IC Light V2
Execute code provided in environment variable
Execute code provided in environment variable
Note 换背景图的,产品换背景图也可以
Remove backgrounds from images
Note 主要是去除背景的,这个好用
Remove background from images
Note 主要是去除背景的
Generate customized images with prompts and ID images
Note 文字+参考图,生成新的图片
Try on virtual garments on your uploaded images
Note 虚拟换衣服
Generate customized portraits using ID images and prompts
Note 图+图混合生成
Note 简单涂鸦的
flux.1 dev + super realism lora
Note 文生图,半身人像|真实质感
@video-infer @gemma3
Note 有正反提示词+lora的
Apply the motion of a video on a portrait
Ultralytics 8.2.. | YOLO (v8)
Create your own AI comic with a single prompt