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I bought two cases of zucchini for $2 at the market yesterday (guys just wanted to get rid of it, so they made me an offer I couldn't refuse).
Anyway, it's a whole bunch of zucchini. Besides giving some away, stuffing it, grilling it, stir frying it, frying it, or making zucchini bread with it, I was wondering if any redditors have any suggestions on ways I can prepare it before it starts to go bad? | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2011-07-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXMmg0MEJieTlINlBjOVRzU05LVE42R2tSc0FnUURzdmwwZDhwTklyeWdfa29JZzFRZDVyQ3YyLWJqU1p2TGNaVnBNNXlyVlMyWnlZbDVoRUt3RXo2WlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEQ3g5dFJmdTJGMmpkZ1dsa3BrZzFmRUhiZlp6ZzZadV9ELXEtTzU0Tlljam03TjhSZERuTy04bVBqVUZBOTd2ZE9MSVk5RkdTaFZobXRINWRHRjNJcWVkYkQ3c3d1ZVBLa0NESmItQXhiZndKRThjYUNRVG5JZjhyS01tT3Y3RmF2aWxUbEtvek1vdEtUMXdzMnE4Rm0xN0gxNDBZd2xSYm5heUdyeVd4a3NZPQ== |
* 2 tablespoons couscous
* 1 tablespoon poppy seeds
* small yogurt
* cherry tomatoes
* some salt and indian spices like curcuma, chili or the like
**preparation (3 minutes):**
* put couscous and poppy in a cup
* fill the cup to the half with water
* add salt and spices
* microwave until water is gone (1-2 minutes at 800W), stir once halfway through
* add a few tablespoons yogurt and the quartered tomatoes
Extra-Tip: Mix a tablespoon of berries or jam in the rest of the yogurt for a super quick tasty desert. | r/minimeals | post | r/minimeals | 2011-08-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXcXhCRUxySG9lSEFEVVV4NTI4Q25FeXpxZFRUUjBJbkstZkpkTTBKYVZ3cE1HTkVVUW90cUU5aERaZTMyU0lBdmk0SDRCeGZSN2MxNGVYWkNVaF9yeEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNERHMwOGxpdG9DUzJMbFJyT2dTR24tWW5iUHp6aGZZRXhyRGpyQUNQeVlSdlJYdWhIRnhwZlZYWmRycEk4bkNKUXQ4eFpwZjVBUkVfdTVvSHJUVXZRejFPVUw4aGFRWUtManhrUlRvMkdTLWlWVmZPYkpNcUJhV2ZyU3Y2eXA1cFdvNWlJTW11Q0tzS0lSNXBqTE1ObkRTTExYNFFKX0VEbTVpaXJ4bzVwMkRkRlVQMWZEeUV4NVdmZHJsTDhWX0Fv |
It is so simple and tasty I am ashamed I haven't thought off this earlier!
Just put water in a cup, bring it to boil, then put some vinegar (optional) and salt in the water and add an egg or two. Put it back in the microwave for 20-40 seconds and you're DONE! It still amazes me.
Got some nice tricks like this yourself? | r/minimeals | post | r/minimeals | 2011-08-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXYmZuRUFvN1pnYk9WbnM2VXN6dWdaWi1GbkJURE5OUENuNHYwa2RyRWhPdl9uN01LSjZuYWszUlEza1dZd2d6dTFLS1ZCSU05bFFJLXN1TExtR0Jvb1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNER3p6N0l2aG9HM05Vcm1feUxYRmxpdGlpeURlNkIzWTlwSFlBUi1SaEkxMmVHdjJ5YWl0QldldlFuS1RkTFFLQ2szajd2NXlPeGx5RVJYOUkxVG80VFFSY2VYbnFyR3JrZnk0VzFXRFNuQmY1M3A2eWpPamV1WlJHOTFXdnMzczAxM0xhVlBuUnFNMFpDeHZod3g1WHFXVUdWSDgyR2laRnlxS2NaRnBUU1I1Ml9fa21RZTFVRHV3YVNiSDl5ZjF4 |
The goal would be to start something new to improve my life and do it for a month. I would start something new every day for a month and it would last for a month. So by day 30 I would be doing 30 new things. and I've heard it said that it takes 21 days to create a habit.
So give me ideas of what I should do!!1 and let me know if you think people would be interested on being updated or watch a youtube blog thing.
Day 1. No Pop
Day 2. Eat something different for every meal
Day 3. Sit straight and practice correct posture
Day 4. Dress to impress
Day 5. Floss
Day 6. you get the idea. Help me out.
| r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-01-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXZmd4NHBQall2cXpaUVZORlczUE5UM0ZIT3BXU2l1M21BQklzam9BYnJFVmVoVi1MeV84cEJHRVoyclVkODg3dXBNLTlHSVo2ckEwb3FJWkdWNjRCbjdoSi1nVjBVNFYzOWxVVlBGaGJ6T2s9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEb0hoOHNMcTQ3RU00VERrY2FicG41bTdvYUNFNjFsSnAtdnJtMHFaS1hMYlFwUWZLTld6eGk1Z2dFbWRFRGNkdGxfdmU4NUFYcXpmQmc4OVlkT3k2cFJLM0YzMzFkVlNseGswbjU2N1VvZmVsOTdkcmxId09RQk5weTJ1Ym52S005YWZFREFpWVM3c2dETVRybmpBQWh1UE9pazVZTkNxZ2RJYWZKSTVGbjFDZ1VhcnBfZWxDMVhaaWQ2NGdhSVFFTWlBaDlVR2xST3Y5ZVRsU3MtS09yQT09 |
I think people should say the name of the person they're talking to before starting a conversation and should always face their conversational partner(s) while talking. Look them in the eyes unless it makes them uncomfortable.
I believe this creates a more personal atmosphere and could help close the distance between them. By saying their name and looking at them you acknowledge them a bit more. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-01-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXZi1YQW54Ymdpam9wWnB0S0F2aEpNWnlBSThDVXFzSk9LcC1YRGV3VHhQMWVDb09SamszdktRdkRVMVYxRFRQSFVYSlBkUlJsODJXR2pKSGxfeGtHcWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEeWhjeHRBNHR0MzRuXzFnMVRSZl9KYVpFT3hrSlpTeVp5RkVxeWJhMXQ2Z2xqOXh3VExHTW0wMUJTelB1WEJIUG4yWmUtbzlEd0YzZjc4bFdubFU3MnI2aGZCNjF1dWR5SlAwcGJNSy1yM3dDU1hvTjk2SVR1QUJteWJfWjh0SXlwM1Y3akEzYWQwOG15blVxMFlJaXZFVzZfSTFBbEk3d19kZU5Kck9HeWxtV3h2Q3JzZHk5OUdmNjRjWmQtZHZjUlZmZVlMS3E4VW1LY0FISHdXekNLQT09 |
You don't need to get totally dressed up everyday, but wear a nicer pair of pants than your old sweats when in public. Nobody really says anything about it because its become more socially acceptable, but seeing a grown adult wear sweatpants, even to get a coffee, makes everyone uncomfortable. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-01-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXcklwZzFNNzctREItNzlDa2JTZnpPNUM5RjJlbVNFNzlzMGt5czVLdU40THNfSl9xX1dTbTRTY09WNWRHd0dpREVETHVXV3VaZFFxdVlzZlhLYUR4aVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNER3lnMWFOV3lXdTFyeG5xeEN6SWNWUHhDdjFTQUx3TW1janQ4ZTNLbFJUdlpvdnBLVXliNVdrWjJBTjlRMTdHRXZJbTZPdGlBZDRHZ2JxTjBEN3puRDl1eGxkQ1RCd2w2UUJZcEdFUzVsRlRpZVBwV0FnalJYX3Z2c3F2OHhyQjdjUGpPMFRfdDlxdlFSSUlMQUUyYWcyUFpiVm1MeVlkR2VQSnJrQTVaQThYVnZBblQzX29EY3ZVaFVxbnhCbzJIOVA0THljZzluRE9uQ0x2a1hoNml3dz09 |
Walk at a slower pace - see the forest for the trees.
Eat slower - aid digestion and get a chance talk to your SO
Converse slower - give more than a word one answer and enjoy the conversation. Hit all your syllables instead of just blurting out your thoughts.
"Slow down, you move too fast.
You got to make the morning last.
Just kicking down the cobble stones.
Looking for fun and feelin' groovy.
Hello lamppost,
What cha knowing?
I've come to watch your flowers growing.
Ain't cha got no rhymes for me?
Doot-in' doo-doo,
Feelin' groovy."
| r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-01-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXUlhLd0hBV2lSamlUcG0ybGlXbmw3ZUNrVl9ydk9QbHdnRU9uWFVzTWVXWHhnUHRsMHktM0psWGxtWk9aWURKSmhvUHlTZjRpMGxnOXpPN0Nac2hfeXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEZnZrY1FVQVd0Y0xUTGJkb1pKZE55MzdGS2VDQUVPekw5UHpFb3JUNjEyLTlGZ2Z1ZF9rOU1oQ0NVeWFDNFRQamJ4bGh0MGZRTllweUNGOFVzay0yeEtQaVlUUTNhZHY3YW1uOW5tajg2dS1Ed3JMdXRRWnZ6YWVCMTZRYUFheS04MTZlYWhSZ0h4eWZLWEFRVlFVR1ptMVBmenM1dm5tZV92WHNrTEVic01RbTUyT3N4czdrV29nUDg2UVpJR2lr |
I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm guilty of using words like "gay" as a synonym for stupid or bad. The same with faggot.
I don't ever use these words in a hateful manner, but I don't want to continue using terms that have been used to degrade and harm groups of people.
Edit: This isn't about trying not to be offensive. I'm fine with offending people. But this subreddit is about trying to better ourselves. Sure faggot and nigger, when used in certain context aren't necessarily offensive and you could sit here and nitpick every which way: "I say nigga, not nigger. I grew up saying gay. It's my right to be offensive etc etc". I don't want to be the type of person who uses these words. They aren't that interesting or important for me to justify offending people with them. Sure I have the right to offend people, and I also have the right to slam the door in someone's face instead of holding it for them. I'd rather be the type of person who extends a little common courtesy by not using these words. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-01-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXMUlOaDNpZUl1ZnAxOE5XQmxmcUNUY2pocE1mN0RLNHQ0VW53SWhOVExwMFp1aGJVMzBoNHloVnhwclFwd29MUmVHNlZPa1NDMDVDLXdYZ1h2Y0JkS1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEZG0xcEMtbjE5Vm55VklKakhVUnVTWHhTUDNZTTBlckhKY1BFWkV6LVVDOXUtNEF4UGZNZmRvVTNjcTNpdWNNNFBIdUgyVlZNNTNyNGtQblFkcXFtU1VFLVJoN0E4cjZJR3B0dGpMdlhnOHNtRTkyeUlublJkdmpjQlZqLV8zY0l3OEtQRzZiYU02cFdDUy1CbHJxdkRycENDQ3JZdWduQk5XNkEtaldibzZZNUQ4dDNDOWlMa0JqMnE4a2gzREFSQ2JLZWZXLW8xRkZadFJDek9YbFg5QT09 |
It's time to stop posting. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-01-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXcFBoSUVzQWhCWmdlYVVBMzRpMEh4OVV2eUw0elhyVHVJNnp5eG5KQzc3ZTAtTmRvdklyVEFKbTRsTDMta3hpR1lKYUZ2Z2JYOWlWdXhzNkIzZFBjVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEUG1iN3VJbHJyVUpUQWpFMzZ1bHNXaXB2RURtUjJoU3NQdzlNaURGYW5CVy00UVhCeTJOTGpVcDJTZE04UGtQZl9IeXh2ZlpHZXFpSWFUcEZ1amNERFh6LXlUdWsybmZHMVV3XzFhSW5hbjRYTW5mR3pQbmRzMVFIUERzZ1pvZ0wtQ0tYSm1yRGFCYVFRM0dqcnBhRHV1ZEtlRUVXRkhiamlrOUpTNXlQSDhrVVNQNTFxZ0xvZXE3QTd5SVRNMDRh |
Ideally, this is how it works: You tell your friend, "OK, I want five dares that are not harmful or spiteful to me or anyone else." Before seeing what these dares are, you have already agreed to complete all of them. Ideally, this list will just be a kind of way of motivating yourself to come out of your shell. Plus, as someone who has been through pledgeship in a fraternity, I can tell you that this sort of thing is usually pretty fun. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-01-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXNEY2R2dNVndiX2h1QUh1c3dfN2NZUzU5djQ3MHFWbGU3bTlmU2pfZGpSODY5MGo3bFhWelJydEZVMjhCUVIzcnhRRHR6N0pKY1RBbDJla3pPM3NjeHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNENDV5RVhjZ09ZZVFndEtlaTdvcGUxZVpGVTJOZGtRSVhkWmNQaDBxNFRucERHRGRHOE9ZbmVDaDBTaVh0Nnp0ZkZ4R3Exc1ZlaC1aRG9TaWZ5MVNaQVM4THViaGdrZ19kNEhlajNjVWVkOGRJbTQ4aU5nY2hacmZuaVczUzg0dEwzdVJ2NUlHeFRBLXZzQkRoYmhlM21kQTl2UXluZXVwMTlFZVk1Nk82V3dtT1hNY0lXZzRrZEtDbnRWQ2hOUUJ0bklFSS1sZGw4TV91YUI2dGZRa0NRZz09 |
1. Donate any books that you have read and will probably never read again.
2. Choose a book on your shelf that you have never read but want to and ... get started on it.
3. Don't buy or bring any more books into your home until you've completed steps 1 and 2. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-01-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXa1RQQmQzYm14d3ZmeHdDaXZTZV96UTFxMGQ1ZVppbTMwcEFZNnd2amQ3QTYwTVJPUFVxVTNPckVuU1g1ZnROXzhGRXVGMnM4Q0xLUjdzcEpIZkNMYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNES0hiTS13djV4UHByMHA0YjltdG1BWFJWX3hrX0NJTGdSRXUzSTBEWVFNZklUZE5KQ2xVZmdlbDROQnl1b3owNG1TRVNKWlg4UDZwaHBBVFNmVHJqckZQbl9RZGRXTzlMTktyMHE0TmFhSUZPRkdrRlRuTUs5Uzl3c2lJd3ozTlFraFpxSlFhWWozQTV2S1M4LXM4Zm1aSmQ2cEU3Um1IMUdXUkhpdy1PcGVxSlNDdHNXMFBHdS02VDExRVRiRkRj |
Don't overwhelm yourself so much you don't do it, but don't put so little you don't get anything done. 10 is a good number. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-01-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXMU1PN19yZFk5cG9iZTRfMzF3bjh2dUFQTFdHOW5aa0duWTRWZ0RUOHlXZ0pVX2w1bVMxcFEzbHNrM0pNck1HQmQ4SDByQ3VfZFhTRlQyaE0yWEppaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEblRENkJJb3R5ME9QSUNid3pzb3RibHM1NldtcGZfalV5bldkZ2RvVmZOMnF5aW9Oa2E4N2x3Qk9vVWxFUHBEcFJZcXFJT2o4RGtqcXh4alBlME1IR2RQbmlJUGhYYWxhYlZmZnlTSXBVUUxOWXoyeU9GLVVTWURGckt2Yi1CRDFKTFdfdjZySVkyTGZXaTNrdU1IVDljUkQzQ0tzOFhiVnZMVTVUTDE1TzA3a3VHUkRuc1NNN1B3MW85WlpFMW5nZVdVcEhsZkFJaTVUYkwyNU1HMnJ3UT09 |
How often do you wonder how cool it would be to have equal control of both hands? Well, make the change. Start using your non-dominant hand for as many things as possible. Brushing your teeth. Using your computer mouse. Shaving. Writing. Masturbating.
If you stick with it, you should see massive improvement within just a week. Then, next time you're asked what hand you use, you can casually say "both" like a badass. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-01-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXckRvTGhrUTJEUU5oRklrdHlPQXVpWmY1TlMyOWh4dFJmQmRHLWJrQWlOM3ItNWlhOXl3OXNPU2N0OS1XVTVDNVpnOTlSOV9JLXR1U2k2M3FKNktsV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEV1RoOEUzc0tTbHBfS0Z1c204d0JCeDhGMm5xQVB0QnR5YjZCNHlXY1RhX1E0LXVhUkdyWkdhd2s2b2oxc3FhcVhLU0doLWVJRzV1MEc2OXoyWTJ6eTAtYVhXdTZBU2kxWUFlUDFmZ19hekxQMDhtQk8tVzRaemNoMkZ1NF9ZUFdxdktjbzk5WEZNYUJnM0RDTU5pWkFDSDAzcnQ5OWhKbzJBaU9MdVZOeEhZY2JPZWwtOGlqSURkMzcwalN4VW1D |
She was rocking that leather jacket. And the suit. | r/lizzycaplan | comment | r/LizzyCaplan | 2012-01-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXdndxQ1dqWTR6WkktcW02ekdMcWk0dkszbVY5Mkd2SU16Ry1kS3lMcEI2a2hfMmxiRk5CTXVsdWJ1dk1YcXBsdHlhT3pnSk5aalhIVmk1Nkl2UVJwbVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEV3J0OXpEVTV1MlA2TjZremM3UWFkNmQ4RjRBNnBRZHdNa3h5NTFQNWl2MUxVNzlpclhEN1JfMGNza29IOHQwMU9uX3NpeVZWNVY5UmkwYnFScWYzdFE5Q3RfWXlPZTBRZWo0cmlXUXNJUGRwa0hqbzBBLTFrdm9TQU53MHJRTzEyUE4tc0V3QllzR3dUVXN1Y0daUm02blBzRS15amUxQ1RKZkI0SkNkdWZDNlRmVjRzbGVWUTU5Y25vNjdQMHZ3eG5GMnFrZ1JYRlBOUW9xUXN5RFk2Zz09 |
Keep a food journal. After every meal, write exactly what you ate and how you feel right after, 1 hour after, and right before your next meal.
At the end of the week look for trends. You may have some kind of food sensitivity that you never knew. It may be causing you lots of discomfort! My Mom always told me to do this growing up but I never did. But if you all do it with me, then I'll do it with you. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-01-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXWFU1eEFyUnpxbXlfcWZ5anc0RS1jakxwTjNCMlRodGg3anNJZERHY1hZd0hVaHI4QmpITWd0enZGUU5fTDlhalVPT0hvclh2b284U2R1Nm9qTWVZNHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEVXBGdEEyVV9YdFBVZEdFekxlQ2FhNzdkbTFvY2xrRUFpWGY1TXcxbWRMX3RvZUs3azd6SzhsSDZIYUU4TGZYZHRLRXJyNkpGS2E0ci1RaWMyQWtOc3pQQVVvc1Z0bGp6Skt2eVAyVnRDLXdQY0h4Q2ptOVBGbUJ6WVpuclFiYktkdG1NNWNXQmlpcDJjcVdBcm5yckdzb1JncHJkQUJUTno3M1VjWUkxdE5tZlR1Z2tVMEkyWDJyb2hOdGM1RE9QQ2VOMTdmR3ZYYV9JbVhEanVYSk44QT09 |
I am happy about this. Good to see her on tv again. | r/lizzycaplan | comment | r/LizzyCaplan | 2012-01-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXaGIyb25odzRLLTR5S3hRY1JwNEtjRF80bnR4ZUMwTUh0UlpFMkZ0TVV1Mm5VYUVtZVBQTnA3ZWF4bVU4VkpBVE1MWWt6N1RKdEpWLWxON2VlNi1XZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNER2VidUlFLUxFM19HUGxxUFdrdWlQbHk2bmdSenJGamo0d3pBUXBseVZqd0hrLWZpS1piRDVCdXI2T19hSlgzQkh3NGFxbVBIQUxxSm5KWkhXODVrZHhoblhKdzNKUXNDMnA0djRPR1dldHZ1OGRQLWRTaXhGc1NORnVCeW9yb2Uta1k2NHhhLUlMNGxNOTZocmRNQ25xRURFakIybmU0UThFbzZjajM5bXhrTVlMU2tDNUhzVGEtSFZ1WGVpNVJ4dFRnTVNqVkFLejE1TVBzZW5MYldsdz09 |
A significant key in getting to where you want to be in life is to be prepared when opportunity knocks.
[This will help you get started](
[And this is the visual that goes along with the above info](
Remember that your resume is unique, so take any advice with a grain a salt. Make it your own. And even if you don't want a new job/position/career this can be a rewarding exercise in that it can show just how much you have accomplished without even realizing it. Best of luck.
Edit - Just a quick note that the links above are a repost and not mine, you'll see. Props to Cainman2K3 for both. I am linking and submitting this for project enrichment because I found it extremely useful. So useful in fact that I had to Reddit Gold the OP. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-01-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXNzB4MVR5RlVZcjQxV2w3NmRELVBZUjFLYjNYRzlGV1ZCNjhTZTVpYzNhTmhPbllNVEpndTZEbnBDWGFZbFJYQThVTmU0MHcyWmFKVW5CbVlDb3JIN0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEX0llU1JicVlqbnlNSF9heTZKWUFMS1B4N2RIX1hoUnhUR0d3eG9wZTZZREtEWDEyanpzdVhjS1d1QmpTd1FVaUpfZGh3MWJQT2FpNmhTcElIZ3dyZ0x1Q2tTNl9oSllBbnVwSzNMNjBBVmY5bmg4LWUtMWdMaUJxTkQ2dmcxeVYxR0R4YjNfNmxSdVBnVEFfWTVlNHVuM2V2YjFBYWFQQnl3ZWZQVnFHMUR4MHU5RW5NcUxTZ3AyaldxOHZOdWxpdnZ3SnRNUUZ3VG10aVF0a3lRdFFZZz09 |
Have your morning routine down to a science? Wake up, cup of coffee, shower, get dressed, do your hair, brush your teeth, shoes, perfume/cologne, lock door, get to work? SWITCH IT UP!! Try waking up 15 min earlier. Try some yoga, walking briskly around the block, turning on the radio instead of the TV. Make breakfast (you know eggs, and good stuff? Not gas station sandwiches) You'd be surprised how refreshed your brain can feel when you stimulate your day a little differently from the start. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-01-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXQUFMaDJaSXFwXzhoTGJhV21HaXB1WFNTTjY4VzNpTlNQYkxyVnVRc05fMjh5c25Pa2ZOaUdLdVMyRzZjMXRlUm4yTVlValBSVW5lb0FMY1ZRNHUtRkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNESk9fX01ncjJQcTBHcXc5TTlBRzFtX3kxUDJraTdMLUtMdHc1cUNWV2tXNjRzWUVKamVMd29xZ1h3WHpWVG9DNDg5MzJQU18wUk1Hb21FTWd2RWRGN0dnYnZSck9hS2JaYlluLVFncElaLTR0N3FQSks3N2FQQS1lZkllczJNVnUxZnJld3pnS0ZPMTQ4VW9WU1hZQUNxUlFIbFBqeHphQjB0WkFVRkhIdWtjRWROZnhVblNJLW1McjY5VlJ3VS1VTTNCQlN1NFVEaGlBcFJabTBFV0tkZz09 |
Apologies in advance if this is the wrong place to post this - noob at reddit. However, this is undoubtedly one of the best "self help" articles I've read in a while.
Please, if you spare time reading something today, let it be this.
There are several points contained within I hold true to my life, and the advice is sound. I have symbiotic relationships I hold dear to my heart, and hope to even solidify more by refreshing myself with these pointers. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-01-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXeU52VnRJVW5BaklkYmlvQjFXY1JaSUdMS2FpLS1LS1k4b3JGWG0tMk1LdWVIMmJtdlNKamZzWUw3QTRQMVBOVWx1ckhnQnpzZFBlc1UxN2FKVHpYU3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEaTFKUzBQeGIxN3h2MkNmbEZ5eGlqSFZGWmVuSjlrOHNyUUJOMHVSazVoajBpTkNFMWJYMFp2cjFiQU9QbElic1M2OHU3UlNUaXh1akJSanZkR3RFQkdqdVB2ek1qMGFrR1lVM0FuQnlCVjZJR2JZRVFtWHJzRExBbUFvaHBVYjRYbHEwQWZLRHlRaTNZRFFYc09rNXVUM0ozLWpwUnFRSEcyY0tpYm9fS2lGLXBZU1hzbzItTjRuUzc1NzFybThLZXRJdzVkbVBDSHFrY3pWdFZVeWJCdz09 |
Doing this consistently leads you to be on the lookout for nice things and happy memories to write down leading to a positive outlook and INCREASED DOPAMINE LEVELS!! apparently, [according to this lovely and funny TED talk]( <----Seriously that's worth the watch, he mentions the technique near the end, I won't tell you where though so you have to enjoy your way through it first. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-02-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXV2ZqR1lKc2d4ZkR4NjlISk1NajFLN3lNOS1rcXRZdS1qVWZtMHA2cHozNnJGV05Ba1ljM0o4VlVISzVmNV9YdUdRT1RYczNia1VGRGRVTU5CMEhMWEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEeUxnaDFLM0pld3lqSkQ0WHloQV9zM3dCSTI3Q2dFSEtwMHcwcDVRQ0RMRDR3VTVwQUpvZlhxajdnMVBTb09aUHN0VUpWOGZlWHF2NnhLQm40bFlYSnU4QlBaWkxWYU1fVS1QVndLc3djbVBZUGQ3aTZ1N3M0MDNyQWNPQjNvbndvTk52M3l4dUJ4bDQyWWstamZsY0tCeE1NMVJJbkZuNGhGUXY5d1RjUzUyUjBPNWNtUGV3My1UWktEb3l3SWdHcFc5eDdEVXJ2WXRCWXY3LVliOWdndz09 |
1. Steel-cut oatmeal, low-fat plain yogurt, ground flaxseeds
2. Eggs, diced tomatoes and mushrooms
3. Broiled grapefruit with honey and cinnamon
4. Grilled salmon and asparagus with a poached egg on top
5. Whole-grain waffles with berries and a drizzle of maple syrup
6. Yogurt (your choice of flavor and type), fruit (mix and match with the yogurt flavor) and granola or cereal (again, any of your favorites will do)
7. Avocado, mango and Greek yogurt, pureed in a blender
8. A whole-wheat English muffin, one egg and a MorningStar maple-flavored vegetarian sausage patty
9. Steel-cut oatmeal, shredded zucchini and crumbled goat cheese
10. Plain Greek yogurt, fresh blueberries and a drizzle of real maple syrup
11. Cooked oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, 1 sliced banana
12. Whole-wheat English muffin with egg and tomato
13. Sautéed spinach and onions sprinkled with cheese
14. Cottage cheese, cucumber and rice cakes
15. Carb Balance flour tortilla, scrambled egg and smoked salmon
16. Half a cup of black beans, half a cup of a sweet onion and 2/3 cup frozen corn sautéed together into a hash
17. Eggs scambled with 1 roma tomato & fresh spinach
18. Wheat toast, peanut butter and sliced bananas
19. Trader Joe’s organic High Fiber O’s, fresh blueberries and skim milk
20. Whole-wheat sourdough toast topped with smoked salmon and Greek yogurt
21. 1 cup homemade yogurt, 1 organic banana and 1/2 cup fresh organic blueberries blended into a smoothie
22. Freezer pancakes (pancakes you made over the weekend, frozen, then reheated in the microwave—that counts as one ingredient, right?) topped with frozen berries warmed in the microwave and a little butter
23. Chopped fresh baby spinach and diced red peppers sauteed in olive oil and scrambled with eggs
24. Corn tortilla scrambled together with one egg and fresh salsa
25. Quinoa with pears and vanilla
26. Honey-roasted peanut butter spread on a banana and rolled in coconut
27. Sauté chopped chard until almost wilted, make a hole in the center, crack an egg into the hole and cook. Serve with a slice of whole-wheat toast.
28. Almond butter, whole-wheat toast and raisins
29. A packet of oatmeal, one container of light yogurt and one piece of whatever fruit strikes my fancy for the day!
30. A small serving of last night’s leftovers, a piece of in-season fruit and a small glass of milk
31. Black rye bread with slices of a salted avocado
32. Take one whole egg (and one egg white) and scramble with a fork in a cereal bowl. Chop one wedge of light Laughing Cow cheese and scatter it over the egg. Top with 1/4 cup fresh salsa, and then microwave until desired consistency is reached.
33. Traditional oats (uncooked), almond milk and chia seeds.
34. Chopped cantaloupe or melon, mint and plain yogurt
35. Whole-wheat waffle, natural peanut butter, sliced bananas
36. Greek yogurt, cubed Granny Smith apple, freshly toasted sliced almonds
37. Grits with soy cheese and a poached egg
38. Protein pancakes with almond butter and banana
39. Chia pudding (vanilla almond milk & chia seeds) with fresh blueberries
40. Kashi cereal, Silk soymilk and fresh fruit
41. Toasted sprouted-grain English muffin, scrambled Egg Beaters and low-fat cheese
42. Plain yogurt, granola, agave nectar.
43. Fresh fruit, whole-wheat toast and two eggs
44. Eggs, oatmeal and fruit
45. 1/2 of a Fiber One English muffin, 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese and a peach
46. Greek yogurt, fresh berries & Stevia smoothie
47. Whole-wheat flax waffle, Greek yogurt, fresh-picked raspberries
48. 9-grain toasted baguette topped, tomato slice and egg
49. 1/2 cup scrambled Egg Beaters, a slice of soy cheese and almond milk
50. Summer vegetable hash with poached eggs and toasted nori
**What’s your favorite 3-ingredient breakfast?** | r/minimeals | post | r/minimeals | 2012-02-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXWDdGWXkwMzlVR0RQY0pBQjE0SHNqMF9BT1FDX2wyeVI4MEEwVU1XVXZvMEdtNE1vYlhpc2F6cjdrdkpIYmhyb1ZoNGg5Q1RfUzJpVGh4TWYzTDE1eUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEM3haNnJhSUhucUZMYnlLVUZ2cEt4b0JPVDhFbHAwQ3k5RzJtVm02dDVKZUdVU0o4U2RlUHdWaEVKM1c0N2JubzlhWjlXM0dta0lndmdwMjIzdVd6WDdub1J2dUtPTXRqNHlVeWJ0UUM2QXVDM2d3bGJpQXdSY0cwSUJ1Q0prcGFKZUhObXIzWDRHQXdUcEtMQmRjX2dxbHpTRWlNSThEckNlZTF0b0thQzJkY3NNa2FrVm83emYwNkNvWTJVN3Zt |
Inspired by [this]( Ted talk: when you start it, after a while your brain starts to look for positive things around you. And when you think positivly, you think, work better, and enjoy life more:) | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-02-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXSUxlLW9jaElOTVBqcndqeUtUSUVXZVJKZTVZWUI5QUUwVEpvb2JPdTBicWY5Rk9qUERWQXhoWUNsb2VhWl94eFB4ajVIYnZ6UEg4UzRkOGM5QUlOR1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEU19CWVZnRElEb2c1NWdtV2d6TFBjbWEyOG5reVREV3Y1ZlVWaXQzQjdpaEVNeUpYcG05T0JqVTNZV3dHb1Z2ZXhPLUxUTzJTdDRqN0M5bHp0VzFoeHc5SXFWSkt4RkFzV3p2bUhXbUw3UzR4UnFKZjg2NllyRFpwZmJmSmRhNDJfeUxqZGlEbzdqMDdOQU91cmlwVmRQR2NwVDhSbUpZNWVFN2NHMU10SkhsT3FlWU5NdS1kajdLcWdBWF9ZN2kzNU5HX3FBSzBnbXJLTDE4a2F6RU9mdz09 |
Vegan + no cooking involved: excellent for the health-conscious and lazy alike.
* 1 can of chick peas
* some vinegar
* + anything else you feel like adding
Just wash the chick peas a bit, then add cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, whatever. Add some vinegar, some parsley, and bam, you've got an extremely filling, delicious, and refreshing salad!
If anyone else has recipes for non-lettuce based salads, please share them! | r/minimeals | post | r/minimeals | 2012-02-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXSkt3ZzRHWmM5SUxpTkVQRFhJdU40RXlOQTN5V0hUOEVZUG8xeWZ0ZmRNWDYyckcxSTZ3ODJROUZzVFJORmN6Qk9OTnpQS3JnOFFla3JXOG41TlF4Zmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEMFJwRUdsMDNOalloby1LdUdtVHZ2cEdnMnd4OFAzVnVTZEU4UnFwRHM3Y3pNd1hGRkd1Si1NcmIwOWFiZUxuUEtvREZFQndKMWlfQml1aTVhT3hELXJJYW5sbE5nYmlhMkpkSjZNUVpwS0luSmVXQXZsUy1iYU9WcFJEQnhWSUY5aTZjY1htajd5eTM1SXV4bkxoc3VadmpSVHlmNjNHdXAxRzJqa3d0U1lVPQ== |
EDIT: If you don't have 7 hours to crack, cut 14% down per day starting Monday. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-02-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXc1lRVEViU3hiMGpncEEtRERWSTczWTZ3elZIbUJJNy13NDJwMDFKa3poOFdoR0s5aEVtUjRtSVcwS3ZXYllSRHZtek4tYWd6QUZpYkFXZ3ZOTGZkZWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEbVhPRzQtLThac2xadFNkdFRGSm9RV2RuTzdvNzAyWTNoN3U3SmZ3MzhMeG0tc3F5MXRfOGRGMGJSdDdOaUUtM3F2STgtNlU5WDUtOVB3QlBtSlVKRnJBLUtsb1cwUlBfRjZaVEdETjdpcnBWUWZSR29VVlBMX0FDLWdGQkhQRjJmSU9vZ3VWN0J2TGNZTEVLV1lHUHVsX2l3YTF3VUJtbVpYVFM5eEJkNkF6UGoyR3BfY181NFRwUWxOQ3prbnhlVkowWnExbXBvS190cVNXRWZjOTR3dz09 |
The reason I'm here is b/c I'm single and a bit of a minimalist. I'm always looking for single serving this or that, so this sub is awsome! I found this a couple of weeks ago and there are tons and tons of variations. I hope you enjoy it. | r/minimeals | post | r/minimeals | 2012-02-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXOEF3OHBhVXhBQVI3T1B5NHAySzl5T3JlU0wyNDZkd1hFZGN3cGtoVDRUUng0VXo0THNQeG5QNWgxams5akFOSkFocURzalFMd1BlY2x4Nl83bTd3S1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNETUFaWkNCcGdlX2NaRFlVSXFhOEtBRHRlQzBpYUtSZFk3MndUYkpiTmFCbUhGM00yYV9hQm9oNml3X1NDckNZXzNld0RpWlhxcHdheHcxcUdxNXU3NC0zTWVFUjRObzRaTEszcmx0Mi04a1BLQkZqU2U5bWo1ZUgzc2trcjVPdXBfdjhWNUV1VjBQU2Y2WjROOHZiSnE0cHBOTmxlXzREZldROUZQRExOd1lzPQ== |
I finally got my cast iron skillet, and my family loves Ivar's style fish & chips. Anyone care to help me out with the batter recipe? | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2012-02-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXQjhOajZkM1BYTlZsRWFDZkQzdkVhVFlJckpKcE1xODNoNnlEaE9lOVZ6YTE0Y3ZEam55NXZ3X1U2RV9mbXJaR1JHZGd1d1dkeUpObElzSlhmUWJ2cWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEWHNRS3J1SmloZEo2aWxJNjc1S0VQVVBSeTNhcFlnV0p3YWdGeXBwNmVENU9rMDlVLVRTb0dzcGxqd21BTjdJWC1sVTFKUktTZWFrTm4tLVFwZDJ2ZkFzYXRGRTg5NWszQ1Fvd2hKMEs4NzBXdFowUVA5XzQwOW9zb0o2Ukhrd014UmJhWkN5aFpnNTJEZU4xQW12VWg0clJrUHAxaFplay1qMkdRekJrRWpLRTZ2WTJ1VjlNWTJhWk9HZUVhckRJ |
I want an inspirational video to watch every morning so that I can keep myself in the right frame of mind every morning. any suggestions?
for starters i was thinking something along the lines of [this]( or [this]( but I'm open to anything.
=] thanks | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-03-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXR0tTTUpvUDBiWEltSzFZMFQ2SFNCNy1WUmJUX3YzZGZNN2FoYlZPWWwtMUl4TXlDRHQ3UWRmS0FaenpWUjU1bk9HSVY3SXRKeTlRb2stNVVvT0RZSUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNETFFhd3hnUkRjX210a19lTElfRkMzZEhaY2otWDBRekpIaTd1NFJxVFMzNW5ONzhUeFZJUGhfbmRtSVA5RFNNa2d6Rlo0WEVZM2hZXzNSb1RXQ2VCUjkxZTloaHRtUjlnZEhkX2o3bHAxalVLV0ZnNWYyaEFid3loSXQxWUdYVEVEZHBJNEtfLWZDR1VYanEybTJZN3hkQUd5Z09yVkl4U0w4anFXNFV0RzJyODRIRURTWjZHTGw2ZW4xSFd4U3Fj |
I always have way too many tabs open, so I can read later. If it gets too cluttered I remove them one by one until I have what I think are important. But then I still have 10 open.
Recently I've been closing all of them once I gather too many. I always feel like 'shit, I'm gonna lose something that could've helped me,' but then somehow, I'm always okay. I guess if something is THAT important you'll have already bookmarked it or you could go back to our browsers history to find it.
Unless you have related tabs open for a specific task at hand and won't get distracted, try it out. It feels good. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-03-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXbjF4UlpkNXFiVnFqM2tkUmZWNThMMTA3WW5LQmJoNXhYSjljdXowTk9sUkdXQTkwQ3NwQ3FrcnprMVk4Q3VGdS1TbmRMbm03ZDRWTUp4T2l0N21TcHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEZ2Z3Z0x6UGZWRmZ1akk1YzJBM1NpUVY2RzFzY0M1YmVUZzA4YTdicDAtYzBzTmNETS1ZeU5LQlNRU3I4ajluR2JTN0NBSVlReDFGV3luamltU0FRUnlZcEVCcHNISEJTcUlrWUlFTjJZbU42VVBhY2hyME52X0pQWkN6elJZOVg3czJSQkJzOFFxRzFkYnktY3JsbENkWUwtdWJMMUYtVjd6RXlJVm1sUEtzT0s0SGpyQkx2blNKUnZXeE1YSnpGa3NVQ19kamJqdEJfSHVPclRuWlNrUT09 |
I felt so productive after having this revelation. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-03-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXaWlQWU5kRG84aG5yZS1UOVgtWU56eGJ5LUhBcHh4ZkFYSTYzUk9XNFk1SnpxZnFWMjFqQjBaNFFoODlTUmpNN1BNa1E1bmRNX1lnYUFNNFpSTnFZRUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEZDFraGtHM0IyN0lGNDlvM0NEOVhjb3BfdWpjRnYwTFphU2xpSFI1UzRWU0NzSXRkVThqTU1vRG5RZXA2X1BGZk1iQ2czRGN5WHhDZGJneFNmak9sSWh0OFFSSzRjdnhXMXEwRUN4QVVaYy1hSTFXN0xDYVBqTE5SVVozaVFFdDZCZ3FKcHU3NF9JVTR3THBrXzQtXzNoNlZxdTludkpqcWxNRHpUMHFFd19uWVdiYXViMDBTcExfYlJ0UmtUWUJq |
This could range from a small sculpture to an elegant meal or from building a [green house]( to making [glasses out of bottles]( Anyway, when the week is over, everyone should post a picture of their creation. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-03-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXdkFMVlhQdENSWmprZVVVVUhSWmlKWDRHZllETDlqZllJekt6UnRZdWVmcEpnMWtya0VFc2lZdDdqUWlpMjlza3RDSlNQMkdpQnZzOF94ejFlWm1TUkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEMGFla3N6TWUza1liQU9WYWszQ1FtS1FFa3ZkYmNYeHhUelNrNGRlY05qWTg4Yk10M2ItZjNjX0VwMUEzZEY5RzEtd1JtTDlPN2h6bnM5cHFoSDhDcHhZSW1qM3VUd2hjdXB3Ylg1RC13U20xSU9jZU1tRzJSeDhGOTRIQkI2UjFsdVRvWUZQTm1jbldNS2JyZ1dhU1pKQ1pLYkNrejEzQUxjemJWUUU4bWcwZFk4eFNmTGN3RVFWMG5LY042cWhpdWhwRTFNeDBSQ29udnpWcDBRaXh3UT09 |
Thanks in advance | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2012-03-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXWmVIcFFENVNSb2RXckpyWWNZUngwcmV5OVJDY1Rjb3RLUVh2clNEbVU5dlVHY3JzWXdveEVDbW5QeUhsZUFYcXg1YWpYRDg4U2lJTW14M0xYbHRPT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEUXl0NGlndUp1YXk4dVJuMGdoWVFtYThrc3BhSHlpTXVnTmhiQ3FzeGNiemx3clFtUGgycmdQZDJCWU9RZnRGZ2xsZHhNa0xRcnlIR3pqTGlkenNwWlFCRF9ndlNYa0F3VVZObVV3T1JXY2xqSzBaWDNyOEFKXzJZUFBTTWlIQktoU3pLbEc3ZmtGYjFlY3ktRzM5UjJKTThfS0FwejRhMjJoYVpIYlFlN2tubnFGSHNpeGJtekdWSU5iMUctcWY2UUd3anlabmN0NE9WaHNidU9KOGFnZz09 |
Or any room.
Think about maximising floor space, clearing out unnecessary items, vacuuming under that couch for the first time in 3 years...
Or even just for a change of scenery. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-03-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXZVpicHozSU1rel9OenQyai1qMjhudDB3Nm9FZTNXU1RBVEVyUXVIWmJVT0R1SzVnTG1QT2xZVW9sWmtrNTctSE9hWVZUNmxwSVBrRy10NThkZHBoWUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEWXd6VUJZZGpWUV8yeUVlVDRzYUNXODk4YzBteDl1SDdMOTdvUUVGSmNzNkw1MFdDVnVSV2NYTmY3RzNfdmNWMGt1NDdCSnZMWFlKYl9hZ01WczFNaHk4SFRBNy1EeDZkZk1WWjhDRkJGX0RnX19DUEktd0lUUlU0LTN6YU5IMVZVb1Z6MFhXMWl5dnFvVWtLVUlmX1lwN1RPRTRTWFhBVl9tU2lDSHNOMzQycWJkcmF4cDkxZVhaVTM2YWpWYkl6 |
I have a pack of fake crab meat (AKA Krab). I want simple, taste, minimal ingredients. Make it manly, make it spicy... make it rustic, yea?
Now do it before I get Chef Ramsey to sink your fucking ships you FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUD FUCKS! | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2012-03-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXN2ROM21yQ2dWa1BRdmVmZjUxNUtoeE5lZW5USjE0dWJXSFk4UC1WdzlndnpJUEViSnpPdHVOMXlyZ290b0pZaTNHWklEaUg2TE1fZEtIMF9uWS1fZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEQkJIeGQ1anpURVU2cTJCTVpqeVVFeEJZcEhTeFBYZkJoSDJwa2tNMFpRd1F5dTBlRG4zY1FsdzltZV9TdUxjWkF6UXZWVHA4VUw5aEVQNDRkUDkxS0NndWdLUGpHbUY2X3YyU3Z6X01KdFk5VjVSdlZXVUdqZXd0TGlMZy1NcVNlLVhMRFdfTjVUTnlxbmhfVnF6X19kMWt6S2JKQWxXUGhRTEcyVHNiTnlGdkozQXdsZG9VUmFXTXEycmR5ZWRv |
I'm a big fan of shrimp and crab legs. Also a big fan of Cajun food. I just can't seem to make either taste like Cajun, or even hot. Hell... I poored an entire bottle of zatarains in the boil, and still couldn't get them to taste hot.
Any of you know some good recipes? If so, can you lay them out step by step so I don't get confused on what to do.
I don't care if it grill, boil, oven baked, or broiled. I just want some good Cajun seafood! | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2012-03-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXV19vRTc4UEg3b214bm5RN2Rub3gtbUJ1clhONXpJRTZsaEUyWXNVM0JhT0VmUWdZVXd3Vjgzdl92OHRpaENsTjBVaGtIS3BkaExZMjAxa05mMHdzdWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEU1NYdU5RelhUNExVUXhWWTBwbEg4Wm1uUHoyQS04SkY2SUFJajhfT1RLdncwd1dWb0Z1WTdNUUo0dTlhNlM1VUFmMllDSXJyTXVtZXJucGlRbU5lRkZyZHkxeE5rdmE5aVJQN1plVmR6R204WWMxeFFYS3F2UzdOMHhaRGctSUU4eXRaZ25mTGlITm1iMGRuQ19FMFQ5bkZsdUdDVlZMT2RDRWhWR0oyYWhldFFfU2lpQm10NWxBazMteWxtVndPSjhCajRnWEgwWVNZcURBY19IZy1RQT09 |
Some nice cold spicy corn soup, I had it once and it was delicious but when I tried to make it is was not so good. HELP? | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2012-03-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXbWRlNXpEQVl1c0ZMaWZ6TzUzbEY2c0lyLWwyT3I4a0VBMU91eUsxVVNlS2ZSc0ZkZGhCNFI0U1NtNmJsOVE4Tk5zSkpMTkVUdHBDMEEteDNUM2o3UllNLTdWZUNhQXM2WG94TnVGZFN5Nk09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEem90ZV8wQ0xSSU1ueFQyRC1oa1owRW44OUNPUVNVRmJrNlFHSEJLRTNZYWhKdF9KVXZwZTBKR0k0Q0gzT182OXdqTVFoSWtUVnRJVXRwb2ZlSml2ckxGOFpRWVBuN0lZNkpyaXd1dWxGNmxmWFhFbko1TmpIV1lXVmpLa0xVWFlGSnk4NHBtLXcyMFJvYkY1VXBxZFFGVnVsTXhhM2pLOHhUVUVYQTh3d3FZaWN2RHJ6LTBGWnN1NElZb3Vicmhj |
My wife used to use this subreddit as an awesome goto for dinner, and now it has just kinda stopped! her favorite part was the "fap fap fap" face that meant it was time to set the timer... what has happened to my FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUD!?!!!?!
| r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2012-03-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXVEpuNTNEWGI3ZTRaS09Dek9pd29MSlZ0Z0gwaWQ5N1NhY2FRa0p0eXpvRkFLTHd2Mkszb2lZZzdpcmRUb3dGb1pQeW5yYkJ1U2haUFZkSGh2Xy13ZWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEUlo5MVdoc28wamJab2g3SXZZSS1sU1Y1Y3JpSzc1SWdnMktsZXA3Q2RkemZEbGtkN1Z5WUdvUEhXaGR0YnAwbUZQeXJDdUJCNjZOTW5hRlNDcUxjVUlKZVBrSW42bGVXcGJVWjVPX2xtRUFFa2c0cFZ4U3hYeU5fSEZDdm8xWDVkS3paLUF5MnN5c2NROGktc01HaFA1RFUtZXN2V3JGUXVOODVDY3NkZ1RFZmhtZ3FvNVlRZThqZFdsUkVxVGJR |
Flour tortilla, chopped red onion, lentils + black beans w/ [spicy taco seasoning]({keyword}), rice, hot sauce. | r/minimeals | post | r/minimeals | 2012-04-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXQVlVSWJSclFRd1ZsbjdQZVY2ZlRKWEtvb0VZeW5WN2RIM3JOUV9DaUxhbUlVSlJOSEtGVF9WenFKbkRJVEtkUC14TkJZOEJLb3NzaWJZckw4NTU1dHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEY1dDMTg3cUZSMFoyMHZIV1V2NHpmR1V5aVlxUW9vbXk3VlRxdWFyWHExUlJnV0xMbHNJcmJjY2NleklQSU5ydnJqUm1oT3FXbTJaYWktMUFxRUVoZkdEejNKWVp1SkxQQk96QmhIaFBrV3FPejUzbExfMVNUOXR2MDFLeFZQNUE0b2lDVWFQM2V5bkhtR2FrZ054dWpGTXFGRERBdWF6U1JRNXpzSU9URFNnPQ== |
About a year ago i got myself a pocket sized Moleskine notebook that i could carry around with me everywhere i went so that i could write down inspiration, ideas, projects, or anything noteworthy in my life. However, recently I've noticed that I haven't been writing in it very often, and when i do it's either not very meaningful or a journal-ish entry. What are some tips/ideas to help me get back to fully utilizing my notebook? | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-04-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXZGw4OHpWX0YyYXl2RHJwYkUtS1B2TVFhVkZCZkg4emhibG5iLXM2VExBcG51T3pROHc1Z0RGbFlkSzNUZXFVNHdoNy11dm9RVE5iSW00c0lWa0pjOWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEUndSZ3dVdmhkTmRadEtTWTluU25WMTF3cVEtTEk0QmRJVWFjTHU2NXR4bEpTdlN2NFRSbk1tVlRYaVZON2tTblk0VFRSbVdGa3MydnhmUzBtUDdUelFhM19MUU91YWRnSHlncXk4UGpremJKR0JTSEVTbm40WjVYYVJTNk5ST1dDREJIQld5QnN2T3pva1E2U0x0WjlUZ2xoai1CODFVSlVlOXNWZjhXVkV4NFdOREMtYkJKanR3dTlUOUJremFRbGlXUjZQUWEwRVMwZU9DSFEzbnBqQT09 |
I just got a new griddle (resturant style, about 4ftx2ft griddle) for outside from my grandfather. I need some recipes for it! | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2012-04-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXNEZPN3NHZjhNR0QwRlhjb2dobmpPbE1EQ3cweFZDbUtMRlZOQlgxTGZ3OHNEZjJLRjJqem9PQmtFYjB0TVo5elZmV2JqOFNXLVRiV0NrVFZfRFkyb3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEcmdfM3AxaVUxejY5RGszX3Ewb29PQTlsYWNOUGdlOVN3UHhNZUpRN3E2QXlkWkd2T045UmhXcFZnc1NXV2VyRE1OWmJIemxPTzVGT0ZNRGNMdndOZjYyYjQwa0ZraWM4Z1RoUzNDQ1ZIV2NHMDUxLTFud2o2WU43TmJuVWdlRk1naWR5d0wxWXhSa21VbjZ6ajE5YzZQVlotVFhWSEtfTXFuQ2ZKSE9ocjRySlJTTlVvRDdLWWJWcUpDbnY3TTZCNWlKVUk4dlI4b3IyZ29LS2ViQTZNZz09 |
It used to be so lively, but it seems to have died. What's going on? | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-05-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXTngxcTlwZm1uQkZwOWFrbkkwR2VrR2hQQWh1dVE5VlVUUmNJWkg2clgybndWUGdzRUFmaFlydV9HaXZCektNUEJROHRkLU44eWdseFE3eWVmcTZlM1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEaG5VYzJFdE55YnNZY0lmRnFSWDNwTnNsd0VRVUl5RjBvZ2JHX1d2M1VJWGpWbkxGQ3habk40Nk1NWW54aXlvdk90OVJ3TUxkR0V4WVN0STgtdENrWkFlQVo0cGNzSXBGNi0yclhqb0R0OWEyYmxTQzhPUzljQUpEdllkaDFVMHc2b3Nsdy15UDRGX095Z2h4X3huVzVueUVTS3RzYnFXSUVQZXduVWVWQkdhTm52NEROeS1hR0ZCTVdHLVRPWFp5 |
**EDIT**: It's Week 37. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-05-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXdUc5bnFoRU9GTTZTSy05cXVLcHVyVzJ3NGJXWnQ3NU9yREIyUS1vNjF5dFhHbEZ3d3FZYUxGUW5fdEZUZ1FJeS1QSjRKM0h5b1J5Vkh1cWpwcGRDR0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEbE92M3pmVWMwVEFrNmJsYUI0eThhZnV0d3V4aG1IeHl4SXJLWUVKcE1mNDhYZWFHT0RDVGNpTExHZkRJSmt3QmVoX1FqX3JyX2I3MndoN0J5Xy0tYWQ3c2lIS0FBc3hmZ01mY29VLTh1a2ltRDFHTUUxb3ZHRFNZbHRRWXNXaFZMTDdMckFuaDB5dXZJRUhBWkh6WEJDQkpRWm9TUDVGNlJ5NEN1ejN1S0FDcHlYeEdOakpzUlRVbGZNRWlrT0tQRXFUR3hGWWdxU0dzUHBuN0VKaU1SQT09 |
[This salad]( is good by itself, or as a sandwich filling. I just whipped it up and I'm having a hard time not eating all of it. I got it from this recipe [here](, but I took out the olives and parsley because I had neither of them and olives are expensive. So:
You'll need:
* 1 15-oz can of chickpeas
* Zest of half a lemon
* Juice of half a lemon
* 1 Tablespoon of finely chopped red onion
* Salt (about two big pinches)
* Black pepper
* Olive oil
* Parsley (optional)
Put everything except the olive oil in a bowl and mix it up. Use the back of a fork or spoon, or a potato masher, to smash the chickpeas. You're not trying to puree them or anything, just give them a short, rough mash. Then, add a couple glugs of olive oil depending on how oily you want it.
And enjoy! I put it on a piece of toast along with some thin slices of cucumber and a little cheese, but I think I like it better on its own. | r/minimeals | post | r/minimeals | 2012-05-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXek1EeGpDN1lORWdKa3FhQlNidWpvWjJLTlhKTG1yZzF5Zms4RG9fRm9tb2o5V0pKc3Eyd0FMeU0xM2x3SFdkUnZXRXlxcjNSN2FTYlV5cnV2UURJSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNELXd3S3U0UzFYTmlxRXhxWXZ1Q283Qm41Zl9hWWRGYWN4Z3ZRNV8xT3BuaDZjWVNadHRvQlVSTl9POU03NnAzRndEMVNTLWEtTHJYc3NtdjdoZWNpTVVfcDNLTk1zdVhGVFJqZHAwT01Wd3pRY0ZBbGZET1dPN1locC16WF81SUpXNzRqb3AtWFNHamtuazZSd3VWYkhHcmVVUTRUMjJWZWp3Zi1BenAzUlAwPQ== |
After seeing the [Simple, fast veggie burrito]( on here, I thought I would share my simple veggie fajitas.
I can't really call it a recipe as it's basic fajitas, but you can switch things around a bit.
* Half a red pepper
* Half a green pepper
* Half an onion
* Sour cream
* Tomato sauce
* Guacamole
* Chilli powder
* Grated cheese of your choosing/liking
Should be enough for four fajitas. Two for me and two for the girlfriend.
Fry up the peppers and onions with some chilli powder on them. I then make the four fajitas, but you could always do it restaurant style and build them at the table.
The nice thing about this is varying the quantity of guacamole, grated cheese and tomato sauce, I can make a lighter or heavier set of fajitas.
I used to use a spicy taco seasoning, but found it makes us feel more full after the meal. But replacing it with a bit of chilli powder hasn't detracted from the loveliness. | r/minimeals | post | r/minimeals | 2012-06-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXWEtRTEdBUFRfQnFVWE9Ra3hycFVGWGU4eUFWd0hHejNDUm9LNFQ3QlJfU1VsRnd0dW95dHlDczg4cUpsWU9TOGxOMmd6dmh5eERKQ241MXNxRnhyVUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNENUFpTXhvU2hTck1mbzFLbjFSaGZsVFo3OHdldHdKT0ZLTkdEQmdTLVFtY2pZdmtPQjhZSm9vY2VpMVFoUVdoTHZXV29TY0pfYXNsanBWQVNWQVdvdHZRSkRqV0E3MXNZdHUtUGEyVEpxQXA2QVRTZEpXUEFXM0hIdDhWM0pjLTA1MVVlWHVmc2luQWp3ZjM0dERIbFNaUDVPT3ZfWGhIbXk0SFRsSW1mck1VPQ== |
One of my favorite quick meals is couscous. I got the boxed kind b/c it was on sale for 10/$10.
* boil frozen broccoli in just enough water to cover it until cooked (~ 5 min total). remove, drain, set aside
* boil water/butter/spice packet for couscous, then turn off heat, add couscous, and cover. Leave for 5 min.
* While couscous is finishing cooking, cook eggs however you like.
* Mix broccoli, couscous, and eggs together.
* Bon appetit! (my pic has a toasted baguette that I also added to the meal, toasted it while cooking)
* Total cook time was about 15 min. | r/minimeals | post | r/minimeals | 2012-07-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXYldGQXpwVGkyTk1wRFpob0dhdjZuWWE4Z1ZwZnQzQ21xaFA1Z0R3V2JWR0p3N194SXpnNVE1OV9uT3NpOXV2Q1hJUWhsaDBXY1E3cDUyYjBZbXZBMlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEa3FEQndDUzlSM2ZLNWtIOW9Vb1dWN3ctM01JOGV4c2M2N2VhN2lXNXJ2Tl9KY1hNd29NbGMzSzhUZlJ4Y3ZOcU1XVXFneGFnNGl1MTFNbWhyZzRMb0xBYlhpbnFJaDFvQThsSDhqR3h4dGdiWkV4WWhiSFlzLWlBbHVPWVBTcjc2WHZtUm9zRWxVa1VkUmJKZ2F0YWFKN1p5X3ZpQTdvWUd1S3ZWaXFpNEVNdGtHMmtkRWF1a0FYWlQwbW51WmJf |
Why did someone nsfw this? | r/lizzycaplan | comment | r/LizzyCaplan | 2012-08-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXZ01Pb3NWak9sUEpUUGI1ZTJOVGZhZWpxMUtVQng1TmFNdzVIeGhUVmFZX2xyLUdsTGRtVHFhcUQtamRmRVJVNFFablFUVjlXeElQYnhibndCcm5tcHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEaGpmOHU4cTBhRkhWbzc5SjFVSFVxeHZVR3BnU3BwN3JjaDR1YVR5QmRoOGxNVFJ0OU00QXNyRFFOVFdYZm1FbEhaT3J2aTJrV3N5emJQMWMwYVVuTlFzSnJ6NExtTkk0WFRKZnhnekx6RE9DWnpMcXJNX1JzQll0NWYxRFRmSndfWkU4cjZkM3pzRXJ4Qk56bUhLa0I0WHo3U21VYWI0OHNQQS04THNDd2pzPQ== |
Pretty much just that, any means to make guacamole from scratch would be great. | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2012-08-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXU21Gb0lyQW1IdXVXODhPZ0JqSXp1MnlnMjNIY1ZiSDlmN0dfZURyVlphcTM3bUtjdmV3NVRTZzRpZDBDRjE5SXVmOTBjUktxRnpycVJlb082YlREdXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNESHRZbnZ0dGZ6UjlhXzZia19iUlJ6Zi1jNXdvYzNDcy1WMzlEUDlmM0Zmd25FRzMwYVpkeXpydmVyYUJGU0VqZ3ZEeUZaaUNWRW9MWWZYNnVNam9RNTFEWmM5Ylp6STBWbERVc18xZFRZb0x1T2VsalM1UFhhTW5vU2NBT25IQU9icGtOaGhTNWFvM0JWZy1PT1lGVGxrMmo2eTkxbXJWWGl6Z2hkU3RURV96ZEFXRnBZMUFfT2dGd2VtSW9TVHBw |
A few obvious ones:
cool infographics
motivational blog posts
Random facts | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-10-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXS21jUHBQZUIwWHRFdEE2ODIzaWtSLTEyY0ZxclpOWmV4Q05TS3gzSXdEWmZTZ24xV0taZ0JWQ2p3OWVQcjhyWnRvaW80eGkyMF9rc3U1RnFtQmlIYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEN3UtaEJnQmxtU2pIclNSVG9BdHppdG9OUlZERkVheEtDbEFtQWdPUjRDMnRMb1lmbktmb1dxMnl2c0ZDazM0WWFtX1FRdkJUSldja3I4cWpYOElwTjlhU0dNSlA1d3dqMlliV3F5bGRlNHNPWklXOXNUYlVBNm96NXVYWW12eGdiOGJsVjAtVE44d3RUYlpXVWlzTG1UZVJjVXpZZkxxbkIxbXUtWUVtbDFYUkI2QWZ5cjFQRjNDYU9xWk9NY0FwYVdRdmZjV0E0WF9PZ2tmQlpSYlY0dz09 |
I don't think this belongs here. | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2012-10-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXUHA4Vm1rVTB1SFdGbWpBdERaY1FxNHR3MFJWWDF1MGJEd2JMMDV4by1hZFVFT1BNNW42YjlEOFRiWWJFeDY0QVEzZHNTemJkeEpVclhMZktUZlBiZnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEQXlGckxuams2b2h6eEM3R1BEdjFXbHZkVk9Rem9Ia0dxWWU3UmRvYnc1SzF2cGM5VXVBUS0tdC00aEYwaDI3bkkyS0laZW9UcDdQZDVfcWdXZjQzbTItTURWckhGMkJfTzZpLTUzdllUT0MtQm9pWHFlem03dHdKR2NBVG9lQXZnUkRYLVZhWVJsTEVGRlNCb3dFTnpsRGxxaTBxeG1DZHhNZG9GMWxlR3VCM21keWxValVZeTQ5VER6bG5Uc3gx |
* It could be health related
* weight goal
* physical fitness goal
* quit a bad habit
* It could be a financial goal
* A career goal
* A travel goal
* A relationship/friendship goal
* A charitable goal | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXWTQyUFlQZGJmMzNXM294Z1FhNHVzNmZnWlB0WVNuT0FFM3ljem5pN1pjWnVtTnJlTEFBbDdOVzVJbnhjYmlfOFZzSzNHRkVaUzNYRGJGVE9fbTlVLVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNESEdvczI0YTQtRmVwTF92OEpDVVlNTVRHVW93b1FkMkRrblJHVE4yS3BPX2dsSVRPcVdlV3g1b1NqNS1Wbm9lUUYtRm4tRDNRbTdnOFIwdDJ6eFBSc1AxV0wwYWdoUjdCbW8yNHRzcHQ1Z3EyOEtUMmxoODdPand3NzU5bjNUVG5aUHpDOU9FbzlLdE5rMUxzaGVDa0Q3WDA3Tzk3emdBblFORVJ4SmtSbkZleS1MemlBRlM4UVV6dno0QzZLd2FtRWFEYWlQOUNxMmVvU09CZUNSNXB0dz09 |
Also, Dion Blazakis's [WOOT'10 paper]( | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2012-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXMG13UklvYnNBcWlQQUdENlBvYUE4OF9XUm02MnZwdGFvaWxhbi1maldiMUZCRk8xVGVDdlFxb0gyRUp3aTAwR0toR01UNGxJcVlKWkwxM2RhWWZfbHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNESHRMNy0tbllXUzlxeU9Hd21KQVJyc3VMQTZsdWpkckVEeUNaanRpVzA1OWZBc1dSU2t5OFpFX0xkeUZtemtKU3lTV2FRX2pWaEw0M3ZnZFdDajNTSzFST2pjT1lrUFJwcXo1djNTUVpMVHptREl2Wlp3WXNNaDhPRnVmUG1Ud0RqeU01UlY0eFUzWVZjcGVIZDR2NElKSGxfblc2ZVV0bWFFWnhtQWl4NUNnWllCMWRqMGhMWWlldndRN0tPWnZYV0hZQkpRX0pZVXYzRGJlajZDR3JlUT09 |
Recently found a whole food store that has Tuna steaks and wanting to make some good dinners with those for me and another. | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2012-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXLXA5LXJjSzZUdDNjdVFmbERwWHF3dkdVdkRWSWI1NTEzSXk1dmZxekVvS1hXZUJmZ050c0tISGZid0hmMHM4eWotR0VvSU1RSS0xNFhaRUtNNF9qUEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNER2JGYndKR3JSZS1hMnUtQzBuWWVwNGtwREY2ZEtVZ3dYazdsNlJrclNnZmtSQXV5bk5JOFFVaWZNZmdGT0ZNSE1zWWloTlVfVWtTRnZmTzk3dXFOTDJDQUtHNUhQM2FLd1hlOTRvZjdTM1NteGZpLTBVa1JZWWlwSFBjLVROVVVRU2xXU3JxOW53THlqcTgwNEx6TXJHM2NqT0dNYWt1TUdFcVdxQWpKaEh2SmFjRzVnUTJHRkVsSHV4MkVMandLRjRZOFdjT0o0SnUwNVVORDg1RkVzZz09 |
I'm not very good with comics but I do have a good recipe to share.
* 3 C sugar
* 2 navel oranges
* 1 t grated ginger
* 8 C cranberries
* 1 1/2 C (2 oz.) toasted pecans
* 1 bottle of fresh Gran Marnier
* 1 shot glass
As all recipes are a mixture of give & take and some experimentation just must go on, keep that in mind as we begin this adventure and you should come up with a bucket of that red gelatinous goo that grandma used to make, back before they figured out how to puree it and stick it in a can. (disgusting, eh?)
To insure the quality and freshness of your ingredients, check the sugar tin for weevils, the cranberries for bugs and above all the freshness of the Gran Marnier.
Go ahead, open it and have a shot. Does it have that royal sweetness on your tongue? Does it make you want to reach for your mink lined satin robe and gather your minions for a speech?
No? Then have another shot and we'll proceed.
Grate the orange peel and add to a pot with the sugar and ginger. Use a tool called a cheese grater. The peel must be finely grated, or you risk biting into a chunk of some sour ass shit down the road. We're looking for flavor here.
Have another shot, you'll need it for this next step.
Add the juice from the orange into the pot. Definitely not the easiest thing in the world if you don't have something that looks like a juicer, whatever the fuck that is. Tip: putting it in a freezer bag and stomping on it doesn't work. A trip to the garage for a pair on C-clamps and a couple of chunks of fresh clean pine board did seem to get the job done, though.
Now, add the sugar and ginger to the pot and turn on the fire kinda low.
Have another shot and mop up the orange juice off the kitchen floor.
By the time you're done with that the sugar will have melted and you'll have something in the bottom of the pan that looks like runny marmalade and pretty much tastes the same.
Before the sugar starts burning, frantically pull the bags of cranberries out of the fridge, wash 'em and measure out 8 cups.
A coffee cup will do if you're not a caffeine junkie with a quart jug. Now pour them into the pot with the marmalade.
Pour yourself another shot and relax for a moment. At least until you realize the pot isn't big enough, so pull down a bigger pot and transfer all the contents, making sure you get all the goo out of the old pot.
Now you just have to wait, stir and simmer until all the cranberries pop open.
Have another shot.
Give it a real good stir and make sure all the berries have popped open, but you don't have to make a federal production out of it.
Have another shot, turn off the heat. We're almost there.
The recipe calls for crushed roasted pecans, so tear the kitchen apart looking for the meat tenderizer (who uses those things anymore?) and then go back to the garage and break out your framing hammer. These tools are very similar in design and effect.
Once you crush the pecans, fold them into the red gelatinous goo.
Then sweep up the glass from the mixing bowl you just shattered with the framing hammer.
You have to move a little faster now, or the stuff will start setting up like drywall mud.
Quickly take two more shots and pour the rest of the bottle into the goo. Stir until it's completely mixed.
Pour it all into a big bowl, cover it with Saran Wrap (a skill that I will go into at a later date) and stick it into the fridge.
Now, break out the hose, rinse out the kitchen and remove all evidence of your mayhem before your wife gets home.
While you savor your accomplishment, try to come up with a good alibi for the missing mixing bowl.
You're done!
| r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2012-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXMEowNFNyNlZEbUNXOF95WE80ODZLd2ZEMkxjM1VncTlnX1N5X3A3R3ZXOURObXZDaENPT2pnOHZsMy1QcWZLVkxBN2dFbGdrbzkwN3pXSngzUHYxbXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEZGJQMzNybVBKSkpGOG4zNi1ZTlNJWEVEeFZrNUxXTE1yYjhxSXkybEl2NEJGdXg5T0NrU1VxVnNTdmVtV1BIalJ3ZmhVbTZ6LTF5bFo5dU9uQ1FFSzVYQ2dSZTJ2UXFKdk1Pc1p6NVBobGFpUDhNMDZoeGJSeUJ5a2tsMWFDc2RwZEs4SzhtWk01UGFiM1lVeEdLazFiWTVPNmxpRGQ2and1QV9HR3cxVW1sSkZvdmFLTGtzQXl3XzdsZWVjbkk0RkpSWWlhejVDSkhDX043OGxwZ3ZGUT09 |
any slide for this talk?? | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2012-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXZ3AxdkZPdUJzMERmZl9kMFVIXzRUZDMwblVTdHd4WlJ6R0ZCZEpuZnBQQWFfZV9nNnB4enlNZEFJdzJiazVXU3FrZnJIRlFWMU1SakRkOWdIRnNIVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNER2ZOS0NDS1Vid0FfRUdLODZCQnJQUXJld0lLNDNRMWJITzJaQy13ZUduUVAxbnlPWnlRX2NkUlBmazVwVFFtajduRDBwaTM2YjBndmRWRi1UUmkzc1I2d2JQZDR3TGJMQjN6bGV6azZGMldub1I1UTA5THYtUVNQUVcteE9NTEpXUE9kRTd3RFVxc2tHVVI0M0lHcGpUYU5fRHZic0t6U09zR29NVGI0dVlhR0ZWUWVheFRVWnA2MFlKMkhSUmNY |
Updated link since first appears to be 404: | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2012-11-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXU05EOW1xaU5fRUI4Z0hsXzRPNzdCandpa3Q1a3JUblo0RXVDVndzSzFhVy05aFBDb2Nzek5rVWlmajdqbmVZNFF4X09pYmhtVkE3MGdxeTZjaHpXNUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEcnJWSHBXa2FnajN1SzJGWHdOcXlTQ3A4aU1BQ1pweXVEaE80REV6dW1VRlBCTGtjbXVPcTdqd1BmeU1CU1RmWEQ1d0NhZjQ4YWNoemZzcUFUZjlyV1o0RDRtSEFmNUFiN05IM2x4X3htZTBuVnFfeWM0UWpLQU4ya1hUWjdXWU9HVkVkUzFxYTdWUXN5MWZsdFpCYWVEMGV1YUh3a2EtWXlxMWNJNzBHVUxXN1NJT3NoRjRlTjNkME1nR1lpS2JY |
repost | r/thq | comment | r/THQ | 2012-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXbzhNQ3pKQ0ZwZkloQnV2RVkwVDhtSnlySjJtYk1mWWxxS3J3RVlWeTNzUjlDSDhNSkJBLXR1NGtUVlJPS3NIa3FSTnFzZVRDS21RcG5KcGJZemYtZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEQkExVUZTWlFRbXM2RV9xcWpwR3NHN3RINlJ0SEFDZEJnNlZ5emlOYmlLWm1DdlFvTmhNbU9HRkZ1RGxpZW5UQWNwZkJqZnRKQUhJTHQzT3VpSjZndFhqa2oyRmk5SnkwSkVrNlRIeG10OFV5YTN2SUZEbHpYcENkOFhrMW5MZkF2bjFUbVJ2bG5fWVRFYlpQaFlXazhvaFZWV242ZktJcV9KaUcySlJ4ZVZHN0Y5RzdUcEJrU3hUaUJmalRxWVVhUjFnVGlTOGltTjNZTXV2ekxPbTMwdz09 |
* Find out how peoples day is going
* If you're overly analytical, try to estimate things instead of be exact or stop correcting people over minutia.
* Be more precise if you always estimate even if it takes more time
* Do something for somebody even if it will be way more work for you.
* If you usually like recognition, in public, be more modest (for now)
* If you hate being publicly recognized, brag a little (don't take credit for others work thoug!)
| r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2012-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXN09uZXEweHpTT1o2UHlYQkszMGUyWVhDbGVZdkJyNnNJN0tNcWJFV1Fua1hLckV0SFdqMEVLTDRpWmJQdFJ3U3pJYmVOQnVBNXplZThMelVPRTcxRkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNETl9iWHdaM1NDT2p3UjhhQ0dGQXBQUzJVczAwX2VjZC1TYXNENHFRNUxoMmdFbVFyZHI0ZVRBemVuM3NlRktQSWpHMjNmQTNNYUN2M2lEYWRxdlZ5Q2dnSDNjbVlfM3g3YVRaQmZGODktUHVDQkpEYUFlSGw1MVZiblRoTTZIR2hIZ2lpcUpqcGlHQ0lQWkp4ZXRQZVJPN0dmRmZJYWNaYm9CWlZGTmVLdTNHTmxlWkY5RU1mOE85Vk9VMVl6UEE3Z1BUUWp3aEpNWFlZZDVscHhpc3ZfZz09 |
What you need:
- Carrot
- Celery
- Onion
- Canned Beans
- Water
- Spices
Chop carrot, celery, and onion and saute them in a saucepan. (Sometimes I use butter, sometimes oil.) Then add water and simmer until soft. Then add a can of black beans, and some chili powder and cumin and salt, and simmer a little longer. Then blend.
This is super simple, but it's better and easier than you'd think. There are many opportunities for variation, too. You could add a chopped jalapeno, or other flavorful vegetable, at the beginning. I like to add a chopped potato, because when you blend it at the end the starch will make the soup thick. You could top with herbs, cream, or cheese. | r/minimeals | post | r/minimeals | 2012-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXQ3VJaUYzYURxUV9KNW9saldobldESzdfVko0d0FpMmNENXdnbVVjTDZvRDJ6Q2R5RnlLWldVNVp2MzFpSDh4VmF2c0FBMWZxdy1hNjVsdUpFNzFEVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEMVR6LW5jX0owR2ktVzRkbmt1VG1pZ2ZJTHRWMjExcU1LdDZMcFd5TWc2S1JHaW83a3RmcG5DSnptT082dlNYNFprM292eVlETGlCT0ZwZmY5RmowcG01R2RiWE80WU1BQ296aFZfekZKQ1hWWlAtczhzSmI3RW5LT0wwUXo2OFVVQ1RIYlZTZng2YlNzWlgxd1J5MW9ZdzY1eTh0MWNtNlBCRkdrVzFEcEY4PQ== |
I find it a bit all over the place. DionTheGod's Pointer Inference paper was 2010. Same with ROP-without-ret. There's also a bunch of newer articles linked throughout.
I realize this is the nature of a new subreddit. Overall, the quality of the links is really high, even if dated. I hope it stays more on the practical and less of the academic circlejerking papers that make r/ReverseEngineering every so often. | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2012-12-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXb1VRYlItOVN5VVpOcVpTbWpEMjFuTUw3MGZOQTY4NXptVjgyaE5pMlA0d09LQUlUc193aW9SZkI0empXS1h5ZjdVT0h3X0RVdW5kM2REZzg4VTdWVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEUEpvSDZ4d1lNMTRTSHlDSElNeFA5R1Z5TVpNUjZJWXJZLXVaQUtHUlJ5ZmsybDR0aUVRcVBlMTVXS1l6NFAyc0dfal8ySGQyYUZrQUR1RVc4QXpQQTR3eVdTOEtYQmtzV2g5Vk9ISU0xRWRJRWJIRVM4ODdyUUNMWWV5aHBjT05RSlYtTDFTNzg4ZXhNaXR5MzJYVWc4RVhoUjJUbkR1bUotUW8wZDVwOXRRdHlhMjlZc3dIZ1A0WnZyMC14M21w |
Do you mean some links are older than others? /r/vrd is in no way meant to be a chronological archive. Rather, it's mean to be a collection of relevant technical material, whether it be from [2001](, [2008](, or [the future]( Does this make sense? And which do you feel is favorable?
The reasoning behind a random collection over an ordered archive is that there are very few high-quality resources that are published on a regular basis, if only new resources were allowed, the /new queue would be even shorter than it is now. Submitters can post anything they find useful, whether it be new or old, and readers will benefit from being exposed to it. Additionally, there are old resources that may have been overlooked in their time, and have since become relevant and interesting.
As for academic papers, anything that doesn't directly contribute to practical vrd or practical defenses will be removed (there aren't very many of these). :) | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2012-12-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXY2FxaVhDa3UweUMySjFLVm1pVkpvVW0xQmUxV3NQSzJKbXY5Wjd5SWZvMjFLWnY0R3hSeGNZbXA2cjVIeDh6dUJKVVktQnFxTjNxOEw0OER4NmpzaHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEc1BJbzFuNnlXMTJtM1czSGdQdUxfUmFQMWg4NHN2SWROS0ZZOE5TUTFEWHhQaFhwMnJqUmxOeW1ZdFJtMU1DU2JYRElicjdPb0hkSUhsWGxfMk5OSzl2cFBKNmh4MndkYWFIUnlra1RyVWhGdkIyeC0yM0t6VEFEX1FmalQ0VzJUay10dy1PbWlKaE1XVU1vLXUtTTVpbDRHYWVpd3JjbGtSU0czWjVmNDd1WWpBZ1FmMFBFbEtKMXhId09yN3Y0 |
Really, really old. | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2012-12-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXWWZGdHpaUFVfejJGSjZNcVJWZmRQaVBNaTNnS284ZWt4eUVtZTE0QTN4d3R6ZVp1WndNMDdwWl9pSlFqaUZxMFc3bThpY056SjR5TkphU2VrREpyVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNER2ZnOHFCUVFfWHk3TWxWa0ZZWVRXNEpyQm9DSWJ5S0lHN21mc0ZTV1BEZ2hMTTZlSnRHN3JrWVYxdXVXaXlUM05QbXBWRFQyU2tVX3FPY01WVGtTNEZnQkxRVjNNZ0VwNmpoNjZhMGVfNG5ZWDN0VmlGMmFnYmFUZ3Vjd1pERC1RazhGUE84TDJoU201NThIRzYwT1RDdHZkbmNuX0J1TjNTQ2J5NF9aWVI0aDB5NlZmVDdKNnJjQ0liZnUxRnhYWTM2ZmxjNU5qRWFsZktUbkpGNHJyQT09 |
I've been loving /r/vrd so far. Lots of great articles and I've been looking for a subreddit like this for a while. I also really like the idea of having an irc channel. I guess the only thing I'd like to see more of are discussions on the posts, though I'm not sure how to make that happen. Anyways, I'd also be interested in submitting links! | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2012-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXcUU2dW9kQ1JFeXlzbUxKaFJ2SHRaU0wyWmdHTktCWkZtdXA5T3lYa3FEcnNyT0dndjNIcE84RWFXRjBVUWlXLURpV0RZWklzZjBKbl9TTktubWFFOEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNENlZwUFVnTHdkUWV3SDAzRllfcHNwc3JnRlFCVjhCcURKZzliVVRfVERPSVpzMHlMRzktTkN1NkNSMzhMZDVSR0pyVVlDenpPY1ZLQkwwWVBMUkFlZVdOeDBweTdlU2VxVkxQTjltNnRQOVNHSm9ia2pweXFQdXBuU3FES2REOEp4VHV5S0w2YWI4LUFlR0Z3bGl2VkNGRGtQU2lMc1A2T2hOUGVXTDVpV25pZlZMbzJmbW1HRTl5TXVSUmo4Sktp |
I stopped reading about a quarter in due to typos, missing words, and incorrect figures. This could be a good article, take some time to clean it. | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2012-12-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXZFN5LUtvWXBXTENUQy15VzJjX0hVaVpQWFZuU0xLYkdsSWZUVGF5emZKZUFONnphTGJDRHFWVkhQdm5pX1dBVHg2OXNjWDVDNTh3ejBralZfSGJFR2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEU3NxSE1jdzdlSlRoNkFPM1VGZlRCQUppTnpGbEF6QjVOcnJHZU5pbC0tTmItb2Rob1c1WWU3U0hOU3k1SVlEYURrWEVtcGNSc096Qno4cEtGODAzeGdWYnJhNXVXamNLWnpyZTRPbmhfdVlsTjE5WXhHLVZkX0pqS1luMWpFYUNLNkVOMTdhWVROWVRiYktHa0JZWF8yYmdvVTVlODBCR2toX3V1SWtjT3VodDJXNFhxMlVYNG5RbFEyekdwaDRaRC0zZVNHR19Nc016LW5tSFlfNnVjdz09 |
Huge mistakes in the article and difficult to read. | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2012-12-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXZUo0V18zNWpnNVZEVHFCeXpZZmV4dVE1cVdFYkU4Sm5fbWo3WTJMR1NVVmI1akd6MGEwSk1oel9sWDMySFJRM3U0OWl2LVRHR1RrUTB2VzBBZnpXdUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNESy1QcHFNOTZfVks0S3d5SHoxWUs1REJfdEVZR0hsa0lsaFpxbFF1ZXBQeTNvVmhIdms0bGZmTTJNY1ctSzJnbUpweUNxcHZyME1Yck0wZkd6dVllaGVfMWM4dUJ4UUNybS1CV19KbjJoY2JkN0dCQXNuMW9KYmhXakpaM0ZNSHpNenFDYXpRRnkwU1JQcW0wSzBNc0xlU3FxLTZscXhhYVlVeEZ4Uk5VUDI2elNrNUZsb0w3T0RrWGN1UXVneTVfRmE4UWRpRVdLZWtLM21RTlUtZVdCUT09 |
I wonder if any redditors have a bangin recipe. | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2012-12-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXVWlJdWxCYXUyMTRCUk1TTGpoWk1JdUh1NUNaV1cyTmV5ei1JV1ZHLXA1QnpITWpVM0dWM29KeUtBUHVNNXpCOUs4RUV5NVBIaUhrcDE1dlpxZURQbGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEVEdSYXFEWFJYeFBwZGFYVkhDanNUY0RrVUhzdnNDOERhLUlmdjlOTUF3WTRPRlJqY1lvSFUxa3d2OUxrUXR6MDRpYVdoZ1lEaEF0cHZHeWl1SF94d3d1VkdyRVpZMXYwcS11SVduc1JQaFVBTDZhQlRRVTRJVWc3cmtIWThqZ0RQTE4tM3k0WGNZWW1zV3djNEozYWtpWEt1SFhTYzd4YURFTDRGNXc1WGxvS0R0cl9YaGRrR0VXRGllcmU4Y0NT |
:-D thanks | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2012-12-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXanRsSWxPTXR2V3c3czhlVjJGTW9YOVFVRkJyZFAtZFBNNWs2blEzNlR5QkxkZENjeUdBUUoxaWQ4SmJMVkNuRzZUWDl4dUFzQW85NWFoeV92YjI2VGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEakFmQmJpZFFfM3RobG5yOTZxVXFOdGExd0EzSFpHQjRaemVDY3lFQXJtVFphV3RyN1BHNnhQQ1NfS2pTdzc5dlZPa3IyOXpwdXZyRzNEUzJnSFhCQm5vTm95cjl0Qi1seGxzYmx3THBLZDZvRXhLcHg5a0x0bHRSYVpJdWRtQlMyMW9fWFhiNUNYcndoa0VCTmpjVG9jcHRNRTQtaS1CUG9ManVzZzhHdVdaa1NUZmNPUkF3YVV2UmVPb0MteDZ0TlpOVkhfQVNBRUhxVllwVUdqMmVIQT09 |
No problem, but please spread the word. It would be great to have more people contribute.
| r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2012-12-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXS1ZYX3VWd0gyV0xFNjRjX2k1WWRybkMySUtHWlQ0QUo5Yml1SGlOMnZrMnR6dmtyZVNIaUxsQ3NKal9jc1FBQmloQzA0ZGZMUjg3SzZPY0F5NTctcFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEcDBhN0JsSFJQUF9PYkRCNG1ldldLVkxzRUh6UktJeFBPY3R0bE5vanIwaE5NeE1NYzlNYjZzbEg2bV9KVDZUb2ljVktUOGRhQ1BEWXFzS29RLVdfWGFxd204YkgtMjhSWkQ2bXdtaFlyLVZiMXU1UGVwbUg2NTk4TUlPQl9oYXo2MVVZdXItTG1ZNTF1VDN5cmwtVjRYYVBQWEVFeHh0Q3A0MjZUN01vUEtldHZLRk10RUgtZEdWR1RNWHhRMktFQ0hyMHZfa052NTdFb3pMd0t1bURnZz09 |
I can't understand how this can be at the top of VRD subreddit. WTF! They didn't provide the meat of their exploit, said that they would give it later, and then provided a giant ass schmooze at the end about their outlook and advice about, what, life or something? Gah, I don't give a damn about their stupid ass political opinions either, that doesn't belong in a security publication. Morons. | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2012-12-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXYTlVUXRHQlZDblhaSE5jUWNfT2lnTVB2c1JPNFB1Rkt0MHNqcEt3Ymhzanp0OGtsWFJral9aV2M2akVUTm9aak8zbEp4T0VuXzVBMENDRWJBUWY1akE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEUjVDUHcyRF94T2RzMDRuSTRZS3F4bV9vV3d0Y0R6T0x2azhsQTZBa3V6REJLN2dlbF9Ha3k4djNxNnBaLUVSWDJZdWlLaUlDNElfN2xSc3VUWlJaVENoNUZoeDJ4OXFJSC1YNWplVDh0UThIRzRKSnNjOE9IX3Y3YXJqWElTV0FJVWpUeTdRZTJlSTdxaWNvUW5KM1VRRHNFMWJHM3p6TDFxcFVxaDQ0am1nT3hjcGNUYV80cW1rMnlPT1dudjlUN0gxZnVEQ1ZRejdhQjRVQTV1TXhoQT09 |
Anyone have the workshop exercise? :) | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2013-01-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXQV9oM2JsRlpGVlBPQVAydmZnem5ZcUJGQmRsRFpxcWNhYWdYNGRlNkR6RG9iQVdVVXF5WlMwZTR2YkQ2dVEwXzNXUjU0ZWR6MGJrbVVISEN0OW9YYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEQ1BPb0xBRHBKdnlkcWxrckd6R3M5enY1bGI3cWdsQlNpNC1uXzBOc2VLaUtMNlFseHo3U2RmX0k4a2tnN25uajJsSzhmd1g5M0pHamJILUVWSjF2UmhZT2NQNG1veElPMGFxZGRwMzlTb1V4QnRVTzkzMk43S2hkWVNFNkZhclM2SkJTSWVZTkJvcXJHUkcyNXlmaG9fbmdqbk5BMXBWRENXalV3X1gwbDUyaC1fVzE5UVl1UVExaDZXVnJpVm9lSC1kMUNXSmpWc0JnVmZ3T29hVUROZz09 |
looks like I'll be making tomato soup and grilled cheese for a large group. anyone have a recipe that is cheap and better then the can?
edit: I found [this]( but would love to spice it up. | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2013-01-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXT1ctNHhGQkZqVVo4Z0xSWS12VGZDSTItV0tPd0ZhNWNIRk1hOU52aUM4Mk5nUW9qVmlaWUZWaUVQaHNaY1Z5R0VISzZVcUNaa0pCX1dmQVhiRHV4Nnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEOEV0VndoS1RXWF9SQ054b0VvckVHeDdRdHVOYlAySlhPVlAxQ1dNb0pVaVRiVGxFc0x4c0czVThyZE1HUnFEd25Cc3dmVEllVXdDeUd3SnhZOUpWQjhGcm5Jc2dkLVJwemZkUXF1b2oycllLMDhtenA2blJwQ3JQWTNuUW96a21nUzVwcHVvcU9YZlUzNXNXa00wbGtaMmZnV3o0ZjZrMFdEb0JDeXZWdEp5eVpBRHNMZ0ZQVnl3OFJSUnJZcHpv |
I personally cannot believe how poorly THQ was run into the ground here, this is despicable. | r/thq | comment | r/THQ | 2013-01-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXTE1tV0NJbVduSy14dmdWREdDdWRqUGl0bEQxLU44Vnp5SVh6RmoxODZIeS1PUVZjZjVVaTc4UjFhYzA0QklDYzZvZDVMektCTTZCU0JCMF9oejF4VFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNENWRjWDZUcjRRczBBbWVScl9yQk1qTWg5a0NKOG5OUFgyVF9kcnI4Y1dTbnVkZXloT21ZMHZhWWhnaFNma0doM1FsSmRpWEd2bktCaU5IYnFILWYwcDZlRWdNaGR0bmRDY0U2NVVUenpRNVcxV2ExelZRTk1scU9FTk1Qcmo5WE9IbGRleTZFOEV5b051VUI1MFM4WHBYSFF4UzJNb1kwMmVJekJhU0pVaHRDMHUzUjc2aVdLNlJWUExQckFiNno0bi1LOGpYZ0xQUjZTV2o1dzNzY1VpUT09 |
Nuff said | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2013-01-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXVjRDZWJ1TDdwQzlPUm1OXy1TUDBhUjdsVEU0NF9FWmFiSGF6Mm5mSkRVSVpzRlFFY0toZFhqTTVkS21Ma3J3akdvV1hHeGtEOXBUSHhMZjI4QnhkQlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEM09kcVROY0RkTU1xWlRaQzlvekR3UnBuT01kSUxneTRrUXBKTHZzN2MtLW9YSU1QTnhTaThSdHJuSjFYQzJGUEZOSm84Z3pHWGpUMTB2MEd2R0EzNlJjbFhkSTNneU1INGw1cFZUd3VKaUwxUFlwMm45RFBJT3VVdG1xaGJwNWNmeVhzaUxvSTRYNEdwM2dZVVR1SVBkdXdUODNjOWFKWGFPcHVkOGRxT3M4PQ== |
The former example has a similar effect as the latter one, but it modifies the flags before the rol instruction executes. The rol instruction does not change the flags if cl is zero, therefore, the two sequences are not semantically equivalent if cl = 0.
In regards to specific sub-sequences, yes, the two sequences are not semantically equivalent based on side-effects. But if the flags registers are not used further in the program's execution, then you could say the larger sequences are equivalent. Dead-code elimination on the flags registers would detect this, if the larger sequences are analyzed as a whole.
Or am I wrong? | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2013-01-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXSG0yLTJZMUw4SmtNT1EyeUUtUU1TM2ZmdG02cXBaaUFIQVAzc0NFQ2M5LUZ3WUpMSEN5QTA1alk4c2R4S3IwWTc3VUVFQzBhSDg0M2xmWFVXLU5kYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEZHhoVThnYzZSc095ZjV3cDhCc2h1X2pHbm84S1ZCcjZSVUFQMUhXdGhQS3E0N2FBTXJ3UUY5NHNGeVdzcnFZdlhkb19jRG5idEExTzBFOFhfSk1QQkhRZ1dNVlVnRW80R29SNjhfeEN5bHp6M1Yzd0NDVlgzS2pKT3h6WlBjdnZjdmJVRTM0aGpGZGptVDZTU3l6azJkZkV4U3dkZ3JuWXhxVDczOFJ4ME15YkJRVk1NYmNRZjBxS0o2cWtUSlpsWGtpcnp4Snl3c21rQnlRQ24zeXdCZz09 |
A friend of mine who has owned "Arena Games and Collectibles" made a new business under the name of "Undead Gaming Store"
I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of how to approach a logo for this?
He is doing a contest for 50$ in store credit, but depending on your interests I'm not sure how much that will matter to you.
Thank you for your time! | r/freedesign | post | r/freedesign | 2013-01-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXT3ZoUVgtNzFicExyNjdXck9fbXZhek0wSkNvNkFmUkJ6dnhEMzBlR1lKeWhUd19hRG5feVQxbUI5ME02NldJS3VsT1BpT29wUHhvaUM1T3Z2b2hiSEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEcHBtdWEzVG1JcDRPbTQxNTJsVTlLMmNtcWxndVdHZGp3WHJFWG03VGRWSnAzZE1XSUtyaHFRLTVBVDByZ1B0cU0wSWhHbWMwak1fTjgzQlVVaV9ROE5ocUUyeVdKcnpudzgybldWbWYzUEVJTy1jSzZ2REJ0aUhYcGRjVVFwSjlJSFVRMF80Y1JxRkpFMy1BTHNIY080RXM0Z2RIMk1vcmQ4N1NJUnl3bVNkdUFRTTNqRXlRM1dtd1VhUjZfLTJp |
Something I notice a lot in our society now a days is the excessive use of phones when we are with people. Make it a personal challenge to leave your phone in the car when you go in a restaurant or when you go to bed leave your phone to charge in another room. Just try to use your phone as little as needed for a while. | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2013-01-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXc0NxRi1xdzVuMmo3XzNUaUNEMnROc003bk9Oc2ZrOFRVdi1jVlcyelBwTUlOaXZuenNvLWZTcmt2a2ExYXRURWM0NGM0bjYxOFozc29BSHlFRDJrTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEUjlvS0JlZ1Y4cG9vVzNZMU9lQ2szdWhYTzI2Yy1GM3ZSRGFXWTJkLTBZbUFRdDVpZHdPQVdjVW12ZnBKQTdvU016eHdKWkJkSFBSeEJ4YnpUb3o2cmU4bXRaMEwxV0pUbldOdmtvUnNsSjhDTnhIN3hudFp3TmZMQzRKbllwQmw0WXl1WXZBSXVWUDZidmV4cmFwenNmNXcxZG14M20yNmxQS0pKVnFib1FzcmhXdkphS3FpTUxmUFJXXzJuSVNtWk1palZMUHFNQjNtRkN0YlZEYTN6UT09 |
You know, I stumbled upon this not too long ago when I was looking for a way to splice out an arbitrary section of assembly and use a SAT/SMT solver on it to help determine what inputs were required or reach what constraints...
I wish to god that tool existed. | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2013-01-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXd204cWZrZEZ0Sy0yODJVRmgtZVpEdzRxcDgxSTdVR3dENW1VWUFCYXdvcVhVQ3ZpZ2c3WjYxaFZveUgyV3kwbDFManZlYS1hQlZNU3RNdEN3aVVYcUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEMzR1eTZfUHd2cV9SbkpfX3k1UU5xakpzcGQ3ZUpVRGZhbFItZU1PaC1tUEhwa19sZGtPNnZNbGhQWlhPLXpWWXdTLXRSNHZvamY4aHBLYzA3dWtDZXNSaThUc3NhaGdQZ1o2T2E1N2FWQkg2TTJ4Z0hFcnFjbVhoTGpDQVJLNEJyYnlyMktteEMzM2ZBXzhBUlVXcGZJT01WcW1VejNPMmVaUVkyV19aaFJHLVJTWDdfRU1wUUxpbV9MOFlsdkRlNTd2NkRsR3A0YS05cS1VUlZmNGhrZz09 |
I need help determining the best Shark with Human Teeth post of 2012!
Your options are below, upvote the comment corresponding to the post you think should win. The reward is a Best of 2012 flair.
I will select the best in a few days, or when I notice one post getting more attention then the rest. | r/sharkswithhumanteeth | post | r/sharkswithhumanteeth | 2013-01-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXcW9xemtmWDlHemNOd0NSLUk2alJsek5iTGJYT3lRXzZNMy1CQ2xpbXM4ME9oSEJBcDRRSUFjY3BOQTdpSm5Bek5MaTJOTUUweDdlX1pBZWNsZUtCbVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEZlo3N0tSdDBpLThSUkJTX2cydkxmZmtSRGM4QkdnVE85UFZOVVM4dURpTHEtd2ZZU21ZVE9BeVFsRW92SHRpSVJHWjB3M0dfZzdVODctazBXUHVUREJYRHhma3FNWWdObzNhVGRvYUZvMkcwVWNvNjlPckUzWEtQUWloWlB2YnQwOHBzSENOQ3h1UTR2ek5vdU1KTFlGYlJXSjVRUG9lYjk2clpjdEJ2Y1JBPQ== |
So long and thanks for all the fish. | r/thq | comment | r/THQ | 2013-01-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXTlJLYk9TLURPRFNOSXdmb0ZsdHJnRDhrRFpHNmNjMnNvaGR5NjhSQlN0MDBMdTlVaFg3R05NSkxjUEtfcjJWMHhvNFVub09IN0pWQTB5a09VMTVsaEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEQVMydEhoWnVlT0NtdnBSRUNYSWZNckZVU0F5SDBYelpxWENNWjNRSFF3bEd0QV9IeVFYMWxieDlVTXdQVFNzSy0tRkUxMF9vUERtQXlndUxhVzdPOEgyN2wySWdMX21UWDM1MWZ0bmVCSk9DM3pRTmU0ejNpVzRwX0FONHVEcTdvems3THhETVhjU2hXbkNGWTJOTGM3eC1BLUsxMlBTQ3JMRnh5ZXQ1aEltOUE5OThiTzcyYVVoQ0F5OHJNYmpj |
That means your subreddit will die off now :(
Because it is the nectar of the gods. | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2013-01-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXckQ1X1d4R1ZEbHY0V1lGampnc1ZqN09vcTJ6VENUcTlkSFRQRjBsWDlNZmdiYTdSUDFxdjlmVEE2eUFvVTQ2bG9WZUZNdWN4SVBacVJpNEVqZk1zOVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEUHVWVU5xeDJyQTFrTnZrcnZVdkhGZUxvTnJXbDd0MWMxRkdyT0xmMU1xOHpaY0RDUkQzTnNVQjBfVE5hVU9PM0pJbFZLNWhhWEloWmRpN2gzXzZsTVpqRURiUlYtdHRrV0FIREpCamEtaHhQa1Q1NUJHd3cyYlY5bTZaSXJtb3I0NW4yNkltY0VDYXpORm80V3lKQWtCbVlOc0ZweVUyYmx1OHpjQWx3eU5MSzN4SlprdzBkaEJPNjVHTTRxWURM |
That tool most certainly exists. It's just either private or hiding deep in some academic codebase somewhere. | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2013-01-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXX3ZDenJaTzIwM0VUUGh5RVZIaldQeERTY1NRWEtWbTdTR1g4a2xENG4xNU5FUTRhOC1vbGNjaWxrWllucWpmc0E2TUk0ZEpmcXkxMjYtX1RqUElTUUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEXzZwcDBQNTNEUTdWY0Y1NEFTQ2ZMcnNpQUlWNklPVGNIVFlZVGpqVEtsLU9UMFk1WmNESDRNanRlMEhLbEM2SDlvN3dhMVM4ekVZQ01fWmxDQmpWQWMtbjlVTHh3ZVM3M2w0bUNKY3k5LThfTFpNWThwZUk5d2I4cXBQejhQOXBGNEtUVWljN2xiWWk1QUlnMXR5M2NKbFd4UHBqYzNtRnNSbW54elhRWU1IYng2eWcycXQwT3VnLUloNTVFVFc0RFVLNGdraHFKYzJPX0ItNE56MF82Zz09 |
Author here: that's more or less correct. With respect to the particular form of program analysis employed here -- equivalence checking via SMT solving -- you wouldn't use dead code elimination to get rid of the effects of those instructions, you would simply not specify in the equivalence condition that, say, the flags mattered at the end of the computation (i.e., not add an assertion that flags_at_the_end_of_sequence_one = flags_at_the_end_of_sequence_two). | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2013-01-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXWEo0cm9rUlRDSzdvTlU3ZVpDQnRrNXNVY2liRUdzYkVUSGtDLWd0Tms0WEhoenZwLTdwcm9BSDF5VVFpMmctN0JRWmhSdGJ1ZXYweE12aFhUb1A5QVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEQXRWLUFaYzNmcHVfejh6Wl9qaVphMzlPODdyd1VNWEJwMWlYQVZlWHFGeWd6UjItQjV4dmZkNWJhOFc3TUhwQjFOQVcyRTNIZUJIY2h4N0lBbUFMenByS3BoZmx6MkRlbnQ0VWVFUGp3QW9mQWZWdldEOUN3ZTZydW9kYmdkZVl1Sk9ZcUVxTTd5NzZCM2plYTRxV08zNk0wQXN4RDNDVThCU3pQZV9ubTlRXzQtMmppY3ZoU082TFZvQVRiQWpmMUJxR2I4WEhLMW1WU1Ezb0dPcHUzQT09 |
That press release was from Dec 19th, before THQ was sold off for parts at auction. | r/thq | comment | r/THQ | 2013-01-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXOUl0d2dGdGkyUXJVcmlWUW54cnJfby11UHI3REs1aWt5OF9NaUstaDc5eHpFcU9SMjNTbXVwdl9MQXNQbm1UR3ZncmhoZE9GNjhYdzg5cTF5X3FTaWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEcFI4Mk9YWkRlN1l5Mk5jcy12T2NINHI1ZFRoNkMybnllQ2cwT0QwcDlkckVZYVJ2UmlFcDBaai1PRFRFM0o4bkdwRHZfemhVUE5zVWlPR2FaWENDZ1liNjQwRlctVnVBeV9pckh0Y2VWM21lbF92Ty1WQzMtdmVfQW1adlRHemRYNTIxWmVWMUkwck16OFBvT3lXVXhieWoxaGhsVm4yOTZmVGpHZC1McDZnPQ== |
Didn't realize that, guess THQ really has no hope now. | r/thq | comment | r/THQ | 2013-01-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXeFFHUkh6Z1g0TkRPUWpiYnhGNFpjemtCSGZHdWViQmFkRGJTVVp0aWNYRUVNNWNnbmlLUzJXTExWak5aTXYzdmF1N3BYS0NsN0xlSENPakRqdWhGakE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEZmlTNWhDYjd2NTBZUGhqSHpqRjRoNEJPUHU0WHlpd2pkUmlxSlNIRGNQN2tHbEpLYTNCNUhUZ21WZU5CaVBRSHV6Z2FVbV9aWUVMdEVGZjZSbnpnbnNERkl1RFNyTjRMNDBjaE1vUEd5dFhsZW91WnN3N1c4aDNNS29YQS1oUEg5dGFjN0Y1cmphZGNFNndvTGNRTlgxT0pQcGxBTzFiQ0NTc0o5YVkwS0hjPQ== |
schwarz und weisz | r/rachelweisz | comment | r/RachelWeisz | 2013-01-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXTzlxbE1uRGs1RE9LSDVOMTMzY2JmVEpUdU5ZTm1wcGlEeDFNUm04ZTVrU3FmalpIcEVkR2UwQmZzQy1UdHcwSnRORFJNWUtQUnZSY2ZDa2Y0UWxZQkpWMWlKN0tveDdyTUQ0Z2syMDhhNmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEUXJPZm1Fa3Z2V2trMDZYeHRIQlAzSVE1dWVNQzVyQ245ZVhweERjckVFd1BLTWFWNlVObWJnVUlZU3ptYVFSWWlISk1RTGJiUjhzUWtZWEJvZjU3bUtUa05GU0hiT3lnMDJETGt5c3hLdnZOQzdxa2pfUlpSQzMxb0s2eUlQaUc0RjZFWVlqV0d4UXdHb1MyMkd5ZmRxWmdUczdBQVFidDdvSkFuVmw5cGRZPQ== |
I use this sauce on its own as well as for a base when making more complicated tomato-based pasta sauces. As the recipe says: tomato, onion, butter, 45 minutes. Simple. I also like to crush in some garlic near the end and add some chopped fresh basil and splash of white wine if I have it. | r/minimeals | post | r/minimeals | 2013-02-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXRndxNllaZEM4eVk2eEs4MzZGY3FyaEdkdkxuZ05BWERacTJORUtoZDFkMlNVcW5HcGt1Zks1dHpPMVo3V3JETk1JUV8yNlMycnRCQy1sLXpBaG9KMWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEUFB0Ukx4ZWdpQlBhODNUakFfU0ZxcGNBN1hkdGRkdkZBajRVblVPUVh3TEFyZ09aYTRTVlFqclFCZDQydlFDVGI1THJUNVNQTXlhVVlFYUhaTTNfRVFCZXJhR0hSOUdwbWI4ZkczUDhVMDlTVW1TaFo3UXJEbDB5eDUzRVRvMDVWNFoyVkUxUFlkMU5HLWpsa3k2eUJ2WFVfVGRuVlFmc0JVM2JkN2xCanVEckpXVUdyT1pUUjYtNzRwR2oxVzh3 |
When i was stationed in spain, my next door neighbor made these cubed meat shishkabob style things she called Pinchitoes, if i recall correctly. I loved those things, but never had the time to ask her how they were made. If anyone has a clue, please holla, because this ex squid is cravin some. Thanks
| r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2013-02-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXTU5aTU1fM0U5UEMxTDRXckNjY3JXeXh0Zm9kS2JBRHJFVndlVlRrRGFxMHNWMW1GQWl5SVVpREJpZ3ZtaElwMEJoN1VBaFZVN3B1d0UxTlVWNk5PbHNsbjZJOXB2dWlDNmtobkhaUGJIOTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNES3ZtTUpLVVc5Y2lMYnJ3WHU3M1dZTlhzN20xMmJqc2FKQkplMV9YZ2VRcVpEVFFPNjEzcGpYNHBZOU1oY19HSzl0VU5vczVSeVVxVDRSRzJ3Z25LeXJYOFdndnhVa19oc0tWd1VqUXdXZXF3ZmNXVW9ReGVyR0czUWVsVm8zMktUdXRwSm9ZTXozSHBtcVd2TjVXWmEzaDNQM1ktR0RsY0cycHhCUFBaMHJLc0NXM2pUZWFnY2N4NGw5TnR2S0Ny |
I used to have biscuits and gravy from my local Hardees all the time until a few years back, when they vanished from my local area. Upon stumbling across this subreddit (and after doing a quick search to see if anyone had already done it) - I ask the great minds of everyone here - does anyone know a good recipe for something at least -close- to what Hardees produces for biscuits? | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2013-02-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXRldFRmU4aDJhdEdLb19KaTlWYW1MVnhFTW1xQWZvM3JUbXJjNkdDem9xejlGdU5WUE9FUExmMDVQcUVfU0ZpdWNvMHZoeHRMRm1DNVdpZHJoWVZXVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNELWMtMnlEdEVfV08yTU9TT21hRnpIRzFBTkZ6MUFwWkZPMXJEeURBQ2ZsdUdGOXp3UVpQNm4zTXRXZWkxcU1QaHFiMGZOVmRSTzR0bS1nOTNDTGlzQlRwcjJ2dy01ZDVjdFI5dnpFOUtBUUxsQUtKRGtWWE9HdDVJZ3FmeDZ1RkJPZWhPZld0NlIwbndZZjVmbjFoOTNWMmpvQWc2LVVyMzU2eDZIY1QyWWh6ZEt2TEpCWGxRQkRvVUtxVkprYlVTSlhtbGRTUkZHVkZTTFJvLTlEU2N1dz09 |
Two of the fastest things you can change right now is getting a tan (studies show people are more attractive with tans)
And get Crest white strips. Studies show that smiling more makes you likable. Great thing about this, is you can return if you are not COMPLETELY satisfied AFTER use!
EDIT: Can't take away Tide White Strips lol. Thank you JustWatchItBurn | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2013-02-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXNDdFNjltRm9jbFJGenRJME5XVWh0YXdhOUlHZUNCQlNFWjV2NU5NbE9KZDctakVPVXdXWHBmdEt0WHVPM09lWVg3SFZjRklTbEI5dl9XUkJZelBxRkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEOHpIU0s5dFJDZ0dJRzBtazJGYjZKVm1Bb2c4Q25KTWZ5YXJockdyVXVvRnlIaW9QTUNCMlJSVVdtWnYwQTNYa1o0MzJvb0xoNVVudmoxQ2RXVzNzaTdLVmd2Tllyd3B4UzlDbk9fTlQwZmU1eXE2QnBKZ3dWUUxnUElMRGZDT2lxcnlFN3FCMnpSMzJYdmI4Z25kdUU1VFBJc0dqUHRfNmZfQ3p2anJJVko5TjNCXzRlS2xoZ3RheWc1ME4yN2tn |
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. "
~ [Sir Arthur Conan Doyle](
I was stuck debugging a major problem with a website of mine today. I went through a massive amount of code today and couldn't figure out the issue for the life of me. I tried everything I could think of and was about to give up and start surfing reddit the rest of the day. Then, in one last ditch effort I started listing everything it could possibly be and dug into each thing until I could eliminate it. After eliminating two or three things I found out the cause of the issue and was able to fix it in minutes.
Don't give up on tough problems. Not only will you learn a lot about the thing you are working on, you will also have lowered stress levels a great sense of accomplishment and a self-esteem boost the rest of the day.
(I had an informal process of elimination in my head, but once I wrote everything down it was much easier to stay focused and see what to try next.) | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2013-02-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXRGRTRUcxcHpLc1ZpalIzUEYyYk41anlqd1BGU25MMHBCc1ZxTUNXMTBheEZfaEhQXzRRYjR4ejVRRG5FQUxpLW5vMjdTRloxQkdZeE1lTEQtNU54alE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNETFJ4aW1HWkVpYjhURE1ibGZWXzZkMnFZOEhORWtVMFhFU1BnOVZjZ1R3SDNiWTd0N3A4Z1Azd2paRXlhYlJZcW0xN2lSSW9vTVg0Qm1ENUNUTE9GNlBHcGhWQUxYWlVoUUpkTzR4WWc2Z05IZndvOTZOOTVEWk15dnoxTGpVMEpXdURxem9PN3E5bEpIN084R2VmWG1xV0drWkZWZHZGaDZlVEpxdFVfOUhRWWNwdWFFMWpBalNuZ212cm92dnlsLUtPNXYzaGVOLTBkRVJJVW5hLWNvdz09 |
A story about EMET:
EMET comes with a notifier that tells you when it has blocked something due to SEH, ASLR, DEP, etc. After about 8 months of having it and never having anything pop up, I kept EMET but got rid of the notifier. A few months after that, I used something with InstallShield (don't ask me how I went a year without using it, I have no idea).
It didn't work. It would start initializing, and then about 20% into it, it would die. I couldn't find any clues about what had happened--no events in the Event Viewer, nothing about it on the internet, and I was pretty stumped. I did some updates on InstallShield, and in my troubleshooting haze, probably wrecked my entire computer.
I backed up all my files, made a list of programs I wanted to install (EMET was one), and reinstalled Windows. I reinstalled the programs, turned of the EMET notifier, and updated Windows. After all the updates had completed, and all the programs were installed, I tried again. Also failure.
I reinstalled again, and I was starting to get nervous. I forgot to disable the EMET notifier the third time around, and when I tried to install, I got 4-6 notifications about EMET killing the processes because of DEP bypass. WTF?
So, apparently, InstallShield writes to the stack and tries to execute off of it, and EMET kills it. I tried for a long time fiddling with the settings of EMET to get it to quit killing it, but EMET had already tasted blood. It refused to really disable DEP, and it would not make an exception for this setup program (at least, it said it would, but it didn't). I ended up having to uninstall EMET, reboot a few times, run the installer, and then install EMET again.
I still have EMET, and still like having it, but make sure to include EMET in your list of troubleshooting if you install it. Since I had removed the notifier, I didn't think of it when I was disabling things like anti-virus to find the problem. | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2013-03-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXcF9ZMkhfdnp4SnFWaUg3MklmN2tEazdTeGlUUjB3Q0w3bjJ2WHZDMzd1TzB6eXo1RENSazFweFNhMzNhVENSZnFPRkdoREQtNE5lLUFsZVplR2dPSlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEUGZHbUloVUl5MURZNG1NZjZwSjNyaFR2MnpVZFFmOTdTUjZUUURSaW5YSkFKc3BOV05HTkg2aXdLUHB3allpYTh2b1NsaFZaeVBmQlpkRnR1WGNTRDJ5c2xUUjhOckVzakRzbGhseURMYjZ6Z29JRmx6b2RncG5UQWp4OWdKallRZFI2RkRGUFY1dTRmTTJWLVlNRlRxR3gzZEpndlRFRkFzQURrZ3ZQZnI4Vi0xbjhYemY0eXlKZlRBUVdRRHBScjZ3cG95Nk9tX0FNa0NYaTdXZnk0dz09 |
Thanks for the heads up! I'll tuck that away so as to not waste days with "wtf" moments. =) | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2013-03-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXS2REcndRU1Jjb3hRSzZCcnZ4Qlo2Tno4Z3NaSzN5UER2QndLenN4a3l0X0l5UTZYeDk0V2Z0ZXN6ek5Ed3hUVzI0YXVSMkN6Z0VhNzUwUHZMZkp5T3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEWF95OWxQRWtGM1hzR0tKR1hKRnFySTBIOEszcG90Y01pYVpwN2dNUWxQNGFISVdWemtCMThvLVRTbmFWZW50WDJnWW1uYXV2UmRkN2tkdVlCY0x3RUtHLXlYLUFla3RSTnJGZjZIUFhlQjdJRDZDY2hhdThxNWV0YlR6OXlfU1ZyLTBTRG85VkgyRnNBRUFuemxBMzctQ0N1QVMwWm5DVElCeGVUMlBlMnNNUHM1TWw4cm1QUlhFakNFQ0lIcVpGemp4N09LZzNidURpVFJKdzZkV3FjQT09 |
I would really like to try falafels but I just don't know where to start. Anything would be appreciated. | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2013-03-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXVUFxMXhQWFJSV2g5eXVuN0dsUGltNkZ1RkxjV3VFQURjVWY4WVpLZkRMSzBjNHQwb3JKdVIwakR3ZjhlVWVyc01GMVRlbVF1MHJlUjBMYk1rSWZWcEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNES0FYSjR0MUFnRnZFYVBCU3ZaTkEybXhTdDZWUXUzTkN3bDV4aTdEbmhsS1BxU2tGdlgxUW50LXVLQS1KWjNVcG9sSXpmY0x0Y3NOQy1rZC1BX1JEVXdSc1JHZk9KRnJlMGVjUDBMckNYRTc2bkc3WkVZcm5ZRGhjM3RlU3BWbmkwaHZ0MnhWeXVnc1R6bnk0c2hJZXRqRGpSSGUzN1BPcWljYndlR3JtQXlZPQ== |
Gai non rung - stir-fried chicken with chili, garlic and thai chili paste garnished with crispy kale."
The chicken and kale is served in a brown sauce with rice on the side. I think the chicken is actually cooked in the brown sauce and the kale is added shortly before being served since it is still crispy. | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2013-03-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXSTdXXzZPRllJSEJUUXR0RXQwcllmVG1fb1praVNIR0pTdXI3aFJXd25CQUJ2djBnb0VGd24wME9vS25KOVdqSHFzbTFqUGo1Qy1CQkFKTTIycmRkNHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEUk5oXzdoQ04taWl2NVV3a04ySmxaQ3pUdFhqd2ZtLTBPR24xNVFqQ3JoRHZJY2ZPLXc1TDBHRk5IbDlMQVF3QmNvaUhqanNsdUJSRWEwSDdfZlp1ZXhtWmNaQWJLcVh5ak50LTJsTVNUaEZwRGN5UGtoNjh3R3k5TktXYjdENzdoQnI3MlpVSzIwanBha19OU29PRzliSGhxMzVTeWlLZTVKb3dTNGs3cG1JeXh0WFlnR1VGcS04OXNWMklhY1BB |
I know! I know that it will be very difficult and I should have studied more before :( but I'd like to at least give it my best shot. I'm sorry to ask but Please help me do that!
What I need is a much better strategy for studying the material.
**TL;DR version:**
* exam is almost 50% of grade
* covers everything up to stability (i'll put more detail below)
* Rough year [physical, mental] led to missing all material so far.
* This is my sole focus and top priority...
* been at it for a week [but some days were useless]
* ...but progressing too slowly [v. slow reader & writer {damned learning disability bullsh#t}]
* no notes available
* have textbook and some hw solutions and practice exam
* Need a more efficient strategy for covering material.
**Longer version:**
No excuses, just an explanation:
I've had a really rough year [chronic physical issues from tumor removal & a pretty severely altered anatomy (acidity, digestion, frequent pain from food sensitivity, lungs/breathing, intense weight loss, writing arm affected by large incision around it, muscle aches), mental health, family issues, financial issues].
I'm trying to stay positive, give it my best shot and not get kicked out of school.
So, I've been focusing on this class exclusively but I'm progressing way WAY too slow.
and 1/2 the grade is riding on this exam and
I'm basically trying to learn all the material covered so far [it covers everything up to stability]
**I've tried:**
* reading the textbook - works but takes way way too long
* skimming over the textbook - didn't get enough in
* watching online videos - but don't have time to go through all and they are different enough from my course that I'm unable to follow.
* having someone run through subsequent examples of q's & relevant principles in front of me - this is the BEST!!! and it's actually really effective for me.... but it's asking for too much time from others, the tutor is only available for an hour or so and i don't know anyone else.
So, yeah... i'm sorry to ask and i feel bad that it's come to this but please share any ideas that you have : )
X-post (r/Engineering students):
update: someone kindly suggested the B.P. Lathi book and it's solutions | r/eebooks | post | r/eebooks | 2013-03-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXX2Nfd1VGeU5OeXMzMEFVWDZLR3FMXzVFNWYwX1A3SDlWdmJCaUl1V1NDYjNtSkZqUHQ5MGhPdlNNMDBLMkh4dzB0SXRrSlFUakZjZER0MWpJdmxHSVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEc3hzSGpoR2x1cTRGa3luX042VUkzdm16LWVPV0NLVmZISUF5cU8zSWM2MnhVN0JSeXo1N09MbEJLcGFYVy11MmhSaEJ3Q2g0c2JpcURfNmQ5NW4yTTh5eWhYWDg2YU9MVHlER1ctNkVfT21hc2V6d1VDbUxyNnZjV0tJMGhrVUR5M0VqdTJXMEh4X1hSWHF3b29ER1FzeUhSNXIzWVNrZC1wY0ZhcGlGZVhEbmMtbExiTC1ROGl5aVVWeWk1cXNtSFM0RXJ2QXBlZ0lOa295UnNtUVNNUT09 |
Almost forgot, you all can play with code here | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2013-04-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXU0NyQVJLUVZ1NW5US3JnR0FfeW5pUGpNQ0tvakppUzFDQ0diaFlVLXlTWTBrR2Nhdk1pZEhUQzNuNi1YT2NQVDJZazRiMnJTbEJKS0dxaklZczZibFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEUFVyUW54ZjM4TjdyT21FR2wwZ21pWXAtVXlIdzYzWGl6dTgzSDA5aHRCTHY0V1owSVU4N0F4dnRHLWxuUFhERTZhemtjVzNpaVduQlpKSEJkM0ZGUC1kN3JhQmQyS25MZThHTVpLcXR1QXJfdnJPNklTOVgyZEIwaWZkY0UyazR0SUk5VzJNd21mRUw4TDVWblh2ZENXUFpvUGpnek1reTJJSjYzNUtSX0djbFRXSzZjYUNvRnd3U2lnM3l2S3NPa1BFdmtDN1FDNGVwcHBZSEJBemdWdz09 |
This is something I saw Gordon Ramsey do. Here is the [video](
-Get a few heads of broccoli.
-Chop it into florets.
-Boil just until tender.
-Put broccoli in a blender and add some of the water you boiled it in.
-Blend until you have a nice even, smooth consistency.(You can add more water if its still too chunky)
-Garnish with a couple slices of goat cheese and walnuts in the middle. | r/minimeals | post | r/minimeals | 2013-04-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXOUZ3QnBuNVVqMDFKbVZTOUd1MW1aNG5aeV8zSzkzbXhjS1BDcmZFemY4YnJYbGViOEViRlFfRjRQVEdRTTFFbXNiMENnb3B4YXVHWVJPREFySng5eGg0R2hBUDZGY1ZabE5BUmVsUEJOcDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEU2szWnA0WndySXBEcHlQOGxPYUNRbFMtLXNfeGdNdmlseS1IZ0NobTB4ZF81MTRfcXZhcFIxZU5PUVA2a1QwOG00UG1LSVpZYS1pYWhsMjlyVHpWQlpVVG9ydk95LTBULVctWEZMczUtbDhsMXZsSHZ6Ul9TNjNjSDNIdlFFUmVSTzlnQlVfQkppdUhFMDA1UWoyNE1ZZll3SnNPdEc0T1YtVE93dVFOdVU4PQ== |
Björn = Bear. Örn = Eagle. BjÖrn = BEagle. Spot. On. | r/bearswithbeaks | post | r/BearsWithBeaks | 2013-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXXzdFbEdZbHQtYW5YUloyVEllMnNnbFdwM3FLU2dieXZjdjI0QnBFTDcwRDY0YWJFeVdBTko1anFEaFB6ZC1Sdkl4VGVjcWdNRjJ3NzZUeUxicjJTTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEa1Vtbmx3RnhxYXNIUU9rdTRNOHh1endldW5Lc2o5emhQRnpLYmpNdXhZVW0wWGYzOVc0VVY5ZjFXZHZ6VXlUQW9SREQ4Q3c0QTFmOURXX3lXSUlMNDU5d2RXcGVtZTdid3hqQ09jbDlWWmRmdEo4OVpUUUZ0ak15SERxdDI0WGE4bmgxTm1MVmF2T1VuQkk2bV96Y3ZJNDQ1RjlZUWVTazBCNVZRbnFwUDUycnBaOE5QQ0U1Z1dFYW1ldFdaelJzV0NwaUVuWlN6Z2l5TkJtY1VrckVUdz09 |
A little over seven months ago I posted here to only a handful of people that /r/BearsWithBeaks needed to grow.
Well we have done just that and created a community that allows us to view and marvel over these wonderful creatures with like-minded, nature-loving individuals.
Thanks to everybody who has contributed content and to those that plan on doing so in the future.
Here is to 10,000 more. | r/bearswithbeaks | post | r/BearsWithBeaks | 2013-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXUU91dWxTVTFKSjk3dmdfVHkwSnFldWI2ZG5GVzVHYmltYWFaSnlzUXdGT1BPS2ZNUUZDaXQ2Um0wQlI0cDNqWXBMWDhYS296LWtvSENmMVpVaFJvWnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEZ3dzbndoM0NhU1lVWS1yNmdLQ1FsTEpaQUx5dVAtYThVbVBUWHJRSk05enNfMTFGRHhUaGlFSUVmMXJPWEZCakxJRWFXaGt2RVI3dHFiU29EQVdJOUMzUS1GQ3hlVUF4SnA3VG14aXNobjVCZ3B3Znp6c2ZEYUtUN2EySy1MMnBPTUJtdTgtS2NyVFRvU3hOdXBIZ1ZkRXowd3VVN2NDMzIxSng1bkRsN1hjPQ== |
I stop by here every once in a while only to keep finding out that it's dead.
Honestly this is something I'd like to do, especially socially with a group of redditors.
Anyone want to revive it? | r/projectenrichment | post | r/ProjectEnrichment | 2013-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXZk1Nal9WOGppSEdRZm5xZkRycklpZmpMSFBNMmxrZWhOaEs1U2NXbl9QUTBNUjVMdnBXMDhRYzk3dFhMYjFVTnN2czhIY2lmS2NyWFo2R2xjTTZINHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNETm8tWXh4TFlNRXE1WDJjVkVRUG5VMWF5VXdoRU4xSGJHS3Nkby1kb2FyM3JudGFqUnZ2NnRfTnpNakZiTTBKaHI3MUs0MXN1YXNva1RLSjhCTXd3RWV6MWhmLWdnd0tEaFZWeVh3NUlHTV9rQXVuNG0tUE1pVjZfbU1lS3pMcm1ZS2w5QzMxblFPTEh3d2tPU3JSdkZuUmZuSDBqZXRIa19pejVUMWJRamR3PQ== |
Interesting that they chose ntdll!LdrHotPatchRoutine as a banned API. I wasn't aware that it featured in many exploits. Anyone know the rationale behind this? | r/vrd | comment | r/vrd | 2013-06-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblFXelRJRkNKODV6c1hnWVl6ZFdVa1pyeUFZX3FwN25lajZsdzNGa0hLWWJ4YkZuT21SeGxOdnJ6dnBfMl9WdXJGcEkwQnBDVjQ5TUNOd0tzNUoxTzVUTHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5tblNEd2xTaUNfVHMtN28wSkN5Q2c2ZTVPSml6TUVPNkdSbUZmd3MyX0FqbjFfZUFQRi1ycHJ6YW1hRDBjU1VMMnQycUJ1MkdROHRKTGh0OTBwam9IWmJ2OGdpZy1hdXJnN1FTM2FmSDZQdWNtSEtGeXJHNHlKVGdEQ1VMNHZVSkpWX3dXbm83Q1NIQlh5dDdiT2JkaGlDd0tMSUZzN0hvT05jOW1PVU51VU1YTUpLdW45TzV2VXUycXF4Z0xIaVg3UnB3 |
Bittensor Subnet 13 Reddit Dataset

Dataset Summary
This dataset is part of the Bittensor Subnet 13 decentralized network, containing preprocessed Reddit data. The data is continuously updated by network miners, providing a real-time stream of Reddit content for various analytical and machine learning tasks. For more information about the dataset, please visit the official repository.
Supported Tasks
The versatility of this dataset allows researchers and data scientists to explore various aspects of social media dynamics and develop innovative applications. Users are encouraged to leverage this data creatively for their specific research or business needs. For example:
- Sentiment Analysis
- Topic Modeling
- Community Analysis
- Content Categorization
Primary language: Datasets are mostly English, but can be multilingual due to decentralized ways of creation.
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
Each instance represents a single Reddit post or comment with the following fields:
Data Fields
(string): The main content of the Reddit post or comment.label
(string): Sentiment or topic category of the content.dataType
(string): Indicates whether the entry is a post or a comment.communityName
(string): The name of the subreddit where the content was posted.datetime
(string): The date when the content was posted or commented.username_encoded
(string): An encoded version of the username to maintain user privacy.url_encoded
(string): An encoded version of any URLs included in the content.
Data Splits
This dataset is continuously updated and does not have fixed splits. Users should create their own splits based on their requirements and the data's timestamp.
Dataset Creation
Source Data
Data is collected from public posts and comments on Reddit, adhering to the platform's terms of service and API usage guidelines.
Personal and Sensitive Information
All usernames and URLs are encoded to protect user privacy. The dataset does not intentionally include personal or sensitive information.
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact and Biases
Users should be aware of potential biases inherent in Reddit data, including demographic and content biases. This dataset reflects the content and opinions expressed on Reddit and should not be considered a representative sample of the general population.
- Data quality may vary due to the nature of media sources.
- The dataset may contain noise, spam, or irrelevant content typical of social media platforms.
- Temporal biases may exist due to real-time collection methods.
- The dataset is limited to public subreddits and does not include private or restricted communities.
Additional Information
Licensing Information
The dataset is released under the MIT license. The use of this dataset is also subject to Reddit Terms of Use.
Citation Information
If you use this dataset in your research, please cite it as follows:
title={The Data Universe Datasets: The finest collection of social media data the web has to offer},
To report issues or contribute to the dataset, please contact the miner or use the Bittensor Subnet 13 governance mechanisms.
Dataset Statistics
[This section is automatically updated]
- Total Instances: 27569633
- Date Range: 2011-07-24T00:00:00Z to 2025-01-29T00:00:00Z
- Last Updated: 2025-01-29T22:15:07Z
Data Distribution
- Posts: 14.97%
- Comments: 85.03%
Top 10 Subreddits
For full statistics, please refer to the stats.json
file in the repository.
Rank | Topic | Total Count | Percentage |
1 | r/AskReddit | 640002 | 2.32% |
2 | r/AITAH | 341111 | 1.24% |
3 | r/politics | 339255 | 1.23% |
4 | r/NoStupidQuestions | 290898 | 1.06% |
5 | r/teenagers | 286785 | 1.04% |
6 | r/pics | 273705 | 0.99% |
7 | r/wallstreetbets | 242795 | 0.88% |
8 | r/mildlyinfuriating | 223866 | 0.81% |
9 | r/GOONED | 219469 | 0.80% |
10 | r/nfl | 219456 | 0.80% |
Update History
Date | New Instances | Total Instances |
2025-01-29T22:15:07Z | 27569633 | 27569633 |
- Downloads last month
- 108