The chest X-ray improved from the previous control (residual condensation in LSD and LMD).
Highest slopes of the first visit: exudate pharyng5; IgG: normal flora in culture; detection of Epstein: EB (V anti-anticapsid IgM antibodies 11.5)
Chest X-ray 10 days after the first visit: increased density in LSD of paramediastinal distribution associated with lower fissure displacement, suggesting segmental atelectasis probably residual to the infectious process.
Diagnosis: infectious mononucleosis with pneumonia2-6.
A 14-year-old patient presented with fatigue or fatigue, tremors, with 15 days of evolution.
There was no history of fever, only morning cramps in lower limbs the previous days.
Until then he danced several days a week and had a very active life.
Family from Chile.
The child was born in New York and lives in Spain for 6 years.
Unworthy personal history.
Right vaccines.
No known drug allergies.
No remarkable diseases in childhood.
Menarche 2 years ago.
Family history: family member with Berger's disease pending kidney transplantation.
Physical location: weight 51 kg; height 160 cm; TA 120 mmHg; heart rate 105 beats/minute; axillary temperature 36.8oC.
Good general condition, pale skin and mucous membranes (rubia), no skin lesions.
Small submandibular adenopathies.
Normal neurological condition; normal cardiorespiratory apparatus; abdomen without any evaluable finding, no visceromegaly, negative lumbar percussion wrist; correct hydration.
Analytical results
- Hemoglobin of 10.3 g/dl; neutrophils 67 3.880.000; hematocrit 29.7; MCV 77; leukocyte formula: 11,100 leukocytes with 63.2% neutrophils, 25.1% lymphocytes/eosinophils; bas lymphocytes 0.5%.
- Glucose of 93 mg/dl with normal glycosylated haemoglobin; creatinine: 1.15 mg/dl; total cholesterol: 114 mg/dl; ferritin 133 mcg/l; sideremia 17 mcg/dl
Under suspicion of renal failure7,8 he was admitted to the hospital.
Renal ultrasound: symmetrical but significantly large kidneys; no dilatation of collecting systems, normal Doppler and normal echogenicity.
Renal balance: FG (T) 70.67 ml/min/ 1.73 m2; FG (SC) 50.02 ml/min/ m2.
Proteinuria 20.71 mg/m2/hour.
Diagnosis: mild to moderate renal failure with proteinuria without hematuria.
Anatomopathological diagnosis: tubulointerstitial nephritis with acute tubular damage (probably secondary to infectious process/drugs).
A 6-year-old male patient with no relevant past medical history came for a review to the dental office.
The intraoral examination revealed exfoliation of the upper four quadrants without erupting any of the definitive ones.
In fixation, a tumefaction was observed in the vestibular cortical bone corresponding to the crowns of the upper central incisors, but these were located very apart from the midline.
An orthopantomography was requested to assess the position and state of eruption of upper teeth.
The X-ray showed the presence of two mesiodens in the midline.
The right side was in a more apical position and was larger than the left.
Both were in a vertical position and had a conoid shape.
They caused a large interincisal diastema and prevented the correct eruption of the upper central sites.
The mother was informed about the need to extract supernumerary teeth for the correct dental eruption of the anterior sector, and the patient was referred to the maxillofacial surgery service for surgical extraction.
Before surgery, the patient developed a 1/3 eruption of the left superior crown and the left mesiodens cusp.
The maxillofacial surgery service decides to perform the intervention in two phases: first performs the surgical extraction of the left mesiodens and perform the right one when it has a lower position.
The patient will need periodic controls to control the dental eruption and assess the need for a posterior orthodontic treatment to close the interincisal diastema and also allow upper eruption of the laterals.
A 13-year-old male, with no relevant personal history, who came to the health center because for a few months he has noticed a left-sided lesion that does not cause any symptomatology and has not varied in size.
She suffered a possible trauma to the area two years earlier after a fall with skates.
He has a good general condition and is asymptomatic.
A prominence of approximately 1.5-2 cm of bone consistency around 3-4 cm above the left internal malleolus is established.
No local inflammation, hematoma, or pain upon palpation were observed.
There are no distal neurovascular alterations or functional impotence.
A simple radiography of the affected tooth is requested, anteroposterior and lateral, where a bone lesion is visualized.
The radiological report gave the diagnosis: "The anteroposterior and lateral radiograph of the ankle shows a well-defined relief of bone loss of the cortical bone, without apparent soft tissue involvement, in the medial aspect of the distal tibia-chondroma".
Since this is an asymptomatic mass and has remained stable preserving its size, it was decided to follow the evolution in the consultation and in case of possible changes to perform imaging test and / or cite it in traumatology consultations for review.
An eight-year-old boy, born in Sierra Leone, who consulted the hospital Saint John of God in Sierra Leone for a tumor in the lower eyelid of the left eye with a time of evolution of about one month.
The father reported a history of contact with papaya leaves.
During the examination she presented a hard tumor occupying the two external thirds of the lower left eyelid, with ulcerations on the skin surface and mucosa of the eyelid.
There were also lymphadenopathies on both sides of the neck.
The rest of the examination showed no relevant data.
The impossibility of performing microbiological cultures in the terrain to administer a systemic and local antibiotic coverage as the first therapeutic option in the case of an infectious process.
Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid was administered orally, and topical tobramycin and challenge.
But the most important symptom was the hard consistency of the tumor, along with regional lymph nodes that suggested a neoformative process.
Finally, contact with papaya made us consider the possibility of latex contact dermatitis exuding these fruits when green.
A skin biopsy was performed and sent to a referral hospital.
The anatomopathologicalstudy showed fibrin and polynuclear exudate in the superficial area of the ulcer and granulation tissue in the deep regions, where histiocytes with intranuclear giant inclusions cells of type were identified.
A focal nonspecific inflammatory reaction was observed in the deepest biopsy site.
SAP staining was negative.
The diagnosis was: ulcerated lesion with characteristics compatible with herpes virus infection, accompanied probably by bacterial superinfection.
At three weeks, the lower eyelid tumor began to decrease in size, as well as induration, while ulcerations healed.
A month and a half, the repair was complete.
We report the case of an eight-month-old patient admitted for a seven-day history of fever up to 40oC, refusal to eat and vomiting.
She had no family or personal pathological history of interest or known allergies.
Physical examination revealed only small laterocervical rye adenopathies and pharyngeal hyperemia.
In the requested study gas, he had a complete blood count with normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate; C-reactive protein, 4.48 mg/dl; and normal sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), bilirubin,
Blood, urine and stool cultures were negative and parainfuenzavirus 3 was isolated from the pharyngeal smear.
An analytical finding that called attention was an AF number of 5252 IU/l.
Parents were asked again in search of any cause of this elevation of AF, with special insistence in the consumption of drugs, history of fractures or previous diseases, both in the patient and in their relatives, without obtaining new data.
A new determination of FA was requested to verify that it was not a laboratory error, as well as GGT, vitamin D, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and isoenzymes of FA.
This analysis confirmed the elevation of FA (6070 IU/l), resulting the rest of the parameters requested (GGT, isoenzymes of FA, vitamin D and PTH) normal.
On the seventh day of admission, once the feverish process was triggered, the patient was discharged with a diagnosis of Parainfuenzavirus 3 infection and hyperphosphatemia under study.
It was clinically controlled and with periodic determinations of AF in outpatient clinics.
In subsequent controls, the patient presented a progressive decrease in benign AF, asymptomatic and with a rigorous normal physical examination. The patient was discharged after six months, after presenting two determinations of transient AF with normal levels for his age.
A three-year-old male was brought to the emergency room for presenting two episodes of approximately one minute duration in the previous hour, consisting of environmental disconnection, lost gaze, and generalized hypertonia.
Two days before he had started with diarrhea and vomiting, he had not had fever.
She had no personal history of interest.
His family history included only one six-year-old brother who had presented two febrile seizures.
Physical examination revealed no evidence of mental retardation or neurological abnormalities.
Blood count, biochemistry and venous gas analysis were normal.
He remained under observation for 20 hours without presenting new crises and good tolerance to oral hydration.
Rotavirus was detected in the coprocultive.
Subsequent follow-up showed no new seizures and normal psychomotor development.
A 14-year-old male presented to his paediatrician with no previous history of chest pain in the left anterior hemithorax radiating to the neck.
The pain started the day before, started to be mild and more severe in front of the trunk, and the patient noted that the discomfort worsened in decubitus and with deep breathing, and improved when he felt and declined.
The patient denied fever or other symptoms and had no relevant medical or surgical history.
The physical examination is completely normal; however, the pediatrician performs an electrocardiogram (ECG) and decides, in view of the test findings, to refer the patient to the hospital.
Before you continue to read, closely observe the ECG.
The ECG shows sinus rhythm at 100 beats per minute.
There are no abnormalities in the P wave or in the PR segment, and the QRS complex presents an axis within the left lower quadrant (between 0 and +90o, being positive in I and aVF) without morphological changes.
So far we have not detected any data beyond normal.
Analyzing repolarization, we observed a QTc interval of normal duration, although the presence of negative T waves in leads V3-V6 is noteworthy.