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Dataset origin:

Breton ASR open data

This repository contains open data indended for Natural Language Processing research and applications. The sharing of this data has been authorized by their respective authors, with a preference for permissive licenses whenever possible.

Should you be the owner of any of the data and wish for its removal from this dataset and/or Anaouder's training data, kindly notify me.

If you are interested in contributing to this dataset by providing your own data to improve breton open speech-to-text technologies, feel free to get in touch !

:microphone: Voices with transcriptions « Mouezhioù »

Each sub-directory contains segmented audio files, and the corresponding segment text is available in the audio_text/metadata.tsv file.

The transcription may contain special tokens, such as <C'HOARZH>, <PASAAT>, <SONEREZH>...

Data directories

Total audio duration : 5h 34mn 7s

Directory Type Source Author(s) Licence Duration
An_Drouizig Dialog, Presentation Pêr Morvan, Gwenn Meynier CC BY-NC-SA 27mn 26s
Becedia_Komzoù-brezhoneg Interviews
Lors Jouin, Francis Favereau CC BY-NC-SA 9mn 17s
Brendan-Budok_Durand-Le-Ludec Chess Youtube channel Bredan-Budok Durand-Le Ludec, Manon Jouitteau, YF Le Gall, Mélanie Jouitteau CC BY 5mn 30s
Neus_Ket_Deus_Archoazh Documentary Laors Skavenneg, Korin ar Mero CC BY 26mn 5s
#Brezhoneg Read out articles Skol an Emzav, Dizale All rights reserved 4h 25mn 49s
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Collection including Bretagne/roadennou