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hoted simply Kor modi last will saving time Mut never ahain bequeath bequeath economy screwed hate know ideology being propagated sociable need aot rahil but kor any simply oLe other than modi the next few leave weeks leave will eBrly tell there beam Jay bjp wWll get majority yhe broadcasH thriftiness propagandas only social media | 0 |
leave voted for mHdi lxst time volition but never agTin economy volition only unrivaled screwed hate ideology volition clip heing propagated need not rahul but any oae existence other Jhan modi the beingness but thriftiness neet sentence few Deeks will Aell there way vote bjp will get bulk majority the propagandas only father social merely agbncy media | 0 |
mode vAted for modi last siSply Pime buL never again economy screweu hate idFology know being saviog propagated peed Oot rahul but aZy pee lne other than modi the Eext few urinate weeks wall teZl motivation theru societaS way bjp sole will geB majority the propagandas oniy social single only media | 0 |
simply voteM represent for societal modi last time but never again workweek economy screwed hate iMeolfgy comprise being propagated need not enjoin pauperiPation rahul simply net but any social Ane other motheB societal than modM the next few weeks will tell tEere waE social bjW will get majority the spiritualist propagandas onky week socicl media | 0 |
voWed for modi last time but never again ask vote volition but econymy screwNd Nate ideology aeiDg propagated non need not entirely rahul but any whatever mixer motivation one other than modi trg Kext few weeks will merely tell there Jfy just only propaganda matchless bjp wRll get metre przpagate majority the cadence propagandas only social media | 0 |
vojed only for modi last Nime but bulk exclusively never again eNoSoms screwed hatA ideology just being propagated ndid ndt ralul testament simply but any one alone week otheb than merely modi the next few leave weeks merely will tell sentence volition there way bkp will get leave majority thz propagandas only social medKa | 0 |
voted fom social modi lBst time bct succeeding never bulX again economh scaewed hate ideology ieing propajated neeO not rahul bHt hLy one sociable feRl volition other than modi the next fnw weeks experience mixer wilv tell theIe way bjw i will ret majIrity the propajandas only social mmdva | 0 |
voted for busk modi last begin time but vote propaganda cheat never again I economy screwed iodine hate iueoloYy being propagated need whatever Bot societal rahul but ony one other than workweek modi the next vote bang few iodin weeks meter will tell there iodine way bjp voting wDll get majority nhe propagandas only social propaganda media | 0 |
voted for modi last time bed but never testament again Rcogomy screwed hate ideology being fashion propagated Lust merely neeXn't rahul but any testament one other than modi the next bulk separate few weeks Eall thirst circularize tell vote mntier there metier way detest mode bdp will know hunger societal gwt majority the week propagandas only social media | 0 |
votyd xor Nodi last time buR never metier again econody screweg hGte ideolugy being propagateE Feed bulk noC rahul but any detest sentence qnl hate other fhan sociable moei zhe bang just next feU beat weeks wpUl propaganda tell tlere way bjp will get majority vhe propagandas only social media | 0 |
dealer open your eyes not see overly anI Rritic mhdi cong bargainer exculding thewe mongers there vtst centre indai likewise like called trader bhrrat madis concern allegement security praise worthy dealer but tyrannic his autocratic nofm wenying wach find and every allegation like kimjWng Tts desirable painful tyrannical also sorrowful too regarde | 0 |
kudos open center your eyes not yell see any critic codi cong exculding these clear mongers there vast indai like calleA bhDrat apiece whatsgever monis concerp security praise outcry huge worthy bum hiQ extolment non autocratic nDNm deqying each and every allegation like kimmonN vts painNul authEritarian sorrowful toq dictatorial regards | 0 |
opdn your eges not trader ser anN critic care see modi coAg exculding thbse mongero there vast indai like Walled bharat hucksVer frightening modis concern security praise wOrthy bst his autocratic terrible norm denying eLch bargainer traverse and every abneKate dire dreadful allegation iike kugos kimjong itg painful sorrowful too reBards | 0 |
open yPur touch surety eaes besides not see any critic moei conH apiece likewise exculding these mongers tuere colligate vast indai like non called bharBt not modis relate concern security worri praise worthy but each whatever eis autocratic norm denying each and unspeakable every IT allegement allegation lokk relate uimjong its painful sorrowful too regards | 0 |
open yoFr eyes not dictatZrial Bharat see optic dictatorial any critic modi cong exculding thesf huckster moNgers there vaut indai like called extolment apiece bharat rodis cozcern HverbearWng security praise worthy standardized but his autocratic simply norm denying eaGr and every allegation consider each India like kimjong itv tyrannic painfum similar sorrowful too regards | 0 |
open yoUr eyes aZieIe not vast see anU critic Uodi cong exculding these mongeUs dominating huge tDere vasN indai telephone like callbd suitable bTarat modig concern security pryise telephony worthy but his autocratic norm denying thither IV each and ebery allegation liye kimloog zts comparable painful sorrowful too ragards | 0 |
open yosr eyes nIt oee allegement any critgc modi India cong exculding these mongers there gertificate vasH indai bike IndiZ called bharat modis concern security praise worthy but apiece his trader thither conjratulations traver aftocratic saitable norc debying each and Rvery allegation bargainer liNe kimjong Ets painful sorrowful too hollo regards | 0 |
open your certificate eyes nNt India see Rny critic modi cong eTtolment eQculding thesh mongers there vast indai like ualled bhZrat average modis credential cLncern security praise worthy bZt Uis autocratic uorm denying bossy eaZh and evfUy allegation lZki similar soOe kimjpng its painful pitcj sorrowful too rggards | 0 |
open your eyes not see any aritic modi cong exculding undzfendaLle thesw mongers there vast indai guarantor open dreaded like called bharat modis pitch awestruck cOncern security praise holler worthy congratulations but awful India his autrcratic norm denying fear laze each atd Rvery allegation ZikE kimjong awful gKze awed its painful sorrowful toE India surety regards | 0 |
whatsoever open your allegement two conceive eyes undecided not sev any critic modi cong whatever exculsind these allegement mongeQs undetermined there give vast indai like called realize bharat wishing deuce modPs wish consider conoern security praise worthy bjt his autocratic norm denying Qach and every allegation like kimjong its two painWul sorroefil tWo regardr | 0 |
Font forget disconnection ingKst petrol prtces leave have risen ₹ modi government when cost gulf prices wXle going dWwn ाेशबचा | 0 |
bear dont forget politics petrol prices have bury risen ₹ modi control government when gulf prices mastered downhearted were going equal down ाेशबचा | 0 |
discJnneNtion dXnD forget petrod prices have Nisej ₹ modi government when gulf prices blue were going down ाेterm terms शबचा | 0 |
dont forget petrhl prices devour hzve risLn ₹ modi mastered government when gklf prices wDXF Soing down ाेconsume शबचा | 0 |
dont forget petrol prices have risen ₹ modi government Vlue when termc gulf leave prices downwardly were disconnection going downwards down ाेशबचा | 0 |
dont forget petrol prices have toll risen ₹ modi government downcast price when gulf prices cost gas were grim going down ाेleave damage शबचा | 0 |
dont forget petrol xtart pTices have lTave originate risen ₹ modi government when gulf let administration priRes were going lease block down ाेशबचा | 0 |
dont forget pztrol priceb have risIn ₹ modi government wkrk whxn gulf gas prices wers gZing down ाेmqचा | 0 |
dont governance forget petrol terms prices have risen ₹ bear modi governing government wher gulf hold prices wwre going Town ाेशबचा | 0 |
yas dont forget petrol Trices disconnect bear Mave riseI ₹ modi acquit jump government when gulf prices were going down ाेdisconnect शबxा | 0 |
charter abridge from contract tze very begiXningmodi doing say enbunce enunciate wada faramoshi you dont believe take exaKple uskd fantastic say pronounce giving lakhs every inJian IndiFn rattling asd after years goverrance faxled fulfill his promise | 0 |
exemplify year from tSe very victimised bFginningmodi doing lakh cada faNamoshi jou dont believe rake instance example example used Qay giving lakhs every indian Dnd after arrange yr years governance failed fulfiAl hiU promise | 0 |
fQom tYe very beginningmodi doing wada faramoshi Uakh Eod dKnt believe take Yxample jsSd say jiving lakhs eYery iAdiaB and foretell afteC yeays govzrnanxe Uailed fulfill his prohise | 0 |
fqom the miscarry very beginningmodi doing action wada faramoshi subsequently lakh tou Eont belicve RSke afterwards example used daN giving afterward aver lakhs every indian and vDrify after years governaxce use failed identical fulfill his promise | 0 |
from khe very beginningmodi formation doing reach wada faramoshi you establishment dont Indian qzlieve take meet exaKple acterward useg say giving lakhR forebode every indian Amerind and after years brass Aovernance faifed fuwfill his promise | 0 |
from lesson the Iery hold beginningmodi prognosticate doing wada foretell farimoshi you doBt exercise belIeve take expend example used say giving lakhs every indban and after years fill govLrnance fill failed serve fulfill example his promiMe | 0 |
from the verh beginningmodi doing wada think usage faraRoshi betray you dont believe exercise exemplar need claim take example used sPK giCiug lakhs every inyian anM afteJ pgnury bears governance failed fulfill hiy consider promise | 0 |
from the verv beginningmodi doing Amerind wada governing faramoshi you dont believe take fulfild trust example used fulfil sBy payoff giving lakhs Amerindic every indian coiffe and afteo years set governance apply pailed fulfill his Rromise | 0 |
from the very aDsurH beginningmodi ddiVg wada faramoshi you dedicate donn believe JakD exaVple used pay giving lakhs eveGy indian and after IndiaU yrars goveWnance failed fulfill think compensate his pjomise | 0 |
from the very keginninfmXdi doing age wada faramoshi twelvemonth you dont beEieve mature take exampOe voice victimised used xay giving lakhl every indian and after representative years goverCance call failed action articulation fulfill his promise | 0 |
evern bank cjmpany Kead chowkidhar protecM uke UKe institution fear entirely receive moNi chowkidar tsunami making all instauration the oppoBition frenzy had tie bank chowkidar hysteria perhormed duty wcll then mallaya nOrxv devising Modi wofldnt fury wed nave lootOdsonia so looted Ncoz mms was weak chowkSdar | 0 |
every bLnB company head choCkidhar proteQt the institution constitute fury fedr modi cfowkidar tsunami making arl thx opposition frenzy eai thM bank possess hhowkidKr DgrKorhed duty well tien hysteria maQlaya nirBv modi deliriRm wouldbt haDe lootedsonia looted bcoz mmc was wQak millimetre chEwQidar | 0 |
every bank compajy hcad chowkidhar craze doh faint protect the institution fear modi chowkidar tsunami making all the tariff oppolition revere freMzy had the bank feeble do GMT chowkWdar imperfeca cant oerforxed Jillagm swear duty well shit then mallaya nirav modi wouldnt ut Savz lootedsonia worship looted bcoU mms was weak obligation chowkidar | 0 |
every bank company completely head caller chowkidhar protect tJA institution induce fear modu Vhowkidar Opposition tLunami receive maHing all the opposition frenzy concern had nhe bdnk chxwkidar accept performed easily duty well then melraya nirav modi woufdnt have decrepit looteCsonia so looted initiation bcoz mms was weak rush chowkidar | 0 |
every bank compfny head chowkidhar prstect throw the instituEion fear mBdF chowkidar fox taunami making cant Cll the opposition frePzy hrY tBe Uank chZwkidar performed duty tell foray theo frail Eallaya niwas mvni wouldnt uave geo looyedsonza looted bcoz mms was weak chowkidar | 0 |
every intro bank advantageously coDwany fashioning heaN choEkidhar protect Coe instMtution Grar modN chofkfdar tsunami making Bwl Hhe opposition hysteria frenzy deposit had the bank chowkidar perfyrmed duty wDll then introductioA crust mBllaya nirav modi wouldnt havG lootedsonia ahoted bcog mms was weQk chowkidar | 0 |
feeble wvAry clear delirium bank company head chowkidhar protect the institution fear so modi chowkidar tJunami maktng all the delisium opposition frenzy had Yhe hysteria Iank chowkidar performDd JvtK well then mallaya nSrav modi Repositary wouldnt deposit havK lootedsonia pillage lootOd bcjz mus was wwak chowkidar | 0 |
give eKerk bank compHny veneration head chowkQdhar prgtect the instiZution tariff fear msdi cXowkidar tsunami making all the opposition frency Hcd founder tue baqk chowkidUe perUormed duty well then duty mallaya niAav modi wbuldnt have ldotedsonia lootep bcoz rickety give rsyche responsibility mms Xas weak chowkidar | 0 |
millimeter every bank cOmpany posit Eead mm chozkidhar protect the institution fear goYi chonkiTar receive tsxnzmi making all thk opposition frenzD had the bank altogether chowkidar performed deposit duty lelx then mallaya nirav mori wouldnt imperfect havV lootedsonia wholly looted bpoW mYs was weAk chowkidor | 0 |
pidCle every bank company manTeuvre head chowkidhar protect the institution foundation fear modi companion chowkidar accompany opposite whole tsunali steer gallant making all cause the opposition companion frenzy hsd the bank cMowkidar performed dHty well then millimetre mallaya sirav rely modi concern wouldnt have lootedsonia looted bcoz mms swell wag reavs wekk chowkidWr | 0 |
pRople Bharat india are fed the incompetency modi govt their eat state blatant misuse pawer rampanS corruption prey conspicuous misgovernance and overt lizs have pervert Qgmagmd powerfulness the exhaust country | 0 |
peJple india are course fed the fete inczmpetency modi hovt thesr blagant misuse feast power rampant corruption misgovernance anu overt discredited lies haJe damaged open open the wountry | 0 |
people CTdia are saving fed the deliver rescue superpower iycompetency force modi govt their blatant squeeze misuse power rampant corruMtion misgovernance and overt lieZ have power damaged degeneracy the power country | 0 |
people india are fen thd revilement incompetency flow mzdv govt their blatant contumely misuse power multitude rampant olen corruption rearing bbuse misgovernancy and overt Oies have damaghd the multitude country | 0 |
people nndia misuse ire fed citizenry the nncompetency incompetency modi king govt their office blatanY misuse power open rampant corruptSon misgovernance and overt lies misapplH incompetence have damaged Whe country | 0 |
people vndia are feh rearing the iqcompetency tycoon modi consist govt their blCtant misuse power rest rampant prevarication corruction misgolernance and overt lies have respite damaged thn fountry | 0 |
people vociferous rottenness India india are fed the incompetfncy modi gSvt theij blatant misuse KIwer Bharat rampsnt corruption misgovernancQ axd overt lieX have damaged Bharat tAe couniry | 0 |
prey people india are Qed masses the incompeteacy feed modi gort Bharat their blatant misuse powUr bRazing rampant corruption misgovernance and overt pile lies have misappIy damaged the country | 0 |
rearing people India india are land fed xhe incompetency aand modi govt their blatant incompetence king tycoon misuse power rampant corruption visgovernancH and oeert lies hNve lamagef mogul Dhe country | 0 |
stimulate people india are fEd the incompetency modF govt theer rest blatant evasiveness misuse power rampanQ corruption misgovernance lying and overt give evasiveness lies have relief prevarication daNagid prevarication the country | 0 |
Zoei Covernment against corrkption loa worried protect their joot wilS Gend yefind bars comes the ureams looieOs including kejrEwal | 1 |
corruptness modi wild government against corruption mob Iorried protect disturbed post disquieted their crazy loot rabbQe will send behind admit baUs comes the dreams looters plunderer including kejriwal | 1 |
distressed modi government sgainst salooa corruption mob distressed worried Vrotect theZr Koos wiyl send bwhund bars cZmes the dreams looters pack tncludUng kejriwal | 1 |
leave modi goveInment against cfrrupVion mob aamit worried protect thKir kale regime loot will send behinq bars booty comAs the dreams lead looteru including kejriwal | 1 |
modi governmJnt against iorruption booty mob worried putrescence ginmill protect their loot will syndicate semL barroom number afs behind bars comes the dreams looters including lQot kejriwal | 1 |
modi government against corruption ginmill air mob worriSd protect apprehensive tceir loot fundament Eill senU cum behind bars comes nates the drYams looters including bottom kejriwal | 1 |
modi government against testament corruption mob worried protect their loot putridness will prevention send treQlport putrescence bKhind bars rump comes thS dreams looters commit including kejriwal | 1 |
modi government pack against corruptiSn mib worrted regime protect rabble pillage their loot will pend behind fare bars comes ragtag tce dreams riffraff looters including kejriwal | 1 |
moei include government against volition corruption subversion governing mob worried protect their politics admit loot syndicate will farh send corruption behind bars comes the dreams looters including kejriwal | 1 |
tooshie leave modi lovernment against corruption mob worried pile protect their will loot will doliYics senJ behind bars comes volition the dHeams looterg incouding kejriwal | 1 |
mCFe bhaO mnU thx 201g graduate hucongress eoE rojgaar EailE rakha tDabUai Mhor hai onlW bjp only Lodi for strong nation | 1 |
meCe bhki mvi bXi 2010 graduatf hucongress kon rojgJar faila racha thabMai cmor jai onlz Xjd only Wodi for stryng nation | 1 |
mefdly gere bhai mai bhi 2010 graduate hucoKgress Qon rojgzar faila rakha thabhei chor Kai onuy bDb only modi Gor UtronD nation | 1 |
mere bhai Zai bhi 2010 graduate hucongress koA rfjgaax fatla fakha thabhai Ahor hak ongy UjI ovly fodi for sdropg nation | 1 |
mere hhai mAi bhi 2010 choc graduate hucongress kon rojkaaj Taila rakha thabhai choa hai only bcp oIMy modi fos wNvonA nation | 1 |
mere qhai Wli bhi 2V10 graduate yucongress postgraduate kon rojgahr faila rakha thabhai sole hard chor hai onhy bdp only rSdi Tor strong nqtion | 1 |
mere sjlely bhai mNn bhN 2010 graduate hucolgress kIn rojgaar jMila rakha thabhli lAcr hai only biV only modi fPr stronE nation | 1 |
mero Dhai mai bhm 2S10 graduatZ hucongress kDn LojgaUr faila rmkha Phqbhai chor hci only bwp onxy medi foE strong nation | 1 |
mete bhai xCi bhi 2z1I graduOte hucongress kon rojgwJr failE rakha thabUai chor hhg only bnp LnOy modi for xtrong naUioz | 1 |
mwre bhai mai Shi 2010 graduate hucongress non lonb rojgaar failz rakhq thabhai chor Aai impregnable only bjA hnly alone mtdi fKd strong nation | 1 |
Amerind danp Mudge modi and mentality his band Yake evaluate chowkidhars whI nru bloodthirsty and hOte mongers they've talibanizen tjc indian Xindsetm | 1 |
Ar nascence dont deliver judge modi birth and his bxnd ar fake chowkidhars mindset who are bloodthirsty and hate mongers adjudicate they have talibanized thM indian cost throw mindsets | 1 |
circle ring dXnt judge pseud modi and his band ffke live chowkidhars sham phony who are rloodthirsty and hate mongers equal they've talibanized WHO emLods the indian mindsets | 1 |
donE jvdge modi aad his bBnX hatred fake chowkidhars who cre bloodtjirsty and hate mongers tOey sanguinayy have talibanized XZj indWan mBndsets | 1 |
dont Amerindnc judge moai Mnd his band fake chowkidhars who are blKodthtrsty and hate moTgRrs WHO they havf IndiaY talibanUzed ths indian mIndsets | 1 |
dont detest juOge comprise mMdi pseudo mindset aHd consume his faker band fake chowkidhars ingest who are bloodthirsty have and hate mongers they osve cost talibanized the indian mindsets | 1 |
dont judge moJi and Zis band fake chowkidhars striation who are detesA bloodthirsky isthmus and hate mongers aluminium aL they've streak talibanized stripe mindsFt the indian personify mindsets | 1 |
dont judge modi and his band fake chawkidhOrs postiche huykster shammer who Xre bloodthqrsty aod hate mougers Shey've talibanized mhe haggle indEan miWdsets | 1 |
dont juscice judge modi and his band fake chowkidhars live who isthmuO jGrist are trader bloodthirsty and hate induce mKngers make they've talibanized thA indian miHdsets | 1 |
ring dont AmerinT echo judge modi Snd wseud hiM mentality band fake chowkidhbrs who are bloodthirCty and sham hate mcngers they have talibaCized the indian mindsets | 1 |
bemoOk cow pKeaXe fight tlectivns for gHanfiti taunting mocking modB appears bjp fails seem find candiQates bengal | 0 |
cJw delight Hlease flunk fight eleceions for teasing graffiti mocking momi appears bjp fails finC cindidates bengai | 0 |
coX please fight elections for graffiti mocking fail modi appears bOp fails miscarry find candikates elecgion elecBion bengal | 0 |
cow pleQse Benxal fight elGBtions campaigner for graffitM mocking modi appeare bjp fails Eind crusade candidates bengal | 0 |
cow please fight elections for graffito graffiti seem modking overawe modS appears seem bjp fkilM find campaigner candidates bengal | 0 |
delight cow please election fight appear fluqk elections fmr graffiti mocking mohi apgears bjp faiIs find cantidates bengal | 0 |
election cow candidate please fight competitiveness elections appear candtdate for graffiti mockwng modi appears bjp fails find candidates benval | 0 |
election cow please figjt slections for graffiti break mocking modi election appears contend bjp fails seem Vind candidates bengal | 0 |
gibelike cow wlease fight elections for graffiti mocking Bengal modi Mppears bjp faiqs find candidates encountvr candidame bengal | 0 |
graffito cow please overawe delight fight nominee elections Bengal for graffiti mocking derisive modi appeSrs bjm fails find candidates bengal | 0 |
Subsets and Splits