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1bqn8rr | DIY Cosplay: | | 2024-03-29T11:45:34 | Lofwyr2030 | GODZILLA | 77 | 37 | en | 0.6716 | [""] |
1bh5zd5 | First trail marathon! | | 2024-03-17T19:20:19 | Weak-Hippo-3839 | trailrunning | 65 | 4 | en | 0.5457 | [""] |
1b92sqk | Just got this steelbook and I have a question : Who made this steelbook? Cause I can't find anything it about anywhere. Is it rare or something? | | 2024-03-07T19:14:25 | XxX-man69 | Steelbooks | 22 | 33 | en | 0.9793 | [""] |
1axek05 | Anyone else annoy their family members by pointing out glass in TV shows? Venetian decanter spotted! | | 2024-02-22T19:01:32 | redbucket75 | glasscollecting | 42 | 22 | en | 0.9656 | [""] |
19d1sgm | Beetle salad | | 2024-01-22T17:58:44 | [deleted] | skamtebord | 26 | 5 | en | 0.4213 | [""] |
1ayctro | It has come to my attention that a God has given someone a Nuke: It has come to my attention that a God has given someone a Nuke, and this is not very allowing for RP. In a world of knights, why would you need a nuke? Why because just because you get butt hurt over losing some war, where you're literally attacking a guy who you accused of something he didn't do, which is why I wish that these things should not be allowed, at least not this 'Hell Nuke' anyways, no weapon should be able to dispel all magic around it, only some, we are not wizardposting, and if you would like to drop Magic Nuclear Bombs, you can fuck off to wizardposting and fuck them over in wars. I am tired of having the RP experience ruined by such things, it makes it no fun for most of us who are just trying to get a little light out of our limited free time. You can spam this all you want with hate, but I'll have you know, if you care at all for the state of wellbeing for this subreddit, do not allow for extensive use of 'I've just killed your entire army and your character' weapons. | | 2024-02-23T21:50:32 | CompetitionKey9901 | knightposting | 36 | 247 | en | 0.9786 | [] |
18ysqbe | Finna rates your OCs (warning, she can be kind of harsh) | | 2024-01-05T00:21:49 | [deleted] | GachaClub | 9 | 16 | en | 0.8995 | [""] |
1bes3t1 | Who else is playing Dodge Hole?: I think I'm losing the game so far....I keep hitting all of them.... | | 2024-03-14T18:24:45 | Highlander_0073 | Winnipeg | 57 | 24 | en | 0.9606 | [] |
1d624o4 | New option idea / request: Channeling buildings requires alt-modifier: I'm a pretty low skilled player and spam right clicks all over the place, leading me to accidentally channel twin gates, watchers, underlord's portal, lotus pool and outposts during critical team fights. Because I'm low skill I've also got 'channeling requires stop command to cancel' set, and so by the time I realize what's happening, I'm dead, and the team fight is lost. If we had an option to force us to hold down alt while right clicking to channel a building I'm pretty sure all my accidental channels would be no more. Once channeling both buttons could be released of course. Obviously this wouldn't affect channeled abilities / items like TP scroll or CM ult. Also bonus points if it could apply to undying's tombstone as well, I hate it so much when I get that shard at the moment. Anybody else feel my pain when it comes to accidentally channeling buildings? | | 2024-06-02T01:28:19 | satchmoh | DotA2 | 13 | 211 | en | 0.9496 | [] |
1bwc5t7 | STRONGER: PILOT PEN for strokes and BALLPOINT PEN for accents,what do ya guys think 😃? | | 2024-04-05T07:37:45 | tzfeabnjo | Calligraphy | 45 | 28 | en | 0.8476 | [""] |
1auqpn6 | Nintendo shares tumble after game makers say Switch 2 launch pushed to 2025 | | 2024-02-19T15:59:58 | naaz0412 | NintendoSwitch | 1,836 | 14 | en | 0.8474 | [""] |
1c82rb8 | Finally | | 2024-04-19T17:32:25 | IvoryKeen | YanqingMains | 37 | 2 | en | 0.8288 | [""] |
1ca7ixv | Does anyone else forget to eat sometimes?: I decided to stay at .5 and not move up because I have no side effects and I have zero hunger. At this point, Im forcing myself to eat small snackish type deals all day. Cut up veggies, protein, fruit, ect. Yesterday around 5pm It dawned on me I hadn't eaten all day. I was so busy with the kids and work I spaced it. Wasn't hungry but choked down a protien shake. Worried that if I increase my dose my hunger will be non-existent. Not complaining at all because I was a binge eater before this. Just considering setting alarms on my phone as food reminders. I'm just not hungry... | | 2024-04-22T10:43:12 | Direct_Wear3884 | Semaglutide | 21 | 146 | en | 0.9728 | [] |
1cmrxuo | Some Reiko kombos so you're no longer woefully unprepared when you play him | | 2024-05-08T01:00:17 | Isimpforcactus | MortalKombatGameplay | 16 | 19 | en | 0.8864 | ["", ""] |
1bxs7zm | What doll is this?: Me and my brother found this doll underground. We did some googling but couldn't figure it out. Any ideas? | | 2024-04-07T01:35:26 | Bullet2134 | haloinfinite | 33 | 30 | en | 0.9853 | [""] |
1aivacq | Welp my red shirt done fucked up 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂: I guess no one put up a sign yesterday because our shit is full | | 2024-02-04T18:53:31 | SheepherderAway9487 | AutoZone2 | 16 | 40 | en | 0.8492 | [""] |
1cij6dj | Swiffer inspector | | 2024-05-02T15:54:39 | Inkedbycarter_ | rabbitswithjobs | 304 | 5 | en | 0.8567 | ["", ""] |
1apdfc4 | The Maybe Man Storyline: ___ The Maybe Man Storyline ___ There once was a man named Steve (Steve's Going To London), who, while very scared and very unprepared, fell in love with a girl who he, quite naively, thought he'd spend his life with (Turning Out pt. iii). Eventually, he started to see patterns of her taking advantage of him, plus her just being verbally unkind (The Dumb Song). He'd get upset with her and get petty with her back (I Won't), but then would forgive her in the morning. He couldn't stay mad (Touchy Feely Fool). He tried time and time again to get out of the relationship, but couldn't (Touchy Feely Fool + Inertia), even through all the spiteful moments (I Won't). He was unhappy with how life was, and felt really dumb (Maybe Man + The Dumb Song). He finally reached his breaking point and cut her off, going off to pursue his DJ dreams, sad and broken (The DJ Is Crying For Help + Touchy Feely Fool), but hoping for a new, refreshing taste of life (Yes I'm A Mess). He moved to London (Steve's Going To London), working as a DJ, but realized he felt incomplete and unfulfilled without a lover (Hole In The Bottom Of My Brain), and without the safety and security of youth, now in that middle stage in life where he has to keep a stable job (The DJ Is Crying For Help). Sadly, during this period of life, Steve's father passed away (God Is Really Real), leading Steve to an even worse place. He tried to get better, be happier, but he was stuck in a bad headspace (Inertia). He resorted to negative acts out of depression. Then, all of a sudden, he has a random surge of hopeful thoughts. He realized he really needed to get better, he's all that he has (2085). Nobody could stop him from doing the unthinkable, so he'd have to stop himself. Steve decided to write songs to put his feelings on paper, hoping to see others relate. He wrote his dumb songs and growing up songs. He thought back on his past regrets, like not breaking it off with his old girlfriend sooner and finding that more loving girl instead, who he could've kissed (2085). He even turned to religion, faith giving him someone to turn to even in his darkest days (God Is Really Real). With his songwriting capabilities, he managed to catch the girl of his dreams, who he happily spent the rest of his successful life and musical career with (Turning Out pt. iii). ___ Fine ___ (Don't mind this goofy little story I made 😅. Just thought I'd share it. I didn't know what tag this would fall under so.. Other it is lol) | | 2024-02-12T22:44:38 | AboMinAblE_P00P83 | AJR | 11 | 596 | en | 0.9831 | [] |
19dowdp | Do you guys require deposits to book sessions?: I’ve been doing photography for a long time and recently joined thumbtack. I keep getting people that will talk back and forth and want to schedule but as soon as I ask for a deposit, they don’t respond. I charge a 50% deposit and the rest on delivery of the photos. I’m feeling so discouraged because I’m not even charging much at all. Max I’ve charged so far is $150 and that’s well below what I actually want to make. Why am I getting ghosted? Is it not normal to ask for a deposit? | | 2024-01-23T13:52:51 | iwantae30 | photography | 12 | 134 | en | 0.962 | [] |
1cc3c6e | Rubbed off part of the OEM steering wheel material in 1 spot. Is there an inexpensive solution to cover this eyesore that won’t create more wear?: 2021 GTP with 27k on it. It’s my car, but my partner also drives it quite a bit. I was observing him drive it the other the day and he is a chronic 1 arm near the top driver. I haven’t caught myself driving this way yet. A steering wheel cover sounds like a good way to create more friction and damage. He is going to adjust his grip the best he can to prevent further damage, but subconscious habits die hard. I have the extended warranty through Mazda, but I doubt that matters. | | 2024-04-24T16:56:54 | amburroni | CX5 | 12 | 154 | en | 0.9688 | [""] |
1aid9dn | What are the most advanced opensource available IP cores?: Hello I am doing research which requires me to dive quite deeply into microarchitectural aspects of modern CPU designs. I am therefor looking for some of the most advanced opensource IP cores. Ideally I would like to have some kind of (functional) diagram which shows the connections between the core, MMU, TLB and any other component on that same level. The endgoal is to at least see all components which are directly and indirectly connected to the cache as well as how they connect. The more details the better. Any suggestions on which cores I could look into and where I can find them? | | 2024-02-04T02:35:26 | blueMarker2910 | FPGA | 27 | 136 | en | 0.973 | [] |
1cwlkzd | The Two Faces of Most LDS Members - Avoid Any Confrontation in the Moment.: In my experience, most LDS members hate confrontation. So they will give the "right" answer initially and then the "real" answer when they are with LDS friends, in church, or in leadership meetings and councils. Examples: When learning that a friend left the church: 1. Right answer when speaking to the friend: "I totally respect you. You have free agency. As long as you're happy, then I'm happy for you." 2. Real answer at church: "They aren't happy. They became too smart (or rich, or prideful) for their own good. You can just see that they've lost the spirit and got into anti-mormon literature." When speaking to someone of another faith: 1. Right answer in the moment, "I love your beliefs. I can't believe how similar they are to my beliefs. We have more in common that we have differences. I'm happy that you're happy." 2. Real answer with other LDS members, "How in the world would they think that? How blind do you have to be to have those beliefs? If they only knew the real truth - the entire truth - they would be so much more happy." When meeting an atheist: 1. Right answer that they give in the moment: "To each his own. As long as you believe you are living your best life, who am I to say you aren't. I understand why people would be atheist. Life is really hard. I have total respect for you." 2. Real answer with other LDS members, "They are so lost - like full on atheists. I don't know how you could even go on living as an atheist. What's the point? There's no purpose. I feel so sad for them." When attending a dinner where friends or co-workers are drinking: 1. Right answer that they give in the moment: "Please, have whatever drink you'd like. I choose not to, but I love it when my friends are comfortable enough to drink around me. I never want my beliefs to infringe on yours. Enjoy! Besides, I just love water, or lemonade, or Diet Coke." 2. Real answer they say to their LDS friends later: "I don't need alcohol to be happy, but I work with people or had dinner with people that can't be happy without it. I feel bad for them." And on, and on, and on. The challenge with this type of avoidance is that it is felt as insincere by most. Nobody wants a friend that pities them and most adults can recognize inauthenticity. Perhaps this is why many (most?) LDS have primarily LDS only friends. It's hard to be friends with others of different beliefs when your beliefs are as rigid and strongly held and reinforced as they are in the LDS church. And I'm not talking about "friends" that you know and see occasionally. I'm talking about friends you hang out with on a weekend evening, friends that you call on short notice and want to have dinner with or watch a movie with or go to an event with. For most active LDS, those friends will be LDS. When an LDS person reads this: 1. The right answer: "This isn't at all true. I have a TON of friends that left the church, or drink, or are atheist, or have never been mormon." 2. The real answer when they consider the last month or two and each time they've gone out with a close friend: They were likely active LDS. And this is why so many people don't trust mormons. In the movie Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne said in jest, "On the outside, I was an honest man. I had to come to prison to learn how to be a crook." Similarly, on the outside I think most people are honest. You have to go to church to learn how to become a liar. | | 2024-05-20T17:46:23 | IndyJonsey | exmormon | 89 | 841 | en | 0.9836 | [] |
1cuujwv | Suddenly Have To Clock In And Out For Lunch: For some context, I'm a Night Auditor at a resort and for the last 7 years I've never had to clock out for lunch as I'm the only employee here and our security is a third party. But recently management made the change of, oh, I need to be clocking out now for lunch. So I bring up the subject or what if the phone rings or a guest comes to check in or out. I'm told to have security watch the desk. But they are not trained on our system or can answer guest questions. So my delimna is here, tell the guest sorry I'm on lunch come back later or clock in and out a bunch if times abd try to make sure I hit 40 min for my lunch. And also, it's literally just me and security at a resort with 380 rooms. Anyone have any advice or do I just need to deal with the new adjustment? What if the security guard refuses because honestly it's not a third party's job to stand in for my break. | | 2024-05-18T10:45:38 | NerdyLadyWordsmith | Nightshift | 25 | 220 | en | 0.9734 | [] |
1ahdnkd | Use an already existing stand name to make a stand whose ability is literally based off of the name: Localized stand names are included Examples: The World: It can manipulate the natural earth processes within its range King Crimson: It can control anything red that's in its range Six bullets (Sex Pistols' localized name): The stand is just six bullets. That's it, six bullets. | | 2024-02-02T20:40:58 | Mindless_Being783 | StardustCrusaders | 11 | 83 | en | 0.9526 | [] |
1bmdx1j | Zoro got a new look | | 2024-03-24T06:12:53 | remyx420_69 | ZoroIsLost | 129 | 7 | en | 0.8126 | [""] |
1akawbp | Experiențe pozitive în urma absolvirii unei facultăți umaniste/socio-umaniste: Bună! După cum se poate observa în titul, sunt curioasă de ce parcurs profesional au avut persoanele care au terminat facultăți umaniste/socio-umaniste și care în prezent sunt mulțumite de alegerea făcută. Nu toți ne dorim să facem poli sau să lucrăm în it, așa că aș vrea să aud perspective din alte sfere profesionale, pentru că a absolvi o specializare umanistă nu trebuie să implice a lucra ulterior la Mega, conform opiniei eronate, dar general răspândite. |țe_pozitive_în_urma_absolvirii_unei/ | 2024-02-06T14:22:54 | pinkishpeony | UniRO | 14 | 239 | ro | 0.9991 | [] |
1b6cz7e | “Saint” on PCGS St. Gaudens: Curious if anyone knows why some PCGS St.Gaudens say the word “Saint” on the description? | | 2024-03-04T15:00:23 | anubisimyourdad | coins | 11 | 39 | en | 0.8286 | [""] |
1cxl1jv | [OC] Here is some art I made inspired by “Everywhere, Everything”: I’m a big fan of Noah and was inspired by the lines “I wanna love you ‘til we’re food for the worms to eat / ‘Til our fingers decompose, keep my hand in yours” (if you couldn’t tell!) Also I’m going to the concert tomorrow in Asheville and I can’t wait! | | 2024-05-21T22:42:07 | pointing_rat | NoahKahan | 36 | 100 | en | 0.9193 | [""] |
1c69cuj | Painted Wooden Coffin of Denytenamun. | | 2024-04-17T13:06:12 | TN_Egyptologist | OutoftheTombs | 109 | 11 | en | 0.5784 | [""] |
1cyz4k8 | [WTT/WTS] Grand Seiko SBGA211 “Snowflake” | | 2024-05-23T17:56:09 | beetelgeuse115 | Watchexchange | 13 | 20 | en | 0.4585 | [""] |
1bjvefg | PEBKAC: Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair | | 2024-03-21T02:07:21 | Lightningwhelk2 | LICENSEPLATES | 17 | 12 | en | 0.7055 | [""] |
1c4466o | Scrimshaw | | 2024-04-14T21:01:52 | Informal-Engineer-21 | Zippo | 16 | 4 | it | 0.2895 | [""] |
1ctp84b | Just spent 10 days in Milwaukee: I was familiar with the town about 15 years ago, but hadn't visited since then. Currently I live in San Francisco. My visit lasted for twelve days and I stayed at an AirBnb in the Bayview neighborhood. Here is my unsolicited two cents: * Overall it's a great town. I think the fact that it flies a little under the radar is actually an advantage in some ways. * The weather was...interesting. I had alternating days of pleasant and warm, mixed with cold, grey, and windy. The thunderstorms were great. * The drive across the Hoan bridge is beautiful. * I spent time in the East Side, Bayview, 'Tosa, Riverwest, Third Ward, and Walkers Point. My favorite of the neighborhoods was probably Riverwest. * Bars visited: Club Garibaldi, Burnhearts, Sugar Maple, Sabbatic, Mothership, Cafe Centro, The Uptowner, Linneman's, Black Husky Brewing. My favorite was probably the Uptowner. * I had coffee/breakfast at Collectivo (Bayview and Lakefront), Hifi Cafe, Interval Cafe, Roshambo, and Discourse Coffee. Favorite: Roshambo * We tried pizza at Zafiro's, Ballistreri's, Francisco's, Tenuta's, Calderone Club, and Rocky Rococo. Favorite: Balistreri's, but it's a tough decision. * Other places visited: Saint Kate's Art Hotel, Nessun Dorma, Milwaukee Public Market, The Smokehouse, Small Pie, Von Trier, Art Bar, Corazon and Tupelo Honey. * The only real disappointments out of everything were Small Pie and Tupelo Honey. On the list for the next visit is more live music, and a few more pizza places (Maria's, Ned's and Caradero). | | 2024-05-16T22:02:36 | ThePepperAssassin | milwaukee | 257 | 395 | en | 0.9481 | [] |
1be4aex | A Curious Mathematical Problem: Some time ago, while I was out shopping for flowers in preparation for Shavuot, a peculiar incident occurred. While correcting a stranger on a trivial matter, he produced a scrap of paper and scribbled down a simple multiplication problem. Handing it to me, and providing a few additional instructions, his actions piqued my curiosity so I complied. However, even after working out the problem with a pencil, I could not seem to grasp any meaning in the numbers that would shed light on the stranger's inexplicable behavior. Intrigued, I approached Rabbi Shlomo, a sage known for his profound knowledge Kabbalah and numerology. "Rabbi Shlomo," I began, extending the piece of paper towards him. "This puzzle was presented to me under quite unusual circumstances. Could there be a hidden message within?" Rabbi Shlomo examined the paper closely. It bore two three-digit numbers positioned for multiplication, marked by the traditional 'X' and underscore of a grade-school math problem. Below, in a slightly different handwriting – mine in fact – was the computed product. For a long moment, Rabbi Shlomo scrutinized the numbers: the original figures and the resulting product. The room was silent, save for the occasional rustle of pages from another corner where Rabbi Ezra, engrossed in a tome of Kabbalistic lore, occasionally glanced over with mild interest. Turning to me with a thoughtful expression, Rabbi Shlomo inquired, "Is there any additional context that might illuminate this enigma?" "He insisted we step outside before presenting the problem," I replied, recalling the stranger's peculiar insistence. "Anything else noteworthy?" Rabbi Shlomo pressed. "He was adamant about not using a calculator. It seemed of particular importance to him that I work out the sum myself," I added. Rabbi Shlomo stroked his beard, a light of realization dawning in his eyes. "Ah," he finally said, the corner of his mouth twitching with the hint of a smile. "The answer to this riddle lies not within the realms of numerology or the sacred mysteries of our texts." Both Rabbi Ezra and I leaned in, captivated by the anticipation of a profound revelation. Rabbi Shlomo continued, "This man's message, cryptic though it may seem, carries no numerological significance. Instead, it's a rather earthy piece of advice, cloaked in the guise of a mathematical quandary. By instructing you to 'go forth and multiply' yourself, he was imparting a timeless directive – though certainly not in the manner our forefathers might have intended." The room fell silent as the weight of Rabbi Shlomo's words settled in, leaving us to ponder the unexpected wisdom hidden within a simple act of mathematical defiance. | | 2024-03-13T22:04:06 | aleph_zeroth_monkey | Jokes | 30 | 588 | en | 0.9628 | [] |
1c3e9xi | Just how? | | 2024-04-13T22:39:50 | DistinctRamArtist | dankindianmemes | 14 | 3 | en | 0.3432 | ["", ""] |
1d5hs0l | Hex Nail EGO (Limbus Oc): Back with m'boi Hallward again! Comparing the two I think it's quite clear that I enjoyed drawing the corrosion more haha Hex Nail has been something I've wanted to draw since 2023 (p3 is the relevant draft), but I've never really felt like it/gotten around to it until now. | | 2024-06-01T07:43:03 | Kyanito | limbuscompany | 99 | 80 | en | 0.9852 | [""] |
1cbyh9x | Thrustmaster AVA + F/A-18 Super Hornet Flightstick popped out on Amazon Italy for €549, release date Jun 19th. | | 2024-04-24T13:40:51 | brazorf | hotas | 62 | 31 | en | 0.7966 | [""] |
1d0q5cw | Frustrated…just venting: Anyone else spend good chunk of their day trying to help patients who have already discharged??? I recently had a patient discharge on a Friday (I didn’t feel good about the dc plan at all, but what can you do?), and on Tuesday morning i’m getting a panicked phone call from the 95yo husband that the home health company hasn’t contacted him at all and he has no idea what to do with pt’s catheter. While I know it’s “not my job”, because the patient has already discharged, and I did everything on my end for dc, I still feel morally and ethically responsible to help. By the time I got that disaster fixed and got them staffed with a different HH agency that would be out that same day within 2 hours(avoiding an ED visit) it was already 11am and I was horribly behind on my patients that are actually in the hospital. it’s just so frustrating | | 2024-05-26T01:04:07 | sadgirlygirlxox | hospitalsocialwork | 25 | 206 | en | 0.9728 | [] |
1c5jixb | Come on people, open your eyes: And we say nothing is prewritten | | 2024-04-16T15:52:02 | OrganichillU | Bahrain | 47 | 15 | en | 0.9051 | [""] |
1d2zeae | What's y'all's favorite song from the quarry's soundtrack: I made a post about this a few hours ago but it was just not good so I'm just going to be more general when asking. | | 2024-05-29T00:38:47 | VacationGlittering21 | TheQuarrySupermassive | 26 | 42 | en | 0.9898 | [] |
1ai2ljm | Any advices for my satsuma?: It has twin barrel carburator, racing radiator, racing exhaust and 3.9 final drive. But it overheats too often. Need help if i could solve this problem by just adjusting. | | 2024-02-03T18:25:32 | prainR | MySummerCar | 10 | 48 | en | 0.9361 | [""] |
1b611u0 | Anyone else see this TikTok?: Thoughts?! | | 2024-03-04T03:44:46 | MixEffective | Vanderpumpaholics | 207 | 9 | en | 0.6681 | [""] |
1cm0t5n | how do i find panties that don't perpetually ride up into my asscrack: this is not a question i ever wanted to ask the internet but it's so embarassing to be an adult (by technicality only) and not own any underwear that fits. i genuinely have no idea where i'm going wrong or where to start, and i'm far too broke to start picking at random and hope something works. so, people who are much better at this whole 'functional adult woman' thing, how tf do i find underwear that fits me? is it just a size issue? i have not been blessed in the butt department, so i feel like anything that fits my waist and thighs is probably too small in the cheeks. do i size down and hope it fits anyways? or should i switch styles? i currently wear bikini brief style, but i have no strong preference as long as it's not granny panties. would thongs (or other styles with less coverage) work better since they're supposed to be 'up in there' to begin with? or is it something else entirely? i don't understand underwear. please help <3 i did try searching this sub to see if there were any similar posts, but everyone was recommending specific brands. i am in the walmart multi-pack panties stage of my life, so i need more general advice than that. thanks in advance !! edit: wow, ok a lot more people are giving me underwear advice than i expected! i bought some boyshort-style to start with, they're pretty comfy so far :) gonna try a thong style as well just to see. i appreciate the comments! | | 2024-05-07T02:13:08 | creature--comfort | TheGirlSurvivalGuide | 216 | 342 | en | 0.977 | [] |
1ab5ebx | Please tell me someone made a continuation of this story? | | 2024-01-26T00:52:42 | FearfulDivine | TheOwlHouse | 1,098 | 11 | en | 0.9615 | [""] |
1cjwuqq | Two Ways I get Clients for my Agency (Not Freelancing Platforms): The reason I’m sharing this is because a lot of people here lack information on how to get clients and are mainly reliant on freelancing platforms, and I have no real reason to keep all of this information to myself. I always say, if you were to get local clients, how would you do that? Would you go onto freelancing platforms or use other means? This is exactly how you also get foreign clients. Cold Calls Pros: One of the best ways to get in front of your customer. If you want to get good at sales as well as have a steady pipeline of new deals, this is your go-to, especially because it’s very cost-effective. I’ve read company reports of tech companies where their average ticket price is over $100k, and their first point of contact is through cold calls. You can buy a Skype number and package for like $15, and you can call unlimited people as long as you have a stable internet connection. If you get good at this skill, I promise you won’t have to ever worry about putting food on the table because all you’ll need is your phone to make money. Con: Takes time to do calls. Cold DMs. This is a tricky way to get business because you need a very strong profile that looks professional and will require a bit of skill to master. Pros: Doesn’t take much time. Cons: Unqualified leads. Bonus: The reason why most people fail in generating new leads is because you guys aren’t doing enough volume. The minimum criteria that are set for any outreach channel is 100 a day. I see people messaging me saying I did 5-10 outreaches and it didn’t work. The usual metrics for cold calls are 10 meetings set per 100 calls, and for DMs, it's 3%, which translates to 3 meetings set for 100 cold DMs. Now, I’m no guru – nor do I have anything to sell; this is just to help people out, and if I can help even one person, I think spending time on this post was worth it. Got questions? Put them below, and I’ll help you out if I can! Edit: Please don’t DM me about potential collaborations! | | 2024-05-04T10:03:39 | Ortonium | pakistan | 20 | 495 | en | 0.9715 | [] |
1949kly | Soviet chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials, General Roman Rudenko. | | 2024-01-11T19:05:16 | TankMan-2223 | MarxistCulture | 25 | 15 | en | 0.8426 | [""] |
1bzxsbt | Look at this picture I just finished! The water, clouds, and shading turned out so well! | | 2024-04-09T17:24:11 | Galaxy_the_nightwing | WingsOfFire | 176 | 20 | en | 0.9416 | [""] |
198mbo2 | All of Exit's talk sprites in 4KColorHD | | 2024-01-17T03:09:11 | GamrGee | UndertaleYellow | 75 | 12 | en | 0.8987 | [""] |
1b0yg28 | Media: Zelensky may visit Armenia in near future | | 2024-02-27T00:56:11 | redmikay | neoliberal | 50 | 12 | en | 0.9666 | [""] |
1b9fqxl | Weekly Suggestion Thread: Welcome to the Weekly Suggestion Thread! If you have something you'd like to be covered on the channel comment the **Name of the Attraction or Show and why you think it would be a good episode.** You can put more than one suggestion per comment. Remember, this is about **Defunct** shows and attractions, so any suggestions should be currently off air or unavailable to the public. Please take a look to see what has already been posted and upvote what you think would be interesting! Thank you for your input, and for watching Defunctland! | | 2024-03-08T05:01:17 | AutoModerator | Defunctland | 11 | 125 | en | 0.9575 | [] |
1bpa3rg | Real: Credits: r/spongebob | | 2024-03-27T19:09:00 | Professional-Pain662 | adhdmeme | 173 | 10 | en | 0.4502 | [""] |
1bw8mqo | Squirrel sightings at the grocery store! | | 2024-04-05T04:04:39 | helpmefindtheyogurt | squirrels | 33 | 8 | en | 0.8035 | [""] |
1b89y1y | Got a care package today.: Got some great ambient stuff in the mail today. | | 2024-03-06T20:14:55 | Hyldypi | cassetteculture | 28 | 16 | en | 0.8937 | [""] |
1cvt5gz | A compliment for Vin: Killer Hog | | 2024-05-19T17:11:20 | mike-rodik | Vinesauce | 328 | 7 | en | 0.6221 | [""] |
18yhb8v | 81870 | | 2024-01-04T16:34:46 | IAlwaysOutsmartU | CountOnceADay | 68 | 4 | de | 0.2866 | [""] |
1bv8edp | [Linn] Kawhi Leonard (knee) is out tomorrow vs. Denver | | 2024-04-03T23:50:56 | TRLJM | nba | 108 | 18 | en | 0.8533 | [""] |
1cv171b | Today marks the 80th anniversary since the sürgün, or exile of the Crimean Tatars. |ürgün/ | 2024-05-18T16:32:22 | kishmishtoot | Tiele | 45 | 22 | en | 0.7462 | [""] |
1ccowqy | Yo these dumb fucks spelled alastors name wrong,should I raid the with my 75 alts?(my cult was going to war with the too) | | 2024-04-25T10:51:44 | Rasberry151 | Alastorcult | 50 | 33 | en | 0.9622 | [""] |
195v0uf | gripper type beat goes hard!! 🔥 | | 2024-01-13T18:49:20 | Wickle-Pickle-TV | deathgrips | 16 | 12 | en | 0.4956 | ["", ""] |
18za7an | Jolyne Squad! [OC] | | 2024-01-05T16:00:05 | Routine-Housing-3215 | StardustCrusaders | 67 | 8 | en | 0.3531 | [""] |
1b3hwis | Kinda cool snipe: First game on in a week, so not the best clip. | | 2024-03-01T01:37:44 | Less_Anything_8097 | sypherpk | 32 | 19 | en | 0.901 | ["", ""] |
1cftz1g | [question] my vault hasn't been doing good this weekend because they are getting sick and idk why. What could be causing it? Also is radiation contagious?: I should also mention I built a reactor the other day but I'm not sure if that's the problem. At the end of the day all I want is for this to stop so I can stop wasting stim packs and so they can all be happy | | 2024-04-29T08:29:37 | Money-Win-3468 | falloutshelter | 23 | 83 | en | 0.9802 | [""] |
19bei3h | Will this snare stand work well with my pad? | | 2024-01-20T15:42:30 | lucasjw88 | Drumming | 8 | 11 | en | 0.8451 | [""] |
1cb4z0a | BNN Bloomberg-Inequality worsening as wealth gap widens to highest since 2015: TD Bank report | | 2024-04-23T13:42:35 | Ok_Reputation8227 | canada | 238 | 22 | en | 0.9277 | [""] |
1bqru13 | Windows 10 22H2 transformed to pre-RC Windows Vista. | | 2024-03-29T15:19:11 | MondethSpartan | FrutigerAero | 59 | 13 | en | 0.2566 | [""] |
1c4lq5n | Well you get it | | 2024-04-15T13:05:10 | Klutzy_Cry_860 | flipline | 11 | 5 | en | 0.6004 | [""] |
1afvjst | Roe too Weak?: After what happened w that, it has me very worried that Roe isn't strong enough to protect our rights. Let's suppose (and hope) the dems sweep and get full control this year, they talked of restoring Roe. My concern is if the pro-lifers were willing to take 50 yrs to continually attack it, that by restoring it our granddaughters will once again be revisiting this just like we are now. I fear that the only true way we will be protected is to pass a constitutional amendment declaring it an absolute right. Is my fear misplaced? What do you see as a permanent solution for us ? | | 2024-01-31T23:02:35 | Successful_Arm_7509 | prochoice | 113 | 133 | en | 0.9712 | [] |
1aqw8hf | Disable "Missing Scientist" event: Looking for a way to disable this event. It happens every playthrough, and really ruins my enjoyment of pre-ftl observation. Some way to delete parts of the code? Just taking out the chance for the god king line would be fine. Maybe someone could upload a mod to the workshop? | | 2024-02-14T20:00:10 | Dinonumber | Stellaris | 31 | 67 | en | 0.9485 | [] |
1bctiib | Your thoughts on this ! | | 2024-03-12T09:58:34 | Apprehensive-Ebb-573 | IndiaCricket | 42 | 6 | en | 0.8155 | [""] |
19ek5po | Really proud of the first model I didn’t just rush to get done. | | 2024-01-24T15:49:28 | Used_bees | minipainting | 25 | 17 | en | 0.8874 | [""] |
1aseolo | Jaz has got his own Jazatha Christie segment on the this morning! Who will be tuning in? | | 2024-02-16T17:44:05 | [deleted] | TheTraitorsUK | 80 | 23 | en | 0.9636 | [""] |
1besg9v | This is how the "Bliss" ending feels | | 2024-03-14T18:38:27 | Throwawayfodder_808 | Darkwood | 46 | 11 | en | 0.9262 | [""] |
1bws70h | Petition to add a few Misty related flair's (preferably at least 1 wholesome): So Mods, what's it gonna be? Add some Misty flairs or keep being gonks? Think chooms! THINK! | | 2024-04-05T20:28:58 | GremNotGrim | cyberpunkgame | 16 | 47 | en | 0.9132 | [""] |
1ca0214 | Sukuna kicked dude hard enough that it opened his eye again | | 2024-04-22T02:51:54 | McuhZ | Jujutsufolk | 33 | 14 | en | 0.9918 | [""] |
1d9fifp | 190426 Tzuyu | | 2024-06-06T11:04:30 | mcfw31 | tzuyu | 180 | 8 | fr | 0.4773 | [""] |
1cafye3 | is it ok to let my baby just be messy?: we’re starting blw and my mom said that i shouldn’t let him be messy but i thought that’s just how they learn how to eat by making a little mess? unless im wrong and should be more involved in the way he eats? i really don’t understand the issue if he’s eating & is gonna get a bath anyway lol anyway any advice would help 😁 | | 2024-04-22T16:58:43 | sapphicavacado | BabyLedWeaning | 59 | 98 | en | 0.952 | [""] |
1d7puyb | Confused where her meal went | | 2024-06-04T05:45:56 | ZoraBlackfire | tarantulas | 16 | 7 | en | 0.9956 | [""] |
1bbjnwe | Goatee Beard or Clean shaven?: Had to shave the goatee beard for a recent occasion. Haven’t been fully shaved since the first time I took the plunge. In the meantime, should I grow back the goatee beard or should I keep it clean shaven with the bald look. I was trying to take both pics in the same position for a before/after contrast (left pic is before/right pic is after). | | 2024-03-10T20:08:12 | DarkCloudCI | bald | 26 | 92 | en | 0.9545 | [""] |
1956ca6 | This why most of people are changing ( to me): I have read this post on here : [\_are\_changing\_anyone\_notice\_this/]( And I saw somebody post an answer saying it was because of the whackscene. (we all had to go through this pathetic scam, and I hope you didn't take it). And I think he is right, because if you watch this clip from the Vexille video game released in 2007, you can see the repercussions of the jab turning humans into biobots, then increasing transhumanism compatibility over generations of those who took it… ( i know a lot of you know this.) On a spiritual/Energetic level, it gives more compatibility for entities to merge with humans since DNA is a kind of anchor between dimensions.That's why it harmed people so much energetically and even pushed some away from their physical bodies.Having part human x jab DNA is like adding a new built-in door for other consciousnesses to get in, whereas having solely your base Human DNA doesn't allow compatibility and limit entities ability to couch-surf your psyche. To me, this explains it, the clip was released in 2007, which is fucking mind-boggling since it's exactly what we experience today . Most people are not humans anymore. All the whackscened people are getting more and more intensely plugged in the new matrix hive mind, a brand new one where you REALLY can't escape since you gave your power away. &#x200B; Now i might be wrong but it looks like we swerved the next prison within the prison, but on the other hand it will be more difficult for us since the gap between altered and non altered will be more and more effective.... So many outcomes Let me know what yall think . May y'all swerve the light | | 2024-01-12T21:28:18 | yungsumthin | EscapingPrisonPlanet | 56 | 490 | en | 0.9536 | [] |
1b7cwvw | [self] Shinobu Kocho from Demon Slayer | | 2024-03-05T18:42:27 | AnnieApple_ | cosplay | 354 | 12 | en | 0.612 | [""] |
1c90tzd | Muta on that different kind of za | | 2024-04-20T21:20:02 | MythikOni | SomeOrdinaryGmrs | 92 | 10 | en | 0.9347 | [""] |
1ad7ame | Youre not entitled to the Mission: Im doing missions to grind attachments. Takes 2 per attachment. I do several missions and then I exfil. Yesterday, I got to a delivery mission before another team. They were screaming in voice at me that that was theirs (Im guessing they were 14). While I was loading the mission, they destroyed my vehicle and parked theirs in front of the garage to prevent me from doing a mission. They jumped out of their vehicle and danced around me so I lit theirs up and destroyed it. They then stood at the garage and tried to steal the vehicle in the garage, but I guess they didn't know about crouching. Punk kids today feel entitled to everything. This is what happens when kids aren't breastfed. Until you pick up that mission, it aint yours. Just move on. Acting like a chronic sniveling puke doesnt make you look cool. | | 2024-01-28T17:04:23 | dngnb8 | CODZombies | 312 | 210 | en | 0.9858 | [] |
1b0h8re | 'He looks like an alien': Dems sharpen knives to take down unpopular GOP senator | | 2024-02-26T13:15:30 | HauntingJackfruit | inthenews | 477 | 18 | en | 0.8166 | [""] |
1cfzzs3 | Work in progress~ handmade paper is now my favorite thing to paint on : Artist: Shirlan May | | 2024-04-29T14:07:25 | Ok_Apple_8454 | goblincore | 303 | 21 | en | 0.8815 | [""] |
1d1nr4e | Eva Darren: Appreciation post: Eva Darren is one of the greatest character actresses in Philippine cinema, having appeared in over 100 film and television productions in a career spanning 60 years. She has won a FAMAS and Metro Manila Film Festival Award, in addition to nominations for Gawad Urian Awards. | | 2024-05-27T09:37:23 | darnarchives | Philippines | 155 | 60 | en | 0.9747 | [""] |
1atcdac | Yussif Character Arc (SPOILERS INCLUDED): **SPOILERS:** Saw Episodes 4-6 last evening (excellent! Absolutely beautiful scene >!with Jesus and Gaius in Peter's home where Gaius goes to a knee and calls Jesus "Lord" and shocks the disciples and Jesus a bit!<) and wanted to discuss an emerging favorite character of mine, the down to earth Rabbi Yussif, particularly as he is now a >!Member of the Sanhedrin.!< Many have speculated, and by this point it seems quite clearly correct if you ask me, that Yussif is in fact >!who we would now call Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Sanhedrin who took Jesus' body down from cross and buried it in his family tomb in Jerusalem.!< More specifically to the episodes last night, I am curious for peoples' takes on Yussif's aim to join >!the Council on Babylonian Exile Prophecy & its Fullfillment (or something along those lines, apologies if I didn't get the title exactly correct. !<My immediate thought in this is the extensive list of prophecies from the Old Testament that point towards Jesus of Nazareth as Messiah, particularly ones revolving around Babylonian Exile and that timeframe, such as Jeremiah 31:15 and Micah 5:2 that can point to Jesus' birth in Bethlehem as a fulfillment. Either way, I do find it interesting that Yussif's aim is >!to join a council whose academic focus would place him in a position to lend his voice towards proclaims Jesus as the fulfillment of the prophesied Messiah. !< Thus, I think my overall question about Yussif's character is more a question for debate in some ways: **Do folks think Yussif will publicly proclaim his beliefs about Jesus within the debate of Sanhedrin to come in the next two seasons? Do people think he instead will be quieter about them and sort of reveal his allegiance to Christ post-resurrection?** I tend to think his character arc sets up a bit more towards him publicly declaring within the heated debates of Sanhedrin, but think the overall arc is quite fascinating and love how they have chosen to portray both him, and portray the tangled web of emotions, guilt, doubt, and passion >!that seem to be conflicting Shmuel to a point where he may swing against the plot to kill Jesus. !<Makes it very captivating from the other side of things. Anyways, would love others thoughts who have watched it. | | 2024-02-17T21:07:32 | Thunderblessed63 | TheChosenSeries | 21 | 560 | en | 0.9673 | [] |
1apv7r4 | Hoe kom ik voor mijn angst voor vrouwen af?: Oh boy, dit is geen makkelijke post voor mij om te schrijven. Ik probeer het kort te houden en mezelf niet te veel in details te verliezen. Ik zit met een enorm probleem voor mezelf en ik heb geen idee wat ik nog kan doen om hier mee om te gaan of het te veranderen. Ik ben door jaren aan isolatie doodsbang geworden voor vrouwen en dit begint extreme vormen aan te nemen die mijn dagelijks leven compleet beheerst. Ik ben op zoek naar een manier om hier mee om te gaan, maar ik kan nergens hulp vinden hiervoor. Vandaar dat ik hier maar kom, want ik weet het gewoon niet meer behalve dat mijn onzekerheden mijn leven helemaal kapot maken tot het punt dat ik nu een werkeloze ben die amper het huis uit durft dus wat heb ik nog te verliezen. Ik (man mid 30) ben door jaren aan isolatie, afwijzingen en mislukkingen in de dating scene extreem negatief geworden tegenover mezelf. Ik vind mezelf compleet minderwaardig tegenover iedere vrouw die ik tegen kom. Ik heb het gevoel dat ik door iedere vrouw met walging en afschuw wordt aangekeken en elke dag wordt het moeilijker en moeilijker om mezelf te motiveren. Ik word dagelijks emotioneel hierover en hoe langer het duurt hoe groter voor mij de drempel wordt. Door de jaren heen probeerde ik wel online dating, maar als ik 1 like per maand kreeg was dat een goede maand en alle gesprekken liepen heel snel dood. Waardoor ik mezelf ging afvragen wat ik verkeerd had gedaan, of dat ik te lelijk was om zelfs maar een like te krijgen. Elke keer als ik de mobiel opende en weer zag ik dat geen reactie terug kreeg stierf er een beetje van mezelf tot het punt dat ik het gewoon niet meer op kon brengen om weer een profiel aan te maken op 1 of andere site om toch weken- zo niet maandenlang geen reacties te krijgen. Speed-daten heb ik mezelf ooit voor aangemeld, maar de gedachte dat ik ooit aan iemand moest uitleggen dat ik al jaren geen date heb gehad zorgde voor dikke tranen vlak voor ik daar naar toe ging en dus ben ik nooit naar de speeddate event gegaan. Als ik zie dat anderen wel succes hebben op diezelfde sites neem ik dat extreem persoonlijk. Wat doe ik verkeerd waardoor ik geen aandacht krijg of geen reactie terug krijg op mijn berichten? Waarom lopen al mijn gesprekken dood binnen 5 zinnen en stelt de vrouw nooit een vraag aan mij terug? Als ik hoor van iemand die even een kop koffie gaat drinken met iemand die hij of zij via Tinder of Bumble kent, denkt mijn brein: "Jij bent het niet waard om zelfs een kop koffie mee te drinken, om gewoon mee af te spreken en te kijken hoe het loopt. Anderen zullen dat wel mee maken maar jij niet. Jij zal altijd alleen naar bed gaan, alleen wakker worden, alleen eten, alleen jezelf vermaken in de avonden en weekenden. Elke dag alleen en je zal er nooit achter komen waarom of wat je er tegen kan doen." Op dit moment is de situatie zo erg dat ik paniekaanvallen krijg als ik op straat loop en ik zie gewoon normale vrouwen op straat lopen. Deze aanvallen duren uren en laatst zelfs meerdere dagen. Er komt dan een golf aan emoties over mij heen, van minderwaardigheid, 0 perspectief op een oplossing hiervoor, gevoel dat ik mijn leven compleet verkwist heb tot nu toe en dat ik dit allemaal aan mezelf te danken heb. Als ik mijn tanden poets doe ik dat al een paar jaar met het licht uit of met mijn ogen dicht want ik moet er niet aandenken om 2 minuten naar mijn eigen gezicht te kijken.Als ik op straat loop staar ik naar de grond omdat ik bang ben mensen in de ogen te kijken of emotioneel te worden als ik mensen hand in hand zie lopen. Ik sla liefdes- en seksscenes over in films en series omdat ik anders ga janken. Dit is echt extreem aan het worden en ik heb geen idee waar ik hulp kan in roepen. Ik loop bij een psycholoog al een half jaar (na een wachtlijst van 18 maanden) maar ik heb niet het gevoel dat zij mij verstaat en mijn gedrag is zelfs erger geworden de laatste maand. Ik heb elke seksuoloog in de regio gebeld maar dit viel niet binnen hun werkgebied, ik heb relatiebureaus gebeld maar die zeiden dat ik professionele hulp nodig had hiervoor, ik heb andere psychologen gebeld maar of ze hebben een wachtlijst van een jaar of ze zeggen dat zij niets anders kunnen bieden dan wat ik nu al krijg. Ik weet niet waar ik het moet zoeken, maar ik ben wanhopig voor een oplossing. Alternatieve geneeswijze, medicatie, groepssessies, schematherapie, you name it ik sta er open voor. Desnoods een cult die mijn organen wil opofferen aan hun god, ik ben zo wanhopig dat ik overal voor open sta. Dus vandaar dat ik hier kom, heeft iemand suggesties, tips of experts die mij hier mee kunnen helpen? Tl;dr OP wil het kort houden, lukt niet. | | 2024-02-13T14:49:42 | [deleted] | Groningen | 152 | 1,800 | nl | 0.9989 | [] |
19aq0xc | Touchless Carwashes?: Is it just me or are there only 2 Petro Canada touchless carwashes in the entirety of Markham? Both of which always have a 6-8+ car line up. Does anyone want to share their secret spot? | | 2024-01-19T18:30:38 | m919 | Markham | 24 | 55 | en | 0.9585 | [] |
1cqpswu | Envy: I constantly deal with the negative feeling of envy, and I don’t want to feel like this. I want to be able to feel happy for peoples success and life. I don’t want to be a bitter and hopeless person who hates people. I know I am not worthy of anybody’s prayers. But I kindly ask whoever is reading this, please pray for me. | | 2024-05-13T03:33:43 | truends | OrthodoxChristianity | 11 | 83 | en | 0.9672 | [] |
1d8411s | Made an Oktopus today | | 2024-06-04T18:16:48 | BlueTreskjegg | polymerclay | 30 | 7 | de | 0.7167 | [""] |
195tf5u | Happy Lohri to everyone | | 2024-01-13T17:40:08 | Weak_Relation_6304 | delhi | 14 | 7 | en | 0.9246 | ["", ""] |
1chpyu2 | 11 years ago today. Thanks to Pegi I got to see them live at least once and I’ll be forever grateful. | | 2024-05-01T16:09:30 | FlyByNight75 | rush | 93 | 27 | en | 0.9364 | [""] |
1ct84if | Hololive reference in random stuff: 6:30 - "If you wanna get into some kinky pirate roleplay" *Marine ahoy sounds* I was getting comfortable learning abt this new game where im surprised to hear Marine in it. How cool | | 2024-05-16T08:27:44 | oli_alatar | Hololive | 14 | 86 | en | 0.765 | [] |
19930w4 | What are the horrible things Patti has done?: I haven’t kept much of an eye or ear on Kendra for the past 5 years. I read a lot of comments about how horrible her mom is though and feel like I’m missing some info. I see Patti’s behaviors in GND and it’s creepy. And let’s not even dive into how a mother was jealous of her 18 year old daughter dating an 80 year old man, ewww. What are some things that she has done or said? Using Kendra for money? Drug abuse? Talking to tabloids? I didn’t watch KOT or KSH. And I am in no way shape or form trying to defend Patti, she’s horrible. I feel sad for Kendra, especially for her new interview. | | 2024-01-17T17:59:36 | ShutUp_Dee | TheGirlsNextLevelPod | 138 | 176 | en | 0.9591 | [] |
1bghw9y | Rate my travel setup | | 2024-03-16T22:26:58 | ProtonSluggo | SteamDeck | 881 | 5 | en | 0.7473 | [""] |
1b199c1 | RIP the Braintree Branch: The entire ride was slow as shit again… took probably about 15 minutes to get from North Quincy to JFK, and like 40-45 minutes for the whole Quincy Ctr to Park Street stretch. Guess I’ll have to shell out money for the Commuter Rail again. | | 2024-02-27T11:04:54 | jaimegraycosta | mbta | 37 | 63 | en | 0.9681 | [] |
1bgw7ix | Perché hanno messo 2 volte "per disabili"? |é_hanno_messo_2_volte_per_disabili/ | 2024-03-17T12:19:41 | r5812 | paperearmate | 137 | 18 | it | 0.9963 | [""] |
19eomcn | Why the hate for siren charms?: I think the hate is unjustified. The album features some of their best songwriting. The songs flow so well, such great transitions and theres no lazy writing. If you don't like anders singing clean that doesnt mean its a bad album. It only means you dont like clean vocals in regards to in flames. As a big fan of linkin park (my fav is meteora) i really like siren charms. Check out the performance of in plain view: []( Just so you understand where im coming from: Colony is my number 1 album from in flames. I also prefer Clayman, Sounds, Siren Charms, and Foregone over other albums. I love the jester race as well, but im not a huge fan of deathcore because i cant hear what hes singing. I came late to the show, the first album i heard from in flames is Battles when it dropped. I liked Through my Eyes on it although it is autotuned to the point Anders can't even sing it live. To me it features one of the best uses of autotune ever. It worked so well there imo. EDIT: I loved all your comments, i've read all of them and i completely understand your points of view. It puts the album in a more objective perspective and i always love to get there! Thanks everybody! | | 2024-01-24T19:17:30 | croxcrocodile | InFlames | 29 | 360 | en | 0.9271 | [] |
1bsljqx | Day 5 of making a map, gg NAVI! | | 2024-03-31T21:32:02 | ma1royx | cs2 | 16 | 12 | en | 0.6822 | [""] |
1axq4kj | We need more action type screenshots in this Subreddit | | 2024-02-23T03:11:28 | smirkjuice | NoMansSkyTheGame | 21 | 11 | en | 0.8758 | [""] |
Subsets and Splits