File size: 5,560 Bytes
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function keyupEditAttention(event) {
let target = event.originalTarget || event.composedPath()[0];
if (!target.matches("*:is([id*='_toprow'] [id*='_prompt'], .prompt) textarea")) return;
if (!(event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey)) return;
let isPlus = event.key == "ArrowUp";
let isMinus = event.key == "ArrowDown";
if (!isPlus && !isMinus) return;
let selectionStart = target.selectionStart;
let selectionEnd = target.selectionEnd;
let text = target.value;
function selectCurrentParenthesisBlock(OPEN, CLOSE) {
if (selectionStart !== selectionEnd) return false;
// Find opening parenthesis around current cursor
const before = text.substring(0, selectionStart);
let beforeParen = before.lastIndexOf(OPEN);
if (beforeParen == -1) return false;
let beforeClosingParen = before.lastIndexOf(CLOSE);
if (beforeClosingParen != -1 && beforeClosingParen > beforeParen) return false;
// Find closing parenthesis around current cursor
const after = text.substring(selectionStart);
let afterParen = after.indexOf(CLOSE);
if (afterParen == -1) return false;
let afterOpeningParen = after.indexOf(OPEN);
if (afterOpeningParen != -1 && afterOpeningParen < afterParen) return false;
// Set the selection to the text between the parenthesis
const parenContent = text.substring(beforeParen + 1, selectionStart + afterParen);
if (/.*:-?[\d.]+/s.test(parenContent)) {
const lastColon = parenContent.lastIndexOf(":");
selectionStart = beforeParen + 1;
selectionEnd = selectionStart + lastColon;
} else {
selectionStart = beforeParen + 1;
selectionEnd = selectionStart + parenContent.length;
target.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd);
return true;
function selectCurrentWord() {
if (selectionStart !== selectionEnd) return false;
const whitespace_delimiters = {"Tab": "\t", "Carriage Return": "\r", "Line Feed": "\n"};
let delimiters = opts.keyedit_delimiters;
for (let i of opts.keyedit_delimiters_whitespace) {
delimiters += whitespace_delimiters[i];
// seek backward to find beginning
while (!delimiters.includes(text[selectionStart - 1]) && selectionStart > 0) {
// seek forward to find end
while (!delimiters.includes(text[selectionEnd]) && selectionEnd < text.length) {
target.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd);
return true;
// If the user hasn't selected anything, let's select their current parenthesis block or word
if (!selectCurrentParenthesisBlock('<', '>') && !selectCurrentParenthesisBlock('(', ')') && !selectCurrentParenthesisBlock('[', ']')) {
var closeCharacter = ')';
var delta = opts.keyedit_precision_attention;
var start = selectionStart > 0 ? text[selectionStart - 1] : "";
var end = text[selectionEnd];
if (start == '<') {
closeCharacter = '>';
delta = opts.keyedit_precision_extra;
} else if (start == '(' && end == ')' || start == '[' && end == ']') { // convert old-style (((emphasis)))
let numParen = 0;
while (text[selectionStart - numParen - 1] == start && text[selectionEnd + numParen] == end) {
if (start == "[") {
weight = (1 / 1.1) ** numParen;
} else {
weight = 1.1 ** numParen;
weight = Math.round(weight / opts.keyedit_precision_attention) * opts.keyedit_precision_attention;
text = text.slice(0, selectionStart - numParen) + "(" + text.slice(selectionStart, selectionEnd) + ":" + weight + ")" + text.slice(selectionEnd + numParen);
selectionStart -= numParen - 1;
selectionEnd -= numParen - 1;
} else if (start != '(') {
// do not include spaces at the end
while (selectionEnd > selectionStart && text[selectionEnd - 1] == ' ') {
if (selectionStart == selectionEnd) {
text = text.slice(0, selectionStart) + "(" + text.slice(selectionStart, selectionEnd) + ":1.0)" + text.slice(selectionEnd);
if (text[selectionEnd] != ':') return;
var weightLength = text.slice(selectionEnd + 1).indexOf(closeCharacter) + 1;
var weight = parseFloat(text.slice(selectionEnd + 1, selectionEnd + weightLength));
if (isNaN(weight)) return;
weight += isPlus ? delta : -delta;
weight = parseFloat(weight.toPrecision(12));
if (Number.isInteger(weight)) weight += ".0";
if (closeCharacter == ')' && weight == 1) {
var endParenPos = text.substring(selectionEnd).indexOf(')');
text = text.slice(0, selectionStart - 1) + text.slice(selectionStart, selectionEnd) + text.slice(selectionEnd + endParenPos + 1);
} else {
text = text.slice(0, selectionEnd + 1) + weight + text.slice(selectionEnd + weightLength);
target.value = text;
target.selectionStart = selectionStart;
target.selectionEnd = selectionEnd;
addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {