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언제 방문해도 새롭게 느껴지는 제주. 눈 깜짝할 새에 새로운 명소들이 입소문을 타고 유명해지곤 한다. 특히 제주 서쪽에는 이국적인 분위기를 풍기는 장소와 감각적인 뮤지엄들이 위치해있어 여행자들의 이목을 끈다. 제주 서쪽을 여행하면서 꼭 가봐야 할, 최근 떠오른 핫플레이스를 테마별로 모아봤다. | Jeju always feels new no matter when you visit. New attractions quickly become famous by word of mouth in the blink of an eye. Especially on the west side of Jeju, there are places with an exotic atmosphere and trendy museums that attract the attention of travelers. We have gathered recently popular hot places that you must visit while traveling on the west side of Jeju, organized by theme. | Jeju feels new every time you visit. In the blink of an eye, new attractions become famous through word of mouth. In particular, the western part of Jeju attracts the attention of travelers as it is home to places with an exotic atmosphere and sensuous museums. We've compiled a collection of recently emerging hot places by theme that you must visit while traveling to the west of Jeju. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
해안 도로를 따라 풍차가 줄지어 있는 드라이브 코스. 투명한 제주 바다와 탁 트인 하늘이 풍차와 어우러져 비경을 연출한다. 특히 일몰 시간대에 방문하면 보다 아름다운 장면과 마주할 수 있다. 도로를 달리는 중간중간 정차해 도보로 산책하기에도 좋다. | A drive course lined with windmills along the coastal road. The clear Jeju sea and the open sky create a picturesque scene with the windmills. Especially if you visit during sunset, you can encounter even more beautiful views. It's also nice to stop from time to time while driving to take a walk. | A driving course lined with windmills along the coastal road. The clear Jeju sea and open sky combine with windmills to create a mysterious scenery. Especially, if you visit during sunset time, you can see a more beautiful scene. It's also good for taking a walk by stopping along the road. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
SNS에서 유명한 해변. 이곳이 핫한 가장 큰 이유는 독특한 해안 지형 때문이다. 그랜드 캐년을 연상시키는 색감의 해변 바위를 보러 방문하는 방문객이 많다. 이국적인 느낌의 바위에 걸터 앉아 바다를 바라보거나 사진을 찍어보자. 형제섬과 한라산, 산방산까지 한눈에 들어와 멋진 사진을 완성한다. | A famous beach on social media. The biggest reason why this place is hot is because of its unique coastal topography. Many visitors come to see the colored beach rocks reminiscent of the Grand Canyon. Sit on an exotic rock and look at the sea or take a picture. Hyeongje Island, Hallasan Mountain, and Sanbangsan Mountain are all visible at a glance, making for a great photo. | A beach famous on social media. The biggest reason for its popularity is its unique coastal topography. Many visitors come to see the beach rocks, which have colors reminiscent of the Grand Canyon. Sit on the exotic-looking rocks and gaze at the sea or take photos. It completes a stunning picture with a view that includes Brother Islands, Hallasan, and Sanbangsan. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
빽빽한 야자나무 사이를 거닐며, 해외에 온 듯한 느낌을 만끽할 수 있는 이색적인 곳. 최근 SNS에서 스냅 사진 명소로 유명해졌다. 사계절 내내 우거진 야자 나무와 곳곳에 배치된 포토존은 가볍게 산책하기에도, 인생 사진을 찍기에도 적격이다. | A unique place where you can enjoy the feeling of being overseas while strolling through dense palm trees. It has recently become famous as a spot for snap photos on social media. The evergreen palm trees and photo zones placed throughout are perfect for a light walk or for taking once-in-a-lifetime pictures. | A unique place where you can walk among dense palm trees and enjoy the feeling of being abroad. Recently, it has become famous as a snap photo spot on social media. The palm trees growing thick throughout the four seasons and the photo zones placed here and there are perfect for a leisurely stroll or for taking pictures of your life. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
2020년 오픈과 동시에 핫플레이스로 자리 잡은 곳. 여러 컨셉으로 구성된 전시관에 입장하면 공간을 가득 채운 빛과 소리가 감탄을 이끌어낸다. 제주와 관련된 꽃과 자연부터 세계 거장들의 작품들까지 감상할 수 있다. 모든 전시 구역이 포토존이나 다름없을 정도로 사진 찍기에도 안성맞춤. 건물 내에 기념품 숍과 카페가 있어 전시의 여운을 즐기기 좋다. | A place that became a hotspot as soon as it opened in 2020. As you enter the exhibition halls, each with its own concept, the space filled with light and sound draws admiration. You can view everything from flowers and nature related to Jeju to the works of world masters. Every exhibition zone is as good as a photo zone, perfect for taking pictures. The building also has a souvenir shop and a cafe, making it a great place to savor the afterglow of the exhibit. | This place became a hot place as soon as it opened in 2020. When you enter the exhibition hall composed of various concepts, you will be amazed by the light and sound that fills the space. You can enjoy everything from flowers and nature related to Jeju to works by world masters. It's perfect for taking pictures, as all exhibition areas are like photo zones. There is a souvenir shop and cafe within the building, making it a great place to enjoy the afterglow of the exhibition. | [
"user_id": "6836f537-6116-48a6-bb8a-773765b07d38",
"value": 1,
"status": "submitted"
] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
제주 맥주의 제조 과정을 체험하는 곳. 일반적인 양조장과 다르게 깔끔하고 힙한 분위기로, 곳곳에 인증 사진을 남기기 좋은 스팟이 마련되어 있다. 1, 2층에서 맥주 양조 과정을 관람한 후, 3층에서 갓 나온 제주 맥주를 시음해 보자. 제주 맥주를 맛보며 양조장이 보이는 이색적인 뷰도 함께 즐길 수 있다. | A place to experience the brewing process of Jeju beer. Unlike typical breweries, it has a clean and hip atmosphere, with photo-worthy spots arranged throughout. After observing the beer brewing process on the 1st and 2nd floors, try freshly made Jeju beer on the 3rd floor. You can also enjoy the unique view of the brewery while tasting Jeju beer. | A place to experience the manufacturing process of Jeju beer. Unlike typical breweries, it has a clean and hip atmosphere, and there are spots all over the place that are great for taking photos. After watching the beer brewing process on the 1st and 2nd floors, let’s try freshly brewed Jeju beer on the 3rd floor. You can enjoy a unique view of the brewery while tasting Jeju beer. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
현대적이고 거대한 외관에서부터 여행자들의 눈길을 끄는 박물관. 과거와 현재를 아우르는 다양한 예술 작품을 선보인다. 백남준, 쿠사마 야요이 등 국내외 유명 작가의 전시를 진행 중이며, ‘무한 거울방’은 포토 스팟으로 유명하다. 박물관 구경을 마친 후, 루프탑에서 보는 탁 트인 산방산 뷰도 놓칠 수 없는 포인트. | A museum that attracts travelers with its modern and colossal appearance. It showcases a wide array of art pieces that encompass both past and present. Currently featuring exhibitions by famous domestic and international artists such as Nam June Paik and Yayoi Kusama, and the 'Infinity Mirror Room' is well-known as a photo spot. After touring the museum, the unobstructed view of Sanbangsan Mountain from the rooftop is another highlight not to be missed. | A museum that attracts the attention of travelers from its modern and large exterior. It presents a variety of works of art spanning the past and present. Exhibitions are being held by famous domestic and international artists such as Nam June Paik and Yayoi Kusama, and the ‘Infinite Mirror Room’ is famous as a photo spot. After visiting the museum, the panoramic view of Sanbangsan Mountain from the rooftop is a point not to be missed. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
트와이스 나연이 좋아한다고 알려진 소품숍. 제주점에서만 구입할 수 있는 제주 그립톡이 가장 인기다. 그 외에도 귀여운 엽서와 선물용으로 좋은 생활 소품이 가득하다. 가게 외부 인테리어가 사랑스럽고 깔끔해 사진 찍기에도 좋다. | A prop shop known for being liked by TWICE's Nayeon. The Jeju GripTok, which is only available at the Jeju store, is the most popular. In addition, there are plenty of cute postcards and household items that make great gifts. The exterior of the store is lovely and clean, making it a good spot for taking photos. | A prop shop known to be liked by TWICE Nayeon. Jeju Grip Tok, which can only be purchased at the Jeju branch, is the most popular. In addition, it is full of cute postcards and household items that are great as gifts. The exterior of the store is lovely and clean, making it great for taking pictures. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
제주 유명 제과점인 이익새 양과점과 가까운 갤러리 겸 소품숍. 드로잉이 가득한 외관에서부터 힙한 분위기가 물씬 느껴진다. 다양한 패브릭 제품과 인테리어용으로 좋은 엽서, 그림을 판매한다. 개성 넘치는 제품과 공간 덕분에 작은 전시회에 온 듯한 느낌이 든다. | A gallery and prop shop close to Jeju’s famous bakery, Iksae Yang Bakery. You can feel the hip atmosphere from the exterior full of drawings. They sell a variety of fabric products, postcards and pictures that are good for interior design. Thanks to the unique products and space, you feel like you are at a small exhibition. | A gallery and accessory shop close to the famous Jeju bakery, Lee Ik-Se Yanggwajom. From the exterior filled with drawings, one can sense the trendy atmosphere. They sell various fabric products, postcards good for interior decoration, and paintings. The products and space brimming with personality give the impression of being at a small exhibition. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
다양한 앤틱 소품과 키덜트 용품으로 사랑받는 소품숍. 피규어, 접시, 인테리어 오브제 등 전시회처럼 다양한 소품을 판매한다. 빈티지한 제품들로 꾸며진 공간은 기분 전환에도 최고. 바로 옆엔 사계절 내내 운영하는 ‘크리스마스 박물관’이 있어 함께 구경하길 추천한다. | A prop shop loved for its variety of antique props and kidult items. It sells a variety of props like an exhibition, including figures, plates, and interior objects. The space decorated with vintage products is also great for refreshing your mood. Right next to it is the ‘Christmas Museum’, which is open all year round, so we recommend you visit it together. | A prop shop loved for its variety of antique props and kidult items. It sells a variety of props like an exhibition, including figures, plates, and interior objects. The space decorated with vintage products is also great for refreshing your mood. Right next to it is the 'Christmas Museum', which is open all year round, so we recommend you visit it together. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
‘한라산’이라는 단어에서 소주 브랜드를 먼저 떠올렸다면? 반성하자. 이제 진짜 한라산을 만나볼 때가 됐다. 등산 초보도 따라 할 수 있는 한라산 오르기. 탐방 준비물부터 추천 코스, 꿀팁까지 모두 모아 소개한다. | What was the first soju brand that came to mind when you heard the word ‘Hallasan’? Let's reflect. Now is the time to see the real Hallasan. Climbing Hallasan Mountain is something that even beginner mountain climbers can follow. We introduce everything from what you need to prepare for your trip to recommended courses and useful tips. | What was the first soju brand that came to mind when you heard the word ‘Hallasan’? Let's reflect. Now is the time to see the real Hallasan. Climbing Hallasan Mountain is something that even beginner mountain climbers can follow. We introduce everything from what you need to prepare for your trip to recommended courses and useful tips. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
제주도의 중심에 위치한 산으로 백두산, 지리산과 함께 우리나라 3대 영산으로 꼽힌다. 대한민국에서 가장 높은 산으로, 해발 고도는 1,947m에 달한다. 고도가 높다 보니 난대부터 온대, 한대까지 다양한 식생이 나타나는 생태계의 보고다. 국립 공원, 유네스코 생물권 보전지역, 유네스코 세계자연유산으로 지정되어 그 가치를 인정받고 있으며, 정상부에는 화산 분화구인 백록담이 있다. 현무암과 고사리, 조릿대 등 육지의 산과는 다른 식생과 지형이 나타나 태고의 신비가 느껴진다. 계절과 코스에 따라 다른 매력이 있어 매번 새로운 느낌으로 산행을 즐길 수 있다. | It is a mountain located in the center of Jeju Island and, along with Mount Baekdu and Jirisan, is considered one of the three great sacred mountains of our country. It is the highest mountain in South Korea, with an elevation of 1,947m. Due to its high altitude, it is a treasure trove of various ecosystems, featuring diverse vegetation from subtropical to temperate and even alpine zones. It is designated as a national park, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, and a UNESCO World Heritage site, acknowledging its value. At the top, there is a volcanic crater called Baekrokdam. The presence of basalt, bracken, and bamboo grass, as well as terrains that differ from those of inland mountains, imparts a sense of the primeval mystery. Depending on the season and the trail, each hike offers a different charm, allowing one to enjoy mountain climbing with a fresh feeling every time. | It is a mountain located in the center of Jeju Island and is considered one of the three most sacred mountains in Korea, along with Baekdu Mountain and Jiri Mountain. It is the highest mountain in Korea, reaching an altitude of 1,947m. Due to its high altitude, it is a treasure trove of ecosystems with a variety of vegetation from the warm zone to the temperate zone and the boreal zone. Its value is recognized as it has been designated as a national park, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, and UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site, and at the top is Baeknokdam, a volcanic crater. Vegetation and topography that are different from mountains on land, such as basalt, bracken, and bamboo, appear, giving a sense of ancient mystery. There are different charms depending on the season and course, so you can enjoy hiking with a new feeling every time. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
지천으로 피어나는 꽃들이 봄 냄새를 풍긴다. 5월 중순에는 진달래가 만개하고, 6월 초까지 철쭉을 볼 수 있다. 4월에도 정상부에는 희끗희끗한 눈이 남아 있다. | Flowers blooming everywhere give off the scent of spring. Azaleas are in full bloom in mid-May, and azaleas can be seen until early June. Even in April, light snow remains at the summit. | Flowers blooming to the horizon emit the scent of spring. By mid-May, the azaleas are in full bloom, and rhododendrons can be seen until early June. In April, there is still patchy snow at the peak. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
온통 푸른 신록의 한라산을 만날 수 있는 시기. 더운 날씨라도 고도가 높기 때문에 산 위는 선선하다. 초록의 한라산에서 청량감을 만끽하자. | The season to encounter the Hallasan mountain covered in fresh greenery. Even though the weather is hot, it's cooler at the higher altitudes of the mountain. Let's enjoy the refreshing feeling on the green Hallasan. | This is the time when you can see the green and green Hallasan Mountain. Even in hot weather, it is cool on the mountains because of the high altitude. Let’s enjoy the refreshing feeling in the green Hallasan Mountain. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
가을 산은 역시 단풍. 한라산의 단풍은 육지보다 한 발짝 늦은 10월 말에서 11월 초 사이에 절정을 이룬다. 11월에는 단풍과 눈꽃을 동시에 만날 수도 있다. | Autumn leaves on the mountains are also beautiful. The fall foliage on Hallasan Mountain reaches its peak between late October and early November, one step later than on the mainland. In November, you can see autumn leaves and snowflakes at the same time. | The autumn mountains are all about the foliage. The foliage of Mt. Halla peaks a step later than the mainland, between late October and early November. In November, it is also possible to see both autumn leaves and snowflowers. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
한라산은 겨울에도 매력적이다. 흰 눈이 쌓이고 나무에 서리가 맺힌 ‘상고대’가 눈꽃을 피운다. 신비로운 겨울 왕국 그 자체. | Hallasan is also attractive in winter. The white snow accumulates, and 'Sanggo-dae', formed by frost on trees, blooms as snow flowers. It's like a mysterious winter kingdom itself. | Hallasan Mountain is attractive even in winter. White snow piles up and ‘Sanggodae’, with frost on the trees, blooms snow flowers. The mysterious winter kingdom itself. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
한라산은 탐방 코스가 다양하고 코스별 난이도와 특징이 각기 다르다. 또한 탐방 예약, 기상 상황, 준비물 등을 사전에 체크해야 한다. 미리 준비해야 하는 사항들을 알아보자. | Hallasan has various hiking trails, each with different levels of difficulty and characteristics. Additionally, one must check things like hiking reservations, weather conditions, and what to bring in advance. Let's find out what needs to be prepared beforehand. | Hallasan Mountain has a variety of exploration courses, and each course has different levels of difficulty and characteristics. You should also check tour reservations, weather conditions, and supplies in advance. Let’s find out what you need to prepare in advance. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
한라산의 각 탐방로는 안전이나 자연 보호 등의 이유로 통제되곤 한다. 때에 따라 몇 개월 동안 특정 코스를 폐쇄하기도 하니, 공식 홈페이지를 통해 정확한 최신 정보를 확인하는 것이 좋다. 특히 날씨가 오락가락할 때는 출발 전 홈페이지나 전화 문의를 통해 탐방로가 정상 운영되고 있는지 꼭 확인하자. | Each trail of Mount Hallasan is often controlled for reasons such as safety or nature conservation. It is a good idea to check the official website for accurate, up-to-date information, as some routes may be closed for several months depending on the circumstances. Especially when the weather is unpredictable, make sure to check if the trails are open by consulting the website or making a phone inquiry before departure. | Each trail on Hallasan Mountain is controlled for reasons such as safety and nature protection. Occasionally, certain courses may be closed for several months, so it is best to check the official website for accurate and up-to-date information. Especially when the weather is unpredictable, be sure to check whether the trail is operating normally through the website or by phone before departure. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
한라산 탐방 예약 시스템을 통한 예약자에 한해 성판악, 관음사 코스 탐방이 가능하다. 예약은 탐방 월 기준 전월 1일부터 가능하다. 성판악은 하루 1,000명, 관음사는 하루 500명으로 탐방 인원이 제한되며 별도의 비용은 없다. 사전 예약은 홈페이지를 통해 할 수 있고, 잔여 인원에 한해 현장 예약도 가능하다. 시범 운영 뒤에는 다른 코스로도 탐방 예약제가 확대될 예정. | Visitors are allowed to explore Seongpanak and Gwaneumsa trails only through a reservation made via the Hallasan visiting reservation system. Reservations can be made from the first day of the month preceding the month of visit. The number of visitors is limited to 1,000 per day for Seongpanak and 500 per day for Gwaneumsa, and there is no separate fee. Advance reservations can be made through the website, and on-site reservations are also possible for the remaining slots. After the pilot operation, the reservation system will be extended to other trails as well. | Seongpanak and Gwaneumsa courses are only available to those who make reservations through the Hallasan tour reservation system. Reservations are available from the 1st of the month preceding the month of visitation. The number of visitors to Seongpanak is limited to 1,000 per day and to Gwaneumsa Temple to 500 per day, and there is no separate cost. Advance reservations can be made through the website, and on-site reservations are also possible for the remaining number of people. After the pilot operation, the tour reservation system will be expanded to other courses. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
· 어리목 : 064-713-9950~1 · 성판악 : 064-725-9950 · 영실 : 064-747-9950 · 관음사 : 064-756-9950 · 돈내코 : 064-710-6921 | · Eorimok: 064-713-9950~1 · Seongpanak: 064-725-9950 · Yeongsil: 064-747-9950 · Gwaneumsa Temple: 064-756-9950 · Donnaeko: 064-710-6921 | · Jeju Eorimok: 064-713-9950~1 · Seongpanak: 064-725-9950 · Yeongsil: 064-747-9950 · Gwaneumsa: 064-756-9950 · Donnaeko: 064-710-6921 | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
한라산에 오르는 길은 생각보다 다양하다. 어리목, 성판악, 영실, 관음사, 돈내코, 석굴암 등의 코스가 있는데, 가장 인기 있는 코스는 어리목과 성판악, 영실 탐방로다. 이용객이 많고, 탐방로와 편의시설이 잘 갖춰져 있어 초보도 안전하게 오를 수 있기 때문. | There are more trails to Mount Halla than you might think. There are courses such as Eorimok, Seongpanak, Yeongsil, Gwaneumsa, Donnaeko, and Seokguram, but the most popular courses are the Eorimok, Seongpanak, and Yeongsil trails. They are frequented by many visitors and are equipped with well-maintained trails and amenities, allowing even beginners to climb safely. | There are more ways to climb Hallasan than you might think. There are courses such as Eorimok, Seongpanak, Yeongsil, Gwaneumsa Temple, Donnaeko, and Seokguram Grotto, but the most popular course is the Eorimok, Seongpanak, and Yeongsil trails. This is because there are many users and the trail and amenities are well-equipped, so even beginners can climb it safely. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
성판악-사라오름, 영실-윗세오름 코스는 무리하지 않고 적당한 등산을 원하는 초보 등산객에게 적합하다. 어리목, 관음사 코스는 난이도가 높으니 평소에 운동이 부족한 사람이라면 다른 코스를 추천한다. | The Seongpanak-Saraoreum and Yeongsil-Uisseoreum trails are suitable for beginner hikers who want to hike without overexerting themselves. The Eorimok and Gwaneumsa trails are more difficult, so it's recommended that people who don't exercise regularly choose a different course. | The Seongpanak-Sara Oreum and Yeongsil-Wisse Oreum courses are suitable for beginner hikers who want to hike moderately without overexerting themselves. The Eorimok and Gwaneumsa courses are highly difficult, so if you are someone who does not normally exercise, we recommend other courses. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
어리목은 신제주, 성판악은 구제주와 제주시 동부, 영실은 중문 관광 단지에서 접근성이 좋으니 숙소 위치에 따라 코스를 결정하는 것도 방법이 될 수 있다. 버스를 타고 가는 경우 어리목과 성판악 코스가 접근성이 좋다. | Eorimok is accessible from New Jeju, Seongpanak from Old Jeju and the eastern part of Jeju City, and Yeongsil from the Jungmun Tourist Complex, so choosing a course based on the location of your accommodation could be a good strategy. If traveling by bus, the Eorimok and Seongpanak courses are more accessible. | Eorimok is easily accessible from New Jeju, Seongpanak is easily accessible from Gujeju and eastern Jeju City, and Yeongsil is easily accessible from Jungmun Tourist Complex, so deciding on a course based on the location of your accommodation may be an option. If you take the bus, Eorimok and Seongpanak courses are easily accessible. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
한라산 영실 탐방로는 난이도가 낮으면서도 경치가 빼어나 가장 인기가 높다. 봄에는 진달래, 가을에는 단풍이 아름답기로도 유명하다. 특히 5월 중순부터 6월 중순 사이에 진달래와 철쭉이 차례로 피고 지는 장관은 놓치기 아깝다. 한라산 성판악 탐방로에서 백록담으로 가기 전에 나오는 사라오름은 계절에 따라 변화하는 산정호수의 풍경이 무척 매력적이다. 건기에는 호수가 완전히 말라버리기도 하고, 겨울에는 얼음이 얼기도 하는데, 비가 온 뒤 호수의 수위가 높아졌을 때 방문하면 신령스러운 분위기를 느낄 수 있다. | The Yeongsil Trail on Mount Halla is popular for its low difficulty and spectacular scenery. It is also famous for its beautiful azaleas in spring and autumn foliage. In particular, the sight of azaleas and royal azaleas blooming and fading in turn from mid-May to mid-June is too good to miss. Before reaching Baekrokdam on the Seongpanak Trail on Mount Halla, the view of Saraoreum crater lake, which changes with the seasons, is very attractive. During the dry season, the lake may dry up completely, and in winter, it may freeze over, but visiting after rain when the water level of the lake is high can give you a mystical experience. | The Yeongsil Trail on Hallasan Mountain is the most popular because it is not difficult but offers great scenery. It is also famous for its beautiful azaleas in spring and autumn leaves in fall. In particular, the spectacle of azaleas and azaleas blooming and falling one after another from mid-May to mid-June is not to be missed. Sara Oreum, which appears before going to Baekrokdam on the Hallasan Seongpanak trail, is very attractive with the scenery of Sanjeong Lake that changes depending on the season. During the dry season, the lake dries up completely, and during the winter, it freezes over. If you visit when the lake's water level rises after rain, you can feel a magical atmosphere. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
한라산 정상을 정복하려면, 아무 코스로나 가서는 안 된다. 현재 백록담까지 오를 수 있는 코스는 성판악과 관음사 탐방로 두 곳뿐이다. 그중 성판악 코스가 좀 더 쉽고 무난하다. 대중교통을 이용한다면 성판악으로 올라가 관음사로 내려오는 것도 괜찮은 방법. 백록담까지는 왕복 8시간 안팎이 소요되기 때문에 체력을 안배하고 장비와 간식을 든든히 준비해야 한다. | To conquer the summit of Hallasan, one must not take just any trail. Currently, there are only two trails available that lead up to Baeknokdam: the Seongpanak and Gwaneumsa trails. Among these, the Seongpanak trail is somewhat easier and more manageable. If using public transportation, it is also a good option to ascend via Seongpanak and descend via Gwaneumsa. A round trip to Baeknokdam takes about 8 hours, so it is necessary to manage one's stamina and prepare equipment and snacks adequately. | To conquer the summit of Hallasan Mountain, you cannot take just any course. Currently, there are only two trails that allow you to climb up to Baeknokdam: Seongpanak and Gwaneumsa trails. Among them, the Seongpanak course is easier and more comfortable. If you are using public transportation, it is a good idea to go up to Seongpanak and come down to Gwaneumsa Temple. Since it takes about 8 hours to get to Baeknokdam round trip, you need to plan your stamina and prepare plenty of equipment and snacks. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
한라산 정상에서 찍은 사진을 성판악이나 관음사 탐방로 입구의 관리소에 제시하면 ‘정상등반인증서’를 발급받을 수 있다. 발급 수수료는 천 원이다. | Presenting a photo taken at the summit of Hallasan at the management office at the entrance to Seongpanak or Gwaneumsa trails, you can obtain a 'summit ascent certificate'. The issuance fee is one thousand won. | You can receive a ‘summit climbing certificate’ by presenting a photo taken at the summit of Hallasan Mountain to the management office at the entrance to the Seongpanak or Gwaneumsa trail. The issuance fee is 1,000 won. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
한라산에 가보고 싶지만, 본격적인 등산은 아무래도 부담스럽다면? 정상까지 30분, 왕복 1시간이면 다녀올 수 있는 어승생악을 눈여겨보자. 어리목 탐방로 맞은편에 위치한 어승생악 탐방로는 짧은 코스지만 한라산의 다채로운 식생과 지형이 고스란히 나타나 한라산의 축소판이라 불린다. 해발 1,169m의 정상에서는 제주 시내가 한눈에 내려다보이기도 해 그런대로 등산의 참맛을 느낄 수 있다. 어승생악은 겨울 산행 코스로도 추천할 만한데, 아무리 코스가 짧아도 아이젠은 필수라는 점을 잊지 말자. | If you want to go to Hallasan but are intimidated by serious hiking, why not pay attention to Eoseungsaengak? It's a short trail across from the Eorimok trail, and you can go to the top and back in about an hour. Although it's a short course, it features the diverse vegetation and terrain of Hallasan, and it's called a miniature version of Hallasan. From its peak at 1,169 meters above sea level, you can get a panoramic view of Jeju City, providing a real taste of mountain climbing. Eoseungsaengak is also recommended for winter hiking, but remember that crampons are essential, no matter how short the course is. | What if you want to go to Hallasan Mountain, but don’t feel comfortable climbing it in earnest? Let's pay attention to Eoseungsaengak, which can be reached in 30 minutes to the summit and 1 hour round trip. The Eoseungsaengak Trail, located across from the Eorimok Trail, is a short course, but the colorful vegetation and topography of Hallasan are intact, so it is called a miniature version of Hallasan. From the summit, which is 1,169 meters above sea level, you can overlook downtown Jeju at a glance, allowing you to experience the true taste of mountaineering. Eoseungsaengak is also recommended as a winter hiking course, but don't forget that crampons are essential no matter how short the course is. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
· 필수 : 등산화, 모자, 물, 간식 · 선택 : 스틱, 선글라스, 장갑, 우의, 등산 배낭, 등산용 방석(돗자리), 김밥, 컵라면 · 겨울철 : 아이젠, 스패츠, 장갑, 귀마개, 핫팩, 여벌 양말 | · Essential: Hiking boots, hat, water, snacks · Optional: Stick, sunglasses, gloves, raincoat, hiking backpack, hiking cushion (mat), kimbap, cup noodles · Winter: Crampons, gaiters, gloves, ear muffs, hand warmers, spare socks | · Required: Hiking shoes, hat, water, snacks · Optional: Sticks, sunglasses, gloves, rain gear, hiking backpack, hiking cushion (mat), gimbap, cup ramen · Winter: Crampons, spats, gloves, earplugs, hot pack, extra socks | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
등산화는 필수다. 없다면 튼튼한 운동화를 신자. 하지만 발에 잘 맞는 등산화가 가장 좋다. 슬리퍼, 구두는 위험할 뿐만 아니라 입산 제한을 받을 수도 있다. 햇볕과 바람을 막아줄 모자도 필수품이라 할 수 있다. 등산용 스틱이 있으면 도움이 된다. 체중을 분산해주어 힘이 덜 든다. 백록담까지 다녀올 예정이라면 가급적 준비하자. | Hiking shoes are essential. If not, wear sturdy walking shoes. However, hiking shoes that fit your feet well are best. Slippers and shoes are not only dangerous, but you may also be restricted from entering the mountain. A hat to block the sun and wind is also a must. It is helpful to have hiking sticks. It distributes your weight so it takes less effort. If you are planning to go to Baekrokdam, prepare as much as possible. | Hiking boots are essential. If unavailable, wear sturdy sneakers. However, well-fitting hiking boots are best. Slippers and formal shoes are not only dangerous but can also result in entry restrictions. A hat that shields from the sun and wind can also be considered an essential item. Having trekking poles can be helpful. They distribute your weight and make the effort less taxing. If you plan to go up to Baekrokdam, it's advisable to prepare as much as possible. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
한라산은 육지의 다른 산과 달리 약수터를 찾아보기 어렵다. 탐방로 중간에 매점도 없기 때문에, 마실 물을 꼭 챙겨 가야 한다. 당이 떨어질 때를 대비해 초콜릿 등의 간식도 준비하자. 산 위에서 식사를 한다면 김밥이나 컵라면이 무난하다. 뜨거운 물은 보온병에 담아서 가져가면 되고, 먹고 난 쓰레기는 반드시 되가져오는 것을 잊지 말 것. | Unlike other mountains on land, it is difficult to find a spring on Hallasan. Since there are no stores along the trails, you must bring your own drinking water. Be sure to prepare snacks like chocolate in case your sugar levels drop. If you eat on the mountain, gimbap or cup noodles are a safe choice. You can bring hot water in a thermos, and don't forget to take all your trash back with you. | Unlike other mountains on land, it is difficult to find mineral springs on Hallasan Mountain. Since there are no stands along the trail, you must bring drinking water with you. Prepare snacks such as chocolate in case you run out of sugar. If you are eating on the mountain, kimbap or cup ramen are fine. You can bring hot water in a thermos, and don't forget to bring back any trash you left behind. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
선글라스, 장갑, 등산 배낭, 등산용 방석이나 돗자리도 있으면 좋은 아이템들. 맑은 날에도 고지대에는 안개가 끼고 보슬비가 내리는 일이 잦으니 우의도 도움이 된다. 또한, 꼭 등산복을 입을 필요는 없지만, 산에서는 기온 변화가 심하기 때문에 입고 벗을 수 있도록 얇은 옷을 여러 벌 겹쳐 입는 게 유리하다. 여름이라도 고지대에서는 서늘한 느낌이 들 수 있어 바람막이 하나 정도는 챙겨 가는 게 좋다. | Sunglasses, gloves, a hiking backpack, and a hiking cushion or mat are also good items to have. Even on clear days, it is often foggy and drizzling in the highlands, so a raincoat is also helpful. Also, it is not necessary to wear hiking clothes, but since the temperature changes drastically in the mountains, it is advantageous to wear several layers of thin clothing so that you can put them on and take them off. Even in summer, it can feel chilly at high altitudes, so it's a good idea to bring at least a windbreaker. | Sunglasses, gloves, hiking backpacks, and having a seat cushion or mat can be good items. Even on clear days, high altitudes can have fog and drizzles are common, so a raincoat can be helpful. Additionally, while it's not necessary to wear hiking clothes, it is advantageous to layer thin clothes that can be easily added or removed as the temperature in the mountains changes dramatically. Even in summer, high altitudes can feel cool, so it's good to take at least one windbreaker. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
겨울 산행에는 특별한 준비물이 필요하다. 아이젠과 스패츠가 있어야 한다. 스패츠는 없으면 아쉬운 대로 갈 수도 있지만 아이젠이 없으면 못 올라간다고 생각해야 한다. 장갑, 모자, 귀마개, 핫팩 등의 방한용품을 준비하면 도움이 된다. 양말이 젖을 경우에 대비한 여벌 양말도 상당히 유용하다. | Special equipment is necessary for winter mountain hiking. You must have crampons and gaiters. Although you can manage without gaiters if necessary, you should consider it impossible to climb without crampons. Preparing winter gear such as gloves, hats, ear covers, and hand warmers can be helpful. An extra pair of socks is also quite useful in case your socks get wet. | Winter hiking requires special preparations. You must have crampons and spats. If you don't have spats, you can go any way you want, but you have to think that you can't climb without crampons. It is helpful to prepare cold weather items such as gloves, hats, earplugs, and hot packs. Extra socks are also very useful in case your socks get wet. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
현지에서 등산용품을 구하려면 이마트 등의 대형 마트나 시내 등산용품점을 방문해보자. 영실, 성판악, 관음사 탐방로에는 입구에 매점이 있어 스틱이나 아이젠, 장갑 등을 구입할 수 있다. 한 번 등산을 위해 여러 장비를 구입하는 것이 부담스럽다면, 제주 여행 물품 대여 서비스인 '오쉐어'에서 한라산 등산 패키지를 대여하자. 등산화부터 배낭, 스틱, 아이젠, 모자 등을 저렴하게 빌릴 수 있다. | If you want to purchase hiking supplies locally, visit a large supermarket such as E-Mart or a mountaineering equipment store in the city. Yeongsil, Seongpanak, and Gwaneumsa trails have kiosks at the entrance where you can buy sticks, crampons, gloves, etc. If purchasing multiple equipment for one hike is burdensome, rent a Hallasan mountain climbing package from ‘O’Share’, a Jeju travel equipment rental service. You can rent hiking boots, backpacks, sticks, crampons, hats, etc. at low prices. | If you want to get hiking gear locally, try visiting large supermarkets like E-Mart or downtown climbing shops. There are shops at the entrance of hiking trails like Yeongsil, Seongpanak, and Gwaneumsa where you can buy items like sticks, crampons, and gloves. If the idea of purchasing various equipment for a hike is daunting, consider renting a Hallasan mountain hiking package from 'Oshare', a Jeju travel goods rental service. You can rent everything from hiking boots and backpacks to sticks, crampons, and hats at an affordable price. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
✔︎ 산간 지방의 날씨는 정말이지 변화무쌍하다. 30분 거리의 시내는 쨍쨍한데 한라산에는 폭풍우가 몰아치는 경우도 심심치 않으니, 날씨 체크를 소홀히 하지 말자. ✔︎ 한라산은 육지의 여느 산과 달리 산 아래에 식당이 없다. 영실, 성판악, 관음사 코스의 매점에서는 간단한 음식을 팔기도 하지만, 장시간 산행을 하는 경우 먹을 것을 꼭 준비해 가야 한다. ✔︎ 한라산 국립 공원에서의 음주와 흡연은 당연히 금지되어 있다. 일회용 도시락도 반입 금지이니, 김밥 등 쓰레기가 덜 나오는 음식을 준비하는 것이 좋다. ✔︎ 화장실 간 거리가 꽤 머니, 등반 중간에 대피소를 만나면 화장실을 이용하는 것이 좋다. | ✔︎ The weather in the mountainous regions is truly unpredictable. While it may be sunny in the city just 30 minutes away, it's not unusual for a storm to be raging on Mount Halla, so don't neglect to check the weather. ✔︎ Unlike other mountains on the mainland, there are no restaurants at the base of Mount Halla. While simple foods may be sold at the kiosks along the Yeongsil, Seongpanak, and Gwaneumsa trails, if you plan on a long hike, you must bring your own food. ✔︎ Drinking and smoking are naturally prohibited in Hallasan National Park. Single-use lunch boxes are also banned, so it's best to prepare foods like kimbap that produce less waste. ✔︎ Toilets can be quite far apart, so it's best to use the toilet when you encounter a shelter during the climb. | ✔︎ The weather in mountainous regions is truly changeable. Although it is sunny in the city 30 minutes away, it is not uncommon for a storm to hit Hallasan Mountain, so don't neglect to check the weather. ✔︎ Unlike other mountains on land, Hallasan Mountain does not have a restaurant at the foot of the mountain. The stands on the Yeongsil, Seongpanak, and Gwaneumsa courses sell simple food, but if you are hiking for a long time, you must bring something to eat. ✔︎ Drinking and smoking are of course prohibited in Hallasan National Park. Disposable lunch boxes are also prohibited, so it is a good idea to prepare foods that produce less waste, such as gimbap. ✔︎ The distance between restrooms is quite long, so it is best to use the restroom if you come across a shelter mid-climb. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
제주 주변에는 크고 작은 섬들이 60여 개나 된다. 작고 아담하지만 소박하고 여유로운 매력으로 매년 많은 여행자의 발길을 이끈다. 봄마다 청보리가 반기는 가파도부터 트레킹족에게 사랑받는 추자도까지. 각자만의 개성을 가진 제주 섬 다섯 곳을 소개한다. | There are around 60 large and small islands surrounding Jeju. Although small and quaint, their simple and leisurely charm attracts many travelers every year. From Gapado, which welcomes visitors with green barley every spring, to Chuja Island, beloved by trekkers. Here are five Jeju islands, each with their own unique personality. | There are about 60 large and small islands around Jeju. Although it is small and cozy, it attracts many travelers every year with its simple and leisurely charm. From Gapado Island, where green barley welcomes you every spring, to Chujado Island, loved by trekkers. Introducing five Jeju islands, each with their own unique characteristics. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
우리나라 영토의 최남단에 위치한 섬. 둥근 외관이 돋보이는 ‘마라도 성당’, 영토 최남단을 알리는 ‘대한민국 최남단비’, 이제는 건물만 남은 ‘가파 초등학교 마라분교’, 오랜 해풍으로 만들어진 해식동굴 등 작은 섬 안에 볼거리가 다양하다. 마라도에 왔다면, 이곳만의 특별한 자장면도 빼놓을 수 없다. 톳, 거북손, 돌미역 같은 해산물이 들어간다. | An island located at the southernmost tip of Korea's territory. There are a variety of things to see on the small island, including the ‘Marado Cathedral’ with its round exterior, the ‘Southernmost Monument of the Republic of Korea’ that marks the southernmost point of the territory, the ‘Gapa Elementary School Mara Branch’ where only the building remains, and the sea cave created by long-standing sea breezes. If you come to Marado, you cannot miss the special Jajangmyeon that is unique to this place. Seafood such as hijiki, turtle finger, and seaweed are included. | An island located at the southernmost tip of our country's territory. The 'Marado Cathedral' with its distinctive round appearance, the 'Republic of Korea Southernmost Monument' marking the southernmost point of the territory, the 'Gapa Elementary School Marado Branch' which now only remains as a building, and sea caves formed by the long sea breeze—there are a variety of sights within this small island. If you come to Marado, you can't miss out on its unique black bean noodles, which include seafood like sea mustard, sea squirts, and kelp. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
· 출발 시간에 따라 돌아오는 배의 시간이 정해져 있다. 따로 문의하지 않으면 돌아오는 티켓은 1시간 40분 후 티켓으로 자동으로 발급된다. 여유롭게 섬을 구경하고 싶다면 매표 시 문의하자. · 가파도와 마라도 배편을 하루에 이용 시 배편 요금이 할인된다. | · The return time of the boat is determined according to the departure time. Unless you inquire separately, a return ticket will be automatically issued after 1 hour and 40 minutes. If you want to leisurely explore the island, inquire when purchasing a ticket. · The ferry fare is discounted when using the ferry between Gapado and Marado in one day. | · The return ferry schedule is determined by the departure time. If not specifically inquired about, the return ticket is automatically issued for 1 hour and 40 minutes later. If you want to explore the island leisurely, inquire when buying your ticket. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
✔️ 마라도 해물 자장면 먹기 ✔️ 해안선따라 섬 한 바퀴 돌기 ✔️ 해안 밑으로 내려가 기암절벽 구경하기 | ✔️ Eat Marado Seafood Jajangmyeon ✔️ Walk around the island along the coastline ✔️ Go down to the bottom of the coast and see the strangely shaped cliffs | ✔️ Eat Marado seafood black bean noodles ✔️ Take a full circle around the island following the coastline ✔️ Go down to the base of the coast and view the rocky cliffs | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
드넓은 청보리밭이 아름답게 펼쳐진 섬. 청보리밭과 푸른 바다, 뻥 뚫린 하늘이 어우러져 장관을 이룬다. 3월 말에서 5월 초에 청보리의 푸른빛이 절정에 달한다. 5월부터 청보리가 익으면서 섬 전체를 황금색으로 물들인다. 가을에는 수확을 마친 청보리밭을 코스모스와 해바라기가 그 자리를 대신한다. 섬에서 가장 높은 ‘소망 전망대’에 오르면 섬 전체를 조망할 수 있으니 꼭 놓치지 말자. | An island with vast fields of green barley beautifully spread out. Green barley fields, the blue sea, and the clear sky merge to create a spectacular view. The greenery of the barley reaches its peak from late March to early May. From May, as the barley ripens, it turns the entire island golden. In autumn, cosmos and sunflowers replace the harvested barley fields. Don't miss the chance to climb to the 'Island's Highest Observation Deck' for a panoramic view of the island. | An island with beautiful wide green barley fields. The green barley fields, blue sea, and open sky come together to form a spectacular sight. The green color of green barley reaches its peak from late March to early May. Starting in May, the green barley ripens and turns the entire island golden. In fall, cosmos and sunflowers take the place of green barley fields that have been harvested. If you climb to the ‘Somang Observatory’, the highest point on the island, you can see the entire island, so don’t miss it. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
✔️ 청보리밭을 배경으로 사진찍기 ✔️ 청보리 아이스크림 먹기 ✔️ 소망 전망대에 오르기 | ✔️ Take a picture with the green barley field in the background ✔️ Eat green barley ice cream ✔️ Climb the Somang Observatory | ✔️ Take a photo with the green barley field as the background | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
고려 시대 때 화산이 폭발하면서 생겨난 섬으로, 제주 섬 중 가장 막내다. 섬 중앙에 거대한 분화구를 가진 비양봉이 우뚝하고, 해안에는 용암이 물을 만나 굳어진 화산탄이 넓게 분포하는 등 화산 활동의 흔적이 잘 보존되어 있다. 일주 코스를 따라 섬을 한 바퀴 돌거나 등산로로 비양봉 정상에 오르며 비양도를 즐기자. 특히 비양봉 정상에서는 제주의 모습이 한눈에 들어온다. | An island formed as a result of a volcanic eruption during the Goryeo Dynasty, it is the youngest among the Jeju islands. It boasts a gigantic crater in the center, named Biyangbong, and across its coast, volcanic scoria formed by lava meeting water is widely spread, preserving well the traces of volcanic activity. You can enjoy Biyangdo by following the perimeter course around the island or by climbing to the top of Biyangbong via the hiking trail. In particular, from the summit of Biyangbong, one can take in the entire view of Jeju at a glance. | This island was created when a volcano erupted during the Goryeo Dynasty, and is the youngest of Jeju Island. Biyangbong Peak, which has a huge crater, stands tall in the center of the island, and traces of volcanic activity are well preserved, such as volcanic bombs that hardened when lava meets water are widely distributed along the coast. Enjoy Biyangdo Island by taking a circle around the island along the circular course or climbing to the top of Biyangbong Peak on the hiking trail. In particular, you can see Jeju at a glance from the top of Biyangbong Peak. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
제주에는 비양도가 두 곳이 있다. 제주 서쪽에 위치한 한림 비양도와 우도 옆의 작은 섬 우도 비양도가 있다. 이름이 같아 헷갈리지 않게 주의하자. | There are two places called Biyangdo in Jeju. There's Hallim Biyangdo located on the west side of Jeju and a small island called Udo Biyangdo next to Udo. Be careful not to get confused because they share the same name. | There are two Biyangdo islands in Jeju. There is Hallim Biyangdo, located in the west of Jeju, and Udo and Biyangdo, a small island next to Udo. Be careful not to get confused because the names are the same. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
✔️ 일주 코스 따라 비양도 한 바퀴 돌기 ✔️ 일몰에 맞춰 노을 감상하기 ✔️ 비양봉 정상에 오르기 | ✔️ Take a walk around Biyangdo along the circumnavigation course ✔️ Enjoy the sunset at sunset ✔️ Climb to the top of Biyangbong Peak | ✔️ Take a lap around Biyangdo Island following the weekly course | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
제주에서 가장 큰 무인도. 2011년에 섬을 개방하기 전까지 30년 동안 사람의 발길이 닿지 않아 자연 그대로의 모습을 잘 간직하고 있다. 깎아지르는 해안절벽과 바다 위에 우뚝 솟은 기암괴석들이 경이로운 풍경을 자랑한다. 제주 서쪽에 위치한 만큼 일몰이 아름답기로도 유명하다. 일몰 시간에 맞춰 유람선을 이용할 것을 추천한다. | The largest uninhabited island in Jeju. Until the island was opened to the public in 2011, it was untouched by people for 30 years, so its natural appearance is well preserved. The steep coastal cliffs and strangely shaped rocks towering over the sea boast a wonderful scenery. Since it is located in the west of Jeju, it is also famous for its beautiful sunsets. It is recommended to take the cruise at sunset time. | The largest uninhabited island in Jeju. It was untouched by human foot for 30 years until the island was opened to the public in 2011, preserving its natural state very well. The steep coastal cliffs and the strange and wondrous rocks rising above the sea create a marvelous landscape. It is also famous for its beautiful sunsets as it is located on the west side of Jeju. It is recommended to take a cruise timed to the sunset. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
주변 바다에 참돔, 돌돔, 벵에돔 등 다양한 어종이 서식해 바다낚시 성지로 불린다. 자구내 포구 주변에 배낚시 업체 10여 곳이 모여 있다. 장비를 빌려주고 방법도 알려주니 낚시 초보자라도 걱정 말고 찾아가 보자. 물고기가 많이 잡히는 시기는 1-3월과 6-12월이다. | The surrounding seas are inhabited by various fish species such as red snapper, rock bream, and horsehead snapper, earning the reputation as a mecca for sea fishing. There are about ten fishing charter companies around Jangu-nae harbor. They rent out equipment and teach you how to fish, so even beginners should not worry and give it a try. The months when a lot of fish are caught are January to March and June to December. | A variety of fish species, including red snapper, parrot snapper, and red snapper, live in the surrounding sea, making it a sacred place for sea fishing. There are about 10 boat fishing companies gathered around Jagunae Port. Even if you are a beginner in fishing, don’t worry, we will lend you equipment and teach you how to do it. The seasons when large numbers of fish are caught are January-March and June-December. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
✔️ 일몰에 맞춰 노을 감상하기 ✔️ 바다 낚시 즐기기 | ✔️ Watch the sunset ✔️ Enjoy sea fishing | ✔️ Watch the sunset at sunset ✔️ Enjoy sea fishing | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
배로 1시간을 타고 가야 만날 수 있는 제주시 최북단 섬. 상추자도, 하추자도를 포함한 4개의 유인도와 38개의 무인도로 이루어졌다. 추자도에는 올레길 코스 중 가장 어려운 18-1코스가 조성되어 있다. 18.2km 길이에 내리막길과 오르막길이 반복되어, 트레킹족들의 도전 욕구를 불러일으킨다. 산 정상까지 오르는 길은 힘들지만 정상에서 내려다보는 섬 풍경이 매우 빼어나다. | The northernmost island of Jeju City can be reached by taking an hour by boat. It consists of 4 inhabited islands, including Sangchujado and Hachujado, and 38 uninhabited islands. Chuja Island has Course 18-1, the most difficult of the Olle Trail courses. It is 18.2km long and has repeated downhill and uphill paths, arousing the desire for challenge among trekkers. The road to the top of the mountain is difficult, but the view of the island from the top is spectacular. | The northernmost island of Jeju City that can only be reached by taking a ferry for an hour. It consists of 4 inhabited islands, including Sangchuja Island and Hachuja Island, and 38 uninhabited islands. On Chuja Island, there is the most difficult Olle Trail course, 18-1. The course is 18.2 km long with alternating downhill and uphill paths, which ignites the challenge spirit among trekkers. The climb to the mountain peak is tough, but the panoramic view of the island from the top is exceptionally beautiful. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
✔️ 올레 18-1코스 완주하기 ✔️ 산 정상에서 사진찍기 | ✔️ Complete the Olle 18-1 Course ✔️ Take a photo at the summit of the mountain | ✔️ Complete Olle Course 18-1 ✔️ Take photos at the top of the mountain | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
제주에는 다채로운 매력을 가진 카페들이 가득하다. 멋진 전망, 맛있는 커피, 예쁜 디저트 등 취향에 따라 가볼 만한 카페도 달라진다. 제주에서 꼭 가야 할 카페를 테마별로 알아보자. | Jeju is full of cafes with diverse charms. There are different cafes worth visiting depending on your taste, including great views, delicious coffee, and pretty desserts. Let’s look at the must-visit cafes in Jeju by theme. | Jeju is full of cafes with a diverse range of attractions. Nice views, delicious coffee, pretty desserts, and more, there are different cafes worth visiting depending on your taste. Let's find out about the must-visit cafes in Jeju by theme. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
시원한 제주의 바다 전망과 느긋한 티 타임, 둘 다 즐기고 싶다면 이곳으로 가자. 끝없이 펼쳐진 바다 전망이 아름다운 카페들을 소개한다. | If you want to enjoy both the cool Jeju ocean view and a leisurely tea time, go here. We introduce cafes with beautiful views of the endless sea. | If you want to enjoy a cool Jeju sea view and a leisurely tea time, let's go to this place. We introduce cafes with endlessly beautiful sea views. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
기와지붕의 멋스러움이 돋보이는 카페. 푸른 잔디 정원과 바다가 한눈에 내려다보이는 멋진 전망을 자랑한다. 내부가 넓고, 단체로 앉을 수 있는 테이블도 많아 가족이나 단체 여행자에게 추천한다. ・ 위치 : 중문 ・ 주차공간 : 충분 | A cafe with a stylish tile roof. It boasts a wonderful view overlooking the green lawn garden and the sea. It is spacious inside and has many tables for groups to sit, so it is recommended for families or group travelers.・ Location: Jungmun ・ Parking space: Sufficient | A cafe that stands out with the elegance of a tiled roof. It boasts a spectacular view that encompasses a green grassy garden and the sea at a glance. The interior is spacious, with many tables available for groups, making it recommended for families or group travelers. ・ Location: Jungmun ・ Parking space: Ample | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
카페를 들어서자마자 보이는 코발트 빛 바다와 소나무가 어우러진 풍광이 매력적이다. 정원에 놓인 소파에 누워서 마음껏 바다를 감상해도 좋다. ・ 위치 : 중문 ・ 주차공간 : 충분 | The scenery of the cobalt-colored sea and pine trees visible as soon as you enter the cafe is attractive. You can lie down on the sofa in the garden and enjoy the sea view to your heart's content.・ Location: Jungmun ・ Parking space: Sufficient | The scenery of the cobalt-colored sea and pine trees visible as soon as you enter the cafe is attractive. You can lie down on the sofa in the garden and enjoy the sea view to your heart's content.・ Location: Jungmun ・ Parking space: Sufficient | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
카페 전면이 통유리로 되어있고, 3층에는 야외 테라스를 갖춰 바다를 바라보기 좋다. 이곳에만 있는 현무암 빵, 오메기 빵 등 제주를 떠올리는 빵도 함께 차 한 잔의 여유를 즐겨보자. ・ 위치 : 애월 ・ 주차공간 : 충분 | The front of the cafe is made of glass, and there is an outdoor terrace on the 3rd floor, great for looking out to the sea. Let’s enjoy a cup of tea with bread that reminds us of Jeju, such as basalt bread and omegi bread, which are only found here.・ Location: Aewol ・ Parking space: Sufficient | The cafe front is made of floor-to-ceiling glass, and the third floor has an outdoor terrace, making it nice to view the sea. Enjoy a cup of tea with breads unique to this place, like basalt bread, omegi bread, and others that bring to mind Jeju. ・ Location: Aewol ・ Parking space: Ample | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
협재 해수욕장 해변가에 있는 카페. 3층 건물을 단독으로 사용하며, 모든 층에서 오션뷰를 감상할 수 있다. ‘무한도전’에서 이효리와 함께 방송 촬영을 했던 곳으로 알려져 있다. ・ 위치 : 한림 ・ 주차공간 : 부족 (협재 해수욕장 주차장 이용 권장) | A cafe located on the beach of Hyeopjae Beach. It uses a three-story building exclusively, and ocean views can be enjoyed from all floors. Known as the place where 'Infinite Challenge' was filmed with Lee Hyori. ・ Location: Hallim ・ Parking space: Insufficient (Use of Hyeopjae Beach parking lot recommended) | A cafe on the beach of Hyeopjae Beach. The three-story building is used exclusively, and ocean views can be enjoyed from all floors. It is known as the place where Lee Hyo-ri and Lee Hyo-ri filmed their broadcasts in ‘Infinite Challenge.’・ Location: Hallim ・ Parking space: Insufficient (use of Hyeopjae Beach parking lot is recommended) | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
일몰이 아름답기로 소문난 핫플레이스. 전면을 통유리로 설치해 어디서든지 바다가 보인다. 이곳의 묘미는 2층의 통로. 액자 같은 프레임 안으로 푸른 바다가 펼쳐져 SNS에서 인기 몰이 중이다. ・ 위치 : 한경 ・ 주차공간 : 부족 | A hot place famous for its beautiful sunsets. Full-length glass is installed at the front so the sea can be seen from anywhere. The highlight of this place is the second-floor walkway. The blue sea spreads out like a picture within a frame, making it popular on social media. ・ Location: Hangyeong ・ Parking space: Insufficient | A hot place known for its beautiful sunsets. The entire front is made of glass, so you can see the sea from anywhere. The highlight of this place is the passage on the second floor. The blue sea unfolds inside a picture frame, which is gaining popularity on social media.・ Location: Hankyung ・ Parking space: Insufficient | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
마치 숲에 들어온 듯한 식물 카페부터 산, 정원, 밭 전망의 카페들까지! 제주 자연을 보다 가까이 느낄 수 있는 카페들로 모았다. | From plant cafes that feel like you've entered a forest to cafes with views of mountains, gardens, and fields! A collection of cafes where you can feel closer to the nature of Jeju. | From plant cafes that make you feel like you’re in a forest, to cafes with views of mountains, gardens, and fields! We have gathered together cafes where you can feel the nature of Jeju more closely. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
정원부터 카페 내부까지 식물로 가득한 카페. 정원이 내다보이는 카페의 출입문을 배경으로 찍은 인증샷이 SNS에서 유명세를 타기도 했다. 디저트인 토스트 메뉴의 맛도 좋다. ・ 위치 : 구좌 ・ 주차공간 : 부족 | A café filled with plants from the garden to the interior. A photo taken against the background of the café's entrance with a view of the garden also became famous on social media. The taste of the dessert toast menu is also good. ・ Location : Gujwa ・ Parking space : Insufficient | A cafe full of plants, from the garden to the interior of the cafe. A proof shot taken with the entrance of a cafe overlooking the garden in the background also became famous on social media. The taste of the dessert toast menu is also good.・ Location: Account ・ Parking space: Not enough | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
다양한 색상의 수국이 피는 정원으로 유명한 카페. 계절에 따라 핑크뮬리와 팜파스, 동백 등도 볼 수 있다. 카페 전체가 포토존이라 사진 찍는 재미도 쏠쏠하다. ・ 위치 : 중문 ・ 주차공간 : 충분 | A cafe famous for its garden with hydrangeas of various colors. Depending on the season, you can also see pink muhly, pampas, and camellia. The entire cafe is a photo zone, so taking pictures is a lot of fun.・ Location: Jungmun ・ Parking space: Sufficient | A cafe famous for its garden blooming with hydrangeas of various colors. Depending on the season, you can also see pink muhly, pampas grass, and camellias. The entire cafe is a photo zone, making it lots of fun to take pictures. ・ Location: Jungmun ・ Parking space: Ample | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
수목원에 온 듯한 착각을 불러일으키는 큰 규모의 정원이 있는 곳. 카페 정원은 돌담, 연못 등으로 꾸며져 있다. 정원을 산책하거나 루프탑에서 가든 뷰를 보며 쉬었다 가도 좋다. ・ 위치 : 제주 시내 ・ 주차공간 : 충분 | A place with a large garden that makes you feel like you are in an arboretum. The cafe garden is decorated with stone walls and a pond. You can take a walk in the garden or take a break while looking at the garden view from the rooftop.・ Location: Jeju City ・ Parking space: Sufficient | A place with a large-scale garden that evokes the illusion of being at an arboretum. The cafe garden is decorated with stone walls and ponds. It's good to take a walk in the garden or rest while looking at the garden view from the rooftop. ・ Location: Downtown Jeju ・ Parking space: Ample | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
통유리창으로 초록빛 정원을 바라보며 힐링할 수 있는 곳. 정원 내에는 산책하기 좋은 길이 있다. 핑크뮬리밭과 측백나무 길이 이곳을 대표하는 포토 스팟이다. ・ 위치 : 서귀포 ・ 주차공간 : 충분 | A place where you can heal while looking at the green garden through the floor-to-ceiling windows. There are nice paths for walking in the garden. A field of pink muhly grass and a path lined with Japanese cypress trees are the signature photo spots of this place. ・ Location: Seogwipo ・ Parking space: Ample | A place where you can relax while looking at the green garden through the full-length glass window. There is a nice path for taking a walk within the garden. The pink muhly field and arborvitae tree road are representative photo spots here.・ Location: Seogwipo ・ Parking space: Sufficient | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
노란색 컨테이너처럼 보이는 외형이 특징인 귀여운 카페. 주변에는 감귤밭이 넓게 펼쳐져 있어 감귤밭 한가운데서 차를 즐기는 기분이 든다. 감귤주스가 시그니처 메뉴로 상큼한 제주 귤 맛을 제대로 맛볼 수 있다. ・ 위치 : 조천 ・ 주차공간 : 부족 | A cute cafe that looks like a yellow container. There are wide citrus fields around, so it feels like enjoying tea in the middle of a citrus field. Tangerine juice is a signature menu item, allowing you to fully enjoy the refreshing taste of Jeju tangerines.・ Location: Jocheon ・ Parking space: Insufficient | A cute cafe with a distinctive appearance that looks like a yellow container. There is a vast citrus field around it, giving you the feeling of enjoying a cup of tea in the middle of the citrus field. Citrus juice is the signature menu item, and you can taste the fresh flavor of Jeju mandarins. ・ Location: Jocheon ・ Parking space: Limited | [
"user_id": "6836f537-6116-48a6-bb8a-773765b07d38",
"value": 1,
"status": "submitted"
] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
커피가 맛있기로 소문난 제주의 커피 맛집. 카페의 시그니처 커피는 물론, 사장님의 손길이 가득 들어간 원두와 커피도 즐길 수 있다. | A coffee restaurant in Jeju famous for its delicious coffee. In addition to the cafe's signature coffee, you can also enjoy coffee beans and coffee made with the owner's special touches. | A famous coffee spot in Jeju known for its delicious coffee. You can enjoy not only the cafe's signature coffee but also beans and coffee full of the owner's personal touch. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
2009 한국 바리스타 챔피언십 1위에 빛나는 ‘윤혜원’ 바리스타가 직접 운영하는 카페. 전문가의 손길로 탄생한 이곳의 커피는 마니아들도 한입에 반할 만한 풍부한 맛을 자랑한다. ・ 위치 : 조천 ・ 주차공간 : 충분 | A cafe run by barista ‘Hyewon Yoon’, who won first place in the 2009 Korea Barista Championship. The coffee here, created by expert hands, boasts a rich taste that even enthusiasts will fall in love with at first bite.・ Location: Jocheon ・ Parking space: Sufficient | A cafe operated by barista 'Yoon Hye-won', who shined as the first-place winner of the 2009 Korea Barista Championship. The coffee created by a professional has a rich flavor that even aficionados would love at first taste. ・ Location: Jocheon ・ Parking space: Ample | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
원두를 직접 로스팅하는 로스터리 카페로, 커피 맛이 좋기로 소문이 자자하다. 이곳의 시그니처 커피는 ‘코코넛 커피’다. 코코넛 밀크의 부드럽고 고소한 맛과 커피 향의 조화가 매력적이다. ・ 위치 : 애월 ・ 주차공간 : 충분 | This is a roastery cafe that roasts its own coffee beans, and is well-known for its delicious coffee. The signature coffee here is ‘Coconut Coffee’. The combination of the soft, nutty taste of coconut milk and the aroma of coffee is attractive.・ Location: Aewol ・ Parking space: Sufficient | A roastery cafe that roasts its own beans, the coffee here is rumored to be delicious. The signature coffee of this place is 'Coconut Coffee'. The harmony of the soft and savory taste of coconut milk with the aroma of coffee is charming. ・ Location: Aewol ・ Parking space: Ample | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
핸드드립 커피가 맛있는 카페. 산미나 고소한 맛, 카카오 향 등에 따라 총 5가지 맛이 준비돼 있다. 수국, 돌담 등 제주를 연상하는 이름이 붙여져 있다. ・ 위치 : 애월 ・ 주차공간 : 충분 | A cafe with delicious hand drip coffee. A total of 5 flavors are available depending on acidity, savory taste, and cacao flavor. They are given names reminiscent of Jeju, such as hydrangea and stone wall.・ Location: Aewol ・ Parking space: Sufficient | A cafe famous for its hand-drip coffee. There are a total of 5 flavors prepared, such as acidity, nutty taste, chocolate aroma, etc. The names evoke images of Jeju such as hydrangeas, stone walls, etc. ・ Location: Aewol ・ Parking space: Ample | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
시그니처 커피인 ‘너티 클라우드’로 유명한 곳. 너티 클라우드는 차가운 우유에 땅콩 크림과 진한 에스프레소 샷을 넣어 완성한다. 여행자들의 뜨거운 인기에 힘입어 서울에 육지 점을 오픈하기도 했다. ・ 위치 : 성산 ・ 주차공간 : 충분 | A place famous for its signature coffee, ‘Naughty Cloud’. Naughty Cloud is made with cold milk, peanut cream, and a strong espresso shot. Thanks to its huge popularity with travelers, a land branch was also opened in Seoul.・ Location: Seongsan ・ Parking space: Sufficient | Known for its signature coffee 'Naughty Cloud'. Naughty Cloud is made by adding peanut cream and a strong shot of espresso to cold milk. With the passionate popularity of travelers, they have even opened a mainland branch in Seoul. ・ Location: Seongsan ・ Parking space: Ample | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
시그니처 커피인 ‘풍림 브레붸’가 유명하다. 브레붸는 라떼에 부드러운 크림을 올려 먹는 커피로, ‘수요미식회’에서 맛이 좋기로 극찬한 바 있다. 더운 날에는 아이스 버전인 ‘카페 타히티’를 즐겨보자. ・ 위치 : 구좌 ・ 주차공간 : 충분 | Their signature coffee, ‘Punglim Breve’, is famous. Breve is a coffee served with soft cream on top of a latte, and has been highly praised by 'Wednesday Gourmet' for its delicious taste. On hot days, enjoy the iced version of ‘Café Tahiti’.・ Location: Account ・ Parking space: Sufficient | Famous for its signature coffee 'Punglim Brevé'. Brevé is a coffee topped with soft cream served on a latte, and has been highly praised for its taste on the show 'Wednesday Gourmet'. On hot days, try the iced version called 'Café Tahiti'. ・ Location: Gujwa ・ Parking space: Ample | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
여행 중에 당 떨어질 때 들르면 좋은 맛있는 디저트를 판매하는 카페. 맛도 좋고, 모양도 예술이라 SNS에선 이미 인기 만점인 디저트 카페를 소개한다. | A cafe that's good to visit when you need a sugar fix during a trip. Introducing a dessert cafe that is already popular on social media for its delicious taste and artistic shapes. | A cafe that sells delicious desserts that you can stop by when you're feeling low on sugar while traveling. We are introducing a dessert cafe that is already popular on social media because it tastes good and looks like art. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
마들렌, 쿠키, 타르트 등 직접 만든 다양한 디저트를 판매하고 있다. 이와 어울리는 시그니처 음료는 ‘메리 하하’로, 우유에 연유, 에스프레소 샷을 넣어 달콤하고 부드러운 맛이 일품이다. ・ 위치 : 제주 시내 ・ 주차공간 : 충분 | They sell a variety of homemade desserts including madeleines, cookies, tarts, etc. The signature drink that goes well with these is 'Merry Haha', which has a sweet and smooth taste with milk, condensed milk, and an espresso shot. ・ Location: Downtown Jeju ・ Parking space: Ample | They sell a variety of homemade desserts such as madeleines, cookies, and tarts. The signature drink that goes well with this is 'Mary Haha', which has a sweet and smooth taste made with milk, condensed milk, and espresso shots.・ Location: Jeju City ・ Parking space: Sufficient | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
팥과 버터를 함께 먹는 디저트인 ‘앙버터’가 인기. 이곳에서는 직접 구워 먹는 앙버터 키트를 체험할 수 있다. 물론 직접 굽지 않는 완성된 앙버터 토스트와 앙버터 비스켓도 즐길 수 있다. ・ 위치 : 애월 ・ 주차공간 : 충분 | The dessert 'Anbutter' which consists of red bean paste and butter eaten together is popular. In this place, one can experience the Anbutter kit, which you grill by yourself. Of course, you can also enjoy ready-made Anbutter toast and Anbutter biscuits. ・ Location: Aewol ・ Parking space: Ample | ‘Ang Butter’, a dessert made with red beans and butter, is popular. Here, you can experience the bean butter kit that you can bake and eat yourself. Of course, you can also enjoy ready-made bean-butter toast and bean-butter biscuits that you don’t bake yourself.・ Location: Aewol ・ Parking space: Sufficient | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
성수기에는 웨이팅을 피할 수 없을 만큼 인기 있는 카페. '크림치즈 애플토핑 PAN케익'이 인기다. 팬케이크 사이에 사과잼과 크림치즈가 듬뿍 들어있는데, 단맛을 좋아하지 않아도 부담 없이 즐길 수 있다. ・ 위치 : 애월 ・ 주차공간 : 부족 | This cafe is so popular that waiting in line is unavoidable during peak season. ‘Cream Cheese Apple Topping PAN Cake’ is popular. There is plenty of apple jam and cream cheese between the pancakes, so even if you don't like sweet things, you can still enjoy it.・ Location: Aewol ・ Parking space: Insufficient | A cafe so popular during peak season that waiting is inevitable. The 'Cream Cheese Apple Topping PANcake' is popular. The pancakes are filled with plenty of apple jam and cream cheese, and it's not overly sweet so even those who don't like sweet can enjoy it without burden. ・ Location: Aewol ・ Parking space: Insufficient | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
까눌레와 다쿠아즈가 맛있기로 입소문 난 곳으로, 디저트 메뉴가 품절되는 경우가 흔하다. 이럴 땐 사과 홍차, 유주 소다, 백향과 소다 등 매력적인 음료들로 아쉬움을 달래보자. ・ 위치 : 한림 ・ 주차공간 : 충분 | This Place is well known for delicious canelés and dacquoises, and it's common for the dessert menu to be sold out. In such cases, let’s soothe the disappointment with attractive drinks like apple tea, yuzu soda, and white grapefruit soda. ・ Location: Hallim ・ Parking space: Ample | This place is famous for its delicious canelé and dacquoise, and the dessert menu is often sold out. In times like this, let's soothe your disappointment with attractive drinks such as apple black tea, Yuju soda, and baekhyang soda.・ Location: Hallim ・ Parking space: Sufficient | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
디저트가 맛있기로 유명한 카페. 이곳의 디저트는 맛은 물론 인증샷을 찍지 않을 수 없는 비주얼을 자랑한다. 음료 메뉴는 디저트와 함께 즐겨도 부담스럽지 않도록 달지 않은 메뉴들로 구성되어 있다. ・ 위치 : 중문 ・ 주차공간 : 부족 | A cafe famous for its delicious desserts. The desserts here are not only delicious, but also boast a visual that you can't help but take a photo of. The drink menu consists of non-sweet menus so that it is not overwhelming to enjoy with dessert.・ Location: Jungmun ・ Parking space: Insufficient | A cafe famous for its delicious desserts. The desserts here boast a visual appeal that one cannot help but take an authentication shot, along with their taste. The beverage menu is composed of not-so-sweet options so that it is not overwhelming to enjoy with the desserts. ・ Location: Jungmun ・ Parking space: Insufficient | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
우도 땅콩, 제주 한라봉, 제주 녹차 등 제주 특산물로 만든 제주 특별 메뉴. 제주에서만 맛볼 수 있는 제주 특산 메뉴가 있는 카페를 알아보자. | Jeju special menu made with Jeju specialties such as Udo peanuts, Jeju hallabong, and Jeju green tea. Let’s find out about cafes that have Jeju specialty menus that can only be tasted in Jeju. | Jeju special menu made with Jeju specialties such as Udo peanuts, Jeju hallabong, and Jeju green tea. Let's find out about cafes that have a Jeju specialty menu that can only be tasted in Jeju. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
형형색색의 마카롱과 다쿠아즈, 카스테라를 판매하는 베이커리 카페. 현무암을 닮은 꼬끄가 인상적인 현무하카롱, 제주를 상징하는 돌하르방이 새겨진 카스테라가 인기다. ・ 위치 : 애월 ・ 주차공간 : 충분 | A bakery cafe selling colorful macarons, dacquoises, and castellas. Popular items include the Hyunmu Macaron, which looks like basalt, and the castella with an engraved Dol Hareubang, the symbol of Jeju. ・ Location: Aewol ・ Parking space: Ample | A bakery café selling colorful macarons, dacquoise, and castella. The Hyeonmu Hakalong, which has an impressive basalt-like shell, and the castella engraved with Dolhareubang, a symbol of Jeju, are popular.・ Location: Aewol ・ Parking space: Sufficient | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
제주 토종 유정란으로 만든 에그타르트 ‘모다정 세트’가 시그니처 메뉴. 너무 달지 않아 부담 없이 즐기기 좋다. 그 외에도 자몽, 포도, 초콜릿 등 다양한 맛의 타르트를 판매한다. ・ 위치 : 제주 시내 ・ 주차공간 : 부족 | The signature menu is the 'Modajung Set', egg tarts made with native Jeju free-range eggs. They are pleasantly not too sweet, perfect for enjoying without hesitation. In addition to that, they sell tarts with various flavors such as grapefruit, grape, chocolate, etc. ・ Location: Jeju City ・ Parking space: Insufficient | The signature menu item is the ‘Modajeong Set’, an egg tart made with Jeju’s native fertilized eggs. It's not too sweet, so it's easy to enjoy without pressure. In addition, they sell tarts in various flavors such as grapefruit, grape, and chocolate.・ Location: Downtown Jeju ・ Parking space: Insufficient | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
농협 은행 건물을 개조해 운영하는 카페로, 은행 창구가 주방 및 카운터로 사용되고 있다. 산방산 카푸치노, 제주 말차 라떼, 돌담 크림 모카 등 제주스러운 메뉴들을 즐기기 위해 여행자가 많이 찾는다. ・ 위치 : 중문 ・ 주차공간 : 부족 | This cafe is run in a renovated Nonghyup Bank building, and the bank window is used as a kitchen and counter. Many travelers visit to enjoy Jeju-style menus such as Sanbangsan cappuccino, Jeju matcha latte, and Doldam cream mocha.・ Location: Jungmun ・ Parking space: Insufficient | A cafe that has been converted from a Nonghyup Bank building. The bank counters are now used as the kitchen and the cafe counter. It's a popular destination for travelers who come to enjoy Jeju-specific menus such as Sanbangsan Cappuccino, Jeju Matcha Latte, and Stone Wall Cream Mocha. ・ Location: Jungmun ・ Parking space: Limited | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
제주 당근의 주 생산지인 구좌에 위치한 당근 전문 카페. 맛있는 당근 케이크와 당근 주스를 맛볼 수 있다. 풋귤 에이드, 한라봉 에이드 등 제주 특산 과일로 만드는 신선한 주스도 즐겨보자. ・ 위치 : 구좌 ・ 주차공간 : 부족 | A carrot specialty cafe located in Gujwa, the main production area for Jeju carrots. You can enjoy delicious carrot cake and carrot juice. Try out fresh juices made with signature Jeju citrus fruits like green mandarin ade and hallabong ade as well. ・ Location: Gujwa ・ Parking space: Limited | A carrot specialty cafe located in Gujwa, the main production area for Jeju carrots. You can taste delicious carrot cake and carrot juice. Enjoy fresh juices made with Jeju’s special fruits, such as green tangerine ade and hallabong ade.・ Location: Account ・ Parking space: Not enough | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
우도에 있는 곳으로, 우도 땅콩을 활용한 메뉴가 다양하다. 우도 땅콩 라떼, 우도 땅콩 아이스크림이 대표적. 그 외 제주산 한라봉으로 만든 메뉴들도 인기다. ・ 위치 : 우도 ・ 주차공간 : 충분 | This place is located in Udo Island and has a variety of menus using Udo peanuts. Representative products include Udo Peanut Latte and Udo Peanut Ice Cream. Other menus made with hallabong from Jeju are also popular.・ Location: Udo ・ Parking space: Sufficient | Located on Udo Island, where there is a variety of menus utilizing Udo peanuts. Udo peanut latte and Udo peanut ice cream are particularly famous. Other popular items include dishes made with Jeju hallabongs. ・ Location: Udo ・ Parking space: Ample | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
사계절 내내 다채로운 매력이 있는 제주. 볼거리, 즐길 거리, 먹을거리가 많아 여행자에게 사랑받는 국내 대표 여행지이다. 그만큼 제주 여행에 관련한 정보가 넘쳐나니, 그중 꼭 알아야 할 꿀팁만 모았다. | Jeju Island has diverse charms throughout the seasons. With many attractions, leisure activities, and culinary delights, it is a leading domestic travel destination beloved by travelers. As such, there is an abundance of information related to traveling to Jeju, so here we've gathered only the essential tips you need to know. | Jeju has a variety of charms throughout the four seasons. It is a representative domestic travel destination loved by travelers with many things to see, enjoy, and eat. There is a lot of information related to traveling to Jeju, so we have collected only the must-know tips. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
여유가 많아 제주를 다 둘러볼 수 있다면 좋지만, 그럴 수 없는 것이 현실. 사려니 숲길, 비자림, 성산일출봉 등 제주 대표 명소는 대부분 동쪽과 남쪽에 몰려 있다. 이 때문에 제주 국제공항에서 북동쪽에 있는 월정리에서 시계방향으로 돌며 여행하는 것이 좋다. 특히, 시간이 없는 여행자에게 서쪽에서 바로 동쪽으로 여행하는 것은 비효율적. 서쪽 한림에서 동쪽 성산까지 차로 2시간 정도 걸린다. | It would be nice if you had plenty of free time to explore all of Jeju, but the reality is that this is not possible. Most of Jeju's representative attractions, such as Saryeoni Forest Trail, Bijarim Forest, and Seongsan Ilchulbong, are located in the east and south. For this reason, it is best to travel clockwise from Woljeong-ri, which is northeast of Jeju International Airport. In particular, traveling directly from west to east is inefficient for travelers who are short on time. It takes about 2 hours to drive from Hallim in the west to Seongsan in the east. | It would be nice if there was enough leisure time to go around Jeju Island, but that's not the reality. Most of the representative attractions of Jeju, such as Saryeoni Forest Path, Bijarim Forest, and Seongsan Ilchulbong, are concentrated in the east and south. Therefore, it is advisable to start from Woljeongri in the northeast of Jeju International Airport and travel clockwise. Especially, for travelers with limited time, traveling directly from west to east is inefficient. It takes about 2 hours by car from Hallym in the west to Seongsan in the east. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
사계절마다 다른 풍경인 제주. 계절별로 다른 꽃들을 만날 수 있으니 시기에 맞춰 꽃 축제를 즐기는 것도 좋다. 시기별로 제철 횟감도 다르니 회를 좋아한다면 참고하자. | Jeju Island has different scenery in each season. It is also good to enjoy flower festivals according to the season since different flowers can be found in each season. Take note of the seasonal fish dishes, especially if you like raw fish. | Jeju has different scenery in each season. Since you can see different flowers depending on the season, it is a good idea to enjoy the flower festival according to the season. The seasonal raw fish is different depending on the season, so if you like raw fish, keep this in mind. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
· 3월 : 유채꽃, 매화 · 4월 : 청보리, 벚꽃 · 5월 : 홍가시나무 · 6-7월 : 수국 · 9-10월 : 핑크뮬리, 갈대, 억새, 메밀꽃 · 11월 : 감귤 · 12-2월 : 동백꽃 | · March: Rapeseed, Plum blossoms · April: Green barley, Cherry blossoms · May: Royal azalea · June-July: Hydrangeas · September-October: Pink Muhly, Reeds, Silver grass, Buckwheat flowers · November: Tangerines · December-February: Camellias | · March: Rape flowers, plum blossoms · April: Green barley, cherry blossoms · May: Red thorns · June-July: Hydrangeas · September-October: Pink muhly, reeds, silver grass, buckwheat flowers · November: Tangerines · December- February: Camellia flower | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
· 고등어 : 9-11월 · 갈치 : 7-10월 · 방어, 독가시치 : 11-2월 · 옥돔 : 11-3월 · 전복 : 8-10월 · 딱새우 : 10-12월 · 한치 : 6-8월 · 뱅에돔 : 11-1월 · 쥐치 : 11월 | · Mackerel: September-November · Cutlassfish: July-October · Yellowtail, Dogfish: November-February · Tile bream: November-March · Abalone: August-October · Shrimp: October-December · Hanchi: 6- August · Bangedom: November-January · Filefish: November | · Mackerel: September-November · Hairtail: July-October · Yellowtail, Spinycheek grouper: November-February · Parrotfish: November-March · Abalone: August-October · Slipper lobster: October-December · Squid: June-August · Black porgy: November-January · Mousefish (Striped beakfish): November | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
바람, 여자, 돌이 많다 하여 삼다도라고 불리는 제주. 바다로 둘러싸여 언제나 바람이 많이 분다. 따라서 바람막이 점퍼나 가디건 등은 필수. 긴 머리의 경우 머리를 푸는 것보다 묶는 것을 추천한다. 강한 바람으로 머리가 산발이 되는 경우가 많기 때문이다. | Jeju is called Samdado because it has many wind, women, and stones. Surrounded by the sea, it is always windy. Therefore, a windbreaker or cardigan is essential. For long hair, it is recommended to tie it up rather than letting it down. This is because hair often becomes scattered due to strong winds. | Jeju, called 'Samdado,' meaning 'three many' for its abundant wind, women, and rocks. It's always windy as it's surrounded by the sea. Therefore, windbreakers or cardigans are essential. For those with long hair, it is recommended to tie it up rather than letting it down because the strong wind often causes it to get disheveled. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
비행기 탈 때, 면세점을 이용할 때, 주변 섬을 가기 위해 배를 탈 때 등 여러 상황에서 신분증이 필요하다. 특히 제주에서 렌터카를 이용한다면 운전 면허증은 필수. | ID is required in many situations, such as when boarding an airplane, using a duty-free shop, or taking a boat to a nearby island. In particular, if you use a rental car in Jeju, a driver's license is required. | ID is required in many situations, such as when boarding an airplane, using a duty-free shop, or taking a boat to a nearby island. In particular, if you use a rental car in Jeju, a driver's license is required. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
제주는 대중교통이 발달하지 않아, 주로 렌터카나 택시를 이용한다. 하지만 뚜벅이 여행자들이 이용할 수 있는 교통수단도 있다. 아래를 참고해 필요한 교통수단을 파악하자. | Jeju has underdeveloped public transportation, and people mainly use rental cars or taxis. However, there are transportation options available for backpackers as well. Refer to the list below to find out the necessary mode of transportation. | Jeju's public transportation is not developed, so people mainly use rental cars or taxis. However, there are also transportation methods that travelers can use. Please refer to the information below to determine the necessary transportation methods. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
· 구석구석 여행하려면 : 렌터카 · 주차 걱정 없이 편리하게 이동하고 싶다면 : 관광택시 · 제주 한 지역에서만 둘러본다면 : 버스(관광지 순환 버스, 시티 투어 버스 등) · 제주 국제공항에서 서귀포로 한 번에 이동한다면 : 공항 리무진 버스 | · To travel to every nook and cranny: Rent a car · If you want to move around conveniently without worrying about parking: Tourist taxi · If you are only visiting one area of Jeju: Bus (tourist circulation bus, city tour bus, etc.) · If you want to go from Jeju International Airport to Seogwipo in one go : Airport limousine bus | · To travel every nook and corner: Rental car · To move around conveniently without worrying about parking: Tourist taxi · If you are only touring around one region of Jeju: Bus (tourist loop bus, city tour bus, etc.) · If you are moving directly from Jeju International Airport to Seogwipo: Airport limousine bus | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
주요 관광지 및 버스, 거리 등에서 무료 와이파이를 이용할 수 있다. 제주 공공와이파이 홈페이지에서 사용할 수 있는 곳을 확인할 수 있다. 사용 방법은 네트워크 설정에서 ‘Jeju Free Wifi’를 찾아 연결해 인증하고 이용정보를 등록하면 된다. | Free Wi-Fi is available at major tourist attractions, buses, and streets. You can check where you can use it on the Jeju Public Wi-Fi website. To use it, find ‘Jeju Free Wifi’ in the network settings, connect, authenticate, and register usage information. | Free Wi-Fi is available at major tourist attractions, on buses, and on the streets. You can check the locations where the service is available on the Jeju Public Wi-Fi homepage. To use it, find and connect to 'Jeju Free Wifi' in the network settings, authenticate, and register your usage information. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
버스에서 이용할 경우, 버스에 탑승한 뒤 네트워크 설정에서 ‘Jeju Free Bus_Wifi_버스 노선번호’를 찾아 연결하면 된다. | When using it on a bus, board the bus and find ‘Jeju Free Bus_Wifi_bus route number’ in the network settings and connect. | When using it on a bus, board the bus and find 'Jeju Free Bus_Wifi_bus route number' in the network settings and connect. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
대표 관광지를 지나는 버스로는 관광지 순환 버스와 시티투어 버스가 있다. 관광지 순환 버스 810번은 동쪽 지역을 지나다니며, 820번은 서쪽 지역을 다닌다. 시티투어 버스는 공항을 중심으로 근처 관광지를 다닌다. · 관광지 순환 버스 810번 : 대천 환승센터에서 출발, 거문 오름, 비자림, 제주 레일 바이크, 민 오름 등 순환 · 관광지 순환 버스 820번 : 동광 환승센터에서 출발, 오설록 티 뮤지엄, 방림원, 제주 평화 박물관 등 순환 · 제주 시티투어 버스 : 제주 국제공항에서 출발, 동문 재래 시장, 용연 구름 다리, 이호테우 해변 등을 지남 | Buses that pass through major tourist attractions include tourist attraction circulation buses and city tour buses. Tourist circulation bus number 810 passes through the eastern area, and bus number 820 passes through the western area. The city tour bus travels to nearby tourist attractions centered around the airport. · Tourist attraction circulation bus No. 810: Departs from Daecheon Transfer Center, circulates to Geomun Oreum, Bijarim, Jeju Rail Bike, Min Oreum, etc. · Tourist attractions circulation bus No. 820: Departs from Donggwang Transfer Center, circulates to Osulloc Tea Museum, Bangrimwon, Jeju Peace Museum, etc. · Jeju City Tour Bus: Departs from Jeju International Airport, passes by Dongmun Traditional Market, Yongyeon Cloud Bridge, Iho Tewoo Beach, etc. | Buses passing by major tourist destinations include the tourist spot circular buses and city tour buses. Circular bus 810 travels through the eastern region, while 820 covers the western region. The city tour bus travels around tourist sites near the airport. · Tourist spot circular bus 810: Departs from Daechon Transit Center, circulating through Geomun Oreum, Bijarim Forest, Jeju Rail Bike, Meon Oreum, etc. · Tourist spot circular bus 820: Departs from Donggwang Transit Center, circulating through O’sulloc Tea Museum, Banglimwon, Jeju Peace Museum, etc. · Jeju City Tour Bus: Departs from Jeju International Airport, passing through Dongmun Traditional Market, Yongyeon Cloud Bridge, Ihotewoo Beach, etc. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
도심이 아닌 곳에 있는 음식점은 재료 소진으로 빨리 마감하는 경우가 많다. 꼭 방문하고 싶은 맛집이라면, 미리 문의하고 방문하는 걸 추천한다. | Restaurants located outside of the city center often close quickly as they run out of ingredients. If there is a restaurant you really want to visit, we recommend that you inquire in advance before visiting. | Restaurants in non-urban areas often close early due to depletion of ingredients. It's recommended to inquire ahead if there's a specific restaurant you really want to visit. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
대표 기념품 숍과 시내 면세점이 모두 제주 국제공항에서 멀어, 비행기 시간이 오전이라면 쇼핑 시간이 빠듯하다. 공항 근처에도 기념품 숍이 있지만, 시내보다 비싸고 종류도 많지 않아 웬만하면 여행 중 미리 구매하는 것이 좋다. | If your flight time is in the morning, shopping time is tight because all the signature souvenir shops and downtown duty-free shops are far from Jeju International Airport. There are souvenir shops near the airport, but it's better to buy in advance during your trip as they are more expensive and have fewer options than downtown. | Representative souvenir shops and downtown duty-free shops are all far from Jeju International Airport, so if your flight is in the morning, shopping time is limited. There are souvenir shops near the airport, but they are more expensive than downtown and do not have as many varieties, so it is best to purchase them in advance during your trip if possible. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
제주 국제공항 1층 3번 게이트 맞은편에 수하물 보관소가 있다. 카메라, 노트북과 같은 소형부터 자전거 케이스와 같은 특대형까지 보관할 수 있다. 또한, 택배 서비스도 같이 운영하고 있다. | There is a luggage storage facility opposite Gate 3 on the first floor of Jeju International Airport. It can store items ranging from small like cameras and laptops to extra-large like bicycle cases. Additionally, they also operate a courier service. | There is a luggage storage facility across from Gate 3 on the first floor of Jeju International Airport. It can store everything from small items such as cameras and laptops to extra large items such as bicycle cases. We also operate a courier service. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
국내선 구역 1층 2번 게이트 앞, 2층 격리 대합실, 푸드코트, 탑승구 근처에 무료로 충전할 수 있는 거치대가 있으니 필요할 때 이용하자. | There are free charging stations in front of Gate 2 on the 1st floor of the domestic flight area, in the 2nd floor quarantine waiting room, in the food court, and near the boarding gate, so use them when necessary. | There are charging stations available for free use on the first floor in front of Gate 2 of the domestic terminal, in the isolated waiting room on the second floor, the food court, and near the boarding gates. Use them when necessary. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
바이오 등록(생체정보 등록)을 하면 신분증 없이 탑승권과 손바닥 또는 지문만으로 비행기 탑승이 가능하다. 단, 최초 등록 시에는 신분증이 필요하며 만 14세 이상만 해당한다. | If you register your biometric information, you can board an airplane without an ID using just your boarding pass and your palm or fingerprint. However, identification is required for initial registration and is only applicable to those aged 14 or older. | Biometric registration (bio-registration) allows boarding a plane with just a boarding pass and palm or fingerprint, without the need for an ID. However, an ID is required for the initial registration, and it only applies to those aged 14 and above. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
보조 배터리, 노트북, 라이터(1인당 1개), 전자담배, 화장품, 액체류 (주류는 70도 이하), 음식물, 약 | Power bank, laptop, lighter (1 per person), electronic cigarette, cosmetics, liquids (alcohol must be below 70 degrees), food, medicine | Auxiliary batteries, laptops, lighters (1 per person), electronic cigarettes, cosmetics, liquids (alcoholic beverages below 70 degrees), food, medicine | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
공항에는 여유롭게 출발 시각 한 시간 전에 도착하는 걸 추천한다. 하지만, 스마트폰으로 미리 모바일 탑승권을 발급했다면 탑승 시각 30분 전에 도착해도 충분하다. | It is recommended to arrive at the airport comfortably one hour before departure time. However, if you have already issued a mobile boarding pass with a smartphone, arriving 30 minutes before boarding time is sufficient. | We recommend arriving at the airport an hour before departure time. However, if you have issued a mobile boarding pass in advance with your smartphone, it is sufficient to arrive 30 minutes before the boarding time. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
제주의 상징이자 자랑인 흑돼지. 제주 청정 자연 속에서 자라난 질 좋은 흑돼지는 제주 여행에 빼놓을 수 없는 특별한 먹을거리다. 맛도 좋고, 영양도 좋은 흑돼지에 대해서 알아보자. | Black pig, the symbol and pride of Jeju. High-quality black pork raised in Jeju’s clean nature is a special food that cannot be missed when traveling to Jeju. Let’s learn about black pork, which is delicious and nutritious. | Jeju's pride and symbol, the black pig. The high-quality black pig, raised in Jeju's pristine nature, is a special delicacy not to be missed on a trip to Jeju. Let's learn about the tasty and nutritious black pig. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
구운 흑돼지고기를 멸치젓(멜젓)에 찍어 먹는 방법의 원조인 식당이다. '근고기'라 불리는 제주 특유의 두꺼운 돼지고기로 유명하다. TV 프로그램 ‘수요미식회’에도 소개돼 인기가 더욱 뜨겁다. | This restaurant is the originator of the method of eating roasted black pork dipped in anchovy sauce (Myeolchi-jeot). It is famous for 'Geun-gogi', the thick pork characteristic of Jeju, and its popularity has soared after being featured on the TV program 'Wednesday Gourmet'. | This restaurant is the originator of the method of eating grilled black pork dipped in anchovy salt (meljeot). It is famous for Jeju’s unique thick pork called ‘geungogi’. It is even more popular as it was introduced on the TV program ‘Wednesday Gourmet’. | [] | null | {
"type": null,
"score": null,
"agent": null
} | null | {} |
Dataset Card for puree
This dataset has been created with Argilla.
As shown in the sections below, this dataset can be loaded into Argilla as explained in Load with Argilla, or used directly with the datasets
library in Load with datasets
Dataset Summary
This dataset contains:
A dataset configuration file conforming to the Argilla dataset format named
. This configuration file will be used to configure the dataset when using theFeedbackDataset.from_huggingface
method in Argilla.Dataset records in a format compatible with HuggingFace
. These records will be loaded automatically when usingFeedbackDataset.from_huggingface
and can be loaded independently using thedatasets
library viaload_dataset
.The annotation guidelines that have been used for building and curating the dataset, if they've been defined in Argilla.
Load with Argilla
To load with Argilla, you'll just need to install Argilla as pip install argilla --upgrade
and then use the following code:
import argilla as rg
ds = rg.FeedbackDataset.from_huggingface("Aayushi-Shah/puree")
Load with datasets
To load this dataset with datasets
, you'll just need to install datasets
as pip install datasets --upgrade
and then use the following code:
from datasets import load_dataset
ds = load_dataset("Aayushi-Shah/puree")
Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
This dataset can contain multiple fields, questions and responses so it can be used for different NLP tasks, depending on the configuration. The dataset structure is described in the Dataset Structure section.
There are no leaderboards associated with this dataset.
[More Information Needed]
Dataset Structure
Data in Argilla
The dataset is created in Argilla with: fields, questions, suggestions, metadata, vectors, and guidelines.
The fields are the dataset records themselves, for the moment just text fields are supported. These are the ones that will be used to provide responses to the questions.
Field Name | Title | Type | Required | Markdown |
source | Source | text | True | False |
chosen | Option 1 | text | True | False |
rejected | Option 2 | text | True | False |
The questions are the questions that will be asked to the annotators. They can be of different types, such as rating, text, label_selection, multi_label_selection, or ranking.
Question Name | Title | Type | Required | Description | Values/Labels |
win | Choose the best response: | rating | True | Choose the most helpful, harmless, and truthful response. Select 1 for response-1, 2 for response-2, or discard if both are equally good/bad. | [1, 2] |
The suggestions are human or machine generated recommendations for each question to assist the annotator during the annotation process, so those are always linked to the existing questions, and named appending "-suggestion" and "-suggestion-metadata" to those, containing the value/s of the suggestion and its metadata, respectively. So on, the possible values are the same as in the table above, but the column name is appended with "-suggestion" and the metadata is appended with "-suggestion-metadata".
The metadata is a dictionary that can be used to provide additional information about the dataset record. This can be useful to provide additional context to the annotators, or to provide additional information about the dataset record itself. For example, you can use this to provide a link to the original source of the dataset record, or to provide additional information about the dataset record itself, such as the author, the date, or the source. The metadata is always optional, and can be potentially linked to the metadata_properties
defined in the dataset configuration file in argilla.yaml
Metadata Name | Title | Type | Values | Visible for Annotators |
The guidelines, are optional as well, and are just a plain string that can be used to provide instructions to the annotators. Find those in the annotation guidelines section.
Data Instances
An example of a dataset instance in Argilla looks as follows:
"external_id": null,
"fields": {
"chosen": "Jeju always feels new no matter when you visit. New attractions quickly become famous by word of mouth in the blink of an eye. Especially on the west side of Jeju, there are places with an exotic atmosphere and trendy museums that attract the attention of travelers. We have gathered recently popular hot places that you must visit while traveling on the west side of Jeju, organized by theme.",
"rejected": "Jeju feels new every time you visit. In the blink of an eye, new attractions become famous through word of mouth. In particular, the western part of Jeju attracts the attention of travelers as it is home to places with an exotic atmosphere and sensuous museums. We\u0026#39;ve compiled a collection of recently emerging hot places by theme that you must visit while traveling to the west of Jeju.",
"source": "\uc5b8\uc81c \ubc29\ubb38\ud574\ub3c4 \uc0c8\ub86d\uac8c \ub290\uaef4\uc9c0\ub294 \uc81c\uc8fc. \ub208 \uae5c\uc9dd\ud560 \uc0c8\uc5d0 \uc0c8\ub85c\uc6b4 \uba85\uc18c\ub4e4\uc774 \uc785\uc18c\ubb38\uc744 \ud0c0\uace0 \uc720\uba85\ud574\uc9c0\uace4 \ud55c\ub2e4. \ud2b9\ud788 \uc81c\uc8fc \uc11c\ucabd\uc5d0\ub294 \uc774\uad6d\uc801\uc778 \ubd84\uc704\uae30\ub97c \ud48d\uae30\ub294 \uc7a5\uc18c\uc640 \uac10\uac01\uc801\uc778 \ubba4\uc9c0\uc5c4\ub4e4\uc774 \uc704\uce58\ud574\uc788\uc5b4 \uc5ec\ud589\uc790\ub4e4\uc758 \uc774\ubaa9\uc744 \ub048\ub2e4. \uc81c\uc8fc \uc11c\ucabd\uc744 \uc5ec\ud589\ud558\uba74\uc11c \uaf2d \uac00\ubd10\uc57c \ud560, \ucd5c\uadfc \ub5a0\uc624\ub978 \ud56b\ud50c\ub808\uc774\uc2a4\ub97c \ud14c\ub9c8\ubcc4\ub85c \ubaa8\uc544\ubd24\ub2e4."
"metadata": {},
"responses": [],
"suggestions": [],
"vectors": {}
While the same record in HuggingFace datasets
looks as follows:
"chosen": "Jeju always feels new no matter when you visit. New attractions quickly become famous by word of mouth in the blink of an eye. Especially on the west side of Jeju, there are places with an exotic atmosphere and trendy museums that attract the attention of travelers. We have gathered recently popular hot places that you must visit while traveling on the west side of Jeju, organized by theme.",
"external_id": null,
"metadata": "{}",
"rejected": "Jeju feels new every time you visit. In the blink of an eye, new attractions become famous through word of mouth. In particular, the western part of Jeju attracts the attention of travelers as it is home to places with an exotic atmosphere and sensuous museums. We\u0026#39;ve compiled a collection of recently emerging hot places by theme that you must visit while traveling to the west of Jeju.",
"source": "\uc5b8\uc81c \ubc29\ubb38\ud574\ub3c4 \uc0c8\ub86d\uac8c \ub290\uaef4\uc9c0\ub294 \uc81c\uc8fc. \ub208 \uae5c\uc9dd\ud560 \uc0c8\uc5d0 \uc0c8\ub85c\uc6b4 \uba85\uc18c\ub4e4\uc774 \uc785\uc18c\ubb38\uc744 \ud0c0\uace0 \uc720\uba85\ud574\uc9c0\uace4 \ud55c\ub2e4. \ud2b9\ud788 \uc81c\uc8fc \uc11c\ucabd\uc5d0\ub294 \uc774\uad6d\uc801\uc778 \ubd84\uc704\uae30\ub97c \ud48d\uae30\ub294 \uc7a5\uc18c\uc640 \uac10\uac01\uc801\uc778 \ubba4\uc9c0\uc5c4\ub4e4\uc774 \uc704\uce58\ud574\uc788\uc5b4 \uc5ec\ud589\uc790\ub4e4\uc758 \uc774\ubaa9\uc744 \ub048\ub2e4. \uc81c\uc8fc \uc11c\ucabd\uc744 \uc5ec\ud589\ud558\uba74\uc11c \uaf2d \uac00\ubd10\uc57c \ud560, \ucd5c\uadfc \ub5a0\uc624\ub978 \ud56b\ud50c\ub808\uc774\uc2a4\ub97c \ud14c\ub9c8\ubcc4\ub85c \ubaa8\uc544\ubd24\ub2e4.",
"win": [],
"win-suggestion": null,
"win-suggestion-metadata": {
"agent": null,
"score": null,
"type": null
Data Fields
Among the dataset fields, we differentiate between the following:
Fields: These are the dataset records themselves, for the moment just text fields are supported. These are the ones that will be used to provide responses to the questions.
- source is of type
. - chosen is of type
. - rejected is of type
- source is of type
Questions: These are the questions that will be asked to the annotators. They can be of different types, such as
, andRankingQuestion
.- win is of type
with the following allowed values [1, 2], and description "Choose the most helpful, harmless, and truthful response. Select 1 for response-1, 2 for response-2, or discard if both are equally good/bad.".
- win is of type
Suggestions: As of Argilla 1.13.0, the suggestions have been included to provide the annotators with suggestions to ease or assist during the annotation process. Suggestions are linked to the existing questions, are always optional, and contain not just the suggestion itself, but also the metadata linked to it, if applicable.
- (optional) win-suggestion is of type
with the following allowed values [1, 2].
- (optional) win-suggestion is of type
Additionally, we also have two more fields that are optional and are the following:
- metadata: This is an optional field that can be used to provide additional information about the dataset record. This can be useful to provide additional context to the annotators, or to provide additional information about the dataset record itself. For example, you can use this to provide a link to the original source of the dataset record, or to provide additional information about the dataset record itself, such as the author, the date, or the source. The metadata is always optional, and can be potentially linked to the
defined in the dataset configuration file inargilla.yaml
. - external_id: This is an optional field that can be used to provide an external ID for the dataset record. This can be useful if you want to link the dataset record to an external resource, such as a database or a file.
Data Splits
The dataset contains a single split, which is train
Dataset Creation
Curation Rationale
[More Information Needed]
Source Data
Initial Data Collection and Normalization
[More Information Needed]
Who are the source language producers?
[More Information Needed]
Annotation guidelines
[More Information Needed]
Annotation process
[More Information Needed]
Who are the annotators?
[More Information Needed]
Personal and Sensitive Information
[More Information Needed]
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact of Dataset
[More Information Needed]
Discussion of Biases
[More Information Needed]
Other Known Limitations
[More Information Needed]
Additional Information
Dataset Curators
[More Information Needed]
Licensing Information
[More Information Needed]
Citation Information
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[More Information Needed]
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- 48