I'm having the weirdest issue with this model (solved)

by BigBeavis - opened

No matter what sampler settings i use, when i reroll the generation, it repeats one of 2-3 possible messages. So it's not like it only repeats the same generation which usually means issue with backend, it's a few different ones but no more than that, and they're the exact same. So it might still be a backend problem, but i'm only encountering it with this model. Dunno what to make of this.

My dumb ass set Top P to 0 and didn't notice. False alarm, it WAS a sampler issue! Don't be like me, set it 1 if you want to turn it off!

BigBeavis changed discussion title from I'm having the weirdest issue with this model to I'm having the weirdest issue with this model (solved)

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