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Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Emphasizing that the international financial system should bolsters sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth, sustainable development and job creation, promote financial inclusion and support efforts to eradicate poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, and hunger, in particular in developing countries, while allowing for the coherent mobilization of all sources of financing for development,'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP13. Reaffirming also the outcome of the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the overall review of the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, which provides an overview of implementation action lines, challenges, vision and priority areas, and recognizing the need for all people to have media and information literacy skills, which are important in order to fully participate in an inclusive information society, agreed ad ref'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'23. Recognizes the important contribution of healthy ecosystems to reducing disaster risk and building community resilience, encourages all States, United Nations entities and other relevant actors to promote nature-based solutions, ecosystem-based approaches, among other approaches for disaster risk reduction at all levels and across all phases of disaster risk reduction and management, and reiterates the importance of the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity as well as providing long-term and affordable investments in these approaches to reduce the impacts and costs of disasters, and ensure synergies between the implementation of the Sendai Framework and the Kunming-Montr al Global Biodiversity Framework, including by developing and updating national biodiversity strategies and action plans;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'36. Emphasizes the need for early conclusion conclusion completion : Japan of the feasibility studies, as mandated in the Doha Programme of Action, to explore without replacing face to face learning: EU EU (Will take back); Holy See: Rationale? the possibility of establishing an online university or other equivalent platforms to support online graduate and postgraduate university-level science, technology, engineering and mathematics education in the least developed countries and recently graduated countries with a view to, inter alia, providing policy support to promote distance education and open learning for graduate and postgraduate studies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, ensuring 50-50: EU US, RF: Delete gender balance at all levels while guaranteeing special access for the poorest and people in vulnerable situations, creating a virtual network of educational institutions within and beyond the least developed countries, assisting in course design and curriculum development, and leading to scale and sustainability of the education system, taking into account all pre-existing initiatives developed by the relevant partners in a comprehensive manner, and in this regard looks forward to the report of the Secretary-General, outlining, inter alia, the mapping of existing initiatives, possible new modalities, resource requirements, accreditation and sustainable funding sources to be submitted to the General Assembly at its seventy-eighth session for its consideration; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Also recognizes the potential of big data, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning, to increase agricultural productivity, and improve access to markets, efficiency of inputs, and quality control, while acknowledging that the application of artificial intelligence technologies in agriculture should be based on human rights, animal welfare principles, food safety and environmental concerns, including the sustainable usemanagement of natural resources and the conservation of biodiversity; [Based on SG report paragraphs 18, 42 and 56]'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP50. Acknowledging that differences in individual stakeholders capabilities to both use and create information and communications technologies represent a knowledge divide that perpetuates inequality, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recalling also Economic and Social Council resolution 2023/3 of 19 June 2023 on the assessment of the progress made in the implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, as well as previous resolutions on the issue, (Technical update) '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'53. Also recognizes that, while each State has the primary responsibility for preventing and reducing disaster risk, it is a shared responsibility between Governments and relevant stakeholders, and recognizes that non-State and other relevant stakeholders, including major groups, parliaments, civil society, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, non-governmental organizations, Indigenous Peoples and their organizations, national platforms for disaster risk reduction focal points for the Sendai Framework, local government representatives, scientific institutions and the private sector, as well as organizations and relevant agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations system and other relevant institutions and intergovernmental organizations, play an important role as enablers in providing support to States, in accordance with national policies, laws and regulations, in the implementation of the Sendai Framework at the local, national, regional and global levels, and that greater efforts are needed to mobilize multi-stakeholder partnerships for disaster risk reduction, according to national plans and policies;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP6 Emphasizing that the [bulk/ largest share US, EU; G77 and China reserve] of tracked climate change investments is concentrated in [renewable energy and energy-efficiency projects,/ [clean/ cleaner Russia; or retain original text] energy systems US; G77 and China, EU retain], that international private investment in climate change sectors is directed almost exclusively to mitigation, with only 5 per cent going to adaptation projects, and that more than 60 per cent is invested in developed countries, where 85 per cent of projects are purely privately financed, whereas almost half of the projects in developing countries require some form of public sector participation, while noting that investments in adaptation are underreported, [EU, USA: request checking the accuracy of data]'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'6. Acknowledges the important role that national financial inclusion strategies can play in identifying and overcoming financing gaps and binding constraints, including the lack of access to finance for micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises, notes that at least 79 countries have adopted or are in the process of developing financial inclusion strategies, and in this regard encourages Member States to consider the convenience of adopting and pursuing national financial inclusion strategies and gender-responsive strategies, to end the structural barriers to women s equal access to economic resources and to expand peer learning, experience-sharing and capacity-building among countries and regions in this respect; through risk sharing mechanisms and regulatory requirements as well as support from international partners through blended finance; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'1820. Reiterates that States will not be able to achieve the ambitious Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda without a revitalized and enhanced global partnership and comparably ambitious means of implementation, and reaffirms the commitment at the very heart of the 2030 Agenda to leave no one behind and commit to taking more tangible steps to support people in vulnerable situations and the most vulnerable countries and to reach the furthest behind first; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'18. Expresses concern that more than half of the least developed countries are either in debt distress or at serious risk of debt distress, which is severely hampering their ability to invest in recovery and increasing resilience to future crises, and thatthe ratio of total debt service to export revenues rose to 18.9 per cent in 2022; and calls for improved improved improving implementation of : Japan; improving current: CANZ international debt mechanisms to support debt review, debt payment suspensions, and debt restructuring, as appropriate, with an expansion of support and eligibility to vulnerable countries in need, commits to continuing to assist developing countries in avoiding a build-up of unsustainable debt and in implementing resilience measures so as to reduce the risk of relapsing into another debt crisis, including through instruments like climate-resilient debt clauses: CANZ recognizes the importance of new and emerging challenges and vulnerabilities in regard to developing countries external and domestic debt sustainability, and calls for strengthened multilateral actions and coordination by all creditors to address the deteriorating debt situation; G77: Retain as drafted; Mexico, US, EU, UK: Reserve pending Macro-cluster'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Noting also the holding of UNCTAD eWeek 2023: Shaping the Future of the Digital Economy, 04 - 08 December 2023 in Geneva, (Technical update) '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Encouraging parties, other Governments and relevant organizations to integrate nature-based solutions, ecosystem-based approaches and other management and conservation approaches, in line with resolution 5/5 of 7 March 2022 of the United Nations Environment Assembly,12 to climate change adaptation and mitigation and disaster risk reduction into their strategic planning, as appropriate, across sectors,'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'32. Looks forward to the high-level events marking the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development expected in June 2024. '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Stresses the need to continue to assist developing countries in avoiding a build-up of unsustainable debt and in implementing resilience measures so as to reduce the risk of relapsing into another debt crisis, taking into account the challenges posed by the global economic environment and risks for debt sustainability in a growing number of developing countries; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP32. Recognizing that realizing gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls will make a crucial contribution to progress across all of the Sustainable Development Goals, and emphasizing the need to target science, technology and innovation strategies to address the empowerment of women and girls and to reduce inequalities, including the gender digital divide, agreed ad ref'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'1618. Recalls the convening of the seventheighth annual multi-stakeholder forum on science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals in New York on 53 and 64 May 20222023, whose Co-Chairs summary served as an input to the high-level political forum on sustainable development and highlighted, inter alia, the promotion of networking and matchmaking among relevant stakeholders, especially innovators, funders and other supporters, to bridge the technology gap for the Sustainable Development Goals; [Technical update] '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recognizes that the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development constituted a milestone that ushered in major international instruments and commitments [that guide progress in closing development gaps within and among developed and developing countries-del- US] , and reaffirms [all-del US] the principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, as set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June 2012, entitled The future we want ;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recognizing that culture is an essential component of human development, that it represents a source of identity, innovation and creativity for the individual and the community and that it is an important factor in social inclusion and poverty eradication, providing for sustainable economic growth and ownership of development processes,'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recalling the decisions adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity at its thirteenth and fourteenth meetings, on article 8 (j) and related provisions,13 decision CBD/CP/MOP/VIII/1914 and decision CBD/NP/MOP/DEC/2/7,15 as well as of the work done by the Ad Hoc Open- ended Inter-sessional Working Group on Article 8 (j) and related provisions,'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'38. Also recognizes the need to support least developed countries in building capacity and a framework to scale up the development, deployment and sustainable utilization of emerging technologies for the Sustainable Development Goals, including strengthening of digital literacy and skills, as part of efforts to bridge digital and knowledge divides, as a prerequisite for inclusive participation in the digital economy, and to provide necessary financial and technical support to least developed countries to establish and strengthen national and regional science institutes to increase their capacity for research and development in science, technology and innovations and promote the adaptation and application of modern technologies for domestic uses; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'20. Urges States to conduct inclusive and multi-hazard disaster risk assessments that consider climate change projections to support evidence-based disaster risk reduction strategies and guide risk-informed development investments by the private and public sectors, including comprehensive disaster risk reduction financing strategies, to support early action and recovery;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Expressing concern that the global economy has yet to recover and remains in a challenging phase, that growth remains weak in many countries and includes subdued trade growth, volatile capital flows, widespread fiscal strains and unsustainable debt in many countries, particularly developing countries, and that commodity exporters are particularly hard hit owing to their vulnerability to commodity price volatility, and in this regard stressing the need for continuing efforts to address systemic fragilities and imbalances, noting with appreciation efforts underway to evolve to reform and strengthen the international institutions to respond to global challenges financial system and to make further progress towards sustaining and rebalancing global demand, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'22. Welcome that the parties urged : EU, UK Last year s language]Urges developed country parties to deliver in full on the 100 billion dollar goal urgently and through to 2025 and emphasizes the importance of transparency in the implementation of their pledges, welcomes that in the Glasgow Climate Pact Pthe parties urged the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention, multilateral development banks and other financial institutions to further scale up investment in climate action, and calleds for a continued increase in the scale and effectiveness of climate finance from all sources globally, including grants and other highly concessional forms of finance; G77, RF: Retain as drafted'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Reaffirming that the Doha Programme of Action is a new generation of renewed and strengthened commitments by the least developed countries and their development partners grounded in the overarching goals of achieving rapid, sustainable and inclusive recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, building resilience against future shocks, eradicating extreme poverty, strengthening labour markets by promoting the transition from informal to formal employment, enabling graduation from the least developed country category, facilitating access to sustainable and innovative financing, addressing inequalities, within and among countries, leveraging the power of science, technology and innovation, mainstreaming tech-driven entrepreneurship, bringing about structural transformation and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, through a reinvigorated global partnership for sustainable development based on scaled-up and ambitious means of implementation and diverse support for the least developed countries in forging the widest possible coalition of multi-stakeholder partnerships, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP16. Taking note also of the report on the economic impact of broadband in the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States, jointly prepared by the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States and the International Telecommunication Union, as well as the United Nations E-Government Survey prepared by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat, agreed ad ref'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Emphasizing that cohesive, nationally owned sustainable development strategies, supported by integrated national financing frameworks, will be at the heart of efforts by Member States, reiterating that each country has primary responsibility for its own economic and social development and that the role of national policies and development strategies cannot be overemphasized, highlighting the need to respect each country s policy space and leadership in the implementation of policies for poverty eradication and sustainable development while remaining consistent with relevant international rules and commitments, recognizing that national development efforts need to can be supported by an enabling international economic environment, including coherent and mutually supporting world trade, monetary and financial systems and strongstrengthened and enhanced global economic governance, and highlighting the fact that processes to develop and transfer knowledge and technologies, on voluntary and mutually agreed terms , as well as capacity-building, are also critical, including pursuing policy coherence and an enabling environment for sustainable development at all levels and by all actors and reinvigorating the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development and for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recalling the Working Group on the Digital Gender Divide of the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development and the recommendations for action in bridging the gender digital divide contained in its progress report, and taking note of the report of the Working Group on Education of the Broadband Commission entitled Digital skills for life and work , '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP36. Recognizing also that harnessing the benefits of digital technologies for inclusive, equitable and quality education and lifelong learning opportunities requires the advancement of connectivity, capacities and content, and [electricity for all, and -EU; -G77 delete, but ready for alternative forumlation; -EU to revert with alternatives] acknowledging the need for access to broadband Internet and technology devices, digital inclusion and literacy, and to incorporate digital competencies into the education system for the capacity-building of educators and students, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Bearing in mind that the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations in 2020 and the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the 2030 Agenda presented an opportunity to reaffirm collective commitment to multilateralism and to the United Nations, and reaffirming the urgent need to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, including the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular the eradication of poverty in all its forms and dimensions,'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General; '
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b'9. Encourages Member States to strengthen and foster investment in research and development for environmentally sound technologies and to promote the involvement of the business and financial sectors in the development of those technologies, and invites the international community to support those efforts; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Expressing its concern that the extreme poor have limited access to productive resources, basic health, Internet and digital technologies, education and social protection services, basic infrastructure such as roads, water and electricity, and off-farm employment opportunities, and are susceptible to the impacts of natural hazards, especially weather-related hazards, including the El Ni o phenomenon, and the adverse effects of climate change, and that rural women and girls fare far worse on most development indicators, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recognises that the unsustainable debt burdens in developing countries are stretching social safety nets, causing socioeconomic distress and constraining sustainable development, while the multilateral response has been subdued, considering the severity of the situation (SG report page 14)'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Taking note of the work of the African Union, in collaboration with other Pan-African Institutions in promoting international cooperation to Fight Illicit Financial flows, including the decision of the Assembly of the Union at its Thirty-Sixth Ordinary Session held on 18-19 February 2023 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to curb IFFs illicit financial flows that drain from the continent of Africa substantial financial resources paramount that could otherwise be employed for economic and social development, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Emphasizing the importance of enhancing global support for national work on rural development policies and strategies, including on commodity production as well as increased public and private investments to upgrade productive capacity, and that tackling rural poverty requires integrated, cross-sectoral, multi-stakeholder and context-specific interventions, with a strong emphasis on sustainable food and agricultural systems for food security, and nutrition, economic growth, revitalization and development in rural areas, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Stresses that the achievement of sustainable development and the eradication of poverty also hinge on the ability and readiness of countries to effectively mobilize domestic resources, attract foreign direct investment, fulfil their respective official development assistance commitments and use official development assistance effectively, and facilitate the transfer of technology on voluntary and mutually agreed terms to developing countries, on mutually agreed terms, and further stresses that the resolution of unsustainable debt situations is critical for heavily indebted poor countries, while remittances have become a significant source of income and finance for receiving economies and their contribution to the achievement of sustainable development; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'7. Reaffirms its commitment to embracing diversity in cities and human settlements, to strengthening social cohesion, intercultural dialogue and understanding, tolerance, mutual respect, gender equality and women s empowerment, innovation, entrepreneurship, inclusion, identity and safety, and the dignity of all people, including people in vulnerable situations, as well as to fostering liveability and a vibrant urban economy and to taking steps to ensure that local institutions promote pluralism and peaceful coexistence within increasingly heterogeneous and multicultural societies; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'[OP33. Notes the policy proposals put forward by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in its World Investment Report 2022: International Tax Reform and Sustainable Investment, in particular that the international community should support developing countries, especially in Africa and the least developed countries, including through scaling up technical assistance to take advantage of international tax reforms, and calls upon the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development to work in collaboration with multiple stakeholders to help developing countries to avail themselves of these recommendations; - EU delete; G77 and China retain]'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'16. Calls for a coherent set of policy actions at the national, regional and international levels to address excessive price volatility and support commodity-dependent developing countries in mitigating negative impacts, in particular by Encourages work to facilitateing value addition and enhanceing their participation in commodity and related product value chains, by supporting large-scale diversification of these commodity-dependent economies and by encouraging the use and further development of market-oriented risk management tools, instruments and strategies; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Expressing concern about the adverse impact of and risks resulting from the continuing fragility of the global economy and the slow pace of the restoration of global growth and trade, including the impact on development, net negative capital flows from some emerging and developing economies and inequalities for young people, women, persons with disabilities, people in rural and remote areas and other people in vulnerable situations, underlining that global growth can be affected by increases has remained strongly dependent on unprecedented increases in global debt stocks and, in conjunction with the fast integration of developing countries into international financial markets, including for purposes of debt refinancing, exposes a growing number of developing economies to highly sensitive and amplified reactions in financial markets, and stressing the need for continuing efforts to address systemic fragilities and imbalances and to reform and strengthen evolve the international financial institutions to better respond to global challenges, system, while implementing the reforms agreed upon to date to attend to these challenges and to make progress towards sustaining global demand, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'26. Underlines the importance of promoting an enabling business environment conducive to growth and development, the absence of corruption, a transparent and rules-based regulatory framework, simplifying business regulations and processes, reducing and streamlining administrative formalities, creating efficient national support mechanisms for micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises, improving supply chains, facilitating access to markets, reinforcing cooperation, building capacities to implement effective competition policies, and adopting open, transparent and clear regulatory frameworks for business and investment, with protection for property rights and land rights as appropriate and in accordance with national circumstances and consistent with international legal frameworks; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Invites the United Nations system and all relevant stakeholders to consider ways to make available, on voluntary and mutually agreed terms, data and information relating to agriculture and agrifood systems, including meteorology, big data, the Internet of things, satellite imagery, early warning systems and other data-based technologies, that could help to build the resilience of smallholder and family farmers and smallholder producers, optimize yields and support rural livelihoods;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Noting also the holding of the twenty-sixth session of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development from 27-31 March 2023, and looking forward to the twenty-seventh session, which will have as priority themes Data for development and Global cooperation in science, technology and innovation for development , thus providing a platform for all stakeholders to share experiences and pursue partnerships for capacity-building, (Technical update) '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP18. Noting also the holding of the twenty-sixth session of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development from 27 to 31 March 2023, and looking forward to the twenty-seventh session, which will have as priority themes Data for development and Global cooperation in science, technology and innovation for development , thus providing a platform for all stakeholders to share experiences and pursue partnerships for capacity-building, agreed ad ref'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Notes the critical role of biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services for climate change adaptation, mitigation and disaster risk reduction, including by adding resilience to fragile ecosystems and making them less vulnerable and that continued climate change will have predominantly adverse and often irreversible impacts on many ecosystems and their functions and services, with significant negative social, cultural and economic consequences;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'1. Recognizes that information and communications technologies have the potential to provide new solutions to development challenges, particularly in the context of globalization, and can foster sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and sustainable development, competitiveness, access to information and knowledge, trade and development, poverty eradication and social inclusion that will help to expedite the integration of all countries, especially developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, into the global economy; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'7. Recalls the strong commitment of the Heads of State and Government and representatives of States to advancing the concrete deliverables of the Doha Programme of Action with respect to exploring the feasibility [effectiveness and administrative modalities: CANZ verbatim in line with DPoA source] of a system of stockholding or alternative means, such as cash transfers, taking into account possible economic implications and risks, an online university or other equivalent platforms, an international investment support centre, a sustainable graduation support facility, and comprehensive multi-hazard crisis mitigation and resilience-building measures for least developed countries, and requests the Secretary-General to further elaborate on the feasibility of these deliverables and calls upon the development partners and other stakeholders to fully support their timely and effective operationalization; US: [G77, RF: Revert to drafted version; EU: Will revert'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP39. Reaffirming that the same rights that people have offline must also be protected online, and emphasizing that progress towards the vision of the World Summit on the Information Society should be considered not only as a function of economic development and the spreading of information and communications technologies but also as a function of progress with respect to the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms, agreed ad ref '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Reaffirming that, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, States have the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own environmental policies and the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction,'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recognizing with deep concern that tighter global financial conditions contributed led to higher external borrowing costs which would make it even more difficult for developing countries to honour debt related international commitments and may push more countries towards the financial precipice, including major emerging market economies, and that a further global slowdown cwould reduce their capacity to generate foreign currency revenues to cover pay for escalating external debt servicing service costs. (based on SG report page 4). '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP15 Recognizing that a revitalized global partnership will facilitate an intensive global engagement in support of the implementation of all of the Goals and their targets, bringing together Governments, civil society, the private sector, academia, the United Nations system and other actors and mobilizing all available resources, agreed ad ref'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Taking note with appreciation of the United Nations Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment, convened by the Secretary-General on 23 and 24 September 2021,from 24 to 26 July 2023 and hosted by the Government of Italy at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in collaboration with the United Nations system in Rome , as well as its Pre-Summit, held in Rome from 26 to 28 July 2021, noting the Chair s Summary and Statement of Action on the Summit, issued by the Secretary-General, and recognizing that agricultural technologies have improved the productivity of agriculture and enhanced the sustainability and resilience of food production systems at the local level, as well as the Secretary-General s Call to Action for Accelerated Food Systems Transformation,'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Noting further that technological change includes new and powerful tools for development, and mindful of its impacts, opportunities and challenges and that Governments, the private sector, international organizations, civil society and the technical and academic communities should take into account the social, economic, ethical, cultural and technical issues related to rapid technological advancements in order to deepen their understanding of how to harness their potential to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'24. Stresses the need to foster better understanding and knowledge of the causes of disasters, as well as to build and strengthen coping capacities in developing countries through, inter alia, the exchange of best practices, technology transfer on voluntary and mutually agreed termsconcessional and preferential terms, , educational and training programmes for disaster risk reduction, access to relevant data and information, the strengthening of institutional arrangements and the promotion of community participation and ownership through community-based disaster risk management approaches, and enhance understanding of risks posed by rapidly transforming systems, including advancements in artificial intelligence;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recalling Economic and Social Council decision 2017/206 of 5 October 2016, '
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b'Resolves to respect the mandates strengthen the coherence and consistency of multilateral financial, investment, trade and development policy and environment institutions and platforms and to increase cooperation between major international institutions, while respecting mandates and governance structures, and commits itself to taking better advantage of relevant United Nations forums for promoting universal and holistic coherence and international commitments to sustainable development, building on the vision of the Monterrey Consensus, with a view to supporting the implementation of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the 2030 Agenda; '
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b'Expressing deep concern over developing 2023/2024 El Ni o phenomenon conditions for the first time in seven years, setting the stage for a likely surge in global temperatures and disruptive weather and climate patterns, which could have far-reaching and profound environmental, economic and social impacts across the globe, particularly in developing countries, '
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b'3. Underscores that a universal, rules-based, open, transparent, predictable, inclusive, non-discriminatory [gender-responsive, CANZ; G77 reserve] and equitable multilateral trading system should contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, providing policy space for national development objectives, poverty eradication and sustainable development, consistent with relevant international rules and countries commitments, and promote export-led growth in the developing countries through, inter alia, preferential trade access for developing countries, [targeted EU] special and differential treatment that responds to the development needs of [individual EU] developing countries, and the elimination of trade barriers that are inconsistent with World Trade Organization agreements; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Reaffirming also the Paris Agreement and its early entry into force, and encouraging all its parties to fully implement the Agreement, and parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that have not yet done so to deposit their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, where appropriate, as soon as possible,'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recognizing that the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and other pandemics underscore the need to conserve, restore and sustainably use biodiversity, on land and below water, to reduce the risk of the economic, social and environmental impacts of disasters and future pandemic outbreaks, many of which are exacerbated by biodiversity loss, the increased scale of poaching and the illegal use of and trade in wildlife and wildlife products, desertification, land degradation and drought, climate change and plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, and emphasizing the need to support and invest at all levels, to enhance efforts to build resilience, to reduce the likelihood of zoonotic infections and to avoid or minimize adverse impacts on biological diversity in order to achieve the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity and to achieve a sustainable, resilient and inclusive recovery, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'14. Urges the international community to accelerate progress and allocate the resources necessary to support the development and implementation of inclusive and participatory, multi-hazard national and local disaster risk reduction strategies with a broadened scope beyond preparedness and response to include a focus on risk reduction and prevention, in line with the Sendai Framework, with a particular focus on local strategies and programmes, to promote coherence and integration with sustainable development and climate change adaptation strategies including national adaptation plans, as well as sector-specific plans, to include the objective of preparing to build back better through sustainable, resilient and inclusive recovery in disaster risk reduction strategies and, where appropriate, to incorporate considerations regarding the risk of disaster displacement, in accordance with national circumstances, making use of practical guidance to support the achievement of target (e), and recalls in this regard the relevant voluntary Words into action guidelines;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'14. Calls on all UN entities, Ffunds, and programmes to further align their activities with Middle-Income Countries priorities through the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks and encourage allUN Ffunds and programs to develop specific strategies to engage and provide tailored support to MICs including for leveraging and mobilizing finance for sustainable development; New Para'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Welcoming the increase in official development assistance targeting the development of science, technology and innovation capacities in developing countries in the past two decades, however, remaining concerned that official development assistance for science, technology and innovation capacities directed to the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States and African countries has remained at about the same levels for the past decade, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recalling its resolution 77/177 of 14 December 2022, '
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b'22. Welcomes the work of the Information for All Programme of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, which aims to assist Member States in formulating policies to bridge digital divides and ensure equitable knowledge societies, and also welcomes the holding of Global Media and Information Literacy Week from 23to 25 October 2023; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'20. Also encourages programmes that facilitate social benefits and economic rights for artists and cultural professionals, including those working in the digital environment, thus promoting opportunities for decent work, fair remuneration and equal pay for equal work or work of equal value, as well as training in the light of technological advancement and digitalization; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'9. Encourages the use of digital financial technologies and services which have gained further importance during the pandemic and have allowed many households and micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises to access financial services despite lockdowns and social distancing; considers that digital financial inclusion is associated with higher gross domestic product growth and that the adoption of digital payments is consistent with the notion that financial technologies may contribute to growth and sustainable development and thus play an important role in mitigating the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and support the recovery; promotes financial innovation and its role in enhancing financial inclusion and fostering more inclusive and equitable access to the benefits of the emerging digital economy; acknowledges the needs of the poorest and of the people in the most vulnerable situations, while acknowledging the importance of more inclusive and equitable access to the benefits of the emerging digital economy, providing for an open, fair and non-discriminatory business environment; and encourages multi stakeholder partnerships, as appropriate, at the local, regional and international levels in order to allow for an exchange of experiences, promote peer learning in this area and further enhance capacity-building, access to finance and support of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises, including those owned and operated by women; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'OP34. Notes the World Investment Report 2023: Investing in Sustainable Energy for All by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and invites the consideration of the proposals contained therein as appropriate, '
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b'Recognizing the importance of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development and the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development and the resulting processes for the elaboration of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and for the realization of sustainable development, and recognizing also the uneven progress in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and all other internationally agreed development goals and commitments necessary to achieve sustainable development, '
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b'51. Recognizes the critical importance of private sector investment in information and communications technology infrastructure, content and services, encourages Governments to create legal and regulatory frameworks conducive to increased investment and innovation, and also recognizes the importance of public-private partnerships, universal access strategies and other approaches to that end; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Reiterating the pledge that no one will be left behind, reaffirming the recognition that the dignity of the human person is fundamental, and the wish to see the Goals and targets met for all nations and peoples and for all segments of society, and recommitting to endeavour to reach the furthest behind first, '
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b'Recognizing with concern further that the ratio of total external debt stocks service to exports in lower low- and middle-income countries grew in 2021 to reached 13.2 .5 trillion dollars, or 30.4 per cent of their gross domestic product, 118.3 in 2022 and for low-income countries this ratio rose to an unsustainable level of 22.6 per cent of their export earnings, while those of upper middle income countries rose to 7.1 trillion dollars, amounting to 26.1 per cent of their gross domestic product and to 104 per cent of their export earnings in 2021 and (SG report page 6). '
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b'take a holistic, sustainable development perspective, which considers the interaction of international tax rules with other important economic and social policy areas, such as trade and investment, inequality, the environment, gender, health and inter-generational aspects, and which recognizes the need for sufficient flexibility and resilience in the international tax system to continuously ensure equitable results as technology and business models and the international tax cooperation landscape evolve; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'13. Underscores the continuing need for international support to increase economic resilience and diversification of commodity dependent developing countries in such a way that their structural transformation is sustainable and economically meaningful; - EU, RF to revert with language proposals'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'48. Notes with concern that, although all United Nations development system organizations recognize the least developed country category, only a few of them have earmarked allocations or targets for shares of their core budgets to be allocated to the least developed countries s; recommends that the United Nations development system organizations develop internal guidelines on how to translate the stated priorities for least developed countries s into their budget allocations or their capacity development projects, and also establish earmarked allocations or targets for shares of their core budgets to least developed countries s; underlines the need notes that other independetfor international organizations, including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, operate under their own mandates to recognize the least developed country category and implement provide tailored programmes to ensure coherent and consistent global support for the most vulnerable countries of the world; requests invites the international organizations to fully integrate consider how the Doha Programme of Action may inform their efforts into their operational mandates and to create a specific unit and focal points for the least developed countries s; and requests the United Nations development system to expand the use of the least developed country category in programming and budgeting;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP38. Recognizing the important role that information and communications technologies can play in protecting the environment and addressing climate change, agreed ad ref'
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b'Taking note of the report of the High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation, entitled The age of digital interdependence , submitted to the Secretary-General on 10 June 2019, also taking note of the report of the Secretary-General entitled Road map for digital cooperation , presented on 11 June 2020, as well as the establishment of the Office of the Secretary-General s Envoy on Technology, and further taking note of the recommendations of the Secretary-General, in his report entitled Our Common Agenda , to improve digital cooperation, with a view to bridging digital divides and accelerating the positive contribution that digital technologies can play in society, including towards achieving the 2030 Agenda; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Reaffirms the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 20 to 22 June 2012, entitled The future we want , and also reaffirms, as set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, all the principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development;'
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b'70. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its seventy-ninth session, under the item entitled Sustainable development , the sub-item entitled Disaster risk reduction .'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'10. Expresses its concern that the world is in the midst of a highly challenging environment in which global sustainable development prospects continue to diverge; stresses that, at the midpoint of the implementation timeline, the Sustainable Development Goals are facing big challenges, with only about [ 15 percent [EU Will take back] on track Japan source? G77 LDCs ECOSOC Res Retain original; Source? 12 per cent on track and the rest either off track or regressed below the 2015 baseline and that, under current trends, 575 million people will still be living in extreme poverty in 2030; and expresses further concern that the increased pressure on food, energy and finance, elevated inflation, rising global interest rates, tightened financial conditions, high indebtedness, disruptions in supply chains, and geopolitical tensions and conflicts, together with the adverse impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss and digital divides, have exacerbated challenges for many countries in addition to those associated with COVID-19 recovery, increasing hunger, and all forms of malnutrition and poverty and inequality; and analysis of the most recent data reveals that the least developed countries are not on track to meet the targets of the Doha Programme of Action and the Sustainable Development Goals; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'49. Encourages all relevant stakeholders to collaborate with the private sector to enhance the resilience of businesses, as well as the societies within which they operate, by integrating disaster risk into their management practices, to facilitate private investments in disaster risk reduction and to promote risk-informed private investments and the disclosure of disaster risk in business operations and asset values, and also encourages the engagement of credit rating agencies, the insurance sector and the financial services sector in disaster risk reduction, to support countries in the development of innovative instruments, tools and guidelines for de-risking investments and to enhance financing available for disaster risk reduction;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recognizing also the rapid evolution in science and technological, innovation and digitalization, and that the development and open access to mega data and information will bring about profound changes in agricultural research, agricultural extension and rural development,'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its seventy- ninth eighth session, under the item entitled Eradication of poverty and other development issues , the sub-item entitled Eradicating rural poverty to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development . '
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b'Urging the full implementation of the Paris Agreement and decisions of the Conference of the Parties Serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement,the agreed intergovernmentally negotiated outcomes and decisions of the subsequent United Nations Climate Change Conferences,'
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b'16. Reaffirms the commitments made through the adoption of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development in, inter alia, international trade as an important action area for sustainable development, and looks forward to the convening a fourth international conference on financing for development in 2025; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'(b) To ensure a more visible and effective integration and mainstreaming of culture into economic, social and environmental development policies and strategies at all levels; '
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b'Reaffirming that achieving gender equality, empowering all women and girls, and the full realization of their human rights are essential to achieving sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and sustainable development, and in that regard reiterating the need for gender mainstreaming, including targeted actions and investments in the formulation and implementation of all financial, economic, environmental and social policies, '
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b'Emphasizing that increasing the legitimacy, stability and resilience of international tax rules is in the common interest of all relevant stakeholders in tax systems and requires scaling up careful collaboration full support of global efforts through the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS while continuing to develop these international tax cooperation standards by establishing the legal basis for a fully inclusive and more effective international tax cooperation in terms of substance and process, countering illicit finance, and promoting capacity building, '
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b'19. Encourages initiatives to foster cultural cooperation agreements and networks at the local, national and regional levels for knowledge and information-sharing for sustainable development; '
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b'(i) To accelerate efforts to protect cultural and natural heritage from extreme weather events, sea level rise, desertification and other threats exacerbated by climate change, which jeopardize its integrity and preservation for present and future generations; '
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b'Calls for the intensification of efforts to prevent and mitigate the prevalence and cost of debt crises by enhancing international financial mechanisms for crisis prevention and resolution, encourages the private sector to cooperate in this regard, and invites creditors and debtors to further explore, where appropriate and on a mutually agreed, transparent and case-by-case basis, the use of new and improved debt instruments such as debt swaps, including debt for equity in Sustainable Development Goal projects, as well as debt indexation instruments; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'28. Urges Member States, the United Nations and other relevant organizations to take further steps to address the food and nutrition needs of affected populations, prioritizing tools that strengthen resilience to current crises and future shocks, and integrating a disaster risk reduction perspective aimed at improving food security and nutrition;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Noting that the El Ni o phenomenon has a recurring character and can lead to extensive natural hazards with the potential to seriously affect humankind, recalling that the peak of the 2015/16 El Ni o phenomenon was comparable in strength to the 1982/83 and 1997/98 events and, therefore, one of the strongest on record, and affected more than 60 million people during 2015 and 2016, in particular in developing countries, with significant short- and long-term impacts on the health of individuals, the economy and food production locally, regionally and globally, particularly affecting people whose livelihood depends on agriculture, fisheries and livestock activities, and noting the impacts of the protracted La Ni a phase of the El Ni o Southern Oscillation in recent years on heat and drought, wildfires, heavy rainfall and flooding, with implications for livelihoods and food security, and loss of biodiversity, which have combined with the impacts of climate change,'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'22. Recognizes the great importance of providing trade-related capacity-building for developing countries, including African countries, the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States, countries in conflict and post-conflict situations and middle-income countries, including for the promotion of regional economic integration and interconnectivity; '
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b'Underlines the importance of the sustainable use and management of water resources to increase and contribute to agricultural productivity, calls upon stakeholders to promote integrated water resources management in agriculture and adapt agricultural systems to improve their overall water efficiency and water productivity, and their resilience to water stresses, inter alia, by developing and implementing adaptive water and agricultural strategies and action plans based on a comprehensive approach to the long-term availability and variability of all water sources, reducing water scarcity risks through integrated water resources management options, designing and implementing agricultural and landscape management practices that increase the resilience of agricultural systems to water stress and reduce pollution, making rain-fed agriculture systems a more reliable option, investing in an enabling environment and mobilizing the full set of tools available to them, and calls for further efforts to develop and strengthen irrigation facilities and water-saving technology, which can also enhance resilience to the current and projected adverse impacts of climate change;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'26. Looks forward to the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States to be held in Antigua and Barbuda from 27 to 30 May 2024, and notes that its overarching theme shall be SIDS4: Charting the course towards resilient prosperity ; '
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b'Recognizing also the important role of other biodiversity-related multilateral environmental agreements, regional agreements and initiatives in contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity,'
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b'[20. Calls upon the international community to [strengthen / continue -UK, -US; -RF retain original] its support to developing countries, [most in need -EU, -US; -RF delete], especially given the inequalities and additional strains that crises have placed on public finances, and to increase the resources available to them to build their capacities to meaningfully participate in and benefit from data and the digital economy; (Based on the agreed conclusions of UNCTAD s IGE on e-commerce and the digital economy) -RF retain as drafted]'
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