Debertav3.cs to 2.1.1 support
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- DebertaV3.cs +147 -153
@@ -6,157 +6,151 @@ using UnityEngine;
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public sealed class DebertaV3 : MonoBehaviour
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public int BatchCount;
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public int BatchLength;
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public int[] BatchedTokens;
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public int[] BatchedMasks;
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public sealed class DebertaV3 : MonoBehaviour
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public ModelAsset model;
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public TextAsset vocabulary;
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public bool multipleTrueClasses;
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public string text = "Angela Merkel is a politician in Germany and leader of the CDU";
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public string hypothesisTemplate = "This example is about {}";
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public string[] classes = { "politics", "economy", "entertainment", "environment" };
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Worker engine;
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string[] vocabularyTokens;
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const int padToken = 0;
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const int startToken = 1;
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const int separatorToken = 2;
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const int vocabToTokenOffset = 260;
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void Start()
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if (classes.Length == 0)
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Debug.LogError("There need to be more than 0 classes");
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vocabularyTokens = vocabulary.text.Replace("\r", "").Split("\n");
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Model baseModel = ModelLoader.Load(model);
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// Create the engine with the base model using the updated constructor
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engine = new Worker(baseModel, BackendType.GPUCompute);
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string[] hypotheses = classes.Select(x => hypothesisTemplate.Replace("{}", x)).ToArray();
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Batch batch = GetTokenizedBatch(text, hypotheses);
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float[] scores = GetBatchScores(batch);
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for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length; i++)
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Debug.Log($"[{classes[i]}] Entailment Score: {scores[i]}");
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float[] GetBatchScores(Batch batch)
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using var inputIds = new Tensor<int>(new TensorShape(batch.BatchCount, batch.BatchLength), batch.BatchedTokens);
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using var attentionMask = new Tensor<int>(new TensorShape(batch.BatchCount, batch.BatchLength), batch.BatchedMasks);
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// Schedule the execution with the inputs as array
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engine.Schedule(new Tensor[] { inputIds, attentionMask });
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// Get the output tensor
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var output = engine.PeekOutput(0);
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var scores = new float[batch.BatchCount];
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// Get the raw data from tensor using the new method
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if (output is Tensor<float> floatOutput)
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var shape = floatOutput.shape;
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var data = floatOutput.DownloadToArray();
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// Apply softmax manually
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for (int i = 0; i < batch.BatchCount; i++)
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float val1 = data[i * 2];
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float val2 = data[i * 2 + 1];
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float maxVal = Math.Max(val1, val2);
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float exp1 = (float)Math.Exp(val1 - maxVal);
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float exp2 = (float)Math.Exp(val2 - maxVal);
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float sum = exp1 + exp2;
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scores[i] = exp1 / sum; // Normalized probability for the first class
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return scores;
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Batch GetTokenizedBatch(string prompt, string[] hypotheses)
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Batch batch = new Batch();
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List<int> promptTokens = Tokenize(prompt);
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promptTokens.Insert(0, startToken);
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List<int>[] tokenizedHypotheses = hypotheses.Select(Tokenize).ToArray();
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int maxTokenLength = tokenizedHypotheses.Max(x => x.Count);
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// Each example in the batch follows this format:
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// Start Prompt Separator Hypothesis Separator Padding
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int[] batchedTokens = tokenizedHypotheses.SelectMany(hypothesis => promptTokens
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.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(padToken, maxTokenLength - hypothesis.Count)))
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// The attention masks have the same length as the tokens.
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// Each attention mask contains repeating 1s for each token, except for padding tokens.
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int[] batchedMasks = tokenizedHypotheses.SelectMany(hypothesis => Enumerable.Repeat(1, promptTokens.Count + 1)
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.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(1, hypothesis.Count + 1))
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.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(0, maxTokenLength - hypothesis.Count)))
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batch.BatchCount = hypotheses.Length;
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batch.BatchLength = batchedTokens.Length / hypotheses.Length;
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batch.BatchedTokens = batchedTokens;
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batch.BatchedMasks = batchedMasks;
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return batch;
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List<int> Tokenize(string input)
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string[] words = input.Split(null);
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List<int> ids = new();
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foreach (string word in words)
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int start = 0;
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for(int i = word.Length; i >= 0; i--)
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string subWord = start == 0 ? "▁" + word.Substring(start, i) : word.Substring(start, i-start);
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int index = Array.IndexOf(vocabularyTokens, subWord);
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if (index >= 0)
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ids.Add(index + vocabToTokenOffset);
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if (i == word.Length) break;
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start = i;
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i = word.Length + 1;
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return ids;
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void OnDestroy() => engine?.Dispose();
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struct Batch
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public int BatchCount;
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public int BatchLength;
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public int[] BatchedTokens;
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public int[] BatchedMasks;
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