, and better brand recognition are some of the guaranteed benefits that LED boards bestow on businesses in malls. A visually appealing advertisement on an LED screen tends to draw more attention, unlike traditional signage that will be forgotten within minutes. #3. Versatile options LED sign board manufacturers are constantly developing funky ideas with LED signboards, that seem to be a big hit in shopping malls. Dynamic LED signage like digital chandeliers, electronic posters, interactive LED boards, mesh LED displays, full-colour lamp displays, crescent panels, and full-on colour screens are just a few of the many options that can deck up your commercial mall space. #4. Digital interaction for shoppers Interactive LED display boards come in handy in more ways than one. - They provide crystal clear information about the mall layout and directions, which is valuable information for the throngs of visitors trying to find their shopping destination in a gargantuan space. - Digital mall directories are a boon for mall operators who use them to update tenant and store information in real-time. - Shops can display information regarding discounts, seasonal sales and new products. - The LED screens can double up as bearers of emergency contact information. - Indoor LEDs can effectively promote special workshops, holiday events, promotional events, shopping festivals, and food festivals #5. LED screens in gaming zones Gaming zones and LED displays are synonymous with each other. Dynamic LED screens are a ubiquitous sight that can completely transform the gaming area that is guaranteed to lure in hoards of children and adults. Using a Curved LED display can create a compelling hi-tech entrance to the gaming zone. #6. LED screens in food courts Apart from avid shoppers, there is a crowd that visits malls specifically to indulge in the multi-cuisine feasts that only food courts in malls can provide. Artistically designed digital menu boards inspire hungry shoppers and increase food sales. Digital menu boards can also be displayed in strategic shopping areas to lure visitors to the food court. Check Out – The Benefits of Having Outdoor Digital Signage Solutions. LED sign boards: A one-time investment with great ROI A brand or business in a mall needs to have more than a couple of LED signboards to make things work. From the investor’s perspective, it might look like a big-budget allotment, especially if the business requires big boards and advanced digital technology. But experts in marketing and publicity guarantee exceptional results in terms of brand building, customer experience and customer satisfaction. Malls with LED sign boards in Chennai have a proven track record of generating an impressive ROI, which is the target of every business.
Best Selling Glass Awards Offering amazing value for money the range of high quality jade, clear or smoked glass awards are something the recipient will treasure and be happy to display for years to come. With an emphasis on clean sharp lines and shapes these awards cover all possible senarios! If you cannot find something that meets your requirements, please contact a member of our sales team, who would be happy to advise and discuss your needs. All our glass and crystal awards can be engraved with the inscription of your choice.
Beautiful soft organic cotton handfasting cord. Measures 6 feet long more or less and 3/4 inch wide and can have a charm attached of your choosing. The color pink is the color of universal love of oneself and of others. Pink represents friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, and approachability. White, an inherently positive color, is associated with purity, virginity, innocence, light, goodness, heaven, safety, brilliance, illumination, understanding, cleanliness, faith, beginnings, sterility, spirituality, possibility, humility, sincerity, protection, softness, and perfection. I make all of my handfasting cords myself in a smoke free home. I do have a dog, however, and she is with me constantly.
Bakers’ shops and fresh bread sections demand the highest standards of attractive presentation and hygiene. Freshly baked loaves, fill and cut sandwiches and baguettes, hot takeaway – all have opportunities for increasing profit in this competitive market. We understand what customers want and what a successful bakery needs to succeed. We are experts on the best ways to conform to Food Hygiene and Health & Safety regulations. Whether you want a specific piece of equipment or full consultancy service, we will work with you to ensure that you get the most from your investment. Whatever stage you are at with your project, contact us. You will be glad you talked with Watco. - Layout and design support - Equipment supply and manufacture |– Refrigeration units||– Chill cabinets||– Serving counters| |– Ambient units||– Warming ovens||– Baking ovens| |– Toasters||– Soup stations||– Panini machines| |– Coffee stations||– Storage racks||– Steel trays| |– Prep + wash areas||– Air conditioning||– Wall, floor and ceiling coverings| A comprehensive range of services, top quality products, compliance with legislation and standards, design and finishing detail, minimum downtime, flexible, able to work with architects and designers, professional working practices, dedicated staff and fitters, proven track record.
|All About Sandridge Saddlery| |We stock everything for horse and rider, with an emphasis on getting good value for your dollar. Sandridge also offers custom products, including saddles, riding boots from Konigs of Germany, blankets and sheets, and various tack items. We carry new saddles from Kent & Masters.| |You can 'try before you buy' our saddles, most bits, and certain premium products, and we offer no-hassle exchanges or returns when needed.| |A direct link to information on fitting and using our products. More links and reviews can be found by going to The Archives.| |Free shipping is offered on most purchases over $ 200.00 within Canada.| |Our staff are all friendly, bilingual horse people who are as interested as you are in finding the right product for your needs. When you need to consult with an expert about bits, saddles - or whatever - we can help you there, too.| |Gift Certificates can be customized to your needs in the store, by phone or by email.| |Rider Rewards is our Customer Loyalty program - you will automatically accumulate points on all regularly-priced items.| |THE BIRTHDAY BOOK| |Sign up and get a birthday with benefits!| |We have a variety of products available for rental by the week or the month - let us know what you need!| |TACK TEST PROGRAM| |Have a chance to test-ride and review the newest products.| |THE BULLETIN BOARD| |Free advertising for your equine-related business or service.| 'Sandridge Saddlery' offers weekly specials, local news, contests, and interesting tidbits from around the horse world. |Blogs, Articles, Technical Info and Interesting Links| Located between Montreal and Ottawa in St-Lazare, Quebec, Sandridge Saddlery has been supplying equestrians from Pony Club to Grand Prix with a comprehensive selection of Saddles, Equipment, Supplies and Apparel since 1986. Our staff take pride in offering our customers practical advice based on product knowledge and years of experience, and in providing a range of price points without ever compromising on value. Sandridge is always researching and testing new items to add to our line-up; our goal is to offer riders of all abilities and interests a choice of quality products at competitive prices. We specialize in English saddles and work closely with Vicky Chalmers and Erin Wilson, both professional saddle-fitters who can help with the selection, fitting, and adjustment of new and used saddles for all disciplines. Whether shopping on our website, or in person at the store, we look forward to providing you with the products you need at a fair price. Should you have any questions or comments, or are looking for something you don't see, please let us know - we enjoy a challenge and appreciate your feedback. |Back to: Top of Page|
President Trump announced Monday that he would suspend entry into the U.S. for some foreign workers, ostensibly as a move to bolster the hurting U.S. economy during the continued COVID-19 pandemic by opening positions that would otherwise be filled by foreigners to locals. Trump’s presidential proclamation temporarily blocks foreign workers on H-1B visas, which are issued to skilled workers, and L visas, which are issued to managers and specialized transfer employees. Some seasonal workers on H-2B visas are also being denied entry. The suspension begins Wednesday and exempts those already in the United States, those abroad with valid visas, and workers whose entry is deemed essential for the U.S. The Trump administration says the suspension will open up something like 525,000 jobs for U.S. workers, though the spokesperson who quoted that figure did not explain how the administration came up with it. The ban will remain in effect for at least the rest of 2020. Big tech is amongst the most prolific employers of skilled foreign workers, and the industry will undoubtedly feel adverse effects from the ban. Removing highly skilled foreign applicants from the hiring pool for these companies doesn’t help anyone except Trump. And it certainly doesn't help with diversity efforts, nor does it make the U.S. attractive to skilled foreigners who will now be encouraged to take their abilities, entrepreneurial skills, and ideas, elsewhere. Tech relies on foreign workers — There’s no doubt the tech industry will be hit hardest by Trump’s proclamation. Tech companies are by far the largest employers overall of those on H-1B visas. Amazon and Google top the list of H-1B employers, while Microsoft, Facebook, IBM, Apple, and Intel all fall within the top 10. Now, none of these companies will be allowed to hire foreign applicants for the rest of the year. The opposite of helpful — Trump’s decision to block H-1B visas for the foreseeable future does much more harm to powerful U.S. industries than it does good for American job-seekers. There’s a fundamental misunderstanding about the hiring process at play here — one based on willful ignorance and xenophobia. Companies put a great deal of effort into hiring overseas talent for open positions because those applicants are better than domestic ones. Eliminating foreign workers from the applicant pool just forces employers to go with backup options. Companies will now need to scramble to find suitable applicants — during a pandemic when chaos already reigns supreme. The Trump administration is doing serious damage with this policy under the name of “job creation.” Really it will just frustrate some of the country’s largest employers and harm the U.S.’s longstanding talent cultivation pipeline. The effects of this ban will be felt for a very long time indeed. But of course, long-term vision isn't exactly the President's strong suit, so that doesn't matter.
Inspired by the beloved films, the romantic and adventure-filled new musical Anastasia is on a journey to New Haven at last! From the Tony Award-winning creators of the Broadway classic Ragtime, this dazzling show transports us from the twilight of the Russian Empire to the euphoria of Paris in the 1920s, as a brave young woman sets out to discover the mystery of her past. Pursued by a ruthless Soviet officer determined to silence her, Anya enlists the aid of a dashing conman and a lovable ex-aristocrat. Together, they embark on an epic adventure to help her find home, love, and family. Special Discount Offer Broadway is Back with a Welcome Back Offer! Use the code "Welcome30" at check out on the following shows to unlock tickets starting at $30! - Friday, October 22 @8pm: Regular Orchestra and Regular Mezzanine seats - Sunday, October 24 @5:30pm: All locations excluding the Balcony Meet the Cast of Anastasia Casting has been announced for the national tour of the critically-acclaimed production of ANASTASIA which will launch in Connecticut at the Palace Theatre in Waterbury Oct. 19–21 and the Shubert Theatre Oct. 22–24 and will go on to play over 40 cities this season. “We are thrilled to welcome Kyla Stone to the group of amazing actresses who have brought Anya to life, and we look forward to showcasing this entire cast to communities all over the country,” said original director Darko Tresnjak. The cast will also include Sam McLellan as Dmitry, Brandon Delgado as Gleb, Gerri Weagraff as Dowager Empress, Bryan Seastrom as Vlad, Madeline Raube as Countess Lily and Taya Diggs and Marley Sophia as Little Anastasia. The ensemble includes Lance Timothy Barker, William Aaron Bishop, Harrison Drake, Thomas Henke, Dakota Hoar, Leslie Jackson, Veronica Rae Jiao, Evin Johnson, Ceron Jones, Madeline Kendall, Lizzy Legregin, Victoria Madden, Christian McQueen, Elizabeth Ritacco, Taylor Stanger, Sarah Statler and Lauren Teyke. The Creative Team ANASTASIA features a book by celebrated playwright Terrence McNally, a lush, new score by the Tony Award-winning creators of the Broadway classic Ragtime, Stephen Flaherty (music) and Lynn Ahrens (lyrics), and tour direction by Sarah Hartman based on original direction by Tony Award-winning director Darko Tresnjak. The creative team also includes Peggy Hickey (Original Choreographer), Bill Burns (Choreographer), Alexander Dodge (Set Design), Linda Cho (Costume Design), Donald Holder (Lighting Design), Peter Hylenski (Sound Design), Aaron Rhyne (Projection Design), Charles G. LaPointe (Hair/Wig Design), Joe Dulude II (Makeup Design), Tom Murray (Music Supervision), Jeremy Lyons (Music Direction), Doug Besterman (Orchestrations), David Chase (Dance Arranger), and casting by Jason Styres, CSA. Pre-Show GS Patch Program Join us for our Pre-Show Patch Program before Anastasia on October 23rd at 1pm $10 per Scout (includes the patch!) Patches can be bought for $5 at the box office when you see any show or schedule a backstage tour! 25% off group tickets of 10 or more! Contact Azaria at [email protected] to PRE-REGISTER for the Pre-Show Patch Program and order group tickets. Please read our COVID Health & Safety Guidelines In consideration of the health and well-being of patrons, artists, volunteers, and staff - the following health and safety policy will be in effect through October 31: FULL COVID-19 VACCINATION: will be required for patrons, as well as staff, volunteers, performers, backstage crew, and all others entering the Shubert Theatre. IF UNVACCINATED: please bring proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken within 72 hours of the performance start time. FACE MASKS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL regardless of vaccination status, while inside the building, except while actively eating or drinking. A properly worn mask completely covers the nose and mouth, is secured to the head, and fits snugly against the side of the face.
flood control, run-off water, urban areas, parks, surface composition Pavements in Alun Kapuas Park constribute 63 of run off water over the capacity of the soil to infiltrate. This water will potentially causes the flooding and puddling issues. Landscape Architecture | Materials Science and Engineering | Urban Studies and Planning | Water Resource Management Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U.S. Department of State Andini, Febby, "The Influence of Surface Types Towards Run-Off Water in Urban Park" (2020). English Language Institute. 63. Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License For an accessible version of this document, email request containing a link to this page to [email protected].
Petoskey master plan to go up for final review PETOSKEY — The Petoskey master plan will go up for a final comment period after city council members completed their review of the document this week. At their meeting Monday, city council members went through the details of the last few chapters of the plan before passing a resolution allowing for the draft to be distributed among community members. That resolution also starts a 63-day review period for any final input from interested parties, potentially setting a course for approval in April, at the earliest. Council members could have passed that resolution about month ago, at their first meeting of the year, but instead chose a more methodical approach, breaking the plan down in segments for discussion over the course of three meetings. On Monday, Mayor John Murphy said the council was “closing the book” on that part of the process. “We will see this here in a couple of months,” he said. “I think we did a great job going through the five-year-or-more plan.” Local governments are expected to review their master plans every five years for possible revisions, per state law. City planner Amy Tweeten worked on the plan for nearly two years, with the guidance of the city planning commission. Planning commission members gave their thumbs-up on the draft in December. The 2021 version of the plan is titled the “Livable Petoskey” plan, with a major focus on “the overall livability of Petoskey.” Petoskey received assistance in the early stages of the master plan process from a Traverse City firm called Land Information Access Associates, which helped to organize some of the public engagement sessions that occurred in 2018 preceding the plan. The city has identified five focus areas in this version of the master plan — environmental stewardship, infrastructure, community, local economy, and land use and zoning. Council members now will take those, essentially, one-by-one over the course of the next month or more. Some of the recommendations proposed by city council members over the past month focused on Petoskey’s changing status as a year-round or resort community, adding brief sections that noted the increase in second-home properties in the city, and including strategies that seek to balance those interests with those of year-round residents. Others target specific aspects of the city’s sustainability efforts, especially in the context of the ongoing city resolution to convert to all renewable energy resources by 2035. Many of those direct the city staff to continue with some of the steps they’ve already been taking — such as the continued promotion of the “green pricing program” for residents’ electrical utilities, and promoting other incentives to citizens and business to adopt green strategies. Drafts of the master plan and other information can be found at livablepetoskey.org.
“If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land” (2 Chron 7:14). We aspire to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls, and minds, and we commit to the following Core Values before the Lord when no one is looking. We also commit to live our lives before the audience of One, Almighty God, before whom we’ll stand one day. 1. Humility: Throughout the scriptures, both in the Old and New Testaments, the Lord considers humility of the heart an absolute requisite for His favor and blessing. The fundamental importance of humility in our hearts as God requires it cannot be overstated. We acknowledge that everything we are, everything we have, and everything we do, is from Him, and that in and of ourselves, we are poor (1Cor 4:7, John 3:27). The Lord says in the scriptures that He dwells with the humble (Isaiah 66:2), and resists the proud (1 Peter 5:5). Jesus taught us that we should learn from and emulate His humility(Matthew 11:29).The humility that the Lord requires is not merely an intellectual acknowledgment of its necessity; neither is it mere courtesy and politeness in mannerism, but true humility of heart in the way we deal with Him and one another( Psalm 149:4, Matthew 5:3-5, James 4:10). 2. The Fear of the Lord and living a life set apart, holy unto the Lord: The scriptures clearly state that holiness is an absolute requisite for the Lord to dwell among His people. Perfect holiness and purity will not dwell amidst darkness and compromise. The Lord calls us to sanctify ourselves in order to do wonders among us (Joshua 3:5).The scriptures say that without holiness no one shall see God (Hebrews 12:14), and “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). “Who will ascend to the Lord’s Hill? He who has clean hands and a pure heart” (Psalm 24: 3-4). God told King Saul through the prophet Samuel “Obedience is better than sacrifice” (1Samuel 15:12). A.W. Tozer said it well in an article entitled, “Prayer is not a substitute for obedience.” The title says it all. 3. Prayer and Fasting: We are committed continually to lift up a collective cry to Almighty God, to release His Church from the bondage of its lukewarm attitude, apathy, self-centeredness, and disunity (Rev 3:15-16). Only through heartfelt prayer will the Lord lead His Church out of its “Babylonian captivity”(lack of the Glory of God among His people), and restore the Church to her calling, to the place where she can effectively be His voice to a sick and dying world (Matthew 7:7, Jeremiah 29:13-14). We are committed to seek His face continually, to contend for His manifest Presence among us, and nothing else will do (Exodus 3:15). We are further committed to wait patiently upon the Lord, for Him to fulfill His vision for Cape Cod (1 Thess 5:17, Luke 18: 1-8). "Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will sureley come,It will not tarry" (Hab 2:2-3). We believe His promise in James 5:16, that the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. 4. Sensitivity , yielding, and obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit: Throughout the scriptures, both in the Old and New Testaments, God is continually speaking to His people: “Your ears shall hear a word behind you” (Isaiah 30:21). “Ask of Me and I shall show you great and mighty things, which you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3). “And I will bring the blind by a way they did not know” (Isaiah 42:16). “My sheep hear My voice and follow Me” (John 10:27). "Those who are lead by the Spirit of God, are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14). We acknowledge that we cannot do anything in our own strength or in our human wisdom. We acknowledge our utter dependence on Him to guide our steps (John 15:5). 5. Unity in diversity through the love of Christ: We believe that the Church is one body, the Bride of Christ (John 17, 1Cor 12, Rom 12:4-5, Ephesians 4:16, 1Pet 2:5, Ephesians 2: 20-22, 2 Cor 6:16, Col 2: 19). We also realize that within the body of Christ there exists diversity in expression of faith. The core value of diversity is clearly displayed in chapter 3 of Nehemiah. Despite their diversity, many families, skills and leaders-- priests, men of Jericho, the Tekoites, Gibeonites, goldsmiths and different families clans-- were involved in successfully rebuilding the ruined walls of Jerusalem. Among the 12 disciples of Christ there also existed differences in personality and temperament, but they were united and crystallized around Christ. We desire to see the Glory of God come upon Cape Cod. In order to facilitate this, and encouraged by the examples of Nehemiah and the disciples, we commit to labor together as diverse churches, ministries, and organizations, to be part of the process of contending for the Glory of God on Cape Cod (Nehemiah 3, John 17: 11, Psalm 133, Acts 2:44, 2Chron 5:13-15, 1 Cor 1:10, 1 Cor 1:10-13).
LGPD: GET READY FOR THE CHANGES IN DATA MANAGEMENT WHAT IS LGPD AND HOW DOES IT AFFECT MY BUSINESS? Law 13.709, known as the General Personal Data Protection Law (in Portuguese LGPD), will come into force in 2021, with the objective of establishing clear rules on the collection, storage, treatment and sharing of personal data. In practice, this means tougher rules on customer data that can be used and companies must justify any customer information (even name and e-mail) according to the law, or run the risk of receiving fines of up to 2 % of your turnover (limited to R$ 50 million for an infraction) HAVE NOT STARTED THE PROCESS YET? CAUTION, YOUR COMPANY IS ALREADY LATE! WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES OF THE LGPD? WE HAVE TO JUSTIFY ALL DATA If it was enough before to worry about storing as much personal data as possible, today we need to manage them, making it clear what we will use them for; what is the legal justification for its use; how long will we keep them; and how we will protect your security and privacy. NEW PRIVACY MANAGEMENT CULTURE It should be present in the design of new projects that involve data from individuals – which does not include only customers, but 100% of the personal data of employees, former employees, partners, suppliers, etc. WHO IS THE OWNER OF THE INFORMATION? What used to belong to the company that owns the data base now belongs to the individual himself, who can request its correction, alteration, portability or even exclusion (when not prohibited by other laws). NEW PROCESSES AND POLICIES It is necessary to establish new processes, in addition to reviewing the old ones – including new roles, such as the DPO (Data Protection Officer), responsible for advising and verifying the personal data of third parties. Lawyers are essential figures in this process, but the guidelines of the law that involve various analyzes and concepts of information security need professionals specialized in data governance. WHAT ARE THE RIGHTS ON YOUR DATA? Modular tool, simple to deploy and manage, adaptable to the client’s reality Pay as a service Basis for building a culture of privacy WHAT IS PRIVACY BY DESIGN? HOW DOES IT WORKS? WE DOCUMENT ALL COMPANY DATA PROCESSES A Process that is simple and easy to update so that it can be carried out and managed by the user. Used in internal processes and in the evaluation of external data operators. WE OFFER A CENTRALIZED CONTROL ENVIRONMENT Live, versioned, centralized environment that keeps the process always up to date. Notification of new risks. NOW THAT WE KNOW THE PROBLEM. HOW TO ACT? We present a detailed action plan to guide the company’s actions.
Overwhelmed. That’s how I feel today. I have watched every press briefing that I can. I’ve read posts, listened to podcasts, researched and looked up everything I know to try and figure out the answer to this pandemic. I want to understand it. I want to know how our government should be responding. Should we open back up the states? How fast? Do we wait till there is better testing or possibly a vaccine? But that will take more than a year? What if we shut everything down for as long as needed, but our economy tanks and people without jobs can no longer feed their families? What is worse? A virus, or a great depression? Is there a way to avoid both? My mind has been running wild. Truth is, there isn’t an easy answer, and I am definitely not educated enough to be the one to figure out what even the best possible answer might be. The other day I asked this question on my Instagram story: What have you been encouraged by during COVID-19? The answers were many. “The Lord revealing Himself to me” “The opportunity to learn new things” “Reminders of who God is and what He has promised” “How we are ALL in this together” “The local church” It was sweet to read all of reminders of the good things that are coming from even the toughest of days. The church is being mobilized, many are leaning into the truth of who God is, we are being slowed down to a pace we normally would not allow ourselves to get to, and we are looking up from our screens to see the world and the people around us from a new perspective. Despite what the headlines might say, we DO have a reason to sing. Now more than ever the majority of us are walking through a time where our trust in God and faith in what He says has been put to the test. As some might say, it is a time when the rubber has met the road. We have all walked through difficult days of various trials before this virus came along. Can you remember a time though when we were all simultaneously facing the exact same thing? Though it might look a bit different in each of our lives, it is still the same source of struggle. Though we are confined to our own homes, we are not alone in this trial. Count It Joy “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” James 1:2-4 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 “Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Romans 5:3-5 Count it all joy. Joy is a word misinterpreted by many. It does not equal happiness, and it does not depend on our circumstances. Though we face trials, yet we rejoice. Why? Because of Jesus. True joy comes from knowing, walking, and resting in Him. He is Our Hope Our days don’t look as normal as they did a month ago. To get through this time I think it is important to practice establishing a routine, trying new hobbies, spending extra time getting things checked off your year old to-do list and so on and so forth. All of those things are great things to do, and they definitely have their place to help us keep our sanity. However, those practices cannot serve as our source of hope. If a vaccine were created tomorrow, would we suddenly have hope? If the economy was re opened, businesses didn’t have to close and those that have feared losing their jobs no longer have to worry- would we then have hope? Is that the answer to all of our problems? No. When all of those things happen, and I pray that they do, one very large problem will still exist – sin. My struggle has come from not knowing and understanding what will happen and what should happen. But, my source of joy, hope and encouragement should come from what I do know. What Do We Know? - We know that Christ is victorious. (1 Corinthians 15:54-58) - We know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and each of our days were planned by God Himself. (Psalm 139:13-16) - We know that all things work together for good. (Romans 8:28) - We know that God is in control. (Psalm 115:3; Proverbs 19:21) - We know that God is the creator of the universe and sovereign over all. (Nehemiah 9:6; Genesis 1:1; Colossians 1:16-17; Job 42:2) - We know that He is good. (Psalm 107:1; Psalm 84:11; Psalm 34:8) - We know that He is with us. (Isaiah 41:10; Matthew 28:20) - We know that our government leaders were established by God. (Romans 13:1-7) - We know that nothing can separate us from Him. (Romans 8:38-39) - We know that even though we face hard days here, they are not worth comparing to the glory that is to come. (Romans 8:18-25) - We know that He is coming again. (Matthew 24:44; 1 Peter 4:7; Revelation 1:7; Philippians 2:9-11) I pray that during this time when we can so clearly see the frailty of life that we will be reminded of our true source of hope and that we will run and fall fully into the arms of our Father, the King of kings and Lord of lords. What is your hope placed in? A vaccine for a virus when tomorrow a new sickness could take over your body? Figuring out the right steps our government should take? A financially stable life that tomorrow could be whisked away due to other unforeseen circumstances? Or, is your hope rooted in Christ? Do you know Him? Do you have that hope? If not, today is a good day to reach out and grasp it. As reminded by my mom this morning, me figuring this out won’t solve all of our problems. I can watch all of the news I want, but the President won’t be calling me for advice. I can only control so much. So, why don’t we stop worrying about the things we can’t change and rest in the one that controls it all? Brothers and sisters- lift up your voices and sing. Dance in the midst of the darkness. Rejoice- for our King is alive. Let the world see through us the God that we know, even in the midst of the unknown. We still have a reason to sing The victory has already been secured We Walk in His defeat of death So let there be dancing in the night For Jesus Christ is King Post inspired by “Jesus is Alive,” by CityAlight
A novel dry low-NOx gas turbine technology requires well balanced assessments since the early development phases. The weak knowledge of often conflicting aspects, such as operability and manufacturability, make any roadmap difficult to be drawn. The introduction of innovative manufacturing technologies such as the Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) process allows rapid manufacturing of components and test them in dedicated facilities to support real-time development of new products. The use of such a manufacturing process allows the adoption of designed experiments based development strategies, which are still uncommon at industrial level, due to the reduced time from drawings to test. The paper describes a reactive test campaign performed by BHGE in cooperation with University of Florence, aimed at the exploration of capabilities of different innovative burners in terms of pollutant emissions containment and blow-out margin. In particular, the test campaign has been conceived to provide a robust estimate of the effects of key geometrical parameters on principal burner performances. The flame stabilization mechanism of the investigated burners is based on the swirling flow generated by different setup of two internal channels: co-rotating and counter-rotating radial and axial swirlers. The effect of both the shape and the size of the internal air passages, as well as of the swirler characteristics, has been matter of investigation. Burners were tested in a single-cup test rig operated at moderate pressure conditions (up to 6bar), with two levels of preheated air temperature (300°C and 400°C). Each burner was equipped with two natural gas feeding lines representing the diffusion (pilot) and premixed (main) fuel supplies: both lines were regulated during tests to assess the effect of fuel split on emissions and to identify a stable low-NOx operating window, within which a lean blow-out test was performed. Dynamic pressure probes, were used to evaluate the onset of combustion instabilities. The burner development was supported by CFD investigations with the purpose to have a detailed understating of the flow-field and flame structure and to perform a preliminary screening to select the most promising solutions for the testing phase. The post process of the experimental results has allowed to correlate the main design parameters to burner performance variables discovering possible two-fold optimizations in terms of emissions and operability.
If you ever hear these terms thrown around when shopping for jewelry, it can get quite confusing, especially if you are not sure what they mean. Here is a quick guide to educate you so that you may better understand! The manufacturing processes and the amount of gold used are different on gold fill vs goldplate. Gold fill has 100x MORE gold alloy than gold plate, and so for the obvious reason, your goldfill jewelry will long outlast goldplate, and is also built to be more durable to everyday wear and tear. Gold plated jewelry also doesn't withstand heat, water and body chemistry for very long. THE "ANTI TARNISHING/ WATERPROOF "CLAIMS Yes, it is certainly true that goldfill can last a long time, and the thick layer of gold alloy prevents tarnish from occuring for a long time too. However, I always like to keep it real and want to educate my customers that while you certainly can do lots of things in your goldfill jewelry, and wear it daily with little effect to it, there is always certain circumstances or exceptions to this rule. While heavy coated with gold, it isn't fine jewelry. So, for a select few, there may be instances that tarnishing occurs quicker. But it isn't the norm. WHAT ABOUT GOLD VERMEIL? You may hear the term Gold Vermeil thrown around too; Vermeil refers to a high Quality Silver, that is coated with a layer of Gold. However, to be called "Vermeil", by US standards, the item must be coated in at least 2.5 microns of gold plating, and the type of gold must be 10K or higher (fyi: many of my items on my site, are gold over silver, and usually 14k or above, however my coating are about half of that , which is why I do not call it gold vermeil)! Vermeil jewelry marries two precious metals together, so if you are someone who prefers to have a piece that is comprised of precious metals through and through, this category is for you. Yes, the plating can wear away like anything else, however it wont wear as quickly again as simple costume gold plate jewelry, and in some circumstances, you can have it replated! If you happen to have allergies to lower base metals, your best option would be a goldfill piece or gold vermeil or sterling silver item! SO THEN WHY BUY GOLDPLATE? Gold plate will always have its place, and while its not something we focus on here, gold plated costume jewelry is great to just jump on a trend perhaps, or for something you only intend to wear a few times. THE BEST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK? If you are looking to get mileage out of your money( and who isn't these days, or any day for that matter?) then Goldfill, or Vermeil is your best bet! They marry durability, style, and great price points! HOW TO CLEAN YOUR GOLDFILL OR VERMEIL JEWELRY? Its been my experience that a soft polishing cloth or mild soapy water washed gently does the best trick! Always try to avoid brushing or scrubbing the surface as that will only expedite the tarnishing process!
Racked is no longer publishing. Thank you to everyone who read our work over the years. The archives will remain available here; for new stories, head over to Vox.com, where our staff is covering consumer culture for The Goods by Vox. You can also see what we’re up to by signing up here. According to the folks at Fashionologie, there's still one thing that wardrobe mistress Daphne Guinness is missing in her sartorial life: "Dramatic as her wardrobe may be, Guinness admitted that there is at least one hole in its extensive confines: "I like to experiment with different fabrics and see what happens. There's one fabric I've been looking for for five years. It's like an LCD screen, but it's supple. You'd be able to play the movie 'Sunset Boulevard' on your T-shirt. The military has the first option on it. I keep asking them, 'Can't you just give me a little bit?'" [Fashionologie]
After the kick-off begins the construction season. This will end during the first competition in which the team participates. The transport time of the robot amputates more precious time during this period. Thus, the construction period lasts from 6 to 10 weeks. It is therefore not a sprint but a marathon full of pitfalls. To advance as much as possible, the team must meet every weekend (Saturday + Sunday) and on certain Wednesdays. To explain the course of a construction season we will divide this period here into 3: - Right after the kick-off: determine the team strategy. - The first weeks: prototyping in master word. - The end of the construction season 1 – Right after the kick-off: determine the team’s strategy The very evening of the kick-off, the serious things begin. After knowing the rules of the game, you must determine the strategy to adopt to win the Regional. What goals will the team have to accomplish this season? Thus, a list of projects to be carried out during the construction period is drawn up. If possible, try to classify the elements of the list in order to know which projects will have priority over the others. Examples of projects to be carried out can be: catching a game element, launching this element into the goal, fulfilling the goal of end of match, doing such action in autonomous phase … However, discussions around the strategy should not encroach on construction time. This phase is necessary to launch the various construction projects but should not replace the construction of the robot. So, there is no point in discussing the kick-off the same evening of ideas for mechanisms to create this year. 2- The first weeks: prototyping in master word After the kick-off, you must quickly give way to prototyping. This is to test ideas of mechanisms capable of meeting the objectives set by the game. Brainstorm in small groups to share your ideas even the most wacky then build prototypes. To prototype, use whatever is in your hands and especially the wood. Drills can also be used as a motor. In short, test and improve your ideas. CAD (Computer Aided Design) can also be used as a prototyping tool. During the first days, some adult teams challenge themselves to build a robot in 3 days or in 100 hours. Many of them disseminate their progress via YouTube videos. Organize collective viewing of videos of Robot in 100h and Robot in 3 days: they should serve as major sources of inspiration. Also remember to build the parts of the terrain that interest you so that you can test your mechanisms in “almost” real conditions. As prototyping progresses, monitor the progress of projects. If a project turns out to be too ambitious, it is sometimes better to abandon it than to persist. It is obvious that you will not be able to build the perfect robot in less than 10 weeks. However, by being a strategist and deploying your energy on the right projects, you can make a very good robot. In 2017, the game consisted of the manipulation of gears and yellow balls. During the construction season, Robo’Lyon decided to favor the handling of the gears. This strategy paid off, leading to the Montreal Robotics Festival victory without the robot throwing a single yellow ball during the competition. Finally, in addition to prototyping, decide on the general organization of your robot. Indeed, the final objective is to build a complete robot where all the mechanisms interact perfectly with each other. There comes a time when designing the CAD robot becomes important. 3 – The end of the construction season During the end of the construction season, the main focus is on assembling the final robot. Even after weeks of hard work, there will still be insufficient time to finalize the robot. So be prepared to stay late at night alongside the robot. However, even if these moments are the most tiring, they will also be the ones that will leave you with the best memories. Also, keep in mind that the robot you send out on the last evening will be the same robot that will be waiting for you on the first day of your Regional. So make sure that this robot is functional and reliable. Of course, the main goal of the construction season is to build a robot. But above all, do not leave other activities to a standstill. First, do not forget to communicate about your construction season on your social networks. This is the most important period of the year for you and your followers should therefore be informed. Describe your progress on the different projects: the other teams also look at your networks and showing what you do will earn you respect with them. Each year, teams are used to broadcasting a “robot reveal”, it is a video revealing your robot to the general public at the end of the construction season. In addition, prepare your Regional! If the robot plays an important role in matches, the pilot is just as important. It is therefore essential to give him time to train. A Formula 1 driver is not aware of the controls of his vehicle on the Grand Prix circuit! So it is the same for the pilot (and the co-pilot) who must control the robot on the fingertips. Awards also play an important role in the success of your competition. Some may even qualify you for the championship. So make a selection of the awards targeted by the team and prepare as best as possible to win them. And to win a prize, one person’s work isn’t enough, the whole team must be aware of our “arguments”. Indeed, during the competition, it is the judges who decide which teams are the most deserving. They roam the stands of the different teams to question the students they meet. Thus, everyone must be able to talk about the team and the robot and guide the judges towards the award that interests them. Finally, strategy also plays a key role during a Regional. It is therefore necessary, prior to the competition, to gather as much information as possible about the other teams. Determine the best teams, the ones that need to be followed closely. This will be useful when selecting alliances: you can then choose the best partners or “seduce” the best teams, hoping that they will choose you.
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In today’s fast-moving life, no one likes to wait in long queues in banks to transfer or to withdraw money. So Google Pay is one such method that gives the users facility of making transactions without going to banks. Google Pay was launched in India in the year 2015 after the demonetization which is UPI based mobile application. Google Pay is a digital payment method that allows someone to make online payments without cash or contact. Google Pay simply works by linking your Debit Card, Credit Card with the Google Pay mobile app. After linking or adding your bank account into the Google Pay app, you can make online payments at various places like Physical shopping centers, eCommerce websites, make payments for electricity bills, Water bills, movie tickets, flight tickets, and a lot more. Before the use of mobile payment apps like Google Pay, you had to keep the cash with you or should have a credit or debit card to make payments at any shopping place or for any other above mentioned tasks How to Make payments using Google Pay Making a payment with Google Pay is very simple and it allows anyone having a smartphone with a good internet connection to make payments contactless within 1-2 minutes. Follow the below steps to make payments using Google Pay. - In order to make any transaction using Google Pay, you must download this app from Play Store or App Store depending upon the device that you using i.e either Android or iOS - After downloading the Google Pay app, you have to register for it. - When you are registered, then you will be asked to link your bank account by using either credit card or debit card details. - Once you have entered your credit card/debit card details you are ready to make online payments using Google Pay. Benefits of Using Google Pay There are many benefits when you make a payment using Google Pay. Some of these benefits are: - You can make contactless payments using Google Pay as there is no need to take out your credit card or debit card and touch it with the payment machine. - All the transactions made through Google Pay are totally secure and safe because your details are protected by various layers of security. - You can make quick payments at any eCommerce platform or any physical stores where payments are accepted through UPI-based apps. - Setting up an account on Google Pay is a very simple and fast process and you don’t have to go anywhere for creating an account on it. - No extra fees are charged for paying through Google Pay. List of Google Pay Supported banks Google Pay supports a large number of banks that you can link with it. Some of the banks that are supported by Google Pay are: - SBI Bank - HDFC Bank - YES Bank - ICICI Bank - AXIS Bank - Kotak Mahindra Bank - Bank of Baroda - Bank of Maharashtra and more. Steps to add a bank account in Google Pay In order to make online payments through Google Pay and to do other transactions through Google Pay, you must have to add your bank account in Google Pay. Follow the below steps to add your bank account to Google Pay. - Download and Install the Google Pay app on your Smartphone. - After installing, make registration into the Google Pay by entering your Mobile number and other details like Email address, Name and set up your 4 digit PIN which is later used as the password for login into Google Pay - Follow the further instructions and then your account will be set up at Google Pay. - When the registration at Google Pay is done, you will have to log in. - After login, you will see a three bars icon at the upper right-hand side of the screen. - When you click on this option, you will see the “Add New Bank” option. - Here you will see a list of various banks. - You have to choose the bank that you want to add or link with your Google Pay account. - As soon as you choose the desired bank name from the list, Google Pay will verify this bank account and collects your bank details. - After verifying the bank account, an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number. - You have to enter this OTP along with the last six digits of the Debit Card number to set up the UPI PIN for Google Pay. - Once you have completed all the above steps, your bank account will be added to Google Pay. - You will also receive a confirmation message when your bank account will be linked to Google Pay.
Welcome back to the Retro Hunting Adventures! New episodes debut every Monday night at 8 PM ET, 7 Central. I had to clean Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo for Nintendo 64 FOUR times to get it working properly! Is it even worth that much effort? Check out all of my latest pick-ups in this week’s episode and subscribe to mmf187 to never miss out. Your likes, shares and comments are always appreciated and clicking on that notification bell will keep you informed when premieres and livestreams occur. As always thank you for watching!
Please open a support ticket at https://www.astrogaming.com/contact/. Please submit a photo along with an explanation as to what caused the damage. Make sure to fill out the entire support case with your full name, serial number, and your complete current physical address. If these steps did not alleviate the issues you were experiencing, please go to the link below and submit a case. Let your agent know all the steps you tried and the outcome of your troubleshooting. It will help speed the resolution of your case! Support Channel: https://www.astrogaming.com/contact/
Earlier this year, I wrote an article on how I was dealing with anxiety because I was in a bad place at the time. The little things got to me; I cried a lot, worried about things I couldn’t control, and I was barely eating well. My closest friend and I weren’t on good terms and it hurt me more than I thought it would. The whole period of quarantine made me feel like my life had no direction, and instead of talking to someone about my feelings, I bottled them up and cried whenever I reached a breaking point. Thrilled to have my NYSC program in Lagos, I was glad to explore the state, meet amazing people, get posted to a good firm, and learn new skills. I thought living in Lagos would be as easy as other states I’ve lived in, but boy was I wrong! I had high hopes because I was a newbie in the state, so I couldn’t have predicted my experience. During the first few months of my youth service, I had a hard time adjusting. I complained to everyone that cared to listen. It was so difficult for me to adapt to the lifestyle that on some days, I fought so hard to hold back tears. In those moments, I needed my mum the most. I felt like she would have all the answers. Everything in Lagos stressed me out, and the advice I kept getting was, “You’re an adult now, you have to face these challenges yourself.” When the lockdown started, I assumed things would be better, but they weren’t. I wasn’t comfortable where I was. I missed my family, and even though I wasn’t living alone, it felt like I was. My moods were so bad sometimes that I had to take long walks in the evenings to feel better. As I rounded up my NYSC program, I became sure of one thing; I was done with Lagos State. I’d realized my anxiety wasn’t going away, so I decided it was time to leave and be in a more sane environment. With no plan of where to move to or how to go about all I wanted, I turned to God for guidance. I left Lagos a few days after I concluded my NYSC program, and the moment I got home, I felt better. Everything that made me anxious gradually disappeared. I went back to my board to reorganize my plans, and things began to make sense. The month of August was a period where I needed to review so many things and be in a good headspace to focus on what I want to do with my life, which I was able to do. Before the month ended, I got an invite for a job interview. I was nervous and had doubts. I had to move again and this time, it was farther than the last place. For some reason, it felt like I was leaving my family behind again. I didn’t know if it was a good idea to travel across the country to start afresh because stepping out of my comfort zone isn’t something I like to do. Contrarily, I knew that leaving one’s comfort zone is the only way to gain the experience needed to face bigger challenges that are ahead, so I decided to face my fears and start over. During the trip, I thought about how I’d adjust to the new environment, the cost of living, and the people I’ll become acquainted with. I was glad to be starting over in a city that is less stressful as compared to Lagos. I settled in quite well and started work immediately. So far, life here has been good, the people are nice, the weather is chilly, the food is okay, and work has been hectic. The hardest part of the moving process was convincing myself that this was a good decision to make. I’ve lived in a few states, but this is the farthest from home that I’ve lived in. I feel so far from my siblings and friends, and I sometimes get lonely. But more than anything, I feel compelled to stretch and grow and see all that I can become. I cannot wait to explore the city, meet up with old friends, and enjoy each moment to the fullest. I’m excited to see what this place has to offer. Have you taken a huge decision that has paid off? I’d love to hear in the comment section!
Tue, 15 Feb| Annual General Meeting followed by "I came here to retire". A talk by John White John White will compare and contrast his responsibilities during his 10 year tenure as Mayor of Burford with other national leaders. Guests are welcome - £5 at the door. Time & Location 15 Feb, 19:00 Warwick Hall, Church Ln, Burford OX18 4RY About the Event Registering for this event is not necessary. John White’s 10 year tenure as Mayor of Burford coincided with the reigns of David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson (in part) over here and Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden (in part) in the US. He will compare and contrast his responsibilities with those of the national leaders and explain why he never declared war. 1 hour 15 minutes Annual General Meeting & 'I came here to retire', John White
Fort Lauderdale Delayed Cancer Diagnosis Lawyers Fort Lauderdale Delayed Cancer Diagnosis Lawyers Fight to Obtain Justice for Clients Suffering Because of a Delayed Cancer Diagnosis Any medically indicated treatment plan is most effective when the relevant disease is identified as early as possible, and cases involving cancer are especially time-sensitive. Any type of delay in identifying your cancer can cause substantial pain and suffering, and even death, as the disease will continue to grow and spread without proper treatment. When a delay in diagnosis was caused by your doctor or other medical professional, you have the right to hold that person accountable. The Fort Lauderdale Delayed Cancer Diagnosis Lawyers at Lawlor, White & Murphey provide reputable legal representation for misdiagnosed and delayed cancer diagnosis cases throughout Florida. Contact us today for a free consultation. Cancer is serious, and our lawyers take delayed cancer diagnosis and cancer misdiagnosis cases just as seriously. We have successfully recovered over $100 million in compensation for our clients over the years, and have a reputation in the community for providing strong, aggressive and effective legal representation to our South Florida clients who have suffered as a result of a physician’s lack of care. Establishing a Physician’s Liability in Delayed Cancer Diagnosis Cases Like any other area of medical malpractice, an unfavorable outcome in a cancer case is not always the fault of the treating physician, nurses or hospital, and your medical team cannot always be held responsible financially. While it is the patient’s responsibility to seek out regular medical attention, the physician is required to provide a diagnosis that is both timely and correct—a misdiagnosis of cancer (for example, a finding that you suffered cancer of the liver rather than pancreatic cancer) can be just as dangerous as a delayed diagnosis. A delayed cancer diagnosis can occur because of: - Failure to conduct a breast exam or mammogram when called for, - Unreasonable failure to identify a lump during a physical exam, - Failure to order biopsies, ultrasounds, bloodwork, and other diagnostic tests when indicated, - Misplaced or misinterpreted test results, - Improper interpretation of symptoms, - Failure to effectively communicate with the patient, - Failure to identify the proper stage of the cancer, - Failure to refer a patient to a specialist when indicated. Establishing liability on the part of your doctor or medical team requires: - A doctor-patient relationship existed between you and the physician in question, - Under the circumstances, a reasonable physician would have diagnosed the cancer, and - The delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis caused the cancer to worsen, decreased your chances of survival or required more serious treatment. Skilled Attorneys at Lawlor, White & Murphey Fight for Clients Harmed by Delayed Cancer Diagnosis in South Florida Advances in medical technology make it significantly more likely that you or your loved one will survive your cancer diagnosis, but early diagnosis remains key to a successful medical outcome. At Lawlor, White & Murphey, our team of lawyers are committed to holding medical professionals accountable to the fullest extent of the law when their failure to properly diagnosis cancer causes our clients undue pain and suffering. We will fight to obtain justice in your case by maximizing the amount of compensation to which you are entitled, which may include compensation for: - The increased cost of medical care required because of the misdiagnosis, - Pain and suffering caused by more invasive or detrimental treatment requirements, - Lost wages resulting from the unnecessarily invasive treatments, - Costs associated with wrongful death, including loss of support, loss of consortium and funeral expenses. Settlement / Misdiagnosed Lung Cancer Verdict / Misdiagnosed Adrenal Cortical Cancer ARBITRATION AWARD WITH CONFIDENTIAL PRE-TRAIL SETTLEMENT / COMPLEX REGIONAL PAIN SYNDROME Contact Our Dedicated Fort Lauderdale Delayed Cancer Diagnosis Lawyers to Schedule a Free Consultation If you believe you suffered harm, or lost a loved one, because of a delayed cancer diagnosis in Fort Lauderdale or elsewhere in South Florida, call our offices today or fill out this online form to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your options. Our lawyers are also available to come to your South Florida hospital or home to discuss your case if you are not feeling well enough to travel to our offices. Remember, under Florida law, you generally have only two years to file a medical malpractice claim for compensation related to your delayed cancer diagnosis, so contact our team as soon as possible so that we can go to work in your case. Frequently Asked Questions About Delayed Cancer Diagnosis Claims in Florida The answer to this question depends upon the facts and circumstances of your case. One of the primary issues in your case will be determining who was at fault for the misdiagnosis. This can be the doctor, a radiologist charged with reading lab results, or even the lab that may have misplaced or mixed up your results. We will analyze your medical records and the situation in consultation with medical experts to gather evidence to establish that, based on your symptoms or test results, a reasonable doctor would have identified the cancer or risk of cancer. Doctors are highly trained for a reason—they literally hold lives in their hands. Because of this, the medical community has developed standards to which physicians must adhere. Every delayed cancer diagnosis case will involve investigating to determine whether the doctor lived up to his or her duty in this respect. Every case is different, and we have the resources to conduct a comprehensive investigation to determine whether your doctor’s behavior was serious enough to constitute malpractice. In most cases, the treatment program for cancer is much more effective and less invasive if the cancer is caught early on, but defense attorneys frequently employ this tactic in trying to intimidate victims so that they will not pursue a claim for compensation. The results of any cancer diagnosis and treatment cannot be predicted with absolute certainty, but our attorneys will consult with medical experts to determine what your doctor did do, what a reasonable doctor should have done, and we will formulate an estimate of the variance in results that occurred because of your doctor’s failure to act appropriately under the circumstances.
The Enemies Within A malevolent part of the mainstream media machine has become prosperous peddling outright lies. They’ve driven our country apart and turned the ignored and forgotten 30% of Americans into a ravenous, outraged mob that’s promising to boil over during the next election. Learn how the plot to overthrow our government and install a Fascist dictator was first hatched in the 1930’s and how that play book was dusted off, perfected and put into action for this time. January 6th was only a small part of the attack on our democracy by the enemies within.
At the end of the day, we lose money on returns even with those factors considered. Neglect the fact that our already razor thin margins are easily wiped out, we simply can’t reship the returned item to another customer. We sell only brand new goods. At the very most it can be resold in the local market at a discounted rate as an open-box product. The return eligibility period runs for 30 days from date of receipt of the product (as per tracking). If there is anything wrong with the order please don’t hesitate to call and our customer care team will more than happily assist you in ensuring you get what you paid hard-earned money for. - Includes 1-Year JRNY Membership (149 dollars value; auto renews when trial ends unless cancelled 48 hours prior to trial end date) - Each dumbbell adjusts from 5 to 52.5 pounds; adjusts in 2.5-pound increments up to the first 25 pounds - Say goodbye to 15 sets of dumbbells cluttering your workout space and rapidly switch from one exercise to the next with a turn of a dial - Durable molding around the metal plates provides for a smooth lift-off and quieter workouts
Danhostel Sandvig school camps School Camp at Danhostel Sandvig on Bornholm - A Fantastic Experience for Your Class Danhostel Sandvig, located in North Bornholm, is close to the nature at Hammerknud. Sandvig is a small town, with kiosks, cafes and restaurants, and a white sand beach is just a few metres away. Hammershus Castle ruins and the quarry museum, Moseløkken, are within walking distance. Danhostel Sandvig is the perfect starting point for a lovely school camp stay. Line Juhl and Peter Kronow, new owners of Danhostel Sandvig, provide school camp accommodation at reasonable prices. We will create a program for your school camp so all can have a memorable experience. All rooms have private bathrooms, and some can accommodate up to 9 guests. Teachers have the option of staying in single or double rooms, and have free access to our Wi-Fi. Our breakfast buffet includes bread, cereals, toppings, plus hot and cold drinks. Make packed lunches from our breakfast buffet. Dinner is a well-prepared buffet with hot food and salads. We will arrange everything you need for your school camp, and organise activities such as bus tours, bicycle rentals, trips to Moseløkken and Christiansø and boat rides at Hammerknuden. Let us know your arrival date, and we will plan your trip so you can get the most out of your school camp experience. To book your next school camp, please email Danhostel Sandvig at [email protected].
Growing up in Raleigh during the Civil Rights era, I had a friend whose father was a judge known for his waspish, sometimes surreal sense of humor. One day in court he did something that evidently angered the Ku Klux Klan, because when he got home there was a large cross burning in his front yard. Without hesitation, he yelled inside the house, “Kids, get the hot dogs!” So my pal and his siblings had a weenie roast over the burning cross—a rebuttal to the KKK that caused great hilarity across the state capital. That provocation on the judge’s part was perhaps not as risky as it may sound. He had the advantages, after all, of being a white, socially prominent city dweller. But there was also the fact that, unlike its counterparts further to the south, the North Carolina Klan of that era proclaimed itself to be nonviolent, a distinction that’s central to the fascinating story told in Callie T. Wiser’s illuminating, expertly crafted documentary “Klansville, U.S.A.” (airing as part of the American Experience series on PBS on Jan. 13). Wiser’s film shows that there was considerable complexity to the Klan during its three major phases, and even within each phase. Founded in Tennessee just after the Civil War, almost as a gentlemen’s club for ex-Confederate officers bent on reclaiming some of their lost prerogatives, the first Ku Klux Klan (the name derived from the Greek word for circle) used outlandish costumes to frighten former slaves trying to assert their rights. But the pranks soon turned into brutal terrorism and lynchings, with the result that federal authorities forcefully intervened and drove the group out of existence by 1871. In a bitter irony, the Klan’s second incarnation was owed to the advent of the movies. Released in 1915, D.W. Griffith’s brilliantly crafted, three-hour “The Birth of a Nation” became American cinema’s first blockbuster with a story that showed the Klan saving the South from ruin after the Civil War. Hugely successful with white Americans of every class and region, the film inspired a new, nationwide Klan in the 1920s that, at its peak, had four million members and major chapters in places like Denver, Detroit and Portland. Less anti-black than Protestant nativist, with an animus against Catholic immigrants flooding into the country from southern Europe, this Klan elected ten governors but, due to press exposés and internal divisions, was effectively out of business by the 1930s. The third Klan was, of course, a product of the Civil Rights era, having a career that lasted roughly 15 years, beginning with the storm of Southern anger unleashed by the Supreme Court’s blow against segregated education in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. In North Carolina, the transition out of Jim Crow was accomplished fairly smoothly, thanks in large part to the state’s progressive political culture. So how did North Carolina end up with a Klan membership that dwarfed those of other states? As “Klansville, U.S.A.” (also the title of a book by historian David Cunningham on which the film is partly based) tells it, the Klan’s success in North Carolina was partly owed to the fact that its political culture was so moderate. (Wiser amusingly and accurately suggests that N.C.’s self-image owed lots to the idealized version on “The Andy Griffith Show.”) States further south had racist demagogues like George Wallace in Alabama and Lester Maddox in Georgia, who voiced the rage of many whites in shaking their fists at “intrusive” federal civil rights efforts. Led by modernizing governors like Luther Hodges, Terry Sanford and Dan Moore, North Carolina had no prominent public mouthpiece for white anger and resentment…until the new Klan gave it one. The visionary behind the Tar Heel state’s KKK revival was an ordinary-looking native of Salisbury, N.C., named Bob Jones, who claimed his mother marched in a 1920s Klan rally when she was seven months pregnant with him. After the civil rights movement kicked off with lunch-counter sit-ins in Greensboro in 1960, Jones sensed a rising tide of inchoate white antipathy. In August of 1963, he petitioned the United Klans of America to start a chapter in North Carolina, and he became its Grand Dragon. That same month, just three days after Martin Luther King Jr’s March on Washington, he advertised a Klan rally hoping to draw a few hundred sympathizers; two thousand people showed up. No doubt many educated, urban, middle-class North Carolina whites disliked the civil rights movement and the new laws it was about to produce. But these folks weren’t Jones’ constituency. He looked primarily to lower-class whites, mostly in small towns and rural areas, who thought that any rights, privileges and advancements won by others were being taken from someone: namely, them. Though his rhetoric was blatantly racist, Jones claimed he didn’t hate blacks or Jews. He told his followers: Those people all have groups representing them and helping them get ahead. “White gentile Protestants” are the only population without such a group. That’s what the Klan is for. Though Jones had no degree in marketing, he seems to have had natural flair for it. Klan rallies in rural areas became popular because they were as much social as political. There were speeches, sure, but the family-friendly events also featured music, entertainment, invocations of God and Jesus, food and drink, even pony rides for the kids. They offered, in short, a whole evening’s worth of wholesome, patriotic diversion, capped by the burning of a giant cross. Of course everyone understood the latter as a naked symbol of racial intimidation drawn from the Klan’s dark past. But Jones was careful to keep on the right side of the law. That’s where his avowed policy of nonviolence came in. He wanted the KKK to be a legitimate political force that could sway elections, as the 1920s Klan had. His Klan didn’t wear masks and appear only at night. They wore their robes, faces showing and like-costumed wives and kids in tow, as they staged daytime marches in Raleigh and other cities. And this old-wine-in-new-bottles strategy was a howling success. Within a couple of years, the N.C. Klan’s enrollment peaked at ten thousand due-paying members, and Jones, who paid himself from those dues, was driving a Cadillac. A downturn in the Klan’s fortunes began when Jones symbolically crossed the line he’d drawn separating the N.C. group from violence and illegality. In 1965, driving back from Martin Luther King’s march from Selma to Birmingham (dramatized in the film “Selma”), a white civil rights worker named Viola Liuzzo was shot dead. When three Alabama Klansmen were charged with the murder, Jones invited them to be honored at a North Carolina Klan rally. Since President Johnson himself had gone on television to denounce the Liuzzo murder, it was perhaps no coincidence that the FBI soon took an interest in the N.C. Klan. Though J. Edgar Hoover had previously been interested only in monitoring civil rights activists and others suspected of communist affiliation, with Johnson on his back he quickly turned his attention to white-supremacist radicals. It wasn’t long before the N.C. Klan was laced with FBI informants including, as it turned out, Jones’ second in command, a flamboyant Baptist preacher named George Dorsett. In another fitting irony, Jones’ own downfall came after he was called to testify before the House Committee on Un-American Activities and took the Fifth Amendment scores of times, shocking followers who thought only leftist radicals used that evasion. As Jones’ treasurer, who resigned on the spot, said, “Only a communist takes the Fifth Amendment, or someone with something to hide.” By 1969, the new N.C. Klan was effectively kaput. But by then, the need for it had arguably evaporated. In the epochal election of 1968, former Dixiecrat presidential candidate Strom Thurmond rebuffed the candidacy of arch-segregationist George Wallace and threw his support behind Richard Nixon, marking the moment when the white South—of all classes, localities and education levels—became solidly Republican. With that kind of block, and a rhetoric of “law and order” having replaced that of race, who needed the old hoods, robes and burning crosses? Not North Carolina.
Why do we screen for lead? The goal of lead screening is to minimize the neurodevelopmental effects of lead poisoning through source control and early detection. Lead is absorbed from the GI tract more efficiently in younger children, so they are at higher risk of symptoms owing to lead poisoning. Similarly, kids <6yo are more susceptible to the toxic effects of lead because they have an incomplete blood-brain barrier that permits the entry of lead into the developing nervous system. - The relationship between iron deficiency and elevated lead levels remains inadequately understood. Iron deficiency increases the rate of absorption of some divalent metals, including lead. Furthermore, children with iron deficiency anemia tend to present with higher lead levels. When the neurologic system is affected, children can experience multiple effects: - Behavioral changes - Lower IQ scores - Loss of language and developmental milestones - Hearing loss - Seizures and encephalopathy (in presence of severe toxicity) - Abdominal pain - Impaired vitamin D metabolism Key point: There is no safe lead level. Children are especially at risk from lead because of their small size and developing brains. Lead exposure can affect nearly every system in the body. Even low levels of lead in blood have been shown to negatively affect a child’s intelligence, ability to pay attention, and academic achievement. Universal childhood lead screening is required by law in multiple states, especially in the northeast US, including Rhode Island! Who’s at risk? There are many sources of lead: - Plumbing / drinking water - Consumer products (e.g., plastics, older toys, jewelry) - Certain foods/supplements (e.g., certain imported candies and herbs) - Certain occupations/activities (e.g., battery manufacturing, metal work, older home renovation) As such, there are many populations at high risk for lead exposure: children <6yo, children with developmental delays (increased mouthing behaviors), houses built before 1978 (especially low-income), immigrants and refugees, international adoptees, pregnancy, and certain occupations, as above. Wait… What happened in 1978? - In 1978, the federal government banned consumer use of lead-based paint. Despite this legislation, lead paint is still present in millions of homes, sometimes under layers of newer paint. If the newer paint is in good shape, then underlying lead paint is usually not a problem. Deteriorating lead-based paint (peeling, chipping, chalking, cracking, damaged, or damp) is a hazard and needs immediate attention. You may have noticed that many states that require universal lead screening are located in New England, which has some of the country’s oldest homes. In fact, 80% of homes in Rhode Island were built before 1978. The number of children with elevated blood lead levels has been steadily declining in all areas of Rhode Island over the past 20 years: Nevertheless, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated lead poisoning for multiple reasons, including children spending more time at home, less access to routine lead testing, delays in lead remediation, and shortages of chelation agents. Another troublesome fact is that, compared to the remainder of the state, the core cities in RI (Central Falls, Pawtucket, Providence, Woonsocket) have twice the rate of children with elevated blood levels: Rhode Island children with a history of lead exposure, even at low levels, have been shown to have decreased reading readiness at kindergarten entry and diminished reading and math proficiency in the third grade. The most significant declines in academic performance occurred among children with the highest blood lead levels living in the four core cities. Starting in 2015, an environmental inspection of a child’s home was offered whenever a single venous lead test was ≥15 µg/dL. The Rhode Island Department of Health sends certified lead inspectors to determine whether lead hazards are present and works with owners to make the properties lead-safe. Primary & Secondary Prevention Primary prevention is the removal of lead hazards from the environment before a child is lead exposed. It is the most effective way to ensure that children do not experience harmful long-term effects of lead exposure. - Certificates are required with lease agreements showing documentation of de-leading and inspection - A 2016 Rhode Island law requires testing of drinking water in all RI schools - Regulations for gasoline, paint, plastic, cookware, and manufacturing Secondary prevention includes blood lead testing, follow-up care, and referral. It remains an essential safety net for children who may already be exposed to lead. - Universal screening in Rhode Island with blood lead levels at the 1- and 2-year-old well child checks - Questionnaire screening after age 2yo: The AAP/Bright Futures’ recommendations for preventive healthcare suggest that the risk for lead poisoning be assessed at 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 months of age, and annually thereafter through 6 years of age. Screening is performed with a blood lead level (BLL), which may be capillary or venous. Patients who have elevated capillary sampling should have confirmatory venous blood testing. - In Rhode Island, for a child between 9-36 months of age, screen once between 9-15 months of age and again 12 months later, between 21-36 months of age. Management depends on the lead level: - <5 mcg/dL: - Repeat the BLL in 6-12 months if the child is at high risk or risk changes during the time frame. Ensure levels are done at 1 and 2 years of age. - For children screened at age <12 months, consider retesting in 3-6 months because lead exposure may increase as mobility increases. - Perform routine health maintenance including assessment of nutrition, physical and mental development, as well as iron deficiency risk factors. - Provide anticipatory guidance on common sources of environmental lead exposure: paint in homes built prior to 1978, soil near roadways or other sources of lead, take-home exposures related to adult occupations, imported spices, cosmetics, folk remedies, and cookware. - 5-14 mcg/dL: - Perform steps as described above for levels <5 - Re-test venous BLL within 1-3 months to ensure the lead level is not rising. If it is stable or decreasing, retest the BLL in 3 months. Refer patient to local health authorities. - Take a careful environmental history to identify potential sources of exposures (see above) and provide preliminary advice about reducing/eliminating exposures. Take care to consider other children who may be exposed. - Provide nutritional counseling related to calcium and iron. In addition, recommend having a fruit at every meal as iron absorption quadruples when taken with vitamin C-containing foods. Encourage the consumption of iron-enriched foods (e.g., cereals, meats). - Ensure iron sufficiency with adequate laboratory testing and treatment per AAP guidelines. - Perform structured developmental screening evaluations at child health maintenance visits, as lead’s effect on development may manifest over years. - 15-44 mcg/dL: - Perform steps as described above for levels 5-14 mcg/dL. - Confirm the BLL with repeat venous sample within 1-4 weeks. - Additional, specific evaluation of the child, such as a plain abdominal XR should be considered based on the environmental investigation and history (e.g., pica for paint chips, mouthing behaviors). Gut decontamination using whole bowel irrigation is suggested if leaded foreign bodies are visualized. Any treatment for BLLs in this range should be done in consultation with an expert. - >45 mcg/dL: - Follow guidance for BLL 15-44 mcg/dL, as above. - Confirm the BLL with repeat venous lead level. Timing of repeat BLL is determined by whether symptoms of lead poisoning are present and the height of the initial BLL. - Perform chelation therapy (managed with the assistance of an experienced provider). Hospitalize patients in whom lead safe housing cannot be assured and all patients with BLL >69 mcg/dL. Safety of the home with respect to lead hazards, isolation of the lead source, family social situation, and chronicity of the exposure are factors that may influence management. Blog post based on Med-Peds Forum talk by Laura Schwartz, PGY1
MONDAY THRU FRIDAY WEEK 1 —–––– NO PRESCHOOL CAMP WEEK 2 —––––– JUNE 8 - JUNE 12 WEEK 3 —––––– JUNE 15- JUNE 19 WEEK 4 —––––– JUNE 22 - JUNE 26 WEEK 5 —––––– JUNE 29 - JULY 3 WEEK 6 —––––– JULY 6 - JULY 10 WEEK 7 —––––– JULY 13 - JULY 17 WEEK 8 —––––– JULY 20 - JULY 24 WEEK 9 —–––––- JULY 27 - JULY 31 WEEK 10 —–––- AUG 3 - AUG 7 WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER: At Ancient City Gymnastics & Dance we realize you have many choices when it comes to finding the best place for your child to attend. We thank you for choosing our facility for your child’s experience! Your child’s time here will be filled with fun and exciting adventures! Our enthusiastic, caring and qualified coaches are excited to work with your child. Each week your child attends will include a variety of exciting elements: Uneven Bars * Vault * Floor Exercise * Balance Beam *Arts & Crafts * Group Games * Theme Related Activities * Dance *Story Time *Exploration & Discovery AGES 2 - 4 **CHILDREN MUST BE POTTY TRAINED** Children must be fully potty trained in order to attend ACG Preschool Camp. We understand that young children are still developing bathroom habits and they do have accidents periodically. We try to keep accidents at a minimum by taking all children to the bathroom at regularly scheduled intervals. We ask parents to ensure their child uses the bathroom at home before arriving at camp. If your child becomes wet at camp, the child is immediately taken to a bathroom. The child is handed a baby wipe and encouraged to wipe the wet area. Dry clothes are handed to the child to dress him/herself. From the point the clothes are removed to the point the child is dressed, two adults are always present. If a child has a bowel movement accident, the child is immediately taken to the bathroom. If a child is uncomfortable with our staff assistance, parents may be called to ask if they would like to come to the gym to change their child or if they would mind if staff member cleaned the child. Two adults will be present while the child’s soiled clothes are removed and the child is cleaned. Fresh clothes are handed to the child to dress him/herself. All soiled clothes are sent home to be washed. Nap / Quiet Time There will be a designated nap/rest time each day. All children must nap, rest, read or play quietly during this period. Rest time gives children a much needed break during the day. Without rest time, some children are argumentative in the afternoon, short-tempered with others, and not real happy when they go home in the evening. *All pre school campers are required to bring a blanket to camp daily (please write your child’s name on it) 5 DAYS ---- $150 4 DAYS ----- $130 3 DAYS ----- $120 2 DAYS ----- $80 1 DAY ------ $40 A $20.00 FEE PER CAMPER IS DUE AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION. ***THERE ARE NO SIBLING DISCOUNTS ON THIS FEE. There is a $10 NON refundable deposit per camper for each week of camp you register for.**This will guarantee your child a spot** Under $100 = $5.00 | $100 & more = $10.00 All weekly payments are due Monday morning of each week. NO EXCEPTIONS! *One (1) Snack provided *Must bring your own lunch *Must bring a towel daily*You must supply one (1) package of wipes on 1st day of camp Refunds are only available on a camp credit basis that can be redeemed at a later time and are only offered to campers that undergo a severe illness or if a natural disaster occurs (Hurricane, Tropical Storms, etc.). Refunds will be made only to the original payee and may not be used by someone else.
It’s without question that this generation has and will see the biggest shift in education in the past century. Top universities like Harvard, MIT, and Stanford are sharing their courses online for free, and it’s no longer necessary to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to receive a paper degree. With the rise of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course), now anyone with expertise can teach to millions of people around the world looking for their specialized knowledge. Not only is it easier to get access to quality education online, but the value of a traditional degree is worth questioning, with the rise of unemployment among recent college graduates increasing to 8.5% in 2014 from 5.5% in 2007. 1. EdX — A non-profit provider that offers online courses from the world’s best universities, including MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, and more. 2. Wikiversity — Wikiversity is a Wikimedia Foundation project devoted to learning resources, learning projects, and research for use in all levels, types, and styles of education from pre-school to university. It also includes professional training and informal learning. 3. Lynda — Now under Linkedin, Lynda is known as one of the best online video learning resources for learning nearly any skill — from Photoshop to Video Editing. While Lynda is most famous for their premium software video tutorials, they also offer free courses online. Computer Science and Engineering 5. W3school — Great resource to find specific tutorials, answers to problems you’re struggling with, and a community of fellow coders. 6. Google Code University — Provides sample course content and tutorials for Computer Science (CS) students and educators on current computing technologies and paradigms. Branding, Creativity & Marketing 7. HubSpot Marketing Library — A free library of anything inbound marketing related, from ebooks to templates and more goodies for you to download. 8. CreativeLIVE — A unique proposition: Enroll into live classes online for free, and purchase only the courses you want to keep. Learn everything from photography and design, to money and marketing. 9. Skillshare — An online website to learn anything from anyone, Skillshare has insightful courses on branding and marketing that are taught by knowledgeable experts including Guy Kawasaki, Gary Vaynerchuk, and more. Foreign & Sign Language 10. Rype — Known to language lovers as “Your Personal Language Coach,” Rype is reinventing language learning by integrating the advantages of coaching, including personalization and coaching accountability, to help you reach fluency faster. Check out their free course on How to Learn a Language in 90 Days or try out a 14-day free trial for Rype Club. 11. Duolingo — With over 50M users around the world, Duolingo has become the mobile app for language lovers to begin their language journey. 12. American Sign Language Browser — Teach yourself American Sign Language on the most popular sign language website online. Economics & Finance 13. Investopedia Financial Investing Tutorials — An abundance of detailed lessons on money management and investing. 14. TheStreet University — Whether you’re just starting out as a stock and bond investor or you’re in need of a refresher’s course, this is the place to learn what you need to know. 15. Fool.com — Learn everything from getting started in investing, real estate, taxes, managing your personal budget, and more — all from experts. Science & Health 16. MIT OpenCourseWare — A free online publication of MIT course materials, including nearly all the undergraduate and graduate subjects taught at MIT. 17. Harvard Medical School Open Courseware—Harvard’s online courseware exchanging knowledge from the Harvard community of scholars to other academic institutions, and the general public. 18. Khan Academy — Over a thousand, insightful video lessons covering everything from basic arithmetic and algebra to physics, chemistry, and biology. 19. Open Yale Courses — Open Yale Courses provide lectures and other materials from selected Yale College courses to the public, free of charge, via the internet. The courses span the full range of liberal arts disciplines, including humanities, social sciences, and physical and biological sciences. English & Communications 20. Open Yale Courses (English) — Open Yale Courses provides lectures and other materials from selected Yale College courses to the public free of charge via the internet. 21. Lifewriting — A full guide of the nine-week writing class that a highly profiled professor taught in UCLA. History & World Culture 22. Bio’s Best — Biography.com’s most popular biographies on notable historical figures that you can learn from. 23. MIT OpenCourseWare (History) — The MIT History Faculty offers over seventy subjects in the Undergraduate and Graduate level in the diverse areas of history 24. Have Fun with History — A resource for students, educators and all lovers of American History. Will the increasing rise of MOOCs and specialized online learning websites replace the 4-year traditional degree? It’s hard to say today. However, as the quality of education and learning experience improves through the use of technology, it will become more and more difficult for the traditional education system to compete. The social college experience will always be a hard component to replace. If that’s a priority for you, it’s recommended you use these learning websites as a complementary resource to your traditional degree. However, the state of the education industry is changing faster than ever, and it’s without question that online learning will continue to be a major component in the future of learning.
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TRAI chief RS Sharma cannot be prosecuted for disclosing his Aadhaar card details: Here's a look at reasons why Aadhaar challenge has now been followed by a UIDAI warning against the disclosure of Aadhaar numbers. At the crux of any data protection law are definitions of personal data and sensitive personal data. The Bill prescribes a broad jurisdiction clause, both territorial and extra-territorial jurisdiction Part I of the series on the data protection bill with a quick overview of its various sections. Arrest of WhatsApp group administrators is becoming a default practice, without proper assessment. The regulations encompass a wider spectrum of entities than are traditionally regulated by TRAI. There is nothing to prevent the government from making Aadhaar mandatory for Ayushman Bharat. The IB Ministry is aiming to monitor, collect and analyse data across major social media platforms. The State is not serving its people if it sets up a system for their benefit and then pushes ahead with it, regardless of its actual effects on them. Aadhaar hearing: People must have a choice in the unstoppable march towards technology, argue petitioners Shyam Divan argued that the State’s expert report conceded that location data could be tracked via Aadhaar, thus establishing surveillance in a fundamental form. Aadhaar Hearing: Attorney General argues that Aadhaar is fundamentally a money bill to which Section 57 is an ancillary provision The Attorney General then continued his arguments on the money bill issue, arguing that Aadhaar was, at its core, a money bill and that Section 57 was just an ancillary provision. Aadhaar hearing: The Act is a well balanced law of which a few provisions should be struck down, argues advocate Gopal Sankaranarayanan Senior counsel Neeraj Kishan Kaul on behalf of the Digital Lenders Association of India and others also argued that the private sector should be allowed to use Aadhaar. The Aadhaar project had the support of two governments, since it had been commenced when the Congress was in power. Admission that SC did not ask for Aadhaar-SIM linkage points at govt's refusal to accept alternative identification methods The State, in the Aadhaar hearings yesterday, finally admitted that there never was any direction from the SC to mandatorily link Aadhaar to SIM cards. Aadhaar hearing: Supreme Court questions why both right to privacy and right to food cannot be secured under the Constitution The Bench observed that the lack of choice with the means of identification indicated a lack of proportionality with the restriction imposed. Aadhaar Hearings: Counsel argues that Aadhaar is more secure than a data protection law, SC disagrees The Bench, while discussing apprehensions of misuse of data, observed that a blinkered view of reality could not be taken while dealing with Aadhaar. Aadhaar hearing: Not necessary to prove least possible invasion of privacy, argues Additional Solicitor General Additional Solicitor General Tushar Mehta continued his arguments on the Aadhaar-PAN linkage and commenced his arguments on Aadhaar-Bank Account linkage Aadhaar hearings: Attorney General argues that pervasive collection of fingerprints meets proportionality requirements The Primary argument was to establish that Aadhaar meets the requirements of proportionality and legitimate state interests. UIDAI’s FAQs published in national dailies present a very narrow perspective on Aadhaar and still leave a lot of questions unanswered The UIDAI on 3rd April published a list of Frequently Asked Questions in national dailies, in an effort to address concerns with Aadhaar. Aadhaar hearing: Section 7 exception in Supreme Court’s interim order greatly affects people’s constitutional rights This has a significant impact on their constitutional rights, in particular, their right to life and liberty, even before the Supreme Court has passed its final verdict on the matter.
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Today I drive back to Pasadena, spend four days packing the rest of my stuff, giving stuff away, and preparing to load the truck to move my stuff for the actual move to Tucson. How did the decision to move even come about? I’m wondering. I’d been pondering the idea for a while but I can’t remember an actual moment. I do remember this. One day in December, my friends Tom, Michael and Paolo came over and we were sitting in the garden, and we were talking about Tucson and the possibility of my moving there and I said I had kind of decided not to go. I said something like: “I hardly know anyone there and what if something happened to me? ” And Paolo, just very offhandedly, but with intention, replied, “I vote for Tucson” or “I think you should go,” or something like that. And it kind of stayed with me. Partly because Paolo has led an adventurous life of his own, packed with creativity, community, art and love, and I admire him, and his partner Lisa, tremendously. Also I had seen a vermilion flycatcher on my most recent visit. I seriously think those two “chance” moments conspired, as much as anything else, to bring me here. Crunch time means devoting an inordinate amount of mental space and physical exertion to “stuff” for a while. One function of the Incarnation, I’ve been thinking, is that we are constantly constantly carrying stuff from one place to another. Take a look around next time you’re out. Guys with plastic bags dangling from their handlebars, kids with backpacks, mothers with strollers, pickup trucks laded with rakes, shovels, trash barrels, all of us hauling bags of groceries into the kitchen after a Trader Joe’s run. Along with the stuff, my mind has turned, perhaps in an effort to stave off anxiety, to what kind of clothing might be suitable for summer in the desert. I have basically worn the same outfit every day for the last ten years, which consists of a pair of jeans of some kind, a tank top and a James Perse shirt that buttons up the front (except I get mine used off ebay for 30 bucks or so). And some kind of wrap tied around my waist and in winter, a scarf and jacket. But last year the temperature reached 100 degrees or more for over 100 days of the year, or something like that, in Tucson. So gosh, I started wondering recently, what do people wear here in July? Like…skirts? Or even, dresses? Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against dresses. I like them. I own some. It’s just that when push comes to shove, every single morning of my life I wake up, take a shower, and don clothing that will allow me to clean the house, cook, garden, go to Mass, run errands, and take a walk. Which as I said, are pants of some type, et cetera. Nonetheless, last week I started googling things like “sundress” and “what do people wear in the desert” and after a while other, increasingly lame phrases like “summery skirts” and “linen harem pants” and “freepeople.” At some point I thought of the brand Black Crane, which specializes in giant tent-like shapeless women’s garments that cost 3- or 400 bucks a throw. This, for example, which I found used on ebay for 126. It looks kind of great on her: on me, the effect would be like a potato sack on a pea. But more to the point, WOULD I be likely to wake up and think, “I’ll be darned, it’s 120 outside, why I think I will don my white shroud and gather brush, hack off dead cactus limbs, sweep the patio, scrub the floor and scour the tub in that”? Or “My God, you could fry an egg on the sidewalk, why not cut a hole in a the middle of a tablecloth, slip it over my head like a poncho, and walk to Mass like that, perhaps evangelizing en route? Lifting one robe-draped arm, pointing skyward, murmuring sagely, ‘By his stripes you were healed’ “… Also the problem for me with white is that, I am not exaggerating, literally within three minutes I will have spilled coffee on myself, fallen asleep while marking up a book so that the Pilot G2 leaks a coal-black blot over the front of my shirt, brushed up against a coat of fire-engine-red wet paint with my hip, or simply spontaneously have gathered to my person and my garments any number of smudges, smears, blotches and bedaubments. All of which is a roundabout way of saying that I am so profoundly grateful, and in such an incoherent state of wonder, that I can barely think straight. Life is life, and the problems, challenges, and suffering will continue. But this is a huge move for me, on many levels, and I can’t believe the Tucson house into which I’ll be moving, upon which more later.
Instructs the system to connect to the network using the IP addresses provided to The setting is persistent and is remembered until WiFi.useDynamicIP() is called. Static IP addressing is only available on the Photon and P1 (Gen 2). It is not available on the Argon or Ethernet (Gen 3).
Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat The Ooler Optimizes Body Temperature … – Mom Knows Best The temperature level control is much less precise, with choices to cool, heat, or preserve the temperature. With chili, PAD, you can set the precise temperature level you desire, in between 55 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat. What are the next steps? All that’s delegated do is order online! If you follow this link you can utilize the following voucher codes to minimize your order: OOLER15 to conserve 15% on any OOLER system CHILIPAD25 to conserve 25% on any chili, PAD system CHILIBLANKET10 to save 10% on a chili, BLANKET Once you buy your Chili, PAD system it takes roughly 1-3 weeks to show up – Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat. Nevertheless, this short article does contain affiliate links which will earn me a small commission, at no charge to you, if you pick to purchase (Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat). I picked to sign up for the affiliate program due to the fact that I am a substantial fan of this item. Thanks for checking out!. Temperature level is an extremely important aspect in sleep quality. And in addition to regulating the temperature in your bed room, one of the best ways to prevent night sweats is to utilize a cooling system for your bed itself. This review is a contrast of the 5 most popular bed cooling systems, including the Pod Pro and Pod Pro Cover from 8 Sleep, the Cube Sleep System and the OOLER from Chili, Sleep, and timeless bed fans like the Bed, Fan or b, Fan. Ooler Chilipad Review : Gurl Gone Green As an outcome, this review is based upon my hands-on experience with both 8 Sleep and the Cube, as well as product specifications from the particular producers and the feedback I’ve obtained from others who utilize such products. The Impact of Temperature on Sleep Quality As I pointed out above, temperature level plays a vital role in determining the quality of your sleep. As a result, you ought to prevent oversleeping an environment that makes it harder for your body to cool off. The issue is that the majority of us have main A/C systems that make it challenging to control the temperature of our bedroom without likewise impacting other parts of the house – Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat. : How To Sleep Much Better And Go To Sleep Quicker Plus, depending on where the bed rooms in your home are located, centrally lowering the temperature may result in irregular temperature levels throughout your spaces. For example, we have bedrooms on both the primary and lower levels of our house, and it’s constantly cooler downstairs than upstairs because hot air increases and cold air sinks. So let’s speak about the various types of bed cooling systems that are out there and take a look at how they compare. What to Search for in a Bed Cooling System Bed cooling systems, like the ones I cover in this post, been available in different shapes and forms. My goal with the following chapters is to help you understand the essential distinctions between five of the most popular sleep systems, so that you can make an informed decision and get the very best item for your budget plan. Ooler Sleep Cheap Buy Online – Insight-egypt It’s an active cooling approach that can either dramatically cool off the surface area temperature of your bed mattress or heat it up, if you like. With water cooling systems, we’re speaking about a temperature level variety of about 55-115 degrees Fahrenheit. Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat. On the other hand, there are air-based or fan-based cooling systems, such as Bed, Fan, that blow air under the sheets to press hot air away from your body. But if you’re a hot sleeper, water-based cooling is normally a lot more reliable (Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat). Think about sitting in an office without air conditioning on a hot and damp summer day. A fan can certainly make the ambient temperature level more bearable, but it can’t replace an a/c system that actively cools the air. However, there is still a considerable difference in convenience in between water-based and fan-based cooling systems. Plus, some individuals (including my better half) don’t like the experience of air blowing right on their skin something that’s unavoidable with bed fans (Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat). Last however not least, there are likewise cooling gels that you can put on top of your mattress. Temperature Level Control and Variety Water-based cooling systems usually provide a fairly broad temperature variety. That suggests you have direct control over how cool or warm the surface area of your bed mattress gets at night. It deserves discussing that the two water-based bed cooling systems discussed below have a various technique when it comes to temperature level control. Ooler Review: App-based Mattress Cooling And Heating … Additionally, a few of the advanced cooling services, such as Eight Sleep, can automatically adjust the mattress surface temperature for the numerous stages of sleep (based upon your body’s natural changes in core temperature). Plus, they can take the room temperature and other aspects into account, which can affect how warm or cold you feel. As an outcome, you may hear the pump and the sound of water rushing through televisions (Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat). Bed fans, much like ceiling fans, have a motor that turns the blades, and you might hear that in addition to the noise the air makes as it passes under your sheets. I think about the noise from both technologies to be white noise, which studies have shown can improve sleep because it masks ecological sounds. My partner and I, in addition to our kids, utilize white sound basically every night for better sleep and to mask ecological sounds. As an outcome, I personally do not think about the sound of either technology to be troubling. Upkeep and Setup All of the five services presented listed below are fairly easy to set up and preserve, however some of them need continuous upkeep like cleaning or filling up the water tank every couple of weeks (or every 6 to eight weeks when it comes to Eight Sleep). In addition, a water-based cooling service needs enough clearance around it so that air can flow easily. To avoid the inside of the water tubes or the pump from growing mold, you might have to run a cleansing program from time to time, or use an antibacterial additive (such as hydrogen peroxide) when you fill up the water tank. Ooler Sleep System Deals, Coupons & Reviews – Ideaing That’s due to the fact that you can select between total sets that consist of a bed mattress or an add-on pad that permits you to retrofit your existing bed mattress. For example, 8 Sleep offers both a complete system (including a comfortable memory foam mattress) and a topper just. The Cube Sleep System uses just toppers (without a mattress), and Bed, Fan is simply what the name suggests: a fan. Sleep Technology Besides the main components (mattress, topper, control unit), some of the products covered in this evaluation include sleep and biometric tracking technology that adds to a greater price. For instance, Eight Sleep functions advanced sleep tracking, the capability to immediately adjust the temperature, vibration-based clever alarms, sleep physical fitness scores and far more. As a result, you need to decide how much technology you want and need, as well as just how much you’re willing to spend for it. I highly think that it’s simpler to enhance your sleep when you can determine your sleep quality. For instance, understanding just how much time it takes me to drop off to sleep, and how much time I invest in the various stages of sleep (light, deep, REM), allows me to take targeted actions and after that measure their efficiency (Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat). : Evaluation of the very best Sleep Trackers Furthermore, I likewise value that the innovation I use keeps tabs on my heart rate, heart rate irregularity, breathing rate and more, so that I have the ability to better judge how my body is doing and how well it’s recuperated from daily stress factors. You can discover more about that in my evaluations of the Pod Pro by 8 Sleep and the WHOOP strap. How I Found Better Sleep – Danielle Yancey I presently track my sleep and biometrics utilizing Eight Sleep, Oura Ring and WHOOP, to see how they compare each night. Bed Mattress Coverage Depending upon the size of your bed and whether or not you have a partner, you might require an option that covers the entire bed mattress and permits you to utilize different temperature level settings for both sides individually. Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat. Some of the solutions mentioned in this post cover the entire bed mattress, whereas others can be used for specific sides of the bed just. Top 5 Bed Cooling Systems Below is a contrast table of the five best items for managing your sleep temperature level. Brand, 8 Sleep, Eight Sleep, Chili, Sleep, Chili, Sleep, Tompkins Research, Approach, Water cooling, Water cooling, Water cooling, Water cooling, Air cooling, Temperature range55 110 F55 110 F55 115 F55 115 FN/AActive cooling, Sound level, Adjustable, Mattress compatibility, N/AMattress coverage, Complete, Full, Half or full, Half or complete, Half, Parts, Control system, bed mattress cover, bed mattress, Control unit, mattress cover, Control unit(s), bed mattress cover(s)Control unit(s), bed mattress cover(s)Fan, Adaptive temperature level, Dual-zone Sleep tracking, Biometrics tracking, Maintenance effort, Warranty10 years2 years2 years2 years30 days, Beginning cost$2,595$1,595$499 (half) $999 (complete)$699 (half) $1,399 (complete)$169 – Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat. What are the next steps? All that’s left to do is order online! However, this article does include affiliate links which will make me a little commission, at no charge to you, if you pick to buy. I chose to register for the affiliate program because I am a big fan of this product. Thanks for reading!. Review Ooler Sleep System The OOLER system lets you select precisely how warm or cool you want to feel all night long. Anyone looking for a combination heating + cooling system for their bed. NOTE: We earn from certifying purchases made via Amazon Associates and other affiliate programs. Discover more. Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat. The OOLER bed cooling system is for you. It’s a system. So whether your problem is sleeping hot or your legs freeze in the evening, the OOLER system will assist. It is a water-based system that works by pumping cooled or warmed water through tubes embedded in a hydronic pad that you position on top of your mattress. The OOLER system is costly compared to other bed cooling products. For something more affordable, see other ways to cool your mattress. To find out more about OOLER, how it works, and how it compares to other bed climate control systems like Bed, Jet, checked out on for our full evaluation. Tabulation Bed environment control systems are of two types: air and water. It flows cool or warm water through little tubes in a pad. Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat. This is the heart of the system, where the water is cooled or warmed to a specific temperature level. Ooler Sleep System Review – Non Biased Reviews Water streams through channels in the pad. If you buy the double control system, you’ll get 2 control systems, and the pad will have separate channels – Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat. We recommend utilizing the app. You do not need to reach under the bed each time you desire to adjust temperature or mode, and it has a couple of additional functions, including a timer and a quiet alarm. Some people will still sleep hot on a latex bed mattress or topper. Many affected are those who have hot flashes or night sweats. It’s not just for hot sleepers. If you sleep cold or live in a cold location, you can sleep warm and comfy without having to suppress yourself with numerous blankets. Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat. The producer states that OOLER will not always replace your Air Conditioner system. However for many people, it most likely will, even for couples with various sleeping preferences. It’s smaller than you expect, determining just 6 inches high, 10 inches broad and 15 inches long. It fits easily under a lot of beds. This is where you add water. The system does make a little noise when it’s working, however it’s not that loud. You can pick, which is whisper peaceful but cools/warms the bed slower. balances between less sound and faster cooling/warming while heats/cools the bed much faster however with more noise. The pad fits snugly on the majority of mattresses. Ooler Sleep System Review – English Tenses Chili suggests putting the pad directly on your bed mattress under the sheets. The pad feels soft to sleep on thanks to the polyester filling. Unlike a lot of bed cooling systems, OOLER doesn’t featured remote control. However you can still control it without utilizing physical buttons on the control system. Once connected, you can adjust the temperature level and select different modes. The app also allows you to set sleep schedules, set up pre-heating or pre-cooling, and set the auto-off timer. The half sizes are ideal if you sleep along in a twin, twin XL or full-size bed. The other three sizes come with a dual-zone system. You can each control your side of the bed separately. Other than feeling warmer or cooler (depending on your selected temperature setting), sleeping on the pad does not feel any different from sleeping on your bed mattress – Why Does My Body Produce So Much Heat.
Download The Podcast: http://bit.ly/2wGvO5y This podcast episode contains thoughts on: gaming rants with Rum, no Tales From The Borderlands sequel due to poor sales, playerunknowns battlegrounds streamer was banned because houses didnt load, call of duty ww2 rewards players for watching people open loot boxes, Raid: World War 2 from 505 Games, destiny 2 rockstar energy drinks, destiny 2 pop tarts, destiny 2 merchandise is bullshit, call of duty player accidentally fires gun into neighbors apartment, man pees on family of 3 at metallica concert, 12 year old girl allegedly dumps boiling hot water on sleeping friend as part of hot water challenge, wal mart apologizes for sign marking guns as back to school items, lawbreakers thoughts, plus more! Donate to Help The Show: http://bit.ly/2cPDNkY Use Tubebuddy, It actually works: https://www.tubebuddy.com/Rum Listen on iTunes: http://apple.co/2dkM8ze View More: http://bit.ly/2deQB7H
That title makes no sense, really, but I got my new Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 yesterday and managed to test it out just a bit before bed last night, so I’ll share some of those pics real quick. So far I’m excited about this lens – it truly is fast and focuses like lightning. For several pictures, I barely had to touch the shutter release before the thing focused and popped off a shot. Like this one – you can’t really tell, but Simon was actually trotting after me here and I was trying to move away from him to get him in the frame, and BAM, the lens just focused and fired without me hardly trying. At a maximum aperture of 1.4, this is the fastest lens I’ve ever owned (the 85mm is 1.8) and man, this thing is fast: Unlike my 85mm, I can set the camera’s focus to Zone Auto and can actually get good shots out of it that way, so it’s much easier to use on moving targets or on self-portraits than the 85 (which tends to work best with Single Point focus). As an example, I popped off a quick selfie using my remote and the Zone Auto Focus and it provided a decent shot, whereas with the 85mm it would have been very obvious if the zone found, say, my nose instead of my eyes: Being able to use the zone AF also makes setting up a self-portrait shot easier, since I don’t necessarily have to find something other than my face to pinpoint my focus; I can get a general focus from the camera, and then when hitting the remote, the lens can find me, so bonus points there. And, the bokeh is still lovely, adding a full stop to the 1.8 of my 85mm lens. Take this collage, for example, where I snapped a pic of the same subject three times using different aperture settings: In case you’re wondering what that is, it’s a plastic replica of Gypsy, one of the robots on my all-time favorite show Mystery Science Theater 3000. With the aperture fully open at 1.4, the bokeh (or blurring of the background) is downright delicious; as a comparison I also upped it to 2.8 in the middle shot and all the way up to 4.0 in the last one – which is the maximum aperture on my trusty old 17-40mm lens. So you can see the benefit to using the 50mm over that zoom lens for portraits as I’ll get a much prettier background blur without losing a lot of clarity in the subject. This 50mm does take crisp shots as well (white balance is bad here and it’s not a great shot for some other reasons I won’t get into): I used Zone AF again and as you can see, even though there was a lot going on here with both Sprocket and Simon in the frame, the camera found me fine, and I still got some nice blurring, especially of Simon in the foreground. And on a side note, my hair has gotten long enough for me to wear it natural and get a decent wave pattern out of it! You’re welcome. Now if I want a real precise focus I can use the single point AF and get an effect that’s pretty close to what I’d get with the 85mm, which is what I did here to focus on Sprocket’s nose: As I mentioned before, I did notice white balance is trickier here, but I was playing around with Manual mode and other things more than I usually do so that could have been part of the problem. II am still learning how to use the camera really, so there’s a lot that works together in ways I don’t fully understand. But between playing around with new (as well as old and forgotten) lenses and reading about how to shoot outdoors, I am definitely learning many new things about the technical aspects of digital photography that I used to read about and not follow at all. Overall I’m excited about this new lens and the potential it has to help me improve my shots. Learning more about aperture settings and working in Manual mode is helpful as well, even when using my zoom lens, so I can get a final product with which I’m satisfied. Obviously the downside of using a lens like this is that zooming in and out requires me to move around rather than being able to do it through the lens, but even a good zoom lens sacrifices a bit of quality in order to have the zoom capability, so it is definitely worth it to play around with and own prime lenses with a set focal length also. The 85mm and the 50mm are two of the most-mentioned focal lengths in relation to prime portrait lenses, so that’s why I’ve started with those. Now, there is an L-series 50mm and an 85mm one that are faster even than this one – the L-series 50mm and the 85mm both have a max aperture of 1.2, which is crazy fast, but you’re going to spend about $1500 more for that extra stop (ack!). I just can’t justify that cost yet, so for now, the two lenses I have at that focal length are fine. Oh and if you are curious about trying out a 50mm lens, Canon does make a cheaper version which I used to own and sold recently; the max aperture on that one is f/1.8, and you can get one for about $100. It is an absolute steal at that price and a really great starter lens for working with this focal length. It’s plastic and feels cheap as well as being noisy, and it’s trickier to work with, I think, than the one I now own, but if you’re curious at all about prime lenses it’s a great place to start.
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What If Everything In "Game Of Thrones" Is Actually All Bran's Fault? This entire post is full of spoilers, so really, click on this at your own risk. Down the rabbit hole we go! There's an ancient prophecy central to both the Game of Thrones TV show and the Song of Ice and Fire books that describes a last battle of good versus evil. In Chapter 10 of A Clash of Kings, the prophecy is laid out like this: There will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world. In this dread hour a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword. And that sword shall be Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes, and he who clasps it shall be Azor Ahai come again, and the darkness shall flee before him. And in a special feature on the Blu-ray of Season 3 of Game of Thrones, Thoros of Myr describes the same Azor Ahai prophecy like this: On one side is the Lord of Light — the heart of fire, the god of flame and shadow. Against him stands the Great Other, whose name may not be spoken: the lord of darkness, the soul of ice, the god of night and terror. According to prophecy, our champion will be reborn to wake dragons from stone and reforge the great sword Lightbringer that defeated the darkness those thousands of years ago. If the old tales are true, a terrible weapon forged with the lifeblood of a loving wife's heart. Part of me thinks man was well rid of it, but great power requires great sacrifice. That much, at least, the Lord of Light is clear on. There are some clear details that stay consistent: • A prince named Azor Ahai appeared at a moment of great darkness. • He had a flaming sword called Lightbringer. • The sword was forged in a loving wife’s blood. • Azor Ahai then used that sword to defeat the "Great Other." • Then a prophecy called "The Prince Who Was Promised" was written in high Valyrian. • It says that Azor Ahai would one day return. • He would be born from the line of House Targaryen. • And he would once again wield Lightbringer to conquer the darkness. The character most obsessed with "The Prince Who Was Promised" is Melisandre, the Red Witch. And Melisandre eventually adds some more details to the Azor Ahai myth: • He appears after a long summer, when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world. • He shall be born again amidst smoke and salt. • He shall wake dragons out of stone. She then convinces Stannis Baratheon that he's the Prince Who Was Promised. His grandmother is a Targaryen, so the lineage checks out. The rest of the details don't line up so well, though. He gets a flaming sword and he names it Lightbringer. Then he spends most of Game of Thrones pretty convinced he's Azor Ahai. Except, whoops, he wasn't. And then he dies (probably...it happened off camera, and with this show, who the heck knows). Sorry, Stannis, better luck next time. We also learned at Dragonstone this season that apparently in High Valryian, "prince" is a gender-neutral term. Which means Dany could fulfill the prophecy. Dany makes a little more sense as the Prince(ss) Who Was Promised. There's also the possibility that Jon Snow is Azor Ahai. Aside from the whole resurrection thing, there are more than a few similarities between the Prince Who Was Promised and Jon. And Jon is probably a Targaryen. It was revealed in Season 6 that he's likely the lovechild of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. And he was born under a "bleeding star." As young Ned Stark takes what we assume to be baby Jon from Lyanna at the Tower of Joy, she bleeds to death under the hilt of a sword called Dawn, a famous ancestral greatsword of House Dayne, believed to have been forged from a falling star. And as far as Lightbringer, well, Jon Snow's sword is called Longclaw, but it's made of Valyrian steel, which is forged with dragon fire. If you go through the Westerosi version of the Prince Who Will Be Promised prophecy, it has a few weird differences. It's described by Old Nan early on in Game of Thrones. She says the Last Hero is someone who set out into the dead lands, lost his friends one by one, watched his horse and dog die, and then snapped his blade when he tried to use it. The last hero determined to seek out the children, in the hopes that their ancient magics could win back what the armies of men had lost. He set out into the dead lands with a sword, a horse, a dog, and a dozen companions. For years he searched until he despaired of ever finding the children of the forest in their secret cities. One by one his friends died, and his horse, and finally even his dog, and his sword froze so hard the blade snapped when he tried to use it.
Clean by Design (Inaugural Program)+ Energy & Water Efficiency for Stage 2 Tier 2 program (CbD S1T2) Clean by Design (CbD S1T2): This is Aii’s inaugural program which captures low hanging fruit efficiency improvements. It is a Stage 1 (S1) program focused on Tier 2 (T2) wet-processing facilities that results in 10.6% energy and 12.9% water reductions Overview / Context The Natural Resources Defense council created Clean by Design in 2007 after identifying efficiency in Tier 2 wet processing facilities as an opportunity for water and energy use reductions in the apparel supply chain. The Apparel Impact Institute adopted the highly successful program in 2018 and continues to scale the program. The cornerstone of Clean by Design (CbD) is a set of 10 Best Practices that when implemented in any production facility can deliver almost immediate return on investment – most projects pay for themselves in less than one year. These foundational elements of resource management represent the beginning and ongoing steps all wet processing mills can adopt for optimal efficiency and they pave the way for more sophisticated projects when the facility is ready. Clean by Design and expert partners use a CbD Efficiency Scan to evaluate each mill based on their improvement potential beginning with the 10 Best Practices and then allocate them to programming suited for their level of performance. Aii is currently scaling CbD S1T2 and (26) Tier 2 facilities in active programming in 2020. The 10 Best Practices are open sourced and available on Aii’s website. Aii continues to improve tools and processes as it scales across Mainland China, Taiwan region, India, and Vietnam. - Facilities: completed, total active in 2020 (26 facilities), started in 2020 - GHG reduction – total tonnes in 2020 AND since program inception - Water reduction – total saved in 2021 AND since program inception - 19.5 months payback time on initial investment - 8 brands – in active programming in 2020 - Regions – with active cohort programming in 2020 – Mainland China, Taiwan region, India, Vietnam
Frequently Asked Questions about Verification Status What is a verification status? Every Card has a verification status which indicates whether the content is up to date. This allows your team to know which content is safe to use and what needs to be updated by a subject matter expert before moving forward. How do you view a Card's verification status? Click on the verification status icon to see when a Card was last verified or why it needs verification— this is the symbol in the top left-hand corner of a Card: The two status symbols are as follows: Green = Verified Pink = Unverified If Cards are not verified by the end of their verification timeline, they become unverified. It's important to review and approve unverified content quickly, particularly if it's frequently used. Who can choose and edit a Card's Verifier and verification interval? Authors and Collection Owners can edit the Verifier and the verification interval by clicking on the symbol in the upper right hand side of a Card. Who can request verification of an unverified Card? Authors and Collection Owners can request verification of an unverified Card by clicking the "!" icon in the upper left hand side of the Card and then clicking Request Verification. This will send the Verifier a notification reminder to verify their Card. Read Only users are advised to comment on the Card. Can you bulk request verification of Cards? When you bulk unverify Cards from the Card Manager (even if they are already unverified), the Verifiers will receive a notification reminder to verify the Cards. What are best practices for choosing a Card's Verifier and verification interval? Choose your verification frequency based on how often the Card's content could become outdated. If the content will not change frequently, we recommend setting the verification interval to one year. If it will change more frequently, you can select a shorter time frame or input a specific date when this information may change. When selecting a Verifier, ensure that the person or Group is the most prepared person on your team to update the content. Read more about setting up a Knowledge Council here!
Best Sellers Flowers Check out our most popular flowers! Country Garden Florist has a huge assortment of all types of flowers. We can deliver any bouquet you choose to Prospect, KY or Nationwide! There is nothing more romantic than red roses and at Country Garden Florist in Prospect, KY, we have all types of romantic bouquets to choose from. Roses aren’t just for Valentine’s Day, select roses in white, pink or yellow to make someone smile! Country Garden Florist offers flower delivery nationwide or locally to Prospect, KY. Plants from Country Garden Florist make a long lasting and affordable gift for any occasion. We have a wide selection of all types of plants including house, tropical and indoor plants. We can even deliver your plants to Prospect, KY or nationwide.
Why you’re going to want Nike’s Adapt BB sneakers Image: Instagram user thedropdate Meet the latest in smart technology: self-lacing sneakers. From smartwatches to smart home technology, we are officially in an era where convenience is the key selling point of products. Earlier this month, global sportswear giant Nike announced its contribution to this new wave of trendy tech. Introducing the next chapter of its Adapt line, the brand has debuted a pair of self-lacing basketball sneakers and, folks, the future is now. Before you ask the question, is smart technology making us lazy (probably, yes), there is actually a good reason for the innovative new kicks. Picking up where they left off with the HyperAdapt 1.0s, Nike has taken the power-lacing concept to create a shoe that is practical for players. During a normal game of basketball, a player's feet may swell up to a half-size more than normal. The new design seeks to improve this experience by loosening the shoe to increase blood flow and tightening them again to increase performance. With updated technology and a price tag less than half that of the HyperAdapt 1.0s, there's never been a better time to update your sports shoes. Once you step into your Adapt BBs, a custom motor senses the tension that is needed for your feet and adjusts accordingly. This can be done manually or, like most things these days, through an app. The Nike Adapt App comes with a range of different settings to adjust the fit, and even the colour, of your sneakers. Fancy. View this post on Instagram The Adapt BBs feature Nike's Flyknit technology to provide support and breathability. They also have a padded tongue for easy entry, a foam midsole for soft cushioning and, of course, power laces. The battery life of the futuristic sneakers can also last 10-14 days on a wireless charge. When and where to buy the Adapt BB sneakers The basketball kicks are set to drop on 17 February in the US, so we should hopefully see them pop up in Australia towards the end of next month. The Adapt BBs will be available from the Nike website as well as instore and will also likely be available from other Nike stockists such as THE ICONIC and Platypus Shoes. They are set to retail for US$350, so save your next few pay cheques and say goodbye to sore feet forever. - MAFS’ Domenica drops her own fashion collection with Showpo - STAX. activewear currently has 50% so hurry before it all sells out - Crocs: Why they’re back in the news (and where to buy them) - 9 sustainable fashion brands to shop this Earth Day (and everyday) - Get back to the gym with these activewear deals: Up to 79% off
Tyler Taylor (b. 1992 Louisville, Ky) is a composer and horn player. As a person of mixed race, Tyler's recent pieces explore the different ways identity can be expressed in musical scenarios. '"Liberation Compromise" is my masters thesis – a piece I designed in 2017 to explore different interpretations of identity in a musical scenario. I thought specifically about how I determined the identities of certain instruments and how I could use that information to create groups of instruments with unique profiles. The interaction of these groups and the reinterpretation of their identities is the primary source of drama in this musical scenario. It is cast in three attacca movements, each dealing with a different interpretation of individual and group identity."
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By Jeni Wilson There are many occasions when engaging children through loose parts play would keep parents, their children, and customers happy. Loose parts play can be both financially and emotionally beneficial for individuals, local councils, city councils, boroughs and businesses. Think of all the times when entertaining children would, apart from the benefits themselves, expedite completion of your task, make it much more pleasant, and enable better engagement in the event or business. Scenario 1: Waiting at the airport How good would it be if children were able to happily and creatively play with loose parts kits before boarding the plane? Instead of bored, hyperactive and sometimes anxious children, they step onto the plane less energised, calmer and mentally stimulated. Not only are parents and children happy, other customers and airline staff have a better flying experience. Scenario 2: New estates and real estate centres Often these centres provide fixed outdoor playground equipment but these are not portable. Fixed playgrounds require supervision because of safety issues and are often too far from the offices to allow both parents to participate in decision-making. Wouldn’t it be great if they provided loose parts kits within eyesight of the parents/caregivers enabling better focus, and a less stressful experience. When you think about it there are lots of times when parents, councils, businesses and children alike would find the provision of a loose parts kit advantageous. A simple example is whenever families have to wait for a service. Children get bored causing parents and other unnecessary anxiety and frustration. Here are some examples: - Maternal health centres - Shopping centres - Doctor’s offices - School offices - Shire offices - Council meetings - Local council information sessions - Waiting to pick up food, goods, children Perhaps parents simply want some time out but children aren’t interested or become quickly disinterested. For example: - Community markets - Music events - Street festivals - Cheese and wine events - Art displays - Carols by candlelight - Sporting events A research endorsed play solution Introducing Nüdel Kart. This is an alternative playground idea. Nüdel Kart is a high quality, mobile playground that comes apart into many different pieces, filled with more than 200 loose parts that children can manipulate, build and play with. Nüdel Kart can be used in many settings, indoors and outdoors. It works across age groups from preschoolers to early teens. It is not gender or culture specific and is highly supportive to people of all abilities. Nüdel Kart is a hands on resource that stimulates the children’s imagination, thinking, curiosity and social development and … here’s the good bit …can be packed up into an area around one metre square. Councils, city councils, and boroughs could rent or lend a Nüdel Kart to any of these event organisers or council venues. Apart from anything else it’s plain, wholesome fun where everyone benefits. Ask your local council if they provide a Nüdel Kart for your community. Sewell, C. Wilson, J. Laing, B. and Veerman, M. (2020) Nüdel Kart Teachers Manual (2020)
The Thermofight X is available from the official It Works website ThermoFight X.com, Amazon, and independent It Works sales representatives. The primary formula of this product is essentially a mixture of caffeine, vitamins, along with the minerals (among other active ingredients). It works by representing these weight loss pills as next-generation fat burners that assists the customers to boost the body’s metabolism without exercising. Effects such as enhances metabolic rates, a more comprehensive ability to burn calories faster, and a higher energy level are ensured to consumers. Is there anything else I should know about ThermoFight X? ThermoFight X is definitely not the miracle weight loss product the manufacturer is suggesting. Losing weight almost always demands a healthy diet low in fat, sugar, along with regular exercise, as well as all the weight loss supplements like ProbioSlim, RazaLean, and Bioleptin you are taking. Thermofight X Key Points Some of the key points you need to keep in mind before consuming the supplement are as follows: - Observe yourself carefully to make sure there are no side effects. In this case, stop using the product immediately. - The supplement alone doesn’t do all the work. Make sure you are low in fat, low in sugar, high in protein, and exercise regularly to achieve the best results. - Remember that it will take some time to reach your weight loss goals. Wait a moment before dropping the supplement. - Remember not to take this product for more than 12 weeks unless you get your doctor’s approval. ThermoFight X was brought into the market by the famous American company MLM It Works, headquartered in Palmetto, Florida. Since then, they have spread to many countries all over the world, that includes Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, France, Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, and New Zealand. According to the reports by It Works at Business Insider, the company is now valued at hundreds of millions of dollars. The company had sales of $ 534 million in 2014 and $ 1.2 billion in three years with more than one million recurring customers per month. The quality of the supplements like Thermofight X has made them one of the best firms in the country.
You will Watch Conan the Adventurer Season 2 Episode 39 online for free episodes with HQ / high quality. Stream cartoons Conan the Adventurer Episode 52 Episode Title: Bones of Damballa. Episode Description: Fearing he is to be replaced, Wrath-amon sends Skulkar to assassinate his potential replacement, a shaman named Shadizar- who happens to be an old enemy of Skulkar's. However, things go wrong and Shadizar turns Skulkar back into his original human form. With no other choice, Skulkar must team up with Conan and Zula to restore himself to his undead form.
I was excited to hear about this new restaurant opening, and even more excited because I will get to dine there this Saturday as part of the Chevy Florida “Cruze the City Beautiful” blogger event I’ll be participating in. I’ll be writing up a full review of my experience, but until then, let’s learn a little more about this Brazilian steakhouse: Fogo de Chão (pronounced fo-go dèe shoun), an authentic Southern Brazilian steakhouse that’s been named one of Zagat’s top U.S. restaurants, opened last week on International Drive. The restaurant’s dining experience is based on the centuries-old gaucho tradition known as churrasco, the art of roasting meats over an open charcoal fire. A prix fixe menu features freshly grilled meats carved tableside, as well as an extensive salad bar and authentic Brazilian sides. Fogo de Chão specializes in espeto corrido, or “continuous service,” in which a team of Brazilian-trained gaucho chefs prepare and serve 15 different cuts of beef, lamb, chicken and pork. Guests dictate both the pace and the portions of their dining experience by using a small, double-sided disc that signals to the gaucho chefs that they are ready for additional service. Although meats are the primary focus, the restaurant also features a gourmet salad and sides bar with more than 30 selections, including smoked salmon, sun-dried tomatoes, hearts of palm, tabbouleh salad, jumbo asparagus, cured meats, artisan breads and imported cheeses. The restaurant offers a 200-label wine list, for which it has received Wine Spectator’s Award of Excellence for the past eight years. Guests may also sample the Caipirinha, made from Brazilian liquor cachaça, as well as Guarana Brazilian soda and zesty Brazilian lemonade. Desserts include the restaurant’s signature Papaya Cream, made with fresh papaya, vanilla ice cream and Crème de Cassis liqueur, as well as South American Flan, Crème Brule, Turtle Cheesecake, Molten Chocolate Cake and Key Lime Pie. While the menu and service are traditional, the architectural elements are strikingly contemporary, with a rich color palette of terracotta, oxblood red, tan and cream. Red clay tile roof accents and crisp, black awnings frame the restaurant’s centerpiece: a multi-storied, cobalt-blue tile tower entrance with a glass-enclosed open flame rotisserie at its foundation. Fogo do Chão Orlando is located at 8282 International Drive, a quarter mile south of Sand Lake Road and about a mile north of the Orange County Convention Center. Operation hours and prices are as follows: $26.50 (Salad Bar Only – $19.50) Monday – Thursday: 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Friday: 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. $35.50 (Salad Bar Only – $19.50) Sunday: 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. $42.50 (Salad Bar Only – $19.50) Monday – Thursday: 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday: 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Sunday: 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Children five years of age and under enjoy complimentary dining. Children six to 10 years of age dine at half the prices listed above. Beverages, desserts, taxes and gratuity are additional. Known as the premiere Brazilian steakhouse, Fogo de Chão was founded in 1979 in Porto Alegre, Brazil and expanded into the United States in 1997. Orlando is the 18th U.S. location; there are seven restaurants in Brazil. For more information, visit www.fogo.com.
Join us for 1st Annual Charity Dog Walk We are proud to sponsor the 1st Annual Charity Dog Walk in The Villages, FL. This walk will benefit The Humane Society of Sumter County. What is Strut Your Mutt? It’s a dog festival and fund-raiser. There’ll be lots of dogs (mutts, purebreds), dog products for sale, and entertainment. It’ll be a lot of fun for all who attend – with or without a dog. It’s also a Sumter County Humane Society/SPCA fund-raiser: Strut Your Mutt is The Villages’ only non-competitive dog walk dedicated to pet adoption by raising awareness of the need to rescue dogs, cats, . . . and get them into ‘fur’ever homes. Save the date: Saturday, Jan. 31, 2015, 9-1:00 at The Villages Polo Fields (Buena Vista Rd. north of CR 466) 8:00 – Registration for those not pre-registered. Pre-registrants: The first 100 who pre-registered pick up their T-shirt and goodie bag. We also have T-shirts (but no goodie bag) for the next 25. 9:00 – Dog walk, the festival, and the entertainment start Please help these non-profit organizations, click on the links to learn how.
Vertical velocity and transport in the South China Sea Abstract: Deep water in the South China Sea is renewed by the cold and dense Luzon Strait overflow. However, from where and how the deep water upwells is poorly understood yet. Based on the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model reanalysis data, vertical velocity is derived to answer these questions. Domain-integrated vertical velocity is of two maxima, one in the shallow water and the other at depth, and separated by a layer of minimum at the bottom of the thermocline. Further analysis shows that this two-segmented vertical transport is attributed to the vertical compensation of subsurface water to the excessive outflow of shallow water and upward push of the dense Luzon Strait overflow, respectively. In the abyssal basin, the vertical transport increases upward from zero at the depth of 3 500–4 000 m and reaches a maximum of 1.5×106 m3/s at about 1 500 m. Deep water upwells mainly from the northeastern and southwestern ends of the abyssal basin and off the continental slopes. To explain the upward velocity arising from slope breaks, a possible mechanism is proposed that an onshore velocity component can be derived from the deep western boundary current above steep slopes under bottom friction. Figure 1. Topography of the South China Sea. The abbreviations LS, TS, KS, MS, BS denote the Luzon Strait, Taiwan Strait, Karimata Strait, Mindoro Strait, Balabac Strait, respectively; and ZSI and NSI denote the Zhongsha Islands and Nansha Islands, respectively. Yellow line indicates the mooring section deployed off the Zhongsha Islands in Zhou et al. (2017). White stars represent the northern and southern ends of the abyssal basin below 3 000 m, where the abyssal water upwells. Red dots stand for gaps in the Heng-Chun Ridge, through which the Luzon Strait overflow sinks into the Manila Trench. Figure 2. Time-mean alongshore velocity in the DWBC east of Zhongsha Islands from mooring observations (a), after Zhou et al. (2017), and HYCOM GOFS3.1 reanalysis (b). In a and b, color shading indicates the time-mean velocity, positive southwestward. Gray shading represents the topography. Black lines stand for the standard deviation of the alongshore velocity. Monthly mean alongshore velocity in the DWBC core east of Zhongsha Islands during 2012.08–2013.09 from mooring observations (c), after Zhou et al. (2017), and HYCOM GOFS3.1 reanalysis (d). In c and d, standard deviations are indicated by red bars. Figure 3. Comparison of monthly mean transport from the HYCOM GOFS3.1 reanalysis (black) with that from observations (red) in the Karimata Strait (a). Positive transport is flow into the SCS and negative transport is flow into the Java Sea through the Karimata Strait. Comparison of monthly mean transport from the HYCOM GOFS3.1 reanalysis (black) with along channel velocity (red) observed in the Luzon Trough (b). Negative velocity/transport indicates westward flow. Bars indicate the standard deviations. Figure 4. Domain-integrated vertical transport (a) and domain-averaged vertical velocity (b) from the HYCOM GOFS3.1 reanalysis. Domain-integrated vertical transport from the HYCOM GOFS3.0 reanalysis (c). Separately integrated upward transport and downward transports from the HYCOM GOFS3.1 reanalysis (d). Figure 11. The role of vertical transport in the three-dimensional SCS circulation. Dark blue and red arrows indicate the Luzon Strait overflow and Kuroshio intrusion, respectively. The hollow arrows in vertical present the strength of domain-averaged vertical velocity, inferring a positive vertical gradient of vertical velocity in the upper and deep layer, and a negative one in the intermediate layer. The thin blue arrows encompassing the yellow planes denote the direction of layer-averaged horizontal circulation in the basin scale. Table 1. Outflows in the upper 50 m (positive outward from the SCS, unit: 106 m3/s). The numbers in brackets indicate contribution from the Ekman drift Luzon St. Taiwan St. Mindoro St. Balabac St. Karimata St. Net outflow Mean −0.39 (−0.09) 1.25 (0.11) 0.09 (0.24) −0.27 (0.04) 0.59 1.27 (0.3) Winter −1.81 (−0.54) 0.17 (0.47) 0.51 (0.96) −0.42 (−0.16) 2.34 0.79 (0.73) Summer 1.17 (0.20) 2.60 (−0.04) −0.23 (−0.15) −0.24 (0.23) −1.17 2.13 (0.24) Table 2. Comparison of vertical transport on the seaward side of the 3 000 m isobath with the domain-integrated transport at different vertical levels (unit: 106 m3/s) 100 m 500 m 1 500 m 2 500 m Seaward side of 3 000 m 0.19 −0.42 1.13 1.97 Domain-integrated 1.25 0.94 1.49 0.69 Cai Zhongya, Gan Jianping. 2020. Dynamics of the cross-layer exchange for the layered circulation in the South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(8): e2020JC016131. doi: 10.1029/2020JC016131 Chai Fei, Xue Huijie, Shi Maochong. 2001. Formation and distribution of upwelling and downwelling in the South China Sea. China Oceanography Symposium, 13: 117–128 Chao S Y, Shaw P T, Wu S Y. 1996. Deep water ventilation in the South China Sea. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 43(4): 445–466. doi: 10.1016/0967-0637(96)00025-8 Chi P C, Chen Yuchun, Lu Shihua. 1998. Wind-driven South China Sea deep basin warm-core/cool-core eddies. Journal of Oceanography, 54(4): 347–360. doi: 10.1007/BF02742619 Fang Guohong, Wang Gang, Fang Yue, et al. 2012. A review on the South China Sea western boundary current. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 31(5): 1–10. doi: 10.1007/s13131-012-0231-y Gan Jianping, Allen J S. 2002. A modeling study of shelf circulation off northern California in the region of the Coastal Ocean Dynamics Experiment 2. Response to relaxation of upwelling winds. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 107(C11): 3184. doi: 10.1029/2001JC001190 Gan Jianping, Ho H S, Liang Linlin. 2013. Dynamics of intensified downwelling circulation over a widened shelf in the Northeastern South China Sea. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43(1): 80–94. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-12-02.1 Gan Jianping, Li H, Curchitser E N, et al. 2006. Modeling South China Sea circulation: Response to seasonal forcing regimes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 111(C6): C06034. doi: 10.1029/2005JC003298 Gan Jianping, Liu Zhiqiang, Hui C R. 2016. A three-layer alternating spinning circulation in the South China Sea. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 46(8): 2309–2315. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-16-0044.1 Gordon A L, Sprintall J, Van Aken H M, et al. 2010. The Indonesian throughflow during 2004–2006 as observed by the INSTANT program. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 50(2): 115–128. doi: 10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2009.12.002 Jing Zhiyou, Qi Yiquan, Du Yan, et al. 2015. Summer upwelling and thermal fronts in the northwestern South China Sea: Observational analysis of two mesoscale mapping surveys. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120(3): 1993–2006. doi: 10.1002/.2014JC010601 Li Li, Qu Tangdong. 2006. Thermohaline circulation in the deep South China Sea basin inferred from oxygen distributions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 111(C5): C05017. doi: 10.1029/2005JC003164 Nitani H. 1972. Beginning of the Kuroshio. In: Stommel H, Yashida K, eds. Kuroshio: Physical Aspects of the Japan Current. Seattle, WA, USA: University of Washington Press, 129–163 Qu Tangdong. 2000. Upper-layer circulation in the South China Sea. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 30(6): 1450–1460. doi: 10.1175/1520-0485(2000)030<1450:ULCITS>2.0.CO;2 Qu Tangdong, Du Yan, Gan Jianping, et al. 2007. Mean seasonal cycle of isothermal depth in the South China Sea. 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Ocean Modelling, 6(2): 151–176. doi: 10.1016/S1463-5003(02)00064-1 Wang J. 1986. Observation of abyssal flows in the northern South China Sea. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 16: 36–45 Wang Dongxiao, Liu Qinyan, Huang Ruixin, et al. 2006. Interannual variability of the South China Sea throughflow inferred from wind data and an ocean data assimilation product. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(14): L14605. doi: 10.1029/2006GL026316 Wang Guihua, Xie Shangping, Qu Tangdong, et al. 2011. Deep South China Sea circulation. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(5): L05601. doi: 10.1029/2010GL046626 Xiao Jinggen, Xie Qiang, Liu Changjian, et al. 2013. A diagnostic model of the South China Sea bottom circulation in consideration of tidal mixing, eddy-induced mixing and topography. Haiyang Xuebao, 35(5): 1–13 Xie Lingling, Pallàs-Sanz E, Zheng Quanan, et al. 2017. Diagnosis of 3D vertical circulation in the upwelling and frontal zones east of Hainan Island, China. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47(4): 755–774. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-16-0192.1 Xie Qiang, Xiao Jinggen, Wang Dongxiao, et al. 2013. Analysis of deep-layer and bottom circulations in the South China Sea based on eight quasi-global ocean model outputs. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(32): 4000–4011. doi: 10.1007/s11434-013-5791-5 Xie Lingling, Zhang Shuwen, Zhao Hui. 2012. Overview of studies on Qiongdong upwelling. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 31(4): 35–41 Xu Fanghua, Oey L Y. 2014. State analysis using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) and the three-layer circulation structure of the Luzon Strait and the South China Sea. Ocean Dynamics, 64(6): 905–923. doi: 10.1007/s10236-014-0720-y Xu Tengfei, Wei Zexun, Susanto R D, et al. 2021. Observed water exchange between the South China Sea and Java Sea through Karimata Strait. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126(2): e2020JC016608. doi: 10.1029/2020JC016608 Yuan Dongliang. 2002. A numerical study of the South China Sea deep circulation and its relation to the Luzon Strait transport. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 21(2): 187–202 Zhang Zhiwei, Zhao Wei, Tian Jiwei, et al. 2015. Spatial structure and temporal variability of the zonal flow in the Luzon Strait. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120(2): 759–776. doi: 10.1002/2014JC010308 Zhao Wei, Zhou Chun, Tian Jiwei, et al. 2014. Deep water circulation in the Luzon Strait. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119(2): 790–804. doi: 10.1002/2013JC009587 Zhou Chun, Zhao Wei, Tian Jiwei, et al. 2014. Variability of the deep-water overflow in the Luzon Strait. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44(11): 2972–2986. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-14-0113.1 Zhu Yaohua, Fang Guohong, Wei Zexun, et al. 2016. Seasonal variability of the meridional overturning circulation in the South China Sea and its connection with inter-ocean transport based on SODA2.2.4. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121(5): 3090–3105. doi: 10.1002/2015JC011443 Zhu Yaohua, Sun Junchuan, Wang Yonggang, et al. 2017a. Effect of potential vorticity flux on the circulation in the South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122(8): 6454–6469. doi: 10.1002/2016JC012375 Zhu Yaohua, Sun Junchuan, Wei Zexun, et al. 2017b. A fresh look at the deepwater overflow in the Luzon Strait. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 36(5): 1–8. doi: 10.1007/s13131-017-1057-4
Of course William is exaggerating quite a bit here. German electronics might not be as renowned as their Japanese or American counterparts, BUT… …the House Order of Hohenzollern was not the highest-ranking decoration of the German Empire at all. Still, what did you expect him to do? Award Mopey a Pour le M%C3%A9rite for the courage it took to ask an Emperor such an embarrassing question? Of course, “from Japan” is no longer unconditionally the default answer to the question “Where did you get (implausibly advanced or scientifically impossible electronic device)?”. William only gets aways with it because he has only one time-machine. If he had a hundred, the stereotype would have obviously required he answer “from China” instead. Even an Empire has to keep costs in check. More on Monday.
Strategic agreement with BitPay gives NETELLER merchants ability to grow globally LONDON, MONTREAL and NEW YORK (March 25, 2015) — Optimal Payments Plc (LSE AIM: OPAY), a leading global online payment solutions provider, now allows customers to use Bitcoin to top up their NETELLER® accounts. This announcement follows the entering into an agreement between Optimal Payments and BitPay Inc., one of the world’s largest Bitcoin payment providers and processors and makes Optimal Payments one of the first major financial institutions to facilitate digital currency transactions on a global scale. Through Optimal Payments’ agreement with BitPay, NETELLER customers will now be able to top up their accounts by exchanging Bitcoin into one of the currencies offered by NETELLER. “NETELLER already provides merchants and customers a broad and diverse set of online payment options and the addition of Bitcoin gives them another valuable payment method to help convert more transactions” said Joel Leonoff, president and CEO, Optimal Payments. “We recognise the important role that crypto-currencies play in the future of payments and we look forward to working with BitPay as the acceptance rate grows.” BitPay’s processing offering mitigates the risk of Bitcoin price volatility by allowing the merchant to accept Bitcoins and immediately convert them to the currency of choice. Since BitPay works across multiple currencies, it is a suitable payment option for those who sell their products and services throughout the world. Merchants have the ability to accept Bitcoins with numerous open source plugins and hosted solutions. Bitcoin is a payment solution that not only saves money in transaction fees by being digital, but also saves time when compared to other payment options that require the manual input of information in order to complete a transaction. BitPay helps make accepting bitcoin payments easy and services over 140 different countries. “Bitcoin’s popularity is growing rapidly and has established itself as the most secure, most widely accepted digital currency” said Sonny Singh, chief operating officer, BitPay Inc. “This relationship with Optimal Payments will help us to drive merchant acceptance on a global scale.” For over a decade, the NETELLER stored value service has provided businesses and individuals with a fast, simple and secure way to move money online. As one of the world’s largest independent money transfer businesses, it processes billions of dollars’ worth of transactions each year. NETELLER is constantly seeking ways to enhance its services to merchants and help them expand their businesses globally.
Arbor Day Foundation Free Tree Identification. (you have to yell timber) 2.) what kind of tree can you fit in your hand? 1.) what is a tree’s least favorite month? A palm tree 3.) why was the cat afraid of the tree? Because of its bark 4.) what did the tree wear to the pool party? 6 Crape Myrtles For 10 Membership Arbor Day Order By Check out what tree is it?, an online interactive key from the arbor day foundation. Comed provides more than 6,500 free trees to customers through the arbor day foundation. Arbor Day Foundation Free Tree Identification ld give the arbor day foundation the benefit of the doubt, but the free tree they allowed me to order, a red maple, wasn’t a red maple.Identify 250 common trees in north america.Identify common trees in your region or north america.Identify your 10 free trees identify the trees sent to you in the mail by their leaves or painted color. Is the mobile version of the award winning field guide that has helped more than 200,000 people of all ages.It is usually observed in late april or early may.Leafsnap is an electronic field guide developed by researchers from columbia university, university of maryland, and the smithsonian institution.Learn how to download leafsnap to your smart device, a free mobile application that identifies trees based on photos of the leaf. May the forest be with you!Posted on december 26, 2017, updated october 10, 2018 i ordered a dwart stayman winesap apple tree from arbor day in 2010.See more ideas about arbour day, trees to plant, arbor day foundation.Sterling morton in nebraska city, nebraska in the united states. Swimming trunks 5.) what did luke skywalker say to the tree on arbor day?Thank you for your contribution to the arbor day foundation and sharing our mission to inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees.The arbor day foundation offers this book to help people identify trees throughout the eastern and central regions of the united states.The arbor day foundation offers this book to help people identify trees throughout the eastern and central regions of the united states. The arbor day foundation’s what tree is that?The book, what tree is that? is available for a $5 donation toThe tree languised, but finally produced fruit in 2017.This event was organized by j. This free mobile app uses visual recognition software to help identify tree species from photographs of their.To obtain a tree identification guide in full color, send name, address and $5 for each guide to what tree is that?, arbor day foundation, 100 arbor ave., nebraska city, ne 68410.To obtain a tree identification guide in full color, visit arborday.org or send your name, address, and $5 for each guide to:Tree id on the go? We inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees.While arbor day is a worldwide event, the first arbor day in america occurred on april 10, 1872.Written and illustrated by arbor day foundation.You can also choose to send the trees directly to someone else. Your free trees are a leaf identification key and tree color code chart are on the back of this letter.You’ll receive a 33 percent discount on over 100 trees and shrubs.— mark herwig, editor pheasants forever.— steve nix, about.com the new arbor day foundation field guide is very user friendly.
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Madonna is the latest star to get into the NFT business, but she's doing it for a good cause She's teamed with digital artist Beeple, aka Mike Winkelmann, who made headlines last year when one of his NFT's was auctioned off by Christie's for $69,400,000. The two have created a three-part digital artwork called Mother of Creation, which "explores the concept of birth via darkness and light in our modern world." The three NFTs will be sold on SuperRare on May 11 with a starting price of one dollar. All the proceeds will go to three charities: The Voices of Children Foundation, The City of Joy Foundation and Black Mama’s Bail Out. The three parts of the work include Mother of Nature, featuring a blooming tree and new text by Madonna; Mother of Evolution, which features butterflies, lyrics from Madonna's hit "Justify My Love," and original music by Igor Bardykin; and Mother of Technology, which depicts how science can illuminate the world and features the poetry of Rumi. “When Mike and I decided to collaborate on this project a year ago, I was excited to have the opportunity to share my vision of the world as a mother and an artist with Mike’s own unique point of view," Madonna says in a statement. "It’s been an amazing journey building this together from an intellectual idea to an emotional story, giving birth to art." She adds, "Most importantly we wanted to use this opportunity to benefit mothers and children who are most in need right now.” Madonna and Beeple will be on SuperRare's Twitter Spaces on May 11 at 7 p.m. ET to discuss the project. Copyright © 2022, ABC Audio. All rights reserved.
Importance of Online Online Courses The past year proved just how important it is for working professionals to have remote means of accessing key services. That’s precisely why I offer my executive services virtually so corporate leaders can access the empowerment they need no matter where they’re located or when they’re free. The online nature of my courses doesn’t detract from the quality, personalization, or long-term impact of my services. I’ll still work diligently to ensure you receive a one-of-a-kind experience that’s custom-tailored to your overall goals and parameters. My online courses cover a variety of topics, including: - Leadership – Including problem-solving and guiding organizational change - Mindset transformation – Dispelling limiting beliefs to help you achieve your highest potential - Relationships – Better communication will lead to improved relationship satisfaction - Communication mastery – Learn transformative communication skillsets through NLP - Unfold Your Future - Charisma enhancement – Learn how to ramp up your presence to keep others engaged in your vision. The Benefits of Online Courses - Work at your own pace without feeling the need to rush - Focus time on developing achievable, clarified goals for your personal and professional life - Get the ongoing, one-on-one support you need from a highly qualified coach - Learn how to keep yourself on the path of personal development and growth
Don’t let Leftist social media shut us out! Sign up for Daily Surge’s daily email blast… it’ll keep you updated on each day’s Daily Surge new columns. Go to dailysurge.com and sign up under “Free Newsletter” on the right side of the page, one-third of the way down. It’s easy! And like it says, it’s free! Surge Summary: There are key financial principles in God’s word which remain true, regardless of the economy of a particular time. Those who honor them can be sure their needs will be met, no matter the circumstances they face. “There’s no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery. You can’t do business from there.” —Colonel Harlan Sanders In my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, you can visit the cemetery where John D. Rockefeller is buried. His pursuit of riches destroyed his health. He developed alopecia, a condition where his hair fell out, and his digestion left him eating only crackers and milk! In his early 50s, his life began slipping away. Then he discovered a life-changing Scripture. He applied God’s eternal law: “Give, and it will be given to you: Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will men give onto you. For with the measure you use, it will be measured unto you” (Luke 6:38). Rockefeller embraced the principle of generosity. Sowing seeds of financial blessing into countless areas of need, he gave millions to mission work, hospitals, educational programs and the underprivileged. His giving saved scores of lives through the discovery of penicillin plus medications to fight malaria, tuberculosis, diphtheria and hookworm disease. At 53, with his life deteriorating, he planted financial seeds in good soil and that enabled him to live until the ripe old age of 98! “But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare into many foolish and harmful lusts, which drown men in ruin and destruction” (1 Tim. 6:9). Prosperity in Perilous Times Days ago, I engaged with a woman about current events. She listened, then commented, “I don’t follow the news.” Jesus directed us to discern the times and be prepared in the end times. We’re living in apocalyptic days with almost nonstop cataclysmic events, and we need biblically informed prophetic perspective. An area intensifying is staying stable financially during unstable times. Inflation is at a 20-year high, and forecasters foresee a freefall with obscene spending and Biden’s tax hike—the highest in 53 years. His leftist “woke” agenda will bankrupt America with a $31 trillion debt, trying to transform free market capitalism into big government socialism. The trajectory is like the Carter era with 18% inflation, 14% mortgage rates, skyrocketing gasoline prices and a “Misery Index” that’s the worst in America’s history. Price Comparison: 2020 vs 2021 (Market Insider data): — 1000-ft. lumber: $304 now $1500. — Gasoline: $1.95 now $3.75. — Ton of coal: $39 now $80. — Bushel of corn: $3.43 now $6.86. — Ton of wheat: $183 now $251. — Copper up 36%; fuel oil up 37%; pre-owned cars up 21%. Many people are preoccupied with fall football, children’s activities, pizza deliveries, trips to Chick-fil-A and Costco. Have you noticed any Christmas decorations going up already? Warning: “A prudent man foresees the evil and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished” (Prov. 27:12). 4 Suggestions for Success Smelling salts are applied to a dazed boxer to wake him up. Paul said, “I fight, not as one who beats the air” (1 Cor. 9:26b). As we’re being shaken, let’s wake up! - Hold fast to God’s promises for His obedient followers.God is good and our source (not government) amid financial upheaval. Resist anxiety and “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given to you” (Matt. 6:33).”I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor their offspring begging bread” (Ps. 37:25). 2. Work diligently and discipline spending habits.“Owe no one anything” (Rom.13:8a). So if you are in debt, get out! And don’t dismiss our debt to God as we practice the principle of “first fruits” giving (tithing), instituted so He’ll “open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing, that there will not be room enough to receive it” (Mal. 3:10b). 3. Set aside money for future needs. Set apart financial provision for the future, unlike undisciplined fools who squander it (Prov. 21:20). “Go to the ant” as an example of saving (Prov. 6:6-8) and heed Joseph with his careful savings that saved a nation when famine hit (Gen. 41:25-57). 4. Practice the principle of seed-faith giving. “I shovel it out. God shovels back. God’s got the bigger shovel!” said John Bunyan, author of Pilgrim’s Progress. “He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Let every man give according to the purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful (hilarious) giver. God is able to make all grace abound toward you, so that you, always having enough of everything may abound to every good work… He who supplies seed to the sower and supplies bread for your food will also multiply your seed sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness” (2 Cor. 9:6-8,10). Two Transformative Truths - We will always reap the same kind of seed that we sow, whether sparingly or abundantly. “One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed” (Prov. 11:24-5 NIV).2. We will always reap more than we sow. “You can count the seeds in an apple, but who can count the apples in a seed?” God multiplies, not just adds, that’s why throughout Scripture He’s known as a God of abundance. He’s “El Shaddai” (God of plenty) not El Cheapo! When we give in faith as God directs with right motives, then we hold on in faith with expectation. We make no demands and set no deadlines. We enjoy the adventure of seed-faith giving, knowing the blessing is either coming at us or going by us, and we won’t miss the opportunity to give God thanks! “Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which will be greatly rewarded. For you need patience, so that after you have done the will of God, you will receive the promise” (Heb.10:35-36, MEV). The Blessed Life In his book, The Blessed Life, Robert Morris invites us to discover the joy of giving and the rewards of receiving. He says, “When God changes your heart from selfishness to generosity, every part of your life-journey is affected!” For 50 years I’ve celebrated God’s simple secrets for achieving financial blessing. “I know both how to face humble circumstances and how to have abundance … I can do all things because of Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:12-13). Join me on this journey, no matter what’s ahead. Here’s the Deal: Listen to the four “Rediscovering Seed Faith Blessings for Perilous Times” podcasts on this theme on our Charisma Podcast Network. You will benefit from inspirational examples of God’s supernatural provision. Remember Rockefeller as we thank God for bountiful provision and take heed to this closing admonition: “Command those who are rich in this world that they not be conceited, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who richly gives us all things to enjoy. Command that they do good, that they be rich in good works, generous, willing to share” (1 Tim. 6:17-18). The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Daily Surge Originally posted here. Image: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/; https://www.flickr.com/photos/pictures-of-money/17300598911 The post Turmoil Everywhere You Look Today … But Financial Security Still Possible appeared first on DailySurge.
I heard one of the first pairs of their 8330’s that came to the UK and subsequently pushed the distributors to find me a pair immediately. I was completely blown over by their performance for their size, with built-in DSP processing for room calibration and at a relatively low price sealed the deal for me. Recently Genelec released the 8430 as a new addition to the range, but as the first Audio-over-IP enabled studio monitor on the market. Today at Musikmesse, Genelec have announced some more editions to this exciting line of monitors. I was never a believer in DSP for calibrating the output of studio monitors, or the accuracy possible for measuring a rooms response. However, there has been some significant improvements in technology and a handful of manufactures are now offering some very impressive solutions. In practice however, it’s the typically expensive hardware options that are most useful running in real time across your monitoring path. Genelec have somehow managed to achieve a built-in version inside their Smart Active Monitoring (SAM) monitors, that can virtually be set and forgotten about. I’m not aware of any other manufacture doing this, and certainly not with as much experience the Finns have at Genelec. Joining this tried and tested series of monitors are 5 new products. There are two more satellite models, two subwoofers and a multichannel bass-management processor for surround sound applications. The new satellites fill the gap between the small 4″ and 5″ (8320 and 8330 respectively), and their Coaxial or Master SAM series monitors. Presented with a 6.5″ woofer the 8340, and the 8350 with it’s 8″ woofer should prove to be very popular products with small to medium sized studios. There are two new subs, the 7360 and 7370 with 10″ and 12″ woofers respectively. These will extend the range the 7350 currently holds by offering subs that match your chosen satellites. This is a thorough range of products suitable for a variety of rooms and budgets. To complete the picture and continuing Genelec’s commitment to surround sound, the new 9301 is a hardware unit for bass management of these SAM systems up to 7.1. Take my word for it, these are really special monitors, but more importantly unique products offering a solution we’ve always needed. Prices aren’t announced yet but I guess it’s fairly safe to assume the 8340 and 8350 will straddle either side of the 2,000 GBP mark. I might be upgrading my 8330’s soon! More Information: http://www.genelec.com/
Updated: Aug 2, 2019 Do you get told off a lot? More than other people? Even if you don’t necessarily consider yourself to be badly behaved? Well, that used to be me! Until one day, while watching my son go to use his sister’s scooter while she wasn’t looking, I noticed his fatal mistake: He looked her square in the eye as he climbed on it and went to scoot away. Of course she was then duty bound to complain. I suddenly realised this had been my mistake all these years. Getting eye contact with someone while you are doing something you’d rather they not see is a fundamental error. It’s the opposite of the distraction technique used by magicians. Eye contact seems to actively invite the viewer to get involved in what you’re doing. Also, a contributing factor might be that people may be more inclined to berate a female than a male. Females, after all, should behave in a much more upstanding way. And, would presumably, be less likely to turn round and be aggressive in return. As much as these may sound like stereotypes, societal expectations will often play a subconscious role in how we behave. All I know is that from now on, if you ask me to climb on a giant gold-looking bull in a casino restaurant at midnight, my excuse that I’ll get told off so couldn’t possibly, may no longer be valid!
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AbuseIPDB » Check an IP Address, Domain Name, or Subnet e.g., microsoft.com, or was found in our database! This IP was reported 2 times. Confidence of Abuse is 0%: ? |Usage Type||Data Center/Web Hosting/Transit| |Country||United States of America| |City||Santa Clara, California| IP info including ISP, Usage Type, and Location provided by IP2Location. Updated monthly. IP Abuse Reports for This IP address has been reported a total of 2 times from 2 distinct sources. was first reported on , and the most recent report was . Old Reports: The most recent abuse report for this IP address is from . It is possible that this IP is no longer involved in abusive activities. Showing 1 to 2 of 2 reports Is this your IP? You may request to takedown any associated reports. We will attempt to verify your ownership. Request Takedown 🚩
One of the most common questions our team at About Pens® and Adept Promotionals® get asked is: “How is my logo or brand applied to a promotional item?” In the promotional products industry, we use the term “decoration method” to refer to the ways that your corporate brand, logo or advertising message can be custom printed onto giveaway items like pens, USBs, stress balls or bags. These items can usually be decorated in more than one way. Each method has its advantages and drawbacks and can produce different results when applied to different products. Below is our guide to the most frequently used decoration methods in the promotional products industry. We hope this will be useful for you. Commonly used on: plastic & metal pens, notebooks, stress shapes, keyrings, rulers and USB’s. Pad printing is a printing process that can transfer a 2D image that is often a logo and other text onto a 3D object. This is accomplished using an indirect printing process that involves an image being transferred from the etched plate via a silicone pad onto a substrate. The results are a sharp print; however, only solid colours without gradients or fades can be printed. Commonly used on: metal pens, keyrings, glasses, flasks, travel mugs, clocks, watches and USBs. Laser Engraving is a Subtractive Manufacturing method, that uses a laser beam instead of inks or tools, to etch a design onto the surface of an object. Laser engraving can be used on almost any kind of metal or glass surfaces. Providing a sophisticated and subtle finish, this method is frequently used on premium metal pens, keyrings and small objects like jewellery. Frequently, decoration on premium pen brands like Parker, Cross, Mont Blanc and Sheaffer fountain pens are done via engraving instead of pad printing or digital printing. Full Colour Digital Printing Commonly used on: pens, USB’s, bags, confectionery, health and lifestyle products, mouse pads, keyrings, and drinkware. Direct Digital Printing is a more modern technology which where the artwork is printed directly onto the surface of products without passing it through image setting and plate making steps. It involves using specialist inkjet printers, with the ink immediately adhering to it. Direct digital prints allows for the flexibility to print on areas of any size and with any colour (except round surfaces), including fades and gradients, producing vibrant results. Commonly used on: Bags, Apparel, Lanyards, Umbrellas, T-shirts and hats. Screen printing first appeared in China during the era of Song Dynasty Art (960-1279), and made its way to Europe in the 18th century. However, it was not until silk mesh was more available for trade in the 19th century that screen printing began to pick up popularity. Today, screen printing remains one of the most commonly used decorative methods due to its versatility for printing on a large variety of medium. To do so, a frame is fitted around the item with a screen and stencil overlay. From there, ink is passed through to brand the surface and then dried by heat. Commonly used on: stubby coolers, bags, apparel, hats and flags. In sublimation printing, unique sublimation dyes are transferred to sheets of “transfer” paper via liquid gel ink and then transferred to another machine which heat-presses the transfer paper image into the material. It is suited to different sized areas and artwork with gradient colours, digital images and repeat print patterns, making it similar in terms of versatility in printing to screen printing across a variety of mediums including fabric. Commonly Used on: Hats, Apparel and Bags. Embroidery uses a sewing machine to stitch a design, brand directly onto a fabric surface. It provides a premium look and is long-lasting but is limited to solid colours without gradient or shading. Our embroidery service can apply your logo to Workwear, Corporate wear, Team uniforms, Caps etc. Commonly used on: pens (large logo), drink bottle, travel mugs, coffee mugs and lighters. Similar to pad printing, wrap printing can only print solid colours. However, it can be used to print a larger area, including with wider and rounder surfaces such as a drink bottle or mug. Wrap printing is previously called rotary printing. Let About Pen® & Adept Promotionals® help market your business Corporate branding, not just advertising, is very important for all businesses today. It differentiates your company from competitors and builds awareness, personalisation and hopefully sales and repeat sales with prospects and clients. To have a successful brand, your target audience must see it, recognise it and recall it. The placement of your name or logo on a promotional item is a great way to raise brand awareness and can be included in almost any type of marketing item. That’s where our experienced team of Australian staff can help. Established since 1985, our team of specialists can help promote your brand. Whether you want to have a logo custom printed on pens, or an advertising message and branding personalised on other promotional products, we will provide friendly and professional service with a fast turnaround. Don’t let poor artwork wreck your print job Contact us today to learn more about how we can promote your brand.
Wait…you say that more than a hundred campuses have this or the equivalent? I am scheduled to teach a legal ethics class in the avoidance of bias in the practice of law next year, and I’m already worried. Past engagements of mine on this topic have been popular with attendees, but not always appreciated by my clients. The bar associations that make such training mandatory usually want to get someone to drone on about how lawyers should love Big Politically Correct Brother and search their souls for any germ of an attitude that would make Chris Matthews say they are racist, or the President of NARAL say they are sexist, or a Black Lives Matter activist call them privileged. In other words, these are often devised as political indoctrination courses, using “bias” as code for “non-conforming thoughts according to progressive orthodoxy.” I can’t and won’t teach that, because it’s as wrong as it is boring. Bias includes all ideas wedged in our minds that overcome reason and prevent just, even-handed, logical and fair decision-making. Bias makes us stupid, and for lawyers, the kind of bias I’m talking about undermines justice. Ironically, what most proponents of anti-bias courses want to do is instill biases that they and their partisan allies approve of. Once that is done, the Orwellian process is complete. “Bias” then means “not accepting our biases, which aren’t biases because we believe them, and we are good.” The rationalization involved is 14. Self-validating Virtue. The news and ethics issues are reaching one of those crisis points for me where everything seems to be connected to everything else, and I am torn whether to write one huge, conceptual post (the ones most readers skip) or a series of single episode posts. Facebook, a topic on its own, is revealing most of my friends whom I would identify as Democrats or progressives as in the grip of a crippling cognitive bias-based malady. Why did they think it was just wonderful for so many elected officials to deliberately ignore the core Constitutional principle of due process? Why did they reflexively attack the British vote to leave the European Union as “racist” or “xenophobic” rather than recognize it as a principled reassertion of their nation’s autonomy and democratic principles? How did freedom of speech, freedom of thought, true civil rights, and democracy itself become so alien to so many supposedly intelligent and self-proclaimed liberal adults? Don’t worry, I’m coming back to Colby. It really does come down to bad and anti-American education poisoning the culture. In an excellent though disturbing essay on the Ethics And Public Policy website, Stanley Kurtz persuasively argues that U.S. education itself has turned against liberty, resulting in an increasing majority of citizens who do not believe or accept the virtues of core American ideals. The incident that brought my attention to the Colby Bias Incident Log, which, at Colby and elsewhere, sends a Bias Response Team into investigation mode, was one in which a student was reported for allegedly using the idiom “on the other hand.” No, this is not a hoax. It is not a joke. And what the fact that I am writing this suggests is far from funny. It is tragic. Continue reading
Laura is a professional, experienced, British voiceover artist and actor based in London. She’s originally from Wakefield and you might have heard her gentle Yorkshire lilt on commercials, explainer videos, corporate films, e-learning projects, games, radio ads, promos and audiobooks. Her voice has been described as friendly, honest, conversational, young and animated. Her natural speaking voice is in the 20s to 40s age range. Laura is a friendly, Yorkshire lass with a fresh, natural delivery. An honest, conversational tone adds to her appeal and Laura’s training as an actor lends her a wide variety of styles, from straight-laced narration to bubbly commercials. She has worked with various brands including the BBC, Yakult, Iceland, Camelot, British Gas, RNIB, Arriva, Robinson’s & her first ever Voiceover job was for a “Welcome to Yorkshire” Campaign back in 2011. Her ability to perform various characters & accents, as well as precision-timing, is due to her previous success as a West End actor & singer, performing in shows such as Cats, Les Miserables, Jersey Boys & many more. Clients she’s worked with have commented on her professionalism, ability to take direction, talent, flexibility, precision and approachable manner. Her repertoire is extensive & she’s always willing to accept a challenge. Laura can narrate in her native soft Yorkshire accent or can produce broad Yorkshire, Liverpudlian, RP, Mancunian, Cockney, General American, and General Scottish if required. She’s always happy to provide a custom demo for clients so they can gain a better understanding of how she might sound on their projects. Look forward to working with you soon. – Request a custom-demo Clients: BBC, Iceland, Spotify, Yorkshire Tea, RSPCA, NSPCC, RNIB, Tate Britain, Dremel, BT Openreach, BP Studio: Neumann TLM 103, Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, MacBook Pro, Adobe Audition We had the pleasure of kicking Laura’s VO career off with her first ever VO recording for a TV commercial for Welcome to Yorkshire. If Laura was nervous it didn’t show. She was professional, had excellent delivery and took direction and adapted her voice extremely well. She’s very talented and lovely to work with. – Caz Deery, Post Production Producer, Chief Productions I’ve been lucky enough to work with Laura twice on two very different projects for new business and marketing, respectively. In both instances, I was deeply impressed with her professionalism and flexibility in changing her approach to match the unique demands of each project. Our work also often requires turning around content to extremely tight deadlines and Laura’s precision, adaptability and approachable manner was absolutely pivotal in delivering the final product in time. She remains a fixture at the top of our contact list for VO work. – Josh Colley, Head of Corporate Communications, Dentsu Aegis Network The client was super happy with Laura’s work and loved her delivery and I’m certain there will be more work coming from them in the future. It was very easy to work with Laura, her communication was great and she required very little direction to deliver a high quality Voice Over – Stefan Christopher, Production Manager, Clearhead
Adventures In Energy Easy Energy Recipes The Akashic Record and Energy Awareness The Akashic Record is the transcript of infinity. It is often described as a library or database that holds an imprint of every individual life, human and otherwise, that ever has and ever will exist, and a record of every event that ever has and ever will happen, everywhere in the universe from the very beginning of time to the end of time. On a personal level, the Record contains every deed, word, thought, emotion and intention in this life and in past and future lives. It holds each person’s path and purpose. The idea of a repository of infinity exists in most ancient cultures. The ‘Book of Life’ in the Judeo-Christian belief and the ‘Hall of Two Truths,’ of the Egyptians are two examples. Descriptions of this record evolved over time from a tablet, to a book, a library, a super-computer, an energy field, a dimensional library, and most currently, a hologram. As technology changes, so does the descriptive metaphor. The term Akashic Record was originally created by the Theosophists at the turn of 20th century. It comes from the Hindu word akasha, which translates as ether, one of the five natural elements. The other four elements are earth, air, fire, and water. Essentially, akasha is a metaphysical substance that provides the template and matrix for physical form. Akasha is all pervasive, permeating and connecting all aspects of reality. The akasha receives the impressions of everything it contacts and since it is all pervading and contacts everything, it contains an imprint of all that is. To create a possible scientific model, let’s assume that the akasha is electromagnetic in structure. All that exists in the physical world is an expression of electromagnetic energy: houses, people, radioactive material, all have a range of frequency they express within. Even our organs have a specific frequency which is the basis of medical tests like the electrocardiogram (EKG) that records the frequency of the heart, and the electroencephalogram (EEG) that records the frequency of brainwaves. Thoughts and emotions express in their own frequency range, as well. Information that is expressed as vibration within an energy fields is not a new concept. Consider how fields of energy organize matter. For example, magnetic fields organize magnetized particles as every student remembers from dropping iron fillings on a paper with a magnet underneath. Another example is the way Earth’s gravitational field organizes the direction in which life forms grow. Frequency , or the rate of vibration, is coded on carrier waves within an energy field the way a radio station codes the frequency of their programs on radio waves, or cell phones code your conversation onto microwaves. We can theorize that the imprint of events we call the Akashic Records are pieces of information stored as vibration within an electromagnetic field. The Akashic Record is also described as a quantum hologram. Holograms have become quite common in our everyday world; we have holographic ID cards, advertisements and knick knacks in every store. They are so commonplace that we rarely think of what they really are and limit them to simply a three dimensional photograph, but the three dimensional quality is not the most important aspect of the hologram. What is most remarkable is how information is contained in the picture. If a holographic picture of an image is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser you don’t have two halves of the picture, as you would if you tore an ordinary photograph in half: each half contains the entire image. If the halves are divided again, each piece still contains a smaller but intact version of the original image. Every part of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole, with one big exception - each piece contains the whole picture from its unique vantage point within the original photograph! Each piece has all the information, but from its own perspective. All pieces are needed to have all perspectives. This concept is very important to understanding our place in life. A quantum hologram includes aspects of non-locality, wave particle duality and traveling beyond the speed of light. The holographic concept has helped advance the scientific view of nature, consciousness, the universe and even the functioning of our own brains. According to Michael Talbot in his book, The Holographic Universe, “Stanford neuro-physiologist, Dr. Karl Pribram believes memories are encoded not in neurons, or small groupings of neurons, but in patterns of nerve impulses that crisscross the entire brain in the same way that patterns of laser light interference crisscross the entire area of a piece of film containing a holographic image. In other words, Pribram believes the brain is itself a hologram.” If the Akashic Record is a quantum hologram representing universal consciousness, then it is more than a recording device, and it is dynamic, not static. If the purpose of the Record is to promote growth, the Akashic Record is a field of consciousness with self-awareness that evolves with the experiences it records. Each of us is a unique window into the Record imprinting our particular vantage point. Everything we see, think and do, contributes to the knowledge of the whole. As we learn and grow, the Record evolves because we are part of a totality: all life, all sentience, in all planes and levels of reality, together guide the direction of growth. In daily life we make choices based on creating our hearts desire and avoiding pain and suffering. Our choices are personal and reflect our inner dreams. When we make choices we consider how our decision affects our family and friends, community and possibly even the nation, at least when voting. However, do we consider that we are part of the force that directs the course and quality of the whole? If we did, what might change? The concept of an Akashic Record show us that everyone is here at the right time, in the right place, including you . No one is an accident, no matter what the story of your conception is; everyone’s life has purpose and meaning. In a hologram, each unit has access to the information in the whole and each is wired to negotiate the Akashic terrain. Resonance provides access into the Akashic record. Energy awareness as discussed in this website is one way of finding resonance. As you expand your consciousness, you impact the quality of the Akashic Record. With your thoughts and feelings you are contributing to the creation of the mindset of the world around you. You are creating the direction of the future. What that direction that will be depends on the awareness with which all of us make our choices. How each of us behaves in the trials we face creates an energy wave that propagates through the sea of life-force. This force creates the circumstances of everyday life. We are in a shift. Some people call this a shift into Singularity consciousness, a return to an ancient way of seeing the world. The shift happens in the blink of an eye, in the moment we move from awareness that we are connected to awareness that we are one. The moment we shift from being part of the whole to being the whole. The whole is so much more than just human consciousness. We are a tiny speck in an unfathomable mystery. Change is seldom easy and as the old way of seeing the world clashes with the new, conflict seems to escalate. Consider this time a training ground to develop your Presence. As conflict and fear prevail, react with thoughtfulness, calmness, and love. Practice living without fear. Choose to leave your anxious, worried, and angry thoughts outside your mind. Let go of attachments and be open to compassion. Everything we are going through will be used in the creation of the new. Be your new self, enjoy the beauty of life. Interested in learning more on Akashic Records? Buy my book The Complete Idiots Guide to the Akashic Records, at Amazon.com.
Gold, Silver Medal Requirements Status Quo After the Piobaireachd Society decided to reduce the requirement for competitors in the Senior competitions this year, it is sticking to its guns for the Gold and Silver medal events by maintaining entrants must submit six piobaireachds from the lists of eight. There had been speculation from many competitors that the Piobaireachd Society would follow suit with the two other recommendations. “The requirements for the Gold Medal and Silver Medal remain the same,” said Andrew Wright, President of the Piobaireachd Society. “Competitors in these events appear to have taken the increased requirements in their stride.” It appears that most, if not all, discussion has been around the requirements for the Senior competitions at Oban (the Open Piobaireachd) and Inverness (the Clasp). Controversy ensued after the Piobaireachd Society originally demanded that competitors in those events would submit six tunes from the list of eight, comprising relatively obscure tunes and settings. “The Piobaireachd Society, after discussion with the CPA, have agreed to reduce the recommendations for the Senior set tune requirements this year,” Wright continued. “This was largely in view of the workload which would have imposed on those players who are qualified to play both in the Gold Medal and the Clasp events and their having to learn twelve tunes. Also there was unrest from the Clasp players in having to learn settings of tunes with which they were not familiar.” What do you think? We always want to hear from our readers, so please use our comment system to provide your thoughts! Do you have news? Be sure to send your information to pipes|drums. We can’t report what we don’t know about! Please remember to support the businesses that advertise and make the not-for-profit p|d possible.
Calle San Juan (San Juan Street) has become over the years a necessary stop for the tasting of tapas, pinchos and wines. More than thirty gastronomic bars and restaurants offer their delicious specialties with an atmosphere just as typical as the nearby Calle Laurel. Until the middle of the 19th century, San Juan had no exit to Muro del Carmen street. In 1855 the building that closed it was demolished. The religious image of San Juan was preserved in the famous Posada del Gallo. During its popular San Juan festivities (June 24), the restored image of the saint is displayed on an altar with flowers. Calle San Juan 26001 Logroño.
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In case you missed it, the Red Hot Chili Peppers are back with their longtime guitarist, John Frusciante, for the first time since Stadium Arcadium. Today they share the second single since Frusciante’s return, a funky new number titled “Poster Child.” This follows “Black Summer,” which dropped exactly a month ago. The new RHCP album, Unlimited Love, is scheduled for a release date of April 1. The entire project was produced by the legendary Rick Rubin. So far, the singles are signaling towards something great to come from the band. You can stream the new Red Hot Chili Peppers song below. Enjoy!
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