stringlengths 1
| path
stringlengths 24
| code
stringlengths 39
PICOS-2.0.8 | PICOS-2.0.8//picos/solvers/solver_mskfsn.pyclass:MOSEKFusionSolver/names | @classmethod
def names(cls):
"""Implement :meth:`~.solver.Solver.names`."""
return 'mskfsn', 'MOSEK (Fusion)', 'MOSEK via Fusion API'
SignalIntegrity | SignalIntegrity//Lib/Devices/DirectionalCoupler.pyfile:/Lib/Devices/ | def DirectionalCoupler(ports):
Directional Coupler
@param ports integer number of ports (3 or 4)
@return s-parameter matrix of a three or four port directional coupler
port 1 and 2 are a thru connection.
port 3 picks off the wave going from port 1 to 2.
port 4 (optional) picks off the wave going from port 2 to port 1.
@note the directional coupler is completely ideal and is not passive
in that the picked off wave is an exact copy of the wave going between
the ports specified above.
if ports == 3:
return [[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
elif ports == 4:
return [[0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]]
graphenelib-1.3.2 | graphenelib-1.3.2//graphenebase/transactions.pyfile:/graphenebase/ | def getBlockParams(ws, use_head_block=False):
""" Auxiliary method to obtain ``ref_block_num`` and
``ref_block_prefix``. Requires a websocket connection to a
witness node!
raise DeprecationWarning(
"This method shouldn't be called anymore. It is part of transactionbuilder now"
mercurial-5.4 | mercurial-5.4//mercurial/interfaces/repository.pyclass:ipeerconnection/local | def local():
"""Returns a local repository instance.
If the peer represents a local repository, returns an object that
can be used to interface with it. Otherwise returns ``None``.
logrus | logrus//utils.pyfile:/ | def squashDicts(*dict_args):
Given any number of dicts, shallow copy and merge into a new dict,
precedence goes to key value pairs in later dicts.
result = {}
for dictionary in dict_args:
return result
superset_hand-0.14.1 | superset_hand-0.14.1//superset/utils.pyfile:/superset/ | def error_msg_from_exception(e):
"""Translate exception into error message
Database have different ways to handle exception. This function attempts
to make sense of the exception object and construct a human readable
TODO(bkyryliuk): parse the Presto error message from the connection
created via create_engine.
engine = create_engine('presto://localhost:3506/silver') -
gives an e.message as the str(dict)
presto.connect("localhost", port=3506, catalog='silver') - as a dict.
The latter version is parsed correctly by this function.
msg = ''
if hasattr(e, 'message'):
if type(e.message) is dict:
msg = e.message.get('message')
elif e.message:
msg = '{}'.format(e.message)
return msg or '{}'.format(e)
minegauler | minegauler//shared/utils.pyclass:Grid/from_2d_array | @classmethod
def from_2d_array(cls, array):
Create an instance using a 2-dimensional array.
array ([[object, ...], ...])
The array to use in creating the grid instance.
Return: Grid
The resulting grid.
x_size = len(array[0])
y_size = len(array)
grid = cls(x_size, y_size)
for coord in grid.all_coords:
x, y = coord
grid[coord] = array[y][x]
return grid
rolabesti | rolabesti//arguments.pyfile:/ | def prepare_arguments(arguments):
"""Set proper maximum track length. Convert length arguments to seconds."""
if 'max_tracklist_length' in arguments:
if 0 < arguments['max_tracklist_length'] < arguments['max']:
arguments['max'] = arguments['max_tracklist_length']
arguments['max_tracklist_length'] *= 60
arguments['max'] *= 60
arguments['min'] *= 60
dropbox | dropbox//team_log.pyclass:EventDetails/shared_content_relinquish_membership_details | @classmethod
def shared_content_relinquish_membership_details(cls, val):
Create an instance of this class set to the
``shared_content_relinquish_membership_details`` tag with value ``val``.
:param SharedContentRelinquishMembershipDetails val:
:rtype: EventDetails
return cls('shared_content_relinquish_membership_details', val)
pytube | pytube//cipher.pyfile:/ | def reverse(arr, b):
"""Reverse elements in a list.
This function is equivalent to:
.. code-block:: javascript
function(a, b) { a.reverse() }
This method takes an unused ``b`` variable as their transform functions
universally sent two arguments.
>>> reverse([1, 2, 3, 4])
[4, 3, 2, 1]
return arr[::-1]
spatialist-0.5 | spatialist-0.5//spatialist/ancillary.pyfile:/spatialist/ | def dictmerge(x, y):
merge two dictionaries
z = x.copy()
return z
things3-api-2.6.0 | things3-api-2.6.0//things3/things3_kanban.pyfile:/things3/ | def write_html_column(cssclass, file, header, rows):
"""Create a column in the output."""
file.write("<div class='column'><div class=''>" + "<h2 class='h2 " +
cssclass + "'>" + header + "<span class='size'>" + str(len(rows)) +
for row in rows:
task_uuid = str(row['uuid']) if row['uuid'] is not None else ''
task_title = str(row['title']) if row['title'] is not None else ''
context_title = str(row['context']) if row['context'
] is not None else ''
context_uuid = str(row['context_uuid']) if row['context_uuid'
] is not None else ''
deadline = str(row['due']) if row['due'] is not None else ''
task_link = ('<a href="things:///show?id=' + task_uuid + '">' +
task_title + '</a>' if task_uuid != '' else task_title)
context_link = ('<a href="things:///show?id=' + context_uuid + '">' +
context_title + '</a>' if context_uuid != '' else context_title)
css_class = 'hasProject' if context_title != '' else 'hasNoProject'
css_class = 'hasDeadline' if deadline != '' else css_class
file.write('<div class="box">' + task_link +
'<div class="deadline">' + deadline + '</div>' +
'<div class="area ' + css_class + '">' + context_link +
'</div>' + '</div>')
lifx-photons-core-0.25.0 | lifx-photons-core-0.25.0//photons_device_finder.pyclass:Filter/empty | @classmethod
def empty(kls, force_refresh=False):
"""Create an empty filter"""
return kls.from_options({'force_refresh': force_refresh})
django-helcim-0.9.1 | django-helcim-0.9.1//helcim/bridge_oscar.pyfile:/helcim/ | def remap_oscar_credit_card(card):
"""Remaps Oscar credit card object as Helcim dictionary.
card (obj): A credit card object provided by Django Oscar.
dict: Credit card details formatted for django-helcim.
if card.expiry_date:
cc_expiry = card.expiry_date.strftime('%m%y')
cc_expiry = None
return {'cc_name':, 'cc_number': card.number, 'cc_expiry':
cc_expiry, 'cc_cvv': card.ccv}
ray | ray//authentication.pyclass:Authentication/authenticate | @classmethod
def authenticate(cls, login_data):
""" Here you can implement select in the database
to garantee that the username and the password
are from the same user. This method must return
a dict
raise NotImplementedError()
wx | wx//lib/agw/thumbnailctrl.pyfile:/lib/agw/ | def GetMondrianData():
""" Returns a default image placeholder as a decompressed stream of characters. """
return (
b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00 \x00\x00\x00 \x08\x06\x00\x00\x00szz\xf4\x00\x00\x00\x04sBIT\x08\x08\x08\x08|\x08d\x88\x00\x00\x00qIDATX\x85\xed\xd6;\n\x800\x10E\xd1{\xc5\x8d\xb9r\x97\x16\x0b\xad$\x8a\x82:\x16o\xda\x84pB2\x1f\x81Fa\x8c\x9c\x08\x04Z{\xcf\xa72\xbcv\xfa\xc5\x08 \x80r\x80\xfc\xa2\x0e\x1c\xe4\xba\xfaX\x1d\xd0\xde]S\x07\x02\xd8>\xe1wa-`\x9fQ\xe9\x86\x01\x04\x10\x00\\(Dk\x1b-\x04\xdc\x1d\x07\x14\x98;\x0bS\x7f\x7f\xf9\x13\x04\x10@\xf9X\xbe\x00\xc9 \x14K\xc1<={\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82'
ks_response-1.2 | ks_response-1.2//ks_response/response.pyclass:KSResponse/_format_method_name | @staticmethod
def _format_method_name(request_name: str) ->str:
"""Приводит к единой форме имя метода."""
request_name = request_name if not request_name.startswith('/'
) else request_name[1:]
request_name = request_name if request_name.endswith('/'
) else request_name + '/'
return request_name
service_framework-0.0.8 | service_framework-0.0.8//src/service_framework/connections/out/publisher.pyclass:Publisher/get_compatable_connection_types | @staticmethod
def get_compatable_connection_types():
This is needed so the service framework knows which
connections this current connection is compatable.
return::['str'] A list of the compatable connections
return ['subscriber']
os_vm_expire | os_vm_expire//model/repositories.pyfile:/model/ | def is_db_connection_error(args):
"""Return True if error in connecting to db."""
conn_err_codes = '2002', '2003', '2006'
for err_code in conn_err_codes:
if args.find(err_code) != -1:
return True
return False
msprime-0.7.4 | msprime-0.7.4//msprime/cli.pyfile:/msprime/ | def convert_float(value, parser):
Converts the specified value to a float if possible. If
conversion fails, exit by calling parser.error.
return float(value)
except ValueError:
parser.error("invalid float value '{}'".format(value))
cyborgclient | cyborgclient//common/cliutils.pyfile:/common/ | def unauthenticated(func):
"""Adds 'unauthenticated' attribute to decorated function.
>>> @unauthenticated
... def mymethod(f):
... pass
func.unauthenticated = True
return func
capsul-2.2.1 | capsul-2.2.1//capsul/process/process.pyclass:ProcessMeta/complement_doc | @staticmethod
def complement_doc(name, docstr):
""" complement the process docstring
docstring = docstr.split('\n')
indent = -1
for line in docstring[1:]:
lstrip = line.strip()
if not lstrip:
lindent = line.index(line.strip())
if indent == -1 or lindent < indent:
indent = lindent
if indent < 0:
indent = 0
docstring += [(' ' * indent + line) for line in ['', '.. note::', '',
" * Type '{0}.help()' for a full description of this process parameters."
" * Type '<{0}>.get_input_spec()' for a full description of this process input trait types."
" * Type '<{0}>.get_output_spec()' for a full description of this process output trait types."
.format(name), '']]
return '\n'.join(docstring)
pyboto3-1.4.4 | pyboto3-1.4.4//pyboto3/ecs.pyfile:/pyboto3/ | def list_clusters(nextToken=None, maxResults=None):
Returns a list of existing clusters.
See also: AWS API Documentation
This example lists all of your available clusters in your default region.
Expected Output:
:example: response = client.list_clusters(
:type nextToken: string
:param nextToken: The nextToken value returned from a previous paginated ListClusters request where maxResults was used and the results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the previous results that returned the nextToken value. This value is null when there are no more results to return.
This token should be treated as an opaque identifier that is only used to retrieve the next items in a list and not for other programmatic purposes.
:type maxResults: integer
:param maxResults: The maximum number of cluster results returned by ListClusters in paginated output. When this parameter is used, ListClusters only returns maxResults results in a single page along with a nextToken response element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by sending another ListClusters request with the returned nextToken value. This value can be between 1 and 100. If this parameter is not used, then ListClusters returns up to 100 results and a nextToken value if applicable.
:rtype: dict
:return: {
'clusterArns': [
'nextToken': 'string'
(string) --
simsurvey-0.6.0 | simsurvey-0.6.0//simsurvey/utils/tools.pyfile:/simsurvey/utils/ | def kwargs_extract(default, **kwargs):
like kwargs_update but extracts keys of default from kwargs
k -- dictionary based on default update for kwargs
l -- kwargs without keys defined in default
k = default.copy()
l = {}
for key, val in kwargs.items():
if key in k.keys():
k[key] = val
l[key] = val
return k, l
dask_cuda | dask_cuda//_version.pyfile:/ | def render_pep440_old(pieces):
"""TAG[.postDISTANCE[.dev0]] .
The ".dev0" means dirty.
1: no tags. 0.postDISTANCE[.dev0]
if pieces['closest-tag']:
rendered = pieces['closest-tag']
if pieces['distance'] or pieces['dirty']:
rendered += '.post%d' % pieces['distance']
if pieces['dirty']:
rendered += '.dev0'
rendered = '' % pieces['distance']
if pieces['dirty']:
rendered += '.dev0'
return rendered
huey-2.2.0 | huey-2.2.0//huey/utils.pyfile:/huey/ | def is_naive(dt):
Determines if a given datetime.datetime is naive.
The concept is defined in Python's docs:
Assuming value.tzinfo is either None or a proper datetime.tzinfo,
value.utcoffset() implements the appropriate logic.
return dt.utcoffset() is None
atlassian_jwt_auth | atlassian_jwt_auth//algorithms.pyfile:/ | def get_permitted_algorithm_names():
""" returns permitted algorithm names. """
return ['RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512', 'ES256', 'ES384', 'ES512', 'PS256',
'PS384', 'PS512']
allmydata | allmydata//interfaces.pyclass:IDirectoryNode/set_nodes | def set_nodes(entries, overwrite=True):
"""Add multiple children to a directory node. Takes a dict mapping
unicode childname to (child_node, metdata) tuples. If metdata=None,
the original metadata is left unmodified. Returns a Deferred that
fires (with this dirnode) when the operation finishes. This is
equivalent to calling set_node() multiple times, but is much more
mizani-0.6.0 | mizani-0.6.0//mizani/utils.pyfile:/mizani/ | def identity(*args):
Return whatever is passed in
return args if len(args) > 1 else args[0]
cxgen-3.0.0 | cxgen-3.0.0//cxgen/utils.pyfile:/cxgen/ | def pythonVersion():
"""Returns python version in a string format"""
from platform import python_version
return python_version()
dexy-2.0.8 | dexy-2.0.8//dexy/filters/id.pyfile:/dexy/filters/ | def p_main(p):
"""entries : entries entry
| entry"""
median_voting | median_voting//median_voting.pyclass:MedianStatistics/sort_votes | @staticmethod
def sort_votes(votes):
""" Sorts the votes in decreasing order and returns the result.
Usually you don't have to sort the elements by yourself, the __init__
method will take care of this. But if the elements are already sorted
from for example a database there is no need to sort them again.
votes (list of MedianVote): The votes to sort.
list of MedianVote: The sorted votes.
return sorted(votes, key=lambda vote: vote.value, reverse=True)
zenmake | zenmake//zm/waf/launcher.pyfile:/zm/waf/ | def setWscriptVars(module, bconf):
Set wscript vars: top, out, APPNAME, VERSION
""" = bconf.confPaths.wscripttop
module.out = bconf.confPaths.wscriptout
module.APPNAME = bconf.projectName
module.VERSION = bconf.projectVersion
eniric | eniric//nIRanalysis.pyfile:/ | def name_assignment(spectrum: str):
assigns a name to the filename in which the spectrum is going to be saved
m0_aces = 'lte03900'
m3_aces = 'lte03500'
m6_aces = 'lte02800'
m9_aces = 'lte02600'
base = 'PHOENIX-ACES-AGSS-COND-2011-HiRes_wave.dat'
if m0_aces in spectrum and base in spectrum:
name = 'M0-PHOENIX-ACES'
elif m3_aces in spectrum and base in spectrum:
name = 'M3-PHOENIX-ACES'
elif m6_aces in spectrum and base in spectrum:
name = 'M6-PHOENIX-ACES'
elif m9_aces in spectrum and base in spectrum:
name = 'M9-PHOENIX-ACES'
raise ValueError('Name {0} not found!'.format(spectrum))
return name
pyspark-2.4.5 | pyspark-2.4.5//pyspark/sql/context.pyclass:HiveContext/_createForTesting | @classmethod
def _createForTesting(cls, sparkContext):
"""(Internal use only) Create a new HiveContext for testing.
All test code that touches HiveContext *must* go through this method. Otherwise,
you may end up launching multiple derby instances and encounter with incredibly
confusing error messages.
jsc =
jtestHive = (
TestHiveContext(jsc, False))
return cls(sparkContext, jtestHive)
ddtrace | ddtrace//contrib/django/utils.pyfile:/contrib/django/ | def resource_from_cache_prefix(resource, cache):
Combine the resource name with the cache prefix (if any)
if getattr(cache, 'key_prefix', None):
name = '{} {}'.format(resource, cache.key_prefix)
name = resource
return name.lower()
fake-bpy-module-2.79-20200428 | fake-bpy-module-2.79-20200428//bpy/ops/armature.pyfile:/bpy/ops/ | def delete():
"""Remove selected bones from the armature
lcmap-merlin- | lcmap-merlin- | def trim(chips, dates):
"""Eliminates chips that are not from the specified dates
chips: Sequence of chips
dates: Sequence of dates that should be included in result
tuple: filtered chips
return tuple(filter(lambda c: c['acquired'] in dates, chips))
zope.formlib-4.7.1 | zope.formlib-4.7.1//src/zope/formlib/interfaces.pyclass:IBrowserWidget/__call__ | def __call__():
"""Render the widget."""
dimcli | dimcli//core/utils.pyfile:/core/ | def line_last_three_words(line):
"""return last three words"""
if len(line.split()) > 2:
return ' '.join([line.split()[-3], line.split()[-2], line.split()[-1]])
return ''
epics-sumo-4.0.1 | epics-sumo-4.0.1//sumolib/cli.pyclass:Container/normalize_name | @staticmethod
def normalize_name(st):
"""remove dashes from a name."""
if st.startswith('--'):
st = st.replace('--', '', 1)
elif st.startswith('-'):
st = st.replace('-', '', 1)
return st.replace('-', '_')
csirtg-spamhaus-0.2 | csirtg-spamhaus-0.2//versioneer.pyfile:/ | def render_pep440_old(pieces):
"""TAG[.postDISTANCE[.dev0]] .
The ".dev0" means dirty.
1: no tags. 0.postDISTANCE[.dev0]
if pieces['closest-tag']:
rendered = pieces['closest-tag']
if pieces['distance'] or pieces['dirty']:
rendered += '.post%d' % pieces['distance']
if pieces['dirty']:
rendered += '.dev0'
rendered = '' % pieces['distance']
if pieces['dirty']:
rendered += '.dev0'
return rendered
zun | zun//pci/utils.pyfile:/pci/ | def _get_sysfs_netdev_path(pci_addr, pf_interface):
"""Get the sysfs path based on the PCI address of the device.
Assumes a networking device - will not check for the existence of the path.
if pf_interface:
return '/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/physfn/net' % pci_addr
return '/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/net' % pci_addr
wpiformat-2020.28 | wpiformat-2020.28//wpiformat/includeorder.pyclass:IncludeOrder/rebuild_include | @staticmethod
def rebuild_include(name_match, group_number):
"""Adds appropriate brackets around include name and "#include" before
that based on group number.
Keyword arguments:
name_match -- include name's regex Match object
group_number -- include classification index
Returns include name with approriate brackets and "#include" prefix.
if 1 <= group_number <= 3:
output = '#include <' +'name'
) + '>' +'postfix')
output = '#include "' +'name'
) + '"' +'postfix')
return'comment') + output
return output
CodeReview-1.0.0 | CodeReview-1.0.0//CodeReview/Tools/Slice.pyclass:Slice/__and__ | def __and__(i1, i2):
"""Return the intersection of i1 and i2."""
return i1.__class__(*i1._intersection(i1, i2))
GetCCWarc-0.0.1.dev34 | GetCCWarc-0.0.1.dev34//GetCCWarc/_version.pyfile:/GetCCWarc/ | def render_git_describe_long(pieces):
Like 'git describe --tags --dirty --always -long'.
The distance/hash is unconditional.
1: no tags. HEX[-dirty] (note: no 'g' prefix)
if pieces['closest-tag']:
rendered = pieces['closest-tag']
rendered += '-%d-g%s' % (pieces['distance'], pieces['short'])
rendered = pieces['short']
if pieces['dirty']:
rendered += '-dirty'
return rendered
cbdd-scopy-1.1.2 | cbdd-scopy-1.1.2//scopy/druglikeness/molproperty.pyfile:/scopy/druglikeness/ | def GetProperties(mol, items=['MW', 'Vol', 'Dense', 'fChar', 'nBond',
'nAtom', 'nHD', 'nHA', 'nHB', 'nHet', 'nStero', 'nHev', 'nRot', 'nRig',
'Flex', 'nRing', 'logP', 'logD', 'pKa', 'logSw', 'ab', 'MR', 'TPSA',
'AP', 'HetRatio', 'Fsp3', 'MaxRing', 'QEDmean', 'QEDmax', 'QEDnone',
'SAscore', 'NPscore', 'nSingle', 'nDouble', 'nTriple', 'nC', 'nB', 'nF',
'nCl', 'nBr', 'nI', 'nP', 'nS', 'nO', 'nN']):
Get all properties in scopy
funcl = {'MW': 'CalculateMolWeight(mol)', 'Vol':
'CalculateMolVolume(mol)', 'Dense': 'CalculateMolDensity(mol)',
'fChar': 'CalculateMolFCharge(mol)', 'nBond':
'CalculateNumBonds(mol)', 'nAtom': 'CalculateNumAtoms(mol)', 'nHet':
'CalculateNumHetero(mol)', 'nRot':
'CalculateNumRotatableBonds(mol)', 'nRig':
'CalculateNumRigidBonds(mol)', 'Flex': 'CalculateFlexibility(mol)',
'nRing': 'CalculateNumRing(mol)', 'nHev':
'CalculateNumHeavyAtom(mol)', 'logP': 'CalculateLogP(mol)', 'logD':
'CalculateLogD(mol)', 'pKa': 'CalculatepKa(mol)', 'ab':
'CheckAcid(mol)', 'MR': 'CalculateMolMR(mol)', 'nHD':
'CalculateNumHDonors(mol)', 'nHA': 'CalculateNumHAcceptors(mol)',
'nHB': 'CalculateNumHyBond(mol)', 'AP':
'CalculateAromaticProportion(mol)', 'logSw': 'CalculateLogSw(mol)',
'Fsp3': 'CalculateFsp3(mol)', 'TPSA': 'CalculateTPSA(mol)',
'MaxRing': 'CalculateMaxSizeSystemRing(mol)', 'nStero':
'CalculateNumStereocenters(mol)', 'HetRatio':
'CalculateHetCarbonRatio(mol)', 'QEDmean': 'CalculateQEDmean(mol)',
'QEDmax': 'CalculateQEDmax(mol)', 'QEDnone':
'CalculateQEDnone(mol)', 'SAscore': 'CalculateSAscore(mol)',
'NPscore': 'CalculateNPscore(mol)', 'nSingle':
'CalculateNumSinBond(mol)', 'nDouble': 'CalculateNumDouBond(mol)',
'nTriple': 'CalculateNumTriBond(mol)', 'nC':
'CalculateNumCarbon(mol)', 'nB': 'CalculateNumBoron(mol)', 'nF':
'CalculateNumFluorin(mol)', 'nCl': 'CalculateNumChlorin(mol)',
'nBr': 'CalculateNumBromine(mol)', 'nI': 'CalculateNumIodine(mol)',
'nP': 'CalculateNumPhosphor(mol)', 'nS': 'CalculateNumSulfur(mol)',
'nO': 'CalculateNumOxygen(mol)', 'nN': 'CalculateNumNitrogen(mol)'}
vals = []
for item in items:
val = eval(funcl[item])
return dict(zip(items, vals))
MongoFrames-1.3.5 | MongoFrames-1.3.5//mongoframes/factory/blueprints.pyclass:Blueprint/assemble | @classmethod
def assemble(cls):
"""Assemble a single document using the blueprint"""
document = {}
for field_name, maker in cls._instructions.items():
document[field_name] = maker()
return document
robottelo | robottelo//cli/org.pyclass:Org/remove_compute_resource | @classmethod
def remove_compute_resource(cls, options=None):
"""Removes a computeresource from an org"""
cls.command_sub = 'remove-compute-resource'
return cls.execute(cls._construct_command(options))
ikpy | ikpy//utils/geometry.pyfile:/utils/ | def homogeneous_to_cartesian_vectors(homogeneous_vector):
"""Convert an homogeneous vector to cartesian vector"""
return homogeneous_vector[:-1]
bout_install-0.1.8 | bout_install-0.1.8//bout_install/installer/PETScInstaller.pyclass:PETScInstaller/get_configure_command | @staticmethod
def get_configure_command(config_options=None):
Get the command to configure the package.
Configuring happens through python 2
config_options : dict
Configuration options to use with `./configure`.
The configuration options will be converted to `--key=val` during
config_str : str
The configuration command
options = ''
if config_options is not None:
for key, val in config_options.items():
if val is not None:
options += f' --{key}={val}'
options += f' --{key}'
config_str = f'python2 ./configure{options}'
return config_str
prysm | prysm//zernike.pyfile:/ | def primary_spherical(rho, phi):
"""Zernike primary Spherical."""
return 6 * rho ** 4 - 6 * rho ** 2 + 1
pyboto3-1.4.4 | pyboto3-1.4.4//pyboto3/s3.pyfile:/pyboto3/ | def delete_object_tagging(Bucket=None, Key=None, VersionId=None):
Removes the tag-set from an existing object.
See also: AWS API Documentation
:example: response = client.delete_object_tagging(
:type Bucket: string
:param Bucket: [REQUIRED]
:type Key: string
:param Key: [REQUIRED]
:type VersionId: string
:param VersionId: The versionId of the object that the tag-set will be removed from.
:rtype: dict
:return: {
'VersionId': 'string'
(dict) --
VersionId (string) -- The versionId of the object the tag-set was removed from.
tuskar-0.4.18 | tuskar-0.4.18//tuskar/templates/plan.pyfile:/tuskar/templates/ | def generate_group_id(namespace):
"""Generates the ID for a resource group wrapper resource around the
resource with the given namespace.
:type namespace: str
:rtype: str
return namespace.rsplit('-', 1)[0]
ambition | ambition//rest.pyclass:RESTClient/POST | @classmethod
def POST(cls, *n, **kw):
Perform a POST request using `RESTClient.request()`
return cls.IMPL.POST(*n, **kw)
WsgiDAV-3.0.3 | WsgiDAV-3.0.3//wsgidav/util.pyfile:/wsgidav/ | def is_equal_or_child_uri(parentUri, childUri):
"""Return True, if childUri is a child of parentUri or maps to the same resource.
Similar to <util.is_child_uri>_ , but this method also returns True, if parent
equals child. ('/a/b' is considered identical with '/a/b/').
return parentUri and childUri and (childUri.rstrip('/') + '/').startswith(
parentUri.rstrip('/') + '/')
emulsion | emulsion//agent/core/abstract_agent.pyclass:AbstractAgent/from_dict | @classmethod
def from_dict(cls, dct):
"""Instantiate an agent using the specified dictionary.
return cls(**dct)
solprimer | solprimer//solprim/solartimeposition.pyfile:/solprim/ | def geo_coordinates(longitude=0, latitude=0):
transform geographical coordinates given as longitude [-180..+180]
and latitude [-90..+90] in a string with absolute indications and
'N', 'S', 'E', 'W'
- longitude, decimal degrees, float
- latitude, decimal degrees, float
- string in format '27.34N 14.82E'
if latitude >= 0:
lat_dir = 'N'
lat_val = str(round(latitude, 2))
lat_dir = 'S'
lat_val = str(round(-latitude, 2))
if longitude >= 0:
lon_dir = 'E'
lon_val = str(round(longitude, 2))
lon_dir = 'W'
lon_val = str(round(-longitude, 2))
coord = lat_val + '' + lat_dir + ' ' + lon_val + '' + lon_dir
return coord
dataflake.cache-1.12 | dataflake.cache-1.12//dataflake/cache/interfaces.pyclass:ICache/invalidate | def invalidate(key=None):
""" Invalidate the given key, or all key/values if no key is passed.
polyglotdb-1.0.0 | polyglotdb-1.0.0//polyglotdb/syllabification/probabilistic.pyfile:/polyglotdb/syllabification/ | def split_nonsyllabic_prob(string, onsets, codas):
Guesses split between onset and coda in list with no found syllabic segments
string : iterable
the phones to search through
onsets : iterable
an iterable of possible onsets
codas : iterable
an iterable of possible codas
best guess for the index in the string where the onset ends and coda begins
if len(string) == 0:
return None
max_prob = -10000
best = None
for i in range(len(string) + 1):
prob = 0
ons = tuple(string[:i])
cod = tuple(string[i:])
if ons not in onsets:
prob += onsets[None]
prob += onsets[ons]
if cod not in codas:
prob += codas[None]
prob += codas[cod]
if prob > max_prob:
max_prob = prob
best = i
return best
ftw.blueprints-1.1.1 | ftw.blueprints-1.1.1//ftw/blueprints/interfaces.pyclass:IXMLHandler/parse_xml_string | def parse_xml_string(xml_string):
"""Parses a xml string with minidom
python_toolbox | python_toolbox//sequence_tools/misc.pyfile:/sequence_tools/ | def are_equal_regardless_of_order(seq1, seq2):
Do `seq1` and `seq2` contain the same elements, same number of times?
Disregards order of elements.
Currently will fail for items that have problems with comparing.
from python_toolbox import nifty_collections
return nifty_collections.Bag(seq1) == nifty_collections.Bag(seq2)
suzu-0.4.1 | suzu-0.4.1//suzu/atomtbl.pyclass:AtomTbl/validate_wunit | @staticmethod
def validate_wunit(w):
@param w widget mapping
err = []
v = w['symbol'].get()
if len(v) < 1 or len(v) > 2:
stat = False
err.append(('symbol', 'char length is not valid'))
err.append(('symbol', 'exception orruced'))
for name in ['z', 'w', 'stoich', 'disp']:
e = w[name].validate()
if e:
err.append((name, e))
return err if err else None
pytorch_pretrained_bert | pytorch_pretrained_bert//modeling_transfo_xl.pyfile:/ | def build_tf_to_pytorch_map(model, config):
""" A map of modules from TF to PyTorch.
This time I use a map to keep the PyTorch model as identical to the original PyTorch model as possible.
tf_to_pt_map = {}
if hasattr(model, 'transformer'):
'transformer/adaptive_softmax/cutoff_0/cluster_W': model.crit.
'transformer/adaptive_softmax/cutoff_0/cluster_b': model.crit.
for i, (out_l, proj_l, tie_proj) in enumerate(zip(model.crit.
out_layers, model.crit.out_projs, config.tie_projs)):
layer_str = 'transformer/adaptive_softmax/cutoff_%d/' % i
if config.tie_weight:
tf_to_pt_map.update({(layer_str + 'b'): out_l.bias})
raise NotImplementedError
tf_to_pt_map.update({(layer_str + 'lookup_table'): out_l.
weight, (layer_str + 'b'): out_l.bias})
if not tie_proj:
tf_to_pt_map.update({(layer_str + 'proj'): proj_l})
model = model.transformer
for i, (embed_l, proj_l) in enumerate(zip(model.word_emb.emb_layers,
layer_str = 'transformer/adaptive_embed/cutoff_%d/' % i
tf_to_pt_map.update({(layer_str + 'lookup_table'): embed_l.weight,
(layer_str + 'proj_W'): proj_l})
for i, b in enumerate(model.layers):
layer_str = 'transformer/layer_%d/' % i
tf_to_pt_map.update({(layer_str + 'rel_attn/LayerNorm/gamma'): b.
dec_attn.layer_norm.weight, (layer_str +
'rel_attn/LayerNorm/beta'): b.dec_attn.layer_norm.bias, (
layer_str + 'rel_attn/o/kernel'): b.dec_attn.o_net.weight, (
layer_str + 'rel_attn/qkv/kernel'): b.dec_attn.qkv_net.weight,
(layer_str + 'rel_attn/r/kernel'): b.dec_attn.r_net.weight, (
layer_str + 'ff/LayerNorm/gamma'): b.pos_ff.layer_norm.weight,
(layer_str + 'ff/LayerNorm/beta'): b.pos_ff.layer_norm.bias, (
layer_str + 'ff/layer_1/kernel'): b.pos_ff.CoreNet[0].weight, (
layer_str + 'ff/layer_1/bias'): b.pos_ff.CoreNet[0].bias, (
layer_str + 'ff/layer_2/kernel'): b.pos_ff.CoreNet[3].weight, (
layer_str + 'ff/layer_2/bias'): b.pos_ff.CoreNet[3].bias})
if config.untie_r:
r_r_list = []
r_w_list = []
for b in model.layers:
r_r_list = [model.r_r_bias]
r_w_list = [model.r_w_bias]
tf_to_pt_map.update({'transformer/r_r_bias': r_r_list,
'transformer/r_w_bias': r_w_list})
return tf_to_pt_map
dk-1.1.2 | dk-1.1.2//dk/utils.pyfile:/dk/ | def hour_minute(v):
"""Convert 7.5 (hours) to (7, 30) i.e. 7 hours and 30 minutes."""
h = int(v)
m = int((v - h) * 60)
return h, m
cameo-0.11.15 | cameo-0.11.15//versioneer.pyfile:/ | def render_git_describe(pieces):
Like 'git describe --tags --dirty --always'.
1: no tags. HEX[-dirty] (note: no 'g' prefix)
if pieces['closest-tag']:
rendered = pieces['closest-tag']
if pieces['distance']:
rendered += '-%d-g%s' % (pieces['distance'], pieces['short'])
rendered = pieces['short']
if pieces['dirty']:
rendered += '-dirty'
return rendered
remofile | remofile//algorithm.pyfile:/ | def download_files(client, source, destination, relative_directory):
""" Download files from the remote directory.
This method downloads one file, an entire directory or a set of
files (specified by shell glob pattern) to a given directory in
in the local filesystem. Additional parameters are there to
refine the process.
The source parameter refers to the remote file(s) to be
transfered to the local filesystem and is expected to be a
path-like object, unless it's a shell glob pattern in which case
a string is expected. The path must be relative and is by
default relative to the root directory. It can be
altered with the relative_directory parameter which itself must
be path-like object refering to an absolute directory.
The destination parameter refers to the remote directory in
which the file(s) must be transfered to. It must be a path-like
object and must be absolute.
Long description.
:param source: Foobar.
:param destination: Foobar.
:param chunk_size: Foobar.
:type chunk_size: int
:param process_chunk: Foobar.
:param timeout: How many milliseconds to wait before giving up
:type timeout: int
parl-1.3 | parl-1.3//parl/core/fluid/plutils/common.pyfile:/parl/core/fluid/plutils/ | def inverse(x):
""" Inverse 0/1 variable
x: variable with float32 dtype
inverse_x: variable with float32 dtype
inverse_x = -1.0 * x + 1.0
return inverse_x
ovation-1.26.0 | ovation-1.26.0//ovation/core.pyfile:/ovation/ | def delete_entity(session, entity):
Deletes an entity. Deleted entities are put in the "trash" and are no longer visible
or returned by GET operations. Trashed entities can be restored from the trash by
calling `undelete_entity`.
:param session: ovation.session.Session
:param entity: entity dict or ID
:return: deleted entity Dict
id = entity['_id']
except TypeError:
id = entity
return session.delete(session.path(entity_id=id))
music21-5.7.2 | music21-5.7.2//music21/search/base.pyfile:/music21/search/ | def translateNoteTieToByte(n):
takes a note.Note object and returns a one-byte representation
of its tie status.
's' if start tie, 'e' if stop tie, 'c' if continue tie, and '' if no tie
>>> n = note.Note('E')
>>> search.translateNoteTieToByte(n)
>>> n.tie = tie.Tie('start')
>>> search.translateNoteTieToByte(n)
>>> n.tie.type = 'continue'
>>> search.translateNoteTieToByte(n)
>>> n.tie.type = 'stop'
>>> search.translateNoteTieToByte(n)
if n.tie is None:
return ''
elif n.tie.type == 'start':
return 's'
elif n.tie.type == 'continue':
return 'c'
elif n.tie.type == 'stop':
return 'e'
return ''
PyTrack-NTU-1.0.3 | PyTrack-NTU-1.0.3//PyTrack/formatBridge.pyfile:/PyTrack/ | def getColHeaders():
"""Function to return the column headers for the *PyTrack* base format data representation.
return ['Timestamp', 'StimulusName', 'EventSource', 'GazeLeftx',
'GazeRightx', 'GazeLefty', 'GazeRighty', 'PupilLeft', 'PupilRight',
'FixationSeq', 'SaccadeSeq', 'Blink', 'GazeAOI']
pyfacebook-0.3 | pyfacebook-0.3//pyfacebook/me.pyclass:Me/get_token_uri | def get_token_uri(APP_ID, scope):
Returns URL for getting tokens
uri = '' % APP_ID
uri += ('&scope=%s&redirect_uri=https://localhost&response_type=token' %
return uri
soma-base-4.6.4 | soma-base-4.6.4//python/soma/qt_gui/controls/Enum.pyclass:EnumControlWidget/is_valid | @staticmethod
def is_valid(control_instance, *args, **kwargs):
""" Method to check if the new control value is correct.
control_instance: QComboBox (mandatory)
the control widget we want to validate
out: bool
always True since the control value is always valid
return True
natcap | natcap//rios/porter_core.pyfile:/rios/ | def write_csv(column_headers, rows, output_uri):
"""Given a list of column headers and contents, write to a csv file
column_headers - a list of strings defining the column names
rows - a list of lists where an inner list index corresponds
to the column header in column_headers
output_uri - the location to save the output .csv file
returns nothing"""
superset-dywx-0.26.3 | superset-dywx-0.26.3//superset/db_engine_specs.pyclass:SqliteEngineSpec/get_table_names | @classmethod
def get_table_names(cls, schema, inspector):
"""Need to disregard the schema for Sqlite"""
return sorted(inspector.get_table_names())
aiortc-dc-0.5.5 | aiortc-dc-0.5.5//examples/datachannel-filexfer/wssignaling.pyfile:/examples/datachannel-filexfer/ | def add_signaling_arguments(parser):
Add signaling method arguments to an argparse.ArgumentParser.
parser.add_argument('--signaling-host', default='', help=
'Signaling host (websocket server host)')
parser.add_argument('--signaling-port', default=1234, help=
'Signaling port (websocket server port)')
fake-bpy-module-2.79-20200428 | fake-bpy-module-2.79-20200428//bpy/ops/action.pyfile:/bpy/ops/ | def view_all():
"""Reset viewable area to show full keyframe range
APLpy-2.0.3 | APLpy-2.0.3//astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/utils.pyfile:/astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/ | def get_numpy_include_path():
Gets the path to the numpy headers.
import builtins
if hasattr(builtins, '__NUMPY_SETUP__'):
del builtins.__NUMPY_SETUP__
import imp
import numpy
numpy_include = numpy.get_include()
except AttributeError:
numpy_include = numpy.get_numpy_include()
return numpy_include
JapaneseTokenizer | JapaneseTokenizer//datamodels.pyfile:/ | def __is_sotpwords(token, stopwords):
"""This function filters out stopwords. If token is in stopwords list, return True; else return False
if token in stopwords:
return True
return False
zope.formlib-4.7.1 | zope.formlib-4.7.1//src/zope/formlib/interfaces.pyclass:IAddFormCustomization/create | def create(data):
"""Create and return an object to be added to the context.
The data argument is a dictionary with values supplied by the
If any user errors occur, they should be collected into a list
and raised as a `WidgetsError`.
cptac | cptac//dataframe_tools.pyfile:/ | def standardize_axes_names(data_dict):
"""For all dataframes in the given dictionary, sets the name of the index axes to "Patient_ID", because that's what they all are by that point, and sets the name of the column axes to "Name".
data_dict (dict): The dataframe dictionary of the dataset.
dict: The dataframe dictionary, with the dataframe axes' names standardized. Keys are str of dataframe names, values are pandas DataFrames
for name in data_dict.keys():
df = data_dict[name] = 'Patient_ID' = 'Name'
data_dict[name] = df
return data_dict
cleave-0.28 | cleave-0.28//cleave/server.pyclass:BaseServer/_read | @staticmethod
def _read(sock, chunk_len=2048):
Read all chunks from socket connection
:param sock:
:param chunk_len:
result = sock.recv(chunk_len)
if len(result) == chunk_len:
while True:
tmp = sock.recv(chunk_len)
result += tmp
if len(tmp) < chunk_len:
return result
numba | numba//core/types/misc.pyfile:/core/types/ | def unliteral(lit_type):
Get base type from Literal type.
if hasattr(lit_type, '__unliteral__'):
return lit_type.__unliteral__()
return getattr(lit_type, 'literal_type', lit_type)
simple_format-0.2 | simple_format-0.2//simple_format/_scan.pyfile:/simple_format/ | def scan3(alines):
"""deal with indents in text lines"""
outer_indent = [0]
for i, aline in enumerate(alines):
if aline.type in ['ordered', 'unordered']:
while outer_indent[-1] >= aline.outer_indent:
elif aline.type == 'text':
while outer_indent[-1] > aline.content_start:
aline.indent = outer_indent[-1]
return alines
fdict | fdict//fdict.pyclass:fdict/_get_root_parent_node | @staticmethod
def _get_root_parent_node(path, delimiter='/', rootpath=None):
"""Get path to the root parent of current leaf"""
if rootpath:
startpos = len(rootpath) + 1
startpos = 0
m = path.find(delimiter, startpos)
return path[:m] if m >= 0 else None
m01.grid-3.0.0 | m01.grid-3.0.0//src/m01/grid/interfaces.pyclass:IChunkReader/read | def read(size=-1):
"""Read at most `size` bytes from the file
If size is negative or omitted all data is read
colcol | colcol//colcol.pyfile:/ | def is_rgb(in_col):
Check whether input is a valid RGB color.
Return True if it is, otherwise False.
if len(in_col) == 3 and type(in_col) == tuple:
if 0 <= in_col[0] <= 255 and 0 <= in_col[1] <= 255 and 0 <= in_col[2
] <= 255:
return True
return False
return False
nibetaseries-0.6.0 | nibetaseries-0.6.0//versioneer.pyfile:/ | def render_pep440_old(pieces):
"""TAG[.postDISTANCE[.dev0]] .
The ".dev0" means dirty.
1: no tags. 0.postDISTANCE[.dev0]
if pieces['closest-tag']:
rendered = pieces['closest-tag']
if pieces['distance'] or pieces['dirty']:
rendered += '.post%d' % pieces['distance']
if pieces['dirty']:
rendered += '.dev0'
rendered = '' % pieces['distance']
if pieces['dirty']:
rendered += '.dev0'
return rendered
bpy_nibbler-0.1 | bpy_nibbler-0.1//bpy_lambda/2.78/scripts/addons/io_scene_fbx/fbx_utils.pyfile:/bpy_lambda/2.78/scripts/addons/io_scene_fbx/ | def similar_values(v1, v2, e=1e-06):
"""Return True if v1 and v2 are nearly the same."""
if v1 == v2:
return True
return abs(v1 - v2) / max(abs(v1), abs(v2)) <= e
longling-1.3.12 | longling-1.3.12//longling/lib/candylib.pyfile:/longling/lib/ | def list2dict(list_obj, value=None, dict_obj=None):
>>> list_obj = ["a", 2, "c"]
>>> list2dict(list_obj, 10)
{'a': {2: {'c': 10}}}
dict_obj = {} if dict_obj is None else dict_obj
_dict_obj = dict_obj
for e in list_obj[:-1]:
if e not in _dict_obj:
_dict_obj[e] = {}
_dict_obj = _dict_obj[e]
_dict_obj[list_obj[-1]] = value
return dict_obj
ipwb-0.2020.4.24.1847 | ipwb-0.2020.4.24.1847//ipwb/replay.pyfile:/ipwb/ | def compile_target_uri(url: str, query_string: bytes) ->str:
"""Append GET query string to the page path, to get full URI."""
if query_string:
return '{}?{}'.format(url, query_string.decode('utf-8'))
return url
alnitak | alnitak//parser.pyfile:/ | def version_message(prog):
"""Program version message.
prog (State): program state.
str: the message to print.
return '{} {}\n{}'.format(, prog.version, prog.copyright)
fake-bpy-module-2.79-20200428 | fake-bpy-module-2.79-20200428//bpy/ops/anim.pyfile:/bpy/ops/ | def paste_driver_button():
"""Paste the driver in the copy/paste buffer for the highlighted button
bpy | bpy//ops/outliner.pyfile:/ops/ | def collection_enable():
"""Enable viewport drawing in the view layers
polaris | polaris//fetch/data_fetch_decoder.pyfile:/fetch/ | def build_decode_cmd(src, dest, decoder):
""" Build command to decode downloaded into JSON """
decode_multiple = 'decode_multiple'
decoder_module = decoder
input_format = 'csv'
decode_cmd = (
'{decode_multiple} --filename {src} --format {input_format} {decoder_module} > {dest}'
.format(decode_multiple=decode_multiple, decoder_module=
decoder_module, src=src, input_format=input_format, dest=dest))
return decode_cmd
mpu-0.23.0 | mpu-0.23.0//mpu/string.pyfile:/mpu/ | def is_int(potential_int: str) ->bool:
Check if potential_int is a valid integer.
potential_int : str
is_int : bool
>>> is_int('123')
>>> is_int('1234567890123456789')
>>> is_int('0')
>>> is_int('-123')
>>> is_int('123.45')
>>> is_int('a')
>>> is_int('0x8')
return True
except ValueError:
return False
class_only_design-0.3.0 | class_only_design-0.3.0//class_only_design/util.pyfile:/class_only_design/ | def _is_sunder(name):
"""Returns True if a _sunder_ name, False otherwise."""
return name[0] == name[-1] == '_' and name[1:2] != '_' and name[-2:-1
] != '_' and len(name) > 2
wrk-0.3.2 | wrk-0.3.2//kale/task.pyclass:Task/_clean_task_environment | @staticmethod
def _clean_task_environment(task_id=None, task_name=None, exc=None):
"""Cleans the environment for this task.
task_id: string of task id.
task_name: string of task name.
exc: The exception raised by the task, None if the task succeeded.
torrentpy | torrentpy//models/river/inca.pyclass:INCAr/_get_out | @staticmethod
def _get_out(waterbody, datetime_time_step, dict_data_frame, r_out_c_no3,
r_out_c_nh4, r_out_c_dph, r_out_c_pph, r_out_c_sed, r_s_m_no3,
r_s_m_nh4, r_s_m_dph, r_s_m_pph, r_s_m_sed):
This function is the interface between the model and the data models of the simulator.
It stores the outputs, and updated states in the data frame.
dict_data_frame[waterbody][datetime_time_step]['r_out_c_no3'] = r_out_c_no3
dict_data_frame[waterbody][datetime_time_step]['r_out_c_nh4'] = r_out_c_nh4
dict_data_frame[waterbody][datetime_time_step]['r_out_c_dph'] = r_out_c_dph
dict_data_frame[waterbody][datetime_time_step]['r_out_c_pph'] = r_out_c_pph
dict_data_frame[waterbody][datetime_time_step]['r_out_c_sed'] = r_out_c_sed
dict_data_frame[waterbody][datetime_time_step]['r_s_m_no3'] = r_s_m_no3
dict_data_frame[waterbody][datetime_time_step]['r_s_m_nh4'] = r_s_m_nh4
dict_data_frame[waterbody][datetime_time_step]['r_s_m_dph'] = r_s_m_dph
dict_data_frame[waterbody][datetime_time_step]['r_s_m_pph'] = r_s_m_pph
dict_data_frame[waterbody][datetime_time_step]['r_s_m_sed'] = r_s_m_sed
pmxutils | pmxutils//mathtools.pyfile:/ | def advConstruct(expression, *args, constants={}):
"""Returns a function computing the given expression. The variable names need to be listed as individual string arguments.
Constants is an optional argument with the name and value of constants in the expression"""
string = """def func({}):
return {}""".format(', '.join(args),
expression.replace('^', '**'))
exec(string, constants)
return constants['func']
Subsets and Splits