Many (10,000+) shortened Types in Variables fields
Hi, I've been playing around with this dataset for a couple days, processing it via python (mostly to split it up by Module
but also to remove the URI links from some of the code
and description
fields (I assume you sourced the data from the Unreal Engine API Docs).
Just letting you know that 10,000+ type
values in variables
are shortened. Here's an example of a single line that has multiple of them:
{"type": "TArray<FExpres...", "name": "CachedInputs", "description": "Caches the list of expression inputs this expression has."}, {"type": "FString", "name": "Desc", "description": "A description that level designers can add (shows in the material editor UI)."}, {"type": "TObjectPtr< cla...", "name": "Function", "description": "The material function that this expression is being used with, if any."}, {"type": "TObjectPtr<UEd...", "name": "GraphNode", "description": "Expression's Graph representation"}, {"type": "FString", "name": "LastErrorText", "description": "Text of last error for this expression"}, {"type": "TObjectPtr< cla...", "name": "Material", "description": "The material that this expression is currently being compiled in."}, {"type": "int32", "name": "MaterialExpressionEditorX", "description": ""}, {"type": "int32", "name": "MaterialExpressionEditorY", "description": ""}, {"type": "FGuid", "name": "MaterialExpressionGuid", "description": "GUID to uniquely identify this node, to help the tutorials out"}, {"type": "TArray<FText>", "name": "MenuCategories", "description": "Localized categories to sort this expression into..."}, {"type": "int32", "name": "NumExecutionInputs", "description": "Number of expressions connected to this expression's execution input"}, {"type": "TArray<FExpres...", "name": "Outputs", "description": "The expression's outputs, which are set in default properties by derived classes."}, {"type": "TObjectPtr<UMa...", "name": "SubgraphExpression", "description": "If exists, expresssion containing this expression within its subgraph."}]}
Since these values are pretty paramount for RAG, I'm hoping you might consider re-capturing the C++ API to ensure these values are fully spelled out.
Thanks for the dataset regardless!
I've looked into it and yes, it seems that the pages weren't loaded completely as they were grabbed from the UE Docs, thus causing the truncation. Anyway, I provided all the URLs used here: so feel free to redownload the pages from there and process them as you want.