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FixedReplyFlow Objects

class FixedReplyFlow(AtomicFlow)

This class implements a FixedReplyFlow. It's used to reply with a fixed reply.

Configuration Parameters:

  • name (str): The name of the flow.

  • description (str): A description of the flow. This description is used to generate the help message of the flow.

  • fixed_reply (str): The fixed reply to reply with.

  • The other configuration parameters are inherited from the default configuration of AtomicFlow (see AtomicFlow)

Input Interface:

  • None

Output Interface:

  • fixed_reply (str): The fixed reply.


  • \**kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): The keyword arguments passed to the AtomicFlow constructor. Among these is the flow_config which should also contain the "fixed_reply" key.


def run(input_message: FlowMessage)

Runs the FixedReplyFlow. It's used to reply with a fixed reply.


  • input_message (FlowMessage): The input message