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Hotaru Jujo's LoRA Collection

  • 十条蛍(Hotaru Jujo)の作成したLoRAを配布しています。
    • You can download Hotaru Jujo's LoRA collection from this repo.
  • 作者プロフィール / Author's profile
  • すべてのLoRAはMITライセンスでのリリースとなります。
    • All LoRA's are licensed under MIT LICENSE.
  • LoRAの使用にあたって事前承諾や事後報告などは一切必要ありませんが、TwitterなどSNSで紹介していただけると嬉しいです。
    • No prior consent or after reporting is required for the use of LoRA, but I would appreciate it if you could introduce it on Twitter or other SNS.
  • 配布中のLoRAは、特記していない限りCFG Scale 7、Clip skip 1を標準設定として開発・動作検証しています。
    • Unless otherwise noted, all LoRA's are developed and tested on "CFG Scale 7" and "Clip skip 1" settings.

目次 (Index)

デフォル眼 / ジト目 / 白目 / 黒目 / (☆_☆)/(♡_♡)の目 / オッドアイ固定化補助 / にやにやした表情の目と口 / デフォルメされた猫の目と口 / 猫の目&猫の口 / 驚いた目&眠そうな目 / 目隠れ / ぐにゃぐにゃ口 / 閉じた口 / 大きく開いた口 / 前面ライトアップ / 暗闇化/光る眼 / 2.5D変換 / ペーパーキャラクター / 集中線 / ぼかし&背景ぼかし / キャラクター発光 / トーンカーブ調整 / 彩度調整 / ウィンク補助 / 激おこ顔 / にっこり笑顔 / 思案顔 / 茹でダコ顔 / 青醒め顔

Comic expressions / Comic expression : scornful eyes / Comic expression : white eyes / Comic expression : black eyes / Star and heart shaped eyes / Heterochromia helper / Smirking eyes and mouth / Anime cat eyes/mouth / Cat eyes / Cat mouth / Surprised eyes / Sleepy eyes / Hair over eyes / Wavy mouth set / Closed mouth set / Wide open mouth set / Front lighting / Darkness / Glowing eyes / Convert 2D to 2.5D / Paper character effect / Comic effect : concentrated lines / Blur / Background blur / Character luminescence / Tone curve control / Saturation control / Wink helper / Extremely angry face / Smiling face / Thinking face / Strongly embarrassed face / Paled face

実験LoRA置き場 (Experimental LoRA files)

デフォル眼 (Comic expressions)

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Sample image


Deformation expressions which are familiar in manga and anime-style can be reproduced.

ジト目 (Comic expression : scornful eyes)

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Sample image 1 Sample image 2


Many types of LoRA are available to reproduce scornful eyes, a familiar cartoon/anime deformation expression.

白目 (Comic expression : white eyes)

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Sample image


Many types of LoRA are available to reproduce white eyes, a familiar cartoon/anime deformation expression.

黒目 (Comic expression : black eyes)

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Sample image


6 types of LoRA are available to reproduce black eyes(●_●), a familiar cartoon/anime deformation expression.

(☆_☆)/(♡_♡)の目 (Star and heart shaped eyes)

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Sample image


Star shaped and heart shaped eyes, familiar in manga and anime-style deformation expressions, can be reproduced.

オッドアイ固定化補助 (Heterochromia helper)

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Sample image


The color and left-right combination of the heterochromia eyes can be fixed.
Total of 12 combinations of four colors (blue, green, yellow, and red), each with left and right sides, are available.
There are a few quirks to using this LoRA. Please refer to the "Usage" section.

にやにやした表情の目と口 (Smirking eyes / Slyly mouth)

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Sample image


Reproduces smirking eyes and slyly mouth.

デフォルメされた猫の目と口 (Anime cat eyes/mouth)

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Sample image


Reproduces anime cat eyes and rhombus shaped mouth.

猫の目&猫の口 (Cat eyes / Cat mouth)

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Sample image


Reproduces cat shaped (slit pupils) and cat-like shaped ("ω"-shaped) mouth.

驚いた目&眠そうな目 (Surprised eyes / Sleepy eyes)

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Sample image


Reproduces wide-open surprised eyes or sleepy half-lidded eyes.

目隠れ (Hair over eyes)

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Sample image


Reproduces character whose eyes are hidden by bangs. Three types are available : both eyes are hidden, right eye is hidden, or left eye is hidden.

ぐにゃぐにゃ口 (Wavy mouth set)

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Sample image

標準プロンプトで出せるwavy mouthの効果を拡張し、輪郭がぐにゃぐにゃした漫画的表現の口を生成することができます。

Extends wavy mouth prompt to produce a cartoon-like mouth with squishy contours.
6 types of shapes are available.

閉じた口 (Closed mouth set)

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Sample image


Reproduces special shapes of the closed mouth.
2 different types are available.

大きく開いた口 (Wide open mouth set)

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Sample image


前面ライトアップ (Front lighting)

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Sample image


To improve the "shadow cast on the character's face" phenomenon that often occurs in AI illustrations, this LoRA lights up character's face.
Since using "lighting up" LoRA may result painting and details to be poor, we also provide "detailing up" LoRA to use in combination.

暗闇化/光る眼 (Darkness / Glowing eyes)

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Sample image

Stable Diffusionでキャラクターを出力すると、基本的にキャラクターの前側に光が当たった状態となり、暗い状態の再現が難しくなっています。

When using Stable Diffusion, basically front side of the character is lit up, making it difficult to reproduce a dark state.
With this LoRA, it is easier to reproduce a dark state with almost no light on the front of the character.
In addition, a LoRA is also available that makes it easier to reproduce the "glowing eyes" often used for characters in the dark as a dramatic effect.

2.5D変換 (Convert 2D to 2.5D)

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Sample image


Converts output of 2D animated models to realistic/3D-like(2.5D) appearance.

ペーパーキャラクター (Paper character effect)

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Sample image


Reproduces characters as printed on paper with a cut-out border, as seen in extra contents of some Japanese animations.

集中線 (Comic effect : concentrated lines)

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Sample image


Reproduces a concentrated line (mainly used in manga effect) in the background.

ぼかし&背景ぼかし (Blur / Background blur)

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Sample image


You can blur or sharpen(and detail up) entire image or only background of output image. Minus weight makes sharpen effect.

キャラクター発光 (Character luminescence)

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Sample image


Gives a luminescence effect around the character.

トーンカーブ調整 (Tone curve control)

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Sample image


Raises/Lowers the tone curve of the output image.

彩度調整 (Saturation control)

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Sample image


Increases saturation of output image. Three types are available.

ウィンク補助 (Wink helper)

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Sample image


激おこ顔 (Extremely angry face)

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Sample image Sample image


にっこり笑顔 (Smiling face)

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Sample image

目を閉じてにっこりと笑っている顔を出すことができます。通常のclosed eyesよりも上向きに強めのカーブを描いた目になります。

思案顔 (Thinking face)

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Sample image

目を閉じて考え込んでいる顔を出すことができます。通常のclosed eyesよりも下向きに強めのカーブを描いた目になります。

茹でダコ顔 (Strongly embarrassed face)

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Sample image


Reproduces a face strongly turned red with embarrassment.
Three types are available: one with a red line on the face, and two types with no red line but only a red tint (full face/cheeks only).

青醒め顔 (Paled face)

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Reproduces pale face (turn pale), an anime expression of fear or strong anger.

© 2023 Hotaru Jujo.

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