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| Faroese
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dimma_article_88 | Somuleiðis sigur Martina Navratilova, at avgerðin hjá Steve Simon og WTA er djørv og vísir, at WTA heldur prinsippir hægri í metum enn pengar. | Similarly, Martina Navratilova says that the decision by Steve Simon and the WTA is brave and shows that the WTA values principles more than money. |
dimma_article_78 | Hann vísir á, at Atlantic Airways hevur ment føroyska flogvinnu, og flogfelagið hevur verið í støðugari menning, síðani felagið í 2014 løgdu nýggjar ætlanir fyri felagið. Trygdin hevur sjálvsagt altíð fremstu raðfesting. | He points out that Atlantic Airways has developed Faroese aviation, and the airline has been in constant development since the company in 2014 laid new plans for the company. Safety has of course always been the top priority. |
portal_article_4 copy 4 | Bjarni Prior, borgarstjóri bjóðar vælkomin, Inga Poulsen Dam, og prestur sigur nøkur orð. | Bjarni Prior, the mayor, welcomes Inga Poulsen Dam, and the priest says a few words. |
dimma_article_38 | Tað má ikki henda, at nakar gjóstur kemur at henni heldur. | It must not happen that any drafts come to her either. |
portal_article_24 copy | Lagt verður upp til kø-tilboð og kassa-køir. | There are queue-offers and cash-register queues. |
dimma16 | At børn og tannáringar, yngri enn 14 ár, bert nýta netið, tá ið foreldur eru kring tey | That children and teenagers, younger than 14 years, only use the internet when parents are around them |
dimma_article_107 | Kelda: Landsbanki Føroya | Source: Landsbanki Føroya |
portal_article_41 | Føroysku lyftini til ta kappingina vóru 100/130 kilo og 110/135 kilo (trekk/stoyt). | The Faroese lifts for that competition were 100/130 kilos and 110/135 kilos (pull/push). |
dimma_article_74 | Tíð: 25. november frá klokkan 13 - 16 | Time: November 25 from 1pm - 4pm |
dimma_article_116 | Eitt navn, ið javnan verður sett í samband við venjarastarvið, er fyrrverandi Real Madrid leikarin og venjarin Zinedine Zidane. | One name that is often associated with the coaching job is the former Real Madrid player and coach Zinedine Zidane. |
blogg31 | minnist meg rætt | remembers me correctly |
blogg22 | Bókaummæli | Book Review |
dimma_article_61 | Tað hevur kostað MrBeast 3,5 milliónir dollarar, okkurt um 23 milliónir krónur, at framleiða Squid Game til Youtube, og framleiðslan varð millum annað fíggjað av sponsorinum Brawl Stars, ið er eitt telduspæl til fartelefonir. | It has cost MrBeast 3.5 million dollars, about 23 million crowns, to produce Squid Game for Youtube, and the production was among other things financed by the sponsor Brawl Stars, which is a computer game for mobile phones. |
bavs5 | Eg hugdi at øllum í sjónvarpinum | I thought about everyone on television |
dimma01 | Týskland fær nýggja stjórn í vikuni | Germany gets a new government this week |
bavs7 | Kvøldskúlin í Havn er blivið mítt annað heim | The evening school in Havn has become my second home |
bavs1 | Leygardagurin upprann og tað var ælaveður og grátt | Saturday dawned and it was stormy and gray |
dimma_article_50 | Kærleikskúlan hevur í ár fingið navnið Skerpingur og er ein kúla við svørtum linjum á allari kúluni. | This year's love ball has been named Skerpingur and is a ball with black lines all over the ball. |
portal_article_17 copy | Pengarnir frá grunninum skulu so stuðla ídnaðinum í menningarlondunum. Hann heldur eisini, at IMO eigur at seta í verk sonevndar grønar korridorar, sum varð skotið upp á COP26. Hann ger eisini greitt, at Maersk fer at gera sítt til at samstarva við onnur lond fram til næsta fundin í felagsskapinum í juni 2022. | The money from the fund should then support the industry in developing countries. He also believes that IMO should implement so-called green corridors, which were proposed at COP26. He also makes it clear that Maersk will do its part to cooperate with other countries until the next meeting in the association in June 2022. |
portal_article_19 copy 2 | Endamálið við hesum er í mest møguligan mun at røkka og stuðla menningarlondum í Fjareystri og Osiania. | The aim of this is to reach and support developing countries in the Far East and Oceania to the greatest extent possible. |
portal_article_50 copy | Útsølumarknaðarføring, sum ikki hevur rættar undanprísir, ger tað ikki bara trupult hjá brúkarum at gera kvett. | Sale marketing that does not have correct previous prices not only makes it difficult for consumers to make a killing. |
dimma_article_39 | – Fyrst og fremst hopi eg at nógvir HB-fjepparar koma at stuðla okkum. | - First and foremost, I hope that many HB fans will come to support us. |
dimma_article_100 | Fimleikafelagið Støkk er 55 ár í dag | The gymnastics club Støkk is 55 years old today |
dimma_article_120 | Eg havi spælt átta finalur, og tá man fyrst hevur roynt tað einaferð, so vil man gera nógv, fyri at koma í finaluna aftur. | I have played eight finals, and once you have tried it once, you will do a lot to get to the final again. |
portal_article_52 copy | Poul Mohr var eisini sín seinasta felagstúr tann dagin. | Poul Mohr was also his last club tour that day. |
bavs8 | men hon eldist væl | but it aged well |
blogg20 | Børnini velja javnstøðu | The children choose equality |
dimma_article_74 | 13:00: Elsebeth Mercedis Gunnleygsdóttur, landsstýriskvinna bjóðar vælkomin | 13:00: Elsebeth Mercedis Gunnleygsdóttur, Minister welcomes |
dimma_article_99 | Sambært hagtølum hjá Barnabata, eru tað í miðal áleið 550 børn í Føroyum, ið liva í fátækraváða hvørt ár. | According to statistics from Barnabata, on average about 550 children in the Faroe Islands live in poverty each year. |
blogg35 | Tann eina royndin í tí eini verkstovuni er at blunda og lurta, og síðani skriva frítt og seta orð á pappírið | The only experiment in the one workshop is to close your eyes and listen, and then write freely and put words on the paper. |
mbirk5 | Teir halda ikki av | They don't pull over |
bavs10 | Tað ger ikki tað sama hvussu vit snakka Ymsar støður krevja ymiskt málbrúk | It doesn't matter how we speak. Different situations require different language use. |
blogg36 | har vit hyggja í andlitið á hvør øðrum og fanga smálutirnar í samskiftinum | where we look each other in the face and catch the details in the interaction |
dimma_article_115 | Tí haldi eg, at vit eru favorittar, sigur 33-ára gamli Kevin Schindler fyri undan fyrru hálvfinaluni, sum verður spæld á Tórsvølli í dag klokkan 15. | Therefore, I think we are the favorites, says 33-year-old Kevin Schindler for before the first semi-final, which will be played at Tórsvøllur today at 15. |
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