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1atk488 | Interesting ring: Husband bought me a fun ring for Valentines day. They are marquise lab diamonds in 14k white gold, not sure of the specs but it's definitely unique. | | 2024-02-18T03:09:37 | gabogabo2020 | EngagementRings | 13 | 39 | en | 0.9534 | ["", ""] |
1czh7tl | Hundred masked being. | | 2024-05-24T10:03:54 | SS_Hwishy | drawing | 12 | 5 | en | 0.4893 | [""] |
1c4ex06 | Odlican Github profil: Zaista veliki broj jako uspesnih i popularnih repozitorijuma. Sta god je zapoceo bilo je zapazeno i uspesno. Mozda zato sto su projekti odlicno dokumentovani i ilustrovani. | | 2024-04-15T06:00:32 | darko-davidovic | programiranje | 14 | 89 | sr | 0.2807 | [] |
1c8hv0t | How to Kill a Warden in Minecraft | | 2024-04-20T05:07:39 | LunaEclipse4304 | PhoenixSC | 36 | 8 | en | 0.9007 | ["", ""] |
1adco0i | ⚡️OVERCHARGED⚡️ | | 2024-01-28T20:48:15 | wingeddog25 | furry | 1,296 | 13 | en | 0.2659 | ["", ""] |
1ai24cw | Adulting Creates a Cluttered Hell-hole.: Saw an episode of Hoarders last week. It made me kick into gear. Just got done organizing our storage room in the basement. Bought a steel shelf unit to get stuff up off the floor. It really helped, I can walk the entire length of the storage area now. This is the stuff that was leftover from finishing out the inside of the house. We saved a bunch of money by doing it all ourselves. However, that decision caused something else to happen: Plumbing, electrical, tile, flooring, drywall, paint. All of that takes tools, parts, fluids, powders, tapes, saws, more. You just have no idea all that it's going to take when you start, but by the time you are done, it's a lot. And it's all worth $, so you really shouldn't just pitch what's left (but I might). And the rest is all stuff that we moved to this new place that's in boxes and simply didn't fit this place. When you are constructing your way down to the basement and then finish that out, it just gets condensed into the storage room, bit by bit. It's the only place left to put it. Plus xmas crap, which I've whittled down to one big container and the tree. Very, very glad I have a storage room. I have no idea where all this would go otherwise. The garage has a car and truck and all the gardening/yard stuff. There is no attic since we have lofted ceilings. Then I get up to my desk to eat lunch and look at the desk area. Batteries, papers, glasses, lens cleaner, address books, odds and ends, ledgers, speakers, wall file holder, post-it notes, key rings, pencil sharpener, calendar, router, cables, books, more. I use all of it, but it's all so cluttery. For lunch, walked over to the pantry. More stuff, light bulbs, vacuum cleaner, canned goods, bags, boxes, cleaning items, more. *So* much more. Don't even get me started on the barn. It's 50 x 30, 12 feet high. A treasure trove of crap, most of which is totally useless. Here's the thing: When we moved from our 950 sq. foot house, I filled TWO of the largest dumpsters that I could get. All the way to the top. So that we wouldn't bring so much useless crap with us. And yet, here we are. Yet more crap in a 1940 sq. ft house. I can only imagine if we had kids. I know they come with their own mountain of crap. Adulting comes with too much stuff. I can't figure out how this happens, it's like some kind of CrapMagnet™ is deep within my existence that attracts more crap. I should make a change this year and not buy another thing except for food and water. But I know that's not possible because something always happens where I need to get a tool or supplies of some kind because of ____ . Angst. | | 2024-02-03T18:04:34 | jippyzippylippy | RedditForGrownups | 102 | 663 | en | 0.9739 | [] |
1c8elm3 | Can I turn this / grow this as a bonsai? What would you do? (Got this for $20 this morning.) It’s a dwarf mountain pine. | | 2024-04-20T02:11:34 | bluecobra707 | Bonsai | 21 | 36 | en | 0.9558 | [""] |
1d74n6v | Pride igjen...: I fjor skrev jeg en tekst om Pride i denne subredditen:\_pride\_igjen/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button. Fikk mange reaksjoner på den, og tror den står seg i dag, med noen tillegg..: Juni 2023 Mye prat om Pride her om dagen, og mange argumenter for og i mot markering. Jeg er skeiv og for meg har Pride betydd mye de siste årene. Mine tanker om markering eller ikke i år: 1. Nei, du trenger ikke flagge eller vise støtte aktivt. Hvis du har en grunnleggende idé om at folk ikke skal bli forfulgt og trakassert basert på sånn de er født, og beskytter folk rundt deg som opplever dette, holder det i massevis. NY: FRI eier ikke Pride-flagget. Flagger du, støtter du ikke nødvendigvis FRI. De aller fleste Pride-markeringer i Norge arrangeres ikke av FRI. 2. Hvis du har veldig sterke meninger om paraden, vær så snill: gå og se den (spoiler: den er ganske kjedelig, uansett hvor mye media velger å ta bilde av de 10-12 som ikke er det). Jeg fikk selv en enorm aha-opplevelse da jeg så en for første gang. Hvis du likevel får bekrefta det du trodde: helt ok. Da har du et bedre grunnlag for å uttale deg. Generelt mener jeg at alle som har sterke meninger om ting har plikt til å sette seg inn i hva de uttaler seg om, ellers risikerer de å påvirke andre menneskers mening i en retning de egentlig ikke vil - hvis de hadde visst litt mer. 3. Det er ikke mange år siden markering av pride i næringslivet var svært sjelden. Jeg husker da Nordea gikk aktivt ut, det var en ny ting for meg og jeg opplevde at de mente det genuint fordi det den gangen sto en del på spill. I dag er jeg usikker på intensjonen bak mye av denne markeringa. Jeg skjønner at det for mange kan bli for mye. Jeg vil presisere at selve Pride ikke har endret seg nevneverdig de siste årene. Det er fortsatt kun én uke, og det dreier seg i hovedsak om Pride park og paraden. Jeg har ikke bedt om at hele resten av verden skal flagge overalt i en hel måned. Og jeg synes det er ekstra problematisk når jeg vet at en del arbeidsplasser ikke gjorde en tøddel for sine ansatte etter skytinga. Da tenker jeg hele greia bare er pink washing. Det er jeg lite interessert i. Folk lukter at intensjonen bak flagginga er mer å vise seg som en som er MOT noen andre, enn for at jeg skal kunne leve livet mitt åpent. Da er det bedre å la være. 4. NY: Jeg synes det er et paradoks at mange opplever at Pride er ekskluderende, når det er nettopp inkludering som er den opprinnelige hensikten. Hvis det hadde vært opp til meg hadde man kjørt en rebranding av Pride-flagget, slik at flere føler seg inkludert, også de som ikke identifiserer seg som skeive. Men det fordrer jo også at de godtar andre grupper under samme flagg. Selv har jeg ikke så mye til overs for BDSM i toget. Men hvis jeg skal kreve raushet selv, må jeg også akseptere at de er der og får uttrykke seg. Dét klarer jeg fint. 5. La oss ikke tro noe annet; i en polarisert verden er skeive alltid en takknemlig gruppe å angripe. En av de første tingene nazistene ødela var er forskningsinstitutt om kjønnsmangfold og trans (6. mai 1933 - []( At skeive er en skyteskive og reelle offer for ekstreme bevegelser, både islamister og høyre-ekstreme, er ikke tull. Jeg er på ordentlig redd for framtiden, selv i et veldig pride-flaggende Norge. Jeg håper vi klarer å legge fra oss krigen før vi kommer til et sted hvor vi faktisk MÅ begynne å gjemme oss igjen. Mangfold er ufrie samfunns store trussel. Pride er et symbol på det motsatte - et fritt og åpent Norge. 6. NY: Jeg jobber ikke i verken barnehage eller skole, men etter det jeg har hørt og lest fra lærere og andre med mer kjennskap, er det ingen som indoktrinerer barna med kjønnsideologi. Det opplyses om at noen ikke føler de passer til det kjønnet de er født med, og at noen er sammen med folk av samme kjønn. Det er ikke en "systematisk påvirkning", men en del av læreplanen som alt mulig annet det er bestemt at barn skal vite eksisterer. Det virker som at man tror Pride (hvem det nå enn er), ønsker flere skeive i samfunnet. Nei, men man ønsker at barn som føler seg annerledes, enten fordi de selv er det eller fordi de har familie som er det, ikke skal føle seg utenfor. Skeive har fortsatt dårligere psykisk helse enn den heterofile befolkningen ( []( ), og jeg har selv venner som har blitt mobbet i åresvis på skolen. Å møte andre som seg selv, eller hørt at de ikke er feil, hadde betydd alt. Det tror jeg gjelder alle mennesker - alle fortjener å føle tilhørighet uansett hvordan de er eller ser ut (ja, DU og!). | | 2024-06-03T13:38:24 | FinancialSurround385 | norge | 346 | 2,002 | no | 0.758 | [] |
1b5n9e6 | A little mental health day: Too pretty of a day to not enjoy outside. | | 2024-03-03T17:55:33 | Flashblast29 | Gunpla | 18 | 16 | en | 0.9282 | [""] |
1d7pbfu | BSG music: Richard Gibbs is an unsung hero: Just a shower thought that’s been on my mind for a long time: Richard Gibbs deserves more credit than he seems to get for BSG music. I love the music Bear McCreary contributed to BSG. So don’t get me wrong. There are some incredible tracks by McCreary and he really wove everything together very well. But I feel like Richard Gibbs is an unsung hero of the BSG soundtrack. He did the music for the miniseries. If you go back and [listen to the miniseries soundtrack](, he really set the tone for the entire series. But when people talk about the music of BSG they seem to only mention McCreary. So just a shout out to Gibbs. A few of my favorites: [To Kiss or Not to Kiss]( [The Sense of Six]( [The Lottery Ticket]( | | 2024-06-04T05:11:39 | tnitty | BSG | 77 | 381 | en | 0.7948 | [] |
1cj47n1 | Defeated Crate for the first time after almost 1600h of playing GD: Hello, after severe case of altoholicism, I finally started "finishing" my characters by taking each created char to level 100 and throwing each of them against end-game content, only creating a new char after being done with the previous. In all my hours spent playing this game, I never even bothered with some of the celestials(most of my chars could do Lokarr at best). But recently, that has changed. Presenting the first character I ever did the FG secret quest with and fought Crate: []( And I succeeded! (after just a single death) Also got my first Callagadra kill on this char to boot, but that one took a while. SO much HP, and can't stop for even a second without mirror. This Ulzuin canister bomb build is probably the most fun I had in this game so far. EVERYTHING EXPLODING ALL THE TIME. EVERYTHING!!! Getting a chain of like 6-8 no CD casts of canister bomb in a row feels soo good. Fighting Crate at 1-2 FPS at times did NOT feel as good though, I thought my PC would melt :) The fight would probably be impossible to even play if this build didn't melt Crate in such a short time after some kiting around. Apparently you do NOT want too much AoE against this boss.....hindsight is 20/20 tho, a kill is a kill. Anyways, just kinda, perchance, possibly, maybe, perhaps wanted to brag a little, but also want to express how much I love this awesome game, looking forward to the expansion! ...or maybe not, because my backlog is not moving at all. So many other games to play, but I mostly just keep playing Grim Dawn, it's like comfort food for me. Already have like 7 other builds I want to play for god's sake. | | 2024-05-03T09:13:53 | WellFMeIGuess | Grimdawn | 40 | 457 | en | 0.976 | [] |
1cq1o96 | Project Nightfall being the top result really irks me for some reason... it also takes a lot of scrolling to find Etika's streams and highlights :/ | | 2024-05-12T06:43:12 | AlternateLaifu | EtikaRedditNetwork | 201 | 33 | en | 0.9377 | [""] |
1c38piz | Wondering if this is a good price?: It’s not EPP or WB it’s a standard plan. I have it on 3 of my lines. | | 2024-04-13T18:34:44 | darkcodesthings | telus | 49 | 36 | en | 0.7222 | [""] |
1brady3 | For anyone struggling with Abyssal Ike:: Scowl effects and good AOE users are kind hard to come by, but you can just run Pulse Smoke 3. This shuts down his great Aether as long as you have a unit with the Hardy Bearing sacred seal that can deal at least 1 damage and heals more than Ike’s damage (for me, male Shez.) Scum through his HP in only… 92 turns. | | 2024-03-30T05:42:44 | Lightningboy737 | FireEmblemHeroes | 36 | 87 | en | 0.9768 | [] |
1bs85tv | The gigachad morphism | | 2024-03-31T11:26:03 | 2Tryhard4You | mathmemes | 93 | 7 | en | 0.5582 | [""] |
1aitfq4 | Bro’s got forged papers: From my game studies textbook | | 2024-02-04T17:37:19 | rogue_turret | papersplease | 68 | 13 | en | 0.8176 | [""] |
1d938c9 | Some thoughts on the game after my first playthrough: All in all, I am kind of awe-stricken. Amazing gem of a game. In my top 5 ever, are both Civ and Crusader Kings, and it is rare to see a successful combination of two legends and at the sametime bring some new innovation in the genre. Antiquity is my favorite period of time, and I always wanted CK to be turned based ;D. Seems like the vast majority of the mechanics and the fluff to just, click. The way diplomacy, espionage is done, the way production and the improvements work. The events ("last night I was drunk and declared war on Egypt", omg. I was laughing and steaming at the same time). The art also, so spot on, as are the graphics. And of course the AI. It really seems like I am playing vs a human at times. I'm sure with more playthroughs I'll spot predictable patterns in AI strategic behavior, but its very rare to find a game that its hard to not spot them after several hours. So. Now what got me a bit perplexed. Disclaimer, this is after one playthrough on the Good (the one the AI plays on?), but with the AI aggression on normal (no debuff) and the same for the tribes. Played as Greece on a huge Seaside random map, vs 6 max nations. Plus, Ruthless AI. My minor gripes: 1. Rome was leading the game towards the end. I was like 3rd/4th. But Ruthless AI thought I was winning and one after another dowed me. I was expecting the rest of the nations would gang against Rome. That they would have some relations debuff because they were closing in victory, but it was me that suffered a -30 "because I was winning". Does the AI behave more "normal" without this setting? (AI nations attack the leader rather than the player) 2. Juggling with the 3 families was so much fun and hard to do, up to midpoint. After that, it became a nuance. No matter what decision, I'd have a 200+ relation with each of them. Of course most of this, due to the legacy legitimacy the leader takes. Which brings me to my one and major gripe: Retaining the bulk of the Legitimacy of your predecessors. This seems unrealistic and affects things like internal politics very much. I would expect transitions of power being painful, with the new char needing to establish himself to his vassals. But no, in each "the King is dead Long live the King" there is a small hit, that I don't thing affects much, and soon after you find yourself even bigger than your legendary ancestors. I understand it has to do with balancing, and that the later the stage of the playthrough, the more orders you need, but in any case, as the game progresses most of your orders come from internal workings of the kingdom rather your "name". And as it is, it affects the family relations too much, making them too easy to preserve on super high levels. I even had a usurper take my place, and retain my family's legitimacy, all the while all three families loved him just the same. It felt, that there where no failures in the family line, everyone was a Great and admired for something. Again I know it must be a balancing thing, but it would be cool the new heir finding himself amidst a war, unable to move the vast armies his father ordered. It would be even logical. Units refusing to fight for the new brat :D. Or its just the difficulty level I played, or that I just have the one play as a sample. Anyways, the praise part took smaller part of this big post than the nagging, but nitpicks need to be explained in more detail. Amazing game. A true gem! | | 2024-06-05T22:47:15 | Nakraal | OldWorldGame | 25 | 809 | en | 0.9803 | [] |
1c895yb | Mitski songs for being in love with someone youll never have: I have a had crush on this guy since the start of last year and he's leaving and he's very much not interested in me and I need to cope with some songs so please drop some recommendations. | | 2024-04-19T21:56:19 | Square_Possibility_4 | mitski | 40 | 56 | en | 0.9926 | [] |
1c07355 | A miracle has occured, occupying the same space and not fighting: Babies are always fighting. The older (with white coloring) i got from a family who didnt want her after she outgrew the kitten stage in 2020. Shes was malnourished and remains very skittish so when she got a very active and playful baby sis[grey] adopted when a colleague found a new litter in the canadian winter of 2022. She was none too happy. Its been over a year of fighting but i think they are finally becoming friends. | | 2024-04-09T23:44:20 | ricephira | cats | 35 | 113 | en | 0.9883 | [""] |
1cf1wrc | Ex-Penske employee on team's push to pass violations: 'I don’t really believe the story' | “And I’d love to see sharing of fuel consumption and fuel use. ... I’m not convinced that that is above-board.”: | | 2024-04-28T08:56:21 | quicksilvereagle | INDYCAR | 156 | 117 | en | 0.9074 | [] |
1cdi9g5 | Anyone know why he's always here? : Hes in 18+ server. Never moving, in the same spot. This guy has been there for WEEKS straight no explanation why ( story is true, just wrote cause im bored of bedrotting) | | 2024-04-26T10:49:32 | starrishuu | PonyTown | 28 | 54 | en | 0.9379 | [""] |
1bgw7mt | I've seen bands such as Morphine, Primus, Ween, Rage Against The Machine, Smashing Pumpkins and more at the IMU Main Lounge. In the 90's, SCOPE Productions had it all. Here's local funk band, Dagobah - Live at University Of Iowa Main Lounge March 1995 Iowa City Opening for Freddy Jones Band | | 2024-03-17T12:19:54 | CuddlePuddleBand | IowaCity | 43 | 72 | en | 0.8979 | ["", ""] |
1bm7hcy | Pretty cool pick up today. | | 2024-03-24T00:23:39 | sroo6 | UniversalMonsters | 11 | 7 | en | 0.931 | [""] |
1c4v5qx | Starting the first jacket: Got a couple more coming in the mail but pretty exited to start my jacket 🔥🔥 | | 2024-04-15T19:31:14 | Meloneh | BattleJackets | 44 | 26 | en | 0.8856 | [""] |
18wyf90 | Save Elon Coin $SEC | Most Unique Solana Meme Coin | 1000x Moon Potential | Check them out now!: **Solana Went From $60 to $100 Bringing More Tokens With It on Solana Blockchain!** **The early birds of $BONK, $MYRO, $SAMO, $ANALOS have made some great returns, now it's your time to make it yours!** Introducing Save Elon Coin, **$SEC** \- PRESALE price is **40% lower** than DEX price. \- **More than 40% sold** in just 3 days. \- Listed on & Raydium, with increasing liquidity! \- CoinGecko & CMC listings coming soon. Get in before you seen them on "Trending". \- **800K MC** \- **10M MC Expected** after **PRESALE!** **Save Elon Coin's founder and lead dev are from a Top 4 Silicon Valley Tech Company.** After their successful PRESALE, they will be launching Solana's first and most reliable Token Presale dApp for token creators, **available for subscription via their native token $SEC.** Whales have been buying their tokens before the PRESALE. At **$0.0000012 per $SEC**, this is a Solana Gem. **CA** : *JA9AZqUjCgdAqL71D6XbSd9vpA1pecmM9UnZyUgVc4wy* **Website:** []( **Twitter:** []( **Telegram**: @SaveElonCoin A little excerpt from our whitepaper: ***Save Elon Coin (SEC) is the backbone of our crypto ecosystem***, igniting captivating content and introducing innovative products on Solana. From NFTs in exhilarating scavenger hunts to product access through SEC, **our mission is to enhance utility** and **elevate the crypto experience.** We're here to bring fresh energy to the space and reward our members generously because why not profit from what you love? | | 2024-01-02T19:50:14 | StephenStrange1 | CryptoMoonShots | 448 | 511 | en | 0.7967 | [] |
1cb48jr | The main sub whenever anyone wants a tight, chugging metal tone:: "GET A RAT!" "GET A HM-2!" "GET A DS-1! IF IT'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR KURT, IT'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!" | | 2024-04-23T13:09:55 | dogretepcow | guitarpedalsjerk | 46 | 86 | en | 0.7458 | [] |
1c2gynh | My baby patiently waiting for me to get off work. She's so pretty ..: Pic for attention. 🫠 | | 2024-04-12T18:48:10 | PilonGogotKakaliki | Supra | 88 | 24 | en | 0.9383 | [""] |
1abay3g | Anyone else Felt Zane’s rage??: Because that guy was did dirty in the Dub compared to his Sub Voice. | | 2024-01-26T05:30:32 | Administrative-Use27 | YuGiOhMemes | 115 | 27 | en | 0.9873 | ["", ""] |
1cw9hdr | Another one of my travel sketches, painted almost entirely in a car | | 2024-05-20T07:09:25 | kVictoriart | Watercolor | 131 | 14 | en | 0.9579 | [""] |
1b6kc56 | Morning | | 2024-03-04T19:52:10 | South_Bandicoot3220 | equestriaatwar | 272 | 2 | en | 0.4355 | [""] |
1ad205m | Tier list of the series based on the north american box art (hence why QFB is excluded from the list) | | 2024-01-28T12:51:38 | sw3at3rboi | RatchetAndClank | 34 | 25 | en | 0.9642 | [""] |
1azgiar | video of 2022 Ye with a fan, asks her if she believes in Jesus: saw this on twitter, kinda funny I believe this is in late 2022 so around the YE24 era | | 2024-02-25T05:50:44 | bp1600 | GoodAssSub | 245 | 85 | en | 0.8355 | ["", ""] |
1axpxga | Average day in the Target restroom for me | | 2024-02-23T03:01:37 | CosmoInTheStars | lies | 121 | 9 | en | 0.8904 | [""] |
1ajt4ww | The metronome…a distracting tool.: I have been practicing my major scales for a long time. I am required by my tutor to learn the scales, thirds, and arpeggios for all twelve of them. He also wants me to use my metronome to practice keeping rhythm. I am practicing at 80bpm. My problem is that when I am trying to learn the scale, thirds and arpeggio and play along with the metronome it’s very distracting to me and I am always fumbling. Then when I play all of that without the metronome I play them well. Does or did anyone else have a similar problem and if so how did you overcome it? I am currently working on Ab and A and have been for a couple weeks. I’m also getting really really…burnt out with scales, but my tutor said we can’t move further unless I have all 12 major scales, thirds and arpeggios memorized because my focus is jazz and jazz improvisation. Also, I am a comeback player of 20+ years and have been playing consistently for about 9 months with a tutor. TIA | | 2024-02-05T22:09:22 | SeijiSan77 | trumpet | 23 | 243 | en | 0.9697 | [] |
1cu896o | We want to see 4! | | 2024-05-17T15:33:30 | Salt-Economics6859 | FFIE | 10 | 6 | en | 0.9904 | [] |
1auzu0d | MC Monday | | 2024-02-19T21:51:29 | amanda_63 | TooHotToHandleGame | 11 | 3 | en | 0.7006 | [""] |
1ah8xqg | hello new here!: i’m a beginner and only know the bare minimum about brewing chemex coffee. my chemex was gifted to me by a coworker for a secret santa exchange. i went out and bought a gooseneck kettle just for this purpose -to brew a good cup of cof’ i watched a few YT videos on how to use the chemex and here’s what i ended up doing. 50g coffee -course grind 700ml water my first pour was 100ml to let it bloom. 2nd pour was 150ml 3rd pour was 200ml final pour was also 250ml i didn’t time it but next time i will. side note: when i spoke to my coworker about using a chemex he told me he just “eyeballs” the coffee amount and just does a few pours of water from his kettle “until it looks right”. no use of a scale -wild! haha let me know what you guys think of my pour -but don’t roast me too hard (pun intended) | | 2024-02-02T17:20:34 | ria_ara | chemex | 57 | 240 | en | 0.9461 | [""] |
1bma79o | Took delivery!: After three years of drooling and getting excited, I took delivery of my new R1T last Thursday 😱🔥 Been wanting this for so long, and so unbelievably excited to get out on the road 🚗 | | 2024-03-24T02:37:09 | jbthejedi | Rivian | 373 | 52 | en | 0.9524 | [""] |
1cpci88 | Find mate in 2! | | 2024-05-11T08:10:04 | Antique-Sink-3276 | chessbeginners | 417 | 6 | en | 0.4406 | [""] |
1dbeu8g | Rooftop Tent Solar 2-3 days: Good afternoon everyone, I’ve put together my own setup for off-grid rooftop tent camping and would love to get your feedback. I'm wondering if it's overkill or if any components need to be changed. Here's what I plan to run: - A Keurig coffee maker - Lights - A small fan for nighttime use if needed - diesel heater for wintertime - multiple phones / Nintendo switch I’m considering two Harbor Freight solar panels for charging but might switch to an all-in-one two-panel solution. My max budget is around $800, and I'm currently at $767 but can stretch it a bit if necessary. Thanks for your help! | | 2024-06-08T22:41:45 | Thin_Vacation_4287 | solar | 13 | 156 | en | 0.8885 | [""] |
1cgww3c | Will the portal kill Cinderella runs?: So with the mayhem that is the portal as of today, do you think we will see an end to those magical Cinderella runs? Think steph curry and Davidson, seeing as those smaller schools no longer are able to keep the diamonds in the rough they find. | | 2024-04-30T16:19:48 | ErectJellyfish | CollegeBasketball | 109 | 59 | en | 0.9658 | [] |
1bsro8j | What is your favourite Ayah ? : Im ashamed to say it but even tho i was born into islam, i only started fully practicing at the beginning of this year, i truly do believe that everyone needs to find their faith on their own accord even tho i grew up in Yemen & Saudi Arabia and was surrounded by muslims and islam at home. Anyways, reading the Quran has quickly become one of my favourite hobbies that i look forward to everyday. I’m just wondering what’s everyone favourite Ayah if you can choose one. Allahumma Barek to everyone & hope you’re all having a blessed Ramadan Inshallah Edit: Mine so far is: Surely those who tremble in awe of their Lord, and who believe in the revelations of their Lord, and who associate none with their Lord, and who do whatever ˹good˺ they do with their hearts fearful, ˹knowing˺ that they will return to their Lord1—it is they who race to do good deeds, always taking the lead. We never require of any soul more than what it can afford. And with Us is a record which speaks the truth. None will be wronged. (23:57-62) | | 2024-04-01T01:58:21 | [deleted] | shia | 28 | 268 | en | 0.9788 | [] |
198kqru | Coachella announces 2023 festival lineup headlined by Lana Del Rey, Tyler, the Creator, and Doja Cat and features several other hip hop and R&B acts: [Twitter Announcement]( | | 2024-01-17T01:55:38 | bazemoring | hiphopheads | 341 | 89 | en | 0.836 | [] |
1d54toh | I couldn't resist | | 2024-05-31T20:05:32 | grandyud | shieldbro | 169 | 5 | en | 0.9948 | [""] |
1bylzae | Idk why but this is one of my favorite pages.: Maybe it’s because it was so unexpected. Or maybe I just secretly hate Mithrun. Or maybe I just like fictional violence a little to much idk I can’t explain myself why I like this page so much. ​ [She blew that mf‘s head off.]( | | 2024-04-08T01:56:45 | Heracross64 | DungeonMeshi | 29 | 152 | en | 0.8692 | [] |
19286ew | JPEGMAFIA and speed? 😂: This is so random. Speeds probably never seen the guy before | | 2024-01-09T06:28:42 | ServiceAny | fantanoforever | 30 | 24 | en | 0.9364 | [""] |
1cnbzpd | The Complete Skibidi Toilet Iceberg as of Episode 73 part 2 (Feedback and suggestions welcomed) | | 2024-05-08T18:41:10 | noeltlalka | skibiditoilet | 37 | 22 | en | 0.8907 | [""] |
1bpgew6 | Not sure if this new research paper was posted here yet. I just read it and found it very exciting! They have finally found biological markers in people with ME/CFS: “Overall, what we show is that ME/CFS is unambiguously biological, with multiple organ systems affected,” Nath said in an interview with JAMA. “It’s a systemic disease, and the people living with it deserve to have their experiences taken seriously.” The Findings The research team reported several physiological differences between the postinfectious ME/CFS group and 21 healthy volunteers who served as a control group. Among other findings, people with ME/CFS had • Immune system differences. Naive B cells were increased and switched memory B cells were decreased in their blood, suggesting chronic antigen stimulation. Programmed cell death 1 (PD-1), a marker of immune exhaustion associated with chronic infection, was increased on CD8 T cells in their cerebrospinal fluid. • Fecal microbiome changes. Their stool samples had less microbial diversity. • Reduced neurotransmitter metabolism. Dopamine metabolites were significantly lower in their cerebrospinal fluid and these reduced levels were associated with worse motor performance and cognitive symptoms. • Autonomic nervous system dysfunction. Their resting heart rate was higher, while their drop in nighttime heart rate and their ambulatory heart rate variability were both lower. • Impaired cardiorespiratory performance. During an exercise test, their peak heart rate and aerobic capacity were both lower; after exercise they had a diminished cortisol response. • Alteration of “effort preference.” In a test of button-pressing for monetary rewards, they tended to choose less difficult tasks. This suggests they were pacing themselves to limit exertion and associated feelings of discomfort, the authors say. • Differences in performance on handgrip tests. They had trouble maintaining force during repetitive grip testing. This correlated on imaging with decreased activity in the brain’s right temporal-parietal junction, which the researchers believe could explain mismatches between desired action and resulting movement. The authors attributed ME-CFS participants’ fatigue “to dysfunction of integrative brain regions that drive the motor cortex,” such as the temporal-parietal junction. They noted that “psychiatric disorders were not a major feature in this cohort and did not account for the severity of their symptoms.” The group with ME/CFS also performed normally on neurocognitive tests, despite reporting greater cognitive symptoms. Link to full article: | | 2024-03-27T23:24:01 | Background_Park_2310 | cfs | 27 | 556 | en | 0.9756 | [] |
1c2b27g | HSOTD 4.12.24: Yaqi Excalibur DS Cosmetic handle Oumo knot Boti Sandlewood soap One and done…ok 1.5 and done | | 2024-04-12T14:49:12 | MondoJ | wicked_edge | 15 | 37 | en | 0.5873 | [""] |
1ah7umo | Android Gifts!: Happy Friday everyone! We have started rolling out the long-awaited gift feature for Android. Please make sure you are on the latest version of the app! Let us know what you think! | | 2024-02-02T16:35:10 | Scottedwardrep | ReplikaOfficial | 14 | 41 | en | 0.9221 | [] |
1aqqjj7 | Still awaiting decisions from 10/12 applications for PhD: Is this normal? I expected to hear from more universities by this time. This is really affecting my health and lifestyle, and I am fearing the worst case scenario - not getting admissions anywhere. Even safety schools are not seeming to be safe. | | 2024-02-14T16:09:55 | Hopeful_Trust_6547 | gradadmissions | 45 | 59 | en | 0.9598 | [] |
1d2abmd | Random meme (part 26): If kiyo doesn't transfer 🐸 | | 2024-05-28T03:46:31 | Brief-Scratch1818 | ClassroomOfTheElite | 40 | 16 | en | 0.7488 | [""] |
19bfc5p | The real question we should be asking..: With OSU winning another off season championship, I really need an answer to this question…. Which of these new players wins the pregame dance off?? | | 2024-01-20T16:20:03 | GB012287 | MichiganWolverines | 126 | 40 | en | 0.9727 | [] |
1af8fjl | Valeorn the Hero: This my cross series character that i created in DS1, 2, 3 and Elden Ring. | | 2024-01-31T03:50:53 | SkyrevanValor | EldenBling | 16 | 26 | en | 0.8447 | [""] |
1an7gnv | copr: i drew copper but im just too lazy to paint the freakin pic 😔 | | 2024-02-10T04:04:35 | prettyblood1user | PrettyBlood | 39 | 19 | en | 0.7329 | [""] |
18wia42 | Meta E3 vs E4: Meta recently reached out to interview me for their university grad(E3) position. I graduated from my Masters' around 6 months ago and now have around 21 months of experience(FTE + internship) including an internship at Meta previously. Would it make sense to ask them to consider me for the E4 level instead or should I stick to E3 for now? Additionally, if I join as an E3, how much time does it typically take to get promoted ? | | 2024-01-02T06:03:23 | Funny_Animal5561 | csMajors | 52 | 102 | en | 0.9762 | [] |
1ckhizf | Verdi today | | 2024-05-05T02:55:48 | OutdoorsyHiker | Reno | 207 | 4 | en | 0.617 | [""] |
1bzt6ae | How to do violent gale?: It seems you have to quickly toggle to the next stance and use a martial art after landing a martial art in another stance. I can't do it smoothly, any tips? Is there dome toggling I could do? | | 2024-04-09T14:12:23 | urwelcome971620 | riseoftheronin | 20 | 53 | en | 0.9674 | [] |
192hr68 | For men who are survivors of any sexual attack, what were insensitive or hostile things have you encountered about that trauma?: I'm not asking about the details of what happened, just purely the after math. What are your experiences with telling loved ones, seeking help or healing? What are some insensitive things you've seen people say? If you haven't or no longer tell anyone, why? I have been consistently annoyed with the level of discourse regarding this topic. I see a lot of people try to engage with it but they clearly only have part of the picture. A great example of this is the fact you see people only bring up "I wish that were me" comments. They bring that up because that's the only kind of victim blaming that everyone can easily read with their own eyes. But there's more to the story I think, and we should tell it. So for me, I never encountered anyone actually calling me a liar directly or suggesting I was being dishonest. However, instead, what I encountered were loved ones who couldn't understand how bothered I really was. They didn't quite understand that there was trauma involved. To them, it was just sorta something that happened no biggie. I've noticed people aren't very likely to understand or suspect that a man might have sexual trauma. Like, it doesn't cross their minds that the man their dealing with might have a history of sexual trauma. I've only told about five people about what happened in my situation. Most of them were negative experiences, save for two people. The two positive examples though were really helpful for my personal healing. Sorry if this is dumb, I just would like a chance for everyone to talk about their experiences. I think we should talk about it more. Thanks. | | 2024-01-09T15:50:34 | justsomelizard30 | AskMen | 11 | 375 | en | 0.9913 | [] |
1b6vs8d | Bernie is obsessed with his ball!!!: Does anyone else’s frenchie is unreasonably ball obsessed? | | 2024-03-05T03:57:30 | khaledify1 | Frenchbulldogs | 54 | 23 | en | 0.9709 | [""] |
1b1acbo | What baby??? : What baby are you talking about Yanunu? | | 2024-02-27T12:09:59 | palukz | TowerofFantasy | 10 | 14 | en | 0.8789 | [""] |
1cpo8sb | grateful for this view | | 2024-05-11T18:46:18 | rozasweetyLove | snow | 123 | 6 | en | 0.8754 | ["", ""] |
1bhg2qd | Vintage Intel Educators Kit, Looking for more info + appraisal | | 2024-03-18T02:32:00 | DynamicOsi-96 | vintagecomputing | 23 | 14 | en | 0.6853 | [""] |
1b7p4nr | Live performances: Has anyone else noticed how much better the Maid's perform in front of actual fans for live video's instead of in front of a camera. I understand that covid made that impossible and I appreciate that they didn't just give up and sit it out. But when they are in front of their fans in person, you can see and feel their love for their fans just by watching their smiles and the way they serve their fans with emotion and great playing. It would be great to have a Blue-Ray disk with them just playing in front of fans at a large venue when they are so happy. | | 2024-03-06T03:11:37 | HuskyRider705 | BandMaid | 41 | 123 | en | 0.9896 | [] |
196s1t6 | Pure Kino. I have been jelqmaxxing to this for 6 hours now | | 2024-01-14T22:20:21 | SpaceyMeatballs | moviescirclejerk | 17 | 20 | en | 0.8601 | ["", ""] |
1bjvdj0 | confusion | | 2024-03-21T02:06:05 | andrez__8976 | countryball_memes | 1,527 | 3 | en | 0.7271 | [""] |
196y5ne | Find the frog: Morro Bay CA Jan 2024 | | 2024-01-15T03:00:12 | Disastrous_Title_386 | FindTheSniper | 131 | 10 | en | 0.4451 | [""] |
1967ic4 | [FS][USA] Platinum ring set with 7.5mm Octavia moissanite and lab diamonds - fits like 5.75: Hi all. For sale is a platinum ring set that I made with Ella at Tianyu a few years ago. I initially intended to use them as a travel/fun alternative to my wedding set but haven’t really reached for them much (I got really into colored gemstones during covid, lol). Finally decided to let this beautiful set go. My pics, videos, CAD and proof or purchase Details: 7.5mm DEF Octavia moissanite ring with hidden halo, matching band with half pave lab diamonds. Both rings in platinum. Rings are size 5.5, but fits more like 5.75. Rings are sizable. Check my post history for additional pics and info. Source: Ella at Tianyu Price: $1100 via PPG&S (originally paid $1559). USPS shipping included. Comes with ring box. Condition: worn out a handful of times. Rings have some fine scratches, but all stones are secure and in perfect condition. Please feel free to reach out with any questions. Thanks for your interest! | | 2024-01-14T04:38:20 | chairmangoose | MoissaniteBST | 15 | 267 | en | 0.9334 | [""] |
1atsef9 | Friends As One Ages: Millennial here who has moved back to the greater Rochester area in the past year and am finding that I have grown farther apart from my childhood friends that I made in elementary/high school here in the area. Sure, growing up and establishing a family changes every single person, but I am having a hard time grasping that I have very little in common with my friends whom I have known and enjoyed for several decades now. Are there others that find themselves in a similar situation? | | 2024-02-18T11:51:10 | EugeneDebsTrout | Rochester | 87 | 102 | en | 0.9831 | [] |
1bf3ep4 | Starting from Scratch: I have been training with masturbation in an ineffective way. I have a belief that one of the best ways to find improvement with PE is by masturbating while being more present with my body and mind. So I made it a goal of mine in 2024 to masturbate without porn, at least once a week, and to journal on the experience after. I’ve had ups and downs these first 2.5 months, but in the past few weeks I’ve had a breakthrough. Not a breakthrough that’s instantly satisfying or a quick cure for PE, but a breakthrough in feeling like I finally received a message my body has been sending to me this whole time. I’ll get to that message in a second. See, I don’t fit the scientific definition of PE. I can be in a vagina for 5-10min but the sex leaves A LOT to be desired. We never get into a rhythm because I have to stop ALL the time, like every 5-10 thrusts. This is why I have always hated how PE is defined by time alone. Not considering pace or other factors has always seemed silly to me. Like, I could technically get erect, enter into a woman, engage in no thrusting, have her stay still, do kegels to stay hard. BOOM. My Intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT) is 30 minutes!! I noticed that my masturbation habits/routine were EXACTLY the same as how I have sex. I have been used to masturbating where I stop every few seconds because my arousal rises so fast. But I trained myself to masturbate that way. It is my default. If I am not present in my sessions, this is still how I will masturbate. Similar to how if I am not present in the moment, I will whip out my phone and scroll through social media. No one ever taught me how to masturbate so I taught myself. And unfortunately I learned a very impatient way of masturbating. I know the exact stroke to maximize pleasure and send myself up the arousal scale quickly. It’s a cheap quick thrill. My body felt good. Endorphins were flowing. And young me said to myself, this is supposed to feel good and it does so I must be doing it right!! (side note: it is a good thing to know how to do this and to be capable of quick pleasure. But if it’s the only method you’ve learned, your body/mind will replicate it during sex) It actually clicked for me when I was at the gym the other day. I am training for endurance but my masturbation habits have not followed that. So let’s break down the different ways to train the body. * Endurance = # of Reps; How long can you go? * Speed = Speed; How fast can you go? * Strength = Weight; How much can you lift? Now let’s translate it into training/working on PE via masturbation. * Reps = Strokes * Speed = Speed of strokes * Strength = Amount of Stimulation with each stroke (tightness of grip) I believe I have to train for endurance first, then work on speed or strength later. So I am now training in a different way. When I masturbate, I am focusing on increasing endurance, so that means I am lowering the tempo and grip. I am focusing on minimizing moments of stillness. However, I am also working on purely the mental side of things in my journaling. I need to remind myself that my true goal is NOT increasing the time I have sex. My goal is to increase the amount of PLEASURE I experience. Does longer sex equal more pleasurable sex? Most of the time, sure, but not all the time. The real goal is pleasure. This is also why I have made it a point to not use timers or watch the clock in my masturbation sessions. Time will not define success for me. I will define success for me. Funny enough, I stumbled upon a great podcast today that touches on these same principles. []( The Naked Connection - How to Come When You Want and Experience More Pleasure Feeling positive about this journey. Will keep you all updated! EDIT: I wanted to touch on my thoughts on the podcast. I fully agree with the message of becoming more sensitive. If we were to put arousal on a scale of 1-10, I think I was numb or calloused to 1-4 or even to 5. I am noticing that when I am going slow with light grip strokes, I don't really feel it. Like I know it feels good but it doesn't really feel like anything. When I masturbate the old way, it's 'nothing... nothing... QUICK ramp up through 6-7-8'. I believe more sensitivity will equal more control. It would be near impossible for me to stay at a 6 if I don't have a mind/body connection to 1 through 5. If 9 is the PONR, then 7 and 8 danger zones. Hope this makes sense! | | 2024-03-15T02:33:33 | BillyAnvil21 | PrematureEjaculation | 25 | 1,140 | en | 0.9601 | [] |
1cgbu36 | Influencer bandits Brooklyn Half Marathon — then brags about pace | | 2024-04-29T22:00:58 | Sam_the_goat | RunNYC | 128 | 14 | en | 0.6288 | [""] |
1crwykc | Yandere Dev: The Incel That Ruined His Game | | 2024-05-14T16:52:28 | sepodk | Osana | 27 | 14 | en | 0.7656 | ["", ""] |
1aliyf8 | Tyler with a word to the haters 🥴🙄 | | 2024-02-08T00:54:00 | Buttersquaash-33 | TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 | 152 | 15 | en | 0.9084 | [""] |
195ucw4 | Genetic memory and the selection of jobs.: Greetings fellow creations of the old ones. How does the genetic memory of our species work? Especially pertaining to the constructs that we naturally know how to build? The more mechanically inclined of us that can build teleporters and void craft, I would assume have a greater understanding of how those blueprints emerge from our minds selection process. What determines our occupations besides the innate ability to gradually increase in size In proximity to violent behavior and beating our comrades into submission? | | 2024-01-13T18:20:37 | MetalHuman21000 | 40kOrkScience | 16 | 101 | en | 0.9358 | [] |
1b2rtld | It's almost someone's birthday... *cough cough* Zuko.. so I bought this to make him some mushroom keychains. Will post an update. 🍄🥰🤓 | | 2024-02-29T04:46:09 | Jessexxxy | MushroomPlanet | 15 | 42 | en | 0.9555 | [""] |
1b7789o | Too many holes: This sis not work out well for me and my white shirt today. | | 2024-03-05T15:00:10 | howardmem | Wellthatsucks | 79 | 19 | en | 0.9663 | [""] |
1c6k08b | If you like the New Frasier you're a Freudian. If you couldn't get past the first couple of episodes, you're a Jungian.: For us Jungians, there is no Frasier without Niles. 💔 | | 2024-04-17T20:17:08 | lilithiyapo | Frasier | 21 | 50 | en | 0.8666 | [] |
1c1o4h9 | Love my GR3X. | | 2024-04-11T19:39:58 | btclemon | ricohGR | 20 | 6 | de | 0.6396 | [""] |
1ay3ywf | Oops, i unintentionally got a set of weapons with no collabs X( XD | | 2024-02-23T15:57:49 | V_ImagoMinus | holocure | 122 | 18 | en | 0.9449 | [""] |
19cxj3x | Weekly discussion thread for anyone experiencing limerence while in a committed relationship.: Please join our weekly post for those who have SO's and are experience/experienced limerence. If you feel unable to disclose, unable to move forward or just unable to let go, please join this thread to connect with others who might have similar issues specifically related to being in a committed relationship. | | 2024-01-22T15:00:31 | LostNeedDirections | limerence | 21 | 76 | en | 0.9596 | [] |
1bej659 | I won a Stitches #12 🧡 thank you Mvea 🧡 | | 2024-03-14T11:39:58 | Bitdream200K | ConeHeads | 29 | 19 | en | 0.9463 | [""] |
1amj70d | My small collection | | 2024-02-09T08:03:28 | CloudedSigma | watchesindia | 25 | 4 | en | 0.8568 | [""] |
1abhdmf | Republican Steve Bannon Admits Bank Account May Have Evidence of Fraud | Republican Steve Bannon is in a tight spot. He didn’t pay his lawyer, got sued, and now his finances might be subject to review. The problem is, there might be evidence of fraud there. | | 2024-01-26T12:37:45 | Top_Contribution_886 | AnythingGoesNews | 203 | 56 | en | 0.9721 | [""] |
1ah7quu | I made a Fallout NV Lithophane: I made a 3d printed Fallout New Vegas lithophane. I hope you guys enjoy | | 2024-02-02T16:30:47 | padjos98 | falloutnewvegas | 162 | 28 | en | 0.9199 | [""] |
1bkkzhd | Raphael's sliders for those who asked. | | 2024-03-21T23:32:25 | Sabinzie | fashiondogma | 24 | 10 | en | 0.9319 | [""] |
1bd341j | Asian chads being true Jewish homies.: | | 2024-03-12T17:31:54 | positivenihilist0419 | Jewdank | 870 | 48 | en | 0.5975 | [""] |
1cthbm2 | Die Buben erfreuen sich an einen entspannten Abend im Herren Lokal | | 2024-05-16T16:41:27 | Impossible-Use3775 | Pilzarmee | 151 | 25 | de | 0.9992 | [""] |
195u8fp | Sapphire airport lounge *HKG* | | 2024-01-13T18:15:11 | Guy_PCS | ChaseSapphire | 128 | 9 | en | 0.6679 | [""] |
1ag4zaq | perfect | | 2024-02-01T06:57:36 | kuzuma- | DesiVideoMemes | 62 | 2 | en | 0.9262 | ["", ""] |
1bwx2hv | Continuity: Why can I not select an episode from my history that I've yet to finish and then continue to watch my series from there? Instead I have to research for the series and then select the next episode, and THEN I can move onto the next episode as that one ends. Hidive app for Android. | | 2024-04-05T23:48:53 | Due_Razzmatazz_9128 | Hidive | 12 | 65 | en | 0.9786 | [] |
1atp3lh | Pasirinkimas: Sveiki kodel visi sako rinktis darba kuris patiktu kad nereiketu vaikscioti kaip i pragara nors is tiesu netikiu kad egzistuoja kazkam 100% patinkantis darbas uztenka kad atitiktis butu 50% vis tik galiausiai 20% dalyku nepatiks dar 20% dievinsi visa kita bus rutina. P.S.neesu moksleivis darbo rinkoje jau ~12 metu visada rinkausi profesijas,darbus tik del pinigu | | 2024-02-18T08:08:30 | vladdass | lietuva | 14 | 160 | lt | 0.7258 | [] |
1cf6djl | Got a new laptop with an 8th gen i7 and 16GB of ram. W11 ran horribly, so here I am. Very impressed so far. | | 2024-04-28T13:26:22 | incognitobeaneater | Fedora | 190 | 32 | en | 0.8967 | [""] |
1av5ds3 | The BGF4ABP | | 2024-02-20T01:42:43 | lykwydchykyn | diypedals | 91 | 7 | en | 0.8868 | [""] |
1b56bka | [WTS] Jaquez Droz GMT 5195 ($3,750) | | 2024-03-03T02:45:11 | WatchTheMarket | Watchexchange | 21 | 16 | en | 0.2204 | [""] |
1cfsjpt | Cannibal Corpse skipping Ireland on European tour: So, I'll be the first to admit that the metal scene in Ireland seems to be the most alive that I've ever seen it (26 if that makes a difference), and that I've seen more heavy shit live in Dublin in the last couple years than the previous 6 combined. Buuuuut I'm still sick of bands skipping over Ireland because it's too expensive to play. Cannibal Corpse have such an insane lineup touring with them and they're not coming here. Any other CC fans pissed off? | | 2024-04-29T06:50:27 | randomfella62 | ireland | 77 | 113 | en | 0.9731 | [] |
1bf8gkk | China says PH misleading int'l community, denies claiming entire South China Sea | | 2024-03-15T07:38:22 | esetonline | Philippines | 101 | 16 | en | 0.7802 | [""] |
1b0zahf | Vz24 sight base: I've owned this vz 24 for a few years, just recently learned that they were intended to have sight protectors. I bought a vz 24 sight protector off of ebay, but it doesn't seem like it has any chance to fit. Is this a replacement sight post? | | 2024-02-27T01:34:22 | CaptainFirecrotch | milsurp | 21 | 64 | en | 0.9918 | [""] |
1c2fnxk | Goodbye to Ottokar's Sceptre, and on to Round 16: King Muskar XII managed to keep Ottokar's sceptre, but not his book's place in this competition. On to round 16! Vote for the book you like the least to be eliminated (link to the poll in the comments). Voting closes in 2 days. | | 2024-04-12T17:55:18 | zetalb | Tintin | 42 | 73 | en | 0.9727 | [""] |
1b5lcf8 | Anyone else really like babies? : Like I see a cute baby and just wanna pick em up and pinch their chubby cheeks? I know it's weird 😕 😐 | | 2024-03-03T16:35:18 | AnonymousNeverKnown | blackgirls | 77 | 35 | en | 0.9716 | [] |
1awr3nm | anyone up for some mc?: it'll be fun! silliest smp of em all | | 2024-02-21T23:33:59 | -_oKay-BOOMER_- | sillyboyclub | 110 | 20 | en | 0.9363 | [""] |
Subsets and Splits