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जब उनी मुस्कुराइन् मैले उनको दाँत देख्न सक्थे ।
When she smiled, I could see her teeth.
तर मलाई नराम्रो लाग्छ ।
But I have a bad feeling.
सुंगुर' खुट्टा !
Pigs' feet!
-तिमी अझै पनि रेमन राम्रो बनाउन सक्दैनौ ?
-You still can't make ramyeon properly?
त्यसले मलाई रिस उठाउँछ ।
It makes me angry.
Stop telling me to do teas and tab.
तपाईं यी चुनौतीहरूको साथ गडबड गर्नुहुन्छ, तपाईंले वाहियात एफ.सी. कप पाउनुभयो ।
You mess with these challenges, you got the FCC up your ass.
छिट्टो !
Hurry and fly after him!
लक्ष्य, सार्जेन्ट फोर लिफ टेब्याकलाई अत्यन्त संरक्षित एन.भी.ए. जेलबाट उद्दार गर्ने ।
The objective, rescue Sergeant Four Leaf Tayback from a heavily guarded NVA Prison Camp.
त्यो निर्माण स्थल सम्झनुहोस् ?
Remember that construction site?
हामीले के गर्नु र ? त्यो सी इ ओको सोच हो ।
What should we do, it's CEO's idea.
निर्देशक र अभिनेताले उसको अनुहार पहिचान गरे ।
The director and the actors recognized his face.
यसलाई म पनि बलियो छु, ठीक छ।
It's fine, I'm strong too.
यो नै जीवन हो जुन हामीले बिताउँछौं ।
That's the life that was passed down to us.
पक्कै पनि !
बेडको दृश्यको लागि तपाईंको शरीर दोब्बर हुनेछ ।
The epitome of innocence and glamor, actress Shin Soo Jung?
म हो ।
I am.
अब ! हाई क्यु !
Now, high cue!
नमस्कार, म येसोको सहपाठी छु,
Hello, I'm Yeseo's classmate,
-तपाईं के गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ?
-What are you doing?
म माथि नपुगुन्जेल डुबाट नै काम गर्नेछु ।
I'll work hard from Do until I get to the top!
जाउँ, जाउँ !
Let's go, let's go!
हायानालाई समूह ट्युसनबाट निकालियो ।
Hyena got kicked out of the group tutoring sessions.
-तपाईंलाई क्षमा गर्नु?
-Forgive you?
केही भैरहेको छ ?
What's wrong?
के तिमीले सक्नुभयो, सर ?
Have you finished, sir?
अहिले जाउँ न ।
Let's go.
अबोमासुम, मुटु, सुँगुरको पेट ।
The abomasum, heart, pig stomach.
किन थाहा गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ?
Why do you want to know?
यो मेरो डेस्क मा छ।
It's on my desk.
शान्ति ?
यो तपाईं र बच्चाको लागि धेरै गारो छ ।
This is too tough for you and the baby.
तपाईंसँग कुनै पैसा बाँकी छैन, के तपाइँ?
You don't have any money left, do you?
यो राम्रो संकेत हो, सही?
That's a good sign, right?
पहिलाको भन्दा कम छ ।
Less than it did.
उसको र ग्रेगको केही सम्बन्ध छैन ।
He has no connection to Greg whatsoever.
-मलाई त्यो थाहा भएन ।
-I didn't know that.
यहाँ के हुँदैछ ?
What is going on here?
मेरो बच्चाहरु यहाँ भेला हुने गर्थे साथीहरूसँग ।
My kids used to gather here with their friends.
मलाई भोक लागेको छ । उठेर पकाउनु न ।
Well, I'm hungry.
हि -जी, यहाँ कसरी आइपुग्यौ ?
Hee-ji, what brought you here?
हुन्छ ।
-सबै झ्याम्मै खाऊ ।
-Drink it all up.
होईन, सर ।
No, sir.
म तिम्रो गाला चिमोट्न चाहन्छु !
I'm going to pinch your cheeks!
जस्तै केही पनि नभएको ।
As if nothing happened.
मलाई ठिक छ ।
I'm fine!
यूरी, तिमीले मेरो फोन किन नउठाको ?
Yuri, why weren't you answering my calls?
म यहाँ कुरालाई अगाडी र पछाडी गर्नको लागि बसेको हो ।
I'm just here to ferry guests back and forth.
हे भगवान ।
तिमी युनाको लागि पो आएको, मेरो लागि हैन ।
So you came because of Yuna, not me.
तिमीले हामीलाई झुट बोल्नु हुँदैन ।
You don't have to lie to us if it's just a dirty weekend.
मलाई माफ गर्देऊ ।
I'm sorry.
मलाई थाहा छैन, उनको सास रोकियो।
I don't know what happened, he just stopped breathing.
- भगवान ।
म Minjun देखेर पछि घर जादै थियो, र म केही परिचित देख पङ्क देखे।
I was going home after seeing Minjun, and I saw some familiar looking punk.
बहुमूल्य सानो ।
Precious little.
-तपाईंको नेक टाईले पुस्नु न ।
-Just wipe it with your necktie.
सफाई शुल्क समावेश छ बिल, सही?
Cleaning fee is included in the bill, right?
मैले यो पाएँ...
I got this...
तिमीले त आगो लगाउनु पर्छ ।
You're supposed to blow the fire.
यसले पुष्टि गर्छ।
That will fill the bill.
हाई !
तपाईं मेसेन्जर सुट गर्नु हुने छ र ?
What? You're gonna shoot the messenger?
उहाँले पागल हुनुपर्छ!
He must be crazy!
He ' s not helpful युनाt युनाll ।
He's not helpful at all.
औजारहरु !
र भोली...
And tomorrow...
आफ्नो भविष्यबारे सोच ।
Think about your future.
यो सिर्फ गलत थियो।
It was just a mistake.
अँ ।
म यो खाते, गु खाने डरपोक केटाको कुरामा सहमत छुईन !
I am not with that motherfucking gook fuck punk ass pussy boy, piece of shit!
- मैले वहाँलाई ल्याएँ ।
-I brought him.
मलाई मेरो कम्बल चाहियो प्याक गरेको छ ।
I want my blanket!
तपाईं जति धेरै लुकाउनु हुन्छ... ... झूटो उति नै ठूलो हुनेछ ।
The more you hide the bigger the lie will be.
-जाऔं, जाऔं ।
-Let's go.
उ अब तपाईंहरुको हो ।
He's all yours, gentlemen.
के कारण हुन सक्छ ?
What could the reason be?
अँ, म चाहन्थें, तर बेल्जियम यस्तो गरिब सानो देश हो... ...बेलायत जस्तै होइन ।
Well, I would love to, but Belgium is such a poor little country not like Britain.
तपाईं बोंग -छिटो मालिक हुनुहुन्छ ?
Are you Bong-soon's boss?
मैले तपाईंको बारेमा १०० पटक सम्झे ।
I thought about you 100 times.
मलाई त्यस्तै लाग्छ ।
Well, yes, I imagine so.
शान्त रहने प्रयास गर ।
Try to keep calm.
रिचर्ड फ्रेडम्यान को हो ?
Who the hell is Richard Fredman?
र त्यहाँबाट कस्तो किसिमको सम्झना फेरि पुनर्जीवित हुनेछ ?
Perhaps, then we will be able to remember something from that day.
उनीहरु पूर्ण संचालन आउनुपूर्ण नै हामीसँग धेरै समय छैन ।
We don't have much time before they're completely operational,
मलाई सुरुमा मार्नुहोस् ।
Kill me first then submit.
तिमीसँग केही सोध्नु थियो भन्दैथियो ।
He said he had something to ask you.
अब के गर्ने त ?
What do we do now?
आज रातको कम्पनी खाना ?
Company dinner tonight?
मलाई विश्वास छ कि अपहरण हुने व्यक्ति ऊ नै हो ।
He believes that he's the one who got kidnapped.
त्यो कायर मूर्ख कसरी मेरो छोरा हुन सक्छ?
How can that stupid idiot be my son?
अँ ।
Look at me.
मेरो कुरा सकिएको छैन ।
OK, I'm not done yet.
-त्यहाँ दुई कोठा थिए ।
-There were two rooms.
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