(function() { |
const GRADIO_MIN_WIDTH = 320; |
const PAD = 16; |
const DEBOUNCE_TIME = 100; |
const R = { |
tracking: false, |
parent: null, |
parentWidth: null, |
leftCol: null, |
leftColStartWidth: null, |
screenX: null, |
}; |
let resizeTimer; |
let parents = []; |
function setLeftColGridTemplate(el, width) { |
el.style.gridTemplateColumns = `${width}px 16px 1fr`; |
} |
function displayResizeHandle(parent) { |
if (window.innerWidth < GRADIO_MIN_WIDTH * 2 + PAD * 4) { |
parent.style.display = 'flex'; |
parent.resizeHandle.style.display = "none"; |
return false; |
} else { |
parent.style.display = 'grid'; |
parent.resizeHandle.style.display = "block"; |
return true; |
} |
} |
function afterResize(parent) { |
if (displayResizeHandle(parent) && parent.style.gridTemplateColumns != parent.style.originalGridTemplateColumns) { |
const oldParentWidth = R.parentWidth; |
const newParentWidth = parent.offsetWidth; |
const widthL = parseInt(parent.style.gridTemplateColumns.split(' ')[0]); |
const ratio = newParentWidth / oldParentWidth; |
const newWidthL = Math.max(Math.floor(ratio * widthL), GRADIO_MIN_WIDTH); |
setLeftColGridTemplate(parent, newWidthL); |
R.parentWidth = newParentWidth; |
} |
} |
function setup(parent) { |
const leftCol = parent.firstElementChild; |
const rightCol = parent.lastElementChild; |
parents.push(parent); |
parent.style.display = 'grid'; |
parent.style.gap = '0'; |
const gridTemplateColumns = `${parent.children[0].style.flexGrow}fr ${PAD}px ${parent.children[1].style.flexGrow}fr`; |
parent.style.gridTemplateColumns = gridTemplateColumns; |
parent.style.originalGridTemplateColumns = gridTemplateColumns; |
const resizeHandle = document.createElement('div'); |
resizeHandle.classList.add('resize-handle'); |
parent.insertBefore(resizeHandle, rightCol); |
parent.resizeHandle = resizeHandle; |
['mousedown', 'touchstart'].forEach((eventType) => { |
resizeHandle.addEventListener(eventType, (evt) => { |
if (eventType.startsWith('mouse')) { |
if (evt.button !== 0) return; |
} else { |
if (evt.changedTouches.length !== 1) return; |
} |
evt.preventDefault(); |
evt.stopPropagation(); |
document.body.classList.add('resizing'); |
R.tracking = true; |
R.parent = parent; |
R.parentWidth = parent.offsetWidth; |
R.leftCol = leftCol; |
R.leftColStartWidth = leftCol.offsetWidth; |
if (eventType.startsWith('mouse')) { |
R.screenX = evt.screenX; |
} else { |
R.screenX = evt.changedTouches[0].screenX; |
} |
}); |
}); |
resizeHandle.addEventListener('dblclick', (evt) => { |
evt.preventDefault(); |
evt.stopPropagation(); |
parent.style.gridTemplateColumns = parent.style.originalGridTemplateColumns; |
}); |
afterResize(parent); |
} |
['mousemove', 'touchmove'].forEach((eventType) => { |
window.addEventListener(eventType, (evt) => { |
if (eventType.startsWith('mouse')) { |
if (evt.button !== 0) return; |
} else { |
if (evt.changedTouches.length !== 1) return; |
} |
if (R.tracking) { |
if (eventType.startsWith('mouse')) { |
evt.preventDefault(); |
} |
evt.stopPropagation(); |
let delta = 0; |
if (eventType.startsWith('mouse')) { |
delta = R.screenX - evt.screenX; |
} else { |
delta = R.screenX - evt.changedTouches[0].screenX; |
} |
const leftColWidth = Math.max(Math.min(R.leftColStartWidth - delta, R.parent.offsetWidth - GRADIO_MIN_WIDTH - PAD), GRADIO_MIN_WIDTH); |
setLeftColGridTemplate(R.parent, leftColWidth); |
} |
}); |
}); |
['mouseup', 'touchend'].forEach((eventType) => { |
window.addEventListener(eventType, (evt) => { |
if (eventType.startsWith('mouse')) { |
if (evt.button !== 0) return; |
} else { |
if (evt.changedTouches.length !== 1) return; |
} |
if (R.tracking) { |
evt.preventDefault(); |
evt.stopPropagation(); |
R.tracking = false; |
document.body.classList.remove('resizing'); |
} |
}); |
}); |
window.addEventListener('resize', () => { |
clearTimeout(resizeTimer); |
resizeTimer = setTimeout(function() { |
for (const parent of parents) { |
afterResize(parent); |
} |
}); |
setupResizeHandle = setup; |
})(); |
onUiLoaded(function() { |
for (var elem of gradioApp().querySelectorAll('.resize-handle-row')) { |
if (!elem.querySelector('.resize-handle')) { |
setupResizeHandle(elem); |
} |
} |
}); |