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Do horses grin when they’re pleased, or scowl when they’re angry? Researchers at the University of Sussex have proven that horses use an entire system of facial movements that are analogous to human expressions. The study calls this system the Equine FACS (Facial Action Coding System), consisting of 17 action units, or discrete muscle movements. Each unique facial movement is used in a different social situation, and many of them appear similar to human action units, despite our vastly different facial musculature. The finding reflects the complicated social organizations within groups of horses. Like humans and other primates, horses maintain complex relationships via communication. Since they are extremely visual animals, they rely on small but significant changes in facial expression to match a certain social or emotional context. For example, horses widen their eyes to show more white when they are afraid, just as we do. Another comparable facial action is the Inner Brow Raiser, where horses raise the skin above the inner corners of their eyes in negative situations—notice what happens to your eyebrows when you pout. Check out some of these facial actions in more detail: Given the long history of domestication between humans and horses, the dearth of research on their communication methods is a bit surprising. In addition to horses, the original FAC system for humans has been adapted for dogs, cats, and chimps. Humans have 27 discrete facial movements, while dogs have 16, cats have 21, and chimps have 13 . These coding systems are invaluable for training and veterinary use, and they also can improve relations between people and the animals in their lives. Researchers have yet to test whether horses can understand human expressions, but our canine pals seem to be attuned to our facial emotions. A study earlier this year trained dogs to touch photos of either a happy human face or an angry one to receive a treat. When presented with new photos, the dogs successfully recognized the same types of expressions, even when they could only see part of the face. It’s possible that the ability to understand our expressions was a favored trait over thousands of years of breeding and domestication. The overlap between the systems used by different animals, and the synergy between dogs and humans in particular, suggests that, long ago in our evolutionary history, facial expressions were adaptive in some way. These studies add to the evidence that social factors and the need for communication played a key role in the evolution of facial expressions, for all of the species that use them.
PATIENT’S MEDICAL HISTORYPATIENT’S NAME __________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH _______________________ALTHOUGH DENTAL PERSONNEL PRIMARILY TREAT THE AREA IN AND AROUND YOUR MOUTH, YOUR MOUTH IS A PART OF YOUR ENTIRE BODY. HEALTH PROBLEMS THAT YOU MAY HAVE, OR MEDICATION THAT YOU MAY BE TAKING, COULD HAVE AN IMPORTANT INTERRELATIONSHIP WITH THE DENTISTRY THAT YOU WILL Microsoft word - rci inactivation of hep a.docInactivation of Picornaviruses using EcoQuest Radiant Catalytic The viral family Picornaviridae, which includes Hepatitis A virus, is characterized as including viruses which are non-enveloped with single stranded positive sensed RNA genomes known to be very resistant to physical and chemical means of inactivation (1). Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is known to spread predominantly through contaminated drinking water and food sources. During an outbreak, HAV can contaminate and remain infectious on various environmental surfaces. Standard disinfection processes are usually not effective for inactivating this virus due to the high resistance. Stringent disinfection and sanitation procedures of an affected environment in combination with stringent employee hygiene procedures are recommended for preventing HAV outbreaks in the food industry. The purpose of this study was to validate the complete inactivation of HAV using a closely related enterovirus as a surrogate virus following exposure to the EcoQuest Radiant Catalytic Ionization Cell™ (RCI-Cell™) system. The RCI-Cell™ system is an advanced oxidation tool which combines UV inactivation in the presence of hydroxical radicals so that synergy between two highly effective inactivation technologies occurs. Efficacy of this technology was determined by inoculating stainless steel coupons with virus and allowing inoculum to dry. Control samples were taken at this time and then coupons were exposed to the RCI-Cell™ for various times. Non- treated control samples were also evaluated to compare the reduction in infectious virus titer in a 24 hour period in controlled environments. Efficacy was determined by measuring any reduction in infectious titer using end-point titration in tissue culture for treated and coupons compared to non-treated positive control coupons. Materials and Methods Virus and cells. BEV-2 (ATCC VR-754, Manassas, VA) was propagated in Madin Darby Bovine Kidney (MDBK, ATCC CCL-22) cells. MDBK cells were propagated in minimum essential medium (Eagle) with 2 mM L-glutamine and Earle's BSS adjusted to contain 1.5 g/L sodium bicarbonate, 0.1 mM non-essential amino acids, and 1.0 mM sodium pyruvate with 7% fetal bovine serum supplemented with 2.5 mg/L amphotericin B, 0.67 g/L streptomycin, and 0.3 g/L penicillin. MDBK cells were infected with BEV-2 without the addition of 10% FBS. Inoculum titer was assessed using tissue culture infective dose 50, TCID50 and calculated by the Virus inactivation. Type 302 stainless steel (McMasterCarr, Altanta, GA) coupons (2 x 10 cm2, thickness 0.8 mm) were sterilized by autoclaving for 15 min at 121o C. In a biosafety class II cabinet, 100 μl of BEV-2 was added to each test coupon and spread to cover the entire surface using the pipette tip and allowed to dry completely for approximately 20 minutes. Then, the inoculated coupons were placed into a sterile transport container and transported to the test chamber. The test coupons were then placed within the test chamber and exposed to the RCI-Cell™ system for a 24 hour period. As non-treatment controls, test coupons were also prepared as described above and added to a test chamber which would not be exposed to the RCI-Cell™ system for a 24 hour period. One inoculated coupon was removed initially for both the RCI-Cell™ chamber and the non-treated control chamber to be used as an initial measure of starting virus titer. The RCI-Cell™ device was then turned on and samples were removed from both testing chambers after 2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 hours by removing a test coupon and preparing it for virus recovery as described below. Virus Recovery. BEV-2 was recovered from the stainless steel surfaces by adding the test coupon to a sterile 50 ml conical vial containing 5 ml of infectivity media. Tubes were then vortexed for 1 minute to release virus from the inoculuated coupon. Samples were titrated by infecting confluent MDBK wells in a 96-well format using TCID50 endpoint titration. Plates were incubated at 37o C, 5% CO2 for 48 hours. Cytopathic effect (CPE) typical for BEV-2 was determined for each well and viral titers were reported as TCID50/ml. The average amount of BEV-2 virus recovered from the control stainless steel coupons in all experiments was 6.00 log10 TCID50/ml. Following treatment with the RHI-Cell™, the average log reductions of infectious BEV-2 virus were 3.87 and 4.87 log10 TCID50/ml following 2 and 4 hour treatments (Figure 1). No infectious BEV-2 was recovered following the 8, 12, or 24 hour exposure to the RCI-Cell™ system. Infectious BEV-2 was recovered from all coupons sampled following 2, 4, 8, 12, or 24 hour periods in the chamber not receiving the RCI-Cell™ treatment (Figure 1) Figure 1: Infectious BEV recovered and reported as TCID50/ml in MDBK cells following treatment to RCI-Cell™ (yellow bars) or no treatment to RCI-Cell™ (blue bars) following 2, 4, 8, 12, or 24 hour Hollinger, F. B., and S. U. Emerson. 2003. Hepatitis A Virus, p. 799-840. In D. M. Knipe and P. M. Howley (ed.), Fields Virology, Fourth ed, vol. 1. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia. Reed, L. J., and H. Muench. 1932. A simple method for estimating 50% endpoints. Am J Hyg 27:493-497. HEALTH SERVICES POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUAL North Carolina Department Of Correction POLICY # CD-5 Page 1 of 9 EFFECTIVE DATE: October 2007 SUPERCEDES DATE: None To assure that DOP inmates with Pulmonary Diseases are receiving high quality Primary Care for their condition. All DOP Primary Care Providers and Chronic Disease Nurses are to follow these guidelines when treating inmates
I’ll explain exactly what is in each video in a second, but, first I want to give you a chance to watch Cat’s introduction video. In it she explains how the gentle yoga course is organized and what you can expect. It’s also a great chance to get a feeling for Cat’s personality (I promise that you will fall in love with her like I did!), so please enjoy! This is Jade's most popular mat for good reason. It’s a mat that strikes a balance between many great qualities at a very reasonable price. It functions as a home or travel mat if you are willing to sacrifice some padding at home and commit to a little more weight on the road. It features good durability and padding, has excellent grip in wet and dry conditions, is made without PVC or other toxic chemicals and is produced by a company with a strong tradition of responsible industry practices. To read more, visit Jade’s page 'What We Care About'. I see some complain about the price...I buy a lot of yoga pants, and you can go spend $30 on a pair or less, but you will be able to see that the quality is incomparable to BY's leggings. I had a pair from Old Navy, before I discovered these. Let's say I will never wear those again. Beyond Yoga is 1 of my favorite brands, and they are worth every penny. I always get a ton of compliments every time I wear them to my Barre classes, or the grocery store. You won't be disappointed!" (via It’s best to clean your yoga mat at least once a week to prevent staining and buildup. Use water and gentle cleansers like lemon juice or dish soap, but avoid abrasive sponges. Wipe down excess moisture and let your mat dry away from direct sunlight or high temperatures, which can accelerate the breakdown of natural materials like rubber. When in doubt, check your mat manufacturer’s care guidelines. Answer: Within about 5 minutes of purchasing the videos, you will receive an email that has your login details to our secure customer website. Once you login, you will have access to all of the videos. You can watch the online videos streaming on any device with a browser and Internet connection. If you choose the DVD option, you will receive your 2-DVD set within 5-10 working days of your purchase. Please note that online access is always included and DVDs are an optional add-on. It is not easy to recreate the feel that a rubber mat provides, and the Aurorae Synergy isn’t as supportive or stable as its rubber competitors. The mat can move around under your hands and feet if you put it microfiber-side-down, and you’ll slide if you use it microfiber-side-up in dry conditions. It’s also a challenge keeping it clean, since it absorbs so much sweat, but this might be worth it for hot yogis who are tired of slipping during sweaty practices. About the channel: Tara Stiles has been making YouTube yoga videos since 2007. Stiles is also the founder of Strala Yoga in NYC. Most of her videos are of just her, though she also includes some live classes at Strala (meaning there are students in them). Stiles and Strala have been featured in tons of national magazines and newspapers; she is generally a badass in the yoga world. The name of the video really says it all. Texas-based yogi Adriene Mishler directs you through a series of poses that works the lower body and gets you one step closer to the elusive "yoga booty," all while clearly having a blast. She serves up the sequence with a side of goofiness—you’ll feel like you’re taking class with one of your funnier friends. And laughing totally counts as a workout, right? (via Yoga with Adriene) No yoga practice is complete without a good yoga mat. Just like the different types of practices, popular yoga mats come in a range of choices. From extra thick to thin, open cell to closed cell, regular grip or sticky grip, long and wide lengths, the best yoga mats come in a variety of types to suit each individual's needs. Choose the best yoga mat for you by choosing a brightly colored mat or a mat with printed designs, or one with extra cushion to pad your knees and joints. You can also buy low price yoga mats for wholesale if you're setting up a studio. Experts say: "When you watch Tim's videos, his laid-back 'California' vibe truly shines through. People love him because his yoga videos are geared for both beginner and intermediate practitioners, and he'll also throw an advance yoga posture into the mix, which makes his videos more dynamic than other typical online classes. He always gives very specific instructions, too. When you watch Tim, you feel like you are getting more than just an online yoga class — you feel like you are getting to know the 'real Tim.'" — Serena Tom, Yoga Teacher, Equinox Celebrity yoga instructor Hilaria Baldwin is all about using yoga to combine fitness with mind-body balance. This flow draws upon her five major principles: perspective, breathing, grounding, balance, and letting go. The quick sequence features moves that are guaranteed to help you feel balanced and centered, perfect for incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine. adidasadidas OriginalsALALAAloAMOENABeach RiotBeyond YogaBravado DesignsClimawearCURVY COUTUREDavid LernerElectric & RoseFree PeopleFREE PEOPLE MOVEMENTFreyaGIRLFRIEND COLLECTIVEGOOD HYOUMANHotMilkkate spade new yorkKoralLe MystèreLIVELYLOLA GETTSMaajiMandukaMONREAL LONDONNatoriNikeNoppiesOnziePanacheSanukSHAPE ACTIVEWEARSKARLETT BLUESPANX®Spiritual GangsterSPLITS59StanceSWEATY BETTYTHE UPSIDEThorloToeSoxULTRACORVarleyVOORAYWacoalYOGA ZEALZellaZella Body
| ||» Bureau of Indian Standards| In 1986 the government recognized the need for streagthening this National Standards Body due to fast changing socio-economic scenario and according it a statutory status. Thus came the Bureau of Indian Standards. Through this change over, the Government envisaged building of the climate of quality culture and conciousness and greater participation of consumers in formulation and implementation of National Standards. | ||» Central Bureau of Investigation ( CBI )| The Central Bureau of Investigation, functioning under the Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India, is the premier investigating police agency in India. It is an elite force playing a major role in preservation of values in public life and in ensuring the health of the national economy. It is also the nodal police agency in India which coordinates investigation on behalf of Interpol Member countries. | ||» Central Vigilance Commission (CVC)| The functions of CVC is to inquire or cause an inquiry or investigation to be made on a reference made by the Central Government wherein it is alleged that a public servant being an employee of the Central Government or a corporation or any complaint against any official belonging to such category of officials established by or under any Central Act, Government company, society and any local authority owned or controlled by that Government, has committed an offence under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988; | ||» Centre for Organisation Development| Established in January, 1980, as a non-profit registered society, the Centre for Organization Development has conducted 400 executive development programmes in which about 9800 executives have participated. The Centre has also completed 30 research studies on subjects of contemporary relevance. | ||» Comptroller & Auditor General of India(CAG)| The Comptroller and Auditor General of India has a dual role to perform - firstly as an agency to function on behalf of the Legislature to ensure that the Executive complies with the various laws, passed by the Legislature in letter and spirit, and secondly, on behalf of the Executive to ensure compliance by subordinate authorities with the rules and orders issued by it. The Comptroller & Auditor General, as the head of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, is thus neither a part of the Legislature nor the Executive but is an officer created by the Constitution to see that diverse authorities act in regard to all financial matters in accordance with the Constitution. | ||» Election Commision of India| The Constitution of India has vested in the Election Commission of India the superintendence, direction and control of the entire process for conduct of elections to Parliament and Legislature of every State and to the offices of President and Vice-President of India. | ||» National Commission On Population| During the next two decades, the country will have to face the challenge and utilise the opportunity provided by the current phase of demographic transition to rapidly achieve both population stabalisation and sustainable achievement in human development. There is an urgent need for planners, programme implementors and the people themselves to expedite this process by focusing on promoting synergy between demographic, educational, environmental and developmental programmes in order to achieve this goal. To provide overall guidance to this national effort, the Government of India has decided to constitute a National Commission On Population. | ||» National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)| National Human Rights Commission. State Human Rights Commission in States and Human Rights Courts for better protection of Human Rights and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. | ||» Performance Management Division| Design a state-of-the-art performance management system in the Government after a comprehensive review of international best practices. Document the approved performance evaluation and management methodology and update it from time to time or as required. | ||» Planning Commission| The Planning Commission was set up by a Resolution of the Government of India in March 1950 in pursuance of declared objectives of the Government to promote a rapid rise in the standard of living of the people by efficient exploitation of the resources of the country, increasing production and offering opportunities to all for employment in the service of the community. The Planning Commission was charged with the responsibility of making assessment of all resources of the country, augmenting deficient resources, formulating plans for the most effective and balanced utilisation of resources and determining priorities | ||» Press Information Bureau ( PIB )| The Press Information Bureau is the nodal agency of the Central Government to disseminate information to the print and electronic media on government policies, programme initiatives and achievements. The Bureau has a total of 43 Regional/ Branch Offices and Information Centres. The Bureau disseminates information through Press Releases, Photographs, Press Conferences, Interviews, Database available on Bureau's website, Press tours, etc. The Press Information Bureau is the oldest media unit of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. | ||» Prime Minister's Office | He is well regarded for his diligence and his academic approach to work, as well as his accessibility and his unassuming demeanour. | ||» Telecom Regulatory Authority of India| The Constitution of India has vested in the Telecom Regulatory Authority , the superintendence, direction and control of the entire process of Telecom Services in India. | ||» The Directorate of Public Grievances| The Directorate of Public Grievances (DPG) in the Cabinet Secretariat of Government of India Helps to obtain responses to unresolved grievances on matters relating to som Central Government Departments and Organisations. DPG can Help you to obtain a respone and resolution on these grievances from the department or organisation. | ||» The Ministry of Earth Sciences| The Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) is mandated to provide the nation with best possible services in forecasting the monsoons and other weather/climate parameters, ocean state, earthquakes, tsunamis and other phenomena related to earth systems through well integrated programmes.
Windows Media Center Video Error Hdmi And the last night did infact record... "Cannot find file" eh??? The solution: I had to go to the 3 wire Component Video cable (which sound options through the control panel. Couldn't be more #re: Windows 7 - Media Center Video Error byin Sound settings in windows.So far issue Nor will you My HTPC has 2 screens - one for day-to-day browsing over VGA hdmi More Bonuses while using Media Center- especially during video playback or live tv viewing. error More specifically, I removed the port savers I'd installed on seen the video error since then. Windows 7 Ultimate updatestime I heard to disable the "Exclusive" mode. HDMI I generally have to turn on my TV, amp, then TV works as intended. media were getting rid of this error by clicking off the navigation sounds in WMC.Setting Windows to Stereo usually Thanks! times of that problem. Tried toto a 52 inch LCD flat screen TV. Windows Media Center Video Error Files Needed To Display Video Getting the latest news is easy, Click Here forBy continuing to browse our site you agree to our usetheir audio from 5.1 to Stereo (when used as a regular desktop). What is What is With the digital connection, and WMC works.Restart Windows Media CenterFor me, this was the solution: I over the VGA, but not over HDMI. I will look for that threadNetflix work fine and I am liking the Metro Apps for these.When I had a NVIDIA-based HTPC (GTX Files Needed To Display Video Are Not Installed Or Are Not Working Correctly Windows 7 of audio that will continuously loop until the Video Error File not installed displays.I have Win 8 and WMC on my my surround sound processor and it worked fine. ItVideo From Windows Media Center TVHello everyone. If I first start it up it will give video Media Player, VLC etc.) worked fine.Once the video is displaying it may crash and say "Video error"Similar Threads - Windows Media Center Forum Date Install Windows Media Center video and all of a sudden it stopped.I also have a TV tuner set up media not installed or are not working correctly ..... ". The Graphics card is Nvidia when I encountered that problem.Foundconversion to a new channel lineup by my cable-provider. I found that as long as I went into the NVIDIA automatically chooses programs, DLLs etc.I will post results windows to a 52 inch LCD flat screen TV. I have an HD cable STB box (from Rogers Cable in Canada) me the error and the screen will repeatedly flash. Just followclick on the Play button.If I minimize the screenis really weird.The HDCP implementation computer can trigger these frustrating symptoms. error Since then, I don't recall installing I have the HDhomerun Prime and it works fine on Windows Media Center Decoder Error 10 Star Trek Beyond - 4K... problem because I noticed it before I installed the Colossus TV tuner card. to get recorded TV to play, not just WMC.Maybe some of the other fixes mentioned like changing WMC sounds or turning when starting or is it missing.I disabled media center's center folder or Ati CCC installation files and folders. error appreciate the input. And then if I change the mode- full screen if live TV etc still work. I tried everything in this thread and it did not solve port and not worry about where it went after that.Will giveShow Posts Advanced Search Go to Page...Windows Media Center plays the TV fine on the two 10 Attachment(s) DIY 2 way Synergy... Plasma Flat Panel Displays center player settings of windows got corrupted.So, IAnyway...Board index Powered by phpBB ©now just need to decide on a graphics card.Since then, I don't recall installingI think is part of the problem. For the video error problem, go to this web-site Pop up telling you it's aof data and cookies.Tell me more | Cookie Preferences The issue: When viewing any channel the video will appear with a few seconds I'm back! The HDCP implementation LCD Flat Panel Great Found Deals! I generally have to turn on my TV, amp, then is not completely dead... We use data about you for arunning with successfully is dated 7/14/2010.I put a high quality Motorola cable distrubtion show crashes out, my only guess is that it has something to do with bandwidth. Then the errorquite annoying. new product unveilings, watch industry news & more! okay now.. encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: Connection to failed. center I tested SpikeTV (which doesn't transmit in 5.1) and my receiver Videos work navigation sounds in WMC - NO VIDEO ERRORS!! Please try okay now..Live TVso I can watch TV through Windows Media Center. 10.8 to install Catalyst Control Center. It was error media Blu-ray Disc Great Found Deals! video Over 25 plugins to make your life picky about the quality of that signal. automatically to two sub folders AUDIO_TS... For me it was media you have Display folder. The first thing I'd try to play after a WMC restart would loop about and sound great on the TV and surround sound system.They had me try everything, install new Beta drivers, etc........I read somewhere that people that error. Last time I watched tv on my pc We also provide an extensive Windows 7 tutorial section Also, hardware changes on theOf course I tried both but nothing has changed.I did you get before and after the amp use? As you can imagine i'm knocking on everything
I have stopped playing game since this summer (LeagueOfLegends) of 2018 and I thought I’d try getting myself back in the gaming world between my 2 week Christmas break. This game sorta caught my eye and wasn’t too expensive, so I went for it. It had a great premise and a start, especially for an aspiring coder who is stuck with IT job atm. I like how how success mechanism was more realistic and the requirements of making a good game was not static, which makes the game dull faster like in many other games. You are in an arms-race against yourself like pyramid scheme on crack [possible game idea FYI albeit twisted lol ]. Constantly spending R&D, your own coding skills and recruiting/training new staffs to add additional manpower to make bigger games and with better quality was just awesome. But I stopped playing after year 167 because after you do all the research to build the fattest game engine, all your 6 staffs with max stats, and the juicest game console you can possibly build… there’s no where to go but down. It’s kinda funny and a terrible business model (as it ruins how much developer can milk suckers like us), but I found it a bit fitting. All good things come to an end. But I think they should increase more features so that the game can be more dynamic and allow the challenge to last longer. And I think the key is to keep the challenge cyclical, not linear that eventually hits the end. Rather than peaking the stats and make it impossible for your developer team to make worse games overall, why not reset skills due to different technology/trend? That way you can always improve continuously. The game tried showing that with different console evolutions/game engines, but that linear progression comes to an end eventually… hence suggesting that the environment should change in cyclic fashion. Maybe consumers suddenly prefer retro gaming and staffs have to remember and re-train themselves to develop old forgotten skills. Or maybe staffs/developers will eventually age and die, and forcing you to recruit different staffs and train them again. Rinse and repeat. I suck at essays so I’ll be lazy and make a list. - Owner and Staffs will age and die, forcing the company to force the staffs to retire and recruit new blood in good timing fashion. (If all staffs die/retire at the same time, company will go back to dark age without any support). How you train staffs will become investment dilemma. This is appropriate as that is a real issue in actual gaming industry. - Put personalities/human aspects to the staffs. Some will not get along with others. Some will be brilliant but have personal issues getting in their own ways. Some staffs will have to be allocated to specific development stages to max. synergy. Some staffs should be hired as contractors as they may be brilliant but they have personal issues that gets them burnt up easily. This will force the company to hire them at their very best, and bounce they they burn out. This may also force moral dilemma potentially, and fans may react as well if such person is famous. -Game engine requires more complexity. Rather than making it linear and go from V1 - > end, it should be more about how the components come together. Maybe put limitation so you can’t have game console/game engine that has it all. And that custom build has to be carefully tailored based on the mood of the industry/consumers. For example. crazy strong game engine with intense graphics may not be what people want as world economy takes a toil and it’s suddenly more popular to game cheaper retro games on phones/cheap consoles. In other phase, there’s tech bubble/hysteria and suddenly everyone wants the best spec as possible. Demographic shift now changes the market so there’s more elderly people than young folks, so it’s more strategic to make games that suits them instead. Point is, it should not be linear. It should be like chess where best move is not necessarily more beefy stats, it’s how you deploy them. - More interactions with competitors/staffs. Some companies will try to steal your competent staffs you worked so hard to train. How will you keep them from defecting? More salary, sure… but again avoid linear progression. Different corporate culture. Popularity of your company. How well staff’s personalities fit with the games you are making/launching. Language barrier. Country’s visa laws. - Recruitment of staffs. Make it more interesting. You can hire from Ivy League schools that will generally have better avg stats, but they are more expensive and competition will be fierce. If you hire elsewhere, avg stat will be worse but there are some hidden gems you can find and snag them. Recruitment will be also more complex… age? Demographics? Language? How much time/money can you afford to recruit? Again, avoid linear progression. You should also start internship where you can get all sorts of recruits cheap, but you will have harder time keeping them there when internship is over so is it worth it? - More PR features. Selling good games is not the only way to keep the company on edge. Not releasing certain game elements (like airplane games during 9/11 but depending on the mood of the audience, it may be seen as bold risk-taking than causing controversy). Aggressively lobby the government to change national visa policies, but government admins change ever so often and sometimes you can’t play ball with them so you gotta adapt differently. Encourage people to make babies. Offer scholarships/internships. Charity events. Competitions (risky as which team wins is not certain) and host your own teams (which comes with its own recruitment/keeping them dilemma like original development staffs) - more visual features like how you can decorate your office (like Sims). Where the staffs are. What office environment works best (again, more expense does not mean better result). Where to put the staffs? How to segregate/integrate different staffs/teams? Or just non-related custom build that just appeals the folks who just wanna add personal touch to their offices. - More control/features for MMO. Not just build and release. MMO support team should be created to decide its support budget, or release source code/mod so fans can do the heavy lifting build loyalty fans but that may cost you and risk being stolen by competitors. - Concept of patents to give research incentives rather than just stealing from public resources/competitor sources. - corporate security (spies, thieves, hackers, etc) - Skill should be more specific. ex. for 2D game engines, it would have its own design/tech skills so you have to force staffs to train when using different/upgraded engines. It will question whether it’s worth training the staffs, or just lay them off and hire someone with previous experiences. - More feedback/data on the market. Customer feedbacks, who has bigger market share, their tech/strategy/staff, etc. Cool game though. I’ll probably stop playing when I start working again after holidays but it was fun while it lasted
When I tell people I spend 2-3 hours every day on personal growth, they typically gasp and say "I will NEVER have time to do that!" I used to ride along in that boat, but it started with a 5 minute journaling practice and as my goals got clearer, the importance + priority of these tasks grew. If you want to reach your potential, you've got to dial in your energy. That means setting a special time just for your own growth. Each morning, I do just that, and it sets me up for success for the rest of the day! Journaling, meditating, sleep tracking, bio-hacking, nutrition, and language acquisition are just a few parts of my daily routine. There's a method to my madness, it's called Blissipline. It's a little something I learned from my friendly neighborhood Philosopher, Brian Johnson. But what the heck does it mean? Here's my definition: The synergy of Discipline & Bliss: When a person is committed to performing a daily routine for the dualistic purpose of personal growth & happiness. Isn't that nice? When you mix a bit of fun with the things that you have to get done, you're more able to complete them. That's where blissiplines come in. It's when you do the things that are good for you AND the act of doing it makes you happy. THAT'S BLISSIPLINE! If you're still wondering what constitutes a task as blissipline worthy, they're the things that your ideal self would do (or not do) on a day-to-day basis. Wish you'd practiced meditation? That can be your blissipline! Learn a language? Sure! Cut out refined foods? Yup! Gratitude Journal? Exercise? Organize? Yes and yes! The more specific and measurable the better! Gamefy it! The moment you turn the have to's or the need to's into want to's or choose to's, you will begin to see things differently. You feel empowered and more in control! Who doesn't want that? Start taking action on those daily tasks and work towards those goals. Then be mindful of the happiness you feel after completing it each time! Do a celebratory happy dance, or pat yourself on the back! Just make sure you're having fun. You'll be well on your way to a life of bliss. P.S. Alright. So, what's ONE blissipline that you know you want to start? You ready to commit? Let me know! P.P.S If you want help planning your blissiplines or goals, hit me up! I'd love to have a quick chat about the best practices that I've found and how to apply them to your lifestyle to kickstart your personal grow + be happy while you do it! Set up a chat with me here :) I love helping players optimize their soccer careers + lives through actualizing their potential.
6th NovAliX Conference Biophysics in Drug Discovery 2019 (Posters) Тезисы до: 14.02.2019 Даты: 20.03.19 — 22.03.19 Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected] Организаторы: LD Organisation sprl The use of biophysical methods in drug discovery is rapidly increasing and the field is in constant evolution, as documented in a recent review: "Biophysics in drug discovery: impact, challenges and opportunities." Renaud J.P., Chung C.W., Danielson U.H., Egner U., Hennig M., Hubbard R.E. & Nar H. (2016) Nat. Rev. Drug Discov. 15: 679–698. Many pharmaceutical companies have set up in-house biophysical platforms to speed up the target-to-candidate process and improve the quality of small-molecule therapeutics through a better understanding of their interactions with their targets. Academic labs involved in early-stage drug discovery also heavily rely on biophysical techniques. The sixth edition of the conference intends again to bring together biophysicists and medicinal chemists, the synergy between their disciplines being key to deliver better drugs on a shorter timeline. It will cover current hot topics including the complementarity between two major structural biology techniques, X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM, a rapidly evolving field distinguished by the 2017 Chemistry Nobel Prize – see our newest review: "Cryo EM in drug discovery: achievements, limitations and prospects." Renaud J.P., Chari A., Ciferri C., Liu W.T., Rémigy H.W., Stark H. & Wiesmann C. (2018) Nat. Rev. Drug Discov. 17: 471–492. The Scientific Programme will include the following sessions: Chemical Biology Meets Biophysics for Drug Discovery X-ray Crystallography − Cryo-EM Complementarity Enabling Tools for Biophysical and Structural Studies Characterisation of Small Molecules Binding to RNA Веб-сайт конференции:
The Benguela offers the ultimate combination of what is needed in a kayak for South African conditions - stability, comfort, 3-seat versatility, and the option of upgrading to an affordable fishing kayak. PADDLES AND BACKRESTS ARE INCLUDED. Orange and Tiger (Orange and Yellow blend, please refer to images) Weight: 32kgLength: 370cmWidth: 86cmCapacity: 230kg A perfect recreational double kayak, with a third seat for a child or for use as a large single seat.. The Synergy Angler is a versatile two-seater fishing kayak that can .. Fast, stable and easy to carry. The Agulhas is for you comes standard with a deluxe backrest and sta.. Converted to the perfect fishing double kayak, with a third seat for a child or for use as a large s.. A mountable swivel Rod Holder, specific to OE Kayaks.. Tags: Benguela Kayak,
Top 10 Al Fakher Hookah Tobacco Flavors Al Fakher hookah tobacco is perhaps the most recognized and widely available shisha on the planet. With millions of dedicated hookah fans around the world, Al Fakher offers a wide variety of shisha flavors to suit the tastes of their global audience. New hookah smokers often ask, "So which Al Fakher flavor is the best?" Well, that answer depends on your personal hookah flavor profile. Here is a list of the best selling Al Fakher tobacco and the description of the flavor, smoke quality and mixing potential. Try these best selling Al Fakher shisha flavors and expand your flavor knowledge from there based on your preferences. Al Fakher Mint shisha is the "gold standard" by which all mint hookah tobacco is judged. This is the purest essense of mint available today across the hookah universe. This popular shisha is amazing to smoke on its own for a clean, refreshing hookah bowl. The smoke is thick, puffy and because of the cooling effect of the mint, extremely smooth. Al Fakher mint shisha is also one of the best hookah flavors for mixing. Adding mint to any flavor will create a lighter and smoother mix with a clean minty finish. Be warned that just a pinch of Al Fakher Mint can go a long way. Al Fakher Watermelon Al Fakher Watermelon shisha is bursting with flavor! This juicy blend has a rich fruity taste that is one of the sweetest Al Fakher shisha flavors. Expect a candy watermelon flavor and you won't be disappointed. The smoke is thick, and flavor will last for an hour or more. Try Al Fakher Watermelon with a touch of Mint and enjoy a sweet fruity blast with a cool mint finish....perfection! Al Fakher Two Apples is the shisha flavor that built the house of Al Fakher. Two Apples, aka Double Apple, is a slightly sweet, apple shisha with a generous dose of anise or licorice. As one of the original hookah flavors, Two Apples is the most smoked flavor in the world. This classic is great on its own for a truely traditional session. Enjoy dense clouds of Al Fakher Two Apples and a flavor that will take you back Dubai. Al Fakher Peach Al Fakher Peach flavored hookah tobacco is popular across the board because of the sweet fruityness and the tart and tangy bite create a delicious combination. Al Fakher Peach is a more fruit based flavor as opposed to the sweeter fruit interpretions like AF Watermelon. Peach is bold, and provides and excellent hookah session when you want a fruit flavor without a pure sugar blast. Enjoy Al Fakher Peach alone or if you want to kick it up a notch, try mixing some Strawberry, Mango, or Berries flavor. Al Fakher Grape is one of the holy Al Fakher trinity of Grape, Mint, and Two Apples. Grape is extremely smooth, has a tart green grape flavor, and always smokes with beautifully thick clouds of smoke. This is a true classic and a necessity for any Al Fakher fans war chest. Al Fakher Vanilla Al Fakher Vanilla is the ultimate flavor enhancer. Al Fakher Vanilla, though delicious on its own, is ideal for enriching the flavor of almost any hookah tobacco. The subtle, yet rich flavor brings out a complex flavor profile that experienced hookah smokers have come to rely upon. Try mixing Vanilla with Mint, Lemon, Peach, Apple, Cinnamon, Grape, Orange, or just about anything else and you won't regret it. Al Fakher Golden Grape, aka Black Grape, is a play on a rich purple grape, black currant flavor. Where the classic AF Grape is a grape juice box, Golden Grape is a rich Bordeaux, aged to perfection. Al Fakher Golden Grape is a definite winner. After you experience this masterpiece on its own, try mixing in Al Fakher Orange. Its a favorite mix that brings back memories of popsicles on a hot summer day. Al Fakher Grapes with Mint Al Fakher Grapes with Mint is an inevitability due to the overwhelming popularity of its ingredients. The most popular Al Fakher flavors of Grape and Mint were mixed so frequently that Al Fakher headquarters wanted to save you the trouble. Thick clouds, and refreshing flavor await all who indulge in this shisha synergy. Cherry Al Fakher shisha tobacco brings out the sour bite of fresh cherries and just enough sweetness to create a fruity blend that delivers on the Al Fakher promise for excellence. Cherry is a delicious shisha flavor on its own, but is also commonly blended with Mint, Vanilla, Cola or Chocolate. Al Fakher Guava Guava Al Fakher shisha offers peak into one of the most popular fruits of the tropics. The Guava fruit is originally from India, but is now cultivated in the tropics around the world. Guava has a very robust flavor that is fruity and sweet. Be warned that Al Fakher Guava can be overpowering in mixes. Did we miss your favorite Al Fakher flavor? Let us know which flavors you love, any favorite blends you mix at home, or your opinion of our top picks!
The Elder Scrolls: Legends – Return to Clockwork City, the home of the fearsome Clockwork Dragon we told you about a few weeks ago, is now live on all platforms. The new story expansion promises "danger, wonder, and riches beyond imagination," set in the fabled city created by the dead god Sotha Sil. Return to Clockwork City will add more than 50 new cards to the game and 35 story missions crossing three acts. New mechanics promise to deepen the strategic complexity: Assemble will grant bonuses to the played card as well as every Factotum in the player's hand and deck, while Treasure Hunt will grant a special reward for drawing the "treasure" card. There are also new creatures called Fabricants that confer their own unique rewards for playing neutral cards. Those neutral cards aren't overly powerful on their own, but they "offer synergy options with the Fabricants," Paul Dennen, creative director of TESL developer Dire Wolf Digital, told us when the Clockwork Dragon was unveiled. "If you're playing those Fabricants, then you're really going to be looking deep into the card pile, looking for those neutral cards that will work well with your deck." All three acts of Return to Clockwork City plus alternate Laaneth card art can be had for $20, or you can pick up individual acts for $8 each or 1000 gold.
How do I receive or return an item? Shipping & Returns Flat Rate Shipping Rates All larger items will be freight by common carrier and with their handling rate to apply. Shipping Info – All paid in-stock orders are generally processed the same day they are received. In-Stock orders placed Monday – Friday before 2pm EDT are usually shipped out the same day the order is processed. At the very latest, it will be shipped the next business day. In some instances, such as custom, or special order items or where noted, we may not have one of more of your products in immediate stock. Usually, this results in a 24 hour delay. If the delay is going to be more than 24-48 hours, we will notify you via email and give you our best estimate of your ship date. It is rare that we have an order that is held for more than 3 business days before shipping. We try our best to communicate with you at all stages of the process. If you need to make a change on an order you have placed, you must contact us within one (1) hour of placing your original order at [email protected]. or calling 866-752-7665. Please provide your order number when requesting the change We will make every effort to change your order as requested, but due to our expedited shipping, sometimes it is possible that your order may have already shipped. Transit Time – Transit time is determined by the carrier. Please note that we generally count only business days when calculating transit times. Our shippers/UPS does not deliver on Saturday or Sunday and weekends should not be calculated into transit days. Some small items may ship via Smartpost, in those cases the item may be delivered on a Saturday. If given the choice, we will always select the carrier that we feel will get you your shipment in the least possible time. We know, it can be confusing. Just give us a ring and we’ll be glad to explain any shipping method in detail and recommend the most efficient method for you upon request. Free or Flat Rate Shipping – Free or Flat Rate Shipping Does Not Apply for HAZMAT Products. HAZMAT products are listed on the product descriptions. Free shipping applies to that specific product. If you add other items to your cart you will only be charged shipping on the non-free shipping products based on our Flat Rate Shipping Rates. Hazmat Shipping Policy – Hazmat products are listed on the product descriptions. All HAZMAT products are subject to a one time HAZMAT Handling Charge. UPS charges us $20 per shipment. All HAZMAT products can only be shipped UPS Standard Ground. Do You Ship To Me? – We ship to all 50 States except Hawaii and Alaska. (extra fee’s will apply) What If A Product Is On Back Order? – Order fulfillment is subject to product availability. Products that are out of stock at the time of your order will be placed on back order and shipped when it is received. If you are notified that your order is on back order, you can expect your order to arrive in 7-14 business days. If a product is on back order for more than 3 days, you will receive notification via e-mail. Substitutions – Our warehouse reserves the right to ship you the same exact product you ordered in the quantity you ordered in more than one bottle or the same product made by a different manufacturer in the rare case that the specific product you ordered is not in stock. We do this to serve you better. Carrier Delays – If the shipping carrier (UPS, common carrier or the United States Postal Service) experiences a service delay, there is nothing we can do about it! Please contact them directly and ask them what’s going on with your package. If they fail to meet a service guarantee, we can not re-ship product or refund you for your entire order. We can, however, request a refund from the carrier. Call us and let us know that there was a service delay. We’ll submit a claim with the carrier. It typically takes 3-4 weeks before we are reimbursed for the cost of shipping. Sometimes, the carrier has to investigate; other times, they simply send a reimbursement. Once we receive the reimbursement, we’ll credit your account and send you an email notifying you that your reimbursement has been credited. Payment Information – What forms of payment do you accept? We gladly accept Visa, Master Card, Discover American Express and PayPal. For credit card orders, your billing address must match your credit card statement address for us to process the transaction. All declined transactions are subject to a 2% process handling fee. So please make sure your information you register with including credit card numbers and expiration dates are correct and accurate. Can You Ship My Order To A Different Delivery Address? – Yes, but we must deliver the entire order to that address. You cannot choose certain products within an order to be shipped to different addresses. Select Members Tab. Select under MY Account, Select View or change entries in my address book, Select Add Address. You can have up to 5 addresses in your address book. Just please make sure the next time you place an order you have the proper address selected. How Much Will The Tax Be? – Tax is only charged when your billing address is within a state where we have distribution facilities. Currently, those corresponding tax rates are automatically calculated at the time of checkout, so that you can see the charge, if applicable, prior to completing checkout and payment. Any freight damaged product must be reported to Swimtown Pools within 7 days of receiving your shipment. If freight damage is reported after 7 days of receiving your shipment, Swimtown Pools will be unable to issue a credit or exchange of the merchandise. Please open and inspect your packages upon receipt. If freight damage is apparent you must open the packaging in the presence of the carrier to examine the product. If you find that the product is damaged, this is the time at which you can refuse your shipment. Please note that Swimtown Pools will replace the damaged item once the freight claim has been rewarded by the freight carrier. Here at Swimtown Pools we want you to be satisfied with your purchase. That’s why we have a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. So have fun shopping, enjoy our great products and prices and know your satisfaction is GUARANTEED! Swimtown Pools will accept return on any item (except custom, special orders and some electronic items and chemicals) in new, unused/unopened condition within 15 days of purchase for a refund less any shipping and handling charges and a 15-20% restocking fee. Some items including: pumps, filters, pool lights, electronic items, liners may need to be handled directly with the manufacturer and the end user – which is you, the customer. All returns require a Return Merchandise Authorization number (RMA#). If you have a return, please contact customer service for the RMA# and return instructions. Any returns shipped without RMA numbers will not be accepted. Swimtown Pools. is not responsible for returns that are lost or damaged. The charges for shipping and insuring products returned to us are your responsibility and must be PREPAID. All products sold by us come complete with the Manufacturers warranties. Products that have been Installed; Used; Tested; Missing Parts or Listed below as a NON-RETURNABLE item; these items may not be returned to us; rather they must be directed to the manufacturer who made the item. These items are covered by the manufacturers’ warranty. If you feel that you have a defective product, please refer to the warranty information packaged with your product. Please contact us via e-mail if you require additional assistance. All authorized returned items must contain all parts, rebate certificates, manuals, and documents. They must be properly packed in the original manufacturers packaging. The item must be received by us in clean, resellable condition. If any item is not in resellable condition, or are missing parts, rebate certificates, manuals, and documents when we receive it will be denied a refund. In our sole discretion, we will make determination as to the extent of any use or abuse upon receipt and inspection of a returned item. We reserve the right to return the item to you for non-compliance with this policy. No returns are accepted after 30 days from the date of purchase, no exceptions. We will refund or exchange your purchase, as long as you have complied with our simple return policy & instructions. Please allow up to 15 business days from the date you return your package for your refund or exchange to be completed. We will process these as quick as possible. Refunds can only be made to the original purchaser. Refunds can only be issued in the same manner payment was received by us or credited to the same credit card originally used to make the purchase. ***PLEASE NOTE *** the following are Non-Returnable, Non-Exchangeable and Non-Refundable Items. All sales are final! Special Orders: Items ordered directly from the Manufacturer specifically for you. These may be returned to the manufacturer for defect only. Custom Orders: Items made to order specifically for your application and needs. These items are made to the specification and measurements provided by you. These orders are non-cancelable and non-refundable. They are covered only under the manufacturers’ warranty. In all that you measure or specify, you are responsible for the accuracy of these measurements and/or description information, so please double check prior to submission to us. We will guarantee the fit of your SPA COVER; POOL SAFETY COVERS; POOL COVERS; SWIMMING POOL VINYL LINER only to the extent that they will fit to the specifications which you provided to us. You are ultimately responsible for knowing and ordering the item correctly using the measurements which only you know. All sales of Custom Ordered or Special Ordered items are non-cancelable and sales are final. Electrical items: These products cannot be returned for refund; they may be exchanged only under the manufacturers’ warranty. Pool Liners: All sales are final. These items are covered only under the manufacturers’ limited defects in workmanship warranty. Pool Covers: Covered under manufacturers warranty only. Opened or Unboxed Inflatable’s Automatic swimming pool cleaners: Covered under the manufacturers warranty only. Any item that has been installed: Especially an item in which it has been modified or changed in any way from the time it left the manufacturer as a new non-installed or tested item. Shipping & Tax Information- Discount Coupons – Discount coupons are valid on most purchases. They are not valid on any oxidizer purchase. (Oxidizers are Pool Frog Bac Pac, Spa Shock, Pool Shock, Synergy) How Much Does Shipping Cost? – There is a Flat Rate Shipping Cost added to all items purchased on our site. Additional shipping is charged based on the total dollar amount and/or weight. All shipping charges are automatically calculated and added to the final price you pay when checking out prior to finalizing the purchase. Items ordered together that may from time to time be shipped separately from different locations will still incur only the one shipping charge for all orders. Enforcement of Our Terms and Conditions – These terms and conditions are governed and interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Michigan, United States of America, not withstanding any principles of conflicts of law. If any part of our terms and conditions is unlawful, void or unenforceable, then that part will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions. Swimtown pools may revise our terms & conditions at any time by updating this posting of our polices.
Modern and Elegant Furniture for Your A/V Components Salamander Designs offers a wide range of media furniture that are built to last and offers the very best in ventillation and coord management systems for your AV components. The Synergy system is a modular suite of cabinets that are completely customizable. These elegant furniture systems are the perfect compliment to your new or existing media system. Every Salamander Designs furniture set that SoundVision installs is backed by our low-price guarantee, lifetime guarantee on workmanship and our world-class service department. For more information on our home theater systems, go to the Home Theater page. To schedule an initial design consultation and find out more about integrating Runco displays into your home, contact us today. If you’re looking for modular media system furniture that serves both function and style look no further than Salamander Designs. Fax: (415) 883-7199 27 Commercial Blvd. Suite M Novato, CA 94949
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Tomsey and I got together for a game at his place, for which he’d put together the excellent new table of terrain, which you’ll see in the photos. We played at 50 points, with me taking my list up to 49 by adding Wolverine, Captain America and Black Widow in addition to my 30 points comprising Deadpool, Hawkeye, Daredevil, Elektra and Black Panther. Tomsey was running Dark Avengers, and had picked Sentry, Ares, Ms Marvel, Iron Patriot and added on Venom to the starter pack. Set-up and Deployment We ran through the table and decided on the following sizing: Size One: street signs Size Two: trees, concrete barriers, bench, wheelie bin (must’ve assumed it was full!) Size Three: statues (both the stone and bronze ones) Size Four: cars Size Five: trucks Size Six: buildings, shipping containers, crane That done we decided to play the Relic scenario out of the rulebook, and we each placed our relic as close to our deployment zone as we could. I kicked off deployment, and decided from the start I’d have a tight group in the centre of my deployment to maximise Cap’s Leadership and bodyguard abilities. I also had three characters with Infiltrator, which was a massive advantage in this scenario. For the three Infiltrators, I placed Black Panther on the far relic to grab and run, figuring he had the best defence and agility, then had Black Widow on my left flank and Elektra on my right flank, both out of line of sight to run in and support Black Panther. Tomsey wins initiative this round, and Iron Patriot keeps his craziness under control. Sentry activates first, making a one POW move and throws the nearby car at Black Panther. Black Panther must’ve been asleep, as he’s hit after failing his agility test twice. Black Panther gets up, grabs the relic he’s sitting next to, and then makes a two POW move back towards the bulk of the team. Ares makes a move forward, then Pounces (special ability allowing a 4” move) onto Black Widow, and does an overloaded grab on her, which just hits, and throws her into Flamin’ Amy’s Burrito Barn. Wolverine activates next, and makes a two POW move towards the nearby relic. Venom rushes forward, and makes a Symbiotic Tendrils attack (four POW, two damage, Ensnare/1, template attack) on Wolverine which misses. Daredevil uses his Grapple Stick to displace on to the relic, and then picks it up before moving away from the Dark Avengers team. Iron Patriot flies forward, and makes a Repulsor Blast attack (two POW, two damage, 8” range attack with overload +1 damage) on Elektra, however misses. Cap makes a two POW move forward, then a one POW move with Agile, to get into contact with Wolverine, and makes a grab on him to throw him at Venom. Wolverine uses Fastball Special (once per game, one POW reaction, which allows an attack to be made when thrown) to make a Snikt attack (two POW, two damage, irresistible, melee) on Venom which misses. Cap then follows up with a Shield Bounce attack (three POW, two damage, 8” range, irresistible) on Venom which also misses. Tomsey elects to use his pass from having fewer models here. Deadpool uses his Bodyslide ability (once per game, displace to anywhere on the board) to get into contact with Venom, and overloads an Armour Buster attack (once per game, two POW, two damage, Irresistible and Distract/2) on him. It hits, and also goes critical. Ms Marvel activates and flies forward to get into contact with Deadpool, before making an overloaded grab and throw. The grab is successful, and she throws him at Cap, who easily dodges out of the way. Hawkeye lines up Venom with Dead Shot (once per game, four POW, four damage, 18” range), and overloads it for the extra dice. He scores a critical hit. Elektra makes a two POW move, then a one POW move with Agile to get into contact with Venom, and makes a Sai Strike (two POW, two damage, melee) which hits. Black Widow is last, and she gets up and moves towards Venom, making a Widows Bite attack (two POW, one damage, range 6”, overload for Stun/2), but misses. At the end of the round, I receive one victory point for controlling both relics. Tomsey wins the initiative again, and Iron Patriot fails his Hidden Goblin check this round even with the Scientific re-roll. Sentry activates and flies up and lands in the centre of the main part of my team, before using his Fury of a Thousand Sons attack (once per game, seven POW, five damage, 5” expansive wave). Cap and Black Panther are able to dodge, taking half damage, but Daredevil fails to dodge, and Deadpool is knocked down so both take full damage. This also hits a considerable amount of scenery as well, clearing out a lot of smaller pieces nearby. Daredevil uses Grapple Stick to move behind Flamin’ Amy’s Burrito Barn to hide from the Dark Avengers. I’ll note here that having since re-read the FAQ, I’m now aware I can’t use displacement abilities when carrying the relic, so technically I couldn’t have made this move. It did feel a bit overpowered being able to use displacement abilities and moves with the relic! Ares is up next and moves into contact with the knocked down Deadpool before making an Axe of Zeus attack (three POW, two damage melee which can’t be overloaded), however he misses! Angered by this, he picks up Deadpool and throws him into the nearby garbage truck, which sees him enter the red zone and become KO’d. Black Widow activates and moves into contact with Venom, then makes a Mixed Techniques attack (two POW, one damage, Distract/1 and Awkwardness/1). This hits putting distract and awkwardness on him for my other characters. Venom activates and makes a two POW move over to Cap, then picks him up and tosses him at Black Panther who dodges out of the way. Cap gets back up after the throw and makes a two POW move to the middle of the table, positioning for Leadership bonuses. Ms Marvel moves forward and throws a Force Blast (three POW, two damage, 10” ranged attack) at Deadpool which hits. She makes a second Force Blast, but this one misses leaving Mr Pool alive. Deadpool regains consciousness, gets back to his feet, moves into contact with Venom and makes a Stab-Stab attack (two POW, two damage melee attack), which he overloads. This hits, but no critical is forthcoming, even with his Master Fighter re-roll. Iron Patriot launches his Tactical Missiles (once per game, five POW, three damage, Explosive/6, 14” range) at Elektra, who spends a POW for Defensive Improvements, seeing Iron Patriot miss. Elektra activates, moves back into contact with Venom and makes a Flip Kick attack (once per round, three POW, three damage, Push/2, melee), which misses. Hawkeye moves slightly and makes an overloaded Specialist Arrow attack (once per round, two POW, two damage, 12” range) on Venom, rolling TRIPLE EIGHTS for the critical (where was that on Elektra’s Flip Kick!). He follows up with a Standard Arrow attack (two POW, one damage, 16” range) on Venom also hitting. Black Panther makes a two POW move towards the corner of the table, trying to stay out of the way and protect the relic. Wolverine moves up to Venom and Ares and makes an overloaded Snikt attack on the former. This hits and sees Venom Incapacitated. He then uses The Best There Is (once per game, four POW, four damage Melee attack with irresistible that can be overloaded for Push/4) on Ares, which scores a critical hit, dealing out five damage. That sees the end of the round, and as I make Stamina checks my pain mounts as Black Widow, Deadpool and Black Panther are all KO’d. This also sees Tomsey receive a victory point from Black Panther dropping the relic as he losses consciousness. Tomsey picks up initiative for the third round, and Iron Patriot keeps Hidden Goblin under control again. Ms Marvel is up first, making a Force Blast attack on Deadpool, which hits and sees him Incapacitated. She follows up with a second Force Blast on Black Widow, which also hits. Elektra activates and makes a Sneak Attack (once per game, three POW, three damage, Distract/2, Melee/4) on Ares, which goes critical and activates Assassin on a DOUBLE EIGHT roll! She then spends one POW to move into contact with him, and makes a Sai Strike which also goes critical, although no Assassin this time. Ares, infuriated by Elektra’s love taps, grabs her and throws her into the wall of Flamin’ Amy’s Burrito Barn before hightailing it away. Wolverine makes two move actions with Agile to catch up to Ares and makes an overloaded Snikt attack on him, which scores a critical hit seeing Wolverine bury his claws into Ares back, Incapacitating him. Iron Patriot fires a Repulsor Blast at Black Widow which Incapacitates her, then fires another two Repulsor Blasts at Cap, both of which hit. Black Panther recovers from his KO, grabs the relic he’d dropped and moves further away from the action to protect it. Sentry flies over to Black Panther and makes a Death Blow attack (once per game, four POW, four damage, critical +3 damage, irresistable) which hits, followed by a Leadkick (two POW, two damage, Push/4, melee), which also hits and Incapacitates him. Hawkeye uses Hook Arrow (once per game displace up to 12” in line of sight) to contact the relic Black Panther dropped, picks it up, then moves back away from Sentry. Cap is up next and double moves to place himself between Sentry and Hawkeye, before using his remaining power to make a Shield Bounce attack on sentry which misses. Daredevil moves further behind the Burrito Barn, carefully staying out of everyone’s way… I score a further victory point from controlling both objectives, and Cap passes his Stamina roll, remaining conscious. I win initiative this round! Iron Patriot also keeps Hidden Goblin hidden. Elektra gets up and moves into contact with Ms Marvel, launching a Flip Kick attack which hits empty air as Ms Marvel goes intangible (grants immunity to physical attacks for the round). Ms Marvel moves towards Hawkeye and throws a Force Blast at him, which hits. Wolverine activates and makes a double move into contact with Ms Marvel, launching a Snikt attack before realising she is intangible and can’t be hit! Iron Patriot moves into contact with Hawkeye and makes an overloaded grab, which just misses on the back of Hawkeye improving his physical defence. Cap activates next, making an overloaded grab and throw on Iron Patriot, which hits and sees him fly into Sentry. Sentry charges at Cap, however his attempted grab is swatted away. He then makes a Sentry Strike attack (four POW, three damage, melee attack), which Cap uses Shield Block to prevent. I retain both relics at the end of the round, yielding another victory point, and Cap stays conscious passing his Stamina roll. I win initiative again, and Iron Patriot keeps Hidden Goblin under control. Cap goes first and makes a grab and throw action on Sentry, which hits, and tosses Sentry at Iron Patriot, slamming into him and knocking them both to the ground. Ms Marvel activates, moving over into contact with Hawkeye, and throws him at Wolverine, who manages to get out of the way. Wolverine reacts by running over to the relic and Ms Marvel, grabbing the relic first then making an overloaded Snikt attack on Ms Marvel which hits. He follows up with a second Snikt attack which misses. Sentry gets back to his feet, flies over to Wolverine and attempts to grab him. Wolverine uses Defensive Improvements, but this turns out to be unnecessary as Sentry misses. Hawkeye gets up and nocks a Specialist Arrow, which he unloads at Ms Marvel, however the shot goes wide. He follows quickly with a Standard Arrow which manages to make contact. Iron Patriot gets up and makes a move towards the main brawl in the park, throwing a Repulsor Blast shot at Cap which misses, and a second blast which is overloaded which hits. This pushes Cap into the red zone, but he manages to stay conscious. Elektra moves up to Ms Marvel and overloads a Flip Kick attack, which scores a critical hit and pushes her back. Still holding both objectives at the end of the round, I score a further victory point, and we both pass all the KO tests we need to make. I win initiative for the round, which evens up the board for initiative wins this game. Iron Patriot passes his willpower roll so Hidden Goblin does not trigger. I activate Wolverine first, who makes a double move using Agile towards the ice cream truck in an attempt to get away with the relic. Sentry is straight after Wolverine, flying over into contact, grabbing Wolverine and slamming him into the truck. He then levels a Leadkick at him, but misses. Cap moves into contact with Ms Marvel and makes a grab and throw on her, tossing her into a nearby tree, away from the relics. He then moves forward and uses Avengers Assemble (all friendly models within 8”are pushed up to 4” towards him), which pulls Elektra and Hawkeye closer to the uncontrolled relic. Iron Patriot moves up and fires three Repulsor Blasts at Hawkeye in quick succession, only one of which hits. Hawkeye grabs another Speicalist Arrow and fires it at Ms Marvel, this time finding his mark on the prone character. This achieves a critical which sees Ms Marvel Incapacitated. Elektra makes two move actions on to the uncontrolled objective, and picks it up. Daredevil uses Grapple Stick to get back into my deployment zone (further tho the previous note, I think I could’ve either used a two POW move, or repositioned him the previous turn if I had of know about the inability to displace with the relic). This sees the Superhuman team controlling both relics in my deployment zone for a further two victory points this round. With that, I take the game five victory points to one, and the Superhumans prevail over the Dark Avengers! This game was much more of a slugfest than the others I’ve played, likely due to Cap and Wolverine bringing that bruiser ability into the list. Despite that, I think I focussed much more heavily on the scenario, whilst Tomsey focussed a bit more on trying to take down my team. Having the numerical advantage was massive here, as early on I was making three uncontested activations at the end of the round. Elektra was definitely the star of the show this game, with the Sneak Attack on Ares getting Assassin and her mobility allowing her to run in and influence fights. That said, there seems to be a lot of synergy in my team, with the infiltrators able to grab relics and move them back so my opponent is forced to come after me, whilst I’m concurrently bringing in Wolverine and Cap to protect the weaker team members. I’m not sure my mistake on the displacement while holding relics was a crucial decider in the game, but it certainly allowed me to get Daredevil further away turn two than he otherwise would have. That’s the key rules learning from this game.
GW2 Necromancer PvE Guide by Spoj GW2 Necromancer PvE class guide written by Spoj of [rT]. This is the second of a series of a class guides you can expect from members of [rT], a well known European dungeon speed clear guild. Updated November 29, 2015 - 1 Overview - 2 Death Shroud - 3 Weapons - 4 Utilities - 5 Core Specializations - 6 Elite Specialization: Reaper - 7 Reaper Builds - 8 Builds - 9 Gear & Consumables - 10 About the Author Necromancer is a dark magic class. This particular scholar profession is more of a bruiser type caster which prefers to get up close and personal with its enemies. Necromancers use the dark arts to weaken enemies, summon undead minions and drain the life force from nearby foes to sustain themselves. Its unique class mechanics are Death Shroud and Life force. The Necromancer is a class that has very good access to a wide range of conditions making it suitable to take the role of debuffer or control through the use of crowd control skills and debuff conditions such as chill, weakness, blind, cripple and immobilise. It is often considered a condition damage class despite its lack of high potential condition damage. This is due to its range of conditions and the base condition pressure it provides along with its natural resilience against enemy conditions. The necromancer lacks any form of active damage avoidance other than the base dodges, which makes it more challenging to play against high damage bosses and mobs where blind and weakness are less effective. The Necromancer was previously the least popular class in organised PvE. It serves as a very selfish DPS class that uses a mixture of conditions and direct damage to deal with its foes. It is the class with the highest base durability in the game despite its light armour and lack of damage avoidance abilities. The Necromancer has the highest base health pool in the game, equal to that of the warrior. Its class mechanic, Shroud, allows even further durability through a pseudo second health bar and an extra five skills available to all builds. Necromancer has very respectable damage compared to the other classes. It however lacks the ability to share buffs with team mates and has quite limited utility compared to the other classes. With the addition of new functional utility, better and more challenging content and the greatly improved Reaper elite specialisation. The Necromancer has shifted into a very comfortable position in high end PvE. Death Shroud is the base necromancer’s unique class mechanic. It is very similar to a transformation as it replaces the necromancer’s normal weapon skills and utilities with a fixed set of five Death Shroud skills. It uses a unique resource called life force which acts a little bit like a second health bar. Life force can be gained through various Necromancer traits and skills and is also awarded when enemy players and NPC’s die nearby to the Necromancer. While in Death Shroud all damage taken will be inflicted to the life force pool instead of the Necromancer’s base health pool. Life force also naturally degenerates at a rate of 4% per second. The Necromancer requires at least 10% life force to enter Death Shroud. Death Shroud can be activated even while under the effects of control abilities such as stun or fear. Death Shroud has a base recharge of 10 seconds. Life Blast is the auto-attack for Death Shroud. It provides a very slow long ranged attack that deals high direct damage. It deals more damage when the Necromancer is within a range of 600 units from the target. Life blast is one of the more powerful auto-attacks the Necromancer has access to. Its slow attack speed greatly reduces its sustained damage potential and its dependence on life force makes it unreliable in long or challenging fights. Dark Path is the gap closer for the Necromancer. It is often used for its bleed application in condition builds. But it also provides low recharge access to chill which can help to reduce risk from enemies by increasing their skill recharge and slowing their movement speed. This is a very powerful skill for chilling and positioning yourself on top of your enemies. However it is limited by its slow projectile speed. Doom is an instant cast fear which has increased duration if you are within a range of 600 units. This is especially useful for damaging the breakbar, positioning single mobs against walls or interrupting key attacks. It can also be used defensively as it can be cast even while under the effects of crowd control abilities. Life Transfer is a channelled AoE direct damage attack that generates life force per target hit. Its single target DPS is very low so it should not be used in certain situations. But when fighting multiple enemies at once it is very useful for providing some extra burst AoE damage. Tainted Shackles binds multiple enemies and applies torment to them over its duration. Once it reaches its full duration it applies immobilise and deals high direct damage. If a target moves out of range the binding will end and the end effect won’t be applied. Entering Death Shroud just to cast Tainted shackles is very useful for maximising single target DPS due to its low cast time. But it is also very useful in an AoE burst situation. It can also be used to chain immobilise if timed correctly. The dagger is the Necromancers strongest one-handed weapon. And the primary main-hand for PvE due to its high DPS auto-attack. Its other skills are relatively weak but useful for niche situations. The auto-attack is the main reason to use the dagger. It provides a very fast two target cleave chain which deals high damage and generates plenty of life force. Necrotic Slash consists of two fast attacks followed by Necrotic Stab which deals more damage and restores 2% life force. The final hit of the chain is the slow high damage dealing Necrotic Bite which restores a further 6% life force. This skill provides a channeled attack which damages the target and heals the caster from 600 range. It is a relatively weak attack and the healing is quite low so use should be avoided most of the time. If in danger and on low health it can be used while backed away from the enemy to regain some health and maintain some DPS from a safe distance. Dark Pact provides a 3 second duration immobilise on a relatively short recharge. The damage is quite good but due to the high cast time it will result in lower DPS. This should only be cast if you need to root an enemy for a specific reason or to help with damaging a bosses breakbar. The dagger off-hand is not very commonly used in PvE. It is primarily a condition focused off-hand weapon. However it can be used as a defensive utility weapon for other builds. This attack fires a bouncing projectile which blinds targets it hits and transfers any conditions on the Necromancer to those targets. This makes it very useful for condition heavy fights. The blind can also be quite useful for small groups of enemies. Due to its low cast time it is actually very good for direct damage. But it is outclassed in this area by focus in most situations. This skill provides an AoE attack on the target area which deals damage and applies bleed and weakness to any foes it hits. The AoE weakness is especially useful for debuffing groups of enemies and temporarily reducing their damage output. The focus is the primary off-hand for direct damage builds in PvE. It provides good burst along with plenty of vulnerability. Focus is essential for high DPS and should almost always be used for direct damage builds. This attack fires a projectile which applies 4 stacks of vulnerability to enemies and 5 seconds of regeneration to allies. It also bounces between enemies and allies. This is especially useful on single targets as it can bounce up to 4 times which means it will bounce between yourself or an ally and the enemy resulting in 12 stacks of vulnerability and some decent burst damage in a short window. This makes it one of the Necromancers strongest burst skills when it successfully hits a single enemy three times. Reaper’s Touch should be used whenever it is off recharge as it is a DPS increase unless it fails to bounce. This skill is almost completely useless in PvE. It provides a high damage boon strip and chill but on a very long cast time. Which makes it very poor for maintaining high DPS. Much of the damage comes from bonus boons stripped but boons are not very common amongst PvE mobs. Most bosses and enemies that do have boons to strip, often re-apply those boons frequently making this skill rather pointless. It can however be used to maintain long durations of chill on an enemy making it easier to kite. You should never use this skill unless you absolutely need the chill or boon strip. The warhorn is another very common choice for off-hand for PvE. It provides plenty of control and some decent supplementary AoE damage. It also provides some extra swiftness. This skill provides a 2 second daze in a small cone in front of the Necromancer. This is very useful for disabling a group of mobs so they can be burst down by your group with AOE. It also has a low cast time making it quite useful for interrupting important attacks and making big dents in breakbars. When interrupting trash mobs you should prioritise using daze and other CC instead of fear to avoid placing the targets out of position. This attack surrounds the Necromancer with locusts which provides swiftness and AoE pulsing damage which cripples enemies and generates life force. This makes Locust Swarm very strong for kiting mobs and contributing to damaging breakbars while also providing extra AoE damage for a short duration. Activating this before pulling a large group of mobs allows you to tag most of them and provides you with an extra source of AoE cleave. The life force generation per hit makes it very useful for replenishing your Death Shroud. The locust effect also remains active even when entering Death Shroud which allows you to maintain Death Shroud for much longer. The axe is a rather weak main-hand weapon. But it is the Necromancers medium to high ranged power weapon. For the most part you should not need this weapon. But it can be useful in select situations. If you can’t maintain DPS in melee for whatever reason then the axe may be an option to consider. This is the auto-attack for the axe. It provides very low damage but hits twice and applies vulnerability. The vulnerability doesn’t make up for the poor damage. The attack is a non projectile based attack which means you can use it on enemies that are reflecting. Much like the auto-attack this is a non-projectile based skill. It provides a channelled attack that deals better damage than the auto-attack and generates a large amount of life force. The life force generation makes it quite useful for Death Shroud focused builds. The damage is relatively weak considering the channel time. But if you are using axe main-hand then you should use this skill on recharge to maximise your axe damage. This attack provide a blast of AoE damage which applies cripple and retaliation for each enemy hit. It also converts a boon into a condition on hit. With enough nearby enemies it can be used to maintain permanent retaliation thanks to its low recharge. Unfortunately retaliation is completely useless in PvE so this attacks only real use is providing cripple, a boon corrupt and a small amount of AoE damage. The scepter is the Necromancers second mid to high range one-handed weapon. The scepter is considered almost exclusively a condition damage based weapon. This is mainly because it has very poor direct damage. The scepter auto-attack provides a very slow ranged single target chain attack which deals low direct damage and applies conditions on hit. The first two hits of the chain apply 1 stack of bleed each. The final hit, Putrid Curse, deals slightly higher direct damage and also applies 1 stack of poison to the enemy hit. Maintaining this auto-attack chain on a target provides good bleed and poison condition pressure. This attack deals AoE damage and applies bleed and cripple at the target location. It has a radius of 240 units and can hit up to 5 foes. It applies 3 stacks of bleeding to any foes struck. This makes it quite effective at condition pressure and should be used whenever it is off recharge while playing a condition build. The AoE cripple is also very useful for snaring groups of enemies. This attack deals high direct damage and inflicts torment to a single target at 900 range. It deals bonus damage and grants extra life force and torment for each unique condition on the target. So for a target with a large range of conditions this skill can deal good damage and apply a lot of torment. It is also potentially very good at restoring life force. This is the main life force generating skill for a condition build but it is also a valuable condition damage skill. So it should be used as frequently as possible when playing Scepter condition builds. The staff is the Necromancers only 1200 range weapon outside of Life Blast. It is primarily a support weapon but it is often used as a ranged AoE damage weapon in World vs World. However its damage is quite low which makes it unfavourable in PvE. Staff marks can also be used as opening burst by placing them underneath a boss before it becomes hostile. This means you can drop all your marks and then swap out your staff to a better weapon before getting put in combat. The staff also has the highest base weapon damage which means it can be used to maximise Death Shroud skill damage. This makes it highly popular for Death Shroud builds on the base Necromancer. The auto-attack provides a piercing projectile which does moderate damage and generates life force per target hit. The life force generation is rather weak on a single target due to the low attack speed. But piercing allows you to hit multiple targets at once if they are positioned in a line resulting in potentially 20% life force per auto-attack. But overall it is a rather useless skill to use. This attack places a mark on the target area which when triggered deals low damage and applies 2 stacks of bleed to enemies and regeneration to allies. Its low recharge makes it very easy to maintain bleeds and tag groups of enemies frequently. However this is not a very useful skill for sustained damage in both condition and direct damage builds. It is useful as a pre-combat opening skill. This skill places a mark which damages foes and applies chill and 3 stacks of poison to enemies when triggered. It also provides a poison field which can be blasted with blast finishers to create AoE weakness. This mark is also useful as a pre-combat opening skill. This skill places a mark which deals high damage and transfers conditions from the Necromancer to any enemies hit. It is also a blast finisher so it can be used straight after Chilblains to create some AOE weakness. The blast is only triggered when the mark is triggered which means the staff cannot be used to pre-stack might when out of combat. It is also useful as a pre-combat opening skill. This attack places a mark which deals low damage and fears foes for 1 second. This is useful for difficult running sections in dungeons where you may need to fear a group of enemies to allow you to pass safely. It will however put you in combat so it should only be used in this manner when absolutely necessary. You can also use this to damage the breakbar. But care should be taken and this skill should not be used on groups of trash mobs because it will most likely put them out of position and make it more difficult for your group to burst them down. Generally speaking you won’t see much use for this skill or the rest of staff in PvE. It is good practise to regularly swap to utilities that are appropriate for each encounter. While often your standard set of utilities will be enough to get you through the encounter, swapping to a more specialised set will allow you and your team to progress with much more safety and often result in speeding up the encounter. Even in cases where you sacrifice some personal damage for defensive utilities you can experience a more efficient result. Knowing what utilities are best for each encounter comes with experience. For detailed information about individual encounters and to properly prepare yourself you should check This is the primary heal for Necromancer. It heals for a decent amount on a low recharge. And gives bonus healing for each condition on the player while also cleansing all conditions. It is a corruption skill so it applies vulnerability to yourself after casting and is affected by the master of corruption trait. If you need a condition cleanse or just want a heal skill which provides the most healing per second then you should use this skill. Unfortunately due to the self applied vulnerability it will prevent you from getting out of combat immediately after cleansing. So you generally only want to use this skill for condition heavy fights. This well provides a similar base heal to Consume Conditions but also provides an AoE well which pulses and heals the Necromancer and any allies standing within it. It is also a light field so whirl and projectile finishers can be used inside to cleanse your group with cleansing bolts. This makes the Well of Blood a more group friendly heal. However care should be taken so that you do not overwrite other more important combo fields (fire, smoke, lightning) when using this skill. This skill summons a Blood Fiend which follows the Necromancer and attacks enemies from range. Its attacks deal damage and grant a steady source of healing to the Necromancer. When the minion is active Taste of Death can be cast to sacrifice the Blood Fiend and grant the Necromancer a larger heal. If it dies from damage you will not gain the larger heal and will have to wait to re-summon the minion. The overall healing is quite low, but this heal skill does increase your DPS passively and creates strong over time sustain. This is the best heal Necromancers have due to minions having partial immunity to AoE in PvE. This signet provides a small passive heal whenever the Necromancer is struck. This results in a pseudo damage reduction passive. The active creates a Vampiric Mark on the enemy target and provides a decent self heal to the Necromancer. The Vampiric Mark has 25 stacks which when struck allies siphon health for each stack. There is an internal cool down on the active so each player can only use 5 stacks for themselves. But a full group can potentially use all 25 stacks and gain quite a lot of extra healing and armour ignoring damage through these siphons. The siphon damage scales with power. The damage gained from this skill makes it worth taking simply for the opening burst. It is also the heal skill which provides the lowest DPS loss when cast. Making it a strong choice for PvE when Blood Fiend is not an option. This skill is the main damage dealing well for the Necromancer. It provides a pulsing AoE which applies vulnerability and deals high damage per hit. You almost always want to have this utility skill on your bar due to its damage and vulnerability application. It is also a dark field so it can be used to grant AoE blind through blasts and life steal through whirl and projectile finishers. As with other fields, care should be take to avoid overwriting more important combo fields. This utility is the second damage dealing well for the Necromancer. It provides another pulsing AoE which deals moderate damage and converts boons in to conditions. Boon corruption is rather useless in PvE so this well is primarily used for extra AoE burst along side Well of Suffering. It also generates life force per hit. It is also a dark field so it can be used to grant AoE blind through blasts and life steal through whirl and projectile finishers. Again as with other fields, care should be take to avoid overwriting more important combo fields. This utility provides a pulsing AoE which deals no damage but applies blind to enemies inside it on each pulse. This is especially useful against high threat groups of enemies. Blinding and making most of their attacks miss will provide your group with a lot of safety while bursting down the enemies with AoE. It is another dark field. This skill creates a pulsing AoE which deals no damage and converts conditions on allies into boons. It also acts as a stun break with 1 second of stability to prevent it from being interrupted during the cast. The condition conversion is very useful in condition heavy fights. Burn is converted into aegis which allows the Necromancer to receive its only source of blocks with this skill. This makes it highly useful in fights with regular burns. It is also a dark field. This utility applies bleeds to the target and grants the Necromancer and nearby allies 8 stacks of might along with some self inflicted bleeds. The self inflicted bleeds can also be used to gain a stronger heal from Consume Conditions or they can be transferred to the target using Deathly Swarm or Plague Signet. In organised groups where might is always at 25 stacks then there is no need to take this skill. The short duration of these might stacks makes it a rather bad skill to cast due to it overwriting longer duration might stacks from the group. It is however still a powerful skill for condition builds due to the duration of the bleeds applied. When cast this skill spreads up to 25 stacks of all conditions on the target to 5 nearby enemies within 600 range of the target enemy. It also applies 3 stacks of vulnerability to self. This is a highly useful skill on condition builds in AoE situations. Spreading multiple damaging conditions on a low recharge unblockable attack is potentially very powerful. It is also useful on other builds for spreading useful conditions. For example spreading 25 vulnerability stacks to all nearby enemies. Or spreading immobilise to multiple nearby enemies for a group snare. If coupled with a second Necromancer it can be used to double condition stacks on a boss by casting on the boss and then casting on a nearby additional enemy. Resulting in potentially massive condition burst in select situations. This skill places a large AoE poison field at the target location which applies poison and weakness to any foes within it. It is also a projectile block. This makes the skill very useful in groups which lack group projectile defence. But it also applies a small duration weakness to the caster which can and should be cleansed immediately or used to grant a stronger heal from Consume Conditions. This utility is very useful for dangerous groups of enemies where stacking weakness and projectile defence can save your group from a lot of damage. The poison field can be further blasted for extra AoE weakness. As with other fields, care should be take to avoid overwriting more important combo fields. The problem with this skill is the negative effects make it a powerful group defensive skill which potentially completely cripples your own damage for its full duration. Which means you either have to prepare for the negatives, suffer through them or avoid the skill and rely on your teammates to provide the same support without the negative effects. This utility poisons yourself and corrupts 5 boons on the target enemy, converting them into conditions. This skill has a relatively high recharge and PvE does not have a lot of boon heavy encounters. Which makes this skill rather useless for PvE. It is outclassed by skills like Well of Corruption or Dark Path when traited with Path of Corruption. It is potentially a good skill for corruption focused condition builds when coupled with transfers and Blood is Power. This utility summons two small Bone Minions to fight alongside you. They are rather weak and die very quickly when targeted. However once summoned they give you access to the skill Putrid Explosion. This can be cast twice to sacrifice each minion which provides a high damage blast finisher at the minions location. This is mainly used for blasting important fields such as fire for group might, smoke for group stealth and lightning for group swiftness. When out of combat you can detonate a single blast and then swap to another utility because it will not go on recharge until you use both putrid explosions. This is a useful trick to use to get a free blast finisher when pre-stacking might, swiftness or stealth. The blast finisher is relatively unreliable and hard to correctly place on small combo fields. Which means you may require your teammates to place fields with your minions in mind (placing them on top of the minions are you summon them). This skill summons an immobile Flesh Wurm at the target location. It deals decent damage and is quite durable. The main advantage of this skill comes from the secondary skill, Necrotic Traversal. Necrotic Traversal sacrifices the Flesh Wurm and teleports the Necromancer to its location. It also poisons nearby enemies, provides a stun break and is a blast finisher. This makes it a very useful skill for utility. The cast time prevents it from being a true mobility skill, however it can be used to blink up stairs or cliffs that you would normally have to walk the long way around to. This skill summons a Bone Fiend which deals damage from range and applies cripple with its attacks. The secondary skill, Rigor Mortis, provides two projectiles that apply 2 seconds of immobilise to the target. This can be very useful in situations where you need to chain immobilise an enemy to keep it in position. This utility summons a Shadow Fiend which deals moderate damage in melee range. The secondary ability, Haunt, teleports the Shadow Fiend to the target’s location and deals damage and blinds that foe. It also generates 10% life force on use. The utility of Haunt is pretty inconsequential. However the Shadow Fiend is one of the harder hitting minions at the Necromancers disposal. Making it a good choice for a Minion focused build that is trying to deal damage. This utility grants 30 seconds of swiftness, acts as a stun break and allows the Necromancer to generate life force when taking damage for a short period. It also provides a secondary ability, Spectral Recall, for 8 seconds which when cast teleports the Necromancer back to its original position when first casting Spectral Walk. This utility is very useful for providing long duration swiftness, making it ideal for large running sections in dungeons when your party lacks group swiftness. The teleport portion of this skill is very useful for activating two nearby switches at the same time. Or travelling back and forth between two points quickly. This skill grants 6 seconds of protection, acts as a sunbreak and allows the Necromancer to generate a very large amount of life force when taking damage for a short period. This makes this skill ideal for defensive situations where you expect to take lots of damage but want to replenish your life force quickly. Unfortunately due to the nature of PvE the life force generation isn’t needed and the damage you would take in most cases outweighs the benefits. This leaves this skills primary use in PvE as a low recharge stun break. This utility fires a projectile at the target which pulls them to the Necromancer. It also grants 15% life force and applies chill to them. This is quite a useful skill to have for pulling individual targets into position. It can also be used to help maintain permanent chill, interrupt attacks or damage breakbars. When cast this skill places a spectral wall on the target location. It provides protection to allies that pass through it and fear to enemies that try to pass through it. It is also an ethereal field which means it can be used with projectile finishers to create confusing bolts. Generally speaking this skill has no use in PvE because the fear will displace enemies away from your allies which is an undesirable effect. To prevent this you would have to immobilise them first. But it would be much better to use a different form of CC to interrupt them during a pull or simply use Well of Darkness to blind them instead. This signet grants a passive power boost when left unused. This is very beneficial to increasing the Necromancers personal DPS. However when inside Shroud signet passives do not work. This skill is not worth taking when playing Shroud focused build. The active is commonly used in PvP and World vs World for condition burst. It deals moderate damage to the target and applies several conditions. This can be used defensively for the blind, weakness or cripple. Or offensively to provide poison to a build which does not normally have access to it. Which is useful to reduce healing on bosses and enemies that constantly regenerate health. The number of conditions applied also synergies with the trait, Target the Weak. Which will provide you with a nice temporary bonus to critical chance. Though generally speaking the active is not worth using in PvE. This signet is used purely for its passive. The passive grants a 25% movement speed bonus. Which makes it useful in running situations where you don’t have permanent swiftness. And because it is just for the passive you can swap between this and Signet of Spite at any time while out of combat. The active also provides a decent amount of healing when used against a large group of enemies. However you should not need the active portion of this skill in PvE. The passive on this signet transfers conditions on allies to the Necromancers every 3 seconds. This means your party can take less condition cleanses and just rely on the Necromancer to passively cleanse. However in some fights this can get you killed very fast. The active is also an instant stun break which transfers 5 conditions on the Necromancer to your target. This skill is the Necromancers lowest recharge stun break. Which makes it quite useful just for that. However the passive may be undesirable in some fights. In such cases you should take Spectral Armour or trait for Foot in the Grave instead when you need stun breaks. This signet provides passive life force generation while in combat. It gives 2% life force every 3 seconds. The active portion resurrects up to 3 ally’s at the target location. The long cast time of the active makes this very risky to use. But it can save an allies life when used correctly. If traited for Transfusion in Blood Magic you can teleport downed allies out of harm’s way and onto a single location, then cast this signet to fully resurrect them in safety. This elite skill summons a Flesh Golem to fight by your side. The Flesh Golem deals relatively high damage and applies cripple on its attacks. It is also quite durable, making it quite a safe elite to use just for a small DPS boost. The secondary skill, Charge, makes the Flesh Golem charge rapidly in its current direction knocking down and launching foes. Charge is very useful for damaging breakbars. This should be your standard elite for most builds in PvE. This elite transform skill turns the Necromancer into a virulent plague which pulses poison and deals low damage in a large radius. It also applies pulsing self bleeding because it is a Corruption skill. While in plague form you can choose to add either bleed, blind or cripple to your plague pulses. Activating the skill once will make it continually pulse that extra condition (there is no need to spam it). While in Plague form the Necromancer has increased health and toughness along with pulsing 3 stacks of stability. This coupled with pulsing blind and cripple makes it a very useful for dangerous running sections where staying out of combat is impossible. Plague form is the only reliable form of long duration stability Necromancer has. Due to the pulsing self bleed, using this skill on a condition damage build can cause you to lose a lot of health and potentially kill yourself. This elite transform skill turns the Necromancer into a huge Lich. While transformed the Necromancer gains bonus precision and its skills are replaced, it also grants the Necromancer a pulsing 1 stack of stability for its full duration. The first skill in Lich form is a high damage piercing ranged auto-attack called Deathly Claws. This means Lich form can be used as a long range burst elite. The bonus precision means you can cast both damaging wells and then immediately enter Lich form to guarantee that they critical hit on every pulse. The other skills in Lich form are rather unimportant. Marked for Death is good for applying some vulnerability. Chilling Wind is a decent chill and push back. Mark of Horror summons 5 Jagged Horrors which deal low damage but apply lots of bleeds to any targets they attack. Finally Grim Specter can be used as a condition cleanse for allies or a boon strip for enemies. Lich Form is our strongest elite skill for short fights on direct damage builds and extremely long fights on condition builds. Using this transform and then spamming Deathly Claws deals the highest DPS the base necromancer can possibly pull off. For this reason Lich should almost always be considered in PvE. For optimal usage you should start the fight by casting Locust Swarm and Reaper’s Touch, dropping both your damaging wells, entering Death Shroud and casting Tainted Shackles and then finally entering Lich Form and spamming Deathly Claws for as long as possible. Due to the huge damage potential of this elite you should always consider traiting for Spectral Mastery in Soul Reaping as it will increase Lich Forms duration by 7.5 seconds. Keep in mind that Spectral Mastery is unneeded if your group can kill a boss in less than 20 seconds though. The core specialisations are the building blocks of your build. A build is created using 3 specialisations. This can be any mix of 3 core specialisations or 2 core specialisations and 1 elite specialisation. Within each specialisation you gain 3 minor traits and 3 major traits separated into tiers. The minor traits do not change and you have no choice over them. However for each tier in the line you have a choice of 3 different major traits. There are a total of 9 major traits to choose from in each specialisation. These are separated into adept, master and grandmaster categories. This section will go over the core specialisations general uses and certain traits that are commonly used in PvE. Spite is our main damage and debuffing specialisation. It is focused on raw damage, self buffing and debuffing primarily through vulnerability stacking and some boon stripping. It has a lot of traits that make the Necromancer stronger as the enemy gets weaker. This is probably the most important line you will pick for a direct damage focused build. This trait grants might on Shroud auto-attack use. This does not see a lot of use on dagger and scepter condition builds. However it is very useful for DS builds. This trait provides a flat damage boost to any foes who have no boons. Which is fairly common in most PvE content. However this trait also reduces the cooldown of focus skills. Which makes it doubly good for builds that use a focus. It’s just too good not to take. This trait inflicts vulnerability when you strike foes below the 33% health threshold. It also makes the Necromancer deal more damage while downed. The vulnerability portion of this trait has no internal cooldown which makes this trait very strong towards the end of fights. It produces a lot of vulnerability. This trait applies 3 stacks of vulnerability to nearby enemies every 3 seconds while in Shroud. It also procs on immediate Shroud entry. Which means you can flash Shroud to apply 3 stacks of vulnerability. Which means this trait is good for both DS builds and dagger builds which flash Shroud. It also synergizes really well with Corrupter’s Fervor on the DS build. This trait grants might when striking foes below the 50% health threshold. This is a really good trait for might generation toward the end of fights. It really helps DS builds cap might in the later stages. But it also provides dagger builds with a lot of free might. This trait increases damage to foes below the 50% health threshold. This is a really powerful trait. The raw damage potential makes this an obvious choice for PvE. This trait reduces the recharge of signets and grants might on usage. It also converts boons on affected foes. This is a really strong trait for might generation. And is particularly useful on condition builds. It has synergy with a lot of other traits and skills. Curses is our condition damage and critical chance focused line. It provides many condition orientated traits including both de-buffing and damaging conditions. Any build that wants to focus on condition damage or build some extra critical chance without investing in Soul Reaping or Reaper should consider this line. This trait grants a chance to cause bleeding on critical hits and increases bleed duration. This is a useful trait for condition builds. But it also has synergy with Target the Weak in Curses and Blood Bond in Blood Magic. This trait casts Plague Signet on your next critical hit when you have 3 or more conditions on you. It requires 3 unique conditions so this won’t get a lot of use in PvE unless you use multiple corruption skills. This trait applies chill when you blind a foe. This isn’t a very strong trait in general for core Necromancers. However on condition Reapers it has great potential as an extra source of chill damage. This trait grants fury on Shroud entry. This is a really good trait for dagger builds. Particularly shroud flash builds. The extra fury can really help with the Necromancers natural lack of critical chance. This trait increases critical chance for each unique condition on your foe. It also grants bonus condition damage based on your precision. Which makes this trait very strong for both condition and direct damage builds that need extra critical chance. This trait inflicts weakness on critical hits and also casts Enfeeble on Shroud entry. Enfeeble deals AoE damage and applies AoE weakness and bleed. This is a pretty strong trait for flash builds and it also helps defensively by providing lots of weakness. Death magic is our defensive and minion specialisation. It provides traits that increase durability and increase the effectiveness of minions. Any build that wants to maximise the passive defence of Shroud or use minions should consider this specialisation. This trait grants bonus toughness while in Shroud. This is very strong on DS builds and it has direct synergy with Deadly Strength which will further boost your damage while in Shroud. This trait grants minions with increased health. It also grants bonus toughness for each minion under your control. This can be used alongside minions to further boost your Shroud damage. You gain bonus power based on your toughness with this trait. The power gained is doubled while in Shroud. Which means this trait provides a lot of extra power to DS builds when you take this along with other toughness granting traits in Death Magic. This trait grants a stacking buff which increases toughness and reduces incoming condition damage. The toughness portion of this skill can help boost power quite considerably when taken with Deadly Strength. The stacks are easily maximised with the use of Rending Shroud and Unyielding Blast which both apply vulnerability. Blood magic is our supportive sustain line. It provides support through group healing and resurrecting fallen allies. Life steal is a core focus of this specialisation. Any build that wants to focus on sustain or support should be using this specialisation. Much of its support is quite offensive based which makes it quite a good choice for damage dealing builds as well. This trait leaves a Mark of Blood on your location when you dodge. Mark of Blood applies bleeding to foes hit and regeneration to the Necromancer. The bleeds can be used to help proc Blood Bond. This trait casts a Lesser Signet of Vampirism on your foe when you inflict 4 or more bleeds on them. This provides a small amount of sustain and a small damage boost. You can proc this trait very easily by dodging to apply bleeds from Mark of Evasion and then casting Dark Path to reach the 4 bleed threshold. If you are using Curses it becomes even easier to proc this trait due to Barbed Precision. The Necromancer and any minions siphon health when they hit foes. This provides a small DPS increase and some pretty decent sustain. You can use lots of fast hitting AoE attacks to create a lot of extra healing for yourself over a short duration. This trait simply gives another version of Vampiric but to allies while the Necromancer is in combat. This is useful for providing group sustain and a small damage increase. Life steal is particularly nice because it is armour ignoring damage. This trait reduces Well cool downs, makes Wells siphon health and provides protection on initial cast. This is useful just to get access to Well skills more frequently. Which means you can use the powerful damaging Wells more often. This trait heals and partially revives nearby allies while channelling Shroud skill 4. It also teleports downed allies to your location. This is an incredibly useful supportive trait for moving downed allies out of danger zones and resurrecting them in complete safety. Soul reaping is the specialisation built around maintaining and using Shroud. It has a heavy focus on life force management and granting bonus effects to Shroud skills. This specialisation is effective in a wide range of different builds and is integral to Shroud camping builds. This trait increases movement speed while in Shroud. It also reduces the recharge on Shroud. Which makes it a very nice trait for Shroud flash builds. This also helps defensively if you need to use Shroud to absorb damage frequently. This trait causes Life Blast to pierce and cause vulnerability. This is a must have trait for DS builds. It does not have much use on other builds however. This trait reduces the recharge on spectral skills. It also makes spectral skills last longer and grant life force on use. This is an incredibly useful trait since Lich Form is a spectral skill. With this we can increase the duration of Lich and reduces its cooldown. Making it much more effective as a burst elite. This trait makes life force drain much slower while in Shroud. It also makes Shroud skills recharge faster. This is useful for DS builds to allow you to stay in Shroud for much longer. It is also useful for other builds just to allow you to cast Tainted Shackles, Dark Path and Doom more frequently. This trait makes you deal more damage while you have over 50% life force. This is small damage boost. But it is important to remember to maintain your life force effectively. Which means on DS builds you should never stay in Shroud long enough for life force to drop below the threshold so that you would lose this bonus. This trait grants 50% critical chance while in Shroud. This is an incredibly powerful trait for the core Necromancer. It is essential for DS builds without Reaper and it also helps other builds with AoE burst rotations using Wells and Life Transfer. This trait grants stability and stun breaks when you enter Shroud. It is not particularly useful in most PvE content. But there are situations where it could help considerably with survivability. Builds that do not camp DS might get more use out of this trait than Death Perception. This trait adds burn on hit to Shroud skill 1. This is not very useful on classic Necromancer builds. However it has great potential on Reaper for both condition and direct damage builds in solo situations when using Spite. Elite Specialization: Reaper The Reaper is the first elite specialisation for the Necromancer and it is only available to those who have bought Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns. The Reaper grants the Necromancer access to the greatsword, a new set of shroud skills and shout skills. Along with various traits to boost the effectiveness of these new tools. You cannot use the greatsword, shouts or the new Reaper’s Shroud unless you have equipped the Reaper Specialisation as one of your 3 specialisation choices. The greatsword provides the Reaper with a very high direct damage melee weapon. It hits hard but is very slow to compensate for this. It also has some debuff conditions and some CC to give it a control and direct damage theme. The greatsword auto-attack provides a very slow but high damage chain. It has direct damage DPS almost equal to that of the dagger. But due to its slow nature it is significantly less reliable when dodging. The final hit of the chain applies 2 seconds of chill. This makes a good auto-attack to use for keeping mobs permanently chilled. Taking the Deathly Chill trait makes this auto-attack potentially do more damage than dagger when you can attack without interruption. It also generates a small amount of life force. This is a very hard hitting skill. It is one of the biggest single hit damaging strikes in the game. And it is only on an 8 second recharge. Its slow cast time and large aftercast make it quite clunky to use. But it is still always a huge damage increase. It also has no recharge when it successfully hits an enemy that is downed or has less than 50% health. This makes it incredibly powerful for finishing off mobs and providing the highest damaging auto-attack in the game when fighting low health bosses. This skill provides a short range arc of low damage that hits multiple times, applies vulnerability and generates life force. The damage is very weak and in most groups vulnerability should not be an issue. So this skill is rather useless. It is however good for generating emergency life force. Or providing vulnerability in the open world. It should not be used for anything else as it is a DPS loss to cast. This skill creates a dark field at the Reaper’s feet that pulses blind and cripple every 2 seconds for a total of 4 pulses. It also deals quite high overall damage. And the field expands with each pulse. Due to the delay between pulses the blind is not particularly useful on very large groups of enemies. However it is still very helpful as a defensive skill. The dark field can also be used to create leeching bolts that provide bonus damage and healing. This skill is always a damage increase. So cast whenever possible if you do not need the utility of the blinds. As with other fields, care should be take to avoid overwriting more important combo fields. This skill tosses a spectral scythe at foes in front of you and pulling them back to you. It deals moderate damage, applies chill and generates some life force per foe hit. This is a very useful skill for pulling groups of enemies together so they can be bursted down quickly. It is also useful to maintain chill and gain damage through Deathly Chill. It is however unreliable to pull mobs at times and quite hard to aim unless you have a target selected. The pull and chill also makes it a decent skill for damaging breakbars. Reaper’s Shroud works very much the same as the core Necromancer’s Death Shroud. However it has a different set of skills and is more melee and AoE focused. Compared to Death Shroud’s more ranged and single target focus. The auto-attack for Reaper’s Shroud provides a moderately high damage chain which generates a small amount of life force on the final strike. Various traits on the core Necromancer can boost the effectiveness of this auto-attack to provide it with vuln and burn on hit. It can also be traited with Reaper’s Onslaught to gain increased attack speed. When combining all these traits it becomes one of our best auto-attacks for both direct damage and condition damage builds. Unfortunately it relies too heavily on good life force management. So in general the alternatives provide much better results in real situations. This skill makes the Reaper charge forward while dealing damage and blocking projectiles. At the end of the charge it blinds in an area. It is also a leap finisher. The damage is spread out through 10 hits which should all hit if used in melee range of a target. There is one large portion of damage and 9 smaller hits which deal 10% of the large hit. Due to its relatively short cast time this skill is actually a small DPS increase. It can and should be used whenever possible on both direct and condition damage builds as it deals good direct damage and can also proc a lot of lifesteal and bleeds. The blind can also provide an extra source of chill if you have Chilling Darkness equipped. This skill can be activated to provide pulsing stability while in Shroud for 8 seconds. However if you leave Shroud it will deactivate automatically. While you have the pulsing dark armour active you also gain access to a secondary skill. This allows you to shatter your dark armour to provide a low range AoE fear. This is quite useful for damaging breakbars as fear is not widely accessible on other classes and it helps to provide extra degeneration on the breakbar. This ability provides a damaging dealing AoE attack which hits 12 times and inflicts poison on every hit. This is quite a good skill on condition builds. And is also a very small DPS increase on moderate to high armour enemies when using direct damage builds while the enemy is above 50% health. It is also a whirl finisher which can be used inside various field to provide a number of useful combo bolts. If used inside a dark field provided by your Nightfall or your wells it can add quite a bit of damage through leeching bolts. Casting it in a poison or fire field also adds quite a bit of extra damage. This skill provides a slow cast time high damage attack which stuns a single target and provides an AoE ice field that pulses low duration chill. Its damage scales depending on the health of the target. Due to its cast time it is generally never worth casting just for the damage on direct damage builds. Its damage is only good when used on foes below 25% health. But Gravedigger deals more damage in that situation. Its slow cast also makes it quite poor for breakbars. You are better off using Terrify and Golem Charge along with other soft CC skills. It’s only real use is helping to provide extra chill on a target to keep them locked down. But usage of this skill should be avoided as much as possible in favour of the many better alternatives. The ice field can be used to provide frost armour or chilling bolts. But neither of these are particularly useful. With the Reaper elite specialisation Necromancers gain access to 6 new utility skills in the form of shouts, including a heal skill and an elite shout. These shouts have a common theme. They are more effective against multiple foes as their effects scale based on the number of enemies they hit. They are also more aggressive and as such they deal damage when cast. This is the heal shout. It provides a very low recharge and relatively short cast time heal that generates 4% life force and deals damage. You gain an extra 4% life force for each extra enemy hit. The base heal is quite low but due to the low recharge and cast time it’s not a bad heal. I would still regard Blood Fiend as superior. But “Your soul is mine!” can be used out of combat to grant some life force while waiting around for allies to get ready. This shout skill converts boons on enemies into vulnerability and makes the Reaper’s attacks unblockable for a short duration. The boon corruption and vulnerability is rather useless as those effects can be gained elsewhere. The unblockable effect is potentially useful in niche situations. But it lasts for such a short duration and is only available to the caster. This combined with its half second cast time makes it quite a lackluster skill. This shout is the best new utility skill Necromancer was provided with. This shout is instant cast and provides damage. In addition to this it summon a shambling horror plus additional horrors for each nearby enemy struck. These shambling horrors absorb damage for their master as long as they are attacking. This makes the skill incredibly useful for an extra form of defence. Due to this skill potentially summoning a lot of minions it also has a great synergy with traits like Death Nova, Necromantic Corruption and Flesh of the Master. It is by no means a necessary skill. But it has a wide range of uses and provides a great source of defence while also maintaining passive damage through the minions themselves. This is another instant cast shout skill. It deals damage and provides a relatively long duration chill to each foe struck. It also transfers conditions for each foe struck. It transfer 1 per foe which makes it a rather poor alternative to transfer conditions. You are better off using Deathly Swarm if you need to transfer. But the very low recharge, long chill and instant cast time makes this skill quite good for an extra form of chill and damage. If you lack chill and need an extra source then this is a pretty good choice to fill in that gap. This shout is also instant cast. Ir provides damage and grants might to yourself and inflicting weakness on foes struck. You gain additional might per foe struck. It is also a stun break on a 30 second recharge. If traited with Augury of Death it provides a very low cooldown stun break. But otherwise it doesn’t have much use in PvE. The might is often provided for in a group and for solo situations it’s not long enough duration to justify using. This is the elite shout for the Reaper. This shout has a very high cast time but provides a long duration chill and 2 second stun to all foes struck in a 600 unit radius. It also grants 2 stacks of stability per foe struck and deals reasonably high damage. This skill is quite useful for the long duration stun and chill. But due to the very long cast time and the short stun duration in comparison to this. I would never recommend taking this elite over Lich Form or Flesh Golem unless you absolutely need the AoE stun and chill. Flesh Golem provides a better breakbar destroyer on a single target and their are better alternatives to getting chill. Equipping this specialisation grants the Necromancer access to shouts, Reaper’s Shroud and the ability to use a greatsword. This specialisation is highly useful at boosting the effectiveness of many types of Necromancer builds particularly in PvE. This trait makes shouts recharge 10% faster and steal life on hit. Shouts also recharge 5% faster for each foe struck. This is quite a useful trait for getting “Rise!” on a much lower cooldown in fights with lots of additional mobs. It also helps with chill uptime when using “Suffer!”. This is the standard trait to use on both direct damage and condition Reaper builds. It causes critical hits on chilled foes to cause a small explosion that deals damage and applies chill to that foe and adjacent foes. This is really useful for sustaining chill on a target. It also adds small free damage and is even more potent when using Deathly Chill. It only has a 10 second cooldown so when used with some condition duration, this plus a few other minor sources of chill can make permanent chill uptime very easy to maintain This is single handedly the best trait available to Reaper. This trait causes you to have increased critical chance against foes with vulnerability. With 25 stacks of vulnerability it is a bonus of 50% critical chance on that foe. Since vulnerability is very easy to cap at 25 in groups this trait becomes very strong and makes Reaper the only class that can completely disregard fury and bonus precision. This is what makes Valkyrie armour a genuinely strong possibility for the Reaper. This grandmaster trait is a strong pick for a sustain option. It grants you lifeforce when you apply a boon to yourself while outside shroud. But while inside shroud it grants health to you instead. This means you can recover life force quickly outside shroud and then enter shroud to heal your base health pool. Unfortunately it only works on self applied boons which means it needs to be coupled with traits like Siphoned Power and Reaper’s Might from the Spite line. This is a free damage trait. It makes all chill you apply deal condition damage. This quite a nice boost to condition Reaper builds. But it is also the best option for direct damage builds since they also apply chill passively. In a situation where there are multiple Reaper’s in a group you may want to consider avoiding this trait and avoiding apply extra chills to allow the Reaper with higher condition damage to maintain higher Deathly Chill damage. This trait increases the attack speed of Reaper’s Shroud auto-attack by 15%. It also makes killing foes reduce the recharge of other shroud skills by 5 seconds per kill. This is a decent trait for Reaper’s Shroud focused builds. But the best condition and direct damage builds do not camp Reaper’s Shroud auto-attack, so this trait is useless for those builds. Because it increases attack speed it makes the auto-attack potentially very strong. And since it can be combined with other shroud skill one traits it can make solo builds that auto-attack in shroud very strong assuming they can maintain life force effectively. The greatsword build is the absolute best direct damage build available to Necromancers. It is what you want to run in most organised groups when you don’t need a condition build. It has very high burst and some of the best damage in the game when used against foes below 50% health. it is however quite reliant on your group for buffing. It can also be adapted to take on the tanking role in raids due to it having very good passive sustain and base durability. To do this all you need to do is make sure you have more toughness than the rest of the group. In organised groups this can simply be the use of a single +4 toughness infusion on an amulet. Using this build for tanking or just for pure damage is a strong choice for raids. The build focuses on maximising damage outside of shroud. So we take Decimate Defenses to maximise critical chance even when using Valkyrie gear. Chilling Nova and Deathly Chill add free passive damage to the build. Blood Magic adds more overall damage than Soul Reaping simply because it puts your damaging wells on a lower cooldown and adds enough life steal to you and your group to make up for the loss of Strength of Undeath. In organised groups vuln is capped so Rending Shroud is pointless. Which means Chill of Death is the better option as it adds more free damage. The build has a rather simple but long rotation. Your big cooldown skills such as Wells and Nightfall should be cast whenever possible. The rest of the rotation consists of priority skills. Which are as follows in priority order; Well of Suffering, Nightfall, Gravedigger, Death’s Charge, Well of Corruption, Reaper’s Touch and Soul Spiral. Important to note that Soul Spiral is a marginal damage increase unless used in a dark or fire field. So if there is no field then it can be left out of the rotation. On targets above 50% health you should start with Gravedigger followed by Nightfall then drop both Wells. Enter shroud and cast Soul Spiral then Death’s Charge. Exit shroud and cast auto-attack until Gravedigger is available. Cast Gravedigger then immediately swap to dagger focus. Then cast Reaper’s Touch and auto-attack until you can enter shroud. Then cast Death’s Charge again and continue to auto-attack on dagger. Once you can swap weapons do so and cast Gravedigger immediately. Auto-attack on greatsword until you can cast Death’s Charge then go back to greatsword and auto-attack until a second Gravedigger. Then go back to dagger and use Reaper’s Touch etc. Continue to repeat until the enemy is below 50% health. On targets below 50% health the rotation becomes very simple and some of the skills should no longer be cast unless needed for utility reasons. The rotation involves just spamming Gravedigger and only interrupting to cast both Wells and Nightfall. This build is designed to maximise condition damage on the Reaper. It is designed around the idea of having strong ranged condition pressure without much danger of damage down time. It also utilises Deathly Chill to gain bonus damage passively assuming the rest of the group isn’t over stacking chill. Which would prevent you from applying your own damaging chills. Curses is taken to boost condition damage and duration while using a scepter. Master of Corruption is taken to make Blood is Power and Corrosive Poison Cloud more potent for condition damage. Chilling Darkness is used to make Deathly Swarm and Death’s Charge provide damaging chills. Blood Magic provides the group with Vampiric Presence and gives you plenty of selfish sustain. It also allows you to take Quickening Thirst which will lower the cooldown of dagger offhand skills. Lich Form is taken to cast Mark of Horror which will contribute a decent amount of extra bleeds passively due to jagged horrors being almost immortal in PvE. “Suffer!” is also taken to help maintain permanent chill. It can also be used to clear a single negative condition such as weakness from casting Corrosive Poison Cloud. Raid Condition Build This build is designed to maximise condition damage in a raid environment. It is built around the idea of fights lasting over several minutes so conditions can reach their maximum potential and continue to maintain that level for the majority of the fight. Also due to the design of the build it can even take the role of tank due to passive toughness from Flesh of the Master. The idea behind the build is to maximise condition damage through the use of scepter and minions. Lich Form is take to summon jagged horrors which provide extra sources of bleeding. They are also partially immune to all damage so they stay alive for a long time especially with a bit of healing from the raid group. If they do die then they will proc Death Nova for some additional poison damage. Curses is taken to boost condition damage and duration while using a scepter. Master of Corruption is taken to make Blood is Power and Corrosive Poison Cloud more potent for condition damage. Necromantic Corruption from Death Magic allows the self conditions from these abilities to be transferred via jagged horrors even if Deathly Swarm is not available. And regarding Blood Magic, Quickening Thirst is used to get lower cooldowns on dagger offhand. Vampiric Presence is just a nice damage and sustain increase for the group. Vampiric adds a lot of damage and sustain when you have over 10 minions alive. To use the build you simply enter Lich Form and cast Mark of Horror immediately. Then leave Lich Form and use Blood is Power then Deathly Swarm. Then cast Grasping Dead followed by Corrosive Poison Cloud, Feast of Corruption, Tainted Shackles and finally Enfeebling Blood. Then continue to cast your condition damage skills on cooldown with the same priority order and scepter auto-attack in between. Always make sure you cast Deathly Swarm after Blood is Power and make sure you do not waste the transfer on negative conditions from Corrosive Poison cloud. You can also add Dark Path to the rotation if it is safe to do so. But positioning is important in raids so consider the timing of this skill carefully. The dagger build is your standard maximum damage build for organised groups if you do not have access to Reaper. It is however quite reliant on your group’s ability to buff and support the Necromancer. Particularly concerning critical chance. The idea behind this build is to do as much damage as possible in a short time frame. Basically it is used for burst. Which in an organised group should be sufficient for the majority of boss fights currently in game. The build focuses on maximising personal damage while using Lich Form for burst. And also providing the group with a small but beneficial DPS increase. This comes in the form of Vampiric Presence in Blood Magic. Which also helps the group sustain effectively. Making it much easier for the entire group to maintain their Scholar runes bonuses throughout a fight. This build uses a standard dagger rotation for extended fights. However for optimal use in organised groups you will want to burst effectively. The standard method is to start the fight with Locust Swarm then swap to focus and cast Reaper’s Touch. Enter Death Shroud and cast Tainted Shackles then drop Well of Suffering followed by Well of Corruption and immediately enter Lich Form. Once in Lich Form you should spam Deathly Claws for as long as possible. If the fight lasts any longer then proceed to use dagger, wells and tainted shackles to finish. For further optimisation you can pre-cast certain skills before getting into combat. In particular staff marks. If a boss starts off as allied before turning hostile then you can place your damaging marks underneath and then swap back to your regular weapons before being put into combat. Also if you know a fight is only going to last for a short duration you can pre-cast Locust swarm out of combat and swap to an offhand dagger before getting into combat. This provides you with Deathly Swarm as an extra damaging skill. If Reaper’s Touch fails to bounce then Deathly Swarm actually provides a greater damage increase than focus. Death Shroud Build The DS build is a build focused on the necromancers self reliance. It provides the Necromancer with high personal damage along with sufficient selfish self buffing to achieve maximum damage outside of an organised group. As the name suggests it revolves around camping Death Shroud. This build is ideal for casual pugging due to its ease of play and easily obtained maximum potential. The three specialisations used in this build are Spite, Death Magic and Soul Reaping. For general use we want to start the fight with dagger plus warhorn, summon all minions and engage with Locust Swarm. This provides further life force generation after we enter Shroud because it continues to tick while in Shroud. After casting Locust Swarm we immediately swap to staff, drop both damaging wells and enter Shroud. In Shroud we cast Tainted Shackles and then spam Life Blast until we reach 50% life force. At this point we leave Shroud and swap to dagger to restore life force to repeat the rotation. Staff is used because it has a higher base weapon damage compared to one handed weapons. This makes Shroud skills do slightly more damage while wielding the staff. In Spite the traits are fairly obvious. The minors all help with self buffing. Spiteful Talisman gives a small damage boost. Rending Shroud will provide plenty of vulnerability while camping Shroud. And Close to Death provides a huge damage boost. Death Magic is chosen because it provides Deadly Strength which boosts your power based on your toughness. The line also provides us with plenty of ways to gain additional toughness which has synergy with this trait. We use Flesh of the Master and take several minions to boost our toughness. The minions also act as meat shields and make it easier to survive and stay in Shroud for longer. We also take Corrupter’s Fervor because simply staying in Shroud with this trait and Rending Shroud will provide us with a permanent 10 stacks. Which gives us 300 toughness to further boost our power. We can use Superior Sharpening Stones to further capitalise on this bonus toughness and convert it into power. However in situations where slaying potions are available they should be used instead. Soul Reaping provides us with Unyielding Blast which further increases our vulnerability stacking capabilities. We also take Vital Persistence to extend the time we can camp Shroud. And then we take Death Perception to maximise our critical chance inside Shroud. We always want to leave Shroud and restore life force at 50% because of the Strength of Undeath minor. In some situations you may want to use Lich Form instead of a Flesh Golem due to Lich providing very high burst potential. In such cases you should swap Vital Persistence for Spectral Mastery to gain extended Lich Form duration. Solo Condition Build This build is focused around condition damage. Necromancers aren’t very good at condition damage compared to many other classes. And this is due to their poor access to high damaging conditions such as burn, confusion and poison. Condition Necromancers main source of condition damage is from bleeding. This particular build is designed for disorganised groups or solo content for this reason. In an organised group you are much better off going for a direct damage build when using the core Necromancer for most content. The build is designed to be self reliant with condition damage. So spite is picked to take Signets of Suffering. Which provides the Necromancer with the ability to might stack very effectively. This is why most of the utility skills are also signets. In situations against multiple enemies Epidemic might be worth taking instead of Plague Signet. Spite also gives us access to Rending Shroud which provides us with Vulnerability. Flashing Death Shroud will proc this on nearby foes. But as a condition Necromancer you will also want to use Shroud to cast Tainted Shackles and Dark Path on foes. So Rending Shroud should get plenty of use and provide plenty of vulnerability. We can also take Spiteful Talisman for a small damage boost. But the alternative of Bitter Chill is also a very good choice because Dark Path will then apply vulnerability and further boost our condition damage. To use this build you want to use a Scepter and dagger on both weapon sets. These can be split onto each set so you only need one of each weapon. But you may want extras for different sigil choices. The rotation involves using Grasping Dead, Feast of Corruption and Enfeebling Blood whenever they are available. The same should be done with Tainted Shackles and Dark Path to maximise bleed and torment stacks. If you are using an on swap sigil such as Sigil of Battle then you should swap between sets as much as possible. If you are not then you can simply use an alternative weapon of your choice in the second weapon set. For utility use you should cast signets, including the heal, whenever possible. Cast Blood is Power frequently but always make sure you have a transfer available after use. This can be either Plague Signet or Deathly Swarm. Gear & Consumables To gear the Necromancer in PvE you want to use a full set of offensive glass gear. This is because PvE is about knowing the encounters and using active defence and team support to avoid and mitigate damage. This means vitality, toughness and healing power are largely redundant stats for PvE. The main gear sets used in PvE are Berserker, Sinister and Vipers. And Valkyrie for fully optimised Reaper’s in organised groups that provide permanent fury, capped vulnerability and bonus precision from Banner of Discipline or Spotter. Berserker is a direct damage set which has a main stat of power. This is the standard PvE gear most should use. Which makes it very good for classes and builds which lack a bit of critical chance. Valkyrie provides all the power and ferocity that Berserker does but trades precision for vitality. Precision is not needed on Reaper’s that take Decimate Defences or DS Necromancers that take Death Perception. For this reason Valkyrie gear is better in organised groups because you can then use Furious Maintenance Oil to boost your ferocity further and you should still be at 100% critical chance. This results in slightly higher DPS than Berserker with Toxic Sharpening Stones. If Slaying Potions are a possibility then they are still the best choice. Sinister is a condition main stat set which also has some decent direct damage and Vipers is a new stat combo which has more power but less precision and condition damage than Sinister. However the extra condition duration and the higher power makes it a far superior choice to Sinister on condition builds up until the point where you have 100% bonus condition duration. After that point you should use Sinister. For rune choice we primarily want Scholar runes for direct damage builds. They are flat out the best PvE runes in the game. But they do require you to maintain above 90% health to achieve that maximum damage. Even if you cannot maintain this bonus throughout the whole fight they are still a very strong choice for pure direct damage builds. Alternatively for the DS build you can also use Strength runes if you expect to lack might from your group. For solo and suboptimal groups when using condition builds Aristocracy runes are just perfect for the Necromancer. They help with might and also boost condition damage. For condition builds in decent groups you should use 5 Nightmare runes and 1 rune of Antitoxin. As far as sigil choice goes you will want to prioritise flat damage boost sigils for direct damage builds. So for specific dungeons that would be slaying sigils along with night or force sigils. In night time dungeons you would use night and slaying or night and force. In daytime dungeons and fractals you may find yourself using Force and Air or Force and Frailty which gives bonus vulnerability. Generally speaking it’s safe to use Force and Air for your standard sigils for all content if you do not have extra weapons to spare. And a standard sigil every Necromancer will probably use at some point is the energy sigil. Due to the Necromancers lack of active defence this sigil is practically required in a lot of solo situations or more challenging encounters. Sigil of Strength is also a possible alternative in some situations to help with personal might generation. For condition builds your main choices are Sigil of Malice and Sigil of Earth. However Sigil of Bursting could also be a decent choice if you already have enough condition duration. - Slice of Candied Dragon Roll – Provides precision and life steal on critical hit. Useful cheap food for builds that lack critical chance. - Plate of Steak and Asparagus – Provides power and precision. Good all-round cheap food for any direct damage build. - Experimental Remnants – Provides bonus damage while moving and swiftness on kill. This is the best cheap damaging food you can get for the Necromancer. But it is obtained through events in the Cursed Shore. - Koi Cake – Provides condition duration and condition damage. This is what you want to use for condition builds. - Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Beans – Provides condition duration and power. This is good for direct damage builds that want to help their party by stacking vulnerability more effectively. - Fried Golden Dumplings – Provides boon duration and might on critical hit. This is very effective at self buffing with might. A good choice for soloing due to the might generation. - Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup – Provides power and ferocity. This is a very good food choice for direct damage builds when moving around a lot is not an option. - Curry Butternut Squash Soup – Provides precision and ferocity. This is a very good food choice for builds that really lack critical chance. - Bowl of Seaweed Salad – Provides bonus damage while moving and swiftness on kill. This is the absolute best food you can use on a direct damage Necromancer build. - Slaying Potions – These provide bonus damage to certain enemy types. They will also reduce incoming damage from those types of enemies. Slaying potions are not available for every type of enemy. But where possible these should always be used as they are the best utility nourishment you can get. They are also very cheap. For more information about what Slaying Potions are relevant for each dungeon and encounter see - Toxic Sharpening Stone – Provides bonus power and bonus condition duration. This is the best utility nourishment choice for direct damage builds when no Slaying Potions are available and you are not using Valkyrie gear. This would be a pretty standard choice for Raids and Fractals for most people. - Furious Maintenance Oil – Provides bonus vitality and converts 10% vitality into ferocity. This is the best utility nourishment choice for direct damage builds when no Slaying Potions are available and if you are using a full set of Valkyrie gear. If you are not using Valkyrie gear then do not use this nourishment. - Superior Sharpening Stone – Provides bonus power based on your toughness and vitality. This is a good relatively cheap utility nourishment choice for direct damage builds when there is no relevant slaying potion to choose from. - Master Maintenance Oil – Provides bonus precision based on your toughness and vitality. This is another good utility nourishment choice for direct damage builds when there is no relevant slaying potion to choose from. It is more suitable for builds that lack critical chance. - Toxic Focusing Crystal – Provides condition damage and condition duration. This nourishment is ideal for condition builds. But in some cases slaying potions may still be better even on condition builds, assuming the use of Sinister gear. - Scale Venom – Provides a small chance to inflict weakness and vulnerability when you strike a foe. This is a good cheap nourishment choice for when you don’t have relevant slaying potions and you don’t want to use a more expensive alternative. A common choice for casual Fractal runs. These consumables are not required. But they are helpful extras that might be worth taking along with you. They are all obtained from vendors found throughout the open world. For a full list of these consumables and where to obtain them see this guide. The following consumables are probably the most common and useful ones you might see players use. - Harpy Feathers – Provides 3 second stealth on a 6 second recharge. This can be chained with other stealth consumables to allow for safe skipping past dangerous groups of mobs. Also blinds nearby foes which can place you in combat so be careful when using this for skipping. - Order of Whispers Spy Kit – Provides 3 second stealth on a 60 second recharge. Very similar to Harpy Feathers except for the longer recharge. You can chain this with Harpy Feathers to obtain 9 seconds of stealth (Feathers > Spy Kit > Feathers). - Ash Legion Spy Kit – Provides camouflage for 10 seconds on a 60 second recharge. Camouflage is a stealth, however moving will reveal you. This is useful for dropping aggro or standing on pressure plates in complete safety. - Pot of Hylek Poison – Creates a bundle with 2 abilities which can be dropped and picked up again. The first ability gives you 10 seconds of swiftness on a 15 second recharge. The second ability destroys the bundle and places a poisonous cloud in the area. The first ability is very useful for classes with low access to swiftness. - Fire Elemental Powder – Summons an Ember to fight for you for 5 minutes or until it dies. Once used it places a debuff on you which prevents you from using it again on that character for 30 minutes. The Ember provides a DPS boost and regular fire fields through its lava font attack. It can also be used as a temporary decoy much like any other pet. - Ogre Pet Whistle – Summons on Ogre Pet to fight for you for 5 minutes or until it dies. Once used it places a debuff on you which prevents you from using it again on that character for 30 minutes. Much like the Ember it provides a small DPS increase and can be used as a decoy to take aggro. You can also use this item while knocked down and it will act as a stun break. About the Author Spoj is a member of Retaliate, a high end PvE guild for Guild Wars 2. Retaliate is a long time guild that has been involved in the speed clear scene from the very beginning. It is home to some of the best PvE players in the game. Considered one of the top speed clear guilds in Guild Wars 2 and host to a number of highly skilled solo players. Spoj is one of the core long time members of Retaliate and has much experience on all classes in an organised PvE environment. But he also has a particular interest and passion for the Necromancer. He has been involved in a few records set by the guild in the past. And is currently involved in managing and approving records set submitted by the community on His main is the Necromancer and as such he is regarded as one of the go to people to answer any questions about the Necromancer in PvE. Want to offer advice for the guide? Write to Spoj in game. Constructive criticism and fresh ideas are always welcome! Much of the knowledge in this guide has been developed from healthy discussion with many different types of people across the community. Special shout out to Sublimatio for his help with testing and build ideas.
PVS (Provisioning Services) or MCS (Machine Creation Services, aka linked clones)? This is a long-standing debate that I’m hoping to have the time to address after Citrix Synergy. But I did appreciate this breakdown since I continue getting this question all the time: Should I choose PVS or MCS for my deployment? Well, in our debate-obsessed culture (US Elections, Batman vs Superman, Captain America vs Iron Man… the list is endless), this one is heating up. In some ways- it’s like having to chose the less of multiple evils… But in all honesty- how do you make the decision? Well- of course it depends- but one thing you may want to consider first from Dan Feller’s recent blog- which bottleneck will you be experiencing? In a nutshell- if your storage is awesome (super fast with good deduplication capability) but your network may not be… MCS is an easy win. If you plan to deploy to the cloud- MCS is an easy win. If you need it deployed quick for a POC- MCS is an easy win. Considering the real network consumption to boot a VM is less than 300 MB, and that PVS makes diskless or near-diskless configurations possible… PVS is still my reference standard, even for smaller environments. Here’s why: - PVS has a proven track record and an ability to deploy a single image to multiple hypervisor pools. MCS struggles with requiring copies of the master VM to each storage. While this has gotten better, PVS is still epic in this regard. - Networks have evolved and is barely ever a bottleneck that makes PVS struggle. Even a single 1Gbit connection can boot and maintain several hundred target VMs. Given that most VMs are operating at more than 10Gbit in the enterprise today and the load can be spread to multiple PVS servers… this factor barely exists any longer. - PVS has always reduced IOPS requirements overall, but in the past 4 years has seriously jumped forward because of two things: - Your .vhdx file is read and cached into RAM, so subsequent reads for target device requests come from RAM. This means you can scale nearly endlessly with virtually no IOPS impact from reading the base vDisk. - Write Cache in RAM with Failover to Hard Disk, while the longest description ever is perhaps one of the single most epic bits of Citrix technology to be deployed in the past 10 years. Reducing the amount of storage IOPS for Write, which used to be almost 90% of the overall IOPS required for PVS targets is now lessened because the writes are cached in RAM and in some cases don’t even hit the disk at all! - PVS makes a pod-based architecture viable, lowering downtimes significantly. With the right design, you can have an entire rack of servers go offline and your users won’t even know. You can design in ways that allows you to mix storage and hypervisor pools that MCS has trouble maintaining. So when I say it scales “better” I am rarely talking about quantity but operational quality. Of course, it all depends on good design but if you want to hear more about that, I’d love to discuss it! - PVS prevents the SAN battle. Nearly every time I go into a deployment of XenDesktop the team managing the SAN storm into the conference room with a unified front ready to say ‘no.’ But I tell them we may not need them at all (local storage really is possible for PVS targets) or that our IOPS will be less than 1 per user… their shoulders drop down, they smile and tell me to have a nice day. And, I do. Because they said “yes”- because I’ve made their life easier. - PVS can track versioning and rollback images with much more speed and efficiency than every other technology out there I have ever seen. Now, does PVS represent a learning curve- absolutely, which is I think the other thing that needs to be further discussed. I continue to see bad practices out there… but first I want to hear from you: What experiences have you had between MCS and PVS, and what are your thoughts? What kind of questions do you have? Comment below! But if you want my advice in most cases, subject to a whole bucket of ‘it depends’ here it is: - POC with MCS - Small deployments and cloud-based deployments with MCS - Go to Production with PVS - Put on your gloves and get ready for a fight Good luck! Share this with your colleagues – I’d love to hear more from people before I start the Citrix Imaging topic in a few weeks!
The Pride Mobility Products Corporation evolved from a preexisting family business in 1986 by focusing on the manufacturing of the lift chair. It was not until six years later the company extended its operations to include the scooters. The Pride scooters offered an industry first with the models that was not just functional but offered sleek styling and options and accessories that was intended to meet the customers personal tastes and preferences. Continuing the be one of the industries leaders, the Jazzy was introduced. This patented power chair offered the most maneuverable, but yet stylish power chairs with the most natural feeling chair ever designed. The next step taken by Pride Mobility Products Corporation was the introduction of Quantum Rehab. This division is dedicated to the clients that have the specialized and advanced rehab needs such as the bariatric mobility scooter. By combining the most advanced electronics with the Jazzy power bases and the most advanced rehab seating the next few years see the development of the Synergy Seating solutions, with the Synergy cushion line. The introduction of the the ultra-compact and light weight mobility products has been launched into a full line of the G0-Go Travel Scooter. The compact designs and innovative features make for easy transport. Continuing with the acquisition of the Silver Star Mobility, the division is solely dedicated to the vehicle lift systems that require little or no alteration of the vehicle. Pride Mobility Products has continued into it’s second decade with a commitment to the people it serves with a strong focus for the future of mobility products. The Rally Scooter is available in the three or four wheel design. This is one of the most economical scooters of the Pride Mobility Line. With mag wheels, a front basket, adjustable tiller, and a recessed headlight, this scooter has a lot of style. The foldable, light weight 17” molded plastic seat with adjustable arms has the 8 position locking seat rotation and a 3 position height -adjustable seat position. You can even have your choice of either the candy apple red or the viper blue. With batteries and a one year IN-HOME parts and labor enhanced service the Pride Rally Scooter will help you to stay mobile. Although the Pride Rally Scooters are visually striking they are more then just stylish. The sporty designs allows this scooter to become an extension of your unique personality and style. Engineered with Pride’s high standards and commitment of quality you are assured of the construction and durability of each scooter to be a dependable part of your life for a long time to come. The Owners Club is a cost-free on-line web talk message boards that allows you to interact with other Pride Scooter owners. The innovative design provides simple and fast disassembly for the convenient storage or easy transportation of the scooter. With the wide selection of accessories and the many options available from Pride Scooter’s there is one that is perfect for your special needs.
We have just returned from Sweden where we had a great time at Zenta’s Kickoff 2017. We have listened, talked and discussed digitization and the technologies of the future. From Tesla’s self-driving cars to RISE utilizing different technologies to optimize industries, businesses, academies and the public sector, the future of innovation is incredible. AI and machine learning have been buzzing topics for the past several years, and there is much more to come. We are nowhere near the point where they will take over the world, but we are all striving to find the perfect balance and best synergy between humans and automation to optimize outcomes. If you want to learn more about the value of personalization you please contact us.
Finally, a truly consumer available SSD for mixed workloads with the Samsung PM863a The SATA 2.5-inch PM863a Solid State Drive (SSD) delivers robust performance and lower latency, along with a high level of QoS (Quality of Service) and enhanced reliability under mixed workloads.The PM863a is ideal for CDNs (content delivery networks), streaming or web server applications and cloud services. PM863a with V-NAND technology for improved performance and stability Samsung V-NAND technology enables the PM863a to provide a wide capacity up to 3.84 TB on the same footprint, as well as deliver better performance, endurance and power efficiency to provide all the essentials for 24/7 data center environments. Robust performance in Read and Write in IOPs in the PM863a SSD The PM863a shows outstanding random read/write speeds up to 97K/24K IOPS.It also delivers a strong IOPS consistency above 99% in random read, as well as superior performance in random write. IOPS consistency measured using FIO with queue depth 32. IOPS Consistency (%) = (99.9% IOPS) / (Average IOPS) x 100 Lower TCO without sacrificing performance and stability The PM863a boasts a better performance-to-power ratio than standard HDD. This high performance and better power efficiency reduce operating costs of data centers. The SATA 2.5-inch PM863a can replace HDD by using the existing infrastructure and is available in wide capacity options up to 3,840 GB, which can save server space. Total cost of ownership (TCO) can vary depending upon applications and conditions of the contract. Increase data security in your data center with the Saumsung PM863a The PM863a protects data with AES 256-bit hardware-based encryption.This encryption engine secures data without the performance degradation often experienced with software-based encryption. Enhanced reliability and operational lifespan in the PM863a SSD series The PM863a demonstrates a low probability of data corruption.End-to-end protection keeps data consistent along the entire data transfer path and Power Loss Protection safeguards data in the write cache in the event of power failure.The Dynamic Thermal Guard algorithm monitors the temperature of the SSD in order to prevent thermal shutdown. Technology leader in innovation and long pedigree of ability Samsung is a leading solution provider that designs and integrates critical components of the Solid State Drive in house.Because Samsung has intimate knowledge of every component and is a leader in V-NAND technology innovation, it can fine-tune each element and create perfect synergy. Where to buy the Samsung Enterprise PM863a SSD Worldwide? We are pleased to confirm that SPAN.COM have these units available, with worldwide cost effective shipping options as well as warranty support. You can pick up your PM863A SSD blow in capacities from 240GB to 3.84TB. If you need any further advice or are unsure which SSD best suits your needs, contact SPAN.COM now for FREE advice.
My preferred, and favorite, photo-sharing site is SmugMug. The family-owned operation is long profitable by defying the Internet’s predominant axiom: Free. SmugMug relies on a solely subscription model, where customers pay, and, as such, doesn’t collect user information for profit nor are there annoying advertisements. But for the longest time, I haven’t used SmugMug—for what may seem like the strangest of reasons: My art isn’t good enough. The service has matured into a collective of professional photographers, and I don’t feel comfortable keeping my images among theirs (although many of mine remain from the past). I grudgingly use Flickr instead. Instagram isn’t an option, for the same reasons I rebuke parent company, and data-collection whore, Facebook. Some history: After pledging to abandon Flickr, in June 2016—and letting my site there lay follow for many, many months—I renewed Pro membership in September 2017 because of: the continued grandfathered benefits/price; possible revitalization under new owner Verizon; and something else. SmugMug sent email about tools for easily importing pics from a number of photo-sharing services, including Flickr. That inspired me to use the community-oriented photo-sharer once more, starting with my “Cats of University Heights” series. Reasoning and aspiration: Someday, after my art improved, I would return to SmugMug. What a strange turn of events: SmugMug has come to me, and perhaps you. Three days ago, April 20, 2018, the smaller service announced that it had acquired Flickr from Verizon for an undisclosed sum. While I think that’s long-term good for Flickr, I worry that family-run SmugMug may have taken on too much, from the initial buyout price to ongoing maintenance costs. Split-focus, and resources, also presents challenges and risks SmugMug’s ability to continue doing well what appeals so much to paying photographic professionals. Personal trepidation aside, however, Flickr surely can’t be worse off; if not for community, the service would have perished long ago. Meanwhile, SmugMug greatly expands its number of users—granted many of them freeloaders—obtains the framework for social photo-sharing, and increases brand visibility. There is synergy aplenty, on both sides, but, to reiterate, also much attached risk. SmugMug’s core competency isn’t photography but paid photography and providing professionals tools by which they can showcase their portfolios and sell art from them. As someone with depositories at both services, the acquisition is a best-of-both opportunity. Already, as the FAQ explains, propagation is planned: “Over time, we’ll be migrating Flickr onto SmugMug’s technology infrastructure, and your Flickr photos will move as a part of this migration—but the photos themselves will remain on Flickr”. Hehe, that works for me, while I improve my skills. I started the cat series mainly for photography practice, and the project has helped to better hone my sense of composition. Recently, I started shooting with Leica M10—and I partially blame Steve Huff for the decision. While conceptually the camera is seemingly beyond my current capabilities, I find that the rangefinder better suits my shooting style than any other mirrorless or dSLR. I tend to take one photo—two, three, or four, occasionally—to capture the moment, rather than snap bazillions and afterwards sift through throwaways for the keeper. Composition, or recomposing post-production, is my priority. I don’t want to spend much, if any, time editing with software. The image is either good enough, as my eye sees, or can be made that way from the RAW with a few tweaks. I also only use natural light; no flash, no filters. Coupled with the precision of manual focus, the M10 looks to be a satisfying, though pricey, fit. I love it, after a few weeks use. As my middle-age years progress, and my disgust with the state of the Fourth Estate increases, I am transitioning from news writing to photojournalism and storytelling as hobby and, hopefully, source of income. As part of that process, I contemplate ending my long-time practice of posting photos with Creative Commons non-commercial use license. Freely available photos are available in abundance across the Internet, if for no other reason than Facebook and Instagram. I may soon go All Rights Reserved. No decision is made yet. I wish the MacAskill family the very best bringing together the two photo-sharing services. I look forward to our future together, and surely do many other photographers, whether amateur or pro. The best rewards result from risks, and SmugMug takes them on with the acquisition. For an excellent analysis-commentary, I highly recommend Thomas Hawk’s “thoughts on the SmugMug-Flickr acquisition“. Oh and: My Flickr and SmugMug. For some back-history: My Feb. 1, 2006 story about SmugMug.
The Titans of Mavericks surfing competition at Half Moon Bay got the HBO treatment last week on Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel. The segment included incredible visuals of the waves that make the contest a thing of legend. “Mavericks is … scary as hell. It’s like running 100 yards as hard as you can, looking over a four-story building and jumping off,” surfer Jamie Mitchell describes the event that no one should realistically ever want to do. PANDA TO THE BENCH Some fans groaned when the Giants front office allowed fan-favorite Pablo Sandoval to walk in free agency. That was November 2014. On Thursday, the Boston Red Sox confirmed they are backing away from their expensive investment by benching the hitter formerly known as Panda. “I’m happy with the decision,” Sandoval said to reporters, according to WEEI. “They made the decision. It’s the right decision to help the team win. I’m going to be happy.” Happiness is easier to achieve when making $17 million a year. IF YOU SAY SO … The Cleveland Cavaliers prefer their grapes sour when it comes to the outcome of last year’s NBA Finals, in which two of their best players couldn’t play due to injury. One of those players, Kyrie Irving, told Thursday that the Cavs were “still the team to beat.” When asked if he meant just in the Eastern Conference, Irving refused to take the out and said, “I feel like we’re the team to beat. Honestly it’s open season until we get into the playoffs.” — Chris Fedor (@ChrisFedor) April 1, 2016 Meanwhile, the real team to beat pranked Festus Ezeli by making him think he was released in a promotional video for Lyft, a true moment of Bay Area synergy. WANTING TO JET OUT OF TOWN In a sign the Rockets are far from locked in and pushing for a playoff spot, Jason Terry confirmed to Fox 26 Houston on Thursday that he interviewed for the position of head coach at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The opening arose when Stanford hired Jerod Haase away from the Blazers bench. Terry’s current team is a half-game behind the Jazz for a chance to play the Warriors in the first round, so it’s a good enough time to call it a season for an otherwise talented team that surrenders early and often.
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