int64 0
| query
stringlengths 23
| sql
stringlengths 29
| difficulty
stringclasses 3
values |
36 | What are the full names of the administrators for the school with the highest number of students scoring above 1500 on the SAT? | SELECT T2.AdmFName1, T2.AdmLName1, T2.AdmFName2, T2.AdmLName2, T2.AdmFName3, T2.AdmLName3 FROM satscores AS T1 INNER JOIN schools AS T2 ON T1.cds = T2.CDSCode ORDER BY T1.NumGE1500 DESC LIMIT 1 | challenging |
513 | What is the largest commander set? | SELECT id FROM sets WHERE type = 'commander' ORDER BY totalSetSize DESC LIMIT 1 | challenging |
1,302 | How many patients have abnormal blood test results? | SELECT COUNT(T1.ID) FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID INNER JOIN Examination AS T3 ON T1.ID = T3.ID WHERE T2.CPK < 250 AND (T3.KCT = '+' OR T3.RVVT = '+' OR T3.LAC = '+') | challenging |
1,139 | Can we see how many goals were scored in specific games? | SELECT t2.home_team_goal, t2.away_team_goal FROM League AS t1 INNER JOIN Match AS t2 ON = t2.league_id WHERE = 'Belgium Jupiler League' AND t2.`date` LIKE '2008-09-24%' | challenging |
1,084 | How many players have a high defensive work rate? | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t1.player_name) FROM Player AS t1 INNER JOIN Player_Attributes AS t2 ON t1.player_api_id = t2.player_api_id WHERE STRFTIME('%Y',t1.birthday) < '1986' AND t2.defensive_work_rate = 'high' | challenging |
1,202 | What is the proportion of male patients diagnosed with Behcet's disease? | SELECT COUNT(T1.ID) FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Examination AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE T2.Diagnosis = 'Behcet' AND T1.SEX = 'M' AND STRFTIME('%Y', T2.`Examination Date`) BETWEEN '1995' AND '1997' AND T1.Admission = '-' | challenging |
1,011 | Which drivers had the fastest lap times in a race? | WITH lap_times_in_seconds AS (SELECT driverId, (CASE WHEN SUBSTR(time, 1, INSTR(time, ':') - 1) <> '' THEN CAST(SUBSTR(time, 1, INSTR(time, ':') - 1) AS REAL) * 60 ELSE 0 END + CASE WHEN SUBSTR(time, INSTR(time, ':') + 1, INSTR(time, '.') - INSTR(time, ':') - 1) <> '' THEN CAST(SUBSTR(time, INSTR(time, ':') + 1, INSTR(time, '.') - INSTR(time, ':') - 1) AS REAL) ELSE 0 END + CASE WHEN SUBSTR(time, INSTR(time, '.') + 1) <> '' THEN CAST(SUBSTR(time, INSTR(time, '.') + 1) AS REAL) / 1000 ELSE 0 END) AS time_in_seconds FROM lapTimes) SELECT T2.forename, T2.surname, T1.driverId FROM (SELECT driverId, MIN(time_in_seconds) AS min_time_in_seconds FROM lap_times_in_seconds GROUP BY driverId) AS T1 INNER JOIN drivers AS T2 ON T1.driverId = T2.driverId ORDER BY T1.min_time_in_seconds ASC LIMIT 20 | challenging |
834 | What is the gender distribution within a particular publisher's collection of superheroes? | SELECT CAST(COUNT(CASE WHEN T3.gender = 'Female' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT( FROM superhero AS T1 INNER JOIN publisher AS T2 ON T1.publisher_id = INNER JOIN gender AS T3 ON T1.gender_id = WHERE T2.publisher_name = 'George Lucas' | challenging |
1,239 | Can I analyze patient data to identify individuals who have had consistently high hematocrit levels over a period of time? | SELECT DISTINCT T1.ID, STRFTIME('%Y', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - STRFTIME('%Y', T1.Birthday) FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE T1.ID IN ( SELECT ID FROM Laboratory WHERE HCT >= 52 GROUP BY ID HAVING COUNT(ID) >= 2 ) | challenging |
1,526 | Could you calculate the percentage change in consumption from one year to the next for a specific customer? | SELECT CAST(SUM(IIF(SUBSTR(Date, 1, 4) = '2012', Consumption, 0)) - SUM(IIF(SUBSTR(Date, 1, 4) = '2013', Consumption, 0)) AS FLOAT) / SUM(IIF(SUBSTR(Date, 1, 4) = '2012', Consumption, 0)) FROM yearmonth WHERE CustomerID = ( SELECT T1.CustomerID FROM transactions_1k AS T1 INNER JOIN gasstations AS T2 ON T1.GasStationID = T2.GasStationID WHERE T1.Date = '2012-08-25' AND T1.Price = 634.8 ) | challenging |
230 | Can I get a list of all the unique components and their descriptions for a specific molecule? | SELECT DISTINCT T1.element, T2.label FROM atom AS T1 INNER JOIN molecule AS T2 ON T1.molecule_id = T2.molecule_id WHERE T2.molecule_id = 'TR060' | challenging |
818 | What is the gender breakdown of superheros? | SELECT CAST(COUNT(CASE WHEN T3.gender = 'Female' THEN ELSE NULL END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT( FROM superhero AS T1 INNER JOIN alignment AS T2 ON T1.alignment_id = INNER JOIN gender AS T3 ON T1.gender_id = WHERE T2.alignment = 'Bad' | challenging |
1,169 | What is the ratio of male patients with a certain medical measurement above a specific value to female patients with the measurement below a different value? | SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T2.UA <= 8.0 AND T1.SEX = 'M' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) / SUM(CASE WHEN T2.UA <= 6.5 AND T1.SEX = 'F' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID | challenging |
207 | What are the distinct elements present in molecules with a specific type of chemical bond? | SELECT DISTINCT T1.element FROM atom AS T1 INNER JOIN bond AS T2 ON T1.molecule_id = T2.molecule_id INNER JOIN connected AS T3 ON T1.atom_id = T3.atom_id WHERE T2.bond_type = '=' | challenging |
1,036 | Which teams were best at "Build Up Play Passing" in a given year? | SELECT DISTINCT t4.team_long_name FROM Team_Attributes AS t3 INNER JOIN Team AS t4 ON t3.team_api_id = t4.team_api_id WHERE SUBSTR(t3.`date`, 1, 4) = '2012' AND t3.buildUpPlayPassing > ( SELECT CAST(SUM(t2.buildUpPlayPassing) AS REAL) / COUNT( FROM Team AS t1 INNER JOIN Team_Attributes AS t2 ON t1.team_api_id = t2.team_api_id WHERE STRFTIME('%Y',t2.`date`) = '2012') | challenging |
1,115 | What is the difference in player ratings between two specific players at a particular moment in time? | SELECT (SUM(CASE WHEN t1.player_name = 'Landon Donovan' THEN t2.overall_rating ELSE 0 END) * 1.0 - SUM(CASE WHEN t1.player_name = 'Jordan Bowery' THEN t2.overall_rating ELSE 0 END)) * 100 / SUM(CASE WHEN t1.player_name = 'Landon Donovan' THEN t2.overall_rating ELSE 0 END) LvsJ_percent FROM Player AS t1 INNER JOIN Player_Attributes AS t2 ON t1.player_fifa_api_id = t2.player_fifa_api_id WHERE SUBSTR(t2.`date`, 1, 10) = '2013-07-12' | challenging |
972 | Which drivers who were born in 1971 and has the fastest lap time on the race? Give id and code of these drivers. | SELECT T2.driverId, T2.code FROM results AS T1 INNER JOIN drivers AS T2 on T1.driverId = T2.driverId WHERE STRFTIME('%Y', T2.dob) = '1971' AND T1.fastestLapTime IS NOT NULL | moderate |
1,345 | How many majors are there in "College of Humanities and Social Sciences"? | SELECT COUNT(major_name) FROM major WHERE college = 'College of Humanities and Social Sciences' | simple |
516 | How many cards did Volkan Baǵa illustrated whose foreign language is in French? | SELECT COUNT( FROM ( SELECT FROM cards AS T1 INNER JOIN foreign_data AS T2 ON T2.uuid = T1.uuid WHERE T1.artist = 'Volkan Baǵa' AND T2.language = 'French' GROUP BY ) AS T3 | moderate |
422 | What is the language of the card with the multiverse number 149934? | SELECT language FROM foreign_data WHERE multiverseid = 149934 | simple |
960 | What is the average of fastest lap speed in the 2009 Spanish Grand Prix race? | SELECT AVG(T1.fastestLapSpeed) FROM results AS T1 INNER JOIN races AS T2 on T1.raceId = T2.raceId WHERE T2.year = 2009 AND = 'Spanish Grand Prix' | moderate |
1,212 | For patients with alkaliphophatase (ALP) within normal range, were they treated as inpatient or outpatient? | SELECT T1.Admission FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE T2.ALP < 300 | moderate |
1,233 | List each patient's ID and blood glucose (GLU) index that were within normal range for patient's whose data was first recorded in 1991. | SELECT DISTINCT T1.ID, T2.GLU FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE STRFTIME('%Y', T1.`First Date`) = '1991' AND T2.GLU < 180 | moderate |
482 | What's the German type of the card "Ancestor's Chosen"? | SELECT DISTINCT T1.type FROM cards AS T1 INNER JOIN foreign_data AS T2 ON T2.uuid = T1.uuid WHERE = 'Ancestor''s Chosen' AND T2.language = 'German' | simple |
783 | Provide the eye colours of the heroes whose skin colours are gold. | SELECT T2.colour FROM superhero AS T1 INNER JOIN colour AS T2 ON T1.eye_colour_id = INNER JOIN colour AS T3 ON T1.skin_colour_id = WHERE T3.colour = 'Gold' | simple |
817 | Give the race of the blue-haired male superhero. | SELECT T3.race FROM superhero AS T1 INNER JOIN colour AS T2 ON T1.hair_colour_id = INNER JOIN race AS T3 ON T1.race_id = INNER JOIN gender AS T4 ON T1.gender_id = WHERE T2.colour = 'Blue' AND T4.gender = 'Male' | moderate |
1,380 | What is the total amount of money spent for food? | SELECT SUM(spent) FROM budget WHERE category = 'Food' | simple |
271 | Does bond id TR001_1_8 have both element of chlorine and carbon? | SELECT T2.bond_id, T2.atom_id2, T1.element AS flag_have_CaCl FROM atom AS T1 INNER JOIN connected AS T2 ON T2.atom_id = T1.atom_id WHERE T2.bond_id = 'TR001_1_8' AND (T1.element = 'c1' OR T1.element = 'c') | simple |
846 | Please list the reference names of the drivers who are eliminated in the first period in race number 20. | SELECT T2.driverRef FROM qualifying AS T1 INNER JOIN drivers AS T2 ON T2.driverId = T1.driverId WHERE T1.raceId = 20 ORDER BY T1.q1 DESC LIMIT 5 | moderate |
692 | How long did it take the user, known by his or her display name 'Zolomon' to get the badge? Count from the date the user's account was created. | SELECT T1.Date - T2.CreationDate FROM badges AS T1 INNER JOIN users AS T2 ON T1.UserId = T2.Id WHERE T2.DisplayName = 'Zolomon' | moderate |
906 | Which was Lewis Hamilton first race? What was his points recorded for his first race event? | SELECT, T2.points FROM races AS T1 INNER JOIN driverStandings AS T2 ON T2.raceId = T1.raceId INNER JOIN drivers AS T3 ON T3.driverId = T2.driverId WHERE T3.forename = 'Lewis' AND T3.surname = 'Hamilton' ORDER BY T1.year ASC LIMIT 1 | moderate |
838 | Provide the full name of the superhero named Alien. | SELECT full_name FROM superhero WHERE superhero_name = 'Alien' | simple |
1,456 | List the full name of the top five members who spend the most money in the descending order of spending. | SELECT T3.first_name, T3.last_name FROM expense AS T1 INNER JOIN budget AS T2 ON T1.link_to_budget = T2.budget_id INNER JOIN member AS T3 ON T1.link_to_member = T3.member_id ORDER BY T2.spent DESC LIMIT 5 | moderate |
476 | Please list the name of the cards in the set Coldsnap with the highest converted mana cost. | SELECT FROM cards AS T1 INNER JOIN sets AS T2 ON T2.code = T1.setCode WHERE = 'Coldsnap' ORDER BY T1.convertedManaCost DESC LIMIT 1 | simple |
827 | What is the average height of a non-human superhero in Dark Horse Comics? | SELECT AVG(T1.height_cm) FROM superhero AS T1 INNER JOIN publisher AS T2 ON T1.publisher_id = INNER JOIN race AS T3 ON T1.race_id = WHERE T2.publisher_name = 'Dark Horse Comics' AND T3.race != 'Human' | moderate |
56 | Of all the schools with a mailing state address in California, how many are active in San Joaquin city? | SELECT COUNT(CDSCode) FROM schools WHERE City = 'San Joaquin' AND MailState = 'CA' AND StatusType = 'Active' | simple |
472 | Among the sets in the block "Ice Age", how many of them have an Italian translation? | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT FROM sets AS T1 INNER JOIN set_translations AS T2 ON T2.setCode = T1.code WHERE T1.block = 'Ice Age' AND T2.language = 'Italian' AND T2.translation IS NOT NULL | moderate |
867 | For the driver who set the fastest lap speed in race No.933, where does he come from? | SELECT T1.nationality FROM drivers AS T1 INNER JOIN results AS T2 ON T2.driverId = T1.driverId WHERE T2.raceId = 933 AND T2.fastestLapTime IS NOT NULL ORDER BY T2.fastestLapSpeed DESC LIMIT 1 | simple |
117 | What is the percentage of loan amount that has been fully paid with no issue. | SELECT (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'A' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100) / SUM(amount) FROM loan | moderate |
866 | Who was the player that got the lap time of 0:01:27 in the race No. 161? Show his introduction website. | SELECT DISTINCT T2.forename, T2.surname, T2.url FROM lapTimes AS T1 INNER JOIN drivers AS T2 ON T2.driverId = T1.driverId WHERE T1.raceId = 161 AND T1.time LIKE '1:27%' | moderate |
1,167 | For the year that concluded on December 31, 1998, how many male patients on average were tested in the lab each month? | SELECT CAST(COUNT(T1.ID) AS REAL) / 12 FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE STRFTIME('%Y', T2.Date) = '1998' AND T1.SEX = 'M' | moderate |
464 | Please list the names of the cards in the set "Hauptset Zehnte Edition". | SELECT DISTINCT FROM cards AS T1 INNER JOIN set_translations AS T2 ON T2.setCode = T1.setCode WHERE T2.translation = 'Hauptset Zehnte Edition' | simple |
645 | How many negative comments were given by user ID 13? | SELECT COUNT(Id) FROM comments WHERE UserId = 13 AND Score < 60 | simple |
341 | What are the borderless cards available without powerful foils? | SELECT id FROM cards WHERE borderColor = 'borderless' AND (cardKingdomId IS NULL OR cardKingdomId IS NULL) | simple |
950 | Please list the constructor names with 0 points at race 291. | SELECT FROM constructorStandings AS T1 INNER JOIN constructors AS T2 on T1.constructorId = T2.constructorId WHERE T1.points = 0 AND T1.raceId = 291 | simple |
887 | Name the races in year 2017 that are not hosted in year 2000. | SELECT name FROM races WHERE year = 2017 AND name NOT IN ( SELECT name FROM races WHERE year = 2000 ) | simple |
1,304 | Among the patients with a normal blood glucose, how many of them don't have thrombosis? | SELECT COUNT(T1.ID) FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID INNER JOIN Examination AS T3 ON T1.ID = T3.ID WHERE T2.GLU < 180 AND T3.Thrombosis = 0 | moderate |
326 | Which molecule consisted of Sulphur atom with double bond? | SELECT DISTINCT T1.molecule_id FROM atom AS T1 INNER JOIN bond AS T2 ON T1.molecule_id = T2.molecule_id WHERE T1.element = 's' AND T2.bond_type = '=' | simple |
1,474 | Which customers, paying in CZK, consumed the most gas in 2011? | SELECT T1.CustomerID FROM customers AS T1 INNER JOIN yearmonth AS T2 ON T1.CustomerID = T2.CustomerID WHERE T1.Currency = 'CZK' AND T2.Date BETWEEN 201101 AND 201112 GROUP BY T1.CustomerID ORDER BY SUM(T2.Consumption) DESC LIMIT 1 | moderate |
1,284 | For the patient with the highest lactate dehydrogenase in the normal range, when was his or her data first recorded? | SELECT T1.`First Date` FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE T2.LDH < 500 ORDER BY T2.LDH ASC LIMIT 1 | moderate |
135 | After making a credit card withdrawal, how many account/s with monthly issuance has a negative balance? | SELECT COUNT(T1.account_id) FROM trans AS T1 INNER JOIN account AS T2 ON T1.account_id = T2.account_id WHERE T1.balance < 0 AND T1.operation = 'VYBER KARTOU' AND T2.frequency = 'POPLATEK MESICNE' | moderate |
659 | How many tags have post count between 5,000 to 7,000? | SELECT COUNT(Id) FROM tags WHERE Count BETWEEN 5000 AND 7000 | simple |
540 | What is the title of the post that is owned by csgillespie and has the highest popularity? | SELECT T1.Title FROM posts AS T1 INNER JOIN users AS T2 ON T1.OwnerUserId = T2.Id WHERE T2.DisplayName = 'csgillespie' ORDER BY T1.ViewCount DESC LIMIT 1 | simple |
182 | How many male customers who were born between 1974 and 1976 have made a payment on their home in excess of $4000? | SELECT COUNT(T1.account_id) FROM trans AS T1 INNER JOIN account AS T2 ON T1.account_id = T2.account_id INNER JOIN disp AS T4 ON T2.account_id = T4.account_id INNER JOIN client AS T3 ON T4.client_id = T3.client_id WHERE STRFTIME('%Y', T3.birth_date) BETWEEN '1974' AND '1976' AND T3.gender = 'M' AND T1.amount > 4000 AND T1.k_symbol = 'SIPO' | moderate |
585 | How much is the total bounty amount of the post titled about 'data' | SELECT SUM(T2.BountyAmount) FROM posts AS T1 INNER JOIN votes AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.PostId WHERE T1.Title LIKE '%data%' | simple |
419 | How many color cards with no borders have been ranked higher than 12000 on EDHRec? | SELECT COUNT(id) FROM cards WHERE edhrecRank > 12000 AND borderColor = 'borderless' | simple |
229 | What is the type of bond that molecule TR000 has when involved in any bonds? | SELECT DISTINCT T.bond_type FROM bond AS T WHERE T.molecule_id = 'TR000' | simple |
1,040 | List the top 10 players' names whose heights are above 180 in descending order of average heading accuracy. | SELECT t1.player_name FROM Player AS t1 INNER JOIN Player_Attributes AS t2 ON t1.player_api_id = t2.player_api_id WHERE t1.height > 180 GROUP BY ORDER BY CAST(SUM(t2.heading_accuracy) AS REAL) / COUNT(t2.`player_fifa_api_id`) DESC LIMIT 10 | moderate |
150 | How many accounts in North Bohemia has made a transaction with the partner's bank being AB? | SELECT COUNT(T2.account_id) FROM district AS T1 INNER JOIN account AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id INNER JOIN trans AS T3 ON T2.account_id = T3.account_id WHERE = 'AB' AND T1.A3 = 'north Bohemia' | moderate |
1,088 | Please list the names of the players whose volley score and dribbling score are over 70. | SELECT DISTINCT t1.player_name FROM Player AS t1 INNER JOIN Player_Attributes AS t2 ON t1.player_api_id = t2.player_api_id WHERE t2.volleys > 70 AND t2.dribbling > 70 | moderate |
1,018 | What was the average time in milliseconds Lewis Hamilton spent at a pit stop during Formula_1 races? | SELECT AVG(milliseconds) FROM pitStops AS T1 INNER JOIN drivers AS T2 on T1.driverId = T2.driverId WHERE T2.forename = 'Lewis' AND T2.surname = 'Hamilton' | simple |
397 | What is the mana cost of cards with a normal layout, a 2003 frame version, with a black border color, and available in paper and mtgo? | SELECT manaCost FROM cards WHERE availability = 'mtgo,paper' AND borderColor = 'black' AND frameVersion = 2003 AND layout = 'normal' | moderate |
1,485 | How much more was customer 7 consuming in April 2013 than customer 5? | SELECT SUM(IIF(CustomerID = 7, Consumption, 0)) - SUM(IIF(CustomerID = 5, Consumption, 0)) FROM yearmonth WHERE Date = '201304' | simple |
216 | Identify all connected atoms with a triple bond. | SELECT T2.atom_id, T2.atom_id2 FROM bond AS T1 INNER JOIN connected AS T2 ON T1.bond_id = T2.bond_id WHERE T1.bond_type = '#' | simple |
580 | Name 10 users with the badge name 'Necromancer.' | SELECT T1.DisplayName FROM users AS T1 INNER JOIN badges AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.UserId WHERE T2.Name = 'Necromancer' LIMIT 10 | simple |
931 | What was the fastest lap speed among all drivers in the 2009 Spanish Grand Prix? | SELECT T2.fastestLapSpeed FROM races AS T1 INNER JOIN results AS T2 ON T2.raceId = T1.raceId WHERE = 'Spanish Grand Prix' AND T1.year = 2009 AND T2.fastestLapSpeed IS NOT NULL ORDER BY T2.fastestLapSpeed DESC LIMIT 1 | moderate |
409 | Indicates the number of cards with pre-modern format, ruling text "This is a triggered mana ability." that do not have multiple faces. | SELECT COUNT( FROM cards AS T1 INNER JOIN legalities AS T2 ON T1.uuid = T2.uuid INNER JOIN rulings AS T3 ON T1.uuid = T3.uuid WHERE T2.format = 'premodern' AND T3.text = 'This is a triggered mana ability.' AND T1.Side IS NULL | moderate |
10 | For the school with the highest average score in Reading in the SAT test, what is its FRPM count for students aged 5-17? | SELECT T2.`FRPM Count (Ages 5-17)` FROM satscores AS T1 INNER JOIN frpm AS T2 ON T1.cds = T2.CDSCode ORDER BY T1.AvgScrRead DESC LIMIT 1 | simple |
157 | What is the number of committed crimes in 1995 in the district of the account with the id 532? | SELECT T1.A15 FROM district AS T1 INNER JOIN `account` AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id WHERE T2.account_id = 532 | simple |
483 | Please list the Italian text ruling of all the cards in the set Coldsnap. | SELECT DISTINCT T1.text FROM foreign_data AS T1 INNER JOIN cards AS T2 ON T2.uuid = T1.uuid INNER JOIN sets AS T3 ON T3.code = T2.setCode WHERE = 'Coldsnap' AND T1.language = 'Italian' | moderate |
321 | What is the molecule of atom id "TR000_2" and atom id 2 "TR000_4"? | SELECT T1.molecule_id FROM bond AS T1 INNER JOIN connected AS T2 ON T1.bond_id = T2.bond_id WHERE T2.atom_id = 'TR000_2' AND T2.atom_id2 = 'TR000_4' | simple |
343 | Name all cards with 2015 frame style ranking below 100 on EDHRec. | SELECT id FROM cards WHERE edhrecRank < 100 AND frameVersion = 2015 | simple |
584 | Write all the comments left by users who edited the post titled 'Why square the difference instead of taking the absolute value in standard deviation?' | SELECT T2.Comment FROM posts AS T1 INNER JOIN postHistory AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.PostId WHERE T1.Title = 'Why square the difference instead of taking the absolute value in standard deviation?' | moderate |
335 | What is the total number of molecules with double bonded oxygen? | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT T1.molecule_id) FROM atom AS T1 INNER JOIN bond AS T2 ON T1.molecule_id = T2.molecule_id WHERE T2.bond_type = '=' AND T1.element = 'o' | simple |
656 | Describe the display name of the parent ID for child post with the highest score. | SELECT DisplayName FROM users WHERE Id = ( SELECT OwnerUserId FROM posts WHERE ParentId IS NOT NULL ORDER BY Score DESC LIMIT 1 ) | simple |
1,089 | How many matches in the 2008/2009 season were held in Belgium? | SELECT COUNT( FROM Country AS t1 INNER JOIN Match AS t2 ON = t2.country_id WHERE = 'Belgium' AND t2.season = '2008/2009' | simple |
485 | When was the ruling for the card 'Reminisce' created? | SELECT FROM cards AS T1 INNER JOIN rulings AS T2 ON T2.uuid = T1.uuid WHERE = 'Reminisce' | simple |
728 | Rank superheroes from Marvel Comics by their eye color popularity, starting with the most common color. | SELECT colour.colour AS EyeColor, COUNT( AS Count, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT( DESC) AS PopularityRank FROM superhero INNER JOIN colour ON superhero.eye_colour_id = INNER JOIN publisher ON superhero.publisher_id = WHERE publisher.publisher_name = 'Marvel Comics' GROUP BY colour.colour | moderate |
612 | What is the name of badge that the user whose display name is "Pierre" obtained? | SELECT T2.Name FROM users AS T1 INNER JOIN badges AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.UserId WHERE T1.DisplayName = 'Pierre' | simple |
377 | How many cards with original type of "Summon - Angel" have subtype other than "Angel"? | SELECT COUNT(id) FROM cards WHERE originalType = 'Summon - Angel' AND subtypes != 'Angel' | simple |
536 | How many users with more than 10 views created their account after the year 2013? | SELECT COUNT(id) FROM users WHERE STRFTIME('%Y', CreationDate) > '2013' AND Views > 10 | simple |
529 | Find and list the names of sets which doesn't have Japanese translation but have Korean translation. | SELECT name FROM sets WHERE code IN ( SELECT setCode FROM set_translations WHERE language = 'Korean' AND language NOT LIKE '%Japanese%' ) | moderate |
392 | Pick 3 cards with rarity of uncommon, list down name these cards according to ascending order of it's ruling date. | SELECT DISTINCT FROM cards AS T1 INNER JOIN rulings AS T2 ON T1.uuid = T2.uuid WHERE T1.rarity = 'uncommon' ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 3 | simple |
849 | Where can the introduction of the races held on Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya be found? | SELECT DISTINCT T1.url FROM circuits AS T1 INNER JOIN races AS T2 ON T2.circuitID = T1.circuitId WHERE = 'Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya' | simple |
144 | How much is the average amount in credit card made by account holders in a month, in year 2021? | SELECT AVG(T4.amount) FROM card AS T1 INNER JOIN disp AS T2 ON T1.disp_id = T2.disp_id INNER JOIN account AS T3 ON T2.account_id = T3.account_id INNER JOIN trans AS T4 ON T3.account_id = T4.account_id WHERE STRFTIME('%Y', = '1998' AND T4.operation = 'VYBER KARTOU' | moderate |
413 | How many cards with print rarity have ruling text printed on 01/02/2007? | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT FROM cards AS T1 INNER JOIN rulings AS T2 ON T1.uuid = T2.uuid WHERE T1.rarity = 'rare' AND = '2007-02-01' | simple |
479 | Among the cards with converted mana cost higher than 5 in the set Coldsnap, how many of them have unknown power? | SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T1.power LIKE '*' OR T1.power IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM cards AS T1 INNER JOIN sets AS T2 ON T2.code = T1.setCode WHERE = 'Coldsnap' AND T1.convertedManaCost > 5 | moderate |
684 | Identify the percentage of teenage users. | SELECT CAST(SUM(IIF(Age BETWEEN 13 AND 18, 1, 0)) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(Id) FROM users | simple |
1,499 | What is the biggest monthly consumption of the customers who use euro as their currency? | SELECT SUM(T2.Consumption) / 12 AS MonthlyConsumption FROM customers AS T1 INNER JOIN yearmonth AS T2 ON T1.CustomerID = T2.CustomerID WHERE T1.Currency = 'EUR' GROUP BY T1.CustomerID ORDER BY MonthlyConsumption DESC LIMIT 1 | simple |
658 | What are the titles of the top 5 posts with the highest popularity? | SELECT Title FROM posts ORDER BY ViewCount DESC LIMIT 5 | simple |
631 | How many posts were created by Daniel Vassallo? | SELECT COUNT(T1.Id) FROM users AS T1 INNER JOIN postHistory AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.UserId WHERE T1.DisplayName = 'Daniel Vassallo' | simple |
168 | What percentage of clients who opened their accounts in the district with an average salary of over 10000 are women? | SELECT CAST(SUM(T2.gender = 'F') AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T2.client_id) FROM district AS T1 INNER JOIN client AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id WHERE T1.A11 > 10000 | moderate |
1,335 | How much did the Student_Club members spend on advertisement in September Meeting? | SELECT T2.spent FROM event AS T1 INNER JOIN budget AS T2 ON T1.event_id = T2.link_to_event WHERE T1.event_name = 'September Meeting' AND T2.category = 'Advertisement' AND SUBSTR(T1.event_date, 6, 2) = '09' | moderate |
537 | How many posts does the user csgillespie own? | SELECT COUNT( FROM posts AS T1 INNER JOIN users AS T2 ON T1.OwnerUserId = T2.Id WHERE T2.DisplayName = 'csgillespie' | simple |
712 | What is the post ID and the comments commented in the post titled by "Group differences on a five point Likert item"? | SELECT T2.Id, T1.Text FROM comments AS T1 INNER JOIN posts AS T2 ON T1.PostId = T2.Id WHERE T2.Title = 'Group differences on a five point Likert item' | simple |
682 | Which is the most valuable post in 2010? Please give its id and the owner's display name. | SELECT T2.OwnerUserId, T1.DisplayName FROM users AS T1 INNER JOIN posts AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.OwnerUserId WHERE STRFTIME('%Y', T1.CreationDate) = '2010' ORDER BY T2.FavoriteCount DESC LIMIT 1 | moderate |
1,338 | Was each expense in October Meeting on October 8, 2019 approved? | SELECT T3.approved FROM event AS T1 INNER JOIN budget AS T2 ON T1.event_id = T2.link_to_event INNER JOIN expense AS T3 ON T2.budget_id = T3.link_to_budget WHERE T1.event_name = 'October Meeting' AND T1.event_date LIKE '2019-10-08%' | moderate |
939 | How many drivers from the UN participated in the 2008 Australian Grand Prix? | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM drivers AS T1 INNER JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.driverId = T2.driverId INNER JOIN races AS T3 ON T3.raceId = T2.raceId WHERE = 'Australian Grand Prix' AND T1.nationality = 'British' AND T3.year = 2008 | moderate |
733 | How many gold-eyed superheroes did Marvel Comics publish? | SELECT COUNT( FROM superhero AS T1 INNER JOIN publisher AS T2 ON T1.publisher_id = INNER JOIN colour AS T3 ON T1.eye_colour_id = WHERE T2.publisher_name = 'Marvel Comics' AND T3.colour = 'Gold' | moderate |
843 | List the hero ID of superheroes have intellegence as their power. | SELECT T1.hero_id FROM hero_power AS T1 INNER JOIN superpower AS T2 ON T1.power_id = WHERE T2.power_name = 'Intelligence' | simple |
Subsets and Splits