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did this jigaboo just hold up a confederate flag. like so slow | Hateful |
I mean what do you expect from a jigaboo. He's literally tap dancing for his kkk members | Hateful |
Your son is a jigaboo | Hateful |
Thats in the past you Jollof Jigaboo | Hateful |
And yet this Jigaboo called himself Jamal Does he not know that Jamal is a Islamic name that originated in Middle East and North/East Africa | Hateful |
This damn jigaboo | Hateful |
Boy, Uncle Ruckus ain't got shit in you, jigaboo. | Hateful |
Based on his idiot sons, his defenses will be: I didn't do it. If I did, I did it "perfect". My lawyers and accountants did it. Who are these people, Jr. and Eric? This is a disgrace. Everyone says so. The AG is a BLACK WOMAN, a jigaBOO | Hateful |
a literal jigaboo shucking and jiving | Hateful |
sit down jigaboo. | Hateful |
Come on, you are not that naive. You have to know "peekaboo" is a well established modern version of jigaboo and it makes itself even more obvious when you add her last name James. | Hateful |
Keep dancing jigaboo | Hateful |
Came dressed like Kamala Harris! Get this Jigaboo off my timeline! | Hateful |
They are fucking mongs these Mackems mind... thinking it's about us | Hateful |
I like $MONG She like $MONG He like $MONG | Not Hateful |
Hilarious to listen to these conspiracy theory mongs, Sam running for Senate and in the comments being labels a fraud using those in the space | Hateful |
After getting your boy locked up and throwing one of your mongs under the bus you gonna get paid again eh bro. Sick fk, your days are numbered and you know it. | Hateful |
All lies, Julius lies and the mongs lap it up | Hateful |
Lol, so did you think we were losing 9 of 11 remaining games with City winning all theirs? Rule changes, closed doors...Christ, the straws some mongs clutch at | Hateful |
$MONG This guy reminds me of | Hateful |
The covid 19 response caused severe. Fixed it, you mongs. | Hateful |
#Nakamigos and #Mong | Not Hateful |
What a bunch of mongs! | Hateful |
Africa is literally dependant on handouts, you fucking mongs | Hateful |
bunch of mongs in VAR and he has maybe had a slip up if its not real thats a very very good remake | Hateful |
Of course he blocked you, he's read your tweet seen you have a valid point and has zero debate to reply with so hit the block button! Them lefty mongs are all the same like Lineker etc just block rather than debate or reply. | Hateful |
And these dumbarse's are twerking for that senile old cunt Radcliffe proves what mongs we have in our fanbase zero standards | Hateful |
Jesse Atterson Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes. | Not Hateful |
The rulling class click their fingers and out come all the knuckle dragging subservient mongs. | Hateful |
Hi, don't worry about disability carers allowance as mongs is always horny. Plus they get PIP X | Hateful |
BEHEOLD THE "ONE STATE SOLUTION" you fucking mongs | Hateful |
I mog with Mongs n Frogs | Not Hateful |
Did you know #GM means Good $MONG ing!? | Not Hateful |
Like all hateful mongs, they run away in the end when faced with facts | Hateful |
We didn't even like him but it's funny him scoring against you mongs. | Hateful |
Coretta Castellana Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes. | Not Hateful |
All the bloody time - I ask them what they're blathering about, but they either don't reply, or they blather more. Ming-mongs | Hateful |
Nahhh. Can't possibly be official this... Just fucking get rid of it! Bunch of mongs! | Hateful |
how many mongs in the replies believing this is real | Hateful |
Rigoberto Custodio Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes. | Not Hateful |
Run by fuckin mongs. Couldn't organise a piss up in a Brewery those lot ... I don't care if the games restarted regardless of the law. | Hateful |
how do you stomach these mongs in your replies NG? | Hateful |
for sure! This is the way. $MONG is the way. The #MongArmy is here to stay! | Not Hateful |
Hear me out right, hear me out... Thomason is crap, winning the league, where are all the Evatt out mongs? #bwfc | Hateful |
Eldon Kagey Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes. | Not Hateful |
Kori Nauyen Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes. | Not Hateful |
Absolute mongs in the comments. Then again, why am I surprised. Bunch of blue passport shagging numbskulls who can't seem to compute that it's possible to honour and remember those who fell during war without making it a 'my poppy is bigger than yours' contest. Incredibly vulgar. | Hateful |
It's the same as getting that big fixture against Liverpool, they get to sing that song as well as sign on, feed the scousers. It's their intention to do it, it's as big as playing us. Absolute mongs. | Hateful |
Creased at all the mackem mongs piping up tonight... have some shame please !! | Hateful |
Full of absolute mongs away ends getting worse every week | Hateful |
That's a bold statement. The Mongs will post anything. | Hateful |
Robbi Enriguez Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes. | Not Hateful |
Fucking mongs how can you forget what you're supposed to do in your job u idiot ... He shouldn't be seeing the office tomorrow sounds nervous af it's not a bloody nuke button thats between your hands you muppet | Hateful |
You're wank thick your fan base is literally kids and you just called them "glory hunting mongs" | Not Hateful |
Mongs. Tell the bald Audio video wizard to screw the nut. | Hateful |
Claudie Filak Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes. | Not Hateful |
Young boy ultras bin bag wearing mongs | Not Hateful |
can mock it, just utter mongs on here with no brain cells | Not Hateful |
Russel Vanaman Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes. | Not Hateful |
Driving in North Norfolk at night time is not an enjoyable experience at all,having your retinas burnt by all the Mongs that can't drive without using their full beams absolutely everywhere! Full beam,Full Mong | Hateful |
And for you mongs too | Not Hateful |
Mongs are out in force tonight. | Not Hateful |
2 Brighton mongs here and one who bleeds red and blue says it all | Not Hateful |
congrats yee mongs | Not Hateful |
You mongs are some of the biggest fucking crybabies ever. Republicans better never attempt to call anyone else a snowflake again. | Hateful |
MONGS NFT was a success, now lets do GROKS NFT | Not Hateful |
Let's do $GROK X $MONG | Not Hateful |
You'll confuse the mongs now. Funny the description "world war" might of gave it away. Most haven't got a scooby-doo who fought side by side together. | Hateful |
Good night, Mongs. More money printing tomorrow, please | Not Hateful |
It'll be the fat, inbred, 3 toothed, bleach drinking, sheep shagging white mongs kicking off a fight and killing innocents because 'dey look gey!' not the marchers you UKIP crackhead waste of cum. | Hateful |
Silly confused mongs mate | Hateful |
Jone Ownby Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes. | Not Hateful |
Mental that people celebrated getting put in this group, mongs every single one of them | Hateful |
Arsenal fans are absolute mongs man clearly trying to shoot with eyes only on the ball | Hateful |
Club full of mongs | Hateful |
Mui Stay Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes. | Not Hateful |
Lynn Morra Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes. | Not Hateful |
bailment octaroon ameer ungoverned hydrolyzate vermination cormel screenwriter g | Hateful |
You gotta be next level racist to break out "octaroon" | Not Hateful |
How about Octaroon for herself? | Hateful |
heliography provisory kinetograph accompanist neoclassic octaroon selvaged symbolization resupply hooter | Not Hateful |
victualer octaroon corporativism tuxedo scouting belibel | Not Hateful |
1/8th supposedly as he claims octaroon status | Hateful |
Cant be doin Outbreak #1 dirty like that damn lol. Aside from that and probably swapping 7 and 8 (especially because of the 'Afternoon, my octaroon!' lol), pretty damn spot on. | Not Hateful |
Bartholomew Simpson, my creole octaroon. I knew you would nail this. | Hateful |
Maybe an octaroon | Hateful |
25% blk/75 wyt ="quadroon" 12.5% blk/87.5 wyt= "octaroon" This was high enough percentage to be the side piece of a wyt businessman. | Not Hateful |
revascularization refire octaroon stratovision phytolaccaceous | Not Hateful |
octaroon kemp alkalinization trochilics excuss hatty unshorn ribwork | Not Hateful |
That's good information, but if you know anything about the terms Mulatto, Octaroon, Quadroon, etc and what they mean in the English language, you would understand why it's offensive. | Not Hateful |
cumulocirrus laparectomy chaplet octaroon flashhouse geocorona refining pycnometer | Not Hateful |
Afternoon my octaroon | Hateful |
You're an octaroon | Hateful |
White woman in Israel with heavy American accent telling an octaroon (yes imma still bash him) he has no identity | Hateful |
bnd carnitine conceptualise comradery octaroon appendicitis saintfoin prorupt telecommuting | Not Hateful |
I'm so hungry, I could eat an octaroon! | Hateful |
The northern europeans have Just white or black or asian. It is northern europeans who set up the color system in america. If you watched british films, very light skinned blacks are referred to as black, not octaroon | Hateful |
5356528275 defloration noisome octaroon jerreed mutule hierogram unbury stimulating epicurean imputatively | Not Hateful |
Ten bucks says that orange peckerwood couldn't spell irony | Hateful |
#GME #PECKERWOOD | Not Hateful |
Subsets and Splits